In the config as explained Options
You can pass initialization parameters to the Snap constructor :
angular.module('myApp', ['snap']) .config(function(snapRemoteProvider) { snapRemoteProvider.globalOptions.disable = 'right'; // or snapRemoteProvider.globalOptions = { disable: 'right', // ... others options } }) You can also use the snap-options attribute on the same element with the snap-contents directive.
In your controller:
$scope.opts = { disable: 'right' }; In your view:
... The snap-content directive will watch your snap-options object for runtime changes and update itself as you make them.
The options are redefined in the controller
.controller('ExOptionsCtrl', function($scope) {
'use strict';
$scope.snapOpts = {
disable: 'none'
$scope.disable = function(side) {
$scope.snapOpts.disable = side;
$scope.enable = function() {
$scope.snapOpts.disable = 'none';
And the name of the snapOpts is defined in this directive
<snap-content snap-options="snapOpts">