First, start and configure Keycloak as the OIDC authentication provider.
mkdir -m 777 ./keycloak-data
docker compose up -d keycloak
The settings for the Keycloak admin user are defined in ./compose.yml as shown below. Edit them if necessary.
- KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=sio-serv-admin-user
- KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=sio-serv-admin-password
Next, open your browser and access http://localhost:8080
, then log in using the Keycloak admin user credentials.
First, create a new realm by selecting Create realm
[Create realm]
Realm Name
Next, create a new client under Clients
[Create client]
[General settings]
Client type
:OpenID Connect
Client ID
Always display in UI
[Create client]
[Capability config]
Client authentication
Authentication flow
:Standard flow
- Notes:
- Since an SPA (Single Page Application) cannot securely store client secrets, configure it as a Public Client (i.e.,
Client authentication: Off
). - Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is automatically supported by Keycloak.
- Since an SPA (Single Page Application) cannot securely store client secrets, configure it as a Public Client (i.e.,
[Create client]
[Login settings]
Valid redirect URIs
Valid post logout redirect URIs
Web origins
Next, in the Advanced settings of the created client, adjust the lifespans of tokens and sessions, and configure the PKCE method.
[Advanced settings]
Access Token Lifespan
:1 hour
Client Session Idle
:3 hours
Client Session Max
:1 day
Client Offline Session Idle
:30 days
Proof Key for Code Exchange Code Challenge Method
- Notes:
- Be sure to click the [Save] button below.
Also, create a user for login purposes within the realm.
[Create user]
Email verified
:[email protected]
First Name
Last Name
After that, set a password for the user.
Password Confirmation
Note that the user created here cannot access (or log in to) the current Keycloak Admin Console, as it belongs to a different realm.
The authentication settings for sapporo-service are defined in ./sapporo_config/auth_config.json as shown below.
"auth_enabled": true,
"idp_provider": "external",
"sapporo_auth_config": {
"secret_key": "sapporo_secret_key_please_change_this",
"expires_delta_hours": 24,
"users": [
"username": "sapporo-dev-user",
"password": "sapporo-dev-password"
"external_config": {
"idp_url": "<http://localhost:8080/realms/sio-serv>",
"jwt_audience": "account",
"client_mode": "public",
"client_id": "sio-serv-app",
"client_secret": "example-client-secret"
If Keycloak is configured as described above, there is no need to edit this configuration.
For more information about this configuration file, please refer to the sapporo-service README:
The authentication settings for sio-serv are defined in ./compose.yml as shown below.
- SIO_SERV_KEYCLOAK_REALM_URL=http://localhost:8080/realms/sio-serv
Once these settings are in place, let's start sio-serv and sapporo-service containers:
docker compose up -d --build app sapporo
docker compose exec -d app npm run dev
Open your browser and access http://localhost:3000
. From the [Sign In] button at the top right, try logging in with sio-serv-dev-user
If no errors occur, the authentication setup for Keycloak, sio-serv, and sapporo-service is complete.
Currently, sio-serv does not support integration with MinIO, so configuring MinIO is not necessary at this time. You can skip this section.
For reference, a Japanese guide for MinIO configuration can be found at