A very simple vue application to demo some UI skills
🔥 Use the new
<script setup>
syntax -
🦾 TypeScript, of course
🔎 Prism Editor - Syntax Highlighting
📦 SurelyVue Components - For virtual scrolling
☁️ Deploy on Vercel, zero-config
A virtual scrolling table from SurelyVue (trial licence so pls bear with it 🔥) has been added instead of a normal one to handle bigger chunks of data.
Previously the page that used to lag for the orders table (800+ rows, 15 columns) now performs flawlessly. Check it out Orders Table
Measured using Google Lighthouse
- Initial Specs
- First Paint: 1.8s
- Performance Insight: 87
- Post Optimisation
- First Paint: 1.0s
- Performance Insight: 93
- Use Composition API with
<script setup>
SFC syntax - ESLint with eslint-config-google, Double Quotes, Semi
requires Node >=14.18
git clone https://github.com/sanmoh-hombal/son-of-atlan.git
cd son-of-atlan
yarn install # If you don't have yarn installed, run: npm install -g yarn
Just run and visit http://localhost:3000
yarn dev
To build the App, run
yarn build
To preview the build, run
yarn preview