Note that comments and indents are not preserved during the conversion, they were added to the Lua code manually.
LuaJS | Lua (converted and formatted) |
// One-line comment
/* Multi-line
comment */
// Semicolons are optional
print('no semicolon')
// Global variables
gx, gy = 1, 2
gz = 3
// Local variables
let lx, ly = 4, 5
// Boolean literals and nil literal
let literals = [nil, true, false]
// String literals
let sx = "string with escaped characters:\r\n \u0123 \x01 \0"
let sy = 'single quotes\r\n'
// String concatenation
// Non-string values are automatically wrapped into tostring
let concatResult = 'values are: (' .. [1, 2, 3] .. ', ' .. 123 .. ')'
// Lists
let list = [1, 2, ['nested list', 3, 4]]
// Tables
let table = {key: 'value', nested: {x: 1, y: 2}, ['expression' .. ' as a key']: 3} |
-- One-line comment
--[[ Multi-line
comment ]]--
-- Semicolons are optional
print('no semicolon')
-- Global variables
gx, gy = 1, 2
gz = 3
-- Local variables
local lx, ly = 4, 5
-- Boolean literals and nil literal
local literals = {nil, true, false}
-- String literals
local sx = "string with escaped characters:\r\n ģ \x01 \0"
local sy = 'single quotes\r\n'
-- String concatenation
-- Non-string values are automatically wrapped into tostring
local concatResult = 'values are: (' .. tostring({1, 2, 3}) .. ', ' .. tostring(123) .. ')'
-- Lists
local list = {1, 2, {'nested list', 3, 4}}
-- Tables
local table = {key='value', nested={x=1, y=2}, ['expression' .. ' as a key']=3} |
LuaJS | Lua (converted and formatted) |
function literalFunction() {
return 1
function literalFunctionWithArgs(x, y) {
return x + y
// Arrow functions
let f = () => 1
let fWithArg = x => x * 10
let fBlock = x => {
return x * 10
let fWithTwoArgs = (x, y) => x + y |
function literalFunction()
return 1
function literalFunctionWithArgs(x, y)
return x + y
-- Arrow functions
local f = function() return 1 end
local fWithArg = function(x) return x * 10 end
local fBlock = function(x)
return x * 10
local fWithTwoArgs = function(x, y) return x + y end |
LuaJS | Lua (converted and formatted) |
// if statement, while loop and break statement
let counter = 10
while (true) {
if (counter == 0) {
// do-while loop
counter = 10
do {
} while(counter > 1)
// continue statement and for loop (initialization; condition; action after iteration)
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
print('i is ' .. i)
if (i % 2 != 0) {
print('i is even')
// for-in loop
let table = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
for (k in pairs(table)) {
print('key only: ' .. k)
for (k, v in pairs(table)) {
print('key and value: ' .. k .. ', ' .. v)
// for-of loop, iterates over ipairs
let list = [1, 2, 3]
for (v of list) {
print('element is ' .. v)
for (v, i of list) {
print('element is ' .. v .. ', index is ' .. i)
// Labels and goto
let result = 10
while (true) {
if (result == 1) {
goto someLabel
someLabel: print(result) |
-- if statement, while loop and break statement
local counter = 10
while (true) do
counter = counter - 1
if (counter == 0) then
-- do-while loop
counter = 10
counter = counter - 1
until (not (counter > 1))
-- continue statement and for loop (initialization; condition; action after iteration)
local i = 0;
while (i < 10) do
print('i is ' .. tostring(i))
if (i % 2 ~= 0) then
goto continueLabel
print('i is even')
i = i + 1
-- for-in loop
local table = {a=1, b=2, c=3}
for k in pairs(table) do
print('key only: ' .. tostring(k))
for k, v in pairs(table) do
print('key and value: ' .. tostring(k) .. ', ' .. tostring(v))
-- for-of loop, iterates over ipairs
local list = {1, 2, 3}
for _, v in ipairs(list) do
print('element is ' .. tostring(v))
for i, v in ipairs(list) do
print('element is ' .. tostring(v) .. ', index is ' .. tostring(i))
-- Labels and goto
local result = 10
while (true) do
if (result == 1) then
goto someLabel
result = result - 1
print(result) |
LuaJS | Lua (converted and formatted) |
try {
if (1 > 10) {
throw 'unexpected math behavior!'
} catch (e) {
print('some error has occurred: ' .. e)
local res_c3409912_0, e_c3409912_0 = pcall(function()
if (1 > 10) then
error('unexpected math behavior!')
if not res_c3409912_0 then
local e = e_c3409912_0
print('some error has occurred: ' .. tostring(e))
end |
LuaJS | Lua (converted and formatted) |
// Math operators: +, -, *, /, %, ** (power operator)
let mathResult = 100 + 3 ** 2
// Logical operators: &&, ||
let conditionA = 10 > 1
let conditionB = 1 != 3
if (conditionA && conditionB) {
print('all ok')
// Comparison operators: >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=
if (1 != 10) {
print('all ok')
// Bitwise operators: & (and), | (or), ^ (xor), << (shift to left), >> (shift to right)
// This evaluates to 5:
let bitwiseResult = 1 & 2 | 4
// Unary operators: - (negation), ! (logical negation), ~ (bitwise not), # (length operator)
let notResult = ~4
let length = #[1, 2, 3]
// Compound assignment statements (works with all operators)
let compound = 100
compound *= 10
compound += 5
// Increment and decrement statements
let incremented = 1
// Ternary operator
let ternaryResult = 2 > 1 ? 'two is more than one' : 'something is wrong' |
-- Math operators: +, -, *, /, %, ** (power operator)
local mathResult = 100 + 3 ^ 2
-- Logical operators: &&, ||
local conditionA = 10 > 1
local conditionB = 1 ~= 3
if (conditionA and conditionB) then
print('all ok')
-- Comparison operators: >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=
if (1 ~= 10) then
print('all ok')
-- Bitwise operators: & (and), | (or), ^ (xor), << (shift to left), >> (shift to right)
-- This evaluates to 5:
local bitwiseResult = bit32.bor(, 2), 4)
-- Unary operators: - (negation), ! (logical negation), ~ (bitwise not), # (length operator)
local notResult = bit32.bnot(4)
local length = #{1, 2, 3}
-- Compound assignment statements (works with all operators)
local compound = 100
compound = compound * 10
compound = compound + 5
-- Increment and decrement statements
local incremented = 1
incremented = incremented + 1
-- Ternary operator
local ternaryResult = (2 > 1) and ('two is more than one') or ('something is wrong') |
LuaJS | Lua (converted and formatted) |
SomeClass = {}
function SomeClass::new() {
object = {}
self.__index = self
return setmetatable(object, self)
function SomeClass::printSomething() {
let someObject = SomeClass::new()
someObject::printSomething() |
SomeClass = {}
function SomeClass:new()
object = {}
self.__index = self
return setmetatable(object, self)
function SomeClass:printSomething()
local someObject = SomeClass:new()
someObject:printSomething() |