- Clone or download the repo.
- In your command line, run
npm install
in both the client and server.
- run the seeds file by first creating a table UserData in PostgreSQL, then running' \i .database/seeds.sql
- create a .env file in your server folder and insert jwtSecret = "yoursecret"
- In your command line, run
npm start
to run the app in both the client and server(open 2 terminals.
- React should open on localhost 8000 in browser
- React, redux
- Webpack
- JavaScript
- PostgreSQL
- Bcyrpt
- Started by wireframing the pages in Figma
- Wrote pseudo code to break down the logic of collecting user input, collecting information from the API, linking the two and assigning functionality to buttons.
- Used Webpack to configure our server and development setup.
- created database schema then SQL file
- Set up authentication with JWT tokens which were used to authenticate frontend routes
- Frequency of habits
- Authentication
- Lost password email reset
- Settings page for changing password and other details as well as deleting account
@MugishaU, @shewitt93,@atheermusa, @JamieSear