- Download the latest release
- Usage example : GLSLInclude.exe filea.glsl fileb.glsl -o {fileNameNoExt}.generated{ext}
- This will output the file with includes copy pasted into the "generated" file where the include line lies.
- Handle multiple includes in one file
- The syntax is the same as in C language
- Handle deep includes correctly
- Handle relative paths
- Detects circular references
- It does allow diamond shaped includes
- Absolute paths
- Not tested spaces / tab robustness
- Not tested comments robustness
- Not tested multiline include
- Not tested <> includes
- Clean it a bit
- Handle line returns in a cleaner way
- Provide it as a single file dependency along the executable
- Support as many .net platform as possible (at least down to .net standard 1.0)
- Publish it as a nuget package
- More unit tests
- Open to suggestions :)