All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added support for specifying the encoding (#87).
- Added error handling to 'Get-FileProviderData.ps1'.
- Added functions for get and clear the Datum RSOP cache.
- Fixed how issue not allowing Datum handlers to be used on arrays (#89).
- Fixed issue in Merge-Hashtable where it did not merge hashtables correctly when these are included in an array.
- Formatting in all files with VSCode formatting according to the 'settings.json' file taken from Sampler
- Added yaml format config settings 'singleQuote' and 'bracketSpacing' and reformatted all yaml files according to the new settings.
- Cleanup
- Get-DatumType.ps1
- Merge-DatumArray.ps1
- Merge-Hashtable.ps1
- Compare-Hashtable.ps1
- Node.ps1
- FileProvider.ps1
- ConvertTo-Datum.ps1
- Get-MergeStrategyFromPath.ps1
- Get-MergeStrategyFromString.ps1
- Get-DatumRsop.ps1
- Merge-Datum.ps1
- datum.psd1
- Get-FileProviderData.ps1
- Invoke-TestHandlerAction.ps1
- New-DatumStructure.ps1
- Resolve-Datum.ps1
- Resolve-DatumPath.ps1
- Test-InvokeCommandFilter
- Resolve-NodeProperty.ps1
- New-DatumFileProvider.ps1
- Added 'GitHubConfig' to build.yml and updating main branch to main.
- Corrected a typo and incorrect debug information.
- New CI process.
- Added support for specifying the encoding (#87).
- Added more tests and test data.
- Updated new build.ps1 from sampler.
- Fixed issue in Merge-DatumArray where it used ArrayList.AddRange to add hashtables (each key/value pair is added as a new object), where Add should have been used (each hashtable is a new object).
- Fixed issue in Merge-DatumArray where it used ArrayList.AddRange to add hashtables (each key/value pair is added as a new object), where Add should have been used (each hashtable is a new object).
- Fixed how issue not allowing Datum handlers to be used on arrays (#89).
- Fixed an issue visible in the test log:
- Datum on linux (change case on Datum.psd1 and Datum.psm1)
- Datum in PSCore 6 on Windows (Write-Output -NoEnumerate bug)
- [breaking] Get-DscSplattedResource script to process is removed and now available in the DscBuildHelpers module (Datum is not DSC specific, now it's fully decoupled)
- fixed issue with merging arrays of hashtables
- ProtectedData / Data Encryption datum handler is no longer built-in (need external module
available in the gallery)
- PowerShell 6 (aka Core) support. By dropping the ProtectedData dependency, Datum now works on PSCore.
- Allowing to set the CompositionKey of the