- Separates xcode11 and xcode 12 builds
- Symbolication error fix
- Background sessions fix
- App orientation crash fix
- Fixed location source threading warning
- Potentially fixed interface orientation data source crash
- Fixed duplicate symbol issue in crash reporter
- Upgraded APIs level for Interface orientation data source and fixed potential race condition
- Flurry Analytics Support for iOS 14.0, tvOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0
- Added support for iOS 14 App Tracking Transparency. See YDN doc here
- Added SKAdNetwork Conversion Value: Publishers can use Flurry to manage & understand Conversion Value. See Blog Post and YDN doc here.
- New APIs for
- Added
[FlurrySKAdNetwork flurryUpdateConversionValueWithEvent:]
- Added
[FlurrySKAdNetwork flurryUpdateConversionValue:]
- Added
- New APIs for
[Flurry logPaymentTransactionParamsWithTransactionId:productId:quantity:price:currency:productName:transactionState:userDefinedParams:statusCallback:]
- API Deprecations
[Flurry logPaymentTransactionParamsWithTransactionId:productId:quantity:price:currency:productName:transactionState:userDefinedParams:statusCallback:]
- API Removals
[Flurry logAllPageViewsForTarget:]
[Flurry stopLogPageViewsForTarget:]
[Flurry logPageView]
- Fixed bugs in FlurryKVStorage for nested data types
- Fixed crash on FlurrySignalConnectionTypeDataProvider KVC issue
- Fixed crash analytics issue
- Fixed App orientation data validation crash
- Removed base64 encoded params for error frame
- Fixed unarchiving exception with NSSecureCoding conformed
- Fixed watchOS / iOS SDK connectivity issues
- Fixed memory leaks in FlurryDataSender and FlurryDataSenderIndex
- Fixed crash in FlurryiOSUtil while getting CoreTelephony data
- Fixed missing launch options when session cold starts from push open using FlurryMessaging
- Upgraded API levels for various iOS/watchOS frameworks
- Fixed crash when session cold starts
- Fixed missing set launch options when session cold start from push open
- Fixed crash caused by Calendar Preferences update
- Fixed Crash on FlurryWatchConnectivity when running an iPad
- Fixed crash caused by fetching app state in background thread
- Fixed crash caused by invalid pointer during URLSession construction
- Added sanity check for userId to conform to data type String
- New apis for FlurryUserProperties
- Added
[FlurryUserProperties set: values:]
- Added
[FlurryUserProperties set: value:]
- Added
[FlurryUserProperties add: values:]
- Added
[FlurryUserProperties add: value:]
- Added
[FlurryUserProperties remove: values:]
- Added
[FlurryUserProperties remove: value:]
- Added
[FlurryUserProperties remove:]
- Added
[FlurryUserProperties flag:]
- Added
- WatchOS streaming sdk watchconnectivity bug fix
- Fixed bug when setCrashReportingEnable:NO
- New apis for FlurryCCPA
- Added
[FlurryCCPA withDataSaleOptOut:]
- Added
[FlurryCCPA setDataSaleOptOut:]
- Added
[FlurryCCPA setDelete:]
- Added
- Made fix for FConfig fetch fail
- Fixed revenue APIs call back crashes
- Uses WKWebView for ad display
- API Deprecations
[Flurry setSessionReportsOnCloseEnabled:]
[Flurry setSessionReportsOnPauseEnabled:]
- watchOS apps no longer have access to
class. watchOS APIs are only located inFlurryWatch
class. - Fixed crash on iOS 8 and iOS 9 devices.
- Improved reliability and performance.
- Fixed potential build errors while using FConfig.
- Improved reliability and performance.
- Redesigned, slimmer SDK structured on the modular analytics session resulting in reduced SDK size, shorter cold start, and laying down the foundation for server-side configurable session definition.
- Flurry Analytics Support for watchOS 5
- tvOS
- Added a new set of TVML JavaScript APIs
- Added tvOS support for Flurry Messaging
- API Deprecations
[Flurry logAllPageViewsForTarget:]
[Flurry stopLogPageViewsForTarget:]
[Flurry logPageView]
- API Removals
[Flurry setAppVersion:]
[Flurry setTVEventFlushCount:]
[Flurry setTVSessionReportingInterval:]
[Flurry setDebugLogEnabled:]
[Flurry setSessionContinueSeconds:]
[Flurry setCrashReportingEnabled:]
[Flurry logAllPageViews:]
[Flurry setPulseEnabled:]
[Flurry setEventLoggingEnabled:]
[Flurry setBackgroundSessionEnabled:]
[Flurry setLatitude:longitude:horizontalAccurary:verticalAccuracy:]
can now be set/unset within the same session- Added
to manually log payments - Improved compatibility with iOS 13
- Fixed crash in
- Removed compiler warnings during the build process.
- Added
- Added multi platform support for podspec so that FlurrySDK pod can be used for iOS, tvOS and watchOS