This quick start overviews the steps a newbie programmer will have to follow in order to get familiar with Cygnus and its basic functionality. For more detailed information, please refer to the README; the Installation and Administration Guide, the User and Programmer Guide and the Flume Extensions Catalogue fully document Cygnus.
Open a terminal and simply configure the FIWARE release repository:
sudo wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d/
Use your applications manager in order to install the latest version of Cygnus (CentOS/RedHat example):
sudo yum install cygnus-ngsi
Cygnus, as it is based on Apache Flume, needs Java SDK is installed. If not yet installed, do it right now:
$ sudo yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel
Remember to export the JAVA_HOME environment variable. In the case you have installed Java SDK right now as shown above, this would be as:
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64
In order to do it permanently, edit /root/.bash_profile
(root user) or /etc/profile
(other users).
This kind of agent is the simplest one you can configure with Cygnus. It is based on a standard HTTPSource
, a MemoryChannel
and a NGSITestSink
. Don't worry about the configuration details, specially those about the source; simply think on a Http listener waiting for Orion notifications on port TCP/5050 and sending that notifications in the form of Flume events to a testing purpose sink that will not really persist anything in a third-party storage, but will log the notified context data.
(1) Create and edit a /usr/cygnus/conf/agent_test.conf
file (as a sudoer):
cygnus-ngsi.sources = http-source
cygnus-ngsi.sinks = test-sink
cygnus-ngsi.channels = test-channel
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.channels = test-channel
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.port = 5050
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.handler =
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.handler.notification_target = /notify
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.handler.default_service = def_serv
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.handler.default_service_path = def_servpath
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.handler.events_ttl = 2
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.interceptors = ts gi
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.interceptors.ts.type = timestamp =$Builder = /Applications/apache-flume-1.4.0-bin/conf/grouping_rules.conf
cygnus-ngsi.channels.test-channel.type = memory
cygnus-ngsi.channels.test-channel.capacity = 1000
cygnus-ngsi.channels.test-channel.transactionCapacity = 100 = test-channel
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.test-sink.type =
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.test-sink.batch_size = 1
cygnus-ngsi.sinks.test_sink.batch_timeout = 10
(2) Start Cygnus from the command line; Cygnus will be printing logs on the standard output (i.e. your screen):
$ /usr/cygnus/bin/cygnus-flume-ng agent --conf /usr/cygnus/conf/ -f /usr/cygnus/conf/agent_test.conf -n cygnus-ngsi -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console
(3) Open a new terminal (since Cygnus should be printing logs on the standard output of the first one) and create and edit somewhere a
curl $URL -v -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header "Fiware-Service: qsg" --header "Fiware-ServicePath: testsink" -d @- <<EOF
"subscriptionId" : "51c0ac9ed714fb3b37d7d5a8",
"originator" : "localhost",
"contextResponses" : [
"contextElement" : {
"attributes" : [
"name" : "temperature",
"type" : "float",
"value" : "26.5"
"type" : "Room",
"isPattern" : "false",
"id" : "Room1"
"statusCode" : {
"code" : "200",
"reasonPhrase" : "OK"
This script will emulate the sending of an Orion notification to the URL endpoint passed as argument. The above notification is about and entity named Room1
of type Room
belonging to the FIWARE service qsg
and the FIWARE service path testsink
; it has a single attribute named temperature
of type float
(4) Give execution permissions to
and run it, passing as argument the URL of the listening HTTPSource
$ chmod a+x
$ ./ http://localhost:5050/notify
(5) Look at the logs printed by Cygnus. You should find something like this, which means the notification was successfully received, processed as a Flume event, put into the channel and taken by the test sink in order to print it!
time=2015-12-10T14:31:49.389CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1449754282-690-0000000000 | svc=def_serv | subsvc=def_serv_path | function=getEvents | comp=Cygnus |[150] : Starting transaction (1449754282-690-0000000000)
time=2015-12-10T14:31:49.392CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1449754282-690-0000000000 | svc=def_serv | subsvc=def_serv_path | function=getEvents | comp=Cygnus |[232] : Received data ({ "subscriptionId" : "51c0ac9ed714fb3b37d7d5a8", "originator" : "localhost", "contextResponses" : [ { "contextElement" : { "attributes" : [ { "name" : "temperature", "type" : "centigrade", "value" : "26.5" } ], "type" : "Room", "isPattern" : "false", "id" : "Room1" }, "statusCode" : { "code" : "200", "reasonPhrase" : "OK" } } ]})
time=2015-12-10T14:31:49.394CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1449754282-690-0000000000 | svc=def_serv | subsvc=def_serv_path | function=getEvents | comp=Cygnus |[255] : Event put in the channel (id=1491400742, ttl=10)
time=2015-12-10T14:31:49.485CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1449754282-690-0000000000 | svc=def_serv | subsvc=def_serv_path | function=persistAggregation | comp=Cygnus |[176] : [test-sink] Persisting data at NGSITestSink. Data (Processing event={Processing headers={recvTimeTs=1449754309394, fiwareService=def_serv, fiwareServicePath=def_serv_path, destinations=room1_room}, Processing context element={id=Room1, type=Room}, Processing attribute={name=temperature, type=centigrade, value="26.5", metadata=[]}})
time=2015-12-10T14:31:49.486CET | lvl=INFO | trans=1449754282-690-0000000000 | svc=def_serv | subsvc=def_serv_path | function=process | comp=Cygnus |[178] : Finishing transaction (1449754282-690-0000000000)
There are several channels suited for reporting issues and asking for doubts in general. Each one depends on the nature of the question:
- Use for specific questions about this software. Typically, these will be related to installation problems, errors and bugs. Development questions when forking the code are welcome as well. Use the
tag. - Use for general questions about FIWARE, e.g. how many cities are using FIWARE, how can I join the accelarator program, etc. Even for general questions about this software, for instance, use cases or architectures you want to discuss.
- Personal email:
- [email protected] [Main contributor]
- [email protected] [Contributor]
- [email protected] [Contributor]
- [email protected] [Quality Assurance]
NOTE: Please try to avoid personaly emailing the contributors unless they ask for it. In fact, if you send a private email you will probably receive an automatic response enforcing you to use or This is because using the mentioned methods will create a public database of knowledge that can be useful for future users; private email is just private and cannot be shared.