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Stefano Da Ros edited this page Nov 20, 2018 · 24 revisions

Workflow Accelerator Connector Wiki

Welcome to the workflow connector wiki! Here you will find information to help you get started configuring the workflow connector.


  • You have followed the Installation section of the README and have either downloaded the workflow-connector binary with associated configuration files or have compiled it yourself
  • You have provisioned all firewalls with appropriate rules to allow traffic between Signavio's Workflow Accelerator and the Workflow Connector Web Service as well traffic between your internal datbase and the Workflow Connector Web Service

Edit config.yml

Once the prerequisites have been met, the config.yml file should be configured to include the settings specific to your environment. The following snippet shows an example of what this could look like. Other examples can be found in the config.example.yml file.

port: 443
  driver: goracle
  # url = username:password@protocol(address)/dbname?param=value
  url: bob:l120arSgHz@tcp(
  enabled: true
  publicKey: ./config/server.crt
  privateKey: ./config/server.key
  username: wfauser
  # password = Foobar
  passwordHash: "$argon2i$v=19$m=512,t=2,p=2$SUxvdmVTYWx0Q2FrZXMhISE$UgSWnBB5OkdqMAu+OfvwNLVMUijMnnmVm0kRSfmS9E8"
logging: false


The port to listen on. This should be port 443 if you have TLS enabled otherwise you can choose any other custom port.


The driver option specifies which go driver will be used to communicate with the database. A list of supported databases and their corresponding drivers can be found on the Supported Databases page. The url option specifies the connection parameters and other stuff

  • valid TLS Certificate should be generated (if the certificate was generated through intermediate CA(s), make sure to include all of their certificates in the server's certificate)



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