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This repository has been forked from under GPL v3 which remains in place.

This is not an official SKA fork and is intended as a short-term starting point for the intended work

There are plans for a new version of webjive jointly developed and maintained by Max-IV together with the SKA Project, at which point this project will be archived or deleted.


With this device explorer built on TangoGQL, you can:

  1. View a list of all Tango devices
  2. View and modify device properties
  3. View and modify device attributes
  4. View and execute device commands


This application requires Node and NPM to install and run. To install these follow the instructions for your operating system at

Alternatively the official Node docker image can be used. Instructions can be found on the official Node docker image site.


All the following notes assume you are at the command prompt for your chosen environment.

  1. Confirm Node and NPM are installed and configured correctly, both the following commands should return the relevant version number.

    > node --version
    > npm --version
  2. Clone the project from GitHub

  3. Install all the necessary project dependencies by running

    > npm install

Running and Building the Application


When running this application with TangoGql you'll need to set the proxy to the correct address for TangoGql in src/setupProxy.js. If running WebJive using NPM outside of docker, use localhost:5004. If running WebJive inside Docker, using Docker Compose, then use the name of the TangoGql container e.g. tangogql:5004. Examples are in the setupProxy.js file.

Scripts for running, testing, and building the application are provided as part of the standard configuration. These are run using NPM and listed in the scripts section of the package.json file.

From the project directory, you can run any of the following:

  • > npm start

    Runs the app in the development mode at http://localhost:3000. The app will recompile and restart if you make any edits to the source files. Any linting errors will also be shown in the console.

  • > npm test

    Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the testing section for more information.

  • > npm run build

    Builds the app for production to the build folder. The build is minified and any JSX is transpiled to JavaScript. Your app is ready to be deployed!



We use Jest as the test running framework. It will look for test files with any of the following naming conventions:

  • Files with .js suffix in __tests__ folders.
  • Files with .test.js suffix in any folder.
  • Files with .spec.js suffix in any folder.

The .test.js / .spec.js files (or the __tests__ folders) can be located at any depth under the src top level folder. We recommend to put the test files or folders next to the code they are testing.

└─ App
   |  App.jsx
   |  App.test.jsx

Enzyme and jest-enzyme have been included to improve the testing framework and test readability.

See the developer guide for more information


To run the interactive test runner, execute

> npm test

This will also watch the source files and re-run when any changes are detected

To run the tests with coverage, execute

> npm run test:coverage

The coverage results are displayed in the console. They are also written to the coverage folder as:

  • lcov-report - A coverage report as a series of html pages, open index.html in a web browser to view
  • clover.xml - A clover coverage report that can be viewed in the clover code-coverage tools
  • coverage-final.json - A json format.

All the tests should pass before merging the code

Code Analysis

ESLint and Prettier are included as code analysis and formatting tools. These do not need installing as they're included in node_modules by running npm install.

These tools can be run in the command line or integrated into your IDE (recommended).

JavaScript based SKA projects must comply with the AirBnB JavaScript Style Guide. These rules are included in this project and ESLint and Prettier are configured to use them.


To run the analysis tools, execute

> npm run code-analysis -s

This will display any errors in the command line. If there are any errors, NPM will exit with a non-zero code, the -s argument suppresses this and cleans up the output.

IDE Integration

VS Code

Install the ESLint and Prettier extensions and reload the IDE.

Errors should now show in the editor. shift + alt + F will format a file, or you can turn on the format on save setting.

JetBrains (WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA etc.)

ESLint is integrated into the Ultimate versions of all JetBrains IDEs

Prettier can be installed through a plugin. Follow the steps here to configure it.


The documentation generator for this project is derived from SKA's SKA Developer Portal repository


The documentation can be edited under ./docs/src. They're written in reStructured text (.rst).


In order to build the documentation for this specific project, execute the following under ./docs:

> make html


> docker run --rm -d -v $(pwd):/tmp -w /tmp netresearch/sphinx-buildbox sh -c "make html"

The latter requires Docker to be installed on your system but not Python, Sphinx, and other dependencies.

The documentation can then be consulted by opening the file ./docs/build/html/index.html


WebJive was written by the KITS Group at MAX IV Laboratory.