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Super sexy Vim/Neovim color scheme for GUIs and 256-color terminals.


Table of Contents


Vadelma (a Finnish word for raspberry) is a color scheme designed for Vim and Neovim text editors. All colors are carefully selected and picked from 256-color palette, so the color scheme should look the same both in GUIs and terminal emulators. Some inspiration for the colors were drawn from the standard color scheme of Spacemacs.

If you face any problems when installing or using Vadelma, don't hesitate to make a new issue.


Install using plugin manager

Place the following line in your .vimrc or init.vim:

Plug 'severij/vadelma'

While editing the config while, run commands

:source %

Place the following line in your .vimrc or init.vim:

call dein#add('severij/vadelma')

Then run command

:call dein#install()

Install manually



Basic setup

In order to apply the color scheme every time Vim/Neovim is started, place the following lines in your .vimrc or init.vim:

colorscheme vadelma
set background=dark

If you want to use the light version of Vadelma instead, just replace dark with light.

Enabling lightline colors

Add the following line to your .vimrc or init.vim:

let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'vadelma'}

Changing background on the fly

Sometimes it's useful to switch between light and dark backgrounds on the fly, since it can improve the visibility of the editor depending on the lightning conditions. You can switch between light and dark background whenever you want by simply typing the command

:set background=dark|light

However, if you're using lightline, you may notice that the lightline colors won't change after you've executed the command. You may do what is suggested here and add this piece of code (notice that line with runtime ... was not part of the original code) to your .vimrc or init.vim:

augroup LightlineColorscheme
  autocmd ColorScheme * call s:lightline_update()
augroup END
function! s:lightline_update()
  if !exists('g:loaded_lightline')
    if g:colors_name =~# 'vadelma'
      let g:lightline.colorscheme =
            \ substitute(substitute(g:colors_name, '-', '_', 'g'), '256.*', '', '')
      runtime autoload/lightline/colorscheme/vadelma.vim
      call lightline#init()
      call lightline#colorscheme()
      call lightline#update()

After this when you change background, the colors of lightline should also change.

If you don't like typing :set background=dark|light every time when you want to change background, you can use Tim Pope's plugin called unimpaired, which provides a nice mapping (and bunch of other very handy Vim-like mappings) for toggling between light and dark backgrounds. If you don't like unimpaired, you can write a similar mapping by yourself:

nnoremap <Leader>bg :let &background = ( &background == "dark"? "light" : "dark" )<CR>

Plugin support



Syntax support


  • HTML
  • Python


  • Haskell
  • LaTeX
  • Ruby
  • Others?


There are few ways you can help making Vadelma even better:

  • Choose colors for syntax highlighting of a programming language that is not yet implemented in Vadelma
  • Choose colors for highlight groups that are part of a plugin
  • Write documentation, find typos and grammar errors, or just point out unclear parts of the documentation

Pull requests are more than welcome, but please post a comment with before/after screenshots in the PR when color scheme itself is modified.