From 8e63c28d0fc4dd19a13d76a816c8c230907751b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 11:12:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 01/43] German added keys 2.9.16 --- texts/de_DE.lang | 545 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 541 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 667eace24..aceb0d09b 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@ündel @@ -3337,7 +3337,7 @@ pokemon.bisharp.desc=Sie streiten sich mit Sharfax aufs Heftigste um das Vorrecht auf Orte mit Felsen, an denen sie ihre Klingen schärfen können. pokemon.bouffalant.desc=Es lebt in Gruppen von circa 20 Artgenossen. Verrät ein Bisofank seine Herde, fällt ihm aus unbekannten Gründen das Fell am Kopf aus. pokemon.rufflet.desc=Seine starken Klauen können selbst harte Beeren zermalmen. Es ist so streitsüchtig, dass es jeden zum Kampf herausfordert, dem es begegnet. pokemon.braviary.desc=Da es hitzköpfig und aggressiv ist, hat es den Posten als Kurier in Galar an Krarmor verloren. @@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@ pokemon.deino.desc=Da es nichts sehen kann, beißt es zur Orientierung in alles hinein, was sich in seiner Umgebung befindet. pokemon.zweilous.desc=Sein Körper weist immer Narben auf, selbst wenn es gar nicht gekämpft hat. Die beiden Köpfe nehmen sich ständig gegenseitig das Futter weg. pokemon.hydreigon.desc=Im Kampf beißen die drei Köpfe abwechselnd zu und lassen nicht ab, bis ihr Opfer am Boden liegt. pokemon.larvesta.desc=Sein Körper ist ziemlich warm. Aus seinen Hörnern feuert es Flammen ab, um Feinde und Beute einzuschüchtern. @@ -3885,6 +3885,230 @@ pokemon.spectrier.desc=Es galoppiert durch die finstere Nacht und absorbiert die pokemon.calyrex.desc=Ein legendärer König, der einst Galar regierte. Coronospa besitzt die Macht, Herzen zu besänftigen und Pflanzen gedeihen zu lassen. +pokemon.wyrdeer.desc=Die schwarzen Kugeln leuchten in einem unheimlichen Licht, wenn das Pokémon unsichtbare Barrieren errichtet. Das Fell seines Bartes speichert die Wärme gut und ist ein äußerst nützliches Material für Winterkleidung. +pokemon.kleavor.desc=Eine gewalttätige Kreatur, die mit ihren rohen Äxten hoch aufragende Bäume fällt und sich mit hartem Stein schützt. Sollte man dieses Pokémon in der Wildnis treffen, bleibt einem nur die Flucht. +pokemon.ursaluna.desc=Ich glaube, es war Hisuis sumpfiges Gelände, das Ursaluna seinen kräftigen Körperbau und die neu entdeckte Fähigkeit verlieh, Torf nach Belieben zu manipulieren. +pokemon.basculegion.desc=Hüllt sich in die Seelen von Kameraden, die umgekommen sind, bevor sie ihr Ziel, flussaufwärts zu reisen, erreicht haben. Keine andere Art in allen Hisui-Flüssen ist mit Basculegion vergleichbar. +pokemon.sneasler.desc=Aufgrund des virulenten Giftes und der beeindruckenden körperlichen Fähigkeiten des Sneaslers konnte keine andere Spezies darauf hoffen, es im gefrorenen Hochland zu übertreffen. Diese Art bevorzugt die Einsamkeit und bildet keine Rudel. +pokemon.overqwil.desc=Seine lanzenartigen Stacheln und sein wildes Temperament haben ihm den Spitznamen „Seeteufel“ eingebracht. Es schlürft Gift, um sich zu ernähren. +pokemon.enamorus.desc=Wenn es von jenseits des Meeres in dieses Land fliegt, geht der bittere Winter zu Ende. Der Legende nach lässt die Liebe dieses Pokémon in ganz Hisui neues Leben entstehen. + +pokemon.sprigatito.desc=Sein flauschiges Fell ähnelt in seiner Zusammensetzung Pflanzen. Dieses Pokémon wäscht sein Gesicht häufig, damit es nicht austrocknet. +pokemon.floragato.desc=Feliospa schwingt geschickt die unter seinem langen Fell verborgene Rebe und schlägt die harte Blütenknospe gegen seine Gegner. +pokemon.meowscarada.desc=Dieses Pokémon nutzt das reflektierende Fellfutter seines Umhangs, um den Stiel seiner Blume zu tarnen und so den Eindruck zu erwecken, dass die Blume schwebt. +pokemon.fuecoco.desc=Es liegt auf warmen Steinen und nutzt die von seinen quadratischen Schuppen aufgenommene Wärme, um Feuerenergie zu erzeugen. +pokemon.crocalor.desc=Die Kombination aus Crocalors Feuerenergie und überfließender Vitalität hat dazu geführt, dass ein eiförmiger Feuerball auf dem Kopf des Pokémon erscheint. +pokemon.skeledirge.desc=Der feurige Vogel verändert seine Form, wenn Skelokrok singt. Gerüchten zufolge wurde der Vogel geboren, als der Feuerball auf Skeledirges Kopf eine Seele gewann. +pokemon.quaxly.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist vor langer Zeit aus fernen Ländern nach Paldea eingewandert. Das von seinen Federn abgesonderte Gel weist Wasser und Schmutz ab. +pokemon.quaxwell.desc=Diese Pokémon rennen ständig durch flache Gewässer, um ihre Beine zu trainieren, und konkurrieren dann miteinander, um herauszufinden, welches von ihnen am elegantesten tritt. +pokemon.quaquaval.desc=Ein einziger Tritt von einem Bailonda kann einen Lastwagen ins Rollen bringen. Dieses Pokémon nutzt seine kräftigen Beine, um aus fernen Ländern eindrucksvolle Tänze aufzuführen. +pokemon.lechonk.desc=Es sucht den ganzen Tag nach Nahrung. Es besitzt einen ausgeprägten Geruchssinn, nutzt ihn aber ausschließlich zur Nahrungssuche. +pokemon.oinkologne.desc=- +pokemon.tarountula.desc=Der um seinen Körper gewickelte Fadenknäuel ist elastisch genug, um die Sensen von Scyther, dem natürlichen Feind dieses Pokémon, abzuwehren. +pokemon.spidops.desc=Mit seinen Fäden hält er sich an Ästen und Decken fest und bewegt sich lautlos. Es erlegt seine Beute, bevor die Beute es überhaupt bemerkt. +pokemon.nymble.desc=Der dritte Satz Beine ist hochgeklappt. Wenn es an einer schwierigen Stelle ist, springt dieses Pokémon mithilfe der Kraft seiner Beine über 9 Meter weit. +pokemon.lokix.desc=Wenn es sich entscheidet, mit aller Kraft zu kämpfen, stellt es sich auf seine zuvor gefalteten Beine, um in den Showdown-Modus zu wechseln. Es neutralisiert seine Feinde in kurzer Zeit. +pokemon.pawmi.desc=Es hat unterentwickelte elektrische Ausbuchtungen an den Wangen. Diese Säcke können nur dann Strom erzeugen, wenn Pamo sie heftig mit den Ballen seiner Vorderpfoten reibt. +pokemon.pawmo.desc=Wenn seine Gruppe angegriffen wird, stürzt sich Pamamo als Erster in die Schlacht und besiegt Feinde mit einer Kampftechnik, die Elektroschocks nutzt. +pokemon.pawmot.desc=Dieses Pokémon reagiert normalerweise langsam, aber sobald es in den Kampf eintritt, schlägt es seine Feinde mit blitzschnellen Bewegungen nieder. +pokemon.tandemaus.desc=In großartiger Teamarbeit schneiden sie mit ihren Schneidezähnen Stücke aus jedem Material heraus, das für ein Nest nützlich sein könnte, und machen sich dann mit ihnen auf den Weg. +pokemon.maushold.desc=- +pokemon.fidough.desc=Dieses Pokémon fühlt sich glatt und feucht an. Hefe in Hefels Atem löst in der Nähe des Pokémon eine Gärung aus. +pokemon.dachsbun.desc=Der angenehme Duft, der vom Körper dieses Pokémon ausgeht, hilft beim Weizenwachstum, weshalb Backel in Bauerndörfern sehr geschätzt wird. +pokemon.smoliv.desc=Es schützt sich vor Feinden, indem es Öl aus der Frucht auf seinem Kopf abgibt. Dieses Öl ist so bitter und adstringierend, dass es jemanden zusammenzucken lässt. +pokemon.dolliv.desc=Olivinio teilt sein leckeres, frisch duftendes Öl mit anderen. Diese Art lebt seit langem mit Menschen zusammen. +pokemon.arboliva.desc=Dieses ruhige Pokémon ist sehr mitfühlend. Es wird sein köstliches, nährstoffreiches Öl mit geschwächten Pokémon teilen. +pokemon.squawkabilly.desc=- +pokemon.nacli.desc=Es entstand in einer Steinsalzschicht tief unter der Erde. Diese Art wurde in der Antike besonders geschätzt, da sie wertvolles Salz teilte. +pokemon.naclstack.desc=Dieses Pokémon heilt seine Beute trocken, indem es Salz darüber sprüht. Durch den Aushärtungsprozess wird dem Beutetier das Wasser entzogen. +pokemon.garganacl.desc=Saltigant reibt seine Fingerspitzen aneinander und bestreut verletzte Pokémon mit Salz. Selbst schwere Wunden heilen danach schnell ab. +pokemon.charcadet.desc=Verbrannte Holzkohle erwachte zum Leben und wurde zu einem Pokémon. Knarbon verfügt über einen feurigen Kampfgeist und wird selbst gegen harte Gegner antreten. +pokemon.armarouge.desc=Crimanzo entstand durch die Verwendung einer Rüstung, die einem angesehenen Krieger gehörte. Dieses Pokémon ist unglaublich treu. +pokemon.ceruledge.desc=Die feurigen Klingen an seinen Armen brennen heftig mit dem anhaltenden Groll eines Schwertträgers, der fiel, bevor er sein Ziel erreicht hatte. +pokemon.tadbulb.desc=Blipp schüttelt ihren Schwanz, um Strom zu erzeugen. Wenn es eine Gefahr erkennt, blinkt es immer wieder mit dem Kopf, um seine Verbündeten zu warnen. +pokemon.bellibolt.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon seinen wackeligen Körper ausdehnt und zusammenzieht, erzeugt der Bauchnabeldynamo in seinem Magen eine riesige Menge Elektrizität. +pokemon.wattrel.desc=Wenn seine Flügel den Wind einfangen, erzeugen die Knochen darin Strom. Dieses Pokémon taucht in den Ozean und fängt Beute, indem es sie durch einen Stromschlag tötet. +pokemon.kilowattrel.desc=Voltrean bläst seinen Kehlsack auf, um seine Elektrizität zu verstärken. Durch das Reiten des Windes kann dieses Pokémon an einem Tag über 430 Meilen fliegen. +pokemon.maschiff.desc=Es blickt immer finster, um seine Gegner dazu zu bringen, es ernst zu nehmen, aber selbst weinende Kinder brechen in Gelächter aus, wenn sie Maschiffs Gesicht sehen. +pokemon.mabosstiff.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann in seiner großen Wamme Energie speichern. Mastifioso setzt diese Energie auf einmal frei, um Feinde wegzublasen. +pokemon.shroodle.desc=Obwohl es normalerweise ein sanftes Pokémon ist, sticht es mit seinen scharfen, giftigen Vorderzähnen in jeden, der es verärgert, und führt so zu einer Lähmung des Objekts seines Zorns. +pokemon.grafaiai.desc=Die Farbe des giftigen Speichels hängt davon ab, was das Pokémon frisst. Affiti bedeckt seine Finger mit seinem Speichel und zeichnet Muster auf Bäume in Wäldern. +pokemon.bramblin.desc=Eine Seele, die nicht ins Jenseits gelangen konnte, wurde vom Wind umhergeweht, bis sie sich im getrockneten Gras verhedderte und zu einem Pokémon wurde. +pokemon.brambleghast.desc=Es öffnet die Äste seines Kopfes, um seine Beute einzuhüllen. Sobald es die gesamte benötigte Lebensenergie absorbiert hat, stößt es die Beute aus und wirft sie ab. +pokemon.toedscool.desc=Tentagra lebt in schwülen Wäldern. Die von seinem Körper fallenden Lappen sind zäh und sehr lecker. +pokemon.toedscruel.desc=Diese Pokémon schließen sich in Gruppen zusammen und bilden Kolonien tief in den Wäldern. Sie hassen es absolut, wenn sich Fremde nähern. +pokemon.klawf.desc=Klibbe hängt kopfüber an Klippen und wartet auf Beute. Aber Klibbe kann nicht lange in dieser Position bleiben, weil ihm das Blut in den Kopf steigt. +pokemon.capsakid.desc=Je mehr Sonnenlicht dieses Pokémon genießt, desto mehr scharfe Chemikalien produziert sein Körper und desto würziger werden seine Bewegungen. +pokemon.scovillain.desc=Der Rotschopf wandelt scharfe Chemikalien in Feuerenergie um und sprengt die Umgebung mit einem superscharfen Flammenstrahl. +pokemon.rellor.desc=Dieses Pokémon erschafft einen Schlammball, indem es Sand und Erde mit psychischer Energie vermischt. Es schätzt seinen Schlammball mehr als sein eigenes Leben. +pokemon.rabsca.desc=Der Körper, der den Ball trägt, bewegt sich kaum. Daher wird angenommen, dass sich der wahre Körper dieses Pokémon tatsächlich im Ball befindet. +pokemon.flittle.desc=Flattutus Zehen schweben aufgrund der psychischen Kraft, die von den Rüschen am Bauch des Pokémon ausgeht, etwa einen halben Zoll über dem Boden. +pokemon.espathra.desc=Es macht Gegner bewegungsunfähig, indem es sie aus seinen großen Augen mit psychischer Kraft badet. Trotz seines Aussehens hat es ein bösartiges Temperament. +pokemon.tinkatink.desc=Es schwingt seinen handgefertigten Hammer herum, um sich zu schützen, aber der Hammer wird oft von Pokémon gestohlen, die Metall fressen. +pokemon.tinkatuff.desc=Dieses Pokémon greift Gruppen von Pawniard und Caesurio an und sammelt Metall von ihnen, um einen großen und robusten Hammer zu erschaffen. +pokemon.tinkaton.desc=Dieses intelligente Pokémon hat ein sehr gewagtes Wesen. Mit seinem Hammer schlägt es Steine in den Himmel und zielt auf den fliegenden Corviknight. +pokemon.wiglett.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann den Geruch eines Veluza in etwas mehr als 20 Metern Entfernung wahrnehmen und versteckt sich im Sand. +pokemon.wugtrio.desc=Im Gegensatz zu dem, was sein Aussehen vermuten lässt, hat es ein bösartiges Temperament. Es umschlingt seine Beute mit seinen langen Körpern und schleppt sie dann in seinen Bau. +pokemon.bombirdier.desc=Es sammelt Dinge in einer Schürze aus abgeworfenen Federn, die den Brustfedern des Pokémon hinzugefügt wurden, und lässt sie dann zum Spaß von hohen Stellen fallen. +pokemon.finizen.desc=Er liebt es, mit Artgenossen zu spielen, indem er den Wasserring an seinem Schwanz nutzt. Es nutzt Ultraschallwellen, um die Emotionen anderer Lebewesen zu spüren. +pokemon.palafin.desc=- +pokemon.varoom.desc=Es heißt, dass dieses Pokémon geboren wurde, als ein unbekanntes Gift-Pokémon in eine Schrottverarbeitungsfabrik eindrang und einen Motor anfeuerte. +pokemon.revavroom.desc=Es erzeugt ein Gas aus Gift und Mineralien aus Gesteinen. Anschließend lässt es das Gas in seinen inzwischen acht Zylindern zur Explosion kommen, um Energie zu erzeugen. +pokemon.cyclizar.desc=Anscheinend erlaubt Mopex seit der Antike den Menschen, auf seinem Rücken zu fahren. Darstellungen davon wurden in 10.000 Jahre alten Wandgemälden gefunden. +pokemon.orthworm.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon angegriffen wird, schwingt es die Ranken an seinem Körper wie Fäuste und bewirft den Gegner mit einem Sturm aus Schlägen. +pokemon.glimmet.desc=Es nimmt Nährstoffe aus Höhlenwänden auf. Die Blütenblätter, die es trägt, bestehen aus kristallisiertem Gift. +pokemon.glimmora.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine Gefahr erkennt, öffnet es seine kristallinen Blütenblätter und feuert Strahlen aus seinem kegelförmigen Körper ab. +pokemon.greavard.desc=Es heißt, dass ein Hunde-Pokémon, das in der Wildnis starb, ohne jemals mit einem Menschen zu interagieren, als dieses Pokémon wiedergeboren wurde. +pokemon.houndstone.desc=Friedwuff verbringt die meiste Zeit schlafend auf Friedhöfen. Von allen Hunde-Pokémon ist dieses seinem Herrn am treuesten. +pokemon.flamigo.desc=Dieses Pokémon bindet offenbar die Basis seines Halses zu einem Knoten zusammen, damit die in seinem Bauch gespeicherte Energie nicht aus seinem Schnabel entweicht. +pokemon.cetoddle.desc=Diese Art hat vor sehr langer Zeit das Meer verlassen und begann, an Land zu leben. Es scheint eng mit Wailmer verwandt zu sein. +pokemon.cetitan.desc=Dieses Pokémon wandert durch verschneite und eisige Gebiete. Es schützt seinen Körper mit kräftigen Muskeln und einer dicken Fettschicht unter der Haut. +pokemon.veluza.desc=Wenn Agiluza unnötiges Fleisch abwirft, wird sein Geist geschärft und seine psychische Kraft erhöht. Das übrig gebliebene Fruchtfleisch hat einen milden, aber köstlichen Geschmack. +pokemon.dondozo.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist ein Vielfraß, aber es ist schlecht darin, an Nahrung zu kommen. Es verbündet sich mit einem Nigiragi, um Beute zu fangen. +pokemon.tatsugiri.desc=- +pokemon.annihilape.desc=Als seine Wut einen kritischen Punkt überschritt, erlangte dieses Pokémon Macht, die nicht durch die Grenzen seines physischen Körpers eingeschränkt wird. +pokemon.clodsire.desc=Wenn es angegriffen wird, revanchiert sich dieses Pokémon, indem es dicke Stacheln aus seinem Körper streckt. Es ist ein riskanter Schritt, der alles aufs Spiel setzt. +pokemon.farigiraf.desc=Da nun die Gehirnwellen von Kopf und Schwanz synchronisiert sind, ist die psychische Kraft dieses Pokémon zehnmal stärker als die von Girafarig. +pokemon.dudunsparce.desc=- +pokemon.kingambit.desc=Nur ein Caesurio, der in seiner riesigen Armee über allen anderen steht, kann sich zu Gladimperio entwickeln. +pokemon.greattusk.desc=Dieses Pokémon wurde in den letzten Jahren gesichtet. Der Name Riesenzahn stammt von einer Kreatur, die in einem bestimmten Buch aufgeführt ist.üllschweif +pokemon.screamtail.desc=Es wurde nur eine einzige Sichtung dieses Pokémon gemeldet. Es ähnelt einer mysteriösen Kreatur, die in einem alten Expeditionstagebuch abgebildet ist. +pokemon.brutebonnet.desc=Es ist möglich, dass die Kreatur, die in einem bestimmten Buch als Wutpilz aufgeführt wird, tatsächlich dieses Pokémon ist. +pokemon.fluttermane.desc=Dieses Pokémon hat ähnliche Eigenschaften wie Flatterhaar, eine Kreatur, die in einem bestimmten Buch erwähnt wird.ügel +pokemon.slitherwing.desc=Dieses mysteriöse Pokémon hat einige Ähnlichkeiten mit einer Kreatur, die in einem alten Buch als Kriechflügel vorgestellt wurde. +pokemon.sandyshocks.desc=Es gibt keine Aufzeichnungen darüber, dass dieses Pokémon gefangen wurde. Es fehlen Daten, aber die Eigenschaften des Pokémon stimmen mit denen einer Kreatur aus einem Expeditionstagebuch überein. +pokemon.irontreads.desc=Dieses Pokémon ähnelt stark einer wissenschaftlichen Waffe, von der ein paranormales Magazin behauptete, sie sei von Außerirdischen auf diesen Planeten geschickt worden.ündel +pokemon.ironbundle.desc=Seine Form ähnelt einem Roboter, der in einem paranormalen Zeitschriftenartikel vorgestellt wird. Der Roboter soll von einer alten Zivilisation erschaffen worden sein. +pokemon.ironhands.desc=Es ist einem Cyborg sehr ähnlich, über den ausschließlich ein paranormales Magazin berichtet. Der Cyborg soll die modifizierte Form eines bestimmten Sportlers gewesen sein. +pokemon.ironjugulis.desc=Es ähnelt einem bestimmten Pokémon, das in einer paranormalen Zeitschrift vorgestellt wurde und als Nachkomme eines Hydreigon beschrieben wird, das sich in einen Roboter verliebt hat. +pokemon.ironmoth.desc=Dieses Pokémon ähnelt einem unbekannten Objekt, das in einem paranormalen Magazin als UFO beschrieben wird, das zur Beobachtung der Menschheit geschickt wurde. +pokemon.ironthorns.desc=Es hat einige Ähnlichkeiten mit einem Pokémon, das in einer dubiosen Zeitschrift als Tyranitar aus einer Milliarde Jahren in der Zukunft vorgestellt wurde. +pokemon.frigibax.desc=Forspino nimmt Wärme über seine Rückenflosse auf und wandelt die Wärme in Eisenergie um. Je höher die Temperatur, desto mehr Energie speichert Forspino. +pokemon.arctibax.desc=Cryospino gefriert die Luft um ihn herum, schützt sein Gesicht mit einer Eismaske und verwandelt seine Rückenflosse in eine Eisklinge. +pokemon.baxcalibur.desc=Dieses Pokémon stößt kryogene Luft aus seinem Mund. Diese Luft kann sogar flüssig-heiße Lava sofort gefrieren. +pokemon.gimmighoul.desc=- +pokemon.gholdengo.desc=Sein Körper scheint aus 1.000 Münzen zu bestehen. Dieses Pokémon versteht sich gut mit anderen und freundet sich schnell mit jedem an. +pokemon.wochien.desc=Der Groll einer Person, die dafür bestraft wurde, dass sie die bösen Taten des Königs auf Holztafeln niedergeschrieben hat, hat sich in tote Blätter gehüllt und ist zu einem Pokémon geworden. +pokemon.chienpao.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann 100 Tonnen gefallenen Schnee kontrollieren. Es spielt unschuldig herum, indem es in die von ihm verursachten Lawinen hinein- und herausspringt. +pokemon.tinglu.desc=Die Angst, die in ein altes Ritualgefäß gegossen wurde, hat sich in Steine und Erde gehüllt, um ein Pokémon zu werden. +pokemon.chiyu.desc=Es kontrolliert Flammen, die bei über 5.400 Grad Fahrenheit brennen. Es schwimmt lässig durch das Lavameer, das durch das Schmelzen von Gestein und Sand entsteht. +pokemon.roaringmoon.desc=Es ist möglich, dass es sich hierbei um die Kreatur handelt, die in einem Expeditionstagebuch als Donnersichel aufgeführt ist und noch immer viele Geheimnisse birgt. +pokemon.ironvaliant.desc=Es weist einige Ähnlichkeiten mit der Erfindung eines verrückten Wissenschaftlers auf, über die in einem paranormalen Magazin berichtet wird. +pokemon.koraidon.desc=- +pokemon.miraidon.desc=- +pokemon.walkingwake.desc=Ökologie in der Forschung. +pokemon.ironleaves.desc=Ökologie in Analyse. ## Events events.beforeChat.muted=§cKann keine Nachrichten senden, Sie sind derzeit stummgeschaltet! @@ -4002,8 +4226,22 @@§cSie können nicht diesen models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.gainedExp=§a%s hat §e%s XP erhalten! models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.earnedPokeDollars=§aSie haben %sx PokeDollars verdient! +### Auction House Model +models.auctionHouse.hasExpired.sold=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen und Sie bekommen: %s %s! +models.auctionHouse.hasExpired.notSold=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen und Sie bekommen: %s %s! +models.auctionHouse.addBid.outbid=§a%s hat mehr geboten, als Sie und Sie bekommen %sx %s zurück von %s! + +### Claim Model +models.claimModel.failedToDisplayBorder=§cKonnte nicht ganzen Rahmen anzeigen: %s! + +### Player Model +model.playerModel.questProgress.increment=§a[QUEST]: §f%s§a Fortschritt: %s / %s! +model.playerModel.questProgress.tierComplete=§aDerzeitige Quest-Stuffe beendet: %s! +model.playerModel.questProgress.questComplete=§aQuest Beendet: %s! +model.playerModel.questProgress.nextTierStarted=§aNächste Stuffe: %s gestartet, %s. + ## Commands -commands.default.cooldown=§cKann nicht Befehl ausführen "%s", du bist im Cooldown für %s weitere Sekunden! +commands.default.cooldown=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen ohne Gebote!§cSie können sich selbst keine Kampfanfrage senden! commands.battle.player.success=§a"%s" hat Ihnen eine Kampfanfrage gesendet, interagieren Sie um diese anzunehmen.§cAnfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden, Sie haben keine eingehenden Anfragen! @@ -8006,3 +8244,302 @@ action.hint.exit.console.pokemon:walkingwake=Drücke :_input_key.sneak:, um abzu action.hint.exit.pokemon:ironleaves=Tippe "Schleichen" an, um abzusteigen action.hint.exit.sceme.pokemon:ironleaves=Tippe auf Absteigen, um abzusteigen action.hint.exit.console.pokemon:ironleaves=Drücke :_input_key.sneak:, um abzusteigen + +## Send Message Parsing +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.createFromWild.0=Pokemon: %s war kaputt und wir konnten seine Daten nicht holen! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.0=%s hat eine %s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.1=§a%s im Pokedex freigeschaltet! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.evolve.0=§a%s im Pokedex freigeschaltet! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.0=Sie haben §a%s bekommen! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.1=Sie haben §a%sx %s gewonnen! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.2=§a+Skin: %s, Sie können diesen Skin auch verwenden: %s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.3=Sie haben §a% bekommen! ############################### +src.pokebedrock.lib.Command.utils.commandSyntaxFail.0=§c"%s" ist nicht gültig! Argument "%s" muss vom Typ: "%s" sein +src.pokebedrock.lib.Command.utils.commandSyntaxFail.1=§c%s§aAlle Gegenstände aus der Auktionshaus Datenbank entfernt +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.balance.0=§aSie haben %sx PokeDollars! Und %sx Kampfpunkte! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.battle.0=§aIhnen werden nun%s Kampflogs gesendet! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.0=§aRang erstellt: %s§r§a erfolgreich! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.1=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um einen neuen Chat-Rang zu erstellen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.2=§cEs sind keine Ränge registriert zum löschen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.3=§aRang gelöscht: %s§r§a erfolgreich! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.4=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um einen Smelly-Chat-Rang zu löschen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.claim.0=§a%sx Blöcke von %s zu %s beansprucht +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.0=§aDatenbankdaten erneut geholt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.1=§aTabelle synchronisiert: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.2=§aAlle Tabellen synchronisiert! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.3=§aAlle Datenbankdaten zurückgesetzt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.4=Alle Datenbankdaten zurückgesetzt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.5=Schlüsselwert für: %s, in Tabelle: %s, ist %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.6=§cKonnte nicht deinen getragenen Gegenstand finden! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.7=§a%s zu Id: %s gesetzt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.8=§cKonnte keinen Gegenstand mit der Id: %s finden! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.9=§aGegeben: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.10=Alle Gegenstände aus der Gegenstands-Datenbank entfernt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.feed.0=§cSie können den Befehl "-feed" nicht verwenden, da Sie das benötigte Rang nicht haben! Bitte fahren Sie auf fort, um einen Rang zu kaufen.. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.feed.1=Fed You!§cSie können den Befehl "-fly" nicht verwenden, da Ihre Ränge: (%s) '-fly' nicht beinhalten! Bitte fahren Sie auf fort, um einen Rang zu kaufen..§cFähigkeit könnte womöglich nicht in dieser Welt verwendbar sein, stellen Sie sicher, dass Education Edition an ist. %s %s§cBefehl nicht gefunden!§aChat schließen, um Formular anzuzeigen. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.0=§cMigration wird bereits ausgeführt, bitte /reload senden, um eine Migration zu zwingen!§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.1=§7Migration %s wurde bereits ausgeführt. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.2=§f- §cMigration beenden "%s" fehlgeschlagen, wiederholen Sie den Befehl!§r ## Aufforderung(?) +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.3=§f- §bMigration beendet, %s gestartet§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.4=§f- §bSicherung beendet, %s gestartet§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.5=§cFehler beim ausführen der Migration: %s, %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.6=§aAlle Migrationen wurden beendet§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.7=§aMigration %s auf "%s" gesetzt§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.pokeheal.0=§cSie können den Befehl "-pokeheal" nicht verwenden, da Sie das benötigte Rang nicht haben! Bitte fahren Sie auf fort, um einen Rang zu kaufen.. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.pokeheal.1=§aIhre Pokemon wurden geheilt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.0=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen zum öffnen. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.1=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen zum öffnen. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.2=§cSie haben die Quest %s nicht. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.3=§cDie Quest %s, ist nicht aktiv. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.4=%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.5=§cDer Anforderungszähler %s existiert nicht in der Quest %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.6=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen zum öffnen. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.rank.0=Rang: %s erfolgreich an: %s verliehen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.rank.1=%s hat: %s Ränge. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.0=§aSuche nach Code: "%s"... +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.failedToGetDatabaseToken=§cDatenbank-Token konnte nicht gefunden werden, melden Sie dies bei Smell of curry! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.1=§cUngültiger Authentifizierungs-Token, melden Sie dies bei Smell of curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.2=§cFehler beim Abrufen des Codestatus: %s, %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.3=§aCode gefunden, Daten werden abgerufen... +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.4=§a+%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.5=§a+Chat Rang: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.6=§a+Rang: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.7=§a+Skin: %s, Sie können diesen Skin auch verwenden: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.8=§a+lvl %s %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.9=§cKonnte Gegenstand nicht verleihen: %s Bitte melden Sie dies bei Smell of curry! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.10=§cKonnte Gegenstand nicht hinzufügen: %s Bitte melden Sie dies bei Smell of curry! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.11=§aCode-Daten werden gesetzt...§cSie können den Befehl "-fly" nicht verwenden, da Sie das benötigte Rang nicht haben! Bitte fahren Sie auf fort, um einen Rang zu kaufen..§cSie haben nichts zu reparieren, Sie halten gerade keinen Gegenstand!§c%s kann nicht repariert werden!§a%s erfolgreich repariert! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.reset.0=§cEs wurden keine Backups erstellt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.reset.1=§aErfolgreich %s auf Backup Id: %s zurückgesetzt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.0=§aServer-Drop Alarm!! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.1=§aDer Pokebedrock-Shop hat seinen Spendenziel erreicht! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.2=§e +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.3=§aEin Server-Drop geschieht, wenn das Spendenziel eines Tages erreicht wurde. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.4=§aDeshalb wird ein zufälliges legendäres Pokemon erscheinen mit einer 40% Chance schillernd zu sein! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.5=§aJeder wird auch ein Zufälliger-Schillernder-Schlüssel bekommen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.6=§cEs ist ein Fehler beim Verleih deines Zufälliger-Schillernder-Schlüssels eingetreten! %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.7=§aDas legendäre Pokemon %s§r§e%s§r§a ist im Spawn erschienen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.8=§aViel Glück und hab Spaß! ########################################## +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.0=§a"%s"'s slot %s Has been updated! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.1=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.2=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.3=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.4=Cleared "%s's" Slot: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.5=§c"%s" doesn't have a pokemon in slot: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.6=§aGave "%s"'s slot %s %s Experience! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.7=§c"%s" doesn't have a pokemon in slot: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.8=§aSet "%s"'s slot %s's gender to %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.9=§c%s does not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.10=§c%s§r is not a valid skin for §a%s§r! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.11=§cYou do not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.12=%s§r Does not have a move in slot: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.13=§aUpdated "%s"'s§r move slot %s to have a use count of %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.test.0=Check the console for the logs +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.0=§aCongrats, you have caught your first pokemon! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.1=§aHere is a Poke Crate Key, Use it in spawn and Open the crate! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.2=§aCongrats, finally, I think you are starting to get the hang of PokeBedrock! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.3=§aIf you ever need help, don't hesitate to contact anyone on our staff team! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.4=§aAdditionally, it would be very beneficial to join the PokeBedrock Discord! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.5=§aHere is the link: §e! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.6=§aAnd if you ever want to get any custom skins, pokemon, crates, and more! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.7=§aCheck out our online shop where you can instantly claim donation rewards! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.8=§aHere's the link for that too: §e! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.9=§aWe Hope you have an incredible time playing PokeBedrock, and there is so much more to explore!! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.0=§aWelcome to §cPoke§fBedrock §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.1=§gWere going to walk through a little tutorial to help you get started! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.2=§gFirst off lets make sure you have a Pokemon to start your adventure! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.3=§aGreat Choice Trainer! I love %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.4=§aNow that you have a Pokemon, lets get started! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.0=§aWelcome to your first battle tutorial! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.1=§aFirst, find the GUI item in your inventory, and hold it out. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.2=§bNow, approach the Charmander ahead of you, and hit it with your GUI! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.0=§aWell done! You have just finished your first Pokemon Battle! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.1=§aWhether you Won, or Fell Short, there's always more to learn! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.2=§gNow your Pokemon might need some care, so lets head to the PokeCenter for Healing! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.3=§bMove ahead and interact with the Healing Machine to start the process! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialInteractWithHealer.0=§aYou found the healer, perfect! Lets watch our Pokemon heal up and we will get ready to start our next adventure. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.0=§aPerfect Trainer! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.1=§aOur Pokemon is now all healed up and were going to start working on getting a Base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.2=§aFirst, we need to adventure beyond the spawn area to start a base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.3=§aSo to do this, type "-wild" in chat, and follow the instructions. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.0=§aGreat! Now, let's find the perfect spot for your base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.1=§aHere's a claim shovel to mark your territory. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.2=§bWhen your ready, right-click on the outermost point of your base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.3=§gThen, select the opposite point to define your base's boundary. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.4=§cRemember though, your currently limited to 500 blocks, so choose your location wisely. ( You can remove this base later ) +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.0=§aCongratulations Trainer, you have now Created a un-touchable base! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.1=§aAnd completed your first battle! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.2=§aYou have taken significant progress in starting your Pokemon Adventure! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.3=§aAnd I think your ready to catch them all! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.4=§aSo, here are some items I think would be very helpful in your journey! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.5=§aNow Im so sad to see you go, but I know you will complete great things! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.6=§aIm going to start you on a quest to catch your first pokemon! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.7=§aOnce you complete it, I've got some great goodies in store! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.8=§cBye, Bye now. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.9=§aTutorial Completed! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.10=§aTutorial Completed! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.11=§aSet: %s's Tutorial status to completed! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.0=§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.1=§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later.§cFailed to parse your data!§cYour Selection time of 2 Minutes has expired. Please re-select a position one to continue.§cYou cannot place blocks in this claim!§cYou cannot break blocks in this claim!§cYou cannot interact with blocks in this claim.§cYou cannot interact with entities in this claim.§aThe %s Pokémon §e%s §aHas Spawned Near §e%s§a!§cFailed to spawn %s: %s§cCannot catch a mega pokemon!§cFailed to catch: %s, %s§cCannot Start a battle as you are already in one! If you are not in one, type "%sbattle leave" 2 times. to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight!§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle!§cYou have reached the %s Dimension Border!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§cFailed to increase %s§r§e %s. Your pokemon has %s Total Effort Values!§cFailed to increase %s§r§e %s. Your pokemon has %s Effort Values!§a%s§r§e Increased: %s %sx Effort Value!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§a%s§r§e Gained: %s Exp!§cCould not find move slot: %s on %s!§c%s can not increase in PP!§c%s is already 3/5's greater than its base PP!§cPP Up cannot be used on Sketch or Revival Blessing!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§a%s§r§e Move: %s Gained: %s PP!§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 60!§aRemoved %s§r§e non-volatile status conditions!§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 200!§aFully Healed %s§r§e!§c%s§r§c Cannot Learn Move: %s!§c%s§r§c Already Knows Move: %s!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§aSet Move Slot: %s on %s§r§a to %s!§a[Nurse Joy]: Healed your pokemon!§cThis shrine has already been activated.§cCannot Activate Shrine, You have no Pokemon available pokemon to fight!§cCould not find old Model, resetting your Pokemon.§a"%s" Has joined for the first time, welcome them!§cYou must defeat: %s to pass. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.0=§aSuccessfully removed auction for %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.1=§cFailed to remove auction: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.0=§cYou cannot %s your own auction. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.1=§cYou do not have enough %s to %s this auction. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.2=§aSuccessfully claimed auction for %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.3=§aYour auction for %s has been purchased for %sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.4=§aSuccessfully %s %s for %s %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuctions.0=§cFailed to display all of your auctions, you have over the max display length. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.0=§cYou have reached the max amount of auctions you can list at once. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.1=§cYou cannot list your GUI item. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.2=§cYou cannot list your Backpack item. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.0=§cYou have reached the max amount of auctions you can list at once. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.1=§cYou do not have any pokemon in your PC. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createItemAuction.0=§aSuccessfully listed %s for %s pokeDollars +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createPokemonAuction.0=§aSuccessfully listed %s for %s pokeDollars +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.0=§aSuccessfully removed auction for %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.1=§cFailed to remove auction: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewWonAuctions.0=§cFailed to display all won auctions, please claim some auctions before viewing again. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageWonAuction.0=§aSuccessfully claimed auction for %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.0=§aAdded item to slot: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.1=§cFailed to add item to slot: %s %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.0=§cFailed to remove item from backpack! SlotID: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.1=§cFailed to remove item at slot: %s %s!§aTrusted %s to your claim!§aUn-Trusted %s from your claim! player from all of your claims.§cFailed to give you a gold shovel, please try again! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.0=You have won §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.1=You have won §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.2=You have won §a%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.3=§a+Skin: %s, Sie können diesen Skin auch verwenden: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateAppearance.0=§aUpdated crate's Appearance! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateKey.0=§aSet crate's keyTypeId to: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editInheritance.0=§aSet crate's inheritance to: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.0=§cCrate is not valid! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.1=§cCrate Does not have any data! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.2=§aReset Crate: %s's Animation! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewQuests.0=[Hex Mania]: §7%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.0=§aSubmitted %sx %s to Hex Mania! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.1=Failed to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.main.0=§cYou cannot create a home because you don't have anymore Home Points. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.createHome.0=§cYou cannot create a home here because you are in a claim you are not trusted in! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.kits.claimKit.0=§cKit cannot be claimed.§cThis command can only be run in the overworld!§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later.§cCould not transfer: "%s" to PC, you have reached the max amount of PC storage. %s slot to %s! have no learnable moves! %s's held item! cannot set your GUI has a held item!§cYou cannot set a damaged item has a held item!§cFailed to clear item: %s! %s's held item too %s!§aAdded Skin %s to %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.0=§aAdded "%s" to party. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.1=§cFailed to add "%s" to party %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.2=§cUn-Pinned "%s" on your PC. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.3=§cFailed to pin: "%s", you already have >=6 Pokemon pinned! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.4=§aPinned "%s" to your PC. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.interact.0=§aSent battle request too: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.0=§cFailed to start battle: "%s" is already in a battle! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.1=§cFailed to start battle: "%s" has no data set! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.2=Failed to start battle:"%s" have no available pokemon to fight! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.3=§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.4=§cFailed to start battle: At least one of "%s"'s Pokemon has no moves! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.0=You have received §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.1=You have won §a%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.2=§a+Skin: %s, Sie können diesen Skin auch verwenden: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.3=You have received §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.4=Failed to give reward: %s, %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.5=§aCollected the reward for %s% Pokedex Progress! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.0=Failed to set Lure, one is already active! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.1=%s is not a lure! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.2=Failed to remove %s from your inventory! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.3=Set PokeStops's lure too %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.editBasicData.0=§aEdited PokeStop's basic video! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.0=§aCollected Rewards for quest: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.1=§aRemoved Quest: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestDetails.0=§aStarted Quest: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.createQuest.0=Created Quest: %s successfully! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.0=§cYou cannot %s %s because %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.1=§cFailed to give %sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.showAcceptOrDecline.0=§cTrade Ended! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.0=§cFailed to Fetch Pokemon data, trade Failed! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.1=§cFailed to Fetch Pokemon data, trade Failed! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.0=§cFailed to start battle: Trainer is no longer valid! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.1=§cYou are already in a battle and cannot start one! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.2=Failed to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.3=§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.4=§cFailed to Fetch Trainer Data! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.5=§cTrainer had no pokemon to battle with, party has been reset! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.0=§cYou cannot battle this trainer right now, You can re-battle %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.1=§cYou are already in a battle and cannot start one! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.0=§cFailed to Fetch Trainer Data! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.1=§aUpdated Trainer Inheritance +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editSlotMenu.0=§aRemoved Slot: %s from Trainer. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.viewRunCommand.0=§aRemoved RunCommand on Trainer Successfully. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editRunCommand.0=%s Run Command, on Trainer! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.0=§a[BATTLE REQUEST]: §r%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.1=§c[BATTLE LOG]: §r%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.0=§cFailed to capture Pokemon, Your PC is currently full, and have no slots in your party! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.1=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNOSTIC]: Status: %s is not yet handled. Please report this to Smell of Curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleCureStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNOSTIC]: Cure-Status: %s is not yet handled. Please report this to Smell of Curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.0=§aYour Orb: %s, has gained 1x soul! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.1=§aYour Orb: %s, Has fully filled! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleSwitchInstruction.0=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.0=Failed to clear item: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.1=Failed to clear item: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.0=§7[%s]: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.1=§7[%s]: %s \ No newline at end of file From bc9da9af69c11243dfb6b980f942e01f6cc4a74c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 12:33:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 02/43] German L8417/15076 --- texts/de_DE.lang | 6711 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 6621 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index aceb0d09b..3b9d948ed 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -4343,7 +4343,7 @@ commands.redeem.alreadyRedeemed=§cDer Code: "%s", wurde bereits eingelöst! commands.redeem.codeNotFound=§cDer Code: "%s", wurde nicht gefunden! ## Dismout Messages - +### These are required per pokemon because of Minecrafts Interpretation action.hint.exit.pokemon:bulbasaur=Tippe "Schleichen" an, um abzusteigen action.hint.exit.sceme.pokemon:bulbasaur=Tippe auf Absteigen, um abzusteigen action.hint.exit.console.pokemon:bulbasaur=Drücke :_input_key.sneak:, um abzusteigen @@ -8325,98 +8325,98 @@ src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.0=§aServer-Drop Alarm!! src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.1=§aDer Pokebedrock-Shop hat seinen Spendenziel erreicht! src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.2=§e src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.3=§aEin Server-Drop geschieht, wenn das Spendenziel eines Tages erreicht wurde. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.4=§aDeshalb wird ein zufälliges legendäres Pokemon erscheinen mit einer 40% Chance schillernd zu sein! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.4=§aDeshalb wird ein zufälliges legendäres Pokemon spawnen mit einer 40% Chance schillernd zu sein! src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.5=§aJeder wird auch ein Zufälliger-Schillernder-Schlüssel bekommen! src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.6=§cEs ist ein Fehler beim Verleih deines Zufälliger-Schillernder-Schlüssels eingetreten! %s src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.7=§aDas legendäre Pokemon %s§r§e%s§r§a ist im Spawn erschienen! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.8=§aViel Glück und hab Spaß! ########################################## -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.0=§a"%s"'s slot %s Has been updated! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.1=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.2=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.3=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.8=§aViel Glück und hab Spaß! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.0=§a"%s"'s Platz %s wurde aktualisiert! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.1=Sie haben keinen Pokemon in Platz %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.2=Sie haben keinen Pokemon in Platz %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.3=Sie haben keinen Pokemon in Platz %s! src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.4=Cleared "%s's" Slot: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.5=§c"%s" doesn't have a pokemon in slot: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.6=§aGave "%s"'s slot %s %s Experience! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.7=§c"%s" doesn't have a pokemon in slot: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.8=§aSet "%s"'s slot %s's gender to %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.9=§c%s does not have a pokemon in slot %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.10=§c%s§r is not a valid skin for §a%s§r! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.11=§cYou do not have a pokemon in slot %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.12=%s§r Does not have a move in slot: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.13=§aUpdated "%s"'s§r move slot %s to have a use count of %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.test.0=Check the console for the logs -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.0=§aCongrats, you have caught your first pokemon! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.1=§aHere is a Poke Crate Key, Use it in spawn and Open the crate! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.2=§aCongrats, finally, I think you are starting to get the hang of PokeBedrock! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.3=§aIf you ever need help, don't hesitate to contact anyone on our staff team! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.4=§aAdditionally, it would be very beneficial to join the PokeBedrock Discord! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.5=§aHere is the link: §e! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.6=§aAnd if you ever want to get any custom skins, pokemon, crates, and more! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.7=§aCheck out our online shop where you can instantly claim donation rewards! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.8=§aHere's the link for that too: §e! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.9=§aWe Hope you have an incredible time playing PokeBedrock, and there is so much more to explore!! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.0=§aWelcome to §cPoke§fBedrock §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.1=§gWere going to walk through a little tutorial to help you get started! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.2=§gFirst off lets make sure you have a Pokemon to start your adventure! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.3=§aGreat Choice Trainer! I love %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.4=§aNow that you have a Pokemon, lets get started! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.0=§aWelcome to your first battle tutorial! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.1=§aFirst, find the GUI item in your inventory, and hold it out. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.2=§bNow, approach the Charmander ahead of you, and hit it with your GUI! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.0=§aWell done! You have just finished your first Pokemon Battle! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.1=§aWhether you Won, or Fell Short, there's always more to learn! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.2=§gNow your Pokemon might need some care, so lets head to the PokeCenter for Healing! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.3=§bMove ahead and interact with the Healing Machine to start the process! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialInteractWithHealer.0=§aYou found the healer, perfect! Lets watch our Pokemon heal up and we will get ready to start our next adventure. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.0=§aPerfect Trainer! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.1=§aOur Pokemon is now all healed up and were going to start working on getting a Base. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.2=§aFirst, we need to adventure beyond the spawn area to start a base. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.3=§aSo to do this, type "-wild" in chat, and follow the instructions. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.0=§aGreat! Now, let's find the perfect spot for your base. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.1=§aHere's a claim shovel to mark your territory. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.2=§bWhen your ready, right-click on the outermost point of your base. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.3=§gThen, select the opposite point to define your base's boundary. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.4=§cRemember though, your currently limited to 500 blocks, so choose your location wisely. ( You can remove this base later ) -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.0=§aCongratulations Trainer, you have now Created a un-touchable base! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.1=§aAnd completed your first battle! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.2=§aYou have taken significant progress in starting your Pokemon Adventure! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.3=§aAnd I think your ready to catch them all! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.4=§aSo, here are some items I think would be very helpful in your journey! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.5=§aNow Im so sad to see you go, but I know you will complete great things! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.6=§aIm going to start you on a quest to catch your first pokemon! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.7=§aOnce you complete it, I've got some great goodies in store! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.8=§cBye, Bye now. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.9=§aTutorial Completed! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.10=§aTutorial Completed! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.11=§aSet: %s's Tutorial status to completed! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.0=§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.1=§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later.§cFailed to parse your data!§cYour Selection time of 2 Minutes has expired. Please re-select a position one to continue.§cYou cannot place blocks in this claim!§cYou cannot break blocks in this claim!§cYou cannot interact with blocks in this claim.§cYou cannot interact with entities in this claim.§aThe %s Pokémon §e%s §aHas Spawned Near §e%s§a!§cFailed to spawn %s: %s§cCannot catch a mega pokemon!§cFailed to catch: %s, %s§cCannot Start a battle as you are already in one! If you are not in one, type "%sbattle leave" 2 times. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.5=§c"%s" hat keinen Pokemon in Platz: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.6=§a"%s"'s Platz %s %s Erfahrung gegeben! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.7=§c"%s" hat keinen Pokemon in Platz: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.8=§a"%s"'s Platz %s's Geschlecht aug %s gesetzt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.9=§c"%s" hat keinen Pokemon in Platz: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.10=§c%s§r ist kein gültiger Skin für §a%s§r! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.11=§cSie haben keinen Pokemon in Platz %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.12=%s§r hat keinen Move in Platz : %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.13=§a"%s"'s§r Move-Platz %s aktualisiert, damit es eine Benutzung von %s hat! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.test.0=Prüff die Konsole für die Logs. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.0=§aGlückwunsch, Sie haben Ihr erstes Pokemon gefangen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.1=§aHier ist ein Poke-Schlüssel, benutzen Sie es im Spawn und öffnen Sie den Crate! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.2=§aGlückwunsch, ich finde schon das Sie den Dreh raushaben! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.3=§aFalls Sie mal hilfe brauchen, zögern Sie nicht jemandem aus unserem Staff zu fragen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.4=§aEs wäre auch klug den Pokebedrock Discord Server beizutretten! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.5=§aHier ist der Link: §e! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.6=§aUnd wenn Sie mal einen Skin, Pokemon, Crate und mehr möchten +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.7=§aPrüfen Sie unseren Online-Shop, wo Sie direkt Spendebelohnungen abholen können! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.8=§aHier ist der Link dafür auch: §e! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.9=§aWir hoffen, dass Sie eine fantastische Zeit beim Spielen von Pokebedrock haben und es gibt noch viel zu entdecken!! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.0=§aWillkommen bei §cPoke§fBedrock §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.1=§gWir werden einen Tutorial durchlaufen, um dir zu helfen zu starten! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.2=§gZuerst versichern wir uns, dass du einen Pokemon zum Starten hast! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.3=§aGute Wahl Trainer! Ich liebe %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.4=§aNun, dass Sie einen Pokemon haben, starten wir! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.0=§aWillkommen bei Ihren ersten Kampf-Tutorial! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.1=§aZuerst, finde den GUI-Gegenstand in deinen Inventar und halte es. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.2=§bNun, nähere dich dem Glumanda vor dir und schlag es mit den GUI-Gegenstand! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.0=§aGut gemacht, du hast deinen ersten Kampf beendet! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.1=§aOb du gewonnen oder verloren hast, es gibt immer Was zu lernen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.2=§gNun könnte dein Pokemon etwas Versorgung brauchen, also gehen wir jetzt zum PokeCenter! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.3=§bGehe vor und interagiere mit der Heilmaschine, um den Prozess zu starten! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialInteractWithHealer.0=§aPerfekt, du hast die Heilmaschine gefunden! Lass uns sehen, wie sich unser Pokemon heilt und dann plannen wir unser nächstes Abenteuer. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.0=§aPerfekt, Trainer! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.1=§aUnser Pokemon ist jetzt ganz geheilt und wir werden jetzt unsere Basis aufarbeiten. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.2=§aZuerst müssen wir außerhalb des Spawns reisen, um unsere Basis zu starten. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.3=§aDazu müssen wir "-wild" im Chat schreiben und den Anleitungen folgen. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.0=§aGut! Nun suchen wir nach dem perfekten Ort für unsere Basis. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.1=§aHier ist eine Besitz-Schaufel, um unseren Bereich zu markieren. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.2=§bSobald du fertig bist, mache Rechtsclick auf den äußersten Punkt deiner Basis. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.3=§gDann, wähle denn gegenüberliegenden Punkt um die Granze zu setzen. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.4=§cErinnere dich jedoch, du bist derzeit auf 500 Blöcke limitiert, also wähle deinen Bereich klug. ( Du kannst diese Basis später löschen ) +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.0=§aGlückwunsch, Trainer, du hast eine untastbare Basis erstellt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.1=§aUnd deinen ersten Kampf beendet! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.2=§aUnd hast großen Fortschritt darin gemacht, deine Reise als Pokemon-Trainer zu starten! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.3=§aUnd ich denke, dass du bereit bist, Sie alle zu fangen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.4=§aDeshalb, hier sind einige nützliche Gegenstände für deine Reise! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.5=§aNun trauere ich dich gehen zu sehen, aber ich bin mir sicher, dass du großes vollbringen wirst! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.6=§aIch werde dich auf einer Quest senden, deinen ersten Pokemon zu fangen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.7=§aSobald du diese beendest, habe ich ein paar gute Deals im Laden! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.8=§cTschüssi. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.9=§aTutorial beendet! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.10=§aTutorial beendet! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.11=§a%s's Tutorial Status auf beendet gesetzt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.0=§cKonnte keine gültige Wild-Position finden, bitte versuche es später erneut. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.1=§cKonnte keine gültige Wild-Position finden, bitte versuche es später erneut.§cKonnte deine Daten nicht analisieren!§cDeine Wählzeit von 2 Minuten ist vorüber, bitte wähle die erste Position wieder zum Fortfahren.§cDu kannst keine Blöcke in diesem Anspruch platzieren!§cDu kannst keine Blöcke in diesem Anspruch zerstören!§cDu kannst nicht mit Blöcke in diesem Anspruch interagieren!§cDu kannst nicht mit Entitäten in diesem Anspruch interagieren!§aDas %s Pokemon §e%s §aist nahe §e%s§a erschienen!§cKonnte %s nicht spawnen: %s§cKann nicht Mega Pokemon fangen!§cFangen fehlgeschlagen: %s, %s§cKann nicht Kampf beginnen, da du schon in ein Kampf bist! Wenn nicht, schreibe "%sbattle leave" zweimal. to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight!§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle!§cYou have reached the %s Dimension Border!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§cFailed to increase %s§r§e %s. Your pokemon has %s Total Effort Values!§cFailed to increase %s§r§e %s. Your pokemon has %s Effort Values!§a%s§r§e Increased: %s %sx Effort Value!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§a%s§r§e Gained: %s Exp!§cCould not find move slot: %s on %s!§c%s can not increase in PP!§c%s is already 3/5's greater than its base PP!§cPP Up cannot be used on Sketch or Revival Blessing!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§cDein Pokemon: %s hat keine Moves mehr, und du kannst keinen Kampf beginnen!§cDu hast die dimensionale Grenze für %s erreicht!§c%s aus deinem Inventar entfernen fehlgeschlagen!§cErhöhen von %s fehlgeschlagen§r§e %s. Dein Pokemon hat %s Fleißpunkte insgesamt!§cErhöhen von %s fehlgeschlagen§r§e %s. Dein Pokemon hat %s Fleißpunkte insgesamt!§a%s§r§e erhöht: %s %sx Fleißpunkte!§c%s aus deinem Inventar entfernen fehlgeschlagen!§c%s aus deinem Inventar entfernen fehlgeschlagen!§a%s§r§e bekam: %s Exp!§cKonnte Move-Platz: %s in %s nicht finden!§c%s kann nicht AP erhöhen!§c%s ist bereits 3/5 höher, als sein Basis AP! #################################### 20.04.2024§cAP-Plus cannot be used on Sketch or Revival Blessing!§c%s aus deinem Inventar entfernen fehlgeschlagen!§a%s§r§e Move: %s Gained: %s PP!§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 60!§aRemoved %s§r§e non-volatile status conditions! @@ -8424,7 +8424,7 @@§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 20§aFully Healed %s§r§e!§c%s§r§c Cannot Learn Move: %s!§c%s§r§c Already Knows Move: %s!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§c%s aus deinem Inventar entfernen fehlgeschlagen!§aSet Move Slot: %s on %s§r§a to %s!§a[Nurse Joy]: Healed your pokemon!§cThis shrine has already been activated. @@ -8542,4 +8542,6535 @@ src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleSwitchInstruction.0=§a src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.0=Failed to clear item: %s src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.1=Failed to clear item: %s src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.0=§7[%s]: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.1=§7[%s]: %s \ No newline at end of file +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.1=§7[%s]: %s + +## Battle Text +battle.battleEnded=Battle Ended +battle.tieWasForced=Tie was forced! +battle.playerActor.usedBagItem=%s Used a %s +battle.playerActor.usedBall.captured=%s§r§f Was §gCaptured!§f +battle.playerActor.usedBall.escaped=%s§r§f Escaped!§f +battle.playerActor.usedBall.missed=Ball was missed! +battle.playerActor.ranFromBattle=%s Ran from the battle! +battle.showdownInterpreter.turn=== Turn: %s == +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonFainted=%s§r§f fainted! +battle.showdownInterpreter.playerWon=§l§e%s§r§f won the battle! +battle.showdownInterpreter.newElo=§l§e%s§r§f New Elo %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.tie=Tie between both sides! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveMissed=%s§r§f avoided the attack! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonImmune=It doesn't affect %s§r§f... +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonUsedMove=%s§r§f Used §l%s§r§f! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonCantMove=%s§r§f can't move! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonResisted=It's not very effective... +battle.showdownInterpreter.superEffective=It's super effective! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOnSide=%s started on %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.sideEnd=§7§o(%s ended on %s!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.criticalHit=A critical hit! +battle.showdownInterpreter.weatherClearedUp=§7§oThe weather cleared up!§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.actionFailed=But it failed! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMustRecharge=%s§r§f must recharge! +battle.showdownInterpreter.startMoveDisabled=%s§r§f's %s was disabled! +battle.showdownInterpreter.startTypeChange=%s§r§f's type changed to %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.pokemonDisableEnd=%s§r§f's move is no longer disabled! +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.ability=§o§7[%s§r§o§7's %s]!§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(${effect[0]} activated!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMegaEvolved=%s§r§f is Mega Evolving! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveDidNothing=Did nothing! +battle.showdownInterpreter.clearAllBoost=All stat changes were eliminated! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectEndedOn=Effect Ended on %s§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDraggedOut=%s§r§f was dragged out! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveStarted=%s is starting %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOn=Effect Started on %s§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.ability.longTermEffect=%s's Ability %s, is taking effect! +battle.showdownInterpreter.move.prepare=%s's is preparing to use %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.0=%s's %s won't go any lower! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.1=%s's %s fell! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.2=%s's %s fell harshly! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.pos=%s's %s severely fell! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.0=%s's %s won't go any higher! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.1=%s's %s rose! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.2=%s's %s rose sharply! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.pos=%s's %s rose drastically! +battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.actorSentOut=%s sent out %s§r§f! +battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.wildAppeared=A %s appeared! +battle.showdownInterpreter.changedFormes=%s§r§f changed formes! +battle.showdownInterpreter.statusEnded=%s ended on %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDamaged=%s is hurt by %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.healthLost=§7§o%s§r§7§o lost %s%% of its health!§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.hitXTimes=%s was hit %s times! +battle.showdownInterpreter.hit1Time=%s was hit 1 time! +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolen=%s stole %s's %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.obtainedItem=%s obtained one %s. +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemAte=§7§o(%s§o ate its %s!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolenAndAte=%s§r§f stole and ate its target's %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.hpRestored=§7§o%s§r§7§o had its HP restored.§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.hpSet=§7§o%s§r§7§o now has %s hit points.§r§f + +## Player GUI + +## Move Button description is split up because .lang cannot do `\n` +battle.gui.moveButton.description.0=§l%s§r +battle.gui.moveButton.description.1=Base Power: %s +battle.gui.moveButton.description.2.cantMiss=Accuracy: Can't Miss +battle.gui.moveButton.description.2=Accuracy: %s% +battle.gui.moveButton.description.3=Target: %s +battle.gui.button.openBag=§r§aOpen your bag, to use an item. +battle.gui.button.switchPokemon=§r§aSwitch to another Pokémon.§r§aSwitch to another Pokémon. +battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activated=§r§7Mega Evolution Activated for next move. +battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activate=§r§aActivate mega evolution for next move. +battle.gui.button.bag.pokeballs=Poké Balls +battle.gui.button.bag.hp_pp_restore=HP/PP Restore +battle.gui.button.back=Back +battle.gui.battleSideText.turn=§fTurn %s +battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.null=No Turn Timer +battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Waiting%s +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=No Terrain +### Showdown Battle Text + Ability +showdown.abilities.noability.shortDesc=Does nothing. +showdown.abilities.adaptability.desc=This Pokemon's moves that match one of its types have a same-type attack bonus (STAB) of 2 instead of 1.5. +showdown.abilities.adaptability.shortDesc=This Pokemon's same-type attack bonus (STAB) is 2 instead of 1.5. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.3x power. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.desc=If this Pokemon is knocked out with a contact move, that move's user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, this effect is prevented. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is KOed with a contact move, that move's user loses 1/4 its max HP. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.damage=%s was hurt! Lock +showdown.abilities.airlock.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. +showdown.abilities.airlock.start=The effects of the weather disappeared. +showdown.abilities.analytic.desc=The power of this Pokemon's move is multiplied by 1.3 if it is the last to move in a turn. Does not affect Doom Desire and Future Sight. +showdown.abilities.analytic.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks have 1.3x power if it is the last to move in a turn. Point +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.desc=If this Pokemon, but not its substitute, is struck by a critical hit, its Attack is raised by 12 stages. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.shortDesc=If this Pokemon (not its substitute) takes a critical hit, its Attack is raised 12 stages. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon, or its substitute, is struck by a critical hit, its Attack is raised by 12 stages. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon or its substitute takes a critical hit, its Attack is raised 12 stages. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.boost=%s maxed its Attack! Shell +showdown.abilities.angershell.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage from an attack bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are raised by 1 stage, and its Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. +showdown.abilities.angershell.shortDesc=At 1/2 or less of this Pokemon's max HP: +1 Atk, Sp. Atk, Spe, and -1 Def, Sp. Def. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, Hidden Power counts as its determined type, and Judgment, Multi-Attack, Natural Gift, Revelation Dance, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon shudders if any foe has a supereffective or OHKO move. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, Hidden Power counts as its determined type, and Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen5.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, and Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move that this Pokemon is not immune to and if its level is less than or equal to the opposing Pokemon's level. This effect does not consider Counter, Dragon Rage, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Night Shade, Psywave, or Seismic Toss as attacking moves, and Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. This effect considers any changes to the effectiveness of attacks against this Pokemon due to the effects of Gravity or the Normalize or Scrappy Abilities. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.activate=%s shuddered! Trap +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne, are holding a Shed Shell, or are a Ghost type. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne, are holding a Shed Shell, or are a Ghost type. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne or holding a Shed Shell. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne or holding a Shed Shell. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne. Tail +showdown.abilities.armortail.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.armortail.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. +showdown.abilities.armortail.block=%s cannot use %s! Veil +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot become affected by Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, or Torment. +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.shortDesc=Protects user/allies from Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, and Torment. +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.block=%s is protected by an aromatic veil! One +showdown.abilities.asone.shortDesc=See 'As One (Glastrier)' and 'As One (Spectrier)'. +showdown.abilities.asone.start=%s has two Abilities! One (Glastrier) +showdown.abilities.asoneglastrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Chilling Neigh Abilities. One (Spectrier) +showdown.abilities.asonespectrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Grim Neigh Abilities. Break +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura Abilities are reversed, multiplying the power of Dark- and Fairy-type moves, respectively, by 3/4 instead of 1.33. +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura power modifier is 0.75x. +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.start=%s reversed all other Pokémon's auras! Dreams +showdown.abilities.baddreams.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.desc=Causes adjacent opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.shortDesc=Causes sleeping adjacent foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.damage=%s is tormented! Fetch +showdown.abilities.ballfetch.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.battery.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their special attacks multiplied by 1.3. Armor +showdown.abilities.battlearmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. Bond +showdown.abilities.battlebond.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. This effect can only happen once per battle. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: raises Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed by 1 stage. Once per battle. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, it transforms into Ash-Greninja if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. If this Pokemon is an Ash-Greninja, its Water Shuriken has 20 power and always hits three times. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: becomes Ash-Greninja, Water Shuriken: 20 power, hits 3x. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.activate=%s became fully charged due to its bond with its Trainer! +showdown.abilities.battlebond.transform=%s became Ash-Greninja! of Ruin +showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Defense multiplied by 0.75. +showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.start=%s's Beads of Ruin weakened the Sp. Def of all surrounding Pokémon! Boost +showdown.abilities.beastboost.desc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. Stat stage changes are not considered. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. +showdown.abilities.beastboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.berserk.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage from an attack bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Special Attack is raised by 1 stage. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. +showdown.abilities.berserk.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 when it reaches 1/2 or less of its max HP. Pecks +showdown.abilities.bigpecks.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Defense stat stage. +showdown.abilities.blaze.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack. +showdown.abilities.blaze.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Fire attacks. +showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Fire-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Fire-type attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.bulletproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to bullet moves. Pouch +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, Pluck, Stuff Cheeks, and Teatime if the eaten Berry had an effect on this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it restores 1/3 of its max HP after the Berry's effect. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, and Pluck if the eaten Berry has an effect on this Pokemon. Neigh +showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. Body +showdown.abilities.clearbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Nine +showdown.abilities.cloudnine.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. +showdown.abilities.cloudnine.start=The effects of the weather disappeared. Change +showdown.abilities.colorchange.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of a move it's hit by, unless it has the type. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after each hit from a multi-hit move. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.comatose.desc=This Pokemon is considered to be asleep and cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. +showdown.abilities.comatose.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be statused, and is considered to be asleep. +showdown.abilities.comatose.start=%s is drowsing! +showdown.abilities.commander.desc=If this Pokemon is a Tatsugiri and a Dondozo is an active ally, this Pokemon goes into the Dondozo's mouth. The Dondozo has its Attack, Special Attack, Speed, Defense, and Special Defense raised by 2 stages. During the effect, the Dondozo cannot be switched out, this Pokemon cannot select an action, and attacks targeted at this Pokemon will be avoided but it will still take indirect damage. If this Pokemon faints during the effect, a Pokemon can be switched in as a replacement but the Dondozo remains unable to be switched out. If the Dondozo faints during the effect, this Pokemon regains the ability to select an action. +showdown.abilities.commander.shortDesc=If ally is Dondozo: this Pokemon cannot act or be hit, +2 to all Dondozo's stats. +showdown.abilities.commander.activate=%s was swallowed by %s and became %s's commander! +showdown.abilities.competitive.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.competitive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. Eyes +showdown.abilities.compoundeyes.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.contrary.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. +showdown.abilities.contrary.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Z-Move is used. +showdown.abilities.contrary.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. +showdown.abilities.corrosion.shortDesc=This Pokemon can poison or badly poison a Pokemon regardless of its typing. +showdown.abilities.costar.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies all of its ally's stat stage changes. Down +showdown.abilities.cottondown.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field is lowered by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.cottondown.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit, it lowers the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field 1 stage. Chew +showdown.abilities.cudchew.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it will eat that Berry again at the end of the next turn. Medicine +showdown.abilities.curiousmedicine.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's allies have their stat stages reset to 0. Body +showdown.abilities.cursedbody.desc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled unless one of the attacker's moves is already disabled. +showdown.abilities.cursedbody.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled. Charm +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.shortDesc=30% chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen4.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.desc=There is a 1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. +showdown.abilities.damp.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Misty Explosion, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.damp.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Misty Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while active. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while this Pokemon is active. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while this Pokemon is active. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion and Self-Destruct are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion and Self-Destruct while this Pokemon is active. +showdown.abilities.damp.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.dancer.desc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. The copied move is subject to all effects that can prevent a move from being executed. A move used through this Ability cannot be copied again by other Pokemon with this Ability. +showdown.abilities.dancer.shortDesc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. Aura +showdown.abilities.darkaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Dark-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. +showdown.abilities.darkaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Dark move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. +showdown.abilities.darkaura.start=%s is radiating a dark aura! Shield +showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. +showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.dazzling.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.dazzling.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. +showdown.abilities.dazzling.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.defeatist.desc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Attack and Special Attack are halved. +showdown.abilities.defeatist.shortDesc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its max HP, its Attack and Sp. Atk are halved. +showdown.abilities.defiant.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.defiant.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. Stream +showdown.abilities.deltastream.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Delta Stream, which removes the weaknesses of the Flying type from Flying-type Pokemon. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Desolate Land or Primordial Sea Abilities. +showdown.abilities.deltastream.shortDesc=On switch-in, strong winds begin until this Ability is not active in battle. Land +showdown.abilities.desolateland.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Desolate Land, which includes all the effects of Sunny Day and prevents damaging Water-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Primordial Sea Abilities. +showdown.abilities.desolateland.shortDesc=On switch-in, extremely harsh sunlight begins until this Ability is not active in battle. +showdown.abilities.disguise.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken, it changes to Busted Form, and it loses 1/8 of its max HP. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. +showdown.abilities.disguise.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) The first hit it takes is blocked, and it takes 1/8 HP damage instead. +showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken and it changes to Busted Form. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. +showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) First hit deals 0 damage, breaks disguise. +showdown.abilities.disguise.block=Its disguise served it as a decoy! +showdown.abilities.disguise.transform=%s's disguise was busted! switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack is raised by 1 stage based on the weaker combined defensive stat of all opposing Pokemon. Attack is raised if their Defense is lower, and Special Attack is raised if their Special Defense is the same or lower. switch-in, Attack or Sp. Atk is raised 1 stage based on the foes' weaker Defense.'s Maw +showdown.abilities.dragonsmaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Dragon-type attack. +showdown.abilities.drizzle.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Rain Dance. +showdown.abilities.drought.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sunny Day. Skin +showdown.abilities.dryskin.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. The weather effects are prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed 1/4 by Water, 1/8 by Rain; is hurt 1.25x by Fire, 1/8 by Sun. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.gen7.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.damage=(%s was hurt by its Dry Skin.) Bird +showdown.abilities.earlybird.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sleep counter drops by 2 instead of 1. Eater +showdown.abilities.eartheater.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Ground-type move. +showdown.abilities.eartheater.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Ground moves; Ground immunity. Spore +showdown.abilities.effectspore.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.shortDesc=30% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.desc=10% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. Surge +showdown.abilities.electricsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Electric Terrain. +showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from an attack. +showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! Exit +showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. +showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. Aura +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Fairy-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Fairy move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.start=%s is radiating a fairy aura! +showdown.abilities.filter.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. Body +showdown.abilities.flamebody.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. Boost +showdown.abilities.flareboost.desc=While this Pokemon is burned, the power of its special attacks is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.flareboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is burned, its special attacks have 1.5x power. Fire +showdown.abilities.flashfire.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon is frozen, it cannot be defrosted by Fire-type attacks. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Fire attacks do 1.5x damage if hit by one Fire move; Fire immunity. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, is a Fire type, or has a substitute, Will-O-Wisp will not activate this Ability. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.start=The power of %s's Fire-type moves rose! Gift +showdown.abilities.flowergift.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.shortDesc=If user is Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it and allies' Attack and Sp. Def are 1.5x. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, the Attack and Special Defense of this Pokemon and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, Attack and Sp. Def of this Pokemon and its allies are 1.5x. Veil +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.desc=Grass-type Pokemon on this Pokemon's side cannot have their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon or have a non-volatile status condition inflicted on them by other Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.shortDesc=This side's Grass types can't have stats lowered or status inflicted by other Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.block=%s surrounded itself with a veil of petals! +showdown.abilities.fluffy.desc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from contact moves, but double damage from Fire moves. +showdown.abilities.fluffy.shortDesc=This Pokemon takes 1/2 damage from contact moves, 2x damage from Fire moves. +showdown.abilities.forecast.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella and the weather is Rain Dance or Sunny Day. +showdown.abilities.forecast.shortDesc=Castform's type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.forecast.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power, and non-damaging moves to have 1 power. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the foes' move with the highest power. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, and every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.activate=%s's %s was revealed! +showdown.abilities.forewarn.activateNoTarget=%s's Forewarn alerted it to %s! Guard +showdown.abilities.friendguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies receive 3/4 damage from other Pokemon's attacks. +showdown.abilities.frisk.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held items of all opposing Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.frisk.gen5.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held item of a random opposing Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.frisk.activate=%s frisked %s and found its %s! +showdown.abilities.frisk.activateNoTarget=%s frisked its target and found one %s! Metal Body +showdown.abilities.fullmetalbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Coat +showdown.abilities.furcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is doubled. Wings +showdown.abilities.galewings.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, its Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.galewings.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.galvanize.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.galvanize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.gluttony.desc=When this Pokemon is holding a Berry that usually activates with 1/4 or less of its maximum HP, it is eaten at 1/2 or less of its maximum HP instead. +showdown.abilities.gluttony.shortDesc=This Pokemon eats Berries at 1/2 max HP or less instead of their usual 1/4 max HP. as Gold +showdown.abilities.goodasgold.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Status moves. +showdown.abilities.gooey.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. Tactics +showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5, but it can only select the first move it executes. These effects are prevented while this Pokemon is Dynamaxed. +showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Pelt +showdown.abilities.grasspelt.shortDesc=If Grassy Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Defense is multiplied by 1.5. Surge +showdown.abilities.grassysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Grassy Terrain. Neigh +showdown.abilities.grimneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.grimneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. Dog +showdown.abilities.guarddog.desc=This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability and raises its Attack by 1 stage instead. This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. +showdown.abilities.guarddog.shortDesc=Immune to Intimidate. Intimidated: +1 Attack. Cannot be forced to switch out. Missile +showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cramorant, it changes forme when it hits a target with Surf or uses the first turn of Dive successfully. It becomes Gulping Form with an Arrokuda in its mouth if it has more than 1/2 of its maximum HP remaining, or Gorging Form with a Pikachu in its mouth if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP remaining. If Cramorant gets hit in Gulping or Gorging Form, it spits the Arrokuda or Pikachu at its attacker, even if it has no HP remaining. The projectile deals damage equal to 1/4 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down; this damage is blocked by the Magic Guard Ability but not by a substitute. An Arrokuda also lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage, and a Pikachu paralyzes the target. Cramorant will return to normal if it spits out a projectile, switches out, or Dynamaxes. +showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.shortDesc=When hit after Surf/Dive, attacker takes 1/4 max HP and -1 Defense or paralysis. +showdown.abilities.guts.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Attack is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon's physical attacks ignore the burn effect of halving damage. +showdown.abilities.guts.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Attack is 1.5x; ignores burn halving physical damage. Engine +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Electric Terrain. During Electric Terrain, Sp. Atk is 1.3333x. +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.start=%s turned the ground into Electric Terrain, energizing its futuristic engine! +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.activate=%s used the Electric Terrain to energize its futuristic engine! +showdown.abilities.harvest.desc=If the last item this Pokemon used is a Berry, there is a 50% chance it gets restored at the end of each turn. If Sunny Day is active, this chance is 100%. +showdown.abilities.harvest.shortDesc=If last item used is a Berry, 50% chance to restore it each end of turn. 100% in Sun. +showdown.abilities.harvest.addItem=%s harvested one %s! +showdown.abilities.healer.desc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.healer.shortDesc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.desc=30% chance each of this Pokemon's adjacent allies has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.shortDesc=30% chance each adjacent ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.heatproof.desc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. This Pokemon takes half of the usual burn damage, rounded down. +showdown.abilities.heatproof.shortDesc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved; burn damage halved. Metal +showdown.abilities.heavymetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. +showdown.abilities.heavymetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. Gather +showdown.abilities.honeygather.shortDesc=No competitive use. Power +showdown.abilities.hugepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. Switch +showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.desc=If this Pokemon is a Morpeko, it changes formes between its Full Belly Mode and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.shortDesc=If Morpeko, it changes between Full Belly and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.hustle.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and the accuracy of its physical attacks is multiplied by 0.8. +showdown.abilities.hustle.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x and accuracy of its physical attacks is 0.8x. +showdown.abilities.hydration.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.hydration.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its status cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. +showdown.abilities.hydration.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. Cutter +showdown.abilities.hypercutter.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Attack stat stage. Body +showdown.abilities.icebody.desc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.icebody.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. +showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. +showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn; immunity to Hail. Face +showdown.abilities.iceface.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Snow begins or when Eiscue switches in while Snow is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. +showdown.abilities.iceface.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. Effect is restored in Snow. +showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Hail begins or when Eiscue switches in while Hail is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. +showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. This effect is restored in Hail. Scales +showdown.abilities.icescales.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from special attacks. +showdown.abilities.illuminate.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.illusion.desc=When this Pokemon switches in, it appears as the last unfainted Pokemon in its party until it takes direct damage from another Pokemon's attack. This Pokemon's actual level and HP are displayed instead of those of the mimicked Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.illusion.shortDesc=This Pokemon appears as the last Pokemon in the party until it takes direct damage. +showdown.abilities.illusion.end=%s's illusion wore off! +showdown.abilities.immunity.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while poisoned cures it. +showdown.abilities.imposter.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. If there is no Pokemon at that position, this Pokemon does not Transform. +showdown.abilities.imposter.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, and Aurora Veil. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and foe's Reflect/Light Screen/Safeguard/Mist/Aurora Veil. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. Out +showdown.abilities.innardsout.desc=If this Pokemon is knocked out with a move, that move's user loses HP equal to the amount of damage inflicted on this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.innardsout.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is KOed with a move, that move's user loses an equal amount of HP. +showdown.abilities.innardsout.damage=%s was hurt! Focus +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. Immune to Intimidate. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. +showdown.abilities.insomnia.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon with the Inner Focus, Oblivious, Own Tempo, or Scrappy Abilities and Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of adjacent opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of adjacent opponents by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. If U-turn breaks an opposing substitute and this Pokemon switches in as the replacement, the Pokemon that had the substitute is still immune to this Ability. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. Sword +showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. +showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Barbs +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.damage=%s was hurt! Fist +showdown.abilities.ironfist.desc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.2. +showdown.abilities.ironfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have 1.2x power. Sucker Punch is not boosted. +showdown.abilities.justified.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a Dark-type move. Eye +showdown.abilities.keeneye.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. This Pokemon ignores a target's evasiveness stat stage. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.shortDesc=This Pokemon's accuracy can't be lowered by others; ignores their evasiveness stat. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. +showdown.abilities.klutz.desc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect. This Pokemon cannot use Fling successfully. Macho Brace, Power Anklet, Power Band, Power Belt, Power Bracer, Power Lens, and Power Weight still have their effects. +showdown.abilities.klutz.shortDesc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect, except Macho Brace. Fling cannot be used. Guard +showdown.abilities.leafguard.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused and Rest will fail for it. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, but can use Rest normally. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused, but Rest works normally. +showdown.abilities.levitate.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. Thousand Arrows can hit this Pokemon as if it did not have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.levitate.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Iron Ball nullify it. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes and the Arena Trap Ability. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground. +showdown.abilities.libero.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. +showdown.abilities.libero.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. +showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. +showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. Metal +showdown.abilities.lightmetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is halved, rounded down to a tenth of a kilogram. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. A Pokemon's weight will not drop below 0.1 kg. +showdown.abilities.lightmetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is halved. Rod +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Electric moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Electric immunity. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Electric moves to itself. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by an opposing Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. This effect considers Hidden Power a Normal-type move. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Electric moves used by opponents to itself. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.activate=%s took the attack! +showdown.abilities.limber.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be paralyzed. Gaining this Ability while paralyzed cures it. Aroma +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Lingering Aroma. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Lingering Aroma, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon has the attacker's Ability become Lingering Aroma. +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.changeAbility=A lingering aroma clings to %s! Ooze +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.shortDesc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.gen4.desc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. This effect does not consider Dream Eater. +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.damage=%s sucked up the liquid ooze! Voice +showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water-type moves. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water type. Reach +showdown.abilities.longreach.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do not make contact with the target. Bounce +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.shortDesc=This Pokemon blocks certain Status moves and bounces them back to the user. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.move=%s bounced the %s back! Guard +showdown.abilities.magicguard.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. This Pokemon cannot be prevented from moving because of paralysis, and is unaffected by Toxic Spikes on switch-in. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks, and can't be fully paralyzed. +showdown.abilities.magician.desc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. Does not affect Doom Desire and Future Sight. +showdown.abilities.magician.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. Armor +showdown.abilities.magmaarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be frozen. Gaining this Ability while frozen cures it. Pull +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.desc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. Scale +showdown.abilities.marvelscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Defense is multiplied by 1.5. Launcher +showdown.abilities.megalauncher.desc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. Heal Pulse restores 3/4 of a target's maximum HP, rounded half down. +showdown.abilities.megalauncher.shortDesc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have 1.5x power. Heal Pulse heals 3/4 target's max HP. +showdown.abilities.merciless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks are critical hits if the target is poisoned. +showdown.abilities.mimicry.desc=This Pokemon's types change to match the active Terrain when this Pokemon acquires this Ability, or whenever a Terrain begins. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. If this Ability is acquired without an active Terrain, or a Terrain ends, this Pokemon's types become the original types for its species. +showdown.abilities.mimicry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's types change to match the Terrain. Type reverts when Terrain ends. +showdown.abilities.mimicry.activate=%s returned to its original type! +showdown.abilities.minus.desc=If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.minus.shortDesc=If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.desc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.shortDesc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.desc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.shortDesc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. Armor +showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered by another Pokemon, that Pokemon's stat stage is lowered instead. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon's stat stage was already -6. If the other Pokemon has a substitute, neither Pokemon has its stat stage lowered. +showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.shortDesc=If this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered, the attacker's are lowered instead. Surge +showdown.abilities.mistysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Misty Terrain. Breaker +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Clear Body, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Heatproof, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, and Wonder Guard. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move. The Attack modifier from an ally's Flower Gift Ability is not negated. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.start=%s breaks the mold! +showdown.abilities.moody.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat, other than accuracy or evasiveness, raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.moody.shortDesc=Boosts a random stat (except accuracy/evasion) +2 and another stat -1 every turn. +showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.shortDesc=Raises a random stat by 2 and lowers another stat by 1 at the end of each turn. Drive +showdown.abilities.motordrive.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Speed by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. +showdown.abilities.motordrive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by an Electric move; Electric immunity. +showdown.abilities.moxie.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moxie.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.multiscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. +showdown.abilities.multitype.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen7.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate or Z-Crystal. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen6.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack. +showdown.abilities.mummy.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. +showdown.abilities.mummy.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen7.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen6.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype, Mummy, or Stance Change Abilities. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen5.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype or Mummy Abilities. +showdown.abilities.mummy.changeAbility=%s's Ability became Mummy! Might +showdown.abilities.myceliummight.desc=This Pokemon's Status moves ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon, and go last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves. +showdown.abilities.myceliummight.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves go last in their priority bracket and ignore Abilities. Cure +showdown.abilities.naturalcure.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured when it switches out. +showdown.abilities.naturalcure.activate=(%s is cured by its Natural Cure!) +showdown.abilities.neuroforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target have their damage multiplied by 1.25. +showdown.abilities.neuroforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.25x damage. Gas +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. Does not affect the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.start=Neutralizing gas filled the area! +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.end=The effects of the neutralizing gas wore off! Guard +showdown.abilities.noguard.shortDesc=Every move used by or against this Pokemon will always hit. +showdown.abilities.normalize.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. +showdown.abilities.normalize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, except Struggle. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Immune to Intimidate. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. +showdown.abilities.opportunist.shortDesc=When an opposing Pokemon has a stat stage raised, this Pokemon copies the effect. Pulse +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Sunny Day. During Sunny Day, Attack is 1.3333x. +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.start=%s turned the sunlight harsh, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.activate=%s basked in the sunlight, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! +showdown.abilities.overcoat.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm damage, and Effect Spore. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm or Hail, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm or Hail damage, Effect Spore. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Grass-type attack. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Grass attacks. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Grass-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Grass-type attacks have 1.5x power. Tempo +showdown.abilities.owntempo.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Immune to Intimidate. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Bond +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Z-Move. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. Veil +showdown.abilities.pastelveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while this Pokemon or its ally is poisoned cures them. If this Ability is being ignored during an effect that causes poison, this Pokemon is cured immediately but its ally is not. +showdown.abilities.pastelveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. On switch-in, cures poisoned allies. Body +showdown.abilities.perishbody.desc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. This effect does not happen for this Pokemon if the attacker already has a perish count. +showdown.abilities.perishbody.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. +showdown.abilities.perishbody.start=Both Pokémon will faint in three turns! +showdown.abilities.pickpocket.desc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. +showdown.abilities.pickpocket.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. +showdown.abilities.pickup.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it finds one used by an adjacent Pokemon this turn. +showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.pickup.addItem=%s found one %s! +showdown.abilities.pixilate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.3x power. an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. Heal +showdown.abilities.poisonheal.desc=If this Pokemon is poisoned, it restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn instead of losing HP. +showdown.abilities.poisonheal.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed by 1/8 of its max HP each turn when poisoned; no HP loss. Point +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. Touch +showdown.abilities.poisontouch.desc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. This effect comes after a move's inherent secondary effect chance. +showdown.abilities.poisontouch.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. Construct +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.desc=If this Pokemon is a Zygarde in its 10% or 50% Forme, it changes to Complete Forme when it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of the turn. +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.shortDesc=If Zygarde 10%/50%, changes to Complete if at 1/2 max HP or less at end of turn. +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.activate=You sense the presence of many! +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.transform=%s transformed into its Complete Forme! of Alchemy +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! Spot +showdown.abilities.powerspot.desc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. This affects Doom Desire and Future Sight, even if the user is not on the field. +showdown.abilities.powerspot.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.prankster.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. Opposing Dark-type Pokemon are immune to these moves, and any move called by these moves, if the resulting user of the move has this Ability. +showdown.abilities.prankster.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves have priority raised by 1, but Dark types are immune. +showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.pressure.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison, Snatch, and Tera Blast also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. +showdown.abilities.pressure.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a foe's move, that move loses one additional PP. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison and Snatch also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen5.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison and Snatch also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of another Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a move, that move loses one additional PP. +showdown.abilities.pressure.start=%s is exerting its pressure! Sea +showdown.abilities.primordialsea.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Primordial Sea, which includes all the effects of Rain Dance and prevents damaging Fire-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Desolate Land Abilities. +showdown.abilities.primordialsea.shortDesc=On switch-in, heavy rain begins until this Ability is not active in battle. Armor +showdown.abilities.prismarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. Tail +showdown.abilities.propellertail.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. +showdown.abilities.protean.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. +showdown.abilities.protean.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. +showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. +showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.desc=If Sunny Day is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Sunny Day, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Sunny Day is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.shortDesc=Sunny Day active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activate=The harsh sunlight activated %s's Protosynthesis! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate Protosynthesis! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.start=%s's %s was heightened! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.end=The effects of %s's Protosynthesis wore off! Surge +showdown.abilities.psychicsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Psychic Terrain. Rock +showdown.abilities.punkrock.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes halved damage from sound-based moves. +showdown.abilities.punkrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from sound moves. Its own have 1.3x power. Power +showdown.abilities.purepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. Salt +showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.desc=This Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. If a Pokemon uses a Ghost-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.shortDesc=Ghost damage to this Pokemon dealt with a halved offensive stat; can't be statused. Drive +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.desc=If Electric Terrain is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Electric Terrain, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Electric Terrain is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.shortDesc=Electric Terrain active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activate=The Electric Terrain activated %s's Quark Drive! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate its Quark Drive! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.start=%s's %s was heightened! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.end=The effects of %s's Quark Drive wore off! Majesty +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.block=%s cannot use %s! Draw +showdown.abilities.quickdraw.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 30% chance to move first in its priority bracket with attacking moves. +showdown.abilities.quickdraw.activate=Quick Draw made %s move faster! Feet +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of halving Speed. +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Speed is 1.5x; ignores Speed drop from paralysis. +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of quartering Speed. Dish +showdown.abilities.raindish.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.raindish.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. +showdown.abilities.raindish.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.rattled.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or if an opposing Pokemon affected this Pokemon with the Intimidate Ability. +showdown.abilities.rattled.shortDesc=Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or Intimidated. +showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. +showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. +showdown.abilities.receiver.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. +showdown.abilities.receiver.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. +showdown.abilities.receiver.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. +showdown.abilities.receiver.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. +showdown.abilities.receiver.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! +showdown.abilities.reckless.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have their power multiplied by 1.2. Does not affect Struggle. +showdown.abilities.reckless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have 1.2x power; not Struggle. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.3x power. +showdown.abilities.regenerator.shortDesc=This Pokemon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when it switches out. +showdown.abilities.ripen.desc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. Berries that restore HP or PP have the amount doubled, Berries that raise stat stages have the amount doubled, Berries that halve damage taken quarter it instead, and a Jaboca Berry or Rowap Berry has the attacker lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.abilities.ripen.shortDesc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. +showdown.abilities.rivalry.desc=This Pokemon's attacks have their power multiplied by 1.25 against targets of the same gender or multiplied by 0.75 against targets of the opposite gender. There is no modifier if either this Pokemon or the target is genderless. +showdown.abilities.rivalry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do 1.25x on same gender targets; 0.75x on opposite gender. System +showdown.abilities.rkssystem.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Silvally, its type changes to match its held Memory. Head +showdown.abilities.rockhead.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect Life Orb damage or crash damage. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle/Life Orb/crash damage. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect crash damage. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle and crash damage. Payload +showdown.abilities.rockypayload.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Rock-type attack. Skin +showdown.abilities.roughskin.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen4.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their max HP. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.damage=%s was hurt! Away +showdown.abilities.runaway.shortDesc=No competitive use. Force +showdown.abilities.sandforce.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Ground/Rock/Steel attacks do 1.3x in Sandstorm; immunity to it. Rush +showdown.abilities.sandrush.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandrush.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm. Spit +showdown.abilities.sandspit.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. +showdown.abilities.sandspit.gen8.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect comes after the effects of Max and G-Max Moves. Stream +showdown.abilities.sandstream.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sandstorm. Veil +showdown.abilities.sandveil.desc=If Sandstorm is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandveil.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Sandstorm. Sipper +showdown.abilities.sapsipper.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Grass-type moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Grass-type move. +showdown.abilities.sapsipper.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage if hit by a Grass move; Grass immunity. +showdown.abilities.schooling.desc=On switch-in, if this Pokemon is a Wishiwashi that is level 20 or above and has more than 1/4 of its maximum HP left, it changes to School Form. If it is in School Form and its HP drops to 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, it changes to Solo Form at the end of the turn. If it is in Solo Form and its HP is greater than 1/4 its maximum HP at the end of the turn, it changes to School Form. +showdown.abilities.schooling.shortDesc=If user is Wishiwashi, changes to School Form if it has > 1/4 max HP, else Solo Form. +showdown.abilities.schooling.transform=%s formed a school! +showdown.abilities.schooling.transformEnd=%s stopped schooling! +showdown.abilities.scrappy.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal moves hit Ghost. Immune to Intimidate. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. Cleaner +showdown.abilities.screencleaner.shortDesc=On switch-in, the effects of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, and Reflect end for both sides. Sower +showdown.abilities.seedsower.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. Grace +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. This effect stacks with the Rainbow effect, except for secondary effects that cause the target to flinch. +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. Shield +showdown.abilities.shadowshield.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. Tag +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.sharpness.shortDesc=This Pokemon's slicing moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. Skin +showdown.abilities.shedskin.desc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.shedskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its status cured at the end of each turn. Force +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Anger Shell, Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have 1.3x power; nullifies the effects. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, and Eject Button from activating. Armor +showdown.abilities.shellarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. Dust +showdown.abilities.shielddust.shortDesc=This Pokemon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. Down +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.desc=If this Pokemon is a Minior, it changes to its Core forme if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, and changes to Meteor Form if it has more than 1/2 its maximum HP. This check is done on switch-in and at the end of each turn. While in its Meteor Form, it cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.shortDesc=If Minior, switch-in/end of turn it changes to Core at 1/2 max HP or less, else Meteor. +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transform=Shields Down deactivated! +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transformEnd=Shields Down activated! +showdown.abilities.simple.shortDesc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen7.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Status Z-Move is used. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen6.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. A stat stage cannot be considered more than 6 or less than -6. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. Link +showdown.abilities.skilllink.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick and Triple Axel do not check accuracy for the second and third hits. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.shortDesc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick does not check accuracy for the second and third hits. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Does not affect Triple Kick. Start +showdown.abilities.slowstart.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. During the effect, if this Pokemon uses a generic Z-Move based on a special move, its Special Attack is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.start=%s can't get it going! +showdown.abilities.slowstart.end=%s finally got its act together! Rush +showdown.abilities.slushrush.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.slushrush.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.sniper.shortDesc=If this Pokemon strikes with a critical hit, the damage is multiplied by 1.5. Cloak +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.desc=If Snow is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Hail. Warning +showdown.abilities.snowwarning.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Snow. +showdown.abilities.snowwarning.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Hail. Power +showdown.abilities.solarpower.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x; loses 1/8 max HP per turn. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. Rock +showdown.abilities.solidrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. +showdown.abilities.soulheart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage when another Pokemon faints. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, unless it used the move. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, except Heal Bell. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. Boost +showdown.abilities.speedboost.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage at the end of each full turn it has been on the field. +showdown.abilities.speedboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage at the end of each full turn on the field. +showdown.abilities.stakeout.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled against a target that switched in this turn. +showdown.abilities.stall.shortDesc=This Pokemon moves last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves. +showdown.abilities.stalwart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. +showdown.abilities.stamina.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a move. Change +showdown.abilities.stancechange.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before using an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before using King's Shield. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.shortDesc=If Aegislash, changes Forme to Blade before attacks and Shield before King's Shield. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before attempting to use an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before attempting to use King's Shield. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.transform=Changed to Blade Forme! +showdown.abilities.stancechange.transformEnd=Changed to Shield Forme! +showdown.abilities.static.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. +showdown.abilities.static.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.static.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.static.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. +showdown.abilities.steadfast.shortDesc=If this Pokemon flinches, its Speed is raised by 1 stage. Engine +showdown.abilities.steamengine.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by a Fire- or Water-type move. +showdown.abilities.steamengine.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by Fire/Water moves. +showdown.abilities.steelworker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Steel-type attack. Spirit +showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.desc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. This affects Doom Desire even if the user is not on the field. +showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.stench.desc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.abilities.stench.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. Hold +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack, unless the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.gen4.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack, even if the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.block=%s's item cannot be removed! Drain +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Water-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Water moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Water immunity. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Water moves to itself. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.activate=%s took the attack! Jaw +showdown.abilities.strongjaw.desc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.strongjaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have 1.5x power. Bug Bite is not boosted. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.desc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. Immune to OHKO. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.desc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.shortDesc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.activate=%s endured the hit! Cups +showdown.abilities.suctioncups.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. +showdown.abilities.suctioncups.block=%s is anchored in place with its suction cups! Luck +showdown.abilities.superluck.shortDesc=This Pokemon's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Overlord +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their power multiplied by 1+(X*0.1), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side when this Ability became active, and X cannot be greater than 5. +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have 10% more power for each fainted ally, up to 5 allies. +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.activate=%s gained strength from the fallen! Surfer +showdown.abilities.surgesurfer.shortDesc=If Electric Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.swarm.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Bug-type attack. +showdown.abilities.swarm.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Bug attacks. +showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Bug-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Bug-type attacks have 1.5x power. Veil +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep, but those already asleep do not wake up immediately. This Pokemon and its allies cannot use Rest successfully or become affected by Yawn, and those previously affected will not fall asleep. +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep; those already asleep do not wake up. +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.block=%s can't fall asleep due to a veil of sweetness! Swim +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. of Ruin +showdown.abilities.swordofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Defense multiplied by 0.75. +showdown.abilities.swordofruin.start=%s's Sword of Ruin weakened the Defense of all surrounding Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button or Eject Pack. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.shortDesc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen7.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen6.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.activate=%s shared its %s with %s! +showdown.abilities.synchronize.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, poisons, or badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. +showdown.abilities.synchronize.shortDesc=If another Pokemon burns/poisons/paralyzes this Pokemon, it also gets that status. +showdown.abilities.synchronize.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, or poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. If another Pokemon badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon becomes poisoned. of Ruin +showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Attack multiplied by 0.75. +showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.start=%s's Tablets of Ruin weakened the Attack of all surrounding Pokémon! Feet +showdown.abilities.tangledfeet.shortDesc=This Pokemon's evasiveness is doubled as long as it is confused. Hair +showdown.abilities.tanglinghair.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.technician.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, including Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power. +showdown.abilities.technician.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, including Struggle. +showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, except Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power, as well as the effects of Charge and Helping Hand. +showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, except Struggle. +showdown.abilities.telepathy.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take damage from attacks made by its allies. +showdown.abilities.telepathy.block=%s can't be hit by attacks from its ally Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.teravolt.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.start=%s is radiating a bursting aura! Exchange +showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage after it is damaged by a Fire-type move. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. +showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 when damaged by Fire moves; can't be burned. Fat +showdown.abilities.thickfat.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved offensive stat. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.desc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.shortDesc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's Special Attack is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved Sp. Atk stat. Lens +showdown.abilities.tintedlens.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are not very effective on a target deal double damage. +showdown.abilities.torrent.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Water-type attack. +showdown.abilities.torrent.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Water attacks. +showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Water-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Water-type attacks have 1.5x power. Claws +showdown.abilities.toughclaws.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. Boost +showdown.abilities.toxicboost.desc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, the power of its physical attacks is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.toxicboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, its physical attacks have 1.5x power. Debris +showdown.abilities.toxicdebris.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by a physical attack, Toxic Spikes are set on the opposing side. +showdown.abilities.trace.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.shortDesc=On switch-in, or when it can, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent foe's Ability. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen8.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen5.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Forecast, Multitype, and Trace. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. +showdown.abilities.trace.changeAbility=%s traced %s's %s! +showdown.abilities.transistor.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using an Electric-type attack. +showdown.abilities.triage.shortDesc=This Pokemon's healing moves have their priority increased by 3. +showdown.abilities.truant.shortDesc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. +showdown.abilities.truant.gen3.desc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. If this Pokemon replaces a Pokemon that fainted during end-of-turn effects, its first turn will be skipped. +showdown.abilities.truant.cant=%s is loafing around! +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.start=%s is radiating a blazing aura! +showdown.abilities.unaware.desc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's Attack, Special Attack, and accuracy stat stages when taking damage, and ignores other Pokemon's Defense, Special Defense, and evasiveness stat stages when dealing damage. +showdown.abilities.unaware.shortDesc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's stat stages when taking or doing damage. +showdown.abilities.unburden.desc=If this Pokemon loses its held item for any reason, its Speed is doubled as long as it remains active, has this Ability, and is not holding an item. +showdown.abilities.unburden.shortDesc=Speed is doubled on held item loss; boost is lost if it switches, gets new item/Ability. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.desc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.start=%s is too nervous to eat Berries! Fist +showdown.abilities.unseenfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves ignore the target's protection, except Max Guard. of Ruin +showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Attack multiplied by 0.75. +showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.start=%s's Vessel of Ruin weakened the Sp. Atk of all surrounding Pokémon! Star +showdown.abilities.victorystar.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.1. Spirit +showdown.abilities.vitalspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. Absorb +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by an Electric-type move. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Electric moves; Electric immunity. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damaging Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by one. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 its max HP when hit by a damaging Electric move; immunity. Spirit +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode Abilities. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! Absorb +showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. +showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Water moves; Water immunity. Bubble +showdown.abilities.waterbubble.desc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled while using a Water-type attack. If a Pokemon uses a Fire-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. +showdown.abilities.waterbubble.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Water power is 2x; it can't be burned; Fire power against it is halved. Compaction +showdown.abilities.watercompaction.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages after it is damaged by a Water-type move. Veil +showdown.abilities.waterveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. Armor +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 2 stages. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 2. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 1. Body +showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves and raises its Defense by 2 stages when hit by a Fire-type move. +showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages if hit by a Fire move; Fire immunity. Smoke +showdown.abilities.whitesmoke.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Out +showdown.abilities.wimpout.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. +showdown.abilities.wimpout.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. Power +showdown.abilities.windpower.desc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. +showdown.abilities.windpower.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. +showdown.abilities.windpower.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! Rider +showdown.abilities.windrider.desc=This Pokemon is immune to wind moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. +showdown.abilities.windrider.shortDesc=Attack raised by 1 if hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. Wind move immunity. Guard +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by Fire Fang, supereffective moves, indirect damage. +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. Skin +showdown.abilities.wonderskin.desc=Non-damaging moves that check accuracy have their accuracy changed to 50% when used against this Pokemon. This effect comes before other effects that modify accuracy. +showdown.abilities.wonderskin.shortDesc=Status moves with accuracy checks are 50% accurate when used on this Pokemon. Mode +showdown.abilities.zenmode.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan or Galarian Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.shortDesc=If Darmanitan, at end of turn changes Mode to Standard if > 1/2 max HP, else Zen. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. If Darmanitan loses this Ability while in Zen Mode, it reverts to Standard Mode immediately. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.transform=Zen Mode triggered! +showdown.abilities.zenmode.transformEnd=Zen Mode ended! to Hero +showdown.abilities.zerotohero.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Palafin in Zero Form, switching out has it change to Hero Form. +showdown.abilities.zerotohero.activate=%s underwent a heroic transformation! +showdown.abilities.mountaineer.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon avoids all Rock-type attacks and Stealth Rock. +showdown.abilities.rebound.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon blocks certain status moves and instead uses the move against the original user. +showdown.abilities.rebound.shortDesc=On switch-in, blocks certain status moves and bounces them back to the user. +showdown.abilities.rebound.move=%s bounced the %s back! +showdown.abilities.persistent.desc=The duration of Gravity, Heal Block, Magic Room, Safeguard, Tailwind, Trick Room, and Wonder Room is increased by 2 turns if the effect is started by this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.persistent.shortDesc=When used, Gravity/Heal Block/Safeguard/Tailwind/Room effects last 2 more turns. +showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=%s extends %s by 2 turns! +showdown.default.default.startBattle=Battle started between %s and %s! +showdown.default.default.winBattle=**%s** won the battle! +showdown.default.default.tieBattle=Tie between %s and %s! +showdown.default.default.pokemon=%s +showdown.default.default.opposingPokemon=the opposing %s team +showdown.default.default.opposingTeam=the opposing team ally Pokémon +showdown.default.default.opposingParty=the opposing Pokémon +showdown.default.default.turn=== Turn %s == +showdown.default.default.switchIn=%s sent out %s! +showdown.default.default.switchInOwn=Go! %s! +showdown.default.default.switchOut=%s withdrew %s! +showdown.default.default.switchOutOwn=%s, come back! +showdown.default.default.drag=%s was dragged out! +showdown.default.default.faint=%s fainted! +showdown.default.default.swap=%s and %s switched places! +showdown.default.default.swapCenter=%s moved to the center! +showdown.default.default.canDynamax=%s can dynamax now! +showdown.default.default.canDynamaxOwn=Dynamax Energy gathered around %s! +showdown.default.default.zEffect=%s unleashes its full-force Z-Move! +showdown.default.default.move=%s used **%s**! +showdown.default.default.abilityActivation=%s's %s] +showdown.default.default.mega=%s's %s is reacting to the Key Stone! +showdown.default.default.megaNoItem=%s is reacting to %s's Key Stone! +showdown.default.default.megaGen6=%s's %s is reacting to %s's Mega Bracelet! +showdown.default.default.transformMega=%s has Mega Evolved into Mega %s! +showdown.default.default.primal=%s's Primal Reversion! It reverted to its primal state! +showdown.default.default.zPower=%s surrounded itself with its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.zBroken=%s couldn't fully protect itself and got hurt! +showdown.default.default.terastallize=%s has Terastallized into the %s-type! +showdown.default.default.cant=%s can't use %s! +showdown.default.default.cantNoMove=%s can't move! it failed! +showdown.default.default.transform=%s transformed! +showdown.default.default.typeChange=%s's type changed to %s! +showdown.default.default.typeChangeFromEffect=%s's %s made it the %s type! +showdown.default.default.typeAdd=%s type was added to %s! +showdown.default.default.start=(%s started on %s!) +showdown.default.default.end=%s was freed from %s! +showdown.default.default.activate=(%s activated!) +showdown.default.default.startTeamEffect=(%s started on %s!) +showdown.default.default.endTeamEffect=(%s ended on %s!) +showdown.default.default.startFieldEffect=(%s started!) +showdown.default.default.endFieldEffect=(%s ended!) +showdown.default.default.changeAbility=%s acquired %s! +showdown.default.default.addItem=%s obtained one %s. +showdown.default.default.takeItem=%s stole %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.eatItem=(%s ate its %s!) +showdown.default.default.useGem=The %s strengthened %s's power! +showdown.default.default.eatItemWeaken=The %s weakened damage to %s! +showdown.default.default.removeItem=%s lost its %s! +showdown.default.default.activateItem=(%s used its %s!) +showdown.default.default.activateWeaken=The %s weakened the damage to %s! +showdown.default.default.damage=(%s was hurt!) +showdown.default.default.damagePercentage=(%s lost %s of its health!) +showdown.default.default.damageFromPokemon=%s was hurt by %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.damageFromItem=%s was hurt by its %s! +showdown.default.default.damageFromPartialTrapping=%s is hurt by %s! +showdown.default.default.heal=%s had its HP restored. +showdown.default.default.healFromZEffect=%s restored its HP using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.healFromEffect=%s restored HP using its %s! +showdown.default.default.boost=%s's %s rose! +showdown.default.default.boost2=%s's %s rose sharply! +showdown.default.default.boost3=%s's %s rose drastically! +showdown.default.default.boost0=%s's %s won't go any higher! +showdown.default.default.boostFromItem=The %s raised %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.boost2FromItem=The %s sharply raised %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.boost3FromItem=The %s drastically raised %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.boostFromZEffect=%s boosted its %s using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.boost2FromZEffect=%s boosted its %s sharply using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.boost3FromZEffect=%s boosted its %s drastically using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.boostMultipleFromZEffect=%s boosted its stats using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.unboost=%s's %s fell! +showdown.default.default.unboost2=%s's %s fell harshly! +showdown.default.default.unboost3=%s's %s fell severely! +showdown.default.default.unboost0=%s's %s won't go any lower! +showdown.default.default.unboostFromItem=The %s lowered %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.unboost2FromItem=The %s harshly lowered %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.unboost3FromItem=The %s drastically lowered %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.swapBoost=%s switched stat changes with its target! +showdown.default.default.swapOffensiveBoost=%s switched all changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk with its target! +showdown.default.default.swapDefensiveBoost=%s switched all changes to its Defense and Sp. Def with its target! +showdown.default.default.copyBoost=%s copied %s's stat changes! +showdown.default.default.clearBoost=%s's stat changes were removed! +showdown.default.default.clearBoostFromZEffect=%s returned its decreased stats to normal using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.invertBoost=%s's stat changes were inverted! +showdown.default.default.clearAllBoost=All stat changes were eliminated! +showdown.default.default.superEffective=It's super effective! +showdown.default.default.superEffectiveSpread=It's super effective on %s! +showdown.default.default.resisted=It's not very effective... +showdown.default.default.resistedSpread=It's not very effective on %s. +showdown.default.default.crit=A critical hit! +showdown.default.default.critSpread=A critical hit on %s! +showdown.default.default.immune=It doesn't affect %s... +showdown.default.default.immuneNoPokemon=It had no effect! +showdown.default.default.immuneOHKO=%s is unaffected! +showdown.default.default.miss=%s avoided the attack! +showdown.default.default.missNoPokemon=%s's attack missed! center! +showdown.default.default.noTarget=But there was no target... +showdown.default.default.ohko=It's a one-hit KO! +showdown.default.default.combine=The two moves have become one! It's a combined move! +showdown.default.default.hitCount=The Pokémon was hit %s times! +showdown.default.default.hitCountSingular=The Pokémon was hit 1 time! +showdown.default.hp.statName=HP +showdown.default.hp.statShortName=HP +showdown.default.atk.statName=Attack +showdown.default.atk.statShortName=Atk +showdown.default.def.statName=Defense +showdown.default.def.statShortName=Def Atk +showdown.default.spd.statName=Sp. Def +showdown.default.spd.statShortName=SpD +showdown.default.spe.statName=Speed +showdown.default.spe.statShortName=Spe +showdown.default.accuracy.statName=accuracy +showdown.default.evasion.statName=evasiveness +showdown.default.spc.statName=Special +showdown.default.spc.statShortName=Spc +showdown.default.stats.statName=stats +showdown.default.brn.start=%s was burned! +showdown.default.brn.startFromItem=%s was burned by the %s! +showdown.default.brn.alreadyStarted=%s is already burned! +showdown.default.brn.end=%s's burn was healed! +showdown.default.brn.endFromItem=%s's %s healed its burn! +showdown.default.brn.damage=%s was hurt by its burn! +showdown.default.frz.start=%s was frozen solid! +showdown.default.frz.alreadyStarted=%s is already frozen solid! +showdown.default.frz.end=%s thawed out! +showdown.default.frz.endFromItem=%s's %s defrosted it! +showdown.default.frz.endFromMove=%s's %s melted the ice! +showdown.default.frz.cant=%s is frozen solid! +showdown.default.par.start=%s is paralyzed! It may be unable to move! +showdown.default.par.alreadyStarted=%s is already paralyzed! +showdown.default.par.end=%s was cured of paralysis! +showdown.default.par.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its paralysis! +showdown.default.par.cant=%s is paralyzed! It can't move! +showdown.default.psn.start=%s was poisoned! +showdown.default.psn.alreadyStarted=%s is already poisoned! +showdown.default.psn.end=%s was cured of its poisoning! +showdown.default.psn.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its poison! +showdown.default.psn.damage=%s was hurt by poison! +showdown.default.tox.start=%s was badly poisoned! +showdown.default.tox.startFromItem=%s was badly poisoned by the %s! +showdown.default.tox.end=%s was cured of its poisoning! +showdown.default.tox.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its poison! +showdown.default.tox.alreadyStarted=%s is already poisoned! +showdown.default.tox.damage=%s was hurt by poison! +showdown.default.slp.start=%s fell asleep! +showdown.default.slp.startFromRest=%s slept and became healthy! +showdown.default.slp.alreadyStarted=%s is already asleep! +showdown.default.slp.end=%s woke up! +showdown.default.slp.endFromItem=%s's %s woke it up! +showdown.default.slp.cant=%s is fast asleep. +showdown.default.confusion.start=%s became confused! +showdown.default.confusion.startFromFatigue=%s became confused due to fatigue! +showdown.default.confusion.end=%s snapped out of its confusion! +showdown.default.confusion.endFromItem=%s's %s snapped it out of its confusion! +showdown.default.confusion.alreadyStarted=%s is already confused! +showdown.default.confusion.activate=%s is confused! +showdown.default.confusion.damage=It hurt itself in its confusion! +showdown.default.drain.heal=%s had its energy drained! +showdown.default.flinch.cant=%s flinched and couldn't move!'s HP is full! +showdown.default.healreplacement.activate=%s will restore its replacement's HP using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.nopp.cant=%s used %s, But there was no PP left for the move! +showdown.default.recharge.cant=%s must recharge! +showdown.default.recoil.damage=%s was damaged by the recoil!'s stats were not lowered! +showdown.default.unboost.failSingular=%s's %s was not lowered! +showdown.default.struggle.activate=%s has no moves left! +showdown.default.trapped.start=%s can no longer escape! +showdown.default.dynamax.start=(%s's Dynamax!) +showdown.default.dynamax.end=(%s returned to normal!) +showdown.default.dynamax.block=The move was blocked by the power of Dynamax! shook its head. It seems like it can't use this move... +showdown.default.sandstorm.weatherName=Sandstorm +showdown.default.sandstorm.start=A sandstorm kicked up! +showdown.default.sandstorm.end=The sandstorm subsided. +showdown.default.sandstorm.upkeep=(The sandstorm is raging.) +showdown.default.sandstorm.damage=%s is buffeted by the sandstorm! +showdown.default.sunnyday.weatherName=Sun +showdown.default.sunnyday.start=The sunlight turned harsh! +showdown.default.sunnyday.end=The harsh sunlight faded. +showdown.default.sunnyday.upkeep=(The sunlight is strong.) +showdown.default.raindance.weatherName=Rain +showdown.default.raindance.start=It started to rain! +showdown.default.raindance.end=The rain stopped. +showdown.default.raindance.upkeep=(Rain continues to fall.) +showdown.default.hail.weatherName=Hail +showdown.default.hail.start=It started to hail! +showdown.default.hail.end=The hail stopped. +showdown.default.hail.upkeep=(The hail is crashing down.) +showdown.default.hail.damage=%s is buffeted by the hail! +showdown.default.snow.weatherName=Snow +showdown.default.snow.start=It started to snow! +showdown.default.snow.end=The snow stopped. +showdown.default.snow.upkeep=(The snow is falling down.) +showdown.default.desolateland.weatherName=Intense Sun +showdown.default.desolateland.start=The sunlight turned extremely harsh! +showdown.default.desolateland.end=The extremely harsh sunlight faded. +showdown.default.desolateland.block=The extremely harsh sunlight was not lessened at all! +showdown.default.desolateland.blockMove=The Water-type attack evaporated in the harsh sunlight! +showdown.default.desolateland.upkeep=(The harsh sunlight continues.) +showdown.default.primordialsea.weatherName=Heavy Rain +showdown.default.primordialsea.start=A heavy rain began to fall! +showdown.default.primordialsea.end=The heavy rain has lifted! +showdown.default.primordialsea.block=There is no relief from this heavy rain! +showdown.default.primordialsea.blockMove=The Fire-type attack fizzled out in the heavy rain! +showdown.default.primordialsea.upkeep=(Heavy Rain continues to fall.) +showdown.default.deltastream.weatherName=Strong Winds +showdown.default.deltastream.start=Mysterious strong winds are protecting Flying-type Pokémon! +showdown.default.deltastream.end=The mysterious strong winds have dissipated! +showdown.default.deltastream.activate=The mysterious strong winds weakened the attack! +showdown.default.deltastream.block=The mysterious strong winds blow on regardless! +showdown.default.deltastream.upkeep=(The mysterious strong winds blow on.) +showdown.default.electricterrain.start=An electric current ran across the battlefield! +showdown.default.electricterrain.end=The electricity disappeared from the battlefield. +showdown.default.electricterrain.block=%s is protected by the Electric Terrain! +showdown.default.grassyterrain.start=Grass grew to cover the battlefield! +showdown.default.grassyterrain.end=The grass disappeared from the battlefield. +showdown.default.grassyterrain.heal=%s's HP was restored. +showdown.default.mistyterrain.start=Mist swirled around the battlefield! +showdown.default.mistyterrain.end=The mist disappeared from the battlefield. +showdown.default.mistyterrain.block=%s surrounds itself with a protective mist! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.start=The battlefield got weird! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.end=The weirdness disappeared from the battlefield! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.block=%s is protected by the Psychic Terrain! +showdown.default.gravity.start=Gravity intensified! +showdown.default.gravity.end=Gravity returned to normal! +showdown.default.gravity.cant=%s can't use %s because of gravity! +showdown.default.gravity.activate=%s fell from the sky due to the gravity! +showdown.default.magicroom.start=It created a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects! +showdown.default.magicroom.end=Magic Room wore off, and held items' effects returned to normal! +showdown.default.mudsport.start=Electricity's power was weakened! +showdown.default.mudsport.end=The effects of Mud Sport have faded. +showdown.default.trickroom.start=%s twisted the dimensions! +showdown.default.trickroom.end=The twisted dimensions returned to normal! +showdown.default.watersport.start=Fire's power was weakened! +showdown.default.watersport.end=The effects of Water Sport have faded. +showdown.default.wonderroom.start=It created a bizarre area in which Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped! +showdown.default.wonderroom.end=Wonder Room wore off, and Defense and Sp. Def stats returned to normal! +showdown.default.crash.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Shield +showdown.items.abilityshield.desc=Holder's Ability cannot be changed by any effect. +showdown.items.abilityshield.block=%s's Ability is protected by the effects of its Ability Shield! +showdown.items.abomasite.desc=If held by an Abomasnow, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.absolite.desc=If held by an Absol, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Bulb +showdown.items.absorbbulb.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. Crystal +showdown.items.adamantcrystal.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb +showdown.items.adamantorb.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb +showdown.items.adrenalineorb.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage if it gets affected by Intimidate. Single use. +showdown.items.aerodactylite.desc=If held by an Aerodactyl, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.aggronite.desc=If held by an Aggron, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.aguavberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.aguavberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.aguavberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. Balloon +showdown.items.airballoon.desc=Holder is immune to Ground-type attacks. Pops when holder is hit. +showdown.items.airballoon.start=%s floats in the air with its Air Balloon! +showdown.items.airballoon.end=%s's Air Balloon popped! +showdown.items.alakazite.desc=If held by an Alakazam, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Z +showdown.items.aloraichiumz.desc=If held by an Alolan Raichu with Thunderbolt, it can use Stoked Sparksurfer. +showdown.items.altarianite.desc=If held by an Altaria, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.ampharosite.desc=If held by an Ampharos, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.apicotberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Fossil +showdown.items.armorfossil.desc=Can be revived into Shieldon. Berry +showdown.items.aspearberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. Vest +showdown.items.assaultvest.desc=Holder's Sp. Def is 1.5x, but it can only select damaging moves. +showdown.items.audinite.desc=If held by an Audino, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Armor +showdown.items.auspiciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Armarouge when used. Berry +showdown.items.babiriberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Steel-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.banettite.desc=If held by a Banette, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball +showdown.items.beastball.desc=A special Poke Ball designed to catch Ultra Beasts. +showdown.items.beedrillite.desc=If held by a Beedrill, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.belueberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Juice +showdown.items.berryjuice.desc=Restores 20 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Sweet +showdown.items.berrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Root +showdown.items.bigroot.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining/Aqua Ring/Ingrain/Leech Seed/Strength Sap. +showdown.items.bigroot.gen6.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining moves, Aqua Ring, Ingrain, and Leech Seed. Band +showdown.items.bindingband.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves deal 1/6 max HP per turn instead of 1/8. Belt +showdown.items.blackbelt.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.blackbelt.gen3.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.1x power. Sludge +showdown.items.blacksludge.desc=Each turn, if holder is a Poison type, restores 1/16 max HP; loses 1/8 if not. +showdown.items.blacksludge.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Black Sludge! Glasses +showdown.items.blackglasses.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.blackglasses.gen3.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.blastoisinite.desc=If held by a Blastoise, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.blazikenite.desc=If held by a Blaziken, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Orb +showdown.items.blueorb.desc=If held by a Kyogre, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. Berry +showdown.items.blukberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Policy +showdown.items.blunderpolicy.desc=If the holder misses due to accuracy, its Speed is raised by 2 stages. Single use. Energy +showdown.items.boosterenergy.desc=Activates the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive Abilities. Single use. Cap +showdown.items.bottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. One of a Pokemon's stats is calculated with an IV of 31. Powder +showdown.items.brightpowder.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. +showdown.items.brightpowder.gen2.desc=An attack against the holder has its accuracy out of 255 lowered by 20. Gem +showdown.items.buggem.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.buggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.bugmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Bug type. Z +showdown.items.buginiumz.desc=If holder has a Bug move, this item allows it to use a Bug Z-Move. Drive +showdown.items.burndrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Fire type. +showdown.items.cameruptite.desc=If held by a Camerupt, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Battery +showdown.items.cellbattery.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Electric-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.charcoal.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.charcoal.gen3.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.1x power. X +showdown.items.charizarditex.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Y +showdown.items.charizarditey.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.chartiberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Rock-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.cheriberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. Ball +showdown.items.cherishball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an occasion. Berry +showdown.items.chestoberry.desc=Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.chilanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a Normal-type attack. Single use. Drive +showdown.items.chilldrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Ice type. Pot +showdown.items.chippedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea-Antique into Polteageist-Antique when used. Band +showdown.items.choiceband.desc=Holder's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Scarf +showdown.items.choicescarf.desc=Holder's Speed is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Specs +showdown.items.choicespecs.desc=Holder's Sp. Atk is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Berry +showdown.items.chopleberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fighting-type attack. Single use. Fossil +showdown.items.clawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Anorith. Amulet +showdown.items.clearamulet.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering the holder's stat stages. +showdown.items.clearamulet.block=The effects of %s's Clear Amulet prevent its stats from being lowered! Sweet +showdown.items.cloversweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Berry +showdown.items.cobaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Flying-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.colburberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dark-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.cornnberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Fossil +showdown.items.coverfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tirtouga. Cloak +showdown.items.covertcloak.desc=Holder is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. Pot +showdown.items.crackedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea into Polteageist when used. Berry +showdown.items.custapberry.desc=Holder moves first in its priority bracket when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.custapberry.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Custap Berry! Rock +showdown.items.damprock.desc=Holder's use of Rain Dance lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Gem +showdown.items.darkgem.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.darkgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.darkmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dark type. Z +showdown.items.darkiniumz.desc=If holder has a Dark move, this item allows it to use a Dark Z-Move. Stone +showdown.items.dawnstone.desc=Evolves male Kirlia into Gallade and female Snorunt into Froslass when used. +showdown.items.dawnstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Z +showdown.items.decidiumz.desc=If held by a Decidueye with Spirit Shackle, it can use Sinister Arrow Raid. Sea Scale +showdown.items.deepseascale.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss when traded. +showdown.items.deepseascale.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. Sea Tooth +showdown.items.deepseatooth.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Huntail when traded. +showdown.items.deepseatooth.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. Knot +showdown.items.destinyknot.desc=If holder becomes infatuated, the other Pokemon also becomes infatuated. +showdown.items.diancite.desc=If held by a Diancie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball +showdown.items.diveball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Pokemon that live underwater. Fossil +showdown.items.domefossil.desc=Can be revived into Kabuto. Drive +showdown.items.dousedrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Water type. Plate +showdown.items.dracoplate.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dragon type. Fang +showdown.items.dragonfang.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.dragonfang.gen3.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.dragonfang.gen2.desc=No competitive use. Gem +showdown.items.dragongem.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.dragongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.dragonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dragon type. Scale +showdown.items.dragonscale.desc=Evolves Seadra into Kingdra when traded. +showdown.items.dragonscale.gen2.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Seadra (trade). Z +showdown.items.dragoniumz.desc=If holder has a Dragon move, this item allows it to use a Dragon Z-Move. Plate +showdown.items.dreadplate.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dark type. Ball +showdown.items.dreamball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon while they're asleep. +showdown.items.dreamball.gen7.desc=A special Poke Ball that appears out of nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest. Disc +showdown.items.dubiousdisc.desc=Evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z when traded. Berry +showdown.items.durinberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball +showdown.items.duskball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokemon at night or in caves. Stone +showdown.items.duskstone.desc=Evolves Murkrow into Honchkrow, Misdreavus into Mismagius, Lampent into Chandelure, and Doublade into Aegislash when used. +showdown.items.duskstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Plate +showdown.items.earthplate.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ground type. Z +showdown.items.eeviumz.desc=If held by an Eevee with Last Resort, it can use Extreme Evoboost. Button +showdown.items.ejectbutton.desc=If holder survives a hit, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. Single use. +showdown.items.ejectbutton.end=%s is switched out with the Eject Button! Pack +showdown.items.ejectpack.desc=If the holder's stat stages are lowered, it switches to a chosen ally. Single use. +showdown.items.ejectpack.end=%s is switched out by the Eject Pack! +showdown.items.electirizer.desc=Evolves Electabuzz into Electivire when traded. Gem +showdown.items.electricgem.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.electricgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.electricmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Electric type. Seed +showdown.items.electricseed.desc=If the terrain is Electric Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. Z +showdown.items.electriumz.desc=If holder has an Electric move, this item allows it to use an Electric Z-Move. Berry +showdown.items.enigmaberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP after holder is hit by a supereffective move. Single use. +showdown.items.enigmaberry.gen3.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.items.eviolite.desc=If holder's species can evolve, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x. Belt +showdown.items.expertbelt.desc=Holder's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.2x damage. Z +showdown.items.fairiumz.desc=If holder has a Fairy move, this item allows it to use a Fairy Z-Move. Gem +showdown.items.fairygem.desc=Holder's first successful Fairy-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.fairymemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fairy type. Ball +showdown.items.fastball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokemon which are quick to run away. Gem +showdown.items.fightinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.fightinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.fightingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fighting type. Z +showdown.items.fightiniumz.desc=If holder has a Fighting move, this item allows it to use a Fighting Z-Move. Berry +showdown.items.figyberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.figyberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.figyberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. Gem +showdown.items.firegem.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.firegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.firememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fire type. Stone Vulpix into Ninetales, Growlithe into Arcanine, Eevee into Flareon, and Pansear into Simisear when used. certain species of Pokemon when used. Z +showdown.items.firiumz.desc=If holder has a Fire move, this item allows it to use a Fire Z-Move. Plate +showdown.items.fistplate.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fighting type. Orb +showdown.items.flameorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to burn the holder. Plate +showdown.items.flameplate.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fire type. Stone +showdown.items.floatstone.desc=Holder's weight is halved. Sweet +showdown.items.flowersweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Gem +showdown.items.flyinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.flyinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.flyingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Flying type. Z +showdown.items.flyiniumz.desc=If holder has a Flying move, this item allows it to use a Flying Z-Move. Band +showdown.items.focusband.desc=Holder has a 10% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. +showdown.items.focusband.gen2.desc=Holder has a ~11.7% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. +showdown.items.focusband.activate=%s hung on using its Focus Band! Sash +showdown.items.focussash.desc=If holder's HP is full, will survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. Single use. +showdown.items.focussash.gen4.desc=If holder's HP is full, survives all hits of one attack with at least 1 HP. Single use. +showdown.items.focussash.end=%s hung on using its Focus Sash! Bird +showdown.items.fossilizedbird.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Drake or Arctozolt with Fossilized Dino. Dino +showdown.items.fossilizeddino.desc=Can revive into Arctovish with Fossilized Fish or Arctozolt with Fossilized Bird. Drake +showdown.items.fossilizeddrake.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Bird or Dracovish with Fossilized Fish. Fish +showdown.items.fossilizedfish.desc=Can revive into Dracovish with Fossilized Drake or Arctovish with Fossilized Dino. Ball +showdown.items.friendball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes caught Pokemon more friendly. Incense +showdown.items.fullincense.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. Cuff +showdown.items.galaricacuff.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro when used. Wreath +showdown.items.galaricawreath.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking when used. +showdown.items.galladite.desc=If held by a Gallade, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.ganlonberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.garchompite.desc=If held by a Garchomp, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.gardevoirite.desc=If held by a Gardevoir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.gengarite.desc=If held by a Gengar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Gem +showdown.items.ghostgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.ghostgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.ghostmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ghost type. Z +showdown.items.ghostiumz.desc=If holder has a Ghost move, this item allows it to use a Ghost Z-Move. +showdown.items.glalitite.desc=If held by a Glalie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Bottle Cap +showdown.items.goldbottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. All of a Pokemon's stats are calculated with an IV of 31. Gem +showdown.items.grassgem.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.grassgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.grassmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Grass type. Z +showdown.items.grassiumz.desc=If holder has a Grass move, this item allows it to use a Grass Z-Move. Seed +showdown.items.grassyseed.desc=If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. Ball +showdown.items.greatball.desc=A high-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Poke Ball. Berry +showdown.items.grepaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Claw +showdown.items.gripclaw.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves always last 7 turns. Core +showdown.items.griseouscore.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb +showdown.items.griseousorb.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.griseousorb.gen4.desc=Can only be held by Giratina. Its Ghost- & Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Gem +showdown.items.groundgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.groundgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.groundmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ground type. Z +showdown.items.groundiumz.desc=If holder has a Ground move, this item allows it to use a Ground Z-Move. +showdown.items.gyaradosite.desc=If held by a Gyarados, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.habanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dragon-type attack. Single use. Stone +showdown.items.hardstone.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.hardstone.gen3.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.1x power. Ball +showdown.items.healball.desc=A remedial Poke Ball that restores the caught Pokemon's HP and status problem. Rock +showdown.items.heatrock.desc=Holder's use of Sunny Day lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Ball +showdown.items.heavyball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching very heavy Pokemon. Boots +showdown.items.heavydutyboots.desc=When switching in, the holder is unaffected by hazards on its side of the field. Fossil +showdown.items.helixfossil.desc=Can be revived into Omanyte. +showdown.items.heracronite.desc=If held by a Heracross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.hondewberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.houndoominite.desc=If held by a Houndoom, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.iapapaberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. Gem +showdown.items.icegem.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.icegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.icememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ice type. Stone +showdown.items.icestone.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales, Eevee into Glaceon, and Galarian Darumaka into Galarian Darmanitan when used. +showdown.items.icestone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.icestone.gen7.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash and Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales when used. Plate +showdown.items.icicleplate.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ice type. Z +showdown.items.iciumz.desc=If holder has an Ice move, this item allows it to use an Ice Z-Move. Rock +showdown.items.icyrock.desc=Holder's use of Hail lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Z +showdown.items.inciniumz.desc=If held by an Incineroar with Darkest Lariat, it can use Malicious Moonsault. Plate +showdown.items.insectplate.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Bug type. Ball +showdown.items.ironball.desc=Holder is grounded, Speed halved. If Flying type, takes neutral Ground damage. +showdown.items.ironball.gen4.desc=Holder's Speed is halved and it becomes grounded. Plate +showdown.items.ironplate.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Steel type. Berry +showdown.items.jabocaberry.desc=If holder is hit by a physical move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. Fossil +showdown.items.jawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tyrunt. Berry +showdown.items.kasibberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ghost-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.kebiaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Poison-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.keeberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage after it is hit by a physical attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.kelpsyberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.kangaskhanite.desc=If held by a Kangaskhan, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.'s Rock +showdown.items.kingsrock.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed and Slowpoke into Slowking when traded. +showdown.items.kingsrock.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. Z +showdown.items.kommoniumz.desc=If held by a Kommo-o with Clanging Scales, it can use Clangorous Soulblaze. Tail +showdown.items.laggingtail.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. Berry +showdown.items.lansatberry.desc=Holder gains the Focus Energy effect when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.latiasite.desc=If held by a Latias, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.latiosite.desc=If held by a Latios, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Incense +showdown.items.laxincense.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. +showdown.items.laxincense.gen3.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.95x. Stone +showdown.items.leafstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Eevee into Leafeon, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. +showdown.items.leafstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.leafstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. +showdown.items.leek.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d or Sirfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. +showdown.items.leftovers.desc=At the end of every turn, holder restores 1/16 of its max HP. +showdown.items.leftovers.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Berry +showdown.items.leppaberry.desc=Restores 10 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. +showdown.items.leppaberry.activate=%s restored PP to its move %s using its Leppa Berry! Ball +showdown.items.levelball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are a lower level than your own. Berry +showdown.items.liechiberry.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Orb +showdown.items.lifeorb.desc=Holder's attacks do 1.3x damage, and it loses 1/10 its max HP after the attack. +showdown.items.lifeorb.damage=%s lost some of its HP! Ball +showdown.items.lightball.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Attack and Sp. Atk are doubled. +showdown.items.lightball.gen4.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its attacks have their power doubled. +showdown.items.lightball.gen3.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Special Attack is doubled. Clay +showdown.items.lightclay.desc=Holder's use of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.lightclay.gen6.desc=Holder's use of Light Screen or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Dice +showdown.items.loadeddice.desc=Holder's moves that hit 2-5 times hit 4-5 times; Population Bomb hits 4-10 times. +showdown.items.lopunnite.desc=If held by a Lopunny, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball +showdown.items.loveball.desc=Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are the opposite gender of your Pokemon. Sweet +showdown.items.lovesweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.lucarionite.desc=If held by a Lucario, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Punch +showdown.items.luckypunch.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. +showdown.items.luckypunch.gen2.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) Berry +showdown.items.lumberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it has a non-volatile status or is confused. Single use. Moss +showdown.items.luminousmoss.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. Z +showdown.items.lunaliumz.desc=Lunala or Dawn Wings Necrozma with Moongeist Beam can use a special Z-Move. Ball +showdown.items.lureball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon hooked by a Rod when fishing. Globe +showdown.items.lustrousglobe.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb +showdown.items.lustrousorb.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Ball +showdown.items.luxuryball.desc=A comfortable Poke Ball that makes a caught wild Pokemon quickly grow friendly. Z +showdown.items.lycaniumz.desc=If held by a Lycanroc forme with Stone Edge, it can use Splintered Stormshards. Brace +showdown.items.machobrace.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.magmarizer.desc=Evolves Magmar into Magmortar when traded. +showdown.items.magnet.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.magnet.gen3.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.magoberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.magoberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.magoberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.magostberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.mail.desc=Cannot be given to or taken from a Pokemon, except by Covet/Knock Off/Thief. Armor +showdown.items.maliciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Ceruledge when used. +showdown.items.manectite.desc=If held by a Manectric, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.marangaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage after it is hit by a special attack. Single use. Z +showdown.items.marshadiumz.desc=If held by Marshadow with Spectral Thief, it can use Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike. Ball +showdown.items.masterball.desc=The best Ball with the ultimate performance. It will catch any wild Pokemon. +showdown.items.mawilite.desc=If held by a Mawile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Plate +showdown.items.meadowplate.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Grass type. +showdown.items.medichamite.desc=If held by a Medicham, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Herb +showdown.items.mentalherb.desc=Cures holder of Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, Torment. Single use. +showdown.items.mentalherb.gen4.desc=Holder is cured if it is infatuated. Single use. +showdown.items.metagrossite.desc=If held by a Metagross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Coat +showdown.items.metalcoat.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. +showdown.items.metalcoat.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. +showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. Powder +showdown.items.metalpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Defense is doubled. +showdown.items.metalpowder.gen2.desc=If held by a Ditto, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x, even while Transformed. +showdown.items.metronome.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 5 turns. +showdown.items.metronome.gen4.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 10 turns. Z +showdown.items.mewniumz.desc=If held by a Mew with Psychic, it can use Genesis Supernova. X +showdown.items.mewtwonitex.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Y +showdown.items.mewtwonitey.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.micleberry.desc=Holder's next move has 1.2x accuracy when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Z +showdown.items.mimikiumz.desc=If held by a Mimikyu with Play Rough, it can use Let's Snuggle Forever. Plate +showdown.items.mindplate.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Psychic type. Seed +showdown.items.miracleseed.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.miracleseed.gen3.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.1x power. Herb +showdown.items.mirrorherb.desc=When an opposing Pokemon raises a stat stage, the holder copies it. Single use. +showdown.items.mirrorherb.activate=%s used its Mirror Herb to mirror its opponent's stat changes! Seed +showdown.items.mistyseed.desc=If the terrain is Misty Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. Ball +showdown.items.moonball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that evolve using the Moon Stone. Stone +showdown.items.moonstone.desc=Evolves Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Nidorino into Nidoking, Clefairy into Clefable, Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff, Skitty into Delcatty, and Munna into Musharna when used. +showdown.items.moonstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Band +showdown.items.muscleband.desc=Holder's physical attacks have 1.1x power. Water +showdown.items.mysticwater.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.mysticwater.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.nanabberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball +showdown.items.nestball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on weaker Pokemon in the wild. Ball +showdown.items.netball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Water- and Bug-type Pokemon. Ice +showdown.items.nevermeltice.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.nevermeltice.gen3.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.nomelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Gem +showdown.items.normalgem.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.normalgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Z +showdown.items.normaliumz.desc=If holder has a Normal move, this item allows it to use a Normal Z-Move. Berry +showdown.items.occaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fire-type attack. Single use. Incense +showdown.items.oddincense.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. Amber +showdown.items.oldamber.desc=Can be revived into Aerodactyl. Berry +showdown.items.oranberry.desc=Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Stone +showdown.items.ovalstone.desc=Evolves Happiny into Chansey when held and leveled up during the day. Berry +showdown.items.pamtreberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball +showdown.items.parkball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Pal Park. Berry +showdown.items.passhoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Water-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.payapaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Psychic-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.pechaberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.persimberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.petayaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.pidgeotite.desc=If held by a Pidgeot, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Z +showdown.items.pikaniumz.desc=If held by a Pikachu with Volt Tackle, it can use Catastropika. Z +showdown.items.pikashuniumz.desc=If held by cap Pikachu with Thunderbolt, it can use 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. Berry +showdown.items.pinapberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.pinsirite.desc=If held by a Pinsir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Plate +showdown.items.pixieplate.desc=Holder's Fairy-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fairy type. Fossil +showdown.items.plumefossil.desc=Can be revived into Archen. Barb +showdown.items.poisonbarb.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.poisonbarb.gen3.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.1x power. Gem +showdown.items.poisongem.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.poisongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.poisonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Poison type. Z +showdown.items.poisoniumz.desc=If holder has a Poison move, this item allows it to use a Poison Z-Move. Ball +showdown.items.pokeball.desc=A device for catching wild Pokemon. It is designed as a capsule system. Berry +showdown.items.pomegberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Anklet +showdown.items.poweranklet.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Band +showdown.items.powerband.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Belt +showdown.items.powerbelt.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Bracer +showdown.items.powerbracer.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Herb +showdown.items.powerherb.desc=Holder's two-turn moves complete in one turn (except Sky Drop). Single use. +showdown.items.powerherb.end=%s became fully charged due to its Power Herb! Lens +showdown.items.powerlens.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Weight +showdown.items.powerweight.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Ball +showdown.items.premierball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an event. Z +showdown.items.primariumz.desc=If held by a Primarina with Sparkling Aria, it can use Oceanic Operetta. Scale +showdown.items.prismscale.desc=Evolves Feebas into Milotic when traded. Pads +showdown.items.protectivepads.desc=Holder's moves are protected from adverse contact effects, except Pickpocket. +showdown.items.protectivepads.block=%s protected itself with its Protective Pads! +showdown.items.protector.desc=Evolves Rhydon into Rhyperior when traded. Gem +showdown.items.psychicgem.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.psychicgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.psychicmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Psychic type. Seed +showdown.items.psychicseed.desc=If the terrain is Psychic Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. Z +showdown.items.psychiumz.desc=If holder has a Psychic move, this item allows it to use a Psychic Z-Move. Glove +showdown.items.punchingglove.desc=Holder's punch-based attacks have 1.1x power and do not make contact. Berry +showdown.items.qualotberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball +showdown.items.quickball.desc=A Poke Ball that provides a better catch rate at the start of a wild encounter. Claw +showdown.items.quickclaw.desc=Each turn, holder has a 20% chance to move first in its priority bracket. +showdown.items.quickclaw.gen2.desc=Each turn, holder has a ~23.4% chance to move first in its priority bracket. +showdown.items.quickclaw.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Quick Claw! Powder +showdown.items.quickpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Speed is doubled. Berry +showdown.items.rabutaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Bone +showdown.items.rarebone.desc=No competitive use other than when used with Fling. Berry +showdown.items.rawstberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. Claw +showdown.items.razorclaw.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Evolves Sneasel into Weavile when held and leveled up during the night. +showdown.items.razorclaw.shortDesc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Fang +showdown.items.razorfang.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Gligar into Gliscor when held and leveled up during the night. +showdown.items.razorfang.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. Berry +showdown.items.razzberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Cloth +showdown.items.reapercloth.desc=Evolves Dusclops into Dusknoir when traded. Card +showdown.items.redcard.desc=If holder survives a hit, attacker is forced to switch to a random ally. Single use. +showdown.items.redcard.end=%s held up its Red Card against %s! Orb +showdown.items.redorb.desc=If held by a Groudon, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. Ball +showdown.items.repeatball.desc=A Poke Ball that works well on Pokemon species that were previously caught. Sweet +showdown.items.ribbonsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Berry +showdown.items.rindoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Grass-type attack. Single use. Target +showdown.items.ringtarget.desc=The holder's type immunities granted solely by its typing are negated. Gem +showdown.items.rockgem.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.rockgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Incense +showdown.items.rockincense.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Memory +showdown.items.rockmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Rock type. Z +showdown.items.rockiumz.desc=If holder has a Rock move, this item allows it to use a Rock Z-Move. Helmet +showdown.items.rockyhelmet.desc=If holder is hit by a contact move, the attacker loses 1/6 of its max HP. +showdown.items.rockyhelmet.damage=%s was hurt by the Rocky Helmet! Service +showdown.items.roomservice.desc=If Trick Room is active, the holder's Speed is lowered by 1 stage. Single use. Fossil +showdown.items.rootfossil.desc=Can be revived into Lileep. Incense +showdown.items.roseincense.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Berry +showdown.items.roseliberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fairy-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.rowapberry.desc=If holder is hit by a special move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. Shield +showdown.items.rustedshield.desc=If held by a Zamazenta, this item changes its forme to Crowned Shield. Sword +showdown.items.rustedsword.desc=If held by a Zacian, this item changes its forme to Crowned Sword. +showdown.items.sablenite.desc=If held by a Sableye, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.sachet.desc=Evolves Spritzee into Aromatisse when traded. Ball +showdown.items.safariball.desc=A special Poke Ball that is used only in the Safari Zone and Great Marsh. Goggles +showdown.items.safetygoggles.desc=Holder is immune to powder moves and damage from Sandstorm or Hail. +showdown.items.safetygoggles.block=%s is not affected by %s thanks to its Safety Goggles! Fossil +showdown.items.sailfossil.desc=Can be revived into Amaura. Berry +showdown.items.salacberry.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.salamencite.desc=If held by a Salamence, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.sceptilite.desc=If held by a Sceptile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.scizorite.desc=If held by a Scizor, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Lens +showdown.items.scopelens.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Incense +showdown.items.seaincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.seaincense.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.05x power. Beak +showdown.items.sharpbeak.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.sharpbeak.gen3.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.sharpedonite.desc=If held by a Sharpedo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Shell +showdown.items.shedshell.desc=Holder may switch out even when trapped by another Pokemon, or by Ingrain. Bell +showdown.items.shellbell.desc=After an attack, holder gains 1/8 of the damage in HP dealt to other Pokemon. +showdown.items.shellbell.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Shell Bell! Stone +showdown.items.shinystone.desc=Evolves Togetic into Togekiss, Roselia into Roserade, Minccino into Cinccino, and Floette into Florges when used. +showdown.items.shinystone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Drive +showdown.items.shockdrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Electric type. Berry +showdown.items.shucaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ground-type attack. Single use. Scarf +showdown.items.silkscarf.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.silkscarf.gen3.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Powder +showdown.items.silverpowder.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.silverpowder.gen3.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.sitrusberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.sitrusberry.gen3.desc=Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Fossil +showdown.items.skullfossil.desc=Can be revived into Cranidos. Plate +showdown.items.skyplate.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Flying type. +showdown.items.slowbronite.desc=If held by a Slowbro, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Rock +showdown.items.smoothrock.desc=Holder's use of Sandstorm lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Z +showdown.items.snorliumz.desc=If held by a Snorlax with Giga Impact, it can use Pulverizing Pancake. +showdown.items.snowball.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Ice-type attack. Single use. Sand +showdown.items.softsand.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.softsand.gen3.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.1x power. Z +showdown.items.solganiumz.desc=Solgaleo or Dusk Mane Necrozma with Sunsteel Strike can use a special Z-Move. Dew +showdown.items.souldew.desc=If held by a Latias/Latios, its Dragon- and Psychic-type moves have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.souldew.gen6.desc=If held by a Latias or a Latios, its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def are 1.5x. Tag +showdown.items.spelltag.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.spelltag.gen3.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.spelonberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Plate +showdown.items.splashplate.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Water type. Plate +showdown.items.spookyplate.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ghost type. Ball +showdown.items.sportball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Bug-Catching Contest. Berry +showdown.items.starfberry.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 when at 1/4 max HP or less (not acc/eva). Single use. Sweet +showdown.items.starsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.steelixite.desc=If held by a Steelix, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Gem +showdown.items.steelgem.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.steelgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.steelmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Steel type. Z +showdown.items.steeliumz.desc=If holder has a Steel move, this item allows it to use a Steel Z-Move. +showdown.items.stick.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. +showdown.items.stick.gen2.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) Barb +showdown.items.stickybarb.desc=Each turn, holder loses 1/8 max HP. An attacker making contact can receive it. Plate +showdown.items.stoneplate.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Rock type. Sweet +showdown.items.strawberrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Stone +showdown.items.sunstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Bellossom, Sunkern into Sunflora, Cottonee into Whimsicott, Petilil into Lilligant, and Helioptile into Heliolisk when used. +showdown.items.sunstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.swampertite.desc=If held by a Swampert, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Apple +showdown.items.sweetapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Appletun when used. Berry +showdown.items.tamatoberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Berry +showdown.items.tangaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Bug-type attack. Single use. Z +showdown.items.tapuniumz.desc=If held by a Tapu with Nature's Madness, it can use Guardian of Alola. Apple +showdown.items.tartapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Flapple when used. Extender +showdown.items.terrainextender.desc=Holder's use of Electric/Grassy/Misty/Psychic Terrain lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Club +showdown.items.thickclub.desc=If held by a Cubone or a Marowak, its Attack is doubled. Spray +showdown.items.throatspray.desc=Raises holder's Special Attack by 1 stage after it uses a sound move. Single use. Stone +showdown.items.thunderstone.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, Eelektrik into Eelektross, and Charjabug into Vikavolt when used. +showdown.items.thunderstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.thunderstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, and Eelektrik into Eelektross when used. Ball +showdown.items.timerball.desc=A Poke Ball that becomes better the more turns there are in a battle. Orb +showdown.items.toxicorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to badly poison the holder. Plate +showdown.items.toxicplate.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Poison type. +showdown.items.tr00.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Swords Dance. One use. +showdown.items.tr01.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Slam. One use. +showdown.items.tr02.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flamethrower. One use. +showdown.items.tr03.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hydro Pump. One use. +showdown.items.tr04.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Surf. One use. +showdown.items.tr05.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Ice Beam. One use. +showdown.items.tr06.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Blizzard. One use. +showdown.items.tr07.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Low Kick. One use. +showdown.items.tr08.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Thunderbolt. One use. +showdown.items.tr09.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Thunder. One use. +showdown.items.tr10.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Earthquake. One use. +showdown.items.tr11.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psychic. One use. +showdown.items.tr12.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Agility. One use. +showdown.items.tr13.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Focus Energy. One use. +showdown.items.tr14.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Metronome. One use. +showdown.items.tr15.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Fire Blast. One use. +showdown.items.tr16.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Waterfall. One use. +showdown.items.tr17.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Amnesia. One use. +showdown.items.tr18.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leech Life. One use. +showdown.items.tr19.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Tri Attack. One use. +showdown.items.tr20.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Substitute. One use. +showdown.items.tr21.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Reversal. One use. +showdown.items.tr22.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sludge Bomb. One use. +showdown.items.tr23.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Spikes. One use. +showdown.items.tr24.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Outrage. One use. +showdown.items.tr25.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psyshock. One use. +showdown.items.tr26.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Endure. One use. +showdown.items.tr27.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sleep Talk. One use. +showdown.items.tr28.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Megahorn. One use. +showdown.items.tr29.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Baton Pass. One use. +showdown.items.tr30.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Encore. One use. +showdown.items.tr31.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Tail. One use. +showdown.items.tr32.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Crunch. One use. +showdown.items.tr33.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Shadow Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr34.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Future Sight. One use. +showdown.items.tr35.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Uproar. One use. +showdown.items.tr36.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heat Wave. One use. +showdown.items.tr37.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Taunt. One use. +showdown.items.tr38.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Trick. One use. +showdown.items.tr39.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Superpower. One use. +showdown.items.tr40.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Skill Swap. One use. +showdown.items.tr41.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Blaze Kick. One use. +showdown.items.tr42.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hyper Voice. One use. +showdown.items.tr43.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Overheat. One use. +showdown.items.tr44.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Cosmic Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr45.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Muddy Water. One use. +showdown.items.tr46.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Defense. One use. +showdown.items.tr47.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Claw. One use. +showdown.items.tr48.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Bulk Up. One use. +showdown.items.tr49.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Calm Mind. One use. +showdown.items.tr50.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leaf Blade. One use. +showdown.items.tr51.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Dance. One use. +showdown.items.tr52.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Gyro Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr53.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Close Combat. One use. +showdown.items.tr54.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Toxic Spikes. One use. +showdown.items.tr55.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flare Blitz. One use. +showdown.items.tr56.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Aura Sphere. One use. +showdown.items.tr57.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Poison Jab. One use. +showdown.items.tr58.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dark Pulse. One use. +showdown.items.tr59.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Seed Bomb. One use. +showdown.items.tr60.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move X-Scissor. One use. +showdown.items.tr61.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Bug Buzz. One use. +showdown.items.tr62.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Pulse. One use. +showdown.items.tr63.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Power Gem. One use. +showdown.items.tr64.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Focus Blast. One use. +showdown.items.tr65.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Energy Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr66.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Brave Bird. One use. +showdown.items.tr67.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Earth Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr68.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Nasty Plot. One use. +showdown.items.tr69.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Zen Headbutt. One use. +showdown.items.tr70.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flash Cannon. One use. +showdown.items.tr71.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leaf Storm. One use. +showdown.items.tr72.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Power Whip. One use. +showdown.items.tr73.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Gunk Shot. One use. +showdown.items.tr74.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Head. One use. +showdown.items.tr75.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stone Edge. One use. +showdown.items.tr76.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stealth Rock. One use. +showdown.items.tr77.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Grass Knot. One use. +showdown.items.tr78.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sludge Wave. One use. +showdown.items.tr79.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heavy Slam. One use. +showdown.items.tr80.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Electro Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr81.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Foul Play. One use. +showdown.items.tr82.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stored Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr83.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Ally Switch. One use. +showdown.items.tr84.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Scald. One use. +showdown.items.tr85.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Work Up. One use. +showdown.items.tr86.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Wild Charge. One use. +showdown.items.tr87.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Drill Run. One use. +showdown.items.tr88.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heat Crash. One use. +showdown.items.tr89.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hurricane. One use. +showdown.items.tr90.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Play Rough. One use. +showdown.items.tr91.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Venom Drench. One use. +showdown.items.tr92.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dazzling Gleam. One use. +showdown.items.tr93.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Darkest Lariat. One use. +showdown.items.tr94.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move High Horsepower. One use. +showdown.items.tr95.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Throat Chop. One use. +showdown.items.tr96.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Pollen Puff. One use. +showdown.items.tr97.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psychic Fangs. One use. +showdown.items.tr98.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Liquidation. One use. +showdown.items.tr99.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Press. One use. Spoon +showdown.items.twistedspoon.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.twistedspoon.gen3.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.tyranitarite.desc=If held by a Tyranitar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball +showdown.items.ultraball.desc=An ultra-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Great Ball. Z +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.desc=Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma: Ultra Burst, then Z-Move w/ Photon Geyser. +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.transform=Bright light is about to burst out of %s! +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.activate=%s regained its true power through Ultra Burst! +showdown.items.upgrade.desc=Evolves Porygon into Porygon2 when traded. Umbrella +showdown.items.utilityumbrella.desc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. Damage and accuracy calculations from attacks used by the holder are affected by rain and sun, but not attacks used against the holder. +showdown.items.utilityumbrella.shortDesc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. +showdown.items.venusaurite.desc=If held by a Venusaur, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.wacanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Electric-type attack. Single use. Gem +showdown.items.watergem.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.watergem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.watermemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Water type. Stone +showdown.items.waterstone.desc=Evolves Poliwhirl into Poliwrath, Shellder into Cloyster, Staryu into Starmie, Eevee into Vaporeon, Lombre into Ludicolo, and Panpour into Simipour when used. +showdown.items.waterstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Z +showdown.items.wateriumz.desc=If holder has a Water move, this item allows it to use a Water Z-Move. Berry +showdown.items.watmelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Incense +showdown.items.waveincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Policy +showdown.items.weaknesspolicy.desc=If holder is hit super effectively, raises Attack, Sp. Atk by 2 stages. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.wepearberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Dream +showdown.items.whippeddream.desc=Evolves Swirlix into Slurpuff when traded. Herb +showdown.items.whiteherb.desc=Restores all lowered stat stages to 0 when one is less than 0. Single use. +showdown.items.whiteherb.end=%s returned its stats to normal using its White Herb! Lens +showdown.items.widelens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.1x. Berry +showdown.items.wikiberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.wikiberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.wikiberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. Glasses +showdown.items.wiseglasses.desc=Holder's special attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.yacheberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ice-type attack. Single use. Plate +showdown.items.zapplate.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Electric type. Lens +showdown.items.zoomlens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.2x if it moves after its target. Gene +showdown.items.berserkgene.desc=(Gen 2) On switch-in, raises holder's Attack by 2 and confuses it. Single use. +showdown.items.berry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.bitterberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.burntberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.goldberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.iceberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.mintberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.miracleberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is confused or has a status condition. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.mysteryberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 5 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. +showdown.items.mysteryberry.activate=%s restored PP to its %s move using Mystery Berry! Bow +showdown.items.pinkbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Bow +showdown.items.polkadotbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Cure Berry +showdown.items.przcureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. Cure Berry +showdown.items.psncureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. +showdown.items.crucibellite.desc=If held by a Crucibelle, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Vial +showdown.items.vilevial.desc=If held by a Venomicon, its Poison- and Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power.,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt +showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Has a very high chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Very high critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.absorb.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.absorb.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If the target has a substitute, this move misses. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. +showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.acid.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.acid.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.acid.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.acid.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.acid.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.acid.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.acid.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Armor +showdown.moves.acidarmor.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.acidarmor.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Downpour +showdown.moves.aciddownpour.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Spray +showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.acrobatics.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user has no held item. +showdown.moves.acupressure.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an adjacent ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if used on an ally with a substitute. +showdown.moves.acupressure.shortDesc=Raises a random stat of the user or an ally by 2. +showdown.moves.acupressure.gen4.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if the user or ally has a substitute. Ace +showdown.moves.aerialace.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.aeroblast.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.aeroblast.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. You +showdown.moves.afteryou.desc=The target makes its move immediately after the user this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target would have moved next anyway, or if the target already moved this turn. +showdown.moves.afteryou.shortDesc=The target makes its move right after the user. +showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s took the kind offer! +showdown.moves.agility.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.agility.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. Cutter +showdown.moves.aircutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.aircutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. Slash +showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Pummeling +showdown.moves.alloutpummeling.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Switch +showdown.moves.allyswitch.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Ally Switch. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.shortDesc=User and ally swap positions; using again can fail. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.shortDesc=The user swaps positions with its ally. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally on the opposite side of the field. Fails if there is no Pokemon at that position, if the user is the only Pokemon on its side, or if the user is in the middle. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.shortDesc=Switches position with the ally on the far side. +showdown.moves.amnesia.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.amnesia.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 2. Shot +showdown.moves.anchorshot.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.anchorshot.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. +showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. Power +showdown.moves.ancientpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Acid +showdown.moves.appleacid.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.appleacid.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Cutter +showdown.moves.aquacutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.aquacutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Jet +showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Ring +showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn while it remains active. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will receive the healing effect. +showdown.moves.aquaring.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. +showdown.moves.aquaring.start=%s surrounded itself with a veil of water! +showdown.moves.aquaring.heal=A veil of water restored %s's HP! Step +showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Tail +showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=No additional effect. Cannon +showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Thrust +showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.armthrust.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Sap Sipper Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.activate=A soothing aroma wafted through the area! Mist +showdown.moves.aromaticmist.desc=Raises the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. +showdown.moves.aromaticmist.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.assist.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. +showdown.moves.assist.shortDesc=Uses a random move known by a team member. +showdown.moves.assist.gen8.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. +showdown.moves.assist.gen7.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.assist.gen6.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. +showdown.moves.assist.gen5.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. +showdown.moves.assist.gen4.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. +showdown.moves.assist.gen3.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. +showdown.moves.assurance.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn, other than direct damage from Belly Drum, confusion, Curse, or Pain Split. +showdown.moves.assurance.shortDesc=Power doubles if target was damaged this turn. +showdown.moves.assurance.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn. +showdown.moves.astonish.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.astonish.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Barrage +showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Order +showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.attract.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.attract.shortDesc=A target of the opposite gender gets infatuated. +showdown.moves.attract.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.attract.gen2.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. +showdown.moves.attract.start=%s fell in love! +showdown.moves.attract.startFromItem=%s fell in love because of the %s! +showdown.moves.attract.end=%s got over its infatuation! +showdown.moves.attract.endFromItem=%s cured its infatuation using its %s! +showdown.moves.attract.activate=%s is in love with %s! +showdown.moves.attract.cant=%s is immobilized by love! Sphere +showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Wheel +showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. If the user is a Morpeko in Full Belly Mode, this move is Electric type. If the user is a Morpeko in Hangry Mode, this move is Dark type. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Full Belly or Hangry Mode Morpeko. +showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Electric; Hangry: Dark; 100% +1 Spe. Beam +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Veil +showdown.moves.auroraveil.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies halved. Snow only. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies is halved. Hail only. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.start=Aurora Veil made %s stronger against physical and special moves! +showdown.moves.auroraveil.end=%s's Aurora Veil wore off! +showdown.moves.autotomize.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. If the user's Speed was changed, the user's weight is reduced by 100 kg as long as it remains active. This effect is stackable but cannot reduce the user's weight to less than 0.1 kg. +showdown.moves.autotomize.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2; user loses 100 kg. +showdown.moves.autotomize.start=%s became nimble! +showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. +showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. +showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's position this turn. Kick +showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. +showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30% confusion. User loses 50% max HP if miss. +showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Eyes +showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Bad +showdown.moves.baddybad.desc=This move summons Reflect for 5 turns upon use. +showdown.moves.baddybad.shortDesc=Summons Reflect. Bunker +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: poison. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Barrage +showdown.moves.barbbarrage.desc=Has a 50% chance to poison the target. Power doubles if the target is already poisoned. +showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50% psn. 2x power if target already poisoned. +showdown.moves.barrage.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.barrier.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Pass +showdown.moves.batonpass.desc=The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party. The selected Pokemon has the user's stat stage changes, confusion, and certain move effects transferred to it. +showdown.moves.batonpass.shortDesc=User switches, passing stat changes and more. Blast +showdown.moves.beakblast.desc=If the user is hit by a contact move this turn before it can execute this move, the attacker is burned. +showdown.moves.beakblast.shortDesc=Burns on contact with the user before it moves. +showdown.moves.beakblast.start=%s started heating up its beak! Up +showdown.moves.beatup.desc=Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. The power of each hit is equal to 5+(X/10), where X is each participating Pokemon's base Attack; each hit is considered to come from the user. +showdown.moves.beatup.shortDesc=All healthy allies aid in damaging the target. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party, or fails if no Pokemon meet the criteria. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's level, its base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense. Fails if no party members can participate. +showdown.moves.beatup.activate=%s's attack! Bash +showdown.moves.behemothbash.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. Blade +showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. +showdown.moves.belch.desc=This move cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry, either by eating one that was held, stealing and eating one off another Pokemon with Bug Bite or Pluck, or eating one that was thrown at it with Fling. Once the condition is met, this move can be selected and used for the rest of the battle even if the user gains or uses another item or switches out. Consuming a Berry with Natural Gift does not count for the purposes of eating one. +showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=Cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry. Drum +showdown.moves.bellydrum.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 12 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack stat stage is 6. +showdown.moves.bellydrum.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Maximizes Attack. +showdown.moves.bellydrum.boost=%s cut its own HP and maximized its Attack! +showdown.moves.bestow.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. +showdown.moves.bestow.shortDesc=User passes its held item to the target. +showdown.moves.bestow.gen6.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. +showdown.moves.bestow.gen5.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. +showdown.moves.bestow.takeItem=%s gave %s its %s! +showdown.moves.bide.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.bide.shortDesc=Waits 2 turns; deals double the damage taken. +showdown.moves.bide.gen4.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and ignores type immunity. +showdown.moves.bide.gen3.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.bide.gen2.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and then, on the second or third turn after using this move, the user attacks the opponent, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during those turns. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.bide.gen2.shortDesc=Waits 2-3 turns; deals double the damage taken. +showdown.moves.bide.gen1.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and then, on the second or third turn after using this move, the user attacks the opponent, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during those turns. This move ignores type immunity and cannot be avoided even if the target is using Dig or Fly. The user can choose to switch out during the effect. If the user switches out or is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. During the effect, if the opposing Pokemon switches out or uses Confuse Ray, Conversion, Focus Energy, Glare, Haze, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mimic, Mist, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Splash, Stun Spore, Substitute, Supersonic, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Transform, the previous damage dealt to the user will be added to the total. +showdown.moves.bide.start=%s is storing energy! +showdown.moves.bide.end=%s unleashed its energy! +showdown.moves.bide.activate=%s is storing energy! +showdown.moves.bind.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.bind.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.bind.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. +showdown.moves.bind.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.bind.start=%s was squeezed by %s! +showdown.moves.bind.move=%s's attack continues! +showdown.moves.bite.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Blade +showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Malice +showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Hole Eclipse +showdown.moves.blackholeeclipse.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Burn +showdown.moves.blastburn.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.blastburn.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Kick +showdown.moves.blazekick.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.blazekick.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to burn. Torque +showdown.moves.blazingtorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Storm +showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.blizzard.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. If the weather is Snow, this move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.blizzard.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in Snow. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. If the weather is Hail, this move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in Hail. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.block.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.block.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. +showdown.moves.block.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.block.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.block.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.block.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. Doom +showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Flare +showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20% chance to burn the target. Press +showdown.moves.bodypress.desc=Damage is calculated using the user's Defense stat as its Attack, including stat stage changes. Other effects that modify the Attack stat are used as normal. +showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Uses user's Def stat as Atk in damage calculation. Slam +showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.bodyslam.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Beak +showdown.moves.boltbeak.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.boltbeak.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. Strike +showdown.moves.boltstrike.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.boltstrike.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze the target. Club +showdown.moves.boneclub.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.boneclub.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen1.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Rush +showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.bounce.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.bounce.shortDesc=Bounces turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. +showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s sprang up! Bubble +showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Poke +showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=No additional effect. Bird +showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. +showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Swipe +showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Blitz +showdown.moves.breakneckblitz.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Break +showdown.moves.brickbreak.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen6.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or not the target is immune, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.shortDesc=Destroys screens, even if the target is immune. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen3.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or not the target is immune, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the opponent's side of the field before damage is calculated. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! +showdown.moves.brine.desc=Power doubles if the target has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining. +showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less. Swing +showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.bubble.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bubble.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Beam +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Bite +showdown.moves.bugbite.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.bugbite.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. +showdown.moves.bugbite.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.bugbite.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! Buzz +showdown.moves.bugbuzz.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Up +showdown.moves.bulkup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1. Punch +showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Seed +showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Jealousy +showdown.moves.burningjealousy.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target if it had a stat stage raised this turn. +showdown.moves.burningjealousy.shortDesc=100% burns a target that had a stat rise this turn. Up +showdown.moves.burnup.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. +showdown.moves.burnup.shortDesc=User's Fire type becomes typeless; must be Fire. +showdown.moves.burnup.gen8.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. +showdown.moves.burnup.typeChange=%s burned itself out! Buzz +showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the foe. +showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the foe. Mind +showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.camouflage.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. +showdown.moves.camouflage.shortDesc=Changes user's type by terrain (default Normal). +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen6.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Grass type during Grassy Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Ground type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. (Ground) +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the user has the Multitype Ability or if the type is one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. (Normal) +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen3.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the type is one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. The target is unaffected if both the user and the target are the same gender, or if either is genderless. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. +showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=No additional effect. Edge +showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing side. +showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.celebrate.activate=Congratulations, %s! +showdown.moves.charge.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's next Electric-type attack will have its power doubled; the effect ends when the user is no longer active, or after the user attempts to use any Electric-type move besides Charge, even if it is not successful. +showdown.moves.charge.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's next Electric move 2x power. +showdown.moves.charge.gen8.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. +showdown.moves.charge.gen8.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's Electric move next turn 2x power. +showdown.moves.charge.gen3.desc=If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. +showdown.moves.charge.gen3.shortDesc=The user's Electric attack next turn has 2x power. +showdown.moves.charge.start=%s began charging power! Beam +showdown.moves.chargebeam.desc=Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.charm.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.charm.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.chatter.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.chatter.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 0 or 10 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 0 for a low volume or no recording, 10 for a medium to high volume recording. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.shortDesc=For Chatot, 10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 1, 11, or 31 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 1 for no recording or low volume, 11 for medium volume, and 31 for high volume. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.shortDesc=For Chatot, 31% chance to confuse the target. Water +showdown.moves.chillingwater.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.chillingwater.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Reception +showdown.moves.chillyreception.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. The user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.chillyreception.shortDesc=Starts Snow. User switches out. +showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s is preparing to tell a chillingly bad joke! Away +showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. +showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Throw +showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target is under the effect of Ingrain, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. +showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. +showdown.moves.clamp.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.clamp.start=%s clamped down on %s! +showdown.moves.clamp.move=%s's attack continues! Scales +showdown.moves.clangingscales.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.clangingscales.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1. Soul +showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage in exchange for the user losing 33% of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed stat stages would not change. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=User loses 33% of its max HP. +1 to all stats. Soulblaze +showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1. Smog +showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Resets all of the target's stat stages to 0. Combat +showdown.moves.closecombat.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.closecombat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.coaching.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. +showdown.moves.coaching.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.coil.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.coil.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack, Defense, accuracy by 1. Course +showdown.moves.collisioncourse.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. +showdown.moves.collisioncourse.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. Torque +showdown.moves.combattorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Punch +showdown.moves.cometpunch.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. +showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. +showdown.moves.confide.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Ray +showdown.moves.confuseray.desc=Causes the target to become confused. +showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confuses the target. +showdown.moves.confusion.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.confusion.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.constrict.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.constrict.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Crush +showdown.moves.continentalcrush.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.conversion.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of the move in its first move slot. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if the type is one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion.shortDesc=Changes user's type to match its first move. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides this move, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.shortDesc=Changes user's type to match a known move. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen4.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides this move and Curse, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides Curse, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. +showdown.moves.conversion.typeChange=Converted type to %s's! 2 +showdown.moves.conversion2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the target, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist target's last move. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, if the user has the Multitype Ability, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.shortDesc=User's type changes to resist last move against it. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type, but considers Struggle as Normal. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the opposing Pokemon, even if it is one of the user's current types. The original type of the move is used rather than the determined type. Fails if the opposing Pokemon has not used a move. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist the foe's last move. +showdown.moves.copycat.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. +showdown.moves.copycat.shortDesc=Uses the last move used in the battle. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen8.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. The base move of Max and G-Max Moves is considered for this purpose. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen7.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen6.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen5.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. Enforcer +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.shortDesc=Nullifies the foe(s) Ability if the foe(s) move first. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen7.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. Crash +showdown.moves.corkscrewcrash.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Gas +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=The target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.shortDesc=Removes adjacent Pokemon's held items. it failed to affect %s! +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.removeItem=%s corroded %s's %s! Power +showdown.moves.cosmicpower.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.cosmicpower.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Guard +showdown.moves.cottonguard.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 3 stages. +showdown.moves.cottonguard.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 3. Spore +showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.counter.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. +showdown.moves.counter.shortDesc=If hit by physical attack, returns double damage. +showdown.moves.counter.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. +showdown.moves.counter.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.counter.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.counter.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a physical attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. If the opposing Pokemon used Fissure or Horn Drill and missed, this move deals 65535 damage. +showdown.moves.counter.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the damage dealt by the last move used in the battle. This move ignores type immunity. Fails if the user moves first, or if the opposing side's last move was Counter, had 0 power, or was not Normal or Fighting type. Fails if the last move used by either side did 0 damage and was not Confuse Ray, Conversion, Focus Energy, Glare, Haze, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mimic, Mist, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Splash, Stun Spore, Substitute, Supersonic, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Transform. +showdown.moves.counter.gen1.shortDesc=If hit by Normal/Fighting move, deals 2x damage. Change +showdown.moves.courtchange.desc=Switches the Mist, Light Screen, Reflect, Spikes, Safeguard, Tailwind, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Water Pledge, Fire Pledge, Grass Pledge, Sticky Web, Aurora Veil, G-Max Steelsurge, G-Max Cannonade, G-Max Vine Lash, and G-Max Wildfire effects from the user's side to the opposing side and vice versa. +showdown.moves.courtchange.shortDesc=Swaps user's field effects with the opposing side. +showdown.moves.courtchange.activate=%s swapped the battle effects affecting each side of the field! +showdown.moves.covet.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.covet.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. +showdown.moves.covet.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.covet.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, or a Genesect holding a Drive. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.covet.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.covet.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.crabhammer.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.crabhammer.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shield +showdown.moves.craftyshield.desc=The user and its party members are protected from non-damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.craftyshield.shortDesc=Protects allies from Status moves this turn. +showdown.moves.craftyshield.start=Crafty Shield protected %s! +showdown.moves.craftyshield.block=Crafty Shield protected %s! Chop +showdown.moves.crosschop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Poison +showdown.moves.crosspoison.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.crosspoison.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. +showdown.moves.crunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.crunch.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Claw +showdown.moves.crushclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.crushclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Grip +showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. +showdown.moves.curse.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected. +showdown.moves.curse.shortDesc=Curses if Ghost, else -1 Spe, +1 Atk, +1 Def. +showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected or has a substitute. +showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage, unless the user's Attack and Defense stats are both at stage 6. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if the target is already affected or has a substitute. +showdown.moves.curse.start=%s cut its own HP and put a curse on %s! +showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s is afflicted by the curse! +showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=No additional effect. Lariat +showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. +showdown.moves.darkestlariat.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. Pulse +showdown.moves.darkpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.darkpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. Void +showdown.moves.darkvoid.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Darkrai. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.shortDesc=Darkrai: Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.shortDesc=Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. %s can't use the move! +showdown.moves.darkvoid.failWrongForme=But %s can't use it the way it is now! Gleam +showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. Order +showdown.moves.defendorder.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.defendorder.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Curl +showdown.moves.defensecurl.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. As long as the user remains active, the power of the user's Ice Ball and Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). +showdown.moves.defensecurl.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen2.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. While the user remains active, the power of the user's Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.defog.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. If there is a terrain active and this move is successful, the terrain will be cleared. +showdown.moves.defog.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears terrain and hazards on both sides. +showdown.moves.defog.gen7.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. +showdown.moves.defog.gen7.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears user and target side's hazards. +showdown.moves.defog.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. +showdown.moves.defog.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock end for the target's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. +showdown.moves.defog.gen5.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears target side's hazards/screens. Bond +showdown.moves.destinybond.desc=Until the user's next move, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. Fails if the user used this move successfully as its last move, disregarding moves used through the Dancer Ability. +showdown.moves.destinybond.shortDesc=If an opponent knocks out the user, it also faints. +showdown.moves.destinybond.gen6.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. +showdown.moves.destinybond.gen2.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well. +showdown.moves.destinybond.start=%s is hoping to take its attacker down with it! +showdown.moves.destinybond.activate=%s took its attacker down with it! +showdown.moves.detect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen5.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen4.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. Drake +showdown.moves.devastatingdrake.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Storm +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage for each hit. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Def by 1 for each hit. +showdown.moves.dig.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.dig.shortDesc=Digs underground turn 1, strikes turn 2. +showdown.moves.dig.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.dig.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. +showdown.moves.dig.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude, the user is unaffected by weather, and Earthquake and Magnitude have doubled power when used against the user. +showdown.moves.dig.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Fly. +showdown.moves.dig.prepare=%s burrowed its way under the ground! Claw +showdown.moves.direclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to cause the target to either fall asleep, become poisoned, or become paralyzed. +showdown.moves.direclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to sleep, poison, or paralyze target. +showdown.moves.disable.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Max or G-Max Move. +showdown.moves.disable.shortDesc=For 4 turns, disables the target's last move used. +showdown.moves.disable.gen7.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Z-Move. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.disable.gen6.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, or if the target no longer knows the move. +showdown.moves.disable.gen4.desc=For 4 to 7 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. +showdown.moves.disable.gen4.shortDesc=For 4-7 turns, disables the target's last move. +showdown.moves.disable.gen3.desc=For 2 to 5 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. +showdown.moves.disable.gen3.shortDesc=For 2-5 turns, disables the target's last move. +showdown.moves.disable.gen2.desc=For 1 to 7 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. +showdown.moves.disable.gen2.shortDesc=For 1-7 turns, disables the target's last move. +showdown.moves.disable.gen1.desc=For 0 to 7 turns, one of the target's known moves that has at least 1 PP remaining becomes disabled, at random. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, or if none of the target's moves have PP remaining. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. Whether or not this move was successful, it counts as a hit for the purposes of the opponent's use of Rage. +showdown.moves.disable.gen1.shortDesc=For 0-7 turns, disables one of the target's moves. +showdown.moves.disable.start=%s's %s was disabled! +showdown.moves.disable.end=%s's move is no longer disabled! +showdown.moves.disable.cant=%s's %s is disabled! Voice +showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.desc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. +showdown.moves.discharge.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.discharge.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.dive.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.dive.shortDesc=Dives underwater turn 1, strikes turn 2. +showdown.moves.dive.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.dive.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. +showdown.moves.dive.prepare=%s hid underwater! Punch +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.doodle.desc=The user and its ally's Abilities change to match the target's Ability. Does not change Ability if the user's or its ally's is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target. Fails if both the user and its ally's Ability already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=User and ally's Abilities become target's Ability. Desire +showdown.moves.doomdesire.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.start=%s chose Doom Desire as its destiny! +showdown.moves.doomdesire.activate=%s took the Doom Desire attack! +showdown.moves.doubleedge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. Hit +showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. Iron Bash +showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Hits twice. 30% chance to make the target flinch. Kick +showdown.moves.doublekick.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen1.desc=Hits twice. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for both hits. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Shock +showdown.moves.doubleshock.desc=Fails unless the user is an Electric type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Electric type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. +showdown.moves.doubleshock.shortDesc=User's Electric type: typeless; must be Electric. +showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=%s used up all of its electricity! Slap +showdown.moves.doubleslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Team +showdown.moves.doubleteam.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. Meteor +showdown.moves.dracometeor.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.dracometeor.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Ascent +showdown.moves.dragonascent.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.dragonascent.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.dragonascent.megaNoItem=%s's fervent wish has reached %s! Breath +showdown.moves.dragonbreath.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.dragonbreath.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Claw +showdown.moves.dragonclaw.shortDesc=No additional effect. Dance +showdown.moves.dragondance.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.dragondance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1. Darts +showdown.moves.dragondarts.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. In Double Battles, this move attempts to hit the targeted Pokemon and its ally once each. If hitting one of these Pokemon would be prevented by immunity, protection, semi-invulnerability, an Ability, or accuracy, it attempts to hit the other Pokemon twice instead. If this move is redirected, it hits that target twice. +showdown.moves.dragondarts.shortDesc=Hits twice. Doubles: Tries to hit each foe once. Energy +showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. +showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Hammer +showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=No additional effect. Pulse +showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=No additional effect. Rage +showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Deals 40 HP of damage to the target. Rush +showdown.moves.dragonrush.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.dragonrush.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.dragonrush.gen5.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Tail +showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target used Ingrain previously, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. +showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. Kiss +showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. Punch +showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. Eater +showdown.moves.dreameater.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=User gains 1/2 HP inflicted. Sleeping target only. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. Peck +showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Run +showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Beating +showdown.moves.drumbeating.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Chop +showdown.moves.dualchop.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.dualchop.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Wingbeat +showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Cannon +showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. Punch +showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. Power +showdown.moves.earthpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.earthpower.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.earthquake.desc=Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles on Dig. Voice +showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=For every consecutive turn that this move is used by at least one Pokemon, this move's power is multiplied by the number of turns to pass, but not more than 5. +showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Power increases when used on consecutive turns. Impulse +showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2. Spell +showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the target loses 3 PP from its last move. +showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. +showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! Bomb +showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. Terrain +showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.electricterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Electric power, can't sleep. +showdown.moves.electricterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.electrify.desc=Causes the target's move to become Electric type this turn. Among effects that can change a move's type, this effect happens last. Fails if the target already moved this turn. +showdown.moves.electrify.shortDesc=Changes the target's move to Electric this turn. +showdown.moves.electrify.start=%s's moves have been electrified! Ball +showdown.moves.electroball.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 40. +showdown.moves.electroball.shortDesc=More power the faster the user is than the target. +showdown.moves.electroball.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. Drift +showdown.moves.electrodrift.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. +showdown.moves.electrodrift.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. +showdown.moves.electroweb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.electroweb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.embargo.desc=For 5 turns, the target's held item has no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by the target. Items thrown at the target with Fling will still activate for it. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to use items. +showdown.moves.embargo.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the target's item has no effect. +showdown.moves.embargo.start=%s can't use items anymore! +showdown.moves.embargo.end=%s can use items again! +showdown.moves.ember.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.ember.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.encore.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Assist, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. +showdown.moves.encore.shortDesc=Target repeats its last move for its next 3 turns. +showdown.moves.encore.gen8.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, or if the move is Assist, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.encore.gen7.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Assist, Copycat, Encore, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or any Z-Move. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.encore.gen6.desc=For 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.encore.gen4.desc=For 4 to 8 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.encore.gen4.shortDesc=The target repeats its last move for 4-8 turns. +showdown.moves.encore.gen3.desc=For 3 to 6 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.encore.gen3.shortDesc=The target repeats its last move for 3-6 turns. +showdown.moves.encore.gen2.desc=For 3 to 6 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.encore.start=%s must do an encore! +showdown.moves.encore.end=%s's encore ended! +showdown.moves.endeavor.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (target's current HP - user's current HP). The target is unaffected if its current HP is less than or equal to the user's current HP. +showdown.moves.endeavor.shortDesc=Lowers the target's HP to the user's HP. +showdown.moves.endure.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.shortDesc=User survives attacks this turn with at least 1 HP. +showdown.moves.endure.gen8.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen7.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen6.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen5.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen4.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen3.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen2.desc=The user will survive attacks made by the opponent during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.start=%s braced itself! +showdown.moves.endure.activate=%s endured the hit! Ball +showdown.moves.energyball.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.energyball.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.entrainment.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.entrainment.shortDesc=The target's Ability changes to match the user's. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Stance Change, Truant, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Truant, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.eruption.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. +showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Wing +showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage and a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100% chance to raise user Speed by 1. High crit. +showdown.moves.eternabeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Force +showdown.moves.expandingforce.desc=If the current terrain is Psychic Terrain and the user is grounded, this move hits all opposing Pokemon and has its power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.moves.expandingforce.shortDesc=User on Psychic Terrain: 1.5x power, hits foes. +showdown.moves.explosion.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.explosion.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. User faints. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move broke the target's substitute. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Evoboost +showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Raises user's Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe by 2. Speed +showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. +showdown.moves.extremespeed.gen4.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.facade.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. The physical damage halving effect from the user's burn is ignored. +showdown.moves.facade.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed. +showdown.moves.facade.gen5.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. Lock +showdown.moves.fairylock.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. +showdown.moves.fairylock.shortDesc=Prevents all Pokemon from switching next turn. +showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. +showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=No one will be able to run away during the next turn! Wind +showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=No additional effect. Out +showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. +showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance. Tears +showdown.moves.faketears.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Surrender +showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Swipe +showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. +showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Dance +showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.feint.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.feint.shortDesc=Nullifies Detect, Protect, and Quick/Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.feint.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.feint.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target is an opponent and its side is protected by Quick Guard or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the opponent's side normally. +showdown.moves.feint.gen4.desc=Fails unless the target is using Detect or Protect. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. +showdown.moves.feint.gen4.shortDesc=Breaks protection. Fails if target is not protecting. +showdown.moves.feint.activate=%s fell for the feint! Attack +showdown.moves.feintattack.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Stinger +showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 3 stages if this move knocks out the target. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 3 if this KOes the target. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages if this move knocks out the target. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 2 if this KOes the target. Dance +showdown.moves.fierydance.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Wrath +showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. Away +showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stat stages would not change. +showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's max HP. Gambit +showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's current HP. If this move is successful, the user faints. +showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's HP. User faints. Blast +showdown.moves.fireblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.fireblast.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Fang +showdown.moves.firefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. +showdown.moves.firefang.shortDesc=10% chance to burn. 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.moves.firefang.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. This move can hit Pokemon with the Wonder Guard Ability regardless of their typing. Lash +showdown.moves.firelash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.firelash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Pledge +showdown.moves.firepledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Grass Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Fire Gem. +showdown.moves.firepledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Water Pledge for added effect. +showdown.moves.firepledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... +showdown.moves.firepledge.start=A sea of fire enveloped %s! +showdown.moves.firepledge.end=The sea of fire around %s disappeared! +showdown.moves.firepledge.damage=%s was hurt by the sea of fire! Punch +showdown.moves.firepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.firepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Spin +showdown.moves.firespin.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.firespin.start=%s became trapped in the fiery vortex! +showdown.moves.firespin.move=%s's attack continues! Impression +showdown.moves.firstimpression.desc=Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. +showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. Rend +showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.fissure.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. Can hit a target using Dig. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. +showdown.moves.flail.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. +showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.flail.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.flail.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Burst +showdown.moves.flameburst.desc=If this move is successful, the target's ally loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. +showdown.moves.flameburst.shortDesc=Damages Pokemon next to the target as well. +showdown.moves.flameburst.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, each ally adjacent to the target loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. +showdown.moves.flameburst.damage=The bursting flame hit %s! Charge +showdown.moves.flamecharge.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.flamecharge.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Wheel +showdown.moves.flamewheel.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.flamewheel.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.flamethrower.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.flamethrower.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Blitz +showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.flash.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Cannon +showdown.moves.flashcannon.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.flatter.desc=Raises the target's Special Attack by 1 stage and confuses it. +showdown.moves.flatter.shortDesc=Raises the target's Sp. Atk by 1 and confuses it. Cannon +showdown.moves.fleurcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.fleurcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.fling.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If there is no target or the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, if the user is under the effect of Embargo or Magic Room, or if the user has the Klutz Ability. +showdown.moves.fling.shortDesc=Flings the user's item at the target. Power varies. +showdown.moves.fling.gen4.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, or if the user is under the effect of Embargo. +showdown.moves.fling.removeItem=%s flung its %s! Turn +showdown.moves.flipturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. +showdown.moves.flipturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. +showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! Fall +showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Healing +showdown.moves.floralhealing.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, the target instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. Shield +showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Raises the Defense of all active Grass-type Pokemon by 1 stage. Fails if there are no active Grass-type Pokemon. +showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass types. Trick +showdown.moves.flowertrick.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.flowertrick.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit; no accuracy check. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. up on first turn, then strikes the next turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Thunder, Twister, and Whirlwind, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Dig. flew up high! Press +showdown.moves.flyingpress.desc=This move combines Flying in its type effectiveness against the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.flyingpress.shortDesc=Combines Flying in its type effectiveness. Blast +showdown.moves.focusblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.focusblast.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Energy +showdown.moves.focusenergy.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 2 stages. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.shortDesc=Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 2. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 1 stage. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.shortDesc=Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 1. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its chance for a critical hit is quartered. Fails if the user already has the effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.shortDesc=Quarters the user's chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.start=%s is getting pumped! +showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromItem=%s used the %s to get pumped! +showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromZEffect=%s boosted its critical-hit ratio using its Z-Power! Punch +showdown.moves.focuspunch.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.shortDesc=Fails if the user takes damage before it hits. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.gen4.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move, but it still loses PP. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.start=%s is tightening its focus! +showdown.moves.focuspunch.cant=%s lost its focus and couldn't move! Me +showdown.moves.followme.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.followme.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. +showdown.moves.followme.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.followme.gen4.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. This effect remains active even if the user leaves the field. Fails if it is not a Double Battle. +showdown.moves.followme.gen3.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod Ability. This effect remains active even if the user leaves the field. Fails if it is not a Double Battle. +showdown.moves.followme.start=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.followme.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Palm +showdown.moves.forcepalm.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.forcepalm.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.foresight.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Miracle Eye or Odor Sleuth. +showdown.moves.foresight.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen2.desc=As long as the target remains active, if its evasiveness stat stage is greater than the attacker's accuracy stat stage, both are ignored during accuracy checks, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. Fails if the target is already affected. +showdown.moves.foresight.start=%s was identified!'s Curse +showdown.moves.forestscurse.desc=Causes the Grass type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Grass type. If Trick-or-Treat adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. +showdown.moves.forestscurse.shortDesc=Adds Grass to the target's type(s). Play +showdown.moves.foulplay.desc=Damage is calculated using the target's Attack stat, including stat stage changes. The user's Ability, item, and burn are used as normal. +showdown.moves.foulplay.shortDesc=Uses target's Attack stat in damage calculation. +showdown.moves.freezedry.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. This move's type effectiveness against Water is changed to be super effective no matter what this move's type is. +showdown.moves.freezedry.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. Super effective on Water. Shock +showdown.moves.freezeshock.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.freezeshock.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. +showdown.moves.freezeshock.prepare=%s became cloaked in a freezing light! Glare +showdown.moves.freezingglare.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Frost +showdown.moves.freezyfrost.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. +showdown.moves.freezyfrost.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. Plant +showdown.moves.frenzyplant.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Breath +showdown.moves.frostbreath.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. +showdown.moves.frostbreath.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. +showdown.moves.frustration.desc=Power is equal to the greater of ((255 - user's Happiness) * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. +showdown.moves.frustration.shortDesc=Max 102 power at minimum Happiness. Attack +showdown.moves.furyattack.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Cutter +showdown.moves.furycutter.desc=Power doubles with each successful hit, up to a maximum of 160 power. The power is reset if this move misses or another move is used. +showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit, up to 160. Swipes +showdown.moves.furyswipes.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Bolt +showdown.moves.fusionbolt.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Flare. +showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare this turn. Flare +showdown.moves.fusionflare.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Bolt. +showdown.moves.fusionflare.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Bolt this turn. Sight +showdown.moves.futuresight.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. +showdown.moves.futuresight.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. +showdown.moves.futuresight.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. +showdown.moves.futuresight.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move is already in effect for the target's position. +showdown.moves.futuresight.start=%s foresaw an attack! +showdown.moves.futuresight.activate=%s took the Future Sight attack! Acid +showdown.moves.gastroacid.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.shortDesc=Nullifies the target's Ability. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Multitype or Stance Change, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.start=%s's Ability was suppressed! Grind +showdown.moves.geargrind.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.geargrind.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Up +showdown.moves.gearup.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. Supernova +showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=If this move is successful, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Summons Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Charges, then raises SpA, SpD, Spe by 2 turn 2. +showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=%s is absorbing power! Drain +showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. Impact +showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Hammer +showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. Havoc +showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Lance +showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. Rush +showdown.moves.glaiverush.desc=If this move is successful, moves targeted at the user deal double damage and do not check accuracy until the user's next turn. +showdown.moves.glaiverush.shortDesc=User takes sure-hit 2x damage until its next turn. +showdown.moves.glare.desc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.glare.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.glare.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.glare.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. Glow +showdown.moves.glitzyglow.desc=This move summons Light Screen for 5 turns upon use. +showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Summons Light Screen. Befuddle +showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either falls asleep, becomes poisoned, or becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: slp or psn or par. Cannonade +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Water-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=%s got caught in the vortex of water! +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Cannonade’s vortex! Centiferno +showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. Chi Strike +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has their critical hit ratio raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Crit Ratio +1. +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s is getting pumped! Cuddle +showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes infatuated, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen for a target if both it and the user are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. +showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: infatuated. Depletion +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side loses 2 PP from its last move used, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: last move -2 PP. +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=%s's PP was reduced! Drum Solo +showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Finale +showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/6 of its current maximum HP, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1/6 max HP. Fire Ball +showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Foam Burst +showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 2 stages, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed. Gold Rush +showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Gravitas +showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Gravity begins. +showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Gravity. Hydrosnipe +showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Malodor +showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes poisoned, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: poisoned. Meltdown +showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Torment begins for each Pokemon on the opposing side, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Tormented. One Blow +showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. +showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. Rapid Flow +showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. +showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. Replenish +showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance every Pokemon on the user's side has its Berry restored, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Base move affects power. 50% restores Berries. Resonance +showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Aurora Veil begins on the user's side. +showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Aurora Veil. Sandblast +showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. Smite +showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Snooze +showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance the effect of Yawn begins on the target, even if it has a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Target: 50% Yawn. Steelsurge +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Steel type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Steel hazard. +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=Sharp-pointed pieces of steel started floating around %s! +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.end=The pieces of steel surrounding %s disappeared! +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=The sharp steel bit into %s! Stonesurge +showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth Rock. Stun Shock +showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either becomes poisoned or paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: psn or par. Sweetness +showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has its status condition cured, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: status cured. Tartness +showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the evasiveness of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 evasiveness. Terror +showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching out, even if they have a substitute. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If a target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: trapped. Vine Lash +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Grass-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=%s got trapped with vines! +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Vine Lash’s ferocious beating! Volcalith +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Rock-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=%s became surrounded by rocks! +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=%s is hurt by the rocks thrown out by G-Max Volcalith! Volt Crash +showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: paralyzed. Wildfire +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Fire-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=%s were surrounded by fire! +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=%s is burning up within G-Max Wildfire’s flames! Wind Rage +showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain end, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. +showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Ends Terrain, hazards. Knot +showdown.moves.grassknot.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. +showdown.moves.grassknot.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. Pledge +showdown.moves.grasspledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Grass Gem. +showdown.moves.grasspledge.shortDesc=Use with Fire or Water Pledge for added effect. +showdown.moves.grasspledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... +showdown.moves.grasspledge.start=A swamp enveloped %s! +showdown.moves.grasspledge.end=The swamp around %s disappeared! Whistle +showdown.moves.grasswhistle.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Glide +showdown.moves.grassyglide.desc=If the current terrain is Grassy Terrain and the user is grounded, this move has its priority increased by 1. +showdown.moves.grassyglide.shortDesc=User on Grassy Terrain: +1 priority. Terrain +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Grass power, +1/16 max HP. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. Apple +showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. Power is multiplied by 1.5 during Gravity's effect. +showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Target: 100% -1 Def. During Gravity: 1.5x power. +showdown.moves.gravity.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. +showdown.moves.gravity.shortDesc=5 turns: no Ground immunities, 1.67x accuracy. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected, but will be prevented at execution during this effect. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, and Magnet Rise end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, and Splash are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. +showdown.moves.growl.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.growl.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.growl.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.growth.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella, this move will only raise the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage, even if the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land. +showdown.moves.growth.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1; 2 in Sun. +showdown.moves.growth.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.growth.gen5.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.growth.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.growth.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.growth.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.growth.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 1. +showdown.moves.grudge.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that move loses all its remaining PP. +showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=If the user faints, the attack used loses all its PP. +showdown.moves.grudge.activate=%s's %s lost all of its PP due to the grudge! +showdown.moves.grudge.start=%s wants its target to bear a grudge! of Alola +showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to 3/4 of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 3/4 target's current HP. Split +showdown.moves.guardsplit.desc=The user and the target have their Defense and Special Defense stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Defense and Special Defense stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. +showdown.moves.guardsplit.shortDesc=Averages Defense and Sp. Def stats with target. +showdown.moves.guardsplit.activate=%s shared its guard with the target! Swap +showdown.moves.guardswap.desc=The user swaps its Defense and Special Defense stat stage changes with the target. +showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Swaps Defense and Sp. Def changes with target. +showdown.moves.guillotine.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.guillotine.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. Shot +showdown.moves.gunkshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.gunkshot.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.gust.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.gust.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce, Fly, and Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.gust.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. +showdown.moves.gust.gen4.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce and Fly. +showdown.moves.gust.gen2.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Fly. +showdown.moves.gust.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles during Fly. +showdown.moves.gust.gen1.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.gust.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. Ball +showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 1. +showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=More power the slower the user than the target. +showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. +showdown.moves.hail.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, Overcoat, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. +showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=For 5 turns, hail crashes down. +showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. +showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type. Fails if the current weather is Hail. Arm +showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. Hour +showdown.moves.happyhour.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.happyhour.activate=Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere! +showdown.moves.harden.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.harden.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.haze.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. +showdown.moves.haze.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. +showdown.moves.haze.gen1.desc=Resets the stat stages of both Pokemon to 0 and removes stat reductions due to burn and paralysis. Resets Toxic counters to 0 and removes the effect of confusion, Disable, Focus Energy, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mist, and Reflect from both Pokemon. Removes the opponent's non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.haze.gen1.shortDesc=Resets all stat changes. Removes foe's status. +showdown.moves.haze.activate=All STATUS changes are eliminated! +showdown.moves.headbutt.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Charge +showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. Rush +showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Smash +showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. +showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. Bell +showdown.moves.healbell.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. +showdown.moves.healbell.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen7.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are also cured. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen4.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen2.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.healbell.activate=A bell chimed! Block +showdown.moves.healblock.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. +showdown.moves.healblock.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the foe(s) is prevented from healing. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing moves are unusable, move effects that grant healing will not heal, but Abilities and items will continue to heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under the effect. Pain Split is unaffected. +showdown.moves.healblock.start=%s was prevented from healing! +showdown.moves.healblock.end=%s's Heal Block wore off! +showdown.moves.healblock.cant=%s can't use %s because of Heal Block! it failed to affect %s! Wish +showdown.moves.healingwish.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP is fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets either of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.healingwish.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pokemon is fully healed. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.healingwish.heal=The healing wish came true for %s! Order +showdown.moves.healorder.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Pulse +showdown.moves.healpulse.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user has the Mega Launcher Ability, the target instead restores 3/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.healpulse.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.healpulse.gen5.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Stamp +showdown.moves.heartstamp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Swap +showdown.moves.heartswap.desc=The user swaps all its stat stage changes with the target. +showdown.moves.heartswap.shortDesc=Swaps all stat changes with target. Crash +showdown.moves.heatcrash.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.heatcrash.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. +showdown.moves.heatcrash.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Wave +showdown.moves.heatwave.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.heatwave.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the foe(s). Slam +showdown.moves.heavyslam.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.heavyslam.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. +showdown.moves.heavyslam.gen6.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Hand +showdown.moves.helpinghand.desc=The power of the target's attack this turn is multiplied by 1.5 (this effect is stackable). Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user or if the ally already moved this turn, but does not fail if the ally is using a two-turn move. +showdown.moves.helpinghand.shortDesc=One adjacent ally's move power is 1.5x this turn. +showdown.moves.helpinghand.start=%s is ready to help %s! +showdown.moves.hex.desc=Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.hex.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target has a status ailment. Power +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.desc=This move's type depends on the user's individual values (IVs), and can be any type but Fairy and Normal. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.shortDesc=Varies in type based on the user's IVs. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.desc=This move's type and power depend on the user's individual values (IVs). Power varies between 30 and 70, and type can be any but Normal. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.shortDesc=Varies in power and type based on the user's IVs. Power Bug Power Dark Power Dragon Power Electric Power Fighting Power Fire Power Flying Power Ghost Power Grass Power Ground Power Ice Power Poison Power Psychic Power Rock Power Steel Power Water Horsepower +showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=No additional effect. Jump Kick +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to 1/8 the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, as crash damage. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Back +showdown.moves.holdback.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. +showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Hands +showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=No competitive use. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. +showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=No competitive use. Claws +showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. Attack +showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. Drill +showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. Leech +showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.howl.desc=Raises the Attack of the user and all allies 1 stage. +showdown.moves.howl.shortDesc=Raises the user's and ally's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.howl.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.howl.gen7.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.hurricane.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. +showdown.moves.hurricane.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse target. Can't miss in rain. +showdown.moves.hurricane.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.hurricane.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. Cannon +showdown.moves.hydrocannon.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.hydrocannon.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Pump +showdown.moves.hydropump.shortDesc=No additional effect. Steam +showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=If the current weather is Sunny Day and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella, this move's damage is multiplied by 1.5 instead of halved for being Water type. +showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=During Sunny Day: 1.5x damage instead of half. Vortex +showdown.moves.hydrovortex.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Beam +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move, unless the target or its substitute was knocked out by this move. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Can't move next turn if target or sub is not KOed. Drill +showdown.moves.hyperdrill.shortDesc=Bypasses protection without breaking it. Fang +showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Fury +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Lowers user's Def by 1; breaks protect. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.activate=It broke through %s's protection! %s can't use the move! Hole +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Breaks the target's protection for this turn. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=It broke through %s's protection! Voice +showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Ball +showdown.moves.iceball.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. +showdown.moves.iceball.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. +showdown.moves.iceball.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. +showdown.moves.iceball.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. Beam +showdown.moves.icebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.icebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Burn +showdown.moves.iceburn.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.iceburn.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% burn. +showdown.moves.iceburn.prepare=%s became cloaked in freezing air! Fang +showdown.moves.icefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. +showdown.moves.icefang.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. 10% chance to flinch. Hammer +showdown.moves.icehammer.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.icehammer.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. Punch +showdown.moves.icepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.icepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Shard +showdown.moves.iceshard.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.iceshard.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Spinner +showdown.moves.icespinner.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.icespinner.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. Crash +showdown.moves.iciclecrash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.iciclecrash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Spear +showdown.moves.iciclespear.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Wind +showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.icywind.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.icywind.gen2.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.imprison.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. +showdown.moves.imprison.shortDesc=No foe can use any move known by the user. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen7.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen6.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen4.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Fails if no opposing Pokemon know any of the user's moves. +showdown.moves.imprison.start=%s sealed any moves its target shares with it! +showdown.moves.imprison.cant=%s can't use its sealed %s! +showdown.moves.incinerate.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry or a Gem. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.incinerate.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry/Gem. +showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry. +showdown.moves.incinerate.removeItem=%s's %s was burned up! Parade +showdown.moves.infernalparade.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.infernalparade.shortDesc=30% burn. 2x power if target is already statused. +showdown.moves.inferno.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the target. Overdrive +showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.infestation.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.infestation.start=%s has been afflicted with an infestation by %s! +showdown.moves.ingrain.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. +showdown.moves.ingrain.shortDesc=Traps/grounds user; heals 1/16 max HP per turn. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen7.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen5.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes and Toxic Spikes, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen4.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes and Toxic Spikes, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, and the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. Traps user. +showdown.moves.ingrain.start=%s planted its roots! +showdown.moves.ingrain.block=%s is anchored in place with its roots! +showdown.moves.ingrain.heal=%s absorbed nutrients with its roots! +showdown.moves.instruct.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, Wicked Torque, any two-turn move, or any recharge move. +showdown.moves.instruct.shortDesc=The target immediately uses its last used move. +showdown.moves.instruct.gen8.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Max or G-Max Move. +showdown.moves.instruct.gen7.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.instruct.activate=%s followed %s's instructions! Deluge +showdown.moves.iondeluge.desc=Causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. The effect happens after other effects that change a move's type. +showdown.moves.iondeluge.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. +showdown.moves.iondeluge.activate=A deluge of ions showers the battlefield! Defense +showdown.moves.irondefense.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.irondefense.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Head +showdown.moves.ironhead.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.ironhead.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Tail +showdown.moves.irontail.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Lock +showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Prevents the user and the target from switching out. The user and the target can still switch out if either of them is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. +showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching out. Punch +showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.judgment.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. +showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Plate. Kick +showdown.moves.jumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to 1/8 the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, as crash damage. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Healing +showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. +showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. Chop +showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.kinesis.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.kinesis.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1.'s Shield +showdown.moves.kingsshield.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Atk. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Atk. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Off +showdown.moves.knockoff.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.knockoff.shortDesc=1.5x damage if foe holds an item. Removes item. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen7.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot remove Z-Crystals, cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, cause Pokemon that can Mega Evolve to lose the Mega Stone for their species, or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, or Memory respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen6.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, cause Pokemon that can Mega Evolve to lose the Mega Stone for their species, or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, or Drive, respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, or force a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect to lose their Griseous Orb, Plate, or Drive, respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.shortDesc=Removes the target's held item. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of the battle, unless the item is a Griseous Orb or the target has the Multitype or Sticky Hold Abilities. During the effect, the target cannot obtain a new item by any means. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.shortDesc=Target's item is lost and it cannot obtain another. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen3.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of the battle, unless it has the Sticky Hold Ability. During the effect, the target cannot gain a new item by any means. +showdown.moves.knockoff.removeItem=%s knocked off %s's %s! Cleave +showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.'s Wrath +showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Focus +showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the user's attacks will be critical hits. +showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit. +showdown.moves.laserfocus.start=%s concentrated intensely! Out +showdown.moves.lashout.desc=Power doubles if the user had a stat stage lowered this turn. +showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x power if the user had a stat lowered this turn. Resort +showdown.moves.lastresort.desc=This move fails unless the user knows this move and at least one other move, and has used all the other moves it knows at least once each since it became active or Transformed. +showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Fails unless each known move has been used. Respects +showdown.moves.lastrespects.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side, and X cannot be greater than 100. +showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 power for each time a party member fainted. Plume +showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.leafage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Blade +showdown.moves.leafblade.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.leafblade.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Storm +showdown.moves.leafstorm.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.leafstorm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Tornado +showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Life +showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.leechlife.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. Seed +showdown.moves.leechseed.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Mortal Spin or Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. +showdown.moves.leechseed.shortDesc=1/8 of target's HP is restored to user every turn. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen8.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen3.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Rapid Spin, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen1.desc=At the end of each of the target's turns, The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/16 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down and multiplied by the target's current Toxic counter if it has one, even if the target currently has less than that amount of HP remaining. If the target switches out or any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move. +showdown.moves.leechseed.start=%s was seeded! +showdown.moves.leechseed.end=%s was freed from Leech Seed! +showdown.moves.leechseed.damage=%s's health is sapped by Leech Seed! +showdown.moves.leer.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1.'s Snuggle Forever +showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.lick.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Dew +showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max HP. of Ruin +showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. Screen +showdown.moves.lightscreen.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.shortDesc=For 5 turns, special damage to allies is halved. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from special attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from special attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members have their Special Defense doubled. Critical hits ignore this effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user's party has doubled Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its Special is doubled when taking damage. Critical hits ignore this effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.shortDesc=While active, user's Special is 2x when damaged. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.start=%s's protected against special attacks! +showdown.moves.lightscreen.start=Light Screen made %s stronger against special moves! +showdown.moves.lightscreen.end=%s's Light Screen wore off! That Burns the Sky +showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.liquidation.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.liquidation.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.lockon.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. +showdown.moves.lockon.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Mind Reader's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. +showdown.moves.lockon.start=%s took aim at %s! Kiss +showdown.moves.lovelykiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Kick +showdown.moves.lowkick.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. +showdown.moves.lowkick.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. +showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Sweep +showdown.moves.lowsweep.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.lowsweep.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Chant +showdown.moves.luckychant.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot be struck by a critical hit. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.luckychant.shortDesc=For 5 turns, shields user's party from critical hits. +showdown.moves.luckychant.start=Lucky Chant shielded %s from critical hits! +showdown.moves.luckychant.end=%s's Lucky Chant wore off! Crash +showdown.moves.luminacrash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.luminacrash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. Blessing +showdown.moves.lunarblessing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. +showdown.moves.lunarblessing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. Dance +showdown.moves.lunardance.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or PP, or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP and PP are fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets any of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.lunardance.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pkmn is cured, max HP/PP. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed, with PP. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=%s became cloaked in mystical moonlight! +showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Purge +showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Punch +showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Leaf +showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Torque +showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.magicaltorque.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse the target. Coat +showdown.moves.magiccoat.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.shortDesc=Bounces back certain non-damaging moves. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen5.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen4.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. If the move targets both opposing Pokemon, the Pokemon under this effect will reflect the move only targeting the original user. The effect ends once a move is reflected or at the end of the turn. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen3.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. If the move targets both opposing Pokemon and the Pokemon under this effect is on the left side, it will reflect the move targeting both opposing Pokemon and its ally will not be affected by the original move; otherwise, if the Pokemon under this effect is on the right side, its ally will be affected by the original move and this Pokemon will reflect the move only targeting the original user. The effect ends once a move is reflected or at the end of the turn. Moves reflected in this way can be reflected again by another Pokemon under this effect. If the user has the Soundproof Ability, it nullifies sound-based moves before this effect happens. The Lightning Rod Ability redirects Electric moves before this move takes effect. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.start=%s shrouded itself with Magic Coat! +showdown.moves.magiccoat.move=%s bounced the %s back! Powder +showdown.moves.magicpowder.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Psychic type, or if the target is Terastallized. +showdown.moves.magicpowder.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Psychic. +showdown.moves.magicpowder.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Psychic type. Room +showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=For 5 turns, the held items of all active Pokemon have no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all held items have no effect. Storm +showdown.moves.magmastorm.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns; seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another partial-trapping move. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.start=%s became trapped by swirling magma! Bomb +showdown.moves.magnetbomb.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Flux +showdown.moves.magneticflux.desc=Raises the Defense and Special Defense of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.magneticflux.shortDesc=Raises Def, Sp. Def of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. Rise +showdown.moves.magnetrise.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user has immunity to Ground. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effect of Ingrain. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.start=%s levitated with electromagnetism! +showdown.moves.magnetrise.end=%s's electromagnetism wore off! +showdown.moves.magnitude.desc=The power of this move varies; 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. +showdown.moves.magnitude.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power varies; 2x on Dig. +showdown.moves.magnitude.gen4.desc=The power of this move varies. 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Power doubles if the target is using Dig. +showdown.moves.magnitude.activate=Magnitude %s! It Rain +showdown.moves.makeitrain.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.makeitrain.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.makeitrain.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! Moonsault +showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.desc=Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target used Minimize. Block +showdown.moves.matblock.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field, if the user moves last this turn, or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.matblock.shortDesc=Protects allies from damaging attacks. Turn 1 only. +showdown.moves.matblock.start=%s intends to flip up a mat and block incoming attacks! +showdown.moves.matblock.block=%s was blocked by the kicked-up mat! Airstream +showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Speed. Darkness +showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Def. Flare +showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sunny Day begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sunny Day. Flutterby +showdown.moves.maxflutterby.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Atk. Geyser +showdown.moves.maxgeyser.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Rain Dance begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxgeyser.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Rain Dance. Guard +showdown.moves.maxguard.desc=The user is protected from nearly all attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, including Max and G-Max Moves. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.maxguard.shortDesc=Protects user from moves & Max Moves this turn. +showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s protected itself! Hailstorm +showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Hail begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Hail. Knuckle +showdown.moves.maxknuckle.desc=Boosts the user and its allies' Attack by 1 stage. BP scales with the base move's BP. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Attack. Lightning +showdown.moves.maxlightning.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Electric Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Electric Terrain. Mindstorm +showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Psychic Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Psychic Terrain. Ooze +showdown.moves.maxooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Atk. Overgrowth +showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Grassy Terrain. Phantasm +showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Defense. Quake +showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Def. Rockfall +showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sandstorm. Starfall +showdown.moves.maxstarfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Misty Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Misty Terrain. Steelspike +showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Defense. Strike +showdown.moves.maxstrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxstrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Speed. Wyrmwind +showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Attack. Look +showdown.moves.meanlook.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.meanlook.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.meditate.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.meditate.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. First +showdown.moves.mefirst.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Magical Torque, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Struggle, Thief, or Wicked Torque. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.shortDesc=Copies a foe at 1.5x power. User must be faster. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen8.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Shell Trap, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen7.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Shell Trap, Struggle, Thief, or any Z-Move. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen6.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen5.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen4.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. Drain +showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. +showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=No additional effect. Kick +showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=No additional effect. Punch +showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.memento.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints unless this move misses or there is no target. Fails entirely if this move hits a substitute, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. +showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User faints. +showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints, even if this move misses. This move can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if there is no target, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. +showdown.moves.memento.gen3.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints. This move does not check accuracy, and can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages are both -6. +showdown.moves.memento.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! Moonraze Maelstrom +showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Burst +showdown.moves.metalburst.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. +showdown.moves.metalburst.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. +showdown.moves.metalburst.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. +showdown.moves.metalburst.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. Claw +showdown.moves.metalclaw.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Sound +showdown.moves.metalsound.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Assault +showdown.moves.meteorassault.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.meteorassault.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Beam +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.shortDesc=Raises user's Sp. Atk by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s is overflowing with space power! Mash +showdown.moves.meteormash.desc=Has a 20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.meteormash.shortDesc=20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.metronome.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Armor Cannon, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Chilling Water, Chilly Reception, Clangorous Soul, Collision Course, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Doodle, Double Iron Bash, Double Shock, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Electro Drift, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fillet Away, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyper Drill, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jet Punch, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Magical Torque, Make It Rain, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Order Up, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Population Bomb, Pounce, Power Shift, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Fist, Rage Powder, Raging Bull, Raging Fury, Relic Song, Revival Blessing, Ruination, Salt Cure, Secret Sword, Shed Tail, Shell Trap, Silk Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Snowscape, Spectral Thief, Spicy Extract, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Springtide Storm, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Tidy Up, Trailblaze, Transform, Trick, Twin Beam, V-create, Wicked Blow, Wicked Torque, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.shortDesc=Picks a random move. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen8.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Clangorous Soul, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Double Iron Bash, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Dragon Hammer, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Obstruct, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spectral Thief, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Transform, Trick, V-create, Wicked Blow, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen7.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Dragon Ascent, Endure, Feint, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, King's Shield, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Origin Pulse, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spectral Thief, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Steam Eruption, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen6.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Dragon Ascent, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, King's Shield, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Origin Pulse, Precipice Blades, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spiky Shield, Steam Eruption, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen5.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Ice Burn, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen4.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Trick, or any move the user already knows. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen3.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen2.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Counter, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thief, or any move the user already knows. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen1.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Metronome or Struggle. +showdown.moves.metronome.move=Waggling a finger let it use %s! Drink +showdown.moves.milkdrink.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.mimic.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Assist, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. +showdown.moves.mimic.shortDesc=The last move the target used replaces this one. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen8.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Chatter, Dynamax Cannon, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, Transform, or any Max or G-Max Move. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen7.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, Transform, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen6.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen4.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Metronome, Mimic, Sketch, or Struggle. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen3.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Metronome, Mimic, Sketch, or Struggle. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Struggle. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by a random move known by the target, even if the user already knows that move. The copied move keeps the remaining PP for this move, regardless of the copied move's maximum PP. Whenever one PP is used for a copied move, one PP is used for this move. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.shortDesc=Random move known by the target replaces this. +showdown.moves.mimic.start=%s learned %s! Blown +showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. This move is prevented from executing and the user does not lose HP if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, or if this move is Fire type and the user is affected by Powder or the weather is Primordial Sea. +showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Reader +showdown.moves.mindreader.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. +showdown.moves.mindreader.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Lock-On's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. +showdown.moves.mindreader.start=%s took aim at %s! +showdown.moves.minimize.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Malicious Moonsault, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. +showdown.moves.minimize.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen6.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen5.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp and Steamroller will have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp will have its power doubled if used against the user while it is active. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen3.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Astonish, Extrasensory, Needle Arm, and Stomp will have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen2.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp will have its power doubled if used against the user while it is active. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen1.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Eye +showdown.moves.miracleeye.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Odor Sleuth. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.shortDesc=Psychic hits Dark. Evasiveness ignored. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.start=%s was identified! Coat +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.shortDesc=If hit by special attack, returns double damage. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a special attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. Move +showdown.moves.mirrormove.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. The copied move is used against that target, if possible. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the last move used cannot be copied by this move. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.shortDesc=User uses the target's last used move against it. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move was called by another move, if the move is Encore, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen3.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move missed, failed, or had no effect on the user, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen2.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Transform, or any move the user knows. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen1.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Mirror Move. Shot +showdown.moves.mirrorshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mirrorshot.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.mist.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members are protected from having their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.mist.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from stat drops. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, it is protected from having its stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.shortDesc=While active, user is protected from stat drops. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.start=%s's shrouded in MIST! +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.block=%s's protected by MIST. +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, it is protected from having its stat stages lowered by other Pokemon, unless caused by the secondary effect of a move. Fails if the user already has the effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.start=%s's shrouded in mist! +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.block=But, it failed! +showdown.moves.mist.start=%s became shrouded in mist! +showdown.moves.mist.end=%s is no longer protected by mist! +showdown.moves.mist.block=%s is protected by the mist! Ball +showdown.moves.mistball.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mistball.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Explosion +showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.desc=If the current terrain is Misty Terrain and the user is grounded, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.shortDesc=User faints. User on Misty Terrain: 1.5x power. Terrain +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition nor confusion. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Can't status,-Dragon power vs grounded. +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. +showdown.moves.moonblast.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.moonblast.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Beam +showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.moonlight.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. Sun +showdown.moves.morningsun.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. Spin +showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/leech. Gale +showdown.moves.mountaingale.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.mountaingale.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Bomb +showdown.moves.mudbomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mudbomb.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Shot +showdown.moves.mudshot.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mudshot.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.mudslap.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mudslap.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Sport +showdown.moves.mudsport.desc=For 5 turns, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. +showdown.moves.mudsport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Electric-type attacks have 1/3 power. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/3 their power. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/2 their power. Water +showdown.moves.muddywater.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.multiattack.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Memory. +showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Memory. Fire +showdown.moves.mysticalfire.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Power +showdown.moves.mysticalpower.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Plot +showdown.moves.nastyplot.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.nastyplot.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Gift +showdown.moves.naturalgift.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo or Magic Room is in effect for the user. +showdown.moves.naturalgift.shortDesc=Power and type depends on the user's Berry. +showdown.moves.naturalgift.gen4.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo is in effect for the user. Power +showdown.moves.naturepower.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic during Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.naturepower.shortDesc=Attack depends on terrain (default Tri Attack). +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen6.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, and Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Earthquake on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Earthquake) +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack in Wi-Fi battles. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Tri Attack) +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.desc=This move calls another move for use depending on the battle terrain. Swift in Wi-Fi battles. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Swift) +showdown.moves.naturepower.move=Nature Power turned into %s!'s Madness +showdown.moves.naturesmadness.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.naturesmadness.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Arm +showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Nightmare +showdown.moves.neverendingnightmare.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Daze +showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.nightmare.desc=Causes the target to lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn as long as it is asleep. This move does not affect the target unless it is asleep. The effect ends when the target wakes up, even if it falls asleep again in the same turn. +showdown.moves.nightmare.shortDesc=A sleeping target is hurt by 1/4 max HP per turn. +showdown.moves.nightmare.start=%s began having a nightmare! +showdown.moves.nightmare.damage=%s is locked in a nightmare! Shade +showdown.moves.nightshade.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. +showdown.moves.nightshade.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. +showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. +showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Normal types. Slash +showdown.moves.nightslash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Roar +showdown.moves.nobleroar.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.nobleroar.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Retreat +showdown.moves.noretreat.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage, but it becomes prevented from switching out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. Fails if the user has already been prevented from switching by this effect. +showdown.moves.noretreat.shortDesc=Raises all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Traps user. +showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s can no longer escape because it used No Retreat! Torque +showdown.moves.noxioustorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Wing +showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def. +showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Operetta +showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. At the end of each turn during effect, the target's Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Traps target, lowers Def and SpD by 1 each turn. +showdown.moves.octolock.start=%s can no longer escape because of Octolock! Sleuth +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Miracle Eye. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Wind +showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Up +showdown.moves.orderup.desc=If an ally Tatsugiri has activated its Commander Ability, this move raises the user's Attack by 1 stage if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense by 1 stage if Droopy Form, or Speed by 1 stage if Stretchy Form. The effect happens whether or not this move is successful, and even if the Tatsugiri that activated the effect has since fainted. +showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy eaten: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. Pulse +showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.outrage.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.outrage.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Split +showdown.moves.painsplit.desc=The user and the target's HP become the average of their current HP, rounded down, but not more than the maximum HP of either one. +showdown.moves.painsplit.shortDesc=Shares HP of user and target equally. +showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=The battlers shared their pain! Wave +showdown.moves.paleowave.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Charge +showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Shot +showdown.moves.partingshot.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages were both unchanged, or if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.partingshot.shortDesc=Lowers target's Atk, Sp. Atk by 1. User switches. +showdown.moves.partingshot.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.partingshot.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! +showdown.moves.partingshot.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.payback.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn, including actions taken through Instruct or the Dancer Ability. Switching in does not count as an action. +showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target. +showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in does not count as an action. +showdown.moves.payback.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in counts as an action. Day +showdown.moves.payday.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Scatters coins. +showdown.moves.payday.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! +showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Song +showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 if it doesn't already have a perish count. At the end of each turn including the turn used, the perish count of all active Pokemon lowers by 1 and Pokemon faint if the number reaches 0. The perish count is removed from Pokemon that switch out. If a Pokemon uses Baton Pass while it has a perish count, the replacement will gain the perish count and continue to count down. +showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns. +showdown.moves.perishsong.start=All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns! +showdown.moves.perishsong.activate=%s's perish count fell to %s. Blizzard +showdown.moves.petalblizzard.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. Dance +showdown.moves.petaldance.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.petaldance.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Force +showdown.moves.phantomforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! +showdown.moves.phantomforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! Geyser +showdown.moves.photongeyser.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. Papow +showdown.moves.pikapapow.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. +showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Missile +showdown.moves.pinmissile.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Fists +showdown.moves.plasmafists.desc=If this move is successful, causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. +showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. Nice +showdown.moves.playnice.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Rough +showdown.moves.playrough.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.playrough.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.pluck.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.pluck.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. +showdown.moves.pluck.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.pluck.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! Fang +showdown.moves.poisonfang.desc=Has a 50% chance to badly poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.shortDesc=50% chance to badly poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to badly poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to badly poison the target. Gas +showdown.moves.poisongas.desc=Poisons the target. +showdown.moves.poisongas.shortDesc=Poisons the foe(s). +showdown.moves.poisongas.gen2.shortDesc=Poisons the target. Jab +showdown.moves.poisonjab.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonjab.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. Powder +showdown.moves.poisonpowder.desc=Poisons the target. +showdown.moves.poisonpowder.shortDesc=Poisons the target. Sting +showdown.moves.poisonsting.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.shortDesc=20% chance to poison the target. Tail +showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. Puff +showdown.moves.pollenpuff.desc=If the target is an ally, this move restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down, instead of dealing damage. +showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=If the target is an ally, heals 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.poltergeist.shortDesc=Fails if the target has no held item. +showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=%s is about to be attacked by its %s! Bomb +showdown.moves.populationbomb.desc=Hits ten times. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit ten times. If the user is holding Loaded Dice, this move hits four to ten times at random without checking accuracy between hits. +showdown.moves.populationbomb.shortDesc=Hits 10 times. Each hit can miss. +showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.powder.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect does not happen if the Fire-type move is prevented by Primordial Sea. +showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP. +showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect happens before the Fire-type move would be prevented by Primordial Sea. +showdown.moves.powder.start=%s is covered in powder! +showdown.moves.powder.activate=When the flame touched the powder on the Pokémon, it exploded! Snow +showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). +showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Gem +showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=No additional effect. Split +showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=The user and the target have their Attack and Special Attack stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Attack and Special Attack stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. +showdown.moves.powersplit.shortDesc=Averages Attack and Sp. Atk stats with target. +showdown.moves.powersplit.activate=%s shared its power with the target! Swap +showdown.moves.powerswap.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Special Attack stat stage changes with the target. +showdown.moves.powerswap.shortDesc=Swaps Attack and Sp. Atk stat stages with target. Shift +showdown.moves.powershift.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. +showdown.moves.powershift.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. +showdown.moves.powershift.start=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! +showdown.moves.powershift.end=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! Trick +showdown.moves.powertrick.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. +showdown.moves.powertrick.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. +showdown.moves.powertrick.start=%s switched its Attack and Defense! +showdown.moves.powertrick.end=%s switched its Attack and Defense! Trip +showdown.moves.powertrip.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. +showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. Punch +showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Whip +showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Blades +showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.present.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 40% chance for 40 power, 30% chance for 80 power, 10% chance for 120 power, and 20% chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 power, or heals target 1/4 max HP. +showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 102/256 chance for 40 power, 76/256 chance for 80 power, 26/256 chance for 120 power, or 52/256 chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If this move deals damage, it uses an abnormal version of the damage formula by substituting certain values. The user's Attack stat is replaced with 10 times the effectiveness of this move against the target, the target's Defense stat is replaced with the index number of the user's secondary type, and the user's level is replaced with the index number of the target's secondary type. If a Pokemon does not have a secondary type, its primary type is used. The index numbers for each type are Normal: 0, Fighting: 1, Flying: 2, Poison: 3, Ground: 4, Rock: 5, Bug: 7, Ghost: 8, Steel: 9, Fire: 20, Water: 21, Grass: 22, Electric: 23, Psychic: 24, Ice: 25, Dragon: 26, Dark: 27. If at any point a division by 0 would happen in the damage formula, it divides by 1 instead. Laser +showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.protect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen5.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen4.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.start=%s protected itself! +showdown.moves.protect.block=%s protected itself! +showdown.moves.psybeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.psybeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.psyblade.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.moves.psyblade.shortDesc=During Electric Terrain: 1.5x power. Up +showdown.moves.psychup.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. +showdown.moves.psychup.shortDesc=Copies the target's current stat stages. +showdown.moves.psychup.gen2.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. Fails if the target's stat stages are 0. +showdown.moves.psychic.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.psychic.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1. Fangs +showdown.moves.psychicfangs.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. +showdown.moves.psychicfangs.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. Terrain +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Psychic power, priority-safe. +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. Boost +showdown.moves.psychoboost.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.psychoboost.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Cut +showdown.moves.psychocut.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.psychocut.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shift +showdown.moves.psychoshift.desc=The user's non-volatile status condition is transferred to the target, and the user is then cured. Fails if the user has no non-volatile status condition or if the target already has one. +showdown.moves.psychoshift.shortDesc=Transfers the user's status ailment to the target. Bash +showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.psyshock.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. +showdown.moves.psyshock.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.psystrike.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. +showdown.moves.psystrike.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.psywave.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 100, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Random damage equal to 0.5x-1.5x user's level. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 10, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to a random number from 1 to (user's level * 1.5 - 1), rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Random damage from 1 to (user's level*1.5 - 1). Pancake +showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. +showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts. +showdown.moves.purify.desc=The target is cured if it has a non-volatile status condition. If the target was cured, the user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Cures target's status; heals user 1/2 max HP if so. +showdown.moves.pursuit.desc=If an opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. +showdown.moves.pursuit.shortDesc=If a foe is switching out, hits it at 2x power. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen7.desc=If an adjacent opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen5.desc=If an adjacent opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using U-turn or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen4.desc=If an opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using U-turn, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon becomes active immediately. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.desc=If the target is an opposing Pokemon and it switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon becomes active immediately. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.shortDesc=Power doubles if the targeted foe is switching out. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.desc=If the target switches out this turn, this move hits it before it leaves the field with doubled power and the user's turn is over. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles if the foe is switching out. +showdown.moves.pursuit.activate=(%s is being withdrawn...) Ball +showdown.moves.pyroball.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.pyroball.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.quash.desc=Causes the target to take its turn after all other Pokemon this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target already moved this turn. +showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Forces the target to move last this turn. +showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! Attack +showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Guard +showdown.moves.quickguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.quickguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from priority attacks this turn. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen7.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen6.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.quickguard.start=Quick Guard protected %s! +showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Quick Guard protected %s! Dance +showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.rage.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. +showdown.moves.rage.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 if hit during use. +showdown.moves.rage.gen3.desc=Once this move is used and unless the target protected itself, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. +showdown.moves.rage.gen2.desc=Once this move is successfully used, X starts at 1. This move's damage is multiplied by X, and whenever the user is hit by the opposing Pokemon, X increases by 1, with a maximum of 255. X resets to 1 when the user is no longer active or did not choose this move for use. +showdown.moves.rage.gen2.shortDesc=Next Rage increases in damage if hit during use. +showdown.moves.rage.gen1.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user automatically uses this move every turn and can no longer switch out. During the effect, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by the opposing Pokemon, and this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. +showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts forever. Raises user's Attack by 1 when hit. Fist +showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times the user has been hit by a damaging attack during the battle, even if the user did not lose HP from the attack. X cannot be greater than 6 and does not reset upon switching out or fainting. Each hit of a multi-hit attack is counted, but confusion damage is not counted. +showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 power for each time user was hit. Max 6 hits. Powder +showdown.moves.ragepowder.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.start=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.ragepowder.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Bull +showdown.moves.ragingbull.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. If the user's current form is a Paldean Tauros, this move's type changes to match. Fighting type for Combat Breed, Fire type for Blaze Breed, and Water type for Aqua Breed. +showdown.moves.ragingbull.shortDesc=Destroys screens. Type depends on user's form. +showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! Fury +showdown.moves.ragingfury.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.ragingfury.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Dance +showdown.moves.raindance.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Damp Rock. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. +showdown.moves.raindance.shortDesc=For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves. +showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. +showdown.moves.raindance.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance, even if the current weather is Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Spin +showdown.moves.rapidspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.shortDesc=Free user from hazards/bind/Leech Seed; +1 Spe. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.shortDesc=Frees user from hazards, binding, Leech Seed. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen4.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end against the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen3.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and Spikes are removed from the user's side of the field. Leaf +showdown.moves.razorleaf.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.razorleaf.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shell +showdown.moves.razorshell.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.razorshell.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Wind +showdown.moves.razorwind.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.razorwind.shortDesc=Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. High crit ratio. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen4.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.shortDesc=Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.shortDesc=Charges, then hits target turn 2. High crit ratio. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.razorwind.prepare=%s whipped up a whirlwind! +showdown.moves.recover.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.recover.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.recover.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.recover.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. +showdown.moves.recycle.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Corrosive Gas, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. +showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Restores the item the user last used. +showdown.moves.recycle.gen7.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. +showdown.moves.recycle.gen4.desc=The user regains the item last used by a Pokemon in its current position on the field, even if that Pokemon was not the user. Fails if the user is holding an item, if no items have been used at the user's position, or if the item was lost to Covet, Knock Off, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. +showdown.moves.recycle.addItem=%s found one %s! +showdown.moves.reflect.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.reflect.shortDesc=For 5 turns, physical damage to allies is halved. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from physical attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from physical attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members have their Defense doubled. Critical hits ignore this effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user's party has doubled Def. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its Defense is doubled when taking damage. Critical hits ignore this protection. This effect can be removed by Haze. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.shortDesc=While active, the user's Defense is doubled. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.start=%s gained armor! +showdown.moves.reflect.start=Reflect made %s stronger against physical moves! +showdown.moves.reflect.end=%s's Reflect wore off! Type +showdown.moves.reflecttype.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the user is Terastallized, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen8.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen6.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. Fails if the user is an Arceus. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.typeChange=%s's type became the same as %s's type! +showdown.moves.refresh.desc=The user cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Fails if the user is not burned, poisoned, or paralyzed. +showdown.moves.refresh.shortDesc=User cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Song +showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. If this move is successful on at least one target and the user is a Meloetta, it changes to Pirouette Forme if it is currently in Aria Forme, or changes to Aria Forme if it is currently in Pirouette Forme. This forme change does not happen if the Meloetta has the Sheer Force Ability. The Pirouette Forme reverts to Aria Forme when Meloetta is not active. +showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10% chance to sleep foe(s). Meloetta transforms. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. Fails if the user has full HP, is already asleep, or if another effect is preventing sleep. sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process, even if it was already asleep. Fails if the user has full HP. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. This does not remove the user's stat penalty for burn or paralysis. Fails if the user has full HP. +showdown.moves.retaliate.desc=Power doubles if one of the user's party members fainted last turn. +showdown.moves.retaliate.shortDesc=Power doubles if an ally fainted last turn. +showdown.moves.return.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. +showdown.moves.return.shortDesc=Max 102 power at maximum Happiness. Dance +showdown.moves.revelationdance.desc=This move's type depends on the user's primary type. If the user's primary type is typeless, this move's type is the user's secondary type if it has one, otherwise the added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat. This move is typeless if the user's type is typeless alone. +showdown.moves.revelationdance.shortDesc=Type varies based on the user's primary type. +showdown.moves.revenge.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. +showdown.moves.revenge.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn, and that Pokemon was the last to hit the user. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if user is hit by the target. +showdown.moves.reversal.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Blessing +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=A fainted party member is selected and revived with 1/2 its max HP, rounded down. Fails if there are no fainted party members. +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Revives a fainted Pokemon to 50% HP. +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=%s was revived and is ready to fight again! Voltage +showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain and the target is grounded, this move's power is doubled. +showdown.moves.risingvoltage.shortDesc=2x power if target is grounded in Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.roar.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. +showdown.moves.roar.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. +showdown.moves.roar.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. +showdown.moves.roar.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.roar.gen1.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.roar.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. of Time +showdown.moves.roaroftime.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Blast +showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Climb +showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.rockclimb.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. Polish +showdown.moves.rockpolish.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.rockpolish.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. Slide +showdown.moves.rockslide.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Smash +showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Throw +showdown.moves.rockthrow.shortDesc=No additional effect. Tomb +showdown.moves.rocktomb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Wrecker +showdown.moves.rockwrecker.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.rockwrecker.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Play +showdown.moves.roleplay.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.roleplay.shortDesc=User replaces its Ability with the target's. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen8.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen7.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen6.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype, Stance Change, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen5.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen4.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype or already matches the target, if the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, or if the user is holding a Griseous Orb. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen3.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. +showdown.moves.roleplay.changeAbility=%s copied %s's %s Ability! Kick +showdown.moves.rollingkick.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.rollingkick.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.rollout.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. +showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. +showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. +showdown.moves.rollout.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. +showdown.moves.roost.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user is not Terastallized, until the end of the turn Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. +showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends. +showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. +showdown.moves.roost.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become typeless. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. +showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s loses Flying type this turn.) +showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of all grounded Grass-type Pokemon on the field by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Raises Atk/Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types by 1. +showdown.moves.round.desc=If there are other active Pokemon that chose this move for use this turn, those Pokemon take their turn immediately after the user, in Speed order, and this move's power is 120 for each other user. +showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Power doubles if others used Round this turn. +showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Fire +showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Has a 50% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. Sword +showdown.moves.sacredsword.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. +showdown.moves.sacredsword.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. +showdown.moves.safeguard.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Defog. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.safeguard.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from status. +showdown.moves.safeguard.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.safeguard.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. During the effect, Outrage, Thrash, and Petal Dance do not confuse the user. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.safeguard.start=%s cloaked itself in a mystical veil! +showdown.moves.safeguard.end=%s is no longer protected by Safeguard! +showdown.moves.safeguard.block=%s is protected by Safeguard! Cure +showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/4 if the target is Steel or Water type), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. +showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Deals 1/8 max HP each turn; 1/4 on Steel, Water. +showdown.moves.saltcure.start=%s is being salt cured! +showdown.moves.saltcure.damage=%s is hurt by Salt Cure! Attack +showdown.moves.sandattack.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.sandattack.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Storm +showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to burn foe(s). +showdown.moves.sandstorm.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard, Overcoat, Sand Force, Sand Rush, or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. Rock: 1.5x SpD. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Sand Veil Ability. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. Tomb +showdown.moves.sandtomb.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns; seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another partial-trapping move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=%s became trapped by the quicksand! Seed +showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=This move summons Leech Seed on the foe. +showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Summons Leech Seed. Spin-Out +showdown.moves.savagespinout.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.scald.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. +showdown.moves.scald.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. +showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Shot +showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Hits two to five times. Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage and raises the user's Speed by 1 stage after the last hit. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times. User: -1 Def, +1 Spe after last hit. Face +showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. Sands +showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. +showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. +showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.screech.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. Shot +showdown.moves.searingshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. Sunraze Smash +showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Power +showdown.moves.secretpower.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, causes sleep during Grassy Terrain and lowers Speed by 1 stage during Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.secretpower.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen6.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, and causes sleep during Grassy Terrain. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Lowers accuracy by 1 stage on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. The secondary effect chance is not affected by the Serene Grace Ability. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% chance acc -1) +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) Sword +showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. +showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. Bomb +showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. Flare +showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. Toss +showdown.moves.seismictoss.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Ghost types. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. User faints. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless the target's substitute was broken by the damage. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. Ball +showdown.moves.shadowball.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.shadowball.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Bone +showdown.moves.shadowbone.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.shadowbone.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Claw +showdown.moves.shadowclaw.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.shadowclaw.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Force +showdown.moves.shadowforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target is an opponent and its side is protected by Quick Guard or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the opponent's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! +showdown.moves.shadowforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! Punch +showdown.moves.shadowpunch.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Sneak +showdown.moves.shadowsneak.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Strike +showdown.moves.shadowstrike.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.shadowstrike.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.sharpen.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. Psyche +showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Tail +showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=The user takes 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, and creates a substitute that has 1/4 of the user's maximum HP, rounded down. The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party and the selected Pokemon has the substitute transferred to it. Fails if the user would faint, or if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=User takes 1/2 its max HP to pass a substitute. +showdown.moves.shedtail.start=%s shed its tail to create a decoy! +showdown.moves.shedtail.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! Cold +showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + X)%, where X is 30 if the user is an Ice type and 20 otherwise, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Ice-type Pokemon and Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=OHKOs non-Ice targets. Fails if user's lower level. +showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. Side Arm +showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. This move becomes a physical attack that makes contact if the value of ((((2 * the user's level / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50), where X is the user's Attack stat and Y is the target's Defense stat, is greater than the same value where X is the user's Special Attack stat and Y is the target's Special Defense stat. No stat modifiers other than stat stage changes are considered for this purpose. If the two values are equal, this move chooses a damage category at random. +showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Physical+contact if it would be stronger. Smash +showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2. Trap +showdown.moves.shelltrap.desc=Fails unless the user is hit by a physical attack from an opponent this turn before it can execute the move. If the user was hit and has not fainted, it attacks immediately after being hit, and the effect ends. If the opponent's physical attack had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability, it does not count for the purposes of this effect. +showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=User must take physical damage before moving. +showdown.moves.shelltrap.start=%s set a shell trap! +showdown.moves.shelltrap.prepare=%s set a shell trap! +showdown.moves.shelltrap.cant=%s's shell trap didn't work! +showdown.moves.shelter.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.shelter.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Gear +showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1. Wave +showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Up +showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. If the weather is Sandstorm, the user instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=User restores 1/2 its max HP; 2/3 in Sandstorm. Beam +showdown.moves.signalbeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.signalbeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. Trap +showdown.moves.silktrap.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Spe. Wind +showdown.moves.silverwind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.silverwind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Beam +showdown.moves.simplebeam.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Simple. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, Stance Change, or Truant. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, or Truant. +showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Arrow Raid +showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=No additional effect. Slide +showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. +showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the foe. +showdown.moves.sketch.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Chatter, Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. +showdown.moves.sketch.shortDesc=Permanently copies the last move target used. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen3.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.desc=Fails when used in Link Battles. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.shortDesc=Fails when used in Link Battles. +showdown.moves.sketch.activate=%s sketched %s! Swap +showdown.moves.skillswap.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.skillswap.shortDesc=The user and the target trade Abilities. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen8.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen7.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Illusion, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen6.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Illusion, Multitype, Stance Change, or Wonder Guard. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen5.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Illusion, Multitype, or Wonder Guard, or if both have the same Ability. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen4.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, if both have the same Ability, or if either is holding a Griseous Orb. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen3.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. +showdown.moves.skillswap.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! Smack +showdown.moves.skittersmack.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.skittersmack.shortDesc=100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk by 1. Bash +showdown.moves.skullbash.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.skullbash.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.skullbash.prepare=%s tucked in its head! Attack +showdown.moves.skyattack.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.skyattack.shortDesc=Charges, then hits turn 2. 30% flinch. High crit. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.skyattack.prepare=%s became cloaked in a harsh light! Drop +showdown.moves.skydrop.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. Pokemon weighing 200 kg or more cannot be lifted. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.skydrop.shortDesc=User and foe fly up turn 1. Damages on turn 2. +showdown.moves.skydrop.gen5.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. If the effect of Gravity ends this effect before the second turn, both the user and the target return to the ground, but the target will otherwise remain under this effect until the user leaves the field or successfully executes the second turn of any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.skydrop.prepare=%s took %s into the sky! +showdown.moves.skydrop.end=%s was freed from the Sky Drop! +showdown.moves.skydrop.failSelect=Sky Drop won't let %s go! +showdown.moves.skydrop.failTooHeavy=%s is too heavy to be lifted! Uppercut +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce or Fly. Off +showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.slash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Powder +showdown.moves.sleeppowder.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Talk +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, Wicked Torque, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.shortDesc=User must be asleep. Uses another known move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen8.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen7.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, any two-turn move, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen6.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen5.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen4.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen3.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, but if it currently has 0 PP it will fail to be used. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Focus Punch, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen2.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Bide, Sleep Talk, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sludge.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludge.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. Bomb +showdown.moves.sludgebomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludgebomb.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. Wave +showdown.moves.sludgewave.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludgewave.shortDesc=10% chance to poison adjacent Pokemon. Down +showdown.moves.smackdown.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. +showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Removes the target's Ground immunity. +showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s fell straight down! Strike +showdown.moves.smartstrike.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Salts +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of paralysis. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is paralyzed, and cures it. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if target is paralyzed; cures it. +showdown.moves.smog.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Trap +showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.start=%s got trapped by a snap trap! +showdown.moves.snarl.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.snarl.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.snatch.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use one of those moves this turn, the applicable moves are all stolen by the first Pokemon in turn order that used this move this turn. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.snatch.shortDesc=User steals certain support moves to use itself. +showdown.moves.snatch.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use this move this turn, the applicable moves are stolen by each of those Pokemon in turn order, and only the last user in turn order will gain the effects. +showdown.moves.snatch.start=%s is waiting for a target to make a move! +showdown.moves.snatch.activate=%s snatched %s's move! Shot +showdown.moves.snipeshot.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This move cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. +showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected. +showdown.moves.snore.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Fails if the user is not asleep. +showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target. +showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. During the effect, the Defense of Ice-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a physical attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Snow. +showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=For 5 turns, snow falls. Ice: 1.5x Def. +showdown.moves.soak.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Water type, or if the target is Terastallized. +showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Water. +showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Water type. +showdown.moves.soak.gen6.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus, or if the target is already purely Water type. +showdown.moves.soak.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus. +showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.softboiled.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. Beam +showdown.moves.solarbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen7.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen5.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Rain Dance. If the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.prepare=%s absorbed light! Blade +showdown.moves.solarblade.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. +showdown.moves.solarblade.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. +showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. +showdown.moves.solarblade.gen7.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarblade.prepare=%s absorbed light! Boom +showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity. 7-Star Strike +showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=No additional effect. Rend +showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.spark.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Aria +showdown.moves.sparklingaria.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of its burn. +showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=The target is cured of its burn. Swirl +showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. Thief +showdown.moves.spectralthief.desc=The target's stat stages greater than 0 are stolen from it and applied to the user before dealing damage. +showdown.moves.spectralthief.shortDesc=Steals target's boosts before dealing damage. +showdown.moves.spectralthief.clearBoost=%s stole the target's boosted stats! Swap +showdown.moves.speedswap.desc=The user swaps its Speed stat with the target. Stat stage changes are unaffected. +showdown.moves.speedswap.shortDesc=Swaps Speed stat with target. +showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s switched Speed with its target! Extract +showdown.moves.spicyextract.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and lowers its Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.spicyextract.shortDesc=Raises target's Atk by 2 and lowers its Def by 2. Web +showdown.moves.spiderweb.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. Cannon +showdown.moves.spikecannon.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.spikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.spikes.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 3 layers. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen3.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, causing each opposing Pokemon that switches in to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 1 layer. +showdown.moves.spikes.start=Spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! +showdown.moves.spikes.end=The spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! +showdown.moves.spikes.damage=%s was hurt by the spikes! Shield +showdown.moves.spikyshield.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: loses 1/8 max HP. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=%s was hurt! Out +showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2. Break +showdown.moves.spiritbreak.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.spiritbreak.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Shackle +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. Up +showdown.moves.spitup.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Whether or not this move is successful, the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.spitup.shortDesc=More power with more uses of Stockpile. +showdown.moves.spitup.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless there is no target, whether or not this move is successful the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.spitup.gen3.desc=Damage is multiplied by the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless this move misses, the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.spite.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 4 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. +showdown.moves.spite.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 4. +showdown.moves.spite.gen3.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 or 1 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. +showdown.moves.spite.gen3.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 2-5. +showdown.moves.spite.gen2.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the move has 0 PP. +showdown.moves.spite.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! +showdown.moves.splash.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.splash.activate=But nothing happened! Stormshards +showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. Splash +showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.spore.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from opponents of the target are redirected to the target. Such attacks are redirected to the target before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. +showdown.moves.spotlight.shortDesc=Target's foes' moves are redirected to it this turn. +showdown.moves.spotlight.start=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.spotlight.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Storm +showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Rock +showdown.moves.stealthrock.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.shortDesc=Hurts foes on switch-in. Factors Rock weakness. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.start=Pointed stones float in the air around %s! +showdown.moves.stealthrock.end=The pointed stones disappeared from around %s! +showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=Pointed stones dug into %s! Eruption +showdown.moves.steameruption.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. +showdown.moves.steameruption.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. +showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Beam +showdown.moves.steelbeam.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. +showdown.moves.steelbeam.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. +showdown.moves.steelbeam.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Roller +showdown.moves.steelroller.desc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the terrain. Wing +showdown.moves.steelwing.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.steelwing.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. Web +showdown.moves.stickyweb.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.shortDesc=Lowers Speed of grounded foes by 1 on switch-in. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.start=A sticky web has been laid out on the ground around %s! +showdown.moves.stickyweb.end=The sticky web has disappeared from the ground around %s! +showdown.moves.stickyweb.activate=%s was caught in a sticky web! +showdown.moves.stockpile.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. +showdown.moves.stockpile.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense, Sp. Def by 1. Max 3 uses. +showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.desc=The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. +showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.shortDesc=Raises user's Stockpile count by 1. Max 3 uses. +showdown.moves.stockpile.start=%s stockpiled %s! +showdown.moves.stockpile.end=%s's stockpiled effect wore off! Sparksurfer +showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.stomp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.stomp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is under the effect of Minimize. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Tantrum +showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=Power doubles if the user's last move on the previous turn, including moves called by other moves or those used through Instruct, Magic Coat, Snatch, or the Dancer or Magic Bounce Abilities, failed to do any of its normal effects, not including damage from an unsuccessful High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, or Mind Blown, or if the user was prevented from moving by any effect other than recharging or Sky Drop. A move that was blocked by Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, Spiky Shield, Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard will not double this move's power, nor will Bounce or Fly ending early due to the effect of Gravity, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. +showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user's last move failed. Axe +showdown.moves.stoneaxe.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Sets Stealth Rock on the target's side. Edge +showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Power +showdown.moves.storedpower.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. +showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. Throw +showdown.moves.stormthrow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. +showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Steam +showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=No additional effect. Sap +showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. +showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1. Shot +showdown.moves.stringshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.struggle.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 of its max HP. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen6.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random adjacent opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 the HP lost by the target. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.desc=Deals Normal-type damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=User loses 1/2 the HP lost by the target. Bug +showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. Cheeks +showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.desc=This move cannot be selected unless the user is holding a Berry. The user eats its Berry and raises its Defense by 2 stages. This effect is not prevented by the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry. +showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.shortDesc=Must hold Berry to use. User eats Berry, Def +2. Spore +showdown.moves.stunspore.desc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.stunspore.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.submission.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.submission.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. +showdown.moves.submission.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. +showdown.moves.substitute.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. Sound-based moves and Pokemon with the Infiltrator Ability ignore substitutes. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. +showdown.moves.substitute.shortDesc=User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a substitute. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen5.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute has 1 HP plus the HP used to create it, and is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it or 255 damage is inflicted at once, or if the user switches out or faints. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by the opposing Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by the opponent, unless the effect is Disable, Leech Seed, sleep, primary paralysis, or secondary confusion and the user's substitute did not break. The user still takes normal damage from status effects while behind its substitute, unless the effect is confusion damage, which is applied to the opposing Pokemon's substitute instead. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the attack ends. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute, or if it already has a substitute. The user will create a substitute and then faint if its current HP is exactly 1/4 of its maximum HP. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a Substitute. +showdown.moves.substitute.start=%s put in a substitute! +showdown.moves.substitute.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! +showdown.moves.substitute.end=%s's substitute faded! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! +showdown.moves.substitute.activate=The substitute took damage for %s! Slammer +showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Punch +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical attack, special attack, or Me First for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking. +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.gen4.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical or special attack for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. Day +showdown.moves.sunnyday.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Heat Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.shortDesc=For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day, even if the current weather is Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Strike +showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Fang +showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. +showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move ignores type immunity. +showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = 1/2 target's current HP. Hits Ghosts. +showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Skystrike +showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dive. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dive. additional effect. additional effect. foes. Power doubles against Dive. Strikes +showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Hits three times. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. +showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Hits 3 times. +showdown.moves.swagger.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. +showdown.moves.swagger.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 and confuses it. +showdown.moves.swagger.gen2.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. This move will miss if the target's Attack cannot be raised. +showdown.moves.swallow.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Heals the user based on uses of Stockpile. +showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Stockpile count resets to 0. Kiss +showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Scent +showdown.moves.sweetscent.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 2. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 1. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1. +showdown.moves.swift.desc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.swift.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. +showdown.moves.swift.gen1.desc=This move does not check accuracy and hits even if the target is using Dig or Fly. +showdown.moves.swift.gen1.shortDesc=Never misses, even against Dig and Fly. +showdown.moves.swift.gen2.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, or if the user is trying to give or take a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.activate=%s switched items with its target! Dance +showdown.moves.swordsdance.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=The target is immune if it does not share a type with the user. +showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon sharing the user's type. +showdown.moves.synthesis.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=No additional effect. Glow +showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages. +showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3. +showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Slap +showdown.moves.tailslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.tailslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. Whip +showdown.moves.tailwhip.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.tailwhip.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.tailwhip.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.tailwind.desc=For 4 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.tailwind.shortDesc=For 4 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. +showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.desc=For 3 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.shortDesc=For 3 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. +showdown.moves.tailwind.start=The Tailwind blew from behind %s! +showdown.moves.tailwind.end=%s's Tailwind petered out! Down +showdown.moves.takedown.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. Heart +showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=The user cures its non-volatile status condition. Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Cures user's status, raises Sp. Atk, Sp. Def by 1. Shot +showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Until the target switches out, the effectiveness of Fire-type moves is doubled against it. +showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Target gets -1 Spe and becomes weaker to Fire. +showdown.moves.tarshot.start=%s became weaker to fire! +showdown.moves.taunt.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.taunt.shortDesc=Target can't use status moves its next 3 turns. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen6.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.desc=For 3 to 5 turns, prevents the target from using non-damaging moves. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.shortDesc=For 3-5 turns, the target can't use status moves. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.desc=For 2 turns, prevents the target from using non-damaging moves. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target can't use status moves. +showdown.moves.taunt.start=%s fell for the taunt! +showdown.moves.taunt.end=%s shook off the taunt! +showdown.moves.taunt.cant=%s can't use %s after the taunt! Look +showdown.moves.tearfullook.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.tearfullook.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.teatime.desc=All active Pokemon consume their held Berries. This effect is not prevented by substitutes, the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if no active Pokemon is holding a Berry. +showdown.moves.teatime.shortDesc=All active Pokemon consume held Berries. +showdown.moves.teatime.activate=It's teatime! Everyone dug in to their Berries! nothing happened! Blast +showdown.moves.technoblast.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Drive. +showdown.moves.technoblast.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Drive. Rage +showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Dance +showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Causes the target to become confused. +showdown.moves.teeterdance.shortDesc=Confuses adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, Alolan Diglett, Alolan Dugtrio, Sandygast, Palossand, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.shortDesc=For 3 turns, target floats but moves can't miss it. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen6.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen5.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett or Dugtrio. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.start=%s was hurled into the air! +showdown.moves.telekinesis.end=%s was freed from the telekinesis! +showdown.moves.teleport.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.teleport.shortDesc=User switches out. +showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.desc=Fails when used. +showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.shortDesc=Fails when used. Blast +showdown.moves.terablast.desc=If the user is Terastallized, this move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes, and this move's type becomes the same as the user's Tera Type. +showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=If Terastallized: Phys. if Atk > SpA, type = Tera. Pulse +showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=Power doubles if the user is grounded and a terrain is active, and this move's type changes to match. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=User on terrain: power doubles, type varies. +showdown.moves.thief.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.thief.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. +showdown.moves.thief.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.thief.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, or a Genesect holding a Drive. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.thief.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.thief.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.thief.gen2.desc=Has a 100% chance to steal the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail. Arrows +showdown.moves.thousandarrows.desc=This move can hit airborne Pokemon, which includes Flying-type Pokemon, Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, Pokemon holding an Air Balloon, and Pokemon under the effect of Magnet Rise or Telekinesis. If the target is a Flying type and is not already grounded, this move deals neutral damage regardless of its other type(s). This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. +showdown.moves.thousandarrows.shortDesc=Grounds adjacent foes. First hit neutral on Flying. Waves +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.shortDesc=Hits adjacent foes. Prevents them from switching. +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.thrash.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.thrash.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Chop +showdown.moves.throatchop.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. +showdown.moves.throatchop.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound moves. +showdown.moves.throatchop.gen7.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. Z-Powered sound moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.throatchop.cant=The effects of Throat Chop prevent %s from using certain moves! +showdown.moves.thunder.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. +showdown.moves.thunder.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze. Can't miss in rain. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Fly. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunderbolt.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunderbolt.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Cage +showdown.moves.thundercage.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.thundercage.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.thundercage.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.thundercage.start=%s trapped %s! Fang +showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. +showdown.moves.thunderfang.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze. 10% chance to flinch. Kick +showdown.moves.thunderouskick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.thunderouskick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Punch +showdown.moves.thunderpunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunderpunch.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Shock +showdown.moves.thundershock.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thundershock.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Wave +showdown.moves.thunderwave.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.thunderwave.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.tickle.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.tickle.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1. Up +showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. Removes subtitutes from all active Pokemon and ends the effects of Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes for both sides. +showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=User +1 Atk, Spe. Clears all substitutes/hazards. +showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Tidying up complete! +showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=The target's positive stat stages become negative and vice versa. Fails if all of the target's stat stages are 0. +showdown.moves.topsyturvy.shortDesc=Inverts the target's stat stages. Song +showdown.moves.torchsong.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.torchsong.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.torment.desc=Prevents the target from selecting the same move for use two turns in a row. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. +showdown.moves.torment.shortDesc=Target can't select the same move twice in a row. +showdown.moves.torment.start=%s was subjected to torment! +showdown.moves.torment.end=%s is no longer tormented! +showdown.moves.toxic.desc=Badly poisons the target. If a Poison-type Pokemon uses this move, the target cannot avoid the attack, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. +showdown.moves.toxic.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. Poison types can't miss. +showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.desc=Badly poisons the target. +showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. Spikes +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.shortDesc=Poisons grounded foes on switch-in. Max 2 layers. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen4.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, as well as switching in with a substitute. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.start=Poison spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.end=The poison spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! Thread +showdown.moves.toxicthread.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage and poisons it. +showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons it. +showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.transform.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, gender, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP, with a maximum of 5 PP each. The user can no longer change formes if it would have the ability to do so. This move fails if it hits a substitute, if either the user or the target is already transformed, or if either is behind an Illusion. +showdown.moves.transform.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and Ability. +showdown.moves.transform.gen4.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, IVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move fails if the target has transformed. +showdown.moves.transform.gen2.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, DVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move fails if the target has transformed. +showdown.moves.transform.gen2.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and species. +showdown.moves.transform.gen1.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, DVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move can hit a target using Dig or Fly. +showdown.moves.transform.transform=%s transformed into %s! Attack +showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Has a 20% chance to either burn, freeze, or paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze target. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=This move selects burn, freeze, or paralysis at random, and has a 20% chance to inflict the target with that status. If the target is frozen and burn was selected, it thaws out. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.trick.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.trick.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. +showdown.moves.trick.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.trick.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, or if the user is trying to give or take a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.trick.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.trick.gen3.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.trick.activate=%s switched items with its target! +showdown.moves.trickortreat.desc=Causes the Ghost type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Ghost type. If Forest's Curse adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. +showdown.moves.trickortreat.shortDesc=Adds Ghost to the target's type(s). Room +showdown.moves.trickroom.desc=For 5 turns, the Speed of every Pokemon is recalculated for the purposes of determining turn order. During the effect, each Pokemon's Speed is considered to be (10000 - its normal Speed), and if this value is greater than 8191, 8192 is subtracted from it. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.trickroom.shortDesc=Goes last. For 5 turns, turn order is reversed. +showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon with lower Speed will move before those with higher Speed, within their priority brackets. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. Arrows +showdown.moves.triplearrows.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage, a 30% chance to make it flinch, and a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=High crit. Target: 50% -1 Defense, 30% flinch. Axel +showdown.moves.tripleaxel.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 40 for the second hit and 60 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. +showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. Dive +showdown.moves.tripledive.desc=Hits three times. +showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Kick +showdown.moves.triplekick.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. +showdown.moves.triplekick.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen3.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.desc=Hits one to three times, at random. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 1-3 times. Power rises with each hit. Kick +showdown.moves.tropkick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Card +showdown.moves.trumpcard.desc=The power of this move is based on the amount of PP remaining after normal PP reduction and the Pressure Ability resolve. 200 power for 0 PP, 80 power for 1 PP, 60 power for 2 PP, 50 power for 3 PP, and 40 power for 4 or more PP. +showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=More power the fewer PP this move has left. Beam +showdown.moves.twinbeam.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.twineedle.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.twineedle.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Each hit has 20% chance to poison. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen4.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen3.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit but the target cannot be poisoned by it. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Last hit has 20% chance to poison. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen1.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Tackle +showdown.moves.twinkletackle.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.twister.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.twister.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. +showdown.moves.twister.gen4.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. +showdown.moves.twister.gen2.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Fly. +showdown.moves.twister.gen2.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.uturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. +showdown.moves.uturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. +showdown.moves.uturn.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. +showdown.moves.uturn.gen4.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.uturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.uproar.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.uproar.shortDesc=Lasts 3 turns. Active Pokemon cannot fall asleep. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen6.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an adjacent opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.desc=The user spends three to six turns locked into this move. This move targets an opponent at random on each turn. During effect, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon that are already asleep wake up as their turn starts or at the end of each turn, including the last one. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.shortDesc=Lasts 3-6 turns. Active Pokemon cannot sleep. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.desc=The user spends two to five turns locked into this move. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. During effect, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon that are already asleep wake up as their turn starts or at the end of each turn, including the last one. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.shortDesc=Lasts 2-5 turns. Active Pokemon cannot sleep. +showdown.moves.uproar.start=%s caused an uproar! +showdown.moves.uproar.end=%s calmed down. +showdown.moves.uproar.upkeep=%s is making an uproar! +showdown.moves.uproar.block=But the uproar kept %s awake! +showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s can't sleep in an uproar! Wave +showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Lowers the user's Speed, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. Volley +showdown.moves.veeveevolley.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. +showdown.moves.veeveevolley.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Drench +showdown.moves.venomdrench.desc=Lowers the target's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 1 stage if the target is poisoned. Fails if the target is not poisoned. +showdown.moves.venomdrench.shortDesc=Lowers Atk/Sp. Atk/Speed of poisoned foes by 1. +showdown.moves.venoshock.desc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. +showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. Dance +showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. Whip +showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Grip +showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Throw +showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Goes last. Switch +showdown.moves.voltswitch.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.switchOut=%s went back to %s! Tackle +showdown.moves.volttackle.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Slap +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If the user has not fainted, the target wakes up. +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is asleep, and wakes it. +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If this move is successful, the target wakes up. +showdown.moves.waterfall.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.waterfall.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.shortDesc=No additional effect. Gun +showdown.moves.watergun.shortDesc=No additional effect. Pledge +showdown.moves.waterpledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Grass Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Water Gem, and cannot be redirected by the Storm Drain Ability. +showdown.moves.waterpledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Fire Pledge for added effect. +showdown.moves.waterpledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... +showdown.moves.waterpledge.start=A rainbow appeared in the sky on %s's side! +showdown.moves.waterpledge.end=The rainbow on %s's side disappeared! Pulse +showdown.moves.waterpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.waterpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. Shuriken +showdown.moves.watershuriken.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the user is an Ash-Greninja with the Battle Bond Ability, this move has a power of 20 and always hits three times. +showdown.moves.watershuriken.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.watershuriken.gen6.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. Sport +showdown.moves.watersport.desc=For 5 turns, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. +showdown.moves.watersport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Fire-type attacks have 1/3 power. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/3 their power. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/2 their power. Spout +showdown.moves.waterspout.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. +showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Crash +showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. Ball +showdown.moves.weatherball.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Snow, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. +showdown.moves.weatherball.shortDesc=Power doubles and type varies in each weather. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen8.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen5.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Sunny Day. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if a weather condition is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Sunny Day. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles and type varies during weather. +showdown.moves.weatherball.move=Breakneck Blitz turned into %s due to the weather! +showdown.moves.whirlpool.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.start=%s became trapped in the vortex! +showdown.moves.whirlwind.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. Blow +showdown.moves.wickedblow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. +showdown.moves.wickedblow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Torque +showdown.moves.wickedtorque.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.wickedtorque.shortDesc=10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. Guard +showdown.moves.wideguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.wideguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target moves this turn. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen7.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target damage this turn. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.wideguard.start=Wide Guard protected %s! +showdown.moves.wideguard.block=Wide Guard protected %s! Storm +showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze foe(s). Charge +showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. +showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target. Attack +showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.wish.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of the user's maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. +showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored. +showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of its maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. +showdown.moves.wish.gen4.shortDesc=Next turn, heals 50% of the recipient's max HP. +showdown.moves.wish.heal=%s's wish came true! +showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. Room +showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon have their Defense and Special Defense stats swapped. Stat stage changes are unaffected. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all Defense and Sp. Def stats switch. Hammer +showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Up +showdown.moves.workup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.workup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Seed +showdown.moves.worryseed.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.worryseed.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Insomnia. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, Stance Change, or Truant. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, or Truant. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen4.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype or Truant, or if the target is holding a Griseous Orb. +showdown.moves.wrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.wrap.start=%s was wrapped by %s! +showdown.moves.wrap.move=%s's attack continues! Out +showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. +showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. +showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. +showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. +showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn. +showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s grew drowsy! Cannon +showdown.moves.zapcannon.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.zapcannon.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Headbutt +showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. Zap +showdown.moves.zingzap.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.zingzap.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Zap +showdown.moves.zippyzap.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's evasion by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.shortDesc=Goes first. Raises user's evasion by 1. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.desc=Will always result in a critical hit. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. Always crits. \ No newline at end of file From c73ff13034e9178024b035b6b7674665f25761e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 13:01:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 03/43] German plgui move buttons --- texts/de_DE.lang | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 3b9d948ed..5f8c465ae 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -8545,89 +8545,89 @@ src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.0=§7[%s]: %s src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.1=§7[%s]: %s ## Battle Text -battle.battleEnded=Battle Ended -battle.tieWasForced=Tie was forced! -battle.playerActor.usedBagItem=%s Used a %s -battle.playerActor.usedBall.captured=%s§r§f Was §gCaptured!§f -battle.playerActor.usedBall.escaped=%s§r§f Escaped!§f -battle.playerActor.usedBall.missed=Ball was missed! -battle.playerActor.ranFromBattle=%s Ran from the battle! -battle.showdownInterpreter.turn=== Turn: %s == -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonFainted=%s§r§f fainted! -battle.showdownInterpreter.playerWon=§l§e%s§r§f won the battle! -battle.showdownInterpreter.newElo=§l§e%s§r§f New Elo %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.tie=Tie between both sides! -battle.showdownInterpreter.moveMissed=%s§r§f avoided the attack! -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonImmune=It doesn't affect %s§r§f... -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonUsedMove=%s§r§f Used §l%s§r§f! -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonCantMove=%s§r§f can't move! -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonResisted=It's not very effective... -battle.showdownInterpreter.superEffective=It's super effective! -battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOnSide=%s started on %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.sideEnd=§7§o(%s ended on %s!)§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.criticalHit=A critical hit! -battle.showdownInterpreter.weatherClearedUp=§7§oThe weather cleared up!§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.actionFailed=But it failed! -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMustRecharge=%s§r§f must recharge! -battle.showdownInterpreter.startMoveDisabled=%s§r§f's %s was disabled! -battle.showdownInterpreter.startTypeChange=%s§r§f's type changed to %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.pokemonDisableEnd=%s§r§f's move is no longer disabled! +battle.battleEnded=Kampf beendet +battle.tieWasForced=Unentschieden wurde gezwungen! +battle.playerActor.usedBagItem=%s benutzte ein(e) %s +battle.playerActor.usedBall.captured=%s§r§f Wurde §gGefangen!§f +battle.playerActor.usedBall.escaped=%s§r§f Ist Entkommen!§f +battle.playerActor.usedBall.missed=Ball verfehlt! +battle.playerActor.ranFromBattle=%s ist vom Kampf geflohen! +battle.showdownInterpreter.turn=== Runde: %s == +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonFainted=%s§r§f ist ohnmächtig geworden! +battle.showdownInterpreter.playerWon=§l§e%s§r§f hat den Kampf gewonnen! +battle.showdownInterpreter.newElo=§l§e%s§r§f Neues Elo %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.tie=Unentschieden! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveMissed=%s§r§f wich aus! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonImmune=es kümmert %s§r§f nicht... +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonUsedMove=%s§r§f benutzt §l%s§r§f! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonCantMove=%s§r§f kann sich nicht bewegen! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonResisted=Es ist nicht sehr effektiv... +battle.showdownInterpreter.superEffective=Es ist sehr effektiv! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOnSide=%s auf %s gestartet! +battle.showdownInterpreter.sideEnd=§7§o(%s endete auf %s!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.criticalHit=Ein kritischer Schlag! +battle.showdownInterpreter.weatherClearedUp=§7§oDas Wetter hat sich geklärt!§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.actionFailed=Aber es klappte nicht! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMustRecharge=%s§r§f muss sich aufladen! +battle.showdownInterpreter.startMoveDisabled=%s§r§f's %s wurde deaktiviert! +battle.showdownInterpreter.startTypeChange=%s§r§f's Typ hat sich zu %s geändert! +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.pokemonDisableEnd=%s§r§f's Move ist nicht mehr deaktiviert! battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.ability=§o§7[%s§r§o§7's %s]!§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(${effect[0]} activated!)§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMegaEvolved=%s§r§f is Mega Evolving! -battle.showdownInterpreter.moveDidNothing=Did nothing! -battle.showdownInterpreter.clearAllBoost=All stat changes were eliminated! -battle.showdownInterpreter.effectEndedOn=Effect Ended on %s§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDraggedOut=%s§r§f was dragged out! -battle.showdownInterpreter.moveStarted=%s is starting %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOn=Effect Started on %s§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.ability.longTermEffect=%s's Ability %s, is taking effect! -battle.showdownInterpreter.move.prepare=%s's is preparing to use %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.0=%s's %s won't go any lower! -battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.1=%s's %s fell! -battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.2=%s's %s fell harshly! -battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.pos=%s's %s severely fell! -battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.0=%s's %s won't go any higher! -battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.1=%s's %s rose! -battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.2=%s's %s rose sharply! -battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.pos=%s's %s rose drastically! -battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.actorSentOut=%s sent out %s§r§f! -battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.wildAppeared=A %s appeared! -battle.showdownInterpreter.changedFormes=%s§r§f changed formes! -battle.showdownInterpreter.statusEnded=%s ended on %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDamaged=%s is hurt by %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.healthLost=§7§o%s§r§7§o lost %s%% of its health!§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.hitXTimes=%s was hit %s times! -battle.showdownInterpreter.hit1Time=%s was hit 1 time! -battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolen=%s stole %s's %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.obtainedItem=%s obtained one %s. -battle.showdownInterpreter.itemAte=§7§o(%s§o ate its %s!)§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolenAndAte=%s§r§f stole and ate its target's %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.hpRestored=§7§o%s§r§7§o had its HP restored.§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.hpSet=§7§o%s§r§7§o now has %s hit points.§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(${effect[0]} aktiviert!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMegaEvolved=%s§r§f Mega-entwikelt sich! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveDidNothing=Tat nichts! +battle.showdownInterpreter.clearAllBoost=Alle Statistikenänderungen würden entfernt! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectEndedOn=Effekt endete auf %s§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDraggedOut=%s§r§f wurde rausgezogen! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveStarted=%s startet %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOn=Effekt auf %s§rgestartet§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.ability.longTermEffect=%s's Fähigkeit %s, wird wirksam! +battle.showdownInterpreter.move.prepare=%s's beritet sich vor %s zu benutzen! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.0=%s's %s wird nicht tiefer! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.1=%s's %s fiel! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.2=%s's %s fiel tief! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.pos=%s's %s fiel schwerwiegend! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.0=%s's %s wird nicht höher! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.1=%s's %s stieg! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.2=%s's %s stieg hoch! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.pos=%s's %s stieg drastisch! +battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.actorSentOut=%s hat %s§r ausgesendet§f! +battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.wildAppeared=Ein %s erscheint! +battle.showdownInterpreter.changedFormes=%s§r§f hat die Form geändert! +battle.showdownInterpreter.statusEnded=%s endete auf %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDamaged=%s wurde durch %s verletzt! +battle.showdownInterpreter.healthLost=§7§o%s§r§7§o verlor %s%% seiner Gesundheit!§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.hitXTimes=%s wurde %s mal geschlagen! +battle.showdownInterpreter.hit1Time=%s wurde einmal geschlagen! +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolen=%s stiehl %s's %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.obtainedItem=%s hat ein %s bekommen. +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemAte=§7§o(%s§o hat seine %s gegessen!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolenAndAte=%s§r§f stiehl und aß die %s vom Gegener! +battle.showdownInterpreter.hpRestored=§7§o%s§r§7§o hatte seine Gesundheit wiederhergestellt.§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.hpSet=§7§o%s§r§7§o hat nun %s Kraftpunkte.§r§f ## Player GUI ## Move Button description is split up because .lang cannot do `\n` battle.gui.moveButton.description.0=§l%s§r -battle.gui.moveButton.description.1=Base Power: %s -battle.gui.moveButton.description.2.cantMiss=Accuracy: Can't Miss -battle.gui.moveButton.description.2=Accuracy: %s% -battle.gui.moveButton.description.3=Target: %s -battle.gui.button.openBag=§r§aOpen your bag, to use an item. -battle.gui.button.switchPokemon=§r§aSwitch to another Pokémon.§r§aSwitch to another Pokémon. -battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activated=§r§7Mega Evolution Activated for next move. -battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activate=§r§aActivate mega evolution for next move. -battle.gui.button.bag.pokeballs=Poké Balls -battle.gui.button.bag.hp_pp_restore=HP/PP Restore -battle.gui.button.back=Back -battle.gui.battleSideText.turn=§fTurn %s -battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.null=No Turn Timer -battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Waiting%s -battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=No Terrain +battle.gui.moveButton.description.1=Basispunkte: %s +battle.gui.moveButton.description.2.cantMiss=Genauigkeit: unverfehlbar +battle.gui.moveButton.description.2=Genauigkeit: %s% +battle.gui.moveButton.description.3=Zielobjekt: %s +battle.gui.button.openBag=§r§aÖffne deine Tasche, um einen. +battle.gui.button.switchPokemon=§r§aZu einem anderen Pokemon wechseln.§r§aZu einem anderen Pokemon wechseln. +battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activated=§r§7Mega Evolution für den nächsten Move aktiviert. +battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activate=§r§aMega Evolution für den nächsten Move aktivieren. +battle.gui.button.bag.pokeballs=Pokebälle +battle.gui.button.bag.hp_pp_restore=KP/AP wiederherstellen +battle.gui.button.back=Zurück +battle.gui.battleSideText.turn=§fRunde %s +battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.null=Keinen Rundentimer +battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Warte%s +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Kein Terrain ### Showdown Battle Text Ability From a7e5a3b013e7af18a02e9b4a7c3dab87ab88b798 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 13:02:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 04/43] _ --- texts/de_DE.lang | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 5f8c465ae..4f636ecd8 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -8627,7 +8627,7 @@ battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.null=Keinen Rundentimer battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Warte%s -battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Kein Terrain +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Kein Terrain ## 20.04.2024:13.04 ### Showdown Battle Text Ability From ac07e1da26c6b5f1f0c14ddd41bedd51ae4e5e38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 13:08:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 05/43] removed parts german --- texts/de_DE.lang | 238 +---------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 4f636ecd8..7659932db 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -4110,237 +4110,7 @@ pokemon.walkingwake.desc=Ökologie in der Forschung. pokemon.ironleaves.desc=Ökologie in Analyse. -## Events -events.beforeChat.muted=§cKann keine Nachrichten senden, Sie sind derzeit stummgeschaltet! -events.beforeChat.sendingTooFast=§cie senden Nachrichten zu schnell. Bitte seien Sie langsamer und versuchen Sie es erneut. -events.beforeChat.repeatedMessage=§cIhre vorherige Nachricht scheint mit Ihrer letzten identisch zu sein. Bitte ändern Sie Ihre Nachricht und versuchen Sie es erneut. -events.beforeChat.zalgoMessage=§cIhre Nachricht enthält Zalgo und kann nicht gesendet werden! -events.beforeChat.send=§r§l§8[§r%s§r§l§8]§r§7 %s:§r %s -events.beforeChat.kick=§cSpamming! - -events.claimManager.interactWithStick.isClaimed=§aDer von Ihnen ausgewählte Block wird von %s beansprucht -events.claimManager.interactWithStick.notClaimed=§aNiemand hat diesen Block beansprucht.§cUngültige Auswahl, die von Ihnen ausgewählte Position ist derzeit beansprucht und kann nicht beansprucht werden! -events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.success.selectedPos1=§aPosition eins bei §eX: %s, Z: %s ausgewählt§cUngültige Auswahl, Anspruchsgröße muss größer oder gleich 10 sein!§cUngültige Auswahl, diese Auswahl ist zu groß! Sie haben %s Blöcke ausgewählt, Sie können jedoch nur %s Blöcke beanspruchen!§cUngültige Auswahl. Ihre Auswahl umfasst Blöcke, die bereits beansprucht wurden. -events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.confirm=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Blöcke von %s bis %s beanspruchen möchten? -events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.success=§a§aErfolg!, Sie haben %s Blöcke beansprucht! -events.claimManager.interact.invalidPermission=§cSie können mit diesem Anspruch nicht interagieren! - -events.entityHit.ball.pokemonInBattle=§cFehler: Dieses Pokémon kann nicht gefangen werden. Es befindet sich derzeit im Kampf! -events.entityHit.ball.pokemonSentOut=§cFehler: Dieses Pokémon kann nicht gefangen werden. Dieses Pokémon wurde ausgesendet. -events.entityHit.battle.pokemonInBattle=§cFehler: Der Kampf mit diesem Pokémon kann nicht gestartet werden. Es befindet sich derzeit im Kampf! -events.entityHit.battle.pokemonSentOut=§cFehler: Der Kampf mit diesem Pokémon kann nicht gestartet werden. Es wurde verschickt und kann nicht an Kämpfen teilnehmen. -events.entityHit.getId=ID der getroffenen Entität: "%s" - -events.lagClear.announce=[§fServer§r]§a Der Server wurde von Gegenständen und ungezähmten Pokémon befreit! -events.lagClear.announce.startingIn=[§fServer§r]§a Lag Clear startet in %s! - -events.moderate.frozen.alert=§bSie wurden eingefroren, Grund: %s - -events.interact_with_trainer.inBattle=§cDieser Trainer ist im Kampf und kann nicht interaktiert werden! - -events.setStarterPokemon.chosen=§a§lSie haben §b§l%s §a§lausgewählt - -## Forms§cFormular Timeout: Formular wurde versucht anzuzeigen, aber Sie waren beschäftigt (schließen Sie den Chat nachdem Sie den Befehl durchführen) - -forms.crate.noDataToShow=§cDiese Crate hat keine Daten zum zeigen! -forms.crate.edit.itemIdDoesNotExist=Der Gegenstand „%s“ existiert nicht in Minecraft oder in den verbundenen Verhaltenspaketen! -forms.crate.edit.dataMustBeNumber=Daten: %s, Muss eine Zahl sein! - Sie sich sicher, das Sie den Kit: %s§r für %s PokeDollars kaufen möchtest?§cKauf fehlgeschlagen: %s§r§c, Sie haben nicht genügend PokeDollars!§aErfolgreich gekauftes Kit %s§r§c -%s PokeDollars! -forms.kits.claim.success=§aBeanspruchtes Kit: %s Erfolgreich! Erneut anfordern %s -forms.kits.delete.success=§cGelöschtes Kit: §e%s - -forms.moderate.updatedRole=§aRolle für "%s" aktualisiert! -forms.moderate.updatedModerateData=§aAktualisierte moderate Daten! -ählen Sie eine Aktion, um es an diesen Pokemon anzuwenden.§cFehler: Pokémon ist ohnmächtig geworden. Bitte gehen Sie zum Heiler, um die Gesundheit wiederherzustellen.§aErfolg: §e%s ausgesendet!§aErfolg: §e%s zurückgeholt!§cFehler: Pokémon nicht gefunden. Bitte gehen Sie näher an das Pokémon heran und versuchen Sie es erneut.§cPokémon kann nicht in die Wildnis entlassen werden! Sie müssen immer 1 Pokémon bei sich haben!§cPokémon kann nicht entlassen werden, während es ausgesendet ist! Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Pokémon in die Wildnis entlassen möchten? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!§e%s§a wurde in die Wildnis entlassen!§cKann nicht auf den PC übertragen werden! Sie müssen immer 1 Pokémon bei sich haben!§cHolen Sie dieses Pokémon zurück, bevor Sie es übertragen!§r wurde auf Ihren PC übertragen!§cFehler: Spitzname zu lang. Die maximal zulässige Länge beträgt 10 Zeichen.§cFehler: Das erste Zeichen des Spitznamens muss ein Buchstabe sein. - -forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.body=Wählen Sie eine Aktion, um es an diesen PC-Pokemon anzuwenden.§cÜbertragung zur Party fehlgeschlagen, Sie haben keine freien Plätze! -forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.AddToParty=Zur Party hinzufügen -forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.trashPokemon=Trash-Pokémon -forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.goBack=Zurück - -forms.serverNpc.butItemScreen.title=Gegenstand kaufen: %sx %s§r für %s PokeDollars!§cItems konnten nicht gekauft werden -forms.serverNpc.butItemScreen.success=§aErfolgreich gekauft %sx %s§r§c -%s PokeDollars! -forms.serverNpc.sellItemScreen.title=Verkaufen: %s§r für %s PokeDollars!§cItems konnten nicht verkauft werden -forms.serverNpc.sellItemScreen.success=§aErfolgreich verkauft %sx %s§r§a +%s PokeDollars!§cFehler beim Verkauf von %sx %s! - -forms.tradeMachine.showWaitForm.endTradeSearch=§cHandelssuche beendet! -forms.tradeMachine.showWaitForm.requestDeclined=§cIhre Handelsanfrage wurde abgelehnt! -forms.tradeMachine.showMain.alreadyInUse=§cKann nicht mit der Maschine interagieren, da sie bereits verwendet wird! -forms.tradeMachine.showMain.playerNotFound=§cHandel konnte nicht gestartet werden, anderer Spieler wurde nicht gefunden! - -forms.trainerMenu.main.cannotReBattleTrainer=§cSie können diesen Trainer nicht wieder herausfordern! -forms.trainerMenu.editBasicData.updated=§aGrunddaten für Trainer aktualisiert! -forms.trainerMenu.editDrops.confirmDelete=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie %s löschen möchten? -forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.typeIdDoesNotExist="%s" ist keine gültige Datennummer! -forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.notVaildData="%s" ist keine gültige Gegenstands-ID, die in Minecraft oder verbundenen Verhaltenspaketen enthalten ist. -forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.notValidAmount="%s" ist keine gültige Betragszahl! - -## Models -models.battleUtils.runPokemonCatch.ballWasMissed=Ball verfehlt! -models.battleUtils.endBattleOrPokemonForm.title=Ihr Pokémon ist ohnmächtig geworden -models.battleUtils.endBattleOrPokemonForm.body=Ihr Pokémon ist gerade ohnmächtig geworden. Um fortzufahren, beenden Sie entweder den Kampf oder tauschen Sie ihr Pokémon. -models.battleUtils.choosePokemonForm.noAvailablePokemon.first=Der Kampf kann nicht gestartet werden, da kein Pokémon verfügbar ist! -models.battleUtils.choosePokemonForm.noAvailablePokemon=Pokémon kann nicht geändert werden, Sie haben kein verfügbares Pokémon! - -models.playersPokemon.checkForLevelUp.levelUp=§e%s§r§e hat sich aufgelevelt zu %s! -models.playersPokemon.evolveSlot.alert=%s§r§e hat sich zu %s§r entwickelt! -§cSie können nicht "%s" bekämpfen, da Sie kein Pokemon verfügbar haben! -models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.ranFromBattle=Sie sind von den Kampf geflohen! -models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerRanFromBattle=Sie sind von den Kampf geflohen! -models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerLost=Sie haben verloren! -models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerWon=Sie haben gewonnen! -§cSie können nicht dieses Pokemon bekämpfen, da Sie kein Pokemon verfügbar haben! -models.playerVsPokemonBattle.end=Der Kampf wurde beendet -models.playerVsPokemonBattle.pokemonDied=§a%s§r§e hat §e%s XP erhalten! -models.choosePokemonForm.battleFailedToStart=§cKampf konnte nicht gestartet werden. Probieren Sie ein anderes Pokémon aus! -§cSie können nicht diesen Trainer bekämpfen, da Sie kein Pokemon verfügbar haben! -models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.gainedExp=§a%s hat §e%s XP erhalten! -models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.earnedPokeDollars=§aSie haben %sx PokeDollars verdient! - -### Auction House Model -models.auctionHouse.hasExpired.sold=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen und Sie bekommen: %s %s! -models.auctionHouse.hasExpired.notSold=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen und Sie bekommen: %s %s! -models.auctionHouse.addBid.outbid=§a%s hat mehr geboten, als Sie und Sie bekommen %sx %s zurück von %s! - -### Claim Model -models.claimModel.failedToDisplayBorder=§cKonnte nicht ganzen Rahmen anzeigen: %s! - -### Player Model -model.playerModel.questProgress.increment=§a[QUEST]: §f%s§a Fortschritt: %s / %s! -model.playerModel.questProgress.tierComplete=§aDerzeitige Quest-Stuffe beendet: %s! -model.playerModel.questProgress.questComplete=§aQuest Beendet: %s! -model.playerModel.questProgress.nextTierStarted=§aNächste Stuffe: %s gestartet, %s. - -## Commands -commands.default.cooldown=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen ohne Gebote!§cSie können sich selbst keine Kampfanfrage senden! -commands.battle.player.success=§a"%s" hat Ihnen eine Kampfanfrage gesendet, interagieren Sie um diese anzunehmen.§cAnfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden, Sie haben keine eingehenden Anfragen!§cAnfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden. Der Spieler, der diese Anfrage gesendet hat, ist nicht im Spiel!§cFehler: Der Kampf mit diesem Spieler kann nicht gestartet werden. Der Spieler befindet sich derzeit im Kampf! -commands.battle.accept.success.sender=§aKampfanfrage von „%s“ angenommen! -commands.battle.accept.success.fromPlayer=§a"%s" hat deine Kampfanfrage angenommen!§cAnfrage konnte nicht abgelehnt werden. Sie haben keine eingehenden Anfragen! -commands.battle.deny.success=§aIhre eingehende Kanmpfanfrage wurde abgelehnt! -commands.battle.toggle.success=§a"%s" Kampfanfragen an Sie sind jetzt auf %s gesetzt§cKampf konnte nicht verlassen werden. Sie befinden sich derzeit nicht in einem Kampf! -commands.battle.leave.success=§aDer Kampf, in dem Sie waren, wurde beendet! - -commands.chatRank.set.success=§aSetze "%s" Ränge zu %s! -commands.chatRank.add.success=§aRang hinzugefügt: %s zu "%s"! -§cFehler, kann nicht diesem Spieler, weil Ihnen dieses Anspruch nicht gehört!§cFehler, kann nicht Vertrauen für dieses Anspruch ändern, Ihnen gehört dieses Anspruch nicht!§cFehler, "%s" wird an den Anspruch, in dem Sie sich gerade befanden, bereits vertraut!§a"%s" an den Anspruch, in dem Sie sich gerade befanden, vertraut.§a"%s" an alle Ihre Ansprüche vertraut.§cFehler, Sie vertrauen diesem Spieler keine Ansprüche??? was denken Sie sich? Ich sollte diese Nachricht nicht schreiben, aber ich habe es für Sie gamacht, ich weiß nicht wie du es so schlecht vermasseln konntest.§cFehler, kann nicht Vertrauen für dieses Anspruch ändern, Ihnen gehört dieses Anspruch nicht!§cFehler, "%s" wird gerade nicht vertraut! -commands.claim.unTrust.playerName.success.toClaimIn=§a"%s" als nicht vertrauenswürdig für den Anspruch, in den Sie sich gerade befinden, gesetzt. -commands.claim.unTrust.playerName.success.toAllClaims=§a"%s" als nicht vertrauenswürdig für alle Ihre Ansprüche gesetzt.§cFehler, Sie müssen in einem Anspruch stehen, um es zu verlassen!§cFehler kann diesen Anspruch nicht verlassen, Sie besitzen diesen Anspruch nicht! -commands.claim.abandon.confirm=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Anspruch, auf den Sie sich gerade beziehen, verlassen möchten? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden! -commands.claim.abandon.success=§aDen Anspruch, in dem Sie sich gerade befanden, erfolgreich verlassen.§cSie haben keinen Anspruch zum Entfernen -commands.claim.abandonAll.confirm=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Ansprüche, die Sie derzeit haben, verlassen möchten? -commands.claim.abandonAll.success=§aAlle Ihre Ansprüche erfolgreich verlassen.§cFehler, Sie müssen in einem Anspruch stehen, um es zu verlassen! -commands.claim.delete.success=§aDer Anspruch, in dem Sie sich gerade befanden, wurde gelöscht. -commands.claim.balance=§aSie haben %sx verfügbare Anspruchsblöcke! - -commands.home.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um den Hausmanager anzusehen. - -commands.kits.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um die Kits anzusehen. -commands.kits.make.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um ein Kit zu erstellen. - -commands.moderate.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um den Moderatormenü zu öffnen. -commands.moderate.setPermission.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um Spielerberechtigungen festzulegen. - -commands.rules.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um die Regeln zu sehen. - -commands.warp.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um den Warp-Menü zu öffnen. -commands.warp.success=§aTeleportiert zu: %s! - -commands.wild.success=§aTeleportiert zur Wildniss! - -commands.serverWarp.set.success=§aServer-Warp %s an Ihrer Position gesetzt! -commands.serverWarp.set.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um Warp festzulegen. -commands.serverWarp.delete.success=§aServer-Warp gelöscht: „%s“ erfolgreich! -commands.serverWarp.delete.failed=§cServer-Warp konnte nicht gelöscht werden: „%s“! - -commands.tpa.player.failed.self=§cSie können sich selber keine Teleportanfrage senden! -commands.tpa.player.success=§a„%s“ hat Ihnen eine Teleportanfrage gesendet. Geben Sie „%s“ ein, um diese Anfrage anzunehmen§cAnfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden. Sie haben keine eingehenden Anfragen!§cAnfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden. Der Spieler, der diese Anfrage gesendet hat, ist nicht im Spiel! -commands.tpaccept.success.sender=§aTp-Anfrage von „%s“ angenommen! -commands.tpaccept.success.fromPlayer=§a"%s" hat Ihre Tp-Anfrage angenommen!§cDie Anfrage konnte nicht abgelehnt werden. Sie haben keine eingehenden Anfragen! -commands.tpdeny.success=§aIhre eingehende Tp-Anfrage wurde abgelehnt! -commands.tpatoggle.success=§a"%s" Teleportationsanfragen an Sie sind jetzt auf %s eingestellt.§cSie haben keinen vorherigen Back-Standort! -commands.back.success=§aSie wurden zurück teleportiert! - -commands.balance.success=§aSie haben %sx PokeDollars! -commands.balance.set.success=§a„%s“ PokeDollars auf %s aktualisiert! -commands.balance.add.success=§a„%s“ PokeDollars auf %s aktualisiert! -§cSie haben bereits eine Anfrage gestellt, Status: %s/%s. -commands.lag.request.success=§cSie haben bereits eine Anfrage gestellt, Status: %s/%s. - -commands.floatingText.spawn.success=§aErstellte schwebenden Text an ihrem Standort! -commands.floatingText.despawn.success=§cDer gesamte schwebende Text an Ihrem Standort wurde entfernt!§cDer gesamte schwebende Text an Ihrem Standort konnte nicht entfernt werden! %s - -commands.leaderboard.create.success=§aErstellte Bestenliste für %s an Ihrem Standort! -commands.leaderboard.update.success=§aAlle Bestenlisten aktualisiert! -§cKann nicht selbst bezahlen!§cKann nicht Betrag von weniger oder gleich zu 0 zahlen!§cSie haben nicht genug Geld, um %s PokeDollars zu senden!§a„%s“ %sx PokeDollars bezahlt! -§cPokémon konnte nicht geheilt werden. Sie befinden sich gerade im Kampf! - -commands.reset.success=§a%s Pokemon-Daten zurücksetzen! - -commands.seen.onlineRightNow=§a%s ist gerade online! Sag Hallo! -commands.seen.lastSeen=§c%s wurde zu zuletzt am %s gesehen -commands.seen.firstLogon=§c%s' erste Anmeldung war %s - -commands.redeem.success=§aCode eingelöst: "%s", Erfolgreich! -commands.redeem.alreadyRedeemed=§cDer Code: "%s", wurde bereits eingelöst! -commands.redeem.codeNotFound=§cDer Code: "%s", wurde nicht gefunden! +## R.I.P 300 og lines: Events Forms Models Auction House Model Claim Model Player Model Commands ## Dismout Messages ### These are required per pokemon because of Minecrafts Interpretation @@ -8544,7 +8314,7 @@ src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.1=Failed to clear it src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.0=§7[%s]: %s src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.1=§7[%s]: %s -## Battle Text +## Battle Text ############################################ battle.battleEnded=Kampf beendet battle.tieWasForced=Unentschieden wurde gezwungen! battle.playerActor.usedBagItem=%s benutzte ein(e) %s @@ -8627,8 +8397,8 @@ battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.null=Keinen Rundentimer battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Warte%s -battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Kein Terrain ## 20.04.2024:13.04 -### Showdown Battle Text +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Kein Terrain ## 20.04.2024:13.04 ####################################### +### Showdown Battle Text Ability showdown.abilities.noability.shortDesc=Does nothing. From 9e526ad4ac5083589e6d7a8e9b1545b6c514d5b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 13:14:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 06/43] Fixed mistake --- texts/de_DE.lang | 236 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- texts/es_ES.lang | 2 +- 2 files changed, 234 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 7659932db..3aa633d97 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -4110,8 +4110,6 @@ pokemon.walkingwake.desc=Ökologie in der Forschung. pokemon.ironleaves.desc=Ökologie in Analyse. -## R.I.P 300 og lines: Events Forms Models Auction House Model Claim Model Player Model Commands - ## Dismout Messages ### These are required per pokemon because of Minecrafts Interpretation action.hint.exit.pokemon:bulbasaur=Tippe "Schleichen" an, um abzusteigen @@ -8015,6 +8013,238 @@ action.hint.exit.pokemon:ironleaves=Tippe "Schleichen" an, um abzusteigen action.hint.exit.sceme.pokemon:ironleaves=Tippe auf Absteigen, um abzusteigen action.hint.exit.console.pokemon:ironleaves=Drücke :_input_key.sneak:, um abzusteigen +## Events +events.beforeChat.muted=§cKann keine Nachrichten senden, Sie sind derzeit stummgeschaltet! +events.beforeChat.sendingTooFast=§cie senden Nachrichten zu schnell. Bitte seien Sie langsamer und versuchen Sie es erneut. +events.beforeChat.repeatedMessage=§cIhre vorherige Nachricht scheint mit Ihrer letzten identisch zu sein. Bitte ändern Sie Ihre Nachricht und versuchen Sie es erneut. +events.beforeChat.zalgoMessage=§cIhre Nachricht enthält Zalgo und kann nicht gesendet werden! +events.beforeChat.send=§r§l§8[§r%s§r§l§8]§r§7 %s:§r %s +events.beforeChat.kick=§cSpamming! + +events.claimManager.interactWithStick.isClaimed=§aDer von Ihnen ausgewählte Block wird von %s beansprucht +events.claimManager.interactWithStick.notClaimed=§aNiemand hat diesen Block beansprucht.§cUngültige Auswahl, die von Ihnen ausgewählte Position ist derzeit beansprucht und kann nicht beansprucht werden! +events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.success.selectedPos1=§aPosition eins bei §eX: %s, Z: %s ausgewählt§cUngültige Auswahl, Anspruchsgröße muss größer oder gleich 10 sein!§cUngültige Auswahl, diese Auswahl ist zu groß! Sie haben %s Blöcke ausgewählt, Sie können jedoch nur %s Blöcke beanspruchen!§cUngültige Auswahl. Ihre Auswahl umfasst Blöcke, die bereits beansprucht wurden. +events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.confirm=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Blöcke von %s bis %s beanspruchen möchten? +events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.success=§a§aErfolg!, Sie haben %s Blöcke beansprucht! +events.claimManager.interact.invalidPermission=§cSie können mit diesem Anspruch nicht interagieren! + +events.entityHit.ball.pokemonInBattle=§cFehler: Dieses Pokémon kann nicht gefangen werden. Es befindet sich derzeit im Kampf! +events.entityHit.ball.pokemonSentOut=§cFehler: Dieses Pokémon kann nicht gefangen werden. Dieses Pokémon wurde ausgesendet. +events.entityHit.battle.pokemonInBattle=§cFehler: Der Kampf mit diesem Pokémon kann nicht gestartet werden. Es befindet sich derzeit im Kampf! +events.entityHit.battle.pokemonSentOut=§cFehler: Der Kampf mit diesem Pokémon kann nicht gestartet werden. Es wurde verschickt und kann nicht an Kämpfen teilnehmen. +events.entityHit.getId=ID der getroffenen Entität: "%s" + +events.lagClear.announce=[§fServer§r]§a Der Server wurde von Gegenständen und ungezähmten Pokémon befreit! +events.lagClear.announce.startingIn=[§fServer§r]§a Lag Clear startet in %s! + +events.moderate.frozen.alert=§bSie wurden eingefroren, Grund: %s + +events.interact_with_trainer.inBattle=§cDieser Trainer ist im Kampf und kann nicht interaktiert werden! + +events.setStarterPokemon.chosen=§a§lSie haben §b§l%s §a§lausgewählt + +## Forms§cFormular Timeout: Formular wurde versucht anzuzeigen, aber Sie waren beschäftigt (schließen Sie den Chat nachdem Sie den Befehl durchführen) + +forms.crate.noDataToShow=§cDiese Crate hat keine Daten zum zeigen! +forms.crate.edit.itemIdDoesNotExist=Der Gegenstand „%s“ existiert nicht in Minecraft oder in den verbundenen Verhaltenspaketen! +forms.crate.edit.dataMustBeNumber=Daten: %s, Muss eine Zahl sein! + Sie sich sicher, das Sie den Kit: %s§r für %s PokeDollars kaufen möchtest?§cKauf fehlgeschlagen: %s§r§c, Sie haben nicht genügend PokeDollars!§aErfolgreich gekauftes Kit %s§r§c -%s PokeDollars! +forms.kits.claim.success=§aBeanspruchtes Kit: %s Erfolgreich! Erneut anfordern %s +forms.kits.delete.success=§cGelöschtes Kit: §e%s + +forms.moderate.updatedRole=§aRolle für "%s" aktualisiert! +forms.moderate.updatedModerateData=§aAktualisierte moderate Daten! +ählen Sie eine Aktion, um es an diesen Pokemon anzuwenden.§cFehler: Pokémon ist ohnmächtig geworden. Bitte gehen Sie zum Heiler, um die Gesundheit wiederherzustellen.§aErfolg: §e%s ausgesendet!§aErfolg: §e%s zurückgeholt!§cFehler: Pokémon nicht gefunden. Bitte gehen Sie näher an das Pokémon heran und versuchen Sie es erneut.§cPokémon kann nicht in die Wildnis entlassen werden! Sie müssen immer 1 Pokémon bei sich haben!§cPokémon kann nicht entlassen werden, während es ausgesendet ist! Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Pokémon in die Wildnis entlassen möchten? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!§e%s§a wurde in die Wildnis entlassen!§cKann nicht auf den PC übertragen werden! Sie müssen immer 1 Pokémon bei sich haben!§cHolen Sie dieses Pokémon zurück, bevor Sie es übertragen!§r wurde auf Ihren PC übertragen!§cFehler: Spitzname zu lang. Die maximal zulässige Länge beträgt 10 Zeichen.§cFehler: Das erste Zeichen des Spitznamens muss ein Buchstabe sein. + +forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.body=Wählen Sie eine Aktion, um es an diesen PC-Pokemon anzuwenden.§cÜbertragung zur Party fehlgeschlagen, Sie haben keine freien Plätze! +forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.AddToParty=Zur Party hinzufügen +forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.trashPokemon=Trash-Pokémon +forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.goBack=Zurück + +forms.serverNpc.butItemScreen.title=Gegenstand kaufen: %sx %s§r für %s PokeDollars!§cItems konnten nicht gekauft werden +forms.serverNpc.butItemScreen.success=§aErfolgreich gekauft %sx %s§r§c -%s PokeDollars! +forms.serverNpc.sellItemScreen.title=Verkaufen: %s§r für %s PokeDollars!§cItems konnten nicht verkauft werden +forms.serverNpc.sellItemScreen.success=§aErfolgreich verkauft %sx %s§r§a +%s PokeDollars!§cFehler beim Verkauf von %sx %s! + +forms.tradeMachine.showWaitForm.endTradeSearch=§cHandelssuche beendet! +forms.tradeMachine.showWaitForm.requestDeclined=§cIhre Handelsanfrage wurde abgelehnt! +forms.tradeMachine.showMain.alreadyInUse=§cKann nicht mit der Maschine interagieren, da sie bereits verwendet wird! +forms.tradeMachine.showMain.playerNotFound=§cHandel konnte nicht gestartet werden, anderer Spieler wurde nicht gefunden! + +forms.trainerMenu.main.cannotReBattleTrainer=§cSie können diesen Trainer nicht wieder herausfordern! +forms.trainerMenu.editBasicData.updated=§aGrunddaten für Trainer aktualisiert! +forms.trainerMenu.editDrops.confirmDelete=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie %s löschen möchten? +forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.typeIdDoesNotExist="%s" ist keine gültige Datennummer! +forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.notVaildData="%s" ist keine gültige Gegenstands-ID, die in Minecraft oder verbundenen Verhaltenspaketen enthalten ist. +forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.notValidAmount="%s" ist keine gültige Betragszahl! + +## Models +models.battleUtils.runPokemonCatch.ballWasMissed=Ball verfehlt! +models.battleUtils.endBattleOrPokemonForm.title=Ihr Pokémon ist ohnmächtig geworden +models.battleUtils.endBattleOrPokemonForm.body=Ihr Pokémon ist gerade ohnmächtig geworden. Um fortzufahren, beenden Sie entweder den Kampf oder tauschen Sie ihr Pokémon. +models.battleUtils.choosePokemonForm.noAvailablePokemon.first=Der Kampf kann nicht gestartet werden, da kein Pokémon verfügbar ist! +models.battleUtils.choosePokemonForm.noAvailablePokemon=Pokémon kann nicht geändert werden, Sie haben kein verfügbares Pokémon! + +models.playersPokemon.checkForLevelUp.levelUp=§e%s§r§e hat sich aufgelevelt zu %s! +models.playersPokemon.evolveSlot.alert=%s§r§e hat sich zu %s§r entwickelt! +§cSie können nicht "%s" bekämpfen, da Sie kein Pokemon verfügbar haben! +models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.ranFromBattle=Sie sind von den Kampf geflohen! +models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerRanFromBattle=Sie sind von den Kampf geflohen! +models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerLost=Sie haben verloren! +models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerWon=Sie haben gewonnen! +§cSie können nicht dieses Pokemon bekämpfen, da Sie kein Pokemon verfügbar haben! +models.playerVsPokemonBattle.end=Der Kampf wurde beendet +models.playerVsPokemonBattle.pokemonDied=§a%s§r§e hat §e%s XP erhalten! +models.choosePokemonForm.battleFailedToStart=§cKampf konnte nicht gestartet werden. Probieren Sie ein anderes Pokémon aus! +§cSie können nicht diesen Trainer bekämpfen, da Sie kein Pokemon verfügbar haben! +models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.gainedExp=§a%s hat §e%s XP erhalten! +models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.earnedPokeDollars=§aSie haben %sx PokeDollars verdient! + +### Auction House Model +models.auctionHouse.hasExpired.sold=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen und Sie bekommen: %s %s! +models.auctionHouse.hasExpired.notSold=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen und Sie bekommen: %s %s! +models.auctionHouse.addBid.outbid=§a%s hat mehr geboten, als Sie und Sie bekommen %sx %s zurück von %s! + +### Claim Model +models.claimModel.failedToDisplayBorder=§cKonnte nicht ganzen Rahmen anzeigen: %s! + +### Player Model +model.playerModel.questProgress.increment=§a[QUEST]: §f%s§a Fortschritt: %s / %s! +model.playerModel.questProgress.tierComplete=§aDerzeitige Quest-Stuffe beendet: %s! +model.playerModel.questProgress.questComplete=§aQuest Beendet: %s! +model.playerModel.questProgress.nextTierStarted=§aNächste Stuffe: %s gestartet, %s. + +## Commands +commands.default.cooldown=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen ohne Gebote!§cSie können sich selbst keine Kampfanfrage senden! +commands.battle.player.success=§a"%s" hat Ihnen eine Kampfanfrage gesendet, interagieren Sie um diese anzunehmen.§cAnfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden, Sie haben keine eingehenden Anfragen!§cAnfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden. Der Spieler, der diese Anfrage gesendet hat, ist nicht im Spiel!§cFehler: Der Kampf mit diesem Spieler kann nicht gestartet werden. Der Spieler befindet sich derzeit im Kampf! +commands.battle.accept.success.sender=§aKampfanfrage von „%s“ angenommen! +commands.battle.accept.success.fromPlayer=§a"%s" hat deine Kampfanfrage angenommen!§cAnfrage konnte nicht abgelehnt werden. Sie haben keine eingehenden Anfragen! +commands.battle.deny.success=§aIhre eingehende Kanmpfanfrage wurde abgelehnt! +commands.battle.toggle.success=§a"%s" Kampfanfragen an Sie sind jetzt auf %s gesetzt§cKampf konnte nicht verlassen werden. Sie befinden sich derzeit nicht in einem Kampf! +commands.battle.leave.success=§aDer Kampf, in dem Sie waren, wurde beendet! + +commands.chatRank.set.success=§aSetze "%s" Ränge zu %s! +commands.chatRank.add.success=§aRang hinzugefügt: %s zu "%s"! +§cFehler, kann nicht diesem Spieler, weil Ihnen dieses Anspruch nicht gehört!§cFehler, kann nicht Vertrauen für dieses Anspruch ändern, Ihnen gehört dieses Anspruch nicht!§cFehler, "%s" wird an den Anspruch, in dem Sie sich gerade befanden, bereits vertraut!§a"%s" an den Anspruch, in dem Sie sich gerade befanden, vertraut.§a"%s" an alle Ihre Ansprüche vertraut.§cFehler, Sie vertrauen diesem Spieler keine Ansprüche??? was denken Sie sich? Ich sollte diese Nachricht nicht schreiben, aber ich habe es für Sie gamacht, ich weiß nicht wie du es so schlecht vermasseln konntest.§cFehler, kann nicht Vertrauen für dieses Anspruch ändern, Ihnen gehört dieses Anspruch nicht!§cFehler, "%s" wird gerade nicht vertraut! +commands.claim.unTrust.playerName.success.toClaimIn=§a"%s" als nicht vertrauenswürdig für den Anspruch, in den Sie sich gerade befinden, gesetzt. +commands.claim.unTrust.playerName.success.toAllClaims=§a"%s" als nicht vertrauenswürdig für alle Ihre Ansprüche gesetzt.§cFehler, Sie müssen in einem Anspruch stehen, um es zu verlassen!§cFehler kann diesen Anspruch nicht verlassen, Sie besitzen diesen Anspruch nicht! +commands.claim.abandon.confirm=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Anspruch, auf den Sie sich gerade beziehen, verlassen möchten? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden! +commands.claim.abandon.success=§aDen Anspruch, in dem Sie sich gerade befanden, erfolgreich verlassen.§cSie haben keinen Anspruch zum Entfernen +commands.claim.abandonAll.confirm=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Ansprüche, die Sie derzeit haben, verlassen möchten? +commands.claim.abandonAll.success=§aAlle Ihre Ansprüche erfolgreich verlassen.§cFehler, Sie müssen in einem Anspruch stehen, um es zu verlassen! +commands.claim.delete.success=§aDer Anspruch, in dem Sie sich gerade befanden, wurde gelöscht. +commands.claim.balance=§aSie haben %sx verfügbare Anspruchsblöcke! + +commands.home.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um den Hausmanager anzusehen. + +commands.kits.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um die Kits anzusehen. +commands.kits.make.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um ein Kit zu erstellen. + +commands.moderate.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um den Moderatormenü zu öffnen. +commands.moderate.setPermission.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um Spielerberechtigungen festzulegen. + +commands.rules.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um die Regeln zu sehen. + +commands.warp.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um den Warp-Menü zu öffnen. +commands.warp.success=§aTeleportiert zu: %s! + +commands.wild.success=§aTeleportiert zur Wildniss! + +commands.serverWarp.set.success=§aServer-Warp %s an Ihrer Position gesetzt! +commands.serverWarp.set.formRequested=§aFormular angefordert, Chat schließen, um Warp festzulegen. +commands.serverWarp.delete.success=§aServer-Warp gelöscht: „%s“ erfolgreich! +commands.serverWarp.delete.failed=§cServer-Warp konnte nicht gelöscht werden: „%s“! + +commands.tpa.player.failed.self=§cSie können sich selber keine Teleportanfrage senden! +commands.tpa.player.success=§a„%s“ hat Ihnen eine Teleportanfrage gesendet. Geben Sie „%s“ ein, um diese Anfrage anzunehmen§cAnfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden. Sie haben keine eingehenden Anfragen!§cAnfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden. Der Spieler, der diese Anfrage gesendet hat, ist nicht im Spiel! +commands.tpaccept.success.sender=§aTp-Anfrage von „%s“ angenommen! +commands.tpaccept.success.fromPlayer=§a"%s" hat Ihre Tp-Anfrage angenommen!§cDie Anfrage konnte nicht abgelehnt werden. Sie haben keine eingehenden Anfragen! +commands.tpdeny.success=§aIhre eingehende Tp-Anfrage wurde abgelehnt! +commands.tpatoggle.success=§a"%s" Teleportationsanfragen an Sie sind jetzt auf %s eingestellt.§cSie haben keinen vorherigen Back-Standort! +commands.back.success=§aSie wurden zurück teleportiert! + +commands.balance.success=§aSie haben %sx PokeDollars! +commands.balance.set.success=§a„%s“ PokeDollars auf %s aktualisiert! +commands.balance.add.success=§a„%s“ PokeDollars auf %s aktualisiert! +§cSie haben bereits eine Anfrage gestellt, Status: %s/%s. +commands.lag.request.success=§cSie haben bereits eine Anfrage gestellt, Status: %s/%s. + +commands.floatingText.spawn.success=§aErstellte schwebenden Text an ihrem Standort! +commands.floatingText.despawn.success=§cDer gesamte schwebende Text an Ihrem Standort wurde entfernt!§cDer gesamte schwebende Text an Ihrem Standort konnte nicht entfernt werden! %s + +commands.leaderboard.create.success=§aErstellte Bestenliste für %s an Ihrem Standort! +commands.leaderboard.update.success=§aAlle Bestenlisten aktualisiert! +§cKann nicht selbst bezahlen!§cKann nicht Betrag von weniger oder gleich zu 0 zahlen!§cSie haben nicht genug Geld, um %s PokeDollars zu senden!§a„%s“ %sx PokeDollars bezahlt! +§cPokémon konnte nicht geheilt werden. Sie befinden sich gerade im Kampf! + +commands.reset.success=§a%s Pokemon-Daten zurücksetzen! + +commands.seen.onlineRightNow=§a%s ist gerade online! Sag Hallo! +commands.seen.lastSeen=§c%s wurde zu zuletzt am %s gesehen +commands.seen.firstLogon=§c%s' erste Anmeldung war %s + +commands.redeem.success=§aCode eingelöst: "%s", Erfolgreich! +commands.redeem.alreadyRedeemed=§cDer Code: "%s", wurde bereits eingelöst! +commands.redeem.codeNotFound=§cDer Code: "%s", wurde nicht gefunden! + ## Send Message Parsing src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.createFromWild.0=Pokemon: %s war kaputt und wir konnten seine Daten nicht holen! src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.0=%s hat eine %s! @@ -8397,7 +8627,7 @@ battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.null=Keinen Rundentimer battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Warte%s -battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Kein Terrain ## 20.04.2024:13.04 ####################################### +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Kein Terrain ## 20.04.2024:13.04 ### Showdown Battle Text Ability diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 9eef595e9..58d423f24 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -4105,7 +4105,7 @@ Leaves pokemon.ironleaves.desc=Ecología bajo análisis. ## Events -events.beforeChat.muted=§cNo puedo enviar mensajes, ¡actualmente estás silenciado! +events.beforeChat.muted=§cNo puedes enviar mensajes, ¡actualmente estás silenciado! events.beforeChat.sendingTooFast=§cEstás enviando mensajes demasiado rápido. Por favor, reduce la velocidad e inténtalo de nuevo. events.beforeChat.repeatedMessage=§cSu mensaje anterior parece ser idéntico al más reciente. Modifique su mensaje e inténtelo nuevamente. events.beforeChat.zalgoMessage=§c¡Tu mensaje contiene zalgo y no se puede enviar! From 463b30bf95475c6a0353425d4146fa85df9a8662 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:27:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 07/43] german battle ui --- texts/de_DE.lang | 482 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 244 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 3aa633d97..e36016151 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -8415,7 +8415,7 @@§a%s§r§e bekam: %s Exp!§cKonnte Move-Platz: %s in %s nicht finden!§c%s kann nicht AP erhöhen!§c%s ist bereits 3/5 höher, als sein Basis AP! #################################### 20.04.2024§cAP-Plus cannot be used on Sketch or Revival Blessing!§cPP-Plus cannot be used on Sketch or Revival Blessing!§c%s aus deinem Inventar entfernen fehlgeschlagen!§a%s§r§e Move: %s Gained: %s PP!§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 60! @@ -8565,7 +8565,7 @@ battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonResisted=Es ist nicht sehr effektiv... battle.showdownInterpreter.superEffective=Es ist sehr effektiv! battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOnSide=%s auf %s gestartet! battle.showdownInterpreter.sideEnd=§7§o(%s endete auf %s!)§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.criticalHit=Ein kritischer Schlag! +battle.showdownInterpreter.criticalHit=Ein kritischer Treffer! battle.showdownInterpreter.weatherClearedUp=§7§oDas Wetter hat sich geklärt!§r§f battle.showdownInterpreter.actionFailed=Aber es klappte nicht! battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMustRecharge=%s§r§f muss sich aufladen! @@ -8576,7 +8576,7 @@ battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.ability=§o§7[%s§r§o§7's %s]!§r§f battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(${effect[0]} aktiviert!)§r§f battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMegaEvolved=%s§r§f Mega-entwikelt sich! battle.showdownInterpreter.moveDidNothing=Tat nichts! -battle.showdownInterpreter.clearAllBoost=Alle Statistikenänderungen würden entfernt! +battle.showdownInterpreter.clearAllBoost=Alle Statuswertänderungen würden entfernt! battle.showdownInterpreter.effectEndedOn=Effekt endete auf %s§r§f battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDraggedOut=%s§r§f wurde rausgezogen! battle.showdownInterpreter.moveStarted=%s startet %s! @@ -9765,250 +9765,256 @@ showdown.abilities.persistent.desc=The duration of Gravity, Heal Block, Magic Ro showdown.abilities.persistent.shortDesc=When used, Gravity/Heal Block/Safeguard/Tailwind/Room effects last 2 more turns. showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=%s extends %s by 2 turns! showdown.default.default.startBattle=Battle started between %s and %s! -showdown.default.default.winBattle=**%s** won the battle! -showdown.default.default.tieBattle=Tie between %s and %s! + +###################################################### + +showdown.default.default.winBattle=**%s** hat den Kampg gewonnen! +showdown.default.default.tieBattle=Unentschieden zwischen %s und %s! showdown.default.default.pokemon=%s -showdown.default.default.opposingPokemon=the opposing %s team -showdown.default.default.opposingTeam=the opposing team ally Pokémon -showdown.default.default.opposingParty=the opposing Pokémon -showdown.default.default.turn=== Turn %s == -showdown.default.default.switchIn=%s sent out %s! -showdown.default.default.switchInOwn=Go! %s! -showdown.default.default.switchOut=%s withdrew %s! -showdown.default.default.switchOutOwn=%s, come back! -showdown.default.default.drag=%s was dragged out! -showdown.default.default.faint=%s fainted! -showdown.default.default.swap=%s and %s switched places! -showdown.default.default.swapCenter=%s moved to the center! -showdown.default.default.canDynamax=%s can dynamax now! -showdown.default.default.canDynamaxOwn=Dynamax Energy gathered around %s! -showdown.default.default.zEffect=%s unleashes its full-force Z-Move! -showdown.default.default.move=%s used **%s**! +showdown.default.default.opposingPokemon=das gegnerische %s Team +showdown.default.default.opposingTeam=das gegnerische Team Begleiter +showdown.default.default.opposingParty=das gegnerische Pokemon +showdown.default.default.turn=== Runde %s == +showdown.default.default.switchIn=%s hat %s ausgesendet! +showdown.default.default.switchInOwn=Los! %s! +showdown.default.default.switchOut=%s hat %s zurückgezogen! +showdown.default.default.switchOutOwn=%s, komm zurück! +showdown.default.default.drag=%s wurde rausgezogen! +showdown.default.default.faint=%s wurde ohnmächtig! +showdown.default.default.swap=%s und %s haben Plätze getauscht! +showdown.default.default.swapCenter=%s hat sich zum Zentrum begeben! +showdown.default.default.canDynamax=%s kann Dynamax! +showdown.default.default.canDynamaxOwn=Dynamax-Energie um %s herum versammelt! +showdown.default.default.zEffect=%s entfesselt seinen Z-Move mit voller Kraft! +showdown.default.default.move=%s nutzte **%s**! showdown.default.default.abilityActivation=%s's %s] -showdown.default.default.mega=%s's %s is reacting to the Key Stone! -showdown.default.default.megaNoItem=%s is reacting to %s's Key Stone! -showdown.default.default.megaGen6=%s's %s is reacting to %s's Mega Bracelet! -showdown.default.default.transformMega=%s has Mega Evolved into Mega %s! -showdown.default.default.primal=%s's Primal Reversion! It reverted to its primal state! -showdown.default.default.zPower=%s surrounded itself with its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.zBroken=%s couldn't fully protect itself and got hurt! -showdown.default.default.terastallize=%s has Terastallized into the %s-type! -showdown.default.default.cant=%s can't use %s! -showdown.default.default.cantNoMove=%s can't move! it failed! -showdown.default.default.transform=%s transformed! -showdown.default.default.typeChange=%s's type changed to %s! -showdown.default.default.typeChangeFromEffect=%s's %s made it the %s type! -showdown.default.default.typeAdd=%s type was added to %s! -showdown.default.default.start=(%s started on %s!) -showdown.default.default.end=%s was freed from %s! -showdown.default.default.activate=(%s activated!) -showdown.default.default.startTeamEffect=(%s started on %s!) -showdown.default.default.endTeamEffect=(%s ended on %s!) -showdown.default.default.startFieldEffect=(%s started!) -showdown.default.default.endFieldEffect=(%s ended!) -showdown.default.default.changeAbility=%s acquired %s! -showdown.default.default.addItem=%s obtained one %s. -showdown.default.default.takeItem=%s stole %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.eatItem=(%s ate its %s!) -showdown.default.default.useGem=The %s strengthened %s's power! -showdown.default.default.eatItemWeaken=The %s weakened damage to %s! -showdown.default.default.removeItem=%s lost its %s! -showdown.default.default.activateItem=(%s used its %s!) -showdown.default.default.activateWeaken=The %s weakened the damage to %s! -showdown.default.default.damage=(%s was hurt!) -showdown.default.default.damagePercentage=(%s lost %s of its health!) -showdown.default.default.damageFromPokemon=%s was hurt by %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.damageFromItem=%s was hurt by its %s! -showdown.default.default.damageFromPartialTrapping=%s is hurt by %s! -showdown.default.default.heal=%s had its HP restored. -showdown.default.default.healFromZEffect=%s restored its HP using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.healFromEffect=%s restored HP using its %s! -showdown.default.default.boost=%s's %s rose! -showdown.default.default.boost2=%s's %s rose sharply! -showdown.default.default.boost3=%s's %s rose drastically! -showdown.default.default.boost0=%s's %s won't go any higher! -showdown.default.default.boostFromItem=The %s raised %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.boost2FromItem=The %s sharply raised %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.boost3FromItem=The %s drastically raised %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.mega=%s's %s reagiert auf den Schlüssel-Stein! +showdown.default.default.megaNoItem=%s reagiert auf %s's Schlüssel-Stein! +showdown.default.default.megaGen6=%s's %s reagiert auf %s's Mega-Ring! +showdown.default.default.transformMega=%s Mega-entwickelt sich zu %s! +showdown.default.default.primal=%s's Urform Umkehrung! Es kehrt zu seiner Urform zurück! +showdown.default.default.zPower=%s hat sich mit seiner Z-Kraft umgeben! +showdown.default.default.zBroken=%s konnte sich nicht ganz schützen und wurde verletzt! +showdown.default.default.terastallize=%s hat sich zum Typ %s terakristallisiert! +showdown.default.default.cant=%s kann %s nicht verwenden! +showdown.default.default.cantNoMove=%s kann sich nicht bewegen! es klappte nicht! +showdown.default.default.transform=%s transformiert! +showdown.default.default.typeChange=%s's Typ hat sich zu %s geändert! +showdown.default.default.typeChangeFromEffect=%s's %s machte es zum Typ %s! +showdown.default.default.typeAdd=%s Typ wurde zu %s hinzugefügt! +showdown.default.default.start=(%s startete auf %s!) +showdown.default.default.end=%s wurde von %s befreit! +showdown.default.default.activate=(%s aktiviert!) +showdown.default.default.startTeamEffect=(%s startete auf %s!) +showdown.default.default.endTeamEffect=(%s endete auf %s!) +showdown.default.default.startFieldEffect=(%s gestartet!) +showdown.default.default.endFieldEffect=(%s beendet!) +showdown.default.default.changeAbility=%s hat %s erlangt! +showdown.default.default.addItem=%s hat ein %s erworben. +showdown.default.default.takeItem=%s stiehl %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.eatItem=(%s aß sein %s!) +showdown.default.default.useGem=%s hat die Kraft %s's gestärkt! +showdown.default.default.eatItemWeaken=%s hat den Schaden %s's geschwächt! +showdown.default.default.removeItem=%s verlor sein %s! +showdown.default.default.activateItem=(%s verwendete sein %s!) +showdown.default.default.activateWeaken=%s hat den Schaden %s's geschwächt! +showdown.default.default.damage=(%s wurde verletzt!) +showdown.default.default.damagePercentage=(%s verlor %s seiner Gesundheit!) +showdown.default.default.damageFromPokemon=%s wurde durch %s's %s verletzt! +showdown.default.default.damageFromItem=%s wurde durch sein %s verletzt! +showdown.default.default.damageFromPartialTrapping=%s wurde durch %s verletzt! +showdown.default.default.heal=%s hatte seine Gesundheit wiederhergestellt. +showdown.default.default.healFromZEffect=%s hat seine Gesundheit durch seine Z-Kraft wiederhergestellt! +showdown.default.default.healFromEffect=%s hat seine Gesundheit durch sein %s wiederhergestellt! +showdown.default.default.boost=%s's %s stieg! +showdown.default.default.boost2=%s's %s stieg hoch! +showdown.default.default.boost3=%s's %s stieg drastisch! +showdown.default.default.boost0=%s's %s wird nicht höher! +showdown.default.default.boostFromItem=%s stieg %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.boost2FromItem=%s stieg %s's %s hoch! +showdown.default.default.boost3FromItem=%s stieg %s's %s drastisch! showdown.default.default.boostFromZEffect=%s boosted its %s using its Z-Power! showdown.default.default.boost2FromZEffect=%s boosted its %s sharply using its Z-Power! showdown.default.default.boost3FromZEffect=%s boosted its %s drastically using its Z-Power! showdown.default.default.boostMultipleFromZEffect=%s boosted its stats using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.unboost=%s's %s fell! -showdown.default.default.unboost2=%s's %s fell harshly! -showdown.default.default.unboost3=%s's %s fell severely! -showdown.default.default.unboost0=%s's %s won't go any lower! -showdown.default.default.unboostFromItem=The %s lowered %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.unboost2FromItem=The %s harshly lowered %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.unboost3FromItem=The %s drastically lowered %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.swapBoost=%s switched stat changes with its target! -showdown.default.default.swapOffensiveBoost=%s switched all changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk with its target! -showdown.default.default.swapDefensiveBoost=%s switched all changes to its Defense and Sp. Def with its target! -showdown.default.default.copyBoost=%s copied %s's stat changes! -showdown.default.default.clearBoost=%s's stat changes were removed! +showdown.default.default.unboost=%s's %s fiel! +showdown.default.default.unboost2=%s's %s fiel tief! +showdown.default.default.unboost3=%s's %s fiel schwerwiegend! +showdown.default.default.unboost0=%s's %s wird nicht tiefer! +showdown.default.default.unboostFromItem=%s fiel %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.unboost2FromItem=%s fiel %s's %s tief! +showdown.default.default.unboost3FromItem=%s fiel %s's %s drastisch! +showdown.default.default.swapBoost=%s tauschte alle seine Statuswertänderungen mit dem Gegner! +showdown.default.default.swapOffensiveBoost=%s tauschte seine Statuswertänderungen zu Angriff und Sp. Angriff mit dem Gegner! +showdown.default.default.swapDefensiveBoost=%s tauschte seine Statuswertänderungen zu Verteidiung und Sp. Verteidiung mit dem Gegner! +showdown.default.default.copyBoost=%s kopierte %s's Statuswertänderungen! +showdown.default.default.clearBoost=%s's Statuswertänderungen wurden entfernt! showdown.default.default.clearBoostFromZEffect=%s returned its decreased stats to normal using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.invertBoost=%s's stat changes were inverted! -showdown.default.default.clearAllBoost=All stat changes were eliminated! -showdown.default.default.superEffective=It's super effective! -showdown.default.default.superEffectiveSpread=It's super effective on %s! -showdown.default.default.resisted=It's not very effective... -showdown.default.default.resistedSpread=It's not very effective on %s. -showdown.default.default.crit=A critical hit! -showdown.default.default.critSpread=A critical hit on %s! -showdown.default.default.immune=It doesn't affect %s... -showdown.default.default.immuneNoPokemon=It had no effect! -showdown.default.default.immuneOHKO=%s is unaffected! -showdown.default.default.miss=%s avoided the attack! -showdown.default.default.missNoPokemon=%s's attack missed! center! -showdown.default.default.noTarget=But there was no target... -showdown.default.default.ohko=It's a one-hit KO! -showdown.default.default.combine=The two moves have become one! It's a combined move! -showdown.default.default.hitCount=The Pokémon was hit %s times! -showdown.default.default.hitCountSingular=The Pokémon was hit 1 time! -showdown.default.hp.statName=HP -showdown.default.hp.statShortName=HP -showdown.default.atk.statName=Attack -showdown.default.atk.statShortName=Atk -showdown.default.def.statName=Defense -showdown.default.def.statShortName=Def Atk -showdown.default.spd.statName=Sp. Def -showdown.default.spd.statShortName=SpD -showdown.default.spe.statName=Speed -showdown.default.spe.statShortName=Spe -showdown.default.accuracy.statName=accuracy -showdown.default.evasion.statName=evasiveness -showdown.default.spc.statName=Special -showdown.default.spc.statShortName=Spc -showdown.default.stats.statName=stats -showdown.default.brn.start=%s was burned! -showdown.default.brn.startFromItem=%s was burned by the %s! -showdown.default.brn.alreadyStarted=%s is already burned! -showdown.default.brn.end=%s's burn was healed! -showdown.default.brn.endFromItem=%s's %s healed its burn! -showdown.default.brn.damage=%s was hurt by its burn! -showdown.default.frz.start=%s was frozen solid! -showdown.default.frz.alreadyStarted=%s is already frozen solid! -showdown.default.frz.end=%s thawed out! -showdown.default.frz.endFromItem=%s's %s defrosted it! -showdown.default.frz.endFromMove=%s's %s melted the ice! -showdown.default.frz.cant=%s is frozen solid! -showdown.default.par.start=%s is paralyzed! It may be unable to move! -showdown.default.par.alreadyStarted=%s is already paralyzed! -showdown.default.par.end=%s was cured of paralysis! -showdown.default.par.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its paralysis! -showdown.default.par.cant=%s is paralyzed! It can't move! -showdown.default.psn.start=%s was poisoned! -showdown.default.psn.alreadyStarted=%s is already poisoned! -showdown.default.psn.end=%s was cured of its poisoning! -showdown.default.psn.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its poison! -showdown.default.psn.damage=%s was hurt by poison! -showdown.default.tox.start=%s was badly poisoned! -showdown.default.tox.startFromItem=%s was badly poisoned by the %s! -showdown.default.tox.end=%s was cured of its poisoning! -showdown.default.tox.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its poison! -showdown.default.tox.alreadyStarted=%s is already poisoned! -showdown.default.tox.damage=%s was hurt by poison! -showdown.default.slp.start=%s fell asleep! -showdown.default.slp.startFromRest=%s slept and became healthy! -showdown.default.slp.alreadyStarted=%s is already asleep! -showdown.default.slp.end=%s woke up! -showdown.default.slp.endFromItem=%s's %s woke it up! -showdown.default.slp.cant=%s is fast asleep. -showdown.default.confusion.start=%s became confused! -showdown.default.confusion.startFromFatigue=%s became confused due to fatigue! -showdown.default.confusion.end=%s snapped out of its confusion! -showdown.default.confusion.endFromItem=%s's %s snapped it out of its confusion! -showdown.default.confusion.alreadyStarted=%s is already confused! -showdown.default.confusion.activate=%s is confused! -showdown.default.confusion.damage=It hurt itself in its confusion! -showdown.default.drain.heal=%s had its energy drained! -showdown.default.flinch.cant=%s flinched and couldn't move!'s HP is full! +showdown.default.default.invertBoost=%s's Statuswertänderungen wurden invertiert! +showdown.default.default.clearAllBoost=Alle Statuswertänderungen wurden entfernt! +showdown.default.default.superEffective=Es ist sehr effektiv! +showdown.default.default.superEffectiveSpread=Es ist sehr effektiv auf %s! +showdown.default.default.resisted=Es ist nicht sehr effektiv... +showdown.default.default.resistedSpread=Es ist nicht sehr effektiv auf %s. +showdown.default.default.crit=Ein kritischer Treffer! +showdown.default.default.critSpread=Ein kritischer Treffer auf %s! +showdown.default.default.immune=Es nützt bei %s nichts... +showdown.default.default.immuneNoPokemon=Es machte keinen Effekt! +showdown.default.default.immuneOHKO=%s betrifft es nicht! +showdown.default.default.miss=%s wich die Attacke aus! +showdown.default.default.missNoPokemon=%s's Attacke verfehlte! Zentrum! +showdown.default.default.noTarget=Aber da war kein Zielobjekt... +showdown.default.default.ohko=Es ist ein 1-Schlag-KO! +showdown.default.default.combine=Die zwei Moves wurden zu einem! Es ist ein kombinierter Move! +showdown.default.default.hitCount=Das Pokemon wurde %s mal getroffen! +showdown.default.default.hitCountSingular=Das Pokemon wurde einmal getroffen! +showdown.default.hp.statName=Kraftpunkte +showdown.default.hp.statShortName=KP +showdown.default.atk.statName=Angriff +showdown.default.atk.statShortName=Angr +showdown.default.def.statName=Verteidigung +showdown.default.def.statShortName=Vert +showdown.default.spd.statName=Spezial-Verteidugung +showdown.default.spd.statShortName=SpVert +showdown.default.spe.statName=Initiative +showdown.default.spe.statShortName=Init +showdown.default.accuracy.statName=Genauigkeit +showdown.default.evasion.statName=Ausweichwert +showdown.default.spc.statName=Spezial +showdown.default.spc.statShortName=Spez +showdown.default.stats.statName=Statuswerte +showdown.default.brn.start=%s verbrannte! +showdown.default.brn.startFromItem=%s verbrannte durch %s! +showdown.default.brn.alreadyStarted=%s brennt bereits! +showdown.default.brn.end=%s's Verbrennung geheilt! +showdown.default.brn.endFromItem=%s's %s heilte seine Verbrennung! +showdown.default.brn.damage=%s wurde durch seine Verbrennung verletzt! +showdown.default.frz.start=%s fror ein! +showdown.default.frz.alreadyStarted=%s ist bereits gefroren! +showdown.default.frz.end=%s taute auf! +showdown.default.frz.endFromItem=%s's %s taute es! +showdown.default.frz.endFromMove=%s's %s schmolz das Eis! +showdown.default.frz.cant=%s fror ein! +showdown.default.par.start=%s ist paralysiert! Es könnte nicht fähig sein, sich zu bewegen! +showdown.default.par.alreadyStarted=%s ist bereits paralysiert! +showdown.default.par.end=%s wurde von Paralyse geheilt! +showdown.default.par.endFromItem=%s's %s heilte seine Paralyse! +showdown.default.par.cant=%s ist paralysiert! Es kann sich nicht bewegen! +showdown.default.psn.start=%s wurde vergiftet! +showdown.default.psn.alreadyStarted=%s ist bereits vergiftet! +showdown.default.psn.end=%s wurde von seiner Vergiftung geheilt! +showdown.default.psn.endFromItem=%s's %s heilte seine Vergiftung! +showdown.default.psn.damage=%s wurde durch Vergiftung verletzt! ######################################################### +showdown.default.tox.start=%s wurde schwer vergiftet! +showdown.default.tox.startFromItem=%s wurde schwer vergiftet durch %s! +showdown.default.tox.end=%s wurde von seiner Vergiftung geheilt! +showdown.default.tox.endFromItem=%s's %s heilte seine Vergiftung! +showdown.default.tox.alreadyStarted=%s ist bereits vergiftet! +showdown.default.tox.damage=%s wurde durch seiner Vergiftung verletzt! +showdown.default.slp.start=%s schlief ein! +showdown.default.slp.startFromRest=%s schlief und wurde gesund! +showdown.default.slp.alreadyStarted=%s schläft bereits! +showdown.default.slp.end=%s wachte auf! +showdown.default.slp.endFromItem=%s's %s wachte ihn auf! +showdown.default.slp.cant=%s ist schnell eingeschlafen. +showdown.default.confusion.start=%s wurde verwirrt! +showdown.default.confusion.startFromFatigue=%s wurde durch bemüdung verwirrt! +showdown.default.confusion.end=%s riss aus seiner Verwirrung aus! +showdown.default.confusion.endFromItem=%s's %s riss ihn aus der Verwirrung raus! +showdown.default.confusion.alreadyStarted=%s ist bereits verwirrt! +showdown.default.confusion.activate=%s ist verwirrt! +showdown.default.confusion.damage=Es hat sich selbst aus Verwirrung verletzt! +showdown.default.drain.heal=%s wurde die Energie entzogen! +showdown.default.flinch.cant=%s ist zurückgewichen und konnte sich nicht bewegen!'s KP ist voll! showdown.default.healreplacement.activate=%s will restore its replacement's HP using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.nopp.cant=%s used %s, But there was no PP left for the move! -showdown.default.recharge.cant=%s must recharge! -showdown.default.recoil.damage=%s was damaged by the recoil!'s stats were not lowered! -showdown.default.unboost.failSingular=%s's %s was not lowered! -showdown.default.struggle.activate=%s has no moves left! -showdown.default.trapped.start=%s can no longer escape! +showdown.default.nopp.cant=%s nutzte %s, Aber es gab keine AP mehr für diese Attacke! +showdown.default.recharge.cant=%s muss sich aufladen! +showdown.default.recoil.damage=%s wurde vom Rückstoß verletzt!'s Statuseffekte wurden nicht gesenkt! +showdown.default.unboost.failSingular=%s's %s wurde nicht gesenkt! +showdown.default.struggle.activate=%s hat keine Moves übrig! +showdown.default.trapped.start=%s kann nicht mehr entkommen! showdown.default.dynamax.start=(%s's Dynamax!) -showdown.default.dynamax.end=(%s returned to normal!) -showdown.default.dynamax.block=The move was blocked by the power of Dynamax! shook its head. It seems like it can't use this move... -showdown.default.sandstorm.weatherName=Sandstorm -showdown.default.sandstorm.start=A sandstorm kicked up! -showdown.default.sandstorm.end=The sandstorm subsided. -showdown.default.sandstorm.upkeep=(The sandstorm is raging.) -showdown.default.sandstorm.damage=%s is buffeted by the sandstorm! -showdown.default.sunnyday.weatherName=Sun -showdown.default.sunnyday.start=The sunlight turned harsh! -showdown.default.sunnyday.end=The harsh sunlight faded. -showdown.default.sunnyday.upkeep=(The sunlight is strong.) -showdown.default.raindance.weatherName=Rain -showdown.default.raindance.start=It started to rain! -showdown.default.raindance.end=The rain stopped. -showdown.default.raindance.upkeep=(Rain continues to fall.) -showdown.default.hail.weatherName=Hail -showdown.default.hail.start=It started to hail! -showdown.default.hail.end=The hail stopped. -showdown.default.hail.upkeep=(The hail is crashing down.) -showdown.default.hail.damage=%s is buffeted by the hail! -showdown.default.snow.weatherName=Snow -showdown.default.snow.start=It started to snow! -showdown.default.snow.end=The snow stopped. -showdown.default.snow.upkeep=(The snow is falling down.) -showdown.default.desolateland.weatherName=Intense Sun -showdown.default.desolateland.start=The sunlight turned extremely harsh! -showdown.default.desolateland.end=The extremely harsh sunlight faded. -showdown.default.desolateland.block=The extremely harsh sunlight was not lessened at all! -showdown.default.desolateland.blockMove=The Water-type attack evaporated in the harsh sunlight! -showdown.default.desolateland.upkeep=(The harsh sunlight continues.) -showdown.default.primordialsea.weatherName=Heavy Rain -showdown.default.primordialsea.start=A heavy rain began to fall! -showdown.default.primordialsea.end=The heavy rain has lifted! -showdown.default.primordialsea.block=There is no relief from this heavy rain! -showdown.default.primordialsea.blockMove=The Fire-type attack fizzled out in the heavy rain! -showdown.default.primordialsea.upkeep=(Heavy Rain continues to fall.) -showdown.default.deltastream.weatherName=Strong Winds -showdown.default.deltastream.start=Mysterious strong winds are protecting Flying-type Pokémon! -showdown.default.deltastream.end=The mysterious strong winds have dissipated! -showdown.default.deltastream.activate=The mysterious strong winds weakened the attack! -showdown.default.deltastream.block=The mysterious strong winds blow on regardless! -showdown.default.deltastream.upkeep=(The mysterious strong winds blow on.) -showdown.default.electricterrain.start=An electric current ran across the battlefield! -showdown.default.electricterrain.end=The electricity disappeared from the battlefield. -showdown.default.electricterrain.block=%s is protected by the Electric Terrain! -showdown.default.grassyterrain.start=Grass grew to cover the battlefield! -showdown.default.grassyterrain.end=The grass disappeared from the battlefield. -showdown.default.grassyterrain.heal=%s's HP was restored. -showdown.default.mistyterrain.start=Mist swirled around the battlefield! -showdown.default.mistyterrain.end=The mist disappeared from the battlefield. -showdown.default.mistyterrain.block=%s surrounds itself with a protective mist! -showdown.default.psychicterrain.start=The battlefield got weird! -showdown.default.psychicterrain.end=The weirdness disappeared from the battlefield! -showdown.default.psychicterrain.block=%s is protected by the Psychic Terrain! -showdown.default.gravity.start=Gravity intensified! -showdown.default.gravity.end=Gravity returned to normal! -showdown.default.gravity.cant=%s can't use %s because of gravity! -showdown.default.gravity.activate=%s fell from the sky due to the gravity! -showdown.default.magicroom.start=It created a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects! -showdown.default.magicroom.end=Magic Room wore off, and held items' effects returned to normal! -showdown.default.mudsport.start=Electricity's power was weakened! -showdown.default.mudsport.end=The effects of Mud Sport have faded. -showdown.default.trickroom.start=%s twisted the dimensions! -showdown.default.trickroom.end=The twisted dimensions returned to normal! -showdown.default.watersport.start=Fire's power was weakened! -showdown.default.watersport.end=The effects of Water Sport have faded. -showdown.default.wonderroom.start=It created a bizarre area in which Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped! -showdown.default.wonderroom.end=Wonder Room wore off, and Defense and Sp. Def stats returned to normal! -showdown.default.crash.damage=%s kept going and crashed! +showdown.default.dynamax.end=(%s ist wieder normal!) +showdown.default.dynamax.block=Der Move wurde von der Kraft des Dynamax blockiert! hat dden Kopf geschüttelt. Es sieht so aus, als könnte ees diesen Move nicht nützen... +showdown.default.sandstorm.weatherName=Sandsturm +showdown.default.sandstorm.start=Ein Sandsturm zog auf! +showdown.default.sandstorm.end=Der Sandsturm ließ nach. +showdown.default.sandstorm.upkeep=(Der Sandsturm tobt.) +showdown.default.sandstorm.damage=%s wird vom Sandsturm gestärkt! +showdown.default.sunnyday.weatherName=Sonne +showdown.default.sunnyday.start=Das Sonnenlicht wurde grell! +showdown.default.sunnyday.end=Das grelle Sonnenlicht verblasste. +showdown.default.sunnyday.upkeep=(Das Sonnenlicht ist stark.) +showdown.default.raindance.weatherName=Regen +showdown.default.raindance.start=Es fing an zu regnen! +showdown.default.raindance.end=Der Regen hörte auf. +showdown.default.raindance.upkeep=(Es regnet weiter.) +showdown.default.hail.weatherName=Hagelsturm +showdown.default.hail.start=Es fing an zu hageln! +showdown.default.hail.end=Der Hagel hörte auf. +showdown.default.hail.upkeep=(Der Hagel prasselt.) +showdown.default.hail.damage=%s wird vom Hagel gestärkt! +showdown.default.snow.weatherName=Schneesturm +showdown.default.snow.start=Es fing an zu schneien! +showdown.default.snow.end=Der Schneesturm hörte auf. +showdown.default.snow.upkeep=(Der Schnee fällt.) +showdown.default.desolateland.weatherName=Intensive Sonne +showdown.default.desolateland.start=Das Sonnenlicht wurde extrem hart! +showdown.default.desolateland.end=Das extrem grelle Sonnenlicht verblasste. +showdown.default.desolateland.block=Die extrem grelle Sonneneinstrahlung wurde nicht gemindert! +showdown.default.desolateland.blockMove=Die Attacke vom Typ Wasser verdampfte im grellen Sonnenlicht! +showdown.default.desolateland.upkeep=(Das grelle Sonnenlicht hält an.) +showdown.default.primordialsea.weatherName=Strömender Regen +showdown.default.primordialsea.start=Ein starker Regen begann zu fallen! +showdown.default.primordialsea.end=Der starke Regen hat nachgelassen! +showdown.default.primordialsea.block=Es gibt keine Erleichterung von diesem Starkregen! +showdown.default.primordialsea.blockMove=Die Attacke vom Typ Feuer verpuffte im heftigen Regen! +showdown.default.primordialsea.upkeep=(Starker Regen fällt weiter.) +showdown.default.deltastream.weatherName=Luftströmungen +showdown.default.deltastream.start=Mysteriöse starke Winde beschützen Flug-Pokémon! +showdown.default.deltastream.end=Die mysteriösen starken Winde haben sich verzogen! +showdown.default.deltastream.activate=Die mysteriösen starken Winde schwächten den Angriff ab! +showdown.default.deltastream.block=Die mysteriösen starken Winde wehen trotzdem weiter! +showdown.default.deltastream.upkeep=(Die mysteriösen starken Winde wehen weiter.) +showdown.default.electricterrain.start=Ein elektrischer Strom floss über das Kampffeld! +showdown.default.electricterrain.end=Die Elektrizität verschwand vom Kampffeld. +showdown.default.electricterrain.block=%s wird durch das elektrische Terrain geschützt! +showdown.default.grassyterrain.start=Gras wuchs, um das Kampffeld zu bedecken! +showdown.default.grassyterrain.end=Das Gras verschwand vom Kampffeld. +showdown.default.grassyterrain.heal=%s's KP wurde wiederhergestellt. +showdown.default.mistyterrain.start=Nebel wirbelte über das Schlachtfeld! +showdown.default.mistyterrain.end=Der Nebel verschwand vom Schlachtfeld. +showdown.default.mistyterrain.block=%s umhüllt sich mit einem schützenden Nebel! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.start=Das Schlachtfeld wurde seltsam! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.end=Die Seltsamkeit verschwand vom Schlachtfeld! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.block=%s wird durch das Psi-Terrain geschützt! +showdown.default.gravity.start=Die Schwerkraft hat sich verstärkt! +showdown.default.gravity.end=Die Schwerkraft hat sich wieder normalisiert! +showdown.default.gravity.cant=%s kann %s wegen der Schwerkraft nicht verwenden! +showdown.default.gravity.activate=%s fiel aufgrund der Schwerkraft vom Himmel! +showdown.default.magicroom.start=Es entstand ein bizarrer Bereich, in dem gehaltenen Gegenständen ihre Wirkung verlieren! +showdown.default.magicroom.end=Der magische Raum ließ nach und die Effekte von gehaltenen Gegenständen normalisieren sich wieder! +showdown.default.mudsport.start=Elektrizität wurde geschwächt! +showdown.default.mudsport.end=Die Wirkung von Lehmsuhler ist verblasst. +showdown.default.trickroom.start=%s hat die Dimensionen verdreht! +showdown.default.trickroom.end=Die verdrehten Dimensionen normalisieren sich wieder! +showdown.default.watersport.start=Feuer wurde geschwächt! +showdown.default.watersport.end=Die Wirkung der Fontränen ist verblasst. +showdown.default.wonderroom.start=Es entstand ein bizarres Gebiet, in dem Verteidigungs- und Sp. Verteidigungs-Werte vertauscht werden! +showdown.default.wonderroom.end=Der Wunderraum ließ nach und die Werte von Verteidigung und Sp. Verteidigung normalisieren sich wieder! +showdown.default.crash.damage=%s lief weiter und stürzte! + +######################################################## + Shield showdown.items.abilityshield.desc=Holder's Ability cannot be changed by any effect. showdown.items.abilityshield.block=%s's Ability is protected by the effects of its Ability Shield! From 6d8dede7a65dfa0fe4a1c4f435b028c70d84c3ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:08:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 08/43] Added Berries Es+De --- texts/de_DE.lang | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ texts/es_ES.lang | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 106 insertions(+) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index e36016151..6fc7d409b 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -472,23 +472,76 @@ item.pokeb:pure_incense=Scheuchrauch ## Berries item.pokeb:aguav_berry=Gauvebeere +item.pokeb:apicot_berry=Apikobeere item.pokeb:aspear_berry=Wilbirbeere +item.pokeb:babiri_berry=Babiribeere +item.pokeb:belue_berry=Myrtilbeere item.pokeb:bluk_berry=Morbbeere +item.pokeb:charti_berry=Chiaribeere item.pokeb:cheri_berry=Amrenabeere item.pokeb:chesto_berry=Maronbeere +item.pokeb:chilan_berry=Latchibeere +item.pokeb:chople_berry=Rospelbeere +item.pokeb:coba_berry=Kobabeere +item.pokeb:colbur_berry=Burleobeere +item.pokeb:cornn_berry=Saimbeere +item.pokeb:custap_berry=Eipfelbeere +item.pokeb:drash_berry=Drash Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:durin_berry=Durinbeere +item.pokeb:eggant_berry=Eggantbeere +item.pokeb:enigma_berry=Enigmabeere item.pokeb:figy_berry=Giefebeere +item.pokeb:ganlon_berry=Linganbeere +item.pokeb:ginema_berry=Ginema Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:grepa_berry=Labrusbeere +item.pokeb:haban_berry=Terirobeere +item.pokeb:hondew_berry=Honmelbeere item.pokeb:iapapa_berry=Yapabeere item.pokeb:leppa_berry=Jonagobeere +item.pokeb:liechi_berry=Lydzibeere ## Berries from J-la missing? item.pokeb:lum_berry=Prunusbeere item.pokeb:mago_berry=Magobeere +item.pokeb:magost_berry=Magostbeere +item.pokeb:maranga_berry=Tarabeere +item.pokeb:micle_berry=Wunfrubeere item.pokeb:nanab_berry=Nanabbeere +item.pokeb:niniku_berry=Niniku Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:nomel_berry=Tronzibeere +item.pokeb:nutpea_berry=Nutpea Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:occa_berry=Koakobeere item.pokeb:oran_berry=Sinelbeere +item.pokeb:pamtre_berry=Pallmbeere +item.pokeb:passho_berry=Foepasbeere +item.pokeb:payapa_berry=Pyapabeere item.pokeb:pecha_berry=Pirsifbeere item.pokeb:persim_berry=Persimbeere +item.pokeb:petaya_berry=Tahaybeere +item.pokeb:pinap_berry=Sananabeere +item.pokeb:pomeg_berry=Granabeere +item.pokeb:pumkin_berry=Pumkin Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:qualot_berry=Qualotbeere +item.pokeb:rabuta_berry=Rabutabeere item.pokeb:rawst_berry=Fragiabeere item.pokeb:razz_berry=Himmihbeere +item.pokeb:rindo_berry=Grindobeere +item.pokeb:roseli_berry=Hibisbeere +item.pokeb:rowap_berry=Roselbeere +item.pokeb:salac_berry=Salkabeere +item.pokeb:shuca_berry=Schukebeere item.pokeb:sitrus_berry=Tsitrubeere +item.pokeb:spelon_berry=Kiwanbeere +item.pokeb:starf_berry=Krambobeere +item.pokeb:strib_berry=Strib Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:tamato_berry=Tamotbeere +item.pokeb:tanga_berry=Tanigabeere +item.pokeb:topo_berry=Topo Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:touga_berry=Touga Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:wacan_berry=Kerzalbeere +item.pokeb:watmel_berry=Wasmelbeere +item.pokeb:wepear_berry=Nirbebeere item.pokeb:wiki_berry=Wikibeere +item.pokeb:yache_berry=Kiroyabeere +item.pokeb:yago_berry=Yago Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive ### Gems item.pokeb:bug_gem=Käferjuwel diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 58d423f24..32b77ca48 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -472,23 +472,76 @@ item.pokeb:pure_incense=Incienso puro ### Berries item.pokeb:aguav_berry=Baya Guaya +item.pokeb:apicot_berry=Baya Aricoc item.pokeb:aspear_berry=Baya Perasi +item.pokeb:babiri_berry=Baya Baribá +item.pokeb:belue_berry=Baya Andano item.pokeb:bluk_berry=Baya Oram +item.pokeb:charti_berry=Baya Alcho item.pokeb:cheri_berry=Baya Zreza item.pokeb:chesto_berry=Baya Atania +item.pokeb:chilan_berry=Baya Chilan +item.pokeb:chople_berry=Baya Pomaro +item.pokeb:coba_berry=Baya Kouba +item.pokeb:colbur_berry=Baya Dillo +item.pokeb:cornn_berry=Baya Mais +item.pokeb:custap_berry=Baya Chiri +item.pokeb:drash_berry=Drash Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:durin_berry=Baya Rudion +item.pokeb:eggant_berry=Baya Eggant +item.pokeb:enigma_berry=Baya Enigma item.pokeb:figy_berry=Baya Higog +item.pokeb:ganlon_berry=Baya Gonlan +item.pokeb:ginema_berry=Ginema Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:grepa_berry=Baya Uvav +item.pokeb:haban_berry=Baya Anjiro +item.pokeb:hondew_berry=Baya Meluce item.pokeb:iapapa_berry=Baya Pabaya item.pokeb:leppa_berry=Baya Zanama +item.pokeb:liechi_berry=Baya Lichi item.pokeb:lum_berry=Baya Ziuela item.pokeb:mago_berry=Baya Ango +item.pokeb:magost_berry=Baya Aostan +item.pokeb:maranga_berry=Baya Maranga +item.pokeb:micle_berry=Baya Lagro item.pokeb:nanab_berry=Baya Latano +item.pokeb:niniku_berry=Niniku Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:nomel_berry=Baya Monli +item.pokeb:nutpea_berry=Nutpea Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:occa_berry=Baya Caoca item.pokeb:oran_berry=Baya Aranja +item.pokeb:pamtre_berry=Baya Plama +item.pokeb:passho_berry=Baya Pasio +item.pokeb:payapa_berry=Baya Payapa item.pokeb:pecha_berry=Baya Meloc item.pokeb:persim_berry=Baya Caquic +item.pokeb:petaya_berry=Baya Yapati +item.pokeb:pinap_berry=Baya Pinia +item.pokeb:pomeg_berry=Baya Grana +item.pokeb:pumkin_berry=Pumkin Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:qualot_berry=Baya Ispero +item.pokeb:rabuta_berry=Baya Rautan item.pokeb:rawst_berry=Baya Safre item.pokeb:razz_berry=Baya Frambu +item.pokeb:rindo_berry=Baya Tamar +item.pokeb:roseli_berry=Baya Hibis +item.pokeb:rowap_berry=Baya Magua +item.pokeb:salac_berry=Baya Aslac +item.pokeb:shuca_berry=Baya Acardo item.pokeb:sitrus_berry=Baya Zidra +item.pokeb:spelon_berry=Baya Wikano +item.pokeb:starf_berry=Baya Arabol +item.pokeb:strib_berry=Strib Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:tamato_berry=Baya Tamate +item.pokeb:tanga_berry=Baya Yecana +item.pokeb:topo_berry=Topo Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:touga_berry=Touga Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive +item.pokeb:wacan_berry=Baya Gualot +item.pokeb:watmel_berry=Baya Sambia +item.pokeb:wepear_berry=Baya Peragu item.pokeb:wiki_berry=Baya Wiki +item.pokeb:yache_berry=Baya Rimoya +item.pokeb:yago_berry=Yago Berry ## No translation, japan exclusive ### Gems item.pokeb:bug_gem=Gema bicho From 5c8a9d8cf26cf63f45142eea9f16c261f4d4033a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 17:16:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 09/43] German src...s --- texts/de_DE.lang | 254 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 127 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 6fc7d409b..f2776ffae 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -8183,8 +8183,8 @@ models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.gainedExp=§a%s hat §e%s XP erhalten! models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.earnedPokeDollars=§aSie haben %sx PokeDollars verdient! ### Auction House Model -models.auctionHouse.hasExpired.sold=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen und Sie bekommen: %s %s! -models.auctionHouse.hasExpired.notSold=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen und Sie bekommen: %s %s! +models.auctionHouse.hasExpired.sold=§cIhre Auktion für %s ist abgelaufen und Sie bekommen: %s %s! +models.auctionHouse.hasExpired.notSold=§cIhre Auktion für %s ist abgelaufen und Sie bekommen: %s %s! models.auctionHouse.addBid.outbid=§a%s hat mehr geboten, als Sie und Sie bekommen %sx %s zurück von %s! ### Claim Model @@ -8197,7 +8197,7 @@ model.playerModel.questProgress.questComplete=§aQuest Beendet: %s! model.playerModel.questProgress.nextTierStarted=§aNächste Stuffe: %s gestartet, %s. ## Commands -commands.default.cooldown=§cIhre Versteigerung für %s ist abgelaufen ohne Gebote! +commands.default.cooldown=§cIhre Auktion für %s ist abgelaufen ohne Gebote!§cSie können sich selbst keine Kampfanfrage senden! commands.battle.player.success=§a"%s" hat Ihnen eine Kampfanfrage gesendet, interagieren Sie um diese anzunehmen.§cAnfrage konnte nicht angenommen werden, Sie haben keine eingehenden Anfragen! @@ -8455,7 +8455,7 @@§cKonnte %s nicht spawnen: %s§cKann nicht Mega Pokemon fangen!§cFangen fehlgeschlagen: %s, %s§cKann nicht Kampf beginnen, da du schon in ein Kampf bist! Wenn nicht, schreibe "%sbattle leave" zweimal. to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight! anfangen fehlgeschlagen: du hast keine Pokemon zum Kämpfen verfügbar§cDein Pokemon: %s hat keine Moves mehr, und du kannst keinen Kampf beginnen!§cDu hast die dimensionale Grenze für %s erreicht!§c%s aus deinem Inventar entfernen fehlgeschlagen! @@ -8467,137 +8467,137 @@§c%s aus deinem Inventar entfernen§a%s§r§e bekam: %s Exp!§cKonnte Move-Platz: %s in %s nicht finden!§c%s kann nicht AP erhöhen!§c%s ist bereits 3/5 höher, als sein Basis AP! #################################### 20.04.2024§cPP-Plus cannot be used on Sketch or Revival Blessing!§c%s ist bereits 3/5 höher, als sein Basis AP!§cAP-Plus kann nicht für Nachahmer oder Vitalsegen eingesetzt werden!§c%s aus deinem Inventar entfernen fehlgeschlagen!§a%s§r§e Move: %s Gained: %s PP!§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 60!§aRemoved %s§r§e non-volatile status conditions!§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 200!§aFully Healed %s§r§e!§c%s§r§c Cannot Learn Move: %s!§c%s§r§c Already Knows Move: %s!§a%s§r§e Move: %s Erhalten: %s PP!§a%s§r§e Gesundheit um 60 erhöht!§a%s§r§e Statusprobleme entfernt!§a%s§r§e Gesundheit um 200 erhöht!§a%s vollständig geheilt§r§e!§c%s§r§c kann den Move: %s nicht lernen!§c%s§r§c kennt bereits den Move: %s!§c%s aus deinem Inventar entfernen fehlgeschlagen!§aSet Move Slot: %s on %s§r§a to %s!§a[Nurse Joy]: Healed your pokemon!§cThis shrine has already been activated.§cCannot Activate Shrine, You have no Pokemon available pokemon to fight!§cCould not find old Model, resetting your Pokemon.§a"%s" Has joined for the first time, welcome them!§cYou must defeat: %s to pass. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.0=§aSuccessfully removed auction for %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.1=§cFailed to remove auction: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.0=§cYou cannot %s your own auction. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.1=§cYou do not have enough %s to %s this auction. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.2=§aSuccessfully claimed auction for %s. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.3=§aYour auction for %s has been purchased for %sx %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.4=§aSuccessfully %s %s for %s %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuctions.0=§cFailed to display all of your auctions, you have over the max display length. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.0=§cYou have reached the max amount of auctions you can list at once. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.1=§cYou cannot list your GUI item. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.2=§cYou cannot list your Backpack item. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.0=§cYou have reached the max amount of auctions you can list at once. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.1=§cYou do not have any pokemon in your PC. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createItemAuction.0=§aSuccessfully listed %s for %s pokeDollars -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createPokemonAuction.0=§aSuccessfully listed %s for %s pokeDollars -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.0=§aSuccessfully removed auction for %s. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.1=§cFailed to remove auction: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewWonAuctions.0=§cFailed to display all won auctions, please claim some auctions before viewing again. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageWonAuction.0=§aSuccessfully claimed auction for %s. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.0=§aAdded item to slot: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.1=§cFailed to add item to slot: %s %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.0=§cFailed to remove item from backpack! SlotID: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.1=§cFailed to remove item at slot: %s %s!§aTrusted %s to your claim!§aUn-Trusted %s from your claim! player from all of your claims.§cFailed to give you a gold shovel, please try again! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.0=You have won §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.1=You have won §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.2=You have won §a%sx %s!§aMove Platz: %s von %s§r§a auf %s gesetzt!§a[Schwester Joy]: Deine Pokemon wurden geheilt!§cDieser Schrein wurde bereits aktiviert.§cKann den Schrein nicht aktivieren, du hast keine verfügbare Pokemons!§cKonnte das alte Modell nicht finden, dein Pokemon wurde zurückgesetzt.§a"%s" hat den Server zum ersten Mal betreten, stelle sicher, Sie zu begrüßen!§cDu musst: %s besiegen, um weiter zu kommen. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.0=§aErfolgreich die Auktion für %s entfernt +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.1=§cAuktion für: %s entfernen fehlgeschlagen +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.0=§cDu kannst nicht % auf deiner eigenen Auktion. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.1=§cDu hast nicht genügend %s, um diese Auktion zu %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.2=§aErfolgreich die Auktion %s beansprucht. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.3=§aDeine Auktion für %s wurde gekauft für %sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.4=§aErfolgreich %s %s für %s %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuctions.0=§cAnzeigen aller deiner Auktionen fehlgeschlagen, du hast mehr als das Limit. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.0=§cDu hast das Limit für Auktionen gleichzeitig erreicht. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.1=§cDu kannst deinen GUI-Gegenstand nicht auflisten. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.2=§cDu kannst deinen Rucksack nicht auflisten. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.0=§cDu hast das Limit für Auktionen gleichzeitig erreicht. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.1=§cDu hast keine Pokemons auf deinen Pc. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createItemAuction.0=§aErfolgreich %s für %s PokeDollars aufgelistet +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createPokemonAuction.0=§aErfolgreich %s für %s PokeDollars aufgelistet +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.0=§aErfolgreich die Auktion für %s entfernt. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.1=§c§cAuktion für: %s entfernen fehlgeschlagen +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewWonAuctions.0=§cAlle gewonnenen Auktionen anzeigen fehlgeschlagen, bitte hole dir welche ab, bevor du Sie dir ansiehst. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageWonAuction.0=§aErfolgreich Auktion für %s beansprucht. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.0=§aGegenstand auf Platz: %s hinzugefügt +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.1=§cGegenstand auf Platz hinzugefügen fehlgeschlagen: %s %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.0=§cGegenstand von Rucksack nehmen fehlgeschlagen! SlotID: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.1=§cGegenstand von Platz nehmen fehlgeschlagen: %s %s!§a%s deinem Anspruch vertraut!§a%s deinem Anspruch nicht mehr vertraut! Spieler allen deinen Ansprüchen.§cGeben einer Goldschaufel fehlgeschlagen, versuch es nochmal! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.0=Du hast §a%s§r gewonnen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.1=Du hast §a%s§r gewonnen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.2=Du hast §a%s§r gewonnen! src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.3=§a+Skin: %s, Sie können diesen Skin auch verwenden: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateAppearance.0=§aUpdated crate's Appearance! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateKey.0=§aSet crate's keyTypeId to: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editInheritance.0=§aSet crate's inheritance to: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.0=§cCrate is not valid! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.1=§cCrate Does not have any data! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.2=§aReset Crate: %s's Animation! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateAppearance.0=§aCrates aussehen aktualisiert! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateKey.0=§aCrates keyTypeId auf: %s gesetzt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editInheritance.0=§aCrates Vererbung auf: %s gesetzt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.0=§cCrate ist nicht gültig! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.1=§cCrate hat keine Daten! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.2=§aCrate: %s Animation zurückgesetzt! src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewQuests.0=[Hex Mania]: §7%s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.0=§aSubmitted %sx %s to Hex Mania! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.1=Failed to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.main.0=§cYou cannot create a home because you don't have anymore Home Points. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.createHome.0=§cYou cannot create a home here because you are in a claim you are not trusted in! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.kits.claimKit.0=§cKit cannot be claimed.§cThis command can only be run in the overworld!§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later.§cCould not transfer: "%s" to PC, you have reached the max amount of PC storage. %s slot to %s! have no learnable moves! %s's held item! cannot set your GUI has a held item!§cYou cannot set a damaged item has a held item!§cFailed to clear item: %s! %s's held item too %s!§aAdded Skin %s to %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.0=§aAdded "%s" to party. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.1=§cFailed to add "%s" to party %s. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.2=§cUn-Pinned "%s" on your PC. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.3=§cFailed to pin: "%s", you already have >=6 Pokemon pinned! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.4=§aPinned "%s" to your PC. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.interact.0=§aSent battle request too: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.0=§cFailed to start battle: "%s" is already in a battle! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.1=§cFailed to start battle: "%s" has no data set! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.2=Failed to start battle:"%s" have no available pokemon to fight! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.3=§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.4=§cFailed to start battle: At least one of "%s"'s Pokemon has no moves! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.0=You have received §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.1=You have won §a%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.0=§a%sx %s Hex Mania eingereicht! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.1=Kampf anfangen fehlgeschlagen: Du hast keine Pokemon zum Kämpfen verfügbar! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.main.0=§cDu kannst kein Haus erstellen, da du keine Haus-Punkte übrig hast. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.createHome.0=§cDu kannst hier kein Haus erstellen, du wirst nicht in diesem Anspruch vertraut! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.kits.claimKit.0=§cKit kann nicht beansprucht werden.§cDieser Befehl kann nur in der Oberwelt benutzt werden!§cEine gültige Wild-Position finden fehlgeschlagen, versuch es später nochmal.§cKonnte nicht: "%s" auf dem PC übertragen, du hast deinen Limit für PC-Pokemons erreicht. auf Platz %s gewechselt! hast keine Moves zum Lernen!'s getragener Gegenstand genommen! kannst nicht deinen GUI-Gegenstand als getragenen Gegenstand setzen!§cDu kannst einen Gegenstand mit Haltbarkeit nicht als getragenen Gegenstand setzen!§cGegenstand entfernen fehlgeschlagen: %s!'s getragener Gegenstand auf %s gesetzt!§aSkin %s zu %s hinzugefügt +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.0=§a"%s" zur Party hinzugefügt. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.1=§c"%s" zur Party hinzufügen fehlgeschlagen %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.2=§c"%s" von deinem PC gelöst. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.3=§c"%s" an deinem PC bundieren fehlgeschlagen, du hast bereits >=6 Pokemon gebundet! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.4=§a"%s" auf deinem PC gebundet. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.interact.0=§aKampfanfrage an: %s gesendet! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.0=§cKampf anfangen fehlgeschlagen: "%s" ist bereits in einem Kampf! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.1=§cKampf anfangen fehlgeschlagen: "%s" hat noch keine Daten! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.2=Kampf anfangen fehlgeschlagen:"%s" hat keine Pokemon zum Kämpfen verfügbar! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.3=§cDein Pokemon: %s hat keine Moves und du kannst keinen Kampf anfangen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.4=§cKampf anfangen fehlgeschlagen: Mindestens einer von "%s"'s Pokemons hat keine Moves! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.0=Du hast §a%s§r bekommen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.1=Du hast §a%sx %s§r gewonnen! src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.2=§a+Skin: %s, Sie können diesen Skin auch verwenden: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.3=You have received §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.4=Failed to give reward: %s, %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.5=§aCollected the reward for %s% Pokedex Progress! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.0=Failed to set Lure, one is already active! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.1=%s is not a lure! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.2=Failed to remove %s from your inventory! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.3=Set PokeStops's lure too %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.editBasicData.0=§aEdited PokeStop's basic video! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.0=§aCollected Rewards for quest: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.1=§aRemoved Quest: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestDetails.0=§aStarted Quest: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.createQuest.0=Created Quest: %s successfully! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.0=§cYou cannot %s %s because %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.1=§cFailed to give %sx %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.showAcceptOrDecline.0=§cTrade Ended! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.0=§cFailed to Fetch Pokemon data, trade Failed! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.1=§cFailed to Fetch Pokemon data, trade Failed! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.0=§cFailed to start battle: Trainer is no longer valid! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.1=§cYou are already in a battle and cannot start one! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.2=Failed to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.3=§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.4=§cFailed to Fetch Trainer Data! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.5=§cTrainer had no pokemon to battle with, party has been reset! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.0=§cYou cannot battle this trainer right now, You can re-battle %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.1=§cYou are already in a battle and cannot start one! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.0=§cFailed to Fetch Trainer Data! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.1=§aUpdated Trainer Inheritance -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editSlotMenu.0=§aRemoved Slot: %s from Trainer. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.viewRunCommand.0=§aRemoved RunCommand on Trainer Successfully. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editRunCommand.0=%s Run Command, on Trainer! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.0=§a[BATTLE REQUEST]: §r%s -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.1=§c[BATTLE LOG]: §r%s -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.0=§cFailed to capture Pokemon, Your PC is currently full, and have no slots in your party! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.1=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNOSTIC]: Status: %s is not yet handled. Please report this to Smell of Curry. -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleCureStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNOSTIC]: Cure-Status: %s is not yet handled. Please report this to Smell of Curry. -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.0=§aYour Orb: %s, has gained 1x soul! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.1=§aYour Orb: %s, Has fully filled! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleSwitchInstruction.0=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.0=Failed to clear item: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.1=Failed to clear item: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.3=Du hast §a%s§r bekommen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.4=Belohnung geben fehlgeschlagen: %s, %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.5=§aBelohnung für den %s% Pokedex Fortschritt abgeholt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.0=Köder festlegen fehlgeschlagen, eins ist bereits aktiv! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.1=%s ist kein Köder! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.2=%s von deinem Inventar entfernen fehlgeschlagen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.3=Pokestops Köder auf %s gesetzt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.editBasicData.0=§aPokestops gewöhnliches Video editiert! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.0=§aBelohnungen für Quest: %s erhalten! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.1=§aQuest: %s entfernt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestDetails.0=§aQuest gestartet: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.createQuest.0=Erfolgreich Quest erstellt: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.0=§cDu kannst nicht %s %s, weil %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.1=§cDas geben von %sx %s ist fehlgeschlagen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.showAcceptOrDecline.0=§cHandel beendet! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.0=§cDas Holen der Pokemon-Daten ist fehlgeschlagen, Handel fehlgeschlagen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.1=§cDas Holen der Pokemon-Daten ist fehlgeschlagen, Handel fehlgeschlagen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.0=§cKampf anfangen fehlgeschlagen: Trainer ist nicht mehr gültig! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.1=§cDu bist bereits in einem Kamof und kannst keins anfangen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.2=Kampf anfangen fehlgeschlagen: You have no available pokemon to fight! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.3=§cDein Pokemon: %s hat keine Moves und du kannst keinen Kampf beginnen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.4=§cDas Holen der Trainer-Daten ist fehlgeschlagen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.5=§cTrainer hatte keine Pokemons zu anfangen, Party wurde zurückgesetzt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.0=§cDu kannst diesen Trainer nicht wieder bekämpfen, warte %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.1=§cDu bist bereits in einem Kamof und kannst keins anfangen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.0=§cDas Holen der Trainer-Daten ist fehlgeschlagen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.1=§aTrainer-Vererbung aktualisiert +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editSlotMenu.0=§aPlatz: %s von Trainer entfernt. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.viewRunCommand.0=§aRunCommand vom Trainer entfernt. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editRunCommand.0=%s Run Command, auf Trainer! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.0=§a[KAMPFANFRAGE]: §r%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.1=§c[KAMPF-LOG]: §r%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.0=§cPokemon fangen fehlgeschlagen, Dein PC ist voll und deine Party hat keine leeren Plätze! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.1=§a%s im Pokedex freigeschaltet! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNOSE]: Status: %s wurde noch nicht behandelt. Bitte melde dies bei Smell of Curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleCureStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNOSE]: Cure-Status: %s wurde noch nicht behandelt. Bitte melde dies bei Smell of Curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.0=§aDein Orb: %s, hat 1 Seele bekommen! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.1=§aDein Orb: %s, wurde gefüllt! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleSwitchInstruction.0=§a%s im Pokedex freigeschaltet! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.0=Gegenstand: %s entfernen fehlgeschlagen +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.1=Gegenstand: %s entfernen fehlgeschlagen src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.0=§7[%s]: %s src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.1=§7[%s]: %s -## Battle Text ############################################ +## Battle Text battle.battleEnded=Kampf beendet battle.tieWasForced=Unentschieden wurde gezwungen! battle.playerActor.usedBagItem=%s benutzte ein(e) %s From 95d81620ed07dd6236324c2c9a4ffa6a2052cc94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 11:06:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 10/43] Abilities started --- texts/de_DE.lang | 66 +- texts/es_ES.lang | 7268 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 2 files changed, 7082 insertions(+), 252 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index f2776ffae..f9d1992e7 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -8683,50 +8683,50 @@ battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Kein Terrain ## 20.04.2024:13.04 ### Showdown Battle Text Ability -showdown.abilities.noability.shortDesc=Does nothing. -showdown.abilities.adaptability.desc=This Pokemon's moves that match one of its types have a same-type attack bonus (STAB) of 2 instead of 1.5. -showdown.abilities.adaptability.shortDesc=This Pokemon's same-type attack bonus (STAB) is 2 instead of 1.5. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.2x power. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.3x power. -showdown.abilities.aftermath.desc=If this Pokemon is knocked out with a contact move, that move's user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, this effect is prevented. -showdown.abilities.aftermath.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is KOed with a contact move, that move's user loses 1/4 its max HP. -showdown.abilities.aftermath.damage=%s was hurt! Lock -showdown.abilities.airlock.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. -showdown.abilities.airlock.start=The effects of the weather disappeared. -showdown.abilities.analytic.desc=The power of this Pokemon's move is multiplied by 1.3 if it is the last to move in a turn. Does not affect Doom Desire and Future Sight. -showdown.abilities.analytic.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks have 1.3x power if it is the last to move in a turn. Point -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.desc=If this Pokemon, but not its substitute, is struck by a critical hit, its Attack is raised by 12 stages. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.shortDesc=If this Pokemon (not its substitute) takes a critical hit, its Attack is raised 12 stages. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon, or its substitute, is struck by a critical hit, its Attack is raised by 12 stages. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon or its substitute takes a critical hit, its Attack is raised 12 stages. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.boost=%s maxed its Attack! Shell -showdown.abilities.angershell.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage from an attack bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are raised by 1 stage, and its Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. -showdown.abilities.angershell.shortDesc=At 1/2 or less of this Pokemon's max HP: +1 Atk, Sp. Atk, Spe, and -1 Def, Sp. Def. Fähigkeit +showdown.abilities.noability.shortDesc=Tut nichts. +showdown.abilities.adaptability.desc=Die Stärke von Attacken des Pokémon, die seinem Typ entsprechen (STAB), steigt um 2, statt um 1.5. +showdown.abilities.adaptability.shortDesc=Die Stärke von Attacken des Pokémon mit Typen-Bonus (STAB) steigt um 2, statt um 1.5. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.desc=Normal-Attacken des Pokémon nehmen den Typ Flug an und ihre Stärke wird um 1.2 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Attacken-Typ ändern, aber bevor Plasmaschauers und Elektrifizierungs Effekte. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.shortDesc=Normal-Attacken des Pokémon nehmen den Typ Flug an und haben 1.2x Stärke. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.desc=Normal-Attacken des Pokémon nehmen den Typ Flug an und ihre Stärke wird um 1.3 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Attacken-Typ ändern, aber bevor Plasmaschauers und Elektrifizierungs Effekte. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.shortDesc=Normal-Attacken des Pokémon nehmen den Typ Flug an und haben 1.3x Stärke. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.desc=Angreifer erleidet einen Schaden von 1/4 seiner vollständigen Gesundheit runtergerundet, wenn das Pokémon durch eine Attacke mit Berührung besiegt wird. Wenn irgendein aktives Pokemon die Fähigkeit Feuchtigkeit besitzt, dann wird dieser Effekt abgebrochen. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.shortDesc=Angreifer erleidet einen Schaden von 1/4 seiner vollständigen Gesundheit, wenn das Pokémon durch eine Attacke mit Berührung besiegt wird +showdown.abilities.aftermath.damage=%s wurde verletzt! +showdown.abilities.airlock.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokemon aktiv ist, werden alle Wettereffekte aufgehoben. +showdown.abilities.airlock.start=Alle Wettereffekte werden aufgehoben. +showdown.abilities.analytic.desc=Handelt das Pokémon als letzter in dieser Runde, wird die Stärke seiner verwendeten Attacke um 1/3 erhöht. Das gilt nicht für die Attacken Seher und Kismetwunsch. +showdown.abilities.analytic.shortDesc=Die Attacke dieses Pokemon hat 1.3x Stärke, wenn das Pokémon als letzter in dieser Runde handelt. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Pokemons um 12 Stufen, wenn das Pokémon (nicht der Gegner) durch einen Volltreffer geschädigt wird. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokemon (nicht der Gegner) einen Volltreffer erleidet, dann erhöht sich sein Angriff um 12 Stufen. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Pokemons um 12 Stufen, wenn das Pokémon oder der Gegner durch einen Volltreffer geschädigt wird. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokemon oder der Gegner einen Volltreffer erleidet, dann erhöht sich sein Angriff um 12 Stufen. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.boost=%s hat sein Angriff maximiert! +showdown.abilities.angershell.desc=Wenn die KP des Pokémon auf 50% oder weniger fallen, sinken dessen Verteidigungs- und Spezial-Verteidigungs-Wert um eine Stufe, dafür steigen sein Angriffs- und Spezial-Angriffs-Wert sowie seine Initiative um eine Stufe. Dieser Effekt wird auch nach einem Move mit mehreren Schlägen ausgelöst. Dieser Effekt wird abgebrochen, wenn die Attacke einen zweiten Effekt verloren hatte durch Rohe Gewalt. +showdown.abilities.angershell.shortDesc=Bei 50% oder weniger der maximalen KP: +1 Angr, SpAngr, Init, und -1 Vert, SpVert. showdown.abilities.anticipation.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, Hidden Power counts as its determined type, and Judgment, Multi-Attack, Natural Gift, Revelation Dance, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. showdown.abilities.anticipation.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon shudders if any foe has a supereffective or OHKO move. showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, Hidden Power counts as its determined type, and Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen5.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, and Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move that this Pokemon is not immune to and if its level is less than or equal to the opposing Pokemon's level. This effect does not consider Counter, Dragon Rage, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Night Shade, Psywave, or Seismic Toss as attacking moves, and Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. This effect considers any changes to the effectiveness of attacks against this Pokemon due to the effects of Gravity or the Normalize or Scrappy Abilities. showdown.abilities.anticipation.activate=%s shuddered! Trap showdown.abilities.arenatrap.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne, are holding a Shed Shell, or are a Ghost type. showdown.abilities.arenatrap.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne. showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne, are holding a Shed Shell, or are a Ghost type. showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne or holding a Shed Shell. showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne or holding a Shed Shell. showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne. Tailüstung showdown.abilities.armortail.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.armortail.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. showdown.abilities.armortail.block=%s cannot use %s! @@ -9963,7 +9963,7 @@ showdown.default.psn.start=%s wurde vergiftet! showdown.default.psn.alreadyStarted=%s ist bereits vergiftet! showdown.default.psn.end=%s wurde von seiner Vergiftung geheilt! showdown.default.psn.endFromItem=%s's %s heilte seine Vergiftung! -showdown.default.psn.damage=%s wurde durch Vergiftung verletzt! ######################################################### +showdown.default.psn.damage=%s wurde durch Vergiftung verletzt! showdown.default.tox.start=%s wurde schwer vergiftet! showdown.default.tox.startFromItem=%s wurde schwer vergiftet durch %s! showdown.default.tox.end=%s wurde von seiner Vergiftung geheilt! diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 32b77ca48..505a64273 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -4157,225 +4157,6 @@ pokemon.walkingwake.desc=Ecología en investigación. Leaves pokemon.ironleaves.desc=Ecología bajo análisis. -## Events -events.beforeChat.muted=§cNo puedes enviar mensajes, ¡actualmente estás silenciado! -events.beforeChat.sendingTooFast=§cEstás enviando mensajes demasiado rápido. Por favor, reduce la velocidad e inténtalo de nuevo. -events.beforeChat.repeatedMessage=§cSu mensaje anterior parece ser idéntico al más reciente. Modifique su mensaje e inténtelo nuevamente. -events.beforeChat.zalgoMessage=§c¡Tu mensaje contiene zalgo y no se puede enviar! -events.beforeChat.send=§r§l§8[§r%s§r§l§8]§r§7 %s:§r %s -events.beforeChat.kick=§c¡Spamming! - -events.claimManager.interactWithStick.isClaimed=§aEl bloque que has seleccionado es reclamado por %s -events.claimManager.interactWithStick.notClaimed=§aNadie ha reclamado este bloque.§cSelección no válida, el puesto que ha seleccionado está actualmente reclamado y no se puede reclamar. -events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.success.selectedPos1=§aPosición seleccionada uno en §eX: %s, Z: %s§cSelección no válida. ¡El tamaño del reclamo debe ser mayor o igual a 10!§cSelección no válida, ¡esta selección es demasiado grande! Has seleccionado %s bloques, sin embargo, ¡solo puedes reclamar %s bloques!§cSelección no válida. Su selección incluye bloques que ya están reclamados. -events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.confirm=¿Estás seguro de que quieres reclamar los bloques de %s a %s? -events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.success=§a¡Éxito!, ¡Has reclamado %s Bloques! -events.claimManager.interact.invalidPermission=§c¡No puedes interactuar con este reclamo! - -events.entityHit.ball.pokemonInBattle=§cError: No se puede capturar este Pokémon. ¡Actualmente está en batalla! -events.entityHit.ball.pokemonSentOut=§cError: No se puede capturar este Pokémon. Este Pokémon está enviado. -events.entityHit.battle.pokemonInBattle=§cError: No se puede iniciar la batalla con este Pokémon. ¡Actualmente está en batalla! -events.entityHit.battle.pokemonSentOut=§cError: No se puede iniciar la batalla con este Pokémon. Ha sido enviado y no puede participar en batallas. -events.entityHit.getId=Identificador de entidad de impacto: "%s" - -events.lagClear.announce=[§fServer§r]§a¡Se ha eliminado el servidor de elementos y Pokémon no domesticados! -events.lagClear.announce.startingIn=[§fServer§r]§a Despejo de retraso (lag) ¡A partir de %s! - -events.moderate.frozen.alert=§bEstás congelado, Motivo: %s - -events.interact_with_trainer.inBattle=§c¡Este entrenador está en batalla y no se puede interactuar con él! - -events.setStarterPokemon.chosen=§a§lHas elegido §b§l%s - -## Forms§cTiempo de espera del formulario: intenté mostrar el formulario, pero estaba ocupado (cierre el chat después de ejecutar el comando) - -forms.crate.noDataToShow=§c¡Esta caja no tiene datos para mostrar! -forms.crate.edit.itemIdDoesNotExist=¡El elemento "%s" no existe en Minecraft ni en los paquetes de comportamiento conectados! -forms.crate.edit.dataMustBeNumber=Datos: %s, ¡debe ser un número! -¿Estás seguro de que quieres comprar el kit: %s§r por %s PokeDollars?§cNo se pudo comprar: %s§r§c, ¡No tienes suficientes Poke Dollars!§aKit comprado con éxito %s§r§c -%s PokeDollars! -forms.kits.claim.success=§aKit reclamado: %s ¡Con éxito! Reclama nuevamente %s -forms.kits.delete.success=§cKit eliminado: §e%s - -forms.moderate.updatedRole=§a¡Rol actualizado para "%s"! -forms.moderate.updatedModerateData=§a¡Datos moderados actualizados! - una acción para realizar con este Pokémon.§cError: Pokémon se ha desmayado. Por favor acuda al sanador para restaurar la salud.§aÉxito: ¡Envió §e%s!§aÉxito: ¡Devuelto §e%s!§cError: Pokémon no encontrado. Acércate al Pokémon e inténtalo de nuevo.§c¡No se pueden liberar Pokémon en estado salvaje! ¡Debes tener 1 Pokémon contigo en todo momento!§c¡No se puede liberar Pokémon mientras está enviado!¿Estás seguro de que quieres liberar este Pokémon a la naturaleza? ¡Esto no se puede deshacer!§a¡Liberado §e%s§a en la naturaleza!§c¡No se puede transferir al ordenador! ¡Debes tener 1 Pokémon contigo en todo momento!§c¡Devuelve este Pokémon antes de transferirlo!¡Transfirió %s§r a tu ordenador!§cError: Apodo demasiado largo. La longitud máxima permitida es de 10 caracteres.§cError: El primer carácter del apodo debe ser una letra. - -forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.body=¡Selecciona una acción para realizar en este Pokémon de ordenador!§cError al transferir al grupo. ¡No tienes espacios abiertos! -forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.AddToParty=Agregar al grupo -forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.trashPokemon=Descartar Pokémon -forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.goBack=Regresa - -forms.serverNpc.butItemScreen.title=¡Compra artículo: %sx %s§r por %s PokeDollars!§cNo se pudieron comprar artículos -forms.serverNpc.butItemScreen.success=§aComprado con éxito %sx %s§r§c -%s PokeDollars! -forms.serverNpc.sellItemScreen.title=¡Vende: %s§r por %s PokeDollars!§cNo se pudieron vender artículos -forms.serverNpc.sellItemScreen.success=§aVendido con éxito %sx %s§r§a +%s PokeDollars!§c¡No se pudo vender %sx %s! - -forms.tradeMachine.showWaitForm.endTradeSearch=§c¡Búsqueda comercial finalizada! -forms.tradeMachine.showWaitForm.requestDeclined=§c¡Su solicitud comercial fue rechazada! -forms.tradeMachine.showMain.alreadyInUse=§c¡No se puede interactuar con la máquina que ya está en uso! -forms.tradeMachine.showMain.playerNotFound=§c¡No se pudo iniciar el intercambio, no se encontró otro jugador! - -forms.trainerMenu.main.cannotReBattleTrainer=§c¡No puedes volver a luchar contra este entrenador! -forms.trainerMenu.editBasicData.updated=§a¡Datos básicos actualizados para el entrenador! -forms.trainerMenu.editDrops.confirmDelete=¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar %s? -forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.typeIdDoesNotExist=¡"%s" no es un número de datos válido! -forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.notVaildData="%s" No es una identificación de tipo de elemento válida, es decir, en Minecraft o en paquetes de comportamiento conectados. -forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.notValidAmount=¡"%s" no es un número de monto válido! - -## Models -models.battleUtils.runPokemonCatch.ballWasMissed=¡Se faltó la pelota! -models.battleUtils.endBattleOrPokemonForm.title=Tu Pokémon se ha desmayado -models.battleUtils.endBattleOrPokemonForm.body=Tu pokemon acaba de desmayarse, para continuar, termina la batalla o cambia de pokemon. -models.battleUtils.choosePokemonForm.noAvailablePokemon.first=¡No puedes iniciar la batalla porque no tienes Pokémon disponibles! -models.battleUtils.choosePokemonForm.noAvailablePokemon=¡No puedes cambiar de Pokémon, no tienes Pokémon disponibles! - -models.playersPokemon.checkForLevelUp.levelUp=¡§e%s§r§e ha subido de nivel a %s! -models.playersPokemon.evolveSlot.alert=¡%s§r§e ha evolucionado a %s§r! -§c¡No puedes luchar contra "%s" porque no tienes ningún Pokémon disponible! -models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.ranFromBattle=¡Has huido de la batalla! -models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerRanFromBattle=¡Has huido de la batalla! -models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerLost=¡Perdiste! -models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerWon=¡Ganaste! -§c¡No puedes luchar contra este Pokémon porque no tienes ningún Pokémon disponible! -models.playerVsPokemonBattle.end=La batalla ha terminado -models.playerVsPokemonBattle.pokemonDied=¡§a%s§r§e ha ganado §e%s XP! -models.choosePokemonForm.battleFailedToStart=§cLa batalla no pudo comenzar. ¡Prueba con un Pokémon diferente! -§c¡No puedes luchar contra este entrenador porque no tienes ningún Pokémon disponible! -models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.gainedExp=¡§a%s§r§e ha ganado §e%s XP! -models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.earnedPokeDollars=§a¡Has ganado %sx PokeDollar! - -## Commands -commands.default.cooldown=§cNo se puede ejecutar el comando "%s". ¡Actualmente estás en tiempo de pausa durante %s segundos más! -§c¡No puedo enviarte una solicitud de batalla a ti mismo! -commands.battle.player.success=§a"%s" Te ha enviado una solicitud de batalla, interactúa para aceptar la solicitud.§cNo se pudo aceptar la solicitud. ¡No tiene solicitudes entrantes!§cNo se pudo aceptar la solicitud. ¡El jugador que envió esta solicitud no está en el juego!§cError: No se puede iniciar la batalla con este jugador. ¡El jugador está actualmente en batalla! -commands.battle.accept.success.sender=§a¡Solicitud de batalla aceptada de "%s"! -commands.battle.accept.success.fromPlayer=¡§a"%s" ha aceptado tu solicitud de batalla!§cNo se pudo denegar la solicitud. ¡No tiene solicitudes entrantes! -commands.battle.deny.success=§a¡Se te negó tu solicitud de batalla entrante! -commands.battle.toggle.success=§a"%s" Las solicitudes de batalla para ti ahora están configuradas en %s§cNo se pudo abandonar la batalla. ¡Actualmente no estás en una batalla! -commands.battle.leave.success=§a¡Batalla finalizada en la que estabas! - -commands.chatRank.set.success=§a¡Establezca la clasificación de "%s" en %s! -commands.chatRank.add.success=§aRango agregado: ¡%s a "%s"! -§cError. ¡No puedo confiar en este jugador porque no tienes ningún reclamo!§cError no puede cambiar las confías para este reclamo. ¡Usted no es propietario de este reclamo!§cError, ¡"%s" ya es confiable en el reclamo en el que te encuentras!§a"%s" de confianza para el reclamo en el que se encuentra.§a"%s" de confianza para todas sus reclamaciones.§cError. ¿No tienes reclamos para dejar de confiar en este reproductor? ¿qué estás pensando? No debería tener que mostrar este mensaje de error, pero lo hice gracias a ti, no sé cómo te equivocas tanto.§cError no puede cambiar las confías para este reclamo. ¡Usted no es propietario de este reclamo!§cError: "%s" no es de confianza actualmente. -commands.claim.unTrust.playerName.success.toClaimIn=§a"%s" no confiable para el reclamo en el que se encuentra. -commands.claim.unTrust.playerName.success.toAllClaims=§a"%s" no confiable para todas sus reclamaciones.§cError, ¡debe estar en un reclamo para abandonarlo!§cError no puede abandonar este reclamo. ¡Usted no es propietario de este reclamo! -commands.claim.abandon.confirm=¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el reclamo en el que se encuentra actualmente? ¡Esto no se puede deshacer! -commands.claim.abandon.success=§aAbandonó exitosamente el reclamo en el que se encontraba actualmente.§cNo posee ningún reclamo para eliminar -commands.claim.abandonAll.confirm=¿Está seguro de que desea abandonar todos los reclamos que tiene actualmente? -commands.claim.abandonAll.success=§aAbandonó todos sus reclamos con éxito.§cError, ¡debe presentar un reclamo para abandonarlo! -commands.claim.delete.success=§aEliminó el reclamo en el que se encontraba actualmente. -commands.claim.balance=§a¡Tienes %sx bloques de reclamos disponibles! - -commands.home.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para ver el administrador de hogares. - -commands.kits.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, Cerrar chat para ver kits. -commands.kits.make.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, Cerrar chat para hacer un kit. - -commands.moderate.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para abrir el menú de moderación. -commands.moderate.setPermission.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para configurar los permisos de los jugadores. - -commands.rules.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para ver las reglas. - -commands.warp.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para ver el menú warp. -commands.warp.success=§aAlabeado a: %s! - -commands.wild.success=§a¡Salvaje deformado! - -commands.serverWarp.set.success=§a¡Configura la deformación del servidor %s en tu ubicación! -commands.serverWarp.set.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para configurar warp. -commands.serverWarp.delete.success=§aDeformación del servidor eliminada: ¡"%s" exitosamente! -commands.serverWarp.delete.failed=§c¡No se pudo eliminar la deformación del servidor: "%s"! - -commands.tpa.player.failed.self=§c¡No puedo enviarte una solicitud de teletransportación! -commands.tpa.player.success=§a"%s" te ha enviado una solicitud de teletransporte, escribe "%s" para aceptar esta solicitud§cNo se pudo aceptar la solicitud. ¡No tiene solicitudes entrantes!§cNo se pudo aceptar la solicitud. ¡El jugador que envió esta solicitud no está en el juego! -commands.tpaccept.success.sender=§a¡Solicitud de Tp aceptada de "%s"! -commands.tpaccept.success.fromPlayer=¡§a"%s" ha aceptado su solicitud de Tp!§cNo se pudo denegar la solicitud. ¡No tiene solicitudes entrantes! -commands.tpdeny.success=§a¡Se le negó su solicitud de Tp entrante! -commands.tpatoggle.success=§a"%s" Las solicitudes de teletransportación dirigidas a usted ahora están configuradas en %s.§c¡No tienes ninguna ubicación anterior! -commands.back.success=§a¡Te teletransporté de vuelta! - -commands.balance.success=§a¡Tienes %sx PokeDollars! -commands.balance.set.success=§a¡PokeDollars "%s" actualizados a %s! -commands.balance.add.success=§a¡PokeDollars "%s" actualizados a %s! -§cYa has solicitado, Estado: %s/%s. -commands.lag.request.success=§cYa has solicitado, Estado: %s/%s. - -commands.floatingText.spawn.success=§a¡Texto flotante generado en tu ubicación! -commands.floatingText.despawn.success=§a¡Desapareció todo el texto flotante en tu ubicación!§c¡No se pudo eliminar todo el texto flotante en tu ubicación! %s - -commands.leaderboard.create.success=§a¡Tabla de clasificación generada para %s en tu ubicación! -commands.leaderboard.update.success=§a¡Actualizadas todas las tablas de clasificación! -§c¡No puedes pagarte a ti mismo!§c¡No se puede pagar un valor menor o igual a 0!§c¡No tienes suficiente dinero para enviar %s PokeDollars!§a¡Pagó "%s" %sx PokeDollars! -§cNo se pudo curar a Pokémon. ¡Actualmente estás en batalla! - -commands.reset.success=§a¡Restablecer %s datos de Pokémon! - -commands.seen.onlineRightNow=§a¡%s está en línea ahora mismo! ¡Di hola! -commands.seen.lastSeen=§c%s fue visto por última vez en este servidor %s -commands.seen.firstLogon=§cEl primer inicio de sesión de %s fue %s - -commands.redeem.success=§aCanjeó el código: "%s", ¡Exitosamente! -commands.redeem.alreadyRedeemed=§c¡El código: "%s", ya ha sido canjeado! -commands.redeem.codeNotFound=§c¡El código: "%s", no fue encontrado! - ## Dismount messages action.hint.exit.pokemon:bulbasaur=Toca Agachar para desmontar @@ -8278,3 +8059,7052 @@ action.hint.exit.console.pokemon:walkingwake=Pulsa :_input_key.sneak: para desmo action.hint.exit.pokemon:ironleaves=Toca Agachar para desmontar action.hint.exit.sceme.pokemon:ironleaves=Toca desmontar para desmontarte action.hint.exit.console.pokemon:ironleaves=Pulsa :_input_key.sneak: para desmontar + +## Events +events.beforeChat.muted=§cNo puedes enviar mensajes, ¡actualmente estás silenciado! +events.beforeChat.sendingTooFast=§cEstás enviando mensajes demasiado rápido. Por favor, reduce la velocidad e inténtalo de nuevo. +events.beforeChat.repeatedMessage=§cSu mensaje anterior parece ser idéntico al más reciente. Modifique su mensaje e inténtelo nuevamente. +events.beforeChat.zalgoMessage=§c¡Tu mensaje contiene zalgo y no se puede enviar! +events.beforeChat.send=§r§l§8[§r%s§r§l§8]§r§7 %s:§r %s +events.beforeChat.kick=§c¡Spamming! + +events.claimManager.interactWithStick.isClaimed=§aEl bloque que has seleccionado es reclamado por %s +events.claimManager.interactWithStick.notClaimed=§aNadie ha reclamado este bloque.§cSelección no válida, el puesto que ha seleccionado está actualmente reclamado y no se puede reclamar. +events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.success.selectedPos1=§aPosición seleccionada uno en §eX: %s, Z: %s§cSelección no válida. ¡El tamaño del reclamo debe ser mayor o igual a 10!§cSelección no válida, ¡esta selección es demasiado grande! Has seleccionado %s bloques, sin embargo, ¡solo puedes reclamar %s bloques!§cSelección no válida. Su selección incluye bloques que ya están reclamados. +events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.confirm=¿Estás seguro de que quieres reclamar los bloques de %s a %s? +events.claimManager.interactWithGoldShovel.success=§a¡Éxito!, ¡Has reclamado %s Bloques! +events.claimManager.interact.invalidPermission=§c¡No puedes interactuar con este reclamo! + +events.entityHit.ball.pokemonInBattle=§cError: No se puede capturar este Pokémon. ¡Actualmente está en batalla! +events.entityHit.ball.pokemonSentOut=§cError: No se puede capturar este Pokémon. Este Pokémon está enviado. +events.entityHit.battle.pokemonInBattle=§cError: No se puede iniciar la batalla con este Pokémon. ¡Actualmente está en batalla! +events.entityHit.battle.pokemonSentOut=§cError: No se puede iniciar la batalla con este Pokémon. Ha sido enviado y no puede participar en batallas. +events.entityHit.getId=Identificador de entidad de impacto: "%s" + +events.lagClear.announce=[§fServer§r]§a¡Se ha eliminado el servidor de elementos y Pokémon no domesticados! +events.lagClear.announce.startingIn=[§fServer§r]§a Despejo de retraso (lag) ¡A partir de %s! + +events.moderate.frozen.alert=§bEstás congelado, Motivo: %s + +events.interact_with_trainer.inBattle=§c¡Este entrenador está en batalla y no se puede interactuar con él! + +events.setStarterPokemon.chosen=§a§lHas elegido §b§l%s + +## Forms§cTiempo de espera del formulario: intenté mostrar el formulario, pero estaba ocupado (cierre el chat después de ejecutar el comando) + +forms.crate.noDataToShow=§c¡Esta caja no tiene datos para mostrar! +forms.crate.edit.itemIdDoesNotExist=¡El elemento "%s" no existe en Minecraft ni en los paquetes de comportamiento conectados! +forms.crate.edit.dataMustBeNumber=Datos: %s, ¡debe ser un número! +¿Estás seguro de que quieres comprar el kit: %s§r por %s PokeDollars?§cNo se pudo comprar: %s§r§c, ¡No tienes suficientes Poke Dollars!§aKit comprado con éxito %s§r§c -%s PokeDollars! +forms.kits.claim.success=§aKit reclamado: %s ¡Con éxito! Reclama nuevamente %s +forms.kits.delete.success=§cKit eliminado: §e%s + +forms.moderate.updatedRole=§a¡Rol actualizado para "%s"! +forms.moderate.updatedModerateData=§a¡Datos moderados actualizados! + una acción para realizar con este Pokémon.§cError: Pokémon se ha desmayado. Por favor acuda al sanador para restaurar la salud.§aÉxito: ¡Envió §e%s!§aÉxito: ¡Devuelto §e%s!§cError: Pokémon no encontrado. Acércate al Pokémon e inténtalo de nuevo.§c¡No se pueden liberar Pokémon en estado salvaje! ¡Debes tener 1 Pokémon contigo en todo momento!§c¡No se puede liberar Pokémon mientras está enviado!¿Estás seguro de que quieres liberar este Pokémon a la naturaleza? ¡Esto no se puede deshacer!§a¡Liberado §e%s§a en la naturaleza!§c¡No se puede transferir al ordenador! ¡Debes tener 1 Pokémon contigo en todo momento!§c¡Devuelve este Pokémon antes de transferirlo!¡Transfirió %s§r a tu ordenador!§cError: Apodo demasiado largo. La longitud máxima permitida es de 10 caracteres.§cError: El primer carácter del apodo debe ser una letra. + +forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.body=¡Selecciona una acción para realizar en este Pokémon de ordenador!§cError al transferir al grupo. ¡No tienes espacios abiertos! +forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.AddToParty=Agregar al grupo +forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.trashPokemon=Descartar Pokémon +forms.pc.preformActionOnPcPokemon.button.goBack=Regresa + +forms.serverNpc.butItemScreen.title=¡Compra artículo: %sx %s§r por %s PokeDollars!§cNo se pudieron comprar artículos +forms.serverNpc.butItemScreen.success=§aComprado con éxito %sx %s§r§c -%s PokeDollars! +forms.serverNpc.sellItemScreen.title=¡Vende: %s§r por %s PokeDollars!§cNo se pudieron vender artículos +forms.serverNpc.sellItemScreen.success=§aVendido con éxito %sx %s§r§a +%s PokeDollars!§c¡No se pudo vender %sx %s! + +forms.tradeMachine.showWaitForm.endTradeSearch=§c¡Búsqueda comercial finalizada! +forms.tradeMachine.showWaitForm.requestDeclined=§c¡Su solicitud comercial fue rechazada! +forms.tradeMachine.showMain.alreadyInUse=§c¡No se puede interactuar con la máquina que ya está en uso! +forms.tradeMachine.showMain.playerNotFound=§c¡No se pudo iniciar el intercambio, no se encontró otro jugador! + +forms.trainerMenu.main.cannotReBattleTrainer=§c¡No puedes volver a luchar contra este entrenador! +forms.trainerMenu.editBasicData.updated=§a¡Datos básicos actualizados para el entrenador! +forms.trainerMenu.editDrops.confirmDelete=¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar %s? +forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.typeIdDoesNotExist=¡"%s" no es un número de datos válido! +forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.notVaildData="%s" No es una identificación de tipo de elemento válida, es decir, en Minecraft o en paquetes de comportamiento conectados. +forms.trainerMenu.editDrop.notValidAmount=¡"%s" no es un número de monto válido! + +## Models +models.battleUtils.runPokemonCatch.ballWasMissed=¡Se faltó la pelota! +models.battleUtils.endBattleOrPokemonForm.title=Tu Pokémon se ha desmayado +models.battleUtils.endBattleOrPokemonForm.body=Tu pokemon acaba de desmayarse, para continuar, termina la batalla o cambia de pokemon. +models.battleUtils.choosePokemonForm.noAvailablePokemon.first=¡No puedes iniciar la batalla porque no tienes Pokémon disponibles! +models.battleUtils.choosePokemonForm.noAvailablePokemon=¡No puedes cambiar de Pokémon, no tienes Pokémon disponibles! + +models.playersPokemon.checkForLevelUp.levelUp=¡§e%s§r§e ha subido de nivel a %s! +models.playersPokemon.evolveSlot.alert=¡%s§r§e ha evolucionado a %s§r! +§c¡No puedes luchar contra "%s" porque no tienes ningún Pokémon disponible! +models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.ranFromBattle=¡Has huido de la batalla! +models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerRanFromBattle=¡Has huido de la batalla! +models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerLost=¡Perdiste! +models.playerVsPlayerBattle.stop.playerWon=¡Ganaste! +§c¡No puedes luchar contra este Pokémon porque no tienes ningún Pokémon disponible! +models.playerVsPokemonBattle.end=La batalla ha terminado +models.playerVsPokemonBattle.pokemonDied=¡§a%s§r§e ha ganado §e%s XP! +models.choosePokemonForm.battleFailedToStart=§cLa batalla no pudo comenzar. ¡Prueba con un Pokémon diferente! +§c¡No puedes luchar contra este entrenador porque no tienes ningún Pokémon disponible! +models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.gainedExp=¡§a%s§r§e ha ganado §e%s XP! +models.playerVsTrainerBattle.end.earnedPokeDollars=§a¡Has ganado %sx PokeDollar! + +## Commands +commands.default.cooldown=§cNo se puede ejecutar el comando "%s". ¡Actualmente estás en tiempo de pausa durante %s segundos más! +§c¡No puedo enviarte una solicitud de batalla a ti mismo! +commands.battle.player.success=§a"%s" Te ha enviado una solicitud de batalla, interactúa para aceptar la solicitud.§cNo se pudo aceptar la solicitud. ¡No tiene solicitudes entrantes!§cNo se pudo aceptar la solicitud. ¡El jugador que envió esta solicitud no está en el juego!§cError: No se puede iniciar la batalla con este jugador. ¡El jugador está actualmente en batalla! +commands.battle.accept.success.sender=§a¡Solicitud de batalla aceptada de "%s"! +commands.battle.accept.success.fromPlayer=¡§a"%s" ha aceptado tu solicitud de batalla!§cNo se pudo denegar la solicitud. ¡No tiene solicitudes entrantes! +commands.battle.deny.success=§a¡Se te negó tu solicitud de batalla entrante! +commands.battle.toggle.success=§a"%s" Las solicitudes de batalla para ti ahora están configuradas en %s§cNo se pudo abandonar la batalla. ¡Actualmente no estás en una batalla! +commands.battle.leave.success=§a¡Batalla finalizada en la que estabas! + +commands.chatRank.set.success=§a¡Establezca la clasificación de "%s" en %s! +commands.chatRank.add.success=§aRango agregado: ¡%s a "%s"! +§cError. ¡No puedo confiar en este jugador porque no tienes ningún reclamo!§cError no puede cambiar las confías para este reclamo. ¡Usted no es propietario de este reclamo!§cError, ¡"%s" ya es confiable en el reclamo en el que te encuentras!§a"%s" de confianza para el reclamo en el que se encuentra.§a"%s" de confianza para todas sus reclamaciones.§cError. ¿No tienes reclamos para dejar de confiar en este reproductor? ¿qué estás pensando? No debería tener que mostrar este mensaje de error, pero lo hice gracias a ti, no sé cómo te equivocas tanto.§cError no puede cambiar las confías para este reclamo. ¡Usted no es propietario de este reclamo!§cError: "%s" no es de confianza actualmente. +commands.claim.unTrust.playerName.success.toClaimIn=§a"%s" no confiable para el reclamo en el que se encuentra. +commands.claim.unTrust.playerName.success.toAllClaims=§a"%s" no confiable para todas sus reclamaciones.§cError, ¡debe estar en un reclamo para abandonarlo!§cError no puede abandonar este reclamo. ¡Usted no es propietario de este reclamo! +commands.claim.abandon.confirm=¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el reclamo en el que se encuentra actualmente? ¡Esto no se puede deshacer! +commands.claim.abandon.success=§aAbandonó exitosamente el reclamo en el que se encontraba actualmente.§cNo posee ningún reclamo para eliminar +commands.claim.abandonAll.confirm=¿Está seguro de que desea abandonar todos los reclamos que tiene actualmente? +commands.claim.abandonAll.success=§aAbandonó todos sus reclamos con éxito.§cError, ¡debe presentar un reclamo para abandonarlo! +commands.claim.delete.success=§aEliminó el reclamo en el que se encontraba actualmente. +commands.claim.balance=§a¡Tienes %sx bloques de reclamos disponibles! + +commands.home.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para ver el administrador de hogares. + +commands.kits.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, Cerrar chat para ver kits. +commands.kits.make.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, Cerrar chat para hacer un kit. + +commands.moderate.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para abrir el menú de moderación. +commands.moderate.setPermission.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para configurar los permisos de los jugadores. + +commands.rules.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para ver las reglas. + +commands.warp.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para ver el menú warp. +commands.warp.success=§aAlabeado a: %s! + +commands.wild.success=§a¡Salvaje deformado! + +commands.serverWarp.set.success=§a¡Configura la deformación del servidor %s en tu ubicación! +commands.serverWarp.set.formRequested=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar el chat para configurar warp. +commands.serverWarp.delete.success=§aDeformación del servidor eliminada: ¡"%s" exitosamente! +commands.serverWarp.delete.failed=§c¡No se pudo eliminar la deformación del servidor: "%s"! + +commands.tpa.player.failed.self=§c¡No puedo enviarte una solicitud de teletransportación! +commands.tpa.player.success=§a"%s" te ha enviado una solicitud de teletransporte, escribe "%s" para aceptar esta solicitud§cNo se pudo aceptar la solicitud. ¡No tiene solicitudes entrantes!§cNo se pudo aceptar la solicitud. ¡El jugador que envió esta solicitud no está en el juego! +commands.tpaccept.success.sender=§a¡Solicitud de Tp aceptada de "%s"! +commands.tpaccept.success.fromPlayer=¡§a"%s" ha aceptado su solicitud de Tp!§cNo se pudo denegar la solicitud. ¡No tiene solicitudes entrantes! +commands.tpdeny.success=§a¡Se le negó su solicitud de Tp entrante! +commands.tpatoggle.success=§a"%s" Las solicitudes de teletransportación dirigidas a usted ahora están configuradas en %s.§c¡No tienes ninguna ubicación anterior! +commands.back.success=§a¡Te teletransporté de vuelta! + +commands.balance.success=§a¡Tienes %sx PokeDollars! +commands.balance.set.success=§a¡PokeDollars "%s" actualizados a %s! +commands.balance.add.success=§a¡PokeDollars "%s" actualizados a %s! +§cYa has solicitado, Estado: %s/%s. +commands.lag.request.success=§cYa has solicitado, Estado: %s/%s. + +commands.floatingText.spawn.success=§a¡Texto flotante generado en tu ubicación! +commands.floatingText.despawn.success=§a¡Desapareció todo el texto flotante en tu ubicación!§c¡No se pudo eliminar todo el texto flotante en tu ubicación! %s + +commands.leaderboard.create.success=§a¡Tabla de clasificación generada para %s en tu ubicación! +commands.leaderboard.update.success=§a¡Actualizadas todas las tablas de clasificación! +§c¡No puedes pagarte a ti mismo!§c¡No se puede pagar un valor menor o igual a 0!§c¡No tienes suficiente dinero para enviar %s PokeDollars!§a¡Pagó "%s" %sx PokeDollars! +§cNo se pudo curar a Pokémon. ¡Actualmente estás en batalla! + +commands.reset.success=§a¡Restablecer %s datos de Pokémon! + +commands.seen.onlineRightNow=§a¡%s está en línea ahora mismo! ¡Di hola! +commands.seen.lastSeen=§c%s fue visto por última vez en este servidor %s +commands.seen.firstLogon=§cEl primer inicio de sesión de %s fue %s + +commands.redeem.success=§aCanjeó el código: "%s", ¡Exitosamente! +commands.redeem.alreadyRedeemed=§c¡El código: "%s", ya ha sido canjeado! +commands.redeem.codeNotFound=§c¡El código: "%s", no fue encontrado! + +## Send Message Parsing +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.createFromWild.0=Pokemon: %s was broken and we couldn't fetch its data! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.0=%s has shed a %s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.1=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.evolve.0=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.0=You have received §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.1=You have won §a%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.2=§a+Skin: %s, You can apply this skin too: %s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.3=You have received §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.lib.Command.utils.commandSyntaxFail.0=§c"%s" is not valid! Argument "%s" can be typeof: "%s" +src.pokebedrock.lib.Command.utils.commandSyntaxFail.1=§c%s§aCleared all items from the auction house database +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.balance.0=§aYou have %sx PokeDollars! And %sx Battle Points! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.battle.0=§aYou now will%s be sent battle logs! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.0=§aCreated Rank: %s§r§a Successfully! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.1=§aForm Requested, Close chat to create a Chat Rank! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.2=§cThere are no registered chat ranks to delete! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.3=§aDeleted Rank: %s§r§a Successfully! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.4=§aForm Requested, Close chat to delete a Smelly Rank! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.claim.0=§aClaimed %sx blocks from %s to %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.0=§aRe-Fetched Database data! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.1=§aSynced table: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.2=§aSynced all tables! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.3=§aReset All Database data! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.4=Reset All Database data! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.5=Value for key: %s, on table: %s, is %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.6=§cCould not find your held item! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.7=§aSet: %s to id: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.8=§cCould not find item with id: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.9=§aGiven you: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.10=Cleared all items from item database! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.feed.0=§cYou cannot use the "-feed" command because you don't have the required rank! Please head to to purchase a rank.. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.feed.1=Fed You!§cYou cannot use the "-fly" command because your ranks: (%s) do not include '-fly'! Please head to to purchase a rank..§cAbility might not be useable on this world, check that education edition is enabled. %s %s§cCommand not found!§aClose chat to view form. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.0=§cAlready running a migration, please type /reload to force a migration!§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.1=§7Migration %s already ran. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.2=§f- §cFailed to finish Migration "%s", Retry command!§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.3=§f- §bFinished Migration, Started %s§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.4=§f- §bCompleted Save, Started %s§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.5=§cError Running Migration: %s, %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.6=§aFinished running all Migrations§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.7=§aSet migration %s to "%s"§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.pokeheal.0=§cYou cannot use the "-pokeheal" command because you don't have the required rank! Please head to to purchase a rank.. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.pokeheal.1=§aHealed Your Pokemon! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.0=§aForm Requested, close chat to open. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.1=§aForm Requested, close chat to open. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.2=§cYou don't have the quest %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.3=§cThe Quest %s, is not active. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.4=%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.5=§cThe requirement index %s does not exist in the quest %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.6=§aForm Requested, close chat to open. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.rank.0=Added Rank: %s Successfully to: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.rank.1=%s has: %s ranks. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.0=§aSearching for code: "%s"... +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.failedToGetDatabaseToken=§cDatabase Token could not be found, report this to Smell of curry! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.1=§cInvalid Auth Token, Please report this to Smell of Curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.2=§cError fetching code status: %s, %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.3=§aCode found checking data... +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.4=§a+%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.5=§a+Chat Rank: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.6=§a+Rank: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.7=§a+Skin: %s, You can apply this skin too: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.8=§a+lvl %s %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.9=§cFailed to Give item: %s Please Report this to Smell of curry! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.10=§cFailed to add item: %s Please Report this to Smell of curry! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.11=§aSetting code data...§cYou cannot use the "-fly" command because you don't have the required rank! Please head to to purchase a rank..§cYou have nothing to repair, your not holding any item!§c%s Cannot be Repaired!§aRepaired %s successfully! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.reset.0=§cNo Backups have been created! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.reset.1=§aSuccessfully reset %s to backup id: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.0=§aServer Drop Alert!! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.1=§aThe PokeBedrock Shop has reached its donation threshold! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.2=§e +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.3=§aA server drop occurs when the donations for the day have reached a certain value. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.4=§aTherefore a Random Legendary Pokemon will spawn with a 40%% shiny chance! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.5=§aAlso, everyone online will receive a random shiny crate key! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.6=§cAn error occurred while giving you a shiny crate key! %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.7=§aThe Legendary %s§r§e%s§r§a has spawned at spawn! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.8=§aGood luck and have fun! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.0=§a"%s"'s slot %s Has been updated! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.1=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.2=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.3=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.4=Cleared "%s's" Slot: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.5=§c"%s" doesn't have a pokemon in slot: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.6=§aGave "%s"'s slot %s %s Experience! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.7=§c"%s" doesn't have a pokemon in slot: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.8=§aSet "%s"'s slot %s's gender to %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.9=§c%s does not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.10=§c%s§r is not a valid skin for §a%s§r! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.11=§cYou do not have a pokemon in slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.12=%s§r Does not have a move in slot: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.13=§aUpdated "%s"'s§r move slot %s to have a use count of %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.test.0=Check the console for the logs +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.0=§aCongrats, you have caught your first pokemon! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.1=§aHere is a Poke Crate Key, Use it in spawn and Open the crate! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.2=§aCongrats, finally, I think you are starting to get the hang of PokeBedrock! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.3=§aIf you ever need help, don't hesitate to contact anyone on our staff team! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.4=§aAdditionally, it would be very beneficial to join the PokeBedrock Discord! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.5=§aHere is the link: §e! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.6=§aAnd if you ever want to get any custom skins, pokemon, crates, and more! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.7=§aCheck out our online shop where you can instantly claim donation rewards! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.8=§aHere's the link for that too: §e! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.9=§aWe Hope you have an incredible time playing PokeBedrock, and there is so much more to explore!! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.0=§aWelcome to §cPoke§fBedrock §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.1=§gWere going to walk through a little tutorial to help you get started! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.2=§gFirst off lets make sure you have a Pokemon to start your adventure! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.3=§aGreat Choice Trainer! I love %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.4=§aNow that you have a Pokemon, lets get started! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.0=§aWelcome to your first battle tutorial! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.1=§aFirst, find the GUI item in your inventory, and hold it out. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.2=§bNow, approach the Charmander ahead of you, and hit it with your GUI! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.0=§aWell done! You have just finished your first Pokemon Battle! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.1=§aWhether you Won, or Fell Short, there's always more to learn! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.2=§gNow your Pokemon might need some care, so lets head to the PokeCenter for Healing! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.3=§bMove ahead and interact with the Healing Machine to start the process! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialInteractWithHealer.0=§aYou found the healer, perfect! Lets watch our Pokemon heal up and we will get ready to start our next adventure. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.0=§aPerfect Trainer! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.1=§aOur Pokemon is now all healed up and were going to start working on getting a Base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.2=§aFirst, we need to adventure beyond the spawn area to start a base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.3=§aSo to do this, type "-wild" in chat, and follow the instructions. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.0=§aGreat! Now, let's find the perfect spot for your base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.1=§aHere's a claim shovel to mark your territory. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.2=§bWhen your ready, right-click on the outermost point of your base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.3=§gThen, select the opposite point to define your base's boundary. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.4=§cRemember though, your currently limited to 500 blocks, so choose your location wisely. ( You can remove this base later ) +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.0=§aCongratulations Trainer, you have now Created a un-touchable base! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.1=§aAnd completed your first battle! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.2=§aYou have taken significant progress in starting your Pokemon Adventure! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.3=§aAnd I think your ready to catch them all! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.4=§aSo, here are some items I think would be very helpful in your journey! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.5=§aNow Im so sad to see you go, but I know you will complete great things! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.6=§aIm going to start you on a quest to catch your first pokemon! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.7=§aOnce you complete it, I've got some great goodies in store! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.8=§cBye, Bye now. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.9=§aTutorial Completed! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.10=§aTutorial Completed! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.11=§aSet: %s's Tutorial status to completed! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.0=§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.1=§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later.§cFailed to parse your data!§cYour Selection time of 2 Minutes has expired. Please re-select a position one to continue.§cYou cannot place blocks in this claim!§cYou cannot break blocks in this claim!§cYou cannot interact with blocks in this claim.§cYou cannot interact with entities in this claim.§aThe %s Pokémon §e%s §aHas Spawned Near §e%s§a!§cFailed to spawn %s: %s§cCannot catch a mega pokemon!§cFailed to catch: %s, %s§cCannot Start a battle as you are already in one! If you are not in one, type "%sbattle leave" 2 times. to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight!§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle!§cYou have reached the %s Dimension Border!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§cFailed to increase %s§r§e %s. Your pokemon has %s Total Effort Values!§cFailed to increase %s§r§e %s. Your pokemon has %s Effort Values!§a%s§r§e Increased: %s %sx Effort Value!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§a%s§r§e Gained: %s Exp!§cCould not find move slot: %s on %s!§c%s can not increase in PP!§c%s is already 3/5's greater than its base PP!§cPP Up cannot be used on Sketch or Revival Blessing!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§a%s§r§e Move: %s Gained: %s PP!§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 60!§aRemoved %s§r§e non-volatile status conditions!§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 200!§aFully Healed %s§r§e!§c%s§r§c Cannot Learn Move: %s!§c%s§r§c Already Knows Move: %s!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§aSet Move Slot: %s on %s§r§a to %s!§a[Nurse Joy]: Healed your pokemon!§cThis shrine has already been activated.§cCannot Activate Shrine, You have no Pokemon available pokemon to fight!§cCould not find old Model, resetting your Pokemon.§a"%s" Has joined for the first time, welcome them!§cYou must defeat: %s to pass. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.0=§aSuccessfully removed auction for %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.1=§cFailed to remove auction: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.0=§cYou cannot %s your own auction. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.1=§cYou do not have enough %s to %s this auction. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.2=§aSuccessfully claimed auction for %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.3=§aYour auction for %s has been purchased for %sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.4=§aSuccessfully %s %s for %s %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuctions.0=§cFailed to display all of your auctions, you have over the max display length. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.0=§cYou have reached the max amount of auctions you can list at once. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.1=§cYou cannot list your GUI item. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.2=§cYou cannot list your Backpack item. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.0=§cYou have reached the max amount of auctions you can list at once. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.1=§cYou do not have any pokemon in your PC. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createItemAuction.0=§aSuccessfully listed %s for %s pokeDollars +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createPokemonAuction.0=§aSuccessfully listed %s for %s pokeDollars +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.0=§aSuccessfully removed auction for %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.1=§cFailed to remove auction: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewWonAuctions.0=§cFailed to display all won auctions, please claim some auctions before viewing again. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageWonAuction.0=§aSuccessfully claimed auction for %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.0=§aAdded item to slot: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.1=§cFailed to add item to slot: %s %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.0=§cFailed to remove item from backpack! SlotID: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.1=§cFailed to remove item at slot: %s %s!§aTrusted %s to your claim!§aUn-Trusted %s from your claim! player from all of your claims.§cFailed to give you a gold shovel, please try again! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.0=You have won §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.1=You have won §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.2=You have won §a%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.3=§a+Skin: %s, You can apply this skin too: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateAppearance.0=§aUpdated crate's Appearance! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateKey.0=§aSet crate's keyTypeId to: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editInheritance.0=§aSet crate's inheritance to: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.0=§cCrate is not valid! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.1=§cCrate Does not have any data! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.2=§aReset Crate: %s's Animation! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewQuests.0=[Hex Mania]: §7%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.0=§aSubmitted %sx %s to Hex Mania! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.1=Failed to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.main.0=§cYou cannot create a home because you don't have anymore Home Points. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.createHome.0=§cYou cannot create a home here because you are in a claim you are not trusted in! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.kits.claimKit.0=§cKit cannot be claimed.§cThis command can only be run in the overworld!§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later.§cCould not transfer: "%s" to PC, you have reached the max amount of PC storage. %s slot to %s! have no learnable moves! %s's held item! cannot set your GUI has a held item!§cYou cannot set a damaged item has a held item!§cFailed to clear item: %s! %s's held item too %s!§aAdded Skin %s to %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.0=§aAdded "%s" to party. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.1=§cFailed to add "%s" to party %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.2=§cUn-Pinned "%s" on your PC. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.3=§cFailed to pin: "%s", you already have >=6 Pokemon pinned! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.4=§aPinned "%s" to your PC. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.interact.0=§aSent battle request too: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.0=§cFailed to start battle: "%s" is already in a battle! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.1=§cFailed to start battle: "%s" has no data set! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.2=Failed to start battle:"%s" have no available pokemon to fight! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.3=§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.4=§cFailed to start battle: At least one of "%s"'s Pokemon has no moves! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.0=You have received §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.1=You have won §a%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.2=§a+Skin: %s, You can apply this skin too: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.3=You have received §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.4=Failed to give reward: %s, %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.5=§aCollected the reward for %s% Pokedex Progress! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.0=Failed to set Lure, one is already active! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.1=%s is not a lure! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.2=Failed to remove %s from your inventory! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.3=Set PokeStops's lure too %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.editBasicData.0=§aEdited PokeStop's basic video! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.0=§aCollected Rewards for quest: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.1=§aRemoved Quest: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestDetails.0=§aStarted Quest: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.createQuest.0=Created Quest: %s successfully! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.0=§cYou cannot %s %s because %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.1=§cFailed to give %sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.showAcceptOrDecline.0=§cTrade Ended! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.0=§cFailed to Fetch Pokemon data, trade Failed! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.1=§cFailed to Fetch Pokemon data, trade Failed! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.0=§cFailed to start battle: Trainer is no longer valid! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.1=§cYou are already in a battle and cannot start one! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.2=Failed to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.3=§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.4=§cFailed to Fetch Trainer Data! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.5=§cTrainer had no pokemon to battle with, party has been reset! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.0=§cYou cannot battle this trainer right now, You can re-battle %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.1=§cYou are already in a battle and cannot start one! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.0=§cFailed to Fetch Trainer Data! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.1=§aUpdated Trainer Inheritance +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editSlotMenu.0=§aRemoved Slot: %s from Trainer. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.viewRunCommand.0=§aRemoved RunCommand on Trainer Successfully. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editRunCommand.0=%s Run Command, on Trainer! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.0=§a[BATTLE REQUEST]: §r%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.1=§c[BATTLE LOG]: §r%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.0=§cFailed to capture Pokemon, Your PC is currently full, and have no slots in your party! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.1=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNOSTIC]: Status: %s is not yet handled. Please report this to Smell of Curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleCureStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNOSTIC]: Cure-Status: %s is not yet handled. Please report this to Smell of Curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.0=§aYour Orb: %s, has gained 1x soul! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.1=§aYour Orb: %s, Has fully filled! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleSwitchInstruction.0=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.0=Failed to clear item: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.1=Failed to clear item: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.0=§7[%s]: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.1=§7[%s]: %s + +## Battle Text +battle.battleEnded=Battle Ended +battle.tieWasForced=Tie was forced! +battle.playerActor.usedBagItem=%s Used a %s +battle.playerActor.usedBall.captured=%s§r§f Was §gCaptured!§f +battle.playerActor.usedBall.escaped=%s§r§f Escaped!§f +battle.playerActor.usedBall.missed=Ball was missed! +battle.playerActor.ranFromBattle=%s Ran from the battle! +battle.showdownInterpreter.turn=== Turn: %s == +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonFainted=%s§r§f fainted! +battle.showdownInterpreter.playerWon=§l§e%s§r§f won the battle! +battle.showdownInterpreter.newElo=§l§e%s§r§f New Elo %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.tie=Tie between both sides! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveMissed=%s§r§f avoided the attack! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonImmune=It doesn't affect %s§r§f... +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonUsedMove=%s§r§f Used §l%s§r§f! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonCantMove=%s§r§f can't move! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonResisted=It's not very effective... +battle.showdownInterpreter.superEffective=It's super effective! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOnSide=%s started on %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.sideEnd=§7§o(%s ended on %s!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.criticalHit=A critical hit! +battle.showdownInterpreter.weatherClearedUp=§7§oThe weather cleared up!§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.actionFailed=But it failed! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMustRecharge=%s§r§f must recharge! +battle.showdownInterpreter.startMoveDisabled=%s§r§f's %s was disabled! +battle.showdownInterpreter.startTypeChange=%s§r§f's type changed to %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.pokemonDisableEnd=%s§r§f's move is no longer disabled! +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.ability=§o§7[%s§r§o§7's %s]!§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(${effect[0]} activated!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMegaEvolved=%s§r§f is Mega Evolving! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveDidNothing=Did nothing! +battle.showdownInterpreter.clearAllBoost=All stat changes were eliminated! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectEndedOn=Effect Ended on %s§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDraggedOut=%s§r§f was dragged out! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveStarted=%s is starting %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOn=Effect Started on %s§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.ability.longTermEffect=%s's Ability %s, is taking effect! +battle.showdownInterpreter.move.prepare=%s's is preparing to use %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.0=%s's %s won't go any lower! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.1=%s's %s fell! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.2=%s's %s fell harshly! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.pos=%s's %s severely fell! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.0=%s's %s won't go any higher! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.1=%s's %s rose! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.2=%s's %s rose sharply! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.pos=%s's %s rose drastically! +battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.actorSentOut=%s sent out %s§r§f! +battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.wildAppeared=A %s appeared! +battle.showdownInterpreter.changedFormes=%s§r§f changed formes! +battle.showdownInterpreter.statusEnded=%s ended on %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDamaged=%s is hurt by %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.healthLost=§7§o%s§r§7§o lost %s%% of its health!§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.hitXTimes=%s was hit %s times! +battle.showdownInterpreter.hit1Time=%s was hit 1 time! +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolen=%s stole %s's %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.obtainedItem=%s obtained one %s. +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemAte=§7§o(%s§o ate its %s!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolenAndAte=%s§r§f stole and ate its target's %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.hpRestored=§7§o%s§r§7§o had its HP restored.§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.hpSet=§7§o%s§r§7§o now has %s hit points.§r§f + +## Player GUI + +## Move Button description is split up because .lang cannot do `\n` +battle.gui.moveButton.description.0=§l%s§r +battle.gui.moveButton.description.1=Base Power: %s +battle.gui.moveButton.description.2.cantMiss=Accuracy: Can't Miss +battle.gui.moveButton.description.2=Accuracy: %s% +battle.gui.moveButton.description.3=Target: %s +battle.gui.button.openBag=§r§aOpen your bag, to use an item. +battle.gui.button.switchPokemon=§r§aSwitch to another Pokémon.§r§aSwitch to another Pokémon. +battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activated=§r§7Mega Evolution Activated for next move. +battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activate=§r§aActivate mega evolution for next move. +battle.gui.button.bag.pokeballs=Poké Balls +battle.gui.button.bag.hp_pp_restore=HP/PP Restore +battle.gui.button.back=Back +battle.gui.battleSideText.turn=§fTurn %s +battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.null=No Turn Timer +battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Waiting%s +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=No Terrain +### Showdown Battle Text + Ability +showdown.abilities.noability.shortDesc=Does nothing. +showdown.abilities.adaptability.desc=This Pokemon's moves that match one of its types have a same-type attack bonus (STAB) of 2 instead of 1.5. +showdown.abilities.adaptability.shortDesc=This Pokemon's same-type attack bonus (STAB) is 2 instead of 1.5. Celeste +showdown.abilities.aerilate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.3x power. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.desc=If this Pokemon is knocked out with a contact move, that move's user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, this effect is prevented. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is KOed with a contact move, that move's user loses 1/4 its max HP. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.damage=%s was hurt! Aire +showdown.abilities.airlock.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. +showdown.abilities.airlock.start=The effects of the weather disappeared.álc. Final +showdown.abilities.analytic.desc=The power of this Pokemon's move is multiplied by 1.3 if it is the last to move in a turn. Does not affect Doom Desire and Future Sight. +showdown.abilities.analytic.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks have 1.3x power if it is the last to move in a turn. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.desc=If this Pokemon, but not its substitute, is struck by a critical hit, its Attack is raised by 12 stages. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.shortDesc=If this Pokemon (not its substitute) takes a critical hit, its Attack is raised 12 stages. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon, or its substitute, is struck by a critical hit, its Attack is raised by 12 stages. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon or its substitute takes a critical hit, its Attack is raised 12 stages. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.boost=%s maxed its Attack! Ira +showdown.abilities.angershell.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage from an attack bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are raised by 1 stage, and its Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. +showdown.abilities.angershell.shortDesc=At 1/2 or less of this Pokemon's max HP: +1 Atk, Sp. Atk, Spe, and -1 Def, Sp. Def.ón +showdown.abilities.anticipation.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, Hidden Power counts as its determined type, and Judgment, Multi-Attack, Natural Gift, Revelation Dance, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon shudders if any foe has a supereffective or OHKO move. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, Hidden Power counts as its determined type, and Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen5.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, and Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move that this Pokemon is not immune to and if its level is less than or equal to the opposing Pokemon's level. This effect does not consider Counter, Dragon Rage, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Night Shade, Psywave, or Seismic Toss as attacking moves, and Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. This effect considers any changes to the effectiveness of attacks against this Pokemon due to the effects of Gravity or the Normalize or Scrappy Abilities. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.activate=%s shuddered! Arena +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne, are holding a Shed Shell, or are a Ghost type. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne, are holding a Shed Shell, or are a Ghost type. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne or holding a Shed Shell. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne or holding a Shed Shell. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne. armadura +showdown.abilities.armortail.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.armortail.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. +showdown.abilities.armortail.block=%s cannot use %s! Veil +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot become affected by Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, or Torment. +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.shortDesc=Protects user/allies from Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, and Torment. +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.block=%s is protected by an aromatic veil! One +showdown.abilities.asone.shortDesc=See 'As One (Glastrier)' and 'As One (Spectrier)'. +showdown.abilities.asone.start=%s has two Abilities! One (Glastrier) +showdown.abilities.asoneglastrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Chilling Neigh Abilities. One (Spectrier) +showdown.abilities.asonespectrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Grim Neigh Abilities. Break +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura Abilities are reversed, multiplying the power of Dark- and Fairy-type moves, respectively, by 3/4 instead of 1.33. +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura power modifier is 0.75x. +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.start=%s reversed all other Pokémon's auras! Dreams +showdown.abilities.baddreams.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.desc=Causes adjacent opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.shortDesc=Causes sleeping adjacent foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.damage=%s is tormented! Fetch +showdown.abilities.ballfetch.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.battery.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their special attacks multiplied by 1.3. Armor +showdown.abilities.battlearmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. Bond +showdown.abilities.battlebond.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. This effect can only happen once per battle. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: raises Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed by 1 stage. Once per battle. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, it transforms into Ash-Greninja if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. If this Pokemon is an Ash-Greninja, its Water Shuriken has 20 power and always hits three times. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: becomes Ash-Greninja, Water Shuriken: 20 power, hits 3x. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.activate=%s became fully charged due to its bond with its Trainer! +showdown.abilities.battlebond.transform=%s became Ash-Greninja! of Ruin +showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Defense multiplied by 0.75. +showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.start=%s's Beads of Ruin weakened the Sp. Def of all surrounding Pokémon! Boost +showdown.abilities.beastboost.desc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. Stat stage changes are not considered. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. +showdown.abilities.beastboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.berserk.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage from an attack bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Special Attack is raised by 1 stage. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. +showdown.abilities.berserk.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 when it reaches 1/2 or less of its max HP. Pecks +showdown.abilities.bigpecks.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Defense stat stage. +showdown.abilities.blaze.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack. +showdown.abilities.blaze.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Fire attacks. +showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Fire-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Fire-type attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.bulletproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to bullet moves. Pouch +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, Pluck, Stuff Cheeks, and Teatime if the eaten Berry had an effect on this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it restores 1/3 of its max HP after the Berry's effect. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, and Pluck if the eaten Berry has an effect on this Pokemon. Neigh +showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. Body +showdown.abilities.clearbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Nine +showdown.abilities.cloudnine.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. +showdown.abilities.cloudnine.start=The effects of the weather disappeared. Change +showdown.abilities.colorchange.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of a move it's hit by, unless it has the type. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after each hit from a multi-hit move. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.comatose.desc=This Pokemon is considered to be asleep and cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. +showdown.abilities.comatose.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be statused, and is considered to be asleep. +showdown.abilities.comatose.start=%s is drowsing! +showdown.abilities.commander.desc=If this Pokemon is a Tatsugiri and a Dondozo is an active ally, this Pokemon goes into the Dondozo's mouth. The Dondozo has its Attack, Special Attack, Speed, Defense, and Special Defense raised by 2 stages. During the effect, the Dondozo cannot be switched out, this Pokemon cannot select an action, and attacks targeted at this Pokemon will be avoided but it will still take indirect damage. If this Pokemon faints during the effect, a Pokemon can be switched in as a replacement but the Dondozo remains unable to be switched out. If the Dondozo faints during the effect, this Pokemon regains the ability to select an action. +showdown.abilities.commander.shortDesc=If ally is Dondozo: this Pokemon cannot act or be hit, +2 to all Dondozo's stats. +showdown.abilities.commander.activate=%s was swallowed by %s and became %s's commander! +showdown.abilities.competitive.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.competitive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. Eyes +showdown.abilities.compoundeyes.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.contrary.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. +showdown.abilities.contrary.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Z-Move is used. +showdown.abilities.contrary.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. +showdown.abilities.corrosion.shortDesc=This Pokemon can poison or badly poison a Pokemon regardless of its typing. +showdown.abilities.costar.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies all of its ally's stat stage changes. Down +showdown.abilities.cottondown.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field is lowered by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.cottondown.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit, it lowers the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field 1 stage. Chew +showdown.abilities.cudchew.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it will eat that Berry again at the end of the next turn. Medicine +showdown.abilities.curiousmedicine.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's allies have their stat stages reset to 0. Body +showdown.abilities.cursedbody.desc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled unless one of the attacker's moves is already disabled. +showdown.abilities.cursedbody.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled. Charm +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.shortDesc=30% chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen4.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.desc=There is a 1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. +showdown.abilities.damp.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Misty Explosion, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.damp.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Misty Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while active. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while this Pokemon is active. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while this Pokemon is active. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion and Self-Destruct are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion and Self-Destruct while this Pokemon is active. +showdown.abilities.damp.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.dancer.desc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. The copied move is subject to all effects that can prevent a move from being executed. A move used through this Ability cannot be copied again by other Pokemon with this Ability. +showdown.abilities.dancer.shortDesc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. Aura +showdown.abilities.darkaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Dark-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. +showdown.abilities.darkaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Dark move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. +showdown.abilities.darkaura.start=%s is radiating a dark aura! Shield +showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. +showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.dazzling.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.dazzling.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. +showdown.abilities.dazzling.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.defeatist.desc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Attack and Special Attack are halved. +showdown.abilities.defeatist.shortDesc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its max HP, its Attack and Sp. Atk are halved. +showdown.abilities.defiant.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.defiant.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. Stream +showdown.abilities.deltastream.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Delta Stream, which removes the weaknesses of the Flying type from Flying-type Pokemon. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Desolate Land or Primordial Sea Abilities. +showdown.abilities.deltastream.shortDesc=On switch-in, strong winds begin until this Ability is not active in battle. Land +showdown.abilities.desolateland.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Desolate Land, which includes all the effects of Sunny Day and prevents damaging Water-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Primordial Sea Abilities. +showdown.abilities.desolateland.shortDesc=On switch-in, extremely harsh sunlight begins until this Ability is not active in battle. +showdown.abilities.disguise.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken, it changes to Busted Form, and it loses 1/8 of its max HP. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. +showdown.abilities.disguise.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) The first hit it takes is blocked, and it takes 1/8 HP damage instead. +showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken and it changes to Busted Form. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. +showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) First hit deals 0 damage, breaks disguise. +showdown.abilities.disguise.block=Its disguise served it as a decoy! +showdown.abilities.disguise.transform=%s's disguise was busted! switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack is raised by 1 stage based on the weaker combined defensive stat of all opposing Pokemon. Attack is raised if their Defense is lower, and Special Attack is raised if their Special Defense is the same or lower. switch-in, Attack or Sp. Atk is raised 1 stage based on the foes' weaker Defense.'s Maw +showdown.abilities.dragonsmaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Dragon-type attack. +showdown.abilities.drizzle.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Rain Dance. +showdown.abilities.drought.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sunny Day. Skin +showdown.abilities.dryskin.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. The weather effects are prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed 1/4 by Water, 1/8 by Rain; is hurt 1.25x by Fire, 1/8 by Sun. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.gen7.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.damage=(%s was hurt by its Dry Skin.) Bird +showdown.abilities.earlybird.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sleep counter drops by 2 instead of 1. Eater +showdown.abilities.eartheater.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Ground-type move. +showdown.abilities.eartheater.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Ground moves; Ground immunity. Spore +showdown.abilities.effectspore.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.shortDesc=30% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.desc=10% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. Surge +showdown.abilities.electricsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Electric Terrain. +showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from an attack. +showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! Exit +showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. +showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. Aura +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Fairy-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Fairy move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.start=%s is radiating a fairy aura! +showdown.abilities.filter.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. Body +showdown.abilities.flamebody.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. Boost +showdown.abilities.flareboost.desc=While this Pokemon is burned, the power of its special attacks is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.flareboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is burned, its special attacks have 1.5x power. Fire +showdown.abilities.flashfire.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon is frozen, it cannot be defrosted by Fire-type attacks. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Fire attacks do 1.5x damage if hit by one Fire move; Fire immunity. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, is a Fire type, or has a substitute, Will-O-Wisp will not activate this Ability. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.start=The power of %s's Fire-type moves rose! Gift +showdown.abilities.flowergift.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.shortDesc=If user is Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it and allies' Attack and Sp. Def are 1.5x. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, the Attack and Special Defense of this Pokemon and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, Attack and Sp. Def of this Pokemon and its allies are 1.5x. Veil +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.desc=Grass-type Pokemon on this Pokemon's side cannot have their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon or have a non-volatile status condition inflicted on them by other Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.shortDesc=This side's Grass types can't have stats lowered or status inflicted by other Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.block=%s surrounded itself with a veil of petals! +showdown.abilities.fluffy.desc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from contact moves, but double damage from Fire moves. +showdown.abilities.fluffy.shortDesc=This Pokemon takes 1/2 damage from contact moves, 2x damage from Fire moves. +showdown.abilities.forecast.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella and the weather is Rain Dance or Sunny Day. +showdown.abilities.forecast.shortDesc=Castform's type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.forecast.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power, and non-damaging moves to have 1 power. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the foes' move with the highest power. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, and every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.activate=%s's %s was revealed! +showdown.abilities.forewarn.activateNoTarget=%s's Forewarn alerted it to %s! Guard +showdown.abilities.friendguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies receive 3/4 damage from other Pokemon's attacks. +showdown.abilities.frisk.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held items of all opposing Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.frisk.gen5.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held item of a random opposing Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.frisk.activate=%s frisked %s and found its %s! +showdown.abilities.frisk.activateNoTarget=%s frisked its target and found one %s! Metal Body +showdown.abilities.fullmetalbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Coat +showdown.abilities.furcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is doubled. Wings +showdown.abilities.galewings.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, its Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.galewings.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.galvanize.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.galvanize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.gluttony.desc=When this Pokemon is holding a Berry that usually activates with 1/4 or less of its maximum HP, it is eaten at 1/2 or less of its maximum HP instead. +showdown.abilities.gluttony.shortDesc=This Pokemon eats Berries at 1/2 max HP or less instead of their usual 1/4 max HP. as Gold +showdown.abilities.goodasgold.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Status moves. +showdown.abilities.gooey.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. Tactics +showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5, but it can only select the first move it executes. These effects are prevented while this Pokemon is Dynamaxed. +showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Pelt +showdown.abilities.grasspelt.shortDesc=If Grassy Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Defense is multiplied by 1.5. Surge +showdown.abilities.grassysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Grassy Terrain. Neigh +showdown.abilities.grimneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.grimneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. Dog +showdown.abilities.guarddog.desc=This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability and raises its Attack by 1 stage instead. This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. +showdown.abilities.guarddog.shortDesc=Immune to Intimidate. Intimidated: +1 Attack. Cannot be forced to switch out. Missile +showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cramorant, it changes forme when it hits a target with Surf or uses the first turn of Dive successfully. It becomes Gulping Form with an Arrokuda in its mouth if it has more than 1/2 of its maximum HP remaining, or Gorging Form with a Pikachu in its mouth if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP remaining. If Cramorant gets hit in Gulping or Gorging Form, it spits the Arrokuda or Pikachu at its attacker, even if it has no HP remaining. The projectile deals damage equal to 1/4 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down; this damage is blocked by the Magic Guard Ability but not by a substitute. An Arrokuda also lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage, and a Pikachu paralyzes the target. Cramorant will return to normal if it spits out a projectile, switches out, or Dynamaxes. +showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.shortDesc=When hit after Surf/Dive, attacker takes 1/4 max HP and -1 Defense or paralysis. +showdown.abilities.guts.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Attack is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon's physical attacks ignore the burn effect of halving damage. +showdown.abilities.guts.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Attack is 1.5x; ignores burn halving physical damage. Engine +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Electric Terrain. During Electric Terrain, Sp. Atk is 1.3333x. +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.start=%s turned the ground into Electric Terrain, energizing its futuristic engine! +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.activate=%s used the Electric Terrain to energize its futuristic engine! +showdown.abilities.harvest.desc=If the last item this Pokemon used is a Berry, there is a 50% chance it gets restored at the end of each turn. If Sunny Day is active, this chance is 100%. +showdown.abilities.harvest.shortDesc=If last item used is a Berry, 50% chance to restore it each end of turn. 100% in Sun. +showdown.abilities.harvest.addItem=%s harvested one %s! +showdown.abilities.healer.desc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.healer.shortDesc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.desc=30% chance each of this Pokemon's adjacent allies has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.shortDesc=30% chance each adjacent ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.heatproof.desc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. This Pokemon takes half of the usual burn damage, rounded down. +showdown.abilities.heatproof.shortDesc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved; burn damage halved. Metal +showdown.abilities.heavymetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. +showdown.abilities.heavymetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. Gather +showdown.abilities.honeygather.shortDesc=No competitive use. Power +showdown.abilities.hugepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. Switch +showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.desc=If this Pokemon is a Morpeko, it changes formes between its Full Belly Mode and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.shortDesc=If Morpeko, it changes between Full Belly and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.hustle.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and the accuracy of its physical attacks is multiplied by 0.8. +showdown.abilities.hustle.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x and accuracy of its physical attacks is 0.8x. +showdown.abilities.hydration.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.hydration.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its status cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. +showdown.abilities.hydration.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. Cutter +showdown.abilities.hypercutter.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Attack stat stage. Body +showdown.abilities.icebody.desc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.icebody.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. +showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. +showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn; immunity to Hail. Face +showdown.abilities.iceface.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Snow begins or when Eiscue switches in while Snow is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. +showdown.abilities.iceface.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. Effect is restored in Snow. +showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Hail begins or when Eiscue switches in while Hail is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. +showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. This effect is restored in Hail. Scales +showdown.abilities.icescales.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from special attacks. +showdown.abilities.illuminate.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.illusion.desc=When this Pokemon switches in, it appears as the last unfainted Pokemon in its party until it takes direct damage from another Pokemon's attack. This Pokemon's actual level and HP are displayed instead of those of the mimicked Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.illusion.shortDesc=This Pokemon appears as the last Pokemon in the party until it takes direct damage. +showdown.abilities.illusion.end=%s's illusion wore off! +showdown.abilities.immunity.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while poisoned cures it. +showdown.abilities.imposter.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. If there is no Pokemon at that position, this Pokemon does not Transform. +showdown.abilities.imposter.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, and Aurora Veil. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and foe's Reflect/Light Screen/Safeguard/Mist/Aurora Veil. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. Out +showdown.abilities.innardsout.desc=If this Pokemon is knocked out with a move, that move's user loses HP equal to the amount of damage inflicted on this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.innardsout.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is KOed with a move, that move's user loses an equal amount of HP. +showdown.abilities.innardsout.damage=%s was hurt! Focus +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. Immune to Intimidate. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. +showdown.abilities.insomnia.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon with the Inner Focus, Oblivious, Own Tempo, or Scrappy Abilities and Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of adjacent opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of adjacent opponents by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. If U-turn breaks an opposing substitute and this Pokemon switches in as the replacement, the Pokemon that had the substitute is still immune to this Ability. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. Sword +showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. +showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Barbs +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.damage=%s was hurt! Fist +showdown.abilities.ironfist.desc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.2. +showdown.abilities.ironfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have 1.2x power. Sucker Punch is not boosted. +showdown.abilities.justified.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a Dark-type move. Eye +showdown.abilities.keeneye.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. This Pokemon ignores a target's evasiveness stat stage. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.shortDesc=This Pokemon's accuracy can't be lowered by others; ignores their evasiveness stat. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. +showdown.abilities.klutz.desc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect. This Pokemon cannot use Fling successfully. Macho Brace, Power Anklet, Power Band, Power Belt, Power Bracer, Power Lens, and Power Weight still have their effects. +showdown.abilities.klutz.shortDesc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect, except Macho Brace. Fling cannot be used. Guard +showdown.abilities.leafguard.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused and Rest will fail for it. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, but can use Rest normally. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused, but Rest works normally. +showdown.abilities.levitate.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. Thousand Arrows can hit this Pokemon as if it did not have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.levitate.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Iron Ball nullify it. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes and the Arena Trap Ability. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground. +showdown.abilities.libero.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. +showdown.abilities.libero.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. +showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. +showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. Metal +showdown.abilities.lightmetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is halved, rounded down to a tenth of a kilogram. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. A Pokemon's weight will not drop below 0.1 kg. +showdown.abilities.lightmetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is halved. Rod +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Electric moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Electric immunity. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Electric moves to itself. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by an opposing Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. This effect considers Hidden Power a Normal-type move. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Electric moves used by opponents to itself. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.activate=%s took the attack! +showdown.abilities.limber.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be paralyzed. Gaining this Ability while paralyzed cures it. Aroma +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Lingering Aroma. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Lingering Aroma, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon has the attacker's Ability become Lingering Aroma. +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.changeAbility=A lingering aroma clings to %s! Ooze +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.shortDesc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.gen4.desc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. This effect does not consider Dream Eater. +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.damage=%s sucked up the liquid ooze! Voice +showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water-type moves. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water type. Reach +showdown.abilities.longreach.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do not make contact with the target. Bounce +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.shortDesc=This Pokemon blocks certain Status moves and bounces them back to the user. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.move=%s bounced the %s back! Guard +showdown.abilities.magicguard.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. This Pokemon cannot be prevented from moving because of paralysis, and is unaffected by Toxic Spikes on switch-in. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks, and can't be fully paralyzed. +showdown.abilities.magician.desc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. Does not affect Doom Desire and Future Sight. +showdown.abilities.magician.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. Armor +showdown.abilities.magmaarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be frozen. Gaining this Ability while frozen cures it. Pull +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.desc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. Scale +showdown.abilities.marvelscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Defense is multiplied by 1.5. Launcher +showdown.abilities.megalauncher.desc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. Heal Pulse restores 3/4 of a target's maximum HP, rounded half down. +showdown.abilities.megalauncher.shortDesc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have 1.5x power. Heal Pulse heals 3/4 target's max HP. +showdown.abilities.merciless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks are critical hits if the target is poisoned. +showdown.abilities.mimicry.desc=This Pokemon's types change to match the active Terrain when this Pokemon acquires this Ability, or whenever a Terrain begins. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. If this Ability is acquired without an active Terrain, or a Terrain ends, this Pokemon's types become the original types for its species. +showdown.abilities.mimicry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's types change to match the Terrain. Type reverts when Terrain ends. +showdown.abilities.mimicry.activate=%s returned to its original type! +showdown.abilities.minus.desc=If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.minus.shortDesc=If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.desc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.shortDesc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.desc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.shortDesc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. Armor +showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered by another Pokemon, that Pokemon's stat stage is lowered instead. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon's stat stage was already -6. If the other Pokemon has a substitute, neither Pokemon has its stat stage lowered. +showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.shortDesc=If this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered, the attacker's are lowered instead. Surge +showdown.abilities.mistysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Misty Terrain. Breaker +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Clear Body, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Heatproof, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, and Wonder Guard. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move. The Attack modifier from an ally's Flower Gift Ability is not negated. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.start=%s breaks the mold! +showdown.abilities.moody.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat, other than accuracy or evasiveness, raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.moody.shortDesc=Boosts a random stat (except accuracy/evasion) +2 and another stat -1 every turn. +showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.shortDesc=Raises a random stat by 2 and lowers another stat by 1 at the end of each turn. Drive +showdown.abilities.motordrive.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Speed by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. +showdown.abilities.motordrive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by an Electric move; Electric immunity. +showdown.abilities.moxie.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moxie.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.multiscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. +showdown.abilities.multitype.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen7.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate or Z-Crystal. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen6.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack. +showdown.abilities.mummy.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. +showdown.abilities.mummy.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen7.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen6.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype, Mummy, or Stance Change Abilities. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen5.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype or Mummy Abilities. +showdown.abilities.mummy.changeAbility=%s's Ability became Mummy! Might +showdown.abilities.myceliummight.desc=This Pokemon's Status moves ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon, and go last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves. +showdown.abilities.myceliummight.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves go last in their priority bracket and ignore Abilities. Cure +showdown.abilities.naturalcure.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured when it switches out. +showdown.abilities.naturalcure.activate=(%s is cured by its Natural Cure!) +showdown.abilities.neuroforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target have their damage multiplied by 1.25. +showdown.abilities.neuroforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.25x damage. Gas +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. Does not affect the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.start=Neutralizing gas filled the area! +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.end=The effects of the neutralizing gas wore off! Guard +showdown.abilities.noguard.shortDesc=Every move used by or against this Pokemon will always hit. +showdown.abilities.normalize.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. +showdown.abilities.normalize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, except Struggle. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Immune to Intimidate. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. +showdown.abilities.opportunist.shortDesc=When an opposing Pokemon has a stat stage raised, this Pokemon copies the effect. Pulse +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Sunny Day. During Sunny Day, Attack is 1.3333x. +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.start=%s turned the sunlight harsh, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.activate=%s basked in the sunlight, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! +showdown.abilities.overcoat.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm damage, and Effect Spore. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm or Hail, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm or Hail damage, Effect Spore. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Grass-type attack. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Grass attacks. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Grass-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Grass-type attacks have 1.5x power. Tempo +showdown.abilities.owntempo.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Immune to Intimidate. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Bond +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Z-Move. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. Veil +showdown.abilities.pastelveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while this Pokemon or its ally is poisoned cures them. If this Ability is being ignored during an effect that causes poison, this Pokemon is cured immediately but its ally is not. +showdown.abilities.pastelveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. On switch-in, cures poisoned allies. Body +showdown.abilities.perishbody.desc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. This effect does not happen for this Pokemon if the attacker already has a perish count. +showdown.abilities.perishbody.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. +showdown.abilities.perishbody.start=Both Pokémon will faint in three turns! +showdown.abilities.pickpocket.desc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. +showdown.abilities.pickpocket.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. +showdown.abilities.pickup.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it finds one used by an adjacent Pokemon this turn. +showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.pickup.addItem=%s found one %s! +showdown.abilities.pixilate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.3x power. an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. Heal +showdown.abilities.poisonheal.desc=If this Pokemon is poisoned, it restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn instead of losing HP. +showdown.abilities.poisonheal.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed by 1/8 of its max HP each turn when poisoned; no HP loss. Point +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. Touch +showdown.abilities.poisontouch.desc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. This effect comes after a move's inherent secondary effect chance. +showdown.abilities.poisontouch.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. Construct +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.desc=If this Pokemon is a Zygarde in its 10% or 50% Forme, it changes to Complete Forme when it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of the turn. +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.shortDesc=If Zygarde 10%/50%, changes to Complete if at 1/2 max HP or less at end of turn. +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.activate=You sense the presence of many! +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.transform=%s transformed into its Complete Forme! of Alchemy +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! Spot +showdown.abilities.powerspot.desc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. This affects Doom Desire and Future Sight, even if the user is not on the field. +showdown.abilities.powerspot.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.prankster.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. Opposing Dark-type Pokemon are immune to these moves, and any move called by these moves, if the resulting user of the move has this Ability. +showdown.abilities.prankster.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves have priority raised by 1, but Dark types are immune. +showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.pressure.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison, Snatch, and Tera Blast also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. +showdown.abilities.pressure.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a foe's move, that move loses one additional PP. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison and Snatch also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen5.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison and Snatch also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of another Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a move, that move loses one additional PP. +showdown.abilities.pressure.start=%s is exerting its pressure! Sea +showdown.abilities.primordialsea.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Primordial Sea, which includes all the effects of Rain Dance and prevents damaging Fire-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Desolate Land Abilities. +showdown.abilities.primordialsea.shortDesc=On switch-in, heavy rain begins until this Ability is not active in battle. Armor +showdown.abilities.prismarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. Tail +showdown.abilities.propellertail.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. +showdown.abilities.protean.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. +showdown.abilities.protean.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. +showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. +showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.desc=If Sunny Day is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Sunny Day, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Sunny Day is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.shortDesc=Sunny Day active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activate=The harsh sunlight activated %s's Protosynthesis! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate Protosynthesis! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.start=%s's %s was heightened! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.end=The effects of %s's Protosynthesis wore off! Surge +showdown.abilities.psychicsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Psychic Terrain. Rock +showdown.abilities.punkrock.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes halved damage from sound-based moves. +showdown.abilities.punkrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from sound moves. Its own have 1.3x power. Power +showdown.abilities.purepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. Salt +showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.desc=This Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. If a Pokemon uses a Ghost-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.shortDesc=Ghost damage to this Pokemon dealt with a halved offensive stat; can't be statused. Drive +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.desc=If Electric Terrain is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Electric Terrain, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Electric Terrain is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.shortDesc=Electric Terrain active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activate=The Electric Terrain activated %s's Quark Drive! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate its Quark Drive! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.start=%s's %s was heightened! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.end=The effects of %s's Quark Drive wore off! Majesty +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.block=%s cannot use %s! Draw +showdown.abilities.quickdraw.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 30% chance to move first in its priority bracket with attacking moves. +showdown.abilities.quickdraw.activate=Quick Draw made %s move faster! Feet +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of halving Speed. +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Speed is 1.5x; ignores Speed drop from paralysis. +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of quartering Speed. Dish +showdown.abilities.raindish.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.raindish.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. +showdown.abilities.raindish.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.rattled.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or if an opposing Pokemon affected this Pokemon with the Intimidate Ability. +showdown.abilities.rattled.shortDesc=Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or Intimidated. +showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. +showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. +showdown.abilities.receiver.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. +showdown.abilities.receiver.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. +showdown.abilities.receiver.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. +showdown.abilities.receiver.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. +showdown.abilities.receiver.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! +showdown.abilities.reckless.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have their power multiplied by 1.2. Does not affect Struggle. +showdown.abilities.reckless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have 1.2x power; not Struggle. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.3x power. +showdown.abilities.regenerator.shortDesc=This Pokemon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when it switches out. +showdown.abilities.ripen.desc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. Berries that restore HP or PP have the amount doubled, Berries that raise stat stages have the amount doubled, Berries that halve damage taken quarter it instead, and a Jaboca Berry or Rowap Berry has the attacker lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.abilities.ripen.shortDesc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. +showdown.abilities.rivalry.desc=This Pokemon's attacks have their power multiplied by 1.25 against targets of the same gender or multiplied by 0.75 against targets of the opposite gender. There is no modifier if either this Pokemon or the target is genderless. +showdown.abilities.rivalry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do 1.25x on same gender targets; 0.75x on opposite gender. System +showdown.abilities.rkssystem.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Silvally, its type changes to match its held Memory. Head +showdown.abilities.rockhead.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect Life Orb damage or crash damage. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle/Life Orb/crash damage. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect crash damage. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle and crash damage. Payload +showdown.abilities.rockypayload.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Rock-type attack. Skin +showdown.abilities.roughskin.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen4.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their max HP. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.damage=%s was hurt! Away +showdown.abilities.runaway.shortDesc=No competitive use. Force +showdown.abilities.sandforce.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Ground/Rock/Steel attacks do 1.3x in Sandstorm; immunity to it. Rush +showdown.abilities.sandrush.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandrush.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm. Spit +showdown.abilities.sandspit.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. +showdown.abilities.sandspit.gen8.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect comes after the effects of Max and G-Max Moves. Stream +showdown.abilities.sandstream.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sandstorm. Veil +showdown.abilities.sandveil.desc=If Sandstorm is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandveil.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Sandstorm. Sipper +showdown.abilities.sapsipper.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Grass-type moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Grass-type move. +showdown.abilities.sapsipper.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage if hit by a Grass move; Grass immunity. +showdown.abilities.schooling.desc=On switch-in, if this Pokemon is a Wishiwashi that is level 20 or above and has more than 1/4 of its maximum HP left, it changes to School Form. If it is in School Form and its HP drops to 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, it changes to Solo Form at the end of the turn. If it is in Solo Form and its HP is greater than 1/4 its maximum HP at the end of the turn, it changes to School Form. +showdown.abilities.schooling.shortDesc=If user is Wishiwashi, changes to School Form if it has > 1/4 max HP, else Solo Form. +showdown.abilities.schooling.transform=%s formed a school! +showdown.abilities.schooling.transformEnd=%s stopped schooling! +showdown.abilities.scrappy.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal moves hit Ghost. Immune to Intimidate. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. Cleaner +showdown.abilities.screencleaner.shortDesc=On switch-in, the effects of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, and Reflect end for both sides. Sower +showdown.abilities.seedsower.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. Grace +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. This effect stacks with the Rainbow effect, except for secondary effects that cause the target to flinch. +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. Shield +showdown.abilities.shadowshield.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. Tag +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.sharpness.shortDesc=This Pokemon's slicing moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. Skin +showdown.abilities.shedskin.desc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.shedskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its status cured at the end of each turn. Force +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Anger Shell, Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have 1.3x power; nullifies the effects. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, and Eject Button from activating. Armor +showdown.abilities.shellarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. Dust +showdown.abilities.shielddust.shortDesc=This Pokemon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. Down +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.desc=If this Pokemon is a Minior, it changes to its Core forme if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, and changes to Meteor Form if it has more than 1/2 its maximum HP. This check is done on switch-in and at the end of each turn. While in its Meteor Form, it cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.shortDesc=If Minior, switch-in/end of turn it changes to Core at 1/2 max HP or less, else Meteor. +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transform=Shields Down deactivated! +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transformEnd=Shields Down activated! +showdown.abilities.simple.shortDesc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen7.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Status Z-Move is used. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen6.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. A stat stage cannot be considered more than 6 or less than -6. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. Link +showdown.abilities.skilllink.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick and Triple Axel do not check accuracy for the second and third hits. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.shortDesc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick does not check accuracy for the second and third hits. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Does not affect Triple Kick. Start +showdown.abilities.slowstart.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. During the effect, if this Pokemon uses a generic Z-Move based on a special move, its Special Attack is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.start=%s can't get it going! +showdown.abilities.slowstart.end=%s finally got its act together! Rush +showdown.abilities.slushrush.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.slushrush.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.sniper.shortDesc=If this Pokemon strikes with a critical hit, the damage is multiplied by 1.5. Cloak +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.desc=If Snow is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Hail. Warning +showdown.abilities.snowwarning.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Snow. +showdown.abilities.snowwarning.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Hail. Power +showdown.abilities.solarpower.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x; loses 1/8 max HP per turn. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. Rock +showdown.abilities.solidrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. +showdown.abilities.soulheart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage when another Pokemon faints. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, unless it used the move. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, except Heal Bell. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. Boost +showdown.abilities.speedboost.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage at the end of each full turn it has been on the field. +showdown.abilities.speedboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage at the end of each full turn on the field. +showdown.abilities.stakeout.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled against a target that switched in this turn. +showdown.abilities.stall.shortDesc=This Pokemon moves last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves. +showdown.abilities.stalwart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. +showdown.abilities.stamina.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a move. Change +showdown.abilities.stancechange.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before using an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before using King's Shield. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.shortDesc=If Aegislash, changes Forme to Blade before attacks and Shield before King's Shield. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before attempting to use an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before attempting to use King's Shield. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.transform=Changed to Blade Forme! +showdown.abilities.stancechange.transformEnd=Changed to Shield Forme! +showdown.abilities.static.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. +showdown.abilities.static.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.static.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.static.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. +showdown.abilities.steadfast.shortDesc=If this Pokemon flinches, its Speed is raised by 1 stage. Engine +showdown.abilities.steamengine.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by a Fire- or Water-type move. +showdown.abilities.steamengine.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by Fire/Water moves. +showdown.abilities.steelworker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Steel-type attack. Spirit +showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.desc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. This affects Doom Desire even if the user is not on the field. +showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.stench.desc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.abilities.stench.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. Hold +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack, unless the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.gen4.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack, even if the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.block=%s's item cannot be removed! Drain +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Water-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Water moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Water immunity. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Water moves to itself. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.activate=%s took the attack! Jaw +showdown.abilities.strongjaw.desc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.strongjaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have 1.5x power. Bug Bite is not boosted. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.desc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. Immune to OHKO. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.desc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.shortDesc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.activate=%s endured the hit! Cups +showdown.abilities.suctioncups.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. +showdown.abilities.suctioncups.block=%s is anchored in place with its suction cups! Luck +showdown.abilities.superluck.shortDesc=This Pokemon's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Overlord +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their power multiplied by 1+(X*0.1), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side when this Ability became active, and X cannot be greater than 5. +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have 10% more power for each fainted ally, up to 5 allies. +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.activate=%s gained strength from the fallen! Surfer +showdown.abilities.surgesurfer.shortDesc=If Electric Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.swarm.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Bug-type attack. +showdown.abilities.swarm.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Bug attacks. +showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Bug-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Bug-type attacks have 1.5x power. Veil +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep, but those already asleep do not wake up immediately. This Pokemon and its allies cannot use Rest successfully or become affected by Yawn, and those previously affected will not fall asleep. +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep; those already asleep do not wake up. +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.block=%s can't fall asleep due to a veil of sweetness! Swim +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. of Ruin +showdown.abilities.swordofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Defense multiplied by 0.75. +showdown.abilities.swordofruin.start=%s's Sword of Ruin weakened the Defense of all surrounding Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button or Eject Pack. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.shortDesc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen7.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen6.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.activate=%s shared its %s with %s! +showdown.abilities.synchronize.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, poisons, or badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. +showdown.abilities.synchronize.shortDesc=If another Pokemon burns/poisons/paralyzes this Pokemon, it also gets that status. +showdown.abilities.synchronize.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, or poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. If another Pokemon badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon becomes poisoned. of Ruin +showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Attack multiplied by 0.75. +showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.start=%s's Tablets of Ruin weakened the Attack of all surrounding Pokémon! Feet +showdown.abilities.tangledfeet.shortDesc=This Pokemon's evasiveness is doubled as long as it is confused. Hair +showdown.abilities.tanglinghair.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.technician.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, including Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power. +showdown.abilities.technician.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, including Struggle. +showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, except Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power, as well as the effects of Charge and Helping Hand. +showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, except Struggle. +showdown.abilities.telepathy.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take damage from attacks made by its allies. +showdown.abilities.telepathy.block=%s can't be hit by attacks from its ally Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.teravolt.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.start=%s is radiating a bursting aura! Exchange +showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage after it is damaged by a Fire-type move. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. +showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 when damaged by Fire moves; can't be burned. Fat +showdown.abilities.thickfat.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved offensive stat. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.desc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.shortDesc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's Special Attack is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved Sp. Atk stat. Lens +showdown.abilities.tintedlens.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are not very effective on a target deal double damage. +showdown.abilities.torrent.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Water-type attack. +showdown.abilities.torrent.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Water attacks. +showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Water-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Water-type attacks have 1.5x power. Claws +showdown.abilities.toughclaws.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. Boost +showdown.abilities.toxicboost.desc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, the power of its physical attacks is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.toxicboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, its physical attacks have 1.5x power. Debris +showdown.abilities.toxicdebris.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by a physical attack, Toxic Spikes are set on the opposing side. +showdown.abilities.trace.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.shortDesc=On switch-in, or when it can, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent foe's Ability. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen8.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen5.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Forecast, Multitype, and Trace. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. +showdown.abilities.trace.changeAbility=%s traced %s's %s! +showdown.abilities.transistor.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using an Electric-type attack. +showdown.abilities.triage.shortDesc=This Pokemon's healing moves have their priority increased by 3. +showdown.abilities.truant.shortDesc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. +showdown.abilities.truant.gen3.desc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. If this Pokemon replaces a Pokemon that fainted during end-of-turn effects, its first turn will be skipped. +showdown.abilities.truant.cant=%s is loafing around! +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.start=%s is radiating a blazing aura! +showdown.abilities.unaware.desc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's Attack, Special Attack, and accuracy stat stages when taking damage, and ignores other Pokemon's Defense, Special Defense, and evasiveness stat stages when dealing damage. +showdown.abilities.unaware.shortDesc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's stat stages when taking or doing damage. +showdown.abilities.unburden.desc=If this Pokemon loses its held item for any reason, its Speed is doubled as long as it remains active, has this Ability, and is not holding an item. +showdown.abilities.unburden.shortDesc=Speed is doubled on held item loss; boost is lost if it switches, gets new item/Ability. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.desc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.start=%s is too nervous to eat Berries! Fist +showdown.abilities.unseenfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves ignore the target's protection, except Max Guard. of Ruin +showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Attack multiplied by 0.75. +showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.start=%s's Vessel of Ruin weakened the Sp. Atk of all surrounding Pokémon! Star +showdown.abilities.victorystar.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.1. Spirit +showdown.abilities.vitalspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. Absorb +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by an Electric-type move. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Electric moves; Electric immunity. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damaging Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by one. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 its max HP when hit by a damaging Electric move; immunity. Spirit +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode Abilities. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! Absorb +showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. +showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Water moves; Water immunity. Bubble +showdown.abilities.waterbubble.desc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled while using a Water-type attack. If a Pokemon uses a Fire-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. +showdown.abilities.waterbubble.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Water power is 2x; it can't be burned; Fire power against it is halved. Compaction +showdown.abilities.watercompaction.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages after it is damaged by a Water-type move. Veil +showdown.abilities.waterveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. Armor +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 2 stages. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 2. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 1. Body +showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves and raises its Defense by 2 stages when hit by a Fire-type move. +showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages if hit by a Fire move; Fire immunity. Smoke +showdown.abilities.whitesmoke.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Out +showdown.abilities.wimpout.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. +showdown.abilities.wimpout.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. Power +showdown.abilities.windpower.desc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. +showdown.abilities.windpower.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. +showdown.abilities.windpower.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! Rider +showdown.abilities.windrider.desc=This Pokemon is immune to wind moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. +showdown.abilities.windrider.shortDesc=Attack raised by 1 if hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. Wind move immunity. Guard +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by Fire Fang, supereffective moves, indirect damage. +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. Skin +showdown.abilities.wonderskin.desc=Non-damaging moves that check accuracy have their accuracy changed to 50% when used against this Pokemon. This effect comes before other effects that modify accuracy. +showdown.abilities.wonderskin.shortDesc=Status moves with accuracy checks are 50% accurate when used on this Pokemon. Mode +showdown.abilities.zenmode.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan or Galarian Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.shortDesc=If Darmanitan, at end of turn changes Mode to Standard if > 1/2 max HP, else Zen. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. If Darmanitan loses this Ability while in Zen Mode, it reverts to Standard Mode immediately. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.transform=Zen Mode triggered! +showdown.abilities.zenmode.transformEnd=Zen Mode ended! to Hero +showdown.abilities.zerotohero.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Palafin in Zero Form, switching out has it change to Hero Form. +showdown.abilities.zerotohero.activate=%s underwent a heroic transformation! +showdown.abilities.mountaineer.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon avoids all Rock-type attacks and Stealth Rock. +showdown.abilities.rebound.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon blocks certain status moves and instead uses the move against the original user. +showdown.abilities.rebound.shortDesc=On switch-in, blocks certain status moves and bounces them back to the user. +showdown.abilities.rebound.move=%s bounced the %s back! +showdown.abilities.persistent.desc=The duration of Gravity, Heal Block, Magic Room, Safeguard, Tailwind, Trick Room, and Wonder Room is increased by 2 turns if the effect is started by this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.persistent.shortDesc=When used, Gravity/Heal Block/Safeguard/Tailwind/Room effects last 2 more turns. +showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=%s extends %s by 2 turns! +showdown.default.default.startBattle=Battle started between %s and %s! +showdown.default.default.winBattle=**%s** won the battle! +showdown.default.default.tieBattle=Tie between %s and %s! +showdown.default.default.pokemon=%s +showdown.default.default.opposingPokemon=the opposing %s team +showdown.default.default.opposingTeam=the opposing team ally Pokémon +showdown.default.default.opposingParty=the opposing Pokémon +showdown.default.default.turn=== Turn %s == +showdown.default.default.switchIn=%s sent out %s! +showdown.default.default.switchInOwn=Go! %s! +showdown.default.default.switchOut=%s withdrew %s! +showdown.default.default.switchOutOwn=%s, come back! +showdown.default.default.drag=%s was dragged out! +showdown.default.default.faint=%s fainted! +showdown.default.default.swap=%s and %s switched places! +showdown.default.default.swapCenter=%s moved to the center! +showdown.default.default.canDynamax=%s can dynamax now! +showdown.default.default.canDynamaxOwn=Dynamax Energy gathered around %s! +showdown.default.default.zEffect=%s unleashes its full-force Z-Move! +showdown.default.default.move=%s used **%s**! +showdown.default.default.abilityActivation=%s's %s] +showdown.default.default.mega=%s's %s is reacting to the Key Stone! +showdown.default.default.megaNoItem=%s is reacting to %s's Key Stone! +showdown.default.default.megaGen6=%s's %s is reacting to %s's Mega Bracelet! +showdown.default.default.transformMega=%s has Mega Evolved into Mega %s! +showdown.default.default.primal=%s's Primal Reversion! It reverted to its primal state! +showdown.default.default.zPower=%s surrounded itself with its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.zBroken=%s couldn't fully protect itself and got hurt! +showdown.default.default.terastallize=%s has Terastallized into the %s-type! +showdown.default.default.cant=%s can't use %s! +showdown.default.default.cantNoMove=%s can't move! it failed! +showdown.default.default.transform=%s transformed! +showdown.default.default.typeChange=%s's type changed to %s! +showdown.default.default.typeChangeFromEffect=%s's %s made it the %s type! +showdown.default.default.typeAdd=%s type was added to %s! +showdown.default.default.start=(%s started on %s!) +showdown.default.default.end=%s was freed from %s! +showdown.default.default.activate=(%s activated!) +showdown.default.default.startTeamEffect=(%s started on %s!) +showdown.default.default.endTeamEffect=(%s ended on %s!) +showdown.default.default.startFieldEffect=(%s started!) +showdown.default.default.endFieldEffect=(%s ended!) +showdown.default.default.changeAbility=%s acquired %s! +showdown.default.default.addItem=%s obtained one %s. +showdown.default.default.takeItem=%s stole %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.eatItem=(%s ate its %s!) +showdown.default.default.useGem=The %s strengthened %s's power! +showdown.default.default.eatItemWeaken=The %s weakened damage to %s! +showdown.default.default.removeItem=%s lost its %s! +showdown.default.default.activateItem=(%s used its %s!) +showdown.default.default.activateWeaken=The %s weakened the damage to %s! +showdown.default.default.damage=(%s was hurt!) +showdown.default.default.damagePercentage=(%s lost %s of its health!) +showdown.default.default.damageFromPokemon=%s was hurt by %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.damageFromItem=%s was hurt by its %s! +showdown.default.default.damageFromPartialTrapping=%s is hurt by %s! +showdown.default.default.heal=%s had its HP restored. +showdown.default.default.healFromZEffect=%s restored its HP using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.healFromEffect=%s restored HP using its %s! +showdown.default.default.boost=%s's %s rose! +showdown.default.default.boost2=%s's %s rose sharply! +showdown.default.default.boost3=%s's %s rose drastically! +showdown.default.default.boost0=%s's %s won't go any higher! +showdown.default.default.boostFromItem=The %s raised %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.boost2FromItem=The %s sharply raised %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.boost3FromItem=The %s drastically raised %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.boostFromZEffect=%s boosted its %s using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.boost2FromZEffect=%s boosted its %s sharply using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.boost3FromZEffect=%s boosted its %s drastically using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.boostMultipleFromZEffect=%s boosted its stats using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.unboost=%s's %s fell! +showdown.default.default.unboost2=%s's %s fell harshly! +showdown.default.default.unboost3=%s's %s fell severely! +showdown.default.default.unboost0=%s's %s won't go any lower! +showdown.default.default.unboostFromItem=The %s lowered %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.unboost2FromItem=The %s harshly lowered %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.unboost3FromItem=The %s drastically lowered %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.swapBoost=%s switched stat changes with its target! +showdown.default.default.swapOffensiveBoost=%s switched all changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk with its target! +showdown.default.default.swapDefensiveBoost=%s switched all changes to its Defense and Sp. Def with its target! +showdown.default.default.copyBoost=%s copied %s's stat changes! +showdown.default.default.clearBoost=%s's stat changes were removed! +showdown.default.default.clearBoostFromZEffect=%s returned its decreased stats to normal using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.invertBoost=%s's stat changes were inverted! +showdown.default.default.clearAllBoost=All stat changes were eliminated! +showdown.default.default.superEffective=It's super effective! +showdown.default.default.superEffectiveSpread=It's super effective on %s! +showdown.default.default.resisted=It's not very effective... +showdown.default.default.resistedSpread=It's not very effective on %s. +showdown.default.default.crit=A critical hit! +showdown.default.default.critSpread=A critical hit on %s! +showdown.default.default.immune=It doesn't affect %s... +showdown.default.default.immuneNoPokemon=It had no effect! +showdown.default.default.immuneOHKO=%s is unaffected! +showdown.default.default.miss=%s avoided the attack! +showdown.default.default.missNoPokemon=%s's attack missed! center! +showdown.default.default.noTarget=But there was no target... +showdown.default.default.ohko=It's a one-hit KO! +showdown.default.default.combine=The two moves have become one! It's a combined move! +showdown.default.default.hitCount=The Pokémon was hit %s times! +showdown.default.default.hitCountSingular=The Pokémon was hit 1 time! +showdown.default.hp.statName=HP +showdown.default.hp.statShortName=HP +showdown.default.atk.statName=Attack +showdown.default.atk.statShortName=Atk +showdown.default.def.statName=Defense +showdown.default.def.statShortName=Def Atk +showdown.default.spd.statName=Sp. Def +showdown.default.spd.statShortName=SpD +showdown.default.spe.statName=Speed +showdown.default.spe.statShortName=Spe +showdown.default.accuracy.statName=accuracy +showdown.default.evasion.statName=evasiveness +showdown.default.spc.statName=Special +showdown.default.spc.statShortName=Spc +showdown.default.stats.statName=stats +showdown.default.brn.start=%s was burned! +showdown.default.brn.startFromItem=%s was burned by the %s! +showdown.default.brn.alreadyStarted=%s is already burned! +showdown.default.brn.end=%s's burn was healed! +showdown.default.brn.endFromItem=%s's %s healed its burn! +showdown.default.brn.damage=%s was hurt by its burn! +showdown.default.frz.start=%s was frozen solid! +showdown.default.frz.alreadyStarted=%s is already frozen solid! +showdown.default.frz.end=%s thawed out! +showdown.default.frz.endFromItem=%s's %s defrosted it! +showdown.default.frz.endFromMove=%s's %s melted the ice! +showdown.default.frz.cant=%s is frozen solid! +showdown.default.par.start=%s is paralyzed! It may be unable to move! +showdown.default.par.alreadyStarted=%s is already paralyzed! +showdown.default.par.end=%s was cured of paralysis! +showdown.default.par.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its paralysis! +showdown.default.par.cant=%s is paralyzed! It can't move! +showdown.default.psn.start=%s was poisoned! +showdown.default.psn.alreadyStarted=%s is already poisoned! +showdown.default.psn.end=%s was cured of its poisoning! +showdown.default.psn.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its poison! +showdown.default.psn.damage=%s was hurt by poison! +showdown.default.tox.start=%s was badly poisoned! +showdown.default.tox.startFromItem=%s was badly poisoned by the %s! +showdown.default.tox.end=%s was cured of its poisoning! +showdown.default.tox.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its poison! +showdown.default.tox.alreadyStarted=%s is already poisoned! +showdown.default.tox.damage=%s was hurt by poison! +showdown.default.slp.start=%s fell asleep! +showdown.default.slp.startFromRest=%s slept and became healthy! +showdown.default.slp.alreadyStarted=%s is already asleep! +showdown.default.slp.end=%s woke up! +showdown.default.slp.endFromItem=%s's %s woke it up! +showdown.default.slp.cant=%s is fast asleep. +showdown.default.confusion.start=%s became confused! +showdown.default.confusion.startFromFatigue=%s became confused due to fatigue! +showdown.default.confusion.end=%s snapped out of its confusion! +showdown.default.confusion.endFromItem=%s's %s snapped it out of its confusion! +showdown.default.confusion.alreadyStarted=%s is already confused! +showdown.default.confusion.activate=%s is confused! +showdown.default.confusion.damage=It hurt itself in its confusion! +showdown.default.drain.heal=%s had its energy drained! +showdown.default.flinch.cant=%s flinched and couldn't move!'s HP is full! +showdown.default.healreplacement.activate=%s will restore its replacement's HP using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.nopp.cant=%s used %s, But there was no PP left for the move! +showdown.default.recharge.cant=%s must recharge! +showdown.default.recoil.damage=%s was damaged by the recoil!'s stats were not lowered! +showdown.default.unboost.failSingular=%s's %s was not lowered! +showdown.default.struggle.activate=%s has no moves left! +showdown.default.trapped.start=%s can no longer escape! +showdown.default.dynamax.start=(%s's Dynamax!) +showdown.default.dynamax.end=(%s returned to normal!) +showdown.default.dynamax.block=The move was blocked by the power of Dynamax! shook its head. It seems like it can't use this move... +showdown.default.sandstorm.weatherName=Sandstorm +showdown.default.sandstorm.start=A sandstorm kicked up! +showdown.default.sandstorm.end=The sandstorm subsided. +showdown.default.sandstorm.upkeep=(The sandstorm is raging.) +showdown.default.sandstorm.damage=%s is buffeted by the sandstorm! +showdown.default.sunnyday.weatherName=Sun +showdown.default.sunnyday.start=The sunlight turned harsh! +showdown.default.sunnyday.end=The harsh sunlight faded. +showdown.default.sunnyday.upkeep=(The sunlight is strong.) +showdown.default.raindance.weatherName=Rain +showdown.default.raindance.start=It started to rain! +showdown.default.raindance.end=The rain stopped. +showdown.default.raindance.upkeep=(Rain continues to fall.) +showdown.default.hail.weatherName=Hail +showdown.default.hail.start=It started to hail! +showdown.default.hail.end=The hail stopped. +showdown.default.hail.upkeep=(The hail is crashing down.) +showdown.default.hail.damage=%s is buffeted by the hail! +showdown.default.snow.weatherName=Snow +showdown.default.snow.start=It started to snow! +showdown.default.snow.end=The snow stopped. +showdown.default.snow.upkeep=(The snow is falling down.) +showdown.default.desolateland.weatherName=Intense Sun +showdown.default.desolateland.start=The sunlight turned extremely harsh! +showdown.default.desolateland.end=The extremely harsh sunlight faded. +showdown.default.desolateland.block=The extremely harsh sunlight was not lessened at all! +showdown.default.desolateland.blockMove=The Water-type attack evaporated in the harsh sunlight! +showdown.default.desolateland.upkeep=(The harsh sunlight continues.) +showdown.default.primordialsea.weatherName=Heavy Rain +showdown.default.primordialsea.start=A heavy rain began to fall! +showdown.default.primordialsea.end=The heavy rain has lifted! +showdown.default.primordialsea.block=There is no relief from this heavy rain! +showdown.default.primordialsea.blockMove=The Fire-type attack fizzled out in the heavy rain! +showdown.default.primordialsea.upkeep=(Heavy Rain continues to fall.) +showdown.default.deltastream.weatherName=Strong Winds +showdown.default.deltastream.start=Mysterious strong winds are protecting Flying-type Pokémon! +showdown.default.deltastream.end=The mysterious strong winds have dissipated! +showdown.default.deltastream.activate=The mysterious strong winds weakened the attack! +showdown.default.deltastream.block=The mysterious strong winds blow on regardless! +showdown.default.deltastream.upkeep=(The mysterious strong winds blow on.) +showdown.default.electricterrain.start=An electric current ran across the battlefield! +showdown.default.electricterrain.end=The electricity disappeared from the battlefield. +showdown.default.electricterrain.block=%s is protected by the Electric Terrain! +showdown.default.grassyterrain.start=Grass grew to cover the battlefield! +showdown.default.grassyterrain.end=The grass disappeared from the battlefield. +showdown.default.grassyterrain.heal=%s's HP was restored. +showdown.default.mistyterrain.start=Mist swirled around the battlefield! +showdown.default.mistyterrain.end=The mist disappeared from the battlefield. +showdown.default.mistyterrain.block=%s surrounds itself with a protective mist! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.start=The battlefield got weird! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.end=The weirdness disappeared from the battlefield! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.block=%s is protected by the Psychic Terrain! +showdown.default.gravity.start=Gravity intensified! +showdown.default.gravity.end=Gravity returned to normal! +showdown.default.gravity.cant=%s can't use %s because of gravity! +showdown.default.gravity.activate=%s fell from the sky due to the gravity! +showdown.default.magicroom.start=It created a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects! +showdown.default.magicroom.end=Magic Room wore off, and held items' effects returned to normal! +showdown.default.mudsport.start=Electricity's power was weakened! +showdown.default.mudsport.end=The effects of Mud Sport have faded. +showdown.default.trickroom.start=%s twisted the dimensions! +showdown.default.trickroom.end=The twisted dimensions returned to normal! +showdown.default.watersport.start=Fire's power was weakened! +showdown.default.watersport.end=The effects of Water Sport have faded. +showdown.default.wonderroom.start=It created a bizarre area in which Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped! +showdown.default.wonderroom.end=Wonder Room wore off, and Defense and Sp. Def stats returned to normal! +showdown.default.crash.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Shield +showdown.items.abilityshield.desc=Holder's Ability cannot be changed by any effect. +showdown.items.abilityshield.block=%s's Ability is protected by the effects of its Ability Shield! +showdown.items.abomasite.desc=If held by an Abomasnow, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.absolite.desc=If held by an Absol, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Bulb +showdown.items.absorbbulb.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. Crystal +showdown.items.adamantcrystal.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb +showdown.items.adamantorb.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb +showdown.items.adrenalineorb.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage if it gets affected by Intimidate. Single use. +showdown.items.aerodactylite.desc=If held by an Aerodactyl, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.aggronite.desc=If held by an Aggron, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.aguavberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.aguavberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.aguavberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. Balloon +showdown.items.airballoon.desc=Holder is immune to Ground-type attacks. Pops when holder is hit. +showdown.items.airballoon.start=%s floats in the air with its Air Balloon! +showdown.items.airballoon.end=%s's Air Balloon popped! +showdown.items.alakazite.desc=If held by an Alakazam, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Z +showdown.items.aloraichiumz.desc=If held by an Alolan Raichu with Thunderbolt, it can use Stoked Sparksurfer. +showdown.items.altarianite.desc=If held by an Altaria, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.ampharosite.desc=If held by an Ampharos, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.apicotberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Fossil +showdown.items.armorfossil.desc=Can be revived into Shieldon. Berry +showdown.items.aspearberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. Vest +showdown.items.assaultvest.desc=Holder's Sp. Def is 1.5x, but it can only select damaging moves. +showdown.items.audinite.desc=If held by an Audino, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Armor +showdown.items.auspiciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Armarouge when used. Berry +showdown.items.babiriberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Steel-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.banettite.desc=If held by a Banette, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball +showdown.items.beastball.desc=A special Poke Ball designed to catch Ultra Beasts. +showdown.items.beedrillite.desc=If held by a Beedrill, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.belueberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Juice +showdown.items.berryjuice.desc=Restores 20 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Sweet +showdown.items.berrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Root +showdown.items.bigroot.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining/Aqua Ring/Ingrain/Leech Seed/Strength Sap. +showdown.items.bigroot.gen6.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining moves, Aqua Ring, Ingrain, and Leech Seed. Band +showdown.items.bindingband.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves deal 1/6 max HP per turn instead of 1/8. Belt +showdown.items.blackbelt.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.blackbelt.gen3.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.1x power. Sludge +showdown.items.blacksludge.desc=Each turn, if holder is a Poison type, restores 1/16 max HP; loses 1/8 if not. +showdown.items.blacksludge.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Black Sludge! Glasses +showdown.items.blackglasses.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.blackglasses.gen3.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.blastoisinite.desc=If held by a Blastoise, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.blazikenite.desc=If held by a Blaziken, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Orb +showdown.items.blueorb.desc=If held by a Kyogre, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. Berry +showdown.items.blukberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Policy +showdown.items.blunderpolicy.desc=If the holder misses due to accuracy, its Speed is raised by 2 stages. Single use. Energy +showdown.items.boosterenergy.desc=Activates the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive Abilities. Single use. Cap +showdown.items.bottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. One of a Pokemon's stats is calculated with an IV of 31. Powder +showdown.items.brightpowder.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. +showdown.items.brightpowder.gen2.desc=An attack against the holder has its accuracy out of 255 lowered by 20. Gem +showdown.items.buggem.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.buggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.bugmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Bug type. Z +showdown.items.buginiumz.desc=If holder has a Bug move, this item allows it to use a Bug Z-Move. Drive +showdown.items.burndrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Fire type. +showdown.items.cameruptite.desc=If held by a Camerupt, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Battery +showdown.items.cellbattery.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Electric-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.charcoal.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.charcoal.gen3.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.1x power. X +showdown.items.charizarditex.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Y +showdown.items.charizarditey.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.chartiberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Rock-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.cheriberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. Ball +showdown.items.cherishball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an occasion. Berry +showdown.items.chestoberry.desc=Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.chilanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a Normal-type attack. Single use. Drive +showdown.items.chilldrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Ice type. Pot +showdown.items.chippedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea-Antique into Polteageist-Antique when used. Band +showdown.items.choiceband.desc=Holder's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Scarf +showdown.items.choicescarf.desc=Holder's Speed is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Specs +showdown.items.choicespecs.desc=Holder's Sp. Atk is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Berry +showdown.items.chopleberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fighting-type attack. Single use. Fossil +showdown.items.clawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Anorith. Amulet +showdown.items.clearamulet.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering the holder's stat stages. +showdown.items.clearamulet.block=The effects of %s's Clear Amulet prevent its stats from being lowered! Sweet +showdown.items.cloversweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Berry +showdown.items.cobaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Flying-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.colburberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dark-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.cornnberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Fossil +showdown.items.coverfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tirtouga. Cloak +showdown.items.covertcloak.desc=Holder is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. Pot +showdown.items.crackedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea into Polteageist when used. Berry +showdown.items.custapberry.desc=Holder moves first in its priority bracket when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.custapberry.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Custap Berry! Rock +showdown.items.damprock.desc=Holder's use of Rain Dance lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Gem +showdown.items.darkgem.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.darkgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.darkmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dark type. Z +showdown.items.darkiniumz.desc=If holder has a Dark move, this item allows it to use a Dark Z-Move. Stone +showdown.items.dawnstone.desc=Evolves male Kirlia into Gallade and female Snorunt into Froslass when used. +showdown.items.dawnstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Z +showdown.items.decidiumz.desc=If held by a Decidueye with Spirit Shackle, it can use Sinister Arrow Raid. Sea Scale +showdown.items.deepseascale.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss when traded. +showdown.items.deepseascale.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. Sea Tooth +showdown.items.deepseatooth.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Huntail when traded. +showdown.items.deepseatooth.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. Knot +showdown.items.destinyknot.desc=If holder becomes infatuated, the other Pokemon also becomes infatuated. +showdown.items.diancite.desc=If held by a Diancie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball +showdown.items.diveball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Pokemon that live underwater. Fossil +showdown.items.domefossil.desc=Can be revived into Kabuto. Drive +showdown.items.dousedrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Water type. Plate +showdown.items.dracoplate.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dragon type. Fang +showdown.items.dragonfang.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.dragonfang.gen3.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.dragonfang.gen2.desc=No competitive use. Gem +showdown.items.dragongem.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.dragongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.dragonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dragon type. Scale +showdown.items.dragonscale.desc=Evolves Seadra into Kingdra when traded. +showdown.items.dragonscale.gen2.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Seadra (trade). Z +showdown.items.dragoniumz.desc=If holder has a Dragon move, this item allows it to use a Dragon Z-Move. Plate +showdown.items.dreadplate.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dark type. Ball +showdown.items.dreamball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon while they're asleep. +showdown.items.dreamball.gen7.desc=A special Poke Ball that appears out of nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest. Disc +showdown.items.dubiousdisc.desc=Evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z when traded. Berry +showdown.items.durinberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball +showdown.items.duskball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokemon at night or in caves. Stone +showdown.items.duskstone.desc=Evolves Murkrow into Honchkrow, Misdreavus into Mismagius, Lampent into Chandelure, and Doublade into Aegislash when used. +showdown.items.duskstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Plate +showdown.items.earthplate.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ground type. Z +showdown.items.eeviumz.desc=If held by an Eevee with Last Resort, it can use Extreme Evoboost. Button +showdown.items.ejectbutton.desc=If holder survives a hit, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. Single use. +showdown.items.ejectbutton.end=%s is switched out with the Eject Button! Pack +showdown.items.ejectpack.desc=If the holder's stat stages are lowered, it switches to a chosen ally. Single use. +showdown.items.ejectpack.end=%s is switched out by the Eject Pack! +showdown.items.electirizer.desc=Evolves Electabuzz into Electivire when traded. Gem +showdown.items.electricgem.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.electricgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.electricmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Electric type. Seed +showdown.items.electricseed.desc=If the terrain is Electric Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. Z +showdown.items.electriumz.desc=If holder has an Electric move, this item allows it to use an Electric Z-Move. Berry +showdown.items.enigmaberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP after holder is hit by a supereffective move. Single use. +showdown.items.enigmaberry.gen3.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.items.eviolite.desc=If holder's species can evolve, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x. Belt +showdown.items.expertbelt.desc=Holder's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.2x damage. Z +showdown.items.fairiumz.desc=If holder has a Fairy move, this item allows it to use a Fairy Z-Move. Gem +showdown.items.fairygem.desc=Holder's first successful Fairy-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.fairymemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fairy type. Ball +showdown.items.fastball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokemon which are quick to run away. Gem +showdown.items.fightinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.fightinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.fightingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fighting type. Z +showdown.items.fightiniumz.desc=If holder has a Fighting move, this item allows it to use a Fighting Z-Move. Berry +showdown.items.figyberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.figyberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.figyberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. Gem +showdown.items.firegem.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.firegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.firememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fire type. Stone Vulpix into Ninetales, Growlithe into Arcanine, Eevee into Flareon, and Pansear into Simisear when used. certain species of Pokemon when used. Z +showdown.items.firiumz.desc=If holder has a Fire move, this item allows it to use a Fire Z-Move. Plate +showdown.items.fistplate.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fighting type. Orb +showdown.items.flameorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to burn the holder. Plate +showdown.items.flameplate.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fire type. Stone +showdown.items.floatstone.desc=Holder's weight is halved. Sweet +showdown.items.flowersweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Gem +showdown.items.flyinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.flyinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.flyingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Flying type. Z +showdown.items.flyiniumz.desc=If holder has a Flying move, this item allows it to use a Flying Z-Move. Band +showdown.items.focusband.desc=Holder has a 10% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. +showdown.items.focusband.gen2.desc=Holder has a ~11.7% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. +showdown.items.focusband.activate=%s hung on using its Focus Band! Sash +showdown.items.focussash.desc=If holder's HP is full, will survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. Single use. +showdown.items.focussash.gen4.desc=If holder's HP is full, survives all hits of one attack with at least 1 HP. Single use. +showdown.items.focussash.end=%s hung on using its Focus Sash! Bird +showdown.items.fossilizedbird.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Drake or Arctozolt with Fossilized Dino. Dino +showdown.items.fossilizeddino.desc=Can revive into Arctovish with Fossilized Fish or Arctozolt with Fossilized Bird. Drake +showdown.items.fossilizeddrake.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Bird or Dracovish with Fossilized Fish. Fish +showdown.items.fossilizedfish.desc=Can revive into Dracovish with Fossilized Drake or Arctovish with Fossilized Dino. Ball +showdown.items.friendball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes caught Pokemon more friendly. Incense +showdown.items.fullincense.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. Cuff +showdown.items.galaricacuff.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro when used. Wreath +showdown.items.galaricawreath.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking when used. +showdown.items.galladite.desc=If held by a Gallade, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.ganlonberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.garchompite.desc=If held by a Garchomp, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.gardevoirite.desc=If held by a Gardevoir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.gengarite.desc=If held by a Gengar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Gem +showdown.items.ghostgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.ghostgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.ghostmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ghost type. Z +showdown.items.ghostiumz.desc=If holder has a Ghost move, this item allows it to use a Ghost Z-Move. +showdown.items.glalitite.desc=If held by a Glalie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Bottle Cap +showdown.items.goldbottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. All of a Pokemon's stats are calculated with an IV of 31. Gem +showdown.items.grassgem.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.grassgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.grassmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Grass type. Z +showdown.items.grassiumz.desc=If holder has a Grass move, this item allows it to use a Grass Z-Move. Seed +showdown.items.grassyseed.desc=If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. Ball +showdown.items.greatball.desc=A high-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Poke Ball. Berry +showdown.items.grepaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Claw +showdown.items.gripclaw.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves always last 7 turns. Core +showdown.items.griseouscore.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb +showdown.items.griseousorb.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.griseousorb.gen4.desc=Can only be held by Giratina. Its Ghost- & Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Gem +showdown.items.groundgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.groundgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.groundmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ground type. Z +showdown.items.groundiumz.desc=If holder has a Ground move, this item allows it to use a Ground Z-Move. +showdown.items.gyaradosite.desc=If held by a Gyarados, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.habanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dragon-type attack. Single use. Stone +showdown.items.hardstone.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.hardstone.gen3.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.1x power. Ball +showdown.items.healball.desc=A remedial Poke Ball that restores the caught Pokemon's HP and status problem. Rock +showdown.items.heatrock.desc=Holder's use of Sunny Day lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Ball +showdown.items.heavyball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching very heavy Pokemon. Boots +showdown.items.heavydutyboots.desc=When switching in, the holder is unaffected by hazards on its side of the field. Fossil +showdown.items.helixfossil.desc=Can be revived into Omanyte. +showdown.items.heracronite.desc=If held by a Heracross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.hondewberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.houndoominite.desc=If held by a Houndoom, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.iapapaberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. Gem +showdown.items.icegem.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.icegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.icememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ice type. Stone +showdown.items.icestone.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales, Eevee into Glaceon, and Galarian Darumaka into Galarian Darmanitan when used. +showdown.items.icestone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.icestone.gen7.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash and Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales when used. Plate +showdown.items.icicleplate.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ice type. Z +showdown.items.iciumz.desc=If holder has an Ice move, this item allows it to use an Ice Z-Move. Rock +showdown.items.icyrock.desc=Holder's use of Hail lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Z +showdown.items.inciniumz.desc=If held by an Incineroar with Darkest Lariat, it can use Malicious Moonsault. Plate +showdown.items.insectplate.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Bug type. Ball +showdown.items.ironball.desc=Holder is grounded, Speed halved. If Flying type, takes neutral Ground damage. +showdown.items.ironball.gen4.desc=Holder's Speed is halved and it becomes grounded. Plate +showdown.items.ironplate.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Steel type. Berry +showdown.items.jabocaberry.desc=If holder is hit by a physical move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. Fossil +showdown.items.jawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tyrunt. Berry +showdown.items.kasibberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ghost-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.kebiaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Poison-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.keeberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage after it is hit by a physical attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.kelpsyberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.kangaskhanite.desc=If held by a Kangaskhan, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.'s Rock +showdown.items.kingsrock.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed and Slowpoke into Slowking when traded. +showdown.items.kingsrock.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. Z +showdown.items.kommoniumz.desc=If held by a Kommo-o with Clanging Scales, it can use Clangorous Soulblaze. Tail +showdown.items.laggingtail.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. Berry +showdown.items.lansatberry.desc=Holder gains the Focus Energy effect when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.latiasite.desc=If held by a Latias, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.latiosite.desc=If held by a Latios, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Incense +showdown.items.laxincense.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. +showdown.items.laxincense.gen3.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.95x. Stone +showdown.items.leafstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Eevee into Leafeon, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. +showdown.items.leafstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.leafstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. +showdown.items.leek.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d or Sirfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. +showdown.items.leftovers.desc=At the end of every turn, holder restores 1/16 of its max HP. +showdown.items.leftovers.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Berry +showdown.items.leppaberry.desc=Restores 10 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. +showdown.items.leppaberry.activate=%s restored PP to its move %s using its Leppa Berry! Ball +showdown.items.levelball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are a lower level than your own. Berry +showdown.items.liechiberry.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Orb +showdown.items.lifeorb.desc=Holder's attacks do 1.3x damage, and it loses 1/10 its max HP after the attack. +showdown.items.lifeorb.damage=%s lost some of its HP! Ball +showdown.items.lightball.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Attack and Sp. Atk are doubled. +showdown.items.lightball.gen4.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its attacks have their power doubled. +showdown.items.lightball.gen3.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Special Attack is doubled. Clay +showdown.items.lightclay.desc=Holder's use of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.lightclay.gen6.desc=Holder's use of Light Screen or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Dice +showdown.items.loadeddice.desc=Holder's moves that hit 2-5 times hit 4-5 times; Population Bomb hits 4-10 times. +showdown.items.lopunnite.desc=If held by a Lopunny, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball +showdown.items.loveball.desc=Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are the opposite gender of your Pokemon. Sweet +showdown.items.lovesweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.lucarionite.desc=If held by a Lucario, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Punch +showdown.items.luckypunch.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. +showdown.items.luckypunch.gen2.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) Berry +showdown.items.lumberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it has a non-volatile status or is confused. Single use. Moss +showdown.items.luminousmoss.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. Z +showdown.items.lunaliumz.desc=Lunala or Dawn Wings Necrozma with Moongeist Beam can use a special Z-Move. Ball +showdown.items.lureball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon hooked by a Rod when fishing. Globe +showdown.items.lustrousglobe.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb +showdown.items.lustrousorb.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Ball +showdown.items.luxuryball.desc=A comfortable Poke Ball that makes a caught wild Pokemon quickly grow friendly. Z +showdown.items.lycaniumz.desc=If held by a Lycanroc forme with Stone Edge, it can use Splintered Stormshards. Brace +showdown.items.machobrace.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.magmarizer.desc=Evolves Magmar into Magmortar when traded. +showdown.items.magnet.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.magnet.gen3.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.magoberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.magoberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.magoberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.magostberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.mail.desc=Cannot be given to or taken from a Pokemon, except by Covet/Knock Off/Thief. Armor +showdown.items.maliciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Ceruledge when used. +showdown.items.manectite.desc=If held by a Manectric, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.marangaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage after it is hit by a special attack. Single use. Z +showdown.items.marshadiumz.desc=If held by Marshadow with Spectral Thief, it can use Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike. Ball +showdown.items.masterball.desc=The best Ball with the ultimate performance. It will catch any wild Pokemon. +showdown.items.mawilite.desc=If held by a Mawile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Plate +showdown.items.meadowplate.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Grass type. +showdown.items.medichamite.desc=If held by a Medicham, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Herb +showdown.items.mentalherb.desc=Cures holder of Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, Torment. Single use. +showdown.items.mentalherb.gen4.desc=Holder is cured if it is infatuated. Single use. +showdown.items.metagrossite.desc=If held by a Metagross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Coat +showdown.items.metalcoat.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. +showdown.items.metalcoat.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. +showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. Powder +showdown.items.metalpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Defense is doubled. +showdown.items.metalpowder.gen2.desc=If held by a Ditto, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x, even while Transformed. +showdown.items.metronome.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 5 turns. +showdown.items.metronome.gen4.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 10 turns. Z +showdown.items.mewniumz.desc=If held by a Mew with Psychic, it can use Genesis Supernova. X +showdown.items.mewtwonitex.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Y +showdown.items.mewtwonitey.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.micleberry.desc=Holder's next move has 1.2x accuracy when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Z +showdown.items.mimikiumz.desc=If held by a Mimikyu with Play Rough, it can use Let's Snuggle Forever. Plate +showdown.items.mindplate.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Psychic type. Seed +showdown.items.miracleseed.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.miracleseed.gen3.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.1x power. Herb +showdown.items.mirrorherb.desc=When an opposing Pokemon raises a stat stage, the holder copies it. Single use. +showdown.items.mirrorherb.activate=%s used its Mirror Herb to mirror its opponent's stat changes! Seed +showdown.items.mistyseed.desc=If the terrain is Misty Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. Ball +showdown.items.moonball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that evolve using the Moon Stone. Stone +showdown.items.moonstone.desc=Evolves Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Nidorino into Nidoking, Clefairy into Clefable, Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff, Skitty into Delcatty, and Munna into Musharna when used. +showdown.items.moonstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Band +showdown.items.muscleband.desc=Holder's physical attacks have 1.1x power. Water +showdown.items.mysticwater.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.mysticwater.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.nanabberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball +showdown.items.nestball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on weaker Pokemon in the wild. Ball +showdown.items.netball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Water- and Bug-type Pokemon. Ice +showdown.items.nevermeltice.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.nevermeltice.gen3.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.nomelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Gem +showdown.items.normalgem.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.normalgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Z +showdown.items.normaliumz.desc=If holder has a Normal move, this item allows it to use a Normal Z-Move. Berry +showdown.items.occaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fire-type attack. Single use. Incense +showdown.items.oddincense.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. Amber +showdown.items.oldamber.desc=Can be revived into Aerodactyl. Berry +showdown.items.oranberry.desc=Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Stone +showdown.items.ovalstone.desc=Evolves Happiny into Chansey when held and leveled up during the day. Berry +showdown.items.pamtreberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball +showdown.items.parkball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Pal Park. Berry +showdown.items.passhoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Water-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.payapaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Psychic-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.pechaberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.persimberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.petayaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.pidgeotite.desc=If held by a Pidgeot, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Z +showdown.items.pikaniumz.desc=If held by a Pikachu with Volt Tackle, it can use Catastropika. Z +showdown.items.pikashuniumz.desc=If held by cap Pikachu with Thunderbolt, it can use 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. Berry +showdown.items.pinapberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.pinsirite.desc=If held by a Pinsir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Plate +showdown.items.pixieplate.desc=Holder's Fairy-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fairy type. Fossil +showdown.items.plumefossil.desc=Can be revived into Archen. Barb +showdown.items.poisonbarb.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.poisonbarb.gen3.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.1x power. Gem +showdown.items.poisongem.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.poisongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.poisonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Poison type. Z +showdown.items.poisoniumz.desc=If holder has a Poison move, this item allows it to use a Poison Z-Move. Ball +showdown.items.pokeball.desc=A device for catching wild Pokemon. It is designed as a capsule system. Berry +showdown.items.pomegberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Anklet +showdown.items.poweranklet.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Band +showdown.items.powerband.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Belt +showdown.items.powerbelt.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Bracer +showdown.items.powerbracer.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Herb +showdown.items.powerherb.desc=Holder's two-turn moves complete in one turn (except Sky Drop). Single use. +showdown.items.powerherb.end=%s became fully charged due to its Power Herb! Lens +showdown.items.powerlens.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Weight +showdown.items.powerweight.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Ball +showdown.items.premierball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an event. Z +showdown.items.primariumz.desc=If held by a Primarina with Sparkling Aria, it can use Oceanic Operetta. Scale +showdown.items.prismscale.desc=Evolves Feebas into Milotic when traded. Pads +showdown.items.protectivepads.desc=Holder's moves are protected from adverse contact effects, except Pickpocket. +showdown.items.protectivepads.block=%s protected itself with its Protective Pads! +showdown.items.protector.desc=Evolves Rhydon into Rhyperior when traded. Gem +showdown.items.psychicgem.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.psychicgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.psychicmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Psychic type. Seed +showdown.items.psychicseed.desc=If the terrain is Psychic Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. Z +showdown.items.psychiumz.desc=If holder has a Psychic move, this item allows it to use a Psychic Z-Move. Glove +showdown.items.punchingglove.desc=Holder's punch-based attacks have 1.1x power and do not make contact. Berry +showdown.items.qualotberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball +showdown.items.quickball.desc=A Poke Ball that provides a better catch rate at the start of a wild encounter. Claw +showdown.items.quickclaw.desc=Each turn, holder has a 20% chance to move first in its priority bracket. +showdown.items.quickclaw.gen2.desc=Each turn, holder has a ~23.4% chance to move first in its priority bracket. +showdown.items.quickclaw.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Quick Claw! Powder +showdown.items.quickpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Speed is doubled. Berry +showdown.items.rabutaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Bone +showdown.items.rarebone.desc=No competitive use other than when used with Fling. Berry +showdown.items.rawstberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. Claw +showdown.items.razorclaw.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Evolves Sneasel into Weavile when held and leveled up during the night. +showdown.items.razorclaw.shortDesc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Fang +showdown.items.razorfang.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Gligar into Gliscor when held and leveled up during the night. +showdown.items.razorfang.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. Berry +showdown.items.razzberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Cloth +showdown.items.reapercloth.desc=Evolves Dusclops into Dusknoir when traded. Card +showdown.items.redcard.desc=If holder survives a hit, attacker is forced to switch to a random ally. Single use. +showdown.items.redcard.end=%s held up its Red Card against %s! Orb +showdown.items.redorb.desc=If held by a Groudon, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. Ball +showdown.items.repeatball.desc=A Poke Ball that works well on Pokemon species that were previously caught. Sweet +showdown.items.ribbonsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Berry +showdown.items.rindoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Grass-type attack. Single use. Target +showdown.items.ringtarget.desc=The holder's type immunities granted solely by its typing are negated. Gem +showdown.items.rockgem.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.rockgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Incense +showdown.items.rockincense.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Memory +showdown.items.rockmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Rock type. Z +showdown.items.rockiumz.desc=If holder has a Rock move, this item allows it to use a Rock Z-Move. Helmet +showdown.items.rockyhelmet.desc=If holder is hit by a contact move, the attacker loses 1/6 of its max HP. +showdown.items.rockyhelmet.damage=%s was hurt by the Rocky Helmet! Service +showdown.items.roomservice.desc=If Trick Room is active, the holder's Speed is lowered by 1 stage. Single use. Fossil +showdown.items.rootfossil.desc=Can be revived into Lileep. Incense +showdown.items.roseincense.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Berry +showdown.items.roseliberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fairy-type attack. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.rowapberry.desc=If holder is hit by a special move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. Shield +showdown.items.rustedshield.desc=If held by a Zamazenta, this item changes its forme to Crowned Shield. Sword +showdown.items.rustedsword.desc=If held by a Zacian, this item changes its forme to Crowned Sword. +showdown.items.sablenite.desc=If held by a Sableye, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.sachet.desc=Evolves Spritzee into Aromatisse when traded. Ball +showdown.items.safariball.desc=A special Poke Ball that is used only in the Safari Zone and Great Marsh. Goggles +showdown.items.safetygoggles.desc=Holder is immune to powder moves and damage from Sandstorm or Hail. +showdown.items.safetygoggles.block=%s is not affected by %s thanks to its Safety Goggles! Fossil +showdown.items.sailfossil.desc=Can be revived into Amaura. Berry +showdown.items.salacberry.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.salamencite.desc=If held by a Salamence, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.sceptilite.desc=If held by a Sceptile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.scizorite.desc=If held by a Scizor, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Lens +showdown.items.scopelens.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Incense +showdown.items.seaincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.seaincense.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.05x power. Beak +showdown.items.sharpbeak.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.sharpbeak.gen3.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.sharpedonite.desc=If held by a Sharpedo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Shell +showdown.items.shedshell.desc=Holder may switch out even when trapped by another Pokemon, or by Ingrain. Bell +showdown.items.shellbell.desc=After an attack, holder gains 1/8 of the damage in HP dealt to other Pokemon. +showdown.items.shellbell.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Shell Bell! Stone +showdown.items.shinystone.desc=Evolves Togetic into Togekiss, Roselia into Roserade, Minccino into Cinccino, and Floette into Florges when used. +showdown.items.shinystone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Drive +showdown.items.shockdrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Electric type. Berry +showdown.items.shucaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ground-type attack. Single use. Scarf +showdown.items.silkscarf.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.silkscarf.gen3.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Powder +showdown.items.silverpowder.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.silverpowder.gen3.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.sitrusberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.sitrusberry.gen3.desc=Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Fossil +showdown.items.skullfossil.desc=Can be revived into Cranidos. Plate +showdown.items.skyplate.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Flying type. +showdown.items.slowbronite.desc=If held by a Slowbro, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Rock +showdown.items.smoothrock.desc=Holder's use of Sandstorm lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Z +showdown.items.snorliumz.desc=If held by a Snorlax with Giga Impact, it can use Pulverizing Pancake. +showdown.items.snowball.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Ice-type attack. Single use. Sand +showdown.items.softsand.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.softsand.gen3.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.1x power. Z +showdown.items.solganiumz.desc=Solgaleo or Dusk Mane Necrozma with Sunsteel Strike can use a special Z-Move. Dew +showdown.items.souldew.desc=If held by a Latias/Latios, its Dragon- and Psychic-type moves have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.souldew.gen6.desc=If held by a Latias or a Latios, its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def are 1.5x. Tag +showdown.items.spelltag.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.spelltag.gen3.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.spelonberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Plate +showdown.items.splashplate.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Water type. Plate +showdown.items.spookyplate.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ghost type. Ball +showdown.items.sportball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Bug-Catching Contest. Berry +showdown.items.starfberry.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 when at 1/4 max HP or less (not acc/eva). Single use. Sweet +showdown.items.starsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.steelixite.desc=If held by a Steelix, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Gem +showdown.items.steelgem.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.steelgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.steelmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Steel type. Z +showdown.items.steeliumz.desc=If holder has a Steel move, this item allows it to use a Steel Z-Move. +showdown.items.stick.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. +showdown.items.stick.gen2.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) Barb +showdown.items.stickybarb.desc=Each turn, holder loses 1/8 max HP. An attacker making contact can receive it. Plate +showdown.items.stoneplate.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Rock type. Sweet +showdown.items.strawberrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Stone +showdown.items.sunstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Bellossom, Sunkern into Sunflora, Cottonee into Whimsicott, Petilil into Lilligant, and Helioptile into Heliolisk when used. +showdown.items.sunstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.swampertite.desc=If held by a Swampert, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Apple +showdown.items.sweetapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Appletun when used. Berry +showdown.items.tamatoberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Berry +showdown.items.tangaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Bug-type attack. Single use. Z +showdown.items.tapuniumz.desc=If held by a Tapu with Nature's Madness, it can use Guardian of Alola. Apple +showdown.items.tartapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Flapple when used. Extender +showdown.items.terrainextender.desc=Holder's use of Electric/Grassy/Misty/Psychic Terrain lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Club +showdown.items.thickclub.desc=If held by a Cubone or a Marowak, its Attack is doubled. Spray +showdown.items.throatspray.desc=Raises holder's Special Attack by 1 stage after it uses a sound move. Single use. Stone +showdown.items.thunderstone.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, Eelektrik into Eelektross, and Charjabug into Vikavolt when used. +showdown.items.thunderstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.thunderstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, and Eelektrik into Eelektross when used. Ball +showdown.items.timerball.desc=A Poke Ball that becomes better the more turns there are in a battle. Orb +showdown.items.toxicorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to badly poison the holder. Plate +showdown.items.toxicplate.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Poison type. +showdown.items.tr00.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Swords Dance. One use. +showdown.items.tr01.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Slam. One use. +showdown.items.tr02.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flamethrower. One use. +showdown.items.tr03.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hydro Pump. One use. +showdown.items.tr04.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Surf. One use. +showdown.items.tr05.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Ice Beam. One use. +showdown.items.tr06.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Blizzard. One use. +showdown.items.tr07.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Low Kick. One use. +showdown.items.tr08.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Thunderbolt. One use. +showdown.items.tr09.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Thunder. One use. +showdown.items.tr10.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Earthquake. One use. +showdown.items.tr11.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psychic. One use. +showdown.items.tr12.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Agility. One use. +showdown.items.tr13.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Focus Energy. One use. +showdown.items.tr14.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Metronome. One use. +showdown.items.tr15.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Fire Blast. One use. +showdown.items.tr16.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Waterfall. One use. +showdown.items.tr17.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Amnesia. One use. +showdown.items.tr18.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leech Life. One use. +showdown.items.tr19.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Tri Attack. One use. +showdown.items.tr20.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Substitute. One use. +showdown.items.tr21.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Reversal. One use. +showdown.items.tr22.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sludge Bomb. One use. +showdown.items.tr23.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Spikes. One use. +showdown.items.tr24.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Outrage. One use. +showdown.items.tr25.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psyshock. One use. +showdown.items.tr26.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Endure. One use. +showdown.items.tr27.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sleep Talk. One use. +showdown.items.tr28.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Megahorn. One use. +showdown.items.tr29.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Baton Pass. One use. +showdown.items.tr30.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Encore. One use. +showdown.items.tr31.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Tail. One use. +showdown.items.tr32.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Crunch. One use. +showdown.items.tr33.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Shadow Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr34.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Future Sight. One use. +showdown.items.tr35.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Uproar. One use. +showdown.items.tr36.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heat Wave. One use. +showdown.items.tr37.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Taunt. One use. +showdown.items.tr38.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Trick. One use. +showdown.items.tr39.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Superpower. One use. +showdown.items.tr40.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Skill Swap. One use. +showdown.items.tr41.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Blaze Kick. One use. +showdown.items.tr42.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hyper Voice. One use. +showdown.items.tr43.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Overheat. One use. +showdown.items.tr44.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Cosmic Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr45.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Muddy Water. One use. +showdown.items.tr46.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Defense. One use. +showdown.items.tr47.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Claw. One use. +showdown.items.tr48.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Bulk Up. One use. +showdown.items.tr49.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Calm Mind. One use. +showdown.items.tr50.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leaf Blade. One use. +showdown.items.tr51.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Dance. One use. +showdown.items.tr52.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Gyro Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr53.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Close Combat. One use. +showdown.items.tr54.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Toxic Spikes. One use. +showdown.items.tr55.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flare Blitz. One use. +showdown.items.tr56.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Aura Sphere. One use. +showdown.items.tr57.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Poison Jab. One use. +showdown.items.tr58.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dark Pulse. One use. +showdown.items.tr59.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Seed Bomb. One use. +showdown.items.tr60.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move X-Scissor. One use. +showdown.items.tr61.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Bug Buzz. One use. +showdown.items.tr62.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Pulse. One use. +showdown.items.tr63.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Power Gem. One use. +showdown.items.tr64.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Focus Blast. One use. +showdown.items.tr65.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Energy Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr66.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Brave Bird. One use. +showdown.items.tr67.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Earth Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr68.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Nasty Plot. One use. +showdown.items.tr69.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Zen Headbutt. One use. +showdown.items.tr70.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flash Cannon. One use. +showdown.items.tr71.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leaf Storm. One use. +showdown.items.tr72.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Power Whip. One use. +showdown.items.tr73.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Gunk Shot. One use. +showdown.items.tr74.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Head. One use. +showdown.items.tr75.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stone Edge. One use. +showdown.items.tr76.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stealth Rock. One use. +showdown.items.tr77.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Grass Knot. One use. +showdown.items.tr78.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sludge Wave. One use. +showdown.items.tr79.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heavy Slam. One use. +showdown.items.tr80.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Electro Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr81.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Foul Play. One use. +showdown.items.tr82.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stored Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr83.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Ally Switch. One use. +showdown.items.tr84.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Scald. One use. +showdown.items.tr85.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Work Up. One use. +showdown.items.tr86.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Wild Charge. One use. +showdown.items.tr87.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Drill Run. One use. +showdown.items.tr88.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heat Crash. One use. +showdown.items.tr89.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hurricane. One use. +showdown.items.tr90.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Play Rough. One use. +showdown.items.tr91.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Venom Drench. One use. +showdown.items.tr92.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dazzling Gleam. One use. +showdown.items.tr93.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Darkest Lariat. One use. +showdown.items.tr94.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move High Horsepower. One use. +showdown.items.tr95.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Throat Chop. One use. +showdown.items.tr96.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Pollen Puff. One use. +showdown.items.tr97.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psychic Fangs. One use. +showdown.items.tr98.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Liquidation. One use. +showdown.items.tr99.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Press. One use. Spoon +showdown.items.twistedspoon.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.twistedspoon.gen3.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.tyranitarite.desc=If held by a Tyranitar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball +showdown.items.ultraball.desc=An ultra-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Great Ball. Z +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.desc=Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma: Ultra Burst, then Z-Move w/ Photon Geyser. +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.transform=Bright light is about to burst out of %s! +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.activate=%s regained its true power through Ultra Burst! +showdown.items.upgrade.desc=Evolves Porygon into Porygon2 when traded. Umbrella +showdown.items.utilityumbrella.desc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. Damage and accuracy calculations from attacks used by the holder are affected by rain and sun, but not attacks used against the holder. +showdown.items.utilityumbrella.shortDesc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. +showdown.items.venusaurite.desc=If held by a Venusaur, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry +showdown.items.wacanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Electric-type attack. Single use. Gem +showdown.items.watergem.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.watergem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory +showdown.items.watermemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Water type. Stone +showdown.items.waterstone.desc=Evolves Poliwhirl into Poliwrath, Shellder into Cloyster, Staryu into Starmie, Eevee into Vaporeon, Lombre into Ludicolo, and Panpour into Simipour when used. +showdown.items.waterstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Z +showdown.items.wateriumz.desc=If holder has a Water move, this item allows it to use a Water Z-Move. Berry +showdown.items.watmelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Incense +showdown.items.waveincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Policy +showdown.items.weaknesspolicy.desc=If holder is hit super effectively, raises Attack, Sp. Atk by 2 stages. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.wepearberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Dream +showdown.items.whippeddream.desc=Evolves Swirlix into Slurpuff when traded. Herb +showdown.items.whiteherb.desc=Restores all lowered stat stages to 0 when one is less than 0. Single use. +showdown.items.whiteherb.end=%s returned its stats to normal using its White Herb! Lens +showdown.items.widelens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.1x. Berry +showdown.items.wikiberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.wikiberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.wikiberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. Glasses +showdown.items.wiseglasses.desc=Holder's special attacks have 1.1x power. Berry +showdown.items.yacheberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ice-type attack. Single use. Plate +showdown.items.zapplate.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Electric type. Lens +showdown.items.zoomlens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.2x if it moves after its target. Gene +showdown.items.berserkgene.desc=(Gen 2) On switch-in, raises holder's Attack by 2 and confuses it. Single use. +showdown.items.berry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.bitterberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.burntberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.goldberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.iceberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.mintberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.miracleberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is confused or has a status condition. Single use. Berry +showdown.items.mysteryberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 5 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. +showdown.items.mysteryberry.activate=%s restored PP to its %s move using Mystery Berry! Bow +showdown.items.pinkbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Bow +showdown.items.polkadotbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Cure Berry +showdown.items.przcureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. Cure Berry +showdown.items.psncureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. +showdown.items.crucibellite.desc=If held by a Crucibelle, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Vial +showdown.items.vilevial.desc=If held by a Venomicon, its Poison- and Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power.,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt +showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Has a very high chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Very high critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.absorb.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.absorb.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If the target has a substitute, this move misses. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. +showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.acid.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.acid.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.acid.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.acid.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.acid.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.acid.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.acid.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Armor +showdown.moves.acidarmor.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.acidarmor.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Downpour +showdown.moves.aciddownpour.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Spray +showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.acrobatics.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user has no held item. +showdown.moves.acupressure.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an adjacent ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if used on an ally with a substitute. +showdown.moves.acupressure.shortDesc=Raises a random stat of the user or an ally by 2. +showdown.moves.acupressure.gen4.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if the user or ally has a substitute. Ace +showdown.moves.aerialace.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.aeroblast.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.aeroblast.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. You +showdown.moves.afteryou.desc=The target makes its move immediately after the user this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target would have moved next anyway, or if the target already moved this turn. +showdown.moves.afteryou.shortDesc=The target makes its move right after the user. +showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s took the kind offer! +showdown.moves.agility.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.agility.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. Cutter +showdown.moves.aircutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.aircutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. Slash +showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Pummeling +showdown.moves.alloutpummeling.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Switch +showdown.moves.allyswitch.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Ally Switch. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.shortDesc=User and ally swap positions; using again can fail. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.shortDesc=The user swaps positions with its ally. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally on the opposite side of the field. Fails if there is no Pokemon at that position, if the user is the only Pokemon on its side, or if the user is in the middle. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.shortDesc=Switches position with the ally on the far side. +showdown.moves.amnesia.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.amnesia.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 2. Shot +showdown.moves.anchorshot.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.anchorshot.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. +showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. Power +showdown.moves.ancientpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Acid +showdown.moves.appleacid.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.appleacid.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Cutter +showdown.moves.aquacutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.aquacutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Jet +showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Ring +showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn while it remains active. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will receive the healing effect. +showdown.moves.aquaring.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. +showdown.moves.aquaring.start=%s surrounded itself with a veil of water! +showdown.moves.aquaring.heal=A veil of water restored %s's HP! Step +showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Tail +showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=No additional effect. Cannon +showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Thrust +showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.armthrust.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Sap Sipper Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.activate=A soothing aroma wafted through the area! Mist +showdown.moves.aromaticmist.desc=Raises the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. +showdown.moves.aromaticmist.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.assist.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. +showdown.moves.assist.shortDesc=Uses a random move known by a team member. +showdown.moves.assist.gen8.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. +showdown.moves.assist.gen7.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.assist.gen6.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. +showdown.moves.assist.gen5.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. +showdown.moves.assist.gen4.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. +showdown.moves.assist.gen3.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. +showdown.moves.assurance.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn, other than direct damage from Belly Drum, confusion, Curse, or Pain Split. +showdown.moves.assurance.shortDesc=Power doubles if target was damaged this turn. +showdown.moves.assurance.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn. +showdown.moves.astonish.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.astonish.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Barrage +showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Order +showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.attract.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.attract.shortDesc=A target of the opposite gender gets infatuated. +showdown.moves.attract.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.attract.gen2.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. +showdown.moves.attract.start=%s fell in love! +showdown.moves.attract.startFromItem=%s fell in love because of the %s! +showdown.moves.attract.end=%s got over its infatuation! +showdown.moves.attract.endFromItem=%s cured its infatuation using its %s! +showdown.moves.attract.activate=%s is in love with %s! +showdown.moves.attract.cant=%s is immobilized by love! Sphere +showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Wheel +showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. If the user is a Morpeko in Full Belly Mode, this move is Electric type. If the user is a Morpeko in Hangry Mode, this move is Dark type. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Full Belly or Hangry Mode Morpeko. +showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Electric; Hangry: Dark; 100% +1 Spe. Beam +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Veil +showdown.moves.auroraveil.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies halved. Snow only. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies is halved. Hail only. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.start=Aurora Veil made %s stronger against physical and special moves! +showdown.moves.auroraveil.end=%s's Aurora Veil wore off! +showdown.moves.autotomize.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. If the user's Speed was changed, the user's weight is reduced by 100 kg as long as it remains active. This effect is stackable but cannot reduce the user's weight to less than 0.1 kg. +showdown.moves.autotomize.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2; user loses 100 kg. +showdown.moves.autotomize.start=%s became nimble! +showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. +showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. +showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's position this turn. Kick +showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. +showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30% confusion. User loses 50% max HP if miss. +showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Eyes +showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Bad +showdown.moves.baddybad.desc=This move summons Reflect for 5 turns upon use. +showdown.moves.baddybad.shortDesc=Summons Reflect. Bunker +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: poison. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Barrage +showdown.moves.barbbarrage.desc=Has a 50% chance to poison the target. Power doubles if the target is already poisoned. +showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50% psn. 2x power if target already poisoned. +showdown.moves.barrage.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.barrier.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Pass +showdown.moves.batonpass.desc=The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party. The selected Pokemon has the user's stat stage changes, confusion, and certain move effects transferred to it. +showdown.moves.batonpass.shortDesc=User switches, passing stat changes and more. Blast +showdown.moves.beakblast.desc=If the user is hit by a contact move this turn before it can execute this move, the attacker is burned. +showdown.moves.beakblast.shortDesc=Burns on contact with the user before it moves. +showdown.moves.beakblast.start=%s started heating up its beak! Up +showdown.moves.beatup.desc=Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. The power of each hit is equal to 5+(X/10), where X is each participating Pokemon's base Attack; each hit is considered to come from the user. +showdown.moves.beatup.shortDesc=All healthy allies aid in damaging the target. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party, or fails if no Pokemon meet the criteria. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's level, its base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense. Fails if no party members can participate. +showdown.moves.beatup.activate=%s's attack! Bash +showdown.moves.behemothbash.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. Blade +showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. +showdown.moves.belch.desc=This move cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry, either by eating one that was held, stealing and eating one off another Pokemon with Bug Bite or Pluck, or eating one that was thrown at it with Fling. Once the condition is met, this move can be selected and used for the rest of the battle even if the user gains or uses another item or switches out. Consuming a Berry with Natural Gift does not count for the purposes of eating one. +showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=Cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry. Drum +showdown.moves.bellydrum.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 12 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack stat stage is 6. +showdown.moves.bellydrum.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Maximizes Attack. +showdown.moves.bellydrum.boost=%s cut its own HP and maximized its Attack! +showdown.moves.bestow.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. +showdown.moves.bestow.shortDesc=User passes its held item to the target. +showdown.moves.bestow.gen6.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. +showdown.moves.bestow.gen5.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. +showdown.moves.bestow.takeItem=%s gave %s its %s! +showdown.moves.bide.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.bide.shortDesc=Waits 2 turns; deals double the damage taken. +showdown.moves.bide.gen4.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and ignores type immunity. +showdown.moves.bide.gen3.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.bide.gen2.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and then, on the second or third turn after using this move, the user attacks the opponent, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during those turns. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.bide.gen2.shortDesc=Waits 2-3 turns; deals double the damage taken. +showdown.moves.bide.gen1.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and then, on the second or third turn after using this move, the user attacks the opponent, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during those turns. This move ignores type immunity and cannot be avoided even if the target is using Dig or Fly. The user can choose to switch out during the effect. If the user switches out or is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. During the effect, if the opposing Pokemon switches out or uses Confuse Ray, Conversion, Focus Energy, Glare, Haze, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mimic, Mist, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Splash, Stun Spore, Substitute, Supersonic, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Transform, the previous damage dealt to the user will be added to the total. +showdown.moves.bide.start=%s is storing energy! +showdown.moves.bide.end=%s unleashed its energy! +showdown.moves.bide.activate=%s is storing energy! +showdown.moves.bind.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.bind.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.bind.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.bind.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. +showdown.moves.bind.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.bind.start=%s was squeezed by %s! +showdown.moves.bind.move=%s's attack continues! +showdown.moves.bite.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Blade +showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Malice +showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Hole Eclipse +showdown.moves.blackholeeclipse.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Burn +showdown.moves.blastburn.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.blastburn.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Kick +showdown.moves.blazekick.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.blazekick.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to burn. Torque +showdown.moves.blazingtorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Storm +showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.blizzard.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. If the weather is Snow, this move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.blizzard.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in Snow. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. If the weather is Hail, this move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in Hail. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.block.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.block.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. +showdown.moves.block.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.block.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.block.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.block.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. Doom +showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Flare +showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20% chance to burn the target. Press +showdown.moves.bodypress.desc=Damage is calculated using the user's Defense stat as its Attack, including stat stage changes. Other effects that modify the Attack stat are used as normal. +showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Uses user's Def stat as Atk in damage calculation. Slam +showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.bodyslam.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Beak +showdown.moves.boltbeak.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.boltbeak.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. Strike +showdown.moves.boltstrike.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.boltstrike.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze the target. Club +showdown.moves.boneclub.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.boneclub.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen1.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Rush +showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.bounce.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.bounce.shortDesc=Bounces turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. +showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s sprang up! Bubble +showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Poke +showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=No additional effect. Bird +showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. +showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Swipe +showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Blitz +showdown.moves.breakneckblitz.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Break +showdown.moves.brickbreak.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen6.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or not the target is immune, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.shortDesc=Destroys screens, even if the target is immune. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen3.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or not the target is immune, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the opponent's side of the field before damage is calculated. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! +showdown.moves.brine.desc=Power doubles if the target has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining. +showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less. Swing +showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.bubble.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bubble.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Beam +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Bite +showdown.moves.bugbite.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.bugbite.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. +showdown.moves.bugbite.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.bugbite.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! Buzz +showdown.moves.bugbuzz.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Up +showdown.moves.bulkup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1. Punch +showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Seed +showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Jealousy +showdown.moves.burningjealousy.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target if it had a stat stage raised this turn. +showdown.moves.burningjealousy.shortDesc=100% burns a target that had a stat rise this turn. Up +showdown.moves.burnup.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. +showdown.moves.burnup.shortDesc=User's Fire type becomes typeless; must be Fire. +showdown.moves.burnup.gen8.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. +showdown.moves.burnup.typeChange=%s burned itself out! Buzz +showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the foe. +showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the foe. Mind +showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.camouflage.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. +showdown.moves.camouflage.shortDesc=Changes user's type by terrain (default Normal). +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen6.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Grass type during Grassy Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Ground type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. (Ground) +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the user has the Multitype Ability or if the type is one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. (Normal) +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen3.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the type is one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. The target is unaffected if both the user and the target are the same gender, or if either is genderless. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. +showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=No additional effect. Edge +showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing side. +showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.celebrate.activate=Congratulations, %s! +showdown.moves.charge.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's next Electric-type attack will have its power doubled; the effect ends when the user is no longer active, or after the user attempts to use any Electric-type move besides Charge, even if it is not successful. +showdown.moves.charge.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's next Electric move 2x power. +showdown.moves.charge.gen8.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. +showdown.moves.charge.gen8.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's Electric move next turn 2x power. +showdown.moves.charge.gen3.desc=If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. +showdown.moves.charge.gen3.shortDesc=The user's Electric attack next turn has 2x power. +showdown.moves.charge.start=%s began charging power! Beam +showdown.moves.chargebeam.desc=Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.charm.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.charm.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.chatter.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.chatter.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 0 or 10 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 0 for a low volume or no recording, 10 for a medium to high volume recording. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.shortDesc=For Chatot, 10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 1, 11, or 31 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 1 for no recording or low volume, 11 for medium volume, and 31 for high volume. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.shortDesc=For Chatot, 31% chance to confuse the target. Water +showdown.moves.chillingwater.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.chillingwater.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Reception +showdown.moves.chillyreception.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. The user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.chillyreception.shortDesc=Starts Snow. User switches out. +showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s is preparing to tell a chillingly bad joke! Away +showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. +showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Throw +showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target is under the effect of Ingrain, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. +showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. +showdown.moves.clamp.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.clamp.start=%s clamped down on %s! +showdown.moves.clamp.move=%s's attack continues! Scales +showdown.moves.clangingscales.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.clangingscales.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1. Soul +showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage in exchange for the user losing 33% of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed stat stages would not change. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=User loses 33% of its max HP. +1 to all stats. Soulblaze +showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1. Smog +showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Resets all of the target's stat stages to 0. Combat +showdown.moves.closecombat.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.closecombat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.coaching.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. +showdown.moves.coaching.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.coil.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.coil.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack, Defense, accuracy by 1. Course +showdown.moves.collisioncourse.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. +showdown.moves.collisioncourse.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. Torque +showdown.moves.combattorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Punch +showdown.moves.cometpunch.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. +showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. +showdown.moves.confide.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Ray +showdown.moves.confuseray.desc=Causes the target to become confused. +showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confuses the target. +showdown.moves.confusion.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.confusion.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.constrict.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.constrict.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Crush +showdown.moves.continentalcrush.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.conversion.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of the move in its first move slot. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if the type is one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion.shortDesc=Changes user's type to match its first move. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides this move, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.shortDesc=Changes user's type to match a known move. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen4.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides this move and Curse, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides Curse, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. +showdown.moves.conversion.typeChange=Converted type to %s's! 2 +showdown.moves.conversion2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the target, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist target's last move. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, if the user has the Multitype Ability, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.shortDesc=User's type changes to resist last move against it. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type, but considers Struggle as Normal. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the opposing Pokemon, even if it is one of the user's current types. The original type of the move is used rather than the determined type. Fails if the opposing Pokemon has not used a move. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist the foe's last move. +showdown.moves.copycat.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. +showdown.moves.copycat.shortDesc=Uses the last move used in the battle. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen8.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. The base move of Max and G-Max Moves is considered for this purpose. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen7.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen6.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen5.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. Enforcer +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.shortDesc=Nullifies the foe(s) Ability if the foe(s) move first. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen7.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. Crash +showdown.moves.corkscrewcrash.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Gas +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=The target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.shortDesc=Removes adjacent Pokemon's held items. it failed to affect %s! +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.removeItem=%s corroded %s's %s! Power +showdown.moves.cosmicpower.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.cosmicpower.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Guard +showdown.moves.cottonguard.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 3 stages. +showdown.moves.cottonguard.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 3. Spore +showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.counter.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. +showdown.moves.counter.shortDesc=If hit by physical attack, returns double damage. +showdown.moves.counter.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. +showdown.moves.counter.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.counter.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.counter.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a physical attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. If the opposing Pokemon used Fissure or Horn Drill and missed, this move deals 65535 damage. +showdown.moves.counter.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the damage dealt by the last move used in the battle. This move ignores type immunity. Fails if the user moves first, or if the opposing side's last move was Counter, had 0 power, or was not Normal or Fighting type. Fails if the last move used by either side did 0 damage and was not Confuse Ray, Conversion, Focus Energy, Glare, Haze, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mimic, Mist, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Splash, Stun Spore, Substitute, Supersonic, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Transform. +showdown.moves.counter.gen1.shortDesc=If hit by Normal/Fighting move, deals 2x damage. Change +showdown.moves.courtchange.desc=Switches the Mist, Light Screen, Reflect, Spikes, Safeguard, Tailwind, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Water Pledge, Fire Pledge, Grass Pledge, Sticky Web, Aurora Veil, G-Max Steelsurge, G-Max Cannonade, G-Max Vine Lash, and G-Max Wildfire effects from the user's side to the opposing side and vice versa. +showdown.moves.courtchange.shortDesc=Swaps user's field effects with the opposing side. +showdown.moves.courtchange.activate=%s swapped the battle effects affecting each side of the field! +showdown.moves.covet.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.covet.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. +showdown.moves.covet.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.covet.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, or a Genesect holding a Drive. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.covet.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.covet.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.crabhammer.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.crabhammer.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shield +showdown.moves.craftyshield.desc=The user and its party members are protected from non-damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.craftyshield.shortDesc=Protects allies from Status moves this turn. +showdown.moves.craftyshield.start=Crafty Shield protected %s! +showdown.moves.craftyshield.block=Crafty Shield protected %s! Chop +showdown.moves.crosschop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Poison +showdown.moves.crosspoison.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.crosspoison.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. +showdown.moves.crunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.crunch.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Claw +showdown.moves.crushclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.crushclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Grip +showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. +showdown.moves.curse.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected. +showdown.moves.curse.shortDesc=Curses if Ghost, else -1 Spe, +1 Atk, +1 Def. +showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected or has a substitute. +showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage, unless the user's Attack and Defense stats are both at stage 6. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if the target is already affected or has a substitute. +showdown.moves.curse.start=%s cut its own HP and put a curse on %s! +showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s is afflicted by the curse! +showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=No additional effect. Lariat +showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. +showdown.moves.darkestlariat.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. Pulse +showdown.moves.darkpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.darkpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. Void +showdown.moves.darkvoid.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Darkrai. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.shortDesc=Darkrai: Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.shortDesc=Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. %s can't use the move! +showdown.moves.darkvoid.failWrongForme=But %s can't use it the way it is now! Gleam +showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. Order +showdown.moves.defendorder.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.defendorder.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Curl +showdown.moves.defensecurl.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. As long as the user remains active, the power of the user's Ice Ball and Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). +showdown.moves.defensecurl.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen2.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. While the user remains active, the power of the user's Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.defog.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. If there is a terrain active and this move is successful, the terrain will be cleared. +showdown.moves.defog.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears terrain and hazards on both sides. +showdown.moves.defog.gen7.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. +showdown.moves.defog.gen7.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears user and target side's hazards. +showdown.moves.defog.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. +showdown.moves.defog.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock end for the target's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. +showdown.moves.defog.gen5.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears target side's hazards/screens. Bond +showdown.moves.destinybond.desc=Until the user's next move, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. Fails if the user used this move successfully as its last move, disregarding moves used through the Dancer Ability. +showdown.moves.destinybond.shortDesc=If an opponent knocks out the user, it also faints. +showdown.moves.destinybond.gen6.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. +showdown.moves.destinybond.gen2.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well. +showdown.moves.destinybond.start=%s is hoping to take its attacker down with it! +showdown.moves.destinybond.activate=%s took its attacker down with it! +showdown.moves.detect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen5.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen4.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. Drake +showdown.moves.devastatingdrake.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Storm +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage for each hit. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Def by 1 for each hit. +showdown.moves.dig.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.dig.shortDesc=Digs underground turn 1, strikes turn 2. +showdown.moves.dig.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.dig.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. +showdown.moves.dig.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude, the user is unaffected by weather, and Earthquake and Magnitude have doubled power when used against the user. +showdown.moves.dig.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Fly. +showdown.moves.dig.prepare=%s burrowed its way under the ground! Claw +showdown.moves.direclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to cause the target to either fall asleep, become poisoned, or become paralyzed. +showdown.moves.direclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to sleep, poison, or paralyze target. +showdown.moves.disable.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Max or G-Max Move. +showdown.moves.disable.shortDesc=For 4 turns, disables the target's last move used. +showdown.moves.disable.gen7.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Z-Move. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.disable.gen6.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, or if the target no longer knows the move. +showdown.moves.disable.gen4.desc=For 4 to 7 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. +showdown.moves.disable.gen4.shortDesc=For 4-7 turns, disables the target's last move. +showdown.moves.disable.gen3.desc=For 2 to 5 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. +showdown.moves.disable.gen3.shortDesc=For 2-5 turns, disables the target's last move. +showdown.moves.disable.gen2.desc=For 1 to 7 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. +showdown.moves.disable.gen2.shortDesc=For 1-7 turns, disables the target's last move. +showdown.moves.disable.gen1.desc=For 0 to 7 turns, one of the target's known moves that has at least 1 PP remaining becomes disabled, at random. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, or if none of the target's moves have PP remaining. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. Whether or not this move was successful, it counts as a hit for the purposes of the opponent's use of Rage. +showdown.moves.disable.gen1.shortDesc=For 0-7 turns, disables one of the target's moves. +showdown.moves.disable.start=%s's %s was disabled! +showdown.moves.disable.end=%s's move is no longer disabled! +showdown.moves.disable.cant=%s's %s is disabled! Voice +showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.desc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. +showdown.moves.discharge.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.discharge.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.dive.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.dive.shortDesc=Dives underwater turn 1, strikes turn 2. +showdown.moves.dive.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.dive.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. +showdown.moves.dive.prepare=%s hid underwater! Punch +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.doodle.desc=The user and its ally's Abilities change to match the target's Ability. Does not change Ability if the user's or its ally's is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target. Fails if both the user and its ally's Ability already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=User and ally's Abilities become target's Ability. Desire +showdown.moves.doomdesire.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.start=%s chose Doom Desire as its destiny! +showdown.moves.doomdesire.activate=%s took the Doom Desire attack! +showdown.moves.doubleedge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. Hit +showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. Iron Bash +showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Hits twice. 30% chance to make the target flinch. Kick +showdown.moves.doublekick.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen1.desc=Hits twice. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for both hits. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Shock +showdown.moves.doubleshock.desc=Fails unless the user is an Electric type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Electric type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. +showdown.moves.doubleshock.shortDesc=User's Electric type: typeless; must be Electric. +showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=%s used up all of its electricity! Slap +showdown.moves.doubleslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Team +showdown.moves.doubleteam.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. Meteor +showdown.moves.dracometeor.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.dracometeor.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Ascent +showdown.moves.dragonascent.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.dragonascent.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.dragonascent.megaNoItem=%s's fervent wish has reached %s! Breath +showdown.moves.dragonbreath.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.dragonbreath.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Claw +showdown.moves.dragonclaw.shortDesc=No additional effect. Dance +showdown.moves.dragondance.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.dragondance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1. Darts +showdown.moves.dragondarts.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. In Double Battles, this move attempts to hit the targeted Pokemon and its ally once each. If hitting one of these Pokemon would be prevented by immunity, protection, semi-invulnerability, an Ability, or accuracy, it attempts to hit the other Pokemon twice instead. If this move is redirected, it hits that target twice. +showdown.moves.dragondarts.shortDesc=Hits twice. Doubles: Tries to hit each foe once. Energy +showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. +showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Hammer +showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=No additional effect. Pulse +showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=No additional effect. Rage +showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Deals 40 HP of damage to the target. Rush +showdown.moves.dragonrush.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.dragonrush.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.dragonrush.gen5.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Tail +showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target used Ingrain previously, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. +showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. Kiss +showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. Punch +showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. Eater +showdown.moves.dreameater.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=User gains 1/2 HP inflicted. Sleeping target only. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. Peck +showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Run +showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Beating +showdown.moves.drumbeating.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Chop +showdown.moves.dualchop.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.dualchop.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Wingbeat +showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Cannon +showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. Punch +showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. Power +showdown.moves.earthpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.earthpower.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.earthquake.desc=Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles on Dig. Voice +showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=For every consecutive turn that this move is used by at least one Pokemon, this move's power is multiplied by the number of turns to pass, but not more than 5. +showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Power increases when used on consecutive turns. Impulse +showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2. Spell +showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the target loses 3 PP from its last move. +showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. +showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! Bomb +showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. Terrain +showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.electricterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Electric power, can't sleep. +showdown.moves.electricterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.electrify.desc=Causes the target's move to become Electric type this turn. Among effects that can change a move's type, this effect happens last. Fails if the target already moved this turn. +showdown.moves.electrify.shortDesc=Changes the target's move to Electric this turn. +showdown.moves.electrify.start=%s's moves have been electrified! Ball +showdown.moves.electroball.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 40. +showdown.moves.electroball.shortDesc=More power the faster the user is than the target. +showdown.moves.electroball.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. Drift +showdown.moves.electrodrift.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. +showdown.moves.electrodrift.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. +showdown.moves.electroweb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.electroweb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.embargo.desc=For 5 turns, the target's held item has no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by the target. Items thrown at the target with Fling will still activate for it. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to use items. +showdown.moves.embargo.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the target's item has no effect. +showdown.moves.embargo.start=%s can't use items anymore! +showdown.moves.embargo.end=%s can use items again! +showdown.moves.ember.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.ember.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.encore.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Assist, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. +showdown.moves.encore.shortDesc=Target repeats its last move for its next 3 turns. +showdown.moves.encore.gen8.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, or if the move is Assist, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.encore.gen7.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Assist, Copycat, Encore, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or any Z-Move. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.encore.gen6.desc=For 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.encore.gen4.desc=For 4 to 8 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.encore.gen4.shortDesc=The target repeats its last move for 4-8 turns. +showdown.moves.encore.gen3.desc=For 3 to 6 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.encore.gen3.shortDesc=The target repeats its last move for 3-6 turns. +showdown.moves.encore.gen2.desc=For 3 to 6 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.encore.start=%s must do an encore! +showdown.moves.encore.end=%s's encore ended! +showdown.moves.endeavor.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (target's current HP - user's current HP). The target is unaffected if its current HP is less than or equal to the user's current HP. +showdown.moves.endeavor.shortDesc=Lowers the target's HP to the user's HP. +showdown.moves.endure.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.shortDesc=User survives attacks this turn with at least 1 HP. +showdown.moves.endure.gen8.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen7.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen6.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen5.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen4.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen3.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.gen2.desc=The user will survive attacks made by the opponent during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.endure.start=%s braced itself! +showdown.moves.endure.activate=%s endured the hit! Ball +showdown.moves.energyball.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.energyball.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.entrainment.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.entrainment.shortDesc=The target's Ability changes to match the user's. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Stance Change, Truant, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Truant, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.eruption.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. +showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Wing +showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage and a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100% chance to raise user Speed by 1. High crit. +showdown.moves.eternabeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Force +showdown.moves.expandingforce.desc=If the current terrain is Psychic Terrain and the user is grounded, this move hits all opposing Pokemon and has its power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.moves.expandingforce.shortDesc=User on Psychic Terrain: 1.5x power, hits foes. +showdown.moves.explosion.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.explosion.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. User faints. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move broke the target's substitute. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Evoboost +showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Raises user's Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe by 2. Speed +showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. +showdown.moves.extremespeed.gen4.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.facade.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. The physical damage halving effect from the user's burn is ignored. +showdown.moves.facade.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed. +showdown.moves.facade.gen5.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. Lock +showdown.moves.fairylock.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. +showdown.moves.fairylock.shortDesc=Prevents all Pokemon from switching next turn. +showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. +showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=No one will be able to run away during the next turn! Wind +showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=No additional effect. Out +showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. +showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance. Tears +showdown.moves.faketears.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Surrender +showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Swipe +showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. +showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Dance +showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.feint.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.feint.shortDesc=Nullifies Detect, Protect, and Quick/Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.feint.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.feint.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target is an opponent and its side is protected by Quick Guard or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the opponent's side normally. +showdown.moves.feint.gen4.desc=Fails unless the target is using Detect or Protect. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. +showdown.moves.feint.gen4.shortDesc=Breaks protection. Fails if target is not protecting. +showdown.moves.feint.activate=%s fell for the feint! Attack +showdown.moves.feintattack.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Stinger +showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 3 stages if this move knocks out the target. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 3 if this KOes the target. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages if this move knocks out the target. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 2 if this KOes the target. Dance +showdown.moves.fierydance.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Wrath +showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. Away +showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stat stages would not change. +showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's max HP. Gambit +showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's current HP. If this move is successful, the user faints. +showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's HP. User faints. Blast +showdown.moves.fireblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.fireblast.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Fang +showdown.moves.firefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. +showdown.moves.firefang.shortDesc=10% chance to burn. 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.moves.firefang.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. This move can hit Pokemon with the Wonder Guard Ability regardless of their typing. Lash +showdown.moves.firelash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.firelash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Pledge +showdown.moves.firepledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Grass Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Fire Gem. +showdown.moves.firepledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Water Pledge for added effect. +showdown.moves.firepledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... +showdown.moves.firepledge.start=A sea of fire enveloped %s! +showdown.moves.firepledge.end=The sea of fire around %s disappeared! +showdown.moves.firepledge.damage=%s was hurt by the sea of fire! Punch +showdown.moves.firepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.firepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Spin +showdown.moves.firespin.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.firespin.start=%s became trapped in the fiery vortex! +showdown.moves.firespin.move=%s's attack continues! Impression +showdown.moves.firstimpression.desc=Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. +showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. Rend +showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.fissure.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. Can hit a target using Dig. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. +showdown.moves.flail.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. +showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.flail.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.flail.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Burst +showdown.moves.flameburst.desc=If this move is successful, the target's ally loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. +showdown.moves.flameburst.shortDesc=Damages Pokemon next to the target as well. +showdown.moves.flameburst.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, each ally adjacent to the target loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. +showdown.moves.flameburst.damage=The bursting flame hit %s! Charge +showdown.moves.flamecharge.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.flamecharge.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Wheel +showdown.moves.flamewheel.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.flamewheel.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.flamethrower.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.flamethrower.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Blitz +showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.flash.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Cannon +showdown.moves.flashcannon.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.flatter.desc=Raises the target's Special Attack by 1 stage and confuses it. +showdown.moves.flatter.shortDesc=Raises the target's Sp. Atk by 1 and confuses it. Cannon +showdown.moves.fleurcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.fleurcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.fling.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If there is no target or the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, if the user is under the effect of Embargo or Magic Room, or if the user has the Klutz Ability. +showdown.moves.fling.shortDesc=Flings the user's item at the target. Power varies. +showdown.moves.fling.gen4.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, or if the user is under the effect of Embargo. +showdown.moves.fling.removeItem=%s flung its %s! Turn +showdown.moves.flipturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. +showdown.moves.flipturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. +showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! Fall +showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Healing +showdown.moves.floralhealing.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, the target instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. Shield +showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Raises the Defense of all active Grass-type Pokemon by 1 stage. Fails if there are no active Grass-type Pokemon. +showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass types. Trick +showdown.moves.flowertrick.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.flowertrick.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit; no accuracy check. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. up on first turn, then strikes the next turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Thunder, Twister, and Whirlwind, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Dig. flew up high! Press +showdown.moves.flyingpress.desc=This move combines Flying in its type effectiveness against the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.flyingpress.shortDesc=Combines Flying in its type effectiveness. Blast +showdown.moves.focusblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.focusblast.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Energy +showdown.moves.focusenergy.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 2 stages. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.shortDesc=Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 2. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 1 stage. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.shortDesc=Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 1. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its chance for a critical hit is quartered. Fails if the user already has the effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.shortDesc=Quarters the user's chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.start=%s is getting pumped! +showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromItem=%s used the %s to get pumped! +showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromZEffect=%s boosted its critical-hit ratio using its Z-Power! Punch +showdown.moves.focuspunch.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.shortDesc=Fails if the user takes damage before it hits. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.gen4.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move, but it still loses PP. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.start=%s is tightening its focus! +showdown.moves.focuspunch.cant=%s lost its focus and couldn't move! Me +showdown.moves.followme.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.followme.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. +showdown.moves.followme.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.followme.gen4.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. This effect remains active even if the user leaves the field. Fails if it is not a Double Battle. +showdown.moves.followme.gen3.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod Ability. This effect remains active even if the user leaves the field. Fails if it is not a Double Battle. +showdown.moves.followme.start=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.followme.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Palm +showdown.moves.forcepalm.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.forcepalm.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.foresight.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Miracle Eye or Odor Sleuth. +showdown.moves.foresight.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen2.desc=As long as the target remains active, if its evasiveness stat stage is greater than the attacker's accuracy stat stage, both are ignored during accuracy checks, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. Fails if the target is already affected. +showdown.moves.foresight.start=%s was identified!'s Curse +showdown.moves.forestscurse.desc=Causes the Grass type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Grass type. If Trick-or-Treat adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. +showdown.moves.forestscurse.shortDesc=Adds Grass to the target's type(s). Play +showdown.moves.foulplay.desc=Damage is calculated using the target's Attack stat, including stat stage changes. The user's Ability, item, and burn are used as normal. +showdown.moves.foulplay.shortDesc=Uses target's Attack stat in damage calculation. +showdown.moves.freezedry.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. This move's type effectiveness against Water is changed to be super effective no matter what this move's type is. +showdown.moves.freezedry.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. Super effective on Water. Shock +showdown.moves.freezeshock.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.freezeshock.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. +showdown.moves.freezeshock.prepare=%s became cloaked in a freezing light! Glare +showdown.moves.freezingglare.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Frost +showdown.moves.freezyfrost.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. +showdown.moves.freezyfrost.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. Plant +showdown.moves.frenzyplant.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Breath +showdown.moves.frostbreath.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. +showdown.moves.frostbreath.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. +showdown.moves.frustration.desc=Power is equal to the greater of ((255 - user's Happiness) * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. +showdown.moves.frustration.shortDesc=Max 102 power at minimum Happiness. Attack +showdown.moves.furyattack.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Cutter +showdown.moves.furycutter.desc=Power doubles with each successful hit, up to a maximum of 160 power. The power is reset if this move misses or another move is used. +showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit, up to 160. Swipes +showdown.moves.furyswipes.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Bolt +showdown.moves.fusionbolt.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Flare. +showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare this turn. Flare +showdown.moves.fusionflare.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Bolt. +showdown.moves.fusionflare.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Bolt this turn. Sight +showdown.moves.futuresight.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. +showdown.moves.futuresight.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. +showdown.moves.futuresight.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. +showdown.moves.futuresight.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move is already in effect for the target's position. +showdown.moves.futuresight.start=%s foresaw an attack! +showdown.moves.futuresight.activate=%s took the Future Sight attack! Acid +showdown.moves.gastroacid.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.shortDesc=Nullifies the target's Ability. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Multitype or Stance Change, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.start=%s's Ability was suppressed! Grind +showdown.moves.geargrind.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.geargrind.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Up +showdown.moves.gearup.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. Supernova +showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=If this move is successful, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Summons Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Charges, then raises SpA, SpD, Spe by 2 turn 2. +showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=%s is absorbing power! Drain +showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. Impact +showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Hammer +showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. Havoc +showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Lance +showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. Rush +showdown.moves.glaiverush.desc=If this move is successful, moves targeted at the user deal double damage and do not check accuracy until the user's next turn. +showdown.moves.glaiverush.shortDesc=User takes sure-hit 2x damage until its next turn. +showdown.moves.glare.desc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.glare.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.glare.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.glare.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. Glow +showdown.moves.glitzyglow.desc=This move summons Light Screen for 5 turns upon use. +showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Summons Light Screen. Befuddle +showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either falls asleep, becomes poisoned, or becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: slp or psn or par. Cannonade +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Water-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=%s got caught in the vortex of water! +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Cannonade’s vortex! Centiferno +showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. Chi Strike +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has their critical hit ratio raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Crit Ratio +1. +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s is getting pumped! Cuddle +showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes infatuated, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen for a target if both it and the user are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. +showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: infatuated. Depletion +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side loses 2 PP from its last move used, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: last move -2 PP. +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=%s's PP was reduced! Drum Solo +showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Finale +showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/6 of its current maximum HP, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1/6 max HP. Fire Ball +showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Foam Burst +showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 2 stages, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed. Gold Rush +showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Gravitas +showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Gravity begins. +showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Gravity. Hydrosnipe +showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Malodor +showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes poisoned, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: poisoned. Meltdown +showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Torment begins for each Pokemon on the opposing side, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Tormented. One Blow +showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. +showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. Rapid Flow +showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. +showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. Replenish +showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance every Pokemon on the user's side has its Berry restored, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Base move affects power. 50% restores Berries. Resonance +showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Aurora Veil begins on the user's side. +showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Aurora Veil. Sandblast +showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. Smite +showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Snooze +showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance the effect of Yawn begins on the target, even if it has a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Target: 50% Yawn. Steelsurge +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Steel type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Steel hazard. +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=Sharp-pointed pieces of steel started floating around %s! +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.end=The pieces of steel surrounding %s disappeared! +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=The sharp steel bit into %s! Stonesurge +showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth Rock. Stun Shock +showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either becomes poisoned or paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: psn or par. Sweetness +showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has its status condition cured, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: status cured. Tartness +showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the evasiveness of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 evasiveness. Terror +showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching out, even if they have a substitute. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If a target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: trapped. Vine Lash +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Grass-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=%s got trapped with vines! +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Vine Lash’s ferocious beating! Volcalith +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Rock-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=%s became surrounded by rocks! +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=%s is hurt by the rocks thrown out by G-Max Volcalith! Volt Crash +showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. +showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: paralyzed. Wildfire +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Fire-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=%s were surrounded by fire! +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=%s is burning up within G-Max Wildfire’s flames! Wind Rage +showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain end, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. +showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Ends Terrain, hazards. Knot +showdown.moves.grassknot.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. +showdown.moves.grassknot.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. Pledge +showdown.moves.grasspledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Grass Gem. +showdown.moves.grasspledge.shortDesc=Use with Fire or Water Pledge for added effect. +showdown.moves.grasspledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... +showdown.moves.grasspledge.start=A swamp enveloped %s! +showdown.moves.grasspledge.end=The swamp around %s disappeared! Whistle +showdown.moves.grasswhistle.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Glide +showdown.moves.grassyglide.desc=If the current terrain is Grassy Terrain and the user is grounded, this move has its priority increased by 1. +showdown.moves.grassyglide.shortDesc=User on Grassy Terrain: +1 priority. Terrain +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Grass power, +1/16 max HP. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. Apple +showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. Power is multiplied by 1.5 during Gravity's effect. +showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Target: 100% -1 Def. During Gravity: 1.5x power. +showdown.moves.gravity.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. +showdown.moves.gravity.shortDesc=5 turns: no Ground immunities, 1.67x accuracy. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected, but will be prevented at execution during this effect. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, and Magnet Rise end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, and Splash are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. +showdown.moves.growl.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.growl.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.growl.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.growth.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella, this move will only raise the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage, even if the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land. +showdown.moves.growth.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1; 2 in Sun. +showdown.moves.growth.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.growth.gen5.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.growth.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.growth.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.growth.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.growth.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 1. +showdown.moves.grudge.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that move loses all its remaining PP. +showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=If the user faints, the attack used loses all its PP. +showdown.moves.grudge.activate=%s's %s lost all of its PP due to the grudge! +showdown.moves.grudge.start=%s wants its target to bear a grudge! of Alola +showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to 3/4 of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 3/4 target's current HP. Split +showdown.moves.guardsplit.desc=The user and the target have their Defense and Special Defense stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Defense and Special Defense stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. +showdown.moves.guardsplit.shortDesc=Averages Defense and Sp. Def stats with target. +showdown.moves.guardsplit.activate=%s shared its guard with the target! Swap +showdown.moves.guardswap.desc=The user swaps its Defense and Special Defense stat stage changes with the target. +showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Swaps Defense and Sp. Def changes with target. +showdown.moves.guillotine.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.guillotine.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. Shot +showdown.moves.gunkshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.gunkshot.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.gust.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.gust.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce, Fly, and Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.gust.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. +showdown.moves.gust.gen4.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce and Fly. +showdown.moves.gust.gen2.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Fly. +showdown.moves.gust.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles during Fly. +showdown.moves.gust.gen1.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.gust.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. Ball +showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 1. +showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=More power the slower the user than the target. +showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. +showdown.moves.hail.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, Overcoat, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. +showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=For 5 turns, hail crashes down. +showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. +showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type. Fails if the current weather is Hail. Arm +showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. Hour +showdown.moves.happyhour.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.happyhour.activate=Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere! +showdown.moves.harden.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.harden.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.haze.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. +showdown.moves.haze.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. +showdown.moves.haze.gen1.desc=Resets the stat stages of both Pokemon to 0 and removes stat reductions due to burn and paralysis. Resets Toxic counters to 0 and removes the effect of confusion, Disable, Focus Energy, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mist, and Reflect from both Pokemon. Removes the opponent's non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.haze.gen1.shortDesc=Resets all stat changes. Removes foe's status. +showdown.moves.haze.activate=All STATUS changes are eliminated! +showdown.moves.headbutt.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Charge +showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. Rush +showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Smash +showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. +showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. Bell +showdown.moves.healbell.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. +showdown.moves.healbell.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen7.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are also cured. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen4.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen2.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.healbell.activate=A bell chimed! Block +showdown.moves.healblock.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. +showdown.moves.healblock.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the foe(s) is prevented from healing. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing moves are unusable, move effects that grant healing will not heal, but Abilities and items will continue to heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under the effect. Pain Split is unaffected. +showdown.moves.healblock.start=%s was prevented from healing! +showdown.moves.healblock.end=%s's Heal Block wore off! +showdown.moves.healblock.cant=%s can't use %s because of Heal Block! it failed to affect %s! Wish +showdown.moves.healingwish.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP is fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets either of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.healingwish.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pokemon is fully healed. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.healingwish.heal=The healing wish came true for %s! Order +showdown.moves.healorder.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Pulse +showdown.moves.healpulse.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user has the Mega Launcher Ability, the target instead restores 3/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.healpulse.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.healpulse.gen5.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Stamp +showdown.moves.heartstamp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Swap +showdown.moves.heartswap.desc=The user swaps all its stat stage changes with the target. +showdown.moves.heartswap.shortDesc=Swaps all stat changes with target. Crash +showdown.moves.heatcrash.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.heatcrash.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. +showdown.moves.heatcrash.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Wave +showdown.moves.heatwave.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.heatwave.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the foe(s). Slam +showdown.moves.heavyslam.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.heavyslam.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. +showdown.moves.heavyslam.gen6.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Hand +showdown.moves.helpinghand.desc=The power of the target's attack this turn is multiplied by 1.5 (this effect is stackable). Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user or if the ally already moved this turn, but does not fail if the ally is using a two-turn move. +showdown.moves.helpinghand.shortDesc=One adjacent ally's move power is 1.5x this turn. +showdown.moves.helpinghand.start=%s is ready to help %s! +showdown.moves.hex.desc=Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.hex.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target has a status ailment. Power +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.desc=This move's type depends on the user's individual values (IVs), and can be any type but Fairy and Normal. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.shortDesc=Varies in type based on the user's IVs. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.desc=This move's type and power depend on the user's individual values (IVs). Power varies between 30 and 70, and type can be any but Normal. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.shortDesc=Varies in power and type based on the user's IVs. Power Bug Power Dark Power Dragon Power Electric Power Fighting Power Fire Power Flying Power Ghost Power Grass Power Ground Power Ice Power Poison Power Psychic Power Rock Power Steel Power Water Horsepower +showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=No additional effect. Jump Kick +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to 1/8 the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, as crash damage. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Back +showdown.moves.holdback.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. +showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Hands +showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=No competitive use. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. +showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=No competitive use. Claws +showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. Attack +showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. Drill +showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. Leech +showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.howl.desc=Raises the Attack of the user and all allies 1 stage. +showdown.moves.howl.shortDesc=Raises the user's and ally's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.howl.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.howl.gen7.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.hurricane.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. +showdown.moves.hurricane.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse target. Can't miss in rain. +showdown.moves.hurricane.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.hurricane.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. Cannon +showdown.moves.hydrocannon.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.hydrocannon.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Pump +showdown.moves.hydropump.shortDesc=No additional effect. Steam +showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=If the current weather is Sunny Day and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella, this move's damage is multiplied by 1.5 instead of halved for being Water type. +showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=During Sunny Day: 1.5x damage instead of half. Vortex +showdown.moves.hydrovortex.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Beam +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move, unless the target or its substitute was knocked out by this move. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Can't move next turn if target or sub is not KOed. Drill +showdown.moves.hyperdrill.shortDesc=Bypasses protection without breaking it. Fang +showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Fury +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Lowers user's Def by 1; breaks protect. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.activate=It broke through %s's protection! %s can't use the move! Hole +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Breaks the target's protection for this turn. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=It broke through %s's protection! Voice +showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Ball +showdown.moves.iceball.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. +showdown.moves.iceball.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. +showdown.moves.iceball.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. +showdown.moves.iceball.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. Beam +showdown.moves.icebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.icebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Burn +showdown.moves.iceburn.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.iceburn.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% burn. +showdown.moves.iceburn.prepare=%s became cloaked in freezing air! Fang +showdown.moves.icefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. +showdown.moves.icefang.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. 10% chance to flinch. Hammer +showdown.moves.icehammer.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.icehammer.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. Punch +showdown.moves.icepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.icepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Shard +showdown.moves.iceshard.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.iceshard.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Spinner +showdown.moves.icespinner.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.icespinner.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. Crash +showdown.moves.iciclecrash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.iciclecrash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Spear +showdown.moves.iciclespear.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Wind +showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.icywind.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.icywind.gen2.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.imprison.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. +showdown.moves.imprison.shortDesc=No foe can use any move known by the user. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen7.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen6.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen4.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Fails if no opposing Pokemon know any of the user's moves. +showdown.moves.imprison.start=%s sealed any moves its target shares with it! +showdown.moves.imprison.cant=%s can't use its sealed %s! +showdown.moves.incinerate.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry or a Gem. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.incinerate.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry/Gem. +showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry. +showdown.moves.incinerate.removeItem=%s's %s was burned up! Parade +showdown.moves.infernalparade.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.infernalparade.shortDesc=30% burn. 2x power if target is already statused. +showdown.moves.inferno.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the target. Overdrive +showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.infestation.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.infestation.start=%s has been afflicted with an infestation by %s! +showdown.moves.ingrain.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. +showdown.moves.ingrain.shortDesc=Traps/grounds user; heals 1/16 max HP per turn. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen7.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen5.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes and Toxic Spikes, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen4.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes and Toxic Spikes, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, and the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. Traps user. +showdown.moves.ingrain.start=%s planted its roots! +showdown.moves.ingrain.block=%s is anchored in place with its roots! +showdown.moves.ingrain.heal=%s absorbed nutrients with its roots! +showdown.moves.instruct.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, Wicked Torque, any two-turn move, or any recharge move. +showdown.moves.instruct.shortDesc=The target immediately uses its last used move. +showdown.moves.instruct.gen8.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Max or G-Max Move. +showdown.moves.instruct.gen7.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.instruct.activate=%s followed %s's instructions! Deluge +showdown.moves.iondeluge.desc=Causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. The effect happens after other effects that change a move's type. +showdown.moves.iondeluge.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. +showdown.moves.iondeluge.activate=A deluge of ions showers the battlefield! Defense +showdown.moves.irondefense.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.irondefense.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Head +showdown.moves.ironhead.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.ironhead.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Tail +showdown.moves.irontail.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Lock +showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Prevents the user and the target from switching out. The user and the target can still switch out if either of them is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. +showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching out. Punch +showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.judgment.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. +showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Plate. Kick +showdown.moves.jumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to 1/8 the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, as crash damage. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it would've dealt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Healing +showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. +showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. Chop +showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.kinesis.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.kinesis.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1.'s Shield +showdown.moves.kingsshield.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Atk. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Atk. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Off +showdown.moves.knockoff.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.knockoff.shortDesc=1.5x damage if foe holds an item. Removes item. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen7.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot remove Z-Crystals, cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, cause Pokemon that can Mega Evolve to lose the Mega Stone for their species, or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, or Memory respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen6.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, cause Pokemon that can Mega Evolve to lose the Mega Stone for their species, or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, or Drive, respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, or force a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect to lose their Griseous Orb, Plate, or Drive, respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.shortDesc=Removes the target's held item. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of the battle, unless the item is a Griseous Orb or the target has the Multitype or Sticky Hold Abilities. During the effect, the target cannot obtain a new item by any means. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.shortDesc=Target's item is lost and it cannot obtain another. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen3.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of the battle, unless it has the Sticky Hold Ability. During the effect, the target cannot gain a new item by any means. +showdown.moves.knockoff.removeItem=%s knocked off %s's %s! Cleave +showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.'s Wrath +showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Focus +showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the user's attacks will be critical hits. +showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit. +showdown.moves.laserfocus.start=%s concentrated intensely! Out +showdown.moves.lashout.desc=Power doubles if the user had a stat stage lowered this turn. +showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x power if the user had a stat lowered this turn. Resort +showdown.moves.lastresort.desc=This move fails unless the user knows this move and at least one other move, and has used all the other moves it knows at least once each since it became active or Transformed. +showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Fails unless each known move has been used. Respects +showdown.moves.lastrespects.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side, and X cannot be greater than 100. +showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 power for each time a party member fainted. Plume +showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.leafage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Blade +showdown.moves.leafblade.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.leafblade.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Storm +showdown.moves.leafstorm.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.leafstorm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Tornado +showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Life +showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.leechlife.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. Seed +showdown.moves.leechseed.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Mortal Spin or Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. +showdown.moves.leechseed.shortDesc=1/8 of target's HP is restored to user every turn. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen8.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen3.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Rapid Spin, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen1.desc=At the end of each of the target's turns, The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/16 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down and multiplied by the target's current Toxic counter if it has one, even if the target currently has less than that amount of HP remaining. If the target switches out or any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move. +showdown.moves.leechseed.start=%s was seeded! +showdown.moves.leechseed.end=%s was freed from Leech Seed! +showdown.moves.leechseed.damage=%s's health is sapped by Leech Seed! +showdown.moves.leer.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1.'s Snuggle Forever +showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.lick.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Dew +showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max HP. of Ruin +showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. Screen +showdown.moves.lightscreen.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.shortDesc=For 5 turns, special damage to allies is halved. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from special attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from special attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members have their Special Defense doubled. Critical hits ignore this effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user's party has doubled Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its Special is doubled when taking damage. Critical hits ignore this effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.shortDesc=While active, user's Special is 2x when damaged. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.start=%s's protected against special attacks! +showdown.moves.lightscreen.start=Light Screen made %s stronger against special moves! +showdown.moves.lightscreen.end=%s's Light Screen wore off! That Burns the Sky +showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.liquidation.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.liquidation.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.lockon.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. +showdown.moves.lockon.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Mind Reader's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. +showdown.moves.lockon.start=%s took aim at %s! Kiss +showdown.moves.lovelykiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Kick +showdown.moves.lowkick.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. +showdown.moves.lowkick.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. +showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Sweep +showdown.moves.lowsweep.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.lowsweep.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Chant +showdown.moves.luckychant.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot be struck by a critical hit. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.luckychant.shortDesc=For 5 turns, shields user's party from critical hits. +showdown.moves.luckychant.start=Lucky Chant shielded %s from critical hits! +showdown.moves.luckychant.end=%s's Lucky Chant wore off! Crash +showdown.moves.luminacrash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.luminacrash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. Blessing +showdown.moves.lunarblessing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. +showdown.moves.lunarblessing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. Dance +showdown.moves.lunardance.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or PP, or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP and PP are fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets any of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.lunardance.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pkmn is cured, max HP/PP. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed, with PP. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. +showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=%s became cloaked in mystical moonlight! +showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Purge +showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Punch +showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Leaf +showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Torque +showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.magicaltorque.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse the target. Coat +showdown.moves.magiccoat.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.shortDesc=Bounces back certain non-damaging moves. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen5.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen4.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. If the move targets both opposing Pokemon, the Pokemon under this effect will reflect the move only targeting the original user. The effect ends once a move is reflected or at the end of the turn. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen3.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. If the move targets both opposing Pokemon and the Pokemon under this effect is on the left side, it will reflect the move targeting both opposing Pokemon and its ally will not be affected by the original move; otherwise, if the Pokemon under this effect is on the right side, its ally will be affected by the original move and this Pokemon will reflect the move only targeting the original user. The effect ends once a move is reflected or at the end of the turn. Moves reflected in this way can be reflected again by another Pokemon under this effect. If the user has the Soundproof Ability, it nullifies sound-based moves before this effect happens. The Lightning Rod Ability redirects Electric moves before this move takes effect. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.start=%s shrouded itself with Magic Coat! +showdown.moves.magiccoat.move=%s bounced the %s back! Powder +showdown.moves.magicpowder.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Psychic type, or if the target is Terastallized. +showdown.moves.magicpowder.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Psychic. +showdown.moves.magicpowder.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Psychic type. Room +showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=For 5 turns, the held items of all active Pokemon have no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all held items have no effect. Storm +showdown.moves.magmastorm.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns; seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another partial-trapping move. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.start=%s became trapped by swirling magma! Bomb +showdown.moves.magnetbomb.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Flux +showdown.moves.magneticflux.desc=Raises the Defense and Special Defense of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.magneticflux.shortDesc=Raises Def, Sp. Def of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. Rise +showdown.moves.magnetrise.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user has immunity to Ground. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effect of Ingrain. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.start=%s levitated with electromagnetism! +showdown.moves.magnetrise.end=%s's electromagnetism wore off! +showdown.moves.magnitude.desc=The power of this move varies; 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. +showdown.moves.magnitude.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power varies; 2x on Dig. +showdown.moves.magnitude.gen4.desc=The power of this move varies. 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Power doubles if the target is using Dig. +showdown.moves.magnitude.activate=Magnitude %s! It Rain +showdown.moves.makeitrain.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.makeitrain.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.makeitrain.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! Moonsault +showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.desc=Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target used Minimize. Block +showdown.moves.matblock.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field, if the user moves last this turn, or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.matblock.shortDesc=Protects allies from damaging attacks. Turn 1 only. +showdown.moves.matblock.start=%s intends to flip up a mat and block incoming attacks! +showdown.moves.matblock.block=%s was blocked by the kicked-up mat! Airstream +showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Speed. Darkness +showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Def. Flare +showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sunny Day begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sunny Day. Flutterby +showdown.moves.maxflutterby.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Atk. Geyser +showdown.moves.maxgeyser.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Rain Dance begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxgeyser.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Rain Dance. Guard +showdown.moves.maxguard.desc=The user is protected from nearly all attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, including Max and G-Max Moves. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.maxguard.shortDesc=Protects user from moves & Max Moves this turn. +showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s protected itself! Hailstorm +showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Hail begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Hail. Knuckle +showdown.moves.maxknuckle.desc=Boosts the user and its allies' Attack by 1 stage. BP scales with the base move's BP. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Attack. Lightning +showdown.moves.maxlightning.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Electric Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Electric Terrain. Mindstorm +showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Psychic Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Psychic Terrain. Ooze +showdown.moves.maxooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Atk. Overgrowth +showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Grassy Terrain. Phantasm +showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Defense. Quake +showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Def. Rockfall +showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sandstorm. Starfall +showdown.moves.maxstarfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Misty Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Misty Terrain. Steelspike +showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Defense. Strike +showdown.moves.maxstrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxstrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Speed. Wyrmwind +showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. +showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Attack. Look +showdown.moves.meanlook.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.meanlook.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.meditate.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.meditate.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. First +showdown.moves.mefirst.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Magical Torque, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Struggle, Thief, or Wicked Torque. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.shortDesc=Copies a foe at 1.5x power. User must be faster. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen8.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Shell Trap, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen7.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Shell Trap, Struggle, Thief, or any Z-Move. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen6.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen5.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen4.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. Drain +showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. +showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=No additional effect. Kick +showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=No additional effect. Punch +showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.memento.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints unless this move misses or there is no target. Fails entirely if this move hits a substitute, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. +showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User faints. +showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints, even if this move misses. This move can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if there is no target, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. +showdown.moves.memento.gen3.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints. This move does not check accuracy, and can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages are both -6. +showdown.moves.memento.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! Moonraze Maelstrom +showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Burst +showdown.moves.metalburst.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. +showdown.moves.metalburst.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. +showdown.moves.metalburst.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. +showdown.moves.metalburst.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. Claw +showdown.moves.metalclaw.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Sound +showdown.moves.metalsound.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Assault +showdown.moves.meteorassault.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.meteorassault.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Beam +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.shortDesc=Raises user's Sp. Atk by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s is overflowing with space power! Mash +showdown.moves.meteormash.desc=Has a 20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.meteormash.shortDesc=20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.metronome.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Armor Cannon, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Chilling Water, Chilly Reception, Clangorous Soul, Collision Course, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Doodle, Double Iron Bash, Double Shock, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Electro Drift, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fillet Away, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyper Drill, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jet Punch, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Magical Torque, Make It Rain, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Order Up, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Population Bomb, Pounce, Power Shift, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Fist, Rage Powder, Raging Bull, Raging Fury, Relic Song, Revival Blessing, Ruination, Salt Cure, Secret Sword, Shed Tail, Shell Trap, Silk Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Snowscape, Spectral Thief, Spicy Extract, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Springtide Storm, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Tidy Up, Trailblaze, Transform, Trick, Twin Beam, V-create, Wicked Blow, Wicked Torque, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.shortDesc=Picks a random move. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen8.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Clangorous Soul, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Double Iron Bash, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Dragon Hammer, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Obstruct, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spectral Thief, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Transform, Trick, V-create, Wicked Blow, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen7.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Dragon Ascent, Endure, Feint, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, King's Shield, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Origin Pulse, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spectral Thief, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Steam Eruption, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen6.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Dragon Ascent, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, King's Shield, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Origin Pulse, Precipice Blades, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spiky Shield, Steam Eruption, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen5.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Ice Burn, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen4.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Trick, or any move the user already knows. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen3.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen2.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Counter, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thief, or any move the user already knows. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen1.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Metronome or Struggle. +showdown.moves.metronome.move=Waggling a finger let it use %s! Drink +showdown.moves.milkdrink.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.mimic.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Assist, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. +showdown.moves.mimic.shortDesc=The last move the target used replaces this one. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen8.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Chatter, Dynamax Cannon, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, Transform, or any Max or G-Max Move. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen7.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, Transform, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen6.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen4.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Metronome, Mimic, Sketch, or Struggle. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen3.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Metronome, Mimic, Sketch, or Struggle. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Struggle. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by a random move known by the target, even if the user already knows that move. The copied move keeps the remaining PP for this move, regardless of the copied move's maximum PP. Whenever one PP is used for a copied move, one PP is used for this move. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.shortDesc=Random move known by the target replaces this. +showdown.moves.mimic.start=%s learned %s! Blown +showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. This move is prevented from executing and the user does not lose HP if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, or if this move is Fire type and the user is affected by Powder or the weather is Primordial Sea. +showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Reader +showdown.moves.mindreader.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. +showdown.moves.mindreader.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Lock-On's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. +showdown.moves.mindreader.start=%s took aim at %s! +showdown.moves.minimize.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Malicious Moonsault, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. +showdown.moves.minimize.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen6.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen5.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp and Steamroller will have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp will have its power doubled if used against the user while it is active. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen3.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Astonish, Extrasensory, Needle Arm, and Stomp will have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen2.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp will have its power doubled if used against the user while it is active. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen1.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Eye +showdown.moves.miracleeye.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Odor Sleuth. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.shortDesc=Psychic hits Dark. Evasiveness ignored. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.start=%s was identified! Coat +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.shortDesc=If hit by special attack, returns double damage. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a special attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. Move +showdown.moves.mirrormove.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. The copied move is used against that target, if possible. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the last move used cannot be copied by this move. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.shortDesc=User uses the target's last used move against it. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move was called by another move, if the move is Encore, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen3.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move missed, failed, or had no effect on the user, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen2.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Transform, or any move the user knows. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen1.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Mirror Move. Shot +showdown.moves.mirrorshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mirrorshot.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.mist.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members are protected from having their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.mist.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from stat drops. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, it is protected from having its stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.shortDesc=While active, user is protected from stat drops. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.start=%s's shrouded in MIST! +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.block=%s's protected by MIST. +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, it is protected from having its stat stages lowered by other Pokemon, unless caused by the secondary effect of a move. Fails if the user already has the effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.start=%s's shrouded in mist! +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.block=But, it failed! +showdown.moves.mist.start=%s became shrouded in mist! +showdown.moves.mist.end=%s is no longer protected by mist! +showdown.moves.mist.block=%s is protected by the mist! Ball +showdown.moves.mistball.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mistball.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Explosion +showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.desc=If the current terrain is Misty Terrain and the user is grounded, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.shortDesc=User faints. User on Misty Terrain: 1.5x power. Terrain +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition nor confusion. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Can't status,-Dragon power vs grounded. +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. +showdown.moves.moonblast.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.moonblast.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Beam +showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.moonlight.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. Sun +showdown.moves.morningsun.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. Spin +showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/leech. Gale +showdown.moves.mountaingale.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.mountaingale.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Bomb +showdown.moves.mudbomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mudbomb.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Shot +showdown.moves.mudshot.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mudshot.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.mudslap.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mudslap.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Sport +showdown.moves.mudsport.desc=For 5 turns, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. +showdown.moves.mudsport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Electric-type attacks have 1/3 power. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/3 their power. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/2 their power. Water +showdown.moves.muddywater.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.multiattack.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Memory. +showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Memory. Fire +showdown.moves.mysticalfire.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Power +showdown.moves.mysticalpower.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Plot +showdown.moves.nastyplot.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.nastyplot.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Gift +showdown.moves.naturalgift.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo or Magic Room is in effect for the user. +showdown.moves.naturalgift.shortDesc=Power and type depends on the user's Berry. +showdown.moves.naturalgift.gen4.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo is in effect for the user. Power +showdown.moves.naturepower.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic during Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.naturepower.shortDesc=Attack depends on terrain (default Tri Attack). +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen6.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, and Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Earthquake on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Earthquake) +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack in Wi-Fi battles. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Tri Attack) +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.desc=This move calls another move for use depending on the battle terrain. Swift in Wi-Fi battles. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Swift) +showdown.moves.naturepower.move=Nature Power turned into %s!'s Madness +showdown.moves.naturesmadness.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.naturesmadness.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Arm +showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Nightmare +showdown.moves.neverendingnightmare.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Daze +showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.nightmare.desc=Causes the target to lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn as long as it is asleep. This move does not affect the target unless it is asleep. The effect ends when the target wakes up, even if it falls asleep again in the same turn. +showdown.moves.nightmare.shortDesc=A sleeping target is hurt by 1/4 max HP per turn. +showdown.moves.nightmare.start=%s began having a nightmare! +showdown.moves.nightmare.damage=%s is locked in a nightmare! Shade +showdown.moves.nightshade.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. +showdown.moves.nightshade.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. +showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. +showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Normal types. Slash +showdown.moves.nightslash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Roar +showdown.moves.nobleroar.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.nobleroar.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Retreat +showdown.moves.noretreat.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage, but it becomes prevented from switching out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. Fails if the user has already been prevented from switching by this effect. +showdown.moves.noretreat.shortDesc=Raises all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Traps user. +showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s can no longer escape because it used No Retreat! Torque +showdown.moves.noxioustorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Wing +showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def. +showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Operetta +showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. At the end of each turn during effect, the target's Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Traps target, lowers Def and SpD by 1 each turn. +showdown.moves.octolock.start=%s can no longer escape because of Octolock! Sleuth +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Miracle Eye. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Wind +showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Up +showdown.moves.orderup.desc=If an ally Tatsugiri has activated its Commander Ability, this move raises the user's Attack by 1 stage if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense by 1 stage if Droopy Form, or Speed by 1 stage if Stretchy Form. The effect happens whether or not this move is successful, and even if the Tatsugiri that activated the effect has since fainted. +showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy eaten: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. Pulse +showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.outrage.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.outrage.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Split +showdown.moves.painsplit.desc=The user and the target's HP become the average of their current HP, rounded down, but not more than the maximum HP of either one. +showdown.moves.painsplit.shortDesc=Shares HP of user and target equally. +showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=The battlers shared their pain! Wave +showdown.moves.paleowave.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Charge +showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Shot +showdown.moves.partingshot.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages were both unchanged, or if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.partingshot.shortDesc=Lowers target's Atk, Sp. Atk by 1. User switches. +showdown.moves.partingshot.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.partingshot.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! +showdown.moves.partingshot.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.payback.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn, including actions taken through Instruct or the Dancer Ability. Switching in does not count as an action. +showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target. +showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in does not count as an action. +showdown.moves.payback.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in counts as an action. Day +showdown.moves.payday.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Scatters coins. +showdown.moves.payday.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! +showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Song +showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 if it doesn't already have a perish count. At the end of each turn including the turn used, the perish count of all active Pokemon lowers by 1 and Pokemon faint if the number reaches 0. The perish count is removed from Pokemon that switch out. If a Pokemon uses Baton Pass while it has a perish count, the replacement will gain the perish count and continue to count down. +showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns. +showdown.moves.perishsong.start=All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns! +showdown.moves.perishsong.activate=%s's perish count fell to %s. Blizzard +showdown.moves.petalblizzard.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. Dance +showdown.moves.petaldance.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.petaldance.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Force +showdown.moves.phantomforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! +showdown.moves.phantomforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! Geyser +showdown.moves.photongeyser.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. Papow +showdown.moves.pikapapow.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. +showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Missile +showdown.moves.pinmissile.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Fists +showdown.moves.plasmafists.desc=If this move is successful, causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. +showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. Nice +showdown.moves.playnice.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Rough +showdown.moves.playrough.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.playrough.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.pluck.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.pluck.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. +showdown.moves.pluck.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.pluck.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! Fang +showdown.moves.poisonfang.desc=Has a 50% chance to badly poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.shortDesc=50% chance to badly poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to badly poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to badly poison the target. Gas +showdown.moves.poisongas.desc=Poisons the target. +showdown.moves.poisongas.shortDesc=Poisons the foe(s). +showdown.moves.poisongas.gen2.shortDesc=Poisons the target. Jab +showdown.moves.poisonjab.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonjab.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. Powder +showdown.moves.poisonpowder.desc=Poisons the target. +showdown.moves.poisonpowder.shortDesc=Poisons the target. Sting +showdown.moves.poisonsting.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.shortDesc=20% chance to poison the target. Tail +showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. Puff +showdown.moves.pollenpuff.desc=If the target is an ally, this move restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down, instead of dealing damage. +showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=If the target is an ally, heals 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.poltergeist.shortDesc=Fails if the target has no held item. +showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=%s is about to be attacked by its %s! Bomb +showdown.moves.populationbomb.desc=Hits ten times. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit ten times. If the user is holding Loaded Dice, this move hits four to ten times at random without checking accuracy between hits. +showdown.moves.populationbomb.shortDesc=Hits 10 times. Each hit can miss. +showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.powder.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect does not happen if the Fire-type move is prevented by Primordial Sea. +showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP. +showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect happens before the Fire-type move would be prevented by Primordial Sea. +showdown.moves.powder.start=%s is covered in powder! +showdown.moves.powder.activate=When the flame touched the powder on the Pokémon, it exploded! Snow +showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). +showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Gem +showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=No additional effect. Split +showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=The user and the target have their Attack and Special Attack stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Attack and Special Attack stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. +showdown.moves.powersplit.shortDesc=Averages Attack and Sp. Atk stats with target. +showdown.moves.powersplit.activate=%s shared its power with the target! Swap +showdown.moves.powerswap.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Special Attack stat stage changes with the target. +showdown.moves.powerswap.shortDesc=Swaps Attack and Sp. Atk stat stages with target. Shift +showdown.moves.powershift.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. +showdown.moves.powershift.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. +showdown.moves.powershift.start=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! +showdown.moves.powershift.end=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! Trick +showdown.moves.powertrick.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. +showdown.moves.powertrick.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. +showdown.moves.powertrick.start=%s switched its Attack and Defense! +showdown.moves.powertrick.end=%s switched its Attack and Defense! Trip +showdown.moves.powertrip.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. +showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. Punch +showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Whip +showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Blades +showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.present.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 40% chance for 40 power, 30% chance for 80 power, 10% chance for 120 power, and 20% chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 power, or heals target 1/4 max HP. +showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 102/256 chance for 40 power, 76/256 chance for 80 power, 26/256 chance for 120 power, or 52/256 chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If this move deals damage, it uses an abnormal version of the damage formula by substituting certain values. The user's Attack stat is replaced with 10 times the effectiveness of this move against the target, the target's Defense stat is replaced with the index number of the user's secondary type, and the user's level is replaced with the index number of the target's secondary type. If a Pokemon does not have a secondary type, its primary type is used. The index numbers for each type are Normal: 0, Fighting: 1, Flying: 2, Poison: 3, Ground: 4, Rock: 5, Bug: 7, Ghost: 8, Steel: 9, Fire: 20, Water: 21, Grass: 22, Electric: 23, Psychic: 24, Ice: 25, Dragon: 26, Dark: 27. If at any point a division by 0 would happen in the damage formula, it divides by 1 instead. Laser +showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.protect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen5.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen4.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.protect.start=%s protected itself! +showdown.moves.protect.block=%s protected itself! +showdown.moves.psybeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.psybeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.psyblade.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.moves.psyblade.shortDesc=During Electric Terrain: 1.5x power. Up +showdown.moves.psychup.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. +showdown.moves.psychup.shortDesc=Copies the target's current stat stages. +showdown.moves.psychup.gen2.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. Fails if the target's stat stages are 0. +showdown.moves.psychic.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.psychic.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1. Fangs +showdown.moves.psychicfangs.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. +showdown.moves.psychicfangs.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. Terrain +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Psychic power, priority-safe. +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. Boost +showdown.moves.psychoboost.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.psychoboost.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Cut +showdown.moves.psychocut.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.psychocut.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shift +showdown.moves.psychoshift.desc=The user's non-volatile status condition is transferred to the target, and the user is then cured. Fails if the user has no non-volatile status condition or if the target already has one. +showdown.moves.psychoshift.shortDesc=Transfers the user's status ailment to the target. Bash +showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.psyshock.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. +showdown.moves.psyshock.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.psystrike.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. +showdown.moves.psystrike.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.psywave.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 100, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Random damage equal to 0.5x-1.5x user's level. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 10, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to a random number from 1 to (user's level * 1.5 - 1), rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Random damage from 1 to (user's level*1.5 - 1). Pancake +showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. +showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts. +showdown.moves.purify.desc=The target is cured if it has a non-volatile status condition. If the target was cured, the user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Cures target's status; heals user 1/2 max HP if so. +showdown.moves.pursuit.desc=If an opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. +showdown.moves.pursuit.shortDesc=If a foe is switching out, hits it at 2x power. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen7.desc=If an adjacent opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen5.desc=If an adjacent opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using U-turn or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen4.desc=If an opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using U-turn, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon becomes active immediately. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.desc=If the target is an opposing Pokemon and it switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon becomes active immediately. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.shortDesc=Power doubles if the targeted foe is switching out. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.desc=If the target switches out this turn, this move hits it before it leaves the field with doubled power and the user's turn is over. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles if the foe is switching out. +showdown.moves.pursuit.activate=(%s is being withdrawn...) Ball +showdown.moves.pyroball.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.pyroball.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.quash.desc=Causes the target to take its turn after all other Pokemon this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target already moved this turn. +showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Forces the target to move last this turn. +showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! Attack +showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Guard +showdown.moves.quickguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.quickguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from priority attacks this turn. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen7.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen6.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.quickguard.start=Quick Guard protected %s! +showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Quick Guard protected %s! Dance +showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.rage.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. +showdown.moves.rage.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 if hit during use. +showdown.moves.rage.gen3.desc=Once this move is used and unless the target protected itself, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. +showdown.moves.rage.gen2.desc=Once this move is successfully used, X starts at 1. This move's damage is multiplied by X, and whenever the user is hit by the opposing Pokemon, X increases by 1, with a maximum of 255. X resets to 1 when the user is no longer active or did not choose this move for use. +showdown.moves.rage.gen2.shortDesc=Next Rage increases in damage if hit during use. +showdown.moves.rage.gen1.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user automatically uses this move every turn and can no longer switch out. During the effect, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by the opposing Pokemon, and this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. +showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts forever. Raises user's Attack by 1 when hit. Fist +showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times the user has been hit by a damaging attack during the battle, even if the user did not lose HP from the attack. X cannot be greater than 6 and does not reset upon switching out or fainting. Each hit of a multi-hit attack is counted, but confusion damage is not counted. +showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 power for each time user was hit. Max 6 hits. Powder +showdown.moves.ragepowder.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.start=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.ragepowder.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Bull +showdown.moves.ragingbull.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. If the user's current form is a Paldean Tauros, this move's type changes to match. Fighting type for Combat Breed, Fire type for Blaze Breed, and Water type for Aqua Breed. +showdown.moves.ragingbull.shortDesc=Destroys screens. Type depends on user's form. +showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! Fury +showdown.moves.ragingfury.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.ragingfury.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Dance +showdown.moves.raindance.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Damp Rock. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. +showdown.moves.raindance.shortDesc=For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves. +showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. +showdown.moves.raindance.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance, even if the current weather is Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Spin +showdown.moves.rapidspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.shortDesc=Free user from hazards/bind/Leech Seed; +1 Spe. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.shortDesc=Frees user from hazards, binding, Leech Seed. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen4.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end against the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen3.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and Spikes are removed from the user's side of the field. Leaf +showdown.moves.razorleaf.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.razorleaf.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shell +showdown.moves.razorshell.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.razorshell.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Wind +showdown.moves.razorwind.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.razorwind.shortDesc=Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. High crit ratio. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen4.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.shortDesc=Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.shortDesc=Charges, then hits target turn 2. High crit ratio. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.razorwind.prepare=%s whipped up a whirlwind! +showdown.moves.recover.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.recover.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.recover.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.recover.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. +showdown.moves.recycle.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Corrosive Gas, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. +showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Restores the item the user last used. +showdown.moves.recycle.gen7.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. +showdown.moves.recycle.gen4.desc=The user regains the item last used by a Pokemon in its current position on the field, even if that Pokemon was not the user. Fails if the user is holding an item, if no items have been used at the user's position, or if the item was lost to Covet, Knock Off, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. +showdown.moves.recycle.addItem=%s found one %s! +showdown.moves.reflect.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.reflect.shortDesc=For 5 turns, physical damage to allies is halved. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from physical attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from physical attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members have their Defense doubled. Critical hits ignore this effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user's party has doubled Def. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its Defense is doubled when taking damage. Critical hits ignore this protection. This effect can be removed by Haze. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.shortDesc=While active, the user's Defense is doubled. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.start=%s gained armor! +showdown.moves.reflect.start=Reflect made %s stronger against physical moves! +showdown.moves.reflect.end=%s's Reflect wore off! Type +showdown.moves.reflecttype.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the user is Terastallized, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen8.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen6.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. Fails if the user is an Arceus. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.typeChange=%s's type became the same as %s's type! +showdown.moves.refresh.desc=The user cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Fails if the user is not burned, poisoned, or paralyzed. +showdown.moves.refresh.shortDesc=User cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Song +showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. If this move is successful on at least one target and the user is a Meloetta, it changes to Pirouette Forme if it is currently in Aria Forme, or changes to Aria Forme if it is currently in Pirouette Forme. This forme change does not happen if the Meloetta has the Sheer Force Ability. The Pirouette Forme reverts to Aria Forme when Meloetta is not active. +showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10% chance to sleep foe(s). Meloetta transforms. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. Fails if the user has full HP, is already asleep, or if another effect is preventing sleep. sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process, even if it was already asleep. Fails if the user has full HP. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. This does not remove the user's stat penalty for burn or paralysis. Fails if the user has full HP. +showdown.moves.retaliate.desc=Power doubles if one of the user's party members fainted last turn. +showdown.moves.retaliate.shortDesc=Power doubles if an ally fainted last turn. +showdown.moves.return.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. +showdown.moves.return.shortDesc=Max 102 power at maximum Happiness. Dance +showdown.moves.revelationdance.desc=This move's type depends on the user's primary type. If the user's primary type is typeless, this move's type is the user's secondary type if it has one, otherwise the added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat. This move is typeless if the user's type is typeless alone. +showdown.moves.revelationdance.shortDesc=Type varies based on the user's primary type. +showdown.moves.revenge.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. +showdown.moves.revenge.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn, and that Pokemon was the last to hit the user. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if user is hit by the target. +showdown.moves.reversal.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Blessing +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=A fainted party member is selected and revived with 1/2 its max HP, rounded down. Fails if there are no fainted party members. +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Revives a fainted Pokemon to 50% HP. +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=%s was revived and is ready to fight again! Voltage +showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain and the target is grounded, this move's power is doubled. +showdown.moves.risingvoltage.shortDesc=2x power if target is grounded in Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.roar.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. +showdown.moves.roar.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. +showdown.moves.roar.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. +showdown.moves.roar.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.roar.gen1.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.roar.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. of Time +showdown.moves.roaroftime.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Blast +showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Climb +showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.rockclimb.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. Polish +showdown.moves.rockpolish.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.rockpolish.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. Slide +showdown.moves.rockslide.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Smash +showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Throw +showdown.moves.rockthrow.shortDesc=No additional effect. Tomb +showdown.moves.rocktomb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Wrecker +showdown.moves.rockwrecker.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. +showdown.moves.rockwrecker.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Play +showdown.moves.roleplay.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.roleplay.shortDesc=User replaces its Ability with the target's. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen8.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen7.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen6.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype, Stance Change, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen5.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen4.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype or already matches the target, if the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, or if the user is holding a Griseous Orb. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen3.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. +showdown.moves.roleplay.changeAbility=%s copied %s's %s Ability! Kick +showdown.moves.rollingkick.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.rollingkick.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.rollout.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. +showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. +showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. +showdown.moves.rollout.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. +showdown.moves.roost.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user is not Terastallized, until the end of the turn Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. +showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends. +showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. +showdown.moves.roost.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become typeless. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. +showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s loses Flying type this turn.) +showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of all grounded Grass-type Pokemon on the field by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Raises Atk/Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types by 1. +showdown.moves.round.desc=If there are other active Pokemon that chose this move for use this turn, those Pokemon take their turn immediately after the user, in Speed order, and this move's power is 120 for each other user. +showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Power doubles if others used Round this turn. +showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Fire +showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Has a 50% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. Sword +showdown.moves.sacredsword.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. +showdown.moves.sacredsword.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. +showdown.moves.safeguard.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Defog. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.safeguard.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from status. +showdown.moves.safeguard.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.safeguard.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. During the effect, Outrage, Thrash, and Petal Dance do not confuse the user. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. +showdown.moves.safeguard.start=%s cloaked itself in a mystical veil! +showdown.moves.safeguard.end=%s is no longer protected by Safeguard! +showdown.moves.safeguard.block=%s is protected by Safeguard! Cure +showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/4 if the target is Steel or Water type), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. +showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Deals 1/8 max HP each turn; 1/4 on Steel, Water. +showdown.moves.saltcure.start=%s is being salt cured! +showdown.moves.saltcure.damage=%s is hurt by Salt Cure! Attack +showdown.moves.sandattack.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.sandattack.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Storm +showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to burn foe(s). +showdown.moves.sandstorm.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard, Overcoat, Sand Force, Sand Rush, or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. Rock: 1.5x SpD. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Sand Veil Ability. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. Tomb +showdown.moves.sandtomb.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns; seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another partial-trapping move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=%s became trapped by the quicksand! Seed +showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=This move summons Leech Seed on the foe. +showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Summons Leech Seed. Spin-Out +showdown.moves.savagespinout.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.scald.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. +showdown.moves.scald.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. +showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Shot +showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Hits two to five times. Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage and raises the user's Speed by 1 stage after the last hit. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times. User: -1 Def, +1 Spe after last hit. Face +showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. Sands +showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. +showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. +showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.screech.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. Shot +showdown.moves.searingshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. Sunraze Smash +showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Power +showdown.moves.secretpower.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, causes sleep during Grassy Terrain and lowers Speed by 1 stage during Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.secretpower.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen6.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, and causes sleep during Grassy Terrain. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Lowers accuracy by 1 stage on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. The secondary effect chance is not affected by the Serene Grace Ability. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% chance acc -1) +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) Sword +showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. +showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. Bomb +showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. Flare +showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. Toss +showdown.moves.seismictoss.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Ghost types. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. User faints. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless the target's substitute was broken by the damage. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. Ball +showdown.moves.shadowball.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.shadowball.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Bone +showdown.moves.shadowbone.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.shadowbone.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Claw +showdown.moves.shadowclaw.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.shadowclaw.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Force +showdown.moves.shadowforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target is an opponent and its side is protected by Quick Guard or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the opponent's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! +showdown.moves.shadowforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! Punch +showdown.moves.shadowpunch.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Sneak +showdown.moves.shadowsneak.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Strike +showdown.moves.shadowstrike.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.shadowstrike.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.sharpen.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. Psyche +showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Tail +showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=The user takes 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, and creates a substitute that has 1/4 of the user's maximum HP, rounded down. The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party and the selected Pokemon has the substitute transferred to it. Fails if the user would faint, or if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=User takes 1/2 its max HP to pass a substitute. +showdown.moves.shedtail.start=%s shed its tail to create a decoy! +showdown.moves.shedtail.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! Cold +showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + X)%, where X is 30 if the user is an Ice type and 20 otherwise, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Ice-type Pokemon and Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=OHKOs non-Ice targets. Fails if user's lower level. +showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. Side Arm +showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. This move becomes a physical attack that makes contact if the value of ((((2 * the user's level / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50), where X is the user's Attack stat and Y is the target's Defense stat, is greater than the same value where X is the user's Special Attack stat and Y is the target's Special Defense stat. No stat modifiers other than stat stage changes are considered for this purpose. If the two values are equal, this move chooses a damage category at random. +showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Physical+contact if it would be stronger. Smash +showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2. Trap +showdown.moves.shelltrap.desc=Fails unless the user is hit by a physical attack from an opponent this turn before it can execute the move. If the user was hit and has not fainted, it attacks immediately after being hit, and the effect ends. If the opponent's physical attack had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability, it does not count for the purposes of this effect. +showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=User must take physical damage before moving. +showdown.moves.shelltrap.start=%s set a shell trap! +showdown.moves.shelltrap.prepare=%s set a shell trap! +showdown.moves.shelltrap.cant=%s's shell trap didn't work! +showdown.moves.shelter.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.shelter.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Gear +showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1. Wave +showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Up +showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. If the weather is Sandstorm, the user instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. +showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=User restores 1/2 its max HP; 2/3 in Sandstorm. Beam +showdown.moves.signalbeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.signalbeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. Trap +showdown.moves.silktrap.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Spe. Wind +showdown.moves.silverwind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.silverwind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Beam +showdown.moves.simplebeam.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Simple. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, Stance Change, or Truant. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, or Truant. +showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Arrow Raid +showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=No additional effect. Slide +showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. +showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the foe. +showdown.moves.sketch.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Chatter, Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. +showdown.moves.sketch.shortDesc=Permanently copies the last move target used. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen3.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.desc=Fails when used in Link Battles. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.shortDesc=Fails when used in Link Battles. +showdown.moves.sketch.activate=%s sketched %s! Swap +showdown.moves.skillswap.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.skillswap.shortDesc=The user and the target trade Abilities. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen8.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen7.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Illusion, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen6.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Illusion, Multitype, Stance Change, or Wonder Guard. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen5.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Illusion, Multitype, or Wonder Guard, or if both have the same Ability. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen4.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, if both have the same Ability, or if either is holding a Griseous Orb. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen3.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. +showdown.moves.skillswap.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! Smack +showdown.moves.skittersmack.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.skittersmack.shortDesc=100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk by 1. Bash +showdown.moves.skullbash.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.skullbash.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.skullbash.prepare=%s tucked in its head! Attack +showdown.moves.skyattack.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.skyattack.shortDesc=Charges, then hits turn 2. 30% flinch. High crit. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.skyattack.prepare=%s became cloaked in a harsh light! Drop +showdown.moves.skydrop.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. Pokemon weighing 200 kg or more cannot be lifted. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.skydrop.shortDesc=User and foe fly up turn 1. Damages on turn 2. +showdown.moves.skydrop.gen5.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. If the effect of Gravity ends this effect before the second turn, both the user and the target return to the ground, but the target will otherwise remain under this effect until the user leaves the field or successfully executes the second turn of any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.skydrop.prepare=%s took %s into the sky! +showdown.moves.skydrop.end=%s was freed from the Sky Drop! +showdown.moves.skydrop.failSelect=Sky Drop won't let %s go! +showdown.moves.skydrop.failTooHeavy=%s is too heavy to be lifted! Uppercut +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce or Fly. Off +showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.slash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Powder +showdown.moves.sleeppowder.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Talk +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, Wicked Torque, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.shortDesc=User must be asleep. Uses another known move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen8.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen7.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, any two-turn move, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen6.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen5.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen4.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen3.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, but if it currently has 0 PP it will fail to be used. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Focus Punch, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen2.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Bide, Sleep Talk, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sludge.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludge.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. Bomb +showdown.moves.sludgebomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludgebomb.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. Wave +showdown.moves.sludgewave.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludgewave.shortDesc=10% chance to poison adjacent Pokemon. Down +showdown.moves.smackdown.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. +showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Removes the target's Ground immunity. +showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s fell straight down! Strike +showdown.moves.smartstrike.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Salts +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of paralysis. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is paralyzed, and cures it. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if target is paralyzed; cures it. +showdown.moves.smog.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Trap +showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.start=%s got trapped by a snap trap! +showdown.moves.snarl.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.snarl.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.snatch.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use one of those moves this turn, the applicable moves are all stolen by the first Pokemon in turn order that used this move this turn. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.snatch.shortDesc=User steals certain support moves to use itself. +showdown.moves.snatch.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use this move this turn, the applicable moves are stolen by each of those Pokemon in turn order, and only the last user in turn order will gain the effects. +showdown.moves.snatch.start=%s is waiting for a target to make a move! +showdown.moves.snatch.activate=%s snatched %s's move! Shot +showdown.moves.snipeshot.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This move cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. +showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected. +showdown.moves.snore.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Fails if the user is not asleep. +showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target. +showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. During the effect, the Defense of Ice-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a physical attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Snow. +showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=For 5 turns, snow falls. Ice: 1.5x Def. +showdown.moves.soak.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Water type, or if the target is Terastallized. +showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Water. +showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Water type. +showdown.moves.soak.gen6.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus, or if the target is already purely Water type. +showdown.moves.soak.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus. +showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.softboiled.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. Beam +showdown.moves.solarbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen7.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen5.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Rain Dance. If the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.prepare=%s absorbed light! Blade +showdown.moves.solarblade.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. +showdown.moves.solarblade.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. +showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. +showdown.moves.solarblade.gen7.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. +showdown.moves.solarblade.prepare=%s absorbed light! Boom +showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity. 7-Star Strike +showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=No additional effect. Rend +showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.spark.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Aria +showdown.moves.sparklingaria.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of its burn. +showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=The target is cured of its burn. Swirl +showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. +showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. Thief +showdown.moves.spectralthief.desc=The target's stat stages greater than 0 are stolen from it and applied to the user before dealing damage. +showdown.moves.spectralthief.shortDesc=Steals target's boosts before dealing damage. +showdown.moves.spectralthief.clearBoost=%s stole the target's boosted stats! Swap +showdown.moves.speedswap.desc=The user swaps its Speed stat with the target. Stat stage changes are unaffected. +showdown.moves.speedswap.shortDesc=Swaps Speed stat with target. +showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s switched Speed with its target! Extract +showdown.moves.spicyextract.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and lowers its Defense by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.spicyextract.shortDesc=Raises target's Atk by 2 and lowers its Def by 2. Web +showdown.moves.spiderweb.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. Cannon +showdown.moves.spikecannon.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.spikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.spikes.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 3 layers. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen3.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, causing each opposing Pokemon that switches in to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 1 layer. +showdown.moves.spikes.start=Spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! +showdown.moves.spikes.end=The spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! +showdown.moves.spikes.damage=%s was hurt by the spikes! Shield +showdown.moves.spikyshield.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: loses 1/8 max HP. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=%s was hurt! Out +showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2. Break +showdown.moves.spiritbreak.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.spiritbreak.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Shackle +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. Up +showdown.moves.spitup.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Whether or not this move is successful, the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.spitup.shortDesc=More power with more uses of Stockpile. +showdown.moves.spitup.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless there is no target, whether or not this move is successful the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.spitup.gen3.desc=Damage is multiplied by the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless this move misses, the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.spite.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 4 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. +showdown.moves.spite.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 4. +showdown.moves.spite.gen3.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 or 1 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. +showdown.moves.spite.gen3.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 2-5. +showdown.moves.spite.gen2.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the move has 0 PP. +showdown.moves.spite.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! +showdown.moves.splash.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.splash.activate=But nothing happened! Stormshards +showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. Splash +showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.spore.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from opponents of the target are redirected to the target. Such attacks are redirected to the target before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. +showdown.moves.spotlight.shortDesc=Target's foes' moves are redirected to it this turn. +showdown.moves.spotlight.start=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.spotlight.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Storm +showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Rock +showdown.moves.stealthrock.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.shortDesc=Hurts foes on switch-in. Factors Rock weakness. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.start=Pointed stones float in the air around %s! +showdown.moves.stealthrock.end=The pointed stones disappeared from around %s! +showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=Pointed stones dug into %s! Eruption +showdown.moves.steameruption.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. +showdown.moves.steameruption.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. +showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Beam +showdown.moves.steelbeam.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. +showdown.moves.steelbeam.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. +showdown.moves.steelbeam.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Roller +showdown.moves.steelroller.desc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the terrain. Wing +showdown.moves.steelwing.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.steelwing.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. Web +showdown.moves.stickyweb.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.shortDesc=Lowers Speed of grounded foes by 1 on switch-in. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.start=A sticky web has been laid out on the ground around %s! +showdown.moves.stickyweb.end=The sticky web has disappeared from the ground around %s! +showdown.moves.stickyweb.activate=%s was caught in a sticky web! +showdown.moves.stockpile.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. +showdown.moves.stockpile.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense, Sp. Def by 1. Max 3 uses. +showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.desc=The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. +showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.shortDesc=Raises user's Stockpile count by 1. Max 3 uses. +showdown.moves.stockpile.start=%s stockpiled %s! +showdown.moves.stockpile.end=%s's stockpiled effect wore off! Sparksurfer +showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.stomp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.stomp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is under the effect of Minimize. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Tantrum +showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=Power doubles if the user's last move on the previous turn, including moves called by other moves or those used through Instruct, Magic Coat, Snatch, or the Dancer or Magic Bounce Abilities, failed to do any of its normal effects, not including damage from an unsuccessful High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, or Mind Blown, or if the user was prevented from moving by any effect other than recharging or Sky Drop. A move that was blocked by Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, Spiky Shield, Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard will not double this move's power, nor will Bounce or Fly ending early due to the effect of Gravity, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. +showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user's last move failed. Axe +showdown.moves.stoneaxe.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. +showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Sets Stealth Rock on the target's side. Edge +showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Power +showdown.moves.storedpower.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. +showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. Throw +showdown.moves.stormthrow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. +showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Steam +showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=No additional effect. Sap +showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. +showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1. Shot +showdown.moves.stringshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.struggle.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 of its max HP. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen6.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random adjacent opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 the HP lost by the target. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.desc=Deals Normal-type damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=User loses 1/2 the HP lost by the target. Bug +showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. Cheeks +showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.desc=This move cannot be selected unless the user is holding a Berry. The user eats its Berry and raises its Defense by 2 stages. This effect is not prevented by the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry. +showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.shortDesc=Must hold Berry to use. User eats Berry, Def +2. Spore +showdown.moves.stunspore.desc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.stunspore.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.submission.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.submission.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. +showdown.moves.submission.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. +showdown.moves.substitute.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. Sound-based moves and Pokemon with the Infiltrator Ability ignore substitutes. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. +showdown.moves.substitute.shortDesc=User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a substitute. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen5.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute has 1 HP plus the HP used to create it, and is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it or 255 damage is inflicted at once, or if the user switches out or faints. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by the opposing Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by the opponent, unless the effect is Disable, Leech Seed, sleep, primary paralysis, or secondary confusion and the user's substitute did not break. The user still takes normal damage from status effects while behind its substitute, unless the effect is confusion damage, which is applied to the opposing Pokemon's substitute instead. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the attack ends. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute, or if it already has a substitute. The user will create a substitute and then faint if its current HP is exactly 1/4 of its maximum HP. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a Substitute. +showdown.moves.substitute.start=%s put in a substitute! +showdown.moves.substitute.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! +showdown.moves.substitute.end=%s's substitute faded! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! +showdown.moves.substitute.activate=The substitute took damage for %s! Slammer +showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Punch +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical attack, special attack, or Me First for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking. +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.gen4.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical or special attack for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. Day +showdown.moves.sunnyday.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Heat Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.shortDesc=For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day, even if the current weather is Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Strike +showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Fang +showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. +showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move ignores type immunity. +showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = 1/2 target's current HP. Hits Ghosts. +showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Skystrike +showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dive. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dive. additional effect. additional effect. foes. Power doubles against Dive. Strikes +showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Hits three times. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. +showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Hits 3 times. +showdown.moves.swagger.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. +showdown.moves.swagger.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 and confuses it. +showdown.moves.swagger.gen2.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. This move will miss if the target's Attack cannot be raised. +showdown.moves.swallow.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Heals the user based on uses of Stockpile. +showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Stockpile count resets to 0. Kiss +showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Scent +showdown.moves.sweetscent.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 2. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 1. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1. +showdown.moves.swift.desc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.swift.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. +showdown.moves.swift.gen1.desc=This move does not check accuracy and hits even if the target is using Dig or Fly. +showdown.moves.swift.gen1.shortDesc=Never misses, even against Dig and Fly. +showdown.moves.swift.gen2.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, or if the user is trying to give or take a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.activate=%s switched items with its target! Dance +showdown.moves.swordsdance.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=The target is immune if it does not share a type with the user. +showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon sharing the user's type. +showdown.moves.synthesis.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=No additional effect. Glow +showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages. +showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3. +showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. +showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Slap +showdown.moves.tailslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.tailslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. Whip +showdown.moves.tailwhip.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.tailwhip.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.tailwhip.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.tailwind.desc=For 4 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.tailwind.shortDesc=For 4 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. +showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.desc=For 3 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.shortDesc=For 3 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. +showdown.moves.tailwind.start=The Tailwind blew from behind %s! +showdown.moves.tailwind.end=%s's Tailwind petered out! Down +showdown.moves.takedown.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. Heart +showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=The user cures its non-volatile status condition. Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Cures user's status, raises Sp. Atk, Sp. Def by 1. Shot +showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Until the target switches out, the effectiveness of Fire-type moves is doubled against it. +showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Target gets -1 Spe and becomes weaker to Fire. +showdown.moves.tarshot.start=%s became weaker to fire! +showdown.moves.taunt.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.taunt.shortDesc=Target can't use status moves its next 3 turns. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen6.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.desc=For 3 to 5 turns, prevents the target from using non-damaging moves. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.shortDesc=For 3-5 turns, the target can't use status moves. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.desc=For 2 turns, prevents the target from using non-damaging moves. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target can't use status moves. +showdown.moves.taunt.start=%s fell for the taunt! +showdown.moves.taunt.end=%s shook off the taunt! +showdown.moves.taunt.cant=%s can't use %s after the taunt! Look +showdown.moves.tearfullook.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.tearfullook.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.teatime.desc=All active Pokemon consume their held Berries. This effect is not prevented by substitutes, the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if no active Pokemon is holding a Berry. +showdown.moves.teatime.shortDesc=All active Pokemon consume held Berries. +showdown.moves.teatime.activate=It's teatime! Everyone dug in to their Berries! nothing happened! Blast +showdown.moves.technoblast.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Drive. +showdown.moves.technoblast.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Drive. Rage +showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Dance +showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Causes the target to become confused. +showdown.moves.teeterdance.shortDesc=Confuses adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, Alolan Diglett, Alolan Dugtrio, Sandygast, Palossand, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.shortDesc=For 3 turns, target floats but moves can't miss it. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen6.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen5.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett or Dugtrio. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.start=%s was hurled into the air! +showdown.moves.telekinesis.end=%s was freed from the telekinesis! +showdown.moves.teleport.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.teleport.shortDesc=User switches out. +showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.desc=Fails when used. +showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.shortDesc=Fails when used. Blast +showdown.moves.terablast.desc=If the user is Terastallized, this move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes, and this move's type becomes the same as the user's Tera Type. +showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=If Terastallized: Phys. if Atk > SpA, type = Tera. Pulse +showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=Power doubles if the user is grounded and a terrain is active, and this move's type changes to match. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=User on terrain: power doubles, type varies. +showdown.moves.thief.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.thief.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. +showdown.moves.thief.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.thief.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, or a Genesect holding a Drive. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. +showdown.moves.thief.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.thief.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.thief.gen2.desc=Has a 100% chance to steal the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail. Arrows +showdown.moves.thousandarrows.desc=This move can hit airborne Pokemon, which includes Flying-type Pokemon, Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, Pokemon holding an Air Balloon, and Pokemon under the effect of Magnet Rise or Telekinesis. If the target is a Flying type and is not already grounded, this move deals neutral damage regardless of its other type(s). This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. +showdown.moves.thousandarrows.shortDesc=Grounds adjacent foes. First hit neutral on Flying. Waves +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.shortDesc=Hits adjacent foes. Prevents them from switching. +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.thrash.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.thrash.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Chop +showdown.moves.throatchop.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. +showdown.moves.throatchop.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound moves. +showdown.moves.throatchop.gen7.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. Z-Powered sound moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. +showdown.moves.throatchop.cant=The effects of Throat Chop prevent %s from using certain moves! +showdown.moves.thunder.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. +showdown.moves.thunder.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze. Can't miss in rain. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Fly. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunderbolt.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunderbolt.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Cage +showdown.moves.thundercage.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.thundercage.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.thundercage.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.thundercage.start=%s trapped %s! Fang +showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. +showdown.moves.thunderfang.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze. 10% chance to flinch. Kick +showdown.moves.thunderouskick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.thunderouskick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Punch +showdown.moves.thunderpunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunderpunch.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Shock +showdown.moves.thundershock.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thundershock.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Wave +showdown.moves.thunderwave.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. +showdown.moves.thunderwave.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.tickle.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.tickle.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1. Up +showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. Removes subtitutes from all active Pokemon and ends the effects of Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes for both sides. +showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=User +1 Atk, Spe. Clears all substitutes/hazards. +showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Tidying up complete! +showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=The target's positive stat stages become negative and vice versa. Fails if all of the target's stat stages are 0. +showdown.moves.topsyturvy.shortDesc=Inverts the target's stat stages. Song +showdown.moves.torchsong.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.torchsong.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.torment.desc=Prevents the target from selecting the same move for use two turns in a row. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. +showdown.moves.torment.shortDesc=Target can't select the same move twice in a row. +showdown.moves.torment.start=%s was subjected to torment! +showdown.moves.torment.end=%s is no longer tormented! +showdown.moves.toxic.desc=Badly poisons the target. If a Poison-type Pokemon uses this move, the target cannot avoid the attack, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. +showdown.moves.toxic.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. Poison types can't miss. +showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.desc=Badly poisons the target. +showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. Spikes +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.shortDesc=Poisons grounded foes on switch-in. Max 2 layers. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen4.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, as well as switching in with a substitute. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.start=Poison spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.end=The poison spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! Thread +showdown.moves.toxicthread.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage and poisons it. +showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons it. +showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.transform.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, gender, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP, with a maximum of 5 PP each. The user can no longer change formes if it would have the ability to do so. This move fails if it hits a substitute, if either the user or the target is already transformed, or if either is behind an Illusion. +showdown.moves.transform.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and Ability. +showdown.moves.transform.gen4.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, IVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move fails if the target has transformed. +showdown.moves.transform.gen2.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, DVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move fails if the target has transformed. +showdown.moves.transform.gen2.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and species. +showdown.moves.transform.gen1.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, DVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move can hit a target using Dig or Fly. +showdown.moves.transform.transform=%s transformed into %s! Attack +showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Has a 20% chance to either burn, freeze, or paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze target. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=This move selects burn, freeze, or paralysis at random, and has a 20% chance to inflict the target with that status. If the target is frozen and burn was selected, it thaws out. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.trick.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.trick.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. +showdown.moves.trick.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.trick.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, or if the user is trying to give or take a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.trick.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.trick.gen3.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. +showdown.moves.trick.activate=%s switched items with its target! +showdown.moves.trickortreat.desc=Causes the Ghost type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Ghost type. If Forest's Curse adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. +showdown.moves.trickortreat.shortDesc=Adds Ghost to the target's type(s). Room +showdown.moves.trickroom.desc=For 5 turns, the Speed of every Pokemon is recalculated for the purposes of determining turn order. During the effect, each Pokemon's Speed is considered to be (10000 - its normal Speed), and if this value is greater than 8191, 8192 is subtracted from it. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.trickroom.shortDesc=Goes last. For 5 turns, turn order is reversed. +showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon with lower Speed will move before those with higher Speed, within their priority brackets. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. Arrows +showdown.moves.triplearrows.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage, a 30% chance to make it flinch, and a higher chance for a critical hit. +showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=High crit. Target: 50% -1 Defense, 30% flinch. Axel +showdown.moves.tripleaxel.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 40 for the second hit and 60 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. +showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. Dive +showdown.moves.tripledive.desc=Hits three times. +showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Kick +showdown.moves.triplekick.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. +showdown.moves.triplekick.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen3.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.desc=Hits one to three times, at random. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 1-3 times. Power rises with each hit. Kick +showdown.moves.tropkick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Card +showdown.moves.trumpcard.desc=The power of this move is based on the amount of PP remaining after normal PP reduction and the Pressure Ability resolve. 200 power for 0 PP, 80 power for 1 PP, 60 power for 2 PP, 50 power for 3 PP, and 40 power for 4 or more PP. +showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=More power the fewer PP this move has left. Beam +showdown.moves.twinbeam.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.twineedle.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.twineedle.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Each hit has 20% chance to poison. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen4.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen3.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit but the target cannot be poisoned by it. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Last hit has 20% chance to poison. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen1.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Tackle +showdown.moves.twinkletackle.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.twister.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. +showdown.moves.twister.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. +showdown.moves.twister.gen4.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. +showdown.moves.twister.gen2.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Fly. +showdown.moves.twister.gen2.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.uturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. +showdown.moves.uturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. +showdown.moves.uturn.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. +showdown.moves.uturn.gen4.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. +showdown.moves.uturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.uproar.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.uproar.shortDesc=Lasts 3 turns. Active Pokemon cannot fall asleep. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen6.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an adjacent opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.desc=The user spends three to six turns locked into this move. This move targets an opponent at random on each turn. During effect, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon that are already asleep wake up as their turn starts or at the end of each turn, including the last one. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.shortDesc=Lasts 3-6 turns. Active Pokemon cannot sleep. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.desc=The user spends two to five turns locked into this move. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. During effect, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon that are already asleep wake up as their turn starts or at the end of each turn, including the last one. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.shortDesc=Lasts 2-5 turns. Active Pokemon cannot sleep. +showdown.moves.uproar.start=%s caused an uproar! +showdown.moves.uproar.end=%s calmed down. +showdown.moves.uproar.upkeep=%s is making an uproar! +showdown.moves.uproar.block=But the uproar kept %s awake! +showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s can't sleep in an uproar! Wave +showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Lowers the user's Speed, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. Volley +showdown.moves.veeveevolley.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. +showdown.moves.veeveevolley.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Drench +showdown.moves.venomdrench.desc=Lowers the target's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 1 stage if the target is poisoned. Fails if the target is not poisoned. +showdown.moves.venomdrench.shortDesc=Lowers Atk/Sp. Atk/Speed of poisoned foes by 1. +showdown.moves.venoshock.desc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. +showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. Dance +showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. Whip +showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Grip +showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Throw +showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Goes last. Switch +showdown.moves.voltswitch.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.switchOut=%s went back to %s! Tackle +showdown.moves.volttackle.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Slap +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If the user has not fainted, the target wakes up. +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is asleep, and wakes it. +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If this move is successful, the target wakes up. +showdown.moves.waterfall.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.waterfall.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.shortDesc=No additional effect. Gun +showdown.moves.watergun.shortDesc=No additional effect. Pledge +showdown.moves.waterpledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Grass Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Water Gem, and cannot be redirected by the Storm Drain Ability. +showdown.moves.waterpledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Fire Pledge for added effect. +showdown.moves.waterpledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... +showdown.moves.waterpledge.start=A rainbow appeared in the sky on %s's side! +showdown.moves.waterpledge.end=The rainbow on %s's side disappeared! Pulse +showdown.moves.waterpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.waterpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. Shuriken +showdown.moves.watershuriken.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the user is an Ash-Greninja with the Battle Bond Ability, this move has a power of 20 and always hits three times. +showdown.moves.watershuriken.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.watershuriken.gen6.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. Sport +showdown.moves.watersport.desc=For 5 turns, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. +showdown.moves.watersport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Fire-type attacks have 1/3 power. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/3 their power. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/2 their power. Spout +showdown.moves.waterspout.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. +showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Crash +showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. Ball +showdown.moves.weatherball.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Snow, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. +showdown.moves.weatherball.shortDesc=Power doubles and type varies in each weather. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen8.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen5.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Sunny Day. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if a weather condition is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Sunny Day. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles and type varies during weather. +showdown.moves.weatherball.move=Breakneck Blitz turned into %s due to the weather! +showdown.moves.whirlpool.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.start=%s became trapped in the vortex! +showdown.moves.whirlwind.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. Blow +showdown.moves.wickedblow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. +showdown.moves.wickedblow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Torque +showdown.moves.wickedtorque.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.wickedtorque.shortDesc=10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. Guard +showdown.moves.wideguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.wideguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target moves this turn. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen7.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target damage this turn. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. +showdown.moves.wideguard.start=Wide Guard protected %s! +showdown.moves.wideguard.block=Wide Guard protected %s! Storm +showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze foe(s). Charge +showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. +showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target. Attack +showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.wish.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of the user's maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. +showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored. +showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of its maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. +showdown.moves.wish.gen4.shortDesc=Next turn, heals 50% of the recipient's max HP. +showdown.moves.wish.heal=%s's wish came true! +showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. Room +showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon have their Defense and Special Defense stats swapped. Stat stage changes are unaffected. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all Defense and Sp. Def stats switch. Hammer +showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Up +showdown.moves.workup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.workup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Seed +showdown.moves.worryseed.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.worryseed.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Insomnia. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, Stance Change, or Truant. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, or Truant. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen4.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype or Truant, or if the target is holding a Griseous Orb. +showdown.moves.wrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. +showdown.moves.wrap.start=%s was wrapped by %s! +showdown.moves.wrap.move=%s's attack continues! Out +showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. +showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. +showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. +showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. +showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn. +showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s grew drowsy! Cannon +showdown.moves.zapcannon.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.zapcannon.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Headbutt +showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. Zap +showdown.moves.zingzap.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.zingzap.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Zap +showdown.moves.zippyzap.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's evasion by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.shortDesc=Goes first. Raises user's evasion by 1. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.desc=Will always result in a critical hit. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. Always crits. \ No newline at end of file From 43a59d33f0722447aa4738f2595e175c4a62fc91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 12:19:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 11/43] Abilities' names --- texts/de_DE.lang | 558 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 577 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 2 files changed, 569 insertions(+), 566 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index f9d1992e7..385ebd376 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -8730,22 +8730,22 @@üstung showdown.abilities.armortail.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.armortail.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. showdown.abilities.armortail.block=%s cannot use %s! Veilülle showdown.abilities.aromaveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot become affected by Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, or Torment. showdown.abilities.aromaveil.shortDesc=Protects user/allies from Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, and Torment. showdown.abilities.aromaveil.block=%s is protected by an aromatic veil! One showdown.abilities.asone.shortDesc=See 'As One (Glastrier)' and 'As One (Spectrier)'. showdown.abilities.asone.start=%s has two Abilities! One (Glastrier) showdown.abilities.asoneglastrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Chilling Neigh Abilities. One (Spectrier) showdown.abilities.asonespectrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Grim Neigh Abilities. Break showdown.abilities.aurabreak.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura Abilities are reversed, multiplying the power of Dark- and Fairy-type moves, respectively, by 3/4 instead of 1.33. showdown.abilities.aurabreak.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura power modifier is 0.75x. showdown.abilities.aurabreak.start=%s reversed all other Pokémon's auras! Dreams showdown.abilities.baddreams.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. showdown.abilities.baddreams.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.desc=Causes adjacent opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. @@ -8753,95 +8753,95 @@ showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.shortDesc=Causes sleeping adjacent foes to los showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.baddreams.damage=%s is tormented! Fetch showdown.abilities.ballfetch.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.abilities.battery.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their special attacks multiplied by 1.3. Armor showdown.abilities.battlearmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. Bond showdown.abilities.battlebond.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. This effect can only happen once per battle. showdown.abilities.battlebond.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: raises Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed by 1 stage. Once per battle. showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, it transforms into Ash-Greninja if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. If this Pokemon is an Ash-Greninja, its Water Shuriken has 20 power and always hits three times. showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: becomes Ash-Greninja, Water Shuriken: 20 power, hits 3x. showdown.abilities.battlebond.activate=%s became fully charged due to its bond with its Trainer! showdown.abilities.battlebond.transform=%s became Ash-Greninja! of Ruin showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Defense multiplied by 0.75. showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.start=%s's Beads of Ruin weakened the Sp. Def of all surrounding Pokémon! Boost showdown.abilities.beastboost.desc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. Stat stage changes are not considered. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. showdown.abilities.beastboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. showdown.abilities.berserk.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage from an attack bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Special Attack is raised by 1 stage. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. showdown.abilities.berserk.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 when it reaches 1/2 or less of its max HP. Pecks showdown.abilities.bigpecks.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Defense stat stage.ßbrand showdown.abilities.blaze.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack. showdown.abilities.blaze.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Fire attacks. showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Fire-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Fire-type attacks have 1.5x power. showdown.abilities.bulletproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to bullet moves. Pouch showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, Pluck, Stuff Cheeks, and Teatime if the eaten Berry had an effect on this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it restores 1/3 of its max HP after the Berry's effect. showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, and Pluck if the eaten Berry has an effect on this Pokemon. Neigh Wiehern showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. Body showdown.abilities.clearbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Nine Sieben showdown.abilities.cloudnine.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. showdown.abilities.cloudnine.start=The effects of the weather disappeared. Change showdown.abilities.colorchange.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. showdown.abilities.colorchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of a move it's hit by, unless it has the type. showdown.abilities.colorchange.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after each hit from a multi-hit move. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.comatose.desc=This Pokemon is considered to be asleep and cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. showdown.abilities.comatose.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be statused, and is considered to be asleep. showdown.abilities.comatose.start=%s is drowsing! showdown.abilities.commander.desc=If this Pokemon is a Tatsugiri and a Dondozo is an active ally, this Pokemon goes into the Dondozo's mouth. The Dondozo has its Attack, Special Attack, Speed, Defense, and Special Defense raised by 2 stages. During the effect, the Dondozo cannot be switched out, this Pokemon cannot select an action, and attacks targeted at this Pokemon will be avoided but it will still take indirect damage. If this Pokemon faints during the effect, a Pokemon can be switched in as a replacement but the Dondozo remains unable to be switched out. If the Dondozo faints during the effect, this Pokemon regains the ability to select an action. showdown.abilities.commander.shortDesc=If ally is Dondozo: this Pokemon cannot act or be hit, +2 to all Dondozo's stats. showdown.abilities.commander.activate=%s was swallowed by %s and became %s's commander! showdown.abilities.competitive.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. showdown.abilities.competitive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. Eyes showdown.abilities.compoundeyes.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.3. showdown.abilities.contrary.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. showdown.abilities.contrary.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Z-Move is used. showdown.abilities.contrary.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. showdown.abilities.corrosion.shortDesc=This Pokemon can poison or badly poison a Pokemon regardless of its typing. showdown.abilities.costar.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies all of its ally's stat stage changes. Down showdown.abilities.cottondown.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field is lowered by 1 stage. showdown.abilities.cottondown.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit, it lowers the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field 1 stage. Chewäuer showdown.abilities.cudchew.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it will eat that Berry again at the end of the next turn. Medicine Arznei showdown.abilities.curiousmedicine.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's allies have their stat stages reset to 0. Body showdown.abilities.cursedbody.desc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled unless one of the attacker's moves is already disabled. showdown.abilities.cursedbody.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled. Charm showdown.abilities.cutecharm.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. showdown.abilities.cutecharm.shortDesc=30% chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen4.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.desc=There is a 1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. showdown.abilities.damp.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Misty Explosion, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.damp.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Misty Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while active. showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. @@ -8851,33 +8851,33 @@ showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermat showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion and Self-Destruct are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion and Self-Destruct while this Pokemon is active. showdown.abilities.damp.block=%s cannot use %s!änzer showdown.abilities.dancer.desc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. The copied move is subject to all effects that can prevent a move from being executed. A move used through this Ability cannot be copied again by other Pokemon with this Ability. showdown.abilities.dancer.shortDesc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. Aura showdown.abilities.darkaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Dark-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. showdown.abilities.darkaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Dark move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. showdown.abilities.darkaura.start=%s is radiating a dark aura! Shield Schild showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage.örper showdown.abilities.dazzling.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.dazzling.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. showdown.abilities.dazzling.block=%s cannot use %s!ächling showdown.abilities.defeatist.desc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Attack and Special Attack are halved. showdown.abilities.defeatist.shortDesc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its max HP, its Attack and Sp. Atk are halved. showdown.abilities.defiant.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. showdown.abilities.defiant.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. Stream showdown.abilities.deltastream.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Delta Stream, which removes the weaknesses of the Flying type from Flying-type Pokemon. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Desolate Land or Primordial Sea Abilities. showdown.abilities.deltastream.shortDesc=On switch-in, strong winds begin until this Ability is not active in battle. Land showdown.abilities.desolateland.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Desolate Land, which includes all the effects of Sunny Day and prevents damaging Water-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Primordial Sea Abilities. showdown.abilities.desolateland.shortDesc=On switch-in, extremely harsh sunlight begins until this Ability is not active in battle.ümspuk showdown.abilities.disguise.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken, it changes to Busted Form, and it loses 1/8 of its max HP. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. showdown.abilities.disguise.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) The first hit it takes is blocked, and it takes 1/8 HP damage instead. showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken and it changes to Busted Form. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. @@ -8887,199 +8887,199 @@ showdown.abilities.disguise.transform=%s's disguise was busted! switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack is raised by 1 stage based on the weaker combined defensive stat of all opposing Pokemon. Attack is raised if their Defense is lower, and Special Attack is raised if their Special Defense is the same or lower. switch-in, Attack or Sp. Atk is raised 1 stage based on the foes' weaker Defense.'s Maw showdown.abilities.dragonsmaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Dragon-type attack. showdown.abilities.drizzle.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Rain Dance.ürre showdown.abilities.drought.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sunny Day. Skin showdown.abilities.dryskin.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. The weather effects are prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.dryskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed 1/4 by Water, 1/8 by Rain; is hurt 1.25x by Fire, 1/8 by Sun. showdown.abilities.dryskin.gen7.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. showdown.abilities.dryskin.damage=(%s was hurt by its Dry Skin.) Birdühwecker showdown.abilities.earlybird.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sleep counter drops by 2 instead of 1. Eater showdown.abilities.eartheater.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Ground-type move. showdown.abilities.eartheater.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Ground moves; Ground immunity. Spore showdown.abilities.effectspore.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. showdown.abilities.effectspore.shortDesc=30% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.desc=10% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. Surge showdown.abilities.electricsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Electric Terrain. showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from an attack. showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! Exitückzug showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. Aura showdown.abilities.fairyaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Fairy-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. showdown.abilities.fairyaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Fairy move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. showdown.abilities.fairyaura.start=%s is radiating a fairy aura! showdown.abilities.filter.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. Bodyörper showdown.abilities.flamebody.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. Boost showdown.abilities.flareboost.desc=While this Pokemon is burned, the power of its special attacks is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.flareboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is burned, its special attacks have 1.5x power. Fireänger showdown.abilities.flashfire.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon is frozen, it cannot be defrosted by Fire-type attacks. showdown.abilities.flashfire.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Fire attacks do 1.5x damage if hit by one Fire move; Fire immunity. showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, is a Fire type, or has a substitute, Will-O-Wisp will not activate this Ability. showdown.abilities.flashfire.start=The power of %s's Fire-type moves rose! Gift showdown.abilities.flowergift.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.flowergift.shortDesc=If user is Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it and allies' Attack and Sp. Def are 1.5x. showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, the Attack and Special Defense of this Pokemon and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, Attack and Sp. Def of this Pokemon and its allies are 1.5x. Veilütenhülle showdown.abilities.flowerveil.desc=Grass-type Pokemon on this Pokemon's side cannot have their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon or have a non-volatile status condition inflicted on them by other Pokemon. showdown.abilities.flowerveil.shortDesc=This side's Grass types can't have stats lowered or status inflicted by other Pokemon. showdown.abilities.flowerveil.block=%s surrounded itself with a veil of petals! showdown.abilities.fluffy.desc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from contact moves, but double damage from Fire moves. showdown.abilities.fluffy.shortDesc=This Pokemon takes 1/2 damage from contact moves, 2x damage from Fire moves. showdown.abilities.forecast.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella and the weather is Rain Dance or Sunny Day. showdown.abilities.forecast.shortDesc=Castform's type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. showdown.abilities.forecast.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. showdown.abilities.forewarn.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power, and non-damaging moves to have 1 power. showdown.abilities.forewarn.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the foes' move with the highest power. showdown.abilities.forewarn.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, and every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power. showdown.abilities.forewarn.activate=%s's %s was revealed! showdown.abilities.forewarn.activateNoTarget=%s's Forewarn alerted it to %s! Guard showdown.abilities.friendguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies receive 3/4 damage from other Pokemon's attacks.üffler showdown.abilities.frisk.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held items of all opposing Pokemon. showdown.abilities.frisk.gen5.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held item of a random opposing Pokemon. showdown.abilities.frisk.activate=%s frisked %s and found its %s! showdown.abilities.frisk.activateNoTarget=%s frisked its target and found one %s! Metal Body showdown.abilities.fullmetalbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Coat showdown.abilities.furcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is doubled. Wings showdown.abilities.galewings.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, its Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. showdown.abilities.galewings.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. showdown.abilities.galvanize.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.galvanize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric type and have 1.2x power.öllerei showdown.abilities.gluttony.desc=When this Pokemon is holding a Berry that usually activates with 1/4 or less of its maximum HP, it is eaten at 1/2 or less of its maximum HP instead. showdown.abilities.gluttony.shortDesc=This Pokemon eats Berries at 1/2 max HP or less instead of their usual 1/4 max HP. as Goldörper showdown.abilities.goodasgold.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Status moves.ät showdown.abilities.gooey.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. Tactics showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5, but it can only select the first move it executes. These effects are prevented while this Pokemon is Dynamaxed. showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Pelt showdown.abilities.grasspelt.shortDesc=If Grassy Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Defense is multiplied by 1.5. Surge showdown.abilities.grassysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Grassy Terrain. Neigh Wiehern showdown.abilities.grimneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. showdown.abilities.grimneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. Dog showdown.abilities.guarddog.desc=This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability and raises its Attack by 1 stage instead. This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. showdown.abilities.guarddog.shortDesc=Immune to Intimidate. Intimidated: +1 Attack. Cannot be forced to switch out. Missileürggeschoss showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cramorant, it changes forme when it hits a target with Surf or uses the first turn of Dive successfully. It becomes Gulping Form with an Arrokuda in its mouth if it has more than 1/2 of its maximum HP remaining, or Gorging Form with a Pikachu in its mouth if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP remaining. If Cramorant gets hit in Gulping or Gorging Form, it spits the Arrokuda or Pikachu at its attacker, even if it has no HP remaining. The projectile deals damage equal to 1/4 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down; this damage is blocked by the Magic Guard Ability but not by a substitute. An Arrokuda also lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage, and a Pikachu paralyzes the target. Cramorant will return to normal if it spits out a projectile, switches out, or Dynamaxes. showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.shortDesc=When hit after Surf/Dive, attacker takes 1/4 max HP and -1 Defense or paralysis. showdown.abilities.guts.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Attack is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon's physical attacks ignore the burn effect of halving damage. showdown.abilities.guts.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Attack is 1.5x; ignores burn halving physical damage. Engine showdown.abilities.hadronengine.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Electric Terrain. During Electric Terrain, Sp. Atk is 1.3333x. showdown.abilities.hadronengine.start=%s turned the ground into Electric Terrain, energizing its futuristic engine! showdown.abilities.hadronengine.activate=%s used the Electric Terrain to energize its futuristic engine! Ernte showdown.abilities.harvest.desc=If the last item this Pokemon used is a Berry, there is a 50% chance it gets restored at the end of each turn. If Sunny Day is active, this chance is 100%. showdown.abilities.harvest.shortDesc=If last item used is a Berry, 50% chance to restore it each end of turn. 100% in Sun. showdown.abilities.harvest.addItem=%s harvested one %s! showdown.abilities.healer.desc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.healer.shortDesc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.desc=30% chance each of this Pokemon's adjacent allies has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.shortDesc=30% chance each adjacent ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.heatproof.desc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. This Pokemon takes half of the usual burn damage, rounded down. showdown.abilities.heatproof.shortDesc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved; burn damage halved. Metal showdown.abilities.heavymetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. showdown.abilities.heavymetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. Gather showdown.abilities.honeygather.shortDesc=No competitive use. Power showdown.abilities.hugepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. Switchßhunger showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.desc=If this Pokemon is a Morpeko, it changes formes between its Full Belly Mode and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.shortDesc=If Morpeko, it changes between Full Belly and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn.Übereifer showdown.abilities.hustle.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and the accuracy of its physical attacks is multiplied by 0.8. showdown.abilities.hustle.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x and accuracy of its physical attacks is 0.8x. showdown.abilities.hydration.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.hydration.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its status cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. showdown.abilities.hydration.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. Cutter showdown.abilities.hypercutter.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Attack stat stage. Body showdown.abilities.icebody.desc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.icebody.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn; immunity to Hail. Faceühlkopf showdown.abilities.iceface.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Snow begins or when Eiscue switches in while Snow is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. showdown.abilities.iceface.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. Effect is restored in Snow. showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Hail begins or when Eiscue switches in while Hail is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. This effect is restored in Hail. Scalesügelstaub showdown.abilities.icescales.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from special attacks. showdown.abilities.illuminate.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.abilities.illusion.desc=When this Pokemon switches in, it appears as the last unfainted Pokemon in its party until it takes direct damage from another Pokemon's attack. This Pokemon's actual level and HP are displayed instead of those of the mimicked Pokemon. showdown.abilities.illusion.shortDesc=This Pokemon appears as the last Pokemon in the party until it takes direct damage. showdown.abilities.illusion.end=%s's illusion wore off!ät showdown.abilities.immunity.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while poisoned cures it.änger showdown.abilities.imposter.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. If there is no Pokemon at that position, this Pokemon does not Transform. showdown.abilities.imposter.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, and Aurora Veil. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and foe's Reflect/Light Screen/Safeguard/Mist/Aurora Veil. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. Out showdown.abilities.innardsout.desc=If this Pokemon is knocked out with a move, that move's user loses HP equal to the amount of damage inflicted on this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.innardsout.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is KOed with a move, that move's user loses an equal amount of HP. showdown.abilities.innardsout.damage=%s was hurt! Focus showdown.abilities.innerfocus.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. showdown.abilities.innerfocus.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. Immune to Intimidate. showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. showdown.abilities.insomnia.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. showdown.abilities.intimidate.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon with the Inner Focus, Oblivious, Own Tempo, or Scrappy Abilities and Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. showdown.abilities.intimidate.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. @@ -9088,33 +9088,33 @@ showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers t showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. If U-turn breaks an opposing substitute and this Pokemon switches in as the replacement, the Pokemon that had the substitute is still immune to this Ability. showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. Swordühnes Schwert showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Barbs showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.damage=%s was hurt! Fist showdown.abilities.ironfist.desc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.2. showdown.abilities.ironfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have 1.2x power. Sucker Punch is not boosted. showdown.abilities.justified.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a Dark-type move. Eye showdown.abilities.keeneye.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. This Pokemon ignores a target's evasiveness stat stage. showdown.abilities.keeneye.shortDesc=This Pokemon's accuracy can't be lowered by others; ignores their evasiveness stat. showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. showdown.abilities.klutz.desc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect. This Pokemon cannot use Fling successfully. Macho Brace, Power Anklet, Power Band, Power Belt, Power Bracer, Power Lens, and Power Weight still have their effects. showdown.abilities.klutz.shortDesc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect, except Macho Brace. Fling cannot be used. Guard showdown.abilities.leafguard.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.leafguard.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused and Rest will fail for it. showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, but can use Rest normally. showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused, but Rest works normally. showdown.abilities.levitate.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. Thousand Arrows can hit this Pokemon as if it did not have this Ability. showdown.abilities.levitate.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it. showdown.abilities.levitate.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. @@ -9127,10 +9127,10 @@ showdown.abilities.libero.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of showdown.abilities.libero.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. Metal showdown.abilities.lightmetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is halved, rounded down to a tenth of a kilogram. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. A Pokemon's weight will not drop below 0.1 kg. showdown.abilities.lightmetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is halved. Rodänger showdown.abilities.lightningrod.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. showdown.abilities.lightningrod.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Electric moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Electric immunity. showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. @@ -9138,37 +9138,37 @@ showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by an opposing Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. This effect considers Hidden Power a Normal-type move. showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Electric moves used by opponents to itself. showdown.abilities.lightningrod.activate=%s took the attack!ät showdown.abilities.limber.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be paralyzed. Gaining this Ability while paralyzed cures it. Aroma showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Lingering Aroma. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Lingering Aroma, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon has the attacker's Ability become Lingering Aroma. showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.changeAbility=A lingering aroma clings to %s! Oozeße showdown.abilities.liquidooze.shortDesc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. showdown.abilities.liquidooze.gen4.desc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. This effect does not consider Dream Eater. showdown.abilities.liquidooze.damage=%s sucked up the liquid ooze! Voiceätscherstimme showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water-type moves. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water type. Reach showdown.abilities.longreach.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do not make contact with the target. Bounce showdown.abilities.magicbounce.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. showdown.abilities.magicbounce.shortDesc=This Pokemon blocks certain Status moves and bounces them back to the user. showdown.abilities.magicbounce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. showdown.abilities.magicbounce.move=%s bounced the %s back! Guard showdown.abilities.magicguard.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. showdown.abilities.magicguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. This Pokemon cannot be prevented from moving because of paralysis, and is unaffected by Toxic Spikes on switch-in. showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks, and can't be fully paralyzed. showdown.abilities.magician.desc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. Does not affect Doom Desire and Future Sight. showdown.abilities.magician.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. Armor showdown.abilities.magmaarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be frozen. Gaining this Ability while frozen cures it. Pull showdown.abilities.magnetpull.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. showdown.abilities.magnetpull.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. @@ -9179,14 +9179,14 @@ showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon fro showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.desc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. Scale showdown.abilities.marvelscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Defense is multiplied by 1.5. Launcher showdown.abilities.megalauncher.desc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. Heal Pulse restores 3/4 of a target's maximum HP, rounded half down. showdown.abilities.megalauncher.shortDesc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have 1.5x power. Heal Pulse heals 3/4 target's max HP.älerei showdown.abilities.merciless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks are critical hits if the target is poisoned. showdown.abilities.mimicry.desc=This Pokemon's types change to match the active Terrain when this Pokemon acquires this Ability, or whenever a Terrain begins. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. If this Ability is acquired without an active Terrain, or a Terrain ends, this Pokemon's types become the original types for its species. showdown.abilities.mimicry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's types change to match the Terrain. Type reverts when Terrain ends. showdown.abilities.mimicry.activate=%s returned to its original type! @@ -9197,12 +9197,12 @@ showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.desc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.shortDesc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.desc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.shortDesc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. Armorüstung showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered by another Pokemon, that Pokemon's stat stage is lowered instead. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon's stat stage was already -6. If the other Pokemon has a substitute, neither Pokemon has its stat stage lowered. showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.shortDesc=If this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered, the attacker's are lowered instead. Surge showdown.abilities.mistysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Misty Terrain. BreakerÜberbrückung showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. @@ -9210,25 +9210,25 @@ showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Clear Body, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Heatproof, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, and Wonder Guard. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move. The Attack modifier from an ally's Flower Gift Ability is not negated. showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.start=%s breaks the mold!ühlswippe showdown.abilities.moody.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat, other than accuracy or evasiveness, raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.moody.shortDesc=Boosts a random stat (except accuracy/evasion) +2 and another stat -1 every turn. showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.shortDesc=Raises a random stat by 2 and lowers another stat by 1 at the end of each turn. Drive showdown.abilities.motordrive.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Speed by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. showdown.abilities.motordrive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by an Electric move; Electric immunity. showdown.abilities.moxie.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. showdown.abilities.moxie.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. showdown.abilities.multiscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved.ät showdown.abilities.multitype.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. showdown.abilities.multitype.gen7.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate or Z-Crystal. showdown.abilities.multitype.gen6.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. showdown.abilities.multitype.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack. showdown.abilities.mummy.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. showdown.abilities.mummy.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. showdown.abilities.mummy.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. @@ -9236,81 +9236,81 @@ showdown.abilities.mummy.gen7.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have showdown.abilities.mummy.gen6.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype, Mummy, or Stance Change Abilities. showdown.abilities.mummy.gen5.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype or Mummy Abilities. showdown.abilities.mummy.changeAbility=%s's Ability became Mummy! Might showdown.abilities.myceliummight.desc=This Pokemon's Status moves ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon, and go last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves. showdown.abilities.myceliummight.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves go last in their priority bracket and ignore Abilities. Cure Kraft showdown.abilities.naturalcure.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured when it switches out. showdown.abilities.naturalcure.activate=(%s is cured by its Natural Cure!) showdown.abilities.neuroforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target have their damage multiplied by 1.25. showdown.abilities.neuroforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.25x damage. Gas showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. Does not affect the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.start=Neutralizing gas filled the area! showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.end=The effects of the neutralizing gas wore off! Guard showdown.abilities.noguard.shortDesc=Every move used by or against this Pokemon will always hit. showdown.abilities.normalize.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. showdown.abilities.normalize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have 1.2x power. showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. showdown.abilities.normalize.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, except Struggle.ösigkeit showdown.abilities.oblivious.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. showdown.abilities.oblivious.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Immune to Intimidate. showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. showdown.abilities.opportunist.shortDesc=When an opposing Pokemon has a stat stage raised, this Pokemon copies the effect. Pulse showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Sunny Day. During Sunny Day, Attack is 1.3333x. showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.start=%s turned the sunlight harsh, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.activate=%s basked in the sunlight, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! showdown.abilities.overcoat.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. showdown.abilities.overcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm damage, and Effect Spore. showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm or Hail, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm or Hail damage, Effect Spore. showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail.ünger showdown.abilities.overgrow.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Grass-type attack. showdown.abilities.overgrow.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Grass attacks. showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Grass-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Grass-type attacks have 1.5x power. Tempo showdown.abilities.owntempo.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. showdown.abilities.owntempo.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Immune to Intimidate. showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Bond showdown.abilities.parentalbond.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. showdown.abilities.parentalbond.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Z-Move. showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. Veilülle showdown.abilities.pastelveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while this Pokemon or its ally is poisoned cures them. If this Ability is being ignored during an effect that causes poison, this Pokemon is cured immediately but its ally is not. showdown.abilities.pastelveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. On switch-in, cures poisoned allies. Bodyörper showdown.abilities.perishbody.desc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. This effect does not happen for this Pokemon if the attacker already has a perish count. showdown.abilities.perishbody.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. showdown.abilities.perishbody.start=Both Pokémon will faint in three turns! showdown.abilities.pickpocket.desc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. showdown.abilities.pickpocket.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. showdown.abilities.pickup.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it finds one used by an adjacent Pokemon this turn. showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.desc=No competitive use. showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.abilities.pickup.addItem=%s found one %s! showdown.abilities.pixilate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.pixilate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.2x power. showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. @@ -9322,37 +9322,37 @@ an active ally has the Minus Ability, this an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. Heal showdown.abilities.poisonheal.desc=If this Pokemon is poisoned, it restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn instead of losing HP. showdown.abilities.poisonheal.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed by 1/8 of its max HP each turn when poisoned; no HP loss. Point showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. Touch showdown.abilities.poisontouch.desc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. This effect comes after a move's inherent secondary effect chance. showdown.abilities.poisontouch.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. Construct showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.desc=If this Pokemon is a Zygarde in its 10% or 50% Forme, it changes to Complete Forme when it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of the turn. showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.shortDesc=If Zygarde 10%/50%, changes to Complete if at 1/2 max HP or less at end of turn. showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.activate=You sense the presence of many! showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.transform=%s transformed into its Complete Forme! of Alchemy showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! Spot showdown.abilities.powerspot.desc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. This affects Doom Desire and Future Sight, even if the user is not on the field. showdown.abilities.powerspot.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. showdown.abilities.prankster.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. Opposing Dark-type Pokemon are immune to these moves, and any move called by these moves, if the resulting user of the move has this Ability. showdown.abilities.prankster.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves have priority raised by 1, but Dark types are immune. showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. showdown.abilities.pressure.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison, Snatch, and Tera Blast also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. showdown.abilities.pressure.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a foe's move, that move loses one additional PP. showdown.abilities.pressure.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison and Snatch also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. @@ -9360,58 +9360,58 @@ showdown.abilities.pressure.gen5.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposi showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of another Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a move, that move loses one additional PP. showdown.abilities.pressure.start=%s is exerting its pressure! Sea showdown.abilities.primordialsea.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Primordial Sea, which includes all the effects of Rain Dance and prevents damaging Fire-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Desolate Land Abilities. showdown.abilities.primordialsea.shortDesc=On switch-in, heavy rain begins until this Ability is not active in battle. Armorüstung showdown.abilities.prismarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. Tail showdown.abilities.propellertail.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. showdown.abilities.protean.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. showdown.abilities.protean.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use.äosynthese showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.desc=If Sunny Day is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Sunny Day, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Sunny Day is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.shortDesc=Sunny Day active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activate=The harsh sunlight activated %s's Protosynthesis! showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate Protosynthesis! showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.start=%s's %s was heightened! showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.end=The effects of %s's Protosynthesis wore off! Surge showdown.abilities.psychicsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Psychic Terrain. Rock showdown.abilities.punkrock.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes halved damage from sound-based moves. showdown.abilities.punkrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from sound moves. Its own have 1.3x power. Power showdown.abilities.purepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. Saltäutersalz showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.desc=This Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. If a Pokemon uses a Ghost-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.shortDesc=Ghost damage to this Pokemon dealt with a halved offensive stat; can't be statused. Drive showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.desc=If Electric Terrain is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Electric Terrain, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Electric Terrain is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.shortDesc=Electric Terrain active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activate=The Electric Terrain activated %s's Quark Drive! showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate its Quark Drive! showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.start=%s's %s was heightened! showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.end=The effects of %s's Quark Drive wore off! Majestyät showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.block=%s cannot use %s! Draw showdown.abilities.quickdraw.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 30% chance to move first in its priority bracket with attacking moves. showdown.abilities.quickdraw.activate=Quick Draw made %s move faster! Feet showdown.abilities.quickfeet.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of halving Speed. showdown.abilities.quickfeet.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Speed is 1.5x; ignores Speed drop from paralysis. showdown.abilities.quickfeet.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of quartering Speed. Dish showdown.abilities.raindish.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.raindish.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. showdown.abilities.raindish.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn.ß showdown.abilities.rattled.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or if an opposing Pokemon affected this Pokemon with the Intimidate Ability. showdown.abilities.rattled.shortDesc=Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or Intimidated. showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. @@ -9422,78 +9422,78 @@ showdown.abilities.receiver.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally showdown.abilities.receiver.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. showdown.abilities.receiver.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. showdown.abilities.receiver.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! showdown.abilities.reckless.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have their power multiplied by 1.2. Does not affect Struggle. showdown.abilities.reckless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have 1.2x power; not Struggle. showdown.abilities.refrigerate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.refrigerate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.2x power. showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.3x power. showdown.abilities.regenerator.shortDesc=This Pokemon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when it switches out. showdown.abilities.ripen.desc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. Berries that restore HP or PP have the amount doubled, Berries that raise stat stages have the amount doubled, Berries that halve damage taken quarter it instead, and a Jaboca Berry or Rowap Berry has the attacker lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.abilities.ripen.shortDesc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled.ät showdown.abilities.rivalry.desc=This Pokemon's attacks have their power multiplied by 1.25 against targets of the same gender or multiplied by 0.75 against targets of the opposite gender. There is no modifier if either this Pokemon or the target is genderless. showdown.abilities.rivalry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do 1.25x on same gender targets; 0.75x on opposite gender. System showdown.abilities.rkssystem.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Silvally, its type changes to match its held Memory. Head showdown.abilities.rockhead.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect Life Orb damage or crash damage. showdown.abilities.rockhead.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle/Life Orb/crash damage. showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect crash damage. showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle and crash damage. Payloadäger showdown.abilities.rockypayload.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Rock-type attack. Skin showdown.abilities.roughskin.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.abilities.roughskin.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen4.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their max HP. showdown.abilities.roughskin.damage=%s was hurt! Away showdown.abilities.runaway.shortDesc=No competitive use. Force showdown.abilities.sandforce.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. showdown.abilities.sandforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Ground/Rock/Steel attacks do 1.3x in Sandstorm; immunity to it. Rush showdown.abilities.sandrush.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. showdown.abilities.sandrush.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm. Spit showdown.abilities.sandspit.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. showdown.abilities.sandspit.gen8.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect comes after the effects of Max and G-Max Moves. Stream showdown.abilities.sandstream.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sandstorm. Veil showdown.abilities.sandveil.desc=If Sandstorm is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. showdown.abilities.sandveil.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Sandstorm. Sipper showdown.abilities.sapsipper.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Grass-type moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Grass-type move. showdown.abilities.sapsipper.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage if hit by a Grass move; Grass immunity. showdown.abilities.schooling.desc=On switch-in, if this Pokemon is a Wishiwashi that is level 20 or above and has more than 1/4 of its maximum HP left, it changes to School Form. If it is in School Form and its HP drops to 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, it changes to Solo Form at the end of the turn. If it is in Solo Form and its HP is greater than 1/4 its maximum HP at the end of the turn, it changes to School Form. showdown.abilities.schooling.shortDesc=If user is Wishiwashi, changes to School Form if it has > 1/4 max HP, else Solo Form. showdown.abilities.schooling.transform=%s formed a school! showdown.abilities.schooling.transformEnd=%s stopped schooling! showdown.abilities.scrappy.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. showdown.abilities.scrappy.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal moves hit Ghost. Immune to Intimidate. showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. Cleaner showdown.abilities.screencleaner.shortDesc=On switch-in, the effects of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, and Reflect end for both sides. Sower showdown.abilities.seedsower.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. Grace showdown.abilities.serenegrace.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. This effect stacks with the Rainbow effect, except for secondary effects that cause the target to flinch. showdown.abilities.serenegrace.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. showdown.abilities.serenegrace.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. Shield showdown.abilities.shadowshield.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. Tag showdown.abilities.shadowtag.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. showdown.abilities.shadowtag.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. @@ -9503,176 +9503,176 @@ showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing t showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. showdown.abilities.sharpness.shortDesc=This Pokemon's slicing moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. Skin showdown.abilities.shedskin.desc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.shedskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its status cured at the end of each turn. Force Gewalt showdown.abilities.sheerforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Anger Shell, Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. showdown.abilities.sheerforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have 1.3x power; nullifies the effects. showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, and Eject Button from activating. Armor showdown.abilities.shellarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. Dust showdown.abilities.shielddust.shortDesc=This Pokemon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. Down showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.desc=If this Pokemon is a Minior, it changes to its Core forme if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, and changes to Meteor Form if it has more than 1/2 its maximum HP. This check is done on switch-in and at the end of each turn. While in its Meteor Form, it cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.shortDesc=If Minior, switch-in/end of turn it changes to Core at 1/2 max HP or less, else Meteor. showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transform=Shields Down deactivated! showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transformEnd=Shields Down activated! showdown.abilities.simple.shortDesc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. showdown.abilities.simple.gen7.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Status Z-Move is used. showdown.abilities.simple.gen6.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. A stat stage cannot be considered more than 6 or less than -6. showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. Link showdown.abilities.skilllink.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick and Triple Axel do not check accuracy for the second and third hits. showdown.abilities.skilllink.shortDesc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick does not check accuracy for the second and third hits. showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Does not affect Triple Kick. Start showdown.abilities.slowstart.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. During the effect, if this Pokemon uses a generic Z-Move based on a special move, its Special Attack is halved during damage calculation. showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. showdown.abilities.slowstart.start=%s can't get it going! showdown.abilities.slowstart.end=%s finally got its act together! Rush showdown.abilities.slushrush.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. showdown.abilities.slushrush.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled.ütze showdown.abilities.sniper.shortDesc=If this Pokemon strikes with a critical hit, the damage is multiplied by 1.5. Cloak showdown.abilities.snowcloak.desc=If Snow is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. showdown.abilities.snowcloak.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x. showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Hail. Warning showdown.abilities.snowwarning.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Snow. showdown.abilities.snowwarning.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Hail. Power showdown.abilities.solarpower.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.solarpower.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x; loses 1/8 max HP per turn. showdown.abilities.solarpower.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. Rock showdown.abilities.solidrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. showdown.abilities.soulheart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage when another Pokemon faints.ärmschutz showdown.abilities.soundproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, unless it used the move. showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, except Heal Bell. showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. Boost showdown.abilities.speedboost.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage at the end of each full turn it has been on the field. showdown.abilities.speedboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage at the end of each full turn on the field. showdown.abilities.stakeout.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled against a target that switched in this turn. showdown.abilities.stall.shortDesc=This Pokemon moves last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves.ückgrat showdown.abilities.stalwart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect.ähigkeit showdown.abilities.stamina.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a move. Change showdown.abilities.stancechange.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before using an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before using King's Shield. showdown.abilities.stancechange.shortDesc=If Aegislash, changes Forme to Blade before attacks and Shield before King's Shield. showdown.abilities.stancechange.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before attempting to use an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before attempting to use King's Shield. showdown.abilities.stancechange.transform=Changed to Blade Forme! showdown.abilities.stancechange.transformEnd=Changed to Shield Forme! showdown.abilities.static.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. showdown.abilities.static.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.static.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.static.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. showdown.abilities.steadfast.shortDesc=If this Pokemon flinches, its Speed is raised by 1 stage. Engine showdown.abilities.steamengine.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by a Fire- or Water-type move. showdown.abilities.steamengine.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by Fire/Water moves. showdown.abilities.steelworker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Steel-type attack. Spiritählerner Wille showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.desc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. This affects Doom Desire even if the user is not on the field. showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.stench.desc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.abilities.stench.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.desc=No competitive use. showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. Holdörper showdown.abilities.stickyhold.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack, unless the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. showdown.abilities.stickyhold.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack. showdown.abilities.stickyhold.gen4.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack, even if the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. showdown.abilities.stickyhold.block=%s's item cannot be removed! Drain showdown.abilities.stormdrain.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Water-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. showdown.abilities.stormdrain.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Water moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Water immunity. showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Water moves to itself. showdown.abilities.stormdrain.activate=%s took the attack! Jaw showdown.abilities.strongjaw.desc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.strongjaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have 1.5x power. Bug Bite is not boosted. showdown.abilities.sturdy.desc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.sturdy.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. Immune to OHKO. showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.desc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.shortDesc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.sturdy.activate=%s endured the hit! Cups showdown.abilities.suctioncups.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. showdown.abilities.suctioncups.block=%s is anchored in place with its suction cups! Luckückspilz showdown.abilities.superluck.shortDesc=This Pokemon's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Overlord showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their power multiplied by 1+(X*0.1), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side when this Ability became active, and X cannot be greater than 5. showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have 10% more power for each fainted ally, up to 5 allies. showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.activate=%s gained strength from the fallen! Surfer showdown.abilities.surgesurfer.shortDesc=If Electric Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. showdown.abilities.swarm.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Bug-type attack. showdown.abilities.swarm.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Bug attacks. showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Bug-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Bug-type attacks have 1.5x power. Veilülle showdown.abilities.sweetveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep, but those already asleep do not wake up immediately. This Pokemon and its allies cannot use Rest successfully or become affected by Yawn, and those previously affected will not fall asleep. showdown.abilities.sweetveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep; those already asleep do not wake up. showdown.abilities.sweetveil.block=%s can't fall asleep due to a veil of sweetness! Swim showdown.abilities.swiftswim.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.swiftswim.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. showdown.abilities.swiftswim.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. of Ruin showdown.abilities.swordofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Defense multiplied by 0.75. showdown.abilities.swordofruin.start=%s's Sword of Ruin weakened the Defense of all surrounding Pokémon! showdown.abilities.symbiosis.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button or Eject Pack. showdown.abilities.symbiosis.shortDesc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen7.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button. showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen6.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off. showdown.abilities.symbiosis.activate=%s shared its %s with %s! showdown.abilities.synchronize.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, poisons, or badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. showdown.abilities.synchronize.shortDesc=If another Pokemon burns/poisons/paralyzes this Pokemon, it also gets that status. showdown.abilities.synchronize.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, or poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. If another Pokemon badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon becomes poisoned. of Ruin showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Attack multiplied by 0.75. showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.start=%s's Tablets of Ruin weakened the Attack of all surrounding Pokémon! Feet showdown.abilities.tangledfeet.shortDesc=This Pokemon's evasiveness is doubled as long as it is confused. Hair showdown.abilities.tanglinghair.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. showdown.abilities.technician.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, including Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power. showdown.abilities.technician.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, including Struggle. showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, except Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power, as well as the effects of Charge and Helping Hand. showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, except Struggle. showdown.abilities.telepathy.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take damage from attacks made by its allies. showdown.abilities.telepathy.block=%s can't be hit by attacks from its ally Pokémon! @@ -9682,31 +9682,31 @@ showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ign showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.teravolt.start=%s is radiating a bursting aura! Exchange showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage after it is damaged by a Fire-type move. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 when damaged by Fire moves; can't be burned. Fat showdown.abilities.thickfat.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.thickfat.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved offensive stat. showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.desc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.shortDesc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's Special Attack is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved Sp. Atk stat. Lens showdown.abilities.tintedlens.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are not very effective on a target deal double damage. showdown.abilities.torrent.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Water-type attack. showdown.abilities.torrent.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Water attacks. showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Water-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Water-type attacks have 1.5x power. Claws showdown.abilities.toughclaws.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. Boost showdown.abilities.toxicboost.desc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, the power of its physical attacks is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.toxicboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, its physical attacks have 1.5x power. Debris showdown.abilities.toxicdebris.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by a physical attack, Toxic Spikes are set on the opposing side. showdown.abilities.trace.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. showdown.abilities.trace.shortDesc=On switch-in, or when it can, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent foe's Ability. showdown.abilities.trace.gen8.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. @@ -9718,109 +9718,109 @@ showdown.abilities.trace.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random op showdown.abilities.trace.changeAbility=%s traced %s's %s! showdown.abilities.transistor.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using an Electric-type attack. showdown.abilities.triage.shortDesc=This Pokemon's healing moves have their priority increased by 3. showdown.abilities.truant.shortDesc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. showdown.abilities.truant.gen3.desc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. If this Pokemon replaces a Pokemon that fainted during end-of-turn effects, its first turn will be skipped. showdown.abilities.truant.cant=%s is loafing around! showdown.abilities.turboblaze.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.start=%s is radiating a blazing aura! showdown.abilities.unaware.desc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's Attack, Special Attack, and accuracy stat stages when taking damage, and ignores other Pokemon's Defense, Special Defense, and evasiveness stat stages when dealing damage. showdown.abilities.unaware.shortDesc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's stat stages when taking or doing damage. showdown.abilities.unburden.desc=If this Pokemon loses its held item for any reason, its Speed is doubled as long as it remains active, has this Ability, and is not holding an item. showdown.abilities.unburden.shortDesc=Speed is doubled on held item loss; boost is lost if it switches, gets new item/Ability. showdown.abilities.unnerve.desc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. showdown.abilities.unnerve.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. showdown.abilities.unnerve.start=%s is too nervous to eat Berries! Fist Faust showdown.abilities.unseenfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves ignore the target's protection, except Max Guard. of Ruinäß showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Attack multiplied by 0.75. showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.start=%s's Vessel of Ruin weakened the Sp. Atk of all surrounding Pokémon! Star showdown.abilities.victorystar.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.1. Spirit showdown.abilities.vitalspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. Absorb showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by an Electric-type move. showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Electric moves; Electric immunity. showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damaging Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by one. showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 its max HP when hit by a damaging Electric move; immunity. Spirit Seele showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode Abilities. showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! Absorb showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Water moves; Water immunity. Bubble showdown.abilities.waterbubble.desc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled while using a Water-type attack. If a Pokemon uses a Fire-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. showdown.abilities.waterbubble.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Water power is 2x; it can't be burned; Fire power against it is halved. Compaction showdown.abilities.watercompaction.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages after it is damaged by a Water-type move. Veilülle showdown.abilities.waterveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. Armorüstung showdown.abilities.weakarmor.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 2 stages. showdown.abilities.weakarmor.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 2. showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 1 stage. showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 1. Body showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves and raises its Defense by 2 stages when hit by a Fire-type move. showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages if hit by a Fire move; Fire immunity. Smoke showdown.abilities.whitesmoke.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Outßaus showdown.abilities.wimpout.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. showdown.abilities.wimpout.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. Power showdown.abilities.windpower.desc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. showdown.abilities.windpower.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. showdown.abilities.windpower.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! Rider showdown.abilities.windrider.desc=This Pokemon is immune to wind moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. showdown.abilities.windrider.shortDesc=Attack raised by 1 if hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. Wind move immunity. Guard showdown.abilities.wonderguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by Fire Fang, supereffective moves, indirect damage. showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. Skin showdown.abilities.wonderskin.desc=Non-damaging moves that check accuracy have their accuracy changed to 50% when used against this Pokemon. This effect comes before other effects that modify accuracy. showdown.abilities.wonderskin.shortDesc=Status moves with accuracy checks are 50% accurate when used on this Pokemon. Mode showdown.abilities.zenmode.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan or Galarian Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. showdown.abilities.zenmode.shortDesc=If Darmanitan, at end of turn changes Mode to Standard if > 1/2 max HP, else Zen. showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. If Darmanitan loses this Ability while in Zen Mode, it reverts to Standard Mode immediately. showdown.abilities.zenmode.transform=Zen Mode triggered! showdown.abilities.zenmode.transformEnd=Zen Mode ended! to Hero showdown.abilities.zerotohero.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Palafin in Zero Form, switching out has it change to Hero Form. showdown.abilities.zerotohero.activate=%s underwent a heroic transformation! ## Unofficial showdown.abilities.mountaineer.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon avoids all Rock-type attacks and Stealth Rock. ## Unofficial showdown.abilities.rebound.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon blocks certain status moves and instead uses the move against the original user. showdown.abilities.rebound.shortDesc=On switch-in, blocks certain status moves and bounces them back to the user. showdown.abilities.rebound.move=%s bounced the %s back! ## Unofficial showdown.abilities.persistent.desc=The duration of Gravity, Heal Block, Magic Room, Safeguard, Tailwind, Trick Room, and Wonder Room is increased by 2 turns if the effect is started by this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.persistent.shortDesc=When used, Gravity/Heal Block/Safeguard/Tailwind/Room effects last 2 more turns. showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=%s extends %s by 2 turns! -showdown.default.default.startBattle=Battle started between %s and %s! ###################################################### +showdown.default.default.startBattle=Battle started between %s and %s! showdown.default.default.winBattle=**%s** hat den Kampg gewonnen! showdown.default.default.tieBattle=Unentschieden zwischen %s und %s! showdown.default.default.pokemon=%s diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 505a64273..5a088ffe0 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -8711,22 +8711,22 @@ armadura showdown.abilities.armortail.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.armortail.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. showdown.abilities.armortail.block=%s cannot use %s! Veil Aroma showdown.abilities.aromaveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot become affected by Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, or Torment. showdown.abilities.aromaveil.shortDesc=Protects user/allies from Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, and Torment. showdown.abilities.aromaveil.block=%s is protected by an aromatic veil! One Ecuestre showdown.abilities.asone.shortDesc=See 'As One (Glastrier)' and 'As One (Spectrier)'. showdown.abilities.asone.start=%s has two Abilities! One (Glastrier) showdown.abilities.asoneglastrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Chilling Neigh Abilities. One (Spectrier) showdown.abilities.asonespectrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Grim Neigh Abilities. Break showdown.abilities.aurabreak.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura Abilities are reversed, multiplying the power of Dark- and Fairy-type moves, respectively, by 3/4 instead of 1.33. showdown.abilities.aurabreak.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura power modifier is 0.75x. showdown.abilities.aurabreak.start=%s reversed all other Pokémon's auras! Dreams Sueño showdown.abilities.baddreams.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. showdown.abilities.baddreams.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.desc=Causes adjacent opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. @@ -8734,95 +8734,95 @@ showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.shortDesc=Causes sleeping adjacent foes to los showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.baddreams.damage=%s is tormented! Fetch showdown.abilities.ballfetch.shortDesc=No competitive use.ía showdown.abilities.battery.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their special attacks multiplied by 1.3. Armor Bat showdown.abilities.battlearmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. Bond Afecto showdown.abilities.battlebond.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. This effect can only happen once per battle. showdown.abilities.battlebond.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: raises Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed by 1 stage. Once per battle. showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, it transforms into Ash-Greninja if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. If this Pokemon is an Ash-Greninja, its Water Shuriken has 20 power and always hits three times. showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: becomes Ash-Greninja, Water Shuriken: 20 power, hits 3x. showdown.abilities.battlebond.activate=%s became fully charged due to its bond with its Trainer! showdown.abilities.battlebond.transform=%s became Ash-Greninja! of Ruin Debacle showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Defense multiplied by 0.75. showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.start=%s's Beads of Ruin weakened the Sp. Def of all surrounding Pokémon! Boost showdown.abilities.beastboost.desc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. Stat stage changes are not considered. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. showdown.abilities.beastboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon.ólera showdown.abilities.berserk.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage from an attack bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Special Attack is raised by 1 stage. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. showdown.abilities.berserk.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 when it reaches 1/2 or less of its max HP. Pecks showdown.abilities.bigpecks.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Defense stat stage. Llamas showdown.abilities.blaze.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack. showdown.abilities.blaze.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Fire attacks. showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Fire-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Fire-type attacks have 1.5x power. showdown.abilities.bulletproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to bullet moves. Pouch showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, Pluck, Stuff Cheeks, and Teatime if the eaten Berry had an effect on this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it restores 1/3 of its max HP after the Berry's effect. showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, and Pluck if the eaten Berry has an effect on this Pokemon. Neigh Blanco showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. Body Puro showdown.abilities.clearbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Nineón showdown.abilities.cloudnine.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. showdown.abilities.cloudnine.start=The effects of the weather disappeared. Change Color showdown.abilities.colorchange.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. showdown.abilities.colorchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of a move it's hit by, unless it has the type. showdown.abilities.colorchange.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after each hit from a multi-hit move. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. Perenne showdown.abilities.comatose.desc=This Pokemon is considered to be asleep and cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. showdown.abilities.comatose.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be statused, and is considered to be asleep. showdown.abilities.comatose.start=%s is drowsing! showdown.abilities.commander.desc=If this Pokemon is a Tatsugiri and a Dondozo is an active ally, this Pokemon goes into the Dondozo's mouth. The Dondozo has its Attack, Special Attack, Speed, Defense, and Special Defense raised by 2 stages. During the effect, the Dondozo cannot be switched out, this Pokemon cannot select an action, and attacks targeted at this Pokemon will be avoided but it will still take indirect damage. If this Pokemon faints during the effect, a Pokemon can be switched in as a replacement but the Dondozo remains unable to be switched out. If the Dondozo faints during the effect, this Pokemon regains the ability to select an action. showdown.abilities.commander.shortDesc=If ally is Dondozo: this Pokemon cannot act or be hit, +2 to all Dondozo's stats. showdown.abilities.commander.activate=%s was swallowed by %s and became %s's commander! showdown.abilities.competitive.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. showdown.abilities.competitive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. Eyes showdown.abilities.compoundeyes.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.3.ón showdown.abilities.contrary.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. showdown.abilities.contrary.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Z-Move is used. showdown.abilities.contrary.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa.ón showdown.abilities.corrosion.shortDesc=This Pokemon can poison or badly poison a Pokemon regardless of its typing.ísono showdown.abilities.costar.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies all of its ally's stat stage changes. Down showdown.abilities.cottondown.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field is lowered by 1 stage. showdown.abilities.cottondown.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit, it lowers the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field 1 stage. Chew showdown.abilities.cudchew.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it will eat that Berry again at the end of the next turn. Medicine Extraña showdown.abilities.curiousmedicine.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's allies have their stat stages reset to 0. Body Maldito showdown.abilities.cursedbody.desc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled unless one of the attacker's moves is already disabled. showdown.abilities.cursedbody.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled. Charm Encanto showdown.abilities.cutecharm.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. showdown.abilities.cutecharm.shortDesc=30% chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen4.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.desc=There is a 1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. showdown.abilities.damp.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Misty Explosion, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.damp.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Misty Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while active. showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. @@ -8832,235 +8832,235 @@ showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermat showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion and Self-Destruct are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion and Self-Destruct while this Pokemon is active. showdown.abilities.damp.block=%s cannot use %s! de Baile showdown.abilities.dancer.desc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. The copied move is subject to all effects that can prevent a move from being executed. A move used through this Ability cannot be copied again by other Pokemon with this Ability. showdown.abilities.dancer.shortDesc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. Aura Oscura showdown.abilities.darkaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Dark-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. showdown.abilities.darkaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Dark move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. showdown.abilities.darkaura.start=%s is radiating a dark aura! Shield Recio showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. Vívido showdown.abilities.dazzling.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.dazzling.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. showdown.abilities.dazzling.block=%s cannot use %s! showdown.abilities.defeatist.desc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Attack and Special Attack are halved. showdown.abilities.defeatist.shortDesc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its max HP, its Attack and Sp. Atk are halved. showdown.abilities.defiant.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. showdown.abilities.defiant.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. Stream Delta showdown.abilities.deltastream.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Delta Stream, which removes the weaknesses of the Flying type from Flying-type Pokemon. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Desolate Land or Primordial Sea Abilities. showdown.abilities.deltastream.shortDesc=On switch-in, strong winds begin until this Ability is not active in battle. Land del Ocaso showdown.abilities.desolateland.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Desolate Land, which includes all the effects of Sunny Day and prevents damaging Water-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Primordial Sea Abilities. showdown.abilities.desolateland.shortDesc=On switch-in, extremely harsh sunlight begins until this Ability is not active in battle. showdown.abilities.disguise.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken, it changes to Busted Form, and it loses 1/8 of its max HP. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. showdown.abilities.disguise.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) The first hit it takes is blocked, and it takes 1/8 HP damage instead. showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken and it changes to Busted Form. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) First hit deals 0 damage, breaks disguise. showdown.abilities.disguise.block=Its disguise served it as a decoy! showdown.abilities.disguise.transform=%s's disguise was busted! switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack is raised by 1 stage based on the weaker combined defensive stat of all opposing Pokemon. Attack is raised if their Defense is lower, and Special Attack is raised if their Special Defense is the same or lower. switch-in, Attack or Sp. Atk is raised 1 stage based on the foes' weaker Defense.'s Mawíbula Dragón showdown.abilities.dragonsmaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Dragon-type attack. showdown.abilities.drizzle.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Rain Dance.íac showdown.abilities.drought.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sunny Day. Skin Seca showdown.abilities.dryskin.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. The weather effects are prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.dryskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed 1/4 by Water, 1/8 by Rain; is hurt 1.25x by Fire, 1/8 by Sun. showdown.abilities.dryskin.gen7.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. showdown.abilities.dryskin.damage=(%s was hurt by its Dry Skin.) Bird showdown.abilities.earlybird.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sleep counter drops by 2 instead of 1. Eater showdown.abilities.eartheater.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Ground-type move. showdown.abilities.eartheater.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Ground moves; Ground immunity. Spore Espora showdown.abilities.effectspore.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. showdown.abilities.effectspore.shortDesc=30% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.desc=10% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. Surgeénesis showdown.abilities.electricsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Electric Terrain. showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from an attack. showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! Exit showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. Aura Feérica showdown.abilities.fairyaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Fairy-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. showdown.abilities.fairyaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Fairy move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. showdown.abilities.fairyaura.start=%s is radiating a fairy aura! showdown.abilities.filter.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. Body Llama showdown.abilities.flamebody.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. BoostÍm. Ardiente showdown.abilities.flareboost.desc=While this Pokemon is burned, the power of its special attacks is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.flareboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is burned, its special attacks have 1.5x power. Fire Fuego showdown.abilities.flashfire.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon is frozen, it cannot be defrosted by Fire-type attacks. showdown.abilities.flashfire.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Fire attacks do 1.5x damage if hit by one Fire move; Fire immunity. showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, is a Fire type, or has a substitute, Will-O-Wisp will not activate this Ability. showdown.abilities.flashfire.start=The power of %s's Fire-type moves rose! Gift Floral showdown.abilities.flowergift.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.flowergift.shortDesc=If user is Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it and allies' Attack and Sp. Def are 1.5x. showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, the Attack and Special Defense of this Pokemon and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, Attack and Sp. Def of this Pokemon and its allies are 1.5x. Veil Flor showdown.abilities.flowerveil.desc=Grass-type Pokemon on this Pokemon's side cannot have their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon or have a non-volatile status condition inflicted on them by other Pokemon. showdown.abilities.flowerveil.shortDesc=This side's Grass types can't have stats lowered or status inflicted by other Pokemon. showdown.abilities.flowerveil.block=%s surrounded itself with a veil of petals! showdown.abilities.fluffy.desc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from contact moves, but double damage from Fire moves. showdown.abilities.fluffy.shortDesc=This Pokemon takes 1/2 damage from contact moves, 2x damage from Fire moves.ón showdown.abilities.forecast.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella and the weather is Rain Dance or Sunny Day. showdown.abilities.forecast.shortDesc=Castform's type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. showdown.abilities.forecast.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. showdown.abilities.forewarn.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power, and non-damaging moves to have 1 power. showdown.abilities.forewarn.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the foes' move with the highest power. showdown.abilities.forewarn.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, and every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power. showdown.abilities.forewarn.activate=%s's %s was revealed! showdown.abilities.forewarn.activateNoTarget=%s's Forewarn alerted it to %s! Guard showdown.abilities.friendguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies receive 3/4 damage from other Pokemon's attacks. showdown.abilities.frisk.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held items of all opposing Pokemon. showdown.abilities.frisk.gen5.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held item of a random opposing Pokemon. showdown.abilities.frisk.activate=%s frisked %s and found its %s! showdown.abilities.frisk.activateNoTarget=%s frisked its target and found one %s! Metal Body Metálica showdown.abilities.fullmetalbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Coat Recio showdown.abilities.furcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is doubled. Wings Vendaval showdown.abilities.galewings.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, its Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. showdown.abilities.galewings.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. Eléctrica showdown.abilities.galvanize.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.galvanize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric type and have 1.2x power. showdown.abilities.gluttony.desc=When this Pokemon is holding a Berry that usually activates with 1/4 or less of its maximum HP, it is eaten at 1/2 or less of its maximum HP instead. showdown.abilities.gluttony.shortDesc=This Pokemon eats Berries at 1/2 max HP or less instead of their usual 1/4 max HP. as Gold Áureo showdown.abilities.goodasgold.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Status moves. showdown.abilities.gooey.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. Tactics showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5, but it can only select the first move it executes. These effects are prevented while this Pokemon is Dynamaxed. showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Pelt Frondoso showdown.abilities.grasspelt.shortDesc=If Grassy Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Defense is multiplied by 1.5. Surgeénesis showdown.abilities.grassysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Grassy Terrain. Neigh Negro showdown.abilities.grimneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. showdown.abilities.grimneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. Dog Guardián showdown.abilities.guarddog.desc=This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability and raises its Attack by 1 stage instead. This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. showdown.abilities.guarddog.shortDesc=Immune to Intimidate. Intimidated: +1 Attack. Cannot be forced to switch out. Missile showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cramorant, it changes forme when it hits a target with Surf or uses the first turn of Dive successfully. It becomes Gulping Form with an Arrokuda in its mouth if it has more than 1/2 of its maximum HP remaining, or Gorging Form with a Pikachu in its mouth if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP remaining. If Cramorant gets hit in Gulping or Gorging Form, it spits the Arrokuda or Pikachu at its attacker, even if it has no HP remaining. The projectile deals damage equal to 1/4 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down; this damage is blocked by the Magic Guard Ability but not by a substitute. An Arrokuda also lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage, and a Pikachu paralyzes the target. Cramorant will return to normal if it spits out a projectile, switches out, or Dynamaxes. showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.shortDesc=When hit after Surf/Dive, attacker takes 1/4 max HP and -1 Defense or paralysis. showdown.abilities.guts.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Attack is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon's physical attacks ignore the burn effect of halving damage. showdown.abilities.guts.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Attack is 1.5x; ignores burn halving physical damage. Engine Hadrónico showdown.abilities.hadronengine.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Electric Terrain. During Electric Terrain, Sp. Atk is 1.3333x. showdown.abilities.hadronengine.start=%s turned the ground into Electric Terrain, energizing its futuristic engine! showdown.abilities.hadronengine.activate=%s used the Electric Terrain to energize its futuristic engine! showdown.abilities.harvest.desc=If the last item this Pokemon used is a Berry, there is a 50% chance it gets restored at the end of each turn. If Sunny Day is active, this chance is 100%. showdown.abilities.harvest.shortDesc=If last item used is a Berry, 50% chance to restore it each end of turn. 100% in Sun. showdown.abilities.harvest.addItem=%s harvested one %s! Cura showdown.abilities.healer.desc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.healer.shortDesc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.desc=30% chance each of this Pokemon's adjacent allies has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.shortDesc=30% chance each adjacent ally has its status cured at the end of each turn.ífugo showdown.abilities.heatproof.desc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. This Pokemon takes half of the usual burn damage, rounded down. showdown.abilities.heatproof.shortDesc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved; burn damage halved. Metal Pesado showdown.abilities.heavymetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. showdown.abilities.heavymetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. Gather showdown.abilities.honeygather.shortDesc=No competitive use. Power showdown.abilities.hugepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. Switch showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.desc=If this Pokemon is a Morpeko, it changes formes between its Full Belly Mode and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.shortDesc=If Morpeko, it changes between Full Belly and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.hustle.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and the accuracy of its physical attacks is multiplied by 0.8. showdown.abilities.hustle.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x and accuracy of its physical attacks is 0.8x.ón showdown.abilities.hydration.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.hydration.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its status cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. showdown.abilities.hydration.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. Cutter Fuerte showdown.abilities.hypercutter.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Attack stat stage. Body showdown.abilities.icebody.desc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.icebody.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn; immunity to Hail. Face de Hielo showdown.abilities.iceface.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Snow begins or when Eiscue switches in while Snow is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. showdown.abilities.iceface.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. Effect is restored in Snow. showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Hail begins or when Eiscue switches in while Hail is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. This effect is restored in Hail. Scales de Hielo showdown.abilities.icescales.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from special attacks.ón showdown.abilities.illuminate.shortDesc=No competitive use.ón showdown.abilities.illusion.desc=When this Pokemon switches in, it appears as the last unfainted Pokemon in its party until it takes direct damage from another Pokemon's attack. This Pokemon's actual level and HP are displayed instead of those of the mimicked Pokemon. showdown.abilities.illusion.shortDesc=This Pokemon appears as the last Pokemon in the party until it takes direct damage. showdown.abilities.illusion.end=%s's illusion wore off! showdown.abilities.immunity.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while poisoned cures it. showdown.abilities.imposter.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. If there is no Pokemon at that position, this Pokemon does not Transform. showdown.abilities.imposter.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, and Aurora Veil. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and foe's Reflect/Light Screen/Safeguard/Mist/Aurora Veil. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. Outés showdown.abilities.innardsout.desc=If this Pokemon is knocked out with a move, that move's user loses HP equal to the amount of damage inflicted on this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.innardsout.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is KOed with a move, that move's user loses an equal amount of HP. showdown.abilities.innardsout.damage=%s was hurt! Focus Interno showdown.abilities.innerfocus.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. showdown.abilities.innerfocus.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. Immune to Intimidate. showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. showdown.abilities.insomnia.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it.ón showdown.abilities.intimidate.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon with the Inner Focus, Oblivious, Own Tempo, or Scrappy Abilities and Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. showdown.abilities.intimidate.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. @@ -9069,33 +9069,33 @@ showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers t showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. If U-turn breaks an opposing substitute and this Pokemon switches in as the replacement, the Pokemon that had the substitute is still immune to this Ability. showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. Sword Indómita showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Barbs Acero showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.damage=%s was hurt! Fistño Férreo showdown.abilities.ironfist.desc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.2. showdown.abilities.ironfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have 1.2x power. Sucker Punch is not boosted. showdown.abilities.justified.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a Dark-type move. Eye Lince showdown.abilities.keeneye.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. This Pokemon ignores a target's evasiveness stat stage. showdown.abilities.keeneye.shortDesc=This Pokemon's accuracy can't be lowered by others; ignores their evasiveness stat. showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. showdown.abilities.klutz.desc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect. This Pokemon cannot use Fling successfully. Macho Brace, Power Anklet, Power Band, Power Belt, Power Bracer, Power Lens, and Power Weight still have their effects. showdown.abilities.klutz.shortDesc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect, except Macho Brace. Fling cannot be used. Guard Hoja showdown.abilities.leafguard.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.leafguard.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused and Rest will fail for it. showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, but can use Rest normally. showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused, but Rest works normally.ón showdown.abilities.levitate.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. Thousand Arrows can hit this Pokemon as if it did not have this Ability. showdown.abilities.levitate.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it. showdown.abilities.levitate.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. @@ -9103,15 +9103,15 @@ showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type atta showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Iron Ball nullify it. showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes and the Arena Trap Ability. showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground.íbero showdown.abilities.libero.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. showdown.abilities.libero.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. Metal Liviano showdown.abilities.lightmetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is halved, rounded down to a tenth of a kilogram. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. A Pokemon's weight will not drop below 0.1 kg. showdown.abilities.lightmetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is halved. Rod showdown.abilities.lightningrod.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. showdown.abilities.lightningrod.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Electric moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Electric immunity. showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. @@ -9119,37 +9119,37 @@ showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by an opposing Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. This effect considers Hidden Power a Normal-type move. showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Electric moves used by opponents to itself. showdown.abilities.lightningrod.activate=%s took the attack! showdown.abilities.limber.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be paralyzed. Gaining this Ability while paralyzed cures it. Aroma Persistente showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Lingering Aroma. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Lingering Aroma, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon has the attacker's Ability become Lingering Aroma. showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.changeAbility=A lingering aroma clings to %s! Ooze Líquido showdown.abilities.liquidooze.shortDesc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. showdown.abilities.liquidooze.gen4.desc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. This effect does not consider Dream Eater. showdown.abilities.liquidooze.damage=%s sucked up the liquid ooze! Voice Fluida showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water-type moves. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water type. Reach showdown.abilities.longreach.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do not make contact with the target. Bounceágico showdown.abilities.magicbounce.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. showdown.abilities.magicbounce.shortDesc=This Pokemon blocks certain Status moves and bounces them back to the user. showdown.abilities.magicbounce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. showdown.abilities.magicbounce.move=%s bounced the %s back! Guard Mágico showdown.abilities.magicguard.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. showdown.abilities.magicguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. This Pokemon cannot be prevented from moving because of paralysis, and is unaffected by Toxic Spikes on switch-in. showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks, and can't be fully paralyzed. showdown.abilities.magician.desc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. Does not affect Doom Desire and Future Sight. showdown.abilities.magician.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. Armor Magma showdown.abilities.magmaarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be frozen. Gaining this Ability while frozen cures it. Pullán showdown.abilities.magnetpull.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. showdown.abilities.magnetpull.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. @@ -9160,30 +9160,30 @@ showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon fro showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.desc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. Scale Esp showdown.abilities.marvelscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Defense is multiplied by 1.5. Launcher showdown.abilities.megalauncher.desc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. Heal Pulse restores 3/4 of a target's maximum HP, rounded half down. showdown.abilities.megalauncher.shortDesc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have 1.5x power. Heal Pulse heals 3/4 target's max HP.ñamiento showdown.abilities.merciless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks are critical hits if the target is poisoned. showdown.abilities.mimicry.desc=This Pokemon's types change to match the active Terrain when this Pokemon acquires this Ability, or whenever a Terrain begins. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. If this Ability is acquired without an active Terrain, or a Terrain ends, this Pokemon's types become the original types for its species. showdown.abilities.mimicry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's types change to match the Terrain. Type reverts when Terrain ends. showdown.abilities.mimicry.activate=%s returned to its original type! showdown.abilities.minus.desc=If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.minus.shortDesc=If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.desc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.shortDesc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.desc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.shortDesc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. Armor Reflejo showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered by another Pokemon, that Pokemon's stat stage is lowered instead. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon's stat stage was already -6. If the other Pokemon has a substitute, neither Pokemon has its stat stage lowered. showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.shortDesc=If this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered, the attacker's are lowered instead. Surgeénesis showdown.abilities.mistysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Misty Terrain. Breaker showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. @@ -9191,25 +9191,25 @@ showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Clear Body, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Heatproof, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, and Wonder Guard. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move. The Attack modifier from an ally's Flower Gift Ability is not negated. showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.start=%s breaks the mold! showdown.abilities.moody.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat, other than accuracy or evasiveness, raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.moody.shortDesc=Boosts a random stat (except accuracy/evasion) +2 and another stat -1 every turn. showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.shortDesc=Raises a random stat by 2 and lowers another stat by 1 at the end of each turn. Drive showdown.abilities.motordrive.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Speed by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. showdown.abilities.motordrive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by an Electric move; Electric immunity. showdown.abilities.moxie.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. showdown.abilities.moxie.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon.ón showdown.abilities.multiscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. showdown.abilities.multitype.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. showdown.abilities.multitype.gen7.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate or Z-Crystal. showdown.abilities.multitype.gen6.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. showdown.abilities.multitype.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack. showdown.abilities.mummy.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. showdown.abilities.mummy.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. showdown.abilities.mummy.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. @@ -9217,123 +9217,123 @@ showdown.abilities.mummy.gen7.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have showdown.abilities.mummy.gen6.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype, Mummy, or Stance Change Abilities. showdown.abilities.mummy.gen5.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype or Mummy Abilities. showdown.abilities.mummy.changeAbility=%s's Ability became Mummy! Might Fúngico showdown.abilities.myceliummight.desc=This Pokemon's Status moves ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon, and go last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves. showdown.abilities.myceliummight.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves go last in their priority bracket and ignore Abilities. Cure Natural showdown.abilities.naturalcure.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured when it switches out. showdown.abilities.naturalcure.activate=(%s is cured by its Natural Cure!) Cerebral showdown.abilities.neuroforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target have their damage multiplied by 1.25. showdown.abilities.neuroforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.25x damage. Gas Reactivo showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. Does not affect the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.start=Neutralizing gas filled the area! showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.end=The effects of the neutralizing gas wore off! Guard showdown.abilities.noguard.shortDesc=Every move used by or against this Pokemon will always hit. showdown.abilities.normalize.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. showdown.abilities.normalize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have 1.2x power. showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. showdown.abilities.normalize.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, except Struggle. showdown.abilities.oblivious.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. showdown.abilities.oblivious.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Immune to Intimidate. showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. showdown.abilities.opportunist.shortDesc=When an opposing Pokemon has a stat stage raised, this Pokemon copies the effect. Pulse Oricalco showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Sunny Day. During Sunny Day, Attack is 1.3333x. showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.start=%s turned the sunlight harsh, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.activate=%s basked in the sunlight, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! showdown.abilities.overcoat.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. showdown.abilities.overcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm damage, and Effect Spore. showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm or Hail, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm or Hail damage, Effect Spore. showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. showdown.abilities.overgrow.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Grass-type attack. showdown.abilities.overgrow.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Grass attacks. showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Grass-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Grass-type attacks have 1.5x power. Tempo Propio showdown.abilities.owntempo.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. showdown.abilities.owntempo.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Immune to Intimidate. showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Bond Filial showdown.abilities.parentalbond.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. showdown.abilities.parentalbond.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Z-Move. showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. Veil Pastel showdown.abilities.pastelveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while this Pokemon or its ally is poisoned cures them. If this Ability is being ignored during an effect that causes poison, this Pokemon is cured immediately but its ally is not. showdown.abilities.pastelveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. On switch-in, cures poisoned allies. Body Mortal showdown.abilities.perishbody.desc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. This effect does not happen for this Pokemon if the attacker already has a perish count. showdown.abilities.perishbody.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. showdown.abilities.perishbody.start=Both Pokémon will faint in three turns! showdown.abilities.pickpocket.desc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. showdown.abilities.pickpocket.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. showdown.abilities.pickup.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it finds one used by an adjacent Pokemon this turn. showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.desc=No competitive use. showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.abilities.pickup.addItem=%s found one %s! Feérica showdown.abilities.pixilate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.pixilate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.2x power. showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.3x power.ás an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. Healídoto showdown.abilities.poisonheal.desc=If this Pokemon is poisoned, it restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn instead of losing HP. showdown.abilities.poisonheal.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed by 1/8 of its max HP each turn when poisoned; no HP loss. Point Tóxico showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. Touch Tóxico showdown.abilities.poisontouch.desc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. This effect comes after a move's inherent secondary effect chance. showdown.abilities.poisontouch.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. Construct showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.desc=If this Pokemon is a Zygarde in its 10% or 50% Forme, it changes to Complete Forme when it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of the turn. showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.shortDesc=If Zygarde 10%/50%, changes to Complete if at 1/2 max HP or less at end of turn. showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.activate=You sense the presence of many! showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.transform=%s transformed into its Complete Forme! of Alchemyón Química showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! Spot Energía showdown.abilities.powerspot.desc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. This affects Doom Desire and Future Sight, even if the user is not on the field. showdown.abilities.powerspot.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. showdown.abilities.prankster.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. Opposing Dark-type Pokemon are immune to these moves, and any move called by these moves, if the resulting user of the move has this Ability. showdown.abilities.prankster.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves have priority raised by 1, but Dark types are immune. showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1.ón showdown.abilities.pressure.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison, Snatch, and Tera Blast also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. showdown.abilities.pressure.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a foe's move, that move loses one additional PP. showdown.abilities.pressure.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison and Snatch also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. @@ -9341,140 +9341,140 @@ showdown.abilities.pressure.gen5.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposi showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of another Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a move, that move loses one additional PP. showdown.abilities.pressure.start=%s is exerting its pressure! Sea del Albor showdown.abilities.primordialsea.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Primordial Sea, which includes all the effects of Rain Dance and prevents damaging Fire-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Desolate Land Abilities. showdown.abilities.primordialsea.shortDesc=On switch-in, heavy rain begins until this Ability is not active in battle. Armor Prisma showdown.abilities.prismarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. Tailélice Caudal showdown.abilities.propellertail.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. showdown.abilities.protean.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. showdown.abilities.protean.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use.íntesis showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.desc=If Sunny Day is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Sunny Day, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Sunny Day is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.shortDesc=Sunny Day active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activate=The harsh sunlight activated %s's Protosynthesis! showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate Protosynthesis! showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.start=%s's %s was heightened! showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.end=The effects of %s's Protosynthesis wore off! Surgeénesis showdown.abilities.psychicsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Psychic Terrain. Rock showdown.abilities.punkrock.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes halved damage from sound-based moves. showdown.abilities.punkrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from sound moves. Its own have 1.3x power. Powería Pura showdown.abilities.purepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. Salt Purificadora showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.desc=This Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. If a Pokemon uses a Ghost-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.shortDesc=Ghost damage to this Pokemon dealt with a halved offensive stat; can't be statused. Drive Cuark showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.desc=If Electric Terrain is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Electric Terrain, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Electric Terrain is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.shortDesc=Electric Terrain active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activate=The Electric Terrain activated %s's Quark Drive! showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate its Quark Drive! showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.start=%s's %s was heightened! showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.end=The effects of %s's Quark Drive wore off! Majesty Presencia showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.block=%s cannot use %s! Draw Rápida showdown.abilities.quickdraw.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 30% chance to move first in its priority bracket with attacking moves. showdown.abilities.quickdraw.activate=Quick Draw made %s move faster! Feet Rápidos showdown.abilities.quickfeet.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of halving Speed. showdown.abilities.quickfeet.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Speed is 1.5x; ignores Speed drop from paralysis. showdown.abilities.quickfeet.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of quartering Speed. Dish Lluvia showdown.abilities.raindish.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.raindish.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. showdown.abilities.raindish.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn.ía showdown.abilities.rattled.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or if an opposing Pokemon affected this Pokemon with the Intimidate Ability. showdown.abilities.rattled.shortDesc=Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or Intimidated. showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. showdown.abilities.receiver.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. showdown.abilities.receiver.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. showdown.abilities.receiver.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. showdown.abilities.receiver.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. showdown.abilities.receiver.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! showdown.abilities.reckless.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have their power multiplied by 1.2. Does not affect Struggle. showdown.abilities.reckless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have 1.2x power; not Struggle. Helada showdown.abilities.refrigerate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.refrigerate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.2x power. showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.3x power.ón showdown.abilities.regenerator.shortDesc=This Pokemon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when it switches out.ón showdown.abilities.ripen.desc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. Berries that restore HP or PP have the amount doubled, Berries that raise stat stages have the amount doubled, Berries that halve damage taken quarter it instead, and a Jaboca Berry or Rowap Berry has the attacker lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.abilities.ripen.shortDesc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. showdown.abilities.rivalry.desc=This Pokemon's attacks have their power multiplied by 1.25 against targets of the same gender or multiplied by 0.75 against targets of the opposite gender. There is no modifier if either this Pokemon or the target is genderless. showdown.abilities.rivalry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do 1.25x on same gender targets; 0.75x on opposite gender. System Alfa showdown.abilities.rkssystem.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Silvally, its type changes to match its held Memory. Head Roca showdown.abilities.rockhead.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect Life Orb damage or crash damage. showdown.abilities.rockhead.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle/Life Orb/crash damage. showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect crash damage. showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle and crash damage. Payload showdown.abilities.rockypayload.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Rock-type attack. Skin Tosca showdown.abilities.roughskin.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.abilities.roughskin.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen4.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their max HP. showdown.abilities.roughskin.damage=%s was hurt! Away showdown.abilities.runaway.shortDesc=No competitive use. Force Arena showdown.abilities.sandforce.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. showdown.abilities.sandforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Ground/Rock/Steel attacks do 1.3x in Sandstorm; immunity to it. RushÍmpetu Arena showdown.abilities.sandrush.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. showdown.abilities.sandrush.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm. Spit showdown.abilities.sandspit.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. showdown.abilities.sandspit.gen8.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect comes after the effects of Max and G-Max Moves. Stream Arena showdown.abilities.sandstream.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sandstorm. Veil Arena showdown.abilities.sandveil.desc=If Sandstorm is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. showdown.abilities.sandveil.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Sandstorm. Sipperívoro showdown.abilities.sapsipper.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Grass-type moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Grass-type move. showdown.abilities.sapsipper.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage if hit by a Grass move; Grass immunity. showdown.abilities.schooling.desc=On switch-in, if this Pokemon is a Wishiwashi that is level 20 or above and has more than 1/4 of its maximum HP left, it changes to School Form. If it is in School Form and its HP drops to 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, it changes to Solo Form at the end of the turn. If it is in Solo Form and its HP is greater than 1/4 its maximum HP at the end of the turn, it changes to School Form. showdown.abilities.schooling.shortDesc=If user is Wishiwashi, changes to School Form if it has > 1/4 max HP, else Solo Form. showdown.abilities.schooling.transform=%s formed a school! showdown.abilities.schooling.transformEnd=%s stopped schooling!épido showdown.abilities.scrappy.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. showdown.abilities.scrappy.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal moves hit Ghost. Immune to Intimidate. showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. Cleaner showdown.abilities.screencleaner.shortDesc=On switch-in, the effects of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, and Reflect end for both sides. Sower showdown.abilities.seedsower.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. Grace showdown.abilities.serenegrace.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. This effect stacks with the Rainbow effect, except for secondary effects that cause the target to flinch. showdown.abilities.serenegrace.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. showdown.abilities.serenegrace.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. Shield Espectro showdown.abilities.shadowshield.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. Tag showdown.abilities.shadowtag.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. showdown.abilities.shadowtag.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. @@ -9484,22 +9484,22 @@ showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing t showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. showdown.abilities.sharpness.shortDesc=This Pokemon's slicing moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. Skin showdown.abilities.shedskin.desc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.shedskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its status cured at the end of each turn. Force Bruta showdown.abilities.sheerforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Anger Shell, Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. showdown.abilities.sheerforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have 1.3x power; nullifies the effects. showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, and Eject Button from activating. Armorón showdown.abilities.shellarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. Dust Escudo showdown.abilities.shielddust.shortDesc=This Pokemon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. Down Limitado showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.desc=If this Pokemon is a Minior, it changes to its Core forme if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, and changes to Meteor Form if it has more than 1/2 its maximum HP. This check is done on switch-in and at the end of each turn. While in its Meteor Form, it cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.shortDesc=If Minior, switch-in/end of turn it changes to Core at 1/2 max HP or less, else Meteor. showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transform=Shields Down deactivated! @@ -9510,184 +9510,184 @@ showdown.abilities.simple.gen7.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is ra showdown.abilities.simple.gen6.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. A stat stage cannot be considered more than 6 or less than -6. showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. Link showdown.abilities.skilllink.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick and Triple Axel do not check accuracy for the second and third hits. showdown.abilities.skilllink.shortDesc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick does not check accuracy for the second and third hits. showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Does not affect Triple Kick. Start Lento showdown.abilities.slowstart.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. During the effect, if this Pokemon uses a generic Z-Move based on a special move, its Special Attack is halved during damage calculation. showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. showdown.abilities.slowstart.start=%s can't get it going! showdown.abilities.slowstart.end=%s finally got its act together! Rush showdown.abilities.slushrush.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. showdown.abilities.slushrush.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. showdown.abilities.sniper.shortDesc=If this Pokemon strikes with a critical hit, the damage is multiplied by 1.5. Cloak Níveo showdown.abilities.snowcloak.desc=If Snow is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. showdown.abilities.snowcloak.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x. showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Hail. Warning showdown.abilities.snowwarning.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Snow. showdown.abilities.snowwarning.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Hail. Power Solar showdown.abilities.solarpower.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.solarpower.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x; loses 1/8 max HP per turn. showdown.abilities.solarpower.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. Rock Sólida showdown.abilities.solidrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks.ánima showdown.abilities.soulheart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage when another Pokemon faints. showdown.abilities.soundproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, unless it used the move. showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, except Heal Bell. showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. Boost showdown.abilities.speedboost.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage at the end of each full turn it has been on the field. showdown.abilities.speedboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage at the end of each full turn on the field. showdown.abilities.stakeout.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled against a target that switched in this turn. showdown.abilities.stall.shortDesc=This Pokemon moves last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves.érrimo showdown.abilities.stalwart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. showdown.abilities.stamina.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a move. Change Táctico showdown.abilities.stancechange.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before using an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before using King's Shield. showdown.abilities.stancechange.shortDesc=If Aegislash, changes Forme to Blade before attacks and Shield before King's Shield. showdown.abilities.stancechange.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before attempting to use an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before attempting to use King's Shield. showdown.abilities.stancechange.transform=Changed to Blade Forme! showdown.abilities.stancechange.transformEnd=Changed to Shield Forme! Estát showdown.abilities.static.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. showdown.abilities.static.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.static.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.abilities.static.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. showdown.abilities.steadfast.shortDesc=If this Pokemon flinches, its Speed is raised by 1 stage. Engine showdown.abilities.steamengine.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by a Fire- or Water-type move. showdown.abilities.steamengine.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by Fire/Water moves. Templado showdown.abilities.steelworker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Steel-type attack. Spirit Acerada showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.desc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. This affects Doom Desire even if the user is not on the field. showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.stench.desc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.abilities.stench.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.desc=No competitive use. showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. Hold showdown.abilities.stickyhold.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack, unless the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. showdown.abilities.stickyhold.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack. showdown.abilities.stickyhold.gen4.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack, even if the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. showdown.abilities.stickyhold.block=%s's item cannot be removed! Drain showdown.abilities.stormdrain.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Water-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. showdown.abilities.stormdrain.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Water moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Water immunity. showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Water moves to itself. showdown.abilities.stormdrain.activate=%s took the attack! Jawíbula Fuerte showdown.abilities.strongjaw.desc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.strongjaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have 1.5x power. Bug Bite is not boosted. showdown.abilities.sturdy.desc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.sturdy.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. Immune to OHKO. showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.desc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.shortDesc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.sturdy.activate=%s endured the hit! Cups showdown.abilities.suctioncups.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. showdown.abilities.suctioncups.block=%s is anchored in place with its suction cups! Luck showdown.abilities.superluck.shortDesc=This Pokemon's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Overlord Supremo showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their power multiplied by 1+(X*0.1), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side when this Ability became active, and X cannot be greater than 5. showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have 10% more power for each fainted ally, up to 5 allies. showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.activate=%s gained strength from the fallen! Surfer Surf showdown.abilities.surgesurfer.shortDesc=If Electric Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. showdown.abilities.swarm.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Bug-type attack. showdown.abilities.swarm.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Bug attacks. showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Bug-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Bug-type attacks have 1.5x power. Veil Dulce showdown.abilities.sweetveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep, but those already asleep do not wake up immediately. This Pokemon and its allies cannot use Rest successfully or become affected by Yawn, and those previously affected will not fall asleep. showdown.abilities.sweetveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep; those already asleep do not wake up. showdown.abilities.sweetveil.block=%s can't fall asleep due to a veil of sweetness! Swim Rápido showdown.abilities.swiftswim.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. showdown.abilities.swiftswim.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. showdown.abilities.swiftswim.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. of Ruin Debacle showdown.abilities.swordofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Defense multiplied by 0.75. showdown.abilities.swordofruin.start=%s's Sword of Ruin weakened the Defense of all surrounding Pokémon! showdown.abilities.symbiosis.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button or Eject Pack. showdown.abilities.symbiosis.shortDesc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen7.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button. showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen6.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off. showdown.abilities.symbiosis.activate=%s shared its %s with %s!ía showdown.abilities.synchronize.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, poisons, or badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. showdown.abilities.synchronize.shortDesc=If another Pokemon burns/poisons/paralyzes this Pokemon, it also gets that status. showdown.abilities.synchronize.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, or poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. If another Pokemon badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon becomes poisoned. of Ruin Debacle showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Attack multiplied by 0.75. showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.start=%s's Tablets of Ruin weakened the Attack of all surrounding Pokémon! Feet showdown.abilities.tangledfeet.shortDesc=This Pokemon's evasiveness is doubled as long as it is confused. Hair Rebeldes showdown.abilities.tanglinghair.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. showdown.abilities.technician.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, including Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power. showdown.abilities.technician.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, including Struggle. showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, except Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power, as well as the effects of Charge and Helping Hand. showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, except Struggle.ía showdown.abilities.telepathy.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take damage from attacks made by its allies. showdown.abilities.telepathy.block=%s can't be hit by attacks from its ally Pokémon! showdown.abilities.teravolt.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.teravolt.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.teravolt.start=%s is radiating a bursting aura! Exchangeón showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage after it is damaged by a Fire-type move. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 when damaged by Fire moves; can't be burned. Fat showdown.abilities.thickfat.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.thickfat.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved offensive stat. showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.desc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.shortDesc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's Special Attack is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved Sp. Atk stat. Lens showdown.abilities.tintedlens.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are not very effective on a target deal double damage. showdown.abilities.torrent.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Water-type attack. showdown.abilities.torrent.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Water attacks. showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Water-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Water-type attacks have 1.5x power. Claws Dura showdown.abilities.toughclaws.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. BoostÍm. Tóxico showdown.abilities.toxicboost.desc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, the power of its physical attacks is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.abilities.toxicboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, its physical attacks have 1.5x power. Debris Tóxica showdown.abilities.toxicdebris.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by a physical attack, Toxic Spikes are set on the opposing side. showdown.abilities.trace.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. showdown.abilities.trace.shortDesc=On switch-in, or when it can, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent foe's Ability. showdown.abilities.trace.gen8.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. @@ -9699,105 +9699,108 @@ showdown.abilities.trace.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random op showdown.abilities.trace.changeAbility=%s traced %s's %s! showdown.abilities.transistor.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using an Electric-type attack. Auxilio showdown.abilities.triage.shortDesc=This Pokemon's healing moves have their priority increased by 3. showdown.abilities.truant.shortDesc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. showdown.abilities.truant.gen3.desc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. If this Pokemon replaces a Pokemon that fainted during end-of-turn effects, its first turn will be skipped. showdown.abilities.truant.cant=%s is loafing around! showdown.abilities.turboblaze.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.start=%s is radiating a blazing aura! showdown.abilities.unaware.desc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's Attack, Special Attack, and accuracy stat stages when taking damage, and ignores other Pokemon's Defense, Special Defense, and evasiveness stat stages when dealing damage. showdown.abilities.unaware.shortDesc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's stat stages when taking or doing damage. showdown.abilities.unburden.desc=If this Pokemon loses its held item for any reason, its Speed is doubled as long as it remains active, has this Ability, and is not holding an item. showdown.abilities.unburden.shortDesc=Speed is doubled on held item loss; boost is lost if it switches, gets new item/Ability. showdown.abilities.unnerve.desc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. showdown.abilities.unnerve.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. showdown.abilities.unnerve.start=%s is too nervous to eat Berries! Fistño Invisible showdown.abilities.unseenfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves ignore the target's protection, except Max Guard. of Ruin Debacle showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Attack multiplied by 0.75. showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.start=%s's Vessel of Ruin weakened the Sp. Atk of all surrounding Pokémon! Star showdown.abilities.victorystar.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.1. Spiritír. Vital showdown.abilities.vitalspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. Absorb Elec showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by an Electric-type move. showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Electric moves; Electric immunity. showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damaging Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by one. showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 its max HP when hit by a damaging Electric move; immunity. Spirit Errante showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode Abilities. showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! Absorb Agua showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Water moves; Water immunity. Bubble showdown.abilities.waterbubble.desc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled while using a Water-type attack. If a Pokemon uses a Fire-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. showdown.abilities.waterbubble.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Water power is 2x; it can't be burned; Fire power against it is halved. Compaction showdown.abilities.watercompaction.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages after it is damaged by a Water-type move. Veil Agua showdown.abilities.waterveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. Armor Frágil showdown.abilities.weakarmor.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 2 stages. showdown.abilities.weakarmor.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 2. showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 1 stage. showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 1. Body Horneado showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves and raises its Defense by 2 stages when hit by a Fire-type move. showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages if hit by a Fire move; Fire immunity. Smoke Blanco showdown.abilities.whitesmoke.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. Out showdown.abilities.wimpout.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. showdown.abilities.wimpout.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. Powería Eólica showdown.abilities.windpower.desc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. showdown.abilities.windpower.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. showdown.abilities.windpower.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! Rider showdown.abilities.windrider.desc=This Pokemon is immune to wind moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. showdown.abilities.windrider.shortDesc=Attack raised by 1 if hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. Wind move immunity. Guard showdown.abilities.wonderguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by Fire Fang, supereffective moves, indirect damage. showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. Skin Milagro showdown.abilities.wonderskin.desc=Non-damaging moves that check accuracy have their accuracy changed to 50% when used against this Pokemon. This effect comes before other effects that modify accuracy. showdown.abilities.wonderskin.shortDesc=Status moves with accuracy checks are 50% accurate when used on this Pokemon. Mode Daruma showdown.abilities.zenmode.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan or Galarian Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. showdown.abilities.zenmode.shortDesc=If Darmanitan, at end of turn changes Mode to Standard if > 1/2 max HP, else Zen. showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. If Darmanitan loses this Ability while in Zen Mode, it reverts to Standard Mode immediately. showdown.abilities.zenmode.transform=Zen Mode triggered! showdown.abilities.zenmode.transformEnd=Zen Mode ended! to Hero Heroico showdown.abilities.zerotohero.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Palafin in Zero Form, switching out has it change to Hero Form. showdown.abilities.zerotohero.activate=%s underwent a heroic transformation! ## Unofficial showdown.abilities.mountaineer.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon avoids all Rock-type attacks and Stealth Rock. ## Unofficial showdown.abilities.rebound.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon blocks certain status moves and instead uses the move against the original user. showdown.abilities.rebound.shortDesc=On switch-in, blocks certain status moves and bounces them back to the user. showdown.abilities.rebound.move=%s bounced the %s back! ## Unofficial showdown.abilities.persistent.desc=The duration of Gravity, Heal Block, Magic Room, Safeguard, Tailwind, Trick Room, and Wonder Room is increased by 2 turns if the effect is started by this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.persistent.shortDesc=When used, Gravity/Heal Block/Safeguard/Tailwind/Room effects last 2 more turns. showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=%s extends %s by 2 turns! + +########################################################### + showdown.default.default.startBattle=Battle started between %s and %s! showdown.default.default.winBattle=**%s** won the battle! showdown.default.default.tieBattle=Tie between %s and %s! From b3daef39f3da8e67c70c6ec7b606c7f710761229 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 15:57:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 12/43] src langs spanish --- texts/de_DE.lang | 2 +- texts/es_ES.lang | 576 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 289 insertions(+), 289 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 385ebd376..f0f58bd28 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -8300,7 +8300,7 @@ commands.redeem.codeNotFound=§cDer Code: "%s", wurde nicht gefunden! ## Send Message Parsing src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.createFromWild.0=Pokemon: %s war kaputt und wir konnten seine Daten nicht holen! -src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.0=%s hat eine %s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.0=%s hat eine %s ausgeworfen! src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.1=§a%s im Pokedex freigeschaltet! src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.evolve.0=§a%s im Pokedex freigeschaltet! src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.0=Sie haben §a%s bekommen! diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 5a088ffe0..0526d9f14 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -8280,301 +8280,301 @@ commands.redeem.alreadyRedeemed=§c¡El código: "%s", ya ha sido canjeado! commands.redeem.codeNotFound=§c¡El código: "%s", no fue encontrado! ## Send Message Parsing -src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.createFromWild.0=Pokemon: %s was broken and we couldn't fetch its data! -src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.0=%s has shed a %s! -src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.1=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! -src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.evolve.0=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! -src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.0=You have received §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.1=You have won §a%sx %s! -src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.2=§a+Skin: %s, You can apply this skin too: %s! -src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.3=You have received §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.lib.Command.utils.commandSyntaxFail.0=§c"%s" is not valid! Argument "%s" can be typeof: "%s" +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.createFromWild.0=¡Pokémon: %s se rompió y no pudimos obtener sus datos! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.0=%s ha arrojado un %s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.checkForShedEvolution.1=§a¡%s desbloqueado en el PokéDex! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.PokemonModel.evolve.0=§a¡%s desbloqueado en el PokéDex! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.0=¡Has recibido §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.1=¡Has ganado §a%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.2=§a+Aspecto: %s, Puedes aplicar este Aspecto también a: %s! +src.pokebedrock.database.models.QuestsModel.giveRewards.3=¡Has recibido §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.lib.Command.utils.commandSyntaxFail.0=§c"%s" no es válido! El argumento "%s" puede ser del tipo: "%s" src.pokebedrock.lib.Command.utils.commandSyntaxFail.1=§c%s§aCleared all items from the auction house database -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.balance.0=§aYou have %sx PokeDollars! And %sx Battle Points! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.battle.0=§aYou now will%s be sent battle logs! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.0=§aCreated Rank: %s§r§a Successfully! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.1=§aForm Requested, Close chat to create a Chat Rank! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.2=§cThere are no registered chat ranks to delete! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.3=§aDeleted Rank: %s§r§a Successfully! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.4=§aForm Requested, Close chat to delete a Smelly Rank! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.claim.0=§aClaimed %sx blocks from %s to %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.0=§aRe-Fetched Database data! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.1=§aSynced table: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.2=§aSynced all tables! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.3=§aReset All Database data! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.4=Reset All Database data! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.5=Value for key: %s, on table: %s, is %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.6=§cCould not find your held item! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.7=§aSet: %s to id: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.8=§cCould not find item with id: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.9=§aGiven you: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.10=Cleared all items from item database! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.feed.0=§cYou cannot use the "-feed" command because you don't have the required rank! Please head to to purchase a rank.. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.feed.1=Fed You!§cYou cannot use the "-fly" command because your ranks: (%s) do not include '-fly'! Please head to to purchase a rank..§cAbility might not be useable on this world, check that education edition is enabled. %s§aBorrado todos los objetos de la base de datos de la casa de subastas +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.balance.0=§a¡Tienes %sx PokeDollars! ¡Y %sx Puntos de Batalla! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.battle.0=§a¡Ahora%s se te enviarán registros de batalla! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.0=§aRango creado: %s§r§a con éxito! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.1=§aFormulario solicitado, ¡cierra el chat para crear un rango de chat! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.2=§c¡No hay rangos de chat registrados para eliminar! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.3=§aRango eliminado: %s§r§a con éxito! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.chatranks.4=§aFormulario solicitado, ¡Cierra el chat para eliminar un rango Smelly! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.claim.0=§a%sx Bloques reclamados de %s a %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.0=§aRecuperado Datos de la base de datos! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.1=§aTabla sincronizada: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.2=§a¡Sincronizadas todas las mesas! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.3=§a¡Restablecer todos los datos de la base de datos! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.4=¡Restablecer todos los datos de la base de datos! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.5=Valor de la clave: %s, en la tabla: %s, es %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.6=§c¡No se pudo encontrar el objeto que se tiene! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.7=§aSet: %s a id: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.8=§cNo se pudo encontrar el objeto con id: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.9=§aTe dado: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.database.10=¡Has borrado todos los objetos de la base de datos de objetos! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.feed.0=§c¡No puede usar el comando "-feed" porque no tiene el rango requerido! Por favor, diríjase a para comprar un rango. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.feed.1=¡Te alimenté!§cNo puedes usar el comando "-fly" porque tus rangos: (%s) no incluyen '-fly'! Por favor, diríjase a para comprar un rango.§cEs posible que la habilidad no se pueda usar en este mundo, verifique que la edición Education esté habilitada. %s§cCommand not found!§aClose chat to view form. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.0=§cAlready running a migration, please type /reload to force a migration!§r -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.1=§7Migration %s already ran. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.2=§f- §cFailed to finish Migration "%s", Retry command!§r -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.3=§f- §bFinished Migration, Started %s§r -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.4=§f- §bCompleted Save, Started %s§r -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.5=§cError Running Migration: %s, %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.6=§aFinished running all Migrations§r -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.7=§aSet migration %s to "%s"§r -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.pokeheal.0=§cYou cannot use the "-pokeheal" command because you don't have the required rank! Please head to to purchase a rank.. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.pokeheal.1=§aHealed Your Pokemon! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.0=§aForm Requested, close chat to open. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.1=§aForm Requested, close chat to open. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.2=§cYou don't have the quest %s. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.3=§cThe Quest %s, is not active.§c¡Comando no encontrado!§aCierre el chat para ver el formulario. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.0=§cYa está ejecutando una migración, escriba /reload para forzar una migración.§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.1=§7La migración %s ya se ha ejecutado. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.2=§f- §cNo se pudo finalizar la migración "%s", ¡Comando de reintento!§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.3=§f- §bMigración finalizada, iniciada %s§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.4=§f- §bGuardado completado, iniciado %s§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.5=§cError al ejecutar la migración: %s, %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.6=§aTerminada la ejecución de todas las Migraciones§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.migrate.7=§aEstablezca la migración %s en "%s"§r +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.pokeheal.0=§c¡No puede utilizar el comando "-pokeheal" porque no tiene el rango necesario! Por favor, dirígete a para comprar un rango.. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.pokeheal.1=§a¡Has curado a tu Pokemon! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.0=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar chat para abrir. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.1=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar chat para abrir. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.2=§cNo tienes la búsqueda %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.3=§cLa búsqueda %s, no está activa. src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.4=%s -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.5=§cThe requirement index %s does not exist in the quest %s. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.6=§aForm Requested, close chat to open. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.rank.0=Added Rank: %s Successfully to: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.rank.1=%s has: %s ranks. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.0=§aSearching for code: "%s"... -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.failedToGetDatabaseToken=§cDatabase Token could not be found, report this to Smell of curry! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.1=§cInvalid Auth Token, Please report this to Smell of Curry. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.2=§cError fetching code status: %s, %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.3=§aCode found checking data... +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.5=§cEl índice de requisito %s no existe en la búsqueda %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.quests.6=§aFormulario solicitado, cerrar chat para abrir. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.rank.0=¡Rango añadido: %s con éxito a: ¡%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.rank.1=%s tiene: %s rangos. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.0=§aBuscando código: "%s"... +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.failedToGetDatabaseToken=§No se ha podido encontrar el código de la base de datos, ¡informe a Olor a curry! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.1=§cToken de autenticación no válido, informar a Olor a curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.2=§cError al obtener el código de estado: %s, %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.3=§aCódigo encontrado comprobando datos... src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.4=§a+%sx %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.5=§a+Chat Rank: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.6=§a+Rank: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.7=§a+Skin: %s, You can apply this skin too: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.5=§a+Rango de chat: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.6=§a+Rango: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.7=§a+Aspecto: %s, ¡También puedes aplicar este aspecto: %s! src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.8=§a+lvl %s %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.9=§cFailed to Give item: %s Please Report this to Smell of curry! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.10=§cFailed to add item: %s Please Report this to Smell of curry! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.11=§aSetting code data...§cYou cannot use the "-fly" command because you don't have the required rank! Please head to to purchase a rank..§cYou have nothing to repair, your not holding any item!§c%s Cannot be Repaired!§aRepaired %s successfully! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.reset.0=§cNo Backups have been created! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.reset.1=§aSuccessfully reset %s to backup id: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.0=§aServer Drop Alert!! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.1=§aThe PokeBedrock Shop has reached its donation threshold! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.9=§cNo se ha podido entregar el objeto: %s ¡Por favor, informa de esto a Olor a curry! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.10=§cNo se ha podido añadir el artículo: %s ¡Informa de ello a Olor a curry! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.redeem.11=§aEstableciendo datos de código...§c¡No puedes usar el comando "-fly" porque no tienes el rango necesario! Por favor, dirígete a para comprar un rango..§c¡No tienes nada que reparar, no tienes ningún objeto!§c%s ¡No se puede reparar!§a¡Reparado %s con éxito! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.reset.0=§c¡No se han creado copias de seguridad! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.reset.1=§a¡Se ha restablecido %s al id de copia de seguridad: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.0=§a¡Alerta de caída del servidor! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.1=§a¡La Tienda PokeBedrock ha alcanzado su umbral de donación! src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.2=§e -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.3=§aA server drop occurs when the donations for the day have reached a certain value. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.4=§aTherefore a Random Legendary Pokemon will spawn with a 40%% shiny chance! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.5=§aAlso, everyone online will receive a random shiny crate key! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.6=§cAn error occurred while giving you a shiny crate key! %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.7=§aThe Legendary %s§r§e%s§r§a has spawned at spawn! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.8=§aGood luck and have fun! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.0=§a"%s"'s slot %s Has been updated! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.1=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.2=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.3=You do not have a pokemon in slot %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.4=Cleared "%s's" Slot: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.5=§c"%s" doesn't have a pokemon in slot: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.6=§aGave "%s"'s slot %s %s Experience! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.7=§c"%s" doesn't have a pokemon in slot: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.8=§aSet "%s"'s slot %s's gender to %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.9=§c%s does not have a pokemon in slot %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.10=§c%s§r is not a valid skin for §a%s§r! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.11=§cYou do not have a pokemon in slot %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.12=%s§r Does not have a move in slot: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.13=§aUpdated "%s"'s§r move slot %s to have a use count of %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.test.0=Check the console for the logs -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.0=§aCongrats, you have caught your first pokemon! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.1=§aHere is a Poke Crate Key, Use it in spawn and Open the crate! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.2=§aCongrats, finally, I think you are starting to get the hang of PokeBedrock! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.3=§aIf you ever need help, don't hesitate to contact anyone on our staff team! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.4=§aAdditionally, it would be very beneficial to join the PokeBedrock Discord! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.5=§aHere is the link: §e! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.6=§aAnd if you ever want to get any custom skins, pokemon, crates, and more! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.7=§aCheck out our online shop where you can instantly claim donation rewards! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.8=§aHere's the link for that too: §e! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.9=§aWe Hope you have an incredible time playing PokeBedrock, and there is so much more to explore!! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.0=§aWelcome to §cPoke§fBedrock §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.1=§gWere going to walk through a little tutorial to help you get started! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.2=§gFirst off lets make sure you have a Pokemon to start your adventure! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.3=§aGreat Choice Trainer! I love %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.4=§aNow that you have a Pokemon, lets get started! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.0=§aWelcome to your first battle tutorial! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.1=§aFirst, find the GUI item in your inventory, and hold it out. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.2=§bNow, approach the Charmander ahead of you, and hit it with your GUI! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.0=§aWell done! You have just finished your first Pokemon Battle! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.1=§aWhether you Won, or Fell Short, there's always more to learn! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.2=§gNow your Pokemon might need some care, so lets head to the PokeCenter for Healing! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.3=§bMove ahead and interact with the Healing Machine to start the process! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialInteractWithHealer.0=§aYou found the healer, perfect! Lets watch our Pokemon heal up and we will get ready to start our next adventure. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.0=§aPerfect Trainer! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.1=§aOur Pokemon is now all healed up and were going to start working on getting a Base. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.2=§aFirst, we need to adventure beyond the spawn area to start a base. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.3=§aSo to do this, type "-wild" in chat, and follow the instructions. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.0=§aGreat! Now, let's find the perfect spot for your base. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.1=§aHere's a claim shovel to mark your territory. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.2=§bWhen your ready, right-click on the outermost point of your base. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.3=§gThen, select the opposite point to define your base's boundary. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.4=§cRemember though, your currently limited to 500 blocks, so choose your location wisely. ( You can remove this base later ) -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.0=§aCongratulations Trainer, you have now Created a un-touchable base! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.1=§aAnd completed your first battle! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.2=§aYou have taken significant progress in starting your Pokemon Adventure! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.3=§aAnd I think your ready to catch them all! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.4=§aSo, here are some items I think would be very helpful in your journey! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.5=§aNow Im so sad to see you go, but I know you will complete great things! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.6=§aIm going to start you on a quest to catch your first pokemon! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.7=§aOnce you complete it, I've got some great goodies in store! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.8=§cBye, Bye now. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.9=§aTutorial Completed! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.10=§aTutorial Completed! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.11=§aSet: %s's Tutorial status to completed! -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.0=§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later. -src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.1=§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later.§cFailed to parse your data!§cYour Selection time of 2 Minutes has expired. Please re-select a position one to continue.§cYou cannot place blocks in this claim!§cYou cannot break blocks in this claim!§cYou cannot interact with blocks in this claim.§cYou cannot interact with entities in this claim.§aThe %s Pokémon §e%s §aHas Spawned Near §e%s§a!§cFailed to spawn %s: %s§cCannot catch a mega pokemon!§cFailed to catch: %s, %s§cCannot Start a battle as you are already in one! If you are not in one, type "%sbattle leave" 2 times. to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight!§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle!§cYou have reached the %s Dimension Border!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§cFailed to increase %s§r§e %s. Your pokemon has %s Total Effort Values!§cFailed to increase %s§r§e %s. Your pokemon has %s Effort Values!§a%s§r§e Increased: %s %sx Effort Value!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§a%s§r§e Gained: %s Exp!§cCould not find move slot: %s on %s!§c%s can not increase in PP!§c%s is already 3/5's greater than its base PP!§cPP Up cannot be used on Sketch or Revival Blessing!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§a%s§r§e Move: %s Gained: %s PP!§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 60!§aRemoved %s§r§e non-volatile status conditions!§aIncreased %s§r§e Health by 200!§aFully Healed %s§r§e!§c%s§r§c Cannot Learn Move: %s!§c%s§r§c Already Knows Move: %s!§cFailed to remove %s from your inventory!§aSet Move Slot: %s on %s§r§a to %s!§a[Nurse Joy]: Healed your pokemon!§cThis shrine has already been activated.§cCannot Activate Shrine, You have no Pokemon available pokemon to fight!§cCould not find old Model, resetting your Pokemon.§a"%s" Has joined for the first time, welcome them!§cYou must defeat: %s to pass. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.0=§aSuccessfully removed auction for %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.1=§cFailed to remove auction: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.0=§cYou cannot %s your own auction. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.1=§cYou do not have enough %s to %s this auction. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.2=§aSuccessfully claimed auction for %s. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.3=§aYour auction for %s has been purchased for %sx %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.4=§aSuccessfully %s %s for %s %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuctions.0=§cFailed to display all of your auctions, you have over the max display length. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.0=§cYou have reached the max amount of auctions you can list at once. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.1=§cYou cannot list your GUI item. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.2=§cYou cannot list your Backpack item. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.0=§cYou have reached the max amount of auctions you can list at once. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.1=§cYou do not have any pokemon in your PC. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createItemAuction.0=§aSuccessfully listed %s for %s pokeDollars -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createPokemonAuction.0=§aSuccessfully listed %s for %s pokeDollars -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.0=§aSuccessfully removed auction for %s. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.1=§cFailed to remove auction: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewWonAuctions.0=§cFailed to display all won auctions, please claim some auctions before viewing again. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageWonAuction.0=§aSuccessfully claimed auction for %s. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.0=§aAdded item to slot: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.1=§cFailed to add item to slot: %s %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.0=§cFailed to remove item from backpack! SlotID: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.1=§cFailed to remove item at slot: %s %s!§aTrusted %s to your claim!§aUn-Trusted %s from your claim! player from all of your claims.§cFailed to give you a gold shovel, please try again! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.0=You have won §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.1=You have won §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.2=You have won §a%sx %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.3=§a+Skin: %s, You can apply this skin too: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateAppearance.0=§aUpdated crate's Appearance! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateKey.0=§aSet crate's keyTypeId to: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editInheritance.0=§aSet crate's inheritance to: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.0=§cCrate is not valid! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.1=§cCrate Does not have any data! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.2=§aReset Crate: %s's Animation! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.3=§aSe produce una caída del servidor cuando las donaciones del día han alcanzado un valor determinado. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.4=§aPor lo tanto, aparecerá un Pokémon legendario aleatorio con un 40% de probabilidad de brillo. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.5=§aAdemás, ¡todos los que estén conectados recibirán una llave de caja shiny aleatoria! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.6=§c¡Ha ocurrido un error al darte una llave de caja brillante! %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.7=§a¡El legendario %s§r§e%s§r§a ha aparecido! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.serverDrop.8=§a¡Buena suerte y diviértete! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.0=§a¡La ranura %s de "%s" ha sido actualizada! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.1=¡No tienes ningún pokémon en la ranura %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.2=¡No tienes un pokemon en el slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.3=¡No tienes un pokémon en la ranura %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.4=¡Ranura "%s" despejada: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.5=§c"%s" no tiene un pokemon en la ranura: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.6=§a¡Has dado a "%s" una ranura %s %s de experiencia! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.7=§c"%s" no tiene ningún pokémon en su ranura: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.8=§a¡Establezca el género de la ranura %s de "%s" en %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.9=§c%s no tiene un pokemon en el slot %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.10=§c%s§r no es un aspecto válido para §a%s§r! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.11=§c¡No tienes un pokémon en la ranura %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.12=%s§r ¡No tiene un movimiento en la ranura: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.slots.13=§a¡Actualizada la ranura de movimiento %s de "%s"§r para tener un recuento de uso de %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.test.0=Comprueba los registros en la consola +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.0=§a¡Felicidades, has capturado tu primer pokemon! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.1=§aAquí tienes una llave para la caja Poke, úsala en el spawn y abre la caja! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.2=§a¡Felicidades, por fin empiezas a dominar PokeBedrock! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.3=§aSi alguna vez necesitas ayuda, ¡no dudes en ponerte en contacto con cualquier miembro de nuestro equipo! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.4=§a¡Además, sería muy beneficioso que te unieras al Discord de PokeBedrock! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.5=§aAquí está el enlace: ¡§e! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.6=§a¡Y si alguna vez quieres conseguir aspectos personalizados, pokemon, cajas y mucho más! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.7=§aVisita nuestra tienda en línea, ¡donde podrás reclamar al instante recompensas por donaciones! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.8=§aAquí tienes también el enlace: ¡§e! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.9=§a¡Esperamos que te lo pases genial jugando a PokeBedrock, y hay mucho más por explorar! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.0=§a¡Bienvenido a §cPoke§fBedrock §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.1=§g¡Vamos a ver un pequeño tutorial para ayudarte a empezar! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.2=§g¡Primero asegúrate de que tienes un Pokemon para empezar tu aventura! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.3=§a¡Gran elección Entrenador! ¡Me encanta %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorial.4=§aAhora que tienes un Pokemon, ¡empecemos! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.0=§a¡Bienvenido a tu primer tutorial de batalla! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.1=§aPrimero, busca el objeto GUI en tu inventario y extiéndelo. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.startTutorialWalkThrough.2=§bAhora, acércate al Charmander que tienes delante y golpéalo con tu GUI. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.0=§a¡Bien hecho! ¡Acabas de terminar tu primera Batalla Pokemon! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.1=§aSi has ganado o te has quedado corto, ¡siempre hay algo más que aprender! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.2=§gAhora puede que tu Pokemon necesite algunos cuidados, ¡así que vamos al PokeCentro a curarnos! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.afterBattleEnd.3=§b¡Sigue adelante e interactúa con la Máquina de Curación para iniciar el proceso! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialInteractWithHealer.0=§aHas encontrado al sanador, ¡perfecto! Veamos como se curan nuestros Pokemon y nos prepararemos para empezar nuestra próxima aventura. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.0=§a¡Perfecto Entrenador! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.1=§aNuestro Pokemon ya está curado y vamos a empezar a trabajar para conseguir una Base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.2=§aPrimero, tenemos que aventurarnos más allá de la zona de aparición para crear una base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.nextTutorialPart.3=§aPara ello, escribe "-wild" en el chat y sigue las instrucciones. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.0=§a¡Genial! Ahora, vamos a encontrar el lugar perfecto para tu base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.1=§aAquí tienes una pala de reclamación para marcar tu territorio.Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.2=§bCuando estés listo, haz clic con el botón derecho del ratón en el punto más exterior de tu base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.3=§gA continuación, selecciona el punto opuesto para definir el límite de la base. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialStartBase.4=§cRecuerda que actualmente tienes un límite de 500 bloques, así que elige bien la ubicación. ( Puede eliminar esta base más tarde ) +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.0=§aFelicidades Entrenador, ¡has creado una base intocable! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.1=§a¡Y has completado tu primera batalla! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.2=§a¡Has avanzado mucho en tu aventura Pokemon! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.3=§a¡Y creo que estás listo para atraparlos a todos! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.4=§aAsí que aquí tienes algunos objetos que creo que te serán muy útiles en tu viaje! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.5=§aAhora me entristece verte marchar, ¡pero sé que conseguirás grandes cosas! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.6=§a¡Voy a iniciar tu búsqueda para atrapar tu primer pokémon! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.7=§a¡Una vez que lo completes, te tengo preparadas algunas sorpresas! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.8=§cAdiós, adiós ya. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.tutorialPlayerClaimedBase.9=§a¡Tutorial completado! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.10=§a¡Tutorial completado! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.tutorial.11=§a¡Establezca el estado del Tutorial de %s a completado! +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.0=§cNo se ha encontrado una ubicación válida, inténtelo más tarde. +src.pokebedrock.modules.commands.warp.1=§cNo se ha encontrado una ubicación válida, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.§c¡No se han podido analizar los datos!§cSu tiempo de selección de 2 minutos ha expirado. Por favor, vuelva a seleccionar una posición uno para continuar.§c¡No puedes colocar bloques en esta reclamación!§c¡No se pueden romper bloques en esta reclamación!§No se puede interactuar con los bloques de esta reclamación.§no se puede interactuar con entidades en esta reclamación.¡El Pokémon %s §e%s §aHa aparecido cerca de §e%s§a!§cNo se ha podido generar %s: %s§¡No se puede capturar un mega pokémon!§cFalló la captura: %s, %s§¡No puedes empezar una batalla porque ya estás en ella! Si no estás en una, escribe "%sbattle leave" 2 veces. se ha podido iniciar la batalla: ¡No tienes pokemon disponibles para luchar!§c¡Tu pokemon: %s no tiene movimientos, y no puedes empezar una batalla!§¡Has llegado a la frontera dimensional de %s!§c¡No se ha podido eliminar %s de tu inventario!§cFallo al aumentar %s§r§e %s. ¡Tu pokemon tiene %s Valores de Esfuerzo Total!§cNo se ha podido aumentar %s§r§e %s. ¡Tu pokémon tiene %s Valores de Esfuerzo!§a%s§r§e ¡Aumentado: %s %sx Valor de Esfuerzo!§c¡No se ha podido eliminar %s de tu inventario!§c¡No se ha podido eliminar %s de tu inventario!§a%s§r§e ¡Ganado: %s Exp!§¡No se ha encontrado la ranura de movimiento: %s en %s!§c%s no puede aumentar en PP!§c%s ya es 3/5 mayor que su PP base!§¡Subir PP no puede usarse en Boceto o Bendición de revivir!§c¡No se ha podido eliminar %s de tu inventario!§a%s§r§e ¡Movimiento: %s Ganado: %s PP!§a¡Aumentada la salud de %s§r§e en 60!§a¡Se han eliminado %s§r§e estados no volátiles!§a¡Aumentada la salud de %s§r§e en 200!§a¡Curado %s§r§e por completo!§c%s§r§c ¡No se puede aprender el movimiento: %s!§c%s§r§c ¡Ya conoce el movimiento: %s!§c¡Fallo al eliminar %s de tu inventario!§a¡Configurar ranura de movimiento: %s en %s§r§a a %s!§a[Enfermera Alegre]: ¡Has curado a tu pokémon!§cEste santuario ya ha sido activado.§No se puede activar el santuario, ¡no tienes pokemon disponibles para luchar!§No se ha podido encontrar el Modelo antiguo, reiniciando tu Pokemon.§a"%s" Se ha unido por primera vez, ¡dale la bienvenida!§cDebes derrotar a: %s para pasar. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.0=§aSe ha eliminado con éxito la subasta de %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewAuctionDetails.1=§cNo se ha podido eliminar la subasta: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.0=§cNo puedes %su propia subasta. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.1=§cNo tienes suficientes %s para %s esta subasta. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.2=§aSubasta solicitada con éxito para %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.3=§a¡Su subasta para %s ha sido comprada por %sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.buyAuction.4=§aSuccessfully %s %s para %s %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuctions.0=§cNo se han podido mostrar todas las subastas, se ha superado la longitud máxima. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.0=§cHa alcanzado el número máximo de subastas que puede mostrar a la vez. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.1=§cNo puedes listar tu elemento GUI. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewItem.2=§cNo puede incluir su elemento Backpack. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.0=§has alcanzado el número máximo de subastas que puedes publicar a la vez. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.listNewPokemon.1=§cNo tienes ningún pokémon en tu PC. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createItemAuction.0=§a Se ha subastado %s por %s pokeDollars con éxito +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.createPokemonAuction.0=§a Listado exitoso %s por %s pokeDollars +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.0=§aSubasta eliminada con éxito para %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageAuction.1=§cNo se ha podido eliminar la subasta: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.viewWonAuctions.0=§cNo se han podido mostrar todas las subastas ganadas, por favor reclame algunas subastas antes de volver a verlas. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.auctionhouse.manageWonAuction.0=§aSubasta reclamada con éxito para %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.0=§aAgregado artículo a la ranura: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.addItemToSlot.1=§cNo se ha podido añadir el artículo: %s %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.0=§c¡Fallo al quitar un objeto de la mochila! SlotID: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.backpack.takeItemOutOfSlot.1=§c¡Fallo al eliminar objeto de la ranura: %s %s!§aConfiado %s en su reclamación!§a¡No se confía en %s para su reclamación! jugador de todas sus reclamaciones.§c¡No se te ha podido dar una pala de oro, inténtalo de nuevo! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.0=¡Has ganado §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.1=¡Has ganado §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.2=¡Ha ganado §a%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.runCrateEnding.3=§a+Aspecto: %s, ¡También puedes aplicar este aspecto: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateAppearance.0=§a¡Actualizada la apariencia de la caja! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editCrateKey.0=§aConfigura el keyTypeId de la caja a: ¡%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.editInheritance.0=§aEstablezca la herencia del crate a: ¡%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.0=§¡La tasa no es válida! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.1=§Crate ¡No tiene datos! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.crate.resetCrate.2=§a¡Reiniciar Crate: Animación de %s! src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewQuests.0=[Hex Mania]: §7%s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.0=§aSubmitted %sx %s to Hex Mania! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.1=Failed to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.main.0=§cYou cannot create a home because you don't have anymore Home Points. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.createHome.0=§cYou cannot create a home here because you are in a claim you are not trusted in! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.kits.claimKit.0=§cKit cannot be claimed.§cThis command can only be run in the overworld!§cFailed to find a valid wild location, please try again later.§cCould not transfer: "%s" to PC, you have reached the max amount of PC storage. %s slot to %s! have no learnable moves! %s's held item! cannot set your GUI has a held item!§cYou cannot set a damaged item has a held item!§cFailed to clear item: %s! %s's held item too %s!§aAdded Skin %s to %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.0=§aAdded "%s" to party. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.1=§cFailed to add "%s" to party %s. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.2=§cUn-Pinned "%s" on your PC. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.3=§cFailed to pin: "%s", you already have >=6 Pokemon pinned! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.4=§aPinned "%s" to your PC. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.interact.0=§aSent battle request too: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.0=§cFailed to start battle: "%s" is already in a battle! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.1=§cFailed to start battle: "%s" has no data set! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.2=Failed to start battle:"%s" have no available pokemon to fight! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.3=§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.4=§cFailed to start battle: At least one of "%s"'s Pokemon has no moves! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.0=You have received §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.1=You have won §a%sx %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.2=§a+Skin: %s, You can apply this skin too: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.3=You have received §a%s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.4=Failed to give reward: %s, %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.5=§aCollected the reward for %s% Pokedex Progress! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.0=Failed to set Lure, one is already active! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.1=%s is not a lure! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.2=Failed to remove %s from your inventory! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.3=Set PokeStops's lure too %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.editBasicData.0=§aEdited PokeStop's basic video! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.0=§aCollected Rewards for quest: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.1=§aRemoved Quest: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestDetails.0=§aStarted Quest: %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.createQuest.0=Created Quest: %s successfully! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.0=§cYou cannot %s %s because %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.1=§cFailed to give %sx %s! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.showAcceptOrDecline.0=§cTrade Ended! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.0=§cFailed to Fetch Pokemon data, trade Failed! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.1=§cFailed to Fetch Pokemon data, trade Failed! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.0=§cFailed to start battle: Trainer is no longer valid! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.1=§cYou are already in a battle and cannot start one! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.2=Failed to start battle: You have no available pokemon to fight! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.3=§cYour pokemon: %s has no moves, and you cannot start a battle! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.4=§cFailed to Fetch Trainer Data! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.5=§cTrainer had no pokemon to battle with, party has been reset! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.0=§cYou cannot battle this trainer right now, You can re-battle %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.1=§cYou are already in a battle and cannot start one! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.0=§cFailed to Fetch Trainer Data! -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.1=§aUpdated Trainer Inheritance -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editSlotMenu.0=§aRemoved Slot: %s from Trainer. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.viewRunCommand.0=§aRemoved RunCommand on Trainer Successfully. -src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editRunCommand.0=%s Run Command, on Trainer! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.0=§a[BATTLE REQUEST]: §r%s -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.1=§c[BATTLE LOG]: §r%s -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.0=§cFailed to capture Pokemon, Your PC is currently full, and have no slots in your party! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.1=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNOSTIC]: Status: %s is not yet handled. Please report this to Smell of Curry. -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleCureStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNOSTIC]: Cure-Status: %s is not yet handled. Please report this to Smell of Curry. -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.0=§aYour Orb: %s, has gained 1x soul! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.1=§aYour Orb: %s, Has fully filled! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleSwitchInstruction.0=§aUnlocked %s in the PokeDex! -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.0=Failed to clear item: %s -src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.1=Failed to clear item: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.0=§a¡Sometido %sx %s a Hex Mania! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.hex_mania.viewInProgressQuest.1=No se ha podido iniciar la batalla: ¡No tienes pokemon disponibles para luchar! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.main.0=§cNo puedes crear una casa porque no tienes más Puntos de Casa. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.home.createHome.0=§c¡No puedes crear una casa aquí porque estás en un reclamo en el que no confías! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.kits.claimKit.0=§cNo se puede reclamar el kit.§Este comando sólo se puede ejecutar en el mundo exterior!§cNo se ha encontrado una ubicación salvaje válida, inténtalo más tarde.§No se ha podido transferir: "%s" al PC, se ha alcanzado la cantidad máxima de almacenamiento del PC.¡Se ha cambiado la ranura %s por %s!¡No tienes movimientos aprendibles!¡Has cogido el objeto de %s!¡No puedes establecer que tu GUI tenga un objeto retenido!¡No puedes establecer que un objeto dañado tenga un objeto retenido!§cFallo al borrar item: ¡%s!¡El objeto retenido de %s es %s!§aAñadir aspecto %s a %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.0=§aAgregado "%s" a party. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.1=§cNo se ha podido añadir "%s" a la fiesta %s. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.2=§cDesinstalado "%s" en tu PC. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.3=§cNo se ha podido fijar: "%s", ¡ya tienes >=6 Pokemon anclados! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pc.main.4=§aHas anclado "%s" a tu PC. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.interact.0=§a¡También has enviado una solicitud de batalla: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.0=§cNo se ha podido iniciar la batalla: "%s" ¡ya está en una batalla! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.1=§cFallo al iniciar batalla: "%s" ¡no tiene conjunto de datos! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.2=¡Fallo al iniciar batalla: "%s" no tiene pokemon disponible para luchar! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.3=§c¡Tu pokemon: %s no tiene movimientos, y no puedes empezar una batalla! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.player.manageRequest.4=§cNo se ha podido iniciar la batalla: ¡Al menos uno de los Pokemon de "%s" no tiene movimientos! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.0=¡Has recibido §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.1=¡Has ganado §a%sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.2=§a+Aspecto: %s, ¡También puedes aplicar este aspecto: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.3=¡Has recibido §a%s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.4=No se ha podido dar la recompensa: %s, %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokedex.completionForm.5=§a¡Recibida la recompensa por %s% Progreso de Pokedex! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.0=¡No se ha podido establecer el señuelo, ya hay uno activo! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.1=¡%s no es un señuelo! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.2=¡No se ha podido eliminar %s del inventario! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.setLure.3=¡El señuelo de PokeStops es %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.pokestop.editBasicData.0=§a¡Edita el vídeo básico de PokeStop! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.0=§aRecompensas recogidas para la búsqueda: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestProgress.1=§aBúsqueda eliminada: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.viewQuestDetails.0=§aBúsqueda iniciada: %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.quests.createQuest.0=¡Búsqueda creada: %s con éxito! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.0=¡No puedes %s %s porque %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.server_npc.confirmItem.1=§c¡No se ha podido dar %sx %s! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.showAcceptOrDecline.0=§c¡Comercio finalizado! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.0=§c¡Falló la obtención de datos Pokemon, el intercambio falló +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.tradeMachine.tradePlayersPokemon.1=§cFalló la obtención de datos Pokemon, ¡el intercambio falló! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.0=§cNo se ha podido iniciar la batalla: ¡El entrenador ya no es válido! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.1=§¡Ya estás en una batalla y no puedes empezar otra! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.2=No se ha podido iniciar la batalla: ¡No tienes pokemon disponibles para luchar! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.3=§c¡Tu pokemon: %s no tiene movimientos y no puedes empezar una batalla! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.4=§c¡Falló la obtención de datos del entrenador! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.startBattle.5=§c¡El entrenador no tenía pokémon con los que luchar, se ha reiniciado el grupo! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.0=§cNo puedes luchar con este entrenador ahora, puedes volver a luchar con %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.main.1=§c¡Ya estás en una batalla y no puedes empezar otra! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.0=§c¡No se han podido obtener los datos del entrenador! +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editInheritance.1=§aHerencia de entrenador actualizada +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editSlotMenu.0=§aSe ha eliminado la ranura: %s del Entrenador. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.viewRunCommand.0=§aSe ha eliminado el comando de ejecución del entrenador. +src.pokebedrock.modules.forms.trainer.editRunCommand.0=%s ¡Comando de ejecución en el Entrenador! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.0=§a[PETICIÓN DE BATALLA]: §r%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.Battle.interpret.1=§c[REGISTRO DE BATALLA]: §r%s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.0=§cFalló la captura de Pokemon, ¡Tu PC está actualmente lleno, y no tienes ranuras en tu grupo! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.BattleUtils.runPokemonCatch.1=§a¡%s desbloqueado en el PokéDex! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNÓSTICO]: Estado: %s aún no ha sido manejado. Por favor, informe de ello a Smell of Curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleCureStatusInstruction.0=§c[DIAGNÓSTICO]: Cure-Status: %s aún no se ha gestionado. Por favor, informa de ello a Smell of Curry. +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.0=§a¡Tu Orbe: %s, ha ganado 1x alma! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleKilledInstruction.1=§aTu orbe: %s, ¡se ha llenado por completo! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.ShowdownInterpreter.handleSwitchInstruction.0=§a¡%s desbloqueado en el PokéDex! +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.0=No se ha podido limpiar el objeto: %s +src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.PlayerActor.bagScreen.1=No se ha podido limpiar el objeto: %s src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.0=§7[%s]: %s src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.1=§7[%s]: %s From 4fbdde6a8750e3ebef22020461879c5a23d130e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 4 May 2024 10:39:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 13/43] Spanish bttlgui --- texts/es_ES.lang | 158 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 0526d9f14..83dddbcd8 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -8579,93 +8579,93 @@ src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.0=§7[%s]: %s src.pokebedrock.modules.models.actors.TrainerActor.onBattleEnd.1=§7[%s]: %s ## Battle Text -battle.battleEnded=Battle Ended -battle.tieWasForced=Tie was forced! -battle.playerActor.usedBagItem=%s Used a %s -battle.playerActor.usedBall.captured=%s§r§f Was §gCaptured!§f -battle.playerActor.usedBall.escaped=%s§r§f Escaped!§f -battle.playerActor.usedBall.missed=Ball was missed! -battle.playerActor.ranFromBattle=%s Ran from the battle! -battle.showdownInterpreter.turn=== Turn: %s == -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonFainted=%s§r§f fainted! -battle.showdownInterpreter.playerWon=§l§e%s§r§f won the battle! -battle.showdownInterpreter.newElo=§l§e%s§r§f New Elo %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.tie=Tie between both sides! -battle.showdownInterpreter.moveMissed=%s§r§f avoided the attack! -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonImmune=It doesn't affect %s§r§f... -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonUsedMove=%s§r§f Used §l%s§r§f! -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonCantMove=%s§r§f can't move! -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonResisted=It's not very effective... -battle.showdownInterpreter.superEffective=It's super effective! -battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOnSide=%s started on %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.sideEnd=§7§o(%s ended on %s!)§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.criticalHit=A critical hit! -battle.showdownInterpreter.weatherClearedUp=§7§oThe weather cleared up!§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.actionFailed=But it failed! -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMustRecharge=%s§r§f must recharge! -battle.showdownInterpreter.startMoveDisabled=%s§r§f's %s was disabled! -battle.showdownInterpreter.startTypeChange=%s§r§f's type changed to %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.pokemonDisableEnd=%s§r§f's move is no longer disabled! +battle.battleEnded=Batalla terminada +battle.tieWasForced=Empate fue forzado! +battle.playerActor.usedBagItem=%s uso un %s +battle.playerActor.usedBall.captured=%s§r§f Fue §gCapturado!§f +battle.playerActor.usedBall.escaped=%s§r§f Escapó!§f +battle.playerActor.usedBall.missed=La pelota se perdió! +battle.playerActor.ranFromBattle=%s huyó de batalla! +battle.showdownInterpreter.turn=== Turno: %s == +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonFainted=%s§r§f se desmayo! +battle.showdownInterpreter.playerWon=§l§e%s§r§f ganó la batalla! +battle.showdownInterpreter.newElo=§l§e%s§r§f nuevo elo %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.tie=Empato entre ambos lados! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveMissed=%s§r§f evitó el ataque! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonImmune=No afecta a %s§r§f... +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonUsedMove=%s§r§f usó §l%s§r§f! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonCantMove=%s§r§f no puede moverse! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonResisted=No es muy efectivo... +battle.showdownInterpreter.superEffective=Es muy efectivo! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOnSide=%s empezó con %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.sideEnd=§7§o(%s terminó con %s!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.criticalHit=Un golpe critico! +battle.showdownInterpreter.weatherClearedUp=§7§oEl tiempo se despejó!§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.actionFailed=Pero falló! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMustRecharge=%s§r§f se debe recargar! +battle.showdownInterpreter.startMoveDisabled=%s§r§f's %s fue deshabilitado! +battle.showdownInterpreter.startTypeChange=%s§r§f's typo cambio a %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.pokemonDisableEnd=%s§r§f's moviendo no es mas deshabilitado! battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.ability=§o§7[%s§r§o§7's %s]!§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(${effect[0]} activated!)§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMegaEvolved=%s§r§f is Mega Evolving! -battle.showdownInterpreter.moveDidNothing=Did nothing! -battle.showdownInterpreter.clearAllBoost=All stat changes were eliminated! -battle.showdownInterpreter.effectEndedOn=Effect Ended on %s§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDraggedOut=%s§r§f was dragged out! -battle.showdownInterpreter.moveStarted=%s is starting %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOn=Effect Started on %s§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.ability.longTermEffect=%s's Ability %s, is taking effect! -battle.showdownInterpreter.move.prepare=%s's is preparing to use %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.0=%s's %s won't go any lower! -battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.1=%s's %s fell! -battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.2=%s's %s fell harshly! -battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.pos=%s's %s severely fell! -battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.0=%s's %s won't go any higher! -battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.1=%s's %s rose! -battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.2=%s's %s rose sharply! -battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.pos=%s's %s rose drastically! -battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.actorSentOut=%s sent out %s§r§f! -battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.wildAppeared=A %s appeared! -battle.showdownInterpreter.changedFormes=%s§r§f changed formes! -battle.showdownInterpreter.statusEnded=%s ended on %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDamaged=%s is hurt by %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.healthLost=§7§o%s§r§7§o lost %s%% of its health!§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.hitXTimes=%s was hit %s times! -battle.showdownInterpreter.hit1Time=%s was hit 1 time! -battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolen=%s stole %s's %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.obtainedItem=%s obtained one %s. -battle.showdownInterpreter.itemAte=§7§o(%s§o ate its %s!)§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolenAndAte=%s§r§f stole and ate its target's %s! -battle.showdownInterpreter.hpRestored=§7§o%s§r§7§o had its HP restored.§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.hpSet=§7§o%s§r§7§o now has %s hit points.§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(${effect[0]} activado!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMegaEvolved=%s§r§f esta megaevolucionando! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveDidNothing=No hizo nada! +battle.showdownInterpreter.clearAllBoost=Todos los cambios en características fueron desechados! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectEndedOn=Efecto termino con %s§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDraggedOut=%s§r§f fue arrastrada/o! +battle.showdownInterpreter.moveStarted=%s empieza %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.effectStartedOn=Efecto empieza con %s§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.ability.longTermEffect=%s's Abilidad %s, esta tomando efecto! +battle.showdownInterpreter.move.prepare=%s's esta preparándose para usar %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.0=%s's %s no puede bajar mas! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.1=%s's %s bajó! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.2=%s's %s bajó duramente! +battle.showdownInterpreter.unboost.pos=%s's %s bajó severamente! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.0=%s's %s no puede subir mas! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.1=%s's %s subió! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.2=%s's %s subió bruscamente! +battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.pos=%s's %s subió drásticamente! +battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.actorSentOut=%s sacó a %s§r§f! +battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.wildAppeared=Un %s apareció! +battle.showdownInterpreter.changedFormes=%s§r§f Cambió forma! +battle.showdownInterpreter.statusEnded=%s terminó con %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDamaged=%s fue herido por %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.healthLost=§7§o%s§r§7§o perdió %s%% de su salud!§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.hitXTimes=%s fue herido %s veces! +battle.showdownInterpreter.hit1Time=%s fue herido 1 ves! +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolen=%s robó %s's %s! +battle.showdownInterpreter.obtainedItem=%s obtuvo un %s. +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemAte=§7§o(%s§o comió su %s!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.itemStolenAndAte=%s§r§f robó y comió el %s de su oponente! +battle.showdownInterpreter.hpRestored=§7§o%s§r§7§o tuvó su salud restaurada.§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.hpSet=§7§o%s§r§7§o tiene ahora %s puntos de salud.§r§f ## Player GUI ## Move Button description is split up because .lang cannot do `\n` battle.gui.moveButton.description.0=§l%s§r -battle.gui.moveButton.description.1=Base Power: %s -battle.gui.moveButton.description.2.cantMiss=Accuracy: Can't Miss -battle.gui.moveButton.description.2=Accuracy: %s% -battle.gui.moveButton.description.3=Target: %s -battle.gui.button.openBag=§r§aOpen your bag, to use an item. -battle.gui.button.switchPokemon=§r§aSwitch to another Pokémon.§r§aSwitch to another Pokémon. -battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activated=§r§7Mega Evolution Activated for next move. -battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activate=§r§aActivate mega evolution for next move. -battle.gui.button.bag.pokeballs=Poké Balls -battle.gui.button.bag.hp_pp_restore=HP/PP Restore -battle.gui.button.back=Back -battle.gui.battleSideText.turn=§fTurn %s -battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.null=No Turn Timer -battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Waiting%s -battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=No Terrain +battle.gui.moveButton.description.1=Poder basico: %s +battle.gui.moveButton.description.2.cantMiss=Precisión: No puede fallar +battle.gui.moveButton.description.2=Precisión: %s% +battle.gui.moveButton.description.3=Blanco: %s +battle.gui.button.openBag=§r§aAbre tu bolsa para usar un objeto. +battle.gui.button.switchPokemon=§r§aCambiar a otro Pokémon.§r§aCambiar a otro Pokémon. +battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activated=§r§7Megaevolución activada para el siguiente movimiento. +battle.gui.button.moveSelection.mega.activate=§r§aActiva la mega evolución para el siguiente movimiento. +battle.gui.button.bag.pokeballs=Pokébolas +battle.gui.button.bag.hp_pp_restore=Restaurar PS/PP +battle.gui.button.back=Atrás +battle.gui.battleSideText.turn=§fTurno %s +battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.null=Ningun Cronómetro de Turno +battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Esperando%s despejado +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Ningun campo de batalla ### Showdown Battle Text Ability -showdown.abilities.noability.shortDesc=Does nothing. Abilidad +showdown.abilities.noability.shortDesc=No hace nada. showdown.abilities.adaptability.desc=This Pokemon's moves that match one of its types have a same-type attack bonus (STAB) of 2 instead of 1.5. showdown.abilities.adaptability.shortDesc=This Pokemon's same-type attack bonus (STAB) is 2 instead of 1.5. From 499c36de77c2b0ecf78836c67fc5af7ee11c9c8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Wed, 8 May 2024 16:22:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 14/43] spanish finished showdown defaults --- texts/es_ES.lang | 501 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 252 insertions(+), 249 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 83dddbcd8..c6d61fe74 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -2607,7 +2607,7 @@ pokemon.stantler.desc=Sus astas de formas extrañas tienen el poder de hechizar pokemon.smeargle.desc=Dibuja símbolos con el líquido que rezuma de la punta de su cola. Dependiendo del símbolo, los fanáticos de Smeargle pagarán mucho dinero por él. -pokemon.tyrogue.desc=Aunque es pequeño, no se puede ignorar porque atacará a cualquier objetivo útil sin previo aviso. +pokemon.tyrogue.desc=Aunque es pequeño, no se puede ignorar porque atacará a cualquier blanco útil sin previo aviso. pokemon.hitmontop.desc=Después de hacer el pino para alterar el ritmo del oponente, presenta sus elegantes movimientos de patada. @@ -2931,7 +2931,7 @@ pokemon.starly.desc=Viven en los campos y montañas, reuniéndose en grandes ban pokemon.staravia.desc=Forman bandadas notablemente grandes y luchan constantemente entre ellos. Sospecho que aquellos con magníficas plumas en la cabeza son los fuertes. -pokemon.staraptor.desc=Ha abandonado el rebaño y ha ganado fuerza suficiente para sobrevivir por sí solo. La asombrosa fuerza con la que Staraptor vuela por el aire le permite llevarse objetivos grandes y corpulentos. +pokemon.staraptor.desc=Ha abandonado el rebaño y ha ganado fuerza suficiente para sobrevivir por sí solo. La asombrosa fuerza con la que Staraptor vuela por el aire le permite llevarse blancos grandes y corpulentos. pokemon.bidoof.desc=Bidoof tiene un rostro poco sofisticado y rara vez se pone nervioso por nada. Ha habido incidentes en los que Bidoof deambulaba por las aldeas y roía las casas sin la menor preocupación. @@ -3327,7 +3327,7 @@ pokemon.alomomola.desc=La razón por la que ayuda a los Pokémon debilitados es pokemon.joltik.desc=Joltik se aferra a otros Pokémon y absorbe la electricidad estática. A menudo se los encuentra pegados a los cuartos traseros de Yamper. -pokemon.galvantula.desc=Coloca trampas de hilos electrificados cerca de los nidos de los Pokémon pájaros, con el objetivo de atrapar a los polluelos que aún no son buenos volando. +pokemon.galvantula.desc=Coloca trampas de hilos electrificados cerca de los nidos de los Pokémon pájaros, con el blanco de atrapar a los polluelos que aún no son buenos volando. pokemon.ferroseed.desc=Las cuevas cubiertas de musgo son sus viviendas preferidas. Las enzimas contenidas en los musgos ayudan a que las espigas de Ferroseed crezcan grandes y fuertes. @@ -3405,7 +3405,7 @@ pokemon.deino.desc=Como no puede ver, este Pokémon muerde constantemente todo l pokemon.zweilous.desc=Sus dos cabezas se pelearán por un solo trozo de comida. Los Zweilous están cubiertos de cicatrices incluso sin luchar contra otros. -pokemon.hydreigon.desc=Las tres cabezas se turnan para hundir los dientes en el oponente. Sus ataques no disminuirán hasta que su objetivo caiga. +pokemon.hydreigon.desc=Las tres cabezas se turnan para hundir los dientes en el oponente. Sus ataques no disminuirán hasta que su blanco caiga. pokemon.larvesta.desc=El cuerpo de Larvesta está caliente por todas partes. Lanza fuego desde la punta de sus cuernos para intimidar a los depredadores y asustar a sus presas. @@ -3939,7 +3939,7 @@ pokemon.kleavor.desc=Una criatura violenta que derriba árboles imponentes con s pokemon.ursaluna.desc=Creo que fue el terreno pantanoso de Hisui lo que le dio a Ursaluna su físico corpulento y su nueva capacidad para manipular la turba a voluntad. -pokemon.basculegion.desc=Se reviste de las almas de los camaradas que perecieron antes de cumplir sus objetivos de viajar río arriba. Ninguna otra especie en todos los ríos de Hisui es igual a Basculegion. +pokemon.basculegion.desc=Se reviste de las almas de los camaradas que perecieron antes de cumplir sus blancos de viajar río arriba. Ninguna otra especie en todos los ríos de Hisui es igual a Basculegion. pokemon.sneasler.desc=Debido al virulento veneno de Sneasler y su enorme destreza física, ninguna otra especie podría esperar superarlo en las heladas tierras altas. Prefiriendo la soledad, esta especie no forma manadas. @@ -4009,7 +4009,7 @@ pokemon.charcadet.desc=El carbón quemado cobró vida y se convirtió en Pokémo pokemon.armarouge.desc=Armarouge evolucionó mediante el uso de una armadura que perteneció a un guerrero distinguido. Este Pokémon es increíblemente leal. -pokemon.ceruledge.desc=Las hojas de fuego de sus brazos arden ferozmente con el resentimiento persistente de un portador de espada que cayó antes de lograr su objetivo. +pokemon.ceruledge.desc=Las hojas de fuego de sus brazos arden ferozmente con el resentimiento persistente de un portador de espada que cayó antes de lograr su blanco. pokemon.tadbulb.desc=Tadbulb mueve su cola para generar electricidad. Si detecta peligro, hará que su cabeza parpadee para alertar a sus aliados. @@ -8587,7 +8587,7 @@ battle.playerActor.usedBall.escaped=%s§r§f Escapó!§f battle.playerActor.usedBall.missed=La pelota se perdió! battle.playerActor.ranFromBattle=%s huyó de batalla! battle.showdownInterpreter.turn=== Turno: %s == -battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonFainted=%s§r§f se desmayo! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonFainted=%s§r§f fue debilitado! battle.showdownInterpreter.playerWon=§l§e%s§r§f ganó la batalla! battle.showdownInterpreter.newElo=§l§e%s§r§f nuevo elo %s! battle.showdownInterpreter.tie=Empato entre ambos lados! @@ -9801,251 +9801,254 @@ showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=%s extends %s by 2 turns! ########################################################### -showdown.default.default.startBattle=Battle started between %s and %s! -showdown.default.default.winBattle=**%s** won the battle! -showdown.default.default.tieBattle=Tie between %s and %s! +showdown.default.default.startBattle=Batalla entre %s y %s empezó! +showdown.default.default.winBattle=**%s** ganó la batalla! +showdown.default.default.tieBattle=Empate entre %s y %s! showdown.default.default.pokemon=%s -showdown.default.default.opposingPokemon=the opposing %s team -showdown.default.default.opposingTeam=the opposing team ally Pokémon -showdown.default.default.opposingParty=the opposing Pokémon -showdown.default.default.turn=== Turn %s == -showdown.default.default.switchIn=%s sent out %s! -showdown.default.default.switchInOwn=Go! %s! -showdown.default.default.switchOut=%s withdrew %s! -showdown.default.default.switchOutOwn=%s, come back! -showdown.default.default.drag=%s was dragged out! -showdown.default.default.faint=%s fainted! -showdown.default.default.swap=%s and %s switched places! -showdown.default.default.swapCenter=%s moved to the center! -showdown.default.default.canDynamax=%s can dynamax now! -showdown.default.default.canDynamaxOwn=Dynamax Energy gathered around %s! -showdown.default.default.zEffect=%s unleashes its full-force Z-Move! -showdown.default.default.move=%s used **%s**! +showdown.default.default.opposingPokemon=el oponente %s equipo +showdown.default.default.opposingTeam=el equipo oponente pokemons +showdown.default.default.opposingParty=el pokemon oponente +showdown.default.default.turn=== Turno %s == +showdown.default.default.switchIn=%s sacó a %s! +showdown.default.default.switchInOwn=Adelante! %s! +showdown.default.default.switchOut=%s retiró a %s! +showdown.default.default.switchOutOwn=%s, regresa! +showdown.default.default.drag=%s fue arrastrado hacia afuera! +showdown.default.default.faint=%s fue debilitado! +showdown.default.default.swap=%s y %s cambiaron de lugares! +showdown.default.default.swapCenter=%s fue al centro! +showdown.default.default.canDynamax=%s puede dinamax ahora! +showdown.default.default.canDynamaxOwn=Energía Dinamax reunida alrededor %s! +showdown.default.default.zEffect=%s desata su Movimiento Z con toda su fuerza! +showdown.default.default.move=%s usó **%s**! showdown.default.default.abilityActivation=%s's %s] -showdown.default.default.mega=%s's %s is reacting to the Key Stone! -showdown.default.default.megaNoItem=%s is reacting to %s's Key Stone! -showdown.default.default.megaGen6=%s's %s is reacting to %s's Mega Bracelet! -showdown.default.default.transformMega=%s has Mega Evolved into Mega %s! -showdown.default.default.primal=%s's Primal Reversion! It reverted to its primal state! -showdown.default.default.zPower=%s surrounded itself with its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.zBroken=%s couldn't fully protect itself and got hurt! -showdown.default.default.terastallize=%s has Terastallized into the %s-type! -showdown.default.default.cant=%s can't use %s! -showdown.default.default.cantNoMove=%s can't move! it failed! -showdown.default.default.transform=%s transformed! -showdown.default.default.typeChange=%s's type changed to %s! -showdown.default.default.typeChangeFromEffect=%s's %s made it the %s type! -showdown.default.default.typeAdd=%s type was added to %s! -showdown.default.default.start=(%s started on %s!) -showdown.default.default.end=%s was freed from %s! -showdown.default.default.activate=(%s activated!) -showdown.default.default.startTeamEffect=(%s started on %s!) -showdown.default.default.endTeamEffect=(%s ended on %s!) -showdown.default.default.startFieldEffect=(%s started!) -showdown.default.default.endFieldEffect=(%s ended!) -showdown.default.default.changeAbility=%s acquired %s! -showdown.default.default.addItem=%s obtained one %s. -showdown.default.default.takeItem=%s stole %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.eatItem=(%s ate its %s!) -showdown.default.default.useGem=The %s strengthened %s's power! -showdown.default.default.eatItemWeaken=The %s weakened damage to %s! -showdown.default.default.removeItem=%s lost its %s! -showdown.default.default.activateItem=(%s used its %s!) -showdown.default.default.activateWeaken=The %s weakened the damage to %s! -showdown.default.default.damage=(%s was hurt!) -showdown.default.default.damagePercentage=(%s lost %s of its health!) -showdown.default.default.damageFromPokemon=%s was hurt by %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.damageFromItem=%s was hurt by its %s! -showdown.default.default.damageFromPartialTrapping=%s is hurt by %s! -showdown.default.default.heal=%s had its HP restored. -showdown.default.default.healFromZEffect=%s restored its HP using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.healFromEffect=%s restored HP using its %s! -showdown.default.default.boost=%s's %s rose! -showdown.default.default.boost2=%s's %s rose sharply! -showdown.default.default.boost3=%s's %s rose drastically! -showdown.default.default.boost0=%s's %s won't go any higher! -showdown.default.default.boostFromItem=The %s raised %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.boost2FromItem=The %s sharply raised %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.boost3FromItem=The %s drastically raised %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.boostFromZEffect=%s boosted its %s using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.boost2FromZEffect=%s boosted its %s sharply using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.boost3FromZEffect=%s boosted its %s drastically using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.boostMultipleFromZEffect=%s boosted its stats using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.unboost=%s's %s fell! -showdown.default.default.unboost2=%s's %s fell harshly! -showdown.default.default.unboost3=%s's %s fell severely! -showdown.default.default.unboost0=%s's %s won't go any lower! -showdown.default.default.unboostFromItem=The %s lowered %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.unboost2FromItem=The %s harshly lowered %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.unboost3FromItem=The %s drastically lowered %s's %s! -showdown.default.default.swapBoost=%s switched stat changes with its target! -showdown.default.default.swapOffensiveBoost=%s switched all changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk with its target! -showdown.default.default.swapDefensiveBoost=%s switched all changes to its Defense and Sp. Def with its target! -showdown.default.default.copyBoost=%s copied %s's stat changes! -showdown.default.default.clearBoost=%s's stat changes were removed! -showdown.default.default.clearBoostFromZEffect=%s returned its decreased stats to normal using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.default.invertBoost=%s's stat changes were inverted! -showdown.default.default.clearAllBoost=All stat changes were eliminated! -showdown.default.default.superEffective=It's super effective! -showdown.default.default.superEffectiveSpread=It's super effective on %s! -showdown.default.default.resisted=It's not very effective... -showdown.default.default.resistedSpread=It's not very effective on %s. -showdown.default.default.crit=A critical hit! -showdown.default.default.critSpread=A critical hit on %s! -showdown.default.default.immune=It doesn't affect %s... -showdown.default.default.immuneNoPokemon=It had no effect! -showdown.default.default.immuneOHKO=%s is unaffected! -showdown.default.default.miss=%s avoided the attack! -showdown.default.default.missNoPokemon=%s's attack missed! center! -showdown.default.default.noTarget=But there was no target... -showdown.default.default.ohko=It's a one-hit KO! -showdown.default.default.combine=The two moves have become one! It's a combined move! -showdown.default.default.hitCount=The Pokémon was hit %s times! -showdown.default.default.hitCountSingular=The Pokémon was hit 1 time! -showdown.default.hp.statName=HP -showdown.default.hp.statShortName=HP -showdown.default.atk.statName=Attack -showdown.default.atk.statShortName=Atk -showdown.default.def.statName=Defense +showdown.default.default.mega=%s's %s está reaccionando a la Piedra activadora! +showdown.default.default.megaNoItem=%s está reaccionando a la Piedra activadora de %s! +showdown.default.default.megaGen6=%s's %s está reaccionando al Mega-aro de %s! +showdown.default.default.transformMega=%s ha Mega evolucionado a Mega %s! +showdown.default.default.primal=%s's Regresión primigenia! Volvió a su estado primigenio! +showdown.default.default.zPower=%s se rodeó de su Z-Power! +showdown.default.default.zBroken=%s no pudo protegerse por completo y se lastimó! +showdown.default.default.terastallize=%s ha teracristalizado al tipo %s! +showdown.default.default.cant=%s no puede usar %s! +showdown.default.default.cantNoMove=%s no puede moverse! falló! +showdown.default.default.transform=%s se transformó! +showdown.default.default.typeChange=El tipo de %s cambio a %s! +showdown.default.default.typeChangeFromEffect=%s's %s lo hizo del tipo %s! +showdown.default.default.typeAdd=El tipo de %s fue añadido a %s! +showdown.default.default.start=(%s empezó con %s!) +showdown.default.default.end=%s fue liberado de %s! +showdown.default.default.activate=(%s activado!) +showdown.default.default.startTeamEffect=(%s empezó con %s!) +showdown.default.default.endTeamEffect=(%s terminó con %s!) +showdown.default.default.startFieldEffect=(%s empezó!) +showdown.default.default.endFieldEffect=(%s terminó!) +showdown.default.default.changeAbility=%s obtuvo %s! +showdown.default.default.addItem=%s obtuvo un %s. +showdown.default.default.takeItem=%s robó %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.eatItem=(%s comió su %s!) +showdown.default.default.useGem=La %s reforzó el poder de %s! +showdown.default.default.eatItemWeaken=La %s debilitó el daño a %s! +showdown.default.default.removeItem=%s perdió su %s! +showdown.default.default.activateItem=(%s uso su %s!) +showdown.default.default.activateWeaken=La %s debilitó el daño a %s! +showdown.default.default.damage=(%s fue lastimado!) +showdown.default.default.damagePercentage=(%s perdió %s de su salud!) +showdown.default.default.damageFromPokemon=%s fue lastimado por %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.damageFromItem=%s fue lastimado por su %s! +showdown.default.default.damageFromPartialTrapping=%s fue lastimado por %s! +showdown.default.default.heal=%s tuvó su salud restaurada. +showdown.default.default.healFromZEffect=%s restauro su SP usando su poder Z! +showdown.default.default.healFromEffect=%s restauro su SP usando su %s! +showdown.default.default.boost=%s's %s subió! +showdown.default.default.boost2=%s's %s subió bruscamente! +showdown.default.default.boost3=%s's %s subió drásticamente! +showdown.default.default.boost0=%s's %s no puede subir mas! +showdown.default.default.boostFromItem=El %s subió %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.boost2FromItem=El %s subió bruscamente %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.boost3FromItem=El %s subió drásticamente %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.boostFromZEffect=%s aumento su %s usando su poder Z! +showdown.default.default.boost2FromZEffect=%s aumento su %s bruscamente usando su poder Z! +showdown.default.default.boost3FromZEffect=%s aumento su %s drásticamente usando su poder Z! +showdown.default.default.boostMultipleFromZEffect=%s aumento sus características usando su poder Z! +showdown.default.default.unboost=%s's %s bajó! +showdown.default.default.unboost2=%s's %s bajó duramente! +showdown.default.default.unboost3=%s's %s bajó severamente! +showdown.default.default.unboost0=%s's %s no bajara mas! +showdown.default.default.unboostFromItem=El %s bajó %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.unboost2FromItem=El %s bajó duramente %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.unboost3FromItem=El %s bajó severamente %s's %s! +showdown.default.default.swapBoost=%s cambio sus cambios de características con su blanco! +showdown.default.default.swapOffensiveBoost=%s cambio todos sus cambios de ataque y ataque esp. con su blanco! +showdown.default.default.swapDefensiveBoost=%s cambio todos sus cambios de defensa and defensa esp. con su blanco! +showdown.default.default.copyBoost=%s copió los cambios de características de %s! +showdown.default.default.clearBoost=Los cambios de características de %s fueron desechados! +showdown.default.default.clearBoostFromZEffect=%s devolvió sus características reducidas a la normalidad usando su poder Z! +showdown.default.default.invertBoost=Los cambios de características de %s fueron invertidos! +showdown.default.default.clearAllBoost=Todos los cambios de características fueron eliminados! +showdown.default.default.superEffective=Es muy efectivo!! +showdown.default.default.superEffectiveSpread=Es muy efectivo con %s! +showdown.default.default.resisted=No es muy efectivo... +showdown.default.default.resistedSpread=No es muy efectivo con %s. +showdown.default.default.crit=Un golpe critico! +showdown.default.default.critSpread=Un golpe critico con %s! +showdown.default.default.immune=No afecta a %s... +showdown.default.default.immuneNoPokemon=No tuvó ningun efecto! +showdown.default.default.immuneOHKO=%s no fue afectado! +showdown.default.default.miss=%s evitó el ataque! +showdown.default.default.missNoPokemon=El ataque de %s faltó! automatico! +showdown.default.default.noTarget=Pero no había blanco... +showdown.default.default.ohko=Es un KO de un solo golpe! +showdown.default.default.combine=Los dos movimientos se han convertido en uno! Es un movimiento combinado! +showdown.default.default.hitCount=El pokemon fue herido %s veces! +showdown.default.default.hitCountSingular=El pokemon fue herido 1 ves! +showdown.default.hp.statName=Salud +showdown.default.hp.statShortName=PS +showdown.default.atk.statName=Ataque +showdown.default.atk.statShortName=Atq +showdown.default.def.statName=Defensa showdown.default.def.statShortName=Def Atk -showdown.default.spd.statName=Sp. Def -showdown.default.spd.statShortName=SpD -showdown.default.spe.statName=Speed -showdown.default.spe.statShortName=Spe -showdown.default.accuracy.statName=accuracy -showdown.default.evasion.statName=evasiveness -showdown.default.spc.statName=Special -showdown.default.spc.statShortName=Spc -showdown.default.stats.statName=stats -showdown.default.brn.start=%s was burned! -showdown.default.brn.startFromItem=%s was burned by the %s! -showdown.default.brn.alreadyStarted=%s is already burned! -showdown.default.brn.end=%s's burn was healed! -showdown.default.brn.endFromItem=%s's %s healed its burn! -showdown.default.brn.damage=%s was hurt by its burn! -showdown.default.frz.start=%s was frozen solid! -showdown.default.frz.alreadyStarted=%s is already frozen solid! -showdown.default.frz.end=%s thawed out! -showdown.default.frz.endFromItem=%s's %s defrosted it! -showdown.default.frz.endFromMove=%s's %s melted the ice! -showdown.default.frz.cant=%s is frozen solid! -showdown.default.par.start=%s is paralyzed! It may be unable to move! -showdown.default.par.alreadyStarted=%s is already paralyzed! -showdown.default.par.end=%s was cured of paralysis! -showdown.default.par.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its paralysis! -showdown.default.par.cant=%s is paralyzed! It can't move! -showdown.default.psn.start=%s was poisoned! -showdown.default.psn.alreadyStarted=%s is already poisoned! -showdown.default.psn.end=%s was cured of its poisoning! -showdown.default.psn.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its poison! -showdown.default.psn.damage=%s was hurt by poison! -showdown.default.tox.start=%s was badly poisoned! -showdown.default.tox.startFromItem=%s was badly poisoned by the %s! -showdown.default.tox.end=%s was cured of its poisoning! -showdown.default.tox.endFromItem=%s's %s cured its poison! -showdown.default.tox.alreadyStarted=%s is already poisoned! -showdown.default.tox.damage=%s was hurt by poison! -showdown.default.slp.start=%s fell asleep! -showdown.default.slp.startFromRest=%s slept and became healthy! -showdown.default.slp.alreadyStarted=%s is already asleep! -showdown.default.slp.end=%s woke up! -showdown.default.slp.endFromItem=%s's %s woke it up! -showdown.default.slp.cant=%s is fast asleep. -showdown.default.confusion.start=%s became confused! -showdown.default.confusion.startFromFatigue=%s became confused due to fatigue! -showdown.default.confusion.end=%s snapped out of its confusion! -showdown.default.confusion.endFromItem=%s's %s snapped it out of its confusion! -showdown.default.confusion.alreadyStarted=%s is already confused! -showdown.default.confusion.activate=%s is confused! -showdown.default.confusion.damage=It hurt itself in its confusion! -showdown.default.drain.heal=%s had its energy drained! -showdown.default.flinch.cant=%s flinched and couldn't move!'s HP is full! -showdown.default.healreplacement.activate=%s will restore its replacement's HP using its Z-Power! -showdown.default.nopp.cant=%s used %s, But there was no PP left for the move! -showdown.default.recharge.cant=%s must recharge! -showdown.default.recoil.damage=%s was damaged by the recoil!'s stats were not lowered! -showdown.default.unboost.failSingular=%s's %s was not lowered! -showdown.default.struggle.activate=%s has no moves left! -showdown.default.trapped.start=%s can no longer escape! -showdown.default.dynamax.start=(%s's Dynamax!) -showdown.default.dynamax.end=(%s returned to normal!) -showdown.default.dynamax.block=The move was blocked by the power of Dynamax! shook its head. It seems like it can't use this move... -showdown.default.sandstorm.weatherName=Sandstorm -showdown.default.sandstorm.start=A sandstorm kicked up! -showdown.default.sandstorm.end=The sandstorm subsided. -showdown.default.sandstorm.upkeep=(The sandstorm is raging.) -showdown.default.sandstorm.damage=%s is buffeted by the sandstorm! -showdown.default.sunnyday.weatherName=Sun -showdown.default.sunnyday.start=The sunlight turned harsh! -showdown.default.sunnyday.end=The harsh sunlight faded. -showdown.default.sunnyday.upkeep=(The sunlight is strong.) -showdown.default.raindance.weatherName=Rain -showdown.default.raindance.start=It started to rain! -showdown.default.raindance.end=The rain stopped. -showdown.default.raindance.upkeep=(Rain continues to fall.) -showdown.default.hail.weatherName=Hail -showdown.default.hail.start=It started to hail! -showdown.default.hail.end=The hail stopped. -showdown.default.hail.upkeep=(The hail is crashing down.) -showdown.default.hail.damage=%s is buffeted by the hail! -showdown.default.snow.weatherName=Snow -showdown.default.snow.start=It started to snow! -showdown.default.snow.end=The snow stopped. -showdown.default.snow.upkeep=(The snow is falling down.) -showdown.default.desolateland.weatherName=Intense Sun -showdown.default.desolateland.start=The sunlight turned extremely harsh! -showdown.default.desolateland.end=The extremely harsh sunlight faded. -showdown.default.desolateland.block=The extremely harsh sunlight was not lessened at all! -showdown.default.desolateland.blockMove=The Water-type attack evaporated in the harsh sunlight! -showdown.default.desolateland.upkeep=(The harsh sunlight continues.) -showdown.default.primordialsea.weatherName=Heavy Rain -showdown.default.primordialsea.start=A heavy rain began to fall! -showdown.default.primordialsea.end=The heavy rain has lifted! -showdown.default.primordialsea.block=There is no relief from this heavy rain! -showdown.default.primordialsea.blockMove=The Fire-type attack fizzled out in the heavy rain! -showdown.default.primordialsea.upkeep=(Heavy Rain continues to fall.) -showdown.default.deltastream.weatherName=Strong Winds -showdown.default.deltastream.start=Mysterious strong winds are protecting Flying-type Pokémon! -showdown.default.deltastream.end=The mysterious strong winds have dissipated! -showdown.default.deltastream.activate=The mysterious strong winds weakened the attack! -showdown.default.deltastream.block=The mysterious strong winds blow on regardless! -showdown.default.deltastream.upkeep=(The mysterious strong winds blow on.) -showdown.default.electricterrain.start=An electric current ran across the battlefield! -showdown.default.electricterrain.end=The electricity disappeared from the battlefield. -showdown.default.electricterrain.block=%s is protected by the Electric Terrain! -showdown.default.grassyterrain.start=Grass grew to cover the battlefield! -showdown.default.grassyterrain.end=The grass disappeared from the battlefield. -showdown.default.grassyterrain.heal=%s's HP was restored. -showdown.default.mistyterrain.start=Mist swirled around the battlefield! -showdown.default.mistyterrain.end=The mist disappeared from the battlefield. -showdown.default.mistyterrain.block=%s surrounds itself with a protective mist! -showdown.default.psychicterrain.start=The battlefield got weird! -showdown.default.psychicterrain.end=The weirdness disappeared from the battlefield! -showdown.default.psychicterrain.block=%s is protected by the Psychic Terrain! -showdown.default.gravity.start=Gravity intensified! -showdown.default.gravity.end=Gravity returned to normal! -showdown.default.gravity.cant=%s can't use %s because of gravity! -showdown.default.gravity.activate=%s fell from the sky due to the gravity! -showdown.default.magicroom.start=It created a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects! -showdown.default.magicroom.end=Magic Room wore off, and held items' effects returned to normal! -showdown.default.mudsport.start=Electricity's power was weakened! -showdown.default.mudsport.end=The effects of Mud Sport have faded. -showdown.default.trickroom.start=%s twisted the dimensions! -showdown.default.trickroom.end=The twisted dimensions returned to normal! -showdown.default.watersport.start=Fire's power was weakened! -showdown.default.watersport.end=The effects of Water Sport have faded. -showdown.default.wonderroom.start=It created a bizarre area in which Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped! -showdown.default.wonderroom.end=Wonder Room wore off, and Defense and Sp. Def stats returned to normal! -showdown.default.crash.damage=%s kept going and crashed! especial esp. +showdown.default.spd.statName=Defensa especial +showdown.default.spd.statShortName=Def esp. +showdown.default.spe.statName=Velocidad +showdown.default.spe.statShortName=Velo +showdown.default.accuracy.statName=Precisión +showdown.default.evasion.statName=Evasión +showdown.default.spc.statName=Especial +showdown.default.spc.statShortName=Esp. +showdown.default.stats.statName=Características +showdown.default.brn.start=%s se quemó! +showdown.default.brn.startFromItem=%s fue quemado por el %s! +showdown.default.brn.alreadyStarted=%s ya está quemado! +showdown.default.brn.end=La quemadura de %s se curó! +showdown.default.brn.endFromItem=%s's %s curó su quemadura! +showdown.default.brn.damage=%s fue herido por su quemadura! +showdown.default.frz.start=%s a sido congelado! +showdown.default.frz.alreadyStarted=%s ya está congelado! +showdown.default.frz.end=%s se descongeló! +showdown.default.frz.endFromItem=%s's %s lo descongeló! +showdown.default.frz.endFromMove=%s's %s derritió el hielo! +showdown.default.frz.cant=%s está congelado! +showdown.default.par.start=%s está paralizado! Es posible que no pueda moverse! +showdown.default.par.alreadyStarted=%s ya está paralizado! +showdown.default.par.end=%s se curó de la parálisis! +showdown.default.par.endFromItem=%s's %s curó su parálisis! +showdown.default.par.cant=%s está paralizado! No puede moverse! +showdown.default.psn.start=%s fue envenenado! +showdown.default.psn.alreadyStarted=%s ya está envenenado! +showdown.default.psn.end=%s se curó de su envenenamiento! +showdown.default.psn.endFromItem=%s's %s curó su veneno! +showdown.default.psn.damage=%s fue herido por el veneno! +showdown.default.tox.start=%s fue gravemente envenenado! +showdown.default.tox.startFromItem=%s fue gravemente envenenado por el %s! +showdown.default.tox.end=%s se curó de su envenenamiento! +showdown.default.tox.endFromItem=%s's %s curó su veneno! +showdown.default.tox.alreadyStarted=%s ya está envenenado! +showdown.default.tox.damage=%s fue herido por el veneno! #################################### +showdown.default.slp.start=%s se durmió! +showdown.default.slp.startFromRest=%s durmió y se recuperó! +showdown.default.slp.alreadyStarted=%s ya está dormido! +showdown.default.slp.end=%s se despertó! +showdown.default.slp.endFromItem=%s's %s lo despertó! +showdown.default.slp.cant=%s está profundamente dormido. +showdown.default.confusion.start=%s se confundió! +showdown.default.confusion.startFromFatigue=%s se confundió debido a la fatiga! +showdown.default.confusion.end=%s salió de su confusión! +showdown.default.confusion.endFromItem=%s's %s lo sacó de su confusión! +showdown.default.confusion.alreadyStarted=%s ya está confundido! +showdown.default.confusion.activate=%s está confundido! +showdown.default.confusion.damage=Se lastimó a sí mismo en su confusión! +showdown.default.drain.heal=%s se le agotó la energía! +showdown.default.flinch.cant=%s se adementró y no pudó moverse!'s PS está llena! +showdown.default.healreplacement.activate=%s restaurará los HP de su reemplazo usando su Z-Power! +showdown.default.nopp.cant=%s usó %s, pero ya no quedaba PP para el movimiento! +showdown.default.recharge.cant=%s debe recargarse! +showdown.default.recoil.damage=%s fue dañado por el retroceso! estadísticas de %s no se redujeron! +showdown.default.unboost.failSingular=%s's %s no se bajó! +showdown.default.struggle.activate=%s no le quedan movimientos! +showdown.default.trapped.start=%s ya no puede escapar! +showdown.default.dynamax.start=(%s's Dinamax!) +showdown.default.dynamax.end=(%s volvió a la normalidad!) +showdown.default.dynamax.block=El movimiento fue bloqueado por el poder de Dinamax! sacudió la cabeza. Parece que no puede usar este movimiento... +showdown.default.sandstorm.weatherName=Tormenta de arena +showdown.default.sandstorm.start=Se desató una tormenta de arena! +showdown.default.sandstorm.end=La tormenta de arena amainó. +showdown.default.sandstorm.upkeep=(La tormenta de arena está rugiendo.) +showdown.default.sandstorm.damage=%s es azotado por la tormenta de arena! +showdown.default.sunnyday.weatherName=Sol +showdown.default.sunnyday.start=La luz del sol se volvió dura! +showdown.default.sunnyday.end=La dura luz del sol se desvaneció. +showdown.default.sunnyday.upkeep=(La luz del sol es fuerte.) +showdown.default.raindance.weatherName=Lluvia +showdown.default.raindance.start=Empezó a llover! +showdown.default.raindance.end=Dejó de llover. +showdown.default.raindance.upkeep=(Sigue lloviendo.) +showdown.default.hail.weatherName=Granizo +showdown.default.hail.start=Empezó a granizar! +showdown.default.hail.end=El granizo se detuvo. +showdown.default.hail.upkeep=(El granizo está cayendo.) +showdown.default.hail.damage=%s es azotado por el granizo! +showdown.default.snow.weatherName=Nieve +showdown.default.snow.start=Empezó a nevar! +showdown.default.snow.end=La nieve se detuvo. +showdown.default.snow.upkeep=(La nieve está cayendo.) +showdown.default.desolateland.weatherName=Sol abrasador +showdown.default.desolateland.start=La luz del sol se volvió extremadamente dura! +showdown.default.desolateland.end=La luz del sol, extremadamente dura, se desvaneció. +showdown.default.desolateland.block=La luz solar extremadamente dura no disminuyó en absoluto! +showdown.default.desolateland.blockMove=El ataque de tipo Agua se evaporó bajo la fuerte luz del sol! +showdown.default.desolateland.upkeep=(La dura luz del sol continúa.) +showdown.default.primordialsea.weatherName=Diluvio +showdown.default.primordialsea.start=Comenzó a caer una fuerte lluvia! +showdown.default.primordialsea.end=La lluvia fuerte se ha levantado! +showdown.default.primordialsea.block=No hay alivio de esta fuerte lluvia! +showdown.default.primordialsea.blockMove=El ataque de tipo Fuego se esfumó bajo la fuerte lluvia! +showdown.default.primordialsea.upkeep=(Siguen cayendo lluvia fuerte.) +showdown.default.deltastream.weatherName=Turbulencias +showdown.default.deltastream.start=Misteriosos vientos fuertes protegen a los Pokémon de tipo Volador! +showdown.default.deltastream.end=Los misteriosos vientos fuertes se han disipado! +showdown.default.deltastream.activate=Los misteriosos vientos fuertes debilitaron el ataque! +showdown.default.deltastream.block=Los misteriosos vientos fuertes soplan a pesar de todo! +showdown.default.deltastream.upkeep=(Los misteriosos vientos fuertes soplan.) +showdown.default.electricterrain.start=Una corriente eléctrica recorrió el campo de batalla! +showdown.default.electricterrain.end=La electricidad desapareció del campo de batalla. +showdown.default.electricterrain.block=%s está protegido por el Campo eléctrico! +showdown.default.grassyterrain.start=Hierba creció hasta cubrir el campo de batalla! +showdown.default.grassyterrain.end=La hierba desapareció del campo de batalla. +showdown.default.grassyterrain.heal=%s's PS fue restaurado. +showdown.default.mistyterrain.start=La niebla se arremolinaba alrededor del campo de batalla! +showdown.default.mistyterrain.end=La niebla desapareció del campo de batalla. +showdown.default.mistyterrain.block=%s se rodea de una niebla protectora! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.start=El campo de batalla se puso extraño! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.end=La extrañeza desapareció del campo de batalla! +showdown.default.psychicterrain.block=%s está protegido por el Campo psíquico! +showdown.default.gravity.start=La gravedad se intensificó! +showdown.default.gravity.end=La gravedad volvió a la normalidad! +showdown.default.gravity.cant=%s no puede usar %s debido a la gravedad! +showdown.default.gravity.activate=%s cayó del cielo debido a la gravedad! +showdown.default.magicroom.start=Creó una zona extraña en la que los objetos que tenían los Pokémon pierden sus efectos! +showdown.default.magicroom.end=El efecto de la Zona mágica desapareció y los efectos de los objetos contenidos volvieron a la normalidad! +showdown.default.mudsport.start=El poder de la electricidad se debilitó! +showdown.default.mudsport.end=Los efectos del Chapoteo lodo se han desvanecido. +showdown.default.trickroom.start=%s torció las dimensiones! +showdown.default.trickroom.end=Las dimensiones retorcidas volvieron a la normalidad! +showdown.default.watersport.start=El poder del fuego se debilitó! +showdown.default.watersport.end=Los efectos de Hidrochorro se han desvanecido. +showdown.default.wonderroom.start=Creó una zona extraña en la que se intercambian las estadísticas de Defensa y Defensa Especial.! +showdown.default.wonderroom.end=La Zona extraña desapareció, y las estadísticas de Defensa y Definición Especiales volvieron a la normalidad! +showdown.default.crash.damage=%s siguió adelante y se estrelló! + +############################################## + Shield showdown.items.abilityshield.desc=Holder's Ability cannot be changed by any effect. showdown.items.abilityshield.block=%s's Ability is protected by the effects of its Ability Shield! From d045dfb09d8c3b5f6d119433197a8a3ff67c90c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 15:09:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 15/43] Battle items names --- texts/de_DE.lang | 846 ++++++++++++++++++------------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 1046 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 2 files changed, 946 insertions(+), 946 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index f0f58bd28..4e332d2c6 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -9820,7 +9820,7 @@ showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=%s extends %s by 2 turns! ###################################################### -showdown.default.default.startBattle=Battle started between %s and %s! +showdown.default.default.startBattle=Kampf zwischen %s und %s gestartet! showdown.default.default.winBattle=**%s** hat den Kampg gewonnen! showdown.default.default.tieBattle=Unentschieden zwischen %s und %s! showdown.default.default.pokemon=%s @@ -10068,507 +10068,507 @@ showdown.default.crash.damage=%s lief weiter und stürzte! ######################################################## Shieldähigkeitenschild showdown.items.abilityshield.desc=Holder's Ability cannot be changed by any effect. showdown.items.abilityshield.block=%s's Ability is protected by the effects of its Ability Shield! showdown.items.abomasite.desc=If held by an Abomasnow, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.absolite.desc=If held by an Absol, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Bulb showdown.items.absorbbulb.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. Crystal showdown.items.adamantcrystal.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb showdown.items.adamantorb.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb showdown.items.adrenalineorb.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage if it gets affected by Intimidate. Single use. showdown.items.aerodactylite.desc=If held by an Aerodactyl, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.aggronite.desc=If held by an Aggron, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.aguavberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. showdown.items.aguavberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. showdown.items.aguavberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. Balloon showdown.items.airballoon.desc=Holder is immune to Ground-type attacks. Pops when holder is hit. showdown.items.airballoon.start=%s floats in the air with its Air Balloon! showdown.items.airballoon.end=%s's Air Balloon popped! showdown.items.alakazite.desc=If held by an Alakazam, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Z Z showdown.items.aloraichiumz.desc=If held by an Alolan Raichu with Thunderbolt, it can use Stoked Sparksurfer. showdown.items.altarianite.desc=If held by an Altaria, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.ampharosite.desc=If held by an Ampharos, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.apicotberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Fossil showdown.items.armorfossil.desc=Can be revived into Shieldon. Berry showdown.items.aspearberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. Vest showdown.items.assaultvest.desc=Holder's Sp. Def is 1.5x, but it can only select damaging moves. showdown.items.audinite.desc=If held by an Audino, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Armorüstung showdown.items.auspiciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Armarouge when used. Berry showdown.items.babiriberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Steel-type attack. Single use. showdown.items.banettite.desc=If held by a Banette, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball showdown.items.beastball.desc=A special Poke Ball designed to catch Ultra Beasts. showdown.items.beedrillite.desc=If held by a Beedrill, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.belueberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Juice showdown.items.berryjuice.desc=Restores 20 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Sweet showdown.items.berrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Rootßwurzel showdown.items.bigroot.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining/Aqua Ring/Ingrain/Leech Seed/Strength Sap. showdown.items.bigroot.gen6.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining moves, Aqua Ring, Ingrain, and Leech Seed. Band showdown.items.bindingband.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves deal 1/6 max HP per turn instead of 1/8. Belt ################### showdown.items.blackbelt.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.blackbelt.gen3.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.1x power. Sludge showdown.items.blacksludge.desc=Each turn, if holder is a Poison type, restores 1/16 max HP; loses 1/8 if not. showdown.items.blacksludge.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Black Sludge! Glasses showdown.items.blackglasses.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.blackglasses.gen3.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.1x power. showdown.items.blastoisinite.desc=If held by a Blastoise, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.blazikenite.desc=If held by a Blaziken, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Orb Edelstein showdown.items.blueorb.desc=If held by a Kyogre, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. Berry showdown.items.blukberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Policy showdown.items.blunderpolicy.desc=If the holder misses due to accuracy, its Speed is raised by 2 stages. Single use. Energy showdown.items.boosterenergy.desc=Activates the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive Abilities. Single use. Cap showdown.items.bottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. One of a Pokemon's stats is calculated with an IV of 31. Powder showdown.items.brightpowder.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. showdown.items.brightpowder.gen2.desc=An attack against the holder has its accuracy out of 255 lowered by 20. Gemäferjuwel showdown.items.buggem.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.buggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memoryäfer-Disc showdown.items.bugmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Bug type. Z Z showdown.items.buginiumz.desc=If holder has a Bug move, this item allows it to use a Bug Z-Move. Drive showdown.items.burndrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Fire type. showdown.items.cameruptite.desc=If held by a Camerupt, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Battery showdown.items.cellbattery.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Electric-type attack. Single use. showdown.items.charcoal.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.charcoal.gen3.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.1x power. X X showdown.items.charizarditex.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Y Y showdown.items.charizarditey.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.chartiberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Rock-type attack. Single use. Berry showdown.items.cheriberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. Ball showdown.items.cherishball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an occasion. Berry showdown.items.chestoberry.desc=Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. Berry showdown.items.chilanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a Normal-type attack. Single use. Drive showdown.items.chilldrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Ice type. Potöchrige Kanne showdown.items.chippedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea-Antique into Polteageist-Antique when used. Band showdown.items.choiceband.desc=Holder's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Scarf showdown.items.choicescarf.desc=Holder's Speed is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Specs showdown.items.choicespecs.desc=Holder's Sp. Atk is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Berry showdown.items.chopleberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fighting-type attack. Single use. Fossil showdown.items.clawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Anorith. Amulet showdown.items.clearamulet.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering the holder's stat stages. showdown.items.clearamulet.block=The effects of %s's Clear Amulet prevent its stats from being lowered! Sweet showdown.items.cloversweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Berry showdown.items.cobaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Flying-type attack. Single use. Berry showdown.items.colburberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dark-type attack. Single use. Berry showdown.items.cornnberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Fossil showdown.items.coverfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tirtouga. Cloak showdown.items.covertcloak.desc=Holder is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. Pot Kanne showdown.items.crackedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea into Polteageist when used. Berry showdown.items.custapberry.desc=Holder moves first in its priority bracket when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.custapberry.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Custap Berry! Rock showdown.items.damprock.desc=Holder's use of Rain Dance lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Gem showdown.items.darkgem.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.darkgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.darkmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dark type. Z Z showdown.items.darkiniumz.desc=If holder has a Dark move, this item allows it to use a Dark Z-Move. Stone showdown.items.dawnstone.desc=Evolves male Kirlia into Gallade and female Snorunt into Froslass when used. showdown.items.dawnstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Z Z showdown.items.decidiumz.desc=If held by a Decidueye with Spirit Shackle, it can use Sinister Arrow Raid. Sea Scale showdown.items.deepseascale.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss when traded. showdown.items.deepseascale.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. Sea Tooth showdown.items.deepseatooth.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Huntail when traded. showdown.items.deepseatooth.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. Knot showdown.items.destinyknot.desc=If holder becomes infatuated, the other Pokemon also becomes infatuated. showdown.items.diancite.desc=If held by a Diancie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball showdown.items.diveball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Pokemon that live underwater. Fossil showdown.items.domefossil.desc=Can be revived into Kabuto. Drive showdown.items.dousedrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Water type. Plate showdown.items.dracoplate.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dragon type. Fang showdown.items.dragonfang.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.dragonfang.gen3.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. showdown.items.dragonfang.gen2.desc=No competitive use. Gem showdown.items.dragongem.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.dragongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.dragonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dragon type. Scale showdown.items.dragonscale.desc=Evolves Seadra into Kingdra when traded. showdown.items.dragonscale.gen2.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Seadra (trade). Z Z showdown.items.dragoniumz.desc=If holder has a Dragon move, this item allows it to use a Dragon Z-Move. Plate showdown.items.dreadplate.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dark type. Ball showdown.items.dreamball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon while they're asleep. showdown.items.dreamball.gen7.desc=A special Poke Ball that appears out of nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest. Disc showdown.items.dubiousdisc.desc=Evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z when traded. Berry showdown.items.durinberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball showdown.items.duskball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokemon at night or in caves. Stone showdown.items.duskstone.desc=Evolves Murkrow into Honchkrow, Misdreavus into Mismagius, Lampent into Chandelure, and Doublade into Aegislash when used. showdown.items.duskstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Plate showdown.items.earthplate.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ground type. Z Z showdown.items.eeviumz.desc=If held by an Eevee with Last Resort, it can use Extreme Evoboost. Button showdown.items.ejectbutton.desc=If holder survives a hit, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. Single use. showdown.items.ejectbutton.end=%s is switched out with the Eject Button! Pack showdown.items.ejectpack.desc=If the holder's stat stages are lowered, it switches to a chosen ally. Single use. showdown.items.ejectpack.end=%s is switched out by the Eject Pack! showdown.items.electirizer.desc=Evolves Electabuzz into Electivire when traded. Gem showdown.items.electricgem.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.electricgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.electricmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Electric type. Seed showdown.items.electricseed.desc=If the terrain is Electric Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.electriumz.desc=If holder has an Electric move, this item allows it to use an Electric Z-Move. Berry showdown.items.enigmaberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP after holder is hit by a supereffective move. Single use. showdown.items.enigmaberry.gen3.desc=No competitive use. showdown.items.eviolite.desc=If holder's species can evolve, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x. Belt showdown.items.expertbelt.desc=Holder's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.2x damage. Z Z showdown.items.fairiumz.desc=If holder has a Fairy move, this item allows it to use a Fairy Z-Move. Gem showdown.items.fairygem.desc=Holder's first successful Fairy-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.fairymemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fairy type. Ball showdown.items.fastball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokemon which are quick to run away. Gem showdown.items.fightinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.fightinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.fightingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fighting type. Z Z showdown.items.fightiniumz.desc=If holder has a Fighting move, this item allows it to use a Fighting Z-Move. Berry showdown.items.figyberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. showdown.items.figyberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. showdown.items.figyberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. Gem showdown.items.firegem.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.firegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.firememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fire type. Stone Vulpix into Ninetales, Growlithe into Arcanine, Eevee into Flareon, and Pansear into Simisear when used. certain species of Pokemon when used. Z Z showdown.items.firiumz.desc=If holder has a Fire move, this item allows it to use a Fire Z-Move. Plate showdown.items.fistplate.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fighting type. Orbß-Orb showdown.items.flameorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to burn the holder. Plate showdown.items.flameplate.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fire type. Stone showdown.items.floatstone.desc=Holder's weight is halved. Sweet showdown.items.flowersweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Gem showdown.items.flyinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.flyinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.flyingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Flying type. Z Z showdown.items.flyiniumz.desc=If holder has a Flying move, this item allows it to use a Flying Z-Move. Band showdown.items.focusband.desc=Holder has a 10% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. showdown.items.focusband.gen2.desc=Holder has a ~11.7% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. showdown.items.focusband.activate=%s hung on using its Focus Band! Sash showdown.items.focussash.desc=If holder's HP is full, will survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. Single use. showdown.items.focussash.gen4.desc=If holder's HP is full, survives all hits of one attack with at least 1 HP. Single use. showdown.items.focussash.end=%s hung on using its Focus Sash! Bird showdown.items.fossilizedbird.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Drake or Arctozolt with Fossilized Dino. Dino showdown.items.fossilizeddino.desc=Can revive into Arctovish with Fossilized Fish or Arctozolt with Fossilized Bird. Drake showdown.items.fossilizeddrake.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Bird or Dracovish with Fossilized Fish. Fish showdown.items.fossilizedfish.desc=Can revive into Dracovish with Fossilized Drake or Arctovish with Fossilized Dino. Ball showdown.items.friendball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes caught Pokemon more friendly. Incense showdown.items.fullincense.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. Cuff showdown.items.galaricacuff.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro when used. Wreath showdown.items.galaricawreath.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking when used. showdown.items.galladite.desc=If held by a Gallade, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.ganlonberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.garchompite.desc=If held by a Garchomp, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.gardevoirite.desc=If held by a Gardevoir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.gengarite.desc=If held by a Gengar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Gem showdown.items.ghostgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.ghostgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.ghostmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ghost type. Z Z showdown.items.ghostiumz.desc=If holder has a Ghost move, this item allows it to use a Ghost Z-Move. showdown.items.glalitite.desc=If held by a Glalie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Bottle Cap showdown.items.goldbottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. All of a Pokemon's stats are calculated with an IV of 31. Gem showdown.items.grassgem.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.grassgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.grassmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Grass type. Z Z showdown.items.grassiumz.desc=If holder has a Grass move, this item allows it to use a Grass Z-Move. Seed showdown.items.grassyseed.desc=If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. Ball showdown.items.greatball.desc=A high-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Poke Ball. Berry showdown.items.grepaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Claw showdown.items.gripclaw.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves always last 7 turns. Core showdown.items.griseouscore.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb showdown.items.griseousorb.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.griseousorb.gen4.desc=Can only be held by Giratina. Its Ghost- & Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Gem showdown.items.groundgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.groundgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.groundmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ground type. Z Z showdown.items.groundiumz.desc=If holder has a Ground move, this item allows it to use a Ground Z-Move. showdown.items.gyaradosite.desc=If held by a Gyarados, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.habanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dragon-type attack. Single use. Stone showdown.items.hardstone.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.hardstone.gen3.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.1x power. Ball showdown.items.healball.desc=A remedial Poke Ball that restores the caught Pokemon's HP and status problem. Rockßbrocken showdown.items.heatrock.desc=Holder's use of Sunny Day lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Ball showdown.items.heavyball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching very heavy Pokemon. Boots showdown.items.heavydutyboots.desc=When switching in, the holder is unaffected by hazards on its side of the field. Fossil showdown.items.helixfossil.desc=Can be revived into Omanyte. showdown.items.heracronite.desc=If held by a Heracross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.hondewberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. showdown.items.houndoominite.desc=If held by a Houndoom, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.iapapaberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. Gem showdown.items.icegem.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.icegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.icememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ice type. Stone showdown.items.icestone.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales, Eevee into Glaceon, and Galarian Darumaka into Galarian Darmanitan when used. showdown.items.icestone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. showdown.items.icestone.gen7.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash and Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales when used. Plate showdown.items.icicleplate.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ice type. Z Z showdown.items.iciumz.desc=If holder has an Ice move, this item allows it to use an Ice Z-Move. Rock showdown.items.icyrock.desc=Holder's use of Hail lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Z Z showdown.items.inciniumz.desc=If held by an Incineroar with Darkest Lariat, it can use Malicious Moonsault. Plateäfertafel showdown.items.insectplate.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Bug type. Ball showdown.items.ironball.desc=Holder is grounded, Speed halved. If Flying type, takes neutral Ground damage. showdown.items.ironball.gen4.desc=Holder's Speed is halved and it becomes grounded. Plate showdown.items.ironplate.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Steel type. Berry showdown.items.jabocaberry.desc=If holder is hit by a physical move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. Fossil showdown.items.jawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tyrunt. Berry showdown.items.kasibberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ghost-type attack. Single use. Berry Drasi showdown.items.kebiaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Poison-type attack. Single use. Berry showdown.items.keeberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage after it is hit by a physical attack. Single use. Berry showdown.items.kelpsyberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. showdown.items.kangaskhanite.desc=If held by a Kangaskhan, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.'s Rock showdown.items.kingsrock.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed and Slowpoke into Slowking when traded. showdown.items.kingsrock.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. Z Z showdown.items.kommoniumz.desc=If held by a Kommo-o with Clanging Scales, it can use Clangorous Soulblaze. Tail Z showdown.items.laggingtail.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. Berry showdown.items.lansatberry.desc=Holder gains the Focus Energy effect when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.latiasite.desc=If held by a Latias, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.latiosite.desc=If held by a Latios, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Incense showdown.items.laxincense.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. showdown.items.laxincense.gen3.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.95x. Stone showdown.items.leafstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Eevee into Leafeon, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. showdown.items.leafstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. showdown.items.leafstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. showdown.items.leek.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d or Sirfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages.Überreste showdown.items.leftovers.desc=At the end of every turn, holder restores 1/16 of its max HP. showdown.items.leftovers.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Berry showdown.items.leppaberry.desc=Restores 10 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. showdown.items.leppaberry.activate=%s restored PP to its move %s using its Leppa Berry! Ball showdown.items.levelball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are a lower level than your own. Berry showdown.items.liechiberry.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Orb showdown.items.lifeorb.desc=Holder's attacks do 1.3x damage, and it loses 1/10 its max HP after the attack. showdown.items.lifeorb.damage=%s lost some of its HP! Ball showdown.items.lightball.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Attack and Sp. Atk are doubled. showdown.items.lightball.gen4.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its attacks have their power doubled. showdown.items.lightball.gen3.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Special Attack is doubled. Clay showdown.items.lightclay.desc=Holder's use of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. showdown.items.lightclay.gen6.desc=Holder's use of Light Screen or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Dice Würfel showdown.items.loadeddice.desc=Holder's moves that hit 2-5 times hit 4-5 times; Population Bomb hits 4-10 times. showdown.items.lopunnite.desc=If held by a Lopunny, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball showdown.items.loveball.desc=Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are the opposite gender of your Pokemon. Sweet showdown.items.lovesweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. showdown.items.lucarionite.desc=If held by a Lucario, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Punch showdown.items.luckypunch.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. showdown.items.luckypunch.gen2.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) Berry showdown.items.lumberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it has a non-volatile status or is confused. Single use. Moss showdown.items.luminousmoss.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. Z showdown.items.lunaliumz.desc=Lunala or Dawn Wings Necrozma with Moongeist Beam can use a special Z-Move. Ballöderball showdown.items.lureball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon hooked by a Rod when fishing. Globeßkristall showdown.items.lustrousglobe.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orbß-Orb showdown.items.lustrousorb.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Ball showdown.items.luxuryball.desc=A comfortable Poke Ball that makes a caught wild Pokemon quickly grow friendly. Z Z showdown.items.lycaniumz.desc=If held by a Lycanroc forme with Stone Edge, it can use Splintered Stormshards. Brace showdown.items.machobrace.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. showdown.items.magmarizer.desc=Evolves Magmar into Magmortar when traded. showdown.items.magnet.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. @@ -10577,375 +10577,375 @@ Berry showdown.items.magoberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. showdown.items.magoberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. showdown.items.magoberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. Berry showdown.items.magostberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. showdown.items.mail.desc=Cannot be given to or taken from a Pokemon, except by Covet/Knock Off/Thief. Armorüstung showdown.items.maliciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Ceruledge when used. showdown.items.manectite.desc=If held by a Manectric, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.marangaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage after it is hit by a special attack. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.marshadiumz.desc=If held by Marshadow with Spectral Thief, it can use Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike. Ball showdown.items.masterball.desc=The best Ball with the ultimate performance. It will catch any wild Pokemon. Ball showdown.items.mawilite.desc=If held by a Mawile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Plate showdown.items.meadowplate.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Grass type. showdown.items.medichamite.desc=If held by a Medicham, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Herb showdown.items.mentalherb.desc=Cures holder of Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, Torment. Single use. showdown.items.mentalherb.gen4.desc=Holder is cured if it is infatuated. Single use. showdown.items.metagrossite.desc=If held by a Metagross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Coat showdown.items.metalcoat.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. showdown.items.metalcoat.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. Powder showdown.items.metalpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Defense is doubled. showdown.items.metalpowder.gen2.desc=If held by a Ditto, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x, even while Transformed. showdown.items.metronome.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 5 turns. showdown.items.metronome.gen4.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 10 turns. Z showdown.items.mewniumz.desc=If held by a Mew with Psychic, it can use Genesis Supernova. X X showdown.items.mewtwonitex.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Y Y showdown.items.mewtwonitey.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.micleberry.desc=Holder's next move has 1.2x accuracy when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.mimikiumz.desc=If held by a Mimikyu with Play Rough, it can use Let's Snuggle Forever. Plate showdown.items.mindplate.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Psychic type. Seed showdown.items.miracleseed.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.miracleseed.gen3.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.1x power. Herb showdown.items.mirrorherb.desc=When an opposing Pokemon raises a stat stage, the holder copies it. Single use. showdown.items.mirrorherb.activate=%s used its Mirror Herb to mirror its opponent's stat changes! Seed showdown.items.mistyseed.desc=If the terrain is Misty Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. Ball showdown.items.moonball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that evolve using the Moon Stone. Stone showdown.items.moonstone.desc=Evolves Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Nidorino into Nidoking, Clefairy into Clefable, Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff, Skitty into Delcatty, and Munna into Musharna when used. showdown.items.moonstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Band showdown.items.muscleband.desc=Holder's physical attacks have 1.1x power. Water showdown.items.mysticwater.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.mysticwater.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry showdown.items.nanabberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball showdown.items.nestball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on weaker Pokemon in the wild. Ball showdown.items.netball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Water- and Bug-type Pokemon. Ice Eis showdown.items.nevermeltice.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.nevermeltice.gen3.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry showdown.items.nomelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Gem showdown.items.normalgem.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.normalgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.normaliumz.desc=If holder has a Normal move, this item allows it to use a Normal Z-Move. Berry showdown.items.occaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fire-type attack. Single use. Incenseägrauch showdown.items.oddincense.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. Amber showdown.items.oldamber.desc=Can be revived into Aerodactyl. Berry showdown.items.oranberry.desc=Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Stone Stein showdown.items.ovalstone.desc=Evolves Happiny into Chansey when held and leveled up during the day. Berry showdown.items.pamtreberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball showdown.items.parkball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Pal Park. Berry showdown.items.passhoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Water-type attack. Single use. Berry showdown.items.payapaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Psychic-type attack. Single use. Berry showdown.items.pechaberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. Berry showdown.items.persimberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. Berry showdown.items.petayaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.pidgeotite.desc=If held by a Pidgeot, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Z Z showdown.items.pikaniumz.desc=If held by a Pikachu with Volt Tackle, it can use Catastropika. Z Z showdown.items.pikashuniumz.desc=If held by cap Pikachu with Thunderbolt, it can use 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. Berry showdown.items.pinapberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. showdown.items.pinsirite.desc=If held by a Pinsir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Plate showdown.items.pixieplate.desc=Holder's Fairy-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fairy type. Fossil showdown.items.plumefossil.desc=Can be revived into Archen. Barb showdown.items.poisonbarb.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.poisonbarb.gen3.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.1x power. Gem showdown.items.poisongem.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.poisongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.poisonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Poison type. Z Z showdown.items.poisoniumz.desc=If holder has a Poison move, this item allows it to use a Poison Z-Move. Balléball showdown.items.pokeball.desc=A device for catching wild Pokemon. It is designed as a capsule system. Berry showdown.items.pomegberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Anklet showdown.items.poweranklet.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Band showdown.items.powerband.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Belt showdown.items.powerbelt.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Bracer showdown.items.powerbracer.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Herb showdown.items.powerherb.desc=Holder's two-turn moves complete in one turn (except Sky Drop). Single use. showdown.items.powerherb.end=%s became fully charged due to its Power Herb! Lens showdown.items.powerlens.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Weight showdown.items.powerweight.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Ball showdown.items.premierball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an event. Z Z showdown.items.primariumz.desc=If held by a Primarina with Sparkling Aria, it can use Oceanic Operetta. Scaleönschuppe showdown.items.prismscale.desc=Evolves Feebas into Milotic when traded. Pads showdown.items.protectivepads.desc=Holder's moves are protected from adverse contact effects, except Pickpocket. showdown.items.protectivepads.block=%s protected itself with its Protective Pads!ützer showdown.items.protector.desc=Evolves Rhydon into Rhyperior when traded. Gem showdown.items.psychicgem.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.psychicgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.psychicmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Psychic type. Seed showdown.items.psychicseed.desc=If the terrain is Psychic Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.psychiumz.desc=If holder has a Psychic move, this item allows it to use a Psychic Z-Move. Glove showdown.items.punchingglove.desc=Holder's punch-based attacks have 1.1x power and do not make contact. Berry showdown.items.qualotberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball showdown.items.quickball.desc=A Poke Ball that provides a better catch rate at the start of a wild encounter. Claw showdown.items.quickclaw.desc=Each turn, holder has a 20% chance to move first in its priority bracket. showdown.items.quickclaw.gen2.desc=Each turn, holder has a ~23.4% chance to move first in its priority bracket. showdown.items.quickclaw.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Quick Claw! Powder showdown.items.quickpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Speed is doubled. Berry showdown.items.rabutaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Bone showdown.items.rarebone.desc=No competitive use other than when used with Fling. Berry showdown.items.rawstberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. Claw showdown.items.razorclaw.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Evolves Sneasel into Weavile when held and leveled up during the night. showdown.items.razorclaw.shortDesc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Fang showdown.items.razorfang.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Gligar into Gliscor when held and leveled up during the night. showdown.items.razorfang.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. Berry showdown.items.razzberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Clothüsterumhang showdown.items.reapercloth.desc=Evolves Dusclops into Dusknoir when traded. Card Karte showdown.items.redcard.desc=If holder survives a hit, attacker is forced to switch to a random ally. Single use. showdown.items.redcard.end=%s held up its Red Card against %s! Orb Edelstein showdown.items.redorb.desc=If held by a Groudon, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. Ball showdown.items.repeatball.desc=A Poke Ball that works well on Pokemon species that were previously caught. Sweet showdown.items.ribbonsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Berry showdown.items.rindoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Grass-type attack. Single use. Target showdown.items.ringtarget.desc=The holder's type immunities granted solely by its typing are negated. Gem showdown.items.rockgem.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.rockgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Incense showdown.items.rockincense.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Memory showdown.items.rockmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Rock type. Z Z showdown.items.rockiumz.desc=If holder has a Rock move, this item allows it to use a Rock Z-Move. Helmet showdown.items.rockyhelmet.desc=If holder is hit by a contact move, the attacker loses 1/6 of its max HP. showdown.items.rockyhelmet.damage=%s was hurt by the Rocky Helmet! Service showdown.items.roomservice.desc=If Trick Room is active, the holder's Speed is lowered by 1 stage. Single use. Fossil showdown.items.rootfossil.desc=Can be revived into Lileep. Incense showdown.items.roseincense.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Berry showdown.items.roseliberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fairy-type attack. Single use. Berry showdown.items.rowapberry.desc=If holder is hit by a special move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. Shield Schild showdown.items.rustedshield.desc=If held by a Zamazenta, this item changes its forme to Crowned Shield. Sword Schwert showdown.items.rustedsword.desc=If held by a Zacian, this item changes its forme to Crowned Sword. showdown.items.sablenite.desc=If held by a Sableye, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.sachet.desc=Evolves Spritzee into Aromatisse when traded. Ball showdown.items.safariball.desc=A special Poke Ball that is used only in the Safari Zone and Great Marsh. Goggles showdown.items.safetygoggles.desc=Holder is immune to powder moves and damage from Sandstorm or Hail. showdown.items.safetygoggles.block=%s is not affected by %s thanks to its Safety Goggles! Fossil showdown.items.sailfossil.desc=Can be revived into Amaura. Berry showdown.items.salacberry.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.salamencite.desc=If held by a Salamence, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.sceptilite.desc=If held by a Sceptile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.scizorite.desc=If held by a Scizor, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Lens showdown.items.scopelens.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Incense showdown.items.seaincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.seaincense.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.05x power. Beak Schnabel showdown.items.sharpbeak.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.sharpbeak.gen3.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.1x power. showdown.items.sharpedonite.desc=If held by a Sharpedo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Shellülle showdown.items.shedshell.desc=Holder may switch out even when trapped by another Pokemon, or by Ingrain. Bell showdown.items.shellbell.desc=After an attack, holder gains 1/8 of the damage in HP dealt to other Pokemon. showdown.items.shellbell.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Shell Bell! Stone showdown.items.shinystone.desc=Evolves Togetic into Togekiss, Roselia into Roserade, Minccino into Cinccino, and Floette into Florges when used. showdown.items.shinystone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Drive showdown.items.shockdrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Electric type. Berry showdown.items.shucaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ground-type attack. Single use. Scarf showdown.items.silkscarf.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.silkscarf.gen3.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Powder showdown.items.silverpowder.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.silverpowder.gen3.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry showdown.items.sitrusberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.sitrusberry.gen3.desc=Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Fossil showdown.items.skullfossil.desc=Can be revived into Cranidos. Plate showdown.items.skyplate.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Flying type. showdown.items.slowbronite.desc=If held by a Slowbro, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Rock showdown.items.smoothrock.desc=Holder's use of Sandstorm lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Z Z showdown.items.snorliumz.desc=If held by a Snorlax with Giga Impact, it can use Pulverizing Pancake. showdown.items.snowball.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Ice-type attack. Single use. Sand showdown.items.softsand.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.softsand.gen3.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.1x power. Z Z showdown.items.solganiumz.desc=Solgaleo or Dusk Mane Necrozma with Sunsteel Strike can use a special Z-Move. Dew showdown.items.souldew.desc=If held by a Latias/Latios, its Dragon- and Psychic-type moves have 1.2x power. showdown.items.souldew.gen6.desc=If held by a Latias or a Latios, its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def are 1.5x. Tag showdown.items.spelltag.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.spelltag.gen3.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry showdown.items.spelonberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Plate showdown.items.splashplate.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Water type. Plate showdown.items.spookyplate.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ghost type. Ball showdown.items.sportball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Bug-Catching Contest. Berry showdown.items.starfberry.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 when at 1/4 max HP or less (not acc/eva). Single use. Sweet showdown.items.starsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. showdown.items.steelixite.desc=If held by a Steelix, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Gem showdown.items.steelgem.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.steelgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.steelmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Steel type. Z Z showdown.items.steeliumz.desc=If holder has a Steel move, this item allows it to use a Steel Z-Move. showdown.items.stick.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. showdown.items.stick.gen2.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) Barb showdown.items.stickybarb.desc=Each turn, holder loses 1/8 max HP. An attacker making contact can receive it. Plate showdown.items.stoneplate.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Rock type. Sweet showdown.items.strawberrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Stone showdown.items.sunstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Bellossom, Sunkern into Sunflora, Cottonee into Whimsicott, Petilil into Lilligant, and Helioptile into Heliolisk when used. showdown.items.sunstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. showdown.items.swampertite.desc=If held by a Swampert, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Appleüßer Apfel showdown.items.sweetapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Appletun when used. Berry showdown.items.tamatoberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Berry showdown.items.tangaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Bug-type attack. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.tapuniumz.desc=If held by a Tapu with Nature's Madness, it can use Guardian of Alola. Apple Apfel showdown.items.tartapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Flapple when used. Extender showdown.items.terrainextender.desc=Holder's use of Electric/Grassy/Misty/Psychic Terrain lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Club showdown.items.thickclub.desc=If held by a Cubone or a Marowak, its Attack is doubled. Spray showdown.items.throatspray.desc=Raises holder's Special Attack by 1 stage after it uses a sound move. Single use. Stone showdown.items.thunderstone.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, Eelektrik into Eelektross, and Charjabug into Vikavolt when used. showdown.items.thunderstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. showdown.items.thunderstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, and Eelektrik into Eelektross when used. Ball showdown.items.timerball.desc=A Poke Ball that becomes better the more turns there are in a battle. Orb showdown.items.toxicorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to badly poison the holder. Plate showdown.items.toxicplate.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Poison type. showdown.items.tr00.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Swords Dance. One use. @@ -11147,95 +11147,95 @@ showdown.items.tr98.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Liquidation. One use. showdown.items.tr99.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Press. One use. Spoonöffel showdown.items.twistedspoon.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.twistedspoon.gen3.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.1x power. showdown.items.tyranitarite.desc=If held by a Tyranitar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball showdown.items.ultraball.desc=An ultra-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Great Ball. Z Z showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.desc=Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma: Ultra Burst, then Z-Move w/ Photon Geyser. showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.transform=Bright light is about to burst out of %s! showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.activate=%s regained its true power through Ultra Burst! showdown.items.upgrade.desc=Evolves Porygon into Porygon2 when traded. Umbrella showdown.items.utilityumbrella.desc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. Damage and accuracy calculations from attacks used by the holder are affected by rain and sun, but not attacks used against the holder. showdown.items.utilityumbrella.shortDesc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. showdown.items.venusaurite.desc=If held by a Venusaur, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry showdown.items.wacanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Electric-type attack. Single use. Gem showdown.items.watergem.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.watergem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory showdown.items.watermemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Water type. Stone showdown.items.waterstone.desc=Evolves Poliwhirl into Poliwrath, Shellder into Cloyster, Staryu into Starmie, Eevee into Vaporeon, Lombre into Ludicolo, and Panpour into Simipour when used. showdown.items.waterstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Z Z showdown.items.wateriumz.desc=If holder has a Water move, this item allows it to use a Water Z-Move. Berry showdown.items.watmelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Incense showdown.items.waveincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Policyächenschutz showdown.items.weaknesspolicy.desc=If holder is hit super effectively, raises Attack, Sp. Atk by 2 stages. Single use. Berry showdown.items.wepearberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Dreamäubchen showdown.items.whippeddream.desc=Evolves Swirlix into Slurpuff when traded. Herb showdown.items.whiteherb.desc=Restores all lowered stat stages to 0 when one is less than 0. Single use. showdown.items.whiteherb.end=%s returned its stats to normal using its White Herb! Lensßlinse showdown.items.widelens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.1x. Berry showdown.items.wikiberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. showdown.items.wikiberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. showdown.items.wikiberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. Glasses showdown.items.wiseglasses.desc=Holder's special attacks have 1.1x power. Berry showdown.items.yacheberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ice-type attack. Single use. Plate showdown.items.zapplate.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Electric type. Lens showdown.items.zoomlens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.2x if it moves after its target. Gene showdown.items.berserkgene.desc=(Gen 2) On switch-in, raises holder's Attack by 2 and confuses it. Single use. showdown.items.berry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Berry showdown.items.bitterberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. Berry showdown.items.burntberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. Berry showdown.items.goldberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Berry showdown.items.iceberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. Berry showdown.items.mintberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. Berry showdown.items.miracleberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is confused or has a status condition. Single use. Berryätselbeere showdown.items.mysteryberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 5 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. showdown.items.mysteryberry.activate=%s restored PP to its %s move using Mystery Berry! Bow Band showdown.items.pinkbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Bow showdown.items.polkadotbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Cure Berry showdown.items.przcureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. Cure Berry showdown.items.psncureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. ## Unofficial Pokemon + Item, no translation showdown.items.crucibellite.desc=If held by a Crucibelle, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Vial Vial ## Unofficial, Create a pokemon project, no translation showdown.items.vilevial.desc=If held by a Venomicon, its Poison- and Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power.,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt Donnerblitz showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Has a very high chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Very high critical hit ratio. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index c6d61fe74..1a9650061 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -9950,7 +9950,7 @@ showdown.default.tox.startFromItem=%s fue gravemente envenenado por el %s! showdown.default.tox.end=%s se curó de su envenenamiento! showdown.default.tox.endFromItem=%s's %s curó su veneno! showdown.default.tox.alreadyStarted=%s ya está envenenado! -showdown.default.tox.damage=%s fue herido por el veneno! #################################### +showdown.default.tox.damage=%s fue herido por el veneno! showdown.default.slp.start=%s se durmió! showdown.default.slp.startFromRest=%s durmió y se recuperó! showdown.default.slp.alreadyStarted=%s ya está dormido! @@ -10049,1174 +10049,1174 @@ showdown.default.crash.damage=%s siguió adelante y se estrelló! ############################################## Shield Habilidad showdown.items.abilityshield.desc=Holder's Ability cannot be changed by any effect. showdown.items.abilityshield.block=%s's Ability is protected by the effects of its Ability Shield! showdown.items.abomasite.desc=If held by an Abomasnow, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.absolite.desc=If held by an Absol, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Bulbérculo showdown.items.absorbbulb.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. Crystal Diamansfera showdown.items.adamantcrystal.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb showdown.items.adamantorb.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb showdown.items.adrenalineorb.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage if it gets affected by Intimidate. Single use. showdown.items.aerodactylite.desc=If held by an Aerodactyl, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.aggronite.desc=If held by an Aggron, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Guaya showdown.items.aguavberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. showdown.items.aguavberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. showdown.items.aguavberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. Balloon Helio showdown.items.airballoon.desc=Holder is immune to Ground-type attacks. Pops when holder is hit. showdown.items.airballoon.start=%s floats in the air with its Air Balloon! showdown.items.airballoon.end=%s's Air Balloon popped! showdown.items.alakazite.desc=If held by an Alakazam, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Z Z showdown.items.aloraichiumz.desc=If held by an Alolan Raichu with Thunderbolt, it can use Stoked Sparksurfer. showdown.items.altarianite.desc=If held by an Altaria, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.ampharosite.desc=If held by an Ampharos, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Aricoc showdown.items.apicotberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Fossilósil Coraza showdown.items.armorfossil.desc=Can be revived into Shieldon. Berry Perasi showdown.items.aspearberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. Vest Asalto showdown.items.assaultvest.desc=Holder's Sp. Def is 1.5x, but it can only select damaging moves. showdown.items.audinite.desc=If held by an Audino, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Armor Auspiciosa showdown.items.auspiciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Armarouge when used. Berry Baribá showdown.items.babiriberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Steel-type attack. Single use. showdown.items.banettite.desc=If held by a Banette, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball Ball showdown.items.beastball.desc=A special Poke Ball designed to catch Ultra Beasts. showdown.items.beedrillite.desc=If held by a Beedrill, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Andano showdown.items.belueberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Juice de Baya showdown.items.berryjuice.desc=Restores 20 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Sweet Fruto showdown.items.berrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Rootíz Grande showdown.items.bigroot.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining/Aqua Ring/Ingrain/Leech Seed/Strength Sap. showdown.items.bigroot.gen6.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining moves, Aqua Ring, Ingrain, and Leech Seed. Band Atadura showdown.items.bindingband.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves deal 1/6 max HP per turn instead of 1/8. Beltón Negro ################## showdown.items.blackbelt.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.blackbelt.gen3.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.1x power. Sludge negro showdown.items.blacksludge.desc=Each turn, if holder is a Poison type, restores 1/16 max HP; loses 1/8 if not. showdown.items.blacksludge.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Black Sludge! Glasses de sol showdown.items.blackglasses.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.blackglasses.gen3.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.1x power. showdown.items.blastoisinite.desc=If held by a Blastoise, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.blazikenite.desc=If held by a Blaziken, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Orb Azul showdown.items.blueorb.desc=If held by a Kyogre, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. Berry Oram showdown.items.blukberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Policy Fallo showdown.items.blunderpolicy.desc=If the holder misses due to accuracy, its Speed is raised by 2 stages. Single use. Energyía Potenciadora showdown.items.boosterenergy.desc=Activates the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive Abilities. Single use. Cap Plateada showdown.items.bottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. One of a Pokemon's stats is calculated with an IV of 31. Powder Brillo showdown.items.brightpowder.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. showdown.items.brightpowder.gen2.desc=An attack against the holder has its accuracy out of 255 lowered by 20. Gem Bicho showdown.items.buggem.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.buggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Bicho showdown.items.bugmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Bug type. Z Z showdown.items.buginiumz.desc=If holder has a Bug move, this item allows it to use a Bug Z-Move. Drive showdown.items.burndrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Fire type. showdown.items.cameruptite.desc=If held by a Camerupt, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Battery showdown.items.cellbattery.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Electric-type attack. Single use.ón showdown.items.charcoal.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.charcoal.gen3.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.1x power. X X showdown.items.charizarditex.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Y Y showdown.items.charizarditey.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Alcho showdown.items.chartiberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Rock-type attack. Single use. Berry Zreza showdown.items.cheriberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. Ball Ball showdown.items.cherishball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an occasion. Berry Atania showdown.items.chestoberry.desc=Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. Berry Chilan showdown.items.chilanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a Normal-type attack. Single use. Drive showdown.items.chilldrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Ice type. Pot Rota showdown.items.chippedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea-Antique into Polteageist-Antique when used. Band Elección showdown.items.choiceband.desc=Holder's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Scarfñuelo Elección showdown.items.choicescarf.desc=Holder's Speed is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Specs Elección showdown.items.choicespecs.desc=Holder's Sp. Atk is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. Berry Pomaro showdown.items.chopleberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fighting-type attack. Single use. Fossilósil Garra showdown.items.clawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Anorith. Amulet Puro showdown.items.clearamulet.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering the holder's stat stages. showdown.items.clearamulet.block=The effects of %s's Clear Amulet prevent its stats from being lowered! Sweet Trébol showdown.items.cloversweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Berry Kouba showdown.items.cobaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Flying-type attack. Single use. Berry Dillo showdown.items.colburberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dark-type attack. Single use. Berry Mais showdown.items.cornnberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Fossilósil Tapa showdown.items.coverfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tirtouga. Cloak Furtiva showdown.items.covertcloak.desc=Holder is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. Pot Agrietada showdown.items.crackedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea into Polteageist when used. Berry Chiri showdown.items.custapberry.desc=Holder moves first in its priority bracket when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.custapberry.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Custap Berry! Rock Lluvia showdown.items.damprock.desc=Holder's use of Rain Dance lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Gem Siniestro showdown.items.darkgem.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.darkgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Siniestro showdown.items.darkmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dark type. Z Z showdown.items.darkiniumz.desc=If holder has a Dark move, this item allows it to use a Dark Z-Move. Stone Alba showdown.items.dawnstone.desc=Evolves male Kirlia into Gallade and female Snorunt into Froslass when used. showdown.items.dawnstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Z Z showdown.items.decidiumz.desc=If held by a Decidueye with Spirit Shackle, it can use Sinister Arrow Raid. Sea Scale Marina showdown.items.deepseascale.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss when traded. showdown.items.deepseascale.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. Sea Tooth Marino showdown.items.deepseatooth.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Huntail when traded. showdown.items.deepseatooth.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. Knot Destino showdown.items.destinyknot.desc=If holder becomes infatuated, the other Pokemon also becomes infatuated. showdown.items.diancite.desc=If held by a Diancie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball Ball showdown.items.diveball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Pokemon that live underwater. Fossilósil Domo showdown.items.domefossil.desc=Can be revived into Kabuto. Drive showdown.items.dousedrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Water type. Plate Draco showdown.items.dracoplate.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dragon type. Fang Dragón showdown.items.dragonfang.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.dragonfang.gen3.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. showdown.items.dragonfang.gen2.desc=No competitive use. Gem Dragón showdown.items.dragongem.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.dragongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Dragón showdown.items.dragonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dragon type. Scale Dragón showdown.items.dragonscale.desc=Evolves Seadra into Kingdra when traded. showdown.items.dragonscale.gen2.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Seadra (trade). Z Z showdown.items.dragoniumz.desc=If holder has a Dragon move, this item allows it to use a Dragon Z-Move. Plate Oscura showdown.items.dreadplate.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dark type. Ballño Ball showdown.items.dreamball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon while they're asleep. showdown.items.dreamball.gen7.desc=A special Poke Ball that appears out of nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest. Disc Extraño showdown.items.dubiousdisc.desc=Evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z when traded. Berry Rudion showdown.items.durinberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball Ball showdown.items.duskball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokemon at night or in caves. Stone Noche showdown.items.duskstone.desc=Evolves Murkrow into Honchkrow, Misdreavus into Mismagius, Lampent into Chandelure, and Doublade into Aegislash when used. showdown.items.duskstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Plate Terrax showdown.items.earthplate.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ground type. Z Z showdown.items.eeviumz.desc=If held by an Eevee with Last Resort, it can use Extreme Evoboost. Buttonón Escape showdown.items.ejectbutton.desc=If holder survives a hit, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. Single use. showdown.items.ejectbutton.end=%s is switched out with the Eject Button! Pack Escape showdown.items.ejectpack.desc=If the holder's stat stages are lowered, it switches to a chosen ally. Single use. showdown.items.ejectpack.end=%s is switched out by the Eject Pack! showdown.items.electirizer.desc=Evolves Electabuzz into Electivire when traded. Gem Eléctrico showdown.items.electricgem.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.electricgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Eléctrico showdown.items.electricmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Electric type. Seed Electro showdown.items.electricseed.desc=If the terrain is Electric Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.electriumz.desc=If holder has an Electric move, this item allows it to use an Electric Z-Move. Berry Enigma showdown.items.enigmaberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP after holder is hit by a supereffective move. Single use. showdown.items.enigmaberry.gen3.desc=No competitive use. Evolutivo showdown.items.eviolite.desc=If holder's species can evolve, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x. Belt Experto showdown.items.expertbelt.desc=Holder's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.2x damage. Z Z showdown.items.fairiumz.desc=If holder has a Fairy move, this item allows it to use a Fairy Z-Move. Gem Hada showdown.items.fairygem.desc=Holder's first successful Fairy-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. Memory Hada showdown.items.fairymemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fairy type. Ball Ball showdown.items.fastball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokemon which are quick to run away. Gem Lucha showdown.items.fightinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.fightinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Lucha showdown.items.fightingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fighting type. Z Z showdown.items.fightiniumz.desc=If holder has a Fighting move, this item allows it to use a Fighting Z-Move. Berry Higog showdown.items.figyberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. showdown.items.figyberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. showdown.items.figyberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. Gem Fuego showdown.items.firegem.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.firegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Fuego showdown.items.firememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fire type. Stone Fuego Vulpix into Ninetales, Growlithe into Arcanine, Eevee into Flareon, and Pansear into Simisear when used. certain species of Pokemon when used. Z Z showdown.items.firiumz.desc=If holder has a Fire move, this item allows it to use a Fire Z-Move. Plate Fuerte showdown.items.fistplate.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fighting type. Orb showdown.items.flameorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to burn the holder. Plate Llama showdown.items.flameplate.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fire type. Stone Pómez showdown.items.floatstone.desc=Holder's weight is halved. Sweet Flor showdown.items.flowersweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Gem Volador showdown.items.flyinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.flyinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Volador showdown.items.flyingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Flying type. Z Z showdown.items.flyiniumz.desc=If holder has a Flying move, this item allows it to use a Flying Z-Move. Band Aguante showdown.items.focusband.desc=Holder has a 10% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. showdown.items.focusband.gen2.desc=Holder has a ~11.7% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. showdown.items.focusband.activate=%s hung on using its Focus Band! Sash Aguante showdown.items.focussash.desc=If holder's HP is full, will survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. Single use. showdown.items.focussash.gen4.desc=If holder's HP is full, survives all hits of one attack with at least 1 HP. Single use. showdown.items.focussash.end=%s hung on using its Focus Sash! Birdósil showdown.items.fossilizedbird.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Drake or Arctozolt with Fossilized Dino. Dinoósil showdown.items.fossilizeddino.desc=Can revive into Arctovish with Fossilized Fish or Arctozolt with Fossilized Bird. Drakeósil showdown.items.fossilizeddrake.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Bird or Dracovish with Fossilized Fish. Fishósil showdown.items.fossilizedfish.desc=Can revive into Dracovish with Fossilized Drake or Arctovish with Fossilized Dino. Ball Ball showdown.items.friendball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes caught Pokemon more friendly. Incense Lento showdown.items.fullincense.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. Cuff Galanuez showdown.items.galaricacuff.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro when used. Wreath Galanuez showdown.items.galaricawreath.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking when used. showdown.items.galladite.desc=If held by a Gallade, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Gonlan showdown.items.ganlonberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.garchompite.desc=If held by a Garchomp, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.gardevoirite.desc=If held by a Gardevoir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.gengarite.desc=If held by a Gengar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Gem Fantasma showdown.items.ghostgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.ghostgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Fantasma showdown.items.ghostmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ghost type. Z Z showdown.items.ghostiumz.desc=If holder has a Ghost move, this item allows it to use a Ghost Z-Move. showdown.items.glalitite.desc=If held by a Glalie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Bottle Cap Dorada showdown.items.goldbottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. All of a Pokemon's stats are calculated with an IV of 31. Gem Planta showdown.items.grassgem.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.grassgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Planta showdown.items.grassmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Grass type. Z Z showdown.items.grassiumz.desc=If holder has a Grass move, this item allows it to use a Grass Z-Move. Seed Hierba showdown.items.grassyseed.desc=If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. Ball Ball showdown.items.greatball.desc=A high-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Poke Ball. Berry Uvav showdown.items.grepaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Claw Garfio showdown.items.gripclaw.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves always last 7 turns. Core Griseosfera showdown.items.griseouscore.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb showdown.items.griseousorb.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.griseousorb.gen4.desc=Can only be held by Giratina. Its Ghost- & Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Gem Tierra showdown.items.groundgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.groundgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Tierra showdown.items.groundmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ground type. Z Z showdown.items.groundiumz.desc=If holder has a Ground move, this item allows it to use a Ground Z-Move. showdown.items.gyaradosite.desc=If held by a Gyarados, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Anjiro showdown.items.habanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dragon-type attack. Single use. Stone Dura showdown.items.hardstone.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.hardstone.gen3.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.1x power. Ball Ball showdown.items.healball.desc=A remedial Poke Ball that restores the caught Pokemon's HP and status problem. Rock Calor showdown.items.heatrock.desc=Holder's use of Sunny Day lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Ball Ball showdown.items.heavyball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching very heavy Pokemon. Boots Gruesas showdown.items.heavydutyboots.desc=When switching in, the holder is unaffected by hazards on its side of the field. Fossilósil Hélix showdown.items.helixfossil.desc=Can be revived into Omanyte. showdown.items.heracronite.desc=If held by a Heracross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Meluce showdown.items.hondewberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. showdown.items.houndoominite.desc=If held by a Houndoom, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Pabaya showdown.items.iapapaberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. Gem Hielo showdown.items.icegem.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.icegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Hielo showdown.items.icememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ice type. Stone Hielo showdown.items.icestone.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales, Eevee into Glaceon, and Galarian Darumaka into Galarian Darmanitan when used. showdown.items.icestone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. showdown.items.icestone.gen7.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash and Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales when used. Plate Helada showdown.items.icicleplate.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ice type. Z Z showdown.items.iciumz.desc=If holder has an Ice move, this item allows it to use an Ice Z-Move. Rock Helada showdown.items.icyrock.desc=Holder's use of Hail lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Z Z showdown.items.inciniumz.desc=If held by an Incineroar with Darkest Lariat, it can use Malicious Moonsault. Plate Bicho showdown.items.insectplate.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Bug type. Ball Férrea showdown.items.ironball.desc=Holder is grounded, Speed halved. If Flying type, takes neutral Ground damage. showdown.items.ironball.gen4.desc=Holder's Speed is halved and it becomes grounded. Plate Acero showdown.items.ironplate.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Steel type. Berry Jaboca showdown.items.jabocaberry.desc=If holder is hit by a physical move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. Fossilósil Mandíbula showdown.items.jawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tyrunt. Berry Drasi showdown.items.kasibberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ghost-type attack. Single use. Berry Kebia showdown.items.kebiaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Poison-type attack. Single use. Berry Biglia showdown.items.keeberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage after it is hit by a physical attack. Single use. Berry Algama showdown.items.kelpsyberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. showdown.items.kangaskhanite.desc=If held by a Kangaskhan, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.'s Rock del Rey showdown.items.kingsrock.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed and Slowpoke into Slowking when traded. showdown.items.kingsrock.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. Z Z showdown.items.kommoniumz.desc=If held by a Kommo-o with Clanging Scales, it can use Clangorous Soulblaze. Tail Plúmbea showdown.items.laggingtail.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. Berry Zonlan showdown.items.lansatberry.desc=Holder gains the Focus Energy effect when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.latiasite.desc=If held by a Latias, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.latiosite.desc=If held by a Latios, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Incense Suave showdown.items.laxincense.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. showdown.items.laxincense.gen3.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.95x. Stone Hoja showdown.items.leafstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Eevee into Leafeon, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. showdown.items.leafstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. showdown.items.leafstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. showdown.items.leek.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d or Sirfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. showdown.items.leftovers.desc=At the end of every turn, holder restores 1/16 of its max HP. showdown.items.leftovers.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Berry Zanama showdown.items.leppaberry.desc=Restores 10 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. showdown.items.leppaberry.activate=%s restored PP to its move %s using its Leppa Berry! Ball Ball showdown.items.levelball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are a lower level than your own. Berry Lichi showdown.items.liechiberry.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Orb showdown.items.lifeorb.desc=Holder's attacks do 1.3x damage, and it loses 1/10 its max HP after the attack. showdown.items.lifeorb.damage=%s lost some of its HP! Ball Luminosa showdown.items.lightball.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Attack and Sp. Atk are doubled. showdown.items.lightball.gen4.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its attacks have their power doubled. showdown.items.lightball.gen3.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Special Attack is doubled. Clay showdown.items.lightclay.desc=Holder's use of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. showdown.items.lightclay.gen6.desc=Holder's use of Light Screen or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Dice Trucado showdown.items.loadeddice.desc=Holder's moves that hit 2-5 times hit 4-5 times; Population Bomb hits 4-10 times. showdown.items.lopunnite.desc=If held by a Lopunny, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball Ball showdown.items.loveball.desc=Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are the opposite gender of your Pokemon. Sweet Corazón showdown.items.lovesweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. showdown.items.lucarionite.desc=If held by a Lucario, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Punchño Suerte showdown.items.luckypunch.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. showdown.items.luckypunch.gen2.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) Berry Ziuela showdown.items.lumberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it has a non-volatile status or is confused. Single use. Moss showdown.items.luminousmoss.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.lunaliumz.desc=Lunala or Dawn Wings Necrozma with Moongeist Beam can use a special Z-Move. Ball Ball showdown.items.lureball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon hooked by a Rod when fishing. Globe Lustresfera showdown.items.lustrousglobe.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Orb showdown.items.lustrousorb.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Ball Ball showdown.items.luxuryball.desc=A comfortable Poke Ball that makes a caught wild Pokemon quickly grow friendly. Z Z showdown.items.lycaniumz.desc=If held by a Lycanroc forme with Stone Edge, it can use Splintered Stormshards. Brace Firme showdown.items.machobrace.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. showdown.items.magmarizer.desc=Evolves Magmar into Magmortar when traded.án showdown.items.magnet.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.magnet.gen3.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry showdown.items.magoberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. showdown.items.magoberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. showdown.items.magoberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. Berry Aostan showdown.items.magostberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. showdown.items.mail.desc=Cannot be given to or taken from a Pokemon, except by Covet/Knock Off/Thief. Armor Maldita showdown.items.maliciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Ceruledge when used. showdown.items.manectite.desc=If held by a Manectric, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Maranga showdown.items.marangaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage after it is hit by a special attack. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.marshadiumz.desc=If held by Marshadow with Spectral Thief, it can use Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike. Ball showdown.items.masterball.desc=The best Ball with the ultimate performance. It will catch any wild Pokemon. showdown.items.mawilite.desc=If held by a Mawile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Plate Pradal showdown.items.meadowplate.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Grass type. showdown.items.medichamite.desc=If held by a Medicham, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Herb Mental showdown.items.mentalherb.desc=Cures holder of Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, Torment. Single use. showdown.items.mentalherb.gen4.desc=Holder is cured if it is infatuated. Single use. showdown.items.metagrossite.desc=If held by a Metagross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Coat Metálico showdown.items.metalcoat.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. showdown.items.metalcoat.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. Powder Metálico showdown.items.metalpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Defense is doubled. showdown.items.metalpowder.gen2.desc=If held by a Ditto, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x, even while Transformed.ónomo showdown.items.metronome.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 5 turns. showdown.items.metronome.gen4.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 10 turns. Z Z showdown.items.mewniumz.desc=If held by a Mew with Psychic, it can use Genesis Supernova. X X showdown.items.mewtwonitex.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Y Y showdown.items.mewtwonitey.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Lagro showdown.items.micleberry.desc=Holder's next move has 1.2x accuracy when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.mimikiumz.desc=If held by a Mimikyu with Play Rough, it can use Let's Snuggle Forever. Plate Mental showdown.items.mindplate.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Psychic type. Seed Milagro showdown.items.miracleseed.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.miracleseed.gen3.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.1x power. Herb Copia showdown.items.mirrorherb.desc=When an opposing Pokemon raises a stat stage, the holder copies it. Single use. showdown.items.mirrorherb.activate=%s used its Mirror Herb to mirror its opponent's stat changes! Seed Bruma showdown.items.mistyseed.desc=If the terrain is Misty Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. Ball Ball showdown.items.moonball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that evolve using the Moon Stone. Stone Lunar showdown.items.moonstone.desc=Evolves Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Nidorino into Nidoking, Clefairy into Clefable, Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff, Skitty into Delcatty, and Munna into Musharna when used. showdown.items.moonstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Band Fuerte showdown.items.muscleband.desc=Holder's physical attacks have 1.1x power. Water Mística showdown.items.mysticwater.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.mysticwater.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry Latano showdown.items.nanabberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball Ball showdown.items.nestball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on weaker Pokemon in the wild. Ball Ball showdown.items.netball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Water- and Bug-type Pokemon. Ice showdown.items.nevermeltice.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.nevermeltice.gen3.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry Monli showdown.items.nomelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Gem Normal showdown.items.normalgem.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.normalgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.normaliumz.desc=If holder has a Normal move, this item allows it to use a Normal Z-Move. Berry Caoca showdown.items.occaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fire-type attack. Single use. Incense Raro showdown.items.oddincense.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. AmberÁmbar Viejo showdown.items.oldamber.desc=Can be revived into Aerodactyl. Berry Aranja showdown.items.oranberry.desc=Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Stone Oval showdown.items.ovalstone.desc=Evolves Happiny into Chansey when held and leveled up during the day. Berry Plama showdown.items.pamtreberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball Ball showdown.items.parkball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Pal Park. Berry Pasio showdown.items.passhoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Water-type attack. Single use. Berry Payapa showdown.items.payapaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Psychic-type attack. Single use. Berry Meloc showdown.items.pechaberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. Berry Caquic showdown.items.persimberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. Berry Yapati showdown.items.petayaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.pidgeotite.desc=If held by a Pidgeot, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Z Z showdown.items.pikaniumz.desc=If held by a Pikachu with Volt Tackle, it can use Catastropika. Z Z showdown.items.pikashuniumz.desc=If held by cap Pikachu with Thunderbolt, it can use 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. Berry Pinia showdown.items.pinapberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. showdown.items.pinsirite.desc=If held by a Pinsir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Plate Duende showdown.items.pixieplate.desc=Holder's Fairy-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fairy type. Fossilósil Pluma showdown.items.plumefossil.desc=Can be revived into Archen. Barb Venenosa showdown.items.poisonbarb.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.poisonbarb.gen3.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.1x power. Gem Veneno showdown.items.poisongem.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.poisongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Veneno showdown.items.poisonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Poison type. Z Z showdown.items.poisoniumz.desc=If holder has a Poison move, this item allows it to use a Poison Z-Move. Ballé Ball showdown.items.pokeball.desc=A device for catching wild Pokemon. It is designed as a capsule system. Berry Grana showdown.items.pomegberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Anklet Recia showdown.items.poweranklet.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Band Recia showdown.items.powerband.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Belt Recio showdown.items.powerbelt.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Bracer Recio showdown.items.powerbracer.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Herb Única showdown.items.powerherb.desc=Holder's two-turn moves complete in one turn (except Sky Drop). Single use. showdown.items.powerherb.end=%s became fully charged due to its Power Herb! Lens Recia showdown.items.powerlens.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Weight Recia showdown.items.powerweight.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. Ball Ball showdown.items.premierball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an event. Z Z showdown.items.primariumz.desc=If held by a Primarina with Sparkling Aria, it can use Oceanic Operetta. Scale Bella showdown.items.prismscale.desc=Evolves Feebas into Milotic when traded. Pads showdown.items.protectivepads.desc=Holder's moves are protected from adverse contact effects, except Pickpocket. showdown.items.protectivepads.block=%s protected itself with its Protective Pads! showdown.items.protector.desc=Evolves Rhydon into Rhyperior when traded. Gem Psíquico showdown.items.psychicgem.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.psychicgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Psíquico showdown.items.psychicmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Psychic type. Seed Psique showdown.items.psychicseed.desc=If the terrain is Psychic Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.psychiumz.desc=If holder has a Psychic move, this item allows it to use a Psychic Z-Move. Glove de Boxeo showdown.items.punchingglove.desc=Holder's punch-based attacks have 1.1x power and do not make contact. Berry Ispero showdown.items.qualotberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Ball Ball showdown.items.quickball.desc=A Poke Ball that provides a better catch rate at the start of a wild encounter. Claw Rápida showdown.items.quickclaw.desc=Each turn, holder has a 20% chance to move first in its priority bracket. showdown.items.quickclaw.gen2.desc=Each turn, holder has a ~23.4% chance to move first in its priority bracket. showdown.items.quickclaw.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Quick Claw! Powder Veloz showdown.items.quickpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Speed is doubled. Berry Rautan showdown.items.rabutaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Bone Raro showdown.items.rarebone.desc=No competitive use other than when used with Fling. Berry Safre showdown.items.rawstberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. Claw Afilada showdown.items.razorclaw.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Evolves Sneasel into Weavile when held and leveled up during the night. showdown.items.razorclaw.shortDesc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Fang Agudo showdown.items.razorfang.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Gligar into Gliscor when held and leveled up during the night. showdown.items.razorfang.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. Berry Frambu showdown.items.razzberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Cloth Terrible showdown.items.reapercloth.desc=Evolves Dusclops into Dusknoir when traded. Card Roja showdown.items.redcard.desc=If holder survives a hit, attacker is forced to switch to a random ally. Single use. showdown.items.redcard.end=%s held up its Red Card against %s! Orb Rojo showdown.items.redorb.desc=If held by a Groudon, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. Ball Ball showdown.items.repeatball.desc=A Poke Ball that works well on Pokemon species that were previously caught. Sweet Lazo showdown.items.ribbonsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Berry Tamar showdown.items.rindoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Grass-type attack. Single use. Target showdown.items.ringtarget.desc=The holder's type immunities granted solely by its typing are negated. Gem Roca showdown.items.rockgem.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.rockgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Incense Roca showdown.items.rockincense.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Memory Roca showdown.items.rockmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Rock type. Z Z showdown.items.rockiumz.desc=If holder has a Rock move, this item allows it to use a Rock Z-Move. Helmet Dentado showdown.items.rockyhelmet.desc=If holder is hit by a contact move, the attacker loses 1/6 of its max HP. showdown.items.rockyhelmet.damage=%s was hurt by the Rocky Helmet! Service Raro showdown.items.roomservice.desc=If Trick Room is active, the holder's Speed is lowered by 1 stage. Single use. Fossilósil Raíz showdown.items.rootfossil.desc=Can be revived into Lileep. Incense Floral showdown.items.roseincense.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Berry Hibis showdown.items.roseliberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fairy-type attack. Single use. Berry Magua showdown.items.rowapberry.desc=If holder is hit by a special move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. Shield Oxidado showdown.items.rustedshield.desc=If held by a Zamazenta, this item changes its forme to Crowned Shield. Sword Oxidada showdown.items.rustedsword.desc=If held by a Zacian, this item changes its forme to Crowned Sword. showdown.items.sablenite.desc=If held by a Sableye, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Fragante showdown.items.sachet.desc=Evolves Spritzee into Aromatisse when traded. Ball showdown.items.safariball.desc=A special Poke Ball that is used only in the Safari Zone and Great Marsh. Goggles Protectora showdown.items.safetygoggles.desc=Holder is immune to powder moves and damage from Sandstorm or Hail. showdown.items.safetygoggles.block=%s is not affected by %s thanks to its Safety Goggles! Fossilósil Aleta showdown.items.sailfossil.desc=Can be revived into Amaura. Berry Aslac showdown.items.salacberry.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.salamencite.desc=If held by a Salamence, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.sceptilite.desc=If held by a Sceptile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. showdown.items.scizorite.desc=If held by a Scizor, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Lens showdown.items.scopelens.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Incense Marino showdown.items.seaincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.seaincense.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.05x power. Beak Afilado showdown.items.sharpbeak.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.sharpbeak.gen3.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.1x power. showdown.items.sharpedonite.desc=If held by a Sharpedo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Shell Concha showdown.items.shedshell.desc=Holder may switch out even when trapped by another Pokemon, or by Ingrain. Bell Concha showdown.items.shellbell.desc=After an attack, holder gains 1/8 of the damage in HP dealt to other Pokemon. showdown.items.shellbell.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Shell Bell! Stone Día showdown.items.shinystone.desc=Evolves Togetic into Togekiss, Roselia into Roserade, Minccino into Cinccino, and Floette into Florges when used. showdown.items.shinystone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Drive showdown.items.shockdrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Electric type. Berry Acardo showdown.items.shucaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ground-type attack. Single use. Scarfñuelo de Seda showdown.items.silkscarf.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.silkscarf.gen3.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Powder Plata showdown.items.silverpowder.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.silverpowder.gen3.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry Zidra showdown.items.sitrusberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. showdown.items.sitrusberry.gen3.desc=Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Fossilósil Cráneo showdown.items.skullfossil.desc=Can be revived into Cranidos. Plate Cielo showdown.items.skyplate.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Flying type. showdown.items.slowbronite.desc=If held by a Slowbro, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Rock Suave showdown.items.smoothrock.desc=Holder's use of Sandstorm lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Z Z showdown.items.snorliumz.desc=If held by a Snorlax with Giga Impact, it can use Pulverizing Pancake. de Nieve showdown.items.snowball.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Ice-type attack. Single use. Sand Fina showdown.items.softsand.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.softsand.gen3.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.1x power. Z Z showdown.items.solganiumz.desc=Solgaleo or Dusk Mane Necrozma with Sunsteel Strike can use a special Z-Move. Dewío Bondad showdown.items.souldew.desc=If held by a Latias/Latios, its Dragon- and Psychic-type moves have 1.2x power. showdown.items.souldew.gen6.desc=If held by a Latias or a Latios, its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def are 1.5x. Tag showdown.items.spelltag.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.spelltag.gen3.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry Wikano showdown.items.spelonberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Plate Linfa showdown.items.splashplate.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Water type. Plate Terror showdown.items.spookyplate.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ghost type. Ball Ball showdown.items.sportball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Bug-Catching Contest. Berry Arabol showdown.items.starfberry.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 when at 1/4 max HP or less (not acc/eva). Single use. Sweet Estrella showdown.items.starsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. showdown.items.steelixite.desc=If held by a Steelix, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Gem Acero showdown.items.steelgem.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.steelgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Acero showdown.items.steelmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Steel type. Z Z showdown.items.steeliumz.desc=If holder has a Steel move, this item allows it to use a Steel Z-Move. showdown.items.stick.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. showdown.items.stick.gen2.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) Barb showdown.items.stickybarb.desc=Each turn, holder loses 1/8 max HP. An attacker making contact can receive it. Plate Pétrea showdown.items.stoneplate.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Rock type. Sweet Fresa showdown.items.strawberrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. Stone Solar showdown.items.sunstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Bellossom, Sunkern into Sunflora, Cottonee into Whimsicott, Petilil into Lilligant, and Helioptile into Heliolisk when used. showdown.items.sunstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. showdown.items.swampertite.desc=If held by a Swampert, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Apple Dulce showdown.items.sweetapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Appletun when used. Berry Tamate showdown.items.tamatoberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Berry Yecana showdown.items.tangaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Bug-type attack. Single use. Z Z showdown.items.tapuniumz.desc=If held by a Tapu with Nature's Madness, it can use Guardian of Alola. Apple Ácida showdown.items.tartapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Flapple when used. Extender showdown.items.terrainextender.desc=Holder's use of Electric/Grassy/Misty/Psychic Terrain lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Club Grueso showdown.items.thickclub.desc=If held by a Cubone or a Marowak, its Attack is doubled. Spray Bucal showdown.items.throatspray.desc=Raises holder's Special Attack by 1 stage after it uses a sound move. Single use. Stone Trueno showdown.items.thunderstone.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, Eelektrik into Eelektross, and Charjabug into Vikavolt when used. showdown.items.thunderstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. showdown.items.thunderstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, and Eelektrik into Eelektross when used. Ball Ball showdown.items.timerball.desc=A Poke Ball that becomes better the more turns there are in a battle. Orb showdown.items.toxicorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to badly poison the holder. Plate Tóxica showdown.items.toxicplate.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Poison type. showdown.items.tr00.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Swords Dance. One use. showdown.items.tr01.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Slam. One use. showdown.items.tr02.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flamethrower. One use. showdown.items.tr03.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hydro Pump. One use. showdown.items.tr04.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Surf. One use. showdown.items.tr05.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Ice Beam. One use. showdown.items.tr06.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Blizzard. One use. showdown.items.tr07.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Low Kick. One use. showdown.items.tr08.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Thunderbolt. One use. showdown.items.tr09.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Thunder. One use. showdown.items.tr10.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Earthquake. One use. showdown.items.tr11.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psychic. One use. showdown.items.tr12.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Agility. One use. showdown.items.tr13.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Focus Energy. One use. showdown.items.tr14.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Metronome. One use. showdown.items.tr15.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Fire Blast. One use. showdown.items.tr16.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Waterfall. One use. showdown.items.tr17.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Amnesia. One use. showdown.items.tr18.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leech Life. One use. showdown.items.tr19.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Tri Attack. One use. showdown.items.tr20.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Substitute. One use. showdown.items.tr21.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Reversal. One use. showdown.items.tr22.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sludge Bomb. One use. showdown.items.tr23.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Spikes. One use. showdown.items.tr24.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Outrage. One use. showdown.items.tr25.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psyshock. One use. showdown.items.tr26.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Endure. One use. showdown.items.tr27.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sleep Talk. One use. showdown.items.tr28.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Megahorn. One use. showdown.items.tr29.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Baton Pass. One use. showdown.items.tr30.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Encore. One use. showdown.items.tr31.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Tail. One use. showdown.items.tr32.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Crunch. One use. showdown.items.tr33.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Shadow Ball. One use. showdown.items.tr34.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Future Sight. One use. showdown.items.tr35.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Uproar. One use. showdown.items.tr36.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heat Wave. One use. showdown.items.tr37.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Taunt. One use. showdown.items.tr38.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Trick. One use. showdown.items.tr39.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Superpower. One use. showdown.items.tr40.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Skill Swap. One use. showdown.items.tr41.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Blaze Kick. One use. showdown.items.tr42.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hyper Voice. One use. showdown.items.tr43.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Overheat. One use. showdown.items.tr44.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Cosmic Power. One use. showdown.items.tr45.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Muddy Water. One use. showdown.items.tr46.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Defense. One use. showdown.items.tr47.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Claw. One use. showdown.items.tr48.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Bulk Up. One use. showdown.items.tr49.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Calm Mind. One use. showdown.items.tr50.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leaf Blade. One use. showdown.items.tr51.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Dance. One use. showdown.items.tr52.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Gyro Ball. One use. showdown.items.tr53.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Close Combat. One use. showdown.items.tr54.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Toxic Spikes. One use. showdown.items.tr55.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flare Blitz. One use. showdown.items.tr56.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Aura Sphere. One use. showdown.items.tr57.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Poison Jab. One use. showdown.items.tr58.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dark Pulse. One use. showdown.items.tr59.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Seed Bomb. One use. showdown.items.tr60.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move X-Scissor. One use. showdown.items.tr61.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Bug Buzz. One use. showdown.items.tr62.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Pulse. One use. showdown.items.tr63.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Power Gem. One use. showdown.items.tr64.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Focus Blast. One use. showdown.items.tr65.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Energy Ball. One use. showdown.items.tr66.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Brave Bird. One use. showdown.items.tr67.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Earth Power. One use. showdown.items.tr68.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Nasty Plot. One use. showdown.items.tr69.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Zen Headbutt. One use. showdown.items.tr70.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flash Cannon. One use. showdown.items.tr71.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leaf Storm. One use. showdown.items.tr72.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Power Whip. One use. showdown.items.tr73.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Gunk Shot. One use. showdown.items.tr74.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Head. One use. showdown.items.tr75.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stone Edge. One use. showdown.items.tr76.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stealth Rock. One use. showdown.items.tr77.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Grass Knot. One use. showdown.items.tr78.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sludge Wave. One use. showdown.items.tr79.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heavy Slam. One use. showdown.items.tr80.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Electro Ball. One use. showdown.items.tr81.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Foul Play. One use. showdown.items.tr82.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stored Power. One use. showdown.items.tr83.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Ally Switch. One use. showdown.items.tr84.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Scald. One use. showdown.items.tr85.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Work Up. One use. showdown.items.tr86.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Wild Charge. One use. showdown.items.tr87.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Drill Run. One use. showdown.items.tr88.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heat Crash. One use. showdown.items.tr89.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hurricane. One use. showdown.items.tr90.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Play Rough. One use. showdown.items.tr91.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Venom Drench. One use. showdown.items.tr92.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dazzling Gleam. One use. showdown.items.tr93.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Darkest Lariat. One use. showdown.items.tr94.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move High Horsepower. One use. showdown.items.tr95.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Throat Chop. One use. showdown.items.tr96.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Pollen Puff. One use. showdown.items.tr97.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psychic Fangs. One use. showdown.items.tr98.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Liquidation. One use. showdown.items.tr99.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Press. One use. Spoon Torcida showdown.items.twistedspoon.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. showdown.items.twistedspoon.gen3.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.1x power. showdown.items.tyranitarite.desc=If held by a Tyranitar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Ball showdown.items.ultraball.desc=An ultra-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Great Ball. Z Z showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.desc=Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma: Ultra Burst, then Z-Move w/ Photon Geyser. showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.transform=Bright light is about to burst out of %s! showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.activate=%s regained its true power through Ultra Burst! showdown.items.upgrade.desc=Evolves Porygon into Porygon2 when traded. Umbrella Multiuso showdown.items.utilityumbrella.desc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. Damage and accuracy calculations from attacks used by the holder are affected by rain and sun, but not attacks used against the holder. showdown.items.utilityumbrella.shortDesc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. showdown.items.venusaurite.desc=If held by a Venusaur, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Berry Gualot showdown.items.wacanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Electric-type attack. Single use. Gem Agua showdown.items.watergem.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. showdown.items.watergem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. Memory Agua showdown.items.watermemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Water type. Stone Agua showdown.items.waterstone.desc=Evolves Poliwhirl into Poliwrath, Shellder into Cloyster, Staryu into Starmie, Eevee into Vaporeon, Lombre into Ludicolo, and Panpour into Simipour when used. showdown.items.waterstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. Z Z showdown.items.wateriumz.desc=If holder has a Water move, this item allows it to use a Water Z-Move. Berry Sambia showdown.items.watmelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Incense Acua showdown.items.waveincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Policy Debilidad showdown.items.weaknesspolicy.desc=If holder is hit super effectively, raises Attack, Sp. Atk by 2 stages. Single use. Berry Peragu showdown.items.wepearberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. Dream de Nata showdown.items.whippeddream.desc=Evolves Swirlix into Slurpuff when traded. Herb Blanca showdown.items.whiteherb.desc=Restores all lowered stat stages to 0 when one is less than 0. Single use. showdown.items.whiteherb.end=%s returned its stats to normal using its White Herb! Lens showdown.items.widelens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.1x. Berry Wiki showdown.items.wikiberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. showdown.items.wikiberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. showdown.items.wikiberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. Glasses Especiales showdown.items.wiseglasses.desc=Holder's special attacks have 1.1x power. Berry Rimoya showdown.items.yacheberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ice-type attack. Single use. Plate Trueno showdown.items.zapplate.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Electric type. Lens showdown.items.zoomlens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.2x if it moves after its target. Gene Loco showdown.items.berserkgene.desc=(Gen 2) On switch-in, raises holder's Attack by 2 and confuses it. Single use. showdown.items.berry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Berry showdown.items.bitterberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. Berry showdown.items.burntberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. Berry Dorada showdown.items.goldberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. Berry Hielo showdown.items.iceberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. Berry Menta showdown.items.mintberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. Berry Milagro showdown.items.miracleberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is confused or has a status condition. Single use. Berry showdown.items.mysteryberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 5 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. showdown.items.mysteryberry.activate=%s restored PP to its %s move using Mystery Berry! Bow Rosa showdown.items.pinkbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Bow showdown.items.polkadotbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. Cure Berry showdown.items.przcureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. Cure Berry Antidoto showdown.items.psncureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. ## Unofficial Pokemon + Item, no translation showdown.items.crucibellite.desc=If held by a Crucibelle, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Vial Vial ## Unofficial, Create a pokemon project, no translation showdown.items.vilevial.desc=If held by a Venomicon, its Poison- and Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power.,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt Fulminante showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Has a very high chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Very high critical hit ratio. From fb4b52d98390a145c7d44cd31a971d0216a85f9b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 13:56:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 16/43] added recent versions --- texts/de_DE.lang | 319 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 319 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- 2 files changed, 440 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 4e332d2c6..d5524dd64 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ätter item.pokeb:apricorn_gate=Aprikosenzauntorürür(unten)ür(oben) -item.pokeb:apricorn_door=Aprikosentür -item.pokeb:apricorn_fence=Aprikosenzaun Aprikosenblätter Aprikosensetzling Aprikosenblätter @@ -127,6 +125,7 @@ item.pokeb:pink_apricorn=Aprikoko Pink item.pokeb:red_apricorn=Aprikoko Rot item.pokeb:white_apricorn=Aprikoko Weiß item.pokeb:yellow_apricorn=Aprikoko Gelb +item.pokeb:apricorn_door=Aprikosentür ## Machines @@ -300,6 +299,10 @@ item.pokeb:cherishball_lid=Jubelballdeckel item.pokeb:mega_ring=Mega-Ring +## Primal Orbs +item.pokeb:red_orb=Roter Edelstein +item.pokeb:blue_orb=Blauer Edelstein + ## Mega Stones item.pokeb:abomasite=Rexblisarnit item.pokeb:absolite=Absolnit @@ -458,10 +461,21 @@ item.pokeb:peat-block=Torfblock item.pokeb:sachet=Duftbeutel item.pokeb:sweet-apple=Süßer Apfel item.pokeb:cracked-pot=Rissige Kanne -item.pokeb:auspicious-armor=Glorienrüstung -item.pokeb:malicious-armor=Fluchrüstung +item.pokeb:auspicious_armor=Glorienrüstung +item.pokeb:malicious_armor=Fluchrüstung item.pokeb:up_grade=Upgrade item.pokeb:whipped_dream=Sahnehäubchen +item.pokeb:peat_block=Torfblock +item.pokeb:adamant_orb=Adamant-Orb +item.pokeb:fluffy_tail=Eneco-Rute + +### Held Power Items +item.pokeb:power_anklet=Machtkette +item.pokeb:power_band=Machtband +item.pokeb:power_belt=Machtgurt +item.pokeb:power_bracer=Machtreif +item.pokeb:power_lens=Machtlinse +item.pokeb:power_weight=Machtgewicht ### Held Training Items item.pokeb:exp_share=EP-Teiler @@ -590,6 +604,7 @@ item.pokeb:water_stone_shard=Wassersteinscherbe item.pokeb:raw_aluminum=Rohes Aluminium item.pokeb:raw_silicon=Rohe Silikone item.pokeb:ruby=Rubin +item.pokeb:crystal=Kristall ## Healing Items item.pokeb:fullrestore=Top-Genesung @@ -638,6 +653,16 @@ item.pokeb:random_shiny_crate_key=§d§kii§r §c§lZufälliger Schillernder §7 item.pokeb:random_shiny_legendary_crate_key=§d§kii§r §c§lZufälliger Schillernder Legendärer §7Schlüssel§r §d§kii§r ## Machines +item.pokeb:hm01=HM Cut +item.pokeb:hm02=HM Fly +item.pokeb:hm03=HM Surf +item.pokeb:hm04=HM Strength +item.pokeb:hm05=HM Defog +item.pokeb:hm06=HM Rock Smash +item.pokeb:hm07=HM Waterfall +item.pokeb:hm08=HM Rock Climb +item.pokeb:hm09=HM Whirlpool +item.pokeb:hm10=HM Dive item.pokeb:tm01=TM Hone Claws item.pokeb:tm02=TM Dragon Claw item.pokeb:tm03=TM Psyshock @@ -726,102 +751,195 @@ item.pokeb:tm85=TM Dream Eater item.pokeb:tm86=TM Grass Knot item.pokeb:tm87=TM Swagger item.pokeb:tm88=TM Pluck -item.pokeb:tm89=TM U-Turn +item.pokeb:tm89=TM U-turn item.pokeb:tm90=TM Substitute item.pokeb:tm91=TM Flash Cannon item.pokeb:tm92=TM Trick Room item.pokeb:tm93=TM Wild Charge -item.pokeb:tm94=TM Rock Smash -item.pokeb:tm95=TM Snarl -item.pokeb:tm96=TM Mega Punch -item.pokeb:tm97=TM Razor Wind -item.pokeb:tm98=TM Whirlwind -item.pokeb:tm99=TM Mega Kick -item.pokeb:tm100=TM Horn Drill -item.pokeb:tm101=TM Body Slam -item.pokeb:tm102=TM Take Down -item.pokeb:tm103=TM Double-Edge -item.pokeb:tm104=TM Bubble Beam -item.pokeb:tm105=TM Water Gun -item.pokeb:tm106=TM Pay Day -item.pokeb:tm107=TM Submission -item.pokeb:tm108=TM Counter -item.pokeb:tm109=TM Seismic Toss -item.pokeb:tm110=TM Rage -item.pokeb:tm111=TM Mega Drain -item.pokeb:tm112=TM Dragon Rage -item.pokeb:tm113=TM Fissure -item.pokeb:tm114=TM Teleport -item.pokeb:tm115=TM Mimic -item.pokeb:tm116=TM Bide -item.pokeb:tm117=TM Metronome -item.pokeb:tm118=TM Self-Destruct -item.pokeb:tm119=TM Egg Bomb -item.pokeb:tm120=TM Swift -item.pokeb:tm121=TM Skull Bash -item.pokeb:tm122=TM Soft-Boiled -item.pokeb:tm123=TM Sky Attack -item.pokeb:tm124=TM Psywave -item.pokeb:tm125=TM Tri Attack -item.pokeb:tm126=TM Dynamic Punch -item.pokeb:tm127=TM Headbutt -item.pokeb:tm128=TM Curse -item.pokeb:tm129=TM Rollout -item.pokeb:tm130=TM Zap Cannon -item.pokeb:tm131=TM Sweet Scent -item.pokeb:tm132=TM Snore -item.pokeb:tm133=TM Icy Wind -item.pokeb:tm134=TM Giga Drain -item.pokeb:tm135=TM Endure -item.pokeb:tm136=TM Iron Tail -item.pokeb:tm137=TM Dragon Breath -item.pokeb:tm138=TM Mud-Slap -item.pokeb:tm139=TM Ice Punch -item.pokeb:tm140=TM Sleep Talk -item.pokeb:tm141=TM Defense Curl -item.pokeb:tm142=TM Thunder Punch -item.pokeb:tm143=TM Detect -item.pokeb:tm144=TM Steel Wing -item.pokeb:tm145=TM Fire Punch -item.pokeb:tm146=TM Fury Cutter -item.pokeb:tm147=TM Nightmare -item.pokeb:tm148=TM Focus Punch -item.pokeb:tm149=TM Water Pulse -item.pokeb:tm150=TM Bullet Seed -item.pokeb:tm151=TM Shock Wave -item.pokeb:tm152=TM Secret Power -item.pokeb:tm153=TM Skill Swap -item.pokeb:tm154=TM Snatch -item.pokeb:tm155=TM Roost -item.pokeb:tm156=TM Brine -item.pokeb:tm157=TM Dragon Pulse -item.pokeb:tm158=TM Drain Punch -item.pokeb:tm159=TM Silver Wind -item.pokeb:tm160=TM Recycle -item.pokeb:tm161=TM Avalanche -item.pokeb:tm162=TM Stealth Rock -item.pokeb:tm163=TM Captivate -item.pokeb:tm164=TM Dark Pulse -item.pokeb:tm165=TM Natural Gift -item.pokeb:tm166=TM Infestation -item.pokeb:tm167=TM Nature Power -item.pokeb:tm168=TM Power-Up Punch -item.pokeb:tm169=TM Dazzling Gleam -item.pokeb:tm170=TM Confide -item.pokeb:tm171=TM Aurora Veil -item.pokeb:tm172=TM Brutal Swing -item.pokeb:tm173=TM Smart Strike -item.pokeb:tm174=TM Leech Life -item.pokeb:hm01=HM Cut -item.pokeb:hm02=HM Fly -item.pokeb:hm03=HM Surf -item.pokeb:hm04=HM Strength -item.pokeb:hm05=HM Defog -item.pokeb:hm06=HM Rock Smash -item.pokeb:hm07=HM Waterfall -item.pokeb:hm08=HM Rock Climb -item.pokeb:hm09=HM Whirlpool -item.pokeb:hm10=HM Dive +item.pokeb:tm94=TM Snarl +item.pokeb:tm95=TM Mega Punch +item.pokeb:tm96=TM Razor Wind +item.pokeb:tm97=TM Whirlwind +item.pokeb:tm98=TM Mega Kick +item.pokeb:tm99=TM Horn Drill +item.pokeb:tm100=TM Body Slam +item.pokeb:tm101=TM Take Down +item.pokeb:tm102=TM Double-Edge +item.pokeb:tm103=TM Bubble Beam +item.pokeb:tm104=TM Water Gun +item.pokeb:tm105=TM Pay Day +item.pokeb:tm106=TM Submission +item.pokeb:tm107=TM Counter +item.pokeb:tm108=TM Seismic Toss +item.pokeb:tm109=TM Rage +item.pokeb:tm110=TM Mega Drain +item.pokeb:tm111=TM Dragon Rage +item.pokeb:tm112=TM Fissure +item.pokeb:tm113=TM Teleport +item.pokeb:tm114=TM Mimic +item.pokeb:tm115=TM Bide +item.pokeb:tm116=TM Metronome +item.pokeb:tm117=TM Self-Destruct +item.pokeb:tm118=TM Egg Bomb +item.pokeb:tm119=TM Swift +item.pokeb:tm120=TM Skull Bash +item.pokeb:tm121=TM Soft-Boiled +item.pokeb:tm122=TM Sky Attack +item.pokeb:tm123=TM Psywave +item.pokeb:tm124=TM Tri Attack +item.pokeb:tm125=TM Dynamic Punch +item.pokeb:tm126=TM Headbutt +item.pokeb:tm127=TM Curse +item.pokeb:tm128=TM Rollout +item.pokeb:tm129=TM Zap Cannon +item.pokeb:tm130=TM Sweet Scent +item.pokeb:tm131=TM Snore +item.pokeb:tm132=TM Icy Wind +item.pokeb:tm133=TM Giga Drain +item.pokeb:tm134=TM Endure +item.pokeb:tm135=TM Iron Tail +item.pokeb:tm136=TM Dragon Breath +item.pokeb:tm137=TM Mud-Slap +item.pokeb:tm138=TM Ice Punch +item.pokeb:tm139=TM Sleep Talk +item.pokeb:tm140=TM Defense Curl +item.pokeb:tm141=TM Thunder Punch +item.pokeb:tm142=TM Detect +item.pokeb:tm143=TM Steel Wing +item.pokeb:tm144=TM Fire Punch +item.pokeb:tm145=TM Fury Cutter +item.pokeb:tm146=TM Nightmare +item.pokeb:tm147=TM Focus Punch +item.pokeb:tm148=TM Water Pulse +item.pokeb:tm149=TM Bullet Seed +item.pokeb:tm150=TM Shock Wave +item.pokeb:tm151=TM Secret Power +item.pokeb:tm152=TM Skill Swap +item.pokeb:tm153=TM Snatch +item.pokeb:tm154=TM Roost +item.pokeb:tm155=TM Brine +item.pokeb:tm156=TM Dragon Pulse +item.pokeb:tm157=TM Drain Punch +item.pokeb:tm158=TM Silver Wind +item.pokeb:tm159=TM Recycle +item.pokeb:tm160=TM Avalanche +item.pokeb:tm161=TM Stealth Rock +item.pokeb:tm162=TM Captivate +item.pokeb:tm163=TM Dark Pulse +item.pokeb:tm164=TM Natural Gift +item.pokeb:tm165=TM Infestation +item.pokeb:tm166=TM Nature Power +item.pokeb:tm167=TM Power-Up Punch +item.pokeb:tm168=TM Dazzling Gleam +item.pokeb:tm169=TM Confide +item.pokeb:tm170=TM Aurora Veil +item.pokeb:tm171=TM Brutal Swing +item.pokeb:tm172=TM Smart Strike +item.pokeb:tm173=TM Leech Life +item.pokeb:tm174=TM Pin Missile +item.pokeb:tm175=TM Magical Leaf +item.pokeb:tm176=TM Solar Blade +item.pokeb:tm177=TM Fire Spin +item.pokeb:tm178=TM Screech +item.pokeb:tm179=TM Scary Face +item.pokeb:tm180=TM Charm +item.pokeb:tm181=TM Beat Up +item.pokeb:tm182=TM Helping Hand +item.pokeb:tm183=TM Revenge +item.pokeb:tm184=TM Imprison +item.pokeb:tm185=TM Weather Ball +item.pokeb:tm186=TM Fake Tears +item.pokeb:tm187=TM Sand Tomb +item.pokeb:tm188=TM Icicle Spear +item.pokeb:tm189=TM Bounce +item.pokeb:tm190=TM Mud Shot +item.pokeb:tm191=TM Rock Blast +item.pokeb:tm192=TM Assurance +item.pokeb:tm193=TM Power Swap +item.pokeb:tm194=TM Guard Swap +item.pokeb:tm195=TM Speed Swap +item.pokeb:tm196=TM Thunder Fang +item.pokeb:tm197=TM Ice Fang +item.pokeb:tm198=TM Fire Fang +item.pokeb:tm199=TM Psycho Cut +item.pokeb:tm200=TM Wonder Room +item.pokeb:tm201=TM Magic Room +item.pokeb:tm202=TM Cross Poison +item.pokeb:tm203=TM Hex +item.pokeb:tm204=TM Electroweb +item.pokeb:tm205=TM Razor Shell +item.pokeb:tm206=TM Tail Slap +item.pokeb:tm207=TM Phantom Force +item.pokeb:tm208=TM Draining Kiss +item.pokeb:tm209=TM Grassy Terrain +item.pokeb:tm210=TM Misty Terrain +item.pokeb:tm211=TM Electric Terrain +item.pokeb:tm212=TM Psychic Terrain +item.pokeb:tm213=TM Mystical Fire +item.pokeb:tm214=TM Eerie Impulse +item.pokeb:tm215=TM Air Slash +item.pokeb:tm216=TM Stomping Tantrum +item.pokeb:tm217=TM Breaking Swipe +item.pokeb:tm218=TM Agility +item.pokeb:tm219=TM Acid Spray +item.pokeb:tm220=TM Psybeam +item.pokeb:tm221=TM Confuse Ray +item.pokeb:tm222=TM Disarming Voice +item.pokeb:tm223=TM Trailblaze +item.pokeb:tm224=TM Pounce +item.pokeb:tm225=TM Chilling Water +item.pokeb:tm226=TM Poison Tail +item.pokeb:tm227=TM Metal Claw +item.pokeb:tm228=TM Air Cutter +item.pokeb:tm229=TM Stored Power +item.pokeb:tm230=TM Night Shade +item.pokeb:tm231=TM Snowscape +item.pokeb:tm232=TM Zen Headbutt +item.pokeb:tm233=TM Foul Play +item.pokeb:tm234=TM Psychic Fangs +item.pokeb:tm235=TM Seed Bomb +item.pokeb:tm236=TM Electro Ball +item.pokeb:tm237=TM Body Press +item.pokeb:tm238=TM Spikes +item.pokeb:tm239=TM Toxic Spikes +item.pokeb:tm240=TM Iron Head +item.pokeb:tm241=TM Dragon Dance +item.pokeb:tm242=TM Power Gem +item.pokeb:tm243=TM Gunk Shot +item.pokeb:tm244=TM Iron Defense +item.pokeb:tm245=TM Drill Run +item.pokeb:tm246=TM Crunch +item.pokeb:tm247=TM Trick +item.pokeb:tm248=TM Liquidation +item.pokeb:tm249=TM Aura Sphere +item.pokeb:tm250=TM Hyper Voice +item.pokeb:tm251=TM Heat Wave +item.pokeb:tm252=TM Heavy Slam +item.pokeb:tm253=TM Encore +item.pokeb:tm254=TM Ice Spinner +item.pokeb:tm255=TM Amnesia +item.pokeb:tm256=TM Pollen Puff +item.pokeb:tm257=TM Baton Pass +item.pokeb:tm258=TM Earth Power +item.pokeb:tm259=TM Reversal +item.pokeb:tm260=TM Nasty Plot +item.pokeb:tm261=TM Hydro Pump +item.pokeb:tm262=TM Fire Pledge +item.pokeb:tm263=TM Water Pledge +item.pokeb:tm264=TM Grass Pledge +item.pokeb:tm265=TM Blast Burn +item.pokeb:tm266=TM Hydro Cannon +item.pokeb:tm267=TM Frenzy Plant +item.pokeb:tm268=TM Outrage +item.pokeb:tm269=TM Leaf Storm +item.pokeb:tm270=TM Hurricane +item.pokeb:tm271=TM Bug Buzz +item.pokeb:tm272=TM Brave Bird +item.pokeb:tm273=TM Flare Blitz +item.pokeb:tm274=TM Close Combat +item.pokeb:tm275=TM Draco Meteor +item.pokeb:tm276=TM Steel Beam +item.pokeb:tm277=TM Tera Blast ### Spawn Eggs NPC @@ -8626,8 +8744,9 @@ battle.showdownInterpreter.startMoveDisabled=%s§r§f's %s wurde deaktiviert! battle.showdownInterpreter.startTypeChange=%s§r§f's Typ hat sich zu %s geändert! battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.pokemonDisableEnd=%s§r§f's Move ist nicht mehr deaktiviert! battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.ability=§o§7[%s§r§o§7's %s]!§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(${effect[0]} aktiviert!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(%s aktiviert!)§r§f battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMegaEvolved=%s§r§f Mega-entwikelt sich! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonPrimal=%s§r§f kehrt zu seiner Urform zurück! battle.showdownInterpreter.moveDidNothing=Tat nichts! battle.showdownInterpreter.clearAllBoost=Alle Statuswertänderungen würden entfernt! battle.showdownInterpreter.effectEndedOn=Effekt endete auf %s§r§f @@ -8647,6 +8766,7 @@ battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.pos=%s's %s stieg drastisch! battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.actorSentOut=%s hat %s§r ausgesendet§f! battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.wildAppeared=Ein %s erscheint! battle.showdownInterpreter.changedFormes=%s§r§f hat die Form geändert! +battle.showdownInterpreter.transformed=%s§r§f verwandelte sich in %s! battle.showdownInterpreter.statusEnded=%s endete auf %s! battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDamaged=%s wurde durch %s verletzt! battle.showdownInterpreter.healthLost=§7§o%s§r§7§o verlor %s%% seiner Gesundheit!§r§f @@ -9989,6 +10109,7 @@'s KP ist voll! showdown.default.healreplacement.activate=%s will restore its replacement's HP using its Z-Power! showdown.default.nopp.cant=%s nutzte %s, Aber es gab keine AP mehr für diese Attacke! showdown.default.recharge.cant=%s muss sich aufladen! +showdown.default.charge.start=%s hat angefangen sich aufzuladen! showdown.default.recoil.damage=%s wurde vom Rückstoß verletzt!'s Statuseffekte wurden nicht gesenkt! showdown.default.unboost.failSingular=%s's %s wurde nicht gesenkt! diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 1a9650061..35f810899 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ de bonguri item.pokeb:apricorn_gate=Puerta de valla de bonguri de bonguri de bonguri de bonguri(abajo) de bonguri(arriva) -item.pokeb:apricorn_door=Puerta de bonguri -item.pokeb:apricorn_fence=Valla de bonguri de bonguri de valla de bonguri de bonguri negro de bonguri negro de bonguri azul @@ -126,6 +124,7 @@ item.pokeb:pink_apricorn=Bonguri rosa item.pokeb:red_apricorn=Bonguri rojo item.pokeb:white_apricorn=Bonguri blanco item.pokeb:yellow_apricorn=Bonguri amarillo +item.pokeb:apricorn_door=Puerta de bonguri ## Machines @@ -299,6 +298,10 @@ item.pokeb:cherishball_lid=Tapa de Cherish Ball item.pokeb:mega_ring=Mega-Aro +## Primal Orbs +item.pokeb:red_orb=Prisma Rojo +item.pokeb:blue_orb=Prisma Azul + ## Mega Stones item.pokeb:abomasite=Abomasnowita item.pokeb:absolite=Absolita @@ -458,10 +461,21 @@ item.pokeb:tart-apple=Manzana ácida item.pokeb:sachet=Saquito fragante item.pokeb:sweet-apple=Manzana dulce item.pokeb:cracked-pot=Tetera agrietada -item.pokeb:auspicious-armor=Armadura auspiciosa -item.pokeb:malicious-armor=Armadura maldita +item.pokeb:auspicious_armor=Armadura auspiciosa +item.pokeb:malicious_armor=Armadura maldita item.pokeb:up_grade=Mejora item.pokeb:whipped_dream=Dulce de nata +item.pokeb:peat_block=Bloque de Turba +item.pokeb:adamant_orb=Diamansfera +item.pokeb:fluffy_tail=Cola Skitty + +### Held Power Items +item.pokeb:power_anklet=Franja Recia +item.pokeb:power_band=Banda Recia +item.pokeb:power_belt=Cinto Recio +item.pokeb:power_bracer=Brazal Recio +item.pokeb:power_lens=Lente Recia +item.pokeb:power_weight=Pesa Recia ### Held Training Items item.pokeb:exp_share=Repartir experiencia @@ -590,6 +604,7 @@ item.pokeb:water_stone_shard=Fragmento de piedra agua item.pokeb:raw_aluminum=Aluminio bruto item.pokeb:raw_silicon=Silicio bruto item.pokeb:ruby=Rubí +item.pokeb:crystal=Cristal ## Healing Items ############################### item.pokeb:fullrestore=Restaurar todo @@ -638,6 +653,16 @@ item.pokeb:random_shiny_crate_key=§d§kii§r §c§lRandom Shiny §7Llave§r §d item.pokeb:random_shiny_legendary_crate_key=§d§kii§r §c§lRandom Shiny Legendario §7Llave§r §d§kii§r ## Machines +item.pokeb:hm01=HM Cut +item.pokeb:hm02=HM Fly +item.pokeb:hm03=HM Surf +item.pokeb:hm04=HM Strength +item.pokeb:hm05=HM Defog +item.pokeb:hm06=HM Rock Smash +item.pokeb:hm07=HM Waterfall +item.pokeb:hm08=HM Rock Climb +item.pokeb:hm09=HM Whirlpool +item.pokeb:hm10=HM Dive item.pokeb:tm01=TM Hone Claws item.pokeb:tm02=TM Dragon Claw item.pokeb:tm03=TM Psyshock @@ -726,102 +751,195 @@ item.pokeb:tm85=TM Dream Eater item.pokeb:tm86=TM Grass Knot item.pokeb:tm87=TM Swagger item.pokeb:tm88=TM Pluck -item.pokeb:tm89=TM U-Turn +item.pokeb:tm89=TM U-turn item.pokeb:tm90=TM Substitute item.pokeb:tm91=TM Flash Cannon item.pokeb:tm92=TM Trick Room item.pokeb:tm93=TM Wild Charge -item.pokeb:tm94=TM Rock Smash -item.pokeb:tm95=TM Snarl -item.pokeb:tm96=TM Mega Punch -item.pokeb:tm97=TM Razor Wind -item.pokeb:tm98=TM Whirlwind -item.pokeb:tm99=TM Mega Kick -item.pokeb:tm100=TM Horn Drill -item.pokeb:tm101=TM Body Slam -item.pokeb:tm102=TM Take Down -item.pokeb:tm103=TM Double-Edge -item.pokeb:tm104=TM Bubble Beam -item.pokeb:tm105=TM Water Gun -item.pokeb:tm106=TM Pay Day -item.pokeb:tm107=TM Submission -item.pokeb:tm108=TM Counter -item.pokeb:tm109=TM Seismic Toss -item.pokeb:tm110=TM Rage -item.pokeb:tm111=TM Mega Drain -item.pokeb:tm112=TM Dragon Rage -item.pokeb:tm113=TM Fissure -item.pokeb:tm114=TM Teleport -item.pokeb:tm115=TM Mimic -item.pokeb:tm116=TM Bide -item.pokeb:tm117=TM Metronome -item.pokeb:tm118=TM Self-Destruct -item.pokeb:tm119=TM Egg Bomb -item.pokeb:tm120=TM Swift -item.pokeb:tm121=TM Skull Bash -item.pokeb:tm122=TM Soft-Boiled -item.pokeb:tm123=TM Sky Attack -item.pokeb:tm124=TM Psywave -item.pokeb:tm125=TM Tri Attack -item.pokeb:tm126=TM Dynamic Punch -item.pokeb:tm127=TM Headbutt -item.pokeb:tm128=TM Curse -item.pokeb:tm129=TM Rollout -item.pokeb:tm130=TM Zap Cannon -item.pokeb:tm131=TM Sweet Scent -item.pokeb:tm132=TM Snore -item.pokeb:tm133=TM Icy Wind -item.pokeb:tm134=TM Giga Drain -item.pokeb:tm135=TM Endure -item.pokeb:tm136=TM Iron Tail -item.pokeb:tm137=TM Dragon Breath -item.pokeb:tm138=TM Mud-Slap -item.pokeb:tm139=TM Ice Punch -item.pokeb:tm140=TM Sleep Talk -item.pokeb:tm141=TM Defense Curl -item.pokeb:tm142=TM Thunder Punch -item.pokeb:tm143=TM Detect -item.pokeb:tm144=TM Steel Wing -item.pokeb:tm145=TM Fire Punch -item.pokeb:tm146=TM Fury Cutter -item.pokeb:tm147=TM Nightmare -item.pokeb:tm148=TM Focus Punch -item.pokeb:tm149=TM Water Pulse -item.pokeb:tm150=TM Bullet Seed -item.pokeb:tm151=TM Shock Wave -item.pokeb:tm152=TM Secret Power -item.pokeb:tm153=TM Skill Swap -item.pokeb:tm154=TM Snatch -item.pokeb:tm155=TM Roost -item.pokeb:tm156=TM Brine -item.pokeb:tm157=TM Dragon Pulse -item.pokeb:tm158=TM Drain Punch -item.pokeb:tm159=TM Silver Wind -item.pokeb:tm160=TM Recycle -item.pokeb:tm161=TM Avalanche -item.pokeb:tm162=TM Stealth Rock -item.pokeb:tm163=TM Captivate -item.pokeb:tm164=TM Dark Pulse -item.pokeb:tm165=TM Natural Gift -item.pokeb:tm166=TM Infestation -item.pokeb:tm167=TM Nature Power -item.pokeb:tm168=TM Power-Up Punch -item.pokeb:tm169=TM Dazzling Gleam -item.pokeb:tm170=TM Confide -item.pokeb:tm171=TM Aurora Veil -item.pokeb:tm172=TM Brutal Swing -item.pokeb:tm173=TM Smart Strike -item.pokeb:tm174=TM Leech Life -item.pokeb:hm01=HM Cut -item.pokeb:hm02=HM Fly -item.pokeb:hm03=HM Surf -item.pokeb:hm04=HM Strength -item.pokeb:hm05=HM Defog -item.pokeb:hm06=HM Rock Smash -item.pokeb:hm07=HM Waterfall -item.pokeb:hm08=HM Rock Climb -item.pokeb:hm09=HM Whirlpool -item.pokeb:hm10=HM Dive +item.pokeb:tm94=TM Snarl +item.pokeb:tm95=TM Mega Punch +item.pokeb:tm96=TM Razor Wind +item.pokeb:tm97=TM Whirlwind +item.pokeb:tm98=TM Mega Kick +item.pokeb:tm99=TM Horn Drill +item.pokeb:tm100=TM Body Slam +item.pokeb:tm101=TM Take Down +item.pokeb:tm102=TM Double-Edge +item.pokeb:tm103=TM Bubble Beam +item.pokeb:tm104=TM Water Gun +item.pokeb:tm105=TM Pay Day +item.pokeb:tm106=TM Submission +item.pokeb:tm107=TM Counter +item.pokeb:tm108=TM Seismic Toss +item.pokeb:tm109=TM Rage +item.pokeb:tm110=TM Mega Drain +item.pokeb:tm111=TM Dragon Rage +item.pokeb:tm112=TM Fissure +item.pokeb:tm113=TM Teleport +item.pokeb:tm114=TM Mimic +item.pokeb:tm115=TM Bide +item.pokeb:tm116=TM Metronome +item.pokeb:tm117=TM Self-Destruct +item.pokeb:tm118=TM Egg Bomb +item.pokeb:tm119=TM Swift +item.pokeb:tm120=TM Skull Bash +item.pokeb:tm121=TM Soft-Boiled +item.pokeb:tm122=TM Sky Attack +item.pokeb:tm123=TM Psywave +item.pokeb:tm124=TM Tri Attack +item.pokeb:tm125=TM Dynamic Punch +item.pokeb:tm126=TM Headbutt +item.pokeb:tm127=TM Curse +item.pokeb:tm128=TM Rollout +item.pokeb:tm129=TM Zap Cannon +item.pokeb:tm130=TM Sweet Scent +item.pokeb:tm131=TM Snore +item.pokeb:tm132=TM Icy Wind +item.pokeb:tm133=TM Giga Drain +item.pokeb:tm134=TM Endure +item.pokeb:tm135=TM Iron Tail +item.pokeb:tm136=TM Dragon Breath +item.pokeb:tm137=TM Mud-Slap +item.pokeb:tm138=TM Ice Punch +item.pokeb:tm139=TM Sleep Talk +item.pokeb:tm140=TM Defense Curl +item.pokeb:tm141=TM Thunder Punch +item.pokeb:tm142=TM Detect +item.pokeb:tm143=TM Steel Wing +item.pokeb:tm144=TM Fire Punch +item.pokeb:tm145=TM Fury Cutter +item.pokeb:tm146=TM Nightmare +item.pokeb:tm147=TM Focus Punch +item.pokeb:tm148=TM Water Pulse +item.pokeb:tm149=TM Bullet Seed +item.pokeb:tm150=TM Shock Wave +item.pokeb:tm151=TM Secret Power +item.pokeb:tm152=TM Skill Swap +item.pokeb:tm153=TM Snatch +item.pokeb:tm154=TM Roost +item.pokeb:tm155=TM Brine +item.pokeb:tm156=TM Dragon Pulse +item.pokeb:tm157=TM Drain Punch +item.pokeb:tm158=TM Silver Wind +item.pokeb:tm159=TM Recycle +item.pokeb:tm160=TM Avalanche +item.pokeb:tm161=TM Stealth Rock +item.pokeb:tm162=TM Captivate +item.pokeb:tm163=TM Dark Pulse +item.pokeb:tm164=TM Natural Gift +item.pokeb:tm165=TM Infestation +item.pokeb:tm166=TM Nature Power +item.pokeb:tm167=TM Power-Up Punch +item.pokeb:tm168=TM Dazzling Gleam +item.pokeb:tm169=TM Confide +item.pokeb:tm170=TM Aurora Veil +item.pokeb:tm171=TM Brutal Swing +item.pokeb:tm172=TM Smart Strike +item.pokeb:tm173=TM Leech Life +item.pokeb:tm174=TM Pin Missile +item.pokeb:tm175=TM Magical Leaf +item.pokeb:tm176=TM Solar Blade +item.pokeb:tm177=TM Fire Spin +item.pokeb:tm178=TM Screech +item.pokeb:tm179=TM Scary Face +item.pokeb:tm180=TM Charm +item.pokeb:tm181=TM Beat Up +item.pokeb:tm182=TM Helping Hand +item.pokeb:tm183=TM Revenge +item.pokeb:tm184=TM Imprison +item.pokeb:tm185=TM Weather Ball +item.pokeb:tm186=TM Fake Tears +item.pokeb:tm187=TM Sand Tomb +item.pokeb:tm188=TM Icicle Spear +item.pokeb:tm189=TM Bounce +item.pokeb:tm190=TM Mud Shot +item.pokeb:tm191=TM Rock Blast +item.pokeb:tm192=TM Assurance +item.pokeb:tm193=TM Power Swap +item.pokeb:tm194=TM Guard Swap +item.pokeb:tm195=TM Speed Swap +item.pokeb:tm196=TM Thunder Fang +item.pokeb:tm197=TM Ice Fang +item.pokeb:tm198=TM Fire Fang +item.pokeb:tm199=TM Psycho Cut +item.pokeb:tm200=TM Wonder Room +item.pokeb:tm201=TM Magic Room +item.pokeb:tm202=TM Cross Poison +item.pokeb:tm203=TM Hex +item.pokeb:tm204=TM Electroweb +item.pokeb:tm205=TM Razor Shell +item.pokeb:tm206=TM Tail Slap +item.pokeb:tm207=TM Phantom Force +item.pokeb:tm208=TM Draining Kiss +item.pokeb:tm209=TM Grassy Terrain +item.pokeb:tm210=TM Misty Terrain +item.pokeb:tm211=TM Electric Terrain +item.pokeb:tm212=TM Psychic Terrain +item.pokeb:tm213=TM Mystical Fire +item.pokeb:tm214=TM Eerie Impulse +item.pokeb:tm215=TM Air Slash +item.pokeb:tm216=TM Stomping Tantrum +item.pokeb:tm217=TM Breaking Swipe +item.pokeb:tm218=TM Agility +item.pokeb:tm219=TM Acid Spray +item.pokeb:tm220=TM Psybeam +item.pokeb:tm221=TM Confuse Ray +item.pokeb:tm222=TM Disarming Voice +item.pokeb:tm223=TM Trailblaze +item.pokeb:tm224=TM Pounce +item.pokeb:tm225=TM Chilling Water +item.pokeb:tm226=TM Poison Tail +item.pokeb:tm227=TM Metal Claw +item.pokeb:tm228=TM Air Cutter +item.pokeb:tm229=TM Stored Power +item.pokeb:tm230=TM Night Shade +item.pokeb:tm231=TM Snowscape +item.pokeb:tm232=TM Zen Headbutt +item.pokeb:tm233=TM Foul Play +item.pokeb:tm234=TM Psychic Fangs +item.pokeb:tm235=TM Seed Bomb +item.pokeb:tm236=TM Electro Ball +item.pokeb:tm237=TM Body Press +item.pokeb:tm238=TM Spikes +item.pokeb:tm239=TM Toxic Spikes +item.pokeb:tm240=TM Iron Head +item.pokeb:tm241=TM Dragon Dance +item.pokeb:tm242=TM Power Gem +item.pokeb:tm243=TM Gunk Shot +item.pokeb:tm244=TM Iron Defense +item.pokeb:tm245=TM Drill Run +item.pokeb:tm246=TM Crunch +item.pokeb:tm247=TM Trick +item.pokeb:tm248=TM Liquidation +item.pokeb:tm249=TM Aura Sphere +item.pokeb:tm250=TM Hyper Voice +item.pokeb:tm251=TM Heat Wave +item.pokeb:tm252=TM Heavy Slam +item.pokeb:tm253=TM Encore +item.pokeb:tm254=TM Ice Spinner +item.pokeb:tm255=TM Amnesia +item.pokeb:tm256=TM Pollen Puff +item.pokeb:tm257=TM Baton Pass +item.pokeb:tm258=TM Earth Power +item.pokeb:tm259=TM Reversal +item.pokeb:tm260=TM Nasty Plot +item.pokeb:tm261=TM Hydro Pump +item.pokeb:tm262=TM Fire Pledge +item.pokeb:tm263=TM Water Pledge +item.pokeb:tm264=TM Grass Pledge +item.pokeb:tm265=TM Blast Burn +item.pokeb:tm266=TM Hydro Cannon +item.pokeb:tm267=TM Frenzy Plant +item.pokeb:tm268=TM Outrage +item.pokeb:tm269=TM Leaf Storm +item.pokeb:tm270=TM Hurricane +item.pokeb:tm271=TM Bug Buzz +item.pokeb:tm272=TM Brave Bird +item.pokeb:tm273=TM Flare Blitz +item.pokeb:tm274=TM Close Combat +item.pokeb:tm275=TM Draco Meteor +item.pokeb:tm276=TM Steel Beam +item.pokeb:tm277=TM Tera Blast ### Spawn Eggs del servidor @@ -8607,8 +8725,9 @@ battle.showdownInterpreter.startMoveDisabled=%s§r§f's %s fue deshabilitado! battle.showdownInterpreter.startTypeChange=%s§r§f's typo cambio a %s! battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.pokemonDisableEnd=%s§r§f's moviendo no es mas deshabilitado! battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.ability=§o§7[%s§r§o§7's %s]!§r§f -battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(${effect[0]} activado!)§r§f +battle.showdownInterpreter.activate.default=§7§o(%s activado!)§r§f battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonMegaEvolved=%s§r§f esta megaevolucionando! +battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonPrimal=%s§r§f volvió a su estado primigenio!! battle.showdownInterpreter.moveDidNothing=No hizo nada! battle.showdownInterpreter.clearAllBoost=Todos los cambios en características fueron desechados! battle.showdownInterpreter.effectEndedOn=Efecto termino con %s§r§f @@ -8628,6 +8747,7 @@ battle.showdownInterpreter.boost.pos=%s's %s subió drásticamente! battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.actorSentOut=%s sacó a %s§r§f! battle.showdownInterpreter.switch.wildAppeared=Un %s apareció! battle.showdownInterpreter.changedFormes=%s§r§f Cambió forma! +battle.showdownInterpreter.transformed=%s§r§f se transformó en %s! battle.showdownInterpreter.statusEnded=%s terminó con %s! battle.showdownInterpreter.pokemonDamaged=%s fue herido por %s! battle.showdownInterpreter.healthLost=§7§o%s§r§7§o perdió %s%% de su salud!§r§f @@ -9970,6 +10090,7 @@'s PS está llena! showdown.default.healreplacement.activate=%s restaurará los HP de su reemplazo usando su Z-Power! showdown.default.nopp.cant=%s usó %s, pero ya no quedaba PP para el movimiento! showdown.default.recharge.cant=%s debe recargarse! +showdown.default.charge.start=%s empezó a cargarse! showdown.default.recoil.damage=%s fue dañado por el retroceso! estadísticas de %s no se redujeron! showdown.default.unboost.failSingular=%s's %s no se bajó! From ee5f74bf635ffa2d6b6f3f45cb5adc0d5f49677a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 14:18:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 17/43] HMs + "TM"s --- texts/de_DE.lang | 24 +- texts/es_ES.lang | 574 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 299 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index d5524dd64..a0a32a74c 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -653,16 +653,16 @@ item.pokeb:random_shiny_crate_key=§d§kii§r §c§lZufälliger Schillernder §7 item.pokeb:random_shiny_legendary_crate_key=§d§kii§r §c§lZufälliger Schillernder Legendärer §7Schlüssel§r §d§kii§r ## Machines -item.pokeb:hm01=HM Cut -item.pokeb:hm02=HM Fly -item.pokeb:hm03=HM Surf -item.pokeb:hm04=HM Strength -item.pokeb:hm05=HM Defog -item.pokeb:hm06=HM Rock Smash -item.pokeb:hm07=HM Waterfall -item.pokeb:hm08=HM Rock Climb -item.pokeb:hm09=HM Whirlpool -item.pokeb:hm10=HM Dive +item.pokeb:hm01=VM Zerschneider +item.pokeb:hm02=VM Fliegen +item.pokeb:hm03=VM Surfer +item.pokeb:hm04=VM Stärke +item.pokeb:hm05=VM Auflockern +item.pokeb:hm06=VM Zertrümmerer +item.pokeb:hm07=VM Kaskade +item.pokeb:hm08=VM Kraxler +item.pokeb:hm09=VM Whirlpool +item.pokeb:hm10=VM Taucher ## item.pokeb:tm01=TM Hone Claws item.pokeb:tm02=TM Dragon Claw item.pokeb:tm03=TM Psyshock @@ -11989,7 +11989,7 @@ showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user' showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage, unless the user's Attack and Defense stats are both at stage 6. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if the target is already affected or has a substitute. showdown.moves.curse.start=%s cut its own HP and put a curse on %s! showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s is afflicted by the curse! showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=No additional effect. Lariat showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. @@ -12479,7 +12479,7 @@ showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass ty Trick showdown.moves.flowertrick.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.flowertrick.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit; no accuracy check. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. up on first turn, then strikes the next turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 35f810899..f4b93aa1e 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -653,293 +653,293 @@ item.pokeb:random_shiny_crate_key=§d§kii§r §c§lRandom Shiny §7Llave§r §d item.pokeb:random_shiny_legendary_crate_key=§d§kii§r §c§lRandom Shiny Legendario §7Llave§r §d§kii§r ## Machines -item.pokeb:hm01=HM Cut -item.pokeb:hm02=HM Fly -item.pokeb:hm03=HM Surf -item.pokeb:hm04=HM Strength -item.pokeb:hm05=HM Defog -item.pokeb:hm06=HM Rock Smash -item.pokeb:hm07=HM Waterfall -item.pokeb:hm08=HM Rock Climb -item.pokeb:hm09=HM Whirlpool -item.pokeb:hm10=HM Dive -item.pokeb:tm01=TM Hone Claws -item.pokeb:tm02=TM Dragon Claw -item.pokeb:tm03=TM Psyshock -item.pokeb:tm04=TM Calm Mind -item.pokeb:tm05=TM Roar -item.pokeb:tm06=TM Toxic -item.pokeb:tm07=TM Hail -item.pokeb:tm08=TM Bulk Up -item.pokeb:tm09=TM Venoshock -item.pokeb:tm10=TM Hidden Power -item.pokeb:tm11=TM Sunny Day -item.pokeb:tm12=TM Taunt -item.pokeb:tm13=TM Ice Beam -item.pokeb:tm14=TM Blizzard -item.pokeb:tm15=TM Hyper Beam -item.pokeb:tm16=TM Light Screen -item.pokeb:tm17=TM Protect -item.pokeb:tm18=TM Rain Dance -item.pokeb:tm19=TM Telekinesis -item.pokeb:tm20=TM Safeguard -item.pokeb:tm21=TM Frustration -item.pokeb:tm22=TM Solar Beam -item.pokeb:tm23=TM Smack Down -item.pokeb:tm24=TM Thunderbolt -item.pokeb:tm25=TM Thunder -item.pokeb:tm26=TM Earthquake -item.pokeb:tm27=TM Return -item.pokeb:tm28=TM Dig -item.pokeb:tm29=TM Psychic -item.pokeb:tm30=TM Shadow Ball -item.pokeb:tm31=TM Brick Break -item.pokeb:tm32=TM Double Team -item.pokeb:tm33=TM Reflect -item.pokeb:tm34=TM Sludge Wave -item.pokeb:tm35=TM Flamethrower -item.pokeb:tm36=TM Sludge Bomb -item.pokeb:tm37=TM Sandstorm -item.pokeb:tm38=TM Fire Blast -item.pokeb:tm39=TM Rock Tomb -item.pokeb:tm40=TM Aerial Ace -item.pokeb:tm41=TM Torment -item.pokeb:tm42=TM Facade -item.pokeb:tm43=TM Flame Charge -item.pokeb:tm44=TM Rest -item.pokeb:tm45=TM Attract -item.pokeb:tm46=TM Thief -item.pokeb:tm47=TM Low Sweep -item.pokeb:tm48=TM Round -item.pokeb:tm49=TM Echoed Voice -item.pokeb:tm50=TM Overheat -item.pokeb:tm51=TM Ally Switch -item.pokeb:tm52=TM Focus Blast -item.pokeb:tm53=TM Energy Ball -item.pokeb:tm54=TM False Swipe -item.pokeb:tm55=TM Scald -item.pokeb:tm56=TM Fling -item.pokeb:tm57=TM Charge Beam -item.pokeb:tm58=TM Sky Drop -item.pokeb:tm59=TM Incinerate -item.pokeb:tm60=TM Quash -item.pokeb:tm61=TM Will-O-Wisp -item.pokeb:tm62=TM Acrobatics -item.pokeb:tm63=TM Embargo -item.pokeb:tm64=TM Explosion -item.pokeb:tm65=TM Shadow Claw -item.pokeb:tm66=TM Payback -item.pokeb:tm67=TM Retaliate -item.pokeb:tm68=TM Giga Impact -item.pokeb:tm69=TM Rock Polish -item.pokeb:tm70=TM Flash -item.pokeb:tm71=TM Stone Edge -item.pokeb:tm72=TM Volt Switch -item.pokeb:tm73=TM Thunder Wave -item.pokeb:tm74=TM Gyro Ball -item.pokeb:tm75=TM Swords Dance -item.pokeb:tm76=TM Struggle Bug -item.pokeb:tm77=TM Psych Up -item.pokeb:tm78=TM Bulldoze -item.pokeb:tm79=TM Frost Breath -item.pokeb:tm80=TM Rock Slide -item.pokeb:tm81=TM X-Scissor -item.pokeb:tm82=TM Dragon Tail -item.pokeb:tm83=TM Work Up -item.pokeb:tm84=TM Poison Jab -item.pokeb:tm85=TM Dream Eater -item.pokeb:tm86=TM Grass Knot -item.pokeb:tm87=TM Swagger -item.pokeb:tm88=TM Pluck -item.pokeb:tm89=TM U-turn -item.pokeb:tm90=TM Substitute -item.pokeb:tm91=TM Flash Cannon -item.pokeb:tm92=TM Trick Room -item.pokeb:tm93=TM Wild Charge -item.pokeb:tm94=TM Snarl -item.pokeb:tm95=TM Mega Punch -item.pokeb:tm96=TM Razor Wind -item.pokeb:tm97=TM Whirlwind -item.pokeb:tm98=TM Mega Kick -item.pokeb:tm99=TM Horn Drill -item.pokeb:tm100=TM Body Slam -item.pokeb:tm101=TM Take Down -item.pokeb:tm102=TM Double-Edge -item.pokeb:tm103=TM Bubble Beam -item.pokeb:tm104=TM Water Gun -item.pokeb:tm105=TM Pay Day -item.pokeb:tm106=TM Submission -item.pokeb:tm107=TM Counter -item.pokeb:tm108=TM Seismic Toss -item.pokeb:tm109=TM Rage -item.pokeb:tm110=TM Mega Drain -item.pokeb:tm111=TM Dragon Rage -item.pokeb:tm112=TM Fissure -item.pokeb:tm113=TM Teleport -item.pokeb:tm114=TM Mimic -item.pokeb:tm115=TM Bide -item.pokeb:tm116=TM Metronome -item.pokeb:tm117=TM Self-Destruct -item.pokeb:tm118=TM Egg Bomb -item.pokeb:tm119=TM Swift -item.pokeb:tm120=TM Skull Bash -item.pokeb:tm121=TM Soft-Boiled -item.pokeb:tm122=TM Sky Attack -item.pokeb:tm123=TM Psywave -item.pokeb:tm124=TM Tri Attack -item.pokeb:tm125=TM Dynamic Punch -item.pokeb:tm126=TM Headbutt -item.pokeb:tm127=TM Curse -item.pokeb:tm128=TM Rollout -item.pokeb:tm129=TM Zap Cannon -item.pokeb:tm130=TM Sweet Scent -item.pokeb:tm131=TM Snore -item.pokeb:tm132=TM Icy Wind -item.pokeb:tm133=TM Giga Drain -item.pokeb:tm134=TM Endure -item.pokeb:tm135=TM Iron Tail -item.pokeb:tm136=TM Dragon Breath -item.pokeb:tm137=TM Mud-Slap -item.pokeb:tm138=TM Ice Punch -item.pokeb:tm139=TM Sleep Talk -item.pokeb:tm140=TM Defense Curl -item.pokeb:tm141=TM Thunder Punch -item.pokeb:tm142=TM Detect -item.pokeb:tm143=TM Steel Wing -item.pokeb:tm144=TM Fire Punch -item.pokeb:tm145=TM Fury Cutter -item.pokeb:tm146=TM Nightmare -item.pokeb:tm147=TM Focus Punch -item.pokeb:tm148=TM Water Pulse -item.pokeb:tm149=TM Bullet Seed -item.pokeb:tm150=TM Shock Wave -item.pokeb:tm151=TM Secret Power -item.pokeb:tm152=TM Skill Swap -item.pokeb:tm153=TM Snatch -item.pokeb:tm154=TM Roost -item.pokeb:tm155=TM Brine -item.pokeb:tm156=TM Dragon Pulse -item.pokeb:tm157=TM Drain Punch -item.pokeb:tm158=TM Silver Wind -item.pokeb:tm159=TM Recycle -item.pokeb:tm160=TM Avalanche -item.pokeb:tm161=TM Stealth Rock -item.pokeb:tm162=TM Captivate -item.pokeb:tm163=TM Dark Pulse -item.pokeb:tm164=TM Natural Gift -item.pokeb:tm165=TM Infestation -item.pokeb:tm166=TM Nature Power -item.pokeb:tm167=TM Power-Up Punch -item.pokeb:tm168=TM Dazzling Gleam -item.pokeb:tm169=TM Confide -item.pokeb:tm170=TM Aurora Veil -item.pokeb:tm171=TM Brutal Swing -item.pokeb:tm172=TM Smart Strike -item.pokeb:tm173=TM Leech Life -item.pokeb:tm174=TM Pin Missile -item.pokeb:tm175=TM Magical Leaf -item.pokeb:tm176=TM Solar Blade -item.pokeb:tm177=TM Fire Spin -item.pokeb:tm178=TM Screech -item.pokeb:tm179=TM Scary Face -item.pokeb:tm180=TM Charm -item.pokeb:tm181=TM Beat Up -item.pokeb:tm182=TM Helping Hand -item.pokeb:tm183=TM Revenge -item.pokeb:tm184=TM Imprison -item.pokeb:tm185=TM Weather Ball -item.pokeb:tm186=TM Fake Tears -item.pokeb:tm187=TM Sand Tomb -item.pokeb:tm188=TM Icicle Spear -item.pokeb:tm189=TM Bounce -item.pokeb:tm190=TM Mud Shot -item.pokeb:tm191=TM Rock Blast -item.pokeb:tm192=TM Assurance -item.pokeb:tm193=TM Power Swap -item.pokeb:tm194=TM Guard Swap -item.pokeb:tm195=TM Speed Swap -item.pokeb:tm196=TM Thunder Fang -item.pokeb:tm197=TM Ice Fang -item.pokeb:tm198=TM Fire Fang -item.pokeb:tm199=TM Psycho Cut -item.pokeb:tm200=TM Wonder Room -item.pokeb:tm201=TM Magic Room -item.pokeb:tm202=TM Cross Poison -item.pokeb:tm203=TM Hex -item.pokeb:tm204=TM Electroweb -item.pokeb:tm205=TM Razor Shell -item.pokeb:tm206=TM Tail Slap -item.pokeb:tm207=TM Phantom Force -item.pokeb:tm208=TM Draining Kiss -item.pokeb:tm209=TM Grassy Terrain -item.pokeb:tm210=TM Misty Terrain -item.pokeb:tm211=TM Electric Terrain -item.pokeb:tm212=TM Psychic Terrain -item.pokeb:tm213=TM Mystical Fire -item.pokeb:tm214=TM Eerie Impulse -item.pokeb:tm215=TM Air Slash -item.pokeb:tm216=TM Stomping Tantrum -item.pokeb:tm217=TM Breaking Swipe -item.pokeb:tm218=TM Agility -item.pokeb:tm219=TM Acid Spray -item.pokeb:tm220=TM Psybeam -item.pokeb:tm221=TM Confuse Ray -item.pokeb:tm222=TM Disarming Voice -item.pokeb:tm223=TM Trailblaze -item.pokeb:tm224=TM Pounce -item.pokeb:tm225=TM Chilling Water -item.pokeb:tm226=TM Poison Tail -item.pokeb:tm227=TM Metal Claw -item.pokeb:tm228=TM Air Cutter -item.pokeb:tm229=TM Stored Power -item.pokeb:tm230=TM Night Shade -item.pokeb:tm231=TM Snowscape -item.pokeb:tm232=TM Zen Headbutt -item.pokeb:tm233=TM Foul Play -item.pokeb:tm234=TM Psychic Fangs -item.pokeb:tm235=TM Seed Bomb -item.pokeb:tm236=TM Electro Ball -item.pokeb:tm237=TM Body Press -item.pokeb:tm238=TM Spikes -item.pokeb:tm239=TM Toxic Spikes -item.pokeb:tm240=TM Iron Head -item.pokeb:tm241=TM Dragon Dance -item.pokeb:tm242=TM Power Gem -item.pokeb:tm243=TM Gunk Shot -item.pokeb:tm244=TM Iron Defense -item.pokeb:tm245=TM Drill Run -item.pokeb:tm246=TM Crunch -item.pokeb:tm247=TM Trick -item.pokeb:tm248=TM Liquidation -item.pokeb:tm249=TM Aura Sphere -item.pokeb:tm250=TM Hyper Voice -item.pokeb:tm251=TM Heat Wave -item.pokeb:tm252=TM Heavy Slam -item.pokeb:tm253=TM Encore -item.pokeb:tm254=TM Ice Spinner -item.pokeb:tm255=TM Amnesia -item.pokeb:tm256=TM Pollen Puff -item.pokeb:tm257=TM Baton Pass -item.pokeb:tm258=TM Earth Power -item.pokeb:tm259=TM Reversal -item.pokeb:tm260=TM Nasty Plot -item.pokeb:tm261=TM Hydro Pump -item.pokeb:tm262=TM Fire Pledge -item.pokeb:tm263=TM Water Pledge -item.pokeb:tm264=TM Grass Pledge -item.pokeb:tm265=TM Blast Burn -item.pokeb:tm266=TM Hydro Cannon -item.pokeb:tm267=TM Frenzy Plant -item.pokeb:tm268=TM Outrage -item.pokeb:tm269=TM Leaf Storm -item.pokeb:tm270=TM Hurricane -item.pokeb:tm271=TM Bug Buzz -item.pokeb:tm272=TM Brave Bird -item.pokeb:tm273=TM Flare Blitz -item.pokeb:tm274=TM Close Combat -item.pokeb:tm275=TM Draco Meteor -item.pokeb:tm276=TM Steel Beam -item.pokeb:tm277=TM Tera Blast +item.pokeb:hm01=MO Corte +item.pokeb:hm02=MO Vuelo +item.pokeb:hm03=MO Surf +item.pokeb:hm04=MO Fuerza +item.pokeb:hm05=MO Despejar +item.pokeb:hm06=MO Golpe Roca +item.pokeb:hm07=MO Cascada +item.pokeb:hm08=MO Treparrocas +item.pokeb:hm09=MO Torbellino +item.pokeb:hm10=MO Buceo ## +item.pokeb:tm01=MT Hone Claws +item.pokeb:tm02=MT Dragon Claw +item.pokeb:tm03=MT Psyshock +item.pokeb:tm04=MT Calm Mind +item.pokeb:tm05=MT Roar +item.pokeb:tm06=MT Toxic +item.pokeb:tm07=MT Hail +item.pokeb:tm08=MT Bulk Up +item.pokeb:tm09=MT Venoshock +item.pokeb:tm10=MT Hidden Power +item.pokeb:tm11=MT Sunny Day +item.pokeb:tm12=MT Taunt +item.pokeb:tm13=MT Ice Beam +item.pokeb:tm14=MT Blizzard +item.pokeb:tm15=MT Hyper Beam +item.pokeb:tm16=MT Light Screen +item.pokeb:tm17=MT Protect +item.pokeb:tm18=MT Rain Dance +item.pokeb:tm19=MT Telekinesis +item.pokeb:tm20=MT Safeguard +item.pokeb:tm21=MT Frustration +item.pokeb:tm22=MT Solar Beam +item.pokeb:tm23=MT Smack Down +item.pokeb:tm24=MT Thunderbolt +item.pokeb:tm25=MT Thunder +item.pokeb:tm26=MT Earthquake +item.pokeb:tm27=MT Return +item.pokeb:tm28=MT Dig +item.pokeb:tm29=MT Psychic +item.pokeb:tm30=MT Shadow Ball +item.pokeb:tm31=MT Brick Break +item.pokeb:tm32=MT Double Team +item.pokeb:tm33=MT Reflect +item.pokeb:tm34=MT Sludge Wave +item.pokeb:tm35=MT Flamethrower +item.pokeb:tm36=MT Sludge Bomb +item.pokeb:tm37=MT Sandstorm +item.pokeb:tm38=MT Fire Blast +item.pokeb:tm39=MT Rock Tomb +item.pokeb:tm40=MT Aerial Ace +item.pokeb:tm41=MT Torment +item.pokeb:tm42=MT Facade +item.pokeb:tm43=MT Flame Charge +item.pokeb:tm44=MT Rest +item.pokeb:tm45=MT Attract +item.pokeb:tm46=MT Thief +item.pokeb:tm47=MT Low Sweep +item.pokeb:tm48=MT Round +item.pokeb:tm49=MT Echoed Voice +item.pokeb:tm50=MT Overheat +item.pokeb:tm51=MT Ally Switch +item.pokeb:tm52=MT Focus Blast +item.pokeb:tm53=MT Energy Ball +item.pokeb:tm54=MT False Swipe +item.pokeb:tm55=MT Scald +item.pokeb:tm56=MT Fling +item.pokeb:tm57=MT Charge Beam +item.pokeb:tm58=MT Sky Drop +item.pokeb:tm59=MT Incinerate +item.pokeb:tm60=MT Quash +item.pokeb:tm61=MT Will-O-Wisp +item.pokeb:tm62=MT Acrobatics +item.pokeb:tm63=MT Embargo +item.pokeb:tm64=MT Explosion +item.pokeb:tm65=MT Shadow Claw +item.pokeb:tm66=MT Payback +item.pokeb:tm67=MT Retaliate +item.pokeb:tm68=MT Giga Impact +item.pokeb:tm69=MT Rock Polish +item.pokeb:tm70=MT Flash +item.pokeb:tm71=MT Stone Edge +item.pokeb:tm72=MT Volt Switch +item.pokeb:tm73=MT Thunder Wave +item.pokeb:tm74=MT Gyro Ball +item.pokeb:tm75=MT Swords Dance +item.pokeb:tm76=MT Struggle Bug +item.pokeb:tm77=MT Psych Up +item.pokeb:tm78=MT Bulldoze +item.pokeb:tm79=MT Frost Breath +item.pokeb:tm80=MT Rock Slide +item.pokeb:tm81=MT X-Scissor +item.pokeb:tm82=MT Dragon Tail +item.pokeb:tm83=MT Work Up +item.pokeb:tm84=MT Poison Jab +item.pokeb:tm85=MT Dream Eater +item.pokeb:tm86=MT Grass Knot +item.pokeb:tm87=MT Swagger +item.pokeb:tm88=MT Pluck +item.pokeb:tm89=MT U-turn +item.pokeb:tm90=MT Substitute +item.pokeb:tm91=MT Flash Cannon +item.pokeb:tm92=MT Trick Room +item.pokeb:tm93=MT Wild Charge +item.pokeb:tm94=MT Snarl +item.pokeb:tm95=MT Mega Punch +item.pokeb:tm96=MT Razor Wind +item.pokeb:tm97=MT Whirlwind +item.pokeb:tm98=MT Mega Kick +item.pokeb:tm99=MT Horn Drill +item.pokeb:tm100=MT Body Slam +item.pokeb:tm101=MT Take Down +item.pokeb:tm102=MT Double-Edge +item.pokeb:tm103=MT Bubble Beam +item.pokeb:tm104=MT Water Gun +item.pokeb:tm105=MT Pay Day +item.pokeb:tm106=MT Submission +item.pokeb:tm107=MT Counter +item.pokeb:tm108=MT Seismic Toss +item.pokeb:tm109=MT Rage +item.pokeb:tm110=MT Mega Drain +item.pokeb:tm111=MT Dragon Rage +item.pokeb:tm112=MT Fissure +item.pokeb:tm113=MT Teleport +item.pokeb:tm114=MT Mimic +item.pokeb:tm115=MT Bide +item.pokeb:tm116=MT Metronome +item.pokeb:tm117=MT Self-Destruct +item.pokeb:tm118=MT Egg Bomb +item.pokeb:tm119=MT Swift +item.pokeb:tm120=MT Skull Bash +item.pokeb:tm121=MT Soft-Boiled +item.pokeb:tm122=MT Sky Attack +item.pokeb:tm123=MT Psywave +item.pokeb:tm124=MT Tri Attack +item.pokeb:tm125=MT Dynamic Punch +item.pokeb:tm126=MT Headbutt +item.pokeb:tm127=MT Curse +item.pokeb:tm128=MT Rollout +item.pokeb:tm129=MT Zap Cannon +item.pokeb:tm130=MT Sweet Scent +item.pokeb:tm131=MT Snore +item.pokeb:tm132=MT Icy Wind +item.pokeb:tm133=MT Giga Drain +item.pokeb:tm134=MT Endure +item.pokeb:tm135=MT Iron Tail +item.pokeb:tm136=MT Dragon Breath +item.pokeb:tm137=MT Mud-Slap +item.pokeb:tm138=MT Ice Punch +item.pokeb:tm139=MT Sleep Talk +item.pokeb:tm140=MT Defense Curl +item.pokeb:tm141=MT Thunder Punch +item.pokeb:tm142=MT Detect +item.pokeb:tm143=MT Steel Wing +item.pokeb:tm144=MT Fire Punch +item.pokeb:tm145=MT Fury Cutter +item.pokeb:tm146=MT Nightmare +item.pokeb:tm147=MT Focus Punch +item.pokeb:tm148=MT Water Pulse +item.pokeb:tm149=MT Bullet Seed +item.pokeb:tm150=MT Shock Wave +item.pokeb:tm151=MT Secret Power +item.pokeb:tm152=MT Skill Swap +item.pokeb:tm153=MT Snatch +item.pokeb:tm154=MT Roost +item.pokeb:tm155=MT Brine +item.pokeb:tm156=MT Dragon Pulse +item.pokeb:tm157=MT Drain Punch +item.pokeb:tm158=MT Silver Wind +item.pokeb:tm159=MT Recycle +item.pokeb:tm160=MT Avalanche +item.pokeb:tm161=MT Stealth Rock +item.pokeb:tm162=MT Captivate +item.pokeb:tm163=MT Dark Pulse +item.pokeb:tm164=MT Natural Gift +item.pokeb:tm165=MT Infestation +item.pokeb:tm166=MT Nature Power +item.pokeb:tm167=MT Power-Up Punch +item.pokeb:tm168=MT Dazzling Gleam +item.pokeb:tm169=MT Confide +item.pokeb:tm170=MT Aurora Veil +item.pokeb:tm171=MT Brutal Swing +item.pokeb:tm172=MT Smart Strike +item.pokeb:tm173=MT Leech Life +item.pokeb:tm174=MT Pin Missile +item.pokeb:tm175=MT Magical Leaf +item.pokeb:tm176=MT Solar Blade +item.pokeb:tm177=MT Fire Spin +item.pokeb:tm178=MT Screech +item.pokeb:tm179=MT Scary Face +item.pokeb:tm180=MT Charm +item.pokeb:tm181=MT Beat Up +item.pokeb:tm182=MT Helping Hand +item.pokeb:tm183=MT Revenge +item.pokeb:tm184=MT Imprison +item.pokeb:tm185=MT Weather Ball +item.pokeb:tm186=MT Fake Tears +item.pokeb:tm187=MT Sand Tomb +item.pokeb:tm188=MT Icicle Spear +item.pokeb:tm189=MT Bounce +item.pokeb:tm190=MT Mud Shot +item.pokeb:tm191=MT Rock Blast +item.pokeb:tm192=MT Assurance +item.pokeb:tm193=MT Power Swap +item.pokeb:tm194=MT Guard Swap +item.pokeb:tm195=MT Speed Swap +item.pokeb:tm196=MT Thunder Fang +item.pokeb:tm197=MT Ice Fang +item.pokeb:tm198=MT Fire Fang +item.pokeb:tm199=MT Psycho Cut +item.pokeb:tm200=MT Wonder Room +item.pokeb:tm201=MT Magic Room +item.pokeb:tm202=MT Cross Poison +item.pokeb:tm203=MT Hex +item.pokeb:tm204=MT Electroweb +item.pokeb:tm205=MT Razor Shell +item.pokeb:tm206=MT Tail Slap +item.pokeb:tm207=MT Phantom Force +item.pokeb:tm208=MT Draining Kiss +item.pokeb:tm209=MT Grassy Terrain +item.pokeb:tm210=MT Misty Terrain +item.pokeb:tm211=MT Electric Terrain +item.pokeb:tm212=MT Psychic Terrain +item.pokeb:tm213=MT Mystical Fire +item.pokeb:tm214=MT Eerie Impulse +item.pokeb:tm215=MT Air Slash +item.pokeb:tm216=MT Stomping Tantrum +item.pokeb:tm217=MT Breaking Swipe +item.pokeb:tm218=MT Agility +item.pokeb:tm219=MT Acid Spray +item.pokeb:tm220=MT Psybeam +item.pokeb:tm221=MT Confuse Ray +item.pokeb:tm222=MT Disarming Voice +item.pokeb:tm223=MT Trailblaze +item.pokeb:tm224=MT Pounce +item.pokeb:tm225=MT Chilling Water +item.pokeb:tm226=MT Poison Tail +item.pokeb:tm227=MT Metal Claw +item.pokeb:tm228=MT Air Cutter +item.pokeb:tm229=MT Stored Power +item.pokeb:tm230=MT Night Shade +item.pokeb:tm231=MT Snowscape +item.pokeb:tm232=MT Zen Headbutt +item.pokeb:tm233=MT Foul Play +item.pokeb:tm234=MT Psychic Fangs +item.pokeb:tm235=MT Seed Bomb +item.pokeb:tm236=MT Electro Ball +item.pokeb:tm237=MT Body Press +item.pokeb:tm238=MT Spikes +item.pokeb:tm239=MT Toxic Spikes +item.pokeb:tm240=MT Iron Head +item.pokeb:tm241=MT Dragon Dance +item.pokeb:tm242=MT Power Gem +item.pokeb:tm243=MT Gunk Shot +item.pokeb:tm244=MT Iron Defense +item.pokeb:tm245=MT Drill Run +item.pokeb:tm246=MT Crunch +item.pokeb:tm247=MT Trick +item.pokeb:tm248=MT Liquidation +item.pokeb:tm249=MT Aura Sphere +item.pokeb:tm250=MT Hyper Voice +item.pokeb:tm251=MT Heat Wave +item.pokeb:tm252=MT Heavy Slam +item.pokeb:tm253=MT Encore +item.pokeb:tm254=MT Ice Spinner +item.pokeb:tm255=MT Amnesia +item.pokeb:tm256=MT Pollen Puff +item.pokeb:tm257=MT Baton Pass +item.pokeb:tm258=MT Earth Power +item.pokeb:tm259=MT Reversal +item.pokeb:tm260=MT Nasty Plot +item.pokeb:tm261=MT Hydro Pump +item.pokeb:tm262=MT Fire Pledge +item.pokeb:tm263=MT Water Pledge +item.pokeb:tm264=MT Grass Pledge +item.pokeb:tm265=MT Blast Burn +item.pokeb:tm266=MT Hydro Cannon +item.pokeb:tm267=MT Frenzy Plant +item.pokeb:tm268=MT Outrage +item.pokeb:tm269=MT Leaf Storm +item.pokeb:tm270=MT Hurricane +item.pokeb:tm271=MT Bug Buzz +item.pokeb:tm272=MT Brave Bird +item.pokeb:tm273=MT Flare Blitz +item.pokeb:tm274=MT Close Combat +item.pokeb:tm275=MT Draco Meteor +item.pokeb:tm276=MT Steel Beam +item.pokeb:tm277=MT Tera Blast ### Spawn Eggs del servidor From 6854952f19dcd6d5dfa3351a9387a60918a1a94d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 25 May 2024 11:59:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 18/43] Type normal moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 386 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 400 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 393 insertions(+), 393 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index a0a32a74c..ffff8fe22 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11387,7 +11387,7 @@ showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special De showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. showdown.moves.acrobatics.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user has no held item. showdown.moves.acupressure.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an adjacent ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if used on an ally with a substitute. showdown.moves.acupressure.shortDesc=Raises a random stat of the user or an ally by 2. showdown.moves.acupressure.gen4.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if the user or ally has a substitute. @@ -11396,7 +11396,7 @@ showdown.moves.aerialace.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.aeroblast.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.aeroblast.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. You showdown.moves.afteryou.desc=The target makes its move immediately after the user this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target would have moved next anyway, or if the target already moved this turn. showdown.moves.afteryou.shortDesc=The target makes its move right after the user. showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s took the kind offer! @@ -11465,7 +11465,7 @@ showdown.moves.aromatherapy.activate=A soothing aroma wafted through the area! Mist showdown.moves.aromaticmist.desc=Raises the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.aromaticmist.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.assist.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. showdown.moves.assist.shortDesc=Uses a random move known by a team member. showdown.moves.assist.gen8.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. @@ -11488,7 +11488,7 @@ showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Order showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. showdown.moves.attract.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. showdown.moves.attract.shortDesc=A target of the opposite gender gets infatuated. showdown.moves.attract.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. @@ -11542,7 +11542,7 @@ showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks m Barrage showdown.moves.barbbarrage.desc=Has a 50% chance to poison the target. Power doubles if the target is already poisoned. showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50% psn. 2x power if target already poisoned. showdown.moves.barrage.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -11551,7 +11551,7 @@ showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit showdown.moves.barrier.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Pass showdown.moves.batonpass.desc=The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party. The selected Pokemon has the user's stat stage changes, confusion, and certain move effects transferred to it. showdown.moves.batonpass.shortDesc=User switches, passing stat changes and more. Blast @@ -11574,17 +11574,17 @@ showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dyna showdown.moves.belch.desc=This move cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry, either by eating one that was held, stealing and eating one off another Pokemon with Bug Bite or Pluck, or eating one that was thrown at it with Fling. Once the condition is met, this move can be selected and used for the rest of the battle even if the user gains or uses another item or switches out. Consuming a Berry with Natural Gift does not count for the purposes of eating one. showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=Cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry. Drum showdown.moves.bellydrum.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 12 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack stat stage is 6. showdown.moves.bellydrum.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Maximizes Attack. showdown.moves.bellydrum.boost=%s cut its own HP and maximized its Attack! showdown.moves.bestow.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. showdown.moves.bestow.shortDesc=User passes its held item to the target. showdown.moves.bestow.gen6.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. showdown.moves.bestow.gen5.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. showdown.moves.bestow.takeItem=%s gave %s its %s! showdown.moves.bide.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and does not ignore type immunity. showdown.moves.bide.shortDesc=Waits 2 turns; deals double the damage taken. showdown.moves.bide.gen4.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and ignores type immunity. @@ -11595,7 +11595,7 @@ showdown.moves.bide.gen1.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into thi showdown.moves.bide.start=%s is storing energy! showdown.moves.bide.end=%s unleashed its energy! showdown.moves.bide.activate=%s is storing energy! showdown.moves.bind.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.bind.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.bind.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -11641,7 +11641,7 @@ showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss i showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). showdown.moves.blizzard.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target.ückentzug showdown.moves.block.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.block.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.block.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. @@ -11656,7 +11656,7 @@ showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20% chance to burn the target. Press showdown.moves.bodypress.desc=Damage is calculated using the user's Defense stat as its Attack, including stat stage changes. Other effects that modify the Attack stat are used as normal. showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Uses user's Def stat as Atk in damage calculation. Slam showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.bodyslam.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -11680,7 +11680,7 @@ showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits.Überschallknall showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. @@ -11704,7 +11704,7 @@ showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Swipe showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Blitz showdown.moves.breakneckblitz.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Break showdown.moves.brickbreak.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. @@ -11767,7 +11767,7 @@ showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the foe. Mind showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.camouflage.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. showdown.moves.camouflage.shortDesc=Changes user's type by terrain (default Normal). showdown.moves.camouflage.gen6.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Grass type during Grassy Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. @@ -11776,7 +11776,7 @@ showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. ( showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the user has the Multitype Ability or if the type is one of the user's current types. showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. (Normal) showdown.moves.camouflage.gen3.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the type is one of the user's current types. showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. The target is unaffected if both the user and the target are the same gender, or if either is genderless. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. @@ -11784,7 +11784,7 @@ showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=No additional effect. Edge showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing side. showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.celebrate.activate=Congratulations, %s! @@ -11815,7 +11815,7 @@ Reception showdown.moves.chillyreception.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. The user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.chillyreception.shortDesc=Starts Snow. User switches out. showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s is preparing to tell a chillingly bad joke! Awayürben showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. @@ -11864,7 +11864,7 @@ showdown.moves.collisioncourse.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffectiv Torque showdown.moves.combattorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Punch showdown.moves.cometpunch.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -11873,7 +11873,7 @@ showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. showdown.moves.confide.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Ray @@ -11882,14 +11882,14 @@ showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confuses the target. showdown.moves.confusion.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.confusion.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.constrict.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.constrict.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Crush showdown.moves.continentalcrush.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.conversion.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of the move in its first move slot. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if the type is one of the user's current types. showdown.moves.conversion.shortDesc=Changes user's type to match its first move. showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides this move, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. @@ -11899,7 +11899,7 @@ showdown.moves.conversion.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match the origina showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. showdown.moves.conversion.typeChange=Converted type to %s's! 2 2 showdown.moves.conversion2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the target, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. showdown.moves.conversion2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist target's last move. showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, if the user has the Multitype Ability, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. @@ -11907,7 +11907,7 @@ showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.shortDesc=User's type changes to resist last mov showdown.moves.conversion2.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type, but considers Struggle as Normal. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the opposing Pokemon, even if it is one of the user's current types. The original type of the move is used rather than the determined type. Fails if the opposing Pokemon has not used a move. showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist the foe's last move. showdown.moves.copycat.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. showdown.moves.copycat.shortDesc=Uses the last move used in the battle. showdown.moves.copycat.gen8.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. The base move of Max and G-Max Moves is considered for this purpose. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. @@ -11945,11 +11945,11 @@ showdown.moves.counter.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hi showdown.moves.counter.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a physical attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. If the opposing Pokemon used Fissure or Horn Drill and missed, this move deals 65535 damage. showdown.moves.counter.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the damage dealt by the last move used in the battle. This move ignores type immunity. Fails if the user moves first, or if the opposing side's last move was Counter, had 0 power, or was not Normal or Fighting type. Fails if the last move used by either side did 0 damage and was not Confuse Ray, Conversion, Focus Energy, Glare, Haze, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mimic, Mist, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Splash, Stun Spore, Substitute, Supersonic, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Transform. showdown.moves.counter.gen1.shortDesc=If hit by Normal/Fighting move, deals 2x damage. Change showdown.moves.courtchange.desc=Switches the Mist, Light Screen, Reflect, Spikes, Safeguard, Tailwind, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Water Pledge, Fire Pledge, Grass Pledge, Sticky Web, Aurora Veil, G-Max Steelsurge, G-Max Cannonade, G-Max Vine Lash, and G-Max Wildfire effects from the user's side to the opposing side and vice versa. showdown.moves.courtchange.shortDesc=Swaps user's field effects with the opposing side. showdown.moves.courtchange.activate=%s swapped the battle effects affecting each side of the field! showdown.moves.covet.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.covet.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. showdown.moves.covet.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. @@ -11975,10 +11975,10 @@ showdown.moves.crunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 s showdown.moves.crunch.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Claw showdown.moves.crushclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.crushclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Grip showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. @@ -12013,7 +12013,7 @@ showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. Order showdown.moves.defendorder.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.defendorder.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Curl showdown.moves.defensecurl.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. As long as the user remains active, the power of the user's Ice Ball and Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). showdown.moves.defensecurl.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen2.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. While the user remains active, the power of the user's Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. @@ -12061,7 +12061,7 @@ showdown.moves.dig.prepare=%s burrowed its way under the ground! Claw showdown.moves.direclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to cause the target to either fall asleep, become poisoned, or become paralyzed. showdown.moves.direclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to sleep, poison, or paralyze target. showdown.moves.disable.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Max or G-Max Move. showdown.moves.disable.shortDesc=For 4 turns, disables the target's last move used. showdown.moves.disable.gen7.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Z-Move. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. @@ -12089,12 +12089,12 @@ showdown.moves.dive.shortDesc=Dives underwater turn 1, strikes turn 2. showdown.moves.dive.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.dive.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. showdown.moves.dive.prepare=%s hid underwater! Punch showdown.moves.dizzypunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.dizzypunch.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.doodle.desc=The user and its ally's Abilities change to match the target's Ability. Does not change Ability if the user's or its ally's is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target. Fails if both the user and its ally's Ability already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=User and ally's Abilities become target's Ability. Desire @@ -12103,7 +12103,7 @@ showdown.moves.doomdesire.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. showdown.moves.doomdesire.start=%s chose Doom Desire as its destiny! showdown.moves.doomdesire.activate=%s took the Doom Desire attack! showdown.moves.doubleedge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.doubleedge.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -12111,7 +12111,7 @@ showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. Hit showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -12128,13 +12128,13 @@ Shock showdown.moves.doubleshock.desc=Fails unless the user is an Electric type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Electric type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. showdown.moves.doubleshock.shortDesc=User's Electric type: typeless; must be Electric. showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=%s used up all of its electricity! Slap showdown.moves.doubleslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.doubleslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Team showdown.moves.doubleteam.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. Meteor @@ -12215,7 +12215,7 @@ showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles on Dig. Voice showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=For every consecutive turn that this move is used by at least one Pokemon, this move's power is multiplied by the number of turns to pass, but not more than 5. showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Power increases when used on consecutive turns. Impulse @@ -12225,7 +12225,7 @@ Spell showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the target loses 3 PP from its last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! Bomb showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. Terrain showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. @@ -12253,7 +12253,7 @@ showdown.moves.embargo.end=%s can use items again! showdown.moves.ember.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.ember.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.encore.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Assist, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. showdown.moves.encore.shortDesc=Target repeats its last move for its next 3 turns. showdown.moves.encore.gen8.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, or if the move is Assist, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. @@ -12266,10 +12266,10 @@ showdown.moves.encore.gen3.shortDesc=The target repeats its last move for 3-6 tu showdown.moves.encore.gen2.desc=For 3 to 6 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. showdown.moves.encore.start=%s must do an encore! showdown.moves.encore.end=%s's encore ended! showdown.moves.endeavor.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (target's current HP - user's current HP). The target is unaffected if its current HP is less than or equal to the user's current HP. showdown.moves.endeavor.shortDesc=Lowers the target's HP to the user's HP. showdown.moves.endure.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.endure.shortDesc=User survives attacks this turn with at least 1 HP. showdown.moves.endure.gen8.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. @@ -12284,7 +12284,7 @@ showdown.moves.endure.activate=%s endured the hit! Ball showdown.moves.energyball.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.energyball.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.entrainment.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.entrainment.shortDesc=The target's Ability changes to match the user's. showdown.moves.entrainment.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. @@ -12315,14 +12315,14 @@ showdown.moves.extrasensory.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Evoboost der Neun showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Raises user's Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe by 2. Speed showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. showdown.moves.extremespeed.gen4.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.facade.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. The physical damage halving effect from the user's burn is ignored. showdown.moves.facade.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed. showdown.moves.facade.gen5.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. @@ -12333,7 +12333,7 @@ showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching ne showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=No one will be able to run away during the next turn! Wind showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=No additional effect. Out showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance. Tears @@ -12341,13 +12341,13 @@ showdown.moves.faketears.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Surrender showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Swipe showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Dance showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. showdown.moves.feint.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.feint.shortDesc=Nullifies Detect, Protect, and Quick/Wide Guard. showdown.moves.feint.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. @@ -12368,7 +12368,7 @@ showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Wrath showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. Away showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stat stages would not change. showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's max HP. Gambit @@ -12421,7 +12421,7 @@ showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower leve showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. Can hit a target using Dig. showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. showdown.moves.flail.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. @@ -12446,7 +12446,7 @@ showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the targe showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. showdown.moves.flash.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Cannon @@ -12494,7 +12494,7 @@ showdown.moves.flyingpress.shortDesc=Combines Flying in its type effectiveness. Blast showdown.moves.focusblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.focusblast.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Energy showdown.moves.focusenergy.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 2 stages. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. showdown.moves.focusenergy.shortDesc=Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 2. showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 1 stage. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. @@ -12510,7 +12510,7 @@ showdown.moves.focuspunch.shortDesc=Fails if the user takes damage before it hit showdown.moves.focuspunch.gen4.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move, but it still loses PP. showdown.moves.focuspunch.start=%s is tightening its focus! showdown.moves.focuspunch.cant=%s lost its focus and couldn't move! Me showdown.moves.followme.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.followme.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. showdown.moves.followme.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. @@ -12521,7 +12521,7 @@ showdown.moves.followme.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Palm showdown.moves.forcepalm.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.forcepalm.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.foresight.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Miracle Eye or Odor Sleuth. showdown.moves.foresight.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. showdown.moves.foresight.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. @@ -12556,7 +12556,7 @@ showdown.moves.frostbreath.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. showdown.moves.frustration.desc=Power is equal to the greater of ((255 - user's Happiness) * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.frustration.shortDesc=Max 102 power at minimum Happiness. Attack showdown.moves.furyattack.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -12565,7 +12565,7 @@ showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to Cutter showdown.moves.furycutter.desc=Power doubles with each successful hit, up to a maximum of 160 power. The power is reset if this move misses or another move is used. showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit, up to 160. Swipes showdown.moves.furyswipes.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -12609,7 +12609,7 @@ showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, r showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. Impactß showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Hammer @@ -12625,7 +12625,7 @@ showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. Rush showdown.moves.glaiverush.desc=If this move is successful, moves targeted at the user deal double damage and do not check accuracy until the user's next turn. showdown.moves.glaiverush.shortDesc=User takes sure-hit 2x damage until its next turn. showdown.moves.glare.desc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.glare.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.glare.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. @@ -12648,7 +12648,7 @@ Chi Strike showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has their critical hit ratio raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Crit Ratio +1. showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s is getting pumped! Cuddle showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes infatuated, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen for a target if both it and the user are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: infatuated. Depletion @@ -12667,7 +12667,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Foam Burst showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 2 stages, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed. Gold Rushünzregen showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Gravitas @@ -12688,7 +12688,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard Rapid Flow showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. Replenish showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance every Pokemon on the user's side has its Berry restored, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Base move affects power. 50% restores Berries. Resonance @@ -12773,11 +12773,11 @@ showdown.moves.gravity.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Poke showdown.moves.gravity.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. showdown.moves.gravity.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. showdown.moves.gravity.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, and Magnet Rise end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, and Splash are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. showdown.moves.growl.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.growl.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Attack by 1. showdown.moves.growl.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.growth.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella, this move will only raise the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage, even if the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land. showdown.moves.growth.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1; 2 in Sun. showdown.moves.growth.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. @@ -12831,10 +12831,10 @@ showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end Arm showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. Hour Zeiten showdown.moves.happyhour.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.happyhour.activate=Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere!ärtner showdown.moves.harden.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.harden.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. @@ -12843,10 +12843,10 @@ showdown.moves.haze.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. showdown.moves.haze.gen1.desc=Resets the stat stages of both Pokemon to 0 and removes stat reductions due to burn and paralysis. Resets Toxic counters to 0 and removes the effect of confusion, Disable, Focus Energy, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mist, and Reflect from both Pokemon. Removes the opponent's non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.haze.gen1.shortDesc=Resets all stat changes. Removes foe's status. showdown.moves.haze.activate=All STATUS changes are eliminated! showdown.moves.headbutt.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Chargeädel showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. Rush @@ -12856,7 +12856,7 @@ Smash showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. Bell showdown.moves.healbell.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. showdown.moves.healbell.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. showdown.moves.healbell.gen7.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. @@ -12906,14 +12906,14 @@ Slam showdown.moves.heavyslam.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.heavyslam.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. showdown.moves.heavyslam.gen6.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Hand Hand showdown.moves.helpinghand.desc=The power of the target's attack this turn is multiplied by 1.5 (this effect is stackable). Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user or if the ally already moved this turn, but does not fail if the ally is using a two-turn move. showdown.moves.helpinghand.shortDesc=One adjacent ally's move power is 1.5x this turn. showdown.moves.helpinghand.start=%s is ready to help %s! showdown.moves.hex.desc=Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.hex.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target has a status ailment. Power showdown.moves.hiddenpower.desc=This move's type depends on the user's individual values (IVs), and can be any type but Fairy and Normal. showdown.moves.hiddenpower.shortDesc=Varies in type based on the user's IVs. showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.desc=This move's type and power depend on the user's individual values (IVs). Power varies between 30 and 70, and type can be any but Normal. @@ -12948,18 +12948,18 @@ showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it wou showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Backückhaltung showdown.moves.holdback.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Handsändchenhalten showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=No competitive use. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=No competitive use. Claws showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. Attack showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. Drill showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. @@ -12968,7 +12968,7 @@ showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is f Leech showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.howl.desc=Raises the Attack of the user and all allies 1 stage. showdown.moves.howl.shortDesc=Raises the user's and ally's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.howl.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. @@ -12988,14 +12988,14 @@ showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=If the current weather is Sunny Day and the user showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=During Sunny Day: 1.5x damage instead of half. Vortex showdown.moves.hydrovortex.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Beam showdown.moves.hyperbeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.hyperbeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move, unless the target or its substitute was knocked out by this move. showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Can't move next turn if target or sub is not KOed. Drill showdown.moves.hyperdrill.shortDesc=Bypasses protection without breaking it. Fang showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Fury @@ -13009,7 +13009,7 @@ showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Breaks the target's protection for this turn. showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=It broke through %s's protection! Voice showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. @@ -13117,7 +13117,7 @@ showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching ou Punch showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.judgment.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Plate. Kick @@ -13164,14 +13164,14 @@ showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.'s Wrath showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Focus showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the user's attacks will be critical hits. showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit. showdown.moves.laserfocus.start=%s concentrated intensely! Out showdown.moves.lashout.desc=Power doubles if the user had a stat stage lowered this turn. showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x power if the user had a stat lowered this turn. Resort showdown.moves.lastresort.desc=This move fails unless the user knows this move and at least one other move, and has used all the other moves it knows at least once each since it became active or Transformed. showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Fails unless each known move has been used. Respects @@ -13205,7 +13205,7 @@ showdown.moves.leechseed.gen1.desc=At the end of each of the target's turns, The showdown.moves.leechseed.start=%s was seeded! showdown.moves.leechseed.end=%s was freed from Leech Seed! showdown.moves.leechseed.damage=%s's health is sapped by Leech Seed! showdown.moves.leer.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1. @@ -13239,14 +13239,14 @@ showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. showdown.moves.liquidation.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.liquidation.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.lockon.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. showdown.moves.lockon.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. showdown.moves.lockon.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Mind Reader's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. showdown.moves.lockon.start=%s took aim at %s! Kiss showdown.moves.lovelykiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Kick showdown.moves.lowkick.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. @@ -13256,7 +13256,7 @@ showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Sweep showdown.moves.lowsweep.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lowsweep.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Chantörung showdown.moves.luckychant.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot be struck by a critical hit. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. showdown.moves.luckychant.shortDesc=For 5 turns, shields user's party from critical hits. showdown.moves.luckychant.start=Lucky Chant shielded %s from critical hits! @@ -13356,7 +13356,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Atk. Geyser showdown.moves.maxgeyser.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Rain Dance begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxgeyser.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Rain Dance. Guard showdown.moves.maxguard.desc=The user is protected from nearly all attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, including Max and G-Max Moves. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.maxguard.shortDesc=Protects user from moves & Max Moves this turn. showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s protected itself! @@ -13393,13 +13393,13 @@ showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Misty Terra Steelspike showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Defense. Strike showdown.moves.maxstrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxstrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Speed. Wyrmwind showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Attack. Look showdown.moves.meanlook.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.meanlook.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.meanlook.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. @@ -13409,7 +13409,7 @@ showdown.moves.meanlook.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The ta showdown.moves.meditate.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.meditate.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. First showdown.moves.mefirst.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Magical Torque, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Struggle, Thief, or Wicked Torque. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. showdown.moves.mefirst.shortDesc=Copies a foe at 1.5x power. User must be faster. showdown.moves.mefirst.gen8.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Shell Trap, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. @@ -13424,9 +13424,9 @@ showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the targ showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=No additional effect. Kick showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=No additional effect. Punch showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.memento.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints unless this move misses or there is no target. Fails entirely if this move hits a substitute, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. @@ -13458,7 +13458,7 @@ showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s is overflowing with space power! Mash showdown.moves.meteormash.desc=Has a 20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.meteormash.shortDesc=20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.metronome.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Armor Cannon, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Chilling Water, Chilly Reception, Clangorous Soul, Collision Course, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Doodle, Double Iron Bash, Double Shock, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Electro Drift, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fillet Away, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyper Drill, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jet Punch, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Magical Torque, Make It Rain, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Order Up, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Population Bomb, Pounce, Power Shift, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Fist, Rage Powder, Raging Bull, Raging Fury, Relic Song, Revival Blessing, Ruination, Salt Cure, Secret Sword, Shed Tail, Shell Trap, Silk Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Snowscape, Spectral Thief, Spicy Extract, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Springtide Storm, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Tidy Up, Trailblaze, Transform, Trick, Twin Beam, V-create, Wicked Blow, Wicked Torque, or Wide Guard. showdown.moves.metronome.shortDesc=Picks a random move. showdown.moves.metronome.gen8.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Clangorous Soul, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Double Iron Bash, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Dragon Hammer, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Obstruct, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spectral Thief, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Transform, Trick, V-create, Wicked Blow, or Wide Guard. @@ -13470,11 +13470,11 @@ showdown.moves.metronome.gen3.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than showdown.moves.metronome.gen2.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Counter, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thief, or any move the user already knows. showdown.moves.metronome.gen1.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Metronome or Struggle. showdown.moves.metronome.move=Waggling a finger let it use %s! Drinkänk showdown.moves.milkdrink.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.milkdrink.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.milkdrink.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.mimic.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Assist, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. showdown.moves.mimic.shortDesc=The last move the target used replaces this one. showdown.moves.mimic.gen8.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Chatter, Dynamax Cannon, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, Transform, or any Max or G-Max Move. @@ -13490,14 +13490,14 @@ Blown showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. This move is prevented from executing and the user does not lose HP if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, or if this move is Fire type and the user is affected by Powder or the weather is Primordial Sea. showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Reader showdown.moves.mindreader.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. showdown.moves.mindreader.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. showdown.moves.mindreader.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Lock-On's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. showdown.moves.mindreader.start=%s took aim at %s! showdown.moves.minimize.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Malicious Moonsault, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. showdown.moves.minimize.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2. showdown.moves.minimize.gen6.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. @@ -13566,7 +13566,7 @@ showdown.moves.moonlight.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if De showdown.moves.moonlight.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.moonlight.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. showdown.moves.moonlight.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. Sun showdown.moves.morningsun.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.morningsun.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. showdown.moves.morningsun.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. @@ -13599,7 +13599,7 @@ showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/2 thei Water showdown.moves.muddywater.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1. showdown.moves.multiattack.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Memory. showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Memory. Fire @@ -13611,11 +13611,11 @@ showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk b Plot showdown.moves.nastyplot.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.nastyplot.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Giftäfte showdown.moves.naturalgift.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo or Magic Room is in effect for the user. showdown.moves.naturalgift.shortDesc=Power and type depends on the user's Berry. showdown.moves.naturalgift.gen4.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo is in effect for the user. Power showdown.moves.naturepower.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic during Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.naturepower.shortDesc=Attack depends on terrain (default Tri Attack). showdown.moves.naturepower.gen6.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, and Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain. @@ -13651,7 +13651,7 @@ showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Normal t Slash showdown.moves.nightslash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Roarüll showdown.moves.nobleroar.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.nobleroar.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Retreat @@ -13680,7 +13680,7 @@ showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. At the end of each turn during effect, the target's Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Traps target, lowers Def and SpD by 1 each turn. showdown.moves.octolock.start=%s can no longer escape because of Octolock! Sleuthüffler showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Miracle Eye. showdown.moves.odorsleuth.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. @@ -13707,7 +13707,7 @@ showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits foe(s). showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Split showdown.moves.painsplit.desc=The user and the target's HP become the average of their current HP, rounded down, but not more than the maximum HP of either one. showdown.moves.painsplit.shortDesc=Shares HP of user and target equally. showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=The battlers shared their pain! @@ -13728,13 +13728,13 @@ showdown.moves.payback.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target thi showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target. showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in does not count as an action. showdown.moves.payback.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in counts as an action. Day showdown.moves.payday.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Scatters coins. showdown.moves.payday.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Song showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 if it doesn't already have a perish count. At the end of each turn including the turn used, the perish count of all active Pokemon lowers by 1 and Pokemon faint if the number reaches 0. The perish count is removed from Pokemon that switch out. If a Pokemon uses Baton Pass while it has a perish count, the replacement will gain the perish count and continue to count down. showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns. showdown.moves.perishsong.start=All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns! @@ -13772,7 +13772,7 @@ showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to Fists showdown.moves.plasmafists.desc=If this move is successful, causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. Nice showdown.moves.playnice.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Rough @@ -13812,13 +13812,13 @@ showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=If the target is an ally, heals 50% of its m showdown.moves.poltergeist.shortDesc=Fails if the target has no held item. showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=%s is about to be attacked by its %s! Bombäuseplage showdown.moves.populationbomb.desc=Hits ten times. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit ten times. If the user is holding Loaded Dice, this move hits four to ten times at random without checking accuracy between hits. showdown.moves.populationbomb.shortDesc=Hits 10 times. Each hit can miss. showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.powder.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect does not happen if the Fire-type move is prevented by Primordial Sea. @@ -13839,7 +13839,7 @@ showdown.moves.powersplit.activate=%s shared its power with the target! Swap showdown.moves.powerswap.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Special Attack stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.powerswap.shortDesc=Swaps Attack and Sp. Atk stat stages with target. Shift showdown.moves.powershift.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. showdown.moves.powershift.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. showdown.moves.powershift.start=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! @@ -13860,14 +13860,14 @@ showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Blades showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.present.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 40% chance for 40 power, 30% chance for 80 power, 10% chance for 120 power, and 20% chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 power, or heals target 1/4 max HP. showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 102/256 chance for 40 power, 76/256 chance for 80 power, 26/256 chance for 120 power, or 52/256 chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If this move deals damage, it uses an abnormal version of the damage formula by substituting certain values. The user's Attack stat is replaced with 10 times the effectiveness of this move against the target, the target's Defense stat is replaced with the index number of the user's secondary type, and the user's level is replaced with the index number of the target's secondary type. If a Pokemon does not have a secondary type, its primary type is used. The index numbers for each type are Normal: 0, Fighting: 1, Flying: 2, Poison: 3, Ground: 4, Rock: 5, Bug: 7, Ghost: 8, Steel: 9, Fire: 20, Water: 21, Grass: 22, Electric: 23, Psychic: 24, Ice: 25, Dragon: 26, Dark: 27. If at any point a division by 0 would happen in the damage formula, it divides by 1 instead. Laser showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. showdown.moves.protect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.protect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. showdown.moves.protect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. @@ -13885,7 +13885,7 @@ showdown.moves.psybeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.psyblade.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.moves.psyblade.shortDesc=During Electric Terrain: 1.5x power. Up showdown.moves.psychup.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. showdown.moves.psychup.shortDesc=Copies the target's current stat stages. showdown.moves.psychup.gen2.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. Fails if the target's stat stages are 0. @@ -13925,7 +13925,7 @@ showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Random damage equal to 0.5x-1.5x user's level. showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 10, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to a random number from 1 to (user's level * 1.5 - 1), rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Random damage from 1 to (user's level*1.5 - 1). Pancake mit lustig showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. @@ -13951,7 +13951,7 @@ showdown.moves.quash.desc=Causes the target to take its turn after all other Pokemon this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target already moved this turn. showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Forces the target to move last this turn. showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! Attack showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Guard @@ -13966,7 +13966,7 @@ showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Quick Guard protected %s! Dance showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. showdown.moves.rage.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. showdown.moves.rage.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 if hit during use. showdown.moves.rage.gen3.desc=Once this move is used and unless the target protected itself, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. @@ -13983,7 +13983,7 @@ showdown.moves.ragepowder.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn showdown.moves.ragepowder.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.ragepowder.start=%s became the center of attention! showdown.moves.ragepowder.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Bull Stier showdown.moves.ragingbull.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. If the user's current form is a Paldean Tauros, this move's type changes to match. Fighting type for Combat Breed, Fire type for Blaze Breed, and Water type for Aqua Breed. showdown.moves.ragingbull.shortDesc=Destroys screens. Type depends on user's form. showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! @@ -13995,7 +13995,7 @@ showdown.moves.raindance.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The d showdown.moves.raindance.shortDesc=For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves. showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. showdown.moves.raindance.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance, even if the current weather is Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Spin showdown.moves.rapidspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rapidspin.shortDesc=Free user from hazards/bind/Leech Seed; +1 Spe. showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. @@ -14009,7 +14009,7 @@ showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shell showdown.moves.razorshell.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.razorshell.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Wind showdown.moves.razorwind.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.razorwind.shortDesc=Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. High crit ratio. showdown.moves.razorwind.gen4.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. @@ -14020,12 +14020,12 @@ showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.shortDesc=Charges, then hits target turn 2. High c showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.razorwind.prepare=%s whipped up a whirlwind! showdown.moves.recover.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.recover.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.recover.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.recover.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. showdown.moves.recycle.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Corrosive Gas, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Restores the item the user last used. showdown.moves.recycle.gen7.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. @@ -14044,16 +14044,16 @@ showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.shortDesc=While active, the user's Defense is double showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.start=%s gained armor! showdown.moves.reflect.start=Reflect made %s stronger against physical moves! showdown.moves.reflect.end=%s's Reflect wore off! Type showdown.moves.reflecttype.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the user is Terastallized, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. showdown.moves.reflecttype.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen8.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen6.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. Fails if the user is an Arceus. showdown.moves.reflecttype.typeChange=%s's type became the same as %s's type! showdown.moves.refresh.desc=The user cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Fails if the user is not burned, poisoned, or paralyzed. showdown.moves.refresh.shortDesc=User cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Song showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. If this move is successful on at least one target and the user is a Meloetta, it changes to Pirouette Forme if it is currently in Aria Forme, or changes to Aria Forme if it is currently in Pirouette Forme. This forme change does not happen if the Meloetta has the Sheer Force Ability. The Pirouette Forme reverts to Aria Forme when Meloetta is not active. showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10% chance to sleep foe(s). Meloetta transforms. @@ -14061,13 +14061,13 @@ user falls asleep for the next two turns and restor sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process, even if it was already asleep. Fails if the user has full HP. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. This does not remove the user's stat penalty for burn or paralysis. Fails if the user has full HP. showdown.moves.retaliate.desc=Power doubles if one of the user's party members fainted last turn. showdown.moves.retaliate.shortDesc=Power doubles if an ally fainted last turn.ückkehr showdown.moves.return.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.return.shortDesc=Max 102 power at maximum Happiness. Dance showdown.moves.revelationdance.desc=This move's type depends on the user's primary type. If the user's primary type is typeless, this move's type is the user's secondary type if it has one, otherwise the added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat. This move is typeless if the user's type is typeless alone. showdown.moves.revelationdance.shortDesc=Type varies based on the user's primary type. @@ -14082,14 +14082,14 @@ showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.reversal.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.reversal.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Blessing showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=A fainted party member is selected and revived with 1/2 its max HP, rounded down. Fails if there are no fainted party members. showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Revives a fainted Pokemon to 50% HP. showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=%s was revived and is ready to fight again! Voltage showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain and the target is grounded, this move's power is doubled. showdown.moves.risingvoltage.shortDesc=2x power if target is grounded in Electric Terrain.üller showdown.moves.roar.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. showdown.moves.roar.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. showdown.moves.roar.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. @@ -14104,7 +14104,7 @@ showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit tw showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Climb showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.rockclimb.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. Polish @@ -14154,7 +14154,7 @@ showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s loses Flying type this turn.) showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of all grounded Grass-type Pokemon on the field by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Raises Atk/Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types by 1. showdown.moves.round.desc=If there are other active Pokemon that chose this move for use this turn, those Pokemon take their turn immediately after the user, in Speed order, and this move's power is 120 for each other user. showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Power doubles if others used Round this turn. @@ -14166,7 +14166,7 @@ showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. Sword showdown.moves.sacredsword.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.sacredsword.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. showdown.moves.safeguard.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Defog. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. showdown.moves.safeguard.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from status. showdown.moves.safeguard.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. @@ -14215,15 +14215,15 @@ showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Shot showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Hits two to five times. Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage and raises the user's Speed by 1 stage after the last hit. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times. User: -1 Def, +1 Spe after last hit. Face showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. Sands showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.screech.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. Shot @@ -14232,7 +14232,7 @@ showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. Sunraze Smash showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Power showdown.moves.secretpower.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, causes sleep during Grassy Terrain and lowers Speed by 1 stage during Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.secretpower.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) showdown.moves.secretpower.gen6.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, and causes sleep during Grassy Terrain. @@ -14253,7 +14253,7 @@ showdown.moves.seismictoss.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's l showdown.moves.seismictoss.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Ghost types. showdown.moves.selfdestruct.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. showdown.moves.selfdestruct.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. @@ -14285,12 +14285,12 @@ showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Strike showdown.moves.shadowstrike.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.shadowstrike.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.ärfer showdown.moves.sharpen.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. Psyche showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Tail showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=The user takes 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, and creates a substitute that has 1/4 of the user's maximum HP, rounded down. The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party and the selected Pokemon has the substitute transferred to it. Fails if the user would faint, or if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=User takes 1/2 its max HP to pass a substitute. showdown.moves.shedtail.start=%s shed its tail to create a decoy! @@ -14304,7 +14304,7 @@ showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a low Side Arm showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. This move becomes a physical attack that makes contact if the value of ((((2 * the user's level / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50), where X is the user's Attack stat and Y is the target's Defense stat, is greater than the same value where X is the user's Special Attack stat and Y is the target's Special Defense stat. No stat modifiers other than stat stage changes are considered for this purpose. If the two values are equal, this move chooses a damage category at random. showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Physical+contact if it would be stronger. Smash showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2. Trap @@ -14333,21 +14333,21 @@ showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Sp Wind showdown.moves.silverwind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.silverwind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Beam showdown.moves.simplebeam.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.simplebeam.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Simple. showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, Stance Change, or Truant. showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, or Truant. showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Arrow Raid showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=No additional effect. Slide showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the foe. showdown.moves.sketch.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Chatter, Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. showdown.moves.sketch.shortDesc=Permanently copies the last move target used. showdown.moves.sketch.gen3.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. @@ -14367,7 +14367,7 @@ showdown.moves.skillswap.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! Smack showdown.moves.skittersmack.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.skittersmack.shortDesc=100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk by 1. Bashädelwumme showdown.moves.skullbash.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.skullbash.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.skullbash.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. @@ -14394,18 +14394,18 @@ showdown.moves.skyuppercut.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce or Fly. Off showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.slash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Powder showdown.moves.sleeppowder.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Talk showdown.moves.sleeptalk.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, Wicked Torque, or any two-turn move. showdown.moves.sleeptalk.shortDesc=User must be asleep. Uses another known move. showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen8.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. @@ -14432,7 +14432,7 @@ showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Removes the target's Ground immunity. showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s fell straight down! Strike showdown.moves.smartstrike.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Salts showdown.moves.smellingsalts.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of paralysis. showdown.moves.smellingsalts.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is paralyzed, and cures it. showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. @@ -14441,7 +14441,7 @@ showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if target is paralyze showdown.moves.smog.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Trap @@ -14461,7 +14461,7 @@ showdown.moves.snatch.activate=%s snatched %s's move! Shot showdown.moves.snipeshot.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This move cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected. showdown.moves.snore.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Fails if the user is not asleep. showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target. @@ -14473,7 +14473,7 @@ showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Water. showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Water type. showdown.moves.soak.gen6.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus, or if the target is already purely Water type. showdown.moves.soak.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus. showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. @@ -14496,7 +14496,7 @@ showdown.moves.solarblade.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in su showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. showdown.moves.solarblade.gen7.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.solarblade.prepare=%s absorbed light! Boom showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity. @@ -14532,7 +14532,7 @@ showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The t showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. Cannon showdown.moves.spikecannon.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -14566,7 +14566,7 @@ Shackle showdown.moves.spiritshackle.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.spiritshackle.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.spiritshackle.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. Up showdown.moves.spitup.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Whether or not this move is successful, the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.spitup.shortDesc=More power with more uses of Stockpile. showdown.moves.spitup.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless there is no target, whether or not this move is successful the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. @@ -14578,7 +14578,7 @@ showdown.moves.spite.gen3.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 showdown.moves.spite.gen3.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 2-5. showdown.moves.spite.gen2.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the move has 0 PP. showdown.moves.spite.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! showdown.moves.splash.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.splash.activate=But nothing happened! Stormshards @@ -14589,7 +14589,7 @@ showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.spore.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from opponents of the target are redirected to the target. Such attacks are redirected to the target before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. showdown.moves.spotlight.shortDesc=Target's foes' moves are redirected to it this turn. showdown.moves.spotlight.start=%s became the center of attention! @@ -14629,7 +14629,7 @@ showdown.moves.stickyweb.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the showdown.moves.stickyweb.start=A sticky web has been laid out on the ground around %s! showdown.moves.stickyweb.end=The sticky web has disappeared from the ground around %s! showdown.moves.stickyweb.activate=%s was caught in a sticky web! showdown.moves.stockpile.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. showdown.moves.stockpile.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense, Sp. Def by 1. Max 3 uses. showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.desc=The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. @@ -14639,7 +14639,7 @@ showdown.moves.stockpile.end=%s's stockpiled effect wore off! Sparksurfer showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.stomp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.stomp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.stomp.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. @@ -14665,7 +14665,7 @@ showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Steam showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target.ärke showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=No additional effect. Sap showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. @@ -14676,7 +14676,7 @@ showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 2. showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 1. showdown.moves.stringshot.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.struggle.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. showdown.moves.struggle.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 of its max HP. showdown.moves.struggle.gen6.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random adjacent opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. @@ -14689,7 +14689,7 @@ showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=User loses 1/2 the HP lost by the target. Bug showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. Cheeks showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.desc=This move cannot be selected unless the user is holding a Berry. The user eats its Berry and raises its Defense by 2 stages. This effect is not prevented by the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry. showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.shortDesc=Must hold Berry to use. User eats Berry, Def +2. Spore @@ -14703,7 +14703,7 @@ showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.submission.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. showdown.moves.submission.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. showdown.moves.substitute.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. Sound-based moves and Pokemon with the Infiltrator Ability ignore substitutes. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. showdown.moves.substitute.shortDesc=User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a substitute. showdown.moves.substitute.gen5.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. @@ -14728,7 +14728,7 @@ showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day, ev Strike showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Fang showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move ignores type immunity. @@ -14736,7 +14736,7 @@ showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = 1/2 target's current HP. Hits G showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1. showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Skystrike showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. @@ -14751,24 +14751,24 @@ foes. Power doubles against Dive. Strikes showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Hits three times. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Hits 3 times. showdown.moves.swagger.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. showdown.moves.swagger.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 and confuses it. showdown.moves.swagger.gen2.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. This move will miss if the target's Attack cannot be raised. showdown.moves.swallow.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Heals the user based on uses of Stockpile. showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Stockpile count resets to 0. Kiss showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Scent showdown.moves.sweetscent.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 2 stages. showdown.moves.sweetscent.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 2. showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 1. showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1. showdown.moves.swift.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.swift.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. showdown.moves.swift.gen1.desc=This move does not check accuracy and hits even if the target is using Dig or Fly. @@ -14781,7 +14781,7 @@ showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, or if the user is trying to give or take a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.switcheroo.activate=%s switched items with its target! Dance showdown.moves.swordsdance.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 2. @@ -14802,10 +14802,10 @@ showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages. showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3. showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Slap showdown.moves.tailslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.tailslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. Whip showdown.moves.tailwhip.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tailwhip.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.tailwhip.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1. @@ -14816,7 +14816,7 @@ showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.desc=For 3 turns, the user and its party members ha showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.shortDesc=For 3 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. showdown.moves.tailwind.start=The Tailwind blew from behind %s! showdown.moves.tailwind.end=%s's Tailwind petered out! Down showdown.moves.takedown.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -14842,7 +14842,7 @@ showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target can't use status mov showdown.moves.taunt.start=%s fell for the taunt! showdown.moves.taunt.end=%s shook off the taunt! showdown.moves.taunt.cant=%s can't use %s after the taunt! Lookänendrüse showdown.moves.tearfullook.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tearfullook.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. @@ -14850,12 +14850,12 @@ showdown.moves.teatime.desc=All active Pokemon consume their held Berries. This showdown.moves.teatime.shortDesc=All active Pokemon consume held Berries. showdown.moves.teatime.activate=It's teatime! Everyone dug in to their Berries! nothing happened! Blast showdown.moves.technoblast.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Drive. showdown.moves.technoblast.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Drive. Rage showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Dance showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Causes the target to become confused. showdown.moves.teeterdance.shortDesc=Confuses adjacent Pokemon. @@ -14870,10 +14870,10 @@ showdown.moves.teleport.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fai showdown.moves.teleport.shortDesc=User switches out. showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.desc=Fails when used. showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.shortDesc=Fails when used. Blast showdown.moves.terablast.desc=If the user is Terastallized, this move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes, and this move's type becomes the same as the user's Tera Type. showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=If Terastallized: Phys. if Atk > SpA, type = Tera. Pulse showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=Power doubles if the user is grounded and a terrain is active, and this move's type changes to match. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=User on terrain: power doubles, type varies. @@ -14891,7 +14891,7 @@ Waves showdown.moves.thousandwaves.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.thousandwaves.shortDesc=Hits adjacent foes. Prevents them from switching. showdown.moves.thousandwaves.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.thrash.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.thrash.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. showdown.moves.thrash.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. @@ -14937,10 +14937,10 @@ showdown.moves.thundershock.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Wave showdown.moves.thunderwave.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. showdown.moves.thunderwave.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target.ßkanone showdown.moves.tickle.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tickle.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1. Upäumen showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. Removes subtitutes from all active Pokemon and ends the effects of Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes for both sides. showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=User +1 Atk, Spe. Clears all substitutes/hazards. showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Tidying up complete! @@ -14974,7 +14974,7 @@ showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.transform.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, gender, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP, with a maximum of 5 PP each. The user can no longer change formes if it would have the ability to do so. This move fails if it hits a substitute, if either the user or the target is already transformed, or if either is behind an Illusion. showdown.moves.transform.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and Ability. showdown.moves.transform.gen4.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, IVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move fails if the target has transformed. @@ -14982,7 +14982,7 @@ showdown.moves.transform.gen2.desc=The user transforms into the target. The targ showdown.moves.transform.gen2.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and species. showdown.moves.transform.gen1.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, DVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move can hit a target using Dig or Fly. showdown.moves.transform.transform=%s transformed into %s! Attack showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Has a 20% chance to either burn, freeze, or paralyze the target. showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze target. showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=This move selects burn, freeze, or paralysis at random, and has a 20% chance to inflict the target with that status. If the target is frozen and burn was selected, it thaws out. @@ -15022,7 +15022,7 @@ showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 1-3 times. Power rises with each h Kick showdown.moves.tropkick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Card showdown.moves.trumpcard.desc=The power of this move is based on the amount of PP remaining after normal PP reduction and the Pressure Ability resolve. 200 power for 0 PP, 80 power for 1 PP, 60 power for 2 PP, 50 power for 3 PP, and 40 power for 4 or more PP. showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=More power the fewer PP this move has left. Beam @@ -15050,7 +15050,7 @@ showdown.moves.uturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. showdown.moves.uturn.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. showdown.moves.uturn.gen4.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.uturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! showdown.moves.uproar.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. showdown.moves.uproar.shortDesc=Lasts 3 turns. Active Pokemon cannot fall asleep. showdown.moves.uproar.gen6.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an adjacent opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. @@ -15069,7 +15069,7 @@ showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Lowers the user's Speed, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. Volley showdown.moves.veeveevolley.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.veeveevolley.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Drench @@ -15083,7 +15083,7 @@ showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. Whip showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Grip showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Throw showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. @@ -15137,7 +15137,7 @@ showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe( Crash showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. Ball showdown.moves.weatherball.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Snow, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. showdown.moves.weatherball.shortDesc=Power doubles and type varies in each weather. showdown.moves.weatherball.gen8.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. @@ -15155,7 +15155,7 @@ showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.whirlpool.start=%s became trapped in the vortex! showdown.moves.whirlwind.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. showdown.moves.whirlwind.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. @@ -15189,7 +15189,7 @@ showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target. Attack showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.wish.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of the user's maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored. showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of its maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. @@ -15206,7 +15206,7 @@ showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil dama showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Up showdown.moves.workup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.workup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Seed @@ -15217,7 +15217,7 @@ showdown.moves.worryseed.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomni showdown.moves.worryseed.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, Stance Change, or Truant. showdown.moves.worryseed.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, or Truant. showdown.moves.worryseed.gen4.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype or Truant, or if the target is holding a Griseous Orb. showdown.moves.wrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.wrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.wrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -15230,13 +15230,13 @@ showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.wrap.start=%s was wrapped by %s! showdown.moves.wrap.move=%s's attack continues! Out showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=No additional effect.ähner showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn. showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s grew drowsy! diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index f4b93aa1e..17fea7d41 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11368,7 +11368,7 @@ showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special De showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. showdown.moves.acrobatics.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user has no held item.ón showdown.moves.acupressure.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an adjacent ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if used on an ally with a substitute. showdown.moves.acupressure.shortDesc=Raises a random stat of the user or an ally by 2. showdown.moves.acupressure.gen4.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if the user or ally has a substitute. @@ -11377,7 +11377,7 @@ showdown.moves.aerialace.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.aeroblast.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.aeroblast.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. You Paso showdown.moves.afteryou.desc=The target makes its move immediately after the user this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target would have moved next anyway, or if the target already moved this turn. showdown.moves.afteryou.shortDesc=The target makes its move right after the user. showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s took the kind offer! @@ -11446,7 +11446,7 @@ showdown.moves.aromatherapy.activate=A soothing aroma wafted through the area! Mist showdown.moves.aromaticmist.desc=Raises the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.aromaticmist.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.assist.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. showdown.moves.assist.shortDesc=Uses a random move known by a team member. showdown.moves.assist.gen8.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. @@ -11469,7 +11469,7 @@ showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Order showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio.ón showdown.moves.attract.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. showdown.moves.attract.shortDesc=A target of the opposite gender gets infatuated. showdown.moves.attract.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. @@ -11523,7 +11523,7 @@ showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks m Barrage showdown.moves.barbbarrage.desc=Has a 50% chance to poison the target. Power doubles if the target is already poisoned. showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50% psn. 2x power if target already poisoned. showdown.moves.barrage.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -11532,7 +11532,7 @@ showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit showdown.moves.barrier.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Pass showdown.moves.batonpass.desc=The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party. The selected Pokemon has the user's stat stage changes, confusion, and certain move effects transferred to it. showdown.moves.batonpass.shortDesc=User switches, passing stat changes and more. Blast @@ -11555,17 +11555,17 @@ showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dyna showdown.moves.belch.desc=This move cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry, either by eating one that was held, stealing and eating one off another Pokemon with Bug Bite or Pluck, or eating one that was thrown at it with Fling. Once the condition is met, this move can be selected and used for the rest of the battle even if the user gains or uses another item or switches out. Consuming a Berry with Natural Gift does not count for the purposes of eating one. showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=Cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry. Drum showdown.moves.bellydrum.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 12 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack stat stage is 6. showdown.moves.bellydrum.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Maximizes Attack. showdown.moves.bellydrum.boost=%s cut its own HP and maximized its Attack! showdown.moves.bestow.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. showdown.moves.bestow.shortDesc=User passes its held item to the target. showdown.moves.bestow.gen6.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. showdown.moves.bestow.gen5.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. showdown.moves.bestow.takeItem=%s gave %s its %s! showdown.moves.bide.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and does not ignore type immunity. showdown.moves.bide.shortDesc=Waits 2 turns; deals double the damage taken. showdown.moves.bide.gen4.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and ignores type immunity. @@ -11576,7 +11576,7 @@ showdown.moves.bide.gen1.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into thi showdown.moves.bide.start=%s is storing energy! showdown.moves.bide.end=%s unleashed its energy! showdown.moves.bide.activate=%s is storing energy! showdown.moves.bind.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.bind.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.bind.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -11622,7 +11622,7 @@ showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss i showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). showdown.moves.blizzard.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.block.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.block.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.block.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. @@ -11637,7 +11637,7 @@ showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20% chance to burn the target. Press showdown.moves.bodypress.desc=Damage is calculated using the user's Defense stat as its Attack, including stat stage changes. Other effects that modify the Attack stat are used as normal. showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Uses user's Def stat as Atk in damage calculation. Slam Cuerpo showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.bodyslam.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -11661,7 +11661,7 @@ showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. @@ -11685,7 +11685,7 @@ showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Swipe showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Blitz Arrolladora showdown.moves.breakneckblitz.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Break showdown.moves.brickbreak.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. @@ -11748,7 +11748,7 @@ showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the foe. Mind showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.camouflage.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. showdown.moves.camouflage.shortDesc=Changes user's type by terrain (default Normal). showdown.moves.camouflage.gen6.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Grass type during Grassy Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. @@ -11757,7 +11757,7 @@ showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. ( showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the user has the Multitype Ability or if the type is one of the user's current types. showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. (Normal) showdown.moves.camouflage.gen3.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the type is one of the user's current types.ón showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. The target is unaffected if both the user and the target are the same gender, or if either is genderless. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. @@ -11765,7 +11765,7 @@ showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=No additional effect. Edge showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing side.ón showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.celebrate.activate=Congratulations, %s! @@ -11796,7 +11796,7 @@ Reception showdown.moves.chillyreception.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. The user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.chillyreception.shortDesc=Starts Snow. User switches out. showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s is preparing to tell a chillingly bad joke! Away Baja showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. @@ -11845,7 +11845,7 @@ showdown.moves.collisioncourse.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffectiv Torque showdown.moves.combattorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Punchño Cometa showdown.moves.cometpunch.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -11854,7 +11854,7 @@ showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. showdown.moves.confide.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Ray @@ -11863,14 +11863,14 @@ showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confuses the target. showdown.moves.confusion.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.confusion.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target.ón showdown.moves.constrict.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.constrict.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Crush showdown.moves.continentalcrush.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power.ón showdown.moves.conversion.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of the move in its first move slot. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if the type is one of the user's current types. showdown.moves.conversion.shortDesc=Changes user's type to match its first move. showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides this move, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. @@ -11880,7 +11880,7 @@ showdown.moves.conversion.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match the origina showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. showdown.moves.conversion.typeChange=Converted type to %s's! 2ón2 showdown.moves.conversion2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the target, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. showdown.moves.conversion2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist target's last move. showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, if the user has the Multitype Ability, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. @@ -11888,7 +11888,7 @@ showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.shortDesc=User's type changes to resist last mov showdown.moves.conversion2.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type, but considers Struggle as Normal. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the opposing Pokemon, even if it is one of the user's current types. The original type of the move is used rather than the determined type. Fails if the opposing Pokemon has not used a move. showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist the foe's last move.ón showdown.moves.copycat.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. showdown.moves.copycat.shortDesc=Uses the last move used in the battle. showdown.moves.copycat.gen8.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. The base move of Max and G-Max Moves is considered for this purpose. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. @@ -11926,11 +11926,11 @@ showdown.moves.counter.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hi showdown.moves.counter.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a physical attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. If the opposing Pokemon used Fissure or Horn Drill and missed, this move deals 65535 damage. showdown.moves.counter.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the damage dealt by the last move used in the battle. This move ignores type immunity. Fails if the user moves first, or if the opposing side's last move was Counter, had 0 power, or was not Normal or Fighting type. Fails if the last move used by either side did 0 damage and was not Confuse Ray, Conversion, Focus Energy, Glare, Haze, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mimic, Mist, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Splash, Stun Spore, Substitute, Supersonic, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Transform. showdown.moves.counter.gen1.shortDesc=If hit by Normal/Fighting move, deals 2x damage. Change de Cancha showdown.moves.courtchange.desc=Switches the Mist, Light Screen, Reflect, Spikes, Safeguard, Tailwind, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Water Pledge, Fire Pledge, Grass Pledge, Sticky Web, Aurora Veil, G-Max Steelsurge, G-Max Cannonade, G-Max Vine Lash, and G-Max Wildfire effects from the user's side to the opposing side and vice versa. showdown.moves.courtchange.shortDesc=Swaps user's field effects with the opposing side. showdown.moves.courtchange.activate=%s swapped the battle effects affecting each side of the field! showdown.moves.covet.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.covet.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. showdown.moves.covet.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. @@ -11956,10 +11956,10 @@ showdown.moves.crunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 s showdown.moves.crunch.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Claw Brutal showdown.moves.crushclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.crushclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Gripón showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. @@ -11970,7 +11970,7 @@ showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user' showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage, unless the user's Attack and Defense stats are both at stage 6. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if the target is already affected or has a substitute. showdown.moves.curse.start=%s cut its own HP and put a curse on %s! showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s is afflicted by the curse! showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=No additional effect. Lariat showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. @@ -11994,7 +11994,7 @@ showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. Order showdown.moves.defendorder.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.defendorder.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Curl Defensa showdown.moves.defensecurl.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. As long as the user remains active, the power of the user's Ice Ball and Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). showdown.moves.defensecurl.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen2.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. While the user remains active, the power of the user's Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. @@ -12042,7 +12042,7 @@ showdown.moves.dig.prepare=%s burrowed its way under the ground! Claw showdown.moves.direclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to cause the target to either fall asleep, become poisoned, or become paralyzed. showdown.moves.direclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to sleep, poison, or paralyze target.ón showdown.moves.disable.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Max or G-Max Move. showdown.moves.disable.shortDesc=For 4 turns, disables the target's last move used. showdown.moves.disable.gen7.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Z-Move. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. @@ -12070,12 +12070,12 @@ showdown.moves.dive.shortDesc=Dives underwater turn 1, strikes turn 2. showdown.moves.dive.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.dive.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. showdown.moves.dive.prepare=%s hid underwater! Punchño-Mareo showdown.moves.dizzypunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.dizzypunch.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect.ía showdown.moves.doodle.desc=The user and its ally's Abilities change to match the target's Ability. Does not change Ability if the user's or its ally's is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target. Fails if both the user and its ally's Ability already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=User and ally's Abilities become target's Ability. Desire @@ -12084,7 +12084,7 @@ showdown.moves.doomdesire.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. showdown.moves.doomdesire.start=%s chose Doom Desire as its destiny! showdown.moves.doomdesire.activate=%s took the Doom Desire attack! Filo showdown.moves.doubleedge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.doubleedge.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -12092,7 +12092,7 @@ showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. Hit Golpe showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -12109,13 +12109,13 @@ Shock showdown.moves.doubleshock.desc=Fails unless the user is an Electric type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Electric type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. showdown.moves.doubleshock.shortDesc=User's Electric type: typeless; must be Electric. showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=%s used up all of its electricity! Slap Bofetón showdown.moves.doubleslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.doubleslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Team Equipo showdown.moves.doubleteam.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. Meteor @@ -12196,7 +12196,7 @@ showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles on Dig. Voice Voz showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=For every consecutive turn that this move is used by at least one Pokemon, this move's power is multiplied by the number of turns to pass, but not more than 5. showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Power increases when used on consecutive turns. Impulse @@ -12206,7 +12206,7 @@ Spell showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the target loses 3 PP from its last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! Bomb Huevo showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. Terrain showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. @@ -12234,7 +12234,7 @@ showdown.moves.embargo.end=%s can use items again! showdown.moves.ember.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.ember.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Vez showdown.moves.encore.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Assist, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. showdown.moves.encore.shortDesc=Target repeats its last move for its next 3 turns. showdown.moves.encore.gen8.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, or if the move is Assist, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. @@ -12247,10 +12247,10 @@ showdown.moves.encore.gen3.shortDesc=The target repeats its last move for 3-6 tu showdown.moves.encore.gen2.desc=For 3 to 6 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. showdown.moves.encore.start=%s must do an encore! showdown.moves.encore.end=%s's encore ended! showdown.moves.endeavor.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (target's current HP - user's current HP). The target is unaffected if its current HP is less than or equal to the user's current HP. showdown.moves.endeavor.shortDesc=Lowers the target's HP to the user's HP. showdown.moves.endure.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.endure.shortDesc=User survives attacks this turn with at least 1 HP. showdown.moves.endure.gen8.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. @@ -12265,7 +12265,7 @@ showdown.moves.endure.activate=%s endured the hit! Ball showdown.moves.energyball.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.energyball.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Amiga showdown.moves.entrainment.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.entrainment.shortDesc=The target's Ability changes to match the user's. showdown.moves.entrainment.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. @@ -12284,7 +12284,7 @@ showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Force showdown.moves.expandingforce.desc=If the current terrain is Psychic Terrain and the user is grounded, this move hits all opposing Pokemon and has its power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.moves.expandingforce.shortDesc=User on Psychic Terrain: 1.5x power, hits foes.ón showdown.moves.explosion.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. showdown.moves.explosion.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. @@ -12296,14 +12296,14 @@ showdown.moves.extrasensory.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Evoboost Potencia showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Raises user's Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe by 2. Speed Extrema showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. showdown.moves.extremespeed.gen4.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.facade.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. The physical damage halving effect from the user's burn is ignored. showdown.moves.facade.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed. showdown.moves.facade.gen5.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. @@ -12314,7 +12314,7 @@ showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching ne showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=No one will be able to run away during the next turn! Wind showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=No additional effect. Out showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance. Tears @@ -12322,13 +12322,13 @@ showdown.moves.faketears.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Surrender showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Swipe Tortazo showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Dance showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. showdown.moves.feint.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.feint.shortDesc=Nullifies Detect, Protect, and Quick/Wide Guard. showdown.moves.feint.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. @@ -12349,7 +12349,7 @@ showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Wrath showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. Away showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stat stages would not change. showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's max HP. Gambit @@ -12402,7 +12402,7 @@ showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower leve showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. Can hit a target using Dig. showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. showdown.moves.flail.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. @@ -12427,7 +12427,7 @@ showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the targe showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. showdown.moves.flash.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Cannon @@ -12475,7 +12475,7 @@ showdown.moves.flyingpress.shortDesc=Combines Flying in its type effectiveness. Blast showdown.moves.focusblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.focusblast.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Energy Energía showdown.moves.focusenergy.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 2 stages. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. showdown.moves.focusenergy.shortDesc=Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 2. showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 1 stage. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. @@ -12491,7 +12491,7 @@ showdown.moves.focuspunch.shortDesc=Fails if the user takes damage before it hit showdown.moves.focuspunch.gen4.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move, but it still loses PP. showdown.moves.focuspunch.start=%s is tightening its focus! showdown.moves.focuspunch.cant=%s lost its focus and couldn't move! Meñuelo showdown.moves.followme.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.followme.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. showdown.moves.followme.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. @@ -12502,7 +12502,7 @@ showdown.moves.followme.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Palm showdown.moves.forcepalm.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.forcepalm.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target.ía showdown.moves.foresight.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Miracle Eye or Odor Sleuth. showdown.moves.foresight.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. showdown.moves.foresight.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. @@ -12534,10 +12534,10 @@ showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Breath showdown.moves.frostbreath.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.frostbreath.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit.ón showdown.moves.frustration.desc=Power is equal to the greater of ((255 - user's Happiness) * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.frustration.shortDesc=Max 102 power at minimum Happiness. Attack Furia showdown.moves.furyattack.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -12546,7 +12546,7 @@ showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to Cutter showdown.moves.furycutter.desc=Power doubles with each successful hit, up to a maximum of 160 power. The power is reset if this move misses or another move is used. showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit, up to 160. Swipes Furia showdown.moves.furyswipes.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -12590,7 +12590,7 @@ showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, r showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. Impact showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Hammer @@ -12606,7 +12606,7 @@ showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. Rush showdown.moves.glaiverush.desc=If this move is successful, moves targeted at the user deal double damage and do not check accuracy until the user's next turn. showdown.moves.glaiverush.shortDesc=User takes sure-hit 2x damage until its next turn. showdown.moves.glare.desc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.glare.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.glare.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. @@ -12629,7 +12629,7 @@ Chi Strike showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has their critical hit ratio raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Crit Ratio +1. showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s is getting pumped! Cuddle showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes infatuated, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen for a target if both it and the user are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: infatuated. Depletion @@ -12648,7 +12648,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Foam Burst showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 2 stages, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed. Gold Rush showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Gravitas @@ -12669,7 +12669,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard Rapid Flow showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. Replenish showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance every Pokemon on the user's side has its Berry restored, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Base move affects power. 50% restores Berries. Resonance @@ -12754,11 +12754,11 @@ showdown.moves.gravity.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Poke showdown.moves.gravity.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. showdown.moves.gravity.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. showdown.moves.gravity.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, and Magnet Rise end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, and Splash are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect.ñido showdown.moves.growl.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.growl.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Attack by 1. showdown.moves.growl.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.growth.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella, this move will only raise the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage, even if the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land. showdown.moves.growth.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1; 2 in Sun. showdown.moves.growth.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. @@ -12782,7 +12782,7 @@ showdown.moves.guardsplit.activate=%s shared its guard with the target! Swap showdown.moves.guardswap.desc=The user swaps its Defense and Special Defense stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Swaps Defense and Sp. Def changes with target. showdown.moves.guillotine.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.guillotine.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. showdown.moves.guillotine.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. @@ -12812,10 +12812,10 @@ showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end Arm showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. Hour Extra showdown.moves.happyhour.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.happyhour.activate=Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere! showdown.moves.harden.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.harden.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. @@ -12824,10 +12824,10 @@ showdown.moves.haze.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. showdown.moves.haze.gen1.desc=Resets the stat stages of both Pokemon to 0 and removes stat reductions due to burn and paralysis. Resets Toxic counters to 0 and removes the effect of confusion, Disable, Focus Energy, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mist, and Reflect from both Pokemon. Removes the opponent's non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.haze.gen1.shortDesc=Resets all stat changes. Removes foe's status. showdown.moves.haze.activate=All STATUS changes are eliminated! Cabeza showdown.moves.headbutt.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Charge showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. Rush @@ -12837,7 +12837,7 @@ Smash showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. Bell Cura showdown.moves.healbell.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. showdown.moves.healbell.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. showdown.moves.healbell.gen7.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. @@ -12887,14 +12887,14 @@ Slam showdown.moves.heavyslam.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.heavyslam.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. showdown.moves.heavyslam.gen6.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Hand showdown.moves.helpinghand.desc=The power of the target's attack this turn is multiplied by 1.5 (this effect is stackable). Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user or if the ally already moved this turn, but does not fail if the ally is using a two-turn move. showdown.moves.helpinghand.shortDesc=One adjacent ally's move power is 1.5x this turn. showdown.moves.helpinghand.start=%s is ready to help %s! showdown.moves.hex.desc=Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.hex.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target has a status ailment. Power showdown.moves.hiddenpower.desc=This move's type depends on the user's individual values (IVs), and can be any type but Fairy and Normal. showdown.moves.hiddenpower.shortDesc=Varies in type based on the user's IVs. showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.desc=This move's type and power depend on the user's individual values (IVs). Power varies between 30 and 70, and type can be any but Normal. @@ -12929,18 +12929,18 @@ showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it wou showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Back showdown.moves.holdback.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Hands Juntas showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=No competitive use. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=No competitive use. Claws showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. Attack showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. Drill showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. @@ -12949,7 +12949,7 @@ showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is f Leech showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.howl.desc=Raises the Attack of the user and all allies 1 stage. showdown.moves.howl.shortDesc=Raises the user's and ally's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.howl.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. @@ -12969,14 +12969,14 @@ showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=If the current weather is Sunny Day and the user showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=During Sunny Day: 1.5x damage instead of half. Vortex showdown.moves.hydrovortex.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Beam showdown.moves.hyperbeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.hyperbeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move, unless the target or its substitute was knocked out by this move. showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Can't move next turn if target or sub is not KOed. Drill showdown.moves.hyperdrill.shortDesc=Bypasses protection without breaking it. Fang showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Fury @@ -12990,7 +12990,7 @@ showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Breaks the target's protection for this turn. showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=It broke through %s's protection! Voiceón showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. @@ -13098,7 +13098,7 @@ showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching ou Punch showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.judgment.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Plate. Kick @@ -13145,14 +13145,14 @@ showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.'s Wrath showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Focus showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the user's attacks will be critical hits. showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit. showdown.moves.laserfocus.start=%s concentrated intensely! Out showdown.moves.lashout.desc=Power doubles if the user had a stat stage lowered this turn. showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x power if the user had a stat lowered this turn. ResortÚltima Baza showdown.moves.lastresort.desc=This move fails unless the user knows this move and at least one other move, and has used all the other moves it knows at least once each since it became active or Transformed. showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Fails unless each known move has been used. Respects @@ -13186,7 +13186,7 @@ showdown.moves.leechseed.gen1.desc=At the end of each of the target's turns, The showdown.moves.leechseed.start=%s was seeded! showdown.moves.leechseed.end=%s was freed from Leech Seed! showdown.moves.leechseed.damage=%s's health is sapped by Leech Seed! showdown.moves.leer.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1. @@ -13220,14 +13220,14 @@ showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. showdown.moves.liquidation.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.liquidation.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Blanco showdown.moves.lockon.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. showdown.moves.lockon.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. showdown.moves.lockon.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Mind Reader's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. showdown.moves.lockon.start=%s took aim at %s! Kiss Amoroso showdown.moves.lovelykiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Kick showdown.moves.lowkick.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. @@ -13237,7 +13237,7 @@ showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Sweep showdown.moves.lowsweep.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lowsweep.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Chant showdown.moves.luckychant.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot be struck by a critical hit. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. showdown.moves.luckychant.shortDesc=For 5 turns, shields user's party from critical hits. showdown.moves.luckychant.start=Lucky Chant shielded %s from critical hits! @@ -13337,7 +13337,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Atk. Geyser showdown.moves.maxgeyser.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Rain Dance begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxgeyser.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Rain Dance. Guard showdown.moves.maxguard.desc=The user is protected from nearly all attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, including Max and G-Max Moves. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.maxguard.shortDesc=Protects user from moves & Max Moves this turn. showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s protected itself! @@ -13374,13 +13374,13 @@ showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Misty Terra Steelspike showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Defense. Strike showdown.moves.maxstrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxstrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Speed. Wyrmwind showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Attack. Look De Ojo showdown.moves.meanlook.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.meanlook.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.meanlook.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. @@ -13390,7 +13390,7 @@ showdown.moves.meanlook.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The ta showdown.moves.meditate.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.meditate.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. First Primero showdown.moves.mefirst.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Magical Torque, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Struggle, Thief, or Wicked Torque. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. showdown.moves.mefirst.shortDesc=Copies a foe at 1.5x power. User must be faster. showdown.moves.mefirst.gen8.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Shell Trap, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. @@ -13405,9 +13405,9 @@ showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the targ showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=No additional effect. Kick showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=No additional effect. Punchño showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.memento.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints unless this move misses or there is no target. Fails entirely if this move hits a substitute, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. @@ -13439,7 +13439,7 @@ showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s is overflowing with space power! Mash showdown.moves.meteormash.desc=Has a 20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.meteormash.shortDesc=20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1.ónomo showdown.moves.metronome.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Armor Cannon, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Chilling Water, Chilly Reception, Clangorous Soul, Collision Course, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Doodle, Double Iron Bash, Double Shock, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Electro Drift, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fillet Away, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyper Drill, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jet Punch, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Magical Torque, Make It Rain, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Order Up, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Population Bomb, Pounce, Power Shift, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Fist, Rage Powder, Raging Bull, Raging Fury, Relic Song, Revival Blessing, Ruination, Salt Cure, Secret Sword, Shed Tail, Shell Trap, Silk Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Snowscape, Spectral Thief, Spicy Extract, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Springtide Storm, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Tidy Up, Trailblaze, Transform, Trick, Twin Beam, V-create, Wicked Blow, Wicked Torque, or Wide Guard. showdown.moves.metronome.shortDesc=Picks a random move. showdown.moves.metronome.gen8.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Clangorous Soul, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Double Iron Bash, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Dragon Hammer, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Obstruct, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spectral Thief, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Transform, Trick, V-create, Wicked Blow, or Wide Guard. @@ -13451,11 +13451,11 @@ showdown.moves.metronome.gen3.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than showdown.moves.metronome.gen2.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Counter, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thief, or any move the user already knows. showdown.moves.metronome.gen1.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Metronome or Struggle. showdown.moves.metronome.move=Waggling a finger let it use %s! Drink showdown.moves.milkdrink.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.milkdrink.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.milkdrink.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down.ético showdown.moves.mimic.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Assist, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. showdown.moves.mimic.shortDesc=The last move the target used replaces this one. showdown.moves.mimic.gen8.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Chatter, Dynamax Cannon, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, Transform, or any Max or G-Max Move. @@ -13471,14 +13471,14 @@ Blown showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. This move is prevented from executing and the user does not lose HP if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, or if this move is Fire type and the user is affected by Powder or the weather is Primordial Sea. showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Readerépata showdown.moves.mindreader.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. showdown.moves.mindreader.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. showdown.moves.mindreader.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Lock-On's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. showdown.moves.mindreader.start=%s took aim at %s!ón showdown.moves.minimize.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Malicious Moonsault, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. showdown.moves.minimize.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2. showdown.moves.minimize.gen6.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. @@ -13547,7 +13547,7 @@ showdown.moves.moonlight.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if De showdown.moves.moonlight.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.moonlight.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. showdown.moves.moonlight.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. Sun Matinal showdown.moves.morningsun.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.morningsun.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. showdown.moves.morningsun.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. @@ -13580,7 +13580,7 @@ showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/2 thei Water showdown.moves.muddywater.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1. showdown.moves.multiattack.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Memory. showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Memory. Fire @@ -13592,11 +13592,11 @@ showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk b Plot showdown.moves.nastyplot.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.nastyplot.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Gift Natural showdown.moves.naturalgift.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo or Magic Room is in effect for the user. showdown.moves.naturalgift.shortDesc=Power and type depends on the user's Berry. showdown.moves.naturalgift.gen4.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo is in effect for the user. Powerón showdown.moves.naturepower.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic during Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.naturepower.shortDesc=Attack depends on terrain (default Tri Attack). showdown.moves.naturepower.gen6.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, and Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain. @@ -13632,7 +13632,7 @@ showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Normal t Slash showdown.moves.nightslash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Roar de Guerra showdown.moves.nobleroar.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.nobleroar.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Retreat @@ -13661,7 +13661,7 @@ showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. At the end of each turn during effect, the target's Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Traps target, lowers Def and SpD by 1 each turn. showdown.moves.octolock.start=%s can no longer escape because of Octolock! Sleuth showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Miracle Eye. showdown.moves.odorsleuth.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. @@ -13688,7 +13688,7 @@ showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits foe(s). showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Split Dolor showdown.moves.painsplit.desc=The user and the target's HP become the average of their current HP, rounded down, but not more than the maximum HP of either one. showdown.moves.painsplit.shortDesc=Shares HP of user and target equally. showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=The battlers shared their pain! @@ -13709,13 +13709,13 @@ showdown.moves.payback.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target thi showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target. showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in does not count as an action. showdown.moves.payback.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in counts as an action. Dayía de Pago showdown.moves.payday.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Scatters coins. showdown.moves.payday.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Song Mortal showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 if it doesn't already have a perish count. At the end of each turn including the turn used, the perish count of all active Pokemon lowers by 1 and Pokemon faint if the number reaches 0. The perish count is removed from Pokemon that switch out. If a Pokemon uses Baton Pass while it has a perish count, the replacement will gain the perish count and continue to count down. showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns. showdown.moves.perishsong.start=All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns! @@ -13753,7 +13753,7 @@ showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to Fists showdown.moves.plasmafists.desc=If this move is successful, causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. Niceía showdown.moves.playnice.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Rough @@ -13793,13 +13793,13 @@ showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=If the target is an ally, heals 50% of its m showdown.moves.poltergeist.shortDesc=Fails if the target has no held item. showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=%s is about to be attacked by its %s! Bombón showdown.moves.populationbomb.desc=Hits ten times. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit ten times. If the user is holding Loaded Dice, this move hits four to ten times at random without checking accuracy between hits. showdown.moves.populationbomb.shortDesc=Hits 10 times. Each hit can miss. showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.powder.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect does not happen if the Fire-type move is prevented by Primordial Sea. @@ -13820,7 +13820,7 @@ showdown.moves.powersplit.activate=%s shared its power with the target! Swap showdown.moves.powerswap.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Special Attack stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.powerswap.shortDesc=Swaps Attack and Sp. Atk stat stages with target. Shift showdown.moves.powershift.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. showdown.moves.powershift.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. showdown.moves.powershift.start=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! @@ -13841,14 +13841,14 @@ showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Blades showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.present.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 40% chance for 40 power, 30% chance for 80 power, 10% chance for 120 power, and 20% chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 power, or heals target 1/4 max HP. showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 102/256 chance for 40 power, 76/256 chance for 80 power, 26/256 chance for 120 power, or 52/256 chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If this move deals damage, it uses an abnormal version of the damage formula by substituting certain values. The user's Attack stat is replaced with 10 times the effectiveness of this move against the target, the target's Defense stat is replaced with the index number of the user's secondary type, and the user's level is replaced with the index number of the target's secondary type. If a Pokemon does not have a secondary type, its primary type is used. The index numbers for each type are Normal: 0, Fighting: 1, Flying: 2, Poison: 3, Ground: 4, Rock: 5, Bug: 7, Ghost: 8, Steel: 9, Fire: 20, Water: 21, Grass: 22, Electric: 23, Psychic: 24, Ice: 25, Dragon: 26, Dark: 27. If at any point a division by 0 would happen in the damage formula, it divides by 1 instead. Laser showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn.ón showdown.moves.protect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.protect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. showdown.moves.protect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. @@ -13866,7 +13866,7 @@ showdown.moves.psybeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.psyblade.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.moves.psyblade.shortDesc=During Electric Terrain: 1.5x power. Upón showdown.moves.psychup.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. showdown.moves.psychup.shortDesc=Copies the target's current stat stages. showdown.moves.psychup.gen2.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. Fails if the target's stat stages are 0. @@ -13906,7 +13906,7 @@ showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Random damage equal to 0.5x-1.5x user's level. showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 10, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to a random number from 1 to (user's level * 1.5 - 1), rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Random damage from 1 to (user's level*1.5 - 1). Pancake Intempestivo showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. @@ -13932,7 +13932,7 @@ showdown.moves.quash.desc=Causes the target to take its turn after all other Pokemon this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target already moved this turn. showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Forces the target to move last this turn. showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! Attack Rápido showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Guard @@ -13947,7 +13947,7 @@ showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Quick Guard protected %s! Dance showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. showdown.moves.rage.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. showdown.moves.rage.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 if hit during use. showdown.moves.rage.gen3.desc=Once this move is used and unless the target protected itself, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. @@ -13964,7 +13964,7 @@ showdown.moves.ragepowder.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn showdown.moves.ragepowder.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.ragepowder.start=%s became the center of attention! showdown.moves.ragepowder.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Bull Taurina showdown.moves.ragingbull.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. If the user's current form is a Paldean Tauros, this move's type changes to match. Fighting type for Combat Breed, Fire type for Blaze Breed, and Water type for Aqua Breed. showdown.moves.ragingbull.shortDesc=Destroys screens. Type depends on user's form. showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! @@ -13976,7 +13976,7 @@ showdown.moves.raindance.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The d showdown.moves.raindance.shortDesc=For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves. showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. showdown.moves.raindance.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance, even if the current weather is Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Spin Rápido showdown.moves.rapidspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rapidspin.shortDesc=Free user from hazards/bind/Leech Seed; +1 Spe. showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. @@ -13990,7 +13990,7 @@ showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shell showdown.moves.razorshell.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.razorshell.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Wind Cortante showdown.moves.razorwind.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.razorwind.shortDesc=Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. High crit ratio. showdown.moves.razorwind.gen4.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. @@ -14001,12 +14001,12 @@ showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.shortDesc=Charges, then hits target turn 2. High c showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.razorwind.prepare=%s whipped up a whirlwind!ón showdown.moves.recover.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.recover.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.recover.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.recover.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. showdown.moves.recycle.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Corrosive Gas, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Restores the item the user last used. showdown.moves.recycle.gen7.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. @@ -14025,16 +14025,16 @@ showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.shortDesc=While active, the user's Defense is double showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.start=%s gained armor! showdown.moves.reflect.start=Reflect made %s stronger against physical moves! showdown.moves.reflect.end=%s's Reflect wore off! Type showdown.moves.reflecttype.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the user is Terastallized, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. showdown.moves.reflecttype.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen8.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen6.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. Fails if the user is an Arceus. showdown.moves.reflecttype.typeChange=%s's type became the same as %s's type! showdown.moves.refresh.desc=The user cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Fails if the user is not burned, poisoned, or paralyzed. showdown.moves.refresh.shortDesc=User cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Song Arcaico showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. If this move is successful on at least one target and the user is a Meloetta, it changes to Pirouette Forme if it is currently in Aria Forme, or changes to Aria Forme if it is currently in Pirouette Forme. This forme change does not happen if the Meloetta has the Sheer Force Ability. The Pirouette Forme reverts to Aria Forme when Meloetta is not active. showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10% chance to sleep foe(s). Meloetta transforms. @@ -14042,13 +14042,13 @@ user falls asleep for the next two turns and restor sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process, even if it was already asleep. Fails if the user has full HP. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. This does not remove the user's stat penalty for burn or paralysis. Fails if the user has full HP. showdown.moves.retaliate.desc=Power doubles if one of the user's party members fainted last turn. showdown.moves.retaliate.shortDesc=Power doubles if an ally fainted last turn.ón showdown.moves.return.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.return.shortDesc=Max 102 power at maximum Happiness. Dance Despertar showdown.moves.revelationdance.desc=This move's type depends on the user's primary type. If the user's primary type is typeless, this move's type is the user's secondary type if it has one, otherwise the added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat. This move is typeless if the user's type is typeless alone. showdown.moves.revelationdance.shortDesc=Type varies based on the user's primary type. @@ -14063,14 +14063,14 @@ showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.reversal.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.reversal.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Blessing Vital showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=A fainted party member is selected and revived with 1/2 its max HP, rounded down. Fails if there are no fainted party members. showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Revives a fainted Pokemon to 50% HP. showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=%s was revived and is ready to fight again! Voltage showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain and the target is grounded, this move's power is doubled. showdown.moves.risingvoltage.shortDesc=2x power if target is grounded in Electric Terrain. showdown.moves.roar.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. showdown.moves.roar.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. showdown.moves.roar.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. @@ -14085,7 +14085,7 @@ showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit tw showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Climb showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.rockclimb.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. Polish @@ -14135,7 +14135,7 @@ showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s loses Flying type this turn.) showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of all grounded Grass-type Pokemon on the field by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Raises Atk/Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types by 1. showdown.moves.round.desc=If there are other active Pokemon that chose this move for use this turn, those Pokemon take their turn immediately after the user, in Speed order, and this move's power is 120 for each other user. showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Power doubles if others used Round this turn. @@ -14147,7 +14147,7 @@ showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. Sword showdown.moves.sacredsword.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.sacredsword.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. Sagrado showdown.moves.safeguard.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Defog. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. showdown.moves.safeguard.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from status. showdown.moves.safeguard.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. @@ -14196,15 +14196,15 @@ showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Shot showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Hits two to five times. Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage and raises the user's Speed by 1 stage after the last hit. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times. User: -1 Def, +1 Spe after last hit. Face Susto showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. Sands showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target.ñazo showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.screech.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. Shot @@ -14213,7 +14213,7 @@ showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. Sunraze Smash showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Powerño Secreto showdown.moves.secretpower.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, causes sleep during Grassy Terrain and lowers Speed by 1 stage during Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.secretpower.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) showdown.moves.secretpower.gen6.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, and causes sleep during Grassy Terrain. @@ -14234,7 +14234,7 @@ showdown.moves.seismictoss.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's l showdown.moves.seismictoss.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Ghost types.ón showdown.moves.selfdestruct.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. showdown.moves.selfdestruct.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. @@ -14266,12 +14266,12 @@ showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Strike showdown.moves.shadowstrike.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.shadowstrike.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.sharpen.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. Psyche showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Tailía showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=The user takes 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, and creates a substitute that has 1/4 of the user's maximum HP, rounded down. The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party and the selected Pokemon has the substitute transferred to it. Fails if the user would faint, or if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=User takes 1/2 its max HP to pass a substitute. showdown.moves.shedtail.start=%s shed its tail to create a decoy! @@ -14285,7 +14285,7 @@ showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a low Side Arm showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. This move becomes a physical attack that makes contact if the value of ((((2 * the user's level / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50), where X is the user's Attack stat and Y is the target's Defense stat, is greater than the same value where X is the user's Special Attack stat and Y is the target's Special Defense stat. No stat modifiers other than stat stage changes are considered for this purpose. If the two values are equal, this move chooses a damage category at random. showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Physical+contact if it would be stronger. Smash showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2. Trap @@ -14314,21 +14314,21 @@ showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Sp Wind showdown.moves.silverwind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.silverwind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Beam Simple showdown.moves.simplebeam.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.simplebeam.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Simple. showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, Stance Change, or Truant. showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, or Truant. showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Arrow Raid showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=No additional effect. Slide showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the foe. showdown.moves.sketch.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Chatter, Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. showdown.moves.sketch.shortDesc=Permanently copies the last move target used. showdown.moves.sketch.gen3.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. @@ -14348,7 +14348,7 @@ showdown.moves.skillswap.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! Smack showdown.moves.skittersmack.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.skittersmack.shortDesc=100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk by 1. Bash showdown.moves.skullbash.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.skullbash.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.skullbash.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. @@ -14375,18 +14375,18 @@ showdown.moves.skyuppercut.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce or Fly. Off showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.slash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Powder showdown.moves.sleeppowder.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Talkámbulo showdown.moves.sleeptalk.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, Wicked Torque, or any two-turn move. showdown.moves.sleeptalk.shortDesc=User must be asleep. Uses another known move. showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen8.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. @@ -14413,7 +14413,7 @@ showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Removes the target's Ground immunity. showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s fell straight down! Strike showdown.moves.smartstrike.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Saltsímulo showdown.moves.smellingsalts.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of paralysis. showdown.moves.smellingsalts.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is paralyzed, and cures it. showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. @@ -14422,7 +14422,7 @@ showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if target is paralyze showdown.moves.smog.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. de Humo showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Trap @@ -14442,7 +14442,7 @@ showdown.moves.snatch.activate=%s snatched %s's move! Shot showdown.moves.snipeshot.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This move cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected. showdown.moves.snore.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Fails if the user is not asleep. showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target. @@ -14454,7 +14454,7 @@ showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Water. showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Water type. showdown.moves.soak.gen6.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus, or if the target is already purely Water type. showdown.moves.soak.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus.ón showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. @@ -14477,7 +14477,7 @@ showdown.moves.solarblade.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in su showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. showdown.moves.solarblade.gen7.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.solarblade.prepare=%s absorbed light! Boom Sónica showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity. @@ -14513,7 +14513,7 @@ showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The t showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. Cannon Cañón showdown.moves.spikecannon.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -14547,7 +14547,7 @@ Shackle showdown.moves.spiritshackle.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.spiritshackle.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.spiritshackle.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. Up showdown.moves.spitup.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Whether or not this move is successful, the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.spitup.shortDesc=More power with more uses of Stockpile. showdown.moves.spitup.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless there is no target, whether or not this move is successful the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. @@ -14559,7 +14559,7 @@ showdown.moves.spite.gen3.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 showdown.moves.spite.gen3.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 2-5. showdown.moves.spite.gen2.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the move has 0 PP. showdown.moves.spite.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! showdown.moves.splash.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.splash.activate=But nothing happened! Stormshards @@ -14570,7 +14570,7 @@ showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.spore.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from opponents of the target are redirected to the target. Such attacks are redirected to the target before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. showdown.moves.spotlight.shortDesc=Target's foes' moves are redirected to it this turn. showdown.moves.spotlight.start=%s became the center of attention! @@ -14610,7 +14610,7 @@ showdown.moves.stickyweb.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the showdown.moves.stickyweb.start=A sticky web has been laid out on the ground around %s! showdown.moves.stickyweb.end=The sticky web has disappeared from the ground around %s! showdown.moves.stickyweb.activate=%s was caught in a sticky web! showdown.moves.stockpile.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. showdown.moves.stockpile.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense, Sp. Def by 1. Max 3 uses. showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.desc=The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. @@ -14620,7 +14620,7 @@ showdown.moves.stockpile.end=%s's stockpiled effect wore off! Sparksurfer showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target.ón showdown.moves.stomp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.stomp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.stomp.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. @@ -14646,7 +14646,7 @@ showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Steam showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=No additional effect. Sap showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. @@ -14657,7 +14657,7 @@ showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 2. showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 1. showdown.moves.stringshot.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.struggle.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. showdown.moves.struggle.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 of its max HP. showdown.moves.struggle.gen6.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random adjacent opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. @@ -14670,7 +14670,7 @@ showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=User loses 1/2 the HP lost by the target. Bug showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. Cheeks showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.desc=This move cannot be selected unless the user is holding a Berry. The user eats its Berry and raises its Defense by 2 stages. This effect is not prevented by the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry. showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.shortDesc=Must hold Berry to use. User eats Berry, Def +2. Spore @@ -14684,7 +14684,7 @@ showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.submission.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. showdown.moves.submission.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. showdown.moves.substitute.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. Sound-based moves and Pokemon with the Infiltrator Ability ignore substitutes. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. showdown.moves.substitute.shortDesc=User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a substitute. showdown.moves.substitute.gen5.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. @@ -14709,7 +14709,7 @@ showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day, ev Strike showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Fang showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move ignores type immunity. @@ -14717,7 +14717,7 @@ showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = 1/2 target's current HP. Hits G showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1.ónico showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Skystrike showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. @@ -14732,24 +14732,24 @@ foes. Power doubles against Dive. Strikes showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Hits three times. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Hits 3 times. showdown.moves.swagger.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. showdown.moves.swagger.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 and confuses it. showdown.moves.swagger.gen2.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. This move will miss if the target's Attack cannot be raised. showdown.moves.swallow.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Heals the user based on uses of Stockpile. showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Stockpile count resets to 0. Kiss showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Scent Aroma showdown.moves.sweetscent.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 2 stages. showdown.moves.sweetscent.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 2. showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 1. showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1. showdown.moves.swift.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.swift.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. showdown.moves.swift.gen1.desc=This move does not check accuracy and hits even if the target is using Dig or Fly. @@ -14762,7 +14762,7 @@ showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, or if the user is trying to give or take a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.switcheroo.activate=%s switched items with its target! Dance Espada showdown.moves.swordsdance.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 2. @@ -14776,17 +14776,17 @@ showdown.moves.synthesis.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if De showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=No additional effect. Glow showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages. showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3. showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Slap showdown.moves.tailslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.tailslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. Whipátigo showdown.moves.tailwhip.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tailwhip.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.tailwhip.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1. @@ -14797,7 +14797,7 @@ showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.desc=For 3 turns, the user and its party members ha showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.shortDesc=For 3 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. showdown.moves.tailwind.start=The Tailwind blew from behind %s! showdown.moves.tailwind.end=%s's Tailwind petered out! Down showdown.moves.takedown.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -14823,20 +14823,20 @@ showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target can't use status mov showdown.moves.taunt.start=%s fell for the taunt! showdown.moves.taunt.end=%s shook off the taunt! showdown.moves.taunt.cant=%s can't use %s after the taunt! Look Llorosos showdown.moves.tearfullook.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tearfullook.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. del Té showdown.moves.teatime.desc=All active Pokemon consume their held Berries. This effect is not prevented by substitutes, the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if no active Pokemon is holding a Berry. showdown.moves.teatime.shortDesc=All active Pokemon consume held Berries. showdown.moves.teatime.activate=It's teatime! Everyone dug in to their Berries! nothing happened! Blast Shock showdown.moves.technoblast.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Drive. showdown.moves.technoblast.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Drive. Rage showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Dance Caos showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Causes the target to become confused. showdown.moves.teeterdance.shortDesc=Confuses adjacent Pokemon. @@ -14851,10 +14851,10 @@ showdown.moves.teleport.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fai showdown.moves.teleport.shortDesc=User switches out. showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.desc=Fails when used. showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.shortDesc=Fails when used. Blastón showdown.moves.terablast.desc=If the user is Terastallized, this move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes, and this move's type becomes the same as the user's Tera Type. showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=If Terastallized: Phys. if Atk > SpA, type = Tera. Pulse de Campo showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=Power doubles if the user is grounded and a terrain is active, and this move's type changes to match. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=User on terrain: power doubles, type varies. @@ -14872,7 +14872,7 @@ Waves showdown.moves.thousandwaves.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.thousandwaves.shortDesc=Hits adjacent foes. Prevents them from switching. showdown.moves.thousandwaves.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field.ña showdown.moves.thrash.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.thrash.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. showdown.moves.thrash.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. @@ -14918,10 +14918,10 @@ showdown.moves.thundershock.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Wave showdown.moves.thunderwave.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. showdown.moves.thunderwave.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.tickle.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tickle.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1. Up General showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. Removes subtitutes from all active Pokemon and ends the effects of Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes for both sides. showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=User +1 Atk, Spe. Clears all substitutes/hazards. showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Tidying up complete! @@ -14955,7 +14955,7 @@ showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1.ón showdown.moves.transform.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, gender, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP, with a maximum of 5 PP each. The user can no longer change formes if it would have the ability to do so. This move fails if it hits a substitute, if either the user or the target is already transformed, or if either is behind an Illusion. showdown.moves.transform.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and Ability. showdown.moves.transform.gen4.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, IVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move fails if the target has transformed. @@ -14963,7 +14963,7 @@ showdown.moves.transform.gen2.desc=The user transforms into the target. The targ showdown.moves.transform.gen2.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and species. showdown.moves.transform.gen1.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, DVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move can hit a target using Dig or Fly. showdown.moves.transform.transform=%s transformed into %s! Attack showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Has a 20% chance to either burn, freeze, or paralyze the target. showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze target. showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=This move selects burn, freeze, or paralysis at random, and has a 20% chance to inflict the target with that status. If the target is frozen and burn was selected, it thaws out. @@ -15003,7 +15003,7 @@ showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 1-3 times. Power rises with each h Kick showdown.moves.tropkick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Card Oculto showdown.moves.trumpcard.desc=The power of this move is based on the amount of PP remaining after normal PP reduction and the Pressure Ability resolve. 200 power for 0 PP, 80 power for 1 PP, 60 power for 2 PP, 50 power for 3 PP, and 40 power for 4 or more PP. showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=More power the fewer PP this move has left. Beam @@ -15031,7 +15031,7 @@ showdown.moves.uturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. showdown.moves.uturn.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. showdown.moves.uturn.gen4.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.uturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! showdown.moves.uproar.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. showdown.moves.uproar.shortDesc=Lasts 3 turns. Active Pokemon cannot fall asleep. showdown.moves.uproar.gen6.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an adjacent opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. @@ -15050,7 +15050,7 @@ showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Lowers the user's Speed, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. Volley showdown.moves.veeveevolley.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.veeveevolley.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Drench @@ -15064,7 +15064,7 @@ showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. Whip showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Grip showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Throw showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. @@ -15118,7 +15118,7 @@ showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe( Crash showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. Ball showdown.moves.weatherball.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Snow, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. showdown.moves.weatherball.shortDesc=Power doubles and type varies in each weather. showdown.moves.weatherball.gen8.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. @@ -15136,7 +15136,7 @@ showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.whirlpool.start=%s became trapped in the vortex! showdown.moves.whirlwind.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. showdown.moves.whirlwind.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. @@ -15170,7 +15170,7 @@ showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target. Attack showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.wish.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of the user's maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored. showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of its maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. @@ -15187,7 +15187,7 @@ showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil dama showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Up showdown.moves.workup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.workup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Seed @@ -15198,7 +15198,7 @@ showdown.moves.worryseed.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomni showdown.moves.worryseed.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, Stance Change, or Truant. showdown.moves.worryseed.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, or Truant. showdown.moves.worryseed.gen4.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype or Truant, or if the target is holding a Griseous Orb.ón showdown.moves.wrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.wrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.wrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -15211,13 +15211,13 @@ showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.wrap.start=%s was wrapped by %s! showdown.moves.wrap.move=%s's attack continues! Outón showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn. showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s grew drowsy! From cd5ee34a636a0403010fe38f6040f84b6451bbfa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 13:22:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 19/43] Type-combat moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 106 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 112 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index ffff8fe22..9188f0477 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11409,7 +11409,7 @@ showdown.moves.aircutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. Slash showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Pummeling Faustschläge showdown.moves.alloutpummeling.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Switch showdown.moves.allyswitch.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Ally Switch. @@ -11452,7 +11452,7 @@ showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=No additional effect. Cannon showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Thrustß showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -11499,7 +11499,7 @@ showdown.moves.attract.end=%s got over its infatuation! showdown.moves.attract.endFromItem=%s cured its infatuation using its %s! showdown.moves.attract.activate=%s is in love with %s! showdown.moves.attract.cant=%s is immobilized by love! Sphereäre showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Wheel showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. If the user is a Morpeko in Full Belly Mode, this move is Electric type. If the user is a Morpeko in Hangry Mode, this move is Dark type. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Full Belly or Hangry Mode Morpeko. @@ -11524,7 +11524,7 @@ showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's position this turn. Kick showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30% confusion. User loses 50% max HP if miss. showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! @@ -11706,7 +11706,7 @@ showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. showdown.moves.breakneckblitz.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Break showdown.moves.brickbreak.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. showdown.moves.brickbreak.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen6.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. @@ -11739,7 +11739,7 @@ showdown.moves.bugbite.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! Buzz showdown.moves.bugbuzz.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Up showdown.moves.bulkup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1. @@ -11822,7 +11822,7 @@ showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) ThrowÜberkopfwurf showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target is under the effect of Ingrain, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. @@ -11849,7 +11849,7 @@ showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speci showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1. Smog showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Resets all of the target's stat stages to 0. Combat showdown.moves.closecombat.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.closecombat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. @@ -11858,10 +11858,10 @@ showdown.moves.coaching.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Attack and Defense by 1. showdown.moves.coil.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.coil.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack, Defense, accuracy by 1. Course showdown.moves.collisioncourse.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. showdown.moves.collisioncourse.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. Torque showdown.moves.combattorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -11936,7 +11936,7 @@ showdown.moves.cottonguard.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 3. Spore showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. showdown.moves.counter.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. showdown.moves.counter.shortDesc=If hit by physical attack, returns double damage. showdown.moves.counter.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. @@ -11964,7 +11964,7 @@ showdown.moves.craftyshield.desc=The user and its party members are protected fr showdown.moves.craftyshield.shortDesc=Protects allies from Status moves this turn. showdown.moves.craftyshield.start=Crafty Shield protected %s! showdown.moves.craftyshield.block=Crafty Shield protected %s! Chop showdown.moves.crosschop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Poison @@ -12033,7 +12033,7 @@ showdown.moves.destinybond.gen6.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing showdown.moves.destinybond.gen2.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well. showdown.moves.destinybond.start=%s is hoping to take its attacker down with it! showdown.moves.destinybond.activate=%s took its attacker down with it! showdown.moves.detect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.detect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. showdown.moves.detect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. @@ -12118,7 +12118,7 @@ showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the targe Iron Bash showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Hits twice. 30% chance to make the target flinch. Kick showdown.moves.doublekick.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -12174,7 +12174,7 @@ showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally Kiss showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. Punch showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -12201,7 +12201,7 @@ showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Cannon showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. Punch showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. Power @@ -12371,7 +12371,7 @@ showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stat stages would not change. showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's max HP. Gambit showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's current HP. If this move is successful, the user faints. showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's HP. User faints. Blast @@ -12491,7 +12491,7 @@ flew up high! Press showdown.moves.flyingpress.desc=This move combines Flying in its type effectiveness against the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.flyingpress.shortDesc=Combines Flying in its type effectiveness. Blastß showdown.moves.focusblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.focusblast.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. @@ -12504,7 +12504,7 @@ showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.shortDesc=Quarters the user's chance for a criti showdown.moves.focusenergy.start=%s is getting pumped! showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromItem=%s used the %s to get pumped! showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromZEffect=%s boosted its critical-hit ratio using its Z-Power! Punch showdown.moves.focuspunch.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move. showdown.moves.focuspunch.shortDesc=Fails if the user takes damage before it hits. showdown.moves.focuspunch.gen4.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move, but it still loses PP. @@ -12518,7 +12518,7 @@ showdown.moves.followme.gen4.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target a showdown.moves.followme.gen3.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod Ability. This effect remains active even if the user leaves the field. Fails if it is not a Double Battle. showdown.moves.followme.start=%s became the center of attention! showdown.moves.followme.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Palm showdown.moves.forcepalm.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.forcepalm.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -12644,7 +12644,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Cannonade’s vortex! Centiferno showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. Chi Strike showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has their critical hit ratio raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Crit Ratio +1. showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s is getting pumped! @@ -12828,7 +12828,7 @@ showdown.moves.hail.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of ea showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=For 5 turns, hail crashes down. showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type. Fails if the current weather is Hail. Arm showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. Zeiten @@ -12936,7 +12936,7 @@ Power Steel Power Water Horsepower showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=No additional effect. Jump Kick showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. @@ -13120,7 +13120,7 @@ showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.judgment.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Plate. Kick showdown.moves.jumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. showdown.moves.jumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. @@ -13135,7 +13135,7 @@ showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Healing showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. Chop showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -13248,12 +13248,12 @@ showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. showdown.moves.lockon.start=%s took aim at %s! showdown.moves.lovelykiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Kickßkick showdown.moves.lowkick.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. showdown.moves.lowkick.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Sweepßtritt showdown.moves.lowsweep.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lowsweep.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1.örung @@ -13280,7 +13280,7 @@ showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Purge showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Punch showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Leaf @@ -13336,7 +13336,7 @@ showdown.moves.makeitrain.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! Moonsault showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.desc=Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target used Minimize. Block showdown.moves.matblock.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field, if the user moves last this turn, or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.matblock.shortDesc=Protects allies from damaging attacks. Turn 1 only. showdown.moves.matblock.start=%s intends to flip up a mat and block incoming attacks! @@ -13363,7 +13363,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s protected itself! Hailstorm showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Hail begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Hail. Knuckle showdown.moves.maxknuckle.desc=Boosts the user and its allies' Attack by 1 stage. BP scales with the base move's BP. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Attack. Lightning @@ -13448,7 +13448,7 @@ showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Sound showdown.moves.metalsound.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Assault showdown.moves.meteorassault.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.meteorassault.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Beam @@ -13654,7 +13654,7 @@ showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio.üll showdown.moves.nobleroar.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.nobleroar.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Retreat showdown.moves.noretreat.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage, but it becomes prevented from switching out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. Fails if the user has already been prevented from switching by this effect. showdown.moves.noretreat.shortDesc=Raises all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Traps user. showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s can no longer escape because it used No Retreat! @@ -13676,7 +13676,7 @@ showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. At the end of each turn during effect, the target's Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Traps target, lowers Def and SpD by 1 each turn. showdown.moves.octolock.start=%s can no longer escape because of Octolock! @@ -13852,7 +13852,7 @@ showdown.moves.powertrick.end=%s switched its Attack and Defense! Trip showdown.moves.powertrip.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. Punch showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Whip @@ -13954,7 +13954,7 @@ showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Guard showdown.moves.quickguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.quickguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from priority attacks this turn. showdown.moves.quickguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. @@ -14070,13 +14070,13 @@ showdown.moves.return.shortDesc=Max 102 power at maximum Happiness. showdown.moves.revelationdance.desc=This move's type depends on the user's primary type. If the user's primary type is typeless, this move's type is the user's secondary type if it has one, otherwise the added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat. This move is typeless if the user's type is typeless alone. showdown.moves.revelationdance.shortDesc=Type varies based on the user's primary type. showdown.moves.revenge.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. showdown.moves.revenge.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. showdown.moves.revenge.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn. showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn, and that Pokemon was the last to hit the user. showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if user is hit by the target. showdown.moves.reversal.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. @@ -14116,7 +14116,7 @@ showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Smashümmerer showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Throw @@ -14137,7 +14137,7 @@ showdown.moves.roleplay.gen5.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target showdown.moves.roleplay.gen4.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype or already matches the target, if the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, or if the user is holding a Griseous Orb. showdown.moves.roleplay.gen3.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. showdown.moves.roleplay.changeAbility=%s copied %s's %s Ability! Kick showdown.moves.rollingkick.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.rollingkick.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. @@ -14163,7 +14163,7 @@ showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Fire showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Has a 50% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. Sword showdown.moves.sacredsword.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.sacredsword.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. @@ -14240,7 +14240,7 @@ showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effec showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% chance acc -1) showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) Sword showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. Bomb @@ -14248,7 +14248,7 @@ showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. Flare showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. Toss showdown.moves.seismictoss.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.seismictoss.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. @@ -14389,7 +14389,7 @@ showdown.moves.skydrop.prepare=%s took %s into the sky! showdown.moves.skydrop.end=%s was freed from the Sky Drop! showdown.moves.skydrop.failSelect=Sky Drop won't let %s go! showdown.moves.skydrop.failTooHeavy=%s is too heavy to be lifted! Uppercut showdown.moves.skyuppercut.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. @@ -14659,7 +14659,7 @@ showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Power showdown.moves.storedpower.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. Throw showdown.moves.stormthrow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Steam @@ -14697,7 +14697,7 @@ showdown.moves.stunspore.desc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. showdown.moves.stunspore.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target.Überroller showdown.moves.submission.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -14733,7 +14733,7 @@ showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its cu showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move ignores type immunity. showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = 1/2 target's current HP. Hits Ghosts. showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1. @@ -14925,7 +14925,7 @@ showdown.moves.thundercage.start=%s trapped %s! Fang showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. showdown.moves.thunderfang.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze. 10% chance to flinch. Kick Tritt showdown.moves.thunderouskick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.thunderouskick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Punch @@ -15003,7 +15003,7 @@ Room showdown.moves.trickroom.desc=For 5 turns, the Speed of every Pokemon is recalculated for the purposes of determining turn order. During the effect, each Pokemon's Speed is considered to be (10000 - its normal Speed), and if this value is greater than 8191, 8192 is subtracted from it. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.trickroom.shortDesc=Goes last. For 5 turns, turn order is reversed. showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon with lower Speed will move before those with higher Speed, within their priority brackets. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. Arrows showdown.moves.triplearrows.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage, a 30% chance to make it flinch, and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=High crit. Target: 50% -1 Defense, 30% flinch. Axel @@ -15012,7 +15012,7 @@ showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power r Dive showdown.moves.tripledive.desc=Hits three times. showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Kick showdown.moves.triplekick.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. showdown.moves.triplekick.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -15063,7 +15063,7 @@ showdown.moves.uproar.end=%s calmed down. showdown.moves.uproar.upkeep=%s is making an uproar! showdown.moves.uproar.block=But the uproar kept %s awake! showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s can't sleep in an uproar! Wave showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. @@ -15078,14 +15078,14 @@ showdown.moves.venomdrench.shortDesc=Lowers Atk/Sp. Atk/Speed of poisoned foes b showdown.moves.venoshock.desc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. Dance showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. Whip showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=No additional effect. ThrowÜberwurf showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Goes last. Switch @@ -15100,7 +15100,7 @@ showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Slap showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If the user has not fainted, the target wakes up. showdown.moves.wakeupslap.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is asleep, and wakes it. showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If this move is successful, the target wakes up. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 17fea7d41..f6be73f93 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11390,7 +11390,7 @@ showdown.moves.aircutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. Slash showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Pummelingáfaga Demoledora showdown.moves.alloutpummeling.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Switch showdown.moves.allyswitch.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Ally Switch. @@ -11433,7 +11433,7 @@ showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=No additional effect. Cannon showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Thrustón showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -11480,7 +11480,7 @@ showdown.moves.attract.end=%s got over its infatuation! showdown.moves.attract.endFromItem=%s cured its infatuation using its %s! showdown.moves.attract.activate=%s is in love with %s! showdown.moves.attract.cant=%s is immobilized by love! Sphere Aural showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Wheel showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. If the user is a Morpeko in Full Belly Mode, this move is Electric type. If the user is a Morpeko in Hangry Mode, this move is Dark type. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Full Belly or Hangry Mode Morpeko. @@ -11505,7 +11505,7 @@ showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's position this turn. Kick Hacha showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30% confusion. User loses 50% max HP if miss. showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! @@ -11634,7 +11634,7 @@ showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Flare showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20% chance to burn the target. Press Corporal showdown.moves.bodypress.desc=Damage is calculated using the user's Defense stat as its Attack, including stat stage changes. Other effects that modify the Attack stat are used as normal. showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Uses user's Def stat as Atk in damage calculation. Cuerpo @@ -11687,7 +11687,7 @@ showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Arrolladora showdown.moves.breakneckblitz.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Breakón showdown.moves.brickbreak.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. showdown.moves.brickbreak.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen6.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. @@ -11720,7 +11720,7 @@ showdown.moves.bugbite.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! Buzz showdown.moves.bugbuzz.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Up showdown.moves.bulkup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1. @@ -11803,7 +11803,7 @@ showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Throw Giro showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target is under the effect of Ingrain, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. @@ -11830,19 +11830,19 @@ showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speci showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1. Smog showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Resets all of the target's stat stages to 0. Combat Bocajarro showdown.moves.closecombat.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.closecombat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1.ón showdown.moves.coaching.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.coaching.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Attack and Defense by 1. showdown.moves.coil.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.coil.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack, Defense, accuracy by 1. Course showdown.moves.collisioncourse.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. showdown.moves.collisioncourse.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. Torque showdown.moves.combattorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target.ño Cometa @@ -11917,7 +11917,7 @@ showdown.moves.cottonguard.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 3. Spore showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. showdown.moves.counter.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. showdown.moves.counter.shortDesc=If hit by physical attack, returns double damage. showdown.moves.counter.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. @@ -11945,7 +11945,7 @@ showdown.moves.craftyshield.desc=The user and its party members are protected fr showdown.moves.craftyshield.shortDesc=Protects allies from Status moves this turn. showdown.moves.craftyshield.start=Crafty Shield protected %s! showdown.moves.craftyshield.block=Crafty Shield protected %s! Chop Cruzado showdown.moves.crosschop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Poison @@ -12014,7 +12014,7 @@ showdown.moves.destinybond.gen6.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing showdown.moves.destinybond.gen2.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well. showdown.moves.destinybond.start=%s is hoping to take its attacker down with it! showdown.moves.destinybond.activate=%s took its attacker down with it!ón showdown.moves.detect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.detect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. showdown.moves.detect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. @@ -12099,7 +12099,7 @@ showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the targe Iron Bash showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Hits twice. 30% chance to make the target flinch. Kick Patada showdown.moves.doublekick.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -12155,7 +12155,7 @@ showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally Kiss showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. Punchño Drenaje showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -12182,7 +12182,7 @@ showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Cannon showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. Punchño Dinámico showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. Power @@ -12352,7 +12352,7 @@ showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stat stages would not change. showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's max HP. Gambit showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's current HP. If this move is successful, the user faints. showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's HP. User faints. Blast @@ -12469,10 +12469,10 @@ attack charges on the first turn and executes attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Thunder, Twister, and Whirlwind, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Dig. flew up high! Press Voladora showdown.moves.flyingpress.desc=This move combines Flying in its type effectiveness against the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.flyingpress.shortDesc=Combines Flying in its type effectiveness. Blast Certera showdown.moves.focusblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.focusblast.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Energía @@ -12485,7 +12485,7 @@ showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.shortDesc=Quarters the user's chance for a criti showdown.moves.focusenergy.start=%s is getting pumped! showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromItem=%s used the %s to get pumped! showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromZEffect=%s boosted its critical-hit ratio using its Z-Power! Punchño Certero showdown.moves.focuspunch.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move. showdown.moves.focuspunch.shortDesc=Fails if the user takes damage before it hits. showdown.moves.focuspunch.gen4.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move, but it still loses PP. @@ -12499,7 +12499,7 @@ showdown.moves.followme.gen4.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target a showdown.moves.followme.gen3.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod Ability. This effect remains active even if the user leaves the field. Fails if it is not a Double Battle. showdown.moves.followme.start=%s became the center of attention! showdown.moves.followme.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Palm showdown.moves.forcepalm.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.forcepalm.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target.ía @@ -12625,7 +12625,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Cannonade’s vortex! Centiferno showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. Chi Strikeñición showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has their critical hit ratio raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Crit Ratio +1. showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s is getting pumped! @@ -12809,7 +12809,7 @@ showdown.moves.hail.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of ea showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=For 5 turns, hail crashes down. showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type. Fails if the current weather is Hail. Arm showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. Extra @@ -12917,7 +12917,7 @@ Power Steel Power Water Horsepower showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=No additional effect. Jump Kick Salto Alta showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. @@ -13101,7 +13101,7 @@ showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.judgment.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Plate. Kick Salto showdown.moves.jumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. showdown.moves.jumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. @@ -13116,7 +13116,7 @@ showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Healing showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. Chop Kárate showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -13229,12 +13229,12 @@ showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. showdown.moves.lockon.start=%s took aim at %s! Amoroso showdown.moves.lovelykiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Kick Baja showdown.moves.lowkick.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. showdown.moves.lowkick.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Sweepé showdown.moves.lowsweep.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lowsweep.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. @@ -13261,7 +13261,7 @@ showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Purge showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Punchño showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Leaf @@ -13317,7 +13317,7 @@ showdown.moves.makeitrain.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! Moonsault showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.desc=Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target used Minimize. Block Tatami showdown.moves.matblock.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field, if the user moves last this turn, or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.matblock.shortDesc=Protects allies from damaging attacks. Turn 1 only. showdown.moves.matblock.start=%s intends to flip up a mat and block incoming attacks! @@ -13344,7 +13344,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s protected itself! Hailstorm showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Hail begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Hail. Knuckleño showdown.moves.maxknuckle.desc=Boosts the user and its allies' Attack by 1 stage. BP scales with the base move's BP. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Attack. Lightning @@ -13429,7 +13429,7 @@ showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Sound showdown.moves.metalsound.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Assault Estelar showdown.moves.meteorassault.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.meteorassault.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Beam @@ -13635,7 +13635,7 @@ showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. de Guerra showdown.moves.nobleroar.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.nobleroar.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Retreatón Final showdown.moves.noretreat.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage, but it becomes prevented from switching out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. Fails if the user has already been prevented from switching by this effect. showdown.moves.noretreat.shortDesc=Raises all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Traps user. showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s can no longer escape because it used No Retreat! @@ -13657,7 +13657,7 @@ showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. At the end of each turn during effect, the target's Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Traps target, lowers Def and SpD by 1 each turn. showdown.moves.octolock.start=%s can no longer escape because of Octolock! @@ -13833,7 +13833,7 @@ showdown.moves.powertrick.end=%s switched its Attack and Defense! Trip showdown.moves.powertrip.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. Punchño Incremento showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Whip @@ -13935,7 +13935,7 @@ showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! Rápido showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Guard showdown.moves.quickguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.quickguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from priority attacks this turn. showdown.moves.quickguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. @@ -14051,13 +14051,13 @@ showdown.moves.return.shortDesc=Max 102 power at maximum Happiness. Despertar showdown.moves.revelationdance.desc=This move's type depends on the user's primary type. If the user's primary type is typeless, this move's type is the user's secondary type if it has one, otherwise the added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat. This move is typeless if the user's type is typeless alone. showdown.moves.revelationdance.shortDesc=Type varies based on the user's primary type. showdown.moves.revenge.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. showdown.moves.revenge.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. showdown.moves.revenge.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn. showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn, and that Pokemon was the last to hit the user. showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if user is hit by the target.ón showdown.moves.reversal.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. @@ -14097,7 +14097,7 @@ showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Smash Roca showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Throw @@ -14118,7 +14118,7 @@ showdown.moves.roleplay.gen5.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target showdown.moves.roleplay.gen4.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype or already matches the target, if the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, or if the user is holding a Griseous Orb. showdown.moves.roleplay.gen3.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. showdown.moves.roleplay.changeAbility=%s copied %s's %s Ability! Kick Giro showdown.moves.rollingkick.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.rollingkick.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. @@ -14144,7 +14144,7 @@ showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Fire showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Has a 50% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. Sword Rauda showdown.moves.sacredsword.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.sacredsword.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. Sagrado @@ -14221,7 +14221,7 @@ showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effec showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% chance acc -1) showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) Sword Místico showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. Bomb @@ -14229,7 +14229,7 @@ showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. Flare showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. Tossísmico showdown.moves.seismictoss.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.seismictoss.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. @@ -14370,7 +14370,7 @@ showdown.moves.skydrop.prepare=%s took %s into the sky! showdown.moves.skydrop.end=%s was freed from the Sky Drop! showdown.moves.skydrop.failSelect=Sky Drop won't let %s go! showdown.moves.skydrop.failTooHeavy=%s is too heavy to be lifted! Uppercut Alto showdown.moves.skyuppercut.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. @@ -14640,7 +14640,7 @@ showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Power showdown.moves.storedpower.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. Throw Corsé showdown.moves.stormthrow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Steam @@ -14678,7 +14678,7 @@ showdown.moves.stunspore.desc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. showdown.moves.stunspore.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target.ón showdown.moves.submission.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -14714,7 +14714,7 @@ showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its cu showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move ignores type immunity. showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = 1/2 target's current HP. Hits Ghosts. Bruta showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1.ónico @@ -14906,7 +14906,7 @@ showdown.moves.thundercage.start=%s trapped %s! Fang showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. showdown.moves.thunderfang.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze. 10% chance to flinch. Kick Relámpago showdown.moves.thunderouskick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.thunderouskick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Punch @@ -14984,7 +14984,7 @@ Room showdown.moves.trickroom.desc=For 5 turns, the Speed of every Pokemon is recalculated for the purposes of determining turn order. During the effect, each Pokemon's Speed is considered to be (10000 - its normal Speed), and if this value is greater than 8191, 8192 is subtracted from it. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.trickroom.shortDesc=Goes last. For 5 turns, turn order is reversed. showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon with lower Speed will move before those with higher Speed, within their priority brackets. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. Arrows Flecha showdown.moves.triplearrows.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage, a 30% chance to make it flinch, and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=High crit. Target: 50% -1 Defense, 30% flinch. Axel @@ -14993,7 +14993,7 @@ showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power r Dive showdown.moves.tripledive.desc=Hits three times. showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Kick Patada showdown.moves.triplekick.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. showdown.moves.triplekick.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -15044,7 +15044,7 @@ showdown.moves.uproar.end=%s calmed down. showdown.moves.uproar.upkeep=%s is making an uproar! showdown.moves.uproar.block=But the uproar kept %s awake! showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s can't sleep in an uproar! Wave Vacío showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. @@ -15059,14 +15059,14 @@ showdown.moves.venomdrench.shortDesc=Lowers Atk/Sp. Atk/Speed of poisoned foes b showdown.moves.venoshock.desc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. Dance Triunfal showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. Whip showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Throw Vital showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Goes last. Switch @@ -15081,7 +15081,7 @@ showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Slap showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If the user has not fainted, the target wakes up. showdown.moves.wakeupslap.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is asleep, and wakes it. showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If this move is successful, the target wakes up. From 42bd46e59f377b1394e85fac9737cb1fcd1be049 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 13:31:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 20/43] Type-flying moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 9188f0477..139085554 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11385,15 +11385,15 @@ showdown.moves.aciddownpour.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Spray showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. showdown.moves.acrobatics.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user has no held item. showdown.moves.acupressure.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an adjacent ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if used on an ally with a substitute. showdown.moves.acupressure.shortDesc=Raises a random stat of the user or an ally by 2. showdown.moves.acupressure.gen4.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if the user or ally has a substitute. Ace showdown.moves.aerialace.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.ß showdown.moves.aeroblast.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.aeroblast.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -11403,10 +11403,10 @@ showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s took the kind offer! showdown.moves.agility.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.agility.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. Cutter showdown.moves.aircutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.aircutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. Slash showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Faustschläge @@ -11554,7 +11554,7 @@ showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. showdown.moves.batonpass.desc=The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party. The selected Pokemon has the user's stat stage changes, confusion, and certain move effects transferred to it. showdown.moves.batonpass.shortDesc=User switches, passing stat changes and more. Blast showdown.moves.beakblast.desc=If the user is hit by a contact move this turn before it can execute this move, the attacker is burned. showdown.moves.beakblast.shortDesc=Burns on contact with the user before it moves. showdown.moves.beakblast.start=%s started heating up its beak! @@ -11630,7 +11630,7 @@ showdown.moves.blazekick.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to burn. Torque showdown.moves.blazingtorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Storm showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. @@ -11683,7 +11683,7 @@ showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hiÜberschallknall showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.bounce.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.bounce.shortDesc=Bounces turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. showdown.moves.bounce.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. @@ -11696,7 +11696,7 @@ showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Poke showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=No additional effect. Bird showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -11801,7 +11801,7 @@ showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.charm.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.charm.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2.ätz showdown.moves.chatter.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.chatter.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 0 or 10 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 0 for a low volume or no recording, 10 for a medium to high volume recording. @@ -12018,7 +12018,7 @@ showdown.moves.defensecurl.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. As long as showdown.moves.defensecurl.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen2.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. While the user remains active, the power of the user's Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.defog.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. If there is a terrain active and this move is successful, the terrain will be cleared. showdown.moves.defog.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears terrain and hazards on both sides. showdown.moves.defog.gen7.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. @@ -12140,7 +12140,7 @@ showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. Meteor showdown.moves.dracometeor.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.dracometeor.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Ascentürmer showdown.moves.dragonascent.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.dragonascent.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.dragonascent.megaNoItem=%s's fervent wish has reached %s! @@ -12184,7 +12184,7 @@ showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=User gains 1/2 HP inflicted. Sleeping target showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. Peck showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Run showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. @@ -12195,7 +12195,7 @@ showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by Chop showdown.moves.dualchop.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.dualchop.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Wingbeatügel showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Cannon @@ -12344,7 +12344,7 @@ showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Dance showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. @@ -12467,7 +12467,7 @@ Turn showdown.moves.flipturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. showdown.moves.flipturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! Fall showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Healing @@ -12742,7 +12742,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move powe showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=%s were surrounded by fire! showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=%s is burning up within G-Max Wildfire’s flames! Wind Rageß showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain end, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Ends Terrain, hazards. Knot @@ -12810,7 +12810,7 @@ showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is Shot showdown.moves.gunkshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.gunkshot.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target.ß showdown.moves.gust.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.gust.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce, Fly, and Sky Drop. showdown.moves.gust.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. @@ -12973,7 +12973,7 @@ showdown.moves.howl.desc=Raises the Attack of the user and all allies 1 stage. showdown.moves.howl.shortDesc=Raises the user's and ally's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.howl.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.howl.gen7.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.hurricane.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. showdown.moves.hurricane.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse target. Can't miss in rain. showdown.moves.hurricane.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. @@ -13341,7 +13341,7 @@ showdown.moves.matblock.desc=The user and its party members are protected from d showdown.moves.matblock.shortDesc=Protects allies from damaging attacks. Turn 1 only. showdown.moves.matblock.start=%s intends to flip up a mat and block incoming attacks! showdown.moves.matblock.block=%s was blocked by the kicked-up mat! Airstreamüse showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Speed. Darkness @@ -13519,7 +13519,7 @@ showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a special attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. Move showdown.moves.mirrormove.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. The copied move is used against that target, if possible. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the last move used cannot be copied by this move. showdown.moves.mirrormove.shortDesc=User uses the target's last used move against it. showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move was called by another move, if the move is Encore, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. @@ -13664,7 +13664,7 @@ showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Wing showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. @@ -13732,7 +13732,7 @@ showdown.moves.payday.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Scatters coins. showdown.moves.payday.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 if it doesn't already have a perish count. At the end of each turn including the turn used, the perish count of all active Pokemon lowers by 1 and Pokemon faint if the number reaches 0. The perish count is removed from Pokemon that switch out. If a Pokemon uses Baton Pass while it has a perish count, the replacement will gain the perish count and continue to count down. @@ -13778,7 +13778,7 @@ showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Rough showdown.moves.playrough.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.playrough.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.ücker showdown.moves.pluck.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.pluck.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. showdown.moves.pluck.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. @@ -14145,7 +14145,7 @@ showdown.moves.rollout.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. showdown.moves.rollout.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. showdown.moves.roost.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user is not Terastallized, until the end of the turn Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends. showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. @@ -14374,14 +14374,14 @@ showdown.moves.skullbash.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and exe showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.skullbash.prepare=%s tucked in its head! Attack showdown.moves.skyattack.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.skyattack.shortDesc=Charges, then hits turn 2. 30% flinch. High crit. showdown.moves.skyattack.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.skyattack.prepare=%s became cloaked in a harsh light! Drop Fall showdown.moves.skydrop.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. Pokemon weighing 200 kg or more cannot be lifted. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. showdown.moves.skydrop.shortDesc=User and foe fly up turn 1. Damages on turn 2. showdown.moves.skydrop.gen5.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. If the effect of Gravity ends this effect before the second turn, both the user and the target return to the ground, but the target will otherwise remain under this effect until the user leaves the field or successfully executes the second turn of any two-turn move. @@ -14738,7 +14738,7 @@ showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1. showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Skystrike Steilflug showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. doubles if the target is using Dive. @@ -14809,7 +14809,7 @@ showdown.moves.tailwhip.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tailwhip.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.tailwhip.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1.ückenwind showdown.moves.tailwind.desc=For 4 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.tailwind.shortDesc=For 4 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.desc=For 3 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. @@ -15187,7 +15187,7 @@ showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target. Attackügelschlag showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.wish.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of the user's maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index f6be73f93..17a6a0254 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11366,15 +11366,15 @@ showdown.moves.aciddownpour.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Spray showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2.óbata showdown.moves.acrobatics.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user has no held item.ón showdown.moves.acupressure.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an adjacent ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if used on an ally with a substitute. showdown.moves.acupressure.shortDesc=Raises a random stat of the user or an ally by 2. showdown.moves.acupressure.gen4.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if the user or ally has a substitute. Ace Aéreo showdown.moves.aerialace.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.ß showdown.moves.aeroblast.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.aeroblast.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Paso @@ -11384,10 +11384,10 @@ showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s took the kind offer! showdown.moves.agility.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.agility.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. Cutter Afilado showdown.moves.aircutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.aircutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. Slash Aéreo showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch.áfaga Demoledora @@ -11535,7 +11535,7 @@ showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. showdown.moves.batonpass.desc=The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party. The selected Pokemon has the user's stat stage changes, confusion, and certain move effects transferred to it. showdown.moves.batonpass.shortDesc=User switches, passing stat changes and more. Blast Cañón showdown.moves.beakblast.desc=If the user is hit by a contact move this turn before it can execute this move, the attacker is burned. showdown.moves.beakblast.shortDesc=Burns on contact with the user before it moves. showdown.moves.beakblast.start=%s started heating up its beak! @@ -11611,7 +11611,7 @@ showdown.moves.blazekick.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to burn. Torque showdown.moves.blazingtorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Storm Gélido showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. @@ -11664,7 +11664,7 @@ showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hi showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.bounce.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.bounce.shortDesc=Bounces turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. showdown.moves.bounce.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. @@ -11677,7 +11677,7 @@ showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Poke showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=No additional effect. Birdájaro Osado showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -11782,7 +11782,7 @@ showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.charm.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.charm.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2.áchara showdown.moves.chatter.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.chatter.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 0 or 10 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 0 for a low volume or no recording, 10 for a medium to high volume recording. @@ -11999,7 +11999,7 @@ showdown.moves.defensecurl.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. As long as showdown.moves.defensecurl.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen2.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. While the user remains active, the power of the user's Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.defog.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. If there is a terrain active and this move is successful, the terrain will be cleared. showdown.moves.defog.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears terrain and hazards on both sides. showdown.moves.defog.gen7.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. @@ -12121,7 +12121,7 @@ showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. Meteor showdown.moves.dracometeor.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.dracometeor.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Ascent Draco showdown.moves.dragonascent.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.dragonascent.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.dragonascent.megaNoItem=%s's fervent wish has reached %s! @@ -12165,7 +12165,7 @@ showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=User gains 1/2 HP inflicted. Sleeping target showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. Peck Taladro showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Run showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. @@ -12176,7 +12176,7 @@ showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by Chop showdown.moves.dualchop.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.dualchop.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Wingbeat Bis showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Cannon @@ -12325,7 +12325,7 @@ showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Tortazo showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Dance Pluma showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. @@ -12448,7 +12448,7 @@ Turn showdown.moves.flipturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. showdown.moves.flipturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! Fall showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Healing @@ -12460,7 +12460,7 @@ showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass ty Trick showdown.moves.flowertrick.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.flowertrick.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit; no accuracy check. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. up on first turn, then strikes the next turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. @@ -12723,7 +12723,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move powe showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=%s were surrounded by fire! showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=%s is burning up within G-Max Wildfire’s flames! Wind Rageán showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain end, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Ends Terrain, hazards. Knot @@ -12791,7 +12791,7 @@ showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is Shot showdown.moves.gunkshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.gunkshot.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.gust.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.gust.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce, Fly, and Sky Drop. showdown.moves.gust.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. @@ -12954,7 +12954,7 @@ showdown.moves.howl.desc=Raises the Attack of the user and all allies 1 stage. showdown.moves.howl.shortDesc=Raises the user's and ally's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.howl.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.howl.gen7.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.hurricane.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. showdown.moves.hurricane.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse target. Can't miss in rain. showdown.moves.hurricane.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. @@ -13322,7 +13322,7 @@ showdown.moves.matblock.desc=The user and its party members are protected from d showdown.moves.matblock.shortDesc=Protects allies from damaging attacks. Turn 1 only. showdown.moves.matblock.start=%s intends to flip up a mat and block incoming attacks! showdown.moves.matblock.block=%s was blocked by the kicked-up mat! Airstreamón showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Speed. Darkness @@ -13500,7 +13500,7 @@ showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a special attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. Move showdown.moves.mirrormove.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. The copied move is used against that target, if possible. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the last move used cannot be copied by this move. showdown.moves.mirrormove.shortDesc=User uses the target's last used move against it. showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move was called by another move, if the move is Encore, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. @@ -13645,7 +13645,7 @@ showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Wing Mortífera showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. @@ -13713,7 +13713,7 @@ía de Pago showdown.moves.payday.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Scatters coins. showdown.moves.payday.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Mortal showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 if it doesn't already have a perish count. At the end of each turn including the turn used, the perish count of all active Pokemon lowers by 1 and Pokemon faint if the number reaches 0. The perish count is removed from Pokemon that switch out. If a Pokemon uses Baton Pass while it has a perish count, the replacement will gain the perish count and continue to count down. @@ -13759,7 +13759,7 @@ showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Rough showdown.moves.playrough.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.playrough.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.pluck.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.pluck.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. showdown.moves.pluck.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. @@ -14126,7 +14126,7 @@ showdown.moves.rollout.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. showdown.moves.rollout.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. showdown.moves.roost.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user is not Terastallized, until the end of the turn Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends. showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. @@ -14355,14 +14355,14 @@ showdown.moves.skullbash.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and exe showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.skullbash.prepare=%s tucked in its head! Attack Aéreo showdown.moves.skyattack.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.skyattack.shortDesc=Charges, then hits turn 2. 30% flinch. High crit. showdown.moves.skyattack.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.skyattack.prepare=%s became cloaked in a harsh light! Dropída Libre showdown.moves.skydrop.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. Pokemon weighing 200 kg or more cannot be lifted. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. showdown.moves.skydrop.shortDesc=User and foe fly up turn 1. Damages on turn 2. showdown.moves.skydrop.gen5.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. If the effect of Gravity ends this effect before the second turn, both the user and the target return to the ground, but the target will otherwise remain under this effect until the user leaves the field or successfully executes the second turn of any two-turn move. @@ -14719,7 +14719,7 @@ showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1.ónico showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Skystrike Supersónico showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. doubles if the target is using Dive. @@ -14790,7 +14790,7 @@átigo showdown.moves.tailwhip.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tailwhip.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.tailwhip.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1. Afín showdown.moves.tailwind.desc=For 4 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.tailwind.shortDesc=For 4 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.desc=For 3 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. @@ -15168,7 +15168,7 @@ showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target. Attack Ala showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.wish.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of the user's maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. From 00057e448467450f2b06fee9d0cfab3f29fc282a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 13:41:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 21/43] Type-poison moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 139085554..3a129548e 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11369,7 +11369,7 @@ showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Usually goes first.äure showdown.moves.acid.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.acid.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.acid.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. @@ -11377,12 +11377,12 @@ showdown.moves.acid.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.acid.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.acid.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.acid.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Armoräurepanzer showdown.moves.acidarmor.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.acidarmor.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Downpour Säureregen showdown.moves.aciddownpour.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Sprayäurespeier showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. @@ -11534,12 +11534,12 @@ showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Bad showdown.moves.baddybad.desc=This move summons Reflect for 5 turns upon use. showdown.moves.baddybad.shortDesc=Summons Reflect. Bunker showdown.moves.banefulbunker.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.banefulbunker.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: poison. showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Barrage showdown.moves.barbbarrage.desc=Has a 50% chance to poison the target. Power doubles if the target is already poisoned. showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50% psn. 2x power if target already poisoned. @@ -11571,7 +11571,7 @@ showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynam Blade showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed.ülpser showdown.moves.belch.desc=This move cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry, either by eating one that was held, stealing and eating one off another Pokemon with Bug Bite or Pluck, or eating one that was thrown at it with Fling. Once the condition is met, this move can be selected and used for the rest of the battle even if the user gains or uses another item or switches out. Consuming a Berry with Natural Gift does not count for the purposes of eating one. showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=Cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry. @@ -11847,7 +11847,7 @@ showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=User loses 33% of its max HP. +1 to all Soulblaze showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1. Smogärsmog showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Resets all of the target's stat stages to 0. showdown.moves.closecombat.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. @@ -11855,7 +11855,7 @@ showdown.moves.closecombat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.coaching.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.coaching.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Attack and Defense by 1. showdown.moves.coil.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.coil.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack, Defense, accuracy by 1. @@ -11922,7 +11922,7 @@ showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=If the user moves after the target, the ta showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen7.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. Crash showdown.moves.corkscrewcrash.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Gas showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=The target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.corrosivegas.shortDesc=Removes adjacent Pokemon's held items. it failed to affect %s! @@ -11967,7 +11967,7 @@ showdown.moves.craftyshield.block=Crafty Shield protected %s! showdown.moves.crosschop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Poison showdown.moves.crosspoison.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crosspoison.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. @@ -12058,7 +12058,7 @@ showdown.moves.dig.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes showdown.moves.dig.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude, the user is unaffected by weather, and Earthquake and Magnitude have doubled power when used against the user. showdown.moves.dig.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Fly. showdown.moves.dig.prepare=%s burrowed its way under the ground! Claw showdown.moves.direclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to cause the target to either fall asleep, become poisoned, or become paralyzed. showdown.moves.direclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to sleep, poison, or paralyze target. @@ -12584,7 +12584,7 @@ showdown.moves.futuresight.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a crit showdown.moves.futuresight.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move is already in effect for the target's position. showdown.moves.futuresight.start=%s foresaw an attack! showdown.moves.futuresight.activate=%s took the Future Sight attack! Acidäfte showdown.moves.gastroacid.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. showdown.moves.gastroacid.shortDesc=Nullifies the target's Ability. showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. @@ -12676,7 +12676,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Gravity. Hydrosnipe showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Malodor showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes poisoned, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: poisoned. Meltdown @@ -12807,7 +12807,7 @@ showdown.moves.guillotine.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower l showdown.moves.guillotine.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. Shotülltreffer showdown.moves.gunkshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.gunkshot.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target.ß @@ -13372,7 +13372,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Electric T Mindstorm showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Psychic Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Psychic Terrain. Ooze showdown.moves.maxooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Atk. Overgrowth @@ -13574,7 +13574,7 @@ showdown.moves.morningsun.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if D showdown.moves.morningsun.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.morningsun.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. Spin showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/leech. Gale @@ -13658,7 +13658,7 @@ showdown.moves.noretreat.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage, but it becomes prevented from switching out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. Fails if the user has already been prevented from switching by this effect. showdown.moves.noretreat.shortDesc=Raises all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Traps user. showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s can no longer escape because it used No Retreat! Torque showdown.moves.noxioustorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. @@ -13783,27 +13783,27 @@ showdown.moves.pluck.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainte showdown.moves.pluck.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. showdown.moves.pluck.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.pluck.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! Fang showdown.moves.poisonfang.desc=Has a 50% chance to badly poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonfang.shortDesc=50% chance to badly poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to badly poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to badly poison the target. Gas showdown.moves.poisongas.desc=Poisons the target. showdown.moves.poisongas.shortDesc=Poisons the foe(s). showdown.moves.poisongas.gen2.shortDesc=Poisons the target. Jab showdown.moves.poisonjab.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonjab.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. Powder showdown.moves.poisonpowder.desc=Poisons the target. showdown.moves.poisonpowder.shortDesc=Poisons the target. Sting showdown.moves.poisonsting.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonsting.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.shortDesc=20% chance to poison the target. Tail showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. Puff @@ -13930,7 +13930,7 @@ showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts.äuterung showdown.moves.purify.desc=The target is cured if it has a non-volatile status condition. If the target was cured, the user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Cures target's status; heals user 1/2 max HP if so. @@ -14301,7 +14301,7 @@ showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's m showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=OHKOs non-Ice targets. Fails if user's lower level. showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. Side Arm showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. This move becomes a physical attack that makes contact if the value of ((((2 * the user's level / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50), where X is the user's Attack stat and Y is the target's Defense stat, is greater than the same value where X is the user's Special Attack stat and Y is the target's Special Defense stat. No stat modifiers other than stat stage changes are considered for this purpose. If the two values are equal, this move chooses a damage category at random. showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Physical+contact if it would be stronger. @@ -14415,15 +14415,15 @@ showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen5.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this m showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen4.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen3.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, but if it currently has 0 PP it will fail to be used. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Focus Punch, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen2.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Bide, Sleep Talk, or any two-turn move. showdown.moves.sludge.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludge.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. Bomb showdown.moves.sludgebomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludgebomb.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. Wave showdown.moves.sludgewave.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludgewave.shortDesc=10% chance to poison adjacent Pokemon. Down @@ -14955,12 +14955,12 @@ showdown.moves.torment.desc=Prevents the target from selecting the same move for showdown.moves.torment.shortDesc=Target can't select the same move twice in a row. showdown.moves.torment.start=%s was subjected to torment! showdown.moves.torment.end=%s is no longer tormented! showdown.moves.toxic.desc=Badly poisons the target. If a Poison-type Pokemon uses this move, the target cannot avoid the attack, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. showdown.moves.toxic.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. Poison types can't miss. showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.desc=Badly poisons the target. showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. Spikes showdown.moves.toxicspikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. showdown.moves.toxicspikes.shortDesc=Poisons grounded foes on switch-in. Max 2 layers. showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. @@ -14968,7 +14968,7 @@ showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of th showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen4.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, as well as switching in with a substitute. showdown.moves.toxicspikes.start=Poison spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! showdown.moves.toxicspikes.end=The poison spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! Thread showdown.moves.toxicthread.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage and poisons it. showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons it. @@ -15072,10 +15072,10 @@ showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. showdown.moves.veeveevolley.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.veeveevolley.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Drench showdown.moves.venomdrench.desc=Lowers the target's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 1 stage if the target is poisoned. Fails if the target is not poisoned. showdown.moves.venomdrench.shortDesc=Lowers Atk/Sp. Atk/Speed of poisoned foes by 1. showdown.moves.venoshock.desc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 17a6a0254..27f3de2d4 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11350,7 +11350,7 @@ showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Usually goes first.Ácido showdown.moves.acid.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.acid.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.acid.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. @@ -11358,12 +11358,12 @@ showdown.moves.acid.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.acid.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.acid.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.acid.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Armor Ácida showdown.moves.acidarmor.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.acidarmor.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Downpour Corrosivo showdown.moves.aciddownpour.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Spray Ácida showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2.óbata @@ -11515,12 +11515,12 @@ showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Bad showdown.moves.baddybad.desc=This move summons Reflect for 5 turns upon use. showdown.moves.baddybad.shortDesc=Summons Reflect. Bunkerúnker showdown.moves.banefulbunker.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.banefulbunker.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: poison. showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Barrage Púas Tóxicas showdown.moves.barbbarrage.desc=Has a 50% chance to poison the target. Power doubles if the target is already poisoned. showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50% psn. 2x power if target already poisoned. @@ -11552,7 +11552,7 @@ showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynam Blade showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. showdown.moves.belch.desc=This move cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry, either by eating one that was held, stealing and eating one off another Pokemon with Bug Bite or Pluck, or eating one that was thrown at it with Fling. Once the condition is met, this move can be selected and used for the rest of the battle even if the user gains or uses another item or switches out. Consuming a Berry with Natural Gift does not count for the purposes of eating one. showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=Cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry. @@ -11828,7 +11828,7 @@ showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=User loses 33% of its max HP. +1 to all Soulblaze showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1. Smog Clara showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Resets all of the target's stat stages to 0. Bocajarro showdown.moves.closecombat.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. @@ -11836,7 +11836,7 @@ showdown.moves.closecombat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1.ón showdown.moves.coaching.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.coaching.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Attack and Defense by 1. showdown.moves.coil.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.coil.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack, Defense, accuracy by 1. @@ -11903,7 +11903,7 @@ showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=If the user moves after the target, the ta showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen7.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. Crash showdown.moves.corkscrewcrash.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Gas Corrosivo showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=The target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.corrosivegas.shortDesc=Removes adjacent Pokemon's held items. it failed to affect %s! @@ -11948,7 +11948,7 @@ showdown.moves.craftyshield.block=Crafty Shield protected %s! Cruzado showdown.moves.crosschop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Poison X showdown.moves.crosspoison.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crosspoison.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. @@ -12039,7 +12039,7 @@ showdown.moves.dig.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes showdown.moves.dig.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude, the user is unaffected by weather, and Earthquake and Magnitude have doubled power when used against the user. showdown.moves.dig.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Fly. showdown.moves.dig.prepare=%s burrowed its way under the ground! Claw Nociva showdown.moves.direclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to cause the target to either fall asleep, become poisoned, or become paralyzed. showdown.moves.direclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to sleep, poison, or paralyze target.ón @@ -12565,7 +12565,7 @@ showdown.moves.futuresight.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a crit showdown.moves.futuresight.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move is already in effect for the target's position. showdown.moves.futuresight.start=%s foresaw an attack! showdown.moves.futuresight.activate=%s took the Future Sight attack! Acid showdown.moves.gastroacid.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. showdown.moves.gastroacid.shortDesc=Nullifies the target's Ability. showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. @@ -12657,7 +12657,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Gravity. Hydrosnipe showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Malodor showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes poisoned, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: poisoned. Meltdown @@ -12788,7 +12788,7 @@ showdown.moves.guillotine.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower l showdown.moves.guillotine.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. Shot showdown.moves.gunkshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.gunkshot.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. @@ -13353,7 +13353,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Electric T Mindstorm showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Psychic Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Psychic Terrain. Oozeácido showdown.moves.maxooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Atk. Overgrowth @@ -13555,7 +13555,7 @@ showdown.moves.morningsun.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if D showdown.moves.morningsun.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.morningsun.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. Spin Mortífero showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/leech. Gale @@ -13639,7 +13639,7 @@ón Final showdown.moves.noretreat.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage, but it becomes prevented from switching out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. Fails if the user has already been prevented from switching by this effect. showdown.moves.noretreat.shortDesc=Raises all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Traps user. showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s can no longer escape because it used No Retreat! Torque showdown.moves.noxioustorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. @@ -13764,27 +13764,27 @@ showdown.moves.pluck.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainte showdown.moves.pluck.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. showdown.moves.pluck.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.pluck.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! Fang Veneno showdown.moves.poisonfang.desc=Has a 50% chance to badly poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonfang.shortDesc=50% chance to badly poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to badly poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to badly poison the target. Gas Venenoso showdown.moves.poisongas.desc=Poisons the target. showdown.moves.poisongas.shortDesc=Poisons the foe(s). showdown.moves.poisongas.gen2.shortDesc=Poisons the target. Jab Nociva showdown.moves.poisonjab.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonjab.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. Powder Veneno showdown.moves.poisonpowder.desc=Poisons the target. showdown.moves.poisonpowder.shortDesc=Poisons the target. Sting Veneno showdown.moves.poisonsting.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonsting.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.shortDesc=20% chance to poison the target. Tail Veneno showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. Puff @@ -13911,7 +13911,7 @@ showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts.ón showdown.moves.purify.desc=The target is cured if it has a non-volatile status condition. If the target was cured, the user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Cures target's status; heals user 1/2 max HP if so. @@ -14282,7 +14282,7 @@ showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's m showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=OHKOs non-Ice targets. Fails if user's lower level. showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. Side Armñón showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. This move becomes a physical attack that makes contact if the value of ((((2 * the user's level / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50), where X is the user's Attack stat and Y is the target's Defense stat, is greater than the same value where X is the user's Special Attack stat and Y is the target's Special Defense stat. No stat modifiers other than stat stage changes are considered for this purpose. If the two values are equal, this move chooses a damage category at random. showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Physical+contact if it would be stronger. @@ -14396,15 +14396,15 @@ showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen5.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this m showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen4.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen3.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, but if it currently has 0 PP it will fail to be used. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Focus Punch, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen2.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Bide, Sleep Talk, or any two-turn move. showdown.moves.sludge.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludge.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. Bomb Lodo showdown.moves.sludgebomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludgebomb.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. Wave Tóxica showdown.moves.sludgewave.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludgewave.shortDesc=10% chance to poison adjacent Pokemon. Down @@ -14419,7 +14419,7 @@ showdown.moves.smellingsalts.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is paralyzed, and showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if target is paralyzed; cures it. showdown.moves.smog.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. de Humo @@ -14936,12 +14936,12 @@ showdown.moves.torment.desc=Prevents the target from selecting the same move for showdown.moves.torment.shortDesc=Target can't select the same move twice in a row. showdown.moves.torment.start=%s was subjected to torment! showdown.moves.torment.end=%s is no longer tormented!óxico showdown.moves.toxic.desc=Badly poisons the target. If a Poison-type Pokemon uses this move, the target cannot avoid the attack, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. showdown.moves.toxic.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. Poison types can't miss. showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.desc=Badly poisons the target. showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. Spikesúas Tóxicas showdown.moves.toxicspikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. showdown.moves.toxicspikes.shortDesc=Poisons grounded foes on switch-in. Max 2 layers. showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. @@ -14949,7 +14949,7 @@ showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of th showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen4.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, as well as switching in with a substitute. showdown.moves.toxicspikes.start=Poison spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! showdown.moves.toxicspikes.end=The poison spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! Thread Venenoso showdown.moves.toxicthread.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage and poisons it. showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons it. @@ -15053,10 +15053,10 @@ showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. showdown.moves.veeveevolley.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.veeveevolley.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Drench Venenosa showdown.moves.venomdrench.desc=Lowers the target's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 1 stage if the target is poisoned. Fails if the target is not poisoned. showdown.moves.venomdrench.shortDesc=Lowers Atk/Sp. Atk/Speed of poisoned foes by 1. Tóxica showdown.moves.venoshock.desc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. Triunfal From 1450afdcac2ea4a720082db8e1aa28ba51f370bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 13:51:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 22/43] Type-ground moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 3a129548e..daa77f83e 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11666,16 +11666,16 @@ showdown.moves.boltbeak.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. Strike showdown.moves.boltstrike.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.boltstrike.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze the target. Club showdown.moves.boneclub.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.boneclub.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bonemerang.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.bonemerang.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen1.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Rush showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -11742,7 +11742,7 @@ showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.bulkup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1. showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1. Punch @@ -12050,7 +12050,7 @@ showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by showdown.moves.diamondstorm.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Defense by 2. showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage for each hit. showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Def by 1 for each hit. showdown.moves.dig.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.dig.shortDesc=Digs underground turn 1, strikes turn 2. showdown.moves.dig.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. @@ -12186,7 +12186,7 @@ showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Run showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Beating @@ -12204,10 +12204,10 @@ showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dyna showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. Poweräfte showdown.moves.earthpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.earthpower.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.earthquake.desc=Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. showdown.moves.earthquake.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dig. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Dig. @@ -12415,7 +12415,7 @@ showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. Rend showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. showdown.moves.fissure.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. Can hit a target using Dig. @@ -12694,7 +12694,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Base move affects power. 50% restores Ber Resonance showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Aurora Veil begins on the user's side. showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Aurora Veil. Sandblastß showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. Smite @@ -12849,7 +12849,7 @@ showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch.ädel showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. Rush showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Smash @@ -12934,7 +12934,7 @@ Power Psychic Power Rock Power Steel Power Water Horsepowerärke showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. @@ -13324,7 +13324,7 @@ showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-ty showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effect of Ingrain. showdown.moves.magnetrise.start=%s levitated with electromagnetism! showdown.moves.magnetrise.end=%s's electromagnetism wore off!ät showdown.moves.magnitude.desc=The power of this move varies; 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. showdown.moves.magnitude.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power varies; 2x on Dig. showdown.moves.magnitude.gen4.desc=The power of this move varies. 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Power doubles if the target is using Dig. @@ -13381,7 +13381,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Grassy Te Phantasm showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Defense. Quakeß showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Def. Rockfall @@ -13580,16 +13580,16 @@ showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/l Gale showdown.moves.mountaingale.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.mountaingale.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Bomb showdown.moves.mudbomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mudbomb.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Shot showdown.moves.mudshot.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mudshot.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.mudslap.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mudslap.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Sport showdown.moves.mudsport.desc=For 5 turns, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. showdown.moves.mudsport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Electric-type attacks have 1/3 power. showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. @@ -13857,7 +13857,7 @@ showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Whip showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Blades showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. @@ -14151,7 +14151,7 @@ showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends. showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. showdown.moves.roost.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become typeless. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s loses Flying type this turn.)üger showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of all grounded Grass-type Pokemon on the field by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Raises Atk/Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types by 1. @@ -14179,10 +14179,10 @@ showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its max showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Deals 1/8 max HP each turn; 1/4 on Steel, Water. showdown.moves.saltcure.start=%s is being salt cured! showdown.moves.saltcure.damage=%s is hurt by Salt Cure! Attack showdown.moves.sandattack.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.sandattack.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Stormüstenorkan showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to burn foe(s). @@ -14192,7 +14192,7 @@ showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. A showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Sand Veil Ability. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. Tomb showdown.moves.sandtomb.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.sandtomb.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -14218,7 +14218,7 @@ showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times. User: -1 Def, +1 Spe after la showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. Sands showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. @@ -14321,7 +14321,7 @@ showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its Attack showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1. Wave showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Up showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. If the weather is Sandstorm, the user instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=User restores 1/2 its max HP; 2/3 in Sandstorm. Beam @@ -14538,7 +14538,7 @@ showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. showdown.moves.spikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.spikes.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 3 layers. showdown.moves.spikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. @@ -14647,7 +14647,7 @@ showdown.moves.stomp.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power showdown.moves.stomp.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.stomp.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is under the effect of Minimize. showdown.moves.stomp.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Tantrum showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=Power doubles if the user's last move on the previous turn, including moves called by other moves or those used through Instruct, Magic Coat, Snatch, or the Dancer or Magic Bounce Abilities, failed to do any of its normal effects, not including damage from an unsuccessful High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, or Mind Blown, or if the user was prevented from moving by any effect other than recharging or Sky Drop. A move that was blocked by Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, Spiky Shield, Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard will not double this move's power, nor will Bounce or Fly ending early due to the effect of Gravity, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user's last move failed. Axe @@ -14853,7 +14853,7 @@ nothing happened! showdown.moves.technoblast.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Drive. showdown.moves.technoblast.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Drive. Rage Eruption showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Causes the target to become confused. @@ -14884,10 +14884,10 @@ showdown.moves.thief.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has no showdown.moves.thief.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.thief.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.thief.gen2.desc=Has a 100% chance to steal the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail. Arrows Pfeile showdown.moves.thousandarrows.desc=This move can hit airborne Pokemon, which includes Flying-type Pokemon, Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, Pokemon holding an Air Balloon, and Pokemon under the effect of Magnet Rise or Telekinesis. If the target is a Flying type and is not already grounded, this move deals neutral damage regardless of its other type(s). This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. showdown.moves.thousandarrows.shortDesc=Grounds adjacent foes. First hit neutral on Flying. Waves Wellen showdown.moves.thousandwaves.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.thousandwaves.shortDesc=Hits adjacent foes. Prevents them from switching. showdown.moves.thousandwaves.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 27f3de2d4..024ae8324 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11647,16 +11647,16 @@ showdown.moves.boltbeak.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. Strike showdown.moves.boltstrike.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.boltstrike.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze the target. Club Palo showdown.moves.boneclub.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.boneclub.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bonemerang.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.bonemerang.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen1.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Rush Óseo showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -11723,7 +11723,7 @@ showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.bulkup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1. showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1. Punch @@ -12031,7 +12031,7 @@ showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by showdown.moves.diamondstorm.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Defense by 2. showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage for each hit. showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Def by 1 for each hit. showdown.moves.dig.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.dig.shortDesc=Digs underground turn 1, strikes turn 2. showdown.moves.dig.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. @@ -12167,7 +12167,7 @@ showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. Taladro showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=No additional effect. Run showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Beating @@ -12185,10 +12185,10 @@ showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynaño Dinámico showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. Power Viva showdown.moves.earthpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.earthpower.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.earthquake.desc=Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. showdown.moves.earthquake.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dig. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Dig. @@ -12396,7 +12396,7 @@ showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. Rend showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. showdown.moves.fissure.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. Can hit a target using Dig. @@ -12675,7 +12675,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Base move affects power. 50% restores Ber Resonance showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Aurora Veil begins on the user's side. showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Aurora Veil. Sandblast showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. Smite @@ -12830,7 +12830,7 @@ showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. Rush showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Smash @@ -12915,7 +12915,7 @@ Power Psychic Power Rock Power Steel Power Water Horsepower Equina showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=No additional effect. Salto Alta showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. @@ -13305,7 +13305,7 @@ showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-ty showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effect of Ingrain. showdown.moves.magnetrise.start=%s levitated with electromagnetism! showdown.moves.magnetrise.end=%s's electromagnetism wore off! showdown.moves.magnitude.desc=The power of this move varies; 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. showdown.moves.magnitude.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power varies; 2x on Dig. showdown.moves.magnitude.gen4.desc=The power of this move varies. 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Power doubles if the target is using Dig. @@ -13362,7 +13362,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Grassy Te Phantasm showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Defense. Quake showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Def. Rockfall @@ -13561,16 +13561,16 @@ showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/l Gale showdown.moves.mountaingale.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.mountaingale.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Bomb Fango showdown.moves.mudbomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mudbomb.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Shot Lodo showdown.moves.mudshot.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mudshot.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1.ón Lodo showdown.moves.mudslap.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mudslap.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Sport Lodo showdown.moves.mudsport.desc=For 5 turns, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. showdown.moves.mudsport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Electric-type attacks have 1/3 power. showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. @@ -13838,7 +13838,7 @@ showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Whip showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. Blades del Abismo showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. @@ -14132,7 +14132,7 @@ showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends. showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. showdown.moves.roost.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become typeless. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s loses Flying type this turn.) showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of all grounded Grass-type Pokemon on the field by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Raises Atk/Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types by 1. @@ -14160,10 +14160,10 @@ showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its max showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Deals 1/8 max HP each turn; 1/4 on Steel, Water. showdown.moves.saltcure.start=%s is being salt cured! showdown.moves.saltcure.damage=%s is hurt by Salt Cure! Attack Arena showdown.moves.sandattack.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.sandattack.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Storm Simún de Arena showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to burn foe(s). @@ -14173,7 +14173,7 @@ showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. A showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Sand Veil Ability. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. Tomb Arena showdown.moves.sandtomb.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.sandtomb.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -14199,7 +14199,7 @@ showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times. User: -1 Def, +1 Spe after la Susto showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. Sands Ardientes showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target.ñazo @@ -14302,7 +14302,7 @@ showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its Attack showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1. Wave showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Up showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. If the weather is Sandstorm, the user instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=User restores 1/2 its max HP; 2/3 in Sandstorm. Beam @@ -14519,7 +14519,7 @@ showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends.úas showdown.moves.spikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.spikes.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 3 layers. showdown.moves.spikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. @@ -14628,7 +14628,7 @@ showdown.moves.stomp.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power showdown.moves.stomp.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.stomp.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is under the effect of Minimize. showdown.moves.stomp.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Tantrum showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=Power doubles if the user's last move on the previous turn, including moves called by other moves or those used through Instruct, Magic Coat, Snatch, or the Dancer or Magic Bounce Abilities, failed to do any of its normal effects, not including damage from an unsuccessful High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, or Mind Blown, or if the user was prevented from moving by any effect other than recharging or Sky Drop. A move that was blocked by Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, Spiky Shield, Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard will not double this move's power, nor will Bounce or Fly ending early due to the effect of Gravity, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user's last move failed. Axe @@ -14834,7 +14834,7 @@ nothing happened! Shock showdown.moves.technoblast.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Drive. showdown.moves.technoblast.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Drive. Rage Telúrica showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Caos showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Causes the target to become confused. @@ -14865,10 +14865,10 @@ showdown.moves.thief.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has no showdown.moves.thief.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.thief.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.thief.gen2.desc=Has a 100% chance to steal the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail. Arrows Flechas showdown.moves.thousandarrows.desc=This move can hit airborne Pokemon, which includes Flying-type Pokemon, Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, Pokemon holding an Air Balloon, and Pokemon under the effect of Magnet Rise or Telekinesis. If the target is a Flying type and is not already grounded, this move deals neutral damage regardless of its other type(s). This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. showdown.moves.thousandarrows.shortDesc=Grounds adjacent foes. First hit neutral on Flying. Waves Temblores showdown.moves.thousandwaves.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.thousandwaves.shortDesc=Hits adjacent foes. Prevents them from switching. showdown.moves.thousandwaves.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. From 372e82722c66fa6625e7f1be09d75e722feca53a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 14:06:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 23/43] Type-rock moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index daa77f83e..56853017e 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11366,7 +11366,7 @@ showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If the target has a substitute, this move misses. showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Usually goes first.äure @@ -11427,7 +11427,7 @@ Shot showdown.moves.anchorshot.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.anchorshot.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. Power showdown.moves.ancientpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Acid @@ -11887,7 +11887,7 @@ showdown.moves.constrict.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 showdown.moves.constrict.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Crush Steinpresse showdown.moves.continentalcrush.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.conversion.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of the move in its first move slot. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if the type is one of the user's current types. @@ -12045,7 +12045,7 @@ showdown.moves.detect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by showdown.moves.detect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. Drake showdown.moves.devastatingdrake.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Storm showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.diamondstorm.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Defense by 2. showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage for each hit. @@ -12729,7 +12729,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move powe showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=%s got trapped with vines! showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Vine Lash’s ferocious beating! Volcalith showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Rock-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=%s became surrounded by rocks! @@ -12852,7 +12852,7 @@ showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Smashß showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -13384,7 +13384,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Defense.ß showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Def. Rockfall showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sandstorm. Starfall @@ -13451,7 +13451,7 @@ showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. showdown.moves.meteorassault.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.meteorassault.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Beam showdown.moves.meteorbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.meteorbeam.shortDesc=Raises user's Sp. Atk by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s is overflowing with space power! @@ -13830,7 +13830,7 @@ Snow showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Gem showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=No additional effect. Split showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=The user and the target have their Attack and Special Attack stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Attack and Special Attack stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. @@ -14099,7 +14099,7 @@ showdown.moves.roar.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. of Time showdown.moves.roaroftime.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Blast showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -14107,10 +14107,10 @@ showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to h showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.rockclimb.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. Polish showdown.moves.rockpolish.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.rockpolish.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. Slide showdown.moves.rockslide.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=No additional effect. @@ -14119,12 +14119,12 @@ showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch.ümmerer showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Throw showdown.moves.rockthrow.shortDesc=No additional effect. Tomb showdown.moves.rocktomb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Wrecker showdown.moves.rockwrecker.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.rockwrecker.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Play @@ -14140,7 +14140,7 @@ showdown.moves.roleplay.changeAbility=%s copied %s's %s Ability! showdown.moves.rollingkick.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.rollingkick.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.rollout.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. @@ -14174,7 +14174,7 @@ showdown.moves.safeguard.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members c showdown.moves.safeguard.start=%s cloaked itself in a mystical veil! showdown.moves.safeguard.end=%s is no longer protected by Safeguard! showdown.moves.safeguard.block=%s is protected by Safeguard! Cureökelsalz showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/4 if the target is Steel or Water type), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Deals 1/8 max HP each turn; 1/4 on Steel, Water. showdown.moves.saltcure.start=%s is being salt cured! @@ -14185,7 +14185,7 @@ showdown.moves.sandattack.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1.üstenorkan showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to burn foe(s). showdown.moves.sandstorm.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard, Overcoat, Sand Force, Sand Rush, or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. showdown.moves.sandstorm.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. Rock: 1.5x SpD. showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. @@ -14426,7 +14426,7 @@ showdown.moves.sludgebomb.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludgewave.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludgewave.shortDesc=10% chance to poison adjacent Pokemon. Down showdown.moves.smackdown.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Removes the target's Ground immunity. showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s fell straight down! @@ -14581,7 +14581,7 @@ showdown.moves.spite.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! showdown.moves.splash.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.splash.activate=But nothing happened! Stormshards Steinregen showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. Splash @@ -14597,7 +14597,7 @@ showdown.moves.spotlight.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Storm showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Rock showdown.moves.stealthrock.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.stealthrock.shortDesc=Hurts foes on switch-in. Factors Rock weakness. showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. @@ -14650,10 +14650,10 @@ showdown.moves.stomp.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=Power doubles if the user's last move on the previous turn, including moves called by other moves or those used through Instruct, Magic Coat, Snatch, or the Dancer or Magic Bounce Abilities, failed to do any of its normal effects, not including damage from an unsuccessful High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, or Mind Blown, or if the user was prevented from moving by any effect other than recharging or Sky Drop. A move that was blocked by Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, Spiky Shield, Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard will not double this move's power, nor will Bounce or Fly ending early due to the effect of Gravity, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user's last move failed. Axe showdown.moves.stoneaxe.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Sets Stealth Rock on the target's side. Edge showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Power @@ -14825,7 +14825,7 @@ showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil d Heart showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=The user cures its non-volatile status condition. Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Cures user's status, raises Sp. Atk, Sp. Def by 1. Shot showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Until the target switches out, the effectiveness of Fire-type moves is doubled against it. showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Target gets -1 Spe and becomes weaker to Fire. showdown.moves.tarshot.start=%s became weaker to fire! @@ -15168,7 +15168,7 @@ showdown.moves.wickedblow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Torque showdown.moves.wickedtorque.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.wickedtorque.shortDesc=10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. Guard showdown.moves.wideguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.wideguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target moves this turn. showdown.moves.wideguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 024ae8324..1b004747b 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11347,7 +11347,7 @@ showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If the target has a substitute, this move misses. showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. Veloz showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Usually goes first.Ácido @@ -11408,7 +11408,7 @@ Shot showdown.moves.anchorshot.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.anchorshot.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. Power Pasado showdown.moves.ancientpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Acid @@ -11868,7 +11868,7 @@ showdown.moves.constrict.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 showdown.moves.constrict.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Crush Gigalítico showdown.moves.continentalcrush.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power.ón showdown.moves.conversion.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of the move in its first move slot. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if the type is one of the user's current types. @@ -12026,7 +12026,7 @@ showdown.moves.detect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by showdown.moves.detect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. Drake showdown.moves.devastatingdrake.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Storm Diamantes showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.diamondstorm.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Defense by 2. showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage for each hit. @@ -12710,7 +12710,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move powe showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=%s got trapped with vines! showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Vine Lash’s ferocious beating! Volcalith Ígnea showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Rock-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=%s became surrounded by rocks! @@ -12833,7 +12833,7 @@ showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Smash showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -13365,7 +13365,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Defense. showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Def. Rockfall showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sandstorm. Starfall @@ -13432,7 +13432,7 @@ showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Estelar showdown.moves.meteorassault.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.meteorassault.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Beam Meteórico showdown.moves.meteorbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.meteorbeam.shortDesc=Raises user's Sp. Atk by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s is overflowing with space power! @@ -13811,7 +13811,7 @@ Snow showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Gem de Luz showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=No additional effect. Split showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=The user and the target have their Attack and Special Attack stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Attack and Special Attack stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. @@ -14080,7 +14080,7 @@ showdown.moves.roar.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. of Time showdown.moves.roaroftime.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Blast showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -14088,10 +14088,10 @@ showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to h showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.rockclimb.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. Polish showdown.moves.rockpolish.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.rockpolish.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. Slide showdown.moves.rockslide.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=No additional effect. @@ -14100,12 +14100,12 @@ showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Roca showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Throw showdown.moves.rockthrow.shortDesc=No additional effect. Tomb Rocas showdown.moves.rocktomb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Wrecker showdown.moves.rockwrecker.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.rockwrecker.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Play @@ -14121,7 +14121,7 @@ showdown.moves.roleplay.changeAbility=%s copied %s's %s Ability! Giro showdown.moves.rollingkick.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.rollingkick.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.rollout.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. @@ -14155,7 +14155,7 @@ showdown.moves.safeguard.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members c showdown.moves.safeguard.start=%s cloaked itself in a mystical veil! showdown.moves.safeguard.end=%s is no longer protected by Safeguard! showdown.moves.safeguard.block=%s is protected by Safeguard! Cureón showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/4 if the target is Steel or Water type), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Deals 1/8 max HP each turn; 1/4 on Steel, Water. showdown.moves.saltcure.start=%s is being salt cured! @@ -14166,7 +14166,7 @@ showdown.moves.sandattack.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Simún de Arena showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to burn foe(s). Arena showdown.moves.sandstorm.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard, Overcoat, Sand Force, Sand Rush, or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. showdown.moves.sandstorm.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. Rock: 1.5x SpD. showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. @@ -14407,7 +14407,7 @@ showdown.moves.sludgebomb.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. Tóxica showdown.moves.sludgewave.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.sludgewave.shortDesc=10% chance to poison adjacent Pokemon. Downéreo showdown.moves.smackdown.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Removes the target's Ground immunity. showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s fell straight down! @@ -14562,7 +14562,7 @@ showdown.moves.spite.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! showdown.moves.splash.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.splash.activate=But nothing happened! Stormshards Rocosa showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. Splash @@ -14578,7 +14578,7 @@ showdown.moves.spotlight.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Storm showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Rock Rocas showdown.moves.stealthrock.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.stealthrock.shortDesc=Hurts foes on switch-in. Factors Rock weakness. showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. @@ -14631,10 +14631,10 @@ showdown.moves.stomp.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=Power doubles if the user's last move on the previous turn, including moves called by other moves or those used through Instruct, Magic Coat, Snatch, or the Dancer or Magic Bounce Abilities, failed to do any of its normal effects, not including damage from an unsuccessful High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, or Mind Blown, or if the user was prevented from moving by any effect other than recharging or Sky Drop. A move that was blocked by Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, Spiky Shield, Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard will not double this move's power, nor will Bounce or Fly ending early due to the effect of Gravity, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user's last move failed. Axe Pétreo showdown.moves.stoneaxe.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Sets Stealth Rock on the target's side. Edge Afilada showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Power @@ -14806,7 +14806,7 @@ showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil d Heart showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=The user cures its non-volatile status condition. Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Cures user's status, raises Sp. Atk, Sp. Def by 1. Shot showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Until the target switches out, the effectiveness of Fire-type moves is doubled against it. showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Target gets -1 Spe and becomes weaker to Fire. showdown.moves.tarshot.start=%s became weaker to fire! @@ -15149,7 +15149,7 @@ showdown.moves.wickedblow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Torque showdown.moves.wickedtorque.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.wickedtorque.shortDesc=10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. Guard Guardia showdown.moves.wideguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.wideguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target moves this turn. showdown.moves.wideguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. From cb65bbc80934e5098302b5da5d0ae4acc198fd04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 14:16:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 24/43] Type-bug moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 56853017e..82eb29a21 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11485,7 +11485,7 @@ showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Da Barrage showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Order showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -11731,12 +11731,12 @@ showdown.moves.bubblebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 showdown.moves.bubblebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Biteäferbiss showdown.moves.bugbite.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.bugbite.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. showdown.moves.bugbite.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.bugbite.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! Buzzäfergebrumm showdown.moves.bugbuzz.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. @@ -12010,7 +12010,7 @@ showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. Order showdown.moves.defendorder.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.defendorder.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. @@ -12357,7 +12357,7 @@ showdown.moves.feint.gen4.shortDesc=Breaks protection. Fails if target is not pr showdown.moves.feint.activate=%s fell for the feint! Attack showdown.moves.feintattack.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Stinger showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 3 stages if this move knocks out the target. showdown.moves.fellstinger.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 3 if this KOes the target. showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages if this move knocks out the target. @@ -12409,7 +12409,7 @@ showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this m showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.firespin.start=%s became trapped in the fiery vortex! showdown.moves.firespin.move=%s's attack continues! ImpressionÜberrumpler showdown.moves.firstimpression.desc=Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. Rend @@ -12562,7 +12562,7 @@ showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.furyattack.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Cutter showdown.moves.furycutter.desc=Power doubles with each successful hit, up to a maximum of 160 power. The power is reset if this move misses or another move is used. showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit, up to 160. @@ -12633,7 +12633,7 @@ showdown.moves.glare.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. Glow showdown.moves.glitzyglow.desc=This move summons Light Screen for 5 turns upon use. showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Summons Light Screen. Befuddle showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either falls asleep, becomes poisoned, or becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: slp or psn or par. Cannonade @@ -12881,7 +12881,7 @@ showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed. showdown.moves.healingwish.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. showdown.moves.healingwish.heal=The healing wish came true for %s! Order showdown.moves.healorder.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. @@ -13075,7 +13075,7 @@ showdown.moves.inferno.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the target. Overdrive showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -13191,7 +13191,7 @@ showdown.moves.leafstorm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Tornado showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Life showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -13274,7 +13274,7 @@ showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed, with PP. showdown.moves.lunardance.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=%s became cloaked in mystical moonlight! showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Purge @@ -13350,7 +13350,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Def. Flare showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sunny Day begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sunny Day. Flutterby showdown.moves.maxflutterby.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Atk. Geyser @@ -13422,7 +13422,7 @@ showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, r showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=No additional effect. @@ -13763,7 +13763,7 @@ showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Papow showdown.moves.pikapapow.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Missile showdown.moves.pinmissile.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -13806,7 +13806,7 @@ showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.shortDesc=20% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. Puffödel showdown.moves.pollenpuff.desc=If the target is an ally, this move restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down, instead of dealing damage. showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=If the target is an ally, heals 50% of its max HP. @@ -13815,12 +13815,12 @@ showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=%s is about to be attacked by its %s!äuseplage showdown.moves.populationbomb.desc=Hits ten times. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit ten times. If the user is holding Loaded Dice, this move hits four to ten times at random without checking accuracy between hits. showdown.moves.populationbomb.shortDesc=Hits 10 times. Each hit can miss. showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.powder.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect does not happen if the Fire-type move is prevented by Primordial Sea. showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP. showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect happens before the Fire-type move would be prevented by Primordial Sea. @@ -13963,7 +13963,7 @@ showdown.moves.quickguard.gen6.desc=The user and its party members are protected showdown.moves.quickguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.quickguard.start=Quick Guard protected %s! showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Quick Guard protected %s! Dance showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. @@ -13977,7 +13977,7 @@ showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts forever. Raises user's Attack by 1 when Fist showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times the user has been hit by a damaging attack during the battle, even if the user did not lose HP from the attack. X cannot be greater than 6 and does not reset upon switching out or fainting. Each hit of a multi-hit attack is counted, but confusion damage is not counted. showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 power for each time user was hit. Max 6 hits. Powder showdown.moves.ragepowder.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.ragepowder.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. showdown.moves.ragepowder.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. @@ -14205,7 +14205,7 @@ showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=%s became trapped by the quicksand! Seed showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=This move summons Leech Seed on the foe. showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Summons Leech Seed. Spin-Out Insektenhieb showdown.moves.savagespinout.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.scald.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. @@ -14324,13 +14324,13 @@ showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. If the weather is Sandstorm, the user instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=User restores 1/2 its max HP; 2/3 in Sandstorm. Beam showdown.moves.signalbeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.signalbeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. Trap showdown.moves.silktrap.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Spe. Wind showdown.moves.silverwind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.silverwind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). @@ -14364,7 +14364,7 @@ showdown.moves.skillswap.gen5.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's showdown.moves.skillswap.gen4.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, if both have the same Ability, or if either is holding a Griseous Orb. showdown.moves.skillswap.gen3.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. showdown.moves.skillswap.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! Smack showdown.moves.skittersmack.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.skittersmack.shortDesc=100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk by 1.ädelwumme @@ -14525,7 +14525,7 @@ showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s switched Speed with its target! Extract showdown.moves.spicyextract.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and lowers its Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.spicyextract.shortDesc=Raises target's Atk by 2 and lowers its Def by 2. Web showdown.moves.spiderweb.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.spiderweb.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. @@ -14608,7 +14608,7 @@ showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=Pointed stones dug into %s! Eruption showdown.moves.steameruption.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.steameruption.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. @@ -14622,7 +14622,7 @@ showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends t Wing showdown.moves.steelwing.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.steelwing.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. Web showdown.moves.stickyweb.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.stickyweb.shortDesc=Lowers Speed of grounded foes by 1 on switch-in. showdown.moves.stickyweb.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. @@ -14670,7 +14670,7 @@ showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=No additional effect. Sap showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1. Shot showdown.moves.stringshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 2. showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. @@ -14686,7 +14686,7 @@ showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 the HP lost by the target. showdown.moves.struggle.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.desc=Deals Normal-type damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=User loses 1/2 the HP lost by the target. Bugäfertrutz showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. @@ -14797,7 +14797,7 @@ showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=No additional effect. Glow showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages. showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3. showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. @@ -15028,7 +15028,7 @@ showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=More power the fewer PP this move has left. Beam showdown.moves.twinbeam.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.twineedle.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.twineedle.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Each hit has 20% chance to poison. showdown.moves.twineedle.gen4.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -15044,7 +15044,7 @@ showdown.moves.twister.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. showdown.moves.twister.gen4.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. showdown.moves.twister.gen2.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Fly. showdown.moves.twister.gen2.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.uturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. showdown.moves.uturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. showdown.moves.uturn.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. @@ -15234,7 +15234,7 @@ showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=No additional effect.ähner showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 1b004747b..9d3d0498a 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11466,7 +11466,7 @@ showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Da Barrage showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Order Ataque showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio.ón @@ -11712,12 +11712,12 @@ showdown.moves.bubblebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 showdown.moves.bubblebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Bite showdown.moves.bugbite.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.bugbite.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. showdown.moves.bugbite.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.bugbite.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! Buzz showdown.moves.bugbuzz.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. @@ -11991,7 +11991,7 @@ showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. Order Defender showdown.moves.defendorder.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.defendorder.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Defensa @@ -12338,7 +12338,7 @@ showdown.moves.feint.gen4.shortDesc=Breaks protection. Fails if target is not pr showdown.moves.feint.activate=%s fell for the feint! Attack showdown.moves.feintattack.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Stingerón Letal showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 3 stages if this move knocks out the target. showdown.moves.fellstinger.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 3 if this KOes the target. showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages if this move knocks out the target. @@ -12390,7 +12390,7 @@ showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this m showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.firespin.start=%s became trapped in the fiery vortex! showdown.moves.firespin.move=%s's attack continues! Impression showdown.moves.firstimpression.desc=Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. Rend @@ -12543,7 +12543,7 @@ showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.furyattack.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Cutter Furia showdown.moves.furycutter.desc=Power doubles with each successful hit, up to a maximum of 160 power. The power is reset if this move misses or another move is used. showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit, up to 160. Furia @@ -12614,7 +12614,7 @@ showdown.moves.glare.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. Glow showdown.moves.glitzyglow.desc=This move summons Light Screen for 5 turns upon use. showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Summons Light Screen. Befuddle showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either falls asleep, becomes poisoned, or becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: slp or psn or par. Cannonade @@ -12862,7 +12862,7 @@ showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed. showdown.moves.healingwish.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. showdown.moves.healingwish.heal=The healing wish came true for %s! Order showdown.moves.healorder.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. @@ -13056,7 +13056,7 @@ showdown.moves.inferno.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the target. Overdrive showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -13172,7 +13172,7 @@ showdown.moves.leafstorm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Tornado showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Life showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -13255,7 +13255,7 @@ showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed, with PP. showdown.moves.lunardance.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=%s became cloaked in mystical moonlight! showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Purge @@ -13331,7 +13331,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Def. Flare showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sunny Day begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sunny Day. Flutterby showdown.moves.maxflutterby.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Atk. Geyser @@ -13403,7 +13403,7 @@ showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, r showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=No additional effect. @@ -13744,7 +13744,7 @@ showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Papow showdown.moves.pikapapow.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Missile Misil showdown.moves.pinmissile.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -13787,7 +13787,7 @@ showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.shortDesc=20% chance to poison the target. Veneno showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. Puff de Polen showdown.moves.pollenpuff.desc=If the target is an ally, this move restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down, instead of dealing damage. showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=If the target is an ally, heals 50% of its max HP. @@ -13796,12 +13796,12 @@ showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=%s is about to be attacked by its %s!ón showdown.moves.populationbomb.desc=Hits ten times. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit ten times. If the user is holding Loaded Dice, this move hits four to ten times at random without checking accuracy between hits. showdown.moves.populationbomb.shortDesc=Hits 10 times. Each hit can miss. showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=No additional effect. Explosivo showdown.moves.powder.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect does not happen if the Fire-type move is prevented by Primordial Sea. showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP. showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect happens before the Fire-type move would be prevented by Primordial Sea. @@ -13944,7 +13944,7 @@ showdown.moves.quickguard.gen6.desc=The user and its party members are protected showdown.moves.quickguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.quickguard.start=Quick Guard protected %s! showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Quick Guard protected %s! Dance Aleteo showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. @@ -13958,7 +13958,7 @@ showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts forever. Raises user's Attack by 1 when Fist showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times the user has been hit by a damaging attack during the battle, even if the user did not lose HP from the attack. X cannot be greater than 6 and does not reset upon switching out or fainting. Each hit of a multi-hit attack is counted, but confusion damage is not counted. showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 power for each time user was hit. Max 6 hits. Powder Ira showdown.moves.ragepowder.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.ragepowder.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. showdown.moves.ragepowder.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. @@ -14186,7 +14186,7 @@ showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=%s became trapped by the quicksand! Seed showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=This move summons Leech Seed on the foe. showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Summons Leech Seed. Spin-Outña Sedosa showdown.moves.savagespinout.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.scald.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. @@ -14305,13 +14305,13 @@ showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. If the weather is Sandstorm, the user instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=User restores 1/2 its max HP; 2/3 in Sandstorm. Beam Señal showdown.moves.signalbeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.signalbeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. Trap showdown.moves.silktrap.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Spe. Wind Plata showdown.moves.silverwind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.silverwind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Simple @@ -14345,7 +14345,7 @@ showdown.moves.skillswap.gen5.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's showdown.moves.skillswap.gen4.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, if both have the same Ability, or if either is holding a Griseous Orb. showdown.moves.skillswap.gen3.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. showdown.moves.skillswap.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! Smack Rastrero showdown.moves.skittersmack.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.skittersmack.shortDesc=100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk by 1. @@ -14506,7 +14506,7 @@ showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s switched Speed with its target! Extract showdown.moves.spicyextract.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and lowers its Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.spicyextract.shortDesc=Raises target's Atk by 2 and lowers its Def by 2. Webña showdown.moves.spiderweb.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.spiderweb.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. @@ -14589,7 +14589,7 @@ showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=Pointed stones dug into %s! Eruption showdown.moves.steameruption.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.steameruption.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. de Púas showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. @@ -14603,7 +14603,7 @@ showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends t Wing showdown.moves.steelwing.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.steelwing.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. Web Viscosa showdown.moves.stickyweb.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.stickyweb.shortDesc=Lowers Speed of grounded foes by 1 on switch-in. showdown.moves.stickyweb.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. @@ -14651,7 +14651,7 @@ showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=No additional effect. Sap showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1. Shot Demora showdown.moves.stringshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 2. showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. @@ -14667,7 +14667,7 @@ showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 the HP lost by the target. showdown.moves.struggle.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.desc=Deals Normal-type damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=User loses 1/2 the HP lost by the target. Bug showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. @@ -14778,7 +14778,7 @@ showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=No additional effect. Glow showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages. showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3. showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. @@ -15009,7 +15009,7 @@ showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=More power the fewer PP this move has left. Beam showdown.moves.twinbeam.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Ataque showdown.moves.twineedle.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.twineedle.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Each hit has 20% chance to poison. showdown.moves.twineedle.gen4.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -15025,7 +15025,7 @@ showdown.moves.twister.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. showdown.moves.twister.gen4.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. showdown.moves.twister.gen2.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Fly. showdown.moves.twister.gen2.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. y Vuelta showdown.moves.uturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. showdown.moves.uturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. showdown.moves.uturn.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. @@ -15215,7 +15215,7 @@ón showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. X showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. From 51b556f4c473f20bfb8a851aa50a7f9e26570a6a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 14:25:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 25/43] Type-shadow moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 82eb29a21..d16c9c8ef 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11478,11 +11478,11 @@ showdown.moves.assurance.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn, other than direct damage from Belly Drum, confusion, Curse, or Pain Split. showdown.moves.assurance.shortDesc=Power doubles if target was damaged this turn. showdown.moves.assurance.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn. showdown.moves.astonish.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.astonish.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Barrage showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. @@ -11616,7 +11616,7 @@ showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Blade showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Malice showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Hole Eclipse @@ -11876,7 +11876,7 @@ showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. showdown.moves.confide.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Ray showdown.moves.confuseray.desc=Causes the target to become confused. showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confuses the target. @@ -11982,7 +11982,7 @@ showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. showdown.moves.curse.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected. showdown.moves.curse.shortDesc=Curses if Ghost, else -1 Spe, +1 Atk, +1 Def. showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected or has a substitute. @@ -12026,7 +12026,7 @@ showdown.moves.defog.gen7.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears user and target side's ha showdown.moves.defog.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. showdown.moves.defog.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock end for the target's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. showdown.moves.defog.gen5.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears target side's hazards/screens. Bond showdown.moves.destinybond.desc=Until the user's next move, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. Fails if the user used this move successfully as its last move, disregarding moves used through the Dancer Ability. showdown.moves.destinybond.shortDesc=If an opponent knocks out the user, it also faints. showdown.moves.destinybond.gen6.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. @@ -12721,7 +12721,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: status c Tartness showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the evasiveness of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 evasiveness. Terror showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching out, even if they have a substitute. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If a target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: trapped. Vine Lash @@ -12786,7 +12786,7 @@ showdown.moves.growth.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.growth.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.growth.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 1 stage. showdown.moves.growth.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 1. showdown.moves.grudge.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that move loses all its remaining PP. showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=If the user faints, the attack used loses all its PP. showdown.moves.grudge.activate=%s's %s lost all of its PP due to the grudge! @@ -12910,7 +12910,7 @@ Hand showdown.moves.helpinghand.desc=The power of the target's attack this turn is multiplied by 1.5 (this effect is stackable). Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user or if the ally already moved this turn, but does not fail if the ally is using a two-turn move. showdown.moves.helpinghand.shortDesc=One adjacent ally's move power is 1.5x this turn. showdown.moves.helpinghand.start=%s is ready to help %s!ürde showdown.moves.hex.desc=Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.hex.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target has a status ailment. @@ -13067,7 +13067,7 @@ showdown.moves.incinerate.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry/Gem. showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry. showdown.moves.incinerate.removeItem=%s's %s was burned up! Parade showdown.moves.infernalparade.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.infernalparade.shortDesc=30% burn. 2x power if target is already statused. @@ -13174,7 +13174,7 @@ showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x power if the user had a stat lowered this tu showdown.moves.lastresort.desc=This move fails unless the user knows this move and at least one other move, and has used all the other moves it knows at least once each since it became active or Transformed. showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Fails unless each known move has been used. Respects Ehre showdown.moves.lastrespects.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side, and X cannot be greater than 100. showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 power for each time a party member fainted. Plume @@ -13211,7 +13211,7 @@ showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1.'s Snuggle Forever showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.lick.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Dew @@ -13378,7 +13378,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Atk. Overgrowth showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Grassy Terrain. Phantasm showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Defense.ß @@ -13434,7 +13434,7 @@ showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User fain showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints, even if this move misses. This move can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if there is no target, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. showdown.moves.memento.gen3.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints. This move does not check accuracy, and can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages are both -6. showdown.moves.memento.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! Moonraze Maelstrom Mondlaser showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Burst @@ -13555,7 +13555,7 @@ showdown.moves.mistyterrain.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Ter showdown.moves.moonblast.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.moonblast.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Beam showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. @@ -13633,17 +13633,17 @@ Arm showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Nightmare Nacht showdown.moves.neverendingnightmare.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Daze showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. showdown.moves.nightmare.desc=Causes the target to lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn as long as it is asleep. This move does not affect the target unless it is asleep. The effect ends when the target wakes up, even if it falls asleep again in the same turn. showdown.moves.nightmare.shortDesc=A sleeping target is hurt by 1/4 max HP per turn. showdown.moves.nightmare.start=%s began having a nightmare! showdown.moves.nightmare.damage=%s is locked in a nightmare! Shade showdown.moves.nightshade.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.nightshade.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. @@ -13685,7 +13685,7 @@ showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasive showdown.moves.odorsleuth.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Windöen showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Up @@ -13751,7 +13751,7 @@ showdown.moves.petaldance.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked in showdown.moves.petaldance.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Force showdown.moves.phantomforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.phantomforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. showdown.moves.phantomforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. @@ -13974,7 +13974,7 @@ showdown.moves.rage.gen2.desc=Once this move is successfully used, X starts at 1 showdown.moves.rage.gen2.shortDesc=Next Rage increases in damage if hit during use. showdown.moves.rage.gen1.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user automatically uses this move every turn and can no longer switch out. During the effect, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by the opposing Pokemon, and this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts forever. Raises user's Attack by 1 when hit. Fist showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times the user has been hit by a damaging attack during the battle, even if the user did not lose HP from the attack. X cannot be greater than 6 and does not reset upon switching out or fainting. Each hit of a multi-hit attack is counted, but confusion damage is not counted. showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 power for each time user was hit. Max 6 hits. @@ -14261,25 +14261,25 @@ showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. Us showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless the target's substitute was broken by the damage. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. Ball showdown.moves.shadowball.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.shadowball.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Bone showdown.moves.shadowbone.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.shadowbone.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Claw showdown.moves.shadowclaw.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.shadowclaw.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Force showdown.moves.shadowforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.shadowforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target is an opponent and its side is protected by Quick Guard or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the opponent's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.shadowforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! showdown.moves.shadowforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! Punch showdown.moves.shadowpunch.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Sneakß showdown.moves.shadowsneak.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Strike @@ -14342,7 +14342,7 @@ showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, or Truant. showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Arrow Raid showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=No additional effect. Slide showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. @@ -14500,7 +14500,7 @@ showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity. 7-Star Strike des Seelenraubes showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=No additional effect. Rend showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. @@ -14514,7 +14514,7 @@ showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=The target is cured of its burn. Swirl showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. Thief showdown.moves.spectralthief.desc=The target's stat stages greater than 0 are stolen from it and applied to the user before dealing damage. showdown.moves.spectralthief.shortDesc=Steals target's boosts before dealing damage. showdown.moves.spectralthief.clearBoost=%s stole the target's boosted stats! @@ -14562,7 +14562,7 @@ showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2. Break showdown.moves.spiritbreak.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.spiritbreak.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Shackle showdown.moves.spiritshackle.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.spiritshackle.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.spiritshackle.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. @@ -14571,7 +14571,7 @@ showdown.moves.spitup.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile coun showdown.moves.spitup.shortDesc=More power with more uses of Stockpile. showdown.moves.spitup.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless there is no target, whether or not this move is successful the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.spitup.gen3.desc=Damage is multiplied by the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless this move misses, the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.spite.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 4 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. showdown.moves.spite.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 4. showdown.moves.spite.gen3.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 or 1 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. @@ -14996,7 +14996,7 @@ showdown.moves.trick.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's he showdown.moves.trick.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.trick.gen3.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.trick.activate=%s switched items with its target! showdown.moves.trickortreat.desc=Causes the Ghost type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Ghost type. If Forest's Curse adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. showdown.moves.trickortreat.shortDesc=Adds Ghost to the target's type(s). Room diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 9d3d0498a..1a5de947a 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11459,11 +11459,11 @@ showdown.moves.assurance.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn, other than direct damage from Belly Drum, confusion, Curse, or Pain Split. showdown.moves.assurance.shortDesc=Power doubles if target was damaged this turn. showdown.moves.assurance.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn. showdown.moves.astonish.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.astonish.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Barrage Espectro showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Ataque @@ -11597,7 +11597,7 @@ showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Blade showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Malice Reprimido showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Hole Eclipse @@ -11857,7 +11857,7 @@ showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. showdown.moves.confide.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Ray Confuso showdown.moves.confuseray.desc=Causes the target to become confused. showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confuses the target. @@ -11963,7 +11963,7 @@ón showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down.ón showdown.moves.curse.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected. showdown.moves.curse.shortDesc=Curses if Ghost, else -1 Spe, +1 Atk, +1 Def. showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected or has a substitute. @@ -12007,7 +12007,7 @@ showdown.moves.defog.gen7.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears user and target side's ha showdown.moves.defog.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. showdown.moves.defog.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock end for the target's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. showdown.moves.defog.gen5.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears target side's hazards/screens. Bond Destino showdown.moves.destinybond.desc=Until the user's next move, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. Fails if the user used this move successfully as its last move, disregarding moves used through the Dancer Ability. showdown.moves.destinybond.shortDesc=If an opponent knocks out the user, it also faints. showdown.moves.destinybond.gen6.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. @@ -12702,7 +12702,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: status c Tartness showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the evasiveness of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 evasiveness. Terrorón showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching out, even if they have a substitute. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If a target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: trapped. Vine Lash @@ -12767,7 +12767,7 @@ showdown.moves.growth.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.growth.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.growth.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 1 stage. showdown.moves.growth.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 1. showdown.moves.grudge.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that move loses all its remaining PP. showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=If the user faints, the attack used loses all its PP. showdown.moves.grudge.activate=%s's %s lost all of its PP due to the grudge! @@ -12891,7 +12891,7 @@ showdown.moves.helpinghand.desc=The power of the target's attack this turn is multiplied by 1.5 (this effect is stackable). Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user or if the ally already moved this turn, but does not fail if the ally is using a two-turn move. showdown.moves.helpinghand.shortDesc=One adjacent ally's move power is 1.5x this turn. showdown.moves.helpinghand.start=%s is ready to help %s! showdown.moves.hex.desc=Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.hex.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target has a status ailment. @@ -13048,7 +13048,7 @@ showdown.moves.incinerate.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry/Gem. showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry. showdown.moves.incinerate.removeItem=%s's %s was burned up! Parade Espectral showdown.moves.infernalparade.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.infernalparade.shortDesc=30% burn. 2x power if target is already statused. @@ -13155,7 +13155,7 @@ showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x power if the user had a stat lowered this tuÚltima Baza showdown.moves.lastresort.desc=This move fails unless the user knows this move and at least one other move, and has used all the other moves it knows at least once each since it became active or Transformed. showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Fails unless each known move has been used. Respects Póstumo showdown.moves.lastrespects.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side, and X cannot be greater than 100. showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 power for each time a party member fainted. Plume @@ -13192,7 +13192,7 @@ showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1.'s Snuggle Forever showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=No additional effect.üetazo showdown.moves.lick.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Dew @@ -13359,7 +13359,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Atk. Overgrowth showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Grassy Terrain. Phantasm showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Defense. @@ -13415,7 +13415,7 @@ showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User fain showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints, even if this move misses. This move can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if there is no target, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. showdown.moves.memento.gen3.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints. This move does not check accuracy, and can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages are both -6. showdown.moves.memento.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! Moonraze Maelstromón Lunar showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Burst @@ -13536,7 +13536,7 @@ showdown.moves.mistyterrain.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Ter showdown.moves.moonblast.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.moonblast.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Beam Umbrío showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. @@ -13614,17 +13614,17 @@ Arm showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Nightmare Espectral showdown.moves.neverendingnightmare.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Daze showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. showdown.moves.nightmare.desc=Causes the target to lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn as long as it is asleep. This move does not affect the target unless it is asleep. The effect ends when the target wakes up, even if it falls asleep again in the same turn. showdown.moves.nightmare.shortDesc=A sleeping target is hurt by 1/4 max HP per turn. showdown.moves.nightmare.start=%s began having a nightmare! showdown.moves.nightmare.damage=%s is locked in a nightmare! Shade showdown.moves.nightshade.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.nightshade.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. @@ -13666,7 +13666,7 @@ showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasive showdown.moves.odorsleuth.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Wind Aciago showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Up @@ -13732,7 +13732,7 @@ showdown.moves.petaldance.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked in showdown.moves.petaldance.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Force Fantasma showdown.moves.phantomforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.phantomforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. showdown.moves.phantomforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. @@ -13955,7 +13955,7 @@ showdown.moves.rage.gen2.desc=Once this move is successfully used, X starts at 1 showdown.moves.rage.gen2.shortDesc=Next Rage increases in damage if hit during use. showdown.moves.rage.gen1.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user automatically uses this move every turn and can no longer switch out. During the effect, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by the opposing Pokemon, and this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts forever. Raises user's Attack by 1 when hit. Fistño Furia showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times the user has been hit by a damaging attack during the battle, even if the user did not lose HP from the attack. X cannot be greater than 6 and does not reset upon switching out or fainting. Each hit of a multi-hit attack is counted, but confusion damage is not counted. showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 power for each time user was hit. Max 6 hits. Ira @@ -14242,25 +14242,25 @@ showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. Us showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless the target's substitute was broken by the damage. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. Ball Sombra showdown.moves.shadowball.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.shadowball.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Bone Sombrío showdown.moves.shadowbone.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.shadowbone.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Claw Umbría showdown.moves.shadowclaw.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.shadowclaw.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Force Umbrío showdown.moves.shadowforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.shadowforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target is an opponent and its side is protected by Quick Guard or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the opponent's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.shadowforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! showdown.moves.shadowforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! Punchño Sombra showdown.moves.shadowpunch.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Sneak Vil showdown.moves.shadowsneak.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Strike @@ -14323,7 +14323,7 @@ showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, or Truant. showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Arrow Raidón de Flechas Sombrías showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=No additional effect. Slide showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. @@ -14481,7 +14481,7 @@ Sónica showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity. 7-Star Strikeón Robaalmas showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=No additional effect. Rend showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. @@ -14495,7 +14495,7 @@ showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=The target is cured of its burn. Swirl showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. Thief showdown.moves.spectralthief.desc=The target's stat stages greater than 0 are stolen from it and applied to the user before dealing damage. showdown.moves.spectralthief.shortDesc=Steals target's boosts before dealing damage. showdown.moves.spectralthief.clearBoost=%s stole the target's boosted stats! @@ -14543,7 +14543,7 @@ showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2. Break showdown.moves.spiritbreak.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.spiritbreak.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Shackle Sombría showdown.moves.spiritshackle.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.spiritshackle.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.spiritshackle.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. @@ -14552,7 +14552,7 @@ showdown.moves.spitup.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile coun showdown.moves.spitup.shortDesc=More power with more uses of Stockpile. showdown.moves.spitup.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless there is no target, whether or not this move is successful the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.spitup.gen3.desc=Damage is multiplied by the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless this move misses, the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.spite.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 4 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. showdown.moves.spite.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 4. showdown.moves.spite.gen3.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 or 1 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. @@ -14977,7 +14977,7 @@ showdown.moves.trick.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's he showdown.moves.trick.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.trick.gen3.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.trick.activate=%s switched items with its target! showdown.moves.trickortreat.desc=Causes the Ghost type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Ghost type. If Forest's Curse adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. showdown.moves.trickortreat.shortDesc=Adds Ghost to the target's type(s). Room From e7955daaf572fa50666c9ccc4f077da97db041aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 14:45:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 26/43] Type-steel moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index d16c9c8ef..56436bdf2 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11423,7 +11423,7 @@ showdown.moves.amnesia.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.amnesia.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2. showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 2 stages. showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 2. Shot showdown.moves.anchorshot.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.anchorshot.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. @@ -11516,7 +11516,7 @@ showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies is halved. Hail only. showdown.moves.auroraveil.start=Aurora Veil made %s stronger against physical and special moves! showdown.moves.auroraveil.end=%s's Aurora Veil wore off! showdown.moves.autotomize.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. If the user's Speed was changed, the user's weight is reduced by 100 kg as long as it remains active. This effect is stackable but cannot reduce the user's weight to less than 0.1 kg. showdown.moves.autotomize.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2; user loses 100 kg. showdown.moves.autotomize.start=%s became nimble! @@ -11565,10 +11565,10 @@ showdown.moves.beatup.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for the use showdown.moves.beatup.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party, or fails if no Pokemon meet the criteria. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. showdown.moves.beatup.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's level, its base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense. Fails if no party members can participate. showdown.moves.beatup.activate=%s's attack! Bashß showdown.moves.behemothbash.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. Blade showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed.ülpser @@ -11745,7 +11745,7 @@ showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1. showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1. Punch showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Seed @@ -11920,7 +11920,7 @@ showdown.moves.coreenforcer.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target' showdown.moves.coreenforcer.shortDesc=Nullifies the foe(s) Ability if the foe(s) move first. showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen7.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. Crash showdown.moves.corkscrewcrash.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=The target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. @@ -12097,7 +12097,7 @@ showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.doodle.desc=The user and its ally's Abilities change to match the target's Ability. Does not change Ability if the user's or its ally's is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target. Fails if both the user and its ally's Ability already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=User and ally's Abilities become target's Ability. Desire showdown.moves.doomdesire.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. showdown.moves.doomdesire.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. @@ -12115,7 +12115,7 @@ showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. Iron Bashäuste showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Hits twice. 30% chance to make the target flinch. @@ -12449,7 +12449,7 @@ showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to burn. Tha showdown.moves.flash.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Cannon showdown.moves.flashcannon.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. @@ -12591,10 +12591,10 @@ showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered i showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Multitype or Stance Change, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. showdown.moves.gastroacid.start=%s's Ability was suppressed! Grind showdown.moves.geargrind.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.geargrind.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Up showdown.moves.gearup.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. Supernova @@ -12612,7 +12612,7 @@ showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the targß showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Hammer showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. Havoc showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. @@ -12679,7 +12679,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes poisoned, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: poisoned. Meltdown showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Torment begins for each Pokemon on the opposing side, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Tormented. One Blow @@ -12703,7 +12703,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Snooze showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance the effect of Yawn begins on the target, even if it has a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Target: 50% Yawn. Steelsurge showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Steel type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Steel hazard. showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=Sharp-pointed pieces of steel started floating around %s! @@ -12819,7 +12819,7 @@ showdown.moves.gust.gen2.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Fly. showdown.moves.gust.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles during Fly. showdown.moves.gust.gen1.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.gust.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. Ball showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 1. showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=More power the slower the user than the target. showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. @@ -12902,7 +12902,7 @@ showdown.moves.heatcrash.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's wei Wave showdown.moves.heatwave.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.heatwave.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the foe(s). Slam showdown.moves.heavyslam.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.heavyslam.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. showdown.moves.heavyslam.gen6.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. @@ -13102,13 +13102,13 @@ Deluge showdown.moves.iondeluge.desc=Causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. The effect happens after other effects that change a move's type. showdown.moves.iondeluge.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. showdown.moves.iondeluge.activate=A deluge of ions showers the battlefield! Defense showdown.moves.irondefense.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.irondefense.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Headädel showdown.moves.ironhead.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.ironhead.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Tail showdown.moves.irontail.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Lock @@ -13390,7 +13390,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sandstorm. Starfall showdown.moves.maxstarfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Misty Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Misty Terrain. Steelspike showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Defense. @@ -13437,15 +13437,15 @@ showdown.moves.memento.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! Mondlaser showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Burstß showdown.moves.metalburst.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. showdown.moves.metalburst.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. showdown.moves.metalburst.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. showdown.moves.metalburst.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. Claw showdown.moves.metalclaw.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Sound showdown.moves.metalsound.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. @@ -13455,7 +13455,7 @@ showdown.moves.meteorbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.meteorbeam.shortDesc=Raises user's Sp. Atk by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s is overflowing with space power! Mash showdown.moves.meteormash.desc=Has a 20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.meteormash.shortDesc=20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. @@ -13526,7 +13526,7 @@ showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move that successfull showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen3.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move missed, failed, or had no effect on the user, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen2.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Transform, or any move the user knows. showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen1.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Mirror Move. Shot showdown.moves.mirrorshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mirrorshot.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. @@ -14229,7 +14229,7 @@ showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. Shot showdown.moves.searingshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. Sunraze Smash Sonnenwalze showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. @@ -14313,10 +14313,10 @@ showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=User must take physical damage before moving. showdown.moves.shelltrap.start=%s set a shell trap! showdown.moves.shelltrap.prepare=%s set a shell trap! showdown.moves.shelltrap.cant=%s's shell trap didn't work! showdown.moves.shelter.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.shelter.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Gear showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1. Wave @@ -14430,7 +14430,7 @@ showdown.moves.smackdown.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Removes the target's Ground immunity. showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s fell straight down! Strike showdown.moves.smartstrike.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.smellingsalts.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of paralysis. @@ -14556,7 +14556,7 @@ showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks mad showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=%s was hurt! Out showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2. Break @@ -14612,14 +14612,14 @@ showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Beam showdown.moves.steelbeam.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. showdown.moves.steelbeam.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. showdown.moves.steelbeam.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Roller showdown.moves.steelroller.desc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the terrain. Wingügel showdown.moves.steelwing.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.steelwing.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. @@ -14725,7 +14725,7 @@ showdown.moves.sunnyday.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The dam showdown.moves.sunnyday.shortDesc=For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves. showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day, even if the current weather is Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Strike showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 1a5de947a..be4c125d4 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11404,7 +11404,7 @@ showdown.moves.amnesia.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.amnesia.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2. showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 2 stages. showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 2. Shot showdown.moves.anchorshot.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.anchorshot.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. @@ -11497,7 +11497,7 @@ showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies is halved. Hail only. showdown.moves.auroraveil.start=Aurora Veil made %s stronger against physical and special moves! showdown.moves.auroraveil.end=%s's Aurora Veil wore off! showdown.moves.autotomize.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. If the user's Speed was changed, the user's weight is reduced by 100 kg as long as it remains active. This effect is stackable but cannot reduce the user's weight to less than 0.1 kg. showdown.moves.autotomize.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2; user loses 100 kg. showdown.moves.autotomize.start=%s became nimble! @@ -11546,10 +11546,10 @@ showdown.moves.beatup.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for the use showdown.moves.beatup.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party, or fails if no Pokemon meet the criteria. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. showdown.moves.beatup.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's level, its base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense. Fails if no party members can participate. showdown.moves.beatup.activate=%s's attack! Bash Supremo showdown.moves.behemothbash.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. Blade Supremo showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. @@ -11726,7 +11726,7 @@ showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1. showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1. Punchño Bala showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Seed @@ -11901,7 +11901,7 @@ showdown.moves.coreenforcer.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target' showdown.moves.coreenforcer.shortDesc=Nullifies the foe(s) Ability if the foe(s) move first. showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen7.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. Crashélice Trepanadora showdown.moves.corkscrewcrash.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Corrosivo showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=The target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. @@ -12078,7 +12078,7 @@ showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect.ía showdown.moves.doodle.desc=The user and its ally's Abilities change to match the target's Ability. Does not change Ability if the user's or its ally's is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target. Fails if both the user and its ally's Ability already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=User and ally's Abilities become target's Ability. Desire Oculto showdown.moves.doomdesire.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. showdown.moves.doomdesire.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. @@ -12096,7 +12096,7 @@ Golpe showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. Iron Bashño Doble showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Hits twice. 30% chance to make the target flinch. Patada @@ -12430,7 +12430,7 @@ showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to burn. Tha showdown.moves.flash.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Cannon Resplandor showdown.moves.flashcannon.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. @@ -12572,10 +12572,10 @@ showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered i showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Multitype or Stance Change, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. showdown.moves.gastroacid.start=%s's Ability was suppressed! Grind Doble showdown.moves.geargrind.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.geargrind.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Upñón Auxiliar showdown.moves.gearup.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. Supernova @@ -12593,7 +12593,7 @@ showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the targ showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Hammer Colosal showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. Havoc showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. @@ -12660,7 +12660,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes poisoned, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: poisoned. Meltdown showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Torment begins for each Pokemon on the opposing side, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Tormented. One Blow @@ -12684,7 +12684,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Snooze showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance the effect of Yawn begins on the target, even if it has a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Target: 50% Yawn. Steelsurge Acero showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Steel type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Steel hazard. showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=Sharp-pointed pieces of steel started floating around %s! @@ -12800,7 +12800,7 @@ showdown.moves.gust.gen2.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Fly. showdown.moves.gust.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles during Fly. showdown.moves.gust.gen1.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.gust.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. Ball Bola showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 1. showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=More power the slower the user than the target. showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. @@ -12883,7 +12883,7 @@ showdown.moves.heatcrash.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's wei Wave showdown.moves.heatwave.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.heatwave.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the foe(s). Slam Pesado showdown.moves.heavyslam.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.heavyslam.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. showdown.moves.heavyslam.gen6.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. @@ -13083,13 +13083,13 @@ Deluge showdown.moves.iondeluge.desc=Causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. The effect happens after other effects that change a move's type. showdown.moves.iondeluge.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. showdown.moves.iondeluge.activate=A deluge of ions showers the battlefield! Defense Férrea showdown.moves.irondefense.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.irondefense.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Head de Hierro showdown.moves.ironhead.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.ironhead.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Tail férrea showdown.moves.irontail.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Lock @@ -13371,7 +13371,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sandstorm. Starfall showdown.moves.maxstarfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Misty Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Misty Terrain. Steelspike showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Defense. @@ -13418,15 +13418,15 @@ showdown.moves.memento.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power!ón Lunar showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Burstón Metal showdown.moves.metalburst.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. showdown.moves.metalburst.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. showdown.moves.metalburst.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. showdown.moves.metalburst.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. Claw Metal showdown.moves.metalclaw.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Sound Metálico showdown.moves.metalsound.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Estelar @@ -13436,7 +13436,7 @@ Meteórico showdown.moves.meteorbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.meteorbeam.shortDesc=Raises user's Sp. Atk by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s is overflowing with space power! Mashño Meteoro showdown.moves.meteormash.desc=Has a 20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.meteormash.shortDesc=20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1.ónomo @@ -13507,7 +13507,7 @@ showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move that successfull showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen3.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move missed, failed, or had no effect on the user, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen2.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Transform, or any move the user knows. showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen1.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Mirror Move. Shot Espejo showdown.moves.mirrorshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mirrorshot.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. @@ -14210,7 +14210,7 @@ showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. Shot showdown.moves.searingshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. Sunraze Smash Solar showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon.ño Secreto @@ -14294,10 +14294,10 @@ showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=User must take physical damage before moving. showdown.moves.shelltrap.start=%s set a shell trap! showdown.moves.shelltrap.prepare=%s set a shell trap! showdown.moves.shelltrap.cant=%s's shell trap didn't work!ón showdown.moves.shelter.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.shelter.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. Gear de Marcha showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1. Wave @@ -14411,7 +14411,7 @@éreo showdown.moves.smackdown.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Removes the target's Ground immunity. showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s fell straight down! Strike Certero showdown.moves.smartstrike.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.ímulo showdown.moves.smellingsalts.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of paralysis. @@ -14537,7 +14537,7 @@ showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks mad showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=%s was hurt! Out showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2. Break @@ -14593,14 +14593,14 @@ de Púas showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Beamáser showdown.moves.steelbeam.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. showdown.moves.steelbeam.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. showdown.moves.steelbeam.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Roller Férreo showdown.moves.steelroller.desc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the terrain. Wing Acero showdown.moves.steelwing.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.steelwing.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. Viscosa @@ -14706,7 +14706,7 @@ showdown.moves.sunnyday.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The dam showdown.moves.sunnyday.shortDesc=For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves. showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day, even if the current weather is Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Strike showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. From d4755412921ee61e50939133ee6ab43b07be909c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 14:57:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 27/43] Type-fire moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 56436bdf2..a435244d9 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11449,7 +11449,7 @@ showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 st showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Tail showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=No additional effect. Cannonüstungskanone showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1.ß @@ -11613,7 +11613,7 @@ showdown.moves.bite.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Blade showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. @@ -11621,13 +11621,13 @@ showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Hole Eclipse showdown.moves.blackholeeclipse.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Burn showdown.moves.blastburn.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.blastburn.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Kick showdown.moves.blazekick.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.blazekick.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to burn. Torque showdown.moves.blazingtorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. @@ -11650,7 +11650,7 @@ showdown.moves.block.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The targe showdown.moves.block.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. Doom showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Flare showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20% chance to burn the target. Press @@ -11753,10 +11753,10 @@ showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit t showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Jealousy showdown.moves.burningjealousy.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target if it had a stat stage raised this turn. showdown.moves.burningjealousy.shortDesc=100% burns a target that had a stat rise this turn. Up showdown.moves.burnup.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. showdown.moves.burnup.shortDesc=User's Fire type becomes typeless; must be Fire. showdown.moves.burnup.gen8.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. @@ -12250,7 +12250,7 @@ showdown.moves.embargo.desc=For 5 turns, the target's held item has no effect. A showdown.moves.embargo.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the target's item has no effect. showdown.moves.embargo.start=%s can't use items anymore! showdown.moves.embargo.end=%s can use items again! showdown.moves.ember.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.ember.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. @@ -12362,7 +12362,7 @@ showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 3 stages if this mov showdown.moves.fellstinger.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 3 if this KOes the target. showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages if this move knocks out the target. showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 2 if this KOes the target. Dance showdown.moves.fierydance.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Wrath @@ -12374,29 +12374,29 @@ showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's max showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's current HP. If this move is successful, the user faints. showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's HP. User faints. Blast showdown.moves.fireblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.fireblast.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Fang showdown.moves.firefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. showdown.moves.firefang.shortDesc=10% chance to burn. 10% chance to flinch. showdown.moves.firefang.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. This move can hit Pokemon with the Wonder Guard Ability regardless of their typing. Lash showdown.moves.firelash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.firelash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Pledgeäulen showdown.moves.firepledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Grass Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Fire Gem. showdown.moves.firepledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Water Pledge for added effect. showdown.moves.firepledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... showdown.moves.firepledge.start=A sea of fire enveloped %s! showdown.moves.firepledge.end=The sea of fire around %s disappeared! showdown.moves.firepledge.damage=%s was hurt by the sea of fire! Punch showdown.moves.firepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.firepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Spin showdown.moves.firespin.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.firespin.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.firespin.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -12427,21 +12427,21 @@ showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.flail.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.flail.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Burst showdown.moves.flameburst.desc=If this move is successful, the target's ally loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. showdown.moves.flameburst.shortDesc=Damages Pokemon next to the target as well. showdown.moves.flameburst.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, each ally adjacent to the target loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. showdown.moves.flameburst.damage=The bursting flame hit %s! Charge showdown.moves.flamecharge.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.flamecharge.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Wheel showdown.moves.flamewheel.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.flamewheel.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. showdown.moves.flamethrower.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.flamethrower.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Blitz showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -12574,7 +12574,7 @@ showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to Bolt showdown.moves.fusionbolt.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Flare. showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare this turn. Flare showdown.moves.fusionflare.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Bolt. showdown.moves.fusionflare.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Bolt this turn. Sight @@ -12641,7 +12641,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move pow showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=%s got caught in the vortex of water! showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Cannonade’s vortex! Centiferno showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. @@ -12737,7 +12737,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=%s is hurt by the rocks thrown out by G-Max Volt Crash showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: paralyzed. Wildfire showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Fire-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=%s were surrounded by fire! @@ -12895,11 +12895,11 @@ showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Swap showdown.moves.heartswap.desc=The user swaps all its stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.heartswap.shortDesc=Swaps all stat changes with target. Crash showdown.moves.heatcrash.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.heatcrash.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. showdown.moves.heatcrash.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Wave showdown.moves.heatwave.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.heatwave.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the foe(s). @@ -13061,7 +13061,7 @@ showdown.moves.imprison.gen6.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from us showdown.moves.imprison.gen4.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Fails if no opposing Pokemon know any of the user's moves. showdown.moves.imprison.start=%s sealed any moves its target shares with it! showdown.moves.imprison.cant=%s can't use its sealed %s!äschern showdown.moves.incinerate.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry or a Gem. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.incinerate.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry/Gem. showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. @@ -13073,7 +13073,7 @@ showdown.moves.infernalparade.shortDesc=30% burn. 2x power if target is already showdown.moves.inferno.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the target. Overdrive Maxiflamme showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -13177,7 +13177,7 @@ showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Fails unless each known move has been used. Ehre showdown.moves.lastrespects.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side, and X cannot be greater than 100. showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 power for each time a party member fainted. Plume showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. @@ -13303,7 +13303,7 @@ showdown.moves.magicpowder.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Room showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=For 5 turns, the held items of all active Pokemon have no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all held items have no effect. Storm showdown.moves.magmastorm.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.magmastorm.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -13347,7 +13347,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Speed. Darkness showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Def. Flare showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sunny Day begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sunny Day. @@ -13486,7 +13486,7 @@ showdown.moves.mimic.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, this move is repla showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by a random move known by the target, even if the user already knows that move. The copied move keeps the remaining PP for this move, regardless of the copied move's maximum PP. Whenever one PP is used for a copied move, one PP is used for this move. showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.shortDesc=Random move known by the target replaces this. showdown.moves.mimic.start=%s learned %s! Blown showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. This move is prevented from executing and the user does not lose HP if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, or if this move is Fire type and the user is affected by Powder or the weather is Primordial Sea. showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) @@ -13602,7 +13602,7 @@ showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1 showdown.moves.multiattack.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Memory. showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Memory. Fire showdown.moves.mysticalfire.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Power @@ -13704,7 +13704,7 @@ showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the use showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits foe(s). showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. @@ -13944,7 +13944,7 @@ showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.shortDesc=Power doubles if the targeted foe is switc showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.desc=If the target switches out this turn, this move hits it before it leaves the field with doubled power and the user's turn is over. showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles if the foe is switching out. showdown.moves.pursuit.activate=(%s is being withdrawn...) Ball showdown.moves.pyroball.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.pyroball.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. @@ -13987,7 +13987,7 @@ Stier showdown.moves.ragingbull.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. If the user's current form is a Paldean Tauros, this move's type changes to match. Fighting type for Combat Breed, Fire type for Blaze Breed, and Water type for Aqua Breed. showdown.moves.ragingbull.shortDesc=Destroys screens. Type depends on user's form. showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! Fury showdown.moves.ragingfury.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.ragingfury.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Dance @@ -14160,7 +14160,7 @@ showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Power doubles if others used Round this turn. showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Fireäuterfeuer showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Has a 50% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. @@ -14226,7 +14226,7 @@ showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.screech.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. Shot showdown.moves.searingshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. Sonnenwalze @@ -14307,7 +14307,7 @@ showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Physical+contact if it would be s showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2. Trap showdown.moves.shelltrap.desc=Fails unless the user is hit by a physical attack from an opponent this turn before it can execute the move. If the user was hit and has not fainted, it attacks immediately after being hit, and the effect ends. If the opponent's physical attack had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability, it does not count for the purposes of this effect. showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=User must take physical damage before moving. showdown.moves.shelltrap.start=%s set a shell trap! @@ -14344,7 +14344,7 @@ showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=No additional effect. Slide showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the foe. @@ -14720,7 +14720,7 @@ Punch showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical attack, special attack, or Me First for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. showdown.moves.suckerpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking. showdown.moves.suckerpunch.gen4.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical or special attack for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. Day showdown.moves.sunnyday.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Heat Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. showdown.moves.sunnyday.shortDesc=For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves. showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. @@ -14947,7 +14947,7 @@ showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Tidying up complete! showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=The target's positive stat stages become negative and vice versa. Fails if all of the target's stat stages are 0. showdown.moves.topsyturvy.shortDesc=Inverts the target's stat stages. Song showdown.moves.torchsong.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.torchsong.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. @@ -15066,7 +15066,7 @@ showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s can't sleep in an uproar! showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Lowers the user's Speed, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. @@ -15184,7 +15184,7 @@ showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze foe(s). Charge showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target.ügelschlag diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index be4c125d4..cb1e457b2 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11430,7 +11430,7 @@ showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 st showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Tail showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=No additional effect. Cannonñón Armadura showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1.ón @@ -11594,7 +11594,7 @@ showdown.moves.bite.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Blade Lamento showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Reprimido @@ -11602,13 +11602,13 @@ showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Hole Eclipse showdown.moves.blackholeeclipse.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Burn Ígneo showdown.moves.blastburn.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.blastburn.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Kick Ígnea showdown.moves.blazekick.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.blazekick.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to burn. Torque showdown.moves.blazingtorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Gélido @@ -11631,7 +11631,7 @@ showdown.moves.block.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The targe showdown.moves.block.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. Doom showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Flare Azul showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20% chance to burn the target. Corporal @@ -11734,10 +11734,10 @@ showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit t showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Jealousy Ardiente showdown.moves.burningjealousy.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target if it had a stat stage raised this turn. showdown.moves.burningjealousy.shortDesc=100% burns a target that had a stat rise this turn. Up Final showdown.moves.burnup.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. showdown.moves.burnup.shortDesc=User's Fire type becomes typeless; must be Fire. showdown.moves.burnup.gen8.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. @@ -12231,7 +12231,7 @@ showdown.moves.embargo.desc=For 5 turns, the target's held item has no effect. A showdown.moves.embargo.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the target's item has no effect. showdown.moves.embargo.start=%s can't use items anymore! showdown.moves.embargo.end=%s can use items again! showdown.moves.ember.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.ember.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Vez @@ -12272,7 +12272,7 @@ showdown.moves.entrainment.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the s showdown.moves.entrainment.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. showdown.moves.entrainment.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Stance Change, Truant, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. showdown.moves.entrainment.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Truant, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, or Zen Mode. showdown.moves.eruption.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Wing @@ -12343,7 +12343,7 @@ showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 3 stages if this mov showdown.moves.fellstinger.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 3 if this KOes the target. showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages if this move knocks out the target. showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 2 if this KOes the target. Dance Llama showdown.moves.fierydance.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Wrath @@ -12355,29 +12355,29 @@ showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's max showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's current HP. If this move is successful, the user faints. showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's HP. User faints. Blast showdown.moves.fireblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.fireblast.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Fang Ígneo showdown.moves.firefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. showdown.moves.firefang.shortDesc=10% chance to burn. 10% chance to flinch. showdown.moves.firefang.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. This move can hit Pokemon with the Wonder Guard Ability regardless of their typing. Lashátigo Ígneo showdown.moves.firelash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.firelash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Pledge Fuego showdown.moves.firepledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Grass Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Fire Gem. showdown.moves.firepledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Water Pledge for added effect. showdown.moves.firepledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... showdown.moves.firepledge.start=A sea of fire enveloped %s! showdown.moves.firepledge.end=The sea of fire around %s disappeared! showdown.moves.firepledge.damage=%s was hurt by the sea of fire! Punchño Fuego showdown.moves.firepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.firepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Spin Fuego showdown.moves.firespin.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.firespin.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.firespin.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -12408,21 +12408,21 @@ showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.flail.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. showdown.moves.flail.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Burst showdown.moves.flameburst.desc=If this move is successful, the target's ally loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. showdown.moves.flameburst.shortDesc=Damages Pokemon next to the target as well. showdown.moves.flameburst.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, each ally adjacent to the target loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. showdown.moves.flameburst.damage=The bursting flame hit %s! Charge showdown.moves.flamecharge.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.flamecharge.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Wheel Fuego showdown.moves.flamewheel.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.flamewheel.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. showdown.moves.flamethrower.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.flamethrower.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Blitz Ígneo showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -12555,7 +12555,7 @@ showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to Bolt showdown.moves.fusionbolt.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Flare. showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare this turn. Flare Fusión showdown.moves.fusionflare.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Bolt. showdown.moves.fusionflare.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Bolt this turn. Sight @@ -12622,7 +12622,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move pow showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=%s got caught in the vortex of water! showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Cannonade’s vortex! Centiferno showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns.ñición @@ -12718,7 +12718,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=%s is hurt by the rocks thrown out by G-Max Volt Crash showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: paralyzed. Wildfire showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Fire-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=%s were surrounded by fire! @@ -12876,11 +12876,11 @@ showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Swap showdown.moves.heartswap.desc=The user swaps all its stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.heartswap.shortDesc=Swaps all stat changes with target. Crash Calor showdown.moves.heatcrash.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.heatcrash.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. showdown.moves.heatcrash.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Wave Ígnea showdown.moves.heatwave.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.heatwave.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the foe(s). Pesado @@ -13042,7 +13042,7 @@ showdown.moves.imprison.gen6.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from us showdown.moves.imprison.gen4.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Fails if no opposing Pokemon know any of the user's moves. showdown.moves.imprison.start=%s sealed any moves its target shares with it! showdown.moves.imprison.cant=%s can't use its sealed %s!ón showdown.moves.incinerate.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry or a Gem. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.incinerate.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry/Gem. showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. @@ -13051,10 +13051,10 @@ showdown.moves.incinerate.removeItem=%s's %s was burned up! Espectral showdown.moves.infernalparade.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.infernalparade.shortDesc=30% burn. 2x power if target is already statused. showdown.moves.inferno.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the target. Overdrive Pírica showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -13158,7 +13158,7 @@ showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Fails unless each known move has been used. Póstumo showdown.moves.lastrespects.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side, and X cannot be greater than 100. showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 power for each time a party member fainted. Plume showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. @@ -13284,7 +13284,7 @@ showdown.moves.magicpowder.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Room showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=For 5 turns, the held items of all active Pokemon have no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all held items have no effect. Storm Ígnea showdown.moves.magmastorm.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.magmastorm.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -13328,7 +13328,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Speed. Darkness showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Def. Flareón showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sunny Day begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sunny Day. @@ -13467,7 +13467,7 @@ showdown.moves.mimic.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, this move is repla showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by a random move known by the target, even if the user already knows that move. The copied move keeps the remaining PP for this move, regardless of the copied move's maximum PP. Whenever one PP is used for a copied move, one PP is used for this move. showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.shortDesc=Random move known by the target replaces this. showdown.moves.mimic.start=%s learned %s! Blown Sorpresa showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. This move is prevented from executing and the user does not lose HP if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, or if this move is Fire type and the user is affected by Powder or the weather is Primordial Sea. showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) @@ -13583,7 +13583,7 @@ showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1 showdown.moves.multiattack.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Memory. showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Memory. Fire Embrujada showdown.moves.mysticalfire.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Power @@ -13685,7 +13685,7 @@ showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the use showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits foe(s). showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Dolor @@ -13925,7 +13925,7 @@ showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.shortDesc=Power doubles if the targeted foe is switc showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.desc=If the target switches out this turn, this move hits it before it leaves the field with doubled power and the user's turn is over. showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles if the foe is switching out. showdown.moves.pursuit.activate=(%s is being withdrawn...) Ballón Ígneo showdown.moves.pyroball.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.pyroball.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. @@ -13968,7 +13968,7 @@ Taurina showdown.moves.ragingbull.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. If the user's current form is a Paldean Tauros, this move's type changes to match. Fighting type for Combat Breed, Fire type for Blaze Breed, and Water type for Aqua Breed. showdown.moves.ragingbull.shortDesc=Destroys screens. Type depends on user's form. showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! Furyón de Ira showdown.moves.ragingfury.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.ragingfury.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Dance @@ -14141,7 +14141,7 @@ showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Power doubles if others used Round this turn. showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Fire Sagrado showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Has a 50% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. Rauda @@ -14207,7 +14207,7 @@ showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.screech.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. Shot Ígnea showdown.moves.searingshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. Solar @@ -14288,7 +14288,7 @@ showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Physical+contact if it would be s showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2. Trap Trampa showdown.moves.shelltrap.desc=Fails unless the user is hit by a physical attack from an opponent this turn before it can execute the move. If the user was hit and has not fainted, it attacks immediately after being hit, and the effect ends. If the opponent's physical attack had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability, it does not count for the purposes of this effect. showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=User must take physical damage before moving. showdown.moves.shelltrap.start=%s set a shell trap! @@ -14325,7 +14325,7 @@ showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep.ón de Flechas Sombrías showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=No additional effect. Slide showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the foe. @@ -14701,7 +14701,7 @@ Punch showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical attack, special attack, or Me First for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. showdown.moves.suckerpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking. showdown.moves.suckerpunch.gen4.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical or special attack for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. Dayía Soleado showdown.moves.sunnyday.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Heat Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. showdown.moves.sunnyday.shortDesc=For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves. showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. @@ -14928,7 +14928,7 @@ showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Tidying up complete! showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=The target's positive stat stages become negative and vice versa. Fails if all of the target's stat stages are 0. showdown.moves.topsyturvy.shortDesc=Inverts the target's stat stages. Song Ardiente showdown.moves.torchsong.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.torchsong.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. @@ -15047,7 +15047,7 @@ showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s can't sleep in an uproar! Vacío showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. de Fuego showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Lowers the user's Speed, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. @@ -15165,7 +15165,7 @@ showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze foe(s). Charge showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. Fatuo showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target. Ala From d429e6f07a49b0d9194124b847859cae4b306baa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 15:21:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 28/43] Type-water moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 104 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index a435244d9..9e88e0c2d 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11433,21 +11433,21 @@ showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not ac Acid showdown.moves.appleacid.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.appleacid.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Cutter showdown.moves.aquacutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.aquacutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Jetüse showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Ring showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn while it remains active. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will receive the healing effect. showdown.moves.aquaring.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. showdown.moves.aquaring.start=%s surrounded itself with a veil of water! showdown.moves.aquaring.heal=A veil of water restored %s's HP! Step showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Tail showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=No additional effect.üstungskanone showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. @@ -11690,7 +11690,7 @@ showdown.moves.bounce.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This at showdown.moves.bounce.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.bounce.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s sprang up! Bubble showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Poke @@ -11714,19 +11714,19 @@ showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.shortDesc=Destroys screens, even if the target is immune. showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen3.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or not the target is immune, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the opponent's side of the field before damage is calculated. showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! showdown.moves.brine.desc=Power doubles if the target has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining. showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less. Swing showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.bubble.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bubble.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.bubble.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Beam showdown.moves.bubblebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bubblebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. @@ -11808,7 +11808,7 @@ showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.shortDesc=For Chatot, 10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 1, 11, or 31 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 1 for no recording or low volume, 11 for medium volume, and 31 for high volume. showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.shortDesc=For Chatot, 31% chance to confuse the target. Water Dusche showdown.moves.chillingwater.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.chillingwater.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Reception @@ -11825,7 +11825,7 @@ showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!)Überkopfwurf showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target is under the effect of Ingrain, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. showdown.moves.clamp.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.clamp.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.clamp.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -11956,7 +11956,7 @@ showdown.moves.covet.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has no showdown.moves.covet.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, or a Genesect holding a Drive. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.covet.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.covet.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.crabhammer.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crabhammer.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shield @@ -12083,7 +12083,7 @@ showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits showdown.moves.discharge.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.discharge.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.dive.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.dive.shortDesc=Dives underwater turn 1, strikes turn 2. showdown.moves.dive.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. @@ -12412,7 +12412,7 @@ showdown.moves.firespin.move=%s's attack continues!Überrumpler showdown.moves.firstimpression.desc=Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. Rend showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. @@ -12463,7 +12463,7 @@ showdown.moves.fling.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held ite showdown.moves.fling.shortDesc=Flings the user's item at the target. Power varies. showdown.moves.fling.gen4.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, or if the user is under the effect of Embargo. showdown.moves.fling.removeItem=%s flung its %s! Turn showdown.moves.flipturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. showdown.moves.flipturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! @@ -12636,7 +12636,7 @@ showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Summons Light Screen. showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either falls asleep, becomes poisoned, or becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: slp or psn or par. Cannonade showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Water-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=%s got caught in the vortex of water! @@ -12664,7 +12664,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1/6 max HP Fire Ball showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Foam Burst showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 2 stages, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed.ünzregen @@ -12673,7 +12673,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Gravitas showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Gravity begins. showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Gravity. Hydrosnipeütze showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. @@ -12685,7 +12685,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Tormented. One Blow showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. Rapid Flow showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. @@ -12709,7 +12709,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Steel haz showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=Sharp-pointed pieces of steel started floating around %s! showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.end=The pieces of steel surrounding %s disappeared! showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=The sharp steel bit into %s! Stonesurgeöll showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth Rock. Stun Shock @@ -12978,15 +12978,15 @@ showdown.moves.hurricane.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move showdown.moves.hurricane.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse target. Can't miss in rain. showdown.moves.hurricane.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. showdown.moves.hurricane.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. Cannon showdown.moves.hydrocannon.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.hydrocannon.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Pump showdown.moves.hydropump.shortDesc=No additional effect. Steam showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=If the current weather is Sunny Day and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella, this move's damage is multiplied by 1.5 instead of halved for being Water type. showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=During Sunny Day: 1.5x damage instead of half. Vortex showdown.moves.hydrovortex.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.hyperbeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. @@ -13114,7 +13114,7 @@ showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Lock showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Prevents the user and the target from switching out. The user and the target can still switch out if either of them is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching out. Punchüsenhieb showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. @@ -13214,7 +13214,7 @@ showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.lick.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Dew showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max HP. of Ruin @@ -13236,7 +13236,7 @@ showdown.moves.lightscreen.end=%s's Light Screen wore off! That Burns the Sky showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities.ß showdown.moves.liquidation.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.liquidation.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. @@ -13353,7 +13353,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sunny Day. showdown.moves.maxflutterby.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Atk. Geyser showdown.moves.maxgeyser.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Rain Dance begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxgeyser.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Rain Dance. @@ -13596,7 +13596,7 @@ showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type at showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/3 their power. showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/2 their power. Waterühe showdown.moves.muddywater.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1. @@ -13671,7 +13671,7 @@ showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def. showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Operetta Meeressymphonie showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. @@ -13691,7 +13691,7 @@ showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc Up showdown.moves.orderup.desc=If an ally Tatsugiri has activated its Commander Ability, this move raises the user's Attack by 1 stage if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense by 1 stage if Droopy Form, or Speed by 1 stage if Stretchy Form. The effect happens whether or not this move is successful, and even if the Tatsugiri that activated the effect has since fainted. showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy eaten: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. Pulse showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. @@ -13990,7 +13990,7 @@ showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! showdown.moves.ragingfury.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.ragingfury.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Dance showdown.moves.raindance.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Damp Rock. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. showdown.moves.raindance.shortDesc=For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves. showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. @@ -14006,7 +14006,7 @@ Leaf showdown.moves.razorleaf.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.razorleaf.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shell showdown.moves.razorshell.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.razorshell.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. @@ -14207,7 +14207,7 @@ showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=This move summons Leech Seed on the foe. showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Summons Leech Seed. Insektenhieb showdown.moves.savagespinout.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.scald.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.scald.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. @@ -14458,7 +14458,7 @@ showdown.moves.snatch.shortDesc=User steals certain support moves to use itself. showdown.moves.snatch.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use this move this turn, the applicable moves are stolen by each of those Pokemon in turn order, and only the last user in turn order will gain the effects. showdown.moves.snatch.start=%s is waiting for a target to make a move! showdown.moves.snatch.activate=%s snatched %s's move! Shotäzisionsschuss showdown.moves.snipeshot.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This move cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected. @@ -14467,7 +14467,7 @@ showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target. showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. During the effect, the Defense of Ice-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a physical attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Snow. showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=For 5 turns, snow falls. Ice: 1.5x Def.Überflutung showdown.moves.soak.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Water type, or if the target is Terastallized. showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Water. showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Water type. @@ -14508,7 +14508,7 @@ showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. showdown.moves.spark.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Aria showdown.moves.sparklingaria.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of its burn. showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=The target is cured of its burn. Swirl @@ -14584,7 +14584,7 @@ showdown.moves.splash.activate=But nothing happened! Steinregen showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. Splashätschersurfer showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -14605,7 +14605,7 @@ showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of th showdown.moves.stealthrock.start=Pointed stones float in the air around %s! showdown.moves.stealthrock.end=The pointed stones disappeared from around %s! showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=Pointed stones dug into %s! Eruption showdown.moves.steameruption.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.steameruption.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. @@ -14740,7 +14740,7 @@ showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Steilflug showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dive. doubles if the target is using Dive. @@ -14748,7 +14748,7 @@ adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dive. additional effect. additional effect. foes. Power doubles against Dive. Strikes showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Hits three times. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Hits 3 times. @@ -15009,7 +15009,7 @@ showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=High crit. Target: 50% -1 Defense, 30% fli Axel showdown.moves.tripleaxel.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 40 for the second hit and 60 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. Dive showdown.moves.tripledive.desc=Hits three times. showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. @@ -15104,37 +15104,37 @@ showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If the user has not fainted, the target wakes up. showdown.moves.wakeupslap.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is asleep, and wakes it. showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If this move is successful, the target wakes up. showdown.moves.waterfall.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.waterfall.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.shortDesc=No additional effect. Gun showdown.moves.watergun.shortDesc=No additional effect. Pledgeäulen showdown.moves.waterpledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Grass Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Water Gem, and cannot be redirected by the Storm Drain Ability. showdown.moves.waterpledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Fire Pledge for added effect. showdown.moves.waterpledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... showdown.moves.waterpledge.start=A rainbow appeared in the sky on %s's side! showdown.moves.waterpledge.end=The rainbow on %s's side disappeared! Pulse showdown.moves.waterpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.waterpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. Shuriken showdown.moves.watershuriken.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the user is an Ash-Greninja with the Battle Bond Ability, this move has a power of 20 and always hits three times. showdown.moves.watershuriken.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.watershuriken.gen6.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. Sport showdown.moves.watersport.desc=For 5 turns, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. showdown.moves.watersport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Fire-type attacks have 1/3 power. showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/3 their power. showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/2 their power. Spoutänen showdown.moves.waterspout.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Crash showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. @@ -15195,7 +15195,7 @@ showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored. showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of its maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. showdown.moves.wish.gen4.shortDesc=Next turn, heals 50% of the recipient's max HP. showdown.moves.wish.heal=%s's wish came true! showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. Room diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index cb1e457b2..205697aa7 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11414,21 +11414,21 @@ showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not ac Acid showdown.moves.appleacid.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.appleacid.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Cutter Acuático showdown.moves.aquacutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.aquacutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Jet Jet showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Ring Aro showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn while it remains active. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will receive the healing effect. showdown.moves.aquaring.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. showdown.moves.aquaring.start=%s surrounded itself with a veil of water! showdown.moves.aquaring.heal=A veil of water restored %s's HP! Step Acuática showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Tail Cola showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=No additional effect.ñón Armadura showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. @@ -11671,7 +11671,7 @@ showdown.moves.bounce.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This at showdown.moves.bounce.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.bounce.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s sprang up! Bubble showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Poke @@ -11695,19 +11695,19 @@ showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.shortDesc=Destroys screens, even if the target is immune. showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen3.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or not the target is immune, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the opponent's side of the field before damage is calculated. showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! showdown.moves.brine.desc=Power doubles if the target has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining. showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less. Swing showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.bubble.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bubble.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.bubble.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Beam Barbuja showdown.moves.bubblebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bubblebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. @@ -11789,7 +11789,7 @@ showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.shortDesc=For Chatot, 10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 1, 11, or 31 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 1 for no recording or low volume, 11 for medium volume, and 31 for high volume. showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.shortDesc=For Chatot, 31% chance to confuse the target. Water Fría showdown.moves.chillingwater.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.chillingwater.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Reception @@ -11806,7 +11806,7 @@ showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) Giro showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target is under the effect of Ingrain, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. showdown.moves.clamp.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.clamp.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.clamp.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -11937,7 +11937,7 @@ showdown.moves.covet.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has no showdown.moves.covet.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, or a Genesect holding a Drive. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.covet.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.covet.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. showdown.moves.crabhammer.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crabhammer.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shield @@ -12064,7 +12064,7 @@ showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits showdown.moves.discharge.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.discharge.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.dive.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.dive.shortDesc=Dives underwater turn 1, strikes turn 2. showdown.moves.dive.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. @@ -12393,7 +12393,7 @@ showdown.moves.firespin.move=%s's attack continues! showdown.moves.firstimpression.desc=Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. Rend showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. @@ -12444,7 +12444,7 @@ showdown.moves.fling.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held ite showdown.moves.fling.shortDesc=Flings the user's item at the target. Power varies. showdown.moves.fling.gen4.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, or if the user is under the effect of Embargo. showdown.moves.fling.removeItem=%s flung its %s! Turn showdown.moves.flipturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. showdown.moves.flipturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! @@ -12617,7 +12617,7 @@ showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Summons Light Screen. showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either falls asleep, becomes poisoned, or becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: slp or psn or par. Cannonadeñonazo showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Water-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=%s got caught in the vortex of water! @@ -12645,7 +12645,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1/6 max HP Fire Ball showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Foam Burst showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 2 stages, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed. @@ -12654,7 +12654,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Gravitas showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Gravity begins. showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Gravity. Hydrosnipe showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. @@ -12666,7 +12666,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Tormented. One Blow showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. Rapid Flow Fluido showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. @@ -12690,7 +12690,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Steel haz showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=Sharp-pointed pieces of steel started floating around %s! showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.end=The pieces of steel surrounding %s disappeared! showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=The sharp steel bit into %s! Stonesurge Rocas showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth Rock. Stun Shock @@ -12959,15 +12959,15 @@ showdown.moves.hurricane.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move showdown.moves.hurricane.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse target. Can't miss in rain. showdown.moves.hurricane.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. showdown.moves.hurricane.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. Cannonñón showdown.moves.hydrocannon.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.hydrocannon.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Pump showdown.moves.hydropump.shortDesc=No additional effect. Steam showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=If the current weather is Sunny Day and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella, this move's damage is multiplied by 1.5 instead of halved for being Water type. showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=During Sunny Day: 1.5x damage instead of half. Vortexórtice Abisal showdown.moves.hydrovortex.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.hyperbeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. @@ -13095,7 +13095,7 @@ showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Lock showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Prevents the user and the target from switching out. The user and the target can still switch out if either of them is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching out. Punchño Jet showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. @@ -13195,7 +13195,7 @@ showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=No additional effect.üetazo showdown.moves.lick.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Dew Vital showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max HP. of Ruin @@ -13217,7 +13217,7 @@ showdown.moves.lightscreen.end=%s's Light Screen wore off! That Burns the Sky showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. showdown.moves.liquidation.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.liquidation.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Blanco @@ -13334,7 +13334,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sunny Day. showdown.moves.maxflutterby.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Atk. Geyser showdown.moves.maxgeyser.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Rain Dance begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxgeyser.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Rain Dance. @@ -13577,7 +13577,7 @@ showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type at showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/3 their power. showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/2 their power. Water Lodosa showdown.moves.muddywater.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1. @@ -13652,9 +13652,9 @@ showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def. showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Operettaía de la Diva Marina showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=No additional effect.ñón showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. @@ -13672,7 +13672,7 @@ showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc Up showdown.moves.orderup.desc=If an ally Tatsugiri has activated its Commander Ability, this move raises the user's Attack by 1 stage if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense by 1 stage if Droopy Form, or Speed by 1 stage if Stretchy Form. The effect happens whether or not this move is successful, and even if the Tatsugiri that activated the effect has since fainted. showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy eaten: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. Pulse Primigenio showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. @@ -13971,7 +13971,7 @@ showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s shattered %s's protections!ón de Ira showdown.moves.ragingfury.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.ragingfury.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Dance Lluvia showdown.moves.raindance.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Damp Rock. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. showdown.moves.raindance.shortDesc=For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves. showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. @@ -13987,7 +13987,7 @@ Leaf showdown.moves.razorleaf.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.razorleaf.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shell Filo showdown.moves.razorshell.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.razorshell.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Cortante @@ -14188,7 +14188,7 @@ showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=This move summons Leech Seed on the foe. showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Summons Leech Seed.ña Sedosa showdown.moves.savagespinout.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.scald.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.scald.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. @@ -14439,7 +14439,7 @@ showdown.moves.snatch.shortDesc=User steals certain support moves to use itself. showdown.moves.snatch.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use this move this turn, the applicable moves are stolen by each of those Pokemon in turn order, and only the last user in turn order will gain the effects. showdown.moves.snatch.start=%s is waiting for a target to make a move! showdown.moves.snatch.activate=%s snatched %s's move! Shot Certero showdown.moves.snipeshot.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This move cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected. @@ -14448,7 +14448,7 @@ showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target. showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. During the effect, the Defense of Ice-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a physical attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Snow. showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=For 5 turns, snow falls. Ice: 1.5x Def. showdown.moves.soak.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Water type, or if the target is Terastallized. showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Water. showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Water type. @@ -14489,7 +14489,7 @@ showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. showdown.moves.spark.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Aria Burbuja showdown.moves.sparklingaria.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of its burn. showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=The target is cured of its burn. Swirl @@ -14565,7 +14565,7 @@ showdown.moves.splash.activate=But nothing happened! Rocosa showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. Splash showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -14586,7 +14586,7 @@ showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of th showdown.moves.stealthrock.start=Pointed stones float in the air around %s! showdown.moves.stealthrock.end=The pointed stones disappeared from around %s! showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=Pointed stones dug into %s! Eruption de Vapor showdown.moves.steameruption.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.steameruption.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. de Púas @@ -14729,7 +14729,7 @@ adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dive. additional effect. additional effect. foes. Power doubles against Dive. Strikes Torrencial showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Hits three times. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Hits 3 times. @@ -14990,7 +14990,7 @@ showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=High crit. Target: 50% -1 Defense, 30% fli Axel showdown.moves.tripleaxel.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 40 for the second hit and 60 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. Dive Inmersión showdown.moves.tripledive.desc=Hits three times. showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Patada @@ -15085,37 +15085,37 @@ showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If the user has not fainted, the target wakes up. showdown.moves.wakeupslap.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is asleep, and wakes it. showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If this move is successful, the target wakes up. showdown.moves.waterfall.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.waterfall.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.shortDesc=No additional effect. Gun Agua showdown.moves.watergun.shortDesc=No additional effect. Pledge Agua showdown.moves.waterpledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Grass Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Water Gem, and cannot be redirected by the Storm Drain Ability. showdown.moves.waterpledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Fire Pledge for added effect. showdown.moves.waterpledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... showdown.moves.waterpledge.start=A rainbow appeared in the sky on %s's side! showdown.moves.waterpledge.end=The rainbow on %s's side disappeared! Pulse showdown.moves.waterpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.waterpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. Shuriken de Agua showdown.moves.watershuriken.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the user is an Ash-Greninja with the Battle Bond Ability, this move has a power of 20 and always hits three times. showdown.moves.watershuriken.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.watershuriken.gen6.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. Sport showdown.moves.watersport.desc=For 5 turns, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. showdown.moves.watersport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Fire-type attacks have 1/3 power. showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/3 their power. showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/2 their power. Spout showdown.moves.waterspout.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Crash Acuático showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. @@ -15126,7 +15126,7 @@ showdown.moves.weatherball.gen5.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition is act showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if a weather condition is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Sunny Day. showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles and type varies during weather. showdown.moves.weatherball.move=Breakneck Blitz turned into %s due to the weather! showdown.moves.whirlpool.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.whirlpool.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -15176,7 +15176,7 @@ showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored. showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of its maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. showdown.moves.wish.gen4.shortDesc=Next turn, heals 50% of the recipient's max HP. showdown.moves.wish.heal=%s's wish came true! showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. Room From dbda633976910f544efd8187c8ff60655118f697 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 15:38:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 29/43] Type-grass moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 9e88e0c2d..3df0c5a5f 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11359,7 +11359,7 @@ showdown.items.vilevial.desc=If held by a Venomicon, its Poison- and Flying-type Donnerblitz showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Has a very high chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Very high critical hit ratio. showdown.moves.absorb.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.absorb.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -11430,7 +11430,7 @@ showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The showdown.moves.ancientpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Acidäure showdown.moves.appleacid.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.appleacid.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. @@ -11457,7 +11457,7 @@ showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit tw showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.armthrust.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Sap Sipper Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. @@ -11648,7 +11648,7 @@ showdown.moves.block.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The targe showdown.moves.block.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.block.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. showdown.moves.block.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. Doom Blütenpracht showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. @@ -11693,7 +11693,7 @@ showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s sprang up! showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Pokeß showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=No additional effect. @@ -11748,7 +11748,7 @@ showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1. showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Seed showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -11818,7 +11818,7 @@ showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s is preparing to tell a chillingly badürben showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) @@ -11930,10 +11930,10 @@ showdown.moves.corrosivegas.removeItem=%s corroded %s's %s! Power showdown.moves.cosmicpower.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.cosmicpower.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Guard showdown.moves.cottonguard.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 3 stages. showdown.moves.cottonguard.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 3. Spore showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. @@ -12189,7 +12189,7 @@ showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Beatingäge showdown.moves.drumbeating.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Chop @@ -12281,7 +12281,7 @@ showdown.moves.endure.gen3.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Poke showdown.moves.endure.gen2.desc=The user will survive attacks made by the opponent during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. showdown.moves.endure.start=%s braced itself! showdown.moves.endure.activate=%s endured the hit! Ball showdown.moves.energyball.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.energyball.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. @@ -12476,7 +12476,7 @@ showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. Shield showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Raises the Defense of all active Grass-type Pokemon by 1 stage. Fails if there are no active Grass-type Pokemon. showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass types. Trick showdown.moves.flowertrick.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.flowertrick.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit; no accuracy check. @@ -12547,7 +12547,7 @@ showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Frost showdown.moves.freezyfrost.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. showdown.moves.freezyfrost.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. Plant showdown.moves.frenzyplant.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Breath @@ -12604,7 +12604,7 @@ showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Charges, then raises SpA, SpD, Spe by 2 turn 2. showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=%s is absorbing power! Drain showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -12655,7 +12655,7 @@ Depletion showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side loses 2 PP from its last move used, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: last move -2 PP. showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=%s's PP was reduced! Drum Solo showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Finale @@ -12715,16 +12715,16 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth R Stun Shock showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either becomes poisoned or paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: psn or par. Sweetness showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has its status condition cured, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: status cured. Tartnessäureguss showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the evasiveness of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 evasiveness. showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching out, even if they have a substitute. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If a target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: trapped. Vine Lashßel showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Grass-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=%s got trapped with vines! @@ -12745,25 +12745,25 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=%s is burning up within G-Max Wildfire’s flß showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain end, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Ends Terrain, hazards. Knot showdown.moves.grassknot.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. showdown.moves.grassknot.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. Pledgeäulen showdown.moves.grasspledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Grass Gem. showdown.moves.grasspledge.shortDesc=Use with Fire or Water Pledge for added effect. showdown.moves.grasspledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... showdown.moves.grasspledge.start=A swamp enveloped %s! showdown.moves.grasspledge.end=The swamp around %s disappeared! Whistleöte showdown.moves.grasswhistle.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Glide showdown.moves.grassyglide.desc=If the current terrain is Grassy Terrain and the user is grounded, this move has its priority increased by 1. showdown.moves.grassyglide.shortDesc=User on Grassy Terrain: +1 priority. Terrain showdown.moves.grassyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. showdown.moves.grassyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Grass power, +1/16 max HP. showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. Apple showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. Power is multiplied by 1.5 during Gravity's effect. showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Target: 100% -1 Def. During Gravity: 1.5x power. @@ -12965,7 +12965,7 @@ showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower le showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. Leech showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. @@ -13081,7 +13081,7 @@ showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.infestation.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.infestation.start=%s has been afflicted with an infestation by %s! showdown.moves.ingrain.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. showdown.moves.ingrain.shortDesc=Traps/grounds user; heals 1/16 max HP per turn. showdown.moves.ingrain.gen7.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. @@ -13132,7 +13132,7 @@ showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it would'v showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Healing showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. @@ -13180,15 +13180,15 @@ showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 power for each time a party member fai showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.leafage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Blade showdown.moves.leafblade.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.leafblade.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Stormättersturm showdown.moves.leafstorm.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.leafstorm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Tornado showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. @@ -13196,7 +13196,7 @@ showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, r showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. showdown.moves.leechlife.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. Seed showdown.moves.leechseed.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Mortal Spin or Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. showdown.moves.leechseed.shortDesc=1/8 of target's HP is restored to user every turn. showdown.moves.leechseed.gen8.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. @@ -13283,7 +13283,7 @@ showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Leaf showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Torque showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. @@ -13375,7 +13375,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Psychic Te showdown.moves.maxooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Atk. Overgrowth showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Grassy Terrain. @@ -13417,7 +13417,7 @@ showdown.moves.mefirst.gen7.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use showdown.moves.mefirst.gen6.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. showdown.moves.mefirst.gen5.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. showdown.moves.mefirst.gen4.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. Drain showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -13629,7 +13629,7 @@ showdown.moves.naturepower.move=Nature Power turned into %s!'s Madness showdown.moves.naturesmadness.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.naturesmadness.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Arm showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. @@ -13739,10 +13739,10 @@ showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns. showdown.moves.perishsong.start=All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns! showdown.moves.perishsong.activate=%s's perish count fell to %s. Blizzardütenwirbel showdown.moves.petalblizzard.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. Danceättertanz showdown.moves.petaldance.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.petaldance.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. showdown.moves.petaldance.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. @@ -13855,7 +13855,7 @@ showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boost showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Whipßel showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=No additional effect. @@ -14002,7 +14002,7 @@ showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=If this move is successful and the user has n showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.shortDesc=Frees user from hazards, binding, Leech Seed. showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen4.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end against the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen3.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and Spikes are removed from the user's side of the field. Leaf showdown.moves.razorleaf.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.razorleaf.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -14202,7 +14202,7 @@ showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=%s became trapped by the quicksand! Seedßbomben showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=This move summons Leech Seed on the foe. showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Summons Leech Seed. Insektenhieb @@ -14243,9 +14243,9 @@ showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paral showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. Bomb showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. Flare showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. @@ -14403,7 +14403,7 @@ showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.slash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Powder showdown.moves.sleeppowder.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.sleeptalk.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, Wicked Torque, or any two-turn move. @@ -14444,7 +14444,7 @@ showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Trap showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -14478,7 +14478,7 @@ showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.softboiled.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. Beam showdown.moves.solarbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. showdown.moves.solarbeam.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. @@ -14490,7 +14490,7 @@ showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and exe showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.solarbeam.prepare=%s absorbed light! Blade showdown.moves.solarblade.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. showdown.moves.solarblade.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. @@ -14522,7 +14522,7 @@ Swap showdown.moves.speedswap.desc=The user swaps its Speed stat with the target. Stat stage changes are unaffected. showdown.moves.speedswap.shortDesc=Swaps Speed stat with target. showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s switched Speed with its target! Extract showdown.moves.spicyextract.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and lowers its Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.spicyextract.shortDesc=Raises target's Atk by 2 and lowers its Def by 2. @@ -14549,7 +14549,7 @@ showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 1 lay showdown.moves.spikes.start=Spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! showdown.moves.spikes.end=The spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! showdown.moves.spikes.damage=%s was hurt by the spikes! Shield showdown.moves.spikyshield.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.spikyshield.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: loses 1/8 max HP. showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. @@ -14587,7 +14587,7 @@ showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain.ätschersurfer showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.spore.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from opponents of the target are redirected to the target. Such attacks are redirected to the target before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. @@ -14667,7 +14667,7 @@ showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target.ärke showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=No additional effect. Sap showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1. @@ -14692,7 +14692,7 @@ showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.desc=This move cannot be selected unless the user is holding a Berry. The user eats its Berry and raises its Defense by 2 stages. This effect is not prevented by the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry. showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.shortDesc=Must hold Berry to use. User eats Berry, Def +2. Spore showdown.moves.stunspore.desc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. @@ -14787,7 +14787,7 @@ showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 2. showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=The target is immune if it does not share a type with the user. showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon sharing the user's type. showdown.moves.synthesis.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.synthesis.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. showdown.moves.synthesis.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. @@ -14971,7 +14971,7 @@ showdown.moves.toxicspikes.end=The poison spikes disappeared from the ground aro showdown.moves.toxicthread.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage and poisons it. showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons it. showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. @@ -15019,7 +15019,7 @@ showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for showdown.moves.triplekick.gen3.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.desc=Hits one to three times, at random. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 1-3 times. Power rises with each hit. Kick showdown.moves.tropkick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. @@ -15081,7 +15081,7 @@ showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. Whip showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=No additional effect. @@ -15201,7 +15201,7 @@ showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. Room showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon have their Defense and Special Defense stats swapped. Stat stage changes are unaffected. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all Defense and Sp. Def stats switch. Hammer showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -15209,7 +15209,7 @@ showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. showdown.moves.workup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.workup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Seed showdown.moves.worryseed.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.worryseed.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Insomnia. showdown.moves.worryseed.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 205697aa7..46a461294 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11340,7 +11340,7 @@ showdown.items.vilevial.desc=If held by a Venomicon, its Poison- and Flying-type Fulminante showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Has a very high chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Very high critical hit ratio. showdown.moves.absorb.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.absorb.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -11411,7 +11411,7 @@ showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The Pasado showdown.moves.ancientpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). AcidÁcido Málico showdown.moves.appleacid.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.appleacid.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Acuático @@ -11438,7 +11438,7 @@ showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit tw showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.armthrust.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Sap Sipper Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. @@ -11629,7 +11629,7 @@ showdown.moves.block.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The targe showdown.moves.block.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.block.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. showdown.moves.block.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. Doomón Floral showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Azul showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. @@ -11674,7 +11674,7 @@ showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s sprang up! showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Poke Rama showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=No additional effect.ájaro Osado @@ -11729,7 +11729,7 @@ showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1.ño Bala showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Seed showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. @@ -11799,7 +11799,7 @@ showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s is preparing to tell a chillingly bad Baja showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes.áser showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) @@ -11911,10 +11911,10 @@ showdown.moves.corrosivegas.removeItem=%s corroded %s's %s! Power showdown.moves.cosmicpower.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.cosmicpower.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Guard Algodón showdown.moves.cottonguard.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 3 stages. showdown.moves.cottonguard.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 3. Sporeón showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. @@ -12170,7 +12170,7 @@ showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Beatingía Asalto showdown.moves.drumbeating.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Chop @@ -12262,7 +12262,7 @@ showdown.moves.endure.gen3.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Poke showdown.moves.endure.gen2.desc=The user will survive attacks made by the opponent during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. showdown.moves.endure.start=%s braced itself! showdown.moves.endure.activate=%s endured the hit! Ball showdown.moves.energyball.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.energyball.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. Amiga @@ -12457,7 +12457,7 @@ showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. Shield showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Raises the Defense of all active Grass-type Pokemon by 1 stage. Fails if there are no active Grass-type Pokemon. showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass types. Trick Floral showdown.moves.flowertrick.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.flowertrick.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit; no accuracy check. @@ -12528,7 +12528,7 @@ showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Frost showdown.moves.freezyfrost.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. showdown.moves.freezyfrost.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. Plant Feroz showdown.moves.frenzyplant.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Breath @@ -12585,7 +12585,7 @@ showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Charges, then raises SpA, SpD, Spe by 2 turn 2. showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=%s is absorbing power! Drain showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -12636,7 +12636,7 @@ Depletion showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side loses 2 PP from its last move used, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: last move -2 PP. showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=%s's PP was reduced! Drum Solo showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Finale @@ -12696,16 +12696,16 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth R Stun Shock showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either becomes poisoned or paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: psn or par. Sweetnesséctar showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has its status condition cured, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: status cured. Tartnessón showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the evasiveness of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 evasiveness.ón showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching out, even if they have a substitute. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If a target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: trapped. Vine Lash showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Grass-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=%s got trapped with vines! @@ -12726,25 +12726,25 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=%s is burning up within G-Max Wildfire’s flán showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain end, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Ends Terrain, hazards. Knot Lazo showdown.moves.grassknot.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. showdown.moves.grassknot.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. Pledge Planta showdown.moves.grasspledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Grass Gem. showdown.moves.grasspledge.shortDesc=Use with Fire or Water Pledge for added effect. showdown.moves.grasspledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... showdown.moves.grasspledge.start=A swamp enveloped %s! showdown.moves.grasspledge.end=The swamp around %s disappeared! Whistle showdown.moves.grasswhistle.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Glide showdown.moves.grassyglide.desc=If the current terrain is Grassy Terrain and the user is grounded, this move has its priority increased by 1. showdown.moves.grassyglide.shortDesc=User on Grassy Terrain: +1 priority. Terrain de Hierba showdown.moves.grassyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. showdown.moves.grassyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Grass power, +1/16 max HP. showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. Apple G showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. Power is multiplied by 1.5 during Gravity's effect. showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Target: 100% -1 Def. During Gravity: 1.5x power. @@ -12946,7 +12946,7 @@ showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower le showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. Leech Drenaje showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. @@ -13062,7 +13062,7 @@ showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.infestation.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.infestation.start=%s has been afflicted with an infestation by %s! showdown.moves.ingrain.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. showdown.moves.ingrain.shortDesc=Traps/grounds user; heals 1/16 max HP per turn. showdown.moves.ingrain.gen7.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. @@ -13113,7 +13113,7 @@ showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it would'v showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Healing Selvática showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. Kárate @@ -13161,15 +13161,15 @@ showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 power for each time a party member fai showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.leafage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Blade Aguda showdown.moves.leafblade.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.leafblade.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Storm showdown.moves.leafstorm.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.leafstorm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Tornadoón de Hojas showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. @@ -13177,7 +13177,7 @@ showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, r showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. showdown.moves.leechlife.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. Seed showdown.moves.leechseed.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Mortal Spin or Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. showdown.moves.leechseed.shortDesc=1/8 of target's HP is restored to user every turn. showdown.moves.leechseed.gen8.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. @@ -13264,7 +13264,7 @@ showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def byño showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Leaf Mágica showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Torque showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. @@ -13356,7 +13356,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Psychic Teácido showdown.moves.maxooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Atk. Overgrowth showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Grassy Terrain. @@ -13398,7 +13398,7 @@ showdown.moves.mefirst.gen7.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use showdown.moves.mefirst.gen6.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. showdown.moves.mefirst.gen5.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. showdown.moves.mefirst.gen4.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. Drain showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -13610,7 +13610,7 @@ showdown.moves.naturepower.move=Nature Power turned into %s!'s Madness showdown.moves.naturesmadness.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.naturesmadness.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Arm Pincho showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. @@ -13720,10 +13720,10 @@ showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns. showdown.moves.perishsong.start=All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns! showdown.moves.perishsong.activate=%s's perish count fell to %s. Blizzard Floral showdown.moves.petalblizzard.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. Dance Pétalo showdown.moves.petaldance.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.petaldance.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. showdown.moves.petaldance.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. @@ -13836,7 +13836,7 @@ showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boostño Incremento showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Whip showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. del Abismo showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=No additional effect. @@ -13983,7 +13983,7 @@ showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=If this move is successful and the user has n showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.shortDesc=Frees user from hazards, binding, Leech Seed. showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen4.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end against the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen3.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and Spikes are removed from the user's side of the field. Leaf Afilada showdown.moves.razorleaf.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.razorleaf.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -14183,7 +14183,7 @@ showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=%s became trapped by the quicksand! Seed showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=This move summons Leech Seed on the foe. showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Summons Leech Seed.ña Sedosa @@ -14224,9 +14224,9 @@ showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paral Místico showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. Bomb Germen showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. Flare Semilla showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2.ísmico @@ -14384,7 +14384,7 @@ showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.slash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Powderífero showdown.moves.sleeppowder.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep.ámbulo showdown.moves.sleeptalk.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, Wicked Torque, or any two-turn move. @@ -14425,7 +14425,7 @@ showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. de Humo showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Trap showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. @@ -14459,7 +14459,7 @@ showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.softboiled.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. Beam Solar showdown.moves.solarbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. showdown.moves.solarbeam.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. @@ -14471,7 +14471,7 @@ showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and exe showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. showdown.moves.solarbeam.prepare=%s absorbed light! Blade Solar showdown.moves.solarblade.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. showdown.moves.solarblade.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. @@ -14503,7 +14503,7 @@ Swap showdown.moves.speedswap.desc=The user swaps its Speed stat with the target. Stat stage changes are unaffected. showdown.moves.speedswap.shortDesc=Swaps Speed stat with target. showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s switched Speed with its target! Extract Picante showdown.moves.spicyextract.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and lowers its Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.spicyextract.shortDesc=Raises target's Atk by 2 and lowers its Def by 2.ña @@ -14530,7 +14530,7 @@ showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 1 lay showdown.moves.spikes.start=Spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! showdown.moves.spikes.end=The spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! showdown.moves.spikes.damage=%s was hurt by the spikes! Shield Espinosa showdown.moves.spikyshield.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.spikyshield.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: loses 1/8 max HP. showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. @@ -14568,7 +14568,7 @@ showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.spore.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from opponents of the target are redirected to the target. Such attacks are redirected to the target before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. @@ -14648,7 +14648,7 @@ showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=No additional effect. Sap showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1. Demora @@ -14673,7 +14673,7 @@ showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.desc=This move cannot be selected unless the user is holding a Berry. The user eats its Berry and raises its Defense by 2 stages. This effect is not prevented by the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry. showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.shortDesc=Must hold Berry to use. User eats Berry, Def +2. Spore showdown.moves.stunspore.desc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. @@ -14768,7 +14768,7 @@ showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 2. showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=The target is immune if it does not share a type with the user. showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon sharing the user's type.íntesis showdown.moves.synthesis.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.synthesis.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. showdown.moves.synthesis.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. @@ -14952,7 +14952,7 @@ showdown.moves.toxicspikes.end=The poison spikes disappeared from the ground aro Venenoso showdown.moves.toxicthread.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage and poisons it. showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons it. showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1.ón @@ -15000,7 +15000,7 @@ showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for showdown.moves.triplekick.gen3.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.desc=Hits one to three times, at random. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 1-3 times. Power rises with each hit. Kick Tropical showdown.moves.tropkick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Oculto @@ -15062,7 +15062,7 @@ showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. Triunfal showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. Whipátigo Cepa showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=No additional effect. @@ -15182,7 +15182,7 @@ showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. Room showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon have their Defense and Special Defense stats swapped. Stat stage changes are unaffected. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all Defense and Sp. Def stats switch. Hammer showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -15190,7 +15190,7 @@ showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. showdown.moves.workup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.workup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Seed showdown.moves.worryseed.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.worryseed.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Insomnia. showdown.moves.worryseed.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. From 7551cc5dc29bea3d7790f157c5e342693409e351 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 15:47:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 30/43] Type-ice moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 3df0c5a5f..fa0a80a62 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11504,12 +11504,12 @@ showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Wheel showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. If the user is a Morpeko in Full Belly Mode, this move is Electric type. If the user is a Morpeko in Hangry Mode, this move is Dark type. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Full Belly or Hangry Mode Morpeko. showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Electric; Hangry: Dark; 100% +1 Spe. Beam showdown.moves.aurorabeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.aurorabeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Veil showdown.moves.auroraveil.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. showdown.moves.auroraveil.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies halved. Snow only. showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. @@ -11520,7 +11520,7 @@ showdown.moves.autotomize.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. If the user's Speed was changed, the user's weight is reduced by 100 kg as long as it remains active. This effect is stackable but cannot reduce the user's weight to less than 0.1 kg. showdown.moves.autotomize.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2; user loses 100 kg. showdown.moves.autotomize.start=%s became nimble! showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's position this turn. @@ -11811,7 +11811,7 @@ showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.shortDesc=For Chatot, 31% chance to confuse the targ Dusche showdown.moves.chillingwater.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.chillingwater.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Reception Stimmung showdown.moves.chillyreception.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. The user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.chillyreception.shortDesc=Starts Snow. User switches out. showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s is preparing to tell a chillingly bad joke! @@ -12534,23 +12534,23 @@ showdown.moves.forestscurse.shortDesc=Adds Grass to the target's type(s). Play showdown.moves.foulplay.desc=Damage is calculated using the target's Attack stat, including stat stage changes. The user's Ability, item, and burn are used as normal. showdown.moves.foulplay.shortDesc=Uses target's Attack stat in damage calculation. showdown.moves.freezedry.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. This move's type effectiveness against Water is changed to be super effective no matter what this move's type is. showdown.moves.freezedry.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. Super effective on Water. Shock showdown.moves.freezeshock.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.freezeshock.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. showdown.moves.freezeshock.prepare=%s became cloaked in a freezing light! Glare showdown.moves.freezingglare.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Frost showdown.moves.freezyfrost.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. showdown.moves.freezyfrost.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. showdown.moves.frenzyplant.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Breath showdown.moves.frostbreath.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.frostbreath.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. @@ -12616,10 +12616,10 @@ showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. Havoc showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Lance showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. Rush @@ -12691,7 +12691,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Gua showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance every Pokemon on the user's side has its Berry restored, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Base move affects power. 50% restores Berries. Resonance showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Aurora Veil begins on the user's side. showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Aurora Veil.ß @@ -12823,7 +12823,7 @@ showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 1. showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=More power the slower the user than the target. showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. showdown.moves.hail.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, Overcoat, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=For 5 turns, hail crashes down. showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. @@ -12837,7 +12837,7 @@ showdown.moves.happyhour.activate=Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere!ärtner showdown.moves.harden.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.harden.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.haze.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. showdown.moves.haze.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. showdown.moves.haze.gen1.desc=Resets the stat stages of both Pokemon to 0 and removes stat reductions due to burn and paralysis. Resets Toxic counters to 0 and removes the effect of confusion, Disable, Focus Energy, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mist, and Reflect from both Pokemon. Removes the opponent's non-volatile status condition. @@ -13014,42 +13014,42 @@ showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Ball showdown.moves.iceball.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. showdown.moves.iceball.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. showdown.moves.iceball.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. showdown.moves.iceball.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. Beam showdown.moves.icebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.icebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Burn showdown.moves.iceburn.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.iceburn.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% burn. showdown.moves.iceburn.prepare=%s became cloaked in freezing air! Fang showdown.moves.icefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. showdown.moves.icefang.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. 10% chance to flinch. Hammer showdown.moves.icehammer.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.icehammer.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. Punch showdown.moves.icepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.icepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Shard showdown.moves.iceshard.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.iceshard.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Spinner showdown.moves.icespinner.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.icespinner.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. Crash showdown.moves.iciclecrash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.iciclecrash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Spear showdown.moves.iciclespear.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.iciclespear.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Wind showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.icywind.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. showdown.moves.icywind.gen2.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. @@ -13360,7 +13360,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxguard.desc=The user is protected from nearly all attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, including Max and G-Max Moves. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.maxguard.shortDesc=Protects user from moves & Max Moves this turn. showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s protected itself! Hailstorm showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Hail begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Hail. @@ -13529,7 +13529,7 @@ showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen1.desc=The user uses the last move used by the targ showdown.moves.mirrorshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mirrorshot.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1.ßnebel showdown.moves.mist.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members are protected from having their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. showdown.moves.mist.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from stat drops. showdown.moves.mist.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, it is protected from having its stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. @@ -13577,7 +13577,7 @@ showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if n showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/leech. Gale showdown.moves.mountaingale.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.mountaingale.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. @@ -13826,7 +13826,7 @@ showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP. showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect happens before the Fire-type move would be prevented by Primordial Sea. showdown.moves.powder.start=%s is covered in powder! showdown.moves.powder.activate=When the flame touched the powder on the Pokémon, it exploded! Snow showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. @@ -14296,7 +14296,7 @@ showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=User takes 1/2 its max HP to pass a substitute showdown.moves.shedtail.start=%s shed its tail to create a decoy! showdown.moves.shedtail.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! Coldälte showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + X)%, where X is 30 if the user is an Ice type and 20 otherwise, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Ice-type Pokemon and Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=OHKOs non-Ice targets. Fails if user's lower level. showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. @@ -14464,7 +14464,7 @@ showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected showdown.moves.snore.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Fails if the user is not asleep. showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target. showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. During the effect, the Defense of Ice-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a physical attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Snow. showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=For 5 turns, snow falls. Ice: 1.5x Def.Überflutung @@ -14714,7 +14714,7 @@ showdown.moves.substitute.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! showdown.moves.substitute.end=%s's substitute faded! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! showdown.moves.substitute.activate=The substitute took damage for %s! Slammer Geofrost showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Punch showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical attack, special attack, or Me First for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. @@ -15006,7 +15006,7 @@ showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon with lower Sp showdown.moves.triplearrows.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage, a 30% chance to make it flinch, and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=High crit. Target: 50% -1 Defense, 30% flinch. Axel showdown.moves.tripleaxel.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 40 for the second hit and 60 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 46a461294..169eb8f5c 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11485,12 +11485,12 @@ showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Wheel showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. If the user is a Morpeko in Full Belly Mode, this move is Electric type. If the user is a Morpeko in Hangry Mode, this move is Dark type. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Full Belly or Hangry Mode Morpeko. showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Electric; Hangry: Dark; 100% +1 Spe. Beam Aurora showdown.moves.aurorabeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.aurorabeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Veil Aurora showdown.moves.auroraveil.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. showdown.moves.auroraveil.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies halved. Snow only. showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. @@ -11501,7 +11501,7 @@ showdown.moves.autotomize.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. If the user's Speed was changed, the user's weight is reduced by 100 kg as long as it remains active. This effect is stackable but cannot reduce the user's weight to less than 0.1 kg. showdown.moves.autotomize.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2; user loses 100 kg. showdown.moves.autotomize.start=%s became nimble! showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's position this turn. @@ -11614,7 +11614,7 @@ showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Gélido showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. showdown.moves.blizzard.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. If the weather is Snow, this move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.blizzard.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in Snow. showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. If the weather is Hail, this move does not check accuracy. @@ -11792,7 +11792,7 @@ showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.shortDesc=For Chatot, 31% chance to confuse the targ Fría showdown.moves.chillingwater.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.chillingwater.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Receptionía Acogida showdown.moves.chillyreception.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. The user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.chillyreception.shortDesc=Starts Snow. User switches out. showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s is preparing to tell a chillingly bad joke! @@ -12515,23 +12515,23 @@ showdown.moves.forestscurse.shortDesc=Adds Grass to the target's type(s). Play showdown.moves.foulplay.desc=Damage is calculated using the target's Attack stat, including stat stage changes. The user's Ability, item, and burn are used as normal. showdown.moves.foulplay.shortDesc=Uses target's Attack stat in damage calculation.ón showdown.moves.freezedry.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. This move's type effectiveness against Water is changed to be super effective no matter what this move's type is. showdown.moves.freezedry.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. Super effective on Water. Shock Gélido showdown.moves.freezeshock.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.freezeshock.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. showdown.moves.freezeshock.prepare=%s became cloaked in a freezing light! Glare showdown.moves.freezingglare.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Frost showdown.moves.freezyfrost.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. showdown.moves.freezyfrost.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. Feroz showdown.moves.frenzyplant.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Breath Gélido showdown.moves.frostbreath.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.frostbreath.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit.ón @@ -12597,10 +12597,10 @@ Colosal showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. Havoc showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Lance Glacial showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. Gélido showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. Rush @@ -12672,7 +12672,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Gua showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance every Pokemon on the user's side has its Berry restored, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Base move affects power. 50% restores Berries. Resonanceía showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Aurora Veil begins on the user's side. showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Aurora Veil. @@ -12804,7 +12804,7 @@ Bola showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 1. showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=More power the slower the user than the target. showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. showdown.moves.hail.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, Overcoat, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=For 5 turns, hail crashes down. showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. @@ -12818,7 +12818,7 @@ showdown.moves.happyhour.activate=Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere! showdown.moves.harden.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.harden.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.haze.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. showdown.moves.haze.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. showdown.moves.haze.gen1.desc=Resets the stat stages of both Pokemon to 0 and removes stat reductions due to burn and paralysis. Resets Toxic counters to 0 and removes the effect of confusion, Disable, Focus Energy, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mist, and Reflect from both Pokemon. Removes the opponent's non-volatile status condition. @@ -12995,42 +12995,42 @@ showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Ball Hielo showdown.moves.iceball.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. showdown.moves.iceball.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. showdown.moves.iceball.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. showdown.moves.iceball.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. Beam Hielo showdown.moves.icebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.icebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Burn Gélida showdown.moves.iceburn.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.iceburn.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% burn. showdown.moves.iceburn.prepare=%s became cloaked in freezing air! Fang Hielo showdown.moves.icefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. showdown.moves.icefang.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. 10% chance to flinch. Hammer Hielo showdown.moves.icehammer.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.icehammer.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. Punchño Hielo showdown.moves.icepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.icepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Shard Helada showdown.moves.iceshard.desc=No additional effect. showdown.moves.iceshard.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Spinner Helada showdown.moves.icespinner.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.icespinner.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. Crash showdown.moves.iciclecrash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.iciclecrash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Spearámbano showdown.moves.iciclespear.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.iciclespear.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. Wind Hielo showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.icywind.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. showdown.moves.icywind.gen2.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. @@ -13341,7 +13341,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxguard.desc=The user is protected from nearly all attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, including Max and G-Max Moves. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.maxguard.shortDesc=Protects user from moves & Max Moves this turn. showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s protected itself! Hailstorm showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Hail begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Hail.ño @@ -13510,7 +13510,7 @@ showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen1.desc=The user uses the last move used by the targ Espejo showdown.moves.mirrorshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mirrorshot.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. showdown.moves.mist.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members are protected from having their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. showdown.moves.mist.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from stat drops. showdown.moves.mist.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, it is protected from having its stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. @@ -13558,7 +13558,7 @@ showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if n Mortífero showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/leech. Gale Carámbano showdown.moves.mountaingale.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.mountaingale.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Fango @@ -13807,7 +13807,7 @@ showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP. showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect happens before the Fire-type move would be prevented by Primordial Sea. showdown.moves.powder.start=%s is covered in powder! showdown.moves.powder.activate=When the flame touched the powder on the Pokémon, it exploded! Snow Polvo showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. @@ -14277,7 +14277,7 @@ showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=User takes 1/2 its max HP to pass a substitute showdown.moves.shedtail.start=%s shed its tail to create a decoy! showdown.moves.shedtail.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! Coldío Polar showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + X)%, where X is 30 if the user is an Ice type and 20 otherwise, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Ice-type Pokemon and Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=OHKOs non-Ice targets. Fails if user's lower level. showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. @@ -14445,7 +14445,7 @@ showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected showdown.moves.snore.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Fails if the user is not asleep. showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target. Nevado showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. During the effect, the Defense of Ice-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a physical attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Snow. showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=For 5 turns, snow falls. Ice: 1.5x Def. @@ -14695,7 +14695,7 @@ showdown.moves.substitute.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! showdown.moves.substitute.end=%s's substitute faded! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! showdown.moves.substitute.activate=The substitute took damage for %s! Slammer Despiadado showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Punch showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical attack, special attack, or Me First for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. From 4f67c5adf85ea11eada721df40b4fd03884012d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 15:53:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 31/43] No additional effect --- texts/de_DE.lang | 176 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 176 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 176 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index fa0a80a62..bbe9e9e27 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11367,7 +11367,7 @@ showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If the target has a substitute, this move misses. showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. -showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Usually goes first.äure showdown.moves.acid.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. @@ -11437,7 +11437,7 @@ showdown.moves.aquacutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.aquacutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio.üse -showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn while it remains active. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will receive the healing effect. @@ -11448,7 +11448,7 @@ showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt.üstungskanone showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. @@ -11483,8 +11483,8 @@ showdown.moves.astonish.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.astonish.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -11566,10 +11566,10 @@ showdown.moves.beatup.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each un showdown.moves.beatup.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's level, its base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense. Fails if no party members can participate. showdown.moves.beatup.activate=%s's attack!ß -showdown.moves.behemothbash.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.behemothbash.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. -showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed.ülpser showdown.moves.belch.desc=This move cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry, either by eating one that was held, stealing and eating one off another Pokemon with Bug Bite or Pluck, or eating one that was thrown at it with Fling. Once the condition is met, this move can be selected and used for the rest of the battle even if the user gains or uses another item or switches out. Consuming a Berry with Natural Gift does not count for the purposes of eating one. @@ -11681,8 +11681,8 @@ showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits.Überschallknall -showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.bounce.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.bounce.shortDesc=Bounces turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. @@ -11694,8 +11694,8 @@ showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt.ß -showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. @@ -11718,8 +11718,8 @@ showdown.moves.brine.desc=Power doubles if the target has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining. showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less. Swing -showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.bubble.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bubble.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. @@ -11746,7 +11746,7 @@ showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. @@ -11780,7 +11780,7 @@ showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. The target is unaffected if both the user and the target are the same gender, or if either is genderless. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. -showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Edge showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing side. @@ -11990,7 +11990,7 @@ showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user' showdown.moves.curse.start=%s cut its own HP and put a curse on %s! showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s is afflicted by the curse! -showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Lariat showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.darkestlariat.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. @@ -12005,8 +12005,8 @@ showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.shortDesc=Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. %s can't use the move! showdown.moves.darkvoid.failWrongForme=But %s can't use it the way it is now! Gleam -showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. @@ -12092,8 +12092,8 @@ showdown.moves.dive.prepare=%s hid underwater! showdown.moves.dizzypunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.dizzypunch.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.doodle.desc=The user and its ally's Abilities change to match the target's Ability. Does not change Ability if the user's or its ally's is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target. Fails if both the user and its ally's Ability already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=User and ally's Abilities become target's Ability. @@ -12148,7 +12148,7 @@ Breath showdown.moves.dragonbreath.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.dragonbreath.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Claw -showdown.moves.dragonclaw.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dragonclaw.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Dance showdown.moves.dragondance.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.dragondance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1. @@ -12159,9 +12159,9 @@ Energy showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Hammer -showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Pulse -showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Rage showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Deals 40 HP of damage to the target. Rush @@ -12185,7 +12185,7 @@ showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. -showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -12199,7 +12199,7 @@ügel showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Cannon -showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. @@ -12212,8 +12212,8 @@ showdown.moves.earthquake.desc=Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. showdown.moves.earthquake.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dig. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Dig. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dig. -showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles on Dig. showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=For every consecutive turn that this move is used by at least one Pokemon, this move's power is multiplied by the number of turns to pass, but not more than 5. @@ -12226,7 +12226,7 @@ showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not f showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! -showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Terrain showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. showdown.moves.electricterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Electric power, can't sleep. @@ -12319,7 +12319,7 @@ der Neun showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Raises user's Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe by 2. -showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. showdown.moves.extremespeed.gen4.shortDesc=Usually goes first. @@ -12332,7 +12332,7 @@ showdown.moves.fairylock.shortDesc=Prevents all Pokemon from switching next turn showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=No one will be able to run away during the next turn! Wind -showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance. @@ -12617,8 +12617,8 @@ showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. Havoc showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. -showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. @@ -12817,8 +12817,8 @@ showdown.moves.gust.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly showdown.moves.gust.gen4.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce and Fly. showdown.moves.gust.gen2.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Fly. showdown.moves.gust.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles during Fly. -showdown.moves.gust.gen1.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.gust.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.gust.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.gust.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 1. showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=More power the slower the user than the target. @@ -12935,7 +12935,7 @@ Power Rock Power Steel Power Waterärke -showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. @@ -12958,7 +12958,7 @@ Claws showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. -showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. @@ -12982,7 +12982,7 @@ showdown.moves.hydrocannon.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.hydrocannon.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. -showdown.moves.hydropump.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.hydropump.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=If the current weather is Sunny Day and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella, this move's damage is multiplied by 1.5 instead of halved for being Water type. showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=During Sunny Day: 1.5x damage instead of half. @@ -13010,8 +13010,8 @@ showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Breaks the target's protection for this showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=It broke through %s's protection! -showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. @@ -13036,7 +13036,7 @@ showdown.moves.icepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.icepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.iceshard.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.iceshard.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.iceshard.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.icespinner.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. @@ -13115,7 +13115,7 @@ Lock showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Prevents the user and the target from switching out. The user and the target can still switch out if either of them is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching out.üsenhieb -showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.judgment.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. @@ -13162,8 +13162,8 @@ showdown.moves.knockoff.removeItem=%s knocked off %s's %s! Cleave showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.'s Wrath -showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the user's attacks will be critical hits. showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit. @@ -13181,7 +13181,7 @@ showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. -showdown.moves.leafage.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.leafage.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.leafblade.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.leafblade.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -13210,7 +13210,7 @@ showdown.moves.leer.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1.'s Snuggle Forever -showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.lick.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -13281,7 +13281,7 @@ Purge showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. -showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. @@ -13423,11 +13423,11 @@ showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. -showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.memento.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints unless this move misses or there is no target. Fails entirely if this move hits a substitute, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User faints. @@ -13672,7 +13672,7 @@ showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by oth showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def. showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Meeressymphonie -showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. @@ -13692,8 +13692,8 @@ Up showdown.moves.orderup.desc=If an ally Tatsugiri has activated its Commander Ability, this move raises the user's Attack by 1 stage if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense by 1 stage if Droopy Form, or Speed by 1 stage if Stretchy Form. The effect happens whether or not this move is successful, and even if the Tatsugiri that activated the effect has since fainted. showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy eaten: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. -showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.outrage.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.outrage.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. @@ -13702,8 +13702,8 @@ showdown.moves.outrage.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into showdown.moves.outrage.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits foe(s). showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. @@ -13729,19 +13729,19 @@ showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user moves after the targe showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in does not count as an action. showdown.moves.payback.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in counts as an action. -showdown.moves.payday.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.payday.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Scatters coins. showdown.moves.payday.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! -showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 if it doesn't already have a perish count. At the end of each turn including the turn used, the perish count of all active Pokemon lowers by 1 and Pokemon faint if the number reaches 0. The perish count is removed from Pokemon that switch out. If a Pokemon uses Baton Pass while it has a perish count, the replacement will gain the perish count and continue to count down. showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns. showdown.moves.perishsong.start=All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns! showdown.moves.perishsong.activate=%s's perish count fell to %s.ütenwirbel -showdown.moves.petalblizzard.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.petalblizzard.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent Pokemon.ättertanz showdown.moves.petaldance.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.petaldance.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. @@ -13819,7 +13819,7 @@ showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.powder.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect does not happen if the Fire-type move is prevented by Primordial Sea. showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP. @@ -13831,7 +13831,7 @@ showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Split showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=The user and the target have their Attack and Special Attack stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Attack and Special Attack stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. showdown.moves.powersplit.shortDesc=Averages Attack and Sp. Atk stats with target. @@ -13856,10 +13856,10 @@ showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1.ßel -showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.present.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 40% chance for 40 power, 30% chance for 80 power, 10% chance for 120 power, and 20% chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 power, or heals target 1/4 max HP. @@ -13926,7 +13926,7 @@ showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's lev showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to a random number from 1 to (user's level * 1.5 - 1), rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Random damage from 1 to (user's level*1.5 - 1). mit lustig -showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts. @@ -13952,7 +13952,7 @@ showdown.moves.quash.desc=Causes the target to take its turn after all other Pok showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Forces the target to move last this turn. showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! -showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.quickguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. @@ -14113,14 +14113,14 @@ showdown.moves.rockpolish.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. showdown.moves.rockslide.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. -showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch.ümmerer showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.rockthrow.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.rockthrow.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.rocktomb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. @@ -14222,7 +14222,7 @@ showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. -showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.screech.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. @@ -14244,7 +14244,7 @@ showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. -showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. @@ -14280,7 +14280,7 @@ showdown.moves.shadowforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! showdown.moves.shadowpunch.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.ß -showdown.moves.shadowsneak.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.shadowsneak.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Strike showdown.moves.shadowstrike.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. @@ -14343,7 +14343,7 @@ showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. -showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the foe. @@ -14399,7 +14399,7 @@ showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded ha showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.slash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -14501,7 +14501,7 @@ showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity. des Seelenraubes -showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Rend showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -14666,7 +14666,7 @@ Steam showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target.ärke -showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1. @@ -14745,8 +14745,8 @@ doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dive. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dive. additional effect. additional effect. zusätzlicher Effekt. zusätzlicher Effekt. foes. Power doubles against Dive. showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Hits three times. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. @@ -14796,7 +14796,7 @@ showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. -showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages. showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3. @@ -14986,8 +14986,8 @@ showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Has a 20% chance to either burn, freeze, or paralyze the target. showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze target. showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=This move selects burn, freeze, or paralysis at random, and has a 20% chance to inflict the target with that status. If the target is frozen and burn was selected, it thaws out. -showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.trick.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.trick.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. @@ -15064,7 +15064,7 @@ showdown.moves.uproar.upkeep=%s is making an uproar! showdown.moves.uproar.block=But the uproar kept %s awake! showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s can't sleep in an uproar! -showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Lowers the user's Speed, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage. @@ -15082,9 +15082,9 @@ showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt.Überwurf showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Goes last. @@ -15107,10 +15107,10 @@ showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If th showdown.moves.waterfall.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.waterfall.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. +showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.watergun.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.watergun.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt.äulen showdown.moves.waterpledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Grass Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Water Gem, and cannot be redirected by the Storm Drain Ability. showdown.moves.waterpledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Fire Pledge for added effect. @@ -15188,7 +15188,7 @@ showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target.ügelschlag -showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.wish.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of the user's maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored. @@ -15235,7 +15235,7 @@ showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / targ showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. -showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt.ähner showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 169eb8f5c..0bbb12d8a 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11348,7 +11348,7 @@ showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If the target has a substitute, this move misses. showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. Veloz -showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Usually goes first.Ácido showdown.moves.acid.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. @@ -11418,7 +11418,7 @@ Acuático showdown.moves.aquacutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.aquacutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Jet -showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Aro showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn while it remains active. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will receive the healing effect. @@ -11429,7 +11429,7 @@ Acuática showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. Cola -showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.ñón Armadura showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. @@ -11464,8 +11464,8 @@ showdown.moves.astonish.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.astonish.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Espectro -showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. Ataque showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -11547,10 +11547,10 @@ showdown.moves.beatup.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each un showdown.moves.beatup.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's level, its base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense. Fails if no party members can participate. showdown.moves.beatup.activate=%s's attack! Supremo -showdown.moves.behemothbash.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.behemothbash.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. Supremo -showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. showdown.moves.belch.desc=This move cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry, either by eating one that was held, stealing and eating one off another Pokemon with Bug Bite or Pluck, or eating one that was thrown at it with Fling. Once the condition is met, this move can be selected and used for the rest of the battle even if the user gains or uses another item or switches out. Consuming a Berry with Natural Gift does not count for the purposes of eating one. @@ -11662,8 +11662,8 @@ showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.bounce.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.bounce.shortDesc=Bounces turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. @@ -11675,8 +11675,8 @@ showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Rama -showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.ájaro Osado showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. @@ -11699,8 +11699,8 @@ showdown.moves.brine.desc=Power doubles if the target has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining. showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less. Swing -showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.bubble.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bubble.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. @@ -11727,7 +11727,7 @@ showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1.ño Bala -showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. @@ -11761,7 +11761,7 @@ón showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. The target is unaffected if both the user and the target are the same gender, or if either is genderless. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. -showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Edge showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing side. @@ -11971,7 +11971,7 @@ showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user' showdown.moves.curse.start=%s cut its own HP and put a curse on %s! showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s is afflicted by the curse! -showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Lariat showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.darkestlariat.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. @@ -11986,8 +11986,8 @@ showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.shortDesc=Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. %s can't use the move! showdown.moves.darkvoid.failWrongForme=But %s can't use it the way it is now! Gleam -showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. @@ -12073,8 +12073,8 @@ showdown.moves.dive.prepare=%s hid underwater!ño-Mareo showdown.moves.dizzypunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.dizzypunch.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.ía showdown.moves.doodle.desc=The user and its ally's Abilities change to match the target's Ability. Does not change Ability if the user's or its ally's is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target. Fails if both the user and its ally's Ability already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=User and ally's Abilities become target's Ability. @@ -12129,7 +12129,7 @@ Breath showdown.moves.dragonbreath.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.dragonbreath.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Claw -showdown.moves.dragonclaw.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dragonclaw.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Dance showdown.moves.dragondance.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.dragondance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1. @@ -12140,9 +12140,9 @@ Energy showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Hammer -showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Pulse -showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Rage showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Deals 40 HP of damage to the target. Rush @@ -12166,7 +12166,7 @@ showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. Taladro -showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -12180,7 +12180,7 @@ Bis showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Cannon -showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed.ño Dinámico showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. @@ -12193,8 +12193,8 @@ showdown.moves.earthquake.desc=Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. showdown.moves.earthquake.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dig. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Dig. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dig. -showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles on Dig. Voz showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=For every consecutive turn that this move is used by at least one Pokemon, this move's power is multiplied by the number of turns to pass, but not more than 5. @@ -12207,7 +12207,7 @@ showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not f showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! Huevo -showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Terrain showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. showdown.moves.electricterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Electric power, can't sleep. @@ -12300,7 +12300,7 @@ Potencia showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Raises user's Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe by 2. Extrema -showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. showdown.moves.extremespeed.gen4.shortDesc=Usually goes first. @@ -12313,7 +12313,7 @@ showdown.moves.fairylock.shortDesc=Prevents all Pokemon from switching next turn showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=No one will be able to run away during the next turn! Wind -showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance. @@ -12598,8 +12598,8 @@ showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. Havoc showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Glacial -showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. Gélido showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. @@ -12798,8 +12798,8 @@ showdown.moves.gust.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly showdown.moves.gust.gen4.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce and Fly. showdown.moves.gust.gen2.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Fly. showdown.moves.gust.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles during Fly. -showdown.moves.gust.gen1.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.gust.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.gust.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.gust.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Bola showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 1. showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=More power the slower the user than the target. @@ -12916,7 +12916,7 @@ Power Rock Power Steel Power Water Equina -showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Salto Alta showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. @@ -12939,7 +12939,7 @@ Claws showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. -showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. @@ -12963,7 +12963,7 @@ñón showdown.moves.hydrocannon.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.hydrocannon.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. -showdown.moves.hydropump.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.hydropump.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=If the current weather is Sunny Day and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella, this move's damage is multiplied by 1.5 instead of halved for being Water type. showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=During Sunny Day: 1.5x damage instead of half. @@ -12991,8 +12991,8 @@ showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Breaks the target's protection for this showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=It broke through %s's protection!ón -showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. Hielo @@ -13017,7 +13017,7 @@ño Hielo showdown.moves.icepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.icepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. Helada -showdown.moves.iceshard.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.iceshard.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.iceshard.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Helada showdown.moves.icespinner.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. @@ -13096,7 +13096,7 @@ Lock showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Prevents the user and the target from switching out. The user and the target can still switch out if either of them is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching out.ño Jet -showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.judgment.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. @@ -13143,8 +13143,8 @@ showdown.moves.knockoff.removeItem=%s knocked off %s's %s! Cleave showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.'s Wrath -showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the user's attacks will be critical hits. showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit. @@ -13162,7 +13162,7 @@ showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. -showdown.moves.leafage.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.leafage.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Aguda showdown.moves.leafblade.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.leafblade.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -13191,7 +13191,7 @@ showdown.moves.leer.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1.'s Snuggle Forever -showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.üetazo showdown.moves.lick.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -13262,7 +13262,7 @@ Purge showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1.ño -showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Mágica showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. @@ -13404,11 +13404,11 @@ showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. -showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.ño -showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.memento.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints unless this move misses or there is no target. Fails entirely if this move hits a substitute, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User faints. @@ -13653,7 +13653,7 @@ showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by oth showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def. showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn.ía de la Diva Marina -showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.ñón showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. @@ -13673,8 +13673,8 @@ Up showdown.moves.orderup.desc=If an ally Tatsugiri has activated its Commander Ability, this move raises the user's Attack by 1 stage if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense by 1 stage if Droopy Form, or Speed by 1 stage if Stretchy Form. The effect happens whether or not this move is successful, and even if the Tatsugiri that activated the effect has since fainted. showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy eaten: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. Primigenio -showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.outrage.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.outrage.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. @@ -13683,8 +13683,8 @@ showdown.moves.outrage.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into showdown.moves.outrage.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits foe(s). showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. @@ -13710,19 +13710,19 @@ showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user moves after the targe showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in does not count as an action. showdown.moves.payback.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in counts as an action.ía de Pago -showdown.moves.payday.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.payday.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Scatters coins. showdown.moves.payday.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! -showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Mortal showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 if it doesn't already have a perish count. At the end of each turn including the turn used, the perish count of all active Pokemon lowers by 1 and Pokemon faint if the number reaches 0. The perish count is removed from Pokemon that switch out. If a Pokemon uses Baton Pass while it has a perish count, the replacement will gain the perish count and continue to count down. showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns. showdown.moves.perishsong.start=All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns! showdown.moves.perishsong.activate=%s's perish count fell to %s. Floral -showdown.moves.petalblizzard.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.petalblizzard.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent Pokemon. Pétalo showdown.moves.petaldance.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.petaldance.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. @@ -13800,7 +13800,7 @@ showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Explosivo showdown.moves.powder.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect does not happen if the Fire-type move is prevented by Primordial Sea. showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP. @@ -13812,7 +13812,7 @@ showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. de Luz -showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Split showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=The user and the target have their Attack and Special Attack stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Attack and Special Attack stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. showdown.moves.powersplit.shortDesc=Averages Attack and Sp. Atk stats with target. @@ -13837,10 +13837,10 @@ño Incremento showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. -showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. del Abismo -showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.present.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 40% chance for 40 power, 30% chance for 80 power, 10% chance for 120 power, and 20% chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 power, or heals target 1/4 max HP. @@ -13907,7 +13907,7 @@ showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's lev showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to a random number from 1 to (user's level * 1.5 - 1), rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Random damage from 1 to (user's level*1.5 - 1). Intempestivo -showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts. @@ -13933,7 +13933,7 @@ showdown.moves.quash.desc=Causes the target to take its turn after all other Pok showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Forces the target to move last this turn. showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! Rápido -showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.quickguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. @@ -14094,14 +14094,14 @@ showdown.moves.rockpolish.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. showdown.moves.rockslide.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. -showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Roca showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.rockthrow.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.rockthrow.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Rocas showdown.moves.rocktomb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. @@ -14203,7 +14203,7 @@ Ardientes showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target.ñazo -showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.screech.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. @@ -14225,7 +14225,7 @@ Místico showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. Germen -showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Semilla showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. @@ -14261,7 +14261,7 @@ showdown.moves.shadowforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly!ño Sombra showdown.moves.shadowpunch.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Vil -showdown.moves.shadowsneak.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.shadowsneak.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Strike showdown.moves.shadowstrike.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. @@ -14324,7 +14324,7 @@ showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep.ón de Flechas Sombrías -showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the foe. @@ -14380,7 +14380,7 @@ showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded ha showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.slash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -14482,7 +14482,7 @@ showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity.ón Robaalmas -showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Rend showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -14647,7 +14647,7 @@ Steam showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1. @@ -14726,8 +14726,8 @@ doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dive. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dive. additional effect. additional effect.ún efecto secundario.ún efecto secundario. foes. Power doubles against Dive. Torrencial showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Hits three times. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. @@ -14777,7 +14777,7 @@ showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. -showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages. showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3. @@ -14967,8 +14967,8 @@ showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Has a 20% chance to either burn, freeze, or paralyze the target. showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze target. showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=This move selects burn, freeze, or paralysis at random, and has a 20% chance to inflict the target with that status. If the target is frozen and burn was selected, it thaws out. -showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.trick.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.trick.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. @@ -15045,7 +15045,7 @@ showdown.moves.uproar.upkeep=%s is making an uproar! showdown.moves.uproar.block=But the uproar kept %s awake! showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s can't sleep in an uproar! Vacío -showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. de Fuego showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Lowers the user's Speed, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage. @@ -15063,9 +15063,9 @@ Triunfal showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1.átigo Cepa -showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Vital showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Goes last. @@ -15088,10 +15088,10 @@ showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If th showdown.moves.waterfall.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.waterfall.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.desc=No additional effect. -showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Agua -showdown.moves.watergun.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.watergun.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Agua showdown.moves.waterpledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Grass Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Water Gem, and cannot be redirected by the Storm Drain Ability. showdown.moves.waterpledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Fire Pledge for added effect. @@ -15169,7 +15169,7 @@ Fatuo showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target. Ala -showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.wish.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of the user's maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored. @@ -15216,7 +15216,7 @@ showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / targ showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. X -showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=No additional effect. +showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn. From f54b3d5281ee27732d7b0d444003825f8bebe3a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 15:59:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 32/43] Type-electric moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index bbe9e9e27..1192f5e12 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11501,7 +11501,7 @@ showdown.moves.attract.activate=%s is in love with %s! showdown.moves.attract.cant=%s is immobilized by love!äre showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Wheel showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. If the user is a Morpeko in Full Belly Mode, this move is Electric type. If the user is a Morpeko in Hangry Mode, this move is Dark type. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Full Belly or Hangry Mode Morpeko. showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Electric; Hangry: Dark; 100% +1 Spe. @@ -11660,10 +11660,10 @@ showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.bodyslam.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Beak showdown.moves.boltbeak.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. showdown.moves.boltbeak.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. Strike showdown.moves.boltstrike.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.boltstrike.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -11761,7 +11761,7 @@ showdown.moves.burnup.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is showdown.moves.burnup.shortDesc=User's Fire type becomes typeless; must be Fire. showdown.moves.burnup.gen8.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. showdown.moves.burnup.typeChange=%s burned itself out! Buzz showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the foe. showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the foe. Mind @@ -11779,7 +11779,7 @@ showdown.moves.camouflage.gen3.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. The target is unaffected if both the user and the target are the same gender, or if either is genderless. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. Pika-Projektil showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Edge showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. @@ -11787,7 +11787,7 @@ showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing si showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.celebrate.activate=Congratulations, %s! showdown.moves.charge.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's next Electric-type attack will have its power doubled; the effect ends when the user is no longer active, or after the user attempts to use any Electric-type move besides Charge, even if it is not successful. showdown.moves.charge.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's next Electric move 2x power. showdown.moves.charge.gen8.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. @@ -11795,7 +11795,7 @@ showdown.moves.charge.gen8.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's Electric move next turn 2x p showdown.moves.charge.gen3.desc=If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. showdown.moves.charge.gen3.shortDesc=The user's Electric attack next turn has 2x power. showdown.moves.charge.start=%s began charging power! Beam showdown.moves.chargebeam.desc=Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. @@ -12080,7 +12080,7 @@ showdown.moves.disable.cant=%s's %s is disabled! Voice showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes.ß showdown.moves.discharge.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.discharge.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze adjacent Pokemon. @@ -12124,7 +12124,7 @@ showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.doublekick.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.doublekick.gen1.desc=Hits twice. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for both hits. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Shock showdown.moves.doubleshock.desc=Fails unless the user is an Electric type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Electric type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. showdown.moves.doubleshock.shortDesc=User's Electric type: typeless; must be Electric. showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=%s used up all of its electricity! @@ -12218,7 +12218,7 @@ showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles on Dig. showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=For every consecutive turn that this move is used by at least one Pokemon, this move's power is multiplied by the number of turns to pass, but not more than 5. showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Power increases when used on consecutive turns. Impulse showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2. Spell @@ -12227,22 +12227,22 @@ showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Terrain showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. showdown.moves.electricterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Electric power, can't sleep. showdown.moves.electricterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. showdown.moves.electrify.desc=Causes the target's move to become Electric type this turn. Among effects that can change a move's type, this effect happens last. Fails if the target already moved this turn. showdown.moves.electrify.shortDesc=Changes the target's move to Electric this turn. showdown.moves.electrify.start=%s's moves have been electrified! Ball showdown.moves.electroball.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 40. showdown.moves.electroball.shortDesc=More power the faster the user is than the target. showdown.moves.electroball.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. Drift showdown.moves.electrodrift.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. showdown.moves.electrodrift.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. showdown.moves.electroweb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.electroweb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. @@ -12571,7 +12571,7 @@ showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Bolt showdown.moves.fusionbolt.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Flare. showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare this turn. @@ -12614,7 +12614,7 @@ showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharg showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. Havoc showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -12712,7 +12712,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=The sharp steel bit into %s!öll showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth Rock. Stun Shock showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either becomes poisoned or paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: psn or par. @@ -12734,7 +12734,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move pow showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=%s became surrounded by rocks! showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=%s is hurt by the rocks thrown out by G-Max Volcalith! Volt Crash showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: paralyzed. @@ -13098,7 +13098,7 @@ showdown.moves.instruct.shortDesc=The target immediately uses its last used move showdown.moves.instruct.gen8.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Max or G-Max Move. showdown.moves.instruct.gen7.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Z-Move. showdown.moves.instruct.activate=%s followed %s's instructions! Deluge showdown.moves.iondeluge.desc=Causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. The effect happens after other effects that change a move's type. showdown.moves.iondeluge.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. showdown.moves.iondeluge.activate=A deluge of ions showers the battlefield! @@ -13314,10 +13314,10 @@ showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 tu showdown.moves.magmastorm.start=%s became trapped by swirling magma! Bomb showdown.moves.magnetbomb.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Flux showdown.moves.magneticflux.desc=Raises the Defense and Special Defense of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. showdown.moves.magneticflux.shortDesc=Raises Def, Sp. Def of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. Rise showdown.moves.magnetrise.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. showdown.moves.magnetrise.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user has immunity to Ground. showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. @@ -13366,7 +13366,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Hail. showdown.moves.maxknuckle.desc=Boosts the user and its allies' Attack by 1 stage. BP scales with the base move's BP. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Attack. Lightning showdown.moves.maxlightning.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Electric Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Electric Terrain. Mindstorm @@ -13661,7 +13661,7 @@ showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s can no longer escape because it used No Retrea showdown.moves.noxioustorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -13714,7 +13714,7 @@ showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=The battlers shared their pain! Wave showdown.moves.paleowave.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Charge showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Shot @@ -13760,7 +13760,7 @@ showdown.moves.phantomforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! Geyser showdown.moves.photongeyser.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. Papow showdown.moves.pikapapow.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. @@ -13769,7 +13769,7 @@ showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Fistsäuste showdown.moves.plasmafists.desc=If this move is successful, causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. @@ -14086,7 +14086,7 @@ showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=A fainted party member is selected and revived with 1/2 its max HP, rounded down. Fails if there are no fainted party members. showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Revives a fainted Pokemon to 50% HP. showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=%s was revived and is ready to fight again! Voltage showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain and the target is grounded, this move's power is doubled. showdown.moves.risingvoltage.shortDesc=2x power if target is grounded in Electric Terrain.üller @@ -14319,7 +14319,7 @@ showdown.moves.shelter.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1. Wave showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. If the weather is Sandstorm, the user instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. @@ -14505,7 +14505,7 @@ showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Rend showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. showdown.moves.spark.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -14636,7 +14636,7 @@ showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.desc=The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fa showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.shortDesc=Raises user's Stockpile count by 1. Max 3 uses. showdown.moves.stockpile.start=%s stockpiled %s! showdown.moves.stockpile.end=%s's stockpiled effect wore off! Sparksurfer showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. @@ -14905,7 +14905,7 @@ showdown.moves.throatchop.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based mo showdown.moves.throatchop.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound moves. showdown.moves.throatchop.gen7.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. Z-Powered sound moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. showdown.moves.throatchop.cant=The effects of Throat Chop prevent %s from using certain moves! showdown.moves.thunder.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. showdown.moves.thunder.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze. Can't miss in rain. showdown.moves.thunder.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. @@ -14914,27 +14914,27 @@ showdown.moves.thunder.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This m showdown.moves.thunder.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Fly. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.thunderbolt.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.thunderbolt.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Cageängnis showdown.moves.thundercage.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.thundercage.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.thundercage.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.thundercage.start=%s trapped %s! Fang showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. showdown.moves.thunderfang.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze. 10% chance to flinch. Tritt showdown.moves.thunderouskick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.thunderouskick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Punch showdown.moves.thunderpunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.thunderpunch.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Shock showdown.moves.thundershock.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.thundershock.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Wave showdown.moves.thunderwave.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. showdown.moves.thunderwave.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target.ßkanone @@ -15088,12 +15088,12 @@ showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt.Überwurf showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Goes last. Switch showdown.moves.voltswitch.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. showdown.moves.voltswitch.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. showdown.moves.voltswitch.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. showdown.moves.voltswitch.switchOut=%s went back to %s! Tackle showdown.moves.volttackle.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.volttackle.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -15178,10 +15178,10 @@ showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target damage showdown.moves.wideguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.wideguard.start=Wide Guard protected %s! showdown.moves.wideguard.block=Wide Guard protected %s! Storm showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze foe(s). Chargeß showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. @@ -15240,16 +15240,16 @@ähner showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn. showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s grew drowsy! Cannon showdown.moves.zapcannon.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.zapcannon.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Headbutt showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. Zap showdown.moves.zingzap.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.zingzap.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Zap showdown.moves.zippyzap.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's evasion by 1 stage. showdown.moves.zippyzap.shortDesc=Goes first. Raises user's evasion by 1. showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.desc=Will always result in a critical hit. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 0bbb12d8a..54dd21504 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11482,7 +11482,7 @@ showdown.moves.attract.activate=%s is in love with %s! showdown.moves.attract.cant=%s is immobilized by love! Aural showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Wheel Aural showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. If the user is a Morpeko in Full Belly Mode, this move is Electric type. If the user is a Morpeko in Hangry Mode, this move is Dark type. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Full Belly or Hangry Mode Morpeko. showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Electric; Hangry: Dark; 100% +1 Spe. Aurora @@ -11641,10 +11641,10 @@ Cuerpo showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.bodyslam.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Beak showdown.moves.boltbeak.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. showdown.moves.boltbeak.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. Strike Fulgor showdown.moves.boltstrike.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.boltstrike.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze the target. Palo @@ -11742,7 +11742,7 @@ showdown.moves.burnup.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is showdown.moves.burnup.shortDesc=User's Fire type becomes typeless; must be Fire. showdown.moves.burnup.gen8.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. showdown.moves.burnup.typeChange=%s burned itself out! Buzzálisis showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the foe. showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the foe. Mind @@ -11760,7 +11760,7 @@ showdown.moves.camouflage.gen3.desc=The user's type changes based on the battleón showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. The target is unaffected if both the user and the target are the same gender, or if either is genderless. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. Letal showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Edge showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. @@ -11768,7 +11768,7 @@ showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing sión showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.celebrate.activate=Congratulations, %s! showdown.moves.charge.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's next Electric-type attack will have its power doubled; the effect ends when the user is no longer active, or after the user attempts to use any Electric-type move besides Charge, even if it is not successful. showdown.moves.charge.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's next Electric move 2x power. showdown.moves.charge.gen8.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. @@ -11776,7 +11776,7 @@ showdown.moves.charge.gen8.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's Electric move next turn 2x p showdown.moves.charge.gen3.desc=If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. showdown.moves.charge.gen3.shortDesc=The user's Electric attack next turn has 2x power. showdown.moves.charge.start=%s began charging power! Beam Carga showdown.moves.chargebeam.desc=Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. @@ -12061,7 +12061,7 @@ showdown.moves.disable.cant=%s's %s is disabled! Voice showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. showdown.moves.discharge.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.discharge.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze adjacent Pokemon. @@ -12105,7 +12105,7 @@ showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.doublekick.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.doublekick.gen1.desc=Hits twice. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for both hits. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Shock showdown.moves.doubleshock.desc=Fails unless the user is an Electric type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Electric type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. showdown.moves.doubleshock.shortDesc=User's Electric type: typeless; must be Electric. showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=%s used up all of its electricity! @@ -12199,7 +12199,7 @@ showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles on Dig. Voz showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=For every consecutive turn that this move is used by at least one Pokemon, this move's power is multiplied by the number of turns to pass, but not more than 5. showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Power increases when used on consecutive turns. Impulse Anómala showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2. Spell @@ -12208,22 +12208,22 @@ showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! Huevo showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Terrain Eléctrico showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. showdown.moves.electricterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Electric power, can't sleep. showdown.moves.electricterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain.ón showdown.moves.electrify.desc=Causes the target's move to become Electric type this turn. Among effects that can change a move's type, this effect happens last. Fails if the target already moved this turn. showdown.moves.electrify.shortDesc=Changes the target's move to Electric this turn. showdown.moves.electrify.start=%s's moves have been electrified! Ball Voltio showdown.moves.electroball.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 40. showdown.moves.electroball.shortDesc=More power the faster the user is than the target. showdown.moves.electroball.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. Drift showdown.moves.electrodrift.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. showdown.moves.electrodrift.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. showdown.moves.electroweb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.electroweb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. @@ -12552,7 +12552,7 @@ showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Bolt Fusión showdown.moves.fusionbolt.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Flare. showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare this turn. Fusión @@ -12595,7 +12595,7 @@ showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharg showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Colosal showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. Havoc Destructor showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Glacial showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. @@ -12693,7 +12693,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=The sharp steel bit into %s! Rocas showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth Rock. Stun Shock showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either becomes poisoned or paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: psn or par.éctar @@ -12715,7 +12715,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move pow showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=%s became surrounded by rocks! showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=%s is hurt by the rocks thrown out by G-Max Volcalith! Volt Crash showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: paralyzed. @@ -13079,7 +13079,7 @@ showdown.moves.instruct.shortDesc=The target immediately uses its last used move showdown.moves.instruct.gen8.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Max or G-Max Move. showdown.moves.instruct.gen7.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Z-Move. showdown.moves.instruct.activate=%s followed %s's instructions! Deluge Plasma showdown.moves.iondeluge.desc=Causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. The effect happens after other effects that change a move's type. showdown.moves.iondeluge.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. showdown.moves.iondeluge.activate=A deluge of ions showers the battlefield! @@ -13295,10 +13295,10 @@ showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 tu showdown.moves.magmastorm.start=%s became trapped by swirling magma! Bomb showdown.moves.magnetbomb.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Flux Magnética showdown.moves.magneticflux.desc=Raises the Defense and Special Defense of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. showdown.moves.magneticflux.shortDesc=Raises Def, Sp. Def of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. Riseón showdown.moves.magnetrise.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. showdown.moves.magnetrise.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user has immunity to Ground. showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. @@ -13347,7 +13347,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Hail.ño showdown.moves.maxknuckle.desc=Boosts the user and its allies' Attack by 1 stage. BP scales with the base move's BP. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Attack. Lightning showdown.moves.maxlightning.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Electric Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Electric Terrain. Mindstorm @@ -13642,7 +13642,7 @@ showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s can no longer escape because it used No Retrea showdown.moves.noxioustorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. Estático showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Mortífera @@ -13682,7 +13682,7 @@ showdown.moves.outrage.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into showdown.moves.outrage.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.outrage.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits foe(s). @@ -13695,7 +13695,7 @@ showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=The battlers shared their pain! Wave showdown.moves.paleowave.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Charge Parábola showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Shot @@ -13741,7 +13741,7 @@ showdown.moves.phantomforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! Geyser showdown.moves.photongeyser.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. Papow showdown.moves.pikapapow.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. Misil @@ -13750,7 +13750,7 @@ showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Fistsños Plasma showdown.moves.plasmafists.desc=If this move is successful, causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn.ía @@ -14067,7 +14067,7 @@ Vital showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=A fainted party member is selected and revived with 1/2 its max HP, rounded down. Fails if there are no fainted party members. showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Revives a fainted Pokemon to 50% HP. showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=%s was revived and is ready to fight again! Voltage Voltaje showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain and the target is grounded, this move's power is doubled. showdown.moves.risingvoltage.shortDesc=2x power if target is grounded in Electric Terrain. @@ -14300,7 +14300,7 @@ showdown.moves.shelter.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. de Marcha showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1. Wave Voltio showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. If the weather is Sandstorm, the user instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. @@ -14486,7 +14486,7 @@ showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Rend showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. showdown.moves.spark.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Burbuja @@ -14617,7 +14617,7 @@ showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.desc=The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fa showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.shortDesc=Raises user's Stockpile count by 1. Max 3 uses. showdown.moves.stockpile.start=%s stockpiled %s! showdown.moves.stockpile.end=%s's stockpiled effect wore off! Sparksurfer Galvánico showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target.ón @@ -14886,7 +14886,7 @@ showdown.moves.throatchop.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based mo showdown.moves.throatchop.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound moves. showdown.moves.throatchop.gen7.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. Z-Powered sound moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. showdown.moves.throatchop.cant=The effects of Throat Chop prevent %s from using certain moves! showdown.moves.thunder.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. showdown.moves.thunder.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze. Can't miss in rain. showdown.moves.thunder.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. @@ -14895,27 +14895,27 @@ showdown.moves.thunder.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This m showdown.moves.thunder.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Fly. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.thunderbolt.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.thunderbolt.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Cage showdown.moves.thundercage.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.thundercage.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.thundercage.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.thundercage.start=%s trapped %s! Fang Rayo showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. showdown.moves.thunderfang.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze. 10% chance to flinch. Relámpago showdown.moves.thunderouskick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.thunderouskick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Punchño Trueno showdown.moves.thunderpunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.thunderpunch.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Shock showdown.moves.thundershock.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.thundershock.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. Wave Trueno showdown.moves.thunderwave.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. showdown.moves.thunderwave.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. @@ -15069,12 +15069,12 @@ showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Vital showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Goes last. Switch showdown.moves.voltswitch.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. showdown.moves.voltswitch.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. showdown.moves.voltswitch.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. showdown.moves.voltswitch.switchOut=%s went back to %s! Tackle Eléctrico showdown.moves.volttackle.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.volttackle.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -15159,10 +15159,10 @@ showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target damage showdown.moves.wideguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.wideguard.start=Wide Guard protected %s! showdown.moves.wideguard.block=Wide Guard protected %s! Storm showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze foe(s). Charge Cruel showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. Fatuo @@ -15221,16 +15221,16 @@ showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn. showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s grew drowsy! Cannonñón showdown.moves.zapcannon.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.zapcannon.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Headbutt showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. Zap showdown.moves.zingzap.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.zingzap.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Zap showdown.moves.zippyzap.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's evasion by 1 stage. showdown.moves.zippyzap.shortDesc=Goes first. Raises user's evasion by 1. showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.desc=Will always result in a critical hit. From 1bd4d47a08d03ee515576f840546cc32019139ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 15:43:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 33/43] Type-psichic moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 2 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 1192f5e12..c7f16e061 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11400,7 +11400,7 @@ showdown.moves.afteryou.desc=The target makes its move immediately after the user this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target would have moved next anyway, or if the target already moved this turn. showdown.moves.afteryou.shortDesc=The target makes its move right after the user. showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s took the kind offer!ät showdown.moves.agility.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.agility.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. @@ -11411,14 +11411,14 @@ showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Faustschläge showdown.moves.alloutpummeling.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Switch showdown.moves.allyswitch.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Ally Switch. showdown.moves.allyswitch.shortDesc=User and ally swap positions; using again can fail. showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.shortDesc=The user swaps positions with its ally. showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally on the opposite side of the field. Fails if there is no Pokemon at that position, if the user is the only Pokemon on its side, or if the user is in the middle. showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.shortDesc=Switches position with the ally on the far side. showdown.moves.amnesia.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.amnesia.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2. showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 2 stages. @@ -11548,7 +11548,7 @@ showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.barrage.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. showdown.moves.barrier.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. @@ -11764,7 +11764,7 @@ showdown.moves.burnup.typeChange=%s burned itself out! showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the foe. showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the foe. Mind showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1. @@ -11879,7 +11879,7 @@ showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.confuseray.desc=Causes the target to become confused. showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confuses the target. showdown.moves.confusion.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.confusion.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. @@ -11927,7 +11927,7 @@ showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=The target loses its held item. This move canno showdown.moves.corrosivegas.shortDesc=Removes adjacent Pokemon's held items. it failed to affect %s! showdown.moves.corrosivegas.removeItem=%s corroded %s's %s! Power showdown.moves.cosmicpower.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.cosmicpower.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. @@ -12178,7 +12178,7 @@ showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. Eater showdown.moves.dreameater.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=User gains 1/2 HP inflicted. Sleeping target only. showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -12221,7 +12221,7 @@ showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Power increases when used on consecutive tu showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2. Spell showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the target loses 3 PP from its last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! @@ -12294,13 +12294,13 @@ showdown.moves.entrainment.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the s showdown.moves.eruption.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Wing showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100% chance to raise user Speed by 1. High crit. showdown.moves.eternabeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Forceächenmacht showdown.moves.expandingforce.desc=If the current terrain is Psychic Terrain and the user is grounded, this move hits all opposing Pokemon and has its power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.moves.expandingforce.shortDesc=User on Psychic Terrain: 1.5x power, hits foes. @@ -12311,7 +12311,7 @@ showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. User showdown.moves.explosion.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. showdown.moves.explosion.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. showdown.moves.explosion.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move broke the target's substitute. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. showdown.moves.extrasensory.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. @@ -12541,7 +12541,7 @@ showdown.moves.freezeshock.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.freezeshock.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. showdown.moves.freezeshock.prepare=%s became cloaked in a freezing light! Glare Blick showdown.moves.freezingglare.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. @@ -12577,7 +12577,7 @@ showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare thi showdown.moves.fusionflare.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Bolt. showdown.moves.fusionflare.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Bolt this turn. Sight showdown.moves.futuresight.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. showdown.moves.futuresight.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. showdown.moves.futuresight.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. @@ -12597,7 +12597,7 @@ showdown.moves.geargrind.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. showdown.moves.gearup.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. Supernova des Ursprungs showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=If this move is successful, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Summons Psychic Terrain. @@ -12630,7 +12630,7 @@ showdown.moves.glare.desc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.glare.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.glare.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. showdown.moves.glare.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. Glow showdown.moves.glitzyglow.desc=This move summons Light Screen for 5 turns upon use. showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Summons Light Screen. @@ -12670,7 +12670,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed.ünzregen showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Gravitas showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Gravity begins. showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Gravity.ütze @@ -12766,7 +12766,7 @@ showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy T showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. Power is multiplied by 1.5 during Gravity's effect. showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Target: 100% -1 Def. During Gravity: 1.5x power. showdown.moves.gravity.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. showdown.moves.gravity.shortDesc=5 turns: no Ground immunities, 1.67x accuracy. showdown.moves.gravity.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected, but will be prevented at execution during this effect. @@ -12794,11 +12794,11 @@ showdown.moves.grudge.start=%s wants its target to bear a grudge! of Alola showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to 3/4 of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 3/4 target's current HP. Split showdown.moves.guardsplit.desc=The user and the target have their Defense and Special Defense stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Defense and Special Defense stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. showdown.moves.guardsplit.shortDesc=Averages Defense and Sp. Def stats with target. showdown.moves.guardsplit.activate=%s shared its guard with the target! Swap showdown.moves.guardswap.desc=The user swaps its Defense and Special Defense stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Swaps Defense and Sp. Def changes with target. @@ -12864,7 +12864,7 @@ showdown.moves.healbell.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of showdown.moves.healbell.gen4.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. showdown.moves.healbell.gen2.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.healbell.activate=A bell chimed! Block showdown.moves.healblock.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. showdown.moves.healblock.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the foe(s) is prevented from healing. showdown.moves.healblock.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. @@ -12874,7 +12874,7 @@ showdown.moves.healblock.start=%s was prevented from healing! showdown.moves.healblock.end=%s's Heal Block wore off! showdown.moves.healblock.cant=%s can't use %s because of Heal Block! it failed to affect %s! Wish showdown.moves.healingwish.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP is fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets either of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. showdown.moves.healingwish.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pokemon is fully healed. showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. @@ -12885,14 +12885,14 @@ showdown.moves.healorder.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Pulse showdown.moves.healpulse.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user has the Mega Launcher Ability, the target instead restores 3/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. showdown.moves.healpulse.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.healpulse.gen5.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Stamp showdown.moves.heartstamp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Swap showdown.moves.heartswap.desc=The user swaps all its stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.heartswap.shortDesc=Swaps all stat changes with target. @@ -13004,7 +13004,7 @@ showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Lowers user's Def by 1; breaks showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.activate=It broke through %s's protection! %s can't use the move! Hole showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Breaks the target's protection for this turn. showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. @@ -13012,7 +13012,7 @@ showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=It broke through %s's protection! showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.iceball.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. @@ -13053,7 +13053,7 @@ showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.icywind.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. showdown.moves.icywind.gen2.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.imprison.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. showdown.moves.imprison.shortDesc=No foe can use any move known by the user. showdown.moves.imprison.gen7.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. @@ -13092,7 +13092,7 @@ showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. Traps showdown.moves.ingrain.start=%s planted its roots! showdown.moves.ingrain.block=%s is anchored in place with its roots! showdown.moves.ingrain.heal=%s absorbed nutrients with its roots! showdown.moves.instruct.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, Wicked Torque, any two-turn move, or any recharge move. showdown.moves.instruct.shortDesc=The target immediately uses its last used move. showdown.moves.instruct.gen8.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Max or G-Max Move. @@ -13138,7 +13138,7 @@ showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, statu showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. showdown.moves.kinesis.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.kinesis.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1.'s Shield @@ -13220,7 +13220,7 @@ showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max of Ruin showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. Screen showdown.moves.lightscreen.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. showdown.moves.lightscreen.shortDesc=For 5 turns, special damage to allies is halved. showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. @@ -13233,7 +13233,7 @@ showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.shortDesc=While active, user's Special is 2x whe showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.start=%s's protected against special attacks! showdown.moves.lightscreen.start=Light Screen made %s stronger against special moves! showdown.moves.lightscreen.end=%s's Light Screen wore off! That Burns the Sky des Erlöschens showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities.ß @@ -13261,13 +13261,13 @@ showdown.moves.luckychant.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members canno showdown.moves.luckychant.shortDesc=For 5 turns, shields user's party from critical hits. showdown.moves.luckychant.start=Lucky Chant shielded %s from critical hits! showdown.moves.luckychant.end=%s's Lucky Chant wore off! Crash showdown.moves.luminacrash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.luminacrash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. Blessing showdown.moves.lunarblessing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. showdown.moves.lunarblessing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. Dance showdown.moves.lunardance.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or PP, or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP and PP are fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets any of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. showdown.moves.lunardance.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pkmn is cured, max HP/PP. showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. @@ -13277,7 +13277,7 @@ showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=%s became cloaked in mystical moonlight! showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Purge showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. @@ -13288,7 +13288,7 @@ showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Torque showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.magicaltorque.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse the target. Coat showdown.moves.magiccoat.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. showdown.moves.magiccoat.shortDesc=Bounces back certain non-damaging moves. showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen5.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. @@ -13296,11 +13296,11 @@ showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen4.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damagin showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen3.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. If the move targets both opposing Pokemon and the Pokemon under this effect is on the left side, it will reflect the move targeting both opposing Pokemon and its ally will not be affected by the original move; otherwise, if the Pokemon under this effect is on the right side, its ally will be affected by the original move and this Pokemon will reflect the move only targeting the original user. The effect ends once a move is reflected or at the end of the turn. Moves reflected in this way can be reflected again by another Pokemon under this effect. If the user has the Soundproof Ability, it nullifies sound-based moves before this effect happens. The Lightning Rod Ability redirects Electric moves before this move takes effect. showdown.moves.magiccoat.start=%s shrouded itself with Magic Coat! showdown.moves.magiccoat.move=%s bounced the %s back! Powder showdown.moves.magicpowder.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Psychic type, or if the target is Terastallized. showdown.moves.magicpowder.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Psychic. showdown.moves.magicpowder.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Psychic type. Room showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=For 5 turns, the held items of all active Pokemon have no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all held items have no effect. @@ -13369,7 +13369,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Attack. showdown.moves.maxlightning.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Electric Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Electric Terrain. Mindstorm showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Psychic Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Psychic Terrain. @@ -13406,7 +13406,7 @@ showdown.moves.meanlook.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The ta showdown.moves.meanlook.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.meanlook.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. showdown.moves.meanlook.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. showdown.moves.meditate.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.meditate.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. @@ -13507,12 +13507,12 @@ showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. showdown.moves.minimize.gen3.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Astonish, Extrasensory, Needle Arm, and Stomp will have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. showdown.moves.minimize.gen2.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp will have its power doubled if used against the user while it is active. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. showdown.moves.minimize.gen1.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Eye showdown.moves.miracleeye.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Odor Sleuth. showdown.moves.miracleeye.shortDesc=Psychic hits Dark. Evasiveness ignored. showdown.moves.miracleeye.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. showdown.moves.miracleeye.start=%s was identified! Coat showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.shortDesc=If hit by special attack, returns double damage. showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. @@ -13542,7 +13542,7 @@ showdown.moves.mist.gen1.block=But, it failed! showdown.moves.mist.start=%s became shrouded in mist! showdown.moves.mist.end=%s is no longer protected by mist! showdown.moves.mist.block=%s is protected by the mist! Ball showdown.moves.mistball.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mistball.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Explosion @@ -13605,7 +13605,7 @@ showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Memory. showdown.moves.mysticalfire.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Power showdown.moves.mysticalpower.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Plot @@ -13757,7 +13757,7 @@ showdown.moves.phantomforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks pro showdown.moves.phantomforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.phantomforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! showdown.moves.phantomforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! Geyser showdown.moves.photongeyser.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. @@ -13832,11 +13832,11 @@ showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Split showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=The user and the target have their Attack and Special Attack stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Attack and Special Attack stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. showdown.moves.powersplit.shortDesc=Averages Attack and Sp. Atk stats with target. showdown.moves.powersplit.activate=%s shared its power with the target! Swap showdown.moves.powerswap.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Special Attack stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.powerswap.shortDesc=Swaps Attack and Sp. Atk stat stages with target. @@ -13844,7 +13844,7 @@ showdown.moves.powershift.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and showdown.moves.powershift.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. showdown.moves.powershift.start=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! showdown.moves.powershift.end=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! Trick showdown.moves.powertrick.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. showdown.moves.powertrick.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. showdown.moves.powertrick.start=%s switched its Attack and Defense! @@ -13864,7 +13864,7 @@ showdown.moves.present.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 40% chance for 40 power, 30% chance for 80 power, 10% chance for 120 power, and 20% chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 power, or heals target 1/4 max HP. showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 102/256 chance for 40 power, 76/256 chance for 80 power, 26/256 chance for 120 power, or 52/256 chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If this move deals damage, it uses an abnormal version of the damage formula by substituting certain values. The user's Attack stat is replaced with 10 times the effectiveness of this move against the target, the target's Defense stat is replaced with the index number of the user's secondary type, and the user's level is replaced with the index number of the target's secondary type. If a Pokemon does not have a secondary type, its primary type is used. The index numbers for each type are Normal: 0, Fighting: 1, Flying: 2, Poison: 3, Ground: 4, Rock: 5, Bug: 7, Ghost: 8, Steel: 9, Fire: 20, Water: 21, Grass: 22, Electric: 23, Psychic: 24, Ice: 25, Dragon: 26, Dark: 27. If at any point a division by 0 would happen in the damage formula, it divides by 1 instead. Laser showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. @@ -13879,47 +13879,47 @@ showdown.moves.protect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by showdown.moves.protect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. showdown.moves.protect.start=%s protected itself! showdown.moves.protect.block=%s protected itself! showdown.moves.psybeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.psybeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.psyblade.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.moves.psyblade.shortDesc=During Electric Terrain: 1.5x power. showdown.moves.psychup.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. showdown.moves.psychup.shortDesc=Copies the target's current stat stages. showdown.moves.psychup.gen2.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. Fails if the target's stat stages are 0. showdown.moves.psychic.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.psychic.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1 stage. showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1. Fangsßer showdown.moves.psychicfangs.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. showdown.moves.psychicfangs.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. Terrain showdown.moves.psychicterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.psychicterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Psychic power, priority-safe. showdown.moves.psychicterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. Boost showdown.moves.psychoboost.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.psychoboost.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Cut showdown.moves.psychocut.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.psychocut.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shift showdown.moves.psychoshift.desc=The user's non-volatile status condition is transferred to the target, and the user is then cured. Fails if the user has no non-volatile status condition or if the target already has one. showdown.moves.psychoshift.shortDesc=Transfers the user's status ailment to the target. Bashß showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.psyshock.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. showdown.moves.psyshock.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def.ß showdown.moves.psystrike.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. showdown.moves.psystrike.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. showdown.moves.psywave.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 100, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Random damage equal to 0.5x-1.5x user's level. showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 10, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -14031,7 +14031,7 @@ showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Restores the item the user last used. showdown.moves.recycle.gen7.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. showdown.moves.recycle.gen4.desc=The user regains the item last used by a Pokemon in its current position on the field, even if that Pokemon was not the user. Fails if the user is holding an item, if no items have been used at the user's position, or if the item was lost to Covet, Knock Off, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. showdown.moves.recycle.addItem=%s found one %s! showdown.moves.reflect.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. showdown.moves.reflect.shortDesc=For 5 turns, physical damage to allies is halved. showdown.moves.reflect.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. @@ -14056,7 +14056,7 @@ showdown.moves.refresh.shortDesc=User cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. If this move is successful on at least one target and the user is a Meloetta, it changes to Pirouette Forme if it is currently in Aria Forme, or changes to Aria Forme if it is currently in Pirouette Forme. This forme change does not happen if the Meloetta has the Sheer Force Ability. The Pirouette Forme reverts to Aria Forme when Meloetta is not active. showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10% chance to sleep foe(s). Meloetta transforms. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. Fails if the user has full HP, is already asleep, or if another effect is preventing sleep. sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process, even if it was already asleep. Fails if the user has full HP. @@ -14127,7 +14127,7 @@ showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.rockwrecker.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.rockwrecker.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Play showdown.moves.roleplay.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.roleplay.shortDesc=User replaces its Ability with the target's. showdown.moves.roleplay.gen8.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. @@ -14288,7 +14288,7 @@ showdown.moves.shadowstrike.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense bärfer showdown.moves.sharpen.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. Psyche showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=The user takes 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, and creates a substitute that has 1/4 of the user's maximum HP, rounded down. The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party and the selected Pokemon has the substitute transferred to it. Fails if the user would faint, or if there are no unfainted party members. @@ -14354,7 +14354,7 @@ showdown.moves.sketch.gen3.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last mo showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.desc=Fails when used in Link Battles. showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.shortDesc=Fails when used in Link Battles. showdown.moves.sketch.activate=%s sketched %s! Swapähigkeitstausch showdown.moves.skillswap.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.skillswap.shortDesc=The user and the target trade Abilities. showdown.moves.skillswap.gen8.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. @@ -14518,7 +14518,7 @@ showdown.moves.spectralthief.desc=The target's stat stages greater than 0 are stolen from it and applied to the user before dealing damage. showdown.moves.spectralthief.shortDesc=Steals target's boosts before dealing damage. showdown.moves.spectralthief.clearBoost=%s stole the target's boosted stats! Swap showdown.moves.speedswap.desc=The user swaps its Speed stat with the target. Stat stage changes are unaffected. showdown.moves.speedswap.shortDesc=Swaps Speed stat with target. showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s switched Speed with its target! @@ -14656,7 +14656,7 @@ showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Sets Stealth Rock on the target's side. showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Power showdown.moves.storedpower.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. @@ -14784,7 +14784,7 @@ showdown.moves.switcheroo.activate=%s switched items with its target! showdown.moves.swordsdance.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 2.ärm showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=The target is immune if it does not share a type with the user. showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon sharing the user's type. @@ -14822,7 +14822,7 @@ showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.takedown.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. Heart showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=The user cures its non-volatile status condition. Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Cures user's status, raises Sp. Atk, Sp. Def by 1. @@ -14858,7 +14858,7 @@ showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Causes the target to become confused. showdown.moves.teeterdance.shortDesc=Confuses adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.telekinesis.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, Alolan Diglett, Alolan Dugtrio, Sandygast, Palossand, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. showdown.moves.telekinesis.shortDesc=For 3 turns, target floats but moves can't miss it. showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen6.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. @@ -14988,7 +14988,7 @@ showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze targ showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=This move selects burn, freeze, or paralysis at random, and has a 20% chance to inflict the target with that status. If the target is frozen and burn was selected, it thaws out. showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.trick.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.trick.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. showdown.moves.trick.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. @@ -14999,7 +14999,7 @@ showdown.moves.trick.activate=%s switched items with its target! showdown.moves.trickortreat.desc=Causes the Ghost type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Ghost type. If Forest's Curse adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. showdown.moves.trickortreat.shortDesc=Adds Ghost to the target's type(s). Room showdown.moves.trickroom.desc=For 5 turns, the Speed of every Pokemon is recalculated for the purposes of determining turn order. During the effect, each Pokemon's Speed is considered to be (10000 - its normal Speed), and if this value is greater than 8191, 8192 is subtracted from it. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.trickroom.shortDesc=Goes last. For 5 turns, turn order is reversed. showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon with lower Speed will move before those with higher Speed, within their priority brackets. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. @@ -15025,7 +15025,7 @@ showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.trumpcard.desc=The power of this move is based on the amount of PP remaining after normal PP reduction and the Pressure Ability resolve. 200 power for 0 PP, 80 power for 1 PP, 60 power for 2 PP, 50 power for 3 PP, and 40 power for 4 or more PP. showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=More power the fewer PP this move has left. Beam showdown.moves.twinbeam.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. @@ -15198,7 +15198,7 @@ showdown.moves.wish.heal=%s's wish came true! showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. Room showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon have their Defense and Special Defense stats swapped. Stat stage changes are unaffected. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all Defense and Sp. Def stats switch. @@ -15243,7 +15243,7 @@ showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s grew drowsy! showdown.moves.zapcannon.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.zapcannon.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Headbuttß showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 54dd21504..faf026918 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11381,7 +11381,7 @@ Paso showdown.moves.afteryou.desc=The target makes its move immediately after the user this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target would have moved next anyway, or if the target already moved this turn. showdown.moves.afteryou.shortDesc=The target makes its move right after the user. showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s took the kind offer! showdown.moves.agility.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.agility.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. Afilado @@ -11392,7 +11392,7 @@ showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch.áfaga Demoledora showdown.moves.alloutpummeling.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Switch de Banda showdown.moves.allyswitch.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Ally Switch. showdown.moves.allyswitch.shortDesc=User and ally swap positions; using again can fail. showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. @@ -11529,7 +11529,7 @@ showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.barrage.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. showdown.moves.barrier.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. @@ -11745,7 +11745,7 @@ showdown.moves.burnup.typeChange=%s burned itself out!álisis showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the foe. showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the foe. Mind Mental showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1. @@ -11860,7 +11860,7 @@ showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Confuso showdown.moves.confuseray.desc=Causes the target to become confused. showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confuses the target.ón showdown.moves.confusion.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.confusion.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target.ón @@ -11908,7 +11908,7 @@ showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=The target loses its held item. This move canno showdown.moves.corrosivegas.shortDesc=Removes adjacent Pokemon's held items. it failed to affect %s! showdown.moves.corrosivegas.removeItem=%s corroded %s's %s! Power Cósmica showdown.moves.cosmicpower.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.cosmicpower.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Algodón @@ -12159,7 +12159,7 @@ño Drenaje showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. Eaterños showdown.moves.dreameater.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=User gains 1/2 HP inflicted. Sleeping target only. showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. @@ -12202,7 +12202,7 @@ showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Power increases when used on consecutive tu Anómala showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2. Spell Funesto showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the target loses 3 PP from its last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! @@ -12275,13 +12275,13 @@ showdown.moves.entrainment.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the s showdown.moves.eruption.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Wing Aural showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100% chance to raise user Speed by 1. High crit. showdown.moves.eternabeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Force Fuerza showdown.moves.expandingforce.desc=If the current terrain is Psychic Terrain and the user is grounded, this move hits all opposing Pokemon and has its power multiplied by 1.5. showdown.moves.expandingforce.shortDesc=User on Psychic Terrain: 1.5x power, hits foes.ón @@ -12292,7 +12292,7 @@ showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. User showdown.moves.explosion.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. showdown.moves.explosion.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. showdown.moves.explosion.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move broke the target's substitute. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. showdown.moves.extrasensory.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. @@ -12522,7 +12522,7 @@ Gélido showdown.moves.freezeshock.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.freezeshock.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. showdown.moves.freezeshock.prepare=%s became cloaked in a freezing light! Glare Heladora showdown.moves.freezingglare.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. @@ -12558,7 +12558,7 @@ showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare thi Fusión showdown.moves.fusionflare.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Bolt. showdown.moves.fusionflare.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Bolt this turn. Sightón showdown.moves.futuresight.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. showdown.moves.futuresight.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. showdown.moves.futuresight.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. @@ -12578,7 +12578,7 @@ showdown.moves.geargrind.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn.ñón Auxiliar showdown.moves.gearup.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. Supernova Original showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=If this move is successful, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Summons Psychic Terrain. @@ -12611,7 +12611,7 @@ showdown.moves.glare.desc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.glare.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. showdown.moves.glare.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. showdown.moves.glare.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. Glow showdown.moves.glitzyglow.desc=This move summons Light Screen for 5 turns upon use. showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Summons Light Screen. @@ -12651,7 +12651,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed. showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Gravitasóveda showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Gravity begins. showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Gravity. @@ -12747,7 +12747,7 @@ showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy T G showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. Power is multiplied by 1.5 during Gravity's effect. showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Target: 100% -1 Def. During Gravity: 1.5x power. showdown.moves.gravity.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. showdown.moves.gravity.shortDesc=5 turns: no Ground immunities, 1.67x accuracy. showdown.moves.gravity.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected, but will be prevented at execution during this effect. @@ -12775,11 +12775,11 @@ showdown.moves.grudge.start=%s wants its target to bear a grudge! of Alola showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to 3/4 of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 3/4 target's current HP. Split showdown.moves.guardsplit.desc=The user and the target have their Defense and Special Defense stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Defense and Special Defense stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. showdown.moves.guardsplit.shortDesc=Averages Defense and Sp. Def stats with target. showdown.moves.guardsplit.activate=%s shared its guard with the target! Swap showdown.moves.guardswap.desc=The user swaps its Defense and Special Defense stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Swaps Defense and Sp. Def changes with target. @@ -12845,7 +12845,7 @@ showdown.moves.healbell.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of showdown.moves.healbell.gen4.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. showdown.moves.healbell.gen2.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.healbell.activate=A bell chimed! Block showdown.moves.healblock.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. showdown.moves.healblock.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the foe(s) is prevented from healing. showdown.moves.healblock.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. @@ -12855,7 +12855,7 @@ showdown.moves.healblock.start=%s was prevented from healing! showdown.moves.healblock.end=%s's Heal Block wore off! showdown.moves.healblock.cant=%s can't use %s because of Heal Block! it failed to affect %s! Wish Cura showdown.moves.healingwish.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP is fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets either of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. showdown.moves.healingwish.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pokemon is fully healed. showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. @@ -12866,14 +12866,14 @@ showdown.moves.healorder.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Pulse Cura showdown.moves.healpulse.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user has the Mega Launcher Ability, the target instead restores 3/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. showdown.moves.healpulse.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. showdown.moves.healpulse.gen5.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Stamp showdown.moves.heartstamp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Swap showdown.moves.heartswap.desc=The user swaps all its stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.heartswap.shortDesc=Swaps all stat changes with target. Calor @@ -12985,7 +12985,7 @@ showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Lowers user's Def by 1; breaks showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.activate=It broke through %s's protection! %s can't use the move! Hole Dimensional showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Breaks the target's protection for this turn. showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. @@ -13034,7 +13034,7 @@ Hielo showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.icywind.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. showdown.moves.icywind.gen2.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.imprison.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. showdown.moves.imprison.shortDesc=No foe can use any move known by the user. showdown.moves.imprison.gen7.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. @@ -13073,7 +13073,7 @@ showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. Traps showdown.moves.ingrain.start=%s planted its roots! showdown.moves.ingrain.block=%s is anchored in place with its roots! showdown.moves.ingrain.heal=%s absorbed nutrients with its roots! showdown.moves.instruct.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, Wicked Torque, any two-turn move, or any recharge move. showdown.moves.instruct.shortDesc=The target immediately uses its last used move. showdown.moves.instruct.gen8.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Max or G-Max Move. @@ -13119,7 +13119,7 @@ showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, statu Kárate showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio.ético showdown.moves.kinesis.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.kinesis.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1.'s Shield @@ -13201,7 +13201,7 @@ showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max of Ruin showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. Screen de Luz showdown.moves.lightscreen.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. showdown.moves.lightscreen.shortDesc=For 5 turns, special damage to allies is halved. showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. @@ -13214,7 +13214,7 @@ showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.shortDesc=While active, user's Special is 2x whe showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.start=%s's protected against special attacks! showdown.moves.lightscreen.start=Light Screen made %s stronger against special moves! showdown.moves.lightscreen.end=%s's Light Screen wore off! That Burns the Skyón Apocalíptica showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. @@ -13242,13 +13242,13 @@ showdown.moves.luckychant.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members canno showdown.moves.luckychant.shortDesc=For 5 turns, shields user's party from critical hits. showdown.moves.luckychant.start=Lucky Chant shielded %s from critical hits! showdown.moves.luckychant.end=%s's Lucky Chant wore off! Crashón showdown.moves.luminacrash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.luminacrash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. Blessing Lunar showdown.moves.lunarblessing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. showdown.moves.lunarblessing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. Dance Lunar showdown.moves.lunardance.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or PP, or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP and PP are fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets any of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. showdown.moves.lunardance.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pkmn is cured, max HP/PP. showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. @@ -13258,7 +13258,7 @@ showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=%s became cloaked in mystical moonlight! showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Purge showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1.ño @@ -13269,7 +13269,7 @@ showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Torque showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.magicaltorque.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse the target. Coat Mágica showdown.moves.magiccoat.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. showdown.moves.magiccoat.shortDesc=Bounces back certain non-damaging moves. showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen5.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. @@ -13277,11 +13277,11 @@ showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen4.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damagin showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen3.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. If the move targets both opposing Pokemon and the Pokemon under this effect is on the left side, it will reflect the move targeting both opposing Pokemon and its ally will not be affected by the original move; otherwise, if the Pokemon under this effect is on the right side, its ally will be affected by the original move and this Pokemon will reflect the move only targeting the original user. The effect ends once a move is reflected or at the end of the turn. Moves reflected in this way can be reflected again by another Pokemon under this effect. If the user has the Soundproof Ability, it nullifies sound-based moves before this effect happens. The Lightning Rod Ability redirects Electric moves before this move takes effect. showdown.moves.magiccoat.start=%s shrouded itself with Magic Coat! showdown.moves.magiccoat.move=%s bounced the %s back! Powder Mágico showdown.moves.magicpowder.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Psychic type, or if the target is Terastallized. showdown.moves.magicpowder.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Psychic. showdown.moves.magicpowder.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Psychic type. Room Mágica showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=For 5 turns, the held items of all active Pokemon have no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all held items have no effect. Ígnea @@ -13350,7 +13350,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Attack. showdown.moves.maxlightning.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Electric Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Electric Terrain. Mindstorm showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Psychic Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Psychic Terrain.ácido @@ -13387,7 +13387,7 @@ showdown.moves.meanlook.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The ta showdown.moves.meanlook.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. showdown.moves.meanlook.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. showdown.moves.meanlook.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped.ón showdown.moves.meditate.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.meditate.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. Primero @@ -13488,12 +13488,12 @@ showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. showdown.moves.minimize.gen3.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Astonish, Extrasensory, Needle Arm, and Stomp will have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. showdown.moves.minimize.gen2.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp will have its power doubled if used against the user while it is active. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. showdown.moves.minimize.gen1.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Eye Ojo showdown.moves.miracleeye.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Odor Sleuth. showdown.moves.miracleeye.shortDesc=Psychic hits Dark. Evasiveness ignored. showdown.moves.miracleeye.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. showdown.moves.miracleeye.start=%s was identified! Coat Espejo showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.shortDesc=If hit by special attack, returns double damage. showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. @@ -13523,7 +13523,7 @@ showdown.moves.mist.gen1.block=But, it failed! showdown.moves.mist.start=%s became shrouded in mist! showdown.moves.mist.end=%s is no longer protected by mist! showdown.moves.mist.block=%s is protected by the mist! Ball Neblina showdown.moves.mistball.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mistball.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Explosion @@ -13586,7 +13586,7 @@ showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Memory. Embrujada showdown.moves.mysticalfire.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Power Místico showdown.moves.mysticalpower.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Plot @@ -13738,7 +13738,7 @@ showdown.moves.phantomforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks pro showdown.moves.phantomforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.phantomforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! showdown.moves.phantomforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! Geyseréiser Fotónico showdown.moves.photongeyser.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. @@ -13813,11 +13813,11 @@ showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. de Luz showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Split showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=The user and the target have their Attack and Special Attack stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Attack and Special Attack stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. showdown.moves.powersplit.shortDesc=Averages Attack and Sp. Atk stats with target. showdown.moves.powersplit.activate=%s shared its power with the target! Swap showdown.moves.powerswap.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Special Attack stat stage changes with the target. showdown.moves.powerswap.shortDesc=Swaps Attack and Sp. Atk stat stages with target. @@ -13825,7 +13825,7 @@ showdown.moves.powershift.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and showdown.moves.powershift.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. showdown.moves.powershift.start=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! showdown.moves.powershift.end=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! Trick Fuerza showdown.moves.powertrick.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. showdown.moves.powertrick.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. showdown.moves.powertrick.start=%s switched its Attack and Defense! @@ -13845,7 +13845,7 @@ showdown.moves.present.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 40% chance for 40 power, 30% chance for 80 power, 10% chance for 120 power, and 20% chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 power, or heals target 1/4 max HP. showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 102/256 chance for 40 power, 76/256 chance for 80 power, 26/256 chance for 120 power, or 52/256 chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If this move deals damage, it uses an abnormal version of the damage formula by substituting certain values. The user's Attack stat is replaced with 10 times the effectiveness of this move against the target, the target's Defense stat is replaced with the index number of the user's secondary type, and the user's level is replaced with the index number of the target's secondary type. If a Pokemon does not have a secondary type, its primary type is used. The index numbers for each type are Normal: 0, Fighting: 1, Flying: 2, Poison: 3, Ground: 4, Rock: 5, Bug: 7, Ghost: 8, Steel: 9, Fire: 20, Water: 21, Grass: 22, Electric: 23, Psychic: 24, Ice: 25, Dragon: 26, Dark: 27. If at any point a division by 0 would happen in the damage formula, it divides by 1 instead. Laseráser Prisma showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn.ón @@ -13860,47 +13860,47 @@ showdown.moves.protect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by showdown.moves.protect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. showdown.moves.protect.start=%s protected itself! showdown.moves.protect.block=%s protected itself! showdown.moves.psybeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.psybeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.psyblade.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. showdown.moves.psyblade.shortDesc=During Electric Terrain: 1.5x power.ón showdown.moves.psychup.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. showdown.moves.psychup.shortDesc=Copies the target's current stat stages. showdown.moves.psychup.gen2.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. Fails if the target's stat stages are 0.íquico showdown.moves.psychic.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.psychic.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1 stage. showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1. Fangs showdown.moves.psychicfangs.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. showdown.moves.psychicfangs.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. Terrain Psíquico showdown.moves.psychicterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.psychicterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Psychic power, priority-safe. showdown.moves.psychicterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. Boost showdown.moves.psychoboost.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.psychoboost.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Cut showdown.moves.psychocut.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.psychocut.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shift showdown.moves.psychoshift.desc=The user's non-volatile status condition is transferred to the target, and the user is then cured. Fails if the user has no non-volatile status condition or if the target already has one. showdown.moves.psychoshift.shortDesc=Transfers the user's status ailment to the target. Bash Barrera showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.psyshock.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. showdown.moves.psyshock.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. Mental showdown.moves.psystrike.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. showdown.moves.psystrike.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. showdown.moves.psywave.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 100, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Random damage equal to 0.5x-1.5x user's level. showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 10, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. @@ -14012,7 +14012,7 @@ showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Restores the item the user last used. showdown.moves.recycle.gen7.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. showdown.moves.recycle.gen4.desc=The user regains the item last used by a Pokemon in its current position on the field, even if that Pokemon was not the user. Fails if the user is holding an item, if no items have been used at the user's position, or if the item was lost to Covet, Knock Off, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. showdown.moves.recycle.addItem=%s found one %s! showdown.moves.reflect.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. showdown.moves.reflect.shortDesc=For 5 turns, physical damage to allies is halved. showdown.moves.reflect.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. @@ -14037,7 +14037,7 @@ showdown.moves.refresh.shortDesc=User cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Arcaico showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. If this move is successful on at least one target and the user is a Meloetta, it changes to Pirouette Forme if it is currently in Aria Forme, or changes to Aria Forme if it is currently in Pirouette Forme. This forme change does not happen if the Meloetta has the Sheer Force Ability. The Pirouette Forme reverts to Aria Forme when Meloetta is not active. showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10% chance to sleep foe(s). Meloetta transforms. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. Fails if the user has full HP, is already asleep, or if another effect is preventing sleep. sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process, even if it was already asleep. Fails if the user has full HP. @@ -14108,7 +14108,7 @@ showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. showdown.moves.rockwrecker.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.rockwrecker.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Playón showdown.moves.roleplay.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.roleplay.shortDesc=User replaces its Ability with the target's. showdown.moves.roleplay.gen8.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. @@ -14269,7 +14269,7 @@ showdown.moves.shadowstrike.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense b showdown.moves.sharpen.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. Psyche Psíquico showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power.ía showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=The user takes 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, and creates a substitute that has 1/4 of the user's maximum HP, rounded down. The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party and the selected Pokemon has the substitute transferred to it. Fails if the user would faint, or if there are no unfainted party members. @@ -14335,7 +14335,7 @@ showdown.moves.sketch.gen3.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last mo showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.desc=Fails when used in Link Battles. showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.shortDesc=Fails when used in Link Battles. showdown.moves.sketch.activate=%s sketched %s! Swap showdown.moves.skillswap.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. showdown.moves.skillswap.shortDesc=The user and the target trade Abilities. showdown.moves.skillswap.gen8.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. @@ -14499,7 +14499,7 @@ showdown.moves.spectralthief.desc=The target's stat stages greater than 0 are stolen from it and applied to the user before dealing damage. showdown.moves.spectralthief.shortDesc=Steals target's boosts before dealing damage. showdown.moves.spectralthief.clearBoost=%s stole the target's boosted stats! Swap showdown.moves.speedswap.desc=The user swaps its Speed stat with the target. Stat stage changes are unaffected. showdown.moves.speedswap.shortDesc=Swaps Speed stat with target. showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s switched Speed with its target! @@ -14637,7 +14637,7 @@ showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Sets Stealth Rock on the target's side. Afilada showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Power Reserva showdown.moves.storedpower.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. Corsé @@ -14765,7 +14765,7 @@ showdown.moves.switcheroo.activate=%s switched items with its target! Espada showdown.moves.swordsdance.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 2. showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=The target is immune if it does not share a type with the user. showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon sharing the user's type.íntesis @@ -14803,7 +14803,7 @@ showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.takedown.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. Heartálsamo Osado showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=The user cures its non-volatile status condition. Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Cures user's status, raises Sp. Atk, Sp. Def by 1. @@ -14839,14 +14839,14 @@ showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Caos showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Causes the target to become confused. showdown.moves.teeterdance.shortDesc=Confuses adjacent Pokemon. showdown.moves.telekinesis.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, Alolan Diglett, Alolan Dugtrio, Sandygast, Palossand, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. showdown.moves.telekinesis.shortDesc=For 3 turns, target floats but moves can't miss it. showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen6.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen5.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett or Dugtrio. showdown.moves.telekinesis.start=%s was hurled into the air! showdown.moves.telekinesis.end=%s was freed from the telekinesis! showdown.moves.teleport.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.teleport.shortDesc=User switches out. showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.desc=Fails when used. @@ -14969,7 +14969,7 @@ showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze targ showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=This move selects burn, freeze, or paralysis at random, and has a 20% chance to inflict the target with that status. If the target is frozen and burn was selected, it thaws out. showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.trick.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.trick.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. showdown.moves.trick.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. @@ -14980,7 +14980,7 @@ showdown.moves.trick.activate=%s switched items with its target! showdown.moves.trickortreat.desc=Causes the Ghost type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Ghost type. If Forest's Curse adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. showdown.moves.trickortreat.shortDesc=Adds Ghost to the target's type(s). Room Raro showdown.moves.trickroom.desc=For 5 turns, the Speed of every Pokemon is recalculated for the purposes of determining turn order. During the effect, each Pokemon's Speed is considered to be (10000 - its normal Speed), and if this value is greater than 8191, 8192 is subtracted from it. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.trickroom.shortDesc=Goes last. For 5 turns, turn order is reversed. showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon with lower Speed will move before those with higher Speed, within their priority brackets. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. @@ -15006,7 +15006,7 @@ showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Oculto showdown.moves.trumpcard.desc=The power of this move is based on the amount of PP remaining after normal PP reduction and the Pressure Ability resolve. 200 power for 0 PP, 80 power for 1 PP, 60 power for 2 PP, 50 power for 3 PP, and 40 power for 4 or more PP. showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=More power the fewer PP this move has left. Beamáser Doble showdown.moves.twinbeam.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Ataque @@ -15179,7 +15179,7 @@ showdown.moves.wish.heal=%s's wish came true! showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. Room Extraña showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon have their Defense and Special Defense stats swapped. Stat stage changes are unaffected. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all Defense and Sp. Def stats switch. @@ -15224,7 +15224,7 @@ showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s grew drowsy!ñón showdown.moves.zapcannon.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.zapcannon.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Headbutt Zen showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. From 9ba5666953adf2057e4b716728687cde8baf5e74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 15:53:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 34/43] Type-dragon moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- texts/es_ES.lang | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index c7f16e061..9794673f9 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11701,7 +11701,7 @@ showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damag showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Swipe showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. @@ -11838,13 +11838,13 @@ showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.clamp.start=%s clamped down on %s! showdown.moves.clamp.move=%s's attack continues! Scales showdown.moves.clangingscales.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.clangingscales.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1. Soul showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage in exchange for the user losing 33% of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed stat stages would not change. showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=User loses 33% of its max HP. +1 to all stats. Soulblaze Seelentanz showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1.ärsmog @@ -11915,7 +11915,7 @@ showdown.moves.copycat.gen7.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon showdown.moves.copycat.gen6.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. showdown.moves.copycat.gen5.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. showdown.moves.copycat.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. Enforcer showdown.moves.coreenforcer.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. showdown.moves.coreenforcer.shortDesc=Nullifies the foe(s) Ability if the foe(s) move first. showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. @@ -12043,7 +12043,7 @@ showdown.moves.detect.gen5.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by showdown.moves.detect.gen4.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.detect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.detect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. Drake Drachendröhnen showdown.moves.devastatingdrake.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 2 stages. @@ -12144,31 +12144,31 @@ürmer showdown.moves.dragonascent.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.dragonascent.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.dragonascent.megaNoItem=%s's fervent wish has reached %s! Breath showdown.moves.dragonbreath.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.dragonbreath.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Claw showdown.moves.dragonclaw.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Dance showdown.moves.dragondance.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.dragondance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1. Darts showdown.moves.dragondarts.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. In Double Battles, this move attempts to hit the targeted Pokemon and its ally once each. If hitting one of these Pokemon would be prevented by immunity, protection, semi-invulnerability, an Ability, or accuracy, it attempts to hit the other Pokemon twice instead. If this move is redirected, it hits that target twice. showdown.moves.dragondarts.shortDesc=Hits twice. Doubles: Tries to hit each foe once. Energyäfte showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Hammer showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Pulse showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Rage showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Deals 40 HP of damage to the target. Rushß showdown.moves.dragonrush.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.dragonrush.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.dragonrush.gen5.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Tail showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target used Ingrain previously, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. Kiss @@ -12192,13 +12192,13 @@ showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio.äge showdown.moves.drumbeating.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Chop showdown.moves.dualchop.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.dualchop.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn.ügel showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Cannon showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. @@ -12297,7 +12297,7 @@ showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s) showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100% chance to raise user Speed by 1. High crit. showdown.moves.eternabeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn.ächenmacht @@ -12622,7 +12622,7 @@ showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent f showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. Rushßklingenstoß showdown.moves.glaiverush.desc=If this move is successful, moves targeted at the user deal double damage and do not check accuracy until the user's next turn. showdown.moves.glaiverush.shortDesc=User takes sure-hit 2x damage until its next turn. @@ -12651,7 +12651,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s is getting pumped! showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes infatuated, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen for a target if both it and the user are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: infatuated. Depletionämpfer showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side loses 2 PP from its last move used, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: last move -2 PP. showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=%s's PP was reduced! @@ -13396,7 +13396,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Defen showdown.moves.maxstrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxstrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Speed. Wyrmwind showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Attack. @@ -13688,13 +13688,13 @@ showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evöen showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Up showdown.moves.orderup.desc=If an ally Tatsugiri has activated its Commander Ability, this move raises the user's Attack by 1 stage if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense by 1 stage if Droopy Form, or Speed by 1 stage if Stretchy Form. The effect happens whether or not this move is successful, and even if the Tatsugiri that activated the effect has since fainted. showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy eaten: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.outrage.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.outrage.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. showdown.moves.outrage.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. @@ -14096,7 +14096,7 @@ showdown.moves.roar.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced showdown.moves.roar.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. showdown.moves.roar.gen1.desc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.roar.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. of Timeärm showdown.moves.roaroftime.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. @@ -14212,7 +14212,7 @@ showdown.moves.scald.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws showdown.moves.scald.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Shot showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Hits two to five times. Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage and raises the user's Speed by 1 stage after the last hit. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times. User: -1 Def, +1 Spe after last hit. @@ -14502,7 +14502,7 @@ showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity. des Seelenraubes showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Rend showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -15038,7 +15038,7 @@ showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Last hit has 20% chance to showdown.moves.twineedle.gen1.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Tackle showdown.moves.twinkletackle.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.twister.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.twister.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. showdown.moves.twister.gen4.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index faf026918..d1ecc0667 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11682,7 +11682,7 @@ showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damag showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. Swipe Impacto showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Arrolladora @@ -11819,13 +11819,13 @@ showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.clamp.start=%s clamped down on %s! showdown.moves.clamp.move=%s's attack continues! Scales Escamas showdown.moves.clangingscales.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.clangingscales.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1. Soul Escama showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage in exchange for the user losing 33% of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed stat stages would not change. showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=User loses 33% of its max HP. +1 to all stats. Soulblaze Implacable showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1. Clara @@ -11896,7 +11896,7 @@ showdown.moves.copycat.gen7.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon showdown.moves.copycat.gen6.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. showdown.moves.copycat.gen5.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. showdown.moves.copycat.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. Enforcerúcleo Castigo showdown.moves.coreenforcer.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. showdown.moves.coreenforcer.shortDesc=Nullifies the foe(s) Ability if the foe(s) move first. showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. @@ -12024,7 +12024,7 @@ showdown.moves.detect.gen5.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by showdown.moves.detect.gen4.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.detect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.detect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. Drake Devastador showdown.moves.devastatingdrake.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Diamantes showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 2 stages. @@ -12118,38 +12118,38 @@ showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to Equipo showdown.moves.doubleteam.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. Meteor Draco showdown.moves.dracometeor.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.dracometeor.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Draco showdown.moves.dragonascent.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.dragonascent.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.dragonascent.megaNoItem=%s's fervent wish has reached %s! Breath showdown.moves.dragonbreath.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.dragonbreath.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Claw Dragón showdown.moves.dragonclaw.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Dance del Dragón showdown.moves.dragondance.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.dragondance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1. Darts showdown.moves.dragondarts.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. In Double Battles, this move attempts to hit the targeted Pokemon and its ally once each. If hitting one of these Pokemon would be prevented by immunity, protection, semi-invulnerability, an Ability, or accuracy, it attempts to hit the other Pokemon twice instead. If this move is redirected, it hits that target twice. showdown.moves.dragondarts.shortDesc=Hits twice. Doubles: Tries to hit each foe once. Energyía showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). Hammer Dragón showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Pulse Dragón showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Rage Dragón showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Deals 40 HP of damage to the target. Rush Dragón showdown.moves.dragonrush.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.dragonrush.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.dragonrush.gen5.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Tail Dragón showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target used Ingrain previously, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. Kiss @@ -12173,13 +12173,13 @@ showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio.ía Asalto showdown.moves.drumbeating.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Chop Bis showdown.moves.dualchop.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.dualchop.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Bis showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. Cannonñón Dinamax showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed.ño Dinámico @@ -12278,7 +12278,7 @@ showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s) Aural showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100% chance to raise user Speed by 1. High crit. Infinito showdown.moves.eternabeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. Fuerza @@ -12603,7 +12603,7 @@ showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent f Gélido showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. Rush Espadón showdown.moves.glaiverush.desc=If this move is successful, moves targeted at the user deal double damage and do not check accuracy until the user's next turn. showdown.moves.glaiverush.shortDesc=User takes sure-hit 2x damage until its next turn. @@ -12632,7 +12632,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s is getting pumped! showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes infatuated, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen for a target if both it and the user are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: infatuated. Depletion showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side loses 2 PP from its last move used, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: last move -2 PP. showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=%s's PP was reduced! @@ -13377,7 +13377,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Defen showdown.moves.maxstrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxstrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Speed. Wyrmwind showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Attack. De Ojo @@ -13669,13 +13669,13 @@ showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its ev Aciago showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Upído Cocina showdown.moves.orderup.desc=If an ally Tatsugiri has activated its Commander Ability, this move raises the user's Attack by 1 stage if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense by 1 stage if Droopy Form, or Speed by 1 stage if Stretchy Form. The effect happens whether or not this move is successful, and even if the Tatsugiri that activated the effect has since fainted. showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy eaten: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. Primigenio showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.outrage.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.outrage.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. showdown.moves.outrage.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. @@ -14077,7 +14077,7 @@ showdown.moves.roar.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced showdown.moves.roar.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. showdown.moves.roar.gen1.desc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.roar.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. of Timeón showdown.moves.roaroftime.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. @@ -14193,7 +14193,7 @@ showdown.moves.scald.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws showdown.moves.scald.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Shotáfaga Escamas showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Hits two to five times. Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage and raises the user's Speed by 1 stage after the last hit. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times. User: -1 Def, +1 Spe after last hit. Susto @@ -14483,7 +14483,7 @@ showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity.ón Robaalmas showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Rend Vacío showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. @@ -15019,7 +15019,7 @@ showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Last hit has 20% chance to showdown.moves.twineedle.gen1.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Tackle showdown.moves.twinkletackle.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power.ón showdown.moves.twister.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.twister.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. showdown.moves.twister.gen4.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. From 5033d118043e80398b3cad8fc755bf73081e2998 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 16:16:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 35/43] last updates (new .terrainS) --- texts/de_DE.lang | 13 ++++++++++++- texts/es_ES.lang | 11 +++++++++++ 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 9794673f9..1146e071a 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -940,6 +940,7 @@ item.pokeb:tm274=TM Close Combat item.pokeb:tm275=TM Draco Meteor item.pokeb:tm276=TM Steel Beam item.pokeb:tm277=TM Tera Blast +item.pokeb:tm278=TM Play Rough ### Spawn Eggs NPC @@ -8800,7 +8801,17 @@ battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.null=Keinen Rundentimer battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Warte%s -battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Kein Terrain ## 20.04.2024:13.04 +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Kein Terrain +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.electricterrain=Elektrofeld +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.grassyterrain=Grasfeld +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.mistyterrain=Nebelfeld +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.psychicterrain=Psychofeld +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.gravity=Starke Erdanziehung +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.magicroom=Magieraum +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.mudsport=Lehmsuhler +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.trickroom=Bizarroraum +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.watersport=Nassmacher +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.wonderroom=Wunderraum ### Showdown Battle Text Fähigkeit diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index d1ecc0667..9e75ec0c9 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -940,6 +940,7 @@ item.pokeb:tm274=MT Close Combat item.pokeb:tm275=MT Draco Meteor item.pokeb:tm276=MT Steel Beam item.pokeb:tm277=MT Tera Blast +item.pokeb:tm278=MT Play Rough ### Spawn Eggs del servidor @@ -8782,6 +8783,16 @@ battle.gui.battleSideText.timer.waiting=Esperando%s despejado battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.none=Ningun campo de batalla +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.electricterrain=Campo Eléctrico +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.grassyterrain=Campo de Hierba +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.mistyterrain=Campo de Niebla +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.psychicterrain=Campo Psíquico +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.gravity=Gravedad Fuerte +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.magicroom=Zona Mágica +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.mudsport=Chapoteo Lodo +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.trickroom=Espacio Raro +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.watersport=Hidrochorro +battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.wonderroom=Zona Extraña ### Showdown Battle Text Abilidad From f9af9911493db7def5339ab070bd6458540a7e9b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 20:37:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 36/43] Type-dark moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 104 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 1146e071a..95c349de6 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11485,7 +11485,7 @@ showdown.moves.assist.gen6.desc=A random move among those known by the user's pa showdown.moves.assist.gen5.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. showdown.moves.assist.gen4.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. showdown.moves.assist.gen3.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. showdown.moves.assurance.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn, other than direct damage from Belly Drum, confusion, Curse, or Pain Split. showdown.moves.assurance.shortDesc=Power doubles if target was damaged this turn. showdown.moves.assurance.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn. @@ -11542,7 +11542,7 @@ showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Eyes showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Badälzone showdown.moves.baddybad.desc=This move summons Reflect for 5 turns upon use. showdown.moves.baddybad.shortDesc=Summons Reflect. @@ -11569,7 +11569,7 @@ showdown.moves.beakblast.desc=If the user is hit by a contact move this turn before it can execute this move, the attacker is burned. showdown.moves.beakblast.shortDesc=Burns on contact with the user before it moves. showdown.moves.beakblast.start=%s started heating up its beak! Upügler showdown.moves.beatup.desc=Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. The power of each hit is equal to 5+(X/10), where X is each participating Pokemon's base Attack; each hit is considered to come from the user. showdown.moves.beatup.shortDesc=All healthy allies aid in damaging the target. showdown.moves.beatup.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. @@ -11619,7 +11619,7 @@ showdown.moves.bind.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. showdown.moves.bind.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.bind.start=%s was squeezed by %s! showdown.moves.bind.move=%s's attack continues! showdown.moves.bite.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. @@ -11630,7 +11630,7 @@ showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Hole Eclipse Loch des Grauens showdown.moves.blackholeeclipse.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.blastburn.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. @@ -11728,7 +11728,7 @@ showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! showdown.moves.brine.desc=Power doubles if the target has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining. showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less. Swing showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent Pokemon. @@ -11792,7 +11792,7 @@ showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. Th showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. Pika-Projektil showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Edge showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing side. @@ -11881,7 +11881,7 @@ showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. @@ -11981,7 +11981,7 @@ showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. showdown.moves.crosspoison.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crosspoison.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. showdown.moves.crunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.crunch.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. @@ -12002,13 +12002,13 @@ showdown.moves.curse.start=%s cut its own HP and put a curse on %s! showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s is afflicted by the curse! showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Lariat Lariat showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.darkestlariat.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. Pulse showdown.moves.darkpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.darkpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. Void showdown.moves.darkvoid.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Darkrai. showdown.moves.darkvoid.shortDesc=Darkrai: Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. @@ -12256,7 +12256,7 @@ showdown.moves.electrodrift.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective h showdown.moves.electroweb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.electroweb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. showdown.moves.embargo.desc=For 5 turns, the target's held item has no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by the target. Items thrown at the target with Fling will still activate for it. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to use items. showdown.moves.embargo.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the target's item has no effect. showdown.moves.embargo.start=%s can't use items anymore! @@ -12347,10 +12347,10 @@ showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance. Tearsäne showdown.moves.faketears.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Surrender showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. @@ -12366,7 +12366,7 @@ showdown.moves.feint.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the showdown.moves.feint.gen4.desc=Fails unless the target is using Detect or Protect. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. showdown.moves.feint.gen4.shortDesc=Breaks protection. Fails if target is not protecting. showdown.moves.feint.activate=%s fell for the feint! Attack showdown.moves.feintattack.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 3 stages if this move knocks out the target. @@ -12376,7 +12376,7 @@ showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 2 if this KOes showdown.moves.fierydance.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Wrath Zorn showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. @@ -12463,13 +12463,13 @@ showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. showdown.moves.flashcannon.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.flatter.desc=Raises the target's Special Attack by 1 stage and confuses it. showdown.moves.flatter.shortDesc=Raises the target's Sp. Atk by 1 and confuses it. Cannon showdown.moves.fleurcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.fleurcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. showdown.moves.fling.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If there is no target or the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, if the user is under the effect of Embargo or Magic Room, or if the user has the Klutz Ability. showdown.moves.fling.shortDesc=Flings the user's item at the target. Power varies. showdown.moves.fling.gen4.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, or if the user is under the effect of Embargo. @@ -12542,7 +12542,7 @@ showdown.moves.foresight.start=%s was identified!'s Curse showdown.moves.forestscurse.desc=Causes the Grass type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Grass type. If Trick-or-Treat adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. showdown.moves.forestscurse.shortDesc=Adds Grass to the target's type(s). Play showdown.moves.foulplay.desc=Damage is calculated using the target's Attack stat, including stat stage changes. The user's Ability, item, and burn are used as normal. showdown.moves.foulplay.shortDesc=Uses target's Attack stat in damage calculation. @@ -12693,7 +12693,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: poisoned. showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Torment begins for each Pokemon on the opposing side, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Tormented. One Blow showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. @@ -12711,7 +12711,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 Smite showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Snoozeähnzwang showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance the effect of Yawn begins on the target, even if it has a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Target: 50% Yawn. @@ -12965,7 +12965,7 @@ showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP.ändchenhalten showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=No competitive use. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=No competitive use. Claws showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. @@ -13009,7 +13009,7 @@ showdown.moves.hyperdrill.shortDesc=Bypasses protection without breaking it. showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Fury showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Lowers user's Def by 1; breaks protect. showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. @@ -13122,7 +13122,7 @@ showdown.moves.ironhead.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.irontail.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Lock showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Prevents the user and the target from switching out. The user and the target can still switch out if either of them is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching out.üsenhieb @@ -13159,7 +13159,7 @@ showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks mad showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Atk. showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Off showdown.moves.knockoff.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.knockoff.shortDesc=1.5x damage if foe holds an item. Removes item. showdown.moves.knockoff.gen7.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot remove Z-Crystals, cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, cause Pokemon that can Mega Evolve to lose the Mega Stone for their species, or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, or Memory respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. @@ -13170,7 +13170,7 @@ showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.shortDesc=Target's item is lost and it cannot obtain another. showdown.moves.knockoff.gen3.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of the battle, unless it has the Sticky Hold Ability. During the effect, the target cannot gain a new item by any means. showdown.moves.knockoff.removeItem=%s knocked off %s's %s! Cleave showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.'s Wrath showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -13179,7 +13179,7 @@ showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the user's attacks will be critical hits. showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit. showdown.moves.laserfocus.start=%s concentrated intensely! Out showdown.moves.lashout.desc=Power doubles if the user had a stat stage lowered this turn. showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x power if the user had a stat lowered this turn. @@ -13344,7 +13344,7 @@ It Rain showdown.moves.makeitrain.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.makeitrain.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Hits foe(s). showdown.moves.makeitrain.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! Moonsault Dark Crusher showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.desc=Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target used Minimize. @@ -13355,7 +13355,7 @@ showdown.moves.matblock.block=%s was blocked by the kicked-up mat!üse showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Speed. Darkness showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Def. @@ -13439,7 +13439,7 @@ showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.memento.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints unless this move misses or there is no target. Fails entirely if this move hits a substitute, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User faints. showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints, even if this move misses. This move can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if there is no target, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. @@ -13619,7 +13619,7 @@ showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk showdown.moves.mysticalpower.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Plotänkeschmied showdown.moves.nastyplot.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.nastyplot.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2.äfte @@ -13646,7 +13646,7 @@ showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Nacht showdown.moves.neverendingnightmare.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Daze showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. @@ -13659,7 +13659,7 @@ showdown.moves.nightshade.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's le showdown.moves.nightshade.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Normal types. Slash showdown.moves.nightslash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio.üll @@ -13678,7 +13678,7 @@ showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def. showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. @@ -13728,13 +13728,13 @@ showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Shot showdown.moves.partingshot.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages were both unchanged, or if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.partingshot.shortDesc=Lowers target's Atk, Sp. Atk by 1. User switches. showdown.moves.partingshot.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.partingshot.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! showdown.moves.partingshot.switchOut=%s went back to %s!ß showdown.moves.payback.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn, including actions taken through Instruct or the Dancer Ability. Switching in does not count as an action. showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target. showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in does not count as an action. @@ -13860,7 +13860,7 @@ showdown.moves.powertrick.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and showdown.moves.powertrick.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. showdown.moves.powertrick.start=%s switched its Attack and Defense! showdown.moves.powertrick.end=%s switched its Attack and Defense! TripÜberheblichkeit showdown.moves.powertrip.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. @@ -13938,13 +13938,13 @@ showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to a random nu showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Random damage from 1 to (user's level*1.5 - 1). mit lustig showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts.äuterung showdown.moves.purify.desc=The target is cured if it has a non-volatile status condition. If the target was cured, the user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Cures target's status; heals user 1/2 max HP if so. showdown.moves.pursuit.desc=If an opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. showdown.moves.pursuit.shortDesc=If a foe is switching out, hits it at 2x power. showdown.moves.pursuit.gen7.desc=If an adjacent opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. @@ -13958,7 +13958,7 @@ showdown.moves.pursuit.activate=(%s is being withdrawn...) showdown.moves.pyroball.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.pyroball.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user.ögerung showdown.moves.quash.desc=Causes the target to take its turn after all other Pokemon this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target already moved this turn. showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Forces the target to move last this turn. showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! @@ -14168,7 +14168,7 @@ showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Raises Atk/Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types b showdown.moves.round.desc=If there are other active Pokemon that chose this move for use this turn, those Pokemon take their turn immediately after the user, in Speed order, and this move's power is 120 for each other user. showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Power doubles if others used Round this turn. showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP.äuterfeuer @@ -14460,10 +14460,10 @@ showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.snaptrap.start=%s got trapped by a snap trap! showdown.moves.snarl.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.snarl.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1.Übernahme showdown.moves.snatch.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use one of those moves this turn, the applicable moves are all stolen by the first Pokemon in turn order that used this move this turn. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.snatch.shortDesc=User steals certain support moves to use itself. showdown.moves.snatch.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use this move this turn, the applicable moves are stolen by each of those Pokemon in turn order, and only the last user in turn order will gain the effects. @@ -14727,7 +14727,7 @@ it does not have enough HP left to make a sub showdown.moves.substitute.activate=The substitute took damage for %s! Geofrost showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Punch showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical attack, special attack, or Me First for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. showdown.moves.suckerpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking. showdown.moves.suckerpunch.gen4.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical or special attack for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. @@ -14785,7 +14785,7 @@ showdown.moves.swift.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. showdown.moves.swift.gen1.desc=This move does not check accuracy and hits even if the target is using Dig or Fly. showdown.moves.swift.gen1.shortDesc=Never misses, even against Dig and Fly. showdown.moves.swift.gen2.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.switcheroo.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.switcheroo.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. @@ -14840,7 +14840,7 @@ showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Until the target switches out, the effectiveness of Fire-type moves is doubled against it. showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Target gets -1 Spe and becomes weaker to Fire. showdown.moves.tarshot.start=%s became weaker to fire!öhner showdown.moves.taunt.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. showdown.moves.taunt.shortDesc=Target can't use status moves its next 3 turns. showdown.moves.taunt.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. @@ -14887,7 +14887,7 @@ showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=If Terastallized: Phys. if Atk > SpA, type = showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=Power doubles if the user is grounded and a terrain is active, and this move's type changes to match. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=User on terrain: power doubles, type varies. showdown.moves.thief.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.thief.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. showdown.moves.thief.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. @@ -14911,7 +14911,7 @@ showdown.moves.thrash.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into t showdown.moves.thrash.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Chop Strike showdown.moves.throatchop.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. showdown.moves.throatchop.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound moves. showdown.moves.throatchop.gen7.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. Z-Powered sound moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. @@ -14955,13 +14955,13 @@äumen showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. Removes subtitutes from all active Pokemon and ends the effects of Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes for both sides. showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=User +1 Atk, Spe. Clears all substitutes/hazards. showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Tidying up complete! showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=The target's positive stat stages become negative and vice versa. Fails if all of the target's stat stages are 0. showdown.moves.topsyturvy.shortDesc=Inverts the target's stat stages. showdown.moves.torchsong.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.torchsong.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.torment.desc=Prevents the target from selecting the same move for use two turns in a row. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. showdown.moves.torment.shortDesc=Target can't select the same move twice in a row. showdown.moves.torment.start=%s was subjected to torment! @@ -15173,10 +15173,10 @@ showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be rep showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.desc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. Blow showdown.moves.wickedblow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.wickedblow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Torque showdown.moves.wickedtorque.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.wickedtorque.shortDesc=10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index 9e75ec0c9..b39cbed2b 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11466,7 +11466,7 @@ showdown.moves.assist.gen6.desc=A random move among those known by the user's pa showdown.moves.assist.gen5.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. showdown.moves.assist.gen4.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. showdown.moves.assist.gen3.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. Baza showdown.moves.assurance.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn, other than direct damage from Belly Drum, confusion, Curse, or Pain Split. showdown.moves.assurance.shortDesc=Power doubles if target was damaged this turn. showdown.moves.assurance.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn. @@ -11523,7 +11523,7 @@ showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Eyes showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Bad showdown.moves.baddybad.desc=This move summons Reflect for 5 turns upon use. showdown.moves.baddybad.shortDesc=Summons Reflect.únker @@ -11550,7 +11550,7 @@ Cañón showdown.moves.beakblast.desc=If the user is hit by a contact move this turn before it can execute this move, the attacker is burned. showdown.moves.beakblast.shortDesc=Burns on contact with the user before it moves. showdown.moves.beakblast.start=%s started heating up its beak! Up showdown.moves.beatup.desc=Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. The power of each hit is equal to 5+(X/10), where X is each participating Pokemon's base Attack; each hit is considered to come from the user. showdown.moves.beatup.shortDesc=All healthy allies aid in damaging the target. showdown.moves.beatup.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. @@ -11600,7 +11600,7 @@ showdown.moves.bind.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. showdown.moves.bind.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. showdown.moves.bind.start=%s was squeezed by %s! showdown.moves.bind.move=%s's attack continues! showdown.moves.bite.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. @@ -11611,7 +11611,7 @@ showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. Reprimido showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Hole Eclipse Negro Aniquilador showdown.moves.blackholeeclipse.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Ígneo showdown.moves.blastburn.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. @@ -11709,7 +11709,7 @@ showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! showdown.moves.brine.desc=Power doubles if the target has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining. showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less. Swing Vil showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent Pokemon. @@ -11773,7 +11773,7 @@ showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. Th showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. Letal showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Edge Metralla showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing side.ón @@ -11862,7 +11862,7 @@ showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. @@ -11962,7 +11962,7 @@ showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. X showdown.moves.crosspoison.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crosspoison.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. showdown.moves.crunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.crunch.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. @@ -11983,13 +11983,13 @@ showdown.moves.curse.start=%s cut its own HP and put a curse on %s! showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s is afflicted by the curse! showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Lariat Oscuro showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. showdown.moves.darkestlariat.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. Pulse Umbrío showdown.moves.darkpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.darkpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. Void Negra showdown.moves.darkvoid.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Darkrai. showdown.moves.darkvoid.shortDesc=Darkrai: Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. @@ -12328,10 +12328,10 @@ showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance. Tears Falso showdown.moves.faketears.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. Surrender showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Tortazo showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. @@ -12347,7 +12347,7 @@ showdown.moves.feint.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the showdown.moves.feint.gen4.desc=Fails unless the target is using Detect or Protect. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. showdown.moves.feint.gen4.shortDesc=Breaks protection. Fails if target is not protecting. showdown.moves.feint.activate=%s fell for the feint! Attack showdown.moves.feintattack.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.ón Letal showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 3 stages if this move knocks out the target. @@ -12357,7 +12357,7 @@ showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 2 if this KOes Llama showdown.moves.fierydance.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Wrath Candente showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. @@ -12444,13 +12444,13 @@ showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. Resplandor showdown.moves.flashcannon.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. showdown.moves.flatter.desc=Raises the target's Special Attack by 1 stage and confuses it. showdown.moves.flatter.shortDesc=Raises the target's Sp. Atk by 1 and confuses it. Cannon showdown.moves.fleurcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.fleurcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. showdown.moves.fling.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If there is no target or the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, if the user is under the effect of Embargo or Magic Room, or if the user has the Klutz Ability. showdown.moves.fling.shortDesc=Flings the user's item at the target. Power varies. showdown.moves.fling.gen4.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, or if the user is under the effect of Embargo. @@ -12523,7 +12523,7 @@ showdown.moves.foresight.start=%s was identified!'s Curse showdown.moves.forestscurse.desc=Causes the Grass type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Grass type. If Trick-or-Treat adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. showdown.moves.forestscurse.shortDesc=Adds Grass to the target's type(s). Play Sucio showdown.moves.foulplay.desc=Damage is calculated using the target's Attack stat, including stat stage changes. The user's Ability, item, and burn are used as normal. showdown.moves.foulplay.shortDesc=Uses target's Attack stat in damage calculation.ón @@ -12674,7 +12674,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: poisoned. showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Torment begins for each Pokemon on the opposing side, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Tormented. One Blow Brusco showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. Fluido @@ -12692,7 +12692,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 Smite showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. Snooze showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance the effect of Yawn begins on the target, even if it has a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Target: 50% Yawn. Acero @@ -12946,7 +12946,7 @@ showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Juntas showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=No competitive use. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=No competitive use. Claws showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. @@ -12990,7 +12990,7 @@ showdown.moves.hyperdrill.shortDesc=Bypasses protection without breaking it. showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. Fury Dimensión showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Lowers user's Def by 1; breaks protect. showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. @@ -13103,7 +13103,7 @@ showdown.moves.ironhead.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. férrea showdown.moves.irontail.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. Lock Maxilar showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Prevents the user and the target from switching out. The user and the target can still switch out if either of them is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching out.ño Jet @@ -13140,7 +13140,7 @@ showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks mad showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Atk. showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. Off showdown.moves.knockoff.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.knockoff.shortDesc=1.5x damage if foe holds an item. Removes item. showdown.moves.knockoff.gen7.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot remove Z-Crystals, cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, cause Pokemon that can Mega Evolve to lose the Mega Stone for their species, or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, or Memory respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. @@ -13151,7 +13151,7 @@ showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.shortDesc=Target's item is lost and it cannot obtain another. showdown.moves.knockoff.gen3.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of the battle, unless it has the Sticky Hold Ability. During the effect, the target cannot gain a new item by any means. showdown.moves.knockoff.removeItem=%s knocked off %s's %s! Cleave showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.'s Wrath showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. @@ -13160,7 +13160,7 @@ showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the user's attacks will be critical hits. showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit. showdown.moves.laserfocus.start=%s concentrated intensely! Out showdown.moves.lashout.desc=Power doubles if the user had a stat stage lowered this turn. showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x power if the user had a stat lowered this turn.Última Baza @@ -13325,7 +13325,7 @@ It Rain showdown.moves.makeitrain.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.makeitrain.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Hits foe(s). showdown.moves.makeitrain.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! Moonsault Oscura showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.desc=Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target used Minimize. Tatami @@ -13336,7 +13336,7 @@ showdown.moves.matblock.block=%s was blocked by the kicked-up mat!ón showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Speed. Darkness showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Def.ón @@ -13420,7 +13420,7 @@ showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.ño showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.memento.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints unless this move misses or there is no target. Fails entirely if this move hits a substitute, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User faints. showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints, even if this move misses. This move can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if there is no target, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. @@ -13600,7 +13600,7 @@ showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk Místico showdown.moves.mysticalpower.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Plotón showdown.moves.nastyplot.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.nastyplot.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. Natural @@ -13627,7 +13627,7 @@ showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. Espectral showdown.moves.neverendingnightmare.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Daze Noche showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. @@ -13640,7 +13640,7 @@ showdown.moves.nightshade.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's le showdown.moves.nightshade.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Normal types. Slash Umbrío showdown.moves.nightslash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. de Guerra @@ -13659,7 +13659,7 @@ showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. Mortífera showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt.ón showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def. showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. @@ -13709,13 +13709,13 @@ showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. Parábola showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. ShotÚltima Palabra showdown.moves.partingshot.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages were both unchanged, or if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.partingshot.shortDesc=Lowers target's Atk, Sp. Atk by 1. User switches. showdown.moves.partingshot.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. showdown.moves.partingshot.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! showdown.moves.partingshot.switchOut=%s went back to %s! showdown.moves.payback.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn, including actions taken through Instruct or the Dancer Ability. Switching in does not count as an action. showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target. showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in does not count as an action. @@ -13841,7 +13841,7 @@ showdown.moves.powertrick.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and showdown.moves.powertrick.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. showdown.moves.powertrick.start=%s switched its Attack and Defense! showdown.moves.powertrick.end=%s switched its Attack and Defense! Tripía showdown.moves.powertrip.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts.ño Incremento @@ -13919,13 +13919,13 @@ showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to a random nu showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Random damage from 1 to (user's level*1.5 - 1). Intempestivo showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts.ón showdown.moves.purify.desc=The target is cured if it has a non-volatile status condition. If the target was cured, the user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Cures target's status; heals user 1/2 max HP if so.ón showdown.moves.pursuit.desc=If an opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. showdown.moves.pursuit.shortDesc=If a foe is switching out, hits it at 2x power. showdown.moves.pursuit.gen7.desc=If an adjacent opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. @@ -13939,7 +13939,7 @@ showdown.moves.pursuit.activate=(%s is being withdrawn...)ón Ígneo showdown.moves.pyroball.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. showdown.moves.pyroball.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user.Último Lugar showdown.moves.quash.desc=Causes the target to take its turn after all other Pokemon this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target already moved this turn. showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Forces the target to move last this turn. showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! @@ -14149,7 +14149,7 @@ showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Raises Atk/Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types b showdown.moves.round.desc=If there are other active Pokemon that chose this move for use this turn, those Pokemon take their turn immediately after the user, in Speed order, and this move's power is 120 for each other user. showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Power doubles if others used Round this turn. showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Sagrado @@ -14441,10 +14441,10 @@ showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.snaptrap.start=%s got trapped by a snap trap! showdown.moves.snarl.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.snarl.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.snatch.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use one of those moves this turn, the applicable moves are all stolen by the first Pokemon in turn order that used this move this turn. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. showdown.moves.snatch.shortDesc=User steals certain support moves to use itself. showdown.moves.snatch.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use this move this turn, the applicable moves are stolen by each of those Pokemon in turn order, and only the last user in turn order will gain the effects. @@ -14708,7 +14708,7 @@ it does not have enough HP left to make a sub showdown.moves.substitute.activate=The substitute took damage for %s! Despiadado showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. Punch Bajo showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical attack, special attack, or Me First for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. showdown.moves.suckerpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking. showdown.moves.suckerpunch.gen4.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical or special attack for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. @@ -14766,7 +14766,7 @@ showdown.moves.swift.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. showdown.moves.swift.gen1.desc=This move does not check accuracy and hits even if the target is using Dig or Fly. showdown.moves.swift.gen1.shortDesc=Never misses, even against Dig and Fly. showdown.moves.swift.gen2.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.switcheroo.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. showdown.moves.switcheroo.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. @@ -14821,7 +14821,7 @@ showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Until the target switches out, the effectiveness of Fire-type moves is doubled against it. showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Target gets -1 Spe and becomes weaker to Fire. showdown.moves.tarshot.start=%s became weaker to fire! showdown.moves.taunt.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. showdown.moves.taunt.shortDesc=Target can't use status moves its next 3 turns. showdown.moves.taunt.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. @@ -14868,7 +14868,7 @@ showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=If Terastallized: Phys. if Atk > SpA, type = de Campo showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=Power doubles if the user is grounded and a terrain is active, and this move's type changes to match. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=User on terrain: power doubles, type varies.ón showdown.moves.thief.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. showdown.moves.thief.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. showdown.moves.thief.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. @@ -14892,7 +14892,7 @@ showdown.moves.thrash.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into t showdown.moves.thrash.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Chop Mordaza showdown.moves.throatchop.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. showdown.moves.throatchop.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound moves. showdown.moves.throatchop.gen7.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. Z-Powered sound moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. @@ -14936,13 +14936,13 @@ General showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. Removes subtitutes from all active Pokemon and ends the effects of Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes for both sides. showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=User +1 Atk, Spe. Clears all substitutes/hazards. showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Tidying up complete!ón showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=The target's positive stat stages become negative and vice versa. Fails if all of the target's stat stages are 0. showdown.moves.topsyturvy.shortDesc=Inverts the target's stat stages. Ardiente showdown.moves.torchsong.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.torchsong.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.torment.desc=Prevents the target from selecting the same move for use two turns in a row. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. showdown.moves.torment.shortDesc=Target can't select the same move twice in a row. showdown.moves.torment.start=%s was subjected to torment! @@ -15154,10 +15154,10 @@ showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be rep showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.desc=No competitive use. showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. Blow Oscuro showdown.moves.wickedblow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.wickedblow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Torque showdown.moves.wickedtorque.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.wickedtorque.shortDesc=10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. Guardia From 29dec677503a394ee7355bcb82acbcc4bf7f73e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 20:45:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 37/43] Type-fairy moves --- texts/de_DE.lang | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ texts/es_ES.lang | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 95c349de6..c39d04280 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -11473,7 +11473,7 @@ showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of i showdown.moves.aromatherapy.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.activate=A soothing aroma wafted through the area! Mist showdown.moves.aromaticmist.desc=Raises the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.aromaticmist.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Sp. Def by 1. @@ -11539,7 +11539,7 @@ showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30% confusion. User loses 50% max HP if miss. showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Eyes showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1.älzone @@ -11809,7 +11809,7 @@ showdown.moves.charge.start=%s began charging power! showdown.moves.chargebeam.desc=Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.charm.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.charm.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2.ätz @@ -11970,7 +11970,7 @@ showdown.moves.covet.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has no showdown.moves.crabhammer.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crabhammer.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shield showdown.moves.craftyshield.desc=The user and its party members are protected from non-damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.craftyshield.shortDesc=Protects allies from Status moves this turn. showdown.moves.craftyshield.start=Crafty Shield protected %s! @@ -12015,10 +12015,10 @@ showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.shortDesc=Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. %s can't use the move! showdown.moves.darkvoid.failWrongForme=But %s can't use it the way it is now! Gleam showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. @@ -12088,7 +12088,7 @@ showdown.moves.disable.gen1.shortDesc=For 0-7 turns, disables one of the target' showdown.moves.disable.start=%s's %s was disabled! showdown.moves.disable.end=%s's move is no longer disabled! showdown.moves.disable.cant=%s's %s is disabled! Voiceäuselstimme showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes.ß @@ -12182,7 +12182,7 @@ showdown.moves.dragonrush.gen5.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target used Ingrain previously, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. Kiss showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. @@ -12337,12 +12337,12 @@ showdown.moves.facade.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. The physical damage halving effect from the user's burn is ignored. showdown.moves.facade.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed. showdown.moves.facade.gen5.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. Lock showdown.moves.fairylock.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. showdown.moves.fairylock.shortDesc=Prevents all Pokemon from switching next turn. showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=No one will be able to run away during the next turn! Wind showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. @@ -12466,7 +12466,7 @@ showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by showdown.moves.flatter.desc=Raises the target's Special Attack by 1 stage and confuses it. showdown.moves.flatter.shortDesc=Raises the target's Sp. Atk by 1 and confuses it. Cannon showdown.moves.fleurcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.fleurcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. @@ -12481,10 +12481,10 @@ showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Healing showdown.moves.floralhealing.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, the target instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. Shield showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Raises the Defense of all active Grass-type Pokemon by 1 stage. Fails if there are no active Grass-type Pokemon. showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass types. @@ -12611,7 +12611,7 @@ showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by des Ursprungs showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=If this move is successful, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Summons Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Charges, then raises SpA, SpD, Spe by 2 turn 2. showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=%s is absorbing power! @@ -12669,7 +12669,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=%s's PP was reduced! showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Finale showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/6 of its current maximum HP, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1/6 max HP. Fire Ball @@ -12708,7 +12708,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Aurora Vß showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. Smite showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused.ähnzwang @@ -12802,7 +12802,7 @@ showdown.moves.grudge.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=If the user faints, the attack used loses all its PP. showdown.moves.grudge.activate=%s's %s lost all of its PP due to the grudge! showdown.moves.grudge.start=%s wants its target to bear a grudge! of Alola Wächter showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to 3/4 of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 3/4 target's current HP. @@ -13228,7 +13228,7 @@ showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max HP. of Ruin Calamitatis showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. @@ -13296,7 +13296,7 @@ showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Torque showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.magicaltorque.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse the target. @@ -13398,7 +13398,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Def. showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sandstorm. Starfall showdown.moves.maxstarfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Misty Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Misty Terrain. @@ -13556,20 +13556,20 @@ showdown.moves.mist.block=%s is protected by the mist! showdown.moves.mistball.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mistball.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Explosion showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.desc=If the current terrain is Misty Terrain and the user is grounded, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.shortDesc=User faints. User on Misty Terrain: 1.5x power. Terrain showdown.moves.mistyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition nor confusion. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. showdown.moves.mistyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Can't status,-Dragon power vs grounded. showdown.moves.mistyterrain.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. showdown.moves.moonblast.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.moonblast.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.moonlight.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.moonlight.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. showdown.moves.moonlight.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. @@ -13786,7 +13786,7 @@ showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn showdown.moves.playnice.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Rough showdown.moves.playrough.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.playrough.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.ücker @@ -14522,7 +14522,7 @@ showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. showdown.moves.sparklingaria.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of its burn. showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=The target is cured of its burn. Swirl showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. @@ -14570,7 +14570,7 @@ showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=%s was hurt! showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2. Break showdown.moves.spiritbreak.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.spiritbreak.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. @@ -14605,7 +14605,7 @@ showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attac showdown.moves.spotlight.shortDesc=Target's foes' moves are redirected to it this turn. showdown.moves.spotlight.start=%s became the center of attention! showdown.moves.spotlight.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Stormühlingsorkan showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. @@ -14673,7 +14673,7 @@ showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boo showdown.moves.stormthrow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Steam showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target.ärke @@ -14771,7 +14771,7 @@ showdown.moves.swallow.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile coun showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Heals the user based on uses of Stockpile. showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Stockpile count resets to 0. Kiss showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. showdown.moves.sweetscent.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 2 stages. @@ -15047,7 +15047,7 @@ showdown.moves.twineedle.gen3.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit but the target cannot be poisoned by it. showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Last hit has 20% chance to poison. showdown.moves.twineedle.gen1.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Tackleückender Sternenstoß showdown.moves.twinkletackle.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. showdown.moves.twister.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index b39cbed2b..a1514a081 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -11454,7 +11454,7 @@ showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of i showdown.moves.aromatherapy.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.activate=A soothing aroma wafted through the area! Mist Aromática showdown.moves.aromaticmist.desc=Raises the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. showdown.moves.aromaticmist.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Sp. Def by 1. @@ -11520,7 +11520,7 @@ Hacha showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30% confusion. User loses 50% max HP if miss. showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! Eyes Tiernos showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. @@ -11790,7 +11790,7 @@ showdown.moves.charge.start=%s began charging power! Carga showdown.moves.chargebeam.desc=Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. showdown.moves.charm.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.charm.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2.áchara @@ -11951,7 +11951,7 @@ showdown.moves.covet.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has no showdown.moves.crabhammer.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. showdown.moves.crabhammer.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Shield Defensa showdown.moves.craftyshield.desc=The user and its party members are protected from non-damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. showdown.moves.craftyshield.shortDesc=Protects allies from Status moves this turn. showdown.moves.craftyshield.start=Crafty Shield protected %s! @@ -11996,10 +11996,10 @@ showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.shortDesc=Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. %s can't use the move! showdown.moves.darkvoid.failWrongForme=But %s can't use it the way it is now! Gleam Mágico showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes.ón showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. Defender @@ -12069,7 +12069,7 @@ showdown.moves.disable.gen1.shortDesc=For 0-7 turns, disables one of the target' showdown.moves.disable.start=%s's %s was disabled! showdown.moves.disable.end=%s's move is no longer disabled! showdown.moves.disable.cant=%s's %s is disabled! Voice Cautivadora showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.desc=This move does not check accuracy. showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. @@ -12163,7 +12163,7 @@ showdown.moves.dragonrush.gen5.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Dragón showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target used Ingrain previously, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. Kiss Drenaje showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt.ño Drenaje @@ -12318,12 +12318,12 @@ showdown.moves.facade.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. The physical damage halving effect from the user's burn is ignored. showdown.moves.facade.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed. showdown.moves.facade.gen5.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. Lock Feérico showdown.moves.fairylock.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. showdown.moves.fairylock.shortDesc=Prevents all Pokemon from switching next turn. showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=No one will be able to run away during the next turn! Wind Feérico showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. @@ -12447,7 +12447,7 @@ showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by showdown.moves.flatter.desc=Raises the target's Special Attack by 1 stage and confuses it. showdown.moves.flatter.shortDesc=Raises the target's Sp. Atk by 1 and confuses it. Cannonñón Floral showdown.moves.fleurcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. showdown.moves.fleurcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. @@ -12462,10 +12462,10 @@ showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. Healing Floral showdown.moves.floralhealing.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, the target instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. Shield Floral showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Raises the Defense of all active Grass-type Pokemon by 1 stage. Fails if there are no active Grass-type Pokemon. showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass types. Floral @@ -12592,7 +12592,7 @@ showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by Original showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=If this move is successful, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Summons Psychic Terrain. showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Charges, then raises SpA, SpD, Spe by 2 turn 2. showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=%s is absorbing power! @@ -12650,7 +12650,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=%s's PP was reduced! showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. Finaleón showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/6 of its current maximum HP, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1/6 max HP. Fire Ball @@ -12689,7 +12689,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Aurora V showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. Smite showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. @@ -12783,7 +12783,7 @@ showdown.moves.grudge.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=If the user faints, the attack used loses all its PP. showdown.moves.grudge.activate=%s's %s lost all of its PP due to the grudge! showdown.moves.grudge.start=%s wants its target to bear a grudge! of Alolaólera del Guardián showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to 3/4 of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 3/4 target's current HP. @@ -13209,7 +13209,7 @@ showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Vital showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max HP. of Ruin Aniquiladora showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. de Luz @@ -13277,7 +13277,7 @@ showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Mágica showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Torque showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.magicaltorque.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse the target. Mágica @@ -13379,7 +13379,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Def. showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sandstorm. Starfall showdown.moves.maxstarfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Misty Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Misty Terrain. @@ -13537,20 +13537,20 @@ showdown.moves.mist.block=%s is protected by the mist! Neblina showdown.moves.mistball.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.mistball.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Explosion Explosiva showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.desc=If the current terrain is Misty Terrain and the user is grounded, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.shortDesc=User faints. User on Misty Terrain: 1.5x power. Terrain de Niebla showdown.moves.mistyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition nor confusion. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. showdown.moves.mistyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Can't status,-Dragon power vs grounded. showdown.moves.mistyterrain.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. Lunar showdown.moves.moonblast.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.moonblast.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Umbrío showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. Lunar showdown.moves.moonlight.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. showdown.moves.moonlight.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. showdown.moves.moonlight.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. @@ -13767,7 +13767,7 @@ showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turnía showdown.moves.playnice.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. Roughña showdown.moves.playrough.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.playrough.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. @@ -14503,7 +14503,7 @@ showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. Burbuja showdown.moves.sparklingaria.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of its burn. showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=The target is cured of its burn. Swirl showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. @@ -14551,7 +14551,7 @@ showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=%s was hurt! showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2 stages. showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2. Break Anímico showdown.moves.spiritbreak.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.spiritbreak.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. Sombría @@ -14586,7 +14586,7 @@ showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attac showdown.moves.spotlight.shortDesc=Target's foes' moves are redirected to it this turn. showdown.moves.spotlight.start=%s became the center of attention! showdown.moves.spotlight.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! Stormón Primavera showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. Rocas @@ -14654,7 +14654,7 @@ showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boo Corsé showdown.moves.stormthrow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Steam showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. @@ -14752,7 +14752,7 @@ showdown.moves.swallow.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile coun showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Heals the user based on uses of Stockpile. showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Stockpile count resets to 0. Kiss Dulce showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. Aroma showdown.moves.sweetscent.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 2 stages. @@ -15028,7 +15028,7 @@ showdown.moves.twineedle.gen3.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit but the target cannot be poisoned by it. showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Last hit has 20% chance to poison. showdown.moves.twineedle.gen1.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. Tackle Sideral showdown.moves.twinkletackle.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power.ón showdown.moves.twister.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. From 2b1aa58dd99bca07bd51bd6aa0f912fe67d097c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2024 19:30:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 38/43] Finished german file --- texts/de_DE.lang | 8968 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 4484 insertions(+), 4484 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index c39d04280..ed276368b 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@§lPokeBedrock v2.9.15 RES§lPokeBedrock v2.10.7 RES pack.description=§aEin High-Level-Pokemon-Addon von Smell of curry erstellt für Minecraft Bedrock ## Orbs @@ -8817,1137 +8817,1137 @@ battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.wonderroom=Wunderraum Fähigkeit showdown.abilities.noability.shortDesc=Tut nichts. -showdown.abilities.adaptability.desc=Die Stärke von Attacken des Pokémon, die seinem Typ entsprechen (STAB), steigt um 2, statt um 1.5. -showdown.abilities.adaptability.shortDesc=Die Stärke von Attacken des Pokémon mit Typen-Bonus (STAB) steigt um 2, statt um 1.5. +showdown.abilities.adaptability.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon, die einem seiner Typen entsprechen, haben einen Angriffsbonus desselben Typs (STAB) von 2 statt 1,5. +showdown.abilities.adaptability.shortDesc=Der gleichartige Angriffsbonus (STAB) dieses Pokémon beträgt 2 statt 1,5. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.desc=Normal-Attacken des Pokémon nehmen den Typ Flug an und ihre Stärke wird um 1.2 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Attacken-Typ ändern, aber bevor Plasmaschauers und Elektrifizierungs Effekte. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.shortDesc=Normal-Attacken des Pokémon nehmen den Typ Flug an und haben 1.2x Stärke. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.desc=Normal-Attacken des Pokémon nehmen den Typ Flug an und ihre Stärke wird um 1.3 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Attacken-Typ ändern, aber bevor Plasmaschauers und Elektrifizierungs Effekte. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.shortDesc=Normal-Attacken des Pokémon nehmen den Typ Flug an und haben 1.3x Stärke. -showdown.abilities.aftermath.desc=Angreifer erleidet einen Schaden von 1/4 seiner vollständigen Gesundheit runtergerundet, wenn das Pokémon durch eine Attacke mit Berührung besiegt wird. Wenn irgendein aktives Pokemon die Fähigkeit Feuchtigkeit besitzt, dann wird dieser Effekt abgebrochen. -showdown.abilities.aftermath.shortDesc=Angreifer erleidet einen Schaden von 1/4 seiner vollständigen Gesundheit, wenn das Pokémon durch eine Attacke mit Berührung besiegt wird -showdown.abilities.aftermath.damage=%s wurde verletzt! +showdown.abilities.aerilate.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zu Attacken vom Typ Fliegen und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,2 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zum Typ Fliegen und haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.desc=Die normalen Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zu Attacken vom fliegenden Typ und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,3 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zum Typ Fliegen und haben die 1,3-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon durch eine Kontaktbewegung ausgeschaltet wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Bewegung 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. Wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Damp verfügt, wird dieser Effekt verhindert. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mit einer Kontaktbewegung KO geschlagen wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Bewegung 1/4 seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.damage=%s war verletzt! -showdown.abilities.airlock.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokemon aktiv ist, werden alle Wettereffekte aufgehoben. -showdown.abilities.airlock.start=Alle Wettereffekte werden aufgehoben. -showdown.abilities.analytic.desc=Handelt das Pokémon als letzter in dieser Runde, wird die Stärke seiner verwendeten Attacke um 1/3 erhöht. Das gilt nicht für die Attacken Seher und Kismetwunsch. -showdown.abilities.analytic.shortDesc=Die Attacke dieses Pokemon hat 1.3x Stärke, wenn das Pokémon als letzter in dieser Runde handelt. +showdown.abilities.airlock.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, sind die Auswirkungen der Wetterbedingungen deaktiviert. +showdown.abilities.airlock.start=Die Witterungseinflüsse verschwanden. +showdown.abilities.analytic.desc=Die Stärke der Bewegung dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,3 multipliziert, wenn es sich als letztes in einer Runde bewegt. Hat keinen Einfluss auf Kismetwunsch und Seher. +showdown.abilities.analytic.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon haben die 1,3-fache Stärke, wenn es sich als letztes in einer Runde bewegt. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Pokemons um 12 Stufen, wenn das Pokémon (nicht der Gegner) durch einen Volltreffer geschädigt wird. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokemon (nicht der Gegner) einen Volltreffer erleidet, dann erhöht sich sein Angriff um 12 Stufen. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Pokemons um 12 Stufen, wenn das Pokémon oder der Gegner durch einen Volltreffer geschädigt wird. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokemon oder der Gegner einen Volltreffer erleidet, dann erhöht sich sein Angriff um 12 Stufen. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.boost=%s hat sein Angriff maximiert! +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon, aber nicht sein Ersatz, von einem kritischen Treffer getroffen wird, erhöht sich sein Angriff um 12 Stufen. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon (nicht sein Ersatz) einen kritischen Treffer erleidet, erhöht sich sein Angriff um 12 Stufen. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon oder sein Stellvertreter einen kritischen Treffer erleidet, erhöht sich sein Angriff um 12 Stufen. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon oder sein Ersatz einen kritischen Treffer erleidet, erhöht sich sein Angriff um 12 Stufen. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.boost=%s hat seinen Angriff maximiert! -showdown.abilities.angershell.desc=Wenn die KP des Pokémon auf 50% oder weniger fallen, sinken dessen Verteidigungs- und Spezial-Verteidigungs-Wert um eine Stufe, dafür steigen sein Angriffs- und Spezial-Angriffs-Wert sowie seine Initiative um eine Stufe. Dieser Effekt wird auch nach einem Move mit mehreren Schlägen ausgelöst. Dieser Effekt wird abgebrochen, wenn die Attacke einen zweiten Effekt verloren hatte durch Rohe Gewalt. -showdown.abilities.angershell.shortDesc=Bei 50% oder weniger der maximalen KP: +1 Angr, SpAngr, Init, und -1 Vert, SpVert. +showdown.abilities.angershell.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP hat und durch einen Angriff Schaden erleidet, der es auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP reduziert, werden sein Angriff, sein Spezialangriff und seine Geschwindigkeit um eine Stufe sowie seine Verteidigung und Spezialkraft erhöht Die Verteidigung wird um 1 Stufe gesenkt. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. +showdown.abilities.angershell.shortDesc=Bei 1/2 oder weniger der maximalen HP dieses Pokémon: +1 Angriff, SP. Angriff, Spe und -1 Def, Sp. Def. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, Hidden Power counts as its determined type, and Judgment, Multi-Attack, Natural Gift, Revelation Dance, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon shudders if any foe has a supereffective or OHKO move. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, Hidden Power counts as its determined type, and Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen5.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, and Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move that this Pokemon is not immune to and if its level is less than or equal to the opposing Pokemon's level. This effect does not consider Counter, Dragon Rage, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Night Shade, Psywave, or Seismic Toss as attacking moves, and Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. This effect considers any changes to the effectiveness of attacks against this Pokemon due to the effects of Gravity or the Normalize or Scrappy Abilities. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.activate=%s shuddered! +showdown.abilities.anticipation.desc=Beim Einwechseln wird dieses Pokémon benachrichtigt, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon einen besonders effektiven Angriff gegen dieses Pokémon oder einen OHKO-Zug ausführt. Dieser Effekt betrachtet jede Bewegung, die direkten Schaden verursacht, als Angriffsbewegung ihres jeweiligen Typs, Kraftreserve zählt als ihr bestimmter Typ und Urteilskraft, Multi-Angriff, Beerenkräfte, Wecktanz, Techblaster und Meteorologe gelten als Attacken vom normalen Typ. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln zittert dieses Pokémon, wenn ein Gegner eine supereffektive oder OHKO-Attacke ausführt. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen6.desc=Beim Einwechseln wird dieses Pokémon benachrichtigt, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon einen besonders effektiven Angriff gegen dieses Pokémon oder einen OHKO-Zug ausführt. Dieser Effekt betrachtet jede Bewegung, die direkten Schaden verursacht, als Angriffsbewegung ihres jeweiligen Typs, Kraftreserve zählt als ihr bestimmter Typ und Urteilskraft, Beerenkräfte, Techblaster und Meteorologe gelten als Attacken vom normalen Typ. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen5.desc=Beim Einwechseln wird dieses Pokémon benachrichtigt, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon einen besonders effektiven Angriff gegen dieses Pokémon oder einen OHKO-Zug ausführt. Dieser Effekt betrachtet jede Bewegung, die direkten Schaden verursacht, als Angriffsbewegung ihres jeweiligen Typs, und Kraftreserve, Urteilskraft, Beerenkräfte, Techblaster und Meteorologe gelten als Attacken vom normalen Typ. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen4.desc=Beim Einwechseln wird dieses Pokémon benachrichtigt, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon einen Angriff ausführt, der gegen dieses Pokémon sehr effektiv ist, oder eine OHKO-Attacke ausführt, gegen die dieses Pokémon nicht immun ist, und wenn sein Level kleiner oder gleich dem Level des gegnerischen Pokémon ist. Dieser Effekt berücksichtigt Konter, Drachenwut, Metallstoß, Spiegelcape, Nachtnebel, Psywelle oder Geowurf nicht als Angriffsattacken, und Kraftreserve, Urteilskraft, Beerenkräfte und Meteorologe gelten als Attacken vom normalen Typ. Dieser Effekt berücksichtigt alle Änderungen der Effektivität von Angriffen gegen dieses Pokémon aufgrund der Effekte von Erdanziehung oder den Fähigkeiten Normalisieren oder Scrapy. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.activate=%s schauderte! -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne, are holding a Shed Shell, or are a Ghost type. -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne. -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne, are holding a Shed Shell, or are a Ghost type. -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne or holding a Shed Shell. -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne or holding a Shed Shell. -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.desc=Verhindert, dass sich gegnerische Pokémon für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie sind in der Luft, tragen eine Schuppenhülle oder sind vom Typ Geist. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass gegnerische Pokémon sich für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie befinden sich in der Luft. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen6.desc=Verhindert, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon sich für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie befinden sich in der Luft, haben eine Schuppenhülle in der Hand oder sind vom Typ Geist. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon sich für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie sind in der Luft oder halten eine Schuppenhülle. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass gegnerische Pokémon sich für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie sind in der Luft oder halten eine Shed Shell. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen3.desc=Verhindert, dass gegnerische Pokémon sich für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie befinden sich in der Luft.üstung -showdown.abilities.armortail.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.armortail.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. -showdown.abilities.armortail.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.armortail.desc=Prioritätsattacken gegnerischer Pokémon, die dieses Pokémon oder seine Verbündeten als Ziel haben, haben keine Wirkung. +showdown.abilities.armortail.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten sind vor gegnerischen Prioritätsattacken geschützt. +showdown.abilities.armortail.block=%s kann %s nicht verwenden!ülle -showdown.abilities.aromaveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot become affected by Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, or Torment. -showdown.abilities.aromaveil.shortDesc=Protects user/allies from Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, and Torment. -showdown.abilities.aromaveil.block=%s is protected by an aromatic veil! +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.desc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten können nicht durch Anziehung, Aussetzer, Zugabe, Heilblockade, Verhöhner oder Folterknecht beeinträchtigt werden. +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.shortDesc=Schutzschilds-Benutzer/Verbündete aus Anziehung, Aussetzer, Zugabe, Heilblockade, Verhöhner und Folterknecht. +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.block=%s ist durch einen aromatischen Schleier geschützt! -showdown.abilities.asone.shortDesc=See 'As One (Glastrier)' and 'As One (Spectrier)'. -showdown.abilities.asone.start=%s has two Abilities! One (Glastrier) -showdown.abilities.asoneglastrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Chilling Neigh Abilities. One (Spectrier) -showdown.abilities.asonespectrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Grim Neigh Abilities. +showdown.abilities.asone.shortDesc=Siehe As One (Glastrier) und As One (Spectrier). +showdown.abilities.asone.start=%s hat zwei Fähigkeiten! Eins (Glastrier) +showdown.abilities.asoneglastrier.shortDesc=Kombination der Fähigkeiten Entnerven und Nachbarn abschrecken. Eins (Spectrier) +showdown.abilities.asonespectrier.shortDesc=Kombination der Fähigkeiten Unnerve und Grimmiger Nachbar. -showdown.abilities.aurabreak.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura Abilities are reversed, multiplying the power of Dark- and Fairy-type moves, respectively, by 3/4 instead of 1.33. -showdown.abilities.aurabreak.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura power modifier is 0.75x. -showdown.abilities.aurabreak.start=%s reversed all other Pokémon's auras! +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, sind die Effekte der Fähigkeiten Dunkle Aura und Feen-Aura umgekehrt, wodurch die Kraft von Attacken vom Typ Dunkel bzw. Fee mit 3/4 statt mit 1,33 multipliziert wird. +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, beträgt der Kraftmodifikator für Dunkle Aura und Feenaura das 0,75-fache. +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.start=%s hat die Auren aller anderen Pokémon umgekehrt! -showdown.abilities.baddreams.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.desc=Causes adjacent opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.shortDesc=Causes sleeping adjacent foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.damage=%s is tormented! +showdown.abilities.baddreams.desc=Bewirkt, dass gegnerische Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP (abgerundet) verlieren, wenn sie schlafen. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.shortDesc=Führt dazu, dass schlafende Gegner am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP verlieren. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP (abgerundet) verlieren, wenn sie schlafen. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.shortDesc=Bewirkt, dass schlafende Gegner in der Nähe am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP verlieren. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.desc=Bewirkt, dass gegnerische Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP (abgerundet) verlieren, wenn sie schlafen. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.shortDesc=Führt dazu, dass schlafende Gegner am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP verlieren. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.damage=%s ist gequält! -showdown.abilities.ballfetch.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.ballfetch.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. -showdown.abilities.battery.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their special attacks multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.battery.shortDesc=Die Stärke der Spezialangriffe der Verbündeten dieses Pokémon wird mit dem Faktor 1,3 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.battlearmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. +showdown.abilities.battlearmor.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht von einem kritischen Treffer getroffen werden. -showdown.abilities.battlebond.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. This effect can only happen once per battle. -showdown.abilities.battlebond.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: raises Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed by 1 stage. Once per battle. -showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, it transforms into Ash-Greninja if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. If this Pokemon is an Ash-Greninja, its Water Shuriken has 20 power and always hits three times. -showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: becomes Ash-Greninja, Water Shuriken: 20 power, hits 3x. -showdown.abilities.battlebond.activate=%s became fully charged due to its bond with its Trainer! -showdown.abilities.battlebond.transform=%s became Ash-Greninja! +showdown.abilities.battlebond.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Greninja ist, werden sein Angriff, sein Spezialangriff und seine Geschwindigkeit um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und niederschlägt. Dieser Effekt kann nur einmal pro Kampf auftreten. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.shortDesc=Nach dem KOen eines Pokémon: Erhöht Angriff, SP. Angriff, Geschwindigkeit um 1 Stufe. Einmal pro Kampf. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Greninja ist, verwandelt es sich in Ash-Greninja, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und niederschlägt. Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Ash-Greninja ist, hat sein Wasser-Shuriken eine Stärke von 20 und schlägt immer dreimal zu. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.shortDesc=Nach dem KOen eines Pokémon: wird zu Ash-Greninja, Wasser-Shuriken: 20 Stärke, trifft 3x. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.activate=%s wurde aufgrund seiner Bindung an seinen Trainer vollständig aufgeladen! +showdown.abilities.battlebond.transform=%s wurde zu Ash-Greninja! -showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Defense multiplied by 0.75. -showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.start=%s's Beads of Ruin weakened the Sp. Def of all surrounding Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.shortDesc=Bei aktiven Pokémon ohne diese Fähigkeit wird die Spezialverteidigung mit 0,75 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.start=%s' Beads of Ruin haben den Sp geschwächt. Def aller umliegenden Pokémon! -showdown.abilities.beastboost.desc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. Stat stage changes are not considered. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. -showdown.abilities.beastboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.beastboost.desc=Der höchste Wert dieses Pokémon erhöht sich um eine Stufe, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und niederschlägt. Änderungen der Statistikstufe werden nicht berücksichtigt. Wenn mehrere Werte gleich sind, werden Angriff, Verteidigung, Spezialangriff, Spezialverteidigung und Geschwindigkeit in dieser Reihenfolge priorisiert. +showdown.abilities.beastboost.shortDesc=Der höchste Wert dieses Pokémon wird um 1 erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und KO schlägt. -showdown.abilities.berserk.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage from an attack bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Special Attack is raised by 1 stage. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. -showdown.abilities.berserk.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 when it reaches 1/2 or less of its max HP. +showdown.abilities.berserk.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP hat und durch einen Angriff Schaden erleidet, der es auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP reduziert, wird sein Spezialangriff um 1 Stufe erhöht. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. +showdown.abilities.berserk.shortDesc=Der Sp. dieses Pokémon Der Angriff wird um 1 erhöht, wenn die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP erreicht wird. -showdown.abilities.bigpecks.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Defense stat stage. +showdown.abilities.bigpecks.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon den Verteidigungswert dieses Pokémon senken.ßbrand -showdown.abilities.blaze.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack. -showdown.abilities.blaze.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Fire attacks. -showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Fire-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Fire-type attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.blaze.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Feuer ausführt. +showdown.abilities.blaze.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon bei Feuerangriffen das 1,5-fache. +showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Angriffe vom Typ Feuer mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP haben die Angriffe vom Typ Feuer dieses Pokémon die 1,5-fache Stärke. -showdown.abilities.bulletproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to bullet moves. +showdown.abilities.bulletproof.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Kugelattacken. -showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, Pluck, Stuff Cheeks, and Teatime if the eaten Berry had an effect on this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it restores 1/3 of its max HP after the Berry's effect. -showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, and Pluck if the eaten Berry has an effect on this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine gehaltene Beere frisst, stellt es zusätzlich zum Effekt der Beere 1/3 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieser Effekt kann auch nach den Effekten von Käferbiss, Schleuder, Pflücker, Backenstopfer und Teatime aktiviert werden, wenn die gegessene Beere einen Effekt auf dieses Pokémon hatte. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine Beere frisst, stellt es nach dem Effekt der Beere 1/3 seiner maximalen HP wieder her. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.gen7.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine gehaltene Beere frisst, stellt es zusätzlich zum Effekt der Beere 1/3 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieser Effekt kann auch nach den Effekten von Käferbiss, Schleuder und Pflücker aktiviert werden, wenn die verzehrte Beere einen Effekt auf dieses Pokémon hat. Wiehern -showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.desc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und niederschlägt. +showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und KO schlägt. -showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. -showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. -showdown.abilities.clearbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm trägt. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.shortDesc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.gen7.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt. Oberkörper +showdown.abilities.clearbody.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die Statusstufen dieses Pokémon senken. Sieben -showdown.abilities.cloudnine.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. -showdown.abilities.cloudnine.start=The effects of the weather disappeared. +showdown.abilities.cloudnine.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, sind die Auswirkungen der Wetterbedingungen deaktiviert. +showdown.abilities.cloudnine.start=Die Witterungseinflüsse verschwanden. -showdown.abilities.colorchange.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. -showdown.abilities.colorchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of a move it's hit by, unless it has the type. -showdown.abilities.colorchange.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after each hit from a multi-hit move. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.desc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der letzten Attacke, die es getroffen hat, es sei denn, dieser Typ ist bereits einer seiner Typen. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.shortDesc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich in den Typ der Attacke, von der es getroffen wird, es sei denn, es hat diesen Typ. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.gen4.desc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der letzten Attacke, die es getroffen hat, es sei denn, dieser Typ ist bereits einer seiner Typen. Dieser Effekt wird nach jedem Treffer einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung angewendet. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.abilities.comatose.desc=This Pokemon is considered to be asleep and cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. -showdown.abilities.comatose.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be statused, and is considered to be asleep. -showdown.abilities.comatose.start=%s is drowsing! +showdown.abilities.comatose.desc=Dieses Pokémon gilt als schlafend und kann nicht von einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand oder Gähner betroffen werden. +showdown.abilities.comatose.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht mit einem Status versehen werden und gilt als schlafend. +showdown.abilities.comatose.start=%s schläft! -showdown.abilities.commander.desc=If this Pokemon is a Tatsugiri and a Dondozo is an active ally, this Pokemon goes into the Dondozo's mouth. The Dondozo has its Attack, Special Attack, Speed, Defense, and Special Defense raised by 2 stages. During the effect, the Dondozo cannot be switched out, this Pokemon cannot select an action, and attacks targeted at this Pokemon will be avoided but it will still take indirect damage. If this Pokemon faints during the effect, a Pokemon can be switched in as a replacement but the Dondozo remains unable to be switched out. If the Dondozo faints during the effect, this Pokemon regains the ability to select an action. -showdown.abilities.commander.shortDesc=If ally is Dondozo: this Pokemon cannot act or be hit, +2 to all Dondozo's stats. -showdown.abilities.commander.activate=%s was swallowed by %s and became %s's commander! +showdown.abilities.commander.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Tatsugiri ist und ein Dondozo ein aktiver Verbündeter ist, geht dieses Pokémon in den Mund des Dondozo. Beim Dondozo sind Angriff, Spezialangriff, Geschwindigkeit, Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung um 2 Stufen erhöht. Während des Effekts kann der Dondozo nicht ausgewechselt werden, dieses Pokémon kann keine Aktion auswählen und auf dieses Pokémon gerichtete Angriffe werden vermieden, es erleidet aber dennoch indirekten Schaden. Wenn dieses Pokémon während des Effekts ohnmächtig wird, kann ein Pokémon als Ersatz eingewechselt werden, der Dondozo kann jedoch weiterhin nicht ausgewechselt werden. Wenn der Dondozo während des Effekts ohnmächtig wird, erhält dieses Pokémon die Fähigkeit zurück, eine Aktion auszuwählen. +showdown.abilities.commander.shortDesc=Wenn Verbündeter Dondozo ist: Dieses Pokémon kann weder agieren noch getroffen werden, +2 auf alle Werte von Dondozo. +showdown.abilities.commander.activate=%s wurde von %s verschluckt und wurde zum Kommandeur von %s! -showdown.abilities.competitive.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.competitive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. +showdown.abilities.competitive.desc=Der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon wird für jede seiner Statusstufen, die von einem gegnerischen Pokémon gesenkt werden, um 2 Stufen erhöht. +showdown.abilities.competitive.shortDesc=Der Sp. dieses Pokémon Für jeden seiner Werte, der durch einen Gegner gesenkt wird, wird der Angriff um 2 erhöht. -showdown.abilities.compoundeyes.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.compoundeyes.shortDesc=Die Genauigkeit der Attacken dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,3 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.contrary.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. -showdown.abilities.contrary.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Z-Move is used. -showdown.abilities.contrary.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. +showdown.abilities.contrary.shortDesc=Wenn die Statusstufe dieses Pokémon erhöht ist, wird sie stattdessen gesenkt und umgekehrt. +showdown.abilities.contrary.gen7.desc=Wenn die Statusstufe dieses Pokémon erhöht ist, wird sie stattdessen gesenkt und umgekehrt. Diese Fähigkeit wirkt sich nicht auf die Stat-Stufenerhöhungen aus, die durch Z-Power-Effekte erzielt werden, die vor der Verwendung einer Z-Move auftreten. +showdown.abilities.contrary.gen6.desc=Wenn die Statusstufe dieses Pokémon erhöht ist, wird sie stattdessen gesenkt und umgekehrt. -showdown.abilities.corrosion.shortDesc=This Pokemon can poison or badly poison a Pokemon regardless of its typing. +showdown.abilities.corrosion.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann ein Pokémon unabhängig von seinem Typ vergiften oder schwer vergiften. -showdown.abilities.costar.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies all of its ally's stat stage changes. +showdown.abilities.costar.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln kopiert dieses Pokémon alle Statusstufenänderungen seines Verbündeten. -showdown.abilities.cottondown.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field is lowered by 1 stage. -showdown.abilities.cottondown.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit, it lowers the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.cottondown.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon von einem Angriff getroffen wird, wird die Geschwindigkeit aller anderen Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld um 1 Stufe verringert. +showdown.abilities.cottondown.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon getroffen wird, verringert es die Geschwindigkeit aller anderen Pokémon auf der Feldstufe 1.äuer -showdown.abilities.cudchew.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it will eat that Berry again at the end of the next turn. +showdown.abilities.cudchew.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine Beere frisst, frisst es diese Beere am Ende des nächsten Zuges erneut. Arznei -showdown.abilities.curiousmedicine.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's allies have their stat stages reset to 0. +showdown.abilities.curiousmedicine.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln werden die Statusstufen der Verbündeten dieses Pokémon auf 0 zurückgesetzt. -showdown.abilities.cursedbody.desc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled unless one of the attacker's moves is already disabled. -showdown.abilities.cursedbody.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled. +showdown.abilities.cursedbody.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon von einem Angriff getroffen wird, besteht eine Chance von 30 %, dass die Bewegung deaktiviert wird, es sei denn, eine der Attacken des Angreifers ist bereits deaktiviert. +showdown.abilities.cursedbody.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon von einem Angriff getroffen wird, besteht eine Chance von 30 %, dass die Bewegung deaktiviert wird. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.shortDesc=30% chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen4.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.desc=There is a 1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.desc=Es besteht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 30 %, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verliebt wird, wenn es vom anderen Geschlecht ist. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.shortDesc=30 % Chance, Pokémon des anderen Geschlechts zu verlieben, wenn sie Kontakt aufnehmen. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen4.desc=Es besteht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 30 %, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verliebt wird, wenn es vom anderen Geschlecht ist. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.desc=Es besteht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 1/3, dass ein Pokémon, das Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnimmt, verliebt wird, wenn es vom anderen Geschlecht ist. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 Chance, Pokémon des anderen Geschlechts zu verlieben, wenn sie Kontakt aufnehmen. -showdown.abilities.damp.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Misty Explosion, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.damp.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Misty Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while active. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while this Pokemon is active. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while this Pokemon is active. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion and Self-Destruct are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion and Self-Destruct while this Pokemon is active. -showdown.abilities.damp.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.damp.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, werden Explosion, Knallkopf, Weißnebely Explosion, Finale und die Fähigkeit Aftermath daran gehindert, einen Effekt zu erzielen. +showdown.abilities.damp.shortDesc=Verhindert Explosion/Knallkopf/Weißnebely-Explosion/Finale/Nachwirkungen, während es aktiv ist. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, wird verhindert, dass Explosion, Knallkopf, Finale und die Fähigkeit Aftermath einen Effekt haben. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.shortDesc=Verhindert Explosion/Knallkopf/Finale/Nachwirkungen, während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, wird verhindert, dass Explosion, Finale und die Fähigkeit Nachspiel einen Effekt haben. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.shortDesc=Verhindert Explosion/Finale/Nachwirkungen, während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, werden Explosion und Finale daran gehindert, einen Effekt zu erzielen. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.shortDesc=Verhindert Explosion und Finale, während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist. +showdown.abilities.damp.block=%s kann %s nicht verwenden!änzer -showdown.abilities.dancer.desc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. The copied move is subject to all effects that can prevent a move from being executed. A move used through this Ability cannot be copied again by other Pokemon with this Ability. -showdown.abilities.dancer.shortDesc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. +showdown.abilities.dancer.desc=Nachdem ein anderes Pokémon eine Tanzbewegung ausgeführt hat, führt dieses Pokémon dieselbe Bewegung aus. Der kopierte Zug unterliegt allen Auswirkungen, die die Ausführung eines Zuges verhindern können. Eine durch diese Fähigkeit verwendete Bewegung kann nicht erneut von anderen Pokémon mit dieser Fähigkeit kopiert werden. +showdown.abilities.dancer.shortDesc=Nachdem ein anderes Pokémon eine Tanzbewegung ausgeführt hat, führt dieses Pokémon dieselbe Bewegung aus. -showdown.abilities.darkaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Dark-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. -showdown.abilities.darkaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Dark move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. -showdown.abilities.darkaura.start=%s is radiating a dark aura! +showdown.abilities.darkaura.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, wird die Stärke der vom aktiven Pokémon verwendeten Attacken vom Typ Unlicht mit 1,33 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.darkaura.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, hat eine von einem beliebigen Pokémon verwendete Dunkelbewegung die 1,33-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.darkaura.start=%s strahlt eine dunkle Aura aus! Schild -showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. -showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln wird die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon um 1 Stufe erhöht. Einmal pro Kampf. +showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.gen8.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln wird die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon um 1 Stufe erhöht.örper -showdown.abilities.dazzling.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.dazzling.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. -showdown.abilities.dazzling.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.dazzling.desc=Prioritätsattacken gegnerischer Pokémon, die dieses Pokémon oder seine Verbündeten als Ziel haben, haben keine Wirkung. +showdown.abilities.dazzling.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten sind vor gegnerischen Prioritätsattacken geschützt. +showdown.abilities.dazzling.block=%s kann %s nicht verwenden!ächling -showdown.abilities.defeatist.desc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Attack and Special Attack are halved. -showdown.abilities.defeatist.shortDesc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its max HP, its Attack and Sp. Atk are halved. +showdown.abilities.defeatist.desc=Während dieses Pokémon die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat, werden sein Angriff und sein Spezialangriff halbiert. +showdown.abilities.defeatist.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat, sind sein Angriff und seine Sp. Der Angriff wird halbiert. -showdown.abilities.defiant.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.defiant.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. +showdown.abilities.defiant.desc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird für jede seiner Statusstufen, die von einem gegnerischen Pokémon gesenkt werden, um 2 Stufen erhöht. +showdown.abilities.defiant.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird für jeden seiner Werte, der durch einen Gegner verringert wird, um 2 erhöht. -showdown.abilities.deltastream.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Delta Stream, which removes the weaknesses of the Flying type from Flying-type Pokemon. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Desolate Land or Primordial Sea Abilities. -showdown.abilities.deltastream.shortDesc=On switch-in, strong winds begin until this Ability is not active in battle. +showdown.abilities.deltastream.desc=Beim Einschalten wird das Wetter zu Delta Stream, wodurch die Schwächen des Typs Fliegening bei Pokémon vom Typ Fliegening beseitigt werden. Dieses Wetter bleibt in Kraft, bis diese Fähigkeit für kein Pokémon mehr aktiv ist oder das Wetter durch die Fähigkeiten Desolate Land oder Primordial Sea geändert wird. +showdown.abilities.deltastream.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beginnen starke Winde, bis diese Fähigkeit im Kampf nicht mehr aktiv ist. -showdown.abilities.desolateland.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Desolate Land, which includes all the effects of Sunny Day and prevents damaging Water-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Primordial Sea Abilities. -showdown.abilities.desolateland.shortDesc=On switch-in, extremely harsh sunlight begins until this Ability is not active in battle. +showdown.abilities.desolateland.desc=Beim Einschalten wird das Wetter zu Desolate Land, das alle Effekte von Sonnentag beinhaltet und die Ausführung schädlicher Wasser-Attacken verhindert. Dieses Wetter bleibt in Kraft, bis diese Fähigkeit für kein Pokémon mehr aktiv ist oder das Wetter durch die Fähigkeiten Deltastrom oder Urmeer geändert wird. +showdown.abilities.desolateland.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beginnt extrem grelles Sonnenlicht, bis diese Fähigkeit im Kampf nicht mehr aktiv ist.ümspuk -showdown.abilities.disguise.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken, it changes to Busted Form, and it loses 1/8 of its max HP. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. -showdown.abilities.disguise.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) The first hit it takes is blocked, and it takes 1/8 HP damage instead. -showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken and it changes to Busted Form. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. -showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) First hit deals 0 damage, breaks disguise. -showdown.abilities.disguise.block=Its disguise served it as a decoy! -showdown.abilities.disguise.transform=%s's disguise was busted! switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack is raised by 1 stage based on the weaker combined defensive stat of all opposing Pokemon. Attack is raised if their Defense is lower, and Special Attack is raised if their Special Defense is the same or lower. switch-in, Attack or Sp. Atk is raised 1 stage based on the foes' weaker Defense. +showdown.abilities.disguise.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Mimikyu ist, verursacht der erste Treffer, den es im Kampf erleidet, 0 neutralen Schaden. Dann wird seine Tarnung aufgehoben, es verwandelt sich in eine kaputte Form und es verliert 1/8 seiner maximalen HP. Konfusionsschaden bricht auch die Tarnung. +showdown.abilities.disguise.shortDesc=(Nur Mimikyu) Der erste Treffer wird geblockt und erleidet stattdessen 1/8 HP-Schaden. +showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Mimikyu ist, verursacht der erste Treffer, den es im Kampf erleidet, 0 neutralen Schaden. Dann wird seine Tarnung aufgehoben und er verwandelt sich in eine kaputte Form. Konfusionsschaden bricht auch die Tarnung. +showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.shortDesc=(Nur Mimikyu) Der erste Treffer verursacht 0 Schaden und bricht die Tarnung. +showdown.abilities.disguise.block=Seine Verkleidung diente ihm als Lockvogel! +showdown.abilities.disguise.transform=%s' Verkleidung war kaputt! Einwechseln wird der Angriff oder Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon um eine Stufe erhöht, basierend auf dem schwächeren kombinierten Verteidigungswert aller gegnerischen Pokémon. Der Angriff wird erhöht, wenn ihre Verteidigung niedriger ist, und der Spezialangriff wird erhöht, wenn ihre Spezialverteidigung gleich oder niedriger ist. Einschalten, Angriff oder Sp. Der Angriff wird basierend auf der schwächeren Verteidigung des Gegners um eine Stufe erhöht. -showdown.abilities.dragonsmaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Dragon-type attack. +showdown.abilities.dragonsmaw.shortDesc=Der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn es einen Angriff vom Typ Drache ausführt. -showdown.abilities.drizzle.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Rain Dance. +showdown.abilities.drizzle.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beschwört dieses Pokémon Regentanz.ürre -showdown.abilities.drought.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sunny Day. +showdown.abilities.drought.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten ruft dieses Pokémon Sonnentag herbei. -showdown.abilities.dryskin.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. The weather effects are prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.dryskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed 1/4 by Water, 1/8 by Rain; is hurt 1.25x by Fire, 1/8 by Sun. -showdown.abilities.dryskin.gen7.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. -showdown.abilities.dryskin.damage=(%s was hurt by its Dry Skin.) +showdown.abilities.dryskin.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Wasser und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. Die Kraft von Attacken vom Typ Feuer wird mit 1,25 multipliziert, wenn sie bei diesem Pokémon eingesetzt werden. Am Ende jeder Runde stellt dieses Pokémon 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn das Wetter Regentanz ist, und verliert 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet), wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist. Die Wettereffekte werden verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm hält. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon wird zu 1/4 durch Wasser und zu 1/8 durch Regen geheilt; wird 1,25x durch Feuer und 1/8 durch Sonne verletzt. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.gen7.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Wasser und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. Die Kraft von Attacken vom Typ Feuer wird mit 1,25 multipliziert, wenn sie bei diesem Pokémon eingesetzt werden. Am Ende jeder Runde stellt dieses Pokémon 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn das Wetter Regentanz ist, und verliert 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet), wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.damage=(%s wurde durch seine trockene Haut verletzt.)ühwecker -showdown.abilities.earlybird.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sleep counter drops by 2 instead of 1. +showdown.abilities.earlybird.shortDesc=Der Schlafzähler dieses Pokémon sinkt um 2 statt um 1. -showdown.abilities.eartheater.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Ground-type move. -showdown.abilities.eartheater.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Ground moves; Ground immunity. +showdown.abilities.eartheater.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Bodentyp und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Bodentyp getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.eartheater.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es von Bodenattacken getroffen wird; Bodenimmunität. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.shortDesc=30% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.desc=10% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet, gelähmt wird oder einschläft. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.shortDesc=30 % Chance auf Vergiftung/Lähmung/Schlaf bei anderen, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon haben. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet, gelähmt wird oder einschläft. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.desc=10 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet, gelähmt wird oder einschläft. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.shortDesc=10 % Chance auf Gift/Lähmung/Schlaf bei anderen, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon haben. -showdown.abilities.electricsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Electric Terrain. +showdown.abilities.electricsurge.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beschwört dieses Pokémon Elektrofeld. -showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from an attack. -showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! +showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erhält den Ladevorgang-Effekt, wenn es einen Treffer durch einen Angriff einsteckt. +showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.start=Von %s getroffen zu werden, lädt %s mit Energie auf!ückzug -showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. -showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. +showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP hat und Schaden erleidet, der auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP sinkt, wechselt es sofort zu einem ausgewählten Verbündeten. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. Dieser Effekt gilt sowohl für direkten als auch für indirekten Schaden, mit Ausnahme von Fluch- und Delegator-Schaden bei Verwendung, Bauchtrommel, Leidteiler und Verwirrungsschaden. +showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon schaltet aus, wenn es die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP erreicht. -showdown.abilities.fairyaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Fairy-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. -showdown.abilities.fairyaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Fairy move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. -showdown.abilities.fairyaura.start=%s is radiating a fairy aura! +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, wird die Kraft der vom aktiven Pokémon verwendeten Feen-Attacken mit 1,33 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, hat eine Feenbewegung, die von einem beliebigen Pokémon ausgeführt wird, die 1,33-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.start=%s strahlt eine feenhafte Aura aus! -showdown.abilities.filter.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks.örper -showdown.abilities.flamebody.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. -showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. +showdown.abilities.filter.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet 3/4 Schaden durch supereffektive Angriffe.örper +showdown.abilities.flamebody.shortDesc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verbrannt wird. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verbrannt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.desc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verbrannt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verbrannt wird. -showdown.abilities.flareboost.desc=While this Pokemon is burned, the power of its special attacks is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.flareboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is burned, its special attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.flareboost.desc=Während dieses Pokémon verbrannt ist, wird die Kraft seiner Spezialangriffe mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.flareboost.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon verbrannt ist, haben seine Spezialangriffe die 1,5-fache Stärke.änger -showdown.abilities.flashfire.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon is frozen, it cannot be defrosted by Fire-type attacks. -showdown.abilities.flashfire.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Fire attacks do 1.5x damage if hit by one Fire move; Fire immunity. -showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. -showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, is a Fire type, or has a substitute, Will-O-Wisp will not activate this Ability. -showdown.abilities.flashfire.start=The power of %s's Fire-type moves rose! +showdown.abilities.flashfire.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Feuer. Wenn es zum ersten Mal von einer Attacke vom Typ Feuer getroffen wird, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Feuer ausführt, solange es aktiv bleibt und über diese Fähigkeit verfügt. Wenn dieses Pokémon eingefroren ist, kann es nicht durch Angriffe vom Typ Feuer aufgetaut werden. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.shortDesc=Die Feuerangriffe dieses Pokémon verursachen 1,5-fachen Schaden, wenn sie von einer Feuerbewegung getroffen werden. Feuerimmunität. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen4.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Feuer, solange es nicht eingefroren ist. Wenn es zum ersten Mal von einer Bewegung vom Typ Feuer getroffen wird, wird der Schaden seiner Angriffe vom Typ Feuer mit 1,5 multipliziert, solange es aktiv bleibt und über diese Fähigkeit verfügt. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen3.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Feuer, solange es nicht eingefroren ist. Wenn es zum ersten Mal von einer Bewegung vom Typ Feuer getroffen wird, wird der Schaden seiner Angriffe vom Typ Feuer mit 1,5 multipliziert, solange es aktiv bleibt und über diese Fähigkeit verfügt. Wenn dieses Pokémon einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat, vom Typ Feuer ist oder einen Ersatz hat, aktiviert Irrlicht diese Fähigkeit nicht. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.start=Die Kraft der Feuer-Attacken von %s ist gestiegen! -showdown.abilities.flowergift.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.flowergift.shortDesc=If user is Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it and allies' Attack and Sp. Def are 1.5x. -showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, the Attack and Special Defense of this Pokemon and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, Attack and Sp. Def of this Pokemon and its allies are 1.5x. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Cherrim ist und Sonnentag aktiv ist, wechselt es in die Sonnenscheinform und der Angriff und die Spezialverteidigung von ihm und seinen Verbündeten werden mit 1,5 multipliziert. Diese Effekte werden verhindert, wenn das Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm hält. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.shortDesc=Wenn der Benutzer Cherrim ist und Sonnentag aktiv ist, werden der Angriff und die Sp. seiner Verbündeten aktiviert. Def sind 1,5x. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen7.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Cherrim ist und Sonnentag aktiv ist, wechselt es in die Sonnenscheinform und der Angriff und die Spezialverteidigung von ihm und seinen Verbündeten werden mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, werden der Angriff und die Spezialverteidigung dieses Pokémon und seiner Verbündeten mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.shortDesc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, werden Angriff und Sp. aktiviert. Die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon und seiner Verbündeten beträgt 1,5x.ütenhülle -showdown.abilities.flowerveil.desc=Grass-type Pokemon on this Pokemon's side cannot have their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon or have a non-volatile status condition inflicted on them by other Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.flowerveil.shortDesc=This side's Grass types can't have stats lowered or status inflicted by other Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.flowerveil.block=%s surrounded itself with a veil of petals! +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.desc=Pflanzen-Pokémon auf der Seite dieses Pokémon können ihre Statusstufen nicht durch andere Pokémon senken oder ihnen durch andere Pokémon einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand zufügen. +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.shortDesc=Die Werte der Grastypen dieser Seite können nicht durch andere Pokémon gesenkt oder der Status verändert werden. +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.block=%s umgab sich mit einem Schleier aus Blütenblättern! -showdown.abilities.fluffy.desc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from contact moves, but double damage from Fire moves. -showdown.abilities.fluffy.shortDesc=This Pokemon takes 1/2 damage from contact moves, 2x damage from Fire moves. +showdown.abilities.fluffy.desc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet 1/2 Schaden durch Kontaktattacken, aber doppelten Schaden durch Feuerattacken. +showdown.abilities.fluffy.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet 1/2 Schaden durch Kontaktattacken und 2x Schaden durch Feuerattacken. -showdown.abilities.forecast.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella and the weather is Rain Dance or Sunny Day. -showdown.abilities.forecast.shortDesc=Castform's type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. -showdown.abilities.forecast.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.forecast.desc=Wenn es sich bei diesem Pokémon um eine Castform handelt, ändert sich sein Typ in den Typ der aktuellen Wetterlage, mit Ausnahme von Sandsturm. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm trägt und das Wetter Regentanz oder Sonnentag ist. +showdown.abilities.forecast.shortDesc=Der Typ von Castform ändert sich zum Typ der aktuellen Wetterbedingungen, mit Ausnahme von Sandsturm. +showdown.abilities.forecast.gen7.desc=Wenn es sich bei diesem Pokémon um eine Castform handelt, ändert sich sein Typ in den Typ der aktuellen Wetterlage, mit Ausnahme von Sandsturm. -showdown.abilities.forewarn.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power, and non-damaging moves to have 1 power. -showdown.abilities.forewarn.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the foes' move with the highest power. -showdown.abilities.forewarn.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, and every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power. -showdown.abilities.forewarn.activate=%s's %s was revealed! -showdown.abilities.forewarn.activateNoTarget=%s's Forewarn alerted it to %s! +showdown.abilities.forewarn.desc=Beim Einwechseln wird dieses Pokémon zufällig auf die Bewegung mit der höchsten Stärke aufmerksam gemacht, die einem gegnerischen Pokémon bekannt ist. Bei diesem Effekt wird davon ausgegangen, dass OHKO-Attacken eine Stärke von 150 haben, Konter, Spiegelcape und Metallstoß eine Stärke von 120, jede andere Angriffsbewegung mit einer nicht spezifizierten Stärke eine Stärke von 80 und nicht schädliche Attacken eine Stärke. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln wird dieses Pokémon auf die Bewegung des Gegners mit der höchsten Stärke aufmerksam gemacht. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.gen4.desc=Beim Einwechseln wird dieses Pokémon zufällig auf die Bewegung mit der höchsten Stärke aufmerksam gemacht, die einem gegnerischen Pokémon bekannt ist. Dieser Effekt geht davon aus, dass OHKO-Attacken eine Stärke von 150 haben, Konter, Spiegelcape und Metallstoß eine Stärke von 120 und jede andere Angriffsbewegung mit einer nicht angegebenen Stärke eine Stärke von 80 hat. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.activate=%s' %s wurde enthüllt! +showdown.abilities.forewarn.activateNoTarget=Die Vorwarnung von %s hat es auf %s aufmerksam gemacht! -showdown.abilities.friendguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies receive 3/4 damage from other Pokemon's attacks. +showdown.abilities.friendguard.shortDesc=Die Verbündeten dieses Pokémon erleiden 3/4 Schaden durch die Angriffe anderer Pokémon.üffler -showdown.abilities.frisk.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held items of all opposing Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.frisk.gen5.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held item of a random opposing Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.frisk.activate=%s frisked %s and found its %s! -showdown.abilities.frisk.activateNoTarget=%s frisked its target and found one %s! +showdown.abilities.frisk.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln identifiziert dieses Pokémon die gehaltenen Gegenstände aller gegnerischen Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.frisk.gen5.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln identifiziert dieses Pokémon den gehaltenen Gegenstand eines zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.frisk.activate=%s hat %s durchsucht und %s gefunden! +showdown.abilities.frisk.activateNoTarget=%s hat sein Ziel durchsucht und einen %s gefunden! -showdown.abilities.fullmetalbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. +showdown.abilities.fullmetalbody.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die Statusstufen dieses Pokémon senken. -showdown.abilities.furcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is doubled. +showdown.abilities.furcoat.shortDesc=Die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt. -showdown.abilities.galewings.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, its Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. -showdown.abilities.galewings.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.galewings.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle HP hat, wird die Priorität seiner fliegenden Attacken um 1 erhöht. +showdown.abilities.galewings.gen6.shortDesc=Die Priorität der Fliegen-Attacken dieses Pokémon wird um 1 erhöht. -showdown.abilities.galvanize.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.galvanize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.galvanize.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zu Attacken vom Typ Elektro und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,2 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. +showdown.abilities.galvanize.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zum Typ Elektro und haben die 1,2-fache Stärke.öllerei -showdown.abilities.gluttony.desc=When this Pokemon is holding a Berry that usually activates with 1/4 or less of its maximum HP, it is eaten at 1/2 or less of its maximum HP instead. -showdown.abilities.gluttony.shortDesc=This Pokemon eats Berries at 1/2 max HP or less instead of their usual 1/4 max HP. +showdown.abilities.gluttony.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine Beere trägt, die normalerweise mit 1/4 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP aktiviert wird, wird es stattdessen mit 1/2 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP gefressen. +showdown.abilities.gluttony.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon frisst Beeren mit 1/2 max. HP oder weniger statt der üblichen 1/4 max. HP.örper -showdown.abilities.goodasgold.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Status moves. +showdown.abilities.goodasgold.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Statusattacken.ät -showdown.abilities.gooey.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.gooey.shortDesc=Bei Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, wird die Geschwindigkeit um eine Stufe verringert. -showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5, but it can only select the first move it executes. These effects are prevented while this Pokemon is Dynamaxed. -showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. +showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.desc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert, es kann jedoch nur den ersten Zug auswählen, den es ausführt. Diese Effekte werden verhindert, solange dieses Pokémon dynamisiert ist. +showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon beträgt das 1,5-fache, es kann jedoch nur den ersten Zug auswählen, den es ausführt. -showdown.abilities.grasspelt.shortDesc=If Grassy Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Defense is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.grasspelt.shortDesc=Wenn Grasfeld aktiv ist, wird die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.grassysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Grassy Terrain. +showdown.abilities.grassysurge.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln beschwört dieses Pokémon Grasfeld. Wiehern -showdown.abilities.grimneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.grimneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.grimneigh.desc=Der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und ausschaltet. +showdown.abilities.grimneigh.shortDesc=Der Sp. dieses Pokémon Der ANG wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und KO schlägt. -showdown.abilities.guarddog.desc=This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability and raises its Attack by 1 stage instead. This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. -showdown.abilities.guarddog.shortDesc=Immune to Intimidate. Intimidated: +1 Attack. Cannot be forced to switch out. +showdown.abilities.guarddog.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen die Wirkung der Einschüchtern-Fähigkeit und erhöht stattdessen seinen Angriff um 1 Stufe. Dieses Pokémon kann nicht durch den Angriff oder Gegenstand eines anderen Pokémon zum Auswechseln gezwungen werden. +showdown.abilities.guarddog.shortDesc=Immun gegen Einschüchtern. Eingeschüchtert: +1 Angriff. Ein Auswechseln kann nicht erzwungen werden.ürggeschoss -showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cramorant, it changes forme when it hits a target with Surf or uses the first turn of Dive successfully. It becomes Gulping Form with an Arrokuda in its mouth if it has more than 1/2 of its maximum HP remaining, or Gorging Form with a Pikachu in its mouth if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP remaining. If Cramorant gets hit in Gulping or Gorging Form, it spits the Arrokuda or Pikachu at its attacker, even if it has no HP remaining. The projectile deals damage equal to 1/4 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down; this damage is blocked by the Magic Guard Ability but not by a substitute. An Arrokuda also lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage, and a Pikachu paralyzes the target. Cramorant will return to normal if it spits out a projectile, switches out, or Dynamaxes. -showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.shortDesc=When hit after Surf/Dive, attacker takes 1/4 max HP and -1 Defense or paralysis. +showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Cramorant ist, ändert es seine Form, wenn es ein Ziel mit Surfer trifft oder die erste Runde von Taucher erfolgreich nutzt. Es nimmt die Schluckgestalt mit einem Arrokuda im Mund an, wenn es noch mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP übrig hat, oder die Schluckgestalt mit einem Pikachu im Maul, wenn die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP übrig ist. Wenn Cramorant in Schluck- oder Fressform getroffen wird, spuckt es den Arrokuda oder Pikachu auf seinen Angreifer, auch wenn es keine HP mehr übrig hat. Das Projektil verursacht Schaden in Höhe von 1/4 der maximalen HP des Ziels, abgerundet; Dieser Schaden wird durch die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz geblockt, jedoch nicht durch einen Ersatz. Ein Arrokuda senkt außerdem die Verteidigung des Ziels um eine Stufe und ein Pikachu lähmt das Ziel. Cramorant kehrt zum Normalzustand zurück, wenn es ein Projektil ausspuckt, ausschaltet oder Dynamaxe auslöst. +showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.shortDesc=Bei einem Treffer nach Surfer/Taucher erleidet der Angreifer 1/4 max. HP und -1 Verteidigung oder Lähmung. -showdown.abilities.guts.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Attack is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon's physical attacks ignore the burn effect of halving damage. -showdown.abilities.guts.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Attack is 1.5x; ignores burn halving physical damage. +showdown.abilities.guts.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat, wird sein Angriff mit 1,5 multipliziert. Die physischen Angriffe dieses Pokémon ignorieren den Verbrennungseffekt der Schadenshalbierung. +showdown.abilities.guts.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon den Status hat, beträgt sein Angriff das 1,5-fache; ignoriert den physischen Schaden, der Verbrennungen halbiert. -showdown.abilities.hadronengine.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Electric Terrain. During Electric Terrain, Sp. Atk is 1.3333x. -showdown.abilities.hadronengine.start=%s turned the ground into Electric Terrain, energizing its futuristic engine! -showdown.abilities.hadronengine.activate=%s used the Electric Terrain to energize its futuristic engine! +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten ruft Elektrofeld herbei. Während Elektrofeld, Sp. z o.o. Die Atk beträgt 1,3333x. +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.start=%s verwandelte den Boden in Elektrofeld und aktivierte seinen futuristischen Motor! +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.activate=%s nutzte das Elektrofeld, um seinen futuristischen Motor anzutreiben! Ernte -showdown.abilities.harvest.desc=If the last item this Pokemon used is a Berry, there is a 50% chance it gets restored at the end of each turn. If Sunny Day is active, this chance is 100%. -showdown.abilities.harvest.shortDesc=If last item used is a Berry, 50% chance to restore it each end of turn. 100% in Sun. -showdown.abilities.harvest.addItem=%s harvested one %s! +showdown.abilities.harvest.desc=Wenn der letzte Gegenstand, den dieses Pokémon verwendet hat, eine Beere ist, besteht eine Chance von 50 %, dass sie am Ende jeder Runde wiederhergestellt wird. Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, beträgt diese Chance 100 %. +showdown.abilities.harvest.shortDesc=Wenn der letzte verwendete Gegenstand eine Beere ist, besteht eine Chance von 50 %, sie an jedem Ende des Zuges wiederherzustellen. 100 % in der Sonne. +showdown.abilities.harvest.addItem=%s hat einen %s geerntet! -showdown.abilities.healer.desc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.healer.shortDesc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.desc=30% chance each of this Pokemon's adjacent allies has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.shortDesc=30% chance each adjacent ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.healer.desc=30 % Chance, dass der nichtflüchtige Statuszustand des Verbündeten dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde geheilt wird. +showdown.abilities.healer.shortDesc=30 % Chance, dass der Status des Verbündeten dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde geheilt wird. +showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.desc=30 % Chance, dass der nichtflüchtige Statuszustand jedes benachbarten Verbündeten dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde geheilt wird. +showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.shortDesc=30 % Chance, dass der Status jedes benachbarten Verbündeten am Ende jeder Runde geheilt wird. -showdown.abilities.heatproof.desc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. This Pokemon takes half of the usual burn damage, rounded down. -showdown.abilities.heatproof.shortDesc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved; burn damage halved. +showdown.abilities.heatproof.desc=Die Stärke von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer gegen dieses Pokémon wird halbiert. Dieses Pokémon erleidet die Hälfte des üblichen Brandschadens, abgerundet. +showdown.abilities.heatproof.shortDesc=Die Stärke von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer gegen dieses Pokémon wird halbiert; Brandschaden halbiert. -showdown.abilities.heavymetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. -showdown.abilities.heavymetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. +showdown.abilities.heavymetal.desc=Das Gewicht dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt. Dieser Effekt wird nach dem Effekt von Autotomie und vor dem Effekt von Float Stone berechnet. +showdown.abilities.heavymetal.shortDesc=Das Gewicht dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt. -showdown.abilities.honeygather.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.honeygather.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. -showdown.abilities.hugepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. +showdown.abilities.hugepower.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt.ßhunger -showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.desc=If this Pokemon is a Morpeko, it changes formes between its Full Belly Mode and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.shortDesc=If Morpeko, it changes between Full Belly and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Morpeko ist, wechselt es am Ende jeder Runde seine Form zwischen seinem Vollbauch-Modus und seinem Hangry-Modus. +showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.shortDesc=Wenn es sich um Morpeko handelt, wechselt es am Ende jeder Runde zwischen dem Vollbauch- und dem Hangry-Modus.Übereifer -showdown.abilities.hustle.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and the accuracy of its physical attacks is multiplied by 0.8. -showdown.abilities.hustle.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x and accuracy of its physical attacks is 0.8x. -showdown.abilities.hydration.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.hydration.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its status cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. -showdown.abilities.hydration.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. +showdown.abilities.hustle.desc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert und die Genauigkeit seiner physischen Angriffe wird mit 0,8 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.hustle.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon beträgt das 1,5-fache und die Genauigkeit seiner physischen Angriffe beträgt das 0,8-fache.üssigkeitszufuhr +showdown.abilities.hydration.desc=Der nichtflüchtige Statuszustand dieses Pokémon wird am Ende jeder Runde geheilt, wenn Regentanz aktiv ist. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm trägt. +showdown.abilities.hydration.shortDesc=Der Status dieses Pokémon wird am Ende jeder Runde geheilt, wenn Regentanz aktiv ist. +showdown.abilities.hydration.gen7.desc=Der nichtflüchtige Statuszustand dieses Pokémon wird am Ende jeder Runde geheilt, wenn Regentanz aktiv ist. -showdown.abilities.hypercutter.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Attack stat stage. +showdown.abilities.hypercutter.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die Angriffsstatistikstufe dieses Pokémon senken. -showdown.abilities.icebody.desc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.icebody.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. -showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. -showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn; immunity to Hail. +showdown.abilities.icebody.desc=Wenn Snow aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. +showdown.abilities.icebody.shortDesc=Wenn Snow aktiv ist, heilt dieses Pokémon in jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.desc=Wenn Hagelsturm aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieses Pokémon erleidet keinen Schaden durch Hagelsturm. +showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.shortDesc=Wenn Hagelsturm aktiv ist, heilt dieses Pokémon in jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP; Immunität gegen Hagelsturm.ühlkopf -showdown.abilities.iceface.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Snow begins or when Eiscue switches in while Snow is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. -showdown.abilities.iceface.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. Effect is restored in Snow. -showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Hail begins or when Eiscue switches in while Hail is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. -showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. This effect is restored in Hail. +showdown.abilities.iceface.desc=Wenn es sich bei diesem Pokémon um ein Eiscue handelt, verursacht der erste physische Treffer, den es im Kampf erleidet, 0 neutralen Schaden. Seine Eisfläche wird dann gebrochen und es ändert seine Form in Noice Face. Eiscue erhält seine Eisgesichtsform zurück, wenn Schnee beginnt oder wenn Eiscue einschaltet, während Schnee aktiv ist. Konfusionsschaden durchbricht auch die Eisfläche. +showdown.abilities.iceface.shortDesc=Bei Eiscue verursacht der erste physische Treffer, den es erleidet, 0 Schaden. Der Effekt wird im Schnee wiederhergestellt. +showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.desc=Wenn es sich bei diesem Pokémon um ein Eiscue handelt, verursacht der erste physische Treffer, den es im Kampf erleidet, 0 neutralen Schaden. Seine Eisfläche wird dann gebrochen und es ändert seine Form in Noice Face. Eiscue erhält seine Eisgesichtsform zurück, wenn Hagelsturm beginnt oder wenn Eiscue einschaltet, während Hagelsturm aktiv ist. Konfusionsschaden durchbricht auch die Eisfläche. +showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.shortDesc=Bei Eiscue verursacht der erste physische Treffer, den es erleidet, 0 Schaden. Dieser Effekt wird im Hagelsturm wiederhergestellt.ügelstaub -showdown.abilities.icescales.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from special attacks. +showdown.abilities.icescales.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet durch Spezialangriffe 1/2 Schaden. -showdown.abilities.illuminate.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.illuminate.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. -showdown.abilities.illusion.desc=When this Pokemon switches in, it appears as the last unfainted Pokemon in its party until it takes direct damage from another Pokemon's attack. This Pokemon's actual level and HP are displayed instead of those of the mimicked Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.illusion.shortDesc=This Pokemon appears as the last Pokemon in the party until it takes direct damage. -showdown.abilities.illusion.end=%s's illusion wore off! +showdown.abilities.illusion.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einwechselt, erscheint es als letztes nicht ohnmächtiges Pokémon in seiner Gruppe, bis es durch den Angriff eines anderen Pokémon direkten Schaden erleidet. Das tatsächliche Level und die HP dieses Pokémon werden anstelle der des nachgeahmten Pokémon angezeigt. +showdown.abilities.illusion.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erscheint als letztes Pokémon in der Gruppe, bis es direkten Schaden erleidet. +showdown.abilities.illusion.end=Die Illusion von %s hat nachgelassen!ät -showdown.abilities.immunity.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while poisoned cures it. +showdown.abilities.immunity.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht vergiftet werden. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man vergiftet ist, wird sie geheilt.änger -showdown.abilities.imposter.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. If there is no Pokemon at that position, this Pokemon does not Transform. -showdown.abilities.imposter.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. +showdown.abilities.imposter.desc=Beim Einwechseln verwandelt sich dieses Pokémon in das gegnerische Pokémon, das ihm gegenübersteht. Wenn sich an dieser Position kein Pokémon befindet, führt dieses Pokémon keinen Wandler durch. +showdown.abilities.imposter.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln verwandelt sich dieses Pokémon in das gegnerische Pokémon, das ihm gegenübersteht. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, and Aurora Veil. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and foe's Reflect/Light Screen/Safeguard/Mist/Aurora Veil. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon ignorieren Ersatzspieler und Reflektor, Lichtschild, Leibwächter, Weißnebel und Auroraschleier der gegnerischen Seite. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.shortDesc=Attacken ignorieren Ersatzspieler und Reflektor/Lichtschild/Bodyguard/Weißnebel/Auroraschleier des Gegners. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon ignorieren Ersatzspieler und Reflektor, Lichtschild, Leibwächter und Weißnebel der gegnerischen Seite. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.shortDesc=Attacken ignorieren Ersatzspieler und Reflektor, Lichtschild, Leibwächter und Weißnebel des Gegners. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon ignorieren Reflektor, Lichtschild, Leibwächter und Weißnebel der gegnerischen Seite. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon ignorieren Reflektor, Lichtschild, Leibwächter und Weißnebel des Gegners. -showdown.abilities.innardsout.desc=If this Pokemon is knocked out with a move, that move's user loses HP equal to the amount of damage inflicted on this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.innardsout.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is KOed with a move, that move's user loses an equal amount of HP. -showdown.abilities.innardsout.damage=%s was hurt! +showdown.abilities.innardsout.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon durch eine Attacke ausgeschaltet wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Attacke HP in Höhe des Schadens, der diesem Pokémon zugefügt wurde. +showdown.abilities.innardsout.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mit einer Attacke KO besiegt wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Attacke die gleiche Menge an HP. +showdown.abilities.innardsout.damage=%s war verletzt! -showdown.abilities.innerfocus.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. -showdown.abilities.innerfocus.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. Immune to Intimidate. -showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. -showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. -showdown.abilities.insomnia.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon with the Inner Focus, Oblivious, Own Tempo, or Scrappy Abilities and Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of adjacent opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of adjacent opponents by 1 stage. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. If U-turn breaks an opposing substitute and this Pokemon switches in as the replacement, the Pokemon that had the substitute is still immune to this Ability. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht zum Zucken gebracht werden. Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen die Wirkung der Einschüchtern-Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht zum Zucken gebracht werden. Immun gegen Einschüchtern. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht zum Zucken gebracht werden. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht zum Zucken gebracht werden. +showdown.abilities.insomnia.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht einschlafen. Das Erlangen dieser Fähigkeit im Schlaf heilt sie. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.desc=Beim Einwechseln verringert dieses Pokémon den Angriff des gegnerischen Pokémon um 1 Stufe. Pokémon mit den Fähigkeiten Innerer Fokus, Ahnungslos, Eigenes Tempo oder Rauferei sowie Pokémon hinter einem Ersatz sind immun. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln verringert dieses Pokémon den Angriff der Gegner um eine Stufe. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen7.desc=Beim Einwechseln verringert dieses Pokémon den Angriff des gegnerischen Pokémon um 1 Stufe. Pokémon hinter einem Ersatz sind immun. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.desc=Beim Einwechseln verringert dieses Pokémon den Angriff benachbarter gegnerischer Pokémon um 1 Stufe. Pokémon hinter einem Ersatz sind immun. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln verringert dieses Pokémon den Angriff benachbarter Gegner um 1 Stufe. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.desc=Beim Einwechseln verringert dieses Pokémon den Angriff des gegnerischen Pokémon um 1 Stufe. Pokémon hinter einem Ersatz sind immun. Wenn Kehrtwende einen gegnerischen Ersatz bricht und dieses Pokémon als Ersatz einwechselt, ist das Pokémon, das den Ersatz hatte, immer noch immun gegen diese Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln verringert dieses Pokémon den Angriff der Gegner um eine Stufe. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen3.desc=Beim Einwechseln verringert dieses Pokémon den Angriff des gegnerischen Pokémon um 1 Stufe. Pokémon hinter einem Ersatz sind immun.ühnes Schwert -showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. -showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln wird der Angriff dieses Pokémon um eine Stufe erhöht. Einmal pro Kampf. +showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.gen8.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln wird der Angriff dieses Pokémon um eine Stufe erhöht. -showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. -showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.damage=%s was hurt! +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.shortDesc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP. +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.damage=%s war verletzt! -showdown.abilities.ironfist.desc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.2. -showdown.abilities.ironfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have 1.2x power. Sucker Punch is not boosted. +showdown.abilities.ironfist.desc=Die Stärke der schlagbasierten Angriffe dieses Pokémon wird mit dem Faktor 1,2 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.ironfist.shortDesc=Die schlagbasierten Angriffe dieses Pokémon haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Tiefschlag wird nicht verstärkt. -showdown.abilities.justified.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a Dark-type move. +showdown.abilities.justified.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um 1 Stufe erhöht, nachdem es durch eine Attacke vom Typ Unlicht Schaden erlitten hat. -showdown.abilities.keeneye.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. This Pokemon ignores a target's evasiveness stat stage. -showdown.abilities.keeneye.shortDesc=This Pokemon's accuracy can't be lowered by others; ignores their evasiveness stat. -showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. -showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. -showdown.abilities.klutz.desc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect. This Pokemon cannot use Fling successfully. Macho Brace, Power Anklet, Power Band, Power Belt, Power Bracer, Power Lens, and Power Weight still have their effects. -showdown.abilities.klutz.shortDesc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect, except Macho Brace. Fling cannot be used. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.desc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die Genauigkeitsstufe dieses Pokémon verringern. Dieses Pokémon ignoriert die Ausweichstatusstufe eines Ziels. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.shortDesc=Die Genauigkeit dieses Pokémon kann nicht durch andere verringert werden; ignoriert ihren Ausweichwert. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die Genauigkeitsstufe dieses Pokémon verringern. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die Genauigkeitsstufe dieses Pokémon verringern. +showdown.abilities.klutz.desc=Der gehaltene Gegenstand dieses Pokémon hat keine Wirkung. Dieses Pokémon kann Schleuder nicht erfolgreich einsetzen. Macho Brace, Power Anklet, Power Band, Power Belt, Power Bracer, Power Lens und Power Weight haben weiterhin ihre Wirkung. +showdown.abilities.klutz.shortDesc=Der gehaltene Gegenstand dieses Pokémon hat keine Wirkung, außer Macho Brace. Schleuder kann nicht verwendet werden. -showdown.abilities.leafguard.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.leafguard.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused and Rest will fail for it. -showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. -showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, but can use Rest normally. -showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused, but Rest works normally. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, kann dieses Pokémon nicht von einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand oder Gähner betroffen werden und Erholung wird dafür fehlschlagen. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm trägt. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.shortDesc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, kann dieses Pokémon nicht in den Status gesetzt werden und Erholung schlägt für es fehl. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen7.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, kann dieses Pokémon nicht von einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand oder Gähner betroffen werden und Erholung wird dafür fehlschlagen. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, kann dieses Pokémon nicht von einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand oder Gähner betroffen werden, kann aber Erholung normal nutzen. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.shortDesc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, kann dieses Pokémon nicht in den Status gesetzt werden, aber Erholung funktioniert normal. -showdown.abilities.levitate.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. Thousand Arrows can hit this Pokemon as if it did not have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.levitate.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it. -showdown.abilities.levitate.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. -showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. -showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Iron Ball nullify it. -showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes and the Arena Trap Ability. -showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground. +showdown.abilities.levitate.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Klebenetz und der Fähigkeit Arenafalle. Die Effekte von Erdanziehung, Verwurzler, Katapult, Tausend Pfeile und Iron Ball heben die Immunität auf. Tausend Pfeile können dieses Pokémon treffen, als ob es diese Fähigkeit nicht hätte. +showdown.abilities.levitate.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Boden; Erdanziehung/Verwurzler/Katapult/Eisenball machen es zunichte. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen5.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und der Fähigkeit Arenafalle. Die Effekte von Erdanziehung, Verwurzler, Katapult und Eisenball heben die Immunität auf. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und der Fähigkeit Arenafalle. Die Auswirkungen von Erdanziehung, Verwurzler und Iron Ball heben die Immunität auf. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Boden; Erdanziehung/Verwurzler/Iron Ball machen es zunichte. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler und der Arena-Falle-Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Boden. -showdown.abilities.libero.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. -showdown.abilities.libero.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. -showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. -showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. +showdown.abilities.libero.desc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der Attacke, die es ausführen wird. Dieser Effekt kommt nach allen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern. Dieser Effekt kann nur einmal pro Wechsel auftreten und nur, wenn dieses Pokémon nicht Terastallisiert ist. +showdown.abilities.libero.shortDesc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich je nach Art der Attacke, die es verwendet. Einmal pro Einschaltung. +showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.desc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der Attacke, die es ausführen wird. Dieser Effekt kommt nach allen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern. +showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.shortDesc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der Attacke, die es ausführen wird. -showdown.abilities.lightmetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is halved, rounded down to a tenth of a kilogram. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. A Pokemon's weight will not drop below 0.1 kg. -showdown.abilities.lightmetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is halved. +showdown.abilities.lightmetal.desc=Das Gewicht dieses Pokémon wird halbiert und auf ein Zehntel Kilogramm abgerundet. Dieser Effekt wird nach dem Effekt von Autotomie und vor dem Effekt von Float Stone berechnet. Das Gewicht eines Pokémon sinkt nicht unter 0,1 kg. +showdown.abilities.lightmetal.shortDesc=Das Gewicht dieses Pokémon wird halbiert.änger -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Electric moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Electric immunity. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Electric moves to itself. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by an opposing Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. This effect considers Hidden Power a Normal-type move. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Electric moves used by opponents to itself. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.activate=%s took the attack! +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Elektro-Attacken und erhöht seinen Spezialangriff um eine Stufe, wenn es von einer Elektro-Attacke getroffen wird. Wenn dieses Pokémon nicht das Ziel einer elektrischen Einzelziel-Attacke eines anderen Pokémon ist, leitet dieses Pokémon diese Attacke auf sich selbst um, wenn es sich innerhalb der Reichweite dieser Attacke befindet. Wenn mehrere Pokémon mit dieser Fähigkeit umleiten könnten, geht es an dasjenige mit der höchsten Geschwindigkeit, oder im Falle eines Gleichstands an dasjenige, bei dem diese Fähigkeit länger aktiv war. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon zieht Elektroattacken zu sich, um Sp zu erhöhen. Angriff um 1; Elektrische Immunität. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon nicht das Ziel einer Einzelziel-Attacke vom Typ Elektro ist, die von einem anderen Pokémon genutzt wird, leitet dieses Pokémon diese Attacke auf sich selbst um. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon zieht Einzelziel-Elektro-Attacken auf sich. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon nicht das Ziel einer elektrischen Einzelziel-Attacke eines gegnerischen Pokémon ist, leitet dieses Pokémon diese Attacke auf sich selbst um. Dieser Effekt betrachtet Kraftreserve als eine Bewegung vom Typ Normal. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon zieht elektrische Einzelziel-Attacken, die von Gegnern verwendet werden, auf sich. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.activate=%s hat den Angriff abgewehrt!ät -showdown.abilities.limber.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be paralyzed. Gaining this Ability while paralyzed cures it. +showdown.abilities.limber.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht gelähmt werden. Der Erwerb dieser Fähigkeit im gelähmten Zustand heilt sie. -showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Lingering Aroma. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Lingering Aroma, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. -showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon has the attacker's Ability become Lingering Aroma. -showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.changeAbility=A lingering aroma clings to %s! +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit zu Verweilender Duft geändert. Betrifft nicht Pokémon mit As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Lingering Aroma, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthese, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down , Haltungswechsel, Zen-Modus oder Null-zu-Helden-Fähigkeiten. +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.shortDesc=Durch den Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon wird die Fähigkeit des Angreifers zu Lingering Aroma. +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.changeAbility=Ein anhaltender Duft haftet %s an!ße -showdown.abilities.liquidooze.shortDesc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. -showdown.abilities.liquidooze.gen4.desc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. This effect does not consider Dream Eater. -showdown.abilities.liquidooze.damage=%s sucked up the liquid ooze! +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon fügt denjenigen, die ihm HP entziehen, so viel Schaden zu, wie sie heilen würden. +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.gen4.desc=Dieses Pokémon fügt denjenigen, die ihm HP entziehen, so viel Schaden zu, wie sie heilen würden. Dieser Effekt berücksichtigt keinen Traumfresser. +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.damage=%s hat den Flüssigkeitsschlamm aufgesaugt!ätscherstimme -showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water-type moves. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water type. +showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.desc=Die geräuschbasierten Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zu Attacken vom Typ Wasser. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. +showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.shortDesc=Die geräuschbasierten Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zum Typ Wasser. -showdown.abilities.longreach.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do not make contact with the target. +showdown.abilities.longreach.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon haben keinen Kontakt mit dem Ziel. -showdown.abilities.magicbounce.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. -showdown.abilities.magicbounce.shortDesc=This Pokemon blocks certain Status moves and bounces them back to the user. -showdown.abilities.magicbounce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. -showdown.abilities.magicbounce.move=%s bounced the %s back! +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist von bestimmten, auf es gerichteten, nicht schädlichen Attacken nicht betroffen und wird diese Attacken stattdessen gegen den ursprünglichen Benutzer einsetzen. Auf diese Weise reflektierte Attacken können weder durch diesen noch durch den Magiemantel-Effekt erneut reflektiert werden. Stachler, Tarnsteine, Klebenetz und Toxin Stachler können nur einmal pro Seite reflektiert werden, und zwar vom ganz linken Pokémon unter diesem oder Magiemantels Effekt. Die Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter und Storm Drain lenken ihre jeweiligen Attacken um, bevor diese Fähigkeit wirksam wird. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon blockiert bestimmte Statusattacken und gibt sie an den Benutzer zurück. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.gen5.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist von bestimmten, auf es gerichteten, nicht schädlichen Attacken nicht betroffen und wird diese Attacken stattdessen gegen den ursprünglichen Benutzer einsetzen. Auf diese Weise reflektierte Attacken können weder durch diesen noch durch den Magiemantel-Effekt erneut reflektiert werden. Stachler, Tarnsteine und Toxin Stachler können nur einmal pro Seite reflektiert werden, und zwar vom ganz linken Pokémon unter diesem oder Magiemantels Effekt. Die Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter und Storm Drain lenken ihre jeweiligen Attacken um, bevor diese Fähigkeit wirksam wird. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.move=%s hat den %s zurückgeworfen! -showdown.abilities.magicguard.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. -showdown.abilities.magicguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. -showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. This Pokemon cannot be prevented from moving because of paralysis, and is unaffected by Toxic Spikes on switch-in. -showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks, and can't be fully paralyzed. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann nur durch direkte Angriffe beschädigt werden. Fluch- und Delegator-Einsatz, Bauchtrommel-, Leidteiler-, Verzweifler-Rückstoß- und Verwirrungsschaden gelten als direkter Schaden. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nur durch direkte Angriffe beschädigt werden. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann nur durch direkte Angriffe beschädigt werden. Fluch- und Delegator-Einsatz, Bauchtrommel-, Leidteiler-, Verzweifler-Rückstoß- und Verwirrungsschaden gelten als direkter Schaden. Dieses Pokémon kann aufgrund einer Lähmung nicht an der Bewegung gehindert werden und ist beim Einwechseln nicht von Toxin Stachler betroffen. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nur durch direkte Angriffe beschädigt werden und kann nicht vollständig gelähmt werden. -showdown.abilities.magician.desc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. Does not affect Doom Desire and Future Sight. -showdown.abilities.magician.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. +showdown.abilities.magician.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon keinen Gegenstand hat, stiehlt es den Gegenstand von einem Pokémon, das es mit einem Angriff trifft. Hat keinen Einfluss auf Kismetwunsch und Seher. +showdown.abilities.magician.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon keinen Gegenstand hat, stiehlt es den Gegenstand von einem Pokémon, das es mit einem Angriff trifft. -showdown.abilities.magmaarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be frozen. Gaining this Ability while frozen cures it. +showdown.abilities.magmaarmor.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht eingefroren werden. Das Erlangen dieser Fähigkeit im eingefrorenen Zustand heilt sie. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.desc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.desc=Verhindert, dass sich gegnerische Pokémon vom Typ Stahl für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie tragen eine Schuppenhülle oder sind vom Typ Geist. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass gegnerische Pokémon vom Typ Stahl wechseln. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.desc=Verhindert, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon vom Typ Stahl wechseln, es sei denn, sie tragen eine Schuppenhülle oder sind vom Typ Geist. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon vom Typ Stahl wechseln. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon vom Typ Stahl wechseln, es sei denn, sie halten eine Schuppenhülle in der Hand. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon vom Typ Stahl wechseln. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass sich gegnerische Pokémon vom Typ Stahl für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie tragen eine Schuppenhülle. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass gegnerische Pokémon vom Typ Stahl wechseln. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.desc=Verhindert, dass Pokémon vom Typ Stahl außer diesem Pokémon wechseln. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass Pokémon vom Typ Stahl außer diesem Pokémon wechseln. -showdown.abilities.marvelscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Defense is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.marvelscale.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat, wird seine Verteidigung mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.megalauncher.desc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. Heal Pulse restores 3/4 of a target's maximum HP, rounded half down. -showdown.abilities.megalauncher.shortDesc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have 1.5x power. Heal Pulse heals 3/4 target's max HP. +showdown.abilities.megalauncher.desc=Die Kraft der Impulsattacken dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert. Heilwoge stellt 3/4 der maximalen HP eines Ziels wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.abilities.megalauncher.shortDesc=Die Impulsattacken dieses Pokémon haben die 1,5-fache Kraft. Heilwoge heilt 3/4 der maximalen HP des Ziels.älerei -showdown.abilities.merciless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks are critical hits if the target is poisoned. +showdown.abilities.merciless.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon sind kritische Treffer, wenn das Ziel vergiftet ist. -showdown.abilities.mimicry.desc=This Pokemon's types change to match the active Terrain when this Pokemon acquires this Ability, or whenever a Terrain begins. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. If this Ability is acquired without an active Terrain, or a Terrain ends, this Pokemon's types become the original types for its species. -showdown.abilities.mimicry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's types change to match the Terrain. Type reverts when Terrain ends. -showdown.abilities.mimicry.activate=%s returned to its original type! +showdown.abilities.mimicry.desc=Die Typen dieses Pokémon ändern sich entsprechend dem aktiven Gelände, wenn dieses Pokémon diese Fähigkeit erlangt oder wann immer ein Gelände beginnt. Elektrischer Typ während Elektrofeld, Grastyp während Grasfeld, Feentyp während Weißnebely Terrain und Psychokinese Typ während Psychokinese Terrain. Wenn diese Fähigkeit ohne aktives Gelände erworben wird oder ein Gelände endet, werden die Typen dieses Pokémon zu den ursprünglichen Typen seiner Art. +showdown.abilities.mimicry.shortDesc=Die Typen dieses Pokémon ändern sich entsprechend dem Gelände. Der Typ wird zurückgesetzt, wenn Terrain endet. +showdown.abilities.mimicry.activate=%s ist zu seinem ursprünglichen Typ zurückgekehrt! -showdown.abilities.minus.desc=If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.minus.shortDesc=If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. -showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.desc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.shortDesc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. -showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.desc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.shortDesc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. +showdown.abilities.minus.desc=Wenn ein aktiver Verbündeter über diese Fähigkeit oder die Plus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.minus.shortDesc=Wenn ein aktiver Verbündeter diese Fähigkeit oder die Plus-Fähigkeit besitzt, wird die SP dieses Pokémon erhöht. Der Angriff beträgt 1,5x. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.desc=Wenn ein aktiver Verbündeter über die Plus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.shortDesc=Wenn ein aktiver Verbündeter über die Plus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird die SP dieses Pokémon erhöht. Der Angriff beträgt 1,5x. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.desc=Wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Plus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.shortDesc=Wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Plus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird die SP dieses Pokémon erhöht. Der Angriff beträgt 1,5x.üstung -showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered by another Pokemon, that Pokemon's stat stage is lowered instead. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon's stat stage was already -6. If the other Pokemon has a substitute, neither Pokemon has its stat stage lowered. -showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.shortDesc=If this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered, the attacker's are lowered instead. +showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.desc=Wenn die Statusstufe eines Pokémon durch ein anderes Pokémon herabgesetzt würde, wird stattdessen die Statusstufe dieses Pokémon herabgesetzt. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn die Statusstufe dieses Pokémon bereits -6 war. Wenn das andere Pokémon einen Ersatz hat, wird die Statusstufe keines Pokémon gesenkt. +showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.shortDesc=Wenn die Statusstufen dieses Pokémon gesenkt würden, werden stattdessen die Werte des Angreifers gesenkt. -showdown.abilities.mistysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Misty Terrain. +showdown.abilities.mistysurge.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beschwört dieses Pokémon Weißnebely Terrain.Überbrückung -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Clear Body, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Heatproof, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, and Wonder Guard. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move. The Attack modifier from an ally's Flower Gift Ability is not negated. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.start=%s breaks the mold! +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Aromaschleier, Aurabruch, Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Kugelsicher, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Blendend, Verkleidung, Trockene Haut, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Blumenschleier, Flauschig, Freundschutz , Pelzmantel, Grasfell, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyper Zerschneiderter, Eisgesicht, Eisschuppen, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfes Auge, Blattschutz, Schweben, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Geschmeidigkeit, Magische Sprungfeder, Magmarüstung, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Halten, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe, Süßer Schleier, Verhedderte Füße, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserspeck, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.shortDesc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen7.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Aromaschleier, Aurabruch, Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Kugelsicher, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Dunkle Aura, Blendend, Verkleidung, Trockene Haut, Feenaura, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Blume Schleier, Flauschig, Freundesschutz, Pelzmantel, Grasfell, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyperzerschneiderter, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfes Auge, Blattschutz, Schweben, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Geschmeidigkeit, Magische Sprungfeder, Magmarüstung, Marvel-Skala, Motorantrieb, Multiskalen, Oblivious, Mantel, Eigenes Tempo, Königliche Majestät, Sandschleier, Saftsauger, Muschelrüstung, Schildstaub, Einfach, Schneeumhang, Fester Stein, Schalldicht, Klebriger Halt, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe , Süßer Schleier, Wirrwarr, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserspeck, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen6.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Aromaschleier, Aurabruch, Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Kugelsicher, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Dunkle Aura, Trockene Haut, Feenaura, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Blumenschleier, Freundesschutz , Pelzmantel, Grasfell, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyper Zerschneiderter, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfes Auge, Blattschutz, Schweben, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Geschmeidigkeit, Magische Sprungfeder, Magma-Rüstung, Marvel-Schuppe, Motorantrieb, Multiscale, Ahnungslos, Mantel, Eigenes Tempo, Sandschleier, Saftsauger, Muschelrüstung, Schildstaub, Einfach, Schneeumhang, Fester Fels, Schalldicht, Klebriger Halt, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe, Süßer Schleier, Verwickelte Füße, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen5.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Trockene Haut, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Freundschutz, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyper Zerschneiderter, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfsinn Auge, Blattschutz, Levitate, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Limber, Magische Sprungfeder, Magma-Rüstung, Marvel-Schuppe, Motorantrieb, Multiscale, Oblivious, Eigenes Tempo, Sandschleier, Saftsauger, Muschelrüstung, Schildstaub, Einfach, Schneeumhang , Fester Stein, Schalldicht, Klebriger Halt, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe, Verhedderte Füße, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen4.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Kampfrüstung, Klarer Körper, Feucht, Trockene Haut, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Hitzebeständig, Hyperzerschneiderter, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfes Auge, Blattschutz, Schweben, Blitzableiter, Geschmeidigkeit , Magma-Rüstung, Marvel-Skala, Motorantrieb, Oblivious, Eigenes Tempo, Sandschleier, Muschelrüstung, Schildstaub, Einfach, Schneeumhang, Fester Fels, Schalldicht, Klebriger Halt, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe, Wirrwarrfüße, Dickes Fett , Unbewusst, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch und Wunderwächter. Dies betrifft jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht. Der Angriffsmodifikator der Blumengeschenkfähigkeit eines Verbündeten wird nicht negiert. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.start=%s sprengt neue Maßstäbe!ühlswippe -showdown.abilities.moody.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat, other than accuracy or evasiveness, raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.moody.shortDesc=Boosts a random stat (except accuracy/evasion) +2 and another stat -1 every turn. -showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.shortDesc=Raises a random stat by 2 and lowers another stat by 1 at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.moody.desc=Dieses Pokémon hat einen zufälligen Wert, außer Genauigkeit oder Ausweichvermögen, der am Ende jeder Runde um 2 Stufen erhöht und ein weiterer Wert um 1 Stufe gesenkt wird. +showdown.abilities.moody.shortDesc=Erhöht jede Runde einen zufälligen Wert (außer Genauigkeit/Ausweichen) um +2 und einen weiteren Wert um -1. +showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.desc=Dieses Pokémon hat am Ende jeder Runde einen zufälligen Wert, der um 2 Stufen erhöht wird, und einen weiteren, der um 1 Stufe gesenkt wird. +showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.shortDesc=Erhöht am Ende jeder Runde einen zufälligen Wert um 2 und senkt einen anderen Wert um 1. -showdown.abilities.motordrive.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Speed by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. -showdown.abilities.motordrive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by an Electric move; Electric immunity. +showdown.abilities.motordrive.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Elektro-Attacken und erhöht seine Geschwindigkeit um eine Stufe, wenn es von einer Elektro-Attacke getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.motordrive.shortDesc=Die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon wird um 1 Stufe erhöht, wenn es von einer elektrischen Attacke getroffen wird; Elektrische Immunität. -showdown.abilities.moxie.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moxie.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moxie.desc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und niederschlägt. +showdown.abilities.moxie.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und KO schlägt. -showdown.abilities.multiscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. +showdown.abilities.multiscale.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle HP hat, wird der durch Angriffe erlittene Schaden halbiert.ät -showdown.abilities.multitype.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. -showdown.abilities.multitype.gen7.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate or Z-Crystal. -showdown.abilities.multitype.gen6.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. -showdown.abilities.multitype.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack. -showdown.abilities.mummy.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. -showdown.abilities.mummy.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. -showdown.abilities.mummy.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. -showdown.abilities.mummy.gen7.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. -showdown.abilities.mummy.gen6.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype, Mummy, or Stance Change Abilities. -showdown.abilities.mummy.gen5.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype or Mummy Abilities. -showdown.abilities.mummy.changeAbility=%s's Ability became Mummy! +showdown.abilities.multitype.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Arceus ist, ändert sich sein Typ entsprechend der gehaltenen Platte. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen7.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Arceus ist, ändert sich sein Typ entsprechend der gehaltenen Platte oder des Z-Kristalls. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen6.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Arceus ist, ändert sich sein Typ entsprechend der gehaltenen Platte. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen4.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Arceus ist, ändert sich sein Typ entsprechend der gehaltenen Platte. Dieses Pokémon kann seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand nicht durch den Angriff eines anderen Pokémon verlieren. +showdown.abilities.mummy.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit zu Mumie geändert. Betrifft nicht Pokémon mit As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthese, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Haltungswechsel, Zen-Modus oder Null-zu-Helden-Fähigkeiten. +showdown.abilities.mummy.shortDesc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit zu Mumie geändert. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen8.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit zu Mumie geändert. Betrifft nicht Pokémon mit den Fähigkeiten As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS-System, Schooling, Shield Down, Stance Change oder Zen-Modus. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen7.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit zu Mumie geändert. Betrifft nicht Pokémon mit den Fähigkeiten Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change oder Zen Mode. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen6.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit zu Mumie geändert. Betrifft nicht Pokémon mit den Fähigkeiten Multityp, Mumie oder Haltungswechsel. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen5.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit zu Mumie geändert. Betrifft nicht Pokémon mit den Fähigkeiten Multityp oder Mumie. +showdown.abilities.mummy.changeAbility=Die Fähigkeit von %s wurde zu Mama! -showdown.abilities.myceliummight.desc=This Pokemon's Status moves ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon, and go last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves. -showdown.abilities.myceliummight.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves go last in their priority bracket and ignore Abilities. +showdown.abilities.myceliummight.desc=Die Statusattacken dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon und stehen an letzter Stelle unter den Pokémon, die dieselben oder höhere Prioritätsattacken verwenden. +showdown.abilities.myceliummight.shortDesc=Die Statusattacken dieses Pokémon stehen in ihrer Prioritätsgruppe an letzter Stelle und ignorieren Fähigkeiten. Kraft -showdown.abilities.naturalcure.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured when it switches out. -showdown.abilities.naturalcure.activate=(%s is cured by its Natural Cure!) +showdown.abilities.naturalcure.shortDesc=Der nichtflüchtige Statuszustand dieses Pokémon ist behoben, wenn es ausschaltet. +showdown.abilities.naturalcure.activate=(%s wird durch seine natürliche Heilung geheilt!) -showdown.abilities.neuroforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target have their damage multiplied by 1.25. -showdown.abilities.neuroforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.25x damage. +showdown.abilities.neuroforce.desc=Der Schaden der Angriffe dieses Pokémon, die gegen das Ziel äußerst effektiv sind, wird mit 1,25 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.neuroforce.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon, die gegen das Ziel äußerst effektiv sind, verursachen 1,25-fachen Schaden. -showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. Does not affect the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. -showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. -showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.start=Neutralizing gas filled the area! -showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.end=The effects of the neutralizing gas wore off! +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, haben Fähigkeiten keine Wirkung. Diese Fähigkeit wird aktiviert, bevor Gefahren und andere Fähigkeiten wirksam werden. Beeinträchtigt nicht die Fähigkeiten As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shield Down, Stance Change oder Zen-Modus. +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, haben Fähigkeiten keine Wirkung. +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.start=Neutralisierendes Gas füllte den Bereich! +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.end=Die Wirkung des Neutralisierungsgases ließ nach! -showdown.abilities.noguard.shortDesc=Every move used by or against this Pokemon will always hit. +showdown.abilities.noguard.shortDesc=Jede von oder gegen dieses Pokémon ausgeführte Bewegung wird immer treffen. -showdown.abilities.normalize.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. -showdown.abilities.normalize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have 1.2x power. -showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. -showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. -showdown.abilities.normalize.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, except Struggle. +showdown.abilities.normalize.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon werden in den Typ Normal geändert und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,2 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt vor anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern. +showdown.abilities.normalize.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon wurden in den Typ Normal geändert und haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon werden in den normalen Typ geändert. Dieser Effekt kommt vor anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon werden in den normalen Typ geändert. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen4.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon werden in den normalen Typ geändert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die die Art einer Bewegung ändern, außer Verzweifler.ösigkeit -showdown.abilities.oblivious.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Immune to Intimidate. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.desc=Dieses Pokémon lässt sich weder verlieben noch verspotten. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verliebt oder verspottet ist, wird sie geheilt. Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen die Wirkung der Einschüchtern-Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon lässt sich weder verlieben noch verspotten. Immun gegen Einschüchtern. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.desc=Dieses Pokémon lässt sich weder verlieben noch verspotten. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verliebt oder verspottet ist, wird sie geheilt. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon lässt sich weder verlieben noch verspotten. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.desc=Dieses Pokémon lässt sich nicht verlieben. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verliebt ist, wird sie geheilt. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon lässt sich nicht verlieben. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verliebt ist, wird sie geheilt. -showdown.abilities.opportunist.shortDesc=When an opposing Pokemon has a stat stage raised, this Pokemon copies the effect. +showdown.abilities.opportunist.shortDesc=Wenn die Statusstufe eines gegnerischen Pokémon erhöht wird, kopiert dieses Pokémon den Effekt. -showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Sunny Day. During Sunny Day, Attack is 1.3333x. -showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.start=%s turned the sunlight harsh, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! -showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.activate=%s basked in the sunlight, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten ruft er den Sonnentag herbei. Während des Sonnentags beträgt der Angriff 1,3333x. +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.start=%s machte das Sonnenlicht grell und versetzte seinen uralten Puls in Raserei! +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.activate=%s sonnte sich im Sonnenlicht und versetzte seinen uralten Puls in Raserei! -showdown.abilities.overcoat.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. -showdown.abilities.overcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm damage, and Effect Spore. -showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm or Hail, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. -showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm or Hail damage, Effect Spore. -showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. -showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Pulverattacken, Schaden durch Sandsturm und die Effekte von Raserei Pulverschleuder und der Effekt-Pilzsporen-Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Pulverangriffe, Sandsturm-Schaden und Effekt-Pilzsporen. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Pulverattacken, Schaden durch Sandsturm oder Hagelsturm sowie die Effekte von Raserei Pulverschleuder und der Effekt-Pilzsporen-Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Pulverattacken, Sandsturm- oder Hagelsturm-Schaden und wirkt Pilzsporen. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Schaden durch Sandsturm oder Hagelsturm. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Schaden durch Sandsturm oder Hagelsturm.ünger -showdown.abilities.overgrow.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Grass-type attack. -showdown.abilities.overgrow.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Grass attacks. -showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Grass-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Grass-type attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Gras ausführt. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon bei Grasangriffen das 1,5-fache. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Gras-Attacken mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP haben die Gras-Attacken dieses Pokémon das 1,5-fache der Stärke. -showdown.abilities.owntempo.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. -showdown.abilities.owntempo.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Immune to Intimidate. -showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. -showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist nicht zu verwechseln. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verwirrt ist, wird sie geheilt. Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen die Wirkung der Einschüchtern-Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist nicht zu verwechseln. Immun gegen Einschüchtern. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist nicht zu verwechseln. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verwirrt ist, wird sie geheilt. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist nicht zu verwechseln. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Z-Move. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.desc=Die schädlichen Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zu Multi-Hit-Attacken, die zweimal treffen. Beim zweiten Treffer wird der Schaden geviertelt. Betrifft nicht Kismetwunsch, Drachenpfeile, Dynamax-Kanone, Notsituation, Explosion, Wagemut, Schleuder, Seher, Frostbeule, Walzer, Finale, alle Mehrfachtrefferattacken, Attacken mit mehreren Zielen oder Attacken mit zwei Runden. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.shortDesc=Die Schadensattacken dieses Pokémon treffen zweimal. Beim zweiten Treffer wird der Schaden geviertelt. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen8.desc=Die schädlichen Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zu Multi-Hit-Attacken, die zweimal treffen. Beim zweiten Treffer wird der Schaden geviertelt. Betrifft nicht Kismetwunsch, Drachenpfeile, Dynamax-Kanone, Notsituation, Explosion, Wagemut, Schleuder, Seher, Frostbeule, Walzer, Finale, alle Multi-Hit-Moves, alle Moves mit mehreren Zielen, alle Zwei-Runden-Moves oder alle Max-Moves . +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen7.desc=Die schädlichen Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zu Multi-Hit-Attacken, die zweimal treffen. Beim zweiten Treffer wird der Schaden geviertelt. Beeinflusst nicht Kismetwunsch, Notsituation, Explosion, Wagemut, Schleuder, Seher, Frostbeule, Walzer, Finale, alle Multi-Hit-Moves, alle Moves mit mehreren Zielen, alle Zwei-Runden-Moves oder Z-Moves. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.desc=Die schädlichen Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zu Multi-Hit-Attacken, die zweimal treffen. Der Schaden des zweiten Treffers wird halbiert. Beeinflusst nicht Kismetwunsch, Notsituation, Explosion, Wagemut, Schleuder, Seher, Frostbeule, Walzer, Finale, alle Multi-Hit-Moves, alle Moves mit mehreren Zielen oder alle Zwei-Runden-Moves. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.shortDesc=Die Schadensattacken dieses Pokémon treffen zweimal. Der Schaden des zweiten Treffers wird halbiert.ülle -showdown.abilities.pastelveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while this Pokemon or its ally is poisoned cures them. If this Ability is being ignored during an effect that causes poison, this Pokemon is cured immediately but its ally is not. -showdown.abilities.pastelveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. On switch-in, cures poisoned allies. +showdown.abilities.pastelveil.desc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten können nicht vergiftet werden. Der Erwerb dieser Fähigkeit, während dieses Pokémon oder sein Verbündeter vergiftet ist, heilt es. Wenn diese Fähigkeit während eines Effekts, der Gift verursacht, ignoriert wird, wird dieses Pokémon sofort geheilt, sein Verbündeter jedoch nicht. +showdown.abilities.pastelveil.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten können nicht vergiftet werden. Heilt beim Einschalten vergiftete Verbündete.örper -showdown.abilities.perishbody.desc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. This effect does not happen for this Pokemon if the attacker already has a perish count. -showdown.abilities.perishbody.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. -showdown.abilities.perishbody.start=Both Pokémon will faint in three turns! +showdown.abilities.perishbody.desc=Der Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon löst bei ihm und dem Angreifer den Abgesang-Effekt aus. Dieser Effekt tritt bei diesem Pokémon nicht auf, wenn der Angreifer bereits eine Todeszahl hat. +showdown.abilities.perishbody.shortDesc=Der Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon löst bei ihm und dem Angreifer den Abgesang-Effekt aus. +showdown.abilities.perishbody.start=Beide Pokémon werden in drei Runden ohnmächtig! -showdown.abilities.pickpocket.desc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. -showdown.abilities.pickpocket.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. +showdown.abilities.pickpocket.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon keinen Gegenstand hat und von einer Kontaktbewegung getroffen wird, stiehlt es den Gegenstand des Angreifers. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. +showdown.abilities.pickpocket.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon keinen Gegenstand hat und von einer Kontaktbewegung getroffen wird, stiehlt es den Gegenstand des Angreifers. -showdown.abilities.pickup.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it finds one used by an adjacent Pokemon this turn. -showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.desc=No competitive use. -showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. -showdown.abilities.pickup.addItem=%s found one %s! +showdown.abilities.pickup.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon keinen Gegenstand hat, findet es einen, der in diesem Zug von einem benachbarten Pokémon verwendet wird. +showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.desc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. +showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. +showdown.abilities.pickup.addItem=%s hat einen %s gefunden! -showdown.abilities.pixilate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.pixilate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.2x power. -showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.3x power. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.desc=Die normalen Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zu Feen-Attacken und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,2 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zum Typ Fee und haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.desc=Die normalen Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zu Feen-Attacken und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,3 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zum Typ Fee und haben die 1,3-fache Stärke. an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. ein aktiver Verbündeter diese Fähigkeit oder die Minus-Fähigkeit besitzt, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert. ein aktiver Verbündeter diese Fähigkeit oder die Minus-Fähigkeit besitzt, wird die SP dieses Pokémon erhöht. Der Angriff beträgt 1,5x. ein aktiver Verbündeter über die Minus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert. ein aktiver Verbündeter über die Minus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird die SP dieses Pokémon erhöht. Der Angriff beträgt 1,5x. ein aktives Pokémon über die Minus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert. ein aktives Pokémon über die Minus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird die SP dieses Pokémon erhöht. Der Angriff beträgt 1,5x. -showdown.abilities.poisonheal.desc=If this Pokemon is poisoned, it restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn instead of losing HP. -showdown.abilities.poisonheal.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed by 1/8 of its max HP each turn when poisoned; no HP loss. +showdown.abilities.poisonheal.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon vergiftet ist, stellt es am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, anstatt HP zu verlieren. +showdown.abilities.poisonheal.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon wird bei Vergiftung in jeder Runde um 1/8 seiner maximalen HP geheilt; kein HP-Verlust. -showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. -showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. -showdown.abilities.poisontouch.desc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. This effect comes after a move's inherent secondary effect chance. -showdown.abilities.poisontouch.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.shortDesc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet wird. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.desc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet wird. +showdown.abilities.poisontouch.desc=Die Kontaktattacken dieses Pokémon haben eine Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit von 30 %. Dieser Effekt tritt nach der inhärenten Sekundäreffektchance einer Bewegung ein. +showdown.abilities.poisontouch.shortDesc=Die Kontaktattacken dieses Pokémon haben eine Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit von 30 %. -showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.desc=If this Pokemon is a Zygarde in its 10% or 50% Forme, it changes to Complete Forme when it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of the turn. -showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.shortDesc=If Zygarde 10%/50%, changes to Complete if at 1/2 max HP or less at end of turn. -showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.activate=You sense the presence of many! -showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.transform=%s transformed into its Complete Forme! +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon in seiner 10 %- oder 50 %-Form ein Zygarde ist, wechselt es in die vollständige Form, wenn es am Ende der Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat. +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.shortDesc=Wenn Zygarde 10 %/50 % beträgt, ändert sich die Fähigkeit zu Abgeschlossen, wenn am Ende der Runde die Hälfte der maximalen HP oder weniger erreicht ist. +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.activate=Sie spüren die Anwesenheit vieler! +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.transform=%s hat sich in seine vollständige Form verwandelt! -showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. -showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. -showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. -showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. -showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.desc=Dieses Pokémon kopiert die Fähigkeit eines Verbündeten, der in Ohnmacht fällt. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind Eins, Kampfband, Komatös, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Blumengeschenk, Vorhersage, Schluckrakete, Hadronentriebwerk, Hungerschalter, Eisgesicht, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Neutralisierendes Gas, Orichalcum-Impuls, Kraftkonstrukt, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthese, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode und Zero to Hero. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kopiert die Fähigkeit eines Verbündeten, der in Ohnmacht fällt. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen8.desc=Dieses Pokémon kopiert die Fähigkeit eines Verbündeten, der in Ohnmacht fällt. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Prognose, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver und RKS System. , Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungswechsel, Spur, Wunderwache und Zen-Modus. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen7.desc=Dieses Pokémon kopiert die Fähigkeit eines Verbündeten, der in Ohnmacht fällt. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard und Zen-Modus. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.changeAbility=%s' %s wurde übernommen! -showdown.abilities.powerspot.desc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. This affects Doom Desire and Future Sight, even if the user is not on the field. -showdown.abilities.powerspot.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.powerspot.desc=Bei den Verbündeten dieses Pokémon wird die Stärke ihrer Attacken mit 1,3 multipliziert. Dies betrifft Kismetwunsch und Seher, auch wenn der Benutzer nicht auf dem Feld ist. +showdown.abilities.powerspot.shortDesc=Bei den Verbündeten dieses Pokémon wird die Stärke ihrer Attacken mit 1,3 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.prankster.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. Opposing Dark-type Pokemon are immune to these moves, and any move called by these moves, if the resulting user of the move has this Ability. -showdown.abilities.prankster.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves have priority raised by 1, but Dark types are immune. -showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. -showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.prankster.desc=Die Priorität der nicht schädlichen Attacken dieses Pokémon wird um 1 erhöht. Gegnerische Pokémon vom Typ Unlicht sind gegen diese Attacken und alle durch diese Attacken aufgerufenen Attacken immun, wenn der resultierende Benutzer der Bewegung über diese Fähigkeit verfügt. +showdown.abilities.prankster.shortDesc=Die Statusattacken dieses Pokémon haben eine um 1 erhöhte Priorität, aber dunkle Typen sind immun. +showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.desc=Die Priorität der nicht schädlichen Attacken dieses Pokémon wird um 1 erhöht. +showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.shortDesc=Die Priorität der nicht schädlichen Attacken dieses Pokémon wird um 1 erhöht. -showdown.abilities.pressure.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison, Snatch, and Tera Blast also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. -showdown.abilities.pressure.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a foe's move, that move loses one additional PP. -showdown.abilities.pressure.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison and Snatch also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. -showdown.abilities.pressure.gen5.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison and Snatch also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of another Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. -showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a move, that move loses one additional PP. -showdown.abilities.pressure.start=%s is exerting its pressure! +showdown.abilities.pressure.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon das Ziel der Bewegung eines gegnerischen Pokémon ist, verliert diese Bewegung einen zusätzlichen PP. Begrenzer, Übernahme und Tera-Ausbruch verlieren ebenfalls einen zusätzlichen PP, wenn sie von einem gegnerischen Pokémon verwendet werden, Klebenetz jedoch nicht. +showdown.abilities.pressure.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon das Ziel einer gegnerischen Attacke ist, verliert diese Attacke einen zusätzlichen PP. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen8.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon das Ziel der Bewegung eines gegnerischen Pokémon ist, verliert diese Bewegung einen zusätzlichen PP. Begrenzer und Übernahme verlieren ebenfalls einen zusätzlichen PP, wenn sie von einem gegnerischen Pokémon verwendet werden, Klebenetz jedoch nicht. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen5.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon das Ziel der Bewegung eines gegnerischen Pokémon ist, verliert diese Bewegung einen zusätzlichen PP. Begrenzer und Übernahme verlieren außerdem einen zusätzlichen PP, wenn sie von einem gegnerischen Pokémon verwendet werden. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon das Ziel der Bewegung eines anderen Pokémon ist, verliert diese Bewegung einen zusätzlichen PP. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon das Ziel einer Attacke ist, verliert diese Attacke einen zusätzlichen PP. +showdown.abilities.pressure.start=%s übt Druck aus! -showdown.abilities.primordialsea.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Primordial Sea, which includes all the effects of Rain Dance and prevents damaging Fire-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Desolate Land Abilities. -showdown.abilities.primordialsea.shortDesc=On switch-in, heavy rain begins until this Ability is not active in battle. +showdown.abilities.primordialsea.desc=Beim Einschalten wird das Wetter zum Urmeer, das alle Effekte von Regentanz enthält und die Ausführung schädlicher Attacken vom Typ Feuer verhindert. Dieses Wetter bleibt in Kraft, bis diese Fähigkeit für kein Pokémon mehr aktiv ist oder das Wetter durch die Fähigkeiten Delta Stream oder Desolate Land geändert wird. +showdown.abilities.primordialsea.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beginnt heftiger Regen, bis diese Fähigkeit im Kampf nicht mehr aktiv ist.üstung -showdown.abilities.prismarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. +showdown.abilities.prismarmor.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet 3/4 Schaden durch supereffektive Angriffe. -showdown.abilities.propellertail.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. +showdown.abilities.propellertail.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon können durch keinen Effekt auf ein anderes Ziel umgeleitet werden. -showdown.abilities.protean.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. -showdown.abilities.protean.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. -showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. -showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. +showdown.abilities.protean.desc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der Attacke, die es ausführen wird. Dieser Effekt kommt nach allen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern. Dieser Effekt kann nur einmal pro Wechsel auftreten und nur, wenn dieses Pokémon nicht Terastallisiert ist. +showdown.abilities.protean.shortDesc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich je nach Art der Attacke, die es verwendet. Einmal pro Einschaltung. +showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.desc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der Attacke, die es ausführen wird. Dieser Effekt kommt nach allen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern. +showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.shortDesc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der Attacke, die es ausführen wird.äosynthese -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.desc=If Sunny Day is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Sunny Day, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Sunny Day is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.shortDesc=Sunny Day active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activate=The harsh sunlight activated %s's Protosynthesis! -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate Protosynthesis! -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.start=%s's %s was heightened! -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.end=The effects of %s's Protosynthesis wore off! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist oder dieses Pokémon eine gehaltene Booster-Energie verwendet, wird der höchste Wert dieses Pokémon mit 1,3 multipliziert, oder mit 1,5, wenn der höchste Wert Geschwindigkeit ist. Stat-Stufenänderungen werden zum Zeitpunkt der Aktivierung dieser Fähigkeit berücksichtigt. Wenn mehrere Werte gleich sind, werden Angriff, Verteidigung, Spezialangriff, Spezialverteidigung und Geschwindigkeit in dieser Reihenfolge priorisiert. Wenn dieser Effekt durch Sonnentag gestartet wurde, wird eine gehaltene Booster-Energie nicht aktiviert und der Effekt endet, wenn Sonnentag nicht mehr aktiv ist. Wenn dieser Effekt durch eine gehaltene Booster-Energie gestartet wurde, endet er, wenn dieses Pokémon nicht mehr aktiv ist. +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.shortDesc=Sonnentag aktiv oder Booster-Energie verwendet: Höchster Wert ist 1,3x, oder 1,5x bei Geschwindigkeit. +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activate=Das grelle Sonnenlicht aktivierte %s' Protosynthese! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activateFromItem=%s nutzte seine Booster-Energie, um die Protosynthese zu aktivieren! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.start=%s' %s wurde erhöht! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.end=Die Wirkung von %s' Protosynthese ließ nach! -showdown.abilities.psychicsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Psychic Terrain. +showdown.abilities.psychicsurge.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln beschwört dieses Pokémon Psychokinese-Gelände. Rock -showdown.abilities.punkrock.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes halved damage from sound-based moves. -showdown.abilities.punkrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from sound moves. Its own have 1.3x power. +showdown.abilities.punkrock.desc=Die Stärke der klangbasierten Attacken dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,3 multipliziert. Dieses Pokémon erleidet durch klangbasierte Attacken den halben Schaden. +showdown.abilities.punkrock.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet 1/2 Schaden durch Soundattacken. Seine eigene hat die 1,3-fache Leistung. -showdown.abilities.purepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. +showdown.abilities.purepower.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt.äutersalz -showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.desc=This Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. If a Pokemon uses a Ghost-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.shortDesc=Ghost damage to this Pokemon dealt with a halved offensive stat; can't be statused. +showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht von einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand oder Gähner betroffen werden. Wenn ein Pokémon einen Angriff vom Typ Geist gegen dieses Pokémon ausführt, wird der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon bei der Berechnung des Schadens für dieses Pokémon halbiert. +showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.shortDesc=Geisterschaden verursacht bei diesem Pokémon einen halbierten Angriffswert; kann nicht statusiert werden. -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.desc=If Electric Terrain is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Electric Terrain, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Electric Terrain is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.shortDesc=Electric Terrain active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activate=The Electric Terrain activated %s's Quark Drive! -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate its Quark Drive! -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.start=%s's %s was heightened! -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.end=The effects of %s's Quark Drive wore off! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.desc=Wenn Elektrofeld aktiv ist oder dieses Pokémon eine gehaltene Booster-Energie verwendet, wird der höchste Wert dieses Pokémon mit 1,3 multipliziert, oder mit 1,5, wenn der höchste Wert Geschwindigkeit ist. Stat-Stufenänderungen werden zum Zeitpunkt der Aktivierung dieser Fähigkeit berücksichtigt. Wenn mehrere Werte gleich sind, werden Angriff, Verteidigung, Spezialangriff, Spezialverteidigung und Geschwindigkeit in dieser Reihenfolge priorisiert. Wenn dieser Effekt durch Elektrofeld gestartet wurde, wird eine gehaltene Booster-Energie nicht aktiviert und der Effekt endet, wenn Elektrofeld nicht mehr aktiv ist. Wenn dieser Effekt durch eine gehaltene Booster-Energie gestartet wurde, endet er, wenn dieses Pokémon nicht mehr aktiv ist. +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.shortDesc=Aktives Elektrofeld oder verwendete Booster-Energie: Der höchste Wert ist 1,3x oder 1,5x bei Geschwindigkeit. +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activate=Das Elektrofeld hat den Quark-Antrieb von %s aktiviert! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activateFromItem=%s hat seine Booster-Energie verwendet, um seinen Quark-Antrieb zu aktivieren! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.start=%s' %s wurde erhöht! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.end=Die Wirkung von %s' Quark Drive ließ nach!ät -showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. -showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.desc=Prioritätsattacken gegnerischer Pokémon, die dieses Pokémon oder seine Verbündeten als Ziel haben, haben keine Wirkung. +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten sind vor gegnerischen Prioritätsattacken geschützt. +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.block=%s kann %s nicht verwenden! -showdown.abilities.quickdraw.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 30% chance to move first in its priority bracket with attacking moves. -showdown.abilities.quickdraw.activate=Quick Draw made %s move faster! +showdown.abilities.quickdraw.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon hat eine Chance von 30 %, sich mit Angriffsattacken als Erster in seiner Prioritätsgruppe zu bewegen. +showdown.abilities.quickdraw.activate=Mit Schnellschuss bewegte sich %s schneller! -showdown.abilities.quickfeet.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of halving Speed. -showdown.abilities.quickfeet.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Speed is 1.5x; ignores Speed drop from paralysis. -showdown.abilities.quickfeet.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of quartering Speed. +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat, wird seine Geschwindigkeit mit 1,5 multipliziert. Dieses Pokémon ignoriert den Lähmungseffekt der Halbierung der Geschwindigkeit. +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon den Status hat, beträgt seine Geschwindigkeit das 1,5-fache; ignoriert den Geschwindigkeitsabfall durch Lähmung. +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.gen6.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat, wird seine Geschwindigkeit mit 1,5 multipliziert. Dieses Pokémon ignoriert den Lähmungseffekt der Viertelgeschwindigkeit. -showdown.abilities.raindish.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.raindish.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. -showdown.abilities.raindish.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.raindish.desc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm trägt. +showdown.abilities.raindish.shortDesc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, heilt dieses Pokémon in jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.abilities.raindish.gen7.desc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her.ß -showdown.abilities.rattled.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or if an opposing Pokemon affected this Pokemon with the Intimidate Ability. -showdown.abilities.rattled.shortDesc=Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or Intimidated. -showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. -showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. -showdown.abilities.receiver.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. -showdown.abilities.receiver.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. -showdown.abilities.receiver.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. -showdown.abilities.receiver.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. -showdown.abilities.receiver.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! +showdown.abilities.rattled.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon wird um 1 Stufe erhöht, wenn es von einem Angriff vom Typ Käfer, Dunkel oder Geist getroffen wird oder wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon dieses Pokémon mit der Einschüchtern-Fähigkeit beeinflusst. +showdown.abilities.rattled.shortDesc=Die Geschwindigkeit wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn sie von einem Angriff vom Typ Käfer, Dunkel, Geist oder Eingeschüchtert getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon wird um 1 Stufe erhöht, wenn es von einem Angriff vom Typ Käfer, Dunkel oder Geist getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.shortDesc=Die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es von einem Angriff vom Typ Käfer, Dunkel oder Geist getroffen wird.änger +showdown.abilities.receiver.desc=Dieses Pokémon kopiert die Fähigkeit eines Verbündeten, der in Ohnmacht fällt. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind Eins, Kampfband, Komatös, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Blumengeschenk, Vorhersage, Schluckrakete, Hadronentriebwerk, Hungerschalter, Eisgesicht, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Neutralisierendes Gas, Orichalcum-Impuls, Kraftkonstrukt, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthese, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode und Zero to Hero. +showdown.abilities.receiver.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kopiert die Fähigkeit eines Verbündeten, der in Ohnmacht fällt. +showdown.abilities.receiver.gen8.desc=Dieses Pokémon kopiert die Fähigkeit eines Verbündeten, der in Ohnmacht fällt. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Prognose, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver und RKS System. , Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungswechsel, Spur, Wunderwache und Zen-Modus. +showdown.abilities.receiver.gen7.desc=Dieses Pokémon kopiert die Fähigkeit eines Verbündeten, der in Ohnmacht fällt. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard und Zen-Modus. +showdown.abilities.receiver.changeAbility=%s' %s wurde übernommen! -showdown.abilities.reckless.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have their power multiplied by 1.2. Does not affect Struggle. -showdown.abilities.reckless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have 1.2x power; not Struggle. +showdown.abilities.reckless.desc=Die Stärke der Angriffe dieses Pokémon mit Rückstoß- oder Aufprallschaden wird mit 1,2 multipliziert. Beeinträchtigt den Verzweifler nicht. +showdown.abilities.reckless.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon mit Rückstoß- oder Aufprallschaden haben die 1,2-fache Stärke; nicht Verzweifler. -showdown.abilities.refrigerate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.refrigerate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.2x power. -showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.3x power. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zu Attacken vom Typ Eis und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,2 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zum Typ Eis und haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zu Attacken vom Typ Eis und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,3 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zum Typ Eis und haben die 1,3-fache Stärke. -showdown.abilities.regenerator.shortDesc=This Pokemon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when it switches out. +showdown.abilities.regenerator.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon stellt 1/3 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es auswechselt. -showdown.abilities.ripen.desc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. Berries that restore HP or PP have the amount doubled, Berries that raise stat stages have the amount doubled, Berries that halve damage taken quarter it instead, and a Jaboca Berry or Rowap Berry has the attacker lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.abilities.ripen.shortDesc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. +showdown.abilities.ripen.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon bestimmte Beeren frisst, werden die Effekte verdoppelt. Bei Beeren, die HP oder PP wiederherstellen, wird die Menge verdoppelt, bei Beeren, die Statusstufen erhöhen, wird die Menge verdoppelt, bei Beeren, die den erlittenen Schaden halbieren, wird die Menge verdoppelt, und bei einer Jaboca-Beere oder Rowap-Beere verliert der Angreifer gerundet 1/4 seiner maximalen HP runter. +showdown.abilities.ripen.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon bestimmte Beeren frisst, werden die Effekte verdoppelt.ät -showdown.abilities.rivalry.desc=This Pokemon's attacks have their power multiplied by 1.25 against targets of the same gender or multiplied by 0.75 against targets of the opposite gender. There is no modifier if either this Pokemon or the target is genderless. -showdown.abilities.rivalry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do 1.25x on same gender targets; 0.75x on opposite gender. +showdown.abilities.rivalry.desc=Die Stärke der Angriffe dieses Pokémon wird gegen Ziele desselben Geschlechts mit 1,25 multipliziert und gegen Ziele des anderen Geschlechts mit 0,75 multipliziert. Es gibt keinen Modifikator, wenn entweder dieses Pokémon oder das Ziel kein Geschlecht hat. +showdown.abilities.rivalry.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon wirken bei gleichgeschlechtlichen Zielen 1,25-fach; 0,75x beim anderen Geschlecht. -showdown.abilities.rkssystem.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Silvally, its type changes to match its held Memory. +showdown.abilities.rkssystem.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Silvally ist, ändert sich sein Typ entsprechend der gehaltenen Erinnerung. -showdown.abilities.rockhead.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect Life Orb damage or crash damage. -showdown.abilities.rockhead.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle/Life Orb/crash damage. -showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect crash damage. -showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle and crash damage. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.desc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet keinen Rückstoßschaden, außer Verzweifler. Beeinträchtigt nicht den Life-Orb-Schaden oder den Unfallschaden. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet außer Verzweifler-/Lebenskugel-/Absturzschaden keinen Rückstoßschaden. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.desc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet keinen Rückstoßschaden, außer Verzweifler. Hat keinen Einfluss auf Unfallschäden. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet außer Verzweifler- und Crash-Schaden keinen Rückstoßschaden.äger -showdown.abilities.rockypayload.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Rock-type attack. +showdown.abilities.rockypayload.shortDesc=Der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn es einen Angriff vom Typ Stein ausführt. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen4.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their max HP. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.damage=%s was hurt! +showdown.abilities.roughskin.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.shortDesc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen4.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.shortDesc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.damage=%s war verletzt! -showdown.abilities.runaway.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.runaway.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. -showdown.abilities.sandforce.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. -showdown.abilities.sandforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Ground/Rock/Steel attacks do 1.3x in Sandstorm; immunity to it. +showdown.abilities.sandforce.desc=Wenn Sandsturm aktiv ist, wird die Stärke der Boden-, Fels- und Stahlangriffe dieses Pokémon mit 1,3 multipliziert. Dieses Pokémon erleidet keinen Schaden durch Sandsturm. +showdown.abilities.sandforce.shortDesc=Die Boden-/Stein-/Stahl-Angriffe dieses Pokémon verursachen im Sandsturm das 1,3-fache; Immunität dagegen. -showdown.abilities.sandrush.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. -showdown.abilities.sandrush.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandrush.desc=Wenn Sandsturm aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt. Dieses Pokémon erleidet keinen Schaden durch Sandsturm. +showdown.abilities.sandrush.shortDesc=Wenn Sandsturm aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt; Immunität gegen Sandsturm. -showdown.abilities.sandspit.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. -showdown.abilities.sandspit.gen8.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect comes after the effects of Max and G-Max Moves. +showdown.abilities.sandspit.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon von einem Angriff getroffen wird, beginnt die Wirkung von Sandsturm. +showdown.abilities.sandspit.gen8.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon von einem Angriff getroffen wird, beginnt die Wirkung von Sandsturm. Dieser Effekt kommt nach den Effekten von Max- und G-Max-Moves. -showdown.abilities.sandstream.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandstream.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln beschwört dieses Pokémon Sandsturm. -showdown.abilities.sandveil.desc=If Sandstorm is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. -showdown.abilities.sandveil.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandveil.desc=Wenn Sandsturm aktiv ist, wird die Genauigkeit der gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzten Attacken mit 0,8 multipliziert. Dieses Pokémon erleidet keinen Schaden durch Sandsturm. +showdown.abilities.sandveil.shortDesc=Wenn Sandsturm aktiv ist, beträgt die Ausweichfähigkeit dieses Pokémon das 1,25-fache; Immunität gegen Sandsturm. -showdown.abilities.sapsipper.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Grass-type moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Grass-type move. -showdown.abilities.sapsipper.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage if hit by a Grass move; Grass immunity. +showdown.abilities.sapsipper.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Gras und erhöht seinen Angriff um eine Stufe, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Gras getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.sapsipper.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es von einer Grasbewegung getroffen wird. Grasimmunität. -showdown.abilities.schooling.desc=On switch-in, if this Pokemon is a Wishiwashi that is level 20 or above and has more than 1/4 of its maximum HP left, it changes to School Form. If it is in School Form and its HP drops to 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, it changes to Solo Form at the end of the turn. If it is in Solo Form and its HP is greater than 1/4 its maximum HP at the end of the turn, it changes to School Form. -showdown.abilities.schooling.shortDesc=If user is Wishiwashi, changes to School Form if it has > 1/4 max HP, else Solo Form. -showdown.abilities.schooling.transform=%s formed a school! -showdown.abilities.schooling.transformEnd=%s stopped schooling! -showdown.abilities.scrappy.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. -showdown.abilities.scrappy.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal moves hit Ghost. Immune to Intimidate. -showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. -showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. +showdown.abilities.schooling.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon beim Einwechseln ein Wunschtraumiwashi mit Level 20 oder höher ist und mehr als 1/4 seiner maximalen HP übrig hat, wechselt es in die Schulform. Wenn es sich in der Schulform befindet und seine HP auf 1/4 seiner maximalen HP oder weniger sinken, wechselt es am Ende der Runde in die Soloform. Wenn es sich in der Solo-Form befindet und seine HP am Ende der Runde mehr als 1/4 seiner maximalen HP beträgt, wechselt es in die Schulform. +showdown.abilities.schooling.shortDesc=Wenn der Benutzer Wunschtraumiwashi ist, wechselt er zur Schulform, wenn er mehr als 1/4 max. HP hat, andernfalls zur Soloform. +showdown.abilities.schooling.transform=%s hat eine Schule gegründet! +showdown.abilities.schooling.transformEnd=%s hat mit der Schule aufgehört! +showdown.abilities.scrappy.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann Geistertypen mit Attacken vom Typ Normal und Kampf treffen. Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen die Wirkung der Einschüchtern-Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.shortDesc=Kämpfende, normale Attacken treffen Ghost. Immun gegen Einschüchtern. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann Geistertypen mit Attacken vom Typ Normal und Kampf treffen. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann Geistertypen mit Attacken vom Typ Normal und Kampf treffen. -showdown.abilities.screencleaner.shortDesc=On switch-in, the effects of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, and Reflect end for both sides. +showdown.abilities.screencleaner.shortDesc=Mit dem Einschalten enden die Wirkungen von Auroraschleier, Lichtschild und Reflektor für beide Seiten. -showdown.abilities.seedsower.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. +showdown.abilities.seedsower.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon von einem Angriff getroffen wird, beginnt die Wirkung von Grasfeld. -showdown.abilities.serenegrace.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. This effect stacks with the Rainbow effect, except for secondary effects that cause the target to flinch. -showdown.abilities.serenegrace.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. -showdown.abilities.serenegrace.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.desc=Die Sekundäreffektchance der Attacken dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt. Dieser Effekt ist mit dem Regenbogeneffekt stapelbar, mit Ausnahme von Sekundäreffekten, die dazu führen, dass das Ziel zusammenzuckt. +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.shortDesc=Die Sekundäreffektchance der Attacken dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt. +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.gen4.desc=Die Sekundäreffektchance der Attacken dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt. -showdown.abilities.shadowshield.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. +showdown.abilities.shadowshield.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle HP hat, wird der durch Angriffe erlittene Schaden halbiert. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.desc=Verhindert, dass sich gegnerische Pokémon für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie tragen eine Shed-Muschel, sind vom Typ Geist oder verfügen ebenfalls über diese Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass Feinde wechseln, es sei denn, sie verfügen ebenfalls über diese Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.desc=Verhindert, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon sich für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie tragen eine Schuppenhülle, sind vom Typ Geist und verfügen auch über diese Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass benachbarte Gegner wechseln, es sei denn, sie verfügen ebenfalls über diese Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon sich für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie besitzen eine Schuppenhülle oder verfügen ebenfalls über diese Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass sich gegnerische Pokémon für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie besitzen eine Schuppenhülle oder verfügen ebenfalls über diese Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass Feinde wechseln, es sei denn, sie verfügen ebenfalls über diese Fähigkeit. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.desc=Verhindert, dass gegnerische Pokémon sich für einen Wechsel entscheiden. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass gegnerische Pokémon sich für einen Wechsel entscheiden. -showdown.abilities.sharpness.shortDesc=This Pokemon's slicing moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.sharpness.shortDesc=Die Stärke der Schneideattacken dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.shedskin.desc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.shedskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its status cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.shedskin.desc=Bei diesem Pokémon besteht eine Chance von 33 %, dass sein nichtflüchtiger Statuszustand am Ende jeder Runde geheilt wird. +showdown.abilities.shedskin.shortDesc=Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass der Status dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde geheilt wird, liegt bei 33 %. Gewalt -showdown.abilities.sheerforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Anger Shell, Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. -showdown.abilities.sheerforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have 1.3x power; nullifies the effects. -showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. -showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. -showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, and Eject Button from activating. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.desc=Die Stärke der Angriffe dieses Pokémon mit Sekundäreffekten wird mit 1,3 multipliziert, die Sekundäreffekte werden jedoch entfernt. Wenn ein sekundärer Effekt entfernt wurde, werden auch der Lebenskugel-Rückstoß und die Shell Bell-Erholung des Benutzers entfernt und die Wutgranate, der Berserker, die Farbänderung, der Notausgang, der Taschendieb, der Weichei, die Rote Karte, die Auswurftaste, die Kee Berry usw. des Ziels werden verhindert Maranga Berry vor der Aktivierung. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon mit Sekundäreffekten haben die 1,3-fache Stärke; macht die Auswirkungen zunichte. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen8.desc=Die Stärke der Angriffe dieses Pokémon mit Sekundäreffekten wird mit 1,3 multipliziert, die Sekundäreffekte werden jedoch entfernt. Wenn ein sekundärer Effekt entfernt wurde, werden auch der Lebenskugel-Rückstoß und die Granatenglocken-Erholung des Benutzers entfernt und das Ziel wird von Berserker, Farbwechsel, Notausgang, Taschendieb, Weichei raus, Rote Karte, Auswurftaste, Kee Berry und Maranga Berry abgehalten aktivierend. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen6.desc=Die Stärke der Angriffe dieses Pokémon mit Sekundäreffekten wird mit 1,3 multipliziert, die Sekundäreffekte werden jedoch entfernt. Wenn ein sekundärer Effekt entfernt wurde, werden auch der Lebenskugel-Rückstoß und die Muschelglocken-Erholung des Benutzers entfernt und verhindert, dass die Farbänderung, Taschendiebstahl, Rote Karte, Auswurftaste, Kee-Beere und Maranga-Beere des Ziels aktiviert werden. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen5.desc=Die Stärke der Angriffe dieses Pokémon mit Sekundäreffekten wird mit 1,3 multipliziert, die Sekundäreffekte werden jedoch entfernt. Wenn ein sekundärer Effekt entfernt wurde, werden auch der Rückstoß der Lebenskugel und die Wiederherstellung der Muschelglocke des Benutzers entfernt und verhindert, dass die Farbänderung, der Taschendiebstahl, die rote Karte und die Auswurftaste des Ziels aktiviert werden. -showdown.abilities.shellarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. +showdown.abilities.shellarmor.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht von einem kritischen Treffer getroffen werden. -showdown.abilities.shielddust.shortDesc=This Pokemon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. +showdown.abilities.shielddust.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist nicht vom sekundären Effekt des Angriffs eines anderen Pokémon betroffen. -showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.desc=If this Pokemon is a Minior, it changes to its Core forme if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, and changes to Meteor Form if it has more than 1/2 its maximum HP. This check is done on switch-in and at the end of each turn. While in its Meteor Form, it cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. -showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.shortDesc=If Minior, switch-in/end of turn it changes to Core at 1/2 max HP or less, else Meteor. -showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transform=Shields Down deactivated! -showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transformEnd=Shields Down activated! +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Minior ist, wechselt es in seine Kernform, wenn es die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat, und in die Meteorform, wenn es mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP hat. Diese Prüfung erfolgt beim Einschalten und am Ende jeder Runde. Während es sich in seiner Meteorform befindet, kann es nicht von einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand oder Gähner beeinflusst werden. +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.shortDesc=Wenn Minior, wechselt es beim Einwechseln/Ende der Runde zu Core mit 1/2 max. HP oder weniger, andernfalls zu Meteor. +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transform=Schilde unten deaktiviert! +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transformEnd=Schilde runter aktiviert! -showdown.abilities.simple.shortDesc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. -showdown.abilities.simple.gen7.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Status Z-Move is used. -showdown.abilities.simple.gen6.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. -showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. A stat stage cannot be considered more than 6 or less than -6. -showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. +showdown.abilities.simple.shortDesc=Wenn eine der Statusstufen dieses Pokémon erhöht oder gesenkt wird, wird der Betrag verdoppelt. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen7.desc=Wenn eine der Statusstufen dieses Pokémon erhöht oder gesenkt wird, wird der Betrag verdoppelt. Diese Fähigkeit wirkt sich nicht auf die Statusstufenerhöhungen aus, die durch Z-Power-Effekte erzielt werden, die vor der Verwendung einer Status-Z-Move auftreten. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen6.desc=Wenn eine der Statusstufen dieses Pokémon erhöht oder gesenkt wird, wird der Betrag verdoppelt. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.desc=Die Statusstufen dieses Pokémon werden bei der Statusberechnung als verdoppelt betrachtet. Eine Statistikstufe kann nicht höher als 6 oder weniger als -6 sein. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.shortDesc=Die Statusstufen dieses Pokémon werden bei der Statusberechnung als verdoppelt betrachtet. -showdown.abilities.skilllink.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick and Triple Axel do not check accuracy for the second and third hits. -showdown.abilities.skilllink.shortDesc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. -showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick does not check accuracy for the second and third hits. -showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Does not affect Triple Kick. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.desc=Die Multi-Hit-Angriffe dieses Pokémon treffen immer so oft wie möglich. Dreifachkick und Dreifach-Axel überprüfen nicht die Genauigkeit des zweiten und dritten Treffers. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.shortDesc=Die Multi-Hit-Angriffe dieses Pokémon treffen immer so oft wie möglich. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen7.desc=Die Multi-Hit-Angriffe dieses Pokémon treffen immer so oft wie möglich. Dreifachkick überprüft die Genauigkeit des zweiten und dritten Treffers nicht. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen4.desc=Die Multi-Hit-Angriffe dieses Pokémon treffen immer so oft wie möglich. Beeinträchtigt Dreifachkick nicht. -showdown.abilities.slowstart.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. -showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. During the effect, if this Pokemon uses a generic Z-Move based on a special move, its Special Attack is halved during damage calculation. -showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. -showdown.abilities.slowstart.start=%s can't get it going! -showdown.abilities.slowstart.end=%s finally got its act together! +showdown.abilities.slowstart.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln werden Angriff und Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon 5 Runden lang halbiert. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen7.desc=Beim Einwechseln werden Angriff und Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon 5 Runden lang halbiert. Wenn dieses Pokémon während des Effekts eine generische Z-Attacke basierend auf einer Spezialattacke verwendet, wird sein Superkraftangriff bei der Schadensberechnung halbiert. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen6.desc=Beim Einwechseln werden Angriff und Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon 5 Runden lang halbiert. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.start=%s schafft es nicht! +showdown.abilities.slowstart.end=%s hat es endlich geschafft! -showdown.abilities.slushrush.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. -showdown.abilities.slushrush.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.slushrush.shortDesc=Wenn Schnee aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt. +showdown.abilities.slushrush.gen8.shortDesc=Wenn Hagelsturm aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt.ütze -showdown.abilities.sniper.shortDesc=If this Pokemon strikes with a critical hit, the damage is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.sniper.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einen kritischen Treffer erzielt, wird der Schaden mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.snowcloak.desc=If Snow is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. -showdown.abilities.snowcloak.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x. -showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. -showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Hail. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.desc=Wenn Snow aktiv ist, wird die Genauigkeit der gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzten Attacken mit 0,8 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.shortDesc=Wenn Snow aktiv ist, beträgt die Ausweichfähigkeit dieses Pokémon das 1,25-fache. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.desc=Wenn Hagelsturm aktiv ist, wird die Genauigkeit der gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzten Attacken mit 0,8 multipliziert. Dieses Pokémon erleidet keinen Schaden durch Hagelsturm. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.shortDesc=Wenn Hagelsturm aktiv ist, beträgt die Ausweichfähigkeit dieses Pokémon das 1,25-fache; Immunität gegen Hagelsturm. -showdown.abilities.snowwarning.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Snow. -showdown.abilities.snowwarning.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Hail. +showdown.abilities.snowwarning.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beschwört dieses Pokémon Schnee. +showdown.abilities.snowwarning.gen8.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln beschwört dieses Pokémon Hagelsturm. -showdown.abilities.solarpower.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.solarpower.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x; loses 1/8 max HP per turn. -showdown.abilities.solarpower.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert und es verliert am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. Diese Effekte werden verhindert, wenn das Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm hält. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.shortDesc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, ist die Sp. dieses Pokémon aktiv. Der Angriff beträgt 1,5x; verliert 1/8 maximale HP pro Runde. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.gen7.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert und es verliert am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. -showdown.abilities.solidrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. +showdown.abilities.solidrock.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet 3/4 Schaden durch supereffektive Angriffe. -showdown.abilities.soulheart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage when another Pokemon faints. +showdown.abilities.soulheart.shortDesc=Der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn ein anderes Pokémon ohnmächtig wird.ärmschutz -showdown.abilities.soundproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, unless it used the move. -showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. -showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, except Heal Bell. -showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen klangbasierte Attacken, es sei denn, es hat die Bewegung verwendet. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen7.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen klangbasierte Attacken, einschließlich Vitalglocke. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen5.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen klangbasierte Attacken, mit Ausnahme von Vitalglocke. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen4.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen geräuschbasierte Attacken, einschließlich Vitalglocke. -showdown.abilities.speedboost.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage at the end of each full turn it has been on the field. -showdown.abilities.speedboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage at the end of each full turn on the field. +showdown.abilities.speedboost.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon wird am Ende jeder vollen Runde, die es auf dem Spielfeld war, um 1 Stufe erhöht. +showdown.abilities.speedboost.shortDesc=Die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon wird am Ende jeder vollen Runde auf dem Spielfeld um eine Stufe erhöht. -showdown.abilities.stakeout.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled against a target that switched in this turn. +showdown.abilities.stakeout.shortDesc=Der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon wird gegen ein Ziel verdoppelt, das in dieser Runde gewechselt hat. -showdown.abilities.stall.shortDesc=This Pokemon moves last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves. +showdown.abilities.stall.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon bewegt sich als letztes unter den Pokémon, die Attacken mit gleicher oder höherer Priorität ausführen.ückgrat -showdown.abilities.stalwart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. +showdown.abilities.stalwart.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon können durch keinen Effekt auf ein anderes Ziel umgeleitet werden.ähigkeit -showdown.abilities.stamina.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a move. +showdown.abilities.stamina.shortDesc=Die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon wird um 1 Stufe erhöht, nachdem es durch eine Bewegung beschädigt wurde. -showdown.abilities.stancechange.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before using an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before using King's Shield. -showdown.abilities.stancechange.shortDesc=If Aegislash, changes Forme to Blade before attacks and Shield before King's Shield. -showdown.abilities.stancechange.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before attempting to use an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before attempting to use King's Shield. -showdown.abilities.stancechange.transform=Changed to Blade Forme! -showdown.abilities.stancechange.transformEnd=Changed to Shield Forme! +showdown.abilities.stancechange.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Durengard ist, wechselt es in die Klingenform, bevor es eine Angriffsbewegung ausführt, und in die Schildform, bevor es den Königsschild verwendet. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.shortDesc=Ändert bei Durengard seine Form zu Klingenform und vor Königsschild in Schildform. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.gen6.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Durengard ist, wechselt es in die Klingenform, bevor es versucht, eine Angriffsbewegung auszuführen, und in die Schildform, bevor es versucht, Königsschild zu verwenden. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.transform=In Klingenform geändert! +showdown.abilities.stancechange.transformEnd=In Schildform geändert! -showdown.abilities.static.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. -showdown.abilities.static.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.static.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.static.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. +showdown.abilities.static.shortDesc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, gelähmt wird. +showdown.abilities.static.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, gelähmt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.static.gen3.desc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, gelähmt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.static.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, gelähmt wird. -showdown.abilities.steadfast.shortDesc=If this Pokemon flinches, its Speed is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.steadfast.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon zuckt, wird seine Geschwindigkeit um 1 Stufe erhöht. -showdown.abilities.steamengine.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by a Fire- or Water-type move. -showdown.abilities.steamengine.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by Fire/Water moves. +showdown.abilities.steamengine.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon wird um 6 Stufen erhöht, nachdem es durch eine Attacke vom Typ Feuer oder Wasser beschädigt wurde. +showdown.abilities.steamengine.shortDesc=Die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon wird um 6 Stufen erhöht, nachdem es durch Feuer-/Wasserattacken beschädigt wurde. -showdown.abilities.steelworker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Steel-type attack. +showdown.abilities.steelworker.shortDesc=Der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn es einen Angriff vom Typ Stahl ausführt.ählerner Wille -showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.desc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. This affects Doom Desire even if the user is not on the field. -showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.desc=Die Stärke der Stahl-Attacken dieses Pokémon und seiner Verbündeten wird mit 1,5 multipliziert. Dies betrifft Kismetwunsch auch dann, wenn der Benutzer nicht auf dem Feld ist. +showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.shortDesc=Die Stärke der Stahl-Attacken dieses Pokémon und seiner Verbündeten wird mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.stench.desc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.abilities.stench.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. -showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.desc=No competitive use. -showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.stench.desc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon ohne Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen, erhalten eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. +showdown.abilities.stench.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon, die keine Chance haben, zurückzuzucken, erhalten eine Chance von 10 %, zusammenzuzucken. +showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.desc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. +showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz.örper -showdown.abilities.stickyhold.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack, unless the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. -showdown.abilities.stickyhold.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack. -showdown.abilities.stickyhold.gen4.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack, even if the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. -showdown.abilities.stickyhold.block=%s's item cannot be removed! +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand nicht durch die Fähigkeit oder den Angriff eines anderen Pokémon verlieren, es sei denn, der Angriff schlägt dieses Pokémon nieder. Ein Sticky Barb wird unabhängig von dieser Fähigkeit auf andere Pokémon übertragen. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand nicht durch die Fähigkeit oder den Angriff eines anderen Pokémon verlieren. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.gen4.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand nicht durch den Angriff eines anderen Pokémon verlieren, selbst wenn der Angriff dieses Pokémon bewusstlos macht. Ein Sticky Barb wird unabhängig von dieser Fähigkeit auf andere Pokémon übertragen. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.block=Der Artikel von %s kann nicht entfernt werden! -showdown.abilities.stormdrain.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Water-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. -showdown.abilities.stormdrain.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Water moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Water immunity. -showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. -showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Water moves to itself. -showdown.abilities.stormdrain.activate=%s took the attack! +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Wasser und erhöht seinen Spezialangriff um eine Stufe, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. Wenn dieses Pokémon nicht das Ziel einer Einzelziel-Attacke vom Typ Wasser ist, die von einem anderen Pokémon verwendet wird, leitet dieses Pokémon diese Attacke auf sich selbst um, wenn es sich innerhalb der Reichweite dieser Attacke befindet. Wenn mehrere Pokémon mit dieser Fähigkeit umleiten könnten, geht es an dasjenige mit der höchsten Geschwindigkeit, oder im Falle eines Gleichstands an dasjenige, bei dem diese Fähigkeit länger aktiv war. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon zieht Wasserattacken zu sich, um SP zu erhöhen. Angriff um 1; Wasserimmunität. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon nicht das Ziel einer Einzelziel-Attacke vom Typ Wasser ist, die von einem anderen Pokémon verwendet wird, leitet dieses Pokémon diese Attacke auf sich selbst um. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon zieht Einzelziel-Wasserattacken zu sich. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.activate=%s hat den Angriff abgewehrt! -showdown.abilities.strongjaw.desc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.strongjaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have 1.5x power. Bug Bite is not boosted. +showdown.abilities.strongjaw.desc=Die Kraft der bissbasierten Angriffe dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.strongjaw.shortDesc=Die bissbasierten Angriffe dieses Pokémon haben die 1,5-fache Stärke. Käferbiss ist nicht geboostet. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.desc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. Immune to OHKO. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.desc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.shortDesc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.activate=%s endured the hit! +showdown.abilities.sturdy.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle HP hat, überlebt es einen Treffer mit mindestens 1 HP. OHKO-Moves schlagen fehl, wenn sie gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzt werden. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle HP hat, überlebt es einen Treffer mit mindestens 1 HP. Immun gegen OHKO. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.desc=OHKO-Moves schlagen fehl, wenn sie gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzt werden. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.shortDesc=OHKO-Moves schlagen fehl, wenn sie gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzt werden. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.activate=%s hat den Schlag überstanden! -showdown.abilities.suctioncups.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. -showdown.abilities.suctioncups.block=%s is anchored in place with its suction cups! +showdown.abilities.suctioncups.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht durch den Angriff oder Gegenstand eines anderen Pokémon zum Auswechseln gezwungen werden. +showdown.abilities.suctioncups.block=%s wird mit seinen Saugnäpfen an Ort und Stelle verankert!ückspilz -showdown.abilities.superluck.shortDesc=This Pokemon's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.superluck.shortDesc=Die kritische Trefferquote dieses Pokémon wird um 1 Stufe erhöht. -showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their power multiplied by 1+(X*0.1), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side when this Ability became active, and X cannot be greater than 5. -showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have 10% more power for each fainted ally, up to 5 allies. -showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.activate=%s gained strength from the fallen! +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.desc=Die Stärke der Attacken dieses Pokémon wird mit 1+(X*0,1) multipliziert, wobei X die Gesamtzahl der Ohnmachtsanfälle eines Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers ist, als diese Fähigkeit aktiv wurde, und X nicht größer als 5 sein kann. +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon haben 10 % mehr Kraft für jeden ohnmächtigen Verbündeten, bis zu 5 Verbündete. +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.activate=%s hat durch die Gefallenen an Stärke gewonnen! -showdown.abilities.surgesurfer.shortDesc=If Electric Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.surgesurfer.shortDesc=Wenn Elektrofeld aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt. -showdown.abilities.swarm.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Bug-type attack. -showdown.abilities.swarm.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Bug attacks. -showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Bug-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Bug-type attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.swarm.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Käfer ausführt. +showdown.abilities.swarm.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon das 1,5-fache bei Käferangriffen. +showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Angriffe vom Typ Käfer mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP haben die Angriffe vom Typ Käfer dieses Pokémon 1,5-fache Stärke.ülle -showdown.abilities.sweetveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep, but those already asleep do not wake up immediately. This Pokemon and its allies cannot use Rest successfully or become affected by Yawn, and those previously affected will not fall asleep. -showdown.abilities.sweetveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep; those already asleep do not wake up. -showdown.abilities.sweetveil.block=%s can't fall asleep due to a veil of sweetness! +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.desc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten können nicht einschlafen, aber diejenigen, die bereits schlafen, wachen nicht sofort auf. Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten können Erholung nicht erfolgreich nutzen oder von Gähner betroffen werden, und die zuvor Betroffenen werden nicht einschlafen. +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten können nicht einschlafen; wer bereits schläft, wacht nicht auf. +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.block=%s kann aufgrund eines Schleiers aus Süße nicht einschlafen! -showdown.abilities.swiftswim.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.swiftswim.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. -showdown.abilities.swiftswim.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.desc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm trägt. +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.shortDesc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt. +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.gen7.desc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt. -showdown.abilities.swordofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Defense multiplied by 0.75. -showdown.abilities.swordofruin.start=%s's Sword of Ruin weakened the Defense of all surrounding Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.swordofruin.shortDesc=Die Verteidigung aktiver Pokémon ohne diese Fähigkeit wird mit 0,75 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.swordofruin.start=%s' Schwert der Zerstörung hat die Verteidigung aller umliegenden Pokémon geschwächt! -showdown.abilities.symbiosis.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button or Eject Pack. -showdown.abilities.symbiosis.shortDesc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. -showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen7.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button. -showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen6.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off. -showdown.abilities.symbiosis.activate=%s shared its %s with %s! -showdown.abilities.synchronize.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, poisons, or badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. -showdown.abilities.synchronize.shortDesc=If another Pokemon burns/poisons/paralyzes this Pokemon, it also gets that status. -showdown.abilities.synchronize.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, or poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. If another Pokemon badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon becomes poisoned. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.desc=Wenn ein Verbündeter seinen Gegenstand verwendet, gibt dieses Pokémon seinen Gegenstand sofort an diesen Verbündeten weiter. Wird nicht aktiviert, wenn der Gegenstand des Verbündeten gestohlen oder heruntergestoßen wurde oder wenn der Verbündete eine Auswurftaste oder ein Auswurfpaket verwendet hat. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.shortDesc=Wenn ein Verbündeter seinen Gegenstand verwendet, gibt dieses Pokémon seinen Gegenstand sofort an diesen Verbündeten weiter. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen7.desc=Wenn ein Verbündeter seinen Gegenstand verwendet, gibt dieses Pokémon seinen Gegenstand sofort an diesen Verbündeten weiter. Wird nicht aktiviert, wenn der Gegenstand des Verbündeten gestohlen oder heruntergeworfen wurde oder wenn der Verbündete eine Auswurftaste verwendet hat. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen6.desc=Wenn ein Verbündeter seinen Gegenstand verwendet, gibt dieses Pokémon seinen Gegenstand sofort an diesen Verbündeten weiter. Wird nicht aktiviert, wenn der Gegenstand des Verbündeten gestohlen oder heruntergeworfen wurde. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.activate=%s hat sein %s mit %s geteilt! +showdown.abilities.synchronize.desc=Wenn ein anderes Pokémon dieses Pokémon verbrennt, lähmt, vergiftet oder stark vergiftet, erhält dieses Pokémon denselben nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand. +showdown.abilities.synchronize.shortDesc=Wenn ein anderes Pokémon dieses Pokémon verbrennt/vergiftet/lähmt, erhält es ebenfalls diesen Status. +showdown.abilities.synchronize.gen4.desc=Wenn ein anderes Pokémon dieses Pokémon verbrennt, lähmt oder vergiftet, erhält dieses Pokémon denselben nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand. Wenn ein anderes Pokémon dieses Pokémon stark vergiftet, wird dieses Pokémon vergiftet. -showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Attack multiplied by 0.75. -showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.start=%s's Tablets of Ruin weakened the Attack of all surrounding Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.shortDesc=Der Angriff aktiver Pokémon ohne diese Fähigkeit wird mit 0,75 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.start=%s' Tablets of Ruin haben den Angriff aller Pokémon in der Nähe geschwächt! -showdown.abilities.tangledfeet.shortDesc=This Pokemon's evasiveness is doubled as long as it is confused. +showdown.abilities.tangledfeet.shortDesc=Die Ausweichfähigkeit dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt, solange es verwirrt ist. -showdown.abilities.tanglinghair.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.tanglinghair.shortDesc=Bei Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, wird die Geschwindigkeit um eine Stufe verringert. -showdown.abilities.technician.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, including Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power. -showdown.abilities.technician.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, including Struggle. -showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, except Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power, as well as the effects of Charge and Helping Hand. -showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, except Struggle. +showdown.abilities.technician.desc=Die Stärke der Attacken dieses Pokémon mit einer Stärke von 60 oder weniger wird mit 1,5 multipliziert, einschließlich Verzweifler. Dieser Effekt entsteht, nachdem der Effekt einer Bewegung ihre eigene Kraft verändert. +showdown.abilities.technician.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon mit einer Stärke von 60 oder weniger haben die 1,5-fache Stärke, einschließlich Verzweifler. +showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.desc=Die Stärke der Attacken dieses Pokémon mit einer Stärke von 60 oder weniger wird mit 1,5 multipliziert, mit Ausnahme von Verzweifler. Dieser Effekt tritt auf, nachdem der Effekt einer Bewegung ihre eigene Kraft verändert, ebenso wie die Effekte von Ladevorgang und Rechte Hand. +showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon mit einer Stärke von 60 oder weniger haben die 1,5-fache Stärke, außer Verzweifler. -showdown.abilities.telepathy.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take damage from attacks made by its allies. -showdown.abilities.telepathy.block=%s can't be hit by attacks from its ally Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.telepathy.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet keinen Schaden durch Angriffe seiner Verbündeten. +showdown.abilities.telepathy.block=%s kann nicht von Angriffen seines verbündeten Pokémon getroffen werden! -showdown.abilities.teravolt.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.teravolt.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.teravolt.start=%s is radiating a bursting aura! +showdown.abilities.teravolt.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Aromaschleier, Aurabruch, Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Kugelsicher, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Blendend, Verkleidung, Trockene Haut, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Blumenschleier, Flauschig, Freundschutz , Pelzmantel, Grasfell, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyper Zerschneiderter, Eisgesicht, Eisschuppen, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfes Auge, Blattschutz, Schweben, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Geschmeidigkeit, Magische Sprungfeder, Magmarüstung, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Halten, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe, Süßer Schleier, Verhedderte Füße, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserspeck, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.shortDesc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen7.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Aromaschleier, Aurabruch, Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Kugelsicher, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Dunkle Aura, Blendend, Verkleidung, Trockene Haut, Feenaura, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Blume Schleier, Flauschig, Freundesschutz, Pelzmantel, Grasfell, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyperzerschneiderter, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfes Auge, Blattschutz, Schweben, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Geschmeidigkeit, Magische Sprungfeder, Magmarüstung, Marvel-Skala, Motorantrieb, Multiskalen, Oblivious, Mantel, Eigenes Tempo, Königliche Majestät, Sandschleier, Saftsauger, Muschelrüstung, Schildstaub, Einfach, Schneeumhang, Fester Stein, Schalldicht, Klebriger Halt, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe , Süßer Schleier, Wirrwarr, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserspeck, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen6.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Aromaschleier, Aurabruch, Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Kugelsicher, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Dunkle Aura, Trockene Haut, Feenaura, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Blumenschleier, Freundesschutz , Pelzmantel, Grasfell, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyper Zerschneiderter, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfes Auge, Blattschutz, Schweben, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Geschmeidigkeit, Magische Sprungfeder, Magma-Rüstung, Marvel-Schuppe, Motorantrieb, Multiscale, Ahnungslos, Mantel, Eigenes Tempo, Sandschleier, Saftsauger, Muschelrüstung, Schildstaub, Einfach, Schneeumhang, Fester Fels, Schalldicht, Klebriger Halt, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe, Süßer Schleier, Verwickelte Füße, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen5.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Trockene Haut, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Freundschutz, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyper Zerschneiderter, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfsinn Auge, Blattschutz, Levitate, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Limber, Magische Sprungfeder, Magma-Rüstung, Marvel-Schuppe, Motorantrieb, Multiscale, Oblivious, Eigenes Tempo, Sandschleier, Saftsauger, Muschelrüstung, Schildstaub, Einfach, Schneeumhang , Fester Stein, Schalldicht, Klebriger Halt, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe, Verhedderte Füße, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.start=%s strahlt eine berstende Aura aus! -showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage after it is damaged by a Fire-type move. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. -showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 when damaged by Fire moves; can't be burned. +showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.desc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, nachdem es durch eine Attacke vom Typ Feuer beschädigt wurde. Dieses Pokémon kann nicht verbrannt werden. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verbrannt ist, wird sie geheilt. +showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um 1 erhöht, wenn es durch Feuerattacken beschädigt wird; kann nicht verbrannt werden. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved offensive stat. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.desc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.shortDesc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's Special Attack is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved Sp. Atk stat. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.desc=Wenn ein Pokémon einen Angriff vom Typ Feuer oder Eis gegen dieses Pokémon ausführt, wird der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon halbiert, wenn der Schaden für dieses Pokémon berechnet wird. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.shortDesc=Attacken vom Typ Feuer/Eis gegen dieses Pokémon verursachen Schaden mit einem halbierten Angriffswert. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.desc=Die Stärke von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer und Eis gegen dieses Pokémon wird halbiert. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.shortDesc=Die Stärke von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer und Eis gegen dieses Pokémon wird halbiert. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.desc=Wenn ein Pokémon einen Angriff vom Typ Feuer oder Eis gegen dieses Pokémon ausführt, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon halbiert, wenn der Schaden dieses Pokémon berechnet wird. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.shortDesc=Attacken vom Typ Feuer/Eis gegen dieses Pokémon verursachen Schaden mit einem halbierten SP. Angriffsstatistik. -showdown.abilities.tintedlens.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are not very effective on a target deal double damage. +showdown.abilities.tintedlens.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon, die auf ein Ziel nicht sehr effektiv sind, verursachen doppelten Schaden. -showdown.abilities.torrent.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Water-type attack. -showdown.abilities.torrent.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Water attacks. -showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Water-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Water-type attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.torrent.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Wasser ausführt. +showdown.abilities.torrent.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon bei Wasserangriffen das 1,5-fache. +showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Angriffe vom Typ Wasser mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP haben die Angriffe vom Typ Wasser dieses Pokémon die 1,5-fache Stärke. -showdown.abilities.toughclaws.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. -showdown.abilities.toxicboost.desc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, the power of its physical attacks is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.toxicboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, its physical attacks have 1.5x power. -showdown.abilities.toxicdebris.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by a physical attack, Toxic Spikes are set on the opposing side. +showdown.abilities.toughclaws.shortDesc=Die Stärke der Kontaktattacken dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,3 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.toxicboost.desc=Während dieses Pokémon vergiftet ist, wird die Kraft seiner physischen Angriffe mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.toxicboost.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon vergiftet ist, haben seine physischen Angriffe die 1,5-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.toxicdebris.shortDesc=Wird dieses Pokémon von einem physischen Angriff getroffen, werden Toxin-Stachler auf die gegnerische Seite gesetzt. -showdown.abilities.trace.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. -showdown.abilities.trace.shortDesc=On switch-in, or when it can, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent foe's Ability. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen8.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen5.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Forecast, Multitype, and Trace. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. -showdown.abilities.trace.changeAbility=%s traced %s's %s! +showdown.abilities.trace.desc=Beim Einwechseln kopiert dieses Pokémon die Fähigkeit eines zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind Eins, Kampfband, Komatös, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Blumengeschenk, Vorhersage, Schluckrakete, Hadronentriebwerk, Hungerschalter, Eisgesicht, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Neutralisierendes Gas, Orichalcum-Impuls, Kraftkonstrukt, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthese, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode und Zero to Hero. Wenn kein gegnerisches Pokémon über eine Fähigkeit verfügt, die kopiert werden kann, wird diese Fähigkeit aktiviert, sobald eines davon vorhanden ist. +showdown.abilities.trace.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln oder wann immer es kann, kopiert dieses Pokémon die Fähigkeit eines zufälligen benachbarten Gegners. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen8.desc=Beim Einwechseln kopiert dieses Pokémon die Fähigkeit eines zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Prognose, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver und RKS System. , Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungswechsel, Spur und Zen-Modus. Wenn kein gegnerisches Pokémon über eine Fähigkeit verfügt, die kopiert werden kann, wird diese Fähigkeit aktiviert, sobald eines davon vorhanden ist. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen7.desc=Beim Einwechseln kopiert dieses Pokémon die Fähigkeit eines zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace und Zen Mode. Wenn kein gegnerisches Pokémon über eine Fähigkeit verfügt, die kopiert werden kann, wird diese Fähigkeit aktiviert, sobald eines davon vorhanden ist. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen6.desc=Beim Einwechseln kopiert dieses Pokémon die Fähigkeit eines zufälligen benachbarten gegnerischen Pokémon. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind Blumengeschenk, Vorhersage, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Haltungswechsel, Spur und Zen-Modus. Wenn kein gegnerisches Pokémon über eine Fähigkeit verfügt, die kopiert werden kann, wird diese Fähigkeit aktiviert, sobald eines davon vorhanden ist. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen5.desc=Beim Einwechseln kopiert dieses Pokémon die Fähigkeit eines zufälligen benachbarten gegnerischen Pokémon. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind Blumengeschenk, Prognose, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Spur und Zen-Modus. Wenn kein gegnerisches Pokémon über eine Fähigkeit verfügt, die kopiert werden kann, wird diese Fähigkeit aktiviert, sobald eines davon vorhanden ist. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen4.desc=Beim Einwechseln kopiert dieses Pokémon die Fähigkeit eines zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon. Fähigkeiten, die nicht kopiert werden können, sind Prognose, Multityp und Verfolgung. Wenn kein gegnerisches Pokémon über eine Fähigkeit verfügt, die kopiert werden kann, wird diese Fähigkeit aktiviert, sobald eines davon vorhanden ist. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen3.desc=Beim Einwechseln kopiert dieses Pokémon die Fähigkeit eines zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.trace.changeAbility=%s hat %s' %s verfolgt! -showdown.abilities.transistor.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using an Electric-type attack. +showdown.abilities.transistor.shortDesc=Der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn es einen Angriff vom Typ Elektro ausführt. -showdown.abilities.triage.shortDesc=This Pokemon's healing moves have their priority increased by 3. +showdown.abilities.triage.shortDesc=Die Priorität der Heilattacken dieses Pokémon wird um 3 erhöht. -showdown.abilities.truant.shortDesc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. -showdown.abilities.truant.gen3.desc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. If this Pokemon replaces a Pokemon that fainted during end-of-turn effects, its first turn will be skipped. -showdown.abilities.truant.cant=%s is loafing around! +showdown.abilities.truant.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon überspringt jede zweite Runde, anstatt einen Zug auszuführen. +showdown.abilities.truant.gen3.desc=Dieses Pokémon überspringt jede zweite Runde, anstatt einen Zug auszuführen. Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Pokémon ersetzt, das während der End-of-Turn-Effekte ohnmächtig geworden ist, wird sein erster Zug übersprungen. +showdown.abilities.truant.cant=%s bummelt herum! -showdown.abilities.turboblaze.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.turboblaze.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.turboblaze.start=%s is radiating a blazing aura! +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Aromaschleier, Aurabruch, Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Kugelsicher, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Blendend, Verkleidung, Trockene Haut, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Blumenschleier, Flauschig, Freundschutz , Pelzmantel, Grasfell, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyper Zerschneiderter, Eisgesicht, Eisschuppen, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfes Auge, Blattschutz, Schweben, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Geschmeidigkeit, Magische Sprungfeder, Magmarüstung, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Halten, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe, Süßer Schleier, Verhedderte Füße, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserspeck, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.shortDesc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen7.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Aromaschleier, Aurabruch, Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Kugelsicher, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Dunkle Aura, Blendend, Verkleidung, Trockene Haut, Feenaura, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Blume Schleier, Flauschig, Freundesschutz, Pelzmantel, Grasfell, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyperzerschneiderter, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfes Auge, Blattschutz, Schweben, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Geschmeidigkeit, Magische Sprungfeder, Magmarüstung, Marvel-Skala, Motorantrieb, Multiskalen, Oblivious, Mantel, Eigenes Tempo, Königliche Majestät, Sandschleier, Saftsauger, Muschelrüstung, Schildstaub, Einfach, Schneeumhang, Fester Stein, Schalldicht, Klebriger Halt, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe , Süßer Schleier, Wirrwarr, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserspeck, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen6.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Aromaschleier, Aurabruch, Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Kugelsicher, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Dunkle Aura, Trockene Haut, Feenaura, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Blumenschleier, Freundesschutz , Pelzmantel, Grasfell, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyper Zerschneiderter, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfes Auge, Blattschutz, Schweben, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Geschmeidigkeit, Magische Sprungfeder, Magma-Rüstung, Marvel-Schuppe, Motorantrieb, Multiscale, Ahnungslos, Mantel, Eigenes Tempo, Sandschleier, Saftsauger, Muschelrüstung, Schildstaub, Einfach, Schneeumhang, Fester Fels, Schalldicht, Klebriger Halt, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe, Süßer Schleier, Verwickelte Füße, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen5.desc=Die Attacken und Effekte dieses Pokémon ignorieren bestimmte Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. Die Fähigkeiten, die negiert werden können, sind Kampfrüstung, Große Pikser, Klarer Körper, Kontra, Feucht, Trockene Haut, Filter, Blitzfeuer, Blumengeschenk, Freundschutz, Hitzebeständig, Schwermetall, Hyper Zerschneiderter, Immunität, Innerer Fokus, Schlaflosigkeit, Scharfsinn Auge, Blattschutz, Levitate, Leichtmetall, Blitzableiter, Limber, Magische Sprungfeder, Magma-Rüstung, Marvel-Schuppe, Motorantrieb, Multiscale, Oblivious, Eigenes Tempo, Sandschleier, Saftsauger, Muschelrüstung, Schildstaub, Einfach, Schneeumhang , Fester Stein, Schalldicht, Klebriger Halt, Sturmabfluss, Robust, Saugnäpfe, Verhedderte Füße, Telepathie, Dickes Fett, Ahnungslos, Lebensgeist, Voltabsorber, Wasserabsorber, Wasserschleier, Weißer Rauch, Wunderschutz und Wunderhaut. Dies wirkt sich auf jedes andere Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld aus, unabhängig davon, ob es Ziel der Bewegung dieses Pokémon ist oder nicht und ob seine Fähigkeit für dieses Pokémon von Vorteil ist oder nicht. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.start=%s strahlt eine strahlende Aura aus! -showdown.abilities.unaware.desc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's Attack, Special Attack, and accuracy stat stages when taking damage, and ignores other Pokemon's Defense, Special Defense, and evasiveness stat stages when dealing damage. -showdown.abilities.unaware.shortDesc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's stat stages when taking or doing damage. +showdown.abilities.unaware.desc=Dieses Pokémon ignoriert die Wertestufen Angriff, Spezialangriff und Präzision anderer Pokémon, wenn es Schaden erleidet, und ignoriert die Wertestufen Verteidigung, Spezialverteidigung und Ausweichen anderer Pokémon, wenn es Schaden verursacht. +showdown.abilities.unaware.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ignoriert die Statusstufen anderer Pokémon, wenn es Schaden nimmt oder verursacht. -showdown.abilities.unburden.desc=If this Pokemon loses its held item for any reason, its Speed is doubled as long as it remains active, has this Ability, and is not holding an item. -showdown.abilities.unburden.shortDesc=Speed is doubled on held item loss; boost is lost if it switches, gets new item/Ability. +showdown.abilities.unburden.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon aus irgendeinem Grund seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand verliert, wird seine Geschwindigkeit verdoppelt, solange es aktiv bleibt, über diese Fähigkeit verfügt und keinen Gegenstand trägt. +showdown.abilities.unburden.shortDesc=Die Geschwindigkeit wird bei Verlust gehaltener Gegenstände verdoppelt; Der Boost geht verloren, wenn es wechselt und einen neuen Gegenstand/eine neue Fähigkeit erhält. -showdown.abilities.unnerve.desc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. -showdown.abilities.unnerve.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. -showdown.abilities.unnerve.start=%s is too nervous to eat Berries! Faust -showdown.abilities.unseenfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves ignore the target's protection, except Max Guard. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, verhindert es, dass gegnerische Pokémon ihre Beeren verwenden. Diese Fähigkeit wird aktiviert, bevor Gefahren und andere Fähigkeiten wirksam werden. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, verhindert es, dass gegnerische Pokémon ihre Beeren verwenden. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.start=%s ist zu nervös, um Beeren zu essen! Faust +showdown.abilities.unseenfist.shortDesc=Die Kontaktattacken dieses Pokémon ignorieren den Schutz des Ziels, mit Ausnahme von Dyna-Wall.äß -showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Attack multiplied by 0.75. -showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.start=%s's Vessel of Ruin weakened the Sp. Atk of all surrounding Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.shortDesc=Bei aktiven Pokémon ohne diese Fähigkeit wird der Spezialangriff mit 0,75 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.start=%s' Schiff der Zerstörung hat die Sp geschwächt. Angriff aller umliegenden Pokémon! -showdown.abilities.victorystar.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.1. +showdown.abilities.victorystar.shortDesc=Die Genauigkeit der Attacken dieses Pokémon und seiner Verbündeten wird mit 1,1 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.vitalspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. +showdown.abilities.vitalspirit.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht einschlafen. Das Erlangen dieser Fähigkeit im Schlaf heilt sie. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by an Electric-type move. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Electric moves; Electric immunity. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damaging Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by one. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 its max HP when hit by a damaging Electric move; immunity. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Elektro-Attacken und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Elektro-Attacke getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es von elektrischen Attacken getroffen wird; Elektrische Immunität. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen schädliche elektrische Attacken und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einem getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es von einer schädlichen elektrischen Attacke getroffen wird; Immunität. Seele -showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. -showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. -showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode Abilities. -showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit mit diesem getauscht. Betrifft nicht Pokémon mit As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthese, Quark Drive und RKS System , Schulung, Schilde gesenkt, Haltungswechsel, Wunderwache, Zen-Modus oder Null-zu-Helden-Fähigkeiten. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.shortDesc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit mit diesem getauscht. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.gen8.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit mit diesem getauscht. Betrifft nicht Pokémon mit As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard oder Fähigkeiten im Zen-Modus. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.activate=%s hat Fähigkeiten mit seinem Ziel getauscht! -showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. -showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Water moves; Water immunity. +showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Wasser und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es von Wasserattacken getroffen wird; Wasserimmunität. -showdown.abilities.waterbubble.desc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled while using a Water-type attack. If a Pokemon uses a Fire-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. -showdown.abilities.waterbubble.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Water power is 2x; it can't be burned; Fire power against it is halved. +showdown.abilities.waterbubble.desc=Der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt, wenn es einen Angriff vom Typ Wasser ausführt. Wenn ein Pokémon einen Angriff vom Typ Feuer gegen dieses Pokémon ausführt, wird der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon halbiert, wenn der Schaden für dieses Pokémon berechnet wird. Dieses Pokémon kann nicht verbrannt werden. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verbrannt ist, wird sie geheilt. +showdown.abilities.waterbubble.shortDesc=Die Wasserkraft dieses Pokémon beträgt 2x; es kann nicht verbrannt werden; Die Feuerkraft dagegen wird halbiert. -showdown.abilities.watercompaction.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages after it is damaged by a Water-type move. +showdown.abilities.watercompaction.shortDesc=Die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon wird um 2 Stufen erhöht, nachdem es durch eine Bewegung vom Typ Wasser beschädigt wurde.ülle -showdown.abilities.waterveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. +showdown.abilities.waterveil.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht verbrannt werden. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verbrannt ist, wird sie geheilt.üstung -showdown.abilities.weakarmor.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 2 stages. -showdown.abilities.weakarmor.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 2. -showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 1 stage. -showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 1. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.desc=Trifft ein physischer Angriff dieses Pokémon, wird seine Verteidigung um 1 Stufe verringert und seine Geschwindigkeit um 2 Stufen erhöht. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon von einem physischen Angriff getroffen wird, wird die Verteidigung um 1 verringert und die Geschwindigkeit um 2 erhöht. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.desc=Trifft ein physischer Angriff dieses Pokémon, wird seine Verteidigung um 1 Stufe verringert und seine Geschwindigkeit um 1 Stufe erhöht. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon von einem physischen Angriff getroffen wird, wird die Verteidigung um 1 verringert und die Geschwindigkeit um 1 erhöht. -showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves and raises its Defense by 2 stages when hit by a Fire-type move. -showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages if hit by a Fire move; Fire immunity. +showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Feuer und erhöht seine Verteidigung um 2 Stufen, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Feuer getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.shortDesc=Die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon wird um 2 Stufen erhöht, wenn es von einer Feuerbewegung getroffen wird; Feuerimmunität. -showdown.abilities.whitesmoke.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. +showdown.abilities.whitesmoke.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die Statusstufen dieses Pokémon senken.ßaus -showdown.abilities.wimpout.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. -showdown.abilities.wimpout.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. +showdown.abilities.wimpout.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP hat und Schaden erleidet, der auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP sinkt, wechselt es sofort zu einem ausgewählten Verbündeten. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. Dieser Effekt gilt sowohl für direkten als auch für indirekten Schaden, mit Ausnahme von Fluch- und Delegator-Schaden bei Verwendung, Bauchtrommel, Leidteiler und Verwirrungsschaden. +showdown.abilities.wimpout.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon schaltet aus, wenn es die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP erreicht. -showdown.abilities.windpower.desc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. -showdown.abilities.windpower.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. -showdown.abilities.windpower.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! +showdown.abilities.windpower.desc=Dieses Pokémon erhält den Ladevorgang-Effekt, wenn es durch eine Windbewegung getroffen wird oder wenn Rückenwind auf der Seite dieses Pokémon beginnt. +showdown.abilities.windpower.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erhält den Ladevorgang-Effekt, wenn es von einer Windbewegung getroffen wird oder Rückenwind einsetzt. +showdown.abilities.windpower.start=Von %s getroffen zu werden, lädt %s mit Energie auf! -showdown.abilities.windrider.desc=This Pokemon is immune to wind moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. -showdown.abilities.windrider.shortDesc=Attack raised by 1 if hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. Wind move immunity. +showdown.abilities.windrider.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Windattacken und erhöht seinen Angriff um 1 Stufe, wenn es von einer Windbewegung getroffen wird oder wenn Rückenwind auf der Seite dieses Pokémon beginnt. +showdown.abilities.windrider.shortDesc=Der Angriff wird um 1 erhöht, wenn er von einer Windbewegung getroffen wird oder Rückenwind beginnt. Immunität gegen Windattacken. -showdown.abilities.wonderguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. -showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by Fire Fang, supereffective moves, indirect damage. -showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nur durch supereffektive Attacken und indirekten Schaden beschädigt werden. +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen4.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon wird nur durch Feuerzahn, supereffektive Attacken und indirekten Schaden beschädigt. +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen3.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon wird nur durch supereffektive Attacken und indirekten Schaden beschädigt. -showdown.abilities.wonderskin.desc=Non-damaging moves that check accuracy have their accuracy changed to 50% when used against this Pokemon. This effect comes before other effects that modify accuracy. -showdown.abilities.wonderskin.shortDesc=Status moves with accuracy checks are 50% accurate when used on this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.wonderskin.desc=Bei nicht schädlichen Attacken, die die Genauigkeit prüfen, wird die Genauigkeit auf 50 % geändert, wenn sie gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzt werden. Dieser Effekt kommt vor anderen Effekten, die die Genauigkeit verändern. +showdown.abilities.wonderskin.shortDesc=Statusattacken mit Genauigkeitsprüfungen sind bei diesem Pokémon zu 50 % genau. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan or Galarian Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.shortDesc=If Darmanitan, at end of turn changes Mode to Standard if > 1/2 max HP, else Zen. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. If Darmanitan loses this Ability while in Zen Mode, it reverts to Standard Mode immediately. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.transform=Zen Mode triggered! -showdown.abilities.zenmode.transformEnd=Zen Mode ended! +showdown.abilities.zenmode.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Darmanitaner oder Galar-Darmanitaner ist, wechselt es in den Zen-Modus, wenn es am Ende einer Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat. Wenn die HP von Darmanitan am Ende einer Runde über der Hälfte seiner maximalen HP liegen, wechselt er zurück in den Standardmodus. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.shortDesc=Wenn Darmanitaner, ändert sich am Ende des Zuges der Modus in Standard, wenn > 1/2 max. HP, andernfalls Zen. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen7.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Darmanitan ist, wechselt es in den Zen-Modus, wenn es am Ende einer Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat. Wenn die HP von Darmanitan am Ende einer Runde über der Hälfte seiner maximalen HP liegen, wechselt er zurück in den Standardmodus. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen6.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Darmanitan ist, wechselt es in den Zen-Modus, wenn es am Ende einer Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat. Wenn die HP von Darmanitan am Ende einer Runde über der Hälfte seiner maximalen HP liegen, wechselt er zurück in den Standardmodus. Wenn Darmanitan diese Fähigkeit im Zen-Modus verliert, kehrt er sofort in den Standardmodus zurück. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.transform=Zen-Modus ausgelöst! +showdown.abilities.zenmode.transformEnd=Der Zen-Modus ist beendet! -showdown.abilities.zerotohero.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Palafin in Zero Form, switching out has it change to Hero Form. -showdown.abilities.zerotohero.activate=%s underwent a heroic transformation! ## Unofficial -showdown.abilities.mountaineer.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon avoids all Rock-type attacks and Stealth Rock. ## Unofficial -showdown.abilities.rebound.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon blocks certain status moves and instead uses the move against the original user. -showdown.abilities.rebound.shortDesc=On switch-in, blocks certain status moves and bounces them back to the user. -showdown.abilities.rebound.move=%s bounced the %s back! ## Unofficial -showdown.abilities.persistent.desc=The duration of Gravity, Heal Block, Magic Room, Safeguard, Tailwind, Trick Room, and Wonder Room is increased by 2 turns if the effect is started by this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.persistent.shortDesc=When used, Gravity/Heal Block/Safeguard/Tailwind/Room effects last 2 more turns. -showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=%s extends %s by 2 turns! +showdown.abilities.zerotohero.shortDesc=Wenn es sich bei diesem Pokémon um einen Palafin in der Null-Form handelt, wechselt es durch den Wechsel in die Helden-Form. +showdown.abilities.zerotohero.activate=%s hat eine heroische Transformation durchgemacht! ## inofficial +showdown.abilities.mountaineer.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln vermeidet dieses Pokémon alle Angriffe vom Typ Fels und Tarnsteine. ## inofficial +showdown.abilities.rebound.desc=Beim Einwechseln blockiert dieses Pokémon bestimmte Statusattacken und nutzt die Bewegung stattdessen gegen den ursprünglichen Benutzer. +showdown.abilities.rebound.shortDesc=Blockiert beim Einschalten bestimmte Statusattacken und gibt sie an den Benutzer zurück. +showdown.abilities.rebound.move=%s hat den %s zurückgeworfen! ## inofficial +showdown.abilities.persistent.desc=Die Dauer von Erdanziehung, Heilblockade, Magieraum, Bodyguard, Rückenwind, Trickbetrug Room und Wunderraum wird um 2 Runden erhöht, wenn der Effekt von diesem Pokémon gestartet wird. +showdown.abilities.persistent.shortDesc=Bei Verwendung halten Erdanziehung/Heilblockade/Bodyguard/Rückenwind/Raumeffekte noch 2 Runden an. +showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=%s verlängert %s um 2 Runden! ###################################################### @@ -10201,5067 +10201,5067 @@ showdown.default.crash.damage=%s lief weiter und stürzte! ########################################################ähigkeitenschild -showdown.items.abilityshield.desc=Holder's Ability cannot be changed by any effect. -showdown.items.abilityshield.block=%s's Ability is protected by the effects of its Ability Shield! +showdown.items.abilityshield.desc=Die Fähigkeit des Inhabers kann durch keinen Effekt verändert werden. +showdown.items.abilityshield.block=Die Fähigkeit von %s wird durch die Wirkung seines Fähigkeitsschildes geschützt! -showdown.items.abomasite.desc=If held by an Abomasnow, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.abomasite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Abomasnow gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.absolite.desc=If held by an Absol, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.absolite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Absol gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.absorbbulb.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.absorbbulb.desc=Erhöht die Sp des Inhabers. Erhöht den Angriff um 1 Stufe, wenn er von einem Angriff vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.adamantcrystal.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.adamantorb.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.adrenalineorb.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage if it gets affected by Intimidate. Single use. -showdown.items.aerodactylite.desc=If held by an Aerodactyl, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. -showdown.items.aggronite.desc=If held by an Aggron, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.adamantcrystal.desc=Wenn es von einem Dialga gehalten wird, haben seine Angriffe vom Typ Stahl und Drache die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.adamantorb.desc=Wenn es von einem Dialga gehalten wird, haben seine Angriffe vom Typ Stahl und Drache die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.adrenalineorb.desc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Trägers um 1 Stufe, wenn er von Einschüchtern betroffen ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.aerodactylite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Aerodactyl gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. +showdown.items.aggronite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Aggron gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.aguavberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.aguavberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.aguavberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.aguavberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpD Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.aguavberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpD Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.aguavberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpD Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.airballoon.desc=Holder is immune to Ground-type attacks. Pops when holder is hit. -showdown.items.airballoon.start=%s floats in the air with its Air Balloon! -showdown.items.airballoon.end=%s's Air Balloon popped! +showdown.items.airballoon.desc=Der Halter ist immun gegen Angriffe vom Typ Boden. Knallt, wenn der Halter getroffen wird. +showdown.items.airballoon.start=%s schwebt mit seinem Luftballon in der Luft! +showdown.items.airballoon.end=Der Luftballon von %s ist geplatzt! -showdown.items.alakazite.desc=If held by an Alakazam, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.alakazite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Alakazam gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. Z -showdown.items.aloraichiumz.desc=If held by an Alolan Raichu with Thunderbolt, it can use Stoked Sparksurfer. +showdown.items.aloraichiumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Alola-Raichu mit Donnerbolt gehalten wird, kann es Blitz-Wellenritt verwenden. -showdown.items.altarianite.desc=If held by an Altaria, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.altarianite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Altaria gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.ampharosite.desc=If held by an Ampharos, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.ampharosite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Ampharos gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.apicotberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.apicotberry.desc=Erhöht die Sp des Inhabers. Verteidige dich um 1 Stufe, wenn du maximal 1/4 HP oder weniger hast. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.armorfossil.desc=Can be revived into Shieldon. +showdown.items.armorfossil.desc=Kann in Shieldon wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.aspearberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. +showdown.items.aspearberry.desc=Der Halter ist ausgehärtet, wenn er gefroren ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.assaultvest.desc=Holder's Sp. Def is 1.5x, but it can only select damaging moves. +showdown.items.assaultvest.desc=Holder's Sp. z o.o. Def beträgt das 1,5-fache, es können jedoch nur schädliche Attacken ausgewählt werden. -showdown.items.audinite.desc=If held by an Audino, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.audinite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Audino gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung.üstung -showdown.items.auspiciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Armarouge when used. +showdown.items.auspiciousarmor.desc=Entwickelt Charcadet bei Verwendung zu Armarouge. -showdown.items.babiriberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Steel-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.babiriberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen supereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Stahl. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.banettite.desc=If held by a Banette, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.banettite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einer Banette gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.beastball.desc=A special Poke Ball designed to catch Ultra Beasts. +showdown.items.beastball.desc=Ein spezieller Pokéball zum Fangen von Ultrabestien. -showdown.items.beedrillite.desc=If held by a Beedrill, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.beedrillite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Beedrill gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.belueberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.belueberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.berryjuice.desc=Restores 20 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.berryjuice.desc=Erholungskräfte: 20 HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.berrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.berrysweet.desc=Entwickelt Milcery zu Alcremie, wenn es gehalten und herumgedreht wird.ßwurzel -showdown.items.bigroot.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining/Aqua Ring/Ingrain/Leech Seed/Strength Sap. -showdown.items.bigroot.gen6.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining moves, Aqua Ring, Ingrain, and Leech Seed. +showdown.items.bigroot.desc=Der Inhaber erhält 1,3x HP durch Entleeren/Wasserring/Verwurzler/Egelsamen/Stärke Saft. +showdown.items.bigroot.gen6.desc=Holder erhält 1,3x HP durch entziehende Attacken, Wasserring, Verwurzler und Egelsamen. -showdown.items.bindingband.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves deal 1/6 max HP per turn instead of 1/8. ################### -showdown.items.blackbelt.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.blackbelt.gen3.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.1x power. -showdown.items.blacksludge.desc=Each turn, if holder is a Poison type, restores 1/16 max HP; loses 1/8 if not. -showdown.items.blacksludge.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Black Sludge! +showdown.items.bindingband.desc=Die teilweise einfangenden Attacken des Halters verursachen 1/6 maximale HP pro Runde statt 1/8. ################## +showdown.items.blackbelt.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Kampf des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.blackbelt.gen3.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Kampf des Halters haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.blacksludge.desc=Wenn der Träger ein Gifttyp ist, werden in jeder Runde 1/16 maximale HP wiederhergestellt; verliert 1/8, wenn nicht. +showdown.items.blacksludge.heal=%s hat mit seinem schwarzen Schlammbad ein wenig HP wiederhergestellt! -showdown.items.blackglasses.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.blackglasses.gen3.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.blackglasses.desc=Die Angriffe des Halters vom Typ Dunkel haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.blackglasses.gen3.desc=Die Angriffe des Halters vom Typ Dunkel haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.blastoisinite.desc=If held by a Blastoise, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. -showdown.items.blazikenite.desc=If held by a Blaziken, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.blastoisinite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einer Blastoise gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. +showdown.items.blazikenite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Blaziken gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. Edelstein -showdown.items.blueorb.desc=If held by a Kyogre, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. +showdown.items.blueorb.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Kyogre gehalten wird, löst er im Kampf seine Urumkehr aus. -showdown.items.blukberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.blukberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.blunderpolicy.desc=If the holder misses due to accuracy, its Speed is raised by 2 stages. Single use. +showdown.items.blunderpolicy.desc=Wenn der Halter aufgrund von Genauigkeit verfehlt, wird seine Geschwindigkeit um 2 Stufen erhöht. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.boosterenergy.desc=Activates the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive Abilities. Single use. +showdown.items.boosterenergy.desc=Aktiviert die Fähigkeiten Protosynthese oder Quarkantrieb. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.bottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. One of a Pokemon's stats is calculated with an IV of 31. +showdown.items.bottlecap.desc=Wird für Hypertraining verwendet. Eine der Statistiken eines Pokémon wird mit einem IV von 31 berechnet. -showdown.items.brightpowder.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. -showdown.items.brightpowder.gen2.desc=An attack against the holder has its accuracy out of 255 lowered by 20. +showdown.items.brightpowder.desc=Die Genauigkeit von Angriffen gegen den Inhaber beträgt 0,9x. +showdown.items.brightpowder.gen2.desc=Bei einem Angriff gegen den Inhaber wird die Genauigkeit von 255 um 20 verringert.äferjuwel -showdown.items.buggem.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.buggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.buggem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Käfer hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.buggem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Käfer hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung.äfer-Disc -showdown.items.bugmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Bug type. +showdown.items.bugmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Bug. Z -showdown.items.buginiumz.desc=If holder has a Bug move, this item allows it to use a Bug Z-Move. +showdown.items.buginiumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Käfer-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Käfer-Z-Attacke verwenden. -showdown.items.burndrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Fire type. +showdown.items.burndrive.desc=Holders Techblaster ist vom Typ Feuer. -showdown.items.cameruptite.desc=If held by a Camerupt, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.cameruptite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Camerupt gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.cellbattery.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Electric-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.cellbattery.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Trägers um 1, wenn er von einem elektrischen Angriff getroffen wird. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.charcoal.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.charcoal.gen3.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.charcoal.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Feuer des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.charcoal.gen3.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Feuer des Halters haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. X -showdown.items.charizarditex.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.charizarditex.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Glurak gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. Y -showdown.items.charizarditey.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.charizarditey.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Glurak gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.chartiberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Rock-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.chartiberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen übereffektiven Stein-Angriff. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.cheriberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. +showdown.items.cheriberry.desc=Holder heilt sich selbst, wenn er gelähmt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.cherishball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an occasion. +showdown.items.cherishball.desc=Ein seltener Pokeball, der zur Erinnerung an einen besonderen Anlass gefertigt wurde. -showdown.items.chestoberry.desc=Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. +showdown.items.chestoberry.desc=Holder wacht auf, wenn er schläft. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.chilanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a Normal-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.chilanberry.desc=Halbiert den durch einen Angriff vom Typ Normal erlittenen Schaden. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.chilldrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Ice type. +showdown.items.chilldrive.desc=Holders Techblaster ist vom Typ Eis.öchrige Kanne -showdown.items.chippedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea-Antique into Polteageist-Antique when used. +showdown.items.chippedpot.desc=Entwickelt sich bei Verwendung von Sinistea-Antique zu Polteageist-Antique. -showdown.items.choiceband.desc=Holder's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. +showdown.items.choiceband.desc=Der Angriff des Halters beträgt das 1,5-fache, es kann jedoch nur die erste ausgeführte Bewegung ausgewählt werden. -showdown.items.choicescarf.desc=Holder's Speed is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. +showdown.items.choicescarf.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit des Halters beträgt das 1,5-fache, er kann jedoch nur die erste Bewegung auswählen, die er ausführt. -showdown.items.choicespecs.desc=Holder's Sp. Atk is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. +showdown.items.choicespecs.desc=Holder's Sp. z o.o. Der Angriff beträgt das 1,5-fache, aber es kann nur die erste Bewegung auswählen, die es ausführt. -showdown.items.chopleberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fighting-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.chopleberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen äußerst effektiven Angriff vom Typ Kampf. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.clawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Anorith. +showdown.items.clawfossil.desc=Kann in Anorith wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.clearamulet.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering the holder's stat stages. -showdown.items.clearamulet.block=The effects of %s's Clear Amulet prevent its stats from being lowered! +showdown.items.clearamulet.desc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die Statusstufen des Besitzers senken. +showdown.items.clearamulet.block=Die Effekte von %s' Clear Amulet verhindern, dass seine Werte gesenkt werden! -showdown.items.cloversweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.cloversweet.desc=Entwickelt Milcery zu Alcremie, wenn es gehalten und herumgedreht wird. -showdown.items.cobaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Flying-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.cobaberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen äußerst effektiven Angriff vom Typ Fliegen. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.colburberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dark-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.colburberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen supereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Unlicht. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.cornnberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.cornnberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.coverfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tirtouga. +showdown.items.coverfossil.desc=Kann in Tirtouga wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.covertcloak.desc=Holder is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. +showdown.items.covertcloak.desc=Der Sekundäreffekt des Angriffs eines anderen Pokémon wirkt sich nicht auf den Halter aus. Kanne -showdown.items.crackedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea into Polteageist when used. -showdown.items.custapberry.desc=Holder moves first in its priority bracket when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. -showdown.items.custapberry.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Custap Berry! +showdown.items.crackedpot.desc=Entwickelt Sinistea bei Verwendung zu Polteageist. +showdown.items.custapberry.desc=Der Halter bewegt sich zuerst in seiner Prioritätsgruppe, wenn er maximal 1/4 HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.custapberry.activate=%s kann dank seiner Custap-Beere schneller als normal agieren! -showdown.items.damprock.desc=Holder's use of Rain Dance lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.damprock.desc=Der Einsatz von Regentanz durch den Holder dauert 8 statt 5 Runden. -showdown.items.darkgem.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.darkgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.darkgem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Dunkel hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.darkgem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Dunkel hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.darkmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dark type. +showdown.items.darkmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom dunklen Typ. Z -showdown.items.darkiniumz.desc=If holder has a Dark move, this item allows it to use a Dark Z-Move. +showdown.items.darkiniumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Dark-Attacke verfügt, ermöglicht ihm dieser Gegenstand die Verwendung einer Dark-Z-Attacke. -showdown.items.dawnstone.desc=Evolves male Kirlia into Gallade and female Snorunt into Froslass when used. -showdown.items.dawnstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.dawnstone.desc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung die männliche Kirlia zu Gallade und die weibliche Snorunt zu Froslass. +showdown.items.dawnstone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. Z -showdown.items.decidiumz.desc=If held by a Decidueye with Spirit Shackle, it can use Sinister Arrow Raid. -showdown.items.deepseascale.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss when traded. -showdown.items.deepseascale.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. -showdown.items.deepseatooth.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Huntail when traded. -showdown.items.deepseatooth.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. +showdown.items.decidiumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Decidueye mit Schattenfessel gehalten wird, kann es Schatten-Pfeilregen verwenden. +showdown.items.deepseascale.desc=Wenn es von einem Schnappererl gehalten wird, ist es Sp. Def wird verdoppelt. Entwickelt Schnappererl beim Handel zu Gorebyss. +showdown.items.deepseascale.shortDesc=Wenn es von einem Schnappererl gehalten wird, ist es Sp. Def wird verdoppelt. +showdown.items.deepseatooth.desc=Wenn es von einem Schnappererl gehalten wird, ist es Sp. Der Angriff wird verdoppelt. Entwickelt sich Schnappererl beim Handel zu Huntail. +showdown.items.deepseatooth.shortDesc=Wenn es von einem Schnappererl gehalten wird, ist es Sp. Der Angriff wird verdoppelt. -showdown.items.destinyknot.desc=If holder becomes infatuated, the other Pokemon also becomes infatuated. +showdown.items.destinyknot.desc=Wenn der Besitzer verliebt ist, wird auch das andere Pokémon verliebt. -showdown.items.diancite.desc=If held by a Diancie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.diancite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einer Diancie getragen wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.diveball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Pokemon that live underwater. +showdown.items.diveball.desc=Ein Pokeball, der besonders gut bei Pokémon funktioniert, die unter Wasser leben. -showdown.items.domefossil.desc=Can be revived into Kabuto. +showdown.items.domefossil.desc=Kann zu Kabuto wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.dousedrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Water type. +showdown.items.dousedrive.desc=Holders Techblaster ist vom Typ Wasser. -showdown.items.dracoplate.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dragon type. +showdown.items.dracoplate.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Drache des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Drachentyp. -showdown.items.dragonfang.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.dragonfang.gen3.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. -showdown.items.dragonfang.gen2.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.items.dragonfang.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Drache des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.dragonfang.gen3.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Drache des Halters haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.dragonfang.gen2.desc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. -showdown.items.dragongem.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.dragongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.dragongem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Drache hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.dragongem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Drache hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.dragonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dragon type. +showdown.items.dragonmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Drache. -showdown.items.dragonscale.desc=Evolves Seadra into Kingdra when traded. -showdown.items.dragonscale.gen2.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Seadra (trade). +showdown.items.dragonscale.desc=Entwickelt Seadra beim Handel zu Kingdra. +showdown.items.dragonscale.gen2.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Drache des Halters haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. Entwickelt Seadra (Handel). Z -showdown.items.dragoniumz.desc=If holder has a Dragon move, this item allows it to use a Dragon Z-Move. +showdown.items.dragoniumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Drachen-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Drachen-Z-Attacke verwenden. -showdown.items.dreadplate.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dark type. +showdown.items.dreadplate.desc=Die Angriffe des Halters vom Typ Dunkel haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom dunklen Typ. -showdown.items.dreamball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon while they're asleep. -showdown.items.dreamball.gen7.desc=A special Poke Ball that appears out of nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest. +showdown.items.dreamball.desc=Ein Pokeball, der es einfacher macht, wilde Pokémon zu fangen, während sie schlafen. +showdown.items.dreamball.gen7.desc=Ein besonderer Pokéball, der aus dem Nichts in einer Tasche im Entree Forest auftaucht. -showdown.items.dubiousdisc.desc=Evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z when traded. +showdown.items.dubiousdisc.desc=Entwickelt Porygon2 beim Handel zu Porygon-Z. -showdown.items.durinberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.durinberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.duskball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokemon at night or in caves. +showdown.items.duskball.desc=Ein Pokeball, der es einfacher macht, wilde Pokémon nachts oder in Höhlen zu fangen. -showdown.items.duskstone.desc=Evolves Murkrow into Honchkrow, Misdreavus into Mismagius, Lampent into Chandelure, and Doublade into Aegislash when used. -showdown.items.duskstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.duskstone.desc=Entwickelt sich bei Verwendung von Murkrow zu Honchkrow, Misdreavus zu Mismagius, Lampent zu Chandelure und Doublade zu Durengard. +showdown.items.duskstone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. -showdown.items.earthplate.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ground type. +showdown.items.earthplate.desc=Die Bodenangriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Bodentyp. Z -showdown.items.eeviumz.desc=If held by an Eevee with Last Resort, it can use Extreme Evoboost. +showdown.items.eeviumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Evoli mit Zuflucht gehalten wird, kann es Macht der Neun nutzen. -showdown.items.ejectbutton.desc=If holder survives a hit, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. Single use. -showdown.items.ejectbutton.end=%s is switched out with the Eject Button! +showdown.items.ejectbutton.desc=Wenn der Träger einen Treffer überlebt, wechselt er sofort zu einem ausgewählten Verbündeten. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.ejectbutton.end=%s wird mit der Auswurftaste ausgeschaltet! -showdown.items.ejectpack.desc=If the holder's stat stages are lowered, it switches to a chosen ally. Single use. -showdown.items.ejectpack.end=%s is switched out by the Eject Pack! +showdown.items.ejectpack.desc=Wenn die Statusstufen des Besitzers gesenkt werden, wechselt er zu einem ausgewählten Verbündeten. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.ejectpack.end=%s wird durch das Eject Pack ausgeschaltet! -showdown.items.electirizer.desc=Evolves Electabuzz into Electivire when traded. +showdown.items.electirizer.desc=Entwickelt sich Electabuzz beim Handel zu Electivire. -showdown.items.electricgem.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.electricgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.electricgem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher elektrischer Angriff hat die 1,3-fache Kraft. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.electricgem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher elektrischer Angriff hat die 1,5-fache Kraft. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.electricmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Electric type. +showdown.items.electricmemory.desc=Der Multi-Angriff von Holder ist elektrisch. -showdown.items.electricseed.desc=If the terrain is Electric Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. +showdown.items.electricseed.desc=Wenn das Gelände Elektrofeld ist, erhöht sich die Verteidigung des Besitzers um 1 Stufe. Gesangle-Nutzung. Z -showdown.items.electriumz.desc=If holder has an Electric move, this item allows it to use an Electric Z-Move. +showdown.items.electriumz.desc=Wenn der Träger über eine elektrische Bewegung verfügt, ermöglicht dieser Gegenstand die Verwendung einer elektrischen Z-Bewegung. -showdown.items.enigmaberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP after holder is hit by a supereffective move. Single use. -showdown.items.enigmaberry.gen3.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.items.enigmaberry.desc=Erholungores 1/4 max. HP, nachdem der Träger von einer supereffektiven Bewegung getroffen wurde. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.enigmaberry.gen3.desc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. -showdown.items.eviolite.desc=If holder's species can evolve, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x. +showdown.items.eviolite.desc=Wenn sich die Spezies des Besitzers weiterentwickeln kann, sind seine Verteidigung und Sp. Def sind 1,5x. -showdown.items.expertbelt.desc=Holder's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.2x damage. +showdown.items.expertbelt.desc=Angriffe des Inhabers, die gegen das Ziel äußerst effektiv sind, verursachen 1,2-fachen Schaden. Z -showdown.items.fairiumz.desc=If holder has a Fairy move, this item allows it to use a Fairy Z-Move. +showdown.items.fairiumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Feen-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Feen-Z-Attacke verwenden. -showdown.items.fairygem.desc=Holder's first successful Fairy-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.fairygem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Fee hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.fairymemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fairy type. +showdown.items.fairymemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Fee. -showdown.items.fastball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokemon which are quick to run away. +showdown.items.fastball.desc=Ein Pokeball, der es einfacher macht, Pokémon zu fangen, die schnell davonlaufen. -showdown.items.fightinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.fightinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.fightinggem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Kampf hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.fightinggem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Kampf hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.fightingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fighting type. +showdown.items.fightingmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Kampftyp. Z -showdown.items.fightiniumz.desc=If holder has a Fighting move, this item allows it to use a Fighting Z-Move. +showdown.items.fightiniumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Kampfbewegung verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Kampf-Z-Bewegung verwenden. -showdown.items.figyberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.figyberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.figyberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.figyberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Atk Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.figyberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Atk Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.figyberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Atk Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.firegem.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.firegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.firegem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Feuer hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.firegem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Feuer hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.firememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fire type. +showdown.items.firememory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Feuer. Vulpix into Ninetales, Growlithe into Arcanine, Eevee into Flareon, and Pansear into Simisear when used. certain species of Pokemon when used. sich bei Verwendung von Vulpix zu Ninetales, Heulerithe zu Arcanine, Eevee zu Flareon und Pansear zu Simisear. bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. Z -showdown.items.firiumz.desc=If holder has a Fire move, this item allows it to use a Fire Z-Move. +showdown.items.firiumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Feuer-Attacke verfügt, ermöglicht ihm dieser Gegenstand die Verwendung einer Feuer-Z-Attacke. -showdown.items.fistplate.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fighting type. +showdown.items.fistplate.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Kampf des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist ein kämpferischer Typ.ß-Orb -showdown.items.flameorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to burn the holder. +showdown.items.flameorb.desc=Am Ende jeder Runde versucht dieser Gegenstand, den Träger zu verbrennen. -showdown.items.flameplate.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fire type. +showdown.items.flameplate.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Feuer des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Typ Feuer. -showdown.items.floatstone.desc=Holder's weight is halved. +showdown.items.floatstone.desc=Das Gewicht des Halters wird halbiert. -showdown.items.flowersweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.flowersweet.desc=Entwickelt Milcery zu Alcremie, wenn es gehalten und herumgedreht wird. -showdown.items.flyinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.flyinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.flyinggem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Fliegening hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.flyinggem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Fliegen hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.flyingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Flying type. +showdown.items.flyingmemory.desc=Der Multi-Angriff von Holder ist vom fliegenden Typ. Z -showdown.items.flyiniumz.desc=If holder has a Flying move, this item allows it to use a Flying Z-Move. +showdown.items.flyiniumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Fliegen-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Fliegen-Z-Attacke verwenden. -showdown.items.focusband.desc=Holder has a 10% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. -showdown.items.focusband.gen2.desc=Holder has a ~11.7% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. -showdown.items.focusband.activate=%s hung on using its Focus Band! +showdown.items.focusband.desc=Der Inhaber hat eine Chance von 10 %, einen Angriff zu überleben, der ihn mit 1 HP KO schlagen würde. +showdown.items.focusband.gen2.desc=Der Halter hat eine Chance von ca. 11,7 %, einen Angriff zu überleben, der ihn mit 1 HP KO schlagen würde. +showdown.items.focusband.activate=%s hielt daran fest, sein Fokusband zu benutzen! -showdown.items.focussash.desc=If holder's HP is full, will survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. Single use. -showdown.items.focussash.gen4.desc=If holder's HP is full, survives all hits of one attack with at least 1 HP. Single use. -showdown.items.focussash.end=%s hung on using its Focus Sash! +showdown.items.focussash.desc=Wenn die HP des Besitzers voll sind, überlebt er einen Angriff, der ihn mit 1 HP KO schlagen würde. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.focussash.gen4.desc=Wenn die HP des Besitzers voll sind, überlebt er alle Treffer eines Angriffs mit mindestens 1 HP. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.focussash.end=%s hielt daran fest, seine Fokusschärpe zu benutzen! -showdown.items.fossilizedbird.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Drake or Arctozolt with Fossilized Dino. +showdown.items.fossilizedbird.desc=Kann mit Fossilized Drake zu Dracozolt oder mit Fossilized Dino zu Arctozolt wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.fossilizeddino.desc=Can revive into Arctovish with Fossilized Fish or Arctozolt with Fossilized Bird. +showdown.items.fossilizeddino.desc=Kann mit versteinertem Fisch zu Arctovish oder mit versteinertem Vogel zu Arctozolt wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.fossilizeddrake.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Bird or Dracovish with Fossilized Fish. +showdown.items.fossilizeddrake.desc=Kann mit versteinertem Vogel zu Dracozolt oder mit versteinertem Fisch zu Dracovish wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.fossilizedfish.desc=Can revive into Dracovish with Fossilized Drake or Arctovish with Fossilized Dino. +showdown.items.fossilizedfish.desc=Kann mit Fossilized Drake zu Dracovish oder mit Fossilized Dino zu Arctovish wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.friendball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes caught Pokemon more friendly. +showdown.items.friendball.desc=Ein Pokeball, der gefangene Pokémon freundlicher macht. -showdown.items.fullincense.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. +showdown.items.fullincense.desc=Der Halter bewegt sich als Letzter in seiner Prioritätsgruppe. -showdown.items.galaricacuff.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro when used. +showdown.items.galaricacuff.desc=Entwickelt Galarian Slowpoke bei Verwendung zu Galarian Slowbro. -showdown.items.galaricawreath.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking when used. +showdown.items.galaricawreath.desc=Entwickelt Galarian Slowpoke bei Verwendung zu Galarian Slowking. -showdown.items.galladite.desc=If held by a Gallade, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.galladite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einer Gallade gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.ganlonberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. -showdown.items.garchompite.desc=If held by a Garchomp, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.ganlonberry.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Trägers um 1 Stufe, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.garchompite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Garchomp gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.gardevoirite.desc=If held by a Gardevoir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.gardevoirite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Gardevoir gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.gengarite.desc=If held by a Gengar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.gengarite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Gengar gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.ghostgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.ghostgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.ghostgem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Geist hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.ghostgem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Geist hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.ghostmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ghost type. +showdown.items.ghostmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Geist. Z -showdown.items.ghostiumz.desc=If holder has a Ghost move, this item allows it to use a Ghost Z-Move. +showdown.items.ghostiumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Ghost-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Ghost-Z-Attacke verwenden. -showdown.items.glalitite.desc=If held by a Glalie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.glalitite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Glalie gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.goldbottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. All of a Pokemon's stats are calculated with an IV of 31. +showdown.items.goldbottlecap.desc=Wird für Hypertraining verwendet. Alle Statistiken eines Pokémon werden mit einem IV von 31 berechnet. -showdown.items.grassgem.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.grassgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.grassgem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Gras hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.grassgem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Gras hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.grassmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Grass type. +showdown.items.grassmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Gras. Z -showdown.items.grassiumz.desc=If holder has a Grass move, this item allows it to use a Grass Z-Move. +showdown.items.grassiumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Grass-Attacke verfügt, ermöglicht ihm dieser Gegenstand die Verwendung einer Grass-Z-Move. -showdown.items.grassyseed.desc=If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. -showdown.items.greatball.desc=A high-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Poke Ball. +showdown.items.grassyseed.desc=Wenn das Gelände Grasfeld ist, erhöht sich die Verteidigung des Besitzers um 1 Stufe. Gesangle-Nutzung. Ball +showdown.items.greatball.desc=Ein Hochleistungsball, der eine höhere Fangquote als ein Pokeball bietet. -showdown.items.grepaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.grepaberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.gripclaw.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves always last 7 turns. -showdown.items.griseouscore.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.griseousorb.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.griseousorb.gen4.desc=Can only be held by Giratina. Its Ghost- & Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.gripclaw.desc=Die teilweisen Fangattacken des Holders dauern immer 7 Runden. +showdown.items.griseouscore.desc=Wenn es von einer Giratina gehalten wird, haben seine Angriffe vom Typ Geist und Drache die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.griseousorb.desc=Wenn es von einer Giratina gehalten wird, haben seine Angriffe vom Typ Geist und Drache die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.griseousorb.gen4.desc=Kann nur von Giratina gehalten werden. Seine Angriffe vom Typ Geist und Drache haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.groundgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.groundgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.groundgem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Bodenangriff hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.groundgem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Bodenangriff hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.groundmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ground type. +showdown.items.groundmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Boden. Z -showdown.items.groundiumz.desc=If holder has a Ground move, this item allows it to use a Ground Z-Move. +showdown.items.groundiumz.desc=Wenn der Träger über eine Bodenbewegung verfügt, ermöglicht ihm dieser Gegenstand die Verwendung einer Boden-Z-Bewegung. -showdown.items.gyaradosite.desc=If held by a Gyarados, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.gyaradosite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Gyarados gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.habanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dragon-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.habanberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen übereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Drache. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.hardstone.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.hardstone.gen3.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.hardstone.desc=Die Stein-Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.hardstone.gen3.desc=Die Stein-Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.healball.desc=A remedial Poke Ball that restores the caught Pokemon's HP and status problem. +showdown.items.healball.desc=Ein heilender Pokeball, der die HP und den Status des gefangenen Pokémon wiederherstellt.ßbrocken -showdown.items.heatrock.desc=Holder's use of Sunny Day lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.heatrock.desc=Der Einsatz von Sonnentag durch den Holder dauert 8 statt 5 Runden. -showdown.items.heavyball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching very heavy Pokemon. +showdown.items.heavyball.desc=Ein Pokeball zum Fangen sehr schwerer Pokémon. -showdown.items.heavydutyboots.desc=When switching in, the holder is unaffected by hazards on its side of the field. +showdown.items.heavydutyboots.desc=Beim Einwechseln ist der Halter von Gefahren auf seiner Spielfeldseite unabhängig. -showdown.items.helixfossil.desc=Can be revived into Omanyte. +showdown.items.helixfossil.desc=Kann in Omanyte wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.heracronite.desc=If held by a Heracross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.heracronite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Heracross gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.hondewberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.hondewberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.houndoominite.desc=If held by a Houndoom, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.houndoominite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Houndoom gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.iapapaberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt if -Def Nature. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt if -Def Nature. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt if -Def Nature. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.icegem.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.icegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.icegem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Eis hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.icegem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Eis hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.icememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ice type. +showdown.items.icememory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Eis. -showdown.items.icestone.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales, Eevee into Glaceon, and Galarian Darumaka into Galarian Darmanitan when used. -showdown.items.icestone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. -showdown.items.icestone.gen7.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash and Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales when used. +showdown.items.icestone.desc=Entwickelt sich Alolan Sandshrew zu Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Vulpix zu Alolan Ninetales, Evoli zu Glaceon und Galarian Darumaka zu Galarian Darmanitan, wenn es verwendet wird. +showdown.items.icestone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. +showdown.items.icestone.gen7.desc=Entwickelt sich bei Verwendung von Alolan Sandshrew zu Alolan Sandslash und Alolan Vulpix zu Alolan Ninetales. -showdown.items.icicleplate.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ice type. +showdown.items.icicleplate.desc=Die Eis-Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Typ Eis. Z -showdown.items.iciumz.desc=If holder has an Ice move, this item allows it to use an Ice Z-Move. +showdown.items.iciumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Eis-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Eis-Z-Attacke verwenden. -showdown.items.icyrock.desc=Holder's use of Hail lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.icyrock.desc=Der Einsatz von Hagelsturm durch Holder dauert 8 statt 5 Runden. Z -showdown.items.inciniumz.desc=If held by an Incineroar with Darkest Lariat, it can use Malicious Moonsault. +showdown.items.inciniumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Incineroar mit Dark Lariat gehalten wird, kann es Hyper Dark Crusher verwenden.äfertafel -showdown.items.insectplate.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Bug type. +showdown.items.insectplate.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Inhaberkäfer haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Typ Bug. -showdown.items.ironball.desc=Holder is grounded, Speed halved. If Flying type, takes neutral Ground damage. -showdown.items.ironball.gen4.desc=Holder's Speed is halved and it becomes grounded. +showdown.items.ironball.desc=Halter ist geerdet, Geschwindigkeit halbiert. Beim fliegenden Typ erleidet er neutralen Bodenschaden. +showdown.items.ironball.gen4.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit des Halters wird halbiert und er bleibt am Boden. -showdown.items.ironplate.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Steel type. +showdown.items.ironplate.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Stahl haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Typ Stahl. -showdown.items.jabocaberry.desc=If holder is hit by a physical move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. +showdown.items.jabocaberry.desc=Wenn der Träger durch eine physische Bewegung getroffen wird, verliert der Angreifer 1/8 seiner maximalen HP. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.jawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tyrunt. +showdown.items.jawfossil.desc=Kann zu Tyrunt wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.kasibberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ghost-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.kasibberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen übereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Geist. Gesangle-Nutzung. Drasi -showdown.items.kebiaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Poison-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.kebiaberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen übereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Gift. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.keeberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage after it is hit by a physical attack. Single use. +showdown.items.keeberry.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Trägers um 1 Stufe, nachdem er von einem physischen Angriff getroffen wurde. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.kelpsyberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.kelpsyberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.kangaskhanite.desc=If held by a Kangaskhan, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. -showdown.items.kingsrock.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed and Slowpoke into Slowking when traded. -showdown.items.kingsrock.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.items.kangaskhanite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Kangaskhan gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung.önig-Stein +showdown.items.kingsrock.desc=Angriffe des Halters ohne Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen, erhalten eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. Entwickelt sich beim Handel aus Poliwhirl zu Politoed und Slowpoke zu Slowking. +showdown.items.kingsrock.shortDesc=Angriffe des Inhabers, die keine Chance haben, zurückzuzucken, erhalten eine Chance von 10 %, zurückzuzucken. Z -showdown.items.kommoniumz.desc=If held by a Kommo-o with Clanging Scales, it can use Clangorous Soulblaze. +showdown.items.kommoniumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Kommo-o mit Schuppenrasseln gehalten wird, kann es Seelentanzblaze verwenden. Z -showdown.items.laggingtail.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. +showdown.items.laggingtail.desc=Der Halter bewegt sich als Letzter in seiner Prioritätsgruppe. -showdown.items.lansatberry.desc=Holder gains the Focus Energy effect when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.lansatberry.desc=Der Inhaber erhält den Energiefokus-Effekt, wenn er maximal 1/4 HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.latiasite.desc=If held by a Latias, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.latiasite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Latias gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.latiosite.desc=If held by a Latios, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.latiosite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Latios gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.laxincense.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. -showdown.items.laxincense.gen3.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.95x. +showdown.items.laxincense.desc=Die Genauigkeit von Angriffen gegen den Inhaber beträgt 0,9x. +showdown.items.laxincense.gen3.desc=Die Genauigkeit von Angriffen gegen den Inhaber beträgt 0,95x. -showdown.items.leafstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Eevee into Leafeon, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. -showdown.items.leafstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. -showdown.items.leafstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. +showdown.items.leafstone.desc=Entwickelt sich bei Verwendung aus Düsternis zu Vileplume, Weepinbell zu Victreebel, Exeggcute zu Exeggutor oder Alolan Exeggutor, Eevee zu Leafeon, Nuzleaf zu Shiftry und Pansage zu Simisage. +showdown.items.leafstone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. +showdown.items.leafstone.gen7.desc=Entwickelt sich bei Verwendung aus Düsternis zu Vileplume, Weepinbell zu Victreebel, Exeggcute zu Exeggutor oder Alolan Exeggutor, Nuzleaf zu Shiftry und Pansage zu Simisage. -showdown.items.leek.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d or Sirfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. +showdown.items.leek.desc=Wenn es von einem Farfetch’d oder Sirfetch’d gehalten wird, erhöht sich seine kritische Trefferquote um 2 Stufen.Überreste -showdown.items.leftovers.desc=At the end of every turn, holder restores 1/16 of its max HP. -showdown.items.leftovers.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Leftovers! +showdown.items.leftovers.desc=Am Ende jeder Runde stellt der Besitzer 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wieder her. +showdown.items.leftovers.heal=%s hat mit seinen Resten ein wenig HP wiederhergestellt! -showdown.items.leppaberry.desc=Restores 10 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. -showdown.items.leppaberry.activate=%s restored PP to its move %s using its Leppa Berry! +showdown.items.leppaberry.desc=Erholungores 10 PP zum ersten Zug des Inhabers, um 0 PP zu erreichen. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.leppaberry.activate=%s hat mithilfe seiner Leppa-Beere PP in seiner Bewegung %s wiederhergestellt! -showdown.items.levelball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are a lower level than your own. +showdown.items.levelball.desc=Ein Pokeball zum Fangen von Pokémon, die ein niedrigeres Level als dein eigenes haben. -showdown.items.liechiberry.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.liechiberry.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Trägers um 1 Stufe, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.lifeorb.desc=Holder's attacks do 1.3x damage, and it loses 1/10 its max HP after the attack. -showdown.items.lifeorb.damage=%s lost some of its HP! +showdown.items.lifeorb.desc=Die Angriffe des Halters verursachen 1,3-fachen Schaden und er verliert nach dem Angriff 1/10 seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.items.lifeorb.damage=%s hat einige seiner HP verloren! -showdown.items.lightball.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Attack and Sp. Atk are doubled. -showdown.items.lightball.gen4.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its attacks have their power doubled. -showdown.items.lightball.gen3.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Special Attack is doubled. +showdown.items.lightball.desc=Wenn es von einem Pikachu gehalten wird, sind sein Angriff und seine Sp. Angriffe werden verdoppelt. +showdown.items.lightball.gen4.desc=Wenn es von einem Pikachu gehalten wird, verdoppelt sich die Stärke seiner Angriffe. +showdown.items.lightball.gen3.desc=Wenn es von einem Pikachu gehalten wird, wird sein Spezialangriff verdoppelt. -showdown.items.lightclay.desc=Holder's use of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. -showdown.items.lightclay.gen6.desc=Holder's use of Light Screen or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.lightclay.desc=Der Einsatz von Auroraschleier, Lichtschild oder Reflektor durch Holder dauert 8 statt 5 Runden. +showdown.items.lightclay.gen6.desc=Die Verwendung von Lichtschild oder Reflektor durch den Halter dauert 8 statt 5 Runden. Würfel -showdown.items.loadeddice.desc=Holder's moves that hit 2-5 times hit 4-5 times; Population Bomb hits 4-10 times. +showdown.items.loadeddice.desc=Die Attacken des Holders, die 2–5 Mal treffen, treffen 4–5 Mal; Mäuseplage trifft 4-10 Mal. -showdown.items.lopunnite.desc=If held by a Lopunny, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.lopunnite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Lopunny gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.loveball.desc=Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are the opposite gender of your Pokemon. +showdown.items.loveball.desc=Pokeball zum Fangen von Pokémon, die das andere Geschlecht haben als Ihr Pokémon. -showdown.items.lovesweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.lovesweet.desc=Entwickelt Milcery zu Alcremie, wenn es gehalten und herumgedreht wird. -showdown.items.lucarionite.desc=If held by a Lucario, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Punch -showdown.items.luckypunch.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. -showdown.items.luckypunch.gen2.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) +showdown.items.lucarionite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Lucario gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung.ückstreffer +showdown.items.luckypunch.desc=Wenn es von einem Chansey gehalten wird, erhöht sich seine kritische Trefferquote um 2 Stufen. +showdown.items.luckypunch.gen2.desc=Wenn es von einem Chansey gehalten wird, liegt seine kritische Trefferquote immer auf Stufe 2. (25 % kritische Trefferquote) -showdown.items.lumberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it has a non-volatile status or is confused. Single use. Moss -showdown.items.luminousmoss.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.lumberry.desc=Der Halter heilt sich selbst, wenn er einen nichtflüchtigen Status hat oder verwirrt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. Moos +showdown.items.luminousmoss.desc=Erhöht die Sp des Inhabers. Verteidige dich um 1 Stufe, wenn du von einem Angriff vom Typ Wasser getroffen wirst. Gesangle-Nutzung. Z -showdown.items.lunaliumz.desc=Lunala or Dawn Wings Necrozma with Moongeist Beam can use a special Z-Move. +showdown.items.lunaliumz.desc=Lunala oder Dawn Wings Necrozma mit Schattenstrahl können einen speziellen Z-Move nutzen.öderball -showdown.items.lureball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon hooked by a Rod when fishing. +showdown.items.lureball.desc=Ein Pokeball zum Fangen von Pokémon, die beim Angeln an einer Angel hängen.ßkristall -showdown.items.lustrousglobe.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.lustrousglobe.desc=Wenn es von einem Palkia gehalten wird, haben seine Angriffe vom Typ Wasser und Drache die 1,2-fache Stärke.ß-Orb -showdown.items.lustrousorb.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.lustrousorb.desc=Wenn es von einem Palkia gehalten wird, haben seine Angriffe vom Typ Wasser und Drache die 1,2-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.luxuryball.desc=A comfortable Poke Ball that makes a caught wild Pokemon quickly grow friendly. +showdown.items.luxuryball.desc=Ein bequemer Pokeball, der ein gefangenes wildes Pokémon schnell freundlich werden lässt. Z -showdown.items.lycaniumz.desc=If held by a Lycanroc forme with Stone Edge, it can use Splintered Stormshards. +showdown.items.lycaniumz.desc=Wenn es von einer Lycanroc-Form mit Steinkante gehalten wird, kann es Fataler Steinregen verwenden. -showdown.items.machobrace.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.machobrace.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit des Halters wird halbiert. Die Klutz-Fähigkeit ignoriert diesen Effekt nicht. -showdown.items.magmarizer.desc=Evolves Magmar into Magmortar when traded. +showdown.items.magmarizer.desc=Entwickelt Magmar beim Handel zu Magmortar. -showdown.items.magnet.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.magnet.gen3.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.1x power. Berry -showdown.items.magoberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.magoberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.magoberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.magnet.desc=Holders elektrische Angriffe haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.magnet.gen3.desc=Holders elektrische Angriffe haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.magoberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Spe Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.magoberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Spe Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.magoberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Spe Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.magostberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.magostberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.mail.desc=Cannot be given to or taken from a Pokemon, except by Covet/Knock Off/Thief. +showdown.items.mail.desc=Kann einem Pokémon nicht gegeben oder von ihm genommen werden, außer durch Bezirzer/Abschlag/Raub.üstung -showdown.items.maliciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Ceruledge when used. +showdown.items.maliciousarmor.desc=Entwickelt Charcadet bei Verwendung zu Ceruledge. -showdown.items.manectite.desc=If held by a Manectric, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.manectite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Manectric gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.marangaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage after it is hit by a special attack. Single use. +showdown.items.marangaberry.desc=Erhöht die Sp des Inhabers. Verteidige dich um 1 Stufe, nachdem es von einem Spezialangriff getroffen wurde. Gesangle-Nutzung. Z -showdown.items.marshadiumz.desc=If held by Marshadow with Spectral Thief, it can use Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike. +showdown.items.marshadiumz.desc=Wenn es von Marshadow mit Diebesschatten gehalten wird, kann es Sternbild des Seelenraubes verwenden. -showdown.items.masterball.desc=The best Ball with the ultimate performance. It will catch any wild Pokemon. Ball -showdown.items.mawilite.desc=If held by a Mawile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.masterball.desc=Der beste Ball mit der ultimativen Leistung. Es fängt jedes wilde Pokémon. Ball +showdown.items.mawilite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Mawile gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.meadowplate.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Grass type. +showdown.items.meadowplate.desc=Die Angriffe vom Typ Gras des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Grastyp. -showdown.items.medichamite.desc=If held by a Medicham, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.medichamite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Medicham gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.mentalherb.desc=Cures holder of Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, Torment. Single use. -showdown.items.mentalherb.gen4.desc=Holder is cured if it is infatuated. Single use. +showdown.items.mentalherb.desc=Kuren Inhaber von Anziehung, Aussetzer, Zugabe, Heilblockade, Verhöhner, Folterknecht. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.mentalherb.gen4.desc=Holder ist geheilt, wenn er verliebt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.metagrossite.desc=If held by a Metagross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.metagrossite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Metagross gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.metalcoat.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. -showdown.items.metalcoat.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. -showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.metalcoat.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Stahl haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Beim Handel entwickelt sich Onix zu Steelix und Scyther zu Scizor. +showdown.items.metalcoat.shortDesc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Stahl haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Stahl haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. Beim Handel entwickelt sich Onix zu Steelix und Scyther zu Scizor. +showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.shortDesc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Stahl haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.metalpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Defense is doubled. -showdown.items.metalpowder.gen2.desc=If held by a Ditto, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x, even while Transformed. +showdown.items.metalpowder.desc=Wenn es von einem Ditto gehalten wird, der nicht umgewandelt wurde, wird seine Verteidigung verdoppelt. +showdown.items.metalpowder.gen2.desc=Wenn es von einem Ditto gehalten wird, werden dessen Verteidigung und Sp. Def beträgt 1,5x, auch während der Umwandlung. -showdown.items.metronome.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 5 turns. -showdown.items.metronome.gen4.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 10 turns. +showdown.items.metronome.desc=Der Schaden von Attacken, die in aufeinanderfolgenden Runden ausgeführt werden, wird erhöht. Maximal 2x nach 5 Runden. +showdown.items.metronome.gen4.desc=Der Schaden von Attacken, die in aufeinanderfolgenden Runden ausgeführt werden, wird erhöht. Maximal 2x nach 10 Runden. Z -showdown.items.mewniumz.desc=If held by a Mew with Psychic, it can use Genesis Supernova. +showdown.items.mewniumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Mew mit Psychokinese gehalten wird, kann es Supernova des Ursprungs verwenden. X -showdown.items.mewtwonitex.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.mewtwonitex.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Mewtwo gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. Y -showdown.items.mewtwonitey.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. -showdown.items.micleberry.desc=Holder's next move has 1.2x accuracy when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.mewtwonitey.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Mewtwo gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. +showdown.items.micleberry.desc=Der nächste Zug des Holders hat eine 1,2-fache Genauigkeit, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. Z -showdown.items.mimikiumz.desc=If held by a Mimikyu with Play Rough, it can use Let's Snuggle Forever. +showdown.items.mimikiumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Mimikyu mit Knuddler gehalten wird, kann es Let's Snuggle Forever verwenden. -showdown.items.mindplate.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Psychic type. +showdown.items.mindplate.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Psychokinese haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist psychokinesischer Typ. -showdown.items.miracleseed.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.miracleseed.gen3.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.miracleseed.desc=Die Angriffe vom Typ Gras des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.miracleseed.gen3.desc=Die Angriffe vom Typ Gras des Holders haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.mirrorherb.desc=When an opposing Pokemon raises a stat stage, the holder copies it. Single use. -showdown.items.mirrorherb.activate=%s used its Mirror Herb to mirror its opponent's stat changes! +showdown.items.mirrorherb.desc=Wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon eine Statistikstufe erhöht, kopiert der Besitzer diese. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.mirrorherb.activate=%s hat sein Spiegelkraut verwendet, um die Statusänderungen seines Gegners widerzuspiegeln! -showdown.items.mistyseed.desc=If the terrain is Misty Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. +showdown.items.mistyseed.desc=Wenn es sich bei dem Gelände um Weißnebel-Gelände handelt, erhöht sich die SP des Inhabers. Def um 1 Stufe. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.moonball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that evolve using the Moon Stone. +showdown.items.moonball.desc=Ein Pokeball zum Fangen von Pokémon, die sich mithilfe des Mondsteins entwickeln. -showdown.items.moonstone.desc=Evolves Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Nidorino into Nidoking, Clefairy into Clefable, Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff, Skitty into Delcatty, and Munna into Musharna when used. -showdown.items.moonstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.moonstone.desc=Entwickelt sich bei Verwendung von Nidorina zu Nidoqueen, von Nidorino zu Nidoking, von Clefairy zu Clefable, von Jigglypuff zu Wigglytuff, von Skitty zu Delcatty und von Munna zu Musharna. +showdown.items.moonstone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. -showdown.items.muscleband.desc=Holder's physical attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.muscleband.desc=Die physischen Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.mysticwater.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.mysticwater.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.mysticwater.desc=Wasserangriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.mysticwater.gen3.desc=Wasserangriffe des Holders haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.nanabberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.nanabberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.nestball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on weaker Pokemon in the wild. +showdown.items.nestball.desc=Ein Pokeball, der besonders gut bei schwächeren Pokémon in der Wildnis funktioniert. -showdown.items.netball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Water- and Bug-type Pokemon. +showdown.items.netball.desc=Ein Pokeball, der besonders gut bei Pokémon vom Typ Wasser und Käfer funktioniert. Eis -showdown.items.nevermeltice.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.nevermeltice.gen3.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.nevermeltice.desc=Die Eis-Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.nevermeltice.gen3.desc=Die Eis-Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.nomelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.nomelberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.normalgem.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.normalgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.normalgem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Normal hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.normalgem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Normal hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. Z -showdown.items.normaliumz.desc=If holder has a Normal move, this item allows it to use a Normal Z-Move. +showdown.items.normaliumz.desc=Wenn der Träger über eine normale Bewegung verfügt, ermöglicht ihm dieser Gegenstand die Verwendung einer normalen Z-Bewegung. -showdown.items.occaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fire-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.occaberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen supereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Feuer. Gesangle-Nutzung.ägrauch -showdown.items.oddincense.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.oddincense.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Psychokinese haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.oldamber.desc=Can be revived into Aerodactyl. +showdown.items.oldamber.desc=Kann zu Aerodactyl wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.oranberry.desc=Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.oranberry.desc=Erholungores 10 HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. Stein -showdown.items.ovalstone.desc=Evolves Happiny into Chansey when held and leveled up during the day. +showdown.items.ovalstone.desc=Entwickelt sich Happiny zu Chansey, wenn es im Laufe des Tages gehalten und erhöht wird. -showdown.items.pamtreberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.pamtreberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.parkball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Pal Park. +showdown.items.parkball.desc=Ein besonderer Pokeball für den Pal Park. -showdown.items.passhoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Water-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.passhoberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen supereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Wasser. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.payapaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Psychic-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.payapaberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen supereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Psychokinese. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.pechaberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. +showdown.items.pechaberry.desc=Holder ist geheilt, wenn er vergiftet ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.persimberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. +showdown.items.persimberry.desc=Der Halter ist geheilt, wenn er verwirrt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.petayaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.petayaberry.desc=Erhöht die Sp des Inhabers. Angriff um 1 Stufe bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.pidgeotite.desc=If held by a Pidgeot, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.pidgeotite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Pidgeot gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. Z -showdown.items.pikaniumz.desc=If held by a Pikachu with Volt Tackle, it can use Catastropika. Z -showdown.items.pikashuniumz.desc=If held by cap Pikachu with Thunderbolt, it can use 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. +showdown.items.pikaniumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Pikachu mit Volttackle gehalten wird, kann es Perfektes Pika-Projektil verwenden. Z +showdown.items.pikashuniumz.desc=Wenn es von Cap Pikachu mit Donnerbolt gehalten wird, kann es Tausendfacher Donnerblitz verwenden. -showdown.items.pinapberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.pinapberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.pinsirite.desc=If held by a Pinsir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.pinsirite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Pinsir gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.pixieplate.desc=Holder's Fairy-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fairy type. +showdown.items.pixieplate.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Fee des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Typ Fee. -showdown.items.plumefossil.desc=Can be revived into Archen. -showdown.items.poisonbarb.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.poisonbarb.gen3.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.1x power. -showdown.items.poisongem.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.poisongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. -showdown.items.poisonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Poison type. +showdown.items.plumefossil.desc=Kann in Archen wiederbelebt werden. +showdown.items.poisonbarb.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Gift des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.poisonbarb.gen3.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Gift des Halters haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.poisongem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Gift hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.poisongem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Gift hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.poisonmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Gift. Z -showdown.items.poisoniumz.desc=If holder has a Poison move, this item allows it to use a Poison Z-Move. +showdown.items.poisoniumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Gift-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Gift-Z-Attacke verwenden.éball -showdown.items.pokeball.desc=A device for catching wild Pokemon. It is designed as a capsule system. +showdown.items.pokeball.desc=Ein Gerät zum Fangen wilder Pokémon. Es ist als Kapselsystem konzipiert. -showdown.items.pomegberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.pomegberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.poweranklet.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.poweranklet.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit des Halters wird halbiert. Die Klutz-Fähigkeit ignoriert diesen Effekt nicht. -showdown.items.powerband.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.powerband.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit des Halters wird halbiert. Die Klutz-Fähigkeit ignoriert diesen Effekt nicht. -showdown.items.powerbelt.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.powerbelt.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit des Halters wird halbiert. Die Klutz-Fähigkeit ignoriert diesen Effekt nicht. -showdown.items.powerbracer.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.powerbracer.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit des Halters wird halbiert. Die Klutz-Fähigkeit ignoriert diesen Effekt nicht. -showdown.items.powerherb.desc=Holder's two-turn moves complete in one turn (except Sky Drop). Single use. -showdown.items.powerherb.end=%s became fully charged due to its Power Herb! +showdown.items.powerherb.desc=Die Zwei-Runden-Attacken des Holders werden in einer Runde abgeschlossen (außer Freier Fall). Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.powerherb.end=%s wurde dank seines Power Herb vollständig aufgeladen! -showdown.items.powerlens.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.powerlens.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit des Halters wird halbiert. Die Klutz-Fähigkeit ignoriert diesen Effekt nicht. -showdown.items.powerweight.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.powerweight.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit des Halters wird halbiert. Die Klutz-Fähigkeit ignoriert diesen Effekt nicht. -showdown.items.premierball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an event. +showdown.items.premierball.desc=Ein seltener Pokeball, der zur Erinnerung an ein Ereignis hergestellt wurde. Z -showdown.items.primariumz.desc=If held by a Primarina with Sparkling Aria, it can use Oceanic Operetta. +showdown.items.primariumz.desc=Wird sie von einer Primarina mit Funkensprungling-Arie gehalten, kann sie grandiose Meeressymphonie einsetzen.önschuppe -showdown.items.prismscale.desc=Evolves Feebas into Milotic when traded. +showdown.items.prismscale.desc=Entwickelt Feebas beim Handel zu Milotic. -showdown.items.protectivepads.desc=Holder's moves are protected from adverse contact effects, except Pickpocket. -showdown.items.protectivepads.block=%s protected itself with its Protective Pads! +showdown.items.protectivepads.desc=Die Attacken des Inhabers sind vor schädlichen Kontakteffekten geschützt, mit Ausnahme von Taschendiebstahl. +showdown.items.protectivepads.block=%s hat sich mit seinen Schutzschildive Pads geschützt!ützer -showdown.items.protector.desc=Evolves Rhydon into Rhyperior when traded. +showdown.items.protector.desc=Entwickelt Rhydon beim Handel zu Rhyperior. -showdown.items.psychicgem.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.psychicgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.psychicgem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Psychokinese hat die 1,3-fache Kraft. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.psychicgem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Psychokinese hat die 1,5-fache Kraft. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.psychicmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Psychic type. +showdown.items.psychicmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Psychokinese. -showdown.items.psychicseed.desc=If the terrain is Psychic Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. +showdown.items.psychicseed.desc=Wenn es sich bei dem Gelände um Psychokinese-Gelände handelt, erhöht sich die SP des Besitzers. Def um 1 Stufe. Gesangle-Nutzung. Z -showdown.items.psychiumz.desc=If holder has a Psychic move, this item allows it to use a Psychic Z-Move. +showdown.items.psychiumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Psychokinese-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Psychokinese-Z-Attacke verwenden. -showdown.items.punchingglove.desc=Holder's punch-based attacks have 1.1x power and do not make contact. +showdown.items.punchingglove.desc=Die schlagbasierten Angriffe von Holder haben die 1,1-fache Stärke und stellen keinen Kontakt her. -showdown.items.qualotberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.qualotberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.quickball.desc=A Poke Ball that provides a better catch rate at the start of a wild encounter. +showdown.items.quickball.desc=Ein Pokeball, der zu Beginn einer wilden Begegnung eine bessere Fangquote bietet. -showdown.items.quickclaw.desc=Each turn, holder has a 20% chance to move first in its priority bracket. -showdown.items.quickclaw.gen2.desc=Each turn, holder has a ~23.4% chance to move first in its priority bracket. -showdown.items.quickclaw.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Quick Claw! +showdown.items.quickclaw.desc=In jeder Runde hat der Besitzer eine Chance von 20 %, sich als Erster in seiner Prioritätsgruppe zu bewegen. +showdown.items.quickclaw.gen2.desc=In jeder Runde hat der Besitzer eine Chance von ca. 23,4 %, sich als Erster in seiner Prioritätsgruppe zu bewegen. +showdown.items.quickclaw.activate=%s kann dank seiner Schnellklaue schneller als normal agieren! -showdown.items.quickpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Speed is doubled. +showdown.items.quickpowder.desc=Wenn es von einem Ditto gehalten wird, der nicht umgewandelt wurde, wird seine Geschwindigkeit verdoppelt. -showdown.items.rabutaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.rabutaberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.rarebone.desc=No competitive use other than when used with Fling. +showdown.items.rarebone.desc=Kein Wettbewerbseinsatz außer bei Verwendung mit Schleuder. -showdown.items.rawstberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. +showdown.items.rawstberry.desc=Der Halter ist ausgehärtet, wenn er verbrannt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.razorclaw.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Evolves Sneasel into Weavile when held and leveled up during the night. -showdown.items.razorclaw.shortDesc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.items.razorclaw.desc=Die kritische Trefferquote des Halters wird um 1 Stufe erhöht. Entwickelt Sneasel zu Weavile, wenn man es in der Nacht hält und auflevelt. +showdown.items.razorclaw.shortDesc=Die kritische Trefferquote des Halters wird um 1 Stufe erhöht. -showdown.items.razorfang.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Gligar into Gliscor when held and leveled up during the night. -showdown.items.razorfang.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.items.razorfang.desc=Angriffe des Halters ohne Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen, erhalten eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. Entwickelt Gligar zu Gliscor, wenn man es in der Nacht hält und auflevelt. +showdown.items.razorfang.shortDesc=Angriffe des Inhabers, die keine Chance haben, zurückzuzucken, erhalten eine Chance von 10 %, zurückzuzucken. -showdown.items.razzberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.razzberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker.üsterumhang -showdown.items.reapercloth.desc=Evolves Dusclops into Dusknoir when traded. +showdown.items.reapercloth.desc=Entwickelt sich beim Handel von Dusclops zu Dusknoir. Karte -showdown.items.redcard.desc=If holder survives a hit, attacker is forced to switch to a random ally. Single use. -showdown.items.redcard.end=%s held up its Red Card against %s! +showdown.items.redcard.desc=Wenn der Träger einen Treffer überlebt, ist der Angreifer gezwungen, zu einem zufälligen Verbündeten zu wechseln. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.redcard.end=%s hat seine Rote Karte gegen %s gehalten! Edelstein -showdown.items.redorb.desc=If held by a Groudon, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. +showdown.items.redorb.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Groudon gehalten wird, löst er im Kampf seine Urumkehr aus. -showdown.items.repeatball.desc=A Poke Ball that works well on Pokemon species that were previously caught. +showdown.items.repeatball.desc=Ein Pokeball, der gut bei zuvor gefangenen Pokémon-Arten funktioniert. -showdown.items.ribbonsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.ribbonsweet.desc=Entwickelt Milcery zu Alcremie, wenn es gehalten und herumgedreht wird. -showdown.items.rindoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Grass-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.rindoberry.desc=Halbiert den durch einen übereffektiven Pflanzenangriff erlittenen Schaden. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.ringtarget.desc=The holder's type immunities granted solely by its typing are negated. +showdown.items.ringtarget.desc=Die Typimmunitäten des Inhabers, die allein durch seine Typisierung gewährt werden, werden aufgehoben. -showdown.items.rockgem.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.rockgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.rockgem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Stein-Angriff hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.rockgem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Stein-Angriff hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.rockincense.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.rockincense.desc=Die Stein-Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.rockmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Rock type. +showdown.items.rockmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Rock. Z -showdown.items.rockiumz.desc=If holder has a Rock move, this item allows it to use a Rock Z-Move. +showdown.items.rockiumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Rock-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Rock-Z-Move verwenden. -showdown.items.rockyhelmet.desc=If holder is hit by a contact move, the attacker loses 1/6 of its max HP. -showdown.items.rockyhelmet.damage=%s was hurt by the Rocky Helmet! +showdown.items.rockyhelmet.desc=Wenn der Träger von einer Kontaktbewegung getroffen wird, verliert der Angreifer 1/6 seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.items.rockyhelmet.damage=%s wurde durch den Rocky-Helm verletzt! -showdown.items.roomservice.desc=If Trick Room is active, the holder's Speed is lowered by 1 stage. Single use. +showdown.items.roomservice.desc=Wenn der Trickbetrug-Raum aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Inhabers um 1 Stufe verringert. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.rootfossil.desc=Can be revived into Lileep. +showdown.items.rootfossil.desc=Kann in Lileep wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.roseincense.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.roseincense.desc=Die Angriffe vom Typ Gras des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.roseliberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fairy-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.roseliberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen überaus effektiven Angriff vom Typ Fee. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.rowapberry.desc=If holder is hit by a special move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. +showdown.items.rowapberry.desc=Wenn der Träger von einer Spezialbewegung getroffen wird, verliert der Angreifer 1/8 seiner maximalen HP. Gesangle-Nutzung. Schild -showdown.items.rustedshield.desc=If held by a Zamazenta, this item changes its forme to Crowned Shield. +showdown.items.rustedshield.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Zamazenta gehalten wird, ändert er seine Form in einen gekrönten Schild. Schwert -showdown.items.rustedsword.desc=If held by a Zacian, this item changes its forme to Crowned Sword. +showdown.items.rustedsword.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Zacianer gehalten wird, ändert er seine Form in ein gekröntes Schwert. -showdown.items.sablenite.desc=If held by a Sableye, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.sablenite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Sableye gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.sachet.desc=Evolves Spritzee into Aromatisse when traded. +showdown.items.sachet.desc=Entwickelt Spritzee beim Handel zu Aromatisse. -showdown.items.safariball.desc=A special Poke Ball that is used only in the Safari Zone and Great Marsh. +showdown.items.safariball.desc=Ein spezieller Pokeball, der nur in der Safari Zone und Great Marsh verwendet wird. -showdown.items.safetygoggles.desc=Holder is immune to powder moves and damage from Sandstorm or Hail. -showdown.items.safetygoggles.block=%s is not affected by %s thanks to its Safety Goggles! +showdown.items.safetygoggles.desc=Der Halter ist immun gegen Pulverattacken und Schaden durch Sandsturm oder Hagelsturm. +showdown.items.safetygoggles.block=%s ist dank seiner Schutzbrille nicht von %s betroffen! -showdown.items.sailfossil.desc=Can be revived into Amaura. +showdown.items.sailfossil.desc=Kann zu Amaura wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.salacberry.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.salacberry.desc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Trägers um 1 Stufe, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.salamencite.desc=If held by a Salamence, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.salamencite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Salamence gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.sceptilite.desc=If held by a Sceptile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.sceptilite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Szeptil gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.scizorite.desc=If held by a Scizor, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. -showdown.items.scopelens.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.items.scizorite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Scizor gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. +showdown.items.scopelens.desc=Die kritische Trefferquote des Halters wird um 1 Stufe erhöht. -showdown.items.seaincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.seaincense.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.05x power. +showdown.items.seaincense.desc=Wasserangriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.seaincense.gen3.desc=Wasserangriffe des Holders haben die 1,05-fache Stärke. Schnabel -showdown.items.sharpbeak.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.sharpbeak.gen3.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.sharpbeak.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Fliegen haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.sharpbeak.gen3.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Fliegen haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.sharpedonite.desc=If held by a Sharpedo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.sharpedonite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Sharpedo gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung.ülle -showdown.items.shedshell.desc=Holder may switch out even when trapped by another Pokemon, or by Ingrain. +showdown.items.shedshell.desc=Der Inhaber kann auch dann auswechseln, wenn er von einem anderen Pokémon oder einem Verwurzler gefangen wird. -showdown.items.shellbell.desc=After an attack, holder gains 1/8 of the damage in HP dealt to other Pokemon. -showdown.items.shellbell.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Shell Bell! +showdown.items.shellbell.desc=Nach einem Angriff erhält der Träger 1/8 des HP-Schadens, der anderen Pokémon zugefügt wird. +showdown.items.shellbell.heal=%s hat mithilfe seiner Muschelglocke ein wenig HP wiederhergestellt! -showdown.items.shinystone.desc=Evolves Togetic into Togekiss, Roselia into Roserade, Minccino into Cinccino, and Floette into Florges when used. -showdown.items.shinystone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.shinystone.desc=Entwickelt sich bei Verwendung aus Togetic zu Togekiss, Roselia zu Roserade, Minccino zu Cinccino und Floette zu Florges. +showdown.items.shinystone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. -showdown.items.shockdrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Electric type. +showdown.items.shockdrive.desc=Holders Techblaster ist vom elektrischen Typ. -showdown.items.shucaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ground-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.shucaberry.desc=Halbiert den durch einen übereffektiven Bodenangriff erlittenen Schaden. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.silkscarf.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.silkscarf.gen3.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.silkscarf.desc=Die normalen Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.silkscarf.gen3.desc=Die normalen Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.silverpowder.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.silverpowder.gen3.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.silverpowder.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Inhaberkäfer haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.silverpowder.gen3.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Inhaberkäfer haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.sitrusberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. -showdown.items.sitrusberry.gen3.desc=Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.sitrusberry.desc=Erholungores 1/4 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.sitrusberry.gen3.desc=Erholungskräfte: 30 HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.skullfossil.desc=Can be revived into Cranidos. +showdown.items.skullfossil.desc=Kann zu Cranidos wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.skyplate.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Flying type. +showdown.items.skyplate.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Fliegen haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom fliegenden Typ. -showdown.items.slowbronite.desc=If held by a Slowbro, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.slowbronite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Slowbro gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.smoothrock.desc=Holder's use of Sandstorm lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.smoothrock.desc=Holders Einsatz von Sandsturm dauert 8 statt 5 Runden. Z -showdown.items.snorliumz.desc=If held by a Snorlax with Giga Impact, it can use Pulverizing Pancake. +showdown.items.snorliumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Relaxo mit Gigastoß gehalten wird, kann es Schluss mit lustig verwenden. -showdown.items.snowball.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Ice-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.snowball.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Trägers um 1, wenn er von einem Angriff vom Typ Eis getroffen wird. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.softsand.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.softsand.gen3.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.softsand.desc=Die Bodenangriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.softsand.gen3.desc=Die Bodenangriffe des Holders haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. Z -showdown.items.solganiumz.desc=Solgaleo or Dusk Mane Necrozma with Sunsteel Strike can use a special Z-Move. +showdown.items.solganiumz.desc=Solgaleo oder Dusk Mane Necrozma mit Stahlgestirn können einen speziellen Z-Move nutzen. -showdown.items.souldew.desc=If held by a Latias/Latios, its Dragon- and Psychic-type moves have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.souldew.gen6.desc=If held by a Latias or a Latios, its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def are 1.5x. -showdown.items.spelltag.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.spelltag.gen3.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.souldew.desc=Wenn es von einem Latias/Latios gehalten wird, haben seine Attacken vom Typ Drache und Psychokinese die 1,2-fache Kraft. +showdown.items.souldew.gen6.desc=Wenn es von einem Latias oder Latios gehalten wird, ist sein Sp. Atk und Sp. Def sind 1,5x. +showdown.items.spelltag.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Geister des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.spelltag.gen3.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Geister des Halters haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.spelonberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.spelonberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.splashplate.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Water type. +showdown.items.splashplate.desc=Wasserangriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Typ Wasser. -showdown.items.spookyplate.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ghost type. +showdown.items.spookyplate.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Geister des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Typ Geist. -showdown.items.sportball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Bug-Catching Contest. +showdown.items.sportball.desc=Ein besonderer Pokéball für den Käferfang-Wettbewerb. -showdown.items.starfberry.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 when at 1/4 max HP or less (not acc/eva). Single use. +showdown.items.starfberry.desc=Erhöht einen zufälligen Wert um 2, wenn 1/4 maximale HP oder weniger erreicht ist (nicht Acc/Eva). Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.starsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.starsweet.desc=Entwickelt Milcery zu Alcremie, wenn es gehalten und herumgedreht wird. -showdown.items.steelixite.desc=If held by a Steelix, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.steelixite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Steelix gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.steelgem.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.steelgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.steelgem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Stahl hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.steelgem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Stahl hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.steelmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Steel type. +showdown.items.steelmemory.desc=Der Multi-Angriff von Holder ist vom Typ Stahl. Z -showdown.items.steeliumz.desc=If holder has a Steel move, this item allows it to use a Steel Z-Move. -showdown.items.stick.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. -showdown.items.stick.gen2.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) +showdown.items.steeliumz.desc=Wenn der Träger über eine Stahl-Attacke verfügt, ermöglicht ihm dieser Gegenstand die Verwendung einer Stahl-Z-Attacke. +showdown.items.stick.desc=Wenn es von einem Farfetch’d gehalten wird, erhöht sich seine kritische Trefferquote um 2 Stufen. +showdown.items.stick.gen2.desc=Wenn es von einem Farfetch gehalten wird, liegt seine kritische Trefferquote immer auf Stufe 2. (25 % kritische Trefferquote) -showdown.items.stickybarb.desc=Each turn, holder loses 1/8 max HP. An attacker making contact can receive it. +showdown.items.stickybarb.desc=In jeder Runde verliert der Besitzer 1/8 seiner maximalen HP. Ein Angreifer, der Kontakt aufnimmt, kann es empfangen. -showdown.items.stoneplate.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Rock type. +showdown.items.stoneplate.desc=Die Stein-Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist Rock-Typ. -showdown.items.strawberrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.strawberrysweet.desc=Entwickelt Milcery zu Alcremie, wenn es gehalten und herumgedreht wird. -showdown.items.sunstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Bellossom, Sunkern into Sunflora, Cottonee into Whimsicott, Petilil into Lilligant, and Helioptile into Heliolisk when used. -showdown.items.sunstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.sunstone.desc=Entwickelt sich Gloom zu Bellossom, Sunkern zu Sunflora, Cottonee zu Whimsicott, Petilil zu Lilligant und Helioptile zu Heliolisk, wenn es verwendet wird. +showdown.items.sunstone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. -showdown.items.swampertite.desc=If held by a Swampert, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.swampertite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Swampert gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung.üßer Apfel -showdown.items.sweetapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Appletun when used. +showdown.items.sweetapple.desc=Entwickelt Applin bei Verwendung zu Appletun. -showdown.items.tamatoberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.tamatoberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.tangaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Bug-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.tangaberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen supereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Käfer. Gesangle-Nutzung. Z -showdown.items.tapuniumz.desc=If held by a Tapu with Nature's Madness, it can use Guardian of Alola. +showdown.items.tapuniumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Tapu mit Naturwahnsinn gehalten wird, kann es Alolas Wächter verwenden. Apfel -showdown.items.tartapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Flapple when used. +showdown.items.tartapple.desc=Entwickelt Applin bei Verwendung zu Flapple. -showdown.items.terrainextender.desc=Holder's use of Electric/Grassy/Misty/Psychic Terrain lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.terrainextender.desc=Die Nutzung von elektrischem/grasigem/weißnebeligem/psychokinesischem Gelände durch den Halter dauert 8 statt 5 Runden. -showdown.items.thickclub.desc=If held by a Cubone or a Marowak, its Attack is doubled. +showdown.items.thickclub.desc=Wenn es von einem Cubone oder einem Marowak gehalten wird, wird sein Angriff verdoppelt. -showdown.items.throatspray.desc=Raises holder's Special Attack by 1 stage after it uses a sound move. Single use. +showdown.items.throatspray.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff des Besitzers um 1 Stufe, nachdem er eine solide Bewegung ausgeführt hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.thunderstone.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, Eelektrik into Eelektross, and Charjabug into Vikavolt when used. -showdown.items.thunderstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. -showdown.items.thunderstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, and Eelektrik into Eelektross when used. +showdown.items.thunderstone.desc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung Pikachu zu Raichu oder Alolan Raichu, Evoli zu Jolteon, Eelektrik zu Eelektross und Charjabug zu Vikavolt. +showdown.items.thunderstone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. +showdown.items.thunderstone.gen7.desc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung Pikachu zu Raichu oder Alolan Raichu, Evoli zu Blitz und Eelektrik zu Eelektross. -showdown.items.timerball.desc=A Poke Ball that becomes better the more turns there are in a battle. +showdown.items.timerball.desc=Ein Pokeball, der umso besser wird, je mehr Runden es in einem Kampf gibt. -showdown.items.toxicorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to badly poison the holder. -showdown.items.toxicplate.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Poison type. +showdown.items.toxicorb.desc=Am Ende jeder Runde versucht dieser Gegenstand, den Träger schwer zu vergiften. +showdown.items.toxicplate.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Gift des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Typ Gift. -showdown.items.tr00.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Swords Dance. One use. +showdown.items.tr00.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Schwerttanz bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr01.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Slam. One use. +showdown.items.tr01.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Bodyslam bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr02.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flamethrower. One use. +showdown.items.tr02.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Flammenwurf bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr03.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hydro Pump. One use. +showdown.items.tr03.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Bewegung Hydropumpe bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr04.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Surf. One use. +showdown.items.tr04.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Surfer bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr05.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Ice Beam. One use. +showdown.items.tr05.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Eisstrahl bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr06.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Blizzard. One use. +showdown.items.tr06.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Blizzard bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr07.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Low Kick. One use. +showdown.items.tr07.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Bewegung Fußkick bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr08.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Thunderbolt. One use. +showdown.items.tr08.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Donnerbolt bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr09.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Thunder. One use. +showdown.items.tr09.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Donner bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr10.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Earthquake. One use. +showdown.items.tr10.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Erdbeben bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr11.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psychic. One use. +showdown.items.tr11.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Psychokinese bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr12.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Agility. One use. +showdown.items.tr12.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Agilität bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr13.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Focus Energy. One use. +showdown.items.tr13.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon den Zug Energiefokus bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr14.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Metronome. One use. +showdown.items.tr14.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Metronom bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr15.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Fire Blast. One use. +showdown.items.tr15.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Feuersturm bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr16.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Waterfall. One use. +showdown.items.tr16.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Kaskade bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr17.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Amnesia. One use. +showdown.items.tr17.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Amnesie bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr18.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leech Life. One use. +showdown.items.tr18.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Blutsauger bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr19.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Tri Attack. One use. +showdown.items.tr19.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Triplette bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr20.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Substitute. One use. +showdown.items.tr20.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Delegator bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr21.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Reversal. One use. +showdown.items.tr21.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Gegenschlag bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr22.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sludge Bomb. One use. +showdown.items.tr22.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Schlammbad-Bombe bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr23.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Spikes. One use. +showdown.items.tr23.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Stachler bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr24.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Outrage. One use. +showdown.items.tr24.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Wutanfall bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr25.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psyshock. One use. +showdown.items.tr25.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Psychoschock bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr26.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Endure. One use. +showdown.items.tr26.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Ausdauer bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr27.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sleep Talk. One use. +showdown.items.tr27.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Schlafrede bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr28.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Megahorn. One use. +showdown.items.tr28.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr29.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Baton Pass. One use. +showdown.items.tr29.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Stafette bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr30.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Encore. One use. +showdown.items.tr30.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Zugabe bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr31.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Tail. One use. +showdown.items.tr31.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Eisenschweif bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr32.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Crunch. One use. +showdown.items.tr32.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Knirscher bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr33.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Shadow Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr33.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Bewegung Spukball bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr34.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Future Sight. One use. +showdown.items.tr34.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Seher bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr35.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Uproar. One use. +showdown.items.tr35.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Aufruhr bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr36.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heat Wave. One use. +showdown.items.tr36.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Hitzewelle bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr37.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Taunt. One use. +showdown.items.tr37.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Verhöhner bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr38.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Trick. One use. +showdown.items.tr38.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Trickbetrug bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr39.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Superpower. One use. +showdown.items.tr39.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Kraftkoloss bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr40.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Skill Swap. One use. +showdown.items.tr40.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon den Move-Fähigkeitstausch bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr41.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Blaze Kick. One use. +showdown.items.tr41.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Feuerfeger bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr42.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hyper Voice. One use. +showdown.items.tr42.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Schallwelle bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr43.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Overheat. One use. +showdown.items.tr43.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Hitzekoller bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr44.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Cosmic Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr44.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Kosmik-Kraft bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr45.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Muddy Water. One use. +showdown.items.tr45.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Lehmbrühe bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr46.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Defense. One use. +showdown.items.tr46.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Eisenabwehr bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr47.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Claw. One use. +showdown.items.tr47.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Drachenklaue bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr48.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Bulk Up. One use. +showdown.items.tr48.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Protzer bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr49.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Calm Mind. One use. +showdown.items.tr49.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Gedankengut bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr50.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leaf Blade. One use. +showdown.items.tr50.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Laubklinge bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr51.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Dance. One use. +showdown.items.tr51.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Drachentanz bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr52.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Gyro Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr52.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Bewegung Gyroball bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr53.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Close Combat. One use. +showdown.items.tr53.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Nahkampf bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr54.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Toxic Spikes. One use. +showdown.items.tr54.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Toxin Stachler bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr55.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flare Blitz. One use. +showdown.items.tr55.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Flammenblitz bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr56.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Aura Sphere. One use. +showdown.items.tr56.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Aurasphäre bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr57.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Poison Jab. One use. +showdown.items.tr57.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Gifthieb bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr58.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dark Pulse. One use. +showdown.items.tr58.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Finsteraura bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr59.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Seed Bomb. One use. +showdown.items.tr59.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Samenbomben bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr60.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move X-Scissor. One use. +showdown.items.tr60.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Kreuzschere bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr61.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Bug Buzz. One use. +showdown.items.tr61.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Käfergebrumm bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr62.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Pulse. One use. +showdown.items.tr62.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Drachenpuls bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr63.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Power Gem. One use. +showdown.items.tr63.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Juwelenkraft bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr64.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Focus Blast. One use. +showdown.items.tr64.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Fokusstoß bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr65.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Energy Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr65.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Bewegung Energieball bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr66.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Brave Bird. One use. +showdown.items.tr66.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Sturzflug bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr67.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Earth Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr67.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Bewegung Erdkräfte bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr68.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Nasty Plot. One use. +showdown.items.tr68.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Ränkeschmied bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr69.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Zen Headbutt. One use. +showdown.items.tr69.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Zen-Kopfstoß bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr70.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flash Cannon. One use. +showdown.items.tr70.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Blitzkanone bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr71.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leaf Storm. One use. +showdown.items.tr71.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Blättersturm bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr72.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Power Whip. One use. +showdown.items.tr72.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Bewegung Blattgeißel bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr73.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Gunk Shot. One use. +showdown.items.tr73.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Mülltreffer bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr74.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Head. One use. +showdown.items.tr74.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Eisenschädel bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr75.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stone Edge. One use. +showdown.items.tr75.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Bewegung Steinkante bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr76.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stealth Rock. One use. +showdown.items.tr76.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Bewegung Tarnsteine bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr77.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Grass Knot. One use. +showdown.items.tr77.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Strauchler bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr78.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sludge Wave. One use. +showdown.items.tr78.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Schlammbad-Welle bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr79.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heavy Slam. One use. +showdown.items.tr79.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Rammboss bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr80.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Electro Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr80.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Elektroball bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr81.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Foul Play. One use. +showdown.items.tr81.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Schmarotzer bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr82.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stored Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr82.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Kraftvorrat bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr83.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Ally Switch. One use. +showdown.items.tr83.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon den Move Seitentausch bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr84.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Scald. One use. +showdown.items.tr84.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Siedewasser bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr85.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Work Up. One use. +showdown.items.tr85.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Kraftschub bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr86.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Wild Charge. One use. +showdown.items.tr86.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Stromstoß bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr87.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Drill Run. One use. +showdown.items.tr87.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Schlagbohrer bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr88.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heat Crash. One use. +showdown.items.tr88.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon den Move Brandstempel bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr89.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hurricane. One use. +showdown.items.tr89.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Orkan bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr90.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Play Rough. One use. +showdown.items.tr90.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Knuddler bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr91.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Venom Drench. One use. +showdown.items.tr91.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Giftfalle bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr92.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dazzling Gleam. One use. +showdown.items.tr92.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Zauberschein bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr93.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Darkest Lariat. One use. +showdown.items.tr93.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Dunkles Lariat bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr94.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move High Horsepower. One use. +showdown.items.tr94.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon den Zug Pferdestärke bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr95.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Throat Chop. One use. +showdown.items.tr95.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Halsschlag bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr96.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Pollen Puff. One use. +showdown.items.tr96.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Pollenknödel bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr97.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psychic Fangs. One use. +showdown.items.tr97.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Psychokinese Fangzähne bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr98.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Liquidation. One use. +showdown.items.tr98.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Attacke Aquadurchstoß bei. Eine Verwendung. -showdown.items.tr99.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Press. One use. +showdown.items.tr99.desc=Bringt bestimmten Pokémon die Bewegung Körperdrücken bei. Eine Verwendung.öffel -showdown.items.twistedspoon.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.twistedspoon.gen3.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.twistedspoon.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Psychokinese haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. +showdown.items.twistedspoon.gen3.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Psychokinese haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.tyranitarite.desc=If held by a Tyranitar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.tyranitarite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Tyranitar gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.ultraball.desc=An ultra-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Great Ball. Z -showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.desc=Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma: Ultra Burst, then Z-Move w/ Photon Geyser. -showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.transform=Bright light is about to burst out of %s! -showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.activate=%s regained its true power through Ultra Burst! -showdown.items.upgrade.desc=Evolves Porygon into Porygon2 when traded. +showdown.items.ultraball.desc=Ein Ultra-Performance-Ball, der eine höhere Fangquote als ein Great Ball bietet. Z +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.desc=Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma: Ultra Burst, dann Z-Move mit Photonen-Geysir. +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.transform=Helles Licht bricht gleich aus %s hervor! +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.activate=%s hat durch Ultra Burst seine wahre Kraft zurückgewonnen! +showdown.items.upgrade.desc=Entwickelt Porygon beim Handel zu Porygon2. -showdown.items.utilityumbrella.desc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. Damage and accuracy calculations from attacks used by the holder are affected by rain and sun, but not attacks used against the holder. -showdown.items.utilityumbrella.shortDesc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. +showdown.items.utilityumbrella.desc=Der Halter ignoriert regen- und sonnenbedingte Effekte. Schadens- und Genauigkeitsberechnungen von Angriffen des Inhabers werden durch Regen und Sonne beeinflusst, nicht jedoch von Angriffen, die gegen den Inhaber ausgeführt werden. +showdown.items.utilityumbrella.shortDesc=Der Halter ignoriert regen- und sonnenbedingte Effekte. -showdown.items.venusaurite.desc=If held by a Venusaur, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.venusaurite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Venusaurier gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.wacanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Electric-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.wacanberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen supereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Elektro. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.watergem.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.watergem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.watergem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Wasser hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.watergem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Wasser hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.watermemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Water type. +showdown.items.watermemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Wasser. -showdown.items.waterstone.desc=Evolves Poliwhirl into Poliwrath, Shellder into Cloyster, Staryu into Starmie, Eevee into Vaporeon, Lombre into Ludicolo, and Panpour into Simipour when used. -showdown.items.waterstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.waterstone.desc=Entwickelt sich Poliwhirl zu Poliwrath, Shellder zu Cloyster, Staryu zu Starmie, Eevee zu Vaporeon, Lombre zu Ludicolo und Panpour zu Simipour, wenn es verwendet wird. +showdown.items.waterstone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. Z -showdown.items.wateriumz.desc=If holder has a Water move, this item allows it to use a Water Z-Move. +showdown.items.wateriumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Wasserbewegung verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Wasser-Z-Bewegung verwenden. -showdown.items.watmelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.watmelberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.waveincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.waveincense.desc=Wasserangriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke.ächenschutz -showdown.items.weaknesspolicy.desc=If holder is hit super effectively, raises Attack, Sp. Atk by 2 stages. Single use. +showdown.items.weaknesspolicy.desc=Wenn der Halter sehr effektiv getroffen wird, erhöht sich Angriff, SP. Angriff um 2 Stufen. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.wepearberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.wepearberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker.äubchen -showdown.items.whippeddream.desc=Evolves Swirlix into Slurpuff when traded. +showdown.items.whippeddream.desc=Entwickelt Swirlix beim Handel zu Slurpuff. -showdown.items.whiteherb.desc=Restores all lowered stat stages to 0 when one is less than 0. Single use. -showdown.items.whiteherb.end=%s returned its stats to normal using its White Herb! +showdown.items.whiteherb.desc=Erholungores haben alle Stat-Stufen auf 0 gesenkt, wenn einer unter 0 liegt. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.whiteherb.end=%s hat seine Werte mit seinem Weißen Kraut auf den Normalwert zurückgesetzt!ßlinse -showdown.items.widelens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.1x. +showdown.items.widelens.desc=Die Genauigkeit der Angriffe des Inhabers beträgt 1,1x. -showdown.items.wikiberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.wikiberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.wikiberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.wikiberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpA Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.wikiberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpA Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.wikiberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpA Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.wiseglasses.desc=Holder's special attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.wiseglasses.desc=Die Spezialangriffe des Holders haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.yacheberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ice-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.yacheberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen supereffektiven Angriff vom Typ Eis. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.zapplate.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Electric type. +showdown.items.zapplate.desc=Holders elektrische Angriffe haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom elektrischen Typ. -showdown.items.zoomlens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.2x if it moves after its target. -showdown.items.berserkgene.desc=(Gen 2) On switch-in, raises holder's Attack by 2 and confuses it. Single use. +showdown.items.zoomlens.desc=Die Angriffsgenauigkeit des Trägers beträgt 1,2x, wenn er sich seinem Ziel nähert. +showdown.items.berserkgene.desc=(Gen 2) Erhöht beim Einwechseln den Angriff des Besitzers um 2 und verwirrt ihn. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.berry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.berry.desc=(Gen 2) Erholungskräfte 10 HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.bitterberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. +showdown.items.bitterberry.desc=(Gen 2) Inhaber ist geheilt, wenn er verwirrt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.burntberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. +showdown.items.burntberry.desc=(Gen 2) Der Halter ist ausgehärtet, wenn er gefroren ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.goldberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.goldberry.desc=(Gen 2) Erholungskräfte 30 HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.iceberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. +showdown.items.iceberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder ist geheilt, wenn er verbrannt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.mintberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. +showdown.items.mintberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder wacht auf, wenn er schläft. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.miracleberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is confused or has a status condition. Single use. +showdown.items.miracleberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder heilt sich selbst, wenn er verwirrt ist oder einen Statuszustand hat. Gesangle-Nutzung.ätselbeere -showdown.items.mysteryberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 5 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. -showdown.items.mysteryberry.activate=%s restored PP to its %s move using Mystery Berry! +showdown.items.mysteryberry.desc=(Gen 2) Erholungores 5 PP zum ersten Zug des Inhabers, um 0 PP zu erreichen. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.mysteryberry.activate=%s hat mithilfe von Mystery Berry die PP seiner %s-Bewegung wiederhergestellt! Band -showdown.items.pinkbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.pinkbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holders normale Angriffe haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.polkadotbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.polkadotbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holders normale Angriffe haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.przcureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. -showdown.items.psncureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. ## Unofficial Pokemon + Item, no translation -showdown.items.crucibellite.desc=If held by a Crucibelle, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Vial ## Unofficial, Create a pokemon project, no translation -showdown.items.vilevial.desc=If held by a Venomicon, its Poison- and Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.przcureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder heilt sich selbst, wenn er gelähmt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.psncureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Der Halter wird geheilt, wenn er vergiftet ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.crucibellite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einer Crucibelle gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. Phiole ## Unofficial +showdown.items.vilevial.desc=Wenn es von einem Venomicon gehalten wird, haben seine Angriffe vom Typ Gift und Fliegen die 1,2-fache Stärke. Donnerblitz -showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Has a very high chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Very high critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Hat eine sehr hohe Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Sehr hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.absorb.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.absorb.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If the target has a substitute, this move misses. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. +showdown.moves.absorb.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.absorb.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn das Ziel einen Ersatz hat, geht dieser Zug fehl. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erhält der Benutzer keine HP zurück. showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst.äure -showdown.moves.acid.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.acid.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Def by 1. -showdown.moves.acid.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.acid.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.acid.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.acid.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.acid.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.acid.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.acid.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die SP des Gegners zu senken. Verteidigung um 1. +showdown.moves.acid.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.acid.gen3.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Gegners um 1 zu verringern. +showdown.moves.acid.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 33 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.acid.gen1.shortDesc=33 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken. +showdown.moves.acid.gen2.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken.äurepanzer -showdown.moves.acidarmor.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.acidarmor.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.acidarmor.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.acidarmor.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 2. Säureregen -showdown.moves.aciddownpour.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.aciddownpour.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung.äurespeier -showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 2 Stufen zu senken. +showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 2. -showdown.moves.acrobatics.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user has no held item. +showdown.moves.acrobatics.shortDesc=Die Macht verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer keinen gehaltenen Gegenstand hat. -showdown.moves.acupressure.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an adjacent ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if used on an ally with a substitute. -showdown.moves.acupressure.shortDesc=Raises a random stat of the user or an ally by 2. -showdown.moves.acupressure.gen4.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if the user or ally has a substitute. +showdown.moves.acupressure.desc=Erhöht einen zufälligen Wert um 2 Stufen, solange der Wert nicht bereits auf Stufe 6 liegt. Der Benutzer kann wählen, ob er diesen Zug auf sich selbst oder einen benachbarten Verbündeten anwenden möchte. Schlägt fehl, wenn keine Statusstufe erhöht werden kann oder wenn es bei einem Verbündeten mit einem Ersatz angewendet wird. +showdown.moves.acupressure.shortDesc=Erhöht einen zufälligen Wert des Benutzers oder eines Verbündeten um 2. +showdown.moves.acupressure.gen4.desc=Erhöht einen zufälligen Wert um 2 Stufen, solange der Wert nicht bereits auf Stufe 6 liegt. Der Benutzer kann wählen, ob er diesen Zug auf sich selbst oder einen Verbündeten anwenden möchte. Schlägt fehl, wenn keine Statusstufe erhöht werden kann oder wenn der Benutzer oder Verbündete einen Ersatz hat. -showdown.moves.aerialace.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.aerialace.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft.ß -showdown.moves.aeroblast.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.aeroblast.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.aeroblast.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.aeroblast.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.afteryou.desc=The target makes its move immediately after the user this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target would have moved next anyway, or if the target already moved this turn. -showdown.moves.afteryou.shortDesc=The target makes its move right after the user. -showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s took the kind offer! +showdown.moves.afteryou.desc=Das Ziel führt seine Bewegung in diesem Zug unmittelbar nach dem Benutzer aus, unabhängig von der Priorität der ausgewählten Bewegung. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel sowieso als nächstes bewegt hätte oder wenn sich das Ziel in diesem Zug bereits bewegt hätte. +showdown.moves.afteryou.shortDesc=Das Ziel führt seinen Zug direkt nach dem Benutzer durch. +showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s hat das freundliche Angebot angenommen!ät -showdown.moves.agility.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.agility.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.agility.desc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.agility.shortDesc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2. -showdown.moves.aircutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.aircutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.aircutter.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.aircutter.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. -showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. Faustschläge -showdown.moves.alloutpummeling.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.alloutpummeling.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Ally Switch. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.shortDesc=User and ally swap positions; using again can fail. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.shortDesc=The user swaps positions with its ally. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally on the opposite side of the field. Fails if there is no Pokemon at that position, if the user is the only Pokemon on its side, or if the user is in the middle. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.shortDesc=Switches position with the ally on the far side. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht die Position mit seinem Verbündeten. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das einzige Pokémon auf seiner Seite ist. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug kein Seitentausch ist. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.shortDesc=Benutzer und Verbündete tauschen Positionen; Eine erneute Verwendung kann fehlschlagen. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht die Position mit seinem Verbündeten. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das einzige Pokémon auf seiner Seite ist. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.shortDesc=Der Benutzer tauscht die Position mit seinem Verbündeten. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht die Position mit seinem Verbündeten auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite des Feldes. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich an dieser Position kein Pokémon befindet, wenn der Benutzer das einzige Pokémon auf seiner Seite ist oder wenn der Benutzer sich in der Mitte befindet. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.shortDesc=Wechselt die Position mit dem Verbündeten auf der anderen Seite. -showdown.moves.amnesia.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.amnesia.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2. -showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 2. +showdown.moves.amnesia.desc=Erhöht die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.amnesia.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Verteidigung um 2. +showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.desc=Erhöht den Spezialwert des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.shortDesc=Erhöht den Spezialwert des Benutzers um 2. -showdown.moves.anchorshot.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.anchorshot.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. -showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.anchorshot.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.anchorshot.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. +showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. -showdown.moves.ancientpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). +showdown.moves.ancientpower.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, den Angriff, die Verteidigung, den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10 % Chance, alle Werte um 1 zu erhöhen (nicht Acc/Eva).äure -showdown.moves.appleacid.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.appleacid.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.appleacid.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.appleacid.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.aquacutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.aquacutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.aquacutter.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.aquacutter.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote.üse showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. -showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn while it remains active. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will receive the healing effect. -showdown.moves.aquaring.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. -showdown.moves.aquaring.start=%s surrounded itself with a veil of water! -showdown.moves.aquaring.heal=A veil of water restored %s's HP! +showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=Der Benutzer erhält 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, die am Ende jeder Runde wiederhergestellt wird, solange er aktiv bleibt. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn der Benutzer Stafette verwendet, erhält der Ersatz die Heilwirkung. +showdown.moves.aquaring.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stellt pro Runde maximal 1/16 HP wieder her. +showdown.moves.aquaring.start=%s umgab sich mit einem Schleier aus Wasser! +showdown.moves.aquaring.heal=Ein Wasserschleier stellte die HP von %s wieder her! -showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt.üstungskanone -showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung und SP des Benutzers. Verteidigung um 1.ß -showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.armthrust.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.armthrust.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. -showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Sap Sipper Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. -showdown.moves.aromatherapy.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. -showdown.moves.aromatherapy.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.aromatherapy.activate=A soothing aroma wafted through the area! +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. Aktive Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Sap Sipper werden nicht geheilt, es sei denn, sie sind der Benutzer. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.shortDesc=Behebt die Gruppe des Benutzers von allen Statuszuständen. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.gen5.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.activate=Ein wohltuender Duft wehte durch die Gegend! -showdown.moves.aromaticmist.desc=Raises the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. -showdown.moves.aromaticmist.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.aromaticmist.desc=Erhöht die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich kein Verbündeter neben dem Benutzer befindet. +showdown.moves.aromaticmist.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP eines Verbündeten. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.assist.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. -showdown.moves.assist.shortDesc=Uses a random move known by a team member. -showdown.moves.assist.gen8.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. -showdown.moves.assist.gen7.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or any Z-Move. -showdown.moves.assist.gen6.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. -showdown.moves.assist.gen5.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. -showdown.moves.assist.gen4.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. -showdown.moves.assist.gen3.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. +showdown.moves.assist.desc=Zur Verwendung wird ein zufälliger Zug unter den den Gruppenmitgliedern des Benutzers bekannten Attacken ausgewählt. Wählt nicht Zuschuss, Bunker, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Offerte, Hitzeturbo, Sprungfeder, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Überkopfwurf, Raufturbo, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Schaufler, Taucher, Drachenrute, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Fliegen, Power-Punch , Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, King's Shield, Zauberturbo, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Toxiturbo, Phantomkraft, Schutzschild, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Brüller, Schemenkraft, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Freier Fall , Schlafrede, Übernahme, Schutzstacheln, Rampenlicht, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Wandler, Trickbetrug, Wirbelwind oder Finsterturbo. +showdown.moves.assist.shortDesc=Verwendet eine zufällige Bewegung, die einem Teammitglied bekannt ist. +showdown.moves.assist.gen8.desc=Zur Verwendung wird ein zufälliger Zug unter den den Gruppenmitgliedern des Benutzers bekannten Attacken ausgewählt. Wählt nicht Zuschuss, Bunker, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Offerte, Sprungfeder, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Überkopfwurf, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Schaufler, Taucher, Drachenrute, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Fliegen, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, King's Shield, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Phantomkraft, Schutzschild, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Brüller, Schemenkraft, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Freier Fall, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Schutzstacheln, Rampenlicht , Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Wandler, Trickbetrug oder Wirbelwind. +showdown.moves.assist.gen7.desc=Zur Verwendung wird ein zufälliger Zug unter den den Gruppenmitgliedern des Benutzers bekannten Attacken ausgewählt. Wählt nicht Zuschuss, Bunker, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Offerte, Sprungfeder, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Überkopfwurf, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Schaufler, Taucher, Drachenrute, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Fliegen, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, King's Shield, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Phantomkraft, Schutzschild, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Brüller, Schemenkraft, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Freier Fall, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Schutzstacheln, Rampenlicht , Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Wandler, Trickbetrug, Wirbelwind oder eine beliebige Z-Bewegung. +showdown.moves.assist.gen6.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Zuschuss, Rülpser, Offerte, Sprungfeder, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Überkopfwurf, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Schaufler, Taucher, Drachenrute, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Fliegen, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, King's Shield, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Phantomkraft, Schutzschild, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Brüller, Schemenkraft, Nachahmer, Freier Fall, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Schutzstacheln, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Wandler, Trickbetrug, or Wirbelwind. +showdown.moves.assist.gen5.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Zuschuss, Offerte, Geschwätz, Überkopfwurf, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Drachenrute, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Schutzschild, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Wandler, or Trickbetrug. +showdown.moves.assist.gen4.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Zuschuss, Geschwätz, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Schutzschild, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, or Trickbetrug. +showdown.moves.assist.gen3.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Zuschuss, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Ausdauer, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Schutzschild, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Verzweifler, Raub, or Trickbetrug. -showdown.moves.assurance.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn, other than direct damage from Belly Drum, confusion, Curse, or Pain Split. +showdown.moves.assurance.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn, other than direct damage from Bauchtrommel, confusion, Fluch, or Leidteiler. showdown.moves.assurance.shortDesc=Power doubles if target was damaged this turn. -showdown.moves.assurance.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn. +showdown.moves.assurance.gen4.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel in diesem Zug bereits Schaden erlitten hat. -showdown.moves.astonish.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.astonish.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.astonish.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.astonish.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. +showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. -showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.attract.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.attract.shortDesc=A target of the opposite gender gets infatuated. -showdown.moves.attract.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.attract.gen2.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. -showdown.moves.attract.start=%s fell in love! -showdown.moves.attract.startFromItem=%s fell in love because of the %s! -showdown.moves.attract.end=%s got over its infatuation! -showdown.moves.attract.endFromItem=%s cured its infatuation using its %s! -showdown.moves.attract.activate=%s is in love with %s! -showdown.moves.attract.cant=%s is immobilized by love! +showdown.moves.attract.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel verliebt wird, sodass es in 50 % der Fälle nicht angreifen kann. Schlägt fehl, wenn sowohl der Benutzer als auch das Ziel dasselbe Geschlecht haben, wenn einer von beiden kein Geschlecht hat oder wenn das Ziel bereits verliebt ist. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel nicht mehr aktiv ist. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Ahnungslos oder geschützt durch die Fähigkeit Aromaschleier sind immun. +showdown.moves.attract.shortDesc=Eine Zielperson des anderen Geschlechts wird verliebt. +showdown.moves.attract.gen5.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel verliebt wird, sodass es in 50 % der Fälle nicht angreifen kann. Schlägt fehl, wenn sowohl der Benutzer als auch das Ziel dasselbe Geschlecht haben, wenn einer von beiden kein Geschlecht hat oder wenn das Ziel bereits verliebt ist. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel nicht mehr aktiv ist. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Oblivious sind immun. +showdown.moves.attract.gen2.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel verliebt wird, sodass es in 50 % der Fälle nicht angreifen kann. Schlägt fehl, wenn sowohl der Benutzer als auch das Ziel dasselbe Geschlecht haben, wenn einer von beiden kein Geschlecht hat oder wenn das Ziel bereits verliebt ist. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel nicht mehr aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.attract.start=%s hat sich verliebt! +showdown.moves.attract.startFromItem=%s hat sich wegen des %s verliebt! +showdown.moves.attract.end=%s hat seine Verliebtheit überwunden! +showdown.moves.attract.endFromItem=%s hat seine Verliebtheit mit seinem %s geheilt! +showdown.moves.attract.activate=%s ist in %s verliebt! +showdown.moves.attract.cant=%s ist durch die Liebe bewegungsunfähig!äre -showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. -showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. If the user is a Morpeko in Full Belly Mode, this move is Electric type. If the user is a Morpeko in Hangry Mode, this move is Dark type. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Full Belly or Hangry Mode Morpeko. -showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Electric; Hangry: Dark; 100% +1 Spe. +showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. Wenn der Benutzer ein Morpeko im Full-Belly-Modus ist, ist diese Bewegung vom Typ Elektro. Wenn der Benutzer ein Morpeko im Hangry-Modus ist, ist diese Bewegung vom Typ Dunkel. Dieser Zug kann nur dann erfolgreich eingesetzt werden, wenn die aktuelle Form des Benutzers, während er Wandler in Betracht zieht, Full Belly oder Hangry Mode Morpeko ist. +showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Elektrisch; Hangry: Dunkel; 100 % +1 Spe. -showdown.moves.aurorabeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.aurorabeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. -showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.shortDesc=10 % Chance, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 33 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.shortDesc=33 % Chance, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.auroraveil.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. -showdown.moves.auroraveil.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies halved. Snow only. -showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. -showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies is halved. Hail only. -showdown.moves.auroraveil.start=Aurora Veil made %s stronger against physical and special moves! -showdown.moves.auroraveil.end=%s's Aurora Veil wore off! +showdown.moves.auroraveil.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder erleiden 5 Runden lang 0,5-fachen Schaden durch physische Angriffe und Spezialangriffe bzw. 0,66-fachen Schaden im Doppelkampf. Reduziert den Schaden mit Reflektor oder Lichtschild nicht weiter. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Schutz. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch, Psychokinese-Reißzähnen oder Auflockern getroffen wird. Durchbruch und Psychokinese Fangs entfernen den Effekt, bevor der Schaden berechnet wird. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Light Clay hält. Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, das Wetter ist Hagelsturm. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.shortDesc=Der Schaden an Verbündeten wird 5 Runden lang halbiert. Nur Schnee. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder erleiden 5 Runden lang 0,5-fachen Schaden durch physische Angriffe und Spezialangriffe bzw. 0,66-fachen Schaden im Doppelkampf. Reduziert den Schaden mit Reflektor oder Lichtschild nicht weiter. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Schutz. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch, Psychokinese-Reißzähnen oder Auflockern getroffen wird. Durchbruch und Psychokinese Fangs entfernen den Effekt, bevor der Schaden berechnet wird. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Light Clay hält. Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, das Wetter ist Hagelsturm. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden wird der Schaden an Verbündeten halbiert. Nur Hagelsturm. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.start=Auroraschleier hat %s stärker gegen physische und Spezialattacken gemacht! +showdown.moves.auroraveil.end=Der Auroraschleier von %s hat nachgelassen! -showdown.moves.autotomize.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. If the user's Speed was changed, the user's weight is reduced by 100 kg as long as it remains active. This effect is stackable but cannot reduce the user's weight to less than 0.1 kg. -showdown.moves.autotomize.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2; user loses 100 kg. -showdown.moves.autotomize.start=%s became nimble! +showdown.moves.autotomize.desc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. Wenn die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers geändert wurde, wird das Gewicht des Benutzers um 100 kg reduziert, solange er aktiv bleibt. Dieser Effekt ist stapelbar, kann das Gewicht des Benutzers jedoch nicht unter 0,1 kg reduzieren. +showdown.moves.autotomize.shortDesc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2; Benutzer verliert 100 kg. +showdown.moves.autotomize.start=%s wurde flink! -showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. -showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. -showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's position this turn. +showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug vom Ziel getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer durch das Ziel beschädigt wird. +showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug von einem Pokémon an der Position des Ziels getroffen wurde. -showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. -showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30% confusion. User loses 50% max HP if miss. -showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! +showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30 % Verwirrung. Bei einem Fehlschlag verliert der Benutzer 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s ging weiter und stürzte ab! -showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Senkt den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Verringert den Angriff des Ziels um 1.älzone -showdown.moves.baddybad.desc=This move summons Reflect for 5 turns upon use. -showdown.moves.baddybad.shortDesc=Summons Reflect. +showdown.moves.baddybad.desc=Dieser Zug beschwört bei Verwendung 5 Runden lang Reflektor. +showdown.moves.baddybad.shortDesc=Beschwört Reflektor. -showdown.moves.banefulbunker.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.banefulbunker.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: poison. -showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, werden vergiftet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor Umzügen. Kontakt: Gift. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, werden vergiftet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, werden vergiftet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.barbbarrage.desc=Has a 50% chance to poison the target. Power doubles if the target is already poisoned. -showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50% psn. 2x power if target already poisoned. +showdown.moves.barbbarrage.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel bereits vergiftet ist. +showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50 % PSN. 2x Kraft, wenn das Ziel bereits vergiftet ist. -showdown.moves.barrage.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.barrage.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.barrage.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. -showdown.moves.barrier.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.barrier.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 2. -showdown.moves.batonpass.desc=The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party. The selected Pokemon has the user's stat stage changes, confusion, and certain move effects transferred to it. -showdown.moves.batonpass.shortDesc=User switches, passing stat changes and more. +showdown.moves.batonpass.desc=Der Benutzer wird durch ein anderes Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ersetzt. Auf das ausgewählte Pokémon werden die Statusänderungen, die Verwirrung und bestimmte Bewegungseffekte des Benutzers übertragen. +showdown.moves.batonpass.shortDesc=Benutzerwechsel, Weitergabe von Statusänderungen und mehr. -showdown.moves.beakblast.desc=If the user is hit by a contact move this turn before it can execute this move, the attacker is burned. -showdown.moves.beakblast.shortDesc=Burns on contact with the user before it moves. -showdown.moves.beakblast.start=%s started heating up its beak! +showdown.moves.beakblast.desc=Wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde von einer Kontaktbewegung getroffen wird, bevor er diese Bewegung ausführen kann, erleidet der Angreifer Verbrennungen. +showdown.moves.beakblast.shortDesc=Verbrennt bei Kontakt mit dem Benutzer, bevor er sich bewegt. +showdown.moves.beakblast.start=%s hat angefangen, seinen Schnabel aufzuheizen!ügler -showdown.moves.beatup.desc=Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. The power of each hit is equal to 5+(X/10), where X is each participating Pokemon's base Attack; each hit is considered to come from the user. -showdown.moves.beatup.shortDesc=All healthy allies aid in damaging the target. -showdown.moves.beatup.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. -showdown.moves.beatup.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party, or fails if no Pokemon meet the criteria. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. -showdown.moves.beatup.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's level, its base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense. Fails if no party members can participate. -showdown.moves.beatup.activate=%s's attack! +showdown.moves.beatup.desc=Trifft einmal für den Benutzer und einmal für jedes nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon ohne einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand in der Gruppe des Benutzers. Die Stärke jedes Treffers beträgt 5+(X/10), wobei X der Basisangriff jedes teilnehmenden Pokémon ist; Jeder Treffer gilt als vom Benutzer stammend. +showdown.moves.beatup.shortDesc=Alle gesunden Verbündeten helfen dabei, dem Ziel Schaden zuzufügen. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen4.desc=Verursacht typlosen Schaden. Trifft einmal für den Benutzer und einmal für jedes nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon ohne einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand in der Gruppe des Benutzers. Für jeden Treffer verwendet die Schadensformel den Basisangriff des teilnehmenden Pokémon als Angriffswert, die Basisverteidigung des Ziels als Verteidigungswert und ignoriert Statistikstufen und andere Effekte, die Angriff oder Verteidigung modifizieren. Jeder Treffer gilt als vom Benutzer stammend. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen3.desc=Verursacht typlosen Schaden. Trifft einmal für jedes nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon ohne eine nichtflüchtige Statusbedingung in der Gruppe des Benutzers oder schlägt fehl, wenn kein Pokémon die Kriterien erfüllt. Für jeden Treffer verwendet die Schadensformel den Basisangriff des teilnehmenden Pokémon als Angriffswert, die Basisverteidigung des Ziels als Verteidigungswert und ignoriert Statistikstufen und andere Effekte, die Angriff oder Verteidigung modifizieren. Jeder Treffer gilt als vom Benutzer stammend. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen2.desc=Verursacht typlosen Schaden. Trifft einmal für jedes nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon ohne einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand in der Gruppe des Benutzers. Für jeden Treffer verwendet die Schadensformel die Stufe des teilnehmenden Pokémon, seinen Basisangriff als Angriffswert, die Basisverteidigung des Ziels als Verteidigungswert und ignoriert Statusstufen und andere Effekte, die Angriff oder Verteidigung modifizieren. Schlägt fehl, wenn keine Gruppenmitglieder teilnehmen können. +showdown.moves.beatup.activate=%s' Angriff!ß showdown.moves.behemothbash.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. +showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel dynamisiert ist. showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. +showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel dynamisiert ist.ülpser -showdown.moves.belch.desc=This move cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry, either by eating one that was held, stealing and eating one off another Pokemon with Bug Bite or Pluck, or eating one that was thrown at it with Fling. Once the condition is met, this move can be selected and used for the rest of the battle even if the user gains or uses another item or switches out. Consuming a Berry with Natural Gift does not count for the purposes of eating one. -showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=Cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry. +showdown.moves.belch.desc=Dieser Zug kann erst ausgewählt werden, wenn der Benutzer eine Beere isst, indem er entweder eine Beere frisst, die er gehalten hat, indem er mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker eine Beere von einem anderen Pokémon stiehlt und frisst oder indem er mit Schleuder eine Beere frisst, die darauf geworfen wurde. Sobald die Bedingung erfüllt ist, kann dieser Zug ausgewählt und für den Rest des Kampfes verwendet werden, selbst wenn der Benutzer einen anderen Gegenstand erhält oder verwendet oder auswechselt. Der Verzehr einer Beere mit Beerenkräften zählt nicht zum Verzehr einer Beere. +showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=Kann erst ausgewählt werden, wenn der Benutzer eine Beere isst. -showdown.moves.bellydrum.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 12 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack stat stage is 6. -showdown.moves.bellydrum.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Maximizes Attack. -showdown.moves.bellydrum.boost=%s cut its own HP and maximized its Attack! +showdown.moves.bellydrum.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 12 Stufen, im Gegenzug verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird oder seine Angriffsstatusstufe 6 beträgt. +showdown.moves.bellydrum.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen HP. Maximiert den Angriff. +showdown.moves.bellydrum.boost=%s hat seine eigenen HP reduziert und seinen Angriff maximiert! -showdown.moves.bestow.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. -showdown.moves.bestow.shortDesc=User passes its held item to the target. -showdown.moves.bestow.gen6.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. -showdown.moves.bestow.gen5.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. -showdown.moves.bestow.takeItem=%s gave %s its %s! +showdown.moves.bestow.desc=Das Ziel erhält den gehaltenen Gegenstand des Benutzers. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keinen Gegenstand hat oder eine Post oder einen Z-Kristall in der Hand hält, wenn das Ziel bereits einen Gegenstand trägt, wenn der Benutzer ein Kyogre mit einer blauen Kugel, ein Groudon mit einer roten Kugel oder eine Giratina mit einer grauen Kugel ist , ein Arceus, der eine Platte hält, ein Genesect, der einen Antrieb hält, ein Silvally, der eine Erinnerung hält, ein Pokémon, das sich Mega-entwickeln kann, das den Mega-Stein seiner Spezies hält, oder wenn das Ziel eines dieser Pokémon ist und der Benutzer den entsprechenden Gegenstand hält . +showdown.moves.bestow.shortDesc=Der Benutzer gibt seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand an das Ziel weiter. +showdown.moves.bestow.gen6.desc=Das Ziel erhält den gehaltenen Gegenstand des Benutzers. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keinen Gegenstand hat oder eine Post in der Hand hält, wenn das Ziel bereits einen Gegenstand trägt, wenn der Benutzer ein Kyogre mit einer blauen Kugel, ein Groudon mit einer roten Kugel, eine Giratina mit einer grauen Kugel oder ein Arceus mit einer Kugel ist eine Platte, ein Genesect mit einem Antrieb, ein Pokémon, das sich Mega-entwickeln kann und den Mega-Stein seiner Spezies hält, oder wenn das Ziel eines dieser Pokémon ist und der Benutzer den entsprechenden Gegenstand hält. +showdown.moves.bestow.gen5.desc=Das Ziel erhält den gehaltenen Gegenstand des Benutzers. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keinen Gegenstand hat oder eine Post in der Hand hält, wenn das Ziel bereits einen Gegenstand trägt, wenn der Benutzer eine Giratina ist, die eine Griseous Orb hält, ein Arceus, der eine Platte hält, ein Genesect, der einen Antrieb hält, oder wenn das Ziel ein Gegenstand ist eines dieser Pokémon und der Benutzer hält den entsprechenden Gegenstand. +showdown.moves.bestow.takeItem=%s hat %s sein %s gegeben! -showdown.moves.bide.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.bide.shortDesc=Waits 2 turns; deals double the damage taken. -showdown.moves.bide.gen4.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and ignores type immunity. -showdown.moves.bide.gen3.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.bide.gen2.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and then, on the second or third turn after using this move, the user attacks the opponent, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during those turns. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.bide.gen2.shortDesc=Waits 2-3 turns; deals double the damage taken. -showdown.moves.bide.gen1.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and then, on the second or third turn after using this move, the user attacks the opponent, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during those turns. This move ignores type immunity and cannot be avoided even if the target is using Dig or Fly. The user can choose to switch out during the effect. If the user switches out or is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. During the effect, if the opposing Pokemon switches out or uses Confuse Ray, Conversion, Focus Energy, Glare, Haze, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mimic, Mist, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Splash, Stun Spore, Substitute, Supersonic, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Transform, the previous damage dealt to the user will be added to the total. -showdown.moves.bide.start=%s is storing energy! -showdown.moves.bide.end=%s unleashed its energy! -showdown.moves.bide.activate=%s is storing energy! +showdown.moves.bide.desc=Der Benutzer ist zwei Runden lang auf diese Attacke fixiert und greift dann in der zweiten Runde nach der Nutzung dieser Attacke das letzte Pokémon an, das es getroffen hat, und fügt dabei den doppelten Schaden an HP zu, den es in den beiden Runden durch Angriffe verloren hat. Wenn das letzte Pokémon, das es getroffen hat, nicht mehr aktiv ist, greift der Benutzer stattdessen ein zufälliges gegnerisches Pokémon an. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt überprüft nicht die Genauigkeit und ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.bide.shortDesc=Wartet 2 Runden; Verursacht das Doppelte des erlittenen Schadens. +showdown.moves.bide.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer ist zwei Runden lang auf diese Attacke fixiert und greift dann in der zweiten Runde nach der Nutzung dieser Attacke das letzte Pokémon an, das es getroffen hat, und fügt dabei den doppelten Schaden an HP zu, den es in den beiden Runden durch Angriffe verloren hat. Wenn das letzte Pokémon, das es getroffen hat, nicht mehr aktiv ist, greift der Benutzer stattdessen ein zufälliges gegnerisches Pokémon an. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt prüft nicht die Genauigkeit und ignoriert die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.bide.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei Runden mit dieser Attacke und greift dann in der zweiten Runde nach der Nutzung dieser Attacke das letzte Pokémon an, das es getroffen hat, und fügt dabei den doppelten Schaden an HP zu, den es während der beiden Runden verloren hat. Wenn das letzte Pokémon, das es getroffen hat, nicht mehr aktiv ist, greift der Benutzer stattdessen ein zufälliges gegnerisches Pokémon an. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.bide.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, sich auf diese Bewegung zu konzentrieren, und dann, in der zweiten oder dritten Runde nach der Verwendung dieser Bewegung, greift der Benutzer den Gegner an und fügt dem doppelten Schaden an HP zu, den er während dieser Runden verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.bide.gen2.shortDesc=Wartet 2-3 Runden; Verursacht das Doppelte des erlittenen Schadens. +showdown.moves.bide.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, sich auf diese Bewegung zu konzentrieren, und dann, in der zweiten oder dritten Runde nach der Verwendung dieser Bewegung, greift der Benutzer den Gegner an und fügt dem doppelten Schaden an HP zu, den er während dieser Runden verloren hat. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität und kann nicht vermieden werden, selbst wenn das Ziel Schaufler oder Fliegen verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts ausschalten. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Attacke auswechselt oder daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Wenn während des Effekts das gegnerische Pokémon ausschaltet oder Konfusstrahl, Umwandlung, Energiefokus, Schlangenblick, Dunkelnebel, Egelsamen, Lichtschild, Mimikry, Weißnebel, Giftwolke, Giftpuder, Genesung, Reflektor, Erholung, Weichei, Platscher, Stachelspore, Delegator, Superschall verwendet, Teleport, Donner Wave, Toxin oder Wandler, der zuvor dem Benutzer zugefügte Schaden wird zur Gesamtsumme addiert. +showdown.moves.bide.start=%s speichert Energie! +showdown.moves.bide.end=%s hat seine Energie entfesselt! +showdown.moves.bide.activate=%s speichert Energie! -showdown.moves.bind.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.bind.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.bind.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. -showdown.moves.bind.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.bind.start=%s was squeezed by %s! -showdown.moves.bind.move=%s's attack continues! +showdown.moves.bind.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.bind.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.bind.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei bis fünf Runden mit dieser Bewegung. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Runden durchzuhalten, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Runden durchzuhalten. Der für die erste Runde berechnete Schaden wird für jede zweite Runde verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts keine Bewegung auswählen und das Ziel kann keine Bewegung ausführen, aber beide können wechseln. Wenn der Benutzer auswechselt, ist das Ziel in diesem Zug weiterhin nicht in der Lage, eine Bewegung auszuführen. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt, verwendet der Benutzer diese Bewegung automatisch erneut, und wenn es zu diesem Zeitpunkt 0 PP hatte, wird es zu 63. Wenn der Benutzer oder das Ziel auswechselt oder der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt. Diese Bewegung kann das Ziel daran hindern, sich zu bewegen, selbst wenn es über Typimmunität verfügt, verursacht jedoch keinen Schaden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen1.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass sich das Ziel 2–5 Runden lang bewegt. +showdown.moves.bind.start=%s wurde von %s gequetscht! +showdown.moves.bind.move=Der Angriff von %s geht weiter! -showdown.moves.bite.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.bite.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. +showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100 % Chance, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. Loch des Grauens -showdown.moves.blackholeeclipse.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.blackholeeclipse.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.blastburn.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.blastburn.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.blastburn.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.blastburn.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. -showdown.moves.blazekick.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.blazekick.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to burn. +showdown.moves.blazekick.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen, und eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.blazekick.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. 10 % Chance zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.blazingtorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.blazingtorque.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.blizzard.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. If the weather is Snow, this move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.blizzard.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in Snow. -showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. If the weather is Hail, this move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in Hail. -showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). -showdown.moves.blizzard.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.shortDesc=30 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des/der Gegner(s) um 1 zu verringern. +showdown.moves.blizzard.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel einzufrieren. Wenn das Wetter schneit, wird durch diese Bewegung die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. +showdown.moves.blizzard.shortDesc=10 % Chance, Gegner einzufrieren. Im Schnee nicht zu übersehen. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel einzufrieren. Wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm ist, prüft dieser Zug nicht die Genauigkeit. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.shortDesc=10 % Chance, Gegner einzufrieren. Im Hagelsturm nicht zu übersehen. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel einzufrieren. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.shortDesc=10 % Chance, Gegner einzufrieren. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen2.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel einzufrieren.ückentzug -showdown.moves.block.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.block.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. -showdown.moves.block.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.block.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.block.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. -showdown.moves.block.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.block.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.block.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. +showdown.moves.block.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.block.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.block.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt, es sei denn, er verwendet Stafette. In diesem Fall bleibt das Ziel gefangen. +showdown.moves.block.gen3.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt, es sei denn, er verwendet Stafette. In diesem Fall bleibt das Ziel gefangen. Blütenpracht -showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20% chance to burn the target. Press -showdown.moves.bodypress.desc=Damage is calculated using the user's Defense stat as its Attack, including stat stage changes. Other effects that modify the Attack stat are used as normal. -showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Uses user's Def stat as Atk in damage calculation. +showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen.örperpresse +showdown.moves.bodypress.desc=Der Schaden wird anhand des Verteidigungswerts des Benutzers als Angriff berechnet, einschließlich Änderungen der Statusstufe. Andere Effekte, die den Angriffswert verändern, werden wie gewohnt verwendet. +showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Verwendet den Def-Wert des Benutzers als Angriff bei der Schadensberechnung. -showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.bodyslam.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.bodyslam.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.boltbeak.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. -showdown.moves.boltbeak.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.boltbeak.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer vor dem Ziel bewegt. +showdown.moves.boltbeak.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer vor dem Ziel bewegt. -showdown.moves.boltstrike.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.boltstrike.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.boltstrike.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.boltstrike.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.boneclub.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.boneclub.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.boneclub.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.boneclub.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen1.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen4.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen3.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen1.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. -showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer.Überschallknall showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. -showdown.moves.bounce.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.bounce.shortDesc=Bounces turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. -showdown.moves.bounce.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.bounce.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.bounce.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. -showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s sprang up! +showdown.moves.bounce.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Orkan, Himmelhieb, Katapult, Tausend Pfeile, Donner und Windhose, und Windstoß und Windhose haben die doppelte Kraft, wenn sie dagegen eingesetzt werden. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.bounce.shortDesc=Sprungfedern Runde 1. Treffer Runde 2. 30 % Lähmung. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Orkan, Himmelhieb, Katapult, Donner und Windhose, und Windstoß und Windhose haben die doppelte Kraft, wenn sie gegen sie eingesetzt werden. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Himmelhieb, Donner und Windhose, und Windstoß und Windhose haben die doppelte Kraft, wenn sie dagegen eingesetzt werden. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Himmelhieb, Donner und Windhose, und Windstoß und Windhose haben die doppelte Kraft, wenn sie dagegen eingesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s ist aufgetaucht! -showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück.ß showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. -showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. +showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. +showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100 % Chance, den Angriff des Gegners um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.breakneckblitz.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.breakneckblitz.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen6.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or not the target is immune, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.shortDesc=Destroys screens, even if the target is immune. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen3.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or not the target is immune, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the opponent's side of the field before damage is calculated. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! -showdown.moves.brine.desc=Power doubles if the target has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining. -showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht fehlschlägt, enden die Effekte von Reflektor, Lichtschild und Auroraschleier für die Seite des Ziels, bevor der Schaden berechnet wird. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.shortDesc=Zerstört Bildschirme, es sei denn, das Ziel ist immun. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht fehlschlägt, enden die Effekte von Reflektor und Lichtschild für die Feldseite des Ziels, bevor der Schaden berechnet wird. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht fehlschlägt und unabhängig davon, ob das Ziel immun ist oder nicht, enden die Effekte von Reflektor und Lichtschild für die Seite des Ziels, bevor der Schaden berechnet wird. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.shortDesc=Zerstört Bildschirme, auch wenn das Ziel immun ist. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht fehlschlägt und unabhängig davon, ob das Ziel immun ist oder nicht, enden die Effekte von Reflektor und Lichtschild für die gegnerische Spielfeldseite, bevor der Schaden berechnet wird. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=%s hat den Schutz von %s zerstört! +showdown.moves.brine.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel weniger oder gleich der Hälfte seiner maximalen HP übrig hat. +showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn die HP des Ziels 50 % oder weniger beträgt. showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent Pokemon. -showdown.moves.bubble.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bubble.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.bubble.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. +showdown.moves.bubble.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.bubble.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des/der Gegner(s) um 1 zu verringern. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 33 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.shortDesc=33 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen2.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.bubblebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bubblebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 33 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.shortDesc=33 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern.äferbiss -showdown.moves.bugbite.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.bugbite.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. -showdown.moves.bugbite.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. -showdown.moves.bugbite.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! +showdown.moves.bugbite.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er die gehaltene Beere des Ziels, wenn es eine hält, und frisst sie sofort, wodurch seine Effekte auch dann wirksam werden, wenn der Gegenstand des Benutzers ignoriert wird. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.bugbite.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stiehlt und isst die Beere des Ziels. +showdown.moves.bugbite.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stiehlt die gehaltene Beere des Ziels, wenn es eine hält, und isst sie sofort, wodurch seine Effekte erhalten werden, es sei denn, der Gegenstand des Benutzers wird ignoriert. Durch diesen Umzug verlorene Gegenstände können durch Aufbereitung wiedererlangt werden. +showdown.moves.bugbite.removeItem=%s hat %s seines Ziels gestohlen und gefressen!äfergebrumm -showdown.moves.bugbuzz.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.bugbuzz.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.bulkup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.bulkup.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit benachbarter Pkmn um 1 zu verringern. showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. -showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. -showdown.moves.burningjealousy.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target if it had a stat stage raised this turn. -showdown.moves.burningjealousy.shortDesc=100% burns a target that had a stat rise this turn. +showdown.moves.burningjealousy.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen, wenn in diesem Zug eine erhöhte Statusstufe vorhanden war. +showdown.moves.burningjealousy.shortDesc=Verbrennt ein Ziel zu 100 %, das in dieser Runde einen Werteanstieg hatte. -showdown.moves.burnup.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. -showdown.moves.burnup.shortDesc=User's Fire type becomes typeless; must be Fire. -showdown.moves.burnup.gen8.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. -showdown.moves.burnup.typeChange=%s burned itself out! +showdown.moves.burnup.desc=Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, der Benutzer ist ein Feuertyp. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht Terastallisiert ist, wird der Feuertyp des Benutzers typlos, solange er aktiv bleibt. +showdown.moves.burnup.shortDesc=Der Feuertyp des Benutzers wird typlos; muss Feuer sein. +showdown.moves.burnup.gen8.desc=Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, der Benutzer ist ein Feuertyp. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird der Feuertyp des Benutzers typlos, solange er aktiv bleibt. +showdown.moves.burnup.typeChange=%s hat sich selbst ausgebrannt! -showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the foe. -showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the foe. +showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Gegner zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100 % Chance, den Gegner zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff und die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Atk und Sp. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.camouflage.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. -showdown.moves.camouflage.shortDesc=Changes user's type by terrain (default Normal). -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen6.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Grass type during Grassy Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Ground type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. (Ground) -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the user has the Multitype Ability or if the type is one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. (Normal) -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen3.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the type is one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.camouflage.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich je nach Gefechtsgelände. Normaler Typ auf dem regulären Wi-Fi-Gelände, elektrischer Typ während Elektrofeld, Feentyp während Weißnebely-Gelände, Grastyp während Grasfeld und Psychokinese-Typ während Psychokinese-Gelände. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzertyp nicht geändert werden kann oder der Benutzer bereits nur diesem Typ angehört. +showdown.moves.camouflage.shortDesc=Ändert den Benutzertyp je nach Gelände (Standard: Normal). +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen6.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich je nach Gefechtsgelände. Normaler Typ auf dem regulären Wi-Fi-Gelände, elektrischer Typ während Elektrofeld, Feentyp während Weißnebely-Gelände und Grastyp während Grasfeld. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzertyp nicht geändert werden kann oder der Benutzer bereits nur diesem Typ angehört. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich je nach Gefechtsgelände. Bodentyp auf dem regulären WLAN-Gelände. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzertyp nicht geändert werden kann oder der Benutzer bereits nur diesem Typ angehört. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.shortDesc=Ändert den Benutzertyp je nach Gelände. (Boden) +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich je nach Gefechtsgelände. Normaler Typ auf dem normalen Wi-Fi-Gelände. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer über die Multitype-Fähigkeit verfügt oder der Typ einer der aktuellen Typen des Benutzers ist. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.shortDesc=Ändert den Benutzertyp je nach Gelände. (Normal) +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen3.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich je nach Gefechtsgelände. Normaler Typ auf dem normalen Wi-Fi-Gelände. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Typ einer der aktuellen Typen des Benutzers ist. -showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. The target is unaffected if both the user and the target are the same gender, or if either is genderless. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. +showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. Das Ziel ist nicht betroffen, wenn sowohl der Benutzer als auch das Ziel das gleiche Geschlecht haben oder wenn eines davon kein Geschlecht hat. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Oblivious sind immun. +showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Gegners. Angriff um 2, wenn anderes Geschlecht. Pika-Projektil showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing side. +showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, entsteht eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Es können maximal drei Schichten festgelegt werden, und Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen HP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Legt eine Schicht Stachler auf die Gegenseite. -showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=No competitive use. -showdown.moves.celebrate.activate=Congratulations, %s! +showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. +showdown.moves.celebrate.activate=Herzlichen Glückwunsch, %s! -showdown.moves.charge.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's next Electric-type attack will have its power doubled; the effect ends when the user is no longer active, or after the user attempts to use any Electric-type move besides Charge, even if it is not successful. -showdown.moves.charge.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's next Electric move 2x power. -showdown.moves.charge.gen8.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. -showdown.moves.charge.gen8.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's Electric move next turn 2x power. -showdown.moves.charge.gen3.desc=If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. -showdown.moves.charge.gen3.shortDesc=The user's Electric attack next turn has 2x power. -showdown.moves.charge.start=%s began charging power! +showdown.moves.charge.desc=Erhöht die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Die Stärke des nächsten elektrischen Angriffs des Benutzers wird verdoppelt. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer nicht mehr aktiv ist oder nachdem der Benutzer versucht, außer dem Ladevorgang eine beliebige elektrische Bewegung auszuführen, auch wenn dies nicht erfolgreich ist. +showdown.moves.charge.shortDesc=+1 SpD, nächste elektrische Bewegung des Benutzers 2x Kraft. +showdown.moves.charge.gen8.desc=Erhöht die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Wenn der Benutzer in der nächsten Runde einen elektrischen Angriff ausführt, wird seine Kraft verdoppelt. +showdown.moves.charge.gen8.shortDesc=+1 SpD, elektrische Bewegung des Benutzers in der nächsten Runde 2x Kraft. +showdown.moves.charge.gen3.desc=Wenn der Benutzer in der nächsten Runde einen elektrischen Angriff ausführt, wird seine Kraft verdoppelt. +showdown.moves.charge.gen3.shortDesc=Der elektrische Angriff des Benutzers in der nächsten Runde hat die doppelte Stärke. +showdown.moves.charge.start=%s hat mit dem Aufladen begonnen! -showdown.moves.chargebeam.desc=Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.chargebeam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 70 %, den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70 % Chance, die SP des Benutzers zu erhöhen. Angriff um 1. -showdown.moves.charm.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.charm.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.charm.desc=Verringert den Angriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.charm.shortDesc=Verringert den Angriff des Ziels um 2.ätz -showdown.moves.chatter.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.chatter.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 0 or 10 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 0 for a low volume or no recording, 10 for a medium to high volume recording. -showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.shortDesc=For Chatot, 10% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 1, 11, or 31 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 1 for no recording or low volume, 11 for medium volume, and 31 for high volume. -showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.shortDesc=For Chatot, 31% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.chatter.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.chatter.shortDesc=100 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von X %, das Ziel zu verwirren, wobei X 0 ist, es sei denn, der Benutzer ist ein Chatot, der nicht konvertiert hat. Wenn der Benutzer ein Chatot ist, ist X 0 oder 10, abhängig von der Lautstärke von Chatots aufgezeichnetem Schrei, falls vorhanden; 0 für eine geringe oder keine Aufnahme, 10 für eine Aufnahme mit mittlerer bis hoher Lautstärke. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.shortDesc=Für Chatot besteht eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von X %, das Ziel zu verwirren, wobei X 0 ist, es sei denn, der Benutzer ist ein Chatot, der nicht konvertiert hat. Wenn der Benutzer ein Chatot ist, ist X 1, 11 oder 31, abhängig von der Lautstärke von Chatots aufgezeichnetem Schrei, falls vorhanden; 1 für keine Aufnahme oder niedrige Lautstärke, 11 für mittlere Lautstärke und 31 für hohe Lautstärke. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.shortDesc=Für Chatot besteht eine Chance von 31 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. Dusche -showdown.moves.chillingwater.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.chillingwater.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.chillingwater.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.chillingwater.shortDesc=100 % Chance, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. Stimmung -showdown.moves.chillyreception.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. The user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.chillyreception.shortDesc=Starts Snow. User switches out. -showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s is preparing to tell a chillingly bad joke! +showdown.moves.chillyreception.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Schnee. Der Benutzer schaltet aus, auch wenn er gefangen ist, und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt. +showdown.moves.chillyreception.shortDesc=Es beginnt zu schneien. Benutzer schaltet aus. +showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s bereitet sich darauf vor, einen erschreckend schlechten Witz zu erzählen!ürben -showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. -showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. -showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. -showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. -showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) +showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignoriert die Statusänderungen des Ziels, einschließlich der Ausweichfähigkeit. +showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Statusänderungen des Ziels. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht und selbst wenn sie zu Ohnmacht führen würde, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet, es sei denn, der Benutzer verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s reduziert seine eigenen HP, um seine Bewegung zu verstärken!)Überkopfwurf -showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target is under the effect of Ingrain, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. -showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. +showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=Wenn sowohl der Benutzer als auch das Ziel nicht ohnmächtig geworden sind, muss das Ziel wechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Dieser Effekt schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel unter dem Effekt von Verwurzler steht, über die Fähigkeit Saugnäpfe verfügt oder diese Bewegung einen Ersatz trifft. +showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Zwingt das Ziel, zu einem zufälligen Verbündeten zu wechseln. -showdown.moves.clamp.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.clamp.start=%s clamped down on %s! -showdown.moves.clamp.move=%s's attack continues! +showdown.moves.clamp.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei bis fünf Runden mit dieser Bewegung. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Runden durchzuhalten, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Runden durchzuhalten. Der für die erste Runde berechnete Schaden wird für jede zweite Runde verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts keine Bewegung auswählen und das Ziel kann keine Bewegung ausführen, aber beide können wechseln. Wenn der Benutzer auswechselt, ist das Ziel in diesem Zug weiterhin nicht in der Lage, eine Bewegung auszuführen. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt, verwendet der Benutzer diese Bewegung automatisch erneut, und wenn es zu diesem Zeitpunkt 0 PP hatte, wird es zu 63. Wenn der Benutzer oder das Ziel auswechselt oder der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt. Diese Bewegung kann das Ziel daran hindern, sich zu bewegen, selbst wenn es über Typimmunität verfügt, verursacht jedoch keinen Schaden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass sich das Ziel 2–5 Runden lang bewegt. +showdown.moves.clamp.start=%s hat gegen %s vorgegangen! +showdown.moves.clamp.move=Der Angriff von %s geht weiter! -showdown.moves.clangingscales.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.clangingscales.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.clangingscales.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.clangingscales.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage in exchange for the user losing 33% of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed stat stages would not change. -showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=User loses 33% of its max HP. +1 to all stats. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.desc=Erhöht den Angriff, die Verteidigung, den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe, im Gegenzug verliert der Benutzer 33 % seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird oder sich seine Angriffs-, Verteidigungs-, Spezialangriffs-, Spezialverteidigungs- und Geschwindigkeitswerte nicht ändern. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 33 % seiner maximalen HP. +1 auf alle Statistiken. Seelentanz -showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Erhöht Angriff, Verteidigung, Spezialangriff, Spezialverteidigung und Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Erhöht die Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe des Benutzers um 1.ärsmog -showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Resets all of the target's stat stages to 0. +showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Setzt alle Statusstufen des Ziels auf 0 zurück. -showdown.moves.closecombat.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.closecombat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.closecombat.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.closecombat.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung und SP des Benutzers. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.coaching.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. -showdown.moves.coaching.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.coaching.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich kein Verbündeter neben dem Benutzer befindet. +showdown.moves.coaching.shortDesc=Erhöht Angriff und Verteidigung eines Verbündeten um 1. -showdown.moves.coil.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.coil.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack, Defense, accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.coil.desc=Erhöht Angriff, Verteidigung und Genauigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.coil.shortDesc=Erhöht Angriff, Verteidigung und Genauigkeit des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.collisioncourse.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. -showdown.moves.collisioncourse.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. +showdown.moves.collisioncourse.desc=Der Schaden wird mit 1,3333 multipliziert, wenn diese Bewegung gegen das Ziel äußerst effektiv ist. +showdown.moves.collisioncourse.shortDesc=Verursacht mit supereffektiven Treffern 1,3333-fachen Schaden. -showdown.moves.combattorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.combattorque.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.cometpunch.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. -showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. -showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. +showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen HP zu, abgerundet. Wenn der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 HP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=Bei einem Angriff wird der 1,5-fache Schaden verursacht. -showdown.moves.confide.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.confide.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Ziels. Angriff um 1. -showdown.moves.confuseray.desc=Causes the target to become confused. -showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confuses the target. -showdown.moves.confusion.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.confusion.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.confuseray.desc=Verursacht Verwirrung beim Ziel. +showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Verwirrt das Ziel. +showdown.moves.confusion.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.confusion.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren. -showdown.moves.constrict.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.constrict.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.constrict.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.constrict.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. +showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 33 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.shortDesc=33 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. Steinpresse -showdown.moves.continentalcrush.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.continentalcrush.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.conversion.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of the move in its first move slot. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if the type is one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion.shortDesc=Changes user's type to match its first move. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides this move, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.shortDesc=Changes user's type to match a known move. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen4.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides this move and Curse, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides Curse, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. -showdown.moves.conversion.typeChange=Converted type to %s's! +showdown.moves.conversion.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich, um mit dem ursprünglichen Typ des Zuges in seinem ersten Zugslot übereinzustimmen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer seinen Typ nicht ändern kann oder wenn der Typ einer der aktuellen Typen des Benutzers ist. +showdown.moves.conversion.shortDesc=Ändert den Typ des Benutzers entsprechend seinem ersten Zug. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich nach dem Zufallsprinzip, um mit dem ursprünglichen Typ eines seiner bekannten Züge neben diesem Zug übereinzustimmen, jedoch nicht mit einem seiner aktuellen Typen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer seinen Typ nicht ändern kann oder wenn durch diese Verschiebung nur einer der aktuellen Typen des Benutzers ausgewählt werden könnte. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.shortDesc=Ändert den Benutzertyp, um ihn an einen bekannten Zug anzupassen. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen4.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich nach dem Zufallsprinzip, um mit dem ursprünglichen Typ eines seiner bekannten Züge außer diesem Zug und Fluch übereinzustimmen, jedoch nicht mit einem seiner aktuellen Typen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer seinen Typ nicht ändern kann oder wenn durch diese Verschiebung nur einer der aktuellen Typen des Benutzers ausgewählt werden könnte. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen3.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich zufällig, um mit dem ursprünglichen Typ eines seiner bekannten Züge außer Fluch übereinzustimmen, jedoch nicht mit einem seiner aktuellen Typen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer seinen Typ nicht ändern kann oder wenn durch diese Verschiebung nur einer der aktuellen Typen des Benutzers ausgewählt werden könnte. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Typen des Benutzers mit den aktuellen Typen des Ziels übereinstimmen. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer wird zum gleichen Typ wie das Ziel. +showdown.moves.conversion.typeChange=Typ in %s konvertiert! 2 -showdown.moves.conversion2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the target, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist target's last move. -showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, if the user has the Multitype Ability, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.shortDesc=User's type changes to resist last move against it. -showdown.moves.conversion2.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type, but considers Struggle as Normal. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the opposing Pokemon, even if it is one of the user's current types. The original type of the move is used rather than the determined type. Fails if the opposing Pokemon has not used a move. -showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist the foe's last move. +showdown.moves.conversion2.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich, um zu einem Typ zu passen, der dem Typ der letzten vom Ziel ausgeführten Bewegung widersteht oder gegen ihn immun ist, jedoch nicht zu einem seiner aktuellen Typen. Anstelle des ursprünglichen Typs wird der ermittelte Typ des Umzugs verwendet. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer seinen Typ nicht ändern kann oder wenn diese Bewegung nur einen der aktuellen Typen des Benutzers auswählen könnte. +showdown.moves.conversion2.shortDesc=Ändert den Typ des Benutzers, um der letzten Bewegung des Ziels zu widerstehen. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich, um mit einem Typ übereinzustimmen, der dem Typ des letzten gegen den Benutzer ausgeführten Zuges widersteht oder gegen diesen immun ist, wenn dieser gegen den Benutzer erfolgreich war, jedoch nicht gegen einen seiner aktuellen Typen. Anstelle des ursprünglichen Typs wird der ermittelte Typ des Umzugs verwendet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der letzte gegen den Benutzer ausgeführte Zug nicht erfolgreich war, wenn der Benutzer über die Multitypen-Fähigkeit verfügt oder wenn dieser Zug nur einen der aktuellen Typen des Benutzers auswählen könnte. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.shortDesc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich, um dem letzten Zug dagegen zu widerstehen. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen3.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich, um mit einem Typ übereinzustimmen, der dem Typ des letzten gegen den Benutzer ausgeführten Zuges widersteht oder gegen diesen immun ist, wenn dieser gegen den Benutzer erfolgreich war, jedoch nicht gegen einen seiner aktuellen Typen. Der ermittelte Typ des Zuges wird anstelle des ursprünglichen Typs verwendet, betrachtet Verzweifler jedoch als Normal. Schlägt fehl, wenn der letzte gegen den Benutzer ausgeführte Zug nicht erfolgreich war oder dieser Zug nur einen der aktuellen Typen des Benutzers auswählen konnte. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich, um zu einem Typ zu passen, der dem Typ des letzten Zuges des gegnerischen Pokémon widersteht oder gegen diesen immun ist, selbst wenn es sich um einen der aktuellen Typen des Benutzers handelt. Anstelle des ermittelten Typs wird der ursprüngliche Typ des Umzugs verwendet. Schlägt fehl, wenn das gegnerische Pokémon keinen Zug ausgeführt hat. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.shortDesc=Ändert den Typ des Benutzers, um dem letzten Zug des Gegners zu widerstehen. -showdown.moves.copycat.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. -showdown.moves.copycat.shortDesc=Uses the last move used in the battle. -showdown.moves.copycat.gen8.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. The base move of Max and G-Max Moves is considered for this purpose. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. -showdown.moves.copycat.gen7.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or any Z-Move. -showdown.moves.copycat.gen6.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. -showdown.moves.copycat.gen5.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. -showdown.moves.copycat.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. +showdown.moves.copycat.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet den letzten Zug eines beliebigen Pokémon, einschließlich sich selbst. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Zug verwendet wurde oder wenn der letzte verwendete Zug Zuschuss, Bunker, Schnabelkanone, Gigantenstoß, Gigantenhieb, Rülpser, Offerte, Hitzeturbo, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Überkopfwurf, Raufturbo, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Drachenrute war , Dynamax-Kanone, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, King's Shield, Zauberturbo, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Toxiturbo, Schutzschild, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Brüller, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Schutzstacheln, Rampenlicht, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Wandler, Trickbetrug, Wirbelwind oder Finsterturbo. +showdown.moves.copycat.shortDesc=Verwendet den letzten Zug im Kampf. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet den letzten Zug eines beliebigen Pokémon, einschließlich sich selbst. Zu diesem Zweck wird der Basiszug der Max- und G-Max-Moves berücksichtigt. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Zug verwendet wurde oder wenn der letzte verwendete Zug Zuschuss, Bunker, Schnabelkanone, Gigantenstoß, Gigantenhieb, Rülpser, Offerte, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Überkopfwurf, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Drachenrute, Dynamax-Kanone war , Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, King's Shield, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Schutzschild, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Brüller, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Schutzstacheln, Rampenlicht, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Wandler, Trickbetrug oder Wirbelwind. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen7.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Zuschuss, Bunker, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Offerte, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Überkopfwurf, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Drachenrute, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, King's Shield, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Schutzschild, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Brüller, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Schutzstacheln, Rampenlicht, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Wandler, Trickbetrug, Wirbelwind, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen6.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Zuschuss, Rülpser, Offerte, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Überkopfwurf, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Drachenrute, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, King's Shield, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Schutzschild, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Brüller, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Schutzstacheln, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Wandler, Trickbetrug, or Wirbelwind. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen5.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Zuschuss, Offerte, Geschwätz, Überkopfwurf, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Drachenrute, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Schutzschild, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Wandler, or Trickbetrug. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Zuschuss, Geschwätz, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Schutzschild, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, or Trickbetrug. -showdown.moves.coreenforcer.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.coreenforcer.shortDesc=Nullifies the foe(s) Ability if the foe(s) move first. -showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen7.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.desc=Wenn sich der Benutzer hinter dem Ziel bewegt, wird die Fähigkeit des Ziels unwirksam, solange sie aktiv bleibt. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Eins ist, Kampfband, Koma, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Schluckrakete, Hadronentriebwerk, Eisgesicht, Multityp, Orichalcum-Puls, Kraftkonstrukt, Protosynthese, Quark-Antrieb, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungswechsel, Im Zen-Modus oder Zero to Hero tritt dieser Effekt nicht auf und wenn der Effekt durch Stafette empfangen wird, wird der Effekt sofort beendet. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.shortDesc=Hebt die Fähigkeit des Gegners auf, wenn sich der Gegner zuerst bewegt. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=Wenn sich der Benutzer hinter dem Ziel bewegt, wird die Fähigkeit des Ziels unwirksam, solange sie aktiv bleibt. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change oder Zen Mode ist, tritt dieser Effekt nicht auf Der Effekt durch Stafette beendet den Effekt sofort. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen7.desc=Wenn sich der Benutzer hinter dem Ziel bewegt, wird die Fähigkeit des Ziels unwirksam, solange sie aktiv bleibt. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change oder Zen Mode ist, tritt dieser Effekt nicht ein und wenn er den Effekt durch Stafette erhält, wird der Effekt sofort beendet. -showdown.moves.corkscrewcrash.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.corkscrewcrash.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=The target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.corrosivegas.shortDesc=Removes adjacent Pokemon's held items. it failed to affect %s! -showdown.moves.corrosivegas.removeItem=%s corroded %s's %s! +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=Das Ziel verliert seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand. Diese Bewegung kann nicht dazu führen, dass Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ihren gehaltenen Gegenstand verlieren oder dass ein Kyogre, ein Groudon, ein Giratina, ein Arceus, ein Genesect, ein Silvally, ein Zacian oder ein Zamazenta ihre Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword bzw. Rusted Shield. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.shortDesc=Entfernt die gehaltenen Gegenstände benachbarter Pokémon. es hatte keine Auswirkungen auf %s! +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.removeItem=%s hat %s' %s korrodiert! -showdown.moves.cosmicpower.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.cosmicpower.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.cosmicpower.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.cosmicpower.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung und SP des Benutzers. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.cottonguard.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 3 stages. -showdown.moves.cottonguard.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 3. +showdown.moves.cottonguard.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 3 Stufen. +showdown.moves.cottonguard.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 3. -showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 2. -showdown.moves.counter.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. -showdown.moves.counter.shortDesc=If hit by physical attack, returns double damage. -showdown.moves.counter.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. -showdown.moves.counter.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.moves.counter.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.moves.counter.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a physical attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. If the opposing Pokemon used Fissure or Horn Drill and missed, this move deals 65535 damage. -showdown.moves.counter.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the damage dealt by the last move used in the battle. This move ignores type immunity. Fails if the user moves first, or if the opposing side's last move was Counter, had 0 power, or was not Normal or Fighting type. Fails if the last move used by either side did 0 damage and was not Confuse Ray, Conversion, Focus Energy, Glare, Haze, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mimic, Mist, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Splash, Stun Spore, Substitute, Supersonic, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Transform. -showdown.moves.counter.gen1.shortDesc=If hit by Normal/Fighting move, deals 2x damage. +showdown.moves.counter.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 HP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.counter.shortDesc=Bei einem physischen Angriff wird doppelter Schaden verursacht. +showdown.moves.counter.gen6.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen Schaden mit einer Stärke von 1. Wenn die Position des gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird, wird der Schaden einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon in Reichweite zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.counter.gen4.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.moves.counter.gen3.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.moves.counter.gen2.desc=Fügt dem gegnerischen Pokémon Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer in dieser Runde durch einen physischen Angriff verloren hat. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich der Benutzer zuerst bewegt, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde nicht von einem physischen Angriff getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. Wenn das gegnerische Pokémon Geofissur oder Hornbohrer verwendet und verfehlt hat, verursacht dieser Zug 65535 Schaden. +showdown.moves.counter.gen1.desc=Fügt dem gegnerischen Pokémon Schaden in Höhe des doppelten Schadens zu, der durch den letzten Zug im Kampf verursacht wurde. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich zuerst bewegt oder wenn der letzte Zug der gegnerischen Seite Konter war, 0 Kraft hatte oder nicht vom Typ Normal oder Kampf war. Schlägt fehl, wenn der letzte von einer Seite verwendete Zug 0 Schaden verursacht hat und nicht Konfusstrahl, Umwandlung, Energiefokus, Schlangenblick, Dunkelnebel, Egelsamen, Lichtschild, Mimikry, Weißnebel, Giftwolke, Giftpuder, Genesung, Reflektor, Erholung, Weichei, Platscher, Stachelspore, Delegator war , Superschall, Teleport, Donner Wave, Toxin oder Wandler. +showdown.moves.counter.gen1.shortDesc=Verursacht bei einem Treffer durch eine normale/Kampfbewegung 2x Schaden. -showdown.moves.courtchange.desc=Switches the Mist, Light Screen, Reflect, Spikes, Safeguard, Tailwind, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Water Pledge, Fire Pledge, Grass Pledge, Sticky Web, Aurora Veil, G-Max Steelsurge, G-Max Cannonade, G-Max Vine Lash, and G-Max Wildfire effects from the user's side to the opposing side and vice versa. -showdown.moves.courtchange.shortDesc=Swaps user's field effects with the opposing side. -showdown.moves.courtchange.activate=%s swapped the battle effects affecting each side of the field! +showdown.moves.courtchange.desc=Schaltet die Effekte Weißnebel, Lichtschild, Reflektor, Stachler, Bodyguard, Rückenwind, Toxin Stachler, Tarnsteine, Wassersäulen, Feuersäulen, Pflanzensäulen, Klebenetz, Auroraschleier, Giga-Stahlschlag, Giga-Beschuss, Giga-Geißel und Giga-Feuerflug von der Benutzerseite aus zur Gegenseite und umgekehrt. +showdown.moves.courtchange.shortDesc=Tauscht die Feldeffekte des Benutzers mit der gegnerischen Seite. +showdown.moves.courtchange.activate=%s hat die Kampfeffekte, die sich auf beide Seiten des Feldes auswirken, vertauscht! -showdown.moves.covet.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.covet.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. -showdown.moves.covet.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.covet.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, or a Genesect holding a Drive. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.covet.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. -showdown.moves.covet.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.covet.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich war und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand, sofern der Benutzer keinen in der Hand hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um ein Kettenhemd oder einen Z-Kristall handelt oder wenn das Ziel ein Kyogre mit einer blauen Kugel, ein Groudon mit einer roten Kugel, eine Giratina mit einer grauen Kugel, ein Arceus mit einer Platte oder ein Genesect ist mit einem Antrieb, ein Silvaly mit einer Erinnerung oder ein Pokémon, das sich Mega-entwickeln kann und den Mega-Stein für seine Spezies hält. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.covet.shortDesc=Wenn der Benutzer keinen Gegenstand hat, stiehlt er den des Ziels. +showdown.moves.covet.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich war und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand, sofern der Benutzer keinen in der Hand hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um eine Post handelt oder wenn das Ziel ein Kyogre mit einer blauen Kugel, ein Groudon mit einer roten Kugel, eine Giratina mit einer grauen Kugel, ein Arceus mit einer Platte oder ein Genesect mit einem Antrieb ist. oder ein Pokémon, das eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen kann und den Mega-Stein seiner Spezies hält. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.covet.gen5.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich war und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand, sofern der Benutzer keinen in der Hand hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um eine Post handelt oder wenn das Ziel eine Giratina mit einer Griseous-Kugel, ein Arceus mit einer Platte oder ein Genesect mit einem Antrieb ist. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.covet.gen4.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich war und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand, sofern der Benutzer keinen in der Hand hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um eine Panzer- oder Graukugel handelt oder wenn das Ziel über die Multityp-Fähigkeit verfügt. Durch diesen Umzug verlorene Gegenstände können durch Aufbereitung nicht wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.covet.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich war und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand, sofern der Benutzer keinen in der Hand hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um eine Post- oder Enigma-Beere handelt. Durch diesen Umzug verlorene Gegenstände können durch Aufbereitung nicht wiederhergestellt werden. -showdown.moves.crabhammer.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.crabhammer.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.crabhammer.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.crabhammer.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.craftyshield.desc=The user and its party members are protected from non-damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.craftyshield.shortDesc=Protects allies from Status moves this turn. -showdown.moves.craftyshield.start=Crafty Shield protected %s! -showdown.moves.craftyshield.block=Crafty Shield protected %s! +showdown.moves.craftyshield.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor nicht schädlichen Angriffen anderer Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.craftyshield.shortDesc=Schutzschilds Verbündete aus Status bewegen sich in dieser Runde. +showdown.moves.craftyshield.start=Trickschutz geschützt %s! +showdown.moves.craftyshield.block=Trickschutz geschützt %s! -showdown.moves.crosschop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. -showdown.moves.crosspoison.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.crosspoison.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. +showdown.moves.crosschop.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. +showdown.moves.crosspoison.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu vergiften, und eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.crosspoison.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. 10 % Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit. -showdown.moves.crunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.crunch.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.crunch.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.crunch.shortDesc=20 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken. +showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.shortDesc=20 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.crushclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.crushclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.crushclaw.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.crushclaw.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken. -showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. -showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. -showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Die Kraft entspricht 120 * (aktuelle HP des Ziels / maximale HP des Ziels), abgerundet auf die Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=Je mehr HP das Ziel übrig hat, desto mehr Kraft hat es. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 120 * (aktuelle HP des Ziels / maximale HP des Ziels) + 1, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.curse.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected. -showdown.moves.curse.shortDesc=Curses if Ghost, else -1 Spe, +1 Atk, +1 Def. -showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected or has a substitute. -showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage, unless the user's Attack and Defense stats are both at stage 6. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if the target is already affected or has a substitute. -showdown.moves.curse.start=%s cut its own HP and put a curse on %s! -showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s is afflicted by the curse! +showdown.moves.curse.desc=Wenn der Benutzer kein Ghost-Typ ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe verringert und der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht. Wenn der Benutzer ein Geistertyp ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und selbst wenn dies zu Ohnmacht führen würde, im Austausch dafür, dass das Ziel am Ende 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, verliert jede Runde, solange es aktiv ist. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz weiterhin betroffen. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Ziel vorhanden ist oder das Ziel bereits betroffen ist. +showdown.moves.curse.shortDesc=Fluch bei Geist, sonst -1 Spe, +1 Angriff, +1 Verteidigung. +showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=Wenn der Benutzer kein Ghost-Typ ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe verringert und der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht. Wenn der Benutzer ein Geistertyp ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und selbst wenn dies zu Ohnmacht führen würde, im Austausch dafür, dass das Ziel am Ende 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, verliert jede Runde, solange es aktiv ist. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz weiterhin betroffen. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Ziel vorhanden ist oder wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist oder einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=Wenn der Benutzer kein Ghost-Typ ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe verringert und der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht, es sei denn, die Angriffs- und Verteidigungswerte des Benutzers befinden sich beide auf Stufe 6. Wenn der Benutzer ein Ghost-Typ ist, wird der Benutzer verliert 1/2 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet und selbst wenn es zu Ohnmacht führen würde, als Gegenleistung dafür, dass das Ziel am Ende jeder Runde, solange es aktiv ist, 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, verliert. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz weiterhin betroffen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist oder einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.curse.start=%s hat seine eigenen HP gekürzt und %s verflucht! +showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s ist vom Fluch betroffen! showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Lariat -showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. -showdown.moves.darkestlariat.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. Lariat +showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignoriert die Statusänderungen des Ziels, einschließlich der Ausweichfähigkeit. +showdown.moves.darkestlariat.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Statusänderungen des Ziels. -showdown.moves.darkpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.darkpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.darkpulse.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.darkpulse.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.darkvoid.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Darkrai. -showdown.moves.darkvoid.shortDesc=Darkrai: Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. -showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. -showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.shortDesc=Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. %s can't use the move! -showdown.moves.darkvoid.failWrongForme=But %s can't use it the way it is now! +showdown.moves.darkvoid.desc=Lässt das Ziel einschlafen. Dieser Zug kann nicht erfolgreich eingesetzt werden, es sei denn, die aktuelle Form des Benutzers, während er Wandler in Betracht zieht, ist Darkrai. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.shortDesc=Darkrai: Lässt den/die Gegner einschlafen. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.desc=Lässt das Ziel einschlafen. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.shortDesc=Lässt den/die Gegner einschlafen. %s kann den Umzug nicht nutzen! +showdown.moves.darkvoid.failWrongForme=Aber %s kann es nicht so verwenden, wie es jetzt ist! showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. -showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff und die SP des Ziels. Angriff um 2. -showdown.moves.defendorder.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.defendorder.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.defendorder.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.defendorder.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung und SP des Benutzers. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.defensecurl.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. As long as the user remains active, the power of the user's Ice Ball and Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). -showdown.moves.defensecurl.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen2.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. While the user remains active, the power of the user's Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.defensecurl.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Solange der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird die Kraft der Frostbeule und des Walzers des Benutzers verdoppelt (dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar). +showdown.moves.defensecurl.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1. +showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen2.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird die Kraft des Walzers des Benutzers verdoppelt (dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar). Mit Stafette kann dieser Effekt auf einen Verbündeten übertragen werden. +showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen1.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. -showdown.moves.defog.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. If there is a terrain active and this move is successful, the terrain will be cleared. -showdown.moves.defog.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears terrain and hazards on both sides. -showdown.moves.defog.gen7.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. -showdown.moves.defog.gen7.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears user and target side's hazards. -showdown.moves.defog.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. -showdown.moves.defog.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock end for the target's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. -showdown.moves.defog.gen5.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears target side's hazards/screens. +showdown.moves.defog.desc=Verringert die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist und unabhängig davon, ob die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels beeinträchtigt wurde oder nicht, enden die Effekte von Reflektor, Lichtschild, Auroraschleier, Bodyguard, Weißnebel, Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Tarnsteine und Klebenetz für die Seite des Ziels und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Tarnsteine und Klebenetz enden für die Benutzerseite. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter eines Ziels, obwohl ein Stellvertreter weiterhin die Verringerung der Ausweichfähigkeit blockiert. Wenn ein Gelände aktiv ist und diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, wird das Gelände geräumt. +showdown.moves.defog.shortDesc=-1 Ausweichen; räumt Gelände und Gefahren auf beiden Seiten. +showdown.moves.defog.gen7.desc=Verringert die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist und unabhängig davon, ob die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels beeinträchtigt wurde oder nicht, enden die Effekte von Reflektor, Lichtschild, Auroraschleier, Bodyguard, Weißnebel, Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Tarnsteine und Klebenetz für die Seite des Ziels und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Tarnsteine und Klebenetz enden auf der Benutzerseite. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter eines Ziels, obwohl ein Stellvertreter weiterhin die Verringerung der Ausweichfähigkeit blockiert. +showdown.moves.defog.gen7.shortDesc=-1 Ausweichen; beseitigt Gefahren für Benutzer und Zielseite. +showdown.moves.defog.gen6.desc=Verringert die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist und unabhängig davon, ob die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels beeinträchtigt wurde oder nicht, enden die Effekte von Reflektor, Lichtschild, Bodyguard, Weißnebel, Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Tarnsteine und Klebenetz für die Seite des Ziels und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Tarnsteine und Klebenetz enden für die Benutzerseite. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter eines Ziels, obwohl ein Stellvertreter weiterhin die Verringerung der Ausweichfähigkeit blockiert. +showdown.moves.defog.gen5.desc=Verringert die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist und unabhängig davon, ob die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels beeinträchtigt wurde oder nicht, enden die Effekte von Reflektor, Lichtschild, Leibwächter, Weißnebel, Stachler, Toxin Stachler und Tarnsteine für die Seite des Ziels. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter eines Ziels, obwohl ein Stellvertreter weiterhin die Verringerung der Ausweichfähigkeit blockiert. +showdown.moves.defog.gen5.shortDesc=-1 Ausweichen; Löscht die Gefahren/Abschirmungen der Zielseite. -showdown.moves.destinybond.desc=Until the user's next move, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. Fails if the user used this move successfully as its last move, disregarding moves used through the Dancer Ability. -showdown.moves.destinybond.shortDesc=If an opponent knocks out the user, it also faints. -showdown.moves.destinybond.gen6.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. -showdown.moves.destinybond.gen2.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well. -showdown.moves.destinybond.start=%s is hoping to take its attacker down with it! -showdown.moves.destinybond.activate=%s took its attacker down with it! +showdown.moves.destinybond.desc=Wenn der Benutzer bis zum nächsten Zug des Benutzers durch den Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon bewusstlos wird, fällt dieses Pokémon ebenfalls in Ohnmacht, es sei denn, der Angriff war Kismetwunsch oder Seher. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer diesen Zug erfolgreich als letzten Zug verwendet hat, wobei Attacken, die durch die Tänzer-Fähigkeit verwendet werden, außer Acht gelassen werden. +showdown.moves.destinybond.shortDesc=Wenn ein Gegner den Benutzer bewusstlos schlägt, fällt er ebenfalls in Ohnmacht. +showdown.moves.destinybond.gen6.desc=Wenn der Benutzer bis zum nächsten Zug des Benutzers durch den Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon bewusstlos wird, fällt dieses Pokémon ebenfalls in Ohnmacht, es sei denn, der Angriff war Kismetwunsch oder Seher. +showdown.moves.destinybond.gen2.desc=Bis zum nächsten Zug des Benutzers fällt dieses Pokémon ebenfalls in Ohnmacht, wenn der Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon den Benutzer bewusstlos macht. +showdown.moves.destinybond.start=%s hofft, seinen Angreifer damit zur Strecke zu bringen! +showdown.moves.destinybond.activate=%s hat seinen Angreifer mitgenommen! -showdown.moves.detect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen5.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen4.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.detect.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass Attacken den Benutzer in diesem Zug beeinträchtigen. +showdown.moves.detect.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.detect.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.detect.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.detect.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Die Erfolgschance dieses Zuges beträgt 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdoppelt, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.detect.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beträgt 1/X. X beginnt bei 1 und verdoppelt sich jedes Mal, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird, bis zu einem Maximum von 8 nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.detect.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von X/65536, wobei X bei 65535 beginnt und sich jedes Mal halbiert, abgerundet, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. Nach dem vierten erfolgreichen Einsatz in Folge sinkt X auf 118 und setzt sich bei weiteren erfolgreichen Einsätzen mit scheinbar zufälligen Werten von 0-65535 fort. X wird auf 65535 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.detect.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor Angriffen des Gegners geschützt. Dieser Zug hat eine Erfolgschance von X/255, wobei X bei 255 beginnt und sich jedes Mal halbiert, abgerundet, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 255 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde zuletzt einen Ersatzspieler hat oder sich bewegt. Drachendröhnen -showdown.moves.devastatingdrake.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.devastatingdrake.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.diamondstorm.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Defense by 2. -showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage for each hit. -showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Def by 1 for each hit. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 2 Stufen zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 2 zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Verteidigung des Benutzers für jeden Treffer um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Benutzers bei jedem Treffer um 1 zu erhöhen. -showdown.moves.dig.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.dig.shortDesc=Digs underground turn 1, strikes turn 2. -showdown.moves.dig.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.dig.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. -showdown.moves.dig.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude, the user is unaffected by weather, and Earthquake and Magnitude have doubled power when used against the user. -showdown.moves.dig.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Fly. -showdown.moves.dig.prepare=%s burrowed its way under the ground! +showdown.moves.dig.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Erdbeben und Intensität, erleidet jedoch doppelten Schaden durch sie und ist auch vom Wetter nicht betroffen. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.dig.shortDesc=Schauflers Underground-Turn 1, Strikes-Turn 2. +showdown.moves.dig.gen4.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe mit Ausnahme von Erdbeben und Intensität, die ihre Stärke verdoppeln, wenn sie gegen sie eingesetzt werden, und ist außerdem vom Wetter unabhängig. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.dig.gen3.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe mit Ausnahme von Erdbeben und Intensität, die ihre Stärke verdoppeln, wenn sie gegen sie eingesetzt werden, und ist außerdem vom Wetter unabhängig. +showdown.moves.dig.gen2.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Erdbeben, Geofissur und Intensität. Der Benutzer ist vom Wetter unabhängig und Erdbeben und Intensität haben die doppelte Stärke, wenn sie gegen den Benutzer eingesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.dig.gen1.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Geduld, Sternschauer und Wandler. Wenn der Benutzer in der zweiten Runde vollständig gelähmt ist, vermeidet er weiterhin Angriffe, bis er ausschaltet oder die zweite Runde dieser Attacke oder Fliegen erfolgreich ausführt. +showdown.moves.dig.prepare=%s hat sich unter der Erde vergraben! -showdown.moves.direclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to cause the target to either fall asleep, become poisoned, or become paralyzed. -showdown.moves.direclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to sleep, poison, or paralyze target. +showdown.moves.direclaw.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, dass das Ziel entweder einschläft, vergiftet oder gelähmt wird. +showdown.moves.direclaw.shortDesc=50 % Chance, das Ziel zu schlafen, zu vergiften oder zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.disable.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Max or G-Max Move. -showdown.moves.disable.shortDesc=For 4 turns, disables the target's last move used. -showdown.moves.disable.gen7.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Z-Move. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.disable.gen6.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, or if the target no longer knows the move. -showdown.moves.disable.gen4.desc=For 4 to 7 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. -showdown.moves.disable.gen4.shortDesc=For 4-7 turns, disables the target's last move. -showdown.moves.disable.gen3.desc=For 2 to 5 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. -showdown.moves.disable.gen3.shortDesc=For 2-5 turns, disables the target's last move. -showdown.moves.disable.gen2.desc=For 1 to 7 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. -showdown.moves.disable.gen2.shortDesc=For 1-7 turns, disables the target's last move. -showdown.moves.disable.gen1.desc=For 0 to 7 turns, one of the target's known moves that has at least 1 PP remaining becomes disabled, at random. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, or if none of the target's moves have PP remaining. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. Whether or not this move was successful, it counts as a hit for the purposes of the opponent's use of Rage. -showdown.moves.disable.gen1.shortDesc=For 0-7 turns, disables one of the target's moves. -showdown.moves.disable.start=%s's %s was disabled! -showdown.moves.disable.end=%s's move is no longer disabled! -showdown.moves.disable.cant=%s's %s is disabled! +showdown.moves.disable.desc=Für 4 Runden wird der letzte verwendete Zug des Ziels deaktiviert. Schlägt fehl, wenn eine der Attacken des Ziels bereits deaktiviert ist, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn das Ziel die Bewegung nicht mehr kennt oder wenn die Bewegung eine Max- oder G-Max-Bewegung war. +showdown.moves.disable.shortDesc=Deaktiviert für 4 Runden den letzten Zug des Ziels. +showdown.moves.disable.gen7.desc=Für 4 Runden wird der letzte verwendete Zug des Ziels deaktiviert. Schlägt fehl, wenn eine der Attacken des Ziels bereits deaktiviert ist, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn das Ziel die Bewegung nicht mehr kennt oder wenn die Bewegung eine Z-Bewegung war. Während dieses Effekts können weiterhin Attacken mit Z-Antrieb ausgewählt und ausgeführt werden. +showdown.moves.disable.gen6.desc=Für 4 Runden wird der letzte verwendete Zug des Ziels deaktiviert. Schlägt fehl, wenn eine der Attacken des Ziels bereits deaktiviert ist, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat oder wenn das Ziel die Bewegung nicht mehr kennt. +showdown.moves.disable.gen4.desc=Für 4 bis 7 Runden wird der letzte verwendete Zug des Ziels deaktiviert. Schlägt fehl, wenn eine der Attacken des Ziels bereits deaktiviert ist, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn das Ziel die Bewegung nicht mehr kennt oder wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat. +showdown.moves.disable.gen4.shortDesc=Deaktiviert für 4–7 Runden die letzte Bewegung des Ziels. +showdown.moves.disable.gen3.desc=Für 2 bis 5 Runden wird die letzte genutzte Bewegung des Ziels deaktiviert. Schlägt fehl, wenn eine der Attacken des Ziels bereits deaktiviert ist, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn das Ziel die Bewegung nicht mehr kennt oder wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat. +showdown.moves.disable.gen3.shortDesc=Deaktiviert für 2–5 Runden die letzte Bewegung des Ziels. +showdown.moves.disable.gen2.desc=Für 1 bis 7 Runden wird die letzte genutzte Bewegung des Ziels deaktiviert. Schlägt fehl, wenn eine der Attacken des Ziels bereits deaktiviert ist, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn das Ziel die Bewegung nicht mehr kennt oder wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat. +showdown.moves.disable.gen2.shortDesc=Deaktiviert für 1–7 Runden die letzte Bewegung des Ziels. +showdown.moves.disable.gen1.desc=Für 0 bis 7 Runden wird eine der bekannten Attacken des Ziels, die noch mindestens 1 PP übrig hat, zufällig deaktiviert. Schlägt fehl, wenn eine der Attacken des Ziels bereits deaktiviert ist oder wenn keine der Attacken des Ziels über verbleibende PP verfügt. Wenn ein Pokémon Dunkelnebel verwendet, endet dieser Effekt. Unabhängig davon, ob dieser Zug erfolgreich war oder nicht, zählt er als Treffer für den Einsatz von Raserei durch den Gegner. +showdown.moves.disable.gen1.shortDesc=Deaktiviert für 0–7 Runden eine der Attacken des Ziels. +showdown.moves.disable.start=%s' %s wurde deaktiviert! +showdown.moves.disable.end=Der Zug von %s ist nicht mehr deaktiviert! +showdown.moves.disable.cant=%s' %s ist deaktiviert!äuselstimme -showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.desc=This move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. +showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.desc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. +showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. Trifft Feinde.ß -showdown.moves.discharge.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.discharge.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.discharge.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.discharge.shortDesc=30 % Chance, benachbarte Pokémon zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.dive.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.dive.shortDesc=Dives underwater turn 1, strikes turn 2. -showdown.moves.dive.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.dive.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. -showdown.moves.dive.prepare=%s hid underwater! +showdown.moves.dive.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Surfer und Whirlpool, erleidet jedoch doppelten Schaden durch sie und bleibt außerdem vom Wetter unberührt. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.dive.shortDesc=Taucher unter Wasser, Runde 1, Schläge, Runde 2. +showdown.moves.dive.gen4.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Surfer und Whirlpool, die beim Einsatz gegen ihn die doppelte Kraft haben, und ist außerdem vom Wetter nicht betroffen. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.dive.gen3.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Surfer und Whirlpool, die beim Einsatz gegen ihn die doppelte Kraft haben, und ist außerdem vom Wetter nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.dive.prepare=%s hat sich unter Wasser versteckt! -showdown.moves.dizzypunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.dizzypunch.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren. showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.doodle.desc=The user and its ally's Abilities change to match the target's Ability. Does not change Ability if the user's or its ally's is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target. Fails if both the user and its ally's Ability already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=User and ally's Abilities become target's Ability. +showdown.moves.doodle.desc=Die Fähigkeiten des Benutzers und seines Verbündeten ändern sich, um sie an die Fähigkeiten des Ziels anzupassen. Ändert die Fähigkeit nicht, wenn der Benutzer oder sein Verbündeter As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthese, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling oder As One ist. Schilde gesenkt, Haltungswechsel, Zen-Modus, Zero to Hero oder stimmt bereits mit dem Ziel überein. Schlägt fehl, wenn sowohl die Fähigkeit des Benutzers als auch seines Verbündeten bereits mit der des Ziels übereinstimmt oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Eins, Kampfband, Komatös, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Blumengeschenk, Vorhersage, Schluckrakete, Hadronentriebwerk, Hungerschalter, Eisgesicht und Illusion ist , Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthese, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode oder Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=Die Fähigkeiten des Benutzers und seines Verbündeten werden zu den Fähigkeiten des Ziels. -showdown.moves.doomdesire.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. -showdown.moves.doomdesire.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. -showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. -showdown.moves.doomdesire.start=%s chose Doom Desire as its destiny! -showdown.moves.doomdesire.activate=%s took the Doom Desire attack! +showdown.moves.doomdesire.desc=Verursacht zwei Runden nach der Anwendung dieser Attacke Schaden. Am Ende dieser Runde wird der Schaden zu diesem Zeitpunkt berechnet und dem Pokémon an der Position zugefügt, an der sich das Ziel zum Zeitpunkt der Ausführung der Bewegung befand. Wenn der Benutzer zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht mehr aktiv ist, wird der Schaden basierend auf dem natürlichen Spezialangriffsstatus, der Art und der Stufe des Benutzers berechnet, ohne Boosts durch den gehaltenen Gegenstand oder die Fähigkeit. Schlägt fehl, wenn diese Bewegung oder Seher bereits für die Position des Ziels wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.shortDesc=Trifft zwei Runden nach der Verwendung. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Verursacht typlosen Schaden, der zwei Runden nach der Anwendung dieser Attacke kein kritischer Treffer sein kann. Der Schaden wird bei Verwendung gegen das Ziel berechnet und am Ende der letzten Runde wird dieser Schaden dem Pokémon an der Position zugefügt, an der sich das ursprüngliche Ziel zu diesem Zeitpunkt befand. Schlägt fehl, wenn diese Bewegung oder Seher bereits für die Position des Ziels wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.start=%s hat Kismetwunsch als sein Schicksal gewählt! +showdown.moves.doomdesire.activate=%s hat den Kismetwunsch-Angriff überstanden! -showdown.moves.doubleedge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Trifft dieser Zug einen Ersatz, beträgt der Rückstoßschaden immer 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.shortDesc=Hat 1/4 Rückstoß. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen1.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erleidet der Benutzer keinen Rückstoßschaden. -showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet.äuste -showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Hits twice. 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Zweimal getroffen. 30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.doublekick.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.doublekick.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.doublekick.gen1.desc=Hits twice. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for both hits. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.doublekick.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen3.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen1.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für beide Treffer verwendet. Wenn der erste Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. -showdown.moves.doubleshock.desc=Fails unless the user is an Electric type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Electric type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. -showdown.moves.doubleshock.shortDesc=User's Electric type: typeless; must be Electric. -showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=%s used up all of its electricity! +showdown.moves.doubleshock.desc=Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, der Benutzer ist ein Elektrotyp. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht Terastallisiert ist, wird der elektrische Typ des Benutzers typlos, solange er aktiv bleibt. +showdown.moves.doubleshock.shortDesc=Elektrischer Typ des Benutzers: typlos; muss elektrisch sein. +showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=%s hat seinen gesamten Strom verbraucht! -showdown.moves.doubleslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.doubleslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. -showdown.moves.doubleteam.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. +showdown.moves.doubleteam.desc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 1. Meteor -showdown.moves.dracometeor.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.dracometeor.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.dracometeor.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.dracometeor.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Benutzers. Angriff um 2.ürmer -showdown.moves.dragonascent.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.dragonascent.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. -showdown.moves.dragonascent.megaNoItem=%s's fervent wish has reached %s! +showdown.moves.dragonascent.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.dragonascent.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung und SP des Benutzers. Verteidigung um 1. +showdown.moves.dragonascent.megaNoItem=%s' inniger Wunsch hat %s erreicht! -showdown.moves.dragonbreath.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.dragonbreath.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.dragonbreath.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.dragonbreath.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. showdown.moves.dragonclaw.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.dragondance.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.dragondance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.dragondance.desc=Erhöht Angriff und Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.dragondance.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.dragondarts.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. In Double Battles, this move attempts to hit the targeted Pokemon and its ally once each. If hitting one of these Pokemon would be prevented by immunity, protection, semi-invulnerability, an Ability, or accuracy, it attempts to hit the other Pokemon twice instead. If this move is redirected, it hits that target twice. -showdown.moves.dragondarts.shortDesc=Hits twice. Doubles: Tries to hit each foe once. +showdown.moves.dragondarts.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. In Doppelkämpfen versucht dieser Zug, das Ziel-Pokémon und seinen Verbündeten jeweils einmal zu treffen. Wenn das Treffen eines dieser Pokémon durch Immunität, Schutz, Halbunverwundbarkeit, eine Fähigkeit oder Genauigkeit verhindert werden würde, versucht es stattdessen, das andere Pokémon zweimal zu treffen. Wenn diese Bewegung umgelenkt wird, trifft sie das Ziel zweimal. +showdown.moves.dragondarts.shortDesc=Zweimal getroffen. Doppelt: Versucht, jeden Gegner einmal zu treffen.äfte -showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. -showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Die Leistung entspricht (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 150 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. +showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Weniger Leistung, wenn die HP des Benutzers sinken. Trifft Gegner. showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Deals 40 HP of damage to the target. +showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel 40 HP Schaden zu.ß -showdown.moves.dragonrush.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.dragonrush.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.dragonrush.gen5.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.dragonrush.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.dragonrush.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. +showdown.moves.dragonrush.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. -showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target used Ingrain previously, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. -showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. +showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=Wenn sowohl der Benutzer als auch das Ziel nicht ohnmächtig geworden sind, muss das Ziel wechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Dieser Effekt schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel zuvor Verwurzler verwendet hat, über die Fähigkeit Saugnäpfe verfügt oder diese Bewegung einen Ersatz getroffen hat. +showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Zwingt das Ziel, zu einem zufälligen Verbündeten zu wechseln. -showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 3/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 75 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. -showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.dreameater.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=User gains 1/2 HP inflicted. Sleeping target only. -showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. -showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. +showdown.moves.dreameater.desc=Das Ziel bleibt von dieser Bewegung unberührt, es sei denn, es schläft. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=Dem Benutzer werden 1/2 HP zugefügt. Nur schlafendes Ziel. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=Das Ziel ist von dieser Bewegung nicht betroffen, es sei denn, es schläft und hat keinen Ersatz. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=Das Ziel ist von dieser Bewegung nicht betroffen, es sei denn, es schläft und hat keinen Ersatz. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=Das Ziel bleibt von dieser Bewegung unberührt, es sei denn, es schläft. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erhält der Benutzer keine HP zurück. showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote.äge -showdown.moves.drumbeating.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.drumbeating.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.dualchop.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.dualchop.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.dualchop.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.dualchop.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde.ügel -showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde. showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. +showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel dynamisiert ist. -showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.shortDesc=100 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren.äfte -showdown.moves.earthpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.earthpower.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.earthpower.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.earthpower.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.earthquake.desc=Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. -showdown.moves.earthquake.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dig. -showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Dig. -showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.desc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Schaufler verwendet. +showdown.moves.earthquake.shortDesc=Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. Doppelter Schaden bei Schaufler. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Schaufler verwendet. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.shortDesc=Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. Power verdoppelt sich bei Schaufler. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles on Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power verdoppelt sich bei Schaufler. -showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=For every consecutive turn that this move is used by at least one Pokemon, this move's power is multiplied by the number of turns to pass, but not more than 5. -showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Power increases when used on consecutive turns. +showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=Für jede aufeinanderfolgende Runde, in der diese Attacke von mindestens einem Pokémon verwendet wird, wird die Stärke dieser Attacke mit der Anzahl der zu durchlaufenden Runden multipliziert, jedoch nicht mehr als 5. +showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Die Kraft erhöht sich, wenn sie in aufeinanderfolgenden Runden verwendet wird. -showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Ziels. Angriff um 2. -showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the target loses 3 PP from its last move. -showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. -showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! +showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, verliert das Ziel 3 PP durch seinen letzten Zug. +showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Entfernt 3 PP aus der letzten Bewegung des Ziels. +showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=Es reduzierte die PP von %s' %s um %s! showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. -showdown.moves.electricterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Electric power, can't sleep. -showdown.moves.electricterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zu Elektrofeld. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Elektroangriffen, die von geerdeten Pokémon ausgeführt werden, mit 1,3 multipliziert und geerdete Pokémon können nicht einschlafen; Pokémon, die bereits schlafen, wachen nicht auf. Am Boden liegende Pokémon können nicht von Gähner betroffen werden oder durch dessen Wirkung einschlafen. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen elektrischen Typ, Natur-Kraft wird zu Donnerbolt und Geheimpower hat eine Chance von 30 %, eine Lähmung zu verursachen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Elektrofeld ist. +showdown.moves.electricterrain.shortDesc=5 Umdrehungen. Geerdet: +Strom, kann nicht schlafen. +showdown.moves.electricterrain.gen7.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zu Elektrofeld. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Elektroangriffen, die von geerdeten Pokémon ausgeführt werden, mit 1,5 multipliziert und geerdete Pokémon können nicht einschlafen; Pokémon, die bereits schlafen, wachen nicht auf. Am Boden liegende Pokémon können nicht von Gähner betroffen werden oder durch dessen Wirkung einschlafen. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen elektrischen Typ, Natur-Kraft wird zu Donnerbolt und Geheimpower hat eine Chance von 30 %, eine Lähmung zu verursachen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Elektrofeld ist. -showdown.moves.electrify.desc=Causes the target's move to become Electric type this turn. Among effects that can change a move's type, this effect happens last. Fails if the target already moved this turn. -showdown.moves.electrify.shortDesc=Changes the target's move to Electric this turn. -showdown.moves.electrify.start=%s's moves have been electrified! +showdown.moves.electrify.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Bewegung des Ziels in diesem Zug zum elektrischen Typ wird. Unter den Effekten, die die Art einer Bewegung ändern können, tritt dieser Effekt zuletzt auf. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel in diesem Zug bereits bewegt hat. +showdown.moves.electrify.shortDesc=Ändert die Bewegung des Ziels in diesem Zug in Elektrisch. +showdown.moves.electrify.start=Die Attacken von %s waren elektrisiert! -showdown.moves.electroball.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 40. -showdown.moves.electroball.shortDesc=More power the faster the user is than the target. -showdown.moves.electroball.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. +showdown.moves.electroball.desc=Die Kraft dieser Bewegung hängt ab von (der aktuellen Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers / der aktuellen Geschwindigkeit des Ziels), abgerundet. Die Kraft beträgt 150, wenn das Ergebnis 4 oder mehr ist, 120, wenn 3, 80, wenn 2, 60, wenn 1, 40, wenn weniger als 1. Wenn die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Ziels 0 ist, beträgt die Kraft dieser Bewegung 40. +showdown.moves.electroball.shortDesc=Je schneller der Benutzer ist als das Ziel, desto mehr Leistung. +showdown.moves.electroball.gen5.desc=Die Kraft dieser Bewegung hängt ab von (der aktuellen Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers / der aktuellen Geschwindigkeit des Ziels), abgerundet. Die Kraft beträgt 150, wenn das Ergebnis 4 oder mehr ist, 120, wenn 3, 80, wenn 2, 60, wenn 1, 40, wenn weniger als 1. Wenn die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Ziels 0 ist, wird es stattdessen als 1 behandelt. -showdown.moves.electrodrift.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. -showdown.moves.electrodrift.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. +showdown.moves.electrodrift.desc=Der Schaden wird mit 1,3333 multipliziert, wenn diese Bewegung gegen das Ziel äußerst effektiv ist. +showdown.moves.electrodrift.shortDesc=Verursacht mit supereffektiven Treffern 1,3333-fachen Schaden. -showdown.moves.electroweb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.electroweb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.embargo.desc=For 5 turns, the target's held item has no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by the target. Items thrown at the target with Fling will still activate for it. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to use items. -showdown.moves.embargo.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the target's item has no effect. -showdown.moves.embargo.start=%s can't use items anymore! -showdown.moves.embargo.end=%s can use items again! +showdown.moves.electroweb.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.electroweb.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des/der Gegner(s) um 1 zu verringern. +showdown.moves.embargo.desc=Der vom Ziel gehaltene Gegenstand hat 5 Runden lang keine Wirkung. Der Effekt eines Gegenstandes, Formänderungen hervorzurufen, bleibt davon unberührt, alle anderen Effekte solcher Gegenstände werden jedoch aufgehoben. Während der Wirkung wird verhindert, dass das Ziel Schleuder- und Beerenkräfte nutzt. Gegenstände, die mit Schleuder auf das Ziel geworfen werden, werden dafür weiterhin aktiviert. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, kann der Ersatz weiterhin keine Gegenstände verwenden. +showdown.moves.embargo.shortDesc=Der Gegenstand des Ziels hat 5 Runden lang keine Wirkung. +showdown.moves.embargo.start=%s kann keine Gegenstände mehr verwenden! +showdown.moves.embargo.end=%s kann wieder Gegenstände verwenden! -showdown.moves.ember.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.ember.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.ember.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.ember.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.encore.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Assist, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. -showdown.moves.encore.shortDesc=Target repeats its last move for its next 3 turns. -showdown.moves.encore.gen8.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, or if the move is Assist, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.encore.gen7.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Assist, Copycat, Encore, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or any Z-Move. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.encore.gen6.desc=For 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.encore.gen4.desc=For 4 to 8 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.encore.gen4.shortDesc=The target repeats its last move for 4-8 turns. -showdown.moves.encore.gen3.desc=For 3 to 6 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.encore.gen3.shortDesc=The target repeats its last move for 3-6 turns. -showdown.moves.encore.gen2.desc=For 3 to 6 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.encore.start=%s must do an encore! -showdown.moves.encore.end=%s's encore ended! -showdown.moves.endeavor.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (target's current HP - user's current HP). The target is unaffected if its current HP is less than or equal to the user's current HP. -showdown.moves.endeavor.shortDesc=Lowers the target's HP to the user's HP. +showdown.moves.encore.desc=In den nächsten 3 Runden ist das Ziel gezwungen, seinen letzten Zug zu wiederholen. Wenn der betroffene Zug keine PP mehr hat, endet der Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits unter diesem Effekt steht, wenn es keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat oder wenn die Bewegung Zuschuss, Hitzeturbo, Raufturbo, Imitator, Dynamax-Kanone, Zugabe, Zauberturbo, Egotrip, Metronom ist, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Toxiturbo, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Wandler oder Finsterturbo. +showdown.moves.encore.shortDesc=Das Ziel wiederholt seine letzte Bewegung für die nächsten 3 Runden. +showdown.moves.encore.gen8.desc=In den nächsten 3 Runden ist das Ziel gezwungen, seinen letzten Zug zu wiederholen. Wenn der betroffene Zug keine PP mehr hat, endet der Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits unter diesem Effekt steht, wenn es keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat, wenn das Ziel Dynamaxed ist oder wenn die Bewegung Zuschuss, Imitator, Dynamax-Kanone, Zugabe, Egotrip, Metronom ist, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler oder Wandler. +showdown.moves.encore.gen7.desc=In den nächsten 3 Runden ist das Ziel gezwungen, seinen letzten Zug zu wiederholen. Wenn der betroffene Zug keine PP mehr hat, endet der Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits unter diesem Effekt steht, wenn es keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat oder wenn die Bewegung Zuschuss, Imitator, Zugabe, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Nachahmer ist. Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Wandler oder ein beliebiger Z-Move. Während dieses Effekts können weiterhin Attacken mit Z-Antrieb ausgewählt und ausgeführt werden. +showdown.moves.encore.gen6.desc=Für 3 Runden ist das Ziel gezwungen, seinen letzten Zug zu wiederholen. Wenn der betroffene Zug keine PP mehr hat, endet der Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits unter diesem Effekt steht, wenn es keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat oder wenn die Bewegung Zugabe, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Nachahmer, Verzweifler oder Wandler ist. +showdown.moves.encore.gen4.desc=Für 4 bis 8 Runden ist das Ziel gezwungen, seinen letzten Zug zu wiederholen. Wenn der betroffene Zug keine PP mehr hat, endet der Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits unter diesem Effekt steht, wenn es keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat oder wenn die Bewegung Zugabe, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Nachahmer, Verzweifler oder Wandler ist. +showdown.moves.encore.gen4.shortDesc=Das Ziel wiederholt seine letzte Bewegung 4–8 Runden lang. +showdown.moves.encore.gen3.desc=Für 3 bis 6 Runden ist das Ziel gezwungen, seinen letzten Zug zu wiederholen. Wenn der betroffene Zug keine PP mehr hat, endet der Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits unter diesem Effekt steht, wenn es keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat oder wenn die Bewegung Zugabe, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Nachahmer, Verzweifler oder Wandler ist. +showdown.moves.encore.gen3.shortDesc=Das Ziel wiederholt seine letzte Bewegung 3–6 Runden lang. +showdown.moves.encore.gen2.desc=Für 3 bis 6 Runden ist das Ziel gezwungen, seinen letzten Zug zu wiederholen. Wenn der betroffene Zug keine PP mehr hat, endet der Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits unter diesem Effekt steht, wenn es keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat oder wenn die Bewegung Zugabe, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler oder Wandler ist. +showdown.moves.encore.start=%s muss eine Zugabe machen! +showdown.moves.encore.end=Die Zugabe von %s ist beendet! Situation +showdown.moves.endeavor.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von (aktuelle HP des Ziels – aktuelle HP des Benutzers) zu. Das Ziel ist nicht betroffen, wenn seine aktuellen HP kleiner oder gleich den aktuellen HP des Benutzers sind. +showdown.moves.endeavor.shortDesc=Senkt die HP des Ziels auf die HP des Benutzers. -showdown.moves.endure.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.shortDesc=User survives attacks this turn with at least 1 HP. -showdown.moves.endure.gen8.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen7.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen6.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen5.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen4.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen3.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen2.desc=The user will survive attacks made by the opponent during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.start=%s braced itself! -showdown.moves.endure.activate=%s endured the hit! +showdown.moves.endure.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.shortDesc=Der Benutzer überlebt Angriffe in dieser Runde mit mindestens 1 HP. +showdown.moves.endure.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Die Erfolgschance dieses Zuges beträgt 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdoppelt, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beträgt 1/X. X beginnt bei 1 und verdoppelt sich jedes Mal, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird, bis zu einem Maximum von 8 nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von X/65536, wobei X bei 65535 beginnt und sich jedes Mal halbiert, abgerundet, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. Nach dem vierten erfolgreichen Einsatz in Folge sinkt X auf 118 und setzt sich bei weiteren erfolgreichen Einsätzen mit scheinbar zufälligen Werten von 0-65535 fort. X wird auf 65535 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt Angriffe des Gegners in diesem Zug mit mindestens 1 HP. Dieser Zug hat eine Erfolgschance von X/255, wobei X bei 255 beginnt und sich jedes Mal halbiert, abgerundet, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 255 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde zuletzt einen Ersatzspieler hat oder sich bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.start=%s hat sich gefasst gemacht! +showdown.moves.endure.activate=%s hat den Schlag überstanden! -showdown.moves.energyball.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.energyball.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.energyball.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.energyball.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.entrainment.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.entrainment.shortDesc=The target's Ability changes to match the user's. -showdown.moves.entrainment.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.entrainment.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.entrainment.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Stance Change, Truant, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.entrainment.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Truant, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.entrainment.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels mit der des Benutzers übereinstimmt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Eins, Kampfband, Koma, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Schluckrakete, Hadronentriebwerk, Eisfläche, Multityp, Orichalcum-Puls, Kraftkonstrukt, Protosynthese, Quarkantrieb, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten und Haltungswechsel ist , Truant, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero oder die gleiche Fähigkeit wie der Benutzer, oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch ist, Eisgesicht, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, neutralisierendes Gas, Orichalcum-Impuls, Kraftkonstrukt, Kraft der Alchemie, Protosynthese, Quarkantrieb, Empfänger, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungswechsel, Spur, Zen-Modus oder Null zum Helden. +showdown.moves.entrainment.shortDesc=Die Fähigkeit des Ziels ändert sich, um sie an die des Benutzers anzupassen. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen8.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels mit der des Benutzers übereinstimmt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Eins, Kampfband, Komatös, Verkleidung, Schluckrakete, Eisgesicht, Mehrfachtyp, Kraftkonstrukt, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungswechsel, Schwulen, Zen-Modus oder dieselbe Fähigkeit wie der Benutzer ist , oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Prognose, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver und RKS ist System-, Schul-, Schild-Down-, Haltungswechsel-, Spur- oder Zen-Modus. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen7.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels mit der des Benutzers übereinstimmt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode oder dieselbe Fähigkeit wie der Benutzer ist oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers Battle Bond ist , Koma, Verkleidung, Blumengeschenk, Vorhersage, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Kraftkonstrukt, Macht der Alchemie, Empfänger, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungswechsel, Spur oder Zen-Modus. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels mit der des Benutzers übereinstimmt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Multityp, Haltungswechsel, Truant oder dieselbe Fähigkeit wie der Benutzer ist oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers Blumengeschenk, Vorhersage, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Haltungswechsel, Spur oder Zen-Modus ist. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen5.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels mit der des Benutzers übereinstimmt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Multitype, Truant oder dieselbe Fähigkeit wie der Benutzer ist oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace oder Zen Mode ist. -showdown.moves.eruption.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. -showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.eruption.desc=Die Leistung entspricht (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 150 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. +showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Weniger Leistung, wenn die HP des Benutzers sinken. Trifft Gegner. -showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage and a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100% chance to raise user Speed by 1. High crit. +showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um eine Stufe zu erhöhen, und eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. Hoher kritischer Treffer. -showdown.moves.eternabeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.eternabeam.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen.ächenmacht -showdown.moves.expandingforce.desc=If the current terrain is Psychic Terrain and the user is grounded, this move hits all opposing Pokemon and has its power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.moves.expandingforce.shortDesc=User on Psychic Terrain: 1.5x power, hits foes. +showdown.moves.expandingforce.desc=Wenn das aktuelle Gelände Psychokinese-Gelände ist und der Benutzer am Boden ist, trifft dieser Zug alle gegnerischen Pokémon und seine Stärke wird mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.moves.expandingforce.shortDesc=Benutzer auf Psychokinese-Gelände: 1,5-fache Kraft, trifft Feinde. -showdown.moves.explosion.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.explosion.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. -showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. User faints. -showdown.moves.explosion.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.explosion.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. -showdown.moves.explosion.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move broke the target's substitute. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.moves.explosion.desc=Der Benutzer fällt nach der Anwendung dieser Attacke in Ohnmacht, selbst wenn diese Attacke fehlschlägt, weil sie kein Ziel hat. Die Ausführung dieser Bewegung wird verhindert, wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Damp verfügt. +showdown.moves.explosion.shortDesc=Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer fällt nach der Ausführung dieser Attacke in Ohnmacht, es sei denn, diese Attacke hat kein Ziel. Die Verteidigung des Ziels wird während der Schadensberechnung halbiert. Die Ausführung dieser Bewegung wird verhindert, wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Damp verfügt. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.shortDesc=Die Verteidigung des Ziels wird während des Schadens halbiert. Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer fällt nach dieser Bewegung in Ohnmacht. Die Verteidigung des Ziels wird während der Schadensberechnung halbiert. Die Ausführung dieser Bewegung wird verhindert, wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Damp verfügt. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer fällt nach dieser Bewegung in Ohnmacht. Die Verteidigung des Ziels wird während der Schadensberechnung halbiert. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer wird ohnmächtig, nachdem er diesen Zug ausgeführt hat, es sei denn, dieser Zug hat den Stellvertreter des Ziels gebrochen. Die Verteidigung des Ziels wird während der Schadensberechnung halbiert. -showdown.moves.extrasensory.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. der Neun -showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Raises user's Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe by 2. +showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Erhöht Angriff, Verteidigung, Spezialangriff, Spezialverteidigung und Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Erhöht Atk, Def, SpA, SpD und Spe des Benutzers um 2. showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. -showdown.moves.extremespeed.gen4.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Geht fast immer zuerst. +showdown.moves.extremespeed.gen4.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. -showdown.moves.facade.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. The physical damage halving effect from the user's burn is ignored. -showdown.moves.facade.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed. -showdown.moves.facade.gen5.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. +showdown.moves.facade.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer verbrannt, gelähmt oder vergiftet ist. Der Halbierungseffekt des physischen Schadens durch die Verbrennung des Benutzers wird ignoriert. +showdown.moves.facade.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer verbrannt, vergiftet oder gelähmt ist. +showdown.moves.facade.gen5.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer verbrannt, gelähmt oder vergiftet ist. -showdown.moves.fairylock.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. -showdown.moves.fairylock.shortDesc=Prevents all Pokemon from switching next turn. -showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. -showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=No one will be able to run away during the next turn! +showdown.moves.fairylock.desc=Verhindert, dass alle aktiven Pokémon in der nächsten Runde wechseln. Ein Pokémon kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.fairylock.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass alle Pokémon in der nächsten Runde wechseln. +showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass alle aktiven Pokémon in der nächsten Runde wechseln. Ein Pokémon kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=In der nächsten Runde kann niemand weglaufen! showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. -showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance. +showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, der Benutzer betritt das Spielfeld zum ersten Mal. +showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Treffer zuerst. Nur das erste Mal herauskommen. 100 % Chance, zurückzuschrecken.äne -showdown.moves.faketears.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.faketears.desc=Senkt die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Ziels. Verteidigung um 2. -showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. -showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. -showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. +showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Hinterlässt beim Ziel mindestens 1 HP. +showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Verlässt das Ziel immer mit mindestens 1 HP. -showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Verringert den Angriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Verringert den Angriff des Ziels um 2. -showdown.moves.feint.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.feint.shortDesc=Nullifies Detect, Protect, and Quick/Wide Guard. -showdown.moves.feint.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.feint.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target is an opponent and its side is protected by Quick Guard or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the opponent's side normally. -showdown.moves.feint.gen4.desc=Fails unless the target is using Detect or Protect. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. -showdown.moves.feint.gen4.shortDesc=Breaks protection. Fails if target is not protecting. -showdown.moves.feint.activate=%s fell for the feint! +showdown.moves.feint.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Bunker, Scanner, Königsschild, Schutzschild oder Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. +showdown.moves.feint.shortDesc=Hebt Scanner, Schutzschild und Quick/Rundumschutz auf. +showdown.moves.feint.gen6.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Scanner, den Königsschild, das Schutzschild oder das Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. +showdown.moves.feint.gen5.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Scanner oder das Schutzschild des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn das Ziel ein Gegner ist und seine Seite durch Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls unterbrochen und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Gegners normal angreifen. +showdown.moves.feint.gen4.desc=Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, das Ziel verwendet Scanner oder Schutzschild. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Scanner oder das Schutzschild des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. +showdown.moves.feint.gen4.shortDesc=Bricht den Schutz ab. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keinen Schutz bietet. +showdown.moves.feint.activate=%s ist auf die Finte hereingefallen! -showdown.moves.feintattack.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.feintattack.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. -showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 3 stages if this move knocks out the target. -showdown.moves.fellstinger.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 3 if this KOes the target. -showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages if this move knocks out the target. -showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 2 if this KOes the target. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 3 Stufen, wenn dieser Zug das Ziel bewusstlos macht. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 3, wenn das Ziel dadurch KO wird. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen, wenn dieser Zug das Ziel bewusstlos macht. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 2, wenn das Ziel dadurch KO wird. -showdown.moves.fierydance.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.fierydance.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die SP des Benutzers zu erhöhen. Angriff um 1. Zorn -showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. +showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20 % Chance, den/die Gegner zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stat stages would not change. -showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's max HP. -showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's current HP. If this move is successful, the user faints. -showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's HP. User faints. +showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Erhöht den Angriff, den Spezialangriff und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen, im Gegenzug verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird oder wenn sich seine Angriffs-, Spezialangriffs- und Geschwindigkeitsstatistikstufen nicht ändern. +showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Angriff, Sp. Angriff, Geschwindigkeit für die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der aktuellen HP des Benutzers zu. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, fällt der Benutzer in Ohnmacht. +showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der HP des Benutzers. Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. -showdown.moves.fireblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.fireblast.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.fireblast.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.fireblast.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.firefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. -showdown.moves.firefang.shortDesc=10% chance to burn. 10% chance to flinch. -showdown.moves.firefang.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. This move can hit Pokemon with the Wonder Guard Ability regardless of their typing. +showdown.moves.firefang.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen und es zucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.firefang.shortDesc=10 % Chance zu verbrennen. 10 % Chance, zusammenzuzucken. +showdown.moves.firefang.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen und es zucken zu lassen. Dieser Zug kann Pokémon mit der Wunderwächter-Fähigkeit treffen, unabhängig von ihrem Typ. -showdown.moves.firelash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.firelash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.firelash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.firelash.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken.äulen -showdown.moves.firepledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Grass Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Fire Gem. -showdown.moves.firepledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Water Pledge for added effect. -showdown.moves.firepledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... -showdown.moves.firepledge.start=A sea of fire enveloped %s! -showdown.moves.firepledge.end=The sea of fire around %s disappeared! -showdown.moves.firepledge.damage=%s was hurt by the sea of fire! +showdown.moves.firepledge.desc=Wenn einer der Verbündeten des Benutzers in diesem Zug Pflanzensäulen oder Wassersäulen verwendet und sich noch nicht bewegt hat, ist er unmittelbar nach dem Benutzer an der Reihe und die Bewegung des Benutzers hat keine Auswirkung. In Kombination mit Pflanzensäulen verwendet der Verbündete Feuersäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Ziels erscheint 4 Runden lang ein Feuermeer, das am Ende Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, an Nicht-Feuer-Typen verursacht jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. In Kombination mit Wassersäulen verwendet der Verbündete Wassersäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Benutzers erscheint 4 Runden lang ein Regenbogen, der die Chancen auf Sekundäreffekte verdoppelt und mit der Fähigkeit Gelassene Anmut stapelbar ist, mit der Ausnahme, dass die Chance von Effekten, die ein Zucken verursachen, nur einmal verdoppelt werden kann. Bei Verwendung als kombinierte Attacke erhält diese Attacke STAB, unabhängig vom Typ des Benutzers. Dieser Zug verbraucht nicht den Feuerstein des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.firepledge.shortDesc=Für zusätzlichen Effekt mit Gras- oder Wassersäulen verwenden. +showdown.moves.firepledge.activate=%s wartet auf den Zug von %s... +showdown.moves.firepledge.start=%s wurde von einem Feuermeer umhüllt! +showdown.moves.firepledge.end=Das Feuermeer um %s ist verschwunden! +showdown.moves.firepledge.damage=%s wurde vom Feuermeer verletzt! -showdown.moves.firepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.firepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.firepunch.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.firepunch.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.firespin.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.firespin.start=%s became trapped in the fiery vortex! -showdown.moves.firespin.move=%s's attack continues! +showdown.moves.firespin.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei bis fünf Runden mit dieser Bewegung. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Runden durchzuhalten, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Runden durchzuhalten. Der für die erste Runde berechnete Schaden wird für jede zweite Runde verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts keine Bewegung auswählen und das Ziel kann keine Bewegung ausführen, aber beide können wechseln. Wenn der Benutzer auswechselt, ist das Ziel in diesem Zug weiterhin nicht in der Lage, eine Bewegung auszuführen. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt, verwendet der Benutzer diese Bewegung automatisch erneut, und wenn es zu diesem Zeitpunkt 0 PP hatte, wird es zu 63. Wenn der Benutzer oder das Ziel auswechselt oder der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt. Diese Bewegung kann das Ziel daran hindern, sich zu bewegen, selbst wenn es über Typimmunität verfügt, verursacht jedoch keinen Schaden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass sich das Ziel 2–5 Runden lang bewegt. +showdown.moves.firespin.start=%s wurde im feurigen Wirbel gefangen! +showdown.moves.firespin.move=Der Angriff von %s geht weiter!Überrumpler -showdown.moves.firstimpression.desc=Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. -showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. +showdown.moves.firstimpression.desc=Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, der Benutzer betritt das Spielfeld zum ersten Mal. +showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Treffer zuerst. Nur das erste Mal herauskommen. -showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. -showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer vor dem Ziel bewegt. +showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer vor dem Ziel bewegt. -showdown.moves.fissure.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. -showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. Can hit a target using Dig. -showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. -showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. +showdown.moves.fissure.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen HP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. +showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKOt das Ziel. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer eine niedrigere Ebene hat. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs von 256 entspricht dem kleineren Wert von (2 * (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels) + 76) und 255, bevor Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren angewendet werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einer höheren Ebene befindet. Kann ein Ziel mit Schaufler treffen. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels größer ist als die des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.shortDesc=Verursacht 65535 Schaden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel schneller ist. -showdown.moves.flail.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. -showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.flail.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.flail.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. +showdown.moves.flail.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=Je mehr Leistung, desto weniger HP hat der Benutzer übrig. +showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=Die Potenz dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 43 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 22 zu 42 ist, 80, wenn X 13 zu 21 ist, 100, wenn X 6 zu 12 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 64 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.flail.gen3.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.flail.gen2.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. Dieser Zug verursacht keine Schadensvarianz und kann kein kritischer Treffer sein. -showdown.moves.flameburst.desc=If this move is successful, the target's ally loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. -showdown.moves.flameburst.shortDesc=Damages Pokemon next to the target as well. -showdown.moves.flameburst.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, each ally adjacent to the target loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. -showdown.moves.flameburst.damage=The bursting flame hit %s! +showdown.moves.flameburst.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verliert der Verbündete des Ziels 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, er verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. +showdown.moves.flameburst.shortDesc=Fügt auch Pokémon in der Nähe des Ziels Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.flameburst.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verliert jeder Verbündete neben dem Ziel 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, er verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. +showdown.moves.flameburst.damage=Die platzende Flamme hat %s getroffen! -showdown.moves.flamecharge.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.flamecharge.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.flamecharge.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.flamecharge.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. -showdown.moves.flamewheel.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.flamewheel.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.flamewheel.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.flamewheel.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Taut den Benutzer auf. -showdown.moves.flamethrower.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.flamethrower.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.flamethrower.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.flamethrower.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. -showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. 10 % Chance zu verbrennen. Taut den Benutzer auf. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. 10 % Chance zu verbrennen. Taut den Benutzer auf. -showdown.moves.flash.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.flash.desc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1. -showdown.moves.flashcannon.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.flashcannon.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.flatter.desc=Raises the target's Special Attack by 1 stage and confuses it. -showdown.moves.flatter.shortDesc=Raises the target's Sp. Atk by 1 and confuses it. -showdown.moves.fleurcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.fleurcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.flatter.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe und verwirrt es. +showdown.moves.flatter.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Ziels. Angriff um 1 und verwirrt es.ß +showdown.moves.fleurcannon.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.fleurcannon.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Benutzers. Angriff um 2. -showdown.moves.fling.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If there is no target or the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, if the user is under the effect of Embargo or Magic Room, or if the user has the Klutz Ability. -showdown.moves.fling.shortDesc=Flings the user's item at the target. Power varies. -showdown.moves.fling.gen4.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, or if the user is under the effect of Embargo. -showdown.moves.fling.removeItem=%s flung its %s! +showdown.moves.fling.desc=Die Stärke dieser Bewegung hängt vom gehaltenen Gegenstand des Benutzers ab. Der gehaltene Gegenstand geht verloren und wird ggf. für das Ziel aktiviert. Wenn kein Ziel vorhanden ist oder das Ziel dieser Bewegung ausweicht, indem es sich selbst schützt, geht der vom Benutzer gehaltene Gegenstand trotzdem verloren. Der Benutzer kann einen geworfenen Gegenstand mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten zurückgewinnen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keinen gehaltenen Gegenstand hat, wenn der gehaltene Gegenstand nicht geworfen werden kann, wenn der Benutzer unter dem Effekt von Itemsperre oder Magieraum steht oder wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Klutz verfügt. +showdown.moves.fling.shortDesc=Schleudert den Gegenstand des Benutzers auf das Ziel. Die Leistung variiert. +showdown.moves.fling.gen4.desc=Die Stärke dieser Bewegung hängt vom gehaltenen Gegenstand des Benutzers ab. Der gehaltene Gegenstand geht verloren und wird ggf. für das Ziel aktiviert. Wenn das Ziel dieser Bewegung ausweicht, indem es sich selbst schützt, geht der vom Benutzer gehaltene Gegenstand trotzdem verloren. Der Benutzer kann einen geworfenen Gegenstand mit Aufbereitung zurückgewinnen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer kein zurückgehaltenes Element hat, wenn das zurückgehaltene Element nicht geworfen werden kann oder wenn der Benutzer unter der Wirkung von Itemsperre steht. +showdown.moves.fling.removeItem=%s hat sein %s geschleudert! -showdown.moves.flipturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. -showdown.moves.flipturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. -showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.flipturn.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, schaltet der Benutzer aus, auch wenn er gefangen ist, und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt oder wenn das Ziel mithilfe einer Auswurftaste oder durch die Wirkung der Notausgangs- oder Weichei-Aus-Fähigkeiten ausgewechselt wird. +showdown.moves.flipturn.shortDesc=Der Benutzer schaltet aus, nachdem er dem Ziel Schaden zugefügt hat. +showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s ist zu %s zurückgekehrt! -showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.floralhealing.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, the target instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.floralhealing.desc=Das Ziel stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn das Gelände Grasfeld ist, stellt das Ziel stattdessen 2/3 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heilt das Ziel um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Raises the Defense of all active Grass-type Pokemon by 1 stage. Fails if there are no active Grass-type Pokemon. -showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass types. +showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung aller aktiven Pflanzen-Pokémon um 1 Stufe. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein aktives Gras-Pokémon vorhanden ist. +showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung um 1 aller aktiven Grasarten. -showdown.moves.flowertrick.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. This move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.flowertrick.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit; no accuracy check. +showdown.moves.flowertrick.desc=Diese Bewegung ist immer ein kritischer Treffer, es sei denn, das Ziel steht unter Beschwörung oder verfügt über die Fähigkeiten Kampfrüstung oder Granatenrüstung. Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. +showdown.moves.flowertrick.shortDesc=Führt immer zu einem kritischen Treffer; keine Genauigkeitsprüfung. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. up on first turn, then strikes the next turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Thunder, Twister, and Whirlwind, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Dig. flew up high! Press -showdown.moves.flyingpress.desc=This move combines Flying in its type effectiveness against the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.flyingpress.shortDesc=Combines Flying in its type effectiveness. Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Orkan, Himmelhieb, Katapult, Tausend Pfeile, Donner und Windhose, und Windstoß und Windhose haben die doppelte Kraft, wenn sie dagegen eingesetzt werden. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. in der ersten Runde nach oben und schlägt dann in der nächsten Runde zu. Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Orkan, Himmelhieb, Katapult, Donner und Windhose, und Windstoß und Windhose haben die doppelte Kraft, wenn sie gegen sie eingesetzt werden. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Himmelhieb, Donner und Windhose, und Windstoß und Windhose haben die doppelte Kraft, wenn sie dagegen eingesetzt werden. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Himmelhieb, Donner und Windhose, und Windstoß und Windhose haben die doppelte Kraft, wenn sie dagegen eingesetzt werden. Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Donner, Windhose und Wirbelwind, und Windstoß und Windhose haben die doppelte Kraft, wenn sie dagegen eingesetzt werden. Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Geduld, Sternschauer und Wandler. Wenn der Benutzer in der zweiten Runde vollständig gelähmt ist, vermeidet er weiterhin Angriffe, bis er ausschaltet oder die zweite Runde dieser Attacke oder Schaufler erfolgreich ausführt. ist hoch geflogen! Presse +showdown.moves.flyingpress.desc=Dieser Zug kombiniert Fliegening in seiner Effektivität gegen das Ziel. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.flyingpress.shortDesc=Vereint Fliegening in seiner Art Wirksamkeit.ß -showdown.moves.focusblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.focusblast.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.focusblast.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.focusblast.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 2 stages. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.shortDesc=Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 2. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 1 stage. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.shortDesc=Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 1. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its chance for a critical hit is quartered. Fails if the user already has the effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.shortDesc=Quarters the user's chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.start=%s is getting pumped! -showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromItem=%s used the %s to get pumped! -showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromZEffect=%s boosted its critical-hit ratio using its Z-Power! +showdown.moves.focusenergy.desc=Erhöht die Chance des Benutzers auf einen kritischen Treffer um 2 Stufen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer bereits über den Effekt verfügt. Mit Stafette kann dieser Effekt auf einen Verbündeten übertragen werden. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.shortDesc=Erhöht die kritische Trefferquote des Benutzers um 2. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.desc=Erhöht die Chance des Benutzers auf einen kritischen Treffer um 1 Stufe. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer bereits über den Effekt verfügt. Mit Stafette kann dieser Effekt auf einen Verbündeten übertragen werden. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.shortDesc=Erhöht die kritische Trefferquote des Benutzers um 1. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird seine Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer geviertelt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer bereits über den Effekt verfügt. Wenn ein Pokémon Dunkelnebel verwendet, endet dieser Effekt. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.shortDesc=Viertelt die Chance des Benutzers auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.start=%s wird aufgepumpt! +showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromItem=%s hat den %s genutzt, um in Schwung zu kommen! +showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromZEffect=%s hat seine kritische Trefferquote mit seiner Z-Power erhöht! -showdown.moves.focuspunch.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move. -showdown.moves.focuspunch.shortDesc=Fails if the user takes damage before it hits. -showdown.moves.focuspunch.gen4.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move, but it still loses PP. -showdown.moves.focuspunch.start=%s is tightening its focus! -showdown.moves.focuspunch.cant=%s lost its focus and couldn't move! -showdown.moves.followme.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.followme.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. -showdown.moves.followme.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.followme.gen4.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. This effect remains active even if the user leaves the field. Fails if it is not a Double Battle. -showdown.moves.followme.gen3.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod Ability. This effect remains active even if the user leaves the field. Fails if it is not a Double Battle. -showdown.moves.followme.start=%s became the center of attention! -showdown.moves.followme.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.focuspunch.desc=Der Benutzer verliert seinen Fokus und unternimmt nichts, wenn er in dieser Runde von einem schädlichen Angriff getroffen wird, bevor er die Bewegung ausführen kann. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.shortDesc=Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer vor dem Treffer Schaden erleidet. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verliert seinen Fokus und unternimmt nichts, wenn er in diesem Zug von einem schädlichen Angriff getroffen wird, bevor er die Bewegung ausführen kann, verliert aber trotzdem PP. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.start=%s verschärft seinen Fokus! +showdown.moves.focuspunch.cant=%s hat den Fokus verloren und konnte sich nicht bewegen! +showdown.moves.followme.desc=Bis zum Ende der Runde werden alle Einzelzielangriffe der gegnerischen Seite auf den Benutzer umgeleitet. Solche Angriffe werden zum Benutzer umgeleitet, bevor sie von Magiemantel oder der Fähigkeit Magische Sprungfeder reflektiert oder von den Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter oder Storm Drain angezogen werden können. Schlägt fehl, wenn es sich nicht um einen Double Battle oder Battle Royal handelt. Dieser Effekt wird ignoriert, solange der Benutzer unter dem Effekt Freier Fall steht. +showdown.moves.followme.shortDesc=Die Attacken der Feinde zielen auf den Benutzer in der verwendeten Runde. +showdown.moves.followme.gen6.desc=Bis zum Ende der Runde werden alle Einzelzielangriffe der gegnerischen Seite auf den Benutzer umgeleitet, sofern dieser sich in Reichweite befindet. Solche Angriffe werden zum Benutzer umgeleitet, bevor sie von Magiemantel oder der Fähigkeit Magische Sprungfeder reflektiert oder von den Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter oder Storm Drain angezogen werden können. Schlägt fehl, wenn es sich nicht um einen Doppel- oder Dreifachkampf handelt. Dieser Effekt wird ignoriert, solange der Benutzer unter dem Effekt von Freier Fall steht. +showdown.moves.followme.gen4.desc=Bis zum Ende der Runde werden alle Einzelzielangriffe der gegnerischen Seite auf den Benutzer umgeleitet. Solche Angriffe werden zum Benutzer umgeleitet, bevor sie von Magiemantel reflektiert oder von den Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter oder Storm Drain angezogen werden können. Dieser Effekt bleibt auch dann aktiv, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. Schlägt fehl, wenn es sich nicht um einen Doppelkampf handelt. +showdown.moves.followme.gen3.desc=Bis zum Ende der Runde werden alle Einzelzielangriffe der gegnerischen Seite auf den Benutzer umgeleitet. Solche Angriffe werden zum Benutzer umgeleitet, bevor sie von Magiemantel reflektiert oder von der Blitzableiter-Fähigkeit angezogen werden können. Dieser Effekt bleibt auch dann aktiv, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. Schlägt fehl, wenn es sich nicht um einen Doppelkampf handelt. +showdown.moves.followme.start=%s wurde zum Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit! +showdown.moves.followme.startFromZEffect=%s wurde zum Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit! -showdown.moves.forcepalm.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.forcepalm.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.forcepalm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.forcepalm.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.foresight.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Miracle Eye or Odor Sleuth. -showdown.moves.foresight.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. -showdown.moves.foresight.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. -showdown.moves.foresight.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. -showdown.moves.foresight.gen2.desc=As long as the target remains active, if its evasiveness stat stage is greater than the attacker's accuracy stat stage, both are ignored during accuracy checks, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. Fails if the target is already affected. -showdown.moves.foresight.start=%s was identified!'s Curse -showdown.moves.forestscurse.desc=Causes the Grass type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Grass type. If Trick-or-Treat adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. -showdown.moves.forestscurse.shortDesc=Adds Grass to the target's type(s). +showdown.moves.foresight.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt, wird seine Stufe des Ausweichwerts bei Genauigkeitsprüfungen ignoriert, wenn er größer als 0 ist, und Angriffe vom Typ Normal und Kampf können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Geist ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist oder von Wunderauge oder Schnüffler betroffen ist. +showdown.moves.foresight.shortDesc=Kämpfen, Normaler Treffer Ghost. Ausweichmanöver ignoriert. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen4.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt, wird seine Stufe des Ausweichwerts bei Genauigkeitsprüfungen ignoriert, wenn er größer als 0 ist, und Angriffe vom Typ Normal und Kampf können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Geist ist. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen3.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt, wird seine Ausweichstatusstufe bei Genauigkeitsüberprüfungen gegen das Ziel ignoriert und Angriffe vom Typ Normal und Kampf können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Geist ist. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen2.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt und seine Ausweichfähigkeitsstufe größer ist als die Genauigkeitsstufe des Angreifers, werden beide bei Genauigkeitsprüfungen ignoriert, und Angriffe vom Typ Normal und Kampf können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Geist ist. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist. +showdown.moves.foresight.start=%s wurde identifiziert! Fluch des Waldes +showdown.moves.forestscurse.desc=Führt dazu, dass dem Ziel der Grastyp hinzugefügt wird, sodass es effektiv über zwei oder drei Arten verfügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits vom Typ Gras ist. Wenn Trickbetrug-or-Treat dem Ziel einen Typ hinzufügt, ersetzt es den durch diesen Zug hinzugefügten Typ und umgekehrt. +showdown.moves.forestscurse.shortDesc=Fügt dem/den Typ(en) des Ziels Gras hinzu. -showdown.moves.foulplay.desc=Damage is calculated using the target's Attack stat, including stat stage changes. The user's Ability, item, and burn are used as normal. -showdown.moves.foulplay.shortDesc=Uses target's Attack stat in damage calculation. +showdown.moves.foulplay.desc=Der Schaden wird anhand des Angriffswerts des Ziels berechnet, einschließlich Änderungen der Statusstufe. Die Fähigkeit, der Gegenstand und die Verbrennung des Benutzers werden wie gewohnt verwendet. +showdown.moves.foulplay.shortDesc=Verwendet den Angriffswert des Ziels bei der Schadensberechnung. -showdown.moves.freezedry.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. This move's type effectiveness against Water is changed to be super effective no matter what this move's type is. -showdown.moves.freezedry.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. Super effective on Water. +showdown.moves.freezedry.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel einzufrieren. Die Art der Effektivität dieser Attacke gegen Wasser wurde so geändert, dass sie unabhängig von der Art dieser Attacke sehr effektiv ist. +showdown.moves.freezedry.shortDesc=10 % Chance zum Einfrieren. Super effektiv auf Wasser. -showdown.moves.freezeshock.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.freezeshock.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. -showdown.moves.freezeshock.prepare=%s became cloaked in a freezing light! +showdown.moves.freezeshock.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.freezeshock.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs Runde 1. Treffer Runde 2. 30 % Lähmung. +showdown.moves.freezeshock.prepare=%s wurde in ein eiskaltes Licht gehüllt! Blick -showdown.moves.freezingglare.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.freezingglare.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel einzufrieren. +showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel einzufrieren. -showdown.moves.freezyfrost.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. -showdown.moves.freezyfrost.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. +showdown.moves.freezyfrost.desc=Setzt die Statusstufen aller aktiven Pokémon auf 0 zurück. +showdown.moves.freezyfrost.shortDesc=Eliminiert alle Statusänderungen. -showdown.moves.frenzyplant.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.frenzyplant.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. -showdown.moves.frostbreath.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. -showdown.moves.frostbreath.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. +showdown.moves.frostbreath.desc=Diese Bewegung ist immer ein kritischer Treffer, es sei denn, das Ziel steht unter dem Effekt von Beschwörung oder verfügt über die Fähigkeiten Kampfrüstung oder Granatenrüstung. +showdown.moves.frostbreath.shortDesc=Führt immer zu einem kritischen Treffer. -showdown.moves.frustration.desc=Power is equal to the greater of ((255 - user's Happiness) * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. -showdown.moves.frustration.shortDesc=Max 102 power at minimum Happiness. +showdown.moves.frustration.desc=Die Stärke entspricht dem größeren Wert von ((255 – Zufriedenheit des Benutzers) * 2/5), abgerundet, oder 1. +showdown.moves.frustration.shortDesc=Maximal 102 Kraft bei minimaler Zufriedenheit. -showdown.moves.furyattack.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.furyattack.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.furyattack.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. -showdown.moves.furycutter.desc=Power doubles with each successful hit, up to a maximum of 160 power. The power is reset if this move misses or another move is used. -showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit, up to 160. +showdown.moves.furycutter.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem erfolgreichen Treffer, bis zu einem Maximum von 160 Kraft. Die Leistung wird zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder ein anderer Zug verwendet wird. +showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem Treffer auf bis zu 160. -showdown.moves.furyswipes.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. -showdown.moves.fusionbolt.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Flare. -showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare this turn. +showdown.moves.fusionbolt.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn die letzte Attacke eines Pokémon in diesem Zug Kreuzflamme war. +showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sie in dieser Runde nach Kreuzflamme verwendet wird. -showdown.moves.fusionflare.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Bolt. -showdown.moves.fusionflare.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Bolt this turn. +showdown.moves.fusionflare.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn die letzte Attacke eines Pokémon in diesem Zug Kreuzdonner war. +showdown.moves.fusionflare.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sie in dieser Runde nach Kreuzdonner verwendet wird. -showdown.moves.futuresight.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. -showdown.moves.futuresight.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. -showdown.moves.futuresight.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. -showdown.moves.futuresight.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move is already in effect for the target's position. -showdown.moves.futuresight.start=%s foresaw an attack! -showdown.moves.futuresight.activate=%s took the Future Sight attack! +showdown.moves.futuresight.desc=Verursacht zwei Runden nach der Anwendung dieser Attacke Schaden. Am Ende dieser Runde wird der Schaden zu diesem Zeitpunkt berechnet und dem Pokémon an der Position zugefügt, an der sich das Ziel zum Zeitpunkt der Ausführung der Bewegung befand. Wenn der Benutzer zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht mehr aktiv ist, wird der Schaden basierend auf dem natürlichen Spezialangriffsstatus, der Art und der Stufe des Benutzers berechnet, ohne Boosts durch den gehaltenen Gegenstand oder die Fähigkeit. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Zug oder Kismetwunsch für die Position des Ziels bereits wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.futuresight.shortDesc=Trifft zwei Runden nach der Verwendung. +showdown.moves.futuresight.gen4.desc=Verursacht typlosen Schaden, der zwei Runden nach der Anwendung dieser Attacke kein kritischer Treffer sein kann. Der Schaden wird bei Verwendung gegen das Ziel berechnet und am Ende der letzten Runde wird dieser Schaden dem Pokémon an der Position zugefügt, an der sich das ursprüngliche Ziel zu diesem Zeitpunkt befand. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Zug oder Kismetwunsch für die Position des Ziels bereits wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.futuresight.gen2.desc=Verursacht typlosen Schaden, der zwei Runden nach der Anwendung dieser Attacke kein kritischer Treffer sein kann. Der Schaden wird bei Verwendung gegen das Ziel berechnet und am Ende der letzten Runde wird dieser Schaden dem Pokémon an der Position zugefügt, an der sich das ursprüngliche Ziel zu diesem Zeitpunkt befand. Schlägt fehl, wenn diese Bewegung für die Position des Ziels bereits wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.futuresight.start=%s hat einen Angriff vorhergesehen! +showdown.moves.futuresight.activate=%s hat den Seher-Angriff überstanden!äfte -showdown.moves.gastroacid.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.gastroacid.shortDesc=Nullifies the target's Ability. -showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Multitype or Stance Change, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.gastroacid.start=%s's Ability was suppressed! -showdown.moves.geargrind.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.geargrind.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels unwirksam wird, solange sie aktiv bleibt. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Eins ist, Kampfband, Koma, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Schluckrakete, Hadronentriebwerk, Eisgesicht, Multityp, Orichalcum-Puls, Kraftkonstrukt, Protosynthese, Quark-Antrieb, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungswechsel, Im Zen-Modus oder Zero to Hero schlägt dieser Zug fehl und der Effekt wird durch Stafette sofort beendet. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.shortDesc=Hebt die Fähigkeit des Ziels auf. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen8.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels unwirksam wird, solange sie aktiv bleibt. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change oder Zen Mode ist, schlägt diese Bewegung fehl und der Effekt wird nicht aktiviert Stafette beendet den Effekt sofort. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen7.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels unwirksam wird, solange sie aktiv bleibt. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change oder Zen Mode ist, schlägt dieser Zug fehl und der Effekt wird durch Stafette sofort beendet. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels unwirksam wird, solange sie aktiv bleibt. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Multityp oder Haltungswechsel ist, schlägt dieser Zug fehl und der Effekt wird durch Stafette sofort beendet. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.start=Die Fähigkeit von %s wurde unterdrückt! +showdown.moves.geargrind.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.geargrind.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.gearup.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. +showdown.moves.gearup.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und den Spezialangriff von Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers mit den Plus- oder Minus-Fähigkeiten um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Erhöht Angriff, Sp. Angriff von Verbündeten mit Plus/Minus um 1. des Ursprungs -showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=If this move is successful, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Summons Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird das Gelände zu Psychokinese-Gelände. +showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Beschwört psychokinesisches Gelände. -showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Charges, then raises SpA, SpD, Spe by 2 turn 2. -showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=%s is absorbing power! +showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs, dann erhöht sich SpA, SpD, Spe um 2 Runde 2. +showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=%s absorbiert Kraft! -showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. -showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. -showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet.ß -showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. -showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. +showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Kann nicht zweimal hintereinander verwendet werden. -showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. -showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des/der Gegner(s) um 1 zu verringern.ßklingenstoß -showdown.moves.glaiverush.desc=If this move is successful, moves targeted at the user deal double damage and do not check accuracy until the user's next turn. -showdown.moves.glaiverush.shortDesc=User takes sure-hit 2x damage until its next turn. +showdown.moves.glaiverush.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verursachen auf den Benutzer gerichtete Attacken doppelten Schaden und die Genauigkeit wird erst im nächsten Zug des Benutzers überprüft. +showdown.moves.glaiverush.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erleidet bis zu seinem nächsten Zug 2x sicheren Trefferschaden. -showdown.moves.glare.desc=Paralyzes the target. -showdown.moves.glare.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. -showdown.moves.glare.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.glare.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.glare.desc=Lähmt das Ziel. +showdown.moves.glare.shortDesc=Lähmt das Ziel. +showdown.moves.glare.gen3.desc=Lähmt das Ziel. Dieser Schritt ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.glare.gen1.desc=Lähmt das Ziel. -showdown.moves.glitzyglow.desc=This move summons Light Screen for 5 turns upon use. -showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Summons Light Screen. +showdown.moves.glitzyglow.desc=Dieser Zug beschwört Lichtschild bei Verwendung für 5 Runden. +showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Ruft Lichtschild herbei. -showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either falls asleep, becomes poisoned, or becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: slp or psn or par. +showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, schläft jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite entweder ein, wird vergiftet oder wird gelähmt, selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: SLP oder PSN oder Par. -showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Water-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. -showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. -showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=%s got caught in the vortex of water! -showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Cannonade’s vortex! +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Wasser-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 HP, 4 Runden. +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=%s ist im Wasserstrudel gefangen! +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=%s wird durch den Wirbel von Giga-Beschuss verletzt! -showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite vier oder fünf Runden lang daran gehindert, zu wechseln (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält), selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Verursacht am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Sie können immer noch auswechseln, wenn sie Shed Shell halten oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwenden. Der Effekt endet für ein Ziel, wenn es das Feld verlässt oder wenn es Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: 4-5 Runden gebunden. -showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has their critical hit ratio raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Crit Ratio +1. -showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s is getting pumped! +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erhöht sich die kritische Trefferquote jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers um eine Stufe, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: Kritische Trefferquote +1. +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s wird aufgepumpt! -showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes infatuated, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen for a target if both it and the user are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. -showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: infatuated. +showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite verliebt, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Dieser Effekt tritt bei einem Ziel nicht auf, wenn sowohl es als auch der Benutzer das gleiche Geschlecht haben, wenn eines davon kein Geschlecht hat oder wenn das Ziel bereits verliebt ist. +showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: verliebt.ämpfer -showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side loses 2 PP from its last move used, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: last move -2 PP. -showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=%s's PP was reduced! +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verliert jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 2 PP aus seinem letzten Zug, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: letzter Zug -2 PP. +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=Die PP von %s wurden reduziert! -showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 160, unabhängig von der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Immer 160 Leistung. Ignoriert Fähigkeiten. -showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/6 of its current maximum HP, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1/6 max HP. Fire Ball -showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers 1/6 seiner aktuellen maximalen HP wieder her, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1/6 max. HP. Feuerball +showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 160, unabhängig von der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Immer 160 Leistung. Ignoriert Fähigkeiten. -showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 2 stages, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed. +showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite um 2 Stufen verringert, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -2 Geschwindigkeit.ünzregen -showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. +showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite verwirrt, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: verwirrt. -showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Gravity begins. -showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Gravity. +showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Gelingt dieser Zug, setzt die Wirkung der Erdanziehung ein. +showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Beginnt mit der Erdanziehung.ütze -showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 160, unabhängig von der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Immer 160 Leistung. Ignoriert Fähigkeiten. -showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes poisoned, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: poisoned. +showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite vergiftet, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: vergiftet. -showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Torment begins for each Pokemon on the opposing side, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Tormented. +showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Gelingt dieser Zug, beginnt die Wirkung von Folterknecht für jedes Pokémon der Gegenseite, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: Folterknechted. -showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. -showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. +showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Dieser Zug umgeht alle Schutzeffekte, einschließlich Dyna-Wall. +showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Umgeht Dyna-Wall. -showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. -showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. +showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Dieser Zug umgeht alle Schutzeffekte, einschließlich Dyna-Wall. +showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Umgeht Dyna-Wall. -showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance every Pokemon on the user's side has its Berry restored, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Base move affects power. 50% restores Berries. +showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, besteht eine 50-prozentige Chance, dass die Beere jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers wiederhergestellt wird, selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. 50 % stellt Beeren wieder her. -showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Aurora Veil begins on the user's side. -showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Aurora Veil. +showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Gelingt dieser Zug, beginnt die Wirkung von Auroraschleier auf der Seite des Anwenders. +showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: Auroraschleier.ß -showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite vier oder fünf Runden lang daran gehindert, zu wechseln (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält), selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Verursacht am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Sie können immer noch auswechseln, wenn sie Shed Shell halten oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwenden. Der Effekt endet für ein Ziel, wenn es das Feld verlässt oder wenn es Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: 4-5 Runden gebunden. -showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. +showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite verwirrt, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: verwirrt.ähnzwang -showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance the effect of Yawn begins on the target, even if it has a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Target: 50% Yawn. +showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, besteht eine Chance von 50 %, dass die Wirkung von Gähner beim Ziel einsetzt, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Ziel: 50 % Gähner. -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Steel type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Steel hazard. -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=Sharp-pointed pieces of steel started floating around %s! -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.end=The pieces of steel surrounding %s disappeared! -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=The sharp steel bit into %s! +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt er auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder 1/2 davon ihre maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Stahltyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: Stahlgefahr. +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=Scharfe Stahlstücke fingen an, um %s herumzuschweben! +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.end=Die Stahlstücke, die %s umgeben, sind verschwunden! +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=Der scharfe Stahl biss in %s!öll -showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth Rock. +showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt er auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder 1/2 davon ihre maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Rock-Typ; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: Tarnsteine. -showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either becomes poisoned or paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: psn or par. +showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite entweder vergiftet oder gelähmt, selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: PSN oder Par. -showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has its status condition cured, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: status cured. +showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, ist der Statuszustand jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers geheilt, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: Status geheilt.äureguss -showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the evasiveness of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 evasiveness. +showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird die Ausweichfähigkeit jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite um 1 Stufe gesenkt, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1 Ausweichmanöver. -showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching out, even if they have a substitute. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If a target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: trapped. +showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite daran gehindert, auszuwechseln, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Sie können immer noch auswechseln, wenn sie Shed Shell halten oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwenden. Wenn ein Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: gefangen.ßel -showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Grass-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. -showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. -showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=%s got trapped with vines! -showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Vine Lash’s ferocious beating! +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Gras-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 HP, 4 Runden. +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=%s wurde von Ranken gefangen! +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.damage=%s wird durch Giga-Geißels heftige Prügel verletzt! -showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Rock-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. -showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. -showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=%s became surrounded by rocks! -showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=%s is hurt by the rocks thrown out by G-Max Volcalith! +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Fels-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 HP, 4 Runden. +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=%s wurde von Felsen umgeben! +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=%s wird durch die von Giga-Schlacke weggeschleuderten Steine verletzt! -showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: paralyzed. +showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite gelähmt, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: gelähmt. -showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Fire-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. -showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. -showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=%s were surrounded by fire! -showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=%s is burning up within G-Max Wildfire’s flames! +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Feuer-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 HP, 4 Runden. +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=%s waren von Feuer umgeben! +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=%s verbrennt in den Flammen von Giga-Feuerflug!ß -showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain end, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. -showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Ends Terrain, hazards. +showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, enden die Effekte von Elektrofeld, Grasfeld, Weißnebely Terrain und Psychokinese Terrain, die Effekte von Reflektor, Lichtschild, Auroraschleier, Bodyguard, Weißnebel, Giga-Stahlschlag, Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Tarnsteine und Klebenetz enden für die Die Wirkung von Giga-Stahlschlag, Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Tarnsteine und Klebenetz endet auf der Seite des Ziels und auf der Seite des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Endet Gelände, Gefahren. -showdown.moves.grassknot.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. -showdown.moves.grassknot.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. +showdown.moves.grassknot.desc=Die Stärke dieser Bewegung beträgt 20, wenn das Ziel weniger als 10 kg wiegt, 40, wenn es weniger als 25 kg wiegt, 60, wenn es weniger als 50 kg wiegt, 80, wenn es weniger als 100 kg wiegt, 100, wenn es weniger als 200 kg wiegt, und 120, wenn es größer oder gleich ist 200 kg. +showdown.moves.grassknot.shortDesc=Je schwerer das Ziel, desto mehr Leistung.äulen -showdown.moves.grasspledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Grass Gem. -showdown.moves.grasspledge.shortDesc=Use with Fire or Water Pledge for added effect. -showdown.moves.grasspledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... -showdown.moves.grasspledge.start=A swamp enveloped %s! -showdown.moves.grasspledge.end=The swamp around %s disappeared! +showdown.moves.grasspledge.desc=Wenn einer der Verbündeten des Benutzers in diesem Zug Feuersäulen oder Wassersäulen verwendet und sich noch nicht bewegt hat, ist er unmittelbar nach dem Benutzer an der Reihe und die Bewegung des Benutzers hat keine Auswirkung. In Kombination mit Feuersäulen verwendet der Verbündete Feuersäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Ziels erscheint 4 Runden lang ein Feuermeer, das am Ende Schaden an Nicht-Feuer-Typen in Höhe von 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, verursacht jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. In Kombination mit Wassersäulen verwendet der Verbündete Pflanzensäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Ziels erscheint für 4 Runden ein Sumpf, der die Geschwindigkeit jedes Pokémon auf dieser Seite viertelt. Bei Verwendung als kombinierte Attacke erhält diese Attacke STAB, unabhängig vom Typ des Benutzers. Dieser Zug verbraucht nicht den Grasjuwel des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.grasspledge.shortDesc=Für zusätzlichen Effekt mit Feuer- oder Wassersäulen verwenden. +showdown.moves.grasspledge.activate=%s wartet auf den Zug von %s... +showdown.moves.grasspledge.start=Ein Sumpf umhüllt %s! +showdown.moves.grasspledge.end=Der Sumpf um %s ist verschwunden!öte -showdown.moves.grasswhistle.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.grasswhistle.shortDesc=Lässt das Ziel einschlafen. -showdown.moves.grassyglide.desc=If the current terrain is Grassy Terrain and the user is grounded, this move has its priority increased by 1. -showdown.moves.grassyglide.shortDesc=User on Grassy Terrain: +1 priority. +showdown.moves.grassyglide.desc=Wenn das aktuelle Gelände Grasfeld ist und der Benutzer am Boden ist, wird die Priorität dieser Bewegung um 1 erhöht. +showdown.moves.grassyglide.shortDesc=Benutzer auf Grasfeld: +1 Priorität. -showdown.moves.grassyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. -showdown.moves.grassyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Grass power, +1/16 max HP. -showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zu Grasfeld. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Gras-Attacken, die von am Boden liegenden Pokémon eingesetzt werden, mit 1,3 multipliziert, die Kraft von Dampfwalze, Erdbeben und Intensität, die gegen am Boden liegende Pokémon eingesetzt werden, wird mit 0,5 multipliziert und am Boden liegende Pokémon haben 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP. abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde, einschließlich der letzten Runde, wiederhergestellt. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen Grastyp, Natur-Kraft wird zu Energieball und Geheimpower hat eine 30-prozentige Chance, Schlaf zu verursachen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Grasfeld ist. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.shortDesc=5 Umdrehungen. Geerdet: +Graskraft, +1/16 max. HP. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zu Grasfeld. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Gras-Angriffen, die von am Boden liegenden Pokémon eingesetzt werden, mit 1,5 multipliziert, die Kraft von Dampfwalze, Erdbeben und Intensität, die gegen am Boden liegende Pokémon eingesetzt werden, wird mit 0,5 multipliziert und am Boden liegende Pokémon haben 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP. abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde, einschließlich der letzten Runde, wiederhergestellt. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen Grastyp, Natur-Kraft wird zu Energieball und Geheimpower hat eine 30-prozentige Chance, Schlaf zu verursachen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Grasfeld ist. -showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. Power is multiplied by 1.5 during Gravity's effect. -showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Target: 100% -1 Def. During Gravity: 1.5x power. +showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. Während der Wirkung von Erdanziehung wird die Kraft mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Ziel: 100 % -1 Def. Während der Erdanziehung: 1,5-fache Leistung. -showdown.moves.gravity.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. -showdown.moves.gravity.shortDesc=5 turns: no Ground immunities, 1.67x accuracy. -showdown.moves.gravity.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected, but will be prevented at execution during this effect. -showdown.moves.gravity.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. -showdown.moves.gravity.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. -showdown.moves.gravity.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, and Magnet Rise end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, and Splash are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. +showdown.moves.gravity.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Ausweichfähigkeit aller aktiven Pokémon mit 0,6 multipliziert. Zum Zeitpunkt der Nutzung enden Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Magnetflug, Freier Fall und Telekinese sofort für alle aktiven Pokémon. Während des Effekts werden Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Fliegening Press, Turmkick, Sprungkick, Magnetflug, Freier Fall, Platscher und Telekinese von allen aktiven Pokémon daran gehindert, verwendet zu werden. Bodenangriffe, Stachler, Toxin-Stachler, Klebenetz und die Arena-Falle-Fähigkeit können fliegende Typen oder Pokémon mit der Levitate-Fähigkeit beeinflussen. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Zug bereits ausgeführt wird. +showdown.moves.gravity.shortDesc=5 Runden: keine Bodenimmunität, 1,67-fache Genauigkeit. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen7.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Ausweichfähigkeit aller aktiven Pokémon mit 0,6 multipliziert. Zum Zeitpunkt der Nutzung enden Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Magnetflug, Freier Fall und Telekinese sofort für alle aktiven Pokémon. Während des Effekts werden Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Fliegening Press, Turmkick, Sprungkick, Magnetflug, Freier Fall, Platscher und Telekinese von allen aktiven Pokémon daran gehindert, verwendet zu werden. Bodenangriffe, Stachler, Toxin-Stachler, Klebenetz und die Arena-Falle-Fähigkeit können fliegende Typen oder Pokémon mit der Levitate-Fähigkeit beeinflussen. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Zug bereits ausgeführt wird. Relevante Z-Powered-Moves können weiterhin ausgewählt werden, werden jedoch während dieses Effekts bei der Ausführung verhindert. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen6.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Ausweichfähigkeit aller aktiven Pokémon mit 0,6 multipliziert. Zum Zeitpunkt der Nutzung enden Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Magnetflug, Freier Fall und Telekinese sofort für alle aktiven Pokémon. Während des Effekts werden Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Fliegening Press, Turmkick, Sprungkick, Magnetflug, Freier Fall, Platscher und Telekinese von allen aktiven Pokémon daran gehindert, verwendet zu werden. Bodenangriffe, Stachler, Toxin-Stachler, Klebenetz und die Arena-Falle-Fähigkeit können fliegende Typen oder Pokémon mit der Levitate-Fähigkeit beeinflussen. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Zug bereits ausgeführt wird. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen5.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Ausweichfähigkeit aller aktiven Pokémon mit 0,6 multipliziert. Zum Zeitpunkt der Nutzung enden Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Magnetflug, Freier Fall und Telekinese sofort für alle aktiven Pokémon. Während des Effekts werden Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Turmkick, Sprungkick, Magnetflug, Freier Fall, Platscher und Telekinese von allen aktiven Pokémon daran gehindert, verwendet zu werden. Bodenangriffe, Stachler, Toxin-Stachler und die Arena-Falle-Fähigkeit können fliegende Typen oder Pokémon mit der Levitate-Fähigkeit beeinflussen. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Zug bereits ausgeführt wird. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen4.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Ausweichfähigkeit aller aktiven Pokémon mit 0,6 multipliziert. Zum Zeitpunkt der Nutzung enden Sprungfeder, Fliegen und Magnetflug sofort für alle aktiven Pokémon. Während des Effekts wird verhindert, dass Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Turmkick, Sprungkick, Magnetflug und Platscher von allen aktiven Pokémon verwendet werden. Bodenangriffe, Stachler, Toxin-Stachler und die Arena-Falle-Fähigkeit können fliegende Typen oder Pokémon mit der Levitate-Fähigkeit beeinflussen. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Zug bereits ausgeführt wird. -showdown.moves.growl.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.growl.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Attack by 1. -showdown.moves.growl.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.growl.desc=Senkt den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.growl.shortDesc=Verringert den Angriff des Gegners um 1. +showdown.moves.growl.gen2.shortDesc=Verringert den Angriff des Ziels um 1. -showdown.moves.growth.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella, this move will only raise the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage, even if the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land. -showdown.moves.growth.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1; 2 in Sun. -showdown.moves.growth.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.growth.gen5.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.growth.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.growth.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1. -showdown.moves.growth.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.growth.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 1. +showdown.moves.growth.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Wenn das Wetter Sonnentag oder Trostloses Land ist, erhöht dieser Zug den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. Wenn der Benutzer einen Utility-Regenschirm hält, erhöht diese Bewegung den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Benutzers nur um eine Stufe, selbst wenn das Wetter Sonnentag oder Trostloses Land ist. +showdown.moves.growth.shortDesc=Erhöht Angriff und SP des Benutzers. Angriff um 1; 2 in der Sonne. +showdown.moves.growth.gen7.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Wenn das Wetter Sonnentag oder Trostloses Land ist, erhöht dieser Zug den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.growth.gen5.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, erhöht dieser Zug den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.growth.gen4.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.growth.gen4.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Angriff um 1. +showdown.moves.growth.gen1.desc=Erhöht den Spezialwert des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.growth.gen1.shortDesc=Erhöht den Spezialwert des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.grudge.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that move loses all its remaining PP. -showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=If the user faints, the attack used loses all its PP. -showdown.moves.grudge.activate=%s's %s lost all of its PP due to the grudge! -showdown.moves.grudge.start=%s wants its target to bear a grudge! +showdown.moves.grudge.desc=Wenn der Benutzer bis zum nächsten Zug des Benutzers durch den Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon bewusstlos wird, verliert dieser Zug alle verbleibenden PP. +showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=Wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird, verliert der verwendete Angriff alle PP. +showdown.moves.grudge.activate=%s' %s hat aufgrund des Grolls alle PP verloren! +showdown.moves.grudge.start=%s möchte, dass sein Ziel einen Groll hegt! Wächter -showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to 3/4 of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 3/4 target's current HP. +showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von 3/4 seiner aktuellen HP zu, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe von 3/4 der aktuellen HP des Ziels. -showdown.moves.guardsplit.desc=The user and the target have their Defense and Special Defense stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Defense and Special Defense stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. -showdown.moves.guardsplit.shortDesc=Averages Defense and Sp. Def stats with target. -showdown.moves.guardsplit.activate=%s shared its guard with the target! +showdown.moves.guardsplit.desc=Die Verteidigungs- und Spezialverteidigungsstatistiken des Benutzers und des Ziels werden so eingestellt, dass sie dem Durchschnitt der Verteidigungs- und Spezialverteidigungsstatistiken des Benutzers bzw. des Ziels entsprechen, abgerundet. Änderungen der Stat-Stufe bleiben davon unberührt. +showdown.moves.guardsplit.shortDesc=Durchschnittliche Verteidigung und Sp. Def-Statistiken mit Ziel. +showdown.moves.guardsplit.activate=%s hat seine Wache mit dem Ziel geteilt! -showdown.moves.guardswap.desc=The user swaps its Defense and Special Defense stat stage changes with the target. -showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Swaps Defense and Sp. Def changes with target. +showdown.moves.guardswap.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht die Änderungen seiner Verteidigungs- und Spezialverteidigungsstatistiken mit dem Ziel aus. +showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Tauscht Verteidigung und Sp. aus. Def ändert sich mit dem Ziel. -showdown.moves.guillotine.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.guillotine.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. -showdown.moves.guillotine.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. -showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. -showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. +showdown.moves.guillotine.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen HP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. +showdown.moves.guillotine.shortDesc=OHKOt das Ziel. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer eine niedrigere Ebene hat. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen2.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs von 256 entspricht dem kleineren Wert von (2 * (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels) + 76) und 255, bevor Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren angewendet werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einer höheren Ebene befindet. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels größer ist als die des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.shortDesc=Verursacht 65535 Schaden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel schneller ist.ülltreffer -showdown.moves.gunkshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.gunkshot.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.gunkshot.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.gunkshot.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu vergiften.ß -showdown.moves.gust.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.gust.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce, Fly, and Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.gust.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. -showdown.moves.gust.gen4.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce and Fly. -showdown.moves.gust.gen2.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Fly. -showdown.moves.gust.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles during Fly. +showdown.moves.gust.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall verwendet oder unter der Wirkung von Freier Fall steht. +showdown.moves.gust.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich während Sprungfeder, Fliegen und Freier Fall. +showdown.moves.gust.gen4.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Sprungfeder oder Fliegen verwendet. +showdown.moves.gust.gen4.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich bei Sprungfeder und Fliegen. +showdown.moves.gust.gen2.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Fliegen verwendet. +showdown.moves.gust.gen2.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich während des Fliegens. showdown.moves.gust.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.gust.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 1. -showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=More power the slower the user than the target. -showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. ball +showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Die Kraft ist gleich (25 * aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Ziels / aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers) + 1, abgerundet, aber nicht mehr als 150. Wenn die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers 0 ist, beträgt die Kraft dieser Bewegung 1. +showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=Je mehr Leistung, desto langsamer der Benutzer als das Ziel. +showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=Die Kraft entspricht (25 * aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Ziels / aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers) + 1, abgerundet, aber nicht mehr als 150. Wenn die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers 0 ist, wird sie stattdessen als 1 behandelt. -showdown.moves.hail.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, Overcoat, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. -showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=For 5 turns, hail crashes down. -showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. -showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type. Fails if the current weather is Hail. +showdown.moves.hail.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Hagelsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie gehören zum Eistyp oder verfügen über die Fähigkeiten Eiskörper, Magischer Schutz, Mantel oder Schneeumhang. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Icy Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Hagelsturm ist. +showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=5 Runden lang prasselt Hagel nieder. +showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Hagelsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Eis oder verfügen über die Fähigkeiten Eiskörper, Magischer Schutz oder Schneemantel. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Icy Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Hagelsturm ist. +showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Hagelsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, es handelt sich um einen Eistyp. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Hagelsturm ist. -showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1. Zeiten -showdown.moves.happyhour.shortDesc=No competitive use. -showdown.moves.happyhour.activate=Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere! +showdown.moves.happyhour.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. +showdown.moves.happyhour.activate=Alle sind von der fröhlichen Atmosphäre erfasst!ärtner -showdown.moves.harden.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.harden.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.harden.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.harden.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.haze.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. -showdown.moves.haze.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. -showdown.moves.haze.gen1.desc=Resets the stat stages of both Pokemon to 0 and removes stat reductions due to burn and paralysis. Resets Toxic counters to 0 and removes the effect of confusion, Disable, Focus Energy, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mist, and Reflect from both Pokemon. Removes the opponent's non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.haze.gen1.shortDesc=Resets all stat changes. Removes foe's status. -showdown.moves.haze.activate=All STATUS changes are eliminated! +showdown.moves.haze.desc=Setzt die Statusstufen aller aktiven Pokémon auf 0 zurück. +showdown.moves.haze.shortDesc=Eliminiert alle Statusänderungen. +showdown.moves.haze.gen1.desc=Setzt die Statusstufen beider Pokémon auf 0 zurück und entfernt Statusreduzierungen aufgrund von Verbrennung und Lähmung. Setzt die Toxin-Zähler auf 0 zurück und entfernt den Effekt von Verwirrung, Aussetzer, Energiefokus, Egelsamen, Lichtschild, Weißnebel und Reflektor von beiden Pokémon. Entfernt den nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand des Gegners. +showdown.moves.haze.gen1.shortDesc=Setzt alle Statusänderungen zurück. Entfernt den Status des Gegners. +showdown.moves.haze.activate=Alle STATUS-Änderungen werden eliminiert! -showdown.moves.headbutt.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.headbutt.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen.ädel -showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Hat 1/4 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung und SP des Benutzers. Verteidigung um 1.ß -showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. -showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Hat 1/2 Rückstoß. +showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. -showdown.moves.healbell.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. -showdown.moves.healbell.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. -showdown.moves.healbell.gen7.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. -showdown.moves.healbell.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are also cured. -showdown.moves.healbell.gen4.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. -showdown.moves.healbell.gen2.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.healbell.activate=A bell chimed! +showdown.moves.healbell.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. Aktive Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Schallschutz werden nicht geheilt, es sei denn, sie sind der Benutzer. +showdown.moves.healbell.shortDesc=Behebt die Gruppe des Benutzers von allen Statuszuständen. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen7.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. Aktive Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Schallschutz werden nicht geheilt. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen5.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. Aktive Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Schallschutz werden ebenfalls geheilt. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen4.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Schalldicht werden nicht geheilt. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen2.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. +showdown.moves.healbell.activate=Eine Glocke läutete! -showdown.moves.healblock.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. -showdown.moves.healblock.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the foe(s) is prevented from healing. -showdown.moves.healblock.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.healblock.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. -showdown.moves.healblock.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing moves are unusable, move effects that grant healing will not heal, but Abilities and items will continue to heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under the effect. Pain Split is unaffected. -showdown.moves.healblock.start=%s was prevented from healing! -showdown.moves.healblock.end=%s's Heal Block wore off! -showdown.moves.healblock.cant=%s can't use %s because of Heal Block! it failed to affect %s! +showdown.moves.healblock.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine HP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heil- und Entzugsattacken unbrauchbar und Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände, die Heilung gewähren, heilen den Benutzer nicht. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, kann das Ersatz-Pokémon seine HP weiterhin nicht wiederherstellen. Leidteiler und die Regenerator-Fähigkeit bleiben davon unberührt. +showdown.moves.healblock.shortDesc=Der/die Gegner wird 5 Runden lang an der Heilung gehindert. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen7.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine HP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heil- und Entzugsattacken unbrauchbar und Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände, die Heilung gewähren, heilen den Benutzer nicht. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, kann das Ersatz-Pokémon seine HP weiterhin nicht wiederherstellen. Leidteiler und die Regeneratorfähigkeit bleiben davon unberührt. Während dieses Effekts können weiterhin relevante Z-Powered-Moves ausgewählt und ausgeführt werden. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen6.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine HP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heil- und Entzugsattacken unbrauchbar und Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände, die Heilung gewähren, heilen den Benutzer nicht. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, kann das Ersatz-Pokémon seine HP weiterhin nicht wiederherstellen. Leidteiler und die Regeneratorfähigkeit bleiben davon unberührt. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen4.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine HP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heilattacken unbrauchbar. Bewegungseffekte, die Heilung gewähren, heilen nicht, Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände heilen den Benutzer jedoch weiterhin. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz unter dem Effekt. Leidteiler bleibt davon unberührt. +showdown.moves.healblock.start=Die Heilung von %s wurde verhindert! +showdown.moves.healblock.end=Die Heilblockade von %s hat nachgelassen! +showdown.moves.healblock.cant=%s kann %s wegen Heilblockade nicht verwenden! es hatte keine Auswirkungen auf %s! -showdown.moves.healingwish.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP is fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets either of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.healingwish.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pokemon is fully healed. -showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed. -showdown.moves.healingwish.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.healingwish.heal=The healing wish came true for %s! +showdown.moves.healingwish.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht, und wenn das als Ersatz herausgebrachte Pokémon nicht über volle HP verfügt oder sich in einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befindet, werden seine HP vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Der Ersatz wird am Ende des Zuges verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Dieser Effekt hält an, bis ein Pokémon, das eine dieser Bedingungen erfüllt, an der Position des Benutzers einwechselt oder durch Seitentausch auf die Position getauscht wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.healingwish.shortDesc=Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Das nächste verletzte Pokémon ist vollständig geheilt. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die HP des Pokémon, das als Ersatz herangezogen wird, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird am Ende des Zuges ausgesandt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.shortDesc=Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Der Ersatz ist vollständig verheilt. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die HP des Pokémon, das als Ersatz herangezogen wird, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird sofort verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, nachdem die Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.healingwish.heal=Für %s ist der Heilungswunsch in Erfüllung gegangen! -showdown.moves.healorder.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.healorder.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.healpulse.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user has the Mega Launcher Ability, the target instead restores 3/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.healpulse.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.healpulse.gen5.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.healpulse.desc=Das Ziel stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn der Benutzer über die Mega Launcher-Fähigkeit verfügt, stellt das Ziel stattdessen 3/4 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.healpulse.shortDesc=Heilt das Ziel um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.healpulse.gen5.desc=Das Ziel stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. -showdown.moves.heartstamp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.heartstamp.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.heartswap.desc=The user swaps all its stat stage changes with the target. -showdown.moves.heartswap.shortDesc=Swaps all stat changes with target. -showdown.moves.heatcrash.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.heatcrash.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. -showdown.moves.heatcrash.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. +showdown.moves.heartswap.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht alle Änderungen seiner Statusstufe mit dem Ziel aus. +showdown.moves.heartswap.shortDesc=Tauscht alle Statusänderungen mit dem Ziel aus. +showdown.moves.heatcrash.desc=Die Kraft dieser Bewegung hängt ab von (Gewicht des Benutzers / Gewicht des Ziels), abgerundet. Die Leistung beträgt 120, wenn das Ergebnis 5 oder mehr ist, 100, wenn 4, 80, wenn 3, 60, wenn 2, und 40, wenn 1 oder weniger. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.heatcrash.shortDesc=Je mehr Leistung, desto schwerer der Benutzer als das Ziel. +showdown.moves.heatcrash.gen5.desc=Die Kraft dieser Bewegung hängt ab von (Gewicht des Benutzers / Gewicht des Ziels), abgerundet. Die Leistung beträgt 120, wenn das Ergebnis 5 oder mehr ist, 100, wenn 4, 80, wenn 3, 60, wenn 2, und 40, wenn 1 oder weniger. -showdown.moves.heatwave.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.heatwave.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the foe(s). +showdown.moves.heatwave.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.heatwave.shortDesc=10 % Chance, den/die Gegner zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.heavyslam.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.heavyslam.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. -showdown.moves.heavyslam.gen6.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. +showdown.moves.heavyslam.desc=Die Kraft dieser Bewegung hängt ab von (Gewicht des Benutzers / Gewicht des Ziels), abgerundet. Die Leistung beträgt 120, wenn das Ergebnis 5 oder mehr ist, 100, wenn 4, 80, wenn 3, 60, wenn 2, und 40, wenn 1 oder weniger. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.heavyslam.shortDesc=Je mehr Leistung, desto schwerer der Benutzer als das Ziel. +showdown.moves.heavyslam.gen6.desc=Die Kraft dieser Bewegung hängt ab von (Gewicht des Benutzers / Gewicht des Ziels), abgerundet. Die Leistung beträgt 120, wenn das Ergebnis 5 oder mehr ist, 100, wenn 4, 80, wenn 3, 60, wenn 2, und 40, wenn 1 oder weniger. Hand -showdown.moves.helpinghand.desc=The power of the target's attack this turn is multiplied by 1.5 (this effect is stackable). Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user or if the ally already moved this turn, but does not fail if the ally is using a two-turn move. -showdown.moves.helpinghand.shortDesc=One adjacent ally's move power is 1.5x this turn. -showdown.moves.helpinghand.start=%s is ready to help %s! +showdown.moves.helpinghand.desc=Die Angriffskraft des Ziels in diesem Zug wird mit 1,5 multipliziert (dieser Effekt ist stapelbar). Schlägt fehl, wenn sich kein Verbündeter in der Nähe des Benutzers befindet oder wenn der Verbündete sich in dieser Runde bereits bewegt hat, schlägt jedoch nicht fehl, wenn der Verbündete eine zwei Runden lange Bewegung ausführt. +showdown.moves.helpinghand.shortDesc=Die Bewegungskraft eines benachbarten Verbündeten beträgt in diesem Zug das 1,5-fache. +showdown.moves.helpinghand.start=%s ist bereit, %s zu helfen!ürde -showdown.moves.hex.desc=Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.hex.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target has a status ailment. +showdown.moves.hex.desc=Die Leistung verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat. +showdown.moves.hex.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel eine Statusbeeinträchtigung hat. -showdown.moves.hiddenpower.desc=This move's type depends on the user's individual values (IVs), and can be any type but Fairy and Normal. -showdown.moves.hiddenpower.shortDesc=Varies in type based on the user's IVs. -showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.desc=This move's type and power depend on the user's individual values (IVs). Power varies between 30 and 70, and type can be any but Normal. -showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.shortDesc=Varies in power and type based on the user's IVs. Power Bug Power Dark Power Dragon +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.desc=Der Typ dieser Bewegung hängt von den individuellen Werten (IVs) des Benutzers ab und kann jeder Typ außer Fee und Normal sein. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.shortDesc=Variiert im Typ je nach den Infusionen des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.desc=Art und Kraft dieser Bewegung hängen von den individuellen Werten (IVs) des Benutzers ab. Die Leistung variiert zwischen 30 und 70 und der Typ kann alles andere als Normal sein. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.shortDesc=Variiert in Leistung und Typ je nach den Infusionen des Benutzers. Power-Bug Macht, dunkel Machtdrache Power Electric Power Fighting Power Fire Power Flying Power Ghost Power Grass Power Ground Power Ice Power Poison Power Psychic Power Rock Power Steel Power Water mit versteckter Kraft mit versteckter Kraft mit verborgener Macht mit versteckter Kraft Energiegrund mit versteckter Kraft Machtgift mit verborgener Macht Kraftfelsen Kraftstahl Kraftwasserärke showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to 1/8 the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, as crash damage. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe der Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels, wenn das Ziel immun war, abgerundet, andernfalls die Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP und nicht mehr mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer die Hälfte des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe der Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP und nicht mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels Unfallschaden. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer die Hälfte des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe von 1/8 des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP, als Absturzschaden. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer 1/8 des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff das Ziel verfehlt, erleidet der Benutzer 1 HP Unfallschaden. Wenn der Benutzer einen Ersatz hat, wird der Absturzschaden dem Ersatz des Ziels zugefügt, sofern dieser einen hat, andernfalls wird kein Absturzschaden zugefügt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erleidet 1 HP Schaden, wenn er fehlschlägt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.damage=%s ging weiter und stürzte ab!ückhaltung -showdown.moves.holdback.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. -showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. +showdown.moves.holdback.desc=Hinterlässt beim Ziel mindestens 1 HP. +showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Verlässt das Ziel immer mit mindestens 1 HP.ändchenhalten -showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=No competitive use. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. -showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich kein Verbündeter neben dem Benutzer befindet. +showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. -showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und die Genauigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff und die Genauigkeit des Benutzers um 1. showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. -showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. -showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. -showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. +showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen HP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. +showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOt das Ziel. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer eine niedrigere Ebene hat. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs von 256 entspricht dem kleineren Wert von (2 * (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels) + 76) und 255, bevor Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren angewendet werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einer höheren Ebene befindet. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels größer ist als die des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Verursacht 65535 Schaden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel schneller ist. -showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.howl.desc=Raises the Attack of the user and all allies 1 stage. -showdown.moves.howl.shortDesc=Raises the user's and ally's Attack by 1. -showdown.moves.howl.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.howl.gen7.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.howl.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers und aller Verbündeten um eine Stufe. +showdown.moves.howl.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers und seines Verbündeten um 1. +showdown.moves.howl.gen7.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.howl.gen7.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.hurricane.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. -showdown.moves.hurricane.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse target. Can't miss in rain. -showdown.moves.hurricane.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. -showdown.moves.hurricane.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.hurricane.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. Diese Bewegung kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall treffen oder steht unter der Wirkung von Freier Fall. Wenn das Wetter Urmeer oder Regentanz ist, wird durch diese Bewegung die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. Wenn das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, beträgt die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung 50 %. Wenn dieser Zug gegen ein Pokémon mit Utility-Regenschirm eingesetzt wird, bleibt die Genauigkeit dieses Zuges bei 70 %. +showdown.moves.hurricane.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren. Bei Regen nicht zu übersehen. +showdown.moves.hurricane.gen7.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. Diese Bewegung kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall treffen oder steht unter der Wirkung von Freier Fall. Wenn das Wetter Urmeer oder Regentanz ist, wird durch diese Bewegung die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. Wenn das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, beträgt die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung 50 %. +showdown.moves.hurricane.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. Diese Bewegung kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall treffen oder steht unter der Wirkung von Freier Fall. Wenn das Wetter Regentanz ist, prüft dieser Zug nicht die Genauigkeit. Bei Sonnentag beträgt die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung 50 %. -showdown.moves.hydrocannon.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.hydrocannon.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.hydrocannon.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.hydrocannon.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. showdown.moves.hydropump.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=If the current weather is Sunny Day and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella, this move's damage is multiplied by 1.5 instead of halved for being Water type. -showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=During Sunny Day: 1.5x damage instead of half. +showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=Wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sonnentag ist und der Benutzer keinen Utility-Regenschirm hält, wird der Schaden dieser Bewegung mit 1,5 multipliziert statt halbiert, da es sich um einen Wassertyp handelt. +showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=Während des Sonnentags: 1,5-facher Schaden statt der Hälfte. -showdown.moves.hydrovortex.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.hydrovortex.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.hyperbeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.hyperbeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. -showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move, unless the target or its substitute was knocked out by this move. -showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Can't move next turn if target or sub is not KOed. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen, es sei denn, das Ziel oder sein Stellvertreter wurde durch diesen Zug bewusstlos. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen, wenn das Ziel oder U-Boot nicht KO ist. -showdown.moves.hyperdrill.shortDesc=Bypasses protection without breaking it. +showdown.moves.hyperdrill.shortDesc=Umgeht den Schutz, ohne ihn zu brechen. -showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Lowers user's Def by 1; breaks protect. -showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.activate=It broke through %s's protection! %s can't use the move! +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Dieser Zug kann nicht erfolgreich eingesetzt werden, es sei denn, die aktuelle Form des Benutzers, während er Wandler in Betracht zieht, ist Hoopa Unbound. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Bunker, Scanner, Königsschild, Schutzschild oder Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Senkt die Def des Benutzers um 1; Pausen schützen. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Dieser Zug kann nicht erfolgreich eingesetzt werden, es sei denn, die aktuelle Form des Benutzers, während er Wandler in Betracht zieht, ist Hoopa Unbound. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Scanner, den Königsschild, das Schutzschild oder das Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.activate=Es hat den Schutz von %s durchbrochen! %s kann den Umzug nicht nutzen! -showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Breaks the target's protection for this turn. -showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=It broke through %s's protection! +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Bunker, Scanner, Königsschild, Schutzschild oder Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Unterbricht den Schutz des Ziels für diesen Zug. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Scanner, den Königsschild, das Schutzschild oder das Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=Es hat den Schutz von %s durchbrochen! showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. -showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Lässt das Ziel einschlafen. -showdown.moves.iceball.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. -showdown.moves.iceball.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. -showdown.moves.iceball.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. -showdown.moves.iceball.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. +showdown.moves.iceball.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, ist der Benutzer an diesen Zug gebunden und kann keinen weiteren Zug ausführen, bis er fehlschlägt, 5 Runden vergangen sind oder der Angriff nicht ausgeführt werden kann. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem erfolgreichen Treffer dieses Zuges und verdoppelt sich erneut, wenn Einigler zuvor vom Benutzer verwendet wurde. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet. +showdown.moves.iceball.shortDesc=Mit jedem Treffer verdoppelt sich die Kraft. Wird 5 Runden lang wiederholt. +showdown.moves.iceball.gen7.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, ist der Benutzer an diesen Zug gebunden und kann keinen weiteren Zug ausführen, bis er fehlschlägt, 5 Runden vergangen sind oder der Angriff nicht ausgeführt werden kann. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem erfolgreichen Treffer dieses Zuges und verdoppelt sich noch einmal, wenn Einigler zuvor vom Benutzer verwendet wurde. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet. Wenn dieser Zug während des Effekts eine aktive Verkleidung trifft, wird der Kraftmultiplikator angehalten, der Rundenzähler jedoch nicht, sodass der Multiplikator möglicherweise beim nächsten Zug des Benutzers verwendet werden kann, nachdem dieser Effekt endet. +showdown.moves.iceball.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, ist der Benutzer an diesen Zug gebunden und kann keinen weiteren Zug ausführen, bis er fehlschlägt, 5 Runden vergangen sind oder der Angriff nicht ausgeführt werden kann. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem erfolgreichen Treffer dieses Zuges und verdoppelt sich noch einmal, wenn Einigler zuvor vom Benutzer verwendet wurde. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet. -showdown.moves.icebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.icebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.icebeam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel einzufrieren. +showdown.moves.icebeam.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel einzufrieren. -showdown.moves.iceburn.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.iceburn.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% burn. -showdown.moves.iceburn.prepare=%s became cloaked in freezing air! +showdown.moves.iceburn.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.iceburn.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs Runde 1. Treffer Runde 2. 30 % Verbrennung. +showdown.moves.iceburn.prepare=%s wurde in eiskalte Luft gehüllt! -showdown.moves.icefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. -showdown.moves.icefang.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.moves.icefang.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel einzufrieren, und eine Chance von 10 %, es zum Zucken zu bringen. +showdown.moves.icefang.shortDesc=10 % Chance zum Einfrieren. 10 % Chance, zusammenzuzucken. -showdown.moves.icehammer.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.icehammer.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.icehammer.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.icehammer.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.icepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.icepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.icepunch.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel einzufrieren. +showdown.moves.icepunch.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel einzufrieren. showdown.moves.iceshard.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.iceshard.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.iceshard.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. -showdown.moves.icespinner.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.icespinner.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. +showdown.moves.icespinner.desc=Beendet die Effekte von Elektrofeld, Grasfeld, Weißnebely Terrain und Psychokinese Terrain. +showdown.moves.icespinner.shortDesc=Beendet die Auswirkungen des Geländes. -showdown.moves.iciclecrash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.iciclecrash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.iciclecrash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.iciclecrash.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.iciclespear.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.iciclespear.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. -showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.icywind.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.icywind.gen2.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.icywind.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des/der Gegner(s) um 1 zu verringern. +showdown.moves.icywind.gen2.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.imprison.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. -showdown.moves.imprison.shortDesc=No foe can use any move known by the user. -showdown.moves.imprison.gen7.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.imprison.gen6.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. -showdown.moves.imprison.gen4.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Fails if no opposing Pokemon know any of the user's moves. -showdown.moves.imprison.start=%s sealed any moves its target shares with it! -showdown.moves.imprison.cant=%s can't use its sealed %s! +showdown.moves.imprison.desc=Der Benutzer verhindert, dass alle gegnerischen Pokémon Attacken ausführen, die der Benutzer auch kennt, solange der Benutzer aktiv bleibt. +showdown.moves.imprison.shortDesc=Kein Gegner kann eine dem Benutzer bekannte Bewegung ausführen. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer verhindert, dass alle gegnerischen Pokémon Attacken ausführen, die der Benutzer auch kennt, solange der Benutzer aktiv bleibt. Während dieses Effekts können weiterhin Attacken mit Z-Antrieb ausgewählt und ausgeführt werden. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer verhindert, dass alle gegnerischen Pokémon Attacken ausführen, die der Benutzer auch kennt, solange der Benutzer aktiv bleibt. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verhindert, dass alle gegnerischen Pokémon Attacken ausführen, die der Benutzer auch kennt, solange der Benutzer aktiv bleibt. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein gegnerisches Pokémon die Attacken des Benutzers kennt. +showdown.moves.imprison.start=%s hat alle Attacken versiegelt, die sein Ziel mit ihm teilt! +showdown.moves.imprison.cant=%s kann sein versiegeltes %s nicht verwenden!äschern -showdown.moves.incinerate.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry or a Gem. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.incinerate.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry/Gem. -showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry. -showdown.moves.incinerate.removeItem=%s's %s was burned up! +showdown.moves.incinerate.desc=Das Ziel verliert seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand, wenn es eine Beere oder ein Edelstein ist. Dieser Zug kann nicht dazu führen, dass Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ihren gehaltenen Gegenstand verlieren. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.incinerate.shortDesc=Zerstört die Beere/den Edelstein des Gegners. +showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.desc=Das Ziel verliert seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand, wenn es eine Beere ist. Dieser Zug kann nicht dazu führen, dass Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ihren gehaltenen Gegenstand verlieren. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.shortDesc=Zerstört den/die Gegner Berry. +showdown.moves.incinerate.removeItem=%s' %s wurde verbrannt! -showdown.moves.infernalparade.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.infernalparade.shortDesc=30% burn. 2x power if target is already statused. +showdown.moves.infernalparade.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Die Leistung verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat. +showdown.moves.infernalparade.shortDesc=30 % Verbrennung. 2x Leistung, wenn das Ziel bereits einen Status hat. -showdown.moves.inferno.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.inferno.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Maxiflamme -showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.infestation.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.infestation.start=%s has been afflicted with an infestation by %s! +showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.infestation.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.infestation.start=%s wurde von einem Befall durch %s befallen! -showdown.moves.ingrain.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. -showdown.moves.ingrain.shortDesc=Traps/grounds user; heals 1/16 max HP per turn. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen7.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen5.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes and Toxic Spikes, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen4.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes and Toxic Spikes, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, and the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. Traps user. -showdown.moves.ingrain.start=%s planted its roots! -showdown.moves.ingrain.block=%s is anchored in place with its roots! -showdown.moves.ingrain.heal=%s absorbed nutrients with its roots! +showdown.moves.ingrain.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Benutzer kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn er Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen werden und von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und Klebenetz betroffen sein, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein Fliegentyp ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. +showdown.moves.ingrain.shortDesc=Benutzer von Fallen/Gelände; Heilt 1/16 maximale HP pro Runde. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Benutzer kann immer noch ausschalten, wenn er Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen werden und von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und Klebenetz betroffen sein, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein Fliegentyp ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Nutzer kann weiterhin auswechseln, wenn er Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel nutzt. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen und von Stachler und Toxin Stachler beeinflusst werden, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein fliegender Typ ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Nutzer kann immer noch aussteigen, wenn er Stafette oder Kehrtwende nutzt. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen und von Stachler und Toxin Stachler beeinflusst werden, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein fliegender Typ ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Benutzer kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn er Stafette verwendet, und der Ersatz bleibt gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stellt pro Runde maximal 1/16 HP wieder her. Traps-Benutzer. +showdown.moves.ingrain.start=%s hat seine Wurzeln gepflanzt! +showdown.moves.ingrain.block=%s ist mit seinen Wurzeln verankert! +showdown.moves.ingrain.heal=%s hat Nährstoffe mit seinen Wurzeln aufgenommen! -showdown.moves.instruct.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, Wicked Torque, any two-turn move, or any recharge move. -showdown.moves.instruct.shortDesc=The target immediately uses its last used move. -showdown.moves.instruct.gen8.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Max or G-Max Move. -showdown.moves.instruct.gen7.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Z-Move. -showdown.moves.instruct.activate=%s followed %s's instructions! +showdown.moves.instruct.desc=Das Ziel führt sofort seinen zuletzt verwendeten Zug aus. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat, wenn sich das Ziel auf den Einsatz von Schnabelkanone, Power-Punch oder Panzerfalle vorbereitet oder wenn die Bewegung Zuschuss, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Geduld, Hitzeturbo, Ehrentag ist. Geschwätz, Raufturbo, Imitator, Dynamax-Kanone, Power-Punch, Händchenhalten, Frostbeule, Kommando, King's Shield, Zauberturbo, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Toxiturbo, Abblocker, Wutanfall, Blättertanz, Walzer, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer , Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Fuchtler, Wandler, Aufruhr, Finsterturbo, jede Zwei-Runden-Bewegung oder jede Nachladebewegung. +showdown.moves.instruct.shortDesc=Das Ziel führt sofort seinen zuletzt verwendeten Zug aus. +showdown.moves.instruct.gen8.desc=Das Ziel führt sofort seinen zuletzt verwendeten Zug aus. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat, wenn das Ziel dynamisiert ist, wenn das Ziel sich auf den Einsatz von Schnabelkanone, Power-Punch oder Panzerfalle vorbereitet oder wenn es sich bei der Bewegung um Zuschuss, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser handelt. Geduld, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Imitator, Dynamax-Kanone, Power-Punch, Händchenhalten, Frostbeule, Kommando, King's Shield, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Abblocker, Wutanfall, Blättertanz, Walzer, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Schlafrede , Verzweifler, Fuchtler, Wandler, Aufruhr, jede Zwei-Runden-Bewegung, jede Nachladebewegung oder jede Max- oder G-Max-Bewegung. +showdown.moves.instruct.gen7.desc=Das Ziel führt sofort seinen zuletzt verwendeten Zug aus. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat, wenn sich das Ziel auf den Einsatz von Schnabelkanone, Power-Punch oder Panzerfalle vorbereitet oder wenn es sich bei der Bewegung um Zuschuss, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Geduld, Ehrentag, Geschwätz handelt. Imitator, Power-Punch, Händchenhalten, Frostbeule, Kommando, King's Shield, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Wutanfall, Blättertanz, Walzer, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Fuchtler, Wandler, Aufruhr, any two- Zugbewegung, jede Wiederaufladebewegung oder jede Z-Bewegung. +showdown.moves.instruct.activate=%s hat die Anweisungen von %s befolgt! -showdown.moves.iondeluge.desc=Causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. The effect happens after other effects that change a move's type. -showdown.moves.iondeluge.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. -showdown.moves.iondeluge.activate=A deluge of ions showers the battlefield! +showdown.moves.iondeluge.desc=Bewirkt, dass Attacken vom Typ Normal in diesem Zug zum Typ Elektrisch werden. Der Effekt tritt nach anderen Effekten ein, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern. +showdown.moves.iondeluge.shortDesc=Normale Attacken werden in diesem Zug zum elektrischen Typ. +showdown.moves.iondeluge.activate=Eine Flut von Ionen überschüttet das Schlachtfeld! -showdown.moves.irondefense.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.irondefense.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.irondefense.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.irondefense.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 2.ädel -showdown.moves.ironhead.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.ironhead.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.ironhead.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.ironhead.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.irontail.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.irontail.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken. -showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Prevents the user and the target from switching out. The user and the target can still switch out if either of them is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. -showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching out. +showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Verhindert, dass Benutzer und Ziel wechseln. Der Benutzer und das Ziel können immer noch wechseln, wenn einer von ihnen Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass Benutzer und Ziel wechseln.üsenhieb showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. -showdown.moves.judgment.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. -showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Plate. +showdown.moves.judgment.desc=Die Art dieser Bewegung hängt von der vom Benutzer gehaltenen Platte ab. +showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=Der Typ variiert je nach gehaltener Platte. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to 1/8 the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, as crash damage. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! +showdown.moves.jumpkick.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe der Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels, wenn das Ziel immun war, abgerundet, andernfalls die Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP und nicht mehr mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer die Hälfte des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe der Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP und nicht mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels Unfallschaden. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer die Hälfte des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe von 1/8 des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP, als Absturzschaden. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer 1/8 des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff das Ziel verfehlt, erleidet der Benutzer 1 HP Unfallschaden. Wenn der Benutzer einen Ersatz hat, wird der Absturzschaden dem Ersatz des Ziels zugefügt, sofern dieser einen hat, andernfalls wird kein Absturzschaden zugefügt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erleidet 1 HP Schaden, wenn er fehlschlägt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=%s ging weiter und stürzte ab! -showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. -showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. +showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet auf die Hälfte, und sein Statuszustand ist geheilt. +showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=Benutzer und Verbündete: 1/4 max. HP geheilt, Status geheilt. -showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.kinesis.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.kinesis.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1.'s Shield -showdown.moves.kingsshield.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Atk. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Atk. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.kinesis.desc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.kinesis.shortDesc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1.önigsschild +showdown.moves.kingsshield.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und der Angriff von Pokémon, die versuchen, mit dem Benutzer Kontakt aufzunehmen, wird um eine Stufe verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -1 Atk. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und der Angriff von Pokémon, die versuchen, mit dem Benutzer Kontakt aufzunehmen, wird um eine Stufe verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und der Angriff von Pokémon, die versuchen, mit dem Benutzer Kontakt aufzunehmen, wird um 2 Stufen verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -2 Atk. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und der Angriff von Pokémon, die versuchen, mit dem Benutzer Kontakt aufzunehmen, wird um 2 Stufen verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.knockoff.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.knockoff.shortDesc=1.5x damage if foe holds an item. Removes item. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen7.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot remove Z-Crystals, cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, cause Pokemon that can Mega Evolve to lose the Mega Stone for their species, or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, or Memory respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen6.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, cause Pokemon that can Mega Evolve to lose the Mega Stone for their species, or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, or Drive, respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, or force a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect to lose their Griseous Orb, Plate, or Drive, respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.shortDesc=Removes the target's held item. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of the battle, unless the item is a Griseous Orb or the target has the Multitype or Sticky Hold Abilities. During the effect, the target cannot obtain a new item by any means. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.shortDesc=Target's item is lost and it cannot obtain another. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen3.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of the battle, unless it has the Sticky Hold Ability. During the effect, the target cannot gain a new item by any means. -showdown.moves.knockoff.removeItem=%s knocked off %s's %s! +showdown.moves.knockoff.desc=Wenn das Ziel einen Gegenstand in der Hand hält, der von ihm entfernt werden kann, wird die Kraft dieser Bewegung mit 1,5 multipliziert, wobei die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ignoriert wird. Wenn der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, verliert das Ziel seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand. Diese Bewegung kann nicht dazu führen, dass Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ihren gehaltenen Gegenstand verlieren oder dass ein Kyogre, ein Groudon, ein Giratina, ein Arceus, ein Genesect, ein Silvally, ein Zacian oder ein Zamazenta ihre Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword bzw. Rusted Shield. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.knockoff.shortDesc=1,5-facher Schaden, wenn der Gegner einen Gegenstand hält. Entfernt den Artikel. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen7.desc=Wenn das Ziel einen Gegenstand in der Hand hält, der von ihm entfernt werden kann, wird die Kraft dieser Bewegung mit 1,5 multipliziert, wobei die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ignoriert wird. Wenn der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, verliert das Ziel seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand. Dieser Zug kann keine Z-Kristalle entfernen, dazu führen, dass Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ihren gehaltenen Gegenstand verlieren, dass Pokémon, die sich Mega-entwickeln können, den Mega-Stein für ihre Spezies verlieren, oder dazu führen, dass ein Kyogre, ein Groudon, ein Giratina, ein Arceus, ein Genesect oder ein Silvally, um jeweils seinen Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive oder Memory zu verlieren. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen6.desc=Wenn das Ziel einen Gegenstand in der Hand hält, der von ihm entfernt werden kann, wird die Kraft dieser Bewegung mit 1,5 multipliziert, wobei die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ignoriert wird. Wenn der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, verliert das Ziel seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand. Dieser Zug kann nicht dazu führen, dass Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ihren gehaltenen Gegenstand verlieren, dass Pokémon, die sich Mega-entwickeln können, den Mega-Stein für ihre Spezies verlieren oder dass ein Kyogre, ein Groudon, ein Giratina, ein Arceus oder ein Genesect verlieren ihr Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate oder Drive. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.desc=Wenn der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, verliert das Ziel seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand. Diese Bewegung kann nicht dazu führen, dass Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ihren gehaltenen Gegenstand verlieren oder ein Giratina, ein Arceus oder ein Genesect dazu gezwungen werden, ihre Griseous Orb, Plate oder Drive zu verlieren. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.shortDesc=Entfernt den gehaltenen Gegenstand des Ziels. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.desc=Der gehaltene Gegenstand des Ziels geht für den Rest des Kampfes verloren, es sei denn, der Gegenstand ist eine Grausige Kugel oder das Ziel verfügt über die Fähigkeiten Multitype oder Sticky Hold. Während des Effekts kann das Ziel auf keinen Fall einen neuen Gegenstand erhalten. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.shortDesc=Der Gegenstand des Ziels geht verloren und es kann keinen anderen erhalten. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen3.desc=Der vom Ziel gehaltene Gegenstand geht für den Rest des Kampfes verloren, es sei denn, er verfügt über die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold. Während des Effekts kann das Ziel auf keinen Fall einen neuen Gegenstand erhalten. +showdown.moves.knockoff.removeItem=%s hat %s von %s umgeworfen! -showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy.'s Wrath +showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. des Landes showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. -showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the user's attacks will be critical hits. -showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit. -showdown.moves.laserfocus.start=%s concentrated intensely! +showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Bis zum Ende der nächsten Runde sind die Angriffe des Benutzers kritische Treffer. +showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Bis zum Ende der nächsten Runde sind die Attacken des Benutzers kritisch. +showdown.moves.laserfocus.start=%s konzentrierte sich intensiv! -showdown.moves.lashout.desc=Power doubles if the user had a stat stage lowered this turn. -showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x power if the user had a stat lowered this turn. +showdown.moves.lashout.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn die Statusstufe des Benutzers in dieser Runde gesenkt wurde. +showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x Kraft, wenn der Wert des Benutzers in dieser Runde gesenkt wurde. -showdown.moves.lastresort.desc=This move fails unless the user knows this move and at least one other move, and has used all the other moves it knows at least once each since it became active or Transformed. -showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Fails unless each known move has been used. +showdown.moves.lastresort.desc=Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, es sei denn, der Benutzer kennt diesen Zug und mindestens einen anderen Zug und hat alle anderen ihm bekannten Züge jeweils mindestens einmal verwendet, seit er aktiv oder umgewandelt wurde. +showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, jeder bekannte Zug wurde verwendet. Ehre -showdown.moves.lastrespects.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side, and X cannot be greater than 100. -showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 power for each time a party member fainted. +showdown.moves.lastrespects.desc=Die Stärke beträgt 50+(X*50), wobei X die Gesamtzahl der Ohnmachtsanfälle eines Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers ist und X nicht größer als 100 sein kann. +showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 Kraft für jedes Mal, wenn ein Gruppenmitglied ohnmächtig wird. -showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30 % Chance, benachbarte Pokémon zu verbrennen. showdown.moves.leafage.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.leafblade.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.leafblade.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.leafblade.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.leafblade.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote.ättersturm -showdown.moves.leafstorm.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.leafstorm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.leafstorm.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.leafstorm.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Benutzers. Angriff um 2. -showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. -showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. -showdown.moves.leechlife.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. +showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. +showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.leechlife.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.leechseed.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Mortal Spin or Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. -showdown.moves.leechseed.shortDesc=1/8 of target's HP is restored to user every turn. -showdown.moves.leechseed.gen8.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. -showdown.moves.leechseed.gen3.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Rapid Spin, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. -showdown.moves.leechseed.gen1.desc=At the end of each of the target's turns, The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/16 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down and multiplied by the target's current Toxic counter if it has one, even if the target currently has less than that amount of HP remaining. If the target switches out or any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move. -showdown.moves.leechseed.start=%s was seeded! -showdown.moves.leechseed.end=%s was freed from Leech Seed! -showdown.moves.leechseed.damage=%s's health is sapped by Leech Seed! +showdown.moves.leechseed.desc=Das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers stiehlt am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 der maximalen HP des Ziels, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Empfänger gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, wird der Ersatz weiterhin ausgesaugt. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt oder Letalwirbler oder Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt, endet der Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind bei Verwendung gegen diese Attacke immun, nicht jedoch gegen deren Wirkung. +showdown.moves.leechseed.shortDesc=1/8 der HP des Ziels wird dem Benutzer in jeder Runde wiederhergestellt. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen8.desc=Das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers stiehlt am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 der maximalen HP des Ziels, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Empfänger gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, wird der Ersatz weiterhin ausgesaugt. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt oder Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt, endet der Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind bei Verwendung gegen diese Attacke immun, nicht jedoch gegen deren Wirkung. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen3.desc=Das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers stiehlt am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 der maximalen HP des Ziels, abgerundet. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, wird der Ersatz weiterhin ausgesaugt. Wenn das Ziel ausschaltet oder Turbodreher verwendet, endet der Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind bei Verwendung gegen diese Attacke immun, nicht jedoch gegen deren Wirkung. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen1.desc=Am Ende jeder Runde des Ziels stiehlt das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers 1/16 der maximalen HP des Ziels, abgerundet und multipliziert mit dem aktuellen Toxin-Zähler des Ziels, falls es einen hat, selbst wenn das Ziel derzeit weniger als diesen hat verbleibende HP-Menge. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt oder ein Pokémon Dunkelnebel verwendet, endet dieser Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind gegen diese Attacke immun. +showdown.moves.leechseed.start=%s wurde gesetzt! +showdown.moves.leechseed.end=%s wurde von Egelsamen befreit! +showdown.moves.leechseed.damage=Die Gesundheit von %s wird durch Egelsamen geschwächt! -showdown.moves.leer.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1.'s Snuggle Forever +showdown.moves.leer.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Gegners um 1. +showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1. uns für immer kuscheln showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.lick.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.lick.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max HP. +showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer und seine Verbündeten um 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP. Calamitatis -showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. +showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Hat 1/2 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.shortDesc=For 5 turns, special damage to allies is halved. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from special attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from special attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members have their Special Defense doubled. Critical hits ignore this effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user's party has doubled Sp. Def. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its Special is doubled when taking damage. Critical hits ignore this effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.shortDesc=While active, user's Special is 2x when damaged. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.start=%s's protected against special attacks! -showdown.moves.lightscreen.start=Light Screen made %s stronger against special moves! -showdown.moves.lightscreen.end=%s's Light Screen wore off! +showdown.moves.lightscreen.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder erleiden 5 Runden lang 0,5-fachen Schaden durch Spezialangriffe bzw. 0,66-fachen Schaden im Doppelkampf. Der Schaden wird durch Auroraschleier nicht weiter reduziert. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch, Psychokinese-Reißzähnen oder Auflockern getroffen wird. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Light Clay hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden wird der Spezialschaden an Verbündeten halbiert. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen6.desc=Für 5 Runden erleiden der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder 0,5-fachen Schaden durch Spezialangriffe oder 0,66-fachen Schaden, wenn sie sich in einem Doppel- oder Dreifachkampf befinden. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch oder Auflockern getroffen wird. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Light Clay hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen4.desc=Für 5 Runden erleiden der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder 1/2 Schaden durch Spezialangriffe oder 2/3 Schaden, wenn sich mehrere aktive Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers befinden. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch oder Auflockern getroffen wird. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Light Clay hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden erleiden der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder 1/2 Schaden durch Spezialangriffe oder 2/3 Schaden, wenn sich mehrere aktive Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers befinden. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch getroffen wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers und seiner Gruppenmitglieder verdoppelt. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden hat die Gruppe des Benutzers die SP verdoppelt. Def. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird sein Spezialeffekt verdoppelt, wenn er Schaden erleidet. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Wenn ein Pokémon Dunkelnebel verwendet, endet dieser Effekt. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.shortDesc=Während es aktiv ist, beträgt die Spezialkraft des Benutzers das Doppelte, wenn es beschädigt wird. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.start=%s ist gegen Spezialangriffe geschützt! +showdown.moves.lightscreen.start=Lichtschild hat %s stärker gegen Spezialattacken gemacht! +showdown.moves.lightscreen.end=%s' Lichtschild hat nachgelassen! des Erlöschens -showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.desc=Diese Bewegung wird zu einem physischen Angriff, wenn der Angriff des Benutzers größer ist als sein Spezialangriff, einschließlich Änderungen der Statusstufe. Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physisch, wenn der Angriff des Benutzers > SP ist. Angriff. Ignoriert Fähigkeiten.ß -showdown.moves.liquidation.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.liquidation.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.liquidation.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.liquidation.shortDesc=20 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken. -showdown.moves.lockon.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. -showdown.moves.lockon.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. -showdown.moves.lockon.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Mind Reader's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. -showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. -showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. -showdown.moves.lockon.start=%s took aim at %s! +showdown.moves.lockon.desc=Bis zum Ende der nächsten Runde kann das Ziel den Attacken des Benutzers nicht ausweichen, selbst wenn sich das Ziel mitten in einer zwei Runden langen Bewegung befindet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Effekt für den Benutzer aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.lockon.shortDesc=Der nächste Zug des Benutzers wird das Ziel nicht verfehlen. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen4.desc=Bis zum Ende der nächsten Runde kann das Ziel den Attacken des Benutzers nicht ausweichen, selbst wenn sich das Ziel mitten in einer zwei Runden langen Bewegung befindet. Wenn dieser Effekt gegen das Ziel gestartet wird, enden dieser und die Effekte von Willensleser für jedes andere Pokémon gegen dieses Ziel. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, wird dieser Effekt für den Ersatz erneut gegen dasselbe Ziel gestartet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.desc=Die nächste Genauigkeitsprüfung gegenüber dem Ziel ist erfolgreich. Das Ziel wird weiterhin Erdbeben, Geofissur und Intensität meiden, wenn es Fliegen verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Dieser Effekt endet, wenn das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder eine Genauigkeitsprüfung gegen es durchgeführt wird. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.shortDesc=Der nächste Zug wird das Ziel nicht verfehlen. +showdown.moves.lockon.start=%s hat auf %s gezielt! -showdown.moves.lovelykiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.lovelykiss.shortDesc=Lässt das Ziel einschlafen.ßkick -showdown.moves.lowkick.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. -showdown.moves.lowkick.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. -showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.lowkick.desc=Die Stärke dieser Bewegung beträgt 20, wenn das Ziel weniger als 10 kg wiegt, 40, wenn es weniger als 25 kg wiegt, 60, wenn es weniger als 50 kg wiegt, 80, wenn es weniger als 100 kg wiegt, 100, wenn es weniger als 200 kg wiegt, und 120, wenn es größer oder gleich ist 200 kg. +showdown.moves.lowkick.shortDesc=Je schwerer das Ziel, desto mehr Leistung. +showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen.ßtritt -showdown.moves.lowsweep.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.lowsweep.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.lowsweep.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.lowsweep.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern.örung -showdown.moves.luckychant.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot be struck by a critical hit. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.luckychant.shortDesc=For 5 turns, shields user's party from critical hits. -showdown.moves.luckychant.start=Lucky Chant shielded %s from critical hits! -showdown.moves.luckychant.end=%s's Lucky Chant wore off! +showdown.moves.luckychant.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder können 5 Runden lang nicht von einem kritischen Treffer getroffen werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.luckychant.shortDesc=Schützt die Gruppe des Benutzers 5 Runden lang vor kritischen Treffern. +showdown.moves.luckychant.start=Beschwörung schützte %s vor kritischen Treffern! +showdown.moves.luckychant.end=Die Beschwörung von %s hat nachgelassen! -showdown.moves.luminacrash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.luminacrash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. -showdown.moves.lunarblessing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. -showdown.moves.lunarblessing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. +showdown.moves.luminacrash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 2 Stufen zu senken. +showdown.moves.luminacrash.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 2. +showdown.moves.lunarblessing.desc=Jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet auf die Hälfte, und sein Statuszustand ist geheilt. +showdown.moves.lunarblessing.shortDesc=Benutzer und Verbündete: 1/4 max. HP geheilt, Status geheilt. -showdown.moves.lunardance.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or PP, or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP and PP are fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets any of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.lunardance.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pkmn is cured, max HP/PP. -showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed, with PP. -showdown.moves.lunardance.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=%s became cloaked in mystical moonlight! +showdown.moves.lunardance.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht, und wenn das als Ersatz herausgebrachte Pokémon nicht über volle HP oder PP verfügt oder sich in einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befindet, werden seine HP und PP vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Der Ersatz wird am Ende des Zuges verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Dieser Effekt hält an, bis ein Pokémon, das eine dieser Bedingungen erfüllt, an der Position des Benutzers einwechselt oder durch Seitentausch auf die Position getauscht wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.lunardance.shortDesc=Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Das nächste verletzte Pkmn ist geheilt, max. HP/PP. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die HP und PP des Pokémon, das ihn ersetzt, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird am Ende des Zuges ausgesandt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.shortDesc=Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Der Ersatz ist mit PP vollständig verheilt. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die HP und PP des Pokémon, das ihn ersetzt, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird sofort verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, nachdem die Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=%s wurde in mystisches Mondlicht gehüllt! -showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100 % Chance, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 1. showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. -showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. -showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.magicaltorque.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.magicaltorque.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.shortDesc=Bounces back certain non-damaging moves. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen5.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen4.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. If the move targets both opposing Pokemon, the Pokemon under this effect will reflect the move only targeting the original user. The effect ends once a move is reflected or at the end of the turn. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen3.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. If the move targets both opposing Pokemon and the Pokemon under this effect is on the left side, it will reflect the move targeting both opposing Pokemon and its ally will not be affected by the original move; otherwise, if the Pokemon under this effect is on the right side, its ally will be affected by the original move and this Pokemon will reflect the move only targeting the original user. The effect ends once a move is reflected or at the end of the turn. Moves reflected in this way can be reflected again by another Pokemon under this effect. If the user has the Soundproof Ability, it nullifies sound-based moves before this effect happens. The Lightning Rod Ability redirects Electric moves before this move takes effect. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.start=%s shrouded itself with Magic Coat! -showdown.moves.magiccoat.move=%s bounced the %s back! +showdown.moves.magiccoat.desc=Bis zum Ende der Runde ist der Benutzer von bestimmten, auf ihn gerichteten, nicht schädlichen Attacken nicht betroffen und wird diese Attacken stattdessen gegen den ursprünglichen Benutzer ausführen. Auf diese Weise reflektierte Attacken können weder durch diesen Effekt noch durch den Effekt der Fähigkeit Magische Sprungfeder erneut reflektiert werden. Stachler, Tarnsteine, Klebenetz und Toxin Stachler können nur einmal pro Seite vom ganz linken Pokémon unter diesem oder dem Effekt der Fähigkeit Magische Sprungfeder reflektiert werden. Die Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter und Storm Drain leiten ihre jeweiligen Attacken um, bevor diese Bewegung wirksam wird. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.shortDesc=Sprungfedern unterstützen bestimmte, nicht schädliche Attacken. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen5.desc=Bis zum Ende der Runde ist der Benutzer von bestimmten, auf ihn gerichteten, nicht schädlichen Attacken nicht betroffen und wird diese Attacken stattdessen gegen den ursprünglichen Benutzer ausführen. Auf diese Weise reflektierte Attacken können weder durch diesen Effekt noch durch den Effekt der Fähigkeit Magische Sprungfeder erneut reflektiert werden. Stachler, Tarnsteine und Toxin Stachler können nur einmal pro Seite vom ganz linken Pokémon unter diesem oder dem Effekt der Fähigkeit Magische Sprungfeder reflektiert werden. Die Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter und Storm Drain leiten ihre jeweiligen Attacken um, bevor diese Bewegung wirksam wird. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer ist von bestimmten, auf ihn gerichteten, nicht schädlichen Attacken nicht betroffen und wird diese Attacken stattdessen gegen den ursprünglichen Benutzer einsetzen. Wenn die Bewegung auf beide gegnerischen Pokémon abzielt, spiegelt das von diesem Effekt betroffene Pokémon die Bewegung wider und zielt nur auf den ursprünglichen Benutzer. Der Effekt endet, sobald eine Bewegung reflektiert wird oder am Ende des Zuges. Die Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter und Storm Drain leiten ihre jeweiligen Attacken um, bevor diese Bewegung wirksam wird. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer ist von bestimmten, auf ihn gerichteten, nicht schädlichen Attacken nicht betroffen und wird diese Attacken stattdessen gegen den ursprünglichen Benutzer einsetzen. Wenn die Bewegung auf beide gegnerischen Pokémon abzielt und sich das von diesem Effekt betroffene Pokémon auf der linken Seite befindet, spiegelt dies die Bewegung wider, die auf beide gegnerischen Pokémon abzielt, und sein Verbündeter wird von der ursprünglichen Bewegung nicht beeinflusst; Andernfalls, wenn sich das von diesem Effekt betroffene Pokémon auf der rechten Seite befindet, wird sein Verbündeter von der ursprünglichen Bewegung beeinflusst und dieses Pokémon spiegelt die Bewegung nur wider und zielt nur auf den ursprünglichen Benutzer ab. Der Effekt endet, sobald eine Bewegung reflektiert wird oder am Ende des Zuges. Auf diese Weise reflektierte Attacken können unter diesem Effekt erneut von einem anderen Pokémon reflektiert werden. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Schallschutz verfügt, werden schallbasierte Attacken zunichte gemacht, bevor dieser Effekt eintritt. Die Blitzableiter-Fähigkeit leitet elektrische Attacken um, bevor diese Bewegung wirksam wird. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.start=%s hat sich mit Magiemantel umhüllt! +showdown.moves.magiccoat.move=%s hat den %s zurückgeworfen! -showdown.moves.magicpowder.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Psychic type, or if the target is Terastallized. -showdown.moves.magicpowder.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Psychic. -showdown.moves.magicpowder.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Psychic type. +showdown.moves.magicpowder.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel zu einem Psychokinese-Typ wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Arceus oder Silvally ist, wenn das Ziel bereits rein psychokinesisch ist oder wenn das Ziel Terastallisiert ist. +showdown.moves.magicpowder.shortDesc=Ändert den Typ des Ziels in Psychokinese. +showdown.moves.magicpowder.gen8.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel zu einem Psychokinese-Typ wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Arceus oder Silvally ist oder wenn das Ziel bereits rein psychokinesisch ist. -showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=For 5 turns, the held items of all active Pokemon have no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all held items have no effect. +showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=Für 5 Runden haben die gehaltenen Gegenstände aller aktiven Pokémon keine Wirkung. Der Effekt eines Gegenstandes, Formänderungen hervorzurufen, bleibt davon unberührt, alle anderen Effekte solcher Gegenstände werden jedoch aufgehoben. Während des Effekts wird verhindert, dass Schleuder und Beerenkräfte von allen aktiven Pokémon eingesetzt werden. Wenn dieser Zug während des Effekts verwendet wird, endet der Effekt. +showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden haben alle gehaltenen Gegenstände keine Wirkung. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns; seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another partial-trapping move. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.start=%s became trapped by swirling magma! Bomb -showdown.moves.magnetbomb.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt. sieben Umdrehungen, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen teilweise einfangenden Bewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.start=%s wurde von wirbelndem Magma gefangen! +showdown.moves.magnetbomb.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. -showdown.moves.magneticflux.desc=Raises the Defense and Special Defense of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.magneticflux.shortDesc=Raises Def, Sp. Def of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. +showdown.moves.magneticflux.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung von Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers mit den Plus- oder Minus-Fähigkeiten um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.magneticflux.shortDesc=Erhöht Def, Sp. Verteidigung von Verbündeten mit Plus/Minus um 1. -showdown.moves.magnetrise.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. -showdown.moves.magnetrise.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user has immunity to Ground. -showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. -showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effect of Ingrain. -showdown.moves.magnetrise.start=%s levitated with electromagnetism! -showdown.moves.magnetrise.end=%s's electromagnetism wore off! +showdown.moves.magnetrise.desc=Für 5 Runden ist der Benutzer immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Klebenetz und der Fähigkeit Arenafalle, solange diese aktiv bleibt. Wenn der Benutzer Stafette verwendet, erhält der Ersatz den Effekt. Verwurzler, Katapult, Tausend Pfeile und Iron Ball überschreiben diese Bewegung, wenn der Benutzer unter einem ihrer Effekte steht. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer bereits unter diesem Effekt oder den Effekten Verwurzler, Katapult oder Tausend Pfeile steht. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden ist der Benutzer immun gegen Boden. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer ist 5 Runden lang immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und der Fähigkeit Arenafalle, solange diese aktiv bleibt. Wenn der Benutzer Stafette verwendet, erhält der Ersatz den Effekt. Verwurzler, Katapult und Iron Ball überschreiben diese Bewegung, wenn der Benutzer unter einem ihrer Effekte steht. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer bereits unter diesem Effekt oder den Effekten von Verwurzler oder Katapult steht. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer ist 5 Runden lang immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und der Fähigkeit Arenafalle, solange diese aktiv bleibt. Wenn der Benutzer Stafette verwendet, erhält der Ersatz den Effekt. Verwurzler und Iron Ball überschreiben diesen Zug, wenn der Benutzer unter einem ihrer Effekte steht. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer bereits unter diesem Effekt oder dem Effekt von Verwurzler steht. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.start=%s schwebte mit Elektromagnetismus! +showdown.moves.magnetrise.end=Der Elektromagnetismus von %s hat nachgelassen!ät -showdown.moves.magnitude.desc=The power of this move varies; 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. -showdown.moves.magnitude.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power varies; 2x on Dig. -showdown.moves.magnitude.gen4.desc=The power of this move varies. 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Power doubles if the target is using Dig. -showdown.moves.magnitude.activate=Magnitude %s! It Rain -showdown.moves.makeitrain.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.makeitrain.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Hits foe(s). -showdown.moves.makeitrain.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! +showdown.moves.magnitude.desc=Die Kraft dieser Bewegung ist unterschiedlich; 5 % Chance auf 10 und 150 Stärke, 10 % Chance auf 30 und 110 Stärke, 20 % Chance auf 50 und 90 Stärke und 30 % Chance auf 70 Stärke. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Schaufler verwendet. +showdown.moves.magnitude.shortDesc=Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. Die Leistung variiert; 2x auf Schaufler. +showdown.moves.magnitude.gen4.desc=Die Kraft dieser Bewegung ist unterschiedlich. 5 % Chance auf 10 und 150 Stärke, 10 % Chance auf 30 und 110 Stärke, 20 % Chance auf 50 und 90 Stärke und 30 % Chance auf 70 Stärke. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Schaufler verwendet. +showdown.moves.magnitude.activate=Intensität %s! es regnen +showdown.moves.makeitrain.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.makeitrain.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Benutzers. Angriff um 1. Trifft Gegner. +showdown.moves.makeitrain.activate=Überall lagen Münzen verstreut! Dark Crusher -showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.desc=Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target used Minimize. +showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.desc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.shortDesc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet. -showdown.moves.matblock.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field, if the user moves last this turn, or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.matblock.shortDesc=Protects allies from damaging attacks. Turn 1 only. -showdown.moves.matblock.start=%s intends to flip up a mat and block incoming attacks! -showdown.moves.matblock.block=%s was blocked by the kicked-up mat! +showdown.moves.matblock.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor schädlichen Angriffen anderer Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt. Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, es ist der erste Zug des Benutzers auf dem Spielfeld, der Benutzer bewegt sich zuletzt in diesem Zug oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.matblock.shortDesc=Schützt Verbündete vor schädlichen Angriffen. Nur Runde 1. +showdown.moves.matblock.start=%s will eine Matte hochklappen und eingehende Angriffe abwehren! +showdown.moves.matblock.block=%s wurde durch die hochgeworfene Matte blockiert!üse -showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Speed. +showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1 Geschwindigkeit. -showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Def. -showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sunny Day begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sunny Day. +showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird die Spezialverteidigung jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite um 1 Stufe gesenkt, auch wenn sie einen Ersatz haben. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1 Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Gelingt dieser Zug, beginnt die Wirkung von Sonnentag. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Beginnt den Sonnentag. -showdown.moves.maxflutterby.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Atk. +showdown.moves.maxflutterby.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird der Spezialangriff jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite um 1 Stufe gesenkt, auch wenn sie einen Ersatz haben. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1 Sp. Angriff. -showdown.moves.maxgeyser.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Rain Dance begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxgeyser.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Rain Dance. +showdown.moves.maxgeyser.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Gelingt dieser Zug, setzt die Wirkung von Regentanz ein. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxgeyser.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Beginnt Regentanz. -showdown.moves.maxguard.desc=The user is protected from nearly all attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, including Max and G-Max Moves. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.maxguard.shortDesc=Protects user from moves & Max Moves this turn. -showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s protected itself! +showdown.moves.maxguard.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor fast allen Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, einschließlich Max- und G-Max-Attacken. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.maxguard.shortDesc=Schutzschilds-Benutzer von Moves & Max Moves in diesem Zug. +showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s hat sich selbst geschützt! -showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Hail begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Hail. +showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beginnt die Wirkung von Hagelsturm. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Beginnt Hagelsturm. -showdown.moves.maxknuckle.desc=Boosts the user and its allies' Attack by 1 stage. BP scales with the base move's BP. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Attack. +showdown.moves.maxknuckle.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers und seiner Verbündeten um 1 Stufe. Der BP skaliert mit dem BP der Basisbewegung. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1 Angriff. -showdown.moves.maxlightning.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Electric Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.maxlightning.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Gelingt dieser Zug, setzt die Wirkung von Elektrofeld ein. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Startet Elektrofeld. -showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Psychic Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.maxooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Atk. +showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beginnt die Wirkung von Psychokinese Terrain. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Startet Psychokinese-Terrain. +showdown.moves.maxooze.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird der Spezialangriff jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1 Sp. Angriff. -showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Grassy Terrain. +showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beginnt die Wirkung von Grasfeld. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Beginnt Grasfeld. -showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Defense. +showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird die Verteidigung jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite um 1 Stufe gesenkt, auch wenn sie einen Ersatz haben. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1 Verteidigung.ß -showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird die Spezialverteidigung jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht, auch wenn dieser einen Ersatz hat. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1 Sp. Def. -showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beginnt die Wirkung von Sandsturm. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Startet Sandsturm. -showdown.moves.maxstarfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Misty Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Misty Terrain. +showdown.moves.maxstarfall.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beginnt die Wirkung von Weißnebely Terrain. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Startet Weißnebely Gelände. -showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Defense. +showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird die Verteidigung jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1 Verteidigung. -showdown.moves.maxstrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxstrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Speed. +showdown.moves.maxstrike.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite um 1 Stufe verringert, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxstrike.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1 Geschwindigkeit. -showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Attack. +showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird der Angriff jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite um 1 Stufe verringert, auch wenn sie einen Ersatz haben. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. +showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1 Angriff. -showdown.moves.meanlook.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.meanlook.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. -showdown.moves.meanlook.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.meanlook.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.meanlook.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. -showdown.moves.meanlook.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.meanlook.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.meanlook.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt, es sei denn, er verwendet Stafette. In diesem Fall bleibt das Ziel gefangen. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen3.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt, es sei denn, er verwendet Stafette. In diesem Fall bleibt das Ziel gefangen. -showdown.moves.meditate.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.meditate.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. -showdown.moves.mefirst.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Magical Torque, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Struggle, Thief, or Wicked Torque. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. -showdown.moves.mefirst.shortDesc=Copies a foe at 1.5x power. User must be faster. -showdown.moves.mefirst.gen8.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Shell Trap, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. -showdown.moves.mefirst.gen7.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Shell Trap, Struggle, Thief, or any Z-Move. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. -showdown.moves.mefirst.gen6.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. -showdown.moves.mefirst.gen5.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. -showdown.moves.mefirst.gen4.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.meditate.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.meditate.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1. +showdown.moves.mefirst.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet die Attacke, die das Ziel in dieser Runde gewählt hat, wenn möglich, mit der Stärke multipliziert mit 1,5. Die Bewegung muss eine andere schädliche Bewegung als Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Hitzeturbo, Raufturbo, Vendetta, Konter, Bezirzer, Power-Punch, Zauberturbo, Egotrip, Metallstoß, Spiegelcape, Toxiturbo, Panzerfalle, Verzweifler, Raub oder Finsterturbo sein. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel vor dem Benutzer bewegt. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter des Ziels, um den Zug zu kopieren. +showdown.moves.mefirst.shortDesc=Kopiert einen Gegner mit 1,5-facher Stärke. Der Benutzer muss schneller sein. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet die Attacke, die das Ziel in dieser Runde gewählt hat, wenn möglich, mit der Stärke multipliziert mit 1,5. Der Zug muss ein anderer schädlicher Zug sein als Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Geschwätz, Konter, Bezirzer, Power-Punch, Egotrip, Metallstoß, Spiegelcape, Panzerfalle, Verzweifler oder Raub. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel vor dem Benutzer bewegt. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter des Ziels, um den Zug zu kopieren. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet die Attacke, die das Ziel in dieser Runde gewählt hat, wenn möglich, mit der Stärke multipliziert mit 1,5. Die Bewegung muss eine andere schädliche Bewegung als Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Geschwätz, Konter, Bezirzer, Power-Punch, Egotrip, Metallstoß, Spiegelcape, Panzerfalle, Verzweifler, Raub oder eine beliebige Z-Bewegung sein. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel vor dem Benutzer bewegt. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter des Ziels, um den Zug zu kopieren. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet die Attacke, die das Ziel in dieser Runde gewählt hat, wenn möglich, mit der Stärke multipliziert mit 1,5. Der Zug muss ein anderer schädlicher Zug sein als Rülpser, Geschwätz, Konter, Bezirzer, Power-Punch, Egotrip, Metallstoß, Spiegelcape, Verzweifler oder Raub. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel vor dem Benutzer bewegt. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter des Ziels, um den Zug zu kopieren. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet die Attacke, die das Ziel in dieser Runde gewählt hat, wenn möglich, mit der Stärke multipliziert mit 1,5. Bei der Bewegung muss es sich um eine andere schädliche Bewegung als Geschwätz, Konter, Bezirzer, Power-Punch, Egotrip, Metallstoß, Spiegelcape, Verzweifler oder Raub handeln. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel vor dem Benutzer bewegt. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter des Ziels, um den Zug zu kopieren. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet die Attacke, die das Ziel in dieser Runde gewählt hat, wenn möglich, mit der Stärke multipliziert mit 1,5. Der Zug muss ein anderer schädlicher Zug als Geschwätz, Konter, Bezirzer, Power-Punch, Egotrip, Spiegelcape, Verzweifler oder Raub sein. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel vor dem Benutzer bewegt. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter des Ziels, um den Zug zu kopieren. -showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. -showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. -showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. +showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. +showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.memento.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints unless this move misses or there is no target. Fails entirely if this move hits a substitute, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. -showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User faints. -showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints, even if this move misses. This move can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if there is no target, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. -showdown.moves.memento.gen3.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints. This move does not check accuracy, and can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages are both -6. -showdown.moves.memento.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! des Todes +showdown.moves.memento.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht, es sei denn, diese Bewegung geht fehl oder es gibt kein Ziel. Schlägt vollständig fehl, wenn dieser Zug einen Ersatz trifft, scheitert aber nicht, wenn die Werte des Ziels nicht geändert werden können. +showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Verringert Angriff und Sp des Ziels. Angriff um 2. Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. +showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht, selbst wenn diese Bewegung fehlschlägt. Diese Bewegung kann Ziele mitten in einer Bewegung mit zwei Runden treffen. Schlägt vollständig fehl, wenn kein Ziel vorhanden ist, schlägt jedoch nicht fehl, wenn die Statistiken des Ziels nicht geändert werden können. +showdown.moves.memento.gen3.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft und es können Ziele mitten in einer zwei Runden dauernden Bewegung getroffen werden. Schlägt völlig fehl, wenn die Angriffs- und Spezialangriffsstatistik des Ziels beide -6 sind. +showdown.moves.memento.heal=Die HP von %s wurden durch die Z-Power wiederhergestellt! Mondlaser -showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon.ß -showdown.moves.metalburst.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. -showdown.moves.metalburst.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. -showdown.moves.metalburst.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. -showdown.moves.metalburst.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.metalburst.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen HP zu, abgerundet. Wenn der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 HP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.metalburst.shortDesc=Bei einem Angriff wird der 1,5-fache Schaden verursacht. +showdown.moves.metalburst.gen6.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen HP zu, abgerundet. Wenn der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen Schaden mit einer Stärke von 1. Wenn die Position des gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird, wird der Schaden einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon in Reichweite zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.metalburst.gen4.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen HP zu, abgerundet. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.moves.metalclaw.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.metalclaw.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10 % Chance, den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. -showdown.moves.metalsound.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.metalsound.desc=Senkt die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Ziels. Verteidigung um 2. -showdown.moves.meteorassault.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.meteorassault.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.meteorassault.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.meteorassault.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. -showdown.moves.meteorbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.meteorbeam.shortDesc=Raises user's Sp. Atk by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s is overflowing with space power! +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Erhöht den Spezialangriff des Benutzers in der ersten Runde um 1 Stufe. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Angriff um 1 in Runde 1. Trifft Runde 2. +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s quillt über vor Weltraumenergie! -showdown.moves.meteormash.desc=Has a 20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.meteormash.shortDesc=20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.meteormash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.meteormash.shortDesc=20 % Chance, den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. -showdown.moves.metronome.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Armor Cannon, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Chilling Water, Chilly Reception, Clangorous Soul, Collision Course, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Doodle, Double Iron Bash, Double Shock, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Electro Drift, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fillet Away, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyper Drill, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jet Punch, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Magical Torque, Make It Rain, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Order Up, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Population Bomb, Pounce, Power Shift, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Fist, Rage Powder, Raging Bull, Raging Fury, Relic Song, Revival Blessing, Ruination, Salt Cure, Secret Sword, Shed Tail, Shell Trap, Silk Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Snowscape, Spectral Thief, Spicy Extract, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Springtide Storm, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Tidy Up, Trailblaze, Transform, Trick, Twin Beam, V-create, Wicked Blow, Wicked Torque, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.desc=Es wird eine zufällige Bewegung zur Verwendung ausgewählt, außer Galanterie, Apfelsäure, Rüstungskanone, Zuschuss, Astralfragmente, Aura-Rad, Bunker, Schnabelkanone, Gigantenstoß, Gigantenhieb, Rülpser, Offerte, Hitzeturbo, Body Press, Zweigstoß, Breitseite, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Kalte Dusche, Eisige Stimmung, Seelentanz, Kollisionskurs, Raufturbo, Vendetta, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Trickschutz, Verzierung, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Diamantsturm, Abpausen, Panzerfäuste, Zweifachladung, Zenitstürmer, Drachenkräfte, Trommelschläge, Dynamax-Kanone, Blitztour, Ausdauer, Unendynastrahlen , Kniefalltrick, Offenlegung, Brennender Zorn, Abspaltung, Kanonenbouquet, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Frostvolt, Eisiger Blick, Blizzardlanze, Gravitation, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, Hyperbohrer, Dimensionswahn, Dimensionsloch, Frosthauch, Kommando, Düsenhieb, Dschungelheilung, King's Shield, Lebenstropfen , Lux Calamitatis, Zauberturbo, Make It Rain, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Sternensturm, Metronom, Mimikry, Knallkopf, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Schattenstrahl, Natur-Kraft, Nature's Madness, Toxiturbo, Abblocker, Auftischen, Ursprungswoge, Overdrive, Photonen-Geysir , Plasmafäuste, Mäuseplage, Anspringen, Kraftwechsel, Abgrundsklinge, Schutzschild, Feuerball, Verzögerung, Rapidschutz, Raserei Fist, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Rasender Stier, Flammenwut, Urgesang, Vitalsegen, Verderben, Pökelsalz, Mystoschwert, Schwanzabwurf, Panzerfalle, Fadenfalle, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Fangeisen, Standpauke, Übernahme, Schnarcher, Schneelandschaft, Diebesschatten, Chili-Essenz, Schutzstacheln, Seelenbruch, Rampenlicht, Frühlingsorkan, Dampfschwall, Stahlstrahl, Wunderdampf, Verzweifler, Stahlgestirn, Trefferschwall, Wechseldich, Techblaster, Raub, Tausend Pfeile, Tausend Wellen, Donner Cage , Donnerous Kick, Aufräumen, Wegbereiter, Wandler, Trickbetrug, Doppelstrahl, V-Generator, Finstertreffer, Finsterturbo oder Rundumschutz. showdown.moves.metronome.shortDesc=Picks a random move. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen8.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Clangorous Soul, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Double Iron Bash, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Dragon Hammer, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Obstruct, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spectral Thief, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Transform, Trick, V-create, Wicked Blow, or Wide Guard. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen7.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Dragon Ascent, Endure, Feint, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, King's Shield, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Origin Pulse, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spectral Thief, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Steam Eruption, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen6.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Dragon Ascent, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, King's Shield, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Origin Pulse, Precipice Blades, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spiky Shield, Steam Eruption, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen5.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Ice Burn, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen4.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Trick, or any move the user already knows. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen3.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen2.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Counter, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thief, or any move the user already knows. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen1.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Metronome or Struggle. -showdown.moves.metronome.move=Waggling a finger let it use %s! +showdown.moves.metronome.gen8.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Galanterie, Apfelsäure, Zuschuss, Astralfragmente, Aura-Rad, Bunker, Schnabelkanone, Gigantenstoß, Gigantenhieb, Rülpser, Offerte, Body Press, Zweigstoß, Breitseite, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Seelentanz, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Trickschutz, Verzierung, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Diamantsturm, Panzerfäuste, Zenitstürmer, Drachenkräfte, Drachenhammer, Trommelschläge, Dynamax-Kanone, Ausdauer, Unendynastrahlen, Kniefalltrick, Offenlegung, Brennender Zorn, Kanonenbouquet, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Frostvolt, Eisiger Blick, Blizzardlanze, Gravitation, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, Dimensionswahn, Dimensionsloch, Frosthauch, Kommando, Dschungelheilung, King's Shield, Lebenstropfen, Lux Calamitatis, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Sternensturm, Metronom, Mimikry, Knallkopf, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Schattenstrahl, Natur-Kraft, Nature's Madness, Abblocker, Ursprungswoge, Overdrive, Photonen-Geysir, Plasmafäuste, Abgrundsklinge, Schutzschild, Feuerball, Verzögerung, Rapidschutz, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Urgesang, Mystoschwert, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Fangeisen, Standpauke, Übernahme, Schnarcher, Diebesschatten, Schutzstacheln, Seelenbruch, Rampenlicht, Dampfschwall, Stahlstrahl, Wunderdampf, Verzweifler, Stahlgestirn, Trefferschwall, Wechseldich, Techblaster, Raub, Tausend Pfeile, Tausend Wellen, Donner Cage, Donnerous Kick, Wandler, Trickbetrug, V-Generator, Finstertreffer, or Rundumschutz. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen7.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Galanterie, Zuschuss, Bunker, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Offerte, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Trickschutz, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Diamantsturm, Zenitstürmer, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Kanonenbouquet, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Frostvolt, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, Dimensionswahn, Dimensionsloch, Frosthauch, Kommando, King's Shield, Lux Calamitatis, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Knallkopf, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Ursprungswoge, Photonen-Geysir, Plasmafäuste, Abgrundsklinge, Schutzschild, Verzögerung, Rapidschutz, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Urgesang, Mystoschwert, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Standpauke, Übernahme, Schnarcher, Diebesschatten, Schutzstacheln, Rampenlicht, Dampfschwall, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Techblaster, Raub, Tausend Pfeile, Tausend Wellen, Wandler, Trickbetrug, V-Generator, or Rundumschutz. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen6.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Galanterie, Zuschuss, Rülpser, Offerte, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Trickschutz, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Diamantsturm, Zenitstürmer, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Frostvolt, Rechte Hand, Händchenhalten, Dimensionswahn, Dimensionsloch, Frosthauch, King's Shield, Lux Calamitatis, Tatami-Schild, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Ursprungswoge, Abgrundsklinge, Schutzschild, Verzögerung, Rapidschutz, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Urgesang, Mystoschwert, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Standpauke, Übernahme, Schnarcher, Schutzstacheln, Dampfschwall, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Techblaster, Raub, Tausend Pfeile, Tausend Wellen, Wandler, Trickbetrug, V-Generator, or Rundumschutz. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen5.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Galanterie, Zuschuss, Offerte, Geschwätz, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Frostvolt, Rechte Hand, Frosthauch, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Schutzschild, Verzögerung, Rapidschutz, Raserei Pulverschleuder, Urgesang, Mystoschwert, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Standpauke, Übernahme, Schnarcher, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Techblaster, Raub, Wandler, Trickbetrug, V-Generator, or Rundumschutz. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen4.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Zuschuss, Geschwätz, Imitator, Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Ausdauer, Offenlegung, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Spiegeltrick, Schutzschild, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Verzweifler, Wechseldich, Raub, Trickbetrug, or any move the user already knows. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen3.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Konter, Bezirzer, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Ausdauer, Power-Punch, Spotlight, Rechte Hand, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Schutzschild, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Übernahme, Verzweifler, Raub, or Trickbetrug. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen2.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Konter, Abgangsbund, Scanner, Ausdauer, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegelcape, Schutzschild, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Raub, or any move the user already knows. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen1.desc=Es wird ein zufälliger Zug zur Verwendung ausgewählt, außer Metronom oder Verzweifler. +showdown.moves.metronome.move=Wackeln Sie mit dem Finger und lassen Sie es %s verwenden!änk -showdown.moves.milkdrink.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.milkdrink.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.milkdrink.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.mimic.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Assist, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. -showdown.moves.mimic.shortDesc=The last move the target used replaces this one. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen8.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Chatter, Dynamax Cannon, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, Transform, or any Max or G-Max Move. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen7.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, Transform, or any Z-Move. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen6.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen4.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Metronome, Mimic, Sketch, or Struggle. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen3.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Metronome, Mimic, Sketch, or Struggle. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Struggle. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by a random move known by the target, even if the user already knows that move. The copied move keeps the remaining PP for this move, regardless of the copied move's maximum PP. Whenever one PP is used for a copied move, one PP is used for this move. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.shortDesc=Random move known by the target replaces this. -showdown.moves.mimic.start=%s learned %s! +showdown.moves.mimic.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird diese Bewegung durch die letzte vom Ziel verwendete Bewegung ersetzt. Der kopierte Zug hat die maximale PP für diesen Zug. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer Wandlered verwendet hat, wenn der Benutzer die Bewegung bereits kennt oder wenn es sich bei der Bewegung um Zuschuss, Gigantenstoß, Gigantenhieb, Rülpser, Hitzeturbo, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Raufturbo, Imitator, Dynamax-Kanone handelt , Händchenhalten, Zauberturbo, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Toxiturbo, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Wandler oder Finsterturbo. +showdown.moves.mimic.shortDesc=Der letzte Zug, den das Ziel ausgeführt hat, ersetzt diesen. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen8.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird diese Bewegung durch die letzte vom Ziel verwendete Bewegung ersetzt. Der kopierte Zug hat die maximale PP für diesen Zug. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer Wandleriert hat, wenn der Benutzer die Bewegung bereits kennt oder wenn es sich bei der Bewegung um Gigantenstoß, Gigantenhieb, Geschwätz, Dynamax-Kanone, Mimikry, Nachahmer, Verzweifler, Wandler oder einen beliebigen Max handelt oder G-Max Move. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen7.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird diese Bewegung durch die letzte vom Ziel verwendete Bewegung ersetzt. Der kopierte Zug hat die maximale PP für diesen Zug. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer Wandleriert hat, wenn der Benutzer die Bewegung bereits kennt oder wenn die Bewegung Geschwätz, Mimikry, Nachahmer, Verzweifler, Wandler oder eine beliebige Z-Bewegung ist. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen6.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird diese Bewegung durch die letzte vom Ziel verwendete Bewegung ersetzt. Der kopierte Zug hat die maximale PP für diesen Zug. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer Wandleriert hat, wenn der Benutzer die Bewegung bereits kennt oder wenn es sich bei der Bewegung um Geschwätz, Mimikry, Nachahmer, Verzweifler oder Wandler handelt. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen4.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird diese Bewegung durch die letzte vom Ziel verwendete Bewegung ersetzt. Der kopierte Zug hat 5 PP. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer Wandlered ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer die Bewegung bereits kennt oder wenn es sich bei der Bewegung um Geschwätz, Metronom, Mimikry, Nachahmer oder Verzweifler handelt. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen3.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird diese Bewegung durch die letzte vom Ziel verwendete Bewegung ersetzt. Der kopierte Zug hat 5 PP. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer Wandlered ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer die Bewegung bereits kennt oder wenn es sich bei der Bewegung um Metronom, Mimikry, Nachahmer oder Verzweifler handelt. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen2.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird diese Bewegung durch die letzte vom Ziel verwendete Bewegung ersetzt. Der kopierte Zug hat 5 PP. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, der Benutzer die Bewegung bereits kennt oder wenn die Bewegung Verzweifler ist. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird diese Bewegung durch eine zufällige Bewegung ersetzt, die dem Ziel bekannt ist, auch wenn der Benutzer diese Bewegung bereits kennt. Der kopierte Zug behält die verbleibenden PP für diesen Zug, unabhängig von der maximalen PP des kopierten Zuges. Immer wenn ein PP für einen kopierten Zug verwendet wird, wird ein PP für diesen Zug verwendet. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.shortDesc=Dies wird durch eine zufällige, dem Ziel bekannte Bewegung ersetzt. +showdown.moves.mimic.start=%s hat %s gelernt! -showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. This move is prevented from executing and the user does not lose HP if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, or if this move is Fire type and the user is affected by Powder or the weather is Primordial Sea. -showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Hits adjacent Pokemon. -showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) +showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht und selbst wenn sie zu Ohnmacht führen würde, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet, es sei denn, der Benutzer verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. Die Ausführung dieser Bewegung wird verhindert und der Benutzer verliert keine HP, wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Feuchtigkeit verfügt oder wenn diese Bewegung vom Typ Feuer ist und der Benutzer von Pulverschleuder betroffen ist oder das Wetter Urmeer ist. +showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen HP. Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. +showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s reduziert seine eigenen HP, um seine Bewegung zu verstärken!) -showdown.moves.mindreader.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. -showdown.moves.mindreader.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. -showdown.moves.mindreader.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Lock-On's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. -showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. -showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. -showdown.moves.mindreader.start=%s took aim at %s! +showdown.moves.mindreader.desc=Bis zum Ende der nächsten Runde kann das Ziel den Attacken des Benutzers nicht ausweichen, selbst wenn sich das Ziel mitten in einer zwei Runden langen Bewegung befindet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Effekt für den Benutzer aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.mindreader.shortDesc=Der nächste Zug des Benutzers wird das Ziel nicht verfehlen. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen4.desc=Bis zum Ende der nächsten Runde kann das Ziel den Attacken des Benutzers nicht ausweichen, selbst wenn sich das Ziel mitten in einer zwei Runden langen Bewegung befindet. Wenn dieser Effekt gegen das Ziel gestartet wird, enden dieser und die Effekte von Zielschuss für jedes andere Pokémon gegen dieses Ziel. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, wird dieser Effekt für den Ersatz erneut gegen dasselbe Ziel gestartet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.desc=Die nächste Genauigkeitsprüfung gegenüber dem Ziel ist erfolgreich. Das Ziel wird immer noch Erdbeben, Geofissur und Intensität meiden, wenn es Fliegen verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz unter diesem Effekt. Dieser Effekt endet, wenn das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder eine Genauigkeitsprüfung gegen es durchgeführt wird. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.shortDesc=Der nächste Zug wird das Ziel nicht verfehlen. +showdown.moves.mindreader.start=%s hat auf %s gezielt! -showdown.moves.minimize.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Malicious Moonsault, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. -showdown.moves.minimize.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen6.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen5.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp and Steamroller will have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp will have its power doubled if used against the user while it is active. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen3.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Astonish, Extrasensory, Needle Arm, and Stomp will have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen2.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp will have its power doubled if used against the user while it is active. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen1.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.minimize.desc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. Unabhängig davon, ob die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers geändert wurde oder nicht, überprüfen Bodyslam, Drachenstoß, Fliegende Presse, Brandstempel, Rammboss, Hyper Dark Crusher, Quetschwalze und Stampfer nicht die Genauigkeit und ihr Schaden wird verdoppelt, wenn sie gegen den Benutzer verwendet werden, während sie aktiv sind. +showdown.moves.minimize.shortDesc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 2. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen6.desc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. Unabhängig davon, ob die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers geändert wurde oder nicht, überprüfen Bodyslam, Drachenstoß, Fliegende Presse, Brandstempel, Phantomkraft, Schemenkraft, Quetschwalze und Stampfer nicht die Genauigkeit und ihr Schaden wird verdoppelt, wenn sie gegen den Benutzer verwendet werden, während sie aktiv sind. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen5.desc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. Unabhängig davon, ob die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers geändert wurde oder nicht, wird der Schaden von Stampfer und Quetschwalze verdoppelt, wenn sie gegen den Benutzer eingesetzt werden, während sie aktiv sind. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.desc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Unabhängig davon, ob die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers geändert wurde oder nicht, wird die Stärke von Stampfer verdoppelt, wenn es gegen den Benutzer eingesetzt wird, während es aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.shortDesc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 1. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen3.desc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Unabhängig davon, ob die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers geändert wurde oder nicht, wird der Schaden von Erstauner, Sondersensor, Nietenranke und Stampfer verdoppelt, wenn sie gegen den Benutzer eingesetzt werden, während sie aktiv sind. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen2.desc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Unabhängig davon, ob die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers geändert wurde oder nicht, wird die Stärke von Stampfer verdoppelt, wenn es gegen den Benutzer eingesetzt wird, während es aktiv ist. Mit Stafette kann dieser Effekt auf einen Verbündeten übertragen werden. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen1.desc=Erhöht die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. -showdown.moves.miracleeye.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Odor Sleuth. -showdown.moves.miracleeye.shortDesc=Psychic hits Dark. Evasiveness ignored. -showdown.moves.miracleeye.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. -showdown.moves.miracleeye.start=%s was identified! +showdown.moves.miracleeye.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt, wird seine Stufe des Ausweichwerts bei Genauigkeitsprüfungen ignoriert, wenn er größer als 0 ist, und Angriffe vom Typ Psychokinese können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Dunkel ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist oder von Scharfblick oder Schnüffler betroffen ist. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.shortDesc=Psychokinese trifft Dark. Ausweichmanöver ignoriert. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.gen4.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt, wird seine Stufe des Ausweichwerts bei Genauigkeitsprüfungen ignoriert, wenn er größer als 0 ist, und Angriffe vom Typ Psychokinese können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Dunkel ist. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.start=%s wurde identifiziert! -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.shortDesc=If hit by special attack, returns double damage. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a special attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 HP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.shortDesc=Bei einem Treffer durch einen Spezialangriff wird doppelter Schaden verursacht. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen Schaden mit einer Stärke von 1. Wenn die Position des gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird, wird der Schaden einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon in Reichweite zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen4.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen3.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen2.desc=Fügt dem gegnerischen Pokémon Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer in diesem Zug durch einen Spezialangriff verloren hat. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich zuerst bewegt, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde nicht von einem Spezialangriff getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. The copied move is used against that target, if possible. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the last move used cannot be copied by this move. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.shortDesc=User uses the target's last used move against it. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move was called by another move, if the move is Encore, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen3.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move missed, failed, or had no effect on the user, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen2.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Transform, or any move the user knows. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen1.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Mirror Move. -showdown.moves.mirrorshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mirrorshot.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet den letzten Zug des Ziels. Der kopierte Zug wird, wenn möglich, gegen dieses Ziel verwendet. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat oder wenn die zuletzt verwendete Bewegung von dieser Bewegung nicht kopiert werden kann. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verwendet die zuletzt verwendete Bewegung des Ziels gegen das Ziel. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet den letzten Zug, der erfolgreich auf den Benutzer abzielte. Der kopierte Zug wird ohne spezifisches Ziel verwendet. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Zug den Benutzer anvisiert hat, wenn der Zug von einem anderen Zug aufgerufen wurde, wenn es sich bei dem Zug um eine Zugabe handelt oder wenn der Zug von diesem Zug nicht kopiert werden kann. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet den letzten Zug, der erfolgreich auf den Benutzer abzielte. Der kopierte Zug wird ohne spezifisches Ziel verwendet. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Zug den Benutzer als Ziel hatte, wenn der Zug fehlschlug, fehlschlug oder keine Wirkung auf den Benutzer hatte, oder wenn der Zug von diesem Zug nicht kopiert werden kann. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet den letzten Zug des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel seit dem Einwechseln des Benutzers keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat oder wenn die letzte verwendete Bewegung Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Wandler oder eine andere Bewegung war, die der Benutzer kennt. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet den letzten Zug des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel seit dem Einwechseln des Benutzers keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat oder wenn die letzte verwendete Bewegung ein Spiegeltrick war. +showdown.moves.mirrorshot.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.mirrorshot.shortDesc=30 % Chance, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern.ßnebel -showdown.moves.mist.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members are protected from having their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.mist.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from stat drops. -showdown.moves.mist.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, it is protected from having its stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.mist.gen2.shortDesc=While active, user is protected from stat drops. -showdown.moves.mist.gen2.start=%s's shrouded in MIST! -showdown.moves.mist.gen2.block=%s's protected by MIST. -showdown.moves.mist.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, it is protected from having its stat stages lowered by other Pokemon, unless caused by the secondary effect of a move. Fails if the user already has the effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. -showdown.moves.mist.gen1.start=%s's shrouded in mist! -showdown.moves.mist.gen1.block=But, it failed! -showdown.moves.mist.start=%s became shrouded in mist! -showdown.moves.mist.end=%s is no longer protected by mist! -showdown.moves.mist.block=%s is protected by the mist! +showdown.moves.mist.desc=Für 5 Runden sind der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder davor geschützt, dass ihre Statusstufen durch andere Pokémon gesenkt werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.mist.shortDesc=Schützt die Gruppe des Benutzers 5 Runden lang vor Statusverlusten. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, ist er davor geschützt, dass seine Statusstufen durch andere Pokémon gesenkt werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer bereits über den Effekt verfügt. Mit Stafette kann dieser Effekt auf einen Verbündeten übertragen werden. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.shortDesc=Während die Funktion aktiv ist, ist der Benutzer vor Statusverlusten geschützt. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.start=%s ist in NEBEL gehüllt! +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.block=%s ist durch MIST geschützt. +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, ist er davor geschützt, dass seine Statusstufen durch andere Pokémon gesenkt werden, es sei denn, dies wird durch den sekundären Effekt einer Bewegung verursacht. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer bereits über den Effekt verfügt. Wenn ein Pokémon Dunkelnebel verwendet, endet dieser Effekt. +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.start=%s ist in Nebel gehüllt! +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.block=Aber es ist gescheitert! +showdown.moves.mist.start=%s wurde in Nebel gehüllt! +showdown.moves.mist.end=%s ist nicht mehr durch Nebel geschützt! +showdown.moves.mist.block=%s ist durch den Nebel geschützt! -showdown.moves.mistball.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mistball.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.mistball.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.mistball.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Angriff um 1. -showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.desc=If the current terrain is Misty Terrain and the user is grounded, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.shortDesc=User faints. User on Misty Terrain: 1.5x power. +showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.desc=Wenn das aktuelle Gelände Weißnebely-Gelände ist und der Benutzer am Boden ist, wird die Kraft dieser Bewegung mit 1,5 multipliziert. Der Benutzer fällt nach der Anwendung dieser Attacke in Ohnmacht, selbst wenn diese Attacke fehlschlägt, weil sie kein Ziel hat. Die Ausführung dieser Bewegung wird verhindert, wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Damp verfügt. +showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.shortDesc=Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Benutzer auf weißnebeligem Gelände: 1,5-fache Leistung. -showdown.moves.mistyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition nor confusion. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. -showdown.moves.mistyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Can't status,-Dragon power vs grounded. -showdown.moves.mistyterrain.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zu Weißnebel-Gelände. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Drache-Angriffen, die gegen geerdete Pokémon eingesetzt werden, mit 0,5 multipliziert und geerdete Pokémon können weder mit einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand noch mit Verwirrung belegt werden. Am Boden liegende Pokémon können von Gähner betroffen werden, können jedoch nicht durch den Effekt einschlafen. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen Feentyp, Natur-Kraft wird zu Mondgewalt und Geheimkraft hat eine Chance von 30 %, den Spezialangriff um eine Stufe zu senken. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Weißnebely Terrain ist. +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.shortDesc=5 Umdrehungen. Status kann nicht ermittelt werden, Drachenkraft vs. geerdet. +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.gen6.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zu Weißnebel-Gelände. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Drache-Angriffen, die gegen geerdete Pokémon eingesetzt werden, mit 0,5 multipliziert und geerdete Pokémon können nicht mit einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand belegt werden. Am Boden liegende Pokémon können von Gähner betroffen werden, können jedoch nicht durch den Effekt einschlafen. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen Feentyp, Natur-Kraft wird zu Mondgewalt und Geheimkraft hat eine Chance von 30 %, den Spezialangriff um eine Stufe zu senken. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Weißnebely Terrain ist. -showdown.moves.moonblast.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.moonblast.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.moonblast.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.moonblast.shortDesc=30 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Angriff um 1. -showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. -showdown.moves.moonlight.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.moonlight.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.moonlight.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um einen wetterabhängigen Betrag. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm ist , Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm, jeweils halb abgerundet. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles zur Hälfte abgerundet. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles abgerundet. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, alle seine HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles abgerundet. -showdown.moves.morningsun.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.morningsun.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.morningsun.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um einen wetterabhängigen Betrag. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm ist , Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm, jeweils zur Hälfte abgerundet. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles zur Hälfte abgerundet. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles abgerundet. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, alle seine HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles abgerundet. -showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/leech. +showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, enden die Effekte von Egelsamen- und Bindungsattacken für den Benutzer und alle Gefahren werden von der Seite des Benutzerfelds entfernt. Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Vergiftet Feinde, befreit den Benutzer von Gefahren/Fesseln/Aussaugern. -showdown.moves.mountaingale.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.mountaingale.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.mountaingale.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.mountaingale.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.mudbomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mudbomb.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.mudbomb.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.mudbomb.shortDesc=30 % Chance, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.mudshot.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mudshot.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.mudshot.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.mudshot.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.mudslap.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mudslap.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. -showdown.moves.mudsport.desc=For 5 turns, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. -showdown.moves.mudsport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Electric-type attacks have 1/3 power. -showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. -showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/3 their power. -showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/2 their power. +showdown.moves.mudslap.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.mudslap.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern.ühler +showdown.moves.mudsport.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Stärke aller elektrischen Angriffe eines aktiven Pokémon mit 0,33 multipliziert. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Effekt bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.mudsport.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden haben elektrische Angriffe 1/3 Kraft. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv ist, wird die Stärke aller elektrischen Angriffe eines aktiven Pokémon mit 0,33 multipliziert. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Effekt bereits für ein Pokémon aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.shortDesc=Schwächt Angriffe vom Typ Elektro auf 1/3 ihrer Kraft. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv ist, wird die Kraft aller elektrischen Angriffe eines aktiven Pokémon halbiert. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Effekt für den Benutzer bereits aktiv ist. Mit Stafette kann dieser Effekt auf einen Verbündeten übertragen werden. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.shortDesc=Schwächt Angriffe vom Typ Elektro auf die Hälfte ihrer Kraft.ühe -showdown.moves.muddywater.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.muddywater.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30 % Chance, die Genauigkeit des Gegners um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.multiattack.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Memory. -showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Memory. +showdown.moves.multiattack.desc=Die Art dieser Bewegung hängt von der Speicherkapazität des Benutzers ab. +showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Der Typ variiert je nach gehaltenem Speicher. -showdown.moves.mysticalfire.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.mysticalfire.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Angriff um 1. -showdown.moves.mysticalpower.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.mysticalpower.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die SP des Benutzers zu erhöhen. Angriff um 1.änkeschmied -showdown.moves.nastyplot.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.nastyplot.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.nastyplot.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.nastyplot.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Angriff um 2.äfte -showdown.moves.naturalgift.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo or Magic Room is in effect for the user. -showdown.moves.naturalgift.shortDesc=Power and type depends on the user's Berry. -showdown.moves.naturalgift.gen4.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo is in effect for the user. +showdown.moves.naturalgift.desc=Die Art und Kraft dieser Bewegung hängt von der Beere ab, die der Benutzer hält, und die Beere geht verloren. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keine Beere in der Hand hält, wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Klutz verfügt oder wenn für den Benutzer Itemsperre oder Magieraum aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.naturalgift.shortDesc=Stärke und Typ hängen von der Beere des Benutzers ab. +showdown.moves.naturalgift.gen4.desc=Die Art und Kraft dieser Bewegung hängt von der Beere ab, die der Benutzer hält, und die Beere geht verloren. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keine Beere in der Hand hält, wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Klutz verfügt oder wenn für den Benutzer eine Itemsperre gilt. -showdown.moves.naturepower.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic during Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.naturepower.shortDesc=Attack depends on terrain (default Tri Attack). -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen6.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, and Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain. -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Earthquake on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Earthquake) -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack in Wi-Fi battles. -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Tri Attack) -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.desc=This move calls another move for use depending on the battle terrain. Swift in Wi-Fi battles. -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Swift) -showdown.moves.naturepower.move=Nature Power turned into %s!'s Madness -showdown.moves.naturesmadness.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.naturesmadness.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. +showdown.moves.naturepower.desc=Dieser Zug ruft einen weiteren Zug auf, der auf dem Schlachtgelände basiert. Triplette auf dem regulären Wi-Fi-Gelände, Donnerbolt während Elektrofeld, Mondgewalt während Weißnebely Terrain, Energieball während Grasfeld und Psychokinese während Psychokinese Terrain. +showdown.moves.naturepower.shortDesc=Der Angriff hängt vom Gelände ab (Standard-Trilette). +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen6.desc=Dieser Zug ruft einen weiteren Zug auf, der auf dem Schlachtgelände basiert. Triplette auf dem regulären Wi-Fi-Gelände, Donnerbolt während des Elektrofelds, Mondgewalt während des Weißnebely-Geländes und Energieball während des Grasfelds. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.desc=Dieser Zug ruft einen weiteren Zug auf, der auf dem Schlachtgelände basiert. Erdbeben auf dem regulären WLAN-Gelände. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.shortDesc=Angriffsänderungen je nach Gelände. (Erdbeben) +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.desc=Dieser Zug ruft einen weiteren Zug auf, der auf dem Schlachtgelände basiert. Triplette in Wi-Fi-Schlachten. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.shortDesc=Angriffsänderungen je nach Gelände. (Triplette) +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.desc=Dieser Zug ruft je nach Schlachtgelände einen weiteren Zug auf. Sternschauer in WLAN-Schlachten. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.shortDesc=Angriffsänderungen je nach Gelände. (Sternschauer) +showdown.moves.naturepower.move=Aus Natur-Kraft wurde %s! Wahnsinn der Natur +showdown.moves.naturesmadness.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP zu. +showdown.moves.naturesmadness.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der aktuellen HP des Ziels. -showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. +showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. Nacht -showdown.moves.neverendingnightmare.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.neverendingnightmare.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Hat eine Chance von 40 %, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40 % Chance, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.nightmare.desc=Causes the target to lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn as long as it is asleep. This move does not affect the target unless it is asleep. The effect ends when the target wakes up, even if it falls asleep again in the same turn. -showdown.moves.nightmare.shortDesc=A sleeping target is hurt by 1/4 max HP per turn. -showdown.moves.nightmare.start=%s began having a nightmare! -showdown.moves.nightmare.damage=%s is locked in a nightmare! +showdown.moves.nightmare.desc=Führt dazu, dass das Ziel am Ende jeder Runde 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) verliert, solange es schläft. Diese Bewegung wirkt sich nicht auf das Ziel aus, es sei denn, es schläft. Der Effekt endet, wenn das Ziel aufwacht, auch wenn es im selben Zug wieder einschläft. +showdown.moves.nightmare.shortDesc=Ein schlafendes Ziel wird pro Runde um 1/4 der maximalen HP verletzt. +showdown.moves.nightmare.start=%s hatte einen Albtraum! +showdown.moves.nightmare.damage=%s ist in einem Albtraum gefangen! -showdown.moves.nightshade.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. -showdown.moves.nightshade.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. -showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. -showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Normal types. +showdown.moves.nightshade.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Stufe des Benutzers zu. +showdown.moves.nightshade.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Stufe des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Stufe des Benutzers zu. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.shortDesc=Schaden -showdown.moves.nightslash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.nightslash.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote.üll -showdown.moves.nobleroar.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.nobleroar.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. -showdown.moves.noretreat.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage, but it becomes prevented from switching out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. Fails if the user has already been prevented from switching by this effect. -showdown.moves.noretreat.shortDesc=Raises all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Traps user. -showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s can no longer escape because it used No Retreat! +showdown.moves.nobleroar.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.nobleroar.shortDesc=Verringert Angriff und SP des Ziels. Angriff um 1. +showdown.moves.noretreat.desc=Erhöht den Angriff, die Verteidigung, den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um eine Stufe, ein Wechsel wird jedoch verhindert. Der Benutzer kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn er Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer durch diesen Effekt bereits am Wechseln gehindert wurde. +showdown.moves.noretreat.shortDesc=Erhöht alle Werte um 1 (nicht Acc/Eva). Traps-Benutzer. +showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s kann nicht mehr entkommen, da es Finalformation verwendet hat! -showdown.moves.noxioustorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.noxioustorque.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu vergiften. -showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 3/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 75 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def. -showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt und die Verteidigung von Pokémon, die versuchen, Kontakt mit dem Benutzer aufzunehmen, wird um 2 Stufen verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -2 Def. +showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt und die Verteidigung von Pokémon, die versuchen, Kontakt mit dem Benutzer aufzunehmen, wird um 2 Stufen verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. Meeressymphonie showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. -showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. At the end of each turn during effect, the target's Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Traps target, lowers Def and SpD by 1 each turn. -showdown.moves.octolock.start=%s can no longer escape because of Octolock! +showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. +showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung werden die Verteidigung und die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe gesenkt. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein, verringert Def und SpD in jeder Runde um 1. +showdown.moves.octolock.start=%s kann wegen Octoklammer nicht mehr entkommen!üffler -showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Miracle Eye. -showdown.moves.odorsleuth.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. -showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. -showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt, wird seine Stufe des Ausweichwerts bei Genauigkeitsprüfungen ignoriert, wenn er größer als 0 ist, und Angriffe vom Typ Normal und Kampf können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Geist ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist oder von Scharfblick oder Wunderauge betroffen ist. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.shortDesc=Kämpfen, Normaler Treffer Ghost. Ausweichmanöver ignoriert. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen4.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt, wird seine Stufe des Ausweichwerts bei Genauigkeitsprüfungen ignoriert, wenn er größer als 0 ist, und Angriffe vom Typ Normal und Kampf können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Geist ist. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen3.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt, wird seine Ausweichstatusstufe bei Genauigkeitsüberprüfungen gegen das Ziel ignoriert und Angriffe vom Typ Normal und Kampf können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Geist ist.öen -showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). +showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, den Angriff, die Verteidigung, den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10 % Chance, alle Werte um 1 zu erhöhen (nicht Acc/Eva). -showdown.moves.orderup.desc=If an ally Tatsugiri has activated its Commander Ability, this move raises the user's Attack by 1 stage if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense by 1 stage if Droopy Form, or Speed by 1 stage if Stretchy Form. The effect happens whether or not this move is successful, and even if the Tatsugiri that activated the effect has since fainted. -showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy eaten: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. +showdown.moves.orderup.desc=Wenn ein verbündeter Tatsugiri seine Kommandantenfähigkeit aktiviert hat, erhöht diese Bewegung den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe, wenn der Tatsugiri eine lockige Form hat, die Verteidigung um 1 Stufe, wenn er in hängender Form ist, oder die Geschwindigkeit um 1 Stufe, wenn er in dehnbarer Form ist. Der Effekt tritt ein, unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht, und auch dann, wenn der Tatsugiri, der den Effekt aktiviert hat, inzwischen ohnmächtig geworden ist. +showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy gegessen: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. -showdown.moves.outrage.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.outrage.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. -showdown.moves.outrage.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.outrage.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.outrage.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.outrage.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und wird unmittelbar nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, sofern dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, zu Beginn einer Runde schläft oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel in der ersten Runde des Effekts oder der zweiten Runde eines Drei-Runden-Effekts nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften . Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird und der Benutzer schläft, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.outrage.shortDesc=Hält 2-3 Runden an. Verwirrt den Benutzer im Nachhinein. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und wird unmittelbar nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, sofern dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein benachbartes gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, zu Beginn einer Runde schläft oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel in der ersten Runde des Effekts oder der zweiten Runde eines Drei-Runden-Effekts nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften . Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und ist am Ende der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, falls dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, zu Beginn einer Runde schläft oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und ist am Ende der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, falls dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, einschläft, einfriert oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht, verbringt der Benutzer zwei oder drei Runden damit, an dieser Bewegung festzuhalten, und wird sofort nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, auch wenn er bereits verwirrt ist. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt, ohne dass es zu Verwirrung kommt. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft Gegner. -showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Benutzers. Angriff um 2. -showdown.moves.painsplit.desc=The user and the target's HP become the average of their current HP, rounded down, but not more than the maximum HP of either one. -showdown.moves.painsplit.shortDesc=Shares HP of user and target equally. -showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=The battlers shared their pain! Wave -showdown.moves.paleowave.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.painsplit.desc=Die HP des Benutzers und des Ziels ergeben den Durchschnitt ihrer aktuellen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht mehr als die maximalen HP beider. +showdown.moves.painsplit.shortDesc=Verteilt HP von Benutzer und Ziel gleichermaßen. +showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=Die Kämpfer teilten ihren Schmerz!äo-Welle +showdown.moves.paleowave.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20 % Chance, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.partingshot.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages were both unchanged, or if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.partingshot.shortDesc=Lowers target's Atk, Sp. Atk by 1. User switches. -showdown.moves.partingshot.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.partingshot.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! -showdown.moves.partingshot.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.partingshot.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Gelingt dieser Zug, wechselt der Benutzer, auch wenn er gefangen ist, aus und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn die Angriffs- und Spezialangriffsstatistikstufen des Ziels beide unverändert blieben oder wenn es keine nicht ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt. +showdown.moves.partingshot.shortDesc=Verringert Angriff und Stärke des Ziels. Angriff um 1. Benutzer wechselt. +showdown.moves.partingshot.gen6.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Gelingt dieser Zug, wechselt der Benutzer, auch wenn er gefangen ist, aus und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt. +showdown.moves.partingshot.heal=Die HP von %s wurden durch die Z-Power wiederhergestellt! +showdown.moves.partingshot.switchOut=%s ist zu %s zurückgekehrt!ß -showdown.moves.payback.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn, including actions taken through Instruct or the Dancer Ability. Switching in does not count as an action. -showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target. -showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in does not count as an action. -showdown.moves.payback.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in counts as an action. +showdown.moves.payback.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer in dieser Runde hinter dem Ziel bewegt, einschließlich Aktionen, die durch Kommando oder die Fähigkeit Tänzer ausgeführt werden. Das Einwechseln gilt nicht als Aktion. +showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer hinter dem Ziel bewegt. +showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer in dieser Runde hinter dem Ziel bewegt. Das Einwechseln gilt nicht als Aktion. +showdown.moves.payback.gen4.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer in dieser Runde hinter dem Ziel bewegt. Das Einwechseln gilt als Aktion. showdown.moves.payday.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Scatters coins. -showdown.moves.payday.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! +showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Streut Münzen. +showdown.moves.payday.activate=Überall lagen Münzen verstreut! showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 if it doesn't already have a perish count. At the end of each turn including the turn used, the perish count of all active Pokemon lowers by 1 and Pokemon faint if the number reaches 0. The perish count is removed from Pokemon that switch out. If a Pokemon uses Baton Pass while it has a perish count, the replacement will gain the perish count and continue to count down. -showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns. -showdown.moves.perishsong.start=All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns! -showdown.moves.perishsong.activate=%s's perish count fell to %s. +showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Jedes aktive Pokémon erhält eine Todeszahl von 4, sofern es nicht bereits eine Todeszahl hat. Am Ende jeder Runde, einschließlich der genutzten Runde, sinkt der Todeszähler aller aktiven Pokémon um 1 und Pokémon werden ohnmächtig, wenn die Zahl 0 erreicht. Der Todeszähler wird von Pokémon entfernt, die auswechseln. Wenn ein Pokémon Stafette verwendet, während es einen Todeszähler hat, erhält das Ersatz-Pokémon den Todeszähler und zählt weiter herunter. +showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=Alle aktiven Pokémon werden innerhalb von 3 Runden ohnmächtig. +showdown.moves.perishsong.start=Alle Pokémon, die das Lied gehört haben, werden in drei Runden ohnmächtig! +showdown.moves.perishsong.activate=Die Zahl der Todesopfer von %s ist auf %s gesunken.ütenwirbel showdown.moves.petalblizzard.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Pokémon.ättertanz -showdown.moves.petaldance.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.petaldance.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.petaldance.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und wird unmittelbar nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, sofern dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, zu Beginn einer Runde schläft oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel in der ersten Runde des Effekts oder der zweiten Runde eines Drei-Runden-Effekts nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften . Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird und der Benutzer schläft, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.petaldance.shortDesc=Hält 2-3 Runden an. Verwirrt den Benutzer im Nachhinein. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und wird unmittelbar nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, sofern dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein benachbartes gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, zu Beginn einer Runde schläft oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel in der ersten Runde des Effekts oder der zweiten Runde eines Drei-Runden-Effekts nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften . Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und ist am Ende der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, falls dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, zu Beginn einer Runde schläft oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und ist am Ende der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, falls dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, einschläft, einfriert oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen2.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht, verbringt der Benutzer zwei oder drei Runden damit, an dieser Bewegung festzuhalten, und wird sofort nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, auch wenn er bereits verwirrt ist. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt, ohne dass es zu Verwirrung kommt. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht, verbringt der Benutzer drei oder vier Runden damit, an dieser Bewegung festzuhalten, und wird sofort nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, auch wenn er bereits verwirrt ist. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt, ohne dass es zu Verwirrung kommt. Während des Effekts wird die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung in jeder Runde mit der aktuell berechneten Genauigkeit einschließlich Statusstufenänderungen überschrieben, jedoch nicht weniger als 1/256 und nicht mehr als 255/256. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.shortDesc=Hält 3-4 Runden an. Verwirrt den Benutzer im Nachhinein. -showdown.moves.phantomforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.phantomforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. -showdown.moves.phantomforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.phantomforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! -showdown.moves.phantomforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! +showdown.moves.phantomforce.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Bunker, Scanner, Königsschild, Schutzschild oder Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Im ersten Zug weicht der Benutzer allen Angriffen aus. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.shortDesc=Verschwindet in Runde 1. Trifft in Runde 2. Durchbricht den Schutz. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.gen6.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Scanner, den Königsschild, das Schutzschild oder das Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Im ersten Zug weicht der Benutzer allen Angriffen aus. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.prepare=%s ist sofort verschwunden! +showdown.moves.phantomforce.activate=Es hat den Schutz von %s durchbrochen! -showdown.moves.photongeyser.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.photongeyser.desc=Diese Bewegung wird zu einem physischen Angriff, wenn der Angriff des Benutzers größer ist als sein Spezialangriff, einschließlich Änderungen der Statusstufe. Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physisch, wenn der Angriff des Benutzers > SP ist. Angriff. Ignoriert Fähigkeiten. -showdown.moves.pikapapow.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. -showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. +showdown.moves.pikapapow.desc=Die Stärke entspricht dem größeren Wert von (Zufriedenheit des Benutzers * 2/5), abgerundet, oder 1. +showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Maximales Glück: 102 Kraft. Kann nicht verfehlt werden. -showdown.moves.pinmissile.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug.äuste -showdown.moves.plasmafists.desc=If this move is successful, causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. -showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. +showdown.moves.plasmafists.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, werden Attacken vom normalen Typ in diesem Zug zum elektrischen Typ. +showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normale Attacken werden in diesem Zug zum elektrischen Typ. -showdown.moves.playnice.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.playnice.desc=Senkt den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Verringert den Angriff des Ziels um 1. -showdown.moves.playrough.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.playrough.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.ücker -showdown.moves.pluck.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.pluck.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. -showdown.moves.pluck.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. -showdown.moves.pluck.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! +showdown.moves.playrough.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.playrough.shortDesc=10 % Chance, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 zu verringern.ücker +showdown.moves.pluck.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er die gehaltene Beere des Ziels, wenn es eine hält, und frisst sie sofort, wodurch seine Effekte auch dann wirksam werden, wenn der Gegenstand des Benutzers ignoriert wird. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.pluck.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stiehlt und isst die Beere des Ziels. +showdown.moves.pluck.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stiehlt die gehaltene Beere des Ziels, wenn es eine hält, und isst sie sofort, wodurch seine Effekte erhalten werden, es sei denn, der Gegenstand des Benutzers wird ignoriert. Durch diesen Umzug verlorene Gegenstände können durch Aufbereitung wiedererlangt werden. +showdown.moves.pluck.removeItem=%s hat %s seines Ziels gestohlen und gefressen! -showdown.moves.poisonfang.desc=Has a 50% chance to badly poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonfang.shortDesc=50% chance to badly poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to badly poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to badly poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisongas.desc=Poisons the target. -showdown.moves.poisongas.shortDesc=Poisons the foe(s). -showdown.moves.poisongas.gen2.shortDesc=Poisons the target. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, das Ziel schwer zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.shortDesc=50 % Chance, das Ziel schwer zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel schwer zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel schwer zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.poisongas.desc=Vergiftet das Ziel. +showdown.moves.poisongas.shortDesc=Vergiftet den/die Gegner. +showdown.moves.poisongas.gen2.shortDesc=Vergiftet das Ziel. -showdown.moves.poisonjab.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonjab.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonjab.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.poisonjab.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu vergiften. -showdown.moves.poisonpowder.desc=Poisons the target. -showdown.moves.poisonpowder.shortDesc=Poisons the target. +showdown.moves.poisonpowder.desc=Vergiftet das Ziel. +showdown.moves.poisonpowder.shortDesc=Vergiftet das Ziel. -showdown.moves.poisonsting.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonsting.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.shortDesc=20% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu vergiften, und eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. 10 % Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit.ödel -showdown.moves.pollenpuff.desc=If the target is an ally, this move restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down, instead of dealing damage. -showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=If the target is an ally, heals 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.pollenpuff.desc=Wenn das Ziel ein Verbündeter ist, stellt diese Bewegung die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, anstatt Schaden zu verursachen. +showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=Wenn das Ziel ein Verbündeter ist, werden 50 % seiner maximalen HP geheilt. -showdown.moves.poltergeist.shortDesc=Fails if the target has no held item. -showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=%s is about to be attacked by its %s! +showdown.moves.poltergeist.shortDesc=Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keinen gehaltenen Gegenstand hat. +showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=%s wird bald von seinem %s angegriffen!äuseplage -showdown.moves.populationbomb.desc=Hits ten times. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit ten times. If the user is holding Loaded Dice, this move hits four to ten times at random without checking accuracy between hits. -showdown.moves.populationbomb.shortDesc=Hits 10 times. Each hit can miss. +showdown.moves.populationbomb.desc=Zehnmal getroffen. Bei diesem Zug wird die Genauigkeit bei jedem Treffer überprüft und der Angriff endet, wenn das Ziel einem Treffer ausweicht. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, trifft dieser Zug immer zehnmal. Wenn der Benutzer geladene Würfel in der Hand hält, trifft dieser Zug vier bis zehn Mal nach dem Zufallsprinzip, ohne dass die Genauigkeit zwischen den Treffern überprüft wird. +showdown.moves.populationbomb.shortDesc=10 Mal getroffen. Jeder Treffer kann verfehlen. -showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.powder.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect does not happen if the Fire-type move is prevented by Primordial Sea. -showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP. -showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect happens before the Fire-type move would be prevented by Primordial Sea. -showdown.moves.powder.start=%s is covered in powder! -showdown.moves.powder.activate=When the flame touched the powder on the Pokémon, it exploded! +showdown.moves.powder.desc=Wenn das Ziel in diesem Zug eine Bewegung vom Typ Feuer ausführt, wird die Ausführung verhindert und das Ziel verliert 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn die Bewegung vom Typ Feuer durch Urmeer verhindert wird. +showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=Bei Verwendung einer Feuerbewegung verliert das Ziel 1/4 seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=Wenn das Ziel in diesem Zug eine Bewegung vom Typ Feuer ausführt, wird die Ausführung verhindert und das Ziel verliert 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Dieser Effekt tritt ein, bevor die Bewegung vom Typ Feuer durch Urmeer verhindert wird. +showdown.moves.powder.start=%s ist mit Pulver bedeckt! +showdown.moves.powder.activate=Als die Flamme das Pulver auf dem Pokémon berührte, explodierte es! -showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). -showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel einzufrieren. +showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10 % Chance, den/die Gegner einzufrieren. +showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel einzufrieren. showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=The user and the target have their Attack and Special Attack stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Attack and Special Attack stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. -showdown.moves.powersplit.shortDesc=Averages Attack and Sp. Atk stats with target. -showdown.moves.powersplit.activate=%s shared its power with the target! +showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=Die Angriffs- und Spezialangriffsstatistiken des Benutzers und des Ziels werden so eingestellt, dass sie dem Durchschnitt der Angriffs- und Spezialangriffsstatistiken des Benutzers bzw. des Ziels entsprechen, abgerundet. Änderungen der Stat-Stufe bleiben davon unberührt. +showdown.moves.powersplit.shortDesc=Durchschnittliche Angriffs- und SP-Werte. Angriffsstatistiken mit Ziel. +showdown.moves.powersplit.activate=%s hat seine Macht mit dem Ziel geteilt! -showdown.moves.powerswap.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Special Attack stat stage changes with the target. -showdown.moves.powerswap.shortDesc=Swaps Attack and Sp. Atk stat stages with target. +showdown.moves.powerswap.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht die Änderungen seiner Angriffs- und Spezialangriffsstatistiken mit dem Ziel aus. +showdown.moves.powerswap.shortDesc=Tauscht Angriff und Sp aus. Angriffsstatistikstufen mit Ziel. -showdown.moves.powershift.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. -showdown.moves.powershift.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. -showdown.moves.powershift.start=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! -showdown.moves.powershift.end=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! +showdown.moves.powershift.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seine Angriffs- und Verteidigungsstatistiken aus und Änderungen der Statusstufe bleiben in den jeweiligen Statistiken erhalten. Dieser Zug kann erneut verwendet werden, um die Statistiken zurückzutauschen. Wenn der Benutzer Stafette verwendet, werden die Angriffs- und Verteidigungswerte des Ersatzes vertauscht, wenn der Effekt aktiv ist. Wenn die Statistiken des Benutzers neu berechnet werden, indem die Form geändert wird, während seine Statistiken ausgetauscht werden, wird dieser Effekt ignoriert, ist aber für die Zwecke von Stafette weiterhin aktiv. +showdown.moves.powershift.shortDesc=Ändert die Angriffs- und Verteidigungsstatistiken des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.powershift.start=%s hat seine Offensivstatistiken mit seinen Defensivstatistiken getauscht! +showdown.moves.powershift.end=%s hat seine Offensivstatistiken mit seinen Defensivstatistiken getauscht! -showdown.moves.powertrick.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. -showdown.moves.powertrick.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. -showdown.moves.powertrick.start=%s switched its Attack and Defense! -showdown.moves.powertrick.end=%s switched its Attack and Defense! +showdown.moves.powertrick.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seine Angriffs- und Verteidigungsstatistiken aus und Änderungen der Statusstufe bleiben in den jeweiligen Statistiken erhalten. Dieser Zug kann erneut verwendet werden, um die Statistiken zurückzutauschen. Wenn der Benutzer Stafette verwendet, werden die Angriffs- und Verteidigungswerte des Ersatzes vertauscht, wenn der Effekt aktiv ist. Wenn die Statistiken des Benutzers neu berechnet werden, indem die Form geändert wird, während seine Statistiken ausgetauscht werden, wird dieser Effekt ignoriert, ist aber für die Zwecke von Stafette weiterhin aktiv. +showdown.moves.powertrick.shortDesc=Ändert die Angriffs- und Verteidigungsstatistiken des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.powertrick.start=%s hat seinen Angriff und seine Verteidigung vertauscht! +showdown.moves.powertrick.end=%s hat seinen Angriff und seine Verteidigung vertauscht!Überheblichkeit -showdown.moves.powertrip.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. -showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. +showdown.moves.powertrip.desc=Die Leistung ist gleich 20+(X*20), wobei X die gesamten Statusstufenänderungen des Benutzers ist, die größer als 0 sind. +showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc=+ 20 Kraft für jeden Stat-Boost des Benutzers. -showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100 % Chance, den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen.ßel showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. -showdown.moves.present.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 40% chance for 40 power, 30% chance for 80 power, 10% chance for 120 power, and 20% chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 power, or heals target 1/4 max HP. -showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 102/256 chance for 40 power, 76/256 chance for 80 power, 26/256 chance for 120 power, or 52/256 chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If this move deals damage, it uses an abnormal version of the damage formula by substituting certain values. The user's Attack stat is replaced with 10 times the effectiveness of this move against the target, the target's Defense stat is replaced with the index number of the user's secondary type, and the user's level is replaced with the index number of the target's secondary type. If a Pokemon does not have a secondary type, its primary type is used. The index numbers for each type are Normal: 0, Fighting: 1, Flying: 2, Poison: 3, Ground: 4, Rock: 5, Bug: 7, Ghost: 8, Steel: 9, Fire: 20, Water: 21, Grass: 22, Electric: 23, Psychic: 24, Ice: 25, Dragon: 26, Dark: 27. If at any point a division by 0 would happen in the damage formula, it divides by 1 instead. +showdown.moves.present.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verursacht er Schaden oder heilt das Ziel. 40 % Chance auf 40 Kraft, 30 % Chance auf 80 Kraft, 10 % Chance auf 120 Kraft und 20 % Chance, das Ziel um 1/4 seiner maximalen HP zu heilen, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 Kraft oder heilt das Ziel um 1/4 der maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verursacht er Schaden oder heilt das Ziel. 102/256-Chance für 40 Kraft, 76/256-Chance für 80 Kraft, 26/256-Chance für 120 Kraft oder 52/256-Chance, das Ziel um 1/4 seiner maximalen HP zu heilen, abgerundet. Wenn dieser Zug Schaden verursacht, verwendet er eine abnormale Version der Schadensformel, indem er bestimmte Werte ersetzt. Der Angriffswert des Benutzers wird durch die zehnfache Effektivität dieser Bewegung gegen das Ziel ersetzt, der Verteidigungswert des Ziels wird durch die Indexnummer des sekundären Typs des Benutzers ersetzt und die Stufe des Benutzers wird durch die Indexnummer des sekundären Typs des Ziels ersetzt. Wenn ein Pokémon keinen sekundären Typ hat, wird sein primärer Typ verwendet. Die Indexzahlen für jeden Typ sind Normal: 0, Kämpfen: 1, Fliegend: 2, Gift: 3, Boden: 4, Stein: 5, Käfer: 7, Geist: 8, Stahl: 9, Feuer: 20, Wasser: 21 , Gras: 22, Elektrik: 23, Psychokinese: 24, Eis: 25, Drache: 26, Dunkelheit: 27. Wenn in der Schadensformel zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt eine Division durch 0 vorkommen würde, wird stattdessen durch 1 dividiert. -showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. -showdown.moves.protect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen5.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen4.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.start=%s protected itself! -showdown.moves.protect.block=%s protected itself! +showdown.moves.protect.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.protect.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass Attacken den Benutzer in diesem Zug beeinträchtigen. +showdown.moves.protect.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.protect.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.protect.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.protect.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Die Erfolgschance dieses Zuges beträgt 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdoppelt, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.protect.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beträgt 1/X. X beginnt bei 1 und verdoppelt sich jedes Mal, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird, bis zu einem Maximum von 8 nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.protect.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von X/65536, wobei X bei 65535 beginnt und sich jedes Mal halbiert, abgerundet, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. Nach dem vierten erfolgreichen Einsatz in Folge sinkt X auf 118 und setzt sich bei weiteren erfolgreichen Einsätzen mit scheinbar zufälligen Werten von 0-65535 fort. X wird auf 65535 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.protect.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor Angriffen des Gegners geschützt. Dieser Zug hat eine Erfolgschance von X/255, wobei X bei 255 beginnt und sich jedes Mal halbiert, abgerundet, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 255 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde zuletzt einen Ersatzspieler hat oder sich bewegt. +showdown.moves.protect.start=%s hat sich selbst geschützt! +showdown.moves.protect.block=%s hat sich selbst geschützt! -showdown.moves.psybeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.psybeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.psybeam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.psybeam.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren. -showdown.moves.psyblade.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.moves.psyblade.shortDesc=During Electric Terrain: 1.5x power. +showdown.moves.psyblade.desc=Wenn das aktuelle Gelände Elektrofeld ist, wird die Kraft dieser Bewegung mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.moves.psyblade.shortDesc=Während Elektrofeld: 1,5-fache Leistung. -showdown.moves.psychup.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. -showdown.moves.psychup.shortDesc=Copies the target's current stat stages. -showdown.moves.psychup.gen2.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. Fails if the target's stat stages are 0. +showdown.moves.psychup.desc=Der Benutzer kopiert alle aktuellen Statusstufenänderungen des Ziels. +showdown.moves.psychup.shortDesc=Kopiert die aktuellen Statusstufen des Ziels. +showdown.moves.psychup.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer kopiert alle aktuellen Statusstufenänderungen des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Statusstufen des Ziels 0 sind. -showdown.moves.psychic.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.psychic.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. -showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1. +showdown.moves.psychic.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.psychic.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 1. +showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 33 %, die Spezialfähigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.shortDesc=33 % Chance, die Spezialfähigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern.ßer -showdown.moves.psychicfangs.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. -showdown.moves.psychicfangs.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. +showdown.moves.psychicfangs.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht fehlschlägt, enden die Effekte von Reflektor, Lichtschild und Auroraschleier für die Seite des Ziels, bevor der Schaden berechnet wird. +showdown.moves.psychicfangs.shortDesc=Zerstört Bildschirme, es sei denn, das Ziel ist immun. -showdown.moves.psychicterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.psychicterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Psychic power, priority-safe. -showdown.moves.psychicterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zum Psychokinese-Gelände. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Angriffen vom Typ Psychokinese, die von geerdeten Pokémon ausgeführt werden, mit 1,3 multipliziert und geerdete Pokémon können nicht von Attacken mit einer Priorität größer als 0 getroffen werden, es sei denn, das Ziel ist ein Verbündeter. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen Psychokinese-Typ, Natur-Kraft wird zu Psychokinese und Geheimkraft hat eine Chance von 30 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Psychokinese-Gelände ist. +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.shortDesc=5 Umdrehungen. Geerdet: +Psychokinesische Kraft, prioritätssicher. +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.gen7.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zum Psychokinese-Gelände. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Angriffen vom Typ Psychokinese, die von am Boden liegenden Pokémon ausgeführt werden, mit 1,5 multipliziert und am Boden liegende Pokémon können nicht von Attacken mit einer Priorität größer als 0 getroffen werden, es sei denn, das Ziel ist ein Verbündeter. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen Psychokinese-Typ, Natur-Kraft wird zu Psychokinese und Geheimkraft hat eine Chance von 30 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Psychokinese-Gelände ist. -showdown.moves.psychoboost.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.psychoboost.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.psychoboost.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.psychoboost.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Benutzers. Angriff um 2. -showdown.moves.psychocut.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.psychocut.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.psychocut.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.psychocut.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.psychoshift.desc=The user's non-volatile status condition is transferred to the target, and the user is then cured. Fails if the user has no non-volatile status condition or if the target already has one. -showdown.moves.psychoshift.shortDesc=Transfers the user's status ailment to the target. +showdown.moves.psychoshift.desc=Der nichtflüchtige Statuszustand des Benutzers wird auf das Ziel übertragen und der Benutzer wird dann geheilt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keine nichtflüchtige Statusbedingung hat oder wenn das Ziel bereits eine hat. +showdown.moves.psychoshift.shortDesc=Überträgt die Statusstörung des Benutzers an das Ziel.ß -showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. -showdown.moves.psyshock.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. -showdown.moves.psyshock.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.psyshock.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden zu, der auf seiner Verteidigung statt auf der Spezialverteidigung basiert. +showdown.moves.psyshock.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden basierend auf der Verteidigung zu, nicht auf der SP. Def.ß -showdown.moves.psystrike.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. -showdown.moves.psystrike.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.psystrike.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden zu, der auf seiner Verteidigung statt auf der Spezialverteidigung basiert. +showdown.moves.psystrike.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden basierend auf der Verteidigung zu, nicht auf der SP. Def. -showdown.moves.psywave.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 100, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Random damage equal to 0.5x-1.5x user's level. -showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 10, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to a random number from 1 to (user's level * 1.5 - 1), rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Random damage from 1 to (user's level*1.5 - 1). +showdown.moves.psywave.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von (Level des Benutzers) * (X + 50) / 100 zu, wobei X eine Zufallszahl von 0 bis 100 ist, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Zufälliger Schaden in Höhe des 0,5- bis 1,5-fachen Levels des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von (Level des Benutzers) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100 zu, wobei X eine Zufallszahl von 0 bis 10 ist, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe einer zufälligen Zahl von 1 bis (Level des Benutzers * 1,5 – 1) zu, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Zufälliger Schaden von 1 bis (Benutzerlevel*1,5 – 1). mit lustig showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. -showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts. +showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Die Stärke ist gleich 60+(X*20), wobei X die gesamten Statusstufenänderungen des Ziels sind, die größer als 0, aber nicht mehr als 200 Stärke sind. +showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 Kraft +20 für jeden Stat-Boost des Ziels.äuterung -showdown.moves.purify.desc=The target is cured if it has a non-volatile status condition. If the target was cured, the user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Cures target's status; heals user 1/2 max HP if so. +showdown.moves.purify.desc=Das Ziel ist geheilt, wenn es einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand aufweist. Wenn das Ziel geheilt wurde, stellt der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Heilt den Status des Ziels; Heilt den Benutzer in diesem Fall um die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.pursuit.desc=If an opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. -showdown.moves.pursuit.shortDesc=If a foe is switching out, hits it at 2x power. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen7.desc=If an adjacent opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen5.desc=If an adjacent opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using U-turn or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen4.desc=If an opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using U-turn, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon becomes active immediately. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.desc=If the target is an opposing Pokemon and it switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon becomes active immediately. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.shortDesc=Power doubles if the targeted foe is switching out. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.desc=If the target switches out this turn, this move hits it before it leaves the field with doubled power and the user's turn is over. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles if the foe is switching out. -showdown.moves.pursuit.activate=(%s is being withdrawn...) +showdown.moves.pursuit.desc=Wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon in diesem Zug auswechselt, trifft dieser Zug dieses Pokémon, bevor es das Spielfeld verlässt, auch wenn es nicht das ursprüngliche Ziel war. Wenn sich der Benutzer einem Gegner mit Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel, aber nicht mit Stafette, nähert, wird dieser Gegner getroffen, bevor er das Feld verlässt. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich und es erfolgt keine Genauigkeitsprüfung, wenn der Benutzer einen auswechselnden Gegner trifft und der Benutzer an der Reihe ist; Fällt ein Gegner dadurch in Ohnmacht, wird das Ersatz-Pokémon erst am Ende des Zuges aktiv. +showdown.moves.pursuit.shortDesc=Wenn ein Gegner auswechselt, trifft er ihn mit doppelter Stärke. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen7.desc=Wenn ein benachbartes gegnerisches Pokémon in diesem Zug auswechselt, trifft diese Bewegung dieses Pokémon, bevor es das Spielfeld verlässt, auch wenn es nicht das ursprüngliche Ziel war. Wenn der Benutzer einem Gegner mit Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel, aber nicht mit Stafette hinterherläuft, wird dieser Gegner getroffen, bevor er das Spielfeld verlässt. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich und es erfolgt keine Genauigkeitsprüfung, wenn der Benutzer einen auswechselnden Gegner trifft und der Benutzer an der Reihe ist; Fällt ein Gegner dadurch in Ohnmacht, wird das Ersatz-Pokémon erst am Ende des Zuges aktiv. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen5.desc=Wenn ein benachbartes gegnerisches Pokémon in diesem Zug auswechselt, trifft diese Bewegung dieses Pokémon, bevor es das Spielfeld verlässt, auch wenn es nicht das ursprüngliche Ziel war. Wenn der Benutzer einem Gegner mit Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel, aber nicht mit Stafette hinterherläuft, wird dieser Gegner getroffen, bevor er das Spielfeld verlässt. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich und es erfolgt keine Genauigkeitsprüfung, wenn der Benutzer einen auswechselnden Gegner trifft und der Benutzer an der Reihe ist; Fällt ein Gegner dadurch in Ohnmacht, wird das Ersatz-Pokémon erst am Ende des Zuges aktiv. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen4.desc=Wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon in diesem Zug auswechselt, trifft dieser Zug dieses Pokémon, bevor es das Spielfeld verlässt, auch wenn es nicht das ursprüngliche Ziel war. Wenn der Benutzer einem Gegner mit Kehrtwende, aber nicht mit Stafette hinterherläuft, wird dieser Gegner getroffen, bevor er das Spielfeld verlässt. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich und es erfolgt keine Genauigkeitsprüfung, wenn der Benutzer einen auswechselnden Gegner trifft und der Benutzer an der Reihe ist; Fällt ein Gegner dadurch in Ohnmacht, wird das Ersatz-Pokémon sofort aktiv. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.desc=Wenn das Ziel ein gegnerisches Pokémon ist und es in diesem Zug auswechselt, trifft dieser Zug dieses Pokémon, bevor es das Spielfeld verlässt. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich und es erfolgt keine Genauigkeitsprüfung, wenn der Benutzer einen auswechselnden Gegner trifft und der Benutzer an der Reihe ist; Fällt ein Gegner dadurch in Ohnmacht, wird das Ersatz-Pokémon sofort aktiv. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der anvisierte Gegner auswechselt. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.desc=Wenn das Ziel in diesem Zug auswechselt, wird es von dieser Bewegung getroffen, bevor es das Spielfeld mit doppelter Kraft verlässt und der Zug des Benutzers beendet ist. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Gegner auswechselt. +showdown.moves.pursuit.activate=(%s wird zurückgezogen...) -showdown.moves.pyroball.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.pyroball.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.pyroball.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.pyroball.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Taut den Benutzer auf.ögerung -showdown.moves.quash.desc=Causes the target to take its turn after all other Pokemon this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target already moved this turn. -showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Forces the target to move last this turn. -showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! +showdown.moves.quash.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel nach allen anderen Pokémon in diesem Zug an der Reihe ist, unabhängig von der Priorität seiner ausgewählten Bewegung. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel in diesem Zug bereits bewegt hat. +showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Zwingt das Ziel, sich in dieser Runde zuletzt zu bewegen. +showdown.moves.quash.activate=Der Umzug von %s wurde verschoben!ückzuckhieb showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. -showdown.moves.quickguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.quickguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from priority attacks this turn. -showdown.moves.quickguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.quickguard.gen7.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.quickguard.gen6.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.quickguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.quickguard.start=Quick Guard protected %s! -showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Quick Guard protected %s! +showdown.moves.quickguard.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor Angriffen mit einer ursprünglichen oder geänderten Priorität größer als 0 durch andere Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt. Dieser Zug modifiziert die gleiche 1/X-Chance, erfolgreich zu sein, wie andere Schutzzüge, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, nutzt jedoch nicht die Chance, auf einen Misserfolg zu prüfen. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.quickguard.shortDesc=Schutzschilds Verbündete vor Prioritätsangriffen in dieser Runde. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor Angriffen mit einer ursprünglichen oder geänderten Priorität größer als 0 durch andere Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt. Dieser Zug modifiziert die gleiche 1/X-Chance, erfolgreich zu sein, wie andere Schutzzüge, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, nutzt jedoch nicht die Chance, auf einen Misserfolg zu prüfen. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor Angriffen mit einer ursprünglichen oder geänderten Priorität größer als 0 durch andere Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt. Dieser Zug modifiziert die gleiche 1/X-Chance, erfolgreich zu sein, wie andere Schutzzüge, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, nutzt jedoch nicht die Chance, auf einen Misserfolg zu prüfen. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor Angriffen mit einer ursprünglichen oder geänderten Priorität größer als 0 durch andere Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt. Dieser Zug modifiziert die gleiche 1/X-Chance, erfolgreich zu sein, wie andere Schutzzüge, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, nutzt jedoch nicht die Chance, auf einen Misserfolg zu prüfen. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor Angriffen anderer Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, mit einer ursprünglichen Priorität größer als 0 geschützt. Die Erfolgschance dieses Angriffs beträgt 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdoppelt, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Angriff fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz ist. Wenn X 256 oder mehr beträgt, hat dieser Zug eine Chance von 1/(2^32), erfolgreich zu sein. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.quickguard.start=Rapidschutz geschützt %s! +showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Rapidschutz geschützt %s! -showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Atk, Sp. Verteidigung, Geschwindigkeit um 1. -showdown.moves.rage.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. -showdown.moves.rage.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 if hit during use. -showdown.moves.rage.gen3.desc=Once this move is used and unless the target protected itself, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. -showdown.moves.rage.gen2.desc=Once this move is successfully used, X starts at 1. This move's damage is multiplied by X, and whenever the user is hit by the opposing Pokemon, X increases by 1, with a maximum of 255. X resets to 1 when the user is no longer active or did not choose this move for use. -showdown.moves.rage.gen2.shortDesc=Next Rage increases in damage if hit during use. -showdown.moves.rage.gen1.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user automatically uses this move every turn and can no longer switch out. During the effect, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by the opposing Pokemon, and this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. -showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts forever. Raises user's Attack by 1 when hit. +showdown.moves.rage.desc=Sobald dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, wird der Angriff des Benutzers jedes Mal um 1 Stufe erhöht, wenn er von einem Angriff eines anderen Pokémon getroffen wird, sofern dieser Zug zur Verwendung ausgewählt wurde. +showdown.moves.rage.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1, wenn er während der Verwendung getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.rage.gen3.desc=Sobald dieser Zug verwendet wird und das Ziel sich nicht selbst schützt, wird der Angriff des Benutzers jedes Mal um 1 Stufe erhöht, wenn es vom Angriff eines anderen Pokémon getroffen wird, solange dieser Zug zur Verwendung ausgewählt wird. +showdown.moves.rage.gen2.desc=Sobald diese Attacke erfolgreich ausgeführt wurde, beginnt X bei 1. Der Schaden dieser Attacke wird mit nicht mehr aktiv oder hat diesen Zug nicht zur Verwendung ausgewählt. +showdown.moves.rage.gen2.shortDesc=Als Nächstes erhöht Raserei den Schaden, wenn es während der Verwendung getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.rage.gen1.desc=Sobald dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wurde, nutzt der Benutzer diesen Zug automatisch in jeder Runde und kann nicht mehr auswechseln. Während des Effekts wird der Angriff des Benutzers jedes Mal um 1 Stufe erhöht, wenn er vom gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wird, und die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung wird in jeder Runde mit der aktuell berechneten Genauigkeit einschließlich Statusstufenänderungen überschrieben, jedoch nicht unter 1/256 oder mehr als 255/256. +showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Hält ewig. Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1, wenn er getroffen wird. -showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times the user has been hit by a damaging attack during the battle, even if the user did not lose HP from the attack. X cannot be greater than 6 and does not reset upon switching out or fainting. Each hit of a multi-hit attack is counted, but confusion damage is not counted. -showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 power for each time user was hit. Max 6 hits. +showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 50+(X*50), wobei X die Gesamtzahl der Male ist, mit denen der Benutzer während des Kampfes von einem schädlichen Angriff getroffen wurde, auch wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. X kann nicht größer als 6 sein und wird beim Ausschalten oder bei Ohnmacht nicht zurückgesetzt. Jeder Treffer eines Multi-Hit-Angriffs wird gezählt, der Verwirrungsschaden wird jedoch nicht gezählt. +showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 Kraft für jedes Mal, wenn der Benutzer getroffen wurde. Maximal 6 Treffer. -showdown.moves.ragepowder.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.ragepowder.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. -showdown.moves.ragepowder.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.ragepowder.start=%s became the center of attention! -showdown.moves.ragepowder.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.ragepowder.desc=Bis zum Ende der Runde werden alle Einzelzielangriffe der gegnerischen Seite auf den Benutzer umgeleitet. Solche Angriffe werden zum Benutzer umgeleitet, bevor sie von Magiemantel oder der Fähigkeit Magische Sprungfeder reflektiert oder von den Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter oder Storm Drain angezogen werden können. Schlägt fehl, wenn es sich nicht um einen Double Battle oder Battle Royal handelt. Dieser Effekt wird ignoriert, solange der Benutzer unter dem Effekt von Freier Fall steht. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.shortDesc=Die Attacken der Feinde zielen auf den Benutzer in der verwendeten Runde. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.gen6.desc=Bis zum Ende der Runde werden alle Einzelzielangriffe der gegnerischen Seite auf den Benutzer umgeleitet, sofern dieser sich in Reichweite befindet. Solche Angriffe werden zum Benutzer umgeleitet, bevor sie von Magiemantel oder der Fähigkeit Magische Sprungfeder reflektiert oder von den Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter oder Storm Drain angezogen werden können. Schlägt fehl, wenn es sich nicht um einen Doppel- oder Dreifachkampf handelt. Dieser Effekt wird ignoriert, solange der Benutzer unter dem Effekt von Freier Fall steht. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.start=%s wurde zum Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit! +showdown.moves.ragepowder.startFromZEffect=%s wurde zum Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit! Stier -showdown.moves.ragingbull.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. If the user's current form is a Paldean Tauros, this move's type changes to match. Fighting type for Combat Breed, Fire type for Blaze Breed, and Water type for Aqua Breed. -showdown.moves.ragingbull.shortDesc=Destroys screens. Type depends on user's form. -showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! +showdown.moves.ragingbull.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht fehlschlägt, enden die Effekte von Reflektor, Lichtschild und Auroraschleier für die Seite des Ziels, bevor der Schaden berechnet wird. Wenn die aktuelle Form des Benutzers ein Paldean Tauros ist, ändert sich der Typ dieser Bewegung entsprechend. Kampftyp für die Kampfrasse, Feuertyp für die Blaze-Rasse und Wassertyp für die Aqua-Rasse. +showdown.moves.ragingbull.shortDesc=Zerstört Bildschirme. Der Typ hängt vom Formular des Benutzers ab. +showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s hat den Schutz von %s zerstört! -showdown.moves.ragingfury.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.ragingfury.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.ragingfury.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und wird unmittelbar nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, sofern dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, zu Beginn einer Runde schläft oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel in der ersten Runde des Effekts oder der zweiten Runde eines Drei-Runden-Effekts nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften . Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird und der Benutzer schläft, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.ragingfury.shortDesc=Hält 2-3 Runden an. Verwirrt den Benutzer im Nachhinein. -showdown.moves.raindance.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Damp Rock. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. -showdown.moves.raindance.shortDesc=For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves. -showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. -showdown.moves.raindance.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance, even if the current weather is Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. +showdown.moves.raindance.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Regentanz. Der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Wasser wird mit 1,5 multipliziert und der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer wird während der Wirkung mit 0,5 multipliziert. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Damp Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Regentanz ist. +showdown.moves.raindance.shortDesc=5 Runden lang treibt starker Regen Wasserattacken an. +showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Regentanz. Der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Wasser wird mit 1,5 multipliziert und der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer wird während der Wirkung mit 0,5 multipliziert. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Regentanz ist. +showdown.moves.raindance.gen2.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Regentanz, auch wenn das aktuelle Wetter Regentanz ist. Der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Wasser wird mit 1,5 multipliziert und der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer wird während der Wirkung mit 0,5 multipliziert. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.shortDesc=Free user from hazards/bind/Leech Seed; +1 Spe. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.shortDesc=Frees user from hazards, binding, Leech Seed. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen4.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end against the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen3.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and Spikes are removed from the user's side of the field. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, enden die Effekte von Egelsamen- und Bindungsattacken für den Benutzer und alle Gefahren werden von der Seite des Benutzerfelds entfernt. Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.shortDesc=Freier Benutzer von Hazards/Bind/Egelsamen; +1 Spe. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, enden die Effekte von Egelsamen- und Bindungsattacken für den Benutzer und alle Gefahren werden von der Seite des Benutzerfelds entfernt. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.shortDesc=Befreit Benutzer von Gefahren, Bindungen und Egelsamen. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen4.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, enden die Effekte von Egelsamen- und Bindungsattacken gegen den Benutzer und alle Gefahren werden von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, enden die Effekte von Egelsamen- und Bindungsattacken für den Benutzer und Stachler wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt. -showdown.moves.razorleaf.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.razorleaf.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. -showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.razorleaf.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.razorleaf.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. +showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.razorshell.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.razorshell.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.razorshell.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.razorshell.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken. -showdown.moves.razorwind.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.razorwind.shortDesc=Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. High crit ratio. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen4.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.shortDesc=Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.shortDesc=Charges, then hits target turn 2. High crit ratio. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.razorwind.prepare=%s whipped up a whirlwind! +showdown.moves.razorwind.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.razorwind.shortDesc=Ladevorgang, trifft dann Gegner in Runde 2. Hohes Krit-Verhältnis. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen4.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.shortDesc=Ladevorgang, dann trifft Gegner in Runde 2. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs, dann trifft das Ziel in Runde 2. Hohes Krit-Verhältnis. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs Runde 1. Hits Runde 2. +showdown.moves.razorwind.prepare=%s hat für einen Wirbelsturm gesorgt! -showdown.moves.recover.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.recover.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.recover.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.moves.recover.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. +showdown.moves.recover.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.recover.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.recover.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.recover.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn (maximale HP des Benutzers – aktuelle HP des Benutzers + 1) durch 256 teilbar ist. -showdown.moves.recycle.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Corrosive Gas, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. -showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Restores the item the user last used. -showdown.moves.recycle.gen7.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. -showdown.moves.recycle.gen4.desc=The user regains the item last used by a Pokemon in its current position on the field, even if that Pokemon was not the user. Fails if the user is holding an item, if no items have been used at the user's position, or if the item was lost to Covet, Knock Off, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. -showdown.moves.recycle.addItem=%s found one %s! +showdown.moves.recycle.desc=Der Benutzer erhält den Gegenstand zurück, den er zuletzt verwendet hat. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer einen Gegenstand hält, wenn der Benutzer keinen Gegenstand gehalten hat, wenn der Gegenstand ein geplatzter Luftballon war, wenn der Gegenstand von einem Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Aufsammeln aufgenommen wurde oder wenn der Gegenstand an Käferbiss verloren gegangen ist. Korrosionsgas, Bezirzer, Einäschern, Abschlag, Plücker oder Raub. Mit Schleuder geworfene Gegenstände können zurückgewonnen werden. +showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Stellt den Artikel wieder her, den der Benutzer zuletzt verwendet hat. +showdown.moves.recycle.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer erhält den Gegenstand zurück, den er zuletzt verwendet hat. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer einen Gegenstand hält, wenn der Benutzer keinen Gegenstand gehalten hat, wenn der Gegenstand ein geplatzter Luftballon war, wenn der Gegenstand von einem Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Aufsammeln aufgenommen wurde oder wenn der Gegenstand an Käferbiss verloren gegangen ist. Bezirzer, Einäschern, Abschlag, Pflücker oder Raub. Mit Schleuder geworfene Gegenstände können zurückgewonnen werden. +showdown.moves.recycle.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer erhält den zuletzt von einem Pokémon verwendeten Gegenstand an seiner aktuellen Position auf dem Spielfeld zurück, auch wenn dieses Pokémon nicht der Benutzer war. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer einen Gegenstand hält, wenn an der Position des Benutzers keine Gegenstände verwendet wurden oder wenn der Gegenstand an Bezirzer, Abschlag oder Raub verloren gegangen ist. Mit Schleuder geworfene Gegenstände können zurückgewonnen werden. +showdown.moves.recycle.addItem=%s hat einen %s gefunden! -showdown.moves.reflect.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.reflect.shortDesc=For 5 turns, physical damage to allies is halved. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from physical attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from physical attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members have their Defense doubled. Critical hits ignore this effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user's party has doubled Def. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its Defense is doubled when taking damage. Critical hits ignore this protection. This effect can be removed by Haze. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.shortDesc=While active, the user's Defense is doubled. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.start=%s gained armor! -showdown.moves.reflect.start=Reflect made %s stronger against physical moves! -showdown.moves.reflect.end=%s's Reflect wore off! +showdown.moves.reflect.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder erleiden 5 Runden lang 0,5-fachen Schaden durch physische Angriffe bzw. 0,66-fachen Schaden im Doppelkampf. Der Schaden wird durch Auroraschleier nicht weiter reduziert. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch, Psychokinese-Reißzähnen oder Auflockern getroffen wird. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Light Clay hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.reflect.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden wird der physische Schaden an Verbündeten halbiert. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder erleiden 5 Runden lang 0,5-fachen Schaden durch physische Angriffe oder 0,66-fachen Schaden, wenn sie sich in einem Doppel- oder Dreifachkampf befinden. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch oder Auflockern getroffen wird. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Light Clay hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen4.desc=Für 5 Runden erleiden der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder 1/2 Schaden durch physische Angriffe oder 2/3 Schaden, wenn sich mehrere aktive Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers befinden. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch oder Auflockern getroffen wird. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Light Clay hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden erleiden der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder 1/2 Schaden durch physische Angriffe oder 2/3 Schaden, wenn sich mehrere aktive Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers befinden. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch getroffen wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Verteidigung des Benutzers und seiner Gruppenmitglieder verdoppelt. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden hat die Gruppe des Benutzers die Verteidigung verdoppelt. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird seine Verteidigung verdoppelt, wenn er Schaden erleidet. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Schutz. Dieser Effekt kann durch Dunkelnebel entfernt werden. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.shortDesc=Während es aktiv ist, wird die Verteidigung des Benutzers verdoppelt. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.start=%s hat Rüstung erhalten! +showdown.moves.reflect.start=Reflektor hat %s stärker gegen physische Attacken gemacht! +showdown.moves.reflect.end=Der Reflektor von %s ist abgenutzt! -showdown.moves.reflecttype.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the user is Terastallized, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. -showdown.moves.reflecttype.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. -showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen8.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. -showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen6.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. Fails if the user is an Arceus. -showdown.moves.reflecttype.typeChange=%s's type became the same as %s's type! +showdown.moves.reflecttype.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Typen des Benutzers mit den aktuellen Typen des Ziels übereinstimmen. Wenn die aktuellen Typen des Ziels Typlos und einen nicht hinzugefügten Typ umfassen, wird Typlos ignoriert. Wenn zu den aktuellen Typen des Ziels Typlos und ein hinzugefügter Typ aus Waldfluch oder Trickbetrug-or-Treat gehören, wird Typlos stattdessen als Typ Normal kopiert. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ein Arceus oder Silvally ist, wenn der Benutzer Terastallisiert ist oder wenn der aktuelle Typ des Ziels nur typlos ist. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.shortDesc=Der Benutzer wird zum gleichen Typ wie das Ziel. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen8.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Typen des Benutzers mit den aktuellen Typen des Ziels übereinstimmen. Wenn die aktuellen Typen des Ziels Typlos und einen nicht hinzugefügten Typ umfassen, wird Typlos ignoriert. Wenn zu den aktuellen Typen des Ziels Typlos und ein hinzugefügter Typ aus Waldfluch oder Trickbetrug-or-Treat gehören, wird Typlos stattdessen als Typ Normal kopiert. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ein Arceus oder Silvally ist oder wenn der aktuelle Typ des Ziels nur typlos ist. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Typen des Benutzers mit den aktuellen Typen des Ziels übereinstimmen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ein Arceus ist. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.typeChange=Der Typ von %s ist derselbe wie der Typ von %s! -showdown.moves.refresh.desc=The user cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Fails if the user is not burned, poisoned, or paralyzed. -showdown.moves.refresh.shortDesc=User cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. +showdown.moves.refresh.desc=Der Benutzer heilt seine Verbrennung, sein Gift oder seine Lähmung. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keine Verbrennungen, Vergiftungen oder Lähmungen aufweist. +showdown.moves.refresh.shortDesc=Der Benutzer heilt seine Verbrennung, sein Gift oder seine Lähmung. -showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. If this move is successful on at least one target and the user is a Meloetta, it changes to Pirouette Forme if it is currently in Aria Forme, or changes to Aria Forme if it is currently in Pirouette Forme. This forme change does not happen if the Meloetta has the Sheer Force Ability. The Pirouette Forme reverts to Aria Forme when Meloetta is not active. -showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10% chance to sleep foe(s). Meloetta transforms. +showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zum Einschlafen zu bringen. Wenn diese Bewegung bei mindestens einem Ziel erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer eine Meloetta ist, wechselt sie in die Pirouettenform, wenn sie sich derzeit in der Aria-Form befindet, oder in die Aria-Form, wenn sie sich derzeit in der Pirouettenform befindet. Diese Formänderung findet nicht statt, wenn die Meloetta über die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht verfügt. Die Pirouettenform kehrt zur Ariaform zurück, wenn Meloetta nicht aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10 % Chance, Gegner einzuschlafen. Meloetta verwandelt sich. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. Fails if the user has full HP, is already asleep, or if another effect is preventing sleep. sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process, even if it was already asleep. Fails if the user has full HP. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. This does not remove the user's stat penalty for burn or paralysis. Fails if the user has full HP. Benutzer schläft für die nächsten zwei Runden ein und stellt alle seine HP wieder her, wodurch er sich selbst von allen nichtflüchtigen Statuszuständen heilt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer über volle HP verfügt, bereits schläft oder wenn ein anderer Effekt den Schlaf verhindert. Benutzer schläft 2 Runden und stellt HP und Status wieder her. Benutzer schläft für die nächsten zwei Runden ein und stellt alle seine HP wieder her, wodurch er sich selbst von allen nichtflüchtigen Statuszuständen heilt, selbst wenn er bereits geschlafen hat. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer über volle HP verfügt. Benutzer schläft für die nächsten zwei Runden ein und stellt alle seine HP wieder her, wodurch er sich selbst von allen nichtflüchtigen Statuszuständen heilt. Dadurch wird die Stat-Strafe des Benutzers für Verbrennung oder Lähmung nicht entfernt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer über volle HP verfügt. -showdown.moves.retaliate.desc=Power doubles if one of the user's party members fainted last turn. -showdown.moves.retaliate.shortDesc=Power doubles if an ally fainted last turn. +showdown.moves.retaliate.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn eines der Gruppenmitglieder des Benutzers im letzten Zug ohnmächtig wurde. +showdown.moves.retaliate.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn ein Verbündeter in der letzten Runde ohnmächtig wurde.ückkehr -showdown.moves.return.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. -showdown.moves.return.shortDesc=Max 102 power at maximum Happiness. +showdown.moves.return.desc=Die Stärke entspricht dem größeren Wert von (Zufriedenheit des Benutzers * 2/5), abgerundet, oder 1. +showdown.moves.return.shortDesc=Maximal 102 Kraft bei maximaler Zufriedenheit. -showdown.moves.revelationdance.desc=This move's type depends on the user's primary type. If the user's primary type is typeless, this move's type is the user's secondary type if it has one, otherwise the added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat. This move is typeless if the user's type is typeless alone. -showdown.moves.revelationdance.shortDesc=Type varies based on the user's primary type. +showdown.moves.revelationdance.desc=Der Typ dieser Verschiebung hängt vom primären Typ des Benutzers ab. Wenn der primäre Typ des Benutzers typlos ist, ist der Typ dieser Bewegung der sekundäre Typ des Benutzers, falls er einen hat, andernfalls der hinzugefügte Typ von Forest's Curse oder Trickbetrug-or-Treat. Dieser Schritt ist typlos, wenn nur der Typ des Benutzers typlos ist. +showdown.moves.revelationdance.shortDesc=Der Typ variiert je nach primärem Typ des Benutzers. -showdown.moves.revenge.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. -showdown.moves.revenge.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. -showdown.moves.revenge.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn. -showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn, and that Pokemon was the last to hit the user. -showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if user is hit by the target. +showdown.moves.revenge.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug vom Ziel getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.revenge.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer durch das Ziel beschädigt wird. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen4.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug von einem Pokémon an der aktuellen Position des Ziels getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.desc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug von einem Pokémon an der aktuellen Position des Ziels getroffen wurde und dieses Pokémon den Benutzer als letztes getroffen hat. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.shortDesc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer vom Ziel getroffen wird. -showdown.moves.reversal.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. -showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.reversal.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.reversal.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. +showdown.moves.reversal.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=Je mehr Leistung, desto weniger HP hat der Benutzer übrig. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=Die Potenz dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 43 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 22 zu 42 ist, 80, wenn X 13 zu 21 ist, 100, wenn X 6 zu 12 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 64 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen3.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen2.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. Dieser Zug verursacht keine Schadensvarianz und kann kein kritischer Treffer sein. -showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=A fainted party member is selected and revived with 1/2 its max HP, rounded down. Fails if there are no fainted party members. -showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Revives a fainted Pokemon to 50% HP. -showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=%s was revived and is ready to fight again! +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=Ein ohnmächtiges Gruppenmitglied wird ausgewählt und mit der Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wiederbelebt. Schlägt fehl, wenn keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder vorhanden sind. +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Belebt ein ohnmächtiges Pokémon wieder auf 50 % HP. +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=%s wurde wiederbelebt und ist bereit, wieder zu kämpfen! -showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain and the target is grounded, this move's power is doubled. -showdown.moves.risingvoltage.shortDesc=2x power if target is grounded in Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=Wenn das aktuelle Gelände Elektrofeld ist und das Ziel am Boden liegt, wird die Kraft dieser Bewegung verdoppelt. +showdown.moves.risingvoltage.shortDesc=2x Kraft, wenn das Ziel im Elektrofeld geerdet ist.üller -showdown.moves.roar.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. -showdown.moves.roar.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. -showdown.moves.roar.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. -showdown.moves.roar.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. -showdown.moves.roar.gen1.desc=No competitive use. -showdown.moves.roar.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.roar.desc=Das Ziel muss auswechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist oder wenn das Ziel zuvor Verwurzler verwendet hat oder über die Fähigkeit Saugnäpfe verfügt. +showdown.moves.roar.shortDesc=Zwingt das Ziel, zu einem zufälligen Verbündeten zu wechseln. +showdown.moves.roar.gen4.desc=Das Ziel muss auswechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist, wenn das Ziel zuvor Verwurzler verwendet hat oder über die Fähigkeit Saugnäpfe verfügt oder wenn die Stufe des Benutzers niedriger ist als die des Ziels und X * (Benutzerstufe + Zielstufe) / 256 + 1 ist kleiner oder gleich (Level des Ziels / 4), abgerundet, wobei X eine Zufallszahl von 0 bis 255 ist. +showdown.moves.roar.gen2.desc=Das Ziel muss auswechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist oder wenn der Benutzer sich vor dem Ziel bewegt. +showdown.moves.roar.gen1.desc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. +showdown.moves.roar.gen1.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz.ärm -showdown.moves.roaroftime.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.roaroftime.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. -showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. -showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.rockclimb.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.rockpolish.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.rockpolish.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.rockclimb.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.rockpolish.desc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.rockpolish.shortDesc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2. -showdown.moves.rockslide.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. +showdown.moves.rockslide.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30 % Chance, den/die Gegner zum Zucken zu bringen. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen.ümmerer -showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken. showdown.moves.rockthrow.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.rocktomb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.rocktomb.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.rockwrecker.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.rockwrecker.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.rockwrecker.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.rockwrecker.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. -showdown.moves.roleplay.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.roleplay.shortDesc=User replaces its Ability with the target's. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen8.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen7.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen6.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype, Stance Change, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen5.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen4.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype or already matches the target, if the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, or if the user is holding a Griseous Orb. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen3.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. -showdown.moves.roleplay.changeAbility=%s copied %s's %s Ability! +showdown.moves.roleplay.desc=Die Fähigkeit des Benutzers ändert sich, um sie an die Fähigkeit des Ziels anzupassen. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers Eins, Kampfbund, Komatös, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Schluckrakete, Hadronentriebwerk, Eisfläche, Multityp, Orichalcum-Impuls, Kraftkonstrukt, Protosynthese, Quarkantrieb, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten und Haltungswechsel ist , Zen-Modus, Zero to Hero, oder passt bereits zum Ziel, oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Prognose, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion ist , Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthese, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode oder Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.roleplay.shortDesc=Der Benutzer ersetzt seine Fähigkeit durch die des Ziels. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen8.desc=Die Fähigkeit des Benutzers ändert sich, um sie an die Fähigkeit des Ziels anzupassen. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change oder Zen Mode ist oder bereits mit dem Ziel übereinstimmt, oder wenn die Die Fähigkeit des Ziels ist Eins, Kampfband, Koma, Verkleidung, Blumengeschenk, Vorhersage, Schluckrakete, Hungerschalter, Eisgesicht, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Neutralisierendes Gas, Kraftkonstrukt, Kraft der Alchemie, Empfänger, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungswechsel, Trace, Wonder Guard oder Zen-Modus. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen7.desc=Die Fähigkeit des Benutzers ändert sich, um sie an die Fähigkeit des Ziels anzupassen. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode ist oder bereits mit dem Ziel übereinstimmt oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Battle Bond, Comatose oder Disguise ist , Blumengeschenk, Vorhersage, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Kraftkonstrukt, Kraft der Alchemie, Empfänger, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde gesenkt, Haltungswechsel, Spur, Wunderwache oder Zen-Modus. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen6.desc=Die Fähigkeit des Benutzers ändert sich, um sie an die Fähigkeit des Ziels anzupassen. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers Multityp oder Haltungswechsel ist oder bereits mit dem Ziel übereinstimmt oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Blumengeschenk, Prognose, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Haltungswechsel, Spur, Wunderwächter oder Zen-Modus ist. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen5.desc=Die Fähigkeit des Benutzers ändert sich, um sie an die Fähigkeit des Ziels anzupassen. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers Multitype ist oder bereits mit dem Ziel übereinstimmt oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, Wonder Guard oder Zen Mode ist. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen4.desc=Die Fähigkeit des Benutzers ändert sich, um sie an die Fähigkeit des Ziels anzupassen. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers Multitype ist oder bereits mit dem Ziel übereinstimmt, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Multitype oder Wonder Guard ist oder wenn der Benutzer eine Griseous Orb hält. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen3.desc=Die Fähigkeit des Benutzers ändert sich, um sie an die Fähigkeit des Ziels anzupassen. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Wunderwächter ist. +showdown.moves.roleplay.changeAbility=%s hat die %s-Fähigkeit von %s kopiert! -showdown.moves.rollingkick.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.rollingkick.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.rollingkick.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.rollingkick.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.rollout.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. -showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. -showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. -showdown.moves.rollout.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. +showdown.moves.rollout.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, ist der Benutzer an diesen Zug gebunden und kann keinen weiteren Zug ausführen, bis er fehlschlägt, 5 Runden vergangen sind oder der Angriff nicht ausgeführt werden kann. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem erfolgreichen Treffer dieses Zuges und verdoppelt sich erneut, wenn Einigler zuvor vom Benutzer verwendet wurde. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet. +showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=Mit jedem Treffer verdoppelt sich die Kraft. Wird 5 Runden lang wiederholt. +showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, ist der Benutzer an diesen Zug gebunden und kann keinen weiteren Zug ausführen, bis er fehlschlägt, 5 Runden vergangen sind oder der Angriff nicht ausgeführt werden kann. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem erfolgreichen Treffer dieses Zuges und verdoppelt sich erneut, wenn Einigler zuvor vom Benutzer verwendet wurde. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet. Wenn dieser Zug während des Effekts eine aktive Verkleidung trifft, wird der Kraftmultiplikator angehalten, der Rundenzähler jedoch nicht, sodass der Multiplikator möglicherweise beim nächsten Zug des Benutzers verwendet werden kann, nachdem dieser Effekt endet. +showdown.moves.rollout.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, ist der Benutzer an diesen Zug gebunden und kann keinen weiteren Zug ausführen, bis er fehlschlägt, 5 Runden vergangen sind oder der Angriff nicht ausgeführt werden kann. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem erfolgreichen Treffer dieses Zuges und verdoppelt sich erneut, wenn Einigler zuvor vom Benutzer verwendet wurde. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet. -showdown.moves.roost.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user is not Terastallized, until the end of the turn Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. -showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends. -showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. -showdown.moves.roost.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become typeless. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. -showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s loses Flying type this turn.) +showdown.moves.roost.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn der Benutzer nicht Terastallisiert ist, verlieren Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening bis zum Ende der Runde ihren Typ Fliegening und Benutzer vom Typ reine Fliegening werden zum normalen Typ. Tut nichts, wenn die HP des Benutzers voll sind. +showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heilt 50 % HP. Der fliegende Typ wird bis zum Ende der Runde entfernt. +showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Bis zum Ende der Runde verlieren Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening ihren Typ Fliegening und reine Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening werden zum normalen Typ. Tut nichts, wenn die HP des Benutzers voll sind. +showdown.moves.roost.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Bis zum Ende der Runde verlieren Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening ihren Typ Fliegening und reine Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening werden typlos. Tut nichts, wenn die HP des Benutzers voll sind. +showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s verliert in diesem Zug den Typ Fliegen.)üger -showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of all grounded Grass-type Pokemon on the field by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Raises Atk/Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types by 1. +showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und den Spezialangriff aller am Boden befindlichen Pflanzen-Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Erhöht Angriff/Sp. Angriff der am Boden liegenden Grasarten um 1. -showdown.moves.round.desc=If there are other active Pokemon that chose this move for use this turn, those Pokemon take their turn immediately after the user, in Speed order, and this move's power is 120 for each other user. -showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Power doubles if others used Round this turn. +showdown.moves.round.desc=Wenn es andere aktive Pokémon gibt, die diesen Zug für diesen Zug ausgewählt haben, beginnen diese Pokémon ihren Zug unmittelbar nach dem Benutzer in der Geschwindigkeitsreihenfolge, und die Stärke dieses Zuges beträgt 120 für jeden anderen Benutzer. +showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn andere in diesem Zug Kanon verwendet haben. -showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. +showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP zu. +showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der aktuellen HP des Ziels.äuterfeuer -showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Has a 50% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Taut den Benutzer auf. -showdown.moves.sacredsword.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. -showdown.moves.sacredsword.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. -showdown.moves.safeguard.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Defog. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.safeguard.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from status. -showdown.moves.safeguard.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.safeguard.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. During the effect, Outrage, Thrash, and Petal Dance do not confuse the user. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.safeguard.start=%s cloaked itself in a mystical veil! -showdown.moves.safeguard.end=%s is no longer protected by Safeguard! -showdown.moves.safeguard.block=%s is protected by Safeguard! +showdown.moves.sacredsword.desc=Ignoriert die Statusänderungen des Ziels, einschließlich der Ausweichfähigkeit. +showdown.moves.sacredsword.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Statusänderungen des Ziels.ächter +showdown.moves.safeguard.desc=Für 5 Runden können der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder keinen dauerhaften Statuszustand oder Verwirrung durch andere Pokémon erleiden. Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers können von Gähner nicht betroffen werden, können aber durch seine Wirkung einschlafen. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Auflockern getroffen wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.safeguard.shortDesc=Schützt die Gruppe des Benutzers 5 Runden lang vor Status. +showdown.moves.safeguard.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden können der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder keinen dauerhaften Statuszustand oder Verwirrung durch andere Pokémon erleiden. Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers können von Gähner nicht betroffen werden, können aber durch seine Wirkung einschlafen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.safeguard.gen2.desc=Für 5 Runden können der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder keinen dauerhaften Statuszustand oder Verwirrung durch andere Pokémon erleiden. Während der Wirkung verwirren Wutanfall, Fuchtler und Blättertanz den Anwender nicht. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.safeguard.start=%s hüllte sich in einen mystischen Schleier! +showdown.moves.safeguard.end=%s wird nicht mehr durch Bodyguard geschützt! +showdown.moves.safeguard.block=%s ist durch Bodyguard geschützt!ökelsalz -showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/4 if the target is Steel or Water type), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. -showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Deals 1/8 max HP each turn; 1/4 on Steel, Water. -showdown.moves.saltcure.start=%s is being salt cured! -showdown.moves.saltcure.damage=%s is hurt by Salt Cure! +showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Verursacht am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden am Ziel in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (1/4, wenn das Ziel vom Typ Stahl oder Wasser ist), abgerundet. Dieser Effekt endet, wenn das Ziel nicht mehr aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Verursacht in jeder Runde 1/8 maximale HP; 1/4 auf Stahl, Wasser. +showdown.moves.saltcure.start=%s wird salzgepökelt! +showdown.moves.saltcure.damage=%s ist durch Pökelsalz verletzt! -showdown.moves.sandattack.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.sandattack.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.sandattack.desc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.sandattack.shortDesc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1.üstenorkan -showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to burn foe(s). +showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20 % Chance, Gegner zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard, Overcoat, Sand Force, Sand Rush, or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. Rock: 1.5x SpD. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Sand Veil Ability. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Boden, Fels oder Stahl oder verfügen über Magic Guard, Overcoat, Sand Force oder Sand Rush oder Sandschleierfähigkeiten. Während des Effekts wird die Spezialverteidigung von Pokémon vom Typ Gestein mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn sie durch einen Spezialangriff Schaden erleiden. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Smooth Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.shortDesc=5 Runden lang tobt ein Sandsturm. Fels: 1,5x SpD. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Boden, Fels oder Stahl oder verfügen über die Fähigkeiten Magischer Schutz oder Sandschleier. Während des Effekts wird die Spezialverteidigung von Pokémon vom Typ Gestein mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn sie durch einen Spezialangriff Schaden erleiden. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Smooth Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Boden, Stein oder Stahl oder verfügen über die Fähigkeit Sandschleier. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.shortDesc=5 Runden lang tobt ein Sandsturm. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen2.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, es handelt sich um Boden-, Fels- oder Stahl-Pokémon. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns; seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another partial-trapping move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=%s became trapped by the quicksand! +showdown.moves.sandtomb.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt. sieben Umdrehungen, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen teilweise einfangenden Bewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=%s wurde vom Treibsand gefangen!ßbomben -showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=This move summons Leech Seed on the foe. -showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Summons Leech Seed. +showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=Dieser Zug ruft Egelsamen auf den Feind herbei. +showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Beschwört Egelsamen. Insektenhieb -showdown.moves.savagespinout.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.savagespinout.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.scald.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. -showdown.moves.scald.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. -showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.scald.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Das Ziel taut auf, wenn es eingefroren ist. +showdown.moves.scald.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Taut das Ziel auf. +showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Hits two to five times. Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage and raises the user's Speed by 1 stage after the last hit. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times. User: -1 Def, +1 Spe after last hit. +showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Senkt die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe und erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe nach dem letzten Treffer. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal. Benutzer: -1 Def, +1 Spe nach dem letzten Treffer. -showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 2. -showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. -showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. +showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Das Ziel taut auf, wenn es eingefroren ist. +showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Taut das Ziel auf. showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.screech.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.screech.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Ziels um 2. -showdown.moves.searingshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.searingshot.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30 % Chance, benachbarte Pokémon zu verbrennen. Sonnenwalze -showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.desc=Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. -showdown.moves.secretpower.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, causes sleep during Grassy Terrain and lowers Speed by 1 stage during Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.secretpower.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) -showdown.moves.secretpower.gen6.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, and causes sleep during Grassy Terrain. -showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Lowers accuracy by 1 stage on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. The secondary effect chance is not affected by the Serene Grace Ability. -showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% chance acc -1) -showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. -showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) +showdown.moves.secretpower.desc=Hat je nach Kampfgelände eine Chance von 30 %, einen sekundären Effekt auf das Ziel auszulösen. Verursacht Lähmung auf dem regulären Wi-Fi-Gelände, verursacht Lähmung während Elektrofeld, senkt Spezialangriff um 1 Stufe während Weißnebely-Gelände, verursacht Schlaf während Grasfeld und senkt Geschwindigkeit um 1 Stufe während Psychokinese-Gelände. +showdown.moves.secretpower.shortDesc=Die Wirkung variiert je nach Gelände. (30 % Lähmungswahrscheinlichkeit) +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen6.desc=Hat je nach Kampfgelände eine Chance von 30 %, einen sekundären Effekt auf das Ziel auszulösen. Verursacht Lähmung auf dem regulären Wi-Fi-Gelände, verursacht Lähmung während des Elektrofelds, senkt den Spezialangriff um 1 Stufe während des Weißnebel-Geländes und verursacht Schlaf während des Grasfelds. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.desc=Hat je nach Kampfgelände eine Chance von 30 %, einen sekundären Effekt auf das Ziel auszulösen. Verringert die Genauigkeit im normalen WLAN-Gelände um eine Stufe. Die Chance auf einen sekundären Effekt wird durch die Fähigkeit Gelassene Gnade nicht beeinflusst. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.shortDesc=Die Wirkung variiert je nach Gelände. (30 % Chance auf -1) +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.desc=Hat je nach Kampfgelände eine Chance von 30 %, einen sekundären Effekt auf das Ziel auszulösen. Verursacht Lähmungen im normalen WLAN-Bereich. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=Die Wirkung variiert je nach Gelände. (30 % Lähmungswahrscheinlichkeit) -showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. -showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden zu, der auf seiner Verteidigung statt auf der Spezialverteidigung basiert. +showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden basierend auf der Verteidigung zu, nicht auf der SP. Def. showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Hat eine Chance von 40 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 2 Stufen zu senken. +showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 2. -showdown.moves.seismictoss.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. -showdown.moves.seismictoss.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. -showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. -showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Ghost types. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Stufe des Benutzers zu. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Stufe des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Stufe des Benutzers zu. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.shortDesc=Schaden -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. User faints. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless the target's substitute was broken by the damage. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.desc=Der Benutzer fällt nach der Anwendung dieser Attacke in Ohnmacht, selbst wenn diese Attacke fehlschlägt, weil sie kein Ziel hat. Die Ausführung dieser Bewegung wird verhindert, wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Damp verfügt. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.shortDesc=Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer fällt nach der Ausführung dieser Attacke in Ohnmacht, es sei denn, diese Attacke hat kein Ziel. Die Verteidigung des Ziels wird während der Schadensberechnung halbiert. Die Ausführung dieser Bewegung wird verhindert, wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Damp verfügt. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.shortDesc=Die Verteidigung des Ziels wird während des Schadens halbiert. Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer fällt nach dieser Bewegung in Ohnmacht. Die Verteidigung des Ziels wird während der Schadensberechnung halbiert. Die Ausführung dieser Bewegung wird verhindert, wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Damp verfügt. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer fällt nach dieser Bewegung in Ohnmacht. Die Verteidigung des Ziels wird während der Schadensberechnung halbiert. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer fällt nach dieser Attacke in Ohnmacht, es sei denn, der Stellvertreter des Ziels wurde durch den Schaden gebrochen. Die Verteidigung des Ziels wird während der Schadensberechnung halbiert. -showdown.moves.shadowball.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.shadowball.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.shadowball.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.shadowball.shortDesc=20 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.shadowbone.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.shadowbone.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.shadowbone.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.shadowbone.shortDesc=20 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken. -showdown.moves.shadowclaw.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.shadowclaw.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.shadowclaw.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.shadowclaw.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.shadowforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.shadowforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. -showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target is an opponent and its side is protected by Quick Guard or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the opponent's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.shadowforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! -showdown.moves.shadowforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! +showdown.moves.shadowforce.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Bunker, Scanner, Königsschild, Schutzschild oder Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Im ersten Zug weicht der Benutzer allen Angriffen aus. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.shortDesc=Verschwindet in Runde 1. Trifft in Runde 2. Durchbricht den Schutz. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen6.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Scanner, den Königsschild, das Schutzschild oder das Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Im ersten Zug weicht der Benutzer allen Angriffen aus. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen5.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Scanner oder das Schutzschild des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn das Ziel ein Gegner ist und seine Seite durch Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls unterbrochen und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Gegners normal angreifen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Im ersten Zug weicht der Benutzer allen Angriffen aus. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.activate=Es hat den Schutz von %s durchbrochen! +showdown.moves.shadowforce.prepare=%s ist sofort verschwunden! -showdown.moves.shadowpunch.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.shadowpunch.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft.ß showdown.moves.shadowsneak.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Strike -showdown.moves.shadowstrike.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.shadowstrike.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. +showdown.moves.shadowstrike.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.shadowstrike.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken.ärfer -showdown.moves.sharpen.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.sharpen.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=The user takes 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, and creates a substitute that has 1/4 of the user's maximum HP, rounded down. The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party and the selected Pokemon has the substitute transferred to it. Fails if the user would faint, or if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=User takes 1/2 its max HP to pass a substitute. -showdown.moves.shedtail.start=%s shed its tail to create a decoy! -showdown.moves.shedtail.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! +showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet, und erstellt einen Ersatz, der 1/4 der maximalen HP des Benutzers, abgerundet, hat. Der Benutzer wird durch ein anderes Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ersetzt und der Ersatz wird auf das ausgewählte Pokémon übertragen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig werden würde oder es keine nicht ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt. +showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=Der Benutzer benötigt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, um einen Ersatzspieler zu bestehen. +showdown.moves.shedtail.start=%s wirft seinen Schwanz ab, um einen Lockvogel zu erschaffen! +showdown.moves.shedtail.alreadyStarted=%s hat bereits einen Ersatz! es hat nicht mehr genug HP, um einen Ersatz zu machen!älte -showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + X)%, where X is 30 if the user is an Ice type and 20 otherwise, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Ice-type Pokemon and Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=OHKOs non-Ice targets. Fails if user's lower level. -showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. +showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen HP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + Pokémon vom Typ Eis und Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robust sind immun. +showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=OHKOt Nicht-Ice-Ziele. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer eine niedrigere Ebene hat. +showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen HP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. +showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKOt das Ziel. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer eine niedrigere Ebene hat. -showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. This move becomes a physical attack that makes contact if the value of ((((2 * the user's level / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50), where X is the user's Attack stat and Y is the target's Defense stat, is greater than the same value where X is the user's Special Attack stat and Y is the target's Special Defense stat. No stat modifiers other than stat stage changes are considered for this purpose. If the two values are equal, this move chooses a damage category at random. -showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Physical+contact if it would be stronger. +showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. Diese Bewegung wird zu einem physischen Angriff, der Kontakt herstellt, wenn der Wert ((((2 * Level des Benutzers / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50) beträgt, wobei X der Angriffsstatus des Benutzers und Y der ist Der Verteidigungswert des Ziels ist größer als derselbe Wert, wobei X der Spezialangriffswert des Benutzers und Y der Spezialverteidigungswert des Ziels ist. Für diesen Zweck werden keine anderen Statusmodifikatoren als Änderungen der Statusstufe berücksichtigt. Wenn die beiden Werte gleich sind, wählt dieser Zug zufällig eine Schadenskategorie. +showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20 % psn. Körperkontakt+wenn es stärker wäre. -showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2. +showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Erhöht den Angriff, den Spezialangriff und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Senkt Def, SpD um 1; erhöht Angriff, SpA, Spe um 2. -showdown.moves.shelltrap.desc=Fails unless the user is hit by a physical attack from an opponent this turn before it can execute the move. If the user was hit and has not fainted, it attacks immediately after being hit, and the effect ends. If the opponent's physical attack had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability, it does not count for the purposes of this effect. -showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=User must take physical damage before moving. -showdown.moves.shelltrap.start=%s set a shell trap! -showdown.moves.shelltrap.prepare=%s set a shell trap! -showdown.moves.shelltrap.cant=%s's shell trap didn't work! +showdown.moves.shelltrap.desc=Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, der Benutzer wird in diesem Zug von einem physischen Angriff eines Gegners getroffen, bevor er den Zug ausführen kann. Wenn der Benutzer getroffen wurde und nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, greift er sofort nach dem Treffer an und der Effekt endet. Wenn durch den physischen Angriff des Gegners ein Sekundäreffekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde, zählt dies nicht für die Zwecke dieses Effekts. +showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=Der Benutzer muss körperlichen Schaden erleiden, bevor er sich bewegt. +showdown.moves.shelltrap.start=%s hat eine Granatenfalle aufgestellt! +showdown.moves.shelltrap.prepare=%s hat eine Granatenfalle aufgestellt! +showdown.moves.shelltrap.cant=Die Shell-Falle von %s hat nicht funktioniert! -showdown.moves.shelter.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.shelter.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.shelter.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.shelter.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 2. -showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen und seinen Angriff um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 und den Angriff um 1. -showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. -showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. If the weather is Sandstorm, the user instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=User restores 1/2 its max HP; 2/3 in Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn das Wetter Sandsturm ist, stellt der Benutzer stattdessen 2/3 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her; 2/3 im Sandsturm. -showdown.moves.signalbeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.signalbeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.signalbeam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.signalbeam.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren. -showdown.moves.silktrap.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Spe. +showdown.moves.silktrap.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt und die Geschwindigkeit von Pokémon, die versuchen, Kontakt mit dem Benutzer aufzunehmen, wird um eine Stufe verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -1 Spe. -showdown.moves.silverwind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.silverwind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). +showdown.moves.silverwind.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, den Angriff, die Verteidigung, den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.silverwind.shortDesc=10 % Chance, alle Werte um 1 zu erhöhen (nicht Acc/Eva). -showdown.moves.simplebeam.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.simplebeam.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Simple. -showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, Stance Change, or Truant. -showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, or Truant. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels einfach wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Eins, Kampfband, Koma, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Schluckrakete, Hadronentriebwerk, Eisfläche, Multityp, Orichalcum-Impuls, Kraftkonstrukt, Protosynthese, Quarkantrieb, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten, Einfach und Einfach ist. Haltungswechsel, Truant, Zen-Modus oder Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.shortDesc=Die Fähigkeit des Ziels wird zu Einfach. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen8.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels einfach wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant oder Zen ist. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen7.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels einfach wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant oder Zen Mode ist. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels einfach wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Multitype, Simple, Stance Change oder Truant ist. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels einfach wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Multitype, Simple oder Truant ist. -showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Lässt das Ziel einschlafen. showdown.moves.sinisterarrowraid.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. -showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the foe. +showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Gegner zu verbrennen. +showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100 % Chance, den Gegner zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.sketch.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Chatter, Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. -showdown.moves.sketch.shortDesc=Permanently copies the last move target used. -showdown.moves.sketch.gen3.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. -showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.desc=Fails when used in Link Battles. -showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.shortDesc=Fails when used in Link Battles. -showdown.moves.sketch.activate=%s sketched %s! +showdown.moves.sketch.desc=Dieser Zug wird dauerhaft durch den letzten Zug des Ziels ersetzt. Der kopierte Zug hat die maximale PP für diesen Zug. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer Wandlered ausgeführt hat oder wenn es sich bei der Bewegung um Geschwätz, Nachahmer, Verzweifler oder eine andere Bewegung handelt, die der Benutzer kennt. +showdown.moves.sketch.shortDesc=Kopiert dauerhaft das zuletzt verwendete Bewegungsziel. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen3.desc=Dieser Zug wird dauerhaft durch den letzten Zug des Ziels ersetzt. Der kopierte Zug hat die maximale PP für diesen Zug. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer Wandlered ausgeführt hat oder wenn es sich bei der Bewegung um Nachahmer, Verzweifler oder eine andere Bewegung handelt, die der Benutzer kennt. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.desc=Schlägt bei Verwendung in Link-Kämpfen fehl. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.shortDesc=Schlägt bei Verwendung in Link-Kämpfen fehl. +showdown.moves.sketch.activate=%s hat %s skizziert!ähigkeitstausch -showdown.moves.skillswap.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.skillswap.shortDesc=The user and the target trade Abilities. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen8.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen7.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Illusion, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen6.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Illusion, Multitype, Stance Change, or Wonder Guard. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen5.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Illusion, Multitype, or Wonder Guard, or if both have the same Ability. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen4.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, if both have the same Ability, or if either is holding a Griseous Orb. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen3.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. -showdown.moves.skillswap.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! +showdown.moves.skillswap.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seine Fähigkeit mit der Fähigkeit des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers oder des Ziels Eins, Kampfband, Komatös, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Schluckrakete, Hadronenmotor, Hungerschalter, Eisgesicht, Illusion, Multityp, Neutralisierendes Gas, Orichalcum-Puls, Kraftkonstrukt, Protosynthese oder Quark ist Drive, RKS-System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode oder Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.skillswap.shortDesc=Der Benutzer und das Ziel tauschen Fähigkeiten aus. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seine Fähigkeit mit der Fähigkeit des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers oder des Ziels Eins, Kampfband, Koma, Verkleidung, Schluckrakete, Hungerwechsel, Eisgesicht, Illusion, Mehrfachtyp, Neutralisierendes Gas, Energiekonstrukt, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungsänderung oder Wonder Guard oder Zen-Modus. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seine Fähigkeit mit der Fähigkeit des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers oder des Ziels Kampfband, Komatose, Verkleidung, Illusion, Multityp, Kraftkonstrukt, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten, Haltungswechsel, Wunderschutz oder Zen-Modus ist. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seine Fähigkeit mit der Fähigkeit des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder die Fähigkeit des Benutzers oder des Ziels Illusion, Multityp, Haltungswechsel oder Wunderschutz ist. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seine Fähigkeit mit der Fähigkeit des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder die Fähigkeit des Benutzers oder des Ziels Illusion, Multityp oder Wunderwächter ist oder wenn beide über dieselbe Fähigkeit verfügen. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seine Fähigkeit mit der Fähigkeit des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder die Fähigkeit des Benutzers oder des Ziels Multitype oder Wonder Guard ist, wenn beide über dieselbe Fähigkeit verfügen oder wenn einer von ihnen eine Griseous Orb trägt. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seine Fähigkeit mit der Fähigkeit des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers oder des Ziels Wunderwächter ist. +showdown.moves.skillswap.activate=%s hat Fähigkeiten mit seinem Ziel getauscht! -showdown.moves.skittersmack.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.skittersmack.shortDesc=100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.skittersmack.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.skittersmack.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu senken. Angriff um 1.ädelwumme -showdown.moves.skullbash.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.skullbash.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.skullbash.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. -showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.skullbash.prepare=%s tucked in its head! +showdown.moves.skullbash.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers in der ersten Runde um 1 Stufe. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.skullbash.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers in Runde 1 um 1. Trifft Runde 2. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen3.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers in der ersten Runde um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs Runde 1. Hits Runde 2. +showdown.moves.skullbash.prepare=%s steckt im Kopf! -showdown.moves.skyattack.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.skyattack.shortDesc=Charges, then hits turn 2. 30% flinch. High crit. -showdown.moves.skyattack.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.skyattack.prepare=%s became cloaked in a harsh light! +showdown.moves.skyattack.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen, und eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.skyattack.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs, dann trifft Runde 2. 30% Zucken. Hoher kritischer Wert. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen, und eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs Runde 1. Hits Runde 2. +showdown.moves.skyattack.prepare=%s wurde in ein grelles Licht gehüllt! Fall -showdown.moves.skydrop.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. Pokemon weighing 200 kg or more cannot be lifted. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.skydrop.shortDesc=User and foe fly up turn 1. Damages on turn 2. -showdown.moves.skydrop.gen5.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. If the effect of Gravity ends this effect before the second turn, both the user and the target return to the ground, but the target will otherwise remain under this effect until the user leaves the field or successfully executes the second turn of any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.skydrop.prepare=%s took %s into the sky! -showdown.moves.skydrop.end=%s was freed from the Sky Drop! -showdown.moves.skydrop.failSelect=Sky Drop won't let %s go! -showdown.moves.skydrop.failTooHeavy=%s is too heavy to be lifted! +showdown.moves.skydrop.desc=Dieser Angriff bringt das Ziel in der ersten Runde mit dem Benutzer in die Luft und wird in der zweiten ausgeführt. Pokémon mit einem Gewicht von 200 kg oder mehr können nicht gehoben werden. Im ersten Zug vermeiden der Benutzer und das Ziel alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Orkan, Himmelhieb, Katapult, Tausend Pfeile, Donner und Windhose. Der Benutzer und das Ziel können zwischen den Runden keine Bewegung ausführen, aber das Ziel kann eine Bewegung auswählen, die es verwenden möchte. Dieser Zug kann Pokémon vom Typ Fliegening keinen Schaden zufügen. Schlägt in der ersten Runde fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Verbündeter ist, wenn das Ziel einen Ersatz hat oder wenn das Ziel Sprungfeder, Schaufler, Taucher, Fliegen, Phantomkraft, Schemenkraft oder Freier Fall verwendet. +showdown.moves.skydrop.shortDesc=Benutzer und Feind fliegen in Runde 1 hoch. Schäden in Runde 2. +showdown.moves.skydrop.gen5.desc=Dieser Angriff bringt das Ziel in der ersten Runde mit dem Benutzer in die Luft und wird in der zweiten ausgeführt. Im ersten Zug vermeiden der Benutzer und das Ziel alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Orkan, Himmelhieb, Katapult, Donner und Windhose. Der Benutzer und das Ziel können zwischen den Runden keine Bewegung ausführen, aber das Ziel kann eine Bewegung auswählen, die es verwenden möchte. Dieser Zug kann Pokémon vom Typ Fliegening keinen Schaden zufügen. Schlägt in der ersten Runde fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Verbündeter ist, wenn das Ziel einen Ersatz hat oder wenn das Ziel Sprungfeder, Schaufler, Taucher, Fliegen, Schemenkraft oder Freier Fall verwendet. Wenn der Effekt von Erdanziehung diesen Effekt vor der zweiten Runde beendet, kehren sowohl der Benutzer als auch das Ziel zu Boden zurück, ansonsten bleibt das Ziel jedoch unter diesem Effekt, bis der Benutzer das Spielfeld verlässt oder die zweite Runde einer beliebigen Zwei-Runde erfolgreich ausführt bewegen. +showdown.moves.skydrop.prepare=%s brachte %s in den Himmel! +showdown.moves.skydrop.end=%s wurde aus dem Freier Fall befreit! +showdown.moves.skydrop.failSelect=Freier Fall lässt %s nicht los! +showdown.moves.skydrop.failTooHeavy=%s ist zu schwer zum Heben! -showdown.moves.skyuppercut.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. -showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce or Fly. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.desc=Diese Bewegung kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall treffen oder steht unter der Wirkung von Freier Fall. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Kann Pokémon mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall treffen. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=Dieser Zug kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder oder Fliegen treffen. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.shortDesc=Kann Pokémon mit Sprungfeder oder Fliegen treffen. -showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.slash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.slash.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.sleeppowder.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.sleeppowder.shortDesc=Lässt das Ziel einschlafen. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, Wicked Torque, or any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.shortDesc=User must be asleep. Uses another known move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen8.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen7.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, any two-turn move, or any Z-Move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen6.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, or any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen5.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, or any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen4.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen3.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, but if it currently has 0 PP it will fail to be used. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Focus Punch, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen2.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Bide, Sleep Talk, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.desc=Neben diesem Zug wird einer der bekannten Züge des Benutzers zufällig zur Verwendung ausgewählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht schläft. Für den ausgewählten Zug werden keine PP abgezogen und er kann derzeit 0 PP haben. Dieser Zug kann nicht Zuschuss, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Geduld, Hitzeturbo, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Raufturbo, Imitator, Dynamax-Kanone, Power-Punch, Händchenhalten, Zauberturbo, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Toxiturbo, Panzerfalle, auswählen. Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Aufruhr, Finsterturbo oder jeder Zwei-Runden-Zug. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.shortDesc=Der Benutzer muss schlafen. Verwendet einen anderen bekannten Zug. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen8.desc=Neben diesem Zug wird einer der bekannten Züge des Benutzers zufällig zur Verwendung ausgewählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht schläft. Für den ausgewählten Zug werden keine PP abgezogen und er kann derzeit 0 PP haben. Dieser Zug kann nicht Zuschuss, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Geduld, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Imitator, Dynamax-Kanone, Power-Punch, Händchenhalten, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Aufruhr, jede Zwei-Runden-Bewegung oder jede maximale Bewegung. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen7.desc=Neben diesem Zug wird einer der bekannten Züge des Benutzers zufällig zur Verwendung ausgewählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht schläft. Für den ausgewählten Zug werden keine PP abgezogen und er kann derzeit 0 PP haben. Dieser Zug kann nicht Zuschuss, Schnabelkanone, Rülpser, Geduld, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Imitator, Power-Punch, Händchenhalten, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Panzerfalle, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Aufruhr und alle zwei Runden auswählen Bewegung oder eine beliebige Z-Bewegung. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen6.desc=Neben diesem Zug wird einer der bekannten Züge des Benutzers zufällig zur Verwendung ausgewählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht schläft. Für den ausgewählten Zug werden keine PP abgezogen und er kann derzeit 0 PP haben. Dieser Zug kann nicht Zuschuss, Rülpser, Geduld, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Imitator, Power-Punch, Händchenhalten, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Aufruhr oder einen Zwei-Runden-Zug wählen. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen5.desc=Neben diesem Zug wird einer der bekannten Züge des Benutzers zufällig zur Verwendung ausgewählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht schläft. Für den ausgewählten Zug werden keine PP abgezogen und er kann derzeit 0 PP haben. Dieser Zug kann nicht Zuschuss, Geduld, Geschwätz, Imitator, Power-Punch, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Aufruhr oder einen beliebigen Zwei-Runden-Zug wählen. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen4.desc=Neben diesem Zug wird einer der bekannten Züge des Benutzers zufällig zur Verwendung ausgewählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht schläft. Für den ausgewählten Zug werden keine PP abgezogen und er kann derzeit 0 PP haben. Dieser Zug kann nicht Zuschuss, Geduld, Geschwätz, Imitator, Power-Punch, Egotrip, Metronom, Spiegeltrick, Schlafrede, Aufruhr oder einen anderen Zwei-Runden-Zug wählen. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen3.desc=Neben diesem Zug wird einer der bekannten Züge des Benutzers zufällig zur Verwendung ausgewählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht schläft. Für den ausgewählten Zug werden keine PP abgezogen, aber wenn er aktuell 0 PP hat, kann er nicht verwendet werden. Dieser Zug kann nicht Zuschuss, Geduld, Power-Punch, Metronom, Spiegeltrick, Schlafrede, Aufruhr oder einen Zwei-Runden-Zug wählen. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen2.desc=Neben diesem Zug wird einer der bekannten Züge des Benutzers zufällig zur Verwendung ausgewählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht schläft. Für den ausgewählten Zug werden keine PP abgezogen und er kann derzeit 0 PP haben. Dieser Zug kann weder Geduld, Schlafrede noch einen Zwei-Runden-Zug wählen. -showdown.moves.sludge.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.sludge.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludge.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.sludge.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 40 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.shortDesc=40 % Chance, das Ziel zu vergiften. -showdown.moves.sludgebomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.sludgebomb.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludgebomb.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.sludgebomb.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu vergiften. -showdown.moves.sludgewave.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.sludgewave.shortDesc=10% chance to poison adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.sludgewave.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.sludgewave.shortDesc=10 % Chance, benachbarte Pokémon zu vergiften. -showdown.moves.smackdown.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. -showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Removes the target's Ground immunity. -showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s fell straight down! +showdown.moves.smackdown.desc=Diese Bewegung kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall treffen oder steht unter der Wirkung von Freier Fall. Wenn diese Bewegung ein Ziel trifft, das unter dem Effekt von Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Magnetflug oder Telekinese steht, endet der Effekt. Wenn das Ziel ein fliegender Typ ist, der in dieser Runde keinen Ruheort verwendet hat, oder ein Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Levitieren, verliert es seine Immunität gegen Bodenangriffe und die Fähigkeit Arenafalle, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während des Effekts schlägt Magnetflug beim Ziel fehl und Telekinese schlägt beim Ziel fehl. +showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Entfernt die Bodenimmunität des Ziels. +showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s ist direkt nach unten gefallen! -showdown.moves.smartstrike.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.smartstrike.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. -showdown.moves.smellingsalts.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of paralysis. -showdown.moves.smellingsalts.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is paralyzed, and cures it. -showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. -showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. -showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if target is paralyzed; cures it. -showdown.moves.smog.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel gelähmt ist. Wenn der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, wird das Ziel von der Lähmung geheilt. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel gelähmt ist, und heilt es. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen4.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel gelähmt ist. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird das Ziel von der Lähmung geheilt. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.desc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel gelähmt ist. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird das Ziel von der Lähmung geheilt. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.shortDesc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel gelähmt ist. heilt es. +showdown.moves.smog.desc=Hat eine Chance von 40 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. +showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40 % Chance, das Ziel zu vergiften. -showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1. -showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.snaptrap.start=%s got trapped by a snap trap! +showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.start=%s wurde von einer Schnappfalle gefangen! -showdown.moves.snarl.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.snarl.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.snarl.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.snarl.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Sp des Gegners zu senken. Angriff um 1.Übernahme -showdown.moves.snatch.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use one of those moves this turn, the applicable moves are all stolen by the first Pokemon in turn order that used this move this turn. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.snatch.shortDesc=User steals certain support moves to use itself. -showdown.moves.snatch.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use this move this turn, the applicable moves are stolen by each of those Pokemon in turn order, and only the last user in turn order will gain the effects. -showdown.moves.snatch.start=%s is waiting for a target to make a move! -showdown.moves.snatch.activate=%s snatched %s's move! +showdown.moves.snatch.desc=Wenn ein anderes Pokémon in diesem Zug bestimmte nicht schädliche Attacken ausführt, stiehlt der Benutzer diese Bewegung, um sie selbst zu verwenden. Wenn mehrere Pokémon in diesem Zug eine dieser Attacken verwenden, werden alle entsprechenden Attacken vom ersten Pokémon in Zugreihenfolge gestohlen, das diese Bewegung in diesem Zug verwendet hat. Dieser Effekt wird ignoriert, solange der Benutzer unter dem Effekt von Freier Fall steht. +showdown.moves.snatch.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stiehlt bestimmte Unterstützungsattacken, um sie selbst zu nutzen. +showdown.moves.snatch.gen4.desc=Wenn ein anderes Pokémon in diesem Zug bestimmte nicht schädliche Attacken ausführt, stiehlt der Benutzer diese Bewegung, um sie selbst zu verwenden. Wenn mehrere Pokémon diese Attacke in dieser Runde nutzen, werden die entsprechenden Attacken von jedem dieser Pokémon in Zugreihenfolge gestohlen und nur der letzte Benutzer in Zugreihenfolge erhält die Effekte. +showdown.moves.snatch.start=%s wartet darauf, dass sich ein Ziel bewegt! +showdown.moves.snatch.activate=%s hat den Zug von %s geschnappt!äzisionsschuss -showdown.moves.snipeshot.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This move cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. -showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected. +showdown.moves.snipeshot.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. Dieser Zug kann durch keinen Effekt auf ein anderes Ziel umgeleitet werden. +showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. Kann nicht umgeleitet werden. -showdown.moves.snore.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Fails if the user is not asleep. -showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target. +showdown.moves.snore.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht schläft. +showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=Der Benutzer muss schlafen. 30 % Chance, das Ziel zurückzuschrecken. -showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. During the effect, the Defense of Ice-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a physical attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Snow. -showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=For 5 turns, snow falls. Ice: 1.5x Def. +showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Schnee. Während des Effekts wird die Verteidigung von Pokémon vom Typ Eis mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn sie durch einen physischen Angriff Schaden erleiden. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Icy Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Schnee ist. +showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=Fünf Runden lang fällt Schnee. Eis: 1,5x Def.Überflutung -showdown.moves.soak.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Water type, or if the target is Terastallized. -showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Water. -showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Water type. -showdown.moves.soak.gen6.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus, or if the target is already purely Water type. -showdown.moves.soak.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus. +showdown.moves.soak.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel zum Typ Wasser wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Arceus oder Silvally ist, wenn das Ziel bereits rein vom Typ Wasser ist oder wenn das Ziel Terastallisiert ist. +showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Ändert den Typ des Ziels in Wasser. +showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel zum Typ Wasser wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Arceus oder Silvally ist oder wenn das Ziel bereits rein vom Typ Wasser ist. +showdown.moves.soak.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel zum Typ Wasser wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Arceus ist oder wenn das Ziel bereits rein vom Typ Wasser ist. +showdown.moves.soak.gen5.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel zum Typ Wasser wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Arceus ist. -showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.moves.softboiled.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. +showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.softboiled.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn (maximale HP des Benutzers – aktuelle HP des Benutzers + 1) durch 256 teilbar ist. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen7.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen5.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Rain Dance. If the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.prepare=%s absorbed light! +showdown.moves.solarbeam.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Die Leistung wird halbiert, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist und der Benutzer keinen Utility-Regenschirm hält. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält oder das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. Wenn der Benutzer einen Utility-Regenschirm in der Hand hält und das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, ist für die Bewegung immer noch eine Runde zum Aufladen erforderlich. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs Runde 1. Hits Runde 2. Keine Ladung bei Sonnenlicht. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen8.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Die Leistung wird halbiert, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist und der Benutzer keinen Utility-Regenschirm hält. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält oder das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. Wenn der Benutzer einen Utility-Regenschirm in der Hand hält und das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, ist für die Bewegung immer noch eine Runde zum Aufladen erforderlich. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen7.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Die Leistung wird halbiert, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält oder das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen5.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Bei Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm wird die Leistung halbiert. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält oder das Wetter Sonnentag ist, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen4.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Der Schaden wird halbiert, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält oder das Wetter Sonnentag ist, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen3.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Der Schaden wird halbiert, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. Wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, wird der Zug in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen2.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Bei Regentanzwetter halbiert sich der Schaden. Wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, wird der Zug in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs Runde 1. Hits Runde 2. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.prepare=%s hat Licht absorbiert! -showdown.moves.solarblade.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. -showdown.moves.solarblade.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. -showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. -showdown.moves.solarblade.gen7.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarblade.prepare=%s absorbed light! +showdown.moves.solarblade.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Die Leistung wird halbiert, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist und der Benutzer keinen Utility-Regenschirm hält. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält oder das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. Wenn der Benutzer einen Utility-Regenschirm in der Hand hält und das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, ist für die Bewegung immer noch eine Runde zum Aufladen erforderlich. +showdown.moves.solarblade.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs Runde 1. Hits Runde 2. Keine Ladung bei Sonnenlicht. +showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Die Leistung wird halbiert, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist und der Benutzer keinen Utility-Regenschirm hält. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält oder das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. Wenn der Benutzer einen Utility-Regenschirm in der Hand hält und das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, ist für die Bewegung immer noch eine Runde zum Aufladen erforderlich. +showdown.moves.solarblade.gen7.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Die Leistung wird halbiert, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält oder das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. +showdown.moves.solarblade.prepare=%s hat Licht absorbiert! -showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. -showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. -showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 20 HP Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Verursacht immer 20 HP Schaden. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 20 HP Schaden zu. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität. des Seelenraubes showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.spark.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.spark.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.sparklingaria.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of its burn. -showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=The target is cured of its burn. +showdown.moves.sparklingaria.desc=Wenn der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, wird das Ziel von seiner Verbrennung geheilt. +showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=Das Ziel wird von seiner Verbrennung geheilt. -showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. +showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. +showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.shortDesc=Behebt die Gruppe des Benutzers von allen Statuszuständen. -showdown.moves.spectralthief.desc=The target's stat stages greater than 0 are stolen from it and applied to the user before dealing damage. -showdown.moves.spectralthief.shortDesc=Steals target's boosts before dealing damage. -showdown.moves.spectralthief.clearBoost=%s stole the target's boosted stats! +showdown.moves.spectralthief.desc=Die Statusstufen des Ziels größer als 0 werden ihm gestohlen und auf den Benutzer angewendet, bevor Schaden verursacht wird. +showdown.moves.spectralthief.shortDesc=Stiehlt die Boosts des Ziels, bevor es Schaden verursacht. +showdown.moves.spectralthief.clearBoost=%s hat die verbesserten Statistiken des Ziels gestohlen! -showdown.moves.speedswap.desc=The user swaps its Speed stat with the target. Stat stage changes are unaffected. -showdown.moves.speedswap.shortDesc=Swaps Speed stat with target. -showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s switched Speed with its target! +showdown.moves.speedswap.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen Geschwindigkeitswert mit dem des Ziels. Änderungen der Stat-Stufe bleiben davon unberührt. +showdown.moves.speedswap.shortDesc=Tauscht den Geschwindigkeitswert mit dem Ziel aus. +showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s hat die Geschwindigkeit mit seinem Ziel vertauscht! -showdown.moves.spicyextract.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and lowers its Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.spicyextract.shortDesc=Raises target's Atk by 2 and lowers its Def by 2. +showdown.moves.spicyextract.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen und verringert seine Verteidigung um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.spicyextract.shortDesc=Erhöht die Angriffskraft des Ziels um 2 und verringert seine Verteidigung um 2. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt, es sei denn, er verwendet Stafette. In diesem Fall bleibt das Ziel gefangen. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen3.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt, es sei denn, er verwendet Stafette. In diesem Fall bleibt das Ziel gefangen. -showdown.moves.spikecannon.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. -showdown.moves.spikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.spikes.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 3 layers. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen3.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, causing each opposing Pokemon that switches in to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 1 layer. -showdown.moves.spikes.start=Spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! -showdown.moves.spikes.end=The spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! -showdown.moves.spikes.damage=%s was hurt by the spikes! +showdown.moves.spikes.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen HP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.spikes.shortDesc=Verletzt geerdete Gegner beim Einwechseln. Maximal 3 Schichten. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen8.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen HP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen5.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen HP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen3.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen HP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.desc=Stellt eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds dar, wodurch jedes gegnerische Pokémon, das einwechselt, 1/8 seiner maximalen HP verliert, abgerundet, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein fliegendes Pokémon. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der Gegenseite bereits aktiv ist. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.shortDesc=Verletzt geerdete Gegner beim Einwechseln. Maximal 1 Schicht. +showdown.moves.spikes.start=Stachler waren überall um %s herum auf dem Boden verstreut! +showdown.moves.spikes.end=Die Stacheln verschwanden um %s herum vom Boden! +showdown.moves.spikes.damage=%s wurde durch die Stacheln verletzt! -showdown.moves.spikyshield.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: loses 1/8 max HP. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=%s was hurt! +showdown.moves.spikyshield.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor Umzügen. Kontakt: Verliert 1/8 max. HP. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=%s war verletzt! -showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2. -showdown.moves.spiritbreak.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.spiritbreak.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.spiritbreak.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.spiritbreak.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Angriff um 1. -showdown.moves.spiritshackle.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.spiritshackle.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. -showdown.moves.spiritshackle.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. -showdown.moves.spitup.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Whether or not this move is successful, the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. -showdown.moves.spitup.shortDesc=More power with more uses of Stockpile. -showdown.moves.spitup.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless there is no target, whether or not this move is successful the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. -showdown.moves.spitup.gen3.desc=Damage is multiplied by the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless this move misses, the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.spitup.desc=Die Leistung entspricht dem 100-fachen der Horter-Anzahl des Benutzers. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 0 ist. Unabhängig davon, ob dieser Zug erfolgreich ist oder nicht, sinken die Verteidigung und die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um so viele Stufen, wie Horter sie erhöht hat, und der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. +showdown.moves.spitup.shortDesc=Mehr Leistung durch mehr Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Horter. +showdown.moves.spitup.gen4.desc=Die Leistung entspricht dem 100-fachen der Horter-Anzahl des Benutzers. Dieser Zug wendet keine Schadensvarianz an. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 0 ist. Sofern es kein Ziel gibt, sinken die Verteidigung und die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um so viele Stufen, wie Horter sie erhöht hat, unabhängig davon, ob dieser Zug erfolgreich ist oder nicht, und der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. +showdown.moves.spitup.gen3.desc=Der Schaden wird mit der Horter-Anzahl des Benutzers multipliziert. Dieser Zug verursacht keine Schadensvarianz und kann kein kritischer Treffer sein. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 0 ist. Sofern dieser Zug nicht fehlschlägt, wird der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers auf 0 zurückgesetzt. -showdown.moves.spite.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 4 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. -showdown.moves.spite.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 4. -showdown.moves.spite.gen3.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 or 1 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. -showdown.moves.spite.gen3.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 2-5. -showdown.moves.spite.gen2.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the move has 0 PP. -showdown.moves.spite.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! +showdown.moves.spite.desc=Führt dazu, dass das Ziel beim letzten Zug 4 PP verliert. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat oder wenn es die Bewegung nicht mehr kennt. +showdown.moves.spite.shortDesc=Senkt die PP der letzten Bewegung des Ziels um 4. +showdown.moves.spite.gen3.desc=Bewirkt, dass der letzte Zug des Ziels zufällig 2 bis 5 PP verliert. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, die Bewegung 0 oder 1 PP hat oder wenn es die Bewegung nicht mehr kennt. +showdown.moves.spite.gen3.shortDesc=Senkt die PP der letzten Bewegung des Ziels um 2–5. +showdown.moves.spite.gen2.desc=Bewirkt, dass der letzte Zug des Ziels zufällig 2 bis 5 PP verliert. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat oder wenn die Bewegung 0 PP hat. +showdown.moves.spite.activate=Es reduzierte die PP von %s' %s um %s! -showdown.moves.splash.shortDesc=No competitive use. -showdown.moves.splash.activate=But nothing happened! +showdown.moves.splash.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. +showdown.moves.splash.activate=Aber nichts ist passiert! Steinregen -showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. +showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.desc=Beendet die Effekte von Elektrofeld, Grasfeld, Weißnebely Terrain und Psychokinese Terrain. +showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Beendet die Auswirkungen des Geländes.ätschersurfer -showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.spore.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.spore.shortDesc=Lässt das Ziel einschlafen. -showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from opponents of the target are redirected to the target. Such attacks are redirected to the target before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. -showdown.moves.spotlight.shortDesc=Target's foes' moves are redirected to it this turn. -showdown.moves.spotlight.start=%s became the center of attention! -showdown.moves.spotlight.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Bis zum Ende der Runde werden alle Einzelzielangriffe von Gegnern des Ziels auf das Ziel umgeleitet. Solche Angriffe werden auf das Ziel umgeleitet, bevor sie von Magiemantel oder der Fähigkeit Magische Sprungfeder reflektiert oder von den Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter oder Sturmflut angezogen werden können. Schlägt fehl, wenn es sich nicht um einen Double Battle oder Battle Royal handelt. +showdown.moves.spotlight.shortDesc=Die Attacken der Feinde des Ziels werden in diesem Zug auf das Ziel umgeleitet. +showdown.moves.spotlight.start=%s wurde zum Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit! +showdown.moves.spotlight.startFromZEffect=%s wurde zum Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit!ühlingsorkan -showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30 % Chance, den Angriff des Gegners um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.shortDesc=Hurts foes on switch-in. Factors Rock weakness. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.start=Pointed stones float in the air around %s! -showdown.moves.stealthrock.end=The pointed stones disappeared from around %s! -showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=Pointed stones dug into %s! +showdown.moves.stealthrock.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Feldes eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der gegnerischen Seite bereits aktiv ist. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder die Hälfte ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Felstyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.shortDesc=Verletzt Gegner beim Einwechseln. Faktoren Rock-Schwäche. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen8.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Feldes eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der gegnerischen Seite bereits aktiv ist. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder die Hälfte ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Felstyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen5.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Feldes eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der gegnerischen Seite bereits aktiv ist. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder die Hälfte ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Felstyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.start=Spitze Steine schweben in der Luft um %s herum! +showdown.moves.stealthrock.end=Die spitzen Steine sind um %s herum verschwunden! +showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=Spitze Steine haben sich in %s gegraben! -showdown.moves.steameruption.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. -showdown.moves.steameruption.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. +showdown.moves.steameruption.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Das Ziel taut auf, wenn es eingefroren ist. +showdown.moves.steameruption.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Taut das Ziel auf. -showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. +showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. -showdown.moves.steelbeam.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. -showdown.moves.steelbeam.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. -showdown.moves.steelbeam.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) +showdown.moves.steelbeam.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht und selbst wenn sie zu Ohnmacht führen würde, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet, es sei denn, der Benutzer verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. +showdown.moves.steelbeam.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.steelbeam.damage=(%s reduziert seine eigenen HP, um seine Bewegung zu verstärken!) -showdown.moves.steelroller.desc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the terrain. +showdown.moves.steelroller.desc=Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Gelände aktiv ist. Beendet die Effekte von Elektrofeld, Grasfeld, Weißnebely Terrain und Psychokinese Terrain. +showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Gelände aktiv ist. Beendet das Gelände.ügel -showdown.moves.steelwing.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.steelwing.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.steelwing.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.steelwing.shortDesc=10 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. -showdown.moves.stickyweb.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stickyweb.shortDesc=Lowers Speed of grounded foes by 1 on switch-in. -showdown.moves.stickyweb.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stickyweb.start=A sticky web has been laid out on the ground around %s! -showdown.moves.stickyweb.end=The sticky web has disappeared from the ground around %s! -showdown.moves.stickyweb.activate=%s was caught in a sticky web! +showdown.moves.stickyweb.desc=Stellt eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds dar und verringert die Geschwindigkeit jedes gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, um 1 Stufe, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der Gegenseite bereits aktiv ist. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.shortDesc=Verringert beim Einschalten die Geschwindigkeit von am Boden liegenden Gegnern um 1. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.gen8.desc=Stellt eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds dar und verringert die Geschwindigkeit jedes gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, um 1 Stufe, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der Gegenseite bereits aktiv ist. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.start=Auf dem Boden um %s herum wurde ein klebriges Netz ausgebreitet! +showdown.moves.stickyweb.end=Das klebrige Netz ist um %s herum vom Boden verschwunden! +showdown.moves.stickyweb.activate=%s war in einem klebrigen Netz gefangen! -showdown.moves.stockpile.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. -showdown.moves.stockpile.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense, Sp. Def by 1. Max 3 uses. -showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.desc=The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. -showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.shortDesc=Raises user's Stockpile count by 1. Max 3 uses. -showdown.moves.stockpile.start=%s stockpiled %s! -showdown.moves.stockpile.end=%s's stockpiled effect wore off! +showdown.moves.stockpile.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers erhöht sich um 1. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 3 beträgt. Der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt, wenn er nicht mehr aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.stockpile.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung, SP des Benutzers. Verteidigung um 1. Max. 3 Verwendungen. +showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.desc=Der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers erhöht sich um 1. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 3 beträgt. Der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt, wenn er nicht mehr aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.shortDesc=Erhöht die Horter-Anzahl des Benutzers um 1. Maximal 3 Verwendungen. +showdown.moves.stockpile.start=%s auf Lager %s! +showdown.moves.stockpile.end=Der Vorratseffekt von %s hat nachgelassen! -showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.shortDesc=100 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.stomp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.stomp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.stomp.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.stomp.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.stomp.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.stomp.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is under the effect of Minimize. -showdown.moves.stomp.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.stomp.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.stomp.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen2.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel unter der Wirkung von Komprimator steht. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. -showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=Power doubles if the user's last move on the previous turn, including moves called by other moves or those used through Instruct, Magic Coat, Snatch, or the Dancer or Magic Bounce Abilities, failed to do any of its normal effects, not including damage from an unsuccessful High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, or Mind Blown, or if the user was prevented from moving by any effect other than recharging or Sky Drop. A move that was blocked by Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, Spiky Shield, Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard will not double this move's power, nor will Bounce or Fly ending early due to the effect of Gravity, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. -showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user's last move failed. +showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers in der vorherigen Runde, einschließlich Attacken, die durch andere Attacken aufgerufen wurden oder durch Kommando, Magiemantel, Übernahme oder die Fähigkeiten Tänzer oder Magische Sprungfeder verwendet wurden, keinen seiner normalen Effekte bewirkte, mit Ausnahme des Schadens durch einen erfolgloser Turmkick, Sprungkick oder Knallkopf, oder wenn der Benutzer durch einen anderen Effekt als Wiederaufladen oder Freier Fall an der Bewegung gehindert wurde. Eine Bewegung, die durch Bunker, Scanner, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Schutzstacheln, Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz blockiert wurde, verdoppelt nicht die Kraft dieser Bewegung, noch werden Sprungfeder oder Fliegen aufgrund der Wirkung von Erdanziehung, Katapult, oder Tausend Pfeile. +showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers fehlschlägt. -showdown.moves.stoneaxe.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Sets Stealth Rock on the target's side. +showdown.moves.stoneaxe.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt er auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder 1/2 davon ihre maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Rock-Typ; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Setzt Tarnsteine auf die Seite des Ziels. -showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.storedpower.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. -showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. +showdown.moves.storedpower.desc=Die Leistung ist gleich 20+(X*20), wobei X die gesamten Statusstufenänderungen des Benutzers ist, die größer als 0 sind. +showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc=+ 20 Kraft für jeden Stat-Boost des Benutzers. -showdown.moves.stormthrow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. -showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. +showdown.moves.stormthrow.desc=Diese Bewegung ist immer ein kritischer Treffer, es sei denn, das Ziel steht unter Beschwörung oder verfügt über die Fähigkeiten Kampfrüstung oder Granatenrüstung. +showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Führt immer zu einem kritischen Treffer. -showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren.ärke showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. -showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Senkt den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Der Benutzer stellt seine HP in Höhe des Angriffswerts des Ziels wieder her, der anhand seiner Statusstufe vor der Verwendung dieser Bewegung berechnet wurde. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Angriffsstatistikstufe des Ziels -6 beträgt. +showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=Der Benutzer heilt HP -showdown.moves.stringshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 2. -showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.stringshot.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.stringshot.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des/der Gegner(s) um 2. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des/der Gegner(s) um 1. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen2.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1. -showdown.moves.struggle.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 of its max HP. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen6.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random adjacent opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 the HP lost by the target. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.desc=Deals Normal-type damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=User loses 1/2 the HP lost by the target. +showdown.moves.struggle.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, verliert der Benutzer 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, und die Rock Head-Fähigkeit verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 1/4 seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen6.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen benachbarten gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, verliert der Benutzer 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, und die Rock Head-Fähigkeit verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen4.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, verliert der Benutzer 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und die Rock Head-Fähigkeit verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich war, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP, und die Fähigkeit Felsenkopf verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 1/4 der HP, die das Ziel verloren hat. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen2.desc=Verursacht typlosen Schaden. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.desc=Verursacht Schaden vom Typ Normal. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert die Hälfte der HP, die das Ziel verloren hat.äfertrutz -showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Sp des Gegners zu senken. Angriff um 1. -showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.desc=This move cannot be selected unless the user is holding a Berry. The user eats its Berry and raises its Defense by 2 stages. This effect is not prevented by the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry. -showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.shortDesc=Must hold Berry to use. User eats Berry, Def +2. +showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.desc=Dieser Zug kann nicht ausgewählt werden, es sei denn, der Benutzer hält eine Beere. Der Benutzer isst seine Beere und erhöht seine Verteidigung um 2 Stufen. Dieser Effekt wird nicht durch die Fähigkeiten Klutz oder Unnerve oder die Effekte von Itemsperre oder Magieraum verhindert. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keine Beere in der Hand hält. +showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.shortDesc=Zur Verwendung muss Berry gehalten werden. Benutzer isst Beere, Verteidigung +2. -showdown.moves.stunspore.desc=Paralyzes the target. -showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. -showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.stunspore.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.stunspore.desc=Lähmt das Ziel. +showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Lähmt das Ziel. +showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Lähmt das Ziel. Dieser Schritt ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.stunspore.gen1.desc=Lähmt das Ziel.Überroller -showdown.moves.submission.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. -showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.submission.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. -showdown.moves.submission.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. -showdown.moves.substitute.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. Sound-based moves and Pokemon with the Infiltrator Ability ignore substitutes. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. -showdown.moves.substitute.shortDesc=User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a substitute. -showdown.moves.substitute.gen5.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. -showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute has 1 HP plus the HP used to create it, and is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it or 255 damage is inflicted at once, or if the user switches out or faints. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by the opposing Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by the opponent, unless the effect is Disable, Leech Seed, sleep, primary paralysis, or secondary confusion and the user's substitute did not break. The user still takes normal damage from status effects while behind its substitute, unless the effect is confusion damage, which is applied to the opposing Pokemon's substitute instead. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the attack ends. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute, or if it already has a substitute. The user will create a substitute and then faint if its current HP is exactly 1/4 of its maximum HP. -showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a Substitute. -showdown.moves.substitute.start=%s put in a substitute! -showdown.moves.substitute.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! -showdown.moves.substitute.end=%s's substitute faded! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! -showdown.moves.substitute.activate=The substitute took damage for %s! +showdown.moves.submission.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Hat 1/4 Rückstoß. +showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.submission.gen2.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Trifft dieser Zug einen Ersatz, beträgt der Rückstoßschaden immer 1 HP. +showdown.moves.submission.gen1.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erleidet der Benutzer keinen Rückstoßschaden. +showdown.moves.substitute.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und steckt es in einen Ersatz, der seinen Platz im Kampf einnimmt. Der Ersatz wird entfernt, sobald ihm genügend Schaden zugefügt wurde oder wenn der Benutzer ausschaltet oder ohnmächtig wird. Stafette kann verwendet werden, um den Ersatz auf einen Verbündeten zu übertragen, und der Ersatz behält seine verbleibenden HP. Bis der Ersatz kaputt ist, erleidet er Schaden durch alle Angriffe anderer Pokémon und schützt den Benutzer vor Statuseffekten und Statusstufenänderungen, die durch andere Pokémon verursacht werden. Geräuschbasierte Attacken und Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Infiltrator ignorieren Ersatzspieler. Der Benutzer erleidet weiterhin normalen Schaden durch Wetter- und Statuseffekte, während er sich hinter seinem Stellvertreter befindet. Wenn der Ersatz während eines Angriffs mit mehreren Treffern kaputt geht, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden durch alle verbleibenden Treffer. Wird ein Stellvertreter erstellt, während der Benutzer durch eine Bindungsbewegung gefangen ist, endet die Bindungswirkung sofort. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht mehr über genügend HP verfügt, um einen Ersatz zu erstellen, ohne ohnmächtig zu werden, oder wenn bereits ein Ersatz vorhanden ist. +showdown.moves.substitute.shortDesc=Der Benutzer benötigt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, um einen Ersatz einzusetzen. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und steckt es in einen Ersatz, der seinen Platz im Kampf einnimmt. Der Ersatz wird entfernt, sobald ihm genügend Schaden zugefügt wurde oder wenn der Benutzer ausschaltet oder ohnmächtig wird. Stafette kann verwendet werden, um den Ersatz auf einen Verbündeten zu übertragen, und der Ersatz behält seine verbleibenden HP. Bis der Ersatz kaputt ist, erleidet er Schaden durch alle Angriffe anderer Pokémon und schützt den Benutzer vor Statuseffekten und Statusstufenänderungen, die durch andere Pokémon verursacht werden. Der Benutzer erleidet weiterhin normalen Schaden durch Wetter- und Statuseffekte, während er sich hinter seinem Stellvertreter befindet. Wenn der Ersatz während eines Angriffs mit mehreren Treffern kaputt geht, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden durch alle verbleibenden Treffer. Wird ein Stellvertreter erstellt, während der Benutzer durch eine Bindungsbewegung gefangen ist, endet die Bindungswirkung sofort. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht mehr über genügend HP verfügt, um einen Ersatz zu erstellen, ohne ohnmächtig zu werden, oder wenn bereits ein Ersatz vorhanden ist. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und steckt es in einen Ersatz, der seinen Platz im Kampf einnimmt. Der Ersatz verfügt über 1 HP plus die HP, die für seine Herstellung verwendet wurden, und wird entfernt, sobald ihm genügend Schaden oder 255 Schaden auf einmal zugefügt wurde oder wenn der Benutzer ausschaltet oder ohnmächtig wird. Bis der Ersatz gebrochen ist, erhält es Schaden durch alle Angriffe des gegnerischen Pokémon und schützt den Benutzer vor Statuseffekten und Statusstufenänderungen, die vom Gegner verursacht werden, es sei denn, der Effekt ist Aussetzer, Egelsamen, Schlaf, primäre Lähmung oder sekundäre Verwirrung und Der Ersatz des Benutzers ist nicht kaputt gegangen. Der Benutzer erleidet weiterhin normalen Schaden durch Statuseffekte, während er sich hinter seinem Stellvertreter befindet, es sei denn, der Effekt ist Verwirrungsschaden, der stattdessen dem Stellvertreter des gegnerischen Pokémon zugefügt wird. Wenn der Ersatz während eines Multi-Hit-Angriffs bricht, endet der Angriff. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht mehr über genügend HP verfügt, um einen Ersatz zu erstellen, oder wenn bereits ein Ersatz vorhanden ist. Der Benutzer erstellt einen Ersatz und fällt dann in Ohnmacht, wenn seine aktuellen HP genau 1/4 seiner maximalen HP betragen. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer benötigt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, um einen Delegator einzusetzen. +showdown.moves.substitute.start=%s hat einen Ersatz eingesetzt! +showdown.moves.substitute.alreadyStarted=%s hat bereits einen Ersatz! +showdown.moves.substitute.end=Der Ersatz von %s ist verblasst! es hat nicht mehr genug HP, um einen Ersatz zu machen! +showdown.moves.substitute.activate=Der Ersatz hat %s Schaden erlitten! Geofrost -showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical attack, special attack, or Me First for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. -showdown.moves.suckerpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking. -showdown.moves.suckerpunch.gen4.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical or special attack for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel in diesem Zug keinen physischen Angriff, Spezialangriff oder Egotrip zur Verwendung ausgewählt hat oder wenn sich das Ziel vor dem Benutzer bewegt. +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel nicht angreift. +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.gen4.desc=Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel in diesem Zug keinen physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff zur Verwendung ausgewählt hat oder wenn sich das Ziel vor dem Benutzer bewegt. -showdown.moves.sunnyday.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Heat Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. -showdown.moves.sunnyday.shortDesc=For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves. -showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. -showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day, even if the current weather is Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Sonnentag. Der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer wird mit 1,5 multipliziert und der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Wasser wird während der Wirkung mit 0,5 multipliziert. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Heat Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sonnentag ist. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.shortDesc=5 Runden lang aktiviert intensives Sonnenlicht Feuerattacken. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Sonnentag. Der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer wird mit 1,5 multipliziert und der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Wasser wird während der Wirkung mit 0,5 multipliziert. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sonnentag ist. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen2.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Sonnentag, auch wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sonnentag ist. Der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer wird mit 1,5 multipliziert und der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Wasser wird während der Wirkung mit 0,5 multipliziert. -showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. +showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. -showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. -showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move ignores type immunity. -showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = 1/2 target's current HP. Hits Ghosts. +showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP zu. +showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der aktuellen HP des Ziels. +showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP zu. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Schaden -showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Senkt den Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Senkt den Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. +showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Verursacht Verwirrung beim Ziel. Steilflug -showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dive. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dive. Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Taucher verwendet. benachbarte Pokémon. Doppelter Schaden bei Taucher. Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Taucher verwendet. benachbarte Pokémon. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich bei Taucher. zusätzlicher Effekt. zusätzlicher Effekt. foes. Power doubles against Dive. Feinde. Power verdoppelt sich gegen Taucher. -showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Hits three times. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. -showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Hits 3 times. +showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Dreimal getroffen. Diese Bewegung ist immer ein kritischer Treffer, es sei denn, das Ziel steht unter Beschwörung oder verfügt über die Fähigkeiten Kampfrüstung oder Granatenrüstung. +showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.shortDesc=Führt immer zu einem kritischen Treffer. 3-mal getroffen. -showdown.moves.swagger.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. -showdown.moves.swagger.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 and confuses it. -showdown.moves.swagger.gen2.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. This move will miss if the target's Attack cannot be raised. +showdown.moves.swagger.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen und verwirrt es. +showdown.moves.swagger.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Ziels um 2 und verwirrt es. +showdown.moves.swagger.gen2.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen und verwirrt es. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn der Angriff des Ziels nicht erhöht werden kann. -showdown.moves.swallow.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. -showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Heals the user based on uses of Stockpile. -showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. -showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.swallow.desc=Der Benutzer stellt seine HP basierend auf seinem Horter-Zähler wieder her. Erholungores 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 1 ist, 1/2 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 2 ist, beides halb abgerundet, und alle seine HP, wenn es 3 ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 0 ist. Die Verteidigung und Die Spezialverteidigung verringert sich um so viele Stufen, wie Horter sie erhöht hat, und der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. +showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer basierend auf der Verwendung von Horter. +showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt seine HP basierend auf seinem Horter-Zähler wieder her. Erholungores 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 1 ist, 1/2 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 2 ist, beides abgerundet, und alle seine HP, wenn es 3 ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 0 ist. Die Verteidigung und Spezialfähigkeit des Benutzers Die Verteidigung verringert sich um so viele Stufen, wie Horter sie erhöht hat, und der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. +showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt seine HP basierend auf seinem Horter-Zähler wieder her. Erholungores 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 1 ist, 1/2 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 2 ist, beides halb abgerundet, und alle seine HP, wenn es 3 ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Horter-Anzahl des Benutzers 0 ist. Die Horter-Anzahl des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. -showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. +showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Verursacht Verwirrung beim Ziel. -showdown.moves.sweetscent.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.sweetscent.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 2. -showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 1. -showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.desc=Verringert die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.shortDesc=Verringert die Ausweichfähigkeit des Gegners um 2. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.desc=Verringert die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.shortDesc=Verringert die Ausweichfähigkeit des Gegners um 1. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen2.shortDesc=Verringert die Ausweichfähigkeit des Ziels um 1. -showdown.moves.swift.desc=This move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.swift.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. -showdown.moves.swift.gen1.desc=This move does not check accuracy and hits even if the target is using Dig or Fly. -showdown.moves.swift.gen1.shortDesc=Never misses, even against Dig and Fly. -showdown.moves.swift.gen2.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.swift.desc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. +showdown.moves.swift.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. Trifft Feinde. +showdown.moves.swift.gen1.desc=Dieser Zug überprüft nicht die Genauigkeit und trifft nicht, selbst wenn das Ziel Schaufler oder Fliegen verwendet. +showdown.moves.swift.gen1.shortDesc=Fehlt nie, auch nicht gegen Schaufler und Fliegen. +showdown.moves.swift.gen2.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, or if the user is trying to give or take a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.activate=%s switched items with its target! +showdown.moves.switcheroo.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem gehaltenen Gegenstand des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel einen Post- oder Z-Kristall in der Hand hält, wenn keiner von beiden einen Gegenstand in der Hand hält, wenn der Benutzer versucht, der Spezies, die damit eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen kann, einen Mega-Stein zu geben oder von ihr zu nehmen, oder wenn Der Benutzer versucht, einem Kyogre, einem Groudon, einem Giratina, einem Arceus, einem Genesect oder einem Silvally einen Blue Orb, einen Red Orb, einen Griseous Orb, eine Plate, einen Drive oder eine Memory zu geben oder von ihm zu nehmen , jeweils. Das Ziel ist gegen diese Bewegung immun, wenn es über die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold verfügt. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.shortDesc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem des Ziels. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem gehaltenen Gegenstand des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel eine Post in der Hand hält, wenn keiner von beiden einen Gegenstand in der Hand hält, wenn der Benutzer versucht, der Spezies, die damit eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen kann, einen Mega-Stein zu geben oder von ihr zu nehmen oder wenn der Benutzer es versucht um einen Blue Orb, einen Red Orb, einen Griseous Orb, einen Plate oder einen Drive zu oder von einem Kyogre, einem Groudon, einem Giratina, einem Arceus oder einem Genesect zu geben oder zu nehmen. Das Ziel ist gegen diese Bewegung immun, wenn es über die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold verfügt. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem gehaltenen Gegenstand des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel eine Post in der Hand hält, wenn keiner von beiden einen Gegenstand in der Hand hält oder wenn der Benutzer versucht, einer Giratina, einem Arceus oder einer Giratina, einem Arceus oder einer gruseligen Kugel, einer Platte oder einem Antrieb eine gruselige Kugel, eine Platte oder einen Antrieb zu geben oder von ihr zu nehmen jeweils ein Genesect. Das Ziel ist gegen diese Bewegung immun, wenn es über die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold verfügt. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem gehaltenen Gegenstand des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel eine Post- oder Graukugel in der Hand hält, wenn keiner von beiden einen Gegenstand hält, wenn einer von beiden über die Multitype-Fähigkeit verfügt, wenn einer von beiden unter dem Effekt von Abschlag steht oder wenn das Ziel über die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold verfügt. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.activate=%s hat Elemente mit seinem Ziel vertauscht! -showdown.moves.swordsdance.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 2.ärm -showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=The target is immune if it does not share a type with the user. -showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon sharing the user's type. +showdown.moves.swordsdance.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 2.ärm +showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=Das Ziel ist immun, wenn es keinen Typ mit dem Benutzer teilt. +showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Trifft benachbarte Pokémon, die den Typ des Benutzers haben. -showdown.moves.synthesis.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.synthesis.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.synthesis.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um einen wetterabhängigen Betrag. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm ist , Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm, jeweils halb abgerundet. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles zur Hälfte abgerundet. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles abgerundet. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, alle seine HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles abgerundet. showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages. -showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3. -showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 3 Stufen. +showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Angriff um 3. +showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. +showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Angriff um 2. -showdown.moves.tailslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.tailslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.tailslap.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. +showdown.moves.tailslap.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.tailwhip.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.tailwhip.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.tailwhip.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.tailwhip.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.tailwhip.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Gegners um 1. +showdown.moves.tailwhip.gen2.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1.ückenwind -showdown.moves.tailwind.desc=For 4 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.tailwind.shortDesc=For 4 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. -showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.desc=For 3 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.shortDesc=For 3 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. -showdown.moves.tailwind.start=The Tailwind blew from behind %s! -showdown.moves.tailwind.end=%s's Tailwind petered out! +showdown.moves.tailwind.desc=Für 4 Runden wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers und seiner Gruppenmitglieder verdoppelt. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.tailwind.shortDesc=Für 4 Runden wird die Geschwindigkeit der Verbündeten verdoppelt. +showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.desc=Für 3 Runden wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers und seiner Gruppenmitglieder verdoppelt. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.shortDesc=Für 3 Runden wird die Geschwindigkeit der Verbündeten verdoppelt. +showdown.moves.tailwind.start=Der Rückenwind wehte von hinten %s! +showdown.moves.tailwind.end=Der Rückenwind von %s hat nachgelassen! -showdown.moves.takedown.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. -showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.takedown.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. -showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. +showdown.moves.takedown.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Hat 1/4 Rückstoß. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen2.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Trifft dieser Zug einen Ersatz, beträgt der Rückstoßschaden immer 1 HP. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erleidet der Benutzer keinen Rückstoßschaden. -showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=The user cures its non-volatile status condition. Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Cures user's status, raises Sp. Atk, Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=Der Benutzer behebt seinen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand. Erhöht den Spezialangriff und die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Heilt den Status des Benutzers und erhöht Sp. Atk, Sp. Verteidigung um 1. -showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Until the target switches out, the effectiveness of Fire-type moves is doubled against it. -showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Target gets -1 Spe and becomes weaker to Fire. -showdown.moves.tarshot.start=%s became weaker to fire! +showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Bis das Ziel auswechselt, wird die Wirksamkeit von Feuer-Attacken gegen das Ziel verdoppelt. +showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Das Ziel erhält -1 Spe und wird schwächer gegen Feuer. +showdown.moves.tarshot.start=%s wurde schwächer zum Feuern!öhner -showdown.moves.taunt.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.taunt.shortDesc=Target can't use status moves its next 3 turns. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen6.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.desc=For 3 to 5 turns, prevents the target from using non-damaging moves. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.shortDesc=For 3-5 turns, the target can't use status moves. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.desc=For 2 turns, prevents the target from using non-damaging moves. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target can't use status moves. -showdown.moves.taunt.start=%s fell for the taunt! -showdown.moves.taunt.end=%s shook off the taunt! -showdown.moves.taunt.cant=%s can't use %s after the taunt! +showdown.moves.taunt.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel in den nächsten drei Runden nicht schädliche Attacken ausführt. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Ahnungslos oder geschützt durch die Fähigkeit Aromaschleier sind immun. +showdown.moves.taunt.shortDesc=Das Ziel kann in den nächsten 3 Runden keine Statusattacken verwenden. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel in den nächsten drei Runden nicht schädliche Attacken ausführt. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Ahnungslos oder geschützt durch die Fähigkeit Aromaschleier sind immun. Während dieses Effekts können weiterhin Attacken mit Z-Antrieb ausgewählt und ausgeführt werden. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen6.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel in den nächsten drei Runden nicht schädliche Attacken ausführt. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Ahnungslos oder geschützt durch die Fähigkeit Aromaschleier sind immun. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel in den nächsten drei Runden nicht schädliche Attacken ausführt. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.desc=Verhindert 3 bis 5 Runden lang, dass das Ziel keine Schaden verursachenden Attacken ausführt. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.shortDesc=Für 3–5 Runden kann das Ziel keine Statusattacken verwenden. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.desc=Verhindert 2 Runden lang, dass das Ziel keine Schaden verursachenden Attacken ausführt. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.shortDesc=Das Ziel kann 2 Runden lang keine Statusattacken verwenden. +showdown.moves.taunt.start=%s ist auf die Verspottung hereingefallen! +showdown.moves.taunt.end=%s schüttelte den Spott ab! +showdown.moves.taunt.cant=%s kann %s nach der Verspottung nicht mehr verwenden!änendrüse -showdown.moves.tearfullook.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.tearfullook.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. -showdown.moves.teatime.desc=All active Pokemon consume their held Berries. This effect is not prevented by substitutes, the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if no active Pokemon is holding a Berry. -showdown.moves.teatime.shortDesc=All active Pokemon consume held Berries. -showdown.moves.teatime.activate=It's teatime! Everyone dug in to their Berries! nothing happened! +showdown.moves.tearfullook.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.tearfullook.shortDesc=Verringert Angriff und SP des Ziels. Angriff um 1. +showdown.moves.teatime.desc=Alle aktiven Pokémon verbrauchen ihre gehaltenen Beeren. Dieser Effekt wird nicht durch Ersatzstoffe, die Fähigkeiten Klutz oder Unnerve oder die Effekte von Itemsperre oder Magieraum verhindert. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein aktives Pokémon eine Beere hält. +showdown.moves.teatime.shortDesc=Alle aktiven Pokémon verbrauchen gehaltene Beeren. +showdown.moves.teatime.activate=Es ist Teezeit! Jeder hat sich in seine Beeren gestürzt! nichts ist passiert! -showdown.moves.technoblast.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Drive. -showdown.moves.technoblast.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Drive. +showdown.moves.technoblast.desc=Die Art dieser Bewegung hängt vom Laufwerk des Benutzers ab. +showdown.moves.technoblast.shortDesc=Der Typ variiert je nach gehaltenem Laufwerk. Eruption -showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Causes the target to become confused. -showdown.moves.teeterdance.shortDesc=Confuses adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Verursacht Verwirrung beim Ziel. +showdown.moves.teeterdance.shortDesc=Verwirrt benachbarte Pokémon. -showdown.moves.telekinesis.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, Alolan Diglett, Alolan Dugtrio, Sandygast, Palossand, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. -showdown.moves.telekinesis.shortDesc=For 3 turns, target floats but moves can't miss it. -showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen6.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. -showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen5.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett or Dugtrio. -showdown.moves.telekinesis.start=%s was hurled into the air! -showdown.moves.telekinesis.end=%s was freed from the telekinesis! -showdown.moves.teleport.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.teleport.shortDesc=User switches out. -showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.desc=Fails when used. -showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.shortDesc=Fails when used. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.desc=Das Ziel kann 3 Runden lang allen gegen es ausgeführten Angriffen außer OHKO-Attacken nicht ausweichen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während des Effekts ist das Ziel immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Klebenetz und der Fähigkeit Arenafalle, solange diese aktiv bleibt. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, erhält der Ersatz den Effekt. Verwurzler, Katapult, Tausend Pfeile und Iron Ball überschreiben diese Bewegung, wenn das Ziel unter einem ihrer Effekte steht. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits unter diesem Effekt oder den Effekten von Verwurzler, Katapult oder Tausend Pfeile steht. Das Ziel ist bei Verwendung immun gegen diese Bewegung, wenn es sich um eine Spezies von Schauflerlett, Dugtrio, Alola-Schauflerlett, Alola-Dugtri, Sandygast, Palossand oder Gengar handelt, solange es Mega-entwickelt ist. Mega-Gengar kann auf keinen Fall unter diesem Effekt stehen. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.shortDesc=Das Ziel schwebt 3 Runden lang, Attacken können es jedoch nicht verfehlen. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen6.desc=Das Ziel kann 3 Runden lang allen gegen es ausgeführten Angriffen außer OHKO-Attacken nicht ausweichen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während des Effekts ist das Ziel immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Klebenetz und der Fähigkeit Arenafalle, solange diese aktiv bleibt. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, erhält der Ersatz den Effekt. Verwurzler, Katapult, Tausend Pfeile und Iron Ball überschreiben diese Bewegung, wenn das Ziel unter einem ihrer Effekte steht. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits unter diesem Effekt oder den Effekten von Verwurzler, Katapult oder Tausend Pfeile steht. Das Ziel ist bei Verwendung immun gegen diese Attacke, wenn es sich um eine Spezies von Schauflerlett, Digtri oder Gengar handelt, solange es Mega-entwickelt ist. Mega-Gengar kann auf keinen Fall unter diesem Effekt stehen. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen5.desc=Das Ziel kann 3 Runden lang allen gegen es ausgeführten Angriffen außer OHKO-Attacken nicht ausweichen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während des Effekts ist das Ziel immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und der Fähigkeit Arenafalle, solange diese aktiv bleibt. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, erhält der Ersatz den Effekt. Verwurzler, Katapult und Iron Ball setzen diese Bewegung außer Kraft, wenn das Ziel unter einem ihrer Effekte steht. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits unter diesem Effekt oder den Effekten von Verwurzler oder Katapult steht. Das Ziel ist bei Verwendung gegen diese Bewegung immun, wenn seine Spezies Schauflerlett oder Dugtrio ist. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.start=%s wurde in die Luft geschleudert! +showdown.moves.telekinesis.end=%s wurde von der Telekinese befreit! +showdown.moves.teleport.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, schaltet der Benutzer aus, auch wenn er gefangen ist, und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt. +showdown.moves.teleport.shortDesc=Benutzer schaltet aus. +showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.desc=Scheitert bei Verwendung. +showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.shortDesc=Scheitert bei Verwendung. -showdown.moves.terablast.desc=If the user is Terastallized, this move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes, and this move's type becomes the same as the user's Tera Type. -showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=If Terastallized: Phys. if Atk > SpA, type = Tera. +showdown.moves.terablast.desc=Wenn der Benutzer Terastallisiert ist, wird diese Bewegung zu einem physischen Angriff, wenn der Angriff des Benutzers größer ist als sein Spezialangriff, einschließlich Änderungen der Statusstufe, und der Typ dieser Bewegung mit dem Tera-Typ des Benutzers übereinstimmt. +showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=Wenn terastallisiert: Phys. Wenn Atk > SpA, geben Sie ein -showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=Power doubles if the user is grounded and a terrain is active, and this move's type changes to match. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=User on terrain: power doubles, type varies. +showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer am Boden ist und ein Gelände aktiv ist, und der Typ dieser Bewegung ändert sich entsprechend. Elektrischer Typ während Elektrofeld, Grastyp während Grasfeld, Feentyp während Weißnebely Terrain und Psychokinese Typ während Psychokinese Terrain. +showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=Benutzer im Gelände: Leistung verdoppelt sich, Typ variiert. -showdown.moves.thief.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.thief.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. -showdown.moves.thief.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.thief.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, or a Genesect holding a Drive. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.thief.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. -showdown.moves.thief.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. -showdown.moves.thief.gen2.desc=Has a 100% chance to steal the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail. +showdown.moves.thief.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich war und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand, sofern der Benutzer keinen in der Hand hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um ein Kettenhemd oder einen Z-Kristall handelt oder wenn das Ziel ein Kyogre mit einer blauen Kugel, ein Groudon mit einer roten Kugel, eine Giratina mit einer grauen Kugel, ein Arceus mit einer Platte oder ein Genesect ist mit einem Antrieb, ein Silvaly mit einer Erinnerung oder ein Pokémon, das sich Mega-entwickeln kann und den Mega-Stein für seine Spezies hält. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.thief.shortDesc=Wenn der Benutzer keinen Gegenstand hat, stiehlt er den des Ziels. +showdown.moves.thief.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich war und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand, sofern der Benutzer keinen in der Hand hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um eine Post handelt oder wenn das Ziel ein Kyogre mit einer blauen Kugel, ein Groudon mit einer roten Kugel, eine Giratina mit einer grauen Kugel, ein Arceus mit einer Platte oder ein Genesect mit einem Antrieb ist. oder ein Pokémon, das eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen kann und den Mega-Stein seiner Spezies hält. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.thief.gen5.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich war und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand, sofern der Benutzer keinen in der Hand hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um eine Post handelt oder wenn das Ziel eine Giratina mit einer Griseous-Kugel, ein Arceus mit einer Platte oder ein Genesect mit einem Antrieb ist. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.thief.gen4.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich war und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand, sofern der Benutzer keinen in der Hand hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um eine Panzer- oder Graukugel handelt oder wenn das Ziel über die Multityp-Fähigkeit verfügt. Durch diesen Umzug verlorene Gegenstände können durch Aufbereitung nicht wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.thief.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich war und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, stiehlt er den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand, sofern der Benutzer keinen in der Hand hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um eine Post- oder Enigma-Beere handelt. Durch diesen Umzug verlorene Gegenstände können durch Aufbereitung nicht wiederhergestellt werden. +showdown.moves.thief.gen2.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den vom Ziel gehaltenen Gegenstand zu stehlen, wenn der Benutzer keinen hält. Der Gegenstand des Ziels wird nicht gestohlen, wenn es sich um eine Post handelt. Pfeile -showdown.moves.thousandarrows.desc=This move can hit airborne Pokemon, which includes Flying-type Pokemon, Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, Pokemon holding an Air Balloon, and Pokemon under the effect of Magnet Rise or Telekinesis. If the target is a Flying type and is not already grounded, this move deals neutral damage regardless of its other type(s). This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. -showdown.moves.thousandarrows.shortDesc=Grounds adjacent foes. First hit neutral on Flying. +showdown.moves.thousandarrows.desc=Dieser Zug kann fliegende Pokémon treffen, darunter Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen, Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Levitieren, Pokémon mit einem Luftballon und Pokémon unter der Wirkung von Magnetflug oder Telekinese. Wenn das Ziel vom Typ Fliegen ist und noch nicht am Boden ist, verursacht diese Bewegung neutralen Schaden, unabhängig von den anderen Typen. Diese Bewegung kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall treffen. Wenn diese Bewegung ein Ziel trifft, das unter dem Effekt von Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Magnetflug oder Telekinese steht, endet der Effekt. Wenn das Ziel ein fliegender Typ ist, der in dieser Runde keinen Ruheort verwendet hat, oder ein Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Levitieren, verliert es seine Immunität gegen Bodenangriffe und die Fähigkeit Arenafalle, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während des Effekts schlägt Magnetflug beim Ziel fehl und Telekinese schlägt beim Ziel fehl. +showdown.moves.thousandarrows.shortDesc=Setzt benachbarte Feinde auf den Boden. Beim Fliegening zuerst auf Neutral treffen. Wellen -showdown.moves.thousandwaves.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.thousandwaves.shortDesc=Hits adjacent foes. Prevents them from switching. -showdown.moves.thousandwaves.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.shortDesc=Trifft benachbarte Feinde. Verhindert, dass sie wechseln. +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. -showdown.moves.thrash.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.thrash.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. Strike -showdown.moves.throatchop.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. -showdown.moves.throatchop.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound moves. -showdown.moves.throatchop.gen7.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. Z-Powered sound moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.throatchop.cant=The effects of Throat Chop prevent %s from using certain moves! +showdown.moves.thrash.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und wird unmittelbar nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, sofern dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, zu Beginn einer Runde schläft oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel in der ersten Runde des Effekts oder der zweiten Runde eines Drei-Runden-Effekts nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften . Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird und der Benutzer schläft, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.thrash.shortDesc=Hält 2-3 Runden an. Verwirrt den Benutzer im Nachhinein. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und wird unmittelbar nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, sofern dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein benachbartes gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, zu Beginn einer Runde schläft oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel in der ersten Runde des Effekts oder der zweiten Runde eines Drei-Runden-Effekts nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften . Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und ist am Ende der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, falls dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, zu Beginn einer Runde schläft oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, an diese Bewegung gebunden zu sein, und ist am Ende der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, falls dies nicht bereits geschehen ist. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, einschläft, einfriert oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt, ohne Verwirrung zu stiften. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen2.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht, verbringt der Benutzer zwei oder drei Runden damit, an dieser Bewegung festzuhalten, und wird sofort nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, auch wenn er bereits verwirrt ist. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt, ohne dass es zu Verwirrung kommt. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug für eine Runde verwendet und verwirrt den Benutzer nicht. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht, verbringt der Benutzer drei oder vier Runden damit, an dieser Bewegung festzuhalten, und wird sofort nach seiner Bewegung in der letzten Runde des Effekts verwirrt, auch wenn er bereits verwirrt ist. Wenn der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt, ohne dass es zu Verwirrung kommt. Während des Effekts wird die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung in jeder Runde mit der aktuell berechneten Genauigkeit einschließlich Statusstufenänderungen überschrieben, jedoch nicht weniger als 1/256 und nicht mehr als 255/256. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.shortDesc=Hält 3-4 Runden an. Verwirrt den Benutzer im Nachhinein. +showdown.moves.throatchop.desc=Für 2 Runden kann das Ziel keine geräuschbasierten Attacken ausführen. +showdown.moves.throatchop.shortDesc=Für 2 Runden kann das Ziel keine Klangattacken ausführen. +showdown.moves.throatchop.gen7.desc=Für 2 Runden kann das Ziel keine geräuschbasierten Attacken ausführen. Während dieses Effekts können weiterhin Z-Powered-Soundattacken ausgewählt und ausgeführt werden. +showdown.moves.throatchop.cant=Die Effekte von Neck Strike hindern %s daran, bestimmte Attacken auszuführen! -showdown.moves.thunder.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. -showdown.moves.thunder.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze. Can't miss in rain. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Fly. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunder.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Diese Bewegung kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall treffen oder steht unter der Wirkung von Freier Fall. Wenn das Wetter Urmeer oder Regentanz ist, wird durch diese Bewegung die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. Wenn das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, beträgt die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung 50 %. Wenn dieser Zug gegen ein Pokémon mit Utility-Regenschirm eingesetzt wird, bleibt die Genauigkeit dieses Zuges bei 70 %. +showdown.moves.thunder.shortDesc=30 % Chance auf Lähmung. Bei Regen nicht zu übersehen. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen7.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Diese Bewegung kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall treffen oder steht unter der Wirkung von Freier Fall. Wenn das Wetter Urmeer oder Regentanz ist, wird durch diese Bewegung die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. Wenn das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, beträgt die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung 50 %. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Diese Bewegung kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall treffen oder steht unter der Wirkung von Freier Fall. Wenn das Wetter Regentanz ist, prüft dieser Zug nicht die Genauigkeit. Bei Sonnentag beträgt die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung 50 %. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Dieser Zug kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder oder Fliegen treffen. Wenn das Wetter Regentanz ist, prüft dieser Zug nicht die Genauigkeit. Bei Sonnentag beträgt die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung 50 %. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen2.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Dieser Zug kann ein Ziel mit Fliegen treffen. Wenn das Wetter Regentanz ist, prüft dieser Zug nicht die Genauigkeit. Bei Sonnentag beträgt die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung 50 %. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.thunderbolt.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.thunderbolt.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunderbolt.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.thunderbolt.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen.ängnis -showdown.moves.thundercage.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.thundercage.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.thundercage.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.thundercage.start=%s trapped %s! +showdown.moves.thundercage.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.thundercage.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.thundercage.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.thundercage.start=%s gefangen %s! -showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. -showdown.moves.thunderfang.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze. 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen und es zucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.thunderfang.shortDesc=10 % Chance auf Lähmung. 10 % Chance, zusammenzuzucken. Tritt -showdown.moves.thunderouskick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.thunderouskick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.thunderouskick.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. +showdown.moves.thunderouskick.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken. -showdown.moves.thunderpunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.thunderpunch.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunderpunch.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.thunderpunch.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.thundershock.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.thundershock.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thundershock.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.thundershock.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.thunderwave.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.thunderwave.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.thunderwave.desc=Lähmt das Ziel. Dieser Schritt ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.thunderwave.shortDesc=Lähmt das Ziel.ßkanone -showdown.moves.tickle.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.tickle.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.tickle.desc=Senkt den Angriff und die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.tickle.shortDesc=Senkt den Angriff und die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1.äumen -showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. Removes subtitutes from all active Pokemon and ends the effects of Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes for both sides. -showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=User +1 Atk, Spe. Clears all substitutes/hazards. -showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Tidying up complete! -showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=The target's positive stat stages become negative and vice versa. Fails if all of the target's stat stages are 0. -showdown.moves.topsyturvy.shortDesc=Inverts the target's stat stages. +showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Erhöht Angriff und Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Entfernt Substitute von allen aktiven Pokémon und beendet die Effekte von Stachler, Tarnsteine, Klebenetz und Toxin Stachler für beide Seiten. +showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=Benutzer +1 Angriff, Spe. Löscht alle Ersatzstoffe/Gefahren. +showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Aufräumen abgeschlossen! +showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=Die positiven Statusstufen des Ziels werden negativ und umgekehrt. Schlägt fehl, wenn alle Statusstufen des Ziels 0 sind. +showdown.moves.topsyturvy.shortDesc=Kehrt die Statusstufen des Ziels um. -showdown.moves.torchsong.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.torchsong.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.torchsong.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.torchsong.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die SP des Benutzers zu erhöhen. Angriff um 1. -showdown.moves.torment.desc=Prevents the target from selecting the same move for use two turns in a row. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. -showdown.moves.torment.shortDesc=Target can't select the same move twice in a row. -showdown.moves.torment.start=%s was subjected to torment! -showdown.moves.torment.end=%s is no longer tormented! +showdown.moves.torment.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei Runden hintereinander dieselbe Bewegung auswählt. Dieser Effekt endet, wenn das Ziel nicht mehr aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.torment.shortDesc=Das Ziel kann nicht zweimal hintereinander denselben Zug auswählen. +showdown.moves.torment.start=%s wurde gefoltert! +showdown.moves.torment.end=%s wird nicht mehr gequält! -showdown.moves.toxic.desc=Badly poisons the target. If a Poison-type Pokemon uses this move, the target cannot avoid the attack, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. -showdown.moves.toxic.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. Poison types can't miss. -showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.desc=Badly poisons the target. -showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.shortDesc=Poisons grounded foes on switch-in. Max 2 layers. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen4.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, as well as switching in with a substitute. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.start=Poison spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.end=The poison spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! -showdown.moves.toxicthread.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage and poisons it. -showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons it. +showdown.moves.toxic.desc=Vergiftet das Ziel stark. Wenn ein Pokémon vom Typ Gift diese Attacke nutzt, kann das Ziel dem Angriff nicht ausweichen, selbst wenn es sich mitten in einer zwei Runden umfassenden Attacke befindet. +showdown.moves.toxic.shortDesc=Vergiftet das Ziel stark. Giftarten dürfen nicht fehlen. +showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.desc=Vergiftet das Ziel stark. +showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.shortDesc=Vergiftet das Ziel stark. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.desc=Stellt eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds dar und vergiftet jedes gegnerische Pokémon, das einwechselt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu zwei Mal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegnerische Pokémon werden mit einer Schicht vergiftet und mit zwei Schichten stark vergiftet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt, von Auflockern getroffen wird oder ein geerdetes Gift-Pokémon einwechselt. Bodyguard verhindert, dass die gegnerische Partei beim Einwechseln vergiftet wird, aber a Ersatz nicht. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.shortDesc=Gifte setzen Gegner beim Einschalten am Boden. Maximal 2 Schichten. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen8.desc=Stellt eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds dar und vergiftet jedes gegnerische Pokémon, das einwechselt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu zwei Mal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegnerische Pokémon werden mit einer Schicht vergiftet und mit zwei Schichten stark vergiftet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt, von Auflockern getroffen wird oder ein geerdetes Gift-Pokémon einwechselt. Der Leibwächter verhindert, dass die gegnerische Partei beim Einwechseln vergiftet wird, ein Ersatz jedoch nicht . +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen5.desc=Stellt eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds dar und vergiftet jedes gegnerische Pokémon, das einwechselt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu zwei Mal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegnerische Pokémon werden mit einer Schicht vergiftet und mit zwei Schichten stark vergiftet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt, von Auflockern getroffen wird oder ein geerdetes Gift-Pokémon einwechselt. Bodyguard verhindert, dass die gegnerische Partei beim Einwechseln vergiftet wird, ein Ersatz jedoch nicht. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen4.desc=Stellt eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds dar und vergiftet jedes gegnerische Pokémon, das einwechselt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu zwei Mal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegnerische Pokémon werden mit einer Schicht vergiftet und mit zwei Schichten stark vergiftet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon den Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt, von Auflockern getroffen wird oder ein geerdetes Gift-Pokémon einwechselt. Der Leibwächter verhindert, dass die gegnerische Partei beim Einwechseln vergiftet wird, sowie beim Einwechseln mit einem Ersatz. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.start=Überall um %s herum waren Giftstacheln auf dem Boden verstreut! +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.end=Die Giftstacheln verschwanden um %s herum vom Boden! +showdown.moves.toxicthread.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe und vergiftet es. +showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 und vergiftet es. -showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. -showdown.moves.transform.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, gender, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP, with a maximum of 5 PP each. The user can no longer change formes if it would have the ability to do so. This move fails if it hits a substitute, if either the user or the target is already transformed, or if either is behind an Illusion. -showdown.moves.transform.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and Ability. -showdown.moves.transform.gen4.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, IVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move fails if the target has transformed. -showdown.moves.transform.gen2.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, DVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move fails if the target has transformed. -showdown.moves.transform.gen2.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and species. -showdown.moves.transform.gen1.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, DVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move can hit a target using Dig or Fly. -showdown.moves.transform.transform=%s transformed into %s! +showdown.moves.transform.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, Fähigkeiten, Gewicht, Geschlecht und Sprite des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die HP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP, maximal jedoch jeweils 5 PP. Der Benutzer kann Formulare nicht mehr ändern, wenn er dazu in der Lage wäre. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn er einen Ersatz trifft, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel bereits verwandelt ist oder wenn sich einer von beiden hinter einer Illusion befindet. +showdown.moves.transform.shortDesc=Kopiert die Statistiken, Attacken, Typen und Fähigkeiten des Ziels. +showdown.moves.transform.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, Fähigkeiten, Gewicht, IVs, Spezies und Sprite des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die HP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel verwandelt hat. +showdown.moves.transform.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, DVs, Arten und Sprites des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die HP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel verwandelt hat. +showdown.moves.transform.gen2.shortDesc=Kopiert die Statistiken, Attacken, Typen und Arten des Ziels. +showdown.moves.transform.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, DVs, Arten und Sprites des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die HP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP. Dieser Zug kann ein Ziel mit Schaufler oder Fliegen treffen. +showdown.moves.transform.transform=%s verwandelte sich in %s! -showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Has a 20% chance to either burn, freeze, or paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze target. -showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=This move selects burn, freeze, or paralysis at random, and has a 20% chance to inflict the target with that status. If the target is frozen and burn was selected, it thaws out. +showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel entweder zu verbrennen, einzufrieren oder zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen, zu verbrennen oder einzufrieren. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=Diese Bewegung wählt zufällig Verbrennen, Einfrieren oder Lähmung aus und hat eine Chance von 20 %, dem Ziel diesen Status zu verleihen. Wenn das Ziel eingefroren ist und Brennen ausgewählt wurde, taut es auf. showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.trick.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.trick.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. -showdown.moves.trick.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.trick.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, or if the user is trying to give or take a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.trick.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.trick.gen3.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.trick.activate=%s switched items with its target! +showdown.moves.trick.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem gehaltenen Gegenstand des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel einen Post- oder Z-Kristall in der Hand hält, wenn keiner von beiden einen Gegenstand in der Hand hält, wenn der Benutzer versucht, der Spezies, die damit eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen kann, einen Mega-Stein zu geben oder von ihr zu nehmen, oder wenn Der Benutzer versucht, einem Kyogre, einem Groudon, einem Giratina, einem Arceus, einem Genesect oder einem Silvally einen Blue Orb, einen Red Orb, einen Griseous Orb, eine Plate, einen Drive oder eine Memory zu geben oder von ihm zu nehmen , jeweils. Das Ziel ist gegen diese Bewegung immun, wenn es über die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold verfügt. +showdown.moves.trick.shortDesc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem des Ziels. +showdown.moves.trick.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem gehaltenen Gegenstand des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel eine Post in der Hand hält, wenn keiner von beiden einen Gegenstand in der Hand hält, wenn der Benutzer versucht, der Spezies, die damit eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen kann, einen Mega-Stein zu geben oder von ihr zu nehmen oder wenn der Benutzer es versucht um einen Blue Orb, einen Red Orb, einen Griseous Orb, einen Plate oder einen Drive zu oder von einem Kyogre, einem Groudon, einem Giratina, einem Arceus oder einem Genesect zu geben oder zu nehmen. Das Ziel ist gegen diese Bewegung immun, wenn es über die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold verfügt. +showdown.moves.trick.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem gehaltenen Gegenstand des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel eine Post in der Hand hält, wenn keiner von beiden einen Gegenstand in der Hand hält oder wenn der Benutzer versucht, einer Giratina, einem Arceus oder einer Giratina, einem Arceus oder einer gruseligen Kugel, einer Platte oder einem Antrieb eine gruselige Kugel, eine Platte oder einen Antrieb zu geben oder von ihr zu nehmen jeweils ein Genesect. Das Ziel ist gegen diese Bewegung immun, wenn es über die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold verfügt. +showdown.moves.trick.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem gehaltenen Gegenstand des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel eine Post- oder Graukugel in der Hand hält, wenn keiner von beiden einen Gegenstand hält, wenn einer von beiden über die Multitype-Fähigkeit verfügt, wenn einer von beiden unter dem Effekt von Abschlag steht oder wenn das Ziel über die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold verfügt. +showdown.moves.trick.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand mit dem gehaltenen Gegenstand des Ziels. Schlägt fehl, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel eine Post hält, wenn keiner von beiden einen Gegenstand hält, wenn einer von beiden unter dem Effekt von Abschlag steht oder wenn das Ziel über die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold verfügt. +showdown.moves.trick.activate=%s hat Elemente mit seinem Ziel vertauscht! -showdown.moves.trickortreat.desc=Causes the Ghost type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Ghost type. If Forest's Curse adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. -showdown.moves.trickortreat.shortDesc=Adds Ghost to the target's type(s). +showdown.moves.trickortreat.desc=Bewirkt, dass dem Ziel der Ghost-Typ hinzugefügt wird, sodass es effektiv über zwei oder drei Typen verfügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits vom Typ Geist ist. Wenn der Fluch des Waldes dem Ziel einen Typ hinzufügt, ersetzt er den durch diese Bewegung hinzugefügten Typ und umgekehrt. +showdown.moves.trickortreat.shortDesc=Fügt Ghost zum Typ(en) des Ziels hinzu. -showdown.moves.trickroom.desc=For 5 turns, the Speed of every Pokemon is recalculated for the purposes of determining turn order. During the effect, each Pokemon's Speed is considered to be (10000 - its normal Speed), and if this value is greater than 8191, 8192 is subtracted from it. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.trickroom.shortDesc=Goes last. For 5 turns, turn order is reversed. -showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon with lower Speed will move before those with higher Speed, within their priority brackets. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.triplearrows.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage, a 30% chance to make it flinch, and a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=High crit. Target: 50% -1 Defense, 30% flinch. +showdown.moves.trickroom.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Geschwindigkeit jedes Pokémon neu berechnet, um die Zugreihenfolge zu bestimmen. Während des Effekts wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Geschwindigkeit jedes Pokémon (10000 – seine normale Geschwindigkeit) beträgt. Wenn dieser Wert größer als 8191 ist, wird 8192 davon abgezogen. Wenn dieser Zug während des Effekts verwendet wird, endet der Effekt. +showdown.moves.trickroom.shortDesc=Kommt zuletzt. Für 5 Runden ist die Reihenfolge der Runden umgekehrt. +showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=5 Runden lang bewegen sich alle aktiven Pokémon mit niedrigerer Geschwindigkeit innerhalb ihrer Prioritätsstufen vor denen mit höherer Geschwindigkeit. Wenn dieser Zug während des Effekts verwendet wird, endet der Effekt. +showdown.moves.triplearrows.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um eine Stufe zu senken, eine Chance von 30 %, es zum Zurückweichen zu bringen, und eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. +showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=Hoher kritischer Wert. Ziel: 50 % -1 Verteidigung, 30 % Zucken. -showdown.moves.tripleaxel.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 40 for the second hit and 60 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. -showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. +showdown.moves.tripleaxel.desc=Dreimal getroffen. Die Kraft erhöht sich beim zweiten Treffer auf 40 und beim dritten auf 60. Bei diesem Zug wird die Genauigkeit bei jedem Treffer überprüft und der Angriff endet, wenn das Ziel einem Treffer ausweicht. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer dreimal treffen. +showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=3-mal getroffen. Jeder Treffer kann verfehlen, aber die Kraft steigt. -showdown.moves.tripledive.desc=Hits three times. -showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. +showdown.moves.tripledive.desc=Dreimal getroffen. +showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=3-mal getroffen. -showdown.moves.triplekick.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. -showdown.moves.triplekick.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. -showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.triplekick.gen3.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.desc=Hits one to three times, at random. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. -showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 1-3 times. Power rises with each hit. +showdown.moves.triplekick.desc=Dreimal getroffen. Die Kraft erhöht sich beim zweiten Treffer auf 20 und beim dritten auf 30. Bei diesem Zug wird die Genauigkeit bei jedem Treffer überprüft und der Angriff endet, wenn das Ziel einem Treffer ausweicht. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer dreimal treffen. +showdown.moves.triplekick.shortDesc=3-mal getroffen. Jeder Treffer kann verfehlen, aber die Kraft steigt. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Dreimal getroffen. Die Kraft erhöht sich beim zweiten Treffer auf 20 und beim dritten auf 30. Bei diesem Zug wird die Genauigkeit bei jedem Treffer überprüft und der Angriff endet, wenn das Ziel einem Treffer ausweicht. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen3.desc=Dreimal getroffen. Die Kraft erhöht sich beim zweiten Treffer auf 20 und beim dritten auf 30. Bei diesem Zug wird die Genauigkeit bei jedem Treffer überprüft und der Angriff endet, wenn das Ziel einem Treffer ausweicht. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.desc=Trifft ein- bis dreimal nach dem Zufallsprinzip. Die Kraft erhöht sich beim zweiten Treffer auf 20 und beim dritten auf 30. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=1-3 Mal zuschlagen. Die Kraft steigt mit jedem Treffer. -showdown.moves.tropkick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.tropkick.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. +showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100 % Chance, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.trumpcard.desc=The power of this move is based on the amount of PP remaining after normal PP reduction and the Pressure Ability resolve. 200 power for 0 PP, 80 power for 1 PP, 60 power for 2 PP, 50 power for 3 PP, and 40 power for 4 or more PP. -showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=More power the fewer PP this move has left. +showdown.moves.trumpcard.desc=Die Kraft dieser Bewegung basiert auf der Menge an PP, die nach der normalen PP-Reduzierung und der Verrechnung der Druckfähigkeit verbleibt. 200 Leistung für 0 PP, 80 Leistung für 1 PP, 60 Leistung für 2 PP, 50 Leistung für 3 PP und 40 Leistung für 4 oder mehr PP. +showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=Je mehr Kraft, desto weniger PP hat dieser Zug übrig. -showdown.moves.twinbeam.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.twinbeam.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.twineedle.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.twineedle.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Each hit has 20% chance to poison. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen4.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen3.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit but the target cannot be poisoned by it. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Last hit has 20% chance to poison. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen1.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.twineedle.desc=Trifft zweimal, wobei bei jedem Treffer eine Chance von 20 % besteht, das Ziel zu vergiften. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.twineedle.shortDesc=2 Mal getroffen. Bei jedem Treffer besteht eine Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit von 20 %. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen4.desc=Trifft zweimal, wobei bei jedem Treffer eine Chance von 20 % besteht, das Ziel zu vergiften. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen3.desc=Trifft zweimal, wobei bei jedem Treffer eine Chance von 20 % besteht, das Ziel zu vergiften. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.desc=Trifft zweimal, wobei beim zweiten Treffer eine Chance von 20 % besteht, das Ziel zu vergiften. Wenn der Ersatz des Ziels beim ersten Treffer zerstört wird, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden, aber das Ziel kann dadurch nicht vergiftet werden. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=2 Mal getroffen. Beim letzten Treffer besteht eine Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit von 20 %. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen1.desc=Trifft zweimal, wobei beim zweiten Treffer eine Chance von 20 % besteht, das Ziel zu vergiften. Wenn der erste Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug.ückender Sternenstoß -showdown.moves.twinkletackle.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.twinkletackle.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.twister.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.twister.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. -showdown.moves.twister.gen4.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. -showdown.moves.twister.gen2.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Fly. -showdown.moves.twister.gen2.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.twister.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder Freier Fall verwendet oder unter der Wirkung von Freier Fall steht. +showdown.moves.twister.shortDesc=20 % Chance, den/die Gegner zum Zucken zu bringen. +showdown.moves.twister.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Sprungfeder oder Fliegen verwendet. +showdown.moves.twister.gen2.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Fliegen verwendet. +showdown.moves.twister.gen2.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.uturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. -showdown.moves.uturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. -showdown.moves.uturn.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. -showdown.moves.uturn.gen4.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.uturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.uturn.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, schaltet der Benutzer aus, auch wenn er gefangen ist, und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt oder wenn das Ziel mithilfe einer Auswurftaste oder durch die Wirkung der Notausgangs- oder Weichei-Aus-Fähigkeiten ausgewechselt wird. +showdown.moves.uturn.shortDesc=Der Benutzer schaltet aus, nachdem er dem Ziel Schaden zugefügt hat. +showdown.moves.uturn.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, schaltet der Benutzer aus, auch wenn er gefangen ist, und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt oder wenn das Ziel mithilfe einer Auswurftaste gewechselt hat. +showdown.moves.uturn.gen4.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, schaltet der Benutzer aus, auch wenn er gefangen ist, und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt. +showdown.moves.uturn.switchOut=%s ist zu %s zurückgekehrt! -showdown.moves.uproar.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.uproar.shortDesc=Lasts 3 turns. Active Pokemon cannot fall asleep. -showdown.moves.uproar.gen6.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an adjacent opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.desc=The user spends three to six turns locked into this move. This move targets an opponent at random on each turn. During effect, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon that are already asleep wake up as their turn starts or at the end of each turn, including the last one. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.shortDesc=Lasts 3-6 turns. Active Pokemon cannot sleep. -showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.desc=The user spends two to five turns locked into this move. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. During effect, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon that are already asleep wake up as their turn starts or at the end of each turn, including the last one. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.shortDesc=Lasts 2-5 turns. Active Pokemon cannot sleep. -showdown.moves.uproar.start=%s caused an uproar! -showdown.moves.uproar.end=%s calmed down. -showdown.moves.uproar.upkeep=%s is making an uproar! -showdown.moves.uproar.block=But the uproar kept %s awake! -showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s can't sleep in an uproar! +showdown.moves.uproar.desc=Der Benutzer ist drei Runden lang auf diese Bewegung fixiert. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde auf einen zufällig ausgewählten Gegner. In der ersten der drei Runden wachen alle schlafenden aktiven Pokémon auf. Während der drei Runden kann auf keinen Fall ein aktives Pokémon einschlafen und während des Effekts eingewechselte Pokémon erwachen nicht. Wenn der Benutzer in einer der Runden an der Bewegung gehindert wird oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt. +showdown.moves.uproar.shortDesc=Hält 3 Runden an. Aktive Pokémon können nicht einschlafen. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer ist drei Runden lang auf diese Bewegung fixiert. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf einen benachbarten Gegner. In der ersten der drei Runden wachen alle schlafenden aktiven Pokémon auf. Während der drei Runden kann auf keinen Fall ein aktives Pokémon einschlafen und während des Effekts eingewechselte Pokémon erwachen nicht. Wenn der Benutzer in einer der Runden an der Bewegung gehindert wird oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt drei bis sechs Runden mit dieser Bewegung. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde auf einen zufällig ausgewählten Gegner. Während der Wirkung kann kein aktives Pokémon einschlafen, und Pokémon, die bereits schlafen, wachen zu Beginn ihres Zuges oder am Ende jedes Zuges, einschließlich des letzten, auf. Wenn der Benutzer in einer der Runden an der Bewegung gehindert wird oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.shortDesc=Hält 3–6 Runden an. Aktive Pokémon können nicht schlafen. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei bis fünf Runden damit, an dieser Bewegung festzuhalten. Diese Bewegung zielt in jeder Runde zufällig auf ein gegnerisches Pokémon. Während der Wirkung kann kein aktives Pokémon einschlafen, und Pokémon, die bereits schlafen, wachen zu Beginn ihres Zuges oder am Ende jedes Zuges, einschließlich des letzten, auf. Wenn der Benutzer in einer der Runden an der Bewegung gehindert wird oder der Angriff gegen das Ziel nicht erfolgreich ist, endet der Effekt. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.shortDesc=Hält 2–5 Runden an. Aktive Pokémon können nicht schlafen. +showdown.moves.uproar.start=%s sorgte für Aufruhr! +showdown.moves.uproar.end=%s hat sich beruhigt. +showdown.moves.uproar.upkeep=%s sorgt für Aufruhr! +showdown.moves.uproar.block=Aber der Aufruhr hielt %s wach! +showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s kann vor Aufruhr nicht schlafen! showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. -showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Lowers the user's Speed, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit, Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung, SP des Benutzers. Verteidigung, Geschwindigkeit um 1. -showdown.moves.veeveevolley.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. -showdown.moves.veeveevolley.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. +showdown.moves.veeveevolley.desc=Die Stärke entspricht dem größeren Wert von (Zufriedenheit des Benutzers * 2/5), abgerundet, oder 1. +showdown.moves.veeveevolley.shortDesc=Maximales Glück: 102 Kraft. Kann nicht verfehlt werden. -showdown.moves.venomdrench.desc=Lowers the target's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 1 stage if the target is poisoned. Fails if the target is not poisoned. -showdown.moves.venomdrench.shortDesc=Lowers Atk/Sp. Atk/Speed of poisoned foes by 1. -showdown.moves.venoshock.desc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. -showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. +showdown.moves.venomdrench.desc=Verringert den Angriff, den Spezialangriff und die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um eine Stufe, wenn das Ziel vergiftet ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel nicht vergiftet ist. +showdown.moves.venomdrench.shortDesc=Senkt Angriff/Sp. Angriff/Geschwindigkeit vergifteter Gegner um 1. +showdown.moves.venoshock.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel vergiftet ist. +showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel vergiftet ist. -showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Erhöht Angriff, Verteidigung und Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Erhöht Angriff, Verteidigung und Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1. showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt.Überwurf -showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Goes last. +showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. +showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. Kommt zuletzt. -showdown.moves.voltswitch.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. -showdown.moves.voltswitch.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. -showdown.moves.voltswitch.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. -showdown.moves.voltswitch.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.voltswitch.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, schaltet der Benutzer aus, auch wenn er gefangen ist, und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt oder wenn das Ziel mithilfe einer Auswurftaste oder durch die Wirkung der Notausgangs- oder Weichei-Aus-Fähigkeiten ausgewechselt wird. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.shortDesc=Der Benutzer schaltet aus, nachdem er dem Ziel Schaden zugefügt hat. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, schaltet der Benutzer aus, auch wenn er gefangen ist, und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt oder wenn das Ziel mithilfe einer Auswurftaste gewechselt hat. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.switchOut=%s ist zu %s zurückgekehrt! -showdown.moves.volttackle.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.volttackle.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. -showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. -showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. +showdown.moves.volttackle.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. 10 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. 10 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If the user has not fainted, the target wakes up. -showdown.moves.wakeupslap.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is asleep, and wakes it. -showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If this move is successful, the target wakes up. +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel schläft. Wenn der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, wacht das Ziel auf. +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel schläft, und weckt es. +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel schläft. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wacht das Ziel auf. -showdown.moves.waterfall.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.waterfall.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.waterfall.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.waterfall.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.watergun.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt.äulen -showdown.moves.waterpledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Grass Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Water Gem, and cannot be redirected by the Storm Drain Ability. -showdown.moves.waterpledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Fire Pledge for added effect. -showdown.moves.waterpledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... -showdown.moves.waterpledge.start=A rainbow appeared in the sky on %s's side! -showdown.moves.waterpledge.end=The rainbow on %s's side disappeared! +showdown.moves.waterpledge.desc=Wenn einer der Verbündeten des Benutzers in diesem Zug Feuersäulen oder Pflanzensäulen verwendet und sich noch nicht bewegt hat, ist er unmittelbar nach dem Benutzer an der Reihe und die Bewegung des Benutzers hat keine Auswirkung. In Kombination mit Feuersäulen verwendet der Verbündete Wassersäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Benutzers erscheint 4 Runden lang ein Regenbogen, der die Chancen auf Sekundäreffekte verdoppelt und mit der Fähigkeit Gelassene Anmut stapelbar ist, mit der Ausnahme, dass die Chance von Effekten, die ein Zucken verursachen, nur einmal verdoppelt werden kann. In Kombination mit Pflanzensäulen verwendet der Verbündete Pflanzensäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Ziels erscheint für 4 Runden ein Sumpf, der die Geschwindigkeit jedes Pokémon auf dieser Seite viertelt. Bei Verwendung als kombinierte Attacke erhält diese Attacke STAB, unabhängig vom Typ des Benutzers. Dieser Zug verbraucht nicht den Wasserjuwel des Benutzers und kann nicht durch die Fähigkeit Storm Drain umgeleitet werden. +showdown.moves.waterpledge.shortDesc=Für zusätzlichen Effekt mit Gras- oder Feuersäulen verwenden. +showdown.moves.waterpledge.activate=%s wartet auf den Zug von %s... +showdown.moves.waterpledge.start=Auf der Seite von %s erschien ein Regenbogen am Himmel! +showdown.moves.waterpledge.end=Der Regenbogen auf %s' Seite ist verschwunden! -showdown.moves.waterpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.waterpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.waterpulse.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. +showdown.moves.waterpulse.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren. -showdown.moves.watershuriken.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the user is an Ash-Greninja with the Battle Bond Ability, this move has a power of 20 and always hits three times. -showdown.moves.watershuriken.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.watershuriken.gen6.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.watershuriken.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn der Benutzer ein Ash-Greninja mit der Fähigkeit Battle Bond ist, hat dieser Zug eine Stärke von 20 und trifft immer dreimal. +showdown.moves.watershuriken.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. +showdown.moves.watershuriken.gen6.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. -showdown.moves.watersport.desc=For 5 turns, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. -showdown.moves.watersport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Fire-type attacks have 1/3 power. -showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. -showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/3 their power. -showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/2 their power. +showdown.moves.watersport.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Stärke aller Angriffe vom Typ Feuer, die von einem aktiven Pokémon ausgeführt werden, mit 0,33 multipliziert. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Effekt bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.watersport.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden haben Angriffe vom Typ Feuer 1/3 Kraft. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv ist, wird die Stärke aller Feuerangriffe eines aktiven Pokémon mit 0,33 multipliziert. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Effekt bereits für ein Pokémon aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.shortDesc=Schwächt Angriffe vom Typ Feuer auf 1/3 ihrer Kraft. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv ist, wird die Stärke aller Feuerangriffe eines aktiven Pokémon halbiert. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Effekt für den Benutzer bereits aktiv ist. Mit Stafette kann dieser Effekt auf einen Verbündeten übertragen werden. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.shortDesc=Schwächt Angriffe vom Typ Feuer auf die Hälfte ihrer Kraft.änen -showdown.moves.waterspout.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. -showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.waterspout.desc=Die Leistung entspricht (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 150 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. +showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Weniger Leistung, wenn die HP des Benutzers sinken. Trifft Gegner. -showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. +showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.weatherball.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Snow, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. -showdown.moves.weatherball.shortDesc=Power doubles and type varies in each weather. -showdown.moves.weatherball.gen8.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. -showdown.moves.weatherball.gen5.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Sunny Day. -showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if a weather condition is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Sunny Day. -showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles and type varies during weather. -showdown.moves.weatherball.move=Breakneck Blitz turned into %s due to the weather! +showdown.moves.weatherball.desc=Die Leistung verdoppelt sich, wenn eine andere Wetterbedingung als Delta Stream aktiv ist, und der Typ dieser Bewegung ändert sich entsprechend. Eistyp während Schnee, Wassertyp während Urmeer oder Regentanz, Felstyp während Sandsturm und Feuertyp während Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag. Wenn der Benutzer Utility Umbrella hält und Meteorologe während Primordial Sea, Regentanz, Desolate Land oder Sonnentag verwendet, bleibt diese Bewegung vom Typ Normal und verdoppelt ihre Stärke nicht. +showdown.moves.weatherball.shortDesc=Die Leistung verdoppelt sich und die Art variiert je nach Wetterlage. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen8.desc=Die Leistung verdoppelt sich, wenn eine andere Wetterbedingung als Delta Stream aktiv ist, und der Typ dieser Bewegung ändert sich entsprechend. Eistyp während Hagelsturm, Wassertyp während Urmeer oder Regentanz, Felstyp während Sandsturm und Feuertyp während Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag. Wenn der Benutzer Utility Umbrella hält und Meteorologe während Primordial Sea, Regentanz, Desolate Land oder Sonnentag verwendet, bleibt diese Bewegung vom Typ Normal und verdoppelt ihre Stärke nicht. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen5.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn eine Wetterbedingung aktiv ist, und die Art dieser Bewegung ändert sich entsprechend. Eistyp während Hagelsturm, Wassertyp während Regentanz, Felstyp während Sandsturm und Feuertyp während Sonnentag. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.desc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn eine Wetterbedingung aktiv ist, und die Art dieser Bewegung ändert sich entsprechend. Eistyp während Hagelsturm, Wassertyp während Regentanz, Felstyp während Sandsturm und Feuertyp während Sonnentag. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.shortDesc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und die Art variiert je nach Wetterlage. +showdown.moves.weatherball.move=Hyper-Sprintangriff wurde aufgrund des Wetters zu %s! -showdown.moves.whirlpool.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.start=%s became trapped in the vortex! +showdown.moves.whirlpool.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.start=%s wurde im Wirbel gefangen! -showdown.moves.whirlwind.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. -showdown.moves.whirlwind.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. -showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. -showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. -showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.desc=No competitive use. -showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.desc=Das Ziel muss auswechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist oder wenn das Ziel zuvor Verwurzler verwendet hat oder über die Fähigkeit Saugnäpfe verfügt. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.shortDesc=Zwingt das Ziel, zu einem zufälligen Verbündeten zu wechseln. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen4.desc=Das Ziel muss auswechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist, wenn das Ziel zuvor Verwurzler verwendet hat oder über die Fähigkeit Saugnäpfe verfügt oder wenn die Stufe des Benutzers niedriger ist als die des Ziels und X * (Benutzerstufe + Zielstufe) / 256 + 1 ist kleiner oder gleich (Level des Ziels / 4), abgerundet, wobei X eine Zufallszahl von 0 bis 255 ist. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen2.desc=Das Ziel muss auswechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist oder wenn der Benutzer sich vor dem Ziel bewegt. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.desc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. -showdown.moves.wickedblow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. -showdown.moves.wickedblow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. +showdown.moves.wickedblow.desc=Diese Bewegung ist immer ein kritischer Treffer, es sei denn, das Ziel steht unter Beschwörung oder verfügt über die Fähigkeiten Kampfrüstung oder Granatenrüstung. +showdown.moves.wickedblow.shortDesc=Führt immer zu einem kritischen Treffer. -showdown.moves.wickedtorque.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. -showdown.moves.wickedtorque.shortDesc=10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.wickedtorque.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zum Einschlafen zu bringen. +showdown.moves.wickedtorque.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zum Einschlafen zu bringen. -showdown.moves.wideguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.wideguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target moves this turn. -showdown.moves.wideguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.wideguard.gen7.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target damage this turn. -showdown.moves.wideguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.wideguard.start=Wide Guard protected %s! -showdown.moves.wideguard.block=Wide Guard protected %s! +showdown.moves.wideguard.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor Attacken anderer Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt, die alle benachbarten Feinde oder alle benachbarten Pokémon zum Ziel haben. Dieser Zug modifiziert die gleiche 1/X-Chance, erfolgreich zu sein, wie andere Schutzzüge, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, nutzt jedoch nicht die Chance, auf einen Misserfolg zu prüfen. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.wideguard.shortDesc=Schutzschilds Verbündete aus Mehrzielattacken in dieser Runde. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor Attacken anderer Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt, die alle benachbarten Feinde oder alle benachbarten Pokémon zum Ziel haben. Dieser Zug modifiziert die gleiche 1/X-Chance, erfolgreich zu sein, wie andere Schutzzüge, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, nutzt jedoch nicht die Chance, auf einen Misserfolg zu prüfen. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor Attacken anderer Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt, die alle benachbarten Feinde oder alle benachbarten Pokémon zum Ziel haben. Dieser Zug modifiziert die gleiche 1/X-Chance, erfolgreich zu sein, wie andere Schutzzüge, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, nutzt jedoch nicht die Chance, auf einen Misserfolg zu prüfen. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor schädlichen Angriffen anderer Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt, die alle benachbarten Feinde oder alle benachbarten Pokémon zum Ziel haben. Dieser Zug modifiziert die gleiche 1/X-Chance, erfolgreich zu sein, wie andere Schutzzüge, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, nutzt jedoch nicht die Chance, auf einen Misserfolg zu prüfen. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.shortDesc=Schützt Verbündete in dieser Runde vor Mehrzielschaden. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder sind in diesem Zug vor schädlichen Angriffen anderer Pokémon, einschließlich Verbündeter, geschützt, die alle benachbarten Feinde oder alle benachbarten Pokémon zum Ziel haben. Die Erfolgschance dieses Angriffs beträgt 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdoppelt, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Angriff fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz ist. Wenn X 256 oder mehr beträgt, hat dieser Zug eine Chance von 1/(2^32), erfolgreich zu sein. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde als letzter bewegt wird oder wenn dieser Zug für die Seite des Benutzers bereits aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.wideguard.start=Rundumschutz geschützt %s! +showdown.moves.wideguard.block=Rundumschutz geschützt %s! -showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze foe(s). +showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20 % Chance, Gegner zu lähmen.ß -showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Hat 1/4 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. -showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target. +showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Verbrennt das Ziel. +showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Verbrennt das Ziel.ügelschlag showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.wish.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of the user's maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. -showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored. -showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of its maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. -showdown.moves.wish.gen4.shortDesc=Next turn, heals 50% of the recipient's max HP. -showdown.moves.wish.heal=%s's wish came true! +showdown.moves.wish.desc=Am Ende der nächsten Runde erhält das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Benutzers wiederhergestellt, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn diese Bewegung für die Position des Benutzers bereits wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=In der nächsten Runde werden 50 % der maximalen HP des Benutzers wiederhergestellt. +showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=Am Ende der nächsten Runde erhält das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn diese Bewegung für die Position des Benutzers bereits wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.wish.gen4.shortDesc=Heilt in der nächsten Runde 50 % der maximalen HP des Empfängers. +showdown.moves.wish.heal=Der Wunsch von %s ist wahr geworden! -showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon have their Defense and Special Defense stats swapped. Stat stage changes are unaffected. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all Defense and Sp. Def stats switch. +showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=Für 5 Runden werden die Verteidigungs- und Spezialverteidigungswerte aller aktiven Pokémon vertauscht. Änderungen der Stat-Stufe bleiben davon unberührt. Wenn dieser Zug während des Effekts verwendet wird, endet der Effekt. +showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden sind alle Verteidigungs- und SP-Werte aktiviert. Def-Statistik-Schalter. -showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. -showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.workup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.workup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.workup.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. +showdown.moves.workup.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff und die SP des Benutzers. Angriff um 1. -showdown.moves.worryseed.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.worryseed.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Insomnia. -showdown.moves.worryseed.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.worryseed.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.worryseed.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, Stance Change, or Truant. -showdown.moves.worryseed.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, or Truant. -showdown.moves.worryseed.gen4.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype or Truant, or if the target is holding a Griseous Orb. +showdown.moves.worryseed.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels zu Schlaflosigkeit führt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Eins, Kampfband, Koma, Kommandant, Verkleidung, Schluckrakete, Hadronentriebwerk, Eisgesicht, Schlaflosigkeit, Multityp, Orichalcum-Puls, Kraftkonstrukt, Protosynthese, Quarkantrieb, RKS-System, Schulung, Schilde unten und Haltungswechsel, Truant, Zen-Modus oder Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.worryseed.shortDesc=Die Fähigkeit des Ziels wird zu Schlaflosigkeit. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen8.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels zu Schlaflosigkeit führt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant oder Zen ist. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen7.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels zu Schlaflosigkeit führt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant oder Zen Mode ist. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels zu Schlaflosigkeit führt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Schlaflosigkeit, Multityp, Haltungsänderung oder Schwulen ist. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen5.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels zu Schlaflosigkeit führt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Schlaflosigkeit, Multityp oder Schulschwänzen ist. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen4.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels zu Schlaflosigkeit führt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Multitype oder Truant ist oder wenn das Ziel eine Griseous Orb trägt. -showdown.moves.wrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.wrap.start=%s was wrapped by %s! -showdown.moves.wrap.move=%s's attack continues! +showdown.moves.wrap.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei bis fünf Runden mit dieser Bewegung. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Runden durchzuhalten, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Runden durchzuhalten. Der für die erste Runde berechnete Schaden wird für jede zweite Runde verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts keine Bewegung auswählen und das Ziel kann keine Bewegung ausführen, aber beide können wechseln. Wenn der Benutzer auswechselt, ist das Ziel in diesem Zug weiterhin nicht in der Lage, eine Bewegung auszuführen. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt, verwendet der Benutzer diese Bewegung automatisch erneut, und wenn es zu diesem Zeitpunkt 0 PP hatte, wird es zu 63. Wenn der Benutzer oder das Ziel auswechselt oder der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt. Diese Bewegung kann das Ziel daran hindern, sich zu bewegen, selbst wenn es über Typimmunität verfügt, verursacht jedoch keinen Schaden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass sich das Ziel 2–5 Runden lang bewegt. +showdown.moves.wrap.start=%s wurde von %s umschlossen! +showdown.moves.wrap.move=Der Angriff von %s geht weiter! -showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. -showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. -showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. +showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Die Kraft entspricht 120 * (aktuelle HP des Ziels / maximale HP des Ziels), abgerundet auf die Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. +showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=Je mehr HP das Ziel übrig hat, desto mehr Kraft hat es. +showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 120 * (aktuelle HP des Ziels / maximale HP des Ziels) + 1, abgerundet. showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt.ähner -showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. -showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn. -showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s grew drowsy! +showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel am Ende der nächsten Runde einschläft. Die Verwendung schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel nicht einschlafen kann oder bereits einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand aufweist. Wenn das Ziel am Ende der nächsten Runde noch aktiv ist, keinen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat und einschlafen kann, schläft es ein. Wenn das Ziel betroffen ist, kann dieser Effekt nicht durch Leibwächter oder einen Ersatz oder durch Einschlafen und Aufwachen während des Effekts verhindert werden. +showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Versetzt das Ziel nach 1 Runde in den Schlaf. +showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s wurde schläfrig! -showdown.moves.zapcannon.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.zapcannon.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.zapcannon.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. +showdown.moves.zapcannon.shortDesc=100 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen.ß -showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.zingzap.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.zingzap.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.zingzap.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. +showdown.moves.zingzap.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.zippyzap.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's evasion by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.zippyzap.shortDesc=Goes first. Raises user's evasion by 1. -showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.desc=Will always result in a critical hit. -showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. Always crits. \ No newline at end of file +showdown.moves.zippyzap.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Ausweichfähigkeit des Benutzers um eine Stufe zu erhöhen. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.shortDesc=Geht zuerst. Erhöht das Ausweichen des Benutzers um 1. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.desc=Wird immer zu einem kritischen Treffer führen. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.shortDesc=Geht fast immer zuerst. Immer Kritisch. \ No newline at end of file From 95d83ed7e8c8de57166481b6b27d31d95871bbca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 13:12:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 39/43] Spanish descriptions --- texts/es_ES.lang | 8668 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 4334 insertions(+), 4334 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index a1514a081..f86494aa3 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -8798,1034 +8798,1034 @@ battle.gui.battleSideText.terrain.wonderroom=Zona Extraña Abilidad showdown.abilities.noability.shortDesc=No hace nada. -showdown.abilities.adaptability.desc=This Pokemon's moves that match one of its types have a same-type attack bonus (STAB) of 2 instead of 1.5. -showdown.abilities.adaptability.shortDesc=This Pokemon's same-type attack bonus (STAB) is 2 instead of 1.5. +showdown.abilities.adaptability.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon que coinciden con uno de sus tipos tienen una bonificación de ataque del mismo tipo (STAB) de 2 en lugar de 1,5. +showdown.abilities.adaptability.shortDesc=El bono de ataque del mismo tipo (STAB) de este Pokémon es 2 en lugar de 1,5. Celeste -showdown.abilities.aerilate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.2x power. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Flying type and have 1.3x power. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.desc=Los movimientos de tipo Normal de este Pokémon se convierten en movimientos de tipo Vueloing y su poder se multiplica por 1,2. Este efecto viene después de otros efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento, pero antes de los efectos de Cortina Plasma y Electrificación. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.shortDesc=Los movimientos de tipo Normal de este Pokémon se vuelven de tipo Vueloing y tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.desc=Los movimientos de tipo Normal de este Pokémon se convierten en movimientos de tipo Vueloing y su poder se multiplica por 1,3. Este efecto viene después de otros efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento, pero antes de los efectos de Cortina Plasma y Electrificación. +showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.shortDesc=Los movimientos de tipo Normal de este Pokémon se vuelven de tipo Vueloing y tienen 1,3 veces de potencia. -showdown.abilities.aftermath.desc=If this Pokemon is knocked out with a contact move, that move's user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, this effect is prevented. -showdown.abilities.aftermath.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is KOed with a contact move, that move's user loses 1/4 its max HP. -showdown.abilities.aftermath.damage=%s was hurt! +showdown.abilities.aftermath.desc=Si este Pokémon es eliminado con un movimiento de contacto, el usuario de ese movimiento pierde 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Si algún Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Humedad, este efecto se evita. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es derrotado con un movimiento de contacto, el usuario de ese movimiento pierde 1/4 de su PS máximo. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.damage=¡%s resultó herido! Aire -showdown.abilities.airlock.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. -showdown.abilities.airlock.start=The effects of the weather disappeared. +showdown.abilities.airlock.shortDesc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, los efectos de las condiciones climáticas están desactivados. +showdown.abilities.airlock.start=Los efectos del clima desaparecieron.álc. Final -showdown.abilities.analytic.desc=The power of this Pokemon's move is multiplied by 1.3 if it is the last to move in a turn. Does not affect Doom Desire and Future Sight. -showdown.abilities.analytic.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks have 1.3x power if it is the last to move in a turn. +showdown.abilities.analytic.desc=El poder del movimiento de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,3 si es el último en moverse en un turno. No afecta Deseo Oculto y Premonición. +showdown.abilities.analytic.shortDesc=Los ataques de este Pokémon tienen un poder 1,3 veces mayor si es el último en moverse en un turno. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.desc=If this Pokemon, but not its substitute, is struck by a critical hit, its Attack is raised by 12 stages. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.shortDesc=If this Pokemon (not its substitute) takes a critical hit, its Attack is raised 12 stages. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon, or its substitute, is struck by a critical hit, its Attack is raised by 12 stages. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon or its substitute takes a critical hit, its Attack is raised 12 stages. -showdown.abilities.angerpoint.boost=%s maxed its Attack! +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.desc=Si este Pokémon, pero no su sustituto, recibe un golpe crítico, su ataque aumenta en 12 niveles. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon (no su sustituto) recibe un golpe crítico, su ataque aumenta 12 niveles. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.desc=Si este Pokémon, o su sustituto, recibe un golpe crítico, su ataque aumenta en 12 niveles. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon o su sustituto recibe un golpe crítico, su ataque aumenta 12 niveles. +showdown.abilities.angerpoint.boost=¡%s maximizó su ataque! Ira -showdown.abilities.angershell.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage from an attack bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are raised by 1 stage, and its Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. -showdown.abilities.angershell.shortDesc=At 1/2 or less of this Pokemon's max HP: +1 Atk, Sp. Atk, Spe, and -1 Def, Sp. Def. +showdown.abilities.angershell.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene más de la mitad de su PS máximo y recibe daño de un ataque que lo lleva a la mitad o menos de su PS máximo, su Ataque, Ataque Especial y Velocidad aumentan en 1 nivel, y su Defensa y Especial La defensa se reduce en 1 nivel. Este efecto se aplica después de todos los golpes de un movimiento de múltiples golpes. Este efecto se evita si el movimiento tuvo un efecto secundario eliminado por el Bote. Habilidad Bruta. +showdown.abilities.angershell.shortDesc=A la mitad o menos del PS máximo de este Pokémon: +1 Atq, Atq esp., Velo y -1 Def, Def esp.ón -showdown.abilities.anticipation.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, Hidden Power counts as its determined type, and Judgment, Multi-Attack, Natural Gift, Revelation Dance, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon shudders if any foe has a supereffective or OHKO move. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, Hidden Power counts as its determined type, and Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen5.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move. This effect considers any move that deals direct damage as an attacking move of its respective type, and Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted if any opposing Pokemon has an attack that is super effective against this Pokemon, or an OHKO move that this Pokemon is not immune to and if its level is less than or equal to the opposing Pokemon's level. This effect does not consider Counter, Dragon Rage, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Night Shade, Psywave, or Seismic Toss as attacking moves, and Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, and Weather Ball are considered Normal-type moves. This effect considers any changes to the effectiveness of attacks against this Pokemon due to the effects of Gravity or the Normalize or Scrappy Abilities. -showdown.abilities.anticipation.activate=%s shuddered! +showdown.abilities.anticipation.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon recibe una alerta si algún Pokémon contrario tiene un ataque que sea súper efectivo contra este Pokémon, o un movimiento OHKO. Este efecto considera cualquier movimiento que cause daño directo como un movimiento de ataque de su respectivo tipo, Poder Oculto cuenta como su tipo determinado y Sentencia, Multiataque, Don Natural, Danza Despertar, Tecno Shock y Meteorobola se consideran movimientos de tipo Normal. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon se estremece si algún enemigo tiene un movimiento superefectivo o OHKO. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen6.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon recibe una alerta si algún Pokémon contrario tiene un ataque que sea súper efectivo contra este Pokémon, o un movimiento OHKO. Este efecto considera cualquier movimiento que cause daño directo como un movimiento de ataque de su respectivo tipo, Poder Oculto cuenta como su tipo determinado y Sentencia, Don Natural, Tecno Shock y Meteorobola se consideran movimientos de tipo Normal. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen5.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon recibe una alerta si algún Pokémon contrario tiene un ataque que sea súper efectivo contra este Pokémon, o un movimiento OHKO. Este efecto considera cualquier movimiento que cause daño directo como un movimiento de ataque de su respectivo tipo, y Poder Oculto, Sentencia, Don Natural, Tecno Shock y Meteorobola se consideran movimientos de tipo Normal. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.gen4.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon recibe una alerta si algún Pokémon contrario tiene un ataque que es súper efectivo contra este Pokémon, o un movimiento OHKO al que este Pokémon no es inmune y si su nivel es menor o igual al nivel del Pokémon contrario. Este efecto no considera como movimientos de ataque Contraataque, Furia Dragón, Represión Metal, Manto Espejo, Tinieblas, Psicoonda o Sísmico, y Poder Oculto, Sentencia, Don Natural y Meteorobola se consideran movimientos de tipo Normal. Este efecto considera cualquier cambio en la efectividad de los ataques contra este Pokémon debido a los efectos de Gravedad o las Habilidades Normalidad o Intrépido. +showdown.abilities.anticipation.activate=¡%s se estremeció! Arena -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne, are holding a Shed Shell, or are a Ghost type. -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne. -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne, are holding a Shed Shell, or are a Ghost type. -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne or holding a Shed Shell. -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne or holding a Shed Shell. -showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out unless they are airborne. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.desc=Evita que los Pokémon oponentes elijan cambiar a menos que estén en el aire, tengan una Muda Concha o sean de tipo Fantasma. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.shortDesc=Evita que los Pokémon oponentes decidan cambiar a menos que estén en el aire. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen6.desc=Evita que los Pokémon oponentes adyacentes elijan cambiar a menos que estén en el aire, tengan una Muda Concha o sean de tipo Fantasma. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen5.desc=Evita que los Pokémon oponentes adyacentes elijan cambiar a menos que estén en el aire o tengan una Muda Concha. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen4.desc=Evita que los Pokémon oponentes elijan cambiar a menos que estén en el aire o tengan una Muda Concha. +showdown.abilities.arenatrap.gen3.desc=Evita que los Pokémon oponentes decidan cambiar a menos que estén en el aire. armadura -showdown.abilities.armortail.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.armortail.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. -showdown.abilities.armortail.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.armortail.desc=Los movimientos prioritarios utilizados por Pokémon oponentes que apuntan a este Pokémon o a sus aliados no tendrán efecto. +showdown.abilities.armortail.shortDesc=Este Pokémon y sus aliados están protegidos de los movimientos prioritarios opuestos. +showdown.abilities.armortail.block=¡%s no puede usar %s! Aroma -showdown.abilities.aromaveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot become affected by Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, or Torment. -showdown.abilities.aromaveil.shortDesc=Protects user/allies from Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, and Torment. -showdown.abilities.aromaveil.block=%s is protected by an aromatic veil! +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.desc=Este Pokémon y sus aliados no pueden verse afectados por Atracción, Anulación, Otra Vez, Anticura, Mofa o Tormento. +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.shortDesc=Usuarios/aliados de Proteccións de Atracción, Anulación, Otra Vez, Anticura, Mofa y Tormento. +showdown.abilities.aromaveil.block=¡%s está protegida por un velo aromático! Ecuestre -showdown.abilities.asone.shortDesc=See 'As One (Glastrier)' and 'As One (Spectrier)'. -showdown.abilities.asone.start=%s has two Abilities! One (Glastrier) -showdown.abilities.asoneglastrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Chilling Neigh Abilities. One (Spectrier) -showdown.abilities.asonespectrier.shortDesc=Combination of the Unnerve and Grim Neigh Abilities. +showdown.abilities.asone.shortDesc=Ver 'Unidad Ecuestre (Glastrier)' y 'Unidad Ecuestre (Spectrier)'. +showdown.abilities.asone.start=¡%s tiene dos habilidades! Ecuestre (Glastrier) +showdown.abilities.asoneglastrier.shortDesc=Combinación de las Habilidades Nerviosismo y Relincho Blanco. Ecuestre (Spectrier) +showdown.abilities.asonespectrier.shortDesc=Combinación de las Habilidades Nerviosismo y Relincho Negro. -showdown.abilities.aurabreak.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura Abilities are reversed, multiplying the power of Dark- and Fairy-type moves, respectively, by 3/4 instead of 1.33. -showdown.abilities.aurabreak.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the Dark Aura and Fairy Aura power modifier is 0.75x. -showdown.abilities.aurabreak.start=%s reversed all other Pokémon's auras! +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.desc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, los efectos de las habilidades Aura Oscura y Aura Feérica se invierten, multiplicando el poder de los movimientos de tipo Oscuro y Hada, respectivamente, por 3/4 en lugar de 1,33. +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.shortDesc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, el modificador de poder de Aura Oscura y Aura Feérica es de 0,75x. +showdown.abilities.aurabreak.start=¡%s revirtió las auras de todos los demás Pokémon! Sueño -showdown.abilities.baddreams.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.desc=Causes adjacent opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.shortDesc=Causes sleeping adjacent foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.desc=Causes opposing Pokemon to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn if they are asleep. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.shortDesc=Causes sleeping foes to lose 1/8 of their max HP at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.damage=%s is tormented! +showdown.abilities.baddreams.desc=Hace que los Pokémon rivales pierdan 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno si están dormidos. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.shortDesc=Hace que los enemigos dormidos pierdan 1/8 de su PS máximo al final de cada turno. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.desc=Hace que los Pokémon rivales adyacentes pierdan 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno si están dormidos. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.shortDesc=Hace que los enemigos adyacentes que duermen pierdan 1/8 de su PS máximo al final de cada turno. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.desc=Hace que los Pokémon rivales pierdan 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno si están dormidos. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.shortDesc=Hace que los enemigos dormidos pierdan 1/8 de su PS máximo al final de cada turno. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.damage=¡%s está atormentado! -showdown.abilities.ballfetch.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.ballfetch.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo.ía -showdown.abilities.battery.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their special attacks multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.battery.shortDesc=Los aliados de este Pokémon tienen el poder de sus ataques especiales multiplicado por 1,3. Bat -showdown.abilities.battlearmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. +showdown.abilities.battlearmor.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no puede recibir un golpe crítico. Afecto -showdown.abilities.battlebond.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. This effect can only happen once per battle. -showdown.abilities.battlebond.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: raises Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed by 1 stage. Once per battle. -showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is a Greninja, it transforms into Ash-Greninja if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. If this Pokemon is an Ash-Greninja, its Water Shuriken has 20 power and always hits three times. -showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.shortDesc=After KOing a Pokemon: becomes Ash-Greninja, Water Shuriken: 20 power, hits 3x. -showdown.abilities.battlebond.activate=%s became fully charged due to its bond with its Trainer! -showdown.abilities.battlebond.transform=%s became Ash-Greninja! +showdown.abilities.battlebond.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Greninja, su Ataque, Ataque Especial y Velocidad aumentan en 1 nivel si ataca y noquea a otro Pokémon. Este efecto sólo puede ocurrir una vez por batalla. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.shortDesc=Después de noquear a un Pokémon: aumenta el ataque, Atq esp., Velocidad en 1 etapa. Una vez por batalla. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Greninja, se transforma en Ash-Greninja si ataca y noquea a otro Pokémon. Si este Pokémon es un Ash-Greninja, su Shuriken de Agua tiene 20 de poder y siempre golpea tres veces. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.gen8.shortDesc=Después de KO a un Pokémon: se convierte en Ash-Greninja, Shuriken de Agua: 20 de poder, golpea 3x. +showdown.abilities.battlebond.activate=¡%s quedó completamente cargado debido a su vínculo con su Entrenador! +showdown.abilities.battlebond.transform=¡%s se convirtió en Ash-Greninja! Debacle -showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Defense multiplied by 0.75. -showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.start=%s's Beads of Ruin weakened the Sp. Def of all surrounding Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.shortDesc=Los Pokémon activos sin esta habilidad tienen su Defensa Especial multiplicada por 0,75. +showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.start=La debacle de Abalorio de %s debilitó al Sp. ¡Def de todos los Pokémon circundantes! -showdown.abilities.beastboost.desc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. Stat stage changes are not considered. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. -showdown.abilities.beastboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.beastboost.desc=La estadística más alta de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel si ataca y noquea a otro Pokémon. Los cambios de etapa de estadísticas no se consideran. Si varias estadísticas están empatadas, se priorizan el Ataque, la Defensa, el Ataque Especial, la Defensa Especial y la Velocidad en ese orden. +showdown.abilities.beastboost.shortDesc=La estadística más alta de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 si ataca y deja KO a otro Pokémon.ólera -showdown.abilities.berserk.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage from an attack bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Special Attack is raised by 1 stage. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. -showdown.abilities.berserk.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 when it reaches 1/2 or less of its max HP. +showdown.abilities.berserk.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene más de la mitad de su PS máximo y recibe daño de un ataque que lo lleva a la mitad o menos de su PS máximo, su ataque especial aumenta en 1 nivel. Este efecto se aplica después de todos los golpes de un movimiento de múltiples golpes. Este efecto se evita si el movimiento tuvo un efecto secundario eliminado por el Bote. Habilidad Bruta. +showdown.abilities.berserk.shortDesc=El sp de este Pokémon. El Atq aumenta en 1 cuando alcanza la mitad o menos de su PS máximo. -showdown.abilities.bigpecks.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Defense stat stage. +showdown.abilities.bigpecks.shortDesc=Evita que otros Pokémon reduzcan el nivel de defensa de este Pokémon. Llamas -showdown.abilities.blaze.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack. -showdown.abilities.blaze.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Fire attacks. -showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Fire-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Fire-type attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.blaze.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, su estadística ofensiva se multiplica por 1,5 mientras usa un ataque de tipo Fuego. +showdown.abilities.blaze.shortDesc=Con 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, la estadística ofensiva de este Pokémon es 1,5 veces mayor con ataques de Fuego. +showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, sus ataques de tipo Fuego tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.shortDesc=Con 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, los ataques de tipo Fuego de este Pokémon tienen 1,5 veces más poder. -showdown.abilities.bulletproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to bullet moves. +showdown.abilities.bulletproof.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de bala. -showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, Pluck, Stuff Cheeks, and Teatime if the eaten Berry had an effect on this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it restores 1/3 of its max HP after the Berry's effect. -showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon eats a held Berry, it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, in addition to the Berry's effect. This effect can also activate after the effects of Bug Bite, Fling, and Pluck if the eaten Berry has an effect on this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.desc=Si este Pokémon se come una Baya retenida, restaura 1/3 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, además del efecto de Baya. Este efecto también puede activarse después de los efectos de Picadura, Lanzamiento, Picoteo, Atiborramiento y Hora del Té si la Baya ingerida tuvo un efecto en este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon se come una Baya, recupera 1/3 de su PS máximo después del efecto de Baya. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.gen7.desc=Si este Pokémon se come una Baya retenida, restaura 1/3 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, además del efecto de Baya. Este efecto también puede activarse después de los efectos de Picadura, Lanzamiento y Picoteo si la Baya ingerida tiene un efecto sobre este Pokémon. Blanco -showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.desc=El ataque de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel si ataca y noquea a otro Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.shortDesc=El ataque de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel si ataca y elimina a otro Pokémon. -showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. -showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.desc=Si Día Soleado está activo, la velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica. Este efecto se evita si este Pokémon lleva un Parasol Multiuso. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.shortDesc=Si Día Soleado está activo, la velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica. +showdown.abilities.chlorophyll.gen7.desc=Si Día Soleado está activo, la velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica. Puro -showdown.abilities.clearbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. +showdown.abilities.clearbody.shortDesc=Evita que otros Pokémon reduzcan los niveles de estadísticas de este Pokémon.ón -showdown.abilities.cloudnine.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. -showdown.abilities.cloudnine.start=The effects of the weather disappeared. +showdown.abilities.cloudnine.shortDesc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, los efectos de las condiciones climáticas están desactivados. +showdown.abilities.cloudnine.start=Los efectos del clima desaparecieron. Color -showdown.abilities.colorchange.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. -showdown.abilities.colorchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of a move it's hit by, unless it has the type. -showdown.abilities.colorchange.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the last move that hit it, unless that type is already one of its types. This effect applies after each hit from a multi-hit move. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.desc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia para coincidir con el tipo del último movimiento que lo golpeó, a menos que ese tipo ya sea uno de sus tipos. Este efecto se aplica después de todos los golpes de un movimiento de múltiples golpes. Este efecto se evita si el movimiento tuvo un efecto secundario eliminado por el Bote. Habilidad Bruta. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.shortDesc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia según el tipo de movimiento que lo golpea, a menos que tenga ese tipo. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.gen4.desc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia para coincidir con el tipo del último movimiento que lo golpeó, a menos que ese tipo ya sea uno de sus tipos. Este efecto se aplica después de cada golpe de un movimiento de múltiples golpes. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. Perenne -showdown.abilities.comatose.desc=This Pokemon is considered to be asleep and cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. -showdown.abilities.comatose.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be statused, and is considered to be asleep. -showdown.abilities.comatose.start=%s is drowsing! +showdown.abilities.comatose.desc=Se considera que este Pokémon está dormido y no puede verse afectado por una condición de estado no volátil o Bostezo. +showdown.abilities.comatose.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no puede tener estado y se considera dormido. +showdown.abilities.comatose.start=¡%s está durmiendo! -showdown.abilities.commander.desc=If this Pokemon is a Tatsugiri and a Dondozo is an active ally, this Pokemon goes into the Dondozo's mouth. The Dondozo has its Attack, Special Attack, Speed, Defense, and Special Defense raised by 2 stages. During the effect, the Dondozo cannot be switched out, this Pokemon cannot select an action, and attacks targeted at this Pokemon will be avoided but it will still take indirect damage. If this Pokemon faints during the effect, a Pokemon can be switched in as a replacement but the Dondozo remains unable to be switched out. If the Dondozo faints during the effect, this Pokemon regains the ability to select an action. -showdown.abilities.commander.shortDesc=If ally is Dondozo: this Pokemon cannot act or be hit, +2 to all Dondozo's stats. -showdown.abilities.commander.activate=%s was swallowed by %s and became %s's commander! +showdown.abilities.commander.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Tatsugiri y un Dondozo es un aliado activo, este Pokémon entra en la boca del Dondozo. El Dondozo tiene su Ataque, Ataque Especial, Velocidad, Defensa y Defensa Especial elevados en 2 etapas. Durante el efecto, el Dondozo no se puede desactivar, este Pokémon no puede seleccionar una acción y se evitarán los ataques dirigidos a este Pokémon, pero aún así recibirá daño indirecto. Si este Pokémon se debilita durante el efecto, se puede cambiar a un Pokémon como reemplazo, pero el Dondozo sigue sin poder desactivarse. Si el Dondozo se desmaya durante el efecto, este Pokémon recupera la capacidad de seleccionar una acción. +showdown.abilities.commander.shortDesc=Si el aliado es Dondozo: este Pokémon no puede actuar ni ser golpeado, +2 a todas las estadísticas de Dondozo. +showdown.abilities.commander.activate=¡%s fue tragado por %s y se convirtió en su comandante! -showdown.abilities.competitive.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.competitive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. +showdown.abilities.competitive.desc=El ataque especial de este Pokémon aumenta en 2 etapas por cada una de sus etapas de estadísticas que es reducida por un Pokémon contrario. +showdown.abilities.competitive.shortDesc=El sp de este Pokémon. El Atq aumenta en 2 por cada una de sus estadísticas que reduce un enemigo. -showdown.abilities.compoundeyes.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.compoundeyes.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon tienen su precisión multiplicada por 1,3.ón -showdown.abilities.contrary.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. -showdown.abilities.contrary.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Z-Move is used. -showdown.abilities.contrary.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. +showdown.abilities.contrary.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon tiene un nivel de estadísticas elevado, se reduce y viceversa. +showdown.abilities.contrary.gen7.desc=Si este Pokémon tiene un nivel de estadísticas elevado, se reduce y viceversa. Esta habilidad no afecta los aumentos de nivel de estadísticas recibidos por los efectos del Poder Z que ocurren antes de que se use un Movimiento Z. +showdown.abilities.contrary.gen6.desc=Si este Pokémon tiene un nivel de estadísticas elevado, se reduce y viceversa.ón -showdown.abilities.corrosion.shortDesc=This Pokemon can poison or badly poison a Pokemon regardless of its typing. +showdown.abilities.corrosion.shortDesc=Este Pokémon puede envenenar o envenenar gravemente a un Pokémon independientemente de su tipo.ísono -showdown.abilities.costar.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies all of its ally's stat stage changes. +showdown.abilities.costar.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon copia todos los cambios en las etapas de estadísticas de su aliado. -showdown.abilities.cottondown.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field is lowered by 1 stage. -showdown.abilities.cottondown.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit, it lowers the Speed of all other Pokemon on the field 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.cottondown.desc=Cuando este Pokémon es golpeado por un ataque, la velocidad de todos los demás Pokémon en el campo se reduce en 1 nivel. +showdown.abilities.cottondown.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es golpeado, reduce la velocidad de todos los demás Pokémon en el nivel del campo 1. -showdown.abilities.cudchew.shortDesc=If this Pokemon eats a Berry, it will eat that Berry again at the end of the next turn. +showdown.abilities.cudchew.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon se come una Baya, se la comerá nuevamente al final del siguiente turno. Extraña -showdown.abilities.curiousmedicine.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's allies have their stat stages reset to 0. +showdown.abilities.curiousmedicine.shortDesc=Al entrar, los aliados de este Pokémon tienen sus estadísticas restablecidas a 0. Maldito -showdown.abilities.cursedbody.desc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled unless one of the attacker's moves is already disabled. -showdown.abilities.cursedbody.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that move gets disabled. +showdown.abilities.cursedbody.desc=Si este Pokémon es golpeado por un ataque, hay un 30% de posibilidades de que su movimiento quede desactivado, a menos que uno de los movimientos del atacante ya esté desactivado. +showdown.abilities.cursedbody.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es golpeado por un ataque, hay un 30% de posibilidades de que su movimiento quede desactivado. Encanto -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.shortDesc=30% chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen4.desc=There is a 30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.desc=There is a 1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender if they make contact. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.desc=Hay un 30% de posibilidades de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon se enamore si es del sexo opuesto. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de enamorar a Pokémon del sexo opuesto si hacen contacto. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen4.desc=Hay un 30% de posibilidades de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon se enamore si es del sexo opuesto. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.desc=Hay una probabilidad de 1/3 de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon se enamore si es del sexo opuesto. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 de posibilidades de enamorar a Pokémon del sexo opuesto si hacen contacto. -showdown.abilities.damp.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Misty Explosion, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.damp.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Misty Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while active. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Mind Blown, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while this Pokemon is active. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion, Self-Destruct, and the Aftermath Ability are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while this Pokemon is active. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Explosion and Self-Destruct are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Explosion and Self-Destruct while this Pokemon is active. -showdown.abilities.damp.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.damp.desc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, Explosión, Cabeza Sorpresa, Neblinay Explosión, Autodestrucción y la habilidad Resquicio no tienen efecto. +showdown.abilities.damp.shortDesc=Previene Explosión/Cabeza Sorpresa/Neblinay Explosión/Autodestrucción/Resquicio mientras está activo. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.desc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, Explosión, Cabeza Sorpresa, Autodestrucción y la habilidad Resquicio no tienen efecto. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen7.shortDesc=Previene Explosión/Cabeza Sorpresa/Autodestrucción/Resquicio mientras este Pokémon está activo. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.desc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, Explosión, Autodestrucción y la habilidad Resquicio no tienen efecto. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen6.shortDesc=Previene Explosión/Autodestrucción/Resquicio mientras este Pokémon está activo. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.desc=Mientras este Pokémon esté activo, se impide que Explosión y Autodestrucción tengan efecto. +showdown.abilities.damp.gen3.shortDesc=Previene Explosión y Autodestrucción mientras este Pokémon está activo. +showdown.abilities.damp.block=¡%s no puede usar %s! de Baile -showdown.abilities.dancer.desc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. The copied move is subject to all effects that can prevent a move from being executed. A move used through this Ability cannot be copied again by other Pokemon with this Ability. -showdown.abilities.dancer.shortDesc=After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move. +showdown.abilities.dancer.desc=Después de que otro Pokémon usa un movimiento de baile, este Pokémon usa el mismo movimiento. El movimiento copiado está sujeto a todos los efectos que puedan impedir que se ejecute un movimiento. Un movimiento usado a través de esta habilidad no puede ser copiado nuevamente por otros Pokémon con esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.dancer.shortDesc=Después de que otro Pokémon usa un movimiento de baile, este Pokémon usa el mismo movimiento. Oscura -showdown.abilities.darkaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Dark-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. -showdown.abilities.darkaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Dark move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. -showdown.abilities.darkaura.start=%s is radiating a dark aura! +showdown.abilities.darkaura.desc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, el poder de los movimientos de tipo Oscuro utilizados por los Pokémon activos se multiplica por 1,33. +showdown.abilities.darkaura.shortDesc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, un movimiento oscuro utilizado por cualquier Pokémon tiene un poder 1,33 veces mayor. +showdown.abilities.darkaura.start=¡%s irradia un aura oscura! Recio -showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. -showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.shortDesc=Al entrar, la defensa de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel. Una vez por batalla. +showdown.abilities.dauntlessshield.gen8.shortDesc=Al entrar, la defensa de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel. Vívido -showdown.abilities.dazzling.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.dazzling.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. -showdown.abilities.dazzling.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.dazzling.desc=Los movimientos prioritarios utilizados por Pokémon oponentes que apuntan a este Pokémon o a sus aliados no tendrán efecto. +showdown.abilities.dazzling.shortDesc=Este Pokémon y sus aliados están protegidos de los movimientos prioritarios opuestos. +showdown.abilities.dazzling.block=¡%s no puede usar %s! -showdown.abilities.defeatist.desc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, its Attack and Special Attack are halved. -showdown.abilities.defeatist.shortDesc=While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its max HP, its Attack and Sp. Atk are halved. +showdown.abilities.defeatist.desc=Si bien este Pokémon tiene la mitad o menos de su PS máximo, su Ataque y Ataque Especial se reducen a la mitad. +showdown.abilities.defeatist.shortDesc=Si bien este Pokémon tiene la mitad o menos de su PS máximo, su Ataque y Sp. Los ataques se reducen a la mitad. -showdown.abilities.defiant.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 stages for each of its stat stages that is lowered by an opposing Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.defiant.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. +showdown.abilities.defiant.desc=El ataque de este Pokémon aumenta en 2 etapas por cada una de sus etapas de estadísticas que es reducida por un Pokémon contrario. +showdown.abilities.defiant.shortDesc=El ataque de este Pokémon aumenta en 2 por cada una de sus estadísticas que reduce un enemigo. Delta -showdown.abilities.deltastream.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Delta Stream, which removes the weaknesses of the Flying type from Flying-type Pokemon. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Desolate Land or Primordial Sea Abilities. -showdown.abilities.deltastream.shortDesc=On switch-in, strong winds begin until this Ability is not active in battle. +showdown.abilities.deltastream.desc=Al encenderlo, el clima se convierte en Flusso Delta, lo que elimina las debilidades del tipo Vueloing de los Pokémon de tipo Vueloing. Este clima permanece vigente hasta que esta habilidad ya no esté activa para ningún Pokémon, o el clima cambie por las habilidades de Tierra del Ocaso o Mar del Albor. +showdown.abilities.deltastream.shortDesc=Al encenderlo, comienzan fuertes vientos hasta que esta habilidad no esté activa en la batalla. del Ocaso -showdown.abilities.desolateland.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Desolate Land, which includes all the effects of Sunny Day and prevents damaging Water-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Primordial Sea Abilities. -showdown.abilities.desolateland.shortDesc=On switch-in, extremely harsh sunlight begins until this Ability is not active in battle. +showdown.abilities.desolateland.desc=Al encenderlo, el clima se convierte en Tierra del Ocaso, que incluye todos los efectos del Día Soleado y evita que se ejecuten movimientos dañinos de tipo Agua. Este clima permanece vigente hasta que esta habilidad ya no esté activa para ningún Pokémon, o el clima cambie por las habilidades Flusso Delta o Mar del Albor. +showdown.abilities.desolateland.shortDesc=Al encenderlo, la luz del sol es extremadamente intensa hasta que esta habilidad no está activa en la batalla. -showdown.abilities.disguise.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken, it changes to Busted Form, and it loses 1/8 of its max HP. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. -showdown.abilities.disguise.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) The first hit it takes is blocked, and it takes 1/8 HP damage instead. -showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Mimikyu, the first hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its disguise is then broken and it changes to Busted Form. Confusion damage also breaks the disguise. -showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.shortDesc=(Mimikyu only) First hit deals 0 damage, breaks disguise. -showdown.abilities.disguise.block=Its disguise served it as a decoy! -showdown.abilities.disguise.transform=%s's disguise was busted! +showdown.abilities.disguise.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Mimikyu, el primer golpe que recibe en la batalla causa 0 daño neutral. Luego se rompe su disfraz, cambia a forma reventada y pierde 1/8 de su PS máximo. El daño de la confusión también rompe el disfraz. +showdown.abilities.disguise.shortDesc=(Solo Mimikyu) El primer golpe que recibe es bloqueado y en su lugar recibe 1/8 de daño de PS. +showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Mimikyu, el primer golpe que recibe en la batalla causa 0 daño neutral. Luego se rompe su disfraz y cambia a Busted Form. El daño de la confusión también rompe el disfraz. +showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.shortDesc=(Solo Mimikyu) El primer golpe causa 0 daño y rompe el disfraz. +showdown.abilities.disguise.block=¡Su disfraz le sirvió de señuelo! +showdown.abilities.disguise.transform=¡El disfraz de %s fue roto! switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack is raised by 1 stage based on the weaker combined defensive stat of all opposing Pokemon. Attack is raised if their Defense is lower, and Special Attack is raised if their Special Defense is the same or lower. switch-in, Attack or Sp. Atk is raised 1 stage based on the foes' weaker Defense. entrar, el Ataque o Ataque Especial de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel según la estadística defensiva combinada más débil de todos los Pokémon oponentes. El ataque aumenta si su defensa es menor y el ataque especial aumenta si su defensa especial es igual o menor. entrar, Attack o Sp. El ataque aumenta 1 nivel según la defensa más débil de los enemigos.íbula Dragón -showdown.abilities.dragonsmaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Dragon-type attack. +showdown.abilities.dragonsmaw.shortDesc=La estadística ofensiva de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5 cuando usa un ataque de tipo Dragón. -showdown.abilities.drizzle.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Rain Dance. +showdown.abilities.drizzle.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon invoca a Danza Lluvia.íac -showdown.abilities.drought.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sunny Day. +showdown.abilities.drought.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon invoca a Día Soleado. Seca -showdown.abilities.dryskin.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. The weather effects are prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.dryskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed 1/4 by Water, 1/8 by Rain; is hurt 1.25x by Fire, 1/8 by Sun. -showdown.abilities.dryskin.gen7.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. The power of Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.25 when used on this Pokemon. At the end of each turn, this Pokemon restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Rain Dance, and loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, if the weather is Sunny Day. -showdown.abilities.dryskin.damage=(%s was hurt by its Dry Skin.) +showdown.abilities.dryskin.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Agua y restaura 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, cuando lo golpea un movimiento de tipo Agua. El poder de los movimientos de tipo Fuego se multiplica por 1,25 cuando se usan en este Pokémon. Al final de cada turno, este Pokémon recupera 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, si el clima es Danza Lluvia, y pierde 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, si el clima es Día Soleado. Los efectos del clima se evitan si este Pokémon lleva un Parasol Multiuso. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.shortDesc=Este Pokémon se cura 1/4 con agua, 1/8 con lluvia; es dañado 1.25x por el Fuego, 1/8 por el Sol. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.gen7.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Agua y restaura 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, cuando lo golpea un movimiento de tipo Agua. El poder de los movimientos de tipo Fuego se multiplica por 1,25 cuando se usan en este Pokémon. Al final de cada turno, este Pokémon recupera 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, si el clima es Danza Lluvia, y pierde 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, si el clima es Día Soleado. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.damage=(%s resultó herido por su Piel Seca.) -showdown.abilities.earlybird.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sleep counter drops by 2 instead of 1. +showdown.abilities.earlybird.shortDesc=El contador de sueño de este Pokémon se reduce a 2 en lugar de 1. -showdown.abilities.eartheater.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Ground-type move. -showdown.abilities.eartheater.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Ground moves; Ground immunity. +showdown.abilities.eartheater.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Tierra y restaura 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, cuando es golpeado por un movimiento de tipo Tierra. +showdown.abilities.eartheater.shortDesc=Este Pokémon cura 1/4 de su PS máximo cuando lo golpean movimientos terrestres; Inmunidad terrestre. Espora -showdown.abilities.effectspore.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.shortDesc=30% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.desc=10% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned, paralyzed, or fall asleep. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance of poison/paralysis/sleep on others making contact with this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.desc=30% de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que entre en contacto con este Pokémon quede envenenado, paralizado o se quede dormido. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de envenenamiento/parálisis/sueño en otros que hagan contacto con este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen4.desc=30% de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que entre en contacto con este Pokémon quede envenenado, paralizado o se quede dormido. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.desc=10% de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que entre en contacto con este Pokémon quede envenenado, paralizado o se quede dormido. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de envenenamiento/parálisis/sueño en otros que hagan contacto con este Pokémon.énesis -showdown.abilities.electricsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Electric Terrain. +showdown.abilities.electricsurge.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon invoca a Campo Eléctrico. -showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from an attack. -showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! +showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.shortDesc=Este Pokémon obtiene el efecto Carga cuando recibe un golpe de un ataque. +showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.start=¡Ser golpeado por %s cargó a %s con poder! -showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. -showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. +showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene más de la mitad de su PS máximo y recibe daño que lo lleva a la mitad o menos de su PS máximo, inmediatamente cambia a un aliado elegido. Este efecto se aplica después de todos los golpes de un movimiento de múltiples golpes. Este efecto se evita si el movimiento tuvo un efecto secundario eliminado por el Bote. Habilidad Bruta. Este efecto se aplica tanto al daño directo como al indirecto, excepto Maldición y Sustituto por uso, Tambor, Divide Dolor y daño por confusión. +showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.shortDesc=Este Pokémon cambia cuando alcanza la mitad o menos de su PS máximo. Feérica -showdown.abilities.fairyaura.desc=While this Pokemon is active, the power of Fairy-type moves used by active Pokemon is multiplied by 1.33. -showdown.abilities.fairyaura.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, a Fairy move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. -showdown.abilities.fairyaura.start=%s is radiating a fairy aura! +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.desc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, el poder de los movimientos de tipo Hada utilizados por los Pokémon activos se multiplica por 1,33. +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.shortDesc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, un movimiento de Hada utilizado por cualquier Pokémon tiene un poder 1,33 veces mayor. +showdown.abilities.fairyaura.start=¡%s irradia un aura de hada! -showdown.abilities.filter.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. +showdown.abilities.filter.shortDesc=Este Pokémon recibe 3/4 de daño por ataques supereficaces. Llama -showdown.abilities.flamebody.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. -showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be burned. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon sea quemado. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen4.desc=30% de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon sea quemado. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.desc=1/3 de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon sea quemado. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon sea quemado.Ím. Ardiente -showdown.abilities.flareboost.desc=While this Pokemon is burned, the power of its special attacks is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.flareboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is burned, its special attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.flareboost.desc=Mientras este Pokémon se quema, el poder de sus ataques especiales se multiplica por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.flareboost.shortDesc=Mientras este Pokémon está quemado, sus ataques especiales tienen un poder 1,5 veces mayor. Fuego -showdown.abilities.flashfire.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Fire-type attack as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon is frozen, it cannot be defrosted by Fire-type attacks. -showdown.abilities.flashfire.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Fire attacks do 1.5x damage if hit by one Fire move; Fire immunity. -showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. -showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves, as long as it is not frozen. The first time it is hit by a Fire-type move, damage from its Fire-type attacks will be multiplied by 1.5 as long as it remains active and has this Ability. If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, is a Fire type, or has a substitute, Will-O-Wisp will not activate this Ability. -showdown.abilities.flashfire.start=The power of %s's Fire-type moves rose! +showdown.abilities.flashfire.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Fuego. La primera vez que es golpeado por un movimiento de tipo Fuego, su estadística ofensiva se multiplica por 1,5 mientras usa un ataque de tipo Fuego siempre que permanezca activo y tenga esta habilidad. Si este Pokémon está congelado, no podrá ser descongelado mediante ataques de tipo Fuego. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.shortDesc=Los ataques de Fuego de este Pokémon causan 1,5 veces más daño si son golpeados por un movimiento de Fuego; Inmunidad al fuego. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen4.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Fuego, siempre que no esté congelado. La primera vez que sea golpeado por un movimiento de tipo Fuego, el daño de sus ataques de tipo Fuego se multiplicará por 1,5 mientras permanezca activo y tenga esta Habilidad. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen3.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Fuego, siempre que no esté congelado. La primera vez que sea golpeado por un movimiento de tipo Fuego, el daño de sus ataques de tipo Fuego se multiplicará por 1,5 mientras permanezca activo y tenga esta Habilidad. Si este Pokémon tiene una condición de estado no volátil, es de tipo Fuego o tiene un sustituto, Fuego Fatuo no activará esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.flashfire.start=¡El poder de los movimientos tipo Fuego de %s aumentó! Floral -showdown.abilities.flowergift.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.flowergift.shortDesc=If user is Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it and allies' Attack and Sp. Def are 1.5x. -showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it changes to Sunshine Form and the Attack and Special Defense of it and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, the Attack and Special Defense of this Pokemon and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, Attack and Sp. Def of this Pokemon and its allies are 1.5x. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Cherrim y Día Soleado está activo, cambia a Forma Sol y el Ataque y Defensa Especial de este y sus aliados se multiplican por 1,5. Estos efectos se evitan si el Pokémon sostiene un Parasol Multiuso. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.shortDesc=Si el usuario es Cherrim y Día Soleado está activo, este y el ataque y sp de sus aliados. Definitivamente son 1,5x. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen7.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Cherrim y Día Soleado está activo, cambia a Forma Sol y el Ataque y Defensa Especial de este y sus aliados se multiplican por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.desc=Si Día Soleado está activo, el Ataque y Defensa Especial de este Pokémon y sus aliados se multiplican por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.shortDesc=Si Día Soleado está activo, Attack y Sp. La definición de este Pokémon y sus aliados es 1,5x. Flor -showdown.abilities.flowerveil.desc=Grass-type Pokemon on this Pokemon's side cannot have their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon or have a non-volatile status condition inflicted on them by other Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.flowerveil.shortDesc=This side's Grass types can't have stats lowered or status inflicted by other Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.flowerveil.block=%s surrounded itself with a veil of petals! +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.desc=Los Pokémon de tipo Planta en el lado de este Pokémon no pueden tener sus estados de estadísticas reducidos por otros Pokémon ni tener una condición de estado no volátil infligida por otros Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.shortDesc=Los tipos Planta de este lado no pueden tener estadísticas reducidas ni estados infligidos por otros Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.flowerveil.block=¡%s se rodeó de un velo de pétalos! -showdown.abilities.fluffy.desc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from contact moves, but double damage from Fire moves. -showdown.abilities.fluffy.shortDesc=This Pokemon takes 1/2 damage from contact moves, 2x damage from Fire moves. +showdown.abilities.fluffy.desc=Este Pokémon recibe la mitad del daño de los movimientos de contacto, pero el doble de daño de los movimientos de Fuego. +showdown.abilities.fluffy.shortDesc=Este Pokémon recibe la mitad del daño de los movimientos de contacto y el doble de daño de los movimientos de Fuego.ón -showdown.abilities.forecast.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella and the weather is Rain Dance or Sunny Day. -showdown.abilities.forecast.shortDesc=Castform's type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. -showdown.abilities.forecast.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Castform, its type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.forecast.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Castform, su tipo cambia al tipo de la condición climática actual, excepto Tormenta Arena. Este efecto se evita si este Pokémon lleva un Parasol Multiuso y el clima es Danza Lluvia o Día Soleado. +showdown.abilities.forecast.shortDesc=El tipo de Castform cambia al tipo de condición climática actual, excepto Tormenta Arena. +showdown.abilities.forecast.gen7.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Castform, su tipo cambia al tipo de la condición climática actual, excepto Tormenta Arena. -showdown.abilities.forewarn.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power, and non-damaging moves to have 1 power. -showdown.abilities.forewarn.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the foes' move with the highest power. -showdown.abilities.forewarn.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon is alerted to the move with the highest power, at random, known by an opposing Pokemon. This effect considers OHKO moves to have 150 power, Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst to have 120 power, and every other attacking move with an unspecified power to have 80 power. -showdown.abilities.forewarn.activate=%s's %s was revealed! -showdown.abilities.forewarn.activateNoTarget=%s's Forewarn alerted it to %s! +showdown.abilities.forewarn.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon recibe una alerta sobre el movimiento con mayor poder, al azar, conocido por un Pokémon contrario. Este efecto considera que los movimientos OHKO tienen 150 de poder, Contraataque, Manto Espejo y Represión Metal tienen 120 de poder, todos los demás movimientos de ataque con un poder no especificado tienen 80 de poder y los movimientos no dañinos tienen 1 de poder. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon recibe una alerta del movimiento de los enemigos con mayor poder. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.gen4.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon recibe una alerta sobre el movimiento con mayor poder, al azar, conocido por un Pokémon contrario. Este efecto considera que los movimientos OHKO tienen 150 de poder, Contraataque, Manto Espejo y Represión Metal tienen 120 de poder, y todos los demás movimientos de ataque con un poder no especificado tienen 80 de poder. +showdown.abilities.forewarn.activate=¡El %s de %s fue revelado! +showdown.abilities.forewarn.activateNoTarget=¡La Alerta de %s lo alertó sobre %s! -showdown.abilities.friendguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies receive 3/4 damage from other Pokemon's attacks. +showdown.abilities.friendguard.shortDesc=Los aliados de este Pokémon reciben 3/4 del daño de los ataques de otros Pokémon. -showdown.abilities.frisk.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held items of all opposing Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.frisk.gen5.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon identifies the held item of a random opposing Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.frisk.activate=%s frisked %s and found its %s! -showdown.abilities.frisk.activateNoTarget=%s frisked its target and found one %s! +showdown.abilities.frisk.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon identifica los elementos que tienen todos los Pokémon oponentes. +showdown.abilities.frisk.gen5.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon identifica el objeto retenido de un Pokémon contrario aleatorio. +showdown.abilities.frisk.activate=¡%s cacheó a %s y encontró a su %s! +showdown.abilities.frisk.activateNoTarget=¡%s cacheó a su objetivo y encontró uno %s! Metálica -showdown.abilities.fullmetalbody.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. +showdown.abilities.fullmetalbody.shortDesc=Evita que otros Pokémon reduzcan los niveles de estadísticas de este Pokémon. Recio -showdown.abilities.furcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is doubled. +showdown.abilities.furcoat.shortDesc=La defensa de este Pokémon se duplica. Vendaval -showdown.abilities.galewings.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, its Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. -showdown.abilities.galewings.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.galewings.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon tiene todos sus PS, sus movimientos de tipo Vueloing tienen su prioridad aumentada en 1. +showdown.abilities.galewings.gen6.shortDesc=Los movimientos tipo Vueloing de este Pokémon tienen su prioridad aumentada en 1. Eléctrica -showdown.abilities.galvanize.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.galvanize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Electric type and have 1.2x power. +showdown.abilities.galvanize.desc=Los movimientos de tipo Normal de este Pokémon se convierten en movimientos de tipo Eléctrico y su poder se multiplica por 1,2. Este efecto viene después de otros efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento, pero antes de los efectos de Cortina Plasma y Electrificación. +showdown.abilities.galvanize.shortDesc=Los movimientos de tipo Normal de este Pokémon se vuelven de tipo Eléctrico y tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. -showdown.abilities.gluttony.desc=When this Pokemon is holding a Berry that usually activates with 1/4 or less of its maximum HP, it is eaten at 1/2 or less of its maximum HP instead. -showdown.abilities.gluttony.shortDesc=This Pokemon eats Berries at 1/2 max HP or less instead of their usual 1/4 max HP. +showdown.abilities.gluttony.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene un Baya que generalmente se activa con 1/4 o menos de su PS máximo, se lo come a la mitad o menos de su PS máximo. +showdown.abilities.gluttony.shortDesc=Este Pokémon come bayas con 1/2 PS máximo o menos en lugar de su habitual 1/4 PS máximo. Áureo -showdown.abilities.goodasgold.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Status moves. +showdown.abilities.goodasgold.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de estado. -showdown.abilities.gooey.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.gooey.shortDesc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon ven su velocidad reducida en 1 nivel. -showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5, but it can only select the first move it executes. These effects are prevented while this Pokemon is Dynamaxed. -showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. +showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.desc=El Ataque de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5, pero sólo puede seleccionar el primer movimiento que ejecuta. Estos efectos se evitan mientras este Pokémon está en Dynamax. +showdown.abilities.gorillatactics.shortDesc=El ataque de este Pokémon es 1,5x, pero sólo puede seleccionar el primer movimiento que ejecuta. Frondoso -showdown.abilities.grasspelt.shortDesc=If Grassy Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Defense is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.grasspelt.shortDesc=Si Campo de Hierba está activo, la Defensa de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5.énesis -showdown.abilities.grassysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Grassy Terrain. +showdown.abilities.grassysurge.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon invoca a Campo de Hierba. Negro -showdown.abilities.grimneigh.desc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.grimneigh.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Sp. Atk is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.grimneigh.desc=El ataque especial de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel si ataca y noquea a otro Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.grimneigh.shortDesc=El sp de este Pokémon. El ataque aumenta en 1 nivel si ataca y elimina a otro Pokémon. Guardián -showdown.abilities.guarddog.desc=This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability and raises its Attack by 1 stage instead. This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. -showdown.abilities.guarddog.shortDesc=Immune to Intimidate. Intimidated: +1 Attack. Cannot be forced to switch out. +showdown.abilities.guarddog.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune al efecto de la habilidad Intimidación y, en cambio, aumenta su ataque en 1 nivel. Este Pokémon no puede ser obligado a cambiar por el ataque o elemento de otro Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.guarddog.shortDesc=Inmune a la Intimidación. Intimidaciónd: +1 Ataque. No se puede obligar a cambiar. -showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.desc=If this Pokemon is a Cramorant, it changes forme when it hits a target with Surf or uses the first turn of Dive successfully. It becomes Gulping Form with an Arrokuda in its mouth if it has more than 1/2 of its maximum HP remaining, or Gorging Form with a Pikachu in its mouth if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP remaining. If Cramorant gets hit in Gulping or Gorging Form, it spits the Arrokuda or Pikachu at its attacker, even if it has no HP remaining. The projectile deals damage equal to 1/4 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down; this damage is blocked by the Magic Guard Ability but not by a substitute. An Arrokuda also lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage, and a Pikachu paralyzes the target. Cramorant will return to normal if it spits out a projectile, switches out, or Dynamaxes. -showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.shortDesc=When hit after Surf/Dive, attacker takes 1/4 max HP and -1 Defense or paralysis. +showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.desc=Si este Pokémon es Cramorant, cambia de forma cuando golpea a un objetivo con Surf o usa el primer turno de Buceo con éxito. Se convierte en Forma devoradora con un Arrokuda en la boca si le queda más de la mitad de su PS máximo, o en Forma devoradora con un Pikachu en la boca si le queda la mitad o menos de su PS máximo. Si Cramorant es golpeado en forma de tragar o atiborrarse, escupe el Arrokuda o el Pikachu a su atacante, incluso si no le quedan PS. El proyectil inflige un daño equivalente a 1/4 del PS máximo del objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo; este daño es bloqueado por la habilidad Muro Mágico pero no por un sustituto. Un Arrokuda también reduce la Defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel y un Pikachu paraliza al objetivo. Cramorant volverá a la normalidad si escupe un proyectil, se apaga o se dinamaxiza. +showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.shortDesc=Cuando es golpeado después de Surf/Buceo, el atacante recibe 1/4 de PS máximo y -1 de defensa o parálisis. -showdown.abilities.guts.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Attack is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon's physical attacks ignore the burn effect of halving damage. -showdown.abilities.guts.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Attack is 1.5x; ignores burn halving physical damage. +showdown.abilities.guts.desc=Si este Pokémon tiene una condición de estado no volátil, su Ataque se multiplica por 1,5. Los ataques físicos de este Pokémon ignoran el efecto de quemadura de reducir el daño a la mitad. +showdown.abilities.guts.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon tiene estado, su ataque es 1,5x; ignora la quemadura y reduce a la mitad el daño físico. Hadrónico -showdown.abilities.hadronengine.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Electric Terrain. During Electric Terrain, Sp. Atk is 1.3333x. -showdown.abilities.hadronengine.start=%s turned the ground into Electric Terrain, energizing its futuristic engine! -showdown.abilities.hadronengine.activate=%s used the Electric Terrain to energize its futuristic engine! +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.shortDesc=Al entrar, convoca a Campo Eléctrico. Durante Campo Eléctrico, Sp. El ataque es 1,3333x. +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.start=¡%s convirtió el suelo en Campo Eléctrico, energizando su motor futurista! +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.activate=¡%s usó el Campo Eléctrico para energizar su motor futurista! -showdown.abilities.harvest.desc=If the last item this Pokemon used is a Berry, there is a 50% chance it gets restored at the end of each turn. If Sunny Day is active, this chance is 100%. -showdown.abilities.harvest.shortDesc=If last item used is a Berry, 50% chance to restore it each end of turn. 100% in Sun. -showdown.abilities.harvest.addItem=%s harvested one %s! +showdown.abilities.harvest.desc=Si el último elemento que usó este Pokémon es una Baya, hay un 50% de posibilidades de que se restaure al final de cada turno. Si Día Soleado está activo, esta probabilidad es del 100%. +showdown.abilities.harvest.shortDesc=Si el último objeto usado es una Baya, hay un 50 % de posibilidades de restaurarla cada final del turno. 100% en sol. +showdown.abilities.harvest.addItem=¡%s cosechó un %s! Cura -showdown.abilities.healer.desc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.healer.shortDesc=30% chance this Pokemon's ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.desc=30% chance each of this Pokemon's adjacent allies has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.shortDesc=30% chance each adjacent ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.healer.desc=30% de probabilidad de que el aliado de este Pokémon tenga curada su condición de estado no volátil al final de cada turno. +showdown.abilities.healer.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de que el aliado de este Pokémon tenga su estado curado al final de cada turno. +showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.desc=30% de probabilidad de que cada uno de los aliados adyacentes de este Pokémon tenga su condición de estado no volátil curada al final de cada turno. +showdown.abilities.healer.gen6.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de que cada aliado adyacente tenga su estado curado al final de cada turno.ífugo -showdown.abilities.heatproof.desc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. This Pokemon takes half of the usual burn damage, rounded down. -showdown.abilities.heatproof.shortDesc=The power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved; burn damage halved. +showdown.abilities.heatproof.desc=El poder de los ataques de tipo Fuego contra este Pokémon se reduce a la mitad. Este Pokémon sufre la mitad del daño por quemaduras habitual, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.abilities.heatproof.shortDesc=El poder de los ataques de tipo Fuego contra este Pokémon se reduce a la mitad; el daño por quemaduras se redujo a la mitad. Pesado -showdown.abilities.heavymetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. -showdown.abilities.heavymetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is doubled. +showdown.abilities.heavymetal.desc=El peso de este Pokémon se duplica. Este efecto se calcula después del efecto de Aligerar, y antes del efecto de Piedra Pómez. +showdown.abilities.heavymetal.shortDesc=El peso de este Pokémon se duplica. -showdown.abilities.honeygather.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.honeygather.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo. -showdown.abilities.hugepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. +showdown.abilities.hugepower.shortDesc=El ataque de este Pokémon se duplica. -showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.desc=If this Pokemon is a Morpeko, it changes formes between its Full Belly Mode and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.shortDesc=If Morpeko, it changes between Full Belly and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Morpeko, cambia de forma entre el modo Full Belly y el modo Hangry al final de cada turno. +showdown.abilities.hungerswitch.shortDesc=Si es Morpeko, cambia entre Full Belly y Hangry Mode al final de cada turno. -showdown.abilities.hustle.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and the accuracy of its physical attacks is multiplied by 0.8. -showdown.abilities.hustle.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is 1.5x and accuracy of its physical attacks is 0.8x. +showdown.abilities.hustle.desc=El ataque de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5 y la precisión de sus ataques físicos se multiplica por 0,8. +showdown.abilities.hustle.shortDesc=El ataque de este Pokémon es 1,5x y la precisión de sus ataques físicos es 0,8x.ón -showdown.abilities.hydration.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.hydration.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its status cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. -showdown.abilities.hydration.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. +showdown.abilities.hydration.desc=Este Pokémon tiene su condición de estado no volátil curada al final de cada turno si Danza Lluvia está activa. Este efecto se evita si este Pokémon lleva un Parasol Multiuso. +showdown.abilities.hydration.shortDesc=Este Pokémon tiene su estado curado al final de cada turno si Danza Lluvia está activo. +showdown.abilities.hydration.gen7.desc=Este Pokémon tiene su condición de estado no volátil curada al final de cada turno si Danza Lluvia está activa. Fuerte -showdown.abilities.hypercutter.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's Attack stat stage. +showdown.abilities.hypercutter.shortDesc=Evita que otros Pokémon reduzcan el nivel de estadísticas de ataque de este Pokémon. -showdown.abilities.icebody.desc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.icebody.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. -showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. -showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn; immunity to Hail. +showdown.abilities.icebody.desc=Si Snow está activo, este Pokémon recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno. +showdown.abilities.icebody.shortDesc=Si Snow está activo, este Pokémon cura 1/16 de su PS máximo cada turno. +showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.desc=Si Granizo está activo, este Pokémon recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno. Este Pokémon no recibe daño de Granizo. +showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.shortDesc=Si Granizo está activo, este Pokémon cura 1/16 de su PS máximo cada turno; inmunidad a Granizo. de Hielo -showdown.abilities.iceface.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Snow begins or when Eiscue switches in while Snow is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. -showdown.abilities.iceface.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. Effect is restored in Snow. -showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is an Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes in battle deals 0 neutral damage. Its ice face is then broken and it changes forme to Noice Face. Eiscue regains its Ice Face forme when Hail begins or when Eiscue switches in while Hail is active. Confusion damage also breaks the ice face. -showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.shortDesc=If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. This effect is restored in Hail. +showdown.abilities.iceface.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Eiscue, el primer golpe físico que recibe en la batalla causa 0 daño neutral. Luego su cara de hielo se rompe y cambia de forma a Noice Face. Eiscue recupera su forma Cara de Hielo cuando comienza Snow o cuando Eiscue entra mientras Snow está activo. El daño por confusión también rompe la cara del hielo. +showdown.abilities.iceface.shortDesc=Si es Eiscue, el primer golpe físico que recibe causa 0 daño. El efecto se restaura en Nieve. +showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Eiscue, el primer golpe físico que recibe en la batalla causa 0 daño neutral. Luego su cara de hielo se rompe y cambia de forma a Noice Face. Eiscue recupera su forma Cara de Hielo cuando Granizo comienza o cuando Eiscue entra mientras Granizo está activo. El daño por confusión también rompe la cara del hielo. +showdown.abilities.iceface.gen8.shortDesc=Si es Eiscue, el primer golpe físico que recibe causa 0 daño. Este efecto se restablece en Granizo. de Hielo -showdown.abilities.icescales.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from special attacks. +showdown.abilities.icescales.shortDesc=Este Pokémon recibe la mitad del daño de los ataques especiales.ón -showdown.abilities.illuminate.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.illuminate.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo.ón -showdown.abilities.illusion.desc=When this Pokemon switches in, it appears as the last unfainted Pokemon in its party until it takes direct damage from another Pokemon's attack. This Pokemon's actual level and HP are displayed instead of those of the mimicked Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.illusion.shortDesc=This Pokemon appears as the last Pokemon in the party until it takes direct damage. -showdown.abilities.illusion.end=%s's illusion wore off! +showdown.abilities.illusion.desc=Cuando este Pokémon entra, aparece como el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo hasta que recibe daño directo del ataque de otro Pokémon. El nivel real y PS de este Pokémon se muestran en lugar de los del Pokémon imitado. +showdown.abilities.illusion.shortDesc=Este Pokémon parece ser el último Pokémon del grupo hasta que recibe daño directo. +showdown.abilities.illusion.end=¡La ilusión de %s desapareció! -showdown.abilities.immunity.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while poisoned cures it. +showdown.abilities.immunity.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no puede ser envenenado. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás envenenado la cura. -showdown.abilities.imposter.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. If there is no Pokemon at that position, this Pokemon does not Transform. -showdown.abilities.imposter.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon Transforms into the opposing Pokemon that is facing it. +showdown.abilities.imposter.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon se transforma en el Pokémon contrario que lo enfrenta. Si no hay ningún Pokémon en esa posición, este Pokémon no se transforma. +showdown.abilities.imposter.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon se transforma en el Pokémon contrario que lo enfrenta. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, and Aurora Veil. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and foe's Reflect/Light Screen/Safeguard/Mist/Aurora Veil. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore substitutes and the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.shortDesc=Moves ignore substitutes and the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the opposing side's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. -showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves ignore the foe's Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon ignoran los sustitutos y los Reflejos, Pantalla de Luz, Velo Sagrado, Haze y Velo Aurora del lado contrario. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.shortDesc=Los movimientos ignoran los sustitutos y el Reflejo/Pantalla de Luz/Velo Sagrado/Niebla/Velo de Aurora del enemigo. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon ignoran los sustitutos y los Reflejos, la Pantalla de Luz, el Velo Sagrado y la Niebla del lado contrario. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.shortDesc=Los movimientos ignoran los sustitutos y los reflejos, la pantalla de luz, el velo sagrado y la neblina del enemigo. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon ignoran los Reflejos, la Pantalla de Luz, el Velo Sagrado y la Niebla del lado contrario. +showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon ignoran el Reflejo, la Pantalla de Luz, el Velo Sagrado y la Neblina del enemigo.és -showdown.abilities.innardsout.desc=If this Pokemon is knocked out with a move, that move's user loses HP equal to the amount of damage inflicted on this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.innardsout.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is KOed with a move, that move's user loses an equal amount of HP. -showdown.abilities.innardsout.damage=%s was hurt! +showdown.abilities.innardsout.desc=Si este Pokémon es eliminado con un movimiento, el usuario de ese movimiento pierde PS igual a la cantidad de daño infligido a este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.innardsout.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es derrotado con un movimiento, el usuario de ese movimiento pierde la misma cantidad de PS. +showdown.abilities.innardsout.damage=¡%s resultó herido! Interno -showdown.abilities.innerfocus.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. -showdown.abilities.innerfocus.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. Immune to Intimidate. -showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. -showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.desc=A este Pokémon no se le puede hacer retroceder. Este Pokémon es inmune al efecto de la habilidad Intimidación. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.shortDesc=A este Pokémon no se le puede hacer retroceder. Inmune a la intimidación. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.desc=A este Pokémon no se le puede hacer retroceder. +showdown.abilities.innerfocus.gen7.shortDesc=A este Pokémon no se le puede hacer retroceder. -showdown.abilities.insomnia.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. +showdown.abilities.insomnia.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no puede conciliar el sueño. Obtener esta habilidad mientras duermes la cura.ón -showdown.abilities.intimidate.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon with the Inner Focus, Oblivious, Own Tempo, or Scrappy Abilities and Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of adjacent opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of adjacent opponents by 1 stage. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. If U-turn breaks an opposing substitute and this Pokemon switches in as the replacement, the Pokemon that had the substitute is still immune to this Ability. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. -showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokemon by 1 stage. Pokemon behind a substitute are immune. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon reduce el ataque del Pokémon contrario en 1 nivel. Los Pokémon con las habilidades Enfoque interno, Desdén, Ritmo propio o Intrépido y los Pokémon detrás de un sustituto son inmunes. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon reduce el ataque de los oponentes en 1 nivel. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen7.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon reduce el ataque del Pokémon contrario en 1 nivel. Los Pokémon detrás de un sustituto son inmunes. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon reduce el ataque de los Pokémon rivales adyacentes en 1 nivel. Los Pokémon detrás de un sustituto son inmunes. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen6.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon reduce el ataque de los oponentes adyacentes en 1 nivel. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon reduce el ataque del Pokémon contrario en 1 nivel. Los Pokémon detrás de un sustituto son inmunes. Si Ida y Vuelta rompe un sustituto contrario y este Pokémon entra como reemplazo, el Pokémon que tenía el sustituto aún es inmune a esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen4.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon reduce el ataque de los oponentes en 1 nivel. +showdown.abilities.intimidate.gen3.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon reduce el ataque del Pokémon contrario en 1 nivel. Los Pokémon detrás de un sustituto son inmunes. Indómita -showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. -showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.shortDesc=Al entrar, el ataque de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel. Una vez por batalla. +showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.gen8.shortDesc=Al entrar, el ataque de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel. Acero -showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. -showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.damage=%s was hurt! +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.shortDesc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo. +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.damage=¡%s resultó herido!ño Férreo -showdown.abilities.ironfist.desc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.2. -showdown.abilities.ironfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's punch-based attacks have 1.2x power. Sucker Punch is not boosted. +showdown.abilities.ironfist.desc=Los ataques basados en puñetazos de este Pokémon tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,2. +showdown.abilities.ironfist.shortDesc=Los ataques basados en puñetazos de este Pokémon tienen un poder 1,2 veces mayor. Golpe Bajo no está potenciado. -showdown.abilities.justified.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a Dark-type move. +showdown.abilities.justified.shortDesc=El ataque de este Pokémon aumenta 1 nivel después de ser dañado por un movimiento de tipo Oscuro. Lince -showdown.abilities.keeneye.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. This Pokemon ignores a target's evasiveness stat stage. -showdown.abilities.keeneye.shortDesc=This Pokemon's accuracy can't be lowered by others; ignores their evasiveness stat. -showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. -showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's accuracy stat stage. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.desc=Evita que otros Pokémon reduzcan el nivel de precisión de este Pokémon. Este Pokémon ignora la etapa de estadísticas de evasión del objetivo. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.shortDesc=Otros no pueden reducir la precisión de este Pokémon; ignora su estadística de evasión. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.desc=Evita que otros Pokémon reduzcan el nivel de precisión de este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.keeneye.gen5.shortDesc=Evita que otros Pokémon reduzcan el nivel de precisión de este Pokémon. -showdown.abilities.klutz.desc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect. This Pokemon cannot use Fling successfully. Macho Brace, Power Anklet, Power Band, Power Belt, Power Bracer, Power Lens, and Power Weight still have their effects. -showdown.abilities.klutz.shortDesc=This Pokemon's held item has no effect, except Macho Brace. Fling cannot be used. +showdown.abilities.klutz.desc=El objeto retenido por este Pokémon no tiene ningún efecto. Este Pokémon no puede usar Lanzamiento con éxito. Brazal Firme, Franja Recia, Banda Recia, Cinto Recio, Brazal Recio, Lente Recia y Pesa Recia aún tienen sus efectos. +showdown.abilities.klutz.shortDesc=El objeto retenido de este Pokémon no tiene ningún efecto, excepto Brazal Firme. No se puede utilizar Lanzamiento. Hoja -showdown.abilities.leafguard.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.leafguard.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused and Rest will fail for it. -showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, and Rest will fail for it. -showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn, but can use Rest normally. -showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon cannot be statused, but Rest works normally. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.desc=Si Día Soleado está activo, este Pokémon no puede verse afectado por una condición de estado no volátil o Bostezo, y Descanso fallará. Este efecto se evita si este Pokémon lleva un Parasol Multiuso. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.shortDesc=Si Día Soleado está activo, este Pokémon no puede recibir estatus y Descanso fallará. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen7.desc=Si Día Soleado está activo, este Pokémon no puede verse afectado por una condición de estado no volátil o Bostezo, y el Descanso fallará. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.desc=Si Sunny Day está activo, este Pokémon no puede verse afectado por una condición de estado no volátil o Bostezo, pero puede usar Descanso normalmente. +showdown.abilities.leafguard.gen4.shortDesc=Si Día Soleado está activo, este Pokémon no puede tener estado, pero Descanso funciona normalmente.ón -showdown.abilities.levitate.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. Thousand Arrows can hit this Pokemon as if it did not have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.levitate.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it. -showdown.abilities.levitate.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. -showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity. -showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Iron Ball nullify it. -showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes and the Arena Trap Ability. -showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to Ground. +showdown.abilities.levitate.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra y a los efectos de Ladridos, Ladridos Tóxicos, Red Viscosa y la habilidad Trampa de Arena. Los efectos de Gravedad, Enraizamiento, Antiaéreo, Mil Flechas y Bola de Hierro anulan la inmunidad. Mil Arrows puede golpear a este Pokémon como si no tuviera esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.levitate.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a Tierra; Gravedad/Raíz/Antiaéreo/Bola de Hierro lo anulan. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen5.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra y a los efectos de Ladridos, Ladridos Tóxicos y la habilidad Trampa de Arena. Los efectos de Gravedad, Enraizamiento, Antiaéreo y Bola de Hierro anulan la inmunidad. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra y a los efectos de Ladridos, Ladridos Tóxicos y la habilidad Trampa de Arena. Los efectos de Gravity, Arraigo y Iron Ball anulan la inmunidad. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen4.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a Tierra; Gravedad/Raíz/Bola de Hierro lo anulan. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra y a los efectos de Púas y la habilidad Trampa Arena. +showdown.abilities.levitate.gen3.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a Tierra.íbero -showdown.abilities.libero.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. -showdown.abilities.libero.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. -showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. -showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. +showdown.abilities.libero.desc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia para coincidir con el tipo de movimiento que está a punto de usar. Este efecto viene después de todos los efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento. Este efecto solo puede ocurrir una vez por cada cambio, y solo si este Pokémon no está Terastalizado. +showdown.abilities.libero.shortDesc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia según el tipo de movimiento que utiliza. Una vez por cada cambio. +showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.desc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia para coincidir con el tipo de movimiento que está a punto de usar. Este efecto viene después de todos los efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento. +showdown.abilities.libero.gen8.shortDesc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia para coincidir con el tipo de movimiento que está a punto de usar. Liviano -showdown.abilities.lightmetal.desc=This Pokemon's weight is halved, rounded down to a tenth of a kilogram. This effect is calculated after the effect of Autotomize, and before the effect of Float Stone. A Pokemon's weight will not drop below 0.1 kg. -showdown.abilities.lightmetal.shortDesc=This Pokemon's weight is halved. +showdown.abilities.lightmetal.desc=El peso de este Pokémon se reduce a la mitad y se redondea a una décima parte de kilogramo. Este efecto se calcula después del efecto de Aligerar, y antes del efecto de Puedra Pómez. El peso de un Pokémon no bajará de 0,1 kg. +showdown.abilities.lightmetal.shortDesc=El peso de este Pokémon se reduce a la mitad. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Electric moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Electric immunity. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Electric moves to itself. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Electric-type move used by an opposing Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. This effect considers Hidden Power a Normal-type move. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Electric moves used by opponents to itself. -showdown.abilities.lightningrod.activate=%s took the attack! +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Eléctrico y aumenta su Ataque Especial en 1 nivel cuando es golpeado por un movimiento de tipo Eléctrico. Si este Pokémon no es el objetivo de un movimiento de tipo Eléctrico de un solo objetivo utilizado por otro Pokémon, este Pokémon redirige ese movimiento hacia sí mismo si está dentro del alcance de ese movimiento. Si varios Pokémon pudieran redirigir con esta Habilidad, pasa al que tiene mayor Velocidad, o en caso de empate al que ha tenido esta Habilidad activa por más tiempo. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.shortDesc=Este Pokémon atrae movimientos eléctricos hacia sí mismo para aumentar Sp. Ataque por 1; Inmunidad eléctrica. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.desc=Si este Pokémon no es el objetivo de un movimiento de tipo Eléctrico de un solo objetivo utilizado por otro Pokémon, este Pokémon redirige ese movimiento hacia sí mismo. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen4.shortDesc=Este Pokémon atrae hacia sí movimientos eléctricos de un solo objetivo. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.desc=Si este Pokémon no es el objetivo de un movimiento de tipo Eléctrico de un solo objetivo utilizado por un Pokémon contrario, este Pokémon redirige ese movimiento hacia sí mismo. Este efecto considera a Poder Oculto un movimiento de tipo Normal. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.gen3.shortDesc=Este Pokémon atrae hacia sí los movimientos eléctricos de un solo objetivo utilizados por los oponentes. +showdown.abilities.lightningrod.activate=¡%s tomó el ataque! -showdown.abilities.limber.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be paralyzed. Gaining this Ability while paralyzed cures it. +showdown.abilities.limber.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no se puede paralizar. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás paralizado la cura. Persistente -showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Lingering Aroma. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Lingering Aroma, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. -showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon has the attacker's Ability become Lingering Aroma. -showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.changeAbility=A lingering aroma clings to %s! +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon cambian su habilidad a Olor Persistente. No afecta a Pokémon con Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Cara de Hielo, Olor Persistente, Multitipo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado. , Cambio Táctico, Modo Daruma o Habilidades de Cambio Heroico. +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.shortDesc=Al hacer contacto con este Pokémon, la habilidad del atacante se convierte en Olor Persistente. +showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.changeAbility=¡Un aroma persistente se adhiere a %s! Líquido -showdown.abilities.liquidooze.shortDesc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. -showdown.abilities.liquidooze.gen4.desc=This Pokemon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. This effect does not consider Dream Eater. -showdown.abilities.liquidooze.damage=%s sucked up the liquid ooze! +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.shortDesc=Este Pokémon daña a quienes le quitan PS tanto como podrían curarse. +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.gen4.desc=Este Pokémon daña a quienes le quitan PS tanto como podrían curarse. Este efecto no considera comesueños. +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.damage=¡%s chupó el líquido que rezuma! Fluida -showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water-type moves. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.shortDesc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Water type. +showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.desc=Los movimientos basados en sonido de este Pokémon se convierten en movimientos de tipo Agua. Este efecto viene después de otros efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento, pero antes de los efectos de Cortina Plasma y Electrificación. +showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.shortDesc=Los movimientos basados en sonido de este Pokémon se vuelven de tipo Agua. -showdown.abilities.longreach.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do not make contact with the target. +showdown.abilities.longreach.shortDesc=Los ataques de este Pokémon no hacen contacto con el objetivo.ágico -showdown.abilities.magicbounce.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. -showdown.abilities.magicbounce.shortDesc=This Pokemon blocks certain Status moves and bounces them back to the user. -showdown.abilities.magicbounce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or Magic Coat's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or Magic Coat's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this Ability takes effect. -showdown.abilities.magicbounce.move=%s bounced the %s back! +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.desc=Este Pokémon no se ve afectado por ciertos movimientos no dañinos dirigidos a él y, en cambio, los usará contra el usuario original. Los movimientos reflejados de esta manera no pueden volver a reflejarse por este efecto o el de Capa Mágica. Púas, Trampa Rocas, Red Viscosa y Tóxico Púas solo pueden ser reflejados una vez por lado, por el Pokémon más a la izquierda bajo este efecto o el de Capa Mágica. Las Habilidades Pararrayos y Colector redirigen sus respectivos movimientos antes de que esta Habilidad surta efecto. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.shortDesc=Este Pokémon bloquea ciertos movimientos de estado y se los devuelve al usuario. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.gen5.desc=Este Pokémon no se ve afectado por ciertos movimientos no dañinos dirigidos a él y, en cambio, los usará contra el usuario original. Los movimientos reflejados de esta manera no pueden volver a reflejarse por este efecto o el de Capa Mágica. Púas, Trampa Rocas y Tóxico Púas solo pueden ser reflejados una vez por lado, por el Pokémon más a la izquierda bajo este efecto o el de Capa Mágica. Las Habilidades Pararrayos y Colector redirigen sus respectivos movimientos antes de que esta Habilidad surta efecto. +showdown.abilities.magicbounce.move=¡%s rebotó el %s! Mágico -showdown.abilities.magicguard.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. -showdown.abilities.magicguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. -showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.desc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, Struggle recoil, and confusion damage are considered direct damage. This Pokemon cannot be prevented from moving because of paralysis, and is unaffected by Toxic Spikes on switch-in. -showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks, and can't be fully paralyzed. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.desc=Este Pokémon sólo puede ser dañado por ataques directos. Se consideran daños directos Maldición y Sustituto por uso, Tambor, Divide Dolor, Forcejeo retroceso y confusión. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.shortDesc=Este Pokémon sólo puede ser dañado por ataques directos. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.desc=Este Pokémon sólo puede ser dañado por ataques directos. Se consideran daños directos Maldición y Sustituto por uso, Tambor, Divide Dolor, Forcejeo retroceso y confusión. No se puede evitar que este Pokémon se mueva debido a la parálisis y no se ve afectado por Tóxico Púas al entrar. +showdown.abilities.magicguard.gen4.shortDesc=Este Pokémon sólo puede ser dañado por ataques directos y no puede paralizarse por completo. -showdown.abilities.magician.desc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. Does not affect Doom Desire and Future Sight. -showdown.abilities.magician.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokemon it hits with an attack. +showdown.abilities.magician.desc=Si este Pokémon no tiene ningún objeto, se lo roba a un Pokémon al que golpea con un ataque. No afecta Deseo Oculto y Premonición. +showdown.abilities.magician.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon no tiene ningún objeto, se lo roba a un Pokémon al que golpea con un ataque. Magma -showdown.abilities.magmaarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be frozen. Gaining this Ability while frozen cures it. +showdown.abilities.magmaarmor.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no se puede congelar. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás congelado la cura.án -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or are a Ghost type. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.desc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from choosing to switch out, other than this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.desc=Evita que los Pokémon rivales de tipo Acero elijan cambiar, a menos que tengan una Muda Concha o sean de tipo Fantasma. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.shortDesc=Evita que los Pokémon rivales de tipo Acero decidan cambiar. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.desc=Evita que los Pokémon de tipo Acero rivales adyacentes elijan cambiar, a menos que tengan una Muda Concha o sean de tipo Fantasma. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen6.shortDesc=Evita que los Pokémon de tipo Acero rivales adyacentes elijan cambiar. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.desc=Evita que los Pokémon de tipo Acero rivales adyacentes elijan cambiar, a menos que tengan una Muda Concha. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen5.shortDesc=Evita que los Pokémon de tipo Acero rivales adyacentes elijan cambiar. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.desc=Evita que los Pokémon rivales de tipo Acero elijan cambiar, a menos que tengan una Muda Concha. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen4.shortDesc=Evita que los Pokémon rivales de tipo Acero decidan cambiar. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.desc=Evita que Pokémon de tipo Acero elijan cambiar, aparte de este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.shortDesc=Evita que Pokémon de tipo Acero elijan cambiar, aparte de este Pokémon. Esp -showdown.abilities.marvelscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Defense is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.marvelscale.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon tiene una condición de estado no volátil, su Defensa se multiplica por 1,5. -showdown.abilities.megalauncher.desc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. Heal Pulse restores 3/4 of a target's maximum HP, rounded half down. -showdown.abilities.megalauncher.shortDesc=This Pokemon's pulse moves have 1.5x power. Heal Pulse heals 3/4 target's max HP. +showdown.abilities.megalauncher.desc=Los movimientos de pulso de este Pokémon tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5. Pulso Cura restaura 3/4 del PS máximo de un objetivo, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.abilities.megalauncher.shortDesc=Los movimientos de pulso de este Pokémon tienen una potencia 1,5 veces mayor. Pulso Cura cura 3/4 del PS máximo del objetivo.ñamiento -showdown.abilities.merciless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks are critical hits if the target is poisoned. +showdown.abilities.merciless.shortDesc=Los ataques de este Pokémon son golpes críticos si el objetivo está envenenado. -showdown.abilities.mimicry.desc=This Pokemon's types change to match the active Terrain when this Pokemon acquires this Ability, or whenever a Terrain begins. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. If this Ability is acquired without an active Terrain, or a Terrain ends, this Pokemon's types become the original types for its species. -showdown.abilities.mimicry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's types change to match the Terrain. Type reverts when Terrain ends. -showdown.abilities.mimicry.activate=%s returned to its original type! +showdown.abilities.mimicry.desc=Los tipos de este Pokémon cambian para coincidir con el Terreno activo cuando este Pokémon adquiere esta Habilidad o cada vez que comienza un Terreno. Tipo eléctrico durante Campo Eléctrico, tipo Hierba durante Campo de Hierba, tipo Hada durante Campo de Niebla y tipo psíquico durante Campo Psíquico. Si esta habilidad se adquiere sin un terreno activo, o si un terreno termina, los tipos de este Pokémon se convierten en los tipos originales de su especie. +showdown.abilities.mimicry.shortDesc=Los tipos de este Pokémon cambian para adaptarse al terreno. El tipo se revierte cuando termina el terreno. +showdown.abilities.mimicry.activate=¡%s volvió a su tipo original! -showdown.abilities.minus.desc=If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.minus.shortDesc=If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. -showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.desc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.shortDesc=If an active ally has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. -showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.desc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.shortDesc=If an active Pokemon has the Plus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. +showdown.abilities.minus.desc=Si un aliado activo tiene esta Habilidad o la Habilidad Más, el Ataque Especial de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.minus.shortDesc=Si un aliado activo tiene esta habilidad o la habilidad Más, el Sp de este Pokémon. El ataque es 1,5x. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.desc=Si un aliado activo tiene la habilidad Más, el ataque especial de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen4.shortDesc=Si un aliado activo tiene la habilidad Más, el Sp de este Pokémon. El ataque es 1,5x. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.desc=Si un Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Más, el ataque especial de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.minus.gen3.shortDesc=Si un Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Más, el Sp de este Pokémon. El ataque es 1,5x. Reflejo -showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered by another Pokemon, that Pokemon's stat stage is lowered instead. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon's stat stage was already -6. If the other Pokemon has a substitute, neither Pokemon has its stat stage lowered. -showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.shortDesc=If this Pokemon's stat stages would be lowered, the attacker's are lowered instead. +showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.desc=Cuando otro Pokémon reduce una de las etapas de estadísticas de este Pokémon, en su lugar se reduce la etapa de estadísticas de ese Pokémon. Este efecto no ocurre si la etapa de estadísticas de este Pokémon ya era -6. Si el otro Pokémon tiene un sustituto, ninguno de los Pokémon tiene su nivel de estadísticas reducido. +showdown.abilities.mirrorarmor.shortDesc=Si las etapas de estadísticas de este Pokémon se reducen, las del atacante se reducen.énesis -showdown.abilities.mistysurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Misty Terrain. +showdown.abilities.mistysurge.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon invoca a Campo de Niebla. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon y sus efectos ignoran ciertas habilidades de otros Pokémon. Las Habilidades que se pueden negar son Velo Aroma, Rompeaura, Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Antibalas, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Cuerpo Vívido, Disfraz, Piel Seca, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Velo Flor, Peluche, Compiescolta, Pelaje Recio, Manto Frondoso, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Cara de Hielo, Escama de Hielo, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Coraza Reflejo, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Funda, Ritmo Propio, Velo Pastel, Punk Rock, Regia Presencia, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Velo Dulce, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absorbe. Elecer, Absorber. Aguaer, Agua Burbuja, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda y Piel Milagro. Esto afecta a todos los demás Pokémon en el campo, ya sea que sean o no el objetivo del movimiento de este Pokémon y si su habilidad es beneficiosa para este Pokémon o no. showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Clear Body, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Heatproof, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, and Wonder Guard. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move. The Attack modifier from an ally's Flower Gift Ability is not negated. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Velo Aroma, Rompeaura, Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Antibalas, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Aura Oscura, Cuerpo Vívido, Disfraz, Piel Seca, Aura Feérica, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Velo Flor, Peluche, Compiescolta, Pelaje Recio, Manto Frondoso, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Funda, Ritmo Propio, Regia Presencia, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Velo Dulce, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Water Burbuja, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Velo Aroma, Rompeaura, Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Antibalas, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Aura Oscura, Piel Seca, Aura Feérica, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Velo Flor, Compiescolta, Pelaje Recio, Manto Frondoso, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Funda, Ritmo Propio, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Velo Dulce, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Piel Seca, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Compiescolta, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Ritmo Propio, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Armad. Bat, Cuerpo Puro, Humedad, Piel Seca, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Ignífugo, Hyper Corteter, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Electromotor, Despiste, Ritmo Propio, Velo Arena, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Tumbos, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, and Superguarda. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move. The Attack modifier from an ally's Don Floral Ability is not negated. showdown.abilities.moldbreaker.start=%s breaks the mold! showdown.abilities.moody.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat, other than accuracy or evasiveness, raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. showdown.abilities.moody.shortDesc=Boosts a random stat (except accuracy/evasion) +2 and another stat -1 every turn. showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.desc=This Pokemon has a random stat raised by 2 stages and another stat lowered by 1 stage at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.shortDesc=Raises a random stat by 2 and lowers another stat by 1 at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.moody.gen7.shortDesc=Aumenta una estadística aleatoria en 2 y reduce otra estadística en 1 al final de cada turno. -showdown.abilities.motordrive.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and raises its Speed by 1 stage when hit by an Electric-type move. -showdown.abilities.motordrive.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by an Electric move; Electric immunity. +showdown.abilities.motordrive.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Eléctrico y aumenta su Velocidad en 1 nivel cuando es golpeado por un movimiento de tipo Eléctrico. +showdown.abilities.motordrive.shortDesc=La velocidad de este Pokémon aumenta 1 nivel si es golpeado por un movimiento eléctrico; Inmunidad eléctrica. -showdown.abilities.moxie.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.moxie.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.moxie.desc=El ataque de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel si ataca y noquea a otro Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.moxie.shortDesc=El ataque de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel si ataca y elimina a otro Pokémon.ón -showdown.abilities.multiscale.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. +showdown.abilities.multiscale.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon tiene todos sus PS, el daño recibido por los ataques se reduce a la mitad. -showdown.abilities.multitype.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. -showdown.abilities.multitype.gen7.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate or Z-Crystal. -showdown.abilities.multitype.gen6.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. -showdown.abilities.multitype.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its held Plate. This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack. +showdown.abilities.multitype.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es un Arceus, su tipo cambia para coincidir con el Placa que tiene. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen7.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es un Arceus, su tipo cambia para coincidir con su Placa o Cristal Z. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen6.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es un Arceus, su tipo cambia para coincidir con el Placa que tiene. +showdown.abilities.multitype.gen4.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es un Arceus, su tipo cambia para coincidir con el Placa que tiene. Este Pokémon no puede perder el objeto que tiene debido al ataque de otro Pokémon. -showdown.abilities.mummy.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. -showdown.abilities.mummy.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. -showdown.abilities.mummy.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. -showdown.abilities.mummy.gen7.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Mummy, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. -showdown.abilities.mummy.gen6.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype, Mummy, or Stance Change Abilities. -showdown.abilities.mummy.gen5.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Mummy. Does not affect Pokemon with the Multitype or Mummy Abilities. -showdown.abilities.mummy.changeAbility=%s's Ability became Mummy! +showdown.abilities.mummy.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon cambian su habilidad a Momia. No afecta a Pokémon con Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Momia, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Habilidades de Cambio Táctico, Modo Daruma o Cambio Heroico. +showdown.abilities.mummy.shortDesc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon cambian su habilidad a Momia. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen8.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon cambian su habilidad a Momia. No afecta a Pokémon con las habilidades Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Momia, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico o Modo Daruma. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen7.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon cambian su habilidad a Momia. No afecta a Pokémon con las habilidades Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Multitipo, Momia, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico o Modo Daruma. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen6.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon cambian su habilidad a Momia. No afecta a Pokémon con las habilidades Multitipo, Momia o Cambio Táctico. +showdown.abilities.mummy.gen5.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon cambian su habilidad a Momia. No afecta a Pokémon con las habilidades Multitipo o Momia. +showdown.abilities.mummy.changeAbility=¡La habilidad de %s se convirtió en Momia! Fúngico -showdown.abilities.myceliummight.desc=This Pokemon's Status moves ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon, and go last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves. -showdown.abilities.myceliummight.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves go last in their priority bracket and ignore Abilities. +showdown.abilities.myceliummight.desc=Los movimientos de estado de este Pokémon ignoran ciertas habilidades de otros Pokémon y van últimos entre los Pokémon que usan movimientos de prioridad igual o mayor. +showdown.abilities.myceliummight.shortDesc=Los movimientos de estado de este Pokémon van últimos en su grupo de prioridad e ignoran las habilidades. Natural -showdown.abilities.naturalcure.shortDesc=This Pokemon has its non-volatile status condition cured when it switches out. -showdown.abilities.naturalcure.activate=(%s is cured by its Natural Cure!) +showdown.abilities.naturalcure.shortDesc=Este Pokémon tiene su condición de estado no volátil curada cuando se apaga. +showdown.abilities.naturalcure.activate=(¡%s se cura con su Cura Natural!) Cerebral -showdown.abilities.neuroforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target have their damage multiplied by 1.25. -showdown.abilities.neuroforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.25x damage. +showdown.abilities.neuroforce.desc=Los ataques de este Pokémon que son súper efectivos contra el objetivo tienen su daño multiplicado por 1,25. +showdown.abilities.neuroforce.shortDesc=Los ataques de este Pokémon que son súper efectivos contra el objetivo causan 1,25 veces más daño. Reactivo -showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.desc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. Does not affect the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode Abilities. -showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, Abilities have no effect. -showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.start=Neutralizing gas filled the area! -showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.end=The effects of the neutralizing gas wore off! +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.desc=Mientras este Pokémon esté activo, las habilidades no tienen ningún efecto. Esta habilidad se activa antes de que los peligros y otras habilidades entren en vigor. No afecta las Habilidades Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico o Modo Daruma. +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.shortDesc=Mientras este Pokémon esté activo, las habilidades no tienen ningún efecto. +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.start=¡El gas neutralizante llenó el área! +showdown.abilities.neutralizinggas.end=¡Los efectos del gas neutralizante desaparecieron! -showdown.abilities.noguard.shortDesc=Every move used by or against this Pokemon will always hit. +showdown.abilities.noguard.shortDesc=Cada movimiento utilizado por o contra este Pokémon siempre acertará. -showdown.abilities.normalize.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. -showdown.abilities.normalize.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type and have 1.2x power. -showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes before other effects that change a move's type. -showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. -showdown.abilities.normalize.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves are changed to be Normal type. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, except Struggle. +showdown.abilities.normalize.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon se cambian para ser de tipo Normal y su poder se multiplica por 1,2. Este efecto viene antes que otros efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento. +showdown.abilities.normalize.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon se cambiaron para que sean de tipo Normal y tengan 1,2 veces de potencia. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon han cambiado para ser de tipo Normal. Este efecto viene antes que otros efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen6.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon han cambiado para ser de tipo Normal. +showdown.abilities.normalize.gen4.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon han cambiado para ser de tipo Normal. Este efecto viene después de otros efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento, excepto Forcejeo. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Immune to Intimidate. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Gaining this Ability while infatuated or taunted cures it. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated or taunted. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.desc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. -showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be infatuated. Gaining this Ability while infatuated cures it. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.desc=No se puede enamorar ni burlarse de este Pokémon. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás enamorado o siendo objeto de burlas la cura. Este Pokémon es inmune al efecto de la habilidad Intimidación. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.shortDesc=No se puede enamorar ni burlarse de este Pokémon. Inmune a la Intimidación. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.desc=No se puede enamorar ni burlarse de este Pokémon. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás enamorado o siendo objeto de burlas la cura. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen7.shortDesc=No se puede enamorar ni burlarse de este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.desc=Este Pokémon no puede enamorarse. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás enamorado la cura. +showdown.abilities.oblivious.gen5.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no puede enamorarse. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás enamorado la cura. -showdown.abilities.opportunist.shortDesc=When an opposing Pokemon has a stat stage raised, this Pokemon copies the effect. +showdown.abilities.opportunist.shortDesc=Cuando un Pokémon contrario tiene un nivel de estadísticas elevado, este Pokémon copia el efecto. Oricalco -showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.shortDesc=On switch-in, summons Sunny Day. During Sunny Day, Attack is 1.3333x. -showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.start=%s turned the sunlight harsh, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! -showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.activate=%s basked in the sunlight, sending its ancient pulse into a frenzy! +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.shortDesc=Al cambio, convoca a Día Soleado. Durante el Día Soleado, el ataque es de 1,3333x. +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.start=¡%s volvió dura la luz del sol, provocando que su antiguo pulso se volviera frenético! +showdown.abilities.orichalcumpulse.activate=¡%s disfrutó de la luz del sol, lo que provocó que su antiguo pulso se volviera frenético! -showdown.abilities.overcoat.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. -showdown.abilities.overcoat.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm damage, and Effect Spore. -showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.desc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, damage from Sandstorm or Hail, and the effects of Rage Powder and the Effect Spore Ability. -showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm or Hail damage, Effect Spore. -showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. -showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to damage from Sandstorm or Hail. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de pólvora, al daño de Tormenta Arena y a los efectos de Furia Polvo Explosivo y la habilidad Effect Espora. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de pólvora, al daño de Tormenta Arena y al Efecto Espora. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de pólvora, al daño de Tormenta Arena o Granizo, y a los efectos de Furia Polvo Explosivo y la habilidad Effect Espora. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de pólvora, al daño de Tormenta Arena o Granizo, Efecto Espora. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune al daño de Tormenta Arena o Granizo. +showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune al daño de Tormenta Arena o Granizo. -showdown.abilities.overgrow.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Grass-type attack. -showdown.abilities.overgrow.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Grass attacks. -showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Grass-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Grass-type attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, su estadística ofensiva se multiplica por 1,5 mientras usa un ataque de tipo Planta. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.shortDesc=Con 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, la estadística ofensiva de este Pokémon es 1,5 veces mayor con ataques de Planta. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, sus ataques de tipo Planta tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.shortDesc=Con 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, los ataques de tipo Planta de este Pokémon tienen 1,5 veces más poder. Propio -showdown.abilities.owntempo.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. -showdown.abilities.owntempo.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Immune to Intimidate. -showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.desc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. Gaining this Ability while confused cures it. -showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be confused. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.desc=Este Pokémon no se puede confundir. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás confundido la cura. Este Pokémon es inmune al efecto de la habilidad Intimidación. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no se puede confundir. Inmune a la Intimidación. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.desc=Este Pokémon no se puede confundir. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás confundido la cura. +showdown.abilities.owntempo.gen7.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no se puede confundir. Filial -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Dragon Darts, Dynamax Cannon, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, any two-turn move, or any Z-Move. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. Does not affect Doom Desire, Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Rollout, Self-Destruct, any multi-hit move, any move that has multiple targets, or any two-turn move. -showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's damaging moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.desc=Los movimientos dañinos de este Pokémon se convierten en movimientos de múltiples golpes que golpean dos veces. El segundo golpe tiene su daño cuarteado. No afecta Deseo Oculto, Dracoflechas, Cañón Dinamax, Esfuerzo, Explosión, Sacrificio, Lanzamiento, Premonición, Bola Hielo, Rollar, Autodestrucción, cualquier movimiento multigolpe, cualquier movimiento que tenga múltiples objetivos, ni ningún movimiento de dos turnos. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.shortDesc=Los movimientos dañinos de este Pokémon golpean dos veces. El segundo golpe tiene su daño cuarteado. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen8.desc=Los movimientos dañinos de este Pokémon se convierten en movimientos de múltiples golpes que golpean dos veces. El segundo golpe tiene su daño cuarteado. No afecta Deseo Oculto, Dracoflechas, Cañón Dinamax, Esfuerzo, Explosión, Sacrificio, Lanzamiento, Premonición, Bola Hielo, Rollar, Autodestrucción, cualquier movimiento multigolpe, cualquier movimiento que tenga múltiples objetivos, cualquier movimiento de dos turnos, ni ningún Max. Mover. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen7.desc=Los movimientos dañinos de este Pokémon se convierten en movimientos de múltiples golpes que golpean dos veces. El segundo golpe tiene su daño cuarteado. No afecta Deseo Oculto, Esfuerzo, Explosión, Sacrificio, Lanzamiento, Premonición, Bola Hielo, Rollar, Autodestrucción, cualquier movimiento de múltiples golpes, cualquier movimiento que tenga múltiples objetivos, cualquier movimiento de dos turnos o cualquier Z-Move. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.desc=Los movimientos dañinos de este Pokémon se convierten en movimientos de múltiples golpes que golpean dos veces. El daño del segundo golpe se reduce a la mitad. No afecta Deseo Oculto, Esfuerzo, Explosión, Sacrificio, Lanzamiento, Premonición, Bola Hielo, Rollar, Autodestrucción, cualquier movimiento de múltiples golpes, cualquier movimiento que tenga múltiples objetivos o cualquier movimiento de dos turnos. +showdown.abilities.parentalbond.gen6.shortDesc=Los movimientos dañinos de este Pokémon golpean dos veces. El daño del segundo golpe se reduce a la mitad. Pastel -showdown.abilities.pastelveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while this Pokemon or its ally is poisoned cures them. If this Ability is being ignored during an effect that causes poison, this Pokemon is cured immediately but its ally is not. -showdown.abilities.pastelveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot be poisoned. On switch-in, cures poisoned allies. +showdown.abilities.pastelveil.desc=Este Pokémon y sus aliados no pueden ser envenenados. Obtener esta habilidad mientras este Pokémon o su aliado está envenenado los cura. Si esta habilidad se ignora durante un efecto que causa veneno, este Pokémon se cura inmediatamente, pero su aliado no. +showdown.abilities.pastelveil.shortDesc=Este Pokémon y sus aliados no pueden ser envenenados. Al entrar, cura a los aliados envenenados. Mortal -showdown.abilities.perishbody.desc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. This effect does not happen for this Pokemon if the attacker already has a perish count. -showdown.abilities.perishbody.shortDesc=Making contact with this Pokemon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. -showdown.abilities.perishbody.start=Both Pokémon will faint in three turns! +showdown.abilities.perishbody.desc=Al hacer contacto con este Pokémon se inicia el efecto Canto Mortal para él y el atacante. Este efecto no ocurre con este Pokémon si el atacante ya tiene un conteo de muertes. +showdown.abilities.perishbody.shortDesc=Al hacer contacto con este Pokémon se inicia el efecto Canto Mortal para él y el atacante. +showdown.abilities.perishbody.start=¡Ambos Pokémon se debilitarán en tres turnos! -showdown.abilities.pickpocket.desc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. -showdown.abilities.pickpocket.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item and is hit by a contact move, it steals the attacker's item. +showdown.abilities.pickpocket.desc=Si este Pokémon no tiene ningún objeto y es golpeado por un movimiento de contacto, roba el objeto del atacante. Este efecto se aplica después de todos los golpes de un movimiento de múltiples golpes. Este efecto se evita si el movimiento tuvo un efecto secundario eliminado por el Bote. Habilidad Bruta. +showdown.abilities.pickpocket.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon no tiene ningún objeto y es golpeado por un movimiento de contacto, roba el objeto del atacante. -showdown.abilities.pickup.shortDesc=If this Pokemon has no item, it finds one used by an adjacent Pokemon this turn. -showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.desc=No competitive use. -showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. -showdown.abilities.pickup.addItem=%s found one %s! +showdown.abilities.pickup.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon no tiene ningún objeto, encontrará uno usado por un Pokémon adyacente este turno. +showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.desc=Sin uso competitivo. +showdown.abilities.pickup.gen4.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo. +showdown.abilities.pickup.addItem=¡%s encontró uno %s! Feérica -showdown.abilities.pixilate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.pixilate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.2x power. -showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. -showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.3x power. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.desc=Los movimientos de tipo Normal de este Pokémon se convierten en movimientos de tipo Hada y su poder se multiplica por 1,2. Este efecto viene después de otros efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento, pero antes de los efectos de Cortina Plasma y Electrificación. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.shortDesc=Los movimientos de tipo Normal de este Pokémon se vuelven de tipo Hada y tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.desc=Los movimientos de tipo Normal de este Pokémon se convierten en movimientos de tipo Hada y su poder se multiplica por 1,3. Este efecto viene después de otros efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento, pero antes de los efectos de Cortina Plasma y Electrificación. +showdown.abilities.pixilate.gen6.shortDesc=Los movimientos de tipo Normal de este Pokémon se vuelven de tipo Hada y tienen 1,3 veces de potencia.ás an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active ally has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. an active Pokemon has the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x. un aliado activo tiene esta habilidad o la habilidad Menos, el ataque especial de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5. un aliado activo tiene esta habilidad o la habilidad Menos, el Sp de este Pokémon. El ataque es 1,5x. un aliado activo tiene la habilidad Menos, el ataque especial de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5. un aliado activo tiene la habilidad Menos, el Sp de este Pokémon. El ataque es 1,5x. un Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Menos, el ataque especial de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5. un Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Menos, el Sp de este Pokémon. El ataque es 1,5x.ídoto -showdown.abilities.poisonheal.desc=If this Pokemon is poisoned, it restores 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn instead of losing HP. -showdown.abilities.poisonheal.shortDesc=This Pokemon is healed by 1/8 of its max HP each turn when poisoned; no HP loss. +showdown.abilities.poisonheal.desc=Si este Pokémon está envenenado, recupera 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno en lugar de perder PS. +showdown.abilities.poisonheal.shortDesc=Este Pokémon se cura en 1/8 de su PS máximo cada turno cuando está envenenado; sin pérdida de PS. Tóxico -showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. -showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be poisoned. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que entre en contacto con este Pokémon sea envenenado. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen4.desc=30% de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que entre en contacto con este Pokémon sea envenenado. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.desc=1/3 de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon sea envenenado. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon sea envenenado. Tóxico -showdown.abilities.poisontouch.desc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. This effect comes after a move's inherent secondary effect chance. -showdown.abilities.poisontouch.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. +showdown.abilities.poisontouch.desc=Los movimientos de contacto de este Pokémon tienen un 30% de posibilidades de envenenamiento. Este efecto viene después de la probabilidad de efecto secundario inherente de un movimiento. +showdown.abilities.poisontouch.shortDesc=Los movimientos de contacto de este Pokémon tienen un 30% de posibilidades de envenenamiento. -showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.desc=If this Pokemon is a Zygarde in its 10% or 50% Forme, it changes to Complete Forme when it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of the turn. -showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.shortDesc=If Zygarde 10%/50%, changes to Complete if at 1/2 max HP or less at end of turn. -showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.activate=You sense the presence of many! -showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.transform=%s transformed into its Complete Forme! +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Zygarde en su forma 10% o 50%, cambia a forma completa cuando tiene la mitad o menos de su PS máximo al final del turno. +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.shortDesc=Si Zygarde tiene 10%/50%, cambia a Completo si tiene 1/2 PS máximo o menos al final del turno. +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.activate=¡Sientes la presencia de muchos! +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.transform=¡%s se transformó a su forma completa!ón Química -showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. -showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. -showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. -showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. -showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.desc=Este Pokémon copia la habilidad de un aliado que se desmaya. Las habilidades que no se pueden copiar son Unidad Ecuestre, Afecto Fuerte, Letargo Perenne, Comandante, Disfraz, Regalo Floral, Adivinación, Misil Trago, Motor Hadrónico, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Golpe Oricalco, Agrupación, Reacción. Química, Paleosíntesis, Quark cargado, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico, Sendero, Superguardia, Modo Daruma y Cambio heroico. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.shortDesc=Este Pokémon copia la habilidad de un aliado que se desmaya. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen8.desc=Este Pokémon copia la habilidad de un aliado que se desmaya. Las habilidades que no se pueden copiar son Unidad ecuestre, Afecto fuerte, Letargo perenne, Disfraz, Regalo floral, Predicción, Misil de golondrina, Mutapetito, Cara de hielo, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Gas reactivo, Aglomeración, Reacción química, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco. , Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico, Sendero, Superguardia y Modo Daruma. +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.gen7.desc=Este Pokémon copia la habilidad de un aliado que se desmaya. Las habilidades que no se pueden copiar son Afecto fuerte, Letargo perenne, Disfraz, Regalo floral, Predicción, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Agrupación, Reacción química, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico, Rastro, Superguardia y Modo Daruma. . +showdown.abilities.powerofalchemy.changeAbility=¡El %s de %s fue tomado! Energía -showdown.abilities.powerspot.desc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. This affects Doom Desire and Future Sight, even if the user is not on the field. -showdown.abilities.powerspot.shortDesc=This Pokemon's allies have the power of their moves multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.powerspot.desc=Los aliados de este Pokémon tienen el poder de sus movimientos multiplicado por Esto afecta el Deseo Oculto y la Premonición, incluso si el usuario no está en el campo. +showdown.abilities.powerspot.shortDesc=Los aliados de este Pokémon tienen el poder de sus movimientos multiplicado por -showdown.abilities.prankster.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. Opposing Dark-type Pokemon are immune to these moves, and any move called by these moves, if the resulting user of the move has this Ability. -showdown.abilities.prankster.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Status moves have priority raised by 1, but Dark types are immune. -showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. -showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's non-damaging moves have their priority increased by 1. +showdown.abilities.prankster.desc=Los movimientos no dañinos de este Pokémon tienen su prioridad aumentada en 1. Los Pokémon de tipo Oscuro opuestos son inmunes a estos movimientos y a cualquier movimiento invocado por estos movimientos, si el usuario resultante del movimiento tiene esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.prankster.shortDesc=Los movimientos de estado de este Pokémon tienen prioridad aumentada en 1, pero los tipos Oscuros son inmunes. +showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.desc=Los movimientos no dañinos de este Pokémon tienen su prioridad aumentada en 1. +showdown.abilities.prankster.gen6.shortDesc=Los movimientos no dañinos de este Pokémon tienen su prioridad aumentada en 1.ón -showdown.abilities.pressure.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison, Snatch, and Tera Blast also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. -showdown.abilities.pressure.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a foe's move, that move loses one additional PP. -showdown.abilities.pressure.gen8.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison and Snatch also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon, but Sticky Web does not. -showdown.abilities.pressure.gen5.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of an opposing Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. Imprison and Snatch also lose one additional PP when used by an opposing Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is the target of another Pokemon's move, that move loses one additional PP. -showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is the target of a move, that move loses one additional PP. -showdown.abilities.pressure.start=%s is exerting its pressure! +showdown.abilities.pressure.desc=Si este Pokémon es el objetivo del movimiento de un Pokémon contrario, ese movimiento pierde un PP adicional. Sellar, Robo y Teraexplosión también pierden un PP adicional cuando los usa un Pokémon contrario, pero Red Viscosa no. +showdown.abilities.pressure.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es el objetivo del movimiento de un enemigo, ese movimiento pierde un PP adicional. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen8.desc=Si este Pokémon es el objetivo del movimiento de un Pokémon contrario, ese movimiento pierde un PP adicional. Sellar y Robo también pierden un PP adicional cuando los usa un Pokémon contrario, pero Red Viscosa no. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen5.desc=Si este Pokémon es el objetivo del movimiento de un Pokémon contrario, ese movimiento pierde un PP adicional. Sellar y Robo también pierden un PP adicional cuando los usa un Pokémon contrario. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.desc=Si este Pokémon es el objetivo del movimiento de otro Pokémon, ese movimiento pierde un PP adicional. +showdown.abilities.pressure.gen4.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es el objetivo de un movimiento, ese movimiento pierde un PP adicional. +showdown.abilities.pressure.start=¡%s está ejerciendo presión! del Albor -showdown.abilities.primordialsea.desc=On switch-in, the weather becomes Primordial Sea, which includes all the effects of Rain Dance and prevents damaging Fire-type moves from executing. This weather remains in effect until this Ability is no longer active for any Pokemon, or the weather is changed by the Delta Stream or Desolate Land Abilities. -showdown.abilities.primordialsea.shortDesc=On switch-in, heavy rain begins until this Ability is not active in battle. +showdown.abilities.primordialsea.desc=Al encenderlo, el clima se convierte en Mar del Albor, que incluye todos los efectos de Danza Lluvia y evita que se ejecuten movimientos dañinos de tipo Fuego. Este clima permanece vigente hasta que esta habilidad ya no esté activa para ningún Pokémon, o el clima sea cambiado por las habilidades Flusso Delta o Tierra del Ocaso. +showdown.abilities.primordialsea.shortDesc=Al encenderlo, comienza a llover intensamente hasta que esta habilidad no esté activa en la batalla. Prisma -showdown.abilities.prismarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. +showdown.abilities.prismarmor.shortDesc=Este Pokémon recibe 3/4 de daño por ataques supereficaces.élice Caudal -showdown.abilities.propellertail.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. +showdown.abilities.propellertail.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon no pueden redirigirse a un objetivo diferente mediante ningún efecto. -showdown.abilities.protean.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. This effect can only happen once per switch-in, and only if this Pokemon is not Terastallized. -showdown.abilities.protean.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using. Once per switch-in. -showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type. -showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.shortDesc=This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. +showdown.abilities.protean.desc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia para coincidir con el tipo de movimiento que está a punto de usar. Este efecto viene después de todos los efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento. Este efecto solo puede ocurrir una vez por cada cambio, y solo si este Pokémon no está Terastalizado. +showdown.abilities.protean.shortDesc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia según el tipo de movimiento que esté usando. Una vez por cada cambio. +showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.desc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia para coincidir con el tipo de movimiento que está a punto de usar. Este efecto viene después de todos los efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento. +showdown.abilities.protean.gen8.shortDesc=El tipo de este Pokémon cambia para coincidir con el tipo de movimiento que está a punto de usar.íntesis -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.desc=If Sunny Day is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Sunny Day, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Sunny Day is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.shortDesc=Sunny Day active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activate=The harsh sunlight activated %s's Protosynthesis! -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate Protosynthesis! -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.start=%s's %s was heightened! -showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.end=The effects of %s's Protosynthesis wore off! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.desc=Si Día Soleado está activo o este Pokémon usa una Energía Potenciadora retenida, la estadística más alta de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,3, o por 1,5 si la estadística más alta es Velocidad. Los cambios en la etapa de estadísticas se consideran en el momento en que se activa esta habilidad. Si varias estadísticas están empatadas, se priorizan el Ataque, la Defensa, el Ataque Especial, la Defensa Especial y la Velocidad en ese orden. Si este efecto fue iniciado por el Día Soleado, una Energía Potenciadora retenida no se activará y el efecto termina cuando el Día Soleado ya no esté activo. Si este efecto fue iniciado por una Energía Potenciadora mantenida, finaliza cuando este Pokémon ya no está activo. +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.shortDesc=Día Soleado activo o Energía Potenciadora utilizada: la estadística más alta es 1,3x, o 1,5x si es Velocidad. +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activate=¡La intensa luz del sol activó la Paleosíntesis de %s! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.activateFromItem=¡%s usó su Energía Potenciadora para activar Paleosíntesis! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.start=¡El %s de %s fue intensificado! +showdown.abilities.protosynthesis.end=¡Los efectos de la Paleosíntesis de %s desaparecieron!énesis -showdown.abilities.psychicsurge.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Psychic Terrain. +showdown.abilities.psychicsurge.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon invoca a Campo Psíquico. Rock -showdown.abilities.punkrock.desc=This Pokemon's sound-based moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes halved damage from sound-based moves. -showdown.abilities.punkrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from sound moves. Its own have 1.3x power. +showdown.abilities.punkrock.desc=Los movimientos basados en sonido de este Pokémon tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,3. Este Pokémon recibe la mitad del daño de los movimientos basados en sonido. +showdown.abilities.punkrock.shortDesc=Este Pokémon recibe la mitad del daño de los movimientos sonoros. Los suyos tienen una potencia 1,3x.ía Pura -showdown.abilities.purepower.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is doubled. +showdown.abilities.purepower.shortDesc=El ataque de este Pokémon se duplica. Purificadora -showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.desc=This Pokemon cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. If a Pokemon uses a Ghost-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.shortDesc=Ghost damage to this Pokemon dealt with a halved offensive stat; can't be statused. +showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.desc=Este Pokémon no puede verse afectado por una condición de estado no volátil o Bostezo. Si un Pokémon usa un ataque de tipo Fantasma contra este Pokémon, la estadística ofensiva de ese Pokémon se reduce a la mitad al calcular el daño a este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.purifyingsalt.shortDesc=El daño fantasma a este Pokémon se tradujo en una estadística ofensiva reducida a la mitad; no se puede estatus. Cuark -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.desc=If Electric Terrain is active or this Pokemon uses a held Booster Energy, this Pokemon's highest stat is multiplied by 1.3, or by 1.5 if the highest stat is Speed. Stat stage changes are considered at the time this Ability activates. If multiple stats are tied, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are prioritized in that order. If this effect was started by Electric Terrain, a held Booster Energy will not activate and the effect ends when Electric Terrain is no longer active. If this effect was started by a held Booster Energy, it ends when this Pokemon is no longer active. -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.shortDesc=Electric Terrain active or Booster Energy used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed. -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activate=The Electric Terrain activated %s's Quark Drive! -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activateFromItem=%s used its Booster Energy to activate its Quark Drive! -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.start=%s's %s was heightened! -showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.end=The effects of %s's Quark Drive wore off! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.desc=Si Campo Eléctrico está activo o este Pokémon usa una Energía Potenciadora, la estadística más alta de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,3, o por 1,5 si la estadística más alta es Velocidad. Los cambios en la etapa de estadísticas se consideran en el momento en que se activa esta habilidad. Si varias estadísticas están empatadas, se priorizan el Ataque, la Defensa, el Ataque Especial, la Defensa Especial y la Velocidad en ese orden. Si este efecto fue iniciado por Campo Eléctrico, una Energía Potenciadora retenida no se activará y el efecto termina cuando Campo Eléctrico ya no esté activo. Si este efecto fue iniciado por una Energía Potenciadora mantenida, finaliza cuando este Pokémon ya no está activo. +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.shortDesc=Campo Eléctrico activo o Energía Potenciadora utilizada: la estadística más alta es 1,3x, o 1,5x si es Velocidad. +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activate=¡El Campo Eléctrico activó la Carga Cuark de %s! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.activateFromItem=%s usó su Energía Potenciadora para activar su Carga Cuark! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.start=¡El %s de %s fue intensificado! +showdown.abilities.quarkdrive.end=¡Los efectos de Carga Cuark de %s desaparecieron! Presencia -showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.desc=Priority moves used by opposing Pokemon targeting this Pokemon or its allies are prevented from having an effect. -showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies are protected from opposing priority moves. -showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.block=%s cannot use %s! +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.desc=Los movimientos prioritarios utilizados por Pokémon oponentes que apuntan a este Pokémon o a sus aliados no tendrán efecto. +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.shortDesc=Este Pokémon y sus aliados están protegidos de los movimientos prioritarios opuestos. +showdown.abilities.queenlymajesty.block=¡%s no puede usar %s! Rápida -showdown.abilities.quickdraw.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 30% chance to move first in its priority bracket with attacking moves. -showdown.abilities.quickdraw.activate=Quick Draw made %s move faster! +showdown.abilities.quickdraw.shortDesc=Este Pokémon tiene un 30% de posibilidades de moverse primero en su grupo de prioridad con movimientos de ataque. +showdown.abilities.quickdraw.activate=¡Mano Rápida hizo que %s se moviera más rápido! Rápidos -showdown.abilities.quickfeet.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of halving Speed. -showdown.abilities.quickfeet.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is statused, its Speed is 1.5x; ignores Speed drop from paralysis. -showdown.abilities.quickfeet.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon has a non-volatile status condition, its Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokemon ignores the paralysis effect of quartering Speed. +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.desc=Si este Pokémon tiene una condición de estado no volátil, su Velocidad se multiplica por 1,5. Este Pokémon ignora el efecto de parálisis de reducir a la mitad la velocidad. +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon tiene estado, su velocidad es 1,5x; ignora la caída de velocidad debido a la parálisis. +showdown.abilities.quickfeet.gen6.desc=Si este Pokémon tiene una condición de estado no volátil, su Velocidad se multiplica por 1,5. Este Pokémon ignora el efecto de parálisis de acuartelar la Velocidad. Lluvia -showdown.abilities.raindish.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.raindish.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. -showdown.abilities.raindish.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon restores 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.raindish.desc=Si Danza Lluvia está activo, este Pokémon recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno. Este efecto se evita si este Pokémon lleva un Parasol Multiuso. +showdown.abilities.raindish.shortDesc=Si Danza Lluvia está activo, este Pokémon cura 1/16 de su PS máximo cada turno. +showdown.abilities.raindish.gen7.desc=Si Danza Lluvia está activo, este Pokémon recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno.ía -showdown.abilities.rattled.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or if an opposing Pokemon affected this Pokemon with the Intimidate Ability. -showdown.abilities.rattled.shortDesc=Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or Intimidated. -showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. -showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack. +showdown.abilities.rattled.desc=La velocidad de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel si es golpeado por un ataque de tipo Insecto, Oscuro o Fantasma, o si un Pokémon contrario afectó a este Pokémon con la habilidad Intimidación. +showdown.abilities.rattled.shortDesc=La velocidad aumenta 1 nivel si es golpeado por un ataque de tipo Insecto, Oscuro o Fantasma, o por Intimidación. +showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.desc=La velocidad de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel si es golpeado por un ataque de tipo Insecto, Oscuro o Fantasma. +showdown.abilities.rattled.gen7.shortDesc=La velocidad de este Pokémon aumenta 1 nivel si es golpeado por un ataque de tipo Insecto, Oscuro o Fantasma. -showdown.abilities.receiver.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. +showdown.abilities.receiver.desc=Este Pokémon copia la habilidad de un aliado que se desmaya. Las habilidades que no se pueden copiar son Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Don Floral, predicción, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Reacción. Química, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro, Superguarda, Modo Daruma y Cambio Heroico. showdown.abilities.receiver.shortDesc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. -showdown.abilities.receiver.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. -showdown.abilities.receiver.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode. +showdown.abilities.receiver.gen8.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Don Floral, Predicción, Tragamisil, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Agrupamiento, Reacción Química, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro, Superguarda, and Modo Daruma. +showdown.abilities.receiver.gen7.desc=This Pokemon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. Abilities that cannot be copied are Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Don Floral, Predicción, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Reacción Química, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro, Superguarda, and Modo Daruma. showdown.abilities.receiver.changeAbility=%s's %s was taken over! -showdown.abilities.reckless.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have their power multiplied by 1.2. Does not affect Struggle. -showdown.abilities.reckless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have 1.2x power; not Struggle. +showdown.abilities.reckless.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have their power multiplied by 1.2. Does not affect Forcejeo. +showdown.abilities.reckless.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have 1.2x power; not Forcejeo. Helada -showdown.abilities.refrigerate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Cortina Plasma and Electrificación's effects. showdown.abilities.refrigerate.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.2x power. -showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Ion Deluge and Electrify's effects. +showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.3. This effect comes after other effects that change a move's type, but before Cortina Plasma and Electrificación's effects. showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Ice type and have 1.3x power.ón -showdown.abilities.regenerator.shortDesc=This Pokemon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when it switches out. +showdown.abilities.regenerator.shortDesc=This Pokemon restores 1/3 of its maximum PS, rounded down, when it switches out.ón -showdown.abilities.ripen.desc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. Berries that restore HP or PP have the amount doubled, Berries that raise stat stages have the amount doubled, Berries that halve damage taken quarter it instead, and a Jaboca Berry or Rowap Berry has the attacker lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.abilities.ripen.desc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. Berries that restore PS or PP have the amount doubled, Berries that raise stat stages have the amount doubled, Berries that halve damage taken quarter it instead, and a Baya Jaboca or Baya Magua has the attacker lose 1/4 of its maximum PS, rounded down. showdown.abilities.ripen.shortDesc=When this Pokemon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. -showdown.abilities.rivalry.desc=This Pokemon's attacks have their power multiplied by 1.25 against targets of the same gender or multiplied by 0.75 against targets of the opposite gender. There is no modifier if either this Pokemon or the target is genderless. -showdown.abilities.rivalry.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks do 1.25x on same gender targets; 0.75x on opposite gender. +showdown.abilities.rivalry.desc=Los ataques de este Pokémon tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,25 contra objetivos del mismo sexo o multiplicado por 0,75 contra objetivos del sexo opuesto. No hay ningún modificador si este Pokémon o el objetivo no tienen género. +showdown.abilities.rivalry.shortDesc=Los ataques de este Pokémon aumentan 1,25 veces contra objetivos del mismo sexo; 0,75x en el sexo opuesto. Alfa -showdown.abilities.rkssystem.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Silvally, its type changes to match its held Memory. +showdown.abilities.rkssystem.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es un Silvally, su tipo cambia para coincidir con la Memoria que tiene. Roca -showdown.abilities.rockhead.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect Life Orb damage or crash damage. -showdown.abilities.rockhead.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle/Life Orb/crash damage. -showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.desc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage, except Struggle. Does not affect crash damage. -showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take recoil damage besides Struggle and crash damage. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.desc=Este Pokémon no sufre daño por retroceso, excepto Forcejeo. No afecta a los daños de Vidasfera ni a los daños por colisión. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no sufre daño por retroceso además de Forcejeo/Vidasfera/daño por choque. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.desc=Este Pokémon no sufre daño por retroceso, excepto Forcejeo. No afecta los daños por accidente. +showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no sufre daño por retroceso además de Forcejeo y daño por choque. -showdown.abilities.rockypayload.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Rock-type attack. +showdown.abilities.rockypayload.shortDesc=La estadística ofensiva de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5 cuando usa un ataque tipo Roca. Tosca -showdown.abilities.roughskin.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their max HP. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen4.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon lose 1/16 of their max HP. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.damage=%s was hurt! +showdown.abilities.roughskin.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.shortDesc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen4.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon pierden 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.shortDesc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon pierden 1/16 de su PS máximo. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.damage=¡%s resultó herido! -showdown.abilities.runaway.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.runaway.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo. Arena -showdown.abilities.sandforce.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.3. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. -showdown.abilities.sandforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Ground/Rock/Steel attacks do 1.3x in Sandstorm; immunity to it. +showdown.abilities.sandforce.desc=Si Tormenta Arena está activo, los ataques de tipo Tierra, Roca y Acero de este Pokémon tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,3. Este Pokémon no recibe daño de Tormenta Arena. +showdown.abilities.sandforce.shortDesc=Los ataques Tierra/Roca/Acero de este Pokémon aumentan 1,3 veces en Tormenta Arena; inmunidad a ello.Ímpetu Arena -showdown.abilities.sandrush.desc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. -showdown.abilities.sandrush.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandrush.desc=Si Tormenta Arena está activo, la velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica. Este Pokémon no recibe daño de Tormenta Arena. +showdown.abilities.sandrush.shortDesc=Si Tormenta Arena está activo, la velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica; inmunidad a Tormenta Arena. -showdown.abilities.sandspit.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. -showdown.abilities.sandspit.gen8.desc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect comes after the effects of Max and G-Max Moves. +showdown.abilities.sandspit.shortDesc=Cuando este Pokémon es golpeado por un ataque, comienza el efecto de Tormenta Arena. +showdown.abilities.sandspit.gen8.desc=Cuando este Pokémon es golpeado por un ataque, comienza el efecto de Tormenta Arena. Este efecto viene después de los efectos de Max y G-Max Moves. Arena -showdown.abilities.sandstream.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandstream.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon invoca Tormenta Arena. Arena -showdown.abilities.sandveil.desc=If Sandstorm is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Sandstorm. -showdown.abilities.sandveil.shortDesc=If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Sandstorm. +showdown.abilities.sandveil.desc=Si Tormenta Arena está activo, la precisión de los movimientos utilizados contra este Pokémon se multiplica por 0,8. Este Pokémon no recibe daño de Tormenta Arena. +showdown.abilities.sandveil.shortDesc=Si Tormenta Arena está activo, la evasión de este Pokémon es 1,25x; inmunidad a Tormenta Arena.ívoro -showdown.abilities.sapsipper.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Grass-type moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Grass-type move. -showdown.abilities.sapsipper.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage if hit by a Grass move; Grass immunity. +showdown.abilities.sapsipper.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Planta y aumenta su Ataque en 1 nivel cuando es golpeado por un movimiento de tipo Planta. +showdown.abilities.sapsipper.shortDesc=El ataque de este Pokémon aumenta 1 nivel si es golpeado por un movimiento de Planta; Inmunidad a la hierba. -showdown.abilities.schooling.desc=On switch-in, if this Pokemon is a Wishiwashi that is level 20 or above and has more than 1/4 of its maximum HP left, it changes to School Form. If it is in School Form and its HP drops to 1/4 of its maximum HP or less, it changes to Solo Form at the end of the turn. If it is in Solo Form and its HP is greater than 1/4 its maximum HP at the end of the turn, it changes to School Form. -showdown.abilities.schooling.shortDesc=If user is Wishiwashi, changes to School Form if it has > 1/4 max HP, else Solo Form. -showdown.abilities.schooling.transform=%s formed a school! -showdown.abilities.schooling.transformEnd=%s stopped schooling! +showdown.abilities.schooling.desc=Al encenderlo, si este Pokémon es un Deseoiwashi de nivel 20 o superior y le queda más de 1/4 de su PS máximo, cambia a forma escolar. Si está en forma escolar y su PS cae a 1/4 de su PS máximo o menos, cambia a forma individual al final del turno. Si está en forma individual y su PS es mayor que 1/4 de su PS máximo al final del turno, cambia a forma escolar. +showdown.abilities.schooling.shortDesc=Si el usuario es Deseoiwashi, cambia a Forma Escolar si tiene > 1/4 de PS máximo, en caso contrario, Forma Solo. +showdown.abilities.schooling.transform=¡%s formó una escuela! +showdown.abilities.schooling.transformEnd=¡%s dejó de ir a la escuela!épido -showdown.abilities.scrappy.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. This Pokemon is immune to the effect of the Intimidate Ability. -showdown.abilities.scrappy.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal moves hit Ghost. Immune to Intimidate. -showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.desc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. -showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.desc=Este Pokémon puede golpear a los tipos Fantasma con movimientos de tipo Normal y Lucha. Este Pokémon es inmune al efecto de la habilidad Intimidación. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.shortDesc=Luchando, los movimientos normales golpean a Ghost. Inmune a la Intimidación. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.desc=Este Pokémon puede golpear a los tipos Fantasma con movimientos de tipo Normal y Lucha. +showdown.abilities.scrappy.gen7.shortDesc=Este Pokémon puede golpear a los tipos Fantasma con movimientos de tipo Normal y Lucha. -showdown.abilities.screencleaner.shortDesc=On switch-in, the effects of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, and Reflect end for both sides. +showdown.abilities.screencleaner.shortDesc=Al cambiar, los efectos de Velo Aurora, Pantalla de Luz y Reflejo terminan para ambos lados. -showdown.abilities.seedsower.shortDesc=When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. +showdown.abilities.seedsower.shortDesc=Cuando este Pokémon es golpeado por un ataque, comienza el efecto de Campo de Hierba. -showdown.abilities.serenegrace.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. This effect stacks with the Rainbow effect, except for secondary effects that cause the target to flinch. -showdown.abilities.serenegrace.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. -showdown.abilities.serenegrace.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon tienen duplicada su probabilidad de efecto secundario. Este efecto se acumula con el efecto Arcoíris, excepto los efectos secundarios que hacen que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon tienen duplicada su probabilidad de efecto secundario. +showdown.abilities.serenegrace.gen4.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon tienen duplicada su probabilidad de efecto secundario. Espectro -showdown.abilities.shadowshield.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. +showdown.abilities.shadowshield.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon tiene todos sus PS, el daño recibido por los ataques se reduce a la mitad. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell, are a Ghost type, or also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.shortDesc=Prevents adjacent foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen5.desc=Prevents adjacent opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out, unless they are holding a Shed Shell or also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.shortDesc=Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.desc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. -showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.shortDesc=Prevents opposing Pokemon from choosing to switch out. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.desc=Evita que los Pokémon oponentes elijan cambiar, a menos que tengan una Muda Concha, sean de tipo Fantasma o también tengan esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.shortDesc=Evita que los enemigos elijan cambiar a menos que también tengan esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.desc=Evita que los Pokémon oponentes adyacentes elijan cambiar, a menos que tengan una Muda Concha, sean de tipo Fantasma o también tengan esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen6.shortDesc=Evita que los enemigos adyacentes elijan cambiar a menos que también tengan esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen5.desc=Evita que los Pokémon oponentes adyacentes elijan cambiar, a menos que tengan una Muda Concha o también tengan esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.desc=Evita que los Pokémon rivales elijan cambiar, a menos que tengan una Muda Concha o también tengan esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen4.shortDesc=Evita que los enemigos elijan cambiar a menos que también tengan esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.desc=Evita que los Pokémon rivales opten por cambiarse. +showdown.abilities.shadowtag.gen3.shortDesc=Evita que los Pokémon rivales opten por cambiarse. -showdown.abilities.sharpness.shortDesc=This Pokemon's slicing moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.sharpness.shortDesc=Los movimientos cortantes de este Pokémon tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5. -showdown.abilities.shedskin.desc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its non-volatile status condition cured at the end of each turn. -showdown.abilities.shedskin.shortDesc=This Pokemon has a 33% chance to have its status cured at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.shedskin.desc=Este Pokémon tiene un 33% de posibilidades de curar su condición de estado no volátil al final de cada turno. +showdown.abilities.shedskin.shortDesc=Este Pokémon tiene un 33% de posibilidades de curar su estado al final de cada turno. Bruta -showdown.abilities.sheerforce.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Anger Shell, Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. -showdown.abilities.sheerforce.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have 1.3x power; nullifies the effects. -showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen8.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Berserk, Color Change, Emergency Exit, Pickpocket, Wimp Out, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. -showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, Eject Button, Kee Berry, and Maranga Berry from activating. -showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's attacks with secondary effects have their power multiplied by 1.3, but the secondary effects are removed. If a secondary effect was removed, it also removes the user's Life Orb recoil and Shell Bell recovery, and prevents the target's Color Change, Pickpocket, Red Card, and Eject Button from activating. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.desc=Los ataques de este Pokémon con efectos secundarios tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,3, pero los efectos secundarios se eliminan. Si se eliminó un efecto secundario, también elimina el retroceso de Vidasfera y la recuperación de Cascabel Concha del usuario, y evita que Coraza Ira, Cólera, Cambio Color, Retirada, Hurto, Huida, Tarjeta Roja, Botón Escape, Baya Biglia y Baya Maranga del objetivo activando. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.shortDesc=Los ataques de este Pokémon con efectos secundarios tienen 1,3 veces de potencia; anula los efectos. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen8.desc=Los ataques de este Pokémon con efectos secundarios tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,3, pero los efectos secundarios se eliminan. Si se eliminó un efecto secundario, también elimina el retroceso de Vidasfera y la recuperación de Cascabel Concha del usuario, y evita que se activen Cólera, Cambio Color, Retirada, Hurto, Huida, Tarjeta Roja, Botón Escape, Baya Biglia y Baya Maranga del objetivo. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen6.desc=Los ataques de este Pokémon con efectos secundarios tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,3, pero los efectos secundarios se eliminan. Si se eliminó un efecto secundario, también elimina el retroceso de Vidasfera y la recuperación de Cascabel Concha del usuario, y evita que se activen Cambio Color, Hurto, Tarjeta Roja, Botón Escape, Baya Biglia y Baya Maranga del objetivo. +showdown.abilities.sheerforce.gen5.desc=Los ataques de este Pokémon con efectos secundarios tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,3, pero los efectos secundarios se eliminan. Si se eliminó un efecto secundario, también elimina el retroceso de Vidasfera y la recuperación de Cascabel Concha del usuario, y evita que se activen Cambio Color, Hurto, Tarjeta Roja y Botón Escape del objetivo.ón -showdown.abilities.shellarmor.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit. +showdown.abilities.shellarmor.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no puede recibir un golpe crítico. Escudo -showdown.abilities.shielddust.shortDesc=This Pokemon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. +showdown.abilities.shielddust.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no se ve afectado por el efecto secundario del ataque de otro Pokémon. Limitado -showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.desc=If this Pokemon is a Minior, it changes to its Core forme if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, and changes to Meteor Form if it has more than 1/2 its maximum HP. This check is done on switch-in and at the end of each turn. While in its Meteor Form, it cannot become affected by a non-volatile status condition or Yawn. -showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.shortDesc=If Minior, switch-in/end of turn it changes to Core at 1/2 max HP or less, else Meteor. -showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transform=Shields Down deactivated! -showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transformEnd=Shields Down activated! +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Minior, cambia a su forma Núcleo si tiene la mitad o menos de su PS máximo, y cambia a Forma Meteoro si tiene más de la mitad de su PS máximo. Esta verificación se realiza al momento del encendido y al final de cada turno. Mientras esté en su forma de meteorito, no puede verse afectado por una condición de estado no volátil o Bostezo. +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.shortDesc=Si es Minior, al iniciar/final del turno cambia a Core con 1/2 PS máximo o menos; de lo contrario, Meteor. +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transform=Escudo Limitado desactivado! +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transformEnd=Escudo Limitado activado! -showdown.abilities.simple.shortDesc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. -showdown.abilities.simple.gen7.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. This Ability does not affect stat stage increases received from Z-Power effects that happen before a Status Z-Move is used. -showdown.abilities.simple.gen6.desc=When one of this Pokemon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. -showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. A stat stage cannot be considered more than 6 or less than -6. -showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's stat stages are considered doubled during stat calculations. +showdown.abilities.simple.shortDesc=Cuando una de las etapas de estadísticas de este Pokémon aumenta o disminuye, la cantidad se duplica. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen7.desc=Cuando una de las etapas de estadísticas de este Pokémon aumenta o disminuye, la cantidad se duplica. Esta habilidad no afecta los aumentos de nivel de estadísticas recibidos por los efectos del Poder Z que ocurren antes de que se use un Movimiento Z de estado. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen6.desc=Cuando una de las etapas de estadísticas de este Pokémon aumenta o disminuye, la cantidad se duplica. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.desc=Las etapas de estadísticas de este Pokémon se consideran duplicadas durante los cálculos de estadísticas. Una etapa de estadísticas no puede considerarse superior a 6 ni inferior a -6. +showdown.abilities.simple.gen4.shortDesc=Las etapas de estadísticas de este Pokémon se consideran duplicadas durante los cálculos de estadísticas. -showdown.abilities.skilllink.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick and Triple Axel do not check accuracy for the second and third hits. -showdown.abilities.skilllink.shortDesc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. -showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Triple Kick does not check accuracy for the second and third hits. -showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. Does not affect Triple Kick. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.desc=Los ataques de múltiples golpes de este Pokémon siempre alcanzan el número máximo de veces. Triple Patada y Triple Axel no verifican la precisión del segundo y tercer golpe. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.shortDesc=Los ataques de múltiples golpes de este Pokémon siempre alcanzan el número máximo de veces. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen7.desc=Los ataques de múltiples golpes de este Pokémon siempre alcanzan el número máximo de veces. Triple Patada no verifica la precisión del segundo y tercer golpe. +showdown.abilities.skilllink.gen4.desc=Los ataques de múltiples golpes de este Pokémon siempre alcanzan el número máximo de veces. No afecta a la Triple Patada. Lento -showdown.abilities.slowstart.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. -showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. During the effect, if this Pokemon uses a generic Z-Move based on a special move, its Special Attack is halved during damage calculation. -showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. -showdown.abilities.slowstart.start=%s can't get it going! -showdown.abilities.slowstart.end=%s finally got its act together! +showdown.abilities.slowstart.shortDesc=Al entrar, el ataque y la velocidad de este Pokémon se reducen a la mitad durante 5 turnos. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen7.desc=Al entrar, el ataque y la velocidad de este Pokémon se reducen a la mitad durante 5 turnos. Durante el efecto, si este Pokémon usa un movimiento Z genérico basado en un movimiento especial, su ataque especial se reduce a la mitad durante el cálculo del daño. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.gen6.desc=Al entrar, el ataque y la velocidad de este Pokémon se reducen a la mitad durante 5 turnos. +showdown.abilities.slowstart.start=¡%s no puede hacerlo funcionar! +showdown.abilities.slowstart.end=¡%s finalmente se puso manos a la obra! -showdown.abilities.slushrush.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. -showdown.abilities.slushrush.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.slushrush.shortDesc=Si Snow está activo, la velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica. +showdown.abilities.slushrush.gen8.shortDesc=Si Granizo está activo, la velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica. -showdown.abilities.sniper.shortDesc=If this Pokemon strikes with a critical hit, the damage is multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.sniper.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon ataca con un golpe crítico, el daño se multiplica por 1,5. Níveo -showdown.abilities.snowcloak.desc=If Snow is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. -showdown.abilities.snowcloak.shortDesc=If Snow is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x. -showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.desc=If Hail is active, the accuracy of moves used against this Pokemon is multiplied by 0.8. This Pokemon takes no damage from Hail. -showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.shortDesc=If Hail is active, this Pokemon's evasiveness is 1.25x; immunity to Hail. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.desc=Si Snow está activo, la precisión de los movimientos utilizados contra este Pokémon se multiplica por 0,8. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.shortDesc=Si Snow está activo, la evasión de este Pokémon es 1,25x. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.desc=Si Granizo está activo, la precisión de los movimientos utilizados contra este Pokémon se multiplica por 0,8. Este Pokémon no recibe daño de Granizo. +showdown.abilities.snowcloak.gen8.shortDesc=Si Granizo está activo, la evasión de este Pokémon es 1,25x; inmunidad a Granizo. -showdown.abilities.snowwarning.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Snow. -showdown.abilities.snowwarning.gen8.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Hail. +showdown.abilities.snowwarning.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon invoca a Snow. +showdown.abilities.snowwarning.gen8.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon invoca a Granizo. Solar -showdown.abilities.solarpower.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. These effects are prevented if the Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.solarpower.shortDesc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Sp. Atk is 1.5x; loses 1/8 max HP per turn. -showdown.abilities.solarpower.gen7.desc=If Sunny Day is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 and it loses 1/8 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.desc=Si Día Soleado está activo, el Ataque Especial de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5 y pierde 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno. Estos efectos se evitan si el Pokémon sostiene un Parasol Multiuso. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.shortDesc=Si Día Soleado está activo, el Sp. de este Pokémon. El ataque es 1,5x; Pierde 1/8 de PS máximo por turno. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.gen7.desc=Si Día Soleado está activo, el Ataque Especial de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5 y pierde 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno. Sólida -showdown.abilities.solidrock.shortDesc=This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. +showdown.abilities.solidrock.shortDesc=Este Pokémon recibe 3/4 de daño por ataques supereficaces.ánima -showdown.abilities.soulheart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage when another Pokemon faints. +showdown.abilities.soulheart.shortDesc=El ataque especial de este Pokémon aumenta 1 nivel cuando otro Pokémon se debilita. -showdown.abilities.soundproof.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, unless it used the move. -showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen7.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. -showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen5.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, except Heal Bell. -showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is immune to sound-based moves, including Heal Bell. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos basados en sonido, a menos que haya usado el movimiento. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen7.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos basados en sonido, incluido Cascabel Cura. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen5.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos basados en sonido, excepto Cascabel Cura. +showdown.abilities.soundproof.gen4.shortDesc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos basados en sonido, incluido Cascabel Cura. -showdown.abilities.speedboost.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage at the end of each full turn it has been on the field. -showdown.abilities.speedboost.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage at the end of each full turn on the field. +showdown.abilities.speedboost.desc=La velocidad de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel al final de cada turno completo que ha estado en el campo. +showdown.abilities.speedboost.shortDesc=La velocidad de este Pokémon aumenta 1 nivel al final de cada turno completo en el campo. -showdown.abilities.stakeout.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled against a target that switched in this turn. +showdown.abilities.stakeout.shortDesc=La estadística ofensiva de este Pokémon se duplica contra un objetivo que cambió en este turno. -showdown.abilities.stall.shortDesc=This Pokemon moves last among Pokemon using the same or greater priority moves. +showdown.abilities.stall.shortDesc=Este Pokémon se mueve en último lugar entre los Pokémon que usan movimientos de prioridad igual o mayor.érrimo -showdown.abilities.stalwart.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. +showdown.abilities.stalwart.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon no pueden redirigirse a un objetivo diferente mediante ningún efecto. -showdown.abilities.stamina.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a move. +showdown.abilities.stamina.shortDesc=La defensa de este Pokémon aumenta 1 nivel después de ser dañado por un movimiento. Táctico -showdown.abilities.stancechange.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before using an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before using King's Shield. -showdown.abilities.stancechange.shortDesc=If Aegislash, changes Forme to Blade before attacks and Shield before King's Shield. -showdown.abilities.stancechange.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is an Aegislash, it changes to Blade Forme before attempting to use an attacking move, and changes to Shield Forme before attempting to use King's Shield. -showdown.abilities.stancechange.transform=Changed to Blade Forme! -showdown.abilities.stancechange.transformEnd=Changed to Shield Forme! +showdown.abilities.stancechange.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Aegislash, cambia a Blade Forme antes de usar un movimiento de ataque y cambia a Shield Forme antes de usar King's Shield. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.shortDesc=Si es Aegislash, cambia la forma a Espada antes de los ataques y a Escudo antes de Escudo del Rey. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.gen6.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Aegislash, cambia a Blade Forme antes de intentar usar un movimiento de ataque, y cambia a Shield Forme antes de intentar usar King's Shield. +showdown.abilities.stancechange.transform=¡Cambiado a forma de espada! +showdown.abilities.stancechange.transformEnd=¡Cambiado a forma de escudo! Estát -showdown.abilities.static.shortDesc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. -showdown.abilities.static.gen4.desc=30% chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.static.gen3.desc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. This effect does not happen if this Pokemon did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.abilities.static.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 chance a Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon will be paralyzed. +showdown.abilities.static.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon quede paralizado. +showdown.abilities.static.gen4.desc=30% de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon quede paralizado. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.static.gen3.desc=1/3 de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon quede paralizado. Este efecto no ocurre si este Pokémon no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.abilities.static.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 de probabilidad de que un Pokémon que haga contacto con este Pokémon quede paralizado. -showdown.abilities.steadfast.shortDesc=If this Pokemon flinches, its Speed is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.steadfast.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon retrocede, su velocidad aumenta en 1 nivel. -showdown.abilities.steamengine.desc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by a Fire- or Water-type move. -showdown.abilities.steamengine.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by Fire/Water moves. +showdown.abilities.steamengine.desc=La velocidad de este Pokémon aumenta 6 niveles después de ser dañado por un movimiento de tipo Fuego o Agua. +showdown.abilities.steamengine.shortDesc=La velocidad de este Pokémon aumenta en 6 etapas después de ser dañado por movimientos de Fuego/Agua. Templado -showdown.abilities.steelworker.shortDesc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Steel-type attack. +showdown.abilities.steelworker.shortDesc=La estadística ofensiva de este Pokémon se multiplica por 1,5 cuando usa un ataque de tipo Acero. Acerada -showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.desc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. This affects Doom Desire even if the user is not on the field. -showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' Steel-type moves have their power multiplied by 1.5. +showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.desc=Los movimientos tipo Acero de este Pokémon y sus aliados tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5. Esto afecta a Deseo Oculto incluso si el usuario no se encuentra en la cancha. +showdown.abilities.steelyspirit.shortDesc=Los movimientos tipo Acero de este Pokémon y sus aliados tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5. -showdown.abilities.stench.desc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.abilities.stench.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. -showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.desc=No competitive use. -showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.abilities.stench.desc=Los ataques de este Pokémon sin posibilidad de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca obtienen un 10% de probabilidad de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.abilities.stench.shortDesc=Los ataques de este Pokémon sin posibilidad de retroceder obtienen un 10% de probabilidad de retroceder. +showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.desc=Sin uso competitivo. +showdown.abilities.stench.gen4.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo. -showdown.abilities.stickyhold.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack, unless the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. -showdown.abilities.stickyhold.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's Ability or attack. -showdown.abilities.stickyhold.gen4.desc=This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemon's attack, even if the attack knocks out this Pokemon. A Sticky Barb will be transferred to other Pokemon regardless of this Ability. -showdown.abilities.stickyhold.block=%s's item cannot be removed! +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.desc=Este Pokémon no puede perder el objeto que tiene debido a la habilidad o ataque de otro Pokémon, a menos que el ataque noquee a este Pokémon. Un Paloy Barb será transferido a otros Pokémon independientemente de esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no puede perder el objeto que tiene debido a la habilidad o ataque de otro Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.gen4.desc=Este Pokémon no puede perder el objeto que tiene debido al ataque de otro Pokémon, incluso si el ataque lo noquea. Un Paloy Barb será transferido a otros Pokémon independientemente de esta habilidad. +showdown.abilities.stickyhold.block=¡El artículo de %s no se puede eliminar! -showdown.abilities.stormdrain.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and raises its Special Attack by 1 stage when hit by a Water-type move. If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself if it is within the range of that move. If multiple Pokemon could redirect with this Ability, it goes to the one with the highest Speed, or in the case of a tie to the one that has had this Ability active longer. -showdown.abilities.stormdrain.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws Water moves to itself to raise Sp. Atk by 1; Water immunity. -showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.desc=If this Pokemon is not the target of a single-target Water-type move used by another Pokemon, this Pokemon redirects that move to itself. -showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon draws single-target Water moves to itself. -showdown.abilities.stormdrain.activate=%s took the attack! +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Agua y aumenta su Ataque Especial en 1 nivel cuando es golpeado por un movimiento de tipo Agua. Si este Pokémon no es el objetivo de un movimiento de tipo Agua de un solo objetivo utilizado por otro Pokémon, este Pokémon redirige ese movimiento hacia sí mismo si está dentro del alcance de ese movimiento. Si varios Pokémon pudieran redirigir con esta Habilidad, pasa al que tiene mayor Velocidad, o en caso de empate al que ha tenido esta Habilidad activa por más tiempo. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.shortDesc=Este Pokémon atrae movimientos de agua hacia sí mismo para aumentar Sp. Ataque por 1; Inmunidad al agua. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.desc=Si este Pokémon no es el objetivo de un movimiento de tipo Agua de un solo objetivo utilizado por otro Pokémon, este Pokémon redirige ese movimiento hacia sí mismo. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.gen4.shortDesc=Este Pokémon atrae hacia sí movimientos de agua de un solo objetivo. +showdown.abilities.stormdrain.activate=¡%s tomó el ataque!íbula Fuerte -showdown.abilities.strongjaw.desc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.strongjaw.shortDesc=This Pokemon's bite-based attacks have 1.5x power. Bug Bite is not boosted. +showdown.abilities.strongjaw.desc=Los ataques basados en mordiscos de este Pokémon tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.strongjaw.shortDesc=Los ataques basados en mordiscos de este Pokémon tienen una potencia 1,5 veces mayor. La picadura no se potencia. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.desc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. Immune to OHKO. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.desc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.shortDesc=OHKO moves fail when used against this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.activate=%s endured the hit! +showdown.abilities.sturdy.desc=Si este Pokémon tiene todos sus PS, sobrevive a un golpe con al menos 1 PS. Los movimientos OHKO fallan cuando se usan contra este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon tiene todos sus PS, sobrevive a un golpe con al menos 1 PS. Inmune a OHKO. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.desc=Los movimientos OHKO fallan cuando se usan contra este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.shortDesc=Los movimientos OHKO fallan cuando se usan contra este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.activate=¡%s soportó el golpe! -showdown.abilities.suctioncups.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokemon's attack or item. -showdown.abilities.suctioncups.block=%s is anchored in place with its suction cups! +showdown.abilities.suctioncups.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no puede ser obligado a cambiar por el ataque o elemento de otro Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.suctioncups.block=¡%s está anclado en su lugar con sus ventosas! -showdown.abilities.superluck.shortDesc=This Pokemon's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.superluck.shortDesc=La proporción de golpes críticos de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 nivel. Supremo -showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.desc=This Pokemon's moves have their power multiplied by 1+(X*0.1), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side when this Ability became active, and X cannot be greater than 5. -showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves have 10% more power for each fainted ally, up to 5 allies. -showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.activate=%s gained strength from the fallen! +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon tienen su poder multiplicado por 1+(X*0.1), donde X es el número total de veces que cualquier Pokémon se ha desmayado del lado del usuario cuando esta habilidad se activó, y X no puede ser mayor que 5. +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon tienen un 10% más de poder por cada aliado debilitado, hasta 5 aliados. +showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.activate=¡%s ganó fuerza gracias a los caídos! Surf -showdown.abilities.surgesurfer.shortDesc=If Electric Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.surgesurfer.shortDesc=Si Campo Eléctrico está activo, la Velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica. -showdown.abilities.swarm.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Bug-type attack. -showdown.abilities.swarm.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Bug attacks. -showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Bug-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Bug-type attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.swarm.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, su estadística ofensiva se multiplica por 1,5 mientras usa un ataque de tipo Bicho. +showdown.abilities.swarm.shortDesc=Con 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, la estadística ofensiva de este Pokémon es 1,5 veces mayor con ataques de insectos. +showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, sus ataques de tipo Bicho tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.shortDesc=Con 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, los ataques de tipo Bicho de este Pokémon tienen un poder 1,5 veces mayor. Dulce -showdown.abilities.sweetveil.desc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep, but those already asleep do not wake up immediately. This Pokemon and its allies cannot use Rest successfully or become affected by Yawn, and those previously affected will not fall asleep. -showdown.abilities.sweetveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies cannot fall asleep; those already asleep do not wake up. -showdown.abilities.sweetveil.block=%s can't fall asleep due to a veil of sweetness! +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.desc=Este Pokémon y sus aliados no pueden quedarse dormidos, pero los que ya están dormidos no se despiertan inmediatamente. Este Pokémon y sus aliados no pueden usar Descanso con éxito ni verse afectados por Bostezo, y los previamente afectados no se quedarán dormidos. +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.shortDesc=Este Pokémon y sus aliados no pueden quedarse dormidos; los que ya duermen no despiertan. +showdown.abilities.sweetveil.block=¡%s no puede conciliar el sueño debido a un velo de dulzura! Rápido -showdown.abilities.swiftswim.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. This effect is prevented if this Pokemon is holding a Utility Umbrella. -showdown.abilities.swiftswim.shortDesc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. -showdown.abilities.swiftswim.gen7.desc=If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled. +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.desc=Si Danza Lluvia está activa, la velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica. Este efecto se evita si este Pokémon lleva un Parasol Multiuso. +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.shortDesc=Si Danza Lluvia está activa, la velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica. +showdown.abilities.swiftswim.gen7.desc=Si Danza Lluvia está activa, la velocidad de este Pokémon se duplica. Debacle -showdown.abilities.swordofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Defense multiplied by 0.75. -showdown.abilities.swordofruin.start=%s's Sword of Ruin weakened the Defense of all surrounding Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.swordofruin.shortDesc=Los Pokémon activos sin esta habilidad ven su defensa multiplicada por 0,75. +showdown.abilities.swordofruin.start=¡La Debacle de Espada de %s debilitó la defensa de todos los Pokémon circundantes! -showdown.abilities.symbiosis.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button or Eject Pack. -showdown.abilities.symbiosis.shortDesc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. -showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen7.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off, or if the ally used an Eject Button. -showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen6.desc=If an ally uses its item, this Pokemon gives its item to that ally immediately. Does not activate if the ally's item was stolen or knocked off. -showdown.abilities.symbiosis.activate=%s shared its %s with %s! +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.desc=Si un aliado usa su objeto, este Pokémon se lo entrega a ese aliado inmediatamente. No se activa si el artículo del aliado fue robado o derribado, o si el aliado usó un Botón Escape o Mochila Escape. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.shortDesc=Si un aliado usa su objeto, este Pokémon se lo entrega a ese aliado inmediatamente. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen7.desc=Si un aliado usa su objeto, este Pokémon se lo entrega a ese aliado inmediatamente. No se activa si el objeto del aliado fue robado o derribado, o si el aliado usó un Botón Escape. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.gen6.desc=Si un aliado usa su objeto, este Pokémon se lo entrega a ese aliado inmediatamente. No se activa si el objeto del aliado fue robado o derribado. +showdown.abilities.symbiosis.activate=¡%s compartió su %s con %s!ía -showdown.abilities.synchronize.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, poisons, or badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. -showdown.abilities.synchronize.shortDesc=If another Pokemon burns/poisons/paralyzes this Pokemon, it also gets that status. -showdown.abilities.synchronize.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon burns, paralyzes, or poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon receives the same non-volatile status condition. If another Pokemon badly poisons this Pokemon, that Pokemon becomes poisoned. +showdown.abilities.synchronize.desc=Si otro Pokémon quema, paraliza, envenena o envenena gravemente a este Pokémon, ese Pokémon recibe la misma condición de estado no volátil. +showdown.abilities.synchronize.shortDesc=Si otro Pokémon quema/envenena/paraliza a este Pokémon, también obtiene ese estado. +showdown.abilities.synchronize.gen4.desc=Si otro Pokémon quema, paraliza o envenena a este Pokémon, ese Pokémon recibe la misma condición de estado no volátil. Si otro Pokémon envenena gravemente a este Pokémon, ese Pokémon se envenena. Debacle -showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Attack multiplied by 0.75. -showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.start=%s's Tablets of Ruin weakened the Attack of all surrounding Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.shortDesc=Los Pokémon activos sin esta habilidad ven su ataque multiplicado por 0,75. +showdown.abilities.tabletsofruin.start=¡La Debacle de Tablilla de %s debilitó el ataque de todos los Pokémon circundantes! -showdown.abilities.tangledfeet.shortDesc=This Pokemon's evasiveness is doubled as long as it is confused. +showdown.abilities.tangledfeet.shortDesc=La evasión de este Pokémon se duplica mientras esté confundido. Rebeldes -showdown.abilities.tanglinghair.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. +showdown.abilities.tanglinghair.shortDesc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon ven su velocidad reducida en 1 nivel. -showdown.abilities.technician.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, including Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power. -showdown.abilities.technician.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, including Struggle. -showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.desc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have their power multiplied by 1.5, except Struggle. This effect comes after a move's effect changes its own power, as well as the effects of Charge and Helping Hand. -showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves of 60 power or less have 1.5x power, except Struggle. +showdown.abilities.technician.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon de 60 de poder o menos tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5, incluido Forcejeo. Este efecto se produce después de que el efecto de un movimiento cambia su propio poder. +showdown.abilities.technician.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon de 60 de poder o menos tienen 1,5 veces de poder, incluido Forcejeo. +showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.desc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon de 60 de poder o menos tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5, excepto Forcejeo. Este efecto se produce después de que el efecto de un movimiento cambia su propio poder, así como los efectos de Carga y Refuerzo. +showdown.abilities.technician.gen4.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon de 60 de poder o menos tienen 1,5 veces de poder, excepto Forcejeo.ía -showdown.abilities.telepathy.shortDesc=This Pokemon does not take damage from attacks made by its allies. -showdown.abilities.telepathy.block=%s can't be hit by attacks from its ally Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.telepathy.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no recibe daño de los ataques de sus aliados. +showdown.abilities.telepathy.block=¡%s no puede ser golpeado por ataques de sus Pokémon aliados! -showdown.abilities.teravolt.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Velo Aroma, Rompeaura, Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Antibalas, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Cuerpo Vívido, Disfraz, Piel Seca, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Velo Flor, Peluche, Compiescolta, Pelaje Recio, Manto Frondoso, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Cara de Hielo, Escama de Hielo, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Coraza Reflejo, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Funda, Ritmo Propio, Velo Pastel, Punk Rock, Regia Presencia, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Velo Dulce, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Water Burbuja, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.teravolt.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Velo Aroma, Rompeaura, Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Antibalas, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Aura Oscura, Cuerpo Vívido, Disfraz, Piel Seca, Aura Feérica, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Velo Flor, Peluche, Compiescolta, Pelaje Recio, Manto Frondoso, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Funda, Ritmo Propio, Regia Presencia, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Velo Dulce, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Water Burbuja, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Velo Aroma, Rompeaura, Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Antibalas, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Aura Oscura, Piel Seca, Aura Feérica, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Velo Flor, Compiescolta, Pelaje Recio, Manto Frondoso, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Funda, Ritmo Propio, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Velo Dulce, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.teravolt.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Piel Seca, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Compiescolta, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Ritmo Propio, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.teravolt.start=%s is radiating a bursting aura!ón -showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.desc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised 1 stage after it is damaged by a Fire-type move. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. -showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 when damaged by Fire moves; can't be burned. +showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.desc=El ataque de este Pokémon aumenta 1 nivel después de ser dañado por un movimiento de tipo Fuego. Este Pokémon no se puede quemar. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás quemado la cura. +showdown.abilities.thermalexchange.shortDesc=El ataque de este Pokémon aumenta en 1 cuando es dañado por movimientos de Fuego; no se puede quemar. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved offensive stat. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.desc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.shortDesc=The power of Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokemon is halved. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.desc=If a Pokemon uses a Fire- or Ice-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's Special Attack is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.shortDesc=Fire-/Ice-type moves against this Pokemon deal damage with a halved Sp. Atk stat. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.desc=Si un Pokémon usa un ataque de tipo Fuego o Hielo contra este Pokémon, la estadística ofensiva de ese Pokémon se reduce a la mitad al calcular el daño a este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.shortDesc=Los movimientos de tipo Fuego/Hielo contra este Pokémon causan daño con una estadística ofensiva reducida a la mitad. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.desc=El poder de los ataques de tipo Fuego y Hielo contra este Pokémon se reduce a la mitad. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen4.shortDesc=El poder de los ataques de tipo Fuego y Hielo contra este Pokémon se reduce a la mitad. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.desc=Si un Pokémon usa un ataque de tipo Fuego o Hielo contra este Pokémon, el Ataque Especial de ese Pokémon se reduce a la mitad al calcular el daño a este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.shortDesc=Los movimientos de tipo Fuego/Hielo contra este Pokémon causan daño con un Sp reducido a la mitad. Estadística de ataque. -showdown.abilities.tintedlens.shortDesc=This Pokemon's attacks that are not very effective on a target deal double damage. +showdown.abilities.tintedlens.shortDesc=Los ataques de este Pokémon que no son muy efectivos contra un objetivo causan el doble de daño. -showdown.abilities.torrent.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Water-type attack. -showdown.abilities.torrent.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Water attacks. -showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.desc=When this Pokemon has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, rounded down, its Water-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.shortDesc=At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's Water-type attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.torrent.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, su estadística ofensiva se multiplica por 1,5 mientras usa un ataque de tipo Agua. +showdown.abilities.torrent.shortDesc=Con 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, la estadística ofensiva de este Pokémon es 1,5 veces mayor con ataques de agua. +showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, sus ataques de tipo Agua tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.shortDesc=Con 1/3 o menos de su PS máximo, los ataques de tipo Agua de este Pokémon tienen 1,5 veces más poder. Dura -showdown.abilities.toughclaws.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves have their power multiplied by 1.3. +showdown.abilities.toughclaws.shortDesc=Los movimientos de contacto de este Pokémon tienen su poder multiplicado por 1,3.Ím. Tóxico -showdown.abilities.toxicboost.desc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, the power of its physical attacks is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.abilities.toxicboost.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is poisoned, its physical attacks have 1.5x power. +showdown.abilities.toxicboost.desc=Mientras este Pokémon está envenenado, el poder de sus ataques físicos se multiplica por 1,5. +showdown.abilities.toxicboost.shortDesc=Si bien este Pokémon está envenenado, sus ataques físicos tienen un poder 1,5 veces mayor. Tóxica -showdown.abilities.toxicdebris.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is hit by a physical attack, Toxic Spikes are set on the opposing side. +showdown.abilities.toxicdebris.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es golpeado por un ataque físico, Tóxico Púas se coloca en el lado contrario. -showdown.abilities.trace.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, and Zero to Hero. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon copia la habilidad de un Pokémon contrario aleatorio. Las habilidades que no se pueden copiar son Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Don Floral, predicción, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Reacción. Química, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro, Modo Daruma y Cambio Heroico. Si ningún Pokémon contrario tiene una habilidad que pueda copiarse, esta habilidad se activará tan pronto como la tenga. showdown.abilities.trace.shortDesc=On switch-in, or when it can, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent foe's Ability. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen8.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen5.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, and Zen Mode. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. -showdown.abilities.trace.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Forecast, Multitype, and Trace. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen8.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Don Floral, Predicción, Tragamisil, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Agrupamiento, Reacción Química, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro, and Modo Daruma. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen7.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Don Floral, Predicción, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Reacción Química, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro, and Modo Daruma. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen6.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Don Floral, Predicción, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Cambio Táctico, Rastro, and Modo Daruma. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen5.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Don Floral, Predicción, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Rastro, and Modo Daruma. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. +showdown.abilities.trace.gen4.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. Abilities that cannot be copied are Predicción, Multitipo, and Rastro. If no opposing Pokemon has an Ability that can be copied, this Ability will activate as soon as one does. showdown.abilities.trace.gen3.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random opposing Pokemon's Ability. showdown.abilities.trace.changeAbility=%s traced %s's %s! @@ -9837,98 +9837,98 @@ showdown.abilities.truant.shortDesc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead showdown.abilities.truant.gen3.desc=This Pokemon skips every other turn instead of using a move. If this Pokemon replaces a Pokemon that fainted during end-of-turn effects, its first turn will be skipped. showdown.abilities.truant.cant=%s is loafing around! -showdown.abilities.turboblaze.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Ice Face, Ice Scales, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Mirror Armor, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Pastel Veil, Punk Rock, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Velo Aroma, Rompeaura, Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Antibalas, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Cuerpo Vívido, Disfraz, Piel Seca, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Velo Flor, Peluche, Compiescolta, Pelaje Recio, Manto Frondoso, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Cara de Hielo, Escama de Hielo, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Coraza Reflejo, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Funda, Ritmo Propio, Velo Pastel, Punk Rock, Regia Presencia, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Velo Dulce, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Water Burbuja, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.shortDesc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dazzling, Disguise, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Fluffy, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Queenly Majesty, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Bubble, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Aroma Veil, Aura Break, Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Bulletproof, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dark Aura, Dry Skin, Fairy Aura, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Flower Veil, Friend Guard, Fur Coat, Grass Pelt, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Overcoat, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Sweet Veil, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightning Rod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen7.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Velo Aroma, Rompeaura, Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Antibalas, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Aura Oscura, Cuerpo Vívido, Disfraz, Piel Seca, Aura Feérica, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Velo Flor, Peluche, Compiescolta, Pelaje Recio, Manto Frondoso, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Funda, Ritmo Propio, Regia Presencia, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Velo Dulce, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Water Burbuja, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen6.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Velo Aroma, Rompeaura, Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Antibalas, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Aura Oscura, Piel Seca, Aura Feérica, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Velo Flor, Compiescolta, Pelaje Recio, Manto Frondoso, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Funda, Ritmo Propio, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Velo Dulce, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.turboblaze.gen5.desc=This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore certain Abilities of other Pokemon. The Abilities that can be negated are Armad. Bat, Big Picotazos, Cuerpo Puro, Respondón, Humedad, Piel Seca, Filtro, Destello Fire, Don Floral, Compiescolta, Ignífugo, Met. Pesado, Hyper Corteter, Inmunidad, Foco Interno, Insomnio, Vista Lince, Defensa Hoja, Levitación, Met. Liviano, Pararrayos, Flexibilidad, Magic Bote, Escudo Magma, Escama Esp, Electromotor, Compensación, Despiste, Ritmo Propio, Velo Arena, Herbívoro, Caparazón, Polvo Escudo, Simple, Manto Níveo, Roca Sólida, Insonorizar, Viscosidad, Colector, Robustez, Ventosas, Tumbos, Telepatía, Sebo, Ignorante, Espír. Vital, Absor. Elecer, Absor. Aguaer, Velo Agua, Humo Blanco, Superguarda, and Piel Milagro. This affects every other Pokemon on the field, whether or not it is a target of this Pokemon's move, and whether or not their Ability is beneficial to this Pokemon. showdown.abilities.turboblaze.start=%s is radiating a blazing aura! showdown.abilities.unaware.desc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's Attack, Special Attack, and accuracy stat stages when taking damage, and ignores other Pokemon's Defense, Special Defense, and evasiveness stat stages when dealing damage. -showdown.abilities.unaware.shortDesc=This Pokemon ignores other Pokemon's stat stages when taking or doing damage. +showdown.abilities.unaware.shortDesc=Este Pokémon ignora las etapas de estadísticas de otros Pokémon cuando recibe o hace daño. -showdown.abilities.unburden.desc=If this Pokemon loses its held item for any reason, its Speed is doubled as long as it remains active, has this Ability, and is not holding an item. -showdown.abilities.unburden.shortDesc=Speed is doubled on held item loss; boost is lost if it switches, gets new item/Ability. +showdown.abilities.unburden.desc=Si este Pokémon pierde el objeto que tiene por cualquier motivo, su velocidad se duplica siempre que permanezca activo, tenga esta habilidad y no tenga ningún objeto. +showdown.abilities.unburden.shortDesc=La velocidad se duplica al perder el objeto retenido; El impulso se pierde si cambia y obtiene un nuevo elemento/habilidad. -showdown.abilities.unnerve.desc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. This Ability activates before hazards and other Abilities take effect. -showdown.abilities.unnerve.shortDesc=While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon from using their Berries. -showdown.abilities.unnerve.start=%s is too nervous to eat Berries! +showdown.abilities.unnerve.desc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, evita que los Pokémon contrarios usen sus Bayas. Esta habilidad se activa antes de que los peligros y otras habilidades entren en vigor. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.shortDesc=Mientras este Pokémon está activo, evita que los Pokémon contrarios usen sus Bayas. +showdown.abilities.unnerve.start=¡%s está demasiado nervioso para comer bayas!ño Invisible -showdown.abilities.unseenfist.shortDesc=This Pokemon's contact moves ignore the target's protection, except Max Guard. +showdown.abilities.unseenfist.shortDesc=Los movimientos de contacto de este Pokémon ignoran la protección del objetivo, excepto Maxibarrera. Debacle -showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.shortDesc=Active Pokemon without this Ability have their Special Attack multiplied by 0.75. -showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.start=%s's Vessel of Ruin weakened the Sp. Atk of all surrounding Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.shortDesc=Los Pokémon activos sin esta habilidad tienen su ataque especial multiplicado por 0,75. +showdown.abilities.vesselofruin.start=La debacle de Caldero de %s debilitó al Sp. ¡Atak de todos los Pokémon circundantes! -showdown.abilities.victorystar.shortDesc=This Pokemon and its allies' moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1.1. +showdown.abilities.victorystar.shortDesc=Los movimientos de este Pokémon y sus aliados tienen su precisión multiplicada por 1,1.ír. Vital -showdown.abilities.vitalspirit.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. +showdown.abilities.vitalspirit.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no puede conciliar el sueño. Obtener esta habilidad mientras duermes la cura. Elec -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by an Electric-type move. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Electric moves; Electric immunity. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.desc=This Pokemon is immune to damaging Electric-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by one. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 its max HP when hit by a damaging Electric move; immunity. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Eléctrico y restaura 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, cuando es golpeado por un movimiento de tipo Eléctrico. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.shortDesc=Este Pokémon cura 1/4 de su PS máximo cuando lo golpean movimientos eléctricos; Inmunidad eléctrica. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos dañinos de tipo Eléctrico y restaura 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, cuando lo golpea uno. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.shortDesc=Este Pokémon cura 1/4 de su PS máximo cuando es golpeado por un movimiento eléctrico dañino; inmunidad. Errante -showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero Abilities. -showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.shortDesc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. -showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.gen8.desc=Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability swapped with this one. Does not affect Pokemon with the As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode Abilities. -showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon intercambian su habilidad con este. No afecta a Pokémon con Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Sistema Alfa, Habilidades de Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Superguarda, Modo Daruma o Cambio Heroico. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.shortDesc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon intercambian su habilidad con este. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.gen8.desc=Los Pokémon que hacen contacto con este Pokémon intercambian su habilidad con este. No afecta a Pokémon con Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Superguarda o Modo Daruma. Habilidades. +showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.activate=¡%s intercambió habilidades con su objetivo! Agua -showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Water-type moves and restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when hit by a Water-type move. -showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.shortDesc=This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Water moves; Water immunity. +showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Agua y restaura 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, cuando lo golpea un movimiento de tipo Agua. +showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.shortDesc=Este Pokémon cura 1/4 de su PS máximo cuando lo golpean movimientos de agua; Inmunidad al agua. -showdown.abilities.waterbubble.desc=This Pokemon's offensive stat is doubled while using a Water-type attack. If a Pokemon uses a Fire-type attack against this Pokemon, that Pokemon's offensive stat is halved when calculating the damage to this Pokemon. This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. -showdown.abilities.waterbubble.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Water power is 2x; it can't be burned; Fire power against it is halved. +showdown.abilities.waterbubble.desc=La estadística ofensiva de este Pokémon se duplica cuando usa un ataque de tipo Agua. Si un Pokémon usa un ataque de tipo Fuego contra este Pokémon, la estadística ofensiva de ese Pokémon se reduce a la mitad al calcular el daño a este Pokémon. Este Pokémon no se puede quemar. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás quemado la cura. +showdown.abilities.waterbubble.shortDesc=El poder del agua de este Pokémon es 2x; no se puede quemar; El poder de fuego contra él se reduce a la mitad. -showdown.abilities.watercompaction.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages after it is damaged by a Water-type move. +showdown.abilities.watercompaction.shortDesc=La defensa de este Pokémon aumenta 2 niveles después de ser dañado por un movimiento de tipo Agua. Agua -showdown.abilities.waterveil.shortDesc=This Pokemon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. +showdown.abilities.waterveil.shortDesc=Este Pokémon no se puede quemar. Obtener esta habilidad mientras estás quemado la cura. Frágil -showdown.abilities.weakarmor.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 2 stages. -showdown.abilities.weakarmor.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 2. -showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.desc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, its Defense is lowered by 1 stage and its Speed is raised by 1 stage. -showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.shortDesc=If a physical attack hits this Pokemon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 1. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.desc=Si un ataque físico golpea a este Pokémon, su Defensa se reduce en 1 nivel y su Velocidad aumenta en 2 etapas. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.shortDesc=Si un ataque físico golpea a este Pokémon, la Defensa se reduce en 1 y la Velocidad aumenta en 2. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.desc=Si un ataque físico golpea a este Pokémon, su Defensa se reduce en 1 nivel y su Velocidad aumenta en 1 nivel. +showdown.abilities.weakarmor.gen6.shortDesc=Si un ataque físico golpea a este Pokémon, la Defensa se reduce en 1 y la Velocidad aumenta en 1. Horneado -showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.desc=This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type moves and raises its Defense by 2 stages when hit by a Fire-type move. -showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.shortDesc=This Pokemon's Defense is raised 2 stages if hit by a Fire move; Fire immunity. +showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de tipo Fuego y aumenta su Defensa en 2 niveles cuando lo golpea un movimiento de tipo Fuego. +showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.shortDesc=La defensa de este Pokémon aumenta 2 niveles si es golpeado por un movimiento de Fuego; Inmunidad al fuego. Blanco -showdown.abilities.whitesmoke.shortDesc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages. +showdown.abilities.whitesmoke.shortDesc=Evita que otros Pokémon reduzcan los niveles de estadísticas de este Pokémon. -showdown.abilities.wimpout.desc=When this Pokemon has more than 1/2 its maximum HP and takes damage bringing it to 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. This effect applies after all hits from a multi-hit move. This effect is prevented if the move had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability. This effect applies to both direct and indirect damage, except Curse and Substitute on use, Belly Drum, Pain Split, and confusion damage. -showdown.abilities.wimpout.shortDesc=This Pokemon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. +showdown.abilities.wimpout.desc=Cuando este Pokémon tiene más de la mitad de su PS máximo y recibe daño que lo lleva a la mitad o menos de su PS máximo, inmediatamente cambia a un aliado elegido. Este efecto se aplica después de todos los golpes de un movimiento de múltiples golpes. Este efecto se evita si el movimiento tuvo un efecto secundario eliminado por el Bote. Habilidad Bruta. Este efecto se aplica tanto al daño directo como al indirecto, excepto Maldición y Sustituto por uso, Tambor, Divide Dolor y daño por confusión. +showdown.abilities.wimpout.shortDesc=Este Pokémon cambia cuando alcanza la mitad o menos de su PS máximo.ía Eólica -showdown.abilities.windpower.desc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. -showdown.abilities.windpower.shortDesc=This Pokemon gains the Charge effect when hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. -showdown.abilities.windpower.start=Being hit by %s charged %s with power! +showdown.abilities.windpower.desc=Este Pokémon obtiene el efecto Carga cuando recibe un golpe de un movimiento de viento o cuando Viento Afín comienza del lado de este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.windpower.shortDesc=Este Pokémon gana el efecto Carga cuando es golpeado por un movimiento de viento o comienza Viento Afín. +showdown.abilities.windpower.start=¡Ser golpeado por %s cargó a %s con poder! -showdown.abilities.windrider.desc=This Pokemon is immune to wind moves and raises its Attack by 1 stage when hit by a wind move or when Tailwind begins on this Pokemon's side. -showdown.abilities.windrider.shortDesc=Attack raised by 1 if hit by a wind move or Tailwind begins. Wind move immunity. +showdown.abilities.windrider.desc=Este Pokémon es inmune a los movimientos de viento y aumenta su ataque en 1 nivel cuando es golpeado por un movimiento de viento o cuando Viento Afín comienza del lado de este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.windrider.shortDesc=El ataque aumenta en 1 si es golpeado por un movimiento de viento o comienza Viento Afín. Inmunidad al movimiento del viento. -showdown.abilities.wonderguard.shortDesc=This Pokemon can only be damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. -showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen4.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by Fire Fang, supereffective moves, indirect damage. -showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen3.shortDesc=This Pokemon is only damaged by supereffective moves and indirect damage. +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.shortDesc=Este Pokémon sólo puede ser dañado por movimientos supereficaces y daño indirecto. +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen4.shortDesc=Este Pokémon solo recibe daño de Colmillo Ígneo, movimientos superefectivos, daño indirecto. +showdown.abilities.wonderguard.gen3.shortDesc=Este Pokémon sólo se daña con movimientos supereficaces y daño indirecto. Milagro -showdown.abilities.wonderskin.desc=Non-damaging moves that check accuracy have their accuracy changed to 50% when used against this Pokemon. This effect comes before other effects that modify accuracy. -showdown.abilities.wonderskin.shortDesc=Status moves with accuracy checks are 50% accurate when used on this Pokemon. +showdown.abilities.wonderskin.desc=Los movimientos no dañinos que verifican la precisión cambian su precisión al 50% cuando se usan contra este Pokémon. Este efecto viene antes que otros efectos que modifican la precisión. +showdown.abilities.wonderskin.shortDesc=Los movimientos de estado con controles de precisión tienen una precisión del 50% cuando se usan en este Pokémon. Daruma -showdown.abilities.zenmode.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan or Galarian Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.shortDesc=If Darmanitan, at end of turn changes Mode to Standard if > 1/2 max HP, else Zen. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen7.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen6.desc=If this Pokemon is a Darmanitan, it changes to Zen Mode if it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP at the end of a turn. If Darmanitan's HP is above 1/2 of its maximum HP at the end of a turn, it changes back to Standard Mode. If Darmanitan loses this Ability while in Zen Mode, it reverts to Standard Mode immediately. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.transform=Zen Mode triggered! -showdown.abilities.zenmode.transformEnd=Zen Mode ended! +showdown.abilities.zenmode.desc=Si este Pokémon es Darmanitan o Galarian Darmanitan, cambia a Modo Daruma si tiene la mitad o menos de su PS máximo al final de un turno. Si el PS de Darmanitan está por encima de la mitad de su PS máximo al final de un turno, vuelve al modo estándar. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.shortDesc=Si Darmanitan, al final del turno cambia el Modo a Estándar si > 1/2 PS máximo, de lo contrario Zen. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen7.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Darmanitan, cambia a Modo Daruma si tiene la mitad o menos de su PS máximo al final de un turno. Si el PS de Darmanitan está por encima de la mitad de su PS máximo al final de un turno, vuelve al modo estándar. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen6.desc=Si este Pokémon es un Darmanitan, cambia a Modo Daruma si tiene la mitad o menos de su PS máximo al final de un turno. Si el PS de Darmanitan está por encima de la mitad de su PS máximo al final de un turno, vuelve al modo estándar. Si Darmanitan pierde esta habilidad mientras está en Modo Daruma, vuelve al Modo Estándar inmediatamente. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.transform=¡Modo Daruma se activó! +showdown.abilities.zenmode.transformEnd=¡Modo Daruma terminó! Heroico -showdown.abilities.zerotohero.shortDesc=If this Pokemon is a Palafin in Zero Form, switching out has it change to Hero Form. -showdown.abilities.zerotohero.activate=%s underwent a heroic transformation! ## Unofficial -showdown.abilities.mountaineer.shortDesc=On switch-in, this Pokemon avoids all Rock-type attacks and Stealth Rock. ## Unofficial -showdown.abilities.rebound.desc=On switch-in, this Pokemon blocks certain status moves and instead uses the move against the original user. -showdown.abilities.rebound.shortDesc=On switch-in, blocks certain status moves and bounces them back to the user. -showdown.abilities.rebound.move=%s bounced the %s back! ## Unofficial -showdown.abilities.persistent.desc=The duration of Gravity, Heal Block, Magic Room, Safeguard, Tailwind, Trick Room, and Wonder Room is increased by 2 turns if the effect is started by this Pokemon. -showdown.abilities.persistent.shortDesc=When used, Gravity/Heal Block/Safeguard/Tailwind/Room effects last 2 more turns. -showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=%s extends %s by 2 turns! +showdown.abilities.zerotohero.shortDesc=Si este Pokémon es un Palafin en Forma Cero, al cambiarlo cambia a Forma de Héroe. +showdown.abilities.zerotohero.activate=¡%s experimentó una transformación heroica! +showdown.abilities.mountaineer.shortDesc=Al entrar, este Pokémon evita todos los ataques de tipo Roca y Trampa Rocas. +showdown.abilities.rebound.desc=Al entrar, este Pokémon bloquea ciertos movimientos de estado y en su lugar usa el movimiento contra el usuario original. +showdown.abilities.rebound.shortDesc=Al iniciar sesión, bloquea ciertos movimientos de estado y los devuelve al usuario. +showdown.abilities.rebound.move=¡%s rebotó el %s! +showdown.abilities.persistent.desc=La duración de Gravedad, Anticura, Zona Mágica, Velo Sagrado, Viento Afín, Truco Room y Zona Extraña se incrementa en 2 turnos si el efecto lo inicia este Pokémon. +showdown.abilities.persistent.shortDesc=Cuando se usan, los efectos Gravedad/Anticura/Velo Sagrado/Viento Afín/Room duran 2 turnos más. +showdown.abilities.persistent.activate=¡%s extiende %s por 2 turnos! ########################################################### @@ -10182,2734 +10182,2734 @@ showdown.default.crash.damage=%s siguió adelante y se estrelló! ############################################## Habilidad -showdown.items.abilityshield.desc=Holder's Ability cannot be changed by any effect. -showdown.items.abilityshield.block=%s's Ability is protected by the effects of its Ability Shield! +showdown.items.abilityshield.desc=La habilidad del poseedor no puede cambiarse por ningún efecto. +showdown.items.abilityshield.block=¡La habilidad de %s está protegida por los efectos de su Escudo Habilidad! -showdown.items.abomasite.desc=If held by an Abomasnow, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.abomasite.desc=Si lo lleva un Abomasnow, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en la batalla. -showdown.items.absolite.desc=If held by an Absol, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.absolite.desc=Si lo lleva un Absol, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla.érculo -showdown.items.absorbbulb.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.absorbbulb.desc=Aumenta el Sp del titular. Atq en 1 etapa si es golpeado por un ataque de tipo Agua. De un solo uso. Diamansfera -showdown.items.adamantcrystal.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.adamantcrystal.desc=Si lo sostiene un Dialga, sus ataques de tipo Acero y Dragón tienen 1,2 veces más poder. -showdown.items.adamantorb.desc=If held by a Dialga, its Steel- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.adamantorb.desc=Si lo sostiene un Dialga, sus ataques de tipo Acero y Dragón tienen 1,2 veces más poder. -showdown.items.adrenalineorb.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage if it gets affected by Intimidate. Single use. +showdown.items.adrenalineorb.desc=Aumenta la velocidad del poseedor en 1 nivel si se ve afectado por Intimidación. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.aerodactylite.desc=If held by an Aerodactyl, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.aerodactylite.desc=Si lo lleva un Aerodactyl, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. -showdown.items.aggronite.desc=If held by an Aggron, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.aggronite.desc=Si lo lleva un Aggron, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Guaya -showdown.items.aguavberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.aguavberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.aguavberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpD Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.aguavberry.desc=Descansoores 1/3 PS máximo a 1/4 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Def esp. Naturaleza. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.aguavberry.gen7.desc=Descansoores 1/2 PS máximo a 1/4 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Def esp. Naturaleza. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.aguavberry.gen6.desc=Descansoores 1/8 PS máximo a 1/2 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Def esp. Naturaleza. De un solo uso. Helio -showdown.items.airballoon.desc=Holder is immune to Ground-type attacks. Pops when holder is hit. -showdown.items.airballoon.start=%s floats in the air with its Air Balloon! -showdown.items.airballoon.end=%s's Air Balloon popped! +showdown.items.airballoon.desc=Holder es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra. Aparece cuando se golpea el soporte. +showdown.items.airballoon.start=¡%s flota en el aire con su Globo Helio! +showdown.items.airballoon.end=¡El Globo Helio de %s explotó! -showdown.items.alakazite.desc=If held by an Alakazam, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.alakazite.desc=Si lo lleva un Alakazam, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Z -showdown.items.aloraichiumz.desc=If held by an Alolan Raichu with Thunderbolt, it can use Stoked Sparksurfer. +showdown.items.aloraichiumz.desc=Si lo sostiene un Alolan Raichu con Truenobolt, puede usar Surfeo Galvánico. -showdown.items.altarianite.desc=If held by an Altaria, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.altarianite.desc=Si lo lleva un Altaria, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. -showdown.items.ampharosite.desc=If held by an Ampharos, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.ampharosite.desc=Si lo lleva un Ampharos, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Aricoc -showdown.items.apicotberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.apicotberry.desc=Aumenta el Sp del titular. Def en 1 etapa cuando tienes 1/4 de PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso.ósil Coraza -showdown.items.armorfossil.desc=Can be revived into Shieldon. +showdown.items.armorfossil.desc=Puede ser revivido en Shieldon. Perasi -showdown.items.aspearberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. +showdown.items.aspearberry.desc=El titular se cura si se congela. De un solo uso. Asalto -showdown.items.assaultvest.desc=Holder's Sp. Def is 1.5x, but it can only select damaging moves. +showdown.items.assaultvest.desc=Sp del titular. La definición es 1,5x, pero solo puede seleccionar movimientos dañinos. -showdown.items.audinite.desc=If held by an Audino, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.audinite.desc=Si lo lleva un Audino, este elemento le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Auspiciosa -showdown.items.auspiciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Armarouge when used. +showdown.items.auspiciousarmor.desc=Charcadet evoluciona a Armarouge cuando se usa. Baribá -showdown.items.babiriberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Steel-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.babiriberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Acero. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.banettite.desc=If held by a Banette, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.banettite.desc=Si lo lleva una Banette, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Ball -showdown.items.beastball.desc=A special Poke Ball designed to catch Ultra Beasts. +showdown.items.beastball.desc=Una Poké Ball especial diseñada para atrapar Ultraentes. -showdown.items.beedrillite.desc=If held by a Beedrill, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.beedrillite.desc=Si lo lleva un Beedrill, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en la batalla. Andano -showdown.items.belueberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.belueberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. de Baya -showdown.items.berryjuice.desc=Restores 20 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.berryjuice.desc=Descansoores 20 PS cuando tienes 1/2 PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. Fruto -showdown.items.berrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.berrysweet.desc=Milcery evoluciona a Alcremie cuando se lo sostiene y se lo hace girar.íz Grande -showdown.items.bigroot.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining/Aqua Ring/Ingrain/Leech Seed/Strength Sap. -showdown.items.bigroot.gen6.desc=Holder gains 1.3x HP from draining moves, Aqua Ring, Ingrain, and Leech Seed. +showdown.items.bigroot.desc=El titular gana 1,3x PS al drenar/Acua Aro/Arraigo/Drenadoras/Fuerza Sap. +showdown.items.bigroot.gen6.desc=Holder gana 1,3 veces PS con movimientos de drenaje, Acua Aro, Arraigo y Drenadoras. Atadura -showdown.items.bindingband.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves deal 1/6 max HP per turn instead of 1/8. +showdown.items.bindingband.desc=Los movimientos de captura parcial de Holder generan 1/6 de PS máximo por turno en lugar de 1/8.ón Negro ################## -showdown.items.blackbelt.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.blackbelt.gen3.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.blackbelt.desc=Los ataques de tipo Lucha de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.blackbelt.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo Lucha de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. negro -showdown.items.blacksludge.desc=Each turn, if holder is a Poison type, restores 1/16 max HP; loses 1/8 if not. -showdown.items.blacksludge.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Black Sludge! +showdown.items.blacksludge.desc=Cada turno, si el poseedor es del tipo Veneno, restaura 1/16 de PS máximo; pierde 1/8 si no. +showdown.items.blacksludge.heal=¡%s recuperó un poco de PS usando sus Residuos Negros! de sol -showdown.items.blackglasses.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.blackglasses.gen3.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.blackglasses.desc=Los ataques de tipo oscuro de Holder tienen un poder 1,2 veces mayor. +showdown.items.blackglasses.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo oscuro de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. -showdown.items.blastoisinite.desc=If held by a Blastoise, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.blastoisinite.desc=Si lo lleva un Blastoise, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. -showdown.items.blazikenite.desc=If held by a Blaziken, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.blazikenite.desc=Si lo lleva un Blaziken, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Azul -showdown.items.blueorb.desc=If held by a Kyogre, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. +showdown.items.blueorb.desc=Si lo lleva un Kyogre, este objeto activa su reversión primaria en la batalla. Oram -showdown.items.blukberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.blukberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Fallo -showdown.items.blunderpolicy.desc=If the holder misses due to accuracy, its Speed is raised by 2 stages. Single use. +showdown.items.blunderpolicy.desc=Si el poseedor falla debido a la precisión, su velocidad aumenta en 2 etapas. De un solo uso.ía Potenciadora -showdown.items.boosterenergy.desc=Activates the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive Abilities. Single use. +showdown.items.boosterenergy.desc=Activa las Habilidades Paleosíntesis o Carga Cuark. De un solo uso. Plateada -showdown.items.bottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. One of a Pokemon's stats is calculated with an IV of 31. +showdown.items.bottlecap.desc=Utilizado para hiperentrenamiento. Una de las estadísticas de un Pokémon se calcula con un IV de 31. Brillo -showdown.items.brightpowder.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. -showdown.items.brightpowder.gen2.desc=An attack against the holder has its accuracy out of 255 lowered by 20. +showdown.items.brightpowder.desc=La precisión de los ataques contra el poseedor es de 0,9x. +showdown.items.brightpowder.gen2.desc=Un ataque contra el poseedor tiene su precisión de 255 reducida en 20. Bicho -showdown.items.buggem.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.buggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Bug-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.buggem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Insecto de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.buggem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Insecto de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Bicho -showdown.items.bugmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Bug type. +showdown.items.bugmemory.desc=El Multiataque del Holder es de tipo Bug. Z -showdown.items.buginiumz.desc=If holder has a Bug move, this item allows it to use a Bug Z-Move. +showdown.items.buginiumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento Bug, este elemento le permite usar un movimiento Bug Z. -showdown.items.burndrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Fire type. +showdown.items.burndrive.desc=El Tecno Shock de Holder es de tipo Fuego. -showdown.items.cameruptite.desc=If held by a Camerupt, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.cameruptite.desc=Si lo lleva un Camerupt, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. -showdown.items.cellbattery.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Electric-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.cellbattery.desc=Aumenta el ataque del poseedor en 1 si es golpeado por un ataque de tipo eléctrico. De un solo uso.ón -showdown.items.charcoal.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.charcoal.gen3.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.charcoal.desc=Los ataques de tipo Fuego de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.charcoal.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo Fuego de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. X -showdown.items.charizarditex.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.charizarditex.desc=Si lo lleva un Charizard, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en la batalla. Y -showdown.items.charizarditey.desc=If held by a Charizard, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.charizarditey.desc=Si lo lleva un Charizard, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en la batalla. Alcho -showdown.items.chartiberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Rock-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.chartiberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Roca. De un solo uso. Zreza -showdown.items.cheriberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. +showdown.items.cheriberry.desc=Holder se cura solo si queda paralizado. De un solo uso. Ball -showdown.items.cherishball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an occasion. +showdown.items.cherishball.desc=Una Poké Ball poco común que ha sido creada para conmemorar una ocasión. Atania -showdown.items.chestoberry.desc=Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. +showdown.items.chestoberry.desc=Holder se despierta si está dormido. De un solo uso. Chilan -showdown.items.chilanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a Normal-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.chilanberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque de tipo Normal. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.chilldrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Ice type. +showdown.items.chilldrive.desc=El Tecno Shock de Holder es de tipo Hielo. Rota -showdown.items.chippedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea-Antique into Polteageist-Antique when used. +showdown.items.chippedpot.desc=Evoluciona Sinistea-Antique a Polteageist-Antique cuando se usa. Elección -showdown.items.choiceband.desc=Holder's Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. +showdown.items.choiceband.desc=El ataque del titular es 1,5x, pero solo puede seleccionar el primer movimiento que ejecuta.ñuelo Elección -showdown.items.choicescarf.desc=Holder's Speed is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. +showdown.items.choicescarf.desc=La velocidad del titular es 1,5x, pero solo puede seleccionar el primer movimiento que ejecuta. Elección -showdown.items.choicespecs.desc=Holder's Sp. Atk is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes. +showdown.items.choicespecs.desc=Sp del titular. Atq es 1,5x, pero solo puede seleccionar el primer movimiento que ejecuta. Pomaro -showdown.items.chopleberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fighting-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.chopleberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque de tipo Lucha superefectivo. De un solo uso.ósil Garra -showdown.items.clawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Anorith. +showdown.items.clawfossil.desc=Puede ser revivido en Anorith. Puro -showdown.items.clearamulet.desc=Prevents other Pokemon from lowering the holder's stat stages. -showdown.items.clearamulet.block=The effects of %s's Clear Amulet prevent its stats from being lowered! +showdown.items.clearamulet.desc=Evita que otros Pokémon reduzcan las etapas de estadísticas del poseedor. +showdown.items.clearamulet.block=¡Los efectos del Amuleto Puro de %s evitan que sus estadísticas bajen! Trébol -showdown.items.cloversweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.cloversweet.desc=Milcery evoluciona a Alcremie cuando se lo sostiene y se lo hace girar. Kouba -showdown.items.cobaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Flying-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.cobaberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo tipo Vueloing. De un solo uso. Dillo -showdown.items.colburberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dark-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.colburberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Oscuro. De un solo uso. Mais -showdown.items.cornnberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.cornnberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo.ósil Tapa -showdown.items.coverfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tirtouga. +showdown.items.coverfossil.desc=Puede ser revivido en Tirtouga. Furtiva -showdown.items.covertcloak.desc=Holder is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. +showdown.items.covertcloak.desc=Holder no se ve afectado por el efecto secundario del ataque de otro Pokémon. Agrietada -showdown.items.crackedpot.desc=Evolves Sinistea into Polteageist when used. +showdown.items.crackedpot.desc=Sinistea evoluciona a Polteageist cuando se usa. Chiri -showdown.items.custapberry.desc=Holder moves first in its priority bracket when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. -showdown.items.custapberry.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Custap Berry! +showdown.items.custapberry.desc=El titular se mueve primero en su grupo de prioridad cuando tiene 1/4 de PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.custapberry.activate=¡%s puede actuar más rápido de lo normal gracias a su Baya Chiri! Lluvia -showdown.items.damprock.desc=Holder's use of Rain Dance lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.damprock.desc=El uso de Danza Lluvia por parte de Holder dura 8 turnos en lugar de 5. Siniestro -showdown.items.darkgem.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.darkgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dark-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.darkgem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Oscuro de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.darkgem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Oscuro de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Siniestro -showdown.items.darkmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dark type. +showdown.items.darkmemory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es de tipo Oscuro. Z -showdown.items.darkiniumz.desc=If holder has a Dark move, this item allows it to use a Dark Z-Move. +showdown.items.darkiniumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento oscuro, este elemento le permite usar un movimiento Z oscuro. Alba -showdown.items.dawnstone.desc=Evolves male Kirlia into Gallade and female Snorunt into Froslass when used. -showdown.items.dawnstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.dawnstone.desc=Evoluciona al Kirlia masculino en Gallade y a la femenina Snorunt en Froslass cuando se usa. +showdown.items.dawnstone.shortDesc=Evoluciona ciertas especies de Pokémon cuando se usa. Z -showdown.items.decidiumz.desc=If held by a Decidueye with Spirit Shackle, it can use Sinister Arrow Raid. +showdown.items.decidiumz.desc=Si lo lleva un Decidueye con Puntada Sombría, puede utilizar Aluvión de Flechas Sombrías. Marina -showdown.items.deepseascale.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss when traded. -showdown.items.deepseascale.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Def is doubled. +showdown.items.deepseascale.desc=Si lo posee un Tenazaerl, su Sp. La defensa se duplica. Tenazaerl evoluciona a Gorebyss cuando se intercambia. +showdown.items.deepseascale.shortDesc=Si lo posee un Tenazaerl, su Sp. La defensa se duplica. Marino -showdown.items.deepseatooth.desc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. Evolves Clamperl into Huntail when traded. -showdown.items.deepseatooth.shortDesc=If held by a Clamperl, its Sp. Atk is doubled. +showdown.items.deepseatooth.desc=Si lo posee un Tenazaerl, su Sp. El ataque se duplica. Tenazaerl evoluciona a Huntail cuando se intercambia. +showdown.items.deepseatooth.shortDesc=Si lo posee un Tenazaerl, su Sp. El ataque se duplica. Destino -showdown.items.destinyknot.desc=If holder becomes infatuated, the other Pokemon also becomes infatuated. +showdown.items.destinyknot.desc=Si el poseedor se enamora, el otro Pokémon también se enamora. -showdown.items.diancite.desc=If held by a Diancie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.diancite.desc=Si lo lleva un Diancie, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Ball -showdown.items.diveball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Pokemon that live underwater. +showdown.items.diveball.desc=Una Poké Ball que funciona especialmente bien con Pokémon que viven bajo el agua.ósil Domo -showdown.items.domefossil.desc=Can be revived into Kabuto. +showdown.items.domefossil.desc=Puede ser revivido en Kabuto. -showdown.items.dousedrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Water type. +showdown.items.dousedrive.desc=El Tecno Shock del Holder es de tipo Agua. Draco -showdown.items.dracoplate.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dragon type. +showdown.items.dracoplate.desc=Los ataques tipo Dragón de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Sentencia es tipo Dragón. Dragón -showdown.items.dragonfang.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.dragonfang.gen3.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. -showdown.items.dragonfang.gen2.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.items.dragonfang.desc=Los ataques tipo Dragón de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.dragonfang.gen3.desc=Los ataques tipo Dragón de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. +showdown.items.dragonfang.gen2.desc=Sin uso competitivo. Dragón -showdown.items.dragongem.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.dragongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Dragon-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.dragongem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Dragón de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.dragongem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Dragón de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Dragón -showdown.items.dragonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Dragon type. +showdown.items.dragonmemory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es tipo Dragón. Dragón -showdown.items.dragonscale.desc=Evolves Seadra into Kingdra when traded. -showdown.items.dragonscale.gen2.desc=Holder's Dragon-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Seadra (trade). +showdown.items.dragonscale.desc=Seadra evoluciona a Kingdra cuando se intercambia. +showdown.items.dragonscale.gen2.desc=Los ataques tipo Dragón de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Evoluciona Seadra (comercio). Z -showdown.items.dragoniumz.desc=If holder has a Dragon move, this item allows it to use a Dragon Z-Move. +showdown.items.dragoniumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento Dragón, este elemento le permite usar un Movimiento Z Dragón. Oscura -showdown.items.dreadplate.desc=Holder's Dark-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Dark type. +showdown.items.dreadplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo oscuro de Holder tienen un poder 1,2 veces mayor. Sentencia es del tipo oscuro.ño Ball -showdown.items.dreamball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon while they're asleep. -showdown.items.dreamball.gen7.desc=A special Poke Ball that appears out of nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest. +showdown.items.dreamball.desc=Una Poké Ball que facilita la captura de Pokémon salvajes mientras duermen. +showdown.items.dreamball.gen7.desc=Una Poké Ball especial que aparece de la nada en una bolsa en Entree Forest. Extraño -showdown.items.dubiousdisc.desc=Evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z when traded. +showdown.items.dubiousdisc.desc=Evoluciona Porygon2 a Porygon-Z cuando se intercambia. Rudion -showdown.items.durinberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.durinberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Ball -showdown.items.duskball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokemon at night or in caves. +showdown.items.duskball.desc=Una Poké Ball que facilita la captura de Pokémon salvajes por la noche o en cuevas. Noche -showdown.items.duskstone.desc=Evolves Murkrow into Honchkrow, Misdreavus into Mismagius, Lampent into Chandelure, and Doublade into Aegislash when used. -showdown.items.duskstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.duskstone.desc=Evoluciona a Murkrow en Honchkrow, Misdreavus en Mismagius, Lampent en Chandelure y Doublade en Aegislash cuando se usa. +showdown.items.duskstone.shortDesc=Evoluciona ciertas especies de Pokémon cuando se usa. Terrax -showdown.items.earthplate.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ground type. +showdown.items.earthplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo Tierra de Holder tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. Sentencia es tipo Ground. Z -showdown.items.eeviumz.desc=If held by an Eevee with Last Resort, it can use Extreme Evoboost. +showdown.items.eeviumz.desc=Si lo sostiene un Eevee con Última Baza, puede usar Novena Potencia.ón Escape -showdown.items.ejectbutton.desc=If holder survives a hit, it immediately switches out to a chosen ally. Single use. -showdown.items.ejectbutton.end=%s is switched out with the Eject Button! +showdown.items.ejectbutton.desc=Si el poseedor sobrevive a un golpe, inmediatamente cambia a un aliado elegido. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.ejectbutton.end=¡%s se apaga con el Botón Escape! Escape -showdown.items.ejectpack.desc=If the holder's stat stages are lowered, it switches to a chosen ally. Single use. -showdown.items.ejectpack.end=%s is switched out by the Eject Pack! +showdown.items.ejectpack.desc=Si los niveles de estadísticas del poseedor bajan, cambia a un aliado elegido. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.ejectpack.end=¡%s es cambiado por la Mochila Escape! -showdown.items.electirizer.desc=Evolves Electabuzz into Electivire when traded. +showdown.items.electirizer.desc=Evoluciona a Electabuzz en Electivire cuando se intercambia. Eléctrico -showdown.items.electricgem.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.electricgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Electric-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.electricgem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo eléctrico de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más potencia. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.electricgem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque de tipo eléctrico exitoso de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más potencia. De un solo uso. Eléctrico -showdown.items.electricmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Electric type. +showdown.items.electricmemory.desc=El Multiataque del Titular es de tipo Eléctrico. Electro -showdown.items.electricseed.desc=If the terrain is Electric Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. +showdown.items.electricseed.desc=Si el terreno es Campo Eléctrico, sube la Defensa del poseedor en 1 nivel. De un solo uso. Z -showdown.items.electriumz.desc=If holder has an Electric move, this item allows it to use an Electric Z-Move. +showdown.items.electriumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento eléctrico, este elemento le permite usar un movimiento Z eléctrico. Enigma -showdown.items.enigmaberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP after holder is hit by a supereffective move. Single use. -showdown.items.enigmaberry.gen3.desc=No competitive use. +showdown.items.enigmaberry.desc=Descansoores 1/4 PS máximo después de que el titular es golpeado por un movimiento superefectivo. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.enigmaberry.gen3.desc=Sin uso competitivo. Evolutivo -showdown.items.eviolite.desc=If holder's species can evolve, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x. +showdown.items.eviolite.desc=Si la especie del poseedor puede evolucionar, su Defensa y Sp. Definitivamente son 1,5x. Experto -showdown.items.expertbelt.desc=Holder's attacks that are super effective against the target do 1.2x damage. +showdown.items.expertbelt.desc=Los ataques de Holder que son súper efectivos contra el objetivo causan 1,2 veces más daño. Z -showdown.items.fairiumz.desc=If holder has a Fairy move, this item allows it to use a Fairy Z-Move. +showdown.items.fairiumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento Hada, este elemento le permite usar un movimiento Z Hada. Hada -showdown.items.fairygem.desc=Holder's first successful Fairy-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. +showdown.items.fairygem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Hada de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Hada -showdown.items.fairymemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fairy type. +showdown.items.fairymemory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es tipo Hada. Ball -showdown.items.fastball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokemon which are quick to run away. +showdown.items.fastball.desc=Una Poké Ball que facilita la captura de Pokémon que huyen rápidamente. Lucha -showdown.items.fightinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.fightinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fighting-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.fightinggem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Lucha de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.fightinggem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Lucha de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Lucha -showdown.items.fightingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fighting type. +showdown.items.fightingmemory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es de tipo Lucha. Z -showdown.items.fightiniumz.desc=If holder has a Fighting move, this item allows it to use a Fighting Z-Move. +showdown.items.fightiniumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento de lucha, este elemento le permite usar un movimiento Z de lucha. Higog -showdown.items.figyberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.figyberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.figyberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Atk Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.figyberry.desc=Descansoores 1/3 PS máximo a 1/4 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Atq Naturaleza. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.figyberry.gen7.desc=Descansoores 1/2 PS máximo a 1/4 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Atq Naturaleza. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.figyberry.gen6.desc=Descansoores 1/8 PS máximo a 1/2 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Atq Naturaleza. De un solo uso. Fuego -showdown.items.firegem.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.firegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Fire-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.firegem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Fuego de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.firegem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Fuego de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Fuego -showdown.items.firememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Fire type. +showdown.items.firememory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es de tipo Fuego. Fuego Vulpix into Ninetales, Growlithe into Arcanine, Eevee into Flareon, and Pansear into Simisear when used. certain species of Pokemon when used. a Vulpix en Ninetales, Gruñidoithe en Arcanine, Eevee en Flareon y Pansear en Simisear cuando se usa. ciertas especies de Pokémon cuando se usa. Z -showdown.items.firiumz.desc=If holder has a Fire move, this item allows it to use a Fire Z-Move. +showdown.items.firiumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento de Fuego, este elemento le permite usar un Movimiento Z de Fuego. Fuerte -showdown.items.fistplate.desc=Holder's Fighting-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fighting type. +showdown.items.fistplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo Lucha de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Sentencia es del tipo Lucha. -showdown.items.flameorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to burn the holder. +showdown.items.flameorb.desc=Al final de cada turno, este objeto intenta quemar al portador. Llama -showdown.items.flameplate.desc=Holder's Fire-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fire type. +showdown.items.flameplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo Fuego de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Sentencia es tipo Fuego. Pómez -showdown.items.floatstone.desc=Holder's weight is halved. +showdown.items.floatstone.desc=El peso del titular se reduce a la mitad. Flor -showdown.items.flowersweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.flowersweet.desc=Milcery evoluciona a Alcremie cuando se lo sostiene y se lo hace girar. Volador -showdown.items.flyinggem.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.flyinggem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Flying-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.flyinggem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Vueloing de Holder tendrá una potencia 1,3 veces mayor. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.flyinggem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Vueloing de Holder tendrá una potencia 1,5 veces mayor. De un solo uso. Volador -showdown.items.flyingmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Flying type. +showdown.items.flyingmemory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es tipo Vueloing. Z -showdown.items.flyiniumz.desc=If holder has a Flying move, this item allows it to use a Flying Z-Move. +showdown.items.flyiniumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento Vueloing, este elemento le permite utilizar un movimiento Z de Vueloing. Aguante -showdown.items.focusband.desc=Holder has a 10% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. -showdown.items.focusband.gen2.desc=Holder has a ~11.7% chance to survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. -showdown.items.focusband.activate=%s hung on using its Focus Band! +showdown.items.focusband.desc=Holder tiene un 10% de posibilidades de sobrevivir a un ataque que lo dejaría KO con 1 PS. +showdown.items.focusband.gen2.desc=Holder tiene una probabilidad de ~11,7% de sobrevivir a un ataque que lo dejaría KO con 1 PS. +showdown.items.focusband.activate=¡%s siguió usando su Cinta Aguante! Aguante -showdown.items.focussash.desc=If holder's HP is full, will survive an attack that would KO it with 1 HP. Single use. -showdown.items.focussash.gen4.desc=If holder's HP is full, survives all hits of one attack with at least 1 HP. Single use. -showdown.items.focussash.end=%s hung on using its Focus Sash! +showdown.items.focussash.desc=Si el PS del poseedor está lleno, sobrevivirá a un ataque que lo noquearía con 1 PS. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.focussash.gen4.desc=Si el PS del poseedor está lleno, sobrevive a todos los golpes de un ataque con al menos 1 PS. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.focussash.end=¡%s siguió usando su Banda Aguante!ósil -showdown.items.fossilizedbird.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Drake or Arctozolt with Fossilized Dino. +showdown.items.fossilizedbird.desc=Puede revivir en Dracozolt con Dracofósil o Arctozolt con Plesiofósil.ósil -showdown.items.fossilizeddino.desc=Can revive into Arctovish with Fossilized Fish or Arctozolt with Fossilized Bird. +showdown.items.fossilizeddino.desc=Puede revivir en Arctovish con Ictiofósil o Arctozolt con Ornitofósil.ósil -showdown.items.fossilizeddrake.desc=Can revive into Dracozolt with Fossilized Bird or Dracovish with Fossilized Fish. +showdown.items.fossilizeddrake.desc=Puede revivir en Dracozolt con Ornitofósil o Dracovish con Ictiofósil.ósil -showdown.items.fossilizedfish.desc=Can revive into Dracovish with Fossilized Drake or Arctovish with Fossilized Dino. +showdown.items.fossilizedfish.desc=Puede revivir en Dracovish con Dracofósil o Arctovish con Plesiofósil. Ball -showdown.items.friendball.desc=A Poke Ball that makes caught Pokemon more friendly. +showdown.items.friendball.desc=Una Poké Ball que hace que los Pokémon capturados sean más amigables. Lento -showdown.items.fullincense.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. +showdown.items.fullincense.desc=El titular se mueve en último lugar en su grupo de prioridad. Galanuez -showdown.items.galaricacuff.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro when used. +showdown.items.galaricacuff.desc=Evoluciona a Galarian Slowpoke a Galarian Slowbro cuando se usa. Galanuez -showdown.items.galaricawreath.desc=Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking when used. +showdown.items.galaricawreath.desc=Evoluciona a Galarian Slowpoke a Galarian Slowking cuando se usa. -showdown.items.galladite.desc=If held by a Gallade, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.galladite.desc=Si lo lleva un Gallade, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Gonlan -showdown.items.ganlonberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.ganlonberry.desc=Aumenta la defensa del poseedor en 1 nivel cuando tiene 1/4 de PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.garchompite.desc=If held by a Garchomp, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.garchompite.desc=Si lo lleva un Garchomp, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. -showdown.items.gardevoirite.desc=If held by a Gardevoir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.gardevoirite.desc=Si lo lleva un Gardevoir, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. -showdown.items.gengarite.desc=If held by a Gengar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.gengarite.desc=Si lo tiene un Gengar, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en la batalla. Fantasma -showdown.items.ghostgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.ghostgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ghost-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.ghostgem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Fantasma de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.ghostgem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Fantasma de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Fantasma -showdown.items.ghostmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ghost type. +showdown.items.ghostmemory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es de tipo Fantasma. Z -showdown.items.ghostiumz.desc=If holder has a Ghost move, this item allows it to use a Ghost Z-Move. +showdown.items.ghostiumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento Fantasma, este elemento le permite usar un Movimiento Z Fantasma. -showdown.items.glalitite.desc=If held by a Glalie, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.glalitite.desc=Si lo lleva un Glalie, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en la batalla. Dorada -showdown.items.goldbottlecap.desc=Used for Hyper Training. All of a Pokemon's stats are calculated with an IV of 31. +showdown.items.goldbottlecap.desc=Utilizado para hiperentrenamiento. Todas las estadísticas de un Pokémon se calculan con un IV de 31. Planta -showdown.items.grassgem.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.grassgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Grass-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.grassgem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Planta de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.grassgem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Planta de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Planta -showdown.items.grassmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Grass type. +showdown.items.grassmemory.desc=El Multiataque del Holder es de tipo Hierba. Z -showdown.items.grassiumz.desc=If holder has a Grass move, this item allows it to use a Grass Z-Move. +showdown.items.grassiumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento Grass, este elemento le permite usar un movimiento Grass Z. Hierba -showdown.items.grassyseed.desc=If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, raises holder's Defense by 1 stage. Single use. +showdown.items.grassyseed.desc=Si el terreno es Campo de Hierba, aumenta la Defensa del poseedor en 1 nivel. De un solo uso. Ball -showdown.items.greatball.desc=A high-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Poke Ball. +showdown.items.greatball.desc=Una bola de alto rendimiento que proporciona una mayor tasa de captura que una Poké Ball. Uvav -showdown.items.grepaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.grepaberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Garfio -showdown.items.gripclaw.desc=Holder's partial-trapping moves always last 7 turns. +showdown.items.gripclaw.desc=Los movimientos de captura parcial de Holder siempre duran 7 turnos. Griseosfera -showdown.items.griseouscore.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.griseouscore.desc=Si lo sostiene una Giratina, sus ataques de tipo Fantasma y Dragón tienen 1,2 veces más poder. -showdown.items.griseousorb.desc=If held by a Giratina, its Ghost- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.griseousorb.gen4.desc=Can only be held by Giratina. Its Ghost- & Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.griseousorb.desc=Si lo sostiene una Giratina, sus ataques de tipo Fantasma y Dragón tienen 1,2 veces más poder. +showdown.items.griseousorb.gen4.desc=Sólo puede ser sostenido por Giratina. Sus ataques de tipo Fantasma y Dragón tienen un poder 1,2 veces mayor. Tierra -showdown.items.groundgem.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.groundgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ground-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.groundgem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Tierra de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.groundgem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Tierra de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Tierra -showdown.items.groundmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ground type. +showdown.items.groundmemory.desc=El Multiataque del Holder es tipo Tierra. Z -showdown.items.groundiumz.desc=If holder has a Ground move, this item allows it to use a Ground Z-Move. +showdown.items.groundiumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento terrestre, este elemento le permite usar un movimiento Z terrestre. -showdown.items.gyaradosite.desc=If held by a Gyarados, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.gyaradosite.desc=Si lo lleva un Gyarados, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Anjiro -showdown.items.habanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Dragon-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.habanberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Dragón. De un solo uso. Dura -showdown.items.hardstone.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.hardstone.gen3.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.hardstone.desc=Los ataques tipo Roca de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.hardstone.gen3.desc=Los ataques tipo Roca de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Ball -showdown.items.healball.desc=A remedial Poke Ball that restores the caught Pokemon's HP and status problem. +showdown.items.healball.desc=Una Poké Ball de recuperación que restaura el PS y el problema de estado del Pokémon capturado. Calor -showdown.items.heatrock.desc=Holder's use of Sunny Day lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.heatrock.desc=El uso del Día Soleado por parte del titular dura 8 turnos en lugar de 5. Ball -showdown.items.heavyball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching very heavy Pokemon. +showdown.items.heavyball.desc=Una Poké Ball para atrapar Pokémon muy pesados. Gruesas -showdown.items.heavydutyboots.desc=When switching in, the holder is unaffected by hazards on its side of the field. +showdown.items.heavydutyboots.desc=Al realizar el cambio, el titular no se ve afectado por los peligros en su lado del campo.ósil Hélix -showdown.items.helixfossil.desc=Can be revived into Omanyte. +showdown.items.helixfossil.desc=Puede ser revivido en Omanyte. -showdown.items.heracronite.desc=If held by a Heracross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.heracronite.desc=Si lo lleva un Heracross, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Meluce -showdown.items.hondewberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.hondewberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. -showdown.items.houndoominite.desc=If held by a Houndoom, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.houndoominite.desc=Si lo lleva un Houndoom, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Pabaya -showdown.items.iapapaberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Def Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.desc=Descansoores 1/3 PS máximo a 1/4 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Def Naturaleza. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen7.desc=Descansoores 1/2 PS máximo a 1/4 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Def Naturaleza. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen6.desc=Descansoores 1/8 PS máximo a 1/2 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Def Naturaleza. De un solo uso. Hielo -showdown.items.icegem.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.icegem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Ice-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.icegem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Hielo de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.icegem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Hielo de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Hielo -showdown.items.icememory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Ice type. +showdown.items.icememory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es tipo Hielo. Hielo -showdown.items.icestone.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales, Eevee into Glaceon, and Galarian Darumaka into Galarian Darmanitan when used. -showdown.items.icestone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. -showdown.items.icestone.gen7.desc=Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash and Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales when used. +showdown.items.icestone.desc=Evoluciona Alolan Sandshrew en Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Vulpix en Alolan Ninetales, Eevee en Glaceon y Galarian Darumaka en Galarian Darmanitan cuando se usa. +showdown.items.icestone.shortDesc=Evoluciona ciertas especies de Pokémon cuando se usa. +showdown.items.icestone.gen7.desc=Evoluciona Alolan Sandshrew en Alolan Sandslash y Alolan Vulpix en Alolan Ninetales cuando se usa. Helada -showdown.items.icicleplate.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ice type. +showdown.items.icicleplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo Hielo de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Sentencia es tipo Hielo. Z -showdown.items.iciumz.desc=If holder has an Ice move, this item allows it to use an Ice Z-Move. +showdown.items.iciumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento de Hielo, este elemento le permite usar un Movimiento Z de Hielo. Helada -showdown.items.icyrock.desc=Holder's use of Hail lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.icyrock.desc=El uso de Granizo por parte del Holder dura 8 turnos en lugar de 5. Z -showdown.items.inciniumz.desc=If held by an Incineroar with Darkest Lariat, it can use Malicious Moonsault. +showdown.items.inciniumz.desc=Si lo sostiene un Incineroar con Lariat Oscuro, puede usar Hiperplancha Oscura. Bicho -showdown.items.insectplate.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Bug type. +showdown.items.insectplate.desc=Los ataques tipo Bug de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. La oración es tipo error. Férrea -showdown.items.ironball.desc=Holder is grounded, Speed halved. If Flying type, takes neutral Ground damage. -showdown.items.ironball.gen4.desc=Holder's Speed is halved and it becomes grounded. +showdown.items.ironball.desc=El titular está castigado, la velocidad se reduce a la mitad. Si es del tipo Vueloing, recibe daño terrestre neutral. +showdown.items.ironball.gen4.desc=La velocidad del Holder se reduce a la mitad y queda castigado. Acero -showdown.items.ironplate.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Steel type. +showdown.items.ironplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo acero de Holder tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. Sentencia es tipo acero. Jaboca -showdown.items.jabocaberry.desc=If holder is hit by a physical move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. +showdown.items.jabocaberry.desc=Si el poseedor es golpeado por un movimiento físico, el atacante pierde 1/8 de su PS máximo. De un solo uso.ósil Mandíbula -showdown.items.jawfossil.desc=Can be revived into Tyrunt. +showdown.items.jawfossil.desc=Puede ser revivido en Tyrunt. Drasi -showdown.items.kasibberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ghost-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.kasibberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Fantasma. De un solo uso. Kebia -showdown.items.kebiaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Poison-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.kebiaberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Veneno. De un solo uso. Biglia -showdown.items.keeberry.desc=Raises holder's Defense by 1 stage after it is hit by a physical attack. Single use. +showdown.items.keeberry.desc=Aumenta la defensa del poseedor en 1 nivel después de ser golpeado por un ataque físico. De un solo uso. Algama -showdown.items.kelpsyberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.kelpsyberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. -showdown.items.kangaskhanite.desc=If held by a Kangaskhan, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.kangaskhanite.desc=Si lo lleva un Kangaskhan, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. del Rey -showdown.items.kingsrock.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed and Slowpoke into Slowking when traded. -showdown.items.kingsrock.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.items.kingsrock.desc=Los ataques del Holder sin posibilidad de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca obtienen un 10% de probabilidad de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Evoluciona a Poliwhirl a Politoed y a Slowpoke a Slowking cuando se intercambian. +showdown.items.kingsrock.shortDesc=Los ataques de Holder sin posibilidad de retroceder obtienen un 10% de probabilidad de retroceder. Z -showdown.items.kommoniumz.desc=If held by a Kommo-o with Clanging Scales, it can use Clangorous Soulblaze. +showdown.items.kommoniumz.desc=Si lo tiene un Kommo-o con Fragor Escamas, puede usar Estruendo Escamablaze. Plúmbea -showdown.items.laggingtail.desc=Holder moves last in its priority bracket. +showdown.items.laggingtail.desc=El titular se mueve en último lugar en su grupo de prioridad. Zonlan -showdown.items.lansatberry.desc=Holder gains the Focus Energy effect when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.lansatberry.desc=El titular obtiene el efecto Foco Energía cuando tiene 1/4 de PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.latiasite.desc=If held by a Latias, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.latiasite.desc=Si lo lleva un Latias, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. -showdown.items.latiosite.desc=If held by a Latios, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.latiosite.desc=Si lo lleva un Latios, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Suave -showdown.items.laxincense.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.9x. -showdown.items.laxincense.gen3.desc=The accuracy of attacks against the holder is 0.95x. +showdown.items.laxincense.desc=La precisión de los ataques contra el poseedor es de 0,9x. +showdown.items.laxincense.gen3.desc=La precisión de los ataques contra el poseedor es de 0,95x. Hoja -showdown.items.leafstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Eevee into Leafeon, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. -showdown.items.leafstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. -showdown.items.leafstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Weepinbell into Victreebel, Exeggcute into Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Pansage into Simisage when used. +showdown.items.leafstone.desc=Evoluciona Gloom a Vileplume, Weepinbell a Victreebel, Exeggcute a Exeggutor o Alolan Exeggutor, Eevee a Leafeon, Nuzleaf a Shiftry y Pansage a Simisage cuando se usa. +showdown.items.leafstone.shortDesc=Evoluciona ciertas especies de Pokémon cuando se usa. +showdown.items.leafstone.gen7.desc=Evoluciona Gloom a Vileplume, Weepinbell a Victreebel, Exeggcute a Exeggutor o Alolan Exeggutor, Nuzleaf a Shiftry y Pansage a Simisage cuando se usa. -showdown.items.leek.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d or Sirfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. +showdown.items.leek.desc=Si lo tiene un Farfetch'd o Sirfetch'd, su índice de golpes críticos aumenta en 2 etapas. -showdown.items.leftovers.desc=At the end of every turn, holder restores 1/16 of its max HP. -showdown.items.leftovers.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Leftovers! +showdown.items.leftovers.desc=Al final de cada turno, el poseedor recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo. +showdown.items.leftovers.heal=¡%s restauró un poco de PS usando sus Restos! Zanama -showdown.items.leppaberry.desc=Restores 10 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. -showdown.items.leppaberry.activate=%s restored PP to its move %s using its Leppa Berry! +showdown.items.leppaberry.desc=Descansoores 10 PP al primero de los movimientos del titular para llegar a 0 PP. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.leppaberry.activate=¡%s restauró el PP a su movimiento %s usando su Baya Zanama! Ball -showdown.items.levelball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are a lower level than your own. +showdown.items.levelball.desc=Una Poké Ball para atrapar Pokémon de nivel inferior al tuyo. Lichi -showdown.items.liechiberry.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.liechiberry.desc=Aumenta el ataque del poseedor en 1 nivel cuando tiene 1/4 de PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.lifeorb.desc=Holder's attacks do 1.3x damage, and it loses 1/10 its max HP after the attack. -showdown.items.lifeorb.damage=%s lost some of its HP! +showdown.items.lifeorb.desc=Los ataques de Holder causan 1,3 veces más daño y pierde 1/10 de su PS máximo después del ataque. +showdown.items.lifeorb.damage=¡%s perdió parte de su PS! Luminosa -showdown.items.lightball.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Attack and Sp. Atk are doubled. -showdown.items.lightball.gen4.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its attacks have their power doubled. -showdown.items.lightball.gen3.desc=If held by a Pikachu, its Special Attack is doubled. +showdown.items.lightball.desc=Si lo sostiene un Pikachu, su Ataque y Sp. Los ataques se duplican. +showdown.items.lightball.gen4.desc=Si lo sostiene un Pikachu, sus ataques duplican su poder. +showdown.items.lightball.gen3.desc=Si lo lleva un Pikachu, su ataque especial se duplica. -showdown.items.lightclay.desc=Holder's use of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. -showdown.items.lightclay.gen6.desc=Holder's use of Light Screen or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.lightclay.desc=El uso de Velo Aurora, Pantalla de Luz o Reflejo por parte del titular dura 8 turnos en lugar de 5. +showdown.items.lightclay.gen6.desc=El uso de Pantalla de Luz o Reflejo por parte del titular dura 8 turnos en lugar de 5. Trucado -showdown.items.loadeddice.desc=Holder's moves that hit 2-5 times hit 4-5 times; Population Bomb hits 4-10 times. +showdown.items.loadeddice.desc=Los movimientos de Holder que acertaron de 2 a 5 veces acertaron de 4 a 5 veces; La proliferación golpea de 4 a 10 veces. -showdown.items.lopunnite.desc=If held by a Lopunny, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.lopunnite.desc=Si lo lleva un Lopunny, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Ball -showdown.items.loveball.desc=Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that are the opposite gender of your Pokemon. +showdown.items.loveball.desc=Poké Ball para atrapar Pokémon del sexo opuesto a tu Pokémon. Corazón -showdown.items.lovesweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.lovesweet.desc=Milcery evoluciona a Alcremie cuando se lo sostiene y se lo hace girar. -showdown.items.lucarionite.desc=If held by a Lucario, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.lucarionite.desc=Si lo lleva un Lucario, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla.ño Suerte -showdown.items.luckypunch.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. -showdown.items.luckypunch.gen2.desc=If held by a Chansey, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) +showdown.items.luckypunch.desc=Si lo lleva un Chansey, su índice de golpes críticos aumenta en 2 etapas. +showdown.items.luckypunch.gen2.desc=Si lo sostiene un Chansey, su índice de golpes críticos siempre está en la etapa 2 (tasa de críticos del 25%). Ziuela -showdown.items.lumberry.desc=Holder cures itself if it has a non-volatile status or is confused. Single use. +showdown.items.lumberry.desc=El titular se cura a sí mismo si tiene un estado no volátil o está confundido. De un solo uso. Moss -showdown.items.luminousmoss.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage if hit by a Water-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.luminousmoss.desc=Aumenta el Sp del titular. Def en 1 etapa si es golpeado por un ataque de tipo Agua. De un solo uso. Z -showdown.items.lunaliumz.desc=Lunala or Dawn Wings Necrozma with Moongeist Beam can use a special Z-Move. +showdown.items.lunaliumz.desc=Lunala o Dawn Wings Necrozma con Rayo Umbrío pueden usar un Z-Move especial. Ball -showdown.items.lureball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon hooked by a Rod when fishing. +showdown.items.lureball.desc=Una Poké Ball para atrapar Pokémon enganchados con una caña mientras pesca. Lustresfera -showdown.items.lustrousglobe.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.lustrousglobe.desc=Si lo sostiene un Palkia, sus ataques de tipo Agua y Dragón tienen 1,2 veces más poder. -showdown.items.lustrousorb.desc=If held by a Palkia, its Water- and Dragon-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.lustrousorb.desc=Si lo sostiene un Palkia, sus ataques de tipo Agua y Dragón tienen 1,2 veces más poder. Ball -showdown.items.luxuryball.desc=A comfortable Poke Ball that makes a caught wild Pokemon quickly grow friendly. +showdown.items.luxuryball.desc=Una cómoda Poké Ball que hace que un Pokémon salvaje capturado se vuelva amigable rápidamente. Z -showdown.items.lycaniumz.desc=If held by a Lycanroc forme with Stone Edge, it can use Splintered Stormshards. +showdown.items.lycaniumz.desc=Si lo posee una forma Lycanroc con Roca Afilada, puede usar Tempestad Rocosa. Firme -showdown.items.machobrace.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.machobrace.desc=La velocidad del titular se reduce a la mitad. La habilidad Zoquete no ignora este efecto. -showdown.items.magmarizer.desc=Evolves Magmar into Magmortar when traded. +showdown.items.magmarizer.desc=Magmar evoluciona a Magmortar cuando se intercambia.án -showdown.items.magnet.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.magnet.gen3.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.magnet.desc=Los ataques de tipo eléctrico de Holder tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. +showdown.items.magnet.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo eléctrico de Holder tienen 1,1 veces de potencia. Berry -showdown.items.magoberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.magoberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.magoberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -Spe Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.magoberry.desc=Descansoores 1/3 PS máximo a 1/4 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Velo Naturaleza. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.magoberry.gen7.desc=Descansoores 1/2 PS máximo a 1/4 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Velo Naturaleza. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.magoberry.gen6.desc=Descansoores 1/8 PS máximo a 1/2 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Velo Naturaleza. De un solo uso. Aostan -showdown.items.magostberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.magostberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. -showdown.items.mail.desc=Cannot be given to or taken from a Pokemon, except by Covet/Knock Off/Thief. +showdown.items.mail.desc=No se lo puede dar ni quitar a un Pokémon, excepto Antojo/Desarme/Ladrón. Maldita -showdown.items.maliciousarmor.desc=Evolves Charcadet into Ceruledge when used. +showdown.items.maliciousarmor.desc=Cuando se usa, Charcadet evoluciona a Ceruledge. -showdown.items.manectite.desc=If held by a Manectric, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.manectite.desc=Si lo lleva un Manectric, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Maranga -showdown.items.marangaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage after it is hit by a special attack. Single use. +showdown.items.marangaberry.desc=Aumenta el Sp del titular. Def en 1 etapa después de ser golpeado por un ataque especial. De un solo uso. Z -showdown.items.marshadiumz.desc=If held by Marshadow with Spectral Thief, it can use Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike. +showdown.items.marshadiumz.desc=Si Marshadow lo sostiene con Robasombra, puede usar Constelación Robaalmas. Ball -showdown.items.masterball.desc=The best Ball with the ultimate performance. It will catch any wild Pokemon. +showdown.items.masterball.desc=La mejor pelota con el máximo rendimiento. Atrapará cualquier Pokémon salvaje. -showdown.items.mawilite.desc=If held by a Mawile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.mawilite.desc=Si lo lleva un Mawile, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Pradal -showdown.items.meadowplate.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Grass type. +showdown.items.meadowplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo Hierba de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Sentencia es tipo hierba. -showdown.items.medichamite.desc=If held by a Medicham, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.medichamite.desc=Si lo lleva un Medicham, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Mental -showdown.items.mentalherb.desc=Cures holder of Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, Torment. Single use. -showdown.items.mentalherb.gen4.desc=Holder is cured if it is infatuated. Single use. +showdown.items.mentalherb.desc=Titular de curas de Atracción, Anulación, Otra Vez, Anticura, Mofa, Tormento. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.mentalherb.gen4.desc=Holder se cura si se enamora. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.metagrossite.desc=If held by a Metagross, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.metagrossite.desc=Si lo lleva un Metagross, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Metálico -showdown.items.metalcoat.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. -showdown.items.metalcoat.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.desc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded. -showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.shortDesc=Holder's Steel-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.metalcoat.desc=Los ataques de tipo acero de Holder tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. Evoluciona a Onix en Steelix y Scyther en Scizor cuando se intercambian. +showdown.items.metalcoat.shortDesc=Los ataques de tipo acero de Holder tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. +showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo acero de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Evoluciona a Onix en Steelix y Scyther en Scizor cuando se intercambian. +showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.shortDesc=Los ataques de tipo acero de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Metálico -showdown.items.metalpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Defense is doubled. -showdown.items.metalpowder.gen2.desc=If held by a Ditto, its Defense and Sp. Def are 1.5x, even while Transformed. +showdown.items.metalpowder.desc=Si lo tiene un Ditto que no se ha Transformado, su Defensa se duplica. +showdown.items.metalpowder.gen2.desc=Si lo tiene un Ídem, su Defensa y Def esp. son 1.5x, incluso mientras se Transforma.ónomo -showdown.items.metronome.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 5 turns. -showdown.items.metronome.gen4.desc=Damage of moves used on consecutive turns is increased. Max 2x after 10 turns. +showdown.items.metronome.desc=Se incrementa el daño de los movimientos utilizados en turnos consecutivos. Máximo 2x después de 5 turnos. +showdown.items.metronome.gen4.desc=Se incrementa el daño de los movimientos utilizados en turnos consecutivos. Máximo 2x después de 10 turnos. Z -showdown.items.mewniumz.desc=If held by a Mew with Psychic, it can use Genesis Supernova. +showdown.items.mewniumz.desc=Si lo tiene un Mew con Psíquico, puede usar Supernova Original. X -showdown.items.mewtwonitex.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.mewtwonitex.desc=Si lo lleva Mewtwo, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Y -showdown.items.mewtwonitey.desc=If held by a Mewtwo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.mewtwonitey.desc=Si lo lleva Mewtwo, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Lagro -showdown.items.micleberry.desc=Holder's next move has 1.2x accuracy when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.micleberry.desc=El siguiente movimiento del Holder tiene una precisión 1,2 veces mayor cuando tiene 1/4 de PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. Z -showdown.items.mimikiumz.desc=If held by a Mimikyu with Play Rough, it can use Let's Snuggle Forever. +showdown.items.mimikiumz.desc=Si lo sostiene un Mimikyu con Carantoña, puede usar Let's Snuggle Forever. Mental -showdown.items.mindplate.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Psychic type. +showdown.items.mindplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo psíquico de Holder tienen un poder 1,2 veces mayor. Sentencia es de tipo psíquico. Milagro -showdown.items.miracleseed.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.miracleseed.gen3.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.miracleseed.desc=Los ataques de tipo Hierba de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.miracleseed.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo Hierba de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Copia -showdown.items.mirrorherb.desc=When an opposing Pokemon raises a stat stage, the holder copies it. Single use. -showdown.items.mirrorherb.activate=%s used its Mirror Herb to mirror its opponent's stat changes! +showdown.items.mirrorherb.desc=Cuando un Pokémon contrario sube un nivel de estadísticas, su poseedor lo copia. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.mirrorherb.activate=¡%s usó su Hierba Copia para reflejar los cambios de estadísticas de su oponente! Bruma -showdown.items.mistyseed.desc=If the terrain is Misty Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. +showdown.items.mistyseed.desc=Si el terreno es Campo de Niebla, aumenta el Sp del titular. Def por 1 etapa. De un solo uso. Ball -showdown.items.moonball.desc=A Poke Ball for catching Pokemon that evolve using the Moon Stone. +showdown.items.moonball.desc=Una Poké Ball para atrapar Pokémon que evolucionan usando la Piedra Lunar. Lunar -showdown.items.moonstone.desc=Evolves Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Nidorino into Nidoking, Clefairy into Clefable, Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff, Skitty into Delcatty, and Munna into Musharna when used. -showdown.items.moonstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.moonstone.desc=Evoluciona a Nidorina en Nidoqueen, Nidorino en Nidoking, Clefairy en Clefable, Jigglypuff en Wigglytuff, Skitty en Delcatty y Munna en Musharna cuando se usa. +showdown.items.moonstone.shortDesc=Evoluciona ciertas especies de Pokémon cuando se usa. Fuerte -showdown.items.muscleband.desc=Holder's physical attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.muscleband.desc=Los ataques físicos de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Mística -showdown.items.mysticwater.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.mysticwater.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.mysticwater.desc=Los ataques de tipo Agua de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.mysticwater.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo Agua de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Latano -showdown.items.nanabberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.nanabberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Ball -showdown.items.nestball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on weaker Pokemon in the wild. +showdown.items.nestball.desc=Una Poké Ball que funciona especialmente bien con Pokémon más débiles en estado salvaje. Ball -showdown.items.netball.desc=A Poke Ball that works especially well on Water- and Bug-type Pokemon. +showdown.items.netball.desc=Una Poké Ball que funciona especialmente bien con Pokémon de tipo Agua y Bicho. -showdown.items.nevermeltice.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.nevermeltice.gen3.desc=Holder's Ice-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.nevermeltice.desc=Los ataques de tipo Hielo de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.nevermeltice.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo Hielo de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Monli -showdown.items.nomelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.nomelberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Normal -showdown.items.normalgem.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.normalgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Normal-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.normalgem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Normal de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.normalgem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Normal de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Z -showdown.items.normaliumz.desc=If holder has a Normal move, this item allows it to use a Normal Z-Move. +showdown.items.normaliumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento Normal, este elemento le permite usar un Movimiento Z Normal. Caoca -showdown.items.occaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fire-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.occaberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Fuego. De un solo uso. Raro -showdown.items.oddincense.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.oddincense.desc=Los ataques de tipo psíquico de Holder tienen un poder 1,2 veces mayor.Ámbar Viejo -showdown.items.oldamber.desc=Can be revived into Aerodactyl. +showdown.items.oldamber.desc=Puede ser revivido en Aerodactyl. Aranja -showdown.items.oranberry.desc=Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.oranberry.desc=Descansoores 10 PS cuando tienes 1/2 PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. Oval -showdown.items.ovalstone.desc=Evolves Happiny into Chansey when held and leveled up during the day. +showdown.items.ovalstone.desc=Happiny evoluciona a Chansey cuando se sostiene y sube de nivel durante el día. Plama -showdown.items.pamtreberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.pamtreberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Ball -showdown.items.parkball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Pal Park. +showdown.items.parkball.desc=Una Poké Ball especial para el Parque Pal. Pasio -showdown.items.passhoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Water-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.passhoberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Agua. De un solo uso. Payapa -showdown.items.payapaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Psychic-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.payapaberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque de tipo psíquico supereficaz. De un solo uso. Meloc -showdown.items.pechaberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. +showdown.items.pechaberry.desc=Holder se cura si se envenena. De un solo uso. Caquic -showdown.items.persimberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. +showdown.items.persimberry.desc=El titular se cura si se confunde. De un solo uso. Yapati -showdown.items.petayaberry.desc=Raises holder's Sp. Atk by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.petayaberry.desc=Aumenta el Sp del titular. Ataque en 1 etapa cuando tengas 1/4 de PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.pidgeotite.desc=If held by a Pidgeot, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.pidgeotite.desc=Si lo lleva un Pidgeot, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Z -showdown.items.pikaniumz.desc=If held by a Pikachu with Volt Tackle, it can use Catastropika. +showdown.items.pikaniumz.desc=Si lo sostiene un Pikachu con Placaje Eléctrico, puede usar Pikavoltio Letal. Z -showdown.items.pikashuniumz.desc=If held by cap Pikachu with Thunderbolt, it can use 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. +showdown.items.pikashuniumz.desc=Si Cap Pikachu lo sostiene con Truenobolt, puede usar Gigarrayo Fulminante. Pinia -showdown.items.pinapberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.pinapberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. -showdown.items.pinsirite.desc=If held by a Pinsir, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.pinsirite.desc=Si lo lleva un Pinsir, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Duende -showdown.items.pixieplate.desc=Holder's Fairy-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Fairy type. +showdown.items.pixieplate.desc=Los ataques tipo Hada de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Sentencia es del tipo Hada.ósil Pluma -showdown.items.plumefossil.desc=Can be revived into Archen. +showdown.items.plumefossil.desc=Puede ser revivido en Archen. Venenosa -showdown.items.poisonbarb.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.poisonbarb.gen3.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.poisonbarb.desc=Los ataques de tipo Veneno de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.poisonbarb.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo Veneno de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Veneno -showdown.items.poisongem.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.poisongem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Poison-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.poisongem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Veneno de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.poisongem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Veneno de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Veneno -showdown.items.poisonmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Poison type. +showdown.items.poisonmemory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es de tipo Veneno. Z -showdown.items.poisoniumz.desc=If holder has a Poison move, this item allows it to use a Poison Z-Move. +showdown.items.poisoniumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento Venenoso, este elemento le permite usar un movimiento Z Venenoso.é Ball -showdown.items.pokeball.desc=A device for catching wild Pokemon. It is designed as a capsule system. +showdown.items.pokeball.desc=Un dispositivo para atrapar Pokémon salvajes. Está diseñado como un sistema de cápsulas. Grana -showdown.items.pomegberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.pomegberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Recia -showdown.items.poweranklet.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.poweranklet.desc=La velocidad del titular se reduce a la mitad. La habilidad Zoquete no ignora este efecto. Recia -showdown.items.powerband.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.powerband.desc=La velocidad del titular se reduce a la mitad. La habilidad Zoquete no ignora este efecto. Recio -showdown.items.powerbelt.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.powerbelt.desc=La velocidad del titular se reduce a la mitad. La habilidad Zoquete no ignora este efecto. Recio -showdown.items.powerbracer.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.powerbracer.desc=La velocidad del titular se reduce a la mitad. La habilidad Zoquete no ignora este efecto. Única -showdown.items.powerherb.desc=Holder's two-turn moves complete in one turn (except Sky Drop). Single use. -showdown.items.powerherb.end=%s became fully charged due to its Power Herb! +showdown.items.powerherb.desc=Los movimientos de dos turnos del Holder se completan en un turno (excepto Caída Libre). De un solo uso. +showdown.items.powerherb.end=¡%s quedó completamente cargado gracias a su Hierba Única! Recia -showdown.items.powerlens.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.powerlens.desc=La velocidad del titular se reduce a la mitad. La habilidad Zoquete no ignora este efecto. Recia -showdown.items.powerweight.desc=Holder's Speed is halved. The Klutz Ability does not ignore this effect. +showdown.items.powerweight.desc=La velocidad del titular se reduce a la mitad. La habilidad Zoquete no ignora este efecto. Ball -showdown.items.premierball.desc=A rare Poke Ball that has been crafted to commemorate an event. +showdown.items.premierball.desc=Una Poké Ball poco común que ha sido creada para conmemorar un evento. Z -showdown.items.primariumz.desc=If held by a Primarina with Sparkling Aria, it can use Oceanic Operetta. +showdown.items.primariumz.desc=Si lo lleva una Primarina con Chispaling Aria, puede usar Sinfonía de la Diva Marina. Bella -showdown.items.prismscale.desc=Evolves Feebas into Milotic when traded. +showdown.items.prismscale.desc=Feebas evoluciona a Milotic cuando se intercambia. -showdown.items.protectivepads.desc=Holder's moves are protected from adverse contact effects, except Pickpocket. -showdown.items.protectivepads.block=%s protected itself with its Protective Pads! +showdown.items.protectivepads.desc=Los movimientos de Holder están protegidos de efectos de contacto adversos, excepto Hurto. +showdown.items.protectivepads.block=¡%s se protegió con sus almohadillas protectoras! -showdown.items.protector.desc=Evolves Rhydon into Rhyperior when traded. +showdown.items.protector.desc=Rhydon evoluciona a Rhyperior cuando se intercambia. Psíquico -showdown.items.psychicgem.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.psychicgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Psychic-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.psychicgem.desc=El primer ataque de tipo psíquico exitoso de Holder tendrá un poder 1,3 veces mayor. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.psychicgem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque de tipo psíquico exitoso de Holder tendrá un poder 1,5 veces mayor. De un solo uso. Psíquico -showdown.items.psychicmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Psychic type. +showdown.items.psychicmemory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es de tipo psíquico. Psique -showdown.items.psychicseed.desc=If the terrain is Psychic Terrain, raises holder's Sp. Def by 1 stage. Single use. +showdown.items.psychicseed.desc=Si el terreno es Campo Psíquico, aumenta la Sp. del titular. Def por 1 etapa. De un solo uso. Z -showdown.items.psychiumz.desc=If holder has a Psychic move, this item allows it to use a Psychic Z-Move. +showdown.items.psychiumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento Psíquico, este objeto le permite usar un movimiento Psíquico Z. de Boxeo -showdown.items.punchingglove.desc=Holder's punch-based attacks have 1.1x power and do not make contact. +showdown.items.punchingglove.desc=Los ataques basados en puñetazos de Holder tienen una potencia 1,1x y no hacen contacto. Ispero -showdown.items.qualotberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.qualotberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Ball -showdown.items.quickball.desc=A Poke Ball that provides a better catch rate at the start of a wild encounter. +showdown.items.quickball.desc=Una Poké Ball que proporciona una mejor tasa de captura al comienzo de un encuentro salvaje. Rápida -showdown.items.quickclaw.desc=Each turn, holder has a 20% chance to move first in its priority bracket. -showdown.items.quickclaw.gen2.desc=Each turn, holder has a ~23.4% chance to move first in its priority bracket. -showdown.items.quickclaw.activate=%s can act faster than normal, thanks to its Quick Claw! +showdown.items.quickclaw.desc=En cada turno, el poseedor tiene un 20% de posibilidades de moverse primero en su grupo de prioridad. +showdown.items.quickclaw.gen2.desc=En cada turno, el poseedor tiene una probabilidad de ~23,4% de moverse primero en su grupo de prioridad. +showdown.items.quickclaw.activate=%s puede actuar más rápido de lo normal, gracias a su Garra Rápida! Veloz -showdown.items.quickpowder.desc=If held by a Ditto that hasn't Transformed, its Speed is doubled. +showdown.items.quickpowder.desc=Si lo sostiene un Ditto que no se ha Transformado, su Velocidad se duplica. Rautan -showdown.items.rabutaberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.rabutaberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Raro -showdown.items.rarebone.desc=No competitive use other than when used with Fling. +showdown.items.rarebone.desc=No se permite ningún uso competitivo excepto cuando se utiliza con Lanzamiento. Safre -showdown.items.rawstberry.desc=Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. +showdown.items.rawstberry.desc=El titular se cura si se quema. De un solo uso. Afilada -showdown.items.razorclaw.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. Evolves Sneasel into Weavile when held and leveled up during the night. -showdown.items.razorclaw.shortDesc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.items.razorclaw.desc=La proporción de golpes críticos del Holder aumenta en 1 nivel. Sneasel evoluciona a Weavile cuando se lo sostiene y se le sube de nivel durante la noche. +showdown.items.razorclaw.shortDesc=La proporción de golpes críticos del Holder aumenta en 1 nivel. Agudo -showdown.items.razorfang.desc=Holder's attacks without a chance to make the target flinch gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Evolves Gligar into Gliscor when held and leveled up during the night. -showdown.items.razorfang.shortDesc=Holder's attacks without a chance to flinch gain a 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.items.razorfang.desc=Los ataques del Holder sin posibilidad de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca obtienen un 10% de probabilidad de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Gligar evoluciona a Gliscor cuando se sostiene y sube de nivel durante la noche. +showdown.items.razorfang.shortDesc=Los ataques de Holder sin posibilidad de retroceder obtienen un 10% de probabilidad de retroceder. Frambu -showdown.items.razzberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.razzberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Terrible -showdown.items.reapercloth.desc=Evolves Dusclops into Dusknoir when traded. +showdown.items.reapercloth.desc=Dusclops evoluciona a Dusknoir cuando se intercambia. Roja -showdown.items.redcard.desc=If holder survives a hit, attacker is forced to switch to a random ally. Single use. -showdown.items.redcard.end=%s held up its Red Card against %s! +showdown.items.redcard.desc=Si el poseedor sobrevive a un golpe, el atacante se ve obligado a cambiar a un aliado aleatorio. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.redcard.end=¡%s mostró su Tarjeta Roja contra %s! Rojo -showdown.items.redorb.desc=If held by a Groudon, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle. +showdown.items.redorb.desc=Si lo lleva un Groudon, este objeto activa su reversión primaria en la batalla. Ball -showdown.items.repeatball.desc=A Poke Ball that works well on Pokemon species that were previously caught. +showdown.items.repeatball.desc=Una Poké Ball que funciona bien con especies de Pokémon que fueron capturadas previamente. Lazo -showdown.items.ribbonsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.ribbonsweet.desc=Milcery evoluciona a Alcremie cuando se lo sostiene y se lo hace girar. Tamar -showdown.items.rindoberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Grass-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.rindoberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Planta. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.ringtarget.desc=The holder's type immunities granted solely by its typing are negated. +showdown.items.ringtarget.desc=Se niegan las inmunidades de tipo del titular concedidas únicamente por su tipificación. Roca -showdown.items.rockgem.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.rockgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Rock-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.rockgem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Roca de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.rockgem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Roca de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Roca -showdown.items.rockincense.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.rockincense.desc=Los ataques tipo Roca de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Roca -showdown.items.rockmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Rock type. +showdown.items.rockmemory.desc=El Multiataque de Holder es tipo Roca. Z -showdown.items.rockiumz.desc=If holder has a Rock move, this item allows it to use a Rock Z-Move. +showdown.items.rockiumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento de Roca, este elemento le permite usar un Movimiento Z de Roca. Dentado -showdown.items.rockyhelmet.desc=If holder is hit by a contact move, the attacker loses 1/6 of its max HP. -showdown.items.rockyhelmet.damage=%s was hurt by the Rocky Helmet! +showdown.items.rockyhelmet.desc=Si el poseedor es golpeado por un movimiento de contacto, el atacante pierde 1/6 de su PS máximo. +showdown.items.rockyhelmet.damage=¡%s resultó lastimado por el Casco Dentado! Raro -showdown.items.roomservice.desc=If Trick Room is active, the holder's Speed is lowered by 1 stage. Single use. +showdown.items.roomservice.desc=Si Truco Room está activo, la velocidad del titular se reduce en 1 nivel. De un solo uso.ósil Raíz -showdown.items.rootfossil.desc=Can be revived into Lileep. +showdown.items.rootfossil.desc=Puede ser revivido en Lileep. Floral -showdown.items.roseincense.desc=Holder's Grass-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.roseincense.desc=Los ataques de tipo Hierba de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Hibis -showdown.items.roseliberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Fairy-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.roseliberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Hada. De un solo uso. Magua -showdown.items.rowapberry.desc=If holder is hit by a special move, attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP. Single use. +showdown.items.rowapberry.desc=Si el poseedor es golpeado por un movimiento especial, el atacante pierde 1/8 de su PS máximo. De un solo uso. Oxidado -showdown.items.rustedshield.desc=If held by a Zamazenta, this item changes its forme to Crowned Shield. +showdown.items.rustedshield.desc=Si lo lleva un Zamazenta, este objeto cambia su forma a Escudo coronado. Oxidada -showdown.items.rustedsword.desc=If held by a Zacian, this item changes its forme to Crowned Sword. +showdown.items.rustedsword.desc=Si lo sostiene un Zacian, este objeto cambia su forma a Espada coronada. -showdown.items.sablenite.desc=If held by a Sableye, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.sablenite.desc=Si lo lleva un Sableye, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Fragante -showdown.items.sachet.desc=Evolves Spritzee into Aromatisse when traded. +showdown.items.sachet.desc=Cuando se intercambia, Spritzee evoluciona a Aromatisse. Ball -showdown.items.safariball.desc=A special Poke Ball that is used only in the Safari Zone and Great Marsh. +showdown.items.safariball.desc=Una Poké Ball especial que se usa solo en Safari Zone y Great Marsh. Protectora -showdown.items.safetygoggles.desc=Holder is immune to powder moves and damage from Sandstorm or Hail. -showdown.items.safetygoggles.block=%s is not affected by %s thanks to its Safety Goggles! +showdown.items.safetygoggles.desc=Holder es inmune a los movimientos de pólvora y al daño de Tormenta Arena o Granizo. +showdown.items.safetygoggles.block=¡%s no se ve afectado por %s gracias a su Gafa Protectora!ósil Aleta -showdown.items.sailfossil.desc=Can be revived into Amaura. +showdown.items.sailfossil.desc=Puede ser revivido en Amaura. Aslac -showdown.items.salacberry.desc=Raises holder's Speed by 1 stage when at 1/4 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.salacberry.desc=Aumenta la velocidad del portador en 1 nivel cuando tiene 1/4 de PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.salamencite.desc=If held by a Salamence, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.salamencite.desc=Si lo lleva un Salamence, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. -showdown.items.sceptilite.desc=If held by a Sceptile, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.sceptilite.desc=Si lo lleva un Sceptile, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. -showdown.items.scizorite.desc=If held by a Scizor, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.scizorite.desc=Si lo lleva un Scizor, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. -showdown.items.scopelens.desc=Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. +showdown.items.scopelens.desc=La proporción de golpes críticos del Holder aumenta en 1 nivel. Marino -showdown.items.seaincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.seaincense.gen3.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.05x power. +showdown.items.seaincense.desc=Los ataques de tipo Agua de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.seaincense.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo Agua de Holder tienen un poder 1,05x. Afilado -showdown.items.sharpbeak.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.sharpbeak.gen3.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.sharpbeak.desc=Los ataques tipo Vueloing de Holder tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. +showdown.items.sharpbeak.gen3.desc=Los ataques tipo Vueloing de Holder tienen 1,1 veces de potencia. -showdown.items.sharpedonite.desc=If held by a Sharpedo, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.sharpedonite.desc=Si lo lleva un Sharpedo, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Concha -showdown.items.shedshell.desc=Holder may switch out even when trapped by another Pokemon, or by Ingrain. +showdown.items.shedshell.desc=Holder puede cambiar incluso cuando esté atrapado por otro Pokémon o por Arraigo. Concha -showdown.items.shellbell.desc=After an attack, holder gains 1/8 of the damage in HP dealt to other Pokemon. -showdown.items.shellbell.heal=%s restored a little HP using its Shell Bell! +showdown.items.shellbell.desc=Después de un ataque, el poseedor gana 1/8 del daño en PS infligido a otros Pokémon. +showdown.items.shellbell.heal=¡%s recuperó un poco de PS usando su Cascabel Concha! Día -showdown.items.shinystone.desc=Evolves Togetic into Togekiss, Roselia into Roserade, Minccino into Cinccino, and Floette into Florges when used. -showdown.items.shinystone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.shinystone.desc=Evoluciona a Togetic en Togekiss, Roselia en Roserade, Minccino en Cinccino y Floette en Florges cuando se usa. +showdown.items.shinystone.shortDesc=Evoluciona ciertas especies de Pokémon cuando se usa. -showdown.items.shockdrive.desc=Holder's Techno Blast is Electric type. +showdown.items.shockdrive.desc=El Tecno Shock del Holder es de tipo Eléctrico. Acardo -showdown.items.shucaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ground-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.shucaberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque de tipo Tierra superefectivo. De un solo uso.ñuelo de Seda -showdown.items.silkscarf.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.silkscarf.gen3.desc=Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.silkscarf.desc=Los ataques de tipo normal de Holder tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. +showdown.items.silkscarf.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo normal de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Plata -showdown.items.silverpowder.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.silverpowder.gen3.desc=Holder's Bug-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.silverpowder.desc=Los ataques tipo Bug de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.silverpowder.gen3.desc=Los ataques tipo Bug de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Zidra -showdown.items.sitrusberry.desc=Restores 1/4 max HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. -showdown.items.sitrusberry.gen3.desc=Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.sitrusberry.desc=Descansoores 1/4 PS máximo cuando está a 1/2 PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.sitrusberry.gen3.desc=Descansoores 30 PS cuando tienes 1/2 PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso.ósil Cráneo -showdown.items.skullfossil.desc=Can be revived into Cranidos. +showdown.items.skullfossil.desc=Puede ser revivido en Cranidos. Cielo -showdown.items.skyplate.desc=Holder's Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Flying type. +showdown.items.skyplate.desc=Los ataques tipo Vueloing de Holder tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. Sentencia es tipo Vueloing. -showdown.items.slowbronite.desc=If held by a Slowbro, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.slowbronite.desc=Si lo lleva un Slowbro, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Suave -showdown.items.smoothrock.desc=Holder's use of Sandstorm lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.smoothrock.desc=El uso de Tormenta Arena por parte del Holder dura 8 turnos en lugar de 5. Z -showdown.items.snorliumz.desc=If held by a Snorlax with Giga Impact, it can use Pulverizing Pancake. +showdown.items.snorliumz.desc=Si lo sostiene un Snorlax con Gigaimpacto, puede usar Arrojo Intempestivo. de Nieve -showdown.items.snowball.desc=Raises holder's Attack by 1 if hit by an Ice-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.snowball.desc=Aumenta el ataque del poseedor en 1 si es golpeado por un ataque de tipo Hielo. De un solo uso. Fina -showdown.items.softsand.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.softsand.gen3.desc=Holder's Ground-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.softsand.desc=Los ataques de tipo Tierra de Holder tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. +showdown.items.softsand.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo Tierra de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Z -showdown.items.solganiumz.desc=Solgaleo or Dusk Mane Necrozma with Sunsteel Strike can use a special Z-Move. +showdown.items.solganiumz.desc=Solgaleo o Dusk Mane Necrozma con Meteoimpacto pueden usar un Z-Move especial.ío Bondad -showdown.items.souldew.desc=If held by a Latias/Latios, its Dragon- and Psychic-type moves have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.souldew.gen6.desc=If held by a Latias or a Latios, its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def are 1.5x. +showdown.items.souldew.desc=Si lo sostiene un Latias/Latios, sus movimientos de tipo Dragón y psíquico tienen un poder 1,2 veces mayor. +showdown.items.souldew.gen6.desc=Si lo posee un Latias o un Latios, su Atq esp. y Sp. Definitivamente son 1,5x. -showdown.items.spelltag.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.spelltag.gen3.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.spelltag.desc=Los ataques de tipo Fantasma de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. +showdown.items.spelltag.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo Fantasma de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Wikano -showdown.items.spelonberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.spelonberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Linfa -showdown.items.splashplate.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Water type. +showdown.items.splashplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo Agua de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Sentencia es tipo Agua. Terror -showdown.items.spookyplate.desc=Holder's Ghost-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Ghost type. +showdown.items.spookyplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo Fantasma de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Sentencia es tipo Fantasma. Ball -showdown.items.sportball.desc=A special Poke Ball for the Bug-Catching Contest. +showdown.items.sportball.desc=Una Poké Ball especial para el concurso de captura de insectos. Arabol -showdown.items.starfberry.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 when at 1/4 max HP or less (not acc/eva). Single use. +showdown.items.starfberry.desc=Aumenta una estadística aleatoria en 2 cuando tiene 1/4 de PS máximo o menos (no acc/eva). De un solo uso. Estrella -showdown.items.starsweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.starsweet.desc=Milcery evoluciona a Alcremie cuando se lo sostiene y se lo hace girar. -showdown.items.steelixite.desc=If held by a Steelix, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.steelixite.desc=Si lo lleva un Steelix, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Acero -showdown.items.steelgem.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.steelgem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Steel-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.steelgem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Acero de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.steelgem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Acero de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más potencia. De un solo uso. Acero -showdown.items.steelmemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Steel type. +showdown.items.steelmemory.desc=El Multiataque del Titular es tipo Acero. Z -showdown.items.steeliumz.desc=If holder has a Steel move, this item allows it to use a Steel Z-Move. +showdown.items.steeliumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento de acero, este elemento le permite usar un movimiento Z de acero. -showdown.items.stick.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is raised by 2 stages. -showdown.items.stick.gen2.desc=If held by a Farfetch’d, its critical hit ratio is always at stage 2. (25% crit rate) +showdown.items.stick.desc=Si lo tiene un Farfetch'd, su índice de golpes críticos aumenta en 2 etapas. +showdown.items.stick.gen2.desc=Si lo tiene un Farfetch'd, su índice de golpes críticos siempre está en la etapa 2 (tasa de críticos del 25%). -showdown.items.stickybarb.desc=Each turn, holder loses 1/8 max HP. An attacker making contact can receive it. +showdown.items.stickybarb.desc=En cada turno, el poseedor pierde 1/8 de PS máximo. Un atacante que haga contacto puede recibirlo. Pétrea -showdown.items.stoneplate.desc=Holder's Rock-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Rock type. +showdown.items.stoneplate.desc=Los ataques tipo Roca de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Sentencia es tipo Rock. Fresa -showdown.items.strawberrysweet.desc=Evolves Milcery into Alcremie when held and spun around. +showdown.items.strawberrysweet.desc=Milcery evoluciona a Alcremie cuando se lo sostiene y se lo hace girar. Solar -showdown.items.sunstone.desc=Evolves Gloom into Bellossom, Sunkern into Sunflora, Cottonee into Whimsicott, Petilil into Lilligant, and Helioptile into Heliolisk when used. -showdown.items.sunstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.sunstone.desc=Evoluciona Gloom en Bellossom, Sunkern en Sunflora, Cottonee en Whimsicott, Petilil en Lilligant y Helioptile en Heliolisk cuando se usa. +showdown.items.sunstone.shortDesc=Evoluciona ciertas especies de Pokémon cuando se usa. -showdown.items.swampertite.desc=If held by a Swampert, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.swampertite.desc=Si lo lleva un Swampert, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Dulce -showdown.items.sweetapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Appletun when used. +showdown.items.sweetapple.desc=Evoluciona Applin a Appletun cuando se usa. Tamate -showdown.items.tamatoberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.tamatoberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Yecana -showdown.items.tangaberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Bug-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.tangaberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque supereficaz de tipo Insecto. De un solo uso. Z -showdown.items.tapuniumz.desc=If held by a Tapu with Nature's Madness, it can use Guardian of Alola. +showdown.items.tapuniumz.desc=Si lo tiene un Tapu con Locura de la Naturaleza, puede usar Cólera del Guardián. Ácida -showdown.items.tartapple.desc=Evolves Applin into Flapple when used. +showdown.items.tartapple.desc=Evoluciona Applin a Flapple cuando se usa. -showdown.items.terrainextender.desc=Holder's use of Electric/Grassy/Misty/Psychic Terrain lasts 8 turns instead of 5. +showdown.items.terrainextender.desc=El uso de Electric/Grassy/Neblinay/Campo Psíquico por parte del titular dura 8 turnos en lugar de 5. Grueso -showdown.items.thickclub.desc=If held by a Cubone or a Marowak, its Attack is doubled. +showdown.items.thickclub.desc=Si lo lleva un Cubone o un Marowak, su ataque se duplica. Bucal -showdown.items.throatspray.desc=Raises holder's Special Attack by 1 stage after it uses a sound move. Single use. +showdown.items.throatspray.desc=Aumenta el ataque especial del poseedor en 1 nivel después de que utiliza un movimiento de sonido. De un solo uso. Trueno -showdown.items.thunderstone.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, Eelektrik into Eelektross, and Charjabug into Vikavolt when used. -showdown.items.thunderstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. -showdown.items.thunderstone.gen7.desc=Evolves Pikachu into Raichu or Alolan Raichu, Eevee into Jolteon, and Eelektrik into Eelektross when used. +showdown.items.thunderstone.desc=Evoluciona a Pikachu en Raichu o Alolan Raichu, Eevee en Jolteon, Eelektrik en Eelektross y Charjabug en Vikavolt cuando se usa. +showdown.items.thunderstone.shortDesc=Evoluciona ciertas especies de Pokémon cuando se usa. +showdown.items.thunderstone.gen7.desc=Evoluciona a Pikachu en Raichu o Alolan Raichu, Eevee en Jolteon y Eelektrik en Eelektross cuando se usa. Ball -showdown.items.timerball.desc=A Poke Ball that becomes better the more turns there are in a battle. +showdown.items.timerball.desc=Una Poké Ball que mejora cuantos más turnos hay en una batalla. -showdown.items.toxicorb.desc=At the end of every turn, this item attempts to badly poison the holder. +showdown.items.toxicorb.desc=Al final de cada turno, este objeto intenta envenenar gravemente a quien lo posee. Tóxica -showdown.items.toxicplate.desc=Holder's Poison-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Poison type. +showdown.items.toxicplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo Veneno de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Sentencia es tipo Veneno. -showdown.items.tr00.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Swords Dance. One use. +showdown.items.tr00.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Danza Espada. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr01.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Slam. One use. +showdown.items.tr01.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Golpe Cuerpo. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr02.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flamethrower. One use. +showdown.items.tr02.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Lanzallamas. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr03.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hydro Pump. One use. +showdown.items.tr03.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Hidrobomba. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr04.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Surf. One use. +showdown.items.tr04.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Surf. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr05.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Ice Beam. One use. +showdown.items.tr05.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Rayo Hielo. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr06.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Blizzard. One use. +showdown.items.tr06.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Ventisca. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr07.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Low Kick. One use. +showdown.items.tr07.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Patada Baja. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr08.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Thunderbolt. One use. +showdown.items.tr08.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Truenobolt. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr09.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Thunder. One use. +showdown.items.tr09.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Trueno. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr10.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Earthquake. One use. +showdown.items.tr10.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Terremoto. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr11.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psychic. One use. +showdown.items.tr11.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Psíquico. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr12.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Agility. One use. +showdown.items.tr12.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Agilidad. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr13.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Focus Energy. One use. +showdown.items.tr13.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Foco Energía. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr14.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Metronome. One use. +showdown.items.tr14.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Metrónomo. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr15.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Fire Blast. One use. +showdown.items.tr15.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Llamarada. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr16.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Waterfall. One use. +showdown.items.tr16.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Cascada. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr17.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Amnesia. One use. +showdown.items.tr17.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Amnesia. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr18.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leech Life. One use. +showdown.items.tr18.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Chupavidas. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr19.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Tri Attack. One use. +showdown.items.tr19.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Triataque. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr20.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Substitute. One use. +showdown.items.tr20.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Sustituto. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr21.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Reversal. One use. +showdown.items.tr21.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Inversión. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr22.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sludge Bomb. One use. +showdown.items.tr22.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Bomba de Residuos. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr23.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Spikes. One use. +showdown.items.tr23.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Púas. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr24.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Outrage. One use. +showdown.items.tr24.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Enfado. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr25.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psyshock. One use. +showdown.items.tr25.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Psicocarga. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr26.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Endure. One use. +showdown.items.tr26.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Aguante. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr27.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sleep Talk. One use. +showdown.items.tr27.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Sonámbulo. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr28.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Megahorn. One use. +showdown.items.tr28.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Megacuerno. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr29.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Baton Pass. One use. +showdown.items.tr29.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Relevo. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr30.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Encore. One use. +showdown.items.tr30.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Otra Vez. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr31.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Tail. One use. +showdown.items.tr31.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Cola férrea. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr32.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Crunch. One use. +showdown.items.tr32.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Triturar. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr33.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Shadow Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr33.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Bola Sombra. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr34.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Future Sight. One use. +showdown.items.tr34.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Premonición. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr35.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Uproar. One use. +showdown.items.tr35.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Alboroto. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr36.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heat Wave. One use. +showdown.items.tr36.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Onda Ígnea. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr37.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Taunt. One use. +showdown.items.tr37.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Mofa. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr38.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Trick. One use. +showdown.items.tr38.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Truco. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr39.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Superpower. One use. +showdown.items.tr39.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Fuerza Bruta. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr40.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Skill Swap. One use. +showdown.items.tr40.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Intercambio. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr41.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Blaze Kick. One use. +showdown.items.tr41.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Patada Ígnea. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr42.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hyper Voice. One use. +showdown.items.tr42.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Vozarrón. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr43.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Overheat. One use. +showdown.items.tr43.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Sofoco. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr44.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Cosmic Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr44.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Masa Cósmica. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr45.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Muddy Water. One use. +showdown.items.tr45.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Agua Lodosa. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr46.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Defense. One use. +showdown.items.tr46.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Defensa Férrea. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr47.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Claw. One use. +showdown.items.tr47.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Garra Dragón. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr48.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Bulk Up. One use. +showdown.items.tr48.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Corpulencia. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr49.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Calm Mind. One use. +showdown.items.tr49.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Paz Mental. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr50.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leaf Blade. One use. +showdown.items.tr50.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Hoja Aguda. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr51.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Dance. One use. +showdown.items.tr51.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Danza del Dragón. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr52.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Gyro Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr52.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Giro Bola. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr53.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Close Combat. One use. +showdown.items.tr53.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento A Bocajarro. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr54.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Toxic Spikes. One use. +showdown.items.tr54.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Tóxico Púas. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr55.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flare Blitz. One use. +showdown.items.tr55.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Envite Ígneo. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr56.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Aura Sphere. One use. +showdown.items.tr56.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Esfera Aural. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr57.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Poison Jab. One use. +showdown.items.tr57.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Puya Nociva. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr58.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dark Pulse. One use. +showdown.items.tr58.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Pulso Umbrío. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr59.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Seed Bomb. One use. +showdown.items.tr59.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Bomba Germen. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr60.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move X-Scissor. One use. +showdown.items.tr60.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Tijera X. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr61.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Bug Buzz. One use. +showdown.items.tr61.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Zumbido. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr62.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dragon Pulse. One use. +showdown.items.tr62.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Pulso Dragón. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr63.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Power Gem. One use. +showdown.items.tr63.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Joya de Luz. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr64.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Focus Blast. One use. +showdown.items.tr64.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Onda Certera. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr65.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Energy Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr65.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Energibola. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr66.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Brave Bird. One use. +showdown.items.tr66.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Pájaro Osado. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr67.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Earth Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr67.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Tierra Viva. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr68.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Nasty Plot. One use. +showdown.items.tr68.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Maquinación. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr69.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Zen Headbutt. One use. +showdown.items.tr69.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Cabezazo Zen. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr70.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Flash Cannon. One use. +showdown.items.tr70.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Destello Cannon. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr71.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Leaf Storm. One use. +showdown.items.tr71.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Lluevahojas. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr72.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Power Whip. One use. +showdown.items.tr72.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Latigazo. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr73.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Gunk Shot. One use. +showdown.items.tr73.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Lanzamugre. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr74.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Iron Head. One use. +showdown.items.tr74.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Cabeza de Hierro. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr75.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stone Edge. One use. +showdown.items.tr75.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Roca Afilada. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr76.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stealth Rock. One use. +showdown.items.tr76.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Trampa Rocas. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr77.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Grass Knot. One use. +showdown.items.tr77.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Hierba Lazo. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr78.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Sludge Wave. One use. +showdown.items.tr78.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Ola de Residuos. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr79.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heavy Slam. One use. +showdown.items.tr79.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Cuerpo Pesado. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr80.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Electro Ball. One use. +showdown.items.tr80.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Bola Voltio. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr81.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Foul Play. One use. +showdown.items.tr81.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Juego Sucio. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr82.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Stored Power. One use. +showdown.items.tr82.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Poder Reserva. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr83.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Ally Switch. One use. +showdown.items.tr83.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Cambio de Banda. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr84.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Scald. One use. +showdown.items.tr84.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Escaldar. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr85.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Work Up. One use. +showdown.items.tr85.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Avivar. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr86.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Wild Charge. One use. +showdown.items.tr86.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Voltio Cruel. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr87.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Drill Run. One use. +showdown.items.tr87.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Taladradora. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr88.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Heat Crash. One use. +showdown.items.tr88.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Golpe Calor. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr89.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Hurricane. One use. +showdown.items.tr89.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Vendaval. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr90.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Play Rough. One use. +showdown.items.tr90.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Carantoña. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr91.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Venom Drench. One use. +showdown.items.tr91.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Trampa Venenosa. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr92.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Dazzling Gleam. One use. +showdown.items.tr92.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Brillo Mágico. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr93.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Darkest Lariat. One use. +showdown.items.tr93.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Lariat Oscuro. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr94.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move High Horsepower. One use. +showdown.items.tr94.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Fuerza Equina. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr95.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Throat Chop. One use. +showdown.items.tr95.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Golpe Mordaza. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr96.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Pollen Puff. One use. +showdown.items.tr96.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Bola de Polen. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr97.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Psychic Fangs. One use. +showdown.items.tr97.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Psicocolmillo. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr98.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Liquidation. One use. +showdown.items.tr98.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Hidroariete. Un uso. -showdown.items.tr99.desc=Teaches certain Pokemon the move Body Press. One use. +showdown.items.tr99.desc=Enseña a ciertos Pokémon el movimiento Plancha Corporal. Un uso. Torcida -showdown.items.twistedspoon.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.2x power. -showdown.items.twistedspoon.gen3.desc=Holder's Psychic-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.twistedspoon.desc=Los ataques de tipo psíquico de Holder tienen un poder 1,2 veces mayor. +showdown.items.twistedspoon.gen3.desc=Los ataques de tipo psíquico de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. -showdown.items.tyranitarite.desc=If held by a Tyranitar, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.tyranitarite.desc=Si lo lleva un Tyranitar, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Ball -showdown.items.ultraball.desc=An ultra-performance Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Great Ball. +showdown.items.ultraball.desc=Una pelota de ultra rendimiento que proporciona una mayor tasa de captura que una Super Ball. Z -showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.desc=Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma: Ultra Burst, then Z-Move w/ Photon Geyser. -showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.transform=Bright light is about to burst out of %s! -showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.activate=%s regained its true power through Ultra Burst! +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.desc=Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma: Ultra Burst, luego Z-Move con Géiser Fotónico. +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.transform=¡Una luz brillante está a punto de salir de %s! +showdown.items.ultranecroziumz.activate=¡%s recuperó su verdadero poder a través de Ultra Burst! -showdown.items.upgrade.desc=Evolves Porygon into Porygon2 when traded. +showdown.items.upgrade.desc=Evoluciona Porygon a Porygon2 cuando se intercambia. Multiuso -showdown.items.utilityumbrella.desc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. Damage and accuracy calculations from attacks used by the holder are affected by rain and sun, but not attacks used against the holder. -showdown.items.utilityumbrella.shortDesc=The holder ignores rain- and sun-based effects. +showdown.items.utilityumbrella.desc=El titular ignora los efectos de la lluvia y el sol. Los cálculos de daño y precisión de los ataques utilizados por el poseedor se ven afectados por la lluvia y el sol, pero no los ataques utilizados contra el poseedor. +showdown.items.utilityumbrella.shortDesc=El titular ignora los efectos de la lluvia y el sol. -showdown.items.venusaurite.desc=If held by a Venusaur, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. +showdown.items.venusaurite.desc=Si lo lleva un Venusaur, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Gualot -showdown.items.wacanberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Electric-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.wacanberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque de tipo eléctrico supereficaz. De un solo uso. Agua -showdown.items.watergem.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.3x power. Single use. -showdown.items.watergem.gen5.desc=Holder's first successful Water-type attack will have 1.5x power. Single use. +showdown.items.watergem.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Agua de Holder tendrá 1,3 veces más poder. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.watergem.gen5.desc=El primer ataque exitoso de tipo Agua de Holder tendrá 1,5 veces más poder. De un solo uso. Agua -showdown.items.watermemory.desc=Holder's Multi-Attack is Water type. +showdown.items.watermemory.desc=El Multiataque del Titular es tipo Agua. Agua -showdown.items.waterstone.desc=Evolves Poliwhirl into Poliwrath, Shellder into Cloyster, Staryu into Starmie, Eevee into Vaporeon, Lombre into Ludicolo, and Panpour into Simipour when used. -showdown.items.waterstone.shortDesc=Evolves certain species of Pokemon when used. +showdown.items.waterstone.desc=Evoluciona a Poliwhirl en Poliwrath, Shellder en Cloyster, Staryu en Starmie, Eevee en Vaporeon, Lombre en Ludicolo y Panpour en Simipour cuando se usa. +showdown.items.waterstone.shortDesc=Evoluciona ciertas especies de Pokémon cuando se usa. Z -showdown.items.wateriumz.desc=If holder has a Water move, this item allows it to use a Water Z-Move. +showdown.items.wateriumz.desc=Si el poseedor tiene un movimiento de agua, este elemento le permite usar un movimiento Z de agua. Sambia -showdown.items.watmelberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.watmelberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. Acua -showdown.items.waveincense.desc=Holder's Water-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.waveincense.desc=Los ataques de tipo Agua de Holder tienen un poder 1,2x. Debilidad -showdown.items.weaknesspolicy.desc=If holder is hit super effectively, raises Attack, Sp. Atk by 2 stages. Single use. +showdown.items.weaknesspolicy.desc=Si el poseedor recibe un golpe súper efectivo, aumenta el Ataque, Atq esp. por 2 etapas. De un solo uso. Peragu -showdown.items.wepearberry.desc=Cannot be eaten by the holder. No effect when eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. +showdown.items.wepearberry.desc=No puede ser comido por el poseedor. Ningún efecto cuando se come con Picadura o Picoteo. de Nata -showdown.items.whippeddream.desc=Evolves Swirlix into Slurpuff when traded. +showdown.items.whippeddream.desc=Evoluciona a Swirlix en Slurpuff cuando se intercambia. Blanca -showdown.items.whiteherb.desc=Restores all lowered stat stages to 0 when one is less than 0. Single use. -showdown.items.whiteherb.end=%s returned its stats to normal using its White Herb! +showdown.items.whiteherb.desc=Descansoores todas las etapas de estadísticas reducidas a 0 cuando una es menor que 0. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.whiteherb.end=¡%s regresó sus estadísticas a la normalidad usando su Hierba Blanca! -showdown.items.widelens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.1x. +showdown.items.widelens.desc=La precisión de los ataques del titular es 1,1x. Wiki -showdown.items.wikiberry.desc=Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.wikiberry.gen7.desc=Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. -showdown.items.wikiberry.gen6.desc=Restores 1/8 max HP at 1/2 max HP or less; confuses if -SpA Nature. Single use. +showdown.items.wikiberry.desc=Descansoores 1/3 PS máximo a 1/4 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Atq esp. Naturaleza. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.wikiberry.gen7.desc=Descansoores 1/2 PS máximo a 1/4 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Atq esp. Naturaleza. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.wikiberry.gen6.desc=Descansoores 1/8 PS máximo a 1/2 PS máximo o menos; confunde si -Atq esp. Naturaleza. De un solo uso. Especiales -showdown.items.wiseglasses.desc=Holder's special attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.wiseglasses.desc=Los ataques especiales de Holder tienen un poder 1,1x. Rimoya -showdown.items.yacheberry.desc=Halves damage taken from a supereffective Ice-type attack. Single use. +showdown.items.yacheberry.desc=Reduce a la mitad el daño recibido por un ataque superefectivo de tipo Hielo. De un solo uso. Trueno -showdown.items.zapplate.desc=Holder's Electric-type attacks have 1.2x power. Judgment is Electric type. +showdown.items.zapplate.desc=Los ataques de tipo eléctrico de Holder tienen 1,2 veces de potencia. Sentencia es de tipo eléctrico. -showdown.items.zoomlens.desc=The accuracy of attacks by the holder is 1.2x if it moves after its target. +showdown.items.zoomlens.desc=La precisión de los ataques del poseedor es 1,2x si se mueve detrás de su objetivo. Loco -showdown.items.berserkgene.desc=(Gen 2) On switch-in, raises holder's Attack by 2 and confuses it. Single use. +showdown.items.berserkgene.desc=(Gen 2) Al entrar, aumenta el ataque del titular en 2 y lo confunde. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.berry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 10 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.berry.desc=(Gen 2) Descansoores 10 PS cuando tiene 1/2 PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.bitterberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is confused. Single use. +showdown.items.bitterberry.desc=(Gen 2) El titular se cura si se confunde. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.burntberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is frozen. Single use. +showdown.items.burntberry.desc=(Gen 2) El titular se cura si se congela. De un solo uso. Dorada -showdown.items.goldberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 30 HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use. +showdown.items.goldberry.desc=(Gen 2) Descansoores 30 PS cuando tiene 1/2 PS máximo o menos. De un solo uso. Hielo -showdown.items.iceberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is burned. Single use. +showdown.items.iceberry.desc=(Gen 2) El titular se cura si se quema. De un solo uso. Menta -showdown.items.mintberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder wakes up if it is asleep. Single use. +showdown.items.mintberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder se despierta si está dormido. De un solo uso. Milagro -showdown.items.miracleberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is confused or has a status condition. Single use. +showdown.items.miracleberry.desc=(Gen 2) El Holder se cura a sí mismo si está confundido o tiene una condición de estado. De un solo uso. -showdown.items.mysteryberry.desc=(Gen 2) Restores 5 PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0 PP. Single use. -showdown.items.mysteryberry.activate=%s restored PP to its %s move using Mystery Berry! +showdown.items.mysteryberry.desc=(Gen 2) Descansoores 5 PP al primero de los movimientos del titular para llegar a 0 PP. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.mysteryberry.activate=¡%s restauró el PP a su %s movimiento usando Bayamisterio! Rosa -showdown.items.pinkbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.pinkbow.desc=(Gen 2) Los ataques de tipo normal de Holder tienen un poder 1,1 veces mayor. -showdown.items.polkadotbow.desc=(Gen 2) Holder's Normal-type attacks have 1.1x power. +showdown.items.polkadotbow.desc=(Gen 2) Los ataques de tipo normal de Holder tienen un poder 1,1 veces mayor. -showdown.items.przcureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed. Single use. +showdown.items.przcureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder se cura solo si queda paralizado. De un solo uso. Antidoto -showdown.items.psncureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder is cured if it is poisoned. Single use. ## Unofficial Pokemon + Item, no translation -showdown.items.crucibellite.desc=If held by a Crucibelle, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle. Vial ## Unofficial, Create a pokemon project, no translation -showdown.items.vilevial.desc=If held by a Venomicon, its Poison- and Flying-type attacks have 1.2x power. +showdown.items.psncureberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder se cura si se envenena. De un solo uso. +showdown.items.crucibellite.desc=Si lo lleva una Crucibelle, este objeto le permite megaevolucionar en batalla. Vial +showdown.items.vilevial.desc=Si lo lleva un Venomicon, sus ataques de tipo Veneno y Vueloing tienen un poder 1,2 veces mayor. Fulminante -showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Has a very high chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Very high critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Tiene una probabilidad muy alta de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Proporción de golpes críticos muy alta. -showdown.moves.absorb.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.absorb.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If the target has a substitute, this move misses. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. +showdown.moves.absorb.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.absorb.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 50% del daño causado. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. Si el objetivo tiene un sustituto, este movimiento falla. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. Si este movimiento rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el usuario no recupera ningún PS. Veloz showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero.Ácido -showdown.moves.acid.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.acid.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Def by 1. -showdown.moves.acid.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.acid.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.acid.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.acid.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.acid.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.acid.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.acid.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de derribar a los enemigos Def esp. por 1. +showdown.moves.acid.gen3.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.acid.gen3.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir la defensa del enemigo en 1. +showdown.moves.acid.gen1.desc=Tiene un 33% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.acid.gen1.shortDesc=33% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1. +showdown.moves.acid.gen2.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1. Ácida -showdown.moves.acidarmor.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.acidarmor.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.acidarmor.desc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 2 niveles. +showdown.moves.acidarmor.shortDesc=Aumenta la Defensa del usuario en 2. Corrosivo -showdown.moves.aciddownpour.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.aciddownpour.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. Ácida -showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.acidspray.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.acidspray.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 2.óbata -showdown.moves.acrobatics.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user has no held item. +showdown.moves.acrobatics.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el usuario no tiene ningún objeto retenido.ón -showdown.moves.acupressure.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an adjacent ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if used on an ally with a substitute. -showdown.moves.acupressure.shortDesc=Raises a random stat of the user or an ally by 2. -showdown.moves.acupressure.gen4.desc=Raises a random stat by 2 stages as long as the stat is not already at stage 6. The user can choose to use this move on itself or an ally. Fails if no stat stage can be raised or if the user or ally has a substitute. +showdown.moves.acupressure.desc=Aumenta una estadística aleatoria en 2 etapas, siempre y cuando la estadística no esté ya en la etapa 6. El usuario puede optar por usar este movimiento sobre sí mismo o sobre un aliado adyacente. Falla si no se puede aumentar el nivel de estadísticas o si se usa en un aliado con un sustituto. +showdown.moves.acupressure.shortDesc=Aumenta una estadística aleatoria del usuario o de un aliado en 2. +showdown.moves.acupressure.gen4.desc=Aumenta una estadística aleatoria en 2 etapas siempre que la estadística no esté ya en la etapa 6. El usuario puede optar por usar este movimiento en sí mismo o en un aliado. Falla si no se puede aumentar ningún nivel de estadísticas o si el usuario o aliado tiene un sustituto. Aéreo -showdown.moves.aerialace.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.aerialace.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión.ß -showdown.moves.aeroblast.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.aeroblast.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.aeroblast.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.aeroblast.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. Paso -showdown.moves.afteryou.desc=The target makes its move immediately after the user this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target would have moved next anyway, or if the target already moved this turn. -showdown.moves.afteryou.shortDesc=The target makes its move right after the user. -showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=%s took the kind offer! +showdown.moves.afteryou.desc=El objetivo realiza su movimiento inmediatamente después del usuario en este turno, sin importar la prioridad del movimiento seleccionado. Falla si el objetivo se habría movido a continuación de todos modos, o si el objetivo ya se movió este turno. +showdown.moves.afteryou.shortDesc=El objetivo hace su movimiento justo después del usuario. +showdown.moves.afteryou.activate=¡%s aceptó la amable oferta! -showdown.moves.agility.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.agility.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.agility.desc=Aumenta la velocidad del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.agility.shortDesc=Aumenta la velocidad del usuario en 2. Afilado -showdown.moves.aircutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.aircutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.aircutter.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.aircutter.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes. Aéreo -showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.airslash.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.airslash.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca.áfaga Demoledora -showdown.moves.alloutpummeling.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.alloutpummeling.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. de Banda -showdown.moves.allyswitch.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Ally Switch. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.shortDesc=User and ally swap positions; using again can fail. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally. Fails if the user is the only Pokemon on its side. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.shortDesc=The user swaps positions with its ally. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.desc=The user swaps positions with its ally on the opposite side of the field. Fails if there is no Pokemon at that position, if the user is the only Pokemon on its side, or if the user is in the middle. -showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.shortDesc=Switches position with the ally on the far side. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.desc=El usuario intercambia posiciones con su aliado. Falla si el usuario es el único Pokémon de su lado. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se restablece a 1 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Cambio de Banda. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.shortDesc=Usuario y aliado intercambian posiciones; usarlo nuevamente puede fallar. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.desc=El usuario intercambia posiciones con su aliado. Falla si el usuario es el único Pokémon de su lado. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen8.shortDesc=El usuario intercambia posiciones con su aliado. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.desc=El usuario intercambia posiciones con su aliado en el lado opuesto del campo. Falla si no hay ningún Pokémon en esa posición, si el usuario es el único Pokémon de su lado o si el usuario está en el medio. +showdown.moves.allyswitch.gen6.shortDesc=Cambia de posición con el aliado en el lado opuesto. -showdown.moves.amnesia.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.amnesia.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2. -showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 2. +showdown.moves.amnesia.desc=Aumenta la Defensa Especial del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.amnesia.shortDesc=Aumenta el Sp del usuario. Def por 2. +showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.desc=Aumenta el Especial del usuario en 2 niveles. +showdown.moves.amnesia.gen1.shortDesc=Aumenta el Especial del usuario en 2. -showdown.moves.anchorshot.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.anchorshot.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. -showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.anchorshot.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.anchorshot.shortDesc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. +showdown.moves.anchorshot.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. Pasado -showdown.moves.ancientpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). +showdown.moves.ancientpower.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de aumentar el Ataque, la Defensa, el Ataque Especial, la Defensa Especial y la Velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.ancientpower.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de aumentar todas las estadísticas en 1 (no acc/eva).Ácido Málico -showdown.moves.appleacid.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.appleacid.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.appleacid.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.appleacid.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 1. Acuático -showdown.moves.aquacutter.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.aquacutter.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.aquacutter.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.aquacutter.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. Jet showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. Aro -showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn while it remains active. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will receive the healing effect. -showdown.moves.aquaring.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. -showdown.moves.aquaring.start=%s surrounded itself with a veil of water! -showdown.moves.aquaring.heal=A veil of water restored %s's HP! +showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=El usuario recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno mientras permanece activo. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. Si el usuario usa Relevo, el reemplazo recibirá el efecto curativo. +showdown.moves.aquaring.shortDesc=El usuario recupera 1/16 de PS máximo por turno. +showdown.moves.aquaring.start=¡%s se rodeó de un velo de agua! +showdown.moves.aquaring.heal=¡Un velo de agua restauró el PS de %s! Acuática -showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de aumentar la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de aumentar la velocidad del usuario en 1. Cola showdown.moves.aquatail.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.ñón Armadura -showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.armorcannon.desc=Reduce la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Reduce la Defensa y Sp. del usuario. Def por 1.ón -showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.armthrust.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.armthrust.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. -showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Sap Sipper Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. -showdown.moves.aromatherapy.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. -showdown.moves.aromatherapy.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.aromatherapy.activate=A soothing aroma wafted through the area! +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Todos los Pokémon del grupo del usuario se curan de su condición de estado no volátil. Los Pokémon activos con la habilidad Herbívoro no se curan a menos que sean los usuarios. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.shortDesc=Cura al grupo del usuario de todas las condiciones de estado. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.gen5.desc=Todos los Pokémon del grupo del usuario se curan de su condición de estado no volátil. +showdown.moves.aromatherapy.activate=¡Un aroma relajante flotaba por la zona! Aromática -showdown.moves.aromaticmist.desc=Raises the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. -showdown.moves.aromaticmist.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.aromaticmist.desc=Aumenta la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. Falla si no hay ningún aliado adyacente al usuario. +showdown.moves.aromaticmist.shortDesc=Aumenta el Sp de un aliado. Definitivamente por -showdown.moves.assist.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. -showdown.moves.assist.shortDesc=Uses a random move known by a team member. -showdown.moves.assist.gen8.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. -showdown.moves.assist.gen7.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or any Z-Move. -showdown.moves.assist.gen6.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Belch, Bestow, Bounce, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dig, Dive, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Fly, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Phantom Force, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shadow Force, Sketch, Sky Drop, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. -showdown.moves.assist.gen5.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. -showdown.moves.assist.gen4.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. -showdown.moves.assist.gen3.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Assist, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. +showdown.moves.assist.desc=Se selecciona para su uso un movimiento aleatorio entre aquellos conocidos por los miembros del grupo del usuario. No selecciona Ayuda, Búnker, Cañón Pico, Eructar, Ofrenda, Pirochoke, Bote, Celebración, Persecución, Giro de llave, Pugnachoque, Copión, Contraataque, Ansia, Mismo Destino, Detección, Excavar, Buceo, Cola de Dragón, Resistencia, Amistoso, Vuelo, Puño perdido, Señuelo, Impulsor, Manos unidas, Escudo del rey, Feerichoque, Escudo de tatami, Primer yo, Metrónomo, Mimético, Capa de espejo, Espejo, Adaptación, Ponzochoque, Golpe fantasma, Protección, Furia de pólvora explosiva, Rugido, Golpe de Umbría, Trampa de armamento, Esquema, Caída libre, Sonambula, Robo, Barrera espinosa, Enfoque, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Transformación, Truco, Remolino u Ominochoke. +showdown.moves.assist.shortDesc=Utiliza un movimiento aleatorio conocido por un miembro del equipo. +showdown.moves.assist.gen8.desc=Se selecciona para su uso un movimiento aleatorio entre aquellos conocidos por los miembros del grupo del usuario. No selecciona Ayuda, Búnker, Cañón Pico, Eructar, Ofrenda, Bote, Celebración, Caza, Giro de llave, Cooperativo, Contraataque, Ansia, Mismo destino, Detección, Excavar, Bucear, Cola de dragón, Resistencia, Amar, Vuelo, Puño perdido , Señuelo, Refuerzo, Manos unidas, Escudo del rey, Escudo de tatami, Primer yo, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo de capa, Espejo, Adaptación, Golpe fantasma, Protección, Furia de pólvora explosiva, Rugido, Golpe de Umbría, Armadura trampa, Esquema, Caída libre, Sonambula , Robo, Barrera Espinosa, Foco, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Transformación, Truco o Remolino. +showdown.moves.assist.gen7.desc=Se selecciona para su uso un movimiento aleatorio entre aquellos conocidos por los miembros del grupo del usuario. No selecciona Ayuda, Búnker, Cañón Pico, Eructar, Ofrenda, Bote, Celebración, Caza, Giro de llave, Cooperativo, Contraataque, Ansia, Mismo destino, Detección, Excavar, Bucear, Cola de dragón, Resistencia, Amar, Vuelo, Puño perdido , Señuelo, Refuerzo, Manos unidas, Escudo del rey, Escudo de tatami, Primer yo, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo de capa, Espejo, Adaptación, Golpe fantasma, Protección, Furia de pólvora explosiva, Rugido, Golpe de Umbría, Armadura trampa, Esquema, Caída libre, Sonambula , Robo, Barrera Espinosa, Foco, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Transformación, Truco, Remolino o cualquier Movimiento Z. +showdown.moves.assist.gen6.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Ayuda, Eructo, Ofrenda, Bote, Celebración, Cháchara, Llave Giro, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Excavar, Buceo, Cola Dragón, Aguante, Amago, Vuelo, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Manos Juntas, King's Shield, Escudo Tatami, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Adaptación, Golpe Fantasma, Protección, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Rugido, Golpe Umbrío, Esquema, Caída Libre, Sonámbulo, Robo, Barrera Espinosa, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Transformación, Truco, or Remolino. +showdown.moves.assist.gen5.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Ayuda, Ofrenda, Cháchara, Llave Giro, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Cola Dragón, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Adaptación, Protección, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Transformación, or Truco. +showdown.moves.assist.gen4.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Ayuda, Cháchara, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Protección, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, or Truco. +showdown.moves.assist.gen3.desc=A random move among those known by the user's party members is selected for use. Does not select Ayuda, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Aguante, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Protección, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Forcejeo, Ladrón, or Truco. Baza -showdown.moves.assurance.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn, other than direct damage from Belly Drum, confusion, Curse, or Pain Split. +showdown.moves.assurance.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn, other than direct damage from Tambor, confusion, Maldición, or Divide Dolor. showdown.moves.assurance.shortDesc=Power doubles if target was damaged this turn. showdown.moves.assurance.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target has already taken damage this turn. showdown.moves.astonish.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.astonish.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.astonish.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.astonish.gen3.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El daño se duplica si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras está activo. Espectro showdown.moves.astralbarrage.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.astralbarrage.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes. Ataque -showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.attackorder.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.attackorder.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos.ón -showdown.moves.attract.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.attract.shortDesc=A target of the opposite gender gets infatuated. -showdown.moves.attract.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.attract.gen2.desc=Causes the target to become infatuated, making it unable to attack 50% of the time. Fails if both the user and the target are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. The effect ends when either the user or the target is no longer active. -showdown.moves.attract.start=%s fell in love! -showdown.moves.attract.startFromItem=%s fell in love because of the %s! -showdown.moves.attract.end=%s got over its infatuation! -showdown.moves.attract.endFromItem=%s cured its infatuation using its %s! -showdown.moves.attract.activate=%s is in love with %s! -showdown.moves.attract.cant=%s is immobilized by love! +showdown.moves.attract.desc=Hace que el objetivo se encapriche, haciéndolo incapaz de atacar el 50% del tiempo. Falla si tanto el usuario como el objetivo son del mismo sexo, si alguno de ellos no tiene género o si el objetivo ya está enamorado. El efecto termina cuando el usuario o el objetivo ya no están activos. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Despiste o protegidos por la habilidad Velo Aroma son inmunes. +showdown.moves.attract.shortDesc=Un objetivo del sexo opuesto se enamora. +showdown.moves.attract.gen5.desc=Hace que el objetivo se encapriche, haciéndolo incapaz de atacar el 50% del tiempo. Falla si tanto el usuario como el objetivo son del mismo sexo, si alguno de ellos no tiene género o si el objetivo ya está enamorado. El efecto termina cuando el usuario o el objetivo ya no están activos. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Despiste son inmunes. +showdown.moves.attract.gen2.desc=Hace que el objetivo se encapriche, haciéndolo incapaz de atacar el 50% del tiempo. Falla si tanto el usuario como el objetivo son del mismo sexo, si alguno de ellos no tiene género o si el objetivo ya está enamorado. El efecto termina cuando el usuario o el objetivo ya no están activos. +showdown.moves.attract.start=¡%s se enamoró! +showdown.moves.attract.startFromItem=¡%s se enamoró gracias a %s! +showdown.moves.attract.end=¡%s superó su enamoramiento! +showdown.moves.attract.endFromItem=¡%s curó su enamoramiento usando su %s! +showdown.moves.attract.activate=¡%s está enamorado de %s! +showdown.moves.attract.cant=¡%s está inmovilizada por el amor! Aural -showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Aural -showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. If the user is a Morpeko in Full Belly Mode, this move is Electric type. If the user is a Morpeko in Hangry Mode, this move is Dark type. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Full Belly or Hangry Mode Morpeko. -showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Electric; Hangry: Dark; 100% +1 Spe. +showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de aumentar la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. Si el usuario es un Morpeko en modo Full Belly, este movimiento es de tipo Eléctrico. Si el usuario es un Morpeko en modo Hangry, este movimiento es de tipo oscuro. Este movimiento no se puede usar con éxito a menos que la forma actual del usuario, al considerar Transformación, sea Full Belly o Hangry Mode Morpeko. +showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Eléctrico; Hangry: Oscuro; 100% +1 Velo. Aurora -showdown.moves.aurorabeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.aurorabeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. -showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.desc=Tiene un 33% de posibilidades de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.aurorabeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1. Aurora -showdown.moves.auroraveil.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. -showdown.moves.auroraveil.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies halved. Snow only. -showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical and special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle; does not reduce damage further with Reflect or Light Screen. Critical hits ignore this protection. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Brick Break and Psychic Fangs remove the effect before damage is calculated. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails unless the weather is Hail. -showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.shortDesc=For 5 turns, damage to allies is halved. Hail only. -showdown.moves.auroraveil.start=Aurora Veil made %s stronger against physical and special moves! -showdown.moves.auroraveil.end=%s's Aurora Veil wore off! +showdown.moves.auroraveil.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo reciben 0,5 veces más daño por ataques físicos y especiales, o 0,66 veces más daño si están en una Batalla Doble; no reduce aún más el daño con Reflejo o Pantalla de Luz. Los golpes críticos ignoran esta protección. Se elimina del lado del usuario si el usuario o un aliado es golpeado con éxito por Demolición, Psicocolmillo o Despejar. Demolición y Psicocolmillo eliminan el efecto antes de calcular el daño. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Refleluz. Falla a menos que el clima sea Granizo. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, el daño a los aliados se redujo a la mitad. Sólo nieve. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo reciben 0,5 veces más daño por ataques físicos y especiales, o 0,66 veces más daño si están en una Batalla Doble; no reduce aún más el daño con Reflejo o Pantalla de Luz. Los golpes críticos ignoran esta protección. Se elimina del lado del usuario si el usuario o un aliado es golpeado con éxito por Demolición, Psicocolmillo o Despejar. Demolición y Psicocolmillo eliminan el efecto antes de calcular el daño. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Refleluz. Falla a menos que el clima sea Granizo. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.gen8.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, el daño a los aliados se reduce a la mitad. Granizo solamente. +showdown.moves.auroraveil.start=¡Velo Aurora hizo a %s más fuerte contra movimientos físicos y especiales! +showdown.moves.auroraveil.end=¡Velo Aurora de %s desapareció! -showdown.moves.autotomize.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. If the user's Speed was changed, the user's weight is reduced by 100 kg as long as it remains active. This effect is stackable but cannot reduce the user's weight to less than 0.1 kg. -showdown.moves.autotomize.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2; user loses 100 kg. -showdown.moves.autotomize.start=%s became nimble! +showdown.moves.autotomize.desc=Aumenta la velocidad del usuario en 2 etapas. Si se cambió la Velocidad del usuario, el peso del usuario se reduce en 100 kg mientras permanezca activo. Este efecto es apilable pero no puede reducir el peso del usuario a menos de 0,1 kg. +showdown.moves.autotomize.shortDesc=Aumenta la velocidad del usuario en 2; El usuario pierde 100 kg. +showdown.moves.autotomize.start=¡%s se volvió ágil! -showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. -showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. -showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's position this turn. +showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario fue golpeado por el objetivo este turno. +showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo daña al usuario. +showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario fue golpeado por un Pokémon en la posición del objetivo este turno. Hacha -showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. -showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30% confusion. User loses 50% max HP if miss. -showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! +showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. Si este ataque no tiene éxito, el usuario pierde la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, como daño por choque. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Muro Mágico no se ven afectados por el daño por choque. +showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30% de confusión. El usuario pierde el 50% del PS máximo si falla. +showdown.moves.axekick.damage=¡%s siguió adelante y se estrelló! Tiernos -showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.babydolleyes.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.baddybad.desc=This move summons Reflect for 5 turns upon use. -showdown.moves.baddybad.shortDesc=Summons Reflect. +showdown.moves.baddybad.desc=Este movimiento invoca a Reflejo durante 5 turnos al usarlo. +showdown.moves.baddybad.shortDesc=Convoca a Reflejo.únker -showdown.moves.banefulbunker.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.banefulbunker.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: poison. -showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user become poisoned. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que hacen contacto con el usuario se envenenan. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Telatrampa, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos. se mueve y la protección del usuario se rompe. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.shortDesc=Protección contra movimientos. Contacto: veneno. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen8.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que hacen contacto con el usuario se envenenan. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y La protección del usuario estaba rota. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.banefulbunker.gen7.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que hacen contacto con el usuario se envenenan. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario fue roto. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. Púas Tóxicas -showdown.moves.barbbarrage.desc=Has a 50% chance to poison the target. Power doubles if the target is already poisoned. -showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50% psn. 2x power if target already poisoned. +showdown.moves.barbbarrage.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. El poder se duplica si el objetivo ya está envenenado. +showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50% psn. 2x poder si el objetivo ya está envenenado. -showdown.moves.barrage.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.barrage.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.barrage.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. El daño se calcula una vez para el primer golpe y se utiliza para cada golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el movimiento finaliza. -showdown.moves.barrier.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.barrier.desc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 2 niveles. +showdown.moves.barrier.shortDesc=Aumenta la Defensa del usuario en 2. -showdown.moves.batonpass.desc=The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party. The selected Pokemon has the user's stat stage changes, confusion, and certain move effects transferred to it. -showdown.moves.batonpass.shortDesc=User switches, passing stat changes and more. +showdown.moves.batonpass.desc=El usuario es reemplazado por otro Pokémon de su grupo. Al Pokémon seleccionado se le transfieren los cambios de etapa de estadísticas del usuario, la confusión y ciertos efectos de movimiento. +showdown.moves.batonpass.shortDesc=Cambios de usuario, transferencia de cambios de estadísticas y más. Cañón -showdown.moves.beakblast.desc=If the user is hit by a contact move this turn before it can execute this move, the attacker is burned. -showdown.moves.beakblast.shortDesc=Burns on contact with the user before it moves. -showdown.moves.beakblast.start=%s started heating up its beak! +showdown.moves.beakblast.desc=Si el usuario es golpeado por un movimiento de contacto este turno antes de que pueda ejecutar este movimiento, el atacante resulta quemado. +showdown.moves.beakblast.shortDesc=Quemaduras al contacto con el usuario antes de que se mueva. +showdown.moves.beakblast.start=¡%s empezó a calentar su pico! -showdown.moves.beatup.desc=Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. The power of each hit is equal to 5+(X/10), where X is each participating Pokemon's base Attack; each hit is considered to come from the user. -showdown.moves.beatup.shortDesc=All healthy allies aid in damaging the target. -showdown.moves.beatup.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for the user and one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. -showdown.moves.beatup.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party, or fails if no Pokemon meet the criteria. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense; each hit is considered to come from the user. -showdown.moves.beatup.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. Hits one time for each unfainted Pokemon without a non-volatile status condition in the user's party. For each hit, the damage formula uses the participating Pokemon's level, its base Attack as the Attack stat, the target's base Defense as the Defense stat, and ignores stat stages and other effects that modify Attack or Defense. Fails if no party members can participate. -showdown.moves.beatup.activate=%s's attack! +showdown.moves.beatup.desc=Golpea una vez al usuario y una vez a cada Pokémon no desmayado sin una condición de estado no volátil en el grupo del usuario. El poder de cada golpe es igual a 5+(X/10), donde X es el ataque base de cada Pokémon participante; Se considera que cada golpe proviene del usuario. +showdown.moves.beatup.shortDesc=Todos los aliados sanos ayudan a dañar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen4.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo. Golpea una vez al usuario y una vez a cada Pokémon no desmayado sin una condición de estado no volátil en el grupo del usuario. Para cada golpe, la fórmula de daño utiliza el Ataque base del Pokémon participante como estadística de Ataque, la Defensa base del objetivo como estadística de Defensa e ignora las etapas de estadísticas y otros efectos que modifican el Ataque o la Defensa; Se considera que cada golpe proviene del usuario. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen3.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo. Golpea una vez por cada Pokémon no desmayado sin una condición de estado no volátil en el grupo del usuario, o falla si ningún Pokémon cumple con los criterios. Para cada golpe, la fórmula de daño utiliza el Ataque base del Pokémon participante como estadística de Ataque, la Defensa base del objetivo como estadística de Defensa e ignora las etapas de estadísticas y otros efectos que modifican el Ataque o la Defensa; Se considera que cada golpe proviene del usuario. +showdown.moves.beatup.gen2.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo. Golpea una vez por cada Pokémon no desmayado sin una condición de estado no volátil en el grupo del usuario. Para cada golpe, la fórmula de daño utiliza el nivel del Pokémon participante, su Ataque base como estadística de Ataque, la Defensa base del objetivo como estadística de Defensa e ignora las etapas de estadísticas y otros efectos que modifican el Ataque o la Defensa. Falla si ningún miembro del grupo puede participar. +showdown.moves.beatup.activate=¡El ataque de %s! Supremo showdown.moves.behemothbash.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. +showdown.moves.behemothbash.gen8.shortDesc=El daño se duplica si el objetivo está Dynamaxed. Supremo showdown.moves.behemothblade.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. +showdown.moves.behemothblade.gen8.shortDesc=El daño se duplica si el objetivo está Dynamaxed. -showdown.moves.belch.desc=This move cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry, either by eating one that was held, stealing and eating one off another Pokemon with Bug Bite or Pluck, or eating one that was thrown at it with Fling. Once the condition is met, this move can be selected and used for the rest of the battle even if the user gains or uses another item or switches out. Consuming a Berry with Natural Gift does not count for the purposes of eating one. -showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=Cannot be selected until the user eats a Berry. +showdown.moves.belch.desc=Este movimiento no se puede seleccionar hasta que el usuario se coma una Baya, ya sea comiendo una que tenía, robando y comiéndose otra de otro Pokémon con Picadura o Picoteo, o comiendo una que le arrojaron con Lanzamiento. Una vez que se cumple la condición, este movimiento se puede seleccionar y usar durante el resto de la batalla, incluso si el usuario gana o usa otro elemento o lo abandona. Consumir una Baya con Don Natural no cuenta a efectos de comer una. +showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=No se puede seleccionar hasta que el usuario coma una Baya. -showdown.moves.bellydrum.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 12 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack stat stage is 6. -showdown.moves.bellydrum.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Maximizes Attack. -showdown.moves.bellydrum.boost=%s cut its own HP and maximized its Attack! +showdown.moves.bellydrum.desc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 12 etapas a cambio de que el usuario pierda la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Falla si el usuario se desmayaría o si su nivel de estadística de ataque es 6. +showdown.moves.bellydrum.shortDesc=El usuario pierde el 50% del PS máximo. Maximiza el ataque. +showdown.moves.bellydrum.boost=¡%s redujo su propio PS y maximizó su ataque! -showdown.moves.bestow.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. -showdown.moves.bestow.shortDesc=User passes its held item to the target. -showdown.moves.bestow.gen6.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. -showdown.moves.bestow.gen5.desc=The target receives the user's held item. Fails if the user has no item or is holding a Mail, if the target is already holding an item, if the user is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or if the target is one of those Pokemon and the user is holding the respective item. -showdown.moves.bestow.takeItem=%s gave %s its %s! +showdown.moves.bestow.desc=El objetivo recibe el objeto retenido por el usuario. Falla si el usuario no tiene ningún objeto o tiene un Correo o Z-Crystal, si el objetivo ya tiene un objeto, si el usuario es un Kyogre con un Prisma Azul, un Groudon con un Prisma Rojo, un Giratina con una Griseosfera, un Arceus con una placa, un Genesect con un Drive, un Silvally con un Memory, un Pokémon que puede megaevolucionar con la Megapiedra para su especie, o si el objetivo es uno de esos Pokémon y el usuario tiene el objeto respectivo. +showdown.moves.bestow.shortDesc=El usuario pasa el objeto retenido al objetivo. +showdown.moves.bestow.gen6.desc=El objetivo recibe el objeto retenido por el usuario. Falla si el usuario no tiene ningún objeto o tiene un Correo, si el objetivo ya tiene un objeto, si el usuario es un Kyogre con un Prisma Azul, un Groudon con un Prisma Rojo, una Giratina con una Griseosfera, un Arceus con un Plate, un Genesect con un Drive, un Pokémon que puede megaevolucionar con la Megapiedra de su especie, o si el objetivo es uno de esos Pokémon y el usuario tiene el objeto respectivo. +showdown.moves.bestow.gen5.desc=El objetivo recibe el objeto retenido por el usuario. Falla si el usuario no tiene ningún objeto o tiene un Correo, si el objetivo ya tiene un objeto, si el usuario es una Giratina con una Griseosfera, un Arceus con una Placa, un Genesect con un Drive, o si el objetivo es uno de esos Pokémon y el usuario tiene el elemento respectivo. +showdown.moves.bestow.takeItem=¡%s le dio a %s sus %s! -showdown.moves.bide.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.bide.shortDesc=Waits 2 turns; deals double the damage taken. -showdown.moves.bide.gen4.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost to attacks during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not check accuracy and ignores type immunity. -showdown.moves.bide.gen3.desc=The user spends two turns locked into this move and then, on the second turn after using this move, the user attacks the last Pokemon that hit it, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during the two turns. If the last Pokemon that hit it is no longer active, the user attacks a random opposing Pokemon instead. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.bide.gen2.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and then, on the second or third turn after using this move, the user attacks the opponent, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during those turns. If the user is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. This move does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.bide.gen2.shortDesc=Waits 2-3 turns; deals double the damage taken. -showdown.moves.bide.gen1.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and then, on the second or third turn after using this move, the user attacks the opponent, inflicting double the damage in HP it lost during those turns. This move ignores type immunity and cannot be avoided even if the target is using Dig or Fly. The user can choose to switch out during the effect. If the user switches out or is prevented from moving during this move's use, the effect ends. During the effect, if the opposing Pokemon switches out or uses Confuse Ray, Conversion, Focus Energy, Glare, Haze, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mimic, Mist, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Splash, Stun Spore, Substitute, Supersonic, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Transform, the previous damage dealt to the user will be added to the total. -showdown.moves.bide.start=%s is storing energy! -showdown.moves.bide.end=%s unleashed its energy! -showdown.moves.bide.activate=%s is storing energy! +showdown.moves.bide.desc=El usuario pasa dos turnos atrapado en este movimiento y luego, en el segundo turno después de usar este movimiento, ataca al último Pokémon que lo golpeó, infligiendo el doble del daño en PS que perdió por los ataques durante los dos turnos. Si el último Pokémon que lo golpeó ya no está activo, el usuario ataca a un Pokémon contrario aleatorio. Si al usuario se le impide moverse durante el uso de este movimiento, el efecto finaliza. Este movimiento no verifica la precisión y no ignora la inmunidad de tipo. +showdown.moves.bide.shortDesc=Espera 2 turnos; causa el doble del daño recibido. +showdown.moves.bide.gen4.desc=El usuario pasa dos turnos atrapado en este movimiento y luego, en el segundo turno después de usar este movimiento, ataca al último Pokémon que lo golpeó, infligiendo el doble del daño en PS que perdió por los ataques durante los dos turnos. Si el último Pokémon que lo golpeó ya no está activo, el usuario ataca a un Pokémon contrario aleatorio. Si al usuario se le impide moverse durante el uso de este movimiento, el efecto finaliza. Este movimiento no verifica la precisión e ignora la inmunidad de tipo. +showdown.moves.bide.gen3.desc=El usuario pasa dos turnos atrapado en este movimiento y luego, en el segundo turno después de usar este movimiento, ataca al último Pokémon que lo golpeó, infligiendo el doble del daño en PS que perdió durante los dos turnos. Si el último Pokémon que lo golpeó ya no está activo, el usuario ataca a un Pokémon contrario aleatorio. Si al usuario se le impide moverse durante el uso de este movimiento, el efecto finaliza. Este movimiento no ignora la inmunidad de tipo. +showdown.moves.bide.gen2.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y luego, en el segundo o tercer turno después de usar este movimiento, ataca al oponente, infligiendo el doble del daño en PS que perdió durante esos turnos. Si al usuario se le impide moverse durante el uso de este movimiento, el efecto finaliza. Este movimiento no ignora la inmunidad de tipo. +showdown.moves.bide.gen2.shortDesc=Espera 2-3 turnos; causa el doble del daño recibido. +showdown.moves.bide.gen1.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y luego, en el segundo o tercer turno después de usar este movimiento, ataca al oponente, infligiendo el doble del daño en PS que perdió durante esos turnos. Este movimiento ignora la inmunidad de tipo y no se puede evitar incluso si el objetivo está usando Excavar o Vuelo. El usuario puede optar por desconectarse durante el efecto. Si el usuario cambia o se le impide moverse durante el uso de este movimiento, el efecto finaliza. Durante el efecto, si el Pokémon contrario cambia o usa Rayo Confuso, Conversión, Foco Energía, Deslumbrar, Niebla, Drenadoras, Pantalla de Luz, Mimético, Neblina, Gas Venenoso, Polvo Veneno, Recuperación, Reflejo, Descanso, Ovocuración, Salpicadura, Paralizador, Sustituto, Supersónico, Teletransporte, Trueno Wave, Tóxico o Transformación, se sumará al total el daño anterior causado al usuario. +showdown.moves.bide.start=¡%s está almacenando energía! +showdown.moves.bide.end=¡%s desató su energía! +showdown.moves.bide.activate=¡%s está almacenando energía! -showdown.moves.bind.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.bind.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.bind.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.bind.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. -showdown.moves.bind.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.bind.start=%s was squeezed by %s! -showdown.moves.bind.move=%s's attack continues! +showdown.moves.bind.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Autotomía, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.bind.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 4-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.bind.gen8.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.bind.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.bind.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo (1/8 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.bind.gen4.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos (siempre cinco turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.bind.gen4.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.bind.gen3.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos. Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.bind.gen1.desc=El usuario pasa de dos a cinco turnos usando este movimiento. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de durar dos o tres turnos y una probabilidad de 1/8 de durar cuatro o cinco turnos. El daño calculado para el primer turno se utiliza cada dos turnos. El usuario no puede seleccionar un movimiento y el objetivo no puede ejecutar un movimiento durante el efecto, pero ambos pueden cambiar. Si el usuario cambia, el objetivo sigue siendo incapaz de ejecutar un movimiento durante ese turno. Si el objetivo cambia, el usuario usa este movimiento nuevamente automáticamente, y si tenía 0 PP en ese momento, se convierte en 63. Si el usuario o el objetivo cambian, o se impide que el usuario se mueva, el efecto termina. Este movimiento puede evitar que el objetivo se mueva incluso si tiene inmunidad de tipo, pero no causará daño. +showdown.moves.bind.gen1.shortDesc=Impide que el objetivo se mueva durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.bind.start=¡%s fue exprimido por %s! +showdown.moves.bind.move=¡El ataque de %s continúa! -showdown.moves.bite.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.bite.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Lamento -showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 50% del daño causado. Reprimido -showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.bittermalice.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1. Negro Aniquilador -showdown.moves.blackholeeclipse.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.blackholeeclipse.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. Ígneo -showdown.moves.blastburn.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.blastburn.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.blastburn.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento. +showdown.moves.blastburn.shortDesc=El usuario no puede moverse en el siguiente turno. Ígnea -showdown.moves.blazekick.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.blazekick.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to burn. +showdown.moves.blazekick.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo y una mayor probabilidad de asestar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.blazekick.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. 10% de probabilidad de quemarse. -showdown.moves.blazingtorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.blazingtorque.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.blazingtorque.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Gélido -showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.desc=Tiene un 30% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.bleakwindstorm.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del enemigo en 1. -showdown.moves.blizzard.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. If the weather is Snow, this move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.blizzard.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in Snow. -showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. If the weather is Hail, this move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in Hail. -showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze foe(s). -showdown.moves.blizzard.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.blizzard.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de congelar al objetivo. Si el clima es Nieve, este movimiento no verifica la precisión. +showdown.moves.blizzard.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelar a los enemigos. No te puedes perder en Snow. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de congelar al objetivo. Si el clima es Granizo, este movimiento no verifica la precisión. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen8.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelar a los enemigos. No te lo puedes perder en Granizo. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de congelar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen3.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelar a los enemigos. +showdown.moves.blizzard.gen2.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelar al objetivo. -showdown.moves.block.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.block.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. -showdown.moves.block.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.block.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.block.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. -showdown.moves.block.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.block.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.block.shortDesc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. +showdown.moves.block.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.block.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.block.gen4.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto termina si el usuario abandona el campo, a menos que use Relevo, en cuyo caso el objetivo permanecerá atrapado. +showdown.moves.block.gen3.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto termina si el usuario abandona el campo, a menos que use Relevo, en cuyo caso el objetivo permanecerá atrapado.ón Floral -showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.bloomdoom.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. Azul -showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Corporal -showdown.moves.bodypress.desc=Damage is calculated using the user's Defense stat as its Attack, including stat stage changes. Other effects that modify the Attack stat are used as normal. -showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Uses user's Def stat as Atk in damage calculation. +showdown.moves.bodypress.desc=El daño se calcula utilizando la estadística de Defensa del usuario como su Ataque, incluidos los cambios en la etapa de las estadísticas. Otros efectos que modifican la estadística de Ataque se utilizan normalmente. +showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Utiliza la estadística Def del usuario como Atq en el cálculo de daños. Cuerpo -showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.bodyslam.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. El daño se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras estaba activo. +showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.bodyslam.gen5.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. -showdown.moves.boltbeak.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. -showdown.moves.boltbeak.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.boltbeak.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario se mueve antes que el objetivo. +showdown.moves.boltbeak.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el usuario se mueve antes que el objetivo. Fulgor -showdown.moves.boltstrike.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.boltstrike.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.boltstrike.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.boltstrike.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. Palo -showdown.moves.boneclub.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.boneclub.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.boneclub.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.boneclub.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen1.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.shortDesc=Golpea 2 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen4.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen3.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen1.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el movimiento termina. Óseo -showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.boomburst.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a Pokémon adyacentes. -showdown.moves.bounce.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.bounce.shortDesc=Bounces turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. -showdown.moves.bounce.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.bounce.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.bounce.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. -showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s sprang up! +showdown.moves.bounce.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Vendaval, Gancho Alto, Antiaéreo, Mil Flechas, Trueno y Ciclón, y Tornado y Ciclón tienen doble poder cuando se usan contra él. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.bounce.shortDesc=Botes turno 1. Golpes turno 2. 30% paraliza. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen5.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Vendaval, Gancho Alto, Antiaéreo, Trueno y Ciclón, y Tornado y Ciclón tienen doble poder cuando se usan contra él. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen4.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Gancho Alto, Trueno y Ciclón, y Tornado y Ciclón tienen doble poder cuando se usan contra él. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.bounce.gen3.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Gancho Alto, Trueno y Ciclón, y Tornado y Ciclón tienen doble poder cuando se usan contra él. +showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s surgió! -showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 50% del daño causado. Rama showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.ájaro Osado -showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. -showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. +showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente al 33 % de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Tiene un 33% de retroceso. +showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/3 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Tiene 1/3 de retroceso. Impacto -showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.breakingswipe.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del enemigo en 1. Arrolladora -showdown.moves.breakneckblitz.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.breakneckblitz.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base.ón -showdown.moves.brickbreak.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen6.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or not the target is immune, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.shortDesc=Destroys screens, even if the target is immune. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen3.desc=If this attack does not miss and whether or not the target is immune, the effects of Reflect and Light Screen end for the opponent's side of the field before damage is calculated. -showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! +showdown.moves.brickbreak.desc=Si este ataque no falla, los efectos de Reflejo, Pantalla de Luz y Velo Aurora terminan en el lado del campo del objetivo antes de que se calcule el daño. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.shortDesc=Destruye las pantallas, a menos que el objetivo sea inmune. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen6.desc=Si este ataque no falla, los efectos de Reflejo y Pantalla de Luz terminan en el lado del campo del objetivo antes de que se calcule el daño. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.desc=Si este ataque no falla y si el objetivo es inmune o no, los efectos de Reflejo y Pantalla de Luz terminan en el lado del campo del objetivo antes de que se calcule el daño. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.shortDesc=Destruye pantallas, incluso si el objetivo es inmune. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen3.desc=Si este ataque no falla y si el objetivo es inmune o no, los efectos de Reflejo y Pantalla de Luz terminan en el lado del campo del oponente antes de que se calcule el daño. +showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=¡%s rompió las protecciones de %s! -showdown.moves.brine.desc=Power doubles if the target has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining. -showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less. +showdown.moves.brine.desc=El poder se duplica si al objetivo le queda menos de o igual a la mitad de su PS máximo. +showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el PS del objetivo es del 50% o menos. Vil showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a Pokémon adyacentes. -showdown.moves.bubble.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bubble.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.bubble.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bubble.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.bubble.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del enemigo en 1. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.desc=Tiene un 33% de posibilidades de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen1.shortDesc=33% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1. +showdown.moves.bubble.gen2.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1. Barbuja -showdown.moves.bubblebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bubblebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.desc=Tiene un 33% de posibilidades de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.bubblebeam.gen1.shortDesc=33% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.bugbite.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.bugbite.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. -showdown.moves.bugbite.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. -showdown.moves.bugbite.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! +showdown.moves.bugbite.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba la Baya que tiene el objetivo si la tiene y se la come inmediatamente, obteniendo sus efectos incluso si el objeto del usuario está siendo ignorado. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.bugbite.shortDesc=El usuario roba y se come la Baya del objetivo. +showdown.moves.bugbite.gen4.desc=El usuario roba el Baya que tiene el objetivo si tiene uno y se lo come inmediatamente, obteniendo sus efectos a menos que se ignore el objeto del usuario. Los objetos perdidos con este movimiento se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje. +showdown.moves.bugbite.removeItem=¡%s robó y se comió el %s de su objetivo! -showdown.moves.bugbuzz.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.bugbuzz.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.bugbuzz.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 1. -showdown.moves.bulkup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.bulkup.desc=Aumenta el ataque y la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.bulkup.shortDesc=Aumenta el Ataque y la Defensa del usuario en 1. -showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.bulldoze.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.bulldoze.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad de Pkmn adyacente en 1.ño Bala showdown.moves.bulletpunch.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. -showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Ardiente -showdown.moves.burningjealousy.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target if it had a stat stage raised this turn. -showdown.moves.burningjealousy.shortDesc=100% burns a target that had a stat rise this turn. +showdown.moves.burningjealousy.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo si tenía un nivel de estadísticas elevado este turno. +showdown.moves.burningjealousy.shortDesc=Quema al 100% a un objetivo cuyas estadísticas aumentaron este turno. Final -showdown.moves.burnup.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. -showdown.moves.burnup.shortDesc=User's Fire type becomes typeless; must be Fire. -showdown.moves.burnup.gen8.desc=Fails unless the user is a Fire type. If this move is successful, the user's Fire type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. -showdown.moves.burnup.typeChange=%s burned itself out! +showdown.moves.burnup.desc=Falla a menos que el usuario sea del tipo Fuego. Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no está terastalizado, el tipo Fuego del usuario se vuelve sin tipo mientras permanezca activo. +showdown.moves.burnup.shortDesc=El tipo Fuego del usuario se vuelve sin tipo; debe ser Fuego. +showdown.moves.burnup.gen8.desc=Falla a menos que el usuario sea del tipo Fuego. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el tipo Fuego del usuario se vuelve sin tipo mientras permanezca activo. +showdown.moves.burnup.typeChange=¡%s se quemó solo!álisis -showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the foe. -showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the foe. +showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de paralizar al enemigo. +showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de paralizar al enemigo. Mental -showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Aumenta el ataque especial y la defensa especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Aumenta el Sp del usuario. Atq y Def esp. por 1. -showdown.moves.camouflage.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. -showdown.moves.camouflage.shortDesc=Changes user's type by terrain (default Normal). -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen6.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Electric type during Electric Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Grass type during Grassy Terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Ground type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the user's type cannot be changed or if the user is already purely that type. -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. (Ground) -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the user has the Multitype Ability or if the type is one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.shortDesc=Changes user's type based on terrain. (Normal) -showdown.moves.camouflage.gen3.desc=The user's type changes based on the battle terrain. Normal type on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. Fails if the type is one of the user's current types. +showdown.moves.camouflage.desc=El tipo de usuario cambia según el terreno de batalla. Tipo normal en terreno Wi-Fi regular, tipo Eléctrico durante Campo Eléctrico, tipo Hada durante Terreno Neblinay, tipo Hierba durante Campo de Hierba y tipo psíquico durante Campo Psíquico. Falla si el tipo de usuario no se puede cambiar o si el usuario ya es exclusivamente de ese tipo. +showdown.moves.camouflage.shortDesc=Cambia el tipo de usuario por terreno (normal por defecto). +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen6.desc=El tipo de usuario cambia según el terreno de batalla. Tipo normal en terreno Wi-Fi regular, tipo Eléctrico durante Campo Eléctrico, tipo Hada durante Terreno Neblinay y tipo Hierba durante Campo de Hierba. Falla si el tipo de usuario no se puede cambiar o si el usuario ya es exclusivamente de ese tipo. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.desc=El tipo de usuario cambia según el terreno de batalla. Tipo de terreno en el terreno Wi-Fi normal. Falla si el tipo de usuario no se puede cambiar o si el usuario ya es exclusivamente de ese tipo. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen5.shortDesc=Cambia el tipo de usuario según el terreno. (Suelo) +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.desc=El tipo de usuario cambia según el terreno de batalla. Tipo normal en el terreno Wi-Fi normal. Falla si el usuario tiene la habilidad Multitipo o si el tipo es uno de los tipos actuales del usuario. +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen4.shortDesc=Cambia el tipo de usuario según el terreno. (Normal) +showdown.moves.camouflage.gen3.desc=El tipo de usuario cambia según el terreno de batalla. Tipo normal en el terreno Wi-Fi normal. Falla si el tipo es uno de los tipos actuales del usuario.ón -showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. The target is unaffected if both the user and the target are the same gender, or if either is genderless. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender. +showdown.moves.captivate.desc=Reduce el ataque especial del objetivo en 2 etapas. El objetivo no se ve afectado si tanto el usuario como el objetivo son del mismo sexo o si alguno de ellos no tiene género. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Despiste son inmunes. +showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Reduce a los enemigos Atq esp. por 2 si es del sexo opuesto. Letal showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Metralla -showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. A maximum of three layers may be set, and opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Sets a layer of Spikes on the opposing side. +showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, crea un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Se puede establecer un máximo de tres capas, y los oponentes pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo con una capa, 1/6 de su PS máximo con dos capas y 1/4 de su PS máximo con tres capas, todo redondeado hacia abajo. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Coloca una capa de Púas en el lado contrario.ón -showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=No competitive use. -showdown.moves.celebrate.activate=Congratulations, %s! +showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo. +showdown.moves.celebrate.activate=¡Felicitaciones, %s! -showdown.moves.charge.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's next Electric-type attack will have its power doubled; the effect ends when the user is no longer active, or after the user attempts to use any Electric-type move besides Charge, even if it is not successful. -showdown.moves.charge.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's next Electric move 2x power. -showdown.moves.charge.gen8.desc=Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stage. If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. -showdown.moves.charge.gen8.shortDesc=+1 SpD, user's Electric move next turn 2x power. -showdown.moves.charge.gen3.desc=If the user uses an Electric-type attack on the next turn, its power will be doubled. -showdown.moves.charge.gen3.shortDesc=The user's Electric attack next turn has 2x power. -showdown.moves.charge.start=%s began charging power! +showdown.moves.charge.desc=Aumenta la Defensa Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. El próximo ataque de tipo Eléctrico del usuario duplicará su poder; El efecto termina cuando el usuario ya no está activo, o después de que el usuario intenta usar cualquier movimiento de tipo Eléctrico además de Carga, incluso si no tiene éxito. +showdown.moves.charge.shortDesc=+1 Def esp., el siguiente movimiento eléctrico del usuario duplica la potencia. +showdown.moves.charge.gen8.desc=Aumenta la Defensa Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. Si el usuario utiliza un ataque de tipo Eléctrico en el siguiente turno, su poder se duplicará. +showdown.moves.charge.gen8.shortDesc=+1 Def esp., el movimiento eléctrico del usuario en el siguiente turno duplica la potencia. +showdown.moves.charge.gen3.desc=Si el usuario utiliza un ataque de tipo Eléctrico en el siguiente turno, su poder se duplicará. +showdown.moves.charge.gen3.shortDesc=El ataque eléctrico del usuario en el próximo turno tiene el doble de potencia. +showdown.moves.charge.start=¡%s comenzó a cargar energía! Carga -showdown.moves.chargebeam.desc=Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.chargebeam.desc=Tiene un 70% de posibilidades de aumentar el ataque especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.chargebeam.shortDesc=70% de probabilidad de aumentar el Sp del usuario. Atq por 1. -showdown.moves.charm.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.charm.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.charm.desc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.charm.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 2.áchara -showdown.moves.chatter.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.chatter.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 0 or 10 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 0 for a low volume or no recording, 10 for a medium to high volume recording. -showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.shortDesc=For Chatot, 10% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.desc=Has an X% chance to confuse the target, where X is 0 unless the user is a Chatot that hasn't Transformed. If the user is a Chatot, X is 1, 11, or 31 depending on the volume of Chatot's recorded cry, if any; 1 for no recording or low volume, 11 for medium volume, and 31 for high volume. -showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.shortDesc=For Chatot, 31% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.chatter.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.chatter.shortDesc=100% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.desc=Tiene un X% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo, donde X es 0 a menos que el usuario sea un Chatot que no se haya Transformado. Si el usuario es un Chatot, X es 0 o 10 dependiendo del volumen del llanto grabado de Chatot, si lo hubiera; 0 para un volumen bajo o sin grabación, 10 para una grabación de volumen medio a alto. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen5.shortDesc=Para Chatot, 10% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.desc=Tiene un X% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo, donde X es 0 a menos que el usuario sea un Chatot que no se haya Transformado. Si el usuario es un Chatot, X es 1, 11 o 31 dependiendo del volumen del llanto grabado de Chatot, si lo hubiera; 1 para no grabar o volumen bajo, 11 para volumen medio y 31 para volumen alto. +showdown.moves.chatter.gen4.shortDesc=Para Chatot, 31% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. Fría -showdown.moves.chillingwater.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.chillingwater.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.chillingwater.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.chillingwater.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1.ía Acogida -showdown.moves.chillyreception.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. The user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.chillyreception.shortDesc=Starts Snow. User switches out. -showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=%s is preparing to tell a chillingly bad joke! +showdown.moves.chillyreception.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se vuelve nieve. El usuario sale incluso si está atrapado y es reemplazado inmediatamente por un miembro del grupo seleccionado. El usuario no cambia si no hay miembros del grupo no desmayados. +showdown.moves.chillyreception.shortDesc=Empieza a nevar. El usuario se desconecta. +showdown.moves.chillyreception.activate=¡%s se está preparando para contar un chiste escalofriantemente malo! Baja -showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. -showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. +showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignora los cambios en las estadísticas del objetivo, incluida la evasión. +showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignora los cambios de estado de estadísticas del objetivo.áser -showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. -showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. -showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) +showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Independientemente de si este movimiento tiene éxito o no, e incluso si causaría desmayos, el usuario pierde la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia arriba, a menos que tenga la habilidad Muro Mágico. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=El usuario pierde el 50% del PS máximo. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(¡%s reduce su propio PS para potenciar su movimiento!) Giro -showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target is under the effect of Ingrain, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. -showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. +showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=Si ni el usuario ni el objetivo se han desmayado, el objetivo se ve obligado a cambiar y ser reemplazado por un aliado aleatorio no desmayado. Este efecto falla si el objetivo está bajo el efecto de Arraigo, tiene la habilidad Ventosas o este movimiento golpea a un sustituto. +showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Obliga al objetivo a cambiar a un aliado aleatorio. -showdown.moves.clamp.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.clamp.start=%s clamped down on %s! -showdown.moves.clamp.move=%s's attack continues! +showdown.moves.clamp.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Autotomía, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.clamp.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 4-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen8.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo (1/8 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos (siempre cinco turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen3.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos. Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.desc=El usuario pasa de dos a cinco turnos usando este movimiento. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de durar dos o tres turnos y una probabilidad de 1/8 de durar cuatro o cinco turnos. El daño calculado para el primer turno se utiliza cada dos turnos. El usuario no puede seleccionar un movimiento y el objetivo no puede ejecutar un movimiento durante el efecto, pero ambos pueden cambiar. Si el usuario cambia, el objetivo sigue siendo incapaz de ejecutar un movimiento durante ese turno. Si el objetivo cambia, el usuario usa este movimiento nuevamente automáticamente, y si tenía 0 PP en ese momento, se convierte en 63. Si el usuario o el objetivo cambian, o se impide que el usuario se mueva, el efecto termina. Este movimiento puede evitar que el objetivo se mueva incluso si tiene inmunidad de tipo, pero no causará daño. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.shortDesc=Impide que el objetivo se mueva durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.clamp.start=¡%s tomó medidas drásticas contra %s! +showdown.moves.clamp.move=¡El ataque de %s continúa! Escamas -showdown.moves.clangingscales.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.clangingscales.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.clangingscales.desc=Reduce la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.clangingscales.shortDesc=Reduce la Defensa del usuario en 1. Escama -showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage in exchange for the user losing 33% of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed stat stages would not change. -showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=User loses 33% of its max HP. +1 to all stats. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.desc=Aumenta el Ataque, la Defensa, el Ataque Especial, la Defensa Especial y la Velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel a cambio de que el usuario pierda el 33% de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Falla si el usuario se desmayaría o si sus etapas de estadísticas de Ataque, Defensa, Ataque especial, Defensa especial y Velocidad no cambiarían. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=El usuario pierde el 33% de su PS máximo. +1 a todas las estadísticas. Implacable -showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Aumenta el ataque, la defensa, el ataque especial, la defensa especial y la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Aumenta el Atq/Def/Atqesp./Defesp./Velo del usuario en 1. Clara -showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Resets all of the target's stat stages to 0. +showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Restablece todas las etapas de estadísticas del objetivo a 0. Bocajarro -showdown.moves.closecombat.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.closecombat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.closecombat.desc=Reduce la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.closecombat.shortDesc=Reduce la Defensa y Sp. del usuario. Def por 1.ón -showdown.moves.coaching.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. -showdown.moves.coaching.shortDesc=Raises an ally's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.coaching.desc=Aumenta el ataque y la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. Falla si no hay ningún aliado adyacente al usuario. +showdown.moves.coaching.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque y la defensa de un aliado en 1. -showdown.moves.coil.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.coil.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack, Defense, accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.coil.desc=Aumenta el ataque, la defensa y la precisión del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.coil.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque, la defensa y la precisión del usuario en 1. -showdown.moves.collisioncourse.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. -showdown.moves.collisioncourse.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. +showdown.moves.collisioncourse.desc=El daño se multiplica por 1,3333 si este movimiento es súper efectivo contra el objetivo. +showdown.moves.collisioncourse.shortDesc=Inflige 1,3333x de daño con golpes superefectivos. -showdown.moves.combattorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.combattorque.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo.ño Cometa -showdown.moves.cometpunch.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. El daño se calcula una vez para el primer golpe y se utiliza para cada golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el movimiento finaliza. -showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. -showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. +showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon enemigo que golpeó al usuario con un ataque físico o especial este turno, equivalente a 1,5 veces el PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque, redondeado hacia abajo. Si el usuario no perdió PS por ese ataque, este movimiento causa 1 PS de daño. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso y hay otro Pokémon contrario en el campo, el daño se le hace a él. Sólo se cuenta el último golpe de un ataque de múltiples golpes. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque físico o especial de un Pokémon contrario este turno. +showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=Si es golpeado por un ataque, devuelve 1,5 veces el daño. -showdown.moves.confide.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.confide.desc=Reduce el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.confide.shortDesc=Reduce el Sp del objetivo. Atq por 1. Confuso -showdown.moves.confuseray.desc=Causes the target to become confused. -showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confuses the target. +showdown.moves.confuseray.desc=Hace que el objetivo se confunda. +showdown.moves.confuseray.shortDesc=Confunde al objetivo.ón -showdown.moves.confusion.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.confusion.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.confusion.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.confusion.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo.ón -showdown.moves.constrict.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.constrict.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.constrict.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.constrict.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1. +showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.desc=Tiene un 33% de posibilidades de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.constrict.gen1.shortDesc=33% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1. Gigalítico -showdown.moves.continentalcrush.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.continentalcrush.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base.ón -showdown.moves.conversion.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of the move in its first move slot. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if the type is one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion.shortDesc=Changes user's type to match its first move. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides this move, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.shortDesc=Changes user's type to match a known move. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen4.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides this move and Curse, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match the original type of one of its known moves besides Curse, at random, but not either of its current types. Fails if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. -showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. -showdown.moves.conversion.typeChange=Converted type to %s's! +showdown.moves.conversion.desc=El tipo del usuario cambia para coincidir con el tipo original de movimiento en su primer espacio de movimiento. Falla si el usuario no puede cambiar su tipo o si el tipo es uno de los tipos actuales del usuario. +showdown.moves.conversion.shortDesc=Cambia el tipo de usuario para que coincida con su primer movimiento. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.desc=El tipo del usuario cambia para coincidir con el tipo original de uno de sus movimientos conocidos además de este movimiento, al azar, pero no con ninguno de sus tipos actuales. Falla si el usuario no puede cambiar su tipo, o si este movimiento solo podría seleccionar uno de los tipos actuales del usuario. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen5.shortDesc=Cambia el tipo de usuario para que coincida con un movimiento conocido. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen4.desc=El tipo del usuario cambia para coincidir con el tipo original de uno de sus movimientos conocidos además de este movimiento y Maldición, al azar, pero no con ninguno de sus tipos actuales. Falla si el usuario no puede cambiar su tipo, o si este movimiento solo podría seleccionar uno de los tipos actuales del usuario. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen3.desc=El tipo del usuario cambia para coincidir con el tipo original de uno de sus movimientos conocidos además de Maldición, al azar, pero no con ninguno de sus tipos actuales. Falla si el usuario no puede cambiar su tipo, o si este movimiento solo podría seleccionar uno de los tipos actuales del usuario. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.desc=Hace que los tipos del usuario sean los mismos que los tipos actuales del objetivo. +showdown.moves.conversion.gen1.shortDesc=El usuario pasa a ser del mismo tipo que el objetivo. +showdown.moves.conversion.typeChange=¡Tipo convertido a %s!ón2 -showdown.moves.conversion2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the target, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user cannot change its type, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist target's last move. -showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, if the user has the Multitype Ability, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.shortDesc=User's type changes to resist last move against it. -showdown.moves.conversion2.gen3.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used against the user, if it was successful against the user, but not either of its current types. The determined type of the move is used rather than the original type, but considers Struggle as Normal. Fails if the last move used against the user was not successful, or if this move would only be able to select one of the user's current types. -showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.desc=The user's type changes to match a type that resists or is immune to the type of the last move used by the opposing Pokemon, even if it is one of the user's current types. The original type of the move is used rather than the determined type. Fails if the opposing Pokemon has not used a move. -showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.shortDesc=Changes user's type to resist the foe's last move. +showdown.moves.conversion2.desc=El tipo del usuario cambia para coincidir con un tipo que resiste o es inmune al tipo del último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo, pero no a ninguno de sus tipos actuales. Se utiliza el tipo determinado de movimiento en lugar del tipo original. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado un movimiento, si el usuario no puede cambiar su tipo o si este movimiento solo podría seleccionar uno de los tipos actuales del usuario. +showdown.moves.conversion2.shortDesc=Cambia el tipo de usuario para resistir el último movimiento del objetivo. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.desc=El tipo del usuario cambia para coincidir con un tipo que resiste o es inmune al tipo del último movimiento usado contra el usuario, si tuvo éxito contra el usuario, pero no contra ninguno de sus tipos actuales. Se utiliza el tipo determinado de movimiento en lugar del tipo original. Falla si el último movimiento utilizado contra el usuario no fue exitoso, si el usuario tiene la habilidad Multitipo o si este movimiento solo podría seleccionar uno de los tipos actuales del usuario. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen4.shortDesc=El tipo de usuario cambia para resistir el último movimiento en su contra. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen3.desc=El tipo del usuario cambia para coincidir con un tipo que resiste o es inmune al tipo del último movimiento usado contra el usuario, si tuvo éxito contra el usuario, pero no contra ninguno de sus tipos actuales. Se utiliza el tipo de movimiento determinado en lugar del tipo original, pero considera Forcejeo como Normal. Falla si el último movimiento utilizado contra el usuario no fue exitoso, o si este movimiento solo podría seleccionar uno de los tipos actuales del usuario. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.desc=El tipo del usuario cambia para coincidir con un tipo que resiste o es inmune al tipo del último movimiento utilizado por el Pokémon contrario, incluso si es uno de los tipos actuales del usuario. Se utiliza el tipo original de movimiento en lugar del tipo determinado. Falla si el Pokémon contrario no ha usado ningún movimiento. +showdown.moves.conversion2.gen2.shortDesc=Cambia el tipo de usuario para resistir el último movimiento del enemigo.ón -showdown.moves.copycat.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Combat Torque, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or Wicked Torque. -showdown.moves.copycat.shortDesc=Uses the last move used in the battle. -showdown.moves.copycat.gen8.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. The base move of Max and G-Max Moves is considered for this purpose. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. -showdown.moves.copycat.gen7.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, Whirlwind, or any Z-Move. -showdown.moves.copycat.gen6.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, King's Shield, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Roar, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Spiky Shield, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, Trick, or Whirlwind. -showdown.moves.copycat.gen5.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Rage Powder, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Transform, or Trick. -showdown.moves.copycat.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, or Trick. +showdown.moves.copycat.desc=El usuario utiliza el último movimiento utilizado por cualquier Pokémon, incluido él mismo. Falla si no se ha utilizado ningún movimiento, o si el último movimiento utilizado fue Ayuda, Búnker, Pico Cañón, Embate Supremo, Tajo Supremo, Eructo, Ofrenda, Pirochoque, Celebración, Cháchara, Llave Giro, Pugnachoque, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Cola Dragón, Cañón Dinamax, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Manos Juntas, King's Shield, Feerichoque, Escudo Tatami, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Ponzochoque, Protección, Furia Polvo Explosivo , Rugido, Coraza Trampa, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Barrera Espinosa, Foco, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Transformación, Truco, Remolino u Ominochoque. +showdown.moves.copycat.shortDesc=Utiliza el último movimiento utilizado en la batalla. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen8.desc=El usuario utiliza el último movimiento utilizado por cualquier Pokémon, incluido él mismo. Para este propósito se considera el movimiento base de Max y G-Max Moves. Falla si no se ha utilizado ningún movimiento, o si el último movimiento utilizado fue Ayuda, Búnker, Pico Cañón, Embate Supremo, Tajo Supremo, Eructo, Ofrenda, Celebración, Cháchara, Llave Giro, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Cola Dragón, Cañón Dinamax, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Manos Juntas, King's Shield, Escudo Tatami, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Adaptación, Protección, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Rugido, Coraza Trampa , Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Barrera Espinosa, Foco, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Transformación, Truco o Remolino. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen7.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Ayuda, Búnker, Pico Cañón, Eructo, Ofrenda, Celebración, Cháchara, Llave Giro, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Cola Dragón, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Manos Juntas, King's Shield, Escudo Tatami, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Adaptación, Protección, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Rugido, Coraza Trampa, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Barrera Espinosa, Foco, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Transformación, Truco, Remolino, or any Z-Move. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen6.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Ayuda, Eructo, Ofrenda, Celebración, Cháchara, Llave Giro, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Cola Dragón, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Manos Juntas, King's Shield, Escudo Tatami, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Adaptación, Protección, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Rugido, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Barrera Espinosa, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Transformación, Truco, or Remolino. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen5.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Ayuda, Ofrenda, Cháchara, Llave Giro, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Cola Dragón, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Adaptación, Protección, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Transformación, or Truco. +showdown.moves.copycat.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move used by any Pokemon, including itself. Fails if no move has been used, or if the last move used was Ayuda, Cháchara, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Protección, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, or Truco.úcleo Castigo -showdown.moves.coreenforcer.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.coreenforcer.shortDesc=Nullifies the foe(s) Ability if the foe(s) move first. -showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen7.desc=If the user moves after the target, the target's Ability is rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this effect does not happen, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.desc=Si el usuario se mueve detrás del objetivo, la habilidad del objetivo queda ineficaz mientras permanezca activa. Si el objetivo usa Alivio, el reemplazo permanecerá bajo este efecto. Si la Habilidad del objetivo es Unidad Ecuestre, Afecto Fuerte, Letargo Perenne, Comando, Disfraz, Misil Trago, Motor Hadrónico, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Golpe Oricalc, Aglutinación, Paleosíntesis, Carga Quark, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, En el Modo Daruma, o Cambio Heroico, este efecto no ocurre y recibir el efecto a través de Alivio finaliza inmediatamente el efecto. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.shortDesc=Anula la habilidad del enemigo si el enemigo se mueve primero. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen8.desc=Si el usuario se mueve detrás del objetivo, la habilidad del objetivo queda ineficaz mientras permanezca activa. Si el objetivo usa Alivio, el reemplazo permanecerá bajo este efecto. Si la habilidad del objetivo es Unidad ecuestre, Afecto fuerte, Letargo perenne, Disfraz, Misil de golondrina, Cara de hielo, Multitipo, Agrupación, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico o Modo Daruma, este efecto no ocurre y recibe el efecto a través de Relevo finaliza el efecto inmediatamente. +showdown.moves.coreenforcer.gen7.desc=Si el usuario se mueve detrás del objetivo, la habilidad del objetivo queda ineficaz mientras permanezca activa. Si el objetivo usa Alivio, el reemplazo permanecerá bajo este efecto. Si la habilidad del objetivo es Afecto fuerte, Letargo perenne, Disfraz, Multitipo, Agrupación, Sistema Alfa, Banca, Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico o Modo Daruma, este efecto no ocurre y recibir el efecto a través de Alivio finaliza el efecto inmediatamente.élice Trepanadora -showdown.moves.corkscrewcrash.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.corkscrewcrash.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. Corrosivo -showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=The target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.corrosivegas.shortDesc=Removes adjacent Pokemon's held items. it failed to affect %s! -showdown.moves.corrosivegas.removeItem=%s corroded %s's %s! +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.desc=El objetivo pierde el objeto que tiene. Este movimiento no puede hacer que Pokémon con la habilidad Viscosidad pierda el objeto que tiene ni que Kyogre, Groudon, Giratina, Arceus, Genesect, Silvally, Zacian o Zamazenta pierdan su Prisma Azul, Prisma Rojo, Griseoesfera, Placa, Unidad, Memoria, Oxidado. Espada o Escudo Oxidado respectivamente. Los objetos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con el Reciclaje o la Habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.shortDesc=Elimina los elementos retenidos de Pokémon adyacentes.¡Pero no logró afectar a %s! +showdown.moves.corrosivegas.removeItem=¡%s corroyó a %s de %s! Cósmica -showdown.moves.cosmicpower.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.cosmicpower.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.cosmicpower.desc=Aumenta la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.cosmicpower.shortDesc=Aumenta la Defensa y Sp. del usuario. Def por 1. Algodón -showdown.moves.cottonguard.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 3 stages. -showdown.moves.cottonguard.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 3. +showdown.moves.cottonguard.desc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 3 niveles. +showdown.moves.cottonguard.shortDesc=Aumenta la Defensa del usuario en 3.ón -showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Reduce la velocidad del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Reduce la velocidad del objetivo en 2. -showdown.moves.counter.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. -showdown.moves.counter.shortDesc=If hit by physical attack, returns double damage. -showdown.moves.counter.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn. -showdown.moves.counter.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.moves.counter.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.moves.counter.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a physical attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a physical attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. If the opposing Pokemon used Fissure or Horn Drill and missed, this move deals 65535 damage. -showdown.moves.counter.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the damage dealt by the last move used in the battle. This move ignores type immunity. Fails if the user moves first, or if the opposing side's last move was Counter, had 0 power, or was not Normal or Fighting type. Fails if the last move used by either side did 0 damage and was not Confuse Ray, Conversion, Focus Energy, Glare, Haze, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mimic, Mist, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Splash, Stun Spore, Substitute, Supersonic, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Transform. -showdown.moves.counter.gen1.shortDesc=If hit by Normal/Fighting move, deals 2x damage. +showdown.moves.counter.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon contrario que golpeó al usuario con un ataque físico este turno equivalente al doble del PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque. Si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque, este movimiento causa 1 PS de daño. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso y hay otro Pokémon contrario en el campo, el daño se le hace a él. Sólo se cuenta el último golpe de un ataque de múltiples golpes. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque físico de un Pokémon contrario este turno. +showdown.moves.counter.shortDesc=Si es golpeado por un ataque físico, devuelve el doble de daño. +showdown.moves.counter.gen6.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon contrario que golpeó al usuario con un ataque físico este turno equivalente al doble del PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque. Si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque, este movimiento inflige daño con un poder de 1. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso, el daño se realiza a un Pokémon contrario aleatorio dentro del alcance. Sólo se cuenta el último golpe de un ataque de múltiples golpes. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque físico de un Pokémon contrario este turno. +showdown.moves.counter.gen4.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon contrario que golpeó al usuario con un ataque físico este turno equivalente al doble del PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso y hay otro Pokémon contrario en el campo, el daño se le hace a él. Sólo se cuenta el último golpe de un ataque de múltiples golpes. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque físico de un Pokémon contrario este turno, o si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.moves.counter.gen3.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon contrario que golpeó al usuario con un ataque físico este turno equivalente al doble del PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso y hay otro Pokémon contrario en el campo, el daño se le hace a él. Este movimiento considera a Poder Oculto como de tipo Normal, y solo cuenta el último golpe de un ataque multigolpe. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque físico de un Pokémon contrario este turno, o si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.moves.counter.gen2.desc=Inflige daño al Pokémon contrario igual al doble del PS perdido por el usuario por un ataque físico este turno. Este movimiento considera a Poder Oculto como de tipo Normal, y solo cuenta el último golpe de un ataque multigolpe. Falla si el usuario se mueve primero, si el usuario no fue golpeado por un ataque físico este turno o si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque. Si el Pokémon contrario usó Fisura o Perforador y falló, este movimiento causa 65535 de daño. +showdown.moves.counter.gen1.desc=Inflige un daño al Pokémon contrario igual al doble del daño causado por el último movimiento utilizado en la batalla. Este movimiento ignora la inmunidad de tipo. Falla si el usuario se mueve primero, o si el último movimiento del lado contrario fue Contraataque, tenía 0 de poder o no fue de tipo Normal o Lucha. Falla si el último movimiento utilizado por cualquiera de los bandos hizo 0 daño y no fue Rayo Confuso, Conversión, Foco Energía, Deslumbrar, Niebla, Drenadoras, Pantalla de Luz, Mimético, Neblina, Gas Venenoso, Polvo Veneno, Recuperación, Reflejo, Descanso, Ovocuración. , Salpicadura, Paralizador, Sustituto, Supersónico, Teletransporte, Trueno Wave, Tóxico o Transformación. +showdown.moves.counter.gen1.shortDesc=Si es golpeado por un movimiento normal/de lucha, inflige el doble de daño. de Cancha -showdown.moves.courtchange.desc=Switches the Mist, Light Screen, Reflect, Spikes, Safeguard, Tailwind, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Water Pledge, Fire Pledge, Grass Pledge, Sticky Web, Aurora Veil, G-Max Steelsurge, G-Max Cannonade, G-Max Vine Lash, and G-Max Wildfire effects from the user's side to the opposing side and vice versa. -showdown.moves.courtchange.shortDesc=Swaps user's field effects with the opposing side. -showdown.moves.courtchange.activate=%s swapped the battle effects affecting each side of the field! +showdown.moves.courtchange.desc=Cambia los efectos Neblina, Pantalla de Luz, Reflejo, Púas, Velo Sagrado, Viento Afín, Tóxico Púas, Trampa Rocas, Voto Agua, Voto Fuego, Voto Planta, Red Viscosa, Velo Aurora, Gigatrampa Acero, Gigacañonazo, Gigalianas y Gigallamarada de el lado del usuario al lado opuesto y viceversa. +showdown.moves.courtchange.shortDesc=Intercambia los efectos de campo del usuario con el lado opuesto. +showdown.moves.courtchange.activate=¡%s intercambió los efectos de batalla que afectan a cada lado del campo! -showdown.moves.covet.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.covet.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. -showdown.moves.covet.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.covet.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, or a Genesect holding a Drive. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.covet.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. -showdown.moves.covet.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. +showdown.moves.covet.desc=Si este ataque tuvo éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El objeto del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo o Z-Crystal, o si el objetivo es un Kyogre con un Prisma Azul, un Groudon con un Prisma Rojo, una Giratina con una Griseosfera, un Arceus con una Placa, un Genesect con un Drive, un Silvally con un recuerdo o un Pokémon que puede megaevolucionar con la megapiedra de su especie. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.covet.shortDesc=Si el usuario no tiene ningún objeto, roba el del objetivo. +showdown.moves.covet.gen6.desc=Si este ataque tuvo éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El objeto del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo, o si el objetivo es un Kyogre con un Prisma Azul, un Groudon con un Prisma Rojo, una Giratina con una Griseosfera, un Arceus con una Placa, un Genesect con un Drive, o un Pokémon que puede megaevolucionar sosteniendo la megapiedra de su especie. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.covet.gen5.desc=Si este ataque tuvo éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El objeto del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo, o si el objetivo es una Giratina con una Griseosfera, un Arceus con una Placa o un Genesect con un Drive. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.covet.gen4.desc=Si este ataque tuvo éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El objeto del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo o Griseosfera, o si el objetivo tiene la Habilidad Multitipo. Los objetos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje. +showdown.moves.covet.gen3.desc=Si este ataque tuvo éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El artículo del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo o Baya Enigma. Los objetos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje. -showdown.moves.crabhammer.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.crabhammer.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.crabhammer.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.crabhammer.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. Defensa -showdown.moves.craftyshield.desc=The user and its party members are protected from non-damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.craftyshield.shortDesc=Protects allies from Status moves this turn. -showdown.moves.craftyshield.start=Crafty Shield protected %s! -showdown.moves.craftyshield.block=Crafty Shield protected %s! +showdown.moves.craftyshield.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de ataques no dañinos realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.craftyshield.shortDesc=Los aliados de Protección de los movimientos de Estado este turno. +showdown.moves.craftyshield.start=¡Truco Defensa protegió a %s! +showdown.moves.craftyshield.block=¡Truco Defensa protegió a %s! Cruzado -showdown.moves.crosschop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.crosschop.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.crosschop.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. X -showdown.moves.crosspoison.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.crosspoison.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. +showdown.moves.crosspoison.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo y una mayor probabilidad de asestar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.crosspoison.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. 10% de probabilidad de envenenamiento. -showdown.moves.crunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.crunch.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.crunch.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.crunch.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1. +showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.desc=Tiene un 20% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.crunch.gen3.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 1. Brutal -showdown.moves.crushclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.crushclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.crushclaw.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.crushclaw.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1.ón -showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. -showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. -showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=El poder es igual a 120 * (PS actual del objetivo / PS máximo del objetivo), redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=Más poder cuanto más PS le quede al objetivo. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=El poder es igual a 120 * (PS actual del objetivo / PS máximo del objetivo) + 1, redondeado hacia abajo.ón -showdown.moves.curse.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected. -showdown.moves.curse.shortDesc=Curses if Ghost, else -1 Spe, +1 Atk, +1 Def. -showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if there is no target or if the target is already affected or has a substitute. -showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=If the user is not a Ghost type, lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage and raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage, unless the user's Attack and Defense stats are both at stage 6. If the user is a Ghost type, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down and even if it would cause fainting, in exchange for the target losing 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn while it is active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue to be affected. Fails if the target is already affected or has a substitute. -showdown.moves.curse.start=%s cut its own HP and put a curse on %s! -showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s is afflicted by the curse! +showdown.moves.curse.desc=Si el usuario no es del tipo Fantasma, reduce la Velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel y aumenta el Ataque y la Defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. Si el usuario es de tipo Fantasma, el usuario pierde 1/2 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo e incluso si causaría desmayo, a cambio de que el objetivo pierda 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno mientras esté activo. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo seguirá viéndose afectado. Falla si no hay ningún objetivo o si el objetivo ya está afectado. +showdown.moves.curse.shortDesc=Maldicións si Fantasma, en caso contrario -1 Velo, +1 Atq, +1 Def. +showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=Si el usuario no es del tipo Fantasma, reduce la Velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel y aumenta el Ataque y la Defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. Si el usuario es de tipo Fantasma, el usuario pierde 1/2 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo e incluso si causaría desmayo, a cambio de que el objetivo pierda 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno mientras esté activo. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo seguirá viéndose afectado. Falla si no hay ningún objetivo o si el objetivo ya está afectado o tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=Si el usuario no es del tipo Fantasma, reduce la Velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel y aumenta el Ataque y la Defensa del usuario en 1 nivel, a menos que las estadísticas de Ataque y Defensa del usuario estén ambas en el nivel 6. Si el usuario es del tipo Fantasma, el usuario pierde 1/2 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo e incluso si causaría desmayo, a cambio de que el objetivo pierda 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno mientras está activo. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo seguirá viéndose afectado. Falla si el objetivo ya está afectado o tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.curse.start=¡%s cortó su propio PS y puso una maldición sobre %s! +showdown.moves.curse.damage=¡%s está afectado por la maldición! showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Oscuro -showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. -showdown.moves.darkestlariat.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. +showdown.moves.darkestlariat.desc=Ignora los cambios en las estadísticas del objetivo, incluida la evasión. +showdown.moves.darkestlariat.shortDesc=Ignora los cambios de estado de estadísticas del objetivo. Umbrío -showdown.moves.darkpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.darkpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.darkpulse.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.darkpulse.shortDesc=20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Negra -showdown.moves.darkvoid.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Darkrai. -showdown.moves.darkvoid.shortDesc=Darkrai: Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. -showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep. -showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.shortDesc=Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep. %s can't use the move! -showdown.moves.darkvoid.failWrongForme=But %s can't use it the way it is now! +showdown.moves.darkvoid.desc=Hace que el objetivo se duerma. Este movimiento no se puede utilizar con éxito a menos que la forma actual del usuario, al considerar Transformación, sea Darkrai. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.shortDesc=Darkrai: Hace que el enemigo se quede dormido. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.desc=Hace que el objetivo se duerma. +showdown.moves.darkvoid.gen6.shortDesc=Hace que el enemigo se quede dormido.¡Pero %s no puede usar el movimiento! +showdown.moves.darkvoid.failWrongForme=¡Pero %s no puede usarlo como está ahora! Mágico showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.dazzlinggleam.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes.ón -showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Raises the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.decorate.desc=Aumenta el ataque y el ataque especial del objetivo en 2 niveles. +showdown.moves.decorate.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque y el sp del objetivo. Atq por 2. Defender -showdown.moves.defendorder.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.defendorder.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.defendorder.desc=Aumenta la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.defendorder.shortDesc=Aumenta la Defensa y Sp. del usuario. Def por 1. Defensa -showdown.moves.defensecurl.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. As long as the user remains active, the power of the user's Ice Ball and Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). -showdown.moves.defensecurl.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen2.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. While the user remains active, the power of the user's Rollout will be doubled (this effect is not stackable). Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.defensecurl.desc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. Mientras el usuario permanezca activo, el poder de Bola Hielo y Rollar del usuario se duplicará (este efecto no es acumulable). +showdown.moves.defensecurl.shortDesc=Aumenta la Defensa del usuario en 1. +showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen2.desc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. Mientras el usuario permanezca activo, el poder del Rollar del usuario se duplicará (este efecto no es acumulable). Relevo se puede utilizar para transferir este efecto a un aliado. +showdown.moves.defensecurl.gen1.desc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. -showdown.moves.defog.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. If there is a terrain active and this move is successful, the terrain will be cleared. -showdown.moves.defog.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears terrain and hazards on both sides. -showdown.moves.defog.gen7.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. -showdown.moves.defog.gen7.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears user and target side's hazards. -showdown.moves.defog.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. -showdown.moves.defog.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. If this move is successful and whether or not the target's evasiveness was affected, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock end for the target's side. Ignores a target's substitute, although a substitute will still block the lowering of evasiveness. -showdown.moves.defog.gen5.shortDesc=-1 evasion; clears target side's hazards/screens. +showdown.moves.defog.desc=Reduce la evasión del objetivo en 1 nivel. Si este movimiento tiene éxito y si la evasión del objetivo fue afectada o no, los efectos de Reflejo, Pantalla de Luz, Velo Aurora, Velo Sagrado, Neblina, Púas, Tóxico Púas, Trampa Rocas y Red Viscosa terminan para el lado del objetivo, y los efectos de Púas, Tóxico Púas, Trampa Rocas y Red Viscosa terminan para el lado del usuario. Ignora al sustituto de un objetivo, aunque un sustituto seguirá bloqueando la reducción de la evasión. Si hay un terreno activo y este movimiento tiene éxito, el terreno será despejado. +showdown.moves.defog.shortDesc=-1 evasión; Limpia el terreno y los peligros en ambos lados. +showdown.moves.defog.gen7.desc=Reduce la evasión del objetivo en 1 nivel. Si este movimiento tiene éxito y si la evasión del objetivo fue afectada o no, los efectos de Reflejo, Pantalla de Luz, Velo Aurora, Velo Sagrado, Neblina, Púas, Tóxico Púas, Trampa Rocas y Red Viscosa terminan para el lado del objetivo, y los efectos de Púas, Tóxico Púas, Trampa Rocas y Red Viscosa terminan para el lado del usuario. Ignora al sustituto de un objetivo, aunque un sustituto seguirá bloqueando la reducción de la evasión. +showdown.moves.defog.gen7.shortDesc=-1 evasión; Elimina los peligros del usuario y del lado objetivo. +showdown.moves.defog.gen6.desc=Reduce la evasión del objetivo en 1 nivel. Si este movimiento tiene éxito y si la evasión del objetivo fue afectada o no, los efectos de Reflejo, Pantalla de Luz, Velo Sagrado, Neblina, Púas, Tóxico Púas, Trampa Rocas y Red Viscosa terminan para el lado del objetivo, y los efectos de Por el lado del usuario rematan Púas, Tóxico Púas, Trampa Rocas y Red Viscosa. Ignora al sustituto de un objetivo, aunque un sustituto seguirá bloqueando la reducción de la evasión. +showdown.moves.defog.gen5.desc=Reduce la evasión del objetivo en 1 nivel. Si este movimiento tiene éxito y si la evasión del objetivo fue afectada o no, los efectos de Reflejo, Pantalla de Luz, Velo Sagrado, Neblina, Púas, Tóxico Púas y Trampa Rocas terminan para el lado del objetivo. Ignora al sustituto de un objetivo, aunque un sustituto seguirá bloqueando la reducción de la evasión. +showdown.moves.defog.gen5.shortDesc=-1 evasión; despeja los peligros/pantallas del lado objetivo. Destino -showdown.moves.destinybond.desc=Until the user's next move, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. Fails if the user used this move successfully as its last move, disregarding moves used through the Dancer Ability. -showdown.moves.destinybond.shortDesc=If an opponent knocks out the user, it also faints. -showdown.moves.destinybond.gen6.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well, unless the attack was Doom Desire or Future Sight. -showdown.moves.destinybond.gen2.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that Pokemon faints as well. -showdown.moves.destinybond.start=%s is hoping to take its attacker down with it! -showdown.moves.destinybond.activate=%s took its attacker down with it! +showdown.moves.destinybond.desc=Hasta el siguiente movimiento del usuario, si el ataque de un Pokémon contrario noquea al usuario, ese Pokémon también se desmaya, a menos que el ataque haya sido Deseo Oculto o Premonición. Falla si el usuario usó este movimiento con éxito como último movimiento, sin tener en cuenta los movimientos utilizados a través de la habilidad Pareja de Baile. +showdown.moves.destinybond.shortDesc=Si un oponente noquea al usuario, este también se desmaya. +showdown.moves.destinybond.gen6.desc=Hasta el próximo turno del usuario, si el ataque de un Pokémon contrario lo noquea, ese Pokémon también se desmaya, a menos que el ataque haya sido Deseo Oculto o Premonición. +showdown.moves.destinybond.gen2.desc=Hasta el próximo turno del usuario, si el ataque de un Pokémon contrario lo noquea, ese Pokémon también se desmaya. +showdown.moves.destinybond.start=¡%s espera derribar a su atacante con él! +showdown.moves.destinybond.activate=¡%s derribó a su atacante con él!ón -showdown.moves.detect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen5.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen4.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.detect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.detect.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Telatrampa, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos. se mueve y la protección del usuario se rompe. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.detect.shortDesc=Evita que los movimientos afecten al usuario este turno. +showdown.moves.detect.gen8.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y La protección del usuario estaba rota. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.detect.gen7.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario fue roto. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.detect.gen6.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario se rompió. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.detect.gen5.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se duplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se restablece a 1 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, Protección, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.detect.gen4.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se duplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, hasta un máximo de 8. X se restablece a 1 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario es ni Detección, Aguante o Protección. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.detect.gen3.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad X/65536 de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 65535 y se reduce a la mitad, redondeando hacia abajo, cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. Después del cuarto uso exitoso consecutivo, X cae a 118 y continúa con valores aparentemente aleatorios de 0 a 65535 en usos exitosos posteriores. X se restablece a 65535 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante o Protección. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.detect.gen2.desc=El usuario está protegido de los ataques realizados por el oponente durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de X/255 de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 255 y se reduce a la mitad, redondeando hacia abajo, cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 255 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante o Protección. Falla si el usuario tiene un sustituto o se mueve el último en este turno. Devastador -showdown.moves.devastatingdrake.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.devastatingdrake.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. Diamantes -showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.diamondstorm.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Defense by 2. -showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage for each hit. -showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.shortDesc=50% chance to raise user's Def by 1 for each hit. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.desc=Tiene un 50% de probabilidad de aumentar la Defensa del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de aumentar la Defensa del usuario en 2. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de aumentar la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel por cada golpe. +showdown.moves.diamondstorm.gen6.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de aumentar la DEF del usuario en 1 por cada golpe. -showdown.moves.dig.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.dig.shortDesc=Digs underground turn 1, strikes turn 2. -showdown.moves.dig.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.dig.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake and Magnitude, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. -showdown.moves.dig.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude, the user is unaffected by weather, and Earthquake and Magnitude have doubled power when used against the user. -showdown.moves.dig.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Fly. -showdown.moves.dig.prepare=%s burrowed its way under the ground! +showdown.moves.dig.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques que no sean Terremoto y Magnitud, pero recibe el doble de daño y tampoco se ve afectado por el clima. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.dig.shortDesc=Las excavadoras subterráneas giran 1, las huelgas giran 2. +showdown.moves.dig.gen4.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Terremoto y Magnitud, que duplican su poder cuando se usan contra él, y tampoco se ve afectado por el clima. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.dig.gen3.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Terremoto y Magnitud, que duplican su poder cuando se usan contra él, y tampoco se ve afectado por el clima. +showdown.moves.dig.gen2.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Terremoto, Fisura y Magnitud, el usuario no se ve afectado por el clima y Terremoto y Magnitud duplican su poder cuando se usan contra el usuario. +showdown.moves.dig.gen1.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Venganza, Meteoros y Transformación. Si el usuario está completamente paralizado en el segundo turno, continúa evitando ataques hasta que se desconecta o ejecuta con éxito el segundo turno de este movimiento o Vuelo. +showdown.moves.dig.prepare=¡%s se abrió camino bajo tierra! Nociva -showdown.moves.direclaw.desc=Has a 50% chance to cause the target to either fall asleep, become poisoned, or become paralyzed. -showdown.moves.direclaw.shortDesc=50% chance to sleep, poison, or paralyze target. +showdown.moves.direclaw.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se duerma, se envenene o se paralice. +showdown.moves.direclaw.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de dormir, envenenar o paralizar al objetivo.ón -showdown.moves.disable.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Max or G-Max Move. -showdown.moves.disable.shortDesc=For 4 turns, disables the target's last move used. -showdown.moves.disable.gen7.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move was a Z-Move. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.disable.gen6.desc=For 4 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, or if the target no longer knows the move. -showdown.moves.disable.gen4.desc=For 4 to 7 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. -showdown.moves.disable.gen4.shortDesc=For 4-7 turns, disables the target's last move. -showdown.moves.disable.gen3.desc=For 2 to 5 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. -showdown.moves.disable.gen3.shortDesc=For 2-5 turns, disables the target's last move. -showdown.moves.disable.gen2.desc=For 1 to 7 turns, the target's last move used becomes disabled. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, if the target has not made a move, if the target no longer knows the move, or if the move has 0 PP. -showdown.moves.disable.gen2.shortDesc=For 1-7 turns, disables the target's last move. -showdown.moves.disable.gen1.desc=For 0 to 7 turns, one of the target's known moves that has at least 1 PP remaining becomes disabled, at random. Fails if one of the target's moves is already disabled, or if none of the target's moves have PP remaining. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. Whether or not this move was successful, it counts as a hit for the purposes of the opponent's use of Rage. -showdown.moves.disable.gen1.shortDesc=For 0-7 turns, disables one of the target's moves. -showdown.moves.disable.start=%s's %s was disabled! -showdown.moves.disable.end=%s's move is no longer disabled! -showdown.moves.disable.cant=%s's %s is disabled! +showdown.moves.disable.desc=Durante 4 turnos, el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo queda desactivado. Falla si uno de los movimientos del objetivo ya está deshabilitado, si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el objetivo ya no conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento fue un movimiento Max o G-Max. +showdown.moves.disable.shortDesc=Durante 4 turnos, desactiva el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. +showdown.moves.disable.gen7.desc=Durante 4 turnos, el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo queda desactivado. Falla si uno de los movimientos del objetivo ya está deshabilitado, si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el objetivo ya no conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento fue un movimiento Z. Los movimientos impulsados por Z aún se pueden seleccionar y ejecutar durante este efecto. +showdown.moves.disable.gen6.desc=Durante 4 turnos, el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo queda desactivado. Falla si uno de los movimientos del objetivo ya está desactivado, si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento o si el objetivo ya no conoce el movimiento. +showdown.moves.disable.gen4.desc=Durante 4 a 7 turnos, el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo queda desactivado. Falla si uno de los movimientos del objetivo ya está deshabilitado, si el objetivo no ha realizado un movimiento, si el objetivo ya no conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento tiene 0 PP. +showdown.moves.disable.gen4.shortDesc=Durante 4 a 7 turnos, desactiva el último movimiento del objetivo. +showdown.moves.disable.gen3.desc=Durante 2 a 5 turnos, el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo queda desactivado. Falla si uno de los movimientos del objetivo ya está deshabilitado, si el objetivo no ha realizado un movimiento, si el objetivo ya no conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento tiene 0 PP. +showdown.moves.disable.gen3.shortDesc=Durante 2 a 5 turnos, desactiva el último movimiento del objetivo. +showdown.moves.disable.gen2.desc=Durante 1 a 7 turnos, el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo queda desactivado. Falla si uno de los movimientos del objetivo ya está deshabilitado, si el objetivo no ha realizado un movimiento, si el objetivo ya no conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento tiene 0 PP. +showdown.moves.disable.gen2.shortDesc=Durante 1 a 7 turnos, desactiva el último movimiento del objetivo. +showdown.moves.disable.gen1.desc=Durante 0 a 7 turnos, uno de los movimientos conocidos del objetivo al que le queda al menos 1 PP queda desactivado, al azar. Falla si uno de los movimientos del objetivo ya está deshabilitado, o si a ninguno de los movimientos del objetivo le quedan PP. Si algún Pokémon usa Niebla, este efecto termina. Ya sea que este movimiento haya tenido éxito o no, cuenta como un golpe a los efectos del uso de Furia por parte del oponente. +showdown.moves.disable.gen1.shortDesc=Durante 0 a 7 turnos, desactiva uno de los movimientos del objetivo. +showdown.moves.disable.start=¡El %s de %s fue deshabilitado! +showdown.moves.disable.end=¡El movimiento de %s ya no está deshabilitado! +showdown.moves.disable.cant=¡El %s de %s está deshabilitado! Cautivadora -showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.desc=This move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. +showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.desc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. +showdown.moves.disarmingvoice.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Golpea a los enemigos. -showdown.moves.discharge.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.discharge.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.discharge.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.discharge.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de paralizar a los Pokémon adyacentes. -showdown.moves.dive.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool but takes double damage from them, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.dive.shortDesc=Dives underwater turn 1, strikes turn 2. -showdown.moves.dive.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.dive.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, which have doubled power when used against it, and is also unaffected by weather. -showdown.moves.dive.prepare=%s hid underwater! +showdown.moves.dive.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Surf y Torbellino, pero recibe el doble de daño y tampoco se ve afectado por el clima. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.dive.shortDesc=Buceos bajo el agua turno 1, golpea turno 2. +showdown.moves.dive.gen4.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Surf y Torbellino, que han duplicado su poder cuando se usan contra él, y tampoco se ve afectado por el clima. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.dive.gen3.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Surf y Torbellino, que han duplicado su poder cuando se usan contra él, y tampoco se ve afectado por el clima. +showdown.moves.dive.prepare=¡%s se escondió bajo el agua!ño-Mareo -showdown.moves.dizzypunch.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.dizzypunch.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.desc=Tienes un 20% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.shortDesc=20% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.desc=Sin efectos secundarios. +showdown.moves.dizzypunch.gen1.shortDesc=Sin efectos secundarios.ía -showdown.moves.doodle.desc=The user and its ally's Abilities change to match the target's Ability. Does not change Ability if the user's or its ally's is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target. Fails if both the user and its ally's Ability already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=User and ally's Abilities become target's Ability. +showdown.moves.doodle.desc=Las habilidades del usuario y su aliado cambian para coincidir con la habilidad del objetivo. No cambia la habilidad si la del usuario o su aliado es Unidad ecuestre, Afecto fuerte, Letargo perenne, Comando, Disfraz, Misil de golondrina, Motor hadrónico, Cara de hielo, Multitipo, Golpe de Oricalc, Aglutinación, Paleosíntesis, Carga de Quark, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo limitado, cambio táctico, modo Daruma, cambio heroico o ya coincide con el objetivo. Falla si la Habilidad del usuario y su aliado ya coincide con la del objetivo, o si la Habilidad del objetivo es Unidad Ecuestre, Afecto Fuerte, Letargo Perenne, Comando, Disfraz, Regalo Floral, Adivinación, Golondrina, Motor Hadrónico, Pequeña Mutapet, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión. , Impostor, Multitipo, Gas reactivo, Oricalc Beat, Aglomeración, Reacción química, Paleosíntesis, Carga de Quark, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico, Sendero, Superguardia, Modo Daruma o Cambio heroico. +showdown.moves.doodle.shortDesc=Las habilidades del usuario y del aliado se convierten en la habilidad del objetivo. Oculto -showdown.moves.doomdesire.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. -showdown.moves.doomdesire.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. -showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Future Sight is already in effect for the target's position. -showdown.moves.doomdesire.start=%s chose Doom Desire as its destiny! -showdown.moves.doomdesire.activate=%s took the Doom Desire attack! +showdown.moves.doomdesire.desc=Inflige daño dos turnos después de usar este movimiento. Al final de ese turno, el daño se calcula en ese momento y se reparte al Pokémon en la posición que tenía el objetivo cuando se utilizó el movimiento. Si el usuario ya no está activo en ese momento, el daño se calcula en función de la estadística, los tipos y el nivel de ataque especial natural del usuario, sin mejoras del objeto o habilidad que tiene. Falla si este movimiento o Premonición ya está en vigor para la posición del objetivo. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.shortDesc=Alcanza dos turnos después de ser utilizado. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo que no puede ser un golpe crítico dos turnos después de usar este movimiento. El daño se calcula contra el objetivo en el momento del uso, y al final del último turno, ese daño se inflige al Pokémon en la posición que tenía el objetivo original en ese momento. Falla si este movimiento o Premonición ya está en vigor para la posición del objetivo. +showdown.moves.doomdesire.start=¡%s eligió Deseo Oculto como su destino! +showdown.moves.doomdesire.activate=¡%s tomó el ataque de Deseo Oculto! Filo -showdown.moves.doubleedge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente al 33 % de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.shortDesc=Tiene un 33% de retroceso. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/3 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.shortDesc=Tiene 1/3 de retroceso. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. Si este movimiento alcanza a un sustituto, el daño por retroceso es siempre de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.shortDesc=Tiene 1/4 de retroceso. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen1.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. Si este movimiento rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el usuario no sufre ningún daño por retroceso. Golpe -showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. +showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Golpea 2 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes.ño Doble -showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Hits twice. 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Golpea dos veces. 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Patada -showdown.moves.doublekick.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.doublekick.gen3.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.doublekick.gen1.desc=Hits twice. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for both hits. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.doublekick.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Golpea 2 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen3.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen1.desc=Golpea dos veces. El daño se calcula una vez para el primer golpe y se utiliza para ambos golpes. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el movimiento termina. -showdown.moves.doubleshock.desc=Fails unless the user is an Electric type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Electric type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. -showdown.moves.doubleshock.shortDesc=User's Electric type: typeless; must be Electric. -showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=%s used up all of its electricity! +showdown.moves.doubleshock.desc=Falla a menos que el usuario sea del tipo eléctrico. Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no está Terastalizado, el tipo Eléctrico del usuario se vuelve sin tipo mientras permanezca activo. +showdown.moves.doubleshock.shortDesc=Tipo eléctrico del usuario: sin tipo; debe ser eléctrico. +showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=¡%s agotó toda su electricidad! Bofetón -showdown.moves.doubleslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.doubleslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen1.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. El daño se calcula una vez para el primer golpe y se utiliza para cada golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el movimiento finaliza. Equipo -showdown.moves.doubleteam.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. +showdown.moves.doubleteam.desc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.doubleteam.shortDesc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 1. Draco -showdown.moves.dracometeor.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.dracometeor.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.dracometeor.desc=Reduce el ataque especial del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.dracometeor.shortDesc=Reduce la Sp del usuario. Atq por 2. Draco -showdown.moves.dragonascent.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.dragonascent.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. -showdown.moves.dragonascent.megaNoItem=%s's fervent wish has reached %s! +showdown.moves.dragonascent.desc=Reduce la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.dragonascent.shortDesc=Reduce la Defensa y Sp. del usuario. Def por 1. +showdown.moves.dragonascent.megaNoItem=¡El ferviente deseo de %s ha llegado a %s! -showdown.moves.dragonbreath.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.dragonbreath.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.dragonbreath.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.dragonbreath.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. Dragón showdown.moves.dragonclaw.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. del Dragón -showdown.moves.dragondance.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.dragondance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.dragondance.desc=Aumenta el ataque y la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.dragondance.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque y la velocidad del usuario en 1. -showdown.moves.dragondarts.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. In Double Battles, this move attempts to hit the targeted Pokemon and its ally once each. If hitting one of these Pokemon would be prevented by immunity, protection, semi-invulnerability, an Ability, or accuracy, it attempts to hit the other Pokemon twice instead. If this move is redirected, it hits that target twice. -showdown.moves.dragondarts.shortDesc=Hits twice. Doubles: Tries to hit each foe once. +showdown.moves.dragondarts.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. En Batallas Dobles, este movimiento intenta golpear al Pokémon objetivo y a su aliado una vez cada uno. Si la inmunidad, la protección, la semi-invulnerabilidad, una habilidad o la precisión evitan golpear a uno de estos Pokémon, intenta golpear al otro Pokémon dos veces. Si este movimiento se redirige, alcanza ese objetivo dos veces. +showdown.moves.dragondarts.shortDesc=Golpea dos veces. Dobles: intenta golpear a cada enemigo una vez.ía -showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. -showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=La potencia es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 150 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1. +showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Menos energía a medida que disminuye el PS del usuario. Golpea a los enemigos. Dragón showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Dragón showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Dragón -showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Deals 40 HP of damage to the target. +showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Inflige 40 PS de daño al objetivo. Dragón -showdown.moves.dragonrush.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.dragonrush.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.dragonrush.gen5.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.dragonrush.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El daño se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras estaba activo. +showdown.moves.dragonrush.shortDesc=20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.dragonrush.gen5.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Dragón -showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=If both the user and the target have not fainted, the target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. This effect fails if the target used Ingrain previously, has the Suction Cups Ability, or this move hit a substitute. -showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. +showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=Si ni el usuario ni el objetivo se han desmayado, el objetivo se ve obligado a cambiar y ser reemplazado por un aliado aleatorio no desmayado. Este efecto falla si el objetivo usó Arraigo anteriormente, tiene la habilidad Ventosas o este movimiento golpea a un sustituto. +showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Obliga al objetivo a cambiar a un aliado aleatorio. Drenaje -showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=El usuario recupera 3/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 75% del daño causado.ño Drenaje -showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. -showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 50% del daño causado. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado hacia abajo.ños -showdown.moves.dreameater.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=User gains 1/2 HP inflicted. Sleeping target only. -showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. -showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep and does not have a substitute. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=The target is unaffected by this move unless it is asleep. The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not recover any HP. +showdown.moves.dreameater.desc=El objetivo no se ve afectado por este movimiento a menos que esté dormido. El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=El usuario gana 1/2 PS infligido. Sólo objetivo dormido. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=El objetivo no se ve afectado por este movimiento a menos que esté dormido y no tenga un sustituto. El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=El objetivo no se ve afectado por este movimiento a menos que esté dormido y no tenga un sustituto. El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=El objetivo no se ve afectado por este movimiento a menos que esté dormido. El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. Si este movimiento rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el usuario no recupera ningún PS. Taladro showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.drillrun.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.drillrun.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos.ía Asalto -showdown.moves.drumbeating.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.drumbeating.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.drumbeating.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la Velocidad del objetivo en 1. Bis -showdown.moves.dualchop.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.dualchop.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.dualchop.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.dualchop.shortDesc=Golpea 2 veces en un turno. Bis -showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.dualwingbeat.shortDesc=Golpea 2 veces en un turno.ñón Dinamax showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed. +showdown.moves.dynamaxcannon.gen8.shortDesc=El daño se duplica si el objetivo está Dynamaxed.ño Dinámico -showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.shortDesc=100% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.dynamicpunch.shortDesc=100% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. Viva -showdown.moves.earthpower.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.earthpower.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.earthpower.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.earthpower.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 1. -showdown.moves.earthquake.desc=Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. -showdown.moves.earthquake.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dig. -showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Dig. -showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.desc=El daño se duplica si el objetivo está usando Excavar. +showdown.moves.earthquake.shortDesc=Golpea a Pokémon adyacentes. Doble daño en Excavar. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.desc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está usando Excavar. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen4.shortDesc=Golpea a Pokémon adyacentes. La potencia se duplica en Excavar. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.earthquake.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles on Dig. +showdown.moves.earthquake.gen2.shortDesc=La potencia se duplica en Excavar. Voz -showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=For every consecutive turn that this move is used by at least one Pokemon, this move's power is multiplied by the number of turns to pass, but not more than 5. -showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=Power increases when used on consecutive turns. +showdown.moves.echoedvoice.desc=Por cada turno consecutivo en el que este movimiento sea utilizado por al menos un Pokémon, el poder de este movimiento se multiplica por el número de turnos a pasar, pero no más de 5. +showdown.moves.echoedvoice.shortDesc=La potencia aumenta cuando se usa en turnos consecutivos. Anómala -showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.desc=Lowers the target's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.desc=Reduce el ataque especial del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.eerieimpulse.shortDesc=Reduce el Sp del objetivo. Atq por 2. Funesto -showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the target loses 3 PP from its last move. -showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Removes 3 PP from the target's last move. -showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! +showdown.moves.eeriespell.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, el objetivo pierde 3 PP de su último movimiento. +showdown.moves.eeriespell.shortDesc=Elimina 3 PP del último movimiento del objetivo. +showdown.moves.eeriespell.activate=¡Redujo el PP de %s de %s en %s! Huevo showdown.moves.eggbomb.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Eléctrico -showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. -showdown.moves.electricterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Electric power, can't sleep. -showdown.moves.electricterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Electric Terrain. During the effect, the power of Electric-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep; Pokemon already asleep do not wake up. Grounded Pokemon cannot become affected by Yawn or fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into an Electric type, Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause paralysis. Fails if the current terrain is Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.electricterrain.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el terreno se convierte en Campo Eléctrico. Durante el efecto, el poder de los ataques de tipo Eléctrico realizados por Pokémon en el suelo se multiplica por 1,3 y los Pokémon en el suelo no pueden quedarse dormidos; Los Pokémon que ya están dormidos no se despiertan. Los Pokémon en tierra no pueden verse afectados por Bostezo ni quedarse dormidos por su efecto. Camuflaje transforma al usuario en un tipo Eléctrico, Adaptación se convierte en Truenobolt y Daño Secreto tiene un 30% de posibilidades de causar parálisis. Falla si el terreno actual es Campo Eléctrico. +showdown.moves.electricterrain.shortDesc=5 vueltas. Conectado a tierra: +Energía eléctrica, no puedo dormir. +showdown.moves.electricterrain.gen7.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el terreno se convierte en Campo Eléctrico. Durante el efecto, el poder de los ataques de tipo Eléctrico realizados por Pokémon en el suelo se multiplica por 1,5 y los Pokémon en el suelo no pueden quedarse dormidos; Los Pokémon que ya están dormidos no se despiertan. Los Pokémon en tierra no pueden verse afectados por Bostezo ni quedarse dormidos por su efecto. Camuflaje transforma al usuario en un tipo Eléctrico, Adaptación se convierte en Truenobolt y Daño Secreto tiene un 30% de posibilidades de causar parálisis. Falla si el terreno actual es Campo Eléctrico.ón -showdown.moves.electrify.desc=Causes the target's move to become Electric type this turn. Among effects that can change a move's type, this effect happens last. Fails if the target already moved this turn. -showdown.moves.electrify.shortDesc=Changes the target's move to Electric this turn. -showdown.moves.electrify.start=%s's moves have been electrified! +showdown.moves.electrify.desc=Hace que el movimiento del objetivo se vuelva de tipo Eléctrico este turno. Entre los efectos que pueden cambiar el tipo de movimiento, este efecto ocurre en último lugar. Falla si el objetivo ya se movió este turno. +showdown.moves.electrify.shortDesc=Cambia el movimiento del objetivo a Eléctrico este turno. +showdown.moves.electrify.start=¡Los movimientos de %s han sido electrizados! Voltio -showdown.moves.electroball.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 40. -showdown.moves.electroball.shortDesc=More power the faster the user is than the target. -showdown.moves.electroball.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's current Speed / target's current Speed), rounded down. Power is equal to 150 if the result is 4 or more, 120 if 3, 80 if 2, 60 if 1, 40 if less than 1. If the target's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. +showdown.moves.electroball.desc=El poder de este movimiento depende de (velocidad actual del usuario/velocidad actual del objetivo), redondeado hacia abajo. El poder es igual a 150 si el resultado es 4 o más, 120 si es 3, 80 si es 2, 60 si es 1, 40 si es menor que 1. Si la velocidad actual del objetivo es 0, el poder de este movimiento es 40. +showdown.moves.electroball.shortDesc=Más potencia cuanto más rápido sea el usuario que el objetivo. +showdown.moves.electroball.gen5.desc=El poder de este movimiento depende de (velocidad actual del usuario/velocidad actual del objetivo), redondeado hacia abajo. El poder es igual a 150 si el resultado es 4 o más, 120 si es 3, 80 si es 2, 60 si es 1, 40 si es menor que 1. Si la velocidad actual del objetivo es 0, se trata como 1. -showdown.moves.electrodrift.desc=Damage is multiplied by 1.3333 if this move is super effective against the target. -showdown.moves.electrodrift.shortDesc=Deals 1.3333x damage with supereffective hits. +showdown.moves.electrodrift.desc=El daño se multiplica por 1,3333 si este movimiento es súper efectivo contra el objetivo. +showdown.moves.electrodrift.shortDesc=Inflige 1,3333x de daño con golpes superefectivos. -showdown.moves.electroweb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.electroweb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.electroweb.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.electroweb.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del enemigo en 1. -showdown.moves.embargo.desc=For 5 turns, the target's held item has no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by the target. Items thrown at the target with Fling will still activate for it. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to use items. -showdown.moves.embargo.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the target's item has no effect. -showdown.moves.embargo.start=%s can't use items anymore! -showdown.moves.embargo.end=%s can use items again! +showdown.moves.embargo.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el objeto retenido por el objetivo no tiene ningún efecto. El efecto de un objeto de causar cambios de forma no se ve afectado, pero cualquier otro efecto de dichos objetos se niega. Durante el efecto, Lanzamiento y Don Natural no pueden ser utilizados por el objetivo. Los objetos lanzados al objetivo con Lanzamiento seguirán activados para él. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo seguirá sin poder usar elementos. +showdown.moves.embargo.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, el objeto del objetivo no tiene ningún efecto. +showdown.moves.embargo.start=¡%s ya no puede usar artículos! +showdown.moves.embargo.end=¡%s puede usar artículos nuevamente! -showdown.moves.ember.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.ember.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.ember.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.ember.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Vez -showdown.moves.encore.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Assist, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. -showdown.moves.encore.shortDesc=Target repeats its last move for its next 3 turns. -showdown.moves.encore.gen8.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, or if the move is Assist, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Encore, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.encore.gen7.desc=For its next 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Assist, Copycat, Encore, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or any Z-Move. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.encore.gen6.desc=For 3 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.encore.gen4.desc=For 4 to 8 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.encore.gen4.shortDesc=The target repeats its last move for 4-8 turns. -showdown.moves.encore.gen3.desc=For 3 to 6 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.encore.gen3.shortDesc=The target repeats its last move for 3-6 turns. -showdown.moves.encore.gen2.desc=For 3 to 6 turns, the target is forced to repeat its last move used. If the affected move runs out of PP, the effect ends. Fails if the target is already under this effect, if it has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if the move is Encore, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.encore.start=%s must do an encore! -showdown.moves.encore.end=%s's encore ended! +showdown.moves.encore.desc=Durante los siguientes 3 turnos, el objetivo se ve obligado a repetir el último movimiento utilizado. Si el movimiento afectado se queda sin PP, el efecto termina. Falla si el objetivo ya está bajo este efecto, si no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP, o si el movimiento es Ayuda, Pirochoque, Pugnachoque, Copión, Cañón Dinamax, Otra Vez, Feerichoque, Yo Primero, Metrónomo. , Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Ponzochoque, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Forcejeo, Transformación u Ominochoque. +showdown.moves.encore.shortDesc=El objetivo repite su último movimiento durante los siguientes 3 turnos. +showdown.moves.encore.gen8.desc=Durante los siguientes 3 turnos, el objetivo se ve obligado a repetir el último movimiento utilizado. Si el movimiento afectado se queda sin PP, el efecto termina. Falla si el objetivo ya está bajo este efecto, si no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP, si el objetivo está Dynamaxed, o si el movimiento es Ayuda, Copión, Cañón Dinamax, Otra Vez, Yo Primero, Metrónomo , Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Forcejeo o Transformación. +showdown.moves.encore.gen7.desc=Durante los siguientes 3 turnos, el objetivo se ve obligado a repetir el último movimiento utilizado. Si el movimiento afectado se queda sin PP, el efecto termina. Falla si el objetivo ya está bajo este efecto, si no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP, o si el movimiento es Ayuda, Copión, Otra Vez, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Forcejeo, Transformación o cualquier Z-Move. Los movimientos impulsados por Z aún se pueden seleccionar y ejecutar durante este efecto. +showdown.moves.encore.gen6.desc=Durante 3 turnos, el objetivo se ve obligado a repetir el último movimiento utilizado. Si el movimiento afectado se queda sin PP, el efecto termina. Falla si el objetivo ya está bajo este efecto, si no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP, o si el movimiento es Otra Vez, Mimético, Espejo, Esquema, Forcejeo o Transformación. +showdown.moves.encore.gen4.desc=Durante 4 a 8 turnos, el objetivo se ve obligado a repetir el último movimiento utilizado. Si el movimiento afectado se queda sin PP, el efecto termina. Falla si el objetivo ya está bajo este efecto, si no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP, o si el movimiento es Otra Vez, Mimético, Espejo, Esquema, Forcejeo o Transformación. +showdown.moves.encore.gen4.shortDesc=El objetivo repite su último movimiento durante 4-8 turnos. +showdown.moves.encore.gen3.desc=Durante 3 a 6 turnos, el objetivo se ve obligado a repetir el último movimiento utilizado. Si el movimiento afectado se queda sin PP, el efecto termina. Falla si el objetivo ya está bajo este efecto, si no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP, o si el movimiento es Otra Vez, Mimético, Espejo, Esquema, Forcejeo o Transformación. +showdown.moves.encore.gen3.shortDesc=El objetivo repite su último movimiento durante 3-6 turnos. +showdown.moves.encore.gen2.desc=Durante 3 a 6 turnos, el objetivo se ve obligado a repetir el último movimiento utilizado. Si el movimiento afectado se queda sin PP, el efecto termina. Falla si el objetivo ya está bajo este efecto, si no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP, o si el movimiento es Otra Vez, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Forcejeo o Transformación. +showdown.moves.encore.start=¡%s debe hacer un bis! +showdown.moves.encore.end=¡El bis de %s terminó! -showdown.moves.endeavor.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (target's current HP - user's current HP). The target is unaffected if its current HP is less than or equal to the user's current HP. -showdown.moves.endeavor.shortDesc=Lowers the target's HP to the user's HP. +showdown.moves.endeavor.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual a (PS actual del objetivo - PS actual del usuario). El objetivo no se ve afectado si su PS actual es menor o igual que el PS actual del usuario. +showdown.moves.endeavor.shortDesc=Reduce el PS del objetivo al PS del usuario. -showdown.moves.endure.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.shortDesc=User survives attacks this turn with at least 1 HP. -showdown.moves.endure.gen8.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen7.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen6.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen5.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen4.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen3.desc=The user will survive attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.gen2.desc=The user will survive attacks made by the opponent during this turn with at least 1 HP. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.endure.start=%s braced itself! -showdown.moves.endure.activate=%s endured the hit! +showdown.moves.endure.desc=El usuario sobrevivirá a los ataques de otros Pokémon durante este turno con al menos 1 PS. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Telatrampa, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos. se mueve y la protección del usuario se rompe. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.endure.shortDesc=El usuario sobrevive a los ataques este turno con al menos 1 PS. +showdown.moves.endure.gen8.desc=El usuario sobrevivirá a los ataques de otros Pokémon durante este turno con al menos 1 PS. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y La protección del usuario estaba rota. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.endure.gen7.desc=El usuario sobrevivirá a los ataques de otros Pokémon durante este turno con al menos 1 PS. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario fue roto. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.endure.gen6.desc=El usuario sobrevivirá a los ataques de otros Pokémon durante este turno con al menos 1 PS. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario se rompió. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.endure.gen5.desc=El usuario sobrevivirá a los ataques de otros Pokémon durante este turno con al menos 1 PS. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se duplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se restablece a 1 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, Protección, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.endure.gen4.desc=El usuario sobrevivirá a los ataques de otros Pokémon durante este turno con al menos 1 PS. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se duplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, hasta un máximo de 8. X se restablece a 1 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario es ni Detección, Aguante o Protección. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.endure.gen3.desc=El usuario sobrevivirá a los ataques de otros Pokémon durante este turno con al menos 1 PS. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad X/65536 de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 65535 y se reduce a la mitad, redondeando hacia abajo, cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. Después del cuarto uso exitoso consecutivo, X cae a 118 y continúa con valores aparentemente aleatorios de 0 a 65535 en usos exitosos posteriores. X se restablece a 65535 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante o Protección. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.endure.gen2.desc=El usuario sobrevivirá a los ataques realizados por el oponente durante este turno con al menos 1 PS. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de X/255 de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 255 y se reduce a la mitad, redondeando hacia abajo, cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 255 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante o Protección. Falla si el usuario tiene un sustituto o se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.endure.start=¡%s se preparó! +showdown.moves.endure.activate=¡%s soportó el golpe! -showdown.moves.energyball.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.energyball.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.energyball.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.energyball.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 1. Amiga -showdown.moves.entrainment.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.entrainment.shortDesc=The target's Ability changes to match the user's. -showdown.moves.entrainment.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.entrainment.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.entrainment.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Stance Change, Truant, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.entrainment.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become the same as the user's. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Truant, or the same Ability as the user, or if the user's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, or Zen Mode. +showdown.moves.entrainment.desc=Hace que la habilidad del objetivo sea la misma que la del usuario. Falla si la habilidad del objetivo es Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico , Ausente, Modo Daruma, Cambio Heroico, o la misma Habilidad que el usuario, o si la Habilidad del usuario es Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Don Floral, predicción, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Reacción Química, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro, Modo Daruma o Cambio Heroico. +showdown.moves.entrainment.shortDesc=La habilidad del objetivo cambia para coincidir con la del usuario. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen8.desc=Hace que la habilidad del objetivo sea la misma que la del usuario. Falla si la Habilidad del objetivo es Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Ausente, Modo Daruma, o la misma Habilidad que el usuario. , o si la Habilidad del usuario es Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Don Floral, predicción, Tragamisil, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Agrupamiento, Reacción Química, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro o Modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen7.desc=Hace que la habilidad del objetivo sea la misma que la del usuario. Falla si la habilidad del objetivo es Afecto fuerte, Letargo perenne, Disfraz, Multitipo, Agrupación, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico, Ausente, Modo Daruma, o la misma habilidad que el usuario, Letargo perenne, Disfraz, Regalo floral, Predicción, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Agrupación, Reacción Química, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro o Modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen6.desc=Hace que la habilidad del objetivo sea la misma que la del usuario. Falla si la habilidad del objetivo es multitipo, cambio táctico, ausente o la misma habilidad que el usuario. +showdown.moves.entrainment.gen5.desc=Hace que la habilidad del objetivo sea la misma que la del usuario. Falla si la habilidad del objetivo es Multitipo, Ausente o la misma habilidad que el usuario, o si la habilidad del usuario es Regalo floral, Adivinación, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Rastro o Modo Daruma. -showdown.moves.eruption.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. -showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.eruption.desc=La potencia es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 150 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de +showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Menos energía a medida que disminuye el PS del usuario. Golpea a los enemigos. Aural -showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage and a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100% chance to raise user Speed by 1. High crit. +showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de aumentar la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel y una mayor probabilidad de asestar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de aumentar la velocidad del usuario en 1. Crítico alto. Infinito -showdown.moves.eternabeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.eternabeam.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento. +showdown.moves.eternabeam.shortDesc=El usuario no puede moverse en el siguiente turno. Fuerza -showdown.moves.expandingforce.desc=If the current terrain is Psychic Terrain and the user is grounded, this move hits all opposing Pokemon and has its power multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.moves.expandingforce.shortDesc=User on Psychic Terrain: 1.5x power, hits foes. +showdown.moves.expandingforce.desc=Si el terreno actual es Psychic Field y el usuario está castigado, este movimiento golpea a todos los Pokémon contrarios y su poder se multiplica por 1,5. +showdown.moves.expandingforce.shortDesc=Usuario en campo psíquico: 1,5 veces de potencia, golpea a los enemigos.ón -showdown.moves.explosion.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.explosion.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. -showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. User faints. -showdown.moves.explosion.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.explosion.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. -showdown.moves.explosion.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move broke the target's substitute. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.moves.explosion.desc=El usuario se desmaya después de usar este movimiento, incluso si este movimiento falla por no tener un objetivo. Este movimiento no se puede ejecutar si algún Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Humedad. +showdown.moves.explosion.shortDesc=Golpea a Pokémon adyacentes. El usuario se desmaya. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.desc=El usuario se desmaya después de usar este movimiento, a menos que este movimiento no tenga un objetivo. La defensa del objetivo se reduce a la mitad durante el cálculo del daño. Este movimiento no se puede ejecutar si algún Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Humedad. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen4.shortDesc=La defensa del objetivo se reduce a la mitad durante el daño. El usuario se desmaya. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen3.desc=El usuario se desmaya después de utilizar este movimiento. La defensa del objetivo se reduce a la mitad durante el cálculo del daño. Este movimiento no se puede ejecutar si algún Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Humedad. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen2.desc=El usuario se desmaya después de utilizar este movimiento. La defensa del objetivo se reduce a la mitad durante el cálculo del daño. +showdown.moves.explosion.gen1.desc=El usuario se desmaya después de usar este movimiento, a menos que este movimiento rompa el sustituto del objetivo. La defensa del objetivo se reduce a la mitad durante el cálculo del daño. -showdown.moves.extrasensory.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El daño se duplica si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras está activo. Potencia -showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Raises user's Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe by 2. +showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Aumenta el ataque, la defensa, el ataque especial, la defensa especial y la velocidad del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Aumenta el Atq, Def, Atq esp., Def esp. y Velo del usuario en 2. Extrema showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. -showdown.moves.extremespeed.gen4.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Casi siempre va primero. +showdown.moves.extremespeed.gen4.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. -showdown.moves.facade.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. The physical damage halving effect from the user's burn is ignored. -showdown.moves.facade.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed. -showdown.moves.facade.gen5.desc=Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. +showdown.moves.facade.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario queda quemado, paralizado o envenenado. Se ignora el efecto de reducción a la mitad del daño físico causado por la quemadura del usuario. +showdown.moves.facade.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el usuario está quemado, envenenado o paralizado. +showdown.moves.facade.gen5.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario queda quemado, paralizado o envenenado. Feérico -showdown.moves.fairylock.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. -showdown.moves.fairylock.shortDesc=Prevents all Pokemon from switching next turn. -showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Prevents all active Pokemon from switching next turn. A Pokemon can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. Fails if the effect is already active. -showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=No one will be able to run away during the next turn! +showdown.moves.fairylock.desc=Evita que todos los Pokémon activos cambien en el próximo turno. Un Pokémon aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Falla si el efecto ya está activo. +showdown.moves.fairylock.shortDesc=Evita que todos los Pokémon cambien en el próximo turno. +showdown.moves.fairylock.gen7.desc=Evita que todos los Pokémon activos cambien en el próximo turno. Un Pokémon aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Falla si el efecto ya está activo. +showdown.moves.fairylock.activate=¡Nadie podrá huir durante el próximo turno! Feérico showdown.moves.fairywind.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Has a 100% chance to make the target flinch. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. -showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. 100% flinch chance. +showdown.moves.fakeout.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Falla a menos que sea el primer turno del usuario en el campo. +showdown.moves.fakeout.shortDesc=Golpea primero. Primero salga solamente. 100% de posibilidades de estremecerse. Falso -showdown.moves.faketears.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.faketears.desc=Reduce la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Reduce el Sp del objetivo. Def por 2. -showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Tortazo -showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. -showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. +showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Deja al objetivo con al menos 1 PS. +showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Siempre deja al objetivo con al menos 1 PS. Pluma -showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 2. -showdown.moves.feint.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.feint.shortDesc=Nullifies Detect, Protect, and Quick/Wide Guard. -showdown.moves.feint.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.feint.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target is an opponent and its side is protected by Quick Guard or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the opponent's side normally. -showdown.moves.feint.gen4.desc=Fails unless the target is using Detect or Protect. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. -showdown.moves.feint.gen4.shortDesc=Breaks protection. Fails if target is not protecting. -showdown.moves.feint.activate=%s fell for the feint! +showdown.moves.feint.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa el Búnker, Detección, Escudo del Rey, Protección o Barrera Espinosa del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el lado del objetivo está protegido por Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del objetivo normalmente. +showdown.moves.feint.shortDesc=Anula Detección, Protección y Quick/Vasta Guardia. +showdown.moves.feint.gen6.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa la Detección, el Escudo del Rey, la Protección o la Barrera Espinosa del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el lado del objetivo está protegido por Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del objetivo normalmente. +showdown.moves.feint.gen5.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa la Detección o Protección del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el objetivo es un oponente y su lado está protegido por Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del oponente normalmente. +showdown.moves.feint.gen4.desc=Falla a menos que el objetivo esté usando Detección o Protección. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa la Detección o Protección del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. +showdown.moves.feint.gen4.shortDesc=Rompe la protección. Falla si el objetivo no está protegiendo. +showdown.moves.feint.activate=¡%s cayó en la finta! -showdown.moves.feintattack.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.feintattack.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión.ón Letal -showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 3 stages if this move knocks out the target. -showdown.moves.fellstinger.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 3 if this KOes the target. -showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages if this move knocks out the target. -showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack by 2 if this KOes the target. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.desc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 3 etapas si este movimiento noquea al objetivo. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 3 si esto deja KO al objetivo. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.desc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 2 etapas si este movimiento noquea al objetivo. +showdown.moves.fellstinger.gen6.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 2 si esto deja KO al objetivo. Llama -showdown.moves.fierydance.desc=Has a 50% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.fierydance.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de aumentar el ataque especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.fierydance.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de aumentar el Sp del usuario. Atq por 1. Candente -showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. +showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de hacer retroceder al enemigo. -showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages in exchange for the user losing 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if the user would faint or if its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stat stages would not change. -showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Attack, Sp. Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's max HP. +showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Aumenta el ataque, el ataque especial y la velocidad del usuario en 2 niveles a cambio de que el usuario pierda la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Falla si el usuario se desmayaría o si sus etapas de estadísticas de Ataque, Ataque especial y Velocidad no cambiarían. +showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Ataque, Atq esp., Velocidad para 1/2 PS máximo del usuario. -showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's current HP. If this move is successful, the user faints. -showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's HP. User faints. +showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual al PS actual del usuario. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario se desmaya. +showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Hace un daño igual al PS del usuario. El usuario se desmaya. -showdown.moves.fireblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.fireblast.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.fireblast.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.fireblast.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.fireblast.gen1.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Ígneo -showdown.moves.firefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. -showdown.moves.firefang.shortDesc=10% chance to burn. 10% chance to flinch. -showdown.moves.firefang.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. This move can hit Pokemon with the Wonder Guard Ability regardless of their typing. +showdown.moves.firefang.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo y un 10% de posibilidades de hacerlo retroceder. +showdown.moves.firefang.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de quemarse. 10% de posibilidades de estremecerse. +showdown.moves.firefang.gen4.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo y un 10% de posibilidades de hacerlo retroceder. Este movimiento puede golpear a Pokémon con la habilidad Superguarda independientemente de su tipo.átigo Ígneo -showdown.moves.firelash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.firelash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.firelash.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.firelash.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1. Fuego -showdown.moves.firepledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Grass Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Fire Gem. -showdown.moves.firepledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Water Pledge for added effect. -showdown.moves.firepledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... -showdown.moves.firepledge.start=A sea of fire enveloped %s! -showdown.moves.firepledge.end=The sea of fire around %s disappeared! -showdown.moves.firepledge.damage=%s was hurt by the sea of fire! +showdown.moves.firepledge.desc=Si uno de los aliados del usuario elige usar Voto Planta o Voto Agua este turno y aún no se ha movido, toma su turno inmediatamente después del usuario y el movimiento del usuario no hace nada. Si se combina con Voto Planta, el aliado usa Voto Fuego con 150 de poder y aparece un mar de fuego en el lado del objetivo durante 4 turnos, lo que causa daño a los tipos que no son de Fuego igual a 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, en al final de cada turno durante el efecto, incluido el último turno. Si se combina con Voto Agua, el aliado usa Voto Agua con 150 de poder y aparece un arco iris en el lado del usuario durante 4 turnos, lo que duplica las posibilidades de efectos secundarios y se acumula con la habilidad Dicha, excepto que los efectos que causan estremecimiento solo pueden duplicar sus posibilidades una vez. . Cuando se usa como un movimiento combinado, este movimiento gana STAB sin importar cuál sea el tipo del usuario. Este movimiento no consume la Gema Fuego del usuario. +showdown.moves.firepledge.shortDesc=Úselo con Grass o Voto Agua para un efecto adicional. +showdown.moves.firepledge.activate=%s está esperando el movimiento de %s... +showdown.moves.firepledge.start=¡Un mar de fuego envolvió a %s! +showdown.moves.firepledge.end=¡El mar de fuego alrededor de %s desapareció! +showdown.moves.firepledge.damage=¡%s fue herido por el mar de fuego!ño Fuego -showdown.moves.firepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.firepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.firepunch.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.firepunch.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Fuego -showdown.moves.firespin.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.firespin.start=%s became trapped in the fiery vortex! -showdown.moves.firespin.move=%s's attack continues! +showdown.moves.firespin.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Autotomía, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.firespin.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 4-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen8.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo (1/8 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos (siempre cinco turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen3.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos. Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.desc=El usuario pasa de dos a cinco turnos usando este movimiento. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de durar dos o tres turnos y una probabilidad de 1/8 de durar cuatro o cinco turnos. El daño calculado para el primer turno se utiliza cada dos turnos. El usuario no puede seleccionar un movimiento y el objetivo no puede ejecutar un movimiento durante el efecto, pero ambos pueden cambiar. Si el usuario cambia, el objetivo sigue siendo incapaz de ejecutar un movimiento durante ese turno. Si el objetivo cambia, el usuario usa este movimiento nuevamente automáticamente, y si tenía 0 PP en ese momento, se convierte en 63. Si el usuario o el objetivo cambian, o se impide que el usuario se mueva, el efecto termina. Este movimiento puede evitar que el objetivo se mueva incluso si tiene inmunidad de tipo, pero no causará daño. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.shortDesc=Impide que el objetivo se mueva durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.firespin.start=¡%s quedó atrapado en el vórtice de fuego! +showdown.moves.firespin.move=¡El ataque de %s continúa! -showdown.moves.firstimpression.desc=Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field. -showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Hits first. First turn out only. +showdown.moves.firstimpression.desc=Falla a menos que sea el primer turno del usuario en el campo. +showdown.moves.firstimpression.shortDesc=Golpea primero. Primero salga solamente. -showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=Power doubles if the user moves before the target. -showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=Power doubles if user moves before the target. +showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario se mueve antes que el objetivo. +showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el usuario se mueve antes que el objetivo. -showdown.moves.fissure.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. -showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. Can hit a target using Dig. -showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. -showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. +showdown.moves.fissure.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual al PS máximo del objetivo. Ignora los modificadores de precisión y evasión. La precisión de este ataque es igual a (nivel del usuario - nivel del objetivo + 30)% y falla si el objetivo está en un nivel superior. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Robustez son inmunes. +showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKO al objetivo. Falla si el usuario es de un nivel inferior. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Inflige 65535 de daño al objetivo. La precisión de este ataque de 256 es igual al menor de (2 * (nivel del usuario - nivel del objetivo) + 76) y 255, antes de aplicar modificadores de precisión y evasión. Falla si el objetivo está en un nivel superior. Puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Excavar. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.desc=Inflige 65535 de daño al objetivo. Falla si la velocidad del objetivo es mayor que la del usuario. +showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.shortDesc=Inflige 65535 de daño. Falla si el objetivo es más rápido. -showdown.moves.flail.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. -showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.flail.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.flail.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. +showdown.moves.flail.desc=La potencia de este movimiento es 20 si X es de 33 a 48, 40 si X es de 17 a 32, 80 si X es de 10 a 16, 100 si X es de 5 a 9, 150 si X es de 2 a 4 y 200 si X es 0 o 1, donde X es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 48 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=Más potencia cuanto menos PS le quede al usuario. +showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=La potencia de este movimiento es 20 si X es de 43 a 48, 40 si X es de 22 a 42, 80 si X es de 13 a 21, 100 si X es de 6 a 12, 150 si X es de 2 a 5 y 200 si X es 0 o 1, donde X es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 64 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.flail.gen3.desc=La potencia de este movimiento es 20 si X es de 33 a 48, 40 si X es de 17 a 32, 80 si X es de 10 a 16, 100 si X es de 5 a 9, 150 si X es de 2 a 4 y 200 si X es 0 o 1, donde X es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 48 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.flail.gen2.desc=La potencia de este movimiento es 20 si X es de 33 a 48, 40 si X es de 17 a 32, 80 si X es de 10 a 16, 100 si X es de 5 a 9, 150 si X es de 2 a 4 y 200 si X es 0 o 1, donde X es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 48 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo. Este movimiento no aplica variación de daño y no puede ser un golpe crítico. -showdown.moves.flameburst.desc=If this move is successful, the target's ally loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. -showdown.moves.flameburst.shortDesc=Damages Pokemon next to the target as well. -showdown.moves.flameburst.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, each ally adjacent to the target loses 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, unless it has the Magic Guard Ability. -showdown.moves.flameburst.damage=The bursting flame hit %s! +showdown.moves.flameburst.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el aliado del objetivo pierde 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, a menos que tenga la habilidad Muro Mágico. +showdown.moves.flameburst.shortDesc=También daña a los Pokémon que se encuentran al lado del objetivo. +showdown.moves.flameburst.gen6.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada aliado adyacente al objetivo pierde 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, a menos que tenga la habilidad Muro Mágico. +showdown.moves.flameburst.damage=¡La llama explosiva alcanzó a %s! -showdown.moves.flamecharge.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.flamecharge.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.flamecharge.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de aumentar la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.flamecharge.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de aumentar la velocidad del usuario en 1. Fuego -showdown.moves.flamewheel.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.flamewheel.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.flamewheel.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.flamewheel.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Usuario del deshielo. -showdown.moves.flamethrower.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.flamethrower.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.flamethrower.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.flamethrower.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Ígneo -showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. -showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to burn. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente al 33 % de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Tiene un 33% de retroceso. 10% de probabilidad de quemarse. Usuario del deshielo. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/3 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Tiene 1/3 de retroceso. 10% de probabilidad de quemarse. Usuario del deshielo. -showdown.moves.flash.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.flash.desc=Reduce la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.flash.shortDesc=Reduce la precisión del objetivo en 1. Resplandor -showdown.moves.flashcannon.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.flashcannon.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.flashcannon.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 1. -showdown.moves.flatter.desc=Raises the target's Special Attack by 1 stage and confuses it. -showdown.moves.flatter.shortDesc=Raises the target's Sp. Atk by 1 and confuses it. +showdown.moves.flatter.desc=Aumenta el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel y lo confunde. +showdown.moves.flatter.shortDesc=Aumenta el Sp del objetivo. Atq por 1 y lo confunde.ñón Floral -showdown.moves.fleurcannon.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.fleurcannon.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.fleurcannon.desc=Reduce el ataque especial del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.fleurcannon.shortDesc=Reduce la Sp del usuario. Atq por 2. -showdown.moves.fling.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If there is no target or the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, if the user is under the effect of Embargo or Magic Room, or if the user has the Klutz Ability. -showdown.moves.fling.shortDesc=Flings the user's item at the target. Power varies. -showdown.moves.fling.gen4.desc=The power of this move is based on the user's held item. The held item is lost and it activates for the target if applicable. If the target avoids this move by protecting itself, the user's held item is still lost. The user can regain a thrown item with Recycle. Fails if the user has no held item, if the held item cannot be thrown, or if the user is under the effect of Embargo. -showdown.moves.fling.removeItem=%s flung its %s! +showdown.moves.fling.desc=El poder de este movimiento se basa en el objeto que tiene el usuario. El objeto retenido se pierde y se activa para el objetivo, si corresponde. Si no hay ningún objetivo o el objetivo evita este movimiento protegiéndose, el objeto retenido por el usuario aún se pierde. El usuario puede recuperar un objeto arrojado con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. Falla si el usuario no tiene ningún objeto retenido, si el objeto retenido no se puede lanzar, si el usuario está bajo el efecto de Embargo o Zona Mágica, o si el usuario tiene la Habilidad Zoquete. +showdown.moves.fling.shortDesc=Lanzamientos del elemento del usuario al objetivo. El poder varía. +showdown.moves.fling.gen4.desc=El poder de este movimiento se basa en el objeto que tiene el usuario. El objeto retenido se pierde y se activa para el objetivo, si corresponde. Si el objetivo evita este movimiento protegiéndose, el objeto retenido por el usuario aún se pierde. El usuario puede recuperar un objeto arrojado con Reciclaje. Falla si el usuario no tiene ningún objeto retenido, si el objeto retenido no se puede lanzar o si el usuario está bajo el efecto de Embargo. +showdown.moves.fling.removeItem=¡%s arrojó su %s! -showdown.moves.flipturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. -showdown.moves.flipturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. -showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.flipturn.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, el usuario sale incluso si está atrapado y es reemplazado inmediatamente por un miembro del grupo seleccionado. El usuario no cambia si no hay miembros del grupo no desmayados, o si el objetivo cambió usando un Botón Escape o mediante el efecto de las Habilidades Retirada o Huida. +showdown.moves.flipturn.shortDesc=El usuario se desconecta después de dañar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.flipturn.switchOut=¡%s volvió a %s! -showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Floral -showdown.moves.floralhealing.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the terrain is Grassy Terrain, the target instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.floralhealing.desc=El objetivo recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el terreno es Campo de Hierba, el objetivo restaura 2/3 de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Cura al objetivo en un 50% de su PS máximo. Floral -showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Raises the Defense of all active Grass-type Pokemon by 1 stage. Fails if there are no active Grass-type Pokemon. -showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Raises Defense by 1 of all active Grass types. +showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Aumenta la defensa de todos los Pokémon activos de tipo Planta en 1 nivel. Falla si no hay ningún Pokémon tipo Planta activo. +showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Aumenta la defensa en 1 de todos los tipos de hierba activos. Floral -showdown.moves.flowertrick.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. This move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.flowertrick.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit; no accuracy check. +showdown.moves.flowertrick.desc=Este movimiento siempre es un golpe crítico a menos que el objetivo esté bajo el efecto de Conjuro o tenga la Armad. Habilidades de Murciélago o Caparazón. Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. +showdown.moves.flowertrick.shortDesc=Siempre resulta en un golpe crítico; sin verificación de precisión. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. up on first turn, then strikes the next turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Gust, Thunder, Twister, and Whirlwind, and Gust and Twister have doubled power when used against it. attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks other than Bide, Swift, and Transform. If the user is fully paralyzed on the second turn, it continues avoiding attacks until it switches out or successfully executes the second turn of this move or Dig. flew up high! ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Vendaval, Gancho Alto, Antiaéreo, Mil Flechas, Trueno y Ciclón, y Tornado y Ciclón tienen doble poder cuando se usan contra él. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. en el primer turno y luego ataca en el siguiente turno. ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Vendaval, Gancho Alto, Antiaéreo, Trueno y Ciclón, y Tornado y Ciclón tienen doble poder cuando se usan contra él. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Gancho Alto, Trueno y Ciclón, y Tornado y Ciclón tienen doble poder cuando se usan contra él. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Gancho Alto, Trueno y Ciclón, y Tornado y Ciclón tienen doble poder cuando se usan contra él. ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Trueno, Ciclón y Remolino, y Tornado y Ciclón tienen doble poder cuando se usan contra él. ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques excepto Venganza, Meteoros y Transformación. Si el usuario está completamente paralizado en el segundo turno, continúa evitando ataques hasta que se desconecta o ejecuta con éxito el segundo turno de este movimiento o Excavar.¡%s voló muy alto! Voladora -showdown.moves.flyingpress.desc=This move combines Flying in its type effectiveness against the target. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.flyingpress.shortDesc=Combines Flying in its type effectiveness. +showdown.moves.flyingpress.desc=Este movimiento combina Vueloing en su tipo de efectividad contra el objetivo. El daño se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras estaba activo. +showdown.moves.flyingpress.shortDesc=Combina Vueloing en su tipo efectividad. Certera -showdown.moves.focusblast.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.focusblast.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.focusblast.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.focusblast.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 1. Energía -showdown.moves.focusenergy.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 2 stages. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.shortDesc=Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 2. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.desc=Raises the user's chance for a critical hit by 1 stage. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.shortDesc=Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 1. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its chance for a critical hit is quartered. Fails if the user already has the effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.shortDesc=Quarters the user's chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.focusenergy.start=%s is getting pumped! -showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromItem=%s used the %s to get pumped! -showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromZEffect=%s boosted its critical-hit ratio using its Z-Power! +showdown.moves.focusenergy.desc=Aumenta en 2 niveles la probabilidad del usuario de dar un golpe crítico. Falla si el usuario ya tiene el efecto. Relevo se puede utilizar para transferir este efecto a un aliado. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.shortDesc=Aumenta la tasa de golpes críticos del usuario en 2. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.desc=Aumenta en 1 nivel la probabilidad del usuario de dar un golpe crítico. Falla si el usuario ya tiene el efecto. Relevo se puede utilizar para transferir este efecto a un aliado. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen2.shortDesc=Aumenta la tasa de golpes críticos del usuario en 1. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, sus posibilidades de asestar un golpe crítico se reducen a cuatro. Falla si el usuario ya tiene el efecto. Si algún Pokémon usa Niebla, este efecto termina. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.gen1.shortDesc=Reduce a un cuarto las posibilidades del usuario de asestar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.focusenergy.start=¡%s está entusiasmado! +showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromItem=¡%s usó %s para entusiasmarse! +showdown.moves.focusenergy.startFromZEffect=¡%s aumentó su índice de golpes críticos usando su Z-Power!ño Certero -showdown.moves.focuspunch.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move. -showdown.moves.focuspunch.shortDesc=Fails if the user takes damage before it hits. -showdown.moves.focuspunch.gen4.desc=The user loses its focus and does nothing if it is hit by a damaging attack this turn before it can execute the move, but it still loses PP. -showdown.moves.focuspunch.start=%s is tightening its focus! -showdown.moves.focuspunch.cant=%s lost its focus and couldn't move! +showdown.moves.focuspunch.desc=El usuario pierde su concentración y no hace nada si es golpeado por un ataque dañino este turno antes de poder ejecutar el movimiento. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.shortDesc=Falla si el usuario sufre daño antes de golpear. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.gen4.desc=El usuario pierde su concentración y no hace nada si es golpeado por un ataque dañino este turno antes de que pueda ejecutar el movimiento, pero aún así pierde PP. +showdown.moves.focuspunch.start=¡%s está reforzando su enfoque! +showdown.moves.focuspunch.cant=¡%s perdió la concentración y no podía moverse!ñuelo -showdown.moves.followme.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.followme.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. -showdown.moves.followme.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.followme.gen4.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. This effect remains active even if the user leaves the field. Fails if it is not a Double Battle. -showdown.moves.followme.gen3.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod Ability. This effect remains active even if the user leaves the field. Fails if it is not a Double Battle. -showdown.moves.followme.start=%s became the center of attention! -showdown.moves.followme.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.followme.desc=Hasta el final del turno, todos los ataques a un solo objetivo del lado contrario se redirigen al usuario. Dichos ataques son redirigidos al usuario antes de que puedan ser reflejados por Capa Mágica o la Habilidad del Bote Mágico, o atraídos por las Habilidades Pararrayos o Colector. Falla si no es una Batalla Doble o una Batalla Real. Este efecto se ignora mientras el usuario esté bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. +showdown.moves.followme.shortDesc=Los movimientos de los enemigos apuntan al usuario en el turno utilizado. +showdown.moves.followme.gen6.desc=Hasta el final del turno, todos los ataques a un solo objetivo del lado contrario se redirigen al usuario si está dentro del alcance. Dichos ataques son redirigidos al usuario antes de que puedan ser reflejados por Capa Mágica o la Habilidad del Bote Mágico, o atraídos por las Habilidades Pararrayos o Colector. Falla si no es una Batalla Doble o Triple. Este efecto se ignora mientras el usuario esté bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. +showdown.moves.followme.gen4.desc=Hasta el final del turno, todos los ataques a un solo objetivo del lado contrario se redirigen al usuario. Dichos ataques son redirigidos al usuario antes de que Capa Mágica pueda reflejarlos o atraerlos mediante las Habilidades Pararrayos o Colector. Este efecto permanece activo incluso si el usuario abandona el campo. Falla si no es una Batalla Doble. +showdown.moves.followme.gen3.desc=Hasta el final del turno, todos los ataques a un solo objetivo del lado contrario se redirigen al usuario. Dichos ataques se redirigen al usuario antes de que Capa Mágica pueda reflejarlos o atraerlos mediante la habilidad Pararrayos. Este efecto permanece activo incluso si el usuario abandona el campo. Falla si no es una Batalla Doble. +showdown.moves.followme.start=¡%s se convirtió en el centro de atención! +showdown.moves.followme.startFromZEffect=¡%s se convirtió en el centro de atención! -showdown.moves.forcepalm.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.forcepalm.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.forcepalm.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.forcepalm.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo.ía -showdown.moves.foresight.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Miracle Eye or Odor Sleuth. -showdown.moves.foresight.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. -showdown.moves.foresight.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. -showdown.moves.foresight.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. -showdown.moves.foresight.gen2.desc=As long as the target remains active, if its evasiveness stat stage is greater than the attacker's accuracy stat stage, both are ignored during accuracy checks, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. Fails if the target is already affected. -showdown.moves.foresight.start=%s was identified! +showdown.moves.foresight.desc=Mientras el objetivo permanezca activo, su estado de estadística de evasión se ignora durante las comprobaciones de precisión contra él si es mayor que 0, y los ataques de tipo Normal y Lucha pueden alcanzar al objetivo si es de tipo Fantasma. Falla si el objetivo ya está afectado, o afectado por Gran Ojo o Rastreo. +showdown.moves.foresight.shortDesc=Luchando, Golpe normal Fantasma. Se ignoró la evasiva. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen4.desc=Mientras el objetivo permanezca activo, su estado de estadística de evasión se ignora durante las comprobaciones de precisión contra él si es mayor que 0, y los ataques de tipo Normal y Lucha pueden alcanzar al objetivo si es de tipo Fantasma. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen3.desc=Mientras el objetivo permanezca activo, su nivel de estadísticas de evasión se ignora durante las comprobaciones de precisión contra él, y los ataques de tipo Normal y Lucha pueden alcanzar al objetivo si es de tipo Fantasma. +showdown.moves.foresight.gen2.desc=Mientras el objetivo permanezca activo, si su nivel de estadísticas de evasión es mayor que el nivel de estadísticas de precisión del atacante, ambos se ignoran durante las comprobaciones de precisión, y los ataques de tipo Normal y Lucha pueden golpear al objetivo si es de tipo Fantasma. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo permanecerá bajo este efecto. Falla si el objetivo ya está afectado. +showdown.moves.foresight.start=¡%s fue identificado!'s Curse -showdown.moves.forestscurse.desc=Causes the Grass type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Grass type. If Trick-or-Treat adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. -showdown.moves.forestscurse.shortDesc=Adds Grass to the target's type(s). +showdown.moves.forestscurse.desc=Hace que el tipo Hierba se agregue al objetivo, haciéndolo efectivamente tener dos o tres tipos. Falla si el objetivo ya es del tipo Planta. Si Truco-or-Treat agrega un tipo al objetivo, reemplaza el tipo agregado por este movimiento y viceversa. +showdown.moves.forestscurse.shortDesc=Agrega Hierba a los tipos del objetivo. Sucio -showdown.moves.foulplay.desc=Damage is calculated using the target's Attack stat, including stat stage changes. The user's Ability, item, and burn are used as normal. -showdown.moves.foulplay.shortDesc=Uses target's Attack stat in damage calculation. +showdown.moves.foulplay.desc=El daño se calcula utilizando la estadística de ataque del objetivo, incluidos los cambios en la etapa de las estadísticas. La habilidad, el objeto y la quemadura del usuario se utilizan normalmente. +showdown.moves.foulplay.shortDesc=Utiliza la estadística de ataque del objetivo en el cálculo del daño.ón -showdown.moves.freezedry.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. This move's type effectiveness against Water is changed to be super effective no matter what this move's type is. -showdown.moves.freezedry.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. Super effective on Water. +showdown.moves.freezedry.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de congelar al objetivo. La efectividad del tipo de este movimiento contra Agua ha cambiado para que sea súper efectiva sin importar cuál sea el tipo de este movimiento. +showdown.moves.freezedry.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelarse. Súper efectivo en el agua. Gélido -showdown.moves.freezeshock.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.freezeshock.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% paralyze. -showdown.moves.freezeshock.prepare=%s became cloaked in a freezing light! +showdown.moves.freezeshock.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.freezeshock.shortDesc=Cargas turno 1. Hits turno 2. 30% paraliza. +showdown.moves.freezeshock.prepare=¡%s quedó envuelto en una luz helada! Heladora -showdown.moves.freezingglare.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.freezingglare.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de congelar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.freezingglare.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelar al objetivo. -showdown.moves.freezyfrost.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. -showdown.moves.freezyfrost.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. +showdown.moves.freezyfrost.desc=Restablece las etapas de estadísticas de todos los Pokémon activos a 0. +showdown.moves.freezyfrost.shortDesc=Elimina todos los cambios de estadísticas. Feroz -showdown.moves.frenzyplant.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.frenzyplant.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento. +showdown.moves.frenzyplant.shortDesc=El usuario no puede moverse en el siguiente turno. Gélido -showdown.moves.frostbreath.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. -showdown.moves.frostbreath.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. +showdown.moves.frostbreath.desc=Este movimiento siempre es un golpe crítico a menos que el objetivo esté bajo el efecto de Conjuro o tenga la Armad. Habilidades de Murciélago o Caparazón. +showdown.moves.frostbreath.shortDesc=Siempre resulta en un golpe crítico.ón -showdown.moves.frustration.desc=Power is equal to the greater of ((255 - user's Happiness) * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. -showdown.moves.frustration.shortDesc=Max 102 power at minimum Happiness. +showdown.moves.frustration.desc=El poder es igual al mayor de ((255 - felicidad del usuario) * 2/5), redondeado hacia abajo o 1. +showdown.moves.frustration.shortDesc=Potencia máxima de 102 con felicidad mínima. Furia -showdown.moves.furyattack.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.furyattack.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.furyattack.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. El daño se calcula una vez para el primer golpe y se utiliza para cada golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el movimiento finaliza. Furia -showdown.moves.furycutter.desc=Power doubles with each successful hit, up to a maximum of 160 power. The power is reset if this move misses or another move is used. -showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit, up to 160. +showdown.moves.furycutter.desc=El poder se duplica con cada golpe exitoso, hasta un máximo de 160 de poder. El poder se reinicia si este movimiento falla o si se usa otro movimiento. +showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=El poder se duplica con cada golpe, hasta 160. Furia -showdown.moves.furyswipes.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. El daño se calcula una vez para el primer golpe y se utiliza para cada golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el movimiento finaliza. Fusión -showdown.moves.fusionbolt.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Flare. -showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Flare this turn. +showdown.moves.fusionbolt.desc=El poder se duplica si el último movimiento utilizado por cualquier Pokémon este turno fue Llama Fusión. +showdown.moves.fusionbolt.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si se usa después de Llama Fusión este turno. Fusión -showdown.moves.fusionflare.desc=Power doubles if the last move used by any Pokemon this turn was Fusion Bolt. -showdown.moves.fusionflare.shortDesc=Power doubles if used after Fusion Bolt this turn. +showdown.moves.fusionflare.desc=El poder se duplica si el último movimiento utilizado por cualquier Pokémon este turno fue Rayo Fusión. +showdown.moves.fusionflare.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si se usa después de Rayo Fusión este turno.ón -showdown.moves.futuresight.desc=Deals damage two turns after this move is used. At the end of that turn, the damage is calculated at that time and dealt to the Pokemon at the position the target had when the move was used. If the user is no longer active at the time, damage is calculated based on the user's natural Special Attack stat, types, and level, with no boosts from its held item or Ability. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. -showdown.moves.futuresight.shortDesc=Hits two turns after being used. -showdown.moves.futuresight.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move or Doom Desire is already in effect for the target's position. -showdown.moves.futuresight.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage that cannot be a critical hit two turns after this move is used. Damage is calculated against the target on use, and at the end of the final turn that damage is dealt to the Pokemon at the position the original target had at the time. Fails if this move is already in effect for the target's position. -showdown.moves.futuresight.start=%s foresaw an attack! -showdown.moves.futuresight.activate=%s took the Future Sight attack! +showdown.moves.futuresight.desc=Inflige daño dos turnos después de usar este movimiento. Al final de ese turno, el daño se calcula en ese momento y se reparte al Pokémon en la posición que tenía el objetivo cuando se utilizó el movimiento. Si el usuario ya no está activo en ese momento, el daño se calcula en función de la estadística, los tipos y el nivel de ataque especial natural del usuario, sin mejoras del objeto o habilidad que tiene. Falla si este movimiento o Deseo Oculto ya está en efecto para la posición del objetivo. +showdown.moves.futuresight.shortDesc=Alcanza dos turnos después de ser utilizado. +showdown.moves.futuresight.gen4.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo que no puede ser un golpe crítico dos turnos después de usar este movimiento. El daño se calcula contra el objetivo en el momento del uso, y al final del último turno, ese daño se inflige al Pokémon en la posición que tenía el objetivo original en ese momento. Falla si este movimiento o Deseo Oculto ya está en efecto para la posición del objetivo. +showdown.moves.futuresight.gen2.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo que no puede ser un golpe crítico dos turnos después de usar este movimiento. El daño se calcula contra el objetivo en el momento del uso, y al final del último turno, ese daño se inflige al Pokémon en la posición que tenía el objetivo original en ese momento. Falla si este movimiento ya está en vigor para la posición del objetivo. +showdown.moves.futuresight.start=¡%s previó un ataque! +showdown.moves.futuresight.activate=¡%s recibió el ataque de Premonición! -showdown.moves.gastroacid.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.gastroacid.shortDesc=Nullifies the target's Ability. -showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, or Zen Mode, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to be rendered ineffective as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under this effect. If the target's Ability is Multitype or Stance Change, this move fails, and receiving the effect through Baton Pass ends the effect immediately. -showdown.moves.gastroacid.start=%s's Ability was suppressed! +showdown.moves.gastroacid.desc=Provoca que la habilidad del objetivo quede ineficaz mientras permanezca activa. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo permanecerá bajo este efecto. Si la Habilidad del objetivo es Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Modo Daruma, o Cambio Heroico, este movimiento falla y recibir el efecto a través de Relevo finaliza el efecto inmediatamente. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.shortDesc=Anula la habilidad del objetivo. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen8.desc=Provoca que la habilidad del objetivo quede ineficaz mientras permanezca activa. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo permanecerá bajo este efecto. Si la habilidad del objetivo es Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico o Modo Daruma, este movimiento falla y recibe el efecto mediante Relevo finaliza el efecto inmediatamente. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen7.desc=Provoca que la habilidad del objetivo quede ineficaz mientras permanezca activa. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo permanecerá bajo este efecto. Si la habilidad del objetivo es Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico o Modo Daruma, este movimiento falla y recibir el efecto a través de Relevo finaliza el efecto inmediatamente. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.gen6.desc=Provoca que la habilidad del objetivo quede ineficaz mientras permanezca activa. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo permanecerá bajo este efecto. Si la habilidad del objetivo es Multitipo o Cambio Táctico, este movimiento falla y recibir el efecto a través de Relevo finaliza el efecto inmediatamente. +showdown.moves.gastroacid.start=¡La habilidad de %s fue suprimida! Doble -showdown.moves.geargrind.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.geargrind.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.geargrind.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.geargrind.shortDesc=Golpea 2 veces en un turno.ñón Auxiliar -showdown.moves.gearup.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Raises Atk, Sp. Atk of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. +showdown.moves.gearup.desc=Aumenta en 1 nivel el Ataque y Ataque Especial de Pokémon del lado del usuario con las Habilidades Más o Menos. +showdown.moves.gearup.shortDesc=Aumenta Atq, Sp. Ataque de aliados con Más/Menos en 1. Original -showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=If this move is successful, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Summons Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el terreno se convierte en Campo Psíquico. +showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Convoca Campo Psíquico. -showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Charges, then raises SpA, SpD, Spe by 2 turn 2. -showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=%s is absorbing power! +showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Aumenta el ataque especial, la defensa especial y la velocidad del usuario en 2 etapas. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Cargas, luego sube Atq esp., Def esp., Velo en 2 turno 2. +showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=¡%s está absorbiendo poder! -showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. -showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. -showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 50% del daño causado. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. -showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento. +showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=El usuario no puede moverse en el siguiente turno. Colosal -showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=Cannot be used twice in a row. +showdown.moves.gigatonhammer.shortDesc=No se puede utilizar dos veces seguidas. Destructor -showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.gigavolthavoc.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. Glacial showdown.moves.glaciallance.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.glaciallance.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes. Gélido -showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.glaciate.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.glaciate.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del enemigo en 1. Espadón -showdown.moves.glaiverush.desc=If this move is successful, moves targeted at the user deal double damage and do not check accuracy until the user's next turn. -showdown.moves.glaiverush.shortDesc=User takes sure-hit 2x damage until its next turn. +showdown.moves.glaiverush.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, los movimientos dirigidos al usuario causan el doble de daño y no verifican la precisión hasta el siguiente turno del usuario. +showdown.moves.glaiverush.shortDesc=El usuario recibe el doble de daño de golpe seguro hasta el siguiente turno. -showdown.moves.glare.desc=Paralyzes the target. -showdown.moves.glare.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. -showdown.moves.glare.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.glare.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.glare.desc=Paraliza al objetivo. +showdown.moves.glare.shortDesc=Paraliza al objetivo. +showdown.moves.glare.gen3.desc=Paraliza al objetivo. Este movimiento no ignora la inmunidad de tipo. +showdown.moves.glare.gen1.desc=Paraliza al objetivo. -showdown.moves.glitzyglow.desc=This move summons Light Screen for 5 turns upon use. -showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Summons Light Screen. +showdown.moves.glitzyglow.desc=Este movimiento invoca Pantalla de Luz durante 5 turnos al usarlo. +showdown.moves.glitzyglow.shortDesc=Convoca Pantalla de Luz. -showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either falls asleep, becomes poisoned, or becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: slp or psn or par. +showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario se queda dormido, se envenena o se paraliza, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: slp o psn o par.ñonazo -showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Water-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. -showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. -showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=%s got caught in the vortex of water! -showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Cannonade’s vortex! +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, durante 4 turnos, cada Pokémon que no sea de tipo Agua en el lado opuesto recibe un daño equivalente a 1/6 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto, incluido el último turno. +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -1/6 PS, 4 turnos. +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=¡%s quedó atrapado en el vórtice de agua! +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=¡%s resulta herido por el vórtice de Gigacañonazo! -showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario no podrá cambiar durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario tiene a Garra Garfio), incluso si tiene un sustituto. Causa daño equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. Aún pueden cambiar si tienen Muda Concha o usan Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina para un objetivo si abandona el campo o si usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: atados 4-5 turnos.ñición -showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has their critical hit ratio raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Crit Ratio +1. -showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=%s is getting pumped! +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado del usuario aumenta su índice de golpes críticos en 1 nivel, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Aliados: Ratio crítico +1. +showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.start=¡%s está entusiasmado! -showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes infatuated, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen for a target if both it and the user are the same gender, if either is genderless, or if the target is already infatuated. -showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: infatuated. +showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario se enamorará, incluso si tiene un sustituto. Este efecto no ocurre para un objetivo si tanto él como el usuario son del mismo sexo, si alguno de ellos no tiene género o si el objetivo ya está enamorado. +showdown.moves.gmaxcuddle.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: enamorados. -showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side loses 2 PP from its last move used, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: last move -2 PP. -showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=%s's PP was reduced! +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario pierde 2 PP del último movimiento utilizado, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: último movimiento -2 PP. +showdown.moves.gmaxdepletion.activate=¡El PP de %s fue reducido! -showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=El poder es 160 independientemente del poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Este movimiento y sus efectos ignoran las habilidades de otros Pokémon. +showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Siempre 160 de potencia. Ignora las habilidades.ón -showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/6 of its current maximum HP, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1/6 max HP. +showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado del usuario restaura 1/6 de su PS máximo actual, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Aliados: +1/6 PS máximo. Fire Ball -showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.desc=El poder es 160 independientemente del poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Este movimiento y sus efectos ignoran las habilidades de otros Pokémon. +showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Siempre 160 de potencia. Ignora las habilidades. -showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 2 stages, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed. +showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, la velocidad de cada Pokémon del lado contrario se reduce en 2 niveles, incluso si tienen un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxfoamburst.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -2 Velocidad. -showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. +showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario se confunde, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxgoldrush.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: confundidos.óveda -showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Gravity begins. -showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Gravity. +showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, comienza el efecto de Gravedad. +showdown.moves.gmaxgravitas.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Comienza Gravedad. -showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.desc=Power is 160 regardless of the base move's Max Move power. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.desc=El poder es 160 independientemente del poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Este movimiento y sus efectos ignoran las habilidades de otros Pokémon. +showdown.moves.gmaxhydrosnipe.shortDesc=Siempre 160 de potencia. Ignora las habilidades. -showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes poisoned, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: poisoned. +showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario se envenena, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxmalodor.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: envenenados. -showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Torment begins for each Pokemon on the opposing side, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Tormented. +showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el efecto de Tormento comienza para cada Pokémon del lado contrario, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxmeltdown.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: Atormentados. Brusco -showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. -showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. +showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Este movimiento evita todos los efectos de protección, incluido Maxibarrera. +showdown.moves.gmaxoneblow.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Pasa por alto Maxibarrera. Fluido -showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. This move bypasses all protection effects, including Max Guard. -showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard. +showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Este movimiento evita todos los efectos de protección, incluido Maxibarrera. +showdown.moves.gmaxrapidflow.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Pasa por alto Maxibarrera. -showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance every Pokemon on the user's side has its Berry restored, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=Base move affects power. 50% restores Berries. +showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, hay un 50% de posibilidades de que cada Pokémon del lado del usuario recupere su Baya, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxreplenish.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. 50% restaura las bayas.ía -showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Aurora Veil begins on the user's side. -showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: Aurora Veil. +showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el efecto de Velo Aurora comienza en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Aliados: Velo Aurora. -showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw), even if they have a substitute. Causes damage equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends for a target if it leaves the field, or if it uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: bound 4-5 turns. +showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario no podrá cambiar durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario tiene a Garra Garfio), incluso si tiene un sustituto. Causa daño equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. Aún pueden cambiar si tienen Muda Concha o usan Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina para un objetivo si abandona el campo o si usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: atados 4-5 turnos. -showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes confused, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: confused. +showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario se confunde, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: confundidos. -showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, there is a 50% chance the effect of Yawn begins on the target, even if it has a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Target: 50% Yawn. +showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, hay un 50% de posibilidades de que el efecto de Bostezo comience en el objetivo, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Objetivo: 50% Bostezo. Acero -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Steel type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Steel hazard. -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=Sharp-pointed pieces of steel started floating around %s! -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.end=The pieces of steel surrounding %s disappeared! -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=The sharp steel bit into %s! +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, crea un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre. Los enemigos pierden 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 o 1/2 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, según su debilidad al tipo Acero; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutro, 2x o 4x, respectivamente. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: Peligro de acero. +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=¡Piezas de acero puntiagudas comenzaron a flotar alrededor de %s! +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.end=¡Las piezas de acero que rodeaban a %s desaparecieron! +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=¡El acero afilado mordió a %s! Rocas -showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth Rock. +showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, crea un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre. Los enemigos pierden 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 o 1/2 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, según su debilidad al tipo Roca; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutro, 2x o 4x, respectivamente. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: Trampa Rocas. -showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side either becomes poisoned or paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: psn or par. +showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario quedará envenenado o paralizado, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: psn o par.éctar -showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the user's side has its status condition cured, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: status cured. +showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado del usuario tiene su condición de estado curada, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxsweetness.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Aliados: estatus curado.ón -showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the evasiveness of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 evasiveness. +showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, la evasión de cada Pokémon del lado contrario se reduce en 1 nivel, incluso si tienen un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxtartness.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -1 evasión.ón -showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side is prevented from switching out, even if they have a substitute. They can still switch out if they are holding Shed Shell or use Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If a target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: trapped. +showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario no podrá cambiar, incluso si tiene un sustituto. Aún pueden cambiar si tienen Muda Concha o usan Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si un objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: atrapados. -showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Grass-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. -showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. -showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=%s got trapped with vines! -showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.damage=%s is hurt by G-Max Vine Lash’s ferocious beating! +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, durante 4 turnos, cada Pokémon que no sea de tipo Planta en el lado opuesto recibe un daño equivalente a 1/6 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto, incluido el último turno. +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -1/6 PS, 4 turnos. +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=¡%s quedó atrapado con enredaderas! +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.damage=¡%s está herido por la feroz golpiza de Gigalianas! Ígnea -showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Rock-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. -showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. -showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=%s became surrounded by rocks! -showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=%s is hurt by the rocks thrown out by G-Max Volcalith! +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, durante 4 turnos, cada Pokémon que no sea de tipo Roca del lado contrario sufre un daño equivalente a 1/6 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto, incluido el último turno. +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -1/6 PS, 4 turnos. +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=¡%s quedó rodeado de rocas! +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=¡%s resulta herido por las piedras que le arroja Gigarroca Ígnea! -showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, each Pokemon on the opposing side becomes paralyzed, even if they have a substitute. -showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: paralyzed. +showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, cada Pokémon del lado contrario queda paralizado, incluso si tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: paralizados. -showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, for 4 turns each non-Fire-type Pokemon on the opposing side takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. -showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns. -showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=%s were surrounded by fire! -showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=%s is burning up within G-Max Wildfire’s flames! +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, durante 4 turnos, cada Pokémon que no sea de tipo Fuego en el lado opuesto recibe un daño equivalente a 1/6 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto, incluido el último turno. +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -1/6 PS, 4 turnos. +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=¡%s estaban rodeados de fuego! +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=¡%s está ardiendo dentro de las llamas de Gigallamarada!án -showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain end, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the target's side, and the effects of G-Max Steelsurge, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web end for the user's side. -showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Ends Terrain, hazards. +showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, terminan los efectos de Campo Eléctrico, Campo de Hierba, Campo de Niebla, y Campo Psíquico, los efectos de Reflejo, Pantalla de Luz, Velo Aurora, Velo Sagrado, Neblina, Gigatrampa Acero, Púas, Tóxico Púas, Trampa Rocas y Red Viscosa terminan en el lado del objetivo, y los efectos de Gigatrampa Acero, Púas, Tóxico Púas, Trampa Rocas y Red Viscosa terminan en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.gmaxwindrage.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Termina Terreno, peligros. Lazo -showdown.moves.grassknot.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. -showdown.moves.grassknot.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. +showdown.moves.grassknot.desc=La potencia de este movimiento es 20 si el objetivo pesa menos de 10 kg, 40 si pesa menos de 25 kg, 60 si pesa menos de 50 kg, 80 si pesa menos de 100 kg, 100 si pesa menos de 200 kg y 120 si es mayor o igual a 200 kilogramos. +showdown.moves.grassknot.shortDesc=Más potencia cuanto más pesado sea el objetivo. Planta -showdown.moves.grasspledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Water Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Fire Pledge with 150 power and a sea of fire appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which causes damage to non-Fire types equal to 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect, including the last turn. If combined with Water Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Grass Gem. -showdown.moves.grasspledge.shortDesc=Use with Fire or Water Pledge for added effect. -showdown.moves.grasspledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... -showdown.moves.grasspledge.start=A swamp enveloped %s! -showdown.moves.grasspledge.end=The swamp around %s disappeared! +showdown.moves.grasspledge.desc=Si uno de los aliados del usuario elige usar Voto Fuego o Voto Agua este turno y aún no se ha movido, toma su turno inmediatamente después del usuario y el movimiento del usuario no hace nada. Si se combina con Voto Fuego, el aliado usa Voto Fuego con 150 de poder y aparece un mar de fuego en el lado del objetivo durante 4 turnos, lo que causa daño a los tipos que no son de Fuego igual a 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, en al final de cada turno durante el efecto, incluido el último turno. Si se combina con Voto Agua, el aliado usa Voto Planta con 150 de poder y aparece un pantano en el lado del objetivo durante 4 turnos, que reduce a un cuarto la Velocidad de cada Pokémon en ese lado. Cuando se usa como un movimiento combinado, este movimiento gana STAB sin importar cuál sea el tipo del usuario. Este movimiento no consume la Gema Planta del usuario. +showdown.moves.grasspledge.shortDesc=Úselo con Fire o Voto Agua para un efecto adicional. +showdown.moves.grasspledge.activate=%s está esperando el movimiento de %s... +showdown.moves.grasspledge.start=¡Un pantano envolvió a %s! +showdown.moves.grasspledge.end=¡El pantano alrededor de %s desapareció! -showdown.moves.grasswhistle.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.grasswhistle.shortDesc=Hace que el objetivo se duerma. -showdown.moves.grassyglide.desc=If the current terrain is Grassy Terrain and the user is grounded, this move has its priority increased by 1. -showdown.moves.grassyglide.shortDesc=User on Grassy Terrain: +1 priority. +showdown.moves.grassyglide.desc=Si el terreno actual es Campo de Hierba y el usuario está castigado, este movimiento tiene su prioridad aumentada en 1. +showdown.moves.grassyglide.shortDesc=Usuario en Campo de Hierba: prioridad +1. de Hierba -showdown.moves.grassyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. -showdown.moves.grassyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Grass power, +1/16 max HP. -showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Grassy Terrain. During the effect, the power of Grass-type attacks used by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5, the power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5, and grounded Pokemon have 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, restored at the end of each turn, including the last turn. Camouflage transforms the user into a Grass type, Nature Power becomes Energy Ball, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to cause sleep. Fails if the current terrain is Grassy Terrain. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el terreno se convierte en Campo de Hierba. Durante el efecto, el poder de los ataques de tipo Planta utilizados por Pokémon en el suelo se multiplica por 1,3, el poder de Terratemblor, Terremoto y Magnitud utilizados contra Pokémon en el suelo se multiplica por 0,5 y los Pokémon en el suelo tienen 1/16 de su PS máximo. redondeado hacia abajo, restaurado al final de cada turno, incluido el último turno. Camuflaje transforma al usuario en tipo Planta, Adaptación se convierte en Energibola y Daño Secreto tiene un 30% de posibilidades de provocar sueño. Falla si el terreno actual es Campo de Hierba. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.shortDesc=5 vueltas. Conectado a tierra: + potencia de hierba, +1/16 PS máximo. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el terreno se convierte en Campo de Hierba. Durante el efecto, el poder de los ataques de tipo Planta utilizados por Pokémon en el suelo se multiplica por 1,5, el poder de Terratemblor, Terremoto y Magnitud utilizados contra Pokémon en el suelo se multiplica por 0,5 y los Pokémon en el suelo tienen 1/16 de su PS máximo. redondeado hacia abajo, restaurado al final de cada turno, incluido el último turno. Camuflaje transforma al usuario en tipo Planta, Adaptación se convierte en Energibola y Daño Secreto tiene un 30% de posibilidades de provocar sueño. Falla si el terreno actual es Campo de Hierba. G -showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. Power is multiplied by 1.5 during Gravity's effect. -showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Target: 100% -1 Def. During Gravity: 1.5x power. +showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. El poder se multiplica por 1,5 durante el efecto de Gravedad. +showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Objetivo: 100% -1 Def. Durante Gravedad: 1,5x de potencia. -showdown.moves.gravity.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. -showdown.moves.gravity.shortDesc=5 turns: no Ground immunities, 1.67x accuracy. -showdown.moves.gravity.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected, but will be prevented at execution during this effect. -showdown.moves.gravity.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, Flying Press, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. -showdown.moves.gravity.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, and Telekinesis end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash, and Telekinesis are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. -showdown.moves.gravity.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the evasiveness of all active Pokemon is multiplied by 0.6. At the time of use, Bounce, Fly, and Magnet Rise end immediately for all active Pokemon. During the effect, Bounce, Fly, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, and Splash are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. Ground-type attacks, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability can affect Flying types or Pokemon with the Levitate Ability. Fails if this move is already in effect. +showdown.moves.gravity.desc=Durante 5 turnos, la evasión de todos los Pokémon activos se multiplica por 0,6. Al momento de su uso, Bote, Vuelo, Levitón, Caída Libre y Telequinesis finalizan inmediatamente para todos los Pokémon activos. Durante el efecto, Bote, Vuelo, Vueloing Press, Pat. Salto Alta, Patada Salto, Levitón, Caída Libre, Salpicadura y Telequinesis no pueden ser utilizados por todos los Pokémon activos. Los ataques de tipo Tierra, Púas, Tóxico Púas, Red Viscosa y la habilidad Trampa Arena pueden afectar a los tipos Vueloing o Pokémon con la habilidad Levitación. Falla si este movimiento ya está en vigor. +showdown.moves.gravity.shortDesc=5 turnos: sin inmunidades terrestres, precisión 1,67x. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen7.desc=Durante 5 turnos, la evasión de todos los Pokémon activos se multiplica por 0,6. Al momento de su uso, Bote, Vuelo, Levitón, Caída Libre y Telequinesis finalizan inmediatamente para todos los Pokémon activos. Durante el efecto, Bote, Vuelo, Vueloing Press, Pat. Salto Alta, Patada Salto, Levitón, Caída Libre, Salpicadura y Telequinesis no pueden ser utilizados por todos los Pokémon activos. Los ataques de tipo Tierra, Púas, Tóxico Púas, Red Viscosa y la habilidad Trampa Arena pueden afectar a los tipos Vueloing o Pokémon con la habilidad Levitación. Falla si este movimiento ya está en vigor. Aún se pueden seleccionar movimientos relevantes con Z-Powered, pero se impedirán su ejecución durante este efecto. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen6.desc=Durante 5 turnos, la evasión de todos los Pokémon activos se multiplica por 0,6. Al momento de su uso, Bote, Vuelo, Levitón, Caída Libre y Telequinesis finalizan inmediatamente para todos los Pokémon activos. Durante el efecto, Bote, Vuelo, Vueloing Press, Pat. Salto Alta, Patada Salto, Levitón, Caída Libre, Salpicadura y Telequinesis no pueden ser utilizados por todos los Pokémon activos. Los ataques de tipo Tierra, Púas, Tóxico Púas, Red Viscosa y la habilidad Trampa Arena pueden afectar a los tipos Vueloing o Pokémon con la habilidad Levitación. Falla si este movimiento ya está en vigor. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen5.desc=Durante 5 turnos, la evasión de todos los Pokémon activos se multiplica por 0,6. Al momento de su uso, Bote, Vuelo, Levitón, Caída Libre y Telequinesis finalizan inmediatamente para todos los Pokémon activos. Durante el efecto, Bote, Vuelo, Pat. Salto Alta, Patada Salto, Levitón, Caída Libre, Salpicadura y Telequinesis no pueden ser utilizados por todos los Pokémon activos. Los ataques de tipo Tierra, Púas, Tóxico Púas y la habilidad Trampa Arena pueden afectar a los tipos Vueloing o Pokémon con la habilidad Levitación. Falla si este movimiento ya está en vigor. +showdown.moves.gravity.gen4.desc=Durante 5 turnos, la evasión de todos los Pokémon activos se multiplica por 0,6. En el momento de su uso, Bote, Vuelo y Levitón finalizan inmediatamente para todos los Pokémon activos. Durante el efecto, Bote, Vuelo, Pat. Salto Alta, Patada Salto, Levitón y Salpicadura no pueden ser utilizados por todos los Pokémon activos. Los ataques de tipo Tierra, Púas, Tóxico Púas y la habilidad Trampa Arena pueden afectar a los tipos Vueloing o Pokémon con la habilidad Levitación. Falla si este movimiento ya está en vigor.ñido -showdown.moves.growl.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.growl.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Attack by 1. -showdown.moves.growl.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.growl.desc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.growl.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque del enemigo en 1. +showdown.moves.growl.gen2.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.growth.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella, this move will only raise the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage, even if the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land. -showdown.moves.growth.shortDesc=Raises user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1; 2 in Sun. -showdown.moves.growth.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day or Desolate Land, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.growth.gen5.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.growth.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.growth.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1. -showdown.moves.growth.gen1.desc=Raises the user's Special by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.growth.gen1.shortDesc=Raises the user's Special by 1. +showdown.moves.growth.desc=Aumenta el ataque y el ataque especial del usuario en 1 nivel. Si el clima es Día Soleado o Tierra del Ocaso, este movimiento aumenta el Ataque y el Ataque Especial del usuario en 2 etapas. Si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso, este movimiento solo aumentará el Ataque y el Ataque Especial del usuario en 1 nivel, incluso si el clima es Día Soleado o Tierra del Ocaso. +showdown.moves.growth.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque y el sp del usuario. Ataque por 1; 2 en domingo. +showdown.moves.growth.gen7.desc=Aumenta el ataque y el ataque especial del usuario en 1 nivel. Si el clima es Día Soleado o Tierra del Ocaso, este movimiento aumenta el Ataque y el Ataque Especial del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.growth.gen5.desc=Aumenta el ataque y el ataque especial del usuario en 1 nivel. Si el clima es Día Soleado, este movimiento aumenta el Ataque y el Ataque Especial del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.growth.gen4.desc=Aumenta el ataque especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.growth.gen4.shortDesc=Aumenta el Sp del usuario. Atq por 1. +showdown.moves.growth.gen1.desc=Aumenta el Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.growth.gen1.shortDesc=Aumenta el Especial del usuario en 1. -showdown.moves.grudge.desc=Until the user's next turn, if an opposing Pokemon's attack knocks the user out, that move loses all its remaining PP. -showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=If the user faints, the attack used loses all its PP. -showdown.moves.grudge.activate=%s's %s lost all of its PP due to the grudge! -showdown.moves.grudge.start=%s wants its target to bear a grudge! +showdown.moves.grudge.desc=Hasta el próximo turno del usuario, si el ataque de un Pokémon contrario lo noquea, ese movimiento pierde todos sus PP restantes. +showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=Si el usuario se desmaya, el ataque utilizado pierde todos sus PP. +showdown.moves.grudge.activate=¡%s de %s perdió todos sus PP debido al rencor! +showdown.moves.grudge.start=¡%s quiere que su objetivo le guarde rencor!ólera del Guardián -showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to 3/4 of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 3/4 target's current HP. +showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo equivalente a 3/4 de su PS actual, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Hace un daño equivalente a 3/4 del PS actual del objetivo. -showdown.moves.guardsplit.desc=The user and the target have their Defense and Special Defense stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Defense and Special Defense stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. -showdown.moves.guardsplit.shortDesc=Averages Defense and Sp. Def stats with target. -showdown.moves.guardsplit.activate=%s shared its guard with the target! +showdown.moves.guardsplit.desc=El usuario y el objetivo tienen sus estadísticas de Defensa y Defensa Especial configuradas para que sean iguales al promedio de las estadísticas de Defensa y Defensa Especial del usuario y del objetivo, respectivamente, redondeadas hacia abajo. Los cambios en la etapa de estadísticas no se ven afectados. +showdown.moves.guardsplit.shortDesc=Promedios Defensa y Sp. Estadísticas de defensa con objetivo. +showdown.moves.guardsplit.activate=¡%s compartió su guardia con el objetivo! -showdown.moves.guardswap.desc=The user swaps its Defense and Special Defense stat stage changes with the target. -showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Swaps Defense and Sp. Def changes with target. +showdown.moves.guardswap.desc=El usuario intercambia sus cambios de etapa de estadísticas de Defensa y Defensa Especial con el objetivo. +showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Intercambia Defensa y Sp. La definición cambia con el objetivo. -showdown.moves.guillotine.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.guillotine.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. -showdown.moves.guillotine.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. -showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. -showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. +showdown.moves.guillotine.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual al PS máximo del objetivo. Ignora los modificadores de precisión y evasión. La precisión de este ataque es igual a (nivel del usuario - nivel del objetivo + 30)% y falla si el objetivo está en un nivel superior. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Robustez son inmunes. +showdown.moves.guillotine.shortDesc=OHKO al objetivo. Falla si el usuario es de un nivel inferior. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen2.desc=Inflige 65535 de daño al objetivo. La precisión de este ataque de 256 es igual al menor de (2 * (nivel del usuario - nivel del objetivo) + 76) y 255, antes de aplicar modificadores de precisión y evasión. Falla si el objetivo está en un nivel superior. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.desc=Inflige 65535 de daño al objetivo. Falla si la velocidad del objetivo es mayor que la del usuario. +showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.shortDesc=Inflige 65535 de daño. Falla si el objetivo es más rápido. -showdown.moves.gunkshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.gunkshot.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.gunkshot.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.gunkshot.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. -showdown.moves.gust.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.gust.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce, Fly, and Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.gust.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. -showdown.moves.gust.gen4.shortDesc=Power doubles during Bounce and Fly. -showdown.moves.gust.gen2.desc=Power doubles if the target is using Fly. -showdown.moves.gust.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles during Fly. +showdown.moves.gust.desc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está usando Bote, Vuelo o Caída Libre, o está bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. +showdown.moves.gust.shortDesc=La energía se duplica durante Bote, Vuelo y Caída Libre. +showdown.moves.gust.gen4.desc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está usando Bote o Vuelo. +showdown.moves.gust.gen4.shortDesc=La potencia se duplica durante Bote y Vuelo. +showdown.moves.gust.gen2.desc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está usando Vuelo. +showdown.moves.gust.gen2.shortDesc=La potencia se duplica durante Vuelo. showdown.moves.gust.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.gust.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Bola -showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, this move's power is 1. -showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=More power the slower the user than the target. -showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=Power is equal to (25 * target's current Speed / user's current Speed) + 1, rounded down, but not more than 150. If the user's current Speed is 0, it is treated as 1 instead. +showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=El poder es igual a (25 * Velocidad actual del objetivo / Velocidad actual del usuario) + 1, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no más de 150. Si la Velocidad actual del usuario es 0, el poder de este movimiento es 1. +showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=Más potencia cuanto más lento sea el usuario que el objetivo. +showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=El poder es igual a (25 * Velocidad actual del objetivo / Velocidad actual del usuario) + 1, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no más de 150. Si la Velocidad actual del usuario es 0, se trata como 1. -showdown.moves.hail.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, Overcoat, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. -showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=For 5 turns, hail crashes down. -showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type or have the Ice Body, Magic Guard, or Snow Cloak Abilities. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Hail. -showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Hail. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are an Ice type. Fails if the current weather is Hail. +showdown.moves.hail.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se vuelve Granizo. Al final de cada turno, excepto el último, todos los Pokémon activos pierden 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, a menos que sean de tipo Hielo o tengan las habilidades Eishaut, Muro Mágico, Funda o Manto Níveo. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Roca Helada. Falla si el clima actual es Granizo. +showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, el granizo cae. +showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se vuelve Granizo. Al final de cada turno, excepto el último, todos los Pokémon activos pierden 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, a menos que sean de tipo Hielo o tengan las habilidades Eishaut, Muro Mágico o Manto Níveo. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Roca Helada. Falla si el clima actual es Granizo. +showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se vuelve Granizo. Al final de cada turno, excepto el último, todos los Pokémon activos pierden 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, a menos que sean de tipo Hielo. Falla si el clima actual es Granizo. -showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Reduce la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Reduce la velocidad del usuario en 1. Extra -showdown.moves.happyhour.shortDesc=No competitive use. -showdown.moves.happyhour.activate=Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere! +showdown.moves.happyhour.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo. +showdown.moves.happyhour.activate=¡Todos están atrapados en la atmósfera feliz! -showdown.moves.harden.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.harden.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.harden.desc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.harden.shortDesc=Aumenta la Defensa del usuario en 1. -showdown.moves.haze.desc=Resets the stat stages of all active Pokemon to 0. -showdown.moves.haze.shortDesc=Eliminates all stat changes. -showdown.moves.haze.gen1.desc=Resets the stat stages of both Pokemon to 0 and removes stat reductions due to burn and paralysis. Resets Toxic counters to 0 and removes the effect of confusion, Disable, Focus Energy, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Mist, and Reflect from both Pokemon. Removes the opponent's non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.haze.gen1.shortDesc=Resets all stat changes. Removes foe's status. -showdown.moves.haze.activate=All STATUS changes are eliminated! +showdown.moves.haze.desc=Restablece las etapas de estadísticas de todos los Pokémon activos a 0. +showdown.moves.haze.shortDesc=Elimina todos los cambios de estadísticas. +showdown.moves.haze.gen1.desc=Restablece las etapas de estadísticas de ambos Pokémon a 0 y elimina las reducciones de estadísticas debido a quemaduras y parálisis. Restablece los contadores de Tóxico a 0 y elimina el efecto de confusión, Anulación, Foco Energía, Drenadoras, Pantalla de Luz, Neblina y Reflejo de ambos Pokémon. Elimina la condición de estado no volátil del oponente. +showdown.moves.haze.gen1.shortDesc=Restablece todos los cambios de estadísticas. Elimina el estado del enemigo. +showdown.moves.haze.activate=¡Se eliminan todos los cambios de ESTADO! Cabeza -showdown.moves.headbutt.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.headbutt.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. -showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Tiene 1/4 de retroceso. -showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Reduce la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Reduce la Defensa y Sp. del usuario. Def por 1. -showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. -showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Tiene 1/2 retroceso. +showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. Cura -showdown.moves.healbell.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured, unless they are the user. -showdown.moves.healbell.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. -showdown.moves.healbell.gen7.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. -showdown.moves.healbell.gen5.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Active Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are also cured. -showdown.moves.healbell.gen4.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. Pokemon with the Soundproof Ability are not cured. -showdown.moves.healbell.gen2.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.healbell.activate=A bell chimed! +showdown.moves.healbell.desc=Todos los Pokémon del grupo del usuario se curan de su condición de estado no volátil. Los Pokémon activos con la habilidad Insonorizar no se curan, a menos que sean el usuario. +showdown.moves.healbell.shortDesc=Cura al grupo del usuario de todas las condiciones de estado. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen7.desc=Todos los Pokémon del grupo del usuario se curan de su condición de estado no volátil. Los Pokémon activos con la habilidad Insonorizar no se curan. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen5.desc=Todos los Pokémon del grupo del usuario se curan de su condición de estado no volátil. Los Pokémon activos con la habilidad Insonorizar también se curan. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen4.desc=Todos los Pokémon del grupo del usuario se curan de su condición de estado no volátil. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Insonorizar no se curan. +showdown.moves.healbell.gen2.desc=Todos los Pokémon del grupo del usuario se curan de su condición de estado no volátil. +showdown.moves.healbell.activate=¡Sonó una campana! -showdown.moves.healblock.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. -showdown.moves.healblock.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the foe(s) is prevented from healing. -showdown.moves.healblock.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. Relevant Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.healblock.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing and draining moves are unusable, and Abilities and items that grant healing will not heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain unable to restore its HP. Pain Split and the Regenerator Ability are unaffected. -showdown.moves.healblock.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. During the effect, healing moves are unusable, move effects that grant healing will not heal, but Abilities and items will continue to heal the user. If an affected Pokemon uses Baton Pass, the replacement will remain under the effect. Pain Split is unaffected. -showdown.moves.healblock.start=%s was prevented from healing! -showdown.moves.healblock.end=%s's Heal Block wore off! -showdown.moves.healblock.cant=%s can't use %s because of Heal Block! it failed to affect %s! +showdown.moves.healblock.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el objetivo no puede restaurar PS mientras permanezca activo. Durante el efecto, los movimientos de curación y drenaje no se pueden utilizar, y las habilidades y elementos que otorgan curación no curarán al usuario. Si un Pokémon afectado usa Relevo, el reemplazo seguirá sin poder restaurar su PS. Divide Dolor y la habilidad de Regeneración no se ven afectadas. +showdown.moves.healblock.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, se impide que el enemigo se cure. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen7.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el objetivo no puede restaurar PS mientras permanezca activo. Durante el efecto, los movimientos de curación y drenaje no se pueden utilizar, y las habilidades y elementos que otorgan curación no curarán al usuario. Si un Pokémon afectado usa Relevo, el reemplazo seguirá sin poder restaurar su PS. Divide Dolor y la habilidad de Regeneración no se ven afectadas. Los movimientos relevantes de Z-Powered aún se pueden seleccionar y ejecutar durante este efecto. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen6.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el objetivo no puede restaurar PS mientras permanezca activo. Durante el efecto, los movimientos de curación y drenaje no se pueden utilizar, y las habilidades y elementos que otorgan curación no curarán al usuario. Si un Pokémon afectado usa Relevo, el reemplazo seguirá sin poder restaurar su PS. Divide Dolor y la habilidad de Regeneración no se ven afectadas. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen4.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el objetivo no puede restaurar PS mientras permanezca activo. Durante el efecto, los movimientos de curación no se pueden utilizar, los efectos de movimiento que otorgan curación no sanarán, pero las habilidades y elementos seguirán sanando al usuario. Si un Pokémon afectado usa Relevo, el reemplazo permanecerá bajo el efecto. Divide Dolor no se ve afectada. +showdown.moves.healblock.start=¡A %s se le impidió sanar! +showdown.moves.healblock.end=¡El Anticura de %s desapareció! +showdown.moves.healblock.cant=¡%s no puede usar %s debido a Anticura!¡Pero no logró afectar a %s! Cura -showdown.moves.healingwish.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP is fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets either of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.healingwish.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pokemon is fully healed. -showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed. -showdown.moves.healingwish.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.healingwish.heal=The healing wish came true for %s! +showdown.moves.healingwish.desc=El usuario se desmaya, y si el Pokémon que se trae para reemplazarlo no tiene PS completo o tiene una condición de estado no volátil, su PS se restaura por completo y se cura cualquier condición de estado no volátil. El reemplazo se envía al final del turno y la curación se produce antes de que los peligros entren en vigor. Este efecto continúa hasta que un Pokémon que cumple cualquiera de estas condiciones cambia a la posición del usuario o es intercambiado a la posición con Cambio de Banda. Falla si el usuario es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo. +showdown.moves.healingwish.shortDesc=El usuario se desmaya. El siguiente Pokémon herido está completamente curado. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=El usuario se desmaya y el Pokémon traído para reemplazarlo tiene su PS completamente restaurado y se cura cualquier condición de estado no volátil. El nuevo Pokémon se envía al final del turno y la curación se produce antes de que los peligros entren en vigor. Falla si el usuario es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.shortDesc=El usuario se desmaya. El reemplazo está completamente curado. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen4.desc=El usuario se desmaya y el Pokémon traído para reemplazarlo tiene su PS completamente restaurado y se cura cualquier condición de estado no volátil. El nuevo Pokémon se envía inmediatamente y la curación se produce después de que los peligros entren en vigor. Falla si el usuario es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo. +showdown.moves.healingwish.heal=¡El deseo de curación se hizo realidad para %s! -showdown.moves.healorder.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.healorder.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. +showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Cura al usuario en un 50% de su PS máximo. +showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Cura -showdown.moves.healpulse.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user has the Mega Launcher Ability, the target instead restores 3/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.healpulse.shortDesc=Heals the target by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.healpulse.gen5.desc=The target restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. +showdown.moves.healpulse.desc=El objetivo recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Megadisparador, el objetivo restaura 3/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.healpulse.shortDesc=Cura al objetivo en un 50% de su PS máximo. +showdown.moves.healpulse.gen5.desc=El objetivo recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. -showdown.moves.heartstamp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.heartstamp.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. -showdown.moves.heartswap.desc=The user swaps all its stat stage changes with the target. -showdown.moves.heartswap.shortDesc=Swaps all stat changes with target. +showdown.moves.heartswap.desc=El usuario intercambia todos sus cambios de etapa de estadísticas con el objetivo. +showdown.moves.heartswap.shortDesc=Intercambia todos los cambios de estadísticas con el objetivo. Calor -showdown.moves.heatcrash.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.heatcrash.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. -showdown.moves.heatcrash.gen5.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. +showdown.moves.heatcrash.desc=El poder de este movimiento depende de (peso del usuario / peso del objetivo), redondeado hacia abajo. La potencia es igual a 120 si el resultado es 5 o más, 100 si 4, 80 si 3, 60 si 2 y 40 si 1 o menos. El daño se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras estaba activo. +showdown.moves.heatcrash.shortDesc=Más potencia cuanto más pesado sea el usuario que el objetivo. +showdown.moves.heatcrash.gen5.desc=El poder de este movimiento depende de (peso del usuario / peso del objetivo), redondeado hacia abajo. La potencia es igual a 120 si el resultado es 5 o más, 100 si 4, 80 si 3, 60 si 2 y 40 si 1 o menos. Ígnea -showdown.moves.heatwave.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.heatwave.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the foe(s). +showdown.moves.heatwave.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.heatwave.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de quemar a los enemigos. Pesado -showdown.moves.heavyslam.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.heavyslam.shortDesc=More power the heavier the user than the target. -showdown.moves.heavyslam.gen6.desc=The power of this move depends on (user's weight / target's weight), rounded down. Power is equal to 120 if the result is 5 or more, 100 if 4, 80 if 3, 60 if 2, and 40 if 1 or less. +showdown.moves.heavyslam.desc=El poder de este movimiento depende de (peso del usuario / peso del objetivo), redondeado hacia abajo. La potencia es igual a 120 si el resultado es 5 o más, 100 si 4, 80 si 3, 60 si 2 y 40 si 1 o menos. El daño se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras estaba activo. +showdown.moves.heavyslam.shortDesc=Más potencia cuanto más pesado sea el usuario que el objetivo. +showdown.moves.heavyslam.gen6.desc=El poder de este movimiento depende de (peso del usuario / peso del objetivo), redondeado hacia abajo. La potencia es igual a 120 si el resultado es 5 o más, 100 si 4, 80 si 3, 60 si 2 y 40 si 1 o menos. -showdown.moves.helpinghand.desc=The power of the target's attack this turn is multiplied by 1.5 (this effect is stackable). Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user or if the ally already moved this turn, but does not fail if the ally is using a two-turn move. -showdown.moves.helpinghand.shortDesc=One adjacent ally's move power is 1.5x this turn. -showdown.moves.helpinghand.start=%s is ready to help %s! +showdown.moves.helpinghand.desc=El poder del ataque del objetivo este turno se multiplica por 1,5 (este efecto es acumulable). Falla si no hay ningún aliado adyacente al usuario o si el aliado ya se movió este turno, pero no falla si el aliado está usando un movimiento de dos turnos. +showdown.moves.helpinghand.shortDesc=El poder de movimiento de un aliado adyacente es 1,5 veces este turno. +showdown.moves.helpinghand.start=¡%s está listo para ayudar a %s! -showdown.moves.hex.desc=Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.hex.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target has a status ailment. -showdown.moves.hiddenpower.desc=This move's type depends on the user's individual values (IVs), and can be any type but Fairy and Normal. -showdown.moves.hiddenpower.shortDesc=Varies in type based on the user's IVs. -showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.desc=This move's type and power depend on the user's individual values (IVs). Power varies between 30 and 70, and type can be any but Normal. -showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.shortDesc=Varies in power and type based on the user's IVs. +showdown.moves.hex.desc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo tiene una condición de estado no volátil. +showdown.moves.hex.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo tiene un estado alterado. Oculto +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.desc=El tipo de este movimiento depende de los valores individuales (IV) del usuario y puede ser de cualquier tipo excepto Hada y Normal. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.shortDesc=Varía en tipo según los IV del usuario. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.desc=El tipo y el poder de este movimiento dependen de los valores individuales (IV) del usuario. La potencia varía entre 30 y 70, y el tipo puede ser cualquiera menos Normal. +showdown.moves.hiddenpower.gen5.shortDesc=Varía en potencia y tipo según los IV del usuario. Power Bug Power Dark Power Dragon @@ -12929,491 +12929,491 @@ Power Water Equina showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Salto Alta -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to 1/8 the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, as crash damage. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=Si este ataque no tiene éxito, el usuario pierde la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, como daño por choque. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Muro Mágico no se ven afectados por el daño por choque. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=El usuario resulta herido con el 50% de su PS máximo si falla. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.desc=Si este ataque no tiene éxito, el usuario pierde PS equivalente a la mitad del PS máximo del objetivo si el objetivo fuera inmune, redondeado hacia abajo; de lo contrario, la mitad del daño que el objetivo habría recibido, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS y no más. más de la mitad del PS máximo del objetivo, como daño por choque. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Muro Mágico no se ven afectados por el daño por choque. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=Si falla, el usuario recibe la mitad del daño que habría causado. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.desc=Si este ataque no tiene éxito y el objetivo no era inmune, el usuario pierde PS equivalente a la mitad del daño que el objetivo habría recibido, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS y no más de la mitad del PS máximo del objetivo, como daños por choque. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=Si falla, el usuario recibe la mitad del daño que habría causado. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.desc=Si este ataque no tiene éxito y el objetivo no era inmune, el usuario pierde PS equivalente a 1/8 del daño que el objetivo habría recibido, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS, como daño por choque. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=Si falla, el usuario recibe 1/8 del daño que habría causado. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.desc=Si este ataque no alcanza el objetivo, el usuario sufre 1 PS de daño por choque. Si el usuario tiene un sustituto, el daño por choque se inflige al sustituto del objetivo si lo tiene; de lo contrario, no se inflige daño por choque. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=El usuario recibe 1 PS de daño si falla. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.damage=¡%s siguió adelante y se estrelló! -showdown.moves.holdback.desc=Leaves the target with at least 1 HP. -showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. +showdown.moves.holdback.desc=Deja al objetivo con al menos 1 PS. +showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Siempre deja al objetivo con al menos 1 PS. Juntas -showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=No competitive use. Fails if there is no ally adjacent to the user. -showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=Sin uso competitivo. Falla si no hay ningún aliado adyacente al usuario. +showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo. -showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.honeclaws.desc=Aumenta el ataque y la precisión del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque y la precisión del usuario en 1. showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. -showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. This attack's accuracy out of 256 is equal to the lesser of (2 * (user's level - target's level) + 76) and 255, before applying accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. Fails if the target is at a higher level. -showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.desc=Deals 65535 damage to the target. Fails if the target's Speed is greater than the user's. -showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Deals 65535 damage. Fails if target is faster. +showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual al PS máximo del objetivo. Ignora los modificadores de precisión y evasión. La precisión de este ataque es igual a (nivel del usuario - nivel del objetivo + 30)% y falla si el objetivo está en un nivel superior. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Robustez son inmunes. +showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKO al objetivo. Falla si el usuario es de un nivel inferior. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Inflige 65535 de daño al objetivo. La precisión de este ataque de 256 es igual al menor de (2 * (nivel del usuario - nivel del objetivo) + 76) y 255, antes de aplicar modificadores de precisión y evasión. Falla si el objetivo está en un nivel superior. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.desc=Inflige 65535 de daño al objetivo. Falla si la velocidad del objetivo es mayor que la del usuario. +showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Inflige 65535 de daño. Falla si el objetivo es más rápido. Drenaje -showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 50% del daño causado. -showdown.moves.howl.desc=Raises the Attack of the user and all allies 1 stage. -showdown.moves.howl.shortDesc=Raises the user's and ally's Attack by 1. -showdown.moves.howl.gen7.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.howl.gen7.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.howl.desc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario y de todos los aliados 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.howl.shortDesc=Aumenta en 1 el ataque del usuario y del aliado. +showdown.moves.howl.gen7.desc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.howl.gen7.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 1. -showdown.moves.hurricane.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. -showdown.moves.hurricane.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse target. Can't miss in rain. -showdown.moves.hurricane.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. -showdown.moves.hurricane.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. +showdown.moves.hurricane.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Bote, Vuelo o Caída Libre, o está bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. Si el tiempo es Mar del Albor o Danza Lluvia, este movimiento no comprueba la precisión. Si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, la precisión de este movimiento es del 50%. Si este movimiento se usa contra un Pokémon que tiene Parasol Multiuso, la precisión de este movimiento permanece en 70%. +showdown.moves.hurricane.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo. No te puedes perder bajo la lluvia. +showdown.moves.hurricane.gen7.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Bote, Vuelo o Caída Libre, o está bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. Si el tiempo es Mar del Albor o Danza Lluvia, este movimiento no comprueba la precisión. Si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, la precisión de este movimiento es del 50%. +showdown.moves.hurricane.gen5.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Bote, Vuelo o Caída Libre, o está bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. Si el clima es Danza Lluvia, este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Si el clima es Día Soleado, la precisión de este movimiento es del 50%.ñón -showdown.moves.hydrocannon.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.hydrocannon.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.hydrocannon.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento. +showdown.moves.hydrocannon.shortDesc=El usuario no puede moverse en el siguiente turno. showdown.moves.hydropump.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=If the current weather is Sunny Day and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella, this move's damage is multiplied by 1.5 instead of halved for being Water type. -showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=During Sunny Day: 1.5x damage instead of half. +showdown.moves.hydrosteam.desc=Si el clima actual es Día Soleado y el usuario no tiene Parasol Multiuso, el daño de este movimiento se multiplica por 1,5 en lugar de reducirse a la mitad por ser de tipo Agua. +showdown.moves.hydrosteam.shortDesc=Durante el Día Soleado: 1,5x daño en lugar de la mitad.órtice Abisal -showdown.moves.hydrovortex.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.hydrovortex.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. -showdown.moves.hyperbeam.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.hyperbeam.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. -showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move, unless the target or its substitute was knocked out by this move. -showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Can't move next turn if target or sub is not KOed. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.shortDesc=El usuario no puede moverse en el siguiente turno. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento, a menos que el objetivo o su sustituto haya sido noqueado por este movimiento. +showdown.moves.hyperbeam.gen1.shortDesc=No se puede mover el próximo turno si el objetivo o el submarino no están KO. -showdown.moves.hyperdrill.shortDesc=Bypasses protection without breaking it. +showdown.moves.hyperdrill.shortDesc=Pasa por alto la protección sin romperla. -showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Dimensión -showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Lowers user's Def by 1; breaks protect. -showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage. This move cannot be used successfully unless the user's current form, while considering Transform, is Hoopa Unbound. If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.activate=It broke through %s's protection! %s can't use the move! +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.desc=Reduce la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. Este movimiento no se puede utilizar con éxito a menos que la forma actual del usuario, al considerar Transformación, sea Hoopa Unbound. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa el Búnker, Detección, Escudo del Rey, Protección o Barrera Espinosa del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el lado del objetivo está protegido por Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del objetivo normalmente. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Reduce la Def del usuario en 1; las roturas protegen. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Reduce la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. Este movimiento no se puede utilizar con éxito a menos que la forma actual del usuario, al considerar Transformación, sea Hoopa Unbound. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa la Detección, el Escudo del Rey, la Protección o la Barrera Espinosa del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el lado del objetivo está protegido por Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del objetivo normalmente. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.activate=¡Rompió la protección de %s!¡Pero %s no puede usar el movimiento! Dimensional -showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Breaks the target's protection for this turn. -showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. -showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=It broke through %s's protection! +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa el Búnker, Detección, Escudo del Rey, Protección o Barrera Espinosa del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el lado del objetivo está protegido por Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del objetivo normalmente. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.shortDesc=Rompe la protección del objetivo durante este turno. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.gen6.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa la Detección, el Escudo del Rey, la Protección o la Barrera Espinosa del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el lado del objetivo está protegido por Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del objetivo normalmente. +showdown.moves.hyperspacehole.activate=¡Rompió la protección de %s!ón showdown.moves.hypervoice.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.hypervoice.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes. -showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.hypnosis.shortDesc=Hace que el objetivo se duerma. Hielo -showdown.moves.iceball.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. -showdown.moves.iceball.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. -showdown.moves.iceball.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. -showdown.moves.iceball.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. +showdown.moves.iceball.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario queda atrapado en este movimiento y no puede realizar otro movimiento hasta que falle, hayan pasado 5 turnos o el ataque no pueda usarse. El poder se duplica con cada golpe exitoso de este movimiento y se duplica nuevamente si el usuario utilizó previamente Rizo Defensa. Si este movimiento es llamado por Sonámbulo, el movimiento se usa por un turno. +showdown.moves.iceball.shortDesc=El poder se duplica con cada golpe. Se repite durante 5 turnos. +showdown.moves.iceball.gen7.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario queda atrapado en este movimiento y no puede realizar otro movimiento hasta que falle, hayan pasado 5 turnos o el ataque no pueda usarse. El poder se duplica con cada golpe exitoso de este movimiento y se duplica nuevamente si el usuario utilizó previamente Rizo Defensa. Si este movimiento es llamado por Sonámbulo, el movimiento se usa por un turno. Si este movimiento golpea a un Disfraz activo durante el efecto, el multiplicador de poder se detiene pero el contador de turnos no, lo que potencialmente permite que el multiplicador se use en el siguiente movimiento del usuario después de que finalice este efecto. +showdown.moves.iceball.gen6.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario queda atrapado en este movimiento y no puede realizar otro movimiento hasta que falle, hayan pasado 5 turnos o el ataque no pueda usarse. El poder se duplica con cada golpe exitoso de este movimiento y se duplica nuevamente si el usuario utilizó previamente Rizo Defensa. Si este movimiento es llamado por Sonámbulo, el movimiento se usa por un turno. Hielo -showdown.moves.icebeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.icebeam.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.icebeam.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de congelar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.icebeam.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelar al objetivo. Gélida -showdown.moves.iceburn.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.iceburn.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. 30% burn. -showdown.moves.iceburn.prepare=%s became cloaked in freezing air! +showdown.moves.iceburn.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.iceburn.shortDesc=Cargas turno 1. Golpes turno 2. 30% de quema. +showdown.moves.iceburn.prepare=¡%s quedó envuelto en aire helado! Hielo -showdown.moves.icefang.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. -showdown.moves.icefang.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze. 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.moves.icefang.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de congelar al objetivo y un 10% de posibilidades de hacerlo retroceder. +showdown.moves.icefang.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelarse. 10% de posibilidades de estremecerse. Hielo -showdown.moves.icehammer.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.icehammer.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.icehammer.desc=Reduce la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.icehammer.shortDesc=Reduce la velocidad del usuario en 1.ño Hielo -showdown.moves.icepunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.icepunch.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.icepunch.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de congelar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.icepunch.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelar al objetivo. Helada showdown.moves.iceshard.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.iceshard.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.iceshard.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. Helada -showdown.moves.icespinner.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.icespinner.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. +showdown.moves.icespinner.desc=Finaliza los efectos de Campo Eléctrico, Campo de Hierba, Campo de Niebla y Campo Psíquico. +showdown.moves.icespinner.shortDesc=Acaba con los efectos del terreno. -showdown.moves.iciclecrash.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.iciclecrash.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.iciclecrash.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.iciclecrash.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca.ámbano -showdown.moves.iciclespear.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.iciclespear.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Hielo -showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.icywind.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.icywind.gen2.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.icywind.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del enemigo en 1. +showdown.moves.icywind.gen2.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la Velocidad del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.imprison.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. -showdown.moves.imprison.shortDesc=No foe can use any move known by the user. -showdown.moves.imprison.gen7.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.imprison.gen6.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. -showdown.moves.imprison.gen4.desc=The user prevents all opposing Pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active. Fails if no opposing Pokemon know any of the user's moves. -showdown.moves.imprison.start=%s sealed any moves its target shares with it! -showdown.moves.imprison.cant=%s can't use its sealed %s! +showdown.moves.imprison.desc=El usuario evita que todos los Pokémon oponentes usen cualquier movimiento que el usuario también conozca siempre que permanezca activo. +showdown.moves.imprison.shortDesc=Ningún enemigo puede utilizar ningún movimiento conocido por el usuario. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen7.desc=El usuario evita que todos los Pokémon oponentes usen cualquier movimiento que el usuario también conozca siempre que permanezca activo. Los movimientos impulsados por Z aún se pueden seleccionar y ejecutar durante este efecto. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen6.desc=El usuario evita que todos los Pokémon oponentes usen cualquier movimiento que el usuario también conozca siempre que permanezca activo. +showdown.moves.imprison.gen4.desc=El usuario evita que todos los Pokémon oponentes usen cualquier movimiento que el usuario también conozca siempre que permanezca activo. Falla si ningún Pokémon contrario conoce ninguno de los movimientos del usuario. +showdown.moves.imprison.start=¡%s selló cualquier movimiento que su objetivo compartiera con él! +showdown.moves.imprison.cant=¡%s no puede usar su %s sellado!ón -showdown.moves.incinerate.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry or a Gem. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.incinerate.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry/Gem. -showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.desc=The target loses its held item if it is a Berry. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.shortDesc=Destroys the foe(s) Berry. -showdown.moves.incinerate.removeItem=%s's %s was burned up! +showdown.moves.incinerate.desc=El objetivo pierde el objeto que tiene si es una Baya o una Gema. Este movimiento no puede hacer que los Pokémon con la habilidad Viscosidad pierdan el objeto que tienen. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.incinerate.shortDesc=Destruye al enemigo Baya/Gem. +showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.desc=El objetivo pierde el objeto que tiene si es una Baya. Este movimiento no puede hacer que los Pokémon con la habilidad Viscosidad pierdan el objeto que tienen. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.incinerate.gen5.shortDesc=Destruye al enemigo Baya. +showdown.moves.incinerate.removeItem=¡El %s de %s se quemó! Espectral -showdown.moves.infernalparade.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. Power doubles if the target has a non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.infernalparade.shortDesc=30% burn. 2x power if target is already statused. +showdown.moves.infernalparade.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. El poder se duplica si el objetivo tiene una condición de estado no volátil. +showdown.moves.infernalparade.shortDesc=30% quema. 2x potencia si el objetivo ya está en estado. -showdown.moves.inferno.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.inferno.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. Pírica -showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. -showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.infestation.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.infestation.start=%s has been afflicted with an infestation by %s! +showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Autotomía, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 4-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.infestation.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.infestation.start=¡%s ha sido afectado por una infestación de %s! -showdown.moves.ingrain.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. -showdown.moves.ingrain.shortDesc=Traps/grounds user; heals 1/16 max HP per turn. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen7.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen5.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes and Toxic Spikes, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen4.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. During the effect, the user can be hit normally by Ground-type attacks and be affected by Spikes and Toxic Spikes, even if the user is a Flying type or has the Levitate Ability. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.desc=The user has 1/16 of its maximum HP restored at the end of each turn, but it is prevented from switching out and other Pokemon cannot force the user to switch out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, and the replacement will remain trapped and still receive the healing effect. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.shortDesc=User recovers 1/16 max HP per turn. Traps user. -showdown.moves.ingrain.start=%s planted its roots! -showdown.moves.ingrain.block=%s is anchored in place with its roots! -showdown.moves.ingrain.heal=%s absorbed nutrients with its roots! +showdown.moves.ingrain.desc=El usuario recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo al final de cada turno, pero no puede cambiar y otros Pokémon no pueden obligar al usuario a cambiar. El usuario aún puede cambiarse si usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el usuario abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo permanecerá atrapado y aún recibirá el efecto curativo. Durante el efecto, el usuario puede ser golpeado normalmente por ataques de tipo Tierra y verse afectado por Púas, Tóxico Púas y Red Viscosa, incluso si el usuario es del tipo Vueloing o tiene la habilidad Levitación. +showdown.moves.ingrain.shortDesc=Usuario de trampas/terrenos; cura 1/16 de PS máximo por turno. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen7.desc=El usuario recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo al final de cada turno, pero no puede cambiar y otros Pokémon no pueden obligar al usuario a cambiar. El usuario aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el usuario abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo permanecerá atrapado y aún recibirá el efecto curativo. Durante el efecto, el usuario puede ser golpeado normalmente por ataques de tipo Tierra y verse afectado por Púas, Tóxico Púas y Red Viscosa, incluso si el usuario es del tipo Vueloing o tiene la habilidad Levitación. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen5.desc=El usuario recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo al final de cada turno, pero no puede cambiar y otros Pokémon no pueden obligar al usuario a cambiar. El usuario aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el usuario abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo permanecerá atrapado y aún recibirá el efecto curativo. Durante el efecto, el usuario puede ser golpeado normalmente por ataques de tipo Tierra y verse afectado por Púas y Tóxico Púas, incluso si el usuario es del tipo Vueloing o tiene la habilidad Levitación. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo al final de cada turno, pero no puede cambiar y otros Pokémon no pueden obligar al usuario a cambiar. El usuario aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. Si el usuario abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo permanecerá atrapado y aún recibirá el efecto curativo. Durante el efecto, el usuario puede ser golpeado normalmente por ataques de tipo Tierra y verse afectado por Púas y Tóxico Púas, incluso si el usuario es del tipo Vueloing o tiene la habilidad Levitación. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.desc=El usuario recupera 1/16 de su PS máximo al final de cada turno, pero no puede cambiar y otros Pokémon no pueden obligar al usuario a cambiar. El usuario aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo, y el reemplazo permanecerá atrapado y aún recibirá el efecto curativo. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.shortDesc=El usuario recupera 1/16 de PS máximo por turno. Usuario de trampas. +showdown.moves.ingrain.start=¡%s plantó sus raíces! +showdown.moves.ingrain.block=¡%s está anclado en su lugar con sus raíces! +showdown.moves.ingrain.heal=¡%s absorbió nutrientes con sus raíces! -showdown.moves.instruct.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, Wicked Torque, any two-turn move, or any recharge move. -showdown.moves.instruct.shortDesc=The target immediately uses its last used move. -showdown.moves.instruct.gen8.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is Dynamaxed, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Obstruct, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Max or G-Max Move. -showdown.moves.instruct.gen7.desc=The target immediately uses its last used move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, if the target is preparing to use Beak Blast, Focus Punch, or Shell Trap, or if the move is Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Ice Ball, Instruct, King's Shield, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Outrage, Petal Dance, Rollout, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thrash, Transform, Uproar, any two-turn move, any recharge move, or any Z-Move. -showdown.moves.instruct.activate=%s followed %s's instructions! +showdown.moves.instruct.desc=El objetivo utiliza inmediatamente su último movimiento utilizado. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP, si el objetivo se está preparando para usar Pico Cañón, Puño Certero o Coraza Trampa, o si el movimiento es Ayuda, Pico Cañón, Eructo, Venganza, Pirochoque, Celebración, Cháchara, Pugnachoque, Copión, Cañón Dinamax, Puño Certero, Manos Juntas, Bola Hielo, Mandato, King's Shield, Feerichoque, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Ponzochoque, Obstrucción, Enfado, Danza Pétalo, Rollar, Coraza Trampa, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Forcejeo, Saña, Transformación, Alboroto, Ominochoque, cualquier movimiento de dos turnos, o cualquier movimiento de recarga. +showdown.moves.instruct.shortDesc=El objetivo utiliza inmediatamente su último movimiento utilizado. +showdown.moves.instruct.gen8.desc=El objetivo utiliza inmediatamente su último movimiento utilizado. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado un movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP, si el objetivo está Dynamaxed, si el objetivo se está preparando para usar Pico Cañón, Puño Certero o Coraza Trampa, o si el movimiento es Ayuda, Pico Cañón, Eructo, Venganza, Celebración, Cháchara, Copión, Cañón Dinamax, Puño Certero, Manos Juntas, Bola Hielo, Mandato, King's Shield, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Obstrucción, Enfado, Danza Pétalo, Rollar, Coraza Trampa, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Forcejeo, Saña, Transformación, Alboroto, cualquier movimiento de dos turnos, cualquier movimiento de recarga o cualquier Movimiento Max o G-Max. +showdown.moves.instruct.gen7.desc=El objetivo utiliza inmediatamente su último movimiento utilizado. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado un movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP, si el objetivo se está preparando para usar Cannon Peak, Straight Fist o Trap Armor, o si el movimiento es Ayuda, Cannon Peak, Eructar, Venganza, Celebración, Persecución, Copión, Puño perdido, Manos unidas, Bola de hielo, Mandato, Escudo del Rey, Uno mismo primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Rabia, Danza de pétalos, Rodar, Trampa de capa, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Forcejeo, Saña, Transformación, Alboroto , cualquier movimiento de dos turnos, cualquier movimiento de recarga o cualquier movimiento Z. +showdown.moves.instruct.activate=¡%s siguió las instrucciones de %s! Plasma -showdown.moves.iondeluge.desc=Causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. The effect happens after other effects that change a move's type. -showdown.moves.iondeluge.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. -showdown.moves.iondeluge.activate=A deluge of ions showers the battlefield! +showdown.moves.iondeluge.desc=Hace que los movimientos de tipo Normal se conviertan en de tipo Eléctrico este turno. El efecto ocurre después de otros efectos que cambian el tipo de movimiento. +showdown.moves.iondeluge.shortDesc=Los movimientos normales se vuelven de tipo Eléctrico este turno. +showdown.moves.iondeluge.activate=¡Un diluvio de iones inunda el campo de batalla! Férrea -showdown.moves.irondefense.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.irondefense.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.irondefense.desc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 2 niveles. +showdown.moves.irondefense.shortDesc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario al de Hierro -showdown.moves.ironhead.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.ironhead.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.ironhead.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.ironhead.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. férrea -showdown.moves.irontail.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.irontail.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.irontail.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1. Maxilar -showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Prevents the user and the target from switching out. The user and the target can still switch out if either of them is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. -showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Prevents both user and target from switching out. +showdown.moves.jawlock.desc=Evita que el usuario y el objetivo se desconecten. El usuario y el objetivo aún pueden intercambiarse si alguno de ellos mantiene presionado Mute Shell o usa Alivio, Giro, Última palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y vuelta o Intercambio de voltaje. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo. +showdown.moves.jawlock.shortDesc=Evita que tanto el usuario como el objetivo se desconecten.ño Jet -showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.jetpunch.desc=Sin efectos secundarios. +showdown.moves.jetpunch.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. -showdown.moves.judgment.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Plate. -showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Plate. +showdown.moves.judgment.desc=El tipo de este movimiento depende de la placa que tenga el usuario. +showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=El tipo varía según la placa sostenida. Salto -showdown.moves.jumpkick.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses half of its maximum HP, rounded down, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.shortDesc=User is hurt by 50% of its max HP if it misses. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.desc=If this attack is not successful, the user loses HP equal to half the target's maximum HP if the target was immune, rounded down, otherwise half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. Pokemon with the Magic Guard Ability are unaffected by crash damage. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to half of the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but no less than 1 HP and no more than half of the target's maximum HP, as crash damage. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/2 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.desc=If this attack is not successful and the target was not immune, the user loses HP equal to 1/8 the damage the target would have taken, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, as crash damage. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=If miss, user takes 1/8 damage it would've dealt. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.desc=If this attack misses the target, the user takes 1 HP of crash damage. If the user has a substitute, the crash damage is dealt to the target's substitute if it has one, otherwise no crash damage is dealt. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1 HP of damage if it misses. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=%s kept going and crashed! +showdown.moves.jumpkick.desc=Si este ataque no tiene éxito, el usuario pierde la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, como daño por choque. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Muro Mágico no se ven afectados por el daño por choque. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.shortDesc=Si falla, el usuario resulta herido con el 50% de su PS máximo. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.desc=Si este ataque no tiene éxito, el usuario pierde PS equivalente a la mitad del PS máximo del objetivo si el objetivo fuera inmune, redondeado hacia abajo; de lo contrario, la mitad del daño que el objetivo habría recibido, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS y no más. más de la mitad del PS máximo del objetivo, como daño por choque. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Muro Mágico no se ven afectados por el daño por choque. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=Si falla, el usuario recibe la mitad del daño que habría causado. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.desc=Si este ataque no tiene éxito y el objetivo no era inmune, el usuario pierde PS equivalente a la mitad del daño que el objetivo habría recibido, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS y no más de la mitad del PS máximo del objetivo, como daños por choque. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=Si falla, el usuario recibe la mitad del daño que habría causado. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.desc=Si este ataque no tiene éxito y el objetivo no era inmune, el usuario pierde PS equivalente a 1/8 del daño que el objetivo habría recibido, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS, como daño por choque. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=Si falla, el usuario recibe 1/8 del daño que habría causado. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.desc=Si este ataque no alcanza el objetivo, el usuario sufre 1 PS de daño por choque. Si el usuario tiene un sustituto, el daño por choque se inflige al sustituto del objetivo si lo tiene; de lo contrario, no se inflige daño por choque. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=El usuario recibe 1 PS de daño si falla. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=¡%s siguió adelante y se estrelló! Selvática -showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. -showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. +showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Cada Pokémon del lado del usuario restaura 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, y su condición de estado se cura. +showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=Usuario y aliados: curado 1/4 de PS máximo, estado curado. Kárate -showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos.ético -showdown.moves.kinesis.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.kinesis.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.kinesis.desc=Reduce la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.kinesis.shortDesc=Reduce la precisión del objetivo en 1.'s Shield -showdown.moves.kingsshield.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Atk. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Atk. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Attack lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que intentan hacer contacto con el usuario ven su ataque reducido en 1 nivel. Los movimientos no dañinos pasan por esta protección. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Telatrampa, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos. se mueve y la protección del usuario se rompe. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.shortDesc=Protección contra ataques dañinos. Contacto: -1 Atq. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen8.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que intentan hacer contacto con el usuario ven su ataque reducido en 1 nivel. Los movimientos no dañinos pasan por esta protección. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y La protección del usuario estaba rota. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que intentan hacer contacto con el usuario ven su ataque reducido en 2 etapas. Los movimientos no dañinos pasan por esta protección. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario fue roto. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.shortDesc=Protección contra ataques dañinos. Contacto: -2 Atq. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen6.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que intentan hacer contacto con el usuario ven su ataque reducido en 2 etapas. Los movimientos no dañinos pasan por esta protección. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario se rompió. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. -showdown.moves.knockoff.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, a Silvally, a Zacian, or a Zamazenta to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword, or Rusted Shield respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.knockoff.shortDesc=1.5x damage if foe holds an item. Removes item. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen7.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot remove Z-Crystals, cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, cause Pokemon that can Mega Evolve to lose the Mega Stone for their species, or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, or Memory respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen6.desc=If the target is holding an item that can be removed from it, ignoring the Sticky Hold Ability, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, cause Pokemon that can Mega Evolve to lose the Mega Stone for their species, or cause a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect to lose their Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, or Drive, respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target loses its held item. This move cannot cause Pokemon with the Sticky Hold Ability to lose their held item, or force a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect to lose their Griseous Orb, Plate, or Drive, respectively. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.shortDesc=Removes the target's held item. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of the battle, unless the item is a Griseous Orb or the target has the Multitype or Sticky Hold Abilities. During the effect, the target cannot obtain a new item by any means. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.shortDesc=Target's item is lost and it cannot obtain another. -showdown.moves.knockoff.gen3.desc=The target's held item is lost for the rest of the battle, unless it has the Sticky Hold Ability. During the effect, the target cannot gain a new item by any means. -showdown.moves.knockoff.removeItem=%s knocked off %s's %s! +showdown.moves.knockoff.desc=Si el objetivo tiene un objeto que se le puede quitar, ignorando la habilidad Viscosidad, el poder de este movimiento se multiplica por 1,5. Si el usuario no se ha desmayado, el objetivo pierde el objeto que tenía. Este movimiento no puede hacer que Pokémon con la habilidad Viscosidad pierda el objeto que tiene o que Kyogre, Groudon, Giratina, Arceus, Genesect, Silvally, Zacian o Zamazenta pierdan su Prisma Azul, Prisma Rojo, Griseosfera. , Placa, Unidad, Memoria, Espada Oxidada o Escudo Oxidado respectivamente. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.knockoff.shortDesc=1,5 veces el daño si el enemigo sostiene un objeto. Elimina el artículo. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen7.desc=Si el objetivo tiene un objeto que se le puede quitar, ignorando la habilidad Viscosidad, el poder de este movimiento se multiplica por 1,5. Si el usuario no se ha desmayado, el objetivo pierde el objeto que tenía. Este movimiento no puede eliminar Cristales Z, hacer que Pokémon con la habilidad Viscosidad pierdan el objeto que tienen, hacer que Pokémon que pueden megaevolucionar pierdan la Megapiedra de su especie, o hacer que un Kyogre, un Groudon, un Giratina, un Arceus, un Genesect, o un Silvally que pierdan su Prisma Azul, Prisma Rojo, Griseosfera, Plate, Drive o Memory respectivamente. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen6.desc=Si el objetivo tiene un objeto que se le puede quitar, ignorando la habilidad Viscosidad, el poder de este movimiento se multiplica por 1,5. Si el usuario no se ha desmayado, el objetivo pierde el objeto que tenía. Este movimiento no puede hacer que Pokémon con la habilidad Viscosidad pierdan el objeto que tienen, hacer que Pokémon que pueden megaevolucionar pierdan la megapiedra de su especie, o hacer que Kyogre, Groudon, Giratina, Arceus o Genesect pierdan su Prisma Azul, Prisma Rojo, Griseosfera, Plate o Drive, respectivamente. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.desc=Si el usuario no se ha desmayado, el objetivo pierde el objeto que tenía. Este movimiento no puede hacer que Pokémon con la habilidad Viscosidad pierda el objeto que tiene, ni obligar a Giratina, Arceus o Genesect a perder su Griseosfera, Plate o Drive, respectivamente. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen5.shortDesc=Elimina el objeto retenido por el objetivo. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.desc=El objeto retenido por el objetivo se pierde por el resto de la batalla, a menos que el objeto sea una Griseosfera o el objetivo tenga las habilidades Multitipo o Viscosidad. Durante el efecto, el objetivo no puede obtener un nuevo objeto de ninguna manera. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen4.shortDesc=El objeto del objetivo se pierde y no puede obtener otro. +showdown.moves.knockoff.gen3.desc=El objeto retenido por el objetivo se pierde por el resto de la batalla, a menos que tenga la habilidad Viscosidad. Durante el efecto, el objetivo no puede obtener un nuevo objeto de ninguna manera. +showdown.moves.knockoff.removeItem=¡%s derribó a %s de %s! -showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.kowtowcleave.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión.'s Wrath showdown.moves.landswrath.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.landswrath.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes. -showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the user's attacks will be critical hits. -showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit. -showdown.moves.laserfocus.start=%s concentrated intensely! +showdown.moves.laserfocus.desc=Hasta el final del siguiente turno, los ataques del usuario serán golpes críticos. +showdown.moves.laserfocus.shortDesc=Hasta el final del siguiente turno, los movimientos del usuario son críticos. +showdown.moves.laserfocus.start=¡%s se concentra intensamente! -showdown.moves.lashout.desc=Power doubles if the user had a stat stage lowered this turn. -showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2x power if the user had a stat lowered this turn. +showdown.moves.lashout.desc=El poder se duplica si al usuario se le redujo un nivel de estadísticas este turno. +showdown.moves.lashout.shortDesc=2 veces de potencia si al usuario se le redujo una estadística este turno.Última Baza -showdown.moves.lastresort.desc=This move fails unless the user knows this move and at least one other move, and has used all the other moves it knows at least once each since it became active or Transformed. -showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Fails unless each known move has been used. +showdown.moves.lastresort.desc=Este movimiento falla a menos que el usuario conozca este movimiento y al menos otro movimiento, y haya usado todos los demás movimientos que conoce al menos una vez cada uno desde que se activó o se transformó. +showdown.moves.lastresort.shortDesc=Falla a menos que se hayan utilizado todos los movimientos conocidos. Póstumo -showdown.moves.lastrespects.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side, and X cannot be greater than 100. -showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 power for each time a party member fainted. +showdown.moves.lastrespects.desc=El poder es igual a 50+(X*50), donde X es el número total de veces que cualquier Pokémon se ha desmayado del lado del usuario, y X no puede ser mayor que 100. +showdown.moves.lastrespects.shortDesc=+50 de poder por cada vez que un miembro del grupo se desmaye. -showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.lavaplume.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.lavaplume.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de quemar Pokémon adyacentes. showdown.moves.leafage.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Aguda -showdown.moves.leafblade.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.leafblade.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.leafblade.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.leafblade.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. -showdown.moves.leafstorm.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.leafstorm.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.leafstorm.desc=Reduce el ataque especial del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.leafstorm.shortDesc=Reduce la Sp del usuario. Atq por 2.ón de Hojas -showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. -showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. -showdown.moves.leechlife.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. +showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 50% del daño causado. +showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.leechlife.gen3.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. -showdown.moves.leechseed.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Mortal Spin or Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. -showdown.moves.leechseed.shortDesc=1/8 of target's HP is restored to user every turn. -showdown.moves.leechseed.gen8.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If Big Root is held by the recipient, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Rapid Spin successfully, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. -showdown.moves.leechseed.gen3.desc=The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/8 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will continue being leeched. If the target switches out or uses Rapid Spin, the effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move on use, but not its effect. -showdown.moves.leechseed.gen1.desc=At the end of each of the target's turns, The Pokemon at the user's position steals 1/16 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down and multiplied by the target's current Toxic counter if it has one, even if the target currently has less than that amount of HP remaining. If the target switches out or any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. Grass-type Pokemon are immune to this move. -showdown.moves.leechseed.start=%s was seeded! -showdown.moves.leechseed.end=%s was freed from Leech Seed! -showdown.moves.leechseed.damage=%s's health is sapped by Leech Seed! +showdown.moves.leechseed.desc=El Pokémon en la posición del usuario roba 1/8 del PS máximo del objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno. Si el destinatario posee Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo seguirá siendo absorbido. Si el objetivo cambia o usa Giro Mortífero o Giro Rápido con éxito, el efecto termina. Los Pokémon de tipo Planta son inmunes a este movimiento al usarlo, pero no a su efecto. +showdown.moves.leechseed.shortDesc=1/8 del PS del objetivo se restaura al usuario en cada turno. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen8.desc=El Pokémon en la posición del usuario roba 1/8 del PS máximo del objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno. Si el destinatario posee Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo seguirá siendo absorbido. Si el objetivo cambia o usa Giro Rápido con éxito, el efecto termina. Los Pokémon de tipo Planta son inmunes a este movimiento al usarlo, pero no a su efecto. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen3.desc=El Pokémon en la posición del usuario roba 1/8 del PS máximo del objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo seguirá siendo absorbido. Si el objetivo cambia o usa Giro Rápido, el efecto termina. Los Pokémon de tipo Planta son inmunes a este movimiento al usarlo, pero no a su efecto. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen1.desc=Al final de cada uno de los turnos del objetivo, el Pokémon en la posición del usuario roba 1/16 del PS máximo del objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo y multiplicado por el contador de Tóxico actual del objetivo si tiene uno, incluso si el objetivo actualmente tiene menos que eso. cantidad de PS restante. Si el objetivo cambia o cualquier Pokémon usa Niebla, este efecto termina. Los Pokémon de tipo Planta son inmunes a este movimiento. +showdown.moves.leechseed.start=¡%s fue sembrado! +showdown.moves.leechseed.end=¡%s fue liberado de Drenadoras! +showdown.moves.leechseed.damage=¡Las Drenadoras minan la salud de %s! -showdown.moves.leer.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.leer.desc=Reduce la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.leer.shortDesc=Reduce la defensa del enemigo en 1. +showdown.moves.leer.gen2.shortDesc=Reduce la Defensa del objetivo en 1.'s Snuggle Forever showdown.moves.letssnuggleforever.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.üetazo -showdown.moves.lick.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.lick.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. Vital -showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max HP. +showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Cada Pokémon del lado del usuario restaura 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. +showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Cura al usuario y a sus aliados 1/4 de su PS máximo. Aniquiladora -showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Has 1/2 recoil. +showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Tiene 1/2 retroceso. de Luz -showdown.moves.lightscreen.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.shortDesc=For 5 turns, special damage to allies is halved. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from special attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from special attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from special attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members have their Special Defense doubled. Critical hits ignore this effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user's party has doubled Sp. Def. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its Special is doubled when taking damage. Critical hits ignore this effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.shortDesc=While active, user's Special is 2x when damaged. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.start=%s's protected against special attacks! -showdown.moves.lightscreen.start=Light Screen made %s stronger against special moves! -showdown.moves.lightscreen.end=%s's Light Screen wore off! +showdown.moves.lightscreen.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo reciben 0,5x de daño por ataques especiales, o 0,66x de daño si están en una Batalla Doble. El daño no se reduce más con Velo Aurora. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Se elimina del lado del usuario si el usuario o un aliado es golpeado con éxito por Demolición, Psicocolmillo o Despejar. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Refleluz. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, el daño especial a los aliados se reduce a la mitad. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen6.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo reciben 0,5 veces más daño de ataques especiales, o 0,66 veces más daño si están en una batalla doble o triple. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Se elimina del lado del usuario si el usuario o un aliado es golpeado con éxito por Demolición o Despejar. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Refleluz. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen4.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo reciben la mitad del daño de los ataques especiales, o 2/3 del daño si hay varios Pokémon activos en el lado del usuario. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Se elimina del lado del usuario si el usuario o un aliado es golpeado con éxito por Demolición o Despejar. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Refleluz. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen3.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo reciben la mitad del daño de los ataques especiales, o 2/3 del daño si hay varios Pokémon activos en el lado del usuario. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Se elimina del lado del usuario si Demolición golpea con éxito al usuario o a un aliado. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo ven duplicada su Defensa Especial. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, el grupo del usuario ha duplicado Def esp. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, su Especial se duplica al recibir daño. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Si algún Pokémon usa Niebla, este efecto termina. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.shortDesc=Mientras está activo, el Especial del usuario es 2x cuando está dañado. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.start=¡%s está protegido contra ataques especiales! +showdown.moves.lightscreen.start=¡Pantalla de Luz hizo a %s más fuerte contra movimientos especiales! +showdown.moves.lightscreen.end=¡La Pantalla de Luz de %s desapareció!ón Apocalíptica -showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.desc=Este movimiento se convierte en un ataque físico si el Ataque del usuario es mayor que su Ataque Especial, incluidos los cambios en el nivel de estadísticas. Este movimiento y sus efectos ignoran las habilidades de otros Pokémon. +showdown.moves.lightthatburnsthesky.shortDesc=Físico si el Atq del usuario > Atq esp. Ignora las habilidades. -showdown.moves.liquidation.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.liquidation.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.liquidation.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.liquidation.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1. Blanco -showdown.moves.lockon.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. -showdown.moves.lockon.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. -showdown.moves.lockon.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Mind Reader's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. -showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. -showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. -showdown.moves.lockon.start=%s took aim at %s! +showdown.moves.lockon.desc=Hasta el final del siguiente turno, el objetivo no puede evitar los movimientos del usuario, incluso si el objetivo está en medio de un movimiento de dos turnos. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo. Falla si este efecto está activo para el usuario. +showdown.moves.lockon.shortDesc=El siguiente movimiento del usuario no fallará en el objetivo. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen4.desc=Hasta el final del siguiente turno, el objetivo no puede evitar los movimientos del usuario, incluso si el objetivo está en medio de un movimiento de dos turnos. Cuando este efecto se inicia contra el objetivo, este y los efectos de Telépata terminan para todos los demás Pokémon contra ese objetivo. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo permanece bajo este efecto. Si el usuario abandona el campo usando Relevo, este efecto se reinicia contra el mismo objetivo para el reemplazo. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.desc=La siguiente comprobación de precisión contra el objetivo tiene éxito. El objetivo seguirá evitando Terremoto, Fisura y Magnitud si está usando Vuelo. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo permanece bajo este efecto. Este efecto finaliza cuando el objetivo abandona el campo o se realiza una comprobación de precisión contra él. +showdown.moves.lockon.gen2.shortDesc=El siguiente movimiento no fallará en el objetivo. +showdown.moves.lockon.start=¡%s apuntó a %s! Amoroso -showdown.moves.lovelykiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.lovelykiss.shortDesc=Hace que el objetivo se duerma. Baja -showdown.moves.lowkick.desc=This move's power is 20 if the target weighs less than 10 kg, 40 if less than 25 kg, 60 if less than 50 kg, 80 if less than 100 kg, 100 if less than 200 kg, and 120 if greater than or equal to 200 kg. -showdown.moves.lowkick.shortDesc=More power the heavier the target. -showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.lowkick.desc=La potencia de este movimiento es 20 si el objetivo pesa menos de 10 kg, 40 si pesa menos de 25 kg, 60 si pesa menos de 50 kg, 80 si pesa menos de 100 kg, 100 si pesa menos de 200 kg y 120 si es mayor o igual a 200 kilogramos. +showdown.moves.lowkick.shortDesc=Más potencia cuanto más pesado sea el objetivo. +showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.lowkick.gen2.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca.é -showdown.moves.lowsweep.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.lowsweep.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.lowsweep.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.lowsweep.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la Velocidad del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.luckychant.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot be struck by a critical hit. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.luckychant.shortDesc=For 5 turns, shields user's party from critical hits. -showdown.moves.luckychant.start=Lucky Chant shielded %s from critical hits! -showdown.moves.luckychant.end=%s's Lucky Chant wore off! +showdown.moves.luckychant.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo no pueden recibir un golpe crítico. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.luckychant.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, protege al grupo del usuario de golpes críticos. +showdown.moves.luckychant.start=¡Conjuro protegió a %s de los golpes críticos! +showdown.moves.luckychant.end=¡El Conjuro de %s desapareció!ón -showdown.moves.luminacrash.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.luminacrash.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.luminacrash.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.luminacrash.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 2. Lunar -showdown.moves.lunarblessing.desc=Each Pokemon on the user's side restores 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and has its status condition cured. -showdown.moves.lunarblessing.shortDesc=User and allies: healed 1/4 max HP, status cured. +showdown.moves.lunarblessing.desc=Cada Pokémon del lado del usuario restaura 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, y su condición de estado se cura. +showdown.moves.lunarblessing.shortDesc=Usuario y aliados: curado 1/4 de PS máximo, estado curado. Lunar -showdown.moves.lunardance.desc=The user faints, and if the Pokemon brought out to replace it does not have full HP or PP, or has a non-volatile status condition, its HP and PP are fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The replacement is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. This effect continues until a Pokemon that meets any of these conditions switches in at the user's position or gets swapped into the position with Ally Switch. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.lunardance.shortDesc=User faints. Next hurt Pkmn is cured, max HP/PP. -showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out at the end of the turn, and the healing happens before hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.shortDesc=User faints. Replacement is fully healed, with PP. -showdown.moves.lunardance.gen4.desc=The user faints and the Pokemon brought out to replace it has its HP and PP fully restored along with having any non-volatile status condition cured. The new Pokemon is sent out immediately and the healing happens after hazards take effect. Fails if the user is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party. -showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=%s became cloaked in mystical moonlight! +showdown.moves.lunardance.desc=El usuario se desmaya, y si el Pokémon que se trae para reemplazarlo no tiene PS o PP completos, o tiene una condición de estado no volátil, su PS y PP se restauran por completo y se cura cualquier condición de estado no volátil. El reemplazo se envía al final del turno y la curación se produce antes de que los peligros entren en vigor. Este efecto continúa hasta que un Pokémon que cumpla cualquiera de estas condiciones cambie a la posición del usuario o sea intercambiado a la posición con Cambio de Banda. Falla si el usuario es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo. +showdown.moves.lunardance.shortDesc=El usuario se desmaya. El siguiente Pkmn herido se cura, PS/PP máximo. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=El usuario se desmaya y el Pokémon traído para reemplazarlo tiene su PS y PP completamente restaurados, además de curar cualquier condición de estado no volátil. El nuevo Pokémon se envía al final del turno y la curación se produce antes de que los peligros entren en vigor. Falla si el usuario es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.shortDesc=El usuario se desmaya. La reposición está totalmente curada, con PP. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen4.desc=El usuario se desmaya y el Pokémon traído para reemplazarlo tiene su PS y PP completamente restaurados, además de curar cualquier condición de estado no volátil. El nuevo Pokémon se envía inmediatamente y la curación se produce después de que los peligros entren en vigor. Falla si el usuario es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo. +showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=¡%s quedó envuelto en la mística luz de la luna! -showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.lunge.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.lusterpurge.desc=Tiene un 50% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.lusterpurge.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 1.ño showdown.moves.machpunch.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.machpunch.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. Mágica -showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.magicalleaf.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. -showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.magicaltorque.shortDesc=30% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.magicaltorque.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.magicaltorque.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo. Mágica -showdown.moves.magiccoat.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.shortDesc=Bounces back certain non-damaging moves. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen5.desc=Until the end of the turn, the user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. Moves reflected in this way are unable to be reflected again by this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes can only be reflected once per side, by the leftmost Pokemon under this or the Magic Bounce Ability's effect. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen4.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. If the move targets both opposing Pokemon, the Pokemon under this effect will reflect the move only targeting the original user. The effect ends once a move is reflected or at the end of the turn. The Lightning Rod and Storm Drain Abilities redirect their respective moves before this move takes effect. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen3.desc=The user is unaffected by certain non-damaging moves directed at it and will instead use such moves against the original user. If the move targets both opposing Pokemon and the Pokemon under this effect is on the left side, it will reflect the move targeting both opposing Pokemon and its ally will not be affected by the original move; otherwise, if the Pokemon under this effect is on the right side, its ally will be affected by the original move and this Pokemon will reflect the move only targeting the original user. The effect ends once a move is reflected or at the end of the turn. Moves reflected in this way can be reflected again by another Pokemon under this effect. If the user has the Soundproof Ability, it nullifies sound-based moves before this effect happens. The Lightning Rod Ability redirects Electric moves before this move takes effect. -showdown.moves.magiccoat.start=%s shrouded itself with Magic Coat! -showdown.moves.magiccoat.move=%s bounced the %s back! +showdown.moves.magiccoat.desc=Hasta el final del turno, el usuario no se ve afectado por ciertos movimientos no dañinos dirigidos a él y, en su lugar, los utilizará contra el usuario original. Los movimientos reflejados de esta manera no pueden volver a reflejarse ni por este efecto ni por el de la habilidad del Bote Mágico. Púas, Trampa Rocas, Red Viscosa y Tóxico Púas solo pueden ser reflejados una vez por lado, por el Pokémon más a la izquierda bajo este efecto o el de la habilidad Bote Mágico. Las Habilidades Pararrayos y Colector redirigen sus respectivos movimientos antes de que este movimiento surta efecto. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.shortDesc=Botes respalda ciertos movimientos que no dañan. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen5.desc=Hasta el final del turno, el usuario no se ve afectado por ciertos movimientos no dañinos dirigidos a él y, en su lugar, los utilizará contra el usuario original. Los movimientos reflejados de esta manera no pueden volver a reflejarse ni por este efecto ni por el de la habilidad del Bote Mágico. Púas, Trampa Rocas y Tóxico Púas solo pueden ser reflejados una vez por lado, por el Pokémon más a la izquierda bajo este efecto o el de la habilidad Bote Mágico. Las Habilidades Pararrayos y Colector redirigen sus respectivos movimientos antes de que este movimiento surta efecto. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen4.desc=El usuario no se ve afectado por ciertos movimientos no dañinos dirigidos a él y, en su lugar, los utilizará contra el usuario original. Si el movimiento apunta a ambos Pokémon opuestos, el Pokémon bajo este efecto reflejará el movimiento solo apuntando al usuario original. El efecto termina una vez que se refleja un movimiento o al final del turno. Las Habilidades Pararrayos y Colector redirigen sus respectivos movimientos antes de que este movimiento surta efecto. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.gen3.desc=El usuario no se ve afectado por ciertos movimientos no dañinos dirigidos a él y, en su lugar, los utilizará contra el usuario original. Si el movimiento apunta a ambos Pokémon contrarios y el Pokémon bajo este efecto está en el lado izquierdo, reflejará el movimiento que apunta a ambos Pokémon contrarios y su aliado no se verá afectado por el movimiento original; de lo contrario, si el Pokémon bajo este efecto está en el lado derecho, su aliado se verá afectado por el movimiento original y este Pokémon reflejará el movimiento solo apuntando al usuario original. El efecto termina una vez que se refleja un movimiento o al final del turno. Los movimientos reflejados de esta manera pueden ser reflejados nuevamente por otro Pokémon bajo este efecto. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Insonorizar, anula los movimientos basados en sonido antes de que ocurra este efecto. La habilidad Pararrayos redirige los movimientos eléctricos antes de que este movimiento entre en vigor. +showdown.moves.magiccoat.start=¡%s se cubrió con Capa Mágica! +showdown.moves.magiccoat.move=¡%s rebotó el %s! Mágico -showdown.moves.magicpowder.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Psychic type, or if the target is Terastallized. -showdown.moves.magicpowder.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Psychic. -showdown.moves.magicpowder.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Psychic type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Psychic type. +showdown.moves.magicpowder.desc=Hace que el objetivo se convierta en un tipo psíquico. Falla si el objetivo es un Arceus o un Silvally, si el objetivo ya es de tipo puramente psíquico o si el objetivo está Terastalizado. +showdown.moves.magicpowder.shortDesc=Cambia el tipo de objetivo a Psíquico. +showdown.moves.magicpowder.gen8.desc=Hace que el objetivo se convierta en un tipo psíquico. Falla si el objetivo es un Arceus o un Silvally, o si el objetivo ya es de tipo puramente psíquico. Mágica -showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=For 5 turns, the held items of all active Pokemon have no effect. An item's effect of causing forme changes is unaffected, but any other effects from such items are negated. During the effect, Fling and Natural Gift are prevented from being used by all active Pokemon. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all held items have no effect. +showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=Durante 5 turnos, los objetos retenidos por todos los Pokémon activos no tienen ningún efecto. El efecto de un objeto de causar cambios de forma no se ve afectado, pero cualquier otro efecto de dichos objetos se niega. Durante el efecto, todos los Pokémon activos evitan que Lanzamiento y Don Natural sean utilizados. Si este movimiento se usa durante el efecto, el efecto termina. +showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, todos los objetos retenidos no tienen ningún efecto. Ígnea -showdown.moves.magmastorm.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns; seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another partial-trapping move. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.start=%s became trapped by swirling magma! +showdown.moves.magmastorm.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Autotomía, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 4-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen8.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos; siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio. Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo (1/8 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento de captura parcial. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos (siempre cinco turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.start=¡%s quedó atrapado por magma arremolinado! Bomb -showdown.moves.magnetbomb.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.magnetbomb.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Magnética -showdown.moves.magneticflux.desc=Raises the Defense and Special Defense of Pokemon on the user's side with the Plus or Minus Abilities by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.magneticflux.shortDesc=Raises Def, Sp. Def of allies with Plus/Minus by 1. +showdown.moves.magneticflux.desc=Aumenta en 1 nivel la Defensa y Defensa Especial de los Pokémon del lado del usuario con las Habilidades Más o Menos. +showdown.moves.magneticflux.shortDesc=Aumenta Def, Def esp. de aliados con Más/Menos en 1.ón -showdown.moves.magnetrise.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. -showdown.moves.magnetrise.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user has immunity to Ground. -showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen5.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. -showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain and Iron Ball override this move if the user is under any of their effects. Fails if the user is already under this effect or the effect of Ingrain. -showdown.moves.magnetrise.start=%s levitated with electromagnetism! -showdown.moves.magnetrise.end=%s's electromagnetism wore off! +showdown.moves.magnetrise.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra y a los efectos de Púas, Tóxico Púas, Red Viscosa y la habilidad Trampa Arena mientras permanezca activa. Si el usuario usa Relevo, el reemplazo obtendrá el efecto. Arraigo, Antiaéreo, Mil Flechas y Bola Férrea anulan este movimiento si el usuario está bajo alguno de sus efectos. Falla si el usuario ya se encuentra bajo este efecto o los efectos de Arraigo, Antiaéreo o Mil Flechas. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario tiene inmunidad a Tierra. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen5.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra y a los efectos de Púas, Tóxico Púas y la habilidad Trampa Arena mientras permanezca activa. Si el usuario usa Relevo, el reemplazo obtendrá el efecto. Arraigo, Antiaéreo y Bola Férrea anulan este movimiento si el usuario está bajo alguno de sus efectos. Falla si el usuario ya se encuentra bajo este efecto o los efectos de Arraigo o Antiaéreo. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.gen4.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra y a los efectos de Púas, Tóxico Púas y la habilidad Trampa Arena mientras permanezca activa. Si el usuario usa Relevo, el reemplazo obtendrá el efecto. Arraigo y Bola Férrea anulan este movimiento si el usuario está bajo alguno de sus efectos. Falla si el usuario ya está bajo este efecto o el efecto de Arraigo. +showdown.moves.magnetrise.start=¡%s levitó con electromagnetismo! +showdown.moves.magnetrise.end=¡El electromagnetismo de %s desapareció! -showdown.moves.magnitude.desc=The power of this move varies; 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Damage doubles if the target is using Dig. -showdown.moves.magnitude.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. Power varies; 2x on Dig. -showdown.moves.magnitude.gen4.desc=The power of this move varies. 5% chances for 10 and 150 power, 10% chances for 30 and 110 power, 20% chances for 50 and 90 power, and 30% chance for 70 power. Power doubles if the target is using Dig. -showdown.moves.magnitude.activate=Magnitude %s! +showdown.moves.magnitude.desc=El poder de este movimiento varía; 5% de posibilidades para 10 y 150 de poder, 10% de posibilidades para 30 y 110 de poder, 20% de posibilidades para 50 y 90 de poder, y 30% de probabilidad para 70 de poder. El daño se duplica si el objetivo está usando Excavar. +showdown.moves.magnitude.shortDesc=Golpea a Pokémon adyacentes. El poder varía; 2x en Excavar. +showdown.moves.magnitude.gen4.desc=El poder de este movimiento varía. 5% de posibilidades para 10 y 150 de poder, 10% de posibilidades para 30 y 110 de poder, 20% de posibilidades para 50 y 90 de poder, y 30% de probabilidad para 70 de poder. El poder se duplica si el objetivo está usando Excavar. +showdown.moves.magnitude.activate=¡Magnitud %s! It Rain -showdown.moves.makeitrain.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.makeitrain.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 1. Hits foe(s). -showdown.moves.makeitrain.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! +showdown.moves.makeitrain.desc=Reduce el ataque especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.makeitrain.shortDesc=Reduce la Sp del usuario. Atq por 1. Golpea al enemigo(s). +showdown.moves.makeitrain.activate=¡Las monedas estaban esparcidas por todas partes! Oscura -showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.desc=Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.shortDesc=Damage doubles if the target used Minimize. +showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.desc=El daño se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras estaba activo. +showdown.moves.maliciousmoonsault.shortDesc=El daño se duplica si el objetivo usó Reducción. Tatami -showdown.moves.matblock.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. Fails unless it is the user's first turn on the field, if the user moves last this turn, or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.matblock.shortDesc=Protects allies from damaging attacks. Turn 1 only. -showdown.moves.matblock.start=%s intends to flip up a mat and block incoming attacks! -showdown.moves.matblock.block=%s was blocked by the kicked-up mat! +showdown.moves.matblock.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de los ataques dañinos realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno. Falla a menos que sea el primer turno del usuario en el campo, si el usuario se mueve por última vez en este turno o si este movimiento ya está en efecto para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.matblock.shortDesc=Protege a los aliados de ataques dañinos. Solo turno 1. +showdown.moves.matblock.start=¡%s tiene la intención de levantar un tapete y bloquear los ataques entrantes! +showdown.moves.matblock.block=¡%s fue bloqueado por el tapete levantado!ón -showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Speed. +showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, la velocidad de cada Pokémon del lado del usuario aumenta en 1 nivel, incluso si tiene un sustituto. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Aliados: +1 Velocidad. -showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, la Defensa Especial de cada Pokémon del lado contrario se reduce en 1 nivel, incluso si tienen un sustituto. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -1 Def esp.ón -showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sunny Day begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sunny Day. +showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si esta medida tiene éxito, comienza el efecto del Día Soleado. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Comienza el Día Soleado. -showdown.moves.maxflutterby.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Sp. Atk. +showdown.moves.maxflutterby.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el ataque especial de cada Pokémon del lado contrario se reduce en 1 nivel, incluso si tienen un sustituto. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxflutterby.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -1 Atq esp. -showdown.moves.maxgeyser.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Rain Dance begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxgeyser.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Rain Dance. +showdown.moves.maxgeyser.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, comienza el efecto de Danza Lluvia. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxgeyser.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Comienza Danza Lluvia. -showdown.moves.maxguard.desc=The user is protected from nearly all attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, including Max and G-Max Moves. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.maxguard.shortDesc=Protects user from moves & Max Moves this turn. -showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=%s protected itself! +showdown.moves.maxguard.desc=El usuario está protegido de casi todos los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, incluidos los movimientos Max y G-Max. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y La protección del usuario estaba rota. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.maxguard.shortDesc=Usuario de Proteccións contra movimientos y Max Moves este turno. +showdown.moves.maxguard.activate=¡%s se protegió! -showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Hail begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Hail. +showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, comienza el efecto de Granizo. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxhailstorm.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Empieza Granizo.ño -showdown.moves.maxknuckle.desc=Boosts the user and its allies' Attack by 1 stage. BP scales with the base move's BP. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Attack. +showdown.moves.maxknuckle.desc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario y sus aliados en 1 nivel. El BP escala con el BP del movimiento base. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxknuckle.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Aliados: +1 Ataque. -showdown.moves.maxlightning.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Electric Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.maxlightning.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, comienza el efecto de Campo Eléctrico. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxlightning.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Inicia Campo Eléctrico. -showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Psychic Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si esta jugada tiene éxito, comienza el efecto de Campo Psíquico. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxmindstorm.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Inicia Campo Psíquico.ácido -showdown.moves.maxooze.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Attack of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Atk. +showdown.moves.maxooze.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el ataque especial de cada Pokémon del lado del usuario aumenta en 1 nivel, incluso si tiene un sustituto. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxooze.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Aliados: +1 Atq esp. -showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Grassy Terrain. +showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, comienza el efecto de Campo de Hierba. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxovergrowth.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Comienza Campo de Hierba. -showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Defense. +showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, la Defensa de cada Pokémon del lado contrario se reduce en 1 nivel, incluso si tienen un sustituto. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -1 Defensa. -showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Special Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, la Defensa Especial de cada Pokémon del lado del usuario aumenta en 1 nivel, incluso si tiene un sustituto. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Aliados: +1 Def esp. -showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Sandstorm begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, comienza el efecto de Tormenta Arena. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Comienza Tormenta Arena. -showdown.moves.maxstarfall.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the effect of Misty Terrain begins. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Starts Misty Terrain. +showdown.moves.maxstarfall.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, comienza el efecto de Campo de Niebla. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxstarfall.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Comienza el terreno Neblinay. -showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Defense of each Pokemon on the user's side is raised by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Allies: +1 Defense. +showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, la Defensa de cada Pokémon del lado del usuario aumenta en 1 nivel, incluso si tiene un sustituto. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxsteelspike.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Aliados: +1 Defensa. -showdown.moves.maxstrike.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Speed of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxstrike.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Speed. +showdown.moves.maxstrike.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, la velocidad de cada Pokémon del lado contrario se reduce en 1 nivel, incluso si tienen un sustituto. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxstrike.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -1 Velocidad. -showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.desc=Power is equal to the base move's Max Move power. If this move is successful, the Attack of each Pokemon on the opposing side is lowered by 1 stage, even if they have a substitute. This effect does not happen if the user is not Dynamaxed. If this move is used as a base move, it deals damage with a power of 0. -showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.shortDesc=Base move affects power. Foes: -1 Attack. +showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.desc=El poder es igual al poder de movimiento máximo del movimiento base. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el ataque de cada Pokémon del lado contrario se reduce en 1 nivel, incluso si tienen un sustituto. Este efecto no ocurre si el usuario no está Dynamaxed. Si este movimiento se usa como movimiento base, causa daño con una potencia de 0. +showdown.moves.maxwyrmwind.shortDesc=El movimiento base afecta el poder. Enemigos: -1 Ataque. De Ojo -showdown.moves.meanlook.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.meanlook.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. -showdown.moves.meanlook.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.meanlook.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.meanlook.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. -showdown.moves.meanlook.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.meanlook.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.meanlook.shortDesc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen4.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto termina si el usuario abandona el campo, a menos que use Relevo, en cuyo caso el objetivo permanecerá atrapado. +showdown.moves.meanlook.gen3.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto termina si el usuario abandona el campo, a menos que use Relevo, en cuyo caso el objetivo permanecerá atrapado.ón -showdown.moves.meditate.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.meditate.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.meditate.desc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.meditate.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 1. Primero -showdown.moves.mefirst.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Magical Torque, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Struggle, Thief, or Wicked Torque. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. -showdown.moves.mefirst.shortDesc=Copies a foe at 1.5x power. User must be faster. -showdown.moves.mefirst.gen8.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Shell Trap, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. -showdown.moves.mefirst.gen7.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Beak Blast, Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Shell Trap, Struggle, Thief, or any Z-Move. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. -showdown.moves.mefirst.gen6.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Belch, Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. -showdown.moves.mefirst.gen5.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Metal Burst, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. -showdown.moves.mefirst.gen4.desc=The user uses the move the target chose for use this turn against it, if possible, with its power multiplied by 1.5. The move must be a damaging move other than Chatter, Counter, Covet, Focus Punch, Me First, Mirror Coat, Struggle, or Thief. Fails if the target moves before the user. Ignores the target's substitute for the purpose of copying the move. +showdown.moves.mefirst.desc=El usuario usa el movimiento que el objetivo eligió para este turno contra él, si es posible, con su poder multiplicado por 1,5. La jugada debe ser una jugada dañina distinta de Pico Cañón, Eructo, Pirochoque, Pugnachoque, Resarcimiento, Contraataque, Antojo, Puño Certero, Feerichoque, Yo Primero, Represión Metal, Manto Espejo, Ponzochoque, Coraza Trampa, Forcejeo, Ladrón u Ominochoque. Falla si el objetivo se mueve antes que el usuario. Ignora al sustituto del objetivo con el fin de copiar el movimiento. +showdown.moves.mefirst.shortDesc=Copia a un enemigo con una potencia de 1,5x. El usuario debe ser más rápido. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen8.desc=El usuario usa el movimiento que el objetivo eligió para este turno contra él, si es posible, con su poder multiplicado por 1,5. La jugada debe ser una jugada dañina distinta de Pico Cañón, Eructo, Cháchara, Contraataque, Antojo, Puño Certero, Yo Primero, Represión Metal, Manto Espejo, Coraza Trampa, Forcejeo o Ladrón. Falla si el objetivo se mueve antes que el usuario. Ignora al sustituto del objetivo con el fin de copiar el movimiento. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen7.desc=El usuario usa el movimiento que el objetivo eligió para este turno contra él, si es posible, con su poder multiplicado por 1,5. El movimiento debe ser un movimiento dañino que no sea Pico Cañón, Eructo, Cháchara, Contraataque, Antojo, Puño Certero, Yo Primero, Represión Metal, Manto Espejo, Coraza Trampa, Forcejeo, Ladrón o cualquier Z-Move. Falla si el objetivo se mueve antes que el usuario. Ignora al sustituto del objetivo con el fin de copiar el movimiento. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen6.desc=El usuario usa el movimiento que el objetivo eligió para este turno contra él, si es posible, con su poder multiplicado por 1,5. La jugada debe ser una jugada dañina distinta a Eructo, Cháchara, Contraataque, Antojo, Puño Certero, Yo Primero, Represión Metal, Manto Espejo, Forcejeo o Ladrón. Falla si el objetivo se mueve antes que el usuario. Ignora al sustituto del objetivo con el fin de copiar el movimiento. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen5.desc=El usuario usa el movimiento que el objetivo eligió para este turno contra él, si es posible, con su poder multiplicado por 1,5. La jugada debe ser una jugada dañina distinta a Cháchara, Contraataque, Antojo, Puño Certero, Yo Primero, Represión Metal, Manto Espejo, Forcejeo o Ladrón. Falla si el objetivo se mueve antes que el usuario. Ignora al sustituto del objetivo con el fin de copiar el movimiento. +showdown.moves.mefirst.gen4.desc=El usuario usa el movimiento que el objetivo eligió para este turno contra él, si es posible, con su poder multiplicado por 1,5. La jugada debe ser dañina distinta de Cháchara, Contraataque, Antojo, Puño Certero, Yo Primero, Manto Espejo, Forcejeo o Ladrón. Falla si el objetivo se mueve antes que el usuario. Ignora al sustituto del objetivo con el fin de copiar el movimiento. -showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. -showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded down. -showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down. +showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 50% del daño causado. +showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeando hacia abajo. showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. @@ -13421,917 +13421,917 @@ showdown.moves.megakick.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.ño showdown.moves.megapunch.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.memento.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints unless this move misses or there is no target. Fails entirely if this move hits a substitute, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. -showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Lowers target's Attack, Sp. Atk by 2. User faints. -showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints, even if this move misses. This move can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if there is no target, but does not fail if the target's stats cannot be changed. -showdown.moves.memento.gen3.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages. The user faints. This move does not check accuracy, and can hit targets in the middle of a two-turn move. Fails entirely if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages are both -6. -showdown.moves.memento.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! +showdown.moves.memento.desc=Reduce el ataque y el ataque especial del objetivo en 2 etapas. El usuario se desmaya a menos que este movimiento falle o no haya un objetivo. Falla por completo si este movimiento golpea a un sustituto, pero no falla si las estadísticas del objetivo no se pueden cambiar. +showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo, Atq esp. por 2. El usuario se desmaya. +showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Reduce el ataque y el ataque especial del objetivo en 2 etapas. El usuario se desmaya, incluso si falla este movimiento. Este movimiento puede alcanzar objetivos en medio de un movimiento de dos turnos. Falla por completo si no hay un objetivo, pero no falla si las estadísticas del objetivo no se pueden cambiar. +showdown.moves.memento.gen3.desc=Reduce el ataque y el ataque especial del objetivo en 2 etapas. El usuario se desmaya. Este movimiento no comprueba la precisión y puede alcanzar objetivos en medio de un movimiento de dos turnos. Falla por completo si las etapas de estadísticas de Ataque y Ataque Especial del objetivo son -6. +showdown.moves.memento.heal=¡El PS de %s fue restaurado por el Z-Power!ón Lunar -showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=Este movimiento y sus efectos ignoran las habilidades de otros Pokémon. +showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignora las habilidades de otros Pokémon.ón Metal -showdown.moves.metalburst.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. -showdown.moves.metalburst.shortDesc=If hit by an attack, returns 1.5x damage. -showdown.moves.metalburst.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If the user did not lose HP from that attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn. -showdown.moves.metalburst.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a physical or special attack this turn equal to 1.5 times the HP lost by the user from that attack, rounded down. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's physical or special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.metalburst.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon enemigo que golpeó al usuario con un ataque físico o especial este turno, equivalente a 1,5 veces el PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque, redondeado hacia abajo. Si el usuario no perdió PS por ese ataque, este movimiento causa 1 PS de daño. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso y hay otro Pokémon contrario en el campo, el daño se le hace a él. Sólo se cuenta el último golpe de un ataque de múltiples golpes. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque físico o especial de un Pokémon contrario este turno. +showdown.moves.metalburst.shortDesc=Si es golpeado por un ataque, devuelve 1,5 veces el daño. +showdown.moves.metalburst.gen6.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon enemigo que golpeó al usuario con un ataque físico o especial este turno, equivalente a 1,5 veces el PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque, redondeado hacia abajo. Si el usuario no perdió PS por ese ataque, este movimiento inflige daño con un poder de 1. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso, el daño se realiza a un Pokémon contrario aleatorio dentro del alcance. Sólo se cuenta el último golpe de un ataque de múltiples golpes. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque físico o especial de un Pokémon contrario este turno. +showdown.moves.metalburst.gen4.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon enemigo que golpeó al usuario con un ataque físico o especial este turno, equivalente a 1,5 veces el PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque, redondeado hacia abajo. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso y hay otro Pokémon contrario en el campo, el daño se le hace a él. Sólo se cuenta el último golpe de un ataque de múltiples golpes. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque físico o especial de un Pokémon contrario este turno, o si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque. Metal -showdown.moves.metalclaw.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.metalclaw.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de aumentar el ataque del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de aumentar el ataque del usuario en 1. Metálico -showdown.moves.metalsound.desc=Lowers the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.metalsound.desc=Reduce la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.metalsound.shortDesc=Reduce el Sp del objetivo. Def por 2. Estelar -showdown.moves.meteorassault.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.meteorassault.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.meteorassault.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento. +showdown.moves.meteorassault.shortDesc=El usuario no puede moverse en el siguiente turno. Meteórico -showdown.moves.meteorbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Special Attack by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.meteorbeam.shortDesc=Raises user's Sp. Atk by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=%s is overflowing with space power! +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. Aumenta el ataque especial del usuario en 1 nivel en el primer turno. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.shortDesc=Aumenta el Sp del usuario. Atq por 1 en el turno 1. Llega al turno 2. +showdown.moves.meteorbeam.prepare=¡%s está rebosante de poder espacial!ño Meteoro -showdown.moves.meteormash.desc=Has a 20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.meteormash.shortDesc=20% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.meteormash.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de aumentar el ataque del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.meteormash.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de aumentar el ataque del usuario en 1.ónomo -showdown.moves.metronome.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Armor Cannon, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Blazing Torque, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Chilling Water, Chilly Reception, Clangorous Soul, Collision Course, Combat Torque, Comeuppance, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Doodle, Double Iron Bash, Double Shock, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Electro Drift, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fillet Away, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyper Drill, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jet Punch, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Magical Torque, Make It Rain, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Noxious Torque, Obstruct, Order Up, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Population Bomb, Pounce, Power Shift, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Fist, Rage Powder, Raging Bull, Raging Fury, Relic Song, Revival Blessing, Ruination, Salt Cure, Secret Sword, Shed Tail, Shell Trap, Silk Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Snowscape, Spectral Thief, Spicy Extract, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Springtide Storm, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Tidy Up, Trailblaze, Transform, Trick, Twin Beam, V-create, Wicked Blow, Wicked Torque, or Wide Guard. +showdown.moves.metronome.desc=Se selecciona un movimiento aleatorio para su uso, distinto de Cede Paso, Ácido Málico, Cañón Armadura, Ayuda, Orbes Espectro, Rueda Aural, Búnker, Pico Cañón, Embate Supremo, Tajo Supremo, Eructo, Ofrenda, Pirochoque, Plancha Corporal, Punzada Rama, Vasto Impacto, Celebración, Cháchara, Agua Fría, Fría Acogida, Estruendo Escama, Nitrochoque, Pugnachoque, Resarcimiento, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Truco Defensa, Decoración, Mismo Destino, Detección, Torm. Diamantes, Decalcomanía, Ferropuño Doble, Electropalmas, Ascenso Draco, Dracoenergía, Batería Asalto, Cañón Dinamax, Electroderrape, Aguante, Rayo Infinito, Irreverencia, Amago, Furia Candente, Deslome, Cañón Floral, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Rayo Gélido, Mirada Heladora, Lanza Glacial, Fuerza G, Refuerzo, Manos Juntas, Hipertaladro, Cerco Dimensión, Paso Dimensional, Llama Gélida, Mandato, Puño Jet, Cura Selvática, King's Shield, Gota Vital, Luz Aniquiladora, Feerichoque, Make It Rain, Escudo Tatami, Yo Primero , Asalto Estelar, Metrónomo, Mimético, Cabeza Sorpresa, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Rayo Umbrío, Adaptación, Nature's Madness, Ponzochoque, Obstrucción, Oído Cocina, Pulso Primigenio, Amplificador, Géiser Fotónico, Puños Plasma, Proliferación, Brinco, Cambiapoder, Filo del Abismo, Protección, Balón Ígneo, Último Lugar, Anticipo, Furia Fist, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Furia Taurina, Erupción de Ira, Canto Arcaico, Plegaria Vital, Calamidad, Salazón, Sable Místico, Autotomía, Coraza Trampa, Telatrampa, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Cepo, Alarido, Robo, Ronquido, Paisaje Nevado, Robasombra, Extracto Picante, Barrera Espinosa, Choque Anímico, Foco, Ciclón Primavera, Chorro de Vapor, Metaláser, Cautivapor, Forcejeo, Meteoimpacto, Azote Torrencial, Trapicheo, Tecno Shock, Ladrón, Mil Flechas, Mil Temblores, Trueno Cage, Truenoous Kick, Limpieza General, Abrecaminos, Transformación, Truco, Láser Doble, V de Fuego, Golpe Oscuro, Ominochoque o Vasta Guardia. showdown.moves.metronome.shortDesc=Picks a random move. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen8.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Apple Acid, Assist, Astral Barrage, Aura Wheel, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Bestow, Body Press, Branch Poke, Breaking Swipe, Celebrate, Chatter, Clangorous Soul, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Decorate, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Double Iron Bash, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Dragon Hammer, Drum Beating, Dynamax Cannon, Endure, Eternabeam, False Surrender, Feint, Fiery Wrath, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Glacial Lance, Grav Apple, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, Jungle Healing, King's Shield, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Meteor Assault, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Moongeist Beam, Nature Power, Nature's Madness, Obstruct, Origin Pulse, Overdrive, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Protect, Pyro Ball, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snap Trap, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spectral Thief, Spiky Shield, Spirit Break, Spotlight, Steam Eruption, Steel Beam, Strange Steam, Struggle, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, Transform, Trick, V-create, Wicked Blow, or Wide Guard. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen7.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Baneful Bunker, Beak Blast, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Dragon Ascent, Endure, Feint, Fleur Cannon, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Instruct, King's Shield, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mind Blown, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Origin Pulse, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spectral Thief, Spiky Shield, Spotlight, Steam Eruption, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen6.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Belch, Bestow, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Crafty Shield, Destiny Bond, Detect, Diamond Storm, Dragon Ascent, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, King's Shield, Light of Ruin, Mat Block, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Origin Pulse, Precipice Blades, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Spiky Shield, Steam Eruption, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen5.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than After You, Assist, Bestow, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Freeze Shock, Helping Hand, Ice Burn, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Protect, Quash, Quick Guard, Rage Powder, Relic Song, Secret Sword, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Snatch, Snore, Struggle, Switcheroo, Techno Blast, Thief, Transform, Trick, V-create, or Wide Guard. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen4.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Assist, Chatter, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Switcheroo, Thief, Trick, or any move the user already knows. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen3.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen2.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Counter, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Thief, or any move the user already knows. -showdown.moves.metronome.gen1.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Metronome or Struggle. -showdown.moves.metronome.move=Waggling a finger let it use %s! +showdown.moves.metronome.gen8.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Cede Paso, Ácido Málico, Ayuda, Orbes Espectro, Rueda Aural, Búnker, Pico Cañón, Embate Supremo, Tajo Supremo, Eructo, Ofrenda, Plancha Corporal, Punzada Rama, Vasto Impacto, Celebración, Cháchara, Estruendo Escama, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Truco Defensa, Decoración, Mismo Destino, Detección, Torm. Diamantes, Ferropuño Doble, Ascenso Draco, Dracoenergía, Martillo Dragón, Batería Asalto, Cañón Dinamax, Aguante, Rayo Infinito, Irreverencia, Amago, Furia Candente, Cañón Floral, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Rayo Gélido, Mirada Heladora, Lanza Glacial, Fuerza G, Refuerzo, Manos Juntas, Cerco Dimensión, Paso Dimensional, Llama Gélida, Mandato, Cura Selvática, King's Shield, Gota Vital, Luz Aniquiladora, Escudo Tatami, Yo Primero, Asalto Estelar, Metrónomo, Mimético, Cabeza Sorpresa, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Rayo Umbrío, Adaptación, Nature's Madness, Obstrucción, Pulso Primigenio, Amplificador, Géiser Fotónico, Puños Plasma, Filo del Abismo, Protección, Balón Ígneo, Último Lugar, Anticipo, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Canto Arcaico, Sable Místico, Coraza Trampa, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Cepo, Alarido, Robo, Ronquido, Robasombra, Barrera Espinosa, Choque Anímico, Foco, Chorro de Vapor, Metaláser, Cautivapor, Forcejeo, Meteoimpacto, Azote Torrencial, Trapicheo, Tecno Shock, Ladrón, Mil Flechas, Mil Temblores, Trueno Cage, Truenoous Kick, Transformación, Truco, V de Fuego, Golpe Oscuro, or Vasta Guardia. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen7.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Cede Paso, Ayuda, Búnker, Pico Cañón, Eructo, Ofrenda, Celebración, Cháchara, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Truco Defensa, Mismo Destino, Detección, Torm. Diamantes, Ascenso Draco, Aguante, Amago, Cañón Floral, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Rayo Gélido, Refuerzo, Manos Juntas, Cerco Dimensión, Paso Dimensional, Llama Gélida, Mandato, King's Shield, Luz Aniquiladora, Escudo Tatami, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Cabeza Sorpresa, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Adaptación, Pulso Primigenio, Géiser Fotónico, Puños Plasma, Filo del Abismo, Protección, Último Lugar, Anticipo, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Canto Arcaico, Sable Místico, Coraza Trampa, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Alarido, Robo, Ronquido, Robasombra, Barrera Espinosa, Foco, Chorro de Vapor, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Tecno Shock, Ladrón, Mil Flechas, Mil Temblores, Transformación, Truco, V de Fuego, or Vasta Guardia. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen6.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Cede Paso, Ayuda, Eructo, Ofrenda, Celebración, Cháchara, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Truco Defensa, Mismo Destino, Detección, Torm. Diamantes, Ascenso Draco, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Rayo Gélido, Refuerzo, Manos Juntas, Cerco Dimensión, Paso Dimensional, Llama Gélida, King's Shield, Luz Aniquiladora, Escudo Tatami, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Adaptación, Pulso Primigenio, Filo del Abismo, Protección, Último Lugar, Anticipo, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Canto Arcaico, Sable Místico, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Alarido, Robo, Ronquido, Barrera Espinosa, Chorro de Vapor, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Tecno Shock, Ladrón, Mil Flechas, Mil Temblores, Transformación, Truco, V de Fuego, or Vasta Guardia. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen5.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Cede Paso, Ayuda, Ofrenda, Cháchara, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Rayo Gélido, Refuerzo, Llama Gélida, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Adaptación, Protección, Último Lugar, Anticipo, Furia Polvo Explosivo, Canto Arcaico, Sable Místico, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Alarido, Robo, Ronquido, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Tecno Shock, Ladrón, Transformación, Truco, V de Fuego, or Vasta Guardia. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen4.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Ayuda, Cháchara, Copión, Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Aguante, Amago, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Yo Primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Espejo, Protección, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Forcejeo, Trapicheo, Ladrón, Truco, or any move the user already knows. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen3.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Contraataque, Antojo, Mismo Destino, Detección, Aguante, Puño Certero, Señuelo, Refuerzo, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Protección, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Robo, Forcejeo, Ladrón, or Truco. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen2.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than Contraataque, Mismo Destino, Detección, Aguante, Metrónomo, Mimético, Manto Espejo, Protección, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Forcejeo, Ladrón, or any move the user already knows. +showdown.moves.metronome.gen1.desc=Se selecciona un movimiento aleatorio para su uso, distinto de Metronome o Forcejeo. +showdown.moves.metronome.move=Moviendo un dedo ¡déjalo usar %s! -showdown.moves.milkdrink.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.milkdrink.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.milkdrink.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.shortDesc=Cura al usuario en un 50% de su PS máximo. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo.ético -showdown.moves.mimic.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Assist, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Belch, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Transform, or Wicked Torque. -showdown.moves.mimic.shortDesc=The last move the target used replaces this one. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen8.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Chatter, Dynamax Cannon, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, Transform, or any Max or G-Max Move. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen7.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, Transform, or any Z-Move. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen6.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, or Transform. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen4.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Chatter, Metronome, Mimic, Sketch, or Struggle. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen3.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Metronome, Mimic, Sketch, or Struggle. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has 5 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user already knows the move, or if the move is Struggle. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, this move is replaced by a random move known by the target, even if the user already knows that move. The copied move keeps the remaining PP for this move, regardless of the copied move's maximum PP. Whenever one PP is used for a copied move, one PP is used for this move. -showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.shortDesc=Random move known by the target replaces this. -showdown.moves.mimic.start=%s learned %s! +showdown.moves.mimic.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, este movimiento es reemplazado por el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. El movimiento copiado tiene el PP máximo para ese movimiento. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado un movimiento, si el usuario se ha Transformado, si el usuario ya conoce el movimiento, o si el movimiento es Ayuda, Ataque Supremo, Tajo Supremo, Eructar, Pyrochoke, Celebración, Caza, Pugnachoque, Copion, Cañón. Dinamax, Manos juntas, Choque de hadas, Yo primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Ponzochoque, Esquema, Sonambula, Forcejeo, Transformación u Ominochoque. +showdown.moves.mimic.shortDesc=El último movimiento que utilizó el objetivo reemplaza a este. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen8.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, este movimiento es reemplazado por el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. El movimiento copiado tiene el PP máximo para ese movimiento. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado un movimiento, si el usuario se ha transformado, si el usuario ya conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento es Supreme Attack, Supreme Tajo, Chase, Dynamax Cannon, Mimetic, Scheme, Forcejeo, Transformation o cualquier Movimiento máximo o G-Max. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen7.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, este movimiento es reemplazado por el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. El movimiento copiado tiene el PP máximo para ese movimiento. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el usuario se ha transformado, si el usuario ya conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento es Caza, Mimético, Esquema, Fuerza, Transformación o cualquier movimiento Z. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen6.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, este movimiento es reemplazado por el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. El movimiento copiado tiene el PP máximo para ese movimiento. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el usuario se ha transformado, si el usuario ya conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento es Caza, Mimético, Esquema, Fuerza o Transformación. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen4.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, este movimiento es reemplazado por el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. La jugada copiada tiene 5 PP. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el usuario se ha transformado, si el usuario ya conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento es Caza, Metrónomo, Mimético, Contorno o Fuerza. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen3.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, este movimiento es reemplazado por el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. La jugada copiada tiene 5 PP. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el usuario tiene Transformacióned, si el usuario ya conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento es Metrónomo, Mimético, Esquema o Forcejeo. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen2.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, este movimiento es reemplazado por el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. La jugada copiada tiene 5 PP. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el usuario ya conoce el movimiento o si el movimiento es Forcejeo. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, este movimiento es reemplazado por un movimiento aleatorio conocido por el objetivo, incluso si el usuario ya conoce ese movimiento. El movimiento copiado conserva los PP restantes para este movimiento, independientemente del PP máximo del movimiento copiado. Siempre que se usa un PP para un movimiento copiado, se usa un PP para este movimiento. +showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.shortDesc=El movimiento aleatorio conocido por el objetivo reemplaza esto. +showdown.moves.mimic.start=¡%s aprendió %s! Sorpresa -showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. This move is prevented from executing and the user does not lose HP if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability, or if this move is Fire type and the user is affected by Powder or the weather is Primordial Sea. -showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. Hits adjacent Pokemon. -showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) +showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Independientemente de si este movimiento tiene éxito o no, e incluso si causaría desmayos, el usuario pierde la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia arriba, a menos que tenga la habilidad Muro Mágico. Este movimiento no se puede ejecutar y el usuario no pierde PS si algún Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Humedad, o si este movimiento es de tipo Fuego y el usuario se ve afectado por Polvo Explosivo o el clima es Mar del Albor. +showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=El usuario pierde el 50% del PS máximo. Golpea a Pokémon adyacentes. +showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(¡%s reduce su propio PS para potenciar su movimiento!)épata -showdown.moves.mindreader.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. Fails if this effect is active for the user. -showdown.moves.mindreader.shortDesc=User's next move will not miss the target. -showdown.moves.mindreader.gen4.desc=Until the end of the next turn, the target cannot avoid the user's moves, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. When this effect is started against the target, this and Lock-On's effects end for every other Pokemon against that target. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, this effect is restarted against the same target for the replacement. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field. -showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.desc=The next accuracy check against the target succeeds. The target will still avoid Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude if it is using Fly. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement remains under this effect. This effect ends when the target leaves the field or an accuracy check is done against it. -showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.shortDesc=The next move will not miss the target. -showdown.moves.mindreader.start=%s took aim at %s! +showdown.moves.mindreader.desc=Hasta el final del siguiente turno, el objetivo no puede evitar los movimientos del usuario, incluso si el objetivo está en medio de un movimiento de dos turnos. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo. Falla si este efecto está activo para el usuario. +showdown.moves.mindreader.shortDesc=El siguiente movimiento del usuario no fallará en el objetivo. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen4.desc=Hasta el final del siguiente turno, el objetivo no puede evitar los movimientos del usuario, incluso si el objetivo está en medio de un movimiento de dos turnos. Cuando este efecto se inicia contra el objetivo, este y los efectos de Fijar Blanco terminan para todos los demás Pokémon contra ese objetivo. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo permanece bajo este efecto. Si el usuario abandona el campo usando Relevo, este efecto se reinicia contra el mismo objetivo para el reemplazo. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.desc=La siguiente comprobación de precisión contra el objetivo tiene éxito. El objetivo seguirá evitando Terremoto, Fisura y Magnitud si está usando Vuelo. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo permanece bajo este efecto. Este efecto finaliza cuando el objetivo abandona el campo o se realiza una comprobación de precisión contra él. +showdown.moves.mindreader.gen2.shortDesc=El siguiente movimiento no fallará en el objetivo. +showdown.moves.mindreader.start=¡%s apuntó a %s!ón -showdown.moves.minimize.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Malicious Moonsault, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. -showdown.moves.minimize.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen6.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, Steamroller, and Stomp will not check accuracy and have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen5.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stages. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp and Steamroller will have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp will have its power doubled if used against the user while it is active. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen3.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Astonish, Extrasensory, Needle Arm, and Stomp will have their damage doubled if used against the user while it is active. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen2.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. Whether or not the user's evasiveness was changed, Stomp will have its power doubled if used against the user while it is active. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.minimize.gen1.desc=Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stage. +showdown.moves.minimize.desc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 2 etapas. Ya sea que se haya cambiado o no la evasión del usuario, Golpe Cuerpo, Carga Dragón, Vueloing Press, Golpe Calor, Cuerpo Pesado, Hiperplancha Oscura, Rodillo de Púas y Pisotón no verificarán la precisión y duplicarán su daño si se usan contra el usuario mientras está activo. +showdown.moves.minimize.shortDesc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 2. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen6.desc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 2 etapas. Ya sea que se haya cambiado o no la evasión del usuario, Golpe Cuerpo, Carga Dragón, Vueloing Press, Golpe Calor, Golpe Fantasma, Golpe Umbrío, Rodillo de Púas y Pisotón no verificarán la precisión y duplicarán su daño si se usan contra el usuario mientras está activo. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen5.desc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 2 etapas. Ya sea que se haya cambiado o no la evasión del usuario, Pisotón y Rodillo de Púas duplicarán su daño si se usan contra el usuario mientras está activo. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.desc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 1 nivel. Ya sea que se haya cambiado o no la evasión del usuario, Pisotón duplicará su poder si se usa contra el usuario mientras está activo. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen4.shortDesc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 1. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen3.desc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 1 nivel. Ya sea que se haya cambiado o no la evasión del usuario, Impresionar, Paranormal, Brazo Pincho y Pisotón duplicarán su daño si se usan contra el usuario mientras está activo. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen2.desc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 1 nivel. Ya sea que se haya cambiado o no la evasión del usuario, Pisotón duplicará su poder si se usa contra el usuario mientras está activo. Relevo se puede utilizar para transferir este efecto a un aliado. +showdown.moves.minimize.gen1.desc=Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 1 nivel. Ojo -showdown.moves.miracleeye.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Odor Sleuth. -showdown.moves.miracleeye.shortDesc=Psychic hits Dark. Evasiveness ignored. -showdown.moves.miracleeye.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Psychic-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Dark type. -showdown.moves.miracleeye.start=%s was identified! +showdown.moves.miracleeye.desc=Mientras el objetivo permanezca activo, su estado de estadística de evasión se ignora durante las comprobaciones de precisión contra él si es mayor que 0, y los ataques de tipo psíquico pueden golpear al objetivo si es de tipo Oscuro. Falla si el objetivo ya está afectado, o afectado por Profecía o Rastreo. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.shortDesc=Psíquico golpea a Dark. Se ignoró la evasiva. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.gen4.desc=Mientras el objetivo permanezca activo, su estado de estadística de evasión se ignora durante las comprobaciones de precisión contra él si es mayor que 0, y los ataques de tipo psíquico pueden golpear al objetivo si es de tipo Oscuro. +showdown.moves.miracleeye.start=¡%s fue identificado! Espejo -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals 1 HP of damage instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.shortDesc=If hit by special attack, returns double damage. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If the user did not lose HP from the attack, this move deals damage with a power of 1 instead. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use, the damage is done to a random opposing Pokemon in range. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. Only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen3.desc=Deals damage to the last opposing Pokemon to hit the user with a special attack this turn equal to twice the HP lost by the user from that attack. If that opposing Pokemon's position is no longer in use and there is another opposing Pokemon on the field, the damage is done to it instead. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user was not hit by an opposing Pokemon's special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the opposing Pokemon equal to twice the HP lost by the user from a special attack this turn. This move considers Hidden Power as Normal type, and only the last hit of a multi-hit attack is counted. Fails if the user moves first, if the user was not hit by a special attack this turn, or if the user did not lose HP from the attack. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon contrario que golpee al usuario con un ataque especial este turno equivalente al doble del PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque. Si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque, este movimiento causa 1 PS de daño. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso y hay otro Pokémon contrario en el campo, el daño se le hace a él. Sólo se cuenta el último golpe de un ataque de múltiples golpes. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque especial de un Pokémon contrario este turno. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.shortDesc=Si es golpeado por un ataque especial, devuelve el doble de daño. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon contrario que golpee al usuario con un ataque especial este turno equivalente al doble del PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque. Si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque, este movimiento inflige daño con un poder de 1. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso, el daño se realiza a un Pokémon contrario aleatorio dentro del alcance. Sólo se cuenta el último golpe de un ataque de múltiples golpes. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque especial de un Pokémon contrario este turno. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen4.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon contrario que golpee al usuario con un ataque especial este turno equivalente al doble del PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso y hay otro Pokémon contrario en el campo, el daño se le hace a él. Sólo se cuenta el último golpe de un ataque de múltiples golpes. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque especial de un Pokémon contrario este turno, o si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen3.desc=Inflige daño al último Pokémon contrario que golpee al usuario con un ataque especial este turno equivalente al doble del PS perdido por el usuario en ese ataque. Si la posición de ese Pokémon contrario ya no está en uso y hay otro Pokémon contrario en el campo, el daño se le hace a él. Este movimiento considera a Poder Oculto como de tipo Normal, y solo cuenta el último golpe de un ataque multigolpe. Falla si el usuario no fue golpeado por el ataque especial de un Pokémon contrario este turno, o si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen2.desc=Inflige daño al Pokémon contrario igual al doble del PS perdido por el usuario en un ataque especial este turno. Este movimiento considera a Poder Oculto como de tipo Normal, y solo cuenta el último golpe de un ataque multigolpe. Falla si el usuario se mueve primero, si el usuario no fue golpeado por un ataque especial este turno o si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. The copied move is used against that target, if possible. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the last move used cannot be copied by this move. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.shortDesc=User uses the target's last used move against it. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen4.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move was called by another move, if the move is Encore, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen3.desc=The user uses the last move that successfully targeted the user. The copied move is used with no specific target. Fails if no move has targeted the user, if the move missed, failed, or had no effect on the user, or if the move cannot be copied by this move. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen2.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Transform, or any move the user knows. -showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen1.desc=The user uses the last move used by the target. Fails if the target has not made a move since the user switched in, or if the last move used was Mirror Move. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.desc=El usuario utiliza el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. El movimiento copiado se usa contra ese objetivo, si es posible. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento o si este movimiento no puede copiar el último movimiento utilizado. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.shortDesc=El usuario utiliza el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo contra él. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen4.desc=El usuario utiliza el último movimiento que apuntó con éxito al usuario. El movimiento copiado se utiliza sin un objetivo específico. Falla si ningún movimiento ha apuntado al usuario, si el movimiento fue llamado por otro movimiento, si el movimiento es Otra Vez o si el movimiento no puede ser copiado por este movimiento. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen3.desc=El usuario utiliza el último movimiento que apuntó con éxito al usuario. El movimiento copiado se utiliza sin un objetivo específico. Falla si ningún movimiento ha apuntado al usuario, si el movimiento falló, falló o no tuvo ningún efecto en el usuario, o si este movimiento no puede copiar el movimiento. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen2.desc=El usuario utiliza el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento desde que el usuario entró, o si el último movimiento utilizado fue Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Transformación o cualquier movimiento que el usuario conozca. +showdown.moves.mirrormove.gen1.desc=El usuario utiliza el último movimiento utilizado por el objetivo. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento desde que el usuario entró, o si el último movimiento utilizado fue Espejo. Espejo -showdown.moves.mirrorshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mirrorshot.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.mirrorshot.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.mirrorshot.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.mist.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members are protected from having their stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.mist.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from stat drops. -showdown.moves.mist.gen2.desc=While the user remains active, it is protected from having its stat stages lowered by other Pokemon. Fails if the user already has the effect. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.mist.gen2.shortDesc=While active, user is protected from stat drops. -showdown.moves.mist.gen2.start=%s's shrouded in MIST! -showdown.moves.mist.gen2.block=%s's protected by MIST. -showdown.moves.mist.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, it is protected from having its stat stages lowered by other Pokemon, unless caused by the secondary effect of a move. Fails if the user already has the effect. If any Pokemon uses Haze, this effect ends. -showdown.moves.mist.gen1.start=%s's shrouded in mist! -showdown.moves.mist.gen1.block=But, it failed! -showdown.moves.mist.start=%s became shrouded in mist! -showdown.moves.mist.end=%s is no longer protected by mist! -showdown.moves.mist.block=%s is protected by the mist! +showdown.moves.mist.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de que otros Pokémon reduzcan sus niveles de estadísticas. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.mist.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, protege al grupo del usuario de caídas de estadísticas. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, está protegido de que otros Pokémon reduzcan sus niveles de estadísticas. Falla si el usuario ya tiene el efecto. Relevo se puede utilizar para transferir este efecto a un aliado. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.shortDesc=Mientras está activo, el usuario está protegido contra caídas de estadísticas. +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.start=¡%s está envuelto en NIEBLA! +showdown.moves.mist.gen2.block=%s está protegido por MIST. +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, está protegido de que otros Pokémon reduzcan sus niveles de estadísticas, a menos que sea causado por el efecto secundario de un movimiento. Falla si el usuario ya tiene el efecto. Si algún Pokémon usa Niebla, este efecto termina. +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.start=¡%s está envuelto en niebla! +showdown.moves.mist.gen1.block=¡Pero falló! +showdown.moves.mist.start=¡%s quedó envuelto en niebla! +showdown.moves.mist.end=¡%s ya no está protegido por la niebla! +showdown.moves.mist.block=¡%s está protegido por la niebla! Neblina -showdown.moves.mistball.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mistball.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.mistball.desc=Tiene un 50% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.mistball.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Atq por 1. Explosiva -showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.desc=If the current terrain is Misty Terrain and the user is grounded, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.shortDesc=User faints. User on Misty Terrain: 1.5x power. +showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.desc=Si el terreno actual es Campo de Niebla y el usuario está castigado, el poder de este movimiento se multiplica por 1,5. El usuario se desmaya después de usar este movimiento, incluso si este movimiento falla por no tener un objetivo. Este movimiento no se puede ejecutar si algún Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Humedad. +showdown.moves.mistyexplosion.shortDesc=El usuario se desmaya. Usuario en Campo de Niebla: 1,5x de potencia. de Niebla -showdown.moves.mistyterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition nor confusion. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. -showdown.moves.mistyterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Can't status,-Dragon power vs grounded. -showdown.moves.mistyterrain.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Misty Terrain. During the effect, the power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition. Grounded Pokemon can become affected by Yawn but cannot fall asleep from its effect. Camouflage transforms the user into a Fairy type, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower Special Attack by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Misty Terrain. +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el terreno se convierte en Terreno Neblinay. Durante el efecto, el poder de los ataques de tipo Dragón utilizados contra Pokémon en el suelo se multiplica por 0,5 y los Pokémon en el suelo no pueden sufrir una condición de estado no volátil ni confusión. Los Pokémon en tierra pueden verse afectados por Bostezo pero no pueden quedarse dormidos por su efecto. Camuflaje transforma al usuario en un tipo Hada, Adaptación se convierte en Fuerza Lunar y Daño Secreto tiene un 30% de posibilidades de reducir el Ataque Especial en 1 nivel. Falla si el terreno actual es Campo de Niebla. +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.shortDesc=5 vueltas. No puedo estado, -Poder del dragón vs conectado a tierra. +showdown.moves.mistyterrain.gen6.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el terreno se convierte en Terreno Neblinay. Durante el efecto, el poder de los ataques de tipo Dragón utilizados contra Pokémon en el suelo se multiplica por 0,5 y los Pokémon en el suelo no pueden sufrir una condición de estado no volátil. Los Pokémon en tierra pueden verse afectados por Bostezo pero no pueden quedarse dormidos por su efecto. Camuflaje transforma al usuario en un tipo Hada, Adaptación se convierte en Fuerza Lunar y Daño Secreto tiene un 30% de posibilidades de reducir el Ataque Especial en 1 nivel. Falla si el terreno actual es Campo de Niebla. Lunar -showdown.moves.moonblast.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.moonblast.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.moonblast.desc=Tiene un 30% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.moonblast.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Atq por 1. Umbrío -showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=Este movimiento y sus efectos ignoran las habilidades de otros Pokémon. +showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignora las habilidades de otros Pokémon. Lunar -showdown.moves.moonlight.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.moonlight.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.moonlight.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si Flusso Delta o no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes o si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, y 1/ 4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia, Tormenta Arena o Nieve, todo redondeado a la mitad. +showdown.moves.moonlight.shortDesc=Cura al usuario en una cantidad que depende del clima. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen8.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si Flusso Delta o no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes o si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, y 1/ 4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todos redondeados a la mitad. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen7.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si Flusso Delta o no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todos redondeados a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen5.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Día Soleado y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todo redondeado hasta la mitad. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen4.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Día Soleado y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todo redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen2.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, todo su PS si el clima es Día Soleado y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todo redondeado hacia abajo. . Matinal -showdown.moves.morningsun.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.morningsun.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.morningsun.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si Flusso Delta o no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes o si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, y 1/ 4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia, Tormenta Arena o Nieve, todo redondeado a la mitad. +showdown.moves.morningsun.shortDesc=Cura al usuario en una cantidad que depende del clima. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen8.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si Flusso Delta o no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes o si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, y 1/ 4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todos redondeados a la mitad. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen7.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si Flusso Delta o no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todos redondeados a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen5.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Día Soleado y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todo redondeado hasta la mitad. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen4.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Día Soleado y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todo redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, todo su PS si el clima es Día Soleado y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todo redondeado hacia abajo. . Mortífero -showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/leech. +showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, los efectos de Drenadoras y movimientos vinculantes terminan para el usuario, y todos los peligros se eliminan del lado del campo del usuario. Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Envenena a los enemigos, libera al usuario de peligros, ataduras y sanguijuelas. Carámbano -showdown.moves.mountaingale.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.mountaingale.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.mountaingale.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.mountaingale.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Fango -showdown.moves.mudbomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mudbomb.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.mudbomb.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.mudbomb.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1. Lodo -showdown.moves.mudshot.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mudshot.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.mudshot.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.mudshot.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la Velocidad del objetivo en 1.ón Lodo -showdown.moves.mudslap.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mudslap.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.mudslap.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.mudslap.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1. Lodo -showdown.moves.mudsport.desc=For 5 turns, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. -showdown.moves.mudsport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Electric-type attacks have 1/3 power. -showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. -showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/3 their power. -showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Electric-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Electric-type attacks to 1/2 their power. +showdown.moves.mudsport.desc=Durante 5 turnos, todos los ataques de tipo Eléctrico utilizados por cualquier Pokémon activo tienen su poder multiplicado por 0,33. Falla si este efecto ya está activo. +showdown.moves.mudsport.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, los ataques de tipo Eléctrico tienen 1/3 de potencia. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.desc=Mientras el usuario está activo, todos los ataques de tipo Eléctrico utilizados por cualquier Pokémon activo tienen su poder multiplicado por 0,33. Falla si este efecto ya está activo para algún Pokémon. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen5.shortDesc=Debilita los ataques de tipo eléctrico a 1/3 de su poder. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.desc=Mientras el usuario está activo, todos los ataques de tipo Eléctrico utilizados por cualquier Pokémon activo ven su poder reducido a la mitad. Falla si este efecto ya está activo para el usuario. Relevo se puede utilizar para transferir este efecto a un aliado. +showdown.moves.mudsport.gen4.shortDesc=Debilita los ataques de tipo eléctrico a la mitad de su poder. Lodosa -showdown.moves.muddywater.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.muddywater.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.muddywater.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de reducir la precisión del enemigo en 1. -showdown.moves.multiattack.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Memory. -showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Memory. +showdown.moves.multiattack.desc=El tipo de este movimiento depende de la Memoria que tenga el usuario. +showdown.moves.multiattack.shortDesc=El tipo varía según la memoria retenida. Embrujada -showdown.moves.mysticalfire.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.mysticalfire.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.mysticalfire.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Atq por 1. Místico -showdown.moves.mysticalpower.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.mysticalpower.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de aumentar el ataque especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.mysticalpower.shortDesc=100% de posibilidades de aumentar el Sp del usuario. Atq por 1.ón -showdown.moves.nastyplot.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.nastyplot.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.nastyplot.desc=Aumenta el ataque especial del usuario en 2 niveles. +showdown.moves.nastyplot.shortDesc=Aumenta el Sp del usuario. Atq por 2. Natural -showdown.moves.naturalgift.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo or Magic Room is in effect for the user. -showdown.moves.naturalgift.shortDesc=Power and type depends on the user's Berry. -showdown.moves.naturalgift.gen4.desc=The type and power of this move depend on the user's held Berry, and the Berry is lost. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry, if the user has the Klutz Ability, or if Embargo is in effect for the user. +showdown.moves.naturalgift.desc=El tipo y el poder de este movimiento dependen de la Baya que tenga el usuario, y la Baya se pierde. Falla si el usuario no tiene una Baya, si el usuario tiene la Habilidad Zoquete o si Embargo o Zona Mágica está vigente para el usuario. +showdown.moves.naturalgift.shortDesc=La potencia y el tipo dependen de la Baya del usuario. +showdown.moves.naturalgift.gen4.desc=El tipo y el poder de este movimiento dependen de la Baya que tenga el usuario, y la Baya se pierde. Falla si el usuario no tiene una Baya, si el usuario tiene la habilidad Zoquete o si el embargo está vigente para el usuario.ón -showdown.moves.naturepower.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain, and Psychic during Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.naturepower.shortDesc=Attack depends on terrain (default Tri Attack). -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen6.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, Thunderbolt during Electric Terrain, Moonblast during Misty Terrain, and Energy Ball during Grassy Terrain. -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Earthquake on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Earthquake) -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.desc=This move calls another move for use based on the battle terrain. Tri Attack in Wi-Fi battles. -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Tri Attack) -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.desc=This move calls another move for use depending on the battle terrain. Swift in Wi-Fi battles. -showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.shortDesc=Attack changes based on terrain. (Swift) -showdown.moves.naturepower.move=Nature Power turned into %s! +showdown.moves.naturepower.desc=Este movimiento requiere otro movimiento para su uso según el terreno de batalla. Triataque en el terreno Wi-Fi regular, Truenobolt durante Campo Eléctrico, Fuerza Lunar durante Campo de Niebla, Energibola durante Campo de Hierba y Psíquico durante Campo Psíquico. +showdown.moves.naturepower.shortDesc=El ataque depende del terreno (Triataque predeterminado). +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen6.desc=Este movimiento requiere otro movimiento para su uso según el terreno de batalla. Triataque en el terreno regular Wi-Fi, Truenobolt durante Campo Eléctrico, Fuerza Lunar durante Campo de Niebla y Energibola durante Campo de Hierba. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.desc=Este movimiento requiere otro movimiento para su uso según el terreno de batalla. Terremoto en el terreno Wi-Fi habitual. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen5.shortDesc=El ataque cambia según el terreno. (Terremoto) +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.desc=Este movimiento requiere otro movimiento para su uso según el terreno de batalla. Triataque en batallas Wi-Fi. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen4.shortDesc=El ataque cambia según el terreno. (Triataco) +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.desc=Este movimiento requiere otro movimiento para su uso dependiendo del terreno de batalla. Meteoros en batallas Wi-Fi. +showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.shortDesc=El ataque cambia según el terreno. (Meteoros) +showdown.moves.naturepower.move=¡Adaptación se convirtió en %s!'s Madness -showdown.moves.naturesmadness.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.naturesmadness.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. +showdown.moves.naturesmadness.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo equivalente a la mitad de su PS actual, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.naturesmadness.shortDesc=Hace un daño equivalente a la mitad del PS actual del objetivo. Pincho -showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.needlearm.gen3.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El daño se duplica si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras está activo. Espectral -showdown.moves.neverendingnightmare.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.neverendingnightmare.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. Noche -showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Tiene un 40% de posibilidades de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40% de probabilidad de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.nightmare.desc=Causes the target to lose 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn as long as it is asleep. This move does not affect the target unless it is asleep. The effect ends when the target wakes up, even if it falls asleep again in the same turn. -showdown.moves.nightmare.shortDesc=A sleeping target is hurt by 1/4 max HP per turn. -showdown.moves.nightmare.start=%s began having a nightmare! -showdown.moves.nightmare.damage=%s is locked in a nightmare! +showdown.moves.nightmare.desc=Hace que el objetivo pierda 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno mientras esté dormido. Este movimiento no afecta al objetivo a menos que esté dormido. El efecto termina cuando el objetivo se despierta, incluso si vuelve a quedarse dormido en el mismo turno. +showdown.moves.nightmare.shortDesc=Un objetivo dormido sufre 1/4 de PS máximo por turno. +showdown.moves.nightmare.start=¡%s comenzó a tener una pesadilla! +showdown.moves.nightmare.damage=¡%s está atrapado en una pesadilla! -showdown.moves.nightshade.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. -showdown.moves.nightshade.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. -showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. -showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Normal types. +showdown.moves.nightshade.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual al nivel del usuario. +showdown.moves.nightshade.shortDesc=Hace un daño igual al nivel del usuario. +showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual al nivel del usuario. Este movimiento ignora la inmunidad de tipo. +showdown.moves.nightshade.gen1.shortDesc=Daño Umbrío -showdown.moves.nightslash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.nightslash.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.nightslash.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. de Guerra -showdown.moves.nobleroar.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.nobleroar.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.nobleroar.desc=Reduce el ataque y el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.nobleroar.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque y el Sp del objetivo. Atq por 1.ón Final -showdown.moves.noretreat.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage, but it becomes prevented from switching out. The user can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the user leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. Fails if the user has already been prevented from switching by this effect. -showdown.moves.noretreat.shortDesc=Raises all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Traps user. -showdown.moves.noretreat.start=%s can no longer escape because it used No Retreat! +showdown.moves.noretreat.desc=Aumenta el ataque, la defensa, el ataque especial, la defensa especial y la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel, pero se le impide cambiar. El usuario aún puede cambiarse si usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el usuario abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. Falla si este efecto ya ha impedido que el usuario cambie. +showdown.moves.noretreat.shortDesc=Aumenta todas las estadísticas en 1 (no acc/eva). Usuario de trampas. +showdown.moves.noretreat.start=¡%s ya no puede escapar porque usó Bastión Final! -showdown.moves.noxioustorque.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.noxioustorque.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.noxioustorque.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. Estático -showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Mortífera -showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=The user recovers 3/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=User recovers 75% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=El usuario recupera 3/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 75% del daño causado.ón -showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def. -showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Defense lowered by 2 stages. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. +showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que intentan hacer contacto con el usuario ven su defensa reducida en 2 etapas. Los movimientos no dañinos pasan por esta protección. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Telatrampa, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos. se mueve y la protección del usuario se rompe. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Protección contra ataques dañinos. Contacto: -2 Def. +showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que intentan hacer contacto con el usuario ven su defensa reducida en 2 etapas. Los movimientos no dañinos pasan por esta protección. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y La protección del usuario estaba rota. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno.ía de la Diva Marina showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario.ñón -showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de reducir la precisión del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. At the end of each turn during effect, the target's Defense and Special Defense are lowered by 1 stage. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Traps target, lowers Def and SpD by 1 each turn. -showdown.moves.octolock.start=%s can no longer escape because of Octolock! +showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. Al final de cada turno durante el efecto, la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del objetivo se reducen en 1 nivel. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Atrapa al objetivo, reduce la Def y Def esp. en 1 cada turno. +showdown.moves.octolock.start=¡%s ya no puede escapar gracias a Octopresa! -showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. Fails if the target is already affected, or affected by Foresight or Miracle Eye. -showdown.moves.odorsleuth.shortDesc=Fighting, Normal hit Ghost. Evasiveness ignored. -showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen4.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it if it is greater than 0, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. -showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen3.desc=As long as the target remains active, its evasiveness stat stage is ignored during accuracy checks against it, and Normal- and Fighting-type attacks can hit the target if it is a Ghost type. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=Mientras el objetivo permanezca activo, su estado de estadística de evasión se ignora durante las comprobaciones de precisión contra él si es mayor que 0, y los ataques de tipo Normal y Lucha pueden alcanzar al objetivo si es de tipo Fantasma. Falla si el objetivo ya está afectado, o afectado por Profecía o Gran Ojo. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.shortDesc=Luchando, Golpe normal Fantasma. Se ignoró la evasiva. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen4.desc=Mientras el objetivo permanezca activo, su estado de estadística de evasión se ignora durante las comprobaciones de precisión contra él si es mayor que 0, y los ataques de tipo Normal y Lucha pueden alcanzar al objetivo si es de tipo Fantasma. +showdown.moves.odorsleuth.gen3.desc=Mientras el objetivo permanezca activo, su nivel de estadísticas de evasión se ignora durante las comprobaciones de precisión contra él, y los ataques de tipo Normal y Lucha pueden alcanzar al objetivo si es de tipo Fantasma. Aciago -showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). +showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de aumentar el Ataque, la Defensa, el Ataque Especial, la Defensa Especial y la Velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de aumentar todas las estadísticas en 1 (no acc/eva).ído Cocina -showdown.moves.orderup.desc=If an ally Tatsugiri has activated its Commander Ability, this move raises the user's Attack by 1 stage if the Tatsugiri is Curly Form, Defense by 1 stage if Droopy Form, or Speed by 1 stage if Stretchy Form. The effect happens whether or not this move is successful, and even if the Tatsugiri that activated the effect has since fainted. -showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy eaten: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. +showdown.moves.orderup.desc=Si un aliado Tatsugiri ha activado su habilidad Comandar, este movimiento aumenta el ataque del usuario en 1 etapa si Tatsugiri tiene forma rizada, la defensa en 1 etapa si tiene forma caída o la velocidad en 1 etapa si tiene forma elástica. El efecto ocurre independientemente de si este movimiento tiene éxito o no, e incluso si el Tatsugiri que activó el efecto se ha desmayado desde entonces. +showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Rizado|Caído|Elástico comido: +1 Atq|Def|Velo. Primigenio showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes. -showdown.moves.outrage.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.outrage.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. -showdown.moves.outrage.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.outrage.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.outrage.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. +showdown.moves.outrage.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Si el usuario no puede moverse, está dormido al comienzo de un turno o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo en el primer turno del efecto o en el segundo turno de un efecto de tres turnos, el efecto termina sin causar confusión. . Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento y el usuario está dormido, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.outrage.shortDesc=Dura 2-3 turnos. Confunde al usuario después. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen6.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon enemigo adyacente al azar en cada turno. Si el usuario no puede moverse, está dormido al comienzo de un turno o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo en el primer turno del efecto o en el segundo turno de un efecto de tres turnos, el efecto termina sin causar confusión. . Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen4.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde al final del último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Si el usuario no puede moverse, está dormido al comienzo de un turno o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo, el efecto termina sin causar confusión. Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen3.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde al final del último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Si al usuario se le impide moverse, se queda dormido, se congela o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo, el efecto finaliza sin causar confusión. Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.outrage.gen2.desc=Independientemente de si este movimiento tiene éxito o no, el usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, incluso si ya está confundido. Si se impide al usuario moverse, el efecto finaliza sin causar confusión. Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. showdown.moves.overdrive.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.overdrive.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a los enemigos. -showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Reduce el ataque especial del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Reduce la Sp del usuario. Atq por 2. Dolor -showdown.moves.painsplit.desc=The user and the target's HP become the average of their current HP, rounded down, but not more than the maximum HP of either one. -showdown.moves.painsplit.shortDesc=Shares HP of user and target equally. -showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=The battlers shared their pain! +showdown.moves.painsplit.desc=Los PS del usuario y del objetivo se convierten en el promedio de sus PS actuales, redondeados hacia abajo, pero no más que el PS máximo de cualquiera de los dos. +showdown.moves.painsplit.shortDesc=Comparte PS del usuario y del objetivo por igual. +showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=¡Los luchadores compartieron su dolor! Wave -showdown.moves.paleowave.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.paleowave.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1. Parábola -showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=The user recovers 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=User recovers 50% of the damage dealt. +showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=El usuario recupera el 50% del daño causado.Última Palabra -showdown.moves.partingshot.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if the target's Attack and Special Attack stat stages were both unchanged, or if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.partingshot.shortDesc=Lowers target's Atk, Sp. Atk by 1. User switches. -showdown.moves.partingshot.gen6.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. If this move is successful, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.partingshot.heal=%s's HP was restored by the Z-Power! -showdown.moves.partingshot.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.partingshot.desc=Reduce el ataque y el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario sale incluso si está atrapado y es reemplazado inmediatamente por un miembro del grupo seleccionado. El usuario no cambia si las etapas de las estadísticas de Ataque y Ataque Especial del objetivo no cambiaron, o si no hay miembros del grupo que no estén desmayados. +showdown.moves.partingshot.shortDesc=Reduce el Atq, Sp. del objetivo. Atq por 1. El usuario cambia. +showdown.moves.partingshot.gen6.desc=Reduce el ataque y el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario sale incluso si está atrapado y es reemplazado inmediatamente por un miembro del grupo seleccionado. El usuario no cambia si no hay miembros del grupo no desmayados. +showdown.moves.partingshot.heal=¡El PS de %s fue restaurado por el Z-Power! +showdown.moves.partingshot.switchOut=¡%s volvió a %s! -showdown.moves.payback.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn, including actions taken through Instruct or the Dancer Ability. Switching in does not count as an action. -showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target. -showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in does not count as an action. -showdown.moves.payback.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user moves after the target this turn. Switching in counts as an action. +showdown.moves.payback.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario se mueve después del objetivo este turno, incluidas las acciones realizadas a través de Mandato o la habilidad Pareja de Baile. El cambio no cuenta como una acción. +showdown.moves.payback.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el usuario se mueve detrás del objetivo. +showdown.moves.payback.gen6.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario se mueve detrás del objetivo este turno. El cambio no cuenta como una acción. +showdown.moves.payback.gen4.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario se mueve detrás del objetivo este turno. El cambio cuenta como una acción.ía de Pago showdown.moves.payday.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Scatters coins. -showdown.moves.payday.activate=Coins were scattered everywhere! +showdown.moves.payday.shortDesc=Esparce monedas. +showdown.moves.payday.activate=¡Las monedas estaban esparcidas por todas partes! showdown.moves.peck.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Mortal -showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Each active Pokemon receives a perish count of 4 if it doesn't already have a perish count. At the end of each turn including the turn used, the perish count of all active Pokemon lowers by 1 and Pokemon faint if the number reaches 0. The perish count is removed from Pokemon that switch out. If a Pokemon uses Baton Pass while it has a perish count, the replacement will gain the perish count and continue to count down. -showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=All active Pokemon will faint in 3 turns. -showdown.moves.perishsong.start=All Pokémon that heard the song will faint in three turns! -showdown.moves.perishsong.activate=%s's perish count fell to %s. +showdown.moves.perishsong.desc=Cada Pokémon activo recibe una cuenta de muerte de 4 si aún no la tiene. Al final de cada turno, incluido el turno utilizado, el recuento de muertes de todos los Pokémon activos se reduce en 1 y los Pokémon se debilitan si el número llega a 0. La cuenta de muertes se elimina de los Pokémon que cambian. Si un Pokémon usa Relevo mientras tiene un conteo de muertes, el reemplazo ganará la cuenta de muertes y continuará con la cuenta regresiva. +showdown.moves.perishsong.shortDesc=Todos los Pokémon activos se debilitarán en 3 turnos. +showdown.moves.perishsong.start=¡Todos los Pokémon que escuchen la canción se desmayarán en tres turnos! +showdown.moves.perishsong.activate=El recuento de muertes de %s cayó a %s. Floral showdown.moves.petalblizzard.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.petalblizzard.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a Pokémon adyacentes. Pétalo -showdown.moves.petaldance.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.petaldance.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. -showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.petaldance.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Si el usuario no puede moverse, está dormido al comienzo de un turno o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo en el primer turno del efecto o en el segundo turno de un efecto de tres turnos, el efecto termina sin causar confusión. . Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento y el usuario está dormido, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.petaldance.shortDesc=Dura 2-3 turnos. Confunde al usuario después. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen6.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon enemigo adyacente al azar en cada turno. Si el usuario no puede moverse, está dormido al comienzo de un turno o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo en el primer turno del efecto o en el segundo turno de un efecto de tres turnos, el efecto termina sin causar confusión. . Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen4.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde al final del último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Si el usuario no puede moverse, está dormido al comienzo de un turno o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo, el efecto termina sin causar confusión. Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen3.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde al final del último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Si al usuario se le impide moverse, se queda dormido, se congela o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo, el efecto finaliza sin causar confusión. Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen2.desc=Independientemente de si este movimiento tiene éxito o no, el usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, incluso si ya está confundido. Si se impide al usuario moverse, el efecto finaliza sin causar confusión. Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.desc=Independientemente de si este movimiento tiene éxito o no, el usuario pasa tres o cuatro turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, incluso si ya está confundido. Si se impide al usuario moverse, el efecto finaliza sin causar confusión. Durante el efecto, la precisión de este movimiento se sobrescribe en cada turno con la precisión calculada actual, incluidos los cambios de etapa de estadísticas, pero no menos de 1/256 ni más de 255/256. +showdown.moves.petaldance.gen1.shortDesc=Dura 3-4 turnos. Confunde al usuario después. Fantasma -showdown.moves.phantomforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.phantomforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. -showdown.moves.phantomforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.phantomforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! -showdown.moves.phantomforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! +showdown.moves.phantomforce.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa el Búnker, Detección, Escudo del Rey, Protección o Barrera Espinosa del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el lado del objetivo está protegido por Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del objetivo normalmente. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.shortDesc=Desaparece en el turno 1. Llega al turno 2. Rompe la protección. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.gen6.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa la Detección, el Escudo del Rey, la Protección o la Barrera Espinosa del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el lado del objetivo está protegido por Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del objetivo normalmente. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. El daño se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras estaba activo. +showdown.moves.phantomforce.prepare=¡%s desapareció instantáneamente! +showdown.moves.phantomforce.activate=¡Rompió la protección de %s!éiser Fotónico -showdown.moves.photongeyser.desc=This move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes. This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Physical if user's Atk > Sp. Atk. Ignores Abilities. +showdown.moves.photongeyser.desc=Este movimiento se convierte en un ataque físico si el Ataque del usuario es mayor que su Ataque Especial, incluidos los cambios en el nivel de estadísticas. Este movimiento y sus efectos ignoran las habilidades de otros Pokémon. +showdown.moves.photongeyser.shortDesc=Físico si el Atq del usuario > Atq esp. Ignora las habilidades. -showdown.moves.pikapapow.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. -showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. +showdown.moves.pikapapow.desc=El poder es igual al mayor de (felicidad del usuario * 2/5), redondeado hacia abajo o 1. +showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Felicidad máxima: 102 de poder. No te lo puedes perder. Misil -showdown.moves.pinmissile.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. El daño se calcula una vez para el primer golpe y se utiliza para cada golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el movimiento finaliza.ños Plasma -showdown.moves.plasmafists.desc=If this move is successful, causes Normal-type moves to become Electric type this turn. -showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Normal moves become Electric type this turn. +showdown.moves.plasmafists.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, hace que los movimientos de tipo Normal se vuelvan de tipo Eléctrico este turno. +showdown.moves.plasmafists.shortDesc=Los movimientos normales se vuelven de tipo Eléctrico este turno.ía -showdown.moves.playnice.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.playnice.desc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.playnice.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 1.ña -showdown.moves.playrough.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.playrough.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.playrough.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.playrough.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.pluck.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects even if the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.pluck.shortDesc=User steals and eats the target's Berry. -showdown.moves.pluck.gen4.desc=The user steals the target's held Berry if it is holding one and eats it immediately, gaining its effects unless the user's item is being ignored. Items lost to this move can be regained with Recycle. -showdown.moves.pluck.removeItem=%s stole and ate its target's %s! +showdown.moves.pluck.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba la Baya que tiene el objetivo si la tiene y se la come inmediatamente, obteniendo sus efectos incluso si el objeto del usuario está siendo ignorado. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.pluck.shortDesc=El usuario roba y se come la Baya del objetivo. +showdown.moves.pluck.gen4.desc=El usuario roba el Baya que tiene el objetivo si tiene uno y se lo come inmediatamente, obteniendo sus efectos a menos que se ignore el objeto del usuario. Los objetos perdidos con este movimiento se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje. +showdown.moves.pluck.removeItem=¡%s robó y se comió el %s de su objetivo! Veneno -showdown.moves.poisonfang.desc=Has a 50% chance to badly poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonfang.shortDesc=50% chance to badly poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to badly poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to badly poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de envenenar gravemente al objetivo. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de envenenar gravemente al objetivo. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de envenenar gravemente al objetivo. +showdown.moves.poisonfang.gen5.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de envenenar gravemente al objetivo. Venenoso -showdown.moves.poisongas.desc=Poisons the target. -showdown.moves.poisongas.shortDesc=Poisons the foe(s). -showdown.moves.poisongas.gen2.shortDesc=Poisons the target. +showdown.moves.poisongas.desc=Envenena al objetivo. +showdown.moves.poisongas.shortDesc=Envenena al enemigo. +showdown.moves.poisongas.gen2.shortDesc=Envenena al objetivo. Nociva -showdown.moves.poisonjab.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonjab.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonjab.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.poisonjab.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. Veneno -showdown.moves.poisonpowder.desc=Poisons the target. -showdown.moves.poisonpowder.shortDesc=Poisons the target. +showdown.moves.poisonpowder.desc=Envenena al objetivo. +showdown.moves.poisonpowder.shortDesc=Envenena al objetivo. Veneno -showdown.moves.poisonsting.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonsting.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.shortDesc=20% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.poisonsting.gen1.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. Veneno -showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target and a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. 10% chance to poison. +showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo y una mayor probabilidad de asestar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. 10% de probabilidad de envenenamiento. de Polen -showdown.moves.pollenpuff.desc=If the target is an ally, this move restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down, instead of dealing damage. -showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=If the target is an ally, heals 50% of its max HP. +showdown.moves.pollenpuff.desc=Si el objetivo es un aliado, este movimiento restaura la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, en lugar de causar daño. +showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=Si el objetivo es un aliado, cura el 50% de su PS máximo. -showdown.moves.poltergeist.shortDesc=Fails if the target has no held item. -showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=%s is about to be attacked by its %s! +showdown.moves.poltergeist.shortDesc=Falla si el objetivo no tiene ningún objeto retenido. +showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=¡%s está a punto de ser atacado por su %s!ón -showdown.moves.populationbomb.desc=Hits ten times. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit ten times. If the user is holding Loaded Dice, this move hits four to ten times at random without checking accuracy between hits. -showdown.moves.populationbomb.shortDesc=Hits 10 times. Each hit can miss. +showdown.moves.populationbomb.desc=Golpea diez veces. Este movimiento comprueba la precisión de cada golpe y el ataque finaliza si el objetivo evita el golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre golpeará diez veces. Si el usuario mantiene Dado Trucado, este movimiento golpea de cuatro a diez veces al azar sin verificar la precisión entre golpes. +showdown.moves.populationbomb.shortDesc=Golpea 10 veces. Cada golpe puede fallar. -showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.pounce.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la Velocidad del objetivo en 1. showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Explosivo -showdown.moves.powder.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect does not happen if the Fire-type move is prevented by Primordial Sea. -showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=If using a Fire move, target loses 1/4 max HP. -showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=If the target uses a Fire-type move this turn, it is prevented from executing and the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. This effect happens before the Fire-type move would be prevented by Primordial Sea. -showdown.moves.powder.start=%s is covered in powder! -showdown.moves.powder.activate=When the flame touched the powder on the Pokémon, it exploded! +showdown.moves.powder.desc=Si el objetivo usa un movimiento de tipo Fuego este turno, no podrá ejecutarlo y el objetivo pierde 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. Este efecto no ocurre si Mar del Albor previene el movimiento de tipo Fuego. +showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=Si usa un movimiento de Fuego, el objetivo pierde 1/4 de PS máximo. +showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=Si el objetivo usa un movimiento de tipo Fuego este turno, no podrá ejecutarlo y el objetivo pierde 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. Este efecto ocurre antes de que Mar del Albor impida el movimiento de tipo Fuego. +showdown.moves.powder.start=¡%s está cubierto de polvo! +showdown.moves.powder.activate=Cuando la llama tocó el polvo del Pokémon, ¡explotó! Polvo -showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Has a 10% chance to freeze the target. -showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the foe(s). -showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% chance to freeze the target. +showdown.moves.powdersnow.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de congelar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.powdersnow.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelar a los enemigos. +showdown.moves.powdersnow.gen2.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de congelar al objetivo. de Luz showdown.moves.powergem.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=The user and the target have their Attack and Special Attack stats set to be equal to the average of the user and the target's Attack and Special Attack stats, respectively, rounded down. Stat stage changes are unaffected. -showdown.moves.powersplit.shortDesc=Averages Attack and Sp. Atk stats with target. -showdown.moves.powersplit.activate=%s shared its power with the target! +showdown.moves.powersplit.desc=El usuario y el objetivo tienen sus estadísticas de Ataque y Ataque Especial configuradas para ser iguales al promedio de las estadísticas de Ataque y Ataque Especial del usuario y del objetivo, respectivamente, redondeadas hacia abajo. Los cambios en la etapa de estadísticas no se ven afectados. +showdown.moves.powersplit.shortDesc=Promedios de ataque y sp. Estadísticas de ataque con objetivo. +showdown.moves.powersplit.activate=¡%s compartió su poder con el objetivo! -showdown.moves.powerswap.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Special Attack stat stage changes with the target. -showdown.moves.powerswap.shortDesc=Swaps Attack and Sp. Atk stat stages with target. +showdown.moves.powerswap.desc=El usuario intercambia sus cambios de etapa de estadísticas de Ataque y Ataque Especial con el objetivo. +showdown.moves.powerswap.shortDesc=Intercambia ataque y sp. Etapas de estadísticas de ataque con objetivo. -showdown.moves.powershift.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. -showdown.moves.powershift.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. -showdown.moves.powershift.start=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! -showdown.moves.powershift.end=%s swapped its offensive stats with its defensive stats! +showdown.moves.powershift.desc=El usuario intercambia sus estadísticas de Ataque y Defensa, y los cambios en las etapas de las estadísticas permanecen en sus respectivas estadísticas. Este movimiento se puede utilizar nuevamente para intercambiar las estadísticas. Si el usuario usa Relevo, el reemplazo intercambiará sus estadísticas de ataque y defensa si el efecto está activo. Si al usuario se le recalculan sus estadísticas cambiando de forma mientras se intercambian sus estadísticas, este efecto se ignora pero aún está activo para los propósitos de Relevo. +showdown.moves.powershift.shortDesc=Cambia las estadísticas de ataque y defensa del usuario. +showdown.moves.powershift.start=¡%s intercambió sus estadísticas ofensivas con sus estadísticas defensivas! +showdown.moves.powershift.end=¡%s intercambió sus estadísticas ofensivas con sus estadísticas defensivas! Fuerza -showdown.moves.powertrick.desc=The user swaps its Attack and Defense stats, and stat stage changes remain on their respective stats. This move can be used again to swap the stats back. If the user uses Baton Pass, the replacement will have its Attack and Defense stats swapped if the effect is active. If the user has its stats recalculated by changing forme while its stats are swapped, this effect is ignored but is still active for the purposes of Baton Pass. -showdown.moves.powertrick.shortDesc=Switches user's Attack and Defense stats. -showdown.moves.powertrick.start=%s switched its Attack and Defense! -showdown.moves.powertrick.end=%s switched its Attack and Defense! +showdown.moves.powertrick.desc=El usuario intercambia sus estadísticas de Ataque y Defensa, y los cambios en las etapas de las estadísticas permanecen en sus respectivas estadísticas. Este movimiento se puede utilizar nuevamente para intercambiar las estadísticas. Si el usuario usa Relevo, el reemplazo intercambiará sus estadísticas de ataque y defensa si el efecto está activo. Si al usuario se le recalculan sus estadísticas cambiando de forma mientras se intercambian sus estadísticas, este efecto se ignora pero aún está activo para los propósitos de Relevo. +showdown.moves.powertrick.shortDesc=Cambia las estadísticas de ataque y defensa del usuario. +showdown.moves.powertrick.start=¡%s cambió su ataque y defensa! +showdown.moves.powertrick.end=¡%s cambió su ataque y defensa!ía -showdown.moves.powertrip.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. -showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. +showdown.moves.powertrip.desc=El poder es igual a 20+(X*20), donde X son los cambios totales de etapa de estadísticas del usuario que son mayores que 0. +showdown.moves.powertrip.shortDesc=+ 20 de poder por cada uno de los aumentos de estadísticas del usuario.ño Incremento -showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.poweruppunch.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de aumentar el ataque del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.poweruppunch.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de aumentar el ataque del usuario en 1. showdown.moves.powerwhip.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. del Abismo showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Hits adjacent foes. +showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes. -showdown.moves.present.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 40% chance for 40 power, 30% chance for 80 power, 10% chance for 120 power, and 20% chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 power, or heals target 1/4 max HP. -showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=If this move is successful, it deals damage or heals the target. 102/256 chance for 40 power, 76/256 chance for 80 power, 26/256 chance for 120 power, or 52/256 chance to heal the target by 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down. If this move deals damage, it uses an abnormal version of the damage formula by substituting certain values. The user's Attack stat is replaced with 10 times the effectiveness of this move against the target, the target's Defense stat is replaced with the index number of the user's secondary type, and the user's level is replaced with the index number of the target's secondary type. If a Pokemon does not have a secondary type, its primary type is used. The index numbers for each type are Normal: 0, Fighting: 1, Flying: 2, Poison: 3, Ground: 4, Rock: 5, Bug: 7, Ghost: 8, Steel: 9, Fire: 20, Water: 21, Grass: 22, Electric: 23, Psychic: 24, Ice: 25, Dragon: 26, Dark: 27. If at any point a division by 0 would happen in the damage formula, it divides by 1 instead. +showdown.moves.present.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, causa daño o cura al objetivo. 40% de probabilidad de obtener 40 de poder, 30% de probabilidad de obtener 80 de poder, 10% de probabilidad de obtener 120 de poder y 20% de probabilidad de curar al objetivo en 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 de poder o cura al objetivo 1/4 de PS máximo. +showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, causa daño o cura al objetivo. 102/256 de probabilidad de obtener 40 de poder, 76/256 de probabilidad de 80 de poder, 26/256 de probabilidad de 120 de poder o 52/256 de probabilidad de curar al objetivo en 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Si este movimiento causa daño, utiliza una versión anormal de la fórmula de daño al sustituir ciertos valores. La estadística de Ataque del usuario se reemplaza con 10 veces la efectividad de este movimiento contra el objetivo, la estadística de Defensa del objetivo se reemplaza con el número de índice del tipo secundario del usuario y el nivel del usuario se reemplaza con el número de índice del tipo secundario del objetivo. Si un Pokémon no tiene un tipo secundario, se utiliza su tipo primario. Los números de índice para cada tipo son Normal: 0, Lucha: 1, Vuelo: 2, Veneno: 3, Tierra: 4, Roca: 5, Insecto: 7, Fantasma: 8, Acero: 9, Fuego: 20, Agua: 21. , Hierba: 22, Eléctrico: 23, Psíquico: 24, Hielo: 25, Dragón: 26, Oscuro: 27. Si en algún momento ocurriera una división por 0 en la fórmula de daño, en su lugar se divide por 1.áser Prisma -showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento. +showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=El usuario no puede moverse en el siguiente turno.ón -showdown.moves.protect.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.shortDesc=Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen5.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen4.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used, up to a maximum of 8. X resets to 1 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen3.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn. This move has an X/65536 chance of being successful, where X starts at 65535 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. After the fourth successful use in a row, X drops to 118 and continues with seemingly random values from 0-65535 on subsequent successful uses. X resets to 65535 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.gen2.desc=The user is protected from attacks made by the opponent during this turn. This move has an X/255 chance of being successful, where X starts at 255 and halves, rounded down, each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 255 if this move fails or if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, or Protect. Fails if the user has a substitute or moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.protect.start=%s protected itself! -showdown.moves.protect.block=%s protected itself! +showdown.moves.protect.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Telatrampa, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos. se mueve y la protección del usuario se rompe. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.protect.shortDesc=Evita que los movimientos afecten al usuario este turno. +showdown.moves.protect.gen8.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y La protección del usuario estaba rota. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.protect.gen7.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario fue roto. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.protect.gen6.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario se rompió. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.protect.gen5.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se duplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se restablece a 1 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, Protección, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.protect.gen4.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se duplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, hasta un máximo de 8. X se restablece a 1 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario es ni Detección, Aguante o Protección. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.protect.gen3.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad X/65536 de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 65535 y se reduce a la mitad, redondeando hacia abajo, cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. Después del cuarto uso exitoso consecutivo, X cae a 118 y continúa con valores aparentemente aleatorios de 0 a 65535 en usos exitosos posteriores. X se restablece a 65535 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante o Protección. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.protect.gen2.desc=El usuario está protegido de los ataques realizados por el oponente durante este turno. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de X/255 de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 255 y se reduce a la mitad, redondeando hacia abajo, cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 255 si este movimiento falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante o Protección. Falla si el usuario tiene un sustituto o se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.protect.start=¡%s se protegió! +showdown.moves.protect.block=¡%s se protegió! -showdown.moves.psybeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.psybeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.psybeam.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.psybeam.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo. -showdown.moves.psyblade.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain, this move's power is multiplied by 1.5. -showdown.moves.psyblade.shortDesc=During Electric Terrain: 1.5x power. +showdown.moves.psyblade.desc=Si el terreno actual es Campo Eléctrico, el poder de este movimiento se multiplica por 1,5. +showdown.moves.psyblade.shortDesc=Durante Campo Eléctrico: 1,5x potencia.ón -showdown.moves.psychup.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. -showdown.moves.psychup.shortDesc=Copies the target's current stat stages. -showdown.moves.psychup.gen2.desc=The user copies all of the target's current stat stage changes. Fails if the target's stat stages are 0. +showdown.moves.psychup.desc=El usuario copia todos los cambios en la etapa de estadísticas actuales del objetivo. +showdown.moves.psychup.shortDesc=Copia las etapas de estadísticas actuales del objetivo. +showdown.moves.psychup.gen2.desc=El usuario copia todos los cambios en la etapa de estadísticas actuales del objetivo. Falla si las etapas de estadísticas del objetivo son 0.íquico -showdown.moves.psychic.desc=Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.psychic.shortDesc=10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. -showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.desc=Has a 33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.shortDesc=33% chance to lower the target's Special by 1. +showdown.moves.psychic.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.psychic.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 1. +showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.desc=Tiene un 33% de probabilidad de reducir el Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.psychic.gen1.shortDesc=33% de probabilidad de reducir el Especial del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.psychicfangs.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. -showdown.moves.psychicfangs.shortDesc=Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. +showdown.moves.psychicfangs.desc=Si este ataque no falla, los efectos de Reflejo, Pantalla de Luz y Velo Aurora terminan en el lado del campo del objetivo antes de que se calcule el daño. +showdown.moves.psychicfangs.shortDesc=Destruye las pantallas, a menos que el objetivo sea inmune. Psíquico -showdown.moves.psychicterrain.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.3 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.psychicterrain.shortDesc=5 turns. Grounded: +Psychic power, priority-safe. -showdown.moves.psychicterrain.gen7.desc=For 5 turns, the terrain becomes Psychic Terrain. During the effect, the power of Psychic-type attacks made by grounded Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 and grounded Pokemon cannot be hit by moves with priority greater than 0, unless the target is an ally. Camouflage transforms the user into a Psychic type, Nature Power becomes Psychic, and Secret Power has a 30% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. Fails if the current terrain is Psychic Terrain. +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el terreno se convierte en Campo Psíquico. Durante el efecto, el poder de los ataques de tipo psíquico realizados por Pokémon en el suelo se multiplica por 1,3 y los Pokémon en el suelo no pueden ser golpeados por movimientos con prioridad mayor que 0, a menos que el objetivo sea un aliado. Camuflaje transforma al usuario en un tipo psíquico, Adaptación se convierte en Psíquico y Daño Secreto tiene un 30% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. Falla si el terreno actual es Campo Psíquico. +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.shortDesc=5 vueltas. Puesta a tierra: +Energía psíquica, prioridad-segura. +showdown.moves.psychicterrain.gen7.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el terreno se convierte en Campo Psíquico. Durante el efecto, el poder de los ataques de tipo psíquico realizados por Pokémon en el suelo se multiplica por 1,5 y los Pokémon en el suelo no pueden ser golpeados por movimientos con prioridad mayor que 0, a menos que el objetivo sea un aliado. Camuflaje transforma al usuario en un tipo psíquico, Adaptación se convierte en Psíquico y Daño Secreto tiene un 30% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. Falla si el terreno actual es Campo Psíquico. -showdown.moves.psychoboost.desc=Lowers the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.psychoboost.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.psychoboost.desc=Reduce el ataque especial del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.psychoboost.shortDesc=Reduce la Sp del usuario. Atq por 2. -showdown.moves.psychocut.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.psychocut.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.psychocut.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.psychocut.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. -showdown.moves.psychoshift.desc=The user's non-volatile status condition is transferred to the target, and the user is then cured. Fails if the user has no non-volatile status condition or if the target already has one. -showdown.moves.psychoshift.shortDesc=Transfers the user's status ailment to the target. +showdown.moves.psychoshift.desc=La condición de estado no volátil del usuario se transfiere al objetivo y luego el usuario se cura. Falla si el usuario no tiene una condición de estado no volátil o si el objetivo ya tiene una. +showdown.moves.psychoshift.shortDesc=Transfiere la dolencia de estado del usuario al objetivo. Barrera -showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de aumentar la Defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de aumentar la Defensa del usuario en 1. -showdown.moves.psyshock.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. -showdown.moves.psyshock.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.psyshock.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo en función de su Defensa en lugar de Defensa Especial. +showdown.moves.psyshock.shortDesc=Daña al objetivo basándose en la Defensa, no en Def esp. Mental -showdown.moves.psystrike.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. -showdown.moves.psystrike.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.psystrike.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo en función de su Defensa en lugar de Defensa Especial. +showdown.moves.psystrike.shortDesc=Daña al objetivo basándose en la Defensa, no en Def esp. -showdown.moves.psywave.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 100, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Random damage equal to 0.5x-1.5x user's level. -showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to (user's level) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100, where X is a random number from 0 to 10, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to a random number from 1 to (user's level * 1.5 - 1), rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Random damage from 1 to (user's level*1.5 - 1). +showdown.moves.psywave.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual a (nivel del usuario) * (X + 50) / 100, donde X es un número aleatorio de 0 a 100, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Daño aleatorio equivalente a 0,5x-1,5x el nivel del usuario. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual a (nivel del usuario) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100, donde X es un número aleatorio de 0 a 10, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual a un número aleatorio de 1 a (nivel del usuario * 1,5 - 1), redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Daño aleatorio de 1 a (nivel del usuario*1.5 - 1). Intempestivo showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Power is equal to 60+(X*20), where X is the target's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0, but not more than 200 power. -showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 power +20 for each of the target's stat boosts. +showdown.moves.punishment.desc=El poder es igual a 60+(X*20), donde X son los cambios totales de etapa de estadísticas del objetivo que son mayores que 0, pero no más de 200 de poder. +showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 de poder +20 por cada uno de los aumentos de estadísticas del objetivo.ón -showdown.moves.purify.desc=The target is cured if it has a non-volatile status condition. If the target was cured, the user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Cures target's status; heals user 1/2 max HP if so. +showdown.moves.purify.desc=El objetivo se cura si tiene una condición de estado no volátil. Si el objetivo fue curado, el usuario restaura la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Cura el estado del objetivo; cura al usuario 1/2 PS máximo si es así.ón -showdown.moves.pursuit.desc=If an opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. -showdown.moves.pursuit.shortDesc=If a foe is switching out, hits it at 2x power. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen7.desc=If an adjacent opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen5.desc=If an adjacent opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using U-turn or Volt Switch, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon does not become active until the end of the turn. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen4.desc=If an opposing Pokemon switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field, even if it was not the original target. If the user moves after an opponent using U-turn, but not Baton Pass, it will hit that opponent before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon becomes active immediately. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.desc=If the target is an opposing Pokemon and it switches out this turn, this move hits that Pokemon before it leaves the field. Power doubles and no accuracy check is done if the user hits an opponent switching out, and the user's turn is over; if an opponent faints from this, the replacement Pokemon becomes active immediately. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.shortDesc=Power doubles if the targeted foe is switching out. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.desc=If the target switches out this turn, this move hits it before it leaves the field with doubled power and the user's turn is over. -showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.shortDesc=Power doubles if the foe is switching out. -showdown.moves.pursuit.activate=(%s is being withdrawn...) +showdown.moves.pursuit.desc=Si un Pokémon contrario cambia este turno, este movimiento golpea a ese Pokémon antes de que abandone el campo, incluso si no era el objetivo original. Si el usuario se mueve detrás de un oponente usando Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio, pero no Relevo, golpeará a ese oponente antes de que abandone el campo. El poder se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el usuario golpea a un oponente que cambia y el turno del usuario termina; Si un oponente se desmaya por esto, el Pokémon de reemplazo no se activa hasta el final del turno. +showdown.moves.pursuit.shortDesc=Si un enemigo se está desconectando, lo golpea con el doble de potencia. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen7.desc=Si un Pokémon oponente adyacente cambia este turno, este movimiento golpea a ese Pokémon antes de que abandone el campo, incluso si no era el objetivo original. Si el usuario se mueve detrás de un oponente usando Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio, pero no Relevo, golpeará a ese oponente antes de que abandone el campo. El poder se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el usuario golpea a un oponente que cambia y el turno del usuario termina; Si un oponente se desmaya por esto, el Pokémon de reemplazo no se activa hasta el final del turno. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen5.desc=Si un Pokémon oponente adyacente cambia este turno, este movimiento golpea a ese Pokémon antes de que abandone el campo, incluso si no era el objetivo original. Si el usuario se mueve detrás de un oponente usando Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio, pero no Relevo, golpeará a ese oponente antes de que abandone el campo. El poder se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el usuario golpea a un oponente que cambia y el turno del usuario termina; Si un oponente se desmaya por esto, el Pokémon de reemplazo no se activa hasta el final del turno. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen4.desc=Si un Pokémon contrario cambia este turno, este movimiento golpea a ese Pokémon antes de que abandone el campo, incluso si no era el objetivo original. Si el usuario se mueve detrás de un oponente usando Ida y Vuelta, pero no Relevo, golpeará a ese oponente antes de que abandone el campo. El poder se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el usuario golpea a un oponente que cambia y el turno del usuario termina; Si un oponente se desmaya por esto, el Pokémon de reemplazo se activa inmediatamente. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.desc=Si el objetivo es un Pokémon contrario y cambia este turno, este movimiento golpea a ese Pokémon antes de que abandone el campo. El poder se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el usuario golpea a un oponente que cambia y el turno del usuario termina; Si un oponente se desmaya por esto, el Pokémon de reemplazo se activa inmediatamente. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen3.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el enemigo objetivo se desconecta. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.desc=Si el objetivo cambia este turno, este movimiento lo golpea antes de que abandone el campo con el doble de poder y el turno del usuario termina. +showdown.moves.pursuit.gen2.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el enemigo se desconecta. +showdown.moves.pursuit.activate=(%s está siendo retirado...)ón Ígneo -showdown.moves.pyroball.desc=Has a 10% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.pyroball.shortDesc=10% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.pyroball.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.pyroball.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Usuario del deshielo.Último Lugar -showdown.moves.quash.desc=Causes the target to take its turn after all other Pokemon this turn, no matter the priority of its selected move. Fails if the target already moved this turn. -showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Forces the target to move last this turn. -showdown.moves.quash.activate=%s's move was postponed! +showdown.moves.quash.desc=Hace que el objetivo tome su turno después de todos los demás Pokémon en este turno, sin importar la prioridad del movimiento seleccionado. Falla si el objetivo ya se movió este turno. +showdown.moves.quash.shortDesc=Obliga al objetivo a moverse el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.quash.activate=¡La mudanza de %s fue pospuesta! Rápido showdown.moves.quickattack.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.quickattack.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. -showdown.moves.quickguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.quickguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from priority attacks this turn. -showdown.moves.quickguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.quickguard.gen7.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.quickguard.gen6.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original or altered priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.quickguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from attacks with original priority greater than 0 made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.quickguard.start=Quick Guard protected %s! -showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Quick Guard protected %s! +showdown.moves.quickguard.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de ataques con prioridad original o alterada superior a 0 realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno. Este movimiento modifica la misma probabilidad 1/X de tener éxito utilizada por otros movimientos de protección, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, pero no utiliza la posibilidad de comprobar si falla. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Telatrampa, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos. se mueve y la protección del usuario se rompe. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.quickguard.shortDesc=Protege a los aliados de ataques prioritarios este turno. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen8.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de ataques con prioridad original o alterada superior a 0 realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno. Este movimiento modifica la misma probabilidad 1/X de tener éxito utilizada por otros movimientos de protección, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, pero no utiliza la posibilidad de comprobar si falla. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y La protección del usuario estaba rota. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen7.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de ataques con prioridad original o alterada superior a 0 realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno. Este movimiento modifica la misma probabilidad 1/X de tener éxito utilizada por otros movimientos de protección, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, pero no utiliza la posibilidad de comprobar si falla. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario fue roto. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen6.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de ataques con prioridad original o alterada superior a 0 realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno. Este movimiento modifica la misma probabilidad 1/X de tener éxito utilizada por otros movimientos de protección, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, pero no utiliza la posibilidad de comprobar si falla. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario se rompió. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.quickguard.gen5.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de ataques con prioridad original mayor que 0 realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno. Este ataque tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se duplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se restablece a 1 si este ataque falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, Protección, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia. Si X es 256 o más, este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/(2^32) de tener éxito. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.quickguard.start=Anticipo protegido %s! +showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Anticipo protegido %s! Aleteo -showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Aumenta el ataque especial, la defensa especial y la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Aumenta el Sp del usuario. Atq, Def esp., Velocidad en 1. -showdown.moves.rage.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. -showdown.moves.rage.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 if hit during use. -showdown.moves.rage.gen3.desc=Once this move is used and unless the target protected itself, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by another Pokemon's attack as long as this move is chosen for use. -showdown.moves.rage.gen2.desc=Once this move is successfully used, X starts at 1. This move's damage is multiplied by X, and whenever the user is hit by the opposing Pokemon, X increases by 1, with a maximum of 255. X resets to 1 when the user is no longer active or did not choose this move for use. -showdown.moves.rage.gen2.shortDesc=Next Rage increases in damage if hit during use. -showdown.moves.rage.gen1.desc=Once this move is successfully used, the user automatically uses this move every turn and can no longer switch out. During the effect, the user's Attack is raised by 1 stage every time it is hit by the opposing Pokemon, and this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. -showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts forever. Raises user's Attack by 1 when hit. +showdown.moves.rage.desc=Una vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, el ataque del usuario aumenta en 1 nivel cada vez que es golpeado por el ataque de otro Pokémon, siempre que se elija este movimiento para su uso. +showdown.moves.rage.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 1 si es golpeado durante el uso. +showdown.moves.rage.gen3.desc=Una vez que se usa este movimiento y a menos que el objetivo se proteja, el ataque del usuario aumenta en 1 nivel cada vez que es golpeado por el ataque de otro Pokémon, siempre y cuando se elija este movimiento para su uso. +showdown.moves.rage.gen2.desc=Una vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, X comienza en 1. El daño de este movimiento se multiplica por X, y cada vez que el Pokémon contrario golpea al usuario, X aumenta en 1, con un máximo de 255. X se restablece a 1 cuando el usuario ya no está activo o no eligió este movimiento para su uso. +showdown.moves.rage.gen2.shortDesc=Siguiente Furia aumenta el daño si se golpea durante el uso. +showdown.moves.rage.gen1.desc=Una vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, el usuario lo usa automáticamente en cada turno y ya no puede cambiar. Durante el efecto, el ataque del usuario aumenta en 1 nivel cada vez que es golpeado por el Pokémon contrario, y la precisión de este movimiento se sobrescribe en cada turno con la precisión calculada actual, incluidos los cambios de etapa de estadísticas, pero no a menos de 1/256 o más. que 255/256. +showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Dura para siempre. Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 1 cuando es golpeado.ño Furia -showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of times the user has been hit by a damaging attack during the battle, even if the user did not lose HP from the attack. X cannot be greater than 6 and does not reset upon switching out or fainting. Each hit of a multi-hit attack is counted, but confusion damage is not counted. -showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 power for each time user was hit. Max 6 hits. +showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=El poder es igual a 50+(X*50), donde X es el número total de veces que el usuario ha sido golpeado por un ataque dañino durante la batalla, incluso si el usuario no perdió PS por el ataque. X no puede ser mayor que 6 y no se reinicia al apagarse o desmayarse. Se cuenta cada impacto de un ataque de múltiples impactos, pero el daño por confusión no se cuenta. +showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 de poder por cada vez que el usuario fue golpeado. Máximo 6 golpes. Ira -showdown.moves.ragepowder.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.ragepowder.shortDesc=The foes' moves target the user on the turn used. -showdown.moves.ragepowder.gen6.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from the opposing side are redirected to the user if they are in range. Such attacks are redirected to the user before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double or Triple Battle. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.ragepowder.start=%s became the center of attention! -showdown.moves.ragepowder.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.ragepowder.desc=Hasta el final del turno, todos los ataques a un solo objetivo del lado contrario se redirigen al usuario. Dichos ataques son redirigidos al usuario antes de que puedan ser reflejados por Capa Mágica o la Habilidad del Bote Mágico, o atraídos por las Habilidades Pararrayos o Colector. Falla si no es una Batalla Doble o una Batalla Real. Este efecto se ignora mientras el usuario esté bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.shortDesc=Los movimientos de los enemigos apuntan al usuario en el turno utilizado. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.gen6.desc=Hasta el final del turno, todos los ataques a un solo objetivo del lado contrario se redirigen al usuario si está dentro del alcance. Dichos ataques son redirigidos al usuario antes de que puedan ser reflejados por Capa Mágica o la Habilidad del Bote Mágico, o atraídos por las Habilidades Pararrayos o Colector. Falla si no es una Batalla Doble o Triple. Este efecto se ignora mientras el usuario esté bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. +showdown.moves.ragepowder.start=¡%s se convirtió en el centro de atención! +showdown.moves.ragepowder.startFromZEffect=¡%s se convirtió en el centro de atención! Taurina -showdown.moves.ragingbull.desc=If this attack does not miss, the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil end for the target's side of the field before damage is calculated. If the user's current form is a Paldean Tauros, this move's type changes to match. Fighting type for Combat Breed, Fire type for Blaze Breed, and Water type for Aqua Breed. -showdown.moves.ragingbull.shortDesc=Destroys screens. Type depends on user's form. -showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=%s shattered %s's protections! +showdown.moves.ragingbull.desc=Si este ataque no falla, los efectos de Reflejo, Pantalla de Luz y Velo Aurora terminan en el lado del campo del objetivo antes de que se calcule el daño. Si la forma actual del usuario es Paldean Tauros, el tipo de movimiento cambia para coincidir. Tipo de lucha para la raza Combat, tipo Fuego para la raza Mar Llamas y tipo Agua para la raza Aqua. +showdown.moves.ragingbull.shortDesc=Destruye pantallas. El tipo depende de la forma del usuario. +showdown.moves.ragingbull.activate=¡%s rompió las protecciones de %s!ón de Ira -showdown.moves.ragingfury.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.ragingfury.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.ragingfury.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Si el usuario no puede moverse, está dormido al comienzo de un turno o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo en el primer turno del efecto o en el segundo turno de un efecto de tres turnos, el efecto termina sin causar confusión. . Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento y el usuario está dormido, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.ragingfury.shortDesc=Dura 2-3 turnos. Confunde al usuario después. Lluvia -showdown.moves.raindance.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Damp Rock. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. -showdown.moves.raindance.shortDesc=For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves. -showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Rain Dance. -showdown.moves.raindance.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Rain Dance, even if the current weather is Rain Dance. The damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. +showdown.moves.raindance.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se convierte en Danza Lluvia. El daño de los ataques de tipo Agua se multiplica por 1,5 y el daño de los ataques de tipo Fuego se multiplica por 0,5 durante el efecto. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Humedad Rock. Falla si el tiempo actual es Danza Lluvia. +showdown.moves.raindance.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, las fuertes lluvias impulsan el movimiento del agua. +showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se convierte en Danza Lluvia. El daño de los ataques de tipo Agua se multiplica por 1,5 y el daño de los ataques de tipo Fuego se multiplica por 0,5 durante el efecto. Falla si el tiempo actual es Danza Lluvia. +showdown.moves.raindance.gen2.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se convierte en Danza Lluvia, incluso si el clima actual es Danza Lluvia. El daño de los ataques de tipo Agua se multiplica por 1,5 y el daño de los ataques de tipo Fuego se multiplica por 0,5 durante el efecto. Rápido -showdown.moves.rapidspin.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.shortDesc=Free user from hazards/bind/Leech Seed; +1 Spe. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.shortDesc=Frees user from hazards, binding, Leech Seed. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen4.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end against the user, and all hazards are removed from the user's side of the field. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen3.desc=If this move is successful, the effects of Leech Seed and binding moves end for the user, and Spikes are removed from the user's side of the field. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, los efectos de Drenadoras y movimientos vinculantes terminan para el usuario, y todos los peligros se eliminan del lado del campo del usuario. Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de aumentar la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.shortDesc=Usuario libre de peligros/bind/Drenadoras; +1 Velo. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, los efectos de Drenadoras y movimientos vinculantes terminan para el usuario, y todos los peligros se eliminan del lado del campo del usuario. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.shortDesc=Libera al usuario de peligros, ataduras, Drenadoras. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen4.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, los efectos de Drenadoras y movimientos vinculantes terminan contra el usuario, y todos los peligros se eliminan del lado del campo del usuario. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen3.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, los efectos de las Drenadoras y los movimientos vinculantes terminan para el usuario, y las Púas se eliminan del lado del campo del usuario. Afilada -showdown.moves.razorleaf.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.razorleaf.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes. -showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.razorleaf.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.razorleaf.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes. +showdown.moves.razorleaf.gen2.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. Filo -showdown.moves.razorshell.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.razorshell.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.razorshell.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.razorshell.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1. Cortante -showdown.moves.razorwind.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.razorwind.shortDesc=Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. High crit ratio. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen4.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.shortDesc=Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.shortDesc=Charges, then hits target turn 2. High crit ratio. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.razorwind.prepare=%s whipped up a whirlwind! +showdown.moves.razorwind.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.razorwind.shortDesc=Cargas, luego golpea a los enemigos en el turno 2. Alto índice de críticos. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen4.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen3.shortDesc=Cargas, luego golpea a los enemigos en el turno 2. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen2.shortDesc=Cargas, luego alcanza el objetivo en el turno 2. Alto índice de críticos. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. +showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.shortDesc=Cargas turno 1. Llega al turno 2. +showdown.moves.razorwind.prepare=¡%s provocó un torbellino!ón -showdown.moves.recover.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.recover.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.recover.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.moves.recover.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. +showdown.moves.recover.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. +showdown.moves.recover.shortDesc=Cura al usuario en un 50% de su PS máximo. +showdown.moves.recover.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.recover.gen1.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Falla si (PS máximo del usuario - PS actual del usuario + 1) es divisible por 256. -showdown.moves.recycle.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Corrosive Gas, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. -showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Restores the item the user last used. -showdown.moves.recycle.gen7.desc=The user regains the item it last used. Fails if the user is holding an item, if the user has not held an item, if the item was a popped Air Balloon, if the item was picked up by a Pokemon with the Pickup Ability, or if the item was lost to Bug Bite, Covet, Incinerate, Knock Off, Pluck, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. -showdown.moves.recycle.gen4.desc=The user regains the item last used by a Pokemon in its current position on the field, even if that Pokemon was not the user. Fails if the user is holding an item, if no items have been used at the user's position, or if the item was lost to Covet, Knock Off, or Thief. Items thrown with Fling can be regained. -showdown.moves.recycle.addItem=%s found one %s! +showdown.moves.recycle.desc=El usuario recupera el artículo que utilizó por última vez. Falla si el usuario tiene un objeto, si el usuario no ha tenido un objeto, si el objeto era un Globo Helio reventado, si el objeto fue recogido por un Pokémon con la habilidad Recogida, o si el objeto se perdió ante Picadura, Gas Corrosivo, Antojo, Calcinación, Desarme, Picoteo o Ladrón. Los objetos lanzados con Lanzamiento se pueden recuperar. +showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Descansoores del elemento que utilizó el usuario por última vez. +showdown.moves.recycle.gen7.desc=El usuario recupera el artículo que utilizó por última vez. Falla si el usuario tiene un objeto, si el usuario no ha tenido un objeto, si el objeto era un Globo Helio reventado, si el objeto fue recogido por un Pokémon con la habilidad Recogida, o si el objeto se perdió ante Picadura, Antojo, Calcinación, Desarme, Picoteo o Ladrón. Los objetos lanzados con Lanzamiento se pueden recuperar. +showdown.moves.recycle.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera el último objeto utilizado por un Pokémon en su posición actual en el campo, incluso si ese Pokémon no era el usuario. Falla si el usuario tiene un objeto en la mano, si no se han utilizado objetos en la posición del usuario o si el objeto se perdió ante Antojo, Desarme o Ladrón. Los objetos lanzados con Lanzamiento se pueden recuperar. +showdown.moves.recycle.addItem=¡%s encontró uno %s! -showdown.moves.reflect.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double Battle. Damage is not reduced further with Aurora Veil. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.reflect.shortDesc=For 5 turns, physical damage to allies is halved. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen6.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 0.5x damage from physical attacks, or 0.66x damage if in a Double or Triple Battle. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from physical attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break or Defog. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members take 1/2 damage from physical attacks, or 2/3 damage if there are multiple active Pokemon on the user's side. Critical hits ignore this effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Brick Break. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members have their Defense doubled. Critical hits ignore this effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.shortDesc=For 5 turns, the user's party has doubled Def. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.desc=While the user remains active, its Defense is doubled when taking damage. Critical hits ignore this protection. This effect can be removed by Haze. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.shortDesc=While active, the user's Defense is doubled. -showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.start=%s gained armor! -showdown.moves.reflect.start=Reflect made %s stronger against physical moves! -showdown.moves.reflect.end=%s's Reflect wore off! +showdown.moves.reflect.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo reciben 0,5 veces más daño por ataques físicos, o 0,66 veces más daño si están en una Batalla Doble. El daño no se reduce más con Velo Aurora. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Se elimina del lado del usuario si el usuario o un aliado es golpeado con éxito por Demolición, Psicocolmillo o Despejar. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Refleluz. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.reflect.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, el daño físico a los aliados se reduce a la mitad. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen6.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo reciben 0,5 veces más daño por ataques físicos, o 0,66 veces más daño si están en una batalla doble o triple. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Se elimina del lado del usuario si el usuario o un aliado es golpeado con éxito por Demolición o Despejar. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Refleluz. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen4.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo reciben la mitad del daño de los ataques físicos, o 2/3 del daño si hay varios Pokémon activos del lado del usuario. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Se elimina del lado del usuario si el usuario o un aliado es golpeado con éxito por Demolición o Despejar. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Refleluz. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen3.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo reciben la mitad del daño de los ataques físicos, o 2/3 del daño si hay varios Pokémon activos del lado del usuario. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Se elimina del lado del usuario si Demolición golpea con éxito al usuario o a un aliado. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.desc=Durante 5 turnos, la defensa del usuario y los miembros de su grupo se duplica. Los golpes críticos ignoran este efecto. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen2.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, el grupo del usuario ha duplicado su Def. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.desc=Mientras el usuario permanece activo, su Defensa se duplica al recibir daño. Los golpes críticos ignoran esta protección. Este efecto puede ser eliminado por Niebla. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.shortDesc=Mientras está activo, la defensa del usuario se duplica. +showdown.moves.reflect.gen1.start=¡%s ganó armadura! +showdown.moves.reflect.start=¡Reflejo hizo a %s más fuerte contra los movimientos físicos! +showdown.moves.reflect.end=¡El Reflejo de %s desapareció! -showdown.moves.reflecttype.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the user is Terastallized, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. -showdown.moves.reflecttype.shortDesc=User becomes the same type as the target. -showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen8.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. If the target's current types include typeless and a non-added type, typeless is ignored. If the target's current types include typeless and an added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat, typeless is copied as the Normal type instead. Fails if the user is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target's current type is typeless alone. -showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen6.desc=Causes the user's types to become the same as the current types of the target. Fails if the user is an Arceus. -showdown.moves.reflecttype.typeChange=%s's type became the same as %s's type! +showdown.moves.reflecttype.desc=Hace que los tipos del usuario sean los mismos que los tipos actuales del objetivo. Si los tipos actuales del objetivo incluyen un tipo sin tipo y un tipo no agregado, se ignora el tipo sin tipo. Si los tipos actuales del objetivo incluyen sin tipo y un tipo agregado de Forest's Curse o Truco-or-Treat, sin tipo se copia como el tipo Normal. Falla si el usuario es un Arceus o un Silvally, si el usuario está Terastalizado o si el tipo actual del objetivo no tiene tipo. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.shortDesc=El usuario pasa a ser del mismo tipo que el objetivo. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen8.desc=Hace que los tipos del usuario sean los mismos que los tipos actuales del objetivo. Si los tipos actuales del objetivo incluyen un tipo sin tipo y un tipo no agregado, se ignora el tipo sin tipo. Si los tipos actuales del objetivo incluyen sin tipo y un tipo agregado de Forest's Curse o Truco-or-Treat, sin tipo se copia como el tipo Normal. Falla si el usuario es un Arceus o un Silvally, o si el tipo actual del objetivo no tiene tipo. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.gen6.desc=Hace que los tipos del usuario sean los mismos que los tipos actuales del objetivo. Falla si el usuario es un Arceus. +showdown.moves.reflecttype.typeChange=¡El tipo de %s se volvió el mismo que el de %s! -showdown.moves.refresh.desc=The user cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. Fails if the user is not burned, poisoned, or paralyzed. -showdown.moves.refresh.shortDesc=User cures its burn, poison, or paralysis. +showdown.moves.refresh.desc=El usuario cura su quemadura, veneno o parálisis. Falla si el usuario no resulta quemado, envenenado o paralizado. +showdown.moves.refresh.shortDesc=El usuario cura su quemadura, veneno o parálisis. Arcaico -showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. If this move is successful on at least one target and the user is a Meloetta, it changes to Pirouette Forme if it is currently in Aria Forme, or changes to Aria Forme if it is currently in Pirouette Forme. This forme change does not happen if the Meloetta has the Sheer Force Ability. The Pirouette Forme reverts to Aria Forme when Meloetta is not active. -showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10% chance to sleep foe(s). Meloetta transforms. +showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de hacer que el objetivo se duerma. Si este movimiento tiene éxito en al menos un objetivo y el usuario es un Meloetta, cambia a Pirouette Forme si actualmente está en Aria Forme, o cambia a Aria Forme si actualmente está en Pirouette Forme. Este cambio de forma no ocurre si Meloetta tiene el bote. Habilidad Bruta. La Pirouette Forme vuelve a Aria Forme cuando Meloetta no está activa. +showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de dormir a los enemigos. Meloetta se transforma. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. Fails if the user has full HP, is already asleep, or if another effect is preventing sleep. sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process, even if it was already asleep. Fails if the user has full HP. user falls asleep for the next two turns and restores all of its HP, curing itself of any non-volatile status condition in the process. This does not remove the user's stat penalty for burn or paralysis. Fails if the user has full HP. usuario se queda dormido durante los siguientes dos turnos y restaura todos sus PS, curándose de cualquier condición de estado no volátil en el proceso. Falla si el usuario tiene PS completo, ya está dormido o si otro efecto impide dormir. usuario duerme 2 turnos y restaura PS y estado. usuario se queda dormido durante los siguientes dos turnos y restaura todos sus PS, curándose de cualquier condición de estado no volátil en el proceso, incluso si ya estaba dormido. Falla si el usuario tiene PS completo. usuario se queda dormido durante los siguientes dos turnos y restaura todos sus PS, curándose de cualquier condición de estado no volátil en el proceso. Esto no elimina la penalización de estadísticas del usuario por quemaduras o parálisis. Falla si el usuario tiene PS completo. -showdown.moves.retaliate.desc=Power doubles if one of the user's party members fainted last turn. -showdown.moves.retaliate.shortDesc=Power doubles if an ally fainted last turn. +showdown.moves.retaliate.desc=El poder se duplica si uno de los miembros del grupo del usuario se desmayó en el último turno. +showdown.moves.retaliate.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si un aliado se desmayó en el último turno.ón -showdown.moves.return.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. -showdown.moves.return.shortDesc=Max 102 power at maximum Happiness. +showdown.moves.return.desc=El poder es igual al mayor de (felicidad del usuario * 2/5), redondeado hacia abajo o 1. +showdown.moves.return.shortDesc=Potencia máxima de 102 a máxima felicidad. Despertar -showdown.moves.revelationdance.desc=This move's type depends on the user's primary type. If the user's primary type is typeless, this move's type is the user's secondary type if it has one, otherwise the added type from Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat. This move is typeless if the user's type is typeless alone. -showdown.moves.revelationdance.shortDesc=Type varies based on the user's primary type. +showdown.moves.revelationdance.desc=El tipo de este movimiento depende del tipo principal del usuario. Si el tipo principal del usuario no tiene tipo, el tipo de este movimiento es el tipo secundario del usuario si tiene uno; de lo contrario, el tipo agregado de Forest's Curse o Truco-or-Treat. Este movimiento no tiene tipo si el tipo del usuario no tiene tipo únicamente. +showdown.moves.revelationdance.shortDesc=El tipo varía según el tipo principal del usuario. -showdown.moves.revenge.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn. -showdown.moves.revenge.shortDesc=Power doubles if user is damaged by the target. -showdown.moves.revenge.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn. -showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the user was hit by a Pokemon in the target's current position this turn, and that Pokemon was the last to hit the user. -showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if user is hit by the target. +showdown.moves.revenge.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario fue golpeado por el objetivo este turno. +showdown.moves.revenge.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo daña al usuario. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen4.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario fue golpeado por un Pokémon en la posición actual del objetivo este turno. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.desc=El daño se duplica si el usuario fue golpeado por un Pokémon en la posición actual del objetivo este turno, y ese Pokémon fue el último en golpear al usuario. +showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.shortDesc=El daño se duplica si el objetivo golpea al usuario.ón -showdown.moves.reversal.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=More power the less HP the user has left. -showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 43 to 48, 40 if X is 22 to 42, 80 if X is 13 to 21, 100 if X is 6 to 12, 150 if X is 2 to 5, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 64 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.reversal.gen3.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. -showdown.moves.reversal.gen2.desc=The power of this move is 20 if X is 33 to 48, 40 if X is 17 to 32, 80 if X is 10 to 16, 100 if X is 5 to 9, 150 if X is 2 to 4, and 200 if X is 0 or 1, where X is equal to (user's current HP * 48 / user's maximum HP), rounded down. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. +showdown.moves.reversal.desc=La potencia de este movimiento es 20 si X es de 33 a 48, 40 si X es de 17 a 32, 80 si X es de 10 a 16, 100 si X es de 5 a 9, 150 si X es de 2 a 4 y 200 si X es 0 o 1, donde X es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 48 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=Más potencia cuanto menos PS le quede al usuario. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=La potencia de este movimiento es 20 si X es de 43 a 48, 40 si X es de 22 a 42, 80 si X es de 13 a 21, 100 si X es de 6 a 12, 150 si X es de 2 a 5 y 200 si X es 0 o 1, donde X es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 64 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen3.desc=La potencia de este movimiento es 20 si X es de 33 a 48, 40 si X es de 17 a 32, 80 si X es de 10 a 16, 100 si X es de 5 a 9, 150 si X es de 2 a 4 y 200 si X es 0 o 1, donde X es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 48 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen2.desc=La potencia de este movimiento es 20 si X es de 33 a 48, 40 si X es de 17 a 32, 80 si X es de 10 a 16, 100 si X es de 5 a 9, 150 si X es de 2 a 4 y 200 si X es 0 o 1, donde X es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 48 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo. Este movimiento no aplica variación de daño y no puede ser un golpe crítico. Vital -showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=A fainted party member is selected and revived with 1/2 its max HP, rounded down. Fails if there are no fainted party members. -showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Revives a fainted Pokemon to 50% HP. -showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=%s was revived and is ready to fight again! +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=Un miembro del grupo desmayado es seleccionado y revivido con la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Falla si no hay miembros del grupo desmayados. +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Revive un Pokémon debilitado al 50% de PS. +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=¡%s fue revivido y está listo para luchar nuevamente! Voltaje -showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=If the current terrain is Electric Terrain and the target is grounded, this move's power is doubled. -showdown.moves.risingvoltage.shortDesc=2x power if target is grounded in Electric Terrain. +showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=Si el terreno actual es Campo Eléctrico y el objetivo está en el suelo, el poder de este movimiento se duplica. +showdown.moves.risingvoltage.shortDesc=2x potencia si el objetivo está aterrizado en Campo Eléctrico. -showdown.moves.roar.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. -showdown.moves.roar.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. -showdown.moves.roar.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. -showdown.moves.roar.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. -showdown.moves.roar.gen1.desc=No competitive use. -showdown.moves.roar.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.roar.desc=El objetivo se ve obligado a cambiar y ser reemplazado por un aliado aleatorio no desmayado. Falla si el objetivo es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo, o si el objetivo usó Arraigo anteriormente o tiene la habilidad Ventosas. +showdown.moves.roar.shortDesc=Obliga al objetivo a cambiar a un aliado aleatorio. +showdown.moves.roar.gen4.desc=El objetivo se ve obligado a cambiar y ser reemplazado por un aliado aleatorio no desmayado. Falla si el objetivo es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo, si el objetivo usó Arraigo anteriormente o tiene la habilidad Ventosas, o si el nivel del usuario es inferior al del objetivo y X * (nivel del usuario + nivel del objetivo) / 256 + 1 es menor o igual a (nivel del objetivo / 4), redondeado hacia abajo, donde X es un número aleatorio de 0 a 255. +showdown.moves.roar.gen2.desc=El objetivo se ve obligado a cambiar y ser reemplazado por un aliado aleatorio no desmayado. Falla si el objetivo es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo, o si el usuario se mueve antes que el objetivo. +showdown.moves.roar.gen1.desc=Sin uso competitivo. +showdown.moves.roar.gen1.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo.ón -showdown.moves.roaroftime.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.roaroftime.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento. +showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=El usuario no puede moverse en el siguiente turno. -showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. +showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. -showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.rockclimb.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.rockclimb.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo. -showdown.moves.rockpolish.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.rockpolish.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.rockpolish.desc=Aumenta la velocidad del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.rockpolish.shortDesc=Aumenta la velocidad del usuario en 2. -showdown.moves.rockslide.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. +showdown.moves.rockslide.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.rockslide.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de hacer retroceder al enemigo. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.rockslide.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.rockslide.gen2.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Roca -showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.rocksmash.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.rocksmash.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1. showdown.moves.rockthrow.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Rocas -showdown.moves.rocktomb.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.rocktomb.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.rocktomb.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la Velocidad del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.rockwrecker.desc=If this move is successful, the user must recharge on the following turn and cannot select a move. -showdown.moves.rockwrecker.shortDesc=User cannot move next turn. +showdown.moves.rockwrecker.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario debe recargar en el siguiente turno y no puede seleccionar un movimiento. +showdown.moves.rockwrecker.shortDesc=El usuario no puede moverse en el siguiente turno.ón -showdown.moves.roleplay.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, Zero to Hero, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.roleplay.shortDesc=User replaces its Ability with the target's. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen8.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen7.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Zen Mode, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen6.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype, Stance Change, or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen5.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype or already matches the target, or if the target's Ability is Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen4.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the user's Ability is Multitype or already matches the target, if the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, or if the user is holding a Griseous Orb. -showdown.moves.roleplay.gen3.desc=The user's Ability changes to match the target's Ability. Fails if the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. -showdown.moves.roleplay.changeAbility=%s copied %s's %s Ability! +showdown.moves.roleplay.desc=La habilidad del usuario cambia para coincidir con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la Habilidad del usuario es Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico , Modo Daruma, Cambio Heroico, o ya coincide con el objetivo, o si la Habilidad del objetivo es Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Don Floral, predicción, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Reacción Química, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro, Superguarda, Modo Daruma o Cambio Heroico. +showdown.moves.roleplay.shortDesc=El usuario reemplaza su habilidad con la del objetivo. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen8.desc=La habilidad del usuario cambia para coincidir con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la Habilidad del usuario es Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Modo Daruma, o ya coincide con el objetivo, o si el La habilidad del objetivo es Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Don Floral, predicción, Tragamisil, Mutapetito, Cara de Hielo, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo, Gas Reactivo, Agrupamiento, Reacción Química, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado. , Cambio Táctico, Rastro, Superguarda o Modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen7.desc=La habilidad del usuario cambia para coincidir con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario es Afecto fuerte, Letargo perpetuo, Disfraz, Multitipo, Agrupación, Sistema Alfa, Banca, Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico, Modo Daruma o ya coincide con el objetivo, Regalo floral, Predicción, Ilusión, Impostor, Multitipo; , Agrupación, Reacción Química, Receptor, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Rastro, Superguardia o Modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen6.desc=La habilidad del usuario cambia para coincidir con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario es multitipo, cambio táctico o ya coincide con el objetivo. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen5.desc=La habilidad del usuario cambia para coincidir con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario es multitipo o ya coincide con el objetivo, o si la habilidad del objetivo es regalo floral, adivinación, ilusión, impostor, multitipo, rastro, superguardia o modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen4.desc=La habilidad del usuario cambia para coincidir con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario es multitipo o ya coincide con el objetivo, si la habilidad del objetivo es multitipo o superguardia, o si el usuario tiene una griseoesfera. +showdown.moves.roleplay.gen3.desc=La habilidad del usuario cambia para coincidir con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del objetivo es Superguardia. +showdown.moves.roleplay.changeAbility=¡%s copió la habilidad %s de %s! Giro -showdown.moves.rollingkick.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.rollingkick.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.rollingkick.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.rollingkick.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. -showdown.moves.rollout.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. -showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=Power doubles with each hit. Repeats for 5 turns. -showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. If this move hits an active Disguise during the effect, the power multiplier is paused but the turn counter is not, potentially allowing the multiplier to be used on the user's next move after this effect ends. -showdown.moves.rollout.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, the user is locked into this move and cannot make another move until it misses, 5 turns have passed, or the attack cannot be used. Power doubles with each successful hit of this move and doubles again if Defense Curl was used previously by the user. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn. +showdown.moves.rollout.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario queda atrapado en este movimiento y no puede realizar otro movimiento hasta que falle, hayan transcurrido 5 turnos o el ataque no pueda usarse. El poder se duplica con cada golpe exitoso de este movimiento y se duplica nuevamente si el usuario utilizó previamente Rizo Defender. Si este movimiento es llamado por Sonámbulo, el movimiento se usa por un turno. +showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=El poder se duplica con cada golpe. Se repite durante 5 turnos. +showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario queda atrapado en este movimiento y no puede realizar otro movimiento hasta que falle, hayan transcurrido 5 turnos o el ataque no pueda usarse. El poder se duplica con cada golpe exitoso de este movimiento y se duplica nuevamente si el usuario utilizó previamente Rizo Defender. Si este movimiento es llamado por Sonámbulo, el movimiento se usa por un turno. Si este movimiento golpea un disfraz activo durante el efecto, el multiplicador de poder se detiene pero el contador de turnos no, lo que potencialmente permite que el multiplicador se use en el siguiente movimiento del usuario después de que finalice este efecto. +showdown.moves.rollout.gen6.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario queda atrapado en este movimiento y no puede realizar otro movimiento hasta que falle, hayan pasado 5 turnos o el ataque no pueda usarse. El poder se duplica con cada golpe exitoso de este movimiento y se duplica nuevamente si el usuario utilizó previamente Rizo Defensa. Si este movimiento es llamado por Sonámbulo, el movimiento se usa por un turno. -showdown.moves.roost.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. If the user is not Terastallized, until the end of the turn Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. -showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends. -showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become Normal type. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. -showdown.moves.roost.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Until the end of the turn, Flying-type users lose their Flying type and pure Flying-type users become typeless. Does nothing if the user's HP is full. -showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s loses Flying type this turn.) +showdown.moves.roost.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. Si el usuario no está Terastalizado, hasta el final del turno los usuarios de tipo Vueloing pierden su tipo Vueloing y los usuarios de tipo Vueloing puro pasan a ser de tipo Normal. No hace nada si el PS del usuario está lleno. +showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Cura un 50% de PS. Tipo Vueloing retirado hasta finalizar el turno. +showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. Hasta el final del turno, los usuarios de tipo Vueloing pierden su tipo Vueloing y los usuarios de tipo Vueloing puro pasan a ser de tipo Normal. No hace nada si el PS del usuario está lleno. +showdown.moves.roost.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Hasta el final del turno, los usuarios de tipo Vueloing pierden su tipo Vueloing y los usuarios de tipo Vueloing puro quedan sin tipo. No hace nada si el PS del usuario está lleno. +showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s pierde el tipo Vueloing este turno). -showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Raises the Attack and Special Attack of all grounded Grass-type Pokemon on the field by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Raises Atk/Sp. Atk of grounded Grass types by 1. +showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Aumenta en 1 nivel el ataque y el ataque especial de todos los Pokémon de tipo Planta que estén en el suelo en el campo. +showdown.moves.rototiller.shortDesc=Aumenta Atq/Atq esp. de los tipos Planta conectados a tierra en 1. -showdown.moves.round.desc=If there are other active Pokemon that chose this move for use this turn, those Pokemon take their turn immediately after the user, in Speed order, and this move's power is 120 for each other user. -showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Power doubles if others used Round this turn. +showdown.moves.round.desc=Si hay otros Pokémon activos que eligieron este movimiento para usar este turno, esos Pokémon toman su turno inmediatamente después del usuario, en orden de Velocidad, y el poder de este movimiento es 120 para cada otro usuario. +showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si otros usaron Canon este turno. -showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. +showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo equivalente a la mitad de su PS actual, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Hace un daño equivalente a la mitad del PS actual del objetivo. Sagrado -showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Has a 50% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% chance to burn the target. Thaws user. +showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Usuario del deshielo. Rauda -showdown.moves.sacredsword.desc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes, including evasiveness. -showdown.moves.sacredsword.shortDesc=Ignores the target's stat stage changes. +showdown.moves.sacredsword.desc=Ignora los cambios en las estadísticas del objetivo, incluida la evasión. +showdown.moves.sacredsword.shortDesc=Ignora los cambios de estado de estadísticas del objetivo. Sagrado -showdown.moves.safeguard.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. It is removed from the user's side if the user or an ally is successfully hit by Defog. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.safeguard.shortDesc=For 5 turns, protects user's party from status. -showdown.moves.safeguard.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. Pokemon on the user's side cannot become affected by Yawn but can fall asleep from its effect. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.safeguard.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the user and its party members cannot have non-volatile status conditions or confusion inflicted on them by other Pokemon. During the effect, Outrage, Thrash, and Petal Dance do not confuse the user. Fails if the effect is already active on the user's side. -showdown.moves.safeguard.start=%s cloaked itself in a mystical veil! -showdown.moves.safeguard.end=%s is no longer protected by Safeguard! -showdown.moves.safeguard.block=%s is protected by Safeguard! +showdown.moves.safeguard.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo no pueden tener condiciones de estado no volátiles o confusión infligida por otros Pokémon. Los Pokémon del lado del usuario no pueden verse afectados por Bostezo, pero pueden quedarse dormidos por su efecto. Se elimina del lado del usuario si Despejar golpea con éxito al usuario o a un aliado. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.safeguard.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, protege al grupo del usuario del estado. +showdown.moves.safeguard.gen3.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo no pueden tener condiciones de estado no volátiles o confusión infligida por otros Pokémon. Los Pokémon del lado del usuario no pueden verse afectados por Bostezo, pero pueden quedarse dormidos por su efecto. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.safeguard.gen2.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el usuario y los miembros de su grupo no pueden tener condiciones de estado no volátiles o confusión infligida por otros Pokémon. Durante el efecto, Enfado, Saña y Danza Pétalo no confunden al usuario. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.safeguard.start=¡%s se cubrió con un velo místico! +showdown.moves.safeguard.end=¡%s ya no está protegido por Velo Sagrado! +showdown.moves.safeguard.block=¡%s está protegido por Velo Sagrado!ón -showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/4 if the target is Steel or Water type), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. -showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Deals 1/8 max HP each turn; 1/4 on Steel, Water. -showdown.moves.saltcure.start=%s is being salt cured! -showdown.moves.saltcure.damage=%s is hurt by Salt Cure! +showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Causa daño al objetivo igual a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/4 si el objetivo es de tipo Acero o Agua), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. Este efecto termina cuando el objetivo ya no está activo. +showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Otorga 1/8 de PS máximo cada turno; 1/4 de Acero, Agua. +showdown.moves.saltcure.start=¡%s está siendo curado con sal! +showdown.moves.saltcure.damage=¡%s está herido por Salazón! Arena -showdown.moves.sandattack.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.sandattack.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.sandattack.desc=Reduce la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.sandattack.shortDesc=Reduce la precisión del objetivo en 1. Simún de Arena -showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to burn foe(s). +showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de quemar enemigos. Arena -showdown.moves.sandstorm.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard, Overcoat, Sand Force, Sand Rush, or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. Rock: 1.5x SpD. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Magic Guard or Sand Veil Abilities. During the effect, the Special Defense of Rock-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a special attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Smooth Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/16 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type, or have the Sand Veil Ability. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.shortDesc=For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sandstorm. At the end of each turn except the last, all active Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless they are a Ground, Rock, or Steel type. Fails if the current weather is Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se convierte en Tormenta Arena. Al final de cada turno, excepto el último, todos los Pokémon activos pierden 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, a menos que sean de tipo Tierra, Roca o Acero, o tengan Muro Mágico, Funda, Poder Arena, Ímpetu Arena. o Habilidades de Velo Arena. Durante el efecto, la Defensa Especial de los Pokémon de tipo Roca se multiplica por 1,5 al recibir daño de un ataque especial. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Roca Suave. Falla si el clima actual es Tormenta Arena. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, se desata una tormenta de arena. Roca: 1,5x Def esp. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se convierte en Tormenta Arena. Al final de cada turno, excepto el último, todos los Pokémon activos pierden 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, a menos que sean de tipo Tierra, Roca o Acero, o tengan las habilidades Muro Mágico o Velo Arena. Durante el efecto, la Defensa Especial de los Pokémon de tipo Roca se multiplica por 1,5 al recibir daño de un ataque especial. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Roca Suave. Falla si el clima actual es Tormenta Arena. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se convierte en Tormenta Arena. Al final de cada turno, excepto el último, todos los Pokémon activos pierden 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, a menos que sean de tipo Tierra, Roca o Acero, o tengan la habilidad Velo Arena. Falla si el clima actual es Tormenta Arena. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, se desata una tormenta de arena. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen2.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se convierte en Tormenta Arena. Al final de cada turno, excepto el último, todos los Pokémon activos pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, a menos que sean de tipo Tierra, Roca o Acero. Falla si el clima actual es Tormenta Arena. Arena -showdown.moves.sandtomb.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns; seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another partial-trapping move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=%s became trapped by the quicksand! +showdown.moves.sandtomb.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Autotomía, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 4-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen8.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos; siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio. Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo (1/8 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento de captura parcial. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos (siempre cinco turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen3.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos. Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=¡%s quedó atrapado por las arenas movedizas! -showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=This move summons Leech Seed on the foe. -showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Summons Leech Seed. +showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=Este movimiento invoca a Drenadoras sobre el enemigo. +showdown.moves.sappyseed.shortDesc=Convoca a Drenadoras.ña Sedosa -showdown.moves.savagespinout.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.savagespinout.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. -showdown.moves.scald.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. -showdown.moves.scald.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. -showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. +showdown.moves.scald.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. El objetivo se descongela si está congelado. +showdown.moves.scald.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Descongela el objetivo. +showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo.áfaga Escamas -showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Hits two to five times. Lowers the user's Defense by 1 stage and raises the user's Speed by 1 stage after the last hit. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times. User: -1 Def, +1 Spe after last hit. +showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Reduce la Defensa del usuario en 1 nivel y aumenta la Velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel después del último golpe. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces. Usuario: -1 Def, +1 Velo después del último golpe. Susto -showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Reduce la velocidad del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Reduce la velocidad del objetivo en 2. Ardientes -showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. -showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. +showdown.moves.scorchingsands.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. El objetivo se descongela si está congelado. +showdown.moves.scorchingsands.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Descongela el objetivo.ñazo showdown.moves.scratch.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.screech.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.screech.desc=Reduce la defensa del objetivo en 2 niveles. +showdown.moves.screech.shortDesc=Reduce la Defensa del objetivo en 2. Ígnea -showdown.moves.searingshot.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. -showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% chance to burn adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.searingshot.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.searingshot.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de quemar Pokémon adyacentes. Solar -showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.desc=Este movimiento y sus efectos ignoran las habilidades de otros Pokémon. +showdown.moves.searingsunrazesmash.shortDesc=Ignora las habilidades de otros Pokémon.ño Secreto -showdown.moves.secretpower.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, causes sleep during Grassy Terrain and lowers Speed by 1 stage during Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.secretpower.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) -showdown.moves.secretpower.gen6.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain, causes paralysis during Electric Terrain, lowers Special Attack by 1 stage during Misty Terrain, and causes sleep during Grassy Terrain. -showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Lowers accuracy by 1 stage on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. The secondary effect chance is not affected by the Serene Grace Ability. -showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% chance acc -1) -showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to cause a secondary effect on the target based on the battle terrain. Causes paralysis on the regular Wi-Fi terrain. -showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance) +showdown.moves.secretpower.desc=Tiene un 30% de probabilidad de causar un efecto secundario en el objetivo según el terreno de batalla. Provoca parálisis en el terreno Wi-Fi normal, causa parálisis durante Campo Eléctrico, reduce el Ataque Especial en 1 etapa durante el Terreno Neblinay, causa sueño durante Campo de Hierba y reduce la Velocidad en 1 etapa durante Campo Psíquico. +showdown.moves.secretpower.shortDesc=El efecto varía según el terreno. (30% de probabilidad de parálisis) +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen6.desc=Tiene un 30% de probabilidad de causar un efecto secundario en el objetivo según el terreno de batalla. Provoca parálisis en el terreno Wi-Fi normal, provoca parálisis durante el Campo Eléctrico, reduce el Ataque Especial en 1 nivel durante el Terreno Neblinay y provoca sueño durante el Campo de Hierba. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.desc=Tiene un 30% de probabilidad de causar un efecto secundario en el objetivo según el terreno de batalla. Reduce la precisión en 1 nivel en el terreno Wi-Fi normal. La probabilidad de efecto secundario no se ve afectada por la habilidad Dicha. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen5.shortDesc=El efecto varía según el terreno. (30% de probabilidad según -1) +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.desc=Tiene un 30% de probabilidad de causar un efecto secundario en el objetivo según el terreno de batalla. Provoca parálisis en el terreno Wi-Fi habitual. +showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=El efecto varía según el terreno. (30% de probabilidad de parálisis) Místico -showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Deals damage to the target based on its Defense instead of Special Defense. -showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo en función de su Defensa en lugar de Defensa Especial. +showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Daña al objetivo basándose en la Defensa, no en Def esp. Germen showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Semilla -showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Has a 40% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 2. +showdown.moves.seedflare.desc=Tiene un 40% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.seedflare.shortDesc=40% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 2.ísmico -showdown.moves.seismictoss.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. -showdown.moves.seismictoss.shortDesc=Does damage equal to the user's level. -showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the user's level. This move ignores type immunity. -showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = user's level. Can hit Ghost types. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual al nivel del usuario. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.shortDesc=Hace un daño igual al nivel del usuario. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual al nivel del usuario. Este movimiento ignora la inmunidad de tipo. +showdown.moves.seismictoss.gen1.shortDesc=Dañoón -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.desc=The user faints after using this move, even if this move fails for having no target. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless this move has no target. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.shortDesc=Target's Def halved during damage. User faints. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen3.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. This move is prevented from executing if any active Pokemon has the Damp Ability. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen2.desc=The user faints after using this move. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. -showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen1.desc=The user faints after using this move, unless the target's substitute was broken by the damage. The target's Defense is halved during damage calculation. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.desc=El usuario se desmaya después de usar este movimiento, incluso si este movimiento falla por no tener un objetivo. Este movimiento no se puede ejecutar si algún Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Humedad. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.shortDesc=Golpea a Pokémon adyacentes. El usuario se desmaya. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.desc=El usuario se desmaya después de usar este movimiento, a menos que este movimiento no tenga un objetivo. La defensa del objetivo se reduce a la mitad durante el cálculo del daño. Este movimiento no se puede ejecutar si algún Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Humedad. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen4.shortDesc=La defensa del objetivo se reduce a la mitad durante el daño. El usuario se desmaya. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen3.desc=El usuario se desmaya después de utilizar este movimiento. La defensa del objetivo se reduce a la mitad durante el cálculo del daño. Este movimiento no se puede ejecutar si algún Pokémon activo tiene la habilidad Humedad. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen2.desc=El usuario se desmaya después de utilizar este movimiento. La defensa del objetivo se reduce a la mitad durante el cálculo del daño. +showdown.moves.selfdestruct.gen1.desc=El usuario se desmaya después de usar este movimiento, a menos que el sustituto del objetivo haya sido destruido por el daño. La defensa del objetivo se reduce a la mitad durante el cálculo del daño. Sombra -showdown.moves.shadowball.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.shadowball.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.shadowball.desc=Tiene un 20% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa Especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.shadowball.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Def por 1. Sombrío -showdown.moves.shadowbone.desc=Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.shadowbone.shortDesc=20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.shadowbone.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.shadowbone.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1. Umbría -showdown.moves.shadowclaw.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.shadowclaw.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.shadowclaw.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.shadowclaw.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. Umbrío -showdown.moves.shadowforce.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.shadowforce.shortDesc=Disappears turn 1. Hits turn 2. Breaks protection. -showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen6.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect, King's Shield, Protect, or Spiky Shield for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target's side is protected by Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the target's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen5.desc=If this move is successful, it breaks through the target's Detect or Protect for this turn, allowing other Pokemon to attack the target normally. If the target is an opponent and its side is protected by Quick Guard or Wide Guard, that protection is also broken for this turn and other Pokemon may attack the opponent's side normally. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user avoids all attacks. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.shadowforce.activate=It broke through %s's protection! -showdown.moves.shadowforce.prepare=%s vanished instantly! +showdown.moves.shadowforce.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa el Búnker, Detección, Escudo del Rey, Protección o Barrera Espinosa del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el lado del objetivo está protegido por Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del objetivo normalmente. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.shortDesc=Desaparece en el turno 1. Llega al turno 2. Rompe la protección. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen6.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa la Detección, el Escudo del Rey, la Protección o la Barrera Espinosa del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el lado del objetivo está protegido por Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del objetivo normalmente. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. El daño se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras estaba activo. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.gen5.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, atraviesa la Detección o Protección del objetivo durante este turno, permitiendo que otros Pokémon ataquen al objetivo normalmente. Si el objetivo es un oponente y su lado está protegido por Anticipo o Vasta Guardia, esa protección también se rompe durante este turno y otros Pokémon pueden atacar el lado del oponente normalmente. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario evita todos los ataques. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.shadowforce.activate=¡Rompió la protección de %s! +showdown.moves.shadowforce.prepare=¡%s desapareció instantáneamente!ño Sombra -showdown.moves.shadowpunch.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.shadowpunch.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Vil showdown.moves.shadowsneak.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.shadowsneak.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. Strike -showdown.moves.shadowstrike.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.shadowstrike.shortDesc=50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.shadowstrike.desc=Tiene un 50% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.shadowstrike.shortDesc=50% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.sharpen.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.sharpen.desc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 1. Psíquico -showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base.ía -showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=The user takes 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, and creates a substitute that has 1/4 of the user's maximum HP, rounded down. The user is replaced with another Pokemon in its party and the selected Pokemon has the substitute transferred to it. Fails if the user would faint, or if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=User takes 1/2 its max HP to pass a substitute. -showdown.moves.shedtail.start=%s shed its tail to create a decoy! -showdown.moves.shedtail.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! +showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=El usuario toma la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia arriba, y crea un sustituto que tiene 1/4 del PS máximo del usuario, redondeado hacia abajo. El usuario es reemplazado por otro Pokémon de su grupo y se le transfiere el sustituto al Pokémon seleccionado. Falla si el usuario se desmayaría o si no hay miembros del grupo que no se desmayen. +showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=El usuario necesita la mitad de su PS máximo para pasar a un sustituto. +showdown.moves.shedtail.start=¡%s muda su cola para crear un señuelo! +showdown.moves.shedtail.alreadyStarted=¡%s ya tiene sustituto!¡Pero no le quedan suficientes PS para hacer un sustituto!ío Polar -showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + X)%, where X is 30 if the user is an Ice type and 20 otherwise, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Ice-type Pokemon and Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=OHKOs non-Ice targets. Fails if user's lower level. -showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to the target's maximum HP. Ignores accuracy and evasiveness modifiers. This attack's accuracy is equal to (user's level - target's level + 30)%, and fails if the target is at a higher level. Pokemon with the Sturdy Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKOs the target. Fails if user is a lower level. +showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual al PS máximo del objetivo. Ignora los modificadores de precisión y evasión. La precisión de este ataque es igual a (nivel del usuario - nivel del objetivo + X)%, donde X es 30 si el usuario es del tipo Hielo y 20 en caso contrario, y falla si el objetivo está en un nivel superior. Los Pokémon de tipo Hielo y los Pokémon con la habilidad Robustez son inmunes. +showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=Da OHKO a objetivos que no sean de hielo. Falla si el nivel inferior del usuario. +showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo igual al PS máximo del objetivo. Ignora los modificadores de precisión y evasión. La precisión de este ataque es igual a (nivel del usuario - nivel del objetivo + 30)% y falla si el objetivo está en un nivel superior. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Robustez son inmunes. +showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKO al objetivo. Falla si el usuario es de un nivel inferior.ñón -showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Has a 20% chance to poison the target. This move becomes a physical attack that makes contact if the value of ((((2 * the user's level / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50), where X is the user's Attack stat and Y is the target's Defense stat, is greater than the same value where X is the user's Special Attack stat and Y is the target's Special Defense stat. No stat modifiers other than stat stage changes are considered for this purpose. If the two values are equal, this move chooses a damage category at random. -showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Physical+contact if it would be stronger. +showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. Este movimiento se convierte en un ataque físico que hace contacto si el valor de ((((2 * nivel del usuario / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50), donde X es la estadística de Ataque del usuario e Y es la La estadística de Defensa del objetivo es mayor que el mismo valor donde X es la estadística de Ataque Especial del usuario e Y es la estadística de Defensa Especial del objetivo. Para este propósito no se consideran modificadores de estadísticas distintos de los cambios de etapa de estadísticas. Si los dos valores son iguales, este movimiento elige una categoría de daño al azar. +showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20% psn. Contacto físico+si fuera más fuerte. -showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2. +showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Reduce la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. Aumenta el ataque, el ataque especial y la velocidad del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Reduce Def, Def esp. en 1; aumenta Atq, Atq esp., Velo en 2. Trampa -showdown.moves.shelltrap.desc=Fails unless the user is hit by a physical attack from an opponent this turn before it can execute the move. If the user was hit and has not fainted, it attacks immediately after being hit, and the effect ends. If the opponent's physical attack had a secondary effect removed by the Sheer Force Ability, it does not count for the purposes of this effect. -showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=User must take physical damage before moving. -showdown.moves.shelltrap.start=%s set a shell trap! -showdown.moves.shelltrap.prepare=%s set a shell trap! -showdown.moves.shelltrap.cant=%s's shell trap didn't work! +showdown.moves.shelltrap.desc=Falla a menos que el usuario sea golpeado por un ataque físico de un oponente este turno antes de que pueda ejecutar el movimiento. Si el usuario fue golpeado y no se ha desmayado, ataca inmediatamente después de ser golpeado y el efecto finaliza. Si el ataque físico del oponente tuvo un efecto secundario eliminado por el Pot. Habilidad Bruta, no cuenta para efectos de este efecto. +showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=El usuario debe sufrir daños físicos antes de moverse. +showdown.moves.shelltrap.start=¡%s puso una trampa de conchas! +showdown.moves.shelltrap.prepare=¡%s puso una trampa de conchas! +showdown.moves.shelltrap.cant=¡La trampa de caparazón de %s no funcionó!ón -showdown.moves.shelter.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.shelter.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 2. +showdown.moves.shelter.desc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 2 niveles. +showdown.moves.shelter.shortDesc=Aumenta la Defensa del usuario en 2. de Marcha -showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 stages and its Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.shiftgear.desc=Aumenta la velocidad del usuario en 2 etapas y su ataque en 1 etapa. +showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Aumenta la velocidad del usuario en 2 y el ataque en 1. Voltio -showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. -showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. If the weather is Sandstorm, the user instead restores 2/3 of its maximum HP, rounded half down. -showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=User restores 1/2 its max HP; 2/3 in Sandstorm. +showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. Si el clima es Tormenta Arena, el usuario restaura 2/3 de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=El usuario restaura la mitad de su PS máximo; 2/3 en Tormenta Arena. Señal -showdown.moves.signalbeam.desc=Has a 10% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.signalbeam.shortDesc=10% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.signalbeam.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.signalbeam.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo. -showdown.moves.silktrap.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon trying to make contact with the user have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. Non-damaging moves go through this protection. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Spe. +showdown.moves.silktrap.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que intentan hacer contacto con el usuario ven su velocidad reducida en 1 nivel. Los movimientos no dañinos pasan por esta protección. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Telatrampa, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos. se mueve y la protección del usuario se rompe. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Proteccións from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Velo. Plata showdown.moves.silverwind.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. showdown.moves.silverwind.shortDesc=10% chance to raise all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Simple -showdown.moves.simplebeam.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Simple, Cambio Táctico, Ausente, Modo Daruma, or Cambio Heroico. showdown.moves.simplebeam.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Simple. -showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Simple, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, Stance Change, or Truant. -showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype, Simple, or Truant. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Cara de Hielo, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Simple, Cambio Táctico, Ausente, or Modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Simple, Cambio Táctico, Ausente, or Modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitipo, Simple, Cambio Táctico, or Ausente. +showdown.moves.simplebeam.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Simple. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitipo, Simple, or Ausente. showdown.moves.sing.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep.ón de Flechas Sombrías @@ -14340,909 +14340,909 @@ showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.desc=Has a 100% chance to burn the foe. showdown.moves.sizzlyslide.shortDesc=100% chance to burn the foe. -showdown.moves.sketch.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Chatter, Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. +showdown.moves.sketch.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformacióned, or if the move is Cháchara, Esquema, Forcejeo, or any move the user knows. showdown.moves.sketch.shortDesc=Permanently copies the last move target used. -showdown.moves.sketch.gen3.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformed, or if the move is Sketch, Struggle, or any move the user knows. -showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.desc=Fails when used in Link Battles. -showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.shortDesc=Fails when used in Link Battles. -showdown.moves.sketch.activate=%s sketched %s! +showdown.moves.sketch.gen3.desc=This move is permanently replaced by the last move used by the target. The copied move has the maximum PP for that move. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the user has Transformacióned, or if the move is Esquema, Forcejeo, or any move the user knows. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.desc=Falla cuando se usa en Link Battles. +showdown.moves.sketch.gen2.shortDesc=Falla cuando se usa en Link Battles. +showdown.moves.sketch.activate=¡%s dibujó %s! -showdown.moves.skillswap.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.skillswap.shortDesc=The user and the target trade Abilities. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen8.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen7.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Illusion, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen6.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Illusion, Multitype, Stance Change, or Wonder Guard. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen5.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Illusion, Multitype, or Wonder Guard, or if both have the same Ability. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen4.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Multitype or Wonder Guard, if both have the same Ability, or if either is holding a Griseous Orb. -showdown.moves.skillswap.gen3.desc=The user swaps its Ability with the target's Ability. Fails if either the user or the target's Ability is Wonder Guard. -showdown.moves.skillswap.activate=%s swapped Abilities with its target! +showdown.moves.skillswap.desc=El usuario intercambia su habilidad con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario o del objetivo es Unidad ecuestre, Afecto fuerte, Letargo perenne, Comando, Disfraz, Misil de golondrina, Motor hadrónico, Mutapetita, Cara de hielo, Ilusión, Multitipo, Gas reactivo, Golpe de oricalco, Agrupación, Paleosíntesis, Carga de quarks , Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico, Superguardia, Modo Daruma o Cambio heroico. +showdown.moves.skillswap.shortDesc=El usuario y las habilidades comerciales objetivo. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen8.desc=El usuario intercambia su habilidad con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario o del objetivo es Unidad ecuestre, Afecto fuerte, Letargo perenne, Disfraz, Misil de golondrina, Mutapetito, Cara de hielo, Ilusión, Multitipo, Gas reactivo, Agrupación, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico, Superguardia , o Modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen7.desc=El usuario intercambia su habilidad con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario o del objetivo es Afecto fuerte, Letargo perenne, Disfraz, Ilusión, Multitipo, Agrupación, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo limitado, Cambio táctico, Superguardia o Modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen6.desc=El usuario intercambia su habilidad con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario o del objetivo es Ilusión, Multitipo, Cambio táctico o Superguardia. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen5.desc=El usuario intercambia su habilidad con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario o del objetivo es Ilusión, Multitipo o Superguardia, o si ambos tienen la misma habilidad. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen4.desc=El usuario intercambia su habilidad con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario o del objetivo es multitipo o superguardia, si ambos tienen la misma habilidad o si alguno de ellos tiene una griseoesfera. +showdown.moves.skillswap.gen3.desc=El usuario intercambia su habilidad con la habilidad del objetivo. Falla si la habilidad del usuario o del objetivo es Superguard. +showdown.moves.skillswap.activate=¡%s intercambió habilidades con su objetivo! Rastrero -showdown.moves.skittersmack.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.skittersmack.shortDesc=100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.skittersmack.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de reducir el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.skittersmack.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Ataque por -showdown.moves.skullbash.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.skullbash.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense by 1 on turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.skullbash.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage on the first turn. -showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.skullbash.prepare=%s tucked in its head! +showdown.moves.skullbash.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. Aumenta la Defensa del usuario en 1 nivel en el primer turno. Si el usuario tiene una hierba única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.skullbash.shortDesc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 1 en el turno 1. Llega al turno 2. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen3.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. Aumenta la Defensa del usuario en 1 nivel en el primer turno. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. +showdown.moves.skullbash.gen1.shortDesc=Cargas turno 1. Llega al turno 2. +showdown.moves.skullbash.prepare=¡%s metido en su cabeza! Aéreo -showdown.moves.skyattack.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. If the user is holding a Power Herb, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.skyattack.shortDesc=Charges, then hits turn 2. 30% flinch. High crit. -showdown.moves.skyattack.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch and a higher chance for a critical hit. This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.skyattack.prepare=%s became cloaked in a harsh light! +showdown.moves.skyattack.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca y una mayor probabilidad de asestar un golpe crítico. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.skyattack.shortDesc=Cargas, luego llega a la curva 2. 30% de retroceso. Alto crítico. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen3.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca y una mayor probabilidad de asestar un golpe crítico. Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. +showdown.moves.skyattack.gen2.shortDesc=Cargas turno 1. Llega al turno 2. +showdown.moves.skyattack.prepare=¡%s quedó envuelto en una luz dura!ída Libre -showdown.moves.skydrop.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. Pokemon weighing 200 kg or more cannot be lifted. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.skydrop.shortDesc=User and foe fly up turn 1. Damages on turn 2. -showdown.moves.skydrop.gen5.desc=This attack takes the target into the air with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokemon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Shadow Force, or Sky Drop. If the effect of Gravity ends this effect before the second turn, both the user and the target return to the ground, but the target will otherwise remain under this effect until the user leaves the field or successfully executes the second turn of any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.skydrop.prepare=%s took %s into the sky! -showdown.moves.skydrop.end=%s was freed from the Sky Drop! -showdown.moves.skydrop.failSelect=Sky Drop won't let %s go! -showdown.moves.skydrop.failTooHeavy=%s is too heavy to be lifted! +showdown.moves.skydrop.desc=Este ataque lleva al objetivo al aire con el usuario en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. No se pueden levantar Pokémon que pesen 200 kg o más. En el primer turno, el usuario y el objetivo evitan todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Vendaval, Gancho Alto, Antiaéreo, Mil Flechas, Trueno y Ciclón. El usuario y el objetivo no pueden realizar un movimiento entre turnos, pero el objetivo puede seleccionar un movimiento para usar. Este movimiento no puede dañar a Pokémon de tipo Vueloing. Falla en el primer turno si el objetivo es un aliado, si el objetivo tiene un sustituto o si el objetivo está usando Bote, Excavar, Buceo, Vuelo, Golpe Fantasma, Golpe Umbrío o Caída Libre. +showdown.moves.skydrop.shortDesc=El usuario y el enemigo vuelan en el turno 1. Daños en el turno 2. +showdown.moves.skydrop.gen5.desc=Este ataque lleva al objetivo al aire con el usuario en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. En el primer turno, el usuario y el objetivo evitan todos los ataques excepto Tornado, Vendaval, Gancho Alto, Antiaéreo, Trueno y Ciclón. El usuario y el objetivo no pueden realizar un movimiento entre turnos, pero el objetivo puede seleccionar un movimiento para usar. Este movimiento no puede dañar a Pokémon de tipo Vueloing. Falla en el primer turno si el objetivo es un aliado, si el objetivo tiene un sustituto o si el objetivo está usando Bote, Excavar, Buceo, Vuelo, Golpe Umbrío o Caída Libre. Si el efecto de Gravedad finaliza este efecto antes del segundo turno, tanto el usuario como el objetivo regresan al suelo, pero el objetivo permanecerá bajo este efecto hasta que el usuario abandone el campo o ejecute con éxito el segundo turno de dos turnos. mover. +showdown.moves.skydrop.prepare=¡%s llevó a %s al cielo! +showdown.moves.skydrop.end=¡%s fue liberado de la Caída Libre! +showdown.moves.skydrop.failSelect=¡La caída libre no dejará ir a %s! +showdown.moves.skydrop.failTooHeavy=¡%s pesa demasiado para levantarlo! Alto -showdown.moves.skyuppercut.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. -showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.shortDesc=Can hit Pokemon using Bounce or Fly. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.desc=Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Barco, Vuelo o Caída libre, o está bajo el efecto de Caída libre. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Puede golpear a Pokémon usando Barco, Vuelo o Caída Libre. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Bote o Vuelo. +showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.shortDesc=Puede golpear a Pokémon usando Barco o Vuelo. -showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. +showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. +showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Cura al usuario en un 50% de su PS máximo. +showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. -showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. +showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=Sin efectos secundarios. -showdown.moves.slash.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.slash.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.slash.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos.ífero -showdown.moves.sleeppowder.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.sleeppowder.shortDesc=Hace que el objetivo se duerma.ámbulo -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Blazing Torque, Celebrate, Chatter, Combat Torque, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Magical Torque, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Noxious Torque, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, Wicked Torque, or any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.shortDesc=User must be asleep. Uses another known move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen8.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Dynamax Cannon, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, any two-turn move, or any Max Move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen7.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Beak Blast, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Shell Trap, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, any two-turn move, or any Z-Move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen6.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Belch, Bide, Celebrate, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Hold Hands, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, or any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen5.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Struggle, Uproar, or any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen4.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Chatter, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen3.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, but if it currently has 0 PP it will fail to be used. This move cannot select Assist, Bide, Focus Punch, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Uproar, or any two-turn move. -showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen2.desc=One of the user's known moves, besides this move, is selected for use at random. Fails if the user is not asleep. The selected move does not have PP deducted from it, and can currently have 0 PP. This move cannot select Bide, Sleep Talk, or any two-turn move. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.desc=Uno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario, además de este movimiento, se selecciona para su uso al azar. Falla si el usuario no está dormido. Al movimiento seleccionado no se le deducen PP y actualmente puedes tener 0 PP. Este movimiento no puede seleccionar Ayuda, Cañón Pico, Vómitos, Venganza, Pyrochoke, Celebración, Caza, Pugnachoque, Copion, Cañón Dinamax, Puño callejero, Manos juntas, Fairychoque, Yo primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Ponzochoque, Trampa de armadura, Scheme, Sonambulo, Forceje, Commotion, Ominoshock o cualquier movimiento de dos turnos. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.shortDesc=El usuario debe estar dormido. Utiliza otro movimiento conocido. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen8.desc=Uno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario, además de este movimiento, se selecciona para su uso al azar. Falla si el usuario no está dormido. Al movimiento seleccionado no se le deducen PP y actualmente puedes tener 0 PP. Este movimiento no puede seleccionar Ayuda, Pico de Cañón, Eructar, Venganza, Celebración, Chachara, Copion, Cañón Dinamax, Puño callejero, Manos juntas, Uno mismo primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Trampa de armamento, Esquema, Sonambula, Forcejeo, Alboroto, cualquier movimiento de dos turnos o cualquier movimiento máximo. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen7.desc=Uno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario, además de este movimiento, se selecciona para su uso al azar. Falla si el usuario no está dormido. Al movimiento seleccionado no se le deducen PP y actualmente puedes tener 0 PP. Este movimiento no puede seleccionar Ayuda, Pico de Cañón, Eructar, Venganza, Celebración, Chachara, Copion, Puño callejero, Manos unidas, Yo primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Trampa de armamento, Esquema, Sonámbulo, Forcejeo, Alboroto, cualquiera de los dos. movimiento de turno, o cualquier movimiento Z. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen6.desc=Uno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario, además de este movimiento, se selecciona para su uso al azar. Falla si el usuario no está dormido. Al movimiento seleccionado no se le deducen PP y actualmente puedes tener 0 PP. Este movimiento no puede seleccionar Ayuda, Vómito, Venganza, Celebración, Persecución, Cooperativa, Puño recto, Manos unidas, Uno mismo primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Esquema, Sonambula, Forcejeo, Alboroto ni ningún movimiento de dos turnos. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen5.desc=Uno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario, además de este movimiento, se selecciona para su uso al azar. Falla si el usuario no está dormido. Al movimiento seleccionado no se le deducen PP y actualmente puedes tener 0 PP. Este movimiento no puede seleccionar Ayuda, Venganza, Persecución, Copión, Puño callejero, Yo primero, Metrónomo, Mimético, Espejo, Adaptación, Esquema, Sonambula, Forcejeo, Conmoción ni ningún movimiento de dos turnos. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen4.desc=Uno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario, además de este movimiento, se selecciona para su uso al azar. Falla si el usuario no está dormido. Al movimiento seleccionado no se le deducen PP y actualmente puedes tener 0 PP. Este movimiento no puede seleccionar Ayuda, Venganza, Persecución, Cooperativa, Puño callejero, Yo primero, Metrónomo, Espejo, Sonámbulo, Conmoción ni ningún movimiento de dos turnos. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen3.desc=Uno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario, además de este movimiento, se selecciona para su uso al azar. Falla si el usuario no está dormido. Al movimiento seleccionado no se le deducen PP, pero si actualmente tiene 0 PP no podrá usarse. Este movimiento no puede seleccionar Ayuda, Venganza, Puño recto, Metrónomo, Espejo, Sonambula, Alboroto ni ningún movimiento de dos turnos. +showdown.moves.sleeptalk.gen2.desc=Uno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario, además de este movimiento, se selecciona para su uso al azar. Falla si el usuario no está dormido. Al movimiento seleccionado no se le deducen PP y actualmente puedes tener 0 PP. Este movimiento no puede seleccionar Venganza, Venganza ni ningún movimiento de dos turnos. -showdown.moves.sludge.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.sludge.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludge.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.sludge.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.desc=Tiene un 40% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.sludge.gen1.shortDesc=40% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. Lodo -showdown.moves.sludgebomb.desc=Has a 30% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.sludgebomb.shortDesc=30% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.sludgebomb.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.sludgebomb.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. Tóxica -showdown.moves.sludgewave.desc=Has a 10% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.sludgewave.shortDesc=10% chance to poison adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.sludgewave.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.sludgewave.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de envenenar a los Pokémon adyacentes.éreo -showdown.moves.smackdown.desc=This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. -showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Removes the target's Ground immunity. -showdown.moves.smackdown.start=%s fell straight down! +showdown.moves.smackdown.desc=Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Bote, Vuelo o Caída Libre, o está bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. Si este movimiento impacta a un objetivo bajo el efecto de Bote, Vuelo, Levitón o Telequinesis, el efecto termina. Si el objetivo es un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing que no ha usado Respiro este turno o un Pokémon con la habilidad Levitación, pierde su inmunidad a los ataques de tipo Tierra y la habilidad Trampa Arena mientras permanezca activo. Durante el efecto, Levitón falla por el objetivo y Telequinesis falla contra el objetivo. +showdown.moves.smackdown.shortDesc=Elimina la inmunidad al suelo del objetivo. +showdown.moves.smackdown.start=¡%s cayó hacia abajo! Certero -showdown.moves.smartstrike.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.smartstrike.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión.ímulo -showdown.moves.smellingsalts.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of paralysis. -showdown.moves.smellingsalts.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is paralyzed, and cures it. -showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. -showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if the target is paralyzed. If this move is successful, the target is cured of paralysis. -showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles if target is paralyzed; cures it. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.desc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está paralizado. Si el usuario no se ha desmayado, el objetivo se cura de la parálisis. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está paralizado y lo cura. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen4.desc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está paralizado. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el objetivo se cura de la parálisis. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.desc=El daño se duplica si el objetivo está paralizado. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el objetivo se cura de la parálisis. +showdown.moves.smellingsalts.gen3.shortDesc=El daño se duplica si el objetivo está paralizado; lo cura. -showdown.moves.smog.desc=Has a 40% chance to poison the target. -showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40% chance to poison the target. +showdown.moves.smog.desc=Tiene un 40% de posibilidades de envenenar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.smog.shortDesc=40% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. de Humo -showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Lowers the target's accuracy by 1. +showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Reduce la precisión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Reduce la precisión del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.snaptrap.start=%s got trapped by a snap trap! +showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Autotomía, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 4-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.start=¡%s quedó atrapado en una trampa! -showdown.moves.snarl.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.snarl.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.snarl.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.snarl.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de derribar a los enemigos Atq esp. por 1. -showdown.moves.snatch.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use one of those moves this turn, the applicable moves are all stolen by the first Pokemon in turn order that used this move this turn. This effect is ignored while the user is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.snatch.shortDesc=User steals certain support moves to use itself. -showdown.moves.snatch.gen4.desc=If another Pokemon uses certain non-damaging moves this turn, the user steals that move to use itself. If multiple Pokemon use this move this turn, the applicable moves are stolen by each of those Pokemon in turn order, and only the last user in turn order will gain the effects. -showdown.moves.snatch.start=%s is waiting for a target to make a move! -showdown.moves.snatch.activate=%s snatched %s's move! +showdown.moves.snatch.desc=Si otro Pokémon usa ciertos movimientos que no dañan este turno, el usuario roba ese movimiento para usarlo él mismo. Si varios Pokémon usan uno de esos movimientos este turno, todos los movimientos aplicables son robados por el primer Pokémon en orden de turno que usó este movimiento este turno. Este efecto se ignora mientras el usuario esté bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. +showdown.moves.snatch.shortDesc=El usuario roba ciertos movimientos de apoyo para usarlos. +showdown.moves.snatch.gen4.desc=Si otro Pokémon usa ciertos movimientos que no dañan este turno, el usuario roba ese movimiento para usarlo él mismo. Si varios Pokémon usan este movimiento este turno, los movimientos aplicables son robados por cada uno de esos Pokémon en el orden de turno, y solo el último usuario en el orden de turno obtendrá los efectos. +showdown.moves.snatch.start=¡%s está esperando que un objetivo haga un movimiento! +showdown.moves.snatch.activate=¡%s le arrebató el movimiento a %s! Certero -showdown.moves.snipeshot.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. This move cannot be redirected to a different target by any effect. -showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected. +showdown.moves.snipeshot.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. Este movimiento no puede redirigirse a un objetivo diferente mediante ningún efecto. +showdown.moves.snipeshot.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. No se puede redirigir. -showdown.moves.snore.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Fails if the user is not asleep. -showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target. +showdown.moves.snore.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. Falla si el usuario no está dormido. +showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=El usuario debe estar dormido. 30% de posibilidades de hacer retroceder al objetivo. Nevado -showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Snow. During the effect, the Defense of Ice-type Pokemon is multiplied by 1.5 when taking damage from a physical attack. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Icy Rock. Fails if the current weather is Snow. -showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=For 5 turns, snow falls. Ice: 1.5x Def. +showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se vuelve nieve. Durante el efecto, la Defensa de los Pokémon de tipo Hielo se multiplica por 1,5 al recibir daño de un ataque físico. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Roca Helada. Falla si el clima actual es Nieve. +showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, cae nieve. Hielo: 1,5x Def. -showdown.moves.soak.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, if the target is already purely Water type, or if the target is Terastallized. -showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Changes the target's type to Water. -showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus or a Silvally, or if the target is already purely Water type. -showdown.moves.soak.gen6.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus, or if the target is already purely Water type. -showdown.moves.soak.gen5.desc=Causes the target to become a Water type. Fails if the target is an Arceus. +showdown.moves.soak.desc=Hace que el objetivo se convierta en del tipo Agua. Falla si el objetivo es un Arceus o un Silvally, si el objetivo ya es puramente de tipo Agua o si el objetivo está Terastalizado. +showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Cambia el tipo del objetivo a Agua. +showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Hace que el objetivo se convierta en del tipo Agua. Falla si el objetivo es un Arceus o un Silvally, o si el objetivo ya es puramente de tipo Agua. +showdown.moves.soak.gen6.desc=Hace que el objetivo se convierta en del tipo Agua. Falla si el objetivo es un Arceus, o si el objetivo ya es puramente de tipo Agua. +showdown.moves.soak.gen5.desc=Hace que el objetivo se convierta en del tipo Agua. Falla si el objetivo es un Arceus.ón -showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. -showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heals the user by 50% of its max HP. -showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. -showdown.moves.softboiled.gen1.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down. Fails if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256. +showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad. +showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Cura al usuario en un 50% de su PS máximo. +showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.softboiled.gen1.desc=El usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Falla si (PS máximo del usuario - PS actual del usuario + 1) es divisible por 256. Solar -showdown.moves.solarbeam.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen7.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen5.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen4.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen3.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen2.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage is halved if the weather is Rain Dance. If the weather is Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. -showdown.moves.solarbeam.prepare=%s absorbed light! +showdown.moves.solarbeam.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. La energía se reduce a la mitad si el clima es Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia, Tormenta Arena o Nieve y el usuario no sostiene Parasol Multiuso. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única o el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, el movimiento se completa en un turno. Si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso en la mano y el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, el movimiento aún requiere de un turno para cargarse. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.shortDesc=Cargas en el turno 1. Llega al turno 2. Sin carga a la luz del sol. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen8.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. La energía se reduce a la mitad si el clima es Granizo, Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena y el usuario no sostiene Parasol Multiuso. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única o el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, el movimiento se completa en un turno. Si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso en la mano y el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, el movimiento aún requiere de un turno para cargarse. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen7.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. La potencia se reduce a la mitad si el clima es Granizo, Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única o el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen5.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. La potencia se reduce a la mitad si el clima es Granizo, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única o el clima es Día Soleado, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen4.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. El daño se reduce a la mitad si el clima es Granizo, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única o el clima es Día Soleado, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen3.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. El daño se reduce a la mitad si el clima es Granizo, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena. Si el clima es Día Soleado, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen2.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. El daño se reduce a la mitad si el clima es Danza Lluvia. Si el clima es Día Soleado, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.gen1.shortDesc=Cargas turno 1. Llega al turno 2. +showdown.moves.solarbeam.prepare=¡%s absorbió luz! Solar -showdown.moves.solarblade.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. -showdown.moves.solarblade.shortDesc=Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight. -showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow and the user is not holding Utility Umbrella. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move still requires a turn to charge. -showdown.moves.solarblade.gen7.desc=This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Power is halved if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm. If the user is holding a Power Herb or the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, the move completes in one turn. -showdown.moves.solarblade.prepare=%s absorbed light! +showdown.moves.solarblade.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. La energía se reduce a la mitad si el clima es Granizo, Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena y el usuario no sostiene Parasol Multiuso. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única o el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, el movimiento se completa en un turno. Si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso en la mano y el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, el movimiento aún requiere de un turno para cargarse. +showdown.moves.solarblade.shortDesc=Cargas en el turno 1. Llega al turno 2. Sin carga a la luz del sol. +showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. La energía se reduce a la mitad si el clima es Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia, Tormenta Arena o Nieve y el usuario no sostiene Parasol Multiuso. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única o el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, el movimiento se completa en un turno. Si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso en la mano y el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, el movimiento aún requiere de un turno para cargarse. +showdown.moves.solarblade.gen7.desc=Este ataque carga en el primer turno y se ejecuta en el segundo. La potencia se reduce a la mitad si el clima es Granizo, Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena. Si el usuario tiene una Hierba Única o el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, el movimiento se completa en un turno. +showdown.moves.solarblade.prepare=¡%s absorbió luz! Sónica -showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. -showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Always does 20 HP of damage. -showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Deals 20 HP of damage to the target. This move ignores type immunity. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Inflige 20 PS de daño al objetivo. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Siempre causa 20 PS de daño. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Inflige 20 PS de daño al objetivo. Este movimiento ignora la inmunidad de tipo.ón Robaalmas showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Vacío -showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.spacialrend.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.spacialrend.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. -showdown.moves.spark.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.spark.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.spark.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. Burbuja -showdown.moves.sparklingaria.desc=If the user has not fainted, the target is cured of its burn. -showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=The target is cured of its burn. +showdown.moves.sparklingaria.desc=Si el usuario no se ha desmayado, el objetivo se cura de la quemadura. +showdown.moves.sparklingaria.shortDesc=El objetivo se cura de su quemadura. -showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.desc=Every Pokemon in the user's party is cured of its non-volatile status condition. -showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.shortDesc=Cures the user's party of all status conditions. +showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.desc=Todos los Pokémon del grupo del usuario se curan de su condición de estado no volátil. +showdown.moves.sparklyswirl.shortDesc=Cura al grupo del usuario de todas las condiciones de estado. -showdown.moves.spectralthief.desc=The target's stat stages greater than 0 are stolen from it and applied to the user before dealing damage. -showdown.moves.spectralthief.shortDesc=Steals target's boosts before dealing damage. -showdown.moves.spectralthief.clearBoost=%s stole the target's boosted stats! +showdown.moves.spectralthief.desc=Las etapas de estadísticas del objetivo superiores a 0 se le roban y se aplican al usuario antes de infligir daño. +showdown.moves.spectralthief.shortDesc=Roba los impulsos del objetivo antes de infligir daño. +showdown.moves.spectralthief.clearBoost=¡%s robó las estadísticas mejoradas del objetivo! -showdown.moves.speedswap.desc=The user swaps its Speed stat with the target. Stat stage changes are unaffected. -showdown.moves.speedswap.shortDesc=Swaps Speed stat with target. -showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=%s switched Speed with its target! +showdown.moves.speedswap.desc=El usuario intercambia su estadística de Velocidad con la del objetivo. Los cambios en la etapa de estadísticas no se ven afectados. +showdown.moves.speedswap.shortDesc=Intercambia la estadística de velocidad con el objetivo. +showdown.moves.speedswap.activate=¡%s cambió la velocidad con su objetivo! Picante -showdown.moves.spicyextract.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and lowers its Defense by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.spicyextract.shortDesc=Raises target's Atk by 2 and lowers its Def by 2. +showdown.moves.spicyextract.desc=Aumenta el ataque del objetivo en 2 etapas y reduce su defensa en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.spicyextract.shortDesc=Aumenta el Atq del objetivo en 2 y reduce su Def en 2.ña -showdown.moves.spiderweb.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. -showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field, unless it uses Baton Pass, in which case the target will remain trapped. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.shortDesc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen4.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto termina si el usuario abandona el campo, a menos que use Relevo, en cuyo caso el objetivo permanecerá atrapado. +showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen3.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto termina si el usuario abandona el campo, a menos que use Relevo, en cuyo caso el objetivo permanecerá atrapado. Cañón -showdown.moves.spikecannon.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen3.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen1.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 3/8 chance to hit two or three times, and a 1/8 chance to hit four or five times. Damage is calculated once for the first hit and used for every hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen3.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen1.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de acertar dos o tres veces y una probabilidad de 1/8 de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. El daño se calcula una vez para el primer golpe y se utiliza para cada golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el movimiento finaliza.úas -showdown.moves.spikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.spikes.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 3 layers. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen3.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to three times before failing. Opponents lose 1/8 of their maximum HP with one layer, 1/6 of their maximum HP with two layers, and 1/4 of their maximum HP with three layers, all rounded down. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, causing each opposing Pokemon that switches in to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.shortDesc=Hurts grounded foes on switch-in. Max 1 layer. -showdown.moves.spikes.start=Spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! -showdown.moves.spikes.end=The spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! -showdown.moves.spikes.damage=%s was hurt by the spikes! +showdown.moves.spikes.desc=Establece un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entra, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Puede usarse hasta tres veces antes de fallar. Los oponentes pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo con una capa, 1/6 de su PS máximo con dos capas y 1/4 de su PS máximo con tres capas, todo redondeado hacia abajo. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.spikes.shortDesc=Daña a los enemigos castigados al entrar. Máximo 3 capas. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen8.desc=Establece un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entra, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Puede usarse hasta tres veces antes de fallar. Los oponentes pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo con una capa, 1/6 de su PS máximo con dos capas y 1/4 de su PS máximo con tres capas, todo redondeado hacia abajo. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen5.desc=Establece un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entra, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Puede usarse hasta tres veces antes de fallar. Los oponentes pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo con una capa, 1/6 de su PS máximo con dos capas y 1/4 de su PS máximo con tres capas, todo redondeado hacia abajo. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido con éxito o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen3.desc=Establece un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entra, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Puede usarse hasta tres veces antes de fallar. Los oponentes pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo con una capa, 1/6 de su PS máximo con dos capas y 1/4 de su PS máximo con tres capas, todo redondeado hacia abajo. Se puede eliminar del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido con éxito. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.desc=Establece un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, lo que hace que cada Pokémon contrario que entre pierda 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado contrario. Se puede eliminar del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido con éxito. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.shortDesc=Daña a los enemigos castigados al entrar. Máximo 1 capa. +showdown.moves.spikes.start=¡Púas estaban esparcidas por el suelo alrededor de %s! +showdown.moves.spikes.end=¡Las púas desaparecieron del suelo alrededor de %s! +showdown.moves.spikes.damage=¡%s resultó herido por las púas! Espinosa -showdown.moves.spikyshield.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.shortDesc=Protects from moves. Contact: loses 1/8 max HP. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen7.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen6.desc=The user is protected from most attacks made by other Pokemon during this turn, and Pokemon making contact with the user lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down. This move has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=%s was hurt! +showdown.moves.spikyshield.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que hacen contacto con el usuario pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Telatrampa, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos. se mueve y la protección del usuario se rompe. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.shortDesc=Protección contra movimientos. Contacto: pierde 1/8 de PS máximo. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que hacen contacto con el usuario pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y La protección del usuario estaba rota. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen7.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que hacen contacto con el usuario pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario fue roto. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen6.desc=El usuario está protegido de la mayoría de los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon durante este turno, y los Pokémon que hacen contacto con el usuario pierden 1/8 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario se rompió. Falla si el usuario se mueve el último en este turno. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=¡%s resultó herido! -showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Speed by 2. +showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Reduce la velocidad del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.spinout.shortDesc=Reduce la velocidad del usuario en 2. Anímico -showdown.moves.spiritbreak.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.spiritbreak.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.spiritbreak.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.spiritbreak.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el Sp del objetivo. Atq por 1. Sombría -showdown.moves.spiritshackle.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.spiritshackle.shortDesc=Prevents the target from switching out. -showdown.moves.spiritshackle.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.shortDesc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. +showdown.moves.spiritshackle.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. -showdown.moves.spitup.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Whether or not this move is successful, the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. -showdown.moves.spitup.shortDesc=More power with more uses of Stockpile. -showdown.moves.spitup.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 100 times the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless there is no target, whether or not this move is successful the user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. -showdown.moves.spitup.gen3.desc=Damage is multiplied by the user's Stockpile count. This move does not apply damage variance and cannot be a critical hit. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. Unless this move misses, the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.spitup.desc=La potencia es igual a 100 veces el recuento de Reserva del usuario. Falla si el recuento de Reserva del usuario es 0. Ya sea que este movimiento tenga éxito o no, la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del usuario disminuyen en tantas etapas como la Reserva las había aumentado, y el recuento de Reserva del usuario se restablece a 0. +showdown.moves.spitup.shortDesc=Más potencia con más usos de Reserva. +showdown.moves.spitup.gen4.desc=La potencia es igual a 100 veces el recuento de Reserva del usuario. Este movimiento no aplica variación de daño. Falla si el recuento de Reserva del usuario es 0. A menos que no haya ningún objetivo, ya sea que este movimiento tenga éxito o no, la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del usuario disminuyen en tantas etapas como la Reserva las había aumentado, y el recuento de Reserva del usuario se restablece a 0. +showdown.moves.spitup.gen3.desc=El daño se multiplica por el recuento de Reserva del usuario. Este movimiento no aplica variación de daño y no puede ser un golpe crítico. Falla si el recuento de Reserva del usuario es 0. A menos que este movimiento falle, el recuento de Reserva del usuario se restablece a 0. -showdown.moves.spite.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 4 PP. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. -showdown.moves.spite.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 4. -showdown.moves.spite.gen3.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, if the move has 0 or 1 PP, or if it no longer knows the move. -showdown.moves.spite.gen3.shortDesc=Lowers the PP of the target's last move by 2-5. -showdown.moves.spite.gen2.desc=Causes the target's last move used to lose 2 to 5 PP, at random. Fails if the target has not made a move, or if the move has 0 PP. -showdown.moves.spite.activate=It reduced the PP of %s's %s by %s! +showdown.moves.spite.desc=Provoca que el último movimiento del objetivo pierda 4 PP. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 PP o si ya no conoce el movimiento. +showdown.moves.spite.shortDesc=Reduce los PP del último movimiento del objetivo en 4. +showdown.moves.spite.gen3.desc=Provoca que el último movimiento del objetivo pierda de 2 a 5 PP, de forma aleatoria. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento, si el movimiento tiene 0 o 1 PP, o si ya no conoce el movimiento. +showdown.moves.spite.gen3.shortDesc=Reduce el PP del último movimiento del objetivo en 2-5. +showdown.moves.spite.gen2.desc=Provoca que el último movimiento del objetivo pierda de 2 a 5 PP, de forma aleatoria. Falla si el objetivo no ha realizado ningún movimiento o si el movimiento tiene 0 PP. +showdown.moves.spite.activate=¡Redujo el PP de %s de %s en %s! -showdown.moves.splash.shortDesc=No competitive use. -showdown.moves.splash.activate=But nothing happened! +showdown.moves.splash.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo. +showdown.moves.splash.activate=¡Pero nada pasó! Rocosa -showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.desc=Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Ends the effects of terrain. +showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.desc=Finaliza los efectos de Campo Eléctrico, Campo de Hierba, Campo de Niebla y Campo Psíquico. +showdown.moves.splinteredstormshards.shortDesc=Acaba con los efectos del terreno. -showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.splishysplash.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.splishysplash.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. -showdown.moves.spore.shortDesc=Causes the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.spore.shortDesc=Hace que el objetivo se duerma. -showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Until the end of the turn, all single-target attacks from opponents of the target are redirected to the target. Such attacks are redirected to the target before they can be reflected by Magic Coat or the Magic Bounce Ability, or drawn in by the Lightning Rod or Storm Drain Abilities. Fails if it is not a Double Battle or Battle Royal. -showdown.moves.spotlight.shortDesc=Target's foes' moves are redirected to it this turn. -showdown.moves.spotlight.start=%s became the center of attention! -showdown.moves.spotlight.startFromZEffect=%s became the center of attention! +showdown.moves.spotlight.desc=Hasta el final del turno, todos los ataques a un solo objetivo de los oponentes del objetivo se redirigen al objetivo. Dichos ataques son redirigidos al objetivo antes de que puedan ser reflejados por la Capa Mágica o la Habilidad del Bote Mágico, o atraídos por las Habilidades Pararrayos o Colector. Falla si no es una Batalla Doble o una Batalla Real. +showdown.moves.spotlight.shortDesc=Los movimientos de los enemigos del objetivo se redirigen hacia él este turno. +showdown.moves.spotlight.start=¡%s se convirtió en el centro de atención! +showdown.moves.spotlight.startFromZEffect=¡%s se convirtió en el centro de atención!ón Primavera -showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del enemigo en 1. Rocas -showdown.moves.stealthrock.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.shortDesc=Hurts foes on switch-in. Factors Rock weakness. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.start=Pointed stones float in the air around %s! -showdown.moves.stealthrock.end=The pointed stones disappeared from around %s! -showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=Pointed stones dug into %s! +showdown.moves.stealthrock.desc=Establece un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado contrario. Los enemigos pierden 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 o 1/2 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, según su debilidad al tipo Roca; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutro, 2x o 4x, respectivamente. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.shortDesc=Daña a los enemigos al entrar. Factores Debilidad de la roca. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen8.desc=Establece un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado contrario. Los enemigos pierden 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 o 1/2 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, según su debilidad al tipo Roca; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutro, 2x o 4x, respectivamente. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen5.desc=Establece un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado contrario. Los enemigos pierden 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 o 1/2 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, según su debilidad al tipo Roca; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutro, 2x o 4x, respectivamente. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido con éxito o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.start=¡Piedras puntiagudas flotan en el aire alrededor de %s! +showdown.moves.stealthrock.end=¡Las piedras puntiagudas desaparecieron alrededor de %s! +showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=¡Piedras puntiagudas excavadas en %s! de Vapor -showdown.moves.steameruption.desc=Has a 30% chance to burn the target. The target thaws out if it is frozen. -showdown.moves.steameruption.shortDesc=30% chance to burn the target. Thaws target. +showdown.moves.steameruption.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de quemar al objetivo. El objetivo se descongela si está congelado. +showdown.moves.steameruption.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de quemar al objetivo. Descongela el objetivo. de Púas -showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. +showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El daño se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras estaba activo. +showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El daño se duplica si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras está activo.áser -showdown.moves.steelbeam.desc=Whether or not this move is successful and even if it would cause fainting, the user loses 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded up, unless the user has the Magic Guard Ability. -showdown.moves.steelbeam.shortDesc=User loses 50% max HP. -showdown.moves.steelbeam.damage=(%s cut its own HP to power up its move!) +showdown.moves.steelbeam.desc=Independientemente de si este movimiento tiene éxito o no, e incluso si causaría desmayos, el usuario pierde la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia arriba, a menos que tenga la habilidad Muro Mágico. +showdown.moves.steelbeam.shortDesc=El usuario pierde el 50% del PS máximo. +showdown.moves.steelbeam.damage=(¡%s reduce su propio PS para potenciar su movimiento!) Férreo -showdown.moves.steelroller.desc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the effects of Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, and Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Fails if there is no terrain active. Ends the terrain. +showdown.moves.steelroller.desc=Falla si no hay ningún terreno activo. Finaliza los efectos de Campo Eléctrico, Campo de Hierba, Campo de Niebla y Campo Psíquico. +showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Falla si no hay ningún terreno activo. Termina el terreno. Acero -showdown.moves.steelwing.desc=Has a 10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.steelwing.shortDesc=10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.steelwing.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de aumentar la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.steelwing.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de aumentar la Defensa del usuario en 1. Viscosa -showdown.moves.stickyweb.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stickyweb.shortDesc=Lowers Speed of grounded foes by 1 on switch-in. -showdown.moves.stickyweb.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, lowering the Speed by 1 stage of each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Fails if the effect is already active on the opposing side. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stickyweb.start=A sticky web has been laid out on the ground around %s! -showdown.moves.stickyweb.end=The sticky web has disappeared from the ground around %s! -showdown.moves.stickyweb.activate=%s was caught in a sticky web! +showdown.moves.stickyweb.desc=Crea un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, reduciendo la Velocidad en 1 nivel de cada Pokémon oponente que entra, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado contrario. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.shortDesc=Reduce la velocidad de los enemigos en el suelo en 1 al encenderse. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.gen8.desc=Crea un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, reduciendo la Velocidad en 1 nivel de cada Pokémon oponente que entra, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Falla si el efecto ya está activo en el lado contrario. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.stickyweb.start=¡Se ha tendido una red pegajosa en el suelo alrededor de %s! +showdown.moves.stickyweb.end=¡La telaraña pegajosa desapareció del suelo alrededor de %s! +showdown.moves.stickyweb.activate=¡%s quedó atrapado en una red pegajosa! -showdown.moves.stockpile.desc=Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. -showdown.moves.stockpile.shortDesc=Raises user's Defense, Sp. Def by 1. Max 3 uses. -showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.desc=The user's Stockpile count increases by 1. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 3. The user's Stockpile count is reset to 0 when it is no longer active. -showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.shortDesc=Raises user's Stockpile count by 1. Max 3 uses. -showdown.moves.stockpile.start=%s stockpiled %s! -showdown.moves.stockpile.end=%s's stockpiled effect wore off! +showdown.moves.stockpile.desc=Aumenta la Defensa y la Defensa Especial del usuario en 1 nivel. El recuento de Reserva del usuario aumenta en 1. Falla si el recuento de Reserva del usuario es 3. El recuento de Reserva del usuario se restablece a 0 cuando ya no está activo. +showdown.moves.stockpile.shortDesc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario, Def esp. por 1. Máximo 3 usos. +showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.desc=El recuento de Reserva del usuario aumenta en 1. Falla si el recuento de Reserva del usuario es 3. El recuento de Reserva del usuario se restablece a 0 cuando ya no está activo. +showdown.moves.stockpile.gen3.shortDesc=Aumenta el recuento de Reserva del usuario en 1. Máximo 3 usos. +showdown.moves.stockpile.start=¡%s %s almacenados! +showdown.moves.stockpile.end=¡El efecto acumulado de %s desapareció! Galvánico -showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.stokedsparksurfer.shortDesc=100% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo.ón -showdown.moves.stomp.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles and no accuracy check is done if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.stomp.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.stomp.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.stomp.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.stomp.gen3.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Damage doubles if the target has used Minimize while active. -showdown.moves.stomp.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is under the effect of Minimize. -showdown.moves.stomp.gen1.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.stomp.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El daño se duplica y no se realiza ninguna verificación de precisión si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras estaba activo. +showdown.moves.stomp.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen5.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El daño se duplica si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras está activo. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen4.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El poder se duplica si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras está activo. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen3.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El daño se duplica si el objetivo ha usado Reducción mientras está activo. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen2.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El poder se duplica si el objetivo está bajo el efecto de Reducción. +showdown.moves.stomp.gen1.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. -showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=Power doubles if the user's last move on the previous turn, including moves called by other moves or those used through Instruct, Magic Coat, Snatch, or the Dancer or Magic Bounce Abilities, failed to do any of its normal effects, not including damage from an unsuccessful High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, or Mind Blown, or if the user was prevented from moving by any effect other than recharging or Sky Drop. A move that was blocked by Baneful Bunker, Detect, King's Shield, Protect, Spiky Shield, Crafty Shield, Mat Block, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard will not double this move's power, nor will Bounce or Fly ending early due to the effect of Gravity, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. -showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=Power doubles if the user's last move failed. +showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=El poder se duplica si el último movimiento del usuario en el turno anterior, incluidos los movimientos convocados por otros movimientos o los utilizados a través de Mandato, Capa Mágica, Robo o las habilidades Pareja de Baile o Magic Bote, no logró ninguno de sus efectos normales, sin incluir daño de una palmadita fallida. Salto Alta, Patada Salto o Cabeza Sorpresa, o si el usuario estuviera impedido de desplazarse por cualquier efecto distinto a la recarga o Caída Libre. Un movimiento que fue bloqueado por Búnker, Detección, King's Shield, Protección, Barrera Espinosa, Truco Defensa, Escudo Tatami, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia no duplicará el poder de este movimiento, ni Bote o Vuelo terminarán temprano por el efecto de Gravedad. Antiaéreo o Mil Flechas. +showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el último movimiento del usuario falla. Pétreo -showdown.moves.stoneaxe.desc=If this move is successful, it sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, damaging each opposing Pokemon that switches in. Foes lose 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 of their maximum HP, rounded down, based on their weakness to the Rock type; 0.25x, 0.5x, neutral, 2x, or 4x, respectively. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, or is hit by Defog. -showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Sets Stealth Rock on the target's side. +showdown.moves.stoneaxe.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito, crea un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, dañando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre. Los enemigos pierden 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 o 1/2 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, según su debilidad al tipo Roca; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutro, 2x o 4x, respectivamente. Puede ser eliminado del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, o es golpeado por Despejar. +showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Coloca a Trampa Rocas en el lado del objetivo. Afilada -showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Has a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=High critical hit ratio. +showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Tiene una mayor probabilidad de dar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.stoneedge.shortDesc=Alto índice de golpes críticos. Reserva -showdown.moves.storedpower.desc=Power is equal to 20+(X*20), where X is the user's total stat stage changes that are greater than 0. -showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc= + 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts. +showdown.moves.storedpower.desc=El poder es igual a 20+(X*20), donde X son los cambios totales de etapa de estadísticas del usuario que son mayores que 0. +showdown.moves.storedpower.shortDesc=+ 20 de poder por cada uno de los aumentos de estadísticas del usuario. Corsé -showdown.moves.stormthrow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. -showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. +showdown.moves.stormthrow.desc=Este movimiento siempre es un golpe crítico a menos que el objetivo esté bajo el efecto de Conjuro o tenga la Armad. Habilidades de Murciélago o Caparazón. +showdown.moves.stormthrow.shortDesc=Siempre resulta en un golpe crítico. -showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.strangesteam.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo. showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user restores its HP equal to the target's Attack stat calculated with its stat stage before this move was used. If Big Root is held by the user, the HP recovered is 1.3x normal, rounded half down. Fails if the target's Attack stat stage is -6. -showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Reduce el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. El usuario restaura su PS igual a la estadística de Ataque del objetivo calculada con su nivel de estadísticas antes de usar este movimiento. Si el usuario sostiene a Raíz Grande, el PS recuperado es 1,3 veces lo normal, redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo. Falla si la etapa de estadística de ataque del objetivo es -6. +showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=El usuario cura PS Demora -showdown.moves.stringshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 2. -showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 1. -showdown.moves.stringshot.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.stringshot.desc=Reduce la velocidad del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Reduce la velocidad del enemigo en 2. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Reduce la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.shortDesc=Reduce la velocidad del enemigo en 1. +showdown.moves.stringshot.gen2.shortDesc=Reduce la velocidad del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.struggle.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 of its max HP. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen6.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random adjacent opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded half up, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen4.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.desc=Deals typeless damage to a random opposing Pokemon. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP, and the Rock Head Ability does not prevent this. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.shortDesc=User loses 1/4 the HP lost by the target. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen2.desc=Deals typeless damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.desc=Deals Normal-type damage. If this move was successful, the user takes damage equal to 1/2 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move is automatically used if none of the user's known moves can be selected. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=User loses 1/2 the HP lost by the target. +showdown.moves.struggle.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo a un Pokémon enemigo aleatorio. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario pierde 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, y la habilidad Cabeza Roca no lo impide. Este movimiento se utiliza automáticamente si no se puede seleccionar ninguno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario. +showdown.moves.struggle.shortDesc=El usuario pierde 1/4 de su PS máximo. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen6.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo a un Pokémon enemigo adyacente aleatorio. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario pierde 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, y la habilidad Cabeza Roca no lo impide. Este movimiento se utiliza automáticamente si no se puede seleccionar ninguno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen4.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo a un Pokémon enemigo aleatorio. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario pierde 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, y la habilidad Cabeza Roca no lo impide. Este movimiento se utiliza automáticamente si no se puede seleccionar ninguno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo a un Pokémon enemigo aleatorio. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el usuario sufre un daño equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS, y la habilidad Cabeza Roca no lo impide. Este movimiento se utiliza automáticamente si no se puede seleccionar ninguno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.shortDesc=El usuario pierde 1/4 del PS perdido por el objetivo. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen2.desc=Inflige daño sin tipo. Si este movimiento tuvo éxito, el usuario sufre un daño equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. Este movimiento se utiliza automáticamente si no se puede seleccionar ninguno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.desc=Inflige daño de tipo normal. Si este movimiento tuvo éxito, el usuario sufre un daño equivalente a la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. Este movimiento se utiliza automáticamente si no se puede seleccionar ninguno de los movimientos conocidos del usuario. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=El usuario pierde la mitad de los PS perdidos por el objetivo. -showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Tiene un 100% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de derribar a los enemigos Atq esp. por 1. -showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.desc=This move cannot be selected unless the user is holding a Berry. The user eats its Berry and raises its Defense by 2 stages. This effect is not prevented by the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if the user is not holding a Berry. -showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.shortDesc=Must hold Berry to use. User eats Berry, Def +2. +showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.desc=Este movimiento no se puede seleccionar a menos que el usuario tenga una Baya. El usuario come su Baya y aumenta su Defensa en 2 niveles. Este efecto no es evitado por las Habilidades Zoquete o Nerviosismo, ni por los efectos de Embargo o Zona Mágica. Falla si el usuario no tiene una Baya. +showdown.moves.stuffcheeks.shortDesc=Debe sostener Baya para usarlo. El usuario come Baya, Def +2. -showdown.moves.stunspore.desc=Paralyzes the target. -showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. -showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.stunspore.gen1.desc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.stunspore.desc=Paraliza al objetivo. +showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Paraliza al objetivo. +showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Paraliza al objetivo. Este movimiento no ignora la inmunidad de tipo. +showdown.moves.stunspore.gen1.desc=Paraliza al objetivo.ón -showdown.moves.submission.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. -showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.submission.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. -showdown.moves.submission.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. +showdown.moves.submission.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Tiene 1/4 de retroceso. +showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.submission.gen2.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, pero no menos de 1 PS. Si este movimiento alcanza a un sustituto, el daño por retroceso es siempre de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.submission.gen1.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. Si este movimiento rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el usuario no sufre ningún daño por retroceso. -showdown.moves.substitute.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. Sound-based moves and Pokemon with the Infiltrator Ability ignore substitutes. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. -showdown.moves.substitute.shortDesc=User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a substitute. -showdown.moves.substitute.gen5.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it, or if the user switches out or faints. Baton Pass can be used to transfer the substitute to an ally, and the substitute will keep its remaining HP. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by other Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by other Pokemon. The user still takes normal damage from weather and status effects while behind its substitute. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the user will take damage from any remaining hits. If a substitute is created while the user is trapped by a binding move, the binding effect ends immediately. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute without fainting, or if it already has a substitute. -showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.desc=The user takes 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, and puts it into a substitute to take its place in battle. The substitute has 1 HP plus the HP used to create it, and is removed once enough damage is inflicted on it or 255 damage is inflicted at once, or if the user switches out or faints. Until the substitute is broken, it receives damage from all attacks made by the opposing Pokemon and shields the user from status effects and stat stage changes caused by the opponent, unless the effect is Disable, Leech Seed, sleep, primary paralysis, or secondary confusion and the user's substitute did not break. The user still takes normal damage from status effects while behind its substitute, unless the effect is confusion damage, which is applied to the opposing Pokemon's substitute instead. If the substitute breaks during a multi-hit attack, the attack ends. Fails if the user does not have enough HP remaining to create a substitute, or if it already has a substitute. The user will create a substitute and then faint if its current HP is exactly 1/4 of its maximum HP. -showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.shortDesc=User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a Substitute. -showdown.moves.substitute.start=%s put in a substitute! -showdown.moves.substitute.alreadyStarted=%s already has a substitute! -showdown.moves.substitute.end=%s's substitute faded! it does not have enough HP left to make a substitute! -showdown.moves.substitute.activate=The substitute took damage for %s! +showdown.moves.substitute.desc=El usuario toma 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, y lo coloca como sustituto para ocupar su lugar en la batalla. El sustituto se elimina una vez que se le inflige suficiente daño, o si el usuario se apaga o se desmaya. Relevo se puede usar para transferir el sustituto a un aliado, y el sustituto conservará su PS restante. Hasta que el sustituto se rompa, recibe daño de todos los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon y protege al usuario de los efectos de estado y cambios de estado de estadísticas causados por otros Pokémon. Los movimientos basados en sonido y los Pokémon con la habilidad Allanamiento ignoran los sustitutos. El usuario aún sufre daño normal por el clima y los efectos de estado mientras está detrás de su sustituto. Si el sustituto se rompe durante un ataque de múltiples golpes, el usuario recibirá daño de los golpes restantes. Si se crea un sustituto mientras el usuario está atrapado por un movimiento vinculante, el efecto vinculante termina inmediatamente. Falla si al usuario no le quedan suficientes PS para crear un sustituto sin desmayarse, o si ya tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.substitute.shortDesc=El usuario toma 1/4 de su PS máximo para colocar un sustituto. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen5.desc=El usuario toma 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, y lo coloca como sustituto para ocupar su lugar en la batalla. El sustituto se elimina una vez que se le inflige suficiente daño, o si el usuario se desconecta o se desmaya. Relevo se puede usar para transferir el sustituto a un aliado, y el sustituto conservará su PS restante. Hasta que el sustituto se rompa, recibe daño de todos los ataques realizados por otros Pokémon y protege al usuario de los efectos de estado y cambios de estado de estadísticas causados por otros Pokémon. El usuario aún sufre daño normal por el clima y los efectos de estado mientras está detrás de su sustituto. Si el sustituto se rompe durante un ataque de múltiples golpes, el usuario recibirá daño de los golpes restantes. Si se crea un sustituto mientras el usuario está atrapado por un movimiento vinculante, el efecto vinculante termina inmediatamente. Falla si al usuario no le quedan suficientes PS para crear un sustituto sin desmayarse, o si ya tiene un sustituto. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.desc=El usuario toma 1/4 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, y lo coloca como sustituto para ocupar su lugar en la batalla. El sustituto tiene 1 PS más el PS usado para crearlo, y se elimina una vez que se le inflige suficiente daño o se le infligen 255 de daño a la vez, o si el usuario se desconecta o se desmaya. Hasta que el sustituto se rompa, recibe daño de todos los ataques realizados por el Pokémon contrario y protege al usuario de los efectos de estado y cambios de estado de estadísticas causados por el oponente, a menos que el efecto sea Anulación, Drenadoras, sueño, parálisis primaria o confusión secundaria y el sustituto del usuario no se rompió. El usuario aún recibe daño normal de los efectos de estado mientras está detrás de su sustituto, a menos que el efecto sea daño de confusión, que se aplica al sustituto del Pokémon contrario. Si el sustituto se rompe durante un ataque de múltiples golpes, el ataque termina. Falla si al usuario no le quedan suficientes PS para crear un sustituto, o si ya tiene un sustituto. El usuario creará un sustituto y luego se desmayará si su PS actual es exactamente 1/4 de su PS máximo. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.shortDesc=El usuario necesita 1/4 de su PS máximo para realizar un Sustituto. +showdown.moves.substitute.start=¡%s puso un sustituto! +showdown.moves.substitute.alreadyStarted=¡%s ya tiene sustituto! +showdown.moves.substitute.end=¡El sustituto de %s se desvaneció!¡Pero no le quedan suficientes PS para hacer un sustituto! +showdown.moves.substitute.activate=¡El sustituto sufrió daños por %s! Despiadado -showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. Bajo -showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical attack, special attack, or Me First for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. -showdown.moves.suckerpunch.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking. -showdown.moves.suckerpunch.gen4.desc=Fails if the target did not select a physical or special attack for use this turn, or if the target moves before the user. +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.desc=Falla si el objetivo no seleccionó un ataque físico, ataque especial o Yo Primero para usar este turno, o si el objetivo se mueve antes que el usuario. +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. Falla si el objetivo no está atacando. +showdown.moves.suckerpunch.gen4.desc=Falla si el objetivo no seleccionó un ataque físico o especial para usar este turno, o si el objetivo se mueve antes que el usuario.ía Soleado -showdown.moves.sunnyday.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Lasts for 8 turns if the user is holding Heat Rock. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. -showdown.moves.sunnyday.shortDesc=For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves. -showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen3.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. Fails if the current weather is Sunny Day. -showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen2.desc=For 5 turns, the weather becomes Sunny Day, even if the current weather is Sunny Day. The damage of Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and the damage of Water-type attacks is multiplied by 0.5 during the effect. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se convierte en Día Soleado. El daño de los ataques de tipo Fuego se multiplica por 1,5 y el daño de los ataques de tipo Agua se multiplica por 0,5 durante el efecto. Tiene una duración de 8 turnos si el usuario sostiene Roca Calor. Falla si el clima actual es Día Soleado. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, la intensa luz del sol potencia los movimientos de Fuego. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen3.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se convierte en Día Soleado. El daño de los ataques de tipo Fuego se multiplica por 1,5 y el daño de los ataques de tipo Agua se multiplica por 0,5 durante el efecto. Falla si el clima actual es Día Soleado. +showdown.moves.sunnyday.gen2.desc=Durante 5 turnos, el clima se convierte en Día Soleado, incluso si el clima actual es Día Soleado. El daño de los ataques de tipo Fuego se multiplica por 1,5 y el daño de los ataques de tipo Agua se multiplica por 0,5 durante el efecto. -showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=This move and its effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon. -showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon. +showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=Este movimiento y sus efectos ignoran las habilidades de otros Pokémon. +showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignora las habilidades de otros Pokémon. -showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. -showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Deals damage to the target equal to half of its current HP, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. This move ignores type immunity. -showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Damage = 1/2 target's current HP. Hits Ghosts. +showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo equivalente a la mitad de su PS actual, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Hace un daño equivalente a la mitad del PS actual del objetivo. +showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Inflige daño al objetivo equivalente a la mitad de su PS actual, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. Este movimiento ignora la inmunidad de tipo. +showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Daño Bruta -showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Reduce el ataque y la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.superpower.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque y la defensa del usuario en 1.ónico -showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. +showdown.moves.supersonic.shortDesc=Hace que el objetivo se confunda. Supersónico -showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.supersonicskystrike.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dive. doubles if the target is using Dive. adjacent Pokemon. Power doubles on Dive. daño se duplica si el objetivo está usando Buceo. a Pokémon adyacentes. Doble daño a Buceo. poder se duplica si el objetivo está usando Buceo. a Pokémon adyacentes. El poder se duplica sobre Buceo.ún efecto secundario.ún efecto secundario. foes. Power doubles against Dive. a los enemigos. El poder se duplica ante Buceo. Torrencial -showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Hits three times. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. -showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. Hits 3 times. +showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.desc=Golpea tres veces. Este movimiento siempre es un golpe crítico a menos que el objetivo esté bajo el efecto de Conjuro o tenga la Armad. Habilidades de Murciélago o Caparazón. +showdown.moves.surgingstrikes.shortDesc=Siempre resulta en un golpe crítico. Golpea 3 veces. -showdown.moves.swagger.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. -showdown.moves.swagger.shortDesc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 and confuses it. -showdown.moves.swagger.gen2.desc=Raises the target's Attack by 2 stages and confuses it. This move will miss if the target's Attack cannot be raised. +showdown.moves.swagger.desc=Aumenta el ataque del objetivo en 2 niveles y lo confunde. +showdown.moves.swagger.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque del objetivo en 2 y lo confunde. +showdown.moves.swagger.gen2.desc=Aumenta el ataque del objetivo en 2 niveles y lo confunde. Este movimiento fallará si no se puede aumentar el ataque del objetivo. -showdown.moves.swallow.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. -showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Heals the user based on uses of Stockpile. -showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Defense and Special Defense decrease by as many stages as Stockpile had increased them, and the user's Stockpile count resets to 0. -showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=The user restores its HP based on its Stockpile count. Restores 1/4 of its maximum HP if it's 1, 1/2 of its maximum HP if it's 2, both rounded half down, and all of its HP if it's 3. Fails if the user's Stockpile count is 0. The user's Stockpile count resets to 0. +showdown.moves.swallow.desc=El usuario restaura su PS según su recuento de Reserva. Descansoores 1/4 de su PS máximo si es 1, 1/2 de su PS máximo si es 2, ambos redondeados a la mitad hacia abajo, y todos sus PS si es 3. Falla si el recuento de Reserva del usuario es 0. La Defensa y La Defensa Especial disminuye en tantas etapas como la Reserva las haya aumentado, y el recuento de Reserva del usuario se restablece a 0. +showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Cura al usuario según los usos de Reserva. +showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=El usuario restaura su PS según su recuento de Reserva. Descansoores 1/4 de su PS máximo si es 1, 1/2 de su PS máximo si es 2, ambos redondeados hacia abajo, y todos sus PS si es 3. Falla si el recuento de Reserva del usuario es 0. La Defensa y el Especial del usuario La defensa disminuye en tantas etapas como la Reserva las haya aumentado, y el recuento de Reserva del usuario se restablece a 0. +showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=El usuario restaura su PS según su recuento de Reserva. Descansoores 1/4 de su PS máximo si es 1, 1/2 de su PS máximo si es 2, ambos redondeados a la mitad hacia abajo, y todos sus PS si es 3. Falla si el recuento de Reserva del usuario es 0. El recuento de Reserva del usuario se restablece a 0. Dulce -showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Causes the target to become confused. +showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Hace que el objetivo se confunda. Aroma -showdown.moves.sweetscent.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.sweetscent.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 2. -showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.desc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 1. -showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.desc=Reduce la evasión del objetivo en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.shortDesc=Reduce la evasión del enemigo en 2. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.desc=Reduce la evasión del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen5.shortDesc=Reduce la evasión del enemigo en 1. +showdown.moves.sweetscent.gen2.shortDesc=Reduce la evasión del objetivo en 1. -showdown.moves.swift.desc=This move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.swift.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes. -showdown.moves.swift.gen1.desc=This move does not check accuracy and hits even if the target is using Dig or Fly. -showdown.moves.swift.gen1.shortDesc=Never misses, even against Dig and Fly. -showdown.moves.swift.gen2.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. +showdown.moves.swift.desc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. +showdown.moves.swift.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Golpea a los enemigos. +showdown.moves.swift.gen1.desc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión y golpea incluso si el objetivo está usando Excavar o Vuelo. +showdown.moves.swift.gen1.shortDesc=Nunca falla, ni siquiera contra Excavar y Vuelo. +showdown.moves.swift.gen2.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, or if the user is trying to give or take a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.switcheroo.activate=%s switched items with its target! +showdown.moves.switcheroo.desc=El usuario intercambia el objeto que tiene en poder del objetivo. Falla si el usuario o el objetivo tiene un Correo o un Cristal Z, si ninguno tiene un objeto, si el usuario está tratando de dar o recibir una Mega Piedra hacia o desde la especie que puede megaevolucionar con ella, o si el usuario está intentando dar o recibir un Prisma Azul, un Prisma Rojo, una Griseosfera, una Placa, un Drive o un Memory hacia o desde un Kyogre, un Groudon, un Giratina, un Arceus, un Genesect o un Silvally, respectivamente. El objetivo es inmune a este movimiento si tiene la habilidad Viscosidad. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.shortDesc=El usuario cambia el objeto retenido por el del objetivo. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen6.desc=El usuario intercambia el objeto que tiene en poder del objetivo. Falla si el usuario o el objetivo tiene un Correo, si ninguno tiene un objeto, si el usuario está tratando de dar o recibir una megapiedra hacia o desde la especie que puede megaevolucionar con él, o si el usuario lo está intentando para dar o recibir un Prisma Azul, un Prisma Rojo, una Griseosfera, un Plate o un Drive hacia o desde un Kyogre, un Groudon, una Giratina, un Arceus o un Genesect, respectivamente. El objetivo es inmune a este movimiento si tiene la habilidad Viscosidad. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen5.desc=El usuario intercambia el objeto que tiene en poder del objetivo. Falla si el usuario o el objetivo tiene un Correo, si ninguno tiene un artículo, o si el usuario está intentando dar o recibir una Griseosfera, una Placa o un Drive hacia o desde una Giratina, un Arceus o un Genesect, respectivamente. El objetivo es inmune a este movimiento si tiene la habilidad Viscosidad. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.gen4.desc=El usuario intercambia el objeto que tiene en poder del objetivo. Falla si el usuario o el objetivo tiene un Correo o Griseosfera, si ninguno tiene un objeto, si alguno tiene la habilidad Multitipo, si alguno está bajo el efecto de Desarme o si el objetivo tiene la habilidad Viscosidad. +showdown.moves.switcheroo.activate=¡%s cambió elementos con su objetivo! Espada -showdown.moves.swordsdance.desc=Raises the user's Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack by 2. +showdown.moves.swordsdance.desc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 2 etapas. +showdown.moves.swordsdance.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque del usuario en 2. -showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=The target is immune if it does not share a type with the user. -showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Hits adjacent Pokemon sharing the user's type. +showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=El objetivo es inmune si no comparte un tipo con el usuario. +showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Golpea a Pokémon adyacentes que comparten el tipo del usuario.íntesis -showdown.moves.synthesis.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Snow, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.synthesis.shortDesc=Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen8.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect or if the user is holding Utility Umbrella, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen7.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if Delta Stream or no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded half down. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, 2/3 of its maximum HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm, all rounded down. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP if no weather conditions are in effect, all of its HP if the weather is Sunny Day, and 1/4 of its maximum HP if the weather is Rain Dance or Sandstorm, all rounded down. +showdown.moves.synthesis.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si Flusso Delta o no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes o si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, y 1/ 4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia, Tormenta Arena o Nieve, todo redondeado a la mitad. +showdown.moves.synthesis.shortDesc=Cura al usuario en una cantidad que depende del clima. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen8.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si Flusso Delta o no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes o si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, y 1/ 4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todos redondeados a la mitad. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen7.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si Flusso Delta o no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todos redondeados a la mitad hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Día Soleado y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todo redondeado hasta la mitad. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, 2/3 de su PS máximo si el clima es Día Soleado y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Granizo, Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todo redondeado hacia abajo. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=El usuario restaura 1/2 de su PS máximo si no hay condiciones climáticas vigentes, todo su PS si el clima es Día Soleado y 1/4 de su PS máximo si el clima es Danza Lluvia o Tormenta Arena, todo redondeado hacia abajo. . showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 3 stages. -showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3. -showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.desc=Raises the user's Special Attack by 2 stages. -showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.shortDesc=Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2. +showdown.moves.tailglow.desc=Aumenta el ataque especial del usuario en 3 niveles. +showdown.moves.tailglow.shortDesc=Aumenta el Sp del usuario. Atq por 3. +showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.desc=Aumenta el ataque especial del usuario en 2 niveles. +showdown.moves.tailglow.gen4.shortDesc=Aumenta el Sp del usuario. Atq por 2. -showdown.moves.tailslap.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. -showdown.moves.tailslap.shortDesc=Hits 2-5 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.tailslap.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. +showdown.moves.tailslap.shortDesc=Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno.átigo -showdown.moves.tailwhip.desc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.tailwhip.shortDesc=Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1. -showdown.moves.tailwhip.gen2.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.tailwhip.desc=Reduce la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.tailwhip.shortDesc=Reduce la defensa del enemigo en 1. +showdown.moves.tailwhip.gen2.shortDesc=Reduce la Defensa del objetivo en 1. Afín -showdown.moves.tailwind.desc=For 4 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.tailwind.shortDesc=For 4 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. -showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.desc=For 3 turns, the user and its party members have their Speed doubled. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.shortDesc=For 3 turns, allies' Speed is doubled. -showdown.moves.tailwind.start=The Tailwind blew from behind %s! -showdown.moves.tailwind.end=%s's Tailwind petered out! +showdown.moves.tailwind.desc=Durante 4 turnos, la velocidad del usuario y los miembros de su grupo se duplica. Falla si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.tailwind.shortDesc=Durante 4 turnos, la velocidad de los aliados se duplica. +showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.desc=Durante 3 turnos, la velocidad del usuario y los miembros de su grupo se duplica. Falla si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.shortDesc=Durante 3 turnos, la velocidad de los aliados se duplica. +showdown.moves.tailwind.start=¡El Viento Afín sopló detrás de %s! +showdown.moves.tailwind.end=¡El Viento Afín de %s se agotó! -showdown.moves.takedown.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. -showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.takedown.gen2.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. If this move hits a substitute, the recoil damage is always 1 HP. -showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. If this move breaks the target's substitute, the user does not take any recoil damage. +showdown.moves.takedown.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Tiene 1/4 de retroceso. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen2.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, pero no menos de 1 PS. Si este movimiento alcanza a un sustituto, el daño por retroceso es siempre de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. Si este movimiento rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el usuario no sufre ningún daño por retroceso.álsamo Osado -showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=The user cures its non-volatile status condition. Raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Cures user's status, raises Sp. Atk, Sp. Def by 1. +showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=El usuario soluciona su condición de estado no volátil. Aumenta el ataque especial y la defensa especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Cura el estado del usuario, aumenta Atq esp., Def esp. por 1. -showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Until the target switches out, the effectiveness of Fire-type moves is doubled against it. -showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Target gets -1 Spe and becomes weaker to Fire. -showdown.moves.tarshot.start=%s became weaker to fire! +showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Reduce la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel. Hasta que el objetivo cambie, la efectividad de los movimientos de tipo Fuego se duplica contra él. +showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=El objetivo obtiene -1 Velo y se vuelve más débil al Fuego. +showdown.moves.tarshot.start=¡%s se volvió más débil para disparar! -showdown.moves.taunt.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.taunt.shortDesc=Target can't use status moves its next 3 turns. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. Z-Powered moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen6.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. Pokemon with the Oblivious Ability or protected by the Aroma Veil Ability are immune. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for its next three turns. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.desc=For 3 to 5 turns, prevents the target from using non-damaging moves. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.shortDesc=For 3-5 turns, the target can't use status moves. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.desc=For 2 turns, prevents the target from using non-damaging moves. -showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target can't use status moves. -showdown.moves.taunt.start=%s fell for the taunt! -showdown.moves.taunt.end=%s shook off the taunt! -showdown.moves.taunt.cant=%s can't use %s after the taunt! +showdown.moves.taunt.desc=Evita que el objetivo utilice movimientos no dañinos durante sus próximos tres turnos. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Despiste o protegidos por la habilidad Velo Aroma son inmunes. +showdown.moves.taunt.shortDesc=El objetivo no puede usar movimientos de estado en sus próximos 3 turnos. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo utilice movimientos no dañinos durante sus próximos tres turnos. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Despiste o protegidos por la habilidad Velo Aroma son inmunes. Los movimientos impulsados por Z aún se pueden seleccionar y ejecutar durante este efecto. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen6.desc=Evita que el objetivo utilice movimientos no dañinos durante sus próximos tres turnos. Los Pokémon con la habilidad Despiste o protegidos por la habilidad Velo Aroma son inmunes. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo utilice movimientos no dañinos durante sus próximos tres turnos. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.desc=Durante 3 a 5 turnos, evita que el objetivo utilice movimientos que no causen daño. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen4.shortDesc=Durante 3 a 5 turnos, el objetivo no puede usar movimientos de estado. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.desc=Durante 2 turnos, evita que el objetivo utilice movimientos que no causen daño. +showdown.moves.taunt.gen3.shortDesc=Durante 2 turnos, el objetivo no puede usar movimientos de estado. +showdown.moves.taunt.start=¡%s se enamoró de la burla! +showdown.moves.taunt.end=¡%s se libró de la burla! +showdown.moves.taunt.cant=¡%s no puede usar %s después de la burla! Llorosos -showdown.moves.tearfullook.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.tearfullook.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.tearfullook.desc=Reduce el ataque y el ataque especial del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.tearfullook.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque y el Sp del objetivo. Atq por 1. del Té -showdown.moves.teatime.desc=All active Pokemon consume their held Berries. This effect is not prevented by substitutes, the Klutz or Unnerve Abilities, or the effects of Embargo or Magic Room. Fails if no active Pokemon is holding a Berry. -showdown.moves.teatime.shortDesc=All active Pokemon consume held Berries. -showdown.moves.teatime.activate=It's teatime! Everyone dug in to their Berries! nothing happened! +showdown.moves.teatime.desc=Todos los Pokémon activos consumen las bayas que tienen. Este efecto no es impedido por sustitutos, las Habilidades de Zoquete o Nerviosismo, ni los efectos de Embargo o Zona Mágica. Falla si ningún Pokémon activo tiene una Baya. +showdown.moves.teatime.shortDesc=Todos los Pokémon activos consumen bayas retenidas. +showdown.moves.teatime.activate=¡Es la hora del té! ¡Todos comieron sus bayas!¡Pero nada pasó! Shock -showdown.moves.technoblast.desc=This move's type depends on the user's held Drive. -showdown.moves.technoblast.shortDesc=Type varies based on the held Drive. +showdown.moves.technoblast.desc=El tipo de movimiento depende del Drive que tenga el usuario. +showdown.moves.technoblast.shortDesc=El tipo varía según la unidad retenida. Telúrica -showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.tectonicrage.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base. Caos -showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Causes the target to become confused. -showdown.moves.teeterdance.shortDesc=Confuses adjacent Pokemon. +showdown.moves.teeterdance.desc=Hace que el objetivo se confunda. +showdown.moves.teeterdance.shortDesc=Confunde a los Pokémon adyacentes. -showdown.moves.telekinesis.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, Alolan Diglett, Alolan Dugtrio, Sandygast, Palossand, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. -showdown.moves.telekinesis.shortDesc=For 3 turns, target floats but moves can't miss it. -showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen6.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett, Dugtrio, or Gengar while Mega-Evolved. Mega Gengar cannot be under this effect by any means. -showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen5.desc=For 3 turns, the target cannot avoid any attacks made against it, other than OHKO moves, as long as it remains active. During the effect, the target is immune to Ground-type attacks and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. If the target uses Baton Pass, the replacement will gain the effect. Ingrain, Smack Down, and Iron Ball override this move if the target is under any of their effects. Fails if the target is already under this effect or the effects of Ingrain or Smack Down. The target is immune to this move on use if its species is Diglett or Dugtrio. -showdown.moves.telekinesis.start=%s was hurled into the air! -showdown.moves.telekinesis.end=%s was freed from the telekinesis! +showdown.moves.telekinesis.desc=Durante 3 turnos, el objetivo no puede evitar ningún ataque realizado contra él, excepto los movimientos OHKO, mientras permanezca activo. Durante el efecto, el objetivo es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra y a los efectos de Púas, Tóxico Púas, Red Viscosa y la habilidad Trampa Arena mientras permanezca activa. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo obtendrá el efecto. Arraigo, Antiaéreo, Mil Flechas y Bola Férrea anulan este movimiento si el objetivo está bajo alguno de sus efectos. Falla si el objetivo ya está bajo este efecto o los efectos de Arraigo, Antiaéreo o Mil Flechas. El objetivo es inmune a este movimiento al usarlo si su especie es Excavarlett, Dugtrio, Alolan Excavarlett, Alolan Dugtrio, Sandygast, Palossand o Gengar mientras está megaevolucionado. Mega Gengar no puede estar bajo este efecto de ninguna manera. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.shortDesc=Durante 3 turnos, el objetivo flota pero los movimientos no pueden pasarlo por alto. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen6.desc=Durante 3 turnos, el objetivo no puede evitar ningún ataque realizado contra él, excepto los movimientos OHKO, mientras permanezca activo. Durante el efecto, el objetivo es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra y a los efectos de Púas, Tóxico Púas, Red Viscosa y la habilidad Trampa Arena mientras permanezca activa. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo obtendrá el efecto. Arraigo, Antiaéreo, Mil Flechas y Bola Férrea anulan este movimiento si el objetivo está bajo alguno de sus efectos. Falla si el objetivo ya está bajo este efecto o los efectos de Arraigo, Antiaéreo o Mil Flechas. El objetivo es inmune a este movimiento al usarlo si su especie es Excavarlett, Dugtrio o Gengar mientras está megaevolucionado. Mega Gengar no puede estar bajo este efecto de ninguna manera. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.gen5.desc=Durante 3 turnos, el objetivo no puede evitar ningún ataque realizado contra él, excepto los movimientos OHKO, mientras permanezca activo. Durante el efecto, el objetivo es inmune a los ataques de tipo Tierra y a los efectos de Púas, Tóxico Púas y la habilidad Trampa Arena siempre que permanezca activa. Si el objetivo usa Relevo, el reemplazo obtendrá el efecto. Arraigo, Antiaéreo y Bola Férrea anulan este movimiento si el objetivo está bajo alguno de sus efectos. Falla si el objetivo ya está bajo este efecto o los efectos de Arraigo o Antiaéreo. El objetivo es inmune a este movimiento al usarlo si su especie es Excavarlett o Dugtrio. +showdown.moves.telekinesis.start=¡%s fue lanzado al aire! +showdown.moves.telekinesis.end=¡%s fue liberado de la telequinesis! -showdown.moves.teleport.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.teleport.shortDesc=User switches out. -showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.desc=Fails when used. -showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.shortDesc=Fails when used. +showdown.moves.teleport.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, el usuario sale incluso si está atrapado y es reemplazado inmediatamente por un miembro del grupo seleccionado. El usuario no cambia si no hay miembros del grupo no desmayados. +showdown.moves.teleport.shortDesc=El usuario se desconecta. +showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.desc=Falla cuando se usa. +showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.shortDesc=Falla cuando se usa.ón -showdown.moves.terablast.desc=If the user is Terastallized, this move becomes a physical attack if the user's Attack is greater than its Special Attack, including stat stage changes, and this move's type becomes the same as the user's Tera Type. -showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=If Terastallized: Phys. if Atk > SpA, type = Tera. +showdown.moves.terablast.desc=Si el usuario está Terastalizado, este movimiento se convierte en un ataque físico si el Ataque del usuario es mayor que su Ataque Especial, incluidos los cambios de estado de estadísticas, y el tipo de este movimiento se vuelve el mismo que el Tipo Tera del usuario. +showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=Si está terastalizado: Phys. si Atq > Atq esp., escriba de Campo -showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=Power doubles if the user is grounded and a terrain is active, and this move's type changes to match. Electric type during Electric Terrain, Grass type during Grassy Terrain, Fairy type during Misty Terrain, and Psychic type during Psychic Terrain. -showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=User on terrain: power doubles, type varies. +showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=El poder se duplica si el usuario está en el suelo y hay un terreno activo, y el tipo de este movimiento cambia para coincidir. Tipo eléctrico durante Campo Eléctrico, tipo Hierba durante Campo de Hierba, tipo Hada durante Campo de Niebla y tipo psíquico durante Campo Psíquico. +showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=Usuario en terreno: la potencia se duplica, el tipo varía.ón -showdown.moves.thief.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Z-Crystal, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, a Silvally holding a Memory, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.thief.shortDesc=If the user has no item, it steals the target's. -showdown.moves.thief.gen6.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Kyogre holding a Blue Orb, a Groudon holding a Red Orb, a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, a Genesect holding a Drive, or a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve holding the Mega Stone for its species. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.thief.gen5.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail, or if the target is a Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, an Arceus holding a Plate, or a Genesect holding a Drive. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle or the Harvest Ability. -showdown.moves.thief.gen4.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Griseous Orb, or if the target has the Multitype Ability. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. -showdown.moves.thief.gen3.desc=If this attack was successful and the user has not fainted, it steals the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail or Enigma Berry. Items lost to this move cannot be regained with Recycle. -showdown.moves.thief.gen2.desc=Has a 100% chance to steal the target's held item if the user is not holding one. The target's item is not stolen if it is a Mail. +showdown.moves.thief.desc=Si este ataque tuvo éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El objeto del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo o Z-Crystal, o si el objetivo es un Kyogre con un Prisma Azul, un Groudon con un Prisma Rojo, una Giratina con una Griseosfera, un Arceus con una Placa, un Genesect con un Drive, un Silvally con un recuerdo o un Pokémon que puede megaevolucionar con la megapiedra de su especie. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.thief.shortDesc=Si el usuario no tiene ningún objeto, roba el del objetivo. +showdown.moves.thief.gen6.desc=Si este ataque tuvo éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El objeto del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo, o si el objetivo es un Kyogre con un Prisma Azul, un Groudon con un Prisma Rojo, una Giratina con una Griseosfera, un Arceus con una Placa, un Genesect con un Drive, o un Pokémon que puede megaevolucionar sosteniendo la megapiedra de su especie. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.thief.gen5.desc=Si este ataque tuvo éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El objeto del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo, o si el objetivo es una Giratina con una Griseosfera, un Arceus con una Placa o un Genesect con un Drive. Los elementos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje o la habilidad Cosecha. +showdown.moves.thief.gen4.desc=Si este ataque tuvo éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El objeto del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo o Griseosfera, o si el objetivo tiene la Habilidad Multitipo. Los objetos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje. +showdown.moves.thief.gen3.desc=Si este ataque tuvo éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, roba el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El artículo del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo o Baya Enigma. Los objetos perdidos con este movimiento no se pueden recuperar con Reciclaje. +showdown.moves.thief.gen2.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de robar el objeto que tiene el objetivo si el usuario no tiene ninguno. El artículo del objetivo no es robado si es un Correo. Flechas -showdown.moves.thousandarrows.desc=This move can hit airborne Pokemon, which includes Flying-type Pokemon, Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, Pokemon holding an Air Balloon, and Pokemon under the effect of Magnet Rise or Telekinesis. If the target is a Flying type and is not already grounded, this move deals neutral damage regardless of its other type(s). This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop. If this move hits a target under the effect of Bounce, Fly, Magnet Rise, or Telekinesis, the effect ends. If the target is a Flying type that has not used Roost this turn or a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability, it loses its immunity to Ground-type attacks and the Arena Trap Ability as long as it remains active. During the effect, Magnet Rise fails for the target and Telekinesis fails against the target. -showdown.moves.thousandarrows.shortDesc=Grounds adjacent foes. First hit neutral on Flying. +showdown.moves.thousandarrows.desc=Este movimiento puede golpear a Pokémon en el aire, que incluyen Pokémon de tipo Vueloing, Pokémon con la habilidad Levitación, Pokémon que tienen un Globo Helio y Pokémon bajo el efecto de Levitón o Telequinesis. Si el objetivo es del tipo Vueloing y aún no está en el suelo, este movimiento causa daño neutral independientemente de sus otros tipos. Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Bote, Vuelo o Caída Libre. Si este movimiento impacta a un objetivo bajo el efecto de Bote, Vuelo, Levitón o Telequinesis, el efecto termina. Si el objetivo es un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing que no ha usado Respiro este turno o un Pokémon con la habilidad Levitación, pierde su inmunidad a los ataques de tipo Tierra y la habilidad Trampa Arena mientras permanezca activo. Durante el efecto, Levitón falla por el objetivo y Telequinesis falla contra el objetivo. +showdown.moves.thousandarrows.shortDesc=Derriba a los enemigos adyacentes. Primer punto muerto en Vueloing. Temblores -showdown.moves.thousandwaves.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. -showdown.moves.thousandwaves.shortDesc=Hits adjacent foes. Prevents them from switching. -showdown.moves.thousandwaves.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching out. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. If the target leaves the field using Baton Pass, the replacement will remain trapped. The effect ends if the user leaves the field. +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo. +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.shortDesc=Golpea a los enemigos adyacentes. Les impide cambiar. +showdown.moves.thousandwaves.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo se apague. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. Si el objetivo abandona el campo usando Relevo, el reemplazo quedará atrapado. El efecto finaliza si el usuario abandona el campo.ña -showdown.moves.thrash.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk and the user is asleep, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.thrash.shortDesc=Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen6.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an adjacent opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target on the first turn of the effect or the second turn of a three-turn effect, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen4.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, is asleep at the beginning of a turn, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen3.desc=The user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused at the end of the last turn of the effect if it is not already. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. If the user is prevented from moving, falls asleep, becomes frozen, or the attack is not successful against the target, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen2.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends two or three turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. If this move is called by Sleep Talk, the move is used for one turn and does not confuse the user. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.desc=Whether or not this move is successful, the user spends three or four turns locked into this move and becomes confused immediately after its move on the last turn of the effect, even if it is already confused. If the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends without causing confusion. During the effect, this move's accuracy is overwritten every turn with the current calculated accuracy including stat stage changes, but not to less than 1/256 or more than 255/256. -showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.shortDesc=Lasts 3-4 turns. Confuses the user afterwards. +showdown.moves.thrash.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Si el usuario no puede moverse, está dormido al comienzo de un turno o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo en el primer turno del efecto o en el segundo turno de un efecto de tres turnos, el efecto termina sin causar confusión. . Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento y el usuario está dormido, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.thrash.shortDesc=Dura 2-3 turnos. Confunde al usuario después. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen6.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon enemigo adyacente al azar en cada turno. Si el usuario no puede moverse, está dormido al comienzo de un turno o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo en el primer turno del efecto o en el segundo turno de un efecto de tres turnos, el efecto termina sin causar confusión. . Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen4.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde al final del último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Si el usuario no puede moverse, está dormido al comienzo de un turno o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo, el efecto termina sin causar confusión. Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen3.desc=El usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde al final del último turno del efecto, si aún no lo está. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Si al usuario se le impide moverse, se queda dormido, se congela o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo, el efecto finaliza sin causar confusión. Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen2.desc=Independientemente de si este movimiento tiene éxito o no, el usuario pasa dos o tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, incluso si ya está confundido. Si se impide al usuario moverse, el efecto finaliza sin causar confusión. Si Sonámbulo llama a este movimiento, el movimiento se usa durante un turno y no confunde al usuario. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.desc=Independientemente de si este movimiento tiene éxito o no, el usuario pasa tres o cuatro turnos atrapado en este movimiento y se confunde inmediatamente después de su movimiento en el último turno del efecto, incluso si ya está confundido. Si se impide al usuario moverse, el efecto finaliza sin causar confusión. Durante el efecto, la precisión de este movimiento se sobrescribe en cada turno con la precisión calculada actual, incluidos los cambios de etapa de estadísticas, pero no menos de 1/256 ni más de 255/256. +showdown.moves.thrash.gen1.shortDesc=Dura 3-4 turnos. Confunde al usuario después. Mordaza -showdown.moves.throatchop.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. -showdown.moves.throatchop.shortDesc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound moves. -showdown.moves.throatchop.gen7.desc=For 2 turns, the target cannot use sound-based moves. Z-Powered sound moves can still be selected and executed during this effect. -showdown.moves.throatchop.cant=The effects of Throat Chop prevent %s from using certain moves! +showdown.moves.throatchop.desc=Durante 2 turnos, el objetivo no puede utilizar movimientos basados en sonido. +showdown.moves.throatchop.shortDesc=Durante 2 turnos, el objetivo no puede utilizar movimientos sonoros. +showdown.moves.throatchop.gen7.desc=Durante 2 turnos, el objetivo no puede utilizar movimientos basados en sonido. Los movimientos de sonido impulsados por Z aún se pueden seleccionar y ejecutar durante este efecto. +showdown.moves.throatchop.cant=¡Los efectos de Golpe Mordaza impiden que %s use ciertos movimientos! -showdown.moves.thunder.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. If this move is used against a Pokemon holding Utility Umbrella, this move's accuracy remains at 70%. -showdown.moves.thunder.shortDesc=30% chance to paralyze. Can't miss in rain. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen7.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Desolate Land or Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen5.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen4.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Bounce or Fly. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen2.desc=Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. This move can hit a target using Fly. If the weather is Rain Dance, this move does not check accuracy. If the weather is Sunny Day, this move's accuracy is 50%. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunder.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Bote, Vuelo o Caída Libre, o está bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. Si el tiempo es Mar del Albor o Danza Lluvia, este movimiento no comprueba la precisión. Si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, la precisión de este movimiento es del 50%. Si este movimiento se usa contra un Pokémon que tiene Parasol Multiuso, la precisión de este movimiento permanece en 70%. +showdown.moves.thunder.shortDesc=30% de probabilidad de paralizarse. No te puedes perder bajo la lluvia. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen7.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Bote, Vuelo o Caída Libre, o está bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. Si el tiempo es Mar del Albor o Danza Lluvia, este movimiento no comprueba la precisión. Si el clima es Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, la precisión de este movimiento es del 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen5.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Bote, Vuelo o Caída Libre, o está bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. Si el clima es Danza Lluvia, este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Si el clima es Día Soleado, la precisión de este movimiento es del 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen4.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Bote o Vuelo. Si el clima es Danza Lluvia, este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Si el clima es Día Soleado, la precisión de este movimiento es del 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen2.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Vuelo. Si el clima es Danza Lluvia, este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Si el clima es Día Soleado, la precisión de este movimiento es del 50%. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.thunder.gen1.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. -showdown.moves.thunderbolt.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.thunderbolt.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunderbolt.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.thunderbolt.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. -showdown.moves.thundercage.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.thundercage.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.thundercage.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.thundercage.start=%s trapped %s! +showdown.moves.thundercage.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Autotomía, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.thundercage.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 4-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.thundercage.gen8.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.thundercage.start=¡%s atrapados %s! Rayo -showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target and a 10% chance to make it flinch. -showdown.moves.thunderfang.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze. 10% chance to flinch. +showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo y un 10% de posibilidades de hacerlo retroceder. +showdown.moves.thunderfang.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de paralizarse. 10% de posibilidades de estremecerse. Relámpago -showdown.moves.thunderouskick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.thunderouskick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.thunderouskick.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.thunderouskick.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir la Defensa del objetivo en 1.ño Trueno -showdown.moves.thunderpunch.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.thunderpunch.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thunderpunch.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.thunderpunch.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. -showdown.moves.thundershock.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.thundershock.shortDesc=10% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.thundershock.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.thundershock.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. Trueno -showdown.moves.thunderwave.desc=Paralyzes the target. This move does not ignore type immunity. -showdown.moves.thunderwave.shortDesc=Paralyzes the target. +showdown.moves.thunderwave.desc=Paraliza al objetivo. Este movimiento no ignora la inmunidad de tipo. +showdown.moves.thunderwave.shortDesc=Paraliza al objetivo. -showdown.moves.tickle.desc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.tickle.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.tickle.desc=Reduce el ataque y la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.tickle.shortDesc=Reduce el ataque y la defensa del objetivo en 1. General -showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1 stage. Removes subtitutes from all active Pokemon and ends the effects of Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes for both sides. -showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=User +1 Atk, Spe. Clears all substitutes/hazards. -showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Tidying up complete! +showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Aumenta el ataque y la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. Elimina sustitutos de todos los Pokémon activos y finaliza los efectos de Púas, Trampa Rocas, Red Viscosa y Tóxico Púas para ambos bandos. +showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=Usuario +1 Atq, Velo. Elimina todos los sustitutos/peligros. +showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=¡Ordenación completa!ón -showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=The target's positive stat stages become negative and vice versa. Fails if all of the target's stat stages are 0. -showdown.moves.topsyturvy.shortDesc=Inverts the target's stat stages. +showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=Las etapas de estadísticas positivas del objetivo se vuelven negativas y viceversa. Falla si todas las etapas de estadísticas del objetivo son 0. +showdown.moves.topsyturvy.shortDesc=Invierte las etapas de estadísticas del objetivo. Ardiente -showdown.moves.torchsong.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.torchsong.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.torchsong.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de aumentar el ataque especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.torchsong.shortDesc=100% de posibilidades de aumentar el Sp del usuario. Atq por 1. -showdown.moves.torment.desc=Prevents the target from selecting the same move for use two turns in a row. This effect ends when the target is no longer active. -showdown.moves.torment.shortDesc=Target can't select the same move twice in a row. -showdown.moves.torment.start=%s was subjected to torment! -showdown.moves.torment.end=%s is no longer tormented! +showdown.moves.torment.desc=Evita que el objetivo seleccione el mismo movimiento para usarlo dos turnos seguidos. Este efecto termina cuando el objetivo ya no está activo. +showdown.moves.torment.shortDesc=El objetivo no puede seleccionar el mismo movimiento dos veces seguidas. +showdown.moves.torment.start=¡%s fue sometido a tormento! +showdown.moves.torment.end=¡%s ya no está atormentado!óxico -showdown.moves.toxic.desc=Badly poisons the target. If a Poison-type Pokemon uses this move, the target cannot avoid the attack, even if the target is in the middle of a two-turn move. -showdown.moves.toxic.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. Poison types can't miss. -showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.desc=Badly poisons the target. -showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.shortDesc=Badly poisons the target. +showdown.moves.toxic.desc=Envenena gravemente al objetivo. Si un Pokémon de tipo Veneno usa este movimiento, el objetivo no puede evitar el ataque, incluso si se encuentra en medio de un movimiento de dos turnos. +showdown.moves.toxic.shortDesc=Envenena gravemente al objetivo. Los tipos de veneno no pueden faltar. +showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.desc=Envenena gravemente al objetivo. +showdown.moves.toxic.gen5.shortDesc=Envenena gravemente al objetivo.úas Tóxicas -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.shortDesc=Poisons grounded foes on switch-in. Max 2 layers. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen8.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin or Defog successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen5.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, but a substitute does not. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen4.desc=Sets up a hazard on the opposing side of the field, poisoning each opposing Pokemon that switches in, unless it is a Flying-type Pokemon or has the Levitate Ability. Can be used up to two times before failing. Opposing Pokemon become poisoned with one layer and badly poisoned with two layers. Can be removed from the opposing side if any opposing Pokemon uses Rapid Spin successfully, is hit by Defog, or a grounded Poison-type Pokemon switches in. Safeguard prevents the opposing party from being poisoned on switch-in, as well as switching in with a substitute. -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.start=Poison spikes were scattered on the ground all around %s! -showdown.moves.toxicspikes.end=The poison spikes disappeared from the ground around %s! +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.desc=Crea un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, envenenando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Puede usarse hasta dos veces antes de fallar. Los Pokémon enemigos se envenenan con una capa y se envenenan gravemente con dos capas. Se puede eliminar del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, es golpeado por Despejar o un Pokémon de tipo Veneno conectado al suelo entra. Velo Sagrado evita que el oponente sea envenenado al entrar. , pero un sustituto no. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.shortDesc=Los venenos castigaban a los enemigos al entrar. Máximo 2 capas. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen8.desc=Crea un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, envenenando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Puede usarse hasta dos veces antes de fallar. Los Pokémon enemigos se envenenan con una capa y se envenenan gravemente con dos capas. Se puede eliminar del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido o Despejar con éxito, es golpeado por Despejar o un Pokémon de tipo Veneno conectado al suelo entra. Velo Sagrado evita que el oponente sea envenenado al entrar, pero un sustituto no es. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen5.desc=Crea un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, envenenando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Puede usarse hasta dos veces antes de fallar. Los Pokémon enemigos se envenenan con una capa y se envenenan gravemente con dos capas. Se puede eliminar del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido con éxito, es golpeado por Despejar o un Pokémon de tipo Veneno conectado al suelo entra. Velo Sagrado evita que el oponente sea envenenado al entrar, pero un sustituto no. . +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.gen4.desc=Crea un peligro en el lado opuesto del campo, envenenando a cada Pokémon contrario que entre, a menos que sea un Pokémon de tipo Vueloing o tenga la habilidad Levitación. Puede usarse hasta dos veces antes de fallar. Los Pokémon enemigos se envenenan con una capa y se envenenan gravemente con dos capas. Se puede eliminar del lado contrario si algún Pokémon contrario usa Giro Rápido con éxito, es golpeado por Despejar o un Pokémon de tipo Veneno conectado al suelo entra. Velo Sagrado evita que el oponente sea envenenado al entrar, además de entrar. con un sustituto. +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.start=¡Picos de veneno estaban esparcidos por el suelo alrededor de %s! +showdown.moves.toxicspikes.end=¡Las púas de veneno desaparecieron del suelo alrededor de %s! Venenoso -showdown.moves.toxicthread.desc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage and poisons it. -showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Lowers the target's Speed by 1 and poisons it. +showdown.moves.toxicthread.desc=Reduce la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel y lo envenena. +showdown.moves.toxicthread.shortDesc=Reduce la velocidad del objetivo en 1 y lo envenena. -showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de aumentar la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de aumentar la velocidad del usuario en 1.ón -showdown.moves.transform.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, gender, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP, with a maximum of 5 PP each. The user can no longer change formes if it would have the ability to do so. This move fails if it hits a substitute, if either the user or the target is already transformed, or if either is behind an Illusion. -showdown.moves.transform.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and Ability. -showdown.moves.transform.gen4.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, Ability, weight, IVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move fails if the target has transformed. -showdown.moves.transform.gen2.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, DVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move fails if the target has transformed. -showdown.moves.transform.gen2.shortDesc=Copies target's stats, moves, types, and species. -showdown.moves.transform.gen1.desc=The user transforms into the target. The target's current stats, stat stages, types, moves, DVs, species, and sprite are copied. The user's level and HP remain the same and each copied move receives only 5 PP. This move can hit a target using Dig or Fly. -showdown.moves.transform.transform=%s transformed into %s! +showdown.moves.transform.desc=El usuario se transforma en el objetivo. Se copian las estadísticas actuales del objetivo, sus etapas de estadísticas, tipos, movimientos, habilidad, peso, género y sprite. El nivel y PS del usuario siguen siendo los mismos y cada movimiento copiado recibe sólo 5 PP, con un máximo de 5 PP cada uno. El usuario ya no puede cambiar de forma si tuviera la capacidad de hacerlo. Este movimiento falla si golpea a un sustituto, si el usuario o el objetivo ya están transformados, o si cualquiera de ellos está detrás de una Ilusión. +showdown.moves.transform.shortDesc=Copia las estadísticas, movimientos, tipos y habilidades del objetivo. +showdown.moves.transform.gen4.desc=El usuario se transforma en el objetivo. Se copian las estadísticas actuales del objetivo, sus etapas de estadísticas, tipos, movimientos, habilidades, peso, IV, especies y sprites. El nivel y PS del usuario siguen siendo los mismos y cada movimiento copiado recibe sólo 5 PP. Este movimiento falla si el objetivo se ha transformado. +showdown.moves.transform.gen2.desc=El usuario se transforma en el objetivo. Se copian las estadísticas actuales, etapas de estadísticas, tipos, movimientos, DV, especies y sprites del objetivo. El nivel y PS del usuario siguen siendo los mismos y cada movimiento copiado recibe sólo 5 PP. Este movimiento falla si el objetivo se ha transformado. +showdown.moves.transform.gen2.shortDesc=Copia las estadísticas, movimientos, tipos y especies del objetivo. +showdown.moves.transform.gen1.desc=El usuario se transforma en el objetivo. Se copian las estadísticas actuales, etapas de estadísticas, tipos, movimientos, DV, especies y sprites del objetivo. El nivel y PS del usuario siguen siendo los mismos y cada movimiento copiado recibe sólo 5 PP. Este movimiento puede alcanzar un objetivo usando Excavar o Vuelo. +showdown.moves.transform.transform=¡%s transformado en %s! -showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Has a 20% chance to either burn, freeze, or paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze or burn or freeze target. -showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=This move selects burn, freeze, or paralysis at random, and has a 20% chance to inflict the target with that status. If the target is frozen and burn was selected, it thaws out. +showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de quemar, congelar o paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.triattack.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de paralizar, quemar o congelar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.triattack.gen2.desc=Este movimiento selecciona quemar, congelar o paralizar al azar y tiene un 20% de probabilidad de infligir ese estado al objetivo. Si el objetivo está congelado y se seleccionó quemar, se descongela. showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.triattack.gen1.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.trick.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Z-Crystal, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, a Drive, or a Memory to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, a Genesect, or a Silvally, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.trick.shortDesc=User switches its held item with the target's. -showdown.moves.trick.gen6.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if the user is trying to give or take a Mega Stone to or from the species that can Mega Evolve with it, or if the user is trying to give or take a Blue Orb, a Red Orb, a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Kyogre, a Groudon, a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.trick.gen5.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, or if the user is trying to give or take a Griseous Orb, a Plate, or a Drive to or from a Giratina, an Arceus, or a Genesect, respectively. The target is immune to this move if it has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.trick.gen4.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail or Griseous Orb, if neither is holding an item, if either has the Multitype Ability, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.trick.gen3.desc=The user swaps its held item with the target's held item. Fails if either the user or the target is holding a Mail, if neither is holding an item, if either is under the effect of Knock Off, or if the target has the Sticky Hold Ability. -showdown.moves.trick.activate=%s switched items with its target! +showdown.moves.trick.desc=El usuario intercambia el objeto que tiene en poder del objetivo. Falla si el usuario o el objetivo tiene un Correo o un Cristal Z, si ninguno tiene un objeto, si el usuario está tratando de dar o recibir una Mega Piedra hacia o desde la especie que puede megaevolucionar con ella, o si el usuario está intentando dar o recibir un Prisma Azul, un Prisma Rojo, una Griseosfera, una Placa, un Drive o un Memory hacia o desde un Kyogre, un Groudon, un Giratina, un Arceus, un Genesect o un Silvally, respectivamente. El objetivo es inmune a este movimiento si tiene la habilidad Viscosidad. +showdown.moves.trick.shortDesc=El usuario cambia el objeto retenido por el del objetivo. +showdown.moves.trick.gen6.desc=El usuario intercambia el objeto que tiene en poder del objetivo. Falla si el usuario o el objetivo tiene un Correo, si ninguno tiene un objeto, si el usuario está tratando de dar o recibir una megapiedra hacia o desde la especie que puede megaevolucionar con él, o si el usuario lo está intentando para dar o recibir un Prisma Azul, un Prisma Rojo, una Griseosfera, un Plate o un Drive hacia o desde un Kyogre, un Groudon, una Giratina, un Arceus o un Genesect, respectivamente. El objetivo es inmune a este movimiento si tiene la habilidad Viscosidad. +showdown.moves.trick.gen5.desc=El usuario intercambia el objeto que tiene en poder del objetivo. Falla si el usuario o el objetivo tiene un Correo, si ninguno tiene un artículo, o si el usuario está intentando dar o recibir una Griseosfera, una Placa o un Drive hacia o desde una Giratina, un Arceus o un Genesect, respectivamente. El objetivo es inmune a este movimiento si tiene la habilidad Viscosidad. +showdown.moves.trick.gen4.desc=El usuario intercambia el objeto que tiene en poder del objetivo. Falla si el usuario o el objetivo tiene un Correo o Griseosfera, si ninguno tiene un objeto, si alguno tiene la habilidad Multitipo, si alguno está bajo el efecto de Desarme o si el objetivo tiene la habilidad Viscosidad. +showdown.moves.trick.gen3.desc=El usuario intercambia el objeto que tiene en poder del objetivo. Falla si el usuario o el objetivo tiene un Correo, si ninguno tiene un artículo, si alguno está bajo el efecto de Desarme o si el objetivo tiene la habilidad Viscosidad. +showdown.moves.trick.activate=¡%s cambió elementos con su objetivo! -showdown.moves.trickortreat.desc=Causes the Ghost type to be added to the target, effectively making it have two or three types. Fails if the target is already a Ghost type. If Forest's Curse adds a type to the target, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa. -showdown.moves.trickortreat.shortDesc=Adds Ghost to the target's type(s). +showdown.moves.trickortreat.desc=Hace que el tipo Fantasma se agregue al objetivo, haciéndolo efectivamente tener dos o tres tipos. Falla si el objetivo ya es de tipo Fantasma. Si Forest's Curse agrega un tipo al objetivo, reemplaza el tipo agregado por este movimiento y viceversa. +showdown.moves.trickortreat.shortDesc=Agrega Fantasma a los tipos del objetivo. Raro -showdown.moves.trickroom.desc=For 5 turns, the Speed of every Pokemon is recalculated for the purposes of determining turn order. During the effect, each Pokemon's Speed is considered to be (10000 - its normal Speed), and if this value is greater than 8191, 8192 is subtracted from it. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.trickroom.shortDesc=Goes last. For 5 turns, turn order is reversed. -showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon with lower Speed will move before those with higher Speed, within their priority brackets. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. +showdown.moves.trickroom.desc=Durante 5 turnos, la velocidad de cada Pokémon se vuelve a calcular para determinar el orden de los turnos. Durante el efecto, se considera que la Velocidad de cada Pokémon es (10000 - su Velocidad normal), y si este valor es mayor que 8191, se le resta 8192. Si este movimiento se usa durante el efecto, el efecto termina. +showdown.moves.trickroom.shortDesc=Va último. Durante 5 turnos, el orden de los turnos se invierte. +showdown.moves.trickroom.gen4.desc=Durante 5 turnos, todos los Pokémon activos con menor Velocidad se moverán antes que aquellos con mayor Velocidad, dentro de sus grupos de prioridad. Si este movimiento se usa durante el efecto, el efecto termina. Flecha -showdown.moves.triplearrows.desc=Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1 stage, a 30% chance to make it flinch, and a higher chance for a critical hit. -showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=High crit. Target: 50% -1 Defense, 30% flinch. +showdown.moves.triplearrows.desc=Tiene un 50% de probabilidad de reducir la defensa del objetivo en 1 nivel, un 30% de probabilidad de hacerlo retroceder y una mayor probabilidad de asestar un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.triplearrows.shortDesc=Alto crítico. Objetivo: 50% -1 Defensa, 30% retroceder. Axel -showdown.moves.tripleaxel.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 40 for the second hit and 60 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. -showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. +showdown.moves.tripleaxel.desc=Golpea tres veces. El poder aumenta a 40 para el segundo golpe y a 60 para el tercero. Este movimiento comprueba la precisión de cada golpe y el ataque finaliza si el objetivo evita el golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará tres veces. +showdown.moves.tripleaxel.shortDesc=Golpea 3 veces. Cada golpe puede fallar, pero el poder aumenta. Inmersión -showdown.moves.tripledive.desc=Hits three times. -showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. +showdown.moves.tripledive.desc=Golpea tres veces. +showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=Golpea 3 veces. Patada -showdown.moves.triplekick.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit three times. -showdown.moves.triplekick.shortDesc=Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. -showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.triplekick.gen3.desc=Hits three times. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. This move checks accuracy for each hit, and the attack ends if the target avoids a hit. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. -showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.desc=Hits one to three times, at random. Power increases to 20 for the second hit and 30 for the third. -showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 1-3 times. Power rises with each hit. +showdown.moves.triplekick.desc=Golpea tres veces. El poder aumenta a 20 para el segundo golpe y a 30 para el tercero. Este movimiento comprueba la precisión de cada golpe y el ataque finaliza si el objetivo evita el golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará tres veces. +showdown.moves.triplekick.shortDesc=Golpea 3 veces. Cada golpe puede fallar, pero el poder aumenta. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Golpea tres veces. El poder aumenta a 20 para el segundo golpe y a 30 para el tercero. Este movimiento comprueba la precisión de cada golpe y el ataque finaliza si el objetivo evita el golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen3.desc=Golpea tres veces. El poder aumenta a 20 para el segundo golpe y a 30 para el tercero. Este movimiento comprueba la precisión de cada golpe y el ataque finaliza si el objetivo evita el golpe. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.desc=Golpea de una a tres veces, al azar. El poder aumenta a 20 para el segundo golpe y a 30 para el tercero. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=Golpea 1-3 veces. El poder aumenta con cada golpe. Tropical -showdown.moves.tropkick.desc=Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1. +showdown.moves.tropkick.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.tropkick.shortDesc=100% de probabilidad de reducir el ataque del objetivo en 1. Oculto -showdown.moves.trumpcard.desc=The power of this move is based on the amount of PP remaining after normal PP reduction and the Pressure Ability resolve. 200 power for 0 PP, 80 power for 1 PP, 60 power for 2 PP, 50 power for 3 PP, and 40 power for 4 or more PP. -showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=More power the fewer PP this move has left. +showdown.moves.trumpcard.desc=El poder de este movimiento se basa en la cantidad de PP que quedan después de la reducción normal de PP y la resolución de la Habilidad de Presión. 200 de potencia por 0 PP, 80 de potencia por 1 PP, 60 de potencia por 2 PP, 50 de potencia por 3 PP y 40 de potencia por 4 o más PP. +showdown.moves.trumpcard.shortDesc=Más poder cuantos menos PP le queden a este movimiento.áser Doble -showdown.moves.twinbeam.desc=Hits twice. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Hits 2 times in one turn. +showdown.moves.twinbeam.desc=Golpea dos veces. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Golpea 2 veces en un turno. Ataque -showdown.moves.twineedle.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.twineedle.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Each hit has 20% chance to poison. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen4.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. If the target has a Focus Sash and had full HP when this move started, it will not be knocked out regardless of the number of hits. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen3.desc=Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the second hit but the target cannot be poisoned by it. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=Hits 2 times. Last hit has 20% chance to poison. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen1.desc=Hits twice, with the second hit having a 20% chance to poison the target. If the first hit breaks the target's substitute, the move ends. +showdown.moves.twineedle.desc=Golpea dos veces y cada golpe tiene un 20% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.twineedle.shortDesc=Golpea 2 veces. Cada golpe tiene un 20% de probabilidad de envenenar. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen4.desc=Golpea dos veces y cada golpe tiene un 20% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. Si el objetivo tiene una Banda Aguante y tenía PS completo cuando comenzó este movimiento, no será noqueado independientemente del número de golpes. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen3.desc=Golpea dos veces y cada golpe tiene un 20% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por el segundo golpe. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.desc=Golpea dos veces, y el segundo golpe tiene un 20% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, éste recibirá daño por el segundo golpe, pero el objetivo no podrá ser envenenado por él. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=Golpea 2 veces. El último golpe tiene un 20% de probabilidad de envenenar. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen1.desc=Golpea dos veces, y el segundo golpe tiene un 20% de probabilidad de envenenar al objetivo. Si el primer golpe rompe el sustituto del objetivo, el movimiento termina. Sideral -showdown.moves.twinkletackle.shortDesc=Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power. +showdown.moves.twinkletackle.shortDesc=El poder es igual al Z-Power del movimiento base.ón -showdown.moves.twister.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop, or is under the effect of Sky Drop. -showdown.moves.twister.shortDesc=20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch. -showdown.moves.twister.gen4.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Bounce or Fly. -showdown.moves.twister.gen2.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. Power doubles if the target is using Fly. -showdown.moves.twister.gen2.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.twister.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El poder se duplica si el objetivo está usando Bote, Vuelo o Caída Libre, o está bajo el efecto de Caída Libre. +showdown.moves.twister.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de hacer retroceder al enemigo. +showdown.moves.twister.gen4.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El poder se duplica si el objetivo está usando Bote o Vuelo. +showdown.moves.twister.gen2.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. El poder se duplica si el objetivo está usando Vuelo. +showdown.moves.twister.gen2.shortDesc=20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. y Vuelta -showdown.moves.uturn.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. -showdown.moves.uturn.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. -showdown.moves.uturn.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. -showdown.moves.uturn.gen4.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members. -showdown.moves.uturn.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.uturn.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, el usuario sale incluso si está atrapado y es reemplazado inmediatamente por un miembro del grupo seleccionado. El usuario no cambia si no hay miembros del grupo no desmayados, o si el objetivo cambió usando un Botón Escape o mediante el efecto de las Habilidades Retirada o Huida. +showdown.moves.uturn.shortDesc=El usuario se desconecta después de dañar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.uturn.gen6.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, el usuario sale incluso si está atrapado y es reemplazado inmediatamente por un miembro del grupo seleccionado. El usuario no cambia si no hay miembros del grupo no desmayados, o si el objetivo cambió usando un Botón Escape. +showdown.moves.uturn.gen4.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, el usuario sale incluso si está atrapado y es reemplazado inmediatamente por un miembro del grupo seleccionado. El usuario no cambia si no hay miembros del grupo no desmayados. +showdown.moves.uturn.switchOut=¡%s volvió a %s! -showdown.moves.uproar.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.uproar.shortDesc=Lasts 3 turns. Active Pokemon cannot fall asleep. -showdown.moves.uproar.gen6.desc=The user spends three turns locked into this move. This move targets an adjacent opponent at random on each turn. On the first of the three turns, all sleeping active Pokemon wake up. During the three turns, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon switched in during the effect do not wake up. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.desc=The user spends three to six turns locked into this move. This move targets an opponent at random on each turn. During effect, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon that are already asleep wake up as their turn starts or at the end of each turn, including the last one. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.shortDesc=Lasts 3-6 turns. Active Pokemon cannot sleep. -showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.desc=The user spends two to five turns locked into this move. This move targets an opposing Pokemon at random on each turn. During effect, no active Pokemon can fall asleep by any means, and Pokemon that are already asleep wake up as their turn starts or at the end of each turn, including the last one. If the user is prevented from moving or the attack is not successful against the target during one of the turns, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.shortDesc=Lasts 2-5 turns. Active Pokemon cannot sleep. -showdown.moves.uproar.start=%s caused an uproar! -showdown.moves.uproar.end=%s calmed down. -showdown.moves.uproar.upkeep=%s is making an uproar! -showdown.moves.uproar.block=But the uproar kept %s awake! -showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=%s can't sleep in an uproar! +showdown.moves.uproar.desc=El usuario pasa tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento. Este movimiento apunta a un oponente al azar en cada turno. En el primero de los tres turnos, todos los Pokémon activos dormidos se despiertan. Durante los tres turnos, ningún Pokémon activo puede quedarse dormido de ninguna manera, y los Pokémon activados durante el efecto no se despiertan. Si al usuario se le impide moverse o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo durante uno de los turnos, el efecto termina. +showdown.moves.uproar.shortDesc=Dura 3 turnos. Los Pokémon activos no pueden conciliar el sueño. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen6.desc=El usuario pasa tres turnos atrapado en este movimiento. Este movimiento apunta a un oponente adyacente al azar en cada turno. En el primero de los tres turnos, todos los Pokémon activos dormidos se despiertan. Durante los tres turnos, ningún Pokémon activo puede quedarse dormido de ninguna manera, y los Pokémon activados durante el efecto no se despiertan. Si al usuario se le impide moverse o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo durante uno de los turnos, el efecto termina. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.desc=El usuario pasa de tres a seis turnos atrapado en este movimiento. Este movimiento apunta a un oponente al azar en cada turno. Durante el efecto, ningún Pokémon activo puede quedarse dormido de ninguna manera, y los Pokémon que ya están dormidos se despiertan cuando comienza su turno o al final de cada turno, incluido el último. Si al usuario se le impide moverse o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo durante uno de los turnos, el efecto termina. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen4.shortDesc=Dura de 3 a 6 turnos. Los Pokémon activos no pueden dormir. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.desc=El usuario pasa de dos a cinco turnos atrapado en este movimiento. Este movimiento apunta a un Pokémon contrario al azar en cada turno. Durante el efecto, ningún Pokémon activo puede quedarse dormido de ninguna manera, y los Pokémon que ya están dormidos se despiertan cuando comienza su turno o al final de cada turno, incluido el último. Si al usuario se le impide moverse o el ataque no tiene éxito contra el objetivo durante uno de los turnos, el efecto termina. +showdown.moves.uproar.gen3.shortDesc=Dura de 2 a 5 turnos. Los Pokémon activos no pueden dormir. +showdown.moves.uproar.start=¡%s causó un gran revuelo! +showdown.moves.uproar.end=%s se calmó. +showdown.moves.uproar.upkeep=¡%s está haciendo un escándalo! +showdown.moves.uproar.block=¡Pero el alboroto mantuvo a %s despierto! +showdown.moves.uproar.blockSelf=¡%s no puede dormir en medio del alboroto! Vacío showdown.moves.vacuumwave.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Usually goes first. +showdown.moves.vacuumwave.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. de Fuego -showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Lowers the user's Speed, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.vcreate.desc=Reduce la velocidad, la defensa y la defensa especial del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.vcreate.shortDesc=Reduce la Defensa del usuario, Def esp., Velocidad en 1. -showdown.moves.veeveevolley.desc=Power is equal to the greater of (user's Happiness * 2/5), rounded down, or 1. -showdown.moves.veeveevolley.shortDesc=Max happiness: 102 power. Can't miss. +showdown.moves.veeveevolley.desc=El poder es igual al mayor de (felicidad del usuario * 2/5), redondeado hacia abajo o 1. +showdown.moves.veeveevolley.shortDesc=Felicidad máxima: 102 de poder. No te lo puedes perder. Venenosa -showdown.moves.venomdrench.desc=Lowers the target's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 1 stage if the target is poisoned. Fails if the target is not poisoned. -showdown.moves.venomdrench.shortDesc=Lowers Atk/Sp. Atk/Speed of poisoned foes by 1. +showdown.moves.venomdrench.desc=Reduce el ataque, el ataque especial y la velocidad del objetivo en 1 nivel si el objetivo está envenenado. Falla si el objetivo no está envenenado. +showdown.moves.venomdrench.shortDesc=Disminuye Atq/Atq esp./Velocidad de enemigos envenenados en 1. Tóxica -showdown.moves.venoshock.desc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. -showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=Power doubles if the target is poisoned. +showdown.moves.venoshock.desc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está envenenado. +showdown.moves.venoshock.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está envenenado. Triunfal -showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Speed by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1. +showdown.moves.victorydance.desc=Aumenta el ataque, la defensa y la velocidad del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.victorydance.shortDesc=Aumenta el ataque, la defensa y la velocidad del usuario en 1.átigo Cepa showdown.moves.vinewhip.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.visegrip.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Vital -showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=This move does not check accuracy. -showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=This move does not check accuracy. Goes last. +showdown.moves.vitalthrow.desc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. +showdown.moves.vitalthrow.shortDesc=Este movimiento no verifica la precisión. Va último. -showdown.moves.voltswitch.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button or through the effect of the Emergency Exit or Wimp Out Abilities. -showdown.moves.voltswitch.shortDesc=User switches out after damaging the target. -showdown.moves.voltswitch.gen6.desc=If this move is successful and the user has not fainted, the user switches out even if it is trapped and is replaced immediately by a selected party member. The user does not switch out if there are no unfainted party members, or if the target switched out using an Eject Button. -showdown.moves.voltswitch.switchOut=%s went back to %s! +showdown.moves.voltswitch.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, el usuario sale incluso si está atrapado y es reemplazado inmediatamente por un miembro del grupo seleccionado. El usuario no cambia si no hay miembros del grupo no desmayados, o si el objetivo cambió usando un Botón Escape o mediante el efecto de las Habilidades Retirada o Huida. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.shortDesc=El usuario se desconecta después de dañar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.gen6.desc=Si este movimiento tiene éxito y el usuario no se ha desmayado, el usuario sale incluso si está atrapado y es reemplazado inmediatamente por un miembro del grupo seleccionado. El usuario no cambia si no hay miembros del grupo no desmayados, o si el objetivo cambió usando un Botón Escape. +showdown.moves.voltswitch.switchOut=¡%s volvió a %s! Eléctrico -showdown.moves.volttackle.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.volttackle.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. -showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target. If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. 10% chance to paralyze target. -showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. +showdown.moves.volttackle.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente al 33 % de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.volttackle.shortDesc=Tiene un 33% de retroceso. 10% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Tiene un 10% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/3 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.shortDesc=Tiene 1/3 de retroceso. 10% de probabilidad de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/3 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.shortDesc=Tiene 1/3 de retroceso. -showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If the user has not fainted, the target wakes up. -showdown.moves.wakeupslap.shortDesc=Power doubles if target is asleep, and wakes it. -showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=Power doubles if the target is asleep. If this move is successful, the target wakes up. +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está dormido. Si el usuario no se ha desmayado, el objetivo se despierta. +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.shortDesc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está dormido y lo despierta. +showdown.moves.wakeupslap.gen4.desc=El poder se duplica si el objetivo está dormido. Si este movimiento tiene éxito, el objetivo se despierta. -showdown.moves.waterfall.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.waterfall.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.waterfall.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.waterfall.shortDesc=20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.desc=Ningún efecto secundario. showdown.moves.waterfall.gen3.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Agua showdown.moves.watergun.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. Agua -showdown.moves.waterpledge.desc=If one of the user's allies chose to use Fire Pledge or Grass Pledge this turn and has not moved yet, it takes its turn immediately after the user and the user's move does nothing. If combined with Fire Pledge, the ally uses Water Pledge with 150 power and a rainbow appears on the user's side for 4 turns, which doubles secondary effect chances and stacks with the Serene Grace Ability, except effects that cause flinching can only have their chance doubled once. If combined with Grass Pledge, the ally uses Grass Pledge with 150 power and a swamp appears on the target's side for 4 turns, which quarters the Speed of each Pokemon on that side. When used as a combined move, this move gains STAB no matter what the user's type is. This move does not consume the user's Water Gem, and cannot be redirected by the Storm Drain Ability. -showdown.moves.waterpledge.shortDesc=Use with Grass or Fire Pledge for added effect. -showdown.moves.waterpledge.activate=%s is waiting for %s's move... -showdown.moves.waterpledge.start=A rainbow appeared in the sky on %s's side! -showdown.moves.waterpledge.end=The rainbow on %s's side disappeared! +showdown.moves.waterpledge.desc=Si uno de los aliados del usuario elige usar Voto Fuego o Voto Planta este turno y aún no se ha movido, toma su turno inmediatamente después del usuario y el movimiento del usuario no hace nada. Si se combina con Voto Fuego, el aliado usa Voto Agua con 150 de poder y aparece un arco iris en el lado del usuario durante 4 turnos, lo que duplica las posibilidades de efectos secundarios y se acumula con la habilidad Dicha, excepto que los efectos que causan estremecimiento solo pueden duplicar sus posibilidades una vez. . Si se combina con Voto Planta, el aliado usa Voto Planta con 150 de poder y aparece un pantano en el lado del objetivo durante 4 turnos, que reduce a un cuarto la Velocidad de cada Pokémon en ese lado. Cuando se usa como un movimiento combinado, este movimiento gana STAB sin importar cuál sea el tipo del usuario. Este movimiento no consume la Gema Agua del usuario y no puede ser redirigido por la habilidad Colector. +showdown.moves.waterpledge.shortDesc=Úselo con Grass o Voto Fuego para obtener un efecto adicional. +showdown.moves.waterpledge.activate=%s está esperando el movimiento de %s... +showdown.moves.waterpledge.start=¡Un arcoíris apareció en el cielo del lado de %s! +showdown.moves.waterpledge.end=¡El arcoíris del lado de %s desapareció! -showdown.moves.waterpulse.desc=Has a 20% chance to confuse the target. -showdown.moves.waterpulse.shortDesc=20% chance to confuse the target. +showdown.moves.waterpulse.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de confundir al objetivo. +showdown.moves.waterpulse.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de confundir al objetivo. de Agua -showdown.moves.watershuriken.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. If the user is an Ash-Greninja with the Battle Bond Ability, this move has a power of 20 and always hits three times. -showdown.moves.watershuriken.shortDesc=Usually goes first. Hits 2-5 times in one turn. -showdown.moves.watershuriken.gen6.desc=Hits two to five times. Has a 35% chance to hit two or three times and a 15% chance to hit four or five times. If one of the hits breaks the target's substitute, it will take damage for the remaining hits. If the user has the Skill Link Ability, this move will always hit five times. +showdown.moves.watershuriken.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. Si el usuario es un Ash-Greninja con la habilidad Fuerte Afecto, este movimiento tiene un poder de 20 y siempre golpea tres veces. +showdown.moves.watershuriken.shortDesc=Generalmente va primero. Golpea de 2 a 5 veces en un turno. +showdown.moves.watershuriken.gen6.desc=Golpea de dos a cinco veces. Tiene un 35% de posibilidades de acertar dos o tres veces y un 15% de posibilidades de acertar cuatro o cinco veces. Si uno de los golpes rompe el sustituto del objetivo, este recibirá daño por los golpes restantes. Si el usuario tiene la habilidad Encadenado, este movimiento siempre acertará cinco veces. -showdown.moves.watersport.desc=For 5 turns, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active. -showdown.moves.watersport.shortDesc=For 5 turns, Fire-type attacks have 1/3 power. -showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power multiplied by 0.33. Fails if this effect is already active for any Pokemon. -showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/3 their power. -showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.desc=While the user is active, all Fire-type attacks used by any active Pokemon have their power halved. Fails if this effect is already active for the user. Baton Pass can be used to transfer this effect to an ally. -showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.shortDesc=Weakens Fire-type attacks to 1/2 their power. +showdown.moves.watersport.desc=Durante 5 turnos, todos los ataques de tipo Fuego utilizados por cualquier Pokémon activo tienen su poder multiplicado por 0,33. Falla si este efecto ya está activo. +showdown.moves.watersport.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, los ataques de tipo Fuego tienen 1/3 de poder. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.desc=Mientras el usuario está activo, todos los ataques de tipo Fuego utilizados por cualquier Pokémon activo tienen su poder multiplicado por 0,33. Falla si este efecto ya está activo para algún Pokémon. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.shortDesc=Debilita los ataques de tipo Fuego a 1/3 de su poder. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.desc=Mientras el usuario está activo, todos los ataques de tipo Fuego utilizados por cualquier Pokémon activo ven su poder reducido a la mitad. Falla si este efecto ya está activo para el usuario. Relevo se puede utilizar para transferir este efecto a un aliado. +showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.shortDesc=Debilita los ataques de tipo Fuego a la mitad de su poder. -showdown.moves.waterspout.desc=Power is equal to (user's current HP * 150 / user's maximum HP), rounded down, but not less than 1. -showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s). +showdown.moves.waterspout.desc=La potencia es igual a (PS actual del usuario * 150 / PS máximo del usuario), redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1. +showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Menos energía a medida que disminuye el PS del usuario. Golpea a los enemigos. Acuático -showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. +showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente al 33 % de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Tiene un 33% de retroceso. -showdown.moves.weatherball.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Snow, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. -showdown.moves.weatherball.shortDesc=Power doubles and type varies in each weather. -showdown.moves.weatherball.gen8.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition other than Delta Stream is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Primordial Sea or Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Desolate Land or Sunny Day. If the user is holding Utility Umbrella and uses Weather Ball during Primordial Sea, Rain Dance, Desolate Land, or Sunny Day, this move remains Normal type and does not double in power. -showdown.moves.weatherball.gen5.desc=Power doubles if a weather condition is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Sunny Day. -showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.desc=Damage doubles if a weather condition is active, and this move's type changes to match. Ice type during Hail, Water type during Rain Dance, Rock type during Sandstorm, and Fire type during Sunny Day. -showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.shortDesc=Damage doubles and type varies during weather. -showdown.moves.weatherball.move=Breakneck Blitz turned into %s due to the weather! +showdown.moves.weatherball.desc=La potencia se duplica si está activa una condición climática distinta a Flusso Delta, y el tipo de este movimiento cambia para coincidir. Tipo Hielo durante Nieve, Tipo Agua durante Mar del Albor o Danza Lluvia, Tipo Roca durante Tormenta Arena y Tipo Fuego durante Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado. Si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso y usa Meteorobola durante Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia, Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, este movimiento sigue siendo de tipo Normal y no duplica su poder. +showdown.moves.weatherball.shortDesc=La potencia se duplica y el tipo varía en cada clima. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen8.desc=La potencia se duplica si está activa una condición climática distinta a Flusso Delta, y el tipo de este movimiento cambia para coincidir. Tipo Hielo durante Granizo, Tipo Agua durante Mar del Albor o Danza Lluvia, Tipo Roca durante Tormenta Arena y Tipo Fuego durante Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado. Si el usuario tiene Parasol Multiuso y usa Meteorobola durante Mar del Albor, Danza Lluvia, Tierra del Ocaso o Día Soleado, este movimiento sigue siendo de tipo Normal y no duplica su poder. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen5.desc=La potencia se duplica si hay una condición climática activa y el tipo de este movimiento cambia para coincidir. Tipo Hielo durante Granizo, Tipo Agua durante Danza Lluvia, Tipo Roca durante Tormenta Arena y Tipo Fuego durante Día Soleado. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.desc=El daño se duplica si hay una condición climática activa y el tipo de este movimiento cambia para coincidir. Tipo Hielo durante Granizo, Tipo Agua durante Danza Lluvia, Tipo Roca durante Tormenta Arena y Tipo Fuego durante Día Soleado. +showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.shortDesc=El daño se duplica y el tipo varía según el clima. +showdown.moves.weatherball.move=¡Carrera Arrolladora se convirtió en %s por el clima! -showdown.moves.whirlpool.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.start=%s became trapped in the vortex! +showdown.moves.whirlpool.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Autotomía, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 4-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen8.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo (1/8 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos (siempre cinco turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen3.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos. Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.start=¡%s quedó atrapado en el vórtice! -showdown.moves.whirlwind.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability. -showdown.moves.whirlwind.shortDesc=Forces the target to switch to a random ally. -showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen4.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, if the target used Ingrain previously or has the Suction Cups Ability, or if the user's level is lower than the target's and X * (user's level + target's level) / 256 + 1 is less than or equal to (target's level / 4), rounded down, where X is a random number from 0 to 255. -showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen2.desc=The target is forced to switch out and be replaced with a random unfainted ally. Fails if the target is the last unfainted Pokemon in its party, or if the user moves before the target. -showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.desc=No competitive use. -showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.shortDesc=No competitive use. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.desc=El objetivo se ve obligado a cambiar y ser reemplazado por un aliado aleatorio no desmayado. Falla si el objetivo es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo, o si el objetivo usó Arraigo anteriormente o tiene la habilidad Ventosas. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.shortDesc=Obliga al objetivo a cambiar a un aliado aleatorio. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen4.desc=El objetivo se ve obligado a cambiar y ser reemplazado por un aliado aleatorio no desmayado. Falla si el objetivo es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo, si el objetivo usó Arraigo anteriormente o tiene la habilidad Ventosas, o si el nivel del usuario es inferior al del objetivo y X * (nivel del usuario + nivel del objetivo) / 256 + 1 es menor o igual a (nivel del objetivo / 4), redondeado hacia abajo, donde X es un número aleatorio de 0 a 255. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen2.desc=El objetivo se ve obligado a cambiar y ser reemplazado por un aliado aleatorio no desmayado. Falla si el objetivo es el último Pokémon no desmayado de su grupo, o si el usuario se mueve antes que el objetivo. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.desc=Sin uso competitivo. +showdown.moves.whirlwind.gen1.shortDesc=Sin uso competitivo. Oscuro -showdown.moves.wickedblow.desc=This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities. -showdown.moves.wickedblow.shortDesc=Always results in a critical hit. +showdown.moves.wickedblow.desc=Este movimiento siempre es un golpe crítico a menos que el objetivo esté bajo el efecto de Conjuro o tenga la Armad. Habilidades de Murciélago o Caparazón. +showdown.moves.wickedblow.shortDesc=Siempre resulta en un golpe crítico. -showdown.moves.wickedtorque.desc=Has a 10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. -showdown.moves.wickedtorque.shortDesc=10% chance to cause the target to fall asleep. +showdown.moves.wickedtorque.desc=Tiene un 10% de probabilidad de hacer que el objetivo se duerma. +showdown.moves.wickedtorque.shortDesc=10% de probabilidad de hacer que el objetivo se duerma. Guardia -showdown.moves.wideguard.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Silk Trap, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.wideguard.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target moves this turn. -showdown.moves.wideguard.gen8.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.wideguard.gen7.desc=The user and its party members are protected from moves made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This move modifies the same 1/X chance of being successful used by other protection moves, where X starts at 1 and triples each time this move is successfully used, but does not use the chance to check for failure. X resets to 1 if this move fails, if the user's last move used is not Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Protect, Quick Guard, Spiky Shield, or Wide Guard, or if it was one of those moves and the user's protection was broken. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.shortDesc=Protects allies from multi-target damage this turn. -showdown.moves.wideguard.gen5.desc=The user and its party members are protected from damaging attacks made by other Pokemon, including allies, during this turn that target all adjacent foes or all adjacent Pokemon. This attack has a 1/X chance of being successful, where X starts at 1 and doubles each time this move is successfully used. X resets to 1 if this attack fails or if the user's last used move is not Detect, Endure, Protect, Quick Guard, or Wide Guard. If X is 256 or more, this move has a 1/(2^32) chance of being successful. Fails if the user moves last this turn or if this move is already in effect for the user's side. -showdown.moves.wideguard.start=Wide Guard protected %s! -showdown.moves.wideguard.block=Wide Guard protected %s! +showdown.moves.wideguard.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de los movimientos realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno que apunten a todos los enemigos adyacentes o a todos los Pokémon adyacentes. Este movimiento modifica la misma probabilidad 1/X de tener éxito utilizada por otros movimientos de protección, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, pero no utiliza la posibilidad de comprobar si falla. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Telatrampa, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos. se mueve y la protección del usuario se rompe. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.wideguard.shortDesc=Protege a los aliados de movimientos multiobjetivo este turno. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen8.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de los movimientos realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno que apunten a todos los enemigos adyacentes o a todos los Pokémon adyacentes. Este movimiento modifica la misma probabilidad 1/X de tener éxito utilizada por otros movimientos de protección, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, pero no utiliza la posibilidad de comprobar si falla. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Maxibarrera, Obstrucción, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y La protección del usuario estaba rota. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen7.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de los movimientos realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno que apunten a todos los enemigos adyacentes o a todos los Pokémon adyacentes. Este movimiento modifica la misma probabilidad 1/X de tener éxito utilizada por otros movimientos de protección, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, pero no utiliza la posibilidad de comprobar si falla. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Búnker, Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario fue roto. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de ataques dañinos realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno que tengan como objetivo a todos los enemigos adyacentes o a todos los Pokémon adyacentes. Este movimiento modifica la misma probabilidad 1/X de tener éxito utilizada por otros movimientos de protección, donde X comienza en 1 y se triplica cada vez que este movimiento se usa con éxito, pero no utiliza la posibilidad de comprobar si falla. X se reinicia a 1 si este movimiento falla, si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, King's Shield, Protección, Anticipo, Barrera Espinosa o Vasta Guardia, o si fue uno de esos movimientos y la protección del usuario se rompió. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen6.shortDesc=Protege a los aliados del daño de múltiples objetivos este turno. +showdown.moves.wideguard.gen5.desc=El usuario y los miembros de su grupo están protegidos de ataques dañinos realizados por otros Pokémon, incluidos los aliados, durante este turno que tengan como objetivo a todos los enemigos adyacentes o a todos los Pokémon adyacentes. Este ataque tiene una probabilidad de 1/X de tener éxito, donde X comienza en 1 y se duplica cada vez que este movimiento se utiliza con éxito. X se restablece a 1 si este ataque falla o si el último movimiento utilizado por el usuario no es Detección, Aguante, Protección, Anticipo o Vasta Guardia. Si X es 256 o más, este movimiento tiene una probabilidad de 1/(2^32) de tener éxito. Falla si el usuario mueve por última vez este turno o si este movimiento ya está en vigor para el lado del usuario. +showdown.moves.wideguard.start=¡Vasta Guardia protegió a %s! +showdown.moves.wideguard.block=¡Vasta Guardia protegió a %s! -showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.desc=Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20% chance to paralyze foe(s). +showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20% de probabilidad de paralizar a los enemigos. Cruel -showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Has 1/4 recoil. +showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/4 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad hacia arriba, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Tiene 1/4 de retroceso. Fatuo -showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Burns the target. -showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Burns the target. +showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Quema al objetivo. +showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Quema al objetivo. Ala showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.wish.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of the user's maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. -showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored. -showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=At the end of the next turn, the Pokemon at the user's position has 1/2 of its maximum HP restored to it, rounded down. Fails if this move is already in effect for the user's position. -showdown.moves.wish.gen4.shortDesc=Next turn, heals 50% of the recipient's max HP. -showdown.moves.wish.heal=%s's wish came true! +showdown.moves.wish.desc=Al final del siguiente turno, el Pokémon en la posición del usuario recupera la mitad del PS máximo del usuario, redondeado hacia abajo. Falla si este movimiento ya está vigente para la posición del usuario. +showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=En el siguiente turno, se restaura el 50% del PS máximo del usuario. +showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=Al final del siguiente turno, el Pokémon en la posición del usuario recupera la mitad de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo. Falla si este movimiento ya está vigente para la posición del usuario. +showdown.moves.wish.gen4.shortDesc=El siguiente turno, cura el 50% del PS máximo del receptor. +showdown.moves.wish.heal=¡El deseo de %s se hizo realidad! -showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Raises the user's Defense by 1. +showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Aumenta la defensa del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Aumenta la Defensa del usuario en 1. Extraña -showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=For 5 turns, all active Pokemon have their Defense and Special Defense stats swapped. Stat stage changes are unaffected. If this move is used during the effect, the effect ends. -showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=For 5 turns, all Defense and Sp. Def stats switch. +showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=Durante 5 turnos, todos los Pokémon activos intercambian sus estadísticas de Defensa y Defensa Especial. Los cambios en la etapa de estadísticas no se ven afectados. Si este movimiento se usa durante el efecto, el efecto termina. +showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=Durante 5 turnos, todas las defensas y sp. Cambio de estadísticas de defensa. -showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 33% the HP lost by the target, rounded half up, but not less than 1 HP. -showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Has 33% recoil. -showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=If the target lost HP, the user takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 the HP lost by the target, rounded down, but not less than 1 HP. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente al 33 % de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado a la mitad, pero no menos de 1 PS. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Tiene un 33% de retroceso. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=Si el objetivo perdió PS, el usuario sufre un daño por retroceso equivalente a 1/3 de los PS perdidos por el objetivo, redondeado hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1 PS. showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.shortDesc=Has 1/3 recoil. showdown.moves.workup.desc=Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.workup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. +showdown.moves.workup.shortDesc=Raises the user's Attack and Atq esp. by 1. -showdown.moves.worryseed.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, Zen Mode, or Zero to Hero. -showdown.moves.worryseed.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Insomnia. -showdown.moves.worryseed.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.worryseed.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Insomnia, Multitype, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Truant, or Zen Mode. -showdown.moves.worryseed.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, Stance Change, or Truant. -showdown.moves.worryseed.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnia, Multitype, or Truant. -showdown.moves.worryseed.gen4.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnia. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitype or Truant, or if the target is holding a Griseous Orb. +showdown.moves.worryseed.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnio. Fails if the target's Ability is Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Comandar, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Motor Hadrónico, Cara de Hielo, Insomnio, Multitipo, Latido Oricalco, Agrupamiento, Paleosíntesis, Carga Cuark, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Ausente, Modo Daruma, or Cambio Heroico. +showdown.moves.worryseed.shortDesc=The target's Ability becomes Insomnio. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen8.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnio. Fails if the target's Ability is Unidad Ecuestre, Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Tragamisil, Cara de Hielo, Insomnio, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Ausente, or Modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen7.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnio. Fails if the target's Ability is Fuerte Afecto, Letargo Perenne, Disfraz, Insomnio, Multitipo, Agrupamiento, Sistema Alfa, Banco, Escudo Limitado, Cambio Táctico, Ausente, or Modo Daruma. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen6.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnio. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnio, Multitipo, Cambio Táctico, or Ausente. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen5.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnio. Fails if the target's Ability is Insomnio, Multitipo, or Ausente. +showdown.moves.worryseed.gen4.desc=Causes the target's Ability to become Insomnio. Fails if the target's Ability is Multitipo or Ausente, or if the target is holding a Griseosfera.ón -showdown.moves.wrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Shed Tail, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen8.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen7.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP (1/6 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, Parting Shot, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen5.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP (1/8 if the user is holding Binding Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns (always five turns if the user is holding Grip Claw). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Shed Shell or uses Baton Pass or U-turn. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.shortDesc=Traps and damages the target for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen3.desc=Prevents the target from switching for two to five turns. Causes damage to the target equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it uses Baton Pass. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Rapid Spin or Substitute successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.desc=The user spends two to five turns using this move. Has a 3/8 chance to last two or three turns, and a 1/8 chance to last four or five turns. The damage calculated for the first turn is used for every other turn. The user cannot select a move and the target cannot execute a move during the effect, but both may switch out. If the user switches out, the target remains unable to execute a move during that turn. If the target switches out, the user uses this move again automatically, and if it had 0 PP at the time, it becomes 63. If the user or the target switch out, or the user is prevented from moving, the effect ends. This move can prevent the target from moving even if it has type immunity, but will not deal damage. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.shortDesc=Prevents the target from moving for 2-5 turns. -showdown.moves.wrap.start=%s was wrapped by %s! -showdown.moves.wrap.move=%s's attack continues! +showdown.moves.wrap.desc=Prevents the target from switching for four or five turns (seven turns if the user is holding Garra Garfio). Causes damage to the target equal to 1/8 of its maximum PS (1/6 if the user is holding Ataduraing Band), rounded down, at the end of each turn during effect. The target can still switch out if it is holding Muda Concha or uses Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Autotomía, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta, or Voltiocambio. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field, or if the target uses Giro Mortífero, Giro Rápido, or Sustituto successfully. This effect is not stackable or reset by using this or another binding move. +showdown.moves.wrap.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 4-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen8.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Viraje, Última Palabra, Teletransporte, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen7.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/8 de su PS máximo (1/6 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Última Palabra, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen5.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante cuatro o cinco turnos (siete turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo (1/8 si el usuario tiene Ataduraing Band), redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo, Ida y Vuelta o Voltiocambio. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos (siempre cinco turnos si el usuario sostiene a Garra Garfio). Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si tiene Muda Concha o usa Relevo o Ida y Vuelta. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.shortDesc=Atrapa y daña al objetivo durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen3.desc=Evita que el objetivo cambie durante dos a cinco turnos. Causa daño al objetivo equivalente a 1/16 de su PS máximo, redondeado hacia abajo, al final de cada turno durante el efecto. El objetivo aún puede cambiar si usa Relevo. El efecto termina si el usuario o el objetivo abandonan el campo, o si el objetivo usa Giro Rápido o Sustituto con éxito. Este efecto no se puede acumular ni restablecer mediante el uso de este u otro movimiento vinculante. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.desc=El usuario pasa de dos a cinco turnos usando este movimiento. Tiene una probabilidad de 3/8 de durar dos o tres turnos y una probabilidad de 1/8 de durar cuatro o cinco turnos. El daño calculado para el primer turno se utiliza cada dos turnos. El usuario no puede seleccionar un movimiento y el objetivo no puede ejecutar un movimiento durante el efecto, pero ambos pueden cambiar. Si el usuario cambia, el objetivo sigue siendo incapaz de ejecutar un movimiento durante ese turno. Si el objetivo cambia, el usuario usa este movimiento nuevamente automáticamente, y si tenía 0 PP en ese momento, se convierte en 63. Si el usuario o el objetivo cambian, o se impide que el usuario se mueva, el efecto termina. Este movimiento puede evitar que el objetivo se mueva incluso si tiene inmunidad de tipo, pero no causará daño. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.shortDesc=Impide que el objetivo se mueva durante 2-5 turnos. +showdown.moves.wrap.start=¡%s fue envuelto por %s! +showdown.moves.wrap.move=¡El ataque de %s continúa!ón -showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP), rounded half down, but not less than 1. -showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=More power the more HP the target has left. -showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Power is equal to 120 * (target's current HP / target's maximum HP) + 1, rounded down. +showdown.moves.wringout.desc=El poder es igual a 120 * (PS actual del objetivo / PS máximo del objetivo), redondeado a la mitad hacia abajo, pero no menos de 1. +showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=Más poder cuanto más PS le quede al objetivo. +showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=El poder es igual a 120 * (PS actual del objetivo / PS máximo del objetivo) + 1, redondeado hacia abajo. X showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=Ningún efecto secundario. -showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Causes the target to fall asleep at the end of the next turn. Fails when used if the target cannot fall asleep or if it already has a non-volatile status condition. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still active, does not have a non-volatile status condition, and can fall asleep, it falls asleep. If the target becomes affected, this effect cannot be prevented by Safeguard or a substitute, or by falling asleep and waking up during the effect. -showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Puts the target to sleep after 1 turn. -showdown.moves.yawn.start=%s grew drowsy! +showdown.moves.yawn.desc=Hace que el objetivo se duerma al final del siguiente turno. Falla cuando se usa si el objetivo no puede conciliar el sueño o si ya tiene una condición de estado no volátil. Al final del siguiente turno, si el objetivo todavía está activo, no tiene una condición de estado no volátil y puede quedarse dormido, se queda dormido. Si el objetivo se ve afectado, Velo Sagrado o un sustituto no puede evitar este efecto, ni quedarse dormido y despertarse durante el efecto. +showdown.moves.yawn.shortDesc=Pone al objetivo a dormir después de 1 turno. +showdown.moves.yawn.start=¡%s se adormeció!ñón -showdown.moves.zapcannon.desc=Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target. -showdown.moves.zapcannon.shortDesc=100% chance to paralyze the target. +showdown.moves.zapcannon.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. +showdown.moves.zapcannon.shortDesc=100% de posibilidades de paralizar al objetivo. Zen -showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.desc=Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.shortDesc=20% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.desc=Tiene un 20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.zenheadbutt.shortDesc=20% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. -showdown.moves.zingzap.desc=Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. -showdown.moves.zingzap.shortDesc=30% chance to make the target flinch. +showdown.moves.zingzap.desc=Tiene un 30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. +showdown.moves.zingzap.shortDesc=30% de posibilidades de hacer que el objetivo se estremezca. -showdown.moves.zippyzap.desc=Has a 100% chance to raise the user's evasion by 1 stage. -showdown.moves.zippyzap.shortDesc=Goes first. Raises user's evasion by 1. -showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.desc=Will always result in a critical hit. -showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.shortDesc=Nearly always goes first. Always crits. \ No newline at end of file +showdown.moves.zippyzap.desc=Tiene un 100% de posibilidades de aumentar la evasión del usuario en 1 nivel. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.shortDesc=Va primero. Aumenta la evasión del usuario en 1. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.desc=Siempre resultará en un golpe crítico. +showdown.moves.zippyzap.gen7.shortDesc=Casi siempre va primero. Siempre critica. \ No newline at end of file From 0ebad0640816918623b15d53e33c7c8b7d283c13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 13:19:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 40/43] spanish tms --- texts/es_ES.lang | 552 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 276 insertions(+), 276 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index f86494aa3..af9f9fe07 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -663,284 +663,284 @@ item.pokeb:hm07=MO Cascada item.pokeb:hm08=MO Treparrocas item.pokeb:hm09=MO Torbellino item.pokeb:hm10=MO Buceo ## -item.pokeb:tm01=MT Hone Claws -item.pokeb:tm02=MT Dragon Claw -item.pokeb:tm03=MT Psyshock -item.pokeb:tm04=MT Calm Mind -item.pokeb:tm05=MT Roar -item.pokeb:tm06=MT Toxic -item.pokeb:tm07=MT Hail -item.pokeb:tm08=MT Bulk Up -item.pokeb:tm09=MT Venoshock -item.pokeb:tm10=MT Hidden Power -item.pokeb:tm11=MT Sunny Day -item.pokeb:tm12=MT Taunt -item.pokeb:tm13=MT Ice Beam -item.pokeb:tm14=MT Blizzard -item.pokeb:tm15=MT Hyper Beam -item.pokeb:tm16=MT Light Screen -item.pokeb:tm17=MT Protect -item.pokeb:tm18=MT Rain Dance -item.pokeb:tm19=MT Telekinesis -item.pokeb:tm20=MT Safeguard -item.pokeb:tm21=MT Frustration -item.pokeb:tm22=MT Solar Beam -item.pokeb:tm23=MT Smack Down -item.pokeb:tm24=MT Thunderbolt -item.pokeb:tm25=MT Thunder -item.pokeb:tm26=MT Earthquake -item.pokeb:tm27=MT Return -item.pokeb:tm28=MT Dig -item.pokeb:tm29=MT Psychic -item.pokeb:tm30=MT Shadow Ball -item.pokeb:tm31=MT Brick Break -item.pokeb:tm32=MT Double Team -item.pokeb:tm33=MT Reflect -item.pokeb:tm34=MT Sludge Wave -item.pokeb:tm35=MT Flamethrower -item.pokeb:tm36=MT Sludge Bomb -item.pokeb:tm37=MT Sandstorm -item.pokeb:tm38=MT Fire Blast -item.pokeb:tm39=MT Rock Tomb -item.pokeb:tm40=MT Aerial Ace -item.pokeb:tm41=MT Torment -item.pokeb:tm42=MT Facade -item.pokeb:tm43=MT Flame Charge -item.pokeb:tm44=MT Rest -item.pokeb:tm45=MT Attract -item.pokeb:tm46=MT Thief -item.pokeb:tm47=MT Low Sweep -item.pokeb:tm48=MT Round -item.pokeb:tm49=MT Echoed Voice -item.pokeb:tm50=MT Overheat -item.pokeb:tm51=MT Ally Switch -item.pokeb:tm52=MT Focus Blast -item.pokeb:tm53=MT Energy Ball -item.pokeb:tm54=MT False Swipe -item.pokeb:tm55=MT Scald -item.pokeb:tm56=MT Fling -item.pokeb:tm57=MT Charge Beam -item.pokeb:tm58=MT Sky Drop -item.pokeb:tm59=MT Incinerate -item.pokeb:tm60=MT Quash -item.pokeb:tm61=MT Will-O-Wisp -item.pokeb:tm62=MT Acrobatics +item.pokeb:tm01=MT Afilagarras +item.pokeb:tm02=MT Garra Dragón +item.pokeb:tm03=MT Psicocarga +item.pokeb:tm04=MT Paz Mental +item.pokeb:tm05=MT Rugido +item.pokeb:tm06=MT Tóxico +item.pokeb:tm07=MT Granizo +item.pokeb:tm08=MT Corpulencia +item.pokeb:tm09=MT Carga Tóxica +item.pokeb:tm10=MT Poder Oculto +item.pokeb:tm11=MT Día Soleado +item.pokeb:tm12=MT Mofa +item.pokeb:tm13=MT Rayo Hielo +item.pokeb:tm14=MT Ventisca +item.pokeb:tm15=MT Hiperrayo +item.pokeb:tm16=MT Pantalla de Luz +item.pokeb:tm17=MT Protección +item.pokeb:tm18=MT Danza Lluvia +item.pokeb:tm19=MT Telequinesis +item.pokeb:tm20=MT Velo Sagrado +item.pokeb:tm21=MT Frustración +item.pokeb:tm22=MT Rayo Solar +item.pokeb:tm23=MT Antiaéreo +item.pokeb:tm24=MT Truenobolt +item.pokeb:tm25=MT Trueno +item.pokeb:tm26=MT Terremoto +item.pokeb:tm27=MT Retribución +item.pokeb:tm28=MT Excavar +item.pokeb:tm29=MT Psíquico +item.pokeb:tm30=MT Bola Sombra +item.pokeb:tm31=MT Demolición +item.pokeb:tm32=MT Doble Equipo +item.pokeb:tm33=MT Reflejo +item.pokeb:tm34=MT Residuos Wave +item.pokeb:tm35=MT Lanzallamas +item.pokeb:tm36=MT Residuos Bomb +item.pokeb:tm37=MT Tormenta Arena +item.pokeb:tm38=MT Llamarada +item.pokeb:tm39=MT Tumba Rocas +item.pokeb:tm40=MT Golpe Aéreo +item.pokeb:tm41=MT Tormento +item.pokeb:tm42=MT Fachada +item.pokeb:tm43=MT Nitrocarga +item.pokeb:tm44=MT Descanso +item.pokeb:tm45=MT Atracción +item.pokeb:tm46=MT Ladrón +item.pokeb:tm47=MT Puntapié +item.pokeb:tm48=MT Canon +item.pokeb:tm49=MT Eco Voz +item.pokeb:tm50=MT Sofoco +item.pokeb:tm51=MT Cambio de Banda +item.pokeb:tm52=MT Onda Certera +item.pokeb:tm53=MT Energibola +item.pokeb:tm54=MT Falso Tortazo +item.pokeb:tm55=MT Escaldar +item.pokeb:tm56=MT Lanzamiento +item.pokeb:tm57=MT Carga Beam +item.pokeb:tm58=MT Caída Libre +item.pokeb:tm59=MT Calcinación +item.pokeb:tm60=MT Último Lugar +item.pokeb:tm61=MT Fuego Fatuo +item.pokeb:tm62=MT Acróbata item.pokeb:tm63=MT Embargo -item.pokeb:tm64=MT Explosion -item.pokeb:tm65=MT Shadow Claw -item.pokeb:tm66=MT Payback -item.pokeb:tm67=MT Retaliate -item.pokeb:tm68=MT Giga Impact -item.pokeb:tm69=MT Rock Polish -item.pokeb:tm70=MT Flash -item.pokeb:tm71=MT Stone Edge -item.pokeb:tm72=MT Volt Switch -item.pokeb:tm73=MT Thunder Wave -item.pokeb:tm74=MT Gyro Ball -item.pokeb:tm75=MT Swords Dance -item.pokeb:tm76=MT Struggle Bug -item.pokeb:tm77=MT Psych Up -item.pokeb:tm78=MT Bulldoze -item.pokeb:tm79=MT Frost Breath -item.pokeb:tm80=MT Rock Slide -item.pokeb:tm81=MT X-Scissor -item.pokeb:tm82=MT Dragon Tail -item.pokeb:tm83=MT Work Up -item.pokeb:tm84=MT Poison Jab -item.pokeb:tm85=MT Dream Eater -item.pokeb:tm86=MT Grass Knot -item.pokeb:tm87=MT Swagger -item.pokeb:tm88=MT Pluck -item.pokeb:tm89=MT U-turn -item.pokeb:tm90=MT Substitute -item.pokeb:tm91=MT Flash Cannon -item.pokeb:tm92=MT Trick Room -item.pokeb:tm93=MT Wild Charge -item.pokeb:tm94=MT Snarl -item.pokeb:tm95=MT Mega Punch -item.pokeb:tm96=MT Razor Wind -item.pokeb:tm97=MT Whirlwind -item.pokeb:tm98=MT Mega Kick -item.pokeb:tm99=MT Horn Drill -item.pokeb:tm100=MT Body Slam -item.pokeb:tm101=MT Take Down -item.pokeb:tm102=MT Double-Edge -item.pokeb:tm103=MT Bubble Beam -item.pokeb:tm104=MT Water Gun -item.pokeb:tm105=MT Pay Day -item.pokeb:tm106=MT Submission -item.pokeb:tm107=MT Counter -item.pokeb:tm108=MT Seismic Toss -item.pokeb:tm109=MT Rage -item.pokeb:tm110=MT Mega Drain -item.pokeb:tm111=MT Dragon Rage -item.pokeb:tm112=MT Fissure -item.pokeb:tm113=MT Teleport -item.pokeb:tm114=MT Mimic -item.pokeb:tm115=MT Bide -item.pokeb:tm116=MT Metronome -item.pokeb:tm117=MT Self-Destruct -item.pokeb:tm118=MT Egg Bomb -item.pokeb:tm119=MT Swift -item.pokeb:tm120=MT Skull Bash -item.pokeb:tm121=MT Soft-Boiled -item.pokeb:tm122=MT Sky Attack -item.pokeb:tm123=MT Psywave -item.pokeb:tm124=MT Tri Attack -item.pokeb:tm125=MT Dynamic Punch -item.pokeb:tm126=MT Headbutt -item.pokeb:tm127=MT Curse -item.pokeb:tm128=MT Rollout -item.pokeb:tm129=MT Zap Cannon -item.pokeb:tm130=MT Sweet Scent -item.pokeb:tm131=MT Snore -item.pokeb:tm132=MT Icy Wind -item.pokeb:tm133=MT Giga Drain -item.pokeb:tm134=MT Endure -item.pokeb:tm135=MT Iron Tail -item.pokeb:tm136=MT Dragon Breath -item.pokeb:tm137=MT Mud-Slap -item.pokeb:tm138=MT Ice Punch -item.pokeb:tm139=MT Sleep Talk -item.pokeb:tm140=MT Defense Curl -item.pokeb:tm141=MT Thunder Punch -item.pokeb:tm142=MT Detect -item.pokeb:tm143=MT Steel Wing -item.pokeb:tm144=MT Fire Punch -item.pokeb:tm145=MT Fury Cutter -item.pokeb:tm146=MT Nightmare -item.pokeb:tm147=MT Focus Punch -item.pokeb:tm148=MT Water Pulse -item.pokeb:tm149=MT Bullet Seed -item.pokeb:tm150=MT Shock Wave -item.pokeb:tm151=MT Secret Power -item.pokeb:tm152=MT Skill Swap -item.pokeb:tm153=MT Snatch -item.pokeb:tm154=MT Roost -item.pokeb:tm155=MT Brine -item.pokeb:tm156=MT Dragon Pulse -item.pokeb:tm157=MT Drain Punch -item.pokeb:tm158=MT Silver Wind -item.pokeb:tm159=MT Recycle -item.pokeb:tm160=MT Avalanche -item.pokeb:tm161=MT Stealth Rock -item.pokeb:tm162=MT Captivate -item.pokeb:tm163=MT Dark Pulse -item.pokeb:tm164=MT Natural Gift -item.pokeb:tm165=MT Infestation -item.pokeb:tm166=MT Nature Power -item.pokeb:tm167=MT Power-Up Punch -item.pokeb:tm168=MT Dazzling Gleam -item.pokeb:tm169=MT Confide -item.pokeb:tm170=MT Aurora Veil -item.pokeb:tm171=MT Brutal Swing -item.pokeb:tm172=MT Smart Strike -item.pokeb:tm173=MT Leech Life -item.pokeb:tm174=MT Pin Missile -item.pokeb:tm175=MT Magical Leaf -item.pokeb:tm176=MT Solar Blade -item.pokeb:tm177=MT Fire Spin -item.pokeb:tm178=MT Screech -item.pokeb:tm179=MT Scary Face -item.pokeb:tm180=MT Charm -item.pokeb:tm181=MT Beat Up -item.pokeb:tm182=MT Helping Hand -item.pokeb:tm183=MT Revenge -item.pokeb:tm184=MT Imprison -item.pokeb:tm185=MT Weather Ball -item.pokeb:tm186=MT Fake Tears -item.pokeb:tm187=MT Sand Tomb -item.pokeb:tm188=MT Icicle Spear -item.pokeb:tm189=MT Bounce -item.pokeb:tm190=MT Mud Shot -item.pokeb:tm191=MT Rock Blast -item.pokeb:tm192=MT Assurance -item.pokeb:tm193=MT Power Swap -item.pokeb:tm194=MT Guard Swap -item.pokeb:tm195=MT Speed Swap -item.pokeb:tm196=MT Thunder Fang -item.pokeb:tm197=MT Ice Fang -item.pokeb:tm198=MT Fire Fang -item.pokeb:tm199=MT Psycho Cut -item.pokeb:tm200=MT Wonder Room -item.pokeb:tm201=MT Magic Room -item.pokeb:tm202=MT Cross Poison -item.pokeb:tm203=MT Hex -item.pokeb:tm204=MT Electroweb -item.pokeb:tm205=MT Razor Shell -item.pokeb:tm206=MT Tail Slap -item.pokeb:tm207=MT Phantom Force -item.pokeb:tm208=MT Draining Kiss -item.pokeb:tm209=MT Grassy Terrain -item.pokeb:tm210=MT Misty Terrain -item.pokeb:tm211=MT Electric Terrain -item.pokeb:tm212=MT Psychic Terrain -item.pokeb:tm213=MT Mystical Fire -item.pokeb:tm214=MT Eerie Impulse -item.pokeb:tm215=MT Air Slash -item.pokeb:tm216=MT Stomping Tantrum -item.pokeb:tm217=MT Breaking Swipe -item.pokeb:tm218=MT Agility -item.pokeb:tm219=MT Acid Spray -item.pokeb:tm220=MT Psybeam -item.pokeb:tm221=MT Confuse Ray -item.pokeb:tm222=MT Disarming Voice -item.pokeb:tm223=MT Trailblaze -item.pokeb:tm224=MT Pounce -item.pokeb:tm225=MT Chilling Water -item.pokeb:tm226=MT Poison Tail -item.pokeb:tm227=MT Metal Claw -item.pokeb:tm228=MT Air Cutter -item.pokeb:tm229=MT Stored Power -item.pokeb:tm230=MT Night Shade -item.pokeb:tm231=MT Snowscape -item.pokeb:tm232=MT Zen Headbutt -item.pokeb:tm233=MT Foul Play -item.pokeb:tm234=MT Psychic Fangs -item.pokeb:tm235=MT Seed Bomb -item.pokeb:tm236=MT Electro Ball -item.pokeb:tm237=MT Body Press -item.pokeb:tm238=MT Spikes -item.pokeb:tm239=MT Toxic Spikes -item.pokeb:tm240=MT Iron Head -item.pokeb:tm241=MT Dragon Dance -item.pokeb:tm242=MT Power Gem -item.pokeb:tm243=MT Gunk Shot -item.pokeb:tm244=MT Iron Defense -item.pokeb:tm245=MT Drill Run -item.pokeb:tm246=MT Crunch -item.pokeb:tm247=MT Trick -item.pokeb:tm248=MT Liquidation -item.pokeb:tm249=MT Aura Sphere -item.pokeb:tm250=MT Hyper Voice -item.pokeb:tm251=MT Heat Wave -item.pokeb:tm252=MT Heavy Slam -item.pokeb:tm253=MT Encore -item.pokeb:tm254=MT Ice Spinner +item.pokeb:tm64=MT Explosión +item.pokeb:tm65=MT Garra Umbría +item.pokeb:tm66=MT Vendetta +item.pokeb:tm67=MT Represalia +item.pokeb:tm68=MT Gigaimpacto +item.pokeb:tm69=MT Pulimento +item.pokeb:tm70=MT Destello +item.pokeb:tm71=MT Roca Afilada +item.pokeb:tm72=MT Voltiocambio +item.pokeb:tm73=MT Trueno Wave +item.pokeb:tm74=MT Giro Bola +item.pokeb:tm75=MT Danza Espada +item.pokeb:tm76=MT Forcejeo Bug +item.pokeb:tm77=MT Autosugestión +item.pokeb:tm78=MT Terratemblor +item.pokeb:tm79=MT Vaho Gélido +item.pokeb:tm80=MT Avalancha +item.pokeb:tm81=MT Tijera X +item.pokeb:tm82=MT Cola Dragón +item.pokeb:tm83=MT Avivar +item.pokeb:tm84=MT Puya Nociva +item.pokeb:tm85=MT Comesueños +item.pokeb:tm86=MT Hierba Lazo +item.pokeb:tm87=MT Contoneo +item.pokeb:tm88=MT Picoteo +item.pokeb:tm89=MT Ida y Vuelta +item.pokeb:tm90=MT Sustituto +item.pokeb:tm91=MT Destello Cannon +item.pokeb:tm92=MT Truco Room +item.pokeb:tm93=MT Voltio Cruel +item.pokeb:tm94=MT Alarido +item.pokeb:tm95=MT Megapuño +item.pokeb:tm96=MT Viento Cortante +item.pokeb:tm97=MT Remolino +item.pokeb:tm98=MT Megapatada +item.pokeb:tm99=MT Perforador +item.pokeb:tm100=MT Golpe Cuerpo +item.pokeb:tm101=MT Derribo +item.pokeb:tm102=MT Doble Filo +item.pokeb:tm103=MT Burbuja Beam +item.pokeb:tm104=MT Pistola Agua +item.pokeb:tm105=MT Día de Pago +item.pokeb:tm106=MT Sumisión +item.pokeb:tm107=MT Contraataque +item.pokeb:tm108=MT Sísmico +item.pokeb:tm109=MT Furia +item.pokeb:tm110=MT Megaagotar +item.pokeb:tm111=MT Furia Dragón +item.pokeb:tm112=MT Fisura +item.pokeb:tm113=MT Teletransporte +item.pokeb:tm114=MT Mimético +item.pokeb:tm115=MT Venganza +item.pokeb:tm116=MT Metrónomo +item.pokeb:tm117=MT Autodestrucción +item.pokeb:tm118=MT Bomba Huevo +item.pokeb:tm119=MT Meteoros +item.pokeb:tm120=MT Cabezazo +item.pokeb:tm121=MT Ovocuración +item.pokeb:tm122=MT Ataque Aéreo +item.pokeb:tm123=MT Psicoonda +item.pokeb:tm124=MT Triataque +item.pokeb:tm125=MT Puño Dinámico +item.pokeb:tm126=MT Golpe Cabeza +item.pokeb:tm127=MT Maldición +item.pokeb:tm128=MT Rollar +item.pokeb:tm129=MT Electrocañón +item.pokeb:tm130=MT Dulce Aroma +item.pokeb:tm131=MT Ronquido +item.pokeb:tm132=MT Viento Hielo +item.pokeb:tm133=MT Gigadrenado +item.pokeb:tm134=MT Aguante +item.pokeb:tm135=MT Cola férrea +item.pokeb:tm136=MT Dragoaliento +item.pokeb:tm137=MT Bofetón Lodo +item.pokeb:tm138=MT Puño Hielo +item.pokeb:tm139=MT Sonámbulo +item.pokeb:tm140=MT Rizo Defensa +item.pokeb:tm141=MT Trueno Punch +item.pokeb:tm142=MT Detección +item.pokeb:tm143=MT Ala Acero +item.pokeb:tm144=MT Puño Fuego +item.pokeb:tm145=MT Corte Furia +item.pokeb:tm146=MT Pesadilla +item.pokeb:tm147=MT Puño Certero +item.pokeb:tm148=MT Hidropulso +item.pokeb:tm149=MT Semilladora +item.pokeb:tm150=MT Onda Voltio +item.pokeb:tm151=MT Daño Secreto +item.pokeb:tm152=MT Intercambio +item.pokeb:tm153=MT Robo +item.pokeb:tm154=MT Respiro +item.pokeb:tm155=MT Salmuera +item.pokeb:tm156=MT Pulso Dragón +item.pokeb:tm157=MT Puño Drenaje +item.pokeb:tm158=MT Viento Plata +item.pokeb:tm159=MT Reciclaje +item.pokeb:tm160=MT Alud +item.pokeb:tm161=MT Trampa Rocas +item.pokeb:tm162=MT Seducción +item.pokeb:tm163=MT Pulso Umbrío +item.pokeb:tm164=MT Don Natural +item.pokeb:tm165=MT Acoso +item.pokeb:tm166=MT Adaptación +item.pokeb:tm167=MT Puño Incremento +item.pokeb:tm168=MT Brillo Mágico +item.pokeb:tm169=MT Confidencia +item.pokeb:tm170=MT Velo Aurora +item.pokeb:tm171=MT Giro Vil +item.pokeb:tm172=MT Cuerno Certero +item.pokeb:tm173=MT Chupavidas +item.pokeb:tm174=MT Pin Misil +item.pokeb:tm175=MT Hoja Mágica +item.pokeb:tm176=MT Cuchilla Solar +item.pokeb:tm177=MT Giro Fuego +item.pokeb:tm178=MT Chirrido +item.pokeb:tm179=MT Cara Susto +item.pokeb:tm180=MT Encanto +item.pokeb:tm181=MT Paliza +item.pokeb:tm182=MT Refuerzo +item.pokeb:tm183=MT Desquite +item.pokeb:tm184=MT Sellar +item.pokeb:tm185=MT Meteorobola +item.pokeb:tm186=MT Llanto Falso +item.pokeb:tm187=MT Bucle Arena +item.pokeb:tm188=MT Carámbano +item.pokeb:tm189=MT Bote +item.pokeb:tm190=MT Disparo Lodo +item.pokeb:tm191=MT Pedrada +item.pokeb:tm192=MT Buena Baza +item.pokeb:tm193=MT Cambiafuerza +item.pokeb:tm194=MT Cambiadefensa +item.pokeb:tm195=MT Cambiavelocidad +item.pokeb:tm196=MT Trueno Fang +item.pokeb:tm197=MT Colmillo Hielo +item.pokeb:tm198=MT Colmillo Ígneo +item.pokeb:tm199=MT Psicocorte +item.pokeb:tm200=MT Zona Extraña +item.pokeb:tm201=MT Zona Mágica +item.pokeb:tm202=MT Veneno X +item.pokeb:tm203=MT Infortunio +item.pokeb:tm204=MT Electrotela +item.pokeb:tm205=MT Concho Filo +item.pokeb:tm206=MT Plumerazo +item.pokeb:tm207=MT Golpe Fantasma +item.pokeb:tm208=MT Beso Drenaje +item.pokeb:tm209=MT Campo de Hierba +item.pokeb:tm210=MT Neblinay Terrain +item.pokeb:tm211=MT Campo Eléctrico +item.pokeb:tm212=MT Psíquico Terrain +item.pokeb:tm213=MT Llama Embrujada +item.pokeb:tm214=MT Onda Anómala +item.pokeb:tm215=MT Tajo Aéreo +item.pokeb:tm216=MT Pisotóning Tantrum +item.pokeb:tm217=MT Vasto Impacto +item.pokeb:tm218=MT Agilidad +item.pokeb:tm219=MT Ácido Spray +item.pokeb:tm220=MT Psicorrayo +item.pokeb:tm221=MT Rayo Confuso +item.pokeb:tm222=MT Voz Cautivadora +item.pokeb:tm223=MT Abrecaminos +item.pokeb:tm224=MT Brinco +item.pokeb:tm225=MT Agua Fría +item.pokeb:tm226=MT Cola Veneno +item.pokeb:tm227=MT Garra Metal +item.pokeb:tm228=MT Aire Afilado +item.pokeb:tm229=MT Poder Reserva +item.pokeb:tm230=MT Tinieblas +item.pokeb:tm231=MT Paisaje Nevado +item.pokeb:tm232=MT Cabezazo Zen +item.pokeb:tm233=MT Juego Sucio +item.pokeb:tm234=MT Psíquico Fangs +item.pokeb:tm235=MT Bomba Germen +item.pokeb:tm236=MT Bola Voltio +item.pokeb:tm237=MT Plancha Corporal +item.pokeb:tm238=MT Púas +item.pokeb:tm239=MT Tóxico Púas +item.pokeb:tm240=MT Cabeza de Hierro +item.pokeb:tm241=MT Danza del Dragón +item.pokeb:tm242=MT Joya de Luz +item.pokeb:tm243=MT Lanzamugre +item.pokeb:tm244=MT Defensa Férrea +item.pokeb:tm245=MT Taladradora +item.pokeb:tm246=MT Triturar +item.pokeb:tm247=MT Truco +item.pokeb:tm248=MT Hidroariete +item.pokeb:tm249=MT Esfera Aural +item.pokeb:tm250=MT Vozarrón +item.pokeb:tm251=MT Onda Ígnea +item.pokeb:tm252=MT Cuerpo Pesado +item.pokeb:tm253=MT Otra Vez +item.pokeb:tm254=MT Pirueta Helada item.pokeb:tm255=MT Amnesia -item.pokeb:tm256=MT Pollen Puff -item.pokeb:tm257=MT Baton Pass -item.pokeb:tm258=MT Earth Power -item.pokeb:tm259=MT Reversal -item.pokeb:tm260=MT Nasty Plot -item.pokeb:tm261=MT Hydro Pump -item.pokeb:tm262=MT Fire Pledge -item.pokeb:tm263=MT Water Pledge -item.pokeb:tm264=MT Grass Pledge -item.pokeb:tm265=MT Blast Burn -item.pokeb:tm266=MT Hydro Cannon -item.pokeb:tm267=MT Frenzy Plant -item.pokeb:tm268=MT Outrage -item.pokeb:tm269=MT Leaf Storm -item.pokeb:tm270=MT Hurricane -item.pokeb:tm271=MT Bug Buzz -item.pokeb:tm272=MT Brave Bird -item.pokeb:tm273=MT Flare Blitz -item.pokeb:tm274=MT Close Combat -item.pokeb:tm275=MT Draco Meteor -item.pokeb:tm276=MT Steel Beam -item.pokeb:tm277=MT Tera Blast -item.pokeb:tm278=MT Play Rough +item.pokeb:tm256=MT Bola de Polen +item.pokeb:tm257=MT Relevo +item.pokeb:tm258=MT Tierra Viva +item.pokeb:tm259=MT Inversión +item.pokeb:tm260=MT Maquinación +item.pokeb:tm261=MT Hidrobomba +item.pokeb:tm262=MT Voto Fuego +item.pokeb:tm263=MT Voto Agua +item.pokeb:tm264=MT Voto Planta +item.pokeb:tm265=MT Anillo Ígneo +item.pokeb:tm266=MT Hidrocañón +item.pokeb:tm267=MT Planta Feroz +item.pokeb:tm268=MT Enfado +item.pokeb:tm269=MT Lluevahojas +item.pokeb:tm270=MT Vendaval +item.pokeb:tm271=MT Zumbido +item.pokeb:tm272=MT Pájaro Osado +item.pokeb:tm273=MT Envite Ígneo +item.pokeb:tm274=MT A Bocajarro +item.pokeb:tm275=MT Cometa Draco +item.pokeb:tm276=MT Metaláser +item.pokeb:tm277=MT Teraexplosión +item.pokeb:tm278=MT Carantoña ### Spawn Eggs del servidor From e95e6efdcf45034611cb06ab6cd775b758481a81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 13:21:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 41/43] German Tms --- texts/de_DE.lang | 576 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 288 insertions(+), 288 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index ed276368b..560bb8b44 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -653,294 +653,294 @@ item.pokeb:random_shiny_crate_key=§d§kii§r §c§lZufälliger Schillernder §7 item.pokeb:random_shiny_legendary_crate_key=§d§kii§r §c§lZufälliger Schillernder Legendärer §7Schlüssel§r §d§kii§r ## Machines -item.pokeb:hm01=VM Zerschneider -item.pokeb:hm02=VM Fliegen -item.pokeb:hm03=VM Surfer -item.pokeb:hm04=VM Stärke -item.pokeb:hm05=VM Auflockern -item.pokeb:hm06=VM Zertrümmerer -item.pokeb:hm07=VM Kaskade -item.pokeb:hm08=VM Kraxler -item.pokeb:hm09=VM Whirlpool -item.pokeb:hm10=VM Taucher ## -item.pokeb:tm01=TM Hone Claws -item.pokeb:tm02=TM Dragon Claw -item.pokeb:tm03=TM Psyshock -item.pokeb:tm04=TM Calm Mind -item.pokeb:tm05=TM Roar -item.pokeb:tm06=TM Toxic -item.pokeb:tm07=TM Hail -item.pokeb:tm08=TM Bulk Up -item.pokeb:tm09=TM Venoshock -item.pokeb:tm10=TM Hidden Power -item.pokeb:tm11=TM Sunny Day -item.pokeb:tm12=TM Taunt -item.pokeb:tm13=TM Ice Beam -item.pokeb:tm14=TM Blizzard -item.pokeb:tm15=TM Hyper Beam -item.pokeb:tm16=TM Light Screen -item.pokeb:tm17=TM Protect -item.pokeb:tm18=TM Rain Dance -item.pokeb:tm19=TM Telekinesis -item.pokeb:tm20=TM Safeguard -item.pokeb:tm21=TM Frustration -item.pokeb:tm22=TM Solar Beam -item.pokeb:tm23=TM Smack Down -item.pokeb:tm24=TM Thunderbolt -item.pokeb:tm25=TM Thunder -item.pokeb:tm26=TM Earthquake -item.pokeb:tm27=TM Return -item.pokeb:tm28=TM Dig -item.pokeb:tm29=TM Psychic -item.pokeb:tm30=TM Shadow Ball -item.pokeb:tm31=TM Brick Break -item.pokeb:tm32=TM Double Team -item.pokeb:tm33=TM Reflect -item.pokeb:tm34=TM Sludge Wave -item.pokeb:tm35=TM Flamethrower -item.pokeb:tm36=TM Sludge Bomb -item.pokeb:tm37=TM Sandstorm -item.pokeb:tm38=TM Fire Blast -item.pokeb:tm39=TM Rock Tomb -item.pokeb:tm40=TM Aerial Ace -item.pokeb:tm41=TM Torment -item.pokeb:tm42=TM Facade -item.pokeb:tm43=TM Flame Charge -item.pokeb:tm44=TM Rest -item.pokeb:tm45=TM Attract -item.pokeb:tm46=TM Thief -item.pokeb:tm47=TM Low Sweep -item.pokeb:tm48=TM Round -item.pokeb:tm49=TM Echoed Voice -item.pokeb:tm50=TM Overheat -item.pokeb:tm51=TM Ally Switch -item.pokeb:tm52=TM Focus Blast -item.pokeb:tm53=TM Energy Ball -item.pokeb:tm54=TM False Swipe -item.pokeb:tm55=TM Scald -item.pokeb:tm56=TM Fling -item.pokeb:tm57=TM Charge Beam -item.pokeb:tm58=TM Sky Drop -item.pokeb:tm59=TM Incinerate -item.pokeb:tm60=TM Quash -item.pokeb:tm61=TM Will-O-Wisp -item.pokeb:tm62=TM Acrobatics -item.pokeb:tm63=TM Embargo -item.pokeb:tm64=TM Explosion -item.pokeb:tm65=TM Shadow Claw -item.pokeb:tm66=TM Payback -item.pokeb:tm67=TM Retaliate -item.pokeb:tm68=TM Giga Impact -item.pokeb:tm69=TM Rock Polish -item.pokeb:tm70=TM Flash -item.pokeb:tm71=TM Stone Edge -item.pokeb:tm72=TM Volt Switch -item.pokeb:tm73=TM Thunder Wave -item.pokeb:tm74=TM Gyro Ball -item.pokeb:tm75=TM Swords Dance -item.pokeb:tm76=TM Struggle Bug -item.pokeb:tm77=TM Psych Up -item.pokeb:tm78=TM Bulldoze -item.pokeb:tm79=TM Frost Breath -item.pokeb:tm80=TM Rock Slide -item.pokeb:tm81=TM X-Scissor -item.pokeb:tm82=TM Dragon Tail -item.pokeb:tm83=TM Work Up -item.pokeb:tm84=TM Poison Jab -item.pokeb:tm85=TM Dream Eater -item.pokeb:tm86=TM Grass Knot -item.pokeb:tm87=TM Swagger -item.pokeb:tm88=TM Pluck -item.pokeb:tm89=TM U-turn -item.pokeb:tm90=TM Substitute -item.pokeb:tm91=TM Flash Cannon -item.pokeb:tm92=TM Trick Room -item.pokeb:tm93=TM Wild Charge -item.pokeb:tm94=TM Snarl -item.pokeb:tm95=TM Mega Punch -item.pokeb:tm96=TM Razor Wind -item.pokeb:tm97=TM Whirlwind -item.pokeb:tm98=TM Mega Kick -item.pokeb:tm99=TM Horn Drill -item.pokeb:tm100=TM Body Slam -item.pokeb:tm101=TM Take Down -item.pokeb:tm102=TM Double-Edge -item.pokeb:tm103=TM Bubble Beam -item.pokeb:tm104=TM Water Gun -item.pokeb:tm105=TM Pay Day -item.pokeb:tm106=TM Submission -item.pokeb:tm107=TM Counter -item.pokeb:tm108=TM Seismic Toss -item.pokeb:tm109=TM Rage -item.pokeb:tm110=TM Mega Drain -item.pokeb:tm111=TM Dragon Rage -item.pokeb:tm112=TM Fissure -item.pokeb:tm113=TM Teleport -item.pokeb:tm114=TM Mimic -item.pokeb:tm115=TM Bide -item.pokeb:tm116=TM Metronome -item.pokeb:tm117=TM Self-Destruct -item.pokeb:tm118=TM Egg Bomb -item.pokeb:tm119=TM Swift -item.pokeb:tm120=TM Skull Bash -item.pokeb:tm121=TM Soft-Boiled -item.pokeb:tm122=TM Sky Attack -item.pokeb:tm123=TM Psywave -item.pokeb:tm124=TM Tri Attack -item.pokeb:tm125=TM Dynamic Punch -item.pokeb:tm126=TM Headbutt -item.pokeb:tm127=TM Curse -item.pokeb:tm128=TM Rollout -item.pokeb:tm129=TM Zap Cannon -item.pokeb:tm130=TM Sweet Scent -item.pokeb:tm131=TM Snore -item.pokeb:tm132=TM Icy Wind -item.pokeb:tm133=TM Giga Drain -item.pokeb:tm134=TM Endure -item.pokeb:tm135=TM Iron Tail -item.pokeb:tm136=TM Dragon Breath -item.pokeb:tm137=TM Mud-Slap -item.pokeb:tm138=TM Ice Punch -item.pokeb:tm139=TM Sleep Talk -item.pokeb:tm140=TM Defense Curl -item.pokeb:tm141=TM Thunder Punch -item.pokeb:tm142=TM Detect -item.pokeb:tm143=TM Steel Wing -item.pokeb:tm144=TM Fire Punch -item.pokeb:tm145=TM Fury Cutter -item.pokeb:tm146=TM Nightmare -item.pokeb:tm147=TM Focus Punch -item.pokeb:tm148=TM Water Pulse -item.pokeb:tm149=TM Bullet Seed -item.pokeb:tm150=TM Shock Wave -item.pokeb:tm151=TM Secret Power -item.pokeb:tm152=TM Skill Swap -item.pokeb:tm153=TM Snatch -item.pokeb:tm154=TM Roost -item.pokeb:tm155=TM Brine -item.pokeb:tm156=TM Dragon Pulse -item.pokeb:tm157=TM Drain Punch -item.pokeb:tm158=TM Silver Wind -item.pokeb:tm159=TM Recycle -item.pokeb:tm160=TM Avalanche -item.pokeb:tm161=TM Stealth Rock -item.pokeb:tm162=TM Captivate -item.pokeb:tm163=TM Dark Pulse -item.pokeb:tm164=TM Natural Gift -item.pokeb:tm165=TM Infestation -item.pokeb:tm166=TM Nature Power -item.pokeb:tm167=TM Power-Up Punch -item.pokeb:tm168=TM Dazzling Gleam -item.pokeb:tm169=TM Confide -item.pokeb:tm170=TM Aurora Veil -item.pokeb:tm171=TM Brutal Swing -item.pokeb:tm172=TM Smart Strike -item.pokeb:tm173=TM Leech Life -item.pokeb:tm174=TM Pin Missile -item.pokeb:tm175=TM Magical Leaf -item.pokeb:tm176=TM Solar Blade -item.pokeb:tm177=TM Fire Spin -item.pokeb:tm178=TM Screech -item.pokeb:tm179=TM Scary Face -item.pokeb:tm180=TM Charm -item.pokeb:tm181=TM Beat Up -item.pokeb:tm182=TM Helping Hand -item.pokeb:tm183=TM Revenge -item.pokeb:tm184=TM Imprison -item.pokeb:tm185=TM Weather Ball -item.pokeb:tm186=TM Fake Tears -item.pokeb:tm187=TM Sand Tomb -item.pokeb:tm188=TM Icicle Spear -item.pokeb:tm189=TM Bounce -item.pokeb:tm190=TM Mud Shot -item.pokeb:tm191=TM Rock Blast -item.pokeb:tm192=TM Assurance -item.pokeb:tm193=TM Power Swap -item.pokeb:tm194=TM Guard Swap -item.pokeb:tm195=TM Speed Swap -item.pokeb:tm196=TM Thunder Fang -item.pokeb:tm197=TM Ice Fang -item.pokeb:tm198=TM Fire Fang -item.pokeb:tm199=TM Psycho Cut -item.pokeb:tm200=TM Wonder Room -item.pokeb:tm201=TM Magic Room -item.pokeb:tm202=TM Cross Poison -item.pokeb:tm203=TM Hex -item.pokeb:tm204=TM Electroweb -item.pokeb:tm205=TM Razor Shell -item.pokeb:tm206=TM Tail Slap -item.pokeb:tm207=TM Phantom Force -item.pokeb:tm208=TM Draining Kiss -item.pokeb:tm209=TM Grassy Terrain -item.pokeb:tm210=TM Misty Terrain -item.pokeb:tm211=TM Electric Terrain -item.pokeb:tm212=TM Psychic Terrain -item.pokeb:tm213=TM Mystical Fire -item.pokeb:tm214=TM Eerie Impulse -item.pokeb:tm215=TM Air Slash -item.pokeb:tm216=TM Stomping Tantrum -item.pokeb:tm217=TM Breaking Swipe -item.pokeb:tm218=TM Agility -item.pokeb:tm219=TM Acid Spray -item.pokeb:tm220=TM Psybeam -item.pokeb:tm221=TM Confuse Ray -item.pokeb:tm222=TM Disarming Voice -item.pokeb:tm223=TM Trailblaze -item.pokeb:tm224=TM Pounce -item.pokeb:tm225=TM Chilling Water -item.pokeb:tm226=TM Poison Tail -item.pokeb:tm227=TM Metal Claw -item.pokeb:tm228=TM Air Cutter -item.pokeb:tm229=TM Stored Power -item.pokeb:tm230=TM Night Shade -item.pokeb:tm231=TM Snowscape -item.pokeb:tm232=TM Zen Headbutt -item.pokeb:tm233=TM Foul Play -item.pokeb:tm234=TM Psychic Fangs -item.pokeb:tm235=TM Seed Bomb -item.pokeb:tm236=TM Electro Ball -item.pokeb:tm237=TM Body Press -item.pokeb:tm238=TM Spikes -item.pokeb:tm239=TM Toxic Spikes -item.pokeb:tm240=TM Iron Head -item.pokeb:tm241=TM Dragon Dance -item.pokeb:tm242=TM Power Gem -item.pokeb:tm243=TM Gunk Shot -item.pokeb:tm244=TM Iron Defense -item.pokeb:tm245=TM Drill Run -item.pokeb:tm246=TM Crunch -item.pokeb:tm247=TM Trick -item.pokeb:tm248=TM Liquidation -item.pokeb:tm249=TM Aura Sphere -item.pokeb:tm250=TM Hyper Voice -item.pokeb:tm251=TM Heat Wave -item.pokeb:tm252=TM Heavy Slam -item.pokeb:tm253=TM Encore -item.pokeb:tm254=TM Ice Spinner -item.pokeb:tm255=TM Amnesia -item.pokeb:tm256=TM Pollen Puff -item.pokeb:tm257=TM Baton Pass -item.pokeb:tm258=TM Earth Power -item.pokeb:tm259=TM Reversal -item.pokeb:tm260=TM Nasty Plot -item.pokeb:tm261=TM Hydro Pump -item.pokeb:tm262=TM Fire Pledge -item.pokeb:tm263=TM Water Pledge -item.pokeb:tm264=TM Grass Pledge -item.pokeb:tm265=TM Blast Burn -item.pokeb:tm266=TM Hydro Cannon -item.pokeb:tm267=TM Frenzy Plant -item.pokeb:tm268=TM Outrage -item.pokeb:tm269=TM Leaf Storm -item.pokeb:tm270=TM Hurricane -item.pokeb:tm271=TM Bug Buzz -item.pokeb:tm272=TM Brave Bird -item.pokeb:tm273=TM Flare Blitz -item.pokeb:tm274=TM Close Combat -item.pokeb:tm275=TM Draco Meteor -item.pokeb:tm276=TM Steel Beam -item.pokeb:tm277=TM Tera Blast -item.pokeb:tm278=TM Play Rough +item.pokeb:hm01=MO Corte +item.pokeb:hm02=MO Vuelo +item.pokeb:hm03=MO Surfer +item.pokeb:hm04=MO Fuerza +item.pokeb:hm05=MO Despejar +item.pokeb:hm06=MO Golpe Roca +item.pokeb:hm07=MO Cascada +item.pokeb:hm08=MO Treparrocas +item.pokeb:hm09=MO Torbellino +item.pokeb:hm10=MO Buceo ## +item.pokeb:tm01=MT Klauenwetzer +item.pokeb:tm02=MT Drachenklaue +item.pokeb:tm03=MT Psychoschock +item.pokeb:tm04=MT Gedankengut +item.pokeb:tm05=MT Brüller +item.pokeb:tm06=MT Toxin +item.pokeb:tm07=MT Hagelsturm +item.pokeb:tm08=MT Protzer +item.pokeb:tm09=MT Giftschock +item.pokeb:tm10=MT Kraftreserve +item.pokeb:tm11=MT Sonnentag +item.pokeb:tm12=MT Verhöhner +item.pokeb:tm13=MT Eisstrahl +item.pokeb:tm14=MT Blizzard +item.pokeb:tm15=MT Hyperstrahl +item.pokeb:tm16=MT Lichtschild +item.pokeb:tm17=MT Schutzschild +item.pokeb:tm18=MT Regentanz +item.pokeb:tm19=MT Telekinese +item.pokeb:tm20=MT Bodyguard +item.pokeb:tm21=MT Frustration +item.pokeb:tm22=MT Solarstrahl +item.pokeb:tm23=MT Katapult +item.pokeb:tm24=MT Donnerbolt +item.pokeb:tm25=MT Donner +item.pokeb:tm26=MT Erdbeben +item.pokeb:tm27=MT Rückkehr +item.pokeb:tm28=MT Schaufler +item.pokeb:tm29=MT Psychokinese +item.pokeb:tm30=MT Spukball +item.pokeb:tm31=MT Durchbruch +item.pokeb:tm32=MT Doppelteam +item.pokeb:tm33=MT Reflektor +item.pokeb:tm34=MT Schlammbad Wave +item.pokeb:tm35=MT Flammenwurf +item.pokeb:tm36=MT Schlammbad Bomb +item.pokeb:tm37=MT Sandsturm +item.pokeb:tm38=MT Feuersturm +item.pokeb:tm39=MT Felsgrab +item.pokeb:tm40=MT Aero-Ass +item.pokeb:tm41=MT Folterknecht +item.pokeb:tm42=MT Fassade +item.pokeb:tm43=MT Nitroladung +item.pokeb:tm44=MT Erholung +item.pokeb:tm45=MT Anziehung +item.pokeb:tm46=MT Raub +item.pokeb:tm47=MT Fußtritt +item.pokeb:tm48=MT Kanon +item.pokeb:tm49=MT Widerhall +item.pokeb:tm50=MT Hitzekoller +item.pokeb:tm51=MT Seitentausch +item.pokeb:tm52=MT Fokusstoß +item.pokeb:tm53=MT Energieball +item.pokeb:tm54=MT Trugschlag +item.pokeb:tm55=MT Siedewasser +item.pokeb:tm56=MT Schleuder +item.pokeb:tm57=MT Ladevorgang Beam +item.pokeb:tm58=MT Freier Fall +item.pokeb:tm59=MT Einäschern +item.pokeb:tm60=MT Verzögerung +item.pokeb:tm61=MT Irrlicht +item.pokeb:tm62=MT Akrobatik +item.pokeb:tm63=MT Itemsperre +item.pokeb:tm64=MT Explosion +item.pokeb:tm65=MT Dunkelklaue +item.pokeb:tm66=MT Gegenstoß +item.pokeb:tm67=MT Heimzahlung +item.pokeb:tm68=MT Gigastoß +item.pokeb:tm69=MT Steinpolitur +item.pokeb:tm70=MT Blitz +item.pokeb:tm71=MT Steinkante +item.pokeb:tm72=MT Voltwechsel +item.pokeb:tm73=MT Donner Wave +item.pokeb:tm74=MT Gyroball +item.pokeb:tm75=MT Schwerttanz +item.pokeb:tm76=MT Verzweifler Bug +item.pokeb:tm77=MT Psycho-Plus +item.pokeb:tm78=MT Dampfwalze +item.pokeb:tm79=MT Eisesodem +item.pokeb:tm80=MT Steinhagel +item.pokeb:tm81=MT Kreuzschere +item.pokeb:tm82=MT Drachenrute +item.pokeb:tm83=MT Kraftschub +item.pokeb:tm84=MT Gifthieb +item.pokeb:tm85=MT Traumfresser +item.pokeb:tm86=MT Strauchler +item.pokeb:tm87=MT Angeberei +item.pokeb:tm88=MT Pflücker +item.pokeb:tm89=MT Kehrtwende +item.pokeb:tm90=MT Delegator +item.pokeb:tm91=MT Blitz Cannon +item.pokeb:tm92=MT Trickbetrug Room +item.pokeb:tm93=MT Stromstoß +item.pokeb:tm94=MT Standpauke +item.pokeb:tm95=MT Megahieb +item.pokeb:tm96=MT Klingensturm +item.pokeb:tm97=MT Wirbelwind +item.pokeb:tm98=MT Megakick +item.pokeb:tm99=MT Hornbohrer +item.pokeb:tm100=MT Bodyslam +item.pokeb:tm101=MT Bodycheck +item.pokeb:tm102=MT Risikotackle +item.pokeb:tm103=MT Blubber Beam +item.pokeb:tm104=MT Aquaknarre +item.pokeb:tm105=MT Zahltag +item.pokeb:tm106=MT Überroller +item.pokeb:tm107=MT Konter +item.pokeb:tm108=MT Geowurf +item.pokeb:tm109=MT Raserei +item.pokeb:tm110=MT Megasauger +item.pokeb:tm111=MT Drachenwut +item.pokeb:tm112=MT Geofissur +item.pokeb:tm113=MT Teleport +item.pokeb:tm114=MT Mimikry +item.pokeb:tm115=MT Geduld +item.pokeb:tm116=MT Metronom +item.pokeb:tm117=MT Finale +item.pokeb:tm118=MT Eierbombe +item.pokeb:tm119=MT Sternschauer +item.pokeb:tm120=MT Schädelwumme +item.pokeb:tm121=MT Weichei +item.pokeb:tm122=MT Himmelsfeger +item.pokeb:tm123=MT Psywelle +item.pokeb:tm124=MT Triplette +item.pokeb:tm125=MT Wuchtschlag +item.pokeb:tm126=MT Kopfnuss +item.pokeb:tm127=MT Fluch +item.pokeb:tm128=MT Walzer +item.pokeb:tm129=MT Blitzkanone +item.pokeb:tm130=MT Lockduft +item.pokeb:tm131=MT Schnarcher +item.pokeb:tm132=MT Eissturm +item.pokeb:tm133=MT Gigasauger +item.pokeb:tm134=MT Ausdauer +item.pokeb:tm135=MT Eisenschweif +item.pokeb:tm136=MT Feuerodem +item.pokeb:tm137=MT Lehmschelle +item.pokeb:tm138=MT Eishieb +item.pokeb:tm139=MT Schlafrede +item.pokeb:tm140=MT Einigler +item.pokeb:tm141=MT Donner Punch +item.pokeb:tm142=MT Scanner +item.pokeb:tm143=MT Stahlflügel +item.pokeb:tm144=MT Feuerschlag +item.pokeb:tm145=MT Zornklinge +item.pokeb:tm146=MT Nachtmahr +item.pokeb:tm147=MT Power-Punch +item.pokeb:tm148=MT Aquawelle +item.pokeb:tm149=MT Kugelsaat +item.pokeb:tm150=MT Schockwelle +item.pokeb:tm151=MT Geheimpower +item.pokeb:tm152=MT Fähigkeitstausch +item.pokeb:tm153=MT Übernahme +item.pokeb:tm154=MT Ruheort +item.pokeb:tm155=MT Lake +item.pokeb:tm156=MT Drachenpuls +item.pokeb:tm157=MT Ableithieb +item.pokeb:tm158=MT Silberhauch +item.pokeb:tm159=MT Aufbereitung +item.pokeb:tm160=MT Lawine +item.pokeb:tm161=MT Tarnsteine +item.pokeb:tm162=MT Liebreiz +item.pokeb:tm163=MT Finsteraura +item.pokeb:tm164=MT Beerenkräfte +item.pokeb:tm165=MT Plage +item.pokeb:tm166=MT Natur-Kraft +item.pokeb:tm167=MT Steigerungshieb +item.pokeb:tm168=MT Zauberschein +item.pokeb:tm169=MT Vertrauenssache +item.pokeb:tm170=MT Auroraschleier +item.pokeb:tm171=MT Wirbler +item.pokeb:tm172=MT Schmalhorn +item.pokeb:tm173=MT Blutsauger +item.pokeb:tm174=MT Nadelrakete +item.pokeb:tm175=MT Zauberblatt +item.pokeb:tm176=MT Solarklinge +item.pokeb:tm177=MT Feuerwirbel +item.pokeb:tm178=MT Kreideschrei +item.pokeb:tm179=MT Grimasse +item.pokeb:tm180=MT Charme +item.pokeb:tm181=MT Prügler +item.pokeb:tm182=MT Rechte Hand +item.pokeb:tm183=MT Vergeltung +item.pokeb:tm184=MT Begrenzer +item.pokeb:tm185=MT Meteorologe +item.pokeb:tm186=MT Trugträne +item.pokeb:tm187=MT Sandgrab +item.pokeb:tm188=MT Eisspeer +item.pokeb:tm189=MT Sprungfeder +item.pokeb:tm190=MT Lehmschuss +item.pokeb:tm191=MT Felswurf +item.pokeb:tm192=MT Gewissheit +item.pokeb:tm193=MT Krafttausch +item.pokeb:tm194=MT Schutztausch +item.pokeb:tm195=MT Initiativetausch +item.pokeb:tm196=MT Donner Fang +item.pokeb:tm197=MT Eiszahn +item.pokeb:tm198=MT Feuerzahn +item.pokeb:tm199=MT Psychoklinge +item.pokeb:tm200=MT Wunderraum +item.pokeb:tm201=MT Magieraum +item.pokeb:tm202=MT Giftstreich +item.pokeb:tm203=MT Bürde +item.pokeb:tm204=MT Elektronetz +item.pokeb:tm205=MT Kalkklinge +item.pokeb:tm206=MT Kehrschelle +item.pokeb:tm207=MT Phantomkraft +item.pokeb:tm208=MT Diebeskuss +item.pokeb:tm209=MT Grasfeld +item.pokeb:tm210=MT Weißnebely Terrain +item.pokeb:tm211=MT Elektrofeld +item.pokeb:tm212=MT Psychokinese Terrain +item.pokeb:tm213=MT Magieflamme +item.pokeb:tm214=MT Mystowellen +item.pokeb:tm215=MT Luftschnitt +item.pokeb:tm216=MT Stampfering Tantrum +item.pokeb:tm217=MT Breitseite +item.pokeb:tm218=MT Agilität +item.pokeb:tm219=MT Säure Spray +item.pokeb:tm220=MT Psystrahl +item.pokeb:tm221=MT Konfusstrahl +item.pokeb:tm222=MT Säuselstimme +item.pokeb:tm223=MT Wegbereiter +item.pokeb:tm224=MT Anspringen +item.pokeb:tm225=MT Kalte Dusche +item.pokeb:tm226=MT Giftschweif +item.pokeb:tm227=MT Metallklaue +item.pokeb:tm228=MT Windschnitt +item.pokeb:tm229=MT Kraftvorrat +item.pokeb:tm230=MT Nachtnebel +item.pokeb:tm231=MT Schneelandschaft +item.pokeb:tm232=MT Zen-Kopfstoß +item.pokeb:tm233=MT Schmarotzer +item.pokeb:tm234=MT Psychokinese Fangs +item.pokeb:tm235=MT Samenbomben +item.pokeb:tm236=MT Elektroball +item.pokeb:tm237=MT Body Press +item.pokeb:tm238=MT Stachler +item.pokeb:tm239=MT Toxin Stachler +item.pokeb:tm240=MT Eisenschädel +item.pokeb:tm241=MT Drachentanz +item.pokeb:tm242=MT Juwelenkraft +item.pokeb:tm243=MT Mülltreffer +item.pokeb:tm244=MT Eisenabwehr +item.pokeb:tm245=MT Schlagbohrer +item.pokeb:tm246=MT Knirscher +item.pokeb:tm247=MT Trickbetrug +item.pokeb:tm248=MT Aquadurchstoß +item.pokeb:tm249=MT Aurasphäre +item.pokeb:tm250=MT Schallwelle +item.pokeb:tm251=MT Hitzewelle +item.pokeb:tm252=MT Rammboss +item.pokeb:tm253=MT Zugabe +item.pokeb:tm254=MT Eiskreisel +item.pokeb:tm255=MT Amnesie +item.pokeb:tm256=MT Pollenknödel +item.pokeb:tm257=MT Stafette +item.pokeb:tm258=MT Erdkräfte +item.pokeb:tm259=MT Gegenschlag +item.pokeb:tm260=MT Ränkeschmied +item.pokeb:tm261=MT Hydropumpe +item.pokeb:tm262=MT Feuersäulen +item.pokeb:tm263=MT Wassersäulen +item.pokeb:tm264=MT Pflanzensäulen +item.pokeb:tm265=MT Lohekanonade +item.pokeb:tm266=MT Aquahaubitze +item.pokeb:tm267=MT Flora-Statue +item.pokeb:tm268=MT Wutanfall +item.pokeb:tm269=MT Blättersturm +item.pokeb:tm270=MT Orkan +item.pokeb:tm271=MT Käfergebrumm +item.pokeb:tm272=MT Sturzflug +item.pokeb:tm273=MT Flammenblitz +item.pokeb:tm274=MT Nahkampf +item.pokeb:tm275=MT Draco Meteor +item.pokeb:tm276=MT Stahlstrahl +item.pokeb:tm277=MT Tera-Ausbruch +item.pokeb:tm278=MT Knuddler ### Spawn Eggs NPC From 295acefbfda14e9b8485603e2a7b3e8729d4374b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 13:21:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 42/43] Spanish finished --- texts/es_ES.lang | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/texts/es_ES.lang b/texts/es_ES.lang index af9f9fe07..fda7e7613 100644 --- a/texts/es_ES.lang +++ b/texts/es_ES.lang @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@§lPokeBedrock v2.9.15 RES§lPokeBedrock v2.10.7 RES pack.description=§aUn Add-On de alto nivel para la version Bedrock de Minecraft por Smell of Curry ## Orbs From 3f19261c3be8fd16c7288d210ad5c25d653ee4ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheblueJo <> Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 16:30:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 43/43] Stat shortnames changes --- texts/de_DE.lang | 1234 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 617 insertions(+), 617 deletions(-) diff --git a/texts/de_DE.lang b/texts/de_DE.lang index 560bb8b44..0869a04f3 100644 --- a/texts/de_DE.lang +++ b/texts/de_DE.lang @@ -8825,8 +8825,8 @@ showdown.abilities.aerilate.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Norma showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.desc=Die normalen Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zu Attacken vom fliegenden Typ und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,3 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. showdown.abilities.aerilate.gen6.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zum Typ Fliegen und haben die 1,3-fache Stärke. -showdown.abilities.aftermath.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon durch eine Kontaktbewegung ausgeschaltet wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Bewegung 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. Wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Damp verfügt, wird dieser Effekt verhindert. -showdown.abilities.aftermath.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mit einer Kontaktbewegung KO geschlagen wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Bewegung 1/4 seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon durch eine Kontaktbewegung ausgeschaltet wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Bewegung 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet. Wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Damp verfügt, wird dieser Effekt verhindert. +showdown.abilities.aftermath.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mit einer Kontaktbewegung KO geschlagen wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Bewegung 1/4 seiner maximalen KP. showdown.abilities.aftermath.damage=%s war verletzt! showdown.abilities.airlock.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, sind die Auswirkungen der Wetterbedingungen deaktiviert. @@ -8841,8 +8841,8 @@ showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon oder sein Stellvert showdown.abilities.angerpoint.gen4.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon oder sein Ersatz einen kritischen Treffer erleidet, erhöht sich sein Angriff um 12 Stufen. showdown.abilities.angerpoint.boost=%s hat seinen Angriff maximiert! -showdown.abilities.angershell.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP hat und durch einen Angriff Schaden erleidet, der es auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP reduziert, werden sein Angriff, sein Spezialangriff und seine Geschwindigkeit um eine Stufe sowie seine Verteidigung und Spezialkraft erhöht Die Verteidigung wird um 1 Stufe gesenkt. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. -showdown.abilities.angershell.shortDesc=Bei 1/2 oder weniger der maximalen HP dieses Pokémon: +1 Angriff, SP. Angriff, Spe und -1 Def, Sp. Def. +showdown.abilities.angershell.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP hat und durch einen Angriff Schaden erleidet, der es auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP reduziert, werden sein Angriff, sein Spezialangriff und seine Geschwindigkeit um eine Stufe sowie seine Verteidigung und Spezialkraft erhöht Die Verteidigung wird um 1 Stufe gesenkt. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. +showdown.abilities.angershell.shortDesc=Bei 1/2 oder weniger der maximalen KP dieses Pokémon: +1 Angriff, SP. Angriff, Init und -1 Vert, Sp. Vert. showdown.abilities.anticipation.desc=Beim Einwechseln wird dieses Pokémon benachrichtigt, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon einen besonders effektiven Angriff gegen dieses Pokémon oder einen OHKO-Zug ausführt. Dieser Effekt betrachtet jede Bewegung, die direkten Schaden verursacht, als Angriffsbewegung ihres jeweiligen Typs, Kraftreserve zählt als ihr bestimmter Typ und Urteilskraft, Multi-Angriff, Beerenkräfte, Wecktanz, Techblaster und Meteorologe gelten als Attacken vom normalen Typ. showdown.abilities.anticipation.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln zittert dieses Pokémon, wenn ein Gegner eine supereffektive oder OHKO-Attacke ausführt. @@ -8877,12 +8877,12 @@ showdown.abilities.aurabreak.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, sind die E showdown.abilities.aurabreak.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, beträgt der Kraftmodifikator für Dunkle Aura und Feenaura das 0,75-fache. showdown.abilities.aurabreak.start=%s hat die Auren aller anderen Pokémon umgekehrt! -showdown.abilities.baddreams.desc=Bewirkt, dass gegnerische Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP (abgerundet) verlieren, wenn sie schlafen. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.shortDesc=Führt dazu, dass schlafende Gegner am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP verlieren. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP (abgerundet) verlieren, wenn sie schlafen. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.shortDesc=Bewirkt, dass schlafende Gegner in der Nähe am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP verlieren. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.desc=Bewirkt, dass gegnerische Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP (abgerundet) verlieren, wenn sie schlafen. -showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.shortDesc=Führt dazu, dass schlafende Gegner am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP verlieren. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.desc=Bewirkt, dass gegnerische Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP (abgerundet) verlieren, wenn sie schlafen. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.shortDesc=Führt dazu, dass schlafende Gegner am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP verlieren. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass benachbarte gegnerische Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP (abgerundet) verlieren, wenn sie schlafen. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen6.shortDesc=Bewirkt, dass schlafende Gegner in der Nähe am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP verlieren. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.desc=Bewirkt, dass gegnerische Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP (abgerundet) verlieren, wenn sie schlafen. +showdown.abilities.baddreams.gen4.shortDesc=Führt dazu, dass schlafende Gegner am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP verlieren. showdown.abilities.baddreams.damage=%s ist gequält! showdown.abilities.ballfetch.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. @@ -8899,26 +8899,26 @@ showdown.abilities.battlebond.activate=%s wurde aufgrund seiner Bindung an seine showdown.abilities.battlebond.transform=%s wurde zu Ash-Greninja! showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.shortDesc=Bei aktiven Pokémon ohne diese Fähigkeit wird die Spezialverteidigung mit 0,75 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.start=%s' Beads of Ruin haben den Sp geschwächt. Def aller umliegenden Pokémon! +showdown.abilities.beadsofruin.start=%s' Beads of Ruin haben den Sp geschwächt. Vert aller umliegenden Pokémon! showdown.abilities.beastboost.desc=Der höchste Wert dieses Pokémon erhöht sich um eine Stufe, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und niederschlägt. Änderungen der Statistikstufe werden nicht berücksichtigt. Wenn mehrere Werte gleich sind, werden Angriff, Verteidigung, Spezialangriff, Spezialverteidigung und Geschwindigkeit in dieser Reihenfolge priorisiert. showdown.abilities.beastboost.shortDesc=Der höchste Wert dieses Pokémon wird um 1 erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und KO schlägt. -showdown.abilities.berserk.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP hat und durch einen Angriff Schaden erleidet, der es auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP reduziert, wird sein Spezialangriff um 1 Stufe erhöht. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. -showdown.abilities.berserk.shortDesc=Der Sp. dieses Pokémon Der Angriff wird um 1 erhöht, wenn die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP erreicht wird. +showdown.abilities.berserk.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP hat und durch einen Angriff Schaden erleidet, der es auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP reduziert, wird sein Spezialangriff um 1 Stufe erhöht. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. +showdown.abilities.berserk.shortDesc=Der Sp. dieses Pokémon Der Angriff wird um 1 erhöht, wenn die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP erreicht wird. showdown.abilities.bigpecks.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon den Verteidigungswert dieses Pokémon senken.ßbrand -showdown.abilities.blaze.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Feuer ausführt. -showdown.abilities.blaze.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon bei Feuerangriffen das 1,5-fache. -showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Angriffe vom Typ Feuer mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP haben die Angriffe vom Typ Feuer dieses Pokémon die 1,5-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.blaze.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Feuer ausführt. +showdown.abilities.blaze.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon bei Feuerangriffen das 1,5-fache. +showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Angriffe vom Typ Feuer mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.blaze.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP haben die Angriffe vom Typ Feuer dieses Pokémon die 1,5-fache Stärke. showdown.abilities.bulletproof.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Kugelattacken. -showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine gehaltene Beere frisst, stellt es zusätzlich zum Effekt der Beere 1/3 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieser Effekt kann auch nach den Effekten von Käferbiss, Schleuder, Pflücker, Backenstopfer und Teatime aktiviert werden, wenn die gegessene Beere einen Effekt auf dieses Pokémon hatte. -showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine Beere frisst, stellt es nach dem Effekt der Beere 1/3 seiner maximalen HP wieder her. -showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.gen7.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine gehaltene Beere frisst, stellt es zusätzlich zum Effekt der Beere 1/3 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieser Effekt kann auch nach den Effekten von Käferbiss, Schleuder und Pflücker aktiviert werden, wenn die verzehrte Beere einen Effekt auf dieses Pokémon hat. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine gehaltene Beere frisst, stellt es zusätzlich zum Effekt der Beere 1/3 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieser Effekt kann auch nach den Effekten von Käferbiss, Schleuder, Pflücker, Backenstopfer und Teatime aktiviert werden, wenn die gegessene Beere einen Effekt auf dieses Pokémon hatte. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine Beere frisst, stellt es nach dem Effekt der Beere 1/3 seiner maximalen KP wieder her. +showdown.abilities.cheekpouch.gen7.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine gehaltene Beere frisst, stellt es zusätzlich zum Effekt der Beere 1/3 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieser Effekt kann auch nach den Effekten von Käferbiss, Schleuder und Pflücker aktiviert werden, wenn die verzehrte Beere einen Effekt auf dieses Pokémon hat. Wiehern showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.desc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und niederschlägt. showdown.abilities.chillingneigh.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und KO schlägt. @@ -8934,7 +8934,7 @@ showdown.abilities.cloudnine.start=Die Witterungseinflüsse verschwanden. showdown.abilities.colorchange.desc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der letzten Attacke, die es getroffen hat, es sei denn, dieser Typ ist bereits einer seiner Typen. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. showdown.abilities.colorchange.shortDesc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich in den Typ der Attacke, von der es getroffen wird, es sei denn, es hat diesen Typ. -showdown.abilities.colorchange.gen4.desc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der letzten Attacke, die es getroffen hat, es sei denn, dieser Typ ist bereits einer seiner Typen. Dieser Effekt wird nach jedem Treffer einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung angewendet. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.colorchange.gen4.desc=Der Typ dieses Pokémon ändert sich entsprechend dem Typ der letzten Attacke, die es getroffen hat, es sei denn, dieser Typ ist bereits einer seiner Typen. Dieser Effekt wird nach jedem Treffer einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung angewendet. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. showdown.abilities.comatose.desc=Dieses Pokémon gilt als schlafend und kann nicht von einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand oder Gähner betroffen werden. showdown.abilities.comatose.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht mit einem Status versehen werden und gilt als schlafend. @@ -8969,8 +8969,8 @@ showdown.abilities.cursedbody.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon von einem Angriff g showdown.abilities.cutecharm.desc=Es besteht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 30 %, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verliebt wird, wenn es vom anderen Geschlecht ist. showdown.abilities.cutecharm.shortDesc=30 % Chance, Pokémon des anderen Geschlechts zu verlieben, wenn sie Kontakt aufnehmen. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen4.desc=Es besteht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 30 %, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verliebt wird, wenn es vom anderen Geschlecht ist. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.desc=Es besteht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 1/3, dass ein Pokémon, das Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnimmt, verliebt wird, wenn es vom anderen Geschlecht ist. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen4.desc=Es besteht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 30 %, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verliebt wird, wenn es vom anderen Geschlecht ist. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.desc=Es besteht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 1/3, dass ein Pokémon, das Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnimmt, verliebt wird, wenn es vom anderen Geschlecht ist. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. showdown.abilities.cutecharm.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 Chance, Pokémon des anderen Geschlechts zu verlieben, wenn sie Kontakt aufnehmen. showdown.abilities.damp.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, werden Explosion, Knallkopf, Weißnebely Explosion, Finale und die Fähigkeit Aftermath daran gehindert, einen Effekt zu erzielen. @@ -8997,8 +8997,8 @@ showdown.abilities.dazzling.desc=Prioritätsattacken gegnerischer Pokémon, die showdown.abilities.dazzling.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten sind vor gegnerischen Prioritätsattacken geschützt. showdown.abilities.dazzling.block=%s kann %s nicht verwenden!ächling -showdown.abilities.defeatist.desc=Während dieses Pokémon die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat, werden sein Angriff und sein Spezialangriff halbiert. -showdown.abilities.defeatist.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat, sind sein Angriff und seine Sp. Der Angriff wird halbiert. +showdown.abilities.defeatist.desc=Während dieses Pokémon die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP hat, werden sein Angriff und sein Spezialangriff halbiert. +showdown.abilities.defeatist.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP hat, sind sein Angriff und seine Sp. Der Angriff wird halbiert. showdown.abilities.defiant.desc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird für jede seiner Statusstufen, die von einem gegnerischen Pokémon gesenkt werden, um 2 Stufen erhöht. showdown.abilities.defiant.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird für jeden seiner Werte, der durch einen Gegner verringert wird, um 2 erhöht. @@ -9009,8 +9009,8 @@ showdown.abilities.desolateland.desc=Beim Einschalten wird das Wetter zu Desolate Land, das alle Effekte von Sonnentag beinhaltet und die Ausführung schädlicher Wasser-Attacken verhindert. Dieses Wetter bleibt in Kraft, bis diese Fähigkeit für kein Pokémon mehr aktiv ist oder das Wetter durch die Fähigkeiten Deltastrom oder Urmeer geändert wird. showdown.abilities.desolateland.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beginnt extrem grelles Sonnenlicht, bis diese Fähigkeit im Kampf nicht mehr aktiv ist.ümspuk -showdown.abilities.disguise.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Mimikyu ist, verursacht der erste Treffer, den es im Kampf erleidet, 0 neutralen Schaden. Dann wird seine Tarnung aufgehoben, es verwandelt sich in eine kaputte Form und es verliert 1/8 seiner maximalen HP. Konfusionsschaden bricht auch die Tarnung. -showdown.abilities.disguise.shortDesc=(Nur Mimikyu) Der erste Treffer wird geblockt und erleidet stattdessen 1/8 HP-Schaden. +showdown.abilities.disguise.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Mimikyu ist, verursacht der erste Treffer, den es im Kampf erleidet, 0 neutralen Schaden. Dann wird seine Tarnung aufgehoben, es verwandelt sich in eine kaputte Form und es verliert 1/8 seiner maximalen KP. Konfusionsschaden bricht auch die Tarnung. +showdown.abilities.disguise.shortDesc=(Nur Mimikyu) Der erste Treffer wird geblockt und erleidet stattdessen 1/8 KP-Schaden. showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Mimikyu ist, verursacht der erste Treffer, den es im Kampf erleidet, 0 neutralen Schaden. Dann wird seine Tarnung aufgehoben und er verwandelt sich in eine kaputte Form. Konfusionsschaden bricht auch die Tarnung. showdown.abilities.disguise.gen7.shortDesc=(Nur Mimikyu) Der erste Treffer verursacht 0 Schaden und bricht die Tarnung. showdown.abilities.disguise.block=Seine Verkleidung diente ihm als Lockvogel! @@ -9025,20 +9025,20 @@ showdown.abilities.drizzle.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beschwört dieses Pokémonürre showdown.abilities.drought.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten ruft dieses Pokémon Sonnentag herbei. -showdown.abilities.dryskin.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Wasser und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. Die Kraft von Attacken vom Typ Feuer wird mit 1,25 multipliziert, wenn sie bei diesem Pokémon eingesetzt werden. Am Ende jeder Runde stellt dieses Pokémon 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn das Wetter Regentanz ist, und verliert 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet), wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist. Die Wettereffekte werden verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm hält. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Wasser und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. Die Kraft von Attacken vom Typ Feuer wird mit 1,25 multipliziert, wenn sie bei diesem Pokémon eingesetzt werden. Am Ende jeder Runde stellt dieses Pokémon 1/8 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn das Wetter Regentanz ist, und verliert 1/8 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet), wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist. Die Wettereffekte werden verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm hält. showdown.abilities.dryskin.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon wird zu 1/4 durch Wasser und zu 1/8 durch Regen geheilt; wird 1,25x durch Feuer und 1/8 durch Sonne verletzt. -showdown.abilities.dryskin.gen7.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Wasser und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. Die Kraft von Attacken vom Typ Feuer wird mit 1,25 multipliziert, wenn sie bei diesem Pokémon eingesetzt werden. Am Ende jeder Runde stellt dieses Pokémon 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn das Wetter Regentanz ist, und verliert 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet), wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist. +showdown.abilities.dryskin.gen7.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Wasser und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. Die Kraft von Attacken vom Typ Feuer wird mit 1,25 multipliziert, wenn sie bei diesem Pokémon eingesetzt werden. Am Ende jeder Runde stellt dieses Pokémon 1/8 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn das Wetter Regentanz ist, und verliert 1/8 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet), wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist. showdown.abilities.dryskin.damage=(%s wurde durch seine trockene Haut verletzt.)ühwecker showdown.abilities.earlybird.shortDesc=Der Schlafzähler dieses Pokémon sinkt um 2 statt um 1. -showdown.abilities.eartheater.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Bodentyp und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Bodentyp getroffen wird. -showdown.abilities.eartheater.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es von Bodenattacken getroffen wird; Bodenimmunität. +showdown.abilities.eartheater.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Bodentyp und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Bodentyp getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.eartheater.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn es von Bodenattacken getroffen wird; Bodenimmunität. showdown.abilities.effectspore.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet, gelähmt wird oder einschläft. showdown.abilities.effectspore.shortDesc=30 % Chance auf Vergiftung/Lähmung/Schlaf bei anderen, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon haben. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet, gelähmt wird oder einschläft. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.desc=10 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet, gelähmt wird oder einschläft. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet, gelähmt wird oder einschläft. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.desc=10 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet, gelähmt wird oder einschläft. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. showdown.abilities.effectspore.gen3.shortDesc=10 % Chance auf Gift/Lähmung/Schlaf bei anderen, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon haben. showdown.abilities.electricsurge.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beschwört dieses Pokémon Elektrofeld. @@ -9046,8 +9046,8 @@ showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erhält den Ladevorgang-Effekt, wenn es einen Treffer durch einen Angriff einsteckt. showdown.abilities.electromorphosis.start=Von %s getroffen zu werden, lädt %s mit Energie auf!ückzug -showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP hat und Schaden erleidet, der auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP sinkt, wechselt es sofort zu einem ausgewählten Verbündeten. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. Dieser Effekt gilt sowohl für direkten als auch für indirekten Schaden, mit Ausnahme von Fluch- und Delegator-Schaden bei Verwendung, Bauchtrommel, Leidteiler und Verwirrungsschaden. -showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon schaltet aus, wenn es die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP erreicht. +showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP hat und Schaden erleidet, der auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP sinkt, wechselt es sofort zu einem ausgewählten Verbündeten. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. Dieser Effekt gilt sowohl für direkten als auch für indirekten Schaden, mit Ausnahme von Fluch- und Delegator-Schaden bei Verwendung, Bauchtrommel, Leidteiler und Verwirrungsschaden. +showdown.abilities.emergencyexit.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon schaltet aus, wenn es die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP erreicht. showdown.abilities.fairyaura.desc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, wird die Kraft der vom aktiven Pokémon verwendeten Feen-Attacken mit 1,33 multipliziert. showdown.abilities.fairyaura.shortDesc=Während dieses Pokémon aktiv ist, hat eine Feenbewegung, die von einem beliebigen Pokémon ausgeführt wird, die 1,33-fache Stärke. @@ -9056,8 +9056,8 @@ showdown.abilities.filter.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet 3/4 Schaden durch supereffektive Angriffe.örper showdown.abilities.flamebody.shortDesc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verbrannt wird. -showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verbrannt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.desc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verbrannt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verbrannt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.desc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verbrannt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. showdown.abilities.flamebody.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, verbrannt wird. showdown.abilities.flareboost.desc=Während dieses Pokémon verbrannt ist, wird die Kraft seiner Spezialangriffe mit 1,5 multipliziert. @@ -9070,7 +9070,7 @@ showdown.abilities.flashfire.gen3.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken showdown.abilities.flashfire.start=Die Kraft der Feuer-Attacken von %s ist gestiegen! showdown.abilities.flowergift.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Cherrim ist und Sonnentag aktiv ist, wechselt es in die Sonnenscheinform und der Angriff und die Spezialverteidigung von ihm und seinen Verbündeten werden mit 1,5 multipliziert. Diese Effekte werden verhindert, wenn das Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm hält. -showdown.abilities.flowergift.shortDesc=Wenn der Benutzer Cherrim ist und Sonnentag aktiv ist, werden der Angriff und die Sp. seiner Verbündeten aktiviert. Def sind 1,5x. +showdown.abilities.flowergift.shortDesc=Wenn der Benutzer Cherrim ist und Sonnentag aktiv ist, werden der Angriff und die Sp. seiner Verbündeten aktiviert. Vert sind 1,5x. showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen7.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Cherrim ist und Sonnentag aktiv ist, wechselt es in die Sonnenscheinform und der Angriff und die Spezialverteidigung von ihm und seinen Verbündeten werden mit 1,5 multipliziert. showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, werden der Angriff und die Spezialverteidigung dieses Pokémon und seiner Verbündeten mit 1,5 multipliziert. showdown.abilities.flowergift.gen4.shortDesc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, werden Angriff und Sp. aktiviert. Die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon und seiner Verbündeten beträgt 1,5x. @@ -9103,14 +9103,14 @@ showdown.abilities.fullmetalbody.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die showdown.abilities.furcoat.shortDesc=Die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt. -showdown.abilities.galewings.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle HP hat, wird die Priorität seiner fliegenden Attacken um 1 erhöht. +showdown.abilities.galewings.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle KP hat, wird die Priorität seiner fliegenden Attacken um 1 erhöht. showdown.abilities.galewings.gen6.shortDesc=Die Priorität der Fliegen-Attacken dieses Pokémon wird um 1 erhöht. showdown.abilities.galvanize.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zu Attacken vom Typ Elektro und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,2 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. showdown.abilities.galvanize.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zum Typ Elektro und haben die 1,2-fache Stärke.öllerei -showdown.abilities.gluttony.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine Beere trägt, die normalerweise mit 1/4 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP aktiviert wird, wird es stattdessen mit 1/2 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP gefressen. -showdown.abilities.gluttony.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon frisst Beeren mit 1/2 max. HP oder weniger statt der üblichen 1/4 max. HP. +showdown.abilities.gluttony.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon eine Beere trägt, die normalerweise mit 1/4 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP aktiviert wird, wird es stattdessen mit 1/2 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP gefressen. +showdown.abilities.gluttony.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon frisst Beeren mit 1/2 max. KP oder weniger statt der üblichen 1/4 max. KP.örper showdown.abilities.goodasgold.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Statusattacken.ät @@ -9129,13 +9129,13 @@ showdown.abilities.guarddog.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen die Wirkung der Einschüchtern-Fähigkeit und erhöht stattdessen seinen Angriff um 1 Stufe. Dieses Pokémon kann nicht durch den Angriff oder Gegenstand eines anderen Pokémon zum Auswechseln gezwungen werden. showdown.abilities.guarddog.shortDesc=Immun gegen Einschüchtern. Eingeschüchtert: +1 Angriff. Ein Auswechseln kann nicht erzwungen werden.ürggeschoss -showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Cramorant ist, ändert es seine Form, wenn es ein Ziel mit Surfer trifft oder die erste Runde von Taucher erfolgreich nutzt. Es nimmt die Schluckgestalt mit einem Arrokuda im Mund an, wenn es noch mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP übrig hat, oder die Schluckgestalt mit einem Pikachu im Maul, wenn die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP übrig ist. Wenn Cramorant in Schluck- oder Fressform getroffen wird, spuckt es den Arrokuda oder Pikachu auf seinen Angreifer, auch wenn es keine HP mehr übrig hat. Das Projektil verursacht Schaden in Höhe von 1/4 der maximalen HP des Ziels, abgerundet; Dieser Schaden wird durch die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz geblockt, jedoch nicht durch einen Ersatz. Ein Arrokuda senkt außerdem die Verteidigung des Ziels um eine Stufe und ein Pikachu lähmt das Ziel. Cramorant kehrt zum Normalzustand zurück, wenn es ein Projektil ausspuckt, ausschaltet oder Dynamaxe auslöst. -showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.shortDesc=Bei einem Treffer nach Surfer/Taucher erleidet der Angreifer 1/4 max. HP und -1 Verteidigung oder Lähmung. +showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Cramorant ist, ändert es seine Form, wenn es ein Ziel mit Surfer trifft oder die erste Runde von Taucher erfolgreich nutzt. Es nimmt die Schluckgestalt mit einem Arrokuda im Mund an, wenn es noch mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP übrig hat, oder die Schluckgestalt mit einem Pikachu im Maul, wenn die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP übrig ist. Wenn Cramorant in Schluck- oder Fressform getroffen wird, spuckt es den Arrokuda oder Pikachu auf seinen Angreifer, auch wenn es keine KP mehr übrig hat. Das Projektil verursacht Schaden in Höhe von 1/4 der maximalen KP des Ziels, abgerundet; Dieser Schaden wird durch die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz geblockt, jedoch nicht durch einen Ersatz. Ein Arrokuda senkt außerdem die Verteidigung des Ziels um eine Stufe und ein Pikachu lähmt das Ziel. Cramorant kehrt zum Normalzustand zurück, wenn es ein Projektil ausspuckt, ausschaltet oder Dynamaxe auslöst. +showdown.abilities.gulpmissile.shortDesc=Bei einem Treffer nach Surfer/Taucher erleidet der Angreifer 1/4 max. KP und -1 Verteidigung oder Lähmung. showdown.abilities.guts.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat, wird sein Angriff mit 1,5 multipliziert. Die physischen Angriffe dieses Pokémon ignorieren den Verbrennungseffekt der Schadenshalbierung. showdown.abilities.guts.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon den Status hat, beträgt sein Angriff das 1,5-fache; ignoriert den physischen Schaden, der Verbrennungen halbiert. -showdown.abilities.hadronengine.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten ruft Elektrofeld herbei. Während Elektrofeld, Sp. z o.o. Die Atk beträgt 1,3333x. +showdown.abilities.hadronengine.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten ruft Elektrofeld herbei. Während Elektrofeld, Sp. z o.o. Die Angr beträgt 1,3333x. showdown.abilities.hadronengine.start=%s verwandelte den Boden in Elektrofeld und aktivierte seinen futuristischen Motor! showdown.abilities.hadronengine.activate=%s nutzte das Elektrofeld, um seinen futuristischen Motor anzutreiben! Ernte @@ -9170,10 +9170,10 @@ showdown.abilities.hydration.gen7.desc=Der nichtflüchtige Statuszustand dieses showdown.abilities.hypercutter.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die Angriffsstatistikstufe dieses Pokémon senken. -showdown.abilities.icebody.desc=Wenn Snow aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. -showdown.abilities.icebody.shortDesc=Wenn Snow aktiv ist, heilt dieses Pokémon in jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.desc=Wenn Hagelsturm aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieses Pokémon erleidet keinen Schaden durch Hagelsturm. -showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.shortDesc=Wenn Hagelsturm aktiv ist, heilt dieses Pokémon in jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP; Immunität gegen Hagelsturm. +showdown.abilities.icebody.desc=Wenn Snow aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, wieder her. +showdown.abilities.icebody.shortDesc=Wenn Snow aktiv ist, heilt dieses Pokémon in jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.desc=Wenn Hagelsturm aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieses Pokémon erleidet keinen Schaden durch Hagelsturm. +showdown.abilities.icebody.gen8.shortDesc=Wenn Hagelsturm aktiv ist, heilt dieses Pokémon in jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP; Immunität gegen Hagelsturm.ühlkopf showdown.abilities.iceface.desc=Wenn es sich bei diesem Pokémon um ein Eiscue handelt, verursacht der erste physische Treffer, den es im Kampf erleidet, 0 neutralen Schaden. Seine Eisfläche wird dann gebrochen und es ändert seine Form in Noice Face. Eiscue erhält seine Eisgesichtsform zurück, wenn Schnee beginnt oder wenn Eiscue einschaltet, während Schnee aktiv ist. Konfusionsschaden durchbricht auch die Eisfläche. showdown.abilities.iceface.shortDesc=Bei Eiscue verursacht der erste physische Treffer, den es erleidet, 0 Schaden. Der Effekt wird im Schnee wiederhergestellt. @@ -9184,7 +9184,7 @@ showdown.abilities.icescales.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet durch Spezialang showdown.abilities.illuminate.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. -showdown.abilities.illusion.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einwechselt, erscheint es als letztes nicht ohnmächtiges Pokémon in seiner Gruppe, bis es durch den Angriff eines anderen Pokémon direkten Schaden erleidet. Das tatsächliche Level und die HP dieses Pokémon werden anstelle der des nachgeahmten Pokémon angezeigt. +showdown.abilities.illusion.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einwechselt, erscheint es als letztes nicht ohnmächtiges Pokémon in seiner Gruppe, bis es durch den Angriff eines anderen Pokémon direkten Schaden erleidet. Das tatsächliche Level und die KP dieses Pokémon werden anstelle der des nachgeahmten Pokémon angezeigt. showdown.abilities.illusion.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erscheint als letztes Pokémon in der Gruppe, bis es direkten Schaden erleidet. showdown.abilities.illusion.end=Die Illusion von %s hat nachgelassen!ät @@ -9200,8 +9200,8 @@ showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen6.shortDesc=Attacken ignorieren Ersatzspieler showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon ignorieren Reflektor, Lichtschild, Leibwächter und Weißnebel der gegnerischen Seite. showdown.abilities.infiltrator.gen5.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon ignorieren Reflektor, Lichtschild, Leibwächter und Weißnebel des Gegners. -showdown.abilities.innardsout.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon durch eine Attacke ausgeschaltet wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Attacke HP in Höhe des Schadens, der diesem Pokémon zugefügt wurde. -showdown.abilities.innardsout.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mit einer Attacke KO besiegt wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Attacke die gleiche Menge an HP. +showdown.abilities.innardsout.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon durch eine Attacke ausgeschaltet wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Attacke KP in Höhe des Schadens, der diesem Pokémon zugefügt wurde. +showdown.abilities.innardsout.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mit einer Attacke KO besiegt wird, verliert der Benutzer dieser Attacke die gleiche Menge an KP. showdown.abilities.innardsout.damage=%s war verletzt! showdown.abilities.innerfocus.desc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht zum Zucken gebracht werden. Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen die Wirkung der Einschüchtern-Fähigkeit. @@ -9223,8 +9223,8 @@ühnes Schwert showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln wird der Angriff dieses Pokémon um eine Stufe erhöht. Einmal pro Kampf. showdown.abilities.intrepidsword.gen8.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln wird der Angriff dieses Pokémon um eine Stufe erhöht. -showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. -showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.shortDesc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP. +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet. +showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.shortDesc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP. showdown.abilities.ironbarbs.damage=%s war verletzt! showdown.abilities.ironfist.desc=Die Stärke der schlagbasierten Angriffe dieses Pokémon wird mit dem Faktor 1,2 multipliziert. @@ -9276,8 +9276,8 @@ showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pok showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.shortDesc=Durch den Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon wird die Fähigkeit des Angreifers zu Lingering Aroma. showdown.abilities.lingeringaroma.changeAbility=Ein anhaltender Duft haftet %s an!ße -showdown.abilities.liquidooze.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon fügt denjenigen, die ihm HP entziehen, so viel Schaden zu, wie sie heilen würden. -showdown.abilities.liquidooze.gen4.desc=Dieses Pokémon fügt denjenigen, die ihm HP entziehen, so viel Schaden zu, wie sie heilen würden. Dieser Effekt berücksichtigt keinen Traumfresser. +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon fügt denjenigen, die ihm KP entziehen, so viel Schaden zu, wie sie heilen würden. +showdown.abilities.liquidooze.gen4.desc=Dieses Pokémon fügt denjenigen, die ihm KP entziehen, so viel Schaden zu, wie sie heilen würden. Dieser Effekt berücksichtigt keinen Traumfresser. showdown.abilities.liquidooze.damage=%s hat den Flüssigkeitsschlamm aufgesaugt!ätscherstimme showdown.abilities.liquidvoice.desc=Die geräuschbasierten Attacken dieses Pokémon werden zu Attacken vom Typ Wasser. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. @@ -9313,8 +9313,8 @@ showdown.abilities.magnetpull.gen3.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass Pokémon vom Typ S showdown.abilities.marvelscale.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat, wird seine Verteidigung mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.megalauncher.desc=Die Kraft der Impulsattacken dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert. Heilwoge stellt 3/4 der maximalen HP eines Ziels wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. -showdown.abilities.megalauncher.shortDesc=Die Impulsattacken dieses Pokémon haben die 1,5-fache Kraft. Heilwoge heilt 3/4 der maximalen HP des Ziels. +showdown.abilities.megalauncher.desc=Die Kraft der Impulsattacken dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert. Heilwoge stellt 3/4 der maximalen KP eines Ziels wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.abilities.megalauncher.shortDesc=Die Impulsattacken dieses Pokémon haben die 1,5-fache Kraft. Heilwoge heilt 3/4 der maximalen KP des Ziels.älerei showdown.abilities.merciless.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon sind kritische Treffer, wenn das Ziel vergiftet ist. @@ -9353,7 +9353,7 @@ showdown.abilities.moxie.desc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und niederschlägt. showdown.abilities.moxie.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es ein anderes Pokémon angreift und KO schlägt. -showdown.abilities.multiscale.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle HP hat, wird der durch Angriffe erlittene Schaden halbiert. +showdown.abilities.multiscale.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle KP hat, wird der durch Angriffe erlittene Schaden halbiert.ät showdown.abilities.multitype.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Arceus ist, ändert sich sein Typ entsprechend der gehaltenen Platte. showdown.abilities.multitype.gen7.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Arceus ist, ändert sich sein Typ entsprechend der gehaltenen Platte oder des Z-Kristalls. @@ -9410,10 +9410,10 @@ showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen8.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Pulve showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Schaden durch Sandsturm oder Hagelsturm. showdown.abilities.overcoat.gen5.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Schaden durch Sandsturm oder Hagelsturm.ünger -showdown.abilities.overgrow.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Gras ausführt. -showdown.abilities.overgrow.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon bei Grasangriffen das 1,5-fache. -showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Gras-Attacken mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP haben die Gras-Attacken dieses Pokémon das 1,5-fache der Stärke. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Gras ausführt. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon bei Grasangriffen das 1,5-fache. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Gras-Attacken mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.overgrow.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP haben die Gras-Attacken dieses Pokémon das 1,5-fache der Stärke. showdown.abilities.owntempo.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist nicht zu verwechseln. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verwirrt ist, wird sie geheilt. Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen die Wirkung der Einschüchtern-Fähigkeit. showdown.abilities.owntempo.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist nicht zu verwechseln. Immun gegen Einschüchtern. @@ -9454,19 +9454,19 @@ ein aktiver Verbündeter über die M ein aktives Pokémon über die Minus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert. ein aktives Pokémon über die Minus-Fähigkeit verfügt, wird die SP dieses Pokémon erhöht. Der Angriff beträgt 1,5x. -showdown.abilities.poisonheal.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon vergiftet ist, stellt es am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, anstatt HP zu verlieren. -showdown.abilities.poisonheal.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon wird bei Vergiftung in jeder Runde um 1/8 seiner maximalen HP geheilt; kein HP-Verlust. +showdown.abilities.poisonheal.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon vergiftet ist, stellt es am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, anstatt KP zu verlieren. +showdown.abilities.poisonheal.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon wird bei Vergiftung in jeder Runde um 1/8 seiner maximalen KP geheilt; kein KP-Verlust. showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.shortDesc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet wird. -showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.desc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.desc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. showdown.abilities.poisonpoint.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, vergiftet wird. showdown.abilities.poisontouch.desc=Die Kontaktattacken dieses Pokémon haben eine Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit von 30 %. Dieser Effekt tritt nach der inhärenten Sekundäreffektchance einer Bewegung ein. showdown.abilities.poisontouch.shortDesc=Die Kontaktattacken dieses Pokémon haben eine Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit von 30 %. -showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon in seiner 10 %- oder 50 %-Form ein Zygarde ist, wechselt es in die vollständige Form, wenn es am Ende der Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat. -showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.shortDesc=Wenn Zygarde 10 %/50 % beträgt, ändert sich die Fähigkeit zu Abgeschlossen, wenn am Ende der Runde die Hälfte der maximalen HP oder weniger erreicht ist. +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon in seiner 10 %- oder 50 %-Form ein Zygarde ist, wechselt es in die vollständige Form, wenn es am Ende der Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP hat. +showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.shortDesc=Wenn Zygarde 10 %/50 % beträgt, ändert sich die Fähigkeit zu Abgeschlossen, wenn am Ende der Runde die Hälfte der maximalen KP oder weniger erreicht ist. showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.activate=Sie spüren die Anwesenheit vieler! showdown.abilities.powerconstruct.transform=%s hat sich in seine vollständige Form verwandelt! @@ -9539,9 +9539,9 @@ showdown.abilities.quickfeet.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einen nichtflüchtigen St showdown.abilities.quickfeet.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon den Status hat, beträgt seine Geschwindigkeit das 1,5-fache; ignoriert den Geschwindigkeitsabfall durch Lähmung. showdown.abilities.quickfeet.gen6.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand hat, wird seine Geschwindigkeit mit 1,5 multipliziert. Dieses Pokémon ignoriert den Lähmungseffekt der Viertelgeschwindigkeit. -showdown.abilities.raindish.desc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm trägt. -showdown.abilities.raindish.shortDesc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, heilt dieses Pokémon in jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.abilities.raindish.gen7.desc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wieder her. +showdown.abilities.raindish.desc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, wieder her. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn dieses Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm trägt. +showdown.abilities.raindish.shortDesc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, heilt dieses Pokémon in jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.abilities.raindish.gen7.desc=Wenn Regentanz aktiv ist, stellt dieses Pokémon am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, wieder her.ß showdown.abilities.rattled.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon wird um 1 Stufe erhöht, wenn es von einem Angriff vom Typ Käfer, Dunkel oder Geist getroffen wird oder wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon dieses Pokémon mit der Einschüchtern-Fähigkeit beeinflusst. showdown.abilities.rattled.shortDesc=Die Geschwindigkeit wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn sie von einem Angriff vom Typ Käfer, Dunkel, Geist oder Eingeschüchtert getroffen wird. @@ -9562,9 +9562,9 @@ showdown.abilities.refrigerate.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ No showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.desc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zu Attacken vom Typ Eis und ihre Stärke wird mit 1,3 multipliziert. Dieser Effekt kommt nach anderen Effekten, die den Typ einer Bewegung ändern, aber vor den Effekten von Plasmaschauer und Elektrifizierung. showdown.abilities.refrigerate.gen6.shortDesc=Die Attacken dieses Pokémon vom Typ Normal werden zum Typ Eis und haben die 1,3-fache Stärke. -showdown.abilities.regenerator.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon stellt 1/3 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es auswechselt. +showdown.abilities.regenerator.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon stellt 1/3 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es auswechselt. -showdown.abilities.ripen.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon bestimmte Beeren frisst, werden die Effekte verdoppelt. Bei Beeren, die HP oder PP wiederherstellen, wird die Menge verdoppelt, bei Beeren, die Statusstufen erhöhen, wird die Menge verdoppelt, bei Beeren, die den erlittenen Schaden halbieren, wird die Menge verdoppelt, und bei einer Jaboca-Beere oder Rowap-Beere verliert der Angreifer gerundet 1/4 seiner maximalen HP runter. +showdown.abilities.ripen.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon bestimmte Beeren frisst, werden die Effekte verdoppelt. Bei Beeren, die KP oder PP wiederherstellen, wird die Menge verdoppelt, bei Beeren, die Statusstufen erhöhen, wird die Menge verdoppelt, bei Beeren, die den erlittenen Schaden halbieren, wird die Menge verdoppelt, und bei einer Jaboca-Beere oder Rowap-Beere verliert der Angreifer gerundet 1/4 seiner maximalen KP runter. showdown.abilities.ripen.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon bestimmte Beeren frisst, werden die Effekte verdoppelt.ät showdown.abilities.rivalry.desc=Die Stärke der Angriffe dieses Pokémon wird gegen Ziele desselben Geschlechts mit 1,25 multipliziert und gegen Ziele des anderen Geschlechts mit 0,75 multipliziert. Es gibt keinen Modifikator, wenn entweder dieses Pokémon oder das Ziel kein Geschlecht hat. @@ -9579,11 +9579,11 @@ showdown.abilities.rockhead.gen3.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet außer Verzwäger showdown.abilities.rockypayload.shortDesc=Der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn es einen Angriff vom Typ Stein ausführt. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.shortDesc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen4.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.shortDesc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.shortDesc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen4.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.desc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/16 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.roughskin.gen3.shortDesc=Pokémon, die mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/16 ihrer maximalen KP. showdown.abilities.roughskin.damage=%s war verletzt! showdown.abilities.runaway.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. @@ -9605,8 +9605,8 @@ showdown.abilities.sapsipper.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Gras und erhöht seinen Angriff um eine Stufe, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Gras getroffen wird. showdown.abilities.sapsipper.shortDesc=Der Angriff dieses Pokémon wird um eine Stufe erhöht, wenn es von einer Grasbewegung getroffen wird. Grasimmunität. -showdown.abilities.schooling.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon beim Einwechseln ein Wunschtraumiwashi mit Level 20 oder höher ist und mehr als 1/4 seiner maximalen HP übrig hat, wechselt es in die Schulform. Wenn es sich in der Schulform befindet und seine HP auf 1/4 seiner maximalen HP oder weniger sinken, wechselt es am Ende der Runde in die Soloform. Wenn es sich in der Solo-Form befindet und seine HP am Ende der Runde mehr als 1/4 seiner maximalen HP beträgt, wechselt es in die Schulform. -showdown.abilities.schooling.shortDesc=Wenn der Benutzer Wunschtraumiwashi ist, wechselt er zur Schulform, wenn er mehr als 1/4 max. HP hat, andernfalls zur Soloform. +showdown.abilities.schooling.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon beim Einwechseln ein Wunschtraumiwashi mit Level 20 oder höher ist und mehr als 1/4 seiner maximalen KP übrig hat, wechselt es in die Schulform. Wenn es sich in der Schulform befindet und seine KP auf 1/4 seiner maximalen KP oder weniger sinken, wechselt es am Ende der Runde in die Soloform. Wenn es sich in der Solo-Form befindet und seine KP am Ende der Runde mehr als 1/4 seiner maximalen KP beträgt, wechselt es in die Schulform. +showdown.abilities.schooling.shortDesc=Wenn der Benutzer Wunschtraumiwashi ist, wechselt er zur Schulform, wenn er mehr als 1/4 max. KP hat, andernfalls zur Soloform. showdown.abilities.schooling.transform=%s hat eine Schule gegründet! showdown.abilities.schooling.transformEnd=%s hat mit der Schule aufgehört! @@ -9623,7 +9623,7 @@ showdown.abilities.serenegrace.desc=Die Sekundäreffektchance der Attacken diese showdown.abilities.serenegrace.shortDesc=Die Sekundäreffektchance der Attacken dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt. showdown.abilities.serenegrace.gen4.desc=Die Sekundäreffektchance der Attacken dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt. -showdown.abilities.shadowshield.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle HP hat, wird der durch Angriffe erlittene Schaden halbiert. +showdown.abilities.shadowshield.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle KP hat, wird der durch Angriffe erlittene Schaden halbiert. showdown.abilities.shadowtag.desc=Verhindert, dass sich gegnerische Pokémon für einen Wechsel entscheiden, es sei denn, sie tragen eine Shed-Muschel, sind vom Typ Geist oder verfügen ebenfalls über diese Fähigkeit. showdown.abilities.shadowtag.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass Feinde wechseln, es sei denn, sie verfügen ebenfalls über diese Fähigkeit. @@ -9650,8 +9650,8 @@ showdown.abilities.shellarmor.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht von einem kri showdown.abilities.shielddust.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon ist nicht vom sekundären Effekt des Angriffs eines anderen Pokémon betroffen. -showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Minior ist, wechselt es in seine Kernform, wenn es die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat, und in die Meteorform, wenn es mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP hat. Diese Prüfung erfolgt beim Einschalten und am Ende jeder Runde. Während es sich in seiner Meteorform befindet, kann es nicht von einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand oder Gähner beeinflusst werden. -showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.shortDesc=Wenn Minior, wechselt es beim Einwechseln/Ende der Runde zu Core mit 1/2 max. HP oder weniger, andernfalls zu Meteor. +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Minior ist, wechselt es in seine Kernform, wenn es die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP hat, und in die Meteorform, wenn es mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP hat. Diese Prüfung erfolgt beim Einschalten und am Ende jeder Runde. Während es sich in seiner Meteorform befindet, kann es nicht von einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand oder Gähner beeinflusst werden. +showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.shortDesc=Wenn Minior, wechselt es beim Einwechseln/Ende der Runde zu Core mit 1/2 max. KP oder weniger, andernfalls zu Meteor. showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transform=Schilde unten deaktiviert! showdown.abilities.shieldsdown.transformEnd=Schilde runter aktiviert! @@ -9685,9 +9685,9 @@ showdown.abilities.snowwarning.shortDesc=Beim Einschalten beschwört dieses Pokémon Schnee. showdown.abilities.snowwarning.gen8.shortDesc=Beim Einwechseln beschwört dieses Pokémon Hagelsturm. -showdown.abilities.solarpower.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert und es verliert am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. Diese Effekte werden verhindert, wenn das Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm hält. -showdown.abilities.solarpower.shortDesc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, ist die Sp. dieses Pokémon aktiv. Der Angriff beträgt 1,5x; verliert 1/8 maximale HP pro Runde. -showdown.abilities.solarpower.gen7.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert und es verliert am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert und es verliert am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet. Diese Effekte werden verhindert, wenn das Pokémon einen Utility-Regenschirm hält. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.shortDesc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, ist die Sp. dieses Pokémon aktiv. Der Angriff beträgt 1,5x; verliert 1/8 maximale KP pro Runde. +showdown.abilities.solarpower.gen7.desc=Wenn Sonnentag aktiv ist, wird der Spezialangriff dieses Pokémon mit 1,5 multipliziert und es verliert am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet. showdown.abilities.solidrock.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erleidet 3/4 Schaden durch supereffektive Angriffe. @@ -9716,8 +9716,8 @@ showdown.abilities.stancechange.transform=In Klingenform geändert! showdown.abilities.stancechange.transformEnd=In Schildform geändert! showdown.abilities.static.shortDesc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, gelähmt wird. -showdown.abilities.static.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, gelähmt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.abilities.static.gen3.desc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, gelähmt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.static.gen4.desc=30 % Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, gelähmt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.abilities.static.gen3.desc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, gelähmt wird. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn dieses Pokémon durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. showdown.abilities.static.gen3.shortDesc=1/3 Chance, dass ein Pokémon, das mit diesem Pokémon in Kontakt kommt, gelähmt wird. showdown.abilities.steadfast.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon zuckt, wird seine Geschwindigkeit um 1 Stufe erhöht. @@ -9749,8 +9749,8 @@ showdown.abilities.strongjaw.desc=Die Kraft der bissbasierten Angriffe dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,5 multipliziert. showdown.abilities.strongjaw.shortDesc=Die bissbasierten Angriffe dieses Pokémon haben die 1,5-fache Stärke. Käferbiss ist nicht geboostet. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle HP hat, überlebt es einen Treffer mit mindestens 1 HP. OHKO-Moves schlagen fehl, wenn sie gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzt werden. -showdown.abilities.sturdy.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle HP hat, überlebt es einen Treffer mit mindestens 1 HP. Immun gegen OHKO. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle KP hat, überlebt es einen Treffer mit mindestens 1 KP. OHKO-Moves schlagen fehl, wenn sie gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzt werden. +showdown.abilities.sturdy.shortDesc=Wenn dieses Pokémon volle KP hat, überlebt es einen Treffer mit mindestens 1 KP. Immun gegen OHKO. showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.desc=OHKO-Moves schlagen fehl, wenn sie gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzt werden. showdown.abilities.sturdy.gen4.shortDesc=OHKO-Moves schlagen fehl, wenn sie gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzt werden. showdown.abilities.sturdy.activate=%s hat den Schlag überstanden! @@ -9766,10 +9766,10 @@ showdown.abilities.supremeoverlord.activate=%s hat durch die Gefallenen an Stär showdown.abilities.surgesurfer.shortDesc=Wenn Elektrofeld aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit dieses Pokémon verdoppelt. -showdown.abilities.swarm.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Käfer ausführt. -showdown.abilities.swarm.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon das 1,5-fache bei Käferangriffen. -showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Angriffe vom Typ Käfer mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP haben die Angriffe vom Typ Käfer dieses Pokémon 1,5-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.swarm.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Käfer ausführt. +showdown.abilities.swarm.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon das 1,5-fache bei Käferangriffen. +showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Angriffe vom Typ Käfer mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.swarm.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP haben die Angriffe vom Typ Käfer dieses Pokémon 1,5-fache Stärke.ülle showdown.abilities.sweetveil.desc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten können nicht einschlafen, aber diejenigen, die bereits schlafen, wachen nicht sofort auf. Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten können Erholung nicht erfolgreich nutzen oder von Gähner betroffen werden, und die zuvor Betroffenen werden nicht einschlafen. showdown.abilities.sweetveil.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon und seine Verbündeten können nicht einschlafen; wer bereits schläft, wacht nicht auf. @@ -9826,10 +9826,10 @@ showdown.abilities.thickfat.gen3.shortDesc=Attacken vom Typ Feuer/Eis gegen dies showdown.abilities.tintedlens.shortDesc=Die Angriffe dieses Pokémon, die auf ein Ziel nicht sehr effektiv sind, verursachen doppelten Schaden. -showdown.abilities.torrent.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Wasser ausführt. -showdown.abilities.torrent.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon bei Wasserangriffen das 1,5-fache. -showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Angriffe vom Typ Wasser mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen HP haben die Angriffe vom Typ Wasser dieses Pokémon die 1,5-fache Stärke. +showdown.abilities.torrent.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) hat, wird sein Offensivwert mit 1,5 multipliziert, während es einen Angriff vom Typ Wasser ausführt. +showdown.abilities.torrent.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP beträgt der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon bei Wasserangriffen das 1,5-fache. +showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) hat, wird die Stärke seiner Angriffe vom Typ Wasser mit 1,5 multipliziert. +showdown.abilities.torrent.gen4.shortDesc=Bei 1/3 oder weniger seiner maximalen KP haben die Angriffe vom Typ Wasser dieses Pokémon die 1,5-fache Stärke. showdown.abilities.toughclaws.shortDesc=Die Stärke der Kontaktattacken dieses Pokémon wird mit 1,3 multipliziert. @@ -9882,18 +9882,18 @@ showdown.abilities.victorystar.shortDesc=Die Genauigkeit der Attacken dieses Pok showdown.abilities.vitalspirit.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon kann nicht einschlafen. Das Erlangen dieser Fähigkeit im Schlaf heilt sie. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Elektro-Attacken und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Elektro-Attacke getroffen wird. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es von elektrischen Attacken getroffen wird; Elektrische Immunität. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen schädliche elektrische Attacken und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einem getroffen wird. -showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es von einer schädlichen elektrischen Attacke getroffen wird; Immunität. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Elektro-Attacken und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Elektro-Attacke getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn es von elektrischen Attacken getroffen wird; Elektrische Immunität. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen schädliche elektrische Attacken und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einem getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.voltabsorb.gen3.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn es von einer schädlichen elektrischen Attacke getroffen wird; Immunität. Seele showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit mit diesem getauscht. Betrifft nicht Pokémon mit As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Commander, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hadron Engine, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Orichalcum Pulse, Power Construct, Protosynthese, Quark Drive und RKS System , Schulung, Schilde gesenkt, Haltungswechsel, Wunderwache, Zen-Modus oder Null-zu-Helden-Fähigkeiten. showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.shortDesc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit mit diesem getauscht. showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.gen8.desc=Bei Pokémon, die Kontakt mit diesem Pokémon aufnehmen, wird die Fähigkeit mit diesem getauscht. Betrifft nicht Pokémon mit As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Wonder Guard oder Fähigkeiten im Zen-Modus. showdown.abilities.wanderingspirit.activate=%s hat Fähigkeiten mit seinem Ziel getauscht! -showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Wasser und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. -showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es von Wasserattacken getroffen wird; Wasserimmunität. +showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.desc=Dieses Pokémon ist immun gegen Attacken vom Typ Wasser und stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, wenn es von einer Bewegung vom Typ Wasser getroffen wird. +showdown.abilities.waterabsorb.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon heilt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn es von Wasserattacken getroffen wird; Wasserimmunität. showdown.abilities.waterbubble.desc=Der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon wird verdoppelt, wenn es einen Angriff vom Typ Wasser ausführt. Wenn ein Pokémon einen Angriff vom Typ Feuer gegen dieses Pokémon ausführt, wird der Offensivwert dieses Pokémon halbiert, wenn der Schaden für dieses Pokémon berechnet wird. Dieses Pokémon kann nicht verbrannt werden. Wenn man diese Fähigkeit erlangt, während man verbrannt ist, wird sie geheilt. showdown.abilities.waterbubble.shortDesc=Die Wasserkraft dieses Pokémon beträgt 2x; es kann nicht verbrannt werden; Die Feuerkraft dagegen wird halbiert. @@ -9912,8 +9912,8 @@ showdown.abilities.wellbakedbody.shortDesc=Die Verteidigung dieses Pokémon wird showdown.abilities.whitesmoke.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass andere Pokémon die Statusstufen dieses Pokémon senken.ßaus -showdown.abilities.wimpout.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP hat und Schaden erleidet, der auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP sinkt, wechselt es sofort zu einem ausgewählten Verbündeten. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. Dieser Effekt gilt sowohl für direkten als auch für indirekten Schaden, mit Ausnahme von Fluch- und Delegator-Schaden bei Verwendung, Bauchtrommel, Leidteiler und Verwirrungsschaden. -showdown.abilities.wimpout.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon schaltet aus, wenn es die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP erreicht. +showdown.abilities.wimpout.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon mehr als die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP hat und Schaden erleidet, der auf die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP sinkt, wechselt es sofort zu einem ausgewählten Verbündeten. Dieser Effekt tritt nach allen Treffern einer Multi-Hit-Bewegung ein. Dieser Effekt wird verhindert, wenn bei der Bewegung ein sekundärer Effekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde. Dieser Effekt gilt sowohl für direkten als auch für indirekten Schaden, mit Ausnahme von Fluch- und Delegator-Schaden bei Verwendung, Bauchtrommel, Leidteiler und Verwirrungsschaden. +showdown.abilities.wimpout.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon schaltet aus, wenn es die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP erreicht. showdown.abilities.windpower.desc=Dieses Pokémon erhält den Ladevorgang-Effekt, wenn es durch eine Windbewegung getroffen wird oder wenn Rückenwind auf der Seite dieses Pokémon beginnt. showdown.abilities.windpower.shortDesc=Dieses Pokémon erhält den Ladevorgang-Effekt, wenn es von einer Windbewegung getroffen wird oder Rückenwind einsetzt. @@ -9929,10 +9929,10 @@ showdown.abilities.wonderskin.desc=Bei nicht schädlichen Attacken, die die Genauigkeit prüfen, wird die Genauigkeit auf 50 % geändert, wenn sie gegen dieses Pokémon eingesetzt werden. Dieser Effekt kommt vor anderen Effekten, die die Genauigkeit verändern. showdown.abilities.wonderskin.shortDesc=Statusattacken mit Genauigkeitsprüfungen sind bei diesem Pokémon zu 50 % genau. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Darmanitaner oder Galar-Darmanitaner ist, wechselt es in den Zen-Modus, wenn es am Ende einer Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat. Wenn die HP von Darmanitan am Ende einer Runde über der Hälfte seiner maximalen HP liegen, wechselt er zurück in den Standardmodus. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.shortDesc=Wenn Darmanitaner, ändert sich am Ende des Zuges der Modus in Standard, wenn > 1/2 max. HP, andernfalls Zen. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen7.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Darmanitan ist, wechselt es in den Zen-Modus, wenn es am Ende einer Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat. Wenn die HP von Darmanitan am Ende einer Runde über der Hälfte seiner maximalen HP liegen, wechselt er zurück in den Standardmodus. -showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen6.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Darmanitan ist, wechselt es in den Zen-Modus, wenn es am Ende einer Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen HP hat. Wenn die HP von Darmanitan am Ende einer Runde über der Hälfte seiner maximalen HP liegen, wechselt er zurück in den Standardmodus. Wenn Darmanitan diese Fähigkeit im Zen-Modus verliert, kehrt er sofort in den Standardmodus zurück. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Darmanitaner oder Galar-Darmanitaner ist, wechselt es in den Zen-Modus, wenn es am Ende einer Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP hat. Wenn die KP von Darmanitan am Ende einer Runde über der Hälfte seiner maximalen KP liegen, wechselt er zurück in den Standardmodus. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.shortDesc=Wenn Darmanitaner, ändert sich am Ende des Zuges der Modus in Standard, wenn > 1/2 max. KP, andernfalls Zen. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen7.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Darmanitan ist, wechselt es in den Zen-Modus, wenn es am Ende einer Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP hat. Wenn die KP von Darmanitan am Ende einer Runde über der Hälfte seiner maximalen KP liegen, wechselt er zurück in den Standardmodus. +showdown.abilities.zenmode.gen6.desc=Wenn dieses Pokémon ein Darmanitan ist, wechselt es in den Zen-Modus, wenn es am Ende einer Runde nur noch die Hälfte oder weniger seiner maximalen KP hat. Wenn die KP von Darmanitan am Ende einer Runde über der Hälfte seiner maximalen KP liegen, wechselt er zurück in den Standardmodus. Wenn Darmanitan diese Fähigkeit im Zen-Modus verliert, kehrt er sofort in den Standardmodus zurück. showdown.abilities.zenmode.transform=Zen-Modus ausgelöst! showdown.abilities.zenmode.transformEnd=Der Zen-Modus ist beendet! @@ -10117,7 +10117,7 @@ showdown.default.confusion.damage=Es hat sich selbst aus Verwirrung verletzt! showdown.default.drain.heal=%s wurde die Energie entzogen! showdown.default.flinch.cant=%s ist zurückgewichen und konnte sich nicht bewegen!'s KP ist voll! -showdown.default.healreplacement.activate=%s will restore its replacement's HP using its Z-Power! +showdown.default.healreplacement.activate=%s will restore its replacement's KP using its Z-Power! showdown.default.nopp.cant=%s nutzte %s, Aber es gab keine AP mehr für diese Attacke! showdown.default.recharge.cant=%s muss sich aufladen! showdown.default.charge.start=%s hat angefangen sich aufzuladen! @@ -10220,9 +10220,9 @@ showdown.items.aerodactylite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Aerodactyl ge showdown.items.aggronite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Aggron gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.aguavberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpD Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.aguavberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpD Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.aguavberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpD Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.aguavberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. KP bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpD Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.aguavberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. KP bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpD Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.aguavberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpD Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.airballoon.desc=Der Halter ist immun gegen Angriffe vom Typ Boden. Knallt, wenn der Halter getroffen wird. showdown.items.airballoon.start=%s schwebt mit seinem Luftballon in der Luft! @@ -10236,13 +10236,13 @@ showdown.items.altarianite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Altaria gehalte showdown.items.ampharosite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Ampharos gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.apicotberry.desc=Erhöht die Sp des Inhabers. Verteidige dich um 1 Stufe, wenn du maximal 1/4 HP oder weniger hast. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.apicotberry.desc=Erhöht die Sp des Inhabers. Verteidige dich um 1 Stufe, wenn du maximal 1/4 KP oder weniger hast. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.armorfossil.desc=Kann in Shieldon wiederbelebt werden. showdown.items.aspearberry.desc=Der Halter ist ausgehärtet, wenn er gefroren ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.assaultvest.desc=Holder's Sp. z o.o. Def beträgt das 1,5-fache, es können jedoch nur schädliche Attacken ausgewählt werden. +showdown.items.assaultvest.desc=Holder's Sp. z o.o. Vert beträgt das 1,5-fache, es können jedoch nur schädliche Attacken ausgewählt werden. showdown.items.audinite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Audino gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung.üstung @@ -10258,20 +10258,20 @@ showdown.items.beedrillite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Beedrill gehalt showdown.items.belueberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. -showdown.items.berryjuice.desc=Erholungskräfte: 20 HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.berryjuice.desc=Erholungskräfte: 20 KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.berrysweet.desc=Entwickelt Milcery zu Alcremie, wenn es gehalten und herumgedreht wird.ßwurzel -showdown.items.bigroot.desc=Der Inhaber erhält 1,3x HP durch Entleeren/Wasserring/Verwurzler/Egelsamen/Stärke Saft. -showdown.items.bigroot.gen6.desc=Holder erhält 1,3x HP durch entziehende Attacken, Wasserring, Verwurzler und Egelsamen. +showdown.items.bigroot.desc=Der Inhaber erhält 1,3x KP durch Entleeren/Wasserring/Verwurzler/Egelsamen/Stärke Saft. +showdown.items.bigroot.gen6.desc=Holder erhält 1,3x KP durch entziehende Attacken, Wasserring, Verwurzler und Egelsamen. -showdown.items.bindingband.desc=Die teilweise einfangenden Attacken des Halters verursachen 1/6 maximale HP pro Runde statt 1/8. +showdown.items.bindingband.desc=Die teilweise einfangenden Attacken des Halters verursachen 1/6 maximale KP pro Runde statt 1/8. ################## showdown.items.blackbelt.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Kampf des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. showdown.items.blackbelt.gen3.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Kampf des Halters haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.blacksludge.desc=Wenn der Träger ein Gifttyp ist, werden in jeder Runde 1/16 maximale HP wiederhergestellt; verliert 1/8, wenn nicht. -showdown.items.blacksludge.heal=%s hat mit seinem schwarzen Schlammbad ein wenig HP wiederhergestellt! +showdown.items.blacksludge.desc=Wenn der Träger ein Gifttyp ist, werden in jeder Runde 1/16 maximale KP wiederhergestellt; verliert 1/8, wenn nicht. +showdown.items.blacksludge.heal=%s hat mit seinem schwarzen Schlammbad ein wenig KP wiederhergestellt! showdown.items.blackglasses.desc=Die Angriffe des Halters vom Typ Dunkel haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. showdown.items.blackglasses.gen3.desc=Die Angriffe des Halters vom Typ Dunkel haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. @@ -10354,7 +10354,7 @@ showdown.items.covertcloak.desc=Der Sekundäreffekt des Angriffs eines anderen P Kanne showdown.items.crackedpot.desc=Entwickelt Sinistea bei Verwendung zu Polteageist. -showdown.items.custapberry.desc=Der Halter bewegt sich zuerst in seiner Prioritätsgruppe, wenn er maximal 1/4 HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.custapberry.desc=Der Halter bewegt sich zuerst in seiner Prioritätsgruppe, wenn er maximal 1/4 KP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.custapberry.activate=%s kann dank seiner Custap-Beere schneller als normal agieren! showdown.items.damprock.desc=Der Einsatz von Regentanz durch den Holder dauert 8 statt 5 Runden. @@ -10371,8 +10371,8 @@ showdown.items.dawnstone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon- Z showdown.items.decidiumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Decidueye mit Schattenfessel gehalten wird, kann es Schatten-Pfeilregen verwenden. -showdown.items.deepseascale.desc=Wenn es von einem Schnappererl gehalten wird, ist es Sp. Def wird verdoppelt. Entwickelt Schnappererl beim Handel zu Gorebyss. -showdown.items.deepseascale.shortDesc=Wenn es von einem Schnappererl gehalten wird, ist es Sp. Def wird verdoppelt. +showdown.items.deepseascale.desc=Wenn es von einem Schnappererl gehalten wird, ist es Sp. Vert wird verdoppelt. Entwickelt Schnappererl beim Handel zu Gorebyss. +showdown.items.deepseascale.shortDesc=Wenn es von einem Schnappererl gehalten wird, ist es Sp. Vert wird verdoppelt. showdown.items.deepseatooth.desc=Wenn es von einem Schnappererl gehalten wird, ist es Sp. Der Angriff wird verdoppelt. Entwickelt sich Schnappererl beim Handel zu Huntail. showdown.items.deepseatooth.shortDesc=Wenn es von einem Schnappererl gehalten wird, ist es Sp. Der Angriff wird verdoppelt. @@ -10438,10 +10438,10 @@ showdown.items.electricseed.desc=Wenn das Gelände Elektrofeld ist, erhöht sich Z showdown.items.electriumz.desc=Wenn der Träger über eine elektrische Bewegung verfügt, ermöglicht dieser Gegenstand die Verwendung einer elektrischen Z-Bewegung. -showdown.items.enigmaberry.desc=Erholungores 1/4 max. HP, nachdem der Träger von einer supereffektiven Bewegung getroffen wurde. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.enigmaberry.desc=Erholungores 1/4 max. KP, nachdem der Träger von einer supereffektiven Bewegung getroffen wurde. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.enigmaberry.gen3.desc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. -showdown.items.eviolite.desc=Wenn sich die Spezies des Besitzers weiterentwickeln kann, sind seine Verteidigung und Sp. Def sind 1,5x. +showdown.items.eviolite.desc=Wenn sich die Spezies des Besitzers weiterentwickeln kann, sind seine Verteidigung und Sp. Vert sind 1,5x. showdown.items.expertbelt.desc=Angriffe des Inhabers, die gegen das Ziel äußerst effektiv sind, verursachen 1,2-fachen Schaden. Z @@ -10460,9 +10460,9 @@ showdown.items.fightingmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Kampftyp. Z showdown.items.fightiniumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Kampfbewegung verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Kampf-Z-Bewegung verwenden. -showdown.items.figyberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Atk Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.figyberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Atk Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.figyberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Atk Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.figyberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. KP bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Angr Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.figyberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. KP bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Angr Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.figyberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Angr Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.firegem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Feuer hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.firegem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Feuer hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. @@ -10491,12 +10491,12 @@ showdown.items.flyingmemory.desc=Der Multi-Angriff von Holder ist vom fliegenden Z showdown.items.flyiniumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Fliegen-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Fliegen-Z-Attacke verwenden. -showdown.items.focusband.desc=Der Inhaber hat eine Chance von 10 %, einen Angriff zu überleben, der ihn mit 1 HP KO schlagen würde. -showdown.items.focusband.gen2.desc=Der Halter hat eine Chance von ca. 11,7 %, einen Angriff zu überleben, der ihn mit 1 HP KO schlagen würde. +showdown.items.focusband.desc=Der Inhaber hat eine Chance von 10 %, einen Angriff zu überleben, der ihn mit 1 KP KO schlagen würde. +showdown.items.focusband.gen2.desc=Der Halter hat eine Chance von ca. 11,7 %, einen Angriff zu überleben, der ihn mit 1 KP KO schlagen würde. showdown.items.focusband.activate=%s hielt daran fest, sein Fokusband zu benutzen! -showdown.items.focussash.desc=Wenn die HP des Besitzers voll sind, überlebt er einen Angriff, der ihn mit 1 HP KO schlagen würde. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.focussash.gen4.desc=Wenn die HP des Besitzers voll sind, überlebt er alle Treffer eines Angriffs mit mindestens 1 HP. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.focussash.desc=Wenn die KP des Besitzers voll sind, überlebt er einen Angriff, der ihn mit 1 KP KO schlagen würde. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.focussash.gen4.desc=Wenn die KP des Besitzers voll sind, überlebt er alle Treffer eines Angriffs mit mindestens 1 KP. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.focussash.end=%s hielt daran fest, seine Fokusschärpe zu benutzen! showdown.items.fossilizedbird.desc=Kann mit Fossilized Drake zu Dracozolt oder mit Fossilized Dino zu Arctozolt wiederbelebt werden. @@ -10517,7 +10517,7 @@ showdown.items.galaricawreath.desc=Entwickelt Galarian Slowpoke bei Verwendung z showdown.items.galladite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einer Gallade gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.ganlonberry.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Trägers um 1 Stufe, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.ganlonberry.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Trägers um 1 Stufe, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen KP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.garchompite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Garchomp gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. @@ -10570,7 +10570,7 @@ showdown.items.hardstone.desc=Die Stein-Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. showdown.items.hardstone.gen3.desc=Die Stein-Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.healball.desc=Ein heilender Pokeball, der die HP und den Status des gefangenen Pokémon wiederherstellt. +showdown.items.healball.desc=Ein heilender Pokeball, der die KP und den Status des gefangenen Pokémon wiederherstellt.ßbrocken showdown.items.heatrock.desc=Der Einsatz von Sonnentag durch den Holder dauert 8 statt 5 Runden. @@ -10586,9 +10586,9 @@ showdown.items.hondewberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine W showdown.items.houndoominite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Houndoom gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.iapapaberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt if -Def Nature. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt if -Def Nature. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt if -Def Nature. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. KP bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt if -Vert Nature. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. KP bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt if -Vert Nature. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.iapapaberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt if -Vert Nature. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.icegem.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Eis hat die 1,3-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.icegem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ Eis hat die 1,5-fache Stärke. Gesangle-Nutzung. @@ -10614,7 +10614,7 @@ showdown.items.ironball.gen4.desc=Die Geschwindigkeit des Halters wird halbiert showdown.items.ironplate.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Stahl haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist vom Typ Stahl. -showdown.items.jabocaberry.desc=Wenn der Träger durch eine physische Bewegung getroffen wird, verliert der Angreifer 1/8 seiner maximalen HP. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.jabocaberry.desc=Wenn der Träger durch eine physische Bewegung getroffen wird, verliert der Angreifer 1/8 seiner maximalen KP. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.jawfossil.desc=Kann zu Tyrunt wiederbelebt werden. @@ -10635,7 +10635,7 @@ showdown.items.kommoniumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Kommo-o mit Schuppenrasseln geh Z showdown.items.laggingtail.desc=Der Halter bewegt sich als Letzter in seiner Prioritätsgruppe. -showdown.items.lansatberry.desc=Der Inhaber erhält den Energiefokus-Effekt, wenn er maximal 1/4 HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.lansatberry.desc=Der Inhaber erhält den Energiefokus-Effekt, wenn er maximal 1/4 KP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.latiasite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Latias gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. @@ -10650,18 +10650,18 @@ showdown.items.leafstone.gen7.desc=Entwickelt sich bei Verwendung aus Düsternis showdown.items.leek.desc=Wenn es von einem Farfetch’d oder Sirfetch’d gehalten wird, erhöht sich seine kritische Trefferquote um 2 Stufen.Überreste -showdown.items.leftovers.desc=Am Ende jeder Runde stellt der Besitzer 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wieder her. -showdown.items.leftovers.heal=%s hat mit seinen Resten ein wenig HP wiederhergestellt! +showdown.items.leftovers.desc=Am Ende jeder Runde stellt der Besitzer 1/16 seiner maximalen KP wieder her. +showdown.items.leftovers.heal=%s hat mit seinen Resten ein wenig KP wiederhergestellt! showdown.items.leppaberry.desc=Erholungores 10 PP zum ersten Zug des Inhabers, um 0 PP zu erreichen. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.leppaberry.activate=%s hat mithilfe seiner Leppa-Beere PP in seiner Bewegung %s wiederhergestellt! showdown.items.levelball.desc=Ein Pokeball zum Fangen von Pokémon, die ein niedrigeres Level als dein eigenes haben. -showdown.items.liechiberry.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Trägers um 1 Stufe, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.liechiberry.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Trägers um 1 Stufe, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen KP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.lifeorb.desc=Die Angriffe des Halters verursachen 1,3-fachen Schaden und er verliert nach dem Angriff 1/10 seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.items.lifeorb.damage=%s hat einige seiner HP verloren! +showdown.items.lifeorb.desc=Die Angriffe des Halters verursachen 1,3-fachen Schaden und er verliert nach dem Angriff 1/10 seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.items.lifeorb.damage=%s hat einige seiner KP verloren! showdown.items.lightball.desc=Wenn es von einem Pikachu gehalten wird, sind sein Angriff und seine Sp. Angriffe werden verdoppelt. showdown.items.lightball.gen4.desc=Wenn es von einem Pikachu gehalten wird, verdoppelt sich die Stärke seiner Angriffe. @@ -10706,9 +10706,9 @@ showdown.items.magnet.desc=Holders elektrische Angriffe haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. showdown.items.magnet.gen3.desc=Holders elektrische Angriffe haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.magoberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Spe Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.magoberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Spe Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.magoberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Spe Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.magoberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. KP bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Init Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.magoberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. KP bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Init Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.magoberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -Init Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.magostberry.desc=Kann vom Besitzer nicht gegessen werden. Keine Wirkung beim Verzehr mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker. @@ -10741,7 +10741,7 @@ showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Stahl haben die 1,1- showdown.items.metalcoat.gen3.shortDesc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Stahl haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. showdown.items.metalpowder.desc=Wenn es von einem Ditto gehalten wird, der nicht umgewandelt wurde, wird seine Verteidigung verdoppelt. -showdown.items.metalpowder.gen2.desc=Wenn es von einem Ditto gehalten wird, werden dessen Verteidigung und Sp. Def beträgt 1,5x, auch während der Umwandlung. +showdown.items.metalpowder.gen2.desc=Wenn es von einem Ditto gehalten wird, werden dessen Verteidigung und Sp. Vert beträgt 1,5x, auch während der Umwandlung. showdown.items.metronome.desc=Der Schaden von Attacken, die in aufeinanderfolgenden Runden ausgeführt werden, wird erhöht. Maximal 2x nach 5 Runden. showdown.items.metronome.gen4.desc=Der Schaden von Attacken, die in aufeinanderfolgenden Runden ausgeführt werden, wird erhöht. Maximal 2x nach 10 Runden. @@ -10752,7 +10752,7 @@ showdown.items.mewtwonitex.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Mewtwo gehalten Y showdown.items.mewtwonitey.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Mewtwo gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. -showdown.items.micleberry.desc=Der nächste Zug des Holders hat eine 1,2-fache Genauigkeit, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.micleberry.desc=Der nächste Zug des Holders hat eine 1,2-fache Genauigkeit, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen KP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. Z showdown.items.mimikiumz.desc=Wenn es von einem Mimikyu mit Knuddler gehalten wird, kann es Let's Snuggle Forever verwenden. @@ -10764,7 +10764,7 @@ showdown.items.mirrorherb.desc=Wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon eine Statistikstufe erhöht, kopiert der Besitzer diese. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.mirrorherb.activate=%s hat sein Spiegelkraut verwendet, um die Statusänderungen seines Gegners widerzuspiegeln! -showdown.items.mistyseed.desc=Wenn es sich bei dem Gelände um Weißnebel-Gelände handelt, erhöht sich die SP des Inhabers. Def um 1 Stufe. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.mistyseed.desc=Wenn es sich bei dem Gelände um Weißnebel-Gelände handelt, erhöht sich die SP des Inhabers. Vert um 1 Stufe. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.moonball.desc=Ein Pokeball zum Fangen von Pokémon, die sich mithilfe des Mondsteins entwickeln. @@ -10798,7 +10798,7 @@ showdown.items.oddincense.desc=Holders Angriffe vom Typ Psychokinese haben die 1 showdown.items.oldamber.desc=Kann zu Aerodactyl wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.oranberry.desc=Erholungores 10 HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.oranberry.desc=Erholungores 10 KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. Stein showdown.items.ovalstone.desc=Entwickelt sich Happiny zu Chansey, wenn es im Laufe des Tages gehalten und erhöht wird. @@ -10814,7 +10814,7 @@ showdown.items.pechaberry.desc=Holder ist geheilt, wenn er vergiftet ist. Gesang showdown.items.persimberry.desc=Der Halter ist geheilt, wenn er verwirrt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.petayaberry.desc=Erhöht die Sp des Inhabers. Angriff um 1 Stufe bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.petayaberry.desc=Erhöht die Sp des Inhabers. Angriff um 1 Stufe bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.pidgeotite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Pidgeot gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. Z @@ -10875,7 +10875,7 @@ showdown.items.psychicgem.gen5.desc=Holders erster erfolgreicher Angriff vom Typ showdown.items.psychicmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Psychokinese. -showdown.items.psychicseed.desc=Wenn es sich bei dem Gelände um Psychokinese-Gelände handelt, erhöht sich die SP des Besitzers. Def um 1 Stufe. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.psychicseed.desc=Wenn es sich bei dem Gelände um Psychokinese-Gelände handelt, erhöht sich die SP des Besitzers. Vert um 1 Stufe. Gesangle-Nutzung. Z showdown.items.psychiumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Psychokinese-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Psychokinese-Z-Attacke verwenden. @@ -10929,7 +10929,7 @@ showdown.items.rockmemory.desc=Holders Multi-Angriff ist vom Typ Rock. Z showdown.items.rockiumz.desc=Wenn der Besitzer über eine Rock-Attacke verfügt, kann er mit diesem Gegenstand eine Rock-Z-Move verwenden. -showdown.items.rockyhelmet.desc=Wenn der Träger von einer Kontaktbewegung getroffen wird, verliert der Angreifer 1/6 seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.items.rockyhelmet.desc=Wenn der Träger von einer Kontaktbewegung getroffen wird, verliert der Angreifer 1/6 seiner maximalen KP. showdown.items.rockyhelmet.damage=%s wurde durch den Rocky-Helm verletzt! showdown.items.roomservice.desc=Wenn der Trickbetrug-Raum aktiv ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Inhabers um 1 Stufe verringert. Gesangle-Nutzung. @@ -10940,7 +10940,7 @@ showdown.items.roseincense.desc=Die Angriffe vom Typ Gras des Holders haben die showdown.items.roseliberry.desc=Halbiert den erlittenen Schaden durch einen überaus effektiven Angriff vom Typ Fee. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.rowapberry.desc=Wenn der Träger von einer Spezialbewegung getroffen wird, verliert der Angreifer 1/8 seiner maximalen HP. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.rowapberry.desc=Wenn der Träger von einer Spezialbewegung getroffen wird, verliert der Angreifer 1/8 seiner maximalen KP. Gesangle-Nutzung. Schild showdown.items.rustedshield.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Zamazenta gehalten wird, ändert er seine Form in einen gekrönten Schild. Schwert @@ -10957,7 +10957,7 @@ showdown.items.safetygoggles.block=%s ist dank seiner Schutzbrille nicht von %s showdown.items.sailfossil.desc=Kann zu Amaura wiederbelebt werden. -showdown.items.salacberry.desc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Trägers um 1 Stufe, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen HP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.salacberry.desc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Trägers um 1 Stufe, wenn er 1/4 der maximalen KP oder weniger hat. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.salamencite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Salamence gehalten wird, ermöglicht er ihm im Kampf eine Mega-Entwicklung. @@ -10977,8 +10977,8 @@ showdown.items.sharpedonite.desc=Wenn dieser Gegenstand von einem Sharpedo gehalülle showdown.items.shedshell.desc=Der Inhaber kann auch dann auswechseln, wenn er von einem anderen Pokémon oder einem Verwurzler gefangen wird. -showdown.items.shellbell.desc=Nach einem Angriff erhält der Träger 1/8 des HP-Schadens, der anderen Pokémon zugefügt wird. -showdown.items.shellbell.heal=%s hat mithilfe seiner Muschelglocke ein wenig HP wiederhergestellt! +showdown.items.shellbell.desc=Nach einem Angriff erhält der Träger 1/8 des KP-Schadens, der anderen Pokémon zugefügt wird. +showdown.items.shellbell.heal=%s hat mithilfe seiner Muschelglocke ein wenig KP wiederhergestellt! showdown.items.shinystone.desc=Entwickelt sich bei Verwendung aus Togetic zu Togekiss, Roselia zu Roserade, Minccino zu Cinccino und Floette zu Florges. showdown.items.shinystone.shortDesc=Entwickelt bei Verwendung bestimmte Pokémon-Arten. @@ -10993,8 +10993,8 @@ showdown.items.silverpowder.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Inhaberkäfer haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. showdown.items.silverpowder.gen3.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Inhaberkäfer haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. -showdown.items.sitrusberry.desc=Erholungores 1/4 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.sitrusberry.gen3.desc=Erholungskräfte: 30 HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.sitrusberry.desc=Erholungores 1/4 max. KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.sitrusberry.gen3.desc=Erholungskräfte: 30 KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.skullfossil.desc=Kann zu Cranidos wiederbelebt werden. @@ -11014,7 +11014,7 @@ Z showdown.items.solganiumz.desc=Solgaleo oder Dusk Mane Necrozma mit Stahlgestirn können einen speziellen Z-Move nutzen. showdown.items.souldew.desc=Wenn es von einem Latias/Latios gehalten wird, haben seine Attacken vom Typ Drache und Psychokinese die 1,2-fache Kraft. -showdown.items.souldew.gen6.desc=Wenn es von einem Latias oder Latios gehalten wird, ist sein Sp. Atk und Sp. Def sind 1,5x. +showdown.items.souldew.gen6.desc=Wenn es von einem Latias oder Latios gehalten wird, ist sein Sp. Angr und Sp. Vert sind 1,5x. showdown.items.spelltag.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Geister des Halters haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. showdown.items.spelltag.gen3.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Geister des Halters haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. @@ -11027,7 +11027,7 @@ showdown.items.spookyplate.desc=Angriffe vom Typ Geister des Halters haben die 1 showdown.items.sportball.desc=Ein besonderer Pokéball für den Käferfang-Wettbewerb. -showdown.items.starfberry.desc=Erhöht einen zufälligen Wert um 2, wenn 1/4 maximale HP oder weniger erreicht ist (nicht Acc/Eva). Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.starfberry.desc=Erhöht einen zufälligen Wert um 2, wenn 1/4 maximale KP oder weniger erreicht ist (nicht Acc/Eva). Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.starsweet.desc=Entwickelt Milcery zu Alcremie, wenn es gehalten und herumgedreht wird. @@ -11043,7 +11043,7 @@ showdown.items.stick.desc=Wenn es von einem Farfetch’d gehalten wird, erhöht sich seine kritische Trefferquote um 2 Stufen. showdown.items.stick.gen2.desc=Wenn es von einem Farfetch gehalten wird, liegt seine kritische Trefferquote immer auf Stufe 2. (25 % kritische Trefferquote) -showdown.items.stickybarb.desc=In jeder Runde verliert der Besitzer 1/8 seiner maximalen HP. Ein Angreifer, der Kontakt aufnimmt, kann es empfangen. +showdown.items.stickybarb.desc=In jeder Runde verliert der Besitzer 1/8 seiner maximalen KP. Ein Angreifer, der Kontakt aufnimmt, kann es empfangen. showdown.items.stoneplate.desc=Die Stein-Angriffe des Holders haben die 1,2-fache Stärke. Urteilskraft ist Rock-Typ. @@ -11325,9 +11325,9 @@ showdown.items.whiteherb.end=%s hat seine Werte mit seinem Weißen Kraut auf denßlinse showdown.items.widelens.desc=Die Genauigkeit der Angriffe des Inhabers beträgt 1,1x. -showdown.items.wikiberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpA Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.wikiberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. HP bei 1/4 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpA Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.wikiberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpA Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.wikiberry.desc=Erholungores 1/3 max. KP bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpA Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.wikiberry.gen7.desc=Erholungores 1/2 max. KP bei 1/4 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpA Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.wikiberry.gen6.desc=Erholungores 1/8 max. KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger; verwirrt, wenn -SpA Natur. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.wiseglasses.desc=Die Spezialangriffe des Holders haben die 1,1-fache Stärke. @@ -11339,13 +11339,13 @@ showdown.items.zoomlens.desc=Die Angriffsgenauigkeit des Trägers beträgt 1,2x, showdown.items.berserkgene.desc=(Gen 2) Erhöht beim Einwechseln den Angriff des Besitzers um 2 und verwirrt ihn. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.berry.desc=(Gen 2) Erholungskräfte 10 HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.berry.desc=(Gen 2) Erholungskräfte 10 KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.bitterberry.desc=(Gen 2) Inhaber ist geheilt, wenn er verwirrt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.burntberry.desc=(Gen 2) Der Halter ist ausgehärtet, wenn er gefroren ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. -showdown.items.goldberry.desc=(Gen 2) Erholungskräfte 30 HP bei 1/2 max. HP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. +showdown.items.goldberry.desc=(Gen 2) Erholungskräfte 30 KP bei 1/2 max. KP oder weniger. Gesangle-Nutzung. showdown.items.iceberry.desc=(Gen 2) Holder ist geheilt, wenn er verbrannt ist. Gesangle-Nutzung. @@ -11371,12 +11371,12 @@ Donnerblitz showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.desc=Hat eine sehr hohe Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. showdown.moves.10000000voltthunderbolt.shortDesc=Sehr hohe kritische Trefferquote. -showdown.moves.absorb.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.absorb.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.absorb.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn das Ziel einen Ersatz hat, geht dieser Zug fehl. -showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erhält der Benutzer keine HP zurück. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn das Ziel einen Ersatz hat, geht dieser Zug fehl. +showdown.moves.absorb.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erhält der Benutzer keine KP zurück. showdown.moves.accelerock.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.accelerock.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. @@ -11451,10 +11451,10 @@üse showdown.moves.aquajet.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.aquajet.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. -showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=Der Benutzer erhält 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, die am Ende jeder Runde wiederhergestellt wird, solange er aktiv bleibt. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn der Benutzer Stafette verwendet, erhält der Ersatz die Heilwirkung. -showdown.moves.aquaring.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stellt pro Runde maximal 1/16 HP wieder her. +showdown.moves.aquaring.desc=Der Benutzer erhält 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, die am Ende jeder Runde wiederhergestellt wird, solange er aktiv bleibt. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn der Benutzer Stafette verwendet, erhält der Ersatz die Heilwirkung. +showdown.moves.aquaring.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stellt pro Runde maximal 1/16 KP wieder her. showdown.moves.aquaring.start=%s umgab sich mit einem Schleier aus Wasser! -showdown.moves.aquaring.heal=Ein Wasserschleier stellte die HP von %s wieder her! +showdown.moves.aquaring.heal=Ein Wasserschleier stellte die KP von %s wieder her! showdown.moves.aquastep.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. showdown.moves.aquastep.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. @@ -11466,7 +11466,7 @@ showdown.moves.armorcannon.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung und SP des Benutzersß showdown.moves.armthrust.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.armthrust.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.armthrust.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.armthrust.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.aromatherapy.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. Aktive Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Sap Sipper werden nicht geheilt, es sei denn, sie sind der Benutzer. @@ -11514,7 +11514,7 @@äre showdown.moves.aurasphere.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. showdown.moves.aurawheel.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. Wenn der Benutzer ein Morpeko im Full-Belly-Modus ist, ist diese Bewegung vom Typ Elektro. Wenn der Benutzer ein Morpeko im Hangry-Modus ist, ist diese Bewegung vom Typ Dunkel. Dieser Zug kann nur dann erfolgreich eingesetzt werden, wenn die aktuelle Form des Benutzers, während er Wandler in Betracht zieht, Full Belly oder Hangry Mode Morpeko ist. -showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Elektrisch; Hangry: Dunkel; 100 % +1 Spe. +showdown.moves.aurawheel.shortDesc=Morpeko: Elektrisch; Hangry: Dunkel; 100 % +1 Init. showdown.moves.aurorabeam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. showdown.moves.aurorabeam.shortDesc=10 % Chance, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. @@ -11536,8 +11536,8 @@ showdown.moves.avalanche.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer in di showdown.moves.avalanche.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer durch das Ziel beschädigt wird. showdown.moves.avalanche.gen4.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug von einem Pokémon an der Position des Ziels getroffen wurde. -showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. -showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30 % Verwirrung. Bei einem Fehlschlag verliert der Benutzer 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.axekick.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.axekick.shortDesc=30 % Verwirrung. Bei einem Fehlschlag verliert der Benutzer 50 % seiner maximalen KP. showdown.moves.axekick.damage=%s ging weiter und stürzte ab! showdown.moves.babydolleyes.desc=Senkt den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. @@ -11556,7 +11556,7 @@ showdown.moves.barbbarrage.shortDesc=50 % PSN. 2x Kraft, wenn das Ziel bereits v showdown.moves.barrage.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.barrage.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.barrage.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.barrage.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.barrage.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. @@ -11586,9 +11586,9 @@ülpser showdown.moves.belch.desc=Dieser Zug kann erst ausgewählt werden, wenn der Benutzer eine Beere isst, indem er entweder eine Beere frisst, die er gehalten hat, indem er mit Käferbiss oder Pflücker eine Beere von einem anderen Pokémon stiehlt und frisst oder indem er mit Schleuder eine Beere frisst, die darauf geworfen wurde. Sobald die Bedingung erfüllt ist, kann dieser Zug ausgewählt und für den Rest des Kampfes verwendet werden, selbst wenn der Benutzer einen anderen Gegenstand erhält oder verwendet oder auswechselt. Der Verzehr einer Beere mit Beerenkräften zählt nicht zum Verzehr einer Beere. showdown.moves.belch.shortDesc=Kann erst ausgewählt werden, wenn der Benutzer eine Beere isst. -showdown.moves.bellydrum.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 12 Stufen, im Gegenzug verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird oder seine Angriffsstatusstufe 6 beträgt. -showdown.moves.bellydrum.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen HP. Maximiert den Angriff. -showdown.moves.bellydrum.boost=%s hat seine eigenen HP reduziert und seinen Angriff maximiert! +showdown.moves.bellydrum.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 12 Stufen, im Gegenzug verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird oder seine Angriffsstatusstufe 6 beträgt. +showdown.moves.bellydrum.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen KP. Maximiert den Angriff. +showdown.moves.bellydrum.boost=%s hat seine eigenen KP reduziert und seinen Angriff maximiert! showdown.moves.bestow.desc=Das Ziel erhält den gehaltenen Gegenstand des Benutzers. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keinen Gegenstand hat oder eine Post oder einen Z-Kristall in der Hand hält, wenn das Ziel bereits einen Gegenstand trägt, wenn der Benutzer ein Kyogre mit einer blauen Kugel, ein Groudon mit einer roten Kugel oder eine Giratina mit einer grauen Kugel ist , ein Arceus, der eine Platte hält, ein Genesect, der einen Antrieb hält, ein Silvally, der eine Erinnerung hält, ein Pokémon, das sich Mega-entwickeln kann, das den Mega-Stein seiner Spezies hält, oder wenn das Ziel eines dieser Pokémon ist und der Benutzer den entsprechenden Gegenstand hält . showdown.moves.bestow.shortDesc=Der Benutzer gibt seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand an das Ziel weiter. @@ -11596,25 +11596,25 @@ showdown.moves.bestow.gen6.desc=Das Ziel erhält den gehaltenen Gegenstand des B showdown.moves.bestow.gen5.desc=Das Ziel erhält den gehaltenen Gegenstand des Benutzers. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer keinen Gegenstand hat oder eine Post in der Hand hält, wenn das Ziel bereits einen Gegenstand trägt, wenn der Benutzer eine Giratina ist, die eine Griseous Orb hält, ein Arceus, der eine Platte hält, ein Genesect, der einen Antrieb hält, oder wenn das Ziel ein Gegenstand ist eines dieser Pokémon und der Benutzer hält den entsprechenden Gegenstand. showdown.moves.bestow.takeItem=%s hat %s sein %s gegeben! -showdown.moves.bide.desc=Der Benutzer ist zwei Runden lang auf diese Attacke fixiert und greift dann in der zweiten Runde nach der Nutzung dieser Attacke das letzte Pokémon an, das es getroffen hat, und fügt dabei den doppelten Schaden an HP zu, den es in den beiden Runden durch Angriffe verloren hat. Wenn das letzte Pokémon, das es getroffen hat, nicht mehr aktiv ist, greift der Benutzer stattdessen ein zufälliges gegnerisches Pokémon an. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt überprüft nicht die Genauigkeit und ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.bide.desc=Der Benutzer ist zwei Runden lang auf diese Attacke fixiert und greift dann in der zweiten Runde nach der Nutzung dieser Attacke das letzte Pokémon an, das es getroffen hat, und fügt dabei den doppelten Schaden an KP zu, den es in den beiden Runden durch Angriffe verloren hat. Wenn das letzte Pokémon, das es getroffen hat, nicht mehr aktiv ist, greift der Benutzer stattdessen ein zufälliges gegnerisches Pokémon an. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt überprüft nicht die Genauigkeit und ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. showdown.moves.bide.shortDesc=Wartet 2 Runden; Verursacht das Doppelte des erlittenen Schadens. -showdown.moves.bide.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer ist zwei Runden lang auf diese Attacke fixiert und greift dann in der zweiten Runde nach der Nutzung dieser Attacke das letzte Pokémon an, das es getroffen hat, und fügt dabei den doppelten Schaden an HP zu, den es in den beiden Runden durch Angriffe verloren hat. Wenn das letzte Pokémon, das es getroffen hat, nicht mehr aktiv ist, greift der Benutzer stattdessen ein zufälliges gegnerisches Pokémon an. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt prüft nicht die Genauigkeit und ignoriert die Typenimmunität. -showdown.moves.bide.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei Runden mit dieser Attacke und greift dann in der zweiten Runde nach der Nutzung dieser Attacke das letzte Pokémon an, das es getroffen hat, und fügt dabei den doppelten Schaden an HP zu, den es während der beiden Runden verloren hat. Wenn das letzte Pokémon, das es getroffen hat, nicht mehr aktiv ist, greift der Benutzer stattdessen ein zufälliges gegnerisches Pokémon an. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. -showdown.moves.bide.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, sich auf diese Bewegung zu konzentrieren, und dann, in der zweiten oder dritten Runde nach der Verwendung dieser Bewegung, greift der Benutzer den Gegner an und fügt dem doppelten Schaden an HP zu, den er während dieser Runden verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.bide.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer ist zwei Runden lang auf diese Attacke fixiert und greift dann in der zweiten Runde nach der Nutzung dieser Attacke das letzte Pokémon an, das es getroffen hat, und fügt dabei den doppelten Schaden an KP zu, den es in den beiden Runden durch Angriffe verloren hat. Wenn das letzte Pokémon, das es getroffen hat, nicht mehr aktiv ist, greift der Benutzer stattdessen ein zufälliges gegnerisches Pokémon an. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt prüft nicht die Genauigkeit und ignoriert die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.bide.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei Runden mit dieser Attacke und greift dann in der zweiten Runde nach der Nutzung dieser Attacke das letzte Pokémon an, das es getroffen hat, und fügt dabei den doppelten Schaden an KP zu, den es während der beiden Runden verloren hat. Wenn das letzte Pokémon, das es getroffen hat, nicht mehr aktiv ist, greift der Benutzer stattdessen ein zufälliges gegnerisches Pokémon an. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.bide.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, sich auf diese Bewegung zu konzentrieren, und dann, in der zweiten oder dritten Runde nach der Verwendung dieser Bewegung, greift der Benutzer den Gegner an und fügt dem doppelten Schaden an KP zu, den er während dieser Runden verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Bewegung daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Dieser Schritt ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. showdown.moves.bide.gen2.shortDesc=Wartet 2-3 Runden; Verursacht das Doppelte des erlittenen Schadens. -showdown.moves.bide.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, sich auf diese Bewegung zu konzentrieren, und dann, in der zweiten oder dritten Runde nach der Verwendung dieser Bewegung, greift der Benutzer den Gegner an und fügt dem doppelten Schaden an HP zu, den er während dieser Runden verloren hat. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität und kann nicht vermieden werden, selbst wenn das Ziel Schaufler oder Fliegen verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts ausschalten. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Attacke auswechselt oder daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Wenn während des Effekts das gegnerische Pokémon ausschaltet oder Konfusstrahl, Umwandlung, Energiefokus, Schlangenblick, Dunkelnebel, Egelsamen, Lichtschild, Mimikry, Weißnebel, Giftwolke, Giftpuder, Genesung, Reflektor, Erholung, Weichei, Platscher, Stachelspore, Delegator, Superschall verwendet, Teleport, Donner Wave, Toxin oder Wandler, der zuvor dem Benutzer zugefügte Schaden wird zur Gesamtsumme addiert. +showdown.moves.bide.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei oder drei Runden damit, sich auf diese Bewegung zu konzentrieren, und dann, in der zweiten oder dritten Runde nach der Verwendung dieser Bewegung, greift der Benutzer den Gegner an und fügt dem doppelten Schaden an KP zu, den er während dieser Runden verloren hat. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität und kann nicht vermieden werden, selbst wenn das Ziel Schaufler oder Fliegen verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts ausschalten. Wenn der Benutzer während der Verwendung dieser Attacke auswechselt oder daran gehindert wird, sich zu bewegen, endet der Effekt. Wenn während des Effekts das gegnerische Pokémon ausschaltet oder Konfusstrahl, Umwandlung, Energiefokus, Schlangenblick, Dunkelnebel, Egelsamen, Lichtschild, Mimikry, Weißnebel, Giftwolke, Giftpuder, Genesung, Reflektor, Erholung, Weichei, Platscher, Stachelspore, Delegator, Superschall verwendet, Teleport, Donner Wave, Toxin oder Wandler, der zuvor dem Benutzer zugefügte Schaden wird zur Gesamtsumme addiert. showdown.moves.bide.start=%s speichert Energie! showdown.moves.bide.end=%s hat seine Energie entfesselt! showdown.moves.bide.activate=%s speichert Energie! -showdown.moves.bind.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.bind.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.bind.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.bind.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.bind.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.bind.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.bind.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.bind.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.bind.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.bind.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei bis fünf Runden mit dieser Bewegung. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Runden durchzuhalten, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Runden durchzuhalten. Der für die erste Runde berechnete Schaden wird für jede zweite Runde verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts keine Bewegung auswählen und das Ziel kann keine Bewegung ausführen, aber beide können wechseln. Wenn der Benutzer auswechselt, ist das Ziel in diesem Zug weiterhin nicht in der Lage, eine Bewegung auszuführen. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt, verwendet der Benutzer diese Bewegung automatisch erneut, und wenn es zu diesem Zeitpunkt 0 PP hatte, wird es zu 63. Wenn der Benutzer oder das Ziel auswechselt oder der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt. Diese Bewegung kann das Ziel daran hindern, sich zu bewegen, selbst wenn es über Typimmunität verfügt, verursacht jedoch keinen Schaden. showdown.moves.bind.gen1.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass sich das Ziel 2–5 Runden lang bewegt. showdown.moves.bind.start=%s wurde von %s gequetscht! @@ -11625,7 +11625,7 @@ showdown.moves.bite.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. showdown.moves.bite.gen1.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. showdown.moves.bite.gen1.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.bitterblade.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.bitterblade.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. showdown.moves.bittermalice.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. @@ -11666,7 +11666,7 @@ showdown.moves.blueflare.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. showdown.moves.blueflare.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen.örperpresse showdown.moves.bodypress.desc=Der Schaden wird anhand des Verteidigungswerts des Benutzers als Angriff berechnet, einschließlich Änderungen der Statusstufe. Andere Effekte, die den Angriffswert verändern, werden wie gewohnt verwendet. -showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Verwendet den Def-Wert des Benutzers als Angriff bei der Schadensberechnung. +showdown.moves.bodypress.shortDesc=Verwendet den Vert-Wert des Benutzers als Angriff bei der Schadensberechnung. showdown.moves.bodyslam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. showdown.moves.bodyslam.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. @@ -11683,13 +11683,13 @@ showdown.moves.boneclub.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. showdown.moves.bonemerang.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. showdown.moves.bonemerang.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen4.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen4.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen3.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. showdown.moves.bonemerang.gen1.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. showdown.moves.bonerush.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.bonerush.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.bonerush.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.bonerush.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer.Überschallknall showdown.moves.boomburst.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -11702,15 +11702,15 @@ showdown.moves.bounce.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. D showdown.moves.bounce.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. In der ersten Runde vermeidet der Benutzer alle Angriffe außer Windstoß, Himmelhieb, Donner und Windhose, und Windstoß und Windhose haben die doppelte Kraft, wenn sie dagegen eingesetzt werden. showdown.moves.bounce.prepare=%s ist aufgetaucht! -showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.bouncybubble.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.bouncybubble.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück.ß showdown.moves.branchpoke.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.branchpoke.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.bravebird.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.bravebird.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.bravebird.gen4.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. showdown.moves.breakingswipe.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. @@ -11726,8 +11726,8 @@ showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen4.shortDesc=Zerstört Bildschirme, auch wenn das Zi showdown.moves.brickbreak.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht fehlschlägt und unabhängig davon, ob das Ziel immun ist oder nicht, enden die Effekte von Reflektor und Lichtschild für die gegnerische Spielfeldseite, bevor der Schaden berechnet wird. showdown.moves.brickbreak.activate=%s hat den Schutz von %s zerstört! -showdown.moves.brine.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel weniger oder gleich der Hälfte seiner maximalen HP übrig hat. -showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn die HP des Ziels 50 % oder weniger beträgt. +showdown.moves.brine.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel weniger oder gleich der Hälfte seiner maximalen KP übrig hat. +showdown.moves.brine.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn die KP des Ziels 50 % oder weniger beträgt. showdown.moves.brutalswing.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.brutalswing.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. @@ -11762,7 +11762,7 @@ showdown.moves.bulletpunch.shortDesc=Geht normalerweise zuerst. showdown.moves.bulletseed.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.bulletseed.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.bulletseed.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.burningjealousy.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen, wenn in diesem Zug eine erhöhte Statusstufe vorhanden war. @@ -11777,7 +11777,7 @@ showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Gegner zu lähmen. showdown.moves.buzzybuzz.shortDesc=100 % Chance, den Gegner zu lähmen. showdown.moves.calmmind.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff und die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. -showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Atk und Sp. Verteidigung um 1. +showdown.moves.calmmind.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Angr und Sp. Verteidigung um 1. showdown.moves.camouflage.desc=Der Typ des Benutzers ändert sich je nach Gefechtsgelände. Normaler Typ auf dem regulären Wi-Fi-Gelände, elektrischer Typ während Elektrofeld, Feentyp während Weißnebely-Gelände, Grastyp während Grasfeld und Psychokinese-Typ während Psychokinese-Gelände. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzertyp nicht geändert werden kann oder der Benutzer bereits nur diesem Typ angehört. showdown.moves.camouflage.shortDesc=Ändert den Benutzertyp je nach Gelände (Standard: Normal). @@ -11793,7 +11793,7 @@ showdown.moves.captivate.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Gegners. Angriff um 2, wenn Pika-Projektil showdown.moves.catastropika.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, entsteht eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Es können maximal drei Schichten festgelegt werden, und Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen HP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, entsteht eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Es können maximal drei Schichten festgelegt werden, und Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen KP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen KP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. showdown.moves.ceaselessedge.shortDesc=Legt eine Schicht Stachler auf die Gegenseite. showdown.moves.celebrate.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. @@ -11830,21 +11830,21 @@ürben showdown.moves.chipaway.desc=Ignoriert die Statusänderungen des Ziels, einschließlich der Ausweichfähigkeit. showdown.moves.chipaway.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Statusänderungen des Ziels. -showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht und selbst wenn sie zu Ohnmacht führen würde, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet, es sei denn, der Benutzer verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. -showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s reduziert seine eigenen HP, um seine Bewegung zu verstärken!) +showdown.moves.chloroblast.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht und selbst wenn sie zu Ohnmacht führen würde, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, aufgerundet, es sei denn, der Benutzer verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.chloroblast.damage=(%s reduziert seine eigenen KP, um seine Bewegung zu verstärken!)Überkopfwurf showdown.moves.circlethrow.desc=Wenn sowohl der Benutzer als auch das Ziel nicht ohnmächtig geworden sind, muss das Ziel wechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Dieser Effekt schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel unter dem Effekt von Verwurzler steht, über die Fähigkeit Saugnäpfe verfügt oder diese Bewegung einen Ersatz trifft. showdown.moves.circlethrow.shortDesc=Zwingt das Ziel, zu einem zufälligen Verbündeten zu wechseln. -showdown.moves.clamp.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.clamp.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.clamp.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.clamp.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.clamp.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei bis fünf Runden mit dieser Bewegung. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Runden durchzuhalten, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Runden durchzuhalten. Der für die erste Runde berechnete Schaden wird für jede zweite Runde verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts keine Bewegung auswählen und das Ziel kann keine Bewegung ausführen, aber beide können wechseln. Wenn der Benutzer auswechselt, ist das Ziel in diesem Zug weiterhin nicht in der Lage, eine Bewegung auszuführen. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt, verwendet der Benutzer diese Bewegung automatisch erneut, und wenn es zu diesem Zeitpunkt 0 PP hatte, wird es zu 63. Wenn der Benutzer oder das Ziel auswechselt oder der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt. Diese Bewegung kann das Ziel daran hindern, sich zu bewegen, selbst wenn es über Typimmunität verfügt, verursacht jedoch keinen Schaden. showdown.moves.clamp.gen1.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass sich das Ziel 2–5 Runden lang bewegt. showdown.moves.clamp.start=%s hat gegen %s vorgegangen! @@ -11853,11 +11853,11 @@ showdown.moves.clangingscales.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. showdown.moves.clangingscales.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1. -showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.desc=Erhöht den Angriff, die Verteidigung, den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe, im Gegenzug verliert der Benutzer 33 % seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird oder sich seine Angriffs-, Verteidigungs-, Spezialangriffs-, Spezialverteidigungs- und Geschwindigkeitswerte nicht ändern. -showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 33 % seiner maximalen HP. +1 auf alle Statistiken. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.desc=Erhöht den Angriff, die Verteidigung, den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe, im Gegenzug verliert der Benutzer 33 % seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird oder sich seine Angriffs-, Verteidigungs-, Spezialangriffs-, Spezialverteidigungs- und Geschwindigkeitswerte nicht ändern. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoul.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 33 % seiner maximalen KP. +1 auf alle Statistiken. Seelentanz showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.desc=Erhöht Angriff, Verteidigung, Spezialangriff, Spezialverteidigung und Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. -showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Erhöht die Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe des Benutzers um 1. +showdown.moves.clangoroussoulblaze.shortDesc=Erhöht die Angr/Vert/SpAngr/SpVert/Init des Benutzers um 1.ärsmog showdown.moves.clearsmog.shortDesc=Setzt alle Statusstufen des Ziels auf 0 zurück. @@ -11878,11 +11878,11 @@ showdown.moves.combattorque.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. showdown.moves.cometpunch.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.cometpunch.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.cometpunch.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. -showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen HP zu, abgerundet. Wenn der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 HP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.comeuppance.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen KP zu, abgerundet. Wenn der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff keine KP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 KP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. showdown.moves.comeuppance.shortDesc=Bei einem Angriff wird der 1,5-fache Schaden verursacht. showdown.moves.confide.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. @@ -11948,12 +11948,12 @@ showdown.moves.cottonspore.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 2 Stufen. showdown.moves.cottonspore.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 2. -showdown.moves.counter.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 HP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.counter.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der KP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 KP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. showdown.moves.counter.shortDesc=Bei einem physischen Angriff wird doppelter Schaden verursacht. -showdown.moves.counter.gen6.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen Schaden mit einer Stärke von 1. Wenn die Position des gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird, wird der Schaden einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon in Reichweite zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. -showdown.moves.counter.gen4.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.moves.counter.gen3.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.moves.counter.gen2.desc=Fügt dem gegnerischen Pokémon Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer in dieser Runde durch einen physischen Angriff verloren hat. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich der Benutzer zuerst bewegt, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde nicht von einem physischen Angriff getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. Wenn das gegnerische Pokémon Geofissur oder Hornbohrer verwendet und verfehlt hat, verursacht dieser Zug 65535 Schaden. +showdown.moves.counter.gen6.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der KP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen Schaden mit einer Stärke von 1. Wenn die Position des gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird, wird der Schaden einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon in Reichweite zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.counter.gen4.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der KP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.moves.counter.gen3.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen Angriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der KP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.moves.counter.gen2.desc=Fügt dem gegnerischen Pokémon Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der KP zu, die der Benutzer in dieser Runde durch einen physischen Angriff verloren hat. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich der Benutzer zuerst bewegt, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde nicht von einem physischen Angriff getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. Wenn das gegnerische Pokémon Geofissur oder Hornbohrer verwendet und verfehlt hat, verursacht dieser Zug 65535 Schaden. showdown.moves.counter.gen1.desc=Fügt dem gegnerischen Pokémon Schaden in Höhe des doppelten Schadens zu, der durch den letzten Zug im Kampf verursacht wurde. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich zuerst bewegt oder wenn der letzte Zug der gegnerischen Seite Konter war, 0 Kraft hatte oder nicht vom Typ Normal oder Kampf war. Schlägt fehl, wenn der letzte von einer Seite verwendete Zug 0 Schaden verursacht hat und nicht Konfusstrahl, Umwandlung, Energiefokus, Schlangenblick, Dunkelnebel, Egelsamen, Lichtschild, Mimikry, Weißnebel, Giftwolke, Giftpuder, Genesung, Reflektor, Erholung, Weichei, Platscher, Stachelspore, Delegator war , Superschall, Teleport, Donner Wave, Toxin oder Wandler. showdown.moves.counter.gen1.shortDesc=Verursacht bei einem Treffer durch eine normale/Kampfbewegung 2x Schaden. @@ -11990,15 +11990,15 @@ showdown.moves.crushclaw.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. showdown.moves.crushclaw.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken. -showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Die Kraft entspricht 120 * (aktuelle HP des Ziels / maximale HP des Ziels), abgerundet auf die Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. -showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=Je mehr HP das Ziel übrig hat, desto mehr Kraft hat es. -showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 120 * (aktuelle HP des Ziels / maximale HP des Ziels) + 1, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.desc=Die Kraft entspricht 120 * (aktuelle KP des Ziels / maximale KP des Ziels), abgerundet auf die Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.shortDesc=Je mehr KP das Ziel übrig hat, desto mehr Kraft hat es. +showdown.moves.crushgrip.gen4.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 120 * (aktuelle KP des Ziels / maximale KP des Ziels) + 1, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.curse.desc=Wenn der Benutzer kein Ghost-Typ ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe verringert und der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht. Wenn der Benutzer ein Geistertyp ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und selbst wenn dies zu Ohnmacht führen würde, im Austausch dafür, dass das Ziel am Ende 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, verliert jede Runde, solange es aktiv ist. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz weiterhin betroffen. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Ziel vorhanden ist oder das Ziel bereits betroffen ist. -showdown.moves.curse.shortDesc=Fluch bei Geist, sonst -1 Spe, +1 Angriff, +1 Verteidigung. -showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=Wenn der Benutzer kein Ghost-Typ ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe verringert und der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht. Wenn der Benutzer ein Geistertyp ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und selbst wenn dies zu Ohnmacht führen würde, im Austausch dafür, dass das Ziel am Ende 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, verliert jede Runde, solange es aktiv ist. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz weiterhin betroffen. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Ziel vorhanden ist oder wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist oder einen Ersatz hat. -showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=Wenn der Benutzer kein Ghost-Typ ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe verringert und der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht, es sei denn, die Angriffs- und Verteidigungswerte des Benutzers befinden sich beide auf Stufe 6. Wenn der Benutzer ein Ghost-Typ ist, wird der Benutzer verliert 1/2 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet und selbst wenn es zu Ohnmacht führen würde, als Gegenleistung dafür, dass das Ziel am Ende jeder Runde, solange es aktiv ist, 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, verliert. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz weiterhin betroffen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist oder einen Ersatz hat. -showdown.moves.curse.start=%s hat seine eigenen HP gekürzt und %s verflucht! +showdown.moves.curse.desc=Wenn der Benutzer kein Ghost-Typ ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe verringert und der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht. Wenn der Benutzer ein Geistertyp ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, und selbst wenn dies zu Ohnmacht führen würde, im Austausch dafür, dass das Ziel am Ende 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, verliert jede Runde, solange es aktiv ist. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz weiterhin betroffen. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Ziel vorhanden ist oder das Ziel bereits betroffen ist. +showdown.moves.curse.shortDesc=Fluch bei Geist, sonst -1 Init, +1 Angriff, +1 Verteidigung. +showdown.moves.curse.gen4.desc=Wenn der Benutzer kein Ghost-Typ ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe verringert und der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht. Wenn der Benutzer ein Geistertyp ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, und selbst wenn dies zu Ohnmacht führen würde, im Austausch dafür, dass das Ziel am Ende 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, verliert jede Runde, solange es aktiv ist. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz weiterhin betroffen. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Ziel vorhanden ist oder wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist oder einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.curse.gen2.desc=Wenn der Benutzer kein Ghost-Typ ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe verringert und der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht, es sei denn, die Angriffs- und Verteidigungswerte des Benutzers befinden sich beide auf Stufe 6. Wenn der Benutzer ein Ghost-Typ ist, wird der Benutzer verliert 1/2 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet und selbst wenn es zu Ohnmacht führen würde, als Gegenleistung dafür, dass das Ziel am Ende jeder Runde, solange es aktiv ist, 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, verliert. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz weiterhin betroffen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist oder einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.curse.start=%s hat seine eigenen KP gekürzt und %s verflucht! showdown.moves.curse.damage=%s ist vom Fluch betroffen! showdown.moves.cut.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -12115,24 +12115,24 @@ showdown.moves.doomdesire.gen4.desc=Verursacht typlosen Schaden, der zwei Runden showdown.moves.doomdesire.start=%s hat Kismetwunsch als sein Schicksal gewählt! showdown.moves.doomdesire.activate=%s hat den Kismetwunsch-Angriff überstanden! -showdown.moves.doubleedge.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.doubleedge.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen4.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Trifft dieser Zug einen Ersatz, beträgt der Rückstoßschaden immer 1 HP. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. Trifft dieser Zug einen Ersatz, beträgt der Rückstoßschaden immer 1 KP. showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen2.shortDesc=Hat 1/4 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen1.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erleidet der Benutzer keinen Rückstoßschaden. +showdown.moves.doubleedge.gen1.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erleidet der Benutzer keinen Rückstoßschaden. showdown.moves.doublehit.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. showdown.moves.doublehit.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.doublehit.gen4.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet.äuste showdown.moves.doubleironbash.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. showdown.moves.doubleironbash.shortDesc=Zweimal getroffen. 30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. showdown.moves.doublekick.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. showdown.moves.doublekick.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.doublekick.gen4.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.doublekick.gen3.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. showdown.moves.doublekick.gen1.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für beide Treffer verwendet. Wenn der erste Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. @@ -12142,7 +12142,7 @@ showdown.moves.doubleshock.typeChange=%s hat seinen gesamten Strom verbraucht! showdown.moves.doubleslap.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.doubleslap.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.doubleslap.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. @@ -12167,14 +12167,14 @@ showdown.moves.dragondarts.desc=Zweimal getroffen. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. In Doppelkämpfen versucht dieser Zug, das Ziel-Pokémon und seinen Verbündeten jeweils einmal zu treffen. Wenn das Treffen eines dieser Pokémon durch Immunität, Schutz, Halbunverwundbarkeit, eine Fähigkeit oder Genauigkeit verhindert werden würde, versucht es stattdessen, das andere Pokémon zweimal zu treffen. Wenn diese Bewegung umgelenkt wird, trifft sie das Ziel zweimal. showdown.moves.dragondarts.shortDesc=Zweimal getroffen. Doppelt: Versucht, jeden Gegner einmal zu treffen.äfte -showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Die Leistung entspricht (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 150 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. -showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Weniger Leistung, wenn die HP des Benutzers sinken. Trifft Gegner. +showdown.moves.dragonenergy.desc=Die Leistung entspricht (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 150 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. +showdown.moves.dragonenergy.shortDesc=Weniger Leistung, wenn die KP des Benutzers sinken. Trifft Gegner. showdown.moves.dragonhammer.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.dragonpulse.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel 40 HP Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.dragonrage.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel 40 KP Schaden zu.ß showdown.moves.dragonrush.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und es wird keine Genauigkeitsprüfung durchgeführt, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. showdown.moves.dragonrush.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. @@ -12183,18 +12183,18 @@ showdown.moves.dragontail.desc=Wenn sowohl der Benutzer als auch das Ziel nicht ohnmächtig geworden sind, muss das Ziel wechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Dieser Effekt schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel zuvor Verwurzler verwendet hat, über die Fähigkeit Saugnäpfe verfügt oder diese Bewegung einen Ersatz getroffen hat. showdown.moves.dragontail.shortDesc=Zwingt das Ziel, zu einem zufälligen Verbündeten zu wechseln. -showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 3/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.drainingkiss.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 3/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.drainingkiss.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 75 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.drainpunch.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.drainpunch.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.dreameater.desc=Das Ziel bleibt von dieser Bewegung unberührt, es sei denn, es schläft. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. -showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=Dem Benutzer werden 1/2 HP zugefügt. Nur schlafendes Ziel. -showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=Das Ziel ist von dieser Bewegung nicht betroffen, es sei denn, es schläft und hat keinen Ersatz. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=Das Ziel ist von dieser Bewegung nicht betroffen, es sei denn, es schläft und hat keinen Ersatz. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. -showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=Das Ziel bleibt von dieser Bewegung unberührt, es sei denn, es schläft. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erhält der Benutzer keine HP zurück. +showdown.moves.dreameater.desc=Das Ziel bleibt von dieser Bewegung unberührt, es sei denn, es schläft. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.dreameater.shortDesc=Dem Benutzer werden 1/2 KP zugefügt. Nur schlafendes Ziel. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen4.desc=Das Ziel ist von dieser Bewegung nicht betroffen, es sei denn, es schläft und hat keinen Ersatz. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen3.desc=Das Ziel ist von dieser Bewegung nicht betroffen, es sei denn, es schläft und hat keinen Ersatz. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. +showdown.moves.dreameater.gen1.desc=Das Ziel bleibt von dieser Bewegung unberührt, es sei denn, es schläft. Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erhält der Benutzer keine KP zurück. showdown.moves.drillpeck.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -12278,18 +12278,18 @@ showdown.moves.encore.gen2.desc=Für 3 bis 6 Runden ist das Ziel gezwungen, sein showdown.moves.encore.start=%s muss eine Zugabe machen! showdown.moves.encore.end=Die Zugabe von %s ist beendet! Situation -showdown.moves.endeavor.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von (aktuelle HP des Ziels – aktuelle HP des Benutzers) zu. Das Ziel ist nicht betroffen, wenn seine aktuellen HP kleiner oder gleich den aktuellen HP des Benutzers sind. -showdown.moves.endeavor.shortDesc=Senkt die HP des Ziels auf die HP des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.endeavor.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von (aktuelle KP des Ziels – aktuelle KP des Benutzers) zu. Das Ziel ist nicht betroffen, wenn seine aktuellen KP kleiner oder gleich den aktuellen KP des Benutzers sind. +showdown.moves.endeavor.shortDesc=Senkt die KP des Ziels auf die KP des Benutzers. -showdown.moves.endure.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.endure.shortDesc=Der Benutzer überlebt Angriffe in dieser Runde mit mindestens 1 HP. -showdown.moves.endure.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.endure.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.endure.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.endure.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Die Erfolgschance dieses Zuges beträgt 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdoppelt, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.endure.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beträgt 1/X. X beginnt bei 1 und verdoppelt sich jedes Mal, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird, bis zu einem Maximum von 8 nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.endure.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 HP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von X/65536, wobei X bei 65535 beginnt und sich jedes Mal halbiert, abgerundet, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. Nach dem vierten erfolgreichen Einsatz in Folge sinkt X auf 118 und setzt sich bei weiteren erfolgreichen Einsätzen mit scheinbar zufälligen Werten von 0-65535 fort. X wird auf 65535 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.endure.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt Angriffe des Gegners in diesem Zug mit mindestens 1 HP. Dieser Zug hat eine Erfolgschance von X/255, wobei X bei 255 beginnt und sich jedes Mal halbiert, abgerundet, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 255 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde zuletzt einen Ersatzspieler hat oder sich bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 KP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.shortDesc=Der Benutzer überlebt Angriffe in dieser Runde mit mindestens 1 KP. +showdown.moves.endure.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 KP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 KP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 KP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 KP. Die Erfolgschance dieses Zuges beträgt 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdoppelt, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 KP. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beträgt 1/X. X beginnt bei 1 und verdoppelt sich jedes Mal, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird, bis zu einem Maximum von 8 nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt in diesem Zug Angriffe anderer Pokémon mit mindestens 1 KP. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von X/65536, wobei X bei 65535 beginnt und sich jedes Mal halbiert, abgerundet, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. Nach dem vierten erfolgreichen Einsatz in Folge sinkt X auf 118 und setzt sich bei weiteren erfolgreichen Einsätzen mit scheinbar zufälligen Werten von 0-65535 fort. X wird auf 65535 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.endure.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer überlebt Angriffe des Gegners in diesem Zug mit mindestens 1 KP. Dieser Zug hat eine Erfolgschance von X/255, wobei X bei 255 beginnt und sich jedes Mal halbiert, abgerundet, wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 255 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt oder wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Scanner, Ausdauer oder Schutzschild ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde zuletzt einen Ersatzspieler hat oder sich bewegt. showdown.moves.endure.start=%s hat sich gefasst gemacht! showdown.moves.endure.activate=%s hat den Schlag überstanden! @@ -12303,8 +12303,8 @@ showdown.moves.entrainment.gen7.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels mit showdown.moves.entrainment.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels mit der des Benutzers übereinstimmt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Multityp, Haltungswechsel, Truant oder dieselbe Fähigkeit wie der Benutzer ist oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers Blumengeschenk, Vorhersage, Illusion, Betrüger, Multityp, Haltungswechsel, Spur oder Zen-Modus ist. showdown.moves.entrainment.gen5.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels mit der des Benutzers übereinstimmt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Multitype, Truant oder dieselbe Fähigkeit wie der Benutzer ist oder wenn die Fähigkeit des Benutzers Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace oder Zen Mode ist. -showdown.moves.eruption.desc=Die Leistung entspricht (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 150 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. -showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Weniger Leistung, wenn die HP des Benutzers sinken. Trifft Gegner. +showdown.moves.eruption.desc=Die Leistung entspricht (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 150 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. +showdown.moves.eruption.shortDesc=Weniger Leistung, wenn die KP des Benutzers sinken. Trifft Gegner. showdown.moves.esperwing.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um eine Stufe zu erhöhen, und eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. showdown.moves.esperwing.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. Hoher kritischer Treffer. @@ -12328,7 +12328,7 @@ showdown.moves.extrasensory.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringe showdown.moves.extrasensory.gen3.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. der Neun showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.desc=Erhöht Angriff, Verteidigung, Spezialangriff, Spezialverteidigung und Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. -showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Erhöht Atk, Def, SpA, SpD und Spe des Benutzers um 2. +showdown.moves.extremeevoboost.shortDesc=Erhöht Angr, Vert, SpA, SpD und Init des Benutzers um 2. showdown.moves.extremespeed.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.extremespeed.shortDesc=Geht fast immer zuerst. @@ -12353,8 +12353,8 @@ showdown.moves.faketears.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Ziels. Verteidigung um 2. showdown.moves.falsesurrender.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. -showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Hinterlässt beim Ziel mindestens 1 HP. -showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Verlässt das Ziel immer mit mindestens 1 HP. +showdown.moves.falseswipe.desc=Hinterlässt beim Ziel mindestens 1 KP. +showdown.moves.falseswipe.shortDesc=Verlässt das Ziel immer mit mindestens 1 KP. showdown.moves.featherdance.desc=Verringert den Angriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. showdown.moves.featherdance.shortDesc=Verringert den Angriff des Ziels um 2. @@ -12380,11 +12380,11 @@ Zorn showdown.moves.fierywrath.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. showdown.moves.fierywrath.shortDesc=20 % Chance, den/die Gegner zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Erhöht den Angriff, den Spezialangriff und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen, im Gegenzug verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird oder wenn sich seine Angriffs-, Spezialangriffs- und Geschwindigkeitsstatistikstufen nicht ändern. -showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Angriff, Sp. Angriff, Geschwindigkeit für die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.filletaway.desc=Erhöht den Angriff, den Spezialangriff und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen, im Gegenzug verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird oder wenn sich seine Angriffs-, Spezialangriffs- und Geschwindigkeitsstatistikstufen nicht ändern. +showdown.moves.filletaway.shortDesc=+2 Angriff, Sp. Angriff, Geschwindigkeit für die Hälfte der maximalen KP des Benutzers. -showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der aktuellen HP des Benutzers zu. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, fällt der Benutzer in Ohnmacht. -showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der HP des Benutzers. Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. +showdown.moves.finalgambit.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der aktuellen KP des Benutzers zu. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, fällt der Benutzer in Ohnmacht. +showdown.moves.finalgambit.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der KP des Benutzers. Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. showdown.moves.fireblast.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. showdown.moves.fireblast.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. @@ -12398,7 +12398,7 @@ showdown.moves.firelash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. showdown.moves.firelash.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 zu senken.äulen -showdown.moves.firepledge.desc=Wenn einer der Verbündeten des Benutzers in diesem Zug Pflanzensäulen oder Wassersäulen verwendet und sich noch nicht bewegt hat, ist er unmittelbar nach dem Benutzer an der Reihe und die Bewegung des Benutzers hat keine Auswirkung. In Kombination mit Pflanzensäulen verwendet der Verbündete Feuersäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Ziels erscheint 4 Runden lang ein Feuermeer, das am Ende Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, an Nicht-Feuer-Typen verursacht jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. In Kombination mit Wassersäulen verwendet der Verbündete Wassersäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Benutzers erscheint 4 Runden lang ein Regenbogen, der die Chancen auf Sekundäreffekte verdoppelt und mit der Fähigkeit Gelassene Anmut stapelbar ist, mit der Ausnahme, dass die Chance von Effekten, die ein Zucken verursachen, nur einmal verdoppelt werden kann. Bei Verwendung als kombinierte Attacke erhält diese Attacke STAB, unabhängig vom Typ des Benutzers. Dieser Zug verbraucht nicht den Feuerstein des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.firepledge.desc=Wenn einer der Verbündeten des Benutzers in diesem Zug Pflanzensäulen oder Wassersäulen verwendet und sich noch nicht bewegt hat, ist er unmittelbar nach dem Benutzer an der Reihe und die Bewegung des Benutzers hat keine Auswirkung. In Kombination mit Pflanzensäulen verwendet der Verbündete Feuersäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Ziels erscheint 4 Runden lang ein Feuermeer, das am Ende Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, an Nicht-Feuer-Typen verursacht jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. In Kombination mit Wassersäulen verwendet der Verbündete Wassersäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Benutzers erscheint 4 Runden lang ein Regenbogen, der die Chancen auf Sekundäreffekte verdoppelt und mit der Fähigkeit Gelassene Anmut stapelbar ist, mit der Ausnahme, dass die Chance von Effekten, die ein Zucken verursachen, nur einmal verdoppelt werden kann. Bei Verwendung als kombinierte Attacke erhält diese Attacke STAB, unabhängig vom Typ des Benutzers. Dieser Zug verbraucht nicht den Feuerstein des Benutzers. showdown.moves.firepledge.shortDesc=Für zusätzlichen Effekt mit Gras- oder Wassersäulen verwenden. showdown.moves.firepledge.activate=%s wartet auf den Zug von %s... showdown.moves.firepledge.start=%s wurde von einem Feuermeer umhüllt! @@ -12408,14 +12408,14 @@ showdown.moves.firepunch.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. showdown.moves.firepunch.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.firespin.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.firespin.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.firespin.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.firespin.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.firespin.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei bis fünf Runden mit dieser Bewegung. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Runden durchzuhalten, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Runden durchzuhalten. Der für die erste Runde berechnete Schaden wird für jede zweite Runde verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts keine Bewegung auswählen und das Ziel kann keine Bewegung ausführen, aber beide können wechseln. Wenn der Benutzer auswechselt, ist das Ziel in diesem Zug weiterhin nicht in der Lage, eine Bewegung auszuführen. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt, verwendet der Benutzer diese Bewegung automatisch erneut, und wenn es zu diesem Zeitpunkt 0 PP hatte, wird es zu 63. Wenn der Benutzer oder das Ziel auswechselt oder der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt. Diese Bewegung kann das Ziel daran hindern, sich zu bewegen, selbst wenn es über Typimmunität verfügt, verursacht jedoch keinen Schaden. showdown.moves.firespin.gen1.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass sich das Ziel 2–5 Runden lang bewegt. showdown.moves.firespin.start=%s wurde im feurigen Wirbel gefangen! @@ -12427,21 +12427,21 @@ showdown.moves.fishiousrend.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer vor dem Ziel bewegt. showdown.moves.fishiousrend.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer vor dem Ziel bewegt. -showdown.moves.fissure.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen HP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. +showdown.moves.fissure.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen KP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. showdown.moves.fissure.shortDesc=OHKOt das Ziel. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer eine niedrigere Ebene hat. showdown.moves.fissure.gen2.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs von 256 entspricht dem kleineren Wert von (2 * (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels) + 76) und 255, bevor Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren angewendet werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einer höheren Ebene befindet. Kann ein Ziel mit Schaufler treffen. showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels größer ist als die des Benutzers. showdown.moves.fissure.gen1.shortDesc=Verursacht 65535 Schaden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel schneller ist. -showdown.moves.flail.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. -showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=Je mehr Leistung, desto weniger HP hat der Benutzer übrig. -showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=Die Potenz dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 43 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 22 zu 42 ist, 80, wenn X 13 zu 21 ist, 100, wenn X 6 zu 12 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 64 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. -showdown.moves.flail.gen3.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. -showdown.moves.flail.gen2.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. Dieser Zug verursacht keine Schadensvarianz und kann kein kritischer Treffer sein. +showdown.moves.flail.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.flail.shortDesc=Je mehr Leistung, desto weniger KP hat der Benutzer übrig. +showdown.moves.flail.gen4.desc=Die Potenz dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 43 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 22 zu 42 ist, 80, wenn X 13 zu 21 ist, 100, wenn X 6 zu 12 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 64 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.flail.gen3.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.flail.gen2.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet. Dieser Zug verursacht keine Schadensvarianz und kann kein kritischer Treffer sein. -showdown.moves.flameburst.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verliert der Verbündete des Ziels 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, er verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. +showdown.moves.flameburst.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verliert der Verbündete des Ziels 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, es sei denn, er verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. showdown.moves.flameburst.shortDesc=Fügt auch Pokémon in der Nähe des Ziels Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.flameburst.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verliert jeder Verbündete neben dem Ziel 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, er verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. +showdown.moves.flameburst.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verliert jeder Verbündete neben dem Ziel 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, es sei denn, er verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. showdown.moves.flameburst.damage=Die platzende Flamme hat %s getroffen! showdown.moves.flamecharge.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. @@ -12453,9 +12453,9 @@ showdown.moves.flamethrower.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. showdown.moves.flamethrower.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.flareblitz.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. 10 % Chance zu verbrennen. Taut den Benutzer auf. -showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.flareblitz.gen4.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. 10 % Chance zu verbrennen. Taut den Benutzer auf. showdown.moves.flash.desc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. @@ -12482,8 +12482,8 @@ showdown.moves.floatyfall.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. showdown.moves.floatyfall.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. -showdown.moves.floralhealing.desc=Das Ziel stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn das Gelände Grasfeld ist, stellt das Ziel stattdessen 2/3 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. -showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heilt das Ziel um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.floralhealing.desc=Das Ziel stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn das Gelände Grasfeld ist, stellt das Ziel stattdessen 2/3 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.floralhealing.shortDesc=Heilt das Ziel um 50 % seiner maximalen KP. showdown.moves.flowershield.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung aller aktiven Pflanzen-Pokémon um 1 Stufe. Schlägt fehl, wenn kein aktives Gras-Pokémon vorhanden ist. showdown.moves.flowershield.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung um 1 aller aktiven Grasarten. @@ -12570,7 +12570,7 @@ showdown.moves.frustration.shortDesc=Maximal 102 Kraft bei minimaler Zufriedenhe showdown.moves.furyattack.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.furyattack.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.furyattack.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.furyattack.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.furyattack.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. @@ -12579,7 +12579,7 @@ showdown.moves.furycutter.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem Treffer showdown.moves.furyswipes.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.furyswipes.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.furyswipes.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. @@ -12613,13 +12613,13 @@ showdown.moves.genesissupernova.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird das G showdown.moves.genesissupernova.shortDesc=Beschwört psychokinesisches Gelände. showdown.moves.geomancy.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. -showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs, dann erhöht sich SpA, SpD, Spe um 2 Runde 2. +showdown.moves.geomancy.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs, dann erhöht sich SpA, SpD, Init um 2 Runde 2. showdown.moves.geomancy.prepare=%s absorbiert Kraft! -showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.gigadrain.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.gigadrain.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet.ß showdown.moves.gigaimpact.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. showdown.moves.gigaimpact.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. @@ -12648,12 +12648,12 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, schläft jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite entweder ein, wird vergiftet oder wird gelähmt, selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. showdown.moves.gmaxbefuddle.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: SLP oder PSN oder Par. -showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Wasser-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. -showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 HP, 4 Runden. +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Wasser-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. +showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 KP, 4 Runden. showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.start=%s ist im Wasserstrudel gefangen! showdown.moves.gmaxcannonade.damage=%s wird durch den Wirbel von Giga-Beschuss verletzt! -showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite vier oder fünf Runden lang daran gehindert, zu wechseln (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält), selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Verursacht am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Sie können immer noch auswechseln, wenn sie Shed Shell halten oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwenden. Der Effekt endet für ein Ziel, wenn es das Feld verlässt oder wenn es Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite vier oder fünf Runden lang daran gehindert, zu wechseln (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält), selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Verursacht am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Sie können immer noch auswechseln, wenn sie Shed Shell halten oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwenden. Der Effekt endet für ein Ziel, wenn es das Feld verlässt oder wenn es Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.gmaxcentiferno.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: 4-5 Runden gebunden. showdown.moves.gmaxchistrike.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erhöht sich die kritische Trefferquote jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers um eine Stufe, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. @@ -12670,8 +12670,8 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 160, unabhängig von der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. showdown.moves.gmaxdrumsolo.shortDesc=Immer 160 Leistung. Ignoriert Fähigkeiten. -showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers 1/6 seiner aktuellen maximalen HP wieder her, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. -showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1/6 max. HP. +showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers 1/6 seiner aktuellen maximalen KP wieder her, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. +showdown.moves.gmaxfinale.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1/6 max. KP. Feuerball showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 160, unabhängig von der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. showdown.moves.gmaxfireball.shortDesc=Immer 160 Leistung. Ignoriert Fähigkeiten. @@ -12706,7 +12706,7 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Gelingt dieser Zug, beginnt die Wirkung von Auroraschleier auf der Seite des Anwenders. showdown.moves.gmaxresonance.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: Auroraschleier.ß -showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite vier oder fünf Runden lang daran gehindert, zu wechseln (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält), selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Verursacht am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Sie können immer noch auswechseln, wenn sie Shed Shell halten oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwenden. Der Effekt endet für ein Ziel, wenn es das Feld verlässt oder wenn es Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite vier oder fünf Runden lang daran gehindert, zu wechseln (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält), selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Verursacht am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Sie können immer noch auswechseln, wenn sie Shed Shell halten oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwenden. Der Effekt endet für ein Ziel, wenn es das Feld verlässt oder wenn es Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.gmaxsandblast.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: 4-5 Runden gebunden. showdown.moves.gmaxsmite.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite verwirrt, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. @@ -12715,13 +12715,13 @@ähnzwang showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, besteht eine Chance von 50 %, dass die Wirkung von Gähner beim Ziel einsetzt, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. showdown.moves.gmaxsnooze.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Ziel: 50 % Gähner. -showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt er auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder 1/2 davon ihre maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Stahltyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt er auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder 1/2 davon ihre maximalen KP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Stahltyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: Stahlgefahr. showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.start=Scharfe Stahlstücke fingen an, um %s herumzuschweben! showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.end=Die Stahlstücke, die %s umgeben, sind verschwunden! showdown.moves.gmaxsteelsurge.damage=Der scharfe Stahl biss in %s!öll -showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt er auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder 1/2 davon ihre maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Rock-Typ; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt er auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder 1/2 davon ihre maximalen KP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Rock-Typ; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. showdown.moves.gmaxstonesurge.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: Tarnsteine. showdown.moves.gmaxstunshock.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite entweder vergiftet oder gelähmt, selbst wenn es einen Ersatz hat. @@ -12736,21 +12736,21 @@ showdown.moves.gmaxterror.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite daran gehindert, auszuwechseln, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. Sie können immer noch auswechseln, wenn sie Shed Shell halten oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwenden. Wenn ein Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. showdown.moves.gmaxterror.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: gefangen.ßel -showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Gras-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. -showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 HP, 4 Runden. +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Gras-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. +showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 KP, 4 Runden. showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.start=%s wurde von Ranken gefangen! showdown.moves.gmaxvinelash.damage=%s wird durch Giga-Geißels heftige Prügel verletzt! -showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Fels-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. -showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 HP, 4 Runden. +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Fels-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. +showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 KP, 4 Runden. showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.start=%s wurde von Felsen umgeben! showdown.moves.gmaxvolcalith.damage=%s wird durch die von Giga-Schlacke weggeschleuderten Steine verletzt! showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite gelähmt, auch wenn es einen Ersatz hat. showdown.moves.gmaxvoltcrash.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: gelähmt. -showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Feuer-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. -showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 HP, 4 Runden. +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, erleidet jedes Nicht-Feuer-Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite 4 Runden lang Schaden in Höhe von 1/6 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. +showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1/6 KP, 4 Runden. showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.start=%s waren von Feuer umgeben! showdown.moves.gmaxwildfire.damage=%s verbrennt in den Flammen von Giga-Feuerflug!ß @@ -12760,7 +12760,7 @@ showdown.moves.grassknot.desc=Die Stärke dieser Bewegung beträgt 20, wenn das Ziel weniger als 10 kg wiegt, 40, wenn es weniger als 25 kg wiegt, 60, wenn es weniger als 50 kg wiegt, 80, wenn es weniger als 100 kg wiegt, 100, wenn es weniger als 200 kg wiegt, und 120, wenn es größer oder gleich ist 200 kg. showdown.moves.grassknot.shortDesc=Je schwerer das Ziel, desto mehr Leistung.äulen -showdown.moves.grasspledge.desc=Wenn einer der Verbündeten des Benutzers in diesem Zug Feuersäulen oder Wassersäulen verwendet und sich noch nicht bewegt hat, ist er unmittelbar nach dem Benutzer an der Reihe und die Bewegung des Benutzers hat keine Auswirkung. In Kombination mit Feuersäulen verwendet der Verbündete Feuersäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Ziels erscheint 4 Runden lang ein Feuermeer, das am Ende Schaden an Nicht-Feuer-Typen in Höhe von 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, verursacht jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. In Kombination mit Wassersäulen verwendet der Verbündete Pflanzensäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Ziels erscheint für 4 Runden ein Sumpf, der die Geschwindigkeit jedes Pokémon auf dieser Seite viertelt. Bei Verwendung als kombinierte Attacke erhält diese Attacke STAB, unabhängig vom Typ des Benutzers. Dieser Zug verbraucht nicht den Grasjuwel des Benutzers. +showdown.moves.grasspledge.desc=Wenn einer der Verbündeten des Benutzers in diesem Zug Feuersäulen oder Wassersäulen verwendet und sich noch nicht bewegt hat, ist er unmittelbar nach dem Benutzer an der Reihe und die Bewegung des Benutzers hat keine Auswirkung. In Kombination mit Feuersäulen verwendet der Verbündete Feuersäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Ziels erscheint 4 Runden lang ein Feuermeer, das am Ende Schaden an Nicht-Feuer-Typen in Höhe von 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, verursacht jeder Runde während des Effekts, einschließlich der letzten Runde. In Kombination mit Wassersäulen verwendet der Verbündete Pflanzensäulen mit 150 Stärke und auf der Seite des Ziels erscheint für 4 Runden ein Sumpf, der die Geschwindigkeit jedes Pokémon auf dieser Seite viertelt. Bei Verwendung als kombinierte Attacke erhält diese Attacke STAB, unabhängig vom Typ des Benutzers. Dieser Zug verbraucht nicht den Grasjuwel des Benutzers. showdown.moves.grasspledge.shortDesc=Für zusätzlichen Effekt mit Feuer- oder Wassersäulen verwenden. showdown.moves.grasspledge.activate=%s wartet auf den Zug von %s... showdown.moves.grasspledge.start=Ein Sumpf umhüllt %s! @@ -12771,12 +12771,12 @@ showdown.moves.grassyglide.desc=Wenn das aktuelle Gelände Grasfeld ist und der Benutzer am Boden ist, wird die Priorität dieser Bewegung um 1 erhöht. showdown.moves.grassyglide.shortDesc=Benutzer auf Grasfeld: +1 Priorität. -showdown.moves.grassyterrain.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zu Grasfeld. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Gras-Attacken, die von am Boden liegenden Pokémon eingesetzt werden, mit 1,3 multipliziert, die Kraft von Dampfwalze, Erdbeben und Intensität, die gegen am Boden liegende Pokémon eingesetzt werden, wird mit 0,5 multipliziert und am Boden liegende Pokémon haben 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP. abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde, einschließlich der letzten Runde, wiederhergestellt. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen Grastyp, Natur-Kraft wird zu Energieball und Geheimpower hat eine 30-prozentige Chance, Schlaf zu verursachen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Grasfeld ist. -showdown.moves.grassyterrain.shortDesc=5 Umdrehungen. Geerdet: +Graskraft, +1/16 max. HP. -showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zu Grasfeld. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Gras-Angriffen, die von am Boden liegenden Pokémon eingesetzt werden, mit 1,5 multipliziert, die Kraft von Dampfwalze, Erdbeben und Intensität, die gegen am Boden liegende Pokémon eingesetzt werden, wird mit 0,5 multipliziert und am Boden liegende Pokémon haben 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP. abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde, einschließlich der letzten Runde, wiederhergestellt. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen Grastyp, Natur-Kraft wird zu Energieball und Geheimpower hat eine 30-prozentige Chance, Schlaf zu verursachen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Grasfeld ist. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zu Grasfeld. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Gras-Attacken, die von am Boden liegenden Pokémon eingesetzt werden, mit 1,3 multipliziert, die Kraft von Dampfwalze, Erdbeben und Intensität, die gegen am Boden liegende Pokémon eingesetzt werden, wird mit 0,5 multipliziert und am Boden liegende Pokémon haben 1/16 ihrer maximalen KP. abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde, einschließlich der letzten Runde, wiederhergestellt. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen Grastyp, Natur-Kraft wird zu Energieball und Geheimpower hat eine 30-prozentige Chance, Schlaf zu verursachen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Grasfeld ist. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.shortDesc=5 Umdrehungen. Geerdet: +Graskraft, +1/16 max. KP. +showdown.moves.grassyterrain.gen7.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Gelände zu Grasfeld. Während des Effekts wird die Kraft von Gras-Angriffen, die von am Boden liegenden Pokémon eingesetzt werden, mit 1,5 multipliziert, die Kraft von Dampfwalze, Erdbeben und Intensität, die gegen am Boden liegende Pokémon eingesetzt werden, wird mit 0,5 multipliziert und am Boden liegende Pokémon haben 1/16 ihrer maximalen KP. abgerundet, am Ende jeder Runde, einschließlich der letzten Runde, wiederhergestellt. Tarnung verwandelt den Benutzer in einen Grastyp, Natur-Kraft wird zu Energieball und Geheimpower hat eine 30-prozentige Chance, Schlaf zu verursachen. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Gelände Grasfeld ist. showdown.moves.gravapple.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu senken. Während der Wirkung von Erdanziehung wird die Kraft mit 1,5 multipliziert. -showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Ziel: 100 % -1 Def. Während der Erdanziehung: 1,5-fache Leistung. +showdown.moves.gravapple.shortDesc=Ziel: 100 % -1 Vert. Während der Erdanziehung: 1,5-fache Leistung. showdown.moves.gravity.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Ausweichfähigkeit aller aktiven Pokémon mit 0,6 multipliziert. Zum Zeitpunkt der Nutzung enden Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Magnetflug, Freier Fall und Telekinese sofort für alle aktiven Pokémon. Während des Effekts werden Sprungfeder, Fliegen, Fliegening Press, Turmkick, Sprungkick, Magnetflug, Freier Fall, Platscher und Telekinese von allen aktiven Pokémon daran gehindert, verwendet zu werden. Bodenangriffe, Stachler, Toxin-Stachler, Klebenetz und die Arena-Falle-Fähigkeit können fliegende Typen oder Pokémon mit der Levitate-Fähigkeit beeinflussen. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Zug bereits ausgeführt wird. showdown.moves.gravity.shortDesc=5 Runden: keine Bodenimmunität, 1,67-fache Genauigkeit. @@ -12803,17 +12803,17 @@ showdown.moves.grudge.shortDesc=Wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig wird, verliert der showdown.moves.grudge.activate=%s' %s hat aufgrund des Grolls alle PP verloren! showdown.moves.grudge.start=%s möchte, dass sein Ziel einen Groll hegt! Wächter -showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von 3/4 seiner aktuellen HP zu, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. -showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe von 3/4 der aktuellen HP des Ziels. +showdown.moves.guardianofalola.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von 3/4 seiner aktuellen KP zu, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. +showdown.moves.guardianofalola.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe von 3/4 der aktuellen KP des Ziels. showdown.moves.guardsplit.desc=Die Verteidigungs- und Spezialverteidigungsstatistiken des Benutzers und des Ziels werden so eingestellt, dass sie dem Durchschnitt der Verteidigungs- und Spezialverteidigungsstatistiken des Benutzers bzw. des Ziels entsprechen, abgerundet. Änderungen der Stat-Stufe bleiben davon unberührt. -showdown.moves.guardsplit.shortDesc=Durchschnittliche Verteidigung und Sp. Def-Statistiken mit Ziel. +showdown.moves.guardsplit.shortDesc=Durchschnittliche Verteidigung und Sp. Vert-Statistiken mit Ziel. showdown.moves.guardsplit.activate=%s hat seine Wache mit dem Ziel geteilt! showdown.moves.guardswap.desc=Der Benutzer tauscht die Änderungen seiner Verteidigungs- und Spezialverteidigungsstatistiken mit dem Ziel aus. -showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Tauscht Verteidigung und Sp. aus. Def ändert sich mit dem Ziel. +showdown.moves.guardswap.shortDesc=Tauscht Verteidigung und Sp. aus. Vert ändert sich mit dem Ziel. -showdown.moves.guillotine.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen HP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. +showdown.moves.guillotine.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen KP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. showdown.moves.guillotine.shortDesc=OHKOt das Ziel. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer eine niedrigere Ebene hat. showdown.moves.guillotine.gen2.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs von 256 entspricht dem kleineren Wert von (2 * (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels) + 76) und 255, bevor Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren angewendet werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einer höheren Ebene befindet. showdown.moves.guillotine.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels größer ist als die des Benutzers. @@ -12835,10 +12835,10 @@ showdown.moves.gyroball.desc=Die Kraft ist gleich (25 * aktuelle Geschwindigkeit showdown.moves.gyroball.shortDesc=Je mehr Leistung, desto langsamer der Benutzer als das Ziel. showdown.moves.gyroball.gen5.desc=Die Kraft entspricht (25 * aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Ziels / aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers) + 1, abgerundet, aber nicht mehr als 150. Wenn die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers 0 ist, wird sie stattdessen als 1 behandelt. -showdown.moves.hail.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Hagelsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie gehören zum Eistyp oder verfügen über die Fähigkeiten Eiskörper, Magischer Schutz, Mantel oder Schneeumhang. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Icy Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Hagelsturm ist. +showdown.moves.hail.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Hagelsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie gehören zum Eistyp oder verfügen über die Fähigkeiten Eiskörper, Magischer Schutz, Mantel oder Schneeumhang. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Icy Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Hagelsturm ist. showdown.moves.hail.shortDesc=5 Runden lang prasselt Hagel nieder. -showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Hagelsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Eis oder verfügen über die Fähigkeiten Eiskörper, Magischer Schutz oder Schneemantel. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Icy Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Hagelsturm ist. -showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Hagelsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, es handelt sich um einen Eistyp. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Hagelsturm ist. +showdown.moves.hail.gen4.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Hagelsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Eis oder verfügen über die Fähigkeiten Eiskörper, Magischer Schutz oder Schneemantel. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Icy Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Hagelsturm ist. +showdown.moves.hail.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zum Hagelsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, es sei denn, es handelt sich um einen Eistyp. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Hagelsturm ist. showdown.moves.hammerarm.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. showdown.moves.hammerarm.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1. @@ -12858,15 +12858,15 @@ showdown.moves.headbutt.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. showdown.moves.headbutt.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen.ädel -showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headcharge.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.headcharge.shortDesc=Hat 1/4 Rückstoß. showdown.moves.headlongrush.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. showdown.moves.headlongrush.shortDesc=Senkt die Verteidigung und SP des Benutzers. Verteidigung um 1.ß -showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headsmash.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.headsmash.shortDesc=Hat 1/2 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.headsmash.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.healbell.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. Aktive Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Schallschutz werden nicht geheilt, es sei denn, sie sind der Benutzer. showdown.moves.healbell.shortDesc=Behebt die Gruppe des Benutzers von allen Statuszuständen. @@ -12876,30 +12876,30 @@ showdown.moves.healbell.gen4.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wir showdown.moves.healbell.gen2.desc=Jedes Pokémon in der Gruppe des Benutzers wird von seinem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befreit. showdown.moves.healbell.activate=Eine Glocke läutete! -showdown.moves.healblock.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine HP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heil- und Entzugsattacken unbrauchbar und Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände, die Heilung gewähren, heilen den Benutzer nicht. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, kann das Ersatz-Pokémon seine HP weiterhin nicht wiederherstellen. Leidteiler und die Regenerator-Fähigkeit bleiben davon unberührt. +showdown.moves.healblock.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine KP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heil- und Entzugsattacken unbrauchbar und Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände, die Heilung gewähren, heilen den Benutzer nicht. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, kann das Ersatz-Pokémon seine KP weiterhin nicht wiederherstellen. Leidteiler und die Regenerator-Fähigkeit bleiben davon unberührt. showdown.moves.healblock.shortDesc=Der/die Gegner wird 5 Runden lang an der Heilung gehindert. -showdown.moves.healblock.gen7.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine HP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heil- und Entzugsattacken unbrauchbar und Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände, die Heilung gewähren, heilen den Benutzer nicht. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, kann das Ersatz-Pokémon seine HP weiterhin nicht wiederherstellen. Leidteiler und die Regeneratorfähigkeit bleiben davon unberührt. Während dieses Effekts können weiterhin relevante Z-Powered-Moves ausgewählt und ausgeführt werden. -showdown.moves.healblock.gen6.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine HP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heil- und Entzugsattacken unbrauchbar und Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände, die Heilung gewähren, heilen den Benutzer nicht. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, kann das Ersatz-Pokémon seine HP weiterhin nicht wiederherstellen. Leidteiler und die Regeneratorfähigkeit bleiben davon unberührt. -showdown.moves.healblock.gen4.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine HP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heilattacken unbrauchbar. Bewegungseffekte, die Heilung gewähren, heilen nicht, Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände heilen den Benutzer jedoch weiterhin. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz unter dem Effekt. Leidteiler bleibt davon unberührt. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen7.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine KP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heil- und Entzugsattacken unbrauchbar und Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände, die Heilung gewähren, heilen den Benutzer nicht. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, kann das Ersatz-Pokémon seine KP weiterhin nicht wiederherstellen. Leidteiler und die Regeneratorfähigkeit bleiben davon unberührt. Während dieses Effekts können weiterhin relevante Z-Powered-Moves ausgewählt und ausgeführt werden. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen6.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine KP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heil- und Entzugsattacken unbrauchbar und Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände, die Heilung gewähren, heilen den Benutzer nicht. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, kann das Ersatz-Pokémon seine KP weiterhin nicht wiederherstellen. Leidteiler und die Regeneratorfähigkeit bleiben davon unberührt. +showdown.moves.healblock.gen4.desc=Das Ziel kann 5 Runden lang keine KP wiederherstellen, solange es aktiv bleibt. Während der Wirkung sind Heilattacken unbrauchbar. Bewegungseffekte, die Heilung gewähren, heilen nicht, Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände heilen den Benutzer jedoch weiterhin. Wenn ein betroffenes Pokémon Stafette verwendet, bleibt der Ersatz unter dem Effekt. Leidteiler bleibt davon unberührt. showdown.moves.healblock.start=Die Heilung von %s wurde verhindert! showdown.moves.healblock.end=Die Heilblockade von %s hat nachgelassen! showdown.moves.healblock.cant=%s kann %s wegen Heilblockade nicht verwenden! es hatte keine Auswirkungen auf %s! -showdown.moves.healingwish.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht, und wenn das als Ersatz herausgebrachte Pokémon nicht über volle HP verfügt oder sich in einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befindet, werden seine HP vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Der Ersatz wird am Ende des Zuges verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Dieser Effekt hält an, bis ein Pokémon, das eine dieser Bedingungen erfüllt, an der Position des Benutzers einwechselt oder durch Seitentausch auf die Position getauscht wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.healingwish.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht, und wenn das als Ersatz herausgebrachte Pokémon nicht über volle KP verfügt oder sich in einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befindet, werden seine KP vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Der Ersatz wird am Ende des Zuges verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Dieser Effekt hält an, bis ein Pokémon, das eine dieser Bedingungen erfüllt, an der Position des Benutzers einwechselt oder durch Seitentausch auf die Position getauscht wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. showdown.moves.healingwish.shortDesc=Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Das nächste verletzte Pokémon ist vollständig geheilt. -showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die HP des Pokémon, das als Ersatz herangezogen wird, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird am Ende des Zuges ausgesandt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die KP des Pokémon, das als Ersatz herangezogen wird, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird am Ende des Zuges ausgesandt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. showdown.moves.healingwish.gen7.shortDesc=Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Der Ersatz ist vollständig verheilt. -showdown.moves.healingwish.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die HP des Pokémon, das als Ersatz herangezogen wird, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird sofort verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, nachdem die Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.healingwish.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die KP des Pokémon, das als Ersatz herangezogen wird, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird sofort verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, nachdem die Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. showdown.moves.healingwish.heal=Für %s ist der Heilungswunsch in Erfüllung gegangen! -showdown.moves.healorder.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. -showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.healorder.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.healorder.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.healorder.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.healpulse.desc=Das Ziel stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn der Benutzer über die Mega Launcher-Fähigkeit verfügt, stellt das Ziel stattdessen 3/4 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. -showdown.moves.healpulse.shortDesc=Heilt das Ziel um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.healpulse.gen5.desc=Das Ziel stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.healpulse.desc=Das Ziel stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn der Benutzer über die Mega Launcher-Fähigkeit verfügt, stellt das Ziel stattdessen 3/4 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.healpulse.shortDesc=Heilt das Ziel um 50 % seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.healpulse.gen5.desc=Das Ziel stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. showdown.moves.heartstamp.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. showdown.moves.heartstamp.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. @@ -12948,20 +12948,20 @@ Kraftwasserärke showdown.moves.highhorsepower.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe der Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels, wenn das Ziel immun war, abgerundet, andernfalls die Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP und nicht mehr mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer 50 % seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer KP in Höhe der Hälfte der maximalen KP des Ziels, wenn das Ziel immun war, abgerundet, andernfalls die Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP und nicht mehr mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen KP des Ziels als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer die Hälfte des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe der Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP und nicht mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels Unfallschaden. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer KP in Höhe der Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP und nicht mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen KP des Ziels Unfallschaden. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer die Hälfte des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe von 1/8 des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP, als Absturzschaden. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer KP in Höhe von 1/8 des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP, als Absturzschaden. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer 1/8 des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff das Ziel verfehlt, erleidet der Benutzer 1 HP Unfallschaden. Wenn der Benutzer einen Ersatz hat, wird der Absturzschaden dem Ersatz des Ziels zugefügt, sofern dieser einen hat, andernfalls wird kein Absturzschaden zugefügt. -showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erleidet 1 HP Schaden, wenn er fehlschlägt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff das Ziel verfehlt, erleidet der Benutzer 1 KP Unfallschaden. Wenn der Benutzer einen Ersatz hat, wird der Absturzschaden dem Ersatz des Ziels zugefügt, sofern dieser einen hat, andernfalls wird kein Absturzschaden zugefügt. +showdown.moves.highjumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erleidet 1 KP Schaden, wenn er fehlschlägt. showdown.moves.highjumpkick.damage=%s ging weiter und stürzte ab!ückhaltung -showdown.moves.holdback.desc=Hinterlässt beim Ziel mindestens 1 HP. -showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Verlässt das Ziel immer mit mindestens 1 HP. +showdown.moves.holdback.desc=Hinterlässt beim Ziel mindestens 1 KP. +showdown.moves.holdback.shortDesc=Verlässt das Ziel immer mit mindestens 1 KP.ändchenhalten showdown.moves.holdhands.desc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich kein Verbündeter neben dem Benutzer befindet. showdown.moves.holdhands.shortDesc=Kein Konkurrenzeinsatz. @@ -12971,13 +12971,13 @@ showdown.moves.honeclaws.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff und die Genauigkeit des B showdown.moves.hornattack.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen HP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. +showdown.moves.horndrill.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen KP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. showdown.moves.horndrill.shortDesc=OHKOt das Ziel. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer eine niedrigere Ebene hat. showdown.moves.horndrill.gen2.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs von 256 entspricht dem kleineren Wert von (2 * (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels) + 76) und 255, bevor Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren angewendet werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einer höheren Ebene befindet. showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 65535 Schaden zu. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels größer ist als die des Benutzers. showdown.moves.horndrill.gen1.shortDesc=Verursacht 65535 Schaden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel schneller ist. -showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.hornleech.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.hornleech.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. showdown.moves.howl.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers und aller Verbündeten um eine Stufe. @@ -13011,7 +13011,7 @@ showdown.moves.hyperfang.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken showdown.moves.hyperfang.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Dieser Zug kann nicht erfolgreich eingesetzt werden, es sei denn, die aktuelle Form des Benutzers, während er Wandler in Betracht zieht, ist Hoopa Unbound. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Bunker, Scanner, Königsschild, Schutzschild oder Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. -showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Senkt die Def des Benutzers um 1; Pausen schützen. +showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.shortDesc=Hoopa-U: Senkt die Vert des Benutzers um 1; Pausen schützen. showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.gen6.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Dieser Zug kann nicht erfolgreich eingesetzt werden, es sei denn, die aktuelle Form des Benutzers, während er Wandler in Betracht zieht, ist Hoopa Unbound. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, durchbricht sie für diesen Zug den Scanner, den Königsschild, das Schutzschild oder das Schutzstacheln des Ziels, sodass andere Pokémon das Ziel normal angreifen können. Wenn die Seite des Ziels durch Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz geschützt ist, wird dieser Schutz für diesen Zug ebenfalls aufgehoben und andere Pokémon können die Seite des Ziels normal angreifen. showdown.moves.hyperspacefury.activate=Es hat den Schutz von %s durchbrochen! %s kann den Umzug nicht nutzen! @@ -13058,7 +13058,7 @@ showdown.moves.iciclecrash.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen showdown.moves.iciclespear.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.iciclespear.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.iciclespear.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.icywind.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. @@ -13087,19 +13087,19 @@ showdown.moves.inferno.shortDesc=100 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Maxiflamme showdown.moves.infernooverdrive.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.infestation.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.infestation.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.infestation.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.infestation.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.infestation.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.infestation.start=%s wurde von einem Befall durch %s befallen! -showdown.moves.ingrain.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Benutzer kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn er Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen werden und von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und Klebenetz betroffen sein, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein Fliegentyp ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. -showdown.moves.ingrain.shortDesc=Benutzer von Fallen/Gelände; Heilt 1/16 maximale HP pro Runde. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Benutzer kann immer noch ausschalten, wenn er Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen werden und von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und Klebenetz betroffen sein, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein Fliegentyp ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Nutzer kann weiterhin auswechseln, wenn er Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel nutzt. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen und von Stachler und Toxin Stachler beeinflusst werden, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein fliegender Typ ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Nutzer kann immer noch aussteigen, wenn er Stafette oder Kehrtwende nutzt. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen und von Stachler und Toxin Stachler beeinflusst werden, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein fliegender Typ ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Benutzer kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn er Stafette verwendet, und der Ersatz bleibt gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. -showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stellt pro Runde maximal 1/16 HP wieder her. Traps-Benutzer. +showdown.moves.ingrain.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Benutzer kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn er Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen werden und von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und Klebenetz betroffen sein, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein Fliegentyp ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. +showdown.moves.ingrain.shortDesc=Benutzer von Fallen/Gelände; Heilt 1/16 maximale KP pro Runde. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Benutzer kann immer noch ausschalten, wenn er Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen werden und von Stachler, Toxin Stachler und Klebenetz betroffen sein, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein Fliegentyp ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Nutzer kann weiterhin auswechseln, wenn er Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel nutzt. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen und von Stachler und Toxin Stachler beeinflusst werden, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein fliegender Typ ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Nutzer kann immer noch aussteigen, wenn er Stafette oder Kehrtwende nutzt. Wenn der Benutzer das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. Während des Effekts kann der Benutzer normal von Bodenangriffen getroffen und von Stachler und Toxin Stachler beeinflusst werden, selbst wenn der Benutzer ein fliegender Typ ist oder über die Fähigkeit Levitieren verfügt. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer hat am Ende jeder Runde 1/16 seiner maximalen KP wiederhergestellt, es wird jedoch verhindert, dass er auswechselt, und andere Pokémon können den Benutzer nicht zum Auswechseln zwingen. Der Benutzer kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn er Stafette verwendet, und der Ersatz bleibt gefangen und erhält weiterhin den Heileffekt. +showdown.moves.ingrain.gen3.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stellt pro Runde maximal 1/16 KP wieder her. Traps-Benutzer. showdown.moves.ingrain.start=%s hat seine Wurzeln gepflanzt! showdown.moves.ingrain.block=%s ist mit seinen Wurzeln verankert! showdown.moves.ingrain.heal=%s hat Nährstoffe mit seinen Wurzeln aufgenommen! @@ -13132,20 +13132,20 @@ showdown.moves.judgment.desc=Die Art dieser Bewegung hängt von der vom Benutzer gehaltenen Platte ab. showdown.moves.judgment.shortDesc=Der Typ variiert je nach gehaltener Platte. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe der Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels, wenn das Ziel immun war, abgerundet, andernfalls die Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP und nicht mehr mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer 50 % seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist, verliert der Benutzer KP in Höhe der Hälfte der maximalen KP des Ziels, wenn das Ziel immun war, abgerundet, andernfalls die Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP und nicht mehr mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen KP des Ziels als Absturzschaden. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz sind von Absturzschaden nicht betroffen. showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen4.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer die Hälfte des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe der Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP und nicht mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Ziels Unfallschaden. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer KP in Höhe der Hälfte des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP und nicht mehr als die Hälfte der maximalen KP des Ziels Unfallschaden. showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen3.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer die Hälfte des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer HP in Höhe von 1/8 des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP, als Absturzschaden. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff nicht erfolgreich ist und das Ziel nicht immun war, verliert der Benutzer KP in Höhe von 1/8 des Schadens, den das Ziel erlitten hätte, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP, als Absturzschaden. showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen2.shortDesc=Bei einem Fehlschlag erleidet der Benutzer 1/8 des Schadens, den er verursacht hätte. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff das Ziel verfehlt, erleidet der Benutzer 1 HP Unfallschaden. Wenn der Benutzer einen Ersatz hat, wird der Absturzschaden dem Ersatz des Ziels zugefügt, sofern dieser einen hat, andernfalls wird kein Absturzschaden zugefügt. -showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erleidet 1 HP Schaden, wenn er fehlschlägt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.desc=Wenn dieser Angriff das Ziel verfehlt, erleidet der Benutzer 1 KP Unfallschaden. Wenn der Benutzer einen Ersatz hat, wird der Absturzschaden dem Ersatz des Ziels zugefügt, sofern dieser einen hat, andernfalls wird kein Absturzschaden zugefügt. +showdown.moves.jumpkick.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erleidet 1 KP Schaden, wenn er fehlschlägt. showdown.moves.jumpkick.damage=%s ging weiter und stürzte ab! -showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet auf die Hälfte, und sein Statuszustand ist geheilt. -showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=Benutzer und Verbündete: 1/4 max. HP geheilt, Status geheilt. +showdown.moves.junglehealing.desc=Jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet auf die Hälfte, und sein Statuszustand ist geheilt. +showdown.moves.junglehealing.shortDesc=Benutzer und Verbündete: 1/4 max. KP geheilt, Status geheilt. showdown.moves.karatechop.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. showdown.moves.karatechop.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. @@ -13154,10 +13154,10 @@ showdown.moves.kinesis.desc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. showdown.moves.kinesis.shortDesc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1.önigsschild showdown.moves.kingsshield.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und der Angriff von Pokémon, die versuchen, mit dem Benutzer Kontakt aufzunehmen, wird um eine Stufe verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -1 Atk. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -1 Angr. showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und der Angriff von Pokémon, die versuchen, mit dem Benutzer Kontakt aufzunehmen, wird um eine Stufe verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und der Angriff von Pokémon, die versuchen, mit dem Benutzer Kontakt aufzunehmen, wird um 2 Stufen verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -2 Atk. +showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen7.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -2 Angr. showdown.moves.kingsshield.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und der Angriff von Pokémon, die versuchen, mit dem Benutzer Kontakt aufzunehmen, wird um 2 Stufen verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. showdown.moves.knockoff.desc=Wenn das Ziel einen Gegenstand in der Hand hält, der von ihm entfernt werden kann, wird die Kraft dieser Bewegung mit 1,5 multipliziert, wobei die Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ignoriert wird. Wenn der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, verliert das Ziel seinen gehaltenen Gegenstand. Diese Bewegung kann nicht dazu führen, dass Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Sticky Hold ihren gehaltenen Gegenstand verlieren oder dass ein Kyogre, ein Groudon, ein Giratina, ein Arceus, ein Genesect, ein Silvally, ein Zacian oder ein Zamazenta ihre Blue Orb, Red Orb, Griseous Orb, Plate, Drive, Memory, Rusted Sword bzw. Rusted Shield. Durch diesen Zug verlorene Gegenstände können nicht mit der Fähigkeit Aufbereitung oder Ernten wiederhergestellt werden. @@ -13203,16 +13203,16 @@ showdown.moves.leaftornado.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. showdown.moves.leaftornado.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.leechlife.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.leechlife.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.leechlife.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.leechlife.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.leechlife.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.leechseed.desc=Das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers stiehlt am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 der maximalen HP des Ziels, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Empfänger gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, wird der Ersatz weiterhin ausgesaugt. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt oder Letalwirbler oder Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt, endet der Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind bei Verwendung gegen diese Attacke immun, nicht jedoch gegen deren Wirkung. -showdown.moves.leechseed.shortDesc=1/8 der HP des Ziels wird dem Benutzer in jeder Runde wiederhergestellt. -showdown.moves.leechseed.gen8.desc=Das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers stiehlt am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 der maximalen HP des Ziels, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Empfänger gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, wird der Ersatz weiterhin ausgesaugt. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt oder Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt, endet der Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind bei Verwendung gegen diese Attacke immun, nicht jedoch gegen deren Wirkung. -showdown.moves.leechseed.gen3.desc=Das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers stiehlt am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 der maximalen HP des Ziels, abgerundet. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, wird der Ersatz weiterhin ausgesaugt. Wenn das Ziel ausschaltet oder Turbodreher verwendet, endet der Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind bei Verwendung gegen diese Attacke immun, nicht jedoch gegen deren Wirkung. -showdown.moves.leechseed.gen1.desc=Am Ende jeder Runde des Ziels stiehlt das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers 1/16 der maximalen HP des Ziels, abgerundet und multipliziert mit dem aktuellen Toxin-Zähler des Ziels, falls es einen hat, selbst wenn das Ziel derzeit weniger als diesen hat verbleibende HP-Menge. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt oder ein Pokémon Dunkelnebel verwendet, endet dieser Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind gegen diese Attacke immun. +showdown.moves.leechseed.desc=Das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers stiehlt am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 der maximalen KP des Ziels, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Empfänger gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, wird der Ersatz weiterhin ausgesaugt. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt oder Letalwirbler oder Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt, endet der Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind bei Verwendung gegen diese Attacke immun, nicht jedoch gegen deren Wirkung. +showdown.moves.leechseed.shortDesc=1/8 der KP des Ziels wird dem Benutzer in jeder Runde wiederhergestellt. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen8.desc=Das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers stiehlt am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 der maximalen KP des Ziels, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Empfänger gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, wird der Ersatz weiterhin ausgesaugt. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt oder Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt, endet der Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind bei Verwendung gegen diese Attacke immun, nicht jedoch gegen deren Wirkung. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen3.desc=Das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers stiehlt am Ende jeder Runde 1/8 der maximalen KP des Ziels, abgerundet. Wenn das Ziel Stafette verwendet, wird der Ersatz weiterhin ausgesaugt. Wenn das Ziel ausschaltet oder Turbodreher verwendet, endet der Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind bei Verwendung gegen diese Attacke immun, nicht jedoch gegen deren Wirkung. +showdown.moves.leechseed.gen1.desc=Am Ende jeder Runde des Ziels stiehlt das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers 1/16 der maximalen KP des Ziels, abgerundet und multipliziert mit dem aktuellen Toxin-Zähler des Ziels, falls es einen hat, selbst wenn das Ziel derzeit weniger als diesen hat verbleibende KP-Menge. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt oder ein Pokémon Dunkelnebel verwendet, endet dieser Effekt. Pflanzen-Pokémon sind gegen diese Attacke immun. showdown.moves.leechseed.start=%s wurde gesetzt! showdown.moves.leechseed.end=%s wurde von Egelsamen befreit! showdown.moves.leechseed.damage=Die Gesundheit von %s wird durch Egelsamen geschwächt! @@ -13226,10 +13226,10 @@ showdown.moves.lick.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. showdown.moves.lick.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. -showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer und seine Verbündeten um 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.lifedew.desc=Jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.lifedew.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer und seine Verbündeten um 1/4 ihrer maximalen KP. Calamitatis -showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.lightofruin.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.lightofruin.shortDesc=Hat 1/2 Rückstoß. showdown.moves.lightscreen.desc=Der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder erleiden 5 Runden lang 0,5-fachen Schaden durch Spezialangriffe bzw. 0,66-fachen Schaden im Doppelkampf. Der Schaden wird durch Auroraschleier nicht weiter reduziert. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch, Psychokinese-Reißzähnen oder Auflockern getroffen wird. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Light Clay hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. @@ -13238,7 +13238,7 @@ showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen6.desc=Für 5 Runden erleiden der Benutzer und sei showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen4.desc=Für 5 Runden erleiden der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder 1/2 Schaden durch Spezialangriffe oder 2/3 Schaden, wenn sich mehrere aktive Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers befinden. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch oder Auflockern getroffen wird. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Light Clay hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden erleiden der Benutzer und seine Gruppenmitglieder 1/2 Schaden durch Spezialangriffe oder 2/3 Schaden, wenn sich mehrere aktive Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers befinden. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Es wird von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt, wenn der Benutzer oder ein Verbündeter erfolgreich von Durchbruch getroffen wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.desc=Für 5 Runden wird die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers und seiner Gruppenmitglieder verdoppelt. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf Benutzerseite bereits aktiv ist. -showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden hat die Gruppe des Benutzers die SP verdoppelt. Def. +showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen2.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden hat die Gruppe des Benutzers die SP verdoppelt. Vert. showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird sein Spezialeffekt verdoppelt, wenn er Schaden erleidet. Kritische Treffer ignorieren diesen Effekt. Wenn ein Pokémon Dunkelnebel verwendet, endet dieser Effekt. showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.shortDesc=Während es aktiv ist, beträgt die Spezialkraft des Benutzers das Doppelte, wenn es beschädigt wird. showdown.moves.lightscreen.gen1.start=%s ist gegen Spezialangriffe geschützt! @@ -13276,14 +13276,14 @@ showdown.moves.luminacrash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 2 Stufen zu senken. showdown.moves.luminacrash.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die SP des Ziels zu verringern. Verteidigung um 2. -showdown.moves.lunarblessing.desc=Jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet auf die Hälfte, und sein Statuszustand ist geheilt. -showdown.moves.lunarblessing.shortDesc=Benutzer und Verbündete: 1/4 max. HP geheilt, Status geheilt. +showdown.moves.lunarblessing.desc=Jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers stellt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet auf die Hälfte, und sein Statuszustand ist geheilt. +showdown.moves.lunarblessing.shortDesc=Benutzer und Verbündete: 1/4 max. KP geheilt, Status geheilt. -showdown.moves.lunardance.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht, und wenn das als Ersatz herausgebrachte Pokémon nicht über volle HP oder PP verfügt oder sich in einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befindet, werden seine HP und PP vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Der Ersatz wird am Ende des Zuges verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Dieser Effekt hält an, bis ein Pokémon, das eine dieser Bedingungen erfüllt, an der Position des Benutzers einwechselt oder durch Seitentausch auf die Position getauscht wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. -showdown.moves.lunardance.shortDesc=Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Das nächste verletzte Pkmn ist geheilt, max. HP/PP. -showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die HP und PP des Pokémon, das ihn ersetzt, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird am Ende des Zuges ausgesandt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.lunardance.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht, und wenn das als Ersatz herausgebrachte Pokémon nicht über volle KP oder PP verfügt oder sich in einem nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand befindet, werden seine KP und PP vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Der Ersatz wird am Ende des Zuges verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Dieser Effekt hält an, bis ein Pokémon, das eine dieser Bedingungen erfüllt, an der Position des Benutzers einwechselt oder durch Seitentausch auf die Position getauscht wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.lunardance.shortDesc=Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Das nächste verletzte Pkmn ist geheilt, max. KP/PP. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die KP und PP des Pokémon, das ihn ersetzt, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird am Ende des Zuges ausgesandt und die Heilung erfolgt, bevor Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. showdown.moves.lunardance.gen7.shortDesc=Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Der Ersatz ist mit PP vollständig verheilt. -showdown.moves.lunardance.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die HP und PP des Pokémon, das ihn ersetzt, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird sofort verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, nachdem die Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. +showdown.moves.lunardance.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht und die KP und PP des Pokémon, das ihn ersetzt, werden vollständig wiederhergestellt und alle nichtflüchtigen Statuszustände werden geheilt. Das neue Pokémon wird sofort verschickt und die Heilung erfolgt, nachdem die Gefahren wirksam werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist. showdown.moves.lunardance.heal=%s wurde in mystisches Mondlicht gehüllt! showdown.moves.lunge.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. @@ -13315,19 +13315,19 @@ showdown.moves.magicroom.desc=Für 5 Runden haben die gehaltenen Gegenstände aller aktiven Pokémon keine Wirkung. Der Effekt eines Gegenstandes, Formänderungen hervorzurufen, bleibt davon unberührt, alle anderen Effekte solcher Gegenstände werden jedoch aufgehoben. Während des Effekts wird verhindert, dass Schleuder und Beerenkräfte von allen aktiven Pokémon eingesetzt werden. Wenn dieser Zug während des Effekts verwendet wird, endet der Effekt. showdown.moves.magicroom.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden haben alle gehaltenen Gegenstände keine Wirkung. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.magmastorm.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt. sieben Umdrehungen, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen teilweise einfangenden Bewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt. sieben Umdrehungen, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen teilweise einfangenden Bewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.magmastorm.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. showdown.moves.magmastorm.start=%s wurde von wirbelndem Magma gefangen! showdown.moves.magnetbomb.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. showdown.moves.magneticflux.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung von Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers mit den Plus- oder Minus-Fähigkeiten um 1 Stufe. -showdown.moves.magneticflux.shortDesc=Erhöht Def, Sp. Verteidigung von Verbündeten mit Plus/Minus um 1. +showdown.moves.magneticflux.shortDesc=Erhöht Vert, Sp. Verteidigung von Verbündeten mit Plus/Minus um 1. showdown.moves.magnetrise.desc=Für 5 Runden ist der Benutzer immun gegen Bodenangriffe und die Effekte von Stachler, Toxin Stachler, Klebenetz und der Fähigkeit Arenafalle, solange diese aktiv bleibt. Wenn der Benutzer Stafette verwendet, erhält der Ersatz den Effekt. Verwurzler, Katapult, Tausend Pfeile und Iron Ball überschreiben diese Bewegung, wenn der Benutzer unter einem ihrer Effekte steht. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer bereits unter diesem Effekt oder den Effekten Verwurzler, Katapult oder Tausend Pfeile steht. showdown.moves.magnetrise.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden ist der Benutzer immun gegen Boden. @@ -13357,7 +13357,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxairstream.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskra showdown.moves.maxairstream.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1 Geschwindigkeit. showdown.moves.maxdarkness.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird die Spezialverteidigung jedes Pokémon auf der gegnerischen Seite um 1 Stufe gesenkt, auch wenn sie einen Ersatz haben. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. -showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1 Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.maxdarkness.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1 Sp. Vert. showdown.moves.maxflare.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Gelingt dieser Zug, beginnt die Wirkung von Sonnentag. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. showdown.moves.maxflare.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Beginnt den Sonnentag. @@ -13394,7 +13394,7 @@ showdown.moves.maxphantasm.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraf showdown.moves.maxphantasm.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Feinde: -1 Verteidigung.ß showdown.moves.maxquake.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, wird die Spezialverteidigung jedes Pokémon auf der Seite des Benutzers um 1 Stufe erhöht, auch wenn dieser einen Ersatz hat. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. -showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1 Sp. Def. +showdown.moves.maxquake.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Verbündete: +1 Sp. Vert. showdown.moves.maxrockfall.desc=Die Kraft entspricht der maximalen Bewegungskraft der Basisbewegung. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, beginnt die Wirkung von Sandsturm. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht auf, wenn der Benutzer nicht Dynamaxed ist. Wenn dieser Zug als Basiszug verwendet wird, verursacht er Schaden mit einer Stärke von 0. showdown.moves.maxrockfall.shortDesc=Die Basisbewegung wirkt sich auf die Kraft aus. Startet Sandsturm. @@ -13429,10 +13429,10 @@ showdown.moves.mefirst.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet die Attacke, die das Zie showdown.moves.mefirst.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet die Attacke, die das Ziel in dieser Runde gewählt hat, wenn möglich, mit der Stärke multipliziert mit 1,5. Bei der Bewegung muss es sich um eine andere schädliche Bewegung als Geschwätz, Konter, Bezirzer, Power-Punch, Egotrip, Metallstoß, Spiegelcape, Verzweifler oder Raub handeln. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel vor dem Benutzer bewegt. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter des Ziels, um den Zug zu kopieren. showdown.moves.mefirst.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet die Attacke, die das Ziel in dieser Runde gewählt hat, wenn möglich, mit der Stärke multipliziert mit 1,5. Der Zug muss ein anderer schädlicher Zug als Geschwätz, Konter, Bezirzer, Power-Punch, Egotrip, Spiegelcape, Verzweifler oder Raub sein. Schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel vor dem Benutzer bewegt. Ignoriert den Stellvertreter des Ziels, um den Zug zu kopieren. -showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.megadrain.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.megadrain.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. -showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.megadrain.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.megadrain.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, abgerundet. showdown.moves.megahorn.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -13444,15 +13444,15 @@ showdown.moves.memento.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Zi showdown.moves.memento.shortDesc=Verringert Angriff und Sp des Ziels. Angriff um 2. Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. showdown.moves.memento.gen4.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht, selbst wenn diese Bewegung fehlschlägt. Diese Bewegung kann Ziele mitten in einer Bewegung mit zwei Runden treffen. Schlägt vollständig fehl, wenn kein Ziel vorhanden ist, schlägt jedoch nicht fehl, wenn die Statistiken des Ziels nicht geändert werden können. showdown.moves.memento.gen3.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen. Der Benutzer fällt in Ohnmacht. Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft und es können Ziele mitten in einer zwei Runden dauernden Bewegung getroffen werden. Schlägt völlig fehl, wenn die Angriffs- und Spezialangriffsstatistik des Ziels beide -6 sind. -showdown.moves.memento.heal=Die HP von %s wurden durch die Z-Power wiederhergestellt! +showdown.moves.memento.heal=Die KP von %s wurden durch die Z-Power wiederhergestellt! Mondlaser showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.desc=Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. showdown.moves.menacingmoonrazemaelstrom.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon.ß -showdown.moves.metalburst.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen HP zu, abgerundet. Wenn der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 HP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.metalburst.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen KP zu, abgerundet. Wenn der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff keine KP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 KP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. showdown.moves.metalburst.shortDesc=Bei einem Angriff wird der 1,5-fache Schaden verursacht. -showdown.moves.metalburst.gen6.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen HP zu, abgerundet. Wenn der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen Schaden mit einer Stärke von 1. Wenn die Position des gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird, wird der Schaden einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon in Reichweite zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. -showdown.moves.metalburst.gen4.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen HP zu, abgerundet. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.moves.metalburst.gen6.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen KP zu, abgerundet. Wenn der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff keine KP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen Schaden mit einer Stärke von 1. Wenn die Position des gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird, wird der Schaden einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon in Reichweite zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.metalburst.gen4.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in dieser Runde mit einem physischen oder Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des 1,5-fachen der vom Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verlorenen KP zu, abgerundet. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde nicht vom physischen Angriff oder Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. showdown.moves.metalclaw.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. showdown.moves.metalclaw.shortDesc=10 % Chance, den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. @@ -13482,9 +13482,9 @@ showdown.moves.metronome.gen2.desc=A random move is selected for use, other than showdown.moves.metronome.gen1.desc=Es wird ein zufälliger Zug zur Verwendung ausgewählt, außer Metronom oder Verzweifler. showdown.moves.metronome.move=Wackeln Sie mit dem Finger und lassen Sie es %s verwenden!änk -showdown.moves.milkdrink.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. -showdown.moves.milkdrink.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.milkdrink.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.milkdrink.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet. showdown.moves.mimic.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird diese Bewegung durch die letzte vom Ziel verwendete Bewegung ersetzt. Der kopierte Zug hat die maximale PP für diesen Zug. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat, wenn der Benutzer Wandlered verwendet hat, wenn der Benutzer die Bewegung bereits kennt oder wenn es sich bei der Bewegung um Zuschuss, Gigantenstoß, Gigantenhieb, Rülpser, Hitzeturbo, Ehrentag, Geschwätz, Raufturbo, Imitator, Dynamax-Kanone handelt , Händchenhalten, Zauberturbo, Egotrip, Metronom, Mimikry, Spiegeltrick, Natur-Kraft, Toxiturbo, Nachahmer, Schlafrede, Verzweifler, Wandler oder Finsterturbo. showdown.moves.mimic.shortDesc=Der letzte Zug, den das Ziel ausgeführt hat, ersetzt diesen. @@ -13498,9 +13498,9 @@ showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv bleibt, wird diese Be showdown.moves.mimic.gen1.shortDesc=Dies wird durch eine zufällige, dem Ziel bekannte Bewegung ersetzt. showdown.moves.mimic.start=%s hat %s gelernt! -showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht und selbst wenn sie zu Ohnmacht führen würde, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet, es sei denn, der Benutzer verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. Die Ausführung dieser Bewegung wird verhindert und der Benutzer verliert keine HP, wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Feuchtigkeit verfügt oder wenn diese Bewegung vom Typ Feuer ist und der Benutzer von Pulverschleuder betroffen ist oder das Wetter Urmeer ist. -showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen HP. Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. -showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s reduziert seine eigenen HP, um seine Bewegung zu verstärken!) +showdown.moves.mindblown.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht und selbst wenn sie zu Ohnmacht führen würde, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, aufgerundet, es sei denn, der Benutzer verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. Die Ausführung dieser Bewegung wird verhindert und der Benutzer verliert keine KP, wenn ein aktives Pokémon über die Fähigkeit Feuchtigkeit verfügt oder wenn diese Bewegung vom Typ Feuer ist und der Benutzer von Pulverschleuder betroffen ist oder das Wetter Urmeer ist. +showdown.moves.mindblown.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen KP. Trifft benachbarte Pokémon. +showdown.moves.mindblown.damage=(%s reduziert seine eigenen KP, um seine Bewegung zu verstärken!) showdown.moves.mindreader.desc=Bis zum Ende der nächsten Runde kann das Ziel den Attacken des Benutzers nicht ausweichen, selbst wenn sich das Ziel mitten in einer zwei Runden langen Bewegung befindet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Effekt für den Benutzer aktiv ist. showdown.moves.mindreader.shortDesc=Der nächste Zug des Benutzers wird das Ziel nicht verfehlen. @@ -13524,12 +13524,12 @@ showdown.moves.miracleeye.shortDesc=Psychokinese trifft Dark. Ausweichmanöver i showdown.moves.miracleeye.gen4.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt, wird seine Stufe des Ausweichwerts bei Genauigkeitsprüfungen ignoriert, wenn er größer als 0 ist, und Angriffe vom Typ Psychokinese können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Dunkel ist. showdown.moves.miracleeye.start=%s wurde identifiziert! -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 HP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der KP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen 1 KP Schaden. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.shortDesc=Bei einem Treffer durch einen Spezialangriff wird doppelter Schaden verursacht. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen Schaden mit einer Stärke von 1. Wenn die Position des gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird, wird der Schaden einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon in Reichweite zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen4.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen3.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. -showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen2.desc=Fügt dem gegnerischen Pokémon Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der HP zu, die der Benutzer in diesem Zug durch einen Spezialangriff verloren hat. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich zuerst bewegt, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde nicht von einem Spezialangriff getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen6.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der KP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat, verursacht dieser Zug stattdessen Schaden mit einer Stärke von 1. Wenn die Position des gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird, wird der Schaden einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon in Reichweite zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen4.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der KP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Bei einem Multi-Hit-Angriff wird nur der letzte Treffer gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen3.desc=Fügt dem letzten gegnerischen Pokémon, das den Benutzer in diesem Zug mit einem Spezialangriff trifft, Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der KP zu, die der Benutzer durch diesen Angriff verloren hat. Wenn die Position dieses gegnerischen Pokémon nicht mehr verwendet wird und sich ein anderes gegnerisches Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld befindet, wird stattdessen diesem Schaden zugefügt. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug nicht vom Spezialangriff eines gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. +showdown.moves.mirrorcoat.gen2.desc=Fügt dem gegnerischen Pokémon Schaden in Höhe des Doppelten der KP zu, die der Benutzer in diesem Zug durch einen Spezialangriff verloren hat. Dieser Zug betrachtet Kraftreserve als Normaltyp und nur der letzte Treffer eines Mehrfachtrefferangriffs wird gezählt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich zuerst bewegt, wenn der Benutzer in dieser Runde nicht von einem Spezialangriff getroffen wurde oder wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. showdown.moves.mirrormove.desc=Der Benutzer verwendet den letzten Zug des Ziels. Der kopierte Zug wird, wenn möglich, gegen dieses Ziel verwendet. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keine Bewegung ausgeführt hat oder wenn die zuletzt verwendete Bewegung von dieser Bewegung nicht kopiert werden kann. showdown.moves.mirrormove.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verwendet die zuletzt verwendete Bewegung des Ziels gegen das Ziel. @@ -13570,21 +13570,21 @@ showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.desc=Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. showdown.moves.moongeistbeam.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. -showdown.moves.moonlight.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.moonlight.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist, alles halbiert. showdown.moves.moonlight.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um einen wetterabhängigen Betrag. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles halbiert. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm ist , Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm, jeweils halb abgerundet. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles zur Hälfte abgerundet. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles abgerundet. -showdown.moves.moonlight.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, alle seine HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles abgerundet. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm ist , Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm, jeweils halb abgerundet. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles zur Hälfte abgerundet. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles abgerundet. +showdown.moves.moonlight.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, alle seine KP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles abgerundet. -showdown.moves.morningsun.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.morningsun.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist, alles halbiert. showdown.moves.morningsun.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um einen wetterabhängigen Betrag. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles halbiert. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm ist , Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm, jeweils zur Hälfte abgerundet. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles zur Hälfte abgerundet. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles abgerundet. -showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, alle seine HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles abgerundet. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm ist , Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm, jeweils zur Hälfte abgerundet. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles zur Hälfte abgerundet. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles abgerundet. +showdown.moves.morningsun.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, alle seine KP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles abgerundet. showdown.moves.mortalspin.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, enden die Effekte von Egelsamen- und Bindungsattacken für den Benutzer und alle Gefahren werden von der Seite des Benutzerfelds entfernt. Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. showdown.moves.mortalspin.shortDesc=Vergiftet Feinde, befreit den Benutzer von Gefahren/Fesseln/Aussaugern. @@ -13638,8 +13638,8 @@ showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.desc=Dieser Zug ruft je nach Schlachtgelände ei showdown.moves.naturepower.gen3.shortDesc=Angriffsänderungen je nach Gelände. (Sternschauer) showdown.moves.naturepower.move=Aus Natur-Kraft wurde %s! Wahnsinn der Natur -showdown.moves.naturesmadness.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP zu. -showdown.moves.naturesmadness.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der aktuellen HP des Ziels. +showdown.moves.naturesmadness.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP zu. +showdown.moves.naturesmadness.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der aktuellen KP des Ziels. showdown.moves.needlearm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. showdown.moves.needlearm.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. @@ -13650,8 +13650,8 @@ showdown.moves.nightdaze.desc=Hat eine Chance von 40 %, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. showdown.moves.nightdaze.shortDesc=40 % Chance, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.nightmare.desc=Führt dazu, dass das Ziel am Ende jeder Runde 1/4 seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) verliert, solange es schläft. Diese Bewegung wirkt sich nicht auf das Ziel aus, es sei denn, es schläft. Der Effekt endet, wenn das Ziel aufwacht, auch wenn es im selben Zug wieder einschläft. -showdown.moves.nightmare.shortDesc=Ein schlafendes Ziel wird pro Runde um 1/4 der maximalen HP verletzt. +showdown.moves.nightmare.desc=Führt dazu, dass das Ziel am Ende jeder Runde 1/4 seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) verliert, solange es schläft. Diese Bewegung wirkt sich nicht auf das Ziel aus, es sei denn, es schläft. Der Effekt endet, wenn das Ziel aufwacht, auch wenn es im selben Zug wieder einschläft. +showdown.moves.nightmare.shortDesc=Ein schlafendes Ziel wird pro Runde um 1/4 der maximalen KP verletzt. showdown.moves.nightmare.start=%s hatte einen Albtraum! showdown.moves.nightmare.damage=%s ist in einem Albtraum gefangen! @@ -13676,11 +13676,11 @@ showdown.moves.nuzzle.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. showdown.moves.nuzzle.shortDesc=100 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 3/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.oblivionwing.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 3/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.oblivionwing.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 75 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. showdown.moves.obstruct.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt und die Verteidigung von Pokémon, die versuchen, Kontakt mit dem Benutzer aufzunehmen, wird um 2 Stufen verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -2 Def. +showdown.moves.obstruct.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -2 Vert. showdown.moves.obstruct.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt und die Verteidigung von Pokémon, die versuchen, Kontakt mit dem Benutzer aufzunehmen, wird um 2 Stufen verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. Meeressymphonie showdown.moves.oceanicoperetta.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -13689,7 +13689,7 @@ showdown.moves.octazooka.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, die Genauigkeit des Ziel showdown.moves.octazooka.shortDesc=50 % Chance, die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. showdown.moves.octolock.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung werden die Verteidigung und die Spezialverteidigung des Ziels um 1 Stufe gesenkt. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Wenn das Ziel das Feld mit Stafette verlässt, bleibt der Ersatz gefangen. Der Effekt endet, wenn der Benutzer das Feld verlässt. -showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein, verringert Def und SpD in jeder Runde um 1. +showdown.moves.octolock.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein, verringert Vert und SpD in jeder Runde um 1. showdown.moves.octolock.start=%s kann wegen Octoklammer nicht mehr entkommen!üffler showdown.moves.odorsleuth.desc=Solange das Ziel aktiv bleibt, wird seine Stufe des Ausweichwerts bei Genauigkeitsprüfungen ignoriert, wenn er größer als 0 ist, und Angriffe vom Typ Normal und Kampf können das Ziel treffen, wenn es vom Typ Geist ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel bereits betroffen ist oder von Scharfblick oder Wunderauge betroffen ist. @@ -13701,7 +13701,7 @@ showdown.moves.ominouswind.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, den Angriff, die Verte showdown.moves.ominouswind.shortDesc=10 % Chance, alle Werte um 1 zu erhöhen (nicht Acc/Eva). showdown.moves.orderup.desc=Wenn ein verbündeter Tatsugiri seine Kommandantenfähigkeit aktiviert hat, erhöht diese Bewegung den Angriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe, wenn der Tatsugiri eine lockige Form hat, die Verteidigung um 1 Stufe, wenn er in hängender Form ist, oder die Geschwindigkeit um 1 Stufe, wenn er in dehnbarer Form ist. Der Effekt tritt ein, unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht, und auch dann, wenn der Tatsugiri, der den Effekt aktiviert hat, inzwischen ohnmächtig geworden ist. -showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy gegessen: +1 Atk|Def|Spe. +showdown.moves.orderup.shortDesc=Curly|Droopy|Stretchy gegessen: +1 Angr|Vert|Init. showdown.moves.originpulse.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.originpulse.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. @@ -13719,20 +13719,20 @@ showdown.moves.overheat.desc=Verringert den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. showdown.moves.overheat.shortDesc=Senkt die Sp des Benutzers. Angriff um 2. -showdown.moves.painsplit.desc=Die HP des Benutzers und des Ziels ergeben den Durchschnitt ihrer aktuellen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht mehr als die maximalen HP beider. -showdown.moves.painsplit.shortDesc=Verteilt HP von Benutzer und Ziel gleichermaßen. +showdown.moves.painsplit.desc=Die KP des Benutzers und des Ziels ergeben den Durchschnitt ihrer aktuellen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht mehr als die maximalen KP beider. +showdown.moves.painsplit.shortDesc=Verteilt KP von Benutzer und Ziel gleichermaßen. showdown.moves.painsplit.activate=Die Kämpfer teilten ihren Schmerz!äo-Welle showdown.moves.paleowave.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. showdown.moves.paleowave.shortDesc=20 % Chance, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. showdown.moves.paraboliccharge.shortDesc=Der Benutzer erhält 50 % des verursachten Schadens zurück. showdown.moves.partingshot.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Gelingt dieser Zug, wechselt der Benutzer, auch wenn er gefangen ist, aus und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn die Angriffs- und Spezialangriffsstatistikstufen des Ziels beide unverändert blieben oder wenn es keine nicht ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt. showdown.moves.partingshot.shortDesc=Verringert Angriff und Stärke des Ziels. Angriff um 1. Benutzer wechselt. showdown.moves.partingshot.gen6.desc=Verringert den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Gelingt dieser Zug, wechselt der Benutzer, auch wenn er gefangen ist, aus und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt. -showdown.moves.partingshot.heal=Die HP von %s wurden durch die Z-Power wiederhergestellt! +showdown.moves.partingshot.heal=Die KP von %s wurden durch die Z-Power wiederhergestellt! showdown.moves.partingshot.switchOut=%s ist zu %s zurückgekehrt!ß showdown.moves.payback.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn sich der Benutzer in dieser Runde hinter dem Ziel bewegt, einschließlich Aktionen, die durch Kommando oder die Fähigkeit Tänzer ausgeführt werden. Das Einwechseln gilt nicht als Aktion. @@ -13777,7 +13777,7 @@ showdown.moves.pikapapow.shortDesc=Maximales Glück: 102 Kraft. Kann nicht verfe showdown.moves.pinmissile.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.pinmissile.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.pinmissile.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug.äuste @@ -13818,8 +13818,8 @@ showdown.moves.poisontail.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu vergiften, und eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. showdown.moves.poisontail.shortDesc=Hohe kritische Trefferquote. 10 % Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit.ödel -showdown.moves.pollenpuff.desc=Wenn das Ziel ein Verbündeter ist, stellt diese Bewegung die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP (abgerundet) wieder her, anstatt Schaden zu verursachen. -showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=Wenn das Ziel ein Verbündeter ist, werden 50 % seiner maximalen HP geheilt. +showdown.moves.pollenpuff.desc=Wenn das Ziel ein Verbündeter ist, stellt diese Bewegung die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP (abgerundet) wieder her, anstatt Schaden zu verursachen. +showdown.moves.pollenpuff.shortDesc=Wenn das Ziel ein Verbündeter ist, werden 50 % seiner maximalen KP geheilt. showdown.moves.poltergeist.shortDesc=Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel keinen gehaltenen Gegenstand hat. showdown.moves.poltergeist.activate=%s wird bald von seinem %s angegriffen! @@ -13832,9 +13832,9 @@ showdown.moves.pounce.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 showdown.moves.pound.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.powder.desc=Wenn das Ziel in diesem Zug eine Bewegung vom Typ Feuer ausführt, wird die Ausführung verhindert und das Ziel verliert 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn die Bewegung vom Typ Feuer durch Urmeer verhindert wird. -showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=Bei Verwendung einer Feuerbewegung verliert das Ziel 1/4 seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=Wenn das Ziel in diesem Zug eine Bewegung vom Typ Feuer ausführt, wird die Ausführung verhindert und das Ziel verliert 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Dieser Effekt tritt ein, bevor die Bewegung vom Typ Feuer durch Urmeer verhindert wird. +showdown.moves.powder.desc=Wenn das Ziel in diesem Zug eine Bewegung vom Typ Feuer ausführt, wird die Ausführung verhindert und das Ziel verliert 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Dieser Effekt tritt nicht ein, wenn die Bewegung vom Typ Feuer durch Urmeer verhindert wird. +showdown.moves.powder.shortDesc=Bei Verwendung einer Feuerbewegung verliert das Ziel 1/4 seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.powder.gen6.desc=Wenn das Ziel in diesem Zug eine Bewegung vom Typ Feuer ausführt, wird die Ausführung verhindert und das Ziel verliert 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Dieser Effekt tritt ein, bevor die Bewegung vom Typ Feuer durch Urmeer verhindert wird. showdown.moves.powder.start=%s ist mit Pulver bedeckt! showdown.moves.powder.activate=Als die Flamme das Pulver auf dem Pokémon berührte, explodierte es! @@ -13872,9 +13872,9 @@ showdown.moves.precipiceblades.desc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. showdown.moves.precipiceblades.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. Trifft benachbarte Feinde. -showdown.moves.present.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verursacht er Schaden oder heilt das Ziel. 40 % Chance auf 40 Kraft, 30 % Chance auf 80 Kraft, 10 % Chance auf 120 Kraft und 20 % Chance, das Ziel um 1/4 seiner maximalen HP zu heilen, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 Kraft oder heilt das Ziel um 1/4 der maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verursacht er Schaden oder heilt das Ziel. 102/256-Chance für 40 Kraft, 76/256-Chance für 80 Kraft, 26/256-Chance für 120 Kraft oder 52/256-Chance, das Ziel um 1/4 seiner maximalen HP zu heilen, abgerundet. Wenn dieser Zug Schaden verursacht, verwendet er eine abnormale Version der Schadensformel, indem er bestimmte Werte ersetzt. Der Angriffswert des Benutzers wird durch die zehnfache Effektivität dieser Bewegung gegen das Ziel ersetzt, der Verteidigungswert des Ziels wird durch die Indexnummer des sekundären Typs des Benutzers ersetzt und die Stufe des Benutzers wird durch die Indexnummer des sekundären Typs des Ziels ersetzt. Wenn ein Pokémon keinen sekundären Typ hat, wird sein primärer Typ verwendet. Die Indexzahlen für jeden Typ sind Normal: 0, Kämpfen: 1, Fliegend: 2, Gift: 3, Boden: 4, Stein: 5, Käfer: 7, Geist: 8, Stahl: 9, Feuer: 20, Wasser: 21 , Gras: 22, Elektrik: 23, Psychokinese: 24, Eis: 25, Drache: 26, Dunkelheit: 27. Wenn in der Schadensformel zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt eine Division durch 0 vorkommen würde, wird stattdessen durch 1 dividiert. +showdown.moves.present.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verursacht er Schaden oder heilt das Ziel. 40 % Chance auf 40 Kraft, 30 % Chance auf 80 Kraft, 10 % Chance auf 120 Kraft und 20 % Chance, das Ziel um 1/4 seiner maximalen KP zu heilen, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.present.shortDesc=40, 80, 120 Kraft oder heilt das Ziel um 1/4 der maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.present.gen2.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, verursacht er Schaden oder heilt das Ziel. 102/256-Chance für 40 Kraft, 76/256-Chance für 80 Kraft, 26/256-Chance für 120 Kraft oder 52/256-Chance, das Ziel um 1/4 seiner maximalen KP zu heilen, abgerundet. Wenn dieser Zug Schaden verursacht, verwendet er eine abnormale Version der Schadensformel, indem er bestimmte Werte ersetzt. Der Angriffswert des Benutzers wird durch die zehnfache Effektivität dieser Bewegung gegen das Ziel ersetzt, der Verteidigungswert des Ziels wird durch die Indexnummer des sekundären Typs des Benutzers ersetzt und die Stufe des Benutzers wird durch die Indexnummer des sekundären Typs des Ziels ersetzt. Wenn ein Pokémon keinen sekundären Typ hat, wird sein primärer Typ verwendet. Die Indexzahlen für jeden Typ sind Normal: 0, Kämpfen: 1, Fliegend: 2, Gift: 3, Boden: 4, Stein: 5, Käfer: 7, Geist: 8, Stahl: 9, Feuer: 20, Wasser: 21 , Gras: 22, Elektrik: 23, Psychokinese: 24, Eis: 25, Drache: 26, Dunkelheit: 27. Wenn in der Schadensformel zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt eine Division durch 0 vorkommen würde, wird stattdessen durch 1 dividiert. showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, muss der Benutzer in der folgenden Runde nachladen und kann keinen Zug auswählen. showdown.moves.prismaticlaser.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Runde nicht bewegen. @@ -13926,15 +13926,15 @@ showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Verteidigung de showdown.moves.psyshieldbash.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. showdown.moves.psyshock.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden zu, der auf seiner Verteidigung statt auf der Spezialverteidigung basiert. -showdown.moves.psyshock.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden basierend auf der Verteidigung zu, nicht auf der SP. Def. +showdown.moves.psyshock.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden basierend auf der Verteidigung zu, nicht auf der SP. Vert.ß showdown.moves.psystrike.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden zu, der auf seiner Verteidigung statt auf der Spezialverteidigung basiert. -showdown.moves.psystrike.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden basierend auf der Verteidigung zu, nicht auf der SP. Def. +showdown.moves.psystrike.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden basierend auf der Verteidigung zu, nicht auf der SP. Vert. -showdown.moves.psywave.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von (Level des Benutzers) * (X + 50) / 100 zu, wobei X eine Zufallszahl von 0 bis 100 ist, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von (Level des Benutzers) * (X + 50) / 100 zu, wobei X eine Zufallszahl von 0 bis 100 ist, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.psywave.shortDesc=Zufälliger Schaden in Höhe des 0,5- bis 1,5-fachen Levels des Benutzers. -showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von (Level des Benutzers) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100 zu, wobei X eine Zufallszahl von 0 bis 10 ist, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. -showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe einer zufälligen Zahl von 1 bis (Level des Benutzers * 1,5 – 1) zu, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen4.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe von (Level des Benutzers) * (X * 10 + 50) / 100 zu, wobei X eine Zufallszahl von 0 bis 10 ist, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. +showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe einer zufälligen Zahl von 1 bis (Level des Benutzers * 1,5 – 1) zu, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.psywave.gen2.shortDesc=Zufälliger Schaden von 1 bis (Benutzerlevel*1,5 – 1). mit lustig showdown.moves.pulverizingpancake.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -13942,8 +13942,8 @@ showdown.moves.punishment.desc=Die Stärke ist gleich 60+(X*20), wobei X die gesamten Statusstufenänderungen des Ziels sind, die größer als 0, aber nicht mehr als 200 Stärke sind. showdown.moves.punishment.shortDesc=60 Kraft +20 für jeden Stat-Boost des Ziels.äuterung -showdown.moves.purify.desc=Das Ziel ist geheilt, wenn es einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand aufweist. Wenn das Ziel geheilt wurde, stellt der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Heilt den Status des Ziels; Heilt den Benutzer in diesem Fall um die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP. +showdown.moves.purify.desc=Das Ziel ist geheilt, wenn es einen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand aufweist. Wenn das Ziel geheilt wurde, stellt der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.purify.shortDesc=Heilt den Status des Ziels; Heilt den Benutzer in diesem Fall um die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP. showdown.moves.pursuit.desc=Wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon in diesem Zug auswechselt, trifft dieser Zug dieses Pokémon, bevor es das Spielfeld verlässt, auch wenn es nicht das ursprüngliche Ziel war. Wenn sich der Benutzer einem Gegner mit Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel, aber nicht mit Stafette, nähert, wird dieser Gegner getroffen, bevor er das Feld verlässt. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich und es erfolgt keine Genauigkeitsprüfung, wenn der Benutzer einen auswechselnden Gegner trifft und der Benutzer an der Reihe ist; Fällt ein Gegner dadurch in Ohnmacht, wird das Ersatz-Pokémon erst am Ende des Zuges aktiv. showdown.moves.pursuit.shortDesc=Wenn ein Gegner auswechselt, trifft er ihn mit doppelter Stärke. @@ -13976,7 +13976,7 @@ showdown.moves.quickguard.start=Rapidschutz geschützt %s! showdown.moves.quickguard.block=Rapidschutz geschützt %s! showdown.moves.quiverdance.desc=Erhöht den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. -showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Atk, Sp. Verteidigung, Geschwindigkeit um 1. +showdown.moves.quiverdance.shortDesc=Erhöht die SP des Benutzers. Angr, Sp. Verteidigung, Geschwindigkeit um 1. showdown.moves.rage.desc=Sobald dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, wird der Angriff des Benutzers jedes Mal um 1 Stufe erhöht, wenn er von einem Angriff eines anderen Pokémon getroffen wird, sofern dieser Zug zur Verwendung ausgewählt wurde. showdown.moves.rage.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1, wenn er während der Verwendung getroffen wird. @@ -13986,7 +13986,7 @@ showdown.moves.rage.gen2.shortDesc=Als Nächstes erhöht Raserei den Schaden, we showdown.moves.rage.gen1.desc=Sobald dieser Zug erfolgreich eingesetzt wurde, nutzt der Benutzer diesen Zug automatisch in jeder Runde und kann nicht mehr auswechseln. Während des Effekts wird der Angriff des Benutzers jedes Mal um 1 Stufe erhöht, wenn er vom gegnerischen Pokémon getroffen wird, und die Genauigkeit dieser Bewegung wird in jeder Runde mit der aktuell berechneten Genauigkeit einschließlich Statusstufenänderungen überschrieben, jedoch nicht unter 1/256 oder mehr als 255/256. showdown.moves.rage.gen1.shortDesc=Hält ewig. Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1, wenn er getroffen wird. -showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 50+(X*50), wobei X die Gesamtzahl der Male ist, mit denen der Benutzer während des Kampfes von einem schädlichen Angriff getroffen wurde, auch wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine HP verloren hat. X kann nicht größer als 6 sein und wird beim Ausschalten oder bei Ohnmacht nicht zurückgesetzt. Jeder Treffer eines Multi-Hit-Angriffs wird gezählt, der Verwirrungsschaden wird jedoch nicht gezählt. +showdown.moves.ragefist.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 50+(X*50), wobei X die Gesamtzahl der Male ist, mit denen der Benutzer während des Kampfes von einem schädlichen Angriff getroffen wurde, auch wenn der Benutzer durch den Angriff keine KP verloren hat. X kann nicht größer als 6 sein und wird beim Ausschalten oder bei Ohnmacht nicht zurückgesetzt. Jeder Treffer eines Multi-Hit-Angriffs wird gezählt, der Verwirrungsschaden wird jedoch nicht gezählt. showdown.moves.ragefist.shortDesc=+50 Kraft für jedes Mal, wenn der Benutzer getroffen wurde. Maximal 6 Treffer. showdown.moves.ragepowder.desc=Bis zum Ende der Runde werden alle Einzelzielangriffe der gegnerischen Seite auf den Benutzer umgeleitet. Solche Angriffe werden zum Benutzer umgeleitet, bevor sie von Magiemantel oder der Fähigkeit Magische Sprungfeder reflektiert oder von den Fähigkeiten Blitzableiter oder Storm Drain angezogen werden können. Schlägt fehl, wenn es sich nicht um einen Double Battle oder Battle Royal handelt. Dieser Effekt wird ignoriert, solange der Benutzer unter dem Effekt von Freier Fall steht. @@ -14008,7 +14008,7 @@ showdown.moves.raindance.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Regentanz. D showdown.moves.raindance.gen2.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Regentanz, auch wenn das aktuelle Wetter Regentanz ist. Der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Wasser wird mit 1,5 multipliziert und der Schaden von Angriffen vom Typ Feuer wird während der Wirkung mit 0,5 multipliziert. showdown.moves.rapidspin.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, enden die Effekte von Egelsamen- und Bindungsattacken für den Benutzer und alle Gefahren werden von der Seite des Benutzerfelds entfernt. Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. -showdown.moves.rapidspin.shortDesc=Freier Benutzer von Hazards/Bind/Egelsamen; +1 Spe. +showdown.moves.rapidspin.shortDesc=Freier Benutzer von Hazards/Bind/Egelsamen; +1 Init. showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, enden die Effekte von Egelsamen- und Bindungsattacken für den Benutzer und alle Gefahren werden von der Seite des Benutzerfelds entfernt. showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen7.shortDesc=Befreit Benutzer von Gefahren, Bindungen und Egelsamen. showdown.moves.rapidspin.gen4.desc=Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist, enden die Effekte von Egelsamen- und Bindungsattacken gegen den Benutzer und alle Gefahren werden von der Seite des Benutzers entfernt. @@ -14032,10 +14032,10 @@ showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufge showdown.moves.razorwind.gen1.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs Runde 1. Hits Runde 2. showdown.moves.razorwind.prepare=%s hat für einen Wirbelsturm gesorgt! -showdown.moves.recover.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. -showdown.moves.recover.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.recover.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.recover.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn (maximale HP des Benutzers – aktuelle HP des Benutzers + 1) durch 256 teilbar ist. +showdown.moves.recover.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.recover.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.recover.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.recover.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn (maximale KP des Benutzers – aktuelle KP des Benutzers + 1) durch 256 teilbar ist. showdown.moves.recycle.desc=Der Benutzer erhält den Gegenstand zurück, den er zuletzt verwendet hat. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer einen Gegenstand hält, wenn der Benutzer keinen Gegenstand gehalten hat, wenn der Gegenstand ein geplatzter Luftballon war, wenn der Gegenstand von einem Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Aufsammeln aufgenommen wurde oder wenn der Gegenstand an Käferbiss verloren gegangen ist. Korrosionsgas, Bezirzer, Einäschern, Abschlag, Plücker oder Raub. Mit Schleuder geworfene Gegenstände können zurückgewonnen werden. showdown.moves.recycle.shortDesc=Stellt den Artikel wieder her, den der Benutzer zuletzt verwendet hat. @@ -14068,10 +14068,10 @@ showdown.moves.relicsong.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zum Einschlafen zu bringen. Wenn diese Bewegung bei mindestens einem Ziel erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer eine Meloetta ist, wechselt sie in die Pirouettenform, wenn sie sich derzeit in der Aria-Form befindet, oder in die Aria-Form, wenn sie sich derzeit in der Pirouettenform befindet. Diese Formänderung findet nicht statt, wenn die Meloetta über die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht verfügt. Die Pirouettenform kehrt zur Ariaform zurück, wenn Meloetta nicht aktiv ist. showdown.moves.relicsong.shortDesc=10 % Chance, Gegner einzuschlafen. Meloetta verwandelt sich. Benutzer schläft für die nächsten zwei Runden ein und stellt alle seine HP wieder her, wodurch er sich selbst von allen nichtflüchtigen Statuszuständen heilt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer über volle HP verfügt, bereits schläft oder wenn ein anderer Effekt den Schlaf verhindert. Benutzer schläft 2 Runden und stellt HP und Status wieder her. Benutzer schläft für die nächsten zwei Runden ein und stellt alle seine HP wieder her, wodurch er sich selbst von allen nichtflüchtigen Statuszuständen heilt, selbst wenn er bereits geschlafen hat. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer über volle HP verfügt. Benutzer schläft für die nächsten zwei Runden ein und stellt alle seine HP wieder her, wodurch er sich selbst von allen nichtflüchtigen Statuszuständen heilt. Dadurch wird die Stat-Strafe des Benutzers für Verbrennung oder Lähmung nicht entfernt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer über volle HP verfügt. Benutzer schläft für die nächsten zwei Runden ein und stellt alle seine KP wieder her, wodurch er sich selbst von allen nichtflüchtigen Statuszuständen heilt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer über volle KP verfügt, bereits schläft oder wenn ein anderer Effekt den Schlaf verhindert. Benutzer schläft 2 Runden und stellt KP und Status wieder her. Benutzer schläft für die nächsten zwei Runden ein und stellt alle seine KP wieder her, wodurch er sich selbst von allen nichtflüchtigen Statuszuständen heilt, selbst wenn er bereits geschlafen hat. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer über volle KP verfügt. Benutzer schläft für die nächsten zwei Runden ein und stellt alle seine KP wieder her, wodurch er sich selbst von allen nichtflüchtigen Statuszuständen heilt. Dadurch wird die Stat-Strafe des Benutzers für Verbrennung oder Lähmung nicht entfernt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer über volle KP verfügt. showdown.moves.retaliate.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn eines der Gruppenmitglieder des Benutzers im letzten Zug ohnmächtig wurde. showdown.moves.retaliate.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn ein Verbündeter in der letzten Runde ohnmächtig wurde. @@ -14088,14 +14088,14 @@ showdown.moves.revenge.gen4.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer in showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.desc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer in diesem Zug von einem Pokémon an der aktuellen Position des Ziels getroffen wurde und dieses Pokémon den Benutzer als letztes getroffen hat. showdown.moves.revenge.gen3.shortDesc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer vom Ziel getroffen wird. -showdown.moves.reversal.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. -showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=Je mehr Leistung, desto weniger HP hat der Benutzer übrig. -showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=Die Potenz dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 43 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 22 zu 42 ist, 80, wenn X 13 zu 21 ist, 100, wenn X 6 zu 12 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 64 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. -showdown.moves.reversal.gen3.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. -showdown.moves.reversal.gen2.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet. Dieser Zug verursacht keine Schadensvarianz und kann kein kritischer Treffer sein. +showdown.moves.reversal.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.reversal.shortDesc=Je mehr Leistung, desto weniger KP hat der Benutzer übrig. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen4.desc=Die Potenz dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 43 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 22 zu 42 ist, 80, wenn X 13 zu 21 ist, 100, wenn X 6 zu 12 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 64 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen3.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet. +showdown.moves.reversal.gen2.desc=Die Stärke dieses Zuges ist 20, wenn X 33 zu 48 ist, 40, wenn X 17 zu 32 ist, 80, wenn X 10 zu 16 ist, 100, wenn X 5 zu 9 ist, 150, wenn ist 0 oder 1, wobei X gleich ist (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 48 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet. Dieser Zug verursacht keine Schadensvarianz und kann kein kritischer Treffer sein. -showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=Ein ohnmächtiges Gruppenmitglied wird ausgewählt und mit der Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, wiederbelebt. Schlägt fehl, wenn keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder vorhanden sind. -showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Belebt ein ohnmächtiges Pokémon wieder auf 50 % HP. +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.desc=Ein ohnmächtiges Gruppenmitglied wird ausgewählt und mit der Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, wiederbelebt. Schlägt fehl, wenn keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder vorhanden sind. +showdown.moves.revivalblessing.shortDesc=Belebt ein ohnmächtiges Pokémon wieder auf 50 % KP. showdown.moves.revivalblessing.heal=%s wurde wiederbelebt und ist bereit, wieder zu kämpfen! showdown.moves.risingvoltage.desc=Wenn das aktuelle Gelände Elektrofeld ist und das Ziel am Boden liegt, wird die Kraft dieser Bewegung verdoppelt. @@ -14113,7 +14113,7 @@ showdown.moves.roaroftime.shortDesc=Der Benutzer kann sich in der nächsten Rund showdown.moves.rockblast.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.rockblast.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.rockblast.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.rockblast.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.rockclimb.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. @@ -14157,10 +14157,10 @@ showdown.moves.rollout.shortDesc=Mit jedem Treffer verdoppelt sich die Kraft. Wi showdown.moves.rollout.gen7.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, ist der Benutzer an diesen Zug gebunden und kann keinen weiteren Zug ausführen, bis er fehlschlägt, 5 Runden vergangen sind oder der Angriff nicht ausgeführt werden kann. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem erfolgreichen Treffer dieses Zuges und verdoppelt sich erneut, wenn Einigler zuvor vom Benutzer verwendet wurde. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet. Wenn dieser Zug während des Effekts eine aktive Verkleidung trifft, wird der Kraftmultiplikator angehalten, der Rundenzähler jedoch nicht, sodass der Multiplikator möglicherweise beim nächsten Zug des Benutzers verwendet werden kann, nachdem dieser Effekt endet. showdown.moves.rollout.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, ist der Benutzer an diesen Zug gebunden und kann keinen weiteren Zug ausführen, bis er fehlschlägt, 5 Runden vergangen sind oder der Angriff nicht ausgeführt werden kann. Die Kraft verdoppelt sich mit jedem erfolgreichen Treffer dieses Zuges und verdoppelt sich erneut, wenn Einigler zuvor vom Benutzer verwendet wurde. Wenn dieser Zug von Schlafrede aufgerufen wird, wird der Zug eine Runde lang verwendet. -showdown.moves.roost.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn der Benutzer nicht Terastallisiert ist, verlieren Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening bis zum Ende der Runde ihren Typ Fliegening und Benutzer vom Typ reine Fliegening werden zum normalen Typ. Tut nichts, wenn die HP des Benutzers voll sind. -showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heilt 50 % HP. Der fliegende Typ wird bis zum Ende der Runde entfernt. -showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Bis zum Ende der Runde verlieren Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening ihren Typ Fliegening und reine Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening werden zum normalen Typ. Tut nichts, wenn die HP des Benutzers voll sind. -showdown.moves.roost.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Bis zum Ende der Runde verlieren Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening ihren Typ Fliegening und reine Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening werden typlos. Tut nichts, wenn die HP des Benutzers voll sind. +showdown.moves.roost.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Wenn der Benutzer nicht Terastallisiert ist, verlieren Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening bis zum Ende der Runde ihren Typ Fliegening und Benutzer vom Typ reine Fliegening werden zum normalen Typ. Tut nichts, wenn die KP des Benutzers voll sind. +showdown.moves.roost.shortDesc=Heilt 50 % KP. Der fliegende Typ wird bis zum Ende der Runde entfernt. +showdown.moves.roost.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. Bis zum Ende der Runde verlieren Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening ihren Typ Fliegening und reine Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening werden zum normalen Typ. Tut nichts, wenn die KP des Benutzers voll sind. +showdown.moves.roost.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet. Bis zum Ende der Runde verlieren Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening ihren Typ Fliegening und reine Benutzer vom Typ Fliegening werden typlos. Tut nichts, wenn die KP des Benutzers voll sind. showdown.moves.roost.start=(%s verliert in diesem Zug den Typ Fliegen.)üger showdown.moves.rototiller.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und den Spezialangriff aller am Boden befindlichen Pflanzen-Pokémon auf dem Spielfeld um 1 Stufe. @@ -14169,8 +14169,8 @@ showdown.moves.round.desc=Wenn es andere aktive Pokémon gibt, die diesen Zug für diesen Zug ausgewählt haben, beginnen diese Pokémon ihren Zug unmittelbar nach dem Benutzer in der Geschwindigkeitsreihenfolge, und die Stärke dieses Zuges beträgt 120 für jeden anderen Benutzer. showdown.moves.round.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn andere in diesem Zug Kanon verwendet haben. -showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP zu. -showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der aktuellen HP des Ziels. +showdown.moves.ruination.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP zu. +showdown.moves.ruination.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der aktuellen KP des Ziels.äuterfeuer showdown.moves.sacredfire.desc=Hat eine Chance von 50 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. showdown.moves.sacredfire.shortDesc=50 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. Taut den Benutzer auf. @@ -14186,8 +14186,8 @@ showdown.moves.safeguard.start=%s hüllte sich in einen mystischen Schleier! showdown.moves.safeguard.end=%s wird nicht mehr durch Bodyguard geschützt! showdown.moves.safeguard.block=%s ist durch Bodyguard geschützt!ökelsalz -showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Verursacht am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden am Ziel in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP (1/4, wenn das Ziel vom Typ Stahl oder Wasser ist), abgerundet. Dieser Effekt endet, wenn das Ziel nicht mehr aktiv ist. -showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Verursacht in jeder Runde 1/8 maximale HP; 1/4 auf Stahl, Wasser. +showdown.moves.saltcure.desc=Verursacht am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden am Ziel in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP (1/4, wenn das Ziel vom Typ Stahl oder Wasser ist), abgerundet. Dieser Effekt endet, wenn das Ziel nicht mehr aktiv ist. +showdown.moves.saltcure.shortDesc=Verursacht in jeder Runde 1/8 maximale KP; 1/4 auf Stahl, Wasser. showdown.moves.saltcure.start=%s wird salzgepökelt! showdown.moves.saltcure.damage=%s ist durch Pökelsalz verletzt! @@ -14197,21 +14197,21 @@üstenorkan showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. showdown.moves.sandsearstorm.shortDesc=20 % Chance, Gegner zu verbrennen. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Boden, Fels oder Stahl oder verfügen über Magic Guard, Overcoat, Sand Force oder Sand Rush oder Sandschleierfähigkeiten. Während des Effekts wird die Spezialverteidigung von Pokémon vom Typ Gestein mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn sie durch einen Spezialangriff Schaden erleiden. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Smooth Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Boden, Fels oder Stahl oder verfügen über Magic Guard, Overcoat, Sand Force oder Sand Rush oder Sandschleierfähigkeiten. Während des Effekts wird die Spezialverteidigung von Pokémon vom Typ Gestein mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn sie durch einen Spezialangriff Schaden erleiden. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Smooth Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. showdown.moves.sandstorm.shortDesc=5 Runden lang tobt ein Sandsturm. Fels: 1,5x SpD. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Boden, Fels oder Stahl oder verfügen über die Fähigkeiten Magischer Schutz oder Sandschleier. Während des Effekts wird die Spezialverteidigung von Pokémon vom Typ Gestein mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn sie durch einen Spezialangriff Schaden erleiden. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Smooth Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Boden, Stein oder Stahl oder verfügen über die Fähigkeit Sandschleier. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen4.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Boden, Fels oder Stahl oder verfügen über die Fähigkeiten Magischer Schutz oder Sandschleier. Während des Effekts wird die Spezialverteidigung von Pokémon vom Typ Gestein mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn sie durch einen Spezialangriff Schaden erleiden. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Smooth Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/16 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, es sei denn, sie sind vom Typ Boden, Stein oder Stahl oder verfügen über die Fähigkeit Sandschleier. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen3.shortDesc=5 Runden lang tobt ein Sandsturm. -showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen2.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, es sei denn, es handelt sich um Boden-, Fels- oder Stahl-Pokémon. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. +showdown.moves.sandstorm.gen2.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Sandsturm. Am Ende jeder Runde außer der letzten verlieren alle aktiven Pokémon 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, es sei denn, es handelt sich um Boden-, Fels- oder Stahl-Pokémon. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Sandsturm ist. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.sandtomb.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt. sieben Umdrehungen, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen teilweise einfangenden Bewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt. sieben Umdrehungen, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen teilweise einfangenden Bewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.sandtomb.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.sandtomb.start=%s wurde vom Treibsand gefangen!ßbomben showdown.moves.sappyseed.desc=Dieser Zug ruft Egelsamen auf den Feind herbei. @@ -14225,7 +14225,7 @@ showdown.moves.scald.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zu verbrennen. showdown.moves.scald.gen5.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zu verbrennen. showdown.moves.scaleshot.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Senkt die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe und erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe nach dem letzten Treffer. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. -showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal. Benutzer: -1 Def, +1 Spe nach dem letzten Treffer. +showdown.moves.scaleshot.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal. Benutzer: -1 Vert, +1 Init nach dem letzten Treffer. showdown.moves.scaryface.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 2 Stufen. showdown.moves.scaryface.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 2. @@ -14253,7 +14253,7 @@ showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.desc=Hat je nach Kampfgelände eine Chance von 3 showdown.moves.secretpower.gen4.shortDesc=Die Wirkung variiert je nach Gelände. (30 % Lähmungswahrscheinlichkeit) showdown.moves.secretsword.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden zu, der auf seiner Verteidigung statt auf der Spezialverteidigung basiert. -showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden basierend auf der Verteidigung zu, nicht auf der SP. Def. +showdown.moves.secretsword.shortDesc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden basierend auf der Verteidigung zu, nicht auf der SP. Vert. showdown.moves.seedbomb.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -14302,22 +14302,22 @@ showdown.moves.sharpen.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Benutzers um 1. showdown.moves.shatteredpsyche.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. -showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet, und erstellt einen Ersatz, der 1/4 der maximalen HP des Benutzers, abgerundet, hat. Der Benutzer wird durch ein anderes Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ersetzt und der Ersatz wird auf das ausgewählte Pokémon übertragen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig werden würde oder es keine nicht ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt. -showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=Der Benutzer benötigt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, um einen Ersatzspieler zu bestehen. +showdown.moves.shedtail.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, aufgerundet, und erstellt einen Ersatz, der 1/4 der maximalen KP des Benutzers, abgerundet, hat. Der Benutzer wird durch ein anderes Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ersetzt und der Ersatz wird auf das ausgewählte Pokémon übertragen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer ohnmächtig werden würde oder es keine nicht ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt. +showdown.moves.shedtail.shortDesc=Der Benutzer benötigt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, um einen Ersatzspieler zu bestehen. showdown.moves.shedtail.start=%s wirft seinen Schwanz ab, um einen Lockvogel zu erschaffen! showdown.moves.shedtail.alreadyStarted=%s hat bereits einen Ersatz! es hat nicht mehr genug HP, um einen Ersatz zu machen! es hat nicht mehr genug KP, um einen Ersatz zu machen!älte -showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen HP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + Pokémon vom Typ Eis und Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robust sind immun. +showdown.moves.sheercold.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen KP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + Pokémon vom Typ Eis und Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robust sind immun. showdown.moves.sheercold.shortDesc=OHKOt Nicht-Ice-Ziele. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer eine niedrigere Ebene hat. -showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen HP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. +showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der maximalen KP des Ziels zu. Ignoriert Genauigkeits- und Ausweichmodifikatoren. Die Genauigkeit dieses Angriffs beträgt (Level des Benutzers – Level des Ziels + 30) % und schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel auf einem höheren Level befindet. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Robustheit sind immun. showdown.moves.sheercold.gen6.shortDesc=OHKOt das Ziel. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer eine niedrigere Ebene hat. showdown.moves.shellsidearm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu vergiften. Diese Bewegung wird zu einem physischen Angriff, der Kontakt herstellt, wenn der Wert ((((2 * Level des Benutzers / 5 + 2) * 90 * X) / Y) / 50) beträgt, wobei X der Angriffsstatus des Benutzers und Y der ist Der Verteidigungswert des Ziels ist größer als derselbe Wert, wobei X der Spezialangriffswert des Benutzers und Y der Spezialverteidigungswert des Ziels ist. Für diesen Zweck werden keine anderen Statusmodifikatoren als Änderungen der Statusstufe berücksichtigt. Wenn die beiden Werte gleich sind, wählt dieser Zug zufällig eine Schadenskategorie. showdown.moves.shellsidearm.shortDesc=20 % psn. Körperkontakt+wenn es stärker wäre. showdown.moves.shellsmash.desc=Senkt die Verteidigung und Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Erhöht den Angriff, den Spezialangriff und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. -showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Senkt Def, SpD um 1; erhöht Angriff, SpA, Spe um 2. +showdown.moves.shellsmash.shortDesc=Senkt Vert, SpD um 1; erhöht Angriff, SpA, Init um 2. showdown.moves.shelltrap.desc=Schlägt fehl, es sei denn, der Benutzer wird in diesem Zug von einem physischen Angriff eines Gegners getroffen, bevor er den Zug ausführen kann. Wenn der Benutzer getroffen wurde und nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, greift er sofort nach dem Treffer an und der Effekt endet. Wenn durch den physischen Angriff des Gegners ein Sekundäreffekt durch die Fähigkeit Schiere Macht entfernt wurde, zählt dies nicht für die Zwecke dieses Effekts. showdown.moves.shelltrap.shortDesc=Der Benutzer muss körperlichen Schaden erleiden, bevor er sich bewegt. @@ -14333,14 +14333,14 @@ showdown.moves.shiftgear.shortDesc=Erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um showdown.moves.shockwave.shortDesc=Bei dieser Bewegung wird die Genauigkeit nicht überprüft. -showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn das Wetter Sandsturm ist, stellt der Benutzer stattdessen 2/3 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. -showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her; 2/3 im Sandsturm. +showdown.moves.shoreup.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Wenn das Wetter Sandsturm ist, stellt der Benutzer stattdessen 2/3 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. +showdown.moves.shoreup.shortDesc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her; 2/3 im Sandsturm. showdown.moves.signalbeam.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu verwirren. showdown.moves.signalbeam.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren. showdown.moves.silktrap.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt und die Geschwindigkeit von Pokémon, die versuchen, Kontakt mit dem Benutzer aufzunehmen, wird um eine Stufe verringert. Nicht schädliche Attacken durchlaufen diesen Schutz. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -1 Spe. +showdown.moves.silktrap.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor schädlichen Angriffen. Kontakt: -1 Init. showdown.moves.silverwind.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, den Angriff, die Verteidigung, den Spezialangriff, die Spezialverteidigung und die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. showdown.moves.silverwind.shortDesc=10 % Chance, alle Werte um 1 zu erhöhen (nicht Acc/Eva). @@ -14406,9 +14406,9 @@ showdown.moves.skyuppercut.shortDesc=Kann Pokémon mit Sprungfeder, Fliegen oder showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.desc=Dieser Zug kann ein Ziel mit Sprungfeder oder Fliegen treffen. showdown.moves.skyuppercut.gen4.shortDesc=Kann Pokémon mit Sprungfeder oder Fliegen treffen. -showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. -showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.slackoff.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.slackoff.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.slackoff.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet. showdown.moves.slam.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -14456,9 +14456,9 @@ showdown.moves.smokescreen.desc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. showdown.moves.smokescreen.shortDesc=Verringert die Genauigkeit des Ziels um 1. -showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.snaptrap.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.snaptrap.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.snaptrap.start=%s wurde von einer Schnappfalle gefangen! showdown.moves.snarl.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. @@ -14477,7 +14477,7 @@ showdown.moves.snore.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu l showdown.moves.snore.shortDesc=Der Benutzer muss schlafen. 30 % Chance, das Ziel zurückzuschrecken. showdown.moves.snowscape.desc=Für 5 Runden wird das Wetter zu Schnee. Während des Effekts wird die Verteidigung von Pokémon vom Typ Eis mit 1,5 multipliziert, wenn sie durch einen physischen Angriff Schaden erleiden. Hält 8 Runden lang an, wenn der Benutzer Icy Rock hält. Schlägt fehl, wenn das aktuelle Wetter Schnee ist. -showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=Fünf Runden lang fällt Schnee. Eis: 1,5x Def. +showdown.moves.snowscape.shortDesc=Fünf Runden lang fällt Schnee. Eis: 1,5x Vert.Überflutung showdown.moves.soak.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel zum Typ Wasser wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Arceus oder Silvally ist, wenn das Ziel bereits rein vom Typ Wasser ist oder wenn das Ziel Terastallisiert ist. showdown.moves.soak.shortDesc=Ändert den Typ des Ziels in Wasser. @@ -14485,10 +14485,10 @@ showdown.moves.soak.gen8.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel zum Typ Wasser wird. Schlä showdown.moves.soak.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel zum Typ Wasser wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Arceus ist oder wenn das Ziel bereits rein vom Typ Wasser ist. showdown.moves.soak.gen5.desc=Bewirkt, dass das Ziel zum Typ Wasser wird. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel ein Arceus ist. -showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. -showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. -showdown.moves.softboiled.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wieder her, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn (maximale HP des Benutzers – aktuelle HP des Benutzers + 1) durch 256 teilbar ist. +showdown.moves.softboiled.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, aufgerundet zur Hälfte. +showdown.moves.softboiled.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um 50 % seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.softboiled.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.softboiled.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer stellt die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wieder her, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn (maximale KP des Benutzers – aktuelle KP des Benutzers + 1) durch 256 teilbar ist. showdown.moves.solarbeam.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Die Leistung wird halbiert, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist und der Benutzer keinen Utility-Regenschirm hält. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält oder das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. Wenn der Benutzer einen Utility-Regenschirm in der Hand hält und das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, ist für die Bewegung immer noch eine Runde zum Aufladen erforderlich. showdown.moves.solarbeam.shortDesc=Ladevorgangs Runde 1. Hits Runde 2. Keine Ladung bei Sonnenlicht. @@ -14508,9 +14508,9 @@ showdown.moves.solarblade.gen8.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufg showdown.moves.solarblade.gen7.desc=Dieser Angriff wird in der ersten Runde aufgeladen und in der zweiten ausgeführt. Die Leistung wird halbiert, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. Wenn der Benutzer ein Kraftkraut in der Hand hält oder das Wetter Desolate Land oder Sonnentag ist, wird die Bewegung in einer Runde abgeschlossen. showdown.moves.solarblade.prepare=%s hat Licht absorbiert! -showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 20 HP Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Verursacht immer 20 HP Schaden. -showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 20 HP Schaden zu. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 20 KP Schaden zu. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.shortDesc=Verursacht immer 20 KP Schaden. +showdown.moves.sonicboom.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel 20 KP Schaden zu. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität. des Seelenraubes showdown.moves.soulstealing7starstrike.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -14546,26 +14546,26 @@ showdown.moves.spiderweb.gen3.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel ausschaltet. Das Zi showdown.moves.spikecannon.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 35 %, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 15 %, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. showdown.moves.spikecannon.shortDesc=Trifft 2–5 Mal in einer Runde. -showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen4.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer fünfmal treffen. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen3.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.spikecannon.gen1.desc=Trifft zwei- bis fünfmal. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Mal zu treffen, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Mal zu treffen. Der Schaden wird einmalig für den ersten Treffer berechnet und für jeden Treffer verwendet. Wenn einer der Treffer den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerbricht, endet der Zug. -showdown.moves.spikes.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen HP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.spikes.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen KP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen KP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. showdown.moves.spikes.shortDesc=Verletzt geerdete Gegner beim Einwechseln. Maximal 3 Schichten. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen8.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen HP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen5.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen HP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen3.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen HP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen HP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt. -showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.desc=Stellt eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds dar, wodurch jedes gegnerische Pokémon, das einwechselt, 1/8 seiner maximalen HP verliert, abgerundet, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein fliegendes Pokémon. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der Gegenseite bereits aktiv ist. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen8.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen KP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen KP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen5.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen KP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen KP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen3.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein Pokémon vom Typ Fliegen oder es verfügt über die Fähigkeit Levitieren. Kann bis zu dreimal verwendet werden, bevor es versagt. Gegner verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP bei einer Schicht, 1/6 ihrer maximalen KP bei zwei Schichten und 1/4 ihrer maximalen KP bei drei Schichten, alles abgerundet. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt. +showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.desc=Stellt eine Gefahr auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds dar, wodurch jedes gegnerische Pokémon, das einwechselt, 1/8 seiner maximalen KP verliert, abgerundet, es sei denn, es handelt sich um ein fliegendes Pokémon. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der Gegenseite bereits aktiv ist. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Turbodreher erfolgreich einsetzt. showdown.moves.spikes.gen2.shortDesc=Verletzt geerdete Gegner beim Einwechseln. Maximal 1 Schicht. showdown.moves.spikes.start=Stachler waren überall um %s herum auf dem Boden verstreut! showdown.moves.spikes.end=Die Stacheln verschwanden um %s herum vom Boden! showdown.moves.spikes.damage=%s wurde durch die Stacheln verletzt! -showdown.moves.spikyshield.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor Umzügen. Kontakt: Verliert 1/8 max. HP. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. -showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, King's Shield, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Fadenfalle, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer davon war Attacken und der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.shortDesc=Schutzschilde vor Umzügen. Kontakt: Verliert 1/8 max. KP. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Dyna-Wall, Abblocker, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und Der Schutz des Benutzers wurde gebrochen. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Bunker, Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. +showdown.moves.spikyshield.gen6.desc=Der Benutzer ist in diesem Zug vor den meisten Angriffen anderer Pokémon geschützt, und Pokémon, die mit dem Benutzer in Kontakt kommen, verlieren 1/8 ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet. Diese Bewegung hat eine Erfolgschance von 1/X, wobei X bei 1 beginnt und sich jedes Mal verdreifacht, wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich ausgeführt wird. X wird auf 1 zurückgesetzt, wenn dieser Zug fehlschlägt, wenn der letzte vom Benutzer verwendete Zug nicht Scanner, Ausdauer, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Rapidschutz, Schutzstacheln oder Rundumschutz ist oder wenn es einer dieser Züge war und der Schutz des Benutzers gebrochen wurde. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer sich in dieser Runde zuletzt bewegt. showdown.moves.spikyshield.damage=%s war verletzt! showdown.moves.spinout.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 2 Stufen. @@ -14609,10 +14609,10 @@ühlingsorkan showdown.moves.springtidestorm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. showdown.moves.springtidestorm.shortDesc=30 % Chance, den Angriff des Gegners um 1 zu verringern. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Feldes eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der gegnerischen Seite bereits aktiv ist. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder die Hälfte ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Felstyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Feldes eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der gegnerischen Seite bereits aktiv ist. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder die Hälfte ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Felstyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. showdown.moves.stealthrock.shortDesc=Verletzt Gegner beim Einwechseln. Faktoren Rock-Schwäche. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen8.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Feldes eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der gegnerischen Seite bereits aktiv ist. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder die Hälfte ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Felstyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. -showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen5.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Feldes eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der gegnerischen Seite bereits aktiv ist. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder die Hälfte ihrer maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Felstyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen8.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Feldes eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der gegnerischen Seite bereits aktiv ist. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder die Hälfte ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Felstyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher oder Auflockern einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.stealthrock.gen5.desc=Stellt auf der gegnerischen Seite des Feldes eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Effekt auf der gegnerischen Seite bereits aktiv ist. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder die Hälfte ihrer maximalen KP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Felstyp; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon erfolgreich Turbodreher einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. showdown.moves.stealthrock.start=Spitze Steine schweben in der Luft um %s herum! showdown.moves.stealthrock.end=Die spitzen Steine sind um %s herum verschwunden! showdown.moves.stealthrock.damage=Spitze Steine haben sich in %s gegraben! @@ -14624,9 +14624,9 @@ showdown.moves.steamroller.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucke showdown.moves.steamroller.shortDesc=30 % Chance, das Ziel zum Zucken zu bringen. showdown.moves.steamroller.gen5.desc=Hat eine Chance von 30 %, das Ziel zusammenzucken zu lassen. Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel Komprimator verwendet hat, während es aktiv war. -showdown.moves.steelbeam.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht und selbst wenn sie zu Ohnmacht führen würde, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet, es sei denn, der Benutzer verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. -showdown.moves.steelbeam.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.steelbeam.damage=(%s reduziert seine eigenen HP, um seine Bewegung zu verstärken!) +showdown.moves.steelbeam.desc=Unabhängig davon, ob diese Bewegung erfolgreich ist oder nicht und selbst wenn sie zu Ohnmacht führen würde, verliert der Benutzer die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP, aufgerundet, es sei denn, der Benutzer verfügt über die Fähigkeit Magischer Schutz. +showdown.moves.steelbeam.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 50 % seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.steelbeam.damage=(%s reduziert seine eigenen KP, um seine Bewegung zu verstärken!) showdown.moves.steelroller.desc=Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Gelände aktiv ist. Beendet die Effekte von Elektrofeld, Grasfeld, Weißnebely Terrain und Psychokinese Terrain. showdown.moves.steelroller.shortDesc=Schlägt fehl, wenn kein Gelände aktiv ist. Beendet das Gelände. @@ -14662,7 +14662,7 @@ showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers in der vorherigen Runde, einschließlich Attacken, die durch andere Attacken aufgerufen wurden oder durch Kommando, Magiemantel, Übernahme oder die Fähigkeiten Tänzer oder Magische Sprungfeder verwendet wurden, keinen seiner normalen Effekte bewirkte, mit Ausnahme des Schadens durch einen erfolgloser Turmkick, Sprungkick oder Knallkopf, oder wenn der Benutzer durch einen anderen Effekt als Wiederaufladen oder Freier Fall an der Bewegung gehindert wurde. Eine Bewegung, die durch Bunker, Scanner, Königsschild, Schutzschild, Schutzstacheln, Trickschutz, Tatami-Schild, Rapidschutz oder Rundumschutz blockiert wurde, verdoppelt nicht die Kraft dieser Bewegung, noch werden Sprungfeder oder Fliegen aufgrund der Wirkung von Erdanziehung, Katapult, oder Tausend Pfeile. showdown.moves.stompingtantrum.shortDesc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der letzte Zug des Benutzers fehlschlägt. -showdown.moves.stoneaxe.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt er auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder 1/2 davon ihre maximalen HP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Rock-Typ; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. +showdown.moves.stoneaxe.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist, stellt er auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds eine Gefahr dar, die jedem gegnerischen Pokémon, das einwechselt, Schaden zufügt. Feinde verlieren 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 oder 1/2 davon ihre maximalen KP, abgerundet, basierend auf ihrer Schwäche gegenüber dem Rock-Typ; 0,25x, 0,5x, neutral, 2x bzw. 4x. Kann von der gegnerischen Seite entfernt werden, wenn ein gegnerisches Pokémon Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Auflockern erfolgreich einsetzt oder von Auflockern getroffen wird. showdown.moves.stoneaxe.shortDesc=Setzt Tarnsteine auf die Seite des Ziels. showdown.moves.stoneedge.desc=Hat eine höhere Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer. @@ -14679,8 +14679,8 @@ showdown.moves.strangesteam.shortDesc=20 % Chance, das Ziel zu verwirren.ärke showdown.moves.strength.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Senkt den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Der Benutzer stellt seine HP in Höhe des Angriffswerts des Ziels wieder her, der anhand seiner Statusstufe vor der Verwendung dieser Bewegung berechnet wurde. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte HP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Angriffsstatistikstufe des Ziels -6 beträgt. -showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=Der Benutzer heilt HP +showdown.moves.strengthsap.desc=Senkt den Angriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Der Benutzer stellt seine KP in Höhe des Angriffswerts des Ziels wieder her, der anhand seiner Statusstufe vor der Verwendung dieser Bewegung berechnet wurde. Wenn Big Root vom Benutzer gehalten wird, beträgt die wiederhergestellte KP das 1,3-fache des Normalwerts, abgerundet auf die Hälfte. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Angriffsstatistikstufe des Ziels -6 beträgt. +showdown.moves.strengthsap.shortDesc=Der Benutzer heilt KP showdown.moves.stringshot.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 2 Stufen. showdown.moves.stringshot.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des/der Gegner(s) um 2. @@ -14688,15 +14688,15 @@ showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um showdown.moves.stringshot.gen5.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des/der Gegner(s) um 1. showdown.moves.stringshot.gen2.shortDesc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1. -showdown.moves.struggle.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, verliert der Benutzer 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, und die Rock Head-Fähigkeit verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. -showdown.moves.struggle.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 1/4 seiner maximalen HP. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen6.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen benachbarten gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, verliert der Benutzer 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, und die Rock Head-Fähigkeit verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen4.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, verliert der Benutzer 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und die Rock Head-Fähigkeit verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich war, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP, und die Fähigkeit Felsenkopf verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 1/4 der HP, die das Ziel verloren hat. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen2.desc=Verursacht typlosen Schaden. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.desc=Verursacht Schaden vom Typ Normal. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. -showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert die Hälfte der HP, die das Ziel verloren hat. +showdown.moves.struggle.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, verliert der Benutzer 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, und die Rock Head-Fähigkeit verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 1/4 seiner maximalen KP. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen6.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen benachbarten gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, verliert der Benutzer 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, und die Rock Head-Fähigkeit verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen4.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, verliert der Benutzer 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, und die Rock Head-Fähigkeit verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.desc=Fügt einem zufälligen gegnerischen Pokémon typlosen Schaden zu. Wenn diese Bewegung erfolgreich war, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP, und die Fähigkeit Felsenkopf verhindert dies nicht. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen3.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert 1/4 der KP, die das Ziel verloren hat. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen2.desc=Verursacht typlosen Schaden. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.desc=Verursacht Schaden vom Typ Normal. Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich war, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. Dieser Zug wird automatisch verwendet, wenn keiner der bekannten Züge des Benutzers ausgewählt werden kann. +showdown.moves.struggle.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer verliert die Hälfte der KP, die das Ziel verloren hat.äfertrutz showdown.moves.strugglebug.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, den Spezialangriff des Ziels um 1 Stufe zu verringern. showdown.moves.strugglebug.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Sp des Gegners zu senken. Angriff um 1. @@ -14709,21 +14709,21 @@ showdown.moves.stunspore.shortDesc=Lähmt das Ziel. showdown.moves.stunspore.gen3.desc=Lähmt das Ziel. Dieser Schritt ignoriert nicht die Typenimmunität. showdown.moves.stunspore.gen1.desc=Lähmt das Ziel.Überroller -showdown.moves.submission.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.submission.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.submission.shortDesc=Hat 1/4 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. -showdown.moves.submission.gen2.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Trifft dieser Zug einen Ersatz, beträgt der Rückstoßschaden immer 1 HP. -showdown.moves.submission.gen1.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erleidet der Benutzer keinen Rückstoßschaden. +showdown.moves.submission.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. +showdown.moves.submission.gen2.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. Trifft dieser Zug einen Ersatz, beträgt der Rückstoßschaden immer 1 KP. +showdown.moves.submission.gen1.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erleidet der Benutzer keinen Rückstoßschaden. -showdown.moves.substitute.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und steckt es in einen Ersatz, der seinen Platz im Kampf einnimmt. Der Ersatz wird entfernt, sobald ihm genügend Schaden zugefügt wurde oder wenn der Benutzer ausschaltet oder ohnmächtig wird. Stafette kann verwendet werden, um den Ersatz auf einen Verbündeten zu übertragen, und der Ersatz behält seine verbleibenden HP. Bis der Ersatz kaputt ist, erleidet er Schaden durch alle Angriffe anderer Pokémon und schützt den Benutzer vor Statuseffekten und Statusstufenänderungen, die durch andere Pokémon verursacht werden. Geräuschbasierte Attacken und Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Infiltrator ignorieren Ersatzspieler. Der Benutzer erleidet weiterhin normalen Schaden durch Wetter- und Statuseffekte, während er sich hinter seinem Stellvertreter befindet. Wenn der Ersatz während eines Angriffs mit mehreren Treffern kaputt geht, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden durch alle verbleibenden Treffer. Wird ein Stellvertreter erstellt, während der Benutzer durch eine Bindungsbewegung gefangen ist, endet die Bindungswirkung sofort. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht mehr über genügend HP verfügt, um einen Ersatz zu erstellen, ohne ohnmächtig zu werden, oder wenn bereits ein Ersatz vorhanden ist. -showdown.moves.substitute.shortDesc=Der Benutzer benötigt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, um einen Ersatz einzusetzen. -showdown.moves.substitute.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und steckt es in einen Ersatz, der seinen Platz im Kampf einnimmt. Der Ersatz wird entfernt, sobald ihm genügend Schaden zugefügt wurde oder wenn der Benutzer ausschaltet oder ohnmächtig wird. Stafette kann verwendet werden, um den Ersatz auf einen Verbündeten zu übertragen, und der Ersatz behält seine verbleibenden HP. Bis der Ersatz kaputt ist, erleidet er Schaden durch alle Angriffe anderer Pokémon und schützt den Benutzer vor Statuseffekten und Statusstufenänderungen, die durch andere Pokémon verursacht werden. Der Benutzer erleidet weiterhin normalen Schaden durch Wetter- und Statuseffekte, während er sich hinter seinem Stellvertreter befindet. Wenn der Ersatz während eines Angriffs mit mehreren Treffern kaputt geht, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden durch alle verbleibenden Treffer. Wird ein Stellvertreter erstellt, während der Benutzer durch eine Bindungsbewegung gefangen ist, endet die Bindungswirkung sofort. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht mehr über genügend HP verfügt, um einen Ersatz zu erstellen, ohne ohnmächtig zu werden, oder wenn bereits ein Ersatz vorhanden ist. -showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, und steckt es in einen Ersatz, der seinen Platz im Kampf einnimmt. Der Ersatz verfügt über 1 HP plus die HP, die für seine Herstellung verwendet wurden, und wird entfernt, sobald ihm genügend Schaden oder 255 Schaden auf einmal zugefügt wurde oder wenn der Benutzer ausschaltet oder ohnmächtig wird. Bis der Ersatz gebrochen ist, erhält es Schaden durch alle Angriffe des gegnerischen Pokémon und schützt den Benutzer vor Statuseffekten und Statusstufenänderungen, die vom Gegner verursacht werden, es sei denn, der Effekt ist Aussetzer, Egelsamen, Schlaf, primäre Lähmung oder sekundäre Verwirrung und Der Ersatz des Benutzers ist nicht kaputt gegangen. Der Benutzer erleidet weiterhin normalen Schaden durch Statuseffekte, während er sich hinter seinem Stellvertreter befindet, es sei denn, der Effekt ist Verwirrungsschaden, der stattdessen dem Stellvertreter des gegnerischen Pokémon zugefügt wird. Wenn der Ersatz während eines Multi-Hit-Angriffs bricht, endet der Angriff. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht mehr über genügend HP verfügt, um einen Ersatz zu erstellen, oder wenn bereits ein Ersatz vorhanden ist. Der Benutzer erstellt einen Ersatz und fällt dann in Ohnmacht, wenn seine aktuellen HP genau 1/4 seiner maximalen HP betragen. -showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer benötigt 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, um einen Delegator einzusetzen. +showdown.moves.substitute.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, und steckt es in einen Ersatz, der seinen Platz im Kampf einnimmt. Der Ersatz wird entfernt, sobald ihm genügend Schaden zugefügt wurde oder wenn der Benutzer ausschaltet oder ohnmächtig wird. Stafette kann verwendet werden, um den Ersatz auf einen Verbündeten zu übertragen, und der Ersatz behält seine verbleibenden KP. Bis der Ersatz kaputt ist, erleidet er Schaden durch alle Angriffe anderer Pokémon und schützt den Benutzer vor Statuseffekten und Statusstufenänderungen, die durch andere Pokémon verursacht werden. Geräuschbasierte Attacken und Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Infiltrator ignorieren Ersatzspieler. Der Benutzer erleidet weiterhin normalen Schaden durch Wetter- und Statuseffekte, während er sich hinter seinem Stellvertreter befindet. Wenn der Ersatz während eines Angriffs mit mehreren Treffern kaputt geht, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden durch alle verbleibenden Treffer. Wird ein Stellvertreter erstellt, während der Benutzer durch eine Bindungsbewegung gefangen ist, endet die Bindungswirkung sofort. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht mehr über genügend KP verfügt, um einen Ersatz zu erstellen, ohne ohnmächtig zu werden, oder wenn bereits ein Ersatz vorhanden ist. +showdown.moves.substitute.shortDesc=Der Benutzer benötigt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, um einen Ersatz einzusetzen. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, und steckt es in einen Ersatz, der seinen Platz im Kampf einnimmt. Der Ersatz wird entfernt, sobald ihm genügend Schaden zugefügt wurde oder wenn der Benutzer ausschaltet oder ohnmächtig wird. Stafette kann verwendet werden, um den Ersatz auf einen Verbündeten zu übertragen, und der Ersatz behält seine verbleibenden KP. Bis der Ersatz kaputt ist, erleidet er Schaden durch alle Angriffe anderer Pokémon und schützt den Benutzer vor Statuseffekten und Statusstufenänderungen, die durch andere Pokémon verursacht werden. Der Benutzer erleidet weiterhin normalen Schaden durch Wetter- und Statuseffekte, während er sich hinter seinem Stellvertreter befindet. Wenn der Ersatz während eines Angriffs mit mehreren Treffern kaputt geht, erleidet der Benutzer Schaden durch alle verbleibenden Treffer. Wird ein Stellvertreter erstellt, während der Benutzer durch eine Bindungsbewegung gefangen ist, endet die Bindungswirkung sofort. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht mehr über genügend KP verfügt, um einen Ersatz zu erstellen, ohne ohnmächtig zu werden, oder wenn bereits ein Ersatz vorhanden ist. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer nimmt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, und steckt es in einen Ersatz, der seinen Platz im Kampf einnimmt. Der Ersatz verfügt über 1 KP plus die KP, die für seine Herstellung verwendet wurden, und wird entfernt, sobald ihm genügend Schaden oder 255 Schaden auf einmal zugefügt wurde oder wenn der Benutzer ausschaltet oder ohnmächtig wird. Bis der Ersatz gebrochen ist, erhält es Schaden durch alle Angriffe des gegnerischen Pokémon und schützt den Benutzer vor Statuseffekten und Statusstufenänderungen, die vom Gegner verursacht werden, es sei denn, der Effekt ist Aussetzer, Egelsamen, Schlaf, primäre Lähmung oder sekundäre Verwirrung und Der Ersatz des Benutzers ist nicht kaputt gegangen. Der Benutzer erleidet weiterhin normalen Schaden durch Statuseffekte, während er sich hinter seinem Stellvertreter befindet, es sei denn, der Effekt ist Verwirrungsschaden, der stattdessen dem Stellvertreter des gegnerischen Pokémon zugefügt wird. Wenn der Ersatz während eines Multi-Hit-Angriffs bricht, endet der Angriff. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Benutzer nicht mehr über genügend KP verfügt, um einen Ersatz zu erstellen, oder wenn bereits ein Ersatz vorhanden ist. Der Benutzer erstellt einen Ersatz und fällt dann in Ohnmacht, wenn seine aktuellen KP genau 1/4 seiner maximalen KP betragen. +showdown.moves.substitute.gen1.shortDesc=Der Benutzer benötigt 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, um einen Delegator einzusetzen. showdown.moves.substitute.start=%s hat einen Ersatz eingesetzt! showdown.moves.substitute.alreadyStarted=%s hat bereits einen Ersatz! showdown.moves.substitute.end=Der Ersatz von %s ist verblasst! es hat nicht mehr genug HP, um einen Ersatz zu machen! es hat nicht mehr genug KP, um einen Ersatz zu machen! showdown.moves.substitute.activate=Der Ersatz hat %s Schaden erlitten! Geofrost showdown.moves.subzeroslammer.shortDesc=Die Kraft entspricht der Z-Kraft der Basisbewegung. @@ -14740,9 +14740,9 @@ showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.desc=Dieser Zug und seine Effekte ignorieren die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. showdown.moves.sunsteelstrike.shortDesc=Ignoriert die Fähigkeiten anderer Pokémon. -showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP zu. -showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der aktuellen HP des Ziels. -showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP zu. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität. +showdown.moves.superfang.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP zu. +showdown.moves.superfang.shortDesc=Verursacht Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte der aktuellen KP des Ziels. +showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.desc=Fügt dem Ziel Schaden in Höhe der Hälfte seiner aktuellen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP zu. Dieser Zug ignoriert die Typenimmunität. showdown.moves.superfang.gen1.shortDesc=Schaden showdown.moves.superpower.desc=Senkt den Angriff und die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. @@ -14767,10 +14767,10 @@ showdown.moves.swagger.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen und verwir showdown.moves.swagger.shortDesc=Erhöht den Angriff des Ziels um 2 und verwirrt es. showdown.moves.swagger.gen2.desc=Erhöht den Angriff des Ziels um 2 Stufen und verwirrt es. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn der Angriff des Ziels nicht erhöht werden kann. -showdown.moves.swallow.desc=Der Benutzer stellt seine HP basierend auf seinem Horter-Zähler wieder her. Erholungores 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 1 ist, 1/2 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 2 ist, beides halb abgerundet, und alle seine HP, wenn es 3 ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 0 ist. Die Verteidigung und Die Spezialverteidigung verringert sich um so viele Stufen, wie Horter sie erhöht hat, und der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. +showdown.moves.swallow.desc=Der Benutzer stellt seine KP basierend auf seinem Horter-Zähler wieder her. Erholungores 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn es 1 ist, 1/2 seiner maximalen KP, wenn es 2 ist, beides halb abgerundet, und alle seine KP, wenn es 3 ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 0 ist. Die Verteidigung und Die Spezialverteidigung verringert sich um so viele Stufen, wie Horter sie erhöht hat, und der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. showdown.moves.swallow.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer basierend auf der Verwendung von Horter. -showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt seine HP basierend auf seinem Horter-Zähler wieder her. Erholungores 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 1 ist, 1/2 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 2 ist, beides abgerundet, und alle seine HP, wenn es 3 ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 0 ist. Die Verteidigung und Spezialfähigkeit des Benutzers Die Verteidigung verringert sich um so viele Stufen, wie Horter sie erhöht hat, und der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. -showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt seine HP basierend auf seinem Horter-Zähler wieder her. Erholungores 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 1 ist, 1/2 seiner maximalen HP, wenn es 2 ist, beides halb abgerundet, und alle seine HP, wenn es 3 ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Horter-Anzahl des Benutzers 0 ist. Die Horter-Anzahl des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. +showdown.moves.swallow.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt seine KP basierend auf seinem Horter-Zähler wieder her. Erholungores 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn es 1 ist, 1/2 seiner maximalen KP, wenn es 2 ist, beides abgerundet, und alle seine KP, wenn es 3 ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers 0 ist. Die Verteidigung und Spezialfähigkeit des Benutzers Die Verteidigung verringert sich um so viele Stufen, wie Horter sie erhöht hat, und der Horter-Zähler des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. +showdown.moves.swallow.gen3.desc=Der Benutzer stellt seine KP basierend auf seinem Horter-Zähler wieder her. Erholungores 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn es 1 ist, 1/2 seiner maximalen KP, wenn es 2 ist, beides halb abgerundet, und alle seine KP, wenn es 3 ist. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Horter-Anzahl des Benutzers 0 ist. Die Horter-Anzahl des Benutzers wird auf 0 zurückgesetzt. showdown.moves.sweetkiss.shortDesc=Verursacht Verwirrung beim Ziel. @@ -14799,13 +14799,13 @@ärm showdown.moves.synchronoise.desc=Das Ziel ist immun, wenn es keinen Typ mit dem Benutzer teilt. showdown.moves.synchronoise.shortDesc=Trifft benachbarte Pokémon, die den Typ des Benutzers haben. -showdown.moves.synthesis.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.synthesis.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Urmeer, Regentanz, Sandsturm oder Schnee ist, alles halbiert. showdown.moves.synthesis.shortDesc=Heilt den Benutzer um einen wetterabhängigen Betrag. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles halbiert. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm ist , Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm, jeweils halb abgerundet. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles zur Hälfte abgerundet. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles abgerundet. -showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen HP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, alle seine HP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen HP, wenn das Wetter Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles abgerundet. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen8.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen oder wenn der Benutzer einen Utility Umbrella hält, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 davon seine maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles halbiert. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen7.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn Delta Stream oder keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm ist , Urmeer, Regentanz oder Sandsturm, jeweils halb abgerundet. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen5.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles zur Hälfte abgerundet. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen vorliegen, 2/3 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Hagelsturm, Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist. alles abgerundet. +showdown.moves.synthesis.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer stellt 1/2 seiner maximalen KP wieder her, wenn keine Wetterbedingungen herrschen, alle seine KP, wenn das Wetter Sonnentag ist, und 1/4 seiner maximalen KP, wenn das Wetter Regentanz oder Sandsturm ist, alles abgerundet. showdown.moves.tackle.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. @@ -14828,17 +14828,17 @@ showdown.moves.tailwind.gen4.shortDesc=Für 3 Runden wird die Geschwindigkeit de showdown.moves.tailwind.start=Der Rückenwind wehte von hinten %s! showdown.moves.tailwind.end=Der Rückenwind von %s hat nachgelassen! -showdown.moves.takedown.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.takedown.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.takedown.shortDesc=Hat 1/4 Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. -showdown.moves.takedown.gen2.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Trifft dieser Zug einen Ersatz, beträgt der Rückstoßschaden immer 1 HP. -showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erleidet der Benutzer keinen Rückstoßschaden. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen2.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. Trifft dieser Zug einen Ersatz, beträgt der Rückstoßschaden immer 1 KP. +showdown.moves.takedown.gen1.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. Wenn dieser Zug den Stellvertreter des Ziels zerstört, erleidet der Benutzer keinen Rückstoßschaden. showdown.moves.takeheart.desc=Der Benutzer behebt seinen nichtflüchtigen Statuszustand. Erhöht den Spezialangriff und die Spezialverteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. -showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Heilt den Status des Benutzers und erhöht Sp. Atk, Sp. Verteidigung um 1. +showdown.moves.takeheart.shortDesc=Heilt den Status des Benutzers und erhöht Sp. Angr, Sp. Verteidigung um 1. showdown.moves.tarshot.desc=Verringert die Geschwindigkeit des Ziels um 1 Stufe. Bis das Ziel auswechselt, wird die Wirksamkeit von Feuer-Attacken gegen das Ziel verdoppelt. -showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Das Ziel erhält -1 Spe und wird schwächer gegen Feuer. +showdown.moves.tarshot.shortDesc=Das Ziel erhält -1 Init und wird schwächer gegen Feuer. showdown.moves.tarshot.start=%s wurde schwächer zum Feuern!öhner showdown.moves.taunt.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel in den nächsten drei Runden nicht schädliche Attacken ausführt. Pokémon mit der Fähigkeit Ahnungslos oder geschützt durch die Fähigkeit Aromaschleier sind immun. @@ -14883,7 +14883,7 @@ showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.desc=Scheitert bei Verwendung. showdown.moves.teleport.gen7.shortDesc=Scheitert bei Verwendung. showdown.moves.terablast.desc=Wenn der Benutzer Terastallisiert ist, wird diese Bewegung zu einem physischen Angriff, wenn der Angriff des Benutzers größer ist als sein Spezialangriff, einschließlich Änderungen der Statusstufe, und der Typ dieser Bewegung mit dem Tera-Typ des Benutzers übereinstimmt. -showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=Wenn terastallisiert: Phys. Wenn Atk > SpA, geben Sie ein +showdown.moves.terablast.shortDesc=Wenn terastallisiert: Phys. Wenn Angr > SpA, geben Sie ein showdown.moves.terrainpulse.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn der Benutzer am Boden ist und ein Gelände aktiv ist, und der Typ dieser Bewegung ändert sich entsprechend. Elektrischer Typ während Elektrofeld, Grastyp während Grasfeld, Feentyp während Weißnebely Terrain und Psychokinese Typ während Psychokinese Terrain. showdown.moves.terrainpulse.shortDesc=Benutzer im Gelände: Leistung verdoppelt sich, Typ variiert. @@ -14929,9 +14929,9 @@ showdown.moves.thunderbolt.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. showdown.moves.thunderbolt.shortDesc=10 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen.ängnis -showdown.moves.thundercage.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.thundercage.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.thundercage.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.thundercage.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.thundercage.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.thundercage.start=%s gefangen %s! showdown.moves.thunderfang.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen und es zucken zu lassen. @@ -14953,7 +14953,7 @@ showdown.moves.tickle.desc=Senkt den Angriff und die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1 showdown.moves.tickle.shortDesc=Senkt den Angriff und die Verteidigung des Ziels um 1.äumen showdown.moves.tidyup.desc=Erhöht Angriff und Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. Entfernt Substitute von allen aktiven Pokémon und beendet die Effekte von Stachler, Tarnsteine, Klebenetz und Toxin Stachler für beide Seiten. -showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=Benutzer +1 Angriff, Spe. Löscht alle Ersatzstoffe/Gefahren. +showdown.moves.tidyup.shortDesc=Benutzer +1 Angriff, Init. Löscht alle Ersatzstoffe/Gefahren. showdown.moves.tidyup.activate=Aufräumen abgeschlossen! showdown.moves.topsyturvy.desc=Die positiven Statusstufen des Ziels werden negativ und umgekehrt. Schlägt fehl, wenn alle Statusstufen des Ziels 0 sind. @@ -14986,12 +14986,12 @@ showdown.moves.trailblaze.desc=Hat eine Chance von 100 %, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 Stufe zu erhöhen. showdown.moves.trailblaze.shortDesc=100 % Chance, die Geschwindigkeit des Benutzers um 1 zu erhöhen. -showdown.moves.transform.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, Fähigkeiten, Gewicht, Geschlecht und Sprite des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die HP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP, maximal jedoch jeweils 5 PP. Der Benutzer kann Formulare nicht mehr ändern, wenn er dazu in der Lage wäre. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn er einen Ersatz trifft, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel bereits verwandelt ist oder wenn sich einer von beiden hinter einer Illusion befindet. +showdown.moves.transform.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, Fähigkeiten, Gewicht, Geschlecht und Sprite des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die KP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP, maximal jedoch jeweils 5 PP. Der Benutzer kann Formulare nicht mehr ändern, wenn er dazu in der Lage wäre. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn er einen Ersatz trifft, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel bereits verwandelt ist oder wenn sich einer von beiden hinter einer Illusion befindet. showdown.moves.transform.shortDesc=Kopiert die Statistiken, Attacken, Typen und Fähigkeiten des Ziels. -showdown.moves.transform.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, Fähigkeiten, Gewicht, IVs, Spezies und Sprite des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die HP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel verwandelt hat. -showdown.moves.transform.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, DVs, Arten und Sprites des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die HP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel verwandelt hat. +showdown.moves.transform.gen4.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, Fähigkeiten, Gewicht, IVs, Spezies und Sprite des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die KP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel verwandelt hat. +showdown.moves.transform.gen2.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, DVs, Arten und Sprites des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die KP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP. Dieser Zug schlägt fehl, wenn sich das Ziel verwandelt hat. showdown.moves.transform.gen2.shortDesc=Kopiert die Statistiken, Attacken, Typen und Arten des Ziels. -showdown.moves.transform.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, DVs, Arten und Sprites des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die HP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP. Dieser Zug kann ein Ziel mit Schaufler oder Fliegen treffen. +showdown.moves.transform.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verwandelt sich in das Ziel. Die aktuellen Statistiken, Statusstufen, Typen, Attacken, DVs, Arten und Sprites des Ziels werden kopiert. Das Level und die KP des Benutzers bleiben gleich und jeder kopierte Zug erhält nur 5 PP. Dieser Zug kann ein Ziel mit Schaufler oder Fliegen treffen. showdown.moves.transform.transform=%s verwandelte sich in %s! showdown.moves.triattack.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel entweder zu verbrennen, einzufrieren oder zu lähmen. @@ -15026,7 +15026,7 @@ showdown.moves.tripledive.shortDesc=3-mal getroffen. showdown.moves.triplekick.desc=Dreimal getroffen. Die Kraft erhöht sich beim zweiten Treffer auf 20 und beim dritten auf 30. Bei diesem Zug wird die Genauigkeit bei jedem Treffer überprüft und der Angriff endet, wenn das Ziel einem Treffer ausweicht. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn der Benutzer über die Fähigkeit Skill Link verfügt, wird dieser Zug immer dreimal treffen. showdown.moves.triplekick.shortDesc=3-mal getroffen. Jeder Treffer kann verfehlen, aber die Kraft steigt. -showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Dreimal getroffen. Die Kraft erhöht sich beim zweiten Treffer auf 20 und beim dritten auf 30. Bei diesem Zug wird die Genauigkeit bei jedem Treffer überprüft und der Angriff endet, wenn das Ziel einem Treffer ausweicht. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.triplekick.gen4.desc=Dreimal getroffen. Die Kraft erhöht sich beim zweiten Treffer auf 20 und beim dritten auf 30. Bei diesem Zug wird die Genauigkeit bei jedem Treffer überprüft und der Angriff endet, wenn das Ziel einem Treffer ausweicht. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.triplekick.gen3.desc=Dreimal getroffen. Die Kraft erhöht sich beim zweiten Treffer auf 20 und beim dritten auf 30. Bei diesem Zug wird die Genauigkeit bei jedem Treffer überprüft und der Angriff endet, wenn das Ziel einem Treffer ausweicht. Wenn einer der Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es Schaden für die verbleibenden Treffer. showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.desc=Trifft ein- bis dreimal nach dem Zufallsprinzip. Die Kraft erhöht sich beim zweiten Treffer auf 20 und beim dritten auf 30. showdown.moves.triplekick.gen2.shortDesc=1-3 Mal zuschlagen. Die Kraft steigt mit jedem Treffer. @@ -15042,7 +15042,7 @@ showdown.moves.twinbeam.shortDesc=Trifft 2 Mal in einer Runde. showdown.moves.twineedle.desc=Trifft zweimal, wobei bei jedem Treffer eine Chance von 20 % besteht, das Ziel zu vergiften. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. showdown.moves.twineedle.shortDesc=2 Mal getroffen. Bei jedem Treffer besteht eine Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit von 20 %. -showdown.moves.twineedle.gen4.desc=Trifft zweimal, wobei bei jedem Treffer eine Chance von 20 % besteht, das Ziel zu vergiften. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle HP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. +showdown.moves.twineedle.gen4.desc=Trifft zweimal, wobei bei jedem Treffer eine Chance von 20 % besteht, das Ziel zu vergiften. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. Wenn das Ziel über eine Fokusschärpe verfügt und zu Beginn dieser Bewegung über volle KP verfügt, wird es unabhängig von der Anzahl der Treffer nicht ausgeschaltet. showdown.moves.twineedle.gen3.desc=Trifft zweimal, wobei bei jedem Treffer eine Chance von 20 % besteht, das Ziel zu vergiften. Wenn der erste Treffer den Ersatz des Ziels zerstört, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden. showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.desc=Trifft zweimal, wobei beim zweiten Treffer eine Chance von 20 % besteht, das Ziel zu vergiften. Wenn der Ersatz des Ziels beim ersten Treffer zerstört wird, erleidet es beim zweiten Treffer Schaden, aber das Ziel kann dadurch nicht vergiftet werden. showdown.moves.twineedle.gen2.shortDesc=2 Mal getroffen. Beim letzten Treffer besteht eine Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit von 20 %. @@ -15105,11 +15105,11 @@ showdown.moves.voltswitch.shortDesc=Der Benutzer schaltet aus, nachdem er dem Zi showdown.moves.voltswitch.gen6.desc=Wenn dieser Zug erfolgreich ist und der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, schaltet der Benutzer aus, auch wenn er gefangen ist, und wird sofort durch ein ausgewähltes Gruppenmitglied ersetzt. Der Benutzer wechselt nicht, wenn es keine ohnmächtigen Gruppenmitglieder gibt oder wenn das Ziel mithilfe einer Auswurftaste gewechselt hat. showdown.moves.voltswitch.switchOut=%s ist zu %s zurückgekehrt! -showdown.moves.volttackle.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.volttackle.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. 10 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.desc=Hat eine Chance von 10 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.volttackle.gen4.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. 10 % Chance, das Ziel zu lähmen. -showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.volttackle.gen3.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. showdown.moves.wakeupslap.desc=Die Kraft verdoppelt sich, wenn das Ziel schläft. Wenn der Benutzer nicht ohnmächtig geworden ist, wacht das Ziel auf. @@ -15143,10 +15143,10 @@ showdown.moves.watersport.gen5.shortDesc=Schwächt Angriffe vom Typ Feuer auf 1/ showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.desc=Während der Benutzer aktiv ist, wird die Stärke aller Feuerangriffe eines aktiven Pokémon halbiert. Schlägt fehl, wenn dieser Effekt für den Benutzer bereits aktiv ist. Mit Stafette kann dieser Effekt auf einen Verbündeten übertragen werden. showdown.moves.watersport.gen4.shortDesc=Schwächt Angriffe vom Typ Feuer auf die Hälfte ihrer Kraft.änen -showdown.moves.waterspout.desc=Die Leistung entspricht (aktuelle HP des Benutzers * 150 / maximale HP des Benutzers), abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. -showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Weniger Leistung, wenn die HP des Benutzers sinken. Trifft Gegner. +showdown.moves.waterspout.desc=Die Leistung entspricht (aktuelle KP des Benutzers * 150 / maximale KP des Benutzers), abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. +showdown.moves.waterspout.shortDesc=Weniger Leistung, wenn die KP des Benutzers sinken. Trifft Gegner. -showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.wavecrash.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.wavecrash.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. showdown.moves.weatherball.desc=Die Leistung verdoppelt sich, wenn eine andere Wetterbedingung als Delta Stream aktiv ist, und der Typ dieser Bewegung ändert sich entsprechend. Eistyp während Schnee, Wassertyp während Urmeer oder Regentanz, Felstyp während Sandsturm und Feuertyp während Trostloses Land oder Sonnentag. Wenn der Benutzer Utility Umbrella hält und Meteorologe während Primordial Sea, Regentanz, Desolate Land oder Sonnentag verwendet, bleibt diese Bewegung vom Typ Normal und verdoppelt ihre Stärke nicht. @@ -15157,14 +15157,14 @@ showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.desc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich, wenn eine Wett showdown.moves.weatherball.gen3.shortDesc=Der Schaden verdoppelt sich und die Art variiert je nach Wetterlage. showdown.moves.weatherball.move=Hyper-Sprintangriff wurde aufgrund des Wetters zu %s! -showdown.moves.whirlpool.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.whirlpool.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.whirlpool.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.whirlpool.start=%s wurde im Wirbel gefangen! showdown.moves.whirlwind.desc=Das Ziel muss auswechseln und durch einen zufälligen, nicht ohnmächtigen Verbündeten ersetzt werden. Schlägt fehl, wenn das Ziel das letzte nicht ohnmächtige Pokémon in seiner Gruppe ist oder wenn das Ziel zuvor Verwurzler verwendet hat oder über die Fähigkeit Saugnäpfe verfügt. @@ -15193,7 +15193,7 @@ showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.desc=Hat eine Chance von 20 %, das Ziel zu lähmen. showdown.moves.wildboltstorm.shortDesc=20 % Chance, Gegner zu lähmen.ß -showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.wildcharge.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/4 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.wildcharge.shortDesc=Hat 1/4 Rückstoß. showdown.moves.willowisp.desc=Verbrennt das Ziel. @@ -15201,21 +15201,21 @@ showdown.moves.willowisp.shortDesc=Verbrennt das Ziel.ügelschlag showdown.moves.wingattack.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt. -showdown.moves.wish.desc=Am Ende der nächsten Runde erhält das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers die Hälfte der maximalen HP des Benutzers wiederhergestellt, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn diese Bewegung für die Position des Benutzers bereits wirksam ist. -showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=In der nächsten Runde werden 50 % der maximalen HP des Benutzers wiederhergestellt. -showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=Am Ende der nächsten Runde erhält das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers die Hälfte seiner maximalen HP wiederhergestellt, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn diese Bewegung für die Position des Benutzers bereits wirksam ist. -showdown.moves.wish.gen4.shortDesc=Heilt in der nächsten Runde 50 % der maximalen HP des Empfängers. +showdown.moves.wish.desc=Am Ende der nächsten Runde erhält das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers die Hälfte der maximalen KP des Benutzers wiederhergestellt, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn diese Bewegung für die Position des Benutzers bereits wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.wish.shortDesc=In der nächsten Runde werden 50 % der maximalen KP des Benutzers wiederhergestellt. +showdown.moves.wish.gen4.desc=Am Ende der nächsten Runde erhält das Pokémon an der Position des Benutzers die Hälfte seiner maximalen KP wiederhergestellt, abgerundet. Schlägt fehl, wenn diese Bewegung für die Position des Benutzers bereits wirksam ist. +showdown.moves.wish.gen4.shortDesc=Heilt in der nächsten Runde 50 % der maximalen KP des Empfängers. showdown.moves.wish.heal=Der Wunsch von %s ist wahr geworden! showdown.moves.withdraw.desc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. showdown.moves.withdraw.shortDesc=Erhöht die Verteidigung des Benutzers um 1. showdown.moves.wonderroom.desc=Für 5 Runden werden die Verteidigungs- und Spezialverteidigungswerte aller aktiven Pokémon vertauscht. Änderungen der Stat-Stufe bleiben davon unberührt. Wenn dieser Zug während des Effekts verwendet wird, endet der Effekt. -showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden sind alle Verteidigungs- und SP-Werte aktiviert. Def-Statistik-Schalter. +showdown.moves.wonderroom.shortDesc=Für 5 Runden sind alle Verteidigungs- und SP-Werte aktiviert. Vert-Statistik-Schalter. -showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 33 % der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, aufgerundet zur Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.woodhammer.shortDesc=Hat 33 % Rückstoß. -showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel HP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen HP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 HP. +showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.desc=Wenn das Ziel KP verliert, erleidet der Benutzer Rückstoßschaden in Höhe von 1/3 der vom Ziel verlorenen KP, abgerundet, jedoch nicht weniger als 1 KP. showdown.moves.woodhammer.gen4.shortDesc=Hat 1/3 Rückstoß. showdown.moves.workup.desc=Erhöht den Angriff und den Spezialangriff des Benutzers um 1 Stufe. @@ -15229,22 +15229,22 @@ showdown.moves.worryseed.gen6.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels zu Sch showdown.moves.worryseed.gen5.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels zu Schlaflosigkeit führt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Schlaflosigkeit, Multityp oder Schulschwänzen ist. showdown.moves.worryseed.gen4.desc=Bewirkt, dass die Fähigkeit des Ziels zu Schlaflosigkeit führt. Schlägt fehl, wenn die Fähigkeit des Ziels Multitype oder Truant ist oder wenn das Ziel eine Griseous Orb trägt. -showdown.moves.wrap.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Schwanzabwurf, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Letalwirbler, Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich einsetzt. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.wrap.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 4–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen HP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen8.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Rollwende, Abgangstirade, Teleport, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen7.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/8 seiner maximalen KP zu (1/6, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffband hält), abgerundet. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Abgangstirade, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen5.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel vier oder fünf Runden lang wechselt (sieben Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP (1/8, wenn der Benutzer das Klammergriffing-Band hält), abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette, Kehrtwende oder Voltwechsel verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.desc=Verhindert, dass das Ziel zwei bis fünf Runden lang wechselt (immer fünf Runden, wenn der Benutzer Grip Claw hält). Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Shed Shell hält oder Stafette oder Kehrtwende verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.wrap.gen4.shortDesc=Fängt das Ziel ein und fügt ihm 2–5 Runden lang Schaden zu. -showdown.moves.wrap.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen HP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. +showdown.moves.wrap.gen3.desc=Verhindert zwei bis fünf Runden lang, dass das Ziel wechselt. Fügt dem Ziel am Ende jeder Runde während der Wirkung Schaden in Höhe von 1/16 seiner maximalen KP, abgerundet, zu. Das Ziel kann immer noch auswechseln, wenn es Stafette verwendet. Der Effekt endet, wenn entweder der Benutzer oder das Ziel das Feld verlässt oder wenn das Ziel Turbodreher oder Delegator erfolgreich verwendet. Dieser Effekt ist nicht stapelbar oder kann durch die Verwendung dieser oder einer anderen Bindungsbewegung zurückgesetzt werden. showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.desc=Der Benutzer verbringt zwei bis fünf Runden mit dieser Bewegung. Hat eine Chance von 3/8, zwei oder drei Runden durchzuhalten, und eine Chance von 1/8, vier oder fünf Runden durchzuhalten. Der für die erste Runde berechnete Schaden wird für jede zweite Runde verwendet. Der Benutzer kann während des Effekts keine Bewegung auswählen und das Ziel kann keine Bewegung ausführen, aber beide können wechseln. Wenn der Benutzer auswechselt, ist das Ziel in diesem Zug weiterhin nicht in der Lage, eine Bewegung auszuführen. Wenn das Ziel auswechselt, verwendet der Benutzer diese Bewegung automatisch erneut, und wenn es zu diesem Zeitpunkt 0 PP hatte, wird es zu 63. Wenn der Benutzer oder das Ziel auswechselt oder der Benutzer an der Bewegung gehindert wird, endet der Effekt. Diese Bewegung kann das Ziel daran hindern, sich zu bewegen, selbst wenn es über Typimmunität verfügt, verursacht jedoch keinen Schaden. showdown.moves.wrap.gen1.shortDesc=Verhindert, dass sich das Ziel 2–5 Runden lang bewegt. showdown.moves.wrap.start=%s wurde von %s umschlossen! showdown.moves.wrap.move=Der Angriff von %s geht weiter! -showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Die Kraft entspricht 120 * (aktuelle HP des Ziels / maximale HP des Ziels), abgerundet auf die Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. -showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=Je mehr HP das Ziel übrig hat, desto mehr Kraft hat es. -showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 120 * (aktuelle HP des Ziels / maximale HP des Ziels) + 1, abgerundet. +showdown.moves.wringout.desc=Die Kraft entspricht 120 * (aktuelle KP des Ziels / maximale KP des Ziels), abgerundet auf die Hälfte, jedoch nicht weniger als 1. +showdown.moves.wringout.shortDesc=Je mehr KP das Ziel übrig hat, desto mehr Kraft hat es. +showdown.moves.wringout.gen4.desc=Die Kraft beträgt 120 * (aktuelle KP des Ziels / maximale KP des Ziels) + 1, abgerundet. showdown.moves.xscissor.shortDesc=Kein zusätzlicher Effekt.ähner