All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Collaborator generation didn't happen in some cases @ciaranmcnulty
- Some error diffs caused a strict type error on PHP 8 @ciaranmcnulty
- PHP 8.0 support @ciaranmcnulty
- Support
with object state matcher @naomigo
- Better failure messages for object state matcher @naomigo
- Various issues preparing for PHP 8 @ciaranmcnulty
- Issue with symfony 3.4 and symfony/contracts 2.0 @akuzia
- Detect correct version of symfony event dispatcher @akuzia
- Allow sebastian/exporter 4.0 and therefore phpunit 9 @gnugat
- Fixed regression that caused classes to be instantiated in cases where they previously were not @ciaranmcnulty
- JSON formatter @chris-kruining
- Add file and line number to parse error output @gquemener
- Symfony 5 compatibility @alexander-schranz
- PHP 7.4 compatibility @ddziaduch, @ciaranmcnulty
- Bumped minimum PHP and Symfony dependences @ciaranmcnulty
- AfterSpecification event now always fires in case of failure @chris-kruining
- Removed Prophecy\Argument use statement from templates @DonCallisto