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Do not import this package directly. inv.m memoise many values automatically and is imported or cleared by group.m.



symmetryGroup represents the global symmetry of CFT.


clearCG[] clears all values calculated by this package.

Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients


An irrep-object r is a symbol such that symmetryGroup[isrep[r]] is True. We use r,s,t,r1,r2,... to denote irrep-objects, and id is the irrep-object of the trivial irrep. a,b,c,a1,a2,... are indices of irreps. An index a of irrep r must sutisfy 1 <= a <= symmetryGroup[dim[r]]. n,m represents multiplicity of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. For more information, please refer to arXiv:1903.10522.


inv[r,s,t] gives multiplicity of id in decomposition of r \[TensorProduct] s \[TensorProduct] t.

inv[{r,s},{t}] gives multiplicity of t in decomposition of r \[TensorProduct] s.

inv[r1,r2,r3,r4] gives an association whose key is a irrep s such that inv[{r1,r2},{s}]>0 and inv[r3,r4,s]>0, whose value is a list {inv[{r1,r2},{s}], inv[r3,r4,s]}.


invs[r1,r2,r3,r4] gives a list of {s,n,m} such that cor[r1,r2,r3,r4][s,n,m] is defined.


ope[r,s,t][n][a,b,c] gives Clebsch-Gordan coefficient defined by |r,a\[RightAngleBracket] \[TensorProduct] |s,b\[RightAngleBracket] = \[Sum] ope[r,s,t][n][a,b,c] |t,c,n\[RightAngleBracket].

ope[r][a,b] gives Sqrt[dim[r]] ope[r,dual[r],id][1][a,b,1].


cor[r,s,t][n][a,b,c] gives \[Sum] ope[r,s,dual[t]][n][a,b,c2] ope[dual[t]][c2,c] / Sqrt[dim[t]].

cor[r1,r2,r3,r4][s,n,m][a1,a2,a3,a4] gives\[Sum] cor[r1,r2,dual[s]][n][a1,a2,b] ope[r3,r4,dual[s]][a3,a4,b].

Symmetries of CG Coefficients


\[Sigma][r,s,t][n] gives the sign change in swap between r and s in cor, i.e. cor[r,s,t][n][a,b,c] = \[Sigma][r,s,t][n] cor[s,r,t][n][b,a,c].

\[Sigma][r] gives \[Sigma][r,dual[r],id].

\[Sigma][op[x,r,p,q]] gives p.


\[Tau][r,s,t][n,m] describes the behavior of cor under cyclic permutation of r,s,t, i.e. cor[s,t,r][m][b,c,a] = \[Sum] cor[r,s,t][n][a,b,c] \[Tau][r,s,t][n,m].


\[Omega][r,s,t][n,m] describes the behavior of cor under complex conjugate, i.e. \[Sum] ope[dual[r]][a2,a] ope[dual[s]][b2,b] ope[dual[t]][c2,c] cor[dual[r],dual[s],dual[t]][m][a2,b2,c2]\[Conjugate] = \[Sum] cor[r,s,t][n][a,b,c] \[Omega][r,s,t][n,m].


six[r1,r2,r3,r4][s,n,m,t,k,l] describes the behavior of cor under swap between r2 and r4, i.e. cor[r1,r4,r3,r2][t,k,l][a1,a4,a3,a2] = \[Sum] cor[r1,r2,r3,r4][s,n,m][a1,a2,a3,a4] six[r1,r2,r3,r4][s,n,m,t,k,l].


isReal[r] gives whether r is a real representation or not.


isComplex[r] gives whether r is a complex representation or not.


isPseaudo[r] gives whether r is a pseaudo real representation or not.

Conformal Blocks


op[x,r,p,q] represents a primary operator object O whose name is x, which belongs to irrep r, which sign (=\[Sigma][O]) is p and whose parity of spin is q (=±1). If O appears in summation, we use 'op' as its name.

op[x,r] is a short-hand for op[x,r,1,1].

op[x] is a short-hand for op[x,r,1,1] if you registered op[x,r,1,1] as a fundamental scalar.


dualOp[op[x,r,p,q]] gives dual operator object of op[x,r,p,q].


format[eq] gives readable format of eq with little loss of information. We need much redundancy to calculate properly, so formatted value cannot be used for any argument of our function. format[eq] is assumed to be used only for human-readability of last output.


sum[x,op[op,r,1,q]] represents sum of x over all intermediate primary operator O=op[op,r,1,q] which belongs to irrep r and whose parity of spin is q. sum[...] is automatically expanded so as x to be (F or H)*\[Beta]^2.


single[x] represents x. We need to wrap x for redundancy. single[...] is automatically expanded so as x to be (Fp or Hp)*\[Beta]^2, or (Fp or Hp).


F[o1,o2,o3,o4,s,p] represents generalized conformal block F_{p,s}^{1,2,3,4}, where o1,...,o4 are primary scalars.

F[a,b,c,d] represents normal conformal block of type-F.


H[a,b,c,d] represents normal conformal block of type-H.


Fp[o1,o2,o3,o4,o] represents generalized conformal block F_{o}^{1,2,3,4}, where o1,...,o4 and intermediate o are primary scalars.

Fp[a,b,c,d,o] represents normal conformal block of type-F with intermediate o.


Hp[a,b,c,d,o] represents normal conformal block of type-H with intermediate o.

OPE Coefficients


\[Lambda][o1,o2,o3][n] gives n-th OPE coefficient of o1\[Times]o2 \[Rule] OverBar[o3].


\[Alpha][o1,o2,o3][n] gives n-th coefficient of three-point function \[LeftAngleBracket]o1 o2 o3\[RightAngleBracket].


\[Mu][o1,o2,o3][n] gives n-th OPE coefficient of o1\[Times]o2 \[Rule] OverBar[o3], where o3 is registered as a fundamental scalar.


\[Nu][o1,o2,o3][n] gives n-th coefficient of three-point function \[LeftAngleBracket]o1 o2 o3\[RightAngleBracket], where o3 is registered as a fundamental scalar."


\[Beta][o1,o2,o3][n] gives minimal basis to describe \[Lambda], \[Alpha], etc.

\[Lambda], \[Alpha], \[Mu] and \[Nu] are linear combination of \[Beta].

Bootstrap Equations


eqn[{a,b,...}] represents bootstrap equation that claims a,b,... must equals to 0, where a,b,... are real-linear combination of sum and single.

eqn[sec,{a,b,...}] represents extracted part of eqn[{...}] which contains only sum or single related to sec.


bootAll[ops] generates bootstrap equation from all four-point functions of ops.

bootAll[] generates bootstrap equation from all four-point functions of fundamental scalars.


setOps[ops] registers ops and duals of ops as fundamental scalars.

Fundamental scalars are used to seperate sum of conformal blocks over scalars to single[...] and sum[...].


one represents the unit operator. This is implicitly registered as a fundamental scalar.


extract[x,op[op,r,1,p]] extracts terms of the form sum[...,op[op,r,1,p]] from x.

extract[x,scalar] extracts terms of the form single[(Fp or Hp)*\[Beta]^2] from x.

extract[x,unit] extracts terms of the form single[Fp or Hp] from x (contribution of the unit operator).

extract is a projection: x == extract[x,unit] + extract[x,scalar] + \[Sum]_{r,p} extract[x,op[op,r,1,p]] and extract[x,sec] == extract[extract[x,sec]].


unit is a option for extract and means contribution of unit operator.


scalar is a option for extract and means contribution of fundamental scalars but unit operator.


sector[eq] gives a list of all nontrivial option sec for extract applied to eq, i.e. {sec | extract[eq,sec] != 0}.

Conversions of Bootstrap Equations


makeG[eqn[sec,{a,b,...}]] gives an undirected graph whose vertices are OPE coefficients \[Beta] in extracted bootstrap equation eqn[sec,{a,b,...}].


makeMat[eqn[sec,{a,b,...}]] gives a matrix-representation of extracted bootstrap equation eqn[sec,{a,b,...}].


makeSDP[eqn[{a,b,...}]] converts whole bootstrap equation eqn[{a,b,...}] into sdp-object.


sdpobj[secs,scalarnum,vals,mats] is a sdp-object. secs is section data of bootstrap equation. scalarnum is the number of connected components in scalar sections. vals are real constants in bootstrap equation. mats are matrix-representation of bootstrap equation.


toQboot[sdp] converts sdp-object into c++ code for qboot.


toCboot[sdp] converts sdp-object into python code for cboot.


toTeX[eq] gives LaTeX string of eq (you need call Print[toTeX[eq]] to paste to your tex file).

toTeX[eqn[{a,b,...}]] gives LaTeX string of eq with align environment (you need call Print[toTeX[eq]] to paste to your tex file).


repToTeX[r] is needed to transrate irrep-object r as LaTeX string. Please set appropriate value.


opToTeX[o] is needed to transrate operator name o as LaTeX string. Please set appropriate value.