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149 lines (94 loc) · 6.97 KB

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149 lines (94 loc) · 6.97 KB



  • Add support for BIP389 multi-path descriptors

    Using the BIP389 <M;N..> syntax: XPUB/0/9/<0;1;2>/100

    Or using standard Minsc arrays: XPUB/0/9/[0,1,2]/100

    single_descriptors() can be used to split multi-path descriptors into an array of single descriptors. For example address(single_descriptors(wpkh(XPUB/0/<1;3;5>/100/*)).2/8) to generate an address for XPUB/0/5/100/8

  • Add script fragment interpolation syntax

    With a space-separated list of expressions enclosed in backticks. For example: `1 2 OP_DUP OP_ADD 3 OP_EQUAL`

    The data types that can be interpolated are: Script, Miniscript and Policy (concatenated as script bytes), as well as Number, Bool, PubKey, Hash, Duration, DateTime and Bytes (as PUSH operations).

  • Preliminary Taproot support:

    1. tapLeaf(Script, version=0xc0) -> Hash (compute the TapLeaf hash of the given Script)
    2. tapBranch(Hash, Hash) -> Hash (compute the TapBranch hash for the two given nodes)
    3. tapTweak(PubKey internal_key, Hash|Script|Array script_tree) -> Script (tweak the internal_key with the script_tree and return the V1 witness program SPK. script_tree can be the merkle root hash or any value accepted by tapTreeRoot)
    4. tapTreeRoot(Script|Array tree) -> Hash (compute the merkle root hash for the script tree. the tree can be a single Script or an Array.)

    The + operator can be used similarly to tapTweak(). For example H_POINT+`OP_TRUE` for a script-path-only with a single script.

    Taproot descriptors (tr()) are not supported yet.

  • Support for CheckTemplateVerify (BIP 119) with a new ctvHash() function. For example:

    `ctvHash([ txOut($alice_pk, 10000), txOut($bob_pk, 25000) ]) OP_CTV OP_DROP`
  • Add anonymous function expressions

    With a Rust-like syntax: |params| body or |params| { multi statement body }

  • Add if expressions (if .. then .. else ..) and statements (if .. { ..; } else { ..; })

  • New Bytes runtime data type

    Constructable using a new 0x<hex> syntax.

    This can now be used in place of the Hash data type, which was removed. To remain compatible with the Miniscript Policy syntax for literal hashes, a Bytes value can be constructed without the 0x prefix when it is exactly 32 or 20 bytes.

  • New Script runtime data type and new functions for working with it:

    1. script(Bytes) -> Script (get a Script for the given raw opcode bytes. e.g. script(0xb2) for OP_CSV)
    2. scriptPubkey(Descriptor|TapInfo|PubKey|Address|Script) -> Script (get the scriptPubKey to be used in the output)
    3. explicitScript(Descriptor) -> Script (get the underlying witness script, before any hashing is done. AKA the redeemScript for P2SH)
    4. bytes(Script) -> Bytes (get the Bytes representation of the Script opcodes)
  • New String runtime data type

  • New Transaction runtime data type, constructable via transaction() from bytes or tagged arrays.

  • New syntax for BTC amounts: 0.5 BTC. Evaluates to the amount in satoshis. Supports all the denominations in rust-bitcoin (BTC, mBTC, uBTC, bits, satoshi/sat, msat).

  • Support child derivation with a hash as the child code index using Sapio's hash_to_child_vec conversion. For example: pub6AhbqJtv4PXnPfjiFdES7acWysWeaiCQCXeyhAh9KuEMRSNhAUHq9s3Xwu85SbXmt8wAZwpRZFQqWBstcbcvVunvATag4FbmxYYjfRcXZkp/0xd47769f0eab20cd97ad3df71d7849ed21a3c8f49c87e1742635db7d30d8a191f

  • Support Bech32/Base58 addresses format directly in source code (no quoting or explicit address() necessary)

  • New utility functions:

    1. len(Array|Bytes|Script) -> Number
    2. typeof(Value) -> String
    3. int(Float) -> Integer
    4. float(Int) -> Float
    5. str(Value) -> String
    6. keys(Array) -> Array<Number>
    7. first(Array) -> Any
    8. last(Array) -> Any
    9. map(Array, Function) -> Array
    10. range(Number start, Number end) -> Array
    11. slice(Array, Number start, Number len) -> Array
    12. tail(Array) -> Array
    13. initial(Array) -> Array
    14. concat(Array, Array) -> Array
    15. le64(Number) -> Bytes (encode the number as 64 bit little-endian)
    16. pubkey(Bytes) -> PubKey (cast a 32/33 long Bytes into a single PubKey)
    17. transaction(Bytes|Array) -> Transaction
    18. repeat(Number, Function|Value) -> Array

    The second parameter can be a value to fill the array with, or a function that gets called with the index to produce the value.

    For example: repeat(3, 111) == [111, 111, 111], or with a function: repeat(3, |$n| 100+$n) == [100, 101, 102].

  • New function for conditionals: iif(Bool condition, Any then_value, Any else_value) -- use if .. then .. else .. instead

    Returns the then_value if the condition is true, or else_value otherwise.

    The values may be provided as thunks to be lazily-evaluated. This can be useful to avoid infinite recursion, for example: fn S(n) = n + iif(n == 0, 0, || S(n - 1));.

  • New functions for writing Scripts:

    1. switch(Array<(Script condition, Script body)>) -> Script
    2. select(Array<Script body>) -> Script
    3. unrollLoop(Number max_iterations, Script condition, Script body) -> Script
    4. unrollFor(Number max_iterations, Script body) -> Script
    5. rollAlt(Number) -> Script, pickAlt(Number) -> Script
    6. nToAlt(Number max_iterations), nFromAlt(Number max_iterators)
    7. Introspection helpers: checkSameValue(), checkSameAsset() and checkSameSpk() (Elements only)
  • New Bool type, available as the true and false variables in the root scope

  • The Number type can now represent floats

  • New operators: +, -, *, !, ==, !=, <, >, <= and >=

  • New constants: MIN_NUMBER, MAX_NUMBER, H_POINT (point with unknown discrete logarithm for script-path-only p2tr), LBTC, TLBTC

  • Add support for Signet and make it the default

  • Allow using non-literal expressions as the array access index

    For example: $list.$n or $list.(some complex expression)

  • Add support for negative numbers

  • Support child key derivation for Policy and Miniscript without coercing them into Descriptor, as well as for Arrays containing derivable types.

  • Remove the Duration and DateTime runtime data types. Their syntax can still be used but get evaluated into a Number.

  • Allow overriding the BLOCK_INTERVAL used for heightwise durations

    For example, BLOCK_INTERVAL=60 to make heightwise 1 day resolve as 1440 on Elements rather than 144.

0.2.0 - 2020-11-27

  • Ported from sipa-miniscript to rust-miniscript (#1)

  • New native data types: PubKey, Hash, Policy, Miniscript, Descriptor, Address and Network (#2)

  • New functions: miniscript(), wsh(), wpkh(), sh() and address() (#2)

  • New / child derivation operator

  • The playground was updated to support descriptors and address generation

0.1.0 - 2020-07-28

Initial release! 💥