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rumineykova edited this page Aug 7, 2020 · 5 revisions

A.3 Implementing your own protocols

The template folder contains an initial setup for implementing your own programs. It contains some boilerplate files:

  • Makefile --to compile the program
  • payload.fst and network.fst -- for basic communication operations.

Below, we outline the main steps required to implement the client for a simple calculator protocol that supports addition:

  1. Copy the template directory and rename it to mycalc
  2. Inside the new directory create a Scribble protocol (you can copy the Calculator.scr protocol from the examples/Calculator)
  3. Generate an F* API using sessionstar. We assume you are in the examples directory (the parent directory of mycalc)
sessionstar mycalc Calculator C
  1. Implement the logic for all callbacks, generated in the previous step
  • Create a new file CalcC_CallbackImpl.fst
  • Import the generated F* file (GeneratedCalculatorC.fst), and other relevant libraries you may need
  • Implement the business logic for all callbacks. The easiest way is to copy all F* callback signatures from GeneratedCalculatorC.fst, and implement them:
(*state20Onsend : (st: state20) -> ML (state20Choice st);*)
(*state22OnsendSum2 : (st: state22) -> ML (int);*)
(*state22OnsendSum2 : (st: state22) -> ML (int);*)
(*state23OnreceiveResult : (st: state23) -> (r1: int{((r1) = ((Mkstate23?.x1 st) + (Mkstate23?.y1 st)))}) -> ML (unit);*)
(*state24OnreceiveTerminate : (st: state24) -> (_dummy: unit) -> ML (unit);*)

We have given you a head start with the skeleton below.

module CalcC_CallbackImpl

open GeneratedCalcC (* import the F* API *)
open FStar.All

(* these are some local variables that you can use *)
let x : ref int = alloc 0
let y : ref int = alloc 1

(* implement the callback record *)
let callbacks : callbacksC = {

 (*state20Onsend : (st: state20) -> ML (state20Choice st);*)
 state20Onsend = (fun _ ->
    (* this is a choice state so you need to return either Choice20Sum1 or Choice20Quit
      ...maybe you need an if statement ... *)

  (*state22OnsendSum2 : (st: state22) -> ML (int);*)
  state22OnsendSum2 = (fun _ r1 ->
  (* need to return a number, it can be any number *)

  (*state23OnreceiveResult : (st: state23) -> (r1: int{((r1) = ((Mkstate23?.x1 st) + (Mkstate23?.y1 st)))}) -> ML (unit);*)
 state23OnreceiveResult = (fun _ r1 ->
   the value that is receivbed is r1, here you can decide what to do with it, can either return unit (), you can print the receive result,
   or you can save it. *)

  (*state24OnreceiveTerminate : (st: state24) -> (_dummy: unit) -> ML (unit);*)
  state24OnreceiveTerminate = (fun _ _ -> ()) // this is the terminating state

Hint: If you are struggling, the Calculator folder contains the full implementation, and you can use it for reference.

  1. Check that your implementation is correct. Below command assumes that you are in the examples folder (the parent directory of the mycalc folder)
make -C mycalc main.ocaml.exe
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