+ build-docs:
+ uses: ./.github/workflows/build_docs.yml
+ deploy:
+ needs: [build-docs, pre-commit]
+#### Chained workflow example
+Source: [https://github.com/jorgensd/dolfinx_mpc/actions/runs/6932364745](https://github.com/jorgensd/dolfinx_mpc/actions/runs/6932364745)
+#### Run workflow manually
+ workflow_dispatch:
+- Run a workflow manually on CI
+## Environment variables
+ PUBLISH_DIR: ./_build/html
+* Can be accessed as `${PUBLISH_DIR}` or `${{ env.PUBLISH_DIR }}` depending on context
+## Setting up a set of jobs
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+ steps:
+ - name: Run echo
+ run: echo "HELLO WORLD"
+ - name: Multiple commands
+ run: |
+ echo "HI"
+ ls
+* Github supports [several architectures](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-github-hosted-runners/about-github-hosted-runners/about-github-hosted-runners#supported-runners-and-hardware-resources)
+ - Ubuntu (20.04, 22.04)
+ - Windows (2019, 2022)
+ - Mac (macos-11, macos-12)
+## Complex dependencies? Use containers!
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+ container: ghcr.io/fenics/dolfinx/dolfinx:nightly
+ steps:
+ - name: Run echo
+ run: python3 -c "import dolfinx; print(dolfinx.__version__)
+* Docker containers hosted anywhere
+## Complex steps to setup your problem? Create an action!
+Github marketplace for actions: https://github.com/marketplace?category=&query=&type=actions
+ clone-repo:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout current repo on current branch
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Look at current files
+ run: ls
+### Actions can take inputs
+ clone-repo:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+ steps:
+ - name: Setup python
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: ${PYTHON_VERSION}
+### You can create your own actions
+ - name: Install DOLFINx
+ uses: ./.github/actions/install-dolfinx
+ with:
+ dolfinx: main
+ ufl: main
+ ffcx: main
+ basix: main
+ petsc_arch: ${PETSC_ARCH}
+Custom action available
diff --git a/docs/documentation.md b/docs/documentation.md
index 73e188b..4d20ef2 100644
--- a/docs/documentation.md
+++ b/docs/documentation.md
@@ -373,4 +373,3 @@ https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=njpwerner.autodocstring
![w:700 center](https://github.com/NilsJPWerner/autoDocstring/raw/HEAD/images/demo.gif)