##screenshots :
##Description :
A java GUI based Chat application made by using socket programming and
thread programming. It supports multiple clients also. Encryption technique
JEC is used for encrypting and decrypting the data hence provides
better security. Authentication is required when u run the GUI codes
and password is root. :)
##Installation :
Clone the project and run it by using normal java commands. else import
the project in netbeans as i made it in netbeans.
##Design and Details :
this project contains 4 packages in total.so we can send information
continously without waiting from other side. Every client requires
authentication and PASSWORD for clients : root. Display name in GUI
clients is username (the name to display) and password must be root.
this password is stored in server side. (we can modify to anyting ) and also
we can maintain list of usernames and passwords.
package 1 : single-Server-client (without GUI)
Description : this server can connect to only one client. input and
output through terminal.
package 2 : Multipleclients-singleServer (without GUI)
Description : A single server to multiple clients. input through clients.
package 3 : single-server_client_GUI (GUI)
Description : A complete GUI for a single server to a single client.
package 4 : multipleclients-single server (GUI)
Description : this is exactly like groupchat in facebook and in additional
server also can send messages to all the clients.
package 5 : encrytped multipleclients-single server (GUI) (JEC - encryption)
Description : I Encrypted messages by using cipher and secretkey .I used same
secretkey both in server and client side and an instance of Cipher.