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288 lines (197 loc) · 6.68 KB

File metadata and controls

288 lines (197 loc) · 6.68 KB

A reactive lightweight, customizable grid widget built with Dojo.


  • On-demand virtual rendering with supports for large data-sets
  • Backed by @dojo/framework/stores
  • Editable cells
  • Filtering and Sorting by column
  • Custom cell renderers

Example Usage

import global from "@dojo/framework/shim/global";
import renderer from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/vdom';
import { w } from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/d';
import { createFetcher } from '@dojo/widgets/grid/utils';
import Grid from '@dojo/widgets/grid';

const columnConfig = [
		id: 'one',
		title: 'Column One',
		sortable: true,
		filterable: true
		id: 'two',
		title: 'Column Two'

const gridData: any[] = [
	{ one: '0', two: '0' },
	{ one: '1', two: '1' },
	{ one: '2', two: '2' },
	{ one: '3', two: '3' },
	{ one: '4', two: '4' },
	{ one: '5', two: '5' },
	{ one: '6', two: '6' }

const r = renderer(() => w(Grid, { columnConfig, fetcher: createFetcher(gridData), height: 400 });



The column configuration defines how the grid will be built and what capabilities will be enabled per column.

export interface ColumnConfig {
	id: string;
	title: string | (() => DNode);
	filterable?: boolean;
	sortable?: boolean;
	editable?: boolean;
	renderer?: (props: any) => DNode;
  • id - The id of the column
  • title - The display title of the column, this can be a string or a custom renderer function that returns a DNode
  • filterable - Optional property that indicates if the column is filterable, defaults to false
  • sortable - Optional property that indicates if the column is sortable, defaults to false
  • editable - Optional property that indicates if the column is editable, defaults to false
  • renderer - Optional custom renderer function for the column cell, defaults to undefined


The fetcher is a function responsible for returning data to the grid for the requested offset and size.

(offset: number, size: number, options?: FetcherOptions): Promise<FetcherResult<S>>;

Additionally the fetcher will receive any additional options (FetcherOptions) as a third optional parameter.

export interface FetcherOptions {
	sort?: SortOptions;
	filter?: FilterOptions;

Sort Options

  • columnId - id from columnConfig of the column that sort has been requested for
  • direction - direction of the sort requested, either asc or desc

Filter Options

An object that is keyed by the column Id with the filter as the value

const filter = {
	columnId: 'filter-value'


The height property sets the overall height of the grid and allows the grid to calculate how many rows to render to the DOM.


The updater is an optional function responsible for performing updates made by editable columns.

(item: S): void;

The updated item is passed to the function, if an error occurs during the updater the changes will be reverted in the grid.


Grid is backed by stores from @dojo/framework/stores and by default, dynamically creates a private store as required. However it is also possible to pass an existing store used by other areas of the application.

This option will often be used in combination with id that determines the root path location that all grid data will be stored.


Optional id that specifies the root path that of the store that the grid data will be stored.


Exposes an advanced set of options that enable you to customize the rendering of various sections of the grid.


The sort renderer receives the column configuration, the sort order and a function to perform the sort action. This can be used to override the default sort button.

interface SortRenderer {
	(column: ColumnConfig, direction: 'asc' | 'desc' | undefined, sorter: () => void): DNode;


function sortRenderer(column: ColumnConfig, direction: 'asc' | 'desc' | undefined, sorter: () => void) {
	return v('button', { onclick: sorter }, [ `sort - ${direction || 'unsorted'}` ]);


The filter renderer can be used to render a custom column filter. The renderer receives the current filter value, doFilter function and an optional column title.

export interface FilterRenderer {
	(columnConfig: ColumnConfig, filterValue: string, doFilter: (value: string) => void, title?: string | DNode): DNode;


function filterRenderer(columnConfig: ColumnConfig, filterValue: string, doFilter: Function, title?: string | DNode) => {
	return v('div', [
		v('input', { value: filterValue, onInput: doFilter }),
		v('span', [ title ])


A collection of helpers are available in the @dojo/widgets/grid/utils module that can be used to create custom fetcher and updater from a known data set.


Creates a fetch from an array of data that can be used to load the grid.

import { createFetcher } from '@dojo/widgets/grid/utils';

const data = [];
const fetcher = createFetcher(data);

// Example usage
render() {
	return w(Grid, { fetcher: fetcher });


Creates an updater from an array of data that can be used to edit data in the grid.

import { createUpdater } from '@dojo/widgets/grid/utils';

const data = [];
const updater = createUpdater(data);

// Example usage
render() {
	return w(Grid, { updater: updater });


The grid can be customized by creating a custom theme, each of the grid widgets can be themed:


Theme Key: @dojo/widgets/grid


  • root
  • header
  • filterGroup


Theme Key: @dojo/widgets/grid-body


  • root


Theme Key: @dojo/widgets/grid-header


  • root
  • cell
  • sortable
  • sorted
  • desc
  • asc
  • sort
  • filter

Other used @dojo/widgets:


Theme Key: @dojo/widgets/grid-footer


  • root


Theme Key: @dojo/widgets/grid-placeholder-row


  • root
  • loading
  • spin


Theme Key: @dojo/widgets/grid-row


  • root


Theme Key: @dojo/widgets/grid-cell


  • root
  • input
  • edit

Other used @dojo/widgets: