All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is inspired by Keep a Changelog. This project follows the versions of SMASH, that means that each new version of SMASH triggers a new version of this project, in order to assure compatibility. This changelog is in place since version SMASH-analysis-3.0. The naming convention changed from this tag on.
The major categories to group changes in this log are:
↔️ for all, in particular breaking, changes, fixes and additions to the in- and output files.- ➕ for new features.
- ♻️ for changes in existing functionality.
- 🆘 for any bug fixes.
- ➖ for now removed features.
Also possible, but for this project less relevant, is Deprecated
for soon-to-be removed features.
Date: 2024-02-29
↔️ Collision term for boxes uses now bottom up cross sections and pseudoresonances are deactivated- ➕ New binary reader version due to added strangeness output
Date: 2023-04-28
- ➕ Energy scan target for 5.02 TeV
- ➕ New binary reader version due to added baryon number output
- ➕ NNbar-to-5 pions target in the detailed balance analysis
- 🆘 Correct unstable flag in the cross sections target for NN->NNeta
- 🆘 Increase equilibration time for detailed balance of N*(1440)
- ♻️
⚠️ Themaster
branch has been renamed tomain
- ♻️
⚠️ Development is now performed on thedevelop
branch - ♻️ Use MutableSet from instead of collections
Link to diff from previous version
Date: 2022-05-13