a module can't be created with
even if you don't have dependencies you need to write
angular.module('mysite.calendar.directives', [])
Generally there is a dependency with per aps the directives module. It don't throw an error. But a way to quick debug is to copy the directives code, assign it to the module of the current controller.
Argument 'TeamCtrl' is not a function, got undefined
This error, when angular faile to inject the controller. There is 2 ways to set the controller to a portion of code :
- by setting ng-controller="myCtrl" in the html
- with $route definition
By removing these references, we remove the error, but our controller is not yet loaded !
Typo problem
// Good
angcomControllers.controller('itemsController', ['$scope', 'Items', function($scope, Items){
// Bad
angcomControllers.controller('itemsController' ['$scope', 'Items', function($scope, Items){
This error mostly comes when angularjs is not able to locate the controller in any module. This can happen when you accidentally redefine the module. In your case i see that
window.app = angular.module('mean', ['ngCookies', 'ngResource', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.route', 'mean.system', 'mean.articles' ]);
and then
var mean = angular.module('mean',[]);
This syntax redefine the module.
To get the existing module using angular.module('mean') without the second parameter.
- Unbinding jquery event listening http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22397484/how-to-reduce-remove-memory-leaks-in-angular-application
Template for directive 'minisearch' must have exactly one root element. template/minisearch.html
<!-- Mini search bar integrated to the header-->
<div class="search-mini">
<form action="/images#!/images" method="GET" ng-submit="goTo()">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" placeholder="Search images..." ng-show="searchMini" class="form-control"><span ng-click="searchMini = !searchMini" class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></span>
And the Was considered as a html element ! so either remove the comment either wrap it inside
This bug is
TypeError: object is not a function
at $parseFunctionCall (http://c.app.dev.wecook.info/assets/lib/angular/angular.js:11458:15)
at $parseFieldAccess (http://c.app.dev.wecook.info/assets/lib/angular/angular.js:11392:29)
at extend.! (http://c.app.dev.wecook.info/assets/lib/angular/angular.js:10819:43)
at $parseUnaryFn (http://c.app.dev.wecook.info/assets/lib/angular/angular.js:11191:14)
at extend.! (http://c.app.dev.wecook.info/assets/lib/angular/angular.js:10819:43)
at $parseUnaryFn (http://c.app.dev.wecook.info/assets/lib/angular/angular.js:11191:14)
at extend.&& (http://c.app.dev.wecook.info/assets/lib/angular/angular.js:10816:45)
at Object.$parseBinaryFn [as get] (http://c.app.dev.wecook.info/assets/lib/angular/angular.js:11200:14)
at Scope.$digest (http://c.app.dev.wecook.info/assets/lib/angular/angular.js:13266:40)
at Scope.$apply (http://c.app.dev.wecook.info/assets/lib/angular/angular.js:13540:24)