Retrieves the top posts from r/movies. For each post, the title is output on a line by itself, followed by either the URL if it's a link post or the body if it's a self post.
In the NuGet Package Manager console:
Install-Package Reddit
using Reddit;
using Reddit.Controllers;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
(new PostsHelper("YourRedditAppID", "YourBotUserRefreshToken")).ListPosts("movies");
public class PostsHelper
private RedditClient Reddit { get; set; }
public PostsHelper(string appId, string refreshToken)
Reddit = new RedditClient(appId, refreshToken);
// Display the title of each post followed by the link URL (if it's a link post) or the Body (if it's a self post). --Kris
public void ListPosts(string subreddit)
foreach (Post post in Reddit.Subreddit(subreddit).Posts.Hot)
Console.WriteLine("Title: " + post.Title);
// Both LinkPost and SelfPost derive from the Post class. --Kris
? "Body: " + ((SelfPost)post).SelfText
: "URL: " + ((LinkPost)post).URL);