Run Graph editor itself with python graph_editor
(use -h
flag for help).
Run Graph editor with Grounded-L graph searching integrated with python .
(use -h
for help).
For each vertex ordering we consider every combination of the heights of L-shapes.
Then for given ordering and heights for each L we try to find the appropriate length for it to intersect with required Ls. That we can do in
For each vertex ordering we try to construct an L-graph representation with the same method as described in the paper.
That is, for each vertex we find the minimal height required for it's vertical line to intersect with every smaller vertex (in current ordering) and minimal lenght of it's horizontal line such as it reaches every greater vertex. If during this process two lines that should not intersect do intersect, there is no representation which induces given ordering.
We find the leftmost forbidden pattern in a permutation and discard every other permutation with the same prefix, as we know that such permutation would contain the same forbidden pattern.
With this method we check only a fraction of all the possible permutations (around
Faster than bruteforce for graphs with more than 10 vertices
Parallel implementation of pattern elimination using multiprocessing
We can observe the amount of good and bad orderings.
Here is a graph of good_oderings/all_orderings
for random graphs (with given number of nodes and edges) with up to 8 nodes, with 10 graphs for each number and edges count combination: