If you are testing our R learning content for Jouralists, please use this template. Otherwise you can just delete this.
Thank you for helping us with the testing of the R learning content for Journalists! Please check out the steps you need to do here.
Pro tip: click on "Preview" to see what your edits look like.
- Have you used R before?
- Do you have RStudio and R already installed?
- What is the most advanced thing/project/analysis that you have done with R?
- Is the text easy to follow?
- Do the explanations come at the right moment?
- Are there any leaps in logic?
- Is the grammar/orthography correct?
- Any other comments on the writing/tone?
- When you run the code inside the website, does that work correctly?
- When you run all the code on your local machine, does everything work? (Doing this takes a while, but we would really appreciat it 🍰)
- Is the data still available from where the content says it is? Does the data have the same name and columns?
- Is there another way of doing a step that would be better for beginners or should be mentioned as an alternative?
Anything else you would like to mention?
Almost done: To show that you have finished the testing, comment on this issue with the words "I finished beta testing. @HeidiSeibold please update learning content now.".
Thank you so much for your help! 🎉 🍰 👏