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Daily Top Posts

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79 lines (53 loc) · 2.34 KB

Daily Top Posts Wiki


Kris Craig

Required libraries


Retrieves the top posts of the last 24 hours (up to 10) and posts them to the subreddit's wiki.

Here's the basic workflow:

  1. Grab the top posts from the last 24 hours. Don't include older posts that appear in the results.

  2. Create a new wiki page for today and post links to the top posts, if there are any.

  3. Update the Index wiki page with a link to the page we just created.

Library Installation

In the NuGet Package Manager console:

Install-Package Reddit

The Code

using Reddit;
using Reddit.Controllers;
using Reddit.Inputs;
using System;


var reddit = new RedditClient("YourRedditAppID", "YourBotUserRefreshToken");

var subreddit = reddit.Subreddit("MySub");
var today = DateTime.Today;

string pageContent = "## Top Posts for " + today.ToString("D") + Environment.NewLine;

// Get the top 10 posts from the last 24 hours.  --Kris
var posts = subreddit.Posts.GetTop(new TimedCatSrListingInput(t: "day", limit: 10));
if (posts.Count > 0)
	foreach (Post post in posts)
		if (post.Created >= today && post.Created < today.AddDays(1))
			pageContent += Environment.NewLine + "### [" + post.Title + "](" + post.Permalink + ")" + Environment.NewLine;
	pageContent += "*There were no new top posts today.*";

var pageUrl = "TopPosts/" + today.Year + "/" + today.Month + "/" + today.Day;

// Create the wiki page.  Note that the first argument is the edit reason for the history and is required by the API.  --Kris
var wikiPage = subreddit.Wiki.Page(pageUrl).CreateAndReturn("Created the page.", pageContent);

// Retrieve the index.  Note that this page should already exist with a single revision even on a brand new subreddit.  --Kris
var index = subreddit.Wiki.GetPage("index");

// You'd probably want to break this up into multiple pages and whatnot, but you get the idea.  --Kris
index.EditAndReturn("Added top posts for: " + today.ToString("D"), 
	index.ContentMd + Environment.NewLine + "### [" + today.ToString("D") + "](" + pageUrl + ")" + Environment.NewLine, 
	index.Revisions()[0].Id);  // FYI, the Revisions() are sorted by most-recent first.  --Kris

Source File

Daily Top Posts Wiki.cs