This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App and uses the Yarn package manager.
You can find directions for installing Yarn here: Yarn Installation
Once Yarn is installed, open up your command shell and navigate to the directory where you want to store the app and run
git clone
yarn install
Or, if you prefer, download the repo, unzip it, open your command shell, navigate into the project folder and run:
yarn install
Once the installation is finished you can start the project with:
yarn start
You can view the project through an emulator like Genymotion or directly through your android or iPhone by connecting the mobile phone to using the Expo app.
When the app has loaded a QRcode will appear in the shell window. Press a
to open the app with the emulator or connected device -- or -- scan the QR code in the Expo app.
If you have difficulty connecting to the app you can use the Expo XDE to connect your device.
App was testing on an android device and an android emulator. It should work for iOs devices but that has not been tested.
- Remove list and questions
- Edit list title and questions
- Shuffle questions
- Store score/which questions correct
- Udacity React Nanodegree
- UdaciFitness demo project
- Create a Flip Card Animation with React Native
- Alternate for backfaceVisibility - does not work on android
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.