This repository contains a demo using Microsoft's Azure CosmosDB to build a simple ASPNET Core API for updating and creating user profiles.
You need to install the following on your computer:
- Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio 2017
- .NET Core >= 2 (this packaged with Visual Studio 2017)
- DocumentDB Emulator
If you environment is set up correctly you should be able to run the following command on the command line and get the output:
dotnet --version
# 2.0.0
NOTE: You need to start the CosmosDB emulator before running the API
To run the server in a few ways:
Open the folder in Visual Studio Code and press F5
Open the solution in Visual Studio and press F5
Open the root folder on the command line and run the following:
cd server dotnet run
NOTE: you will also need to set the environment variable
if you want to run the server from the command line.
You can deploy this directly to azure
NOTE: This will create a App Service Plan and a CosmosDB account