Retrieves the top posts of the last 24 hours (up to 10) and posts them to the subreddit's wiki.
Here's the basic workflow:
Grab the top posts from the last 24 hours. Don't include older posts that appear in the results.
Create a new wiki page for today and post links to the top posts, if there are any.
Update the Index wiki page with a link to the page we just created.
In the NuGet Package Manager console:
Install-Package Reddit
using Reddit;
using Reddit.Controllers;
using Reddit.Inputs;
using System;
var reddit = new RedditClient("YourRedditAppID", "YourBotUserRefreshToken");
var subreddit = reddit.Subreddit("MySub");
var today = DateTime.Today;
string pageContent = "## Top Posts for " + today.ToString("D") + Environment.NewLine;
// Get the top 10 posts from the last 24 hours. --Kris
var posts = subreddit.Posts.GetTop(new TimedCatSrListingInput(t: "day", limit: 10));
if (posts.Count > 0)
foreach (Post post in posts)
if (post.Created >= today && post.Created < today.AddDays(1))
pageContent += Environment.NewLine + "### [" + post.Title + "](" + post.Permalink + ")" + Environment.NewLine;
pageContent += "*There were no new top posts today.*";
var pageUrl = "TopPosts/" + today.Year + "/" + today.Month + "/" + today.Day;
// Create the wiki page. Note that the first argument is the edit reason for the history and is required by the API. --Kris
var wikiPage = subreddit.Wiki.Page(pageUrl).CreateAndReturn("Created the page.", pageContent);
// Retrieve the index. Note that this page should already exist with a single revision even on a brand new subreddit. --Kris
var index = subreddit.Wiki.GetPage("index");
// You'd probably want to break this up into multiple pages and whatnot, but you get the idea. --Kris
index.EditAndReturn("Added top posts for: " + today.ToString("D"),
index.ContentMd + Environment.NewLine + "### [" + today.ToString("D") + "](" + pageUrl + ")" + Environment.NewLine,
index.Revisions()[0].Id); // FYI, the Revisions() are sorted by most-recent first. --Kris