This repository serves as a versatile package manager tailored for custom needs. It handles multiple services, with Caddy being the first implemented example.
Key features:
- use Github Actions to build Docker images from customized configurations
- Tag images according to established conventions
- Push images to GitHub Container Registry (
- Regularly check for upstream updates and create pull requests
Future implementations will include other services, LLM models, and PyPI packages.
graph TD
A[Dependabot checks base images] -->|Creates PR| B[Review and merge updates]
C[Daily upstream check] -->|Runs daily| D{New version available?}
D -->|Yes| E[Create PR]
D -->|No| F[No action needed]
G[Manual repo watching] -->|Notification| H[Review changes]
I[Build process] -->|On merge| J[Push to GHCR]
K[User] -->|Pull image| L[GHCR]
Custom Caddy server with additional modules. See caddy/
for details.
only as a showcase for git submodules, not really needed A pastebin service written in Elixir. See
for details. This service is included as a git submodule and built from source.
[Brief description of other service. Add as implemented.]
- Daily automatic checks for upstream updates
- Creation of pull requests for new versions
- Manual review and merge of update PRs
- Automatic build and push of updated images to GHCR
not ready for 3rd party use yet.
Contributions are welcome! Please read our for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.