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220 lines (169 loc) · 7.2 KB

File metadata and controls

220 lines (169 loc) · 7.2 KB

0.1.1 (2020-07-24)


  • Update llvm from 8 to 10
  • Update pre-built docker images

0.1.0 (2020-04-29)

Language Features:

  • Solidity:
    • Support abi.encode and abi.encodePacked. (including array type) [Experimental]

Compiler Features:

  • Support optimization options:
    • --O0: Disable optimizations
    • --O1: Enable trivial optimizations
    • --O2: Enable default optimizations
    • --O3: Enable expensive optimizations
    • --Os: Enable default optimizations for size
    • --Oz: Enable expensive optimizations for size
  • Support EVM backend via EVM_LLVM 8
    • In current stage, SOLL will generate LLVM IR for EVM backend target only.
    • Developers should use generated LLVM IR files and compile them with llc from EVM_LLVM 8 to get EVM bytecodes.
    • Disable integer lowering when using EVM backend. Only allow 256 bits integer type.


  • Fix bad APInt trunc in parser
  • Fix bad array size and index trunc in codegen
  • Fix syntax error on revert() and array access

0.0.6 (2020-03-31)

Language Features:

  • Solidity:
    • Support abi.encode and abi.encodePacked. (excluding array type)
    • Support fallback keyword. (solidity spec >= 0.6.0)
    • Support struct decleration. (with limited members’ types)
  • Yul:
    • Support tuple usage.
      • return, declaration, assignment
    • Support built-in functions.
      • return, revert
      • log0, log1, log2, log3, log4
      • blockcoinbase, blockdifficulty, blockgaslimit
      • blocknumber, blocktimestamp, txorigin, txgasprice, gasleft
      • caller, callvalue, calldatasize
      • codecopy, datacopy
      • datasize, dataoffset (limitation: couldn't be used apply on object itself)
    • Support leave statement. (Yul spec >= 0.6.0)
    • Support generate and deploy ewasm from Yul file. (Yul file was compiled from solc)

Compiler Features:

  • Diagnostic Tool:
    • Throw error messages for unimplemented features:
      • Redefine constructor or fallback function.
    • Add color on/off option.
  • Add command-line action options for distinguishing generate ewasm could be deployed on-chain or normal case.
    • -deploy=Chain: Ewasm VM (Hera) not support keccak256 yet, so for workaround use sha256 instead. (Default)
    • -deploy=Normal: Normal behavior.
  • Add command-line action options for generating object files.
    • -action=EmitAssembly: Emit a .s file.
    • -action=EmitBC: Emit a .bc file.
    • -action=EmitLLVM: Emit a .bc file.
    • -action=EmitLLVMOnly: Generate LLVM IR, but do not emit anything.
    • -action=EmitCodeGenOnly: Generate machine code, but don't emit anything.
    • -action=EmitObj: Emit a .o file.
    • -action=EmitWasm: Emit a .wasm file.
  • Add command-line action options for misc.
    • -action=ParseSyntaxOnly: Parse and perform semantic analysis.


  • Add ImplicitCastExpr on return statement.
  • Fix mismatch EEI functions blockhash.
  • Keep full event signature as topic 0 field when emitting event.
  • Fix built-in function minor issues:
    • iszero, shl, shr, sar
  • Remove unexpected message when soll -action=EmitFuncSig.
  • Remove redundant slot access when load/store storage with bytes and string.

0.0.5 (2020-01-18)

Language Features:

  • Common:
    • Support big number literal (> uint64)
  • Solidity:
    • Support built-in units:
      • ether, finney, szabo, wei
      • weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds
    • Replace keccak256 and sha256 with sha3 for EVM backend.
    • Implement exponentiation operator.
    • Support this to access member functions in the same contract.
  • Yul:
    • Support switch statement.
    • Support function definition.
    • Implement scoping logic and delay identifier lookup
    • Support alias operators:
      • slt -> lts256
      • sgt -> gts256
      • sdiv -> divs256
    • Handle memory relative mechanism:
      • Use global variable to record memory size.
      • Use __heap_size as memory offset.
      • Add helper functions to increase memory usage.
    • Implement built-in functions:
      • calldataload
      • mload, mstore, mstore8, msize
      • exp
  • Diagnostic Tool:
    • Throw error messages for unimplemented features:
      • Constructor doesn’t support parameters. SOLL only accept constructor without any parameters.
      • SOLL doesn’t support array.push, array.pop
    • Terminate codegen when error occurs


  • Hex number literal:
    • Support hex number literal (0x...)
  • <address>.balance should return uint256 instead of uint128.
  • Reduce some useless endian transformation.
  • Fix mismatch EEI functions:
    • <address>.balance, <address>.send, blockhash

0.0.4 (2019-12-25)

Language Features:

  • Support limited Yul language. See details here.
    • Basic arithmetical, compare, sstore and sload built-in functions.
    • For loop, If, Var declare and Assignment statements.

Compiler Features:

  • Add command-line version option for checking the current SOLL version.
    • -version
  • Add command-line language options for supporting Yul input file.
    • -lang=Sol: Input file is written in Solidity. (Default)
    • -lang=Yul: Input file is written in Yul.
  • Add testing framework for unittest and regression test.
  • Integrate Solidity compilation test and libyul test from ethereum/solidity.

0.0.3 (2019-11-19)

Language Features:

  • Support partial built-in global variable
    • msg.sender, msg.value,
    • tx.gasprice, tx.origin.
    • block.coinbase, block.difficulty, block.gaslimit, block.number, block.timestamp.
  • Support Constructor, Fallback function.
  • Support Event mechanism.
  • Support Payable mechanism.
  • Support dynamic type. (Bytes/String)

Compiler Features:

  • Be able to generate deployable Ewasm files.
  • Support diagnostic message.
  • Add command-line action options for generating metadata of Solidity contracts.
    • -action=EmitABI: Generate ABI
    • -action=EmitFuncSig: Generate function signatures
  • Support EVM1 bytecode target. (Depends on EVM_LLVM)


  • Fix an endian issue that happened when someone calls the EEI function from wasm.
  • Fix a parsing issue on array type.

0.0.2 (2019-09-03)

Language Features:

  • Type
    • bool, integers, address.
    • fixed-size array, mapping.
  • Basic grammar support
    • Support parentheses.
    • Loop (while, do...while, for)
    • Implicit/Explicit typecasting.
  • Support state variable.

Compiler Features:

  • Migrate Test suite to utils as a submodule.
  • Add command-line action option.
    • -action=EmitLLVM: Emit LLVM IR. (Default)
    • -action=ASTDump: Dump AST.


  • Fix a precedence issue related to the binary operator.

0.0.1 (2019-07-31)

Language Features:

  • Type
    • Support 64bit integer type only.
  • Basic grammar support.
    • Binary operator, Unary Operator, If statement, Function call.
  • Builtin function
    • require(), revert()

Compiler Features:

  • Provide two compiling phases for generating wasm files.