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Session 6: JavaScript and the Web

Lesson Plan for JavaScript Professional Development

Learning Outcomes
  • Write JavaScript in files that changes a web page.
  • Write JavaScript in a browser console that changes a web page.
  • Render content to a user interface (UI) in HTML with JavaScript.
  • Delay code execution in the browser.

In this lesson, we'll continue exploring how to integrate JavaScript into a web page. Using the memory game we worked on in previous lessons as a base, we'll see how JavaScript can be used in a browser to manipulate the elements on the page, respond to user input, render text, and set "timeouts" for delayed execution.

  • tree structure
  • document object model (DOM)
  • user input
  • time-delays
  • Introduction (10 min)
  • JS on the Web Exercises (40 min)
  • Create a multi-file, interactive game (90 min)
  • Wrap-up (10 min)

Morning Lesson

Total time: ~2.5 hours

Introduction (10 min)

  • Plan for the day
    • Start by warming up with a bunch of JS + browser exercises
      • This will get us re-acquainted with the browser and JavaScript
      • And then we can talk about the DOM
    • Then, we'll continue building the Simon Says memory game from last time

JS on the Web Exercises (40 min)

  1. Open the ./game/page.html web page in Google Chrome
  2. Open the web developer console
  3. Using only JavaScript in the console, accomplish the following tasks:
  4. Change the background color of the page to purple
  5. Find the first <h1> element and assign to a variable
  6. Change the text color of the first <h1> element to #eee
  7. Change the font family of the element with id message to monospace
  8. Remove the element with id message from the page
  9. Move the <span#success> element "into" the <p#message> element (i.e. make it a child of the <p#message> element)
  10. Move the <span#failure> element into the <p#message> element
  11. Hide the <span#success> element
  12. Hide the <span#failure> element
  13. Hide the <span#begin> element
  14. Show the <span#begin> element
  15. Add an onclick event handler to the <button> that hides the <span#default> and shows the <span#begin> element

Create a multi-file, interactive game (90 min)

  • Start building the UI for a Simon Says game (see the /game directory)
  • First task is to replicate the files in JS Bin
    • HTML file goes in the HTML tab, and so forth
  • The goal for today is to solve the pattern display component of the game
    • User input will come later, it's too complex for now
  • As a group, code each of the TODO sections of game.js

Wrap-up (10 min)

  • What was important?
  • What was useful?
  • What can we do better next time?