Copyright © 2016-2018 SoftFIRE and TU Berlin. Licensed under Apache v2 License.
The SoftFIRE SDN Manager is in charge of managing access to the SDN resources provided by some testbeds in SoftFIRE.
The SDN Manager keeps track of the API endpoints towards the SDN proxy services.
The SDN Manager uses the following experiment Lifecycles:
- List
- Provision
- Release
Upon list resources the SDN manager returns a list of available SDN endpoints to the Experimenter.
To actually use an SDN resource in an experiment an SDNResource has to be included in the experiment descripton that matches a resource ID returned by list resources.
Each testbed can provide a different implementation of SDN resources. The current version of the SoftFIRE SDN middleware provides access to two types of SDN controllers:
- The Frauhofer FOKUS testbed uses its own implementation of an SDN controller named OpenSDNCore.
- The Ericsson testbed provides access to OpenDayLight SDN controllers.
The figure below depicts the workflow of the NFV Manager.
For more information on how to use the SDN resources visit the documentation.
The SDN Manager requires Python 3.5 or higher.
You can install the SDN Manager using pip:
pip install sdn-manager
and then start it with the sdn-manager
Or you can run it from source code by cloning the git repository, installing the dependencies as specified in the file and executing the sdn-manager script.
The SDN Manager needs a configuration file present at /etc/softfire/sdn-manager.ini. An example of the configuration file can be found here.
Issues and bug reports should be posted to the GitHub Issue Tracker of this project.
SoftFIRE provides a set of technologies for building a federated experimental platform aimed at the construction and experimentation of services and functionalities built on top of NFV and SDN technologies. The platform is a loose federation of already existing testbed owned and operated by distinct organizations for purposes of research and development.
SoftFIRE has three main objectives: supporting interoperability, programming and security of the federated testbed. Supporting the programmability of the platform is then a major goal and it is the focus of the SoftFIRE’s Second Open Call.
Copyright © [2016-2018] Sof