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Salesforce Marketing Cloud React Native

Use this module to implement the Marketing Cloud MobilePush SDK for your iOS and Android applications.

Release Notes

Release notes for the plugin can be found here

Upgrading from 7.x to 8.x

After updating the dependency from 7.x to 8.x via npm or yarn. Please follow below steps:


  • Import both SFMCSDK and MarketingCloudSDK in AppDelegate and update the configuration of the SDK as outlined in Step 2 Configure the SDK for iOS.
  • Update the delegate methods and verify your implementation by following iOS guide.


Ensure that you import SFMCSdk and properly configure the SDK as specified in Step 3 Configure the SDK for Android, which details the process of configuring the SDK for Android in this guide.


  • Plugin has a version dependency on React Native v0.60+

1. Add plugin to your application via npm

npm install react-native-marketingcloudsdk --save

or via yarn

yarn add react-native-marketingcloudsdk

Android Setup

1. Add Marketing Cloud SDK repository


allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        //... Other repos

2. Provide FCM credentials

  1. To enable push support for the Android platform you will need to include the google-services.json file. Download the file from your Firebase console and place it into the android/app directory

  2. Include the Google Services plugin in your build android/build.gradle

buildscript {
  repositories {
    google()  // Google's Maven repository

  dependencies {
    // ...
    // Add the following line:
    classpath ''
  1. Apply the plugin android/app/build.gradle
// Add the google services plugin to your build.gradle file
apply plugin: ''

3. Configure the SDK in your class

public void onCreate() {

  SFMCSdk.configure((Context) this, -> {

      return null;
  }), initializationStatus -> {
      Log.e("TAG", "STATUS "+initializationStatus);
      if (initializationStatus.getStatus() == 1) {
          Log.e("TAG", "STATUS SUCCESS");
      return null;

    // ... The rest of the onCreate method    

iOS Setup

1. Install pod for Marketing Cloud SDK

// In your App, go to ios directory after installing plugin via npm or yarn.
cd ios
pod install

2. Configure the SDK in your AppDelegate.m class

#import <MarketingCloudSDK/MarketingCloudSDK.h>
// Other imports ...

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

    // Configure the SFMC sdk
    PushConfigBuilder *pushConfigBuilder = [[PushConfigBuilder alloc] initWithAppId:@"{MC_APP_ID}"];
    [pushConfigBuilder setAccessToken:@"{MC_ACCESS_TOKEN}"];
    [pushConfigBuilder setMarketingCloudServerUrl:[NSURL URLWithString:@"{MC_APP_SERVER_URL}"]];
    [pushConfigBuilder setMid:@"MC_MID"];
    [pushConfigBuilder setAnalyticsEnabled:YES];

    [SFMCSdk initializeSdk:[[[SFMCSdkConfigBuilder new] setPushWithConfig:[pushConfigBuilder build] onCompletion:^(SFMCSdkOperationResult result) {
        if (result == SFMCSdkOperationResultSuccess) {
        //Enable Push
        } else {
        // SFMC sdk configuration failed.
        NSLog(@"SFMC sdk configuration failed.");
    }] build]];

    // ... The rest of the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method  

3. Enable Push

Follow these instructions to enable push for iOS.

URL Handling

The SDK doesn’t automatically present URLs from these sources.

  • CloudPage URLs from push notifications
  • OpenDirect URLs from push notifications
  • Action URLs from in-app messages

To handle URLs from push notifications, you'll need to implement the following for Android and iOS.


public void onCreate() {

    SFMCSdk.configure((Context) this, -> { 
        // Here we set the URL handler to present URLs from CloudPages, OpenDirect, and In-App Messages
        .setUrlHandler((context, s, s1) -> PendingIntent.getActivity(
            new Random().nextInt(), 
            new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(s)), 

        return null;
    }), initializationStatus -> {
        Log.e("TAG", "STATUS "+initializationStatus);
        if (initializationStatus.getStatus() == 1) {
            Log.e("TAG", "STATUS SUCCESS");
        return null;

    // The rest of the onCreate method


// AppDelegate.h ----

#import <MarketingCloudSDK/MarketingCloudSDK.h>


// Implement the SFMCSdkURLHandlingDelegate delegate
@interface AppDelegate : RCTAppDelegate<UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate, SFMCSdkURLHandlingDelegate>

// ----

// This method is called after successfully initializing the SFMCSdk
- (void)pushSetup {
  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
    // Here we set the URL Handling delegate to present URLs from CloudPages, OpenDirect, and In-App Messages
    [[SFMCSdk mp] setURLHandlingDelegate:self];

    // Set UNUserNotificationCenter delegate, register for remote notifications, etc...

// ...

// Implement the required delegate method to handle URLs
- (void)sfmc_handleURL:(NSURL * _Nonnull)url type:(NSString * _Nonnull)type {
    if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:url]) {
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url options:@{} completionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
            if (success) {
                NSLog(@"url %@ opened successfully", url);
            } else {
                NSLog(@"url %@ could not be opened", url);

Please also see additional documentation on URL Handling for Android and iOS.

API Reference

Kind: global class

MCReactModule.isPushEnabled() ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

The current state of the pushEnabled flag in the native Marketing Cloud SDK.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule
Returns: Promise.<boolean> - A promise to the boolean representation of whether push is enabled.


Enables push messaging in the native Marketing Cloud SDK.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule


Disables push messaging in the native Marketing Cloud SDK.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule

MCReactModule.getSystemToken() ⇒ Promise.<?string>

Returns the token used by the Marketing Cloud to send push messages to the device.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule
Returns: Promise.<?string> - A promise to the system token string.

MCReactModule.getAttributes() ⇒ Promise.<Object.<string, string>>

Returns the maps of attributes set in the registration.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule
Returns: Promise.<Object.<string, string>> - A promise to the key/value map of attributes set in the registration.

MCReactModule.setAttribute(key, value)

Sets the value of an attribute in the registration.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule

Param Type Description
key string The name of the attribute to be set in the registration.
value string The value of the key attribute to be set in the registration.


Clears the value of an attribute in the registration.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule

Param Type Description
key string The name of the attribute whose value should be cleared from the registration.


Kind: static method of MCReactModule

Param Type Description
tag string The tag to be added to the list of tags in the registration.


Kind: static method of MCReactModule

Param Type Description
tag string The tag to be removed from the list of tags in the registration.

MCReactModule.getTags() ⇒ Promise.<Array.<string>>

Returns the tags currently set on the device.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule
Returns: Promise.<Array.<string>> - A promise to the array of tags currently set in the native SDK.


Sets the contact key for the device's user.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule

Param Type Description
contactKey string The value to be set as the contact key of the device's user.

MCReactModule.getContactKey() ⇒ Promise.<?string>

Returns the contact key currently set on the device.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule
Returns: Promise.<?string> - A promise to the current contact key.


Enables verbose logging within the native Marketing Cloud SDK and Unified SFMC SDK.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule


Disables verbose logging within the native Marketing Cloud SDK.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule


Instructs the native SDK to log the SDK state to the native logging system (Logcat for Android and Xcode/ for iOS). This content can help diagnose most issues within the SDK and will be requested by the Marketing Cloud support team.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule


This method helps to track events, which could result in actions such as an InApp Message being displayed.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule

Param Type Description
event CustomEvent | EngagementEvent | IdentityEvent | SystemEvent | CartEvent | OrderEvent | CatalogObjectEvent The event to be tracked.

MCReactModule.getDeviceId() ⇒ Promise.<?string>

Returns the deviceId used by the Marketing Cloud to send push messages to the device.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule
Returns: Promise.<?string> - A promise to the device Id.


Enables or disables analytics in the Marketing Cloud SDK.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule

Param Type Description
analyticsEnabled boolean A flag indicating whether analytics should be enabled.

MCReactModule.isAnalyticsEnabled() ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Checks if analytics is enabled in the Marketing Cloud SDK.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule
Returns: Promise.<boolean> - A promise to the boolean representation of whether analytics is enabled.


Enables or disables Predictive Intelligence analytics in the Marketing Cloud SDK.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule

Param Type Description
analyticsEnabled boolean A flag indicating whether PI analytics should be enabled.

MCReactModule.isPiAnalyticsEnabled() ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Checks if Predictive Intelligence analytics is enabled in the Marketing Cloud SDK.

Kind: static method of MCReactModule
Returns: Promise.<boolean> - A promise to the boolean representation of whether PI analytics is enabled.

3rd Party Product Language Disclaimers

Where possible, we changed noninclusive terms to align with our company value of Equality. We retained noninclusive terms to document a third-party system, but we encourage the developer community to embrace more inclusive language. We can update the term when it’s no longer required for technical accuracy.