A club membership application that allows customers to register and reserve facilities.
Signup New Customers
Admin approval
Username & password generation and creation
- Username: Lastname + 2 numbers
- Password: Alphanumeric characters
User Login
Facility Reservation
- New customer: Gym only
- 50% Payment : Gym & Swimming Pool
- 100% Payment : All Facilities
User/Admin Logout
- Clone or download the zipped repository from the GitHub link
- Extract all contents from the zipped folder
- Open your terminal and cd to project root:
$cd project_folder
- Create virtual environment and activate it by running
$python -m venv venv source venv/Scripts/activate
- Install all dependencies by executing:
$pip install -r requirements.txt
- Setup the application database by executing:
$python manage.py makemigrations
- Followed by:
$python manage.py migrate
- Run the application by executing:
$python manage.py runserver
- For creating an admin-user execute the code or login admin credentials:
$python manage.py createsuperuser
Admin credentials
username: admin password: admin