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File metadata and controls

408 lines (347 loc) · 39.2 KB


  1. ISHREMOTE-052 Add Get-IshBaseline, Find-IshBaseline and Get-IshBaselineItem for metrics/insights purposes ISSUE #2
  2. ISHREMOTE-011 IshField promotion to properties #48
  3. ISHREMOTE-022 Refactor to IshTypeFieldSetup by replacing hardcoded System and Required fields by dynamic ones ISSUE #3
  4. ISHREMOTE-047 Set-IshMetadataField/Set-IshMetadataFilterField take object[] instead of string and convert internally
  5. ISHREMOTE-049 Overload Set-IshRequestedMetadataField to accept IshTypeFieldDefinition[] to generate IshMetadataField[]
  6. ISHREMOTE-040 Support ExecutionPolicy AllSigned (SignAndPublish.ps1)
  7. ISHREMOTE-045 Add parameter argument completion for interactive usage.
  8. ISHREMOTE-034 Add Get-IshTranslationJob, Find-IshTranslationJob and Get-IshTranslationJobItem for analysis purposes
  9. ISHREMOTE-033 Add Get-IshTranslationTemplate, Remove-IshTranslationTemplate and Add-IshTranslationTemplate
  10. ISHREMOTE-030 Fix Stop-IshPublicationOutput failing with null reference exception on -WhatIf usage
  11. ISHREMOTE-025 Add Get-IshField that returns <ishfields> based ISHType[] and switch flags
  12. ISHREMOTE-020 Overload all -RequestedMetadata on Find-/Get- cmdlets using IshTypeFieldSetup #48
  13. ISHREMOTE-024 Add Filter-IshValueField, actually Filter-IshMetadataField
  14. ISHREMOTE-001 Prepare for OpenSourceSoftware and Continues Integration ISSUE #1
  15. ISHREMOTE-002 Performance boost for legacy imports to avoid Retrieve API calls to feed the pipeline
  16. ISHREMOTE-048 Merge Find- cmdlets into a parameter group on the Get- cmdlets. So Get- allows retrieval with identifiers and based on Find criterias.
  17. ISHREMOTE-008 Add Unlock-IshUser
  18. ISHREMOTE-015 Add Move-IshPublicationOutput based on Move-IshDocumentObj
  19. ISHREMOTE-029 Overload Set-IshValueField to accept IshObject/IshFolder
  20. ISHREMOTE-035 Add Get-IshSettingWorkflow which in turn requires IshSettingWorkflowSetup and IshSettingWorkflowTransition
  21. ISHREMOTE-031 Extend parameter -FolderPath with intellisense
  22. ISHREMOTE-006 Add Missing/Legacy Pester tests ISSUE #4
  23. ISHREMOTE-016 Add Filter-IshObject cmdlet taking MetadataFilter parameter to do client-side object filtering
  24. ISHREMOTE-014 Add Test-IshFolder
  25. ISHREMOTE-027 Add Test-IshDocumentObj and Test-PublicationOutput
  26. ISHREMOTE-013 Optimize with logical delete on Remove-IshDocumentObj and Remove-IshPublicationOutput
  27. ISHREMOTE-010 IshSession should refresh token
  28. ISHREMOTE-051 Mandatory AllowOnCreate fields for Add- cmdlets should have their own ParameterSetName MandatoryParameterGroup
  29. ISHREMOTE-028 Add Search-IshDocumentObj #52
  30. ISHREMOTE-050 Get-IshSetting should return same output type IshField for -FieldName (string) and -RequestedMetadata. String output could be achieved by -Raw flag for both.
  31. ISHREMOTE-012 Respect IshSession.BatchSize and IshSession.BatchSize
  32. ISHREMOTE-005 Implement Client Library retry mechanism next to existing timeout implementation
  33. ISHREMOTE-009 DocumentObj data migration cmdlets like Get-IshDocumentObjData, Save-IshDocumentObj,...
  34. ISHREMOTE-032 Implement Provider for ISH:// usage
  35. ISHREMOTE-046 More documentation for Get-Help
  36. ISHREMOTE-999 The end!


Below entries are about plans, ideas, cross-linking,...

  • ISHRemote.PesterSetup.ps1 through Get-CIVariable("PROJECT", "NAME", "DEFAULT") idea (see ISHBootStrap)
  • Continuous Integration (CI) should run on release/debug, project/version/user dimensions; allowing 10.0.x (partially!), 11.0.x, 12.0.x and TEST nightly run. This table needs README.MD documentation, and probably also takes part in ISHRemote major version bumping
  • .\Samples\ becomes Articles, Get-Help inspiration and Pester Test.
  • ISHRemote.PesterSetup.ps1 to hold $ignoreSslPolicyErrors=$false which is explictly passed to all New-IshSession switch parameters IgnoreSslPolicyErrors:$ignoreSslPolicyErrors except overwritten by the -IgnoreSslPolicyErrors tests. This would allow CI-testing of environments with invalid certificates.
  • Cancelling the pipeline seems to be unsupported
  • Any script by default should pass information on the pipeline, which is what ISHRemote does.
    If your script by default doesn't do that, you still force it to do that by passing [-PassThru].
    To avoid the unwanted Retrieve calls, specify -PassThru $false explicitly. Implicitly and when specified it is true, unless explicitly specified as false.
    Sample PassThru implementation
  • Convert readme.txt to README.MD and BACKLOG.MD including a why and getting started section.
  • Public GitHub project
  • Timeout is implemented, but there is no retry mechanism for API calls inside the cmdlets. Probably means intoducing an API interface/facade to be able to easily wrap that. Potentially include token refresh as well. Might make it easier to change transport layer in a far future (e.g. REST or 3.0 API)
  • All new code should receive Pester tests, this one is about correcting legacy/missing tests.
  • Unlock-IshUser -IshSession -UserName will set FISHLOCKED=false (will throw on FISHLOCKED=true) available since Kojak/13.0.0

DocumentObj data migration cmdlets like Get-IshDocumentObjData, Save-IshDocumentObj,...

  • Get-IshDocumentObjData should pipeline IshObject if -FolderPath parameter is missing. This allows passing metadata and blob in one call as input for Save-IshDocumentObj or even Set-IshDocumentObj. Matching cmdlet Get-IshPublicationOutputData could do the same, although encoding large 'chunked' blobs in the ishdata section is far from ideal.
  • Add Save-IshDocumentObj to filesystem, probably needs matching Load-IshDocumentObj that is pipeline friendly. Consider Save-IshDocumentObj as debug/back-up but pipeline friendly to duplicate problems from one ishsession to the next.
    • Save the blob as [ShortenedTitle]=Logicalname=Version=Language=Resolution.Edt and the metadata as [ShortenedTitle]=Logicalname=Version=Language=Resolution.met holding ishfields (or ishobject)
  • Similar data migration cmdlets (Save-Ish* and Load-Ish*) could be for User, UserGroup, PublicationOutput... actually required if we do per cmdlet object promotion, see ISHREMOTE-011.
  • ISHRemote.Objects should all be fully serialiable for temporary file storage and usage through ConvertTo-Xml and ConvertTo-JSon
  • Consistency remarks
    1. Set-IshDocumentObj probably needs TryGetMetadata extending to do either Create or Update call. So far Set- cmdlets do not create objects!
    2. New-IshDocumentObj, so a client-side in-memory representation needs to match Load-IshDocumentObj. If we ever do that given the complexity of system and mandatory fields.
  • Token inside IshSession doesn't refresh itself (like in the Client Tools), introduce [-AutoRefresh] which sets clients to null when InfoShareWcfConnection.IsValid.
    Perhaps a Refresh-IshSession cmdlet (hmm better implicit/silent). Preferably make it work for the ISHRemote as client library as well, or doc it.

IshField promotion to properties. Either by more advanced IshObject inheritance or by NoteProperty solutions.

  • Dynamic Members/Properties on all ishobject types allowing an easy $ishobject.FISHEMAIL. As an optional switch parameter perhaps respecting a variable like $DebugPreference. Or make it a toggle property on IshSession. [TS-10266] NoteProperties are string only, so date comparisons are still hard (using yyyyMMdd.HHmmss allows compare operators), hence Filter-IshObject/Filter-IshEvent/Filter-IshFolder.
    • PSNoteProperty: hardcoded date fields converting dd/MM/yyy HH:mm:ss to iso format allowing string compare: yyyyMMdd.HHmmss
    • EventCmdlet.WrapAsPSObjectAndAddNoteProperties exists and holds the code. Question remains if it the right way to do it (PassThru, seperate aliases per object type for Convert-IshObject, Add-IshMember,..)
  • Instead of solving the NoteProperties (which are strings) promotions through a variable like $ISHPromoteObjects, we could also introduce [-PassThru] with options
    1. none, this options boosts import by skipping retrieve for the pipeline
    2. minimal (current), so just enough identifiable information on the pipeline to allow piping and proper errors
    3. decorated(psobject-noteproperty) ... is about the promotion to properties for easy usage in Out-GridView (see Stop-IshPublicationOutput sample)
  • Promote IshObject results to IshDocumentObj for Get-IshDocumentObj or IshUser for Get-IshUser (and IshEvent for Get-IshEvent), so matching the cmdlet noun. This would allow easier printing, nicer table printing through specialized ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml entries, especially in interactive mode. This probably requires a fancy factory implementation compared to the current IshObject(xml) function.
    • IshDocumentObj groups MasterDoc/Module/.../Template, can print Resolution only for images
    • IshPublicationOutput like IshDocumentObj is a multi-level card hierarchy
    • IshEDT, IshOutputFormat, IshUser, IshUserGroup, IshUserRole, IshOutputFormat (future IshTranslationJob) derive from IshObject
    • Note that IshConfiguration returns an IshField[] currently
    • Set-IshField/Set-IshMetadataField should get aliases on IshObject. Make sure the property and IshObject class documentation is elaborate.
  • Use cases
    • Get-IshEvent ... | Export-Csv as easy EventMonitor export [SRQ-4522]
    • Get-IshEvent ... | Filter-IshMetadataField -name -level -le yesterday | Remove-IshEvent See ISHREMOTE-024. Pipeline filter and delete up to a certain date which was a UI feature we used to have allowing easier analysis [SRQ-4522]
  • Implement and respect IshSession.BatchSize (especially in Retrieve* cmdlets), IshSession.ChunkSize (PublicationOutput and EventMonitor(if any))
  • Remove-IshDocumentObj and probably Remove-IshPublicationOutput will only remove version and logical level when -Force was presented and if the presented language level was the last one. Suggest to add -ForceLogical which will delete by LogicalId, only when TRISOFT_INFOSHARE_DocumentObjDelete_DenyExpandedLogicalObjectDelete and TRISOFT_INFOSHARE_PublicationOutputDelete_DenyExpandedLogicalObjectDelete registry keys are not active.
  • Add Test-IshFolder that calls Folder25.GetSubFoldersByIshFolderRef avoiding server-side errors to check for object existance
  • Add Move-IshPublicationOutput based on Move-IshDocumentObj holding the same Folder25.MoveObjects implementation for consistency

Add Filter-IshObject cmdlet taking MetadataFilter parameter to do client-side object filtering [TS-10372]

  • Preferably alias Filter-IshObject with Filter-IshEvent and Filter-IshFolder as null-able ValueFromPipeline overloads. Depending on ISHREMOTE-011 for all ISHTypes!
  • Taking the incoming object, passing throw if it matches the filter and pipeline the same object type out.
    • What if the field is not present? Fail the pass? Yes
    • -IshSession is required to pass future field type like string/number/date or multivalue which is important for compare operators, see also ISHREMOTE-017 like Settings25.RetrieveFieldSetupByIshType.

Also have a look at Filter-IshValueField (alias Filter-IshFieldValue, actually Filter-IshMetadataField), a bit simpler and cleaner than the -MetadataFilter complexity. See ISHREMOTE-024

Add IshSession.IshTypeFieldSetup allowing Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition and Compare-IshTypeFieldDefinition

  • Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition matching Settings25.RetrieveFieldSetupByIshType on Kojak/13.0.0 which returns IshTypeFieldDefinition records. IshTypeFieldDefinition is a denormalized version of the API result <ishtypedefinition> and <ishfielddefinition>.
    • It will do the call with -Force, or use the JIT version of the incoming IshSession available as IshTypeFieldSetup. Optional.
    • IshTypeFieldSetup returns a flat denormalised list of IshTypeFieldDefinition, alphabetically sorted by ISHType/Level/Field by default
    • IshTypeFieldSetup on the IshSession is initialized by Settings25.RetrieveFieldSetupByIshType on Kojak/13.0.0. But on 2014/11.0.x and 2016/12.0.x, based on ServerVersion it can be initialized by a TriDKXmlSetup-FullExport coming from the ISHRemote.Resources. Trisoft.ISHRemote.Properties.Resouces.IshTypeFieldSetup.TriDKXmlSetupFullExport_12_00_01 could work.
    • IshTypeFieldSetup should never block, only advise/warn. So requesting a custom field which is not in the IshTypeFieldDefinition[] will not be stopped client-side, the request will be past to the API which in turn can decide if it needs to error out. Should TrisoftCmdlet get clientside virtual Verify(Filter/Requested/set)Metadata function like deprecated RemoveSystemFields that Warns when you filter on unknown combinations like FISHMODIFIEDON on PublicationOutput
    • IshTypeFieldDefinition output should get a nice ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml configuration for ease of use. When format as table allowCreate is shortened to a C, multi value is a 1 or N, mandatory is M, description size should be cut. Potententially needs smart getters (Is a boolean True printed in a 1-char-column as 'T'?)
  • IshTypeFieldSetup is the object that allows questions like filter system fields or get me essential/descriptive/minimal/all fields for reading or writing for these types.
    • Should answer questions like questions like 'ISHUser-PASSWORD-action:read-->removefield' or 'ISHModule-MODIFIEDON-action:write-->removefield' which in turn enhances the cmdlet level RemoveSystemFields() to become dynamic
  • Add Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition takes an optional IshSession and allows loading of a TriDKXmlSetup-FullExport (warning on api data overwrite on 13.0.0/kojak because of api existance)... pipeline result is IshTypeFieldDefinition[] and when IshSession is present it is persisted on IshSession.IshTypeFieldSetup.
    • Function is marked as deprecated from the start. There are no plans for a DBUT-FullExport, only a TriDKXmlSetup-FullExport.
  • Save-IshTypeFieldDefinition (optionally) is competition for DBUT/TriDKXmlSetup-FullExport but over the API. Note however that the API will never return internal system fields like FFOLDERS.
  • Add Compare-IshTypeFieldDefinition by either parameter set -IshSessionA/-IshSessionB or IshTypeFieldDefinitionA[]/IshTypeFieldDefinitionB[]
    • Compare 2 sets of IshTypeFieldDefinition[] and only spit out differences...alphabetically sorted by ISHType/Level/Field by default over the two sets... so spitting out A and B version back-to-back if different
    • Compare result could be IshTypeFieldDefinitionCompare which inherits IshTypeFieldDefinition and adds change property which printed by formats.xml could look #1 column holding typical git-conpare + and -. Or first column == << >> <> and always print type level field… and only columns with differences, the rest of the cells are empty. So every IshTypeFieldDefinitionCompare should be printed as two rows with an additional compare column or without but +/- (preferably green/red color highlighting)
    • Note that JIT IshSession load and Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition over TriDKXmlSetup-FullExport allow a comparison between systems on standard/custom.

Overload all -RequestedMetadata on Find-/Get- cmdlets using IshTypeFieldSetup

  • -RequestedMetadata is not mandatory (check all). So when not specified, we can fall back to IshTypeFieldSetup descriptive/essential/minimal/basic fields (not all as that includes FISHLINKS, etc).
  • See also ISHREMOTE-025.

Rename Set-IshValueField, Set-IshFilterField and Set-IshField to Set-IshMetadataField, Set-IshMetadataFilterField and Set-IshRequestedMetadataField

  • Discovery-wise, cmdlets ask for -Metadata, -FilterMetadata and -RequestedMetadata but the cmdlets to create those <ishfield> memory structures are called: Set-IshValueField, Set-IshFilterField and Set-IshField. So rename internal implementation to IshMetadataField, IshMetadataFilterField and IshRequestedMetadataField. can stay the same.
  • Parameter -RequiredCurrentMetadata could be done by an alias on Set-MetadataField so Set-IshRequiredCurrentMetadataField
  • Rename Get-IshFieldValue to Get-IshMetadataField
  • Don't forget a mass-replace to update all documentation.
  • Optional
    • Part of breaking compatibility with the past, and make it cleaner for first-time users. See also ISHREMOTE-011 and ISHREMOTE-026
    • This change could match up with the mandatory -IshSession parameter introduction, see ISHREMOTE-023.

Refactor to IshTypeFieldSetup by replacing hardcoded System and Required fields by dynamic ones. Requires ISHREMOTE-017.

  • ISHRemote abstract class cmdlet offers RemoveSystemFields, AddRequiredFields, AddRequiredDocumentObjFields, AddRequiredPublicationOutputFields
  • Functions like RemoveNonIdentifierFields/AddRequiredFields/RemoveSystemFields respect metadata-requests for only logical or version... and the ActionMode
  • Extend Set-IshMetadataField, Set-IshMetadataFilterField and Set-IshRequestedMetadataField cmdlets with -IshSession to allow ISHTypeFieldDefinition lookup for fieldnames in that database... Cool demo on complete -Name (and -Level) regarding field
  • Set-IshValueField could be based on the field type to make sure the assigment is right regarding number, datetime, version format. Requires ISHREMOTE-017.

Add Filter-IshValueField (alias Filter-IshFieldValue, actually Filter-IshMetadataField), a bit simpler and cleaner than the -MetadataFilter complexity of Filter-IshObject in ISHREMOTE-016.

  • Requires ISHREMOTE-017 DONE
  • Filter-ishfield(value) -name -level -eq(operator) -value and ishields/ishobject should be lightweight regarding memorymodel (so no ishfield promotion of a field because you now can know it is a date or multivalue?!). If the field is not incoming then remove the object from the pipeline, same of course if the test fails.
  • Respect the the IshSession date format dd/MM/yyy HH:mm:ss but thanks to IshTypeFieldSetup you also know which fields are dates, allowing easier compare operators (so iso format avoiding string compare workaround through format yyyyMMdd.HHmmss). DONE

Add Get-IshField that returns <ishfields> based ISHType[] and switch flags

  • Get-IshField or better name Get-IshRequestedMetadataField, see ISHREMOTE-021
  • Requires ISHREMOTE-017 DONE
  • Switch flags could be -Descriptive/-System/-Basic/-All. Idea needs to align with ISHREMOTE-011
  • This would allow a Find-IshDocumentObj -IshSess... -RequestedMetadata (Get-IshField -IshSession $ishSession -IshTypeFilter @('ISHLibrary','ISHModule','ISHMasterDoc') -All)

Break compatiblity, remove all Trisoft.Automation artefacts. The goal is to make it easier for first-time users, as little legacy as possible.

  • Raise the version number.
  • Remove parameters like -TrisoftSession
  • Remove cmdlet alias like Retrieve-/Cancel-/...
  • Remove deprecated cmdlets like Show-TrisoftAlias/Get-IshFolderChildren
  • Rename cmdlets like ISHREMOTE-021
  • Don't forget a mass-replace to update all documentation.

Add Test-IshDocumentObj and Test-PublicationOutput through (Try)GetMetadata call to check for object existance

Add Search-IshDocumentObj which in turn requires IshQuery object with Set-IshQueryField

  • See [TS-10686]

Overload Set-IshMetadataField to accept IshObject/IshFolder/... on the pipeline to mass update in-memory structure

  • Requires alignment with ISHREMOTE-011 and ISHREMOTE-021
  • Needs to match overloads of Get-IshFieldValue
  • Can we remove Set-IshFields (plural), is there still a use case for that? MergeFields... is Set-IshValueField capable of doing that one-by-one? If Set-IshValueField takes object as input, it is still missing the group ishfield merge/overwrite option. So leaving Set-IshFields for now as an advanced function.

Fix Stop-IshPublicationOutput failing with null reference exception on -WhatIf usage

Extend parameter -FolderPath with intellisense

  • See also ISHREMOTE-023 which is based on in-memory lookup. This story is about API-based lookup.
  • Probably implementation as cmdlet in ISHRemote.psm1 (see ITProceed slide deck)
  • Depending on the success, could also be done for Get-/Find- on parameter -LogicalId
  • See ISHREMOTE-045

Implement Provider for ISH:// usage (like IIS:// or HKLM://) allowing item/container browsing like Remove-Item/Set-Item

Get inspired on the one, see

Add Get-IshTranslationTemplate, Remove-IshTranslationTemplate and Add-IshTranslationTemplate which in turn requires IshTranslationJobTemplates

  • Especially the cleaning up unused ones seems to be an issue on various environments

Add Get-IshTranslationJob, Find-IshTranslationJob and Get-IshTranslationJobItem for analysis purposes

  • Add Get-IshTranslationJob of a single IshTranslationJob always fully initializes by several API calls, and returns
    1. IshTranslationJob respecting IshTypeFieldSetup, see ISHREMOTE-017
    2. IshTranslationJob.IshTranslationJobContainer[], so no explicit Get- cmdlet but still an object with matching ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml
    3. IshTranslationJob.IshTranslationJobWorkflow[], so no explicit Get- cmdlet but still an object with matching ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml
    4. IshTranslationJob.IshExternalTranslationJob[], so no explicit Get- cmdlet but still an object with matching ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml
  • Add Find-IshTranslationJob returning IshTranslationJob[] only initializes IshTranslationJob respecting IshTypeFieldSetup, see ISHREMOTE-017
  • Add Get-IshTranslationJobItem of a single IshTranslationJob in turn requires IshTranslationJobItem
    • IshTranslationJobItem respecting IshTypeFieldSetup, see ISHREMOTE-017
    • Especially columns error/externalstatus allow debugging, available since (TS-10305)
    • Can a IshTranslationJobItem be promoted to a IshDocumentObj? An extra client-side cmdlet, beware of in-memory New-IshDocumentObj consistency.
  • None-scope is Creating/Updating/Deleting IshTranslationJob
  • None-scope is Creating/Updating/Deleting IshTranslationJobItem
  • Tip: TranslationJobItem has LogicalId=Version=Language=Resolution as key, and not language card id. There is no API call that takes batches using the readable identifiers. Trick is to create a temporary baseline report (LogicalId=Version) and pass that for completion using Language/Resolution as that will return you language card ids in group.

Add Get-IshSettingWorkflow which in turn requires IshSettingWorkflowSetup and IshSettingWorkflowTransition

  • Returns IshSettingWorkflowTransition[] with matching ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml. So workflow as a table with from/to/role (like the UI).
  • Should know and respect xml @version attribute
  • IshSettingWorkflowSetup on IshSession, potentially JIT retrieval, could allow future client-side workflow validation including initial states.
  • Similar to IshTypeFieldSetup and IshTypeFieldDefinition, see ISHREMOTE-017.
  • None-scope is Adding/Removing IshSettingWorkflowTransition
  • See also Admin.XMLStatusConfiguration.xml

Fix IshSession by removing Set properties which don't work like Timeout for WCF-proxy

Rename Add-IshValue/Get-IshValue/Remove-IshValue/Set-IshValue toAdd-IshLovValue/Get-IshLovValue/Remove-IshLovValue/Set-IshLovValue

  • IshValue is a too generic term that most people will not bind to List Of Values. Furthermore when searching for Value you also get a confusing hit for Set-IshValueField which is about <ishfield> and not about <ishlovvalue>
  • Align with ISHREMOTE-021 and ISHREMOTE-026

Fix Set-IshFilterField to allow more than one filter on the same field (also verified for Set-IshValueField and Set-IshField)

  • When querying for 1 January 2016 blob changes by $metadataFilter = Set-IshFilterField -Name 'FISHLASTMODIFIEDON' -Level Lng -FilterOperator GreaterThanOrEqual -Value '01/01/2016' | Set-IshFilterField -Name 'FISHLASTMODIFIEDON' -Level Lng -FilterOperator LessThan -Value '02/01/2016' the logging on DocumentObj25.Find shows 18:13:41.6645 Trace 36 00068 a:UC:Admin2 API25/DocumentObj/Find Trisoft.InfoShare.API25.DocumentObj.Find (xmlMetadataFilter=[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><ishfields><ishfield name="FISHLASTMODIFIEDON" level="lng" ishoperator="lessthan" ishvaluetype="value">02/01/2016</ishfield></ishfields>]) []
  • So the second filter was passed, the first one not, eventually pulling a lot of data from the database.
  • Best to also check Set-IshValueField and Set-IshField

Fix RemoveSystemFields to not send the new user fields like (TS-11787)


Support ExecutionPolicy AllSigned (SignAndPublish.ps1)

  • As an Administrator run Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned where Import-Module ISHRemote will fail because of unsigned text files like PSM1 and PS1XML.
  • The full error reads C:\Users\ddemeyer\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ISHRemote\0.1.2119.0\ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml, , C:\Users\ddemeyer\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ISHRemote\0.1.2119.0\ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml: The file was skipped because of the following validation exception: File C:\Users\ddemeyer\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ISHRemote\0.1.2119.0\ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml cannot be loaded. The file C:\Users\ddemeyer\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ISHRemote\0.1.2119.0\ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml is not digitally signed. You cannot run this script on the current system.

Respect single type for IshObjects/IshFolders/IshEvents/IshLovValues, so mark internal"

Respect single type for IshFeatures, so mark internal, improve ps1xml formatting"

Respect single type for IshFields, so mark internal, improve ps1xml formatting"

  • Verify the Fields() usage, should no longer return IshFields (plural) but IshField[]
  • Various IshField derivations should print nicer through improved ps1xml formatting

Respect single type for IshApplicationSettings which is used for statistics when -Count is specified, IshApplicationSetting (single) without -Count"

Add parameter argument completion for interactive usage. You can parameter matching for wildcard-cmdlet names. I would first think about IshTypeFieldDefinition derived things like field name and level. Another scenario is element name completion (e.g. Find-... when 5+ characters are there for a GUID). The tooltip could show the readable label while the code actually can continue with the element name. FolderPath autocompletion. * 20160614.ITProceed.TheArtofPowerShellToolmaking.pptx * hints on "$fakeBoundParameter : A hashtable container names/values of other specified parameters" so only do something when -IshSession is specified, then IshField cmdlet parameters like -Name and -Level could be checked or even suggested * is a nice intro, and hints at "Another critical piece was having that script run when the module is loaded. This was done by adding this to the .psd1: ScriptsToProcess = 'ArgumentTabCompletion.ps1'" * See ISHREMOTE-031

More documentation for Get-Help

Set-IshMetadataField/Set-IshMetadataFilterField take object[] instead of string and convert internally * Alter current public string Value { get; set; } to public object[] Value { get; set; } * Concatenate/join the object.ToString() with the IshSession.Seperator (comma-space typically)

Merge Find- cmdlets into a ParameterSetName on the Get- cmdlets. So Get- allows retrieval with identifiers and based on Find criterias. * The Find- cmdlets was built on top of the API Find operation, which triggers a query to find all objects matching the filter criteria. * The Get- cmdlets was built on top of the API Retrieve/Get operations, which trigger a query given object identifiers and then potentially extra filter criteria. * This stories tries to be more PowerShell minded and less API minded. Still needs investigation, but in essence Get is a Find but requires object identifiers.

Overload Set-IshRequestedMetadataField to accept IshTypeFieldDefinition[] to generate IshMetadataField[] * Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition with a couple of Where-Object clauses could serve as input to specify requested metadata * See also ISHREMOTE-020 and ISHREMOTE-025

Get-IshSetting should return same output type IshField for -FieldName (string) and -RequestedMetadata. String output could be achieved by -Raw flag for both. * $settings=$configurationTypeFieldDefinition|ForEach-Object { Get-IshSetting -IshSession $ishSession -FieldName $_.Name } returns string[] * $configurationAllRequestMetadata | ForEach-Object { Get-IshSetting -IshSession $ishSession -RequestedMetadata $_ } returns IshField[]

Mandatory AllowOnCreate fields for Add- cmdlets should have their own ParameterSetName MandatoryParameterGroup * The metadata for an Add-IshUser requires fields FUSERGROUP, PASSWORD (Internal only) which could as well be explicit cmdlet parameters * Same goes for other ISHTypes. Alternative could be some New-IshUser or New-IshDocumentObj that creates an in-memory object. See also ISHREMOTE-009

Add Get-IshBaseline, Find-IshBaseline and Get-IshBaselineItem for analysis purposes

  • Add Get-IshBaseline of a single IshBaseline always fully initializes by several API calls, and returns
    1. IshBaseline respecting IshTypeFieldSetup, see ISHREMOTE-017
  • Add Find-IshBaseline returning IshBaseline[] only initializes IshBaseline respecting IshTypeFieldSetup, see ISHREMOTE-017
  • Add Get-IshBaselineItem of a single IshBaseline in turn requires IshBaselineItem
    • IshBaselineItem respecting IshTypeFieldSetup, see ISHREMOTE-017
    • Returns all columns/attributes of the items
    • IshBaselineItem.IshBaselineReportItem[], so no explicit Get- cmdlet but still an object with matching ISHRemote.Format.ps1xml because returns child entries for reports
    • IshBaselineItem can also be used to update baselines as the API asks these items to be wrapped by
    • None-scope is Creating/Updating/Deleting IshBaseline
    • None-scope is Creating/Updating/Deleting IshBaselineItem
    • ISHREMOTE-999