GZoltar comes with a very basic command line interface to perform basic
operations from the command line. The command line tools with all dependencies
are packaged in gzoltarcli.jar
and are available with the GZoltar's
distribution package.
GZoltar's command line interface can be called as follows:
java -jar gzoltarcli.jar <command> [parameters]
To see the available parameters of each command, use:
java -jar gzoltarcli.jar <command> --help
Writes to a file named "tests.txt" all JUnit / TestNG unit test cases in a provided set of directories and/or .jar files. Usage:
java -cp <project_classpath:gzoltarcli.jar> com.gzoltar.cli.Main listTestMethods \
<list of folders that contain test classes> \
--outputFile <path> \
--includes <test classes/cases to consider, e.g., org.TestFoo#* to include all test cases of test class TestFoo>
Prints out GZoltar version information. Usage:
java -jar gzoltarcli.jar version