This is a fork of joi-phone-validator.
All credits go to the original creators, we forked it in order to export an extension instead of a validator.
Joi extension for phone number validation.
This module can be used if you need to extend your Joi instance with a phone/mobile number validator.
npm install @sigfox/joi-phone
Generates a joi schema that matches any phone number.
Joi rule for mobile number matching.
Joi rule for E.164 international format matching.
const joi = require('joi');
const joiPhone = require('@sigfox/joi-phone');
const joiExtended = joi.extend(joiPhone);
const phoneSchema = joiExtended
const mobileSchema = joiExtended
joiExtended.validate('+33123456789', phoneSchema); // success
joiExtended.validate('0000123456789', phoneSchema); // error
joiExtended.validate('+1403 306-0485', mobileSchema); // success
joiExtended.validate('+33123456789', mobileSchema); // error
npm test
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.