Our project stack - Python - Event Management Portal - PY3 Name given to project - UniDraft Team Id - BFH/rec5bfvpdCppT4oqx/2021
Project is not completely over Front -End is complete but were facing some issues with Back-End so did a little bit about it. Will complete the project asap.
Languages Used - Front-End - HTML,CSS and Javascript Back End - Python with Django
1.index 2.signin 3.singup 3.navbar 4.footer 5.about
- style
- Used for scroll to top button which we created so created it as a slider.js page
Currently it is not a completely working project.
To use it first open the signin page and from there you can redirec to index ,i.e. the home page and from there to about page. Beautful hover effects are also added
Front-End - Sidharth S Unnithan(Team Lead) Back-End - Sidharth P Photo Editings and idea planning - Kiran T Suresh
Our Github repos : - https://github.com/sid2020-devil , https://github.com/sidharthpunathil , https://github.com/kiran-019
We tried to publish in heroku but failed because of time shortage and the same happened in github pages.