A Star Trek Online build tool in Python Website: https://stobuilds.com/SETS/ GitHub: https://github.com/STOCD/SETS Dailies (app): https://stobuilds.com/SETS/downloads.html
- https://stobuilds.com/SETS/downloads.html for the latest app build
- Windows 8, 10, 11 -- available
- MacOS -- in development
- Linux -- if requested
All versions:
- Start with a folder you want to install SETS into (this will create a
folder at your current location) - Download the base image cache: https://stobuilds.com/SETS/downloads/images.zip
For an easy usable version with setup script and debug functions get the newest
from: https://stobuilds.com/SETS/downloads.html or https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3rqhak69tr6ki2c/AADkuygAThVa9z9e_ckc4vB9a?dl=0 Manual Install below
- Install Python (/www.python.org/downloads/windows/)
- 3.9 is suggested for most systems with the 64-bit installer (as of March 2022)
- Requires Windows 8 or later
- Run installer and select the 'Add Python [3.9] to PATH' option
- Install Git (https://gitforwindows.org/)
At a shell prompt [^1], change to the folder you want the SETS folder installed into and run the following:
git clone https://github.com/STOCD/SETS.git
Unzip the downloaded images.zip inside SETS (SETS/images/...
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py
At a shell prompt, change to the folder you want the SETS folder installed into and run the following:
apt install -y python3 python3-tk git
apt install -y python3-pip
git clone https://github.com/STOCD/SETS.git
Unzip the downloaded images.zip inside SETS (SETS/images/...
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py
MacOS has the most complicated installation.
- MacOS already has python2
- XCode installs have an older python3
- This installation will update any existing python3 and leave python2 in place
- There are a couple extra steps to enable JPEGs
At a shell prompt, change to the folder you want the SETS folder installed into and run the following:
xcode-select --install [^6]
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" [^2]
brew install python3
brew link python3 [^3]
brew link --overwrite [email protected] [^3] [^4]
brew install [email protected] [^4]
If these are not installed, the uninstalls will complain. Ignore and continue with the steps.
python3 -m pip uninstall Pillow [^5]
brew uninstall libjpeg [^5]
brew install libjpeg [^5]
git clone https://github.com/STOCD/SETS.git
Unzip the downloaded images.zip inside SETS (SETS/images/...
/usr/local/bin/python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt [^7]
/usr/local/bin/python3 main.py [^7]
This will get the current version of SETS from GitHub and update the requirements (if any).
At a shell prompt [^1], change to the folder SETS is in
git pull
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
At a shell prompt [^1], change to the folder SETS is in
git pull
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
[^1] For Windows, PowerShell or Command Prompt
[^2] Homebrew for macOS is the way chosen for this installation as the python website version did not work out of the box at the time of testing (March 2022)
[^3] Brew link will attempt to replace the active python with the homebrew version. If you have existing versions, it will partially fail and notify you of the need to use --overwrite. Use --dry-run first to see which files are being changed.
[^4] The '@3.9' portion of the text may be different if you're using a different python version
[^5] macOS (10.15 tested) has some issues with the build in JPEG library. These steps were necessary to get it to function. Feel free to skip them initially -- if there is a failure, you can run these steps and then run the python3 -m pip install -y requirements.txt
[^6] If xcode hangs on finding/install, check https://developer.apple.com/download/all/ for Command Line Tools for Xcode 13.3
(13.3 for macOS 12+ and 13.2 for down to macOS 11.3). Homebrew should install this automatically, but can hang on download (requiring this to be installed manually).
[^7] /usr/bin/python3
is usually the xcode one (a few components are too old for SETS currently) -- check where brew links them.