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File metadata and controls

146 lines (105 loc) · 3.61 KB

Zowie iOS SDK

Swift 5.3 Supported Swift 5.3 Supported



Add pod ZowieSDK to your Podfile

pod ZowieSDK

To support dependencies that Zowie uses, add the following code at the end of your Podfile

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    if ["Apollo", "Apollo/WebSocket", "Kingfisher", "lottie-ios"].include?
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'



To be able to use Zowie SDK first of all you have to provide the configuration:

let configuration = ZowieConfiguration(
    instanceId: "INSTANCEID",
    authType: .anonymous

Zowie.shared.set(configuration: configuration)

**Remember, you won't be able to use ANY of SDK functionalities without a proper configuration setup, so be sure you provide it.**

You can clear anonymous session with Zowie.shared.clearAnonymousSession(forInstanceId: "INSTANCEID). If your integration requires token authentication you can replace .anonymous with .token.

Chat UI

You can access Chat UI from ZowieChatViewController. Use it just like a regular view controller, so it's up to you how you want to put it in your stack. For example, you can show it from a different view controller:

let chatViewController = ZowieChatViewController()
navigationController?.pushViewController(chatViewController, animated: true)

Chat initialization error

If you want to handle the chat initialization error, use:

Zowie.shared.onChatInitializationError = { error in
    // Do someting

Setting user metadata

You can set needed user metadata. All those fields are optional.

let metadata = ZowieMetadata(
    firstName: "first",
    lastName: "last",
    name: "name",
    locale: "locale",
    timeZone: "timeZone",
    phoneNumber: "123456789",
    email: "[email protected]",
    extraParams: ["custom": "value"]
Zowie.shared.set(metadata: metadata)

FCM notifications

To receive FCM notifications you have to provide deviceToken

Zowie.shared.set(fcmToken: "token") { result in
    // Completion handler is optional

This will allow us to send push notifications to the user's device. Remember that you have set up all required notification-related permissions.

If you want to disable notifications, use:

Zowie.shared.disableNotifications() { result in
    // Completion handler is optional


You can feed backend with the contextId

Zowie.shared.set(contextId: "contextId") { result in
    // Completion handler is optional



let config = ZowieLayoutConfiguration(showConsultantAvatar: false, consultantNameMode: .firstName)
Zowie.shared.set(layoutConfiguration: config)


The only supported language in this SDK is english. If you need more localization please provide it as below:

let strings = ZowieStrings(
    messagePlaceholder: "string",
    sendFailureErrorMessage: "string",
    tryAgain: "string",
    delivered: "string",
    read: "string",
    attachment: "string",
    disconnectMessage: "string",
    reconnectMessage: "string",
    historyErrorMessage: "string"

Zowie.shared.set(strings: strings)


Feel free to set up color branding however you like with help of Zowie.shared.set(colors: colors)