+Reading data with coffea NanoEvents
+This is a rendered copy of nanoevents.ipynb. You can optionally run it interactively on binder at this link
+NanoEvents is a Coffea utility to wrap flat nTuple structures (such as the CMS NanoAOD format) into a single awkward array with appropriate object methods (such as Lorentz vector methods\(^*\)), cross references, and nested objects, all lazily accessed\(^\dagger\) from the source ROOT TTree via uproot. The interpretation of the TTree data is configurable via schema
+objects, which are community-supplied for various source file types. These schema objects allow a richer interpretation of the file contents than the uproot.lazy methods. Currently available schemas include:
, which provides a simple representation of the input TTree, where each branch is available verbatim as events.branch_name
, effectively the same behavior as uproot.lazy
. Any branches that uproot supports at “full speed” (i.e. that are fully split and either flat or single-jagged) can be read by this schema;
, which is optimized to provide all methods and cross-references in CMS NanoAOD format;
, which builds a double-jagged particle flow candidate colllection events.jet.constituents
from compatible PFNanoAOD input files;
which is designed to read TTrees made by TreeMaker, an alternative CMS nTuplization format;
, for the ATLAS DAOD_PHYSLITE derivation, a compact centrally-produced data format similar to CMS NanoAOD; and
, for reading Delphes fast simulation nTuples.
+We welcome contributions for new schemas, and can assist with the design of them.
+\(^*\) Vector methods are currently made possible via the coffea vector methods mixin class structure. In a future version of coffea, they will instead be provided by the dedicated scikit-hep vector library, which provides a more rich feature set. The coffea vector methods predate the release of the vector library.
+\(^\dagger\) Lazy access refers to only fetching the needed data from the (possibly remote) file when a sub-array is first accessed. The sub-array is then materialized and subsequent access of the sub-array uses a cached value in memory. As such, fully materializing a NanoEvents
object may require a significant amount of memory.
+In this demo, we will use NanoEvents to read a small CMS NanoAOD sample. The events object can be instantiated as follows:
+In the factory constructor, we also pass the desired schema version (the latest version of NanoAOD can be built with schemaclass=NanoAODSchema
) for this file and some extra metadata that we can later access with events.metadata
. In a later example, we will show how to set up this metadata in coffea processors where the events
object is pre-created for you. Consider looking at the
+from_root class method to see all optional arguments.
+The events
object is an awkward array, which at its top level is a record array with one record for each “collection”, where a collection is a grouping of fields (TBranches) based on the naming conventions of NanoAODSchema. For example, in the file we opened, the branches:
+are grouped into one sub-record named Generator
which can be accessed using either getitem or getattr syntax, i.e. events["Generator"]
or events.Generator
. e.g.
+<Array [1, -1, -1, 21, 21, ... 2, -2, -1, 2, 1] type='40 * int32[parameters={"__...'>
+['binvar', 'scalePDF', 'weight', 'x1', 'x2', 'xpdf1', 'xpdf2', 'id1', 'id2']
+In CMS NanoAOD, each TBranch has a self-documenting help string embedded in the title field, which is carried into the NanoEvents, e.g. executing the following cell should produce a help pop-up:
+Type: Array
+String form: [1, -1, -1, 21, 21, 4, 2, -2, 2, 1, 3, 1, ... -1, -1, 1, -2, 2, 1, 2, -2, -1, 2, 1]
+Length: 40
+File: ~/src/awkward-1.0/awkward1/highlevel.py
+Docstring: id of first parton
+Class docstring: ...
+where the Docstring
shows information about the content of this array.
+Based on a collection’s name or contents, some collections acquire additional methods, which are extra features exposed by the code in the mixin classes of the coffea.nanoevents.methods
modules. For example, although events.GenJet
has the fields:
+['eta', 'mass', 'phi', 'pt', 'partonFlavour', 'hadronFlavour']
+we can access additional attributes associated to each generated jet by virtue of the fact that they can be interpreted as Lorentz vectors:
+<Array [[217, 670, 258], ... 16], [76.9]] type='40 * var * float32'>
+We can call more complex methods, like computing the distance \(\Delta R = \sqrt{\Delta \eta^2 + \Delta \phi ^2}\) between two LorentzVector objects:
+<Array [[], [3.13], [3.45, ... 0.0858], [], []] type='40 * var * float32'>
+<Array [None, 3.13, 2.18, ... None, None] type='40 * ?float32'>
+<ElectronArray [[None, None, None, ... [None, None]] type='40 * var * ?electron'>
+The assignment of methods classes to collections is done inside the schema object during the initial creation of the array, governed by the awkward array’s __record__
parameter and the associated behavior. See ak.behavior for a more detailed explanation of array behaviors.
+Additional methods provide convenience functions for interpreting some branches, e.g. CMS NanoAOD packs several jet identification flag bits into a single integer, jetId
. By implementing the bit-twiddling in the Jet mixin, the analsyis code becomes more clear:
+[[6, 6, 6, 6, 6], [6, 2, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0], ... 6], [6], [6, 6, 0, 6, 6, 6], [6, 6]]
+[[True, True, True, True, True], [True, ... False, True, True, True], [True, True]]
+We can also define convenience functions to unpack and apply some mask to a set of flags, e.g. for generated particles:
+Raw status flags: [[10625, 27009, 4481, 22913, 257, 257, ... 13884, 13884, 12876, 12876, 12876, 12876]]
+<Array [[True, True, False, ... False, False]] type='40 * var * bool'>
+CMS NanoAOD also contains pre-computed cross-references for some types of collections. For example, there is a TBranch Electron_genPartIdx
which indexes the GenPart
collection per event to give the matched generated particle, and -1
if no match is found. NanoEvents transforms these indices into an awkward indexed array pointing to the collection, so that one can directly access the matched particle using getattr syntax:
+<Array [[], [-11], [-11, ... [None], [], []] type='40 * var * ?int32[parameters=...'>
+<Array [[84.4, 29.4], [31.1, ... 26.1], [25.8]] type='12 * var * ?float32[parame...'>
+For generated particles, the parent index is similarly mapped:
+<Array [[None, None, 1, 1, ... 111, 111, 111]] type='40 * var * ?int32[parameter...'>
+In addition, using the parent index, a helper method computes the inverse mapping, namely, children
. As such, one can find particle siblings with:
+<Array [[None, None, [23, 21, ... [22, 22]]] type='40 * var * option[var * ?int3...'>
+Since often one wants to shortcut repeated particles in a decay sequence, a helper method distinctParent
is also available. Here we use it to find the parent particle ID for all prompt electrons:
+<Array [[], [23, 23], [23, ... [23, 23], []] type='40 * var * ?int32[parameters=...'>
+Events can be filtered like any other awkward array using boolean fancy-indexing
+<Array [94.6, 87.6, 88, 90.4, 89.1, 31.6] type='6 * float32'>
+<Array [94.6, 87.6, 88, 90.4, 89.1, 31.6] type='6 * float32'>
+As expected for this sample, most of the dimuon events have a pair invariant mass close to that of a Z boson. But what about the last event? Let’s take a look at the generator information:
+[-13, 13]
+[False, False]
+So they are real generated muons, but they are not prompt (i.e. from the initial decay of a heavy resonance)
+Let’s look at their parent particles:
+<Array [-15, 15] type='2 * ?int32[parameters={"__doc__": "PDG id"}]'>
+aha! They are muons coming from tau lepton decays, and hence a fair amount of the Z mass is carried away by the neutrinos:
+One can assign new variables to the arrays, with some caveats:
+Assignment must use setitem (events["path", "to", "name"] = value
+Assignment to a sliced events
won’t be accessible from the original variable
+New variables are not visible from cross-references
+<Array [[], [121], [], [], [], []] type='6 * var * float32'>