Create a Nuxt.js app using Tailwind CSS & Purgecss without the distraction of a complicated development environment.
Make sure you have npx installed (npx
is shipped by default since npm 5.2.0
npx create-nuxt-tailwind-app <my-project>
Or starting with npm v6.1 you can do:
npm init nuxt-tailwind-app <my-project>
Or with yarn:
yarn create nuxt-tailwind-app <my-project>
To install nuxt-edge instead of nuxt, add the command line flag --edge
npx create-nuxt-tailwind-app <my-project> --edge
npm init nuxt-tailwind-app <my-project> --edge
yarn create nuxt-tailwind-app <my-project> --edge
- Create Nuxt App
- egoist
- clarko
- All Create Nuxt App contributors (list).