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executable file
82 lines (66 loc) · 2.91 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
82 lines (66 loc) · 2.91 KB


This boilerplate is here to give you a structure for typical meteor projects, with a console tool to ease up some tasks. Here's what the boilerplate looks like:

How to install

First, download and unpack the boilerplate archive.

# Assuming meteor and meteorite are already installed...
cd /path/to/project/
mrt install

How to use

./meteor-boilerplate # Lists all possible commands 

Packages used

  • semantic-ui
  • collection2
  • less
  • jquery
  • underscore
  • handlebar-helpers
  • iron-router
  • iron-router-progress
  • accounts-password
  • accounts-ui

What's in this boilerplate

The "insecure" and "autopublish" packages are removed by default. Several other packages are added, which are listed on the bottom. There's already a lot of predefined code in this boilerplate, to show you the possible functionality.


  • Comprehensive folder structure
  • TDD / BDD with laika
  • Multi page apps with iron-router
  • A way to load fixtures (as of now no external packages used for that)
  • meteor-boilerplate console tool, which helps on creating views, routes and so on (meteor-boilerplate.bat for windows users)

Folder structure

client/ 				# Client folder
    compatibility/      # Libraries which create a global variable
    config/             # Configuration files (on the client)
	lib/                # Library files that get executed first
    routes/             # All routes(*)
    startup/            # Javascript files on Meteor.startup()
    stylesheets         # LESS files
    subscriptions/      # Collection subscriptions(*)
    modules/            # Meant for components, such as form and more(*)
	views/			    # Contains all views(*)
	    common/         # General purpose html templates
model/  				# Model files, for each Meteor.Collection(*)
private/                # Private files
public/                 # Public files
server/					# Server folder
    fixtures/           # Meteor.Collection fixtures defined
    lib/                # Server side library folder
    publications/       # Collection publications(*)
    startup/            # On server startup
tests/					# Test files, can be run with laika
meteor-boilerplate		# Command line tool
meteor-boilerplate.bat  # Command line tool for windows

(*) = the command line tool creates files in these folders

Projects created with this boilerplate


Other Awesome Boilerplates