This Go language SocketIO library aims to support all past, current and future versions of the (and protocols and servers.
The library currently supports the following versions:
SocketIO protocol | EngineIO protocol/payload | SocketIO Server | EngineIO Server |
v1 (unspecified) | (unspecified) | v1.0.x | (unspecified) |
v2 | v2 / v2 | v2.4.x | v2.1.x |
v3 | v3 / v3 | v3.0.x | v3.6.x |
v4 | v4 / v4 | v4.5.x | v4.1.x |
v5 | v5.2.x | ||
v6.x (same as v5.x) |
Getting the correct features/protocols/versions included inside which SocketIO and EngineIO Server versions can be confusing at times, therefore some servers may initially be implemented incorrectly, or not have features implemented. Please open a ticket for any discrepancies.
This library is very new and we're looking for beta testers.
go get
import sio
import eio
import ser
inside of a function
// use the latest SocketIO (v4) and EngineIO (v4) version
// setting the EngineIO ping interval to 10 seconds
server := sio.NewServer(eio.WithPingInterval(10 * time.Second))
// use a OnConnect handler for incoming "connection" messages
server.OnConnect(func(socket *socketio.SocketV4) error {
// add serializable data to variables
// See: for standard serialized types.
// Custom types can be serialized with the following interface:
canYouHear := sio.String("can you hear me?")
var questions ser.Int = 1
var responses = ser.Int(2)
var extra ser.String = "abc"
// send out a message to the hello
socket.Emit("hello", canYouHear, question, responses, extra)
return nil
The following is in no particular order. Please open an Issue for priority or open a PR to contribute to this list.
- Flesh out all tests
- Document all public functions
- Documentation
- Develop a Client
- Develop a Redis Transport
- Makefile for all individual version builds
- Makefile for all individual version git commits
- Complete SocketIO Version 4
- Complete EIO Server Version 5
- Complete EIO Server Version 6
- Complete this README
The MIT license.
See the LICENSE file for more information