A simple start page with a background image from a subreddit (/r/EarthPorn by default), weather from yr.no and customizable links.
go get github.com/silvasur/startpage
The optional startpage configuration is a JSON file located at ~/.config/startpage/config.json
Here is an example with all fields filled out.
// The place for which to get the weather data. If omitted, no weather will be shown
"WeatherCoords": {
"Lat": "53.6",
"Lon": "10.0"
// A list of links to show. Can be omitted.
"Links": [
"Title": "example",
"URL": "https://www.example.com"
// If set, background images can be saved here
"BackgroundSavepath": "/home/laria/Pictures/cool-backgrounds",
// If set, this limits the background image size, the default is DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_MAXDIM (=2500)
"BackgroundMaxdim": 4000,
// Get background images from this subreddit. Defaults to "EarthPorn"
"ImageSubreddit": "ruralporn"
If $GOPATH/bin
is in your $PATH
, you can run startpage with the command startpage
. By default, startpage listens on port 25145. You can change that with a command line switch: startpage -laddr :<port>