This is my dotfile environment.
Please don't hesitate to fork or contribute to this repository.
Please also share suggestions of amazing CLI tools / programs of your knowledge.
wm : i3-gaps
toolbar : polybar
notif : dunst
web : qutebrowser
music : cmus OR mpd + pms (not yet decided)
lyrics : lyvi
calendar : khal
messaging : irssi + fb-messenger-cli (own fork)
- Create an install script for programs
- Create an install script for dotfiles
- Make install script for all programs
- Finish import actual config for all programs
- Rewrite the dualscreen script
- Rewrite the lock script
- Rewrite the wallchanger script
- Implement colors
- Handle Vim session system
- Remove program script ?
- yoshuawuyts
- lots of reddit unixporn users