Emulate a powermeter to use with the dynamic feed in script by waly_de
For the EcoFlow Powerstream
SmartmeterID: array of objects that measure power usage and the description of the device
SolarSystem: array of objects that represent additional solar systems and descpription.
RunEvery: run script every x seconds
FeedInMaxNow: if true, export maximum possible energy to grid
BasePower: base consumption of your household (everything that is not connected to a measuring device)
Extra: 0 extra to feed in, even if other solar systems deliver enough power for base power and what smart meters report
MaxPower: max power the inverter can deliver
statesPrefix: where to store the exposed objects
ecostatesOutput: where to read export to grid from powerstream
Wmore: ignore up to Wmore watts of demand
Wless: ignore up to Wless less demand (normally negative) - those two variables are meant to reduce the number of changes to the feed in
MinValueMin: Object exposed to Waly_de's script (so you can set it here)
AddToBaseloads: array of from-to hours with additional load (so you can add a value to the base load i.E at night). Does not take change of day into account, if day changes, make 2 entries one to 0 hours and a next one from 0 hours (like in the script)
Debug: log debug messages if true
The interesting/important variables are exposed as objects in the 'statesPrefix' tree so you can read/change them externally
They now survive a restart of the script.
I completely revamped the script, it now only does the powermeter emulation. All other funcitons have been moved into other scripts.