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SHAMAN edited this page Jun 26, 2017
16 revisions
O ShellBot é uma API para criação de bots na plataforma do Telegram. Foi desenvolvido utilizando a linguagem shell script
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Juliano Santos (SHAMAN)
- Update
- User
- Chat
- Message
- MessageEntity
- PhotoSize
- Audio
- Document
- Video
- Voice
- VideoNote
- Contact
- Location
- Venue
- UserProfilePhotos
- File
- ReplyKeyboardMarkup
- KeyboardButton
- ReplyKeyboardRemove
- InlineKeyboardMarkup
- InlineKeyboardButton
- CallbackQuery
- ForceReply
- ChatPhoto
- ChatMember
- Sticker
- StickerSet
- MaskPosition
- ResponseParameters
- WebhookInfo
- ChatPermissions
- ShellBot.init
- ShellBot.id
- ShellBot.username
- ShellBot.first_name
- ShellBot.token
- ShellBot.ListUpdates
- ShellBot.TotalUpdates
- ShellBot.OffsetEnd
- ShellBot.OffsetNext
- ShellBot.getConfig
- ShellBot.regHandleFunction
- ShellBot.regHandleExec
- ShellBot.watchHandle
- ShellBot.InlineKeyboardButton
- ShellBot.InlineKeyboardMarkup
- ShellBot.ReplyKeyboardMarkup
- ShellBot.KeyboardButton
- ShellBot.ForceReply
- ShellBot.ReplyKeyboardRemove
- ShellBot.inputMedia
- ShellBot.downloadFile
- ShellBot.stickerMaskPosition
- ShellBot.InlineQueryResult
- ShellBot.InputMessageContent
- ShellBot.ChatPermissions
- ShellBot.KeyboardButtonPollType
- ShellBot.setMessageRules
- ShellBot.BotCommand
- ShellBot.manageRules
- ShellBot.getWebhookInfo
- ShellBot.deleteWebhook
- ShellBot.setWebhook
- ShellBot.setChatPhoto
- ShellBot.deleteChatPhoto
- ShellBot.setChatTitle
- ShellBot.setChatDescription
- ShellBot.pinChatMessage
- ShellBot.unpinChatMessage
- ShellBot.restrictChatMember
- ShellBot.promoteChatMember
- ShellBot.exportChatInviteLink
- ShellBot.sendVideoNote
- ShellBot.getMe
- ShellBot.answerCallbackQuery
- ShellBot.sendMessage
- ShellBot.forwardMessage
- ShellBot.sendPhoto
- ShellBot.sendAudio
- ShellBot.sendDocument
- ShellBot.sendSticker
- ShellBot.sendVideo
- ShellBot.sendVoice
- ShellBot.sendLocation
- ShellBot.sendVenue
- ShellBot.sendContact
- ShellBot.sendChatAction
- ShellBot.getUserProfilePhotos
- ShellBot.getFile
- ShellBot.kickChatMember
- ShellBot.leaveChat
- ShellBot.unbanChatMember
- ShellBot.getChat
- ShellBot.getChatAdministrators
- ShellBot.getChatMembersCount
- ShellBot.getChatMember
- ShellBot.editMessageText
- ShellBot.editMessageCaption
- ShellBot.editMessageReplyMarkup
- ShellBot.deleteMessage
- ShellBot.getStickerSet
- ShellBot.uploadStickerFile
- ShellBot.createNewStickerSet
- ShellBot.addStickerSet
- ShellBot.setStickerPositionInSet
- ShellBot.deleteStickerFromSet
- ShellBot.editMessageLiveLocation
- ShellBot.stopMessageLiveLocation
- ShellBot.setChatStickerSet
- ShellBot.deleteChatStickerSet
- ShellBot.sendMediaGroup
- ShellBot.editMessageMedia
- ShellBot.sendAnimation
- ShellBot.answerInlineQuery
- ShellBot.setChatPermissions
- ShellBot.setChatAdministratorCustomTitle
- ShellBot.sendPoll
- ShellBot.setMyCommands
- ShellBot.getMyCommands
- ShellBot.sendDice
- ShellBot.getUpdates