Paper: The Audio Auditor: User-Level Membership Inference in Internet of Things Voice Services
Published: PoPETS 2019
Transcription-only black-box access to ASR model:
- Input: audio & its true transcription
- Output: its predicted transcription
User-level Membership Inference Attack:
- Querying with a user’s data, if this user has any data within target model’s training set, even if the query data are not members of the training set, this user is the user-level member of this training set.
Fig. 2 depicts a workflow of our audio auditor auditing an ASR model. Generally, there are two processes, i.e., training and auditing. The former process is to build a binary classifier as a user-level membership auditor Aaudit using a supervised learning algorithm. The latter uses this auditor to audit an ASR model Ftar by querying a few audios spoken by one user u. In Section 4.4, we show that only a small number of audios per user can determine whether u ∈ Utar or u /∈ Utar. Furthermore, a small number of users used to train the auditor is sufficient to provide a satisfying result.
Each matrix obtains 4 columns {id, transcript_txt, frame_length, txt, txt_length}.
For record id=777-126732-0046, under the folder ./testing_set_for_auditor, extract elements from /decode_dev_clean_2out_dnn2/decode.1.log and dev-clean-2-true-txt.txt
{777-126732-0046, "IN ANY CASE HE HAD NOT THE TIME", 223, "IN ANY CASE HE HAD NOT THE TIME", 31}
- log to txt.
- input: dataset = $1 = testing_set_for_auditor/decode_test_clean_2_user_out_dnn2; label = $2 = nonmember_test_clean_2_user
- output: txt_f = testing_set_for_auditor/nonmember_test_clean_2_user.txt
- Reduce irrelevant information from the raw transcription results.
$ ./ testing_set_for_auditor/decode_train_clean_100_user_out_dnn2 member_train_clean_100_user
>> out_log/decodelog2txt_member_train_clean_100_user.txt 2>&1 && echo 's' || echo 'e'
$ cp out_log/decodelog2txt_member_train_clean_100_user.txt testing_set_for_auditor/
- txt to csv.
- input: txt_in = "testing_set_for_auditor/nonmember_test_clean_2_user.txt"; true_in = "testing_set_for_auditor/test-clean-2-user-true-txt.txt"
- output: csv_file = "data/nonmember_test-clean-2-user.csv"
- Convert txt_in (transcription results) to a matrix focusing on sentence id.
- Extract 4 features (trans_txt, frame_length, true_txt, true_txt_length) for each sentence id.
- Save as .csv focusing on sentence id. header = ['id', 'predicted_txt', 'true_txt', 'true_txt_length', 'frame_length'].
$ python ./
Transfer sentence-id-record ('id') data to user-id-record ('user') data. Mainly process 2 string-type features --- 'predicted_txt' and 'true_txt' --- into int-type features as similarity score. The other 2 int-type features including previous processed 2 int-type features are analyzed statistically.
- Word2Vec Model Training
- input: predicted_path = testing_set_for_auditor//.log; true_label_path = True_transcripts/*.txt
- output: w2vModel = word2vec_libri.model
- Train a Word2Vec with 2 kinds of Vocabularies (logs and true_txt files) --> save as .model
- Update the pretrained model (word2vec_*.model) with another total_samples.
$ python ./
- Word2Vec Model Update
New log files found:
- Repeat ## Data Preprocess 1. Word2Vec Model Training
- Repeat
$ python ./
- Similarity Score Between 'predicted_txt' and 'true_txt'
- input: csv = data/member_dev-clean-2.csv
- output: feats_file = data/member_feats3_dev-clean-2.csv
- Load pretrained Word2Vec model (word2vec_*.model)
- Initial the list for processing original 4 feats into 3 feats except 'id' Convert the 2nd and 3rd columns (string-type features) into word vectors --- 1 word 1 vector and 1 similarity score. Specifically, ['id', 'predicted_text', 'true_text', 'true_text_length', 'frame_length'] ==> ['id', 'similarity', 'frame_length', 'speed']
- Save initial features as .csv focusing on sentence id
$ python ./
- Similarity Statistic for Each User
- input: feats_csv = data/member_feats3_dev-clean-2.csv
- output: feats_user_file = data/member_feats3_user_dev-clean-2.csv
- Statistically analyze the list for processing 3 feats towards each user where 'id' = user#-chapter#-sentence# Specifically, ['id', 'predicted_text', 'true_text', 'true_text_length', 'frame_length'] ==> ['user', 'similarity_statistics', 'frame_length_statistics', 'speed_statistics']
- Save processed features as .csv focusing on user(speaker) id
$ python ./
$ python ./